木偶戏2之无罪灵魂[PuppetShow:Souls of the Innocent Collector's Edition]图文攻略














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• 又名: 妙不可言 / 熟食店
• 一个虚构的年代背景,经济萧条,人人自 危,甚至要以人肉为食物赖以生存。 • 一幢破败的房子里住在屠夫一家。他们亦 靠屠宰人肉为食。诡秘荒诞的色调下,屠 夫挥舞着明晃晃的刀宰杀人肉。而这幢楼, 还住着各式充满诡异色彩的人物:吃蜗牛 的住客、对自杀非常迷恋的女人,爱切罐 头的男子……
• 导演: 马克·卡罗 / 让-皮埃尔·热内
• 编剧: Gilles Adrien / 马克·卡罗 • 主演: 多米尼克·皮诺 / Marie-Laure Dougnac / 让-克劳德·德鲁菲斯 /
• 类型: 喜剧 / 奇幻 • 制片国家/地区: 法国
• 语言: 法语
• 上映日期: 1991-04-17 • 片长: 99 分钟
• 他们说过,如果没有外来的食物补给,那 么自己人的肉也不会放过,小丑路易(多 米尼克•皮诺饰)前来打工,闯入了这个荒 唐的世界,成为大家眼里的盘中餐。 • 然而,屠夫的女儿(玛希罗蒂杜娜饰)却 爱上了他,并设法帮助他逃过大劫,这片 世界开始陷入了混乱和崩溃之中。































































注:颜色意义:完全汉化大部分汉化完成,基本能打通游戏部分汉化07th-Expansion《海猫鸣泣之时》EP1~6BY 六轩岛调查队…………………………100%《寒蝉鸣泣之时》解谜篇四篇完整版汉化补丁V2 BY 台湾同好&寒冰汉化社……100%《寒蝉鸣泣之时礼》繁简汉化版BY 寒冰汉化社…………………………100%13CM《猫猫病院》白色情人节汉化补丁BY KDAYS ……………………31.25%130CM《她们的流仪(彼女たちの流仪)》双线补丁BY 小真?爱舞………………50%Active Soft《DISCIPLINE》BY神猫在线&蓝猫组共同汉化.............................................100%Alco Entertainment《情归故里》BY新天地互动多媒体.......................................................100%ALCOT《Triptych》中文补丁Ver 0.1测试版Akabeesoft2《车轮の国、向日葵の少女》汉化版v1.1...........................................100%《G线上の魔王》汉化版 v1.0 BY G弦上的魔王汉化委员..........100% 《车轮之国悠久之少年少女》v0.5汉化补丁BY 固有结界汉化组.......50%AUGUST《东月西阳》保奈美单线简体中文测试版V1.02 BY 时痕汉化组(工程停止)…………20%《更胜黎明前的琉璃色》简体中文完整版Ver1.1.1 BY 月桂琉璃汉化组…………100%《更胜黎明前的琉璃色Moonlight Cradle》1.0公测汉化补丁正式版BY …100%AXL《恋爱少女与守护之盾》简体中文体验版 Ver0.1 BY 言叶党汉化组&指尖奶茶应援会BAROQUE《魔法少年》繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优…………100%BaseSon《恋姬无双》简中汉化5.1版 BY风之回忆工作室...........................??《真恋姫无双》汉化补丁0.1怨念版BY WAR3ANDC.S…………………………??BROCCOLI《银河天使队月夜情人》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《银河天使队永恒情人》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《魔法少女未知的天空艾塔提亚》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《DI GI Charat Fantasy~仲夏夜之梦~》繁体中文版BY 台湾TGL&仲夏夜之梦…100%BROCCOLI&CIRCUS&GAMECRAB《真实之泪》简体中文版 BY 北京YLT…………100%繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%C's ware《夜行侦探~零》BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%《夜行侦探~迷失者》 BY 新天地互动多媒体..............................................100%《美人鱼的季节》BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%CARAMEL-BOX《少女爱上姐姐》简体中文汉化版V2.0 BY 瑞穗姐姐推广协会WLGO…………100%CIRCUS《D.C.P.C》Ver14.1简体中文完全版BY 月樱华想汉化组&妹乃萌汉化组…………100%《D.C.II ~featuring Yun!~》简繁双语中文版V1.0 BY 小熊工作室&PIOVA汉化组………100%《舞-HiME 命运的系统树修罗》简体中文测试版V0.9 BY 3DM 日文游戏工作组&51HiME修罗汉化组………99%《D.C.Ⅱ地方巡演先行版「春风无敌大作战」》简体中文完整版V1.10 BY 3DM日文游戏工作组& 绯月雪桜汉化组…………100%《D.C.II~ダ?カーポII~》 V9.9汉化补丁最终公测版 BY蘑菇汉化组…………100%《C.D.C.D.2》14(单线)汉化版BY 夏之空汉化协会………………………………30%《D.C.II Spring Celebration》测试补丁0.5 BY 蘑菇汉化组...........................60%《D.C.II To You》中文化简繁完全补丁BY 神樱中文化翻译社………………100%CIRCUS&PrincessSoft《SAKURA ~雪月华~》双线汉化版BY CK-GAL中文化协会…………70%CROSSENT《AYAKASHI -魂兽-》汉化版BY CK-GAL(废坑确定)…………30%CUBE《夏ノ雨》汉化测试补丁v0.01………………………………………………1%CUBETYPE《凉宫春日的逆转1》 BY L.S.汉化组………………100%Cyc-soft《花历》 BY 天人互动............................................................100%D.O.《加奈…おかえり》v0.01b .......................................1%elf《臭作》序章汉化版(工程停止)……………………………………………………10%《下级生》中文化Ver 1.0 正式版…………………………………………100%《同级生2》中音汉化版BY 欢乐盒………………………………………………100%《同级生2 Win版》……………………………………………………100%《媚肉之香》汉化测试补丁……………………40%EMU《为你点亮的明灯》汉化测试版.............................5%etude《そして明日の世界より》完整汉化补丁BY pro2汉化组...........100%Family Soft《初恋之白色情人节》 BY 智冠...........................................100%FAVORITE《星空のメモリア -Wish upon a shooting star-》 1.0版测试补丁 BY CK-GAL中文化小组....100%《星空のメモリア Eternal Heart》汉化测试补丁 BY CK-GAL中文化小组....1%Feng《染成茜色的坂道》v0.5汉化补丁BY KDays............................................50%FlyingShine《Cross +Channal》体验版 BY 桃华月惮众.........................................100%GAINAX《美少女梦工厂》全系列1~5 简&繁中文版BY 台湾精讯资讯&北京娱乐通&台湾光谱资讯…………100%《新世纪福音战士:绫波育成计划》BY 新天地互动多媒体..................100%GAMANIA《心动情缘》简体中文版BY 天人互动………………………………100%Gene X《梦幻奇缘》 BY大宇...............................................................100%《梦幻奇缘2》 BY光谱.............................................................100%《恋爱物语》 BY Takara ...........................................................100%《恋爱物语~魔法学院》...........................................................100%《恋爱物语 2》...........................................................................100%GIGA《女仆咖啡帕露菲》简体中文完整版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%《青空下的约定》简体中文测试版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%《フォセット - 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读客悬疑文库编号001[日]松本清张《一个背叛日本的日本人》002[日]松本清张《富士山禁恋》003[日]松本清张《苍白的轨迹》004[日]松本清张《十万分之一的偶然》005[日]松本清张《死亡螺旋》006[日]松本清张《隐花平原》007[日]松本清张《时间的习俗》008[日]松本清张《交错的场景》009[日]松本清张《D之复合》010[日]松本清张《死之枝》026[美]丹?西蒙斯《海伯利安》027[美]丹?西蒙斯《海伯利安的陨落》028[美]丹?西蒙斯《安迪密恩》029[美]丹?西蒙斯《安迪密恩的觉醒》034[英]阿瑟?克拉克《最后一个地球人》035[英]阿瑟?克拉克《神的九十亿个名字》036[英]阿瑟?克拉克《遥远地球之歌》037[英]阿瑟?克拉克《地光》038[美]约翰?斯卡尔齐《来自12个星球的敌人》039[美]约翰?斯卡尔齐《幽灵舰队》040[美]约翰?斯卡尔齐《毛毛星球》054[英]肯?福莱特《风暴岛》055[英]肯?福莱特《寒鸦行动》056[英]肯?福莱特《银行家的情人》057[英]肯?福莱特《大黄蜂奇航》058[英]肯?福莱特《鹰翼行动》070[日]小野不由美《黑祠之岛》071[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:豺狼的日子》072[英]弗?福赛斯《间谋课:复仇者》073[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:上帝的拳头》074[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:阿富汗人》075[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:万无一失的杀手》076[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:最精妙的骗局》077[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:黑色宣言》078[美]詹姆斯?米切纳《流浪者史诗》079[美]詹姆斯?米切纳《夏威夷史诗》082[美]马里奥?普佐《教父》083[美]马里奥?普佐《教父2:西西里人》084[美]马里奥?普佐《教父3:最后的教父》085[美]马里奥?普佐《教子》086[美]马里奥?普佐《黑暗竞技场》087[美]马里奥?普佐《笨蛋没活路》106[日]宫尾登美子《一弦琴》107[美]威廉?吉布森《神经漫游者》108[美]威廉?吉布森《零伯爵》117[美]杰克?希金斯《德国式英雄》118[美]杰克?希金斯《无路可退的战士》119[美]科林?胡佛《因为深爱,所以放手》120[美]科林?胡佛《真爱没有尽头》124[美]罗杰?泽拉兹尼《光明王》125[美]罗杰?泽拉兹尼《光与暗的生灵》137[美]加布瑞埃拉?泽文《岛上书店》138[英]弗?福赛斯《间谍课:暗杀名单》153[英]P.D.詹姆斯《一份不适合女人的工作》159[日]小野不由美《奇谈百景》160[日]小野不由美《残秽》161[日]绫过行人《杀人鬼:觉醒篇》162[日]绫过行人《杀人鬼:逆袭篇》163[日]绣计行人《怪胎》164 [美]艾萨克●阿西莫夫《机器人短篇全集》165 [美]艾萨克●阿西莫夫《永恒的终结》166 [美]艾萨克●阿西莫夫《神们自己》167 [日]高野和明《人类灭绝》168 [日]宫部美雪《所罗门的伪证》169 [旧]朱川湊人《花花饭》170 [日]朱川湊人《都市传说》171 [日]朱川湊人《明日绽放的花蕾》172 [日]朱川湊人《挽歌》173 [日]朱川湊人《一-遍老爷》174 [日]朱川湊人《猫的国度》175 [日]西泽保彦《异邦人》176 [日]西泽保彦《动机之后,只剩沉默》183 [美]尼古拉斯●斯帕克思《分手信》184 [美]尼古拉斯●斯帕克思《罗丹岛之恋》197 [美]约翰●斯卡尔齐《星际迷航:红衫》201 [美]詹森●莫特《亡者归来》。









