DCW-2008-Cell growth and cell division in the rod-shaped actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum
DC细胞解决方案背景介绍:DC细胞(Dendritic Cell)是一类免疫细胞,具有重要的抗原递呈和免疫调节功能。
解决方案详细步骤:1. DC细胞的制备:a. 采集外周血或骨髓等来源的单个核细胞(PBMCs)。
b. 利用密度梯度离心法分离出单个核细胞,并进行红细胞溶解。
c. 通过负选择或正选择的方式,富集出CD14+单核细胞。
d. 将CD14+单核细胞培养于含有GM-CSF和IL-4的培养基中,诱导其分化为DC细胞。
2. DC细胞的激活:a. 将培养好的DC细胞转移到含有肿瘤相关抗原或病原体抗原的培养基中。
b. 在培养基中加入适当的刺激剂(如LPS、CD40L等),激活DC细胞。
c. 经过适当时间的培养和刺激后,DC细胞表现出成熟的表型和功能。
3. DC细胞的应用:a. 将成熟的DC细胞收集,进行质量控制和鉴定。
b. 将DC细胞应用于免疫治疗中,如肿瘤免疫治疗、感染病治疗等。
c. 根据具体疾病的需求,可以通过不同的途径将DC细胞应用于患者体内,如注射、灌注等。
解决方案的优势:1. 高效快速:本方案采用先进的技术和方法,能够快速高效地制备出具有活性和功能的DC细胞。
2. 稳定可靠:通过严格的质量控制和鉴定,保证DC细胞的稳定性和可靠性。
3. 个性化定制:根据不同疾病和患者的需求,可以对DC细胞进行个性化定制,提高治疗效果。
4. 安全可控:本方案在制备和应用过程中,严格遵循规范操作和安全控制,确保治疗的安全性和可控性。
DC细胞解决方案引言概述:DC细胞,即树突状细胞(Dendritic Cell),是一种免疫系统中重要的抗原呈递细胞。
一、DC细胞的基本原理1.1 DC细胞的发现与特点DC细胞是由美国科学家斯坦利·斯坦帕尔发现的,它是一类具有树突状形态的免疫细胞。
1.2 DC细胞的免疫调节功能DC细胞不仅能够激活T细胞,还能够调节免疫应答的程度和方向。
1.3 DC细胞的抗肿瘤作用近年来的研究表明,DC细胞在抗肿瘤免疫治疗中具有重要的作用。
二、DC细胞的制备方法2.1 DC细胞的采集DC细胞的采集通常采用外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)或者骨髓作为起始材料。
2.2 DC细胞的培养和激活采集到的DC细胞需要经过体外培养和激活才干发挥其免疫调节功能。
2.3 DC细胞的负载和应用激活后的DC细胞可以通过负载抗原蛋白或者肿瘤相关抗原,增强其抗原呈递能力。
【背景知识】DC是“Dendritic Cells”的缩写,中文全称为“树突状细胞”,因其成熟时伸出许多树突样或伪足样突起而得名。
DC是由2011年诺贝尔奖获得者、加拿大籍科学家Ralph M. Steinman于1973年发现的,是目前发现的功能最强的抗原递呈细胞(Antigen Presenting Cells APC)。
已证实,DC是唯一能够显著刺激初始T细胞(Naïve T cells)增殖的APC,成熟的DC可以通过Ⅱ型组织相容性抗原(MHC-Ⅱ)等途径提呈肿瘤抗原,有效抵制肿瘤细胞的免疫逃逸机制,而其它APC(如单核巨噬细胞,B细胞等)仅能刺激已活化的或记忆性的T细胞。
DC-CIK (或DC+CIK)[1]是指与DC细胞共培养的CIK细胞,也可以说,最终的效应细胞是经DC体外活化的CIK细胞。
多项研究表明,DC与CIK具有协同作用,共同孵育后,DC表面共刺激分子的表达及抗原递呈能力均明显提高,而CIK的增殖能力和体内外细胞毒活性也得以增强,因此DC-CIK 较单独的CIK治疗更为有效。
【培养原理】1.DC培养用细胞因子:1.1 GM-CSF(粒细胞/巨噬细胞集落刺激因子)GM-CSF是一种造血生长因子,在体外可刺激中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞的集落形成,并具有促进早期红巨核细胞、嗜酸性祖细胞增殖和发育的功能。
第10卷 第2期2019年3月Vol. 10 No. 2Mar. 2019器官移植Organ Transplantation【摘要】 树突状细胞(DC )虽然数量少,但其在机体免疫系统中发挥的作用却逐渐受到认可和重视。
研究表明DC 由不同的亚群组成,具有不同的处理抗原的能力和激活不同效应淋巴细胞等能力。
其中,调节性树突状细胞(DCreg )是一群具有负向免疫调控功能的DC 亚群。
DCreg 能够通过不同的机制诱导机体免疫耐受,在器官移植、自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤等不同领域均发挥着重要作用。
但DC 在体内分布广泛,且含量少,生理情况下半衰期短,建立成熟的DC 培养技术,特别是如何获取足量的DCreg ,是目前免疫学界研究的重要领域。
本文就DC 的分类和DCreg 体外获取方式进行综述。
【关键词】 树突状细胞;调节性树突状细胞;细胞因子;间充质干细胞;免疫抑制剂;凋亡;基因工程技术【中图分类号】R392,R789 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-7445(2019)02-0014-04·综述·众所周知,树突状细胞(dendritic cell ,DC )最主要的功能是抗原提呈,它也被认为是功能最强的专职抗原提呈细胞(antigen presenting cell ,APC )。
几十年来,在学者的不断探索中,不同的DC 亚群及其免疫功能被认识。
DC 不但能提呈抗原、激活免疫反应,更重要的是其还能诱导自身免疫耐受。
正因如此,DC 开始作为免疫治疗的一种新手段,在感染性疾病、自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤等领域崭露头角。
近年来的研究表明,不同来源、不同部位、不同发育阶段的DC 往往具备不同的细胞表型,分泌不同的细胞因子,发挥不同的免疫作用,成为不同的DC 亚群。
其中,调节性树突状细胞(regulatory DC ,DCreg )则是一群具有负向免疫调控功能的亚群,它能够通过不同的机制诱导自身免疫耐受,成为免疫学界关注的对象。
dc细胞培养方法DC细胞(Dendritic Cell)是一类非常重要的免疫细胞,它在机体的免疫防御中起着至关重要的作用。
常用的培养基包括RPMI-1640、DMEM 等。
一般来说,骨髓或外周血中的单个核细胞(Mononuclear Cells,简称MNCs)是DC 细胞的主要来源。
常用的刺激因子包括GM-CSF (Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor)和IL-4(Interleukin-4)。
O157 : H7 感 染 性 腹 泻 是 近 年 来 新 发 现 的 危 害 严 重
的 肠 道 传 染 病 ,它 除 引 起 腹 泻 、出 血 性 肠 炎 外 ,还 可 发 生 溶 血 性 尿 毒 综 合 症 ( HUS )、 血 栓 性 血 小 板 减 少 性 紫 癜 ( TTP ) 等 严 重 的 并 发 症 , 后 者 病 情 凶 险 , 死 亡 率 高 ,已 经 逐 渐 成 为 威 胁 人 群 健 康 的 重 要 公 共 卫 生 问 题 。 90% 以 上 的 弯 曲 菌 感 染 是 由 空 肠 弯 曲 菌
生物技术通报 Biotechnology
2009 年第 3 期
尔 可 导 致 幼 儿 和 老 年 人 死 亡 [1] 。 肠 出 血 性 大 肠 杆 菌
在 但 不 可 培 养 ” 的 状 态 [4] , 这 更 是 传 统 分 离 培 养 检 测 方 法 无 法 克 服 的 难 题 。 因 此 ,在 检 验 检 疫 工 作 中 , 急需一种灵敏的快速检测方法。 本研究的目的是建立一种简单准确且快速灵 敏 的 多 重 PCR 反 应 , 结 合 变 性 高 效 液 相 色 谱 技 术 ( DHPLC ) 方 法 , 鉴 定 沙 门 氏 菌 、 空 肠 弯 曲 菌 和 肠 出 血 性 大 肠 杆 菌 O157 : H7 , 克 服 上 述 的 难 题 。 DHPLC 利用样 品分子对固定 相 亲 和 力 的 差 异 ,在 用 流 动 相 洗 脱 时 ,不 同 大 小 或 者 不 同 序 列 的 核 苷 酸 片 段 分 子 在 固 定 相 上 移 动 速 率 不 同 , 从 而 达 到 分 离 的 目 的 [5] 。 根 据各种食源性致病 微 生 物 的 特 有 基 因 组 序 列 ,设 计 引 物 进 行 PCR 扩 增 , 利 用 DHPLC 检 测 , 达 到 快 速检测食品中病原微生物的目的。
此外,未成熟DC还能分泌一些趋化性细胞因子、具有炎 症介质作用的细胞因子,如LC能产生TNF-、IL-1、IL-6、 IL-15等。
FDC还可长期储存捕获的抗原,从而维持记忆性B细胞 克隆和血清抗体水平。DC表达的MHC分子和CD1分子也可参 与抗原的摄取,尤其是非蛋白类抗原。
DC借助膜表面不同受体可有效地捕获低浓度的抗原,如 经FcR捕获免疫复合物性抗原、经甘露糖受体捕获甘露 糖化/岩藻糖化的抗原。
DC具有强大的液相吞饮功能,未成熟的DC吞饮速度快、 吞饮量大。
某些部位或幼稚阶段的DC可通过吞噬作用摄取大颗粒 或微生物(>0.5m)。但分枝杆菌抗原则是通过M吞噬降 解后,将有效成分传递给DC,再行内化降解。
可有效诱导巢居的静息性幼Байду номын сангаасT细胞发生增生。
2. DC的表面标志
DC表面表达与病原微生物结合的受体(PRR)、FcR 等,
相互作用,这是DC高效提呈外源性抗原,并提供T细胞第二 活化信号的必要分子基础。
值得注意的是: CD14+单核细胞分化成的不成熟DC,保留有M-CSF受体。
但是,当其发育成熟后,M-CSF受体随即消失。 因此,比较统一的看法是:CD14+单核细胞在不同环境
下,发育成不同的细胞。 ①在GM-CSF和IL-4作用下,发育成DC。 ②在GM-CSF和M-CSF作用下,发育成巨噬细胞。
DC细胞DC细胞概述DC细胞, 1973年Steiman和Cohn首次从脾脏中分离出一类与粒细胞、巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞形态和功都不同的白细胞,因其细胞膜向外伸出,形成与神经细胞轴突相似的膜性树状突起,故而命名为树突状细胞。
DC细胞图(dendritic cells,DCs)。
