Dynamic temperature modeling of an SOFC using least squares support vector machines




材料与工艺范德堡多晶硅热导率的测试结构Ξ戚丽娜 许高斌 黄庆安(东南大学M E M S教育部重点实验室,南京,210096)2003209219收稿,2003211227收改稿摘要:在O.M.Pau l等研究的范德堡热导率测试结构的基础上,提出了一种改进结构,利用一组测试结构来测得多晶硅薄膜的热导率。


用有限元分析软件AN SYS进行了模拟分析,分析表明模拟值与实验值能较好地吻合,且辐射散热是基本可以忽略的,从而验证了模型建立的正确性,说明该方法能够实现对多晶硅薄膜的测量,且具有较高的测试精确度。

关键词:范德堡测试结构;热导率;多晶硅薄膜;热响应;十字型中图分类号:TN402;TN405 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100023819(2005)042569205Van D er Pauw Test Structure of the Thermal Conductiv ity ofPolysilicon Th i n F il m sQ I L ina XU Gaob in HU AN G Q ing’an(K ey L abora tory of M EM S of M in istry of E d uca tion,S ou theast U n iversity,N anj ing,210096,CH N)Abstract:A m icrom ach ined therm al V an D er Pauw test structu re is i m p roved.Tw o structu res to m easu re conductivity of po lysilicon th in fil m s are u sed.O ne cro ss2shap ed layers con sists of po lysilicon th in fil m s.T he o ther cro ss2shap ed layers has no po lysilicon th in fil m s. M ak ing u se of the difference betw een the structu res,conductivity of po lysilicon th in fil m can be m easu red.T herm al fin ite elem en t si m u lati on s show that the radiative heat lo ss from the structu re has a negligib le effect on the ex tracted k value.F in ite elem en t softw are AN SYS is u sed to verify the structu re design.Key words:Van D er Pauw test structure;conductiv ity;polysil icon f il m;ther ma l respon se;Greek crossEEACC:2575F;84601 引 言在M E M S和集成电路中,热学效应都是相当重要的,许多传感器也利用热传输来感知其他的物理量。



0254-6124/2020/40(6)-1039-07 Chin. J. Space Sci. 空间科学学报YANG Xiaojun, WANG Houmao, WANG Yongmei. Simulation and analysis on volume emission rate and limb radiation intens 计y of airglow at oxygen A(0, 0) band (in Chinese). Chin. J. Space Sci., 2020, 40(6): 1039-1045. D01:10.11728/cjss2020.06.1039氧气A(0, 0)波段气辉体发射率和临边辐射强度模拟与分析**国家自然科学基金项目资助(41704178)2019-04-15收到原稿,2019-09-29收到修定稿E-mail: ****************杨晓君喘阳 王后茂3"王咏梅卩3,41(中国科学院国家空间科学中心北京100190)2(中国科学院大学天文与空间科学学院北京100049)3(天基空间环境探测北京市重点实验室北京100190)4(中国科学院空间环境态势感知技术重点实验室北京100190)摘要 临近空间大气参数如温度、密度、风场等对预报模型精度及航天器运行安全等有较大的影响,而气辉的辐射模拟是大气参数反演的重要过程.本文基于光化学模型计算了氧气A(0, 0)波段气辉的体发射率和临边辐射 强度.基于氧气A(0, 0)波段气辉的光化学反应机制、大气动力学和光化学反应理论,建立产生02(2£才)的光化学模型.计算气辉体发射率,基于临边探测几何路径进行气辉辐射强度模拟.体发射率计算结果与AURIC 模型结 果的辐射值及辐射高度均一致.基于计算和模拟结果,对氧气A 波段气辉体发射率和辐射强度的影响因素进行了 分析.关键词 氧气A 波段,气辉,体发射率,光化学,辐射强度中图分类号P352Simulation and Analysis on Volume Emission Rateand Limb Radiation Intensity of Airglowat Oxygen A(0, 0) BandYANG Xiaojun 1,2,3,4 WANG Houmao 1,3,4 WANG Yongmei 1,2,3,41 (National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190)2(School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049)^Beijing Key Laboratory of Environment Exploration, Beijing 100190)4(Key Laboratory of Environmental Space Situation Awareness Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190)Abstract Atmospheric parameters in near space (temperature, density, wind field, etc.) havea great influence on the accuracy of the model prediction and the safety of spacecraft operation.1040Chin.J.Space Sci.空间科学学报2020,40(6)Airglow simulation is an indispensable aspect of the inversion of the atmospheric parameteT.In this paper,the Volume Emission Rate(VER)and limb radiation intensity of oxygen A(0,0)band airglow are calculated based on the photochemical model.Firstly,the photochemical model O2(b1S^_)was established based on the theory of atmospheric dynamics,photochemical reaction mechanism,and photochemistry.Then,the VER of O2A-band was calculated,and the limb radiation intensity of airglow is Simula t ed using a geome t rie path integral along the line of sight.The simulation radiation and its corresponding height are both consistent with the results of AURIC model.Finally,based on the results of the simulation,the influence factors of VER and radiation of oxygen A-band airglow are analyzed.Key words Oxygen A-band,Airglow,Volume Emission Rate(VER),Photochemistry,Radiation intensity0引言临近空间大气影响空间天气预报及航天器发射与再入轨过程的安全性预估对临近空间大气的观测与研究具有重要的科学意义和军事应用价值關.近年来,中国航空航天技术得到飞速发展,因此对临近空间大气探测的需求也越来越多.临近空间大气星载被动光学探测主要是基于大气中自然发光的介质(如气辉)进行的,具有全天时全天候的探测优势.氧气A(0,0)气辉是观测到的可见和近红外气辉光谱中亮度最强的光谱之一,光谱波长区域约为759~767nm,其日气辉主要位于40〜200km的高度范围,而夜气辉的产生区域比较小,主要集中在大约80-100km的高度范围.氧气A(0,0)波段具有较大的辐射强度,被广泛应用于高层大气遥感,但是不能直接用于地表的观测,这是因为其在70km以下存在较强的自吸收〔旺。