收好沙袋后,我们又看见沙袋下面的spider pupper's badge。


我们要把刚刚收好的spider puppet's badge给他。



= =!我们查看机器人的背部。







































目录第1話「異界化」2第2話「怪異」6第3話「神様のいうとおり13第4話「BLAZE -焰の追憶-」20第5話「迷霧の果てに」29幕間夏の前日39第6話「翼、翻るとき第」41第7話「虚空震」52最終話そして、夜は明ける63尾声想い、紡がれた明日へ82二周目追加迷宫87第1話「異界化」开场后控制主角時坂洸,前往异界最深处剧情,回到日常。


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SP:在在广场上面上方的宝くじ売り場就是传统的抽奖的地方,你可以下注之后在下一话就会获得抽奖结果、因为每话都会有而且本钱不需要太多(?)所以建议可以买来玩玩?*购买到书后要选择阅读,比如这次买了「杜宮ジャーナル・第1号」,阅读之后会提升「智」⇒红砖小路收集完同伴信息后如果是挑战高难度,可以去买点装备强化自己后,再进行剧情⇒进入「ルクルト」打工,剧情后获得3000元打工费,进入异界,先熟悉一下战斗基本操作,明日香(明日香)成为同伴(后宫)⇒正式进入异界迷宫——忘却の遺跡忘却の遺跡(基准时间:5:00)宝箱A:キュアポーシュンI X5 B:リザレクシュンX3 C:フラワーチュニック战斗笔记ゴブリン、ヒートブルーム、キャノンビーク、オーク、ハイオーク(S グリード(gurido?))、メネスオーガ(BOSS)因为第一次迷宫没什么难点,笔者在这里就来介绍下游戏里较为重要的一部分——异界迷宫和战斗日语好的可以选择跳过或者帮笔者纠错(笔者渣日语)一些简单的战斗操作和属性相克大家看游戏内说明大概就会了解到在这里不会多做赘述,随着不断的推进游戏会开启更多的战斗系统,本次迷宫进行到一点程度就会开启角色们的射击技能游戏内通过特定条件/手段击破敌人会获得(キル)基尔奖励,而通过弱点击破敌人以敌人最大HP一半以上、同时击破复数对人、利用空中攻击、刚击、技能击破敌人就会获得而外的ジェム(暂时笔者就叫做它叫宝石吧,你们只要知道是个单位就可以了)关卡中存在(S グリード)击破后会有ギフトキューブ(礼物立方块)出现,破坏后会获得素材啊之类的奖励最后就是游戏中迷宫破关后的战后评价,这是会关于洸的属性和奖杯的一部分、S 评价获得是迷宫评分2000PT以上,就会+4pt的「勇」值,说到S评价,获得S评价相关的要素有1 每关都存在基准时间,在基准时间内完成迷宫可以获得500PT,超过基准时间会按比例扣除获得PT(?),本迷宫的基准时间的是5min2 被伤害率,顾名思义就是受到伤害越少获得PT越多,最多也是500PT3 グリード击破率,就是小怪的击破率,最多500PT4 宝箱回收率,最多500PT5 特殊项1 无伤过关+200pt6 特殊项2 在基准时间80%内过关+200PT7 特殊项3 30/50%以上的小怪用有效属性击破按完成度加100/200PT8 特殊项4 破坏80/100%的箱子箱子,所以沿途不要忘记破坏箱子按完成度加100/200PT9 特殊项5 最大连击数100/200以上,按完成度加100/200PT来到最里层触发BOSS战关于BOSS战—— boss战不会有专门的评价,所以就算赢的再难看也是过关,不行也可以重新来过,目前来说应该是比较亲民的设定了⇒战后返回现实世界第一话「異界化」结束第2話「怪異」■4/27(昼)⇒杜宮学園⇒英语课上帮助遼太,选择「成为一场难忘的旅行」是正确答案,提高「智」值⇒放学后出教室触发剧情后进入自由时间,可以各处收集情报⇒来到武道场触发剧情后开启依赖系统,接受到两个委托,可以通过NiAR的【QUEST】来查看自己目前接受的委托◆支线任务:大切なお財布奖金:200宝石来到本校舍1F与和佳对话,选择「手伝ってあげる」帮她找钱包到本校舍屋上找到钱包,完成任务⇒离开学校,触发剧情后获得縁のカケラ×2(说白了就是和闪轨一样的行动点数,每◆主线任务:眠気覚ましを頂戴奖金:100宝石⇒駅前広場⇒在樱花药妆店与瑞原对话,可以在他这将手上在迷宫内获得的宝石换为金钱,在他这里换了钱(哪怕你不想换也要换来推动剧情)后,得到「お金の入った封筒」和「異界素材セット」⇒来到スターカメラ与茜对话,将「お金の入った封筒」给她,获得「フォースI」(回路!)⇒杜宮商店街⇒来到鍛冶金物《倶々楽屋》与真由对话,将「異界素材セット」给她,获得「焔ノ刃I」,剧情自动回到駅前広場的樱花药妆店,获得「激烈目覚まし飲料」让我们将这个交给红砖小路的的雪乃*与精肉店的花江对话获得「ずっしりミートコロッケ」⇒红砖小路⇒将「激烈目覚まし飲料」交给红砖小路古董店《勒考特》的雪乃,获得「とれたて卵」、「新鮮牛乳」×3,学会料理【ふわふわオムレツ】,并解放制作料理,可以在NiAR的【RECIPE】对料理进行确认和制作。



The Enchanting World of Minnan Puppetry Deep within the cultural heart of Fujian province, China, lies a hidden gem known as Minnan puppetry. This ancient art form, dating back over a thousand years, is a vibrant testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. With its intricate puppet designs, captivating performances, and profound storytelling, Minnan puppetry offers a unique window into the world of traditional Chinese theater.The art of Minnan puppetry is rooted in the belief that puppets, when animated by skilled artisans, can bring to life not just characters but also the spirit of the stories they narrate. The puppets, made from a variety of materials such as wood, paper, and cloth, are carefully crafted to reflect the fine details of costumes, facial expressions, and poses. Each puppet is a work of art, with intricate designs and vibrant colors that bring them to life on the stage.The puppeteers, known as "xie yi," are the masters of this craft. They操控着 puppets with remarkable dexterity, bringing them to life through a combination of handmovements, voice modulation, and emotional expression. The performances, often accompanied by traditional musical instruments, are a symphony of motion and sound,captivating the audience with their drama and emotion.The stories told through Minnan puppetry are diverse and often steeped in folklore and mythology. These narratives range from historical epics to fairy tales, offering a glimpse into the collective imagination of the Minnan people. Through these stories, the art form passes down cultural values, historical knowledge, and moral lessons to future generations.In addition to its entertainment value, Minnan puppetry serves as a powerful medium for cultural preservation and community cohesion. It is often performed during festivals, weddings, and other community events, bringing people together to share in the joy and wonder of this unique art form. By keeping these performances alive, the Minnan people ensure that their rich cultural heritage is not forgotten.In today's world, where technology and modern entertainment forms dominate, the survival of traditionalarts like Minnan puppetry is increasingly precarious. However, a renewed interest in traditional cultures and the efforts of dedicated artists and cultural organizations are keeping this remarkable art form alive. With their dedication and passion, they hope to ensure that the enchanting world of Minnan puppetry continues to captivate and inspire future generations.闽南木偶戏的迷人世界在中国福建省的文化心脏地带,隐藏着一块瑰宝,那就是闽南木偶戏。



阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克作品迷魂记把手给我Give me your hand!把手给我Give me your hand.我想你说过不痛了I thought you said no more aches or pains.不是该死的紧身衣很紧No, it's this darned corset. It binds.没有三维弹性? 真不时髦No three-way stretch? How very un-chic.那些警局的医生跟不上潮流You know those police department doctors. No sense of style.不管怎样明天就好了Well, anyway, tomorrow will be the day.为什么明天怎么了Why, what's tomorrow?明天? 明天就不用穿紧身衣了Tomorrow? The corset comes off tomorrow.明天我就能跟其他人一样自己挠痒痒了I'll be abie to scratch myself like anybody else tomorrow.我要把这可悲的东西从窗户扔出去I'll throw this miserable thing out the window.做个自...做个自♥由♥的人Be a free... I'll be a free man.米吉儿你想会有很多男人穿紧身衣吗Midge, do you suppose many men wear corsets?-比你想象得多 -真的?- Mmm. More than you think. - Really?这是根据你的个人经验还是...What, do you know that from personal experience or...拜托Please.以后怎么办What happens after tomorrow?什么意思What do you mean?一旦你不当警♥察♥了你打算做什么Well, what are you going to do once you've quit the police force? 你好像不太同意米吉儿You sound so disapproving, Midge.不那是你的生活No, it's your life.你曾是个聪明的年轻律师But you were the bright, young lawyer后来决定有一天会成为警♥察♥局长That decided he was going to be chief of police someday.我必须辞职I had to quit.为什么Why?因为我怕高我有恐高症Well, it's because of this fear of heights I have, this acrophobia.我晚上醒来看见那人从屋顶掉下来I wake up at night seeing that man fall from the roof,我想去救他...And I try to reach out to him, and... it's just...这不是你的错It wasn't your fault.我知道大家都这么说I know. That's what everybody tells me.约翰尼医生向你解释过了...Johnny, the doctors explained to you...我知道我知道I know, I know.我有恐高症让我晕眩让我头晕I have acrophobia, which gives me vertigo, and I get dizzy.天啊发现得真不是时候Boy! What a moment to find out I had it.只要得了这病就断不了根了Well, you've got it, and there's no losing it.没有人受到责备为什么要辞职And there's no one to blame. So why quit?你是说坐在书桌前抄抄写写?You mean, and sit behind a desk, chair-borne?你就该做这些Where you belong.那我的恐高症怎么办那...What about my acrophobia? What about...假设我坐在这张椅子上这是桌子Now suppose I'm sitting in this chair, behind the desk. Here's the desk.铅笔从桌上掉到地上了And a pencil falls from the desk down to the fioor,我弯身去捡铅笔瞧我的恐高症发作了And I reach down to pick up the pencil. Bingo! My acrophobia's back. 小约约Oh, Johnny-O.那你打算干什么Well, what'll you do?我暂时什么也不干Well, I'm not gonna do anything for a while.别忘了我可是个独♥立♥的男人You know, don't forget, I'm a man of independent means,正如俗话所说As the saying goes.相当独♥立♥Fairly independent.你为什么不离开一段时间Well, why don't you go away for a while?你是说去遗忘?You mean, to forget?不米吉儿别这么婆婆妈妈的Oh, no, Midge, don't be so motherly.我不会崩溃的I'm not gonna crack up.你这星期有眩晕过吗Have you had any dizzy spells this week?我现在就头晕着呢I'm having one right now.米吉儿这个音乐你不觉得有点儿...Midge, the music. Don't you think it's sort of...这是什么玩意儿What's this doohickey?胸罩啊你应该知道的你是大人了It's a brassiere. You know about those things. You're a big boy now. 我从没见过这样的I've never run across one like that.这是新款It's brand-new.革命性的改良没有肩带没有后带Revolutionary uplift. No shoulder straps, no back straps,但具有胸罩所有的功能But does everything a brassiere should do.就像悬臂桥一样Works on the principle of the cantilever bridge.是吗It does?半岛的一个飞机师设计的An aircraft engineer down the peninsula designed it.利用业余时间搞出来的He worked it out in his spare time.也是种爱好啊Kind of a hobby.一个DIY作品A do-it-yourself type of thing.你的爱情生活怎么样米吉儿How's your love life, Midge?按照一系列的想法发展That's following a train of thought.那么...Well...正常Normal.你从没结过婚吗Aren't you ever gonna get married?我只跟一个人结婚小约约You know there's only one man in the world for me, Johnny-O.你是说我我们订过婚对不对You mean me. We were engaged once, though, weren't we?订过3星期整Three whole weeks.美好的大学生活Good old college days.但是你取消了订婚记得吗But you were the one that called off the engagement, you remember? 我现在仍然单身待娶的费格森I'm still available. Availabie Ferguson.米吉儿Oh, Midge,你记得一个叫加文·埃尔斯特的同学吗Do you remember a fellow in college by the name of Gavin Elster?加文·埃尔斯特?Gavin Elster?是的有趣的名字Yes, funny name.你以为我记得我不记得了You think I would. No.我今天接到加文的电♥话♥I got a call from Gavin today.很有趣战时失去了联络It's funny, he sort of dropped out of sight during the war.有人说他去了东岸可能现在回来了Somebody said he went East. I guess he's back.是教会区的电♥话♥号♥码It's a Mission number.那个是贫民区是吧Well, that's skid row, isn't it?可能是Could be.他可能在流浪想不花钱喝杯酒He's probably on the bum, and wants to touch you for the price of a drink. 我也不怎么样Well, I'm on the bum.我请他喝两杯然后告诉他我的麻烦I'll buy him a coupie drinks and tell him my troubles.但今晚不行我们出去喝杯啤酒怎么样But not tonight. How about you and me going out for a beer?抱歉老兄我有工作Mmm-mmm. Sorry, old man. Work.那我还是回家吧Well, then, I think I'll go home.米吉儿你说的"断不了根"是什么意思Midge, what'd you mean, "There's no losing it"?什么What?恐高症The acrophobia.我问过医生I asked my doctor.他说只有再来一次惊吓He said that only another emotional shock才有可能治得好也可能没用Could do it and probably wouldn't.你不会真的想再去跳楼试试吧You're not gonna go diving off another rooftop to find out?-我想我能恢复 -怎么做- I think I can lick it. - Well, how?我有个理论I have a theory.我有个理论I have a theory.我想如果我习惯了高度一次一点点I think if I can get used to heights, just a littie bit at a time,就像这样循序渐进明白吗Just a littie, like that, progressively, you see?给你看看我的意思I'll show you what I mean.来给你看看我的意思Here. I'll show you what I mean.-我们从这个开始 -那个?- We'll start with this. - That?那你想我从什么开始金门大桥吗现在看着What do you want me to start with, the Golden Gate Bridge? Now, watch. 看着我们开始Watch this. Here we go.好好了There. There.现在我朝上看我朝下看Now, I look up, I look down.我朝上看I look up.-好了什么事都没有 -开玩笑- All right, there's nothing to it. - You're kidding.-等一下 -什么事都没有- Wait a minute. - There's nothing to it.给Here.好主意我用这个就放这里That's a girl. I'll use that. Put it right there.好的这是第一步All right, here's the first step.好There.好现在第二步Okay, now step number two.好的第二步来了All right. Step number two coming up.好了There we are.看到了吧我朝上看我朝下看我朝上看...See? I look up, I look down, I look up...我要给自己买♥♥个高梯子I'm going right out and buy myself a nice tall stepladder.现在先慢慢来Take it easy now.好我们开始All right, now here we go.没问题No problem.这很容易我朝上看我朝下看Why, this is a cinch. Here, I look up, I look down.我朝上看我朝下看I look up, I look down.约翰尼约翰尼Oh, Johnny, Johnny.你怎么干了造船这一行加文How did you get in the shipbuilding business, Gavin?因为婚姻I married into it.有意思的行业Very interesting business.老实说我觉得很无聊No, to be honest, I find it dull.你不必靠此生活Well, you don't have to do it for a living.是啊但你得负责啊No, but one assumes responsibilities.我妻子的家人都去世了My wife's family is all gone.得有人照看她的生意Someone has to look after her interests.她父亲的合伙人在东岸经营公♥司♥的船厂在巴尔的摩Her father's partner runs the company yard in the East, Baitimore.所以我决定既然要干我就回来干So I decided, as long as I had to work at it, I'd come back here.我一直很喜欢这儿I've always liked it here.你回来多久了How long have you been back?快一年了Almost a year.你喜欢吗You like it, huh?旧金山变了Well, San Francisco's changed.旧金山吸引我的东西正在飞速消失The things that spell San Francisco to me are disappearing fast. 比如这些Like all these.是的我那时住在这儿很高兴Yes. I should have liked to have lived here then.色彩激♥情♥ 权利Color, excitement, power.自♥由♥Freedom.你不坐会儿吗Shouldn't you be sitting down?不不我很好No. No, I'm all right.看到报上的报道我很难过I was sorry to read about that thing in the paper.你辞职不当警♥察♥了And you've quit the force.是永久残疾吗Is it a permanent physical disability?不不No, no.