Observation of room-temperature ferroelectricity
附录英汉对照索引AA-weighted sound pressure level A声级〔96〕absolute humidity 绝对湿度〔2〕absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度〔25〕absorbate 吸收质〔49〕absorbent 吸收剂〔49〕absorbent 吸声材料〔100〕absorber 吸收器〔85〕absorptance for solar radiation 太阳辐射热吸收系数〔60〕absorption equipment 吸收装置〔49〕absorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸收〔48〕absorptiong refrige rationg cycle 吸收式制冷循环〔80〕absorption-type refrigerating machine 吸收式制冷机〔84〕access door 检查门〔55〕acoustic absorptivity 吸声系数〔100〕actual density 真密度〔44〕actuating element 执行机构〔94〕actuator 执行机构〔94〕adaptive control system 自适应控制系统〔93〕additional factor for exterior door 外门附加率〔19〕additional factor for intermittent heating 间歇附加率〔19〕additional factor for wind force 高度附加率〔19〕additional heat loss 风力附加率〔19〕adiabatic humidification 附加耗热量〔18〕adiabatic humidiflcation 绝热加湿〔66〕adsorbate 吸附质〔49〕adsorbent 吸附剂〔49〕adsorber 吸附装置〔49〕adsorption equipment 吸附装置〔49〕adsorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸附〔48〕aerodynamic noise 空气动力噪声〔98〕aerosol 气溶胶〔43〕air balance 风量平衡〔35〕air changes 换气次数〔35〕air channel 风道〔51〕air cleanliness 空气洁净度〔104〕air collector 集气罐〔31〕air conditioning 空气调节〔59〕air conditioning condition 空调工况〔76〕air conditioning equipment 空气调节设备〔70〕air conditioning machine room 空气调节机房〔59〕air conditioning system 空气调节系统〔62〕air conditioning system cooling load 空气调节系统冷负荷〔62〕air contaminant 空气污染物〔51〕air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器〔82〕air cooler 空气冷却器〔74〕air curtain 空气幕〔30〕air cushion shock absorber 空气弹簧隔振器〔101〕air distribution 气流组织〔68〕air distributor 空气分布器〔54〕air-douche unit with water atomization 喷雾风扇〔56〕air duct 风管、风道〔51〕air filter 空气过滤器〔58〕air handling equipment 空气调节设备〔70〕air handling unit room 空气调节机房〔59〕air header 集合管〔52〕air humidity 空气湿度〔2〕air inlet 风口〔54〕air intake 进风口〔41〕air manifold 集合管〔52〕air opening 风口〔54〕air pollutant 空气污染物〔51〕air pollution 大气污染〔50〕air preheater 空气预热器〔73〕air return method 回风方式〔70〕air return mode 回风方式〔70〕air return through corridor 走廊回风〔70〕air space 空气间层〔15〕air supply method 送风方式〔69〕air supply mode 送风方式〔69〕air supply (suction) opening with slide plate 插板式送〔吸〕风口〔54〕air supply volume per unit area 单位面积送风量〔69〕air temperature 空气温度〔2〕air through tunnel 地道风〔40〕air-to-air total heat exchanger 全热换热器〔73〕air-to-cloth ratio 气布比〔48〕air velocity at work area 作业地带空气流速〔5〕air velocity at work place 工作地点空气流速〔4〕air vent 放气阀〔31〕air-water systen 空气—水系统〔64〕airborne particles 大气尘〔43〕air hater 空气加热器〔29〕airspace 空气间层〔15〕alarm signal 报警信号〔90〕ail-air system 全空气系统〔63〕all-water system 全水系统〔64〕allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度允许波动X围〔5〕ambient noise 环境噪声〔97〕ammonia 氨〔78〕amplification factor of centrolled plant 调节对象放大系数〔87〕amplitude 振幅〔100〕anergy 〔77〕angle of repose 安息角〔44〕ange of slide 滑动角〔44〕angle scale 热湿比〔67〕angle valve 角阀〔31〕annual [value] 历年值〔3〕annual coldest month 历年最冷月〔3〕annual hottest month 历年最热月〔3〕anticorrosive 缓蚀剂〔78〕antifreeze agent 防冻剂〔78〕antifreeze agent 防冻剂〔78〕apparatus dew point 机器露点〔67〕apparent density 堆积密度〔45〕aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine 氨—水吸收式制冷机〔84〕aspiation psychrometer 通风温湿度计〔102〕Assmann aspiration psychrometer 通风温湿度计〔102〕atmospheric condenser 淋激式冷凝器〔83〕atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散〔40〕atmospheric dust 大气尘〔43〕atmospheric pollution 大气污染〔50〕atmospheric pressure 大气压力〔6atmospheric stability 大气稳定度〔50〕atmospheric transparency 大气透明度〔10〕atmospheric turblence 大气湍流〔50〕automatic control 自动控制〔86〕automatic roll filter 自动卷绕式过滤器〔58〕automatic vent 自动放气阀〔32〕available pressure 资用压力〔27〕average daily sol-air temperature 日平均综合温度〔60〕axial fan 轴流式通风机〔55〕azeotropic mixture refrigerant 共沸溶液制冷剂〔77〕Bback-flow preventer 防回流装置〔53〕back pressure of steam trap 凝结水背压力〔14〕back pressure return 余压回水〔15〕background noise 背景噪声〔98〕back plate 挡风板〔39〕bag filler 袋式除尘器〔57〕baghouse 袋式除尘器〔57〕barometric pressure 大气压力〔6〕basic heat loss 根本耗热量〔18〕bend muffler 消声弯头〔100〕bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计〔102〕black globe temperature 黑球温度〔2〕blow off pipe 排污管〔23〕blowdown 排污管〔23〕boiler 锅炉〔27〕boiller house 锅炉房〔14〕boiler plant 锅炉房〔14〕boiler room 锅炉房〔14〕booster 加压泵〔29〕branch 支管〔22〕branch duct (通风) 支管〔51〕branch pipe 支管〔22〕building envelope 围护结构〔15〕building flow zones 建筑气流区〔37〕building heating entry 热力入口〔15〕bulk density 堆积密度〔45〕bushing 补心〔24〕butterfly damper 蝶阀〔52〕by-pass damper 空气加热器〕旁通阀〔41〕by-pass pipe 旁通管〔23〕Ccanopy hood 伞形罩〔42〕capillary tube 毛细管〔84〕capture velocity 控制风速〔43〕capture velocity 外部吸气罩〔41〕capturing hood 卡诺循环〔79〕Carnot cycle 串级调节系统〔92〕cascade control system 铸铁散热器〔29〕cast iron radiator 催化燃烧〔49〕catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧〔49〕ceilling fan 吊扇〔56〕ceiling panelheating 顶棚辐射采暖〔12〕center frequency 中心频率〔97〕central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统〔63〕central heating 集中采暖〔11〕central ventilation system 新风系统〔64〕centralized control 集中控制〔91〕centrifugal pressor 离心式压缩机〔82〕centrifugal fan 离心式通风机〔55〕check damper (通风〕止回阀〔53〕check valve 止回阀〔31〕chilled water 冷水〔76〕chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps 一、二次泵冷水系统〔81〕chimney (排气〕烟囱〔50〕circuit 环路〔24〕circulating fan 风扇〔55〕circulating pipe 循环管〔23〕circulating pump 循环泵〔29〕clean room 洁净室〔104〕cleaning hole 清扫孔〔54〕cleaning vacuum plant 真空吸尘装置〔58〕cleanout opening 清扫孔〔54〕clogging capacity 容尘量〔47〕close nipple 长丝〔24〕closed booth 大容积密闭罩〔42〕closed full flow return 闭式满管回水〔15〕closed loop control 闭环控制〔87〕closed return 闭式回水〔15〕closed shell and tube condenser 卧式壳管式冷凝器〔82〕closed shell and tube evaporator 卧式壳管式蒸发器〔83〕closed tank 闭式水箱〔28〕coefficient of accumulation of heat 蓄热系数〔17〕coefficient of atmospheric transpareney 大气透明度〔10〕coefficient of effective heat emission 散热量有效系数〔38〕coficient of effective heat emission 传热系数〔16〕coefficient of locall resistance 局部阻力系数〔26〕coefficient of thermal storage 蓄热系数〔17〕coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数〔18〕coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数〔18〕coil 盘管〔74〕collection efficiency 除尘效率〔47〕bustion of gas and vapo[u]r 气体燃烧〔58〕fort air conditioning 舒适性空气调节〔59〕mon section 共同段〔25〕pensator 补偿器〔31〕ponents (通风〕部件〔52〕pression 压缩〔79〕pression-type refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机〔81〕pression-type refrigerating system 压缩式制冷系统〔81〕pression-type refrigeration 压缩式制冷〔80〕pression-type refrigeration cycle 压缩式制冷循环〔79〕pression-type water chiller 压缩式冷水机组〔81〕concentratcd heating 集中采暖〔11〕concentration of narmful substance 有害物质浓度〔36〕condensate drain pan 凝结水盘〔74〕condensate pipe 凝结水管〔22〕condensate pump 凝缩水泵〔29〕condensate tank 凝结水箱〔28〕condensation 冷凝〔79〕condensation of vapo[u]r 气体冷凝〔49〕condenser 冷凝器〔82〕condensing pressure 冷凝压力〔75〕condensing temperature 冷凝温度〔75〕condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组〔81〕conditioned space 空气调节房间〔59〕conditioned zone 空气调节区〔59〕conical cowl 锥形风帽〔52〕constant humidity system 恒湿系统〔64〕constant temperature and humidity system 恒温恒湿系统〔64〕constant temperature system 恒温系统〔64〕constant value control 定值调节〔91〕constant volume air conditioning system 定风量空气调节系统〔63〕continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰〔48〕continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰〔48〕continuous heating 连续采暖〔11〕contour zone 稳定气流区〔38〕control device 控制装置〔86〕control panel 控制屏〔95〕control valve 调节阀〔95〕control velocity 控制风速〔43〕controlled natural ventilation 有组织自然通风〔37〕controlled plant 调节对象〔86〕controlled variable 被控参数〔86〕controller 调节器〔94〕convection heating 对流采暖〔12〕convector 对流散热器〔29〕cooling 降温、冷却〔39、66〕cooling air curtain 冷风幕〔74〕cooling coil 冷盘管〔74〕cooling coil section 冷却段〔72〕cooling load from heat 传热冷负荷〔62〕cooling load from outdoor air 新风冷负荷〔62〕cooling load from ventilation 新风冷负荷〔62〕cooling load temperature 冷负荷温度〔62〕cooling system 降温系统〔40〕cooling tower 冷却塔〔83〕cooling unit 冷风机组〔56〕cooling water 冷却水〔76〕correcting element 调节机构〔95〕correcting unit 执行器〔94〕correction factor for orientaion 朝向修正率〔19〕corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂〔78〕coupling 管接头〔23〕cowl 伞形风帽〔52〕criteria for noise control cross 噪声控频标准〔98〕cross fan 四通〔24〕crross-flow fan 贯流式通风机〔55〕cross-ventilation 穿堂风〔37〕cut diameter 分割粒径〔47〕cyclone 旋风除尘器〔56〕cyclone dust separator 旋风除尘器〔56〕cylindrical ventilator 筒形风帽〔52〕Ddaily range 日较差〔6〕damping factot 衰减倍数〔17〕data scaning 巡回检测〔90〕days of heating period 采暖期天数〔9〕deafener 消声器〔99〕decibel(dB) 分贝〔96〕degree-days of heating period 采暖期度日数〔9〕degree of subcooling 过冷度〔79〕degree of superheat 过热度〔80〕dehumidification 减湿〔66〕dehumidifying cooling 减湿冷却〔66〕density of dust particle 真密度〔44〕derivative time 微分时间〔89〕design conditions 计算参数〔2〕desorption 解吸〔49〕detecting element 检测元件〔93〕detention period 延迟时间〔18〕deviation 偏差〔87〕dew-point temperature 露点温度〔2〕dimond-shaped damper 菱形叶片调节阀〔53〕differential pressure type flowmeter 差压流量计〔103〕diffuser air supply 散流器〔54〕diffuser air supply 散流器送风〔69〕direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统〔64〕direct bustion 直接燃烧〔48〕direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器〔28〕direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统〔92〕direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器〔83〕direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机〔85〕direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统〔80〕direct return system 异程式系统〔20〕direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射〔10〕discharge pressure 排气压力〔76〕discharge temperature 排气温度〔76〕dispersion 大气扩散〔49〕district heat supply 区域供热〔15〕district heating 区域供热〔15〕disturbance frequency 扰动频率〔100〕dominant wind direction 最多风向〔7〕double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机〔85〕double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器〔82〕down draft 倒灌〔39〕downfeed system 上分式系统〔21〕downstream spray pattern 顺喷〔67〕drain pipe 泄水管〔23〕drain pipe 排污管〔23〕droplet 液滴〔44〕drv air 干空气〔65〕dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表〔102〕dry-bulb temperature 干球温度〔2〕dry cooling condition 干工况〔67〕dry dust separator 干式除尘器〔56〕dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器〔83〕dry return pipe 干式凝结水管〔22〕dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器〔72〕dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统〔63〕dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统〔63〕duct 风管、风道〔51〕dust 粉尘〔43〕dust capacity 容尘量〔47〕dust collector 除尘器〔56〕dust concentration 含尘浓度〔46〕dust control 除尘〔46〕dust-holding capacity 容尘量〔47〕dust removal 除尘〔46〕dust removing system 除尘系统〔46〕dust sampler 粉尘采样仪〔104〕dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪〔104〕dust separation 除尘〔45〕dust separator 除尘器〔56〕dust source 尘源〔45〕dynamic deviation 动态偏差〔88〕Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer 经济传热阻〔17〕economic velocity 经济流速〔26〕efective coefficient of local resistance 折算局部阻力系数〔26〕effective legth 折算长度〔25〕effective stack height 烟囱有效高度〔50〕effective temperature difference 送风温差〔70〕ejector 喷射器〔85〕ejetor 弯头〔24〕elbow 电加热器〔73〕electric heater 电加热段〔71〕electric panel heating 电热辐射采暖〔13〕electric precipitator 电除尘器〔57〕electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖〔13〕electricresistance hu-midkfier 电阻式加湿器〔72〕electro-pneumatic convertor 电—气转换器〔94〕electrode humidifler 电极式加湿器〔73〕electrostatic precipi-tator 电除尘器〔57〕eliminator 挡水板〔74〕emergency ventilation 事故通风〔34〕emergency ventilation system 事故通风系统〔40〕emission concentration 排放浓度〔51〕enclosed hood 密闭罩〔42〕enthalpy 焓〔76〕enthalpy control system 新风〕焓值控制系统〔91〕enthalpy entropy chart 焓熵图〔77〕entirely ventilation 全面通风〔33〕entropy 熵〔76〕environmental noise 环境噪声〔97〕equal percentage flow characteristic 等百分比流量特性〔89〕equivalent coefficient of local resistance 当量局部阻力系数〔26〕equivalent length 当量长度〔25〕equivalent[continuous A] sound level 等效〔连续A〕声级〔96〕evaporating pressure 蒸发压力〔75〕evaporating temperature 蒸发温度〔75〕evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器〔83〕evaporator 蒸发器〔83〕excess heat 余热〔35〕excess pressure 余压〔37〕excessive heat 余热〔35〕exergy 〔76〕exhaust air rate 排风量〔35〕exhaust fan 排风机〔41〕exhaust fan room 排风机室〔41〕exhaust hood 局部排风罩〔41〕exhaust inlet 吸风口〔54〕exhaust opening 吸风口〔54〕exhaust opening orinlet 风口〔54〕exhaust outlet 排风口〔54〕exaust vertical pipe 排气〕烟囱〔50〕exhausted enclosure 密闭罩〔42〕exit 排风口〔54〕expansion 膨胀〔79〕expansion pipe 膨胀管〔23〕explosion proofing 防爆〔36〕expansion steam trap 恒温式疏水器〔32〕expansion tank 膨胀水箱〔28〕extreme maximum temperature 极端最高温度〔6〕extreme minimum temperature 极端最低温度〔6〕Ffabric collector 袋式除尘器〔57〕face tube 皮托管〔103〕face velocity 罩口风速〔42〕fan 通风机〔55〕fan-coil air-conditioning system 风机盘管空气调节系统〔64〕fan-coil system 风机盘管空气调节系统〔64〕fan-coil unit 风机盘管机组〔72〕fan house 通风机室〔41〕fan room 通风机室〔41〕fan section 风机段〔72〕feed-forward control 前馈控制〔91〕feedback 反应〔86〕feeding branch tlo radiator 散热器供热支管〔23〕fibrous dust 纤维性粉尘〔43〕fillter cylinder for sampling 滤筒采样管〔104〕fillter efficiency 过滤效率〔47〕fillter section 过滤段〔71〕filltration velocity 过滤速度〔48〕final resistance of filter 过滤器终阻力〔47〕fire damper 防火阀〔53〕fire prevention 防火〔36〕fire protection 防火〔36〕fire-resisting damper 防火阀〔53〕fittings (通风〕配件〔52〕fixed set-point control 定值调节〔91〕fixed support 固定支架〔24〕fixed time temperature (humidity) 定时温〔湿〕度〔5〕flame bustion 热力燃烧〔48〕flash gas 闪发气体〔78〕flash steam 二次蒸汽〔14〕flexible duct 软管〔52〕flexible joint 柔性接头〔52〕float type steam trap 浮球式疏水器〔32〕float valve 浮球阀〔31〕floating control 无定位调节〔88〕flooded evaporator 满液式蒸发器〔83〕floor panel heating 地板辐射采暖〔13〕flow capacity of control valve 调节阀流通能力〔90〕flow characteristic of control valve 调节阀流量特性〔89〕foam dust separator 泡沫除尘器〔57〕follow-up control system 随动系统〔92〕forced ventilation 机械通风〔33〕forward flow zone 射流区〔69〕foul gas 不凝性气体〔78〕four-pipe water system 四管制水系统〔65〕fractional separation efficiency 分级除尘效率〔47〕free jet 自由射流〔68〕free sillica 游离二氧化硅〔43〕free silicon dioxide 游离二氧化硅〔43〕freon 氟利昂〔77〕frequency interval 频程〔97〕frequency of wind direction 风向频率〔7〕fresh air handling unit 新风机组〔71〕fresh air requirement 新风量〔67〕friction factor 摩擦系数〔25〕friction loss 摩擦阻力〔25〕frictional resistance 摩擦阻力〔25〕fume 烟〔雾〕〔44〕fumehood 排风柜〔42〕fumes 烟气〔44〕Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖〔13〕gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器〔30〕gas purger 不凝性气体别离器〔84〕gate valve 闸阀〔31〕general air change 全面通风〔33〕general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风〔33〕general ventilation 全面通风〔33〕generator 发生器〔85〕global radiation 总辐射〔10〕grade efficiency 分级除尘效率〔47〕granular bed filter 颗粒层除尘器〔57〕granulometric distribution 粒径分布〔44〕gravel bed filter 颗粒层除尘器〔57〕gravity separator 沉降室〔56〕ground-level concentration 落地浓度〔51〕guide vane 导流板〔52〕Hhair hygrometor 毛发湿度计〔102〕hand pump 手摇泵〔29〕harmful gas and vapo[u]r 有害气体〔48〕harmful substance 有害物质〔35〕header 分水器、集水器〔30、31〕heat and moisture transfer 热湿交换〔67〕heat balance 热平衡〔35〕heat conduction coefficient 导热系数〔16〕heat conductivity 导热系数〔16〕heat distributing network 热网〔15〕heat emitter 散热器〔29〕heat endurance 热稳定性〔17〕heat exchanger 换热器〔27〕heat flowmeter 热流计〔103〕heat flow rate 热流量〔16〕heat gain from appliance and equipment 设备散热量〔61〕heat gain from lighting 照明散热量〔61〕heat gain from occupant 人体散热量〔61〕heat insulating window 保温窗〔41〕heat(thermal)insuation 隔热〔39〕heat(thermal)lag 延迟时间〔18〕heat loss 耗热量〔18〕heat loss by infiltration 冷风渗透耗热量〔19〕heat-operated refrigerating system 热力制冷系统〔81〕heat-operated refrigetation 热力制冷〔80〕heat pipe 热管〔74〕heat pump 热泵〔85〕heat pump air conditioner 热泵式空气调节器〔71〕heat release 散热量〔38〕heat resistance 热阻〔16〕heat screen 隔热屏〔39〕heat shield 隔热屏〔39〕heat source 热源〔13〕heat storage 蓄热〔61〕heat storage capacity 蓄热特性〔61〕heat supply 供热〔14〕heat supply network 热网〔15〕heat transfer 传热〔15〕heat transmission 传热〔15〕heat wheel 转轮式换热器〔73〕heated thermometer anemometer 热风速仪〔103〕heating 采暖、供热、加热〔11、14、66〕heating appliance 采暖设备〔27〕heating coil 热盘管〔74〕heating coil section 加热段〔71〕heating equipment 采暖设备〔27〕heating load 热负荷〔19〕heating medium 热媒〔13〕heating medium parameter 热媒参数〔14〕heating pipeline 采暖管道〔22〕heating system 采暖系统〔20〕heavy work 重作业〔105〕high-frequency noise 高频噪声〔98〕high-pressure ho twater heating 高温热水采暖〔12〕high-pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽采暖〔12〕high temperature water heating 高温热水采暖〔12〕hood 局部排风罩〔41〕horizontal water-film syclonet 卧式旋风水膜除尘器〔57〕hot air heating 热风采暖〔12〕hot air heating system 热风采暖系统〔20〕hot shop 热车间〔39〕hot water boiler 热水锅炉〔27〕hot water heating 热水采暖〔11〕hot water system 热水采暖系统〔20〕hot water pipe 热水管〔22〕hot workshop 热车间〔39〕hourly cooling load 逐时冷负荷〔62〕hourly sol-air temperature 逐时综合温度〔60〕humidification 加湿〔66〕humidifier 加湿器〔72〕humididier section 加湿段〔71〕humidistat 恒湿器〔94〕humidity ratio 含湿量〔65〕hydraulic calculation 水力计算〔24〕hydraulic disordeer 水力失调〔26〕hydraulic dust removal 水力除尘〔46〕hydraulic resistance balance 阻力平衡〔26〕hydraulicity 水硬性〔45〕hydrophilic dust 亲水性粉尘〔43〕hydrophobic dust 疏水性粉尘〔43〕Iimpact dust collector 冲激式除尘器〔58〕impact tube 皮托管〔103〕impedance muffler 阻抗复合消声器〔99〕inclined damper 斜插板阀〔53〕index circuit 最不利环路〔24〕indec of thermal inertia (valueD) 热惰性指标〔D值〕〔17〕indirect heat exchanger 外表式换热器〔28〕indirect refrigerating sys 间接制冷系统〔80〕indoor air design conditions 室内在气计算参数〔5〕indoor air velocity 室内空气流速〔4〕indoor and outdoor design conditions 室内外计算参数〔2〕indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度基数〔5〕indoor temperature (humidity) 室内温〔湿〕度〔4〕induction air-conditioning system 诱导式空气调节系统〔64〕induction unit 诱导器〔72〕inductive ventilation 诱导通风〔34〕industral air conditioning 工艺性空气调节〔59〕industrial ventilation 工业通风〔33〕inertial dust separator 惯性除尘器〔56〕infiltration heat loss 冷风渗透耗热量〔19〕infrared humidifier 红外线加湿器〔73〕infrared radiant heater 红外线辐射器〔30〕inherent regulation of controlled plant 调节对象自平衡〔87〕initial concentration of dust 初始浓度〔47〕initial resistance of filter 过滤器初阻力〔47〕input variable 输入量〔89〕insulating layer 保温层〔105〕integral enclosure 整体密闭罩〔42〕integral time 积分时间〔89〕interlock protection 联锁保护〔91〕intermittent dust removal 定期除灰〔48〕intermittent heating 间歇采暖〔11〕inversion layer 逆温层〔50〕inverted bucket type steam trap 倒吊桶式疏水器〔32〕irradiance 辐射照度〔4〕isoenthalpy 等焓线〔66〕isobume 等湿线〔66〕isolator 隔振器〔101〕isotherm 等温线〔66〕isothermal humidification 等温加湿〔67〕isothermal jet 等温射流〔68〕Jjet 射流〔68〕jet axial velocity 射流轴心速度〔69〕jet divergence angle 射流扩散角〔69〕jet in a confined space 受限射流〔68〕Kkatathermometer 卡他温度计〔102〕Llaboratory hood 排风柜〔42〕lag of controlled plant 调节对象滞后〔87〕large space enclosure 大容积密闭罩〔42〕latent heat 潜热〔60〕lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath 槽边排风罩〔42〕lateral hoodlength of pipe section 侧吸罩〔42〕length of pipe section 管段长度〔25〕light work 轻作业〔105〕limit deflection 极限压缩量〔101〕limit switch 限位开关〔95〕limiting velocity 极限流速〔26〕linear flow characteristic 线性流量特性〔89〕liquid-level ga[u]ge 液位计〔103〕liquid receiver 贮液器〔84〕lithium bromide 溴化锂〔78〕lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 溴化锂吸收式制冷机〔84〕lithium chloride resistance hygrometer 氯化锂电阻湿度计〔93〕load pattern 负荷特性〔62〕local air conditioning 局部区域空气调节〔59〕local air suppiy system 局部送风系统〔40〕local exhaustventilation (LEV) 局部排风〔34〕local exhaust system 局部排风系统〔40〕local heating 局部采暖〔11〕local relief 局部送风〔34〕local relief system 局部送风系统〔40〕local resistance 局部阻力〔25〕local solartime 地方太阳时〔10〕local ventilation 局部通风〔34〕local izedairsupply for air-heating 集中送风采暖〔12〕local ized air control 就地控制〔91〕loop 环路〔24〕louver 百叶窗〔41〕low-frequencynoise 低频噪声〔98〕low-pressure steam heating 低压蒸汽采暖〔12〕lyophilic dust 亲水性粉尘〔43〕lyophobic dust 疏水性粉尘〔43〕Mmain 总管、干管〔22〕main duct 通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管〔51〕main pipe 总管、干管〔22〕make-up water pump 补给水泵〔28〕manual control 手动控制〔91〕mass concentration 质量浓度〔36〕maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 最高容许浓度〔36〕maximum coefficient of heat transfer 最大传热系数〔17〕maximum depth of frozen ground 最大冻土深度〔7〕maximum sum of hourly colling load 逐时冷负荷综合最大值〔62〕mean annual temperature (humidity) 年平均温〔湿〕度〔6〕mean daily temperature (humidity) 日平均温〔湿〕度〔5〕mean dekad temperature (humidity) 旬平均温〔湿〕度〔6〕mean monthly maximum temperature 月平均最高温度〔6〕mean monthly minimum temperature 月平均最低温度〔6〕mean monthly temperature (humidity) 月平均温〔湿〕度〔6〕mean relative humidity 平均相对湿度〔7〕mean wind speed 平均风速〔7〕mechanical air supply system 机械送风系统〔40〕mechanical and hydraulic bined dust removal 联合除尘〔46〕mechanical anemometer 机械式风速仪〔103〕mechanical cleaning off dust 机械除尘〔46〕mechanical dust removal 机械排风系统〔40〕mechanical exhaust system 机械通风系统〔40〕mechanical ventilation 机械通风〔33〕media velocity 过滤速度〔48〕metal radiant panel 金属辐射板〔30〕metal radiant panel heating 金属辐射板采暖〔13〕micromanometer 微压计〔103〕micropunch plate muffler 微穿孔板消声器〔90〕mid-frequency noise 中频噪声〔98〕middle work 中作业〔105〕midfeed system 中分式系统〔22〕minimum fresh air requirmente 最小新风量〔68〕minimum resistance of heat transfer 最小传热阻〔17〕mist 雾〔44〕mixing box section 混合段〔71〕modular air handling unit 组合式空气调节机组〔71〕moist air 湿空气〔65〕moisture excess 余湿〔35〕moisure gain 散湿量〔61〕moisture gain from appliance and equipment 设备散湿量〔61〕moisturegain from occupant 人体散湿量〔61〕motorized valve 电动调节阀〔95〕motorized (pneumatic) 电〔气〕动两通阀〔95〕2-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)3-way valve 电〔气〕动三通阀〔95〕movable support 活动支架〔24〕muffler 消声器〔99〕muffler section 消声段〔72〕multi-operating mode automtic conversion 工况自动转换〔90〕multi-operating mode control system 多工况控制系统〔92〕multiclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器〔56〕multicyclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器〔56〕multishell condenser 组合式冷凝器〔82〕Nnatural and mechanical bined ventilation 联合通风〔33〕natural attenuation quantity of noise 噪声自然衰减量〔99〕natural exhaust system 自然排风系统〔37〕natural freguency 固有频率〔100〕natural ventilation 自然通风〔33〕NC-curve[s] 噪声评价NC曲线〔97〕negative freedback 负反应〔86〕neutral level 中和界〔39〕neutral pressure level 中和界〔39〕neutral zone 中和界〔39〕noise 噪声〔97〕noise control 噪声控制〔98〕noise criter ioncurve(s) 噪声评价NC曲线〔97〕noisc rating number 噪声评价NR曲线〔97〕noise reduction 消声〔99〕non azeotropic mixture refragerant 非共沸溶液制冷剂〔77〕non-monsection 非共同段〔25〕non condensable gas 不凝性气体〔78〕non condensable gas purger 不凝性气体别离器〔84〕non-isothermal jct 非等温射流〔68〕nonreturn damper 〔通风〕止回阀〔53〕nonreturn valve 止回阀〔31〕normal coldest month 累年最冷月〔3〕normal coldest 3-month period 累年最冷三个月〔3〕normal hottest month 累年最热月〔3〕normal hottest 3month period 累年最热三个月〔3〕normal three summer months 累年最热三个月〔3〕normal three winter months 累年最冷三个月〔3〕normals 累年值〔3〕nozzle outlet air suppluy 喷口送风〔69〕number concentration 计数浓度〔36〕number of degree-day of heating period 采暖期度日数〔9〕Ooctave 倍频程〔97〕1/3 octave 倍频程〔97〕octave band 倍频程〔97〕oil cooler 油冷却器〔84〕oill-fired unit heater 燃油热风器〔30〕one-and-two pipe bined heating system 单双管混合式采暖系统〔21〕one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system 单管跨越式采暖系统〔21〕one(single)-pipe heating system 单管采暖系统〔21〕one(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system 水平单管采暖系统〔21〕one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system 单管顺序式采暖系统〔21〕one-third octave band 倍频程〔97〕on-of control 双位调节〔88〕open loop control 开环控制〔86〕open return 开式回水〔15〕open shell and tube condenser 立式壳管式冷凝器〔82〕open tank 开式水箱〔28〕operating pressure 工作压力〔27〕operating range 作用半径〔26〕opposed multiblade damper 对开式多叶阀〔52〕organized air supply 有组织进风〔33〕organized exhaust 有组织排风〔34〕organized natural ventilation 有组织自然通风〔37〕outdoor air design conditions 室外空气计算参数〔7〕outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating 采暖室外临界温度〔9〕outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning 夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度〔8〕outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度〔9〕outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度〔9〕outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算相对湿度〔8〕outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度〔8〕outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度〔8〕outdoor design temperature ture for heating 采暖室外计算温度〔7〕outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算温度〔8〕outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算温度〔8〕outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation 冬季通风室外计算温度〔7〕outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度〔8〕outdoor mean air temperature during heating period 采暖期室外平均温度〔9〕outdoor temperature(humidity) 室外温〔湿〕度〔5〕outlet air velocity 出口风速〔70〕out put variable 输出量〔89〕overall efficiency of separation 除尘效率〔47〕overall heat transmission coefficient 传热系数〔16〕overflow pipe 溢流管〔23〕overheat steam 过热蒸汽〔14〕overlapping averages 滑动平均〔4〕overshoot 超调量〔88〕Ppackaged air conditioner 整体式空气调节器〔70〕packaged heat pump 热泵式空气调节器〔71〕packed column 填料塔〔58〕packed tower 填料塔〔58〕panel heating 辐射采暖〔12〕parabolic flow character-istic 抛物线流量特性〔90〕parallel multiblade damperin 平行式多叶阀〔53〕parameter detection 参数检测〔90〕part 通风〕部件〔52〕partial enclosure 局部密闭罩〔42〕partial pressure of water vapo[u]r 水蒸汽分压力〔6〕particle 粒子〔44〕particle counter 粒子计数器〔104〕particle number concentration 计数浓度〔36〕particle size 粒径〔44〕particle size distribution 粒径分布〔44〕particulate 粒子〔44〕particulate collector 除尘器〔56〕particulates 大气尘〔43〕passage ventilating duct 通过式风管〔52〕penetration rate 穿透率〔47〕percentage of men,women and children 群集系数〔62〕percentage of possible sunshine 日照率〔7〕percentage of return air 回风百分比〔68〕perforated ceiling air supply 孔板送风〔69〕perforated plate tower 筛板塔〔58〕periodic dust dislodging 定期除灰〔48〕piece (通风〕部件〔52〕pipe fittings 管道配件〔23〕pipe radiator 光面管散热器〔29〕pipe section 管段〔25〕pipe coil 光面管放热器〔29〕pitot tube 皮托管〔103〕plate heat exchanger 板式换热器〔73〕plenum chamber 静压箱〔74〕plenum space 稳压层〔70〕plug 丝堵〔24〕plume 烟羽〔50〕plume rise height 烟羽抬升高度〔50〕PNC-curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线〔97〕pneumatic conveying 气力输送〔46〕pueumatic transport 气力输送〔46〕pneumatic valve 气动调节阀〔95〕pneumo-electrical convertor 气-电转换器〔94〕positioner 定位器〔95〕positive feedback 正反应〔86〕powerroof ventilator 屋顶通风机〔55〕preferred noise criteria curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线〔97〕pressure drop 压力损失〔26〕pressure enthalpy chart 压焓图〔77〕pressure ga[u]ge 压力表〔103〕pressure of steam supply 供汽压力〔14〕pressure reducing valve 减压阀〔31〕pressure relief device 泄压装置〔53〕pressure relief valve 安全阀〔31〕pressure thermometer 压力式温度计〔102〕pressure volume chart 压容图〔77〕primary air fan-coil system 风机盘管加新风系统〔64〕primary air system 新风系统〔64〕primary retirn air 一次回风〔68〕process air conditioning 工艺性空气调节〔59〕program control 程序控制〔91〕proportional band 比例带〔89〕proportional control 比例调节〔88〕proportional-integral (PI)control 比例积分调节〔88〕proportional-integralderivative(PID)control 比例积分微分调节〔88〕protected(roof)monitor 避风天窗〔39〕psychrometric chart 声级计〔104〕pulvation action 干湿球温度表〔102〕push-pull hood 焓湿图〔65〕pulvation action 尘化作用〔45〕push-pull hood 吹吸式排风罩〔42〕Qquick open flow characteristic 快开流量特性〔89〕Rradiant heating 辐射采暖〔12〕radiant intensity 辐射强度〔4〕radiation intensity 辐射强度〔4〕radiator 散热器〔29〕radiator heating 散热器采暖〔12〕radiator heating system 散热器采暖系统〔20〕radiator valve 散热器调节阀〔32〕rating under air conditioning condition 空调工况制冷量〔75〕reactive muffler 抗性消声器〔99〕receiver 贮液器〔84〕receiving hood 承受式排风罩〔42〕reciprocating pressor 活塞式压缩机〔82〕recirculation cavity 空气动力阴影区〔38〕recording thermometer 自记温度计〔102〕reducing coupling 异径管接头〔24〕。
