Effect of Surface Characteristics on Alignment of Graphic and Real Objects in A Stereoscopi
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Influence of manufactured sand characteristics on strength and abrasion resistance of pavement cement concreteLi Beixing ⇑,Ke Guoju,Zhou MingkaiKey Laboratory for Silicate Materials Science and Engineering of Ministry of Education,Wuhan University of Technology,P.O.Box 430070,Wuhan,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23July 2010Received in revised form 10March 2011Accepted 11April 2011Available online 17May 2011Keywords:Pavement cement concrete Manufactured sand Particles characteristics Abrasion resistance Strengtha b s t r a c tManufactured sand (MS)particles are generally more angular with a rougher surface texture than river sand (RS)particles.MS can also contain significant quantities of particles smaller than 75l m called rock microfines.This paper present results from a laboratory study on the influence of the MS characteristics,such as rock microfines content,surface roughness,crushing value and rock types of MS particles,on the strength and abrasion resistance of pavement cement concrete (PCC).Resulted show that the increment of limestone microfines amount in MS from 4.3%to 20%by mass increases the compressive and flexural strengths and improves the abrasion resistance of the MS-PCC.The MS-PCC has higher compressive and flexural strengths when the surface roughness of the sand particles is larger and the crushing value is lower.The abrasion resistance of MS-PCC is improved with the increment of surface roughness and deceases of crushing value and Los Angeles abrasion value of sand particles,while has not evident rela-tion with the silicon content of sand.Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionConcrete pavements can be constructed using a variety of aggregates.Constructability and long-term performances are influ-enced by the characteristics and physical properties of the aggre-gates mon river sand (RS),which is most commonly used fine aggregate in the production of concrete,is expensive due to excessive cost of transportation from natural sources.Also large-scale depletion of these sources creates environmental prob-lems.Economy and sustainability objectives are better served if locally-available,durable aggregates can be used –even if some of the individual aggregate sizes do not meet grading or other physical properties normally specified.This will help minimize cost,energy,and CO 2expenditures for the project.In such a situa-tion the manufactured sand (MS)can be an economic alternative to the river sand (RS)in concrete pavement.Manufactured sands are produced by crushing rock depositions to produce a fine aggregate which is generally more angular and has rougher surface texture than naturally weather sand particles.The production of MS also generates high percentages of micro-fines,particles that pass the 75l m sieve,ranging from 5%to 20%.Generally the microfines are washed out since the Chinese national standard JTG F 30-2003limits the amount of microfines to 5%[1],and it is not feasible to eliminate a portion of them.The elimination of the microfines represents a wasted aggregate resource and leads to a disposal problem for producers.In addition,the elimination of the microfines often produces a harsh mix that does not finish well,leading to the necessity of adding natural sand for increasing workability [2].Previous researches have shown that good quality concrete can be made using MS with high amount of microfines [3–9].Generally the compressive strength,flexural strength,and abrasion resistance as well as freezing resistance tend to increase to a certain limit with increasing proportions of microfines.After the limit is reached,the strength decreases be-cause there is not enough paste to coat the aggregate;imperme-ability varies without law and shrinkage,while slightly higher,is still within acceptable ranges.Water reducers and mineral admix-tures can be used to improve workability,since in many cases the more angular MS results in reduced workability.Another issue using manufactured sands,particularly carbonate materials,is the low acid insoluble (AI)residue.Low values of AI are generally believed to result in polishing of the mortar matrix,which in turn leads to reduced surface friction [10].It is important to determine the feasibility of using MS for pav-ing.As natural sands are depleted in various areas of China,MS will result in less expensive fine aggregate if they can be used success-fully.In China,many aggregate quarries produce MS from different mineralogical sources.In localities near the quarries,this MS is commonly used in concrete when good quality natural sand is not longer available.However,little work has been done so far on the effect of MS particles characteristics on the pavement per-formances of concrete.The main objective of this research is to0950-0618/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.04.004⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+862787877512;fax:+862787641294.E-mail addresses:libx0212@ (B.Li),keguoju@ (G.Ke),zhou-mingkai@ (M.Zhou).provide information about the effects of microfines content,sur-face roughness,crushing value and parent rock types as well as Los Angeles abrasion value of manufactured sands on the strengths and abrasion resistance of MS-PCC.2.Experimental procedure2.1.Raw materialsA42.5grade ordinary Portland cement(PÁO42.5;342m2/kg Blaine specific sur-face area)was used,with52.6MPa compressive and10.5MPaflexural strengths at 28days,respectively.Coarse aggregate was crushed limestone with a maximum size of26.5mm.A commercial naphthalene-based superplasticizer of KDNOF-1 was incorporated in the concrete mixtures.Thirteenfine aggregates from different mineralogical sources were used.Three natural siliceous river sands(RS)having round and smooth particles were used as reference sands.Manufactured sands were selected with different petrographic characteristics(limestone,quartzite,granite,basalt and granite gneiss).Table1 gives the physical and chemical characteristics of thefine aggregates.The signs of MLS,MQS,MGS,MBS and MGGS represents manufactured sands from limestone, quartzite,granite,basalt and granite gneiss,respectively.The aggregate crushing value is a value which indicates the ability of an aggregate to resist crushing.The lower thefigure the stronger the aggregate,i.e.the greater its ability to resist crush-ing.Crushing value offine aggregates are tested per the Chinese national standard JTG E42-2005[11].The surface texture,also called surface roughness,of particles is the sum of their minute surface features.BS EN933-6:2001‘‘Geometrical Properties of Aggregates,Assessments of Surface Characteristics,Flow Coefficient of Aggre-gates’’test method was used to determine the surface characteristics of both natu-ral and manufactured sands[12].Theflow coefficient is defined as the time offlow required for the material to pass through an orifice.The grading of the aggregates was kept constant according to Fuller curve to diminish the effect of grading,so that the test results indicate only the shape and texture of particles.The limestonefines used as partial replacement of sand were those obtained by sieving the limestone manufactured sand below75l m.The Blaine specific surface area of the limestone microfines was279.8m2/kg,less than that of the cement. 2.2.Mixture composition and test methodsThe parameters for reference mixture of concrete used in this study were de-scribed as:360kg/m3cement content,0.42water to cement ratio and35%sand ra-tio.The superplasticizer of KDNOF-1was employed to maintain a constant workability of slump in the order of40–50cm.Amount of the superplasticizer was0.3%of the sum amount of cement and microfines in MS by mass.In concrete mixtures,in order to shield the influences offineness modulus and stone micro-fines,if without special explanations,thefineness modulus of all sands was ad-justed to3.0and the stone microfines content wasfixed to7%.The150mm size concrete cubes,concrete beams of size100mmÂ100mmÂ400mm were used as test specimens to determine the compressive andflexural strengths,respectively.The compaction of the specimens was obtained by means of vibration.All the test specimens were demoulded at1day,and then cured in water for27days.Curing temperature was22±2°C.Three specimens were employed in compression andflexural strengths measurement for each type of concrete.The strength measurements were carried out using Controls3000KN hydraulic press.Cubic samples with a150mm side were prepared for surface abrasion test by the rotating-cutter method in accordance with Chinese national standard of JTG E 30-2005[13].In compliance with JTG E30-2005,the abrasion system had a erect principal axis,a horizontal steel disc,which had a rotating speed of17.5±0.5r/ min,a counter and a lever,which could apply200N on the specimens.In the test procedure,the specimens werefixed in the holding device of the abrasion machine,the load was applied to the specimen and the disc was rotated for30revolutions. After that,the surfaces of the disc and the sample were cleaned.The above-men-tioned procedure repeated for90revolutions.The mass loss was measured in kg/ 0.0125m2due to wear.The abrasion test was carried out at28days ages.3.Results and discussion3.1.Influence of limestone microfines content in MSStrength and abrasion resistance of concretes using MLS0sand with limestone microfines content from4.3%to20%by mass were tested.As shown in Fig.1,with the increase of microfines content, the compressive strength of concrete isfirstly increased and then reduced,up to the maximum at10%microfines;theflexural strength increases with increase of the microfines content,but the strength increment becomes smaller when the microfines con-tent exceeds10%.Abrasion resistance of the MS concrete is perceived to be a problem for concrete containing microfines.The use of limestone microfines as part of thefine aggregate resulted in reduced abra-sion loss(Fig.2).Any variation in abrasion resistance was likely re-lated to the volume and abrasion resistance of the paste,as thefine and coarse aggregate sources were held constant.The microfines played a further role in enhancing abrasion loss,which was likely related to their hardness and their bonding within the paste.The improvement in abrasion resistance when microfines are used has been documented in other research[3,14].The main reasons for the appropriate limestone microfines improving strength and abrasion resistance of concretes are that: limestone microfines act as nucleation sites for CH and C–S–H reaction products at early hydration ages and accelerate the hydra-tion of clinker minerals[15],and carboaluminates are formed by the reaction between limestone microfines and C3A[16],resulting in an improvement in early strength;meanwhile,the microfines also can improvefine-particle packing,thus increase the density of paste matrix and interfacial transition zone in hardened con-crete[17],and improve the pore structure of abrasion area.3.2.Influence of particle characteristics and parent rock types of MSThe Chinese national standard of JTG F30-2003approves the use of MS in PCC and specifies that the crushing value of MS used in highway PCC should be less than20–25%by mass and micro-fines content in MS should be lower than3–5%by mass,based on the abrasion resistance.With a view to the skid resistance of concrete,the silicon content in the sand should be higher than 25%by mass[1].In order to discuss the rationality of the specifica-tion and to make clear the influence of surface roughness and crushing value of MS particles on pavement performance of con-crete,the strengths and abrasion resistance of concretes made from four types of manufactured sands,such as MLS0,MGS,Table1Physical and chemical characteristics offine aggregates.Sand samples Apparent density(kg/m3)Packing density(kg/m3)Fineness modulus Microfines content(<75l m)(%)SiO2content(%)Crushing value(%)Roughness(s)RS026501677 2.79 1.870.0328.014.8 RS126701690 2.440.585.307.213.1 RS226621680 2.650.879.0115.213.8 MLS026901839 3.05 4.3 5.0517.318.3 MLS126961842 3.29 3.0 5.107.815.8 MLS226841834 3.018.7 5.0226.516.6 MLS326921839 3.43 1.0 4.9813.318.1 MQS26831876 3.00 6.599.227.816.9 MGS26751893 2.75 6.054.2313.815.2 MBS28701987 3.54 1.050.5311.118.7 3850 B.Li et al./Construction and Building Materials25(2011)3849–3853MQS,and MBS were investigated,and compared with those of the river sand(RS0)concrete.3.2.1.Effect of surface roughness of sand particles on strengthFig.3shows the surface texture of sand particles has a signifi-cant effect on concrete strength,as the angular particles have lar-ger surface area,and the rough surfaces enhance bond between aggregate particles and cement matrix,thus increasing strength, particularlyflexural strength.3.2.2.Influence of crushing value of sand particles on strengthFrom Fig.4a,it is found that there is no evident relationship be-tween the crushing value of sand and compressive strength of con-crete.However,it can be seen from Fig.4b there is a remarkable relation between crushing value of sand andflexural strength of concrete,with the increase of crushing value,theflexural strength tends to decrease.The MQS and MBS concretes with smaller crush-ing value achieved higherflexural strength;on the contrary,the MGS and MLS0concretes with larger crushing value achieved low-erflexural strength;and the crushing value of RS0is the largest, theflexural strength of RS0concrete is the lowest.Therefore,fine aggregate with a low crushing value helps improve theflexural strength of concrete.3.2.3.Influence of SiO2content or parent rock types of MS on abrasion resistanceFrom Fig.5we can see that abrasion loss of the MLS0concrete