基于深度强化学习的flappy bird




FLAPPY BIRD源程序设计FLAPPY BIRD源程序设计简介Flappy Bird是一款非常经典的小鸟游戏,最初由越南游戏开发者Dong Nguyen于2013年开发。


本文档将介绍Flappy Bird的源程序设计,包括游戏的基本逻辑、图形界面设计、碰撞检测等关键要素。

游戏逻辑Flappy Bird的游戏逻辑非常简单。




游戏的逻辑主要包括以下几个方面:- 初始化游戏:- 设定游戏界面大小;- 设定小鸟初始位置;- 设定管道的初始位置和间隔。

- 游戏主循环:- 小鸟跳跃:根据玩家屏幕的频率和时间,控制小鸟的飞行高度;- 管道移动:使管道向左移动,检测小鸟是否通过了管道;- 碰撞检测:- 小鸟与管道的碰撞:如果小鸟与管道碰撞,则游戏结束;- 小鸟与地面的碰撞:如果小鸟与地面碰撞,则游戏结束。

- 结束游戏:- 显示游戏结束画面;- 展示玩家的得分。

图形界面设计Flappy Bird的图形界面设计简洁而富有乐趣。

主要包括以下几个元素:- 背景:游戏背景为蓝天和云朵,通过循环平移的方式实现移动效果。

- 小鸟:小鸟以简单的2D图形表示,通过一系列不同状态的图像实现飞行效果。

- 管道:管道由上下两个部分组成,通过循环平移的方式实现移动效果。

- 地面:地面是一个平台,小鸟会在碰撞到地面时游戏结束。

- 分数:游戏窗口中央或上方显示玩家得到的分数。

碰撞检测在Flappy Bird中,碰撞检测是非常重要的一部分。

主要有以下两种检测方式:- 小鸟与管道的碰撞检测:检测小鸟的位置是否与管道发生了重叠,包括上下两个管道。


- 小鸟与地面的碰撞检测:检测小鸟的底部是否与地面发生了碰撞,如果发生碰撞,则判定为碰撞。












基于深度学习的物体检测算法首先使用selective search算法生成一些候选区域,然后将这些局部区域作为卷积网络的输入学习方框中包含物体的类别,并且使用边框回归算法进行位置的细化。







小学六年级课后服务:scratch少儿编程 四阶第7课:Flappy Bird

小学六年级课后服务:scratch少儿编程 四阶第7课:Flappy Bird
Flappy Bird
课程内容 模拟流程一步一步完成一个完整的像素鸟飞行游戏。
课程时间 教学目标 教学难点
1、像素鸟的飞行运动。 2、管道与地面的克隆运行。 3、场景的互动。
设备要求 音响、A4纸、笔
• 课程导入 • 程序解析 • 课堂任务 • 升级任务 • 知识拓展 • 创意练习
06 创意练习
06 创意练习
• 创意练习 练习:1、那发挥自由的想象力, 能不能添加关卡功能。
04 升级任务
04 升级任务
• 动手练习
练习:1.尝试能不能画出三角形,四边形或者多边形的物体来 !
05 知识拓展
05 像素的秘密
像素的秘密: 今天我们一起制作了像素鸟飞行程序,一起学习像素鸟飞行程序的
知识。就让我们一起来了解一下像素是什么吧! 像素是指由图像的小方格组成的, 这些小方块都有一个明确的位置和被分配的色彩 数值, 小方格颜色和位置就决定该图像所呈现出来的样子。可以将像素视为整个图 像中不可分割的单位或者是元素。不可分割的意思是它不能够再切割成更小单位抑 或是元素,它是以一个单一颜色的小格存在 。每一个点阵图像包含了一定量的像素, 这些像素决定图像在屏幕上所呈现的大小。相机所说的像素, 其实是最大像素的意 思, 像素是分辨率的单位, 这个像素值仅仅是相机所支持的有效最大分辨率。
01 课程导入
01 课程导入
• 课程导入
今天将完成像素鸟飞行 的小程序, 通过点击鼠标, 控制小鸟的上下飞行, 躲避 管道, 现在就来跟着老师来 一起完成一析
1. 管道移动的效果; 2. 碰到障碍物的效果; 3. 分数榜的制作。
02 程序解析



















人工智能与信息社会 网课答案

人工智能与信息社会 网课答案

如果没找到答案,请关注公众号:搜搜题免费搜题!!!1. 单选题电影()中,机器人最终脱离了人类社会,上演了“出埃及记”一幕。

(分)我,机器人2. 单选题 1977年在斯坦福大学研发的专家系统()是用于地质领域探测矿藏的一个专家系统。

(分)没搜到哦~3. 单选题能够提取出图片边缘特征的网络是()。

(分)卷积层4. 单选题在ε-greedy策略当中,ε的值越大,表示采用随机的一个动作的概率越(),采用当前Q函数值最大的动作的概率越()。

(分)大;小5. 单选题考虑到对称性,井字棋最终局面有()种不相同的可能。

(分)没搜到哦~6. 单选题在语音识别中,按照从微观到宏观的顺序排列正确的是()。

(分)帧-状态-音素-单词7. 单选题~没搜到哦.8. 单选题在强化学习过程中,()表示随机地采取某个动作,以便于尝试各种结果;()表示采取当前认为最优的动作,以便于进一步优化评估当前认为最优的动作的值。

(分)探索;开发9. 单选题一个运用二分查找算法的程序的时间复杂度是()。

(分)没搜到哦~10. 单选题典型的“鸡尾酒会”问题中,提取出不同人说话的声音是属于()。

(分)非监督学习11. 单选题 2016年3月,人工智能程序()在韩国首尔以4:1的比分战胜的人类围棋冠军李世石。

(分)AlphaGo12. 单选题首个在新闻报道的翻译质量和准确率上可以比肩人工翻译的翻译系统是()。

(分)微软13. 单选题被誉为计算机科学与人工智能之父的是()。

(分)图灵14. 单选题没搜到哦~15. 单选题科大讯飞目前的主要业务领域是()。

(分)语音识别16. 单选题如果某个隐藏层中存在以下四层,那么其中最接近输出层的是()。

(分)归一化指数层17. 单选题每一次比较都使搜索范围减少一半的方法是()。

(分)没搜到哦~18. 单选题人类对于知识的归纳总是通过()来进行的。

(分)没搜到哦~19. 单选题语音识别技术的英文缩写为()。

(分)ASR20. 单选题关于MNIST,下列说法错误的是()。





AA、AlphaGoB、DeepMindC、DeepblueD、AlphaGo Zero3.Cortana是()推出的个人语音助手。


CA、苹果、苹果B、谷歌、谷歌C、微软、微软D、科大讯飞、科大讯飞5.相较于其他早期的面部解锁,iPhone X的原深感摄像头能够有效解决的问题是()。



ABEA、根据照片内容自动添加标记、根据照片内容自动添加标记B 、根据不同标记进行归类和搜索、根据不同标记进行归类和搜索C 、自动对照片进行美颜、自动对照片进行美颜D 、定时备份照片、定时备份照片E 、人脸识别和搜索、人脸识别和搜索8.目前外科手术领域的医用机器人的优点有()。

ABA 、定位误差小、定位误差小B 、手术创口小、手术创口小C 、不需要人类医生进行操作、不需要人类医生进行操作D 、能够实时监控患者的情况、能够实时监控患者的情况E 、可以帮助医生诊断病情、可以帮助医生诊断病情9.智能推荐系统的特点包括()。

ABCDA 、根据用户的购买记录记忆用户的偏好、根据用户的购买记录记忆用户的偏好B 、根据浏览时间判断商品对用户的吸引力、根据浏览时间判断商品对用户的吸引力C 、推荐用户消费过的相关产品、推荐用户消费过的相关产品D 、根据用户的喜好进行相关推荐、根据用户的喜好进行相关推荐10.一般来说,扫地机器人必需的传感器有()。