游艇专业英语词汇(F1)浊气 foul air烟道气分析 flue gas analysis收锚 fish anchor灭火设备 fire extinguishing appliance 烟囱面积 funnel area烟囱底座装甲 funnel base armour干舷勘划 freeboard assignment游动强[力]背[材] floating strong back全平衡舵 full balanced rudder面材 face bar炉篦,炉条 fire bar or grate bar校磁铁棒 flinder's bar装配船渠 fitting out basin终结焊珠 finish bead挠性轴承 flexible bearing浮动轴承 floating frame bearing雾钟 fog bell表面弯曲 face bend自由弯曲 free bend型材弯曲机 frame bender固定叶片 fixed blade (or vane)琴式滑车 fiddle block四轮滑车 fourfold block渡船 ferry boat (or ferry)消防艇 fire boat渔船 fishing boat渔业巡护船 fishing patrol boat火管锅炉 fire tube boiler平头槽螺栓 flat head grooved bolt 地脚螺栓,基座螺栓 foundation bolt 平底 flat bottom卷边腋板,凸缘腋板 flanged bracket 脚煞 foot brake摩阻煞 friction brake望台 flying bridge锉刷 file brush (or card)消防桶 fire bucket防火舱壁 fire proof bulkhead抗火舱壁 fire resisting bulkhead波形舱壁 fluted bulkhead前尖舱壁 fore peak bulkhead风扇罩 fan casing炉舱风道围壁 fiddley casing烟囱外壳 funnel casing折椅 folding chair旗箱 flag chest垫木,填材 filling chock磨阻离合器 friction clutch排灰旋塞 fireman's cock磁场线圈 field coil前柱 front column液体罗经 fluid (or wet) compass填料 filling compound燃料消耗量 fuel consumption燃油消耗量 fuel oil consumption预冷器 fore cooler (or precooler)凸缘联结器,凸缘接头 flange coupling 挠性联结器 flexible coupling摩阻联结器 friction coupling起重工作船 floating crane顺曲线 fair curve可浸长度曲线 flooding curve曲线板 french curve四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle (or four cycle)收锚柱,吊架 fish davit平甲板 flush deck艏艛甲板 forecastle deck干舷甲板 freeboard deck火警探测器 fire detector功图因子 factor of diagram (or diagram factor) 满载排水量 full load displacement浮坞 floating dock机械通风 forced draught船形计算吃水 form (or geometrical) draught 满载吃水 full load draught自然送风 funnel (or natural) draught磨阻鼓 friction drum殿缘,后缘(螺桨) following (or trailing ) edge四衡程引擎 four cycle (or stroke) engine蒸发因子 factor of evaporation鼓风机引擎 fan engine建造,制造,制作,安装,组合 fabricate组合体,组合船段 fabricate block组合船 fabricated ship建造费 fabrication cost制造工厂 fabrication shop面材 face bar表面弯曲试片 face-bend specimen面罩 face mask压力面螺距 face pitch面板 face plate护面罩 face shield面料,平面切削 facing接触面 facing surface面磨合 facing up无线电传真 facsimile (fax)因素,因子 factor蒸发因子 factor of evaporation安全因子 factor of safety舱区划分因子 factor of subdivision 工厂船 factory ship拖网工船 factory trawler破损 failure破坏模式 failure mode顺曲线 fair curve整顺 fairing导索器 fair-leader导索车 fair-lead truck顺线,修正线 fair line整顺限度 fairness limit导水板 fair water piece顺风 fair wind吊索,落差 fall舷缘内倾 falling in (or falling home) 舷缘外倾 falling out (or flaring) [水槽]活动底 false bottom假回声,假回波 false echo气缸垫片(金属) false face龙骨护板,伪龙骨,假龙骨 false keel破浪艏材(木船) false stem (or cut water)风扇测功器 fan brake送风阻力 fan resistance风扇室 fan room表面弯曲 face bend螺栓垫圈 facing ring功图因子 factor of diagram (or diagram factor)工厂自动化 factory automation (fa)华氏温度计 fahrenheit thermometer[船体]曲面缘 fair body line顺流 fair current风扇马达 fan motor海上加油整补传送站 fas (= fueling-at-sea) delivery station 板弯艏材 fashion plate stem结件 fastener快速船 fast steamer测量索 fathom line疲劳极限 fatigue limit疲劳试验 fatigue test故障,缺点 fault故障电流 fault current无线电传真 fax (= facsimile)接合凸缘 faying flange冲孔板接合面 faying surface of punched plate流动触媒裂解 fcc (= fluid catalytic cracking)可行性研究 feacibility study槽嵌接头(木材) feather and groove board防擦板 feather edge chatine piece明轮 feathering paddle wheel飞羽化螺桨 feathering propeller舷梯活动踏板 feathering step反馈,回授 feed back回授控制系统 feed back control system回授电流 feed back current给水止回阀 feed check valve给水机 feed engine给料器,馈电线 ,灌槽 feeder供电盘 feeder panel给水过滤器 feed filter给水加热器 feed heater给水柜 feed tank给水阀 feed valve给水,炉水 feed water给水控制 feed water control (fwc)炉水过滤器 feed water filter给水软化剂 feed water softener毛纸,毛毯,毡 felt阴转子 female rotor护舷材,碰垫 fender钢筋水泥船 ferro-cement vessel (or ferro-concrete vessel) 硫酸亚铁注入装置 ferrous sulfate injection unit箍,套圈 ferrule渡船 ferry栈桥 ferry bridge四十呎货柜当量(货柜) feu (= forty feet equivalent unit)工厂自动化 fa (= factory automation)组合艉材 fabricated stern frame平面车床 face lathe现场矫正 fair in place鼓风机引擎 fan engine扇形艉 fantail stern华氏温度计 farenheit thermometer疲劳损伤 fatigue damage硫酸亚铁喷射泵 ferrous sulfate injection pump 吹送距离(波浪) fetch纤维强化塑料 fiber reinforced plastics (frp)缘应力 fiber stress玻璃纤维毯 fibre glass chopped stand mat玻璃纤维肋材 fibre glass frames纤维状破坏面 fibrous fracture surface桅栓 fid炉舱风道围壁 fiddley casing烟囱口格栅盖,烟囱口铁格盖 fiddley grating西班牙验船协会 fidenavis场,现场 ,磁场 ,电场 field现场组合 field assembly磁场调整器 field regulator磁场变阻器 field rheostat现场拆卸 field stripping现场焊接 field welding磁场绕组 field winding系索座围栏 fife rail装甲贯穿系数 figure of merit纤维,灯丝 filament绕丝制胚法(frp) filament winding method锉刷 file brush (or card)熔填金属 filler metal填角,内圆角,填料 fillet填角焊规,内圆角规 fillet gauge正面填角焊[shear接] fillet weld in normal填料,注入 filling填料 filling compound填材 filling piece注入管 filling pipe注入阀 filling-up valve油膜冷却叶 film cooled blade油膜冷却 film cooling膜厚计 film thickness gauge过滤器 filter过滤 filtration鳍板,散热片 fin蒇事文件 final act细线 fine line瘦型船 fine ship细牙螺纹 fine thread最后加工,表面处理 finish加工裕度 finish allowance加工面 finished surface加工符号 finish mark有限差分法(结构分析) finite difference method 有限元素法 finite element method (fem)鳍管热交换器 fin tube heat exchanger火警警报器 fire alarm炉篦,炉条 fire bar炉条托架,炉条承 fire bar bearer炉篦,炉条 fire bar or grate bar消防艇 fire boat火箱 fire box火坝 fire bridge燃烧室 fire combustion chamber射击管制室 fire control room焊条预置式焊法 fire cracker welding (or e-h welding) 防火挡板 fire damper火警探测装置 fire detecting device火警探测器 fire detector炉门,防火门 fire door消防演习 fire drill灭火引擎 fire engine灭火器 fire extinguisher灭火剂 fire extinguishing agent灭火设备 fire extinguishing appliance灭火泡沫 fire foam炉篦 fire grate水龙带 fire hose消防员,生火员 fireman消防员装具 fireman's outfit防火面罩 fire mask壁炉 fire place燃点 fire (or firing) point火棒 fire pricker防火 fire proof防火漆 fireproof paint灭火泵,消防泵 fire pump抗火 fire resisting抗火舱壁 fire resisting bulkhead抗燃电缆 fire-resisting cable耐火 fire retarding锅炉舱 fire room通火棒 fire slice (or slice bar, or poker)窒火气体 fire smothering gas火管锅炉 fire tube boiler点火顺序 firing order燃点 firing point燃烧压力 firing pressure鱼雷发射柜(潜艇) firing tank急救箱 first aid box备用大锚 first bower头等舱旅客 first class passenger第一中压缸 first intermediate cylinder 大副 first mate (or first officer)加油长 first oiler鱼,帆桁,护木,吊 fish收锚 fish anchor运鱼船 fish carrier渔业试验船 fisheries examination boat 叶面空蚀 face cavitation焊接表面 face of weld故障保安 fail safe风扇壳,风扇罩 fan casing扇风作用 fanning action艏材缘板上部 fashing plate扣接 fastening疲劳设计 fatigue design疲劳寿命 fatigue life管口接合,插承接合 faucet joint供电路线 feeder circuit给水管 feed pipe测隙片 feeler母螺纹,内螺纹 female thread玻璃纤维强化塑料 fiberglass (or glassfiber ) reinforced plastics (frp, or grp)玻璃纤维 fibre glass栓顶桅 fidded top mast炉舱舱口 fiddley hatch桅栓孔 fid hole锉 file填充剂,填料,垫隔片 ,填注器 filler熔填条 filler rod水泥填角 fillet of cement垫木,填材 filling chock注入率 filling ratio滤光玻璃 filter glass最后检查 final survey (or inspection)最后一道焊接 final weld瘦度模数 fineness modulus终结焊珠,最后一道焊接 finish bead完成尺寸 finished size完工温度 finishing temperature有限振幅波 finite amplitude waves有限翼列(燃气涡轮机) finite cascade消防斧 fireman's axe火警巡逻 fire patrol耐火试验 fire proof test火耙 fire rake消防栓,火警布署站,消防站 fire station火铲 firing shovel头等舱乘客 first saloon passenger锯齿,叶片(燃气涡轮机) fir-tree blade收锚柱,吊架 fish davit渔业加工船 fisheries factory ship渔业研究船 fisheries research boat银[白]点(焊接) fish eye鱼[获]加工船 fish factory ship鱼[群]探[测]器 fish finder鱼钩 fish hook渔船 fishing boat渔捞长 fishing chief渔具 fishing gear捕渔灯 fishing light捕鱼平台 fishing platform活鱼槽,活鱼舱 fish well装配船渠 fitting out basin装品,装具 fittings定光连闪光灯 fixed and group flashing light固定压载 fixed ballast固定叶片 fixed blade (or vane)固端格架 fixed-ended grillage定性气体 fixed gas固定气体灭火系统 fixed gas fire-extin- guishing system固定高胀力泡沫灭火系统fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system定桩钻油台 fixed-pile platform定桩型钻探台 fixed-pile structure type drilling rig[固]定[螺]距螺桨 fixed pitch propeller (fpp)固定压力喷水fixed pressure water- spraying fire-extin- guishing system固定冲程泵 fixed stroke pump固定式钻油台 fixed type drilling platform固定台(下水) fixed way旗 flag旗箱 flag locker火焰调整 flame adjustment火焰清除 flame cleaning火焰切割 flame cutting[火]焰[前进]面 flame front火焰硬化 flame hardening火焰切削,火焰加工 flame machining火焰整平机 flame planer难燃性材料 flame retardant material火焰安全灯 flame safety lamp火焰嵌接 flame scarfing烧缩法 flame shrinking凸缘,法兰 flange凸缘联结器,凸缘接头 flange coupling折边焊接 flanged edge weld凸缘接合 flange joint折缘机 flange press可折性 flanging quality可折性材料 flanging quality material齿腹 flank翼门 flap door襟翼舵 flapped rudder舌阀 flap valve火焰,舷缘外倾 flare火焰(救生) flare-up light舷缘外倾 flaring扩口试验 flaring test闪电对头焊接,闪电对头熔接 flash butt welding 大型船舶闪光灯 flashing light for huge vessel装载危险品船闪光灯flashing light for vessel carrying dangerous cargo闪光信号 flashing (or flash) signal扇,风机 fan接合面 faying surface供给,进刀 ,给水 feed给水软化装置 feed softener铁离子产生装置 ferrous ion generating unit保真度,逼真度 fidelity磁场线圈 field coil填角焊接尺寸 fillet weld size油膜润滑 film lubrication淡水过滤器 fresh water filter燃油过滤器 fuel oil filter处理玻璃布 finished glass cloth[船体]鳍板稳定器 fin-stabilizer。
外文翻译 室内环境温度监测(英文原文)
Sustainable Cities and Society 13(2014)57–68Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSustainable Cities andSocietyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s csMonitoring building energy consumption,thermal performance,and indoor air quality in a cold climate regionTanzia Sharmin a ,Mustafa Gül a ,∗,Xinming Li a ,Veselin Ganev b ,Ioanis Nikolaidis b ,Mohamed Al-Hussein aa Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Alberta,9105116th Street,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada bDepartment of Computing Science,2-21Athabasca Hall,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta,Canadaa r t i c l ei n f oKeywords:Sensor-based monitoring system Energy usageBuilding envelope thermal performance Indoor air qualityBuilding management systema b s t r a c tBuildings are major consumers of the world’s energy.Optimizing energy consumption of buildings during operation can significantly reduce their impact on the global environment.Monitoring the energy usage and performance is expected to aid in reducing the energy consumption of occupants.In this regard,this paper describes a framework for sensor-based monitoring of energy performance of buildings under occupancy.Different types of sensors are installed at different locations in 12apartment units in a building in Fort McMurray,Alberta,Canada to assess occupant energy usage,thermal performance of the building envelope,and indoor air quality (IAQ).The relationship between heating energy consumption and the thermal performance of building envelope and occupant comfort level is investigated by analyzing the monitoring data.The results show that the extent of heat loss,occupant comfort level,and appliance usage patterns have significant impacts on heating energy and electricity consumption.This study also identifies the factors influencing the poor IAQ observed in some case-study units.In the long term,it is expected that the extracted information acquired from the monitoring system can be used to support intelligent decisions to save energy,and can be implemented by the building management system to achieve financial,environmental,and health benefits.©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe building sector accounts for about 30%of total green-house gas (GHG)emissions in Canada (NRC,2006).Furthermore,the construction and operation of buildings are responsible for over a third of the world’s energy consumption (Straube,2006).Data shows that energy consumption and GHG emissions in build-ing sector are growing at an advanced rate than in other sectors (Akashi &Hanaoka,2012).As a result,reducing energy consump-tion has become essential to planning,construction,and use of buildings from the environmental point of view (Stoy,Pollalis,&Fiala,2009).This also entails that the building sector has con-siderable potential for energy and energy-related CO 2emissionssavings (Gökc¸e &Gökc ¸e,2013).According to the International Energy Agency,the building sector can reduce energy consump-tion with an estimated energy savings of 1509Mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent)by 2050.Furthermore,through energy-efficient building design,carbon dioxide (CO 2)emissions can be reduced,∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+17804923002.E-mail address:mustafa.gul@ualberta.ca (M.Gül).which can possibly mitigate 12.6Gt (gigatonnes)of CO 2emissions by 2050(International Energy Agency,2010).Energy consumption by built environments can be reduced through new designs,technologies,and materials;proper control;and the use of effective energy management systems by consider-ing factors such as building orientation,shape,wall–window ratio,insulation,use of high-efficiency windows,and natural ventila-tion (Dawood,Crosbie,Dawood,&Lord,2013).However,electrical loads,especially miscellaneous electrical loads (involving a range of products,devices,and electrical equipment in some combina-tion,common in every household)consume a significant portion of total building energy (Hendron &Eastment,2006).In Canada,the residential building sector consumes approximately 16%of total secondary energy usage (NRC,2006).According to Statistics Canada,in 2007the average Canadian household consumed 106GJ (gigajoules)of energy,with the national total reaching 1,368,955TJ (terajoules)(Statistics Canada,2007).A substantial share of total energy consumption is due to improper use of appliances,and elim-inating this wastage can reduce the overall energy consumption by approximately 30%in buildings (US DOE Energy Information Administration,2003).Today it is important to focus on greater energy efficiency to reduce our impact on the environment by/10.1016/j.scs.2014.04.0092210-6707/©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.58T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society13(2014)57–68reducing fossil fuel consumption(Gua,Sun,&Wennersten,2013; Sharmin,Li,Gökc¸e,Gül,&Al-Hussein,2012).Built environments also have a significant impact on human health.The extent of a building’s impact on human health and the environment depends on the building design,materials,and the methods used for construction and operation(Vittori,2002). According to the Science Advisory Board of the United States Envi-ronmental Protection Agency(EPA),indoor environment stands among the topfive environmental risks to public health.In Canada, people spend an average of89%of their time indoors and66%of their time indoors at home(Leech,Wilby,McMullen,&Laporte, 1996),and there is a possibility that people with weak immune systems may suffer from asthmatic symptoms or other respiratory health problems as a result of exposure to poor indoor air quality (Vittori,2002).Considering the fact that human health is affected by poor indoor air quality(IAQ),it is important to maintain a healthy IAQ in the interest of occupant health.Continuous monitoring of indoor environmental quality(IEQ)can thus play a significant role in maintaining healthy indoor environments.A significant aspect of assessing the sustainability of a building is the monitoring of energy performance(Berardi,2012).Recent innovations in sensing,data logging,and computing technologies have improved monitoring of indoor environment and energy per-formance of buildings.“Real-time”energy performance and IEQ monitoring are significant from the perspective of real-time feed-back to promote energy-saving behavior,and also for maintaining healthy IAQ.Proper targeting and monitoring of energy consump-tion and continuous energy management can be effective strategies for improved energy performance of buildings,and can result in reductions in operating costs of facilities(Lee&Augenbroe,2007; Sapri&Muhammad,2010).Research studies examining the effect of energy feedback information on occupant behavior have shown that real-time feedback can be a powerful impetus for behavioral change.McClelland and Cook(1980)first tested the impact of con-tinuous energy feedback on electricity usage.The results showed that on average electricity usage was lowered by12%in the homes with continuous electricity usage feedback compared to the homes with no usage feedback system(as cited in Allen&Janda,2006). In another study,a technical research university has monitored energy usage to reduce energy costs through an energy awareness program that offered departments a chance to receive payments of up to30%of the savings achieved.The departments had accom-plished energy savings(saving about$300,000per year)after one and half years of monitoring through improved operations and maintenance procedures and reduced their usage from about44 million kWh to40million kWh(Energy Star,2002).Hutton,Mauser, Filiatrault,and Antola(1986)have shown how the feedback pro-vided by monitoring helped to conserve energy for over75%of the subjects in25households in three cities.In a case regarding water usage,the city of Boston,MA,USA was unable to account for the use of50%of the water used in its municipal water system and,after installing meters,water that was unaccounted for had dropped to 36%(Grisham&Fleming,1989).Another study has shown that an effective energy management system can identify problems in an operating system which might not otherwise have been identified (Mills&Mathew,2009).Yang and Wang(2013)has shown that energy management systems can also provide comfortable building environments with high energy efficiency.Literature reviews from the last ten years show that usage of energy can be reduced from0%to20%by using a variety of feed-back mechanisms(Abrahamse,Steg,Vlek,&Rothengatter,2005). However,despite the fact that providing appropriate feedback can significantly reduce the overall energy consumption,relying only on occupants’awareness and behavioral change might not be an effective approach.In a recent study,wireless AC plug-load meters and light sensors were deployed in a computer science laboratory as a case study in energy monitoring.The study reported that more than30%energy savings were achieved immediately after installing a monitoring system,but that the savings were subse-quently reduced to less than4%of the week one level by the fourth week of the study.It light of this case,it might be considered that an effective solution for reducing energy consumption could be an automated energy management system,in addition to user coop-eration(Jiang,Van Ly,Taneja,Dutta,&Culler,2009).Major progress has been made in recent years in accomplish-ing greater awareness(Jiang et al.,2009),showing that advanced measurement of energy usage enables reduction of energy con-sumption.While the approach of monitoring energy usage is useful to achievefinancial benefits,a holistic monitoring of the perfor-mance of the building system can also be used to identify the factors influencing irregular energy usage or non-standard IEQ.Any information pertaining to irregularity of building system perfor-mance can contribute to building management systems intended to support operational improvement,and can also provide the infor-mation needed to encourage behavioral and operational changes by building occupants and operators.Monitoring is essential to achieving an energy-efficient building management system,but sensor-based monitoring is sometimes costly.In recent years more cost-effective high performance sensor technologies have been introduced,such that the benefits of utilizing this technology outweigh the associated costs.Continuous collection of the indi-vidualized energy use information would translate into increased energy use awareness,identification of problems in the building management system,and notification of irregular energy usage and non-standard indoor environmental parameters,all of which can lead to more sustainable building operations.However,it remains an open question whether the apparent additional understanding would be enough to justify the cost of installation,maintenance, and calibration of sensors.This paper thus offers a methodological approach by which to extract useful information by establishing relationships and studying patterns across different components of a building management system,facilitated by the installation of various sensors in a case study,the“Stony Mountain Plaza”project in Fort McMurray,Alberta,Canada.1.1.Objective and scopeThe objective of the sensor-based monitoring system adopted in this research is to provide relevant information regarding effec-tive management of building systems in cold-climate regions.The implemented monitoring system can be used for increasing energy performance and occupant comfort while reducing energy and water consumption.In this study,the ASHRAE standard specifying environmental parameter ranges(indoor air temperature,RH,CO2 level)has been used to define occupant comfort.A holistic exam-ination of the performance of the building system(energy usage, thermal performance,and IEQ)helps to determine whether or not the system is working efficiently by identifying correlations across different monitoring components.A more advanced understand-ing of the recorded data is expected to result in changes in building operations through the use of intelligent controls that automati-cally adjust to environmental requirements.It is expected that the extracted information and strategies acquired from the monitor-ing system can be implemented within the building management system to achievefinancial,environmental,and health benefits. 2.Methodological approachIn order to conduct a holistic examination of the performance of the building system under consideration,operating energy usage (e.g.,electrical energy usage,space heating energy usage,andT.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society13(2014)57–6859Fig.1.Objective and methodological approach.household water usage);thermal performance of the building; and IAQ under occupancy are monitored.Twelve sample units are chosen in the building to be monitored for energy performance. Different types of sensors are installed in these individual units in order to monitor different components.Finally,recorded data are analyzed in order to extract useful information.Fig.1shows the objective and the monitored components for building energy performance under occupancy.2.1.Sample case-study unitTwo four-storey residential buildings have been constructed as part of the“Stony Mountain Plaza”project in Fort McMurray, Alberta,Canada.Both buildings are oriented with their longer axis facing north and south.Building1has70units while building2has 55units.There are two types of units in building1:one-bedroom and two-bedroom units.For monitoring building energy perfor-mance,three case-study units in eachfloor of building1with the same relativefloor plan position are selected:(1)Type‘A’unit (one-bedroom)facing north,(2)Type‘A’unit(one-bedroom)facing south,and(3)Type‘B’unit(two-bedroom)facing south.The sam-ple households are assigned code numbers1–12,and the specific locations of the units in theirfloors are not revealed for the sake of privacy.Fig.2displays the12case-study units.2.2.Types and locations of installed sensorsDifferent types of sensors are used for different types of required information in this assessment of building energy performance under occupancy.For electrical energy usage,Brultech ECM-1240 power meters are used.Each apartment receives power from two phases(phases A and B).Two power meters,one for each phase, recording the total energy for each load(in Ws)are therefore installed in each case-study unit.One Kamstrup MULTICAL601 heating meter is used for monitoring the energy from the water circulation heating system.Three sensors are also used for this purpose:oneflow meter and two temperature probes(for supply temperature,T s,and return temperature,T r).The heating meter records the total volume(L),total mass(g),currentflow(L/s),cur-rent T s and T r(◦C),and total energy(Wh).The energy consumed by the water circulation heating system can be calculated satisfying Eq.