它是机体功能最强的专职抗原递呈细胞(Antigen presenting cells, APC),它能高效地摄取、加工处理和递呈抗原,未成熟DC具有较强的迁移能力,成熟DC能有效激活初始型T细胞,处于启动、调控、并维持免疫应答的中心环节。
有效的抗肿瘤免疫反应的核心是产生以CD8+ T细胞为主体的细胞免疫应答,这也是DC作为免疫治疗手段的基础。
美国杜克大学遗传和细胞治疗学中心的研究主任埃利-吉尔波瓦说过:“DC 是激发机体免疫系统激发抵御癌症侵袭最有效的途径之一。
2. 可致敏辅助T细胞的多种细胞因子,显著刺激初始型T细胞增殖,以激活体内静止状态的初始型T细胞(而巨噬细胞、B 细胞仅能刺激已活化的或记忆性T细胞)。
3. 帮助重建肿瘤患者对肿瘤细胞的免疫监视功能。
3 典型应用
3.1 活细胞内基因表达及蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用 的光学成像与可视化
随着人类基因组计划的完成,蛋白质功能研究 已成为生命科学面临的最重要任务之一. 传统的生 化方法只能对蛋白质进行体外分析,这些离体研究 不能反映活细胞内蛋白质动力学. GFP 标记技术结 合多种光学成像技术很好地回答了上述问题. 其中 基 于 GFP 的 荧 光 共 振 能 量 转 移 (fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)技术是应用最广泛
的 , [19] 它 可 实 时 动 态 监 测 蛋 白 质 时 空 动 力 学 . FRET 是 供 体 分 子 和 受 体 分 子 在 近 距 离 范 围 内 (<10 nm)所发生的一种非辐射式能量转移现象,目 前在生物和医学中被广泛应用的是 CFP(供体)和 YFP(受体). 国内也开展了基于 FRET 的蛋白质功 能研究,并在蛋白酶活性检测[20~23]和钙离子浓度[24] 方面取得了较好进展. FRET 除了可研究蛋白酶活 性[25]、蛋白质构象[26]、蛋白质磷酸化[27]和钙离子浓 度测定[28]等之外,蛋白质相互作用的 FRET 检测是 目前最受关注的焦点. 细胞内众多生命活动都是通 过蛋白质复合体来介导的,而蛋白质复合体则是多
主要生物学功能包括:(1)细胞毒作用, 可识别和杀伤感染细胞和肿瘤细胞;(2) 免疫调节作用:活化后释放IL-1、IL-2、 IL-3、IL-4、IFN-γ、TNF等细胞因子,调 节免疫应答
4.Th 、 Tc、Treg
Th细胞 根据分泌细胞因子的不同分为 Th1、Th2、Th3和Th17。Th1细胞偏向于 分泌IL-2和IFNγ;Th2细胞偏向于分泌IL-4、 IL-5 、 IL-6 、 IL-10 ; Th3 细 胞 分 泌 TGF-β 发挥负调节作用;Th17分泌IL-17
调理性受体:IgG Fc受体、补体受 体
识别、清除病原体等抗原性异物 参与和促进炎症 杀伤肿瘤和病毒感染的靶细胞 加工提呈抗原并启动适应性 免疫调节作用
5.Fc受体 成熟B细胞表面可表达IgG的Fc
的受体,与抗原-抗体复合物中IgG的Fc段 结合,有利于B细胞对抗原的捕获和识别。
7.丝裂原受体 美洲商陆和LPS的受体
(三) B细胞亚群及其功能
根据CD5的表达与否分为:B-1和B-2细胞 B-1细胞:产生于个体发育早期;表达CD5与
Department of Immunology
提呈抗原与免疫激活作用 免疫调节作用 免疫耐受的维持与诱导
三、NK 细胞
自然杀伤细胞(natural killer cells,NK) 来源于骨髓淋巴样干细胞,是不同于T、B 淋巴细胞的第三类淋巴细胞。
从显微镜、离心机、电泳仪、同位素、X-Ray 到现在的高通量、高灵敏的分析、测序、重组、克隆、转移、芯片、荧光、成像、纳米、合成、信息技术的发展,无一不引领着现在医学生物学的进步。
这里我们从Science, Nature, PNAS, Cell 以及国内外生物医学网站上摘录了2008—2009年120多项生物医学的新技术,供大家参考。
免疫组学的研究进展唐康侯永利王亚珍陈丽华(中国人民解放军空军军医大学基础医学院免疫学教研室,西安 710032)中图分类号R392.9 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000-484X(2024)01-0185-07[摘要]随着高通量测序技术、生物信息学等相关领域进展以及人类对免疫系统功能认识的逐步深入,免疫组学从最初解析B细胞受体(BCR)、T细胞受体(TCR)基因序列逐渐发展为解析和绘制宿主免疫系统和抗原的互作关系以及宿主免疫系统应答机制的全景图谱,主要包括抗原表位组学、免疫基因组学、免疫蛋白质组学、抗体组学和免疫信息学等方面的研究,并基于大量免疫学研究数据建立了ImmPort、VDJdb和IEDB等免疫学数据库,加速了新抗原表位的发现和免疫应答机制等研究。
[关键词]免疫组;免疫组学;免疫信息学;人工智能Advances in immunomics researchTANG Kang, HOU Yongli, WANG Yazhen, CHEN Lihua. Department of Immunology, School of Basic Medicine,Air Force Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China[Abstract]With the progress of high-throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics, and deepening understanding of immune system,immunomics has evolved from initially deciphering gene sequences of B cell receptor (BCR)and T cell receptor (TCR) to unraveling and mapping interactions between host immune system and antigens, as well as panorama of host immune system response mechanisms, which now encompasses various research areas, such as antigen epitopeomics, immunogenomics, immunopro‐teomics, antibodyomics and immunoinformatics. Based on a large amount of immunological research data, immunological databases such as ImmPort, VDJdb and IEDB have been established to accelerate discovery of new antigen epitopes and study of immune response mechanisms. Immunomics has revealed the association between immune system and diseases, promoted the development of novel vac‐cines and immunotherapeutic strategies, and effectively drove the development of personalized medicine and precision medicine. In recent years, integration of immunome with exposome and fusion it with artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on compre‐hensively understanding immune system's response and regulatory mechanisms to environmental factors, as well as deciphering molecular mechanisms underlying disease occurrence and progression.[Key words]Immunome;Immunomics;Immunoinformatics;Artificial intelligence免疫组(immunome)是宿主免疫系统与抗原的互作关系以及宿主免疫系统应答机制的全景图谱,包括免疫系统的识别对象、识别受体以及参与免疫应答过程的其他分子[1-3]。
dc细胞成熟条件(二)DC细胞成熟条件1. 引言在免疫学研究中,树突状细胞(dendritic cell,简称DC细胞)被认为是非常重要的免疫细胞类型。
2. DC细胞的来源DC细胞可以从骨髓、外周血和淋巴组织等多种来源获得。
3. DC细胞的培养条件DC细胞的培养条件对于其成熟和功能发挥起着至关重要的作用。
以下是一些常见的DC细胞培养条件:•细胞培养基:常用的培养基包括RPMI 1640、DMEM等,其中加入10% FBS(胎牛血清)是常见的做法。
4. DC细胞的成熟标志DC细胞的成熟可以通过以下标志进行检测:•表面分子的表达:成熟的DC细胞通常表达CD80、CD86等共刺激分子,这些分子能够促进T细胞的激活。
5. 结论通过合理的培养条件,可以促进DC细胞的成熟,并使其具有更好的免疫调节功能。
参考文献: 1. Kapsenberg ML, Dendritic-cell control of pathogen-driven T-cell polarization, Nat Rev Immunol, 2003. 2. Banchereau J, Steinman RM, Dendritic cells and the control of immunity, Nature, 1998.。
绿色荧光蛋白研究的三个里程碑2008年诺贝尔化学奖简介崔志芳 邹玉红 季爱云副教授, 讲师, 硕士研究生,山东科技大学化学与环境工程学院,青岛266510关键词 诺贝尔化学奖 绿色荧光蛋白 报告基因2008年10月8日,美国科学家下村修、马丁 查尔非以及钱永健因为在绿色荧光蛋白的发现以及改造方面的突出成就而获得2008年度诺贝尔化学奖。
