
Common Phase Error due to Phase Noise in OFDM - Estimation and Suppression

Common Phase Error due to Phase Noise in OFDM - Estimation and Suppression

COMMON PHASE ERROR DUE TO PHASE NOISE IN OFDM-ESTIMATION AND SUPPRESSIONDenis Petrovic,Wolfgang Rave and Gerhard FettweisV odafone Chair for Mobile Communications,Dresden University of Technology,Helmholtzstrasse18,Dresden,Germany{petrovic,rave,fettweis}@ifn.et.tu-dresden.deAbstract-Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)has already become a very attractive modulation scheme for many applications.Unfortunately OFDM is very sensitive to synchronization errors,one of them being phase noise,which is of great importance in modern WLAN systems which target high data rates and tend to use higher frequency bands because of the spectrum availability.In this paper we propose a linear Kalmanfilter as a means for tracking phase noise and its suppression.The algorithm is pilot based.The performance of the proposed method is investigated and compared with the performance of other known algorithms.Keywords-OFDM,Synchronization,Phase noise,WLANI.I NTRODUCTIONOFDM has been applied in a variety of digital commu-nications applications.It has been deployed in both wired systems(xDSL)and wireless LANs(IEEE802.11a).This is mainly due to the robustness to frequency selective fading. The basic principle of OFDM is to split a high data rate data stream into a number of lower rate streams which are transmitted simultaneously over a number of orthogonal subcarriers.However this most valuable feature,namely orthogonality between the carriers,is threatened by the presence of phase noise in oscillators.This is especially the case,if bandwidth efficient higher order modulations need to be employed or if the spacing between the carriers is to be reduced.To compensate for phase noise several methods have been proposed.These can be divided into time domain[1][2]and frequency domain approaches[3][4][5].In this paper we propose an algorithm for tracking the average phase noise offset also known as the common phase error(CPE)[6]in the frequency domain using a linear Kalmanfilter.Note that CPE estimation should be considered as afirst step within more sophisticated algorithms for phase noise suppression[5] which attempt to suppress also the intercarrier interference (ICI)due to phase noise.CPE compensation only,can however suffice for some system design scenarios to suppress phase noise to a satisfactory level.For these two reasons we consider CPE estimation as an important step for phase noise suppression.II.S YSTEM M ODELAn OFDM transmission system in the presence of phase noise is shown in Fig. 1.Since all phase noise sources can be mapped to the receiver side[7]we assume,without loss of generality that phase noise is present only at the front end of the receiver.Assuming perfect frequency and timing synchronization the received OFDM signal samples, sampled at frequency f s,in the presence of phase noise can be expressed as r(n)=(x(n) h(n))e jφ(n)+ξ(n).Each OFDM symbol is assumed to consist of a cyclic prefix of length N CP samples and N samples corresponding to the useful signal.The variables x(n),h(n)andφ(n)denote the samples of the transmitted signal,the channel impulse response and the phase noise process at the output of the mixer,respectively.The symbol stands for convolution. The termξ(n)represents AWGN noise with varianceσ2n. The phase noise processφ(t)is modelled as a Wiener process[8],the details of which are given below,with a certain3dB bandwidth∆f3dB.,0,1,2...m lX l=,0,1,2...m lR l=Fig.1Block diagram of an OFDM transmission chain.At the receiver after removing the N CP samples cor-responding to the cyclic prefix and taking the discrete Fourier transform(DFT)on the remaining N samples,the demodulated carrier amplitude R m,lkat subcarrier l k(l k= 0,1,...N−1)of the m th OFDM symbol is given as[4]:R m,lk=X m,lkH m,lkI m(0)+ζm,lk+ηm,lk(1)where X m,lk,H m,lkandηm,lkrepresent the transmitted symbol on subcarrier l k,the channel transfer function andlinearly transformed AWGN with unchanged variance σ2n at subcarrier l k ,respectively.The term ζm,l k represents intercarrier interference (ICI)due to phase noise and was shown to be a gaussian distributed,zero mean,randomvariable with variance σ2ICI =πN ∆f 3dB s[7].The term I m (0)also stems from phase noise.It does not depend on the subcarrier index and modifies all subcarriers of one OFDM symbol in the same manner.As its modulus is in addition very close to one [9],it can be seen as a symbol rotation in the complex plane.Thus it is referred to in the literature as the common phase error (CPE)[6].The constellation rotation due to CPE causes unaccept-able system performance [7].Acceptable performance can be achieved if one estimates I m (0)or its argument and compensates the effect of the CPE by derotating the received subcarrier symbols in the frequency domain (see Eq.(1)),which significantly reduces the error rate as compared to the case where no compensation is used.The problem of esti-mating the CPE was addressed by several authors [3][4][10].In [3]the authors concentrated on estimating the argument of I m (0)using a simple averaging over pilots.In [10]the argument of I m (0)was estimated using an extended Kalman filter,while in [4]the coefficient I m (0)itself was estimated using the LS algorithm.Here we introduce an alternative way for minimum mean square estimation (MMSE)[11]of I m (0)using a linear scalar Kalman filter.The algorithm is as [4]pilot based.III.P HASE N OISE M ODELFor our purposes we need to consider a discretized phase noise model φ(n )=φ(nT s )where n ∈N 0and T s =1/f s is the sampling period at the front end of the receiver.We adopt a Brownian motion model of the phase noise [8].The samples of the phase noise process are given as φ(n )=2πf c √cB (n )where f c is the carrier frequency,c =∆f 3dB /πf 2c [8]and B (n )represents the discretizied Brownian motion process,Using properties of the Brownian motion [12]the fol-lowing holds:B (0)=0and B (n +1)=B (n )+dB n ,n ∈N 0where each increment dB n is an independent random variable and dB n ∼√T s N (0,1).Noting that φ(n )=2πf c √cB (n )we can write the discrete time phase noise process equation asφ(n +1)=φ(n )+w (n )(2)where w (n )∼N (0,4π2f 2c cT s )is a gaussian randomvariable with zero mean and variance σ2w =4π2f 2c cT s .IV.CPE E STIMATION U SING A K ALMAN F ILTER Since all received subcarriers within one OFDM symbolare affected by the same factor,namely I m (0),the problem at hand can be seen as an example of estimating a constant from several noisy measurements given by Eq.(1)for which purpose a Kalman filter is well suited [11].For a Kalmanfilter to be used we need to define the state space model of the system.Define first the set L ={l 1,l 2,l 3,...l P }as a subset of the subcarrier set {0,1,...N −1}.Using Eq.(1)one can writeR m,l k =A m,l k I m,l k (0)+εm,l k(3)where A m,l k =X m,l k H m,l k and I m,l k (0)=I m (0)for all k =1,2...,P .Additional indexing of the CPE terms is done here only for convenience of notation.On the other hand one can writeI m,l k +1(0)=I m,l k (0).(4)Equations (3)and (4)are the measurement and processequation of the system state space model,where A m,l k represents the measurement matrix,while the process matrix is equal to 1and I m,l k (0)corresponds to the state of the system.The measuring noise is given by εm,l k which combines the ICI and AWGN terms in Eq.(1),the varianceof which for all l k equals σ2ε=(σ2ICI +σ2n ).The process noise equals zero.Note that the defined state space model is valid only for one OFDM symbol.For the state space model to be fully defined,knowledge of the A m,l k =X m,l k H m,l k is needed.Here we assume to have ideal knowledge of the channel.On the other hand we define the subset L to correspond to the pilot subcarrier locations within one OFDM symbol so that X m,q ,q ∈L are also known.We assume that at the beginning of each burst perfect timing and frequency synchronization is achieved,so that the phase error at the beginning of the burst equals zero.After the burst reception and demodulation,the demodulated symbols are one by one passed to the Kalman filter.For a Kalman filter initialization one needs for eachOFDM symbol an a priori value for ˆI m,l 1(0)and an a priori error variance K −m,1.At the beginning of the burst,when m =1,it is reasonable to adopt ˆI −1,l 1(0)=1.Within each OFDM symbol,say m th,the filter uses P received pilot subcarriers to recursively update the a priori value ˆI −1m,l 1(0).After all P pilot subcarriers are taken into account ˆI m,l P (0)is obtained,which is adopted as an estimate ofthe CPE within one OFDM symbol,denoted as ˆIm (0).The Kalman filter also provides an error variance of the estimateof I m,l P (0)as K m,P .ˆI m,l P(0)and K m,P are then used as a priori measures for the next OFDM symbol.The detailed structure of the algorithm is as follows.Step 1:InitializationˆI −m,l 1(0)=E {I −m,l 1(0)}=ˆI m −1(0)K −m,1=E {|I m (0)−ˆIm −1(0)|2}∼=E {|φm −ˆφm −1|2}=σ2CP E +K m −1,Pwhere σ2CP E =4π2N 2+13N +N CP ∆f 3dBf s(see [10]),K 0,P =0and φm =arg {I m (0)}.Repeat Step2and Step3for k=1,2,...,P Step2:a-posteriori estimation(update)G m,k=K−m,kH H m,lkH m,lkK−m,kH Hm,l k+(σ2ICI+σ2n)ˆIm,l k (0)=ˆI−m,l k(0)+G m,k[R m,lk−H m,l kˆI−m,l k(0)]K m,k=(1−G m,k H m,lk )K−m,kStep3:State and error variance propagationK−m,k+1=K m,k(5)ˆI−m,l k+1(0)=ˆI m,lk(0)Note that no matrix inversions are required,since the state space model is purely scalar.V.CPE C ORRECTIONThe easiest approach for CPE correction is to derotate all subcarriers l k of the received m th symbol R m,lkby φm=−arg{ˆI m(0)}.Unambiguity of the arg{·}function plays here no role since any unambiguity which is a multiple of2πrotates the constellation to its equivalent position in terms of its argument.The presented Kalmanfilter estimation algorithm is read-ily applicable for the decision feedback(DF)type of algo-rithm presented in[4].The idea there was to use the data symbols demodulated after thefirst CPE correction in a DFE manner to improve the quality of the estimate since that is increasing the number of observations of the quantity we want to estimate.In our case that would mean that after thefirst CPE correction the set L={l1,l2,l3,...l P}of the subcarriers used for CPE estimation,which previously corresponded to pilot subcarriers,is now extended to a larger set corresponding to all or some of the demodulated symbols. In this paper we have extended the set to all demodulated symbols.The Kalmanfilter estimation is then applied in an unchanged form for a larger set L.VI.N UMERICAL R ESULTSThe performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated and compared with the proposal of[4]which is shown to outperform other known approaches.The system model is according to the IEEE802.11a standard,where64-QAM modulation is used.We investigate the performance in AWGN channels and frequency selective channels using as an example the ETSI HiperLAN A-Channel(ETSI A). Transmission of10OFDM symbols per burst is assumed.A.Properties of an EstimatorThe quality of an estimation is investigated in terms of the mean square error(MSE)of the estimator for a range of phase noise bandwidths∆f3dB∈[10÷800]Hz.Table1 can be used to relate the phase noise bandwidth with other quantities.Figures2and3compare the MSE of the LS estimator from[4]and our approach for two channel types and both standard correction and using decision feedback. Note that SNRs are chosen such that the BER of a coded system after the Viterbi algorithm in case of phase noise free transmission is around1·10−4.Kalmanfilter shows better performance in all cases and seems to be more effective for small phase noise bandwidths. As expected when DF is used the MSE of an estimator is smaller because we are taking more measurements into account.Fig.2MSE of an estimator for AWGN channel.Fig.3MSE of an estimator for ETSI A channel.Table 1Useful relationsQuantitySymbolRelationTypical values for IEEE802.11aOscillator constant c [1radHz]8.2·10−19÷4.7·10−18Oscillator 3dB bandwidth ∆f 3dB [Hz]∆f 3dB =πf 2cc 70÷400Relative 3dB bandwidth ∆f 3dB ∆f car∆f 3dBfsN 2·10−4÷13·10−4Phase noise energy E PN [rad]E PN =4π∆f 3dB∆fcar0.0028÷0.016Subcarrier spacing∆f car∆f car =f s N312500HzB.Symbol Error Rate DegradationSymbol error rate (SER)degradation due to phase noise is investigated also for a range of phase noise bandwidths ∆f 3dB ∈[10÷800]Hz and compared for different correc-tion algorithms.Ideal CPE correction corresponds to the case when genie CPE values are available.In all cases simpleconstellation derotation with φ=−arg {ˆIm (0)}is used.Fig.4SER degradation for AWGN channel.In Figs.4and 5SER degradation for AWGN and ETSI A channels is plotted,respectively.It is interesting to note that as opposed to the ETSI A channel case in AWGN channel there is a gap between the ideal CPE and both correction approaches.This can be explained if we go back to Eq.(1)where we have seen that phase noise affects the constellation as additive noise.Estimation error of phase noise affects the constellation also in an additive manner.On the other hand the SER curve without phase noise in the AWGN case is much steeper than the corresponding one for the ETSI A channel.A small SNR degradation due to estimation errors will cause therefore large SER variations.This explains why the performance differs much less in the ETSI A channel case.Generally from this discussion a conclusion can be drawn that systems with large order of diversity are more sensitive to CPE estimation errors.Note that this ismeantFig.5SER degradation for ETSI A channel.not in terms of frequency diversity but the SER vs.SNR having closely exponential dependence.It can be seen that our approach shows slightly better performance than [4]especially for small phase noise bandwidths.What is also interesting to note is,that DF is not necessary in the case of ETSI A types of channels (small slope of SER vs.SNR)while in case of AWGN (large slope)it brings performance improvement.VII.C ONCLUSIONSWe investigated the application of a linear Kalman filter as a means for tracking phase noise and its suppression.The proposed algorithm is of low complexity and its performance was studied in terms of the mean square error (MSE)of an estimator and SER degradation.The performance of an algorithm is compared with other algorithms showing equivalent and in some cases better performance.R EFERENCES[1]R.A.Casas,S.Biracree,and A.Youtz,“Time DomainPhase Noise Correction for OFDM Signals,”IEEE Trans.on Broadcasting ,vol.48,no.3,2002.[2]M.S.El-Tanany,Y.Wu,and L.Hazy,“Analytical Mod-eling and Simulation of Phase Noise Interference in OFDM-based Digital Television Terrestial Broadcast-ing Systems,”IEEE Trans.on Broadcasting,vol.47, no.3,2001.[3]P.Robertson and S.Kaiser,“Analysis of the effects ofphase noise in OFDM systems,”in Proc.ICC,1995.[4]S.Wu and Y.Bar-Ness,“A Phase Noise SuppressionAlgorithm for OFDM-Based WLANs,”IEEE Commu-nications Letters,vol.44,May1998.[5]D.Petrovic,W.Rave,and G.Fettweis,“Phase NoiseSuppression in OFDM including Intercarrier Interfer-ence,”in Proc.Intl.OFDM Workshop(InOWo)03, pp.219–224,2003.[6]A.Armada,“Understanding the Effects of PhaseNoise in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM),”IEEE Trans.on Broadcasting,vol.47,no.2, 2001.[7]E.Costa and S.Pupolin,“M-QAM-OFDM SystemPerformance in the Presence of a Nonlinear Amplifier and Phase Noise,”IEEE mun.,vol.50, no.3,2002.[8]A.Demir,A.Mehrotra,and J.Roychowdhury,“PhaseNoise in Oscillators:A Unifying Theory and Numerical Methods for Characterisation,”IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst.I,vol.47,May2000.[9]S.Wu and Y.Bar-ness,“Performance Analysis of theEffect of Phase Noise in OFDM Systems,”in IEEE 7th ISSSTA,2002.[10]D.Petrovic,W.Rave,and G.Fettweis,“Phase NoiseSuppression in OFDM using a Kalman Filter,”in Proc.WPMC,2003.[11]S.M.Kay,Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Process-ing vol.1.Prentice-Hall,1998.[12]D.J.Higham,“An Algorithmic Introduction to Numer-ical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations,”SIAM Review,vol.43,no.3,pp.525–546,2001.。

