



数列和解三角形大题专练1.(2023•济宁一模)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且满足:a1=1,na n+1=2S n+n(n∈N*).(1)求证:数列为常数列;(2)设,求T n.2.(2023•江宁区一模)设S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,a2=7,对任意的自然数n,恒有.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)若集合A={x|x=a n,n∈N*},B={x|x=3n,n∈N*},将集合A∪B中的所有元素按从小到大的顺序排列构成数列{b n},计数列{b n}的前n项和为T n.求T102的值.3.(2023•汕头一模)已知T n为正项数列{a n}的前n项的乘积,且a1=3,=.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)设b n=,数列{b n}的前n项和为S n,求[S2023]([x]表示不超过x的最大整数).4.(2023•广州模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且.(1)求a,并证明数列是等差数列;1(2)若,求正整数k的所有取值.5.(2023•广东模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)若b n=na n,且数列{b n}的前n项和为T n,求证:当n≥3时,.6.(2023•宁波模拟)y=f(x)的图象为自原点出发的一条折线,当n-1≤y≤n(n∈N*)时,该函数图象是斜率为b n(b≠0)的一条线段.已知{a n}由定义.(1)用b表示a1,a2;(2)若b=2,记T n=a1+2a2+⋯+na n,求证:.7.(2023•邵阳二模)已知S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,a1=2,S n+1=S n+4a n-3,记b n=log2(a n-1)+3.(1)求数列{b n}的通项公式;(2)已知,记数列{c n}的前n项和为T n,求证:.8.(2022秋•慈溪市期末)记x i=x1+x2+x3+⋯+x n,,x i=x1×x2×x3×⋯×x n,n∈N*,已知数列{a n}和{b n}分别满足:a i=n2,b i=()n2+n.(1)求{a n},{b n}的通项公式;(2)求a i b i.9.(2023•南平模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,,a2=3.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)设,数列{b n}的前n项和为T n,求T n的取值范围.10.(2023•杭州一模)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且S n+2=2a n.(1)求a2及数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)在a n与a n+1之间插入n个数,使得这(n+2)个数依次组成公差为d的等差数列,求数列{}的前n项和T n.11.(2023•南通模拟)设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,已知S n=2a n-n+1.(1)证明:数列{a n+1}是等比数列;(2)若数列{b n}满足b1=a2,,求数列{b n}的前14项的和.12.(2023•杭州一模)已知△ABC中角A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,且满足2c sin A cos B+2b sin A cos C=a,c>a.(1)求角A;(2)若b=2,BC边上中线AD=,求△ABC的面积.13.(2023•宁波模拟)记锐角△ABC的内角为A,B,C,已知sin2A=sin B sin C.(1)求角A的最大值;(2)当角A取得最大值时,求2cos B+cos C的取值范围.14.(2022秋•温州期末)记△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,已知=1.(1)求B;(2)若,△ABC内切圆的面积为π,求△ABC的面积.15.(2023•龙岩模拟)在△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,.(1)求角B;(2)若D是AC边上的点,且AD=3DC=3,∠A=∠ABD=θ,求sinθ的值.16.(2023•湖北模拟)在△ABC中,记角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,已知,且c= 2,点D在线段BC上.(1)若,求AD的长;(2)若的面积为,求的值.17.(2023•南通模拟)如图,在平面四边形ABCD中,AB=1,,CD=2,.(1)若BC⊥CD,求sin∠ADC;(2)记△ABD与△BCD的面积分别记为S和S2,求的最大值.118.(2023•广州模拟)记△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知a.(1)证明:sin A+sin C=2sin B;(2)若,求△ABC的面积.19.(2023•平湖市模拟)已知△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且满足.(1)求角A的大小;(2)设AD是BC边上的高,且AD=2,求△ABC面积的最小值.20.(2023•烟台一模)在锐角△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且c-2b cos A=b.(1)求证:A=2B;(2)若A的角平分线交BC于D,且c=2,求△ABD面积的取值范围.参考答案与试题解析一.解答题(共20小题)1.(2023•济宁一模)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且满足:a1=1,na n+1=2S n+n(n∈N*).(1)求证:数列为常数列;(2)设,求T n.【解答】解:(1)证明:∵na n+1=2S n+n,+n-1,n≥2,∴(n-1)a n=2S n-1两式相减得:na n+1-(n-1)a n=2a n+1,∴na n+1=(n+1)a n+1,+1)=(n+1)(a n+1),∴n(a n+1∴,(n≥2),又a2=2S1+1=2a1+1=3,∴,上式也成立,∴数列为常数列;(2)由(1)得,∴a n=2n-1,∴=,∴,两式相减得=,∴.2.(2023•江宁区一模)设S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,a2=7,对任意的自然数n,恒有.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)若集合A={x|x=a n,n∈N*},B={x|x=3n,n∈N*},将集合A∪B中的所有元素按从小到大的顺序排列构成数列{b n},计数列{b n}的前n项和为T n.求T102的值.【解答】解:(1)a2=7,对任意的自然数n,恒有,可得n=1时,a1=2a1-3,解得a1=3;n=2时,2a2=2S2-6=2(a1+a2)-6,解得a1=3;n=3时,3a3=2S3-9=2(a1+a2+a3)-9,解得a3=11.当n≥2时,na n=2S n-3n变为(n-1)a n-1=2S n-1-3(n-1),两式相减可得(n-2)a n=(n-1)a n-1-3,当n≥3时,上式变为(n-3)a n-1=(n-2)a n-2-3,上面两式相减可得a n+a n-2=2a n-1,且a1+a3=2a2,所以数列{a n}是首项为3,公差为4的等差数列,可得a n=3+4(n-1)=4n-1;(2)集合A={x|x=4n-1,n∈N*},B={x|x=3n,n∈N*},集合A∪B中的所有元素的最小值为3,且3,27,243三个元素是{b n}中前102项中的元素,且是A∩B中的元素,所以T102=(a1+a2+a3+...+a100)+9+81=×100×(3+400-1)+90=20190.3.(2023•汕头一模)已知T n为正项数列{a n}的前n项的乘积,且a1=3,=.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)设b n=,数列{b n}的前n项和为S n,求[S2023]([x]表示不超过x的最大整数).【解答】解:(1)T n为正项数列{a n}的前n项的乘积,且a1=3,=,可得n≥2时,==,即为=,两边取3为底的对数,可得(n-1)log3a n=n log3a n-1,即为==...==1,所以log3a n=n,则a n=3n,对n=1也成立,所以a n=3n,n∈N*;(2)b n===1-,数列{b n}的前n项和为S n=n-(++...+)>n-2(++...+)=n-1+,所以S2023>2023-1+=2022+>2022,又S2023=2023-(+...+)<2023,所以[S2023]=2022.4.(2023•广州模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且.(1)求a1,并证明数列是等差数列;(2)若,求正整数k的所有取值.【解答】解:(1)证明:∵①,∴当n=1时,S1+2=2a1+1,解得a1=1,当n≥2时,S n-1+2n-1=2a n-1+1②,由①-②得a n+2n-1=2a n-2a n-1,即a n-2a n-1=2n-1,∴-=,又,∴数列{}是首项为,公差为的等差数列;(2)由(1)得=+(n-1)=n,即a n=n•2n-1,∴S n=1+2×2+3×22+...+n•2n-1③,2S n=2+2×22+3×23+...+n•2n④,由③-④得-S n=1+2+22+...+2n-1-n•2n=-n•2n=(1-n)2n-1,∴S n=(n-1)•2n+1,则S2k=(2k-1)•22k+1,2=k2•22k-1,∵,∴k2•22k-1<(2k-1)•22k+1,即k2-4k+2-<0,令f(x)=x2-4x+2-,∵y=x2-4x+2=(x-2)2-2在(2,+∞)上单调递减,y=-在(2,+∞)上单调递减,∴f(x)=x2-4x+2-在(2,+∞)上单调递减,又f(1)=1-4+2-=-<0,f(2)=4-8+2-=-<0,f(3)=9-12+2-=-<0,f(4)=2->0,要使,即f(x)<0,故正整数k的所有取值为1,2,3.5.(2023•广东模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)若b n=na n,且数列{b n}的前n项和为T n,求证:当n≥3时,.【解答】解:(1)∵,∴n≥2时,S1+2S2+⋯+(n-1)S n-1=(n-1)3,相减可得:nS n=n3-(n-1)3,可得S n=3n-3+,n=1时,a1=S1=1.n≥2时,a n=S n-S n-1=3n-3+-[3(n-1)-3+]=3+-,n=1时,上式不满足,∴a n=.(2)证明:n=1时,b1=1,n≥2时,b n=na n=3n+1-=3n-,当n≥3时,数列{b n}的前n项和为T n=1+6-1+3×(3+4+⋯+n)-(++⋯+)=6+3×-(++⋯+)=-3-(++⋯+),要证明当n≥3时,,即证明当n≥3时,1≤++⋯++,令f(n)=++⋯++-1,n=3时,f(3)=0成立,而f(n)单调递增,因此当n≥3时,1≤++⋯++成立,即当n≥3时,.6.(2023•宁波模拟)函数y=f(x)的图象为自原点出发的一条折线,当n-1≤y≤n(n∈N*)时,该函数图象是斜率为b n (b ≠0)的一条线段.已知数列{a n }由定义.(1)用b 表示a 1,a 2;(2)若b =2,记T n =a 1+2a 2+⋯+na n ,求证:.【解答】解:(1)由题意可得,,,解得:,;证明:(2)当b =2时,由,得,∴,则,∴T n =a 1+2a 2+⋯+na n =(1+2+...+n )-()=(),令P n =,则,∴==,∴,则>.7.(2023•邵阳二模)已知S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,a 1=2,S n +1=S n +4a n -3,记b n =log 2(a n -1)+3.(1)求数列{b n }的通项公式;(2)已知,记数列{c n }的前n 项和为T n ,求证:.【解答】解:(1)由S n +1=S n +4a n -3,可得S n +1-S n =4a n -3,即a n +1=4a n -3,即有a n +1-1=4(a n -1),可得a n -1=(a 1-1)•4n -1=4n -1,则b n =log 2(a n -1)+3=log 24n -1,+3=2n +1;(2)证明:=(-1)n +1•=(-1)n +1•(+),当n为偶数时,T n=(+)-(+)+...-(+)=(-),由{-}在n∈N*上递增,可得T n≥T2=(-)=;当nn为奇数时,T n=(+)-(+)+...+(+)=(+),由>0,可得T n>>.所以.8.(2022秋•慈溪市期末)记x i=x1+x2+x3+⋯+x n,,x i=x1×x2×x3×⋯×x n,n∈N*,已知数列{a n}和{b n}分别满足:a i=n2,b i=()n2+n.(1)求{a n},{b n}的通项公式;(2)求a i b i.【解答】解:(1)∵a i=n2,b i=()n2+n,∴n≥2时,a n=n2-(n-1)2=2n-1,b n===3n.n=1时,a1=1,b1=3,满足上式,∴a n=2n-1,b n=3n.(2)a n b n=(2n-1)3n.∴a i b i=T n=3+3×32+5×33+⋯+(2n-1)3n,3T n=32+3×33+⋯+(2n-3)3n+(2n-1)3n+1,相减可得:-2T n=3+2(32+33+⋯+3n)-(2n-1)3n+1=3+2×-(2n-1)3n+1,化为:T n=(n-1)3n+1+3,即a i b i=(n-1)3n+1+3.9.(2023•南平模拟)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,,a2=3.(1)求数列{a n}的通项公式;(2)设,数列{b n}的前n项和为T n,求T n的取值范围.【解答】解:(1)因为a n+1=S n+1-S n,所以由,得,所以,所以,即.在中,令n=1,得,所以a1=1.所以数列是首项为1,公差为1的等差数列,所以,即:.当n≥2时,,a1=1也适合上式,所以数列{a n}的通项公式为a n=2n-1.(2)由(1)知,,所以,因为b n>0,所以T n随着n的增大而增大,所以,又显然,所以,即T n的取值范围为.10.(2023•杭州一模)已知数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且S n+2=2a n.(1)求a及数列{a n}的通项公式;2(2)在a n与a n+1之间插入n个数,使得这(n+2)个数依次组成公差为d的等差数列,求数列{}的前n项和T n.【解答】解:(1)由题意,当n=1时,S1+2=a1+2=2a1,解得a1=2,当n=2时,S2+2=2a2,即a1+a2+2=2a2,解得a2=4,当n≥2时,由S n+2=2a n,可得S n-1+2=2a n-1,两式相减,可得a n=2a n-2a n-1,整理,得a n=2a n-1,∴数列{a n}是以2为首项,2为公比的等比数列,∴a n=2•2n-1=2n,n∈N*.(2)由(1)可得,,,在a n与a n+1之间插入n个数,使得这(n+2)个数依次组成公差为d的等差数列,则有a n+1-a n=(n+1)d n,∴,∴,∴T n=++•••+=+++•••+,,两式相减,可得T n=+++•••+-=1+-=-,∴T n=3-.11.(2023•南通模拟)设数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,已知S n=2a n-n+1.(1)证明:数列{a n+1}是等比数列;(2)若数列{b n}满足b1=a2,,求数列{b n}的前14项的和.【解答】解:(1)S n=2a n-n+1⋯①,则S n+1=2a n+1-(n+1)+1⋯②,②-①,得a n+1=2a n+1-2a n-1,即a n+1=2a n+1,∴a n+1+1=2(a n+1),即,令S n=2a n-n+1中n=1,得S1=a1=2a1-1+1,解得a1=0,则a1+1=1,∴{a n+1}是首项为1,公比为2的等比数列.(2)由(1)知,则,∴,且,∴当n为偶数时,,即,∴b1+b2+⋯+b14=b1+(b2+b3)+(b4+b5)+⋯+(b12+b13)+b14=1+21-1+23-1+⋯+211-1+212-1=.12.(2023•杭州一模)已知△ABC中角A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,且满足2c sin A cos B+2b sin A cos C=a,c>a.(1)求角A;(2)若b=2,BC边上中线AD=,求△ABC的面积.【解答】解:(1)∵2c sin A cos B+2b sin A cos C=a,∴由正弦定理得2sin C sin A cos B+2sin B sin A cos C=3sin A,∵sin A>0,∴sin C cos B+sin B cos C=,∴sin(B+C)=,∵A+B+C=π,∴sin A=,∵c>a,∴;(2)∵,则,b=2,BC边上中线AD=,故,解得,∴.13.(2023•宁波模拟)记锐角△ABC的内角为A,B,C,已知sin2A=sin B sin C.(1)求角A的最大值;(2)当角A取得最大值时,求2cos B+cos C的取值范围.【解答】解:(1)∵sin2A=sin B sin C,∴在锐角△ABC中,由正弦定理得a2=bc,∴,∵0<A≤,故角A的最大值为;(2)由(1)得,则C=-B,则=,在锐角△ABC中,<B<,∴B+∈(,),∴sin(B+)∈(,),故2cos B+cos C的取值范围为(,).14.(2022秋•温州期末)记△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,已知=1.(1)求B;(2)若,△ABC内切圆的面积为π,求△ABC的面积.【解答】解:(1)因为=1,∴b cos C+b sin C-a-c=0,根据正弦定理可得:sin B cos C+sin B sin C-sin A-sin C=0又A+B+C=π,∴sin B cos C+sin B sin C-sin(B+C)-sin C=0,∴sin B sin C-cos B sin C-sin C=0,又C∈(0,π),∴sin C>0,∴,∴,又B∈(0,π),∴,∴,∴;(2)∵△ABC内切圆的面积为π,所以内切圆半径r=1.由于,∴,①由余弦定理得,b2=(a+c)2-3ac,∴b2=48-3ac,②联立①②可得,即,解得或(舍去),∴.15.(2023•龙岩模拟)在△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,.(1)求角B;(2)若D是AC边上的点,且AD=3DC=3,∠A=∠ABD=θ,求sinθ的值.【解答】解:(1)△ABC中,,所以+=,由正弦定理得,=,因为sin(A+B)=sin(π-C)=sin C,所以=;又因为C∈(0,π),所以sin C≠0,所以sin B=cos B,即tan B=,又因为B∈(0,π),所以B=.(2)因为D是AC边上的点,且AD=3DC=3,∠A=∠ABD=θ,所以∠BDC=2θ,AD=BD=3,DC=1,AC=4,在△ABC中,由正弦定理得,=,所以BC==8sinθ,在△BDC中,由余弦定理得,BC2=BD2+CD2-2BD•CD cos2θ=10-6cos2θ,所以64sin2θ=10-6cos2θ,所以52sin2θ=4,解得sin2θ=,又因为θ∈(0,),所以sinθ=.16.(2023•湖北模拟)在△ABC中,记角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,已知,且c= 2,点D在线段BC上.(1)若,求AD的长;(2)若的面积为,求的值.【解答】解:(1)由,得2sin B sin(A+)=sin A+sin C=sin A+sin A cos B+ cos A sin B,∴sin A sin B+sin B cos A=sin A+sin A cos B+cos A sin B,∴sin B-cos B=2sin(B-)=1,又B∈(0,π),∴B-=,∴B=,∵,∴∠ADB=,在△ABD中,由正弦定理得=,∴=,解得AD=;(2)设CD=t,则BD=2t,又S△ABC=3,∴×2×3t×=3,解得t=2,∴BC=3t=6,又AC===2,在△ABD中,由正弦定理可得=,∴sin∠BAD=2sin∠ADB,在△ACD中,由正弦定理可得=,∴sin∠CAD=sin∠ADC,∵sin∠ADB=sin(π-∠ADC)=sin∠ADC,∴==2.17.(2023•南通模拟)如图,在平面四边形ABCD中,AB=1,,CD=2,.(1)若BC⊥CD,求sin∠ADC;(2)记△ABD与△BCD的面积分别记为S和S2,求的最大值.1【解答】解:(1)∵BC⊥CD,∴,,,,,∴sin∠ADC=sin(∠BDC+∠ADB)=sin∠BDC cos∠ADB+cos∠BDC sin∠ADB=;(2)设∠BAD=α,∠BCD=β,∴,∴,∴①,==,当且仅当,时取最大值,综上,,的最大值是.18.(2023•广州模拟)记△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知a.(1)证明:sin A+sin C=2sin B;(2)若,求△ABC的面积.【解答】证明:(1)∵a,∴,∴a(1+cos C)+c(1+cos A)=3b,∴由正弦定理可得,sin A(1+cos C)+sin C(1+cos A)=3sin B,∴sin A+sin A cos C+sin C+sin C cos A=3sin B,∴sin A+sin C+sin(A+C)=3sin B,∵A+B+C=π,∴sin A+sin C+sin B=3sin B,∴sin A+sin C=2sin B;(2)∵sin A+sin C=2sin B,∴a+c=2b,∵b=2,∴a+c=4①,∵,∴bc cos A=3,∴a2=b2+c2-2bc•cos A,即a2=4+c2-6,∴c2-a2=2,即(c-a)(c+a)=2,∴c-a=②,联立①②解得,a=,c=,∴,∴sin A=,∴S△ABC===.19.(2023•平湖市模拟)已知△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且满足.(1)求角A的大小;(2)设AD是BC边上的高,且AD=2,求△ABC面积的最小值.【解答】解:(1)左边=,右边=,由题意得⇒sin(B+C)+cos(B +C)=0⇒tan(B+C)=-1,即tan A=1,又因为0<A<π,所以;(2)由,由余弦定理得,,,当且仅当b=c 时取“等号”,而,故.20.(2023•烟台一模)在锐角△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且c-2b cos A=b.(1)求证:A=2B;(2)若A的角平分线交BC于D,且c=2,求△ABD面积的取值范围.【解答】证明:(1)∵c-2b cos A=b,∴由正弦定理可得,sin C-2sin B cos A=sin B,∵A+B+C=π,∴sin(A+B)=sin C,∴sin(A+B)-2sin B cos A=sin A cos B+cos A sin B-2sin B cos A=sin B,∴sin(A-B)=sin B,∵△ABC为锐角三角形,∴A∈(0,),B∈(0,),∴A-B∈,∵y=sin x在(-,)上单调递增,∴A-B=B,即A=2B;(2)解:∵A=2B,∴在△ABD中,∠ABC=∠BAD,由正弦定理可得,=,∴AD=BD=,∴=,∵△ABC为锐角三角形,∴,解得,∴,∴△ABD面积的取值范围为().。