第16卷 第2期 精 密 成 形 工 程2024年2月JOURNAL OF NETSHAPE FORMING ENGINEERING87收稿日期:2023-09-24 Received :2023-09-24引文格式:叶玉刚, 信灿尧. Ti60合金热变形行为与应变补偿型本构模型[J]. 精密成形工程, 2024, 16(2): 87-95.YE Yugang, XIN Canyao. Deformation Behavior and Constitutive Model by Using Strain Compensation of Ti60 Alloy at Ele-vated Temperature[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2024, 16(2): 87-95. *通信作者(Corresponding author ) Ti60合金热变形行为与应变补偿型本构模型叶玉刚1,信灿尧2*(1.山西工程技术学院 机械工程系,山西 阳泉 045000;2.中北大学 材料科学与工程学院,太原 030051)摘要:目的 确定Ti60合金在高温下的应变行为,促进材料性能的优化和工程应用的发展。

方法 在变形温度为900、950、990、1 020、1 050 ℃,应变速率为0.001、0.01、0.1、1、5 s −1,最大变形量为60%条件下,利用Gleeble-3800热模拟实验机对Ti60试样进行不同应变速率的热压缩实验。

结果 Ti60合金的高温流变应力-应变规律如下:当温度一定时,随着应变速率的升高,峰值应力上升,当温度和应变速率一定时,随着应变的升高,应力表现为先上升后下降的趋势,而在1 020 ℃、0.01 s −1条件下,表现反常,这可能与第二相的动态析出有关。

不同真应变下的变形激活能Q =838.996 201 9 kJ/mol ,相应的本构方程相关系数n =2.889 582,α=0.013 182 009,A =1.335 7×1033,建立了Ti60合金热变形Arrhenius 本构关系模型3838.99610exp 8.314Z T ε⎛⎫⨯== ⎪⎝⎭2.889582332p 1.335710sinh(1.318210)σ-⎡⎤⨯⨯⎣⎦,用于预测和优化Ti60合金在高温条件下的峰值应力。



Wss + f a C Wss - f aV gf - ( 1 - f a) V i = 0 ( 5)
w it h f a = 1- C1 / C2
C2 = C0 sinh( K L g / 2) + C1 cosh( K L g / 2)
T he solution of ( 5) can be easily obtained:
( 华南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 广东 广州 510641, E- mail: w uw j@ s cut . edu . cn)
摘 要: 从准二维泊松方程出发, 结合多晶 硅扩散 和热发 射载流 子输运理 论, 建立了多 晶硅薄 膜晶体 管亚 阈
值电流模型。由表面势方程及亚阈值电流方程求得包含陷 阱态和晶 粒尺寸的亚 阈值斜率解 析表达式。模 型
the lat eral depletion w idt h around t he gr ain
bo undary is equal to the half o f t he grain size
( L g / 2) . Based on a quas-i 2D so lut ion, t he sur-
( 2)
Applying Gaussps theorem t o the grain boundary,
the to tal charges tr apped at t he grain boundary
can be ex pressed as:
Qit = 2Esi E( x , L g / 2) dx = 0
induced elect rons by a posit ive gat e bias are f ully