小学六年级课后服务:scratch少儿编程 四阶第7课:Flappy Bird

小学六年级课后服务:scratch少儿编程 四阶第7课:Flappy Bird
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SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYProject Title: Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with DeepReinforcement LearningGroup Number: G-07Group Members: Wang Wenqing 116032910080Gao Xiaoning 116032910032Qian Chen 11603Contents1Introduction (1)2Deep Q-learning Network (2)2.1Q-learning (2)2.1.1Reinforcement Learning Problem (2)2.1.2Q-learning Formulation [6] (3)2.2Deep Q-learning Network (4)2.3Input Pre-processing (5)2.4Experience Replay and Stability (5)2.5DQN Architecture and Algorithm (6)3Experiments (7)3.1Parameters Settings (7)3.2Results Analysis (9)4Conclusion (11)5References (12)Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with Deep Reinforcement LearningAbstractLetting machine play games has been one of the popular topics in AI today. Using game theory and search algorithms to play games requires specific domain knowledge, lacking scalability. In this project, we utilize a convolutional neural network to represent the environment of games, updating its parameters with Q-learning, a reinforcement learning algorithm. We call this overall algorithm as deep reinforcement learning or Deep Q-learning Network(DQN). Moreover, we only use the raw images of the game of flappy bird as the input of DQN, which guarantees the scalability for other games. After training with some tricks, DQN can greatly outperform human beings.1IntroductionFlappy bird is a popular game in the world recent years. The goal of players is guiding the bird on screen to pass the gap constructed by two pipes by tapping screen. If the player tap the screen, the bird will jump up, and if the player do nothing, the bird will fall down at a constant rate. The game will be over when the bird crash on pipes or ground, while the scores will be added one when the bird pass through the gap. In Figure1, there are three different state of bird. Figure 1 (a) represents the normal flight state, (b) represents the crash state, (c) represents the passing state.(a) (b) (c)Figure 1: (a) normal flight state (b) crash state (c) passing stateOur goal in this paper is to design an agent to play Flappy bird automatically with the same input comparing to human player, which means that we use raw images and rewards to teach our agent to learn how to play this game. Inspired by [1], we propose a deep reinforcement learning architecture to learn and play this game.Recent years, a huge amount of work has been done on deep learning in computer vision [6]. Deep learning extracts high dimension features from raw images. Therefore, it is nature to ask whether the deep learning can be used in reinforcement learning. However, there are four challenges in using deep learning. Firstly, most successful deep learning applications to date have required large amounts of hand-labelled training data. RL algorithms, on the other hand, must be able to learn from a scalar reward signal that is frequently sparse, noisy and delayed. Secondly, the delay between actions and resulting rewards, which can be thousands of time steps long, seems particularly daunting whencompared to the direct association between inputs and targets found in supervised learning. The third issue is that most deep learning algorithms assume the data samples to be independent, while in reinforcement learning one typically encounters sequences of highly correlated states. Furthermore, in RL the data distribution changes as the algorithm learns new behaviors, which can be problematic for deep learning methods that assume a fixed underlying distribution.This paper will demonstrate that using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can overcome those challenge mentioned above and learn successful control polices from raw images data in the game Flappy bird. This network is trained with a variant of the Q-learning algorithm [6]. By using Deep Q-learning Network (DQN), we construct the agent to make right decisions on the game flappy bird barely according to consequent raw images.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkRecent breakthroughs in computer vision have relied on efficiently training deep neural networks on very large training sets. By feeding sufficient data into deep neural networks, it is often possible to learn better representations than handcrafted features[2][3]. These successes motivate us to connect a reinforcement learning algorithm to a deep neural network, which operates directly on raw images and efficiently update parameters by using stochastic gradient descent.In the following section, we describe the Deep Q-learning Network algorithm (DQN) and how its model is parameterized.2.1 Q-learning2.1.1 Reinforcement Learning ProblemQ-learning is a specific algorithm of reinforcement learning (RL). As Figure 2 show, an agent interacts with its environment in discrete time steps. At each time t, the agent receives an state t s and a reward t r . It then chooses an action t a from the set of actions available, which is subsequently sent to the environment. The environment moves to a new state 1t s + and the reward 1t r + associated with the transition1(,,)t t t s a s +is determined [4].Figure 2: Traditional Reinforcement Learning scenarioThe goal of an agent is to collect as much reward as possible. The agent can choose any action as a function of the history and it can even randomize its action selection. Note that in order to act near optimally, the agent must reason about the long term consequences of its actions (i.e., maximize the future income), although the immediate reward associated with this might be negative [5].2.1.2 Q-learning Formulation [6]In Q-learning problem, the set of states and actions, together with rules for transitioning from one state to another, make up a Markov decision process. One episode of this process (e.g. one game) forms a finite sequence of states, actions and rewards:00111211s ,,,s ,,,...,s ,,,n n n n a r a r a r s --Here s i represents the state, i a is the action and 1i r +is the reward after performing theaction i a . The episode ends with terminal state n s . To perform well in the long-term, we need to take into account not only the immediate rewards, but also the future rewards we are going to get. Define the total future reward from time point t onward as:11...t t t n n R r r r r +-=++++ (1)In order to ensure the divergence and balance the immediate reward and future reward, total reward must use discounted future reward:111...n n t n t i t t t t n n i i t R r r r r r γγγγ----+-==++++=∑(2)Here γis the discount factor between 0 and 1, the more into the future the reward is, the less we take it into consideration. Transforming equation (2) can get:1t t t R r R γ+=+ (3)In Q-learning, define a function (, )t t Q s a representing the maximum discounted future reward when we perform action t a in state:1(,)max t t t Q s a R += (4)It is called Q-function, because it represents the “quality” of a certain action in a given state. A good strategy for an agent would be to always choose an action that maximizes the discounted future reward:()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π= (5)Here π represents the policy, the rule how we choose an action in each state. Given a transition 1(,,)t t t s a s +, equation (3)(4) can get following bellman equation - maximumfuture reward for this state and action is the immediate reward plus maximum future reward for the next state:''1(,)max (,)t t t t a Q s a r Q s a γ+=+(6) The only way to collect information about the environment is by interacting with it. Q-learning is the process of learning the optimal function (,)t t Q s a , which is a table in. Here is the overall algorithm 1:Algorithm 1 Q-learningInitialize Q[num_states, num_actions] arbitrarilyObserve initial state s 0RepeatSelect and carry out an action aObserve reward r and new state s’'''(,)(,)(max (,)(,))a Q s a Q s a r Q s a Q s a αγ=++-s = s’Until terminated2.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkIn Q-learning, the state space often is too big to be put into main memory. A game frame of 8080⨯ binary images has 64002states, which is impossible to be represented by Q-table. What’s more, during training, encountering a known state, Q-learning just perform a random action, meaning that it’s not heuristic. In order overcome these two problems, just approximate the Q-table with a convolutional neural networks (CNN)[7][8]. This variation of Q-learning is called Deep Q-learning Network (DQN) [9][10]. After training the DQN, a multilayer neural networks can approach the traditional optimal Q-table as followed:*(,;)(,)t t t t Q s a Q s a θ= (7)As for playing flappy bird, the screenshot s t is inputted into the CNN, and the outputs are the Q-value of actions, as shown in Figure 3:Figure 3: In DQN, CNN’s input is raw game image while its outputs are Q-values Q(s,a), one neuron corresponding to one action’s Q-value.In order to update CNN’s weight, defining the cost function and gradient update function as [9][10]: '2'11max (,;)(,;)2t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a θθ-+⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦ (8) ''1(max (,;)(,;)(,;)t t t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a Q s a θθγθθθ-+⎡⎤∇=+-∇⎣⎦(9)()L θθθθ---=+∇ (10)Here, θare the DQN parameters that get trained and θ-are non-updated parameters for the Q-value function. During training, use equation(9) to update the weights of CNN.Meanwhile, obtaining optimal reward in every episode requires the balance between exploring the environment and exploiting experience.