复习题.doc 12.21
面对城市交通拥堵的难题,一方面,加大城市交通环境的硬件建设, 加强城市交通道路建设,建立立体大交通,加强道路的远期规划,加强停车场建设,改进管理手段,充分利用有限的道路资源;另一方面,提高广阔交通参加者的素养,制造良好的交通软环境。
满分52分)1.在电磁感应现象中,下列说法正确的是()A.感应电流的磁场总是跟原来的磁场方向相反B.闭合线框放在变化的磁场中一定能产生感应电流C.闭合线框放在匀强磁场中做切割磁感线运动,一定产生感应电流D.感应电流的磁场总是阻碍原磁通量的变化2. 一个矩形线圈匀速地从无磁场的空间先进入磁感应强度为B1的匀强磁场,然后再进入磁感应强度为B2的匀强磁场,最后进入没有磁场的右边空间,如图所示.若B1=2B2,方向均始终和线圈平面垂直,则在所示图中能定性表示线圈中感应电流i随时间t变化关系的是(电流以逆时针方向为正)()3.如图,在匀强磁场中水平放置一平行金属导轨(电阻不计),且与大螺线管M相接,磁场方向竖直向下,在M 螺线管内同轴放置一小螺线管N ,N 中通有正弦交流电t TI i m π2sin=,t=0时刻电流为零,则M 中的感应电流的大小与跨接放于平行导轨上的导体棒ab 的运动情况为( )A .4/T t =时刻M 中电流最大B .2/T t =时刻M 中电流最大C .导体棒ab 将在导轨上来回运动D .导体棒ab 将一直向右方(或左方)做直线运动 4.长方体金属块放在匀强磁场中,有电流通过金属块,如图所示.则下面说法中正确是( )A .金属块上、下表面电势相等B .金属块上表面电势高于下表面电势C .金属块上表面电势低于下表面电势D .无法比较上、下表面的电势高低5.如图所示为一理想变压器,S 为单刀双掷开关,P 是滑动变阻器的滑动触头,U 1为加在原线圈两端电压,I 1为原线圈中的电流,则:( )A . 保持U 1不变及P 的位置不变,S 由a 合到b 时,I 1将增大B . 保持U 1不变及P 的位置不变,S 由b 合到a 时,R 消耗的功率减小C . 保持U 1不变,S 合在a 处,当P 上滑时,I 1将增大D. 保持P 的位置不变,S 合在a 处,当U 1增大时,I 1将增大6.如图所示,有一矩形线圈,面积为S ,匝数为N ,整个线圈的电阻为r ,在磁感应强度为B 的磁场中,线OO /轴以角速度ω匀速转动,外电阻为R ,当线圈由图示位置转过900的过程中,下列说法中正确的是( )A . 磁通量的变化量为NBS =∆φB . 平均感应电动势为πωNBS E 2=C . 电阻R 所产生的焦耳热为RNBS 2)(2ωD .通过电阻R 的电量为rR NBSq +=7. 如图所示的光控电路用发光二极管LED 模仿路灯,R G 为光敏电阻.“”是具有特殊功能的非门,当加在它的输入端A 的电压逐渐上升到某个值时,输出端Y 会突然从高电平跳到低电平,而当输入端A 的电压下降到另一个值时,Y 会从低电平跳到高电平.在天暗时路灯(发光二极管)会点亮,下列说法中正确的是( )A .天暗时,Y 处于低电平B .天暗时,Y 处于高电平C .当R 1调大时,A 端的电压降低,灯(发光二极管)点亮D .当R 1调大时,A 端的电压降低,灯(发光二极管)熄灭 8.关于电子秤中应变式力传感器的说法 正确的是( ) A.应变片多用半导体材料制成.B.当应变片的表面拉伸时,其电阻变小;反之变大C.传感器输出的是应变片上的电压D.外力越大,输出的电压差值越小 9.惯性制导系统已广泛应用于导弹工程中,这个系统的重要元件是加速度计。
经济数学基础2012年12月期末考试复习资料(共四部分,77题)第一部分单项选择(1—5题)、填空(2—10题).(每小题3分,共52题考10题)第1、6小题试题知识点范围 第一编微分学第1章函数(重点考试类型四个,共9题)类型一:利用函数三要素判断两个函数相等函数的两要素:1、定义域:使函数(解析式)有意义的自变量x 的范围2、对应关系:)(x f y =1.下列各函数对中,(D )中的两个函数相等.A.x x g x x f ==)(,)()(2B. 1)(,11)(2+=--=x x g x x x f C.x x g x y ln 2)(,ln 2== D. 1)(,cos sin )(22=+=x g x x x f1解答:D. 1cos sin )(22=+=x x x f 三角恒等式所以选D 类型二:利用三种基本形式求函数的定义域及间断点的判定 三种基本形式(①)(1x f 0)(≠x f ②)(x f 0)(≥x f ③)(lnx f 0)( x f )2、函数xx y -++=41)2ln(的定义域是(A ) A.(-2,4) B.()()+∞⋃-,44,,2 C.)4,(-∞ D. ()+∞-,22解答. 根据定义域的基本类型:⎩⎨⎧>->+0402x x 42<->x x ∴ ∈x (-2,4)∴ 选A3.函数⎩⎨⎧<≤-<≤-+=20,105,2)(2x x x x x f 的定义域是[)2,5- 3.解答:2005<≤⋃<≤-x x ⇒ 25<≤-x 即 [)2,5- 4、函数233)(2+--=x x x x f 的间断点是2;1==x x 。
4解答:0232=+-x x ⇒ 0)2)(1(=--x x ⇒ 11=x 22=x ∴ 间断点是11=x 22=x 类型三:求函数值的两种方法1、已知)(x f 求[])(x f ϕ (代入法)5.设xx f 1)(=,则))((x f f =(C ) A. x 1 B. 21xC.xD. 2x5解答. ()()11)(=⇒=f x x f []()x xx f x f f ====11)(11)( ∴ 选C 6.生产某产品的成本函数为q q C 280)(+=,则当产量50=q 单位时,该产品的平均成本为 3.6 .6解答:qq C q C )()(=6.3505028050)50()50(=⨯+==C C2、已知[])(x f ϕ求)(x f (变量替换法) 7.若函数62)1(2+-=-x x x f ,则5)(2+=x x f7解答:令t x =-1 1+=t x ()56)1(2162)()1(222+=++-+=+-==-t t t x x t f x f ∴ 5)(2+=x x f 类型四:应用求)(x f -的值判断函数的奇偶性及奇偶函数的几何性质⎩⎨⎧-=-)()()(x f x f x f是奇函数对称坐标原点则轴是偶函数对称则)()(x f y x f8.下列函数中为偶函数的是(A ) A.x x y sin = B.x x y +=2 C.x x y --=22 D. x x y cos =8解答. 对答案A 判断x x x f y sin )(== ()()()sin =f )(sin )sin ()sin()()(x f x x x x x x x f ==-⋅-=--=- ∴ 选A9.设21010)(xx x f -+=,则函数的图形关于 y 轴对称。
A 要点B 规划C方案D 报告2、计划标题有省略式写法,下列不能省略的是()。
A 时限B 事由C 单位D 单位和事由3、计划按性质分包括()。
A 综合性计划B 生产计划C 军事计划D 单位计划4、计划要具体明确,并有()。
A 本体性B 理论性C 针对性5、督促检查工作的重要根据是()。
A 总结B 计划C 会议纪要6、以下不属于计划的是()。
A 方案B意见C 安排D 要点12、计划的种类有多种划分方法,按其内容划分有()。
A 按用处划分B 按性质划分C 按形式划分D 按时间划分14、按性质分计划有()。
A综合性计划B专题性计划C 工作计划D 生产计划15、按作用划分有()。
A 指令性计划B 指导性计划C 学习计划D 军事计划判断题:1、规划一般时间较长,范围较广,内容比较概括。
测小灯泡的电功率实验专题一、实验原理:_ __二、实验器材:电源、电压表、电流表、滑动变阻器、开关、小灯泡、灯座、导线若干。
四、实验步骤:(1)按电路图连接好电路; -------(2)闭合开关,调节滑动变阻器,使小灯泡两端的电压恰好等于小灯泡的额定电压。
观察小灯泡的亮度,并记录电流表和电压表的示数;(3)调节滑动变阻器,使小灯泡两端的电压约等于小灯泡额定电压的 1.2倍。
实验数据记录表序号电压/V电流/A电功率/W灯泡亮度变化1 2.50.25230.28320.22五、问题与讨论:1 •如果小灯泡上标有“2.5V ”字样,根据记录的数据计算出小灯泡的额定功率为______________2. 连接电路时,开关必须先(断开/闭合),滑动变阻器的滑片应置于端。
3. 某同学在连接电路时,将最后一根导线接好后,就看到灯泡发光,而且比正常发光要亮,同时电压表指针偏转角度较小。
则他在连接电路的过程中,不符合要求的是:①________________________________________ 。
5. 在测定标有“ 2.5V”字样的小灯泡功率的实验中:(1) 请你根据电路图将实物电路补充完整.⑵通过实验得到了三组 U 和I 的数据(如右表)。
当灯 泡两端电压为3.0V 时,电流表示数如上右图,请将读 数填入表格中。
(3) 小灯泡正常发光时的功率为W(4) 利用现有器材和电路图还能完成的实验有: 6.如图是伏安法测额定电压为的电阻值为 10 Q 左右。
----------------------------(1) 按要求连接好实物图。
C 6H 12O 6+6H 2
O 6CO 2
+12H 2O+能量
B .细胞器B 只含有蛋白质和脂质,说明其具有膜结构,肯定与分泌蛋白的加工和
C .细胞器C 中进行的生理过程产生水,产生的水中的氢来自于羧基和氨基
D .蓝藻细胞与此细胞共有的细胞器可能有A 和C
A .若甲中a 和b 分别代表酵母菌和蓝藻,d 可以代表原核生物
B. 乙图能体现酶(c)、蛋白质(a)和固醇类物质(b)的关系
C .丙图表示糖类(a)和糖原(b)的关系