(1).E=V(T s−T r)k(1) where V:volume;T s:supply temperature;T r:return temperature; k:thermal coefficient.For monitoring household water usage,Minomess130water meters are used.There are two water meters in each apartment, one monitoring total incoming water and one monitoring output (cumulative hot water usage in the apartment)of the hot water tank.Two heatflux sensors(HFT3Soil Heat Flux Plate)are used for monitoring thermal performance of the building envelope:one measuring the heatflux(W/m2)through the studs and the other measuring the heatflux through the insulation.The sensor used for IAQ measurement is the IAQ Point air monitoring device man-ufactured by Honeywell Analytics.This device records real-time values of CO2(ppm),RH(%),and temperature(◦C)(Sharmin et al., 2012).The locations of the sensors for one-bedroom units and two-bedroom units are as shown in Fig.3.2.3.Development of system architectureThe power consumption meters(Brultech ECM-1240)commu-nicate using ZigBee with four EtherBee gateways(one on each floor),which are connected by a CAT5Ethernet cable to a single-board computer through a5-port switch.The energy meter andthe Fig.2.Case-study building and selection of case-study units.60T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society 13(2014)57–68Fig.3.Location of sensors in case-study units.IAQ sensor use the LonTalk protocol to communicate with an iLON smart server,which is also connected to the single-board computer where the data are being encrypted and transmitted to a database server through a secured connection over the Internet.The heat flux sensors are connected to the CR1000data logger (Campbell Scientific,Inc.)through a Solid State Multiplexer (Campbell Scien-tific,Inc.),which makes it possible to connect all 24of the heat flux sensors to a single data logger.The data logger converts the ana-log signal from the heat flux sensors into digital values and sends these values to the SBC through an Ethernet interface (Sharminet al.,2012).Fig.4provides a flowchart of the data collection system adopted in this project.3.Data analysisThis section discusses findings based on the collected data to assess building energy performance under occupancy.The data sets used for the analysis presented in this paper have been collected during regular operation of thebuilding.Fig.4.System architecture for data collection.T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society13(2014)57–6861Fig.5.Data analysis framework for electrical energy consumption.3.1.Measurement of electrical energy usageAccording to Statistics Canada(2007),Alberta’s average per household use of electricity in2007was the lowest among all provinces(26GJ).A possible reason for this low electricity con-sumption might be the comparably high rate of natural gas consumption in Alberta due to the low price of natural gas.In this paper,26GJ is set as the annual per household usage threshold. We consider the electricity consumption for individual appliances and the total electricity consumption for the case-study units. By measuring the electricity consumption of occupants,building management can pursue appropriate measures(i.e.,setting an opti-mum usage limit)if the electricity usage continuously exceeds the threshold of electricity usage established.Fig.5shows the data analysis framework for electrical energy consumption,while Fig.6shows the total electricity consump-tion by case-study unit(except unit8,because of missing data). It is observed in Fig.6that the electricity consumption by units7 (Type A)and9(Type A)in2012exceeds the26GJ threshold.Even though units7and9are type A(one-bedroom)units,the electric-ity consumption of these units is higher than the other case-study units.The data analysis framework(Fig.5)adopted in this study identi-fies factors that influence higher electricity consumption by a given unit by comparing the electricity consumption of different appli-ances of the selected unit with the average electricity consumption of individual appliances of all the case-study units.Fig.7presents the influencing factors for higher electricity consumption of3case-study units(units7,9and10).These three units are chosen as examples since two of them(units7and9)exceed the26-GJ thresh-old and the other unit(unit10)has comparatively higher electricity usage but appears to be influenced by different factors than units7 and9.Our data analysis shows that the primary factors influencing the higher electricity consumption in unit7are the bedroom appli-ances,electrical duct heating,kitchen plug,and kitchen-bathroom lighting,since electricity consumption by these appliances in unit 7is much higher than the average of the11case-study units for these appliances.A possible reason for higher electricity consump-tion in the bedroom of unit7may be the use of electrical heating radiators by occupants.On the other hand,bedroom appliances and oven usage for unit9and hot water tank and refrigerator usage for unit10are identified as the primary influencing factors accounting for the higher electricity consumption of the respective units.It is worth noting that household energy use can vary based on a number of factors,including the number of occupants,lifestyle, and usage of different appliances.With the continuous monitor-ing of electrical energy consumption,it is possible to identify the influencing factors of higher electricity consumption of occupants and to set an optimum value for electrical energy usage accord-ingly.Based on the monitoring of electricity usage carried out in this study,building management can set an appropriate optimum range of yearly energy usage by occupants.3.2.Measuring thermal performance of building envelope and space heating energy usageFor this research,the heatflux—the rate of heat energy transfer—through studs and insulation is also monitored.Since studs(working as thermal bridges between outdoor and indoor environments)lose more heat than does insulation,this research measures heatflux through studs and insulation separately.In order to assess the impact of orientation on heatflux for the case-study units,annual average heatflux through studs and annual average heatflux through insulation are compared for north-facing and south-facing units.At eachfloor level,one north-facing unit and one south-facing type A(one-bedroom)unit are selected in order to compare heatflux.As expected,the collected data in Fig.8shows that north-facing units have greater heat loss than south-facing units when considering the2nd and3rdfloor.However,contrary to expectations,at the ground(stud)and topfloor,south-facing units have greater heat loss than north-facing units.The recorded data in Fig.8gives an inconclusive result.In order to identify long-term patterns(if any)of heatflux for different orientations,it is impor-tant to monitor the data for a few years.If patterns of heatflux for differentfloor levels(variations with respect to height)or differ-ent orientations are identified,measures(i.e.,increasedinsulation) Fig.6.Electricity consumption for case-study units.62T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society 13(2014)57–68Fig.7.Electricity consumption of individual appliances by units 7,9and10.Fig.8.Heat flux for different orientations and floor levels in 2012.can be taken to reduce heat flux for the units with higher rates.Increasing the thermal performance of the building envelope also provides an opportunity to reduce significantly the heating loss of a building,but this is beyond the scope of this study.Fig.9shows the data analysis framework adopted in this study for heating energy consumption.The framework examines the impact of heat flux and outdoor temperature on heating energy consumption.The indoor air temperature maintained in the unit is also compared with the standard indoor temperature range in order to gain understanding of the relationship between occupant comfort level and heating energy consumption.As expected,the recorded data (Fig.10)shows that apart-ments consume more heating energy as the outside temperature decreases.Fig.10also shows the relationship between heat flux and heating energy consumption such that units with higher heat flux in general have higher heating energy consumption,with some exceptions,e.g.,unit 12in October and unit 7in January;(in these exceptions,even though heat loss was high,heating energy con-sumption was comparatively low).In general,variations in theoccupancy,such as vacations and other absences,can directly impact the energy consumption,and the absence of residents ren-ders the heat comfort level of individuals irrelevant with respect to its impact on energy consumption over these periods of absence.Another exception is with respect to unit 7in November and December.Data shows that even though heat flux was lower in unit 7,heating energy consumption was higher (compared to unit 12)in November and December.There is a possibility that occupant comfort level with a higher temperature range may have resulted in higher heating consumption in unit 7.Recorded data indicates that the indoor air temperature in unit 7has always been maintained at a higher level (sometimes exceeding the standard temperature range)compared to unit 12,indicating that occupant preference for a higher temperature range may be the reason for higher heat-ing consumption during October-December in unit 7,even though heat loss was less than for unit 12.It should be noted that occupant lifestyle and comfort level may affect the heating energy consump-tion significantly.In order to manage heating energy effectively,it is necessary to monitor and analyze the heating energy usageT.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society 13(2014)57–6863Fig.9.Data analysis framework for heating energyconsumption.Fig.10.Heat flux and heating energy consumption in north-(unit 7)and south-facing (unit 12)units.regularly and to set realistic targets for improving energy effi-ciency.3.3.Measurement of household water usageHousehold water usage is also being monitored as part of this study.According to Environment Canada ,in 2009average resi-dential water use was 72.38gallons per capita per day,which corresponds to 26,420gallons per capita per year (Municipal Water Use Report,2011).Fig.11shows the water consumption by case-study unit in 2012.The results indicate that even though unit 9is a one-bedroom unit (assumed to be accommodating fewer residents than two-bedroom units),it exhibits the highest water consumption.By measuring the water usage of occupants,build-ing management can pursue appropriate measures (i.e.,optimum usage range)if the water usage per person for a particular unit is continuously higher than the Canadian average residential water usage per capita per day.The recorded data in Fig.11shows that hot water consumption typically accounts for more than 30%of total water consumption in the case-study units,with the exception of unit 11.Since in thisproject energy is drawn from used hot water through drain water heat recovery (DWHR),there is a possibility that this gray water could be used for toilet flushing.It should be noted that the use of gray water in the case-study units is beyond the scope of this study.3.4.Indoor air quality (CO 2concentration and relative humidity)measurementElevated CO 2levels affect occupant comfort and IAQ.With ele-vated CO 2levels,occupants may complain of perceived poor air quality and may face health problems such as headaches,fatigue,and eye and throat irritation.Poor air quality may reduce the effi-ciency of the occupants (Wyon &Wargocki,2006)and this loss can be reduced through proper design strategy (Wyon,1996).The rela-tionship between indoor CO 2concentration and IAQ is in terms of the impact of elevated CO 2on comfort,and the correlation between CO 2and ventilation (Aglan,2003).According to the American Soci-ety of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers Inc.(ASHRAE),buildings with proper ventilation should have CO 2lev-els not in excess of 1000ppm (Quinn,2011).Exceeding this level is likely indicative of inadequate ventilation.In consideration of this,64T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society13(2014)57–68Fig.11.Total water consumption of case-study units in2012.Fig.12.IAQ data analysis framework for CO2.Fig.13.IAQ data analysis framework for RH.T.Sharmin et al./Sustainable Cities and Society 13(2014)57–6865Fig.14.Monthly average CO 2concentration level in case-studyunits.Fig.15.Average CO 2level and ERV electricity consumption in case-study units for February and March,2012.Figs.12and 13show the framework of IAQ data analysis (CO 2and RH,respectively)considered in this project.The results of data analysis (Fig.14)show that CO 2concentra-tion levels exceed the 1000ppm threshold in units 1,3,4,5,8,and 9for several months of 2012.In order to determine if lack of energy recovery ventilation (ERV)usage is the reason for the elevated level of CO 2,electricity consumption by the ERV is inves-tigated for the case-study units for February and March,2012.These two months are chosen as examples since most of the units exceed the threshold during these two months.Fig.15shows the CO 2con-centration and ERV electricity consumption by unit,exhibiting that the units with higher ERV usage have in general relatively lowerCO 2concentration (units 7,10,and 11),while units with lower ERV usage have higher CO 2concentration (units 1,3,4,5,and 9).An improper heating,ventilation,and air conditioning system (HVAC),as well as unvented appliances (space heaters,dryers,stoves,and any other unvented gas appliances)in a house,can lead to high levels of indoor CO 2(Health Canada,1995).Complementing the recorded data (ERV usage record),interviews with occupants may be helpful for identifying the factors influencing higher CO 2levels in the identified units.Once the causal factors are identified,necessary steps (e.g.,imposing the use of ERV,proper maintenance of HVAC system and appliances)should be taken in the interest of occupant health.。
Unit 1property (材料的)性质heat treatme nt 热处理metal 金属glass 玻璃plastics 塑料fiber 纤维electro nic devices 电子器件component 组元,组分semic onducting materials 半导体材料materials scie nee and engin eeri ng 材料科学与工程materials scie nee 材料科学materials engin eeri ng 材料工程materials scie ntist 材料科学家materials engin eer 材料工程师syn thesize 合成syn thesissyn theticsubatomic structure 亚原子结构electro n 电子atom 原子nu clei 原子核nu cleusmolecule 分子microscopic 微观的microscope 显微镜n aked eye 裸眼macroscopic 宏观的specime n 试样deformati on 变形polished 抛光的reflect 反射magn itude 量级solid materials 固体材料mecha nical properties 力学性质load 载荷force 力elastic modulus 弹性模量stre ngth 强度electrical properties 电学性质electrical con ductivity 导电性dielectric con sta nt 介电常数electric field 电场thermal behavior 热学行为heat capacity 热容thermal con ductivity 热传导(导热性)magn etic properties 磁学性质magn etic field 磁场optical properties 光学性质electromag netic radiati on 电磁辐射light radiation 光辐射in dex of refract ion 折射率reflectivity 反射率deteriorative characteristics 劣化特性process ing 力口工performa nee 性能lin ear 线性的in tegrated circuit chip 集成电路芯片stre ngth 强度ductility 延展性deterioration 恶化,劣化mecha nical stren gth 机械强度elevated temperature 高温corrosive 腐蚀性的fabrication 制造Un it 2 chemical makeup 化学组成atomic structure 原子结构adva need materials 先进材料high-tech no logy 高技术smart materials 智能材料nanoengin eered materials 纟纳米工程材料metallic materials 金属材料nonl ocalized electr ons 游离电子con ductor 导体electricity 电heat 热tran spare nt 透明的visible light 可见光polished 抛光的surface 表面lustrous 有光泽的alumi num 铝silic on 硅alumi na 氧化铝silica 二氧化硅oxide 氧化物carbide 碳化物nitride 氮化物dioxide 二氧化物clay mi nerals 黏土矿物porcela in 瓷器ceme nt 水泥mecha nical力学行为behaviorceramic materials 陶瓷材料stiffness 劲度stre ngth 强度hard 坚硬brittle 脆的fracture 破裂in sulative 绝缘的resista nt 耐 .. 的resista nee 耐力,阻力,电阻molecular structures 分子结构chai n-like 链状backb one 骨架carb on atoms 碳原子low den sities 彳氐密度mecha nical characteristics 力学特性inert 隋性synthetic (人工)合成的fiberglass 玻璃纤维polymeric 聚合物的epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯纤维carbon fiber-rei nforced polymer composite 碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料glass fiber-rei nforced materials 玻璃纤维增强材料high-stre ngth, low-de nsity structural materials 高强度低密度结构材料solar cell 太阳能电池hydrogen fuel cell 氢燃料电池catalyst 催化剂nonren ewable resource 不可再生资源Un it 3 periodic table (元素)周期表atomic structure 原子结构magn etic 磁学的optical 光学的microstructure 微观结构macrostructure 宏观结构positively charged n ucleus 带正电的原子核atomic nu mber 原子序数proto n 质子atomic weight 原子量n eutro n 中子n egatively charged electr ons 带负电的电子shell壳层magn esium 镁chemical bonds 化学键partially-filled electro n shells 未满电子壳层bond 成键metallic bond 金属键nonm etal atoms 非金属原子covale nt bond 共价键ionic bond 离子键Un it 4physical properties 物理性质chemical properties 化学性质flammability 易燃性corrosi on 腐蚀oxidatio n 氧化oxidati on resista nee 抗氧化性vapor (vapour) 蒸汽,蒸气,汽melt 熔化solidify 凝固vaporize 汽化,蒸发condense 凝聚sublime 升华state 态plasma 等离子体phase tran sformatio n temperatures den sity 密度specific gravity 比重thermal con ductivity 热导lin ear coefficie nt of thermal expa nsion electrical con ductivity and resistivity 相变温度线性热膨胀系数电导和电阻corrosi on resista nee 抗腐蚀性magn etic permeability 磁导率phase tran sformatio ns 相变phase tran siti ons 相变crystal forms 晶型melt ing point 熔点boili ng point 沸腾点vapor pressure 蒸气压atm 大气压glass tran siti on temperature 玻璃化转变温度mass 质量volume 体积per un it of volume 每单位体积the accelerati on of gravity 重力加速度temperature depe ndent 随温度而变的,与温度有关的grams/cubic cen timeter 克每立方厘米kilograms/cubic meter 千克每立方米grams/milliliter 克每毫升grams/liter 克每升pounds per cubic inch 磅每立方央寸pounds per cubic foot 磅每立方央尺corrosi on resista nee 抗腐蚀性alcohol 酒精benzene 苯magn etize 磁化magn etic induction 磁感应强度magn etic field inten sity 磁场强度con sta nt 常数vacuum 真空magn etic flux den sity 磁通密度diamag netic 反磁性的factor 因数paramag netic 顺磁性的ferromag netic 铁磁性的non-ferrous metals 非铁金属,有色金属brass 黄铜ferrous 含铁的ferrous metals 含铁金属,黑色金属relative permeability 相对磁导率transformer 变压器,变换器eddy curre nt probe 涡流探针Un it 5hard ness 硬度impact resista neefracture tough nessstructural materialsani sotropic 各向异性orie ntati on 取向texture 织构 fiber rein forceme nt Ion gitudi nal 纵向tran sverse directi onshort tran sverse direction短横向 a function of temperature温度的函数,温度条件room temperature 室温elo ngatio n 伸长率tension 张力,拉力 compressi on 压缩ben di ng 弯曲shear 剪切torsio n 扭转static load ing 静负荷dyn amic loadi ng动态载荷 cyclic loading 循环载荷,周期载荷耐冲击性 断裂韧度,断裂韧性 结构材料 纤维增强 横向cross-sect ional area 横截面stress 应力stress distributi on 应力分布strain 应变engin eeri ng stra in 工程应变perpe ndicular 垂直no rmal axis 垂直车由elastic deformati on 弹性形变plastic deformati on 塑性形变quality con trol 质量控制non destructive tests 无损检测tensile property 抗张性能,拉伸性能Unit 6lattice 晶格positive ions 正离子a cloud of delocalized electr ons 离域电子云ionization 电离,离子化metalloid 准金属,类金属nonm etal 非金属cross-sect ional area 横截面diago nal line 对角线polonium 钋semi-metal 半金属lower left 左卜万upper right 右上方con ducti on band 导带vale nee band 价带electro nic structure 电子结构syn thetic materials (人工)合成材料oxygen 氧oxide 氧化物rust 生锈potassium 钾alkali metals 碱金属alkali ne earth metals 碱土金属volatile 活泼的tran siti on metals 过渡金属oxidize 氧化barrier layer 阻挡层basic 碱性的acidic 酸性的electrochemical series 电化序electrochemical cell 电化电池cleave 解理,劈开elemental 兀素的,单质的metallic form 金属形态tightly-packed crystal lattice 密排晶格,密堆积晶格atomic radius 原子半径nu clear charge 核电荷nu mber of bonding orbitals 成键轨道数overlap of orbital en ergies 轨道能重叠crystal form 晶型pla nes of atoms 原子面a gas of n early free electr ons 近自由电子气free electro n model 自由电子模型an electr on gas 电子气band structure 能带结构binding energy 键能positive pote ntial 正势periodic pote ntial 周期性势能band gap 能隙Brillouin zone 布里渊区n early-free electr on model 近自由电子模型solid solution 固溶体pure metals 纯金属duralumin 硬铝,杜拉铝Unit 9purification 提纯,净化raw materials 原材料discrete 离散的,分散的iodi ne 碘Ion g-cha in 长链alkane 烷烃,链烃oxide 氧化物nitride 氮化物carbide 碳化物diam ond 金刚石graphite 石墨inorganic 无机的mixed ion ic-covale nt bonding 离子一共价混合键con stitue nt atoms 组成原子con ducti on mecha nism 传导机制phonon 声子phot on 光子sapphire 蓝宝石visible light 可见光computer-assisted process con trol 计算机辅助过程控制solid-oxide fuel cell 固体氧化物燃料电池spark plug in sulator 火花塞绝缘材料capacitor 电容electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electr on microscope 电子显微镜surface an alytical methods 表面分析方法Unit 12macromolecule 高分子repeati ng structural un its 重复结构单元covale nt bond 共价键polymer chemistry 高分子化学polymer physics 高分子物理polymer scie nee 高分子科学molecular structure 分子结构molecular weights 分子量long cha ins 长链cha in-like structure 链状结构mono mer 单体plastics 塑料rubbers 橡胶thermoplastic 热塑性thermoset 热固性vulca ni zed rubbers 硫化橡胶thermoplastic elastomer 热塑弹性体n atural rubbers 天然橡胶syn thetic rubbers 合成橡胶thermoplastic 热塑性thermoset 热固性resi n 树脂polyethyle ne 聚乙烯polypropyle ne 聚丙烯polystyre ne 聚苯乙烯polyvi nyl-chloride 聚氯乙烯polyvi nyl 聚乙烯的chloride 氯化物polyester 聚酉旨polyuretha ne 聚氨酉旨polycarbo nate 聚碳酸酯nylon 尼龙acrylics 丙烯酸树脂aery Ion itrile-butadie ne-styre ne ABS 树月脂polymerization 聚合(作用)conden sati on polymerizati on 缩聚additi on polymerizatio n 力口聚homopolymer 均聚物copolymer 共聚物chemical modificati on 化学改性termino logy 术语nomen clature 命名法chemist 化学家the Noble Prize in Chemistry 诺贝尔化学奖catalyst 催化剂atomic force microscope原子力显微镜(AFM)Unit 15composite 复合材料multiphase 多相bulk phase 体相matrix 基体matrix material 基质材料rei nforceme nt 增强体reinforcing phase 增强相rei nforci ng material 力口强材料metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料resi n-matrix composite 树脂基复合材料stre ngthe ning mecha nism 增强机理dispers ion stren gthe ned composite 弥散强化复合材料particle rei nforced composites 颗粒增强复合材料fiber-re in forced composites 纤维增强复合材料Unit 18nano tech no logy 纟纳米技术nano structured materials 纟纳米结构材料nano meter 纟纳米nano scale 纟纳米尺度nan oparticle 纟纳米颗粒nano tube 纟纳米管nanowire 纟纳米线matrix material 基质材料nanorod 纟纳米棒nanoonion 纟纳米葱nan obulb 纳米泡fullere ne 富勒烯size parameters 尺寸参数size effect 尺寸效应critical le ngth 临界长度mesoscopic 介观的qua ntum mecha nics 量子力学qua ntum effects 量子效应surface area per un it mass 单位质量的表面积surface physics and chemistry 表面物理化学substrate 衬底,基底graphe ne 石墨烯chemical an alysis 化学分析chemical compositi on 化学成分an alytical tech niq ues 分析技术sca nning tunn eli ng microscope 扫描隧道显微镜spatial resoluti on 空间分辨率de Brogile wavele ngth 德布罗意波长mean free path of electrons (电子)平均自由程qua ntum dot 量子点band gap 带隙连续态密度discrete en ergy level 离散能级con ti nu ous den sity of statesabsorpti on 吸收in frared 红夕卜ultraviolet 紫外visible 可见qua ntum confin eme nt (effect) 量子限域效应qua ntum well 量子势阱optoelectro nic device 光电子器件en ergy spectrum 能谱electr on mean free path 电子平均自由程spin relaxati on len gth 自旋弛豫长度Unit 21biomaterial 生物材料impla nt materials 植入材料biocompatibility 生物相容性in vivo 在活体内in vitro 在活体外organ tran spla nt 器管移植calcium phosphate 磷酸钙hydroxyapatite 羟基磷灰石research and development 研发R&DPreparati on & Characterizati onprocess ing tech niq ues 力口工技术cast ing 铸造rolling 轧制,压延weld ing 焊接ion impla ntati on 离子注入thin-film depositi on 薄膜沉积crystal growth 晶体生长sin teri ng 烧结glassblowi ng 玻璃吹制an alytical tech niq ues 分析技术characterizati on tech niq ues 表征技术electr on microscopy 电子显微术X-ray diffractio n X 射线衍射calorimetry 量热法Rutherford backscatteri ng 卢瑟福背散射n eutro n diffractio n 中子衍射nu clear microscopy 核子微探针。
Postweld heat treatment can be used to stress relieve the weld before it cools down to room temperature. In the event that stress relief heat treatment cannot be carried out immediately upon completion of welding, the completed weldment can be held at a proper temperature to allow austenite to transform into a less susceptible microstructure than martensite. Postweld heating can also help hydrogen diffuse out of the workpiece. For most carbon steels, the postweld heat treatment temperature range is 590~675°C (1100~1250°F) .采用低氢型焊接方法(如GTAW或GMAW代替SMAW或FCAW)或焊接材料(如碱性而不是纤维素手工电弧焊焊条)来降低焊接区域的含氢量。