isn’t the largest,although the SiO2content in MLS0is the smallest; while the concrete made from RS0containing a lot of SiO2has the largest abrasion loss,because RS0has the biggest crushing value and the smallest roughness;the SiO2content of MQS is the highest and its crushing value is the lowest,but MQS has relatively small roughness which negatively affects the bonding between aggregate and paste,so the abrasion resistance of MQS concrete was inferior to that of MGS and MBS concretes.It can be concluded that abra-sion resistance of concrete is related to not only the silica or quartz content of sand,but also roughness and crushing value of sand.3.2.4.Effect of multi-factors coupling on the abrasion resistanceSynthesis of Figs.4a and6reveals that compressive strength of MLS0concrete is relatively higher,but its abrasion resistance is worse,while compressive strength of MQS concrete is relatively lower,but its abrasion resistance is higher.This suggests that the abrasion resistance of concrete not totally depends on its compres-sive strength,and the crushing value of aggregate is also impor-tant.In general,the lower the crushing value,the stronger the aggregate.So the aggregate with low crushing value is beneficial to the abrasion resistance of concrete.In the system of concrete,the surface texture and crushing va-lue of sand particles are the two key factors which affect the strength and abrasion resistance of concrete.The surface rough-ness concerns the interlocking force among aggregates and the bonding between paste and aggregate;the crushing value involves the aggregate strength and directly reflects its wear resistance.The sand particles with both large roughness and low crushing value are beneficial to enhance the abrasion resistance of concrete. Hence,it can be concluded that so long as the crushing value of MS meets the requirement,even limestone MS with very low14.815.216.918.318.714.815.216.918.318.7Roughness (s)Roughness (s)(a) Compressive strength(b) Flexural strengthbetween surface roughnessB.Li et al./Construction and Building Materials25(2011)3849–38533851SiO 2content also can be utilized to produce PCC superior to RS in abrasion resistance,because MS has the natural characteristics of rough surface and angularity.3.3.Influence of Los Angeles abrasion value of aggregate on strengths and abrasion resistanceIn order to study the effect of abrasion of fine aggregate on the abrasion resistance of concrete,three granite gneiss coarse aggre-gates with different Los Angeles value were separately crushed into manufactured granite gneiss sands (MGGS).As shown in Table 2,the Los Angeles abrasion value of aggregate has no direct relation with the MGGS concrete strength,but is related to the concrete abrasion resistance.With the decrease of Los Angeles abrasionvalue,the abrasion loss of concrete decreased.This indicates that the sand particles participate in the abrasion process of concrete,the abrasive resistance of sand accounts for the abrasion resistance of concrete.parison of limestone manufactured sand and river sand concretesAt present,the MS used in China are mainly produced by lime-stone rock,the investigations on strength and abrasion resistance of limestone MS concretes and comparison with RS concretes will have universal significance.Three types of RS and four types of limestone MS are used to compared their pavement performances.Table 3shows,the three concretes of MLS0,MLS1and MLS3are superior to three concretes of RS0,RS1and RS2in flexural strength and abrasion resistance.The reason may be the three manufac-tured sands have rougher surface and great angularity than river sands.While the low flexural strength and abrasion resistance of MLS2concrete should be attributed to large crushing value of the paring MLS2and RS0,their crushing value are more than 25%,so the flexural strength and abrasion resistance of two7.811.113.817.3287.811.113.817.328Crushing value (%)MBSCrushing value (%)(a) Compressive strength (b) Flexural strengthFig.of crushing strengths of concrete at RS05.0550.5354.2370.0399.22Content of SiO (%)between SiO abrasion resistance RS07.811.113.817.328Crushing value (%)abrasion resistance Table 2Effect of Los Angeles abrasion value on strengths and abrasion loss of concrete at 28days.SandsLos Angeles abrasion value (%)Compressive strength (MPa)Flexural strength (MPa)Abrasion loss (kg/m 2)MGGS124.648.68.1 1.521MGGS238.947.88.0 1.973MGGS355. 3Pavement performance comparison between limestone manufactured sand and river sand concretes.SamplesRoughness (s)Crushing value (%)Compressive strength (MPa)Flexural strength (MPa)Abrasion loss (kg/m 2)RS014.828.046.97.4 2.281RS113. 1.804RS213.815.248.07.7 1.822MLS018.317.349.78.0 1.600MLS115.87.849.48.2 1.644MLS216.626.548.57.6 1.911MLS318.113.350.18.11.5913852 B.Li et al./Construction and Building Materials 25(2011)3849–3853concretes are the worst,and MLS2concrete is relatively better than RS0concrete.It can be conclude from the angle of abrasion resis-tance that when crushing value of limestone MS is not more than 26.5%,its utilization to PCC is feasible,and the MS concretes gen-erally have higherflexural strength and better abrasion resistance than RS concretes.4.Conclusions(1)The increment of microfines in MS from4.3to20%do notadversely affect the strengths and abrasion resistance of MS concretes,when the microfines content is10%,the pave-ment performances of the MS concrete achieve the best.(2)With the increase of surface roughness of MS particles,thecompressive andflexural strengths of concrete increase;while with the increase of crushing value of MS particles, theflexural strength of concrete decreases.There is no evi-dent relationship between crushing value of MS and com-pressive strength of MS concrete.(3)The effect of MS on abrasion resistance of PCC is comprehen-sive results of particles characteristics of sand.The abrasion resistance of the MS-PCC has better relation with surface roughness,crushing value and Los Angeles abrasion loss of the sand particles,while has no evident relation with the sil-icon content of the sand.MS with large roughness,low crushing value and good abrasion resistance is suitable for producing high quality PCC.(4)Due to natural rough and angular characteristics of MS par-ticles,so long as the crushing value of MS particles is less than26.5%,MS-PCC is generally superior to RS-PCC inflex-ural strength and abrasion resistance.AcknowledgementThefinancial support under the Science and Technology Item of Communication Construction for West China(Grant Number 2009318811082)is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]JTG F30-2003.Technical specification for construction of highway cementconcrete pavements.Beijing:Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic 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〔.Surface engineering is the subdiscipline of materials scienee which deal with the surface of solid matter.It has applicati ons to chemistry mecha ni cal engin eeri ng ,and electrical engin eeri ng (particularly in relatio n to semic on ductor manu facturi ng).表面工程学是处理固体物质表面材料科学的学科分支。
2.Solids are composed of a bulk material covered by a surface. The surface which bounds the bulk material is called the Surface phase .It acts as an in terface to the surro unding en vir onment. The bulk material in a solid is called the Bulk phase.固体是由被大量的物质覆盖的表面组成。
3.The surface phase of a solid in teracts with the surro unding en vir onment. This in teract ion can degrade the surface over time .En vir onmen tal degradati on of the surface phase over time can be caused by wear, corrosi on, fatigue and creep.固体的表面相会同周围环境相互作用。
大气科学系微机应用基础Primer of microcomputer applicationFORTRAN77程序设计FORTRAN77 Program Design大气科学概论An Introduction to Atmospheric Science大气探测学基础Atmospheric Sounding流体力学Fluid Dynamics天气学Synoptic Meteorology天气分析预报实验Forecast and Synoptic analysis生产实习Daily weather forecasting现代气候学基础An introduction to modern climatology卫星气象学Satellite meteorologyC语言程序设计 C Programming大气探测实验Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique云雾物理学Physics of Clouds and fogs动力气象学Dynamic Meteorology计算方法Calculation Method诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis中尺度气象学Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology边界层气象学Boundary Layer Meteorology雷达气象学Radar Meteorology数值天气预报Numerical Weather Prediction气象统计预报Meteorological Statical Prediction大气科学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences专题讲座Seminar专业英语English for Meteorological Field of Study计算机图形基础Basic of computer graphics气象业务自动化Automatic Weather Service空气污染预测与防治Prediction and Control for Air Pollution现代大气探测Advanced Atmospheric Sounding数字电子技术基础Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul大气遥感Remote Sensing of Atmosphere模拟电子技术基础Analog Electron Technical Base大气化学Atmospheric Chemistry航空气象学Areameteorology计算机程序设计Computer Program Design数值预报模式与数值模拟Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation接口技术在大气科学中的应用Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application海洋气象学Oceanic Meteorology现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统)Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system)1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水2) atmosphere science大气科学3) atmosphere大气1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment for space weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support.随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。
半导体制造的常用名词发表于: 2007-5-07 17:10 作者: luhaoxinglhx 来源: 半导体技术天地Ingot - A cylindrical solid made of polycrystalline or single crystal silicon from which wafers are cut.晶锭- 由多晶或单晶形成的圆柱体,晶圆片由此切割而成。
Laser Light-Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer.激光散射- 由晶圆片表面缺陷引起的脉冲信号。
Lay - The main direction of surface texture on a wafer.层- 晶圆片表面结构的主要方向。
Light Point Defect (LPD) (Not preferred; see localized light-scatterer)光点缺陷(LPD) (不推荐使用,参见“局部光散射”)Lithography - The process used to transfer patterns onto wafers.光刻- 从掩膜到圆片转移的过程。
Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect.局部光散射- 晶圆片表面特征,例如小坑或擦伤导致光线散射,也称为光点缺陷。
Lot - Wafers of similar sizes and characteristics placed together in a shipment.批次- 具有相似尺寸和特性的晶圆片一并放置在一个载片器内。
小学下册英语第一单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ______ (森林) is full of diverse trees and plants.2.My friend is very __________ (好奇的) about science.3.My ________ (玩具名称) is a friendly robot.4.What is 10 ÷ 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6C5.My grandma grows ________ in her kitchen.6.Many plants are well-suited for container gardening, offering flexibility in ______. (许多植物适合容器园艺,提供种植的灵活性。
)7.I have a ___ (funny) story to tell.8. A non-metal is an element that lacks the characteristics of a _______.9.What do we call the small, hard fruit that grows on trees?A. VegetableB. BerryC. NutD. GrainC10.My puppy loves to dig in the ______ (沙土).11.古代的________ (currencies) 促进了商业活动的进行。
12.I love to draw pictures of ______ (植物) and ______ (动物).13.My mom loves __________ (参加志愿活动).14.The flamingo is often seen in _________ (湿地).15.I want to learn about ________ in science class.16.What do we call a large-scale destruction caused by natural forces?A. DisasterB. CatastropheC. CrisisD. EmergencyB17.The _______ of water is essential for all living things.18.What is the capital of South Africa?A. JohannesburgB. PretoriaC. Cape TownD. DurbanB19.My _____ (表弟) is very funny.20.What do you call the center of an atom?A. NeutronB. ProtonC. NucleusD. ElectronC21.He is helping his dad in the ___. (garage)22.What is the name of the period before history was written?A. PrehistoryB. Ancient historyC. Medieval timesD. Modern historyA23.Chemical equations must be balanced to follow the law of ______.24.I enjoy going for ______ (散步) in the evening. It helps clear my mind and relax.25.What is the capital of Saint Barthélemy?A. GustaviaB. Saint MartinC. MarigotD. PhilipsburgA26.I enjoy _____ (reading/watching) movies.27.What is the opposite of up?A. DownB. LeftC. RightD. Forward28.The chemical formula for nickel sulfate is _______.29.We visit the ______ (文化中心) to learn about traditions.30.What is the currency used in Japan?A. DollarB. EuroC. YenD. PoundC31.The historian writes about important _____ (事件).32. A snake can be very ______.33.What is the main color of the sun?A. YellowB. WhiteC. BlueD. Red34.The chemical symbol for sulfur is _______.35.The process of a liquid turning into vapor is called _______.36. A ________ (沙漠) can be very hot during the day.37.The city of Beijing is the capital of _______.38.My sister is a good __________. (歌手)39.The atomic model describes the structure of an _____.40.The flamingo stands gracefully on one _______ (腿).41.The __________ is a famous mountain in South America. (富士山)42.The invention of ________ has reshaped modern communication.43.How many days are in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight44.My uncle plays soccer on the ____ (weekends).45.What do you call the fear of heights?A. AcrophobiaB. ClaustrophobiaC. AgoraphobiaD. NyctophobiaA46.Which animal is known as man’s best friend?A. CatB. DogC. HorseD. FishB47.The tortoise carries its house on its _________. (背上)48.How many days are in February during a leap year?A. 28B. 29C. 30D. 31B49.Which month comes after January?A. MarchB. FebruaryC. AprilD. MayB50.Oxygen is important for __________ (呼吸).51.The Doppler effect changes the frequency of a wave as the source moves ______.52._____ (树根) prevent soil erosion.53.Lead is a heavy ______.54.The ______ is a skilled craftsman.55.The __________ (亚历山大大帝) created one of the largest empires in history.56.The light is very ___ (bright).57.The fish swims ___. (in, on, under)58.How many countries are in the European Union?A. 27B. 28C. 29D. 30A59.The _____ of a solution can affect its reaction rate.60.The wind blows through the ______ (树叶). It sounds very ______ (宁静).61. A _____ is an area with specific landforms.62.We will _______ (have) a bonfire tonight.63. A small ___ (小鸟) built a nest in my tree.64. A ____(sustainable fishing) practice prevents overfishing.65.What is the main language spoken in the United Kingdom?