Lumped Mass Modeling for Local-Mode-Suppressed Element Connectivity Parameterized Topology
一、Ansys和ADAMS柔性体转化问题的详细步骤1.进行单元类型定义,实体可选solid 45,质量单元选择mass21;2.编辑mass21质量单元preprocessor->real constant->add/edit/delete在对话框中填写属性,一般要很小的数值,如1e-5等;3.设置材料特性,要求有弹性模量(一般为2e11),泊松比(一般为0.3),密度(如钢为7850)这些参数;4.建立几何模型,使用solid 45进行划分网格,5.建立keypoints,此处注意,创建的keypoints的编号不能与模型单元的节点号重合,否则会引起原来的模型变形;6.选择mass21单元对5中建立的keypoints进行网格划分,建立起interfacenodes,在导入adams后这些interface nodes会自动生成mark点,通过这些点和其他刚体或柔体建立连接;7.建立刚性区域(在ADAMS作为和外界连接的不变形区域,必不可少的),preprocessor->coupling/ceqn->rigid region,选择interface nodes附近的区域的nodes与其相连,由于连接点的数目必须大于或等于2,所以刚性区域至少两个;先选择interface node,单击Apply,再选周围的nodes。
8.执行solution->ADAMS connection->Export to ADAMS命令,要选择的节点为7中建立刚性区域的节点(仅仅是interface nodes),输出单位就选SI就行;即可生成*.mnf文件。
附:catia导入ansys方法先将catia文件以model格式另存,打开ansys, file/import/catia…在打开的对话框中选择model格式的catia文件,就可以了。
flac3D蠕变基础知识分类:岩土蠕变|标签:FLAC3D creep 2009-06-09 18:37 阅读(1422)评论(0) 收集了一些FLAC3D的蠕变基础知识,希望对有需要的人起到帮助作用,欢迎下载!蠕变模型将flac3d的蠕变分析option进行了简单的翻译,目的是为了搞清楚蠕变过程中系统时间是如何跟真实时间对应的。
1.简介Flac3d可以模拟材料的蠕变特性,即时间依赖性,flac3d2.1提供6种蠕变模型:1. 经典粘弹型模型model viscous2. model burger3. model power4. model wipp5. model cvisc6. powe蠕变模型结合M-C模型产生cpow蠕变模型(model cpow)7. 然后WIPP蠕变模型结合D-P模型产生Pwipp蠕变模型(model pwipp);8 model cwipp以上模型越往下越复杂,第一个模型使用经典的maxwell蠕变公式,第二个模型使用经典的burger蠕变公式,第三个模型主要用于采矿及地下工程,第四个模型一般用于核废料地下隔离的热力学分析,第五个模型是第二个模型的M-C扩展,第六个模型是第三个模型的M-C扩展,第七个模型是第四个模型的D-P扩展,第八个模型也是第四个模型的一种变化形式,只是包含了压硬和剪缩行为。
2. flac3d解流变问题2.1简介流变模型和flac3d 其他模型最大的不同在于模拟过程中时间概念的不同,对于蠕变,求解时间和时间步代表着真实的时间,而一般模型的静力分析中,时间步是一个人为数量,仅仅作为计算从迭代到稳态的一种手段来使用。
2.2 flac3d的蠕变时间步长对于蠕变等时间依赖性问题,flac3d 容许用户自定义一个时间步长,这个时间步长的默认值为零,那么材料对于粘弹性模型表现为线弹性,对于粘塑性模型表现为弹塑性。
(命令set creep off 也可以用来停止蠕变计算。
Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 用户手册说明书
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu-ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instru-ments GmbH.ASIO, VST, HALion and Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their re-spective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.Document authored by: David Gover and Nico Sidi.Software version: 2.8 (02/2019)Hardware version: MASCHINE MK3Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30D-10997 Berlin NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard5th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90028USANATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K.YO Building 3FJingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp StreetLondon EC2A 4NUUKNATIVE INSTRUMENTS FRANCE SARL 113 Rue Saint-Maur75011 ParisFrance SHENZHEN NATIVE INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Limited 5F, Shenzhen Zimao Center111 Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangdongChina© NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2019. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1Welcome to MASCHINE (25)1.1MASCHINE Documentation (26)1.2Document Conventions (27)1.3New Features in MASCHINE 2.8 (29)1.4New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.10 (31)1.5New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.8 (31)1.6New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.7 (32)1.7New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.4 (33)1.8New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.3 (36)2Quick Reference (38)2.1Using Your Controller (38)2.1.1Controller Modes and Mode Pinning (38)2.1.2Controlling the Software Views from Your Controller (40)2.2MASCHINE Project Overview (43)2.2.1Sound Content (44)2.2.2Arrangement (45)2.3MASCHINE Hardware Overview (48)2.3.1MASCHINE Hardware Overview (48) Section (50) Section (53) Section (54) Section (56) Section (56) Section (58) Panel (63)2.4MASCHINE Software Overview (65)2.4.1Header (66)2.4.2Browser (68)2.4.3Arranger (70)2.4.4Control Area (73)2.4.5Pattern Editor (74)3Basic Concepts (76)3.1Important Names and Concepts (76)3.2Adjusting the MASCHINE User Interface (79)3.2.1Adjusting the Size of the Interface (79)3.2.2Switching between Ideas View and Song View (80)3.2.3Showing/Hiding the Browser (81)3.2.4Showing/Hiding the Control Lane (81)3.3Common Operations (82)3.3.1Using the 4-Directional Push Encoder (82)3.3.2Pinning a Mode on the Controller (83)3.3.3Adjusting Volume, Swing, and Tempo (84)3.3.4Undo/Redo (87)3.3.5List Overlay for Selectors (89)3.3.6Zoom and Scroll Overlays (90)3.3.7Focusing on a Group or a Sound (91)3.3.8Switching Between the Master, Group, and Sound Level (96)3.3.9Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter Pages in the Control Area.973.3.9.1Extended Navigate Mode on Your Controller (102)3.3.10Navigating the Software Using the Controller (105)3.3.11Using Two or More Hardware Controllers (106)3.3.12Touch Auto-Write Option (108)3.4Native Kontrol Standard (110)3.5Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (111)3.5.1Differences between Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (112)3.5.2Switching Instances (113)3.5.3Controlling Various Instances with Different Controllers (114)3.6Host Integration (114)3.6.1Setting up Host Integration (115) up Ableton Live (macOS) (115) up Ableton Live (Windows) (116) up Apple Logic Pro X (116)3.6.2Integration with Ableton Live (117)3.6.3Integration with Apple Logic Pro X (119)3.7Preferences (120)3.7.1Preferences – General Page (121)3.7.2Preferences – Audio Page (126)3.7.3Preferences – MIDI Page (130)3.7.4Preferences – Default Page (133)3.7.5Preferences – Library Page (137)3.7.6Preferences – Plug-ins Page (145)3.7.7Preferences – Hardware Page (150)3.7.8Preferences – Colors Page (154)3.8Integrating MASCHINE into a MIDI Setup (156)3.8.1Connecting External MIDI Equipment (156)3.8.2Sync to External MIDI Clock (157)3.8.3Send MIDI Clock (158)3.9Syncing MASCHINE using Ableton Link (159)3.9.1Connecting to a Network (159)3.9.2Joining and Leaving a Link Session (159)3.10Using a Pedal with the MASCHINE Controller (160)3.11File Management on the MASCHINE Controller (161)4Browser (163)4.1Browser Basics (163)4.1.1The MASCHINE Library (163)4.1.2Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard Disks (164)4.2Searching and Loading Files from the Library (165)4.2.1Overview of the Library Pane (165)4.2.2Selecting or Loading a Product and Selecting a Bank from the Browser (170)[MK3] Browsing by Product Category Using the Controller (174)[MK3] Browsing by Product Vendor Using the Controller (174)4.2.3Selecting a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank (175) a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank on theController (179)4.2.4Selecting a File Type (180)4.2.5Choosing Between Factory and User Content (181)4.2.6Selecting Type and Character Tags (182)4.2.7List and Tag Overlays in the Browser (186)4.2.8Performing a Text Search (188)4.2.9Loading a File from the Result List (188)4.3Additional Browsing Tools (193)4.3.1Loading the Selected Files Automatically (193)4.3.2Auditioning Instrument Presets (195)4.3.3Auditioning Samples (196)4.3.4Loading Groups with Patterns (197)4.3.5Loading Groups with Routing (198)4.3.6Displaying File Information (198)4.4Using Favorites in the Browser (199)4.5Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties (203)4.5.1Attribute Editor Basics (203)4.5.2The Bank Page (205)4.5.3The Types and Characters Pages (205)4.5.4The Properties Page (208)4.6Loading and Importing Files from Your File System (209)4.6.1Overview of the FILES Pane (209)4.6.2Using Favorites (211)4.6.3Using the Location Bar (212)4.6.4Navigating to Recent Locations (213)4.6.5Using the Result List (214)4.6.6Importing Files to the MASCHINE Library (217)4.7Locating Missing Samples (219)4.8Using Quick Browse (221)5Managing Sounds, Groups, and Your Project (225)5.1Overview of the Sounds, Groups, and Master (225)5.1.1The Sound, Group, and Master Channels (226)5.1.2Similarities and Differences in Handling Sounds and Groups (227)5.1.3Selecting Multiple Sounds or Groups (228)5.2Managing Sounds (233)5.2.1Loading Sounds (235)5.2.2Pre-listening to Sounds (236)5.2.3Renaming Sound Slots (237)5.2.4Changing the Sound’s Color (237)5.2.5Saving Sounds (239)5.2.6Copying and Pasting Sounds (241)5.2.7Moving Sounds (244)5.2.8Resetting Sound Slots (245)5.3Managing Groups (247)5.3.1Creating Groups (248)5.3.2Loading Groups (249)5.3.3Renaming Groups (251)5.3.4Changing the Group’s Color (251)5.3.5Saving Groups (253)5.3.6Copying and Pasting Groups (255)5.3.7Reordering Groups (258)5.3.8Deleting Groups (259)5.4Exporting MASCHINE Objects and Audio (260)5.4.1Saving a Group with its Samples (261)5.4.2Saving a Project with its Samples (262)5.4.3Exporting Audio (264)5.5Importing Third-Party File Formats (270)5.5.1Loading REX Files into Sound Slots (270)5.5.2Importing MPC Programs to Groups (271)6Playing on the Controller (275)6.1Adjusting the Pads (275)6.1.1The Pad View in the Software (275)6.1.2Choosing a Pad Input Mode (277)6.1.3Adjusting the Base Key (280)6.1.4Using Choke Groups (282)6.1.5Using Link Groups (284)6.2Adjusting the Key, Choke, and Link Parameters for Multiple Sounds (286)6.3Playing Tools (287)6.3.1Mute and Solo (288)6.3.2Choke All Notes (292)6.3.3Groove (293)6.3.4Level, Tempo, Tune, and Groove Shortcuts on Your Controller (295)6.3.5Tap Tempo (299)6.4Performance Features (300)6.4.1Overview of the Perform Features (300)6.4.2Selecting a Scale and Creating Chords (303)6.4.3Scale and Chord Parameters (303)6.4.4Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes (316)6.4.5Swing on Note Repeat / Arp Output (321)6.5Using Lock Snapshots (322)6.5.1Creating a Lock Snapshot (322)6.5.2Using Extended Lock (323)6.5.3Updating a Lock Snapshot (323)6.5.4Recalling a Lock Snapshot (324)6.5.5Morphing Between Lock Snapshots (324)6.5.6Deleting a Lock Snapshot (325)6.5.7Triggering Lock Snapshots via MIDI (326)6.6Using the Smart Strip (327)6.6.1Pitch Mode (328)6.6.2Modulation Mode (328)6.6.3Perform Mode (328)6.6.4Notes Mode (329)7Working with Plug-ins (330)7.1Plug-in Overview (330)7.1.1Plug-in Basics (330)7.1.2First Plug-in Slot of Sounds: Choosing the Sound’s Role (334)7.1.3Loading, Removing, and Replacing a Plug-in (335) Plug-in Slot Selection (341)7.1.4Adjusting the Plug-in Parameters (344)7.1.5Bypassing Plug-in Slots (344)7.1.6Using Side-Chain (346)7.1.7Moving Plug-ins (346)7.1.8Alternative: the Plug-in Strip (348)7.1.9Saving and Recalling Plug-in Presets (348) Plug-in Presets (349) Plug-in Presets (350) a Default Plug-in Preset (351)7.2The Sampler Plug-in (352)7.2.1Page 1: Voice Settings / Engine (354)7.2.2Page 2: Pitch / Envelope (356)7.2.3Page 3: FX / Filter (359)7.2.4Page 4: Modulation (361)7.2.5Page 5: LFO (363)7.2.6Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel (365)7.3Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins (367)7.3.1Opening/Closing Plug-in Windows (367)7.3.2Using the VST/AU Plug-in Parameters (370)7.3.3Setting Up Your Own Parameter Pages (371)7.3.4Using VST/AU Plug-in Presets (376)7.3.5Multiple-Output Plug-ins and Multitimbral Plug-ins (378)8Using the Audio Plug-in (380)8.1Loading a Loop into the Audio Plug-in (384)8.2Editing Audio in the Audio Plug-in (385)8.3Using Loop Mode (386)8.4Using Gate Mode (388)9Using the Drumsynths (390)9.1Drumsynths – General Handling (391)9.1.1Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth (391)9.1.2Common Parameter Organization (391)9.1.3Shared Parameters (394)9.1.4Various Velocity Responses (394)9.1.5Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes (394)9.2The Kicks (395)9.2.1Kick – Sub (397)9.2.2Kick – Tronic (399)9.2.3Kick – Dusty (402)9.2.4Kick – Grit (403)9.2.5Kick – Rasper (406)9.2.6Kick – Snappy (407)9.2.7Kick – Bold (409)9.2.8Kick – Maple (411)9.2.9Kick – Push (412)9.3The Snares (414)9.3.1Snare – Volt (416)9.3.2Snare – Bit (418)9.3.3Snare – Pow (420)9.3.4Snare – Sharp (421)9.3.5Snare – Airy (423)9.3.6Snare – Vintage (425)9.3.7Snare – Chrome (427)9.3.8Snare – Iron (429)9.3.9Snare – Clap (431)9.3.10Snare – Breaker (433)9.4The Hi-hats (435)9.4.1Hi-hat – Silver (436)9.4.2Hi-hat – Circuit (438)9.4.3Hi-hat – Memory (440)9.4.4Hi-hat – Hybrid (442)9.4.5Creating a Pattern with Closed and Open Hi-hats (444)9.5The Toms (445)9.5.1Tom – Tronic (447)9.5.2Tom – Fractal (449)9.5.3Tom – Floor (453)9.5.4Tom – High (455)9.6The Percussions (456)9.6.1Percussion – Fractal (458)9.6.2Percussion – Kettle (461)9.6.3Percussion – Shaker (463)9.7The Cymbals (467)9.7.1Cymbal – Crash (469)9.7.2Cymbal – Ride (471)10Using the Bass Synth (474)10.1Bass Synth – General Handling (475)10.1.1Parameter Organization (475)10.1.2Bass Synth Parameters (477)11Working with Patterns (479)11.1Pattern Basics (479)11.1.1Pattern Editor Overview (480)11.1.2Navigating the Event Area (486)11.1.3Following the Playback Position in the Pattern (488)11.1.4Jumping to Another Playback Position in the Pattern (489)11.1.5Group View and Keyboard View (491)11.1.6Adjusting the Arrange Grid and the Pattern Length (493)11.1.7Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge Grid (497)11.2Recording Patterns in Real Time (501)11.2.1Recording Your Patterns Live (501)11.2.2The Record Prepare Mode (504)11.2.3Using the Metronome (505)11.2.4Recording with Count-in (506)11.2.5Quantizing while Recording (508)11.3Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer (508)11.3.1Step Mode Basics (508)11.3.2Editing Events in Step Mode (511)11.3.3Recording Modulation in Step Mode (513)11.4Editing Events (514)11.4.1Editing Events with the Mouse: an Overview (514)11.4.2Creating Events/Notes (517)11.4.3Selecting Events/Notes (518)11.4.4Editing Selected Events/Notes (526)11.4.5Deleting Events/Notes (532)11.4.6Cut, Copy, and Paste Events/Notes (535)11.4.7Quantizing Events/Notes (538)11.4.8Quantization While Playing (540)11.4.9Doubling a Pattern (541)11.4.10Adding Variation to Patterns (541)11.5Recording and Editing Modulation (546)11.5.1Which Parameters Are Modulatable? (547)11.5.2Recording Modulation (548)11.5.3Creating and Editing Modulation in the Control Lane (550)11.6Creating MIDI Tracks from Scratch in MASCHINE (555)11.7Managing Patterns (557)11.7.1The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode (558)11.7.2Selecting Patterns and Pattern Banks (560)11.7.3Creating Patterns (563)11.7.4Deleting Patterns (565)11.7.5Creating and Deleting Pattern Banks (566)11.7.6Naming Patterns (568)11.7.7Changing the Pattern’s Color (570)11.7.8Duplicating, Copying, and Pasting Patterns (571)11.7.9Moving Patterns (574)11.7.10Adjusting Pattern Length in Fine Increments (575)11.8Importing/Exporting Audio and MIDI to/from Patterns (576)11.8.1Exporting Audio from Patterns (576)11.8.2Exporting MIDI from Patterns (577)11.8.3Importing MIDI to Patterns (580)12Audio Routing, Remote Control, and Macro Controls (589)12.1Audio Routing in MASCHINE (590)12.1.1Sending External Audio to Sounds (591)12.1.2Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups (596)12.1.3Setting Up Auxiliary Outputs for Sounds and Groups (601)12.1.4Configuring the Master and Cue Outputs of MASCHINE (605)12.1.5Mono Audio Inputs (610) External Inputs for Sounds in Mix View (611)12.2Using MIDI Control and Host Automation (614)12.2.1Triggering Sounds via MIDI Notes (615)12.2.2Triggering Scenes via MIDI (622)12.2.3Controlling Parameters via MIDI and Host Automation (623)12.2.4Selecting VST/AU Plug-in Presets via MIDI Program Change (631)12.2.5Sending MIDI from Sounds (632)12.3Creating Custom Sets of Parameters with the Macro Controls (636)12.3.1Macro Control Overview (637)12.3.2Assigning Macro Controls Using the Software (638)12.3.3Assigning Macro Controls Using the Controller (644)13Controlling Your Mix (646)13.1Mix View Basics (646)13.1.1Switching between Arrange View and Mix View (646)13.1.2Mix View Elements (647)13.2The Mixer (649)13.2.1Displaying Groups vs. Displaying Sounds (650)13.2.2Adjusting the Mixer Layout (652)13.2.3Selecting Channel Strips (653)13.2.4Managing Your Channels in the Mixer (654)13.2.5Adjusting Settings in the Channel Strips (656)13.2.6Using the Cue Bus (660)13.3The Plug-in Chain (662)13.4The Plug-in Strip (663)13.4.1The Plug-in Header (665)13.4.2Panels for Drumsynths and Internal Effects (667)13.4.3Panel for the Sampler (668)13.4.4Custom Panels for Native Instruments Plug-ins (671)13.4.5Undocking a Plug-in Panel (Native Instruments and External Plug-ins Only) (675)13.5Controlling Your Mix from the Controller (677)13.5.1Navigating Your Channels in Mix Mode (678)13.5.2Adjusting the Level and Pan in Mix Mode (679)13.5.3Mute and Solo in Mix Mode (680)13.5.4Plug-in Icons in Mix Mode (680)14Using Effects (681)14.1Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master (681)14.1.1Adding an Effect (681)14.1.2Other Operations on Effects (690)14.1.3Using the Side-Chain Input (692)14.2Applying Effects to External Audio (695)14.2.1Step 1: Configure MASCHINE Audio Inputs (695)14.2.2Step 2: Set up a Sound to Receive the External Input (698)14.2.3Step 3: Load an Effect to Process an Input (700)14.3Creating a Send Effect (701)14.3.1Step 1: Set Up a Sound or Group as Send Effect (702)14.3.2Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect (706)14.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects (708)14.4Creating Multi-Effects (709)15Effect Reference (712)15.1Dynamics (713)15.1.1Compressor (713)15.1.2Gate (717)15.1.3Transient Master (721)15.1.4Limiter (723)15.1.5Maximizer (727)15.2Filtering Effects (730)15.2.1EQ (730)15.2.2Filter (733)15.2.3Cabinet (737)15.3Modulation Effects (738)15.3.1Chorus (738)15.3.2Flanger (740)15.3.3FM (742)15.3.4Freq Shifter (743)15.3.5Phaser (745)15.4Spatial and Reverb Effects (747)15.4.1Ice (747)15.4.2Metaverb (749)15.4.3Reflex (750)15.4.4Reverb (Legacy) (752)15.4.5Reverb (754) Room (754) Hall (757) Reverb (760)15.5Delays (762)15.5.1Beat Delay (762)15.5.2Grain Delay (765)15.5.3Grain Stretch (767)15.5.4Resochord (769)15.6Distortion Effects (771)15.6.1Distortion (771)15.6.2Lofi (774)15.6.3Saturator (775)15.7Perform FX (779)15.7.1Filter (780)15.7.2Flanger (782)15.7.3Burst Echo (785)15.7.4Reso Echo (787)15.7.5Ring (790)15.7.6Stutter (792)15.7.7Tremolo (795)15.7.8Scratcher (798)16Working with the Arranger (801)16.1Arranger Basics (801)16.1.1Navigating Song View (804)16.1.2Following the Playback Position in Your Project (806)16.1.3Performing with Scenes and Sections using the Pads (807)16.2Using Ideas View (811)16.2.1Scene Overview (811)16.2.2Creating Scenes (813)16.2.3Assigning and Removing Patterns (813)16.2.4Selecting Scenes (817)16.2.5Deleting Scenes (818)16.2.6Creating and Deleting Scene Banks (820)16.2.7Clearing Scenes (820)16.2.8Duplicating Scenes (821)16.2.9Reordering Scenes (822)16.2.10Making Scenes Unique (824)16.2.11Appending Scenes to Arrangement (825)16.2.12Naming Scenes (826)16.2.13Changing the Color of a Scene (827)16.3Using Song View (828)16.3.1Section Management Overview (828)16.3.2Creating Sections (833)16.3.3Assigning a Scene to a Section (834)16.3.4Selecting Sections and Section Banks (835)16.3.5Reorganizing Sections (839)16.3.6Adjusting the Length of a Section (840) the Length of a Section Using the Software (841) the Length of a Section Using the Controller (843)16.3.7Clearing a Pattern in Song View (843)16.3.8Duplicating Sections (844) Sections Unique (845)16.3.9Removing Sections (846)16.3.10Renaming Scenes (848)16.3.11Clearing Sections (849)16.3.12Creating and Deleting Section Banks (850)16.3.13Working with Patterns in Song view (850) a Pattern in Song View (850) a Pattern in Song View (850) a Pattern in Song View (851) a Pattern in Song View (851) a Pattern in Song View (851) a Pattern in Song View (852) a Pattern in Song View (852)16.3.14Enabling Auto Length (852)16.3.15Looping (853) the Loop Range in the Software (854)16.4Playing with Sections (855)16.4.1Jumping to another Playback Position in Your Project (855)16.5Triggering Sections or Scenes via MIDI (856)16.6The Arrange Grid (858)16.7Quick Grid (860)17Sampling and Sample Mapping (862)17.1Opening the Sample Editor (862)17.2Recording Audio (863)17.2.1Opening the Record Page (863)17.2.2Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode (865)17.2.3Arming, Starting, and Stopping the Recording (868)17.2.5Using the Footswitch for Recording Audio (871)17.2.6Checking Your Recordings (872)17.2.7Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples (876)17.3Editing a Sample (876)17.3.1Using the Edit Page (877)17.3.2Audio Editing Functions (882)17.4Slicing a Sample (890)17.4.1Opening the Slice Page (891)17.4.2Adjusting the Slicing Settings (893)17.4.3Live Slicing (898) Slicing Using the Controller (898) All Slices (899)17.4.4Manually Adjusting Your Slices (899)17.4.5Applying the Slicing (906)17.5Mapping Samples to Zones (912)17.5.1Opening the Zone Page (912)17.5.2Zone Page Overview (913)17.5.3Selecting and Managing Zones in the Zone List (915)17.5.4Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View (920)17.5.5Editing Zones in the Sample View (924)17.5.6Adjusting the Zone Settings (927)17.5.7Adding Samples to the Sample Map (934)18Appendix: Tips for Playing Live (937)18.1Preparations (937)18.1.1Focus on the Hardware (937)18.1.2Customize the Pads of the Hardware (937)18.1.3Check Your CPU Power Before Playing (937)18.1.4Name and Color Your Groups, Patterns, Sounds and Scenes (938)18.1.5Consider Using a Limiter on Your Master (938)18.1.6Hook Up Your Other Gear and Sync It with MIDI Clock (938)18.1.7Improvise (938)18.2Basic Techniques (938)18.2.1Use Mute and Solo (938)18.2.2Use Scene Mode and Tweak the Loop Range (939)18.2.3Create Variations of Your Drum Patterns in the Step Sequencer (939)18.2.4Use Note Repeat (939)18.2.5Set Up Your Own Multi-effect Groups and Automate Them (939)18.3Special Tricks (940)18.3.1Changing Pattern Length for Variation (940)18.3.2Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (940)18.3.3Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (940)18.3.4Load Long Audio Files and Play with the Start Point (940)19Troubleshooting (941)19.1Knowledge Base (941)19.2Technical Support (941)19.3Registration Support (942)19.4User Forum (942)20Glossary (943)Index (951)1Welcome to MASCHINEThank you for buying MASCHINE!MASCHINE is a groove production studio that implements the familiar working style of classi-cal groove boxes along with the advantages of a computer based system. MASCHINE is ideal for making music live, as well as in the studio. It’s the hands-on aspect of a dedicated instru-ment, the MASCHINE hardware controller, united with the advanced editing features of the MASCHINE software.Creating beats is often not very intuitive with a computer, but using the MASCHINE hardware controller to do it makes it easy and fun. You can tap in freely with the pads or use Note Re-peat to jam along. Alternatively, build your beats using the step sequencer just as in classic drum machines.Patterns can be intuitively combined and rearranged on the fly to form larger ideas. You can try out several different versions of a song without ever having to stop the music.Since you can integrate it into any sequencer that supports VST, AU, or AAX plug-ins, you can reap the benefits in almost any software setup, or use it as a stand-alone application. You can sample your own material, slice loops and rearrange them easily.However, MASCHINE is a lot more than an ordinary groovebox or sampler: it comes with an inspiring 7-gigabyte library, and a sophisticated, yet easy to use tag-based Browser to give you instant access to the sounds you are looking for.What’s more, MASCHINE provides lots of options for manipulating your sounds via internal ef-fects and other sound-shaping possibilities. You can also control external MIDI hardware and 3rd-party software with the MASCHINE hardware controller, while customizing the functions of the pads, knobs and buttons according to your needs utilizing the included Controller Editor application. We hope you enjoy this fantastic instrument as much as we do. Now let’s get go-ing!—The MASCHINE team at Native Instruments.MASCHINE Documentation1.1MASCHINE DocumentationNative Instruments provide many information sources regarding MASCHINE. The main docu-ments should be read in the following sequence:1.MASCHINE Getting Started: This document provides a practical approach to MASCHINE viaa set of tutorials covering easy and more advanced tasks in order to help you familiarizeyourself with MASCHINE.2.MASCHINE Manual (this document): The MASCHINE Manual provides you with a compre-hensive description of all MASCHINE software and hardware features.Additional documentation sources provide you with details on more specific topics:▪Controller Editor Manual: Besides using your MASCHINE hardware controller together withits dedicated MASCHINE software, you can also use it as a powerful and highly versatileMIDI controller to pilot any other MIDI-capable application or device. This is made possibleby the Controller Editor software, an application that allows you to precisely define all MIDIassignments for your MASCHINE controller. The Controller Editor was installed during theMASCHINE installation procedure. For more information on this, please refer to the Con-troller Editor Manual available as a PDF file via the Help menu of Controller Editor.▪Online Support Videos: You can find a number of support videos on The Official Native In-struments Support Channel under the following URL: https:///NIsupport-EN. We recommend that you follow along with these instructions while the respective ap-plication is running on your computer.Other Online Resources:If you are experiencing problems related to your Native Instruments product that the supplied documentation does not cover, there are several ways of getting help:▪Knowledge Base▪User Forum▪Technical Support▪Registration SupportYou will find more information on these subjects in the chapter Troubleshooting.1.2Document ConventionsThis section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this manual. This man-ual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten-tial issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can be expected:Furthermore, the following formatting is used:▪Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) in the software and paths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices is printed in italics.▪Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) in the software is printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text appearing somewhere on the screen.▪Text appearing on the displays of the controller is printed in light grey. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text on a controller display.▪Text appearing on labels of the hardware controller is printed in orange. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same text on the controller.▪Important names and concepts are printed in bold.▪References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,“Press [Shift] + [Enter]”).►Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.→Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.Naming ConventionThroughout the documentation we will refer to MASCHINE controller (or just controller) as the hardware controller and MASCHINE software as the software installed on your computer.The term “effect” will sometimes be abbreviated as “FX” when referring to elements in the MA-SCHINE software and hardware. These terms have the same meaning.Button Combinations and Shortcuts on Your ControllerMost instructions will use the “+” sign to indicate buttons (or buttons and pads) that must be pressed simultaneously, starting with the button indicated first. E.g., an instruction such as:“Press SHIFT + PLAY”means:1.Press and hold SHIFT.2.While holding SHIFT, press PLAY and release it.3.Release SHIFT.Unlabeled Buttons on the ControllerThe buttons and knobs above and below the displays on your MASCHINE controller do not have labels.。
Sinusoidally varying, at known frequencies. Phase angle ψ allows multiple, out-of-phase loads to be applied. Defaults to zero. All applied loads are assumed to be harmonic, including temperatures and gravity.