Phase Noise

Phase Noise

< −78dBc / Hz
⇒ L2( 500 kHz) < −93dBc/Hz
250 500
FrequencyFrequency q y-Reference Noise ( (Phase Noise) )
MMIC Course
Oscillator Phase Noise
MMIC Course
• Consider:
MMIC Course
A Convenient Parameterization of LC Tank Impedance p

Actual tank has loss that is modeled with Rp
• Define Q according to actual tank

Leeson proposed modification of the phase noise expression to capture the above noise profile

Note: he assumed that F(∆f) was constant over frequency
MMIC Course
Output Phase Noise Spectrum
MMIC Course
Oscillator Phase Noise
Effect of power consumption and inductor quality on oscillator
Higher power consumption, consumption higher inductor Q Lower power consumption, lower inductor Q



中英文资料外文翻译文献Improved 2-D Median Filter for On-Line Impulse Noise Suppressiom Abstract-An inproved 2-D median filter employing multishell concept to suppress impulse noise ,is presented.The performance of proposed filter is evaluated over image ‘LENA’,The impulsive noise is added using MATLAB utility.The modified strategy reduces the mnuber of replacement and results in better performance and simple hardware realization that is suitable for on-line implementation.Index terms-Median Filter , Multi-shell Median Filter, Impulse NoiseI.INTRODUCTIONIn TV and other imaging systems,impulse noise is a common impairment . The standard T.V.Broadcast signal is often contaminated with impulsive noise arising from various sources such as household electrical appliance and atmospheric disturbances.Broad banding of the signal further increases the level of impulsive noise. V arious filters are proposed to suppress such impairments[1].The median filter(MF)[1-2] is widely usedfor impulse noise suppression and the multishell median filter(MMF)[3] introduces the concept of missing line recovery. Although these filters have satisfactory performance, MMF failsto filter two impulse noises in the same prossing window. Moveover,these filters tend to blur the images due to too many replacements. C.J.Juan proposed a modified multishell median filter (MMMF)[4], which removes most of the shortcomings associated with the MF and the MMF. However, it is observed that under certain condions, to be discussed in the follow sections, MMMF fails to perform the desired filtering operation .Moreover,the number of calculations/replacements invoved on the basis of MIN/MAX conditions is still too large and makes the filter difficult to realize,particulariy for real time applications.In this paper, the threshold strtegy of MMMF is modified so that:(a)effective noise filtering operations are performed under allconditions,and(b)number of calculations/replacements is reduced and simplified. This results in a simple hardware realization of the filter.II.PROPOSED MODIFICATIONConsider a 3x3-processing window, with P5 as the central pixel,as shown in Figure 1.P1 P2 P3P4 P5 P6P7 P8 P9Fig.1. A 3x3 processing windowThe output of MMMF as proposed in [4] isOutput (X,Y)= Max(P2,P8)if P5﹥Max[S]P5 if Min [s]﹤Max[S]Min(P2,P8) if P5﹤Max[S] (1)Where S is the set of samples surrounding central pixels except(P4.P6)i.e.S={P1,P2,P3,P7,P8,P9} (2) The principle invoved in the replacement strategy of Equation(1) is that if P5 is corrupted by noise ,it is better to replaceits gray level by P2 or P8 than by using Min[S] orMax[S] .also,due to missing lines error,since P4 and P6 may belost, they are not considered in Equation(2).The limitation of Equation(1) is that when Min[S] or Max[S] arealso corrupted by impulse noise,i.e.either Min[S] or Max[S] isequal to P5,Equation(1)fails to perform the desired filtering operation.To overcome this limitation following modificationsin the replacement strategy of Equation(1),are proposed.Output (X,Y)= Max(P2,P8)if P5≥Max[S]P5 if Min [s]<P5<Max[S] Min(P2,P8) if P5≤Max[S] (3)It has been observed that more than 70-80% points in an image,the gray level diatances of P5 from(P2 or P8) and from Max[S] are below 16.This is shown in Fig.2 for the image ‘LENA’.This fact is used to further reduce unnessary replacements,thereby reducing the bluring of the images.Thus taking into considertion of Figure(3) can be further modified asOutput (X,Y)= Max(P2,P8)if P5-Max[S]≥16Max(P2,P8) if Min [s]-P5≥16P5 otherwise (4)Equation 4 indicates that replacing action takes place only when the distance between P5 and Min[S] or Max[S] is no smaller than 16. This strtegy thus avoids the necessary replacements and reduces blurring of the images.Moreover,it can be implemented using simple comparators and subtractors.Gray level distancesFig.2. Gray level distances between central point and its neighboring points for the image ‘LENNA’Ⅲ .RESULTSFigure 3 shows the original image ‘LENNA’and Figure 4 shows the same image when corrupted with impulse noise. Results of median filter and the proposed filter are given in Figures 5 and 6, paring Figures 5 and 6, it is observed that the result of the proposed filter is much better than those obtained using the median filter. Aithough,the median filter remove the impulsive moise effectively, however,the image gets blurred.The proposed filter removes the impulsive noise and also preserves the details of the image.A multishell filter employing the modified replacement strategy is presentde in this paper.The modified filter effectively suppresses the inpulse moise.It uses threshold conditions that require fewer comparisons and replacements and is faster as compared to the other multishell median filters.moreover,it can be realized using simple comparators and subtractors and subtractors and hence can be effectively used in real time applications改进二维中值滤波器在线脉冲噪声的抑制摘要:一种改进二维中值滤波器,采用多壳的概念,以抑制脉冲噪声,拟定的过滤器的性能进行评估超过图像“LENNA”的中值滤波,脉冲噪声被添加使用到MATLAB的实用工具中。