D .丁图可体现出细胞(c)、核糖体(a)和线粒体(b)的关系
A .基因在染色体上呈线性排列,基因的前端有起始密码子,末端有终止密码子
B .基因能够通过复制实现遗传信息在亲代和子代之间的传递
C .性状受基因的控制,基因发生突变,该基因控制的性状也必定改变
D .通过控制酶的合成从而直接控制性状,是基因控制性状的途径之一
考试复习大纲第一章 事件及概率1、 掌握事件的关系运算:并,交,差,补;会事件的互译德摩根定律;B A AB B A BA +==+;2、 会古典概率的计算;.m)(nA A P =Ω=中所含样本点数中所含样本点数3、 加法公式,).()()()(AB B A B A P P P P -+=+减法公式)()()(AB P B P A B P -=-4、 全概率公式的计算),|()()(1ini iA B P A P B P ∑==5、 会判断事件的独立性若()()()P AB P A P B =,则称事件A 和B 独立第一章随机事件及概率1.对B A ,∀,有( )①若Φ≠AB ,则B A ,一定独立②若Φ≠AB ,则B A ,有可能独立③若Φ=AB ,则B A ,一定独立④若Φ=AB ,则B A ,一定不独立 2.若事件A ,B 之积为不可能事件,则A 和B 是( ) (A)相互独立 (B)互不相容 (C)对立事件 (D)相等 3.如果( )成立,则事件A 与B 互为对立事件(A) Φ=AB (B)Ω=⋃B A (C) Φ=AB 且Ω=⋃B A (D)A 与B 互不相容 4.设P(AB)=0,则( )成立。
(A)A 与B 互不相容 (B) A 与B 相互独立 (C) P(A)=0或P(B)=0 (D) P(A-B)= P(A) 5.设P(A)=a, P(B)=b, P(A ∪B)=c, 则 P(A-B)=( )。
(A)a-b (B)c-b (C)a(-b) (D)b-a6.已知P(A)=0.8, P(A-B)=0.5,且事件A 与B 相互独立,则P(B)=。
7.假设P(A)=0.4,P(A ∪B)=0.7,若A ,B 互不相容,则P(B)=;8.若A ,B 相互独立,则P(B)=。
9..设A B C 、、是样本空间Ω中的三个随机事件,试用C B A 、、的运算表达式表示下列随机事件. (1)与B 发生但C 不发生; (2)事件C B A 、、中至少有一个发生; (3)事件C B A 、、中至少有两个发生; (4)事件C B A 、、中恰好有两个发生; (5)事件C B A 、、中不多于一个事件发生.10.袋中有a 只白球,b 只黑球,从中任意取一球,不放回也不看,再取第二次,求第二次取到白球的概率。
长科2016—2017学年度第一学期《职业生涯规划》期末考试试题 A卷考试班级:一年级考试形式:(开卷班级:姓名:题号一二三四五六总分得分注意事项:本套试题共六道大题,满分120分,考试时间90分钟一、单项选择题(20×2′=40′)1、有些人喜欢设法使别人同意他们的观点,对别人的反应有较强的判断力,善于影响他们的态度、观点和判断。
这些人可能适合做的职业是( C )A、医生B、技工C、新闻评论员D、公安人员2、职业性格是指人们在长期特定的( A )中所形成的与职业相关系的比较稳定的心理特征。
A、职业活动 B、学习活动 C、体育活动 D、公益活动3、职业生涯是指一个人一生的( C )A、自学经历B、求学经历C、职业经历D、生活经历4、关于外职业生涯,下面表述哪项正确:( CA. 外职业生涯即职业生涯的外在表现B. 外职业生涯即职业生涯的外部行动C. 外职业生涯即从事职业时的工作单位、工作地点、工作内容、工作职务、工作环境、工资待遇等因素的组合及其变化过程D. 外职业生涯即职业生涯发展的外显层面5、职业兴趣是一个人探究某种职业或者从事某种职业活动所表现出来的( D ),它使个人对某种职业给予优先的注意,并且有向往的情感。
A、心理特征B、心理倾向C、心理现象D、特殊个性倾向6、下列反映职业兴趣一项的是( D )A、张勇经常练习写毛笔字B、李莉喜欢港台明星C、王刚沉迷于集邮D、赵亮业余时间当兼职记者,对新闻和记者的行动特别敏感7、中职生刘某经常摆弄一些机器模型,而且技术熟练,他多次参加航模、汽模比赛、都取得了很好的成绩。
他今后可能比较适合干的工作是( A )A、汽车驾驶员B、记者C、农业技术员D、演员8、国家对达到职业资格所规定的必备的学识、技术和能力的劳动者颁发的证明是( B )A、学历证书B、职业资格证书C、就业资格证书D、开业资格证书9、有位同学的父亲是器乐演奏家,母亲是一名歌唱家,他最可能感兴趣的是( C )A、书法B、体育C、音乐D、计算机10、顺利就业的必备条件是( D )A、良好的机遇B、良好的人际关系C、浓厚的个人兴趣D、扎实的专业知识和技能11、下列反映人的性格特征的词语是( B )A、喜欢B、沉着稳重C、思维D、学习12、眼手准确、迅速和协调地作出精确动作的运动反应能力是( A )职业需要具备的能力。
(1)已知p + q = 1(2)已知PQ =四分之一A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.E.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.2.如图,已知正方形 ABCD 面积, O 为 BC 上一点, P 为 AO 的中点, Q 为 DO 上一点,则能确定△ PQD面积。
(1) O 为 BC 的三等分点 (2) Q 为 DO 的三等分点。
(2) Q 为 DO 的三等分点A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.3.旅游是一种独特的文化体验。
为适应这一市场需求,机遇手机平台的多款智能导游 APP 被开发出来。
自由行游客虽避免了跟团游的集体束缚,但也放弃了人工导游的全程讲解,B.旅行中才会使用的智能导游 APP,如何保持用户粘性、未来又如何取得商业价值等都是待解问题。
C.好的人工导游可以根据游客需求进行不同类型的讲解,不仅关注景点,还可表达观点,个性化很强,这是智能导游 APP 难以企及的D.目前发展较好的只能坚持导游 APP 用户量在百万级左右,这与当前中国旅游人数总量相比还只是一个很小的比例,市场还没有培养出用户的普遍消费习惯E.国内景区配备的人工导游需要收费,大部分导游讲解的内容都是事先背好的标准化内容。
政府经济学2024年复习题及答案一、单项选择题1.以下属于市场无效的是(D 以上答案都正确)2.以下对政府的说法不正确的是(A 政府和国家是基本等同的两个概念)3.以下属于政府的职能的是(D 以上都正确)4、政府经济的依据是(B、社会公共权力)5,政府经济的目的是(A)A、满足社会公共须要6.以下对财政的经济稳定和发展职能理解不正确的有B增长和发展是相同的概念,可以混用7、购买性支出也称为(B) B.消耗性支出8、把财政支出分为经济建设费、社会文教费和国防费等, D.按费用类别来分类的。
9、财政支出的方向和政府活动的重心可以通过( A.财政支出分类)来探讨分析。
10、下列选项中不属于科学技术三项费用的是(C.更新改造费)11、二战后西方发达国家的财政支出大幅增长的主要A凯恩斯主义的国家干预论被推崇12、80年头以后西方发达国家财政支出增长减缓的重要缘由是(B)B.社会普遍认为财政支出增长过快是导致滞胀的重要缘由之一13、西方发达国家的财政支出的结构变更与罗斯托的经济增长理论相符合的,即在社会经济发展到肯定阶段后,财政支出的重点将转向(C)C.社会福利支出14、瓦格纳法则可以简要归纳为 (B)B.随着人均国民收入的提高,政府支出占GNP的比重将会提高15、行政管理支出不包括(D) D、企业的人力资源部门16、下列不属于国防的供应方式是:( A)A、政府生产、私人供应17、教化是一种:(B) B、准公共产品18、医疗卫生服务方面,政府对全体社会成员只能供应(C基本相同的公共医疗服务19、下列四项不属于基础设施生产的特点的是(D) D、风险低20、下列选项不属于政府参加基础设施投资的缘由的是(B) B、提高生产效率21、政府支农的重点在于(A) A、供应农业公共产品22、地区性中小型水利工程依据性质,属于(C)C、准公共产品23、改革之初,我国政府提高了农副产品价格,为了不降低人们的生活水平,对城镇居民赐予肯定的价格补贴,这种补贴属于(B) B、显性现金补贴24、我们平常所说的“三险一金”不包含(A) A、商业性补充养老保险25.政府从事财政收入活动的首要目的是(A) A.获得财政资金26.债务收入是国家以(C)方式从国内、国外取得的借款收入。
注册建筑师试复习题(含答案)一、单选题(共60题,每题1分,共60分)1.采购计划智能申报辅助工具主要应用于( )环节。
A、需求计划审核B、需求计划提报C、创建需求计划D、需求计划申请正确答案:B2.审查要点中,各单位申报物资须满足基建部( )标准的要求,常规参数物资必须符合基建部通用设计、通用设备的要求,并在预审报告中填写“输变电工程通用设计、通用设备审核情况说明”,不符合要求的特殊参数物资各项目单位需出具文件,并加盖基建部、物资部公章。
A、四通用B、四统一C、两通用D、两统一正确答案:B3.公司采购组织形式主要包括批次采购,协议库存采购和( )等。
A、批次外采购B、框架协议采购C、自行采购D、协议采购正确答案:B4.物资管理检查考核遵循“导向明确、注重实效、操作性强”的原则,采用( )的评价方式。
A、定额B、定性C、定量D、定性与定量相结合正确答案:D5.( )是全面应用公司物资统一分类与编码,按照物资小类编制采购规范,实现了与公司ERP物料主数据系统的全面对接。
A、统一分类编码B、统一型号种类C、统一技术参数D、统一技术规范正确答案:A6.协议库存各品类物资标包划分应综合考虑后期匹配需要,按( )分标。
A、物资品类B、物资金额C、物料描述D、技术规范ID正确答案:A7.计划批次智能推荐是如何计算申报日期的( )。