ahu air hundling unit 空调箱air conditioning load 空调负荷air distribution 气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air wide pre.drop 空气侧压降aluninum accessaries in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图ayout 设计图blass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessaries 水冷柜机排水及配料chiller asembly 水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室 无尘室correction factor 修正系数dcc dry coll units 干盘管 district cooling 区域供冷direct return system 异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风 drawn No.图号elevation 立面图entering air temp 进风温度 entering water temp 进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理单元ground source heat pump 地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency pariculate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters 高效空气过滤器horizontal series type 水平串联式hot water supply system 生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation 水力计算isometric drawing 轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度 leaving water temp 出水温度lood vacuum pump 中央集尘泵mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting 自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction 消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler 燃油锅炉one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption 运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries水系统辅材piping asembly 配管工费plan 平面图rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元 ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control流量比例控制ratio gear变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体 real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气]recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge自记压力计recording water-gauge自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air flame plate回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。
air supply method||送风方式
air supply mode||送风方式
air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)风口
air supply volume per unit area||单位面积送风量
centrifugal compressor||离心式压缩机
entrifugal fan||离心式通风机
check damper||(通风〕止回阀
check valve||止回阀
chilled water||冷水
chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系统
atmospheric pressure||大气压力(
atmospheric stability||大气稳定度
atmospheric transparency||大气透明度
atmospheric turblence||大气湍流
automatic control||自动控制
automatic roll filter||自动卷绕式过滤器
air changes||换气次数
air channel||风道
air cleanliness||空气洁净度
air collector||集气罐
air conditioning||空气调节
air conditioning condition||空调工况
air conditioning equipment||空气调节设备
absorptance for solar radiation||太阳辐射热吸收系数
大气科学系微机应用基础Primer of microcomputer applicationFORTRAN77程序设计FORTRAN77 Program Design大气科学概论An Introduction to Atmospheric Science大气探测学基础Atmospheric Sounding流体力学Fluid Dynamics天气学Synoptic Meteorology天气分析预报实验Forecast and Synoptic analysis生产实习Daily weather forecasting现代气候学基础An introduction to modern climatology卫星气象学Satellite meteorologyC语言程序设计 C Programming大气探测实验Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique云雾物理学Physics of Clouds and fogs动力气象学Dynamic Meteorology计算方法Calculation Method诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis中尺度气象学Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology边界层气象学Boundary Layer Meteorology雷达气象学Radar Meteorology数值天气预报Numerical Weather Prediction气象统计预报Meteorological Statical Prediction大气科学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences专题讲座Seminar专业英语English for Meteorological Field of Study计算机图形基础Basic of computer graphics气象业务自动化Automatic Weather Service空气污染预测与防治Prediction and Control for Air Pollution现代大气探测Advanced Atmospheric Sounding数字电子技术基础Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul大气遥感Remote Sensing of Atmosphere模拟电子技术基础Analog Electron Technical Base大气化学Atmospheric Chemistry航空气象学Areameteorology计算机程序设计Computer Program Design数值预报模式与数值模拟Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation接口技术在大气科学中的应用Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application海洋气象学Oceanic Meteorology现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统)Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system)1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水2) atmosphere science大气科学3) atmosphere大气1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment forspace weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support.随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。
采暖通风与空气调节术语标准中英文对照AA-weighted sound pressure level A声级absolute humidity绝对湿度absolute roughness绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent吸声材料absorber吸收器absorptance for solar radiation太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机access door检查门acoustic absorptivity吸声系数actual density真密度actuating element执行机构actuator执行机构adaptive control system自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating间歇附加率additional factor for wind force高度附加率additional heat loss风力附加率adiabatic humidification附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation绝热加湿adsorbate吸附质adsorbent吸附剂adsorber吸附装置adsorption equipment吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor气体吸附aerodynamic noise空气动力噪声aerosol气溶胶air balance风量平衡air changes换气次数air channel风道air cleanliness空气洁净度air collector集气罐air conditioning空气调节air conditioning condition空调工况air conditioning equipment空气调节设备air conditioning machine room空气调节机房air conditioning system空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant空气污染物air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器air cooler空气冷却器air curtain空气幕air cushion shock absorber空气弹簧隔振器air distribution气流组织air distributor空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇air duct风管、风道air filter空气过滤器air handling equipment空气调节设备air handling unit room空气调节机房air header集合管air humidity空气湿度air inlet风口air intake进风口air manifold集合管air opening风口air pollutant空气污染物air pollution大气污染air preheater空气预热器air return method回风方式air return mode回风方式air return through corridor走廊回风air space空气间层air supply method送风方式air supply mode送风方式air supply (suction) opening with slide plate插板式送(吸)风口air supply volume per unit area单位面积送风量air temperature空气温度air through tunnel地道风air-to-air total heat exchanger全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio气布比air velocity at work area作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place工作地点空气流速air vent放气阀air-water systen空气—水系统airborne particles大气尘air hater空气加热器airspace空气间层alarm signal报警信号ail-air system全空气系统all-water system全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise环境噪声ammonia氨amplification factor of centrolled plant调节对象放大系数amplitude振幅anergy@angle of repose安息角ange of slide滑动角angle scale热湿比angle valve角阀annual [value]历年值annual coldest month历年最冷月annual hottest month历年最热月anticorrosive缓蚀剂antifreeze agent防冻剂antifreeze agent防冻剂apparatus dew point机器露点apparent density堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion大气扩散atmospheric dust大气尘atmospheric pollution大气污染atmospheric pressure大气压力(atmospheric stability大气稳定度atmospheric transparency大气透明度atmospheric turblence大气湍流automatic control自动控制automatic roll filter自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent自动放气阀available pressure资用压力average daily sol-air temperature日平均综合温度axial fan轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer防回流装置back pressure of steam trap凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise背景噪声back plate挡风板bag filler袋式除尘器baghouse袋式除尘器barometric pressure大气压力basic heat loss基本耗热量hend muffler消声弯头bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计black globe temperature黑球温度blow off pipe排污管blowdown排污管boiler锅炉boiller house锅炉房boiler plant锅炉房boiler room锅炉房booster加压泵branch支管branch duct(通风) 支管branch pipe支管building envelope围护结构building flow zones建筑气流区building heating entry热力入口bulk density堆积密度bushing补心butterfly damper蝶阀by-pass damper空气加热器〕旁通阀by-pass pipe旁通管Ccanopy hood 伞形罩capillary tube毛细管capture velocity控制风速capture velocity外部吸气罩capturing hood 卡诺循环Carnot cycle串级调节系统cascade control system铸铁散热器cast iron radiator催化燃烧catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧ceilling fan吊扇ceiling panelheating顶棚辐射采暖center frequency中心频率central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统central heating集中采暖central ventilation system新风系统centralized control集中控制centrifugal compressor离心式压缩机entrifugal fan离心式通风机check damper(通风〕止回阀check valve止回阀chilled water冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps一、二次泵冷水系统chimney(排气〕烟囱circuit环路circulating fan风扇circulating pipe循环管circulating pump循环泵clean room洁净室cleaning hole清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant真空吸尘装置cleanout opening清扫孔clogging capacity容尘量close nipple长丝closed booth大容积密闭罩closed full flow return闭式满管回水closed loop control闭环控制closed return闭式回水closed shell and tube condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube evaporator卧式壳管式蒸发器closed tank闭式水箱coefficient of accumulation of heat蓄热系数coefficient of atmospheric transpareney大气透明度coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数coficient of effective heat emission传热系数coefficient of locall resistance局部阻力系数coefficient of thermal storage蓄热系数coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数coil盘管collection efficiency除尘效率combustion of gas and vapor气体燃烧comfort air conditioning舒适性空气调节common section共同段compensator补偿器components(通风〕部件compression压缩compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigeration压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration cycle压缩式制冷循环compression-type water chiller压缩式冷水机组concentratcd heating集中采暖concentration of narmful substance有害物质浓度condensate drain pan凝结水盘condensate pipe凝结水管condensate pump凝缩水泵condensate tank凝结水箱condensation冷凝condensation of vapor气体冷凝condenser冷凝器condensing pressure冷凝压力condensing temperature冷凝温度condensing unit压缩冷凝机组conditioned space空气调节房间conditioned zone空气调节区conical cowl锥形风帽constant humidity system恒湿系统constant temperature and humidity system恒温恒湿系统constant temperature system 恒温系统constant value control 定值调节constant volume air conditioning system定风量空气调节系统continuous dust dislodging连续除灰continuous dust dislodging连续除灰continuous heating连续采暖contour zone稳定气流区control device控制装置control panel控制屏control valve调节阀control velocity控制风速controlled natural ventilation有组织自然通风controlled plant调节对象controlled variable被控参数controller调节器convection heating对流采暖convector对流散热器cooling降温、冷却(、)cooling air curtain冷风幕cooling coil冷盘管cooling coil section冷却段cooling load from heat传热冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air新风冷负荷cooling load from ventilation新风冷负荷cooling load temperature冷负荷温度cooling system降温系统cooling tower冷却塔cooling unit冷风机组cooling water冷却水correcting element调节机构correcting unit执行器correction factor for orientaion朝向修正率corrosion inhibitor缓蚀剂coupling管接头cowl伞形风帽criteria for noise control cross噪声控频标准cross fan四通crross-flow fan贯流式通风机cross-ventilation穿堂风cut diameter分割粒径cyclone旋风除尘器cyclone dust separator旋风除尘器cylindrical ventilator筒形风帽Ddaily range日较差damping factot衰减倍数data scaning巡回检测days of heating period采暖期天数deafener消声器decibel(dB)分贝degree-days of heating period采暖期度日数degree of subcooling过冷度degree of superheat过热度dehumidification减湿dehumidifying cooling减湿冷却density of dust particle真密度derivative time微分时间design conditions计算参数desorption解吸detecting element检测元件detention period延迟时间deviation偏差dew-point temperature露点温度dimond-shaped damper菱形叶片调节阀differential pressure type flowmeter差压流量计diffuser air supply散流器diffuser air supply散流器送风direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统direct combustion 直接燃烧direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统direct return system 异程式系统direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射discharge pressure 排气压力discharge temperature 排气温度dispersion 大气扩散district heat supply 区域供热district heating 区域供热disturbance frequency 扰动频率dominant wind direction 最多风向double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器down draft 倒灌downfeed system 上分式系统downstream spray pattern 顺喷drain pipe 泄水管drain pipe 排污管droplet 液滴drv air 干空气dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表dry-bulb temperature 干球温度dry cooling condition 干工况dry dust separator 干式除尘器dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器dry return pipe 干式凝结水管dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统duct 风管、风道dust 粉尘dust capacity 容尘量dust collector 除尘器dust concentration 含尘浓度dust control 除尘dust-holding capacity 容尘量dust removal 除尘dust removing system 除尘系统dust sampler 粉尘采样仪dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪dust separation 除尘dust separator 除尘器dust source 尘源dynamic deviation动态偏差Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer经济传热阻economic velocity经济流速efective coefficient of local resistance折算局部阻力系数effective legth折算长度effective stack height烟囱有效高度effective temperature difference送风温差ejector喷射器ejetor弯头elbow电加热器electric heater电加热段electric panel heating电热辐射采暖electric precipitator电除尘器electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖electricresistance hu-midkfier电阻式加湿器electro-pneumatic convertor电—气转换器electrode humidifler电极式加湿器electrostatic precipi-tator电除尘器eliminator挡水板emergency ventilation事故通风emergency ventilation system事故通风系统emission concentration排放浓度enclosed hood密闭罩enthalpy焓enthalpy control system新风〕焓值控制系统enthalpy entropy chart焓熵图entirely ventilation全面通风entropy熵environmental noise环境噪声equal percentage flow characteristic等百分比流量特性equivalent coefficient of local resistance当量局部阻力系数equivalent length当量长度equivalent[continuous A] sound level等效〔连续A〕声级evaporating pressure蒸发压力evaporating temperature蒸发温度evaporative condenser蒸发式冷凝器evaporator蒸发器excess heat余热excess pressure余压excessive heat 余热cxergy@exhaust air rate排风量exhaust fan排风机exhaust fan room排风机室exhaust hood局部排风罩exhaust inlet吸风口exhaust opening吸风口exhaust opening orinlet风口exhaust outlet排风口exaust vertical pipe排气〕烟囱exhausted enclosure密闭罩exit排风口expansion膨胀expansion pipe膨胀管explosion proofing防爆expansion steam trap恒温式疏水器expansion tank膨胀水箱extreme maximum temperature极端最高温度extreme minimum temperature极端最低温度Ffabric collector袋式除尘器face tube皮托管face velocity罩口风速fan通风机fan-coil air-conditioning system风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil system风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil unit风机盘管机组fan house通风机室fan room通风机室fan section风机段feed-forward control前馈控制feedback反馈feeding branch tlo radiator散热器供热支管fibrous dust纤维性粉尘fillter cylinder for sampling滤筒采样管fillter efficiency过滤效率fillter section过滤段filltration velocity过滤速度final resistance of filter过滤器终阻力fire damper防火阀fire prevention防火fire protection防火fire-resisting damper防火阀fittings(通风〕配件fixed set-point control定值调节fixed support固定支架fixed time temperature (humidity)定时温(湿)度flame combustion热力燃烧flash gas闪发气体flash steam二次蒸汽flexible duct软管flexible joint柔性接头float type steam trap浮球式疏水器float valve浮球阀floating control无定位调节flooded evaporator满液式蒸发器floor panel heating地板辐射采暖flow capacity of control valve调节阀流通能力flow characteristic of control valve调节阀流量特性foam dust separator泡沫除尘器follow-up control system随动系统forced ventilation机械通风forward flow zone射流区foul gas不凝性气体four-pipe water system四管制水系统fractional separation efficiency分级除尘效率free jet自由射流free sillica游离二氧化硅free silicon dioxide游离二氧化硅freon氟利昂frequency interval频程frequency of wind direction风向频率fresh air handling unit新风机组resh air requirement新风量friction factor摩擦系数friction loss摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦阻力fume烟〔雾〕fumehood排风柜fumes烟气Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器gas purger 不凝性气体分离器gate valve 闸阀general air change 全面通风general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风general ventilation 全面通风generator 发生器global radiation总辐射grade efficiency分级除尘效率granular bed filter颗粒层除尘器granulometric distribution粒径分布gravel bed filter颗粒层除尘器gravity separator沉降室ground-level concentration落地浓度guide vane导流板Hhair hygrometor毛发湿度计hand pump手摇泵harmful gas andvapo有害气体harmful substance有害物质header分水器、集水器(、)heat and moisture热湿交换transfer热平衡heat conduction coefficient导热系数heat conductivity导热系数heat distributing network热网heat emitter散热器heat endurance热稳定性heat exchanger换热器heat flowmeter热流计heat flow rate热流量heat gain from lighting设备散热量heat gain from lighting照明散热量heat gain from occupant人体散热量heat insulating window保温窗heat(thermal)insuation隔热heat(thermal)lag延迟时间heat loss耗热量heat loss by infiltration冷风渗透耗热量heat-operated refrigerating system热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigetation热力制冷heat pipe热管heat pump热泵heat pump air conditioner热泵式空气调节器heat release散热量heat resistance热阻heat screen隔热屏heat shield隔热屏heat source热源heat storage蓄热heat storage capacity蓄热特性heat supply供热heat supply network热网heat transfer传热heat transmission传热heat wheel转轮式换热器heated thermometer anemometer热风速仪heating采暖、供热、加热(、、)heating appliance采暖设备heating coil热盘管heating coil section加热段heating equipment采暖设备heating load热负荷heating medium热媒heating medium parameter热媒参数heating pipeline采暖管道heating system采暖系统heavy work重作业high-frequency noise高频噪声high-pressure ho twater heating高温热水采暖high-pressure steam heating高压蒸汽采暖high temperature water heating高温热水采暖hood局部排风罩horizontal water-film syclonet卧式旋风水膜除尘器hot air heating热风采暖hot air heating system热风采暖系统hot shop热车间hot water boiler热水锅炉hot water heating热水采暖hot water system热水采暖系统hot water pipe热水管hot workshop热车间hourly cooling load逐时冷负荷hourly sol-air temperature逐时综合温度humidification加湿humidifier加湿器humididier section加湿段humidistat恒湿器humidity ratio含湿量hydraulic calculation水力计算hydraulic disordeer水力失调hydraulic dust removal水力除尘hydraulic resistance balance阻力平衡hydraulicity水硬性hydrophilic dust亲水性粉尘hydrophobic dust疏水性粉尘Iimpact dust collector冲激式除尘器impact tube皮托管impedance muffler阻抗复合消声器inclined damper斜插板阀index circuit最不利环路indec of thermal inertia (valueD)热惰性指标(D值)indirect heat exchanger表面式换热器indirect refrigerating sys间接制冷系统indoor air design conditions室内在气计算参数indoor air velocity室内空气流速indoor and outdoor design conditions室内外计算参数indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度基数indoor temperature (humidity)室内温(湿)度induction air-conditioning system诱导式空气调节系统induction unit诱导器inductive ventilation诱导通风industral air conditioning工艺性空气调节industrial ventilation工业通风inertial dust separator惯性除尘器infiltration heat loss冷风渗透耗热量infrared humidifier红外线加湿器infrared radiant heater红外线辐射器inherent regulation of controlled plant调节对象自平衡initial concentration of dust初始浓度initial resistance of filter过滤器初阻力imput variable输入量insulating layer保温层integral enclosure整体密闭罩integral time积分时间interlock protection联锁保护intermittent dust removal定期除灰intermittent heating间歇采暖inversion layer逆温层inverted bucket type steam trap倒吊桶式疏水器irradiance辐射照度isoenthalpy等焓线isobume等湿线isolator隔振器isotherm等温线isothermal humidification等温加湿isothermal jet等温射流Jjet射流jet axial velocity射流轴心速度jet divergence angle射流扩散角jet in a confined space受限射流Kkatathermometer卡他温度计Llaboratory hood排风柜lag of controlled plant调节对象滞后large space enclosure大容积密闭罩latent heat潜热lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath槽边排风罩lateral hoodlength of pipe section侧吸罩length of pipe section管段长度light work轻作业limit deflection极限压缩量limit switch限位开关limiting velocity极限流速linear flow characteristic线性流量特性liquid-level gage液位计liquid receiver贮液器lithium bromide溴化锂lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium chloride resistance hygrometer氯化锂电阻湿度计load pattern负荷特性local air conditioning局部区域空气调节local air suppiy system局部送风系统local exhaustventilation (LEV)局部排风local exhaust system局部排风系统local heating局部采暖local relief局部送风local relief system局部送风系统local resistance局部阻力local solartime地方太阳时local ventilation局部通风local izedairsupply for air-heating集中送风采暖local ized air control就地控制loop环路louver百叶窗low-frequencynoise低频噪声low-pressure steam heating低压蒸汽采暖lyophilic dust亲水性粉尘lyophobic dust疏水性粉尘Mmain 总管、干管main duct通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管main pipe总管、干管make-up water pump补给水泵manual control手动控制mass concentration质量浓度maximum allowable concentration (MAC)最高容许浓度maximum coefficient of heat transfer最大传热系数maximum depth of frozen ground最大冻土深度maximum sum of hourly colling load逐时冷负荷综合最大值mean annual temperature (humidity)年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature (humidity)日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature (humidity)旬平均温(湿)度mean dekad temperature (humidity)月平均最高温度mean monthly maximum temperature月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature月平均湿(湿)度mean monthly temperature (humidity)平均相对湿度mean relative humidity平均风速emchanical air supply system机械送风系统mechanical and hydraulic联合除尘combined dust removal机械式风速仪mechanical anemometer机械除尘mechanical cleaning off dust机械除尘mechanical dust removal机械排风系统mechanical exhaust system机械通风系统mechanical ventilation机械通风media velocity过滤速度metal radiant panel金属辐射板metal radiant panel heating金属辐射板采暖micromanometer微压计micropunch plate muffler微穿孔板消声器mid-frequency noise中频噪声middle work中作业midfeed system中分式系统minimum fresh air requirmente最小新风量minimum resistance of heat transfer最小传热阻mist雾mixing box section混合段modular air handling unit组合式空气调节机组moist air湿空气moisture excess余湿moisure gain散湿量moisture gain from appliance and equipment设备散湿量moisturegain from occupant人体散湿量motorized valve电动调节阀motorized (pneumatic)电(气)动两通阀-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)-way valve电(气)动三通阀movable support活动支架muffler消声器muffler section消声段multi-operating mode automtic conversion工况自动转换multi-operating mode control system多工况控制系统multiclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器multicyclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器multishell condenser组合式冷凝器Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation联合通风natural attenuation quantity of noise噪声自然衰减量natural exhaust system自然排风系统natural freguency固有频率natural ventilation自然通风NC-curve[s]噪声评价NC曲线negative freedback负反馈neutral level中和界neutral pressure level中和界neutral zone中和界noise噪声noise control噪声控制noise criter ioncurve(s)噪声评价NC曲线noisc rating number噪声评价NR曲线noise reduction消声non azeotropic mixture refragerant非共沸溶液制冷剂non-commonsection非共同段non condensable gas 不凝性气体non condensable gas purger不凝性气体分离器non-isothermal jet非等温射流nonreturn valve通风〕止回阀normal coldest month止回阀normal coldest month累年最冷月normal coldest -month period累年最冷三个月normal hottest month累年最热月(3)normal hottest month period累年最热三个月normal three summer months累年最热三个月normal three winter months累年最冷三个月normals累年值nozzle outlet air suppluy喷口送风number concentration计数浓度number of degree-day of heating period采暖期度日数Ooctave倍频程/ octave倍频程octave band倍频程oil cooler油冷却器oill-fired unit heater燃油热风器one-and-two pipe combined heating system单双管混合式采暖系统one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system单管采暖系统pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system单管顺序式采暖系统one-third octave band倍频程on-of control双位调节open loop control开环控制open return开式回水open shell and tube condenser立式壳管式冷凝器open tank开式水箱operating pressure工作压力operating range作用半径opposed multiblade damper对开式多叶阀organized air supply有组织进风organized exhaust有组织排风organized natural ventilation有组织自然通风outdoor air design conditions室外空气计算参数outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating采暖室外临界温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation夏季通风室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度outdoor design temperature ture for heating采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation夏季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning冬季空气调节室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period采暖期室外平均温度outdoor temperature(humidity)室外温(湿)度outlet air velocity出口风速out put variable输出量overall efficiency of separation除尘效率overall heat transmission coefficient传热系数ouvrflow pipe溢流管overheat steam过热蒸汽overlapping averages滑动平均overshoot超调量Ppackaged air conditioner整体式空气调节器。
铁酸铋 磁性