1. Introduction
Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transformative impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily lifeŒ1 . The UWB system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allowed the unlicensed use of UWB radio signals with low-power spectral density (–41.25 dBm/MHz) in the range of 3.1–10.6 GHz, UWB technology has again received great interestŒ1 . Low resolution giga sample/second ADCs are extensively used in wireless communication systems, such as UWB systemsŒ2 . The most traditional architecture is supporting the multi band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) approach, such as in Fig. 1(a), which results in considerable complexity and power consumption in their implementation. The proposed sub-sampling IR-UWB receiver is shown in Fig. 1(b), which reveals obvious advantages in implementing cost and power-efficiency. In Fig. 1(b), there is no mixer in the UWB receiver, and the ADC down samples RF signals into digital code directly for baseband processing, which is a great challenge for the ADC with an ultra-high input signal. The process of sampling the input signal at a rate lower than the highest frequency components of the input signal, commonly referred to as sub-sampling, performs a function equivalent to that of mixing. In recent published works, there has been little research on the sub-sampling technique, which increases the difficulty of the work severely. Moreover, the THA in an ultrahigh speed flash ADC always occupies most of the power con-

一种基于区域自适应的非局部均值(Nonlocal Means)图像去噪方法

一种基于区域自适应的非局部均值(Nonlocal Means)图像去噪方法

Region-based non-local means algorithm for noise removalW.L.Zeng and X.B.LuThe non-local means (NLM)provides a useful tool for image denoising and many variations of the NLM method have been proposed.However,few works have tried to tackle the task of adaptively choos-ing the patch size according to region characteristics.Presented is a region-based NLM method for noise removal.The proposed method first analyses and classifies the image into several region types.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrate its superior-ity to the state-of-the-art methods.Introduction:The use of the non-local means (NLM)filter for noise removal has been extensively studied in the past few years.The NLM filter was first addressed in [1].The discrete version of the NLM is as follows:u (k ,l )=(i ,j )[N (k ,l )w (k ,l ,i ,j )v (i ,j )(1)where u is the restored value at pixel (k,l )and N (k,l )stands for theneighbourhood of the pixel (k,l ).The weight function w (k,l,i,j )is defined asw (k ,l ,i ,j )=1exp −||T k ,l v −T i ,j v ||22,a(2)where T k,l and T i,j denote two operators that extract two patches of sizeq ×q centred at pixel (k,l )and (i,j ),respectively;h is the decay para-meter of the weights; . 2,a is the weighted Euclidean norm using a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation a ,and Z (k,l )is the normalised constantZ (k ,l )= (i ,j )exp −||T k ,l v −T i ,j v ||22,ah 2(3)The core idea of the NLM filter exploits spatial correlation in the entireimage for noise removal and can produce promising results.This method is time consuming and not able to suppress any noise for non-repetitive neighbourhoods.Numerous methods were proposed to accel-erate the NLM method [2–4].Also,variations of the NLM method have been proposed to improve the denoising performance [5–7].In smooth areas,a large matching window size could be used to reduce the influ-ence of misinterpreting noise as local structure.Conversely,a small matching window size could be used for the edge /texture region,which means not only the local structure existing within a neighbour-hood can be effectively used but can also speed up the matching process.To the best of our knowledge,few works have tried to tackle the task of adaptively choosing the patch size according to region characteristics.To overcome the disadvantage of the NLM method and its variances,in this Letter we present an adaptive NLM (ANLM)method for noise removal.The proposed method first analyses and classifies the image into several region types based on local structure information of a pixel.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Proposed NLM algorithm:The adaptive patches based non-local means algorithm is conducted according to the region classification results,owing to the fact that the structure tensor can obtain more local structure information [8].Therefore,we use it to classify the region.For each pixel (i,j )of the region,the structure tensor matrix is defined asT s =t 11t 12t 12t 22 =G s ∗(g x (i ,j ))2G s ∗g x (i ,j )g y (i ,j )G s ∗g y (i ,j )g x (i ,j )G s ∗(g y (i ,j ))2where g x and g y stand for gradient information in the x and y directions,G s denotes a Gaussian kernel with a standard deviation s .Theeigenvalues l 1and l 2of T s are given byl 1=12t 11+t 22+ (t 11−t 22)2+4t 212 and l 2=1t 11+t 22− (t 11−t 22)2+4t 212 For a pixel in the smooth region,there is a small eigenvalue difference;for a pixel in an edge /texture region,there is a large eigenvalue differ-ence.Therefore,region classification can be achieved by examining the eigenvalue difference of each pixel.Let l (i ,j )=|l 1(i ,j )−l 2(i ,j )|.We propose the following classifi-cation scheme to partition the whole image region into n classes {c 1,···,c n }:(i ,j )[c 1,if l (i ,j )≤l min +(l max −l min )n c 2,if l (i ,j )≤l min +2(l max −l min )n ...c n ,if l (i ,j )≤l min +n (l max −l min )n ⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩where l min and l max are the minimum and maximum of {l (i ,j ):(i ,j )[V },respectively.To exploit the local structure information and reduce noise in different regions,we adaptively choose the matching window based on the region classification result.The scheme for selecting the matching window is asfollows:if (k ,l )[c r ,T k ,l :=T r k ,l ,where T rk ,l denotes an operator of the r-type region that extracts one patch of size q r ×q r .To reduce the influ-ence of misinterpreting noise as local structure,a larger patch size is adopted for a smooth region.In contrast,a small patch size is employed for the edge /texture region.Intuitively,the number of the class n should be as big as possible.In practice,the gain is insignificant for n greater than 4.Therefore,we choose n ¼4in our experiments.Table 1:PSNR performance comparison of ‘Lena’,‘Barbara’,‘Peppers’imagesFig.1Comparison of results with additive Gaussian noise of s ¼35a Original image b Noisy image c NLM d WUNLM e ANLMExperimental results:In this Section,we compare our proposed ANLM method with the NLM method [2]and the weight update NLM (WUNLM)method [3].We test the proposed method on ‘Lena’,‘Barbara’,and ‘Peppers’,which were taken from the USC-SIPI Image Database (/database/base).The performance of the method was evaluated by measuring the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).In general h corresponds to the noise level and is usuallyELECTRONICS LETTERS 29th September 2011Vol.47No.20,1125-1127fixed to the standard deviation of the noise.The size of the search window is21×21.Table1shows results obtained with three methods across four noise levels.Figs.1a and b,show the‘Barbara’image and the corresponding noisy image generated by adding Gaussian white noise with variance s¼35,respectively.Figs.1c–e show denoised images by using the NLM,WUNLM,and ANLM methods,respectively.From the standpoint of perceptual view and PSNR values,the proposed ANLM method produced the best quality. Conclusions:An adaptive NLM(ANLM)method for noise removal is presented.In the method,an image isfirst analysed and classified into several region types.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrate its superiority to the state-of-the-art methods. Acknowledgments:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant60972001,the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China under grant2009BAG13A06 and the Scientific Innovation Research of College Graduate in Jiangsu Province under grant CXZZ_0163.#The Institution of Engineering and Technology20115August2011doi:10.1049/el.2011.2456W.L.Zeng(School of Transportation,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,People’s Republic of China)X.B.Lu(School of Automation,Southeast University,Nanjing210096, People’s Republic of China)E-mail:xblu2008@References1Budades,A.,Coll,B.,and Morel,J.M.:‘A review of image denoising algorithms,with a new one’,Multiscale Model Simul.,2005,4,(2), pp.490–5302Mahmoudi,M.,and Sapiro,G.:‘Fast image and video denoising via nonlocal means of similar neighborhoods’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett., 2005,12,(12),pp.839–8423Vignesh,R.,Oh,B.T.,and Kuo,C.-C.J.:‘Fast non-local means(NLM) computation with probabilistic early termination’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett.,2010,17,(3),pp.277–2804Brox,T.,Kleinschmidt,O.,and Cremers,D.:‘Efficient nonlocal means for denoising of textural patterns’,IEEE Trans.Image Process.,2008, 17,(7),pp.1083–10925Kervrann,C.,and Boulanger,J.:‘Optimal spatial adaptation for patch-based image denoising’,IEEE Trans.Image Process.,2006,15,(10), pp.2866–28786Ville,D.V.D.,and Kocher,M.:‘SURE-based non-local means’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett.,2009,16,(11),pp.973–9767Park,S.W.,and Kang,M.G.:‘NLM algorithm with weight update’, Electron.Lett.,2010,16,(15),pp.1061–10638Brox,T.,Weickert,J.,Burgeth,B.,and Mrazek,P.:‘Nonlinear structure tensors’,Image put.,2006,24,pp.41–55ELECTRONICS LETTERS29th September2011Vol.47No.20。



d nosngm o e a r s ntd i hi p r Th o l a uoma ial ee t h e iig f m o l a h d e o e ii d l sp e e e n t spa e . em de n a t w c tc ly s lc ed nos V de rtee g st t n ne k c dg etr a e e tas o h o e w a r m ee e , m e n h l k n on tant ot ep i pradf c c pe eb t , nds lc m ot m d la yfo t dg s e h a w iema i g c sr i st ont e un 。 h s