Modeling of Heat Transfer in Nanoporous Silica Influence of Moisture

Modeling of Heat Transfer in Nanoporous Silica Influence of Moisture

Modeling of Heat Transfer in Nanoporous Silica - Influence of MoistureR. Coquard1, D. Quenard21. Centre Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL), UMR CNRS 5008, Domaine Scientifique de la Doua, INSA de Lyon, Bâtiment Sadi Carnot, 9 rue de la physique, 69621 Villeurbanne CEDEX, France. Phone: 04 72 43 84 74 Email: remi.coquard1@insa-lyon.fr2. Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), 24 rue Joseph FOURIER, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères, France. Phone : 04 76 76 25 46 Email : quenard@cstb.frAbstractThis work is interested in the modelling of the thermal behaviour of nanoporous silica. These highly porous materials are suitable for the manufacturing of Vacuum Insulation Panels given that the exceptionally small size of their pores permit to reduce drastically the conductive heat transfer when a primary vacuum is applied. Nanoporous silicas have been widely studied experimentally but only few studies have already dealt with the theoretical modelling of their thermal characteristics from their nanometric structure. That is the reason why we have developed a model of heat transfer based on a simplified representation of their structural morphology which permits us to analyse the contributions of each heat transfer modes (gaseous conduction, solid conduction, radiation) to the total heat transfer.The coupled radiation-conduction heat transfer is treated using a simultaneous resolution of the Energy Equation and the Radiative Transfer Equation. The effective conductivity of the medium is computed by means of a Finite Element Method while its monochromatic radiative properties are calculated assuming that only silica particles are present and that they scatter radiation independently. The model can take into account the presence of condensed water at the surface of silica particles as well as the possible contact area between neighbouring particles. The results of the model permits us to investigate the evolution of the equivalent thermal conductivity of the nanoporous silica with different parameters related to their structural characteristics (density, particle size, contact area between particles …) or to the external conditions (pressure, water content …). They notably indicate in which conditions the silica should be used in order to maximize their insulating performances. The results of the model are compared with experimental results previously published and show good agreement. In particular, the bad influence of the presence of condensed water and of the contact area between touching particles on the conductive heat transfer are clearly confirmed theoretically. This demonstrates the important role played by the adsorbed water on the thermal performances of this very absorbent material. The study also reveals that, for materials with common densities containing silica particles alone, the radiative heat transfer is significant and noticeably degrades the insulating performances of the material. Thus, the addition of opaque particles to the solid matrix is indispensable.1Nomenclaturea : constant parameter proper to the gas consideredA cube : characteristic length of the cubic lattice in mc0 : light speed in vacuum (≈ 2.99776.108 m/s)C ext, C sca et C abs : extinction, scattering and absorbing cross sections in m²d c : contact diameter between neighboring grains in md eau : diameter of the water meniscus in md grain : diameter of the silica grains in mh : Planck constant (≈ 6.626.10-34 J.s)Iλ : Monochromatic radiant intensity (W/m²/Str/µm)I0λ : Monochromatic radiant intensity of the black-body at temperature T (W/m²/Str/µm) k : thermal conductivity in W/m/KK : Boltzmann constant (≈ 1.3805.10-23 J/K)L g : mean free path of the gas molecules (m)~: complex refractive index=ikn−nn~: equivalent refractive indexeqN grain :Number of grains per volume unit (m-3)P : Pressure in PaP max : Maximal strain on the material in PaPλ(θ) : Monochromatic scattering phase functionq c: Conductive heat flux density (W/m²)q r : Radiative heat flux density (W/m²)Q k : thermal power passing through the horizontal slab z k in WR : Radius of the particles in mt p : Characteristic size of the pores in mT : temperature in KT cold, T hot : temperature of the hot and cold boundaries in KTh water : thickness of the condensed water on the sides of the silica grains in mx, y, z : cartesian coordinatesGreek symbolsβλ, σλ, et κλ : monochromatic extinction, scattering and absorption coefficient in m-1γ : convergence parameterε : porosityλ : radiation wavelength in µmµ =cosθ : directing cosine of the directionρ : density in kg/m3σSB: Stefan-Boltzmann constant (≈ 5.67.10-8 W/m²/K4)θ : angle between incident and scattering directions in radωλ = σλ/βλ : monochromatic scattering albedo (-)ξ : convergence criterionSubscriptsair : of airch : relative to the chain of silica grainside: relative to the lateral boundaries of the computation volumewater : of watereff: effectiveeq : equivalentg : gasbound. : relative to the horizontal hot and cold boundaries of the computation volume i,j,k : relative to the discretised nodes of coordinates x i, y j, z kfree : free gassi : of silicax, y, z : relative to the point of coordinates x, y, zλ : at radiation wavelength λ21 IntroductionUsual building thermal insulators (cellular or fibrous materials) have now reached a limit in their thermal performances and it appears that an equivalent thermal conductivity of 0.03 W/m/K is an almost incompressible value. Thus, the improvement of the thermal insulation required to reduce the expenditure of energy of the building sector could only be achieved by the development of new thermal insulators able to reach lower equivalent thermal conductivities. One of the most promising materials are the Vacuum Insulating Panels made of nanoporous media under air vacuum. The principle of action of these new insulators is based on the “Knudsen effect”. By this technique, it is theoretically possible to reach equivalent conductivities lower than the thermal conductivity of free air. The Knudsen effect is already used in several products commercialized by industrial groups such as POREXTHERM or CABOT-CORP.Several studies have already been interested in the thermal properties of this kind of materials. Rochais, Domingues and Enguehard [1] have developed a model enabling to study the transient or steady-state conductive heat transfer through a fractal representation of a nanoporous material in order to compute the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of these materials. At the same time, Enguehard [2] have modeled the radiative heat transfer in these highly porous materials by developing a simplified model based on the Rosseland approximation and the Mie Theory under the assumption of independent scattering. The author pointed out the fact that, for the density considered, thermal radiation contributes significantly to the total heat transfer. Then, he suggested to introduce micrometric particles into the nanometric network in order to reduce the radiative contribution. The theoretical results showed that a substantial decrease of this contribution could be achieved by introducing a relatively small amount of particle with suitable sizes (diameter close to 1µm).Quenard and Sallée [3] have also conducted a detailed experimental study on the thermophysical properties of these materials. The samples tested, with porosities greater than 90%, are essentially composed of fumed silica associated with a very small amount of fibers insuring the mechanical consistency. Some opaque particles are also added to the material to make it more opaque to thermal radiation. The authors measured the porosities, the specific areas and the pore size distribution. They have also been interested in the evolution of their equivalent thermal conductivity with pressure, temperature and water content using the hot-wire method which enable a simple, fast and non-intrusive measurement in a wide range of experimental conditions. The experimental results showed that, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the equivalent conductivity of these materials is close to 20 mW/m/K. This conductivity could be reduced noticeably to approximately 6 mW/m/K by applying a primary vacuum (P=1-10 hPa). Moreover, the measurements reveal that the equivalent conductivity increases significantly with the temperature which certainly implies that a non negligible part of the heat transfer is due to thermal radiation. Finally, Quenard and Sallee clearly pointed out the very bad influence of water adsorption on the thermal performances of nanoporous silica whose thermal conductivity increases linearly with the moisture content at a rate of approximately 1.5 to 2 mW/m/K per mass percentage of adsorbed waterResearchers from the Bavarian Center for Energy (ZAE Bayern) [4, 5, 6, 7] have also looked into the characterization of opacified nanoporous medium under partial air vacuum. They have shown that for the opacified silica aerogel, equivalent conductivities of only several mW/m/K could be reached at ambient