Nature of Harmonic Loads
Training Manual
Harmonic Analysis
… Definition & Purpose
Harmonic analysis is used in the design of: •
Training Manual
LucidShape CAA Base Module商业说明说明书
PRODUCT FEATURESBase Module Key CapabilitiesFlexible Modeling FeaturesIn the LucidShape CAA Base Module, you can use geometry generated in theLucidShape CAA Design Module, geometry directly created through CATIAfunctionality, or imported geometry. You can then insert light sources andsensors, assign, create, and edit materials and media using a materials/medialibrary, and define simulation settings and analysis preferences. The BaseModule is a prerequisite for all other LucidShape CAA modules.LucidShape CAA functionality is accessible in a variety of ways. Thefunctionality is included in a specific LucidShape workbench, but can also bedirectly accessed through LucidShape CAA toolbars and menus from otherworkbenches such as the Generative Shape Design, Part Design, and Assemblyor Product workbenches. You can easily customize the software to bestsupport your individual workflows and speed the modeling process.LucidShape CAA includes:• Sources: point, plane, cylinder, and ray file• Sensors: candela, luminance camera, ray file, ray history, surface sensorsupporting both lux and lumen sensor materials• Materials/media: compatible with LucidShape actor materials andorganized in a library• Simulation:–Forward simulations–NURBS simulation (mesh free), tessellated simulation (CPU), tessellatedsimulation on GPU–CATIA Design Tables (forward simulation) so you can construct andsimulate design variations quickly. Streamlines the creation of multipledesign forms for a product line•Ability to import measured bi-directional scattering distribution functionLucidShape CAA V5 Based provides the industry’s only complete workflow solution for automotive lighting, design, and visualization within the CATIA V5 environment. Designers who are familiar with CATIA can easily leverage LucidShape’s powerful features to produce, with a minimal learning curve, automotive lighting products that meet performance, styling, visual branding, and regulatory requirements.With LucidShape CAA V5 Based, you also benefit from seamless communication between multi-domain teams with access to a large ecosystem of tools on the CATIA platform.(BSDF) data for precise surface scatter modelingEasy Design Navigation and ManagementModel navigation and management are highly efficient with the LucidShape CAA Specification Tree structure, which keeps all automotive lighting components organized and accessible from a single location — supporting work on individual parts or highly complex assemblies. This infrastructure enables users to quickly understand even the most complex models.Rapid Design VerificationThe software can rapidly and accurately ray trace part-level models or product-level assemblies using tessellated or NURBS simulation methods for comprehensive CATIA-based optical simulations. You can run a simulation on one part while you continue to work on another part in the same project.The software also supports multi-core processing and GPU ray tracing (for tessellated mode only) to further accelerate simulations.Extensive Suite of Analysis ToolsLucidShape CAA V5 Based delivers a wide spectrum of UV data analysis tools, as well as bird’s eye and driver’s views. A large set of test point standardsare included to ensure that your system meets both industry regulations and company specifications. Analysis tools include:• Test tables (ECE, SAE, JIS, user defined)• Special views (bird’s eye view, driver’s view)• A variety of UV data operations (scale, shift, rotate, etc.)• Planar Lux Sensor for quantitative analysis of near-field illuminance• Luminance Camera Sensor to produce high-accuracy luminance images to help you quickly check the appearance of an automotive signal lighting lamp from multiple viewing directions• Ray History Sensor Capability for both Candela Sensor and LuminanceCamera Sensor to provide valuable tools for troubleshooting photometric and appearance issues• Surface Sensor for analyzing illuminance, irradiance, and flux on curved surfaces. You can trace random rays through the system and display theirray paths. This functionality can help you:–V erify light source placement and materials or media setup–Check light source image magnification and/or rotation for specificpoints on the optical surfaces during design work–Check the light spread of optics for interference with other lamp orhousing components–Analyze stray light and glare–Troubleshoot optical systemsExample Model LibraryLucidShape CAA V5 Based provides an extensive collection of example models that enable you to jumpstart model creation and analysis tasks.Design Module Key CapabilitiesPowerful Design ToolsGeometry creation tools that give you the freedom to focus on overall design objectives rather than the implementation details of complex optics have always made LucidShape software unique.The LucidShape CAA V5 Based Design Module provides exceptional, versatile design features from LucidShape integrated into the CATIA environment. The fundamental principle behind most of this functionality is the design-by-function concept, which enables users to create functional geometry based on lighting criteria such as spread angles or target light distributions. This feature set enables optical engineers to focus on creating the beam patterns required (and their superposition) to meet an overall light distribution, rather than on creating the freeform surfaces needed to accomplish them.Combined with CATIA’s extensive CAD modeling capabilities, these features enable users to accomplish their optical design work more efficiently, without repetitive and error prone export/import steps. Your optical model can remainfully parametric and feature based at all times, which enables you to simply update your model for subsequent design iterations.LucidShape CAA design features can also be combined with CATIA features. As a result, the actual trimmed optics are available for simulation from the very beginning of the design. This provides a significant efficiency advantage over working with untrimmed or approximated geometry and having to perform repetitive, time-consuming CAD export/import operations andphotometric validations.Visualize Module Key CapabilitiesStunning, Physics-Based VisualizationPhotorealistic visualization is used in the creative process to evaluate the aesthetics of a lighting design and in the engineering process to evaluate optical feasibility based on uniformity, brightness, and manufacturability. The LucidShape CAA Visualize Module is a CATIA-integrated photorealisticrendering capability that generates stunning, physics-based images of automotive lighting products.Features like the Environment Light Source and the Human Eye Vision Image tool augment the realism in a scene and enable you to virtually evaluate how the human eye will perceive a headlight, tail light, or signal light:• The Environment Light Source allows you to integrate photographicenvironments into a simulation, creating a photorealisticimpression of a scene.• The Human Eye Vision Image (HEVI) tool is a tone mapper that modifies luminance data so that it appears as a human would see the real scene. The LucidShape CAA Visualize Module also supports backward simulations and a luminance camera for fast, accurate analysis of your system’slit appearance.Light Guide Design Module Key CapabilitiesOptimized Light Guide DesignsThe Light Guide Design Module enables you to create and optimize light guidesystems for spatial uniformity and for angular centroid pointing direction. UsingCATIA geometry, the Light Guide Designer can make light guides, add pyramidalprism extractors, add sensors, sources, and other items needed for designinglight guide systems. This tool uses a CATIA spline curve (or a datum curve)to define the light guide path curve, and it uses special techniques to quicklyoptimize the uniformity along the length of the light guide.Adding fillets to a light guide design can be a tedious task, given the typicallylarge number of prisms to consider. The Light Guide Designer includes anautomatic filleting capability to automate this task. You can create and optimizelight guides with fillets that conform to manufacturing constraints, allowing youto achieve better as-built performance.Complete Access to Expert SupportAs a LucidShape CAA customer, you can rely on prompt access to our team of technical support experts, who understand automotive lighting design and engineering. In addition, you have 24/7 access to a customer-dedicated website that contains resources to help you become more productive – including videos, documentation, and example files and models.For More InformationFor more information, please contact Synopsys’ Optical Solutions Group at (626) 795-9101, visit /optical-solutions/ lucidshape/caa-v5-based.html, or send an e-mail to *******************.。
Introduction这篇文章我本人在学习patran/natran 过程中遇到的问题,及后来找到的解决方法,这篇文章也在逐步更新中,希望这篇文档能给那些学习用patran/nastran 的一点帮助。
Yuanchongxin Delft2011/10/3111. THE SOLUTION FOR THE RESIDUAL STRUCTURE AND THE APPLIED LOADS FOR THE CURRENT SUBCASE ARE ZERO.后来将边界条件由123456改为123,即将位移约束变成simplified supported,就没有此问题了。
2. USER WARNING MESSAGE 4124 (IFS3P)THE SPCADD OR MPCADD UNION CONSISTS OF A SINGLE SET 在图中用了RB3 的MPC,其中dependent node (ux,uy,uz), independent(ux,uy,uz,rx,ry,rz),有可能是这里的问题。
3. 建立夹层结构的有限元网络对于meshing, sweep can produce the solid element on the basis of the shell element. 另外sweep 下的loft,可以在两个shell mesh 之间,创建solid element. 对于夹层结构的modeling, shell and solid element should share common node. 否则算出来的结果,solid stress 为零。
至于如何共用节点,则需用到element 下的sweep 命令。
4. No PARAM values were set in the Control File不管失败还是成功的f06 文件中,都会出现这句话。
我们汇编和整理了国内客户的问题我们汇编和整理了国内客户的问题,,分类并整理如下分类并整理如下,,培训会讲解和回答这些问题如果您还有不同的问题需要我们回答如果您还有不同的问题需要我们回答,,请填写我们的问题建议表我们会根据您的问题我们会根据您的问题,,及时调整我们的培训内容Mar.2008 CAESARII seminar over BejingHot topics comes from CHINESE STRESS ENGINEERA) UNDERSTANDING CAESARII 对CAESARII 软件的理解1.What kind of calculation and evaluation is not covered by C2 in piping system? How to check if piping system expose to buckling problem by using C2?2.Global/local loads in C2 output, The reason why we need the local elements loads?3.On input sheet, what is different for Force, Uniform load, Rigid element with weight. -thetemperature base of Elastic modulus input?4.What is non-linear system? Area there any special cautions in input/output fornon-linear case?5.How to check the lift-off support point? What should Engineer check for lift-off problem?What is hot sustained stress?6.What is Liberal stress allowable?7How to incorporate the installation temperature in C2?8.What is thermal bowing effect?9.What kind of piping system should the Bourdon effect be considered to?10.What are different for Hot load setting and Cold load setting?11,Are there any special caution for load combination method to get valid stress andsupport load? If system include the non-linear case, how to prepare load combination for each stress (SUSOCC, EXP)?12 How to model the closely spaced miter and widely spaced miter bend. What are they?13.Output review-Code stress, Bending stress, Torsion stress, axial stress, 3D-max intensity -The reason why C2 does not show the allowable value for operating load -The calculated operating stress is valid to evaluate a system?-The displacement of EXP is useful?-How to read the reaction load on nozzle and sign(direction) of load14.How to evaluate the reaction force due to cold spring?15.How to model and design the thermosyphon reboiler which is attached to adjacent vessel by clip support?16.What are regeneration, decocking, steam-out? How to apply this temperature modesto stress analysis?17.For cold piping (low temperature service) system, how to input the temperature? Toevaluate this piping, what is the most important point?18.What does C-node anchor mean?19.Hydor-weight for density less than 1.020.Show the application of temperature profile for heat-exchangersB) MODELING/NOZZLE CHECK/LOADING INFORM分析建模/管口载荷校核/结构载荷1.What is difference between floating header nozzle and stationary header nozzle inHeater piping in view of modeling and nozzle load evaluation?2.What is difference between WRC1O7 and WRC297? Can we us this standard forcasting materials?3.The limit of available decoupled system in branched system. that is, available D/d ratioto divide the system for piping system analysis.4.For air fin cooler piping, what is thrust block?5.The meaning of allowable nozzle load for API61O pump? What is heavy duty andstandard for pump? The reason why combined load should he checked for rotating equipment? Do you think also pressure vessel nozzle loads should be checked by combined load?6.For reciprocating pump or compressure piping, what do you prepare to start the stressanalysis work?7.What should he considered for Bulge effect of lower (bottom) nozzles for API650 Tank.8.To inform the restraint load to other division, which load should he selected? Forinstance, OPE,EXP,SUS.9.How to prepare loading information of pipe rack (Loop piping) for example,C) GENERAL CONCEPTION FOR STRESS WORK 管道应力分析的通用类问题1.For underground piping checking, what kind of data is prepared?2.How to check the flange leakage problem due to bending moment?3.Pressure thrust force for each bellows system or non rigid element, Show each nozzleload and anchor load for following equipment:( assume all bellows are free type)4.What is shake down stress?5.What is SIF? How much valid is the SIF in B31.3?6.What kind of stress are possible in piping? The reason why shear stress is not includedin Code stress?7.What is primary or secondary stress?8.What is friction loss? The reason why stress engineer check if piping system haveexcessive friction loss?9.For large thin walled piping, are there any special cautions? For example, supportsdesign SIF. If design pressure is vacuum, what should you prepare?10.What is local stress? Where is this stress check necessary?D) MATERIAL CONCEPTION FOR STRESS WORKS 管道材料1.The reason why Carbon Steel can not be applied to high temperature service? Applicable maximum temperature service?2.What does Austenitic state mean in metal?3.For elevated temperature service, which material should he applied to support element or welded attachment.4.Which data should be fill up on spring data sheet to purchase spring hanger,5.How evaluate the FRP or non-metallic piping? Which data should he prepared to stress analysis for this piping?6.What is mill tolerance, corrosion, erosion allowance? How to consider these tolerances in calculation and C2 input and output? How much will effect these allowance to flexibility calculation, if they are included in input,7.The meaning of each digit for followings:A312-TP304H,A358-304H,A182-F304H,SA358-304H,A240-304H,SS41,UNSS3O4008.What is joint efficiency factor?9.The acceptable material for sliding device, considering each environmental considerand temperature service.10.when line material is austenitic stainless steel, however, to save the cost, if you wantcarbon steel plate for welded attachment, which parameter should be considered? 11.What is HAZ?E) DYNAMIC AND VIBRATION 动态分析和振动分析1.Normally we do not perform dynamic analysis, however, there are some possibilityvibration problems or unstable system in view of dynamic, how to perform stress work and what will you do in stress work?2.Example the typical two phase flow process in refinery. When two phase flow isforecasted, how incorporate this effect in piping system( for example: dynamic analysis, simplified static calculation, visual check)3.What is mode shape?4.What is vortex, slug flow?5.What is DLF? The maximum DLF?6.What are different between a closed discharge and open discharge piping system insafety and relief valve system in view of piping stress analysis and support design? 7.What is acoustic vibration? Example the piping system where these vibration aretypically forecasted.8.What is lumped mass? What is center gravity of piping component?9.How to decide wind shape factor and velocity?F) SUPPORT DESIGN 支架设计plete the following two supports design-show welding sign-show material spec. to order B/M-show all strength check point with calculation conception-Where is the weakest point?。