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. EnglishD. GermanC66. A __________ is a substance that can change color in different conditions.67.The cat's claws are sharp for _______.68. A pulley can help lift heavy ______.69.I want to learn how to ________.70.I will visit my ________ (祖父母) next weekend.71.What do you need to write on paper?A. PaintB. PencilC. ClayD. GlueB72.What do we call a person who studies plants?A. BotanistB. ZoologistC. GeologistD. Chemist73.She is studying to be a ________.74.What is the main purpose of a refrigerator?A. CookingB. FreezingC. CoolingD. HeatingC75. A ______ (温室气候) is controlled for optimal plant growth.76.I have a collection of toy _____ from my travels.77. A __________ is a reaction that produces new substances with different properties.78.What is the name of the famous river in Egypt?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. MississippiB79.The jellyfish's sting may cause discomfort but is rarely ________________ (致命).80.Which instrument do you play to make music?A. FluteB. HammerC. RulerD. PaintbrushA81.What do we call the center of an atom?A. NucleusB. ElectronC. ProtonD. NeutronA82.What do we call the part of the plant that holds the seeds?A. LeafB. FlowerC. FruitD. StemC83.There are three _____ (apples/oranges) on the table.84.My brother loves to __________ (做实验) with science.85.What is the main ingredient in apple pie?A. ApplesB. PeachesC. BerriesD. Bananas86. A reaction that occurs at low temperatures is called a ______ reaction.87.My dad works in an ________.88.What do you call the act of taking care of plants?A. GardeningB. FarmingC. CultivatingD. PlantingA89.We visit the ______ (历史博物馆) to learn about our past.90.What do we call a group of lions?A. PackB. FlockC. PrideD. HerdC91.What is the name of the famous American actress known for "Legally Blonde"?A. Reese WitherspoonB. Jennifer AnistonC. Cameron DiazD. Kate HudsonA92.The _____ (blossom) of spring brings joy.93.Chemical reactions often require an ______.94.The ________ is the highest point in North America.95.What do you call the study of weather?A. BiologyB. MeteorologyC. AstronomyD. GeologyB96.The ______ helps with the filtration of blood.97. A ________ (湿地) is important for biodiversity.98.The chemical formula for sodium thiosulfate is __________.99.Dolphins are very _______ and friendly.100.The beach is _______ (适合游泳).。
硅片行业术语大全(中英文对照 I-Z)Ingot - A cylindrical solid made of polycrystalline or single crystal silicon from which wafer s are cut.晶锭 - 由多晶或单晶形成的圆柱体,晶圆片由此切割而成。
Laser Light-Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer.激光散射 - 由晶圆片表面缺陷引起的脉冲信号。
Lay - The main direction of surface texture on a wafer.层 - 晶圆片表面结构的主要方向。
Light Point Defect (LPD) (Not preferred; see localized light-scatterer) 光点缺陷(LPD) (不推荐使用,参见“局部光散射”)Lithography - The process used to transfer patterns onto wafer s.光刻 - 从掩膜到圆片转移的过程。
Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect.局部光散射 - 晶圆片表面特征,例如小坑或擦伤导致光线散射,也称为光点缺陷。
Lot - Wafer s of similar sizes and characteristics placed together in a shipment.批次 - 具有相似尺寸和特性的晶圆片一并放置在一个载片器内。
Application of multi-soil-layer system (MSL) in ruralwastewater treatmentAbstract:with the continuous improvement of living in rural farmers, the water consumption of residents is increasing, rural sewage emissions will continue to increase, if not treat effectively, the water environment in rural areas will be serious deteriorated, and influence the life quality of rural residents. In this case this paper presents a decentralized sewage treatment system, multi-soil-layer system technology (MSL) application in the rural sewage treatment, this paper summarizes the new technology, you can better understand and practice, especially in the developing countries where is in need of this technology. In the foreseeable future, it can protect public health and the sustainable development of the environment, and it also provides a new way for rural sewage treatment.Key words: rural sewage; multi-soil-layering system; distributed1.IntroductionIn recent years, with the continuous development of economy, people's living standards continue to improve, rural economic development is also very rapid, but the rural economic development and environmental development is not synchronized, serious rural water pollution.While high technical sewage treatment plants, such as centralized sewage treatment plants are involved in large investment costs, high operating costs,Because of economic constraints, such systems are less suitable for livestock farms and small communities in rural areas. While the multi-media-soil layer system(MSL) sewage treatment system, this decentralized sewage treatment system, it has less investment, low operating costs, high handling load. Besides, the utility model overcomes the defects of the prior soil percolation which is easy to be blocked from the space structure.The sewage treatment system is one kind of the purification technology of sewerage treatment soil developed in Japan in twentieth Century, the soil system will be modularized, and the module is set up around the water in the soil layer to avoid clogging, and adding natural organic materials to soil modules can improve the purification ability of the system.The MSL system consists of a Permeable layer (PL) and a soil mixing layer block (SMB),The Permeable layer is usually composed oflarger particles fillers such as gravel, pumice, perlite and zeolite.Higher porosity can effectively prevent clogging of the soil water layer.At the same time, the formation of aerobic environment is conducive to organic degradation.The mixed layer soil is mainly packing soil mixed with other 20%-30% other materials such as activated carbon, wood, iron and other material or soil with local resources.The organic material added in the soil mixed layer can improve the biological decomposition and adsorption capacity of the system, and can also improve the supply of hydrogen in the process of nitrogen removal and promote the removal of nitrogen.There are many researches on M SL system treating urban sewage, livestock wastewater and river water at home and abroad.Researchers in China, Ye Hai et al[1] studied the effect of surface load on polluted river water treated by multi-soil-layer system.Song Ying[2]had studied the treatment effect of multi medium soil infiltration system for turtle breeding wastewater.Zou Jun[3]also pointed out that multi-soil-layer material selection will have a certain impact on the domestic sewage treatment efficiency.In foreign countries, especially in Japan, Thailand and Indonesia, MSL systems have been used to handle various types of wastewater, but the domestic of this technology in sewage t reatment in rural areas there is no comprehensive study,This article through to the MSL system technology processing rural domestic sewage research, inorder to provide some technical support for the MSL system in the practical application of rural sewage treatment.2.1characteristics of rural sewageFor a long time,China's pollution control on rural attention and investment far less than the city,96% of the villages without drainage pipe network and sewage treatment system,The random discharge of domestic sewage has become one of the main reasons for the deterioration of water quality in the basin, and is also an important factor causing the rural water environment pollution and lake eutrophication.At the same time, it seriously affects the safety of production and living in the rural areas, and seriously affects the economic development.The main features of rural sewage in China are:(1)The amount is huge and increases year by year.Statistics show that in 2002.There are 3.205 million tons of national rural domestic sewage daily emissions.The total nitrogen emission is about 283.1t, total phosphorus daily emission is about 56.6t, basically without any treatment directly discharged.(2)Water quality and water quantity fluctuation are huge.Rural sewage water is not stable, different periods have different water quality, generally do not contain heavy metals and toxic and harmful substances, but contains more synthetic detergent and bacteria, viruses.(3)More sources.In addition to human feces, kitchen generated sewage, there are household cleaning, domestic waste landfill leachate generated sewage, which will then enter the river part of the sewage, will cause greater pollution.(4)Low treatment rate.Part of the system can not run low temperature, rural sewage daily variation coefficient and seasonal variation coefficient, the system a few time high load operation, if there is little sewage, it will stop running [4].(5)Wide and scattered.Scattered geographical distribution of villages caused sewage dispersion and it is difficult to collect.2.2 the main source of rural sewageRural sewage refers to the formation of sewage of the rural areas in the life and production process, including rural production wastewater and rural domestic sewage two aspects.Rural domestic sewage refers to the residents living in the process of toilet discharge of sewage, bath, laundry and kitchen sewage, etc.Rural production sewage refers to livestock and poultry breeding, aquaculture, agricultural products processing and other high concentration of organic wastewater.Because China's rural living is scattered, r ural domestic sewage showed a small amount and wide ck of appropriate sewage collection, treatment facilities, domestic sewage without treatment will be free to discharge, the health of rural residents to bring greater harm.A t the sametime, rural sewage production also poses a greater threat to the rural ecological environment.2.3main technologies of decentralized domestic sewage treatmentBeginning in 1970s, Japan, the United States, Europe and other developed countries on the use of decentralized sewage treatment of rural sewage treatment, has accumulated a lot of experience, achieved good results.The United States since the mid-20th century began the construction of rural sewage treatment facilities, in 1972 promulgated the first complete clean water, then according to the distributed processing technology in 2002 promulgated the decentralized sewage treatment system application manual [5].1987, In Denmark promulgated a decentralized sewage treatment guidelines[6].Germany from 2003 to implement the decentralized needle infrastructure system project research, use membrane bioreactor purification to treat remote rural sewage[7]. Australia proposed a sewage treatment land use system [8].While research and application of rural sewage decentralized treatment in China began in late 1980s,Compared with developed countries and regions, there are still many gaps in laws and regulations system, technical standard system and management and service system.In recent years, domestic scholars have done a lot of research on rural domestic sewage,and puts forward some mature processing technology, including aerobic biological treatment, anaerobic biological treatment technology, soil infiltration technique andphysical and chemical processing technology etc.There are many scholars in the multi-soil-layer system improvement and application development of the Japanese, i t has also done a lot of research, some scholars found through experiments: to earthworm soil infiltration layer can also solve the problem of blockage of MSL system, but also can guarantee the winter operation effect in winter [9-10].2.4 Multi-soil-layer system (MSL) technology2.4.1Structural characteristics of multi-media-soil layer systemMulti-soil-layer treatment (MSL) system is a kind of land sewage treatment system.Mainly composed of Permeable l ayer (PL) and a soil mixing layer block (SMB),From top to bottom are waterproof layer, gravel layer, soil layer and mixed layer (two alternately arranged), in addition, the MSL technology has a certain terrain fall from the inlet tothe outlet, mainly by the drop let water can automatically flow in the system, at the same time to purify [11].2.4.2Purification mechanism of multi-soil-layer systemWastewater contains high concentrations of BOD, COD, ammonia nitrogen, phosphate ions and organic matter.When the wastewater into the MSL system, the organic matter in wastewater can be adsorbed on the surface of zeolite and soil through physical and chemical effects, followed by decomposition of soil layer in microorganism, and phosphorus removal is mainly through the soil layer of iron is oxidized toferric hydroxide after the formation of insoluble iron, then adsorption in wastewater the formation of phosphate coprecipitation.Nitrogen removalis mainly through nitrification and denitrification by ammonia ion, and finally reduced to nitrogen discharge system.2.4.3Advantages of multi-soil-layer systemMulti-media-soil layer system is used to treat wastewater from traditional soil infiltration system.It has the disadvantages of low treatment load, large ground, easy to block nitrogen and phosphorus removal and other shortcomings [12].The MSL system with "soil modular" as the core concept, its unique brick type internal structure can form a plurality of aerobic and anaerobic environment in order to promote the removal of pollutants,Among them, the permeable layer greatly improves the water permeability of the system to prevent clogging, adding natural materials in the soil increases the purification capacity of the system.3.ConclusionsWith the economic reform and development, China's environmental awareness i s also improving, water pollution in rural areas have also obtained more and more attention,The MSL system applicable to the small population, scattered in rural areas, the decentralized sewage treatment system can be widely installed and used in the rural society, especially in rural areas of developing countries such as Chinese, Chinese is in need of such technology, sustainable development can protect thepublic health and the environment.4.Reference[1] Ye Hai Ye et al. Effect of surface load on polluted river water treated by multi-soil-layer system[J]. China water supply and drainage, 2012,28 (19): 74-77[2]Ying Song et al.Treatment of turtle aquaculture effluent by an multi-soil-layersystem[J].Journal of Zhejiang University Science B.2015,16(2):145-154[3]Zou Jun, Chen Xin et al. Effect of material selection of multi-soil-layer systemon domestic wastewater treatment efficiency[J]. Journal of ecology and rural environment, 2010,26 (1): 14-18[4]Zhang Keqiang et al. Rural sewage treatment technology[M]Beijing: ChinaAgricultural Science and Technology Press, 2006.10[5] Chen Jinming et al.Policy and experience of managing decentralized wastewatertreatment systems in the United States [J]. China water supply and drainage, 2004,20 (6): 104-106[6] Hans B.Danish guidelines for small-scale constructed wetland systems for onsitetreatment of domestic sewage[C].Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon, France, 2004:1-8[7] Li Wushuang, Wang Hongyang. Status and treatment technology of ruraldecentralized domestic wastewater [J]. Tianjin Agricultural Sciences, 2008,14 (6): 75-77[8] Zhang Jiawei, Zhou Zhiqin. Application of decentralized treatment technology forrural domestic sewage [J]. environmental science and management, 2011,36 (1): 95-99[9] Wang Xixi, Guo Feihong, et al. A new improved capillary infiltration ditch fordomestic wastewater treatment. [J].environmental chemistry,2011,30(3): 721-722 [10]Zhang Xiaowei, Li Jianchao, et al. Experimental study on earthworm enhancedland treatment of rural wastewater [J]. Journal of agro environmental science,2009,28 (6): 1225-1229[11]Hu Hongqi, Yang Yong et al. Analysis of practical application of two efficientrural sewage treatment technologies [J]. Heilongjiang environmental bulletin, 2016, 40 (1): 20-24[12] Xin Chen et al.An introduction of a multi-soil-layering system:a novel greentechnology for wastewater treatment in rural areas[J].Water and Environment Journal.2009:255-262。
半导体制造的常用名词发表于: 2007-5-07 17:10 作者: luhaoxinglhx 来源: 半导体技术天地Ingot - A cylindrical solid made of polycrystalline or single crystal silicon from which wafers are cut.晶锭- 由多晶或单晶形成的圆柱体,晶圆片由此切割而成。
Laser Light-Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer.激光散射- 由晶圆片表面缺陷引起的脉冲信号。
Lay - The main direction of surface texture on a wafer.层- 晶圆片表面结构的主要方向。
Light Point Defect (LPD) (Not preferred; see localized light-scatterer)光点缺陷(LPD) (不推荐使用,参见“局部光散射”)Lithography - The process used to transfer patterns onto wafers.光刻- 从掩膜到圆片转移的过程。
Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect.局部光散射- 晶圆片表面特征,例如小坑或擦伤导致光线散射,也称为光点缺陷。
Lot - Wafers of similar sizes and characteristics placed together in a shipment.批次- 具有相似尺寸和特性的晶圆片一并放置在一个载片器内。
Soil organic matter and degradationSarah Pariente and Hanoch LaveeLaboratory of Geomorphology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.***************.ac.il1 IntroductionThe importance of soil organic matter (SOM) as an indicator of the sustainability of ecogeomorphic systems was emphasized by Imeson (1995), Swift and Woomer (1993), Sparling (1991) and others. This function of SOM springs from its effects on soil structural stability (its action as a bonding agent between primary and secondary mineral particles leads to enhanced amount, size and stability of aggregates) and soil water retention (as a water adsorbing agent it enhances water acceptance and availability) and, hence, on infiltration and percolation. At the same time, SOM controls soil nutrients that affect biomass.Both bonding and adsorption processes explain why SOM has often been found to be positively correlated to soil structure but negatively correlated to soil erosion (Kemper and Koch, 1966; Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Chaney and Swift, 1984; Imeson and Verstraten, 1985; Bartoli et al., 1988; Haynes and Swift, 1990; Lavee et al., 1991; Dutartre et al., 1993 Imeson et al., 1994; Boix-Fayos et al., 1995; Lavee et al., 1996). Dutartre et al. (1993) emphasized that soil structural stability is influenced by the type of organic matter, as well as its amount. Therefore, in some cases high SOM content is not accompanied by high structural stability. Voroney et al. (1981) pointed out that some fungi exude oxalic acid, which enhances dispersion and breakdown of aggregates.The organic matter content in the soil expresses the relationships between the sources of organic materials and the decomposing factors (soil biota) (Greenland and Nye, 1959). The main source of SOM is litter (characterized by its amount and type). Both the sources and the decomposing factors depend, to a large extent, on climate and lithology – factors that control the texture, structure, moisture content and temperature of the soil. Land use and fires can obscure the effect of climate on SOM.The sources and the decomposing factors of SOM vary in space and time, and on different scales. Whereas on a regional scale, the macro conditions of climate control these variations, on a local scale, the spatial differences within each region reflect the micro-environmental conditions that depend on the natural conditions (microtopography and surface cover components) and on the type of land use (Haynes and Swift, 1984). Regarding the temporal variations, SOM content varies in the long term – decades and centuries – because of changes in climatic conditions, and in the short term – months or years – because of fluctuations in weather conditions between seasons and between years. Each climatic region has a typical range of SOM values that reflects its tempo-spatial variations under natural and semi-natural conditions. This means that environmental change can be indicated by SOM values that fall outside that typical range. Values below the bottom of a range indicate increasing aridity and land degradation, whereas values above the top of the range indicate improvements in soil structural stability and the soil water regime.This presentation aims at analysing the changes in SOM that result from differences in climatic conditions and land use.2 Research sitesThe research was carried out in several research sites, representing Mediterranean (sub-humid), semi-arid, mildly arid and arid climates along a climatic transect, running from the Judean mountains (mean annual rainfall 700 mm, and annual meantemperature 17°C) to the Dead Sea (mean annual rainfall under 100 mm, and annualmean temperature 23°C) (Figure 1). Five research stations were established onhillslopes having similar topographic (azimuth 135-150° and gradients of 11-14°) and lithological (hard calcareous bedrock) conditions. The climatic characteristics (Table 1) vary widely among the sites except for sites MAB and MAL, in which they are the same. However, these two sites differ from each other in their surface cover characteristics: MAB has fewer shrubs and annuals but more rock fragments than MAL.Figure 1. Locations of the study sites (mean annual rainfall in mm, is indicated by isohyets).Table 1. The main ecogeomorphological characteristics of the research sites.Research site Meanannualtemperature(°C )Meanannual rainfall(mm)Soil type Vegetation coverin March 2000(%)Giv’at Ye’arim (GIV) 17 620 BrownTerraRossa85Ma’ale Adumim (MAL) 19 330 BrownRendzina40Ma’ale Adumim (MAB) 19 330 BrownRendzina30Mishor Adumin(MIS)20 260 Pale brown lithosol 30KALIA (KAL) 23 120 Very pale gypsicdesert lithosol103. MethodAt four sites, GIV, MAL, MIS and KAL, soil samples were taken four times a year, inJanuary, March, May and September, from 1992 through 1993 and 1994 and in April and August 2000. In the last two months soil samples were taken in site MAB too. Ateach of the sites, in each season, four to eight points were sampled in open areas between shrubs. At each point soil samples were taken from two soil depths: 0-2 cm, and 2-10 cm. The organic matter content was determined by the wet combustion method (Head, 1984).Data were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance with SPSS 10 for Windows (SPSS Inc. Chicago, USA). Tukeys test, at α=0.05 level of significance, was used.4 Results and discussion4.1 Effect of climate conditionsComparison between the sites along the climatic transect shows that, except for siteMAB, SOM increased significantly in both 0-2 cm and 2-10 cm, from the arid site, KAL, through the mildly arid site, MIS, and the semi-arid site, MAL, to the Mediterranean site, GIV. This increase is accounted for by differences between the climatic zones, in the relationships between the sources of the soil organic matter – mainly vegetation – and the decomposing factors, i.e., micro organisms. The arid zone is characterized by a low vegetation cover (Table 1), which exists for a short time, so that the sources of organic matter are limited in both quantity and availability. In this zone the conditions that favour micro organism activity in the soil also prevail for a short time, and are limited to the winter and spring, when the soil moisture and temperature do not restrict such activity (Li and Sarah, 2003a,b). Also, the high salinity that characterizes this zone inhibits microbial biomass (Sarah, 2001). The Mediterranean zone is characterized by a high vegetation cover which exists both in the winter and in the summer, and by soil moisture content and temperatures suitable for biotic activities during a large proportion of the year. These characteristics result in a high organic matter content in the soil. Most of this SOM is in the form of polymers that facilitate the establishment of strong and flexible connections between the inorganic soil particles that form the aggregates, as a result of which the disintegration and dispersion of the aggregates during wetting and drying are relatively low (Emerson et al., 1986).Table 2. Soil organic matter at different depths at the study sites. Means in the row within one depth followed by different capital letters varied significantly at the 0.05 probability level. Means in the column within one site followed by different letters varied significantly at the 0.05 probability level.Depth/Siten KAL76MIS76MAB16MAL76GIV760-2 cm a 1.46 E a 2.56 C a 2.12 D a 3.77 B a 6.15 A 2-10 cm b 1.07 D b 2.05 C a 1.89 C b 2.96 B b 4.39 A4.2 Effect of land useFigure 2 and Table 2 show significant differences, in each of the soil depths, betweenthe two semi-arid sites, MAL and MAB, in spite of the fact that they are under the same climatic conditions. The SOM content in site MAB was significantly lower thanthat in site MAL in the two depths. The SOM content in the 0-2 cm depth in site MAB was significantly lower even than that in site MIS, which is more arid.Figure 2. Soil organic matter content variations along the climatic gradient.Measurements of SOM in other natural semi-arid sites with similar topographic andlithological conditions show similar values to those of site MAL. The conclusion is that while SOM values in MAL represent the semi-arid zone under natural/semi-naturalconditions, the values in site MAB express a deviation that indicates land degradation, probably because of intensive human interference, such as overgrazing and/or the establishment of nomad settlement (tents). This conclusion is strengthened by the surface cover characteristics at this site, i.e., relatively low density of shrubs and high density of rock fragments. Furthermore, Bedouin encampments are still seen in the neighborhood.Comparison between the two soil depths shows that whereas in all sites SOM inthe 0-2 cm was significantly higher than that in 2-10 cm, the difference in site MAB was small and not significant (Table 2). No intensive human interference was observed in site MAB in the last 12 years. This means that site MAB went through a severe degradation and did not recover yet.To sum up, significant deviations from the typical expected SOM values in both the regional scale and the soil profile scale can be used as indices of land degradation. This emphasizes the importance of field long term monitoring. ReferencesBartoli, F., Philippy, R. and Burtin, G., 1988. Aggregation in soils with small amounts of swelling clays.Aggregate stability. J. Soil Science 39, 593-616.Boix-Fayos, C., Soriano, M.D., Tiemessen, I.R., Calvo-Cases, A. and Imeson, A.C., 1995. Properties and erosional response of soils in a degraded ecosystem in Crete (Greece). Environmental Monitoring Assessment 37, 79-92.Chaney, K. and Swift, R.S., 1984. The influence of organic matter on aggregate stability in some British soils. J. Soil Science 35, 223-230.Dutartre, Ph., Bartoli, F., Andreux, F., Portal, J.M. and Ange, A., 1993. Influence of content and nature of organic matter on the structure of some sandy soils from West Africa. Geoderma 56, 459-478. Emerson, W.W., Foster, R.C. and Oades, J.M., 1986. Organo-Mineral Complexes in Relation to Soil Aggregation and Structure. In: Huang, P. M. and Schnitzer, M. (Eds.), Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural Organics and Microbes, Soil Science Society of America Spec. Pub. no. 17, 521-548. Greenland, D.J. and Nye, P.H., 1959. Increase in the carbon and Nitrogen contents of tropical soils under natural fallows. J. Soil Science 10, 284-299.Haynes, R.J. and Swift, R.S., 1990. Stability of aggregates in relation to organic constituents and soil water content. J. Soil Science 41, 73-83.Head, K.H., 1984. Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, 1, Soil Classification and Compaction Tests. ELE International Ltd. Fentech Press, London.Imeson, A.C., 1995. The physical, chemical and biological degradation of the soil. In Fantechi, R., Peter,D., Balabanis, P. and Rubio, J.L. (Eds.): Desertification in a European Context: Physical and socio-economic aspects. Proceedings of the European School 0f Climatology and Natural Hazards course, Alicante, 1993, 399-409.Imeson, A.C. and Verstraten J.M., 1985. The erodibility of highly calcareous soil material from southern Spain. Catena 12, 291-306.Imeson, A.C., Perez-Trejo, F., Lavee, H. and Calvo-Cases, A., 1994. Modelling and exploring the impact of climate change on ecosystem degradation, hydrology and land use along a transect across the Mediterranean. In Troen, I. (Ed.), Global Change: Climatic Change and Climatic Change Impacts.Proceedings Copenhagen Symposium, September 1993, European Commission, EUR 15921 EN, 173-185.Kemper, W.D. and Koch, E.J., 1966. Aggregate stability of soils from Western United States and Canada.USDA Tech. Bull. 1355, 52 p.Lavee, H, Imeson, A.C., Sarah, P. and Benyamini, Y., 1991. The response of soils to simulated rainfall along a climatological gradient in an arid and semi-arid region. Catena 19, 19-37.Lavee, H., Sarah, P. and Imeson, A.C., 1996. Aggregate stability dynamics as affected by soil temperature and moisture regimes. Geografiska Annaler 78A, 73-82.Li, X. and Sarah, H. 2003. Enzyme activities along a climatic transect in the Judean Desert. Catena (in press).Li, X. and Sarah, H. 2003. Arylsulfatase activity of soil microbial biomass along a Mediterranean-arid transect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (in press).Sarah, P., 2001. Soluble salts dynamics in the soil under different climatic regions. Catena, 43: 307-321. Sparling, G.D., 1991. Organic matter carbon and microbial biomass carbon as indicators of sustainable land use. In Elliot, C. R., Latham, M. and Dumanski, J. (Eds.), Evaluation for Sustainable and Management in the Developing World. Vol. 2: Technical Papers. IBSRAM Proceedings No. 12. Bangkok, Thailand: IBSRAM.Swift, M.J. and Woomer, P., 1993. Organic matter and sustainability of agricultural systems: Definition and measurement. In Mulongoy, K. and Merckx, R. (Eds.), Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture. John Wiley and Sons, 3-18.Tisdall, J.M. and Oades, J.M., 1982. Organic matter and water sTable aggregates in soil. J. Soil Science 33, 141-163.Voroney, R.P., van Veen, J.A. and Paul, E.A., 1981. Organic carbon dynamics in grassland soils. II. Model validation and simulation of the long-term effects of cultivation and rainfall erosion. Can. J. Soil Science 61, 211-224.。
大气科学系微机应用基础Primer of microcomputer applicationFORTRAN77程序设计FORTRAN77 Program Design大气科学概论An Introduction to Atmospheric Science大气探测学基础Atmospheric Sounding流体力学Fluid Dynamics天气学Synoptic Meteorology天气分析预报实验Forecast and Synoptic analysis生产实习Daily weather forecasting现代气候学基础An introduction to modern climatology卫星气象学Satellite meteorologyC语言程序设计 C Programming大气探测实验Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique云雾物理学Physics of Clouds and fogs动力气象学Dynamic Meteorology计算方法Calculation Method诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis中尺度气象学Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology边界层气象学Boundary Layer Meteorology雷达气象学Radar Meteorology数值天气预报Numerical Weather Prediction气象统计预报Meteorological Statical Prediction大气科学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences专题讲座Seminar专业英语English for Meteorological Field of Study计算机图形基础Basic of computer graphics气象业务自动化Automatic Weather Service空气污染预测与防治Prediction and Control for Air Pollution现代大气探测Advanced Atmospheric Sounding数字电子技术基础Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul大气遥感Remote Sensing of Atmosphere模拟电子技术基础Analog Electron Technical Base大气化学Atmospheric Chemistry航空气象学Areameteorology计算机程序设计Computer Program Design数值预报模式与数值模拟Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation接口技术在大气科学中的应用Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application海洋气象学Oceanic Meteorology现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统)Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system)1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水2) atmosphere science大气科学3) atmosphere大气1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment forspace weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support.随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。
本科毕业设计(外文翻译)具有非光滑特性的仿生推土机刮板对土壤阻力减小的影响Effects of non-smooth characteristics on bionic bulldozer blades in resistance reduction against soilEffects of non-smooth characteristics on bionic bulldozer blades in resistance reduction against soilAbstractThe phenomenon of soil adhesion occurs widely when terrain machines and construction machines work; this adhesion increases their working resistance. Bionics is one of the most effective methods to reduce resistance against soil. Severalnon-smooth convex form bulldozer blades were tested to study the effects ofnon-smooth characteristics on resistance reduction against soil. Under the same soil and test conditions, the draft forces of different non-smooth samples were obtained, and were lower than those of smooth samples. The sample with largest convex base diameter had the lowest draft force. The experiments with smooth and non-smooth samples were repeated to observe soil adhesion and test resistance. A minimum amount of soil adhered to the surface of the non-smooth sample, and the draft force varied smoothly. The smooth sample was different in soil adhesion and draft force.Author Keywords: Non-smooth characteristics; Bionic bulldozer blades; Resistance reductionArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Experimental details2.1. The bulldozer blade samples2.2. The tested soil2.3. The equipments and conditions3. Results and discussions3.1. Effects of the number of the non-smooth convexes3.2. Effects of the base diameter of the non-smooth convexes3.3. Effects of the distribution of the non-smooth convex3.4. Effects of the height of the non-smooth convexes3.5. Effects of experimental times on soil adhesion and forces4. Concluding remarksAcknowledgementsReferences1. IntroductionThe phenomenon of soil adhesion occurs widely when terrain machines and construction machines work; this adhesion increases their working resistance and energy consumption and decreases their qualities. Many methods, such as materials modification, surface shape design, vibration, lubrication, electric-osmosis and magnetization, were adopted to reduce the soil adhesion force between soil and the surface of soil-engaging components. Some research conducted found that polymeric materials and enamel coating had the ability to reduce soil adhesion [6, 12, 13, 14 and 17], but the polymeric materials had poor abrasion resistance against soil. The surface shapes of the soil-engaging components played an important role in reducing soil adhesion and friction. A kind of comet-type passage-holes mouldboard was made to reduce the plowing resistance [19]. Ultrasonic vibration and mechanical vibration experiments were conducted, indicating the reduction of soil adhesion and soil friction resistance due to vibration [16 and 18]. Araya and Kawanishi, Schafer and others reported that the air-flow, water and polymer-water solution injected in between soil and the surface of soil-engaging components had a lubrication action and decreased the draft forces of soil-engaging equipment [1 and 15]. The electro-osmosis method was adopted to reduce soil adhesion and sliding resistance, but a long contacting time for electro-osmosis required a limited application of the electric-osmosis method [2 and 3]. Han and Zhang et al, studied the effect of the magnetic field on the plowing resistance of plows. They reported that the plowshare with attached permanent magnets on the back had lower plowing resistance and fuel oil consumption of the tractors used for dragging plows than that of the plow without magnetizing [4 and 5].The problem of soil adhesion has been solved in some soil-burrowing animals such as dung beetle, ant, and pangolin. Some research has shown that some parts of their body surfaces were a kind of geometrical non-smooth structure. The non-smooth structure was one of reasons why soil-burrowing animals do not stick soil. Fig. 1 illustrates thenon-smooth morphology of the head of dung beetle. Based on the research of the principles of the non-smooth surfaces of soil-burrowing animals in anti-adhesion against soil [7], bionic non-smooth methods were developed to reduce soil adhesion. Some bionic bulldozing plates were designed and made to test the mechanism ofnon-smooth surfaces on the reduction of soil adhesion and resistance [8, 9, 10 and 11]. Several bionic bulldozer blades with varied non-smooth surface characteristics were designed and tested in order to study the effects of the non-smooth surface characteristics on bionic bulldozer blades in resistance reduction against soil in the present work.Full-size image (24K)Fig. 1. The non-smooth morphology of the head of a dung beetle.2. Experimental details2.1. The bulldozer blade samplesThe sample surfaces were convex-form non-smooth surfaces and designed as curved surfaces, not plain ones. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the bulldozer blade sample. The samples and the small convexes on them were cast together. The small convexes were different in the number, base diameter, height, distribution form or distribution position. The non-smooth characteristic differences of the samples were shown in Table 1. The samples were 300 mm long, 150 mm wide, and 150 mm high. The angleof the cut was 52° during bulldozing tests. The curved radius of the blade was 105.2 mm, and the thickness was 15 mm.Full-size image (29K)Fig. 2. A photograph of a bulldozer blade sample used for tests.Table 1. The non-smooth characteristic differences of the samplesFull-size table (10K)2.2. The tested soilThe tested soil was a kind of black clay from Jilin Province, China. The moisture content was 28.25% (d.b.). The particle size distribution of the tested soil is listed in Table 2.Table 2. The particle size distribution of the tested soil, liquid limit (W L) and plastic limit (W P)Full-size table (2K)2.3. The equipments and conditionsThe tests were run in a soil bin at Jilin University (Nanling Campus). The dimensions of the soil bin are 2.5 m long, 0.815 m wide and 0.515 m deep. The soil bin is driven by an electric motor through a gear box. In the experiment, the tested blade was mounted on a fixed frame structure which was above the soil bin. As the soil bin moved, the tested blade cut the soil. The draft forces were measured through two octagonal ring dynamometers mounted between the tested blades and the fixed frame structure. These force signals were conditioned with a strain gage, and then recorded in a cassette data recorder. The recorded data was processed in a signal processor. The depth of cut was 15 mm, and the speed of cut was 0.031 m/s. All samples were tested in the same conditions, and every experiment was repeated three times. The experimental system is illustrated in Fig. 3.Full-size image (27K)Fig. 3. The experimental system.3. Results and discussions3.1. Effects of the number of the non-smooth convexesSample No. 1 (smooth), No. 2 (convex NUMBER=16), No. 3 (convex NUMBER=13) and No. 4 (convex NUMBER=19) were chosen as samples for tests. The cut velocity was 0.031 m/s, the cut depth was 15 mm, the cut angle was 46° and the moisture content of the tested soil was 28.25%. The experimental results of the draft forces of the above four samples are shown in Fig. 4. It was obvious that the draft force of sample No. 3 was the lowest in this group. It was 23.9% lower than that of the smooth one. The draft force of sample No. 4 was 19.0% lower than that of the smooth one. Sample No. 1 was the highest.Full-size image (5K)Fig. 4. Effects of convex numbers on draft force.3.2. Effects of the base diameter of the non-smooth convexesSample No. 1 (smooth), No. 2 (convex base DIAMETER=30 mm), No. 5 (convex base DIAMETER=40 mm), No. 6 (convex base DIAMETER=20 mm) were selected as testing samples. The testing conditions were identical to those mentioned above. The mean tested draft forces of the above samples are illustrated in Fig. 5. It shows that the draft force of sample No. 5 was the lowest in this group. It was 32.9% lower than that of the smooth one. The draft force of sample No. 6 was 20% lower than that of the smooth one. Sample No. 1 was the highest.Full-size image (4K)Fig. 5. Effects of convex base diameter on draft force.3.3. Effects of the distribution of the non-smooth convexUnder the same soil and testing conditions, the mean draft forces of sample No. 1 (smooth), No. 2 (convex base DIAMETER=30 mm), No. 7 (convex distribution was uniform, convex base diameter was normal) and No. 8 (convex distribution was uniform, convex base DIAMETER=30 mm) were plotted in Fig. 6. It was found that the draft force of sample No. 7 was the lowest in this group. It was 13.9% lower than that of the smooth one. The draft force of sample No. 8 was 1.1% lower than that of the smooth one. Sample No. 1 was the highest.Full-size image (5K)Fig. 6. Effects of convex distribution on draft force.3.4. Effects of the height of the non-smooth convexesEffects of non-smooth convex height of samples were investigated under the same soil and testing conditions for sample No. 1 (smooth), No. 2 (convex HEIGHT=4 mm), No. 9 (convex HEIGHT=8 mm) and No. 10 (convex HEIGHT=2 mm) samples. The mean draft forces of the above samples are illustrated in Fig. 7. It was found that the draft force of sample No. 9 was the lowest in this group. It was 19.3% lower than that of the smooth one. The draft force of sample No. 10 was 