temperature [4]. For fumed, precipitated or pyrogenic silica powders [5, 6], the addition of opacifiant particles allows to reach equivalent conductivities close to 3 mW/m/K under partial air vacuum. However, they also remarked that the mechanical strains undergone by the material reduces the insulating abilities of the material significantly. Finally, the ZAE Bayern also studied the influence of condensed water on the thermal properties of fumed silica [7] by measuring their conductivities for different moisture content using a guarded hot-plate apparatus. The increase of the thermal conductivity is noticeable and is almost proportional to the water content.One can notice that, at the moment, the thermal properties of nanoporous materials have mainly been studied from an experimental point of view. The relation between their nanometric structure and the evolution of their thermal characteristics with the different parameters (density, pressure, water content …) remain relatively badly known. Thus, we have developed a simple model representing the silica grain network constituting the porous structure which allowed us to estimate the thermal conductivity of these insulators from their structural characteristics (density, solid conductivity, grains diameter, contact area between grains …). We assumed that the macroscopic heat conduction law are still valid at the nano-grain scale. Moreover, we have also modeled the presence of condensed water to predict the influence on the equivalent conductivity. Finally, given that radiative heat transfer could be significant, we also computed the radiative properties of non-opacified34 nanoporous silica. The knowledge of these properties and of the effective conductivity of the nanoporous silica permits to compute their equivalent conductivity.2 Structure of the nanoporous silicaThe use of nanoporous materials proves to be particularly convenient for the manufacturing of V.I.P. given that the very small size of the pores allows to benefit from the Knudsen effect without requiring high vacuum. Silica aerogels, the most common nanoporous material, are constituted of pyrogenic or precipitated silicium micrograins ( amorphous SiO 2). These micro-grains are almost spherical and their characteristic size is approximately 10 nm. Fumed silica could also be considered for this application. In this case, the structure is still constituted of silica grains with very small diameters but they are obtained from the combustion of silica tetrachlorure (SiCl 4) in aqueous atmosphere. For these two kinds of nanoporous silica, the structure of the grain network is random and the chains have random orientations. Thus, the properties of the material could be considered as isotropic. The scheme and the photograph of Fig. 1 illustrate the structure of the network obtained by considering that all the grains have a uniform size.In order to simplify the theoretical morphology of nanoporous silica, We have modeled the grain network by considering that all the identical grains are spread on the arêtes of cubes abutted sides by sides. The grains are mechanically linked to their neighbors. The illustration of this cubical network is given on Fig. 2.The porosity ε and the average size of the pores t p constituting the nanoporous silica only depend on the diameter of the silica grains d grain (radius r grain ) and on the length of the arête A cube of the cubical network. We have computed these two parameters for different grain diameter and different length of arête by generating the entire grain network from a unique representative cube incorporating several grains on its arêtes. The porosity of the material is estimated by generating a great number of points randomly distributed in the elementary cube and by calculating the proportion of points belonging to an air pore. To match the porosity of usual nanoporous silicas which is comprised between 0.9 and 0.95, our representation corresponds to a ratio grain cube d A / comprised between 7 and 10.As regards the average size of the pores, it is very difficult to define it given that the nanometric structure does not form closed pores. However, we managed to express a characteristic length of the pores. Actually, this characteristic size represents the average distance that an air molecule have to travel after impacting a silica grain to reach the silica matrix again. To compute this average distance, we randomly generate a point into the air pores and a direction of propagation of the molecule. Then, a ray-tracing procedure determines the distance between the two silica grains encountered in this direction on both sides of the point. For a great number of rays, it is possible to estimate the average size of the pores. According to our geometric model, for grain diameters close to 10 nm, the characteristic size of the pores is several hundreds of nanometers for usual silica (porosity between 0.9 and 0.95). This average size is the same order of magnitude as the mean free path of air molecules and allows to benefit from the KNUDSEN effect which reduces the thermal conductivity of air. Indeed, according to Griesinger et al. [8], the conductivity k g of the gas can be estimated by :Figure 1: Simplified representation of the random structure of nanoporous silicas5p g libre g g t L a k k /...21+= (1)For air, under atmospheric pressure: k air,free = 0.0262 W/m/K ; a = 1.5 and L g ≈ 67 nm.Thus, according to our model, when the diameter of the grain is about 10 nm, the decrease of thermal conductivity of air due to the Knudsen effect for usual silicas (ε between 0.9 and 0.95) is comprised between 12 and 15 mW/m/K at ambient pressure and is already very interesting.3 Modelling of the heat transfer in nanoporous silicaThe principle of action of all traditional thermal insulators is to prevent the convective heat transfer due to the temperature gradient and to limit the conductive heat transfer through the solid matrix. Thus, the heat transfer is primary due to the conduction through the gas (generally air). In nanoporous materials, the thermal conductivity of air could even be reduced by the Knudsen effect. Actually, when the insulators is highly porous, another heat transfer mode due to the propagation of thermal radiation occurs. In the case of 1-D steady-state heat transfer between two horizontal boundaries at different temperatures, the total heat flux can be computed by solving the Energy Equation (EE) and the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE). To solve these equations, it is necessary to know the effective thermal conductivity and the infrared radiative properties of the nanoporous silica.3.1Modelling of the conductive heat transfer 3.1.1 Thermal conductivity without condensed waterIn order to compute the effective conductivity of dry nanoporous silica composed of a solid and a gas phase, we used a model based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) applied to the grain network. This model assumes that the heat transfer by conduction at the grain scale follow the macroscopic laws represented by the Fourier equation :T k q c ∂−= (2)Although the grain diameter is not vastly greater than the size of the silica molecules, we will consider, in the next, that the Fourier law is suitable. From this hypothesis, we have modeled the thermal conductivity of a chain of silica grain in punctual contact, noted k ch . This conductivity can be calculated by analyzing the temperature field in a representative cube containing a grain subjected to a temperature gradient. It is necessary to solve the differential equation of heat conduction in steady-state by the Finite Element Method. The FEM has already been used by Druma et al. [9], Quintard et al. [10] and Bakker [11] for conductive heat transfer calculations in materials made of several phases. The principle is to simulate an experimental steady-state apparatus measuring the conductivity and to solve the steady-state energy equation 0=∇∇).(T K r r r (3)Figure 2 : Theoretical representation of the cubical grain network proposed for the modelling of thethermal properties of nanoporous silicaElementarycube dgrain6 The resolution is based on a spatial discretization in cubical elements of the volume modeled. Each volume is made of silica or air and a node is placed at its center. The thermal conductivity of the solid node is k Si = 1.4 W/m/K and that of air volume is set to k air = 0.0001 W/m/K. We voluntarily set the thermal conductivity of air to a very small value given that air is confined in a very narrow space comprised between two neighboring grains and is subjected to a strong Knudsen effectOnce the effective conductivity of the chain of grain has been computed, the conductivity of the entire network forming the nanoporous silica is calculated assuming that it is actually made of two continuous phases with different conductivities : one phase corresponding to the grain in contact forming the skeleton of the network and one phase corresponding to air. We used a numeric model based on the FEM similar to the previous model to compute the effective conductivity of the entire network of silica grain. The model used only differs from the previous one by the geometry of the discretised volume which now corresponds to a cubical volume whose arête are occupied by the chains of grain. The thermal conductivity of the silica chain used for the computation has been computed in the previous step: k ch . On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of air used is not the same as that of the previous computation given that air is no more confined between the silica grains but in the entire network. Then, the mean free path of the air molecules is noticeably greater than previously and the thermal conductivity of air could no more be neglected although the Knudsen effect is present. The thermal conductivity used is given by Eq. (1)3.1.2 Conductivity in the presence of condensed water and contact between grains Due to their high specific area and the hydrophilic character of silica, the risk of water condensation in nanoporous silica is major. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the presence of condensed water on its thermal properties. In addition, the contact between neighboring grains is not punctual since the mechanical strain could lead to a deformation of the grains. A model enabling the simulation of these two phenomenon has been developed.The ideal structure of the nanoporous silica is then modified to take into account the condensed water and the contact diameter d c between two touching grains. We assumed that water can condense according to two means :- by forming a meniscus with diameter d water located at the junction between two grains,- by forming a continuous water layer with thickness Th water at the surface of the grainsThe cube representing the chain of grain composing the nanoporous silica could be illustrated by the scheme of Fig. 3.The effective conductivity of the chain of grain in the presence of condensed water could be computed using a Finite Element Method similar to that used previously but in which, the spatial discretization is modified. In the new configuration, three different phases are considered : a solid phase (conductivity k Si ), a liquid phase (conductivity k water = 0.6 W/m/K) and a gas phase ( k air = 0.0001 W/m/K). The proportions of each phase depend on the values of d grain , d water , Th water and d c .3.1.3Evolution of the effective conductivity with the different parametersFigure 3 : Illustration of the cube representing the chain of silica grains in the presence ofcondensed water and of a non-punctual contactRepresentative cube containing a silica graincondensed water7Influence of the densityThe density of nanoporous silica only depends on their porosity : 2).1(SiO ρερ−= (4) with ρSiO2 = 2500 kg/m 3 the density of silicaIn order to analyze the relative influence of these two effects, we have conducted the computations without the presence of condensed water and assuming punctual contacts between grains fro different densities and different grain diameters. Two air pressures have been modeled : atmospheric pressure (1000 hPa) and a primary vacuum (P=10 hPa). The results are depicted on Fig. 4 where we have also represented the equivalent thermal conductivities measured by Quenard et al.[3] on opacified fumed silicas and by Caps et al. [5] on opacified pyrogenic silicas. In both cases, theauthors have shown that due to the presence of opacifiers, the radiative heat transfer at ambient temperature could be neglected and that the equivalent conductivity is sensibly equal to the effective conductivity.The results of Fig. 4 show that, for relatively weak densities, the theoretical effective conductivity decreases with the density when the silica grain are sufficiently small. This can be explained by the fact that, in this range of densities, the diminution of the conductivity of air due to the Knudsen effect when the silica gets denser (decrease of the average size of the pores) is more important than the increase of the thermal conduction through the solid phase. On the other hand, when the silica grains are relatively large (> several tens of nm), the decline of thermal conductivity of air is practically imperceptible and the augmentation of solid conduction due to the densification is predominant. This causes an increase of the effective conductivity with the density.The evolution observed when the grains are sufficiently small is quite noteworthy given that for the other porous materials classically used for thermal insulation, the effective conductivity generally tends to increase with the density.One can also notice that for common densities and grain diameters of approximately 10 nm, the effective conductivity at atmospheric pressure is lower than the thermal conductivity of free air. The interest of the Knudsen effect is then clearly apparent even without partial vacuum. At the same time, when a partial air vacuum is applied, the theoretical effective conductivity reaches particularly low values lower than 10 mW/m/K.All these theoretical conclusions agree well with the experimental results of Quenard and Sallee [3] who measured an equivalent thermal conductivity at atmospheric pressure slightly lower than the thermal conductivity of free air. However, it seems that our theoretical results slightly overestimates the conductivity of nanoporous silica for the two pressures considered.Influence of the grain diameterThe size of the grain forming the nanoporous matrix affects directly the average pore size t p . Then, very small grains are required in order to maximize the Knudsen effect. The influence of the parameter d grain on the effective conductivity is illustrated on Fig. 4. One can notice that silica grains100 200300400500600 700density in kg/m 3 k eff inW/m/K Figure 4 : Theoretical evolution of the effective conductivity of nanoporous silicas with their densities at atmospheric pressure and under a partial air vacuum (P=10 hPa) for different grain diameters8 with diameters lower than several tens of nm are required so that the Knudsen effect is perceptible at atmospheric pressure. Above this limit, microporous silicas are not suitable to reach very low thermal conductivities. However, for lower pressures, we notice that when the grains are small enough, their size no more affects the effective conductivity since the conductivity of confined air is then extremely low and almost negligible when compared with the conductivity of the silica skeleton.Influence of air pressureWe have seen that the air pressure have an influence on the mean free path of air molecules and thus on the strength of the Knudsen effect. To illustrate this more clearly, we have depicted on Fig. 5 the variations of the effective conductivity with pressure for different porosities and assuming that the grain diameter is d grain = 10 nm. We have also illustrated on this figure the equivalent conductivities measured at different air pressures by the CSTB (Quenard et Sallée [3]) and the ZAE Bayern (Caps et al. [5]) on opacified fumed silicas.The influence of air pressure is significant. Then, when an advanced air vacuum in the order of 10-100 hPa is applied in common nanoporous silicas (porosities between 0.9 and 0.95, d grain ≈ 10 nm), very weak thermal conductivities lower than 10 mW/m/K can be obtained theoretically. But, if we reduce the pressure under 10 hPa, the improvement of the conductivity is less and less pronounced. Very low pressures are not necessarily interesting particularly if we consider that the mechanical strains on the structure are then increased. This results are in very good agreement with the measurements given by Quenard and Sallee [3] and Caps et al. [5].Influence of the contact between grainsOwing to the mechanical strain undergone by the nanoporous silicas during the manufacturing process or utilization, the contact between grains is not punctual. Actually, there is a contact area between the two touching grains that is likely to enhance the conductive heat transfer in the solid phase. This effect has been underlined by Caps and Fricke [6] who proposed a law of variation of the conductivity in the form max P A k c =.We have evaluated from a theoretical point of view the influence of this non-punctual contact on the effective conductivity of the nanoporous silica by assuming that contact area is circular. We varied the contact diameter d c . The computations were conducted at atmospheric pressure for nanoporous silica with densities 0.9455 and 0.968 with a grain diameter d grain = 10 nm. We specify that, in each case considered, the porosity of the silica remains unchanged when d c varies. The variations observed are thus entirely due to the variation of the contact. They are illustrated on Fig. 6As expected, the contact area between the grains leads to an increase of k eff . The conduction of heat by solid-solid contact is enhanced. However, one can notice that this influence is relatively limited as long as the deformation of the grains is weak compared with the grain diameter (d c /d grain < 0.2). But, it becomes significant when the deformation is more important.Pressure in hPak eff inW/m/KFigure 5 : Theoretical evolution of the effective conductivity of nanoporous silica with air pressure for different densities and d grain = 10 nm0,010,02 0,03 0,040,1 1 10101001000。