ε-greedy approach can achieve this target. When training, select a random action with probability ε o r otherwise choose the optimal action ''argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ= . The εanneals linearly to zero with increase in number of updates.2.3 Input Pre-processingWorking directly with raw game frames, which are 288512⨯pixel RGB images, can be computationally demanding, so we apply a basic preprocessing step aimed at reducing the input dimensionality.Figure 4: Pre-process game frames. First convert frames to gray images, then down-sample them to specific size. Afterwards, convert them to binary images, finally stack up last 4 frames as a state.In order to improve the accuracy of the convolutional network, the background of game was removed and substituted with a pure black image to remove noise. As Figure 4 shows, the raw game frames are preprocessed by first converting their RGB representation to gray-scale and down-sampling it to an 8080⨯image. Then convert the gray image to binary image. In addition, stack up last 4 game frames as a state for CNN. The current frame is overlapped with the previous frames with slightly reduced intensities and the intensity reduces as we move farther away from the most recent frame. Thus, the input image will give good information on the trajectory on which the bird is currently in.2.4 Experience Replay and StabilityBy now we can estimate the future reward in each state using Q-learning and approximate the Q-function using a convolutional neural network. But the approximation of Q-values using non-linear functions is not very stable. In Q-learning, the experiences recorded in a sequential manner are highly correlated. If sequentially use them to update the DQN parameters, the training process might stuck in a local minimal solution or diverge.To ensure the stability of training of DQN, we use a technical trick called experience replay. During game playing, particular number of experience 11(,,,)t t t t s a r s ++ are stored in a replay memory. When training the network, random mini-batches from the replay memory are used instead of the most recent transition. This breaks the similarity of subsequent training samples, which otherwise might drive the network into a local minimum. As a result of this randomness in the choice of the mini-batch, the data that goes in to update the DQN parameters are likely to be de-correlated.Furthermore, to better the stability of the convergence of the loss functions, we use a clone of the DQN model with parameters θ-. The parameters θ-are updated to θ after every C updates to the DQN.2.5 DQN Architecture and AlgorithmAs shown in Figure 5, firstly, get the flappy bird game frame, and after pre-processing described in section 2.3, stack up last 4 frames as a state. Input this state as raw images into the CNN whose output is the quality of specific action in given state., the agent performs an action According to policy ()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π=, with probability ε, otherwise perform a random action. The current experience is stored in a replay memory, a random mini-batch of experiences are sampled from the memory and used to perform a gradient descent on the CNN’s parameters. This is an interactive process until some criteria are being satisfied.Figure 5: DQN’s training architecture: upper data flow show the training process, whilethe lower data flow display the interactive process between the agent and environment.The complete DQN training process is shown in Algorithm 2. We should note that the εfactor is set to zero during test, and while training we use a decaying value, balancing the exploration and exploitation.Algorithm 2 Deep Q-learning NetworkInitialize replay memory D to certain capacity N Initialize the CNN with random weights θInitialize θ-=: θfor games = 1: maxGames dofor snapShots = 1: T doWith probability εselect a random action a totherwise select '':argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ=Execute a t and observe r t+1 and next sate s t+1Store transition (s t ,a t , r t+1 , s t+1) in replay memory DSample mini-batch of transitions from Dfor j = 1: batchSize doif game terminates at next state thenQ_pred =: r jelseQ_pred =: r j + ''1max (,;)t a Q s a θ-+end ifPerform gradient descent on 21(_(,;))2t t L Q pred Q s a θ=- according to equation (10)end forEvery C steps reset θ-=: θend forend for3 ExperimentsThis section will describe our algorithm’s parameters setting and the analysis of experiment results.3.1 Parameters SettingsFigure 6 illustrates our CNN’s layers setting. The neural networks has 3 CNN hidden layers followed by 2 fully connected hidden layers. Table 1 show the detailed parameters of every layer. Here we just use a max pooling in the first CNN hidden layer. Also, we use the ReLU activation function to produce the neural output.Figure 6: The layer setting of CNN: this CNN has 3 convolutional layers followed by 2 fully connected layers. As for training, we use Adam optimizer to update the CNN’s parameters.Table 1: The detailed layers setting of CNNTable 1 lists all the parameter setting of DQN. We use a decayed ranging from 0.1 to 0.001 to balance exploration and exploitation. What’s more, Table 2 shows that the batch stochastic gradient descent optimizer is Adam with batch size of 32. Finally, we also allocate a large replay memory.Table 2: The training parameters of DQN3.2Results AnalysisWe train our model about 4 million epochs. Figure 7 shows the weights and biases of CNN’s first hidden layer. The weights and biases finally centralize around 0, with low variance, which directly stabilize CNN’s output Q-value(,)Q s a and reducet tprobability of random action. The stability of CNN’s parameters leads to obtaining optimal policy.Figure 7: Left (right) figure is the histogram of weights (biases) of CNN’s first hidden layerFigure 8is the cost value of DQN during training. The cost function has a slow downtrend, close to 0 after 3.5 million epochs. It means that DQN has learned the most common state subspace and will perform optimal action when coming across known state.In a word, DQN has obtained its best action policy.Figure 8:DQN’s cost function: the plot shows the training progress of DQN. We trained our model about 4 million epochs.When playing flappy bird, if the bird gets through the pipe , we give a reward 1, if dead, give -1, otherwise 0.1. Figure 9 is the average returned reward from environment. The stabiltiy in final training state means that the agent can automatically choose the best action, and the environment gives the best reward in turns. We know that the agent and environment has enter into a friendly interaction, guaranteeing the maximal total reward.Figure 9: The average returned reward from environment. We average the returned reward every 1000 epochs.From this Figure 10, the predicted max Q-value from CNN converges and stabilizes in a value after about 100 000. It means that CNN can accurately predict the quality of actions in specific state, and we can steadily perform actions with max Q-value. The convergence of max Q-values states that CNN has explored the state space widely and greatly approximated the environment well.Figure 10: The average max Q-value obtained from CNN’s output. We average the max Q-value every 1000 epochs.Figure 11 illustrates the DQN’s action strategy. If the predicted max Q-value is so high, we are confident that we will get through the gap when perform the action with max Q-value like A, C. If the max Q-value is relatively low, and we perform the action, we might hit the pipe, like B. In the final state of training, the max Q-value is dramatically high, meaning that we are confident to get through the gaps if performing the actions with max Q-value.Figure 11: The leftmost plot shows the CNN’s predicted max Q-value for a 100 frames segment of the game flappy bird. The three screenshots correspond to the frames labeled by A, B, and C respectively.4ConclusionWe successfully use DQN to play flappy bird, which can outperform human beings. DQN can automatically learn knowledge from environment just using raw image to play games without prior knowledge. This feature give DQN the power to play almost simple games. Moreover, the use of CNN as a function approximation allow DQN to deal with large environment which has almost infinite state space. Last but not least, CNN can also greatly represent feature space without handcrafted feature extraction reducing the massive manual work.5References[1] C. Clark and A. Storkey. Teaching deep convolutional neural networks to play go.arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3409, 2014. 1.[2]Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton. Imagenet classification withdeep convolutional neural networks.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, pages 1106–1114, 2012.[3]George E. Dahl, Dong Yu, Li Deng, and Alex Acero. Context-dependent pre-trained deep neural networks for large-vocabulary speech recognition. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 20(1):30 –42, 2012, 1.[4]Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MITPress, 1998.[5]Brian Sallans and Geoffrey E. Hinton. 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Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature, 518(7540):529–533, 2015. 3, 5.。



