2008年10月8日,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会将2008年度诺贝尔化学奖授予日裔美国科学家下村修(Osamu Shimomura)、美国科学家马丁 查尔非(M artin Chalfie),以及美国华裔科学家钱永健(Roger Y.Tsien)。
他们三人在发现绿色荧光蛋白(green f luo-rescent protein,GFP)方面作出突出成就。
GFP的具体研究历程到底是怎样的?1GFP研究的三个里程碑1962年,下村修和约翰森从维多利亚多管水母(Ae-quorea victoria)中分离生物发光蛋白 水母素(aequor-in)时,意外地得到了一个副产物[1]。
来源于水母的野生型GFP在395nm 和475nm分别有主要和次要的激发峰,它的发射峰在509nm,处于可见光谱的绿色区域。
当时的研究者们并没有意识到G FP的应用前景,慢慢就将其遗忘了。
DC细胞解决方案引言概述:DC细胞(Dendritic Cell)是一种免疫细胞,具有重要的抗原递呈和免疫调节功能。
本文将介绍DC 细胞解决方案的五个部份,包括DC细胞的来源、制备方法、应用领域、优势和未来发展方向。
一、DC细胞的来源1.1 骨髓源DC细胞骨髓源DC细胞是通过从骨髓中分离和培养获得的。
1.2 外周血源DC细胞外周血源DC细胞是从外周血中分离和培养得到的。
1.3 脐带血源DC细胞脐带血源DC细胞是从脐带血中分离和培养得到的。
二、DC细胞的制备方法2.1 培养方法DC细胞的制备主要通过体外培养的方法实现。
2.2 分离和纯化方法为了得到高纯度的DC细胞,可以使用磁珠分离、流式细胞术等技术进行细胞分离和纯化。
2.3 质量控制方法为了确保DC细胞的质量和稳定性,需要进行质量控制。
三、DC细胞的应用领域3.1 癌症治疗DC细胞可以通过递呈肿瘤抗原,激活和增强患者自身的免疫反应,从而达到治疗癌症的效果。
3.2 传染病治疗DC细胞可以递呈病原体抗原,激活和增强机体免疫反应,对传染病的治疗具有潜在的应用前景。
3.3 自身免疫性疾病治疗DC细胞可以通过调节机体的免疫反应,治疗自身免疫性疾病,如类风湿性关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮等。
四、DC细胞的优势4.1 高效性DC细胞具有较强的抗原递呈和免疫调节能力,可以激活和增强机体的免疫反应,提高治疗效果。
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201610143980.X(22)申请日 2016.03.14(71)申请人 上海安集协康生物技术股份有限公司地址 201318 上海市浦东新区青黛路588号3幢(72)发明人 王晓明 刘倩 苗嘉奕 杨珺 (74)专利代理机构 上海伯瑞杰知识产权代理有限公司 31227代理人 曹莉(51)Int.Cl.C12N 5/0784(2010.01)(54)发明名称一种DC细胞的制备方法(57)摘要本发明涉及细胞制备领域,具体涉及一种DC 细胞的制备方法,取出冻存的PBMC细胞在37℃的水浴中快速摇晃,使其融化;用GT-T551无血清培养基调整单个核淋巴细胞浓度,然后将调整好浓度的单核淋巴细胞以2-4mL/孔加入六孔板中,贴壁1-2小时,最后吸弃六孔板的每个孔内的上层未贴壁细胞;在六孔板的每个孔内分别加入DC培养基培养,在补充加入诱导DC细胞的混合因子后继续培养22-26小时;补充加入诱导DC成熟的因子后再培养22-26小时。
权利要求书1页 说明书4页 附图1页CN 105734016 A 2016.07.06C N 105734016A1.一种DC细胞的制备方法,其步骤包括,(1)、取出冻存的PBMC细胞在37℃的水浴中快速摇晃,使其融化;(2)、用GT-T551无血清培养基调整单个核淋巴细胞浓度为2×105-2×107个/mL,然后将调整好浓度的单核淋巴细胞以2-4mL/孔加入六孔板中,贴壁1-2小时,最后吸弃六孔板的每个孔内的上层未贴壁细胞;(3)、在六孔板的每个孔内分别加入DC培养基2-4mL,置于二氧化碳培养箱内,二氧化碳浓度为5%,温度为37%,培养45-50小时;(4)、在六孔板的每个孔内补充加入诱导DC细胞的混合因子0.05-0.1mL后继续培养22-26小时;(5)、在六孔板的每个孔内补充加入诱导DC成熟的因子0.08-0.16mL后再培养22-26小时。
DC细胞解决方案一、背景介绍DC细胞(Dendritic Cells)是一类重要的抗原提呈细胞,具有激活和调节免疫应答的功能。
二、DC细胞制备1. 培养基准备:将RPMI-1640培养基加入10%胎牛血清、1%青霉素/链霉素混合液,调整pH值至7.2-7.4。
2. DC细胞分离:从小鼠或者人类外周血或者骨髓中分离出单个核细胞,用红细胞裂解液裂解红细胞,然后进行DC细胞的阳性选择。
3. DC细胞培养:将分离得到的DC细胞在培养基中培养,添加GM-CSF和IL-4等细胞生长因子,培养7-10天,以获得足够数量和活性的DC细胞。
三、DC细胞应用1. 免疫治疗:DC细胞可通过激活T细胞和NK细胞等免疫细胞,增强机体对肿瘤、感染等疾病的免疫应答。
2. 疫苗研发:DC细胞可以作为疫苗的载体,将抗原蛋白负载到DC细胞上,通过激活免疫系统来预防或者治疗疾病。
3. 免疫监测:DC细胞可以作为免疫监测的指标,通过检测DC细胞的数量和功能状态,评估患者的免疫状况和治疗效果。
四、DC细胞实验操作1. DC细胞培养条件优化:通过调整培养基成份、生长因子浓度、培养时间等参数,优化DC细胞的培养条件,提高细胞的产量和活性。
2. DC细胞功能评估:利用T细胞增殖实验、细胞因子分泌检测等方法评估DC细胞的功能,判断其激活和调节免疫应答的能力。
3. DC细胞与抗原结合:将抗原负载到DC细胞上,可以采用蛋白质转染、共价结合等方法,通过检测抗原的表达和免疫活性,评估DC细胞的抗原提呈能力。
4. DC细胞的体内应用:将培养好的DC细胞注射到小鼠模型中,观察其对肿瘤、感染等疾病的治疗效果,评估DC细胞在体内的免疫调节作用。
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ORIGINAL PAPERCell growth and cell division in the rod-shaped actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicumMichal Letek ÆMarı´a Fiuza ÆEfre ´n Ordo ´n ˜ez ÆAlmudena F.Villadangos ÆAstrid Ramos ÆLuı´s M.Mateos ÆJose ´A.Gil Received:3December 2007/Accepted:29January 2008/Published online:19February 2008ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2008Abstract Bacterial cell growth and cell division are highly complicated and diversified biological pro-cesses.In most rod-shaped bacteria,actin-like MreB homologues produce helicoidal structures along the cell that support elongation of the lateral cell wall.An exception to this rule is peptidoglycan synthesis in the rod-shaped actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum ,which is MreB-independent.Instead,during cell elongation this bacterium synthesizes new cell-wall material at the cell poles whereas the lateral wall remains inert.Thus,the strategy employed by C.glutamicum to acquire a rod-shaped morphology is completely different from that of Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis .Cell division in C.glutamicum also differs profoundly by the apparent absence in its genome of homologues of spatial or temporal regu-lators of cell division,and its cell division apparatus seems to be simpler than those of other bacteria.Here we review recent advances in our knowledge of the C.glutamicum cell cycle in order to furtherunderstand this very different model of rod-shape acquisition.Keywords Corynebacterium ÁCell division ÁCell growth ÁFtsZ ÁDivIVA ÁFtsI ÁHMW-PBP ÁCell wallIntroductionCorynebacterium glutamicum is a soil-borne actino-mycete that is widely used in the industrial production of amino acids,such as L -lysine,an essential amino acid used in animal nutrition,or the taste enhancer L -glutamic acid (Hermann 2003).The biotechnological production of each of these amino acids by corynebacteria is estimated to be more than 1million tons