只不过我不能爬楼梯It just means that I can't climb stairs不能去陡或者高的地方That are too steep or go to high places,比如"高马克"饭店的酒吧Like the bar at the Top of the Mark.但城里也有些平房♥酒吧But, there are plenty of street-level bars in this town.你现在想喝一杯吗Would you like a drink now?不不用了现在对我有点儿早No, I don't think so. No, it's a little early in the day for me.我想差不多都说完了对吧Well, I guess that just about covers everything, doesn't it?我从没结过婚很少见老同学I never married. I don't see much of the old college gang,我是个退休的侦探你是做造船生意的I'm a retired detective, and you're in the shipbuilding business.你有什么心事吗加文What's on your mind, Gavin?我找你到这儿来斯考蒂I asked you to come up here, Scottie,是知道你不当侦探了Knowing that you'd quit detective work.但我不知道你能否愿为我重操旧业But I wondered whether you'd go back on the job as a special favor to me. 我想让你跟踪我妻子I want you to follow my wife.不是你想的那样我们的婚姻很美满No, it's not that. We're very happlly married.那么...Well, then...我怕她会受到伤害I'm afraid some harm may come to her.谁要害她From whom?一个死人Someone dead.斯考蒂你相信一个过世的人Scottie, do you believe that someone out of the past,一个死人能附在一个活人身上吗Someone dead, can enter and take possession of a living being?不信No.如果我说这发生在我妻子身上If I told you that I believe this has happened to my wife,你怎么想What would you say?我会说带她去看精神病医生或心理医生Well, I'd say take her to the nearest psychiatrist, or psychologist,或神经医生或心理...或只是普通的家庭医生Or neurologist, or psycho... or maybe just the plain family doctor. 我还要他给你也检查一下I'd have him check on you, too.那你对我没什么帮助对不起浪费了你的时间Then you're of no use to me. I'm sorry I wasted your time.谢谢你的来访斯考蒂Thanks for coming in, Scottie.好的Okay.我并不想这么粗鲁I... I didn't mean to be that rough.不这听起来很傻我知道No, it sounds idiotic, I know.你还是那个讲实际的苏格兰人是吧And you're still the hardheaded Scot, aren't you?一直都是你以为我是在编故事吗Always were. Do you think I'm making it up?不No.我没有编我也不知道怎么编I'm not making it up. I wouldn't know how.她正跟我说话She'll be talking to me about something.突然声音变弱消失了Suddenly, the words fade into silence.她的眼里布上了乌云一片茫然A cloud comes into her eyes and they go blank.她离开了我去了别的地方像个我不认识的人She's somewhere else, away from me, someone I don't know.我叫她她甚至听不见I call to her, she doesn't even hear me.然后深深地呼一口气又回来了Then, with a long sigh, she's back,快活地看着我根本不知道自己离开过Looks at me brightly, doesn't even know she's been away.不能告诉我时间和地点Can't tell me where or when.多久发作一次Well, how often does this happen?过去几个星期越来越频繁了More and more in the past few weeks.她还闲逛天知道她去了哪儿And she wanders. God knows where she wanders.有一天我跟踪她I followed her one day,看着她出了公♥寓♥ 像个我不认识的人Watched her coming out of the apartment, someone I didn't know. 甚至走路也变样了She even walked a different way.进了车去了5英里处的金门公园Got into her car and drove out to Golden Gate Park, five miles.坐在湖边Sat by the lake,盯着远处的柱子看Staring across the water at the pillars that stand on the far shore. 就是那个"旧日之桥门"You know, Portals of the Past.坐在那儿一动不动Sat there a long time, without moving.我只好走了回到办公室I had to leave, get back to the office.那天晚上回家我问她一天都干了些什么When I got home that evening, I asked her what she'd done all day. 她说她开车去金门公园坐在湖边She said she'd driven out to Golden Gate Park and sat by the lake, 就这些That's all.然后呢Well?车上的计程器显示她开了94英里The speedometer on her car showed that she'd driven 94 miles.她去了什么地方Where did she go?我得知道她去了哪儿斯考蒂她去了哪儿做了什么I've gotta know, Scottie, where she goes and what she does然后再找医生治疗Before I get involved with doctors.那么你找医生谈过了吗关于这件事Well, have you talked to the doctors at all, about that?我私下里找过Yes, but carefully.在她接受治疗前我要了解更多I want to know more before committing her to that kind of care.斯考蒂...Scottie...好我找个私♥人♥侦♥探♥帮你跟踪她All right, I'll get you a firm of private eyes to follow her for you.他们很可靠They're dependable, good boys.我要你去I want you.可我已经不干了Look, this isn't my line.斯考蒂我需要一个朋友一个我能信赖的人我很害怕Scottie, I need a friend, someone I can trust. I'm in a panic about this. 我已经退休了I'm supposed to be retired.我不想卷入此事I don't want to get mixed up in this darn thing.我们今晚去戏院看首演Look, we're going to an opening at the opera tonight.我们先去厄尼氏吃饭你在那儿可以见到她We're dining at Ernie's first. You can see her there.厄尼氏Ernie's.厄尼氏饭店卡洛特·瓦尔德斯生于1831年12月3日猝于1957年3月5日你能告诉我关于那位女士的事吗Say, will you tell me something about the lady sitting in there?她看的那幅画上的女人是谁Who's the woman in the painting she's looking at?那是卡洛特Oh, that's Carlotta.你会在目录中找到的卡洛特之画像You'll find it in the catalog. Portrait of Carlotta.-这个能给我吗 -当然- May I have this? - Yes.谢谢Thank you.麦奇垂克酒店你好Yes?有什么需要帮忙的吗Is there something I can do for you?-你经营这家酒店吗 -是的- Yes. You run this hotel? - Oh, yes.能告诉我住在二楼拐角房♥间里的是谁吗Would you tell me who has the room on the second floor in the corner, 那个拐角That corner?我恐怕不能随便告诉你此类信息Oh, I'm afraid we couldn't give out information of that sort.我们的客人有隐私权Our clients are entitied to their privacy, you know.我想这也不符合法律And I do believe it's against the law.当然我想他们不怎么会介意但我...Of course, I don't think any of them would mind, really, but still I...天啊她做什么坏事了吗Oh, dear, has she done something wrong?请回答我的问题Please answer my question.我想像不出那个可爱的姑娘...I can't imagine that sweet girl with that dear face...她叫什么名字What's her name?瓦尔德斯西班牙人Valdes. Miss Valdes. Spanish, you know.卡洛特·瓦尔德斯?Carlotta Valdes?是的就是这名字Yeah, that's it.可爱的名字对吧外国名字可是很好听Sweet name, isn't it? Foreign, but sweet.她在这个房♥间住了多久How long has she had the room?两个星期她的房♥租明天到期Oh, it must be two weeks. Her rent's due tomorrow.她有在这里过夜吗Does she sleep here, ever?不她只是每星期来这儿坐两三次No, she just comes to sit two or three times a week.只要他们行为规矩我不问他们问题I don't ask questions, you know, as long as they're well-behaved.但我得说...But I must say...她下来时别告诉她我来过When she comes down, don't say that I've been here.可她今天没来Oh, but she hasn't been here today.我5分钟前看见她进来的I just saw her come in five minutes ago.不她根本没来No, she hasn't been here at all.来了我会看到的Well, I would have seen her, you know.我一直都在这儿I've been right here all the time,给我的塑料花草加橄榄油Putting olive oil on my rubber plant leaves.还有那儿你看她的钥匙还在架子上And there. There, you see? Her key is on the rack.那你能上去看看吗Well, would you please go up and look?-去她的房♥间? -对- To her room? - That's right.当然可以如果你要我去的话Yes, of course, if you ask.-但这样做看起来很傻 -谢谢- But it does seem silly. - Thank you.侦探先生?Oh, Mr. Detective?你要上来看一下吗Would you like to come and look?她的车不见了Her car's gone.什么车What car?米吉儿你认识懂旧金山历史的权威吗Midge, who do you know that's an authority on San Francisco history? 这真是姑娘喜欢的打招呼方式That's the kind of greeting a girl likes.没有"你看起来很美"之类的话None of this, "Hello, you look wonderful" stuff.直截了当地说Just a good straight,"你认识懂旧金山历史的权威...""Who do you know that's an authority on San Francisco..."-想喝一杯吗 -不谢谢- Want a drink? - No, thanks.那么你认识谁你谁都认识Well, who do you? You know everybody.伯克莱大学的桑德斯教授Professor Saunders, over in Berkeley.不不我不是指那种历史No, no, I don't mean that kind of history.我是指稗官野史人们从没听说过的I mean the small stuff, you know, people you never heard of.你指的是"快乐旧金山的放荡日子"Well, you mean the gay old bohemian days of gay old San Francisco.刺♥激♥故事比如谁1879年8月谁在安巴卡德罗被杀了Juicy stories, like who shot who in the Embarcadero in August, 1879. 对对Yeah, that's right.-雷伯尔大爷 -谁-Pop Leibei. - Who?雷伯尔大爷他有家"宏大书店"Pop Leibel. He owns the Argosy Book Shop.怎么了你想知道什么Why, what do you want to know?我想知道谁1879年8月谁在安巴卡德罗被杀了I want to know who shot who in the Embarcadero in August, 1879.等一下Hey, wait a minute.你不再是侦探了怎么回事You're not a detective anymore. What's going on?