游戏引擎在游戏开发中,我们通常使用游戏引擎(Game Engine)来实现游戏的逻辑。







目前大部分表现优异的应用都用到了深度学习,大红大紫的AlphaGo 就使用到了深度学习。



详情可以看《人工智能的发展史——3次 AI 浪潮》深度学习、神经网络深度学习的概念源于人工神经网络的研究,但是并不完全等于传统神经网络。











基于强化学习的Flappy Bird游戏交互

基于强化学习的Flappy Bird游戏交互



Flappy Bird 是一款十分经典的游戏,游戏中玩家需要控制一只小鸟,跨越由各种不同长度水管所组成的障碍。


在不同的端都实现了自动飞行的Flappy Bird。



1.1PC 端游戏的复刻对于PC 端的游戏,更多的是要做到将原游戏的逻辑精准还原,在创新方面并没有什么很高的要求。

选择了用Python 语言来完成这件事情,当键盘输入1时调用上升方法,小鸟飞行轨迹趋势向上升;当输入0时调用下降方法,但是需要注意的是下降方法不代表小鸟直接往下飞,而是根据加速度来判定,方向可能向上也可能向下,但是总体趋势是为了小鸟的下降。


通过键盘操作来改变游戏数据并更新画面,PC 端的复刻主要是为了数据集的收集。

1.2安卓端游戏的复刻PC 端游戏复刻成功后,安卓端的复刻就变得简单了一些,只需要保证所有的逻辑可以和PC 端Flappy Bird 完美对应即可。

其中在碰撞检测的地方曾出现了一些小问题,在最终安卓端的Flappy Bird 游戏中使用的碰撞检测是精准检测,不是简简单单地将小鸟图片和管道图片的包围框检查是否有相叠部分,采用的是像素检测,将当前图片进行处理,图片中有鸟或管道的部分掩码序列中为1,若是无效部分则返回0,检测两张图片中1是否重叠。




































在飞行控制中,常用的传感器包括惯性导航系统(Inertial Navigation System, INS)、全球定位系统(Global Positioning System, GPS)、空气动力学传感器、蒸汽压力计等。

特征提取则可以使用各种机器学习算法,比如主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)、线性判别分析(Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA)、自编码器(Autoencoder)等。



郑州轻工业学院实训报告—FlappyBird小游戏专业班级:姓名:学号:电话:游戏,2D图形,场景类,地面,柱子,重力因素,碰撞检测,类声明文件,类实现文件一、FlappyBird游戏开发步骤1、准备资源图片,影音文件;2、使用QtCreator框架开发;2.1 安装QSDK4.8以上版本;2.2 安装QtCreator集成开发环境;2D图形QImage图片类QWidget窗口/ 其他组件QPainter画笔二、实现步骤:1、创建场景类World Widget,实现背景图片的加载。




4、实现小鸟自由落体运动效果bird.h中添加成员属性g,t,speed,distance;在bird.h中增加step() 计算小鸟y轴位置;增加flappy() ; 修改当前速度,使小鸟向上移动;在world类run()中调用小鸟的step()和flappy();5、地面移动ground.h声明Ground类ground.cpp 实现Ground6、加入柱子column.h Column类column.cpp 实现Column类现有以上功能实现。

另外加入碰撞检测;Bird类中:bool hit(column& ,column&, Ground&);三、文件组织结构:main.cpp 主程序world.h场景World类声明文件world.cpp World类实现文件bird.h小鸟类Bird声明文件bird.cpp Bird类实现文件四、程序代码:main.cpp#include <QApplication>#include "world.h"int main(intargc, char** argv){QApplicationapp(argc,argv);World w;w.show();returnapp.exec();}#ifndef _WORLD_H#define _WORLD_H#include<QWidget>World.h#ifndef _WORLD_H#define _WORLD_H#include <QWidget>#include <QPaintEvent>#include <QTimer>#include <QLabel>#include "bird.h"#include "ground.h"#include "column.h"//场景类:负责维护各种图片class World : public QWidget{Q_OBJECTpublic:World(QWidget* parent = 0);//绘制窗口~World(); //void restart();//重新开始void save(unsigned short );//保存文件voidpaintEvent(QPaintEvent*); voidmousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); public slots://自定义槽,控制图片运行void run();private:Bird* bird;Ground* ground;Column* c1;Column* c2;QTimer timer; QImagegameoverImage; QImagebgImage;//加入gatReady图片QImagestartImage;boolgameOver;// 游戏结束boolstartGame;//游戏是否开始unsigned short score;//分数unsigned short best_score;// 历史最高QLabel* score_label;};#endifWorld.cpp#include "world.h"#include <QPainter>#include <QFile>#include <QTextStream>#include <QDataStream>#include "bird.h"#include <QDebug>World::World(QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent){//this->resize(432, 644);this->setGeometry(400,200, 432,644);bird = new Bird;ground = new Ground;c1 = new Column(0);c2 = new Column(1);gameoverImage.load(":gameover");bgImage.load(":bg");startImage.load(":start");gameOver = false;startGame = false;score = 0;score_label = new QLabel(this);score_label->setGeometry(QRect(270,10,120,40));score_label->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8("font: 20pt \"Khmer OS System\";\n""color: rgb(85, 0, 255);"));timer.setInterval(1000/70);connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),this, SLOT(run())); //一会写run// timer.start();QFilefile("./score.dat");if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)){best_score = 0;}else{//QTextStreamin(&file);QDataStreamin(&file);in>>best_score;qDebug() << "read...";}file.close();}World::~World(){if(score >best_score)save(score);}void World::save(unsigned short best){QFilefile("./score.dat");if(!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text)){return;}else{// QTextStreamout(&file);QDataStreamout(&file);out<< best;//qDebug() << "write";}file.close();}//哑元函数void World::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*){QPainterpainter(this);painter.drawImage(0,0,bgImage);//将画笔传给bird对象,由bird对象画出当前小鸟的图片c1->paint(&painter);c2->paint(&painter);bird->paint(&painter);ground->paint(&painter);if(!startGame){painter.drawImage(0,0,startImage);}if(gameOver){painter.drawImage(0,0,gameoverImage);}if(!startGame){painter.setFont(QFont("Khmer OS System",20,QFont::Bold)); painter.drawText(QRect(QPoint(145,390),QPoint(320,445)),QString::fromUtf8("历史最高:")+=QString::number(best_score));}score_label->setText(QString("score:")+=QString::number(score));}void World::run(){bird->fly();//飞bird->step();//小鸟下落c1->step();c2->step();ground->step();if(bird->pass(*c1) || bird->pass(*c2)){qDebug("pass");score++;}if(bird->hit(*c1,*c2,*ground)){timer.stop();gameOver = true;//gameover ...//TODO/**1)加载gameover图片,实现点击图片的开始按钮重新开始游戏。



基于深度强化学习的游戏智能体设计与实现深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning, DRL)是一种人工智能领域的前沿技术,近年来在游戏智能体设计与实现中取得了显著的成果。
























基于深度强化学习的智能游戏设计与优化近年来,深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning,简称DRL)在人工智能领域中的应用逐渐引起了广泛关注。






1. 游戏环境建模在基于深度强化学习的智能游戏设计中,首先需要对游戏环境进行建模。



2. 智能代理训练智能代理作为游戏中的控制单元,需要通过与游戏环境的交互来学习最优的策略。




1. 游戏难度调整通过深度强化学习,智能代理可以自动学习和调整游戏的难度。



2. 游戏关卡设计利用深度强化学习,可以对游戏关卡进行优化设计。




















AI玩Flappy Bird课堂教学设计

AI玩Flappy Bird课堂教学设计






教学重难点(根据学情确定本次教学的重点和难点)重点:“人工神经网络”模型的建立、训练、使用的方法难点:理解为什么“AI玩Flappy Bird”需要借助于“机器学习”中的“分类”任务来实现教学其他准备(指信息技术的软硬件、数字资源、数字模型的准备,以及教学课件、微课程的设计制作等)课前教学视频利用钉钉平台提前发布,让学生学习“人工智能”“机器学习”“深度学习”“神经网络”等相关知识,课上通过“测试”检查学生学习情况,达到巩固知识引出“新知”的目的。



一方面测试学生课前学习情况另一方面引出如何把“AI玩Flappy Bird”与神经网络联系在一起。

教学展开(本节课教学实施的流程顺序,包括教师讲授和学生自主学习的各个活动等)教学活动一学习任务课堂小测试问题引领“AI玩Flappy Bird”属于“分类”问题还是“回归”问题给出三个课堂“测试”,题目层层层递进,测试学生课前学情况,通过第三题引发学生思考引出本节课内容“AI玩Flappy Bird”属于“分类”问题还是“回归”问题,原因是什么?教学活动二学习任务确定“AI玩Flappy Bird”中的“输入特征”和“输出结果”问题引领如果利用神经网络完成“AI玩Flappy Bird”那么它的“输入特征”和“输出结果”是什么?逐步分析探究利用神经网络完成“AI玩Flappy Bird”输入层的“输入特征”,输出层“输出结果”是什么?隐藏层具体处理过程不过多涉及。



SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYProject Title: Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with DeepReinforcement LearningGroup Number: G-07Group Members: Wang Wenqing 116032910080Gao Xiaoning 116032910032Qian Chen 116032910073Contents1Introduction (1)2Deep Q-learning Network (2)2.1Q-learning (2)2.1.1Reinforcement Learning Problem (2)2.1.2Q-learning Formulation [6] (3)2.2Deep Q-learning Network (4)2.3Input Pre-processing (5)2.4Experience Replay and Stability (5)2.5DQN Architecture and Algorithm (6)3Experiments (7)3.1Parameters Settings (7)3.2Results Analysis (9)4Conclusion (11)5References (12)Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with Deep Reinforcement LearningAbstractLetting machine play games has been one of the popular topics in AI today. Using game theory and search algorithms to play games requires specific domain knowledge, lacking scalability. In this project, we utilize a convolutional neural network to represent the environment of games, updating its parameters with Q-learning, a reinforcement learning algorithm. We call this overall algorithm as deep reinforcement learning or Deep Q-learning Network(DQN). Moreover, we only use the raw images of the game of flappy bird as the input of DQN, which guarantees the scalability for other games. After training with some tricks, DQN can greatly outperform human beings.1IntroductionFlappy bird is a popular game in the world recent years. The goal of players is guiding the bird on screen to pass the gap constructed by two pipes by tapping screen. If the player tap the screen, the bird will jump up, and if the player do nothing, the bird will fall down at a constant rate. The game will be over when the bird crash on pipes or ground, while the scores will be added one when the bird pass through the gap. In Figure1, there are three different state of bird. Figure 1 (a) represents the normal flight state, (b) represents the crash state, (c) represents the passing state.(a) (b) (c)Figure 1: (a) normal flight state (b) crash state (c) passing stateOur goal in this paper is to design an agent to play Flappy bird automatically with the same input comparing to human player, which means that we use raw images and rewards to teach our agent to learn how to play this game. Inspired by [1], we propose a deep reinforcement learning architecture to learn and play this game.Recent years, a huge amount of work has been done on deep learning in computer vision [6]. Deep learning extracts high dimension features from raw images. Therefore, it is nature to ask whether the deep learning can be used in reinforcement learning. However, there are four challenges in using deep learning. Firstly, most successful deep learning applications to date have required large amounts of hand-labelled training data. RL algorithms, on the other hand, must be able to learn from a scalar reward signal that is frequently sparse, noisy and delayed. Secondly, the delay between actions and resulting rewards, which can be thousands of time steps long, seems particularly daunting whencompared to the direct association between inputs and targets found in supervised learning. The third issue is that most deep learning algorithms assume the data samples to be independent, while in reinforcement learning one typically encounters sequences of highly correlated states. Furthermore, in RL the data distribution changes as the algorithm learns new behaviors, which can be problematic for deep learning methods that assume a fixed underlying distribution.This paper will demonstrate that using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can overcome those challenge mentioned above and learn successful control polices from raw images data in the game Flappy bird. This network is trained with a variant of the Q-learning algorithm [6]. By using Deep Q-learning Network (DQN), we construct the agent to make right decisions on the game flappy bird barely according to consequent raw images.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkRecent breakthroughs in computer vision have relied on efficiently training deep neural networks on very large training sets. By feeding sufficient data into deep neural networks, it is often possible to learn better representations than handcrafted features[2][3]. These successes motivate us to connect a reinforcement learning algorithm to a deep neural network, which operates directly on raw images and efficiently update parameters by using stochastic gradient descent.In the following section, we describe the Deep Q-learning Network algorithm (DQN) and how its model is parameterized.2.1 Q-learning2.1.1 Reinforcement Learning ProblemQ-learning is a specific algorithm of reinforcement learning (RL). As Figure 2 show, an agent interacts with its environment in discrete time steps. At each time t, the agent receives an state t s and a reward t r . It then chooses an action t a from the set of actions available, which is subsequently sent to the environment. The environment moves to a new state 1t s + and the reward 1t r + associated with the transition1(,,)t t t s a s +is determined [4].Figure 2: Traditional Reinforcement Learning scenarioThe goal of an agent is to collect as much reward as possible. The agent can choose any action as a function of the history and it can even randomize its action selection. Note that in order to act near optimally, the agent must reason about the long term consequences of its actions (i.e., maximize the future income), although the immediate reward associated with this might be negative [5].2.1.2 Q-learning Formulation [6]In Q-learning problem, the set of states and actions, together with rules for transitioning from one state to another, make up a Markov decision process. One episode of this process (e.g. one game) forms a finite sequence of states, actions and rewards:00111211s ,,,s ,,,...,s ,,,n n n n a r a r a r s --Here s i represents the state, i a is the action and 1i r +is the reward after performing theaction i a . The episode ends with terminal state n s . To perform well in the long-term, we need to take into account not only the immediate rewards, but also the future rewards we are going to get. Define the total future reward from time point t onward as:11...t t t n n R r r r r +-=++++ (1)In order to ensure the divergence and balance the immediate reward and future reward, total reward must use discounted future reward:111...n n t n t i t t t t n n i i t R r r r r r γγγγ----+-==++++=∑(2)Here γis the discount factor between 0 and 1, the more into the future the reward is, the less we take it into consideration. Transforming equation (2) can get:1t t t R r R γ+=+ (3)In Q-learning, define a function (, )t t Q s a representing the maximum discounted future reward when we perform action t a in state:1(,)max t t t Q s a R += (4)It is called Q-function, because it represents the “quality” of a certain action in a given state. A good strategy for an agent would be to always choose an action that maximizes the discounted future reward:()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π= (5)Here π represents the policy, the rule how we choose an action in each state. Given a transition 1(,,)t t t s a s +, equation (3)(4) can get following bellman equation - maximumfuture reward for this state and action is the immediate reward plus maximum future reward for the next state:''1(,)max (,)t t t t a Q s a r Q s a γ+=+(6) The only way to collect information about the environment is by interacting with it. Q-learning is the process of learning the optimal function (,)t t Q s a , which is a table in. Here is the overall algorithm 1:Algorithm 1 Q-learningInitialize Q[num_states, num_actions] arbitrarilyObserve initial state s 0RepeatSelect and carry out an action aObserve reward r and new state s’'''(,)(,)(max (,)(,))a Q s a Q s a r Q s a Q s a αγ=++-s = s’Until terminated2.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkIn Q-learning, the state space often is too big to be put into main memory. A game frame of 8080⨯ binary images has 64002states, which is impossible to be represented by Q-table. What’s more, during training, encountering a known state, Q-learning just perform a random action, meaning that it’s not heuristic. In order overcome these two problems, just approximate the Q-table with a convolutional neural networks (CNN)[7][8]. This variation of Q-learning is called Deep Q-learning Network (DQN) [9][10]. After training the DQN, a multilayer neural networks can approach the traditional optimal Q-table as followed:*(,;)(,)t t t t Q s a Q s a θ= (7)As for playing flappy bird, the screenshot s t is inputted into the CNN, and the outputs are the Q-value of actions, as shown in Figure 3:Figure 3: In DQN, CNN’s input is raw game image while its outputs are Q-values Q(s,a), one neuron corresponding to one action’s Q-value.In order to update CNN’s weight, defining the cost function and gradient update function as [9][10]: '2'11max (,;)(,;)2t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a θθ-+⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦ (8) ''1(max (,;)(,;)(,;)t t t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a Q s a θθγθθθ-+⎡⎤∇=+-∇⎣⎦(9)()L θθθθ---=+∇ (10)Here, θare the DQN parameters that get trained and θ-are non-updated parameters for the Q-value function. During training, use equation(9) to update the weights of CNN.Meanwhile, obtaining optimal reward in every episode requires the balance between exploring the environment and exploiting experience.