8、求解。在Slove板块下,点击Convert and Launch即可定义求解参数。 这里定义频率范围为0-1000Hz,共100步,提取15阶模态,求解。
两端简支: SAMCEF
一阶: 5282.3RPM 5332.4RPM 二阶: 20953.7RPM 21268.6RPM 三阶: 46418.8RPM 55223.2RPM
由于求解过程要反复输入转速求解,比较麻烦。所以用命 令流求解会更加高效迅速
两端简支: ANSYS
一阶: 5279.7RPM 5329.7RPM 二阶: 20954.2RPM 21269.0RPM 三阶: 46988.2RPM 56329.9RPM
根据转子动力学的问题,求解模式可以选择为模态求解、 瞬态求解、谐响应求解。
D1 d1 L1 D: 1 两端简支 2 两端给定轴承参数: Kxx=Kyy=8e7N/m;Kxy=Kyx=0N/m; Cxx=Cyy=2e3Ns/m;Cxy=Cyx=0Ns/m;
9 、施加陀螺力矩。拾取 Main Menu——Solution——Define Loads—— Apply——Structure——Inertia——Angular Veloc——Coriolis , 选 择 Coriolis effect 开 关 为 On , 坐 标 系 选 择 为 静 止 坐 标 系 。 然 后 拾 取 Main Menu——Solution——Define Loads——Apply——Structure——Inertia— —Angular Veloc——Global,定义转速。这里设为0。 10、求解。选择Main Menu——Solution——Solve——Current LS,开始 求解。由于CAMPBELL图的绘制需要多个转速数据,所以求解完成后,重 复步骤 9 中设置转速部分,设定绕轴向的转速为 1000Rad/s ,继续求解。 然后分别设置转速为2000\3000\4000\5000\6000,分别求解。 11、后处理。在Main Menu——General Postproc——Rotor Dynamics— —Plot Campbell,可以绘制坎贝尔图。Print Campbell可以在DOS框下打 印临界转速。 *Do,I,0,6000,60
Inherent Excitations (General Road Spectrum, Reciprocating Unbalance, Gas Torque, etc.) Process Variation Excitations (Engine, Driveline, Accessory, Wheel/Tire Unbalances)
Introduction to NVH Analysis NVH分析介绍
NVH - 7
Copyright © 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.
NVH Analysis
Analysis Capability
NVH - 9
Copyright © 2012 Altair Engineering, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.
Automotive Frequency Ranges
Spectral Content of Noise Sources 噪声源谱
Low frequency (low modal density) – work on modes
低频(低模态密度)-针对模态做工作 • modal alignment 模态分布表
• nodal mounting
• dynamic absorbers 动态吸振器 Mid to high frequency (high modal density) – work on paths
10.2 模态分析的方法
• ANSYS报告的特征值结果实际上是被2 除过的,单位为 Hz。 • 在有阻尼系统中,不同节点上的响应可能存在相位差。对 于任何节点,幅值应是特征向量实部和虚部分量的矢量和 。
10.2 模态分析的方法
(5)QR阻尼法(QR Damped) • QR Damped (QR 阻尼)法具有分块Lanczos的优点,以线 性合并无阻尼系统少量数目的特征向量近似表示前几阶复 阻尼特征值。采用实特征值求解无阻尼振型之后,运动方 程将转化到模态坐标系。然后,采用 QR 阻尼法,一个相 对较小的特征值问题就可以在特征子空间中求解出来了。 • 该方法能够很好地求解大阻尼系统模态解。由于该方法的 计算精度取决于提取的模态数目,所以建议提取足够多的 基频模态,阻尼较大的系统更如此,这样才能保证得到好 的计算结果。QR阻尼法不建议用于提取临界阻尼或过阻 尼的模态。此法输出实部和虚部的特征值,只输出实特征 向量。
10.2 模态分析的方法
(6)超节点法(supernode) • 超节点法适用于一次性求解高达10000阶的模态,可用于 模态叠加法或PSD分析的模态提取,以求解结构的高频响 应。
10.3 矩阵缩减技术和主自由度选择准则
1.矩阵缩减技术 • 矩阵缩减是通过缩减模型矩阵的大小以实现快速、简便的 分析过程的方法。主要适用于动力学分析,如模态分析, 谐响应分析和瞬态动力学分析。矩阵缩减也在子结构分析 中用于生成超单元。
10.4 模态分析过程
• (1)定义工作名 GUI:【File】/【Change Jobname】 • (2)定义工作标题 GUI:【File】/【Change Title】 • (3)定义单元类型 GUI:【Main Menu】/【Preprocessor】/【Element Type】/【Add/Edit/Delete】 • (4)定义单元实常数 GUI:【Main Menu】/【Preprocessor】/【Real Constants】/【Add/Edit/Delete】
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction in Complex Naturally Fractured Formations
ORIGINAL PAPERNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction in Complex Naturally Fractured FormationsOlga Kresse •Xiaowei Weng •Hongren Gu •Ruiting WuReceived:11December 2012/Accepted:14December 2012/Published online:10January 2013ÓSpringer-Verlag Wien 2013Abstract A recently developed unconventional fracture model (UFM)is able to simulate complex fracture network propagation in a formation with pre-existing natural frac-tures.A method for computing the stress shadow from fracture branches in a complex hydraulic fracture network (HFN)based on an enhanced 2D displacement disconti-nuity method with correction for finite fracture height is implemented in UFM and is presented in detail including approach validation and examples.The influence of stress shadow effect from the HFN generated at previous treat-ment stage on the HFN propagation and shape at new stage is also discussed.Keywords Hydraulic fracture network ÁNaturalfractures ÁUnconventional fracture model ÁStress shadow1IntroductionMulti-stage stimulation has become the norm for uncon-ventional reservoir development.However,one of the primary obstacles to optimizing completions in shale res-ervoirs has been the lack of hydraulic fracture models that can properly simulate complex fracture propagation often observed in these formations.Different modeling approaches recently have been developed to simulate complex fracture networks in natu-rally fractured formations (Xu et al.2009;Meyer andBazan 2011;Rogers et al.2010,2011;Dershowitz et al.2010;Nagel et al.2011;Nagel and Sanchez-Nagel 2011).Simulation of equivalent fracture network of parallel fractures developed by Xu et al.(2009)and Meyer and Bazan (2011)with simplified network geometry does not model complex interaction between fractures.Discrete fracture networks (DFNs)(Rogers et al.2010,2011;Der-showitz et al.2010)use simplified approach to model hydraulic fractures (HF)and natural fractures (NF)inter-action without considering stress shadow.More complex 3D simulators developed by Nagel et al.(2011),Nagel and Sanchez-Nagel (2011),and Fu et al.(2011)though being able to capture effects of hydraulic fracture interactions are CPU-intensive and not suitable for day-to-day engineering design and evaluations at the job site.More detailed description and comparison of existing models are given in Weng et al.(2011)and Kresse et al.(2011).A complex fracture network model,referred to as unconventional fracture model (UFM),had recently been developed (Weng et al.2011;Kresse et al.2011).The model simulates fracture propagation,rock deformation,and fluid flow in the complex fracture network created during a treatment.The model solves the fully coupled problem of fluid flow in the fracture network and elastic deformation of the fractures,based on similar assumptions and governing equations as conventional pseudo-3D (P3D)fracture models.Transport equations are solved for each component of the fluids and proppant pumped.A key dif-ference between UFM and the conventional planar fracture model is being able to simulate the interaction of hydraulic fractures with pre-existing natural fractures,i.e.,determine whether a hydraulic fracture propagates through or is arrested by a natural fracture when they intersect and subsequently propagates along the natural fracture.The branching of the hydraulic fracture at the intersection withO.Kresse (&)ÁX.Weng ÁH.Gu Schlumberger,Sugar Land,TX,USA e-mail:okresse@R.WuChevron,ETC.,Houston,TX,USARock Mech Rock Eng (2013)46:555–568DOI 10.1007/s00603-012-0359-2the natural fracture gives rise to the development of a complex fracture network.The natural fractures are cur-rently treated as closed weak planes.A crossing model that is extended from the Renshaw and Pollard(1995)interface crossing criterion,applicable to any intersection angle,has been developed(Gu and Weng2010)and validated against the experimental data(Gu et al.2011)and is integrated in the UFM.To properly simulate the propagation of multiple or complex fractures,the fracture model must take into account the interaction among adjacent hydraulic fracture branches,often referred to as‘‘stress shadow’’effect.It is well known that when a single planar hydraulic fracture is opened under afinitefluid net pressure,it exerts a stress field on the surrounding rock that is proportional to the net pressure.In the limiting case of an infinitely long vertical fracture of a constantfinite height,the analytical expres-sion of the stressfield exerted by the open fracture was provided by Warpinski and Teufel(1987),and Warpinski and Branagan(1989).It shows that the net pressure(or more precisely,the pressure that produces the given frac-ture opening)exerts a compressive stress in the direction normal to the fracture on top of the minimum in situ stress, which is equal to the net pressure at the fracture face,but quickly falls off with the distance from the fracture.At a distance beyond one fracture height,the induced stress is only a small fraction of the net pressure.Thus,the term ‘‘stress shadow’’is often used to describe this increase of stress in the region surrounding the fracture.If a second hydraulic fracture is created parallel to an existing open fracture,and if it falls within the‘‘stress shadow’’(i.e.,the distance to the existing fracture is less than the fracture height),the second fracture will in effect see a closure stress greater than the original in situ stress.As a result,it will require a higher pressure to propagate the fracture, and/or the fracture will have a narrower width,as com-pared to the corresponding single fracture.One application of stress shadow is for design and optimization of the fracture spacing between multiple fractures propagating simultaneously from a horizontal wellbore.In ultra low permeability shale formations,it is desirable to have fractures closely spaced for effective reservoir drainage.However,the stress shadow effect may prevent a fracture propagating in close vicinity of other fractures(Fisher et al.2004).The interference between parallel fractures has been studied since1980’s(Meyer and Bazan2011;Warpinski and Teufel1987;Narendran and Cleary1983;Britt and Smith2009;Cheng2009; Roussel and Sharma2010).Most of the studies are for parallel fractures under static conditions.A well known effect of stress shadow is that fractures in the middle region of multiple parallel fractures have smaller width because of the increased compressive stresses from neighboring fractures(Germanovich and Astakhov2004; Olson2008).When multiple fractures are propagating simultaneously,theflow rate distribution into the frac-tures is a dynamic process and is affected by the net pressure of the fractures.The net pressure is strongly dependent on fracture width,and hence,the stress shadow effect onflow rate distribution and fracture dimensions warrants further study.The dynamics of simultaneously propagating multiple fractures also depends on the relative positions of the initial fractures.If the fractures are parallel,e.g.,in the case of multiple fractures that are orthogonal to a horizontal wellbore,the fractures tend to repel each other,resulting in the fractures curving outward.However,if the multiple fractures are arranged in an en echelon pattern,e.g.,for fractures initiated from a horizontal wellbore that is not orthogonal to the fracture plane,the interaction between the adjacent fractures may be such that their tips attract each other and even connect(Olson1990;Yew et al.1993; Weng1993).When a hydraulic fracture intersects a secondary frac-ture oriented in a different direction,it exerts an additional closure stress on the secondary fracture proportional to the net pressure.Nolte(1991)derived this stress and takes it into account in thefissure opening pressure calculation in the analysis of pressure-dependent leakoff infissured formation.For more complex fractures,a combination of various fracture interactions as discussed above is present.To properly account for these interactions,while still being computationally efficient so it can be incorporated in the complex fracture network model,a proper modeling framework needs to be constructed.This article describes a method that is based on an enhanced2D displacement discontinuity method(DDM)by Olson(2004)for com-puting the induced stresses on any given fracture and in the rock from the rest of the complex fracture network.Frac-ture turning is also modeled based on the altered local stress direction ahead of the propagating fracture tip due to the stress shadow effect.The simulation results from the UFM model that incorporates the fracture interaction modeling are presented.2UFM Model DescriptionTo simulate the propagation of a complex fracture network that consists of many intersecting fractures,the equations governing the underlying physics of the fracturing process must be satisfied.The basic governing equations include equation governing thefluidflow in the fracture network, the equation governing the fracture deformation,and the fracture propagation/interaction criterion.556O.Kresse et al.Continuity equation assumes that fluid flow propagates along fracture network with the following mass conservationo q o s þo ðH fl "wÞo tþq L ¼0;q L ¼2h L u Lð1Þwhere q is the local flow rate inside the hydraulic fracturealong the length,"wis an average width or opening of the fracture at position s =s (x,y ),H fl(s,t )is the local height of the fracture occupied by fluid,and q L is the leak-off volume rate through the wall of the hydraulic fracture into the rock matrix per unit length (leak-off height h L times velocity u L at which fracturing fluid infiltrates into surrounding per-meable medium),which is expressed through Carter’s leak-off model.The fracture tips propagate as sharp front and the total length of the entire hydraulic fracture networks (HFNs)at any given time t is defined as L (t ).The properties of injected fluid are defined by power-law exponent n 0(fluid behavior index)and consistency index K 0.The fluid flow could be laminar,turbulent,or Darcy flow through proppant pack,and is described cor-respondingly by different laws.For the general case of 1D laminar flow of a power-law fluid in any given fracture branch,the Poiseuille law (Mack and Warpinski 2000)can be appliedo p o s ¼Àa 01"w 2n 0þ1q H fl q H fl n 0À1ð2Þwitha 0¼2K 0u n 0ðÞn0Á4n 0þ2n 0 n;u n 0ðÞ¼1H fl Z H flw ðz Þ"w2n 0þ1n 0d z ð3ÞHere,w (z )represents fracture width as a function of depth at the current position s (x,y ).Fracture width is related to fluid pressure through the elasticity equation.The elastic properties of the rock (considered as isotropic linear elastic material)are defined by Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio m .For a vertical fracture in a layered medium with variable minimum and maximum horizontal stresses (r h (x,y,z )and r H (x,y,z ))and fluid pressure p ,the width profile can be determined from an analytical solution given as w ðx ;y ;z Þ¼w ðp ðx ;y Þ;h ;z Þð4ÞBecause the height of the fractures h varies,the set of governing equations also include the height growth calculation based on the approach described in Kresse et al.(2011).K Iu ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffip h 2r p cp Àr n þq f g h cp À34h !þffiffiffiffiffiffi2p h r X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þh 2arccosh À2h ih Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih i ðh Àh i Þp !K Il ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffip h 2r p cp Àr n þq f g h cp Àh4 !þffiffiffiffiffiffi2p h r X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þh 2arccosh À2h ihþffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih i ðh Àh i Þp !ð5Þwhere r i and h i are the minimum stress and distance fromtop of the i th layer to fracture bottom tip,p cp is the fluid pressure at a reference (perforation)depth h cp measured from the bottom tip,and K Iu and K Il are the stress intensity factors at the top and bottom tips of the fracture.The equilibrium model,which calculates fracture height based on the pressure at each position of the fracture by matching Stress Intensity Factors K Iu and K Il ,given by Eq.(5),to the fracture toughness of the corre-sponding layer containing the tips,is extended to a non-equilibrium model.The non-equilibrium height growth calculation takes into account the pressure gradient due to the fluid flow in the tip regions in the vertical direction by adding apparent toughness proportional to the fracture’s top and bottom velocities.Then fracture width w (z )at any position z measured from the bottom tip is given by Eq.