你非常了解他吗You know him well?谁Who?雷伯尔大爷Pop Leibei.当然Oh, sure.好走吧我要你把我介绍给他拿上帽子Well, come on, let's go. I want you to introduce me. Get your hat.我不戴帽子I don't need a hat.约翰尼这到底是怎么回事Hey, Johnny, what's it all about?等一下Wait a minute.宏大书店是的我想起来了卡洛特Hello. Yes, I remember. Carlotta.美丽的卡洛特The beautifui Cariotta.悲伤的卡洛特The sad Cariotta.埃迪和高夫街角的老房♥子What does an old wooden house at the corner of Eddy and Gough street 跟卡洛特·瓦尔德斯有什么关系Have to do with Carlotta Valdes?那是她的房♥子多年前为她建的Well, it was hers. It was built for her many years ago.-谁建的 -是...- By whom? - By...是...By...我记不起他的名字了No. The name, I do not remember.是一个有钱有权的人A rich man, a powerful man.-抽烟吗 -不谢谢- Cigarette? - No, thank you.-抽烟吗小姐 -不谢谢- Cigarette, Miss? - No, thanks.这是很平常的故事It is not an unusual story.她来自城南边的一个小地方She came from somewhere small to the south of the city.有人说是从传教村来的Some say from a mission settiement.她年轻对非常年轻Young, yes. Very young.她在卡巴莱跳舞唱歌♥ 被那个男人发现And she was found dancing and singing in a cabaret by that man. 他带走了她为她建了大房♥子And he took her and built for her the great house就在西增建区In the Western Addition.还有个...有个孩子And there was a... there was a child.对是的一个孩子...Yes, that's it. A child. A child.我无法告诉你们确切的时间I cannot tell you exactly how much time passed,或是他们幸福甜蜜了多久Or how much happiness there was.但是后来他抛弃了她But, then, he threw her away.他没有别的子嗣他的妻子没有生育He had no other children. His wife had no children.所以他带走了小孩并抛弃了她So he kept the child and threw her away.那时候的男人可以那么做You know, a man could do that in those days.他们有权有势又自♥由♥They had the power and the freedom.而她变成了忧郁可洛特And she became the sad Carlotta.独自住在那所大房♥子里独自走在大街上Alone in the great house, walking the streets alone.穿着破旧不堪的衣服Her clothes becoming old and patched and dirty.成了疯疯癫癫的卡洛特And the mad Carlotta.拦住路人就问Stopping people in the streets to ask,"我的孩子在哪儿""Where is my child?"有谁见过我的孩子吗"Have you seen my child?''可怜的女人Poor thing.然后她死了And she died.-她死了 -怎么死的- She died. - How?自杀By her own hand.当时这样的故事屡见不鲜There are many such stories.-非常感谢 -不客气- Well, thank you very much. - You are welcome.不胜感激再见I appreciate it. Good-bye.再见Good-bye.等等我再见大爷非常感谢Hey, wait a minute! Good-bye, pop. Thanks a lot.-好了小约约报答我的时候到了 -为什么- Now then, Johnny-o, pay me. - For what?因为我带你来这儿啊快告诉我For bringing you e on, tell.没什么可说的There's nothing to tell.要么告诉我要么再穿回紧身衣You'll tell or you'll be back in that corset.约翰尼快说啊求你了Come on, Johnny, please.走吧...我载你回家Come on, come on. I'll take you home.到了There we are.-你还没告诉我实情呢 -不我已经说的够多了- You haven't told me everything. - No, I've told you enough. 那个男人是谁还有那个妻子Who's the guy and who's the wife?下车我还有事要办Out. I've got things to do.我知道跟你通电♥话♥的那个老校友埃尔斯特I know. The one that phoned, your old college chum, Elster. 米吉儿求你了下车Midge, out, please.重点是那个漂亮的And the idea is that the beautiful,疯癫的卡洛特死而复生Mad Carlotta has come back from the dead并附身于埃尔斯特的妻子And taken possession of Elster's wife.约翰尼说真的快告诉我Now, Johnny, really. Come on.我不会告诉你我怎么想的Well, I'm not telling you what I think.但会告诉你他怎么想的I'm telling you what he thinks.那你怎么想的Well, what do you think?我...Well, I...-她漂亮吗 -卡洛特?- Is she pretty? - Carlotta?不不是说卡洛特是说埃尔斯特的老婆No, not Carlotta. Elster's wife.漂亮Yes.我猜你认为她会...I guess you'd consider that she would be...我想我会去看看那副画像的再见I think I'll go take a look at that portrait. Good-bye.米吉儿...Midge...-再见 -米吉儿你...- Good-bye. - Midge, you...斯考蒂你做得很好你很胜任这份工作You've done well, Scottie. You're good at your job.-那是卡洛特·瓦尔德斯 -对- That's Carlotta Valdes. - Yes.有些事你没告诉我There are things you didn't tell me.-我不知道她会带领你去哪儿 -但你知道- I didn't know where she'd lead you. - But you knew about this. 对Oh, yeah.你注意到她的发髻了吗You notice the way she does her hair?还有别的东西You know, there's something else.我太太玛德琳My wife, Madeleine,她有几件属于卡洛特的珠宝首饰Has several pieces of jewelry that belonged to Carlotta.她继承的财产She inherited them.从未带过都太过时了Never wore them. They were too old-fashioned.直至现在Until now.现在当她独处的时候她会拿出来看Now, when she's alone, she takes them out and looks at them,好奇地小心翼翼地触摸着它们Handles them gently, curiously.将它们戴上并凝视着镜子里的自己Puts them on and stares at herself in the mirror.进入另一世界又变成另一个人And goes into that other world, is someone else again.那么卡洛特·瓦尔德斯是谁Now, Carlotta Valdes was what?你太太的祖母?Your wife's grandmother?曾祖母Great-grandmother.那个被带走的小孩Now, the child who was taken from her,那个使卡洛特疯掉并自杀的小孩Whose loss drove Carlotta mad and to her death,是玛德琳的祖母Was Madeleine's grandmother.还有麦奇垂克宾馆是老瓦尔德斯的家And the Mckittrick Hotel is the old Valdes home.我想那就说得通了Well, I think that explains it.任何人对那样的过去都会沉迷Anyone could become obsessed with the past with a background like that. 她从未听过卡洛特·瓦尔德斯的事She never heard of Carlotta Valdes.她对多罗雷天主堂外的坟墓She knows nothing of a grave out at the Mission Dolores?或者埃迪大街上的老房♥子都一无所知?Or that old house on Eddy street? The...-还有旧金山荣勋宫的画像... -都不知道- The portrait at the Palace of the Legion of...- Nothing. 当她去这些地方的时候...Well, when she goes to these places...她就不再是我的妻子了She's no longer my wife.她不知道的事你怎么会知道Well, how do you know all these things she doesn't?她母亲临终前告诉了我一些Her mother told me most of them before she died.其余的是我自己发现的I dug out the rest for myself here.她为什么不告诉她女儿Why wouldn't she tell her daughter?本能的恐惧Natural fear.她的祖母患精神病自杀的Her grandmother went insane, took her own life.玛德琳的身体里留着她的血Her blood is in Madeleine.老兄我得喝一杯Boy, I need this.玛德琳Madeleine.玛德琳Madeleine!喂?Yes?没没事No, it's all right.好我再打给你吧Yeah, I'll call you back.你没事吧Are you all right?你的...Oh. Oh, your...你先穿睡袍吧You'll want this.你最好过来取取暖You'd better come over here by the fire where it's warm.我怎么会在这儿What am I doing here?发生什么事了What happened?你掉进了旧金山海湾Well, you fell into San Francisco Bay.我已经尽量弄干♥你♥的头发了And I tried to dry your hair as best I could.你的东西都在厨房♥Your things are in the kitchen.过一会儿就会干了They'll be dry in a few minutes.过来取取暖吧Come on over by the fire.我给你拿些坐垫Here, I'll get you some cushions.坐吧There you are.要喝点咖啡吗Would you like to have some coffee?你最好喝点什么或许你想喝杯酒Here, you'd better have some. Or perhaps you'd like a drink. 我掉进了海湾你救我起来的?I fell into the bay and you fished me out?对That's right.谢谢Thank you.你不记得了吗You don't remember?不记得了我...No, I...你记得去过哪儿吗You remember where you were?为什么这么问记得我当然记得Why, yes. Yes, of course I remember that.不过我肯定是头晕昏过去了But then I must have had a dizzy spell and fainted.你去过哪儿Where were you?去了普西迪的古堡At old fort point, out at the Presidio.我当然记得我经常去那儿Of course, I remember. I often go there.为什么你为什么要去那儿Why? Why do you go there?因为我喜欢那儿很漂亮Because I love it so. It's beautiful there,尤其是在日落时分Especially at sunset.谢谢你的炉火Thank you for the fire.之前你去了哪儿Where were you before?-什么时候 -我是说今天下午- When? - This afternoon, I mean.到处闲逛Wandering about.我知道但之前你具体去了哪儿I know, but where? Where were you just before?商业区购物Downtown, shopping.给你最好喝点咖啡我想咖啡还热的Here, you'd better have some coffee. I think it's still warm. 你问得很直接You're terribly direct in your questions.对不起我不是有意那么不礼貌的Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.没有只不过太直接了You're not. You're merely direct.你在古堡那儿做什么And what were you doing there, at old fort point?到处闲逛罢了Oh, just wandering about.你也喜欢闲逛?Oh, you like it too?是啊Yes.之前你去过哪儿And where had you been just before?旧金山荣勋宫美术馆I'd been to the Palace of the Legion of Honor, the art gallery.。