ε-greedy approach can achieve this target. When training, select a random action with probability ε o r otherwise choose the optimal action ''argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ= . The εanneals linearly to zero with increase in number of updates.2.3 Input Pre-processingWorking directly with raw game frames, which are 288512⨯pixel RGB images, can be computationally demanding, so we apply a basic preprocessing step aimed at reducing the input dimensionality.Figure 4: Pre-process game frames. First convert frames to gray images, then down-sample them to specific size. Afterwards, convert them to binary images, finally stack up last 4 frames as a state.In order to improve the accuracy of the convolutional network, the background of game was removed and substituted with a pure black image to remove noise. As Figure 4 shows, the raw game frames are preprocessed by first converting their RGB representation to gray-scale and down-sampling it to an 8080⨯image. Then convert the gray image to binary image. In addition, stack up last 4 game frames as a state for CNN. The current frame is overlapped with the previous frames with slightly reduced intensities and the intensity reduces as we move farther away from the most recent frame. Thus, the input image will give good information on the trajectory on which the bird is currently in.2.4 Experience Replay and StabilityBy now we can estimate the future reward in each state using Q-learning and approximate the Q-function using a convolutional neural network. But the approximation of Q-values using non-linear functions is not very stable. In Q-learning, the experiences recorded in a sequential manner are highly correlated. If sequentially use them to update the DQN parameters, the training process might stuck in a local minimal solution or diverge.To ensure the stability of training of DQN, we use a technical trick called experience replay. During game playing, particular number of experience 11(,,,)t t t t s a r s ++ are stored in a replay memory. When training the network, random mini-batches from the replay memory are used instead of the most recent transition. This breaks the similarity of subsequent training samples, which otherwise might drive the network into a local minimum. As a result of this randomness in the choice of the mini-batch, the data that goes in to update the DQN parameters are likely to be de-correlated.Furthermore, to better the stability of the convergence of the loss functions, we use a clone of the DQN model with parameters θ-. The parameters θ-are updated to θ after every C updates to the DQN.2.5 DQN Architecture and AlgorithmAs shown in Figure 5, firstly, get the flappy bird game frame, and after pre-processing described in section 2.3, stack up last 4 frames as a state. Input this state as raw images into the CNN whose output is the quality of specific action in given state., the agent performs an action According to policy ()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π=, with probability ε, otherwise perform a random action. The current experience is stored in a replay memory, a random mini-batch of experiences are sampled from the memory and used to perform a gradient descent on the CNN’s parameters. This is an interactive process until some criteria are being satisfied.Figure 5: DQN’s training architecture: upper data flow show the training process, whilethe lower data flow display the interactive process between the agent and environment.The complete DQN training process is shown in Algorithm 2. We should note that the εfactor is set to zero during test, and while training we use a decaying value, balancing the exploration and exploitation.Algorithm 2 Deep Q-learning NetworkInitialize replay memory D to certain capacity N Initialize the CNN with random weights θInitialize θ-=: θfor games = 1: maxGames dofor snapShots = 1: T doWith probability εselect a random action a totherwise select '':argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ=Execute a t and observe r t+1 and next sate s t+1Store transition (s t ,a t , r t+1 , s t+1) in replay memory DSample mini-batch of transitions from Dfor j = 1: batchSize doif game terminates at next state thenQ_pred =: r jelseQ_pred =: r j + ''1max (,;)t a Q s a θ-+end ifPerform gradient descent on 21(_(,;))2t t L Q pred Q s a θ=- according to equation (10)end forEvery C steps reset θ-=: θend forend for3 ExperimentsThis section will describe our algorithm’s parameters setting and the analysis of experiment results.3.1 Parameters SettingsFigure 6 illustrates our CNN’s layers setting. The neural networks has 3 CNN hidden layers followed by 2 fully connected hidden layers. Table 1 show the detailed parameters of every layer. Here we just use a max pooling in the first CNN hidden layer. Also, we use the ReLU activation function to produce the neural output.Figure 6: The layer setting of CNN: this CNN has 3 convolutional layers followed by 2 fully connected layers. As for training, we use Adam optimizer to update the CNN’s parameters.Table 1: The detailed layers setting of CNNTable 1 lists all the parameter setting of DQN. We use a decayed ranging from 0.1 to 0.001 to balance exploration and exploitation. What’s more, Table 2 shows that the batch stochastic gradient descent optimizer is Adam with batch size of 32. Finally, we also allocate a large replay memory.Table 2: The training parameters of DQN3.2Results AnalysisWe train our model about 4 million epochs. Figure 7 shows the weights and biases of CNN’s first hidden layer. The weights and biases finally centralize around 0, with low variance, which directly stabilize CNN’s output Q-value(,)Q s a and reducet tprobability of random action. The stability of CNN’s parameters leads to obtaining optimal policy.Figure 7: Left (right) figure is the histogram of weights (biases) of CNN’s first hidden layerFigure 8is the cost value of DQN during training. The cost function has a slow downtrend, close to 0 after 3.5 million epochs. It means that DQN has learned the most common state subspace and will perform optimal action when coming across known state.In a word, DQN has obtained its best action policy.Figure 8:DQN’s cost function: the plot shows the training progress of DQN. We trained our model about 4 million epochs.When playing flappy bird, if the bird gets through the pipe , we give a reward 1, if dead, give -1, otherwise 0.1. Figure 9 is the average returned reward from environment. The stabiltiy in final training state means that the agent can automatically choose the best action, and the environment gives the best reward in turns. We know that the agent and environment has enter into a friendly interaction, guaranteeing the maximal total reward.Figure 9: The average returned reward from environment. We average the returned reward every 1000 epochs.From this Figure 10, the predicted max Q-value from CNN converges and stabilizes in a value after about 100 000. It means that CNN can accurately predict the quality of actions in specific state, and we can steadily perform actions with max Q-value. The convergence of max Q-values states that CNN has explored the state space widely and greatly approximated the environment well.Figure 10: The average max Q-value obtained from CNN’s output. We average the max Q-value every 1000 epochs.Figure 11 illustrates the DQN’s action strategy. If the predicted max Q-value is so high, we are confident that we will get through the gap when perform the action with max Q-value like A, C. If the max Q-value is relatively low, and we perform the action, we might hit the pipe, like B. In the final state of training, the max Q-value is dramatically high, meaning that we are confident to get through the gaps if performing the actions with max Q-value.Figure 11: The leftmost plot shows the CNN’s predicted max Q-value for a 100 frames segment of the game flappy bird. The three screenshots correspond to the frames labeled by A, B, and C respectively.4ConclusionWe successfully use DQN to play flappy bird, which can outperform human beings. DQN can automatically learn knowledge from environment just using raw image to play games without prior knowledge. This feature give DQN the power to play almost simple games. Moreover, the use of CNN as a function approximation allow DQN to deal with large environment which has almost infinite state space. Last but not least, CNN can also greatly represent feature space without handcrafted feature extraction reducing the massive manual work.5References[1] C. Clark and A. Storkey. Teaching deep convolutional neural networks to play go.arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3409, 2014. 1.[2]Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton. Imagenet classification withdeep convolutional neural networks.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, pages 1106–1114, 2012.[3]George E. Dahl, Dong Yu, Li Deng, and Alex Acero. Context-dependent pre-trained deep neural networks for large-vocabulary speech recognition. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 20(1):30 –42, 2012, 1.[4]Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MITPress, 1998.[5]Brian Sallans and Geoffrey E. Hinton. Reinforcement learning with factored statesand actions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5:1063–1088, 2004.[6]Christopher JCH Watkins and Peter Dayan. Q-learning. Machine learning, 8(3-4):279–292, 1992.[7]Hamid Maei, Csaba Szepesv´ari, Shalabh Bhatnagar, and Richard S. Sutton.Toward off-policy learning control with function approximation. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010), pages 719–726, 2010.[8]Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton. Imagenet classification withdeep convolutional neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, pages 1106–1114, 2012.[9]V.Mnih, K. Kavukcuoglu, D. Silver, A. Graves, I. Antonoglou, D.Wierstra, andM.Riedmiller. Playing atari with deep reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5602, 2013. 1.[10]V. Mnih, K. Kavukcuoglu, D. Silver, A. A. Rusu, J. Veness, M. G. Bellemare, A.Graves, M. Riedmiller, A. K. Fidjeland, G. Ostrovski, et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature, 518(7540):529–533, 2015. 3, 5.。