2024 年的南京高三一模呀,让我想起了我高三时候的一件事。





























(_______)A.滋生,繁殖 B.同“孜”,勤勉努力的样子 C.遮盖,遮蔽②非有能早而蕃之也。

(_______)A.茂盛 B.众多 C.同“藩”,屏障3.用现代汉语翻译下面句子。











可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1C-12O-16Na-23Mg-24S-32 Cl-35.5Ca-40一、选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。


)1.下列图标中,表示“禁止吸烟”的是( )A. B. C. D.2.空气的成分中,体积分数最大的是( )A.氮气B.氧气C.二氧化碳D.稀有气体3.制造手机可能用到下列材料,其中属于有机合成材料的是( )A.玻璃B.塑料C.钛合金D.硅晶体4.物质的下列性质中,属于物理性质的是( )A.氧化性B.还原性C.延展性D.可燃性5.下列物质由原子构成的是( )A.金刚石B.C60C.一氧化碳D.二氧化碳6.钕(Nd)等稀土元素有“工业维生素”的美誉。

在元素周期表中钕元素的某些信息如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A.Nd属于非金属元素B.Nd的相对原子质量为144.2gC.Nd3+的原子核内中子数为60D.Nd3+的核外电子数为577.硝酸中氮元素的化合价为( )A.+6B.+5C.+4D.-38.下列物质对应的用途不正确的是( )A.汽油可用作油污乳化剂B.二氧化碳可用作气体肥料C.盐酸可用于金属表面除锈D.硫酸铜可用于配制波尔多液9.氢气在氯气中燃烧生成氯化氢,下列有关该反应过程中分子和原子变化情况的说法不正确的是( )A.氢分子分解为氢原子,氯分子分解为氯原子B.每1个氢原子与1个氯原子结合成1个氯化氢分子C.反应前后,分子种类和分子数目均发生变化D.反应前后,原子种类和原子数目均没有变化10.在“粗盐中难溶性杂质的去除”实验中,下列装置和操作正确的是( )A.称量粗盐B.溶解粗盐C.过滤食盐水D.蒸发食盐水11.把50g质量分数为98%的浓硫酸用蒸馏水(密度为1g/cm3)稀释为20%的稀硫酸,下列说法正确的是( )A.溶液稀释前后,溶质的质量均为50gB.稀释后得到20%的稀硫酸的质量为245gC.稀释过程中需要蒸馏水的体积为196mLD.将蒸馏水缓慢注入浓硫酸中,不断搅拌12.淀粉的化学式为(C6H10O5)n,在一定条件下淀粉与水反应会转化为葡萄糖,葡萄糖的化学式为C6H12O6。






Ⅰ. 单项选择1、Even though we’re in difficult times, we need to keep hope ______.A.fresh B.real C.alive D.close2、Your father is sleeping. Please _______ the radio a bit.A.turn down B.turn off C.turn on3、—Dad, what are you looking at?—An old photo. It taken a long time ago.A.has B.was C.does D.is4、—Do you know how to spell ______word “strength” in English?—Yes. It begins with ______“s”.A.The; a B.the; an C.a; the D.the ; the5、Recently people in China____take much money on shopping because they often use Alipay(支付宝)A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.can’t6、Jack ________ on his mobile phone when the car hit him.A.talk B.talks C.talked D.was talking7、--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work.---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious.A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off8、—Your dress looks very beautiful. —________.A.It doesn’t matter B.I’m sorry too C.Thank you D.Certainly9、--- ______ do you volunteer at the old people’s home?--- Once a month.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.How often10、— This city is known as the Flower City.—Really? If it’s like that, there must be many people travelling around it every year.A.reported B.called C.askedⅡ. 完形填空11、These days when someone says a computer has a bug in it, usually they mean that there's a problem with one of its programs. Maybe your computer has crashed(死机) 1 you were in the middle of a game. But back in the early days of computers, a woman named Grace Hopper was part of the team that 2 the very first computerbug.Hopper was a mathematician. She worked for the navy to help program the new Mark II computer. The Mark II's job was to quickly 3 the math problems that ships and airplanes used to find their way. The Mark II worked by reading 4 from a long strip(长条)of paper with holes punched in it. The computer 5 the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.One afternoon in 1947 Hopper and her team were running a program. But the computer wasn't giving them the6 results. What could be wrong? They finally7 up taking the Mark II apart, looking for problems. What did they find?It was a dead moth (飞蛾)!The moth was blocking some of the 8 on the paper strip —no wonder the computer didn't know what to do. Hopper knew that the word "bug" had been used before when there were 9 with machines. But this was the 10 time a computer had ever had one. And it was funny that it was a 11 bug.Hopper's team 12 a logbook(航海日志)of everything they did. They taped(粘贴)the moth 13 the page for that day. The logbook, moth and all, is now in the Smithsonian Museum ofAmerican History in Washington, D.C.Grace Hopper worked with 14 her whole life and went on to become a rear admiral(海军少将) in the U.S. Navy. She was the first person to write a word —based computer language. This makes it 15 for people to tell computers what to do. Many people called her "Amazing Grace".1.A.if B.when C.because D.since2.A.created B.required C.suggested D.discovered3.A.make B.find C.solve D.keep4.A.instructions B.attention C.directions D.backgrounds5.A.helped B.translated C.locked D.examined6.A.wrong B.popular C.interesting D.correct7.A.ended B.cut C.gave D.looked8.A.stamps B.holes C.dialogues D.words9.A.conversations B.connections C.problems D.plans10.A.first B.second C.next D.last11.A.secret B.real C.active D.living12.A.kept B.noted C.requested D.lost13.A.in B.with C.on D.at14.A.computers B.bugs C.mistakes D.languages15.A.more difficult B.slower C.more special D.easierⅢ. 语法填空12、C)用所给动词的正确形式完成短文。



江苏南京江宁一模语文试卷Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020江宁区九年级语文学业水平调研卷(一)注意事项:1.本试卷6页,共120分。