per year (Hermann 2003).Interest in corynebacteria stems from the late 1950s,when it was discovered that the bacterium is a natural producer of amino acids (Kinoshita et al.1957).Since that time and continuing into the present,C.glutamicum has been extensively studied,leading to the development of efficient transformation systems (Santamaria et al.1985)and cloning vectors (Santamaria et al.1984,1987;Cadenas et al.1991,1996),the cloning of genes involved in amino-acid production (Mateos et al.1987a,b ;Martin et al.1987),genome sequencing by three independent laboratories (Kalinowski et al.2003;Ikeda and Nakagawa 2003;Yukawa et al.2007),proteomicElectronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10482-008-9224-4)containssupplementary material,which is available to authorized users.M.Letek ÁM.Fiuza ÁE.Ordo´n ˜ez ÁA.F.Villadangos ÁA.Ramos ÁL.M.Mateos ÁJ.A.Gil (&)Departamento de Biologı´a Molecular.A ´rea de Microbiologı´a.Facultad de Biologı´a,Universidad de Leo´n,Leon 24071,Spain e-mail:jagils@unileon.esAntonie van Leeuwenhoek (2008)94:99–109DOI 10.1007/s10482-008-9224-4and phosphoproteomic maps(Hermann et al.2001; Bendt et al.2003),DNA microarrays(Polen and Wendisch2004),and,finally,the use of all of these technologies in‘‘genome breeding’’to improve amino-acid production(Ohnishi et al.2002,2003).The genus Corynebacterium also comprises other relevant species.In fact,nearly coincident with the first report of the genome sequence of C.glutam-icum,the sequence of the very closely related Corynebacterium efficiens(Nishio et al.2003)as well as that from the well-known human pathogen Corynebacterium diphtheriae(Cerdeno-Tarraga et al.2003)were released.The genus also includes emergent pathogens,such as Corynebacterium jeikeium(Tauch et al.2005),Corynebacterium urealyticum(Fernandez-Natal et al.2001),and Corynebacterium amycolatum(Letek et al.2006a), which are frequently multi-drug resistant and cause nosocomial infections in immunosuppressed patients.The study of bacterial cell division and cell-shape acquisition could be applied to the rational design of new compounds tofight bacterial infections,since most of the genes involved in these processes are essential and thus may serve as targets of new antimicrobial agents or new antibiotics(Vicente et al.2006).The rate at which new antibiotics are being discovered by traditional approaches is much slower than the rate at which bacteria are becoming resistant to currently available antibiotics(Courvalin and Davies2003).In addition,manipulation of the cellular growth rate or the properties of the bacterial cell envelope could be used to improve the biotechnological production of amino acids in C.glutamicum(Hirasawa et al.2000;Radmacher et al.2005).Snapping division and club shape Corynebacteria are gram-positive,non-sporulating, pleomorphic bacilli that belong to the group of mycolata,which also includes the genera Mycobac-terium and Nocardia.The pleomorphism of C.glutamicum is influenced by the culture conditions and in general the cell poles of cultured C.glutam-icum are frequently engrossed,which confers a ‘‘club’’shape to the cells(Cure and Keddie1973). The mycolata are characterized by a lipid-rich cell envelope surrounding the cell wall,which has been described as an outer membrane of gram-positive bacteria and is thought to act as a permeability barrier (Minnikin1982;Dover et al.2004).In Corynebac-terium,this lipid domain is composed of corynemycolic acids,which contain30–36carbon atoms and a non-reduced b-keto group(Collins et al. 1982;Puech et al.2001).In addition,several species of corynebacteria possess an all-embracing and well-documented S-layer(Peyret et al.1993;Chami et al. 1997;Hansmeier et al.2006).After the bacteria undergo‘‘snapping’’cell division(Video S1),the daughter cells remain joined together,forming a characteristic V-shape(Collins and Cummins1986) and often lie in clusters resembling Chinese letters or palisades.Transmission electron microscopy of C.glutamicum cells showed that newly formed cells remain together,linked by a yet-unknown compound present on the surface of C.glutamicum(Fig.1)that could be the extensive S-layer present in this microorganism.Most of the studies on corynebacterial morphology have focused on non-pathogenic species.However, there are also reports in which the human pathogen C.diphtheriae was studied(Sall et al.1958;UmedaFig.1Transmission electron micrograph of two Corynebac-terium glutamicum V-shaped cells,the products of snapping division.The unknown compound present on the surface of C.glutamicum(arrow)could maintain the link between the two daughter cells.The experimental procedure used was described previously in Flardh,K.