A、申报日期=交货日期-物资供应周期B、申报日期=项目完工日期-物资供应周期C、申报日期=物资供应周期-项目完工日期D、申报日期=物资供应周期-交货日期正确答案:A8.协议库存需求计划预测、框架协议需求计划预测由( )。
A、省公司直接组织实施B、总部直接组织实施C、总部授权省公司实施D、总部统一组织,省公司具体实施正确答案:D9.( )是现代智慧供应链建设评价管理归口部门。
A、国网互联网部B、国网科技部C、国网信息部D、国网物资部正确答案:D10.以下( )选项是一体化信息平台建设的设计理念。
以上哪项假如为真,最能支持上述论证?A. 大汶口文化有不断向南方迁移的传统B. 龙山文化刚迁来时,人口较多,但之后渐渐削减,在距今约4000年的时候消逝了C. 大汶口文化的族群以藻类和水生植物作为食物的主要来源D. 不同生存方式的族群对气候和环境都有相对稳定的需求行测题库:行测规律推断模拟题答案 1、【答案】乙说真话。
解析:题干中条件关系不确定的时候,就要优先用假设法,只有假设一个条件确定才好连续推导,那么假设甲正确,推出乙说谎,进一步知道丙说的是真话,那么在这个条件下,丙说的 "甲和乙都在说谎' 即为真,所以消失了冲突,说明之前的假设错误;正确的状况刚好相反,甲说假话,乙说真话,丙说假话。
A社会行为 B社会活动 C社会背景 D人群意见2、将笼统或宽泛的问题领域通过限定人群、区域、行为或活动变成特定问题研究,属于( D )A深化调查内容 B缩小调查范围 C细化调查内容 D课题明确化A概念抽象 B问题含糊 C问题带有倾向性 D问题与答案不协调4、您认为现行社会养老体制及改革路径合理吗?该问卷问题的错误是(A)A概念抽象 B问题含糊 C问题带有倾向性 D问题与答案不协调5、某项调查发出问卷200份,回收160份,其中空白问卷20份。
1. 数学a) 请计算下列算式的结果:(3 + 4) × 5 ÷ 2 = ?b) 请解方程:2x + 5 = 15c) 请计算下列等差数列的前n项和:1, 3, 5, 7, ...2. 物理a) 请解释牛顿第一定律是什么?b) 请解释什么是功率,如何计算功率?c) 请解释什么是电流,如何计算电流?3. 化学a) 请解释什么是化学反应?b) 请解释什么是酸碱中和反应?c) 请解释什么是氧化还原反应?4. 生物a) 请解释什么是生物多样性?b) 请解释什么是基因?c) 请解释什么是自然选择?5. 历史a) 请解释什么是文艺复兴?b) 请解释什么是工业革命?c) 请解释什么是冷战?6. 地理a) 请解释什么是地球的自转和公转?b) 请解释什么是地理环境对人类活动的影响?c) 请解释什么是自然灾害?7. 经济学a) 请解释什么是供给和需求?b) 请解释什么是通货膨胀?c) 请解释什么是国内生产总值(GDP)?以上是一些常见的综合基础知识复习题。
专题12.21 三角形全等几何模型-“手拉手”模型(专项练习)(巩固篇)
专题12.21 三角形全等几何模型-“手拉手”模型(专项练习)(巩固篇)一、单选题1.如图,在△OAB 和△OCD 中,OA =OB ,OC =OD ,OA >OC ,△AOB =△COD =40°,连接AC ,BD 交于点M ,连接OM ,下列结论:△△AOC △△BOD ;△AC =BD ;△△AMB =40°;△MO 平分△BMC .其中正确的个数为( )A .4B .3C .2D .12.如图,在ABC 中,AB AC =,点D 、F 是射线BC 上两点,且AD AF ⊥,若AE AD =,15BAD CAF ∠=∠=︒;则下列结论中正确的有( )△CE BF ⊥;△ABD ACE △≌△;△ABC ADCE S S =四边形△;△122BC EF AD CF -=- A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 3.如图,A ,B ,E 三点在同一直线上,ABC ,CDE △都是等边三角形,连接AD ,BE ,OC :下列结论中正确的是( )△△ACD △△BCE ;△△CPQ 是等边三角形;△OC 平分AOE ∠;△△BPO △△EDO .A .△△B .△△△C .△△△D .△△△△二、填空题 4.(1)如图(1),在四边形ABCD 中,AB AD =,180B D ︒∠+∠=,E ,F 分别是,BC CD 上的动点,且12EAF BAD ∠=∠,求证:EF BE DF =+. (2)如图(2),在(1)的条件下,当点E ,F 分别运动到,BC CD 的延长线上时,,,EF BE DF 之间的数量关系是______.5.如图,060DAB EAC ∠=∠=,AB AD =,AC AE =,BE 和CD 相交于O ,AB 和CD 相交于P ,则DOE ∠的度数是__°.6.如图,C 在线段AB 上,在AB 的同侧作等边三角形△ACM 和△BCN ,连接AN ,BM ,若△MBN =38°,则△ANB =_____.7.如图,正三角形ABC ∆和CDE ∆,A ,C ,E 在同一直线上,AD 与BE 交于点O ,AD与BC 交于点P ,BE 与CD 交于点Q ,连接PQ .△AD =BE ;△PQ △AE ;△AP =BQ ;△DE =DP ;△△AOB =60°.成立的结论有______________.并写出3对全等三角形___________________________.三、解答题8.探究等边三角形“手拉手”问题.(1)如图1,已如△ABC ,△ADE 均为等边三角形,点D 在线段BC 上,且不与点B 、点C 重合,连接CE ,试判断CE 与BA 的位置关系,并说明理由;(2)如图2,已知△ABC 、△ADE 均为等边三角形,连接CE 、BD ,若△DEC =60°,试说明点B ,点D ,点E 在同一直线上;(3)如图3,已知点E 在ABC 外,并且与点B 位于线段AC 的异侧,连接BE 、CE .若△BEC=60°,猜测线段BE 、AE 、CE 三者之间的数量关系,并说明理由.9.问题背景:我们学习等边三角形时得到直角三角形的一个性质:在直角三角形中,如果一个锐角等于30︒,那么它所对的直角边等于斜边的一半.即:如图(1),在Rt ABC 中,90ACB ︒∠=,30ABC ︒∠=,则12AC AB =.探究结论:小明同学对以上结论作了进一步研究.(1)如图(1),作AB 边上的中线CE ,得到结论:△ACE △为等边三角形;△BE 与CE 之间的数量关系为_________.(2)如图(2),CE 是ABC 的中线,点D 是边CB 上任意一点,连接AD ,作等边ADP △,且点P 在ACB ∠的内部,连接BP .试探究线段BP 与DP 之间的数量关系,写出你的猜想并加以证明.(3)当点D 为边CB 延长线上任意一点时,在(2)中条件的基础上,线段BP 与DP 之间存在怎样的数量关系?直接写出答案即可.10.如图所示,等腰直角三角形DAE 、CAB ,90DAE CAB ∠=∠=︒,DA EA =,CA BA =,DC 和EB 交于点F ,问线段DC 和EB 之间有什么关系,并证明.11.如图所示,ABC ∆中,1AB BC ==,90ABC ∠=︒,把一块含30角的直角三角板DEF 的直角顶点D 放在AC 的中点上(直角三角板的短直角边为DF ,长直角边为DE ),将三角板DEF 绕D 点按逆时针方向旋转.(1)在如图所见中,DE 交AB 于M ,DF 交BC 于N ,证明DM DN =;(2)继续旋转至如图所见,延长AB 交DE 于M ,延长BC 交DF 于N ,证明DM DN =.12.如图,已知ABC 是等边三角形,点D 在BC 边上,ADF 是以AD 为边的等边三角形,过点F 作BC 的平行线交线段AC 于点E ,连接BF ,求证:AFB ADC ≅13.如图所示,点A 是线段BC 上一点,ABD ∆和ACE ∆都是等边三角形.(1)连结BE ,CD ,求证:BE CD =;(2)如图所示,将ABD ∆绕点A 顺时针旋转得到AB D ''∆.△当旋转角为______度时,边AD '落在AE 上;△在△的条件下,延长DD '交CE 于点P ,连结BD ',CD '.当线段AB 、AC 满足什么数量关系时,BDD '∆与CPD '∆全等?并给予证明.14.已知:△ABC ,△BDE 为等边三角形,C 、B 、D 三点共线。
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Paris has a beautiful name, the City of 1 . Do you know 2 it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 3 .The streets are very 4 .When you5 in Paris, you must not turn6 your headlights (汽车前灯)even after dark. Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the7 reason(原因)for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art.8 scientists and artists have come to9 here. For this reason also, people 10 it the City of Lights.1. A. Flowers B. Cars C. Lights D. Rivers2. A. what B. how C. where D. when3. A. noon B. night C. day D. evening4. A. black B. dark C. noisy D. bright5. A. walk B. go C. drive D. live6. A. off B. down C. out D. on7. A. only B. other C. any D. another8. A. No B. Few C. Many D.A few9. A. study B. drive C. play D. have dinner10. A. make B. call C. build D. find2015年中考英语复习完形填空002Football is, I do think, the most favourite game in England: one has only to go to one of the important 1 to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there 2 for one side or the 3 .To a stranger(陌生人),one of the most surprising things about football in 4 is the great knowledge of the game which5 the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the6 in most of the important teams, he has7 of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he8 will win such a match, and his ideas about9 are usually as good as those of men three or four times his 10 .1. A. cities B. matches C. teams D. places2.A. waiting B. looking C. asking D. shouting3.A. other B. same C. team D. players4.A. China B. the USA C. England D. Canada5.A. all B. hardly C. only D. even6.A. players B. cities C. countries D. matches7.A. names B. pictures C. heard D. thought8.A. says B. asks C. decides D. hopes9.A. England B. players C. football D. men10.A. ideas B. age C. stories D. educationDo you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的) We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long 1 . This is very good, but it doesn’t 2 a lot, for an effective students must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your study.When you return 3 your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more 4 study better. Psychologists(心理学家) 5 that learning takes place in this way. Here take English learning 6 an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems 7 the same. So you will think you’re learning 8 and you may give up. This can last for days or every weeks, ye t you needn’t give up. At some point your language study will again take another big 9 . You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and10 . Don’t give up along the way. Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.1. A. days B. time C. hours D. weeks2. A. help B. give C .make D. take3. A. after B. for C. at D. to4. A. yet B. and C. D. but5. A. have found B. have taught C. told D. said6. A. with B. for C. as D. to7. A. to have B. to make C. to take D. to stay8. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything9. A. work B. jump C. walk D. result10. A. hard B. common C. interesting D. possibleFarley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was __1__ to learn more about wolves. Do wolves kill lots of caribou(北美驯鹿)? Do they kill people?They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns. Then they put him on a plane and took him to __2__. The plane put him down and went away. There were no houses or people in this place. But there were lots of animals and lots of wolves.People tell terrible stories about wolves. They say wolves like to kill and eat people. Farley remembered these stories, and he was __3__. He had his gun withhim__4_.Then one day, he saw a group of wolves. There was a mother wolf with four baby wolves. A father wolf and another young wolf lived with them.Farley watched these wolves every day. The mother was a very __5__ mother. She gave milk to her babies. She gave them lessons about life. They learned how to __6__ food. The father wolf got food for the mother. The young wolf __7__ the children. They were a nice, happy family—wolf family! Farley did not need his __8__ any more. In a short time, he got on well with the family. Farley watched them for five months. He learned that many stories about the wolves were __9__. Wolves do not eat people, and they do not eat many large animals. And he also learned bad things about men. It was men who killed many caribou and wolves.Later, Farley wrote a book about wolves. He wanted people to __10__ them and not to kill them.1. A. seen B. told C. heard D. found2. A. a small town B. a big city C. a far place D. a lonely village3. A. afraid B. happy C. angry D. tired4. A. at times B. all the time C. once a week D. every afternoon5. A. bad B. good C. hungry D. thirsty6. A. cook B. make C. get D. pick7. A. shouted at B. looked into C. laughed at D. played with8. A. food