(4分)(1)馈. ▲ 赠 (2)即物起兴.▲ (3 (4)金榜tí ▲ 名3.用诗文原句填空。

(10分)(1)窈窕淑女, ▲ 。

(《诗经·关雎》)(2)博学而笃志, ▲ ,仁在其中矣。

(《论语·子张》)(3)谁言寸草心, ▲ 。

(孟郊《游子吟》)(4)春蚕到死丝方尽, ▲ 。

(李商隐《无题》)(5) ▲ ,月有阴晴圆缺。

(苏轼《水调歌头》)(6) ▲ ,不求闻达于诸侯。

(诸葛亮《出师表》)(7)人生自古谁无死 ▲ 。

(文天祥《过零丁洋》)(8)为什么我的眼里常含泪水? ▲ ……(艾青《我爱这土地》)(9)用书信与亲人沟通,能感受文字的温度、书信的宝贵。


4.下列对文学常识和名着内容表述有误..的一项是( ▲ )(3分)A .《史记》是西汉史学家、文学家司马迁用毕生精力写成的我国第一部纪传体通史。

B .莫泊桑,法国着名小说家,《羊脂球》《项链》《威尼斯商人》都是他的代表作品。







2020年江苏省南京市江宁区中考英语一模试卷一、单项选择题(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.1. ﹣ The Dragon Boat Festival falls________May or June every year.﹣ Yes, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is________June 25th.()A in; onB on; inC in; inD on; on2. ﹣ I've just bought________cakes in the supermarket. Would you like to have________?﹣ No, thanks. I'm full now.()A no; someB some; someC some; anyD any; none3. Kids under the age of ten can't make good________. They are not sure which is better for them.()A choicesB progressC effortsD mistakes4. Dreams are beautiful. However, to ______ them needs lots of time and work.A discoverB findC achieveD stop5. Don't cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A car________hit you.()A needB mayC shouldD must6. ﹣﹣﹣Listen! There's someone knocking at the door.﹣﹣﹣ Oh, _________ must be Jim. It's time for him to get home now.()A heB thisC itD that7. "Garbage classification (垃圾分类) ", which will enter Nanjing soon, will makeit________for the citizens to enjoy the good living environment than before.()A easyB easierC easilyD more easily8. Which of the following words has the same word formation as the word "snowstorm"?()A helplessB incorrectC governmentD blackboard9. ﹣My i﹣pad has gone wrong.I'll have it ________.﹣Why don't you have Uncle Wang ________ it?Nobody can if he can't.()A repair,repairedB repair,repairingC repairing,repairedD repaired,repair10. ﹣ Do you often take exercise in the morning every day?﹣ Yes. I go jogging every morning________there is heavy air pollution.()A untilB unlessC ifD as11. The villagers expect that the building of the bridge ____ before the rainy season comes.()A is completedB was completedC will be completedD has been completed12. ﹣ Sorry, I'm late. There's too much traffic on the road.﹣ It doesn't matter. The film has just________for five minutes.()A begunB finishedC been onD been over13. ﹣ We are a teenager's parents. Sometimes we wonder________.﹣ Love and understanding, I think.()A what does my daughter need mostB what my daughter needs mostC why does my daughter gets stressed very oftenD why my daughter gets stressed very often14. How should you add the correct punctuation marks to the following sentence?()A Tom said: " If you are free, we'll watch a movie at home."B Tom said "if you are free, we'll watch a movie at home".C Tom said: if you are free, we'll watch a movie at home.D Tom said, " If you are free, we'll watch a movie at home."15. ﹣I may find a better job if I go abroad.﹣Don't be silly.________,you know.()A Actions speak louder than wordsB The grass is always greener on the otherside C A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush D A great hope makes a great man二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.16. Big things were happening in my life the summer after I turned 13. In the middle of that summer, my parents shook my whole world and turned it upside down when they told me they were getting a divorce(离婚).I couldn't believe that our family was going to(1)_______. Though I always knew my parents weren't very happy and they often (2)_______, I still wanted my family to stay the same.My life changed completely(3)_______the divorce. My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town, (4)_______my father and brother, Bill , stayed in our house. I now became a visitor whenever I went to see my dad and Bill on the weekends.And immediately I had my soon﹣to﹣be stepfather(继父), Dan , whom I showed no(5)_______in. I was upset, especially after Dan and my mother married and I realized that there was no(6)_______that things could change back to the way they were.Even though I refused Dan to get to know me and wasn't very (7)_______to him, he never gave up on me. Gradually I began to trust him. I realized that we actually had some things in(8)_______, especially when it came to movies and TV shows. We(9)_______a lot of time together hanging out watching TV. That gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other.Better still , Dan showed an interest in me that I had never experienced from my own father. Dan was always around when I needed advice on school or friends. Once I began to warm up to Dan , the three of us began spending a lot of time together. We often went out to eat and took short trips. Finally, I discovered that I had the happy family that I had always wanted.I now realize my parents were (10)_______about getting the divorce. Their divorce was the best thing to happen for all of us. My father also found happiness﹣he remarried and had another child, my half﹣sister, Michelle.At 13, I learned an important truth ﹣change is not always the worst thing that can happen, Sometimes , it is just what we need the most.(1)A break upB hold upC keep upD show up(2)A whisperedB foughtC talkedD competed(3)A thoughB untilC beforeD after(4)A whereB althoughC whileD that(5)A confidenceB interestC fearD anger(6)A doubtB differenceC pointD way(7)A seriousB niceC badD generous(8)A mindB troubleC commonD order(9)A spentB wastedC lostD saved(10)A wrongB confidentC guiltyD right三、阅读理解(共四篇,15 小题;每题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.17. Doing experiments can be interesting, and you may try the following experiments at home. Make sure that you'll do them with an adult.(1)How many experiments are there in the pictures?________A Six.B Five.C Three.D Two..(2)The following are the instructions on how to do "Step 2" in these experiments. Which one is the right order?________a.Pour 3/4 of the water away.b.Put a balloon on the bottle.c.Put the bottle in a bucket of hot water. The air rises into the balloon.A a, b, cB a, c, bC b, a, cD c, a, b.(3)What can you see in the bottle at last in Experiment A?________A Some ice.B Some water.C Some ice and water.D A cloud and some water.18. Four beggars (乞丐) usually met at an old shack (小窝棚) at the end of the day.One day, they were very upset because none of them had got much in their begging bowls."I only got this piece of meat today, " the first said. " I hardly got anything, " the second said. " I just picked up these few vegetables outside the fruit and vegetable store." The third complained that all he had been given was a handful of herds (香草) that he couldn't eat on his own. The fourth beggar had not done much better. " I only got the handful of old, dried beans, but they aren't very nice!"As they sat around the fire, one of them had a great idea. "Let's put all our bits together and boil them. In this way, we can make a tasty dish and share it." They all agreed.However, the first beggar thought: "I don't want to share. I'll just pretend (假装) to throw my meat into the pot. They'll never know and I'll eat my meat later." So he pretended to put the meat into the pot. Now the same idea had also hit the other beggars and the shack was so dark that no one could see what the others were doing.Finally, one of them suggested that the dish should now be ready and, in turn, each of them helped himself to a bowl.They drank the hot water in absolute(绝对)silence, learning that selfishness (自私) doesn't taste all that good.(1)How much did the four beggars get that day?________A Nothing.B Only a little.C A lot of food.D A lot of money..(2)Why was the fourth beggar upset?________A Because he got nothing from people.B Because the other beggars didn't agree with him.C Because many people laughed at him.D Because the beans were old and dried..(3)What's the main idea of the story?________A Only poor people can become good friends.B Selfishness is good for nothing.C The beggars shared a special dinner.D Silence can make everything taste good.19. ①The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits (好处) to human beings, changes that put man in danger. Many things caused the changes, but, in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.②Scientific research in phys ics and biology has vastly broadened our views.It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development. Technology in the application (应用) of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.③The continuation of such activities in the twenty﹣first century will result in even greater advantages tohuman beings: in pure science ﹣a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning; in applied science ﹣a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.④Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind.The application of science and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction (大规模杀伤武器) has created a real danger to the continued existence (存在) of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons.Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the ruin of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.⑤William Shakespeare said, "The web of our life is of a ________ yarn (纱线), good and ill together." The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities ﹣science seems to prove what Shakespeare said. But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?(1)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?________(2)From the fourth paragraph, we can infer (推断) that________.A a great many nuclear weapons were actually used for warB a large number of nuclear weapons should have been used for warC the author is doubtful about the ruin of human beings by nuclear weaponsD the author is anxious (焦虑的) about the huge number of nuclear weapons on the earth.(3)The underlined word "mingled" in the last paragraph most probably means________.A simple B mixed C sad D happy.(4)What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?________A Further application of science to war.B More reading of William Shakespeare.C Proper use of science in the new century.D Effective ways to separate the good from the ill.20. It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country to realize the dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday." Memories flashed through his mind."Jack, did you hear me? ""Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. it's been so long since I thought of him. I'm sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago, " Jack said."Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing. He'd reminisce (回忆) about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it, " Mom told him."I loved that old house he lived in, " Jack said."You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man's influence in your life, " she said."He's the one who taught me carpentry. I wouldn't be in this business if it weren't for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important. Mom, I'll be there for the funeral." Jack said.Busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to hishometown. Mr. Belser's funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time, which was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture …Jack stopped suddenly."What's wrong, Jack? " his Mom asked. "The box is gone, " he said."What box? " Mom asked."There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd ever tell me was 'the thing I value most', " Jack said.It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box.He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it."Now I'll never know what was so valuable to him, " Jack said sadly.Returning to his office the next day, he found a package on his desk. The return address caught his attention. "Mr. Harold Belser" it read.Jack tore open the package. There inside was the gold box and an envelope. Jack's hands shook as he read the note inside."Upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to Jack Bernett. It's the thing I valued most in my life." A small key was taped to the letter. His heart racing, and tears filling his eyes. Jack carefully unlocked the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers slowly over the fine cover, he opened it.Inside he found these words carved: "Jack. Thanks for your time! Harold Belser." "Oh.My God! This is the thing he valued most …"Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his assistant and cleared his appointments for the next two days. "Why? " his assistant asked."I need some time to spend with my son, " he said.(1)Why did Jack think Mr. Belser died years ago?________A College and career prevented him from remembering Mr. Bleser.B Jack was toobusy with his business and family to think about Mr. Belser. C Jack was too busy realizing his dreams to think about Mr. Belser. D His present busy life washed away his childhood memories..(2)Jack's mother told him on the phone about Mr. Belser EXCEPT that________.A Mr. Belser often asked how Jack was doingB Mr. Belser's funeral would take place on WednesdayC Mr. Belser had asked for Jack's mailing addressD Mr. Belser had pleasant memories of their time together.(3)Why did Belser send Jack his gold watch?________A Because he was grateful for Jack's time with him.B Because he had no children or relative.C Because he thought he had to keep his word.D Because Jack had always wanted it during his childhood..(4)Why did Jack say he needed some time to spend with his son?________A He was very tired of his work and wanted to have a good rest.B He had promised to spare more time to stay with his son.C He had missed his son and his family for days.D He came to realize the importance of the time with his family..(5)Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?________A The Good Old TimesB What He Valued MostC My lost friendD The Lost Childhood Days.五、填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确.21. ﹣ As a nurse, her work goes________(超出) taking care of her patients.﹣ Yes, she always thinks of others more than herself.22. Because of the breakout of the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), our________(生意) has been influenced a lot. However, our government helps support us a lot.23. In________(古代的)times, horses were considered as the fastest transportation.24. The girl who always gets high marks in exams said she________(更喜欢) reading a book to watching TV when she was free.25. Mr. Black didn't agree with us because he________(怀疑) our ability.26. Henry is used to________(控制) the car with one hand, but it's dangerous.27. It is thought that more and more________(亚洲人) are eating fast food and getting fat fast.28. The boy________(误以为) Lucy for her twin sister and made a terrible mistake.B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.29. ﹣No one answered the telephone when I called you yesterday afternoon.﹣ Oh, sorry, I________(write) some notes in the study.30. If you answer all the questions________(correct),you will get a big prize.31. ________ (not talk) to the boy who is learning German all by himself now,will you?32. Don't worry. Actions________(take) at once to prevent the situation getting worse soon.33. The weather report said the temperature________ (not rise) until the next week.34. To break the________(silent), the teacher told a joke in his class.35. The sudden________(appear) of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run away.C)从下列方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确.36.The outbreak of the virus(1)________some pet animals at all, but some pet keepers throw their pets away and some even kill their pet animals. Now a lot of homeless animals have to (2)________themselves to survive. People should be responsible (负责任的) for their pets once they(3)________to keep a pet. Never abandon (丢弃)them(4)________.To protect and love our pets,let's do something to(5)________.六、阅读填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)A)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入个最恰当的单注意:每个空格只填1个单词.37. Pimples is one of the most common skin conditions in adolescents (青春期).More than 80 percent of teenagers battle with pimples.It can also appear later in life for a number of reasons, including an imbalance of hormones (荷尔蒙).At the moment, we need more research to fully understand the causes ofpimples. Sebaceous glands (皮脂腺),located in the skin give off oil to lubricate (润滑)the surface of the skin and hair. All parts of the body contain sebaceous glands, except the palms and soles of the feet.Pimples were previously thought to come from lack of normal shedding (脱落) of the skin cells.This was thought to lead to thickened skin and the formation of small black and white heads.A pimple is like a little bag under the skin that contains oil, bacteria(细菌),and inflammation (炎症).Squeezing it can result in these contents being pushed into surrounding skin, making the problem worse.If large pimples require urgent treatment, a doctor can get rid of the contents of a pimple safely.If you have to battle with the pimples at least once a month,you had better see a doctor to find out what can be done to control them.If you want to avoid pimples, here are some ways you can have healthier and clearer skin:Eat a healthy, well﹣balanced diet low in sugar. This includes nuts, legumes, fish,red meat,fruits, and vegetables.Avoid too much scrubbing, cleansing. Pimples can't simply be washed away. Using many products can make the problem more serious.Choose oil﹣free cleansers, moisturisers, and sunscreen. Do not choose greasy hair products because they can make more oil on the skin, which will make pimples worse.•Choose cl eaners with(10)________oil and so on.B)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词.38. What makes a hero?Most of us might not have the chance to fight b(1)________in a war, as we imagine many heroes do.However,facing the spread of the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), many Chinese have s(2)________their courage, resilience (韧性)and dedication, just like h(3)________do.Everyone is a(4)________of the deadly disease.But out of responsibility,compassion(同情) or just simply wanting to do their jobs, some choose to stand out and fight the virus. They are known a(5)________"heroes in harm's way". Medical workers and scientists are always on the frontlines. Experts Zhong Nanshan, 84, and Li Lanjuan, 73,for example, have worked day and night to develop rapid test kits and treat severe (重症的) patients; doctor Zhang Wenhong from Shanghai tries to educate the public about the virus in a humorous w(6)________;Li Wenliang and some o(7)________medical workers even lost their lives while fighting the epidemic(传染病).B(8)________these well﹣known names, many heroes remain unknown, although they also take risks and play their own parts.Construction workers race a(9)________time to build makeshift (临时的)hospitals; volunteers ensure the transportation of supplies;and thousands of media workers keep the public updated with news and inspiring stories.Chinese writer Lu Xun said, "True heroes dare to look squarely to the gloomy (惨淡的)life and are bold (勇敢的) in facing up to the dripping (淋漓的) blood." The battle ish(10)________, but as long as there are heroes and heroic deeds, victory will be guaranteed (保证).七、书面表达(满分 10 分)39. 流感季通常在每年的10月份到3月份爆发,据报道114个美国孩子在今年2月死于流感.流感季节我们应该如何保持健康呢?要求:(1)所写内容必须包括提供的所有信息,并适当发挥;(2)文章不少于90词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;(3)语意通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;(4)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名等信息.参考词汇:weaker immune systems (较弱的免疫系统);influenza virus (流感病毒)The flu (流感)season runs from October to March every year. This year it has been especially bad. It is reported that 114 children in the US died in February.___________.2020年江苏省南京市江宁区中考英语一模试卷答案1. A2. B3. A4. C5. B6. C7. B8. D9. D10. B11. C12. C13. B14. D15. C16. ABDCBDBCAD17. CBD18. BDB19. ADBD20. CCADB21. beyond22. business23. ancient24. preferred25. doubted26. controlling27. Asians28. mistook29. was writing30. correctly31. Don'ttalk32. are taken33. wouldn't rise34. silence35. appearance36. has nothing to do with,depend on,decide,carelessly,make a difference37. appear,Over,including,available,control,avoid,healthily,sugar,cleanse,no38. ravely,hown,eroes ,fraid,s,ay,ther,esides,gainst,ard39. The flu (流感)season runs from October to March every year. This year it has been especially bad. It is reported that 114 children in the US died in February.(引出话题)The flu hits children and elderly people the hardest.(易患病人群)This is because they have weaker immune system. It is easy for them to get the flu(高分句型).In fact, most people don't know much about the flu. The influenza virus causes the flu. The virus can get on your hands. If you touch your nose or mouth, you can get the flu(高分句型). Because some patients pay no attention to the flu, it starts very suddenly and spreads from person to person closely in public.(原因)How do we keep the flu away? We should get lots of rest and exercise. Put on enough clothes to keep warm. Take a shower every day and wash hands often. Remember if anyone around us has the flu, take it seriously and make sure they go to the hospital as soon as possible.(预防措施)。