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SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYProject Title: Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with DeepReinforcement LearningGroup Number: G-07Group Members: Wang Wenqing 116032910080Gao Xiaoning 116032910032Qian Chen 116032910073Contents1Introduction (1)2Deep Q-learning Network (2)2.1Q-learning (2)2.1.1Reinforcement Learning Problem (2)2.1.2Q-learning Formulation [6] (3)2.2Deep Q-learning Network (4)2.3Input Pre-processing (5)2.4Experience Replay and Stability (5)2.5DQN Architecture and Algorithm (6)3Experiments (7)3.1Parameters Settings (7)3.2Results Analysis (9)4Conclusion (11)5References (12)Playing the Game of Flappy Bird with Deep Reinforcement LearningAbstractLetting machine play games has been one of the popular topics in AI today. Using game theory and search algorithms to play games requires specific domain knowledge, lacking scalability. In this project, we utilize a convolutional neural network to represent the environment of games, updating its parameters with Q-learning, a reinforcement learning algorithm. We call this overall algorithm as deep reinforcement learning or Deep Q-learning Network(DQN). Moreover, we only use the raw images of the game of flappy bird as the input of DQN, which guarantees the scalability for other games. After training with some tricks, DQN can greatly outperform human beings.1IntroductionFlappy bird is a popular game in the world recent years. The goal of players is guiding the bird on screen to pass the gap constructed by two pipes by tapping screen. If the player tap the screen, the bird will jump up, and if the player do nothing, the bird will fall down at a constant rate. The game will be over when the bird crash on pipes or ground, while the scores will be added one when the bird pass through the gap. In Figure1, there are three different state of bird. Figure 1 (a) represents the normal flight state, (b) represents the crash state, (c) represents the passing state.(a) (b) (c)Figure 1: (a) normal flight state (b) crash state (c) passing stateOur goal in this paper is to design an agent to play Flappy bird automatically with the same input comparing to human player, which means that we use raw images and rewards to teach our agent to learn how to play this game. Inspired by [1], we propose a deep reinforcement learning architecture to learn and play this game.Recent years, a huge amount of work has been done on deep learning in computer vision [6]. Deep learning extracts high dimension features from raw images. Therefore, it is nature to ask whether the deep learning can be used in reinforcement learning. However, there are four challenges in using deep learning. Firstly, most successful deep learning applications to date have required large amounts of hand-labelled training data. RL algorithms, on the other hand, must be able to learn from a scalar reward signal that is frequently sparse, noisy and delayed. Secondly, the delay between actions and resulting rewards, which can be thousands of time steps long, seems particularly daunting whencompared to the direct association between inputs and targets found in supervised learning. The third issue is that most deep learning algorithms assume the data samples to be independent, while in reinforcement learning one typically encounters sequences of highly correlated states. Furthermore, in RL the data distribution changes as the algorithm learns new behaviors, which can be problematic for deep learning methods that assume a fixed underlying distribution.This paper will demonstrate that using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can overcome those challenge mentioned above and learn successful control polices from raw images data in the game Flappy bird. This network is trained with a variant of the Q-learning algorithm [6]. By using Deep Q-learning Network (DQN), we construct the agent to make right decisions on the game flappy bird barely according to consequent raw images.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkRecent breakthroughs in computer vision have relied on efficiently training deep neural networks on very large training sets. By feeding sufficient data into deep neural networks, it is often possible to learn better representations than handcrafted features[2][3]. These successes motivate us to connect a reinforcement learning algorithm to a deep neural network, which operates directly on raw images and efficiently update parameters by using stochastic gradient descent.In the following section, we describe the Deep Q-learning Network algorithm (DQN) and how its model is parameterized.2.1 Q-learning2.1.1 Reinforcement Learning ProblemQ-learning is a specific algorithm of reinforcement learning (RL). As Figure 2 show, an agent interacts with its environment in discrete time steps. At each time t, the agent receives an state t s and a reward t r . It then chooses an action t a from the set of actions available, which is subsequently sent to the environment. The environment moves to a new state 1t s + and the reward 1t r + associated with the transition1(,,)t t t s a s +is determined [4].Figure 2: Traditional Reinforcement Learning scenarioThe goal of an agent is to collect as much reward as possible. The agent can choose any action as a function of the history and it can even randomize its action selection. Note that in order to act near optimally, the agent must reason about the long term consequences of its actions (i.e., maximize the future income), although the immediate reward associated with this might be negative [5].2.1.2 Q-learning Formulation [6]In Q-learning problem, the set of states and actions, together with rules for transitioning from one state to another, make up a Markov decision process. One episode of this process (e.g. one game) forms a finite sequence of states, actions and rewards:00111211s ,,,s ,,,...,s ,,,n n n n a r a r a r s --Here s i represents the state, i a is the action and 1i r +is the reward after performing theaction i a . The episode ends with terminal state n s . To perform well in the long-term, we need to take into account not only the immediate rewards, but also the future rewards we are going to get. Define the total future reward from time point t onward as:11...t t t n n R r r r r +-=++++ (1)In order to ensure the divergence and balance the immediate reward and future reward, total reward must use discounted future reward:111...n n t n t i t t t t n n i i t R r r r r r γγγγ----+-==++++=∑(2)Here γis the discount factor between 0 and 1, the more into the future the reward is, the less we take it into consideration. Transforming equation (2) can get:1t t t R r R γ+=+ (3)In Q-learning, define a function (, )t t Q s a representing the maximum discounted future reward when we perform action t a in state:1(,)max t t t Q s a R += (4)It is called Q-function, because it represents the “quality” of a certain action in a given state. A good strategy for an agent would be to always choose an action that maximizes the discounted future reward:()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π= (5)Here π represents the policy, the rule how we choose an action in each state. Given a transition 1(,,)t t t s a s +, equation (3)(4) can get following bellman equation - maximumfuture reward for this state and action is the immediate reward plus maximum future reward for the next state:''1(,)max (,)t t t t a Q s a r Q s a γ+=+(6) The only way to collect information about the environment is by interacting with it. Q-learning is the process of learning the optimal function (,)t t Q s a , which is a table in. Here is the overall algorithm 1:Algorithm 1 Q-learningInitialize Q[num_states, num_actions] arbitrarilyObserve initial state s 0RepeatSelect and carry out an action aObserve reward r and new state s’'''(,)(,)(max (,)(,))a Q s a Q s a r Q s a Q s a αγ=++-s = s’Until terminated2.2 Deep Q-learning NetworkIn Q-learning, the state space often is too big to be put into main memory. A game frame of 8080⨯ binary images has 64002states, which is impossible to be represented by Q-table. What’s more, during training, encountering a known state, Q-learning just perform a random action, meaning that it’s not heuristic. In order overcome these two problems, just approximate the Q-table with a convolutional neural networks (CNN)[7][8]. This variation of Q-learning is called Deep Q-learning Network (DQN) [9][10]. After training the DQN, a multilayer neural networks can approach the traditional optimal Q-table as followed:*(,;)(,)t t t t Q s a Q s a θ= (7)As for playing flappy bird, the screenshot s t is inputted into the CNN, and the outputs are the Q-value of actions, as shown in Figure 3:Figure 3: In DQN, CNN’s input is raw game image while its outputs are Q-values Q(s,a), one neuron corresponding to one action’s Q-value.In order to update CNN’s weight, defining the cost function and gradient update function as [9][10]: '2'11max (,;)(,;)2t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a θθ-+⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦ (8) ''1(max (,;)(,;)(,;)t t t t t t a L r Q s a Q s a Q s a θθγθθθ-+⎡⎤∇=+-∇⎣⎦(9)()L θθθθ---=+∇ (10)Here, θare the DQN parameters that get trained and θ-are non-updated parameters for the Q-value function. During training, use equation(9) to update the weights of CNN.Meanwhile, obtaining optimal reward in every episode requires the balance between exploring the environment and exploiting experience.