A b t c : On a c u fte d fc e iso sra t c o nto e ince fH m o e n eTV o li ma e lso a in, a 1 rxe d p keTV h i d la d t h m de ni g e t r to 。 n i po d a a t 1 1
( ho lo Sc o fOpt a ndEl cr n cEngne ig・ a g h i l c a e to i i  ̄- n Ch n c unUniest o v riy fSce c n 'c n o in ea d l h olgy・ a c n 1 0 2) e Ch ng hu 3 02
图像 恢复又称 图像复 J 泉,是指去 除或减 轻在狭 取图像 过程 中发生图像降质 。引起 图像 质量 下降的 l素是多方面 的,例如 :光学 系统 固有缺 陷( 大 I 色散、 像著等) 、成像环境( 大气湍 流的影响) 、传感 器带来 的随机噪声等 。 像降质模型 ‘‘ 般表达武 为:

Perlin Noise(译文)

Perlin Noise(译文)

Perlin Noise柏林噪声Many people have used random number generators in their programs to create unpredictability, make the motion and behavior of objects appear more natural, or generate textures. Random number generators certainly have their uses, but at times their output can be too harsh to appear natural. This article will present a function which has a very wide range of uses, more than I can think of, but basically anywhere where you need something to look natural in origin. What's more it's output can easily be tailored to suit your needs.很多人在他们的程序中使用随机数生成器去创造不可预测,使物体的行为和运动表现的更加自然,或者生成纹理。



If you look at many things in nature, you will notice that they are fractal. They have various levels of detail. A common example is the outline of a mountain range. It contains large variations in height (the mountains), medium variations (hills), small variations (boulders), tiny variations (stones) . . . you could go on. Look at almost anything: the distribution of patchy grass on a field, waves in the sea, the movements of an ant, the movement of branches of a tree, patterns in marble, winds. All these phenomena exhibit the same pattern of large and small variations. The Perlin Noise function recreates this by simply adding up noisy functions at a range of different scales.如果你观察自然界中很多事物,你会注意到它们是分形的。