B. clothes C. gun D. plane9. A. not good B. not true C. not easy D. not clear10. A. grow B. have C. teach D. understand完形填空005Mr. Evans lives in a city. He was a math 1 three years ago. He taught well and his students 2 him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life. But an accident 3 everything.One spring he took his class to 4 a place of interest. The children saw a lot of 5 things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, their 6 hit by a truck because the young driver was drink. Five students 7 and more than half of the children were badly __8 in the accident. He didn’t know how it had happened and was __9 it and after he came out of hospital, he left the school and became a __10 . He tried his best to stop the drivers breaking the traffic rules. He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So they are afraid of him.One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was 11 . He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a __12_ rushing towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man __13 a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it. “ 14 your licence to me, madam,” said Mr. Evans.The girl passed her bag on to him and said, “Please look for it in it 15 . I can’t see anything without glasses.”1. A. worker B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer2. A. liked B. wished C. helped D. answered3. A. beat B. won C. lost D. changed4. A. build B. break C. visit D. find5. A. pleasure B. dangerous C .safe D. interesting6. A. bus B. train C. car D. ship7. A. left B. lived C. died D. fell8. A. hot B. hurt C. touched D. stopped9. A. sad about B. afraid of C .worried about D .pleased with10. A. soldier B. policeman C. bookseller D. cleaner11. A. in the horne B. at home C .on duty D. in the office12. A .runner B. policeman C. player D. car13. A. riding B. selling C. buying D. making14. A. Throw B. Show C. Lend D. Write15. A. you B. I C . yourself D. myself完形填空006“Where is the university(大学)?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a __1__ answer, for there is no wall to be found __2__ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, __3__, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of __4__ members are the students and __5__ of the thirty-one colleges(学院).Cambridge was already a __6__ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years __7__. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once__8__the Cam. A __9__ was built over the river as early as 875. __10__ the town got its name "Cambridge".In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and __11__ land was used for college buildings. The town grew much __12__ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a __13__ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000. Many young students in __14__ countries __15__ to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.1. A. clean B. clear C. right D. real2. A. around B. in C. near D. by3. A. cinemas B. parks C. zoos D. libraries4. A. their B. his C. its D. my5. A. parents B. farmers C. workers D. teachers6. A. interesting B. usual C. developing D. common7. A. before B. ago C. later D. after8. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked9. A. bridge B. building C. station D. house10. A. Because B. But C. And D. So11. A. less B. fewer C. more D. bigger12. A. smaller B. slower C. faster D. cleaner13. A. city B. college C. university D. country14. A. another B. other C. the other D. others15. A. stop B. hate C. hope D. need完形填空007It was about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to __1_ up my wife by 2 the doorbell, but she was fast 3 , so I got a ladder and put it 4 the wall and began 5 towards the bedroom window,. I was almost there when a man’s 6 below said, “I don’t think the windows need cleaning at this 7 of the night.” I looked down and 8 fell o ff the ladder when I saw a policeman. I at once 9 answering in the way I 10 , but is said. “I enjoy 11__ windows at night.” “ 12 do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you, but would you mind 13 with me t o the station?” “Sorry,” I said. “You see, I’ve 14 my key.” “Your __15 ?” called. “My key!” I shouted. Luckily my wife got