(6).w ðz Þ¼4E 0p cp Àr n þq f g h cp Àh 4Àz 2!ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiz ðh Àz Þp þ4X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þðh i Àz Þcosh À1z h À2h ihÀÁþh i z Àh i j j þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiz ðh Àz Þp arccosh À2h i h2666437775ð6ÞNote that one of the limitations of UFM model,the same as for the conventional P3D models,is related to the accurate height growth calculations in the cases of complicated vertical stress profile.For the height being calculated for each fracture element,UFM model assumes that reservoir elastic properties are homogeneous,and averaged over all layers containing fracture height.Since confining stress dominates elastic properties when computing fracture width,this assumption is reasonable for many cases (Adachi et al.2007).P3D models’results are in good agreement with Planar3D models for not too complex stress profiles,and present fast and accurate engineering tools for most field applications.In addition to equations described above,the global volume balance condition must be satisfiedNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction 557Z t 0QðtÞd t¼Z LðtÞhðs;tÞ"wðs;tÞd sþZH LZ tZ LðtÞ2u L d s d t d h Lð7Þi.e.,the total volume offluid pumped during time t is equal to volume offluid in fracture network and volume leaked from the fracture up to time t.The boundary conditions require theflow rate,net pressure,and fracture width to be zero at all fracture tips.The total network consists of two major parts:Fracture Network and Wellbore.These two networks communicate through injection elements to account for perforation friction.The system of Eqs.(1)–(7),together with initial and boundary conditions,plus equations governingfluidflow in the wellbore and through the perforations represent the complete set of governing equations(Kresse et al.2011). Combining these equations and discretizing the fracture network into small elements leads to a nonlinear system of equations in terms offluid pressure p in each element,simplified as f(p)=0,which is solved by using damped Newton–Raphson method.Fracture interaction is one of the most important factors, which must be taken into account to model hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs.This includes the interaction between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures,as well as interaction between hydraulic fractures.For the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures,a semi-analytical crossing criterion is imple-mented in UFM based on the approach described in(Gu and Weng2010;Gu et al.2011).The influence of per-meability and pore pressure effect onfluid loss into the NFs is not accounted for now,and natural fractures are treated as closed weak planes.This article focuses on modeling the interaction between hydraulic fractures.Mention that poroelastic effects currently are not included in UFM model.It is observed that in unconven-tional formations(shales)changes in pore pressure due to leakoff into the matrix are in order of inches from the fracture,so poroelastic effect may be considered negligible.3Modeling Stress ShadowFor parallel fractures,the stress shadow can be represented by the superposition of stresses from neighboring fractures. The stressfield around a2D fracture with internal pressure p can be calculated from Sneddon(1946)and Sneddon and Elliott(1946)solutions.The stress normal to the fracture is r x(Fig.1)and can be calculated from r x¼p1À"Lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi"L1"L2p cos hÀh1þh22À"L"L1"L2ðÞ3=2sin h sin32ðh1þh2Þ2666437775ð8Þh¼arctanÀ"x"yh1¼arctanÀ"x1þ"y;h2¼arctan"x1À"yAnd"x;"y;L;L1;L2are the coordinates and distances in Fig.1normalized by the fracture half-height h/2.Since r x varies in the y-direction as well in the x-direction,an averaged stress over the fracture height is used in the stress shadow calculation.The analytical equation(8)can be used to compute the average effective stress of one fracture on an adjacent parallel fracture and include it in the effective closure stress on that fracture.For more complex fracture networks,the fractures may orient in different directions and intersect each other.A more general approach is required to compute theeffectiveFig.2Stress shadow effect558O.Kresse et al.stress on any given fracture branch from the rest of the fracture network.In UFM,the mechanical interactions between fractures are modeled based on an enhanced2D DDM(Olson2004)for computing the induced stresses (Fig.2).In a2D,plane-strain,displacement discontinuity solu-tion,Crouch and Starfield(1983)described the normal and shear stresses(r n and r s)acting on one fracture element induced by the opening and shearing displacement dis-continuities(D n and D s)from all fracture elements.To account for the3D effect due tofinite fracture height, Olson(2004)introduced a3D correction factor to the influence coefficients C ij.The modified elasticity equations of2D DDM are as follows:r in¼X Nj¼1A ij C ijnsD jsþX Nj¼1A ij C ijnnD jnr i s¼X Nj¼1A ij C ij ss D j sþX Nj¼1A ij C ij sn D j nð9Þwhere C ij are the2D,plane-strain elastic influence coefficients,and their expressions can be found in Crouch and Starfield(1983).The matrix[C]defines the interaction between elements,e.g.,C ns ij gives the normal stress at the midpoint of the element i due to shearNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction559displacement discontinuity at the element j ,and C nn ij givesthe normal stress at the midpoint of the element i due to an opening displacement discontinuity at the element j .The 3D correction factor A ij suggested by Olson (2004)is introduced to the influence coefficients to account for the 3D effects due to finite fracture height that leads to decaying of interaction between any two fracture elements when distance between them increasesA ij¼1Àd b ijd 2ij þðh =a Þ2h i b =2ð10Þwhere h is the fracture height,d ij is the distance between elements i and j ,a =1and b =3.2are empirically derived constants (Olson 2008;Laubach et al.2004).Eq.(10)clearly shows that the 3D correction factor leads to decaying of interaction between any two fracture elements when the distance increases.In UFM model,at each time step,the additional induced stresses due to the stress shadow effects are computed.We assume that at any time,fracture width equals the normal displacement discontinuities (D n )and shear stress at the fracture surface is zero,i.e.,D n j =w j ,r s i=0.Substituting these two conditions into Eq.(9),we can find the shear displacement disconti-nuities D s and normal stress induced on each fracture element r n .The effects of the stress shadow-induced stresses on the fracture network propagation pattern are twofold.First,during pressure and width iteration,the original in situ stresses at each fracture element are modified by adding theTable 1Input data for validation against CSIRO model Injection rate 0.1m 3/s Stress anisotropy 0.9MPa Young’s modulus 391010Pa Poisson’s ratio 0.35Fluid viscosity 0.001Pa-s Fluid Specific Gravity 1.0Min horizontal stress 46.7MPa Max horizontal stress 47.6MPa Fracture toughness 1MPa-m 0.5Fracture height120m560O.Kresse et al.additional normal stress due to the stress shadow effect.This directly affects the fracture pressure and width dis-tribution,which results in a change on the fracture growth.Second,by including the stress shadow induced stresses (normal and shear stresses),the local stress fields ahead the propagating tips are also altered,which may cause the local principal stress direction to deviate from the original in situ stressdirection.Fig.6Comparison of propagation paths for two initially parallel fractures in isotropic and anisotropic stressfieldsFig.7Comparison of propagation paths for two initially offset fractures in isotropic and anisotropic stressfieldsFig.8Propagation paths for two fractures under isotropic far-field stress field depending on the relative positions of injection pointsNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction 561Thus,the local stresses around each tip elementr tip xx ;r tip yy ;r tipxy calculated by enhanced DDM approach arecombined with far-field stresses r 1xx ;r 1yy ;r 1xy r tot xx ¼r 1xx þr tip xx r tot yy ¼r 1yy þr tip yy r tot xy ¼r 1xy þr tip xyð11Þto define local principal stresses and orientation (angle a )of local maximum stress around tip elements byr 1¼r tot xxþr tot yy2þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðr tot xy Þ2þðr tot xx Àr tot yy Þ24s r 3¼r tot xx þr totyy 2Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðr tot xy Þ2þðr tot xx Àr tot yy Þ24s a ¼12arctan 2r tot xyr xx Àr yyð12ÞThis altered local principal stress direction may result infracture turning from its original propagation plane and further affects the fracture network propagation pattern.4Validation of Stress ShadowValidation of UFM model for the cases of bi-wing fractures has been presented before (Kresse et al.2011;Weng et al.2011).This article focuses on the validation of stress sha-dow modeling approach.4.1Comparison of Enhanced 2D DDM to Flac3D The 3D correction factors suggested by Olson (2004)contain two empirical constants,a and b .Olson calibrated the values of a and b by comparing stresses obtained from numerical solutions (enhanced 2D DDM)to the analytical solution for a plane-strain fracture with infinite length and finite height.In this work,the model is further validated by comparing the 2D DDM results to full three-dimensional numerical solutions,utilizing FLAC3D (Itasca Consulting Group Inc,2002),for two parallel straight fractures with finite lengths and heights.The validation problem is shown in Fig.3.Table 2Input parameters for case of five parallel fractures Young’sl modulus 4.591010Pa Poisson’s ratio 0.35Rate 0.032m 3/s Viscosity 0.001Pa-s Height30mLeakoff coefficient 3.9910-2m/s 1/2Stress anisotropy 1.4MPa Fracture spacing 20m No.of perfs per frac100Fig.9Transverse parallel fracture in horizontalwellFig.11Fracture geometry and width (in m)for the case of five fractures5101520253035404550F r a c t u r e l e n g t h (f t )Time (min)Fig.10Length of five parallel fractures (xf1–xf5,fracture 3is at the center,and fractures 1and 5are outmost ones)during injection.The curves with markers are calculated from the simplistic PKN model and the curves without markers are from UFM model562O.Kresse et al.The fracture in Flac3D is simulated as two surfaces at the same location but with unattached grid points.Constant internalfluid pressure is applied as the normal stress on the grids.Fractures are also subjected to remote stresses,r x and r y.Two fractures have the same length and height with the ratio of height/half-length=0.3.Stresses along x-axis (y=0)and y-axis(x=0)are compared.Two closely spaced fractures(s/h=0.5)have been simulated and compared(Fig.3).As shown in Figs.4,5,the stresses simulated from the enhanced2D DDM approach with3D correction factor closely match those from the full3D simulator results.This indicates that the correction factor allows capture of the3D effect from the fracture height on the stressfield.In the mean time,simple2D DDM approach shows significant differences from full3D simulator results due to in-ability to capture effect of fracture height(fracture height is assumed infinite and influence from elements is only due to distance between them).This can be seen by comparing Figs.4and5,showing the distribution of stresses r x and r y along y-axis,and r y along x-axis for the cases when distance between fractures is small(s/h=0.5) compared to the fractures height,and when this distance is relatively large(s/h=3.3).4.2Comparison to CSIRO ModelThe UFM model that incorporates the enhanced2D DDM approach is validated against full2D DDM simulator incorporating a full solution for coupled elasticity and fluidflow equations by CSIRO(Zhang et al.2007)in the limiting case of very large fracture height(because2D DDM approach does not consider the3D effect due to the fractures’height).The comparison of the influence of two closely propagating fractures on each other’s propagation paths has been provided.The propagation of two hydraulic fractures initiated parallel to each other(prop-agating along local maximum stress direction)has been simulated for two configurations,with initiation points aligned along the y-axis and offset from each other for isotropic and anisotropic farfield stresses.The fracture propagation path and pressure inside of each fracture has been compared for UFM and CSIRO code for the input data given in Table1.When two fractures are initiated parallel to each other with initiation points separated by d x=0,d y=10m (the maximum horizontal stressfield is oriented in the x-direction),they turn away from each other due to the stress shadow effect.The propagation paths for isotropic and anisotropic stressfields are shown in Fig.6.Compared with the isotropic case,the curvatures of the fractures in the case of stress anisotropy are smaller.This is due to the competition between the stress shadow effect, which tends to turn fractures away from each other,and the far-field stresses that push fractures to propagate in the direction of maximum horizontal stress(x-direction). The influence of the far-field stress becomes dominant as the distance between the fractures increases,in which case the fractures tend to propagate parallel to the maximum horizontal stress direction(Fig.8a,b).The same conclusion about far-field stresses is applica-ble for the case when two fractures are initiated parallel to each other with initiation points separated by d x=10m, d y=10m(Fig.7).The numerical study presented above shows that the enhanced2D DDM approach implemented in UFM model is able to capture the3D effects offinite fracture height on fracture interaction and propagation pattern,while being computationally efficient.It provides good estimation of the stressfield for a network of vertical hydraulic fractures and fracture propagation direction(pattern).5Examples5.1Influence of Stress Shadow on FracturePropagation PathMore results of UFM simulations showing the influence of stress shadow on the fracture propagation pathdepending Fig.12Fracture geometry andfluid pressure(Pa)for the cases when distance between injection points is equal to10,20,and40m Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction563。
Firat University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Elazig, TURKEY e-mail: {eozbay,mtgencoglu}
Keywords-pantograph; catenary; active suspension systems; adaptive fuzzy logic controller
Current collection process is the most important point in electrical train systems. The pantograph is on the roof of the train and collects electrical current form the overhead catenary system. The catenary line is fixed to the support point at regular intervals along the railway line. When the train moves, pantograph slides along the catenary line and takes the electric power to the train. In order to ensure the contact between them, the force exerted by pantograph to the catenary should be sufficient. If the train speed increases, vibrations consist on the catenary line and the interaction between the pantograph and the catenary becomes more important. These vibrations affect the contact between the pantograph and the catenary. When the mechanical contact between the pantograph and the catenary is broken, the electrical contact is lost. And wears and electrical arcs may occur [1, 2].