A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators

A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators

A General Theory of Phase Noisein Electrical OscillatorsAli Hajimiri,Student Member,IEEE,and Thomas H.Lee,Member,IEEE Abstract—A general model is introduced which is capableof making accurate,quantitative predictions about the phasenoise of different types of electrical oscillators by acknowledgingthe true periodically time-varying nature of all oscillators.Thisnew approach also elucidates several previously unknown designcriteria for reducing close-in phase noise by identifying the mech-anisms by which intrinsic device noise and external noise sourcescontribute to the total phase noise.In particular,it explains thedetails of how1=f noise in a device upconverts into close-inphase noise and identifies methods to suppress this upconversion.The theory also naturally accommodates cyclostationary noisesources,leading to additional important design insights.Themodel reduces to previously available phase noise models asspecial cases.Excellent agreement among theory,simulations,andmeasurements is observed.Index Terms—Jitter,oscillator noise,oscillators,oscillator sta-bility,phase jitter,phase locked loops,phase noise,voltagecontrolled oscillators.I.I NTRODUCTIONT HE recent exponential growth in wireless communicationhas increased the demand for more available channels inmobile communication applications.In turn,this demand hasimposed more stringent requirements on the phase noise oflocal oscillators.Even in the digital world,phase noise in theguise of jitter is important.Clock jitter directly affects timingmargins and hence limits system performance.Phase and frequencyfluctuations have therefore been thesubject of numerous studies[1]–[9].Although many modelshave been developed for different types of oscillators,eachof these models makes restrictive assumptions applicable onlyto a limited class of oscillators.Most of these models arebased on a linear time invariant(LTI)system assumptionand suffer from not considering the complete mechanism bywhich electrical noise sources,such as device noise,becomephase noise.In particular,they take an empirical approach indescribing the upconversion of low frequency noise sources,suchascorner in the phase noise spectrum is smallerthanis the amplitude,0018–9200/98$10.00©1998IEEEFig.1.Typical plot of the phase noise of an oscillator versus offset fromcarrier.is an arbitrary,fixed phase refer-ence.Therefore,the spectrum of an ideal oscillator with norandom fluctuations is a pair of impulsesat.In a practical oscillator,however,the output is more generally givenbyandis aperiodic function with period2andrepresents the single side-band power at a frequency offsetofandis dominated by its phaseportion,,known as phase noise,which we will simplydenoteas.Fig.2.A typical RLC oscillator.The semi-empirical model proposed in [1]–[3],known also as the Leeson–Cutler phase noise model,is based on an LTI assumption for tuned tank oscillators.It predicts the followingbehaviorfor:is an empirical parameter (often called the “deviceexcess noisenumber”),is the absolutetemperature,),andregion can beobtained by applying a transfer function approach as follows.The impedance of a parallel RLC,for,is easily calculated tobeHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS181Fig.3.Phase and amplitude impulse response model.a multiplicativefactor,a priori.One importantreason is that much of the noise in a practical oscillatorarises from periodically varying processes and is thereforecyclostationary.Hence,as mentioned in[3],region of the spectrum can be calculatedasregion is thus easily obtained,the expressionforthecorner of thephase noise is the same asthe(7)whereis the effective series resistance,givenbyare shown in Fig.2.Note that itis still not clear how tocalculateinputs(each associated with one noise source)and two outputsthat are the instantaneous amplitude and excess phase of theoscillator,,as defined by(1).Noise inputs to thissystem are in the form of current sources injecting into circuitnodes and voltage sources in series with circuit branches.Foreach input source,both systems can be viewed as single-input,single-output systems.The time and frequency-domainfluctuationsof can be studied by characterizingthe behavior of two equivalent systems shown in Fig.3.Note that both systems shown in Fig.3are time variant.Consider the specific example of an ideal parallel LC oscillatorshown in Fig.4.If we inject a current impulse as shown,the amplitude and phase of the oscillator will have responsessimilar to that shown in Fig.4(a)and(b).The instantaneousvoltagechange182IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)Fig.5.(a)A typical Colpitts oscillator and (b)a five-stage minimum size ring oscillator.capacitor and will not affect the current through the inductor.It can be seen from Fig.4that the resultant changeinis time dependent.In particular,if the impulse is applied at the peak of the voltage across the capacitor,there will be no phase shift and only an amplitude change will result,as shown in Fig.4(a).On the other hand,if this impulse is applied at the zero crossing,it has the maximum effect on the excessphase,which results in no phase change and changes only the amplitude,while applying an impulse atpointm CMOS inverter chain ring oscillatorshown in Fig.5(b).The results are shown in Fig.6(a)and (b),respectively.The impulse is applied close to a zerocrossing,(a)(b)Fig.6.Phase shift versus injected charge for oscillators of Fig.5(a)and (b).where it has the maximum effect on phase.As can be seen,the current-phase relation is linear for values of charge up to 10%of the total charge on the effective capacitance of the node of interest.Also note that the effective injected charges due to actual noise and interference sources in practical circuits are several orders of magnitude smaller than the amounts of charge injected in Fig.6.Thus,the assumption of linearity is well satisfied in all practical oscillators.It is critical to note that the current-to-phase transfer func-tion is practically linear even though the active elements may have strongly nonlinear voltage-current behavior.However,the nonlinearity of the circuit elements defines the shape of the limit cycle and has an important influence on phase noise that will be accounted for shortly.We have thus far demonstrated linearity,with the amount of excess phase proportional to the ratio of the injected charge to the maximum charge swing across the capacitor on the node,i.e.,when the impulseis injected.Therefore,the unit impulse response for excess phase can be expressedas(10)whereis the unit step.Wecallwhich describes how much phase shift results fromapplying a unit impulse attimeis a function of the waveformor,equivalently,the shape of the limit cycle which,in turn,is governed by the nonlinearity and the topology of the oscillator.Given the ISF,the output excessphaseHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS183(a)(b)Fig.7.Waveforms and ISF’s for(a)a typical LC oscillator and(b)a typical ring oscillator.where represents the input noise current injected into the node of interest.Since the ISF is periodic,it can be expanded in a Fourierseriesth harmonic.As will be seenlater,for an arbitrary inputcurrent injected into any circuit node,once the variousFourier coefficients of the ISF have been found.As an illustrative special case,suppose that we inject a lowfrequency sinusoidal perturbation current into the node ofinterest at a frequencyof(14)where.The argumentsof all the integrals in(13)are at frequencies higherthanand are significantly attenuated by the averaging nature ofthe integration,except the term arising from thefirst integral,whichinvolves.Therefore,the only significant termin,denotedas.As an important second special case,consider a current at afrequency close to the carrier injected into the node of interest,givenby.A process similar to thatof the previous case occurs except that the spectrumofFig.8.Conversion of the noise around integer multiples of the oscillationfrequency into phase noise.consists of two impulsesat as shown in Fig.8.This time the only integral in(13)which will have a lowfrequency argument isfor is givenby.More generally,(13)suggests that applying acurrentclose to any integer multiple of theoscillation frequency will result in two equal sidebandsat.Hence,in the generalcaseusing(13).Computing the power spectral density(PSD)of the oscillatoroutputvoltage requires knowledge of how the outputvoltage relates to the excess phase variations.As shown inFig.8,the conversion of device noise current to output voltagemay be treated as the result of a cascade of two processes.Thefirst corresponds to a linear time variant(LTV)current-to-phase converter discussed above,while the second is anonlinear system that represents a phase modulation(PM),which transforms phase to voltage.To obtain the sidebandpower around the fundamental frequency,the fundamentalharmonic of the oscillatoroutputas the input.Substitutinggiven by(17).Therefore,an injected currentat(18)184IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)Fig.9.Simulated power spectrum of the output with current injection at(a) f m=50MHz and(b)f0+f m=1:06GHz.This process is shown in Fig.8.Appearance of the frequencydeviation.This type of nonlinearity does not directlyappear in the phase transfer characteristic and shows itself onlyindirectly in the ISF.It is instructive to compare the predictions of(18)withsimulation results.A sinusoidal current of10MHz.This power spectrum is obtained usingthe fast Fourier transform(FFT)analysis in HSPICE96.1.Itis noteworthy that in this version of HSPICE the simulationartifacts observed in[9]have been properly eliminated bycalculation of the values used in the analysis at the exactpoints of interest.Note that the injected noise is upconvertedinto two equal sidebandsat,where is the average capacitance on each node of thecircuitand is the maximum swing across it.For thisoscillator,–whose power spectral density has both aflat region anda,which in turn becomeclose-in phase noise in the spectrumof,as illustrated inFig.11.It can be seen that thetotal is given by the sumof phase noise contributions from device noise in the vicinityof the integer multiplesof,weighted by thecoefficients.This is shown in Fig.12(a)(logarithmic frequency scale).The resulting single sideband spectral noisedensity isplotted on a logarithmic scale in Fig.12(b).The sidebands inthe spectrumof,in turn,result in phase noise sidebandsin the spectrumof through the PM mechanism discussin the previous subsection.This process is shown in Figs.11and12.The theory predicts the existenceof,andflatregions for the phase noise spectrum.The low-frequency noisesources,such asflicker noise,are weighted by thecoefficientand showaHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS185Fig.11.Conversion of noise to phase fluctuations and phase-noise side-bands.the white noise terms are weighted byother coefficients and give rise tothecontainsregions.Finally,the flat noise floor in Fig.12(b)arises from the white noise floor of the noise sources in the oscillator.The total sideband noise power is the sum of these two as shown by the bold line in the same figure.To carry out a quantitative analysis of the phase noise sideband power,now consider an input noise current with a white power spectraldensityHz.Based on the foregoing development and (18),the total single sideband phase noise spectral density in dB below the carrier per unit bandwidth due to the source on one node at an offset frequencyof(20)where.As aresultregion of the phase noise spectrum.For a voltage noise source in series with aninductor,,wherecorner of thephase noise.It is important to note that it is by nomeans(a)(b)Fig.12.(a)PSD of (t )and (b)single sideband phase noise power spectrum,L f 1!g .obvious from the foregoing development thatthecanbe describedby(22)whereportion of the phasenoisespectrum:corner,corner in the phase noisespectrum:phase noise corner due to internal noisesources is not equal tothe186IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998Fig.13.Collector voltage and collector current of the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).D.Cyclostationary Noise SourcesIn addition to the periodically time-varying nature of the system itself,another complication is that the statistical prop-erties of some of the random noise sources in the oscillator may change with time in a periodic manner.These sources are referred to as cyclostationary.For instance,the channel noise of a MOS device in an oscillator is cyclostationary because the noise power is modulated by the gate source overdrive which varies with time periodically.There are other noise sources in the circuit whose statistical properties do not depend on time and the operation point of the circuit,and are therefore called stationary.Thermal noise of a resistor is an example of a stationary noise source.A white cyclostationary noise current can be decom-posed as[13]:is a white cyclostationaryprocess,is awhite stationary processandis a deterministic periodic function describing the noise amplitude modulation.Wedefineto be a normalized function with a maximum value of1.Thisway,is equal to the maximum mean square noisepower,,which changes periodically with time.Applying the above expression forto(11),(27)wherecan be derived easily from device noise character-istics and operating point.Hence,this effective ISF shouldbeFig.14.0(x ),0e (x ),and (x )for the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).used in all subsequent calculations,in particular,calculation of thecoefficients .Note that there is a strong correlation between the cyclosta-tionary noise source and the waveform of the oscillator.The maximum of the noise power always appears at a certain point of the oscillatory waveform,thus the average of the noise may not be a good representation of the noise power.Consider as one example the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).The collector voltage and the collector current of the transistor are shown in Fig.13.Note that the collector current consists of a short period of large current followed by a quiet interval.The surge of current occurs at the minimum of the voltageacross the tank where the ISF is small.Functions,andfor this oscillator are shown in Fig.14.Note that,in thiscase,is quite differentfrom is at a maximum,i.e.,thesensitivity is large)at the same time the noise power is large.Functions,and for the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b)are shown in Fig.15.Note that in the case of theringoscillatorare almost identical.This indicates that the cyclostationary properties of the noise are less important in the treatment of the phase noise of ring oscillators.This unfortunate coincidence is one of the reasons why ring oscillators in general have inferior phase noise performance compared to a Colpitts LC oscillator.The other important reason is that ring oscillators dissipate all the stored energy during one cycle.E.Predicting Output Phase Noise with Multiple Noise Sources The method of analysis outlined so far has been used to predict how much phase noise is contributed by a single noise source.However,this method may be extended to multiple noise sources and multiple nodes,as individual contributions by the various noise sources may be combined by exploiting superposition.Superposition holds because the first system of Fig.8is linear.HAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS187Fig.15.0(x ),0e (x ),and (x )for the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b).The actual method of combining the individual contributions requires attention to any possible correlations that may exist among the noise sources.The complete method for doing so may be appreciated by noting that an oscillator has a current noise source in parallel with each capacitor and a voltage noise source in series with each inductor.The phase noise in the output of such an oscillator is calculated using the following method.1)Find the equivalent current noise source in parallel with each capacitor and an equivalent voltage source in series with each inductor,keeping track of correlated and noncorrelated portions of the noise sources for use in later steps.2)Find the transfer characteristic from each source to the output excess phase.This can be done as follows.a)Find the ISF for each source,using any of the methods proposed in the Appendix,depending on the required accuracy and simplicity.b)Find,the amount of charge swing across the effec-tive capacitor it is injectingintois the tank capacitor,andis the maximum voltage swing across the tank.Equation (19)reducesto,the result obtained in [8]istwo times larger than the result of (29).Assuming that the total noise contribution in a parallel tank oscillator can be modeled using an excess noisefactorandfor valuesofregionare suggested by (24),which shows thatthe188IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig.16.(a)Waveform and (b)ISF for the asymmetrical node.(c)Waveform and (d)ISF for one of the symmetrical nodes.waveform.One such property concerns the rise and fall times;the ISF will have a large dc value if the rise and fall times of the waveform are significantly different.A limited case of this for odd-symmetric waveforms has been observed [14].Although odd-symmetric waveforms havesmall coefficients,the class of waveforms withsmall is not limited to odd-symmetric waveforms.To illustrate the effect of a rise and fall time asymmetry,consider a purposeful imbalance of pull-up and pull-down rates in one of the inverters in the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b).This is obtained by halving the channelwidthAatMHz is applied to one of the symmetric nodes ofthe(a)(b)Fig.17.Simulated power spectrum with current injection at f m =50MHz for (a)asymmetrical node and (b)symmetrical node.oscillator.In the second experiment,the same source is applied to the asymmetric node.As can be seen from the power spectra of the figure,noise injected into the asymmetric node results in sidebands that are 12dB larger than at the symmetric node.Note that (30)suggests that upconversion of low frequency noise can be significantly reduced,perhaps even eliminated,byminimizing ,at least in principle.Sincedepends on the waveform,this observation implies that a proper choice of waveform may yield significant improvements in close-in phase noise.The following experiment explores this concept by changing the ratioofA of sinusoidal current at 100MHz intoone node.The sideband power below carrier as a function oftheA at 50MHz injected at the drain node of one of the buffer stages results in two equal sidebands,Fig.18.Simulated and predicted sideband power for low frequency injection versus PMOS to NMOS W=Lratio.Fig.19.Four-stage differential ring oscillator.upconversion of noise to close-in phase noise,even though differential signaling is used.Since the asymmetry is due to the voltage dependent con-ductance of the load,reduction of the upconversion might be achieved through the use of a perfectly linear resistive load,because the rising and falling behavior is governed by an RC time constant and makes the individual waveforms more symmetrical.It was first observed in the context of supply noise rejection [15],[16]that using more linear loads can reduce the effect of supply noise on timing jitter.Our treatment shows that it also improves low-frequency noise upconversion into phase noise.Another symmetry-related property is duty cycle.Since the ISF is waveform-dependent,the duty cycle of a waveform is linked to the duty cycle of the ISF.Non-50%duty cyclesgenerally result inlargerforeven tank of an LC oscillator is helpful in this context,since ahighMHz,MHz,and MHz,and the sideband powersatis proportionalto,and hence the sideband power is proportionaltoA (rms)at20dB/decade,again in complete accordance with (18).The third experiment aims at verifying the effect of thecoefficientson the sideband power.One of the predictions of the theory isthatis responsible for the upconver-sion of low frequency noise.As mentionedbefore,is a strong function of waveform symmetry at the node into which the current is injected.Noise injected into a node with an asymmetric waveform (created by making one inverter asymmetric in a ring oscillator)would result in a greater increase in sideband power than injection into nodes with more symmetric waveforms.Fig.22shows the results of an experiment performed on a five-stage ring oscillator in which one of the stages is modified to have an extra pulldownFig.21.Measured sideband power versus f m ,for injections in vicinity of multiples of f 0.Fig.22.Power of the sidebands caused by low frequency injection into symmetric and asymmetric nodes of the ring oscillator.NMOS device.A current of20m,5-V CMOS process runningatandregion.For thisprocess we have a gate oxide thicknessofnm and threshold voltagesofVand mandm m,and a lateral diffusionof fF.Therefore,Fig.23.Phase noise measurements for a five-stage single-ended CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=232MHz,2- m processtechnology.identical noise sources thenpredictskHz,this equationpredictskHz dBc/Hz,in good agreement with a measurementofregion,it is enough to calculatetheratio iscalculated to be 0.3,which predictsamandmm,whichresults in a total capacitance of 43.5fFand,or122.5d B c /H z ,a g a i n i na g r e e m e n t w i t h p r e d i c t i o n s .T h e r a t i o i s c a l c u l a t e t ob e 0.17w h ic h p r ed i c t sar e g i o n b e h a v i o r .I t i n v o l v e s a s e v es t a r v e d ,s i n g l e -e n d e d r i n g o s c i l l a t o r i s t a g e c o n s i s t s o f a n a d d i t i o n a l N M O S a i n s e r i e s .T h e g a t e d r i v e s o f t h e a d d e d i n d e p e n d e n t c o n t r o l o f t h e r i s e a n d f a l l t h e p h a s e n o i s e w h e n t h e c o n t r o l v o l t a g a c h i e v e s y m m e t r y v e r s u s w h e n t h e y a r e n c o n t r o l v o l t a g e s a r e a d j u s t e d t o k e e p t h eFig.24.Phase noise measurements for an 11-stage single-ended CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=115MHz,2- m processtechnology.Fig.25.Effect of symmetry in a seven-stage current-starved single-ended CMOS VCO.f 0=60MHz,2- m process technology.constant at 60MHz.As can be seen,making the waveform more symmetric has a large effect on the phase noise intheregion.Another experiment on the same circuit is shown in Fig.26,which shows the phase noise power spectrum at a 10kHz offset versus the symmetry-controlling voltage.For all the data points,the control voltages are adjusted to keep the oscillation frequency at 50MHz.As can be seen,the phase noise reaches a minimum by adjusting the symmetry properties of the waveform.This reduction is limited by the phase noiseinm CMOS process.Each stage istapped with an equal-sized buffer.The tail current source has a quiescent current of108fFand the voltage swingisV,which resultsin fF.The total channel noise current on eachnodeFig.26.Sideband power versus the voltage controlling the symmetry of the waveform.Seven-stage current-starved single-ended CMOS VCO.f 0=50MHz,2- m processtechnology.Fig.27.Phase noise measurements for a four-stage differential CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=200MHz,0.5- m process technology.is,the phase noise inthe,or103.9d B c /H z ,a g a i n i n a g r e e m e n t w i tA l s o n o t e t h a t d e s p i t e d i f f e r e n t i a l s y m m e trw h i l e k e e p i n g t h e e f f e c t i v ec a p a c i t a n ce c o n s t a n t t o m a i n t a iand e c r e a s e s t h e c o n d u c t i o n a n g l e ,a n d t h e r e f f e c t i ve.T h e p h a s e n o i s e u l t i m a t e l y i n c r e a s e s(h e r e ,a b o u t0.2)t h a t m i n i m i z e s t h e p h a s e n o i s e .T h i s r t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s f o r t h e c o m m o n r u l e -o f -t hFig.28.Sideband power versus capacitive division ratio.Bipolar LC Colpitts oscillator f 0=100MHz.use)inColpitts oscillators [17].VI.C ONCLUSIONThis paper has presented a model for phase noise which explains quantitatively the mechanism by which noise sources of all types convert to phase noise.The power of the model derives from its explicit recognition of practical oscillators as time-varying systems.Characterizing an oscillator with the ISF allows a complete description of the noise sensitivity of an oscillator and also allows a natural accommodation of cyclostationary noise sources.This approach shows that noise located near integer mul-tiples of the oscillation frequency contributes to the total phase noise.The model specifies the contribution of those noise components in terms of waveform properties and circuit parameters,and therefore provides important design insight by identifying and quantifying the major sources of phase noise degradation.In particular,it shows that symmetry properties of the oscillator waveform have a significant effect on the upconversion of low frequency noise and,hence,thefromit.The second method is based on an analytical state-space approach to find the excess phase change caused by an impulse of current from the oscillation waveforms.The third method is an easy-to-use approximate method.A.Direct Measurement of Impulse ResponseIn this method,an impulse is injected at different relative phases of the oscillation waveform and the oscillatorsimulatedFig.29.State-space trajectory of an n th-order oscillator.for a few cycles afterwards.By sweeping the impulse injec-tion time across one cycle of the waveform and measuring the resulting timeshiftis the period of oscillation.Fortunately,many implementations of SPICE have an internal feature to perform the sweep automatically.Since for each impulse one needs to simulate the oscillator for only a few cycles,the simulation executes rapidly.Onceth-order system can be represented by its trajectory inanwhich suddenly changes the state of the systemto.As discussed earlier,amplitude variations eventually die away,but phase variations do not.Application of the perturbation impulse causes a certain change in phase in either a negative or positive direction,depending on the state-vector and the direction of the perturbation.To calculate the equivalent time shift,we first find the projection of the perturbation vector on a unity vector in the direction of motion,i.e.,the normalized velocityvectoris the equivalent displacement along the trajectory,and,which arises from the projection operation.Theequivalent time shift is given by the displacement divided by。