江苏省南京市江宁区中考数学一模试卷(解析版)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的)1.下面的数中,与﹣2的和为0的是()A.2 B.﹣2 C.D.2.下列调查中,适宜采用普查方式的是()A.了解一批圆珠笔的寿命B.了解全国九年级学生身高的现状C.检查一枚用于发射卫星的运载的各零部件D.考察人们保护海洋的意识3.从下列不等式中选择一个与x+1≥2组成不等式组,如果要使该不等式组的解集为x≥1,那么可以选择的不等式可以是()A.x>﹣1 B.x>2 C.x<﹣1 D.x<24.如图是小刘做的一个风筝支架示意图,已知BC∥PQ,AB:AP=2:5,AQ=20cm,则CQ的长是()A.8cm B.12cm C.30cm D.50cm5.如图,五边形ABCDE中,AB∥CD,∠1、∠2、∠3分别是∠BAE、∠AED、∠EDC 的外角,则∠1+∠2+∠3等于()A.90° B.180°C.210°D.270°6.已知点A,B的坐标分别为(﹣4,0)和(2,0),在直线y=﹣x+2上取一点C,若△ABC是直角三角形,则满足条件的点C有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)7.计算:(3a3)2=.8.温家宝强调,“十二五”期间,将新建保障性住房36000000套,用于解决中低收入和新参加工作的大学生住房的需求.把36000000用科学记数法表示应是.9.分解因式:ab2﹣a=.10.已知a,b是一元二次方程x2﹣x﹣2=0的两根,则a+b=.11.计算:﹣=.12.已知扇形的圆心角为45°,半径长为12,则该扇形的弧长为.13.如图,这是一个长方体的主视图和俯视图,由图示数据(单元:cm)可以得出该长方体的体积是cm3.14.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,菱形ABCD在第一象限内,边BC与x轴平行,A,B 两点的纵坐标分别为3,1,反比例函数y=的图象经过A,B两点,则菱形ABCD的面积为.15.如图,AB是⊙O的一条弦,点C是⊙O上一动点,且∠ACB=30°,点E、F分别是AC、BC的中点,直线EF与⊙O交于G、H两点.若⊙O的半径为7,则GE+FH的最大值为.16.如图,在△ABC中,CA=CB,∠C=90°,点D是BC的中点,将△ABC沿着直线EF 折叠,使点A与点D重合,折痕交AB于点E,交AC于点F,那么sin∠BED的值为.三、解答题(本大题共11小题,共88分,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.计算:()0++|﹣3|.18.÷(x﹣),再从1、0、中选一个你所喜欢的数代入求值.19.四川雅安发生地震后,某校学生会向全校1900名学生发起了“心系雅安”捐款活动,为了解捐款情况,学生会随机调查了部分学生的捐款金额,并用得到的数据绘制了如下统计图①和图②,请根据相关信息,解答下列是问题:(Ⅰ)本次接受随机抽样调查的学生人数为,图①中m的值是;(Ⅱ)求本次调查获取的样本数据的平均数、众数和中位数;(Ⅲ)根据样本数据,估计该校本次活动捐款金额为10元的学生人数.20.已知:如图,矩形ABCD的一条边AB=10,将矩形ABCD折叠,使得顶点B落在CD 边上的P点处,折痕为AO.(1)求证:△OCP∽△PDA;(2)若△OCP与△PDA的面积比为1:4,求边AD的长.21.列方程或方程组解应用题:某园林队计划由6名工人对180平方米的区域进行绿化,由于施工时增加了2名工人,结果比计划提前3小时完成任务,若每人每小时绿化面积相同,求每人每小时的绿化面积.22.某市举办中学生足球赛,初中男子组共有市直学校的A、B两队和县区学校的e、f、g、h四队报名参赛,六支球队分成甲、乙两组,甲组由A、e、f三队组成,乙组由B、g、h三队组成,现要从甲、乙两组中各随机抽取一支球队进行首场比赛.(1)在甲组中,首场比赛抽到e队的概率是;(2)请你用画树状图或列表的方法,求首场比赛出场的两个队都是县区学校队的概率.23.甲、乙两城市之间开通了动车组高速列车.已知每隔2h有一列速度相同的动车组列车从甲城开往乙城.如图,OA是第一列动车组列车离开甲城的路程s(km)与运行时间t (h)的函数图象,BC是一列从乙城开往甲城的普通快车距甲城的路程s(km)与运行时间t(h)的函数图象.请根据图中的信息,解答下列问题:(1)从图象看,普通快车发车时间比第一列动车组列车发车时间 1h(填”早”或”晚”),点B的纵坐标600的实际意义是;(2)请直接在图中画出第二列动车组列车离开甲城的路程s(km)与时间t(h)的函数图象;(3)若普通快车的速度为100km/h,①求第二列动车组列车出发多长时间后与普通快车相遇?②请直接写出这列普通快车在行驶途中与迎面而来的相邻两列动车组列车相遇的时间间隔.24.如图,初三一班数学兴趣小组的同学欲测量公园内一棵树DE的高度,他们在这棵树正前方一座楼亭前的台阶上A点处测得树顶端D的仰角为30°.朝着这棵树的方向走到台阶下的点C处,测得树顶端D的仰角为60°,已知A点的高度AB为2米,台阶AC的坡度为1:(即AB:BC=1:),且B,C,E三点在同一条直线上,请根据以上条件求出树DE的高度.(测量器的高度忽略不计)25.已知直线l与⊙O,AB是⊙O的直径,AD⊥l于点D.(Ⅰ)如图①,当直线l与⊙O相切于点C时,若∠DAC=30°,求∠BAC的大小;(Ⅱ)如图②,当直线l与⊙O相交于点E、F时,若∠DAE=18°,求∠BAF的大小.26.如果一条抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)与x轴有两个交点,那么以这两个交点和该抛物线的顶点、对称轴上一点为顶点的菱形称为这条抛物线的“抛物菱形”.(1)若抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)与x轴的两个交点为(﹣1,0)、(3,0),且这条抛物线的“抛物菱形”是正方形,求这条抛物线的函数解析式;(2)如图,四边形OABC是抛物线y=﹣x2+bx(b>0)的“抛物菱形”,且∠OAB=60°①求“抛物菱形OABC”的面积.②将直角三角板中含有“60°角”的顶点与坐标原点O重合,两边所在直线与“抛物菱形OABC”的边AB、BC交于E、F,△OEF的面积是否存在最小值,若存在,求出此时△OEF的面积;若不存在,说明理由.27.如图,将两块直角三角板摆放在平面直角坐标系中,有∠COD=∠ABO=Rt∠,∠OCD=45°,∠AOB=60°,且AO=CD=8.现将Rt△AOB绕点O逆时针旋转,旋转角为β(0°≤β≤180°).在旋转过程中,直线CD分别与直线AB,OA交于点F,G.(1)当旋转角β=45°时,求点B的坐标;(2)在旋转过程中,当∠BOD=60°时,求直线AB的解析式;(3)在旋转过程中,△AFG能否为等腰三角形?若能,请求出所有满足条件的β值;若不能,请说明理由.江苏省南京市江宁区中考数学一模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的)1.下面的数中,与﹣2的和为0的是()A.2 B.﹣2 C.D.【考点】有理数的加法.【分析】设这个数为x,根据题意可得方程x+(﹣2)=0,再解方程即可.【解答】解:设这个数为x,由题意得:x+(﹣2)=0,x﹣2=0,x=2,故选:A.【点评】此题主要考查了有理数的加法,解答本题的关键是理解题意,根据题意列出方程.2.下列调查中,适宜采用普查方式的是()A.了解一批圆珠笔的寿命B.了解全国九年级学生身高的现状C.检查一枚用于发射卫星的运载的各零部件D.考察人们保护海洋的意识【考点】全面调查与抽样调查.【分析】根据普查得到的调查结果比较准确,但所费人力、物力和时间较多,而抽样调查得到的调查结果比较近似解答.【解答】解:A、了解一批圆珠笔的寿命适宜采用抽样调查方式,A错误;B、了解全国九年级学生身高的现状适宜采用抽样调查方式,B错误;C、检查一枚用于发射卫星的运载的各零部件适宜采用普查方式,B正确;D、考察人们保护海洋的意识适宜采用抽样调查方式,D错误;故选:C.【点评】本题考查的是抽样调查和全面调查的区别,选择普查还是抽样调查要根据所要考查的对象的特征灵活选用,一般来说,对于具有破坏性的调查、无法进行普查、普查的意义或价值不大,应选择抽样调查,对于精确度要求高的调查,事关重大的调查往往选用普查.3.从下列不等式中选择一个与x+1≥2组成不等式组,如果要使该不等式组的解集为x≥1,那么可以选择的不等式可以是()A.x>﹣1 B.x>2 C.x<﹣1 D.x<2【考点】不等式的解集.【分析】首先计算出不等式x+1≥2的解集,再根据不等式的解集确定方法:大大取大可确定另一个不等式的解集,进而选出答案.【解答】解:x+1≥2,解得:x≥1,根据大大取大可得另一个不等式的解集一定是x不大于1.故选:A.【点评】此题主要考查了不等式的解集,关键是正确理解不等式组解集的确定方法:大大取大,小小取小,大小小大中间找,大大小小找不着.4.如图是小刘做的一个风筝支架示意图,已知BC∥PQ,AB:AP=2:5,AQ=20cm,则CQ的长是()A.8cm B.12cm C.30cm D.50cm【考点】平行线分线段成比例.【分析】利用相似三角形的判定与性质得出==,求出AC的长,进而求出CQ的长.【解答】解:∵BC∥PQ,∴△ABC∽△APQ,∴=,∵AB:AP=2:5,AQ=20cm,∴=,解得:AC=8cm,∴CQ=AQ﹣AC=20﹣8=12(cm),故选B.【点评】此题主要考查了相似三角形的应用,得出△ABC∽△APQ是解题关键.5.如图,五边形ABCDE中,AB∥CD,∠1、∠2、∠3分别是∠BAE、∠AED、∠EDC 的外角,则∠1+∠2+∠3等于()A.90° B.180°C.210°D.270°【考点】平行线的性质.【分析】根据两直线平行,同旁内角互补求出∠B+∠C=180°,从而得到以点B、点C为顶点的五边形的两个外角的度数之和等于180°,再根据多边形的外角和定理列式计算即可得解.【解答】解:∵AB∥CD,∴∠B+∠C=180°,∴∠4+∠5=180°,根据多边形的外角和定理,∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4+∠5=360°,∴∠1+∠2+∠3=360°﹣180°=180°.故选B.【点评】本题考查了平行线的性质,多边形的外角和定理,是基础题,理清求解思路是解题的关键.6.已知点A,B的坐标分别为(﹣4,0)和(2,0),在直线y=﹣x+2上取一点C,若△ABC是直角三角形,则满足条件的点C有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个【考点】勾股定理的逆定理;一次函数图象上点的坐标特征.【分析】根据∠A为直角,∠B为直角与∠C为直角三种情况进行分析.【解答】解:由题意知,直线y=﹣x+2与x轴的交点为(4,0),与y轴的交点为(0,2),如图:当∠A为直角时,过点A作x轴的垂线与直线的交点W(﹣4,4),当∠B为直角时,过点B作x轴的垂线与直线的交点S(2,1),当∠C为直角时,过AB中点E(﹣1,0),作x轴的垂线与直线的交点为F(﹣1,2.5),则EF=2.5<3,所以以3为半径,以点E为圆心的圆与直线必有两个交点,综上所述,共有四个点能与点A,点B组成直角三角形.故选D.【点评】本题考查的是一次函数图象上点的坐标特征,直角三角形的性质,在解答此题时要分三种情况进行讨论,不要漏解.二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)7.计算:(3a3)2=9a6.【考点】幂的乘方与积的乘方.【分析】利用积的乘方的性质:积的乘方,等于把每一个因式分别乘方,再把所得的幂相乘,首先计算积的乘方,再利用幂的乘方乘方性质:底数不变,指数相乘,计算(a3)2可得答案.【解答】解:(3a3)2=32(a3)2=9a3×2=9a6.故答案为:9a6.【点评】此题主要考查了积的乘方和幂的乘方混合运用,计算时要紧扣积的乘方的性质与幂的乘方乘方性质.8.温家宝强调,“十二五”期间,将新建保障性住房36000000套,用于解决中低收入和新参加工作的大学生住房的需求.把36000000用科学记数法表示应是 3.6×107.【考点】科学记数法—表示较大的数.【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值>1时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n是负数.【解答】解:36000000=3.6×107.故答案为:3.6×107.【点评】此题主要考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a的值以及n的值.9.分解因式:ab2﹣a=a(b+1)(b﹣1).【考点】提公因式法与公式法的综合运用.【分析】原式提取a,再利用平方差公式分解即可.【解答】解:原式=a(b2﹣1)=a(b+1)(b﹣1),故答案为:a(b+1)(b﹣1)【点评】此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,熟练掌握因式分解的方法是解本题的关键.10.已知a,b是一元二次方程x2﹣x﹣2=0的两根,则a+b=1.【考点】根与系数的关系.【分析】直接根据一元二次方程根与系数关系进行填空即可.【解答】解:∵a,b是一元二次方程x2﹣x﹣2=0的两根,∴a+b=1,故答案为1.【点评】本题主要考查了根与系数的关系的知识,解答本题的关键是掌握一元二次方程两根之和与两根之积与系数的关系,此题难度不大.11.计算:﹣=.【考点】二次根式的加减法.【分析】先进行二次根式的化简,然后合并同类二次根式求解.【解答】解:原式=2﹣=.故答案为:.【点评】本题考查了二次根式的加减法,关键是掌握二次根式的化简以及同类二次根式的合并.12.已知扇形的圆心角为45°,半径长为12,则该扇形的弧长为3π.【考点】弧长的计算.【分析】根据弧长公式L=求解.【解答】解:L===3π.故答案为:3π.