Appl Phys A(2014)114:853–859DOI10.1007/s00339-013-7712-5Structural,optical,and multiferroic properties of single phased BiFeO3M.Muneeswaran·P.Jegatheesan·M.Gopiraman·Ick-Soo Kim·N.V.GiridharanReceived:26December2012/Accepted:13April2013/Published online:27April2013©Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2013Abstract A soft chemical coprecipitation method has been proposed for synthesis of nano-sized multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO)powders.The X-ray diffraction pattern confirms the perovskite structure of BFO and Rietveld refinement re-veals the existence of rhombohedral R3c symmetry.Crys-tallite size and strain value are studied from Williamson–Hall(W–H)analysis.The transmission electron microscope (TEM)image shows that the particle size of BFO powders lies between50–100nm.4A1and7E Raman modes have been observed in the range100–650cm−1and a prominent band centered around1150–1450cm−1have also been ob-served corresponding to the two-phonon scattering.Differ-ential Thermal Analysis(DTA)shows the existence of two prominent peaks at330◦C and837◦C corresponding to the magnetic and ferroelectric ordering,respectively.From the temperature dependent dielectric studies,an anomaly in the dielectric constant is observed at the vicinity of Neel tem-perature(T N)indicating a magnetic ordering.Also,BFO shows antiferromagnetic behavior measured from the mag-netic studies.1IntroductionRecently,the interest in multiferroics is stimulated by fun-damental physics leading to multiferroism arising from cou-M.Muneeswaran·P.Jegatheesan·N.V.Giridharan( ) Department of Physics,National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli620015,Indiae-mail:giri@Fax:+91-431-2500133M.Gopiraman·I.-S.KimNano Fusion Technology Research Group,Faculty of Textile Science and Technology,Shinshu University,Ueda,Nagano386-0015,Japan pling between magnetic and ferroelectric orderings,andhave been extensively studied for their possible technicalapplications,including spintronics,microelectronics,mag-netic memory,and sensors[1].The term“multiferroic”means coexistence of ferroelectric and magnetic ordering inone single phase or multiphase materials.However,thesetwo ordering parameters are mutually exclusive in principlebecause ferroelectricity requires empty d shells,while mag-netism requires partiallyfilled d shells[2].Several compos-ite materials,consisting of separate ferroelectric and mag-netic phases,have been reported to show magnetoelectriccoupling at room temperature[3].However,the availabil-ity of room-temperature single phase multiferroics is verylimited[4].Among the few room temperature single-phasemultiferroics reported so far[5],BiFeO3(BFO)is an im-portant multiferroics,which has rhombohedrally distortedperovskite crystal structure with a space group of R3c atroom temperature[6].It exhibits ferroelectric ordering be-low T C∼1083–1103K,and antiferromagnetic ordering be-low T N∼625–643K[7].BFO shows G-type antiferromag-netic structural behavior having modulated spiral spin struc-ture with long periodicity of62nm in the unit cell[8].In-terests shown by the researchers to work on these materi-als in a nanoregime is due to their size dependent proper-ties compared to the bulk.Nanosized BFO powders havebeen reported to exhibit weak ferromagnetism at room tem-perature,which is different from the magnetic property ofbulk samples[9].One important challenge in the success-ful synthesis of pure BFO is avoiding the secondary phasessuch as Bi2Fe4O9and Bi25FeO39[10].Several techniqueshave been developed to prepare pure BFO powders.Thesolid state reaction route generally involves a higher pro-cessing and requires HNO3as a leaching agent to elimi-nate the secondary phases leading to the coarse nature ofthe powders.Nanosized BFO ceramics have been prepared854M.Muneeswaran et al.by low-temperature chemical methods such as sol–gel[11], hydrothermal[12],auto combustion[13]and coprecipita-tion[14].But these processes also involve complex solu-tions and acid reagents.Hence,it is still worth in developing a soft chemical approach to obtain single-phase BFO with a homogeneous chemical composition crystallized at rela-tively low temperature.Here,we propose a novel soft chem-ical synthesis of single phase BFO powders relatively at low temperature,without using complex precursor solutions and acid-reagents.The rhombohedral structure of the synthe-sized BFO powders has been confirmed by Rietveld analy-sis.4A1and7E phonon modes in the lower frequencies and two phonon scattering in the higher frequencies have been observed from Raman-scattering studies.A distinct dielec-tric anomaly observed in the temperature dependent dielec-tric measurements and their antiferromagnetic behavior at room temperature is confirmed by the Arrott–Belov–Kouvel (ABK)plot.2Experimental detailsThe synthesis procedure is as follows.Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and Fe(NO3)3·9H2O was dissolved in200ml of double distilled water and stirred for about20minutes to form a clear solu-tion.A constant pH level of10.8was maintained by syn-chronized dropping of a mixture of ammonia solution and distilled water solution to get the reaction product.This pre-cipitate was kept at room temperature for about24hours and was washed several times with double distilled water to re-move unreacted products and thenfiltered.Thefinal product was dried in a hot air oven at100◦C for about5hours and final sintering was carried out at600◦C for2hours.The phase identification was examined on a Rigaku(D/Max ul-tima III)X-ray diffractometer using Cu Kαradiation.XRD data was collected at a slow scan rate of0.05◦/min and the simulation of the crystal structure was done based on the measured XRD data and Rietveld crystal structure refine-ment software General Structure Analysis System(GSAS). The morphology of the prepared powders was observed us-ing a Field Emission scanning electron microscope(FE-SEM,S-5000,HITACHI,Japan).Transmission electron mi-croscopy(TEM)images of the samples were taken through a JEM-2010electron microscope with an accelerating voltage of200kV.Differential Thermal Analysis(DTA)and Differ-ential scanning colorimetric(DSC)were performed using the SII Nanotechnology Inc.,Japan,and EXSTAR6200,re-spectively.The Raman spectra were recorded with a Raman spectrometer(Hololab5000,Kaiser Optical Systems Inc., (USA)with argon laser(532nm)and a Kaiser holographic edgefilter.Temperature dependant dielectric studies were performed with LCR meter(HIOKI3532-50,Japan)and the magnetic measurement were done with a vibrating sample magnetometer(Lakeshore,USA7404).3Result and discussionFigure1(a)shows the XRD patterns(as prepared and sin-tered)of BFO.As prepared powders show amorphous be-havior,while the sintered BFO was found to be well crystal-lized and formed in the rhombohedral structure(R3c)with a clear splitting of(104)and(110)peaks.A small amount of an impurity phase has also been observed due to the kinetics of formation[15].Further,the experimental XRD pattern is simulated to know the structure and the lattice parameters. Figure1(b)shows the results of the Rietveld refinement of the XRD patterns of BFO.The refinement is performed us-ing the rhombohedral crystal symmetry.The crystal struc-ture parameters derived from the simulation are listed in Ta-ble1.The Rp and wRp values are found to be higher com-pared to other literatures and may be due to the larger parti-cle size of BFO.The R andχ2values suggest that the sim-ulated XRD patterns agree well with the experimental XRD pattern.XRD data can also be utilized to evaluate the peak broad-ening in terms of the crystallite size and the lattice strain due to dislocation.Since the breadth of the Bragg peak is the combination of both instrumental and sample dependent effects,it is necessary to collect a diffraction pattern from the line broadening of a standard material such as siliconTable1Relevant parameters obtained from Rietveld refinement XRD pattern of BFO powdersLattice parameters(Å)Atom coordinates Bond length(Å)Bond angle V olume(Å3)X Y Z Rp wRpχ2a=5.5947±0.01597Bi6a00012.020.4 1.79Bi–O Fe–O–Fe 2.210161.4◦b=13.9058±0.036508Fe6a000.201Fe–O O–Bi–O376.960 1.88471.2◦O18b0.4610.0330.951Fe–O 2.140Structural,optical,and multiferroic properties of single phased BiFeO3855Fig.1(a)X-ray diffraction pattern of BFO powders (rhombohedral with R3c space group).(b)Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data for BFO.The insetsfigure shows that the cells with blue,brown and red spheres correspond to Bi,Fe,and O respectively. (c)W–H plot for BFOpowdersto determine the instrumental broadening[16,17].The in-strumental corrected broadeningβhkl corresponding to the diffraction peak of BFO are estimated by using the rela-tion:βhkl=(βhkl)2measured−β2instrumental1/2(1)and strain induced broadening is given byε=βhkl/tanθ. Williamson and Hall(W–H)proposed a method of decon-voluting size and strain from the mathematical expression given byβhkl cosθ=kλD+4εsinθ(2)where“k”is the shape factor,“λ”is the X-ray wavelength,“θ”is the Bragg angle,“D”is the effective crystallite size,εis the strain,andβhkl is the full width at half maximum of the corresponding hkl plane.A plot is drawn between 4sinθalong the x-axis andβhkl cosθalong the y-axis as shown in Fig.1(c).From the linearfit to the data,the value of the strain is calculated from the slope of the line which is 0.00127±0.0003and the calculated crystallite size is42nm derived from the intersection of linear line with the vertical axis.Figure2shows typical TEM images of the BFO sample. The image indicates[Fig.2(a)]the particle sizes are in be-tween50–100nm,which is in accordance with the particle size calculated from the XRD.Figure2(b)shows images ob-tained from a portion of an individual BFO particle confirm-ing the good crystalline nature of BFO.Further,by using image analyzer software IMAGE-J on the lattice resolved TEM image,the distance between two parallel planes are found to be∼2.35Å.Figure3(a)shows the Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)curve of BFO for the heating cycle at a rate of 10◦C/min.Two distinct peaks have been observed.A broad peak around330◦C corresponds to the magnetic order-ing[18].Though a small energy change is associated with the magnetic transition[19],but still it is reflected in the DTA curve.The same has been confirmed from the DSC measurements shown in insetfigure.The sharp peak at 837◦C corresponds to the ferroelectric to paraelectric tran-sition temperature of BFO[20].Figure4shows the polarized Raman spectrum of BFO in the frequency range100–1500cm−1.On decomposing thefitted curves into individual Gaussian components,the peak position of each component,i.e.,the natural frequency856M.Muneeswaran et al.Fig.2Transmission electron microscope images of (a )BFO powders.(b )Individual BFOparticleFig.3DTA curve of BFO powder and inset figure shows DSC mea-surement(cm −1)of each Raman active mode is as shown in Fig.4(a)and (b).At room temperature,BFO belongs to rhombohe-dral structure with the R3c space group with two formulas in one primitive cell.According to group theory,rhombohe-dral BFO has 18optical phonon modes [21]:Γopt .,R3c =4A 1+5A 2+9EThe A 1(TO)and E (LO)modes are Raman and in-frared active,while the 5A 2modes are Raman inactive modes [22]ΓRaman ,R3c =4A 1+9Ewhere,A 1and E are polar optical modes,which are Ra-man and IR active,and they can split into two modes:Longitudinal Optical (LO)and Transverse Optical modes (TO).Here,A 1-symmetry phonons are therefore longitu-dinal optical A 1(LO)while the E-symmetry phonons aretransverse optical E (TO).It has been reported that Bi–O bonds contribute mostly to A 1modes,first-and second-order E (TO)modes,and Fe–O bonds to third-and fourth-order E (TO)modes [23].In polarized Raman scattering,the A 1modes can be observed by parallel polarization,while the E modes can be observed by both parallel and crossed polarizations.Thus,the E mode is associated with the atomic motion in the “a ”and “b ”plane whereas the A 1mode is associated with the atomic motion along the “c ”axis.In our present study [shown in Fig.4(a)],we observe seven E (TO)and four A 1Raman modes,which are mentioned in Table 2along with other literature re-ports [24,25].The Raman scattering data clearly shows three intense peaks of A 1-1,A 1-2,and A 1-3modes ap-pearing at 138,170,and 214cm −1and a quite weak scat-tering intensity at 470cm −1corresponding to A 1-4mode;the modes having medium scattering intensities at 254,276,342,418,523,557,and 603cm −1assigned to E (TO)phonons.According to Yuan et al.[25],the stereo chemi-cal activity of Bi lone electron pair plays the main role in the change of both Bi–O covalent bonds,which is reflec-tive in five (E 1,A 1,A 2,A 3,and E 2)characteristic modes.These modes are responsible for the ferroelectric nature of the BFO.Most of the Raman studies on BFO are focused in the low frequency range,since all the A1and E modes fall within this low frequency region.Very few reports are avail-able at higher frequencies.Generally,the origin of the high-frequency modes in the Raman spectra is attributed to elec-tronic Raman scattering or the high-order phonon scattering [26,27].We measured the same and is as shown in Fig.4(c).Three Raman modes,namely,2A 4(LO),2E 8(TO),and 2E 9(TO)are observed at 960cm −1,1099cm −1,and 1261cm −1It has been reported that these high-frequency modes of BFO are overtones of the first-order A 4,E 8,and E 9phonon modes corresponding to 2A 4,2E 8,and 2E 9modes,respec-tively.The modes at 557cm −1(2E 8)is due to the Fe-O1Structural,optical,and multiferroic properties of single phased BiFeO3857Fig.4(a)Polarized Raman spectra of BFO.(b)A magnified view of the spectra range between100–650cm−1with their Gaussianfitted curve showing seven E modes and four A1modes.(c)Two phonon scattering observed between 850–1450cm−1Table2Observed and reportedRaman modes for BFO samples Raman modes(cm−1)Yang et al.[24]Yuan et al.[25]Present studyA1-1139152.6138A1-2172177.5170A1-3217224.2214A1-4470–470E262270254E275298.8276E307––E345354.9342E396––E429473.3418E521–523E–554.3557E615618603bonds and at603cm−1(2E9)assign to Fe–O2bonding, where O1are axial ions and O2are equatorial ions[22]. These two-phonon peaks are associated to the magnetic characters of BFO.The strong contribution of the two-phonon band to the total Raman spectrum has been at-tributed to a resonant enhancement with the intrinsic absorp-tion edge in BFO.This is similar to the two-phonon bands reported in hematite,-Fe2O3,the simplest case of iron ox-ides containing only FeO6octahedra[28].The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of BFO measured at different frequencies is shown in Fig.5. The high values of the dielectric constant at low frequen-cies and low values at higher frequencies indicate large dis-persion due to a Maxwell–Wagner type of interfacial polar-858M.Muneeswaran et al.ization,in agreement with Koop’s phenomenological the-ory [29].A dielectric anomaly has also been observed in the temperature dependent dielectric studies for the all the fre-quencies around 315◦C at the vicinity of the Neel temper-ature (T N )of BFO.This dielectric anomaly may signify the coupling between the polarization and magnetization prop-erty of a multiferroic material.Below T N ,the material is ex-pected to be simultaneously ferroelectric and antiferromag-netic.The vanishing magnetic order on the electric order at the vicinity of T N leads to dielectric anomaly in magneto-electrically ordered systems as explained by the Landau–Devonshire theory of phase transitions [30,31].Similar di-electric anomaly in the vicinity of the Neel temperature for the both bulk BFO and thin films have been reported by sev-eral others [32,33].Fig.5Dielectric constant versus temperature plot for the BFO ceram-ics measured at various frequenciesTo study the magnetic properties of the BFO,we have measured the magnetization (M )as a function of applying magnetic field (H )at room temperature shown in Fig.6(a).The magnetic hysteresis loop of the BFO shows enhanced antiferromagnetic properties with saturated magnetization (M s ),remanent magnetization (M r ),and coercive field (H c )values of 0.11emu/gm,∼0.01emu/gm and ∼146.47Oe.To confirm the antiferromagnetic behavior of BFO,Arrott–Belov–Kouvel (ABK)plots shown in Fig.6(b)are drawn by using M –H data.The ABK plot exhibits a concave nature without any spontaneous magnetization at H =0,indicating a AFM-feature [34,35].4ConclusionsIn summary,a soft chemical coprecipitation method had been proposed for the synthesis of nanosized multiferroic BFO powders.The structural refinement of BFO reveals R3c crystal symmetry.From TEM analysis,the particle size of the BFO samples found to be between 50–100nm.The Dif-ferential Thermal Analysis (DTA)showed existence of mag-netic and ferroelectric ordering around 330◦C and 837◦C,respectively.Raman spectra of BFO over the frequency range of 100–1500cm −1showed 4A 1and 7E modes with the appearance of 2A 4,2E 8,and 2E 9modes corresponding to the two-phonon scattering.From the temperature depen-dent dielectric studies,an anomaly in the dielectric constant was observed at the vicinity of the Neel temperature (T N )indicating a magnetic ordering and coupling between polar-ization and magnetization in BFO.The magnetic studies on the BFO confirmed the antiferromagnetic behavior at roomtemperature.Fig.6(a )M–H hysteresis loop of BFO sample measured at room temperature.The inset figure shows partly enlarged M–H loop.(b )Arrott—Belov–Kouvel (ABK)plots for BFO powderStructural,optical,and multiferroic properties of single phased BiFeO3859Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr.R.Na-galakhsmi for Rietveld refinement analysis and Dr.R.Justin Joseyphus for providing the thermal analysis facility.References1.R.Ramesh,N.A.Spaldin,Multiferroics:progress and prospects inthinfilms.Nat.Mater.6,21(2007)2.S.W.Cheong,M.Mostovoy,Multiferroics:a magnetic twist forferroelectricity.Nature6,13–20(2007)3.S.Shastry,G.Srinivasan,M.I.Bichurin,V.M.Petrov, A.S.Tatarenko,Microwave magnetoelectric crystal bilayers of yttrium iron garnet and lead effects in single magnesium niobate-lead ti-tanate.Phys.Rev.B70,064416(2004)4.N.A.Hill,Why are there so few magnetic ferroelectrics?J.Phys.Chem.104,6694–6709(2000)5.T.Kimura,wes,A.P.Ramirez,Electric polarization rotationin a hexaferrite with long wavelength magnetic structural.Phys.Rev.Lett.94,137201(2005)6. 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生物实验室房间专业名词英语In a biological laboratory, there are several specialized rooms and areas. Some of the professional terms in English for these rooms include:1. Laboratory: This is the main area where scientific experiments and research are conducted. It is equipped with workbenches, equipment, and storage for chemicals and samples.2. Clean room: A controlled environment with low levels of pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles, and chemical vapors. It is used for sensitive experiments and manufacturing processes.3. Tissue culture room: This is a specialized area for the growth and maintenance of cell cultures. It is equipped with incubators, laminar flow hoods, and other sterile equipment.4. Cold room: A refrigerated room used for the storage of temperature-sensitive samples, reagents, and materials.5. Animal facility: A designated area for housing and caring for laboratory animals used in experiments. This area is equipped with cages, feeding and watering systems, and veterinary care facilities.6. Sterile room: A controlled environment used for the preparation of sterile materials and solutions to prevent contamination.7. Chemical storage room: A designated area for the safe storage of laboratory chemicals, reagents, and hazardous materials. It is equipped with appropriate storage cabinets and safety measures.These are just a few examples of the specialized rooms and areas found in a biological laboratory, each serving a specific purpose in the research and experimentation process.。
暖通术语中英文对照表A-weighted sound pressure level A声级(96)absolute humidity绝对湿度(2)absolute roughness绝对粗糙度(25)absorbate 吸取质(49)absorbent 吸取剂(49)absorbent吸声材料(100)absorber吸取器(85)absorptance for solar radiation太阳辐射热吸取系数(60)absorption equipment吸取装置(49)absorption of gas and vapo[u]r气体吸取(48)absorptiong refrige rationg cycle吸取式制冷循环(80)absorption-type refrigerating machine吸取式制冷机(84)access door检查门(55)acoustic absorptivity吸声系数(100)actual density真密度(44)actuating element执行机构(94)actuator执行机构(94)adaptive control system自适应操纵系统(93)additional factor for exterior door外门附加率(19)additional factor for intermittent heating间歇附加率(19)additional factor for wind force高度附加率(19)additional heat loss风力附加率(19)adiabatic humidification附加耗热量(18)adiabatic humidiflcation绝热加湿(66)adsorbate吸附质(49)adsorbent吸附剂(49)adsorber吸附装置(49)adsorption equipment吸附装置(49)adsorption of gas and vapo[u]r气体吸附(48)aerodynamic noise空气动力噪声(98)aerosol气溶胶(43)air balance风量平稳(35)air changes换气次数(35)air channel风道(51)air cleanliness空气洁净度(104)air collector集气罐(31)air conditioning空气调剂(59)air conditioning condition空调工况(76)air conditioning equipment空气调剂设备(70)air conditioning machine room空气调剂机房(59)air conditioning system空气调剂系统(62)air conditioning system cooling load空气调剂系统冷负荷(62)air contaminant空气污染物(51)air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器(82)air cooler空气冷却器(74)air curtain空气幕(30)air cushion shock absorber空气弹簧隔振器(101)air distribution气流组织(68)air distributor空气分布器(54)air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇(56)air duct风管、风道(51)air filter空气过滤器(58)air handling equipment空气调剂设备(70)air handling unit room空气调剂机房(59)air header集合管(52)air humidity空气湿度(2)air inlet风口(54)air intake进风口(41)air manifold集合管(52)air opening风口(54)air pollutant空气污染物(51)air pollution大气污染(50)air preheater空气预热器(73)air return method回风方式(70)air return mode回风方式(70)air return through corridor走廊回风(70)air space空气间层(15)air supply method送风方式(69)air supply mode送风方式(69)air supply (suction) opening with slide plate插板式送(吸)风口(54)air supply volume per unit area单位面积送风量(69)air temperature空气温度(2)air through tunnel地道风(40)air-to-air total heat exchanger全热换热器(73)air-to-cloth ratio气布比(48)air velocity at work area作业地带空气流速(5)air velocity at work place工作地点空气流速(4)air vent放气阀(31)air-water systen空气—水系统(64)airborne particles大气尘(43)air hater空气加热器(29)airspace空气间层(15)alarm signal报警信号(90)ail-air system全空气系统(63)all-water system全水系统(64)allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度承诺波动范畴(5)ambient noise环境噪声(97)ammonia氨(78)amplification factor of centrolled plant调剂对象放大系数(87)amplitude振幅(100)anergy@(77)angle of repose安息角(44)ange of slide滑动角(44)angle scale热湿比(67)angle valve角阀(31)annual [value]历年值(3)annual coldest month历年最冷月(3)annual hottest month历年最热月(3)anticorrosive缓蚀剂(78)antifreeze agent防冻剂(78)antifreeze agent防冻剂(78)apparatus dew point机器露点(67)apparent density堆积密度(45)aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine氨—水吸取式制冷机(84)aspiation psychrometer通风温湿度计(102)Assmann aspiration psychrometer通风温湿度计(102)atmospheric condenser淋激式冷凝器(83)atmospheric diffusion大气扩散(40)atmospheric dust大气尘(43)atmospheric pollution大气污染(50)atmospheric pressure大气压力(6atmospheric stability大气稳固度(50)atmospheric transparency大气透亮度(10)atmospheric turblence大气湍流(50)automatic control自动操纵(86)automatic roll filter自动卷绕式过滤器(58)automatic vent自动放气阀(32)available pressure资用压力(27)average daily sol-air temperature日平均综合温度(60)axial fan轴流式通风机(55)azeotropic mixture refrigerant共沸溶液制冷剂(77)Bback-flow preventer防回流装置(53)back pressure of steam trap凝聚水背压力(14)back pressure return余压回水(15)background noise背景噪声(98)back plate挡风板(39)bag filler袋式除尘器(57)baghouse袋式除尘器(57)barometric pressure大气压力(6)basic heat loss差不多耗热量(18)hend muffler消声弯头(100)bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计(102)black globe temperature黑球温度(2)blow off pipe排污管(23)blowdown排污管(23)boiler锅炉(27)boiller house锅炉房(14)boiler plant锅炉房(14)boiler room锅炉房(14)booster加压泵(29)branch支管(22)branch duct(通风) 支管(51)branch pipe支管(22)building envelope围护结构(15)building flow zones建筑气流区(37)building heating entry热力入口(15)bulk density堆积密度(45)bushing补心(24)butterfly damper蝶阀(52)by-pass damper空气加热器〕旁通阀(41)by-pass pipe旁通管(23)Ccanopy hood 伞形罩(42)capillary tube毛细管(84)capture velocity操纵风速(43)capture velocity外部吸气罩(41)capturing hood 卡诺循环(79)Carnot cycle串级调剂系统(92)cascade control system铸铁散热器(29)cast iron radiator催化燃烧(49)catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧(49)ceilling fan吊扇(56)ceiling panelheating顶棚辐射采暖(12)center frequency中心频率(97)central air conditionint system 集中式空气调剂系统(63)central heating集中采暖(11)central ventilation system新风系统(64)centralized control集中操纵(91)centrifugal compressor离心式压缩机(82)centrifugal fan离心式通风机(55)check damper(通风〕止回阀(53)check valve止回阀(31)chilled water冷水(76)chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps一、二次泵冷水系统(81)chimney(排气〕烟囱(50)circuit环路(24)circulating fan风扇(55)circulating pipe循环管(23)circulating pump循环泵(29)clean room洁净室(104)cleaning hole清扫孔(54)cleaning vacuum plant真空吸尘装置(58)cleanout opening清扫孔(54)clogging capacity容尘量(47)close nipple长丝(24)closed booth大容积密闭罩(42)closed full flow return闭式满管回水(15)closed loop control闭环操纵(87)closed return闭式回水(15)closed shell and tube condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器(82)closed shell and tube evaporator卧式壳管式蒸发器(83)closed tank闭式水箱(28)coefficient of accumulation of heat蓄热系数(17)coefficient of atmospheric transpareney大气透亮度(10)coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数(38)coficient of effective heat emission传热系数(16)coefficient of locall resistance局部阻力系数(26)coefficient of thermal storage蓄热系数(17)coefficient of vapo[u]r蒸汽渗透系数(18)coefficient of vapo[u]r蒸汽渗透系数(18)coil盘管(74)collection efficiency除尘效率(47)combustion of gas and vapo[u]r气体燃烧(58)comfort air conditioning舒服性空气调剂(59)common section共同段(25)compensator补偿器(31)components(通风〕部件(52)compression压缩(79)compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机(81)compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统(81)compression-type refrigeration压缩式制冷(80)compression-type refrigeration