12.1% lower than that of the smooth one. Sample No. 1 was the highest.Full-size image (5K)Fig. 7. Effects of convex height on draft force.3.5. Effects of experimental times on soil adhesion and forcesUnder the same soil and testing conditions as the above, sample Nos. 1 and 7 were conducted eight times. After every experiment was conducted, the surfaces of the tested samples remained the same. The soil adhesion on the surfaces was observed, and the draft forces and the vertical forces were measured, as shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. A lot of soil adhered to the surface of sample No. 1, and a minimum amount of soil adhered to the surface of sample No. 7. It was found from Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 that the draft force and the vertical force of sample No. 7 were lower than those of sample No. 1. Due to the soil adhered to the surface of sample No. 1, the draft force increased with the repeated time, showing a phenomenon of cumulative adhesion. However, the draft force of sample No.7 varied smoothly because of little soil adhesion on the surface.Full-size image (5K)Fig. 8. Relationship between draft forces and experimental times for two samples.Full-size image (5K)Fig. 9. Relationship between vertical forces and experimental times for two samples.4. Concluding remarksThe draft forces of the designed samples with non-smooth surface were lower than those of the designed sample with smooth surface. It was found that the designed samples with non-smooth surface could reduce draft force in this work, that is, a properly designed non-smooth surface can minimize the cutting resistance of the curved surface bulldozer blade.The factors affecting the cutting resistance of bionic bulldozer blades includednon-smooth convex numbers, convex base diameter, convex distribution and convex height. The sample with the largest convex base diameter had the smallest draft force.Under the same soil and the testing conditions, there was a lot of soil adhered to the surface of the smooth sample, but the non-smooth sample had little. The draft forceand the vertical force of the non-smooth sample were lower than that of the smooth one. The draft force of the smooth sample increased with the experimental times increasing, but the draft force of the non-smooth sample varied smoothly.具有非光滑特性的仿生推土机刮板对土壤阻力减小的影响摘要当地面机械和施工机械工作时,土壤粘附现象经常发生。
晶体 (100) (001) 表面的定义
晶体 (100) (001) 表面的定义1.晶体(100)(001)表面是晶体结构中重要的表面之一。
The (100) (001) surface is one of the important surfaces in crystal structure.2.这种表面的原子排布具有特定的方位和形貌。
The atomic arrangement on this surface has specific orientation and morphology.3.晶体的表面特征对其性质和应用有重要影响。
The surface characteristics of a crystal have a significant impact on its properties and applications.4.表面的结构决定了晶体在吸附、催化和生长等方面的行为。
The structure of the surface determines the behavior of crystals in adsorption, catalysis, and growth.5.人们通过研究晶体的表面特性来改进材料的性能和功能。
People study the surface characteristics of crystals to improve the performance and functionality of materials.6.表面的缺陷和形貌会影响晶体的稳定性和反应性。
Surface defects and morphology can affect the stability and reactivity of crystals.7.表面的能量和化学特性对晶体的形成和变化有重要影响。
The surface energy and chemical characteristics have a significant impact on the formation and transformation of crystals.8.表面的平整度和清洁度对晶体的品质和性能有直接影响。
Overview of Specialized English Translation The Core Theory of Specialized English Translation Skills and Practice of Specialized English Translation Evaluation and quality monitoring of specialized English translation The Future Development and Challenges of Specialized English Translation
Alienation and Naturalization Theory
Teleology emphasizes that translation is a purposive activity, and the translator should have a clear purpose for translation and control the translation process according to this purpose
Modern trends
The origin of specialized English translation
The development of specialized English translation accelerated in the 20th century with the increasing international trade, investment, and cultural exchange
水分子厚度英文Water Molecule ThicknessWater is a ubiquitous and essential substance that plays a vital role in the sustenance of life on our planet. While the properties of water, such as its chemical composition and behavior, have been extensively studied, one aspect that has garnered significant interest is the thickness of a water molecule. Understanding the microscopic dimensions of water molecules is crucial in various scientific disciplines, from materials science to biology.The water molecule, composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, has a remarkably small size. The diameter of a single water molecule is approximately 0.28 nanometers (nm), which is equivalent to 2.8 angstroms (Å). To put this into perspective, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, and an angstrom is one-tenth of a nanometer. This minuscule scale highlights the intricate and intricate nature of the building blocks that make up the water we encounter in our daily lives.The thickness of a water molecule is particularly relevant in the context of surface interactions and thin film studies. When watermolecules are in contact with solid surfaces, such as metals, ceramics, or polymers, they can form thin, ordered layers that exhibit unique properties. These water layers, often referred to as "interfacial water" or "bound water," have a profound impact on the behavior and characteristics of materials.The thickness of these water layers can vary depending on the nature of the surface and the environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity. In general, the first layer of water molecules directly in contact with the surface is the most strongly bound, with subsequent layers becoming progressively less ordered and more fluid-like. The thickness of these water layers can range from a single molecule (0.28 nm) to several nanometers, depending on the specific system.The study of water molecule thickness has implications in a wide range of scientific fields. In materials science, the understanding of water-surface interactions is crucial for the development of advanced coatings, lubricants, and water-repellent surfaces. In biology, the behavior of water molecules at the interfaces of biological structures, such as cell membranes and proteins, plays a vital role in the functioning and stability of these systems.Moreover, the thickness of water molecules is also relevant in the context of nanotechnology and the development of nanodevices.The ability to manipulate and control the behavior of water molecules at the nanoscale can enable the creation of novel materials and devices with unique properties.In conclusion, the thickness of a water molecule, a seemingly insignificant detail, is a topic of great scientific interest and importance. By understanding the microscopic dimensions of water, researchers can gain valuable insights into the behavior and properties of this essential substance, ultimately leading to advancements in various fields of science and technology.。
光滑的反义词英语Rough is the antonym of smooth in the English language. While smooth refers to a surface or texture that is even, level, and free of irregularities, rough describes the opposite - a surface that is uneven, bumpy, and irregular. This contrast in meaning is fundamental to understanding the nuances of the English vocabulary.The word "rough" has a long history in the English language, with roots tracing back to the Old English word "ruh," which meant "shaggy" or "hairy." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to encompass a broader range of surface textures and conditions. Today, "rough" is used to describe a wide variety of surfaces, from the coarse, unfinished texture of sandpaper to the jagged, uneven surface of a rocky cliff.One of the key characteristics of a rough surface is its lack of uniformity. While a smooth surface is consistent and predictable, a rough surface is marked by variations and irregularities. This can be seen in the texture of a piece of weathered wood, where the grain and knots create a rugged, uneven appearance. Similarly, the surfaceof a gravel road is rough, with each individual pebble and stone contributing to the overall unevenness of the terrain.In addition to its physical characteristics, the word "rough" also has a range of metaphorical and figurative meanings in the English language. For example, we might describe a person's behavior as "rough" if it is harsh, aggressive, or lacking in finesse. Similarly, we might say that a situation or experience is "rough" if it is difficult, challenging, or fraught with obstacles.One of the most interesting aspects of the word "rough" is the way it can be used to convey both positive and negative connotations. On the one hand, a "rough and ready" person or approach might be seen as practical, straightforward, and no-nonsense. In this context, "rough" suggests a certain ruggedness and authenticity that is valued. On the other hand, a "rough" situation or experience is typically seen as undesirable, with the word evoking a sense of discomfort, difficulty, or hardship.This duality of meaning is a reflection of the complex and multifaceted nature of the English language. Words like "rough" and "smooth" are not simply opposites, but rather part of a rich tapestry of language that allows us to express a wide range of nuanced and contextual meanings.In the context of art and design, the contrast between smooth and rough surfaces can be a powerful tool for creating visual interest and conveying meaning. A smooth, polished surface might suggest a sense of refinement and elegance, while a rough, textured surface might evoke a sense of ruggedness or industrial grit. Artists and designers often play with this contrast to create striking and memorable works.For example, in the field of sculpture, artists may choose to leave certain areas of their work rough and unfinished, while polishing other areas to a high sheen. This can create a sense of tension and contrast that adds depth and complexity to the piece. Similarly, in architecture, the use of rough, exposed concrete or stone can be juxtaposed with smooth, sleek glass or metal surfaces to create a striking visual effect.In the realm of product design, the choice between a smooth or rough surface can be a critical design decision. A smooth, polished surface might be preferred for a high-end, luxury product, while a rougher, more textured surface might be more appropriate for a rugged, outdoor-oriented product. The way a product feels to the touch can have a significant impact on the user's overall experience and perception of the product's quality and value.Ultimately, the antonym of "smooth" in English - "rough" - is a richand multifaceted word that encompasses a wide range of meanings and associations. From its physical characteristics to its metaphorical and figurative uses, "rough" is a testament to the complexity and nuance of the English language. By understanding the contrast between smooth and rough, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the ways in which language can be used to convey meaning and create powerful visual and tactile experiences.。
表面光洁度表示符号(Surface finish is the symbol)Surface finish is the old standard of surface roughness; Their correspondence:Surface finish level 14 = Ra 0.012Surface finish level 13 = Ra 0.025Surface finish level 12 = Ra 0.050Surface finish level 11 = Ra 0.1Surface finish level 10 = Ra 0.2Surface finish level 9 = Ra 0.4Surface finish level 8 = Ra 0.8Surface finish level 7 = Ra 1.6Surface finish level 6 = Ra 3.2Surface finish level 5 = Ra 6.3Surface finish 4 = Ra 12.5Surface finish level 3 = Ra 25Surface finish level 2 = Ra 50Surface finish level 1 = Ra 100Surface roughness units above is mu m, namely the micron = 10 ^ 6 meters.Surface roughness refers to the small spacing of the machining surface and the unflatness of small peaks and valleys. The distance between the two peaks or the trough (the wave length) is small (below 1mm) and is indistinguishable from the naked eye, so it is a microscopic geometry error. The smaller the surface roughness, the smoother the surface. The size of surface roughness has a great effect on the performance of mechanical parts, mainly in the following aspects:1) surface roughness affects wear resistance of parts. The rougher the surface, the smaller the effective contact area between the surface, the greater the pressure, the faster the wear.2) the surface roughness affects the stability of the matching property. The rougher the surface, the more likely it is to wear out, increasing the gap in the working process. In the case of overturning, the joint strength is reduced by squeezing the micro-convex peak and reducing the actual effective overgain.3) the surface roughness affects the fatigue strength of the parts. The surface of rough parts has large trough, they are like sharp Angle gap and crack, they are sensitive to stress concentration, thus affecting the fatigue strength of the parts.4) surface roughness affects the corrosion resistance of parts.A rough surface that allows corrosive gases or fluids to penetrate into the metal inner layer through the surface of the microcove, causing surface corrosion.5) surface roughness affects the sealing of parts. The rough surface cannot be closely attached, and the gas or liquid leaks through the cracks between the contacts.Surface roughness affects the contact stiffness of the parts. The contact stiffness is the ability to resist contact deformation under external forces. The stiffness of the machine depends greatly on the contact stiffness between the parts.7) influence the measurement accuracy of the parts. The surface roughness of the surface and measurement tools of the parts is directly