【点评】本题考查了弧长的计算,解答本题的关键是掌握弧长公式L=.13.如图,这是一个长方体的主视图和俯视图,由图示数据(单元:cm)可以得出该长方体的体积是18cm3.【考点】由三视图判断几何体.【分析】首先确定该几何体为立方体,并说出其尺寸,直接计算其体积即可.【解答】解:观察其视图知:该几何体为立方体,且立方体的长为3,宽为2,高为3,故其体积为:3×3×2=18,故答案为:18.【点评】本题考查了由三视图判断几何体,牢记立方体的体积计算方法是解答本题的关键.14.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,菱形ABCD在第一象限内,边BC与x轴平行,A,B 两点的纵坐标分别为3,1,反比例函数y=的图象经过A,B两点,则菱形ABCD的面积为4.【考点】菱形的性质;反比例函数图象上点的坐标特征.【分析】过点A作x轴的垂线,与CB的延长线交于点E,根据A,B两点的纵坐标分别为3,1,可得出横坐标,即可求得AE,BE,再根据勾股定理得出AB,根据菱形的面积公式:底乘高即可得出答案.【解答】解:过点A作x轴的垂线,与CB的延长线交于点E,∵A,B两点在反比例函数y=的图象上且纵坐标分别为3,1,∴A,B横坐标分别为1,3,∴AE=2,BE=2,∴AB=2,S=底×高=2×2=4,菱形ABCD故答案为4.【点评】本题考查了菱形的性质以及反比例函数图象上点的坐标特征,熟记菱形的面积公式是解题的关键.15.如图,AB是⊙O的一条弦,点C是⊙O上一动点,且∠ACB=30°,点E、F分别是AC、BC的中点,直线EF与⊙O交于G、H两点.若⊙O的半径为7,则GE+FH的最大值为10.5.【考点】圆周角定理;三角形中位线定理.【分析】由点E、F分别是AC、BC的中点,根据三角形中位线定理得出EF=AB=3.5为定值,则GE+FH=GH﹣EF=GH﹣3.5,所以当GH取最大值时,GE+FH有最大值.而直径是圆中最长的弦,故当GH为⊙O的直径时,GE+FH有最大值14﹣3.5=10.5.【解答】解:当GH为⊙O的直径时,GE+FH有最大值.当GH为直径时,E点与O点重合,∴AC也是直径,AC=14.∵∠ABC是直径上的圆周角,∴∠ABC=90°,∵∠C=30°,∴AB=AC=7.∵点E、F分别为AC、BC的中点,∴EF=AB=3.5,∴GE+FH=GH﹣EF=14﹣3.5=10.5.故答案为:10.5.【点评】本题结合动点考查了圆周角定理,三角形中位线定理,有一定难度.确定GH的位置是解题的关键.16.如图,在△ABC中,CA=CB,∠C=90°,点D是BC的中点,将△ABC沿着直线EF 折叠,使点A与点D重合,折痕交AB于点E,交AC于点F,那么sin∠BED的值为.【考点】翻折变换(折叠问题).【分析】先根据翻折变换的性质得到△DEF≌△AEF,再根据等腰三角形的性质及三角形外角的性质可得到∠BED=CDF,设CD=1,CF=x,则CA=CB=2,再根据勾股定理即可求解.【解答】解:∵△DEF是△AEF翻折而成,∴△DEF≌△AEF,∠A=∠EDF,∵△ABC是等腰直角三角形,∴∠EDF=45°,由三角形外角性质得∠CDF+45°=∠BED+45°,∴∠BED=∠CDF,设CD=1,CF=x,则CA=CB=2,∴DF=FA=2﹣x,∴在Rt△CDF中,由勾股定理得,CF2+CD2=DF2,即x2+1=(2﹣x)2,解得x=,∴sin∠BED=sin∠CDF==,故答案为:【点评】本题考查的是图形翻折变换的性质、等腰直角三角形的性质、勾股定理、三角形外角的性质,涉及面较广,但难易适中.三、解答题(本大题共11小题,共88分,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.计算:()0++|﹣3|.【考点】实数的运算;零指数幂.【分析】原式第一项利用零指数幂法则计算,第二项化为最简二次根式,最后一项利用绝对值的代数意义化简,计算即可得到结果.【解答】解:原式=1+3+3=4+3.【点评】此题考查了实数的运算,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.18.÷(x﹣),再从1、0、中选一个你所喜欢的数代入求值.【考点】分式的化简求值.【分析】先根据分式混合运算的法则把原式进行化简,再选出合适的x的值代入进行计算即可.【解答】解:原式=﹒=,当x=时,原式=+2.【点评】本题考查的是分式的化简求值,熟知分式混合运算的法则是解答此题的关键.19.四川雅安发生地震后,某校学生会向全校1900名学生发起了“心系雅安”捐款活动,为了解捐款情况,学生会随机调查了部分学生的捐款金额,并用得到的数据绘制了如下统计图①和图②,请根据相关信息,解答下列是问题:(Ⅰ)本次接受随机抽样调查的学生人数为50,图①中m的值是32;(Ⅱ)求本次调查获取的样本数据的平均数、众数和中位数;(Ⅲ)根据样本数据,估计该校本次活动捐款金额为10元的学生人数.【考点】条形统计图;用样本估计总体;扇形统计图;加权平均数;中位数;众数.【分析】(1)根据条形统计图即可得出样本容量根据扇形统计图得出m的值即可;(2)利用平均数、中位数、众数的定义分别求出即可;(3)根据样本中捐款10元的人数,进而得出该校本次活动捐款金额为10元的学生人数.【解答】解:(1)根据条形图4+16+12+10+8=50(人),m=100﹣20﹣24﹣16﹣8=32;(2)∵=(5×4+10×16+15×12+20×10+30×8)=16,∴这组数据的平均数为:16,∵在这组样本数据中,10出现次数最多为16次,∴这组数据的众数为:10,∵将这组样本数据按从小到大的顺序排列,其中处于中间的两个数都是15,∴这组数据的中位数为:(15+15)=15;(3)∵在50名学生中,捐款金额为10元的学生人数比例为32%,∴由样本数据,估计该校1900名学生中捐款金额为10元的学生人数比例为32%,有1900×32%=608,∴该校本次活动捐款金额为10元的学生约有608名.故答案为:50,32.【点评】此题主要考查了平均数、众数、中位数的统计意义以及利用样本估计总体等知识.找中位数要把数据按从小到大的顺序排列,位于最中间的一个数或两个数的平均数为中位数;众数是一组数据中出现次数最多的数据,注意众数可以不止一个;平均数是指在一组数据中所有数据之和再除以数据的个数.20.已知:如图,矩形ABCD的一条边AB=10,将矩形ABCD折叠,使得顶点B落在CD 边上的P点处,折痕为AO.(1)求证:△OCP∽△PDA;(2)若△OCP与△PDA的面积比为1:4,求边AD的长.【考点】翻折变换(折叠问题);相似三角形的判定与性质.【分析】(1)根据两角对应相等的两个三角形相似即可判定.(2)根据相似三角形的性质面积比等于相似比的平方,得到AD=2PC,设PC=x,则AD=2x,在RT△ADP中利用勾股定理即可解决问题.【解答】(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD是矩形,∴AD=BC,DC=AB,∠DAB=∠B=∠C=∠D=90°,由折叠可得:AP=AB,PO=BO,∠PAO=∠BAO,∠APO=∠B,∴∠APO=90°,∴∠APD=90°﹣∠CPO=∠POC,∵∠D=∠C,∠APD=∠POC,∴△OCP∽△PDA.(2)解:∵△OCP与△PDA的面积比为1:4,∴==,∴DA=2CP.设PC=x,则AD=2x,PD=10﹣x,AP=AB=10,在Rt△PDA中,∵∠D=90°,PD2+AD2=AP2,∴(10﹣x)2+(2x)2=102,解得:x=4,∴AD=2x=8.【点评】本题考查相似三角形的判定和性质、矩形的性质、翻折变换、勾股定理等知识,解题的关键是熟练掌握相似三角形的判定,学会用方程的思想解决数学问题,属于中考常考题型.21.列方程或方程组解应用题:某园林队计划由6名工人对180平方米的区域进行绿化,由于施工时增加了2名工人,结果比计划提前3小时完成任务,若每人每小时绿化面积相同,求每人每小时的绿化面积.【考点】分式方程的应用.【分析】设每人每小时的绿化面积x平方米,根据增加2人后完成的时间比原来的时间少3小时为等量关系建立方程求出其解即可.【解答】解:设每人每小时的绿化面积x平方米,由题意,得,解得:x=2.5.经检验,x=2.5是原方程的解,且符合题意.答:每人每小时的绿化面积2.5平方米.【点评】本题考查了列分式方程解实际问题的运用,分式方程的解法的运用,解答时验根是必须的过程,学生容易忘记,解答本题时根据增加2人后完成的时间比原来的时间少3小时为等量关系建立方程是关键.22.某市举办中学生足球赛,初中男子组共有市直学校的A、B两队和县区学校的e、f、g、h四队报名参赛,六支球队分成甲、乙两组,甲组由A、e、f三队组成,乙组由B、g、h三队组成,现要从甲、乙两组中各随机抽取一支球队进行首场比赛.(1)在甲组中,首场比赛抽到e队的概率是;(2)请你用画树状图或列表的方法,求首场比赛出场的两个队都是县区学校队的概率.【考点】列表法与树状图法.【分析】(1)根据甲组由A,e,f三队组成,得到抽到e队的概率;(2)列表得出所有等可能的情况数,找出首场比赛出场的两个队都是县区学校队的情况数,即可求出所求的概率.【解答】解:(1)根据题意得:P(e队出场)=;故答案为:;(2)列表如下:A e fB (A,B)(e,B)(f,B)g (A,g)(e,g)(f,g)h (A,h)(e,h)(f,h)所有等可能的情况有9种,其中首场比赛出场的两个队都是县区学习队的有4种情况,则P=.【点评】此题考查了列表法与树状图法,用到的知识点为:概率=所求情况数与总情况数之比.23.甲、乙两城市之间开通了动车组高速列车.已知每隔2h有一列速度相同的动车组列车从甲城开往乙城.如图,OA是第一列动车组列车离开甲城的路程s(km)与运行时间t (h)的函数图象,BC是一列从乙城开往甲城的普通快车距甲城的路程s(km)与运行时间t(h)的函数图象.请根据图中的信息,解答下列问题:(1)从图象看,普通快车发车时间比第一列动车组列车发车时间晚 1h(填”早”或”晚”),点B的纵坐标600的实际意义是甲、乙两城市之间的距离为600千米;(2)请直接在图中画出第二列动车组列车离开甲城的路程s(km)与时间t(h)的函数图象;(3)若普通快车的速度为100km/h,①求第二列动车组列车出发多长时间后与普通快车相遇?②请直接写出这列普通快车在行驶途中与迎面而来的相邻两列动车组列车相遇的时间间隔.【考点】一次函数的应用.【分析】(1)根据图象中点B的实际意义即可得知;(2)根据速度相同可知两直线平行,由间隔时间为2小时可知直线过(2,0),画出图象MN即可;(3)①求出直线BC与直线MN的解析式,由解析式列出方程,解方程即可得相遇时间,继而可得答案;②求出直线BC与直线OA交点,即普通快车与第一辆动车相遇时间,由①可知相遇时间间隔.【解答】解:(1)由图可知,普通快车发车时间比第一列动车组列车发车时间晚1h;点B的纵坐标600的实际意义是:甲、乙两城市之间的距离为600千米;(2)如图所示:(3)①设直线MN的解析式为:S=k1t+b1,∵M(2,0),N(6,600),∴,解得:,∴S=150t﹣300;∵直线BC的解析式为:S=﹣100t+700,∴可得:150t﹣300=﹣100t+700,解得:t=4,4﹣2=2.答:第二列动车组列车出发2小时后与普通快车相遇;②根据题意,第一列动车组列车解析式为:y=150t,∴这列普通快车在行驶途中与迎面而来的相邻两列动车组列车相遇的时间间隔为:150t=﹣100t+700,解得:t=2.8,4﹣2.8=1.2(小时).∴这列普通快车在行驶途中与迎面而来的相邻两列动车组列车相遇的时间间隔为1.2小时.故答案为:(1)晚,甲、乙两城市之间的距离为600千米.【点评】此题主要考查了待定系数法求一次函数解析式和一次函数以及二元一次方程组的应用,主要利用了相遇问题求解,仔细观察图象将相遇时刻转化为求直线交点坐标是关键.24.如图,初三一班数学兴趣小组的同学欲测量公园内一棵树DE的高度,他们在这棵树正前方一座楼亭前的台阶上A点处测得树顶端D的仰角为30°.朝着这棵树的方向走到台阶下的点C处,测得树顶端D的仰角为60°,已知A点的高度AB为2米,台阶AC的坡度为1:(即AB:BC=1:),且B,C,E三点在同一条直线上,请根据以上条件求出树DE的高度.(测量器的高度忽略不计)【考点】解直角三角形的应用-仰角俯角问题;解直角三角形的应用-坡度坡角问题.【分析】由于AF⊥AB,则四边形ABEF为矩形,设DE=x,在Rt△CDE中,CE===x,在Rt△ABC中,得到=,求出BC,在Rt△AFD 中,求出AF,由AF=BC+CE即可求出x的长.【解答】解:∵AF⊥AB,AB⊥BE,DE⊥BE,∴四边形ABEF为矩形,∴AF=BE,EF=AB=2设DE=x,在Rt△CDE中,CE===x,在Rt△ABC中,∵=,AB=2,∴BC=2,在Rt△AFD中,DF=DE﹣EF=x﹣2,∴AF===(x﹣2),∵AF=BE=BC+CE.∴(x﹣2)=2+x,解得x=6.答:树DE的高度为6米.【点评】本题考查了解直角三角形的应用﹣﹣仰角、坡度问题、矩形的判定与性质、三角函数;借助仰角构造直角三角形并解直角三角形是解决问题的关键.25.已知直线l与⊙O,AB是⊙O的直径,AD⊥l于点D.(Ⅰ)如图①,当直线l与⊙O相切于点C时,若∠DAC=30°,求∠BAC的大小;(Ⅱ)如图②,当直线l与⊙O相交于点E、F时,若∠DAE=18°,求∠BAF的大小.【考点】切线的性质;圆周角定理;直线与圆的位置关系.【分析】(Ⅰ)如图①,首先连接OC,根据当直线l与⊙O相切于点C,AD⊥l于点D.易证得OC∥AD,继而可求得∠BAC=∠DAC=30°;(Ⅱ)如图②,连接BF,由AB是⊙O的直径,根据直径所对的圆周角是直角,可得∠AFB=90°,由三角形外角的性质,可求得∠AEF的度数,又由圆的内接四边形的性质,求得∠B的度数,继而求得答案.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)如图①,连接OC,∵直线l与⊙O相切于点C,∴OC⊥l,∵AD⊥l,∴OC∥AD,∴∠OCA=∠DAC,∵OA=OC,∴∠BAC=∠OCA,∴∠BAC=∠DAC=30°;。