cycle压缩式制冷循环(79)compression-type water chiller压缩式冷水机组(81)concentratcd heating集中采暖(11)concentration of narmful substance有害物质浓度(36)condensate drain pan凝聚水盘(74)condensate pipe凝聚水管(22)condensate pump凝缩水泵(29)condensate tank凝聚水箱(28)condensation冷凝(79)condensation of vapo[u]r气体冷凝(49)condenser冷凝器(82)condensing pressure冷凝压力(75)condensing temperature冷凝温度(75)condensing unit压缩冷凝机组(81)conditioned space空气调剂房间(59)conditioned zone空气调剂区(59)conical cowl锥形风帽(52)constant humidity system恒湿系统(64)constant temperature and humidity system恒温恒湿系统(64)constant temperature system 恒温系统(64)constant value control 定值调剂(91)constant volume air conditioning system定风量空气调剂系统(63)continuous dust dislodging连续除灰(48)continuous dust dislodging连续除灰(48)continuous heating连续采暖(11)contour zone稳固气流区(38)control device操纵装置(86)control panel操纵屏(95)control valve调剂阀(95)control velocity操纵风速(43)controlled natural ventilation有组织自然通风(37)controlled plant调剂对象(86)controlled variable被控参数(86)controller调剂器(94)convection heating对流采暖(12)convector对流散热器(29)cooling降温、冷却(39、66)cooling air curtain冷风幕(74)cooling coil冷盘管(74)cooling coil section冷却段(72)cooling load from heat传热冷负荷(62)cooling load from outdoor air新风冷负荷(62)cooling load from ventilation新风冷负荷(62)cooling load temperature冷负荷温度(62)cooling system降温系统(40)cooling tower冷却塔(83)cooling unit冷风机组(56)cooling water冷却水(76)correcting element调剂机构(95)correcting unit执行器(94)correction factor for orientaion朝向修正率(19)corrosion inhibitor缓蚀剂(78)coupling管接头(23)cowl伞形风帽(52)criteria for noise control cross噪声控频标准(98)cross fan四通(24)crross-flow fan贯流式通风机(55)cross-ventilation穿堂风(37)cut diameter分割粒径(47)cyclone旋风除尘器(56)cyclone dust separator旋风除尘器(56)cylindrical ventilator筒形风帽(52)Ddaily range日较差(6)damping factot衰减倍数(17)data scaning巡回检测(90)days of heating period采暖期天数(9)deafener消声器(99)decibel(dB)分贝(96)degree-days of heating period采暖期度日数(9)degree of subcooling过冷度(79)degree of superheat过热度(80)dehumidification减湿(66)dehumidifying cooling减湿冷却(66)density of dust particle真密度(44)derivative time微分时刻(89)design conditions运算参数(2)desorption解吸(49)detecting element检测元件(93)detention period延迟时刻(18)deviation偏差(87)dew-point temperature露点温度(2)dimond-shaped damper菱形叶片调剂阀(53)differential pressure type flowmeter差压流量计(103)diffuser air supply散流器(54)diffuser air supply散流器送风(69)direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调剂系统(64)direct combustion 直截了当燃烧(48)direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器(28)direct digital control (DDC) system 直截了当数字操纵系统(92)direct evaporator 直截了当式蒸发器(83)direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸取式制冷机(85)direct refrigerating system 直截了当制冷系统(80)direct return system 异程式系统(20)direct solar radiation 太阳直截了当辐射(10)discharge pressure 排气压力(76)discharge temperature 排气温度(76)dispersion 大气扩散(49)district heat supply 区域供热(15)district heating 区域供热(15)disturbance frequency 扰动频率(100)dominant wind direction 最多风向(7)double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸取式制冷机(85)double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器(82)down draft 倒灌(39)downfeed system 上分式系统(21)downstream spray pattern 顺喷(67)drain pipe 泄水管(23)drain pipe 排污管(23)droplet 液滴(44)drv air 干空气(65)dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表(102)dry-bulb temperature 干球温度(2)dry cooling condition 干工况(67)dry dust separator 干式除尘器(56)dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器(83)dry return pipe 干式凝聚水管(22)dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器(72)dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调剂系统(63)dual duct system 双风管空气调剂系统(63)duct 风管、风道(51)dust 粉尘(43)dust capacity 容尘量(47)dust collector 除尘器(56)dust concentration 含尘浓度(46)dust control 除尘(46)dust-holding capacity 容尘量(47)dust removal 除尘(46)dust removing system 除尘系统(46)dust sampler 粉尘采样仪(104)dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪(104)dust separation 除尘(45)dust separator 除尘器(56)dust source 尘源(45)dynamic deviation动态偏差(88)Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer经济传热阻(17)economic velocity经济流速(26)efective coefficient of local resistance折算局部阻力系数(26)effective legth折算长度(25)effective stack height烟囱有效高度(50)effective temperature difference送风温差(70)ejector喷射器(85)ejetor弯头(24)elbow电加热器(73)electric heater电加热段(71)electric panel heating电热辐射采暖(13)electric precipitator电除尘器(57)electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖(13)electricresistance hu-midkfier电阻式加湿器(72)electro-pneumatic convertor电—气转换器(94)electrode humidifler电极式加湿器(73)electrostatic precipi-tator电除尘器(57)eliminator挡水板(74)emergency ventilation事故通风(34)emergency ventilation system事故通风系统(40)emission concentration排放浓度(51)enclosed hood密闭罩(42)enthalpy焓(76)enthalpy control system新风〕焓值操纵系统(91)enthalpy entropy chart焓熵图(77)entirely ventilation全面通风(33)entropy熵(76)environmental noise环境噪声(97)equal percentage flow characteristic等百分比流量特性(89)equivalent coefficient of local resistance当量局部阻力系数(26)equivalent length当量长度(25)equivalent[continuous A] sound level等效〔连续A〕声级(96)evaporating pressure蒸发压力(75)evaporating temperature蒸发温度(75)evaporative condenser蒸发式冷凝器(83)evaporator蒸发器(83)excess heat余热(35)excess pressure余压(37)excessive heat 余热(35)cxergy@(76)exhaust air rate排风量(35)exhaust fan排风机(41)exhaust fan room排风机室(41)exhaust hood局部排风罩(41)exhaust inlet吸风口(54)exhaust opening吸风口(54)exhaust opening orinlet风口(54)exhaust outlet排风口(54)exaust vertical pipe排气〕烟囱(50)exhausted enclosure密闭罩(42)exit排风口(54)expansion膨胀(79)expansion pipe膨胀管(23)explosion proofing防爆(36)expansion steam trap恒温式疏水器(32)expansion tank膨胀水箱(28)extreme maximum temperature极端最高温度(6)extreme minimum temperature极端最低温度(6)Ffabric collector袋式除尘器(57)face tube皮托管(103)face velocity罩口风速(42)fan通风机(55)fan-coil air-conditioning system风机盘管空气调剂系统(64)fan-coil system风机盘管空气调剂系统(64)fan-coil unit风机盘管机组(72)fan house通风机室(41)fan room通风机室(41)fan section风机段(72)feed-forward control前馈操纵(91)feedback反馈(86)feeding branch tlo radiator散热器供热支管(23)fibrous dust纤维性粉尘(43)fillter cylinder for sampling滤筒采样管(104)fillter efficiency过滤效率(47)fillter section过滤段(71)filltration velocity过滤速度(48)final resistance of filter过滤器终阻力(47)fire damper防火阀(53)fire prevention防火(36)fire protection防火(36)fire-resisting damper防火阀(53)fittings(通风〕配件(52)fixed set-point control定值调剂(91)fixed support固定支架(24)fixed time temperature (humidity)定时温(湿)度(5)flame combustion热力燃烧(48)flash gas闪发气体(78)flash steam二次蒸汽(14)flexible duct软管(52)flexible joint柔性接头(52)float type steam trap浮球式疏水器(32)float valve浮球阀(31)floating control无定位调剂(88)flooded evaporator满液式蒸发器(83)floor panel heating地板辐射采暖(13)flow capacity of control valve调剂阀流通能力(90)flow characteristic of control valve调剂阀流量特性(89)foam dust separator泡沫除尘器(57)follow-up control system随动系统(92)forced ventilation机械通风(33)forward flow zone射流区(69)foul gas不凝性气体(78)four-pipe water system四管制水系统(65)fractional separation efficiency分级除尘效率(47)free jet自由射流(68)free sillica游离二氧化硅(43)free silicon dioxide游离二氧化硅(43)freon氟利昂(77)frequency interval频程(97)frequency of wind direction风向频率(7)fresh air handling unit新风机组(71)resh air requirement新风量(67)friction factor摩擦系数(25)friction loss摩擦阻力(25)frictional resistance摩擦阻力(25)fume烟〔雾〕(44)fumehood排风柜(42)fumes烟气(44)Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖(13)gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器(30)gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84)gate valve 闸阀(31)general air change 全面通风(33)general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风(33)general ventilation 全面通风(33)generator 发生器(85)global radiation总辐射(10)grade efficiency分级除尘效率(47)granular bed filter颗粒层除尘器(57)granulometric distribution粒径分布(44)gravel bed filter颗粒层除尘器(57)gravity separator沉降室(56)ground-level concentration落地浓度(51)guide vane导流板(52)Hhair hygrometor毛发湿度计(102)hand pump手摇泵(29)harmful gas andvapo[u]有害气体(48)harmful substance有害物质(35)header分水器、集水器(30、31)heat and moisture热湿交换(67)transfer热平稳(35)heat conduction coefficient导热系数(16)heat conductivity导热系数(16)heat distributing network热网(15)heat emitter散热器(29)heat endurance热稳固性(17)heat exchanger换热器(27)heat flowmeter热流计(103)heat flow rate热流量(16)heat gain from lighting设备散热量(61)heat gain from lighting照明散热量(61)heat gain from occupant人体散热量(61)heat insulating window保温窗(41)heat(thermal)insuation隔热(39)heat(thermal)lag延迟时刻(18)heat loss耗热量(18)heat loss by infiltration冷风渗透耗热量(19)heat-operated refrigerating system热力制冷系统(81)heat-operated refrigetation热力制冷(80)heat pipe热管(74)heat pump热泵(85)heat pump air conditioner热泵式空气调剂器(71)heat release散热量(38)heat resistance热阻(16)heat screen隔热屏(39)heat shield隔热屏(39)heat source热源(13)heat storage蓄热(61)heat storage capacity蓄热特性(61)heat supply供热(14)heat supply network热网(15)heat transfer传热(15)heat transmission传热(15)heat wheel转轮式换热器(73)heated thermometer anemometer热风速仪(103)heating采暖、供热、加热(11、14、66)heating appliance采暖设备(27)heating coil热盘管(74)heating coil section加热段(71)heating equipment采暖设备(27)heating load热负荷(19)heating medium热媒(13)heating medium parameter热媒参数(14)heating pipeline采暖管道(22)heating system采暖系统(20)heavy work重作业(105)high-frequency noise高频噪声(98)high-pressure ho twater heating高温热水采暖(12)high-pressure steam heating高压蒸汽采暖(12)high temperature water heating高温热水采暖(12)hood局部排风罩(41)horizontal water-film syclonet卧式旋风水膜除尘器(57)hot air heating热风采暖(12)hot air heating system热风采暖系统(20)hot shop热车间(39)hot water boiler热水锅炉(27)hot water heating热水采暖(11)hot water system热水采暖系统(20)hot water pipe热水管(22)hot workshop热车间(39)hourly cooling load逐时冷负荷(62)hourly sol-air temperature逐时综合温度(60)humidification加湿(66)humidifier加湿器(72)humididier section加湿段(71)humidistat恒湿器(94)humidity ratio含湿量(65)hydraulic calculation水力运算(24)hydraulic disordeer水力失调(26)hydraulic dust removal水力除尘(46)hydraulic resistance balance阻力平稳(26)hydraulicity水硬性(45)hydrophilic dust亲水性粉尘(43)hydrophobic dust疏水性粉尘(43)Iimpact dust collector冲激式除尘器(58)impact tube皮托管(103)impedance muffler阻抗复合消声器(99)inclined damper斜插板阀(53)index circuit最不利环路(24)indec of thermal inertia (valueD)热惰性指标(D值)(17)indirect heat exchanger表面式换热器(28)indirect refrigerating sys间接制冷系统(80)indoor air design conditions室内在气运算参数(5)indoor air velocity室内空气流速(4)indoor and outdoor design conditions室内外运算参数(2)indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度基数(5)indoor temperature (humidity)室内温(湿)度(4)induction air-conditioning system诱导式空气调剂系统(64)induction unit诱导器(72)inductive ventilation诱导通风(34)industral air conditioning工艺性空气调剂(59)industrial ventilation工业通风(33)inertial dust separator惯性除尘器(56)infiltration heat loss冷风渗透耗热量(19)infrared humidifier红外线加湿器(73)infrared radiant heater红外线辐射器(30)inherent regulation of controlled plant调剂对象自平稳(87)initial concentration of dust初始浓度(47)initial resistance of filter过滤器初阻力(47)imput variable输入量(89)insulating layer保温层(105)integral enclosure整体密闭罩(42)integral time积分时刻(89)interlock protection联锁爱护(91)intermittent dust removal定期除灰(48)intermittent heating间歇采暖(11)inversion layer逆温层(50)inverted bucket type steam trap倒吊桶式疏水器(32)irradiance辐射照度(4)isoenthalpy等焓线(66)isobume等湿线(66)isolator隔振器(101)isotherm等温线(66)isothermal humidification等温加湿(67)isothermal jet等温射流(68)Jjet射流(68)jet axial velocity射流轴心速度(69)jet divergence angle射流扩散角(69)jet in a confined space受限射流(68)Kkatathermometer卡他温度计(102)Llaboratory hood排风柜(42)lag of controlled plant调剂对象滞后(87)large space enclosure大容积密闭罩(42)latent heat潜热(60)lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath槽边排风罩(42)lateral hoodlength of pipe section侧吸罩(42)length of pipe section管段长度(25)light work轻作业(105)limit deflection极限压缩量(101)limit switch限位开关(95)limiting velocity极限流速(26)linear flow characteristic线性流量特性(89)liquid-level ga[u]ge液位计(103)liquid receiver贮液器(84lithium bromide溴化锂(78)lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine溴化锂吸取式制冷机(84)lithium chloride resistance hygrometer氯化锂电阻湿度计(93)load pattern负荷特性(62)local air conditioning局部区域空气调剂(59)local air suppiy system局部送风系统(40)local exhaustventilation (LEV)局部排风(34)local exhaust system局部排风系统(40)local heating局部采暖(11)local relief局部送风(34)local relief system局部送风系统(40)local resistance局部阻力(25)local solartime地点太阳时(10)local ventilation局部通风(34)local izedairsupply for air-heating集中送风采暖(12)local ized air control就地操纵(91)loop环路(24)louver百叶窗(41)low-frequencynoise低频噪声(98)low-pressure steam heating低压蒸汽采暖(12)lyophilic dust亲水性粉尘(43)lyophobic dust疏水性粉尘(43)Mmain 总管、干管(22)main duct通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管(51)main pipe总管、干管(22)make-up water pump补给水泵(28)manual control手动操纵(91)mass concentration质量浓度(36)maximum allowable concentration (MAC)最高容许浓度(36)maximum coefficient of heat transfer最大传热系数(17)maximum depth of frozen ground最大冻土深度(7)maximum sum of hourly colling load逐时冷负荷综合最大值(62)mean annual temperature (humidity)年平均温(湿)度(6)mean annual temperature (humidity)日平均温(湿)度(5)mean daily temperature (humidity)旬平均温(湿)度(6)mean dekad temperature (humidity)月平均最高温度(6)mean monthly maximum temperature月平均最低温度(6)mean monthly minimum temperature月平均湿(湿)度(6)mean monthly temperature (humidity)平均相对湿度(7)mean relative humidity平均风速(7)emchanical air supply system机械送风系统(40)mechanical and hydraulic联合除尘(46)combined dust removal机械式风速仪(103)mechanical anemometer机械除尘(46)mechanical cleaning off dust机械除尘(46)mechanical dust removal机械排风系统(40)mechanical exhaust system机械通风系统(40)mechanical ventilation机械通风(33)media velocity过滤速度(48)metal radiant panel金属辐射板(30)metal radiant panel heating金属辐射板采暖(13)micromanometer微压计(103)micropunch plate muffler微穿孔板消声器(90)mid-frequency noise中频噪声(98)middle work中作业(105)midfeed system中分式系统(22)minimum fresh air requirmente最小新风量(68)minimum resistance of heat transfer最小传热阻(17)mist雾(44)mixing box section混合段(71)modular air handling unit组合式空气调剂机组(71)moist air湿空气(65)moisture excess余湿(35)moisure gain散湿量(61)moisture gain from appliance and equipment设备散湿量(61)moisturegain from occupant人体散湿量(61)motorized valve电动调剂阀(95)motorized (pneumatic)电(气)动两通阀(95)2-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)3-way valve电(气)动三通阀(95)movable support活动支架(24)muffler消声器(99)muffler section消声段(72)multi-operating mode automtic conversion工况自动转换(90)multi-operating mode control system多工况操纵系统(92)multiclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multicyclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multishell condenser组合式冷凝器(82)Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation联合通风(33)natural attenuation quantity of noise噪声自然衰减量(99)natural exhaust system自然排风系统(37)natural freguency固有频率(100)natural ventilation自然通风(33)NC-curve[s]噪声评判NC曲线(97)negative freedback负反馈(86)neutral level中和界(39)neutral pressure level中和界(39)neutral zone中和界(39)noise噪声(97)noise control噪声操纵(98)noise criter ioncurve(s)噪声评判NC曲线(97)noisc rating number噪声评判NR曲线(97)noise reduction消声(99)non azeotropic mixture refragerant非共沸溶液制冷剂(77)non-commonsection非共同段(25)non condensable gas 不凝性气体(78)non condensable gas purger不凝性气体分离器(84)non-isothermal jet非等温射流(68)nonreturn valve通风〕止回阀(53)normal coldest month止回阀(31)normal coldest month累年最冷月(3)normal coldest 3-month period累年最冷三个月(3)normal hottest month累年最热月(3)normal hottest 3month period累年最热三个月(3)normal three summer months累年最热三个月(3)normal three winter months累年最冷三个月(3)normals累年值(3)nozzle outlet air suppluy喷口送风(69)number concentration计数浓度(36)number of degree-day of heating period采暖期度日数(9)Ooctave倍频程(97)1/3 octave倍频程(97)octave band倍频程(97)oil cooler油冷却器(84)oill-fired unit heater燃油热风器(30)one-and-two pipe combined heating system单双管混合式采暖系统(21)one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system单管跨过式采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe heating system单管采暖系统pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system水平单管采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system单管顺序式采暖系统(21)one-third octave band倍频程(97)on-of control双位调剂(88)open loop control开环操纵(86)open return开式回水(15)open shell and tube condenser立式壳管式冷凝器(82)open tank开式水箱(28)operating pressure工作压力(27)operating range作用半径(26)opposed multiblade damper对开式多叶阀(52)organized air supply有组织进风(33)organized exhaust有组织排风(34)organized natural ventilation有组织自然通风(37)outdoor air design conditions室外空气运算参数(7)outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating采暖室外临界温度(9)outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning夏季空气调剂室外运算干球温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调剂室外运算逐时温度(9)outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调剂室外运算日平均温度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation夏季通风室外运算相对湿度(8)outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning冬季空气调剂室外运算相对湿度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外运算温度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for heating采暖室外运算温度(7)outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation夏季通风室外运算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning冬季空气调剂室外运算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation冬季通风室外运算温度(7)outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调剂室外运算湿球温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period采暖期室外平均温度(9)outdoor temperature(humidity)室外温(湿)度(5)outlet air velocity出口风速(70)out put variable输出量(89)overall efficiency of separation除尘效率(47)overall heat transmission coefficient传热系数(16)ouvrflow pipe溢流管(23)overheat steam过热蒸汽(14)overlapping averages滑动平均(4)overshoot超调量(88)Ppackaged air conditioner整体式空气调剂器(70)packaged heat pump热泵式空气调剂器(71)packed column填料塔(58)packed tower填料塔(58)panel heating辐射采暖(12)parabolic flow character抛物线流量特性(90)parameter detection参数检测(90)part通风〕部件(52)partial enclosure局部密闭罩(42)partial pressure of water vapo[u]r水蒸汽分压力(6)particle粒子(44)particle counter粒子计数器(104)particle number concentration计数浓度(36)particle size粒径(44)particle size distribution粒径分布(44)particulate粒子(44)particulate collector除尘器(56)particulates大气尘(43)passage ventilating duct通过式风管(52)penetration rate穿透率(47)percentage of men,women and children群集系数(62)and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine日照率(7)percentage of return air 回风百分比(68)cerforated ceiling air suppyl孔板送风(69)perforated plate tower筛板塔(58)periodic dust dislodging定期除灰(48)piece(通风〕部件(52)pipe fittings管道配件(23)pipe radiator光面管散热器(29)pipe section管段(25)pipe coil光面管放热器(29)pitot tube皮托管(103)plate heat exchanger板式换热器(73)plenum chamber静压箱(74)plenum space稳压层(70)plug丝堵(24)plume烟羽(50)plume rise height烟羽抬升高度(50)PNC-curve[s]噪声评判PNC曲线(97)pneumatic conveying气力输送(46)pueumatic transport气力输送(46)pneumatic valve气动调剂阀(95)pneumo-electrical convertor气-电转换器(94)positioner定位器(95)positive feedback正反馈(86)powerroof ventilator屋顶通风机(55)preferred noise criteria curve[s]噪声评判PNC曲线(97)pressure drop压力缺失(26)pressure enthalpy chart压焓图(77)pressure ga[u]ge压力表(103)pressure of steam supply供汽压力(14)pressure reducing valve减压阀(31)pressure relief device泄压装置(53)pressure relief valve安全阀(31)pressure thermometer压力式温度计(102)pressure volume chart压容图(77)primary air fan-coil system风机盘管加新风系统(64)primary air system新风系统(64)primary retirn air一次回风(68)process air conditioning工艺性空气调剂(59)program control程序操纵(91)proportional band比例带(89)proportional control比例调剂(88)proportional-integral (PI)control比例积分调剂(88)proportional-integralderivative(PID)control比例积分微分调剂(88)protected(roof)monitor避风天窗(39)psychrometric chart声级计(104)pulvation action干湿球温度表(102)push-pull hood焓湿图(65)pulvation action尘化作用(45)push-pull hood吹吸式排风罩(42)Qquick open flow characteristic快开流量特性(89)Rradiant heating辐射采暖(12)radiant intensity辐射强度(4)sadiation intensity辐射强度(4)radiator散热器(29)radiator heating散热器采暖(12)radiator heating system散热器采暖系统(20)radiator valve散热器调剂阀(32)rating under air conditioning condition空调工况制冷量(75)rcactive muffler抗性消声器(99)receiver贮液器(84)receiving hood同意式排风罩(42)reciprocating compressor活塞式压缩机(82)recirculation cavety空气动力阴影区(38)recording thermometer自记温度计(102)reducing coupling异径管接头(24)reducing valve减压阀(31)reentrainment of dust 二次扬尘(45)refrigerant制冷剂(77)[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP)(制冷〕性能系数(76)refrigerating compressor制冷压缩机(81)refrigerating cycle制冷循环(79)refrigerating effect制冷量(75)refrigerating engineering制冷工程(75)refrigerating machine制冷机(81)refrigerating medium载冷剂(78)refrigerating planttoom制冷机房(77)refrigerating station制冷机房(77)refrigerating system制冷系统(80)refrigeration 制冷(75)regenerative noise再生噪声(98)register百叶型风口(54)regulator调剂器(94)reheat air conditioning system再热式空气调剂系统(63)relative humidity相对湿度(3)relay继电器(95)relocity pressure动压(27)remote control遥控(90)resistance of heat transfer传热阻(17)resistance thermometer电阻温度计(93)resistance to water vapo[u]r permeability蒸汽渗透阻(18)resistance to water vapo[u]r permeation蒸汽渗透阻(18)resistive muffler阻性消声器(99)resistivity比电阻(45)resonance共振(100)resonant frequency共振频率(100)response curve of controlled plant调剂对象正升曲线(87)return air回风(70)return air inlet回风口(70)return branch of radiator散热器回水支管(23)return fan回风机(72)return flow zone回流区(69)return water temperataure回水温度(14)reverse Carnot cycle逆卡诺循环(79)reversed return system同程式系统(20)reversible cycle可逆循环(79)rim exhaust槽边排风罩(42)rim ventilation槽边通风(34)riser立管(22)roof ventilator筒形风帽(52)。
如何保持室温英文作文Title: Maintaining Room Temperature: A Comprehensive Guide。
Maintaining room temperature is crucial for ensuring comfort and well-being in indoor environments. Whether it's the scorching heat of summer or the chilling cold of winter, regulating room temperature is essential for a conducive living or working space. In this essay, we will explore various strategies and methods to effectively manage room temperature.Understanding Room Temperature。
Room temperature refers to the range of temperatures at which humans feel comfortable indoors without the need for additional heating or cooling. The ideal room temperature typically falls between 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F),providing a balance between warmth and coolness.Factors Affecting Room Temperature。
Several factors influence room temperature, including:1. Climate: The external climate conditions greatly impact indoor temperature. Hot climates require morecooling efforts, while cold climates necessitate heating solutions.2. Insulation: Proper insulation helps in maintaining consistent room temperature by preventing heat transfer through walls, windows, and doors.3. Sunlight Exposure: Direct sunlight can significantly increase room temperature. Managing sunlight exposure through curtains or blinds can regulate indoor heat levels.4. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation allows for airflow, which helps in regulating temperature and preventing stuffiness.Strategies for Maintaining Room Temperature。
由于目前国内大部分使用的中央空调系统末端设备均为上世纪七十年代末兴起的地方中小企业设计生产, 配套的风机和电动机基本以外购为主, 尽管二十多年来进行了改进和提高, 但受制于材料、工艺、工装设备、市场体系等影响, 设备能耗偏大的情况普遍存在。
对中央空调系统末端通风设备在不改变现有设备的外形尺寸、风量、冷量、机外余压(或全压)等工况参数条件下, 不进行两次安装, 仅以末端设备中风机空气动力性能的重新优化选型, 调整风机的动力配置, 降低设备的电能消耗是降低运行成本, 提高经济效益的有效方法。
Exploration of Low-carbon and Energy-savingRenovation of Building Equipments1. SummaryCentral air conditioning systems are the major equipments in modern buildings, hotels, department stores and factories, and their functional requirements with comfort and technology demands of constant temperature and humidity are the main advantages. But, the central air conditioning systems are also the key energy consumption facilities in buildings, which always account for the entire building electricity consumption by 40% or more. In domestic area, since most of the terminal equipments of air conditioning systems were designed and produced by some small and medium-sized enterprises, which emerged in the end of 1970s, and the necessary air blowers and the electric motors were mainly lied in outsourcing. Although improvement and enhancement were made in recent twenty years, the equipments large energy consumption still is a common phenomenon, because they were restricted and influenced by materials, technology, equipments, and market system. Added the "excessive surplus quantity" phenomenon in designing process, the central air conditioning system equipments operation cost is high. Without changing the external dimension, the air volume, the cooling capacity, the outside pressure ( or pressure ) and the second installation ofexisting ventilation equipments, a re-optimize selection of the blowers aerodynamic force, an adjust of the fan power configuration and a reduce of the equipment electricity consumption are effective methods to reduce operating costs and improve economic efficiency.二、原理目前地方中小企业设计、生产, 配套的风机效率性能处于中等水平, 在空调末端设备选型配置上不占有优势,由于空调末端设备的工况参数相对不同工程项目有很大的变化, 但同等条件的工况参数, 风机选型的差异会形成输入功率的降低或升高, 造成能耗的变化。
Température maxi 最高温度
connaitre de façon précise les températures
minimales (+ froides) et les températures maximales
(+ chaudes) durant une période de 24 heures.
✓Un porcelet qui a froid n’a pas de moyen pour se réchauffer et risque de tomber malade très rapidement (diarrhée, toux,….)
✓小猪如果感到冷,它没有办法产生额外热量,进而受凉、 生病(拉稀、咳嗽)
✓Pour une bonne maitrise des températures dans les maternités, il est important de bien contrôler la ventilation et les courant d’air (très néfaste pour le porcelet) .
✓做好产房环控,还需要控制好通风和贼风(这点对小猪很重 要)。
Conclusion 总结
✓Un porcelet qui a chaud peut lutter en se déplaçant dans la case à la recherche de fraicheur .