001 (ISSCC tutorial)Noise Analysis in Switched-Capacitor Circuits

001 (ISSCC tutorial)Noise Analysis in Switched-Capacitor Circuits
PSD(f) f
© 2011 IEEE
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
© 2011 IEEE
Thermal Noise Power
• Nyquist showed that
PSD ( f ) = 4kT
• The total average noise power of a resistor in a certain frequency band is therefore
– Examples: Audio systems, wireless transceivers, sensor interfaces
• Electronic noise directly trades with power dissipation and speed • Electronic noise is a major concern in modern technologies with reduced VDD
• The noise of a MOSFET operating in the triode region is approximately equal to that of a resistor • In the saturation region, the thermal noise can be modeled using a drain current source with power spectral density
• We can model the noise using an equivalent voltage or current generator
2 vn
= Pn ⋅ R = 4kT ⋅ R ⋅ Δf



外文资料与翻译PID Contro l6.1 IntroductionThe PID controller is the most common form of feedback. It was an essential element of early governors and it became the standard tool when process control emerged in the 1940s. In process control today, more than 95% of the control loops are of PID type, most loops are actually PI control. PID controllers are today found in all areas where control is used. The controllers come in many different forms. There are standalone systems in boxes for one or a few loops, which are manufactured by the hundred thousands yearly. PID control is an important ingredient of a distributed control system. The controllers are also embedded in many special purpose control systems. PID control is often combined with logic, sequential functions, selectors, and simple function blocks to build the complicated automation systems used for energy production, transportation, and manufacturing. Many sophisticated control strategies, such as model predictive control, are also organized hierarchically. PID control is used at the lowest level; the multivariable controller gives the set points to the controllers at the lower level. The PID controller can thus be said to be the “bread and butter of control engineering. It is an important component in eve ry control engineer’s tool box.PID controllers have survived many changes in technology, from mechanics and pneumatics to microprocessors via electronic tubes, transistors, integrated circuits. The microprocessor has had a dramatic influence the PID controller. Practically all PID controllers made today are based on microprocessors. This has given opportunities to provide additional features like automatic tuning, gain scheduling, and continuous adaptation.6.2 AlgorithmWe will start by summarizing the key features of the PID controller. The “textbook” version of the PID algorithm is described by:()()()()⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=⎰dt t de d e t e K t u T T d t i 01ττ 6.1 where y is the measured process variable, r the reference variable, u is the control signal and e is the control error (e =sp y − y ). The reference variable is often calledthe set point. The control signal is thus a sum of three terms: the P-term (which is proportional to the error), the I-term (which is proportional to the integral of the error), and the D-term (which is proportional to the derivative of the error). The controller parameters are proportional gain K, integral time T i, and derivative time T d. The integral, proportional and derivative part can be interpreted as control actions based on the past, the present and the future as is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The derivative part can also be interpreted as prediction by linear extrapolation as is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The action of the different terms can be illustrated by the following figures which show the response to step changes in the reference value in a typical case.Effects of Proportional, Integral and Derivative ActionProportional control is illustrated in Figure 6.1. The controller is given by D6.1E with T i= and T d=0. The figure shows that there is always a steady state error in proportional control. The error will decrease with increasing gain, but the tendency towards oscillation will also increase.Figure 6.2 illustrates the effects of adding integral. It follows from D6.1E that the strength of integral action increases with decreasing integral time T i. The figure shows that the steady state error disappears when integral action is used. Compare with the discussion of the “magic of integral action” in Sec tion 2.2. The tendency for oscillation also increases with decreasing T i. The properties of derivative action are illustrated in Figure 6.3.Figure 6.3 illustrates the effects of adding derivative action. The parameters K and T i are chosen so that the closed loop system is oscillatory. Damping increases with increasing derivative time, but decreases again when derivative time becomes too large. Recall that derivative action can be interpreted as providing prediction by linear extrapolation over the time T d. Using this interpretation it is easy to understand that derivative action does not help if the prediction time T d is too large. In Figure 6.3 the period of oscillation is about 6 s for the system without derivative Chapter 6. PID ControlFigure 6.1Figure 6.2Derivative actions cease to be effective when T d is larger than a 1 s (one sixth of the period). Also notice that the period of oscillation increases when derivative time is increased.A PerspectiveThere is much more to PID than is revealed by (6.1). A faithful implementation of the equation will actually not result in a good controller. To obtain a good PID controller it is also necessary to consider。



W U Xi, 一
Z HOU J— i iL u
XI i gYu n E M n — a
( e at n o l t ncE gn eig hn d nvr t I o m t n T c n l y h n d 1 2 5 h n ) Dp r me tfE e r i n i i ,C e g u U i s y o n r ai eh oo ,C e g u6 0 2 ,C ia co e' n ei f f o g
( oeeo o p t c ne ScunU i rt,C eg u6 0 6 ,C ia C lg C m ue Si c, i a nv sy hn d 10 5 hn ) l f r e h ei
Abs r c :As t e o s i t e ta t h n ie n h MRI r u d r h Ri i n iti u i n, i l me t t n f c mmo l u e a e n e t e c a d srb t o mp e n a i o o o ny s d
噪声方法 、 采用参数修正非局部 均值去除 R c n噪声方法 、 特定噪声模型 的全变差方 法 , 不同 噪声 等级 和不 同 ia i 无 对
纹 理 复 杂 度 的 图像 进 行 定 性 和 定 量 的 去 噪 实 验 。结 果 表 明 , 提 出 的 方 法 可 在 保 持 图 像 细 节 和 纹 理 信 息 的 前 提 下 所
M a i u k lh o tm a i n I a e D e ii g U sng No Lo a x m m Li ei o d Esi to m g no sn i n- c l
Pr n i l m po ntAna y i i c p e Co ne l ss

共产党宣言 中英文对照

共产党宣言 中英文对照

共产党宣言中英文对照Karl Marx and Frederick EngelsManifestoof the Communist Party共产党宣言1848A spectre is haunting Europe -- the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.一个幽灵,共产主义的幽灵,在欧洲游荡。


Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?有哪一个反对党不被它的当政的敌人骂为共产党呢,又有哪一个反对党不拿共产主义这个罪名去回敬更进步的反对党人和自己的反动敌人呢,Two things result from this fact:从这一事实中可以得出两个结论:I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.共产主义已经被欧洲的一切势力公认为一种势力;为了这个目的,各国共产党人集会于伦敦,拟定了如下的宣言,用英文、法文、德文、意大利文、佛来米文和丹麦文公布于世。

Source Separation

Source Separation
Many solutions under a simplified instantaneous model have been proposed to test the measurements for independence based on the higher-order cumulants, the probability density function or the temporal (nonstationary) structure of the sources [1-6]. However, it is still difficult for researchers to solve the more realistic model of convolutive mixtures. Previous algorithms have the restrictive assumption of independent, identically distributed (i. i. d.) or symmetric-PDF processes [7, 8]. However, we will have difficulty of applying density mismatching in source separation with iid PDF-model-based methodology. Hence
The source separation methods in the time domain impose severe restriction on the filter length [15]. Almost all the adaptive separation methods take a long time to