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Temperature dependence of density profiles for a cloud of non-interacting fermions moving i

Temperature dependence of density profiles for a cloud of non-interacting fermions moving i

The achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold gases of bosonic atoms has given great impulse to the study of dilute quantum gases inside magnetic or optical traps [1]. Similar cooling and trapping techniques are being used to drive gases of fermionic alkali atoms into the quantum degeneracy regime [2]. It is also possible to experimentally generate and study strongly anisotropic atomic fluids effectively approaching dimensionality D = 2 or D = 1, at very low temperature and with very high purity, inside magnetic traps where the transverse and the longitudinal confinement are vastly different [3]. In the relevant conditions of temperature and dilution the atomic interactions become negligible in a gas of fermions placed in a single Zeeman sublevel inside a magnetic trap [4]. One can obtain in this way a close laboratory realization of an inhomogeneous, non-interacting Fermi gas, which has special significance in regard to the foundations of density functional theory and to tests of the Thomas-Fermi approximation [5]. In the quasi-onedimensional (1D) case the ground state and the excitation spectrum of such an ideal gas of spin-polarized (or ”spinless”) fermions can be mapped into those of a gas of hard-core impenetrable bosons [6]. The latter is known as the Tonks gas, from the early work of Tonks [7] on the equation of state of hard-object adsorbates. Advances in atom waveguide technology, with potential applications to atom interferometry and integrated atom optics, especially motivate theoretical studies of dilute gases in a regime where the dynamics becomes essentially 1D [8]. The wave functions of a cloud of spinless fermions under harmonic confinement are, of course, Slater determinants of harmonic-oscillator single-particle orbitals. Their representation in terms of Hermite polynomials has, however, limited usefulness for numerical calculations on mesoscopic clouds [9]. Brack and van Zyl [10] have developed a more powerful method for non-interacting fermions occupying a set of closed shells under isotropic harmonic confinement in D dimensions, leading to analytical expressions for the particle and kinetic energy densities at temperature T = 0 in terms of Laguerre polynomials. These expressions are especially useful for numerical calculations on isotropic systems in D = 2 and D = 3. A Green’s function method, which altogether avoids the use of wave functions in favor of the matrix elements of the position and momentum operators, has been developed for similar purposes [11] and extended to calculations of the pair distribution function in the ground state for the 1D ideal Fermi gas [12]. This method has also been extended to the ground state of ideal Fermi gases under harmonic confinement of arbitrary anisotropy in higher dimensionalities [13]. The purpose of the present paper is to extend the Green’s function method to an inhomogeneous 1D cloud of noninteracting fermions at finite temperature and to illustrate its usefulness by numerical calculations of the particle and kinetic energy density profiles as functions of temperature in the case of harmonic confinement. Analytical expressions have been derived by Wang [14] for the same system at high temperature, where the chemical potential is lower than the single-particle ground-state energy. The case of non-interacting fermions under 3D harmonic confinement has been treated by Schneider and Wallis [15] through the use of Laguerre polynomials. The emphasis of our numerical calculations will be to illustrate how the characteristic quantum features of the fermion cloud, i.e. its shell structure and the spill-out of particles at the boundaries beyond the Thomas-Fermi radius, evolve with increasing temperature as a semiclassical regime is being approached.



第 12 卷第 12 期2023 年 12 月Vol.12 No.12Dec. 2023储能科学与技术Energy Storage Science and Technology耦合光热发电储热-有机朗肯循环的先进绝热压缩空气储能系统热力学分析尹航1,王强1,朱佳华2,廖志荣2,张子楠1,徐二树2,徐超2(1中国广核新能源控股有限公司,北京100160;2华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京102206)摘要:先进绝热压缩空气储能是一种储能规模大、对环境无污染的储能方式。



本工作首先在Aspen Plus软件上搭建了该耦合系统的热力学仿真模型,随后本工作研究并对比两种聚光太阳能储热介质对系统性能的影响,研究结果表明,导热油和太阳盐相比,使用太阳盐为聚光太阳能储热介质的系统性能更好,储能效率达到了115.9%,往返效率达到了68.2%,㶲效率达到了76.8%,储电折合转化系数达到了92.8%,储能密度达到了5.53 kWh/m3。