(2003a)and Amako1983).Electron microscopic examination of C.diphtheriae stained with antiserum against total wall material suggested that cell division occurred at the middle of the cell,with the existing cell-surface divided between the two daughter cells.Cell elonga-tion was found to resemble the growth pattern of fungal or Streptomyces hyphae and was therefore called apical growth(Umeda and Amako1983; Flardh2003b).Similar patterns of cell division and elongation were recently recognized in C.glutamicum by staining of newly synthesized peptidoglycan(PG)(see below and Daniel and Errington2003).Genes involved in cell division and cell growthin corynebacteriaThe entire process of cell division in bacteria requires the products of several fts genes.These genes are located in the conserved dcw(division cell wall) cluster,the organization of which has been analyzed in several species of bacteria(Tamames et al.2001). These phylogenetic analyses led to the conclusion that the different arrangements of the dcw clusters clearly separate the rod-shaped actinomycetes M.tuberculosis and C.diphtheriae from other bacteria.The genetics of cell growth and cell division of the non-pathogenic C.glutamicum were studied even before complete genome sequences were available. The earliest studies were focused on the sequencing and characterization of several corynebacterial genes present in the dcw cluster,such as ftsZ(Kobayashi et al.1997;Honrubia et al.1998),ftsI(Wijayarathna et al.2001;Valbuena et al.2006),murE (Wijayarathna et al.2001),murD,murC,and ftsQ (Wachi et al.1999;Honrubia et al.2001;Ramos et al. 2004),and divIVA(Ramos et al.2003).From these studies,a transcription profile of the dcw cluster from C.glutamicum(Fig.2)was obtained as well as an early indication that cell division of this bacterium must differ given the lack of cell-division genes essential to the process in other bacteria,like ftsA or ftsL(see below).However,recent experimental data showed that the overexpression or alteration of several fts-encoded proteins in E.coli can make up for the absence of other essential members of the cell-division apparatus,or divisome(Geissler and Margolin2005;Bernard et al.2007).Thus,C.glutamicum may have a reduced version of the more sophisticated divisome present in other bacteria, since some proteins in the latter have functional redundancies.For a detailed description of the proteins involved in bacterial cytokinesis,see the review by Errington et al.2003.The sequencing of the genomes of different Corynebacterium species and comparison of the sequences to those of other well-known model bacteria(Table1),together with the application of new molecular biology and microscopy techniques, have provided a major impulse to our understanding of the cell-cycle in these bacteria.Analysis of the genes present in the genome of several corynebac-teria species revealed the absence of any MreB actin-like homologues,which are essential for cell elongation of E.coli(Kruse et al.2005),Bacillus subtilis(Jones et al.2001),and Caulobacter cres-centus(Figge et al.2004),among others. Furthermore,this analysis confirmed that the con-served dcw cluster of C.glutamicum is a simplified version of the homologous clusters found in most bacteria(Fig.2)and that the well-known positive or negative regulators of cell division are missing (Ramos et al.2003;Letek et al.2007).Similar to other Actinobacteria,such as M.tuberculosis or S.coelicolor(Table1),there are no homologues to ftsA(an actin-homologue)in the C.glutamicum genome,neither homologous genes been found to positive regulators involved in FtsZ polymerization e.g.,zipA or zapA,or to negative regulators,e.g., ezrA,noc,slmA,sulA,and minCD(Letek et al.2007). Moreover,essential cell-division genes(those encod-ing FtsN and FtsL)are also not present in C.glutamicum.An exception is the poorly understood ftsEX cluster,which is present in C.glutamicum (cg0914and cg0915)and in M.tuberculosis(Mir et al.2006).Recently,it was suggested that,in E.coli, FtsEX proteins form an ABC transporter that imports certain substrates during cell division in order to maintain osmotic pressure in the cell during formation of the cell envelope(Schmidt et al.2004;Reddy 2007).The absence of any positive regulators could be compensated by FtsW,as is the case in M.tuberculosis where the protein is involved in the stabilization of Z-ring polymerization(Datta et al.2006).Although in C.glutamicum FtsW