ε-greedy approach can achieve this target. When training, select a random action with probability ε o r otherwise choose the optimal action ''argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ= . The εanneals linearly to zero with increase in number of updates.2.3 Input Pre-processingWorking directly with raw game frames, which are 288512⨯pixel RGB images, can be computationally demanding, so we apply a basic preprocessing step aimed at reducing the input dimensionality.Figure 4: Pre-process game frames. First convert frames to gray images, then down-sample them to specific size. Afterwards, convert them to binary images, finally stack up last 4 frames as a state.In order to improve the accuracy of the convolutional network, the background of game was removed and substituted with a pure black image to remove noise. As Figure 4 shows, the raw game frames are preprocessed by first converting their RGB representation to gray-scale and down-sampling it to an 8080⨯image. Then convert the gray image to binary image. In addition, stack up last 4 game frames as a state for CNN. The current frame is overlapped with the previous frames with slightly reduced intensities and the intensity reduces as we move farther away from the most recent frame. Thus, the input image will give good information on the trajectory on which the bird is currently in.2.4 Experience Replay and StabilityBy now we can estimate the future reward in each state using Q-learning and approximate the Q-function using a convolutional neural network. But the approximation of Q-values using non-linear functions is not very stable. In Q-learning, the experiences recorded in a sequential manner are highly correlated. If sequentially use them to update the DQN parameters, the training process might stuck in a local minimal solution or diverge.To ensure the stability of training of DQN, we use a technical trick called experience replay. During game playing, particular number of experience 11(,,,)t t t t s a r s ++ are stored in a replay memory. When training the network, random mini-batches from the replay memory are used instead of the most recent transition. This breaks the similarity of subsequent training samples, which otherwise might drive the network into a local minimum. As a result of this randomness in the choice of the mini-batch, the data that goes in to update the DQN parameters are likely to be de-correlated.Furthermore, to better the stability of the convergence of the loss functions, we use a clone of the DQN model with parameters θ-. The parameters θ-are updated to θ after every C updates to the DQN.2.5 DQN Architecture and AlgorithmAs shown in Figure 5, firstly, get the flappy bird game frame, and after pre-processing described in section 2.3, stack up last 4 frames as a state. Input this state as raw images into the CNN whose output is the quality of specific action in given state., the agent performs an action According to policy ()arg max (,)t t a t t s Q s a π=, with probability ε, otherwise perform a random action. The current experience is stored in a replay memory, a random mini-batch of experiences are sampled from the memory and used to perform a gradient descent on the CNN’s parameters. This is an interactive process until some criteria are being satisfied.Figure 5: DQN’s training architecture: upper data flow show the training process, whilethe lower data flow display the interactive process between the agent and environment.The complete DQN training process is shown in Algorithm 2. We should note that the εfactor is set to zero during test, and while training we use a decaying value, balancing the exploration and exploitation.Algorithm 2 Deep Q-learning NetworkInitialize replay memory D to certain capacity N Initialize the CNN with random weights θInitialize θ-=: θfor games = 1: maxGames dofor snapShots = 1: T doWith probability εselect a random action a totherwise select '':argmax (,;)t a a Q s a θ=Execute a t and observe r t+1 and next sate s t+1Store transition (s t ,a t , r t+1 , s t+1) in replay memory DSample mini-batch of transitions from Dfor j = 1: batchSize doif game terminates at next state thenQ_pred =: r jelseQ_pred =: r j + ''1max (,;)t a Q s a θ-+end ifPerform gradient descent on 21(_(,;))2t t L Q pred Q s a θ=- according to equation (10)end forEvery C steps reset θ-=: θend forend for3 ExperimentsThis section will describe our algorithm’s parameters setting and the analysis of experiment results.3.1 Parameters SettingsFigure 6 illustrates our CNN’s layers setting. The neural networks has 3 CNN hidden layers followed by 2 fully connected hidden layers. Table 1 show the detailed parameters of every layer. Here we just use a max pooling in the first CNN hidden layer. Also, we use the ReLU activation function to produce the neural output.Figure 6: The layer setting of CNN: this CNN has 3 convolutional layers followed by 2 fully connected layers. As for training, we use Adam optimizer to update the CNN’s parameters.Table 1: The detailed layers setting of CNNTable 1 lists all the parameter setting of DQN. We use a decayed ranging from 0.1 to 0.001 to balance exploration and exploitation. What’s more, Table 2 shows that the batch stochastic gradient descent optimizer is Adam with batch size of 32. Finally, we also allocate a large replay memory.Table 2: The training parameters of DQN3.2Results AnalysisWe train our model about 4 million epochs. Figure 7 shows the weights and biases of CNN’s first hidden layer. The weights and biases finally centralize around 0, with low variance, which directly stabilize CNN’s output Q-value(,)Q s a and reducet tprobability of random action. The stability of CNN’s parameters leads to obtaining optimal policy.Figure 7: Left (right) figure is the histogram of weights (biases) of CNN’s first hidden layerFigure 8is the cost value of DQN during training. The cost function has a slow downtrend, close to 0 after 3.5 million epochs. It means that DQN has learned the most common state subspace and will perform optimal action when coming across known state.In a word, DQN has obtained its best action policy.Figure 8:DQN’s cost function: the plot shows the training progress of DQN. We trained our model about 4 million epochs.When playing flappy bird, if the bird gets through the pipe , we give a reward 1, if dead, give -1, otherwise 0.1. Figure 9 is the average returned reward from environment. The stabiltiy in final training state means that the agent can automatically choose the best action, and the environment gives the best reward in turns. We know that the agent and environment has enter into a friendly interaction, guaranteeing the maximal total reward.Figure 9: The average returned reward from environment. We average the returned reward every 1000 epochs.From this Figure 10, the predicted max Q-value from CNN converges and stabilizes in a value after about 100 000. It means that CNN can accurately predict the quality of actions in specific state, and we can steadily perform actions with max Q-value. The convergence of max Q-values states that CNN has explored the state space widely and greatly approximated the environment well.Figure 10: The average max Q-value obtained from CNN’s output. We average the max Q-value every 1000 epochs.Figure 11 illustrates the DQN’s action strategy. If the predicted max Q-value is so high, we are confident that we will get through the gap when perform the action with max Q-value like A, C. If the max Q-value is relatively low, and we perform the action, we might hit the pipe, like B. In the final state of training, the max Q-value is dramatically high, meaning that we are confident to get through the gaps if performing the actions with max Q-value.Figure 11: The leftmost plot shows the CNN’s predicted max Q-value for a 100 frames segment of the game flappy bird. The three screenshots correspond to the frames labeled by A, B, and C respectively.4ConclusionWe successfully use DQN to play flappy bird, which can outperform human beings. DQN can automatically learn knowledge from environment just using raw image to play games without prior knowledge. This feature give DQN the power to play almost simple games. Moreover, the use of CNN as a function approximation allow DQN to deal with large environment which has almost infinite state space. Last but not least, CNN can also greatly represent feature space without handcrafted feature extraction reducing the massive manual work.5References[1] C. Clark and A. Storkey. Teaching deep convolutional neural networks to play go.arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3409, 2014. 1.[2]Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton. Imagenet classification withdeep convolutional neural networks.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, pages 1106–1114, 2012.[3]George E. Dahl, Dong Yu, Li Deng, and Alex Acero. Context-dependent pre-trained deep neural networks for large-vocabulary speech recognition. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 20(1):30 –42, 2012, 1.[4]Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MITPress, 1998.[5]Brian Sallans and Geoffrey E. Hinton. Reinforcement learning with factored statesand actions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5:1063–1088, 2004.[6]Christopher JCH Watkins and Peter Dayan. Q-learning. Machine learning, 8(3-4):279–292, 1992.[7]Hamid Maei, Csaba Szepesv´ari, Shalabh Bhatnagar, and Richard S. Sutton.Toward off-policy learning control with function approximation. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010), pages 719–726, 2010.[8]Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoff Hinton. Imagenet classification withdeep convolutional neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25, pages 1106–1114, 2012.[9]V.Mnih, K. Kavukcuoglu, D. Silver, A. Graves, I. Antonoglou, D.Wierstra, andM.Riedmiller. Playing atari with deep reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5602, 2013. 1.[10]V. Mnih, K. Kavukcuoglu, D. Silver, A. A. Rusu, J. Veness, M. G. Bellemare, A.Graves, M. Riedmiller, A. K. Fidjeland, G. Ostrovski, et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature, 518(7540):529–533, 2015. 3, 5.。
