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Be+不定式结构: 1. 打算做某事或计划好要做的事(be going to) I am to play Juliet. The President is to make a statement tomorrow. 不定式可用完成形式,表示“本来打算” She was to have got married last month. I was to have seen him yesterday, but he didn’t come. 2.该做某事(should, must, ought to, have to 等) Suppose he comes here, what am I to tell him? You are not to smoke in the room.

Will的用法 1. 用于将来时态 I will give you a definite answer tomorrow. We will never again be separated. It looks as if he won’t be in time for the train. 2. 用于疑问句表示请求 Will you tell her that I’m Mrs Pater? Will you have a little soup? Will you please sit down, everybody? Won’t you take off your overcoat? 3. 愿意,肯 I will have nothing to do with this matter. She won’t so much as look at David. Go where you will.

Have作及物动词的用法: 1. 表示所有关系 The house has five rooms. Bad new has wings. She has blue eyes. He has a good temper. 2. 表示“吃、喝、患(病)”等 They are having fish for supper. Then have some coffee. Will you have a cigarette? Do you often have colds? My sister has just had a child. I never had any education.

Would的用法 作助动词时: 1. 用来构成过去将来时态 He knew he would be late. I said I’d be glad to see him. 2. 用来婉转地提出请求、问题、看法等 Would you help us, please? Let’s fix a day. Would Saturday night suit you? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your going.

Have的用法 Have作助动词时: 完成时态和完成进行时态 I’ve seen this film before. They had already told me the news. She’ll have arrived in Shenzhen by 6 o’clock. What has she been doing since? I was afraid he would have gone to be by then.

4. 决心,承诺 I won’t have anything said against her. I won’t give her a divorce. I won’t do it any more, I promise you. 5. 习惯,倾向 She will sit there for hours, waiting for her son to come home. Boys will be boys. These things will happen. 6. 命令,叮嘱 You will not go out today: you’ll stay in and work. No one will leave the examination room before 12 o’clock. 7. 表示猜测 The man with the umbrella will be the Prime Minister. That will be the postman at the door.

3. 和许多名词连用表示动作 Have a long walk have a look at Have a wash have a drink Have a rest have a read Have a fight have an accident Have a dream have a discussion Have a try have a success

3. 能做某事(can,may) How am I to pay such a debt? Not a sound was to be heard. 4. 将来必然要发生的事 The worst is still to come. They said goodbye, little knowing they were never to meet again.

Be的用法 作助动词时: 1. 各种进行时态 I’m seeing a friend off. What were you doing when I called? Come on time. We’ll be expecting you. What have you been doing all these years? 2.各种被动语态 Smoking is not allowed in this building. I’m being shown round the city. The trip has been cancelled. She was afraid of being seen by her fater.
3. 用于虚拟条件句 If we were men, we would be doing something now. He would be delighted if you went to see him. If I had seen the advertisement, I would have applied for the job. 4. (用于过去情况)表示“愿意、肯、会”等 (相当于will的过去时) She would not go to the dentist even thought she was in pain. He would never enter this hateful house again. They had to do that whether they would or not.

Do作不及物动词时: 1. 表示工作、学习、生活等方面的情况 How do you do! He’s doing well at school. He did poorly in the examination. Everything in the garden is doing well. 2. 表示“行、够了、合适、可以”等 I’ve got some muslin here, will it do? Will $5 do? That jacket won’t do for skiing. This hotel won’t do. That piece of material would do to make a dress for you.

Do的用法 用作助动词时: 1. 构成疑问句或否定句 Does he work here? I don’t care what she thinks. 2. 加在动词前表示强调 I did see her at the party. I do hope you’ll come to China again. 3. 用来表示刚提到过的动作,以避免重复 Tom talks too much. ------ Yes, he does. He lives here but I don’t. He didn’t see you, did he? Do you smoke?----- No, I don’t.
作其他类动词时: 1. 用作系动词 He is a teacher. He has been in Beijing for five years. She wasn’t in when I called. 2. 作不及物动词(表示发生某事或存在某种 情况) The party will be in a week. When is the wedding to be? What will be, will be. I’m sorry, sir, the meeting’s already been.
Vocabulary and Writing
The 9th Lesson
助动词 Be Have Do Will Would Shall Should 情态动词 can could may might must ought 半情态动词 need dare be able to have to had better had best

用作及物动词时: 1. 和一个名词连用,表示 “做某事” Has he done his homework? They want to do business with us. I’m doing some research on the subject. 2. 和动名词连用 He does some writing in his spare time. She did lots of acting when she was at university. I did some reading before I went to bed. 3. 和一些表示物件的名词连用,表示“梳、刷”等 Can you do the rooms now? When is he coming to do the windows? Have you done your teeth? We did two concerts last week.
5. 过去的习惯性动作或倾向 When he was young he would often walk in these woods. When my parents were away, my grandmother would look after me. 6. 表示猜测 I’d say she’s about 40. I would imagine the journey will take about an hour. The person you mentioned would be her father. 7. 用在一些固定结构中 Where would you like to sit? I’d hate to leave you. I’d love a coffee. I’d prefer to go by plane. I’d rather have the blue one. I’d sooner go home.