interacts directly with FtsZ (Valbuena et al.2007),other proteins could participateF i g .2G e n e t i c o r g a n i z a t i o n o f t h e d c w c l u s t e r i n d i f f e r e n t m i c r o o r g a n i s m s c l u s t e r e d b y t h e i r c e l l m o r p h o l o g y :b a c i l l a r (r e d s q u a r e ),h y p h a l (g r e e n s q u a r e )o r c o c c o i d (b l u e s q u a r e ).G e n e s a r e r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h i c k a r r o w s i n d i c a t i n g d i r e c t i o n o f t r a n s c r i p t i o n a n d h o m o l o g o u s g e n e s a r e s h o w n i n t h e s a m e c o l o r ;g e n e s n o t r e l a t e d t o c e l l d i v i s i o n o r p e p t i d o g l y c a n b i o s y n t h e s i s a r e c o l o r l e s s .T h i n a r r o w s r e p r e s e n t t r a n s c r i p t s d e t e c t e d i n C .g l u t a m i c u m ,a s d e s c r i b e d i nH o n r u b i a e t a l .(2001),R a m o s e t a l .(2003),V a l b u e n a e t a l .(2006)a n d L e t e k e t a l .(2007)in the Z-ring stabilization,such as the product of cg2363(Letek et al.2007),a sepF homologue that has been described as a positive cell-division regulator in B.subtilis(Hamoen et al.2006).However,the cg2363 gene(previously named OFR6by our laboratory)is not essential for either the growth or the viability of C.glutamicum(Honrubia et al.2001).The lack of any nucleoid occlusion effectors in C.glutamicum,such as noc(Wu and Errington2004)and slmA(Bernhardt and de Boer2005),was further confirmed as Z-rings can assemble even before nucle-oids are completely segregated(Ramos et al.2005). The spatial regulation of minCD requires the topolog-ical effectors MinE in E.coli(de Boer et al.1989), which is also absent in the C.glutamicum genome,and divIVA in B.subtilis(Cha and Stewart1997),which although present in Actinobacteria has a completely different function(see below and Letek et al.2008).Table1Genes related to cell division and cell growth present in different bacterial genomesGene name EscherichiacoliBacillussubtilisCorynebacteriumglutamicumMycobacteriumtuberculosisStreptomycescoelicoloramiC b2817BSU35620cg3424Rv3915SCO2345 divIVA–BSU15420cg2361Rv2145c SCO2077ezrA–BSU29610–––ftsA b0094BSU15280–––ftsB b2748–cg1112Rv1024SCO3095(divIC)ftsE b3463BSU35260cg0914Rv3102c SCO2969ftsI b0084BSU15170cg2375Rv2163c SCO2090ftsK b0890BSU29800(ytpT)cg2158Rv2748c SCO3934BSU16800(spoIIIE)SCO4508SCO5750ftsL b0083BSU15150–––ftsN b3933––––ftsQ b0093–cg2367Rv2151c SCO2083ftsW b0089BSU14850(ftsW)cg2370Rv2154c SCO2085(ftsW) BSU15210(spoVE)SCO2607(sfr) ftsX b3462BSU35250cg0915Rv3101c SCO2968ftsZ b0095BSU15290cg2366Rv2150c SCO2082 minC b1176BSU28000–––minD b1175BSU27990–––minE b1174––––mreB b3251BSU14470(mreBH)––SCO2611BSU28030(mreB)BSU36410(mbl)mreC b3250BSU28020––SCO2610 mreD b3249BSU28010––SCO2609noc–BSU40990––-rodA b0634BSU38120cg0061Rv0017c SCO3846sepF–BSU15390cg2363RV2147c SCO2079smlA b3641––––sulA b0958––––zapA b2910––––zipA b2412––––The functions of the codified proteins were recently reviewed(Errington et al.2003;Goehring and Beckwith2005)Cell elongation at the cell polesThe year2003can be considered as a milestone in the study of rod-shape acquisition by Corynebacterium. In that year Daniel and Errington(2003)determined the pattern of PG synthesis in several strains of gram-positive bacteria by staining withfluorescently labeled vancomycin.These authors found that cells from two different Actinobacteria,Corynebacterium and Streptomyces,elongate by PG synthesis at the poles,confirming the model of growth previously described for C.diphtheriae(Umeda and Amako 1983).In that model,Actinobacteria were proposed to employ a strategy for cell elongation different from the one used by representative gram-positive bacteria such as B.subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus(Daniel and Errington2003).In the same year,two different reports provided evidence that divIVA,a gene located downstream from the dcw cluster of many gram-positive bacteria (Massidda et al.1998),was involved in cell-wall synthesis in Corynebacterium and Streptomyces (Ramos et al.2003;Flardh2003a).DivIVA has a conserved,short N-terminal domain and at least two coiled-coil regions by which the protein oligomerizes to producefilaments(Stahlberg et al.2004).Among the different species of Corynebacterium,the divIVA genes show poor DNA-sequence conservation(Letek et al.2006a)and their protein products exhibit a broad diversity of functions in gram-positive bacteria. For example, B.subtilis DivIVA sequesters the MinCD complex to the poles,thus participating in the