2008届毕业设计(论文) 论文题目:有源降噪研究学院: 信息与电子工程学院专业: 电子信息工程班级: 2004级041班学号: 104023005学生姓名: 曹玲瑛指导教师: 施祥二○○八年六月摘要本论文主要通过三种不同的调控方式对中低频占主导地位的噪声进行频域上的调控(直接对原始噪声的某些频段进行调控;在原始噪声的基础上加入实际噪声),并通过成对比较法比较了不同调控方法和调控强度调控后噪声的主观烦恼变化情况;还有通过有源消声调控(直接对原始噪声加入反相器)。




关键词:声调控,频域,主观烦恼ABSTRACTThis paper mainly regulated and controlled the frequency for dominant low-frequency noise through three kinds of different methods (regulating and controlling some of the original band directly; adding noise on the basis of the actual noise in the original noise), and adopted into Compared to the comparison of different control methods and control the intensity of the noise after changes in the subjective annoyance; Active Noise Control was also available method (directly by adding inverse noise of the original). The results showed that all-control methods were basically the same sort of subjective annoyance under five different intensity control, the more strength, the higher the degree of trouble. Adding noise in the low frequency components was more trouble than adding noise in the higher frequency components; on the whole adding the natural background sound was lower than adding other ingredients annoyance. By adding the inverter is obviously silence. The results primarily provided a research base to improve people's subjective sense through changing the noise frequency.Keywords: Voice control, frequency-domain, subjective annoyance目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)引言 (1)第1章有源降噪的研究情况 (2)1.1国内外研究状况 (2)1.1.1传统的噪声控制技术 (2)1.1.2 噪声控制的新技术——有源控制 (4)1.2本课题及论文的研究内容 (5)1.2.1 本课题的研究内容 (5)1.2.2 本论文的研究内容 (6)1.2.3 拟解决的的关键问题 (6)第2章有源降噪的调控方法 (7)2.1实验概述 (7)2.2实验软件 (8)2.2.1声望软件 (8)2.2.2 cool edit pro2.0软件 (9)2.2.3 origin软件 (9)2.3频域上的调控 (10)2.3.1 实验过程 (10)2.3.2 实验结果 (14)2.4自然声的叠加 (16)2.4.1 实验过程 (16)2.4.2 实验结果 (16)2.5反相器的应用 (17)2.5.1 实验过程 (17)2.5.2 小结 (18)2.6本章小结 (18)第3章结论 (20)3.1本论文的主要结论 (20)3.2需进一步研究的问题 (20)3.3展望 (20)致谢 (22)参考文献 (23)引言噪声对人的影响是多方面的,主要包括心理和生理影响,其中心理影响是受体的一种主观感觉,主要表现为烦恼和不愉悦,在长期受噪声干扰环境中工作和生活的人,多有烦躁、失眠、耳鸣、头痛、多梦、疲劳无力、记忆力衰退等症状[1,2]。

relaxing the levels of discretization

relaxing the levels of discretization

relaxing the levels of discretizationAs a computer program, discretization plays an important role in data analysis and modeling. Discretization is the process of converting continuous data into discrete data by partitioning it into intervals or bins. However, in many cases, it is necessary to relax the levels of discretization in order to produce more accurate and meaningful results.One reason to relax the levels of discretization is to reduce the effect of noise on data analysis. Noise is random variation within data, which can cause distortion orincorrect results in analysis. By relaxing the levels of discretization, the amount of noise in the data is reduced, leading to more accurate results.Another reason to relax the levels of discretization is to increase the sensitivity of modeling techniques. A modelis a simplified representation of a real-world problem, andit is used to predict or explain behavior. In some cases, the levels of discretization may be too coarse or too fine to capture the true behavior of the model. By relaxing thelevels of discretization, new patterns may emerge that were previously overlooked. This can lead to a better understanding of the problem and more accurate predictions.Relaxing the levels of discretization is also useful in cases where data is missing or incomplete. Missing data is a common problem in data analysis, and it can be difficult to estimate the missing values accurately. By relaxing thelevels of discretization, missing data can be more easilyestimated, leading to more complete and accurate data sets.Overall, relaxing the levels of discretization is an important tool in data analysis and modeling. It can lead to more accurate and meaningful results, reduce the effect of noise, increase the sensitivity of modeling techniques, and improve the estimation of missing data. However, it is important to balance the levels of discretization with the complexity of the problem and the available computational resources.。


称HHT)1 L 由美 国航 空航 天局 D .Hu n r a g于 1 9 9 8年
声 后 的信 号在 不 同尺 度 上具 有 连续 性 , 效解 决 了 有 模 态混 叠 问题 , 其效 果依 赖 于加人 白噪 声 的大 小 但 与 集成 的 次数 , 现有 E MD方 法 中这两 个参数 都 而 E 需 要 人 为 按 照经 验 设 定 , 乏 可靠 性 , 缺 同时 破 坏 了 E MD方 法 的 自适应 性 。因此 , E 研究 在 E MD 方法 E 中加 入 白噪声大小 的准则 , 出一 种能 自动得 到加入 提
数 极值 点间距 的 变化和信 号极 大值 以及极 小值 序列
值 的变 化[ 。 里可通 过 一个仿 真信号 的E 8这 ] MD分解
白噪声 大小与集 成 次数 的 自适应 集成 经验 模态 分解
方法 , 这对于解决E MD 模态混叠 问题具 有重要意义 。
1 EMD 模 态 混 叠 问题 分 析

叠 问题 。模 态混叠 是 指一个 基本 模态 分 量 由多 个不 同尺 度 的信 号组 成 , 相 似 尺度 的信 号 出现 在 不 同 或





在大部分应用中,这些算法有两个共同点[9]:第一、根据经验风险最小化原则(Empirical Risk Minimization,ERM)[10]训练故障诊断模型。





数据增强算法是邻域风险最小化原则[12](Vicinal Risk Minimization,VRM)的实现方式之一,能够缓解ERM原则所带来的问题。







Method for suppressing impulse noise and device th

Method for suppressing impulse noise and device th

专利名称:Method for suppressing impulse noise anddevice thereof发明人:Yu-Ching Yang,Jia-Shian Jiang申请号:US11369621申请日:20060306公开号:US07558353B2公开日:20090707专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for suppressing impulse noises is provided. The method is employed to receive a sample stream x[n], and to detect and suppress the interruption of impulse noise to the samples, wherein the sample stream x[n] includes a plurality of samples andn represents a discrete-time independent variable. The method includes comparing the energy sum of a (k−1)sample and a ksample multiplied by a first constant with a first threshold, comparing energy sum of the ksample and a (k+1)sample multiplied by a second constant with a second threshold while the energy sum of the (k−1)sample and the ksample multiplied by the first constant is greater than the first threshold, and replacing the ksample with a first replacement sample to output while the energy sum of the ksample and the (k+1)sample multiplied by the second constant is greater than the second threshold.申请人:Yu-Ching Yang,Jia-Shian Jiang地址:Sinjhuang TW,Taipei TW国籍:TW,TW代理机构:J.C. Patents更多信息请下载全文后查看。



小程序改变了我们的生活英语作文The Transformative Power of Mini-Programs in Our Lives.In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, mini-programs have emerged as a significant force,revolutionizing the way we interact with technology andeach other. These small, yet powerful applications have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency. From shopping to entertainment, education to healthcare, mini-programs have transformed our lives in profound ways.The concept of mini-programs is relatively new but has quickly gained popularity due to their accessibility and ease of use. Unlike traditional mobile applications, mini-programs do not require separate downloads or installations. Instead, they operate within a larger platform, such as a social media app or an operating system, leveraging the existing infrastructure and user base. This integration not only reduces the barrier to entry but also enhances userexperience by providing a seamless transition between different services.One of the most significant impacts of mini-programs is in the realm of shopping. With the advent of e-commerce, online shopping has become increasingly popular. However, mini-programs have further simplified the process by allowing users to make purchases directly through their social media platforms or messaging apps. This convenience has led to a significant increase in impulse buys and spontaneous shopping experiences. Moreover, mini-programs often offer personalized recommendations and seamless payment options, enhancing the shopping experience and driving up sales.Beyond shopping, mini-programs have also made a significant impact on education. By leveraging the interactive features of these programs, learning has become more engaging and fun. Students can now access a wide range of educational resources and interactive tools that adapt to their learning styles and needs. This personalized approach to education has the potential to revolutionizethe way we learn, making it more accessible and effective.In the realm of entertainment, mini-programs have also made significant contributions. With the ability to stream content seamlessly and access a wide range of media options, users can now enjoy their favorite movies, TV shows, and music without any hassle. Additionally, mini-programs have enabled creators to reach a wider audience by providing a platform for sharing their work. This has led to a surge in creativity and innovation in the entertainment industry.Healthcare is another area where mini-programs have made a significant impact. By providing access to medical information, appointment scheduling, and remote consultations, these programs have made healthcare more accessible and convenient. This has especially been beneficial for those living in rural or remote areas, where accessing quality healthcare can be challenging.Moreover, the rise of mini-programs has also led to the emergence of new business models and opportunities. Developers and entrepreneurs can now create innovativesolutions to address specific needs or problems, reaching a wide audience through these platforms. This has fostered a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, driving economic growth and job creation.However, while the benefits of mini-programs are numerous, there are also some challenges and concerns that need to be addressed. Privacy and security remain key issues, as user data and transactions are often processed through these platforms. Additionally, the proliferation of mini-programs can lead to information overload and a cluttered user interface. To address these issues, it is crucial that developers and platform providers prioritize user privacy and security while also ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.In conclusion, mini-programs have transformed our lives in profound ways, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency in various aspects of our daily routines. From shopping to education, entertainment to healthcare, these small yet powerful applications have seamlessly integrated into our lives, enhancing our experiences and drivinginnovation. However, it is crucial that we also recognize the challenges and concerns associated with their use and work towards addressing them to ensure a safe and enjoyable digital experience for all.。