up and opened the window just as the policeman startedto climb towards me.1.A. wake B. get C. ask D. hitting2. A. knocking B. pushing C. ringing D. hitting3. A. out B. asleep C. answering D. away4. A. to B. in C. by D. against5. A. jumping B. climbing C. walking D. running6. A. voice B. speech C. sound D. noise7. A. day B. o’clock C. time D. place8. A. already B. just C. quickly D. nearly9. A. regretted B. couldn’t helpC. finishedD. gave up10. A. climbed B. did C. went D. returned11. A. sweeping B. cleaning C. breaking D. looking up12. A. Like B. As C. Too D. So13. A. coming B. come C. to come D. came14. A. missed B. brought C. forgotten D. found完形填空008Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系)red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of __5__. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in __6__. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people __7__ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and __8__. Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be __9__. Those who like to be with __10 _ like red. The cool colors are __11_ and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to __12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good __13_ for a living room or a __14_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. __15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1. A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places3. A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars6. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D.tell8. A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others11. A. black B. green C. golden D. yellow12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All完形填空009Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had __1__ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy __2__ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and __3__ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man __4__ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked__5__ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to __6__ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her __7__ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid __8__ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and __9__. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy __10__ there. As soon as hesaw her, he said happily, “I’ve bought all the food you like, dear!”1. A. no B. some C. much D. enough2. A. lazy B. clever C. carefulD. hard3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was working D. was good for4. A. was angry B. thought hard C. agreed D. said “No.”5. A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot6. A. rest B. sleep C. hospital D. work7. A. should B. would C. to D. not to8. A. to remember B. to forget C. to catch D. to teach9. A. slept B. went out C. cooked D. ate10. A. reading B. seeing C. cooking D. writing英语复习完形填空010Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me __1 _ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have __2__ a whole variety of reasons. __3__ important reason is that I want to be a better man.Many things make human beings different __4__ or better than or even superior to animals.One of the most important things is __5__ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education __6__. As I want to be a fully __7__ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to __8__. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are __9__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and __10__ fit into society.1. A. quite B. so C. such D. another2. A. come up with B. agreed with C. been fed up with D. got on well with3. A. Most B. The most C. More D. Much4. A. to B. around C. between D. from5. A. education B. weather C. temperature D. science6. A. finished B. don’t finish C. will not finish D. has finished7. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. experience8. A. improve B. graduate C. hear D. provide9. A. between B. among C. inside D. outside10. A. can good B. may better C. be able to better D. be able to best阅读理解(53)In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.1.