spatial regulation of cell division and in chromo-some segregation during sporulation(Cha and Stewart1997;Thomaides et al.2001).DivIVA is also present in a variety of gram-positive cocci that lack the MinCD system,such as Enterococcus faecalis,Streptococcus pneumoniae,and Staphylo-coccus aureus.In E.faecalis and S.pneumoniae, DivIVA is required for nucleoid segregation,cell division,and cell growth(Ramirez-Arcos et al.2005; Fadda et al.2007),whereas in S.aureus the protein is not essential for growth,viability,or nucleoid segregation but localizes at the septum(Pinho and Errington2004).In C.glutamicum,DivIVA is essential for cell elongation(Ramos et al.2003;Letek et al.2008),as in other actinomycetes including Streptomyces and Mycobacterium(Flardh2003a;Nguyen et al.2007). In Corynebacterium,DivIVA localizes at both cell poles and the septum,where the cell wall is being synthesized(Fig.3).When the protein is overexpres-sed,the cells become larger and take on an‘‘ice-cream-cone’’shape(Ramos et al.2003;Letek et al. 2006b),as the accumulated excess DivIVA localizes mainly at one cell pole,which in turn becomes a very active site of PG synthesis(Letek et al.2008).Low-level expression of DivIVA in C.glutamicum results in a loss of the rod-shaped cellular morphology, yielding coccoid cells(Letek et al.2008).Moreover, DivIVA interacts with PBP1a,a high-molecular-weight penicillin-binding protein(HMW-PBP) homologous to PBP1c from E.coli,involved in polar cell-wall synthesis in C.glutamicum(Valbuena et al. 2007).Therefore,it has been postulated that DivIVA oligomerizes creating an internal scaffold for the PG synthesis machinery at the cell poles(Fig.4)(Ramos et al.2003;Flardh2003a;Letek et al.2008).InFig.3Vancomycin-FL staining of C.glutamicum.The wild-type strain synthesizes peptidoglycan at the cell poles(cell elongation,left photograph);when the correct size is reached the cells begin to synthesize peptidoglycan at the septum(cell division,right photograph).The experimental procedure used was described previously in Daniel and Errington(2003)addition,DivIVA also localizes at the septum;thus,it may have additional functions related to a final stage in cell division or cell-pole maturation,as sug-gested for S.pneumoniae DivIVA (Fadda et al.2007),or in DNA segregation,as demonstrated in other gram-positive bacteria (Ramirez-Arcos et al.2005;Thomaides et al.2001).Penicillin-binding proteinsThe penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs)are involved in the last steps of cell-wall biosynthesis inC.glutamicum and some of them have been recently characterized (Valbuena et al.2007).PBPs are often the targets of b -lactam antibiotics and in many cases are essential for PG synthesis (Scheffers and Pinho 2005).However,these proteins are functionally redundant in E.coli and B.subtilis (Goffin and Ghuysen 1998;Scheffers et al.2004),and several of them could be depleted from the cell without affecting cell shape or viability.From the nine proteins identified as putative penicillin-binding proteins in C.glutamicum ,five of them are HMW-PBPs (Valbuena et al.2007)and involved in PG synthesis.Of these five,two are class A HMW-PBPs (PBP1a and PBP1b)with transglycosylase and transpeptidase domains,and three are class B HMW-PBPs (FtsI,PBP2a and PBP2b)with only the transpeptidase domain char-acteristic of this family of proteins.Except for FtsI,which is found only at the septum (Valbuena et al.2006),all HMW-PBPs are present at both cell poles and at the septum.However,when the transpepti-dase domain of the PBPs is specifically blocked by b -lactam treatment,these proteins lose their local-ization in the cell (Valbuena et al.2007),indicating that HMW-PBP localization is dependent upon substrate recognition.C.glutamicum cells lose their rod shape only when they are deprived of both class A HMW-PBPs,indicating that PBP1a and PBP1b are essential for cell-wall synthesis at the poles (Valbuena et al.2007).Class B HMW-PBPs are closely associated with septal PG synthesis during cell division,with FtsI being the only essential HMW-PBP as no other protein of this type can fulfill its function (Valbuena et al.2006).In support of this hypothesis,class B HMW-PBPs interact more prominently with cell-division proteins,such as FtsZ or FtsW,whereas class A HMW-PBPs are associated with DivIVA and RodA (Valbuena et al.2007).The latter protein is required for the control of rod shape in E.coli and B.subtilis (Matsuzawa et al.1989;Henriques et al.1998)and is also essential for cell elongation in C.glutamicum (Maria Fiuza,unpublished