Température en maternité
De 23 à25 degrés en ambiance
空气分离常用专业术语 Aabsorbent 吸收剂accessory 附件absorber 吸附器liquid air 液空吸附器liquid oxygen 液氧吸附器accumulater 蓄压器oxygen 贮氧罐acetylene 乙炔acting 作用double 双程,双作用single 单程,单作用action 动作,作用direct 直接动作reverse 转换动作,反向动作actuator 促动器torque 转矩促动器adiabatically 在绝热条件下adjuster 调整器adsorbate 被吸附物air compressed 压缩空气compressor delivery 原料空气cooled 冷却空气feed 吸入空气fractionated 分馏空气liquefied 液化空气liquid 液体空气reflux 回流空气returning 环流空气seperation 空气分离seperation apparatus 空分塔seperation equipment 空分设备seperation plant 空分车间alloy 合金aluminum 铝合金aluminum 铝brazed 钎焊铝板(热交换器用)ammeter 电流计A C 交流电流计angle角钢equal 等边角钢supporting 支撑角钢annealing 退火annunciator 信号器、报号器apparatus 装置、设备control 控制装置argon 氩arrester 捕捉器lightning 避雷器noise 隔音器assembly 装配、总成orifice 双孔板attachment 附件Bbaghouse 袋室~ air filter 袋式气滤器band 袋、环wear 支撑环bars 母线base 底座beam 梁bearing 轴承ball 滚珠轴承forced-lubricated 强制润滑轴承increasing gear 增速齿轮轴承journal 轴颈轴承thrust 止推轴承metals for air compressor motor 空压机电机金属轴承metals for oxygen compressor motor 氧压机电机金属轴承bellow 吹风机、皮老虎bias 偏压blade 叶片backward 反向叶片block 部件terminal 接线板blower 风机brake 制动风机deforsting air 解冻风机Roots 罗茨风机single flow 单级风机impeller 风机叶轮board 板ceiling 顶板front 前板semigraphic 半模拟板side 侧板switching 切换板body 体main 主体bolt 螺栓anchor 地脚螺栓coupling set 称套的联接螺栓foundation 地脚螺栓bonnet 阀帽box 箱盒check valve 自动阀箱(交换器)cold 冷箱relay 继电器箱switch 开关箱terminal 分线盒bracket 托架breaker 断路器no-fuse circuit 无熔断器的断路器oil immersed circuit 油浸断路器brush 电刷holder 电刷架spring 电刷弹簧buffer 缓冲plate 缓冲板bulb 玻璃泡、测温仪表、外壳resistance 电阻温度计bulk 支架head 上部支架buna-N布纳-N、丁晴橡胶bush 衬套neck 轴套、轴瓦button 钮push 按钮push with lamp 带灯按钮butyl rubber 丁基橡胶buzzer 蜂鸣器Ccable 电缆extention 补偿导线external 外部电缆power 电力电缆calibration 校准cam 凸轮cantileveredly 悬臂地capacity 容量interrupting 遮断容量rupturing 遮断容量casing 箱、盒bearing 轴承箱1st 一级外壳turbine 透平机壳casting 铸造、铸件precision 精密铸件spheroidal graphite iron 球墨铸铁件channel 槽钢base 槽钢基础chart 图、表、记录纸chiller 过冷器chiller-liquefier 过冷液化器liquid air-liquid nitrogen 液空-液氮过冷器chipping 凿circuit 线路、电路electric 电路high tension 高压线路interlocking 连锁线路printed 印刷电路clutch 离合器cock 旋塞,旋阀code 规范、符号、编号coil 线圈tripping 跳闸线圈、解扣线圈for trip 跳闸线圈、解扣线圈column 塔lower 下塔rectifier 精馏塔upper 上塔compressor 压缩机air 空压机balanced opposed type 相对平衡式压缩机centrifugal 离心式压缩机instrument air 仪表空压机integral speed-up gear type isothermal centrifugal 整体增速齿轮式等温离心压缩机loop-sketch for oxygen 氧压机线路系统图multi-stage 多级压缩机one-shaft 单轴压缩机one-shaft multi-stage 单轴多级压缩机reciprocating 活塞式压缩机turbo 透平压缩机concentric 同心的condenser 冷凝器、电容器the main -reboiler 主冷凝蒸发器evaporator 冷凝蒸发器conduit 导管、线管connection 接头、接管conspectus 大纲、概要consumption power 电耗contact 接头、触头alarming 警报接头fixed 固定触头moving 滑动触头contactor 接触器magnetic 电磁接触器controller level indicating 液位指示控制器pressure indicating 压力指示控制器cooler 冷却器after 后冷却器evaporator 蒸发冷却器inter 中间冷却器liquid air super 液空过冷器liquid nitrogen super 液氮过冷器oil 油冷却器spray 喷淋冷却器trickling 水淋冷却器core 芯子cold 冷单元,冷端warm 热单元,热端coupling 联轴节rubber 橡皮联轴节shaft 轴接手联轴器cover 盖end 端盖sealing 密封盖sound insulating 隔音罩for lamp 灯罩crankshaft 曲轴、曲柄轴cubicle 柜、小房间local electric control 机旁电控柜motor 电动机柜receiving 受电柜static exciter 静止励磁柜cutout 截口panel 盘上装仪表的洞cylinder 气缸pneumatic 气动气缸single 单缸cover 气缸盖gasket 气缸垫圈liner 气缸内衬Ddamper 蝶阀、开闭器motorized 电动蝶阀piston 活塞阀for switching valve 切换阀的蝶阀defrosting 解冻air 解冻空气air blower 解冻风机deriming 去霜detector 检验器revolution 转数检验器deviation 偏差and tolerances 公差与配合devicecleaning 净化装置delivery control 输出(压力)控制装置discharge pressure control 排出(压力)控制装置safety 安全装置sampling 取样分析装置silicon control rectifier 可控硅正流装置suction pressure control 吸入压力控制装置switching 切换装置tripping 断路装置wind up 上弦装置、调整旋组dial 标度盘diaphragm 薄片disk 盘cover 盖盘hub 壳盘distance piece 距离块distillation column 精馏塔drawing outline 外形图、布置总图driver 驱动机tripped 驱动机跳闸drum 罐back pressure 反压力罐surge 缓冲罐dryer 干燥器air 空气干燥器defrosting air 解冻空气干燥器duct 槽wiring 配线槽wiring & piping 导线和管道槽Eelbow 肘管、弯管、弯头enamel 珐琅、搪瓷wrinkled 皱纹珐琅end cold 冷端energy absorbed 吸收能equipment electric 电气设备liners for 设备衬垫erection 安装exchanger reversing heat 可逆式换热器exciter 激磁器exciting 激励expansion joint 膨胀接头turbine 透平膨胀机Ffactor 系数、因数power 功率因数of safety 安全系数fan 风扇film 膜oil 油膜filter 过滤器air 空气过滤器defrosting air 解冻空气过滤器liquid air 液空过滤器multi-duty automatic air 高效自动空气过滤器oil primary oil 初级油过滤器secondary oil 二级油过滤器sintered metallic 烧结金属过滤器suction air 吸入空气过滤器before turbine 透平前过滤器fin 翅片、波纹板cooling 冷却片fitting 配件、零件flange 法兰、法兰盘flicker 闪光float 浮标floor 楼板、层first 一楼second flow 流量air 空气流量radial inward 径向内流reflux 回流流量rate 流量速度flowmeter 流量计flow-sheet 流程、流程图general 总流程图of cooling water line 冷却水流程图of gas line 气体流程图fluid 流体flux 焊剂、溶剂force horizontal 水平力inertia vertical forging 锻件foundation general 基础总图oxygen compressor 氧压机基础oxygen compressor general 氧压机基础总图bolt and liner 地脚螺栓和垫板frame 框架、架子freeze 致冷、冷冻fully-open 全开furnace flame 火焰炉shaft 竖炉blast 高炉open hearth 平炉cupola 熔铁炉、冲天炉continuous 连续加热炉travelling-bottom 步进底式炉pusher-type 推钢式加热炉rotary hearth 转底炉electric-arc 电弧炉electric 电炉coke oven 焦炉converter 转炉fuse 保险丝、熔断器Ggas dry 干燥气generated 返回气体impure nitrogen 污氮sealing 密封气gauge表、计level 液位表oil level pressure gasket垫片、衬special 特殊垫圈or transmitter and receiver变压器和记录器的垫圈gear bevel 斜齿轮、伞形齿轮helical 螺旋齿轮pinion 小齿轮speed-up 增速齿轮spur 正齿轮gel胶silica 硅胶general概述glasshard 硬质玻璃organic 有机玻璃grinding磨光grounding接地grout灌浆bond灌浆结合grouting混凝土浇灌guarantee保证guide导板cross head 十字头导板guide-vane导向叶片remote control of 遥控导向叶片Hheader集管、集管箱heaterdefrosting 解冻加热器heat-exchangerreversing 可逆式热交换器helium氦housing室、罩insulating 绝热室、绝热罩noise arresting 隔音罩humidityrelative 相对湿度hydrocarbon碳氢化合物absorber碳氢化合物吸收器Iimpeller叶轮blower 风机叶轮high pressure stage 高压级叶轮turbine 透平叶轮of first stage一级叶轮impurities杂质indicatordamper opening 蝶阀开度指示器different pressure 阻力指示器fault 故障指示器flow 流量指示器level opening 开度指示器pressure temperature thermal 温度指示器inlet进口reference gas 工作气体入口sample gas 取样气体instrument仪表loop sketch of 仪表连续表insulation绝缘、绝热over wrenching绝缘过热intake吸入air at the 吸入之空气integrator积算器assembly 积算器总成introduction引言ironcast 铸铁iron-constantan铁-镍铜isothermal等温的Jjoint接头、接管、连接expansion 膨胀接头、异径管Kkit工具箱Llabyrinth迷宫、曲径case迷宫盒cover迷宫盖packing迷宫填料sleeve迷宫套管lampannouncement 指示灯announciator (报警)信号灯completion 完成灯fluorometric with glow lamps带辉光放电管的荧光灯green 绿灯illumination 照明灯pilot 起动信号灯semigraphic 半模拟盘灯signal 信号灯layout布置(图)lineaerial 架空线air 空气管线defrost air 解冻空气管道drain 排出管道liquid air 液空管线liquid nitrogen 液氮管线liquid oxygen 液氧管线liquid oxygen recirculating 液氧循环线路waste nitrogen 废氮管liner垫板liquefier液花器liquidlean 贫液(poor )rich 富液list清单instrument 仪表清单load载荷、负荷braking of blower风机的制动负荷dynamic 动载荷full 满负荷static 静负荷loop sketch线路系统for oxygen compressor氧压机线路系统图lubricant润滑油lubrication润滑force feed 强迫润滑、压油润滑forced 强迫润滑pressure feed 强迫润滑Mmagnesium镁manifold歧管manometer压力计manual指南、手册、手动mechanism机构driving 传动机构、驱动机构metal金属、合金瓦white 轴承合金、白色合金、钨金瓦case合金瓦套meter测量仪表frequency 周波表over flow rotor 溢流转子流量计3 phase indicating watt三相瓦特指示表3 phase power-factor 三相功率因素表3 phase watt-hour 三相瓦特-小时表set-阀位指示计metric system公制micro-switch微型开关molecular sieve 分子筛motor电动机、马达chart 记录纸传送电机induction 感应电动机main 主电动机synchronous 同步电动机multi-stage多级的Nname名称plate名牌neon氖neoprene氯丁橡胶nipple螺纹接头、螺纹接嘴nitrogengenerated impure 返回污氮liquid 液氮pure 纯氮noise噪音arresting housing隔音罩nozzle喷嘴ring喷嘴环nut螺母Ooillube 润滑油lubricating 润滑油transformer 变压器油viscosine 粘性油、精制残油free无油head tank高位油箱reservior贮油箱whip油抖动whirl油涡流orifice孔plate孔板plate assembly双孔板overhung悬臂地overspeed过速oxygenhigh purity 高纯氧accumulator贮养器ion dry cell氧离子电池Ppacking填料gland 压盖填料piston rod 活塞杆填料seat 座圈填料wiper 擦油填料panel盘、板air compressor 空压机表盘center中心盘general service 公用表盘high tension 高压盘instrument 仪表板、仪表盘local 机旁盘、机侧盘oxygen delivery device 氧气输送装置仪表sub-副线板part部件、零件、部分main 主要部件middle 中部spare 备件P.B.(push button)按钮perlite 珠光砂pick-up传感器tachometer 转速计传感器pin针、销crank 曲柄销cross head 十字头销pinion小齿轮pipeflexible 软管、挠性管siphon 弯管、虹吸管pit 坑、孔planning计划、布置plate 板、牌、片bed 底板checkered 花纹(钢)板name 名称牌orifice 孔板plug塞子vent 通风塞plunger柱塞point liquefaction 液化点pointerred 红指针positioner位置控制器potentiometer电位表press压力、阻力absorber 吸附器阻力cold core different 冷端各种压力delivery 输出压力evaporator condenser 冷凝蒸发器压力feed air 吸入空气压力inlet air 入口空气压力lubricating oil 润滑油压力rectifier 精馏塔压力recycle air 循环空气压力surge tank 缓冲罐压力pressurecompressor delivery 压缩机输出压力compressor suction压缩机吸入压力lubricating oil 润滑油压力max working 最大工作压力normal 标准压力test 试验压力of input进口压力switch压力开关pressure-gauge压力表differential 压差计with alarmer带报警器的压力计pressure-meter压力表differential 压差计printing印,记录assembly for 3 points三点记录仪product成品、产品nitrogen产品氮project设计premilinary 初步设计psychometer湿度计pumpaxial 径流泵circulating 循环泵gear 齿轮泵liquid circulating 液体循环泵motor driven oil lubricating 电动机传动的润滑油泵screw 螺旋泵stand-by 备用泵suction 抽气泵turbine oil 透平油泵water circulating 水循环泵purge清洗purificationair 空气净化raw mixture argon 原氩混合物净化Qquantity数量Rradial inward flow径向内流rating定额receiver接受器recorderflow 流量记录器1-pen 1笔记录器rectificationfinishing 最后精馏rectifierupper 上精馏塔column精馏塔recycle反流、回流(气体)air 反流空气reducer减压阀、减压器、减速器、异径接头reflux回流(液)regeneration再生heater再生加热器regulation规则regulatorpress 压力调整器reinforce加固relayannunciator 警报器继电器auxiliary 辅助继电器delay 延迟继电器flow 流量继电器interlocking 连锁继电器oil pressure 油压继电器over current 过电流继电器over-speed 过速继电器over voltage ground 过电压接地继电器protective 保护继电器selective ground 选择性接地继电器under voltage 低电压继电器water flow 水流量继电器box继电器箱remark备注reservoirpressurized oil 压力油箱reset重调、回零位without 无零位、不能重调、不回零位resistor电阻器return回路R.H.E(reversing heat exchanger)可逆式换热器ringnozzle 喷嘴环oil wiper 刮油环piston 活塞环Raschig 拉西环Raschig air filter拉西环式空气过滤器seal 密封环seat 座环、座圈ripple脉动、波动amperes 电流波动rock wool岩棉rod杆connecting 连杆rotator旋转器rotorassembled 转子总成roughness粗糙度route流路flowing 流动线路r.p.m(revolution per minute)转/分ruby红宝石runningcontinuous 连续运转normal 正常运转SS.A.C.E.(single acting crank end)单作用曲柄侧S.A.H.E.(single acting head end)单作用头端部sampling取样saturatedstate饱和状态scopeof supply供应范围scraper刮刀screw螺丝scroll外壳、壳体seal密封dust 尘土密封grease 油脂密封oil for piston rod活塞杆的油密封ring密封环ing cover密封盖section截面manual selector手动选择器seperator分离器drain 水分离器liquid air 液空分离器service 服务、操作cold 冷操作general 公用仪表盘set装置、组、套air 气动定值器three-valve 平衡阀shaft轴crank 曲柄轴imput 大齿轮轴、输入轴pinion 小齿轮轴turbine 透平轴sealing device轴密封装置sheet板corrugated 波纹板shell外壳shift(作业)班shrunk-fitted冷缩配合side 侧high-pressure 高压侧sieve tray塞板塔sight glass 观察玻璃signalpneumatic 气动信号on信号指示signalization信号装置silica gel硅胶site位置plant 现场sleeve套管、套垫shaft 轴套slinger甩子oil 甩油子、油吊环space 距离liner 二次浇注厚度spacer隔离物,垫片spare-parts备品、备件speedrated 额定速度spindle心轴drive 主动心轴springfor safety valve安全阀弹簧stack塔、烟囱air intake 空气吸入塔stanchion 支柱stand架、台local 机旁座、机旁台架local gauge 机旁仪表台架stator定子motor 电机定子steam蒸汽saturated 饱和蒸汽steelangle 角钢carbon 碳钢channel 槽钢cold rolled 冷轧钢板equal angle 等边角钢forged 锻钢high finished 高光洁度钢mild 软钢stainless 不锈钢stop停车emergency 紧急停车strainer过滤器air 空气过滤器strip带stroke行程structured packing填料塔subpane 副板push button 按钮副板sub-total小合计support支座、支架switch开关ball float 浮球开关change over 转换开关、换向开关handle interlock 手柄连锁开关level 液位开关measure 测量开关selector 选择开关torque 转矩开关board配电盘、配电板switchgear 开关机构、开关装置high tension 高压开关metal-clad 金属外壳开关symbol符号、记号system系统、方式braking 制动方式、制动系统metric 公制shell and coil 盘管式Ttachometer测速计turbine 透平测速计tag.标签No.位号图、标图tangentially切向tank 槽、罐blow down 排放槽cushion 缓冲箱、缓冲罐oxygen surge 氧气缓冲罐teflon聚四氟乙烯wear ring聚四氟乙烯支撑环temperatureambient 环境温度packing gas 充填气温度tempering回火tension电压hign 高压terminal端子cable 电缆接头grounding 接地端子testbend 弯曲测试tension 张力测试、拉伸测试thermocouple热电偶thermometer测温计dial 盘式温度计electronic type auto-balance recording 电子管式自动平衡记录温度计indicating resistance 电阻温度指示计indicating thermoelectric 热电温度指示计moving coil type point system recording 动圈式多点温度记录仪recording 记录温度计low pressure flat type扁平型低压测温计thread螺纹coarse screw 粗螺纹fine screw 细螺纹timerating 定额时间response 作用时间start up 起动时间transformer变压器current 电流互感器potential 电压互感器transmission传送、传送装置electrical singal 电动信号传送器transmitter变送器、传送器trap阱drain 排水阀trouble事故、故障unforeseen意外事故tubeflexible 软管、挠性管trident 三叉形管turbine透平centrifugal expension 离心透平膨胀机expension 透平膨胀机(ET)runner透平转子typebalanced opposed 对称平衡式low pressure 全低压型magnetic operated draw-out 电磁脱扣型multi-plate 多板式radial inward-flow径向内流式Uunion联管节half 半联管节(连接件)tee 三通管unit装置、单位alarm 报警装置up-scaleburn out 烧完的向上刻度Vvacuum真空valuelimited 规定值、限定值valveadditional air slide 补给空气分气阀air 空气平衡阀angle 角阀blow-off 排气阀by-pass 旁通阀check 止回阀control single seated单座式控制阀diaphragm 隔膜阀drain 放洩阀discharge 排气阀emergency shut-off 紧急切断阀fla。
AA-weighted sound pressure level||A声级absolute humidity||绝对湿度absolute roughness||绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent||吸声材料absorber||吸收器absorptance for solar radiation||太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment||吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor||气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷机access door||检查门acoustic absorptivity||吸声系数actual density||真密度actuating element||执行机构actuator||执行机构adaptive control system||自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door||外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating||间歇附加率additional factor for wind force||高度附加率additional heat loss||风力附加率adiabatic humidification||附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation||绝热加湿adsorbate||吸附质adsorbent||吸附剂adsorber||吸附装置adsorption equipment||吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor||气体吸附aerodynamic noise||空气动力噪声aerosol||气溶胶air balance||风量平衡air changes||换气次数air channel||风道air cleanliness||空气洁净度air collector||集气罐air conditioning||空气调节air conditioning condition||空调工况air conditioning equipment||空气调节设备air conditioning machine room||空气调节机房air conditioning system||空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load||空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant||空气污染物air-cooled condenser||风冷式冷凝器air cooler||空气冷却器air curtain||空气幕air cushion shock absorber||空气弹簧隔振器air distribution||气流组织air distributor||空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization||喷雾风扇air duct||风管、风道air filter||空气过滤器air handling equipment||空气调节设备air handling unit room||空气调节机房air header||集合管air humidity||空气湿度air inlet||风口air intake||进风口air manifold||集合管air opening||风口air pollutant||空气污染物air pollution||大气污染air preheater||空气预热器air return method||回风方式air return mode||回风方式air return through corridor||走廊回风air space||空气间层air supply method||送风方式air supply mode||送风方式||air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)风口||air supply volume per unit area||单位面积送风量||air temperature||空气温度air through tunnel||地道风||air-to-air total heat exchanger||全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio||气布比air velocity at work area||作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place||工作地点空气流速air vent||放气阀air-water systen||空气—水系统airborne particles||大气尘air hater||空气加热器airspace||空气间层alarm signal||报警信号ail-air system||全空气系统all-water system||全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise||环境噪声ammonia||氨amplification factor of centrolled plant||调节对象放大系数amplitude||振幅anergy||x||angle of repose||安息角ange of slide||滑动角angle scale||热湿比angle valve||角阀annual [value]||历年值annual coldest month||历年最冷月annual hottest month||历年最热月anticorrosive||缓蚀剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂apparatus dew point||机器露点apparent density||堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer||通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion||大气扩散atmospheric dust||大气尘atmospheric pollution||大气污染atmospheric pressure||大气压力(atmospheric stability||大气稳定度atmospheric transparency||大气透明度atmospheric turblence||大气湍流automatic control||自动控制automatic roll filter||自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent||自动放气阀available pressure||资用压力average daily sol-air temperature||日平均综合温度axial fan||轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer||防回流装置back pressure of steam trap||凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise||背景噪声back plate||挡风板bag filler||袋式除尘器baghouse||袋式除尘器barometric pressure||大气压力basic heat loss||基本耗热量hend muffler||消声弯头bimetallic thermometer||双金属温度计black globe temperature||黑球温度blow off pipe||排污管blowdown||排污管boiler||锅炉boiller house||锅炉房boiler plant||锅炉房boiler room||锅炉房booster||加压泵branch||支管branch duct||(通风) 支管branch pipe||支管building envelope||围护结构building flow zones||建筑气流区building heating entry||热力入口bulk density||堆积密度bushing||补心butterfly damper||蝶阀by-pass damper||空气加热器)旁通阀by-pass pipe||旁通管Ccanopy hood ||伞形罩capillary tube||毛细管capture velocity||控制风速capture velocity||外部吸气罩capturing hood ||卡诺循环Carnot cycle||串级调节系统cascade control system||铸铁散热器cast iron radiator||催化燃烧catalytic oxidation ||催化燃烧ceilling fan||吊扇ceiling panelheating||顶棚辐射采暖center frequency||中心频率central air conditionint system ||集中式空气调节系统central heating||集中采暖central ventilation system||新风系统centralized control||集中控制centrifugal compressor||离心式压缩机entrifugal fan||离心式通风机||check damper||(通风)止回阀||check valve||止回阀||chilled water||冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系统chimney||(排气)烟囱circuit||环路circulating fan||风扇circulating pipe||循环管circulating pump||循环泵clean room||洁净室cleaning hole||清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸尘装置cleanout opening||清扫孔clogging capacity||容尘量close nipple||长丝closed booth||大容积密闭罩closed full flow return||闭式满管回水closed loop control||闭环控制closed return||闭式回水closed shell and tube condenser||卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube evaporator||卧式壳管式蒸发器closed tank||闭式水箱coefficient of accumulation of heat||蓄热系数coefficient of atmospheric transpareney||大气透明度coefficient of effective heat emission||散热量有效系数coficient of effective heat emission||传热系数coefficient of locall resistance||局部阻力系数coefficient of thermal storage||蓄热系数coefficient of vapor||蒸汽渗透系数coefficient of vapor||蒸汽渗透系数coil||盘管collection efficiency||除尘效率combustion of gas and vapor||气体燃烧comfort air conditioning||舒适性空气调节common section||共同段compensator||补偿器components||(通风〕部件compression||压缩compression-type refrigerating machine||压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigerating system||压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigeration||压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration cycle||压缩式制冷循环compression-type water chiller||压缩式冷水机组concentratcd heating||集中采暖concentration of narmful substance||有害物质浓度condensate drain pan||凝结水盘condensate pipe||凝结水管condensate pump||凝缩水泵condensate tank||凝结水箱condensation||冷凝condensation of vapor||气体冷凝condenser||冷凝器condensing pressure||冷凝压力condensing temperature||冷凝温度condensing unit||压缩冷凝机组conditioned space||空气调节房间conditioned zone||空气调节区conical cowl||锥形风帽constant humidity system||恒湿系统constant temperature and humidity system||恒温恒湿系统constant temperature system 恒温系统constant value control 定值调节constant volume air conditioning system||定风量空气调节系统continuous dust dislodging||连续除灰continuous dust dislodging||连续除灰continuous heating||连续采暖contour zone||稳定气流区control device||控制装置control panel||控制屏control valve||调节阀control velocity||控制风速controlled natural ventilation||有组织自然通风controlled plant||调节对象controlled variable||被控参数controller||调节器convection heating||对流采暖convector||对流散热器cooling||降温、冷却(、)cooling air curtain||冷风幕cooling coil||冷盘管cooling coil section||冷却段cooling load from heat||传热冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air||新风冷负荷cooling load from ventilation||新风冷负荷cooling load temperature||冷负荷温度cooling system||降温系统cooling tower||冷却塔cooling unit||冷风机组cooling water||冷却水correcting element||调节机构correcting unit||执行器correction factor for orientaion||朝向修正率corrosion inhibitor||缓蚀剂coupling||管接头cowl||伞形风帽criteria for noise control cross||噪声控频标准cross fan||四通crross-flow fan||贯流式通风机cross-ventilation||穿堂风cut diameter||分割粒径cyclone||旋风除尘器cyclone dust separator||旋风除尘器cylindrical ventilator||筒形风帽Ddaily range||日较差damping factot||衰减倍数data scaning||巡回检测days of heating period||采暖期天数deafener||消声器decibel(dB)||分贝degree-days of heating period||采暖期度日数degree of subcooling||过冷度degree of superheat||过热度dehumidification||减湿dehumidifying cooling||减湿冷却density of dust particle||真密度derivative time||微分时间design conditions||计算参数desorption||解吸detecting element||检测元件detention period||延迟时间deviation||偏差dew-point temperature||露点温度dimond-shaped damper||菱形叶片调节阀differential pressure type flowmeter||差压流量计diffuser air supply||散流器diffuser air supply||散流器送风direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统direct combustion 直接燃烧direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统direct return system 异程式系统direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射discharge pressure 排气压力||discharge temperature 排气温度dispersion 大气扩散district heat supply 区域供热district heating 区域供热disturbance frequency 扰动频率dominant wind direction 最多风向double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器down draft 倒灌downfeed system 上分式系统downstream spray pattern 顺喷drain pipe 泄水管drain pipe 排污管droplet 液滴drv air 干空气dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表dry-bulb temperature 干球温度dry cooling condition 干工况dry dust separator 干式除尘器dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器dry return pipe 干式凝结水管dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统duct 风管、风道dust 粉尘dust capacity 容尘量dust collector 除尘器dust concentration 含尘浓度dust control 除尘dust-holding capacity 容尘量dust removal 除尘dust removing system 除尘系统dust sampler 粉尘采样仪dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪dust separation 除尘dust separator 除尘器dust source 尘源dynamic deviation||动态偏差Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer||经济传热阻economic velocity||经济流速efective coefficient of local resistance||折算局部阻力系数effective legth||折算长度effective stack height||烟囱有效高度effective temperature difference||送风温差ejector||喷射器ejetor||弯头elbow||电加热器electric heater||电加热段electric panel heating||电热辐射采暖electric precipitator||电除尘器electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖electricresistance hu-midkfier||电阻式加湿器electro-pneumatic convertor||电—气转换器electrode humidifler||电极式加湿器electrostatic precipi-tator||电除尘器eliminator||挡水板emergency ventilation||事故通风emergency ventilation system||事故通风系统emission concentration||排放浓度enclosed hood||密闭罩enthalpy||焓enthalpy control system||新风)焓值控制系统enthalpy entropy chart||焓熵图entirely ventilation||全面通风entropy||熵environmental noise||环境噪声equal percentage flow characteristic||等百分比流量特性equivalent coefficient of local resistance||当量局部阻力系数equivalent length||当量长度equivalent[continuous A] sound level||等效〔连续A〕声级evaporating pressure||蒸发压力evaporating temperature||蒸发温度evaporative condenser||蒸发式冷凝器||evaporator||蒸发器excess heat||余热excess pressure||余压excessive heat ||余热cxergy||xexhaust air rate||排风量exhaust fan||排风机exhaust fan room||排风机室exhaust hood||局部排风罩exhaust inlet||吸风口exhaust opening||吸风口exhaust opening orinlet||风口exhaust outlet||排风口exaust vertical pipe||排气〕烟囱exhausted enclosure||密闭罩exit||排风口expansion||膨胀expansion pipe||膨胀管explosion proofing||防爆expansion steam trap||恒温式疏水器expansion tank||膨胀水箱extreme maximum temperature||极端最高温度extreme minimum temperature||极端最低温度Ffabric collector||袋式除尘器face tube||皮托管face velocity||罩口风速fan||通风机fan-coil air-conditioning system||风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil system||风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil unit||风机盘管机组fan house||通风机室fan room||通风机室fan section||风机段feed-forward control||前馈控制feedback||反馈feeding branch tlo radiator||散热器供热支管fibrous dust||纤维性粉尘fillter cylinder for sampling||滤筒采样管fillter efficiency||过滤效率fillter section||过滤段filltration velocity||过滤速度final resistance of filter||过滤器终阻力fire damper||防火阀fire prevention||防火fire protection||防火fire-resisting damper||防火阀fittings||(通风〕配件fixed set-point control||定值调节fixed support||固定支架fixed time temperature (humidity)||定时温(湿)度flame combustion||热力燃烧flash gas||闪发气体flash steam||二次蒸汽flexible duct||软管flexible joint||柔性接头float type steam trap||浮球式疏水器float valve||浮球阀floating control||无定位调节flooded evaporator||满液式蒸发器floor panel heating||地板辐射采暖flow capacity of control valve||调节阀流通能力flow characteristic of control valve||调节阀流量特性foam dust separator||泡沫除尘器follow-up control system||随动系统forced ventilation||机械通风forward flow zone||射流区foul gas||不凝性气体four-pipe water system||四管制水系统fractional separation efficiency||分级除尘效率free jet||自由射流free sillica||游离二氧化硅free silicon dioxide||游离二氧化硅freon||氟利昂frequency interval||频程frequency of wind direction||风向频率fresh air handling unit||新风机组resh air requirement||新风量friction factor||摩擦系数friction loss||摩擦阻力frictional resistance||摩擦阻力fume||烟〔雾〕fumehood||排风柜fumes||烟气Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器gas purger 不凝性气体分离器gate valve 闸阀general air change 全面通风general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风general ventilation 全面通风generator 发生器global radiation||总辐射grade efficiency||分级除尘效率granular bed filter||颗粒层除尘器granulometric distribution||粒径分布gravel bed filter||颗粒层除尘器gravity separator||沉降室ground-level concentration||落地浓度guide vane||导流板Hhair hygrometor||毛发湿度计hand pump||手摇泵harmful gas andvapo||有害气体harmful substance||有害物质header||分水器、集水器(、)heat and moisture||热湿交换transfer||热平衡heat conduction coefficient||导热系数heat conductivity||导热系数heat distributing network||热网heat emitter||散热器heat endurance||热稳定性heat exchanger||换热器heat flowmeter||热流计heat flow rate||热流量heat gain from lighting||设备散热量heat gain from lighting||照明散热量heat gain from occupant||人体散热量heat insulating window||保温窗heat(thermal)insuation||隔热heat(thermal)lag||延迟时间heat loss||耗热量heat loss by infiltration||冷风渗透耗热量heat-operated refrigerating system||热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigetation||热力制冷heat pipe||热管heat pump||热泵heat pump air conditioner||热泵式空气调节器heat release||散热量heat resistance||热阻heat screen||隔热屏heat shield||隔热屏heat source||热源heat storage||蓄热heat storage capacity||蓄热特性heat supply||供热heat supply network||热网heat transfer||传热heat transmission||传热heat wheel||转轮式换热器heated thermometer anemometer||热风速仪heating||采暖、供热、加热(、、)heating appliance||采暖设备heating coil||热盘管heating coil section||加热段heating equipment||采暖设备heating load||热负荷heating medium||热媒heating medium parameter||热媒参数heating pipeline||采暖管道heating system||采暖系统heavy work||重作业high-frequency noise||高频噪声high-pressure ho twater heating||高温热水采暖high-pressure steam heating||高压蒸汽采暖high temperature water heating||高温热水采暖hood||局部排风罩horizontal water-film syclonet||卧式旋风水膜除尘器hot air heating||热风采暖hot air heating system||热风采暖系统hot shop||热车间hot water boiler||热水锅炉hot water heating||热水采暖hot water system||热水采暖系统hot water pipe||热水管hot workshop||热车间hourly cooling load||逐时冷负荷hourly sol-air temperature||逐时综合温度humidification||加湿humidifier||加湿器humididier section||加湿段humidistat||恒湿器humidity ratio||含湿量hydraulic calculation||水力计算hydraulic disordeer||水力失调hydraulic dust removal||水力除尘hydraulic resistance balance||阻力平衡hydraulicity||水硬性hydrophilic dust||亲水性粉尘hydrophobic dust||疏水性粉尘Iimpact dust collector||冲激式除尘器impact tube||皮托管impedance muffler||阻抗复合消声器inclined damper||斜插板阀index circuit||最不利环路indec of thermal inertia (valueD)||热惰性指标(D值)indirect heat exchanger||表面式换热器indirect refrigerating sys||间接制冷系统indoor air design conditions||室内在气计算参数indoor air velocity||室内空气流速indoor and outdoor design conditions||室内外计算参数indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度基数indoor temperature (humidity)||室内温(湿)度induction