Moving Deforming Mesh for Non-autootive Applications in Fluent 6.0
Fluent User Services Center
FLUENT Software Training UGM 2002
Combination of Approaches
Layering in one region Spring analogy and remeshing. Deforming boundary zones non-conformal interface wall
Layering example:
Bottom wall Specified rigid body motion Also specify layering height and height factor of adjacent cell zone Fluid Zone Fluent automatically handles layering No zone specific inputs Side walls Deformation due to moving bottom wall, but… Defined by extruded cell layer side No required inputs Top wall Stationary, no required inputs
FLUENT Software Training UGM 2002
Description Useful for linear motion extrusion approach (rectilinear) cells are added/deleted as region grows/shrinks as layers are added/deleted, connectivity changes Applications: pistons, valves Applicable to volume and boundary mesh Available for quad, hex and prism elements
matlab中的lumpmass函数 -回复
1. lumpmass函数的作用是什么?在Matlab中,lumpmass函数用于将分散质量分配到系统的节点上,并计算质量矩阵和惯性矩阵。
2. 如何使用lumpmass函数来计算质量矩阵和惯性矩阵?使用lumpmass函数计算质量矩阵和惯性矩阵的步骤如下:(1) 定义系统的物理参数,如质量、位置和旋转点。
(2) 创建一个描述系统结构的矩阵,该矩阵包括物体的质量和位置信息。
(3) 使用lumpmass函数,将分散的质量分配到系统节点上,并计算质量矩阵和惯性矩阵。
3. lumpmass函数的语法是怎样的?lumpmass函数的基本语法如下:[M, Mlumped] = lumpmass(E, N, Mvector)其中,E是节点之间的连接信息,N是节点数目,Mvector是具有质量信息的列向量。
4. 如何定义控制系统结构的矩阵E?控制系统结构矩阵E是一个具有节点连接信息的矩阵。
则此时的矩阵E可以表示为:E = [1 1 0 0;0 0 1 1;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0]其中,1表示节点连接,0表示节点未连接。
关键词:锂离子电池热模型耦合模型热滥用Overview of Research on Thermal Model of Lithium-Ion BatteryLi Shenghong Xiong Zhen Qin Guofeng Mi Peiwen Lao JingjingAbstract:The thermal safety of lithium-ion batteries plays an important role for vehicles performance, and the establishment of the heating effect of the battery model can effectively design the battery thermal management system, improve the battery cooling effect, and thus improve the thermal security. In this paper, according to the modeling of dimension classification of model studies, the paper classifies model studies into lumped mass models of one dimensional model, of two-dimensional model, and three-dimensional model; according to the modeling principle, the paper divides the models into electrochemical-thermal coupling models, electrothermal coupling models, thermal abuse models, and the research and development of thermal models at home and abroad are put forward.Key words:lithium-ion, battery thermal model, coupled model, thermal abuse1 引言鋰离子电池是一种拥有比其他类型电池更高的能量密度、电压、功率密度、更多循环充放电次数等优点的二次电池。
• Mass • Center of mass • First moment of inertia • Second moment of inertia • Products of inertia
Ken Youssefi
Mechanical Engineering dept.
Transformations - Translation
Substituting the centroid equation, we obtain,
Ken Youssefi
Mechanical Engineering dept.
Second Moments of Inertia
The physical interpretation of a second mass moment of inertia of an object about an axis is that it represents the resistance of the object to any rotation, or angular acceleration, about the axis. The area moment of inertia represents the ability of the object to resist deformation.
Mass Properties
Mass property calculation was one of the first features implemented in CAD/CAM systems.
• Curve length • Cross-sectional area • Centroid of a cross-sectional area • Surface area • Centroid of a surface area • Volume • Centroid of a volume
罗茨真空泵转子系统动力学建模王天任;孙宏浩;李鹤;闻邦椿【摘要】The roots vacuum pump will cause big vibration problem in the process of working due to the internal incentive and external disturbance.In order to analyze theroots vacuum pump rotorsystem,the lumped mass method was used to establish the roots rotor system dynamics modeling,considering the motor,gear etc.It established vibration differential equation of the pure torsional modeland lateral torsional coupling vibration model of the rotor system respectively by Newton Euler method and considering the effect of gravity.The stability of the rotor system is founded due to the presence of the varying stiffness of the gear mesh. At the same time, the bending vibration and torsional vibration of the rotor are coupleddue to the existence of eccentricity.The research content of itwill provide the basis for the analysis of the systemstability and lateral torsional coupling vibration.%由于内部激励和外部扰动的存在,罗茨真空泵在工作过程中会产生很大的振动问题.为了更好地对罗茨真空泵转子系统进行动力学分析,采用集中质量法,考虑电机、齿轮、罗茨转子等结构的基础上对系统进行动力学建模.采用牛顿欧拉法分别建立了转子系统的纯扭转模型以及偏心弯扭耦合模型的振动微分方程并考虑了重力的影响.研究发现由于齿轮啮合时变刚度的存在,转子系统存在稳定性问题.同时由于偏心的存在,转子的弯曲振动和扭转振动存在相互耦合.研究内容为之后对系统的稳定性分析以及弯扭耦合振动分析奠定了基础.【期刊名称】《机械设计与制造》【年(卷),期】2018(000)005【总页数】3页(P19-21)【关键词】罗茨真空泵;转子系统;动力学建模;集中质量法;弯扭耦合振动【作者】王天任;孙宏浩;李鹤;闻邦椿【作者单位】东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁沈阳110819;东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁沈阳110819【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH16;TB531 引言罗茨真空泵由其高的抽速从而得到广泛的应用,但是随着科技的进步人们对它的要求也越来越高。
关于driven modal 与driven terminal 的理解
关于driven modal 与driven terminal 的理解lumped port的激励以电压或电流的形式,加在一个点或单元上。
With wave-port=> the excitation is so-called eigen-wave, such as the quasi-tem wave supported by a microstrip line. It applies over a cross-sectional area.而wave-port的激励称做本征波,比如微带线馈源提供的准TEM波,它加在一个横截面(剖面)上。
voltage is scalar, wave is vector by nature, hence there are substantial difference between the two. So use waveport whenever possible, because "simulation of wave phenomenon" is what HFSS is designed for. And compare with the "correct" measurement whenever possible (i.e. measure "wave", not simply "voltage")。
当情况允许时,尽可能选择wave port,这是由于HFSS是为“波仿真”设计的,相对于简单的“电压”,测量“波”可使结果更精确。
Why lumped port is there? It is easy to applied and people found that good/reasonable results can be obtained. Why? if the frequency is low enough or the excitation is applied at sufficiently small area, then the "wave" can be described by some "voltage" or "current", which must be "measured"/"calculated"/de-embedded/etc in the correct manner.那为什么还要使用lumped port呢,这是由于lumped port激励的添加简单,并且可获得良好的结果。
failed to read simulation model from fields
failed to read simulation model from fields Simulation is a powerful tool used in various fields such as engineering, science, and medicine to model and analyze complex systems. The simulation model provides a virtual representation of the system under investigation, allowing researchers to study its behavior, make predictions, and test various scenarios. However, there are times when researchers encounter difficulties in reading the simulation model from the fields. In this article, we will explore some possible reasons for this failure and discuss potential solutions.One possible reason for failing to read the simulation model is incompatible software or file formats. Different simulation software often use different file formats to store simulation models, and using the wrong software or outdated versions can result in reading errors. To overcome this issue, it is important to ensure that the appropriate software version is being used to read the simulation model. Additionally, checking for compatibility between the software and file formats is crucial.Another reason for the failure could be errors or corruption in the simulation model file. Simulation models are often complex and require precise configuration and data. Any errors or corruption that occur during the model's development or storage can lead to reading failures. To solve this issue, it is advisable to validate and verify the model file integrity and, if necessary, repair or recreate the simulation model.In some cases, lack of proper documentation or understanding of the simulation model can also contribute to the reading failure.Simulation models consist of multiple components, variables, and parameters, and having a clear understanding of these elements is essential for successful analysis. Ensuring documentation that outlines the model's purpose, assumptions, and dependencies can greatly help in the reading process.Additionally, insufficient training or expertise in the specific simulation software can cause difficulties in reading the model. Simulation software often comes with their own set of tools, commands, and options to manipulate and analyze the simulation model. Lack of knowledge of these features can make it challenging to read the model accurately. In such cases, additional training or seeking help from experts can be beneficial.Furthermore, the complexity and size of the simulation model can also contribute to the reading failure. Large-scale simulation models with numerous components, variables, and interactions can be overwhelming to analyze. Breaking down the model into smaller subsystems or simplifying it can make it easier to understand and read. Additionally, using visualization tools or techniques can aid in comprehending the model's behavior and structure.In summary, failing to read simulation models from the fields can be attributed to various factors such as incompatible software or file formats, errors or corruption in the model file, lack of documentation or understanding, insufficient training, and the complexity of the model itself. It is crucial to address these issues to ensure accurate analysis and interpretation of simulation models. By using the appropriate software, validating file integrity,providing comprehensive documentation, seeking expertise, and simplifying complex models, researchers can overcome the challenges and effectively read simulation models.。
ElumTools Hisham Khoury - WSP MP5313-L 日光建模实战教程说明书
Daylight Modeling with ElumToolsHisham Khoury – WSPMP5313-LThis workshop will demonstrate how to use ElumTools (an add-on for Revit software from the makers of AGi32) in Revit software to achieve daylight modeling with point-by-point calculation by utilizing the architectural model and lighting families.Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this class, you will be able to:∙Gain a good understanding of the ElumTools add-in∙Learn how to produce point-by-point daylight calculations inside a BIM model∙Gain a good understanding of how link models and project coordinates work∙Gain an expert understanding of lighting families and how they work with photometric files in Revit softwareAbout the SpeakerAs WSP Melbourne Building Information Modeling (BIM) manager and a project electrical engineer, Hisham Khoury has spent the majority of the past 5 years heavily involved in the regional BIM evolution. His work has, over that time, seen him involved in several large-scale BIM projects with varying levels of complexity, including Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex, Echuca Hospital, and Medibank Tower. His role in these projects involved managing BIM strategy, electrical design, model management, and client relations. As part of the WSP Technical User Committee he has been instrumental in setting up many of the standards and tools that are being used regionally throughout WSP Asia Pacific. WSP is constantly striving as a firm to push the boundaries within engineering, and having an electrical background enables Hisham to be at the forefront of electrical engineering within BIM.**************************BackgroundBenefits of Using Elumtools∙Point by Point calculations directly in the model∙Accurate lighting calculation due to specific reflectance values and accurate services/furniture layouts.∙Ability to render directly in Revit for presentation purposes∙No need to build a 3D model in AGI32 or DIALux.∙Multi-core processor supportWhy can’t we use the lighting calculation built into Revit instead?The current lighting calculation built into Revit does not calculate daylight entering the space or any other contribution from external lighting.Are the calculated results using ElumTools the same as with AGi32?Yes, if all things are equal. However, there are several considerations that may result in different calculated values, such as:∙Differences in Materials properties and reflectances (this will be covered in the material mapping section)∙Wall thickness and shape of room.∙Revit families and details not available in AGI32 which will obviously alter the calculations such as: o Accurate furniture layoutso Pipes, ducts, cable trays and other families that affect the spread of light in areas such as offices with exposed ceilings and plant rooms.WSP used a typical Revit Project to compare between AGI32 and Revit (Elumtools). 2 identical (as much as possible) models with the same reflective surfaces were created both in AGI32 and in Revit (Elumtools). The results of the project were very close, with Elumtools providing greater accuracy in very busy areas such as plantrooms.Now that we have peace of mind let’s get on with it…Step 1 – Setting Up the Project CorrectlyIn this example we will be working with a linked model as 99% of MEP project will operate this way.1. Insert the linked model using “Auto –Origin to Origin”2. Once you have set-up your project using your template and inserted the Revit Architectural model(and have Elumtools installed of course we can begin).3. It is highly recommended that you create Spaces as part of your standard project set-up as theyhave many uses with all services. If you do not have them created, you will need to for the areas you want to calculate.4. You will need to ensure that your linked model is Room Bounding in order for your spaces towork. This can be set by selecting your linked model and then select “Edit Type” from theProperties menu.If Room Boundi ng still does not work, you can create a “Space Separator” from the “Analyze”ribbon.5. A very important step during project set-up is to “Acquire Coordinates”. This step is vital fordaylight modelling. This can be done by selecting Coordinates>Acquire Coordinates from the Mange Ribbon and then selecting the linked model.Step 2 – Using Elumtools with Daylight ModellingSelect the Elumtools tab once the add-on has been installed. You will now see the Elumtools ribbon appear. We will follow the icons from Left to Right as this is the correct procedure when using Elumtools.1. SettingsFrom the Default settings you will only need to change 2 items in order to improve your calculation for MEP users.a. Set “Filter by View Visibility” to “True” (this refers to the “ElumTools Working View”Which is automatically created and is controlled by Visibility Graphics.b. Set “Multiple Room/Space Mode” to “Combine”c. Select OK.2. Luminaire Manager (when using electric lighting in daylight calculations)In order to use the Luminaire with Elumtools we will need to validate the IES file and make sure it is doing exactly what we want it to do. If the Family has been set-up correctly it should automatically validate and all you need to do is check each fitting.a. As we can see the IES Definition is as per our family IES file. If this is not the case