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.A.Many football fansB.a very good teamC.many football playerD.a big playground2.The next World Cup will be held in_______.A.2006B.2007C.2005D.20043.From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.A. people playing footballB. pictures of some football starsC. a sunny skyD. flowers4.In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______.A. to show their love for their owe countryB. to tell the people their storiesC. to show their good wishes for the football teamsD. to show their new ideas about football5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.A. they are interested in footballB. they are football fansC. they think their favourite players are greatD. all of A,B and C阅读理解(54)In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artis .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden .That was the first photo.The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837.That yeat ,Daguere,another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a differentway.In his picture you couild see exerything veryclearly ,even the smallest thing.This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way .Travellers brought back wondeful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings,cities and mountains.In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines.But this did not stop them ,for example,some in the United Ststes worked so hard.Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers.He took many picture of gread people .The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的) Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photod were nor just cooies of the real world .They showed and feelings,like other kinds of art.6.The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of ____________A.his businessB. his houseC. his gardenD. his window7.The Daguerrotype was____________.A. a FrenchmanB. a kind of pictureC. a kind of cameraD. a photographer8.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to__________.A. watch lots of filmsB. buy an expensive cameraC. stop in most citiesD. take many films and something else with him.9. Mathew Brady______________.A.was very lifelikeB. was famous for his unusual picturesC. was quite strongD. took many pictures of moving people10.This passage tells us_____________.A. how photography was developedB. how to show your ideas and feelings in picturesC. how to take pictures in the worldD. how to use different cameras阅读理解(55)Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together.Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suit cases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in theirmotor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.11. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.A. a motor carB. a motor homeC. a motorbikeD. a big truck12. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.A. sold their old houseB. mo ved to their grandparents’ houseC.built a new place for a vanD. sold their second car13. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.A. a babyB. much moneyC. more than two childrenD. interest in vans14. Americans usually use motor homer____________.A. to travel with all the family members of holidayB. to do some shopping with all the family membersC. to visit their grandparents at weekendsD. to drive their children to school every day15. Motor homes have become popular because___________.A. they can take people to another city when people are freeB. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidaysC. some people think motor homes are cheapD. big families can put more things in motor homes阅读理解(57)The Speed of LightLight travels at a speed which is about a million times faster than the speed of sound. In one second, light travels about 300,000 kilometres.But sound travels only 0.344 kilometres .You can get some idea of thisdifference by watching the start of a race. If youStand some distance(距离) away from the starter, you can see smoke comefrom his gun(枪) before the sound reaches your ears.This great speed of light produces some strange facts. Sunlight takesabout 8 minutes toreach us. If you look at the light of the moon tonight, remember that the lightleft the moon 1.3 second before they reached you. The nearest star is faraway from the earth. The light which you can see from it tonight started totravel towards you four years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million kilometersone minute. In some cases(情况) the light from one of tonight’s starts startedon its journey to you before you were born.If we want to be honest(诚实), we can not say “The stars are shiningtonight.” We have to say, “The stars look pretty(漂亮). They were shiningfour years ago. But their light has only just reached the earth.. ”判断正误:()1.Light speed is about a million times faster than sound speed.