air-conditioning system||诱导式空气调节系统induction unit||诱导器inductive ventilation||诱导通风industral air conditioning||工艺性空气调节industrial ventilation||工业通风inertial dust separator||惯性除尘器infiltration heat loss||冷风渗透耗热量infrared humidifier||红外线加湿器infrared radiant heater||红外线辐射器inherent regulation of controlled plant||调节对象自平衡initial concentration of dust||初始浓度initial resistance of filter||过滤器初阻力imput variable||输入量insulating layer||保温层integral enclosure||整体密闭罩integral time||积分时间interlock protection||联锁保护intermittent dust removal||定期除灰intermittent heating||间歇采暖inversion layer||逆温层inverted bucket type steam trap||倒吊桶式疏水器irradiance||辐射照度isoenthalpy||等焓线isobume||等湿线isolator||隔振器isotherm||等温线isothermal humidification||等温加湿isothermal jet||等温射流Jjet||射流jet axial velocity||射流轴心速度jet divergence angle||射流扩散角jet in a confined space||受限射流Kkatathermometer||卡他温度计Llaboratory hood||排风柜lag of controlled plant||调节对象滞后large space enclosure||大容积密闭罩latent heat||潜热lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath||槽边排风罩lateral hoodlength of pipe section||侧吸罩length of pipe section||管段长度light work||轻作业limit deflection||极限压缩量limit switch||限位开关limiting velocity||极限流速linear flow characteristic||线性流量特性liquid-level gage||液位计liquid receiver||贮液器lithium bromide||溴化锂lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine||溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium chloride resistance hygrometer||氯化锂电阻湿度计load pattern||负荷特性local air conditioning||局部区域空气调节local air suppiy system||局部送风系统local exhaustventilation (LEV)||局部排风local exhaust system||局部排风系统local heating||局部采暖local relief||局部送风local relief system||局部送风系统local resistance||局部阻力local solartime||地方太阳时local ventilation||局部通风||local izedairsupply for air-heating||集中送风采暖local ized air control||就地控制loop||环路louver||百叶窗low-frequencynoise||低频噪声low-pressure steam heating||低压蒸汽采暖lyophilic dust||亲水性粉尘lyophobic dust||疏水性粉尘Mmain ||总管、干管main duct||通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管main pipe||总管、干管make-up water pump||补给水泵manual control||手动控制mass concentration||质量浓度maximum allowable concentration (MAC)||最高容许浓度maximum coefficient of heat transfer||最大传热系数maximum depth of frozen ground||最大冻土深度maximum sum of hourly colling load||逐时冷负荷综合最大值mean annual temperature (humidity)||年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature (humidity)||日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature (humidity)||旬平均温(湿)度mean dekad temperature (humidity)||月平均最高温度mean monthly maximum temperature||月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature||月平均湿(湿)度mean monthly temperature (humidity)||平均相对湿度mean relative humidity||平均风速emchanical air supply system||机械送风系统mechanical and hydraulic||联合除尘combined dust removal||机械式风速仪mechanical anemometer||机械除尘mechanical cleaning off dust||机械除尘mechanical dust removal||机械排风系统mechanical exhaust system||机械通风系统mechanical ventilation||机械通风media velocity||过滤速度metal radiant panel||金属辐射板metal radiant panel heating||金属辐射板采暖micromanometer||微压计micropunch plate muffler||微穿孔板消声器mid-frequency noise||中频噪声middle work||中作业midfeed system||中分式系统minimum fresh air requirmente||最小新风量minimum resistance of heat transfer||最小传热阻mist||雾mixing box section||混合段modular air handling unit||组合式空气调节机组moist air||湿空气||moisture excess||余湿moisure gain||散湿量moisture gain from appliance and equipment||设备散湿量||moisturegain from occupant||人体散湿量motorized valve||电动调节阀motorized (pneumatic)||电(气)动两通阀-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)-way valve||电(气)动三通阀movable support||活动支架muffler||消声器muffler section||消声段multi-operating mode automtic conversion||工况自动转换multi-operating mode control system||多工况控制系统multiclone||多管〔旋风〕除尘器multicyclone||多管〔旋风〕除尘器multishell condenser||组合式冷凝器Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation||联合通风natural attenuation quantity of noise||噪声自然衰减量natural exhaust system||自然排风系统natural freguency||固有频率natural ventilation||自然通风NC-curve[s]||噪声评价NC曲线negative freedback||负反馈neutral level||中和界neutral pressure level||中和界neutral zone||中和界noise||噪声noise control||噪声控制noise criter ioncurve(s)||噪声评价NC曲线noisc rating number||噪声评价NR曲线noise reduction||消声non azeotropic mixture refragerant||非共沸溶液制冷剂non-commonsection||非共同段non condensable gas ||不凝性气体non condensable gas purger||不凝性气体分离器non-isothermal jet||非等温射流nonreturn valve||通风〕止回阀normal coldest month||止回阀normal coldest month||累年最冷月normal coldest -month period||累年最冷三个月normal hottest month||累年最热月(3)normal hottest month period||累年最热三个月normal three summer months||累年最热三个月normal three winter months||累年最冷三个月normals||累年值nozzle outlet air suppluy||喷口送风number concentration||计数浓度number of degree-day of heating period||采暖期度日数Ooctave||倍频程/ octave||倍频程octave band||倍频程oil cooler||油冷却器oill-fired unit heater||燃油热风器one-and-two pipe combined heating system||单双管混合式采暖系统one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system||单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system||单管采暖系统pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system||水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system||单管顺序式采暖系统one-third octave band||倍频程on-of control||双位调节open loop control||开环控制open return||开式回水open shell and tube condenser||立式壳管式冷凝器open tank||开式水箱operating pressure||工作压力operating range||作用半径opposed multiblade damper||对开式多叶阀organized air supply||有组织进风organized exhaust||有组织排风organized natural ventilation||有组织自然通风outdoor air design conditions||室外空气计算参数outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating||采暖室外临界温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning||夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度outdoor design temperature ture for heating||采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation||冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period||采暖期室外平均温度outdoor temperature(humidity)||室外温(湿)度outlet air velocity||出口风速out put variable||输出量overall efficiency of separation||除尘效率overall heat transmission coefficient||传热系数ouvrflow pipe||溢流管overheat steam||过热蒸汽overlapping averages||滑动平均overshoot||超调量Ppackaged air conditioner||整体式空气调节器packaged heat pump||热泵式空气调节器packed column||填料塔packed tower||填料塔panel heating||辐射采暖parabolic flow character||抛物线流量特性isticparallel multiblade damperin||平行式多叶阀parameter detection||参数检测part||通风〕部件partial enclosure||局部密闭罩partial pressure of water vapor||水蒸汽分压力particle||粒子particle counter||粒子计数器particle number concentration||计数浓度particle size||粒径particle size distribution||粒径分布particulate||粒子particulate collector||除尘器particulates||大气尘passage ventilating duct||通过式风管penetration rate||穿透率percentage of men,women and children||群集系数and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine||日照率percentage of return air ||回风百分比cerforated ceiling air suppyl||孔板送风perforated plate tower||筛板塔periodic dust dislodging||定期除灰piece||(通风〕部件pipe fittings||管道配件pipe radiator||光面管散热器pipe section||管段pipe coil||光面管放热器pitot tube||皮托管plate heat exchanger||板式换热器plenum chamber||静压箱plenum space||稳压层plug||丝堵plume||烟羽plume rise height||烟羽抬升高度PNC-curve[s]||噪声评价PNC曲线pneumatic conveying||气力输送pueumatic transport||气力输送pneumatic valve||气动调节阀pneumo-electrical convertor||气-电转换器positioner||定位器positive feedback||正反馈powerroof ventilator||屋顶通风机preferred noise criteria curve[s]||噪声评价PNC曲线pressure drop||压力损失pressure enthalpy chart||压焓图pressure gage||压力表pressure of steam supply||供汽压力pressure reducing valve||减压阀pressure relief device||泄压装置pressure relief valve||安全阀pressure thermometer||压力式温度计pressure volume chart||压容图primary air fan-coil system||风机盘管加新风系统primary air system||新风系统primary retirn air||一次回风process air conditioning||工艺性空气调节program control||程序控制proportional band||比例带proportional control||比例调节proportional-integral (PI)control||比例积分调节proportional-integralderivative(PID)control||比例积分微分调节protected(roof)monitor||避风天窗psychrometric chart||声级计pulvation action||干湿球温度表push-pull hood||焓湿图pulvation action||尘化作用push-pull hood||吹吸式排风罩Qquick open flow characteristic||快开流量特性Rradiant heating||辐射采暖radiant intensity||辐射强度sadiation intensity||辐射强度radiator||散热器radiator heating||散热器采暖radiator heating system||散热器采暖系统radiator valve||散热器调节阀rating under air conditioning condition||空调工况制冷量rcactive muffler||抗性消声器receiver||贮液器receiving hood||接受式排风罩reciprocating compressor||活塞式压缩机recirculation cavety||空气动力阴影区recording thermometer||自记温度计reducing coupling||异径管接头reducing valve||减压阀reentrainment of dust ||二次扬尘refrigerant||制冷剂[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP)||(制冷)性能系数refrigerating compressor||制冷压缩机refrigerating cycle||制冷循环refrigerating effect||制冷量refrigerating engineering||制冷工程refrigerating machine||制冷机refrigerating medium||载冷剂refrigerating planttoom||制冷机房refrigerating station||制冷机房refrigerating system||制冷系统refrigeration ||制冷regenerative noise||再生噪声register||百叶型风口regulator||调节器reheat air conditioning system||再热式空气调节系统relative humidity||相对湿度relay||继电器remote control||遥控resistance of heat transfer||传热阻resistance thermometer||电阻温度计resistance to water vapor permeability蒸汽渗透阻resistance to water vapor permeation||蒸汽渗透阻resistive muffler||阻性消声器resistivity||比电阻resonance||共振resonant frequency||共振频率response curve of controlled plant||调节对象正升曲线teturn air||回风return air inlet||回风口return branch of radiator||散热器回水支管return fan||回风机return flow zone||回流区return water temperataure||回水温度reverse Carnot cycle||逆卡诺循环reversed return system||同程式系统reversible cycle||可逆循环rim exhaust||槽边排风罩rim ventilation||槽边通风riser||立管roof ventilator||筒形风帽room absorption||房间吸声量room air conditioner||房间空气调节器rotameter||转子流量计rotary dehumidifier||转轮除湿机rotary heat exchanger||转轮式换热器rotary supply outlet||旋转送风口rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes||旋转送风口roughness factor||相对粗糙度rubber shock absorber||橡胶隔振器running means||滑动平均Ssafety valve||安全阀samling hole||测孔sampling port||测孔saturated steam||饱和蒸汽saturation humidity ratio||饱和含湿量screw compressor||螺杆式压缩机screwnipple||丝对screwed plug||丝堵scondary refrigerant||载冷剂secondary return air||二次回风selective control system||选择控制系统selector||选择器self-contained cooling unit||冷风机组self learning system||自学习系统sensible cooling||等湿冷却sensible heat||显热sensible heating||等湿加热sensing element||敏感元件sensor||传感器sequence control||程序控制set point||给定值settling chamber||沉降室setting velocity||沉降速度shading coefficient||遮阳系数shell and coil condenser||壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser ||壳管式冷凝器shell and tube evaporator||壳管式蒸发器sholder nipple||长丝shutter||百叶窗sidehood||侧吸罩sidewall air supply||侧面送风sieve-plate column||筛板塔single duct air conditioning system||单风管空气调节系统。
第八章空调与制冷8.1 空调空调是一个可以同时进行多种处理的组合过程。
HV AC&R是供热(Heating)、通风(Ventilating)、空调(Air Conditioning)和制冷(Refrigerating)的缩写。
由于所有这些单个过程的发展要要比其完整概念的“空调”要早,所以业内也普遍使用HV AC&R这个词。
8.1.1 空调系统的分类根据其结构与运行特性,空调系统可分类如下:(1)独立型房间空调系统独立型房间空调系统或简单的独立空调系统采用一个单独、完全的房间空调器、一个整体式末端、一个独立的室内-室外分体机或一个热泵装置。
建筑声学名词解释混响时间Reverberation time(简称“T60”):室内声音达到稳定状态,平均声能密度自原始值衰变到其百万分之一所需要的时间(或声能密度衰减60dB所需要的时间)。
颤动回声fiutter echo:同一声源原始脉冲声引起的一连串紧跟着的反射脉冲声。
吸声系数sound absorption coefficient:在给定频率和条件下,被分界面(表面)或媒质吸收的声功率,加上经过分界面(墙或间壁等)透射的声功率所得的总和,与入射声功率之比。
噪声控制noise control:将噪声控制在容许范围内,以获得适宜的声学环境的技术。
噪声控制标准criteria for noise control:在不同情况下容许的最高噪声级的标准。
低频噪声low-frequency noise:主要噪声成分的频率低于500Hz的噪声。
中频噪声mid-frequency noise:主要噪声成分的频率为500~1000Hz的噪声。
高频噪声high-frequency noise:主要噪声成分的频率高于1000Hz的噪声。
空气动力噪声aerodynamic noise:高速气流、不稳定气流以及由于气流与物体相互作用产生的噪声。
再生噪声regenerative noise:气流通过消声器及其以后的风管、构件时,由于冲击振动和涡流而产生的噪声。
吸声sound absorption:特指在房间内表面装贴吸声材料或在空间悬挂吸声体,以降低房间噪声的措施。
噪声自然衰减量natural attenuation quantity of noise:通风和空气调节系统的噪声在传播过程中,由于气流同管壁的摩擦,部分声能转化为热能,以及管道截面变化和构造不同,部分声能反射回声源处,从而使噪声有所衰减的量。
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Observation of room-temperature ferroelectricity in tetragonal strontium titanate thin films on SrTiO3 (001) substratesY. S. Kim, D. J. Kim, T. H. Kim, T. W. Noh, J. S. Choi et al.Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 042908 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2764437View online: /10.1063/1.2764437View Table of Contents: /resource/1/APPLAB/v91/i4Published by the American Institute of Physics.Related ArticlesFeCr2O4 and CoCr2O4 spinels: Multiferroicity in the collinear magnetic state?Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 172903 (2011)Effect of bottom electrodes on nanoscale switching characteristics and piezoelectric response in polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin filmsJ. Appl. Phys. 110, 084102 (2011)Nanoscale phase separation in quasi-uniaxial and biaxial strained multiferroic thin filmsAppl. Phys. Lett. 99, 132905 (2011)Experimental evidence of ferroelectric negative capacitance in nanoscale heterostructuresAppl. Phys. Lett. 99, 113501 (2011)Piezoresponse force microscopy observation of domain switching in Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 thin film prepared by pulsed laser depositionJ. Appl. Phys. 110, 054105 (2011)Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett.Journal Homepage: /Journal Information: /about/about_the_journalTop downloads: /features/most_downloadedInformation for Authors: /authorsObservation of room-temperature ferroelectricity in tetragonal strontium titanate thin films on SrTiO 3…001…substratesY .S.Kim,D.J.Kim,T.H.Kim,and T.W.Noh a ͒ReCOE and FPRD,Department of Physics and Astronomy,Seoul National University,Seoul 151-747,KoreaJ.S.Choi and B.H.ParkDepartment of Physics,Konkuk University,Seoul 143-701,KoreaJ.-G.YoonDepartment of Physics,University of Suwon,Kyunggi-do 445-743,Korea͑Received 2May 2007;accepted 3July 2007;published online 26July 2007͒The authors investigated the ferroelectric properties of strontium titanate ͑STO ͒thin films deposited on SrTiO 3͑001͒substrates with SrRuO 3electrodes.The STO layer was grown coherently on the SrTiO 3substrate without in-plane lattice relaxation,but its out-of-plane lattice constant increased with a decrease in the oxygen pressure during ing piezoresponse force microscopy and P -V measurements,the authors showed that the tetragonal STO films possess room-temperature ferroelectricity.The authors discuss the possible origins of the observed ferroelectricity.©2007American Institute of Physics .͓DOI:10.1063/1.2764437͔SrTiO 3is a well-known incipient ferroelectric ͑FE ͒ma-terial.At low temperature,it has a very large dielectric con-stant but remains in a paraelectric state.1Its FE stability seems to be hampered by competing interactions,such as quantum fluctuation and antiferrodistortion.2,3Such a deli-cate balance can be easily upset by external parameters.For example,other studies have reported ferroelectricity in SrTiO 3due to doping with other cations,4substituting oxy-gen isotopes,5applying electric fields,6or using strain engi-neering techniques.7–10In this letter,we report the observation of room-temperature ferroelectricity in tetragonal strontium titanate ͑STO ͒thin films.We grew STO thin films coherently on SrTiO 3͑001͒substrates between SrRuO 3͑SRO ͒top and bot-tom electrodes.We discovered that our STO films,grown at a lower oxygen partial pressure ͑P O 2͒,have larger out-of-lattice constants and show ferroelectric behavior at room temperature.We discuss the roles of strain and defects on the observed ferroelectricity in the STO films.To fabricate SRO/STO/SRO heterostructures on SrTiO 3͑001͒substrate,we used pulsed laser deposition ͑PLD ͒with in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction ͑RHEED ͒.11We used a KrF excimer laser with repetition rate of 1Hz and fluence of ϳ2J/cm 2.We deposited the bottom SRO,STO,and top SRO layers sequentially at 600°C with-out breaking the vacuum.Before deposition,we prepared TiO 2-terminated SrTiO 3substrates.10Then,we deposited an ϳ15-nm-thick SRO bottom electrode layer using a polycrys-talline SrRuO 3target at P O 2of 2ϫ10−2Torr.Next,we grew the STO layer using a SrTiO 3single crystal target at various P O 2,ranging from 2ϫ10−4to 2ϫ10−2Torr.We monitored the layer-by-layer growth mode carefully and obtained an ϳ100-nm-thick STO layer by counting RHEED intensity oscillations.After depositing an ϳ15-nm-thick SRO top electrode,we lowered the temperature to room temperature while keeping P O 2constant.We found that all of the layers,especially the STO layer,were grown coherently on SrTiO 3͑001͒substrate.To in-vestigate the crystal structure and lattice constants of the STO thin films,we measured x-ray reciprocal space maps ͑X-RSMs ͒around the asymmetric ͑1¯03͒Bragg reflections.For the X-RSM measurements,we used a Bruker AXS D8advanced x-ray diffractometer with a Vactec-1detector.We plotted X-RSM in reciprocal lattice unit ͑r.l.u.͒,which is calculated from measured angular scans ͑1r.l.u.=2/3.905Å−1͒.Figures 1͑a ͒and 1͑b ͒show the X-RSM ofa ͒Electronic mail:twnoh@phya.snu.ac.krFIG.1.͑Color online ͒X-ray reciprocal space mapping around the asym-metric ͑1¯03͒Bragg reflection of SrRuO 3/STO/SrRuO 3heterostructure grown with oxygen partial pressure ͑a ͒͑P O 2͒=10mTorr and ͑b ͒P O 2=0.2mTorr.͑c ͒The P O 2dependences of in-plane and out-of-plane lat-tice constants of STO thin films are shown as solid red squares and solid red triangles,respectively.The tetragonality of STO thin films as a function of the P O 2is shown as solid blue circles.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 91,042908͑2007͒0003-6951/2007/91͑4͒/042908/3/$23.00©2007American Institute of Physics91,042908-1the SRO/STO/SRO heterostructures grown with P O2=10and 0.2mTorr,respectively.These maps show clear͑1¯03͒Bragg peaks of the SrTiO3substrate,SRO,and STO layers in the H0L scattering plane.All of these peaks are on the same H-value line,indicating that the SRO and STO layers could be grown coherently on the SrTiO3substrates without lattice relaxation.The crystal structure of the STO layer has a systematicdependence on P O2.Note that the difference in the L valuesof the STO layer peaks in Figs.1͑a͒and1͑b͒from that of the SrTiO3substrate indicates that our STO layers have tetrago-nal symmetry,not cubic symmetry.The X-RSM also shows that the L value becomes smaller for thefilms grown at asmaller P O2.The solid red squares and triangles in Fig.1͑c͒show the measured values of the in-plane͑a-axis͒and the out-of-plane͑c-axis͒lattice constants,respectively.The a-axis lattice constant remains the same,independent of P O2 due to the clamping effect of the substrate,while the c-axislattice constant increases systematically as P O2decreases.The increase in the c-axis lattice constant is related to the expansion of the unit cell volume,which could be attributed to the formation of defects inside the STO layer.We define the tetragonality as͑c/a͒-1,where a and c are the a-and c-axis lattice constants,respectively.In displacive ferroelectrics,such as BaTiO3,ferroelectricity comes from the displacement of transition metal ions;therefore,large tetragonality is a prerequisite for ferroelectricity.10,12As shown in Fig.1͑c͒,the tetragonality of ourfilms͑the solidblue circles͒increases as P O2decreases.The tetragonalitybecomes even larger than that of FE BaTiO3,shown by thedashed line,especially for our STOfilms deposited at P O2ofless than10−3Torr.To check whether our STOfilms could be FE,we per-formed piezoresponse force microscopy͑PFM͒tests.These included room-temperature PFM tests using a Park Systems XE-100atomic force microscope͑AFM͒and temperature-dependent piezoresponse studies using another AFM,a Seiko Instruments SPA-300HV.Figure2͑a͒shows a schematic dia-gram of our PFM study setup.First,we scanned a3ϫ3m2square region with a dc bias of+10.5V.Then,we scanned a center1ϫ1m2square region with a reversed dcbias of−10.5V.Finally,we obtained PFM images by apply-ing an ac bias to the tip.Figures2͑b͒and2͑c͒show the room-temperature phase and amplitude images of the piezo-electric domains on a STO layer that was grown at P O2of0.2mTorr.Thesefigures indicate that the read/write and re-versible piezoelectric domains can be formed.Figure2͑d͒shows the temperature dependence of the maximum piezo-electric coefficient,2d33max.Thisfigure indicates that 2d33max has nearly temperature-independent values in the range of17–25pm/V.In the configuration of Fig.2͑a͒,surface charges trapped on the free dielectric surface might result in spurious signals.13To remove any systematic errors,we performed another PFM test using our SRO/STO/SRO heterostructures, which are shown schematically in Fig.3͑a͒.In this configu-ration,the STO layer was covered with a conducting SRO top electrode,so we could avoid the surface charge trapping effects and apply a uniform electricfield to the STO layer.In addition,we applied the dc and ac biases using a separate electrical connection and measured only the piezoresponse using the PFM tip.We found that this experimental setup reduced the noise significantly and provided fairly good d33-V hysteresis loops.Figure3͑b͒shows a room-temperature d33-V hysteresis loop for the STO layer,depos-ited at P O2of0.2mTorr.The observed2d33max value is ϳ27pm/V.The observations of piezoelectric domains and hysteresis loops suggested that the occurrence of ferroelec-tricity at room temperature in our tetragonal STO thinfilms is genuine.Further experimental evidence for ferroelectricity came from electrical measurements.To measure the P-V hysteresis loops,we used a Sawyer-Tower circuit,which consisted of a Yokogawa FG300function generator and a DL7100digital oscilloscope,and applied triangular waves of200kHz to the SRO/STO/SRO capacitors.Figures4͑a͒and4͑b͒show the P-V loops,measured on50ϫ50m2square capacitors,for thefilms grown at P O2of1.0and0.2mTorr,respectively. These P-V loops show typical FE responses.Figure4͑c͒illustrates the temperature-dependent remnant polarization ͑P r*͒values of our STO thinfilms.As the temperature de-creases,the value of2P r*increases.At10K,the2P r*value of the STOfilm grown at P O2of 1.0mTorr becomes ϳ6C/cm2.Note that this2P r*value is larger thanthe FIG.2.͑Color online͒͑a͒Schematic diagram of the PFM setup.͑b͒Phase and͑c͒amplitude of the piezoelectric domain after application of+10.5and −10.5V bias to the3ϫ3and1ϫ1m2areas,respectively.The PFM image was obtained at room temperature for the STOfilm grown at P O2=0.2mTorr.͑d͒Temperature dependence of the maximum piezoelectric coefficient,2d33max of the STOfilm͓2d33max=d33͑+͒+d33͑−͔͒.FIG.3.͑Color online͒͑a͒Schematic diagram of another PFM setup.In this setup,uniform dc and ac biases can be applied on the SRO top electrode with a separate electrical circuit.The PFM tip only reads mechanical piezo-electric response.͑b͒Room-temperature d33-V hysteresis loop for the STO films grown at P O2=0.2mTorr.reported 2P r *values of Ca x Sr 1−x TiO 3͑ϳ0.55C/cm 2at 4.3K ͒͑Ref.4͒and isotope-exchanged SrTiO 3͑ϳ0.6C/cm 2at 18K ͒.5The piezoelectric coefficient can be expressed as d 33=2Q 33P S ,where Q is the electrostric-tion coefficient and 33is the dielectric constant along the caxis.Note that the temperature dependence of 2P r*in Fig.4͑c ͒is similar to that of 2d 33max in Fig.2͑d ͒.At present,we are unable to determine the origins of the room-temperature ferroelectricity in our STO films.The strain coming from the coherent growth,shown in Fig.1,is one possible candidate.To check this possibility,we esti-mated the misfit strains of STO films grown at P O 2of 1.0and 0.2mTorr to be ϳ−3.7and −4.3ϫ10−3,respectively.Ac-cording to a thermodynamic calculation for stoichiometric SrTiO 3,7the misfit strains of our STO films are not large enough to raise their Curie temperatures to room tempera-ture.Moreover,we fabricated an ϳ30-nm-thick STO film in addition to the 100-nm-thick films used in our studies.X-ray studies showed that the thinner film has nearly the same a -and c -axes lattice constants.If the room-temperature ferroelectricity comes from the strain effects only,the thinnerfilm should have the same 2P r*values.However,as shown in Fig.4͑d ͒,its 2P r *values are smaller than those of the 100-nm-thick films by a factor of 2–3.Therefore,the strain effect alone could not be the main origin of the ferroelectricity.Other candidates for the room-temperature ferroelectric-ity are defects inside the STO films.In our STO films,we expect the formation of defects during deposition under lower P O 2.It has been reported that oxygen vacancies could increase the unit cell volume,consistent with our observations.14However,our films showed unit cell volume expansion up to 1.3%,much greater than that of SrTiO 3−␦,which is typically less than 0.3%.14In addition,other studies have reported that oxygen vacancies can induce electron doping,which makes SrTiO 3−␦metallic.14,15Our STO filmgrown at P O 2of 0.2mTorr had a resistivity of ϳ106⍀cm,which is much greater than that of metallic SrTiO 3−␦.An-other kind of defect comprises SrO vacancies.This possibil-ity is supported theoretically by formation energy calcula-tions;the energy of a SrO vacancy in SrTiO 3is only 1.53eV,which is smaller than those of other defects.16Re-cent PLD studies of STO thin films by Ohnishi et al.support the formation of SrO vacancies.17We also have optical spec-troscopy data and first-principles calculation results that are consistent with this view.18If the SrO vacancies can be formed with similar probability to oxygen vacancies,the doping effect will be minimal due to the neutral charge of the SrO vacancies leaving the STO films as insulators.Under the strain developed in our SRO/STO/SRO geometry,the SrO vacancies might be aligned and could provide defect dipoles in a given direction.19Further investigations on the forma-tion of SrO vacancies and their roles in ferroelectricity are warranted.In summary,we grew epitaxial STO thin films on SrTiO 3͑001͒substrates with SrRuO 3top and bottom elec-trodes under low oxygen pressures.The resulting tetragonal STO thin films showed ferroelectric responses even at room temperature.This interesting experimental finding is very easy to implement when making ferroelectric STO films and could have significant practical implications.The authors thank Y .J.Chang,J.Y .Jo,S.S.A.Seo,and S.H.Chang for their valuable discussions.This work was supported financially by the Creative Research Initiatives ͑Functionally Integrated Oxide Heterostructure ͒of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation ͑KOSEF ͒.1K.A.Muller and H.Burkard,Phys.Rev.B 19,3593͑1979͒.2H.Unoki and T.Sakudo,J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.23,546͑1967͒.3W.Zhong and D.Vanderbilt,Phys.Rev.Lett.74,2587͑1995͒.4T.Mitsui and W.B.Westphal,Phys.Rev.124,1354͑1961͒.5M.Itoh,R.Wang,Y .Inaguma,T.Yamaguchi,Y .J.Shan,and T.Nakamura,Phys.Rev.Lett.82,3540͑1999͒.6P.A.Fleury and 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