youwill need to adjust accordingly.b. The Red IES file(from Elumtools) should match the Yellow IES file (from our RevitFamily)c. If the Red and Yellow IES files do not match you will need to select:Light Source > Source Positioning and adjust the settings accordingly.3. Material MappingMaterial Mapping is used to validate and override (if necessary) any surface reflectance value. As a default Elumtools will set the reflectances based on the colours and surfaces from the architectural model. If you are working on a true BIM project then it would be somewhat safe to leave in the default values.However in the event you need to override the values follow the instruction below:a. You will need to switch the project file to the architectural model as this is where oursurfaces and objects are.b. Now we can see all the materials that are coming through from the architectural modelunder materials “In Use”.c. Below you can see the surfaces that have been altered to match our desiredreflectances. Once the reflectances are overridden you will see the “Link” change to avertical red bar. This represents a disconnection from the model and a user override hasbeen inputted.d. For the purpose of this example we have entered a reflectance of 0.5 for walls and 0.2 forfloorsTIP: In order to find the name of the material you wish to change, press “TAB” while hovering over the linked model and then selecting the desired element. Once selected click on Edit Type>Edit (in the Structure Parameter). The material name will then be displayed.Material Mapping with “View Category Overrides” can also be used to as quick and easy way to control reflectances by the defined Revit categories. This is a great time saver.4. Add pointsNow we must add calculation points to each space as we normally do in AGI32.a. Select “Space Workplane” from the “Add Points” drop down. Select the space youwant to add the points to and you should now see the calculation points window.b. In this example we are using a working plane of 720mm and a calculation spacing of500mm x 500mm and an offset of 1000mm from walls and columns. Be sure to uncheckthe lock symbol as this tends to cause issues when selected.5. Daylight ParametersOnce the above steps have been completed it is time to setup up our daylight settings:a. Select “Daylighting”under “Mode” in order to activate the Daylight Parameter menu.b. Select “Daylight Parameter” and you should see the following window.True North is acquired from thelinked model. Refer to Step 1This is the Weather Database and will find theclosest station based on our project location. Youwill need to download these on first use.c. It is recommended that you setup your Project Location in Revit which is the quickest andmost accurate method of selecting a location in ELumTools.Under “Manage” select “Location ” and the following window should appear:Note: Remember the Project North has already been acquired from the Linked model. Also, we will be using the weather stations in Elumtools in lieu of the ones in Revit.Enter the address of the project and click on “search”. This will become the Project address and should now appear as an option in ElumeTools Daylight Modelling Parameters.6. CalculatingNow that we have set everything up, it’s now time to run our calculation.a. Select “Single Space” from the Calculate menu bar.b. Now select the space we have in the model. You should now see a separate windowwhich resembles AGI32 in render mode. You should also see the calculation pointsappear in cd/m². This can easily be changed to Lux by using the drop down menuadjacent cd/m².c.In this window there are a number of settings and functions to view your results. Some main ones are mesh overlay and Pseudocolor. You can also perform a walk through and rotate as per AGI32.Once you have calculated the results you can now close this window as all of the information is available back in your Revit Model.Step 3 – Using and Displaying the Results in RevitOnce you are back in your Revit Model you can quickly view your results by selecting the desired space and scrolling do wn the properties until you see the sub heading “Analysis Results”. Under this heading are the parameters that Elumtools produces and will be used for scheduling purposes.Once we are happy with the results there are a number of ways to view them:1. On the actual floor plan as per AGI32 by selecting “View/Update Results” from the Resultsmenu bar.This will display the points as per our set-up previously.You may also choose to edit the way these points are displayed such as colours, font, text size etc.This can be achieved by selecting the calculation points and then selecting “Edit Style” from the ribbon.In this dialog you adjust many variables and display the calculation points to your choosing.2. You may also choose to view the calculation points in a Revit 3D View. This is done the sameway as the floor plan method above.3. The third and possibly most useful way is using schedules. This method also allows you toperform basic calculation using Revit Formulas:As shown in the Elumtools help guide:a. > View Tab > Schedules > Schedules/Quantitiesb. In the New Schedule dialog, select Rooms or Spaces from the category list.c. Name the schedule "Lighting Calculation Schedule."d. In the Schedule Properties dialog, select the Fields to be included in the schedule.e. For this example we selected:i. Levelii. Calculation Points Name (Room Name)iii. Illuminance Averageiv. Illuminance Maximumv. Illuminance Minimumvi. Workplane Heightvii. Calculation Points Metricf. We also want to add Minimum to Average ratio in order to see the uniformity result, soselect the Calculated Value button. In the Calculated Value dialog enter the following:i. Name = Min/Avgii. Formula (select button)iii. Discipline = Commoniv. Type = Numberv. Formula: select Illuminance Minimum, enter a "/" and then select Illuminance Averageg. Arrange the Fields as shown in the schedule shown below.h. Select the Filter tab. Filter by "Calculation points metric," "equals," "Illuminance." This willensure that we do not include all the Rooms that do not contain calculation points in the schedule.i. Select the Formatting tab to enforce rounding rules on the ratio calculations.i. Select the field Min/Avg.ii. Select the Field Format buttoniii. Remove the checkmark for "Default Settings"iv. Change Units to "Fixed"v. Set Rounding to 2 decimal placesvi. Repeat this for the Max/Min fieldvii. Change the field "Calculation Points Metric" to a hidden fieldj. Change the column heading for "Illuminance Average" to simply "Average," and then do the same for Maximum and Minimum fields.Handy TipsInclude MEP Families in your CalculationsTo utilize the full extent of Elumtools you may wish to use the services you have already documented in your model as part of your lighting calculation. i.e. plant rooms and exposed ceiling designs.The following must be completed for this to work:1. Apply a material to the Revit Families and System families in your project. Elumtools will notrecognize the default material and therefore you will need to apply a different material. For thisexample we have used WSP_Duct, WSP_Pipe and WSP_Cable Tray for our materials. Thisshould be set-up in the object styles of the project.2. You should now select “Material Mapping” in Elumtools and review the reflectance of yourchosen material. You can either choose to use the reflectance in the material you have chosen or override it.Note: these materials will NOT show up in the “In Use” section. However they will still work and have a bearing on your lighting calculation.3. Now simply select calculate your results and the MEP families will be included in your calculation.Layout Assistant (Room Estimator)This is a handy tool in Elumtools to perform a quick calculation. This also allows you to play around with the lighting levels and luminaire locations before importing the layout into Revit.1. Select “Layout Assistant” from the Calculation menu bar.2. You should now see the window bellow.a. Select “Single Space” and then select the space you need calculated from the model.b. Select “Luminaire” and then select the Luminaire you want to use for your calculation.c. And finally select the “Ceiling Grid Tile” and specify the 3 points in the model.d. Now you should be able to select “Layout Assistant”.3. You should now see the layout assistant window appear as shown below.Once you have calculated and happy with the result. You can now select OK which will past the desired lighting layout into the Revit Model. Now you can simple calculate using the regular Elumtools method allowing the calculation points to appear and your schedules to be populated.Appendix A1. Making your Revit Family MEP and Elumtools FriendlyNote: Previous Family creation skills will be requiredYou can adopt this to an existing family or if you’re starting a new one follow instructions below:1. > New > Family > Metric Generic Model.rftThe reason we are selecting Metric Generic Model is because as we all know, there is no such thing as ceilings or walls in a linked model. We have not selected Face Based either as there are known issues with fittings appearing upside down on reference planes and disappearing when faces are deleted.In this example we will be building the Zumtobel MIREL2 1x28 W (data available in the data sets). Once you have created a basic extrusion of what the family looks like you should get something like this:2. Now let’s turn it into a lighting family.Select “Family Category and Parameters” in properties and change the Category to “Lighting Fixtures” and then check the “light Source” and “Work Plane-Based” boxes and select OK.A default light source should come up; however we now need to change this to an IES file which we can use for our calculations.3. Select the light source and then select “Light Source Definition”.4. Now select “Photometric Web” under Light Distribution and select OK.You should now see a light source shape however this is still a generic light source.5. Now we must adjust this light source to use our desired IES file (Zumtobel MIREL2 1x28 W). Select “Family Types” in properties.6. You should now see a new section appear called “Photometrics”. We must now go through andfill in each field first starting with the “Photometric Web File” first.7. Select the tab on the right hand side and browse for the IES of your desired fitting. In thisexample we have inserted the Zumtobel MIREL2 IES file found in the Datasets.8. Change your “Tilt Angle” to the desired angle of your fitting. In this case it should be 90 Deg asthis is a ceiling recessed fitting aiming down.9. Adjust the “Light Loss Factor” to your desired value. This is generally your maintenance factorand in this case we are using 0.8 for a typical office.10. Adjust your “Initial Intensity” to match the lamp you are using. We know that from a 1x28W T5lamp we generally get 2600lm.11. Change the “Initial Color” to suit your lamp type. In this example we are using a cool light of4000K for a typical office.12. Select “OK” and you should now see the photometric web shape appear.Now we must make sur e that we have the “Room Calculation Point” option checked and shown the right direction. Without this the family will not be associated and recognized by the space or room and consequently none of your calculation will work.13. In the Project Browser select a Front or Back Elevation. Now in your properties check the“Room Calculation Point” box.14. You will now see a GREEN “S” shaped line appear. Now adjust this line by selecting the smallgreen circle at the end of the line, and drag it to where your Revit Space or Room would be.In this example we are using a ceiling recessed fitting and therefore the Room Calculation point should point down. However if this was an in ground up light then it would need to point upward as the space or room would be above ground.Now that we have created our family, we can simply duplicated and swap the IES files with similar fitting in the Revit project with ease.Using Self-Illuminated MaterialWhen creating a Lighting Family it is handy to use a material with a “Self Illumination” property. This allows your light fittings to appear as if they are switched on when performing a render for presentation purposes.This can be edited using the Materials Browser located under Manage.Self-Illuminated Material inRevit FamilyDaylight Modeling with ElumTools Render Result31。
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6th World Congresses of Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationRio de Janeiro, 30 May - 03 June 2005, BrazilLumped Mass Modeling for Local-Mode-Suppressed Element Connectivity Parameterized Topology Optimization of Vibrating StructuresYoung Soo, Joung1, Gil Ho, Yoon2 and Yoon Young, Kim3 1. M.S. Candidate, National Creative Research Initiatives Center for Multi-Scale Design and School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea. (e-mail: 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. (e-mail: ) 3. Director, National Creative Research Initiatives Center for Multi-Scale Design and School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (e-mail: 1. Abstract For successful topology design optimization of crashworthy “continuum” structures, unstable element-free and local vibration modefree transient nonlinear analyses should be ensured. Among these two issues, element instability was shown to be overcome if a recently-developed formulation, the element connectivity parameterization (ECP) is employed. On the way to the ultimate crashworthy structure optimization, we are now developing a local mode-free topology optimization formulation that can be implemented in the ECP method. In fact, the local mode-freeing strategy developed here can be also used directly for the standard element density method. Local modes are artificial, numerical modes resulting from the intrinsic modeling technique of the topology optimization method. Even with existing local mode controlling techniques, the convergence of the topology optimization of vibrating structures, especially experiencing large structural changes, appears to be still poor. In ECP, the nodes of the domaindiscretizing elements are connected by zero-length one-dimensional elastic links having varying stiffness. For computationally efficiency analysis for dynamic problems, every elastic link is now assumed to have two lumped masses at its ends. Choosing appropriate penalization functions for lumped mass and link stiffness is important for local mode-free results. However, unless the objective and constraint functions are carefully selected, it is difficult to obtain clear black-and-white results. It is shown that the present formulation is also successful in design problems involving self-weight. 