()2.If you stand 100 metres away from a starter, you can hear the gun before you see the smoke.( )3. The moon must be about two million kilometers away from theearth.( )4. The sun must be about 480 times300,000 kilometres away from the earth..( )5. The moonlight we see tonight started to travel towards us fouryears ago.阅读理解(58)美国的邮政Perhaps every town in the United States ha a post office. Some are very small, and you may also find them in the corner of a shop. Others are large buildings. They are open five days a week and on Saturday mornings. From Monday through Friday they areusually open from 8:30 a.m. to4:30 p.m..If you know how much the postage(邮资) is for your letter, you can buy stamps at any windows. In some post offices you can buy tamps from machines. Stamps are sold at many different prices(价格), from one cent to many dollars. If you are not sure how much postage is for your letter, you can ask the clerk(职员) . He or she will give you the stamps you need. If you are sending your letters far away, write on the envelope(信封) that you want them to go by air or use an airmail envelope. Remember that postage will be more expensive for a letter that you want to send to foreign countries.At a post office you can also buy postcards. A postcard is cheaper than a letter. Usually the price of postage for a postcard is about half that of a letter. The postcards that you buy at a post office do not have pictures. However, they are also not to be sent outside the countries.Letters are an easy and cheap way to keep in touch with(与…保持联系) people in many different countries.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案:( )1.In the United States, every post office, large or small, is open____.A.every day except SundayB.from Monday to FridayC.from8:30 to 4:30 every dayD.five and a half days a week( )2.If you don’t know how much the postage is, you can____.A.buy different stamps of different prices.B.Put more stamps on the envelopeC.Get some help from the clerkD.Buy stamps from machines( )3.In a post office in the USA, people can buy all the following except____.A. lettersB. stampsC. envelopesD. postcards ( )4.If someone wants to send a letter on Saturday afternoon, he or she____.A.can buy stamps at any shopsB.can use an airmail envelopeC.must go to large post buildingsD.must wait till next Monday( )5.People sometimes prefer postcards to letters because postcards____.A.needn’t be sent by airB.cost people less moneyC.don’t have any picturesD.can be bought in post offices阅读理解(59)The Day, the night and the StarsHave you ever seen the day begin? The dark sky starts to look brighter. Then suddenly the sky is all pink(淡红色的) and red and gold(金色的) even alittle green.The earth has turned until the sun is shining on the place where you are. This is what makes it day.The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at a time. It can’t light the side that is turned away from it. When the sun is shining on the other side of the world, it is night where you are. At night, you can see the stars.All day the stars are in the sky, but the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them. When the sun is gone, the stars are bright enough to see. Stars look as tiny(微小的) as pinheads(针头),but some are even bigger than the sun. Big things look little when they are far away. In the sky, planes look like toys(玩具), but on the ground you can see that they are big. Stars are millions of times bigger than planes. They look very small because they are so far away. The sun is closer than the other stars. So it looks bigger.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。