每小题2分,共30分)1.(2分)空气中氮气的体积分数约为( )A.21%B.0.94%C.0.03%D.78%2.(2分)下列材料中,属于复合材料的是( )A.钢B.玻璃C.玻璃钢D.有机玻璃3.(2分)下列不属于化石燃料的是( )A.天然气B.乙醇C.煤D.石油4.(2分)下列做法有利于保护环境的是( )A.随意排放生活污水B.大量施用农药化肥C.就地焚烧废弃塑料D.回收利用废旧金属5.(2分)稀释浓硫酸并进行硫酸性质实验的下列操作,正确的是( )A.稀释浓硫酸B.测稀硫酸的pHC.倾倒稀硫酸D.滴加稀硫酸6.(2分)如图所示,封闭在注射器中的氢气被压缩。

下列关于该过程的说法正确的是( )A.氢分子的数目变少B.氢分子的体积变小C.氢分子间的间隔变小D.氢分子的质量变小7.(2分)下列图示实验操作中,正确的是( )A .加热B .验满C .过滤D .稀释8.(2分)下列措施中,不能防止钢铁生锈的是( )A .在钢铁表面涂油B .存放在潮湿的空气中C .在钢铁表面刷漆D .镀耐磨和耐腐蚀的铬9.(2分)图甲是溴元素在元素周期表中的相关信息及原子结构示意图,图乙是四种粒子的结构示意图。

下列说法不正确的是( )A .溴元素属于非金属元素B .图甲中x =8C .图乙中的粒子对应的元素共有3种D .溴化镁的化学式为MgBr10.(2分)如表中对宏观事实的微观解释,不合理的是( ) 选项 事实解释 A 水银温度计放入热水中,水银柱升高受热后原子之间的间隔变大B 一氧化碳和二氧化碳化学性质不同分子的构成不同C酸具有相似的化学性质 酸溶液中都含有酸根离子 D 铵态氮肥和碱性物质不能混用 铵根离子和氢氧根离子会发生反应A .AB .BC .CD .D 11.(2分)在“宏观﹣微观﹣符号”之间建立联系,是化学学科特有的思维方式。



2020届上海市普陀区江宁学校高三英语一模试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOur Teen Summer Spanish Program is two weeks of fun, educational excitement that helps students learn Spanish fast. Our Spanish summer program allows our students to learn from highly trained, certified teachers and be absorbed in the language and theculture of Costa Rica.Features include:* Intensive(强化的) daily Spanish classes* Extracurricular classes in dance, cooking, music, and handiwork* Outdoor activities including hiking, camping, rafting, and ziplining(高空滑索)* Homestay with a local Costa Rican family* Volunteer work in needy neighborhoodsOur Teaching Methods:We are proud to use TPRS---Total Physical Response Storytelling---in our curriculum. This innovative method uses strange and amusing stories to teach new vocabulary, increase fluency, and get students involved by giving them the opportunity to alter the details themselves. Because of the silliness, creativity, and repetition involved, TPRS allows students to learn easily and remember information effortlesslyMemorizing vocabulary and listening to lectures on grammar are slow, inefficient ways to learn a new language. The best way to truly learn and commit new material to memory is through conversation. In our Spanish classes, students can expect to speak up to 80% of each class. By speaking in the new language freely and consistently, students can see progress faster because they are using the new grammar and vocabulary that they have learned at the same time. This helps the brain remember the new words and grammar structures for future use, making it much easier to progress.1.What does the program do?A.It offers weekly Spanish classesB.It focuses more on outdoor activitiesC.It gives teachers a chance to receive trainingD.It provides activities about the Spanish culture2.What is the best way to learn a language according to the text?A.Memorizing a larger vocabularyB.Speaking more in the new language.C.Mastering more grammar structuresD.Writing stories to share with others3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To employexperienced Spanish teacherB.To hire foreign volunteers for a programC.To attract teen foreigners to a programD.To introduce language learning methodsBThereare two days that set you on your path in life: the day you’re born, and the day you realize why you were born.Growing up south of Chicago in Harvey, Illinois, most people just had their heads down trying to make it from point A to point B. I was the same way, just going with the flow. I played basketball in high school because I was good at it and because other people thought I should until I discovered my talent.I give up basketball and started doing speeches. It wasn’t a popular decision but my grandfather told me to do what made me happy. I fell in love with comedy and performing. And when I discovered the passion, I realized why I was born.I knew I had something to offer —I knew that not only am I powerful, but I can make a difference.I realized a long time ago that my dream is not to be famous or rich. My talent is to entertain. But it’s more than that. I have the chance to reach people, to brighten days, to bring laughter and positive energy into lives and inspire. And I am grateful forit.Acting putting myself out there and having doors closed on me time and time again has taught me a lot about myself. I have learned to trust what I have to offer the world over momentary doubt. I’ve learned to put my faith over my feelings. And I've grown a tough skin. More importantly, I have learned there is a long way towards our goals and that when we put our talents and passion to work, we determine our value.Like a lot of places across the country, there’s poverty, crime, violence and unemployment in Harvey. And growing up there, a lot of people have tragically low expectations for life. But I know that with the right opportunity and with help along the way, everyone can find their passion and go after it. My life is proof.4. What was the author born to do according to the text?A. Be a basketball player.B. Act and perform.C. Make speeches.D. Teach people.5. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Chance.B. Energy.C. Days.D. Laughter.6. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text?A. To help others find their talents.B. To prove his decision was right.C. To inspire people to follow their dreams.D. To encourage people to set a goal.7. What can be the best tile for the text?A. Success Lies in Hard Work.B. How to Achieve the Dream Is Important.C. The Two Important Days in Life.D. The Day I Realized What I Was Born to Do.CFollowing the Famous Silk RoadsThe Silk Roads were a networkof ancient trade routes that extended from East Asia all the way to theMediterranean. A key section of the Silk Roads is the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor(走廊), whichstretchesover a distance of around 5,000 kilometres through China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, covering a total of 8,700 kilometres of trade routes. The three countries jointly pursued an application for UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) status which contained detailed research on the 33 sites along the corridor. This made history as the first successful multinational World Heritage application.The starting point of the corridor and the entire Silk Roads network isXi’an, inShanxiProvince. Further west on the Silk Roads, the geography gradually changes from wild deserts to high, snow-capped mountains to vast grasslands as the routes pass through theTianshanMountainsand emerge in the valleys ofCentral Asia. Although the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Roads ends here, the network continues westwards until it reaches theMediterranean.The corridor began to develop in the 2nd century. Assigned by the emperor, the ambassador Zhang Qian journeyed from Chang’an toCentral Asia, seeking to build bridges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions. Following Zhang’s efforts, trade routes took shape and relationships were strengthened between the major powers of the time, with the routes network reaching as far as theRoman Empire.Economic activities along the routes network were not limited to trade in silk. They contributed many other items to the marketplace of goods. The routes were busy with camels carrying loads of goods and businessmenselling everything imaginable.China’s exports included silk, porcelain, ironware and tea, while horses, jewellery, spices and grapes were all imported over vast distances from the West.In addition to trade exchange, the network served as a bridge for cultural exchange which shaped the evolution of science, art, technology and many other areas in societies along the network. Astronomy and mathematics were introduced toChinafromIndiaandArabia; important Chinese inventions such as papermaking and printing were brought to the West.All of these activities contributed to a great age of expansion as trade and cultural exchanges gave people access to new goods,knowledge and ideas. These routes connected Eastern and Western civilizations, which achieved a shared development. The addition of the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor to the UNESCO World Heritage List is a milestone in recognition of the Silk Roads as a crucial part of humanity’s common heritage.8. The key section of the Silk Roads is________.A. the MediterraneanB. Xi’an, inShanxiProvinceC.KazakhstanandKyrgyzstanD. the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor9. The underlined word “stretches” in Paragraph 1 is close in meaning to________.A. standsB. spreadsC. movesD. flies10. Zhang Qian travelled from Chang’an toCentral Asiato________.A. export silk, porcelain, ironware and teaB. purchase horses, jewellery, spices and grapesC. seek help from the most powerful western countriesD. build bridges between his country and other countries11. What was the role of the Silk Roads according to the passage?A. It helped to change the wild deserts to grasslands.B. It was recognized by the UNESCO asChina’s heritage.C. It speeded up the development of the countries involved.D. It started a trade competition between countries along the way.DThe connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research. Recent studies have found positive effects. A study conductedin Youngstown,Ohio,for example, discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime. In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.The engineers at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology(MIT)have taken it a step further changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions. These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when they’re short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater."We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day,"explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(发光)in experiments using some common vegetables. Strano’s team found that they could create a faint light for three-and-a-half hours. The light,about one-thousandth of the amount needed to read by,is just a start. The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.In the future,the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant’s lifetime. The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off"switch"where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US. Since lighting is often far removed from the power source(电源)-such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway-a lot of energy is lost during transmission(传输).Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.12. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. A new study of different plants.B. A big fall in crime rates.C. Employees from various workplaces.D. Benefits from green plants.13. What is the function of the sensors printed on plant leaves by MIT engineer?A. To detect plants’ lack of waterB. To change compositions of plantsC. To make the life of plants longer.D. To test chemicals in plants.14. What can we expect of the glowing plants in the future?A. They will speed up energy production.B. They may transmit electricity to the home.C. They might help reduce energy consumption.D. They could take the place of power plants.15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Can we grow more glowing plants?B. How do we live with glowing plants?C. Could glowing plants replace lamps?D. How are glowing plants made pollution-free?第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