2. Keywords: Topology optimization, Vibration problem, Parasite local mode control, Lumped mass modeling, End-lumped link model 3. Introduction A topology optimization formulation for structural problems involving nonlinear transient analysis is a key to successful important ingredient for crashworthy continuum structure design. Since nonlinear problems in topology optimization can be effectively handled by the element connectivity parameterization (ECP) method [1], a recently-developed topology optimization method, this investigation is focused on a local-mode-free formulation that can be incorporated in the ECP method. The local mode problem resulting from the presence low-density elements is well-known and some ideas to overcome it have been suggested [2,3]. However, no unified method with firm theoretical foundation seems to be available. It may be worth noting that the numerical difficulty encountered in self-weight structural design is similar to that from the parasite local modes in the local-mode difficulty in vibration problems [4]. In this work, we investigate an efficient method for local-mode-free optimal design that can be implemented in the ECP formulation. Indeed, the method is also applicable to the standard density method. In order to control artificial local modes, the mass matrix is penalized with a higher penalty exponent value than that for the stiffness matrix. This will push the eigenfrequencies of artificial local modes higher than the eigenfrequencies of interest. However, it is difficult to obtain clear solid and void images alone with the suggested penalization scheme. Thus, an explicit condition to guarantee black and white images, i.e., solid and void results is additionally imposed. For easy ECP implementation for dynamic problems, lumped mass modeling is employed. Several benchmark problems were considered to verify the validity of the proposed method. 4. Artificial Local Vibration Mode-Free Formulation 4.1. Problem definition of topology optimization Before considering the local-mode-free formulation for ECP, the local mode issue in the element density method will be considered first. When eigenfrequencies and compliance under self-weight are simultaneously considered, the following topology optimization problem can be set up:Minimize : φ = w1F T U − w2 λr(1a)Subject to:∑∫e =1NEΩeγ e dΩ − M 0 ≤ 0( NE :Number of elements )(α << 1)(1b)⎛ NE pc ⎜ ∑ γ e − γ lower ⎝ e =1() (γupper⎞ − γ epc ⎟ / NE ≤ α ⎠)q(1c)γ lower ≤ γ e ≤ γ upper = 1(1d)The objective function φ involves two weighting factors w1 and w2 to adjust the relative importance between the rth eigenfrequency and the compliance F T U , where F and U are the force vector by self-weight and the displacement vector of a continuum body, respectively. The design variable assigned to the eth element is denoted by γ e which varies between its lower bound γ lower and upper bound γ upper . Eq. (1c) is an explicit condition introduces to ensure that the optimized result is black and white. The role of Eq. (1c) will be clear when the penalization strategy for the mass and stiffness matrix is explained in the next section. The penalty parameters, pc and q in Eq. (1c) can be adjusted to improve solution convergence. To track the desired eigenfrequency λr , a mode-tracking method [5] using the modal assurance criterion (MAC) is employed. 4.2. Artificial local vibration modes In this section, the issue of the local vibration modes associated with low-density elements in the standard element density method is examined and a method to deal with it will be proposed. Since the troublesome local modes appear in a low-density element region, only the dynamic behavior a low-density element region may be investigated. Figure 1 shows a distribution of element densities in a given design region. The stiffness matrix K and the mass matrix M are assumed to be penalized asstructure K = ∑ γ epK K nominal e =1 NEandstructure M = ∑ γ epM M nominal e =1NE(2)structure structure where K nominal and M nominal denote the nominal element matrices (corresponding to γ e = 1 ) and pM and pK are penalization exponents. To investigate the dynamic behavior of the low-density elements region in Figure 1, the following form of the discretized dynamic equations may be used:⎡ K KK K KD ⎤ ⎡φ K ⎤ ⎢K K DD ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ DK 244⎦ ⎣φ D ⎦ 14 4 3 {KM ω (λr = , ω = angular speed) 2πThe eigenvectorM KD ⎤ ⎡φ K ⎤ ⎡M = ω 2 ⎢ KK M DK M DD ⎥ ⎢ φ D ⎥ ⎣ 4 14 244 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ 3 {(3)The eigenvectorIn Eq. (3), the symbols K and D imply “kept” and “deleted”. To delete unwanted degrees of freedom, the Guyan condensation method [6,7] can be employed. Hence, the nodes inside the low-density region in Figure 1 will be kept.Figure 1. A structure consisting of high- and low-density elements Before carrying out the static condensation, the material properties of the low-density elements are assumed to be controlled by a single design variable γ . Furthermore, it is assumed that the stiffness and mass matrices of high-density elements in Figure 1 as a function of the element density. These assumptions will simply the subsequent analysis considerably. Thus, Eq. (3) may be now written as⎡γ pK K 0 KK ⎢ pK 0 γ K DK ⎣γ p K 0 ⎤ ⎡φ K ⎤ KDKK DDpM M0 2 ⎡γ KK ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ = ω ⎢ pM 0 φD ⎦ γ M DK ⎦⎣ ⎣γ p M 0 ⎤ ⎡φ K ⎤ KDM⎥⎢ ⎥ M DD ⎦ ⎣φ D ⎦(4)where K 0α ) and M 0α ) ( α = KK , KD, or DD ) denote the nominal submatrices corresponding to γ = 1 . ( ( By choosing the nodes inside the low-density region as the kept nodes, one may obtain the following reduced system equation:-2-K KK φ K = ω 2 M KK(5a) (5b) (5c)whereK KK = γ pK K 0 − γ 2 pK ( K 0 K −1 K 0 ) → γ pK K 0 (as γ → 0) KK KD KK DK KK M KK = γ pM M 0 − γ 2 pM M 0 K −1 M 0 − γ pK + pM K 0 K −1 M 0 + γ 2 pK K 0 K −1 M DD K −1 K 0 → γ pM M 0 (as γ → 0) KK KD DD DK KD DD DK KD DD DD DK KKIn obtaining Eq. (5a), the Gayan reduction technique [6,7] was used. Using the limiting results of K KK and M KK as γ → 0 , the following approximate system equation for φ R :(γPKK 0 − ω 2γ PM M 0 ) φ K ≅ 0 KK KK(6)From Eq. (6), it is clear that if pM < pK , the eigenfrequencies of the low density region approach zero as γ approaches zero. In this case, the local mode corresponding to the vanishingly small eigenfrequency of the low-density region may become the fundamental eigenfrequency of the whole structural system. Thus, the problem of parasite low-frequency local mode can occur. If pM > pK , however, the eigenvalues approach infinity as γ → 0 so that the local mode problem can disappear. In this case, the mass evaluation formula of Eq. (1b) replaced by∑∫e =1NeΩeγ ep dΩ − M 0 ≤ 0 , but this replacement is not desirable because it con not be used in staticMproblems. Although the condition that pK < pM resolves the local mode problem, it will make it difficult to obtain black and white images at the convergence. Therefore, an explicit condition to push intermediate density values towards either γ lower or γ upper such as Eq. (1c) is introduced. Instead of using the constraint of Eq. (1c), slightly different form from Eq. (1c) may be incorporated into the objective function as a penalty term. The penalization exponents pc and q in Eq. (1c) may be adjusted to improve solution convergence. In this work, q = 2 and pc = 4 were used for all numerical examples considered. 4.4. The mass matrix modeling for the element connectivity parameterization formulation The element connectivity parameterization (ECP) formulation was developed as an alternative formulation to the conventional element density method using the SIMP (Simple Isotropic Materials with Penalization) approach. In [1], the ECP method was proposed to resolve numerical difficulties resulting from the presence of low-density elements for the topology optimization of geometrical nonlinear structures. Figure 2 compares the modeling techniques of the standard density method and the ECP method. To define a topology in Figure 2(a), for instance, the SIMP method assigns the original material property in the region occupied by a structure and an artificially low material property in void regions (see Figure 2(b)). In ECP, the design domain is discretized by solid elements having the original material and the structural regions are connected by stiff (or virtually rigid) zero-length one-dimensional links and the void regions, by very week links (see Figure 2(c)).(a)(b)(c)Figure 2. The comparison of the modeling techniques. (a) A given structural layout, (b) the model by the standard element density method, (c) the model by the ECP method In [1], only static problem was considered by ECP. Therefore some additional work should be done to external ECP for dynamic problem. Let us first express the stiffness matrix of the zero-length one-dimensional link for two-dimensional plane problems:k link = l0 (γ e ) pK k link e nominalwhere(7)-3-k link nominal⎡ 1 0 −1 0 ⎤ ⎢ 0 1 0 −1⎥ ⎥ =⎢ ⎢ −1 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 0 −1 0 1 ⎦(8)In Eq. (7), l0 and k link are the upper bound of the link stiffness and the nominal stiffness matrix of the link. The stiffness matrix nominal link connects the degrees of freedom of node m and n in Figure 3. Note that node n and node m are connected to different plane ke elements. In Figure 3, the subscripts x and y denote the Cartesian coordinates and u and F, displacement and force. For dynamic analysis, a mass matrix should be considered. Here, a lumped mass matrix modeling technique is used so that the nodes connected by a link have inertia terms both in the x and y axes: see Figure 3. Conceptually, one can imagine that two lumped masses are attached at the end of an elastic link. In this case, one may define the mass matrix of the link m link as em link = e m0 (γ e ) pM m link , nominal 2m0 = ∑ ρ0Ve / NLe =1 NE(9)mlink nominal⎡1 ⎢0 =⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎣00 1 0 00 0 1 00⎤ 0⎥ ⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 1⎦(10)where m link is the nominal link mass matrix. The symbol NL denotes the number of links that share the same global node. The nominal role of the penalization exponent pM for ECP is the same as that for the standard density approach. Other than the mass modeling related issue, the same ECP formulation used in [1] is also used for dynamic problems.Figure 3. Link model for the dynamic analysis for the ECP formulation. The link connects nodes m and n having lumped masses. 5. Numerical examples 5.1. Maximization of the first eigenfrequency The maximization of the first eigenfrequency shown Figure 4(a) is a well-known test problem. The target mode shape of the nominal structure (having uniform density distribution) is shown in Figure 4(b).(a)(b)Figure 4. Topology optimization for the first eigenfrequency maximization. (a) Problem description ( Cv = 0.35 implies a 35% mass constraint ratio), (b) the target mode shape (the fundamental mode shape of the nominal structure in Figure 4(a)) The optimization histories by the standard density method and the ECP method with pK = 3 and pM = 1 (without the explicit image-4-constraint, Eq. (1c)) are shown in Figure 5(a) and Figure 5(b), respectively. The history by ECP with pK = 3 and pM = 4 is shown in Figure 5(c). When pK > pM , local modes appear in the region of low-density or weakly-connected regions. However, the penalization with pK = 3 and pM = 4 yielded local-mode free results not only at the final stage but also during optimization iterations. The successful result in Figure 5(c) also confirms the effectiveness using lumped masses.(a)(b)(c)Figure 5. The comparison of the optimization history for the maximization of the first eigenfrequency. (a) By the standard density method with pK = 3 and pM = 1 , (b) by the ECP method with pK = 3 and pM = 1 , (c) by the ECP method with pK = 3 andpM = 45.2. Combined optimization of compliance minimization under self-weight and the first eigenfrequency maximization Not presented in this paper, one can see that the compliance minimization problem under self-weight causes numerical difficulties similar to the artificial local mode in dynamic problems. In this example, the weighting factors ( w1 , w2 ) in Eq. (1a) are varied among ( w1 = 1, w2 = 0 ), ( w1 = 1, w2 = 1 ) and ( w1 = 0, w2 = 1 ) where the meaning of the weighting factors w1 , w2 may be clearly understood from Eq. (1a). The design problem considered is shown in Figure 6.Figure 6. Combined optimization of compliance minimization under self-weight and the first eigenfrequency maximization Figure 7 shows the optimized results for the problems defined in Figure 6. During the optimization iterations to obtain the results in Figure 7, no numerical instability was observed. For the results, the ECP method with pK = 3 and pM = 4 was used. If pK = 3 and pM = 1 were used, numerical instability would occur.-5-(a)(b)(c)Figure 7. Optimized results by the ECP method with pK = 3 and pM = 4 for the problem defined in Figure 6. (a) For compliance minimization under self-weight ( w1 = 1 , w2 = 0 ), (b) for the first eigenfrequency maximization ( w1 = 0 , w2 = 1 ), (c) for the combined optimization ( w1 = 1 , w2 = 1 )6. ConclusionsIn this work, the mass and stiffness penalization scheme that can be implemented for the element connectivity parameterization formulation was examined for artificial local-mode free topology optimization. For artificial local-mode free results, the mass matrix was penalized with a higher penalty exponent than the stiffness matrix. To obtain clear black and white images, an explicit constraint to suppress intermediate images was also introduced. For the dynamic implementation of the ECP method, a lumped mass modeling technique was developed where the element connecting zero-length links were assumed to have lumped end masses. Numerical examples verified the effectiveness of the developed method in suppressing artificial local-modes associated with void regions. Furthermore, the developed method was also effective for compliance minimization problems under self-weight.7. References1. Yoon G. H. and Kim Y. Y. Element connectivity parameterization for topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures. International Journal of Solid and Structures, 2005, 42(7): 1983-2009 2. Tcherniak D. Topology Optimization of Resonating Structures Using SIMP Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2002, 54: 1605-1622 3. Pedersen N. L. Maximization of Eigenvalues Using Topology Optimization. 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