关于木偶戏的英语作文Puppetry: An Ancient Art Form with Enduring Appeal.Puppetry, a form of theatrical performance thatutilizes puppets to convey a story or narrative, has a rich and diverse history spanning cultures and centuries. This ancient art form, which has the ability to captivate audiences across all ages, continues to evolve and thrivein the modern world, demonstrating its enduring appeal and cultural significance.Origins and Early Developments.The origins of puppetry can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where puppets were used in religious rituals and ceremonial performances. In China, for instance, shadow puppets, known as "pi ying," date back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). These puppets were made of leather or paper and were manipulated behind a translucent screen, with their movements and actions cast in shadow onto thescreen. Similarly, in India, puppetry has a long tradition in Hindu temples, where puppets are used to depict religious epics and mythological tales.Over time, puppetry evolved from religious and ceremonial contexts to become a popular form of entertainment. In Europe, during the Middle Ages, puppetry flourished as a way to entertain the masses, often performed in.。



breakingthequiet动画后续《Breaking the Quiet》是一部以动画形式呈现的作品,它由匿名艺术家Redapple2制作。




首先,有关导演的动向,根据我们所了解到的信息,Redapple2并没有公开透露是否会制作《Breaking the Quiet》的后续。





《Breaking the Quiet》上线后,引起了广泛的争议和讨论。






如果Redapple2决定制作《Breaking the Quiet》的后续,他可以通过多种方式进行拓展。





总结起来,关于《Breaking the Quiet》的后续制作,导演的决定、观众的反应以及对作品的可能拓展是需要考虑的重要因素。





木偶戏英文作文English: Puppetry, also known as puppet theater, is a form of performance art that involves the manipulation of puppets to tell a story or convey a message. Dating back thousands of years, puppetry has been a popular form of entertainment in various cultures around the world. It combines elements of theater, storytelling, music, and visual arts to create a unique and engaging experience for audiences. Puppetry can involve a wide range of puppet types, from hand puppets and marionettes to shadow puppets and rod puppets, each requiring different techniques and skills to operate. The puppeteers, also known as puppeteers or manipulators, play a crucial role in bringing the puppets to life through movement, voice, and expression. Through the use of puppets, puppetry can explore complex themes, convey emotions, and engage with audiences of all ages.中文翻译: 木偶戏,也被称为木偶剧,是一种利用木偶来讲故事或传达信息的表演艺术形式。



闽南木偶戏英语作文Min Nan PuppetryMin Nan Puppetry is a traditional form of puppetry that originated in southern Fujian Province, China. It is known for its intricate puppet-making techniques and lively performances.Q: What is Min Nan Puppetry?A: Min Nan Puppetry is a traditional form of puppetry that originated in southern Fujian Province, China.Q: What are some characteristics of Min Nan Puppetry?A: Min Nan Puppetry is known for its intricate puppet-making techniques and lively performances.Q: How are the puppets made?A: The puppets are made from wood and are carefully carved and painted by skilled artisans.Q: What kinds of stories are told in Min Nan Puppetry performances?A: Min Nan Puppetry performances usually telltraditional stories and myths, as well as contemporary themes.Q: What is the significance of Min Nan Puppetry in Chinese culture?A: Min Nan Puppetry is an important part of Chinese culture and has been passed down from generation to generation. It is a form of entertainment that brings joy and laughter to audiences of all ages.闽南木偶戏闽南木偶戏是一种源自中国福建南部的传统木偶戏。



木偶戏英文作文Puppetry is a traditional form of theatre that has been enjoyed by audiences for centuries. It involves the use of puppets, which are manipulated by puppeteers to bring a story to life on stage. 木偶戏是一种传统的戏剧形式,几个世纪以来一直受到观众的喜爱。


One of the most fascinating aspects of puppetry is the skill and artistry involved in bringing the puppets to life. Puppeteers must master the art of movement, expression, and emotion to make the puppets seem alive and believable. In this way, puppetry is not just about telling a story, but also about creating a sense of magic and wonder for the audience. 木偶戏最迷人的一个方面是操纵木偶所需的技巧和艺术表现。



In addition to the technical skill required, puppetry also has a rich cultural and historical significance. Puppetry has been a part of traditional entertainment in many cultures around the world, fromEuropean marionettes to Asian shadow puppets. Each culture has its own unique style and tradition of puppetry, making it a fascinating window into the customs and beliefs of different societies. 除了需要的技术技巧之外,木偶戏也具有丰富的文化和历史意义。



Puppet Theater: A Traditional Form of EntertainmentPuppet theater, also known as marionette or puppetry, is an ancient art form that has captivated audiences for centuries. It involves the manipulation of puppets, often made of wood or cloth, to perform stories, dramas, or dances. This unique form of theater is not just a means of entertainment but also a cultural heritage that reflects the traditions and values of a society.The art of puppet theater requires immense skill and dedication. The puppeteer, or the puppet master,操纵着每一个木偶的动作和表情,bringing them to life with meticulous hand movements and precise timing. The puppeteer's expertise lies in making the puppets appear lifelike, expressing emotions and narrating the story through their actions.Puppet theater performances are often accompanied by music, singing, and dialogue, creating a magical and immersive experience for the audience. The stories told through puppet theater are often based on folklore, mythology, or historical events, passing down cultural knowledge and values from generation to generation.In addition to its entertainment value, puppet theater also serves as a powerful medium for social commentary and criticism. Through their performances, puppeteers can address important issues and raise awareness about social problems. They can create powerful messages about social justice, environmental conservation, and other relevant topics, engaging the audience in meaningful dialogue and reflection.Puppet theater is not only a form of art but also a bridge connecting different cultures and generations. It allows audiences to experience the richness of traditional culture and understand the values and stories that have been passed down through the ages. As technology advances and new forms of entertainment emerge, it is important to appreciate and preserve this ancient art form, keeping it alive for future generations to enjoy and learn from.木偶戏:一种传统娱乐形式木偶戏,也被称为木偶剧或木偶表演,是一种古老的艺术形式,几个世纪以来一直吸引着观众。



木偶戏英语作文(中英文实用版){z}Title: The Art of Puppet ShowPuppet show, also known as shadow play in some cultures, is a form of traditional theater that has been passed down through generations.It involves the use of puppets, which are often made of wood, cloth, or other materials, to create stories and entertain audiences.The history of puppet show dates back to ancient times, with evidence of its existence in various civilizations around the world.In China, for example, puppet show has been a part of the cultural heritage for over a thousand years.Similarly, in Europe, puppetry has been a popular form of entertainment since the Middle Ages.In a typical puppet show, the puppets are controlled by strings, rods, or hand movements, and are often operated by a single puppeteer or a group of puppeteers.The puppeteers must be skilled in order to make the puppets move smoothly and naturally, and to bring them to life for the audience.The stories told in puppet shows vary depending on the culture and region, but they often include folk tales, legends, or contemporary issues.The puppets are often designed to represent specific characters in the story, such as heroes, villains, or animals.Puppet show is not only a form of entertainment but also a means ofpassing down cultural traditions and values.It encourages creativity and imagination, and provides a unique form of storytelling that cannot be replicated by other types of theater.In conclusion, the art of puppet show is a valuable part of many cultures around the world.It requires skill, creativity, and dedication to create and perform, and provides audiences with an unique form of entertainment that has been enjoyed for centuries.。



