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Translate the following sentences(选择词义): 1. Though usually of a round shape, the nucleus may sometimes be elongated and rod-shaped. 2. Red rash developed round the neck in the wake of two days’ fever. 3. This article reports 8 cases of viral hepatitis. 4. Ulceration in such a carcinoma may respond to some therapeutic regimen. 5. If the resistance of the body is high, the imprisoned organisms may eventually die. 6. Of the 12 patients in the high-risk group, all had a heart attack in the hospital. Hepa-: heparin, hepatic fibrosis, hepatic duct, hepatic portal vein, hepatorenal recess
皮肤接触冷空气能增高代谢率并教育身体能迅速对外界温度的变 化作出反应。
Some organisms are inoculated through the skin by biting insects. 有些病原菌通过昆虫叮咬接种入皮肤。 Cancer is the second greatest killer in the US.
Integrity, synthetic & individuality, analytic Eg. 万物一体;TCM, western medicine; Beijing opera; traditional Chinese painting; 词义:笼统而模糊;具体性 句法: parataxis 意合性; hypotaxis形合性 语法:covertness 隐含性;overtness 外显性
词义引申 Abstracting expound e.g. He is only 19 and the baby in the ward. 他只有19岁,是病房里的儿童。 Application of laser in medicine is still in its infancy. 激光在医学领域的应用仍处于婴儿期。
人----思维的主体,其思维方式的形式是受到社会发展 的影响和制约的。 人----思维的个体,职业,性别,教育程度,知识结构, 个人素质的差异,导致思维方式的不同。同一民族的人, 由于生活在同一社会/文化氛围,思维方式有共性。 对比研究不同民族思维方式的异同,特别是了解不同民 族思维方式的差异,是减少和消除跨文化交际障碍的重 要手段。 ethics & cognition ---词汇:顺其自然,听天由命; ---宗族:family relations: aunt, uncle; ---顺序:address;
Concretizing expound e.g. the book is perhaps too high-powered for nurses in general.
The contact of cool air on the skin increases the metabolic rate and educate the body to respond rapidly to changes of external temperature.
意合parataxis与形合hypotaxis ---汉语以意统行parataxis:强调逻辑关联与意义关联而不在意词 语、句际之间的形式衔接 ---英语强调形式和功能hypotaxis:句子间的关系要求用形式标记 表明 ①我常见许多年青的朋友,②聪明用功,③成绩优异,④而语文程 度不足以达意,⑤甚至写一封信亦难的通顺,⑥问其故则曰其兴 趣不在语文方面。(梁实秋《学问与兴趣》) I have come across a great many young friends, bright and diligent, do exceedingly well in studies, but they are rather weak in Chinese, even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese. I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They can’t even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in Chinese. (by Zhang Peiji)
词义转换 e.g. The blood concentration of urea and other nitrogenous compound steadily rises. He will perform an operation on her for a diseased lung. In the majority of cases, surgical intervention is necessary to remove the obstructing agent. We have already learnt special surgery.
Translate the following sentences(词义引申): 1. What kind of person can be candidate for surgery? 2. Influenza is an acute self-limited infection and is characterized by constitutional symptoms. 3. The clinical behavior of these two diseases varies . 4. The drama of the emergency room contrasts with calm of the out-patient client. 5. The type of specimen to be examined is determined by the presenting clinical picture. 6. The surgical mortality is in the neighborhood of 3% even in the best hands.
Word collocation e.g. This medicine is used to move bowels. The patient has loose bowels as often as every 30 minutes. Heavy smoking greatly increases the probability of getting lung cancer. Avoidance of heavy food is very important for the patients with peptic ulcer.
intuition & evidence Eg. Practice,experience,突出“意”,杂感, 随笔;理性知识,分析和实证;语言:对句子 的语法关系的分析;
Figurative thinking & logical thinking FT: 对记忆表象(presentation)进行分析综合, 加工改造,形成新的表象; LT:用概念判断、推理的思维活动; 汉字:象形字;具体形象比喻抽象事物
Exercise Translate the following sentences: 7. Primary carcinomas of the liver fall into two types. 8. Failure of the temperature to fall after full appearance of the rash should lead to a careful examination of the lungs. 9. In the US, it is usual to observe three waves of common colds per year. 10. Several factors may then operate to prevent excessive redistribution of blood into the lungs.
词义选择 Context,part of speech e.g. The child fell ill this morning. Some patients respond with a fall in blood pressure. His leg was fractured after a bad fall. Likeห้องสมุดไป่ตู้charge repel, while unlike charges attract. Some other substances, like sugar, contain hydrogen. They will never do the like again.
Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases: General anesthesia; general check-up; general hospital; general practitioner; general peritonitis; heavy gai; heavy smoker; heavy eater; heavy food; heavy hurt; to have loose bowels; to bind the bowels; to loosen the bowels; to have bowel movement; to keep bowels open; Peritoneal: cavity, abscess, adhesion, dialysis
e.g. 它收敛了它的花纹、图案,隐藏了它的粉墨、彩色, 逸出了繁华的花丛、停止了它翱翔的姿态,变成了 一张憔悴的,干枯了的,甚至不是枯黄的,而是枯 槁的,如同死灰颜色的枯叶。 When it gathers its wings full of exquisite patterns, it conceals its beautiful colors. When it flutters out from a cluster of blooming flowers and alights somewhere in the middle of its graceful flight, it turns into a dried leaf, not even of a withering yellow, but of a deathly grey.