关键词:先进绝热压缩空气储能;聚光太阳能辅热;有机朗肯循环;热力学模型;㶲分析doi: 10.19799/ki.2095-4239.2023.0548中图分类号:TK 02 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4239(2023)12-3749-12 Thermodynamic analysis of an advanced adiabatic compressed-air energy storage system coupled with molten salt heat and storage-organic Rankine cycleYIN Hang1, WANG Qiang1, ZHU Jiahua2, LIAO Zhirong2, ZHANG Zinan1, XU Ershu2, XU Chao2(1CGN New Energy Holding Co., Ltd., Beijing 100160, China; 2School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering,North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)Abstract:Advanced adiabatic compressed-air energy storage is a method for storing energy at a large scale and with no environmental pollution. To improve its efficiency, an advanced adiabatic compressed-air energy storage system (AA-CAES+CSP+ORC) coupled with the thermal storage-organic Rankine cycle for photothermal power generation is proposed in this report. In this system, the storage of heat from photothermal power generation is used to solve the problem of limited compression heat in the AA-CAES+CSP+ORC, while the medium- and low-temperature waste heat generation in the organic Rankine cycle power收稿日期:2023-08-18;修改稿日期:2023-09-18。

Can Sigma Models Describe Finite Temperature Chiral Transitions

Can Sigma Models Describe Finite Temperature Chiral Transitions

a r X i v :h e p -l a t /9407021v 1 27 J u l 1994ILL-(TH)-94-19July,1994CAN SIGMA MODELS DESCRIBE FINITETEMPERATURE CHIRAL TRANSITIONS?Aleksandar KOCI ´C and John KOGUT Loomis Laboratory of Physics,University of Illinois 1110W.Green St.,Urbana,Il 61801-3080Abstract Large-N expansions and computer simulations indicate that the universality class of the finite temperature chiral symmetry restoration transition in the 3D Gross-Neveu model is mean field theory.This is a counterexample to the standard ’sigma model’scenario which predicts the 2D Ising model universality class.We trace the breakdown of the standard scenario (dimensional reduction and universality)to the absence of canonical scalar fields in the model.We point out that our results could be generic for theories with dynamical symmetry breaking,such as Quantum Chromodynamics.PACS numbers:05.70.Jk,11.15.Ha,11.30.Rd,12.50.LrWhen studying thefinite temperature chiral restoration transition in QCD one is usually guided by the concepts of dimensional reduction and universality.A compelling idea,first put forward in[1]and later elaborated in[2],is that in four-dimensional QCD with N f light quarks the physics near the chiral transition can be described by the three-dimensionalσ-model with the same global symmetry.The reasoning behind this proposal is based on counting the light degrees of freedom and can be phrased as follows.The transition region is dominated by the longitudinal and transversefluctuations of the order parameter,σandπ,which go soft at the transition temperature.Being bosonic,σandπhave zero modes,ωn=0,in theirfinite-temperature Matsubara decomposition.These zero modes are the only relevant degrees of freedom in the scaling region and at low energies the n=0modes decouple.Therefore,in the context of a d-dimensional theory,one concludes that the phase transition is described by an effective scalar theory in d−1dimensions.As a consequence,the chiral transition of four-dimensional QCD,with N f=2flavors,should lie in the same universality class as a three-dimensional O(4)magnet[1,2].Similarly, other models e.g.four-fermi theories in d-dimensions like Gross-Neveu[3]with discrete or Nambu-Jona-Lasinio[4]with continuous chiral symmetries,are expected to be in the universality class of a d−1-dimensional Ising or Heisenberg magnet,respectively.It is the purpose of this paper to discuss the assumptions underlying this analysis.As an illustration we will study two examples:a purely bosonic theory,O(N)σ-model where the ideas of dimensional reduction apply,and a Gross-Neveu model with composite scalars where they fail.We discuss the generic features of the models that might apply to other field theories atfinite temperature.At the end we comment on the implications these two examples have on QCD.To illustrate how the idea of dimensional reduction is realized in scalar theories,we start with the N-component scalar theory and consider the large-N limit[5]for simplicity. To avoid complications due to Goldstone bosons,we work in the symmetric phase.At zero temperature,the susceptibility is given by the single tadpole contribution.Defining the critical curvatureµ2c as the point where the susceptibility diverges(µ2c+λ q1/q2=0), the expression for the inverse susceptibility can be recast intoχ−1 1+λ q1left hand side(LHS)of eq.(1).Above four dimensions,both terms are IRfinite and the scaling is meanfield(γ=1).Below four dimensions the second term in eq.(1)dominates the scaling region–the integral diverges asχ(4−d)/2.This gives the zero-temperature susceptibility exponentγ=2/(d−2)[5].Atfinite temperature,apart from the replacement of the frequency integral with the Matsubara sum,modifications are minimal[6].For a given value ofµ2we define the critical temperature,T c,byµ2+λT c n q1/(ω2nc+ q2)=0,whereωnc=2πnT c.The momentum integrals are now performed over d−1dimensional space.Separating the n=0mode (ω0=0)from the rest of the sum,we get the leading singular behaviorχ−1 1+λT c q1 q2+χ−1+ n=0 (2)The n=0piece dominates the scaling region.It resembles the zero-temperature expres-sion,eq.(1),except that now,the integrals are performed in d−1dimensions,instead of d. The power counting is the same as before and it yields the thermal exponentγT=2/(d−3) which is the same as the zero-temperatureγin d−1dimensions[6].It is easy to obtain the other critical exponents;they show the same type of behavior asγ.To illustrate how compositeness affects the physics near the phase transition,we an-alyze the problem of chiral symmetry restoration in a Gross-Neveu model given by the lagrangian L=¯ψ(i∂+m+gσ)ψ−1m(3)q2(q2+Σ2)Like the scalar example,this form is especially well suited for extracting critical indices since the problem reduces again to the counting of the infra-red divergences on the right hand side[7,8].The critical indices are defined by<¯ψψ>|m=0∼tβ,<¯ψψ>|t=0∼m1/δ,Σ|m=0∼tν,etc..Here,t=g2/g2c−1is the deviation from the critical coupling. SinceΣ∼<¯ψψ>,β=νto leading order.Above four dimensions the integral in eq.