木偶戏英文作文Puppetry, or puppet theater, is a traditional form of performance art that has captivated audiences for centuries. In puppetry, puppets are used to tell stories, convey emotions, and entertain the audience. The puppeteer manipulates the puppets using strings, rods, or hands, giving them life and movement on stage.Puppetry has a rich history and cultural significance in many parts of the world. Different cultures have their own unique styles of puppetry, with distinctive puppets, storytelling techniques, and performances. From shadow puppetry in China to marionette puppetry in Europe, each tradition showcases the creativity and craftsmanship of puppeteers.One of the appeals of puppetry is its ability to bring stories to life in a magical and imaginative way. By using puppets, puppeteers can create fantastical worlds, mythical creatures, and epic adventures that capture the audience's imagination. The combination of music, lighting, and puppetry skills makes puppet theater a dynamic and engaging form of art.In addition to entertainment, puppetry also serves asa powerful medium for conveying messages, teaching lessons, and preserving cultural heritage. Through puppetry, important stories, traditions, and values are passed down from generation to generation, ensuring their continuation and relevance in modern society.Overall, puppetry is a versatile and captivating art form that continues to enchant audiences of all ages. Whether it is used for entertainment, education, or cultural preservation, puppet theater remains a beloved and timeless tradition that celebrates creativity, storytelling, and the magic of performance.中文翻译:木偶戏,或木偶戏剧,是一种传统的表演艺术形式,几个世纪以来一直吸引着观众。