observa-tions).All of the HMW-PBPs show a certain level of interaction between them,suggesting that they are part of the same machinery of PG synthesis;depending on the stage of the cell cycle,they direct PG synthesis at the septum (cell division)or at the cell poles (cellelongation).Fig.4Comparison of the division and elongation machineries in C.glutamicum .The key component of the divisome (cell-division machinery)is FtsZ.This protein polymerizes to form a Z-ring that acts as a scaffold of the multi-protein complex comprising the divisome.The hierarchy for assembly of the remaining proteins (FtsEX,FtsK,FtsQ,FtsW,FtsI,Pbp2a,and PBP2b)is still unclear,but FtsZ is known to interact with FtsW,and FtsZ/FtsW with FtsI and PBP2a/2b (Valbuena et al.2007).The essential component of the cell-elongation machin-ery is DivIVA,which polymerizes at the cell poles and permits the cell-wall synthesis carried out by RodA,PPB1a,and PBP1b (Valbuena et al.2007)Towards a new model of bacterial cell division and elongationMost rod-shaped cells require MreB,which assem-bles into wire-like structures that run between the poles of the cell and distributes various components of PG metabolism along the cell’s length.When the cell has acquired the appropriate length,it enters into the cell-division process.The divisome is responsible for the formation of two symmetrical daughter cells after constriction of the Z-ring and synthesis of the cell envelope.C.glutamicum lacks MreB and thus represents a model of cell elongation/division distinct from that of typical rod-shaped bacteria such as E.coli or B.subtilis,which express MreB.During cell elonga-tion,the polar PG-synthesis protein complex is mainly formed by DivIVA,RodA,and class A HMW-PBPs(PBP1a and PBP1b)(Fig.4),whereas the core of the cell-division machinery(divisome) comprises FtsZ,FtsEX,FtsK,FtsQ,FtsB,FtsW,and three class B HMW-PBPs(FtsI,PBP2a,and PBP2b) (Fig.4).It seems that Actinobacteria,like Corynebacterium or Mycobacterium,are able to produce rod-shaped cells in the absence of MreB homologues(Letek et al. 2008;Nguyen et al.2007).However,S.coelicolor contains a cluster of mreBCD genes(Table1), although the mreB gene seems to be involved only in sporulation(Mazza et al.2006);this was supported by the following observations:(i)a null mreB-mutant shows normal vegetative growth but defective spores; (ii)the mreB gene is only expressed during sporulation; (iii)mreB is only detected in genera of actinomycetes that sporulate and form an aerial mycelium.Thus,actin homologues may long ago have lost their roles in the cytoskeleton of actinomycetes,with the function of these proteins now limited to sporulation in some genera.How the cell‘‘decides’’between synthesizing PG at mid-cell vs.at the cell poles is still unknown,but these two pathways might be regulated by phosphor-ylation,as in the case of M.tuberculosis,in which the protein kinases PknA and PknB regulate cell growth (Kang et al.2005)and cell division(Dasgupta et al. 2006).Therefore,future efforts should focus on the characterization and identification of these cell-cycle regulators as well as other proteins involved in cell-shape acquisition by C.glutamicum.All these proteins are known to orchestrate the localization of cell-wall synthetic complexes,resulting in co-ordi-nated and efficient PG synthetic activity at the septum (cell division)or at the cell poles(cell elongation). However,to date,the details of these processes remain poorly understood in Actinobacteria. Acknowledgments M.Letek and M.Fiuza were beneficiaries of fellowships from the Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia (Spain);E.Ordo´n˜ez and A.Villadangos from the Junta de Castilla y Leo´n,and A.Ramos from the ALFA project II-0313-FA-FCB.This work was funded by grants from the Junta de Castilla y Leo´n(Ref.LE040A07),University of Leo´n (ULE2001-08B),and Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a (BIO2002-03223and BIO2005-02723).We thank Dr.Ramon Santamarı´a(Universidad de Salamanca,Spain)for the TEM image of C.glutamicum.ReferencesBendt AK,Burkovski A,Schaffer S,Bott M,Farwick M, HermannT(2003)Towards a phosphoproteome map of Corynebacterium glutamicum.Proteomics3:1637–1646 Bernard CS,Sadasivam M,Shiomi D,Margolin W(2007)An altered FtsA can compensate for the loss of essential cell division protein FtsN in Escherichia coli.Mol Microbiol 64:1289–1305Bernhardt TG,de Boer PA(2005)SlmA,a nucleoid-associ-ated,FtsZ binding protein required for blocking septal ring assembly over chromosomes in 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