lessormore英语作文Less or More: Exploring the Balance in Life.Life is a dynamic canvas where we constantly strive to find a harmonious balance between having less and having more. This pursuit of balance is not just a matter of material possessions, but also extends to our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. The question of whether less is more or more is better often depends on our individual perspectives and life circumstances.In the realm of material possessions, the idea of "less is more" often finds resonance. This philosophy advocates for a simplified lifestyle, where we prioritize quality over quantity. Proponents of this view believe that owning fewer things allows us to focus on what really matters, reducing clutter and stress in our lives. For instance, by owning fewer clothes, we can appreciate each piece more, and by having less furniture, we can enjoy more open and spacious living areas.Moreover, the minimalist lifestyle encourages us to be more intentional with our purchases. Instead of impulse buying or accumulating items for the sake of having them, we learn to consider the true value and purpose of each item. This intentionality not only reduces waste but also helps us to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the things we do own.On the other hand, there are those who argue that "more is better." This perspective is often driven by the belief that having more resources and opportunities opens up a world of possibilities. More money, for instance, can provide us with greater comfort, security, and freedom. It can enable us to travel, explore, and experience a wider range of life's pleasures.Additionally, more social connections and relationships can enrich our lives in immeasurable ways. Having a larger network of friends and acquaintances can provide us with a sense of belonging, support, and diverse perspectives. This diversity can foster growth and understanding, broadeningour horizons and perspectives.However, it's important to note that more is not always better. Having too many possessions or excessive wealth can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction and even loneliness. Material possessions cannot fill the void of emotional or spiritual hunger, and excessive wealth can sometimes create its own set of problems, such as a lack of purpose or meaning in life.Similarly, having a large social network does not guarantee quality relationships. In fact, having too many superficial relationships can leave us feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Quality relationships, where there is depth, trust, and mutual support, are far more valuable than quantity.Therefore, the key to finding the balance between less and more lies in understanding our own values and priorities. We need to ask ourselves what brings us true happiness and fulfillment. Is it the simplicity and peace of a minimalist lifestyle? Or is it the excitement andopportunities that come with having more?The answer to this question is unique to each individual. What works for one person may not work for another. What's important is to be aware of our choices and their consequences, and to make decisions that align with our values and goals.In conclusion, the debate between less is more and more is better is not a black-and-white issue. It's aboutfinding the right balance for ourselves, one that allows us to enjoy the pleasures of life while also maintaining our sanity and well-being. It's about understanding that material possessions and social connections are not the sole determinants of our happiness, but rather tools that can enhance our lives when used wisely and with intention.。

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A SIMPLIFIED IMPULSE-NOISE MODEL FOR THEXDSL TEST ENVIRONMENTWerner Henkel1Thomas Kessler21currently at Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW),A-1040 Vienna, Austria, e-mail: werner.henkel@2 T-Nova Deutsche Telekom GmbH, Technologiezentrum,D-64307 Darmstadt, Germany, e-mail: thomas.kessler@telekom.deABSTRACTAfter presenting results of recent impulse-noise measurements in customer premises, a proposal for a simplified statistical model for impulse noise is presented. The new model is intended to replace the deterministic single impulse, widely known as Cook Pulse, especially in the upcoming standards for SDSL and also maybe VDSL. In addition to the statistical model also herein, sample impulses are defined. In contrast to the Cook Pulse, these impulses look like real impulses and are determined from an average power density spectrum and a group-delay average. Such single impulses should allow fast equipment checks but are not very suited for performance tests.1 INTRODUCTIONSince no other models were available, yet, single impulses were originally used for modeling impulse noise. Especially in the HDSL standards document, a single impulse was defined which should represent some average power density spectrum. This so-called Cook Pulse unfortunately does not really represent the mean PSD which has been measured in a long-lasting campaign in the network of Deutsche Telekom. Additionally, because no phase properties have been taken into consideration, the time-domain shape of the impulse is far from what impulses on lines really look like. The impulse, in principle, also has an infinite energy which is made finite only by sampling and quantization. In the ANSI ADSL standardization, two real impulses have been included that once had been measured by Bellcore. These impulses may be more realistic than the Cook Pulse but, of course, two single impulses cannot represent statistical properties of real impulse noise.In 1993/94 Deutsche Telekom had carried out an extensive impulse-noise measuring campaign [1-3], where especially impulses at central offices with mechanical switches had been recorded. It was already judged from an exemplary measurement that the statistics of impulse noise at customer premises in principal look alike the ones at central offices. The outcome of the 93/94 campaign was a statistical impulse-noise model that tried to incorporate all important properties of impulse noise, i.e., the mean PSD, the phase properties, the statistics of inter-arrival times, lengths, and amplitudes. Also a generator model based on specialized random-noise generators was presented [2-3].For the upcoming of new standards for SDSL and also VDSL, an improved impulse-noise model is essential, since these standards will especially rely on error-control techniques. For defining error-correcting codes one has to know especially the statistics of inter-arrival times and lengths. Also for later performance tests, these are important properties for testing the error-correction procedures. Therefore, we decided to modify our original impulse-noise proposal such that it appears to be suited for standardization purposes. Furthermore, we did a new measurement in the basement of an appartment building, where another measurement had shown that the lines carry quite strong impulse noise. We again checked the statistics against our modeling approaches to show the validity once again. In the following Section 2, we present the new measurement results. The simplified model proposed in a recent ETSI contribution will be described in Section 3.2 RESULTS OF A RECENT IMPULSE-NOISE MEASUREMENT AT CUSTOMER PREMISES’SIDELike in our earlier campaign, we again sampled 51,200 impulses and produced a histogram of the voltage values. This is given in Fig. 1 together with the modeling functionf uu eiu u()|/|/=⋅−124015(1)with a parameter u0 = 3.1 nV. Thus, the original approach for the amplitude density is still suited for modeling the measured relative frequency distributionof the sampled voltages.Figure 1. Approximation of the impulse-noise voltage frequency distribution.The set of impulses was also used to derive a frequency distribution of impulse lengths. The result is shown in Fig. 2 in log and non-log representation. Our original modeling approach for the length statistics was a combination of two log-normal densities in the formf t Bs t e Bs telst tst t ()()ln(/)ln(/) =+−−−1211211221212212222ππ(2)The recent measurement at customer side obviously has a length distribution that can be approximated by only one log-normal density. The parameters are B=1, s1=1.15, t1=18.1 µs.Figure 2. Frequency distribution of the length ofimpulses (logarithmic and linear).Figure 3. Relative frequency distribution of the inter-arrival times.We also did separate measurements of inter-arrival times. The results are shown in Fig. 3. This time, the statistics followed the exponential density of a Poisson process f(t) = λe-λt, λ = 0.16 Hz, quite well and we did not need the rather complex generalization applied in [1-3]. Anyway, for performance tests, we would consider the Poisson law to be more relevant. The deviations from the exponential density that wehave recognized in the earlier measurements are mostly due to strong variations of the impulse rate during long measurement times.From the sampled impulses, we also determined the mean power density spectrum (with reference to a 200µs long period) which is shown in Fig. 4.Furthermore, also the phase differences between neighboring DFT samples at a distance of 5 kHz areshown and modeled in Fig. 5.Figure 4. Power spectral density.Figure 5. Phase differences between neighboring spectral lines.The phase differences, which are effectively the group delay, roughly follow the approximation∆ϕ∆()..()/i f e i i =+⋅−−⋅⋅−−500551410305.(3)This formula has the same structure as in our earlier campaign. The only difference is that the falling slope (rightmost term) was different, i.e., the factor was different.From the mean power spectral density and the typical phase function, we computed a representative impulse which we propose as an alternative impulse model for simplified equipment tests. This customer premises impulse is shown in Fig. 6, together with one for the central office in the case of mechanical switches,which was computed from our earlier data.Figure 6. Representative impulses for central office and customer premises.3 IMPULSE-NOISE GENERATORFor impulse-noise modeling, we propose to use either the representative impulses of Fig. 6, which are especially useful for fast equipment tests, or a stochastic generator, which should be preferred for performance tests. The impulses represent the mean PSD and have some realistic shape due to the introduction of the typical phase function. Compared to our original proposal in [3], we simplified the generator structure (see, Fig. 7). It consists of three separate generators, each of which models the voltage, the length, and the inter-arrival time density,respectively. The beginning of an impulse event is triggered by the inter-arrival time generator and the length of an impulse event is determined by the length generator. Only during the impulse event, the voltage generator is active and supplies random voltage samples. The voltage sequence representing the impulse event may be windowed by a non-rectangular window of the length provided by the length generator.The density of the voltage generator is given by Eq.(1) with a parameter u 0. Typical values for u 0 are 18nV and 3 nV for central offices and customer premises, respectively.The impulse-lengths are distributed according to the superposition of log-normal densities in Eq. (2) with the parametersCentral OfficeCustomer PremisesB 0.251s 10.75 1.15s 2 1.0-t 18 µs 18µs t 2125 µs-The inter-arrival times are exponentially distributed: f(t) = λe-λt. λ is the mean impulse rate. The mean impulse rate is proposed to be a variable parameterand should be less than 20 kHz.Figure 7. Block diagram of a simplified statistical impulse-noise generator.4 CONCLUSIONSWe presented results of a recent impulse-noise measurement which has proven to have similar principal statistical properties as in our earlier campaign. From all results, we deduced a simplified impulse-noise generator and additionally two test impulses. Both alternative modeling approaches are proposed for designing and testing SDSL according to a desired impulse-noise immunity.REFERENCES[1]Henkel, W., Kessler, T.: Statistical descriptionand modelling of impulsive noise on the German telephone network. Electronics Letters, Vol. 30,No. 12, 9th June 1994, pp. 935-936.[2]Henkel, W., Kessler, T.: A Wideband ImpulsiveNoise Survey in the German Telephone Network: Statistical Description and Modeling.AEÜ, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1994, pp. 277-288.[3]Henkel, W., Kessler, T., Chung, H.Y.: Coded64-CAP ADSL in an Impulse-NoiseEnvironment - Modeling of Impulse Noise andFirst Simulation Results. IEEE JSAC, Vol. 13, No. 9, Dec. 1995, pp. 1611-1621. Corrections to [2] and [3]:[2]Below Eq. (16), the γi have to be increased by10 dB (90 instead of 80, 177 instead of 167, 80instead of 70). The Parameters s1 and s2 in Eq.(12) and in Table 3 have to be divided by10.24E6.[3]In Eq. (6), 80 must be replaced by 90, and 167must be replaced by 177. The Parameters s1 ands2 below Eq. (5) have to be divided by 10.24E6.。