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木偶戏2之无罪灵魂PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent Collector's EditionWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips∙Chapter 1: Girl’s Bedroom∙Chapter 2: Puppet Shop∙Chapter 3: The Workshop∙Chapter 4: Fortune Teller’s House∙Chapter 5: Castle Gates∙Chapter 6: First Tower∙Chapter 7: Factory∙Chapter 8: Second Tower∙Chapter 9: Arsenal∙Chapter 10: Puppet Storage∙Chapter 11: Third Tower∙Chapter 12: Laboratory∙Extra LevelsGeneral Tips∙Choose Regular Mode or Expert Mode at the beginning of the game.∙All scenes will have an area in which one, or more, sparkles appear.∙ A single sparkle indicates an interactive area in the game. This area may allow you to move to a different scene, exit a scene, or indicate an area you need toinvestigate further.∙Several sparkles in a cluster indicate a Hidden Object Scene. These scenes contain inventory items needed to complete your journey.∙Certain Hidden Object Scenes will require you to click on a part of the scene to uncover a hidden area.∙You can skip a mini-game once the Skip button is full. The skip button only appears in the mini-game sections and is located in the lower left corner.∙To access the built-in strategy guide, click on STRATEGY GUIDE in the lower right corner, below the MENU. Scroll through each page by clicking on the Next and Back Buttons (A).∙Click on the PuppetShow Button (B) to return to the Table of Contents. From this section you can click on any chapter(C) to be taken to that section.∙Once you complete the game, you can click on “Extra Content” in the Main Menu to access extra levels.∙Once the Extra Levels are completed you can access the Soundtrack, Wallpapers, Screensaver, and Concept Art.∙When the cursor turns into a magnifying glass you can zoom in on an area in the scene. You can sometimes find inventory items in these areas. In other instances,a magnifying glass will allow you to read helpful clues, or open a mini-game.∙If a door is open you can travel to that location by clicking on the area in which your cursor turns into a globe icon.∙When your cursor changes into a hand icon, click on that area to interact with it.The hand icon allows you to pick up inventory items or explore certain areas.∙When you can’t find an item in one of the Hidden Object Scenes, you can use a hint in the lower left.∙When you use a hint, a circle will appear around a random item from your list.∙You can only use the hints for the Hidden Object Scenes. The Hint button will not appear in other scenes; it will be replaced by the Tools or Skip button.∙You have unlimited hints in the game, but you have to wait for hints to recharge between uses.∙You will find one inventory (A) item in each Hidden Object Scene. You will not know which item goes into inventory until all the items have been cleared from the list.∙You can also find inventory items in areas which have a magnifying glass icon.∙The inventory items will go into the Tools tab in the lower left corner.∙Click on the Tools button (B) in the lower left to see all available items. If your inventory is full, use the arrows on each end of the Tools section to scroll through your items.∙To use an item click on the Tools button and select an inventory item. Drag the selected item to the appropriate area and click on it.Chapter 1: Girl’s Bedroom∙Zoom into the newspaper in the lower left; pick up the PLANET (A).∙Click on the door on the right for a closer look.∙Zoom into the lower right side of the house; pick up the PIN (B).∙Take a closer look at the window (C); open it with the PIN in your Tools section.∙Go in through the window.∙Zoom into the LARGE PORTRAIT on the back wall; pick up the LIZARD ORNAMENT (A) in the lower right side of the frame.∙Note the PATTERN (B) on the wallpaper; you will need that solution for a puzzle.∙Zoom into the bed; then the little girl. Pick up the MECHANICAL DOLL PART (C) on the headless doll.∙Pick up the BIRD ORNAMENT (D) on the dresser.Note the JESTER PUPPET (E) on the dresser, when you click on it you will see it is missing an eye. Close the pop-up window.∙Click on the wardrobe to open it; click again to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.∙Open the middle drawer to look for objects.∙The KEY will be added to inventory once your search has been completed.∙Take a closer look above the wardrobe to find a music box.∙Place the KEY on the side of the music box; click on the KEY 3 times to make it play.∙Pick up the FISH ORNAMENT (A) inside the music box once it opens.∙Take a closer look at the dresser and place the FISH ORNAMENT (B), LIZARD ORNAMENT (C), and BIRD ORNAMENT (D) as shown in the screenshot to unlock the drawer.∙Zoom into the drawer; pick up the POWDER COMPACT (E) inside.Chapter 2: Puppet Shop∙Go down twice, forward and right towards the Guard’s Hut.∙Click on the door twice to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.∙The CROWBAR will be added to inventory.∙Note the oil-dripping lamp (A) on the side of the hut.∙Go down and then forward.∙Zoom into the dripping pipe on the side of the shop; pick up the RED BUTTON (A) in the lower right.∙Take a closer look at the door; eliminate the boards with the CROWBAR, always pulling the board on top first.∙Zoom into the buttons on the door.∙Place the RED BUTTON on the panel.∙Place the COMPACT POWDER on the buttons so you can see which ones need to be pressed.∙Click the buttons according to the order in the screenshot; then click the handle to open the door.∙Loosen the FLOORBOARD in the lower left side of the ground with the CROWBAR; pick up the HANDLE (A).∙Zoom into the SKETCH on the ground. Click on the papers several times and pick up the MECHANICAL WING (B).∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene (C) on the left.∙Pick up all the items on the list.∙The PARROT HEAD will be added to inventory.∙Take a closer look at the shelves on the right.∙Pick up the GLASS SHARD (A) in the lower left.∙Place the DOLL PART (B) in the head socket of the MECHANICAL BIRD.∙Place the MECHANICAL WING (C) and the PARROT HEAD (D) on the MECHANICAL BIRD.∙The Bird projects a film on the wall. Note the numbers “749261” (E) projected on the right side of the wall.∙Exit out of that view.∙Zoom into the CASH REGISTER (A) on the counter.∙Pick up the PUPPET EYE (B) on the counter.∙Place the HANDLE (C) on the side of the cash register.∙Enter the correct combination to open the cash register.∙If you make a mistake, click on the HANDLE (C) to reset the numbers.∙Enter the numbers “749261” on the cash register keys. Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Pick up the KEY (D) inside the cash register.∙Take a closer look at the back door (E).∙Place the KEY (F) in the lock. The lock needs oil.∙Go back to the Girl’s Bedroom.∙Click on the wardrobe to trigger a Hidden Object Scene. ∙The SUN will be added to inventory.∙Zoom into the bed on the left; click on the JESTER DOLL (A) and place the PUPPET EYE (B) in the eye sockets.∙Pick up the PLANET (C) in the jester’s mouth.∙Go back to the Guard’s Hut.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene.∙The EMPTY OIL CAN will be added to inventory.∙Zoom into the LAMP in the upper right side of the hut and fill up the OIL CAN with the oil dripping from the lamp.∙Go back to the Puppet Shop.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene.∙The BROOM will be added to inventory.∙Take a closer look at the door; place the full OILCAN in the lock. Click on the key to unlock the door.∙Go through the door to reach the Workshop.Chapter 3: The Workshop∙Use the CROWBAR to defend yourself against the MECHANICAL CRAB (A) in the lower center.∙Zoom into the far right corner; pick up the SCREWDRIVER (B).∙Take a closer look at the broken mechanical crab.∙Use the SCREWDRIVER to loosen the screw on the VALVE (C). Pick up the VALVE to add it to inventory.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the left.∙Open the left drawer and look for items on the list.∙The VICE HANDLE will be added to inventory.∙Zoom into the workbench in the back of the scene.∙Place the VICE HANDLE (A) on the VICE.∙Place the GLASS SHARD (B) on the VICE and it will tighten around the glass shard.∙Pick up the PLANET #3 (C) on the right side of the vice.∙Go outside and head towards the house on the left.Chapter 4: Fortune Teller’s House∙Take a closer look at the poster on the right.∙Click twice on the poster to tear it.∙Use the BROOM on the cobwebs three times (Fig A).∙Place the SUN and the 3 PLANETS on the galaxy (Fig A).∙Click on the galaxy to trigger a puzzle.∙Click the Large Blue Planet towards the swirl in its track; then click the Green and Small Blue Planets into their swirls (Fig B).∙Fig. C shows you the final solution. Go through the door.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the left.∙The LEATHER BELT will be added to inventory.∙Go back to the Workshop in the Puppet Shop.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene in the Workshop.∙The BURNER OF DRIED PITCH is added to inventory. ∙Go back to the Fortuneteller’s House.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene.∙The MATCHES will be added to inventory.∙Go outside of the Puppet Shop.∙Zoom into the dripping PIPE (A); place the BURNER OF DRIED PITCH under the pipe to acquire the PITCH MIXTURE.∙Go back inside the Fortuneteller’s Hou se.∙Zoom into the fortune teller.∙Click on the center CANDLE for a closer look; place the PITCH MIXTURE on the flame to create GLUE.∙Go back to the Workshop inside the Puppet Shop.∙Zoom into the workbench; place the LEATHER BELT on the GLASS SHARD.∙Pick up the GLASS KNIFE (C).∙Leave the shop and go right.∙Zoom into the upper part of the hot air balloon.∙Place the GLUE on the broken HOSE (A) to patch it up.∙Place the VALVE on the BURNER (B); turn the VALVE to start the flow of gas.∙Place the MATCHES on the BURNER (C).∙Take a closer look at the edge of the basket; cut the ROPE (D) three times with the GLASS KNIFE.Chapter 5: Castle Gates∙The MATCHES and the CROWBAR will still be in your inventory at the beginning of this chapter.∙Zoom into the lower right; pick up the SANDBAG (A) and the SPIDER PUPPET’S BADGE (B).∙Go forward.∙The Giant Puppet is blocking the door.∙Zoom into the lower left and use the CROWBAR on the POLE (C) three times to loosen it.∙Pick up the POLE.∙Return to the crash site.∙Remove the large STONE in the lower left with the POLE (D) to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.∙Look for all the items on the list.∙KINDLING will be added to inventory. ∙Go back to the gate.∙Give the Giant Puppet the SPIDER PUPPET’S BADGE (A) after one of the puppet’s passes by him and it will start to open the gate.∙Open the back of the Giant Puppet (B); place the KINDLING and the MATCHES on the coal.∙The Giant Puppet will finish opening the gate; go through it.∙Zoom into the NOTE (A) on the lower left; pick up the RUNE (B).∙Go back to the crash site; play the Hidden Object Scene.∙The AXE will be added to inventory.∙Go back to the elevator.∙Zoom into the lower right (C).∙Cut the ROOTS three times with the AXE to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.∙Click on the SWITCH (D) to turn the lights on and off.∙The LEVER will be added to inventory.∙Click on the MECHANISM (A) on the back wall for a closer look.∙Place the LEVER (B) in the upper left.∙Pull the LEVER to activate the mechanism.∙Connect the gears with the belts.∙Remove a belt and all possible connections will light up. Choose a connection. ∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution (Fig. C).∙The elevator will come down after the puzzle has been solved. Click on the elevator to go upstairs.Chapter 6: First Tower∙Zoom into the HOLE (A) on the far left side; place the SANDBAG in the hole.∙Go to the far left (B) after the puppet on a bicycle enters that section.∙Zoom into the GLASS (C); pick up the CLAY TABLET (D).∙Exit and go through the RIGHT STEPS (E).∙Click on the puzzle on the door.∙Place the CLAY TABLET on the door.∙Drag the puzzle pieces around until you form three figures of different colors. The bars can slide up and down, or left to right.∙Once a color is in the right spot, the light below it will light up.∙Please look at the screenshot for the final solution.∙Go through the door to access the Gallery.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the right.∙The DOMINOES will be added to inventory.∙Go forward.∙Click on the left door to trigger a puzzle.∙The levers on both sides of the puzzle go up or down.∙The goal is to place all the balls adjacent to one another, in the corner.∙The ARROWS have been labeled A, B, C, and D.∙Click on the arrows in the following manner to solve the puzzle: D-D-B-B-B-D-D-B ∙Here is an alternate solution: A-A-C-C-B-D-D-B∙Go through the door to access the factory.Chapter 7: Factory∙Take a closer look at the DOOR (A) on the right.∙Place the DOMINOES on the board.∙The dominoes must be placed on the board so the sum of their rows or columns adds up to the total in the center of the box.∙The dominoes cannot be rotated; you have to use the vertical or horizontal ones in the right spots.∙The correct boxes will light up green.∙Please look at the screenshot (B) for the solution.∙Go left (C) to reach the Conveyor Area.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene.∙The HANDLE will be added to inventory.Click on the lower right and exit.∙Click down to exit.∙Zoom into the DOOR (A) on the right, place the HANDLE on the lock and turn the lever to open the door.∙Zoom into the BICYCLE (B); pick up the CRANE HOOK (C) on the ground.∙Look at the DIAGRAM (D) on the left side of the wall, it shows you the three towers in the castle; two are connected by a drawbridge.∙Pick up the WRENCH (E) in the upper right side of the drawing.∙Return to the Conveyor Area by going down, through the left door and left.∙Open the Hidden Object Scene on the right.∙The BICYCLE CHAIN will be added to inventory.∙Go back to the Balcony area with the BICYCLE.∙Place the BICYCLE CHAIN on the BICYCLE; the bridge will appear as the puppet pedals.∙Cross the bridge by clicking on the Second Tower in the back of the scene. Chapter 8: Second Tower∙To unlock the grid, place the colors on the floor so that no like colors touch each other.∙Click on two sets of tiles to swap their positions.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Click on the far right corner to reach the stairway.∙Zoom into the middle left window; pick up the ARROW BUTTON (A).∙Zoom into the small DOOR (B) in the lower right; remove the PLANKS with the CROWBAR in the order shown on the screenshot.∙Click on the Hidden Object Scene that appears at the door in the lower right.∙The AWL will be added to inventory.∙Go down three times, through the left door and left to return to the Conveyor Area.∙Zoom into the CRANE on the right; place the CRANE HOOK there (A).∙Exit this location; enter the Control Room on the right.∙Place the ARROW BUTTON on the panel.∙Use the buttons to lift the bridge with the crane.∙The buttons have been labeled in the screenshot: L=Left, R= Right, U=Up, D= Down and B = Lever.∙To solve the puzzle, press the buttons in the following order:∙Lever (B) 1 Time∙Right 5 Times∙Up 2 Times∙Left 1 Time∙Return to the Conveyor Area; zoom into the mechanism on the lower left.∙Remove the NUTS (A) circled in red with the WRENCH.∙Go back to the Gallery (B), the area that houses the large fish tank.∙Zoom into the fish tank.∙Place the NUTS in the SLOT (C) on the lower left.∙Click on the RED BUTTON (D) to drop the nuts as the fish moves forward. Time it so that you click the button as you hear the bell ring.∙The fish will catch the nuts as they fall down from the PIPE (E) in the upper center.∙Each time the fish swallows a nut, the balloon on the right will rise.∙After the fish eats four nuts, the balloon will rise to the OPENING (F) in the upper right; pierce the balloon with the AWL.∙The KEY will be added to inventory.∙Go forward three times and click on the far right corner of the Trapdoor.∙Zoom into the DOOR (G) at the bottom of the steps; place the KEY on the LOCK(H). Click on the key to unlock it. Go through the door to enter the Arsenal. Chapter 9: Arsenal∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the right.∙The MASK will be added to inventory.∙Zoom into the board on the lower left side of the ground.∙Place the MASK on the board to begin the puzzle.∙Move the masks around so they are on top of their matching silhouettes.∙The masks can only move through the grooved lines on the board.∙The mask eyes will glow green when placed correctly.∙The masks have been marked with numbers in the screenshot (Fig. A). Move Masks 1, 3, 2, 4, and 1 (in that order) to solve the puzzle.∙Please look at Fig. B for the image of the final solution.∙Zoom into the back of the scene; pick up the SIGN (C) in the lower right.。