affected by the accuracy of the measurement, especially in precision measurement.In addition, the surface roughness of the parts plating coating, thermal conductivity and contact resistance, reflection and radiation performance, liquid and gas flow, the resistance of the conductor surface current flow will have varying degrees of impact.2. The relevant evaluation is based on baseline 1, and the sampling length l is used to determine the length of a reference line with the characteristic of surface roughness (see figure 4-1). The sampling length should be based on the actual surface formation and texture characteristics of the parts, and the length of the length that can reflect the characteristics ofsurface roughness is selected.The sampling length should be taken according to the general trend of the actual surface profile. FIG. 4-1 the sampling length and the evaluation length can be seen from FIG. 4-1, the contour and shape error of the contour line are present, and the height value of the sampling length not obtained at the same time is different. The rule and selection of sampling length is to limit and reduce the effect of surface waviness on the measurement of surface roughness. The length of a length that Gp is required to assess the length of the outline, which may include one or several sample lengths. Because the surface of each part surface roughness is not necessarily very even, on a sampling length often cannot reasonably reflect the characteristics of a surface roughness, so need to take a few sample length on the surface to surface roughness, generally take 2, '= Slo (3) line To assess the surface roughness parameters for a given line, the surface roughness istwo-dimensional evaluation benchmark. Contour line has the following two kinds: (1) the line of least squares: has the geometry shape and contour line, divided into various points within the sampling length makes the contour line of contour offset for the minimum square sum of (see figure 4-2) o (2) the outline of arithmetic average line: has the geometry shape within the sampling length and the base line of contour line. The contour of the line is divided by the line in the sample length, so that the area of the upper and lower sides is equal (see figure 4-3). F, ten F: + F3 +... 10 people = F,} + Fz '10... + only, '. Theoretically the least squares line is the only ideal baseline, but in practice it is difficult to obtain, so generally substitute the arithmetic average line of contour,and a position available approximate linear measurement. Figure 4-2 contour line of least squares figure 4-3 outline the arithmetic average of line 4 unimodal and Outlines of unimodal ChanGu contour refers to the outline of the part between two adjacent contour low '(see figure 4-4). The outline of a single valley refers to the contour of the highest point between two adjacent contours (see figure 4-5). Single - peak and adjacent single - valley make up a microcosmic degree of unflatness. Outline of unimodal ChanGu figure 4-4 Outlines of unimodal figure 4-5 outline ChanGu 5. Outline of the peak and valley Profile peak is refers to the contour intersecting line within the sampling length, between two adjacent intersections to out the outline of the part (see figure 4-6) o profile peak was part of the contour in the midline _ Bi. Contour valley refers to within the sampling length, contour line intersection, a connection to the contours of the two adjacent intersections (see figure 4 to 7) <, contour valley was part of the outline below the center line, contour peak valley and contour formed within the sampling length this section contour of micro roughness.The surface roughness of the workpiece is the smaller the number and the smoother the surfaceThe unit of the number is um, and the following parameters can be used to know that the surface of the smaller workpiece is smootherThere are three surface roughness parameters, namely, Ra Rz RyRa is the arithmetic mean of the absolute value of the absolutevalue in the sample lengthThe maximum contour peak height of Rz in the sample length is the sum of the average value of the five largest contour valleysRy is within the sampling length, the distance between the outline peak and the bottom line of the contourBy the way, the means of surface roughness:If the roughness means that the symbol is a pair, and it's got a little bit of a cross,The surface roughness obtained by means of machiningIf the roughness indicates that the symbol is a pair, it has a small circle in it, which means roughness of the non-working surfaceIf the roughness means that the symbol is a pair, there is nothing in it, which means that the surface roughness can be obtained by any means. OkayRa should be used if the surface is not marked roughness with Ra or Rz or RyAge roughness meter, three - feng roughness meter, high precision, good quality. It is recommended that you go to the IT88 instrument store to purchase, professional instrument mall, 15 stations across the country, goods to pay, the price is cheap, the quality is guaranteed.1. The machining accuracy of general lathe can reach IT8 ~ IT7, and the surface roughness is Ra25 ~ Ra1.6.2. Drilling machine for drilling precision can reach IT13 ~ IT11, surface roughness Ra80 ~ Ra20; It is used to enlarge the accuracy of IT10 and surface roughness. It is used for reaming accuracy of IT7, surface roughness Ra5 ~ ra1.25.3. The machining accuracy of milling machine is usually IT9 ~ IT8, and the surface roughness is Ra6.3 ~ Ra1.6.4. The precision of the planer is IT9 ~ IT8, and the surface roughness is Ra25 ~ Ra1.6.The grinding accuracy of grinding machine is IT6 ~ IT5, the surface roughness is Ra0.8 ~ Ra0.1.0.012 - flower delta 13 (for the most accurate)0.025 - delta 12 flowers0.05 - delta 110.1 - delta 10 flowers0.2 - delta nine flower0.4 - delta 80.8 - delta 7 flowers1.6 - delta. 63.2 - delta 5 flowers6.3 - delta 4 flowers12.5 - delta 3 flowers25 - spend delta 250 - spend delta 1100 -- delta zero (for the roughest)Ra - the arithmetic mean value of the absolute value of the offset in the sample length L.Rz - the sum of the mean values of the 5 largest contour peaks in the sampling length and the average of the 5 largest contour valleys.Ry - the distance between the top line of the sample length L and the bottom line of the contour.Ra/Rz/Ry is the default if the surface is not marked with the Ra/Rz/Ry.Surface roughness refers to the small spacing of the machining surface and the unflatness of small peaks and valleys. The distance between the two peaks or the trough (the wave length)is small (below 1mm) and is indistinguishable from the naked eye, so it is a microscopic geometry error. The smaller the surface roughness, the smoother the surface. The size of surface roughness has a great effect on the performance of mechanical parts, mainly in the following aspects:The surface roughness affects the wear resistance of the parts. The rougher the surface, the smaller the effective contact area between the surface, the greater the pressure, the faster the wear.The surface roughness affects the stability of the matching property. The rougher the surface, the more likely it is to wear out, increasing the gap in the working process. In the case of overturning, the joint strength is reduced by squeezing the micro-convex peak and reducing the actual effective overgain.The surface roughness affects the fatigue strength of the parts. The surface of rough parts has large trough, they are like sharp Angle gap and crack, they are sensitive to stress concentration, thus affecting the fatigue strength of the parts.The surface roughness affects the corrosion resistance of the parts. Rough surface,It is easy to allow corrosive gases or liquids to penetrate into the metal inner layer through the microcove of the surface, causing surface corrosion.The surface roughness affects the sealing of parts. The rough surface cannot be closely attached, and the gas or liquid leaksthrough the cracks between the contacts.In addition, surface roughness has influence on the appearance and measurement accuracy of the parts.This is the Japanese way of expressing the smoothness, and the G means grinding.The concept is to go into detail, first of all the triangle is inverted, the graph should be either Japan or Taiwan, and now Japan and Taiwan are using the light cleanser del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del del. Del del del del for Ra < 0.2; Del del del for Ra = 0.2%-0.8; Del del corresponds to Ra = 1.6 ~ 6.3; Del corresponds to Ra = 12.5 ~ 50.To reach del del del del grinding, at least it'll super precision higher processing (for example when work under deformation stress of the surface of the important parts, ensure precise centering of the surface of the cone, hydraulic transmission with the surface of the hole, outside of the inner surface of the cylinder liner, piston pin, valve, instruments and guide on the surface of the working face, etc.).Grinding processing is a widely used light finishing process. After processing, the precision can reach IT5 level, and the surface roughness can reach Ra0.1 ~ 0.006 mu m. It can process metal materials as well as non-metallic materials.Grinding, dispersion exists between the tool and the workpiece surface of fine-grained sand (abrasive and abrasive) to acertain amount of pressure between the two, and make it produce the relative motion of the complex, so the sand grinding and abrasive chemical, physical function, the workpiece removed to a very thin layer on the surface, to obtain high precision and low surface roughness.The grinding method is divided into three categories according to the use conditions of the abrasive:1. Only a small amount of lubricant additive is applied to the surface of the research tool during dry grinding. Sand grains are basically fixed in the grinding process, and its grinding function is dominated by sliding grinding. This method has low productivity, but it can achieve high machining accuracy and low surface roughness value (Ra0.02 ~ 0.01 mu m).2. The grinding agent is applied to the grinding process during the grinding process, and the abrasive particles are used for grinding. In addition to sand grains, the abrasive is also made of kerosene, oil, oleic acid and stearic acid. In the grinding process, some sand grains exist between the research tool and the workpiece. At this time, the grinding grain is mainly of rolling grinding, high productivity, surface roughness Ra0.04 ~ 0.02 mu m, generally used for rough processing, but the processing surface is generally dull.3. Grinding grainIn the process of grinding, with chrome oxide abrasive abrasives coated on the surface of the work that tool, because the abrasive tool and the workpiece than soft, so in the processof grinding, abrasive suspension between workpiece and tool, the main use of abrasive and the workpiece surface chemistry, a layer of oxide film is soft, convex point of the film is easy to abrasive wear. This method can get very fine surface roughness (Ra0.02 ~ 0.01 mu m).Finally, a concept, our country also used del digital said after finish (GB1031-1968) had 14 level 14, del del 13, 12, del del 11, 10, del del 9, 8, del del 7, 6, del del 5, 4, del del 3, 2, del del 1,The roughness corresponding to the present is corresponding to (gb1031-1983) 0.012, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 12.5, 25, 50, and finally not, please don't confuse this with the Japanese standard。
1 改变表面性质1.1 上釉上釉是将釉药(一种低熔陶瓷)涂于氧化锆陶瓷表面的一种方法。
1.2 硅涂层硅涂层,即氧化锆表面用硅覆盖,使氧化锆陶瓷能够与粘接剂反应形成化学键。
将硅涂层制备到氧化锆表面的方法有化学摩擦法[5]、溶胶-凝胶法[4,6]、等离子喷涂法[7],其中,溶胶 -凝胶法较另外两类技术具有经济、操作简单和获得的粘接效果更强的优势。
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EFFECT OF SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS ON ALIGNMENT OF GRAPHICAND REAL OBJECTS IN A STEREOSCOPIC AUGMENTED REALITY ENVIRONMENTMing Hou, Paul MilgramErgonomics in Teleoperation and Control (ETC) LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto{ming, milgram}@mie.utoronto.caA virtual pointer (VP) alignment task at designated probe points on a cylinder real object surface was carried out in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment. The object was to evaluate subjects’ sensitivity to surface texture, target position on the curved surface, VP orientation relative to the surface, and binocular disparity. The main findings were: a) surface texture had a significant effect, with highly textured surfaces facilitating less error than low textured surfaces; b) target position had a significant influence, with the central position relative to the observer being better for locating surface positions than the off-centre position. Results are discussed in terms of hypothesised visual perceptual interactions.INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONHow can a neurosurgeon accurately measure the dimensions of an aneurysm intraoperatively so that it can be rendered harmless with a properly sized surgical clip? How can an operator tell a robot where “there” is for execution of a “put that there” kind of instruction? To address such absolute measurement and specification problems, we have developed a "Virtual Tape Measure" (VTM), based on augmented reality through graphic overlays on stereo-video (ARGOS). To measure dimensions and distances between real objects in a 3D video scene, a virtual stereographic pointer is interactively manipulated and aligned with features of interest in the stereo video image. Based on prior calibration of the camera system, absolute distances/dimensions can then be computed, using the camera frame of reference. Earlier experiments have shown that people can accurately align such virtual pointers with real targets in the stereo video image as well as they can align real pointers with real targets (Drascic and Milgram, 1991).Although the stereoscopic displays provide the general advantage of enhanced depth perception, it has been found that, for augmented reality (AR) displays such as ARGOS, which has been developed for measurements in unstructured environments, whenever the virtual pointer (VP) goes behind the surface of an object yet fails to disappear, perceptual conflicts frequently occur between the consistent binocular disparity information and the inconsistent occlusion information, resulting in some kind of a double image (Hou, 1999). Note that, in an unstructured – and thus unmodelled – environment, the computer generating graphic image does not generally have sufficient information to detect interactions between real and virtual objects, thereby making it difficult to adjust the graphic image to occlude portions of the VP which should properly be hidden. The double image happens because the brain is no longer able to reconcile the (absence of) occlusion information and at the same time fuse the left and right images for both the real object surface (video) and the VP (graphic). Certainly, this problem does not occur when the images are not displayed stereoscopically. Based on these results, the task of aligning a virtual pointer with real object surfaces when using 3D AR displays can be difficult. This is especially true, for example, for the kind of anatomical objects one typically encounters in surgical environments, where surfaces are rounded, shading is uneven and textural cues are ambiguous.The general goal of our research is to determine what factors affect the ability to align virtual and real objects in 3D AR displays for making accurate measurements, and ultimately to determine whether a method can be developed for improving current VP alignment performance for arbitrarily oriented 3D curved surfaces. The specific objective of the research reported here is to study the influence of a particular set of visual characteristics of curved surfaces of real objects on the ability to align a virtual stereographic pointer with real stereo video objects.Based on a series of exploratory studies, we propose four hypotheses about one’s ability to perform such tasks: a) it is possible to exploit the breakdown of fusionphenomenon to more easily localise points on curved surfaces of real objects which contain textures of relatively high spatial frequency;b) the orientation of the curved surface, in terms of thedirection of the normal to the surface relative to the observer (that is, relative to the stereo video cameras), will affect alignment performance;c) in terms of orientation of the virtual pointer (VP), thereexists a conical volume centred around an axis defined by the normal to a curved surface, within which the VP, when oriented within this volume, can be used to localise positions on the surface more accurately and with less fusion difficulty than for orientations outside the cone; andd) the direction of binocular disparity (i.e. crossed vsuncrossed) will also influence alignment performance. To test these hypotheses, the following variables were manipulated as independent variables: surface texture, VP orientation relative to the real target surface, angular displacement of the surface normal relative to user’s viewpoint, and binocular disparity.Figure 1. Experimental Set-upMETHODThe experiment consisted of a psychophysical method of adjustment task involving the alignment of the VP with designated targets on the surface of the real object image, all of which were displayed using stereoscopic augmented reality (ARGOS). The experimental set-up is depicted in Figure 1. A 2x2x3x3 experimental design was used, comprising a combination of two textures (high and low density), two target positions (on the centre of the surface facing the observer and on the right side along the normal lateral plane), three VP orientations relative to the surface (vertical, horizontal and diagonal), and three image disparities (crossed, 0, and uncrossed). The dependent variable measured was the error between the final VP placement and the actual position of the target on the surface of the real object.Stimulus Generation and ApparatusThe target stimuli comprised a set of alternating field stereoscopic images of a 46 cm diameter cylinder, recorded by a pair of JVC cameras and displayed on a Silicon Graphics Indy workstation. The stereo images were viewed through synchronised Imax liquid crystal shutter glasses. The subjects’ viewing distance was 48 cm from the screen.Two target cylinders were used, both with textures consisting of white dots randomly dispersed on a black background (generated from a random dot stereogram package), but with different texture densities (see Fig.2).Figure 2. Low (left) and highly (right) textured cylinders The stereo cameras were located 58 cm from the front surface of the cylinder. Three different camera convergence distances were used: 6 cm behind the surface of the cylinder, at the surface, and 6 cm in front of the surface. Alignment of the VP with a target at the proximal surface of the cylinder (i.e. correct placement) therefore corresponded to crossed disparity, no disparity and uncrossed disparity respectively.The VP was a three-dimensional computer generated arrow that appeared to hover within the stereo image upon which it was superimposed. Three different orientations of the pointer were used: vertical, horizontal and diagonal. For the first two of these, the pointer remained within a 2D plane tangential to the cylinder surface, as illustrated in Figure 3. The diagonal pointer was located within a plane that was at 45º to both the tangent plane and the normal vector. The VP was controlled with a Spaceball operating with only 3 translation degrees of freedom.Figure 3. Different orientations (horizonal, vertical and diagonal) of virtual pointerProcedureThe experimental task was to localise points on the cylinder surfaces by manipulating the VP, for the three orientations, two textures, three camera configurations (disparities) and two target positions. Subjects used the Spaceball to move the VP in and out along X, Y, Z axes until it appeared to them to touch the surface of the object exactly at the designated target location. They then informed the experimenter that the alignment had been completed. Each experiment consisted of 6 randomised replications for each condition, for a total of 216 judgements. The experiment, including practice, took place over a span of three days, with each session lasting approximately two hours per day.SubjectsN=10 university students (6 male and 4 female) were screened using the RANDOT STEREOTESTS to participate the experiment. None of them knew about the design and the aims of the experiment. Where necessary, subjects wore appropriate optical correction.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe principal results of the experiment are summarised in Figures 4 and 5. From Figure 4, it is evident that, as hypothesised, surface texture has a highly significant effect on placement accuracy (F(1,9) = 619.70, p<0.001). These results confirm earlier observations in which it appeared that, whenever the VP is placed in front of the surface of a real (video) object, i.e. the case in which the binocular disparity and occlusion cues are consistent, subjects are able to shift attention easily back and forth from the pointer to the surface. Whenever the pointer is moved behind the surface, however, the two depth cues begin to conflict.The present experiment shows that the magnitude of this conflict is very much dependent on the visual features of the surface. Whenever the surface in question is sparsely textured, there are relatively fewer features to drive the stereoscopic fusion cue, so the observer is more easily able to reconcile the two conflicting cues and fuse both the real and virtual images. The result in such cases is that the object surface appears transparent, and it is thus more difficult to detect the transition through the surface. On the other hand, whenever the pointer moves behind a highly-textured surface, the observer is less able to overcome the tendency to fuse the surface features stereoscopically. In that case it is more difficult to reconcile the fact that the fused pointer is behind the fused surface yet still visible – a “perceptual impossibility”. As a result of these conflicting binocular disparity and apparent occlusion cues, the tendency is to shift attention back and forth between the VP and the surface features, resulting in breakdown into either a double image of one of them or alternation between the two. Because of the conspicuous nature of this conflict between the two disparate cues, subjects are ironically more easily able to move the VP in and out until the conflict disappears – at the surface of the real object. This is why, we believe, as seen in Figure 4, the placement error for the highly textured surfaces is less than that for the less textured surface.Figure 4. Effect of Surface Texture (High vs Low) and Disparity (Crossed vs 0 vs Uncrossed)Figure 5. Effect of surface texture (High vs Low) and target position (Center vs Right)Figure 5 shows that there is an interaction between the surface texture and the target position on the surface along the normal lateral plane (F(1,9) = 246.33, p<0.001). When the target is at the central position on the surface to the normal straight view angle, that is, facing the viewer directly, positioning error with the highly textured surface is essentially the same as with the low textured surface. However, when the target is off to one side (on the right side, 20º from the central target in our case), the placement errors for high and low textured surfaces are significantly different, with error for the low textured surface being almost 4 times as great as the highly textured surface error (F(1,9)=30.22, p<0.001).This result implies that, since the observers’ viewing angle was different for the two targets, the perception of the local surfaces at the two sites was also different. This implies further that one can expect to perform better when placing a virtual pointer at a point along the centre of a surface relative to the observer’s normal straight view angle (that is, looking straight at the surface) as compared to any other angle relative to the normal lateral plane. This finding is perhaps not intuitive, since one might otherwise expect superior performance when one is able to watch the pointer approaching a surface more from the side, rather than straight on. We believe, however, that a large part of the performance in this respect was due to the form of the graphic pointer, a topic of our further investigation.Since the results from our pilot study (with 2 subjects) showed that the smallest errors in localising surface positions in the video image were obtained when the VP was diagonally oriented, we speculated that VP orientation (horizontal vs vertical vs diagonal) would have a significant effect on the alignment task. However, there was no statistical significance from the ANOVA analysis (F(2,18)=1.015, p=0.38) in this experiment.Another prior hypothesis was that the disparity (crossed vs 0 vs uncrossed) would also have a significant effect; however, the ANOVA analysis revealed no statistical significance (F(2,18) = 0.40, p=0.68).The ANOVA also showed that there was a 3-way interaction, between surface texture, disparity, and the VP orientation (F(4,36)=3.10, p<0.02). This significant interaction can possibly explain partially why there were no significant effects due to either disparity or VP orientation. We are currently investigating these two factors further.Although augment reality combining stereoscopic video and stereoscopic computer graphics has already resulted in new technical capabilities, such as virtual tape measures and virtual telerobotic control systems (Milgram et al, 1997), a number of interesting perceptual issues have arisen as well. An experiment to examine “perceptual surface effects” has indicated that surface texture and position of targets on a curved surface have significant effects on the ability to align graphic and real objects in stereoscopic AR environments. In order to facilitate the design of more efficient probing tools for AR applications, further investigations are needed, not only to elaborate on the results reported here, but also to determine the relative influences of factors such as disparity due to stereo camera configuration, VP orientation relative to the curved surface, and form (i.e. shape and volume) of the virtual pointer. At a more fundamental level, such research should also increase our understanding of human perception of surface curvature in AR environments, as well as the relative strength of binocular disparity and occlusion depth cues.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe work reported here was carried out with support from NSERC and the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS), under the project SMART: Sensori-Motor Augmented Reality for Telerobotics.REFERENCES1. Drascic, D. & Milgram, P. “Position accuracy of a virtualstereographic pointer in a real stereoscopic video world.” Proc.SPIE 1457 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II, 1991.2. Hou, M. “Perceptual localisation of surface normal.”Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems CHI'99 (Extended Abstracts), 1999.3. Kim, M., Milgram, P. & Drake, JM. “Computer Assisted 3DMeasurements for Micro-Surgery.” Proc. Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting, 1997.4. Milgram, P., Yin, S. & Grodski, J.J. “An Augmented RealityBased Teleoperation Interface for Unstructured Environments”, ANS 7th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Augusta, Georgia, 966-973, 1997.。