A.Βιβλιοθήκη 1.07×1016B.
5.若正比例函数y=2x与反比例函数y= (k≠0)的图像相交,则当x<0时,交点位于(▲)
平移后的点坐标为( ,5),…………………7分
∴菱形ABCD平移的距离为: ……………8分



▲ 2020年中考模拟试卷(一) 语文(满分120分,时间120分钟)友情提醒:此卷为试题卷,答案写在此卷上无效。



(6分)(1)海内存知己, ▲ 。

(王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》)(2) ▲ ,直挂云帆济沧海。

(李白《行路难(其一)》)(3)回首向来萧瑟处,归去, ▲ 。

(苏轼《定风波》)(4) ▲ ,再而衰,三而竭。



(“示例”除外)示例:青草池塘处处蛙 将军白发征夫泪▲ ▲2.从下面两幅字中任选一幅....临写。



(7分)只是因为有了光我们的大千世界才显得绚.丽多彩 人间也显得可爱光给我们以智慧光给我们以想象光给我们以热情创造出不朽的形象那些殿堂多么雄伟里面更是金碧辉煌那些感人fèi 腑的诗篇谁读了能不热泪盈眶(节选自《艾青诗选·光的赞歌》)(1)给加点字注音:绚.( ▲ )丽(1分)(2)看拼音写汉字:感人fèi ▲腑(1分)(3)画横线的“盈”字的意思是(▲)(1分)A.多余B.充满C.轻快D.清澈(4)春暖人间,风光无限。





从结构上看, LOGO主体是江苏的“苏”字,右上角部分嵌入了一个“红十字”,这是救死扶伤的象征。







1.Peter is clever enough to read and write the age of4.A.betweenB.atC.toD.duringof hem 2.Those volunteers kept working for12hours.However,complained.A.noneB.allC.bothD.either3.In this special period,the most important thing for us to do is to help othersthose old and sick.A.probablyB.especiallyC.hardlyD.widely4.---Have you ever watched the documentary Blue Planer II?---Yes,I have watched it twice.I’ve never seen a one.A.less amazingB.least amazingC.more amazingD.most amazing5.Cindy is always full of because she takes a lot of exercise everyday.A.courageB.knowledgeC.energyD.experience6.Chinese government Chinese with free medical treatment if they catchCODIV-19.A.offersB.providesC.showsD.givesnguage can turn black into white,action tells you the truthA.ifB.butC.orD.so8.Those young fireman were so brave that they_the fire in the forest last month.A.worked outB.looked outC.put outD.cut out9.It's reported that Nanjing metro line5in July next year.pleteB.is completedC.will completeD.will be completed10.The old couple insis t on living in a small village among the mounta insthey can get closer to nature.A.untilB.unlessC.even thoughD.so that11.Think twice before making a decision,or you get into trouble.A.mayB.can’tC.shouldn’tD.mustn’t12.---I need to hand in my reading report next week.But I am still wonderingnow.---Take it easy.Just choose the book you like.A.what I shall readB.how I shall readC.when I shall writeD.where I shall write13.The pronunciation of the“-ed”ending in the word talked is the same as that of“”.A.plannedB.dreamedC.dancedD.needed14.---I have worked on the task for three hours.But I haven't finished it yet.---Why not ask your classmates for help?A.No pain,no gain.B.Every dog has its day.C.Great minds think alike.D.Many hands make light work.15.---Would you mind my turning up the TV?The football match has just begun.---.Do as you like.A.Please don'tB.Better notC.I'm afraid notD.Of course not二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。




ARoadside OdditiesThere are many different types of roadside oddities,from giant museums to a person's garage. The one thing they have in common is that they all spark people's interest and cause them to stop. Do you want to know more about those odd roadside attractions?You'll just have to pull off the road to find out!What Is The Thing?Driving between Texas and Arizona,you can't miss the signs for The Thing.Giant billboards at the side of the road ask,"The Thing?What is it?"They call it the"Mystery of the Desert." Whatever else it is,The Thing is one of thousands of roadside attractions around the world. Roadside attractions are weird and wonderful.They invite people to stop and check them out.Boll Weevil MonumentYou've probably heard of monuments for presidents,but have you ever seen one for a bug? The Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise,Alabama,is one of the only statues in the world dedicated to a pest.In1915,the bug destroyed the city's cotton crops,forcing farmers to grow different types of plants,such as peanuts.In the end,growing crops other than cotton helped the people of Enterprise.So they built a monument to honor the weevil.Lucy the ElephantIn1881,James fferty built the world's largest elephant to attract people to the land he was selling.The six-story building in Margate City,New Jersey,is covered with12,000square feet(3,658sq m)of metal.Today,Lucy the Elephant is one of America's oldest roadside attractions. You can still climb inside her.World's Largest BasketWhen you're going on a picnic,you often pack a picnic basket,but not one that's seven stories tall!Employees at the Longaberger Basket Company in Newark,Ohio,get to work inside the world's largest basket.The building is a replica of Longaberger's Medium Market Basket. When it was first built,a local pilot flew his small plane through the handles!21.What is Roadside Oddities mostly about?A.How to plan a trip to see roadside attractions.B.How wonderful and odd roadside attractions are.C.How roadside attractions are built.D.Where to buy roadside attractions.22.What caused the farmers to build the monument to the boll weevil?A.The boll weevil helped farmers decide to grow new plants.B.The boll weevil ate all the bugs harmful to plants.C.The boll weevil helped all the cotton to grow.D.The boll weevil was a roadside attraction.23.What do the world's largest elephant and the world's largest picnic basket have in common?A.Both are built the way people can go inside.B.Both are located in the State of Ohio.C.Both are no longer open to visitors.D.Both were built by the same person.BOne cold winter day,a dog walked to the edge of an icy river in Poland.Nobody know for sure where the dog came from or what he was doing there.But he was about to have a big adventure.Without warning,the ice that the dog was standing on the broke away from the land.The dog was swept down down the river on the sheet of ice half the size of football field.The frightened dog looked for a way to get back to the shore,but he was trapped on the ice.the river was too cold for him to swim to safety.Some firefighters saw the dog drifting down the river as he passed through their city.They tried to help him,but they couldn't reach him.The firefighters could only watched as the ice carried the dog farther down the river.On the fourth day,the dog passed the mouth of the river and was swept out into the Baltic Sea.he had traveled more than75miles(120km)from where he began.he was moving farther away from land and any hope of rescue.The piece of ice he was standing on shrunk to the size of picnic table.The dog was facing a deadly end to his an adventure,but his luck was about to change.some scientists and sailors aboard a research ship named the Baltica were passing through the area.They saw an animal moving on the ice in the distance and decide to ascertain.At first,people on the ship thought the animal was a seal.they were amazing when they got closer and saw that the"seal"had four legs,floppy ears,and a tail.they had found a dog floating on the ice15Miles(24km)from land.The Baltica's sailors were able to bring their ship close to the dog.They lowered a net next to the dog.but he was too scared to climb into it.the dog even slipped and fell into the cold water while they were trying to help him.Luckily,he was able to climb back onto the slippery ice.Fearing that the dog would drown,the crew lowered a raft.Adam,the ship's mechanic,used the raft to get close to the dog.Adam grabbed the dog by the back of the neck and pulled him into the raft.Now,Baltic is the mascot of the research ship that found him and travels with the crew everywhere.He has many fans around the world who learned about his incredible journey and rescue.The president of Poland even wrote a letter to the crew of the ship,praising them for savingBaltic's life.Baltic started out cold,wet,and alone on the ice but ended up warm,dry,and surrounded by new friends.24.What is the main problem in this story?A.Tho dog slipped into the water.B.The dog was trapped on a piece of floating ice.C.The dog had nothing to eat for daysD.The river was too cold for the dog to swim in.25.How do you understand the underlined word in paragraph5?A.Do some researchB.Solve a problemC.Rescue someoneD.Try to find out more about it26.What can best describe the dog?A.Adventurous and LuckyB.Brave and PersistentC.Homeless and BraveD.Scared and Fortunate27.What can be the best title of the article?A.A15-mile Icy Adventure.B.Baltic RescueC.An Adventurous DogD.An Incredible JourneyCA comic called Finnish Nightmares has come under the spotlight on Chinese social media and generated a new term"jingfen",referring to being“spiritually Finnish".Matti,the main character in the comic,is a typical Finn who fears small talk and doesn't like people entering his personal space.“Matti tries his best to do to others as he wishes to be done to him:to give space,be polite and not bother with unnecessary conversations,"Chen Si,26,who studied in Finland said,“In Finland,you don't expect someone to sit beside you if there are other seats available.”Why has this seemingly awkward social conduct struck a chord with so many young Chinese people?This may be because today's young people need more privacy and space than any previous generations.“It has inspired many of them to silently rebel against unwanted socialization,which makes them feel uncomfortable,”reported website Culture Trip.The phenomenon has also been attributed to the one-child policy.Most modern young Chinese have grown up without siblings and with very few cousins.“I believe that there are many more cases of'ijingfen'in our generation compared to our parents'generation.…they find they can live alone happily,”Chen said.“Chinese people do have a shy and introverted side,like the Finnish.Moreover,modern technology has changed our ways of communication.It distances us from each other,especially young people.They might become a little anthropophobic(人群恐怖症),just like Matti.”said Yang Xinyi,a professor of Finnish language and culture at Beijing Foreign Studies University.But living alone and avoiding unnecessary human contact doesn't necessarily have to be abad thing.For many people,“jingfen”doesn't actually mean refusing to socialize.Instead,livingin a busy society that places great pressure on their shoulders,many people just want to keep some personal space for themselves.Indeed,if a person seems as introverted and unapproachable as Matti,they could still be warm and friendly on the inside28.What are the Finnish famous for?A.Being social animals.B.Being self-centered and distant.C.Producing popular comics.D.Respecting private space.29.Why do young Chinese like Matti?A.They're fond of chasing trendy things.B.They're anthropophobic like Matti.C.Matti bears ideal characters they lack.D.Matti is successfully marketed by its company.30.Which of the following may Chen Si agree with?A.Young Chinese rebel against socialization.B.One-child policy contributes to solo life of the young.munication styles distance people from each other.D.The Finnish always keep a far conversation distance.31.What's the last paragraph mainly about?A.Jingfen has its own merits.B.Jingfen doesn't mean avoiding socializing.C.Modern people are under huge social pressure.D.A warm heart lies behind a shy face.DBecoming a grown up means something very different than it used to.In1975,there was one dominant adult milestone—family formation—that people largely experienced during their20s.Today,while the milestones have remained the same,the pathways are more diverse.An adult today is educated and employed,though not necessarily married or a parent.A majority of Americans view education and employment as extremely important milestones of adulthood, while more than half of young Americans believe that marrying and having children are not very important in order to become an adult.Most still marry,eventually,but singleness lasts longer.In the1970s,80percent of Americans married by age30.Now that same percentagewill be married by45.A majority of Americans believe individuals should finish school and be employed full-time by a median age of22,but when asked when individuals should become financially independent, a majority of Americans responded with a median age of21.Clearly,most Americans believe young people should accomplish economic milestones before starting a family.More young people are employed full-time overall,but women have been the“driving force”behind that growth.In1975,just under50percent of young women were employed.Now that share is above two-thirds.Further,forty years ago essentially all of the women out of the labor force were occupied as homemakers,and now that percentage is less than half.Over the same period,women's fortunes have increased while men's have declined,though the genders haven'treached parity(平等).About a third of those between the ages of18and34rely on their parents for financial assistance,and that share may actually be larger,as“financial independence”means different things to different people.Young people may omit(略去)the financial help from their parents such as a down payment for a mortgage or help paying the rent or other bills,when reporting their income.This kind of help should not be underestimated.32.What do modern young Americans think of family formation?A.It limits personal freedom.B.It shouldn't be a sign of adulthood.C.It should be finished at an early age.D.It is easier than achieving financial independence.33.The comparison of Americans'marriage age today with that in the1970s indicates________.A.Today's Americans are less willing to marryB.Most Americans now prefer an early marriageC.The marriage rate in the American society has droppedte marriage is increasingly popular among Americans34.Which of the following sentences can best summarize Paragraph4?A.Males lag behind females in finding an employment.B.Young women drive the growth in the U.S.workforce.C.Workers of both genders earn equal salaries and respect today.D.Success means different things to different groups of young people.35.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Women gain financial independence earlier than men.B.Young people cannot lead a decent life with their income.C.Many young people suffer from poor housing conditions.D.More than1/3of young people are still financially dependent.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



z高三化学可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Cr-52 Co-59!"#$%&'%(13)*%+,*%3-.(39-+/0!1234%5678. 1.化学与生产、生活密切相关。

下列说法不正确的是A .我国成功研制出多款新冠疫苗,采用冷链运输疫苗,可以防止蛋白质变性B .北斗卫星导航系统由中国自主研发、独立运行,其所用芯片的主要成分为SiC .用聚乳酸塑料代替聚乙烯塑料,可以减少温室效应D .“神舟13号”宇宙飞船返回舱所用高温结构陶瓷,属于新型无机非金属材料 2.下列化学用语正确的是A .HClO 的电离方程式:HClO==H ++ClO -B .CO 2的电子式:C .氯原子价电子的轨道表示式:D .Al 3+的结构示意图:3.下列制取的实验原理与装置能达到实验目的的是A .用装置甲制取B .用装置乙制取C .用装置丙制取溶液D .用装置丁蒸发结晶获得固体4.给定条件下,下列选项中所示的物质间转化均能一步实现的是A .粗硅SiCl 4SiB .Mg(OH)2MgCl 2(aq)Mg 43NHHCO 3NH 2CO 43NH HCO 43NH HCO 2Cl¾¾¾®高温2H¾¾¾®高温¾¾¾®盐酸¾¾¾®电解— 2 —C .Fe 2O 3FeCl 3(aq)无水FeCl 3D .AgNO 3(aq)[Ag(NH 3)2]OH(aq)Ag阅读下列资料,完成5~8题:!"#$%&'(')*+,-./0123456789:;<$=>?('"@ABCDEFGHIJKLM"@NOPCDQRASTUVWXY?LZ [[[8\/&]#^_,`Aabc@dec#"#fLM"@/Bg+W?hg+A>#iCjkW /5.下列有关说法正确的是 A .与的晶体类型相同B .与中的夹角都为C .中Cu 2+核外电子排布式为D .与都是由极性键构成的非极性分子6.下列化学反应表示正确的是A .实验室制氯气:B .电解饱和溶液的阴极反应:C .D .氯气溶于水具有漂白性:7.下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是 A .能溶于水,可用于工业制盐酸 B .有强氧化性,可用于水体消毒C .溶液显酸性,可用作漂白剂D .受热易分解,可用作氮肥8.对于反应,下列说法正确的是A .上述反应B .上述反应平衡常数¾¾¾®盐酸¾¾¾®蒸发32NH H O ¾¾¾¾®!D ¾¾¾®蔗糖NaCl 2Cl 2Cl O HClO -3ClO -4ClO 2CuCl 24HCl(g)+O (g)22=2Cl (g)+2H O(g)-1ΔH=-116kJ mol ×HCl NaCl -3ClO -4ClO O-Cl-O 10928¢°2CuCl 9[Ar]3d 2Cl O HClO 222MnO +2HCl()MnO+Cl +H O D ­浓NaCl --22Cl -2e =Cl ­2224HCl(g)+O (g)=2Cl (g)+2H O(l)-1ΔH -116kJ mol <×22Cl +H O2H Cl ClO +--++2Cl 2ClO HClO 4NH Cl 2224HCl(g)+O (g)2Cl (g)+2H O(g)ΔS>02242c Cl K=c (()HCl)c(O )×z学习资料分享/升学政策解读/优质师资推荐— 3 —C .其他条件相同,增大,的转化率减小D .上述反应中消耗,转移电子的数目为 9.下列说法正确的是A .1 mol N 2与4 mol H 2混合充分反应,则反应中转移的电子数目小于6 molB .反应2Mg(s)+CO 2(g) ==C(s)+2MgO(s) 能自发进行,则该反应的ΔH>0C .在稀溶液中:H +(aq)+OH -(aq) =H 2O(l) ΔH= -57.3kJ·mol −1,若将含0.5 mol H 2SO 4的浓硫酸与1 L 1.0 mol·L −1 的NaOH 溶液混合,放出的热量小于57.3 kJD .汽车尾气中的NO ,主要来源于汽油、柴油的燃烧10.羟甲香豆素(丙)是一种治疗胆结石的药物,部分合成路线如图所示。




若通过闭合或断开开关S1、S2,使电流表A1与A2示数的比值最小,则()A.S1、S2均断开B.S1、S2均闭合C.S1闭合,S2断开D.S1断开,S2闭合3.北京世园会上,车身离地30cm高的电动无人扫地车在平直路面上匀速前进并将地面上的落叶吸入车内.此过程中,扫地车整体的A.动能不变,重力势能不变B.动能不变,重力势能变大C.动能变大,重力势能不变D.动能变大,重力势能变大4.以下事例与物理知识对应的是()A.高压锅的原理﹣﹣﹣沸点与气压的关系B.用验钞机检验人民币的真伪﹣﹣﹣利用红外线使荧光物质发光C.吹电风扇感到凉爽﹣﹣﹣风扇转动降低了室温D.运动员打鼓用的力越大,鼓声越高﹣﹣﹣振幅越大,音调越高5.小明运用所学物理知识对足球比赛中的一些现象进行分析,下列说法中正确的是()A.踢出去的足球能继续向前飞行是因为足球受到惯性的作用B.足球在空中飞行时机械能守恒C.空中飞行的足球,若它所受的力全部消失,它将立即落地D.足球最终停止在草坪上时,所受的重力和地面对它的支持力是一对平衡力6.下列关于生活中热现象的说法中错误的是()A.在高山上烧水时,由于气压低,水的沸点低于100℃B.爸爸带上口罩后眼镜上常有水雾,这是汽化现象C.北方的冬天,常在保存蔬菜的菜窖里放几桶水,是因为水凝固放热D.家里喷洒消毒的酒精后,房子里弥漫着一股酒精味,这是汽化现象7.在图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,现将一个电压表V接入电路的AB或CD两点间.电键 S闭合后,在向左移动滑动变阻器R2滑片P的过程中,下列数值一定不变的是A.电压表 V 的示数B.电流表 A 的示数C.电压表 V 示数与电流表A示数的比值D.电压表 V 示数变化量与电流表 A 示数变化量的比值8.利用下图探究电流通过导体产生的热量与哪些因素有关,下列说法正确的是()A.通电一段时间后,右边U形管两液面的高度差大B.U形管中两液面产生高度差是因为U形管中液体的热胀冷缩造成的C.容器外R3在本实验中主要起到分流的作用,在实验过程中也会发热D.通电一段时间后,左侧R1产生的热量等于R2、R3产生的热量之和9.下列做法符合安全用电要求的是()A.金属外壳用电器必须使用三孔插座B.使用测电笔时手不需要接触笔尾金属体C.控制灯的开关安装在零线或火线上都可以D.发现有人触电后,立即用手直接把触电人拉离电源10.福州因“满城榕树,绿荫蔽日”而得“榕城”之别称。

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A.①②③④ B.②③④⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③⑤
3. 神舟七号搭载着辣椒等共87个品系的蔬菜种子进入太空,这批蔬菜种子经过育苗后,长出的

A.能产生可遗传的变异 B.能产生不可遗传的变异
C.产生的变异对人类都是有利的 D.种子的遗传物质不发生改变
4. “鸟类的黑手党”―杜鹃将自己的卵产到别的小鸟巢中,小鸟辛勤地为杜鹃孵卵并精心喂食杜鹃的雏鸟。

A.精子和卵细胞中的常染色体均为22条 B.卵细胞中一定有一条X染色体
C.精子中一定有一条Y染色体 D.受精卵细胞中有23对染色体
6. 2011年5月1日起,我国刑法修正案(八)正式施行。


对酒后驾车的打击如此严厉,因为,醉酒会严重麻痹抑制人体的A.中枢神经系统 B.消化系统 C.呼吸系统 D.循环系统

A. 物种多样性

甲1/11800 1/1500
乙1/14500 1/1700
丙1/3800 1/3750
丁1/40000 1/3600


A. 没有根、茎、叶
B. 体内无输导组织
C. 生殖都离不开水
D. 用种子繁殖后

A .喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀繁殖能力强
B .喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀更凶猛
C .喙尖而长的地雀比其他形状喙的地雀更高等
D .喙尖而长的地雀更适应在仙人掌丰富的岛屿生存

A .图中①表示的生理过程是光合作用
B .图中③表示的生理过程是呼吸作用
C .图中丙代表的生物腐生细菌和真菌等
D .图中甲乙丙三者组成的食物链:甲→乙→丙

二、判断题(请判断下列叙述是否正确,正确的涂“A ”,错误的涂“B ”每小题1分,共5分)

( )
22. 古代爬行类进化为鸟类,鸟类再进化为哺乳类。

( )
23. 生物圈是最大的生态系统,其内部不断地进行着物质和能量的循环。

( )
24. 既能生活在水中,又能生活在陆地上的动物称为两栖动物。

( )

( )
26.大熊猫( ) A 、胎生、哺乳,被誉为“活化石”
27.朱鹮 ( ) B 、我国一级保护的蕨类植物
28.金花茶( ) C 、体表被覆羽毛,前肢变成翼
29.鳌 虾 ( ) D 、体表有外骨骼,用鳃呼吸
30.桫 椤 ( ) E 、有根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子
(1)图中从【1】表示的生理过程是 。

的 发育来的。

(3) 寿光菜农利用某种技术,在南瓜植株上收获黄
瓜,这种技术叫做 。

材料一: 甲型肝炎是由于感染了甲肝病毒而引起的一种传染病,与患者共同进餐可能会传染此病,冬春季是甲型肝炎发病的高峰期。



(1)甲型肝炎和甲型H1N1流感的病原体在结构上具有的共同点是 。

(2)材料二中,接种甲流疫苗获得的免疫,属于 免疫。

在传染病的预防措施中属于 。

(3)某同学受凉患感冒发烧,此时学校通知其接种甲型H1N1流感疫苗,根据以上说明书,该同学 (能或不能)接种甲流疫苗。

(1)甲羊为“多利”的诞生提供了 。

(2) “多利”的长相与 羊几乎一模一样。

(3) “多利”羊的培育属于动物的克隆,也就是动物的_

34.(4分)人类染色体上控制耳垂的基因中,有耳垂由显性基因“A ”控制,无耳垂由隐性基因“a ”控制,且位于细胞内的一对染色体上。

⑴有耳垂和无耳垂是人类同一性状的不同表现类型,这在遗传学上称为 。

⑵图中性状表现为有耳垂的是 。

⑶若甲男子母亲的基因组成是图A ,图C 表示父亲的基因组成,则甲男子的基因组成是图 。

⑷若甲男子与无耳垂女子结婚,生了一个有耳垂女儿,他们再生一个无耳垂孩子的可能性是 。

表示出来的生物成分有 。

(2)该生态系统中猫头鹰获得能量少的食物链是 。

内积存重金属污染物最多的生物是 。


(1)对B 、C 而言,表中与A 的作用是 。


(3)C 中的盐渍就是利用高浓度盐溶液抑制