(3)is finite in the limit of vanishingΣand the scaling is mean-field.Below four dimensions,theΣ→0limit is singular–the integral scales asΣd−2.Thus, in the chiral limit t∼Σd−2,and at the critical point,t=0,away from the chiral limit, m∼Σd−1.The resulting exponents are non-gaussian:β=1/(d−2)andδ=d−1.The remaining exponents are obtained easily:η=4−d,γ=1[7,8]and one can check that they obey hyperscaling.We now consider the Gross-Neveu model atfinite-temperature.We choose to stay between two and four dimensions to emphasize how zero-temperature power-law scaling changes atfinite temperature.The gap equation is now modified toΣ=m+4T g2 n qΣ†The equation for the critical line can be brought into a compact form by combining the expression for T c with the definition of the zero-temperature critical coupling.This(g),i.e.T c(g)∼Σ(T=0).In this way,for any value of the results in:(g2/g2c−1)∼T d−2ccoupling,the critical temperature remains the same in physical units.Combining the definition of T c with thefinite-temperature gap equation,we can bring it to a form similar to eq.(3)m(5)(ω2nc+ q2)(ω2n+ q2+Σ2)The extraction of the critical exponents proceeds along the same lines as in the zero-temperature case.One difference relative to eq.(3)becomes apparent immediately:the zero modes are absent here and the integrand in eq.(5)is regular in theΣ→0limit even below four dimensions.Consequently,the IR divergences are absent from all the integrals and the scaling properties are those of mean-field theory:β=ν=1/2,δ=3,etc.This is true for any d,below or above four.It appears that in this case,contrary to the scalar example,the effect of making the temporal directionfinite(1/T)is to regulate the IR behavior and suppressfluctuations.This is manifest in other thermodynamic quantities as well.For example,to leading order,the scalar susceptibility,χ=∂<¯ψψ>/∂m,is given byχ−1=8g2T n qΣ2lations to check thefinite temperature results[11]in ttices of sizes6×302, 12×362and12×722were simulated at N=12using the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm described in[11].High statistics runs(several tens of thousands of trajectories for each coupling)were made on a variety of lattices to guarantee that the simulations were probing the physical IR modes atfinite temperature.Luckily,our task is to distinguish meanfield exponents from those of the two dimensional Ising model,and,as reviewed in Table I, they are dramatically different.We will discuss the exponentsδandβ(defined above) and leave other calculations to a lengthier presentation.In Fig.1we show the square of the order parameterσplotted against1/g2.The data is in excellent agreement with mean field theory whereβ=1/2,and rules out the Ising model value of1/8.Note that the statistical error bars in thefigure are smaller than the plotting symbols themselves.Since both lattice sizes give the same estimates ofβwhile their critical temperatures are quite different,we are confident that the simulation is probing the true continuum behavior of thefinite temperature transition and is not corrupted by a sluggish crossover between symmetric and asymmetric lattices.Several runs on the huge12×722lattice were made and the12×362results were confirmed to a fraction of a percent.We also calculated the susceptibility indexγand foundγ=1.0(1)in the same runs.The Ising resultγ=7/4 is decisively ruled out.Next,we read offthe critical temperatures for both lattice sizes, measure the response of the order parameter at criticality to an external symmetry break-ingfield(bare fermion mass)and obtainδ.The data is shown in Fig.2,and for both lattice sizes wefindδ=3.1(1).The Ising model value ofδ=15is ruled out.In all of these calculations we carefully visualized theσfield to check for nonuniform configurations that would violate the meanfield hypothesis[13].None were found and all the past simulations [11]and the new ones reported here support the contention that the large-N results are reliable for this problem.An important feature of the exponents corresponding to thefinite-temperature tran-sition,is that they violate hyperscaling[14].Usually,hyperscaling violation occurs above four dimension and is expressed in terms of exponent inequalities[14]e.g.2βδ−γ≤dν. Strict inequality is applicable only for d>4and implies factorization of the correlation functions.In our example the above inequality goes in the opposite direction and the breakdown of hyperscaling is not accompanied by the factorization of Green’s functions.In conclusion,the study of the Gross-Neveu model suggests that arguments invoking dimensional reduction+universality must be used with care.Our results indicate thatan effective scalar model fails to describe the Gross-Neveu model atfinite temperature. We believe that the reason for this failure in our example is related to the composite nature of the mesons.Pointlike scalars can not adequately describe the physics in the vicinity of the second order chiral transition.The physical picture behind this failure observes that both the density and the size of the loosely bound sigma meson increase with temperature.Close to the restoration temperature the system is densely populated with overlapping composites.In other words thefluffiness of the mesons can not be ignored –the constituent fermions are essential degrees of freedom even in the scaling region, right before the composites dissociate.Similar discussions of the failure of effective meson theories in a slightly different context have been given in ref.[15].It is well known that four-fermi models can be used as effective theories of QCD [16].In addition to having the same global symmetries,the mesons in both theories are composite.Therefore,these models are believed to have common properties over a wide range of scales where the quark substructure of the mesons is relevant.Knowing this, it would be interesting to see what happens in twoflavor QCD[17]:does it follow the dimensional reduction scenario,or the Gross-Neveu behavior?Of course,these two alter-natives do not exhaust all the possibilities[18],but we believe that the scenario suggested by the Gross-Neveu model is sufficiently compelling to warrant further analyses of QCD simulation data.We wish to acknowledge the discussions with Eduardo Fradkin and Maria-Paola Lom-bardo.Special thanks go to Rob Pisarski for his comments on the manuscript.This work is supported by NSF-PHY92-00148and used the computing facilities of PSC and NERSC.References[1]R.Pisarski and F.Wilczek,Phys.Rev.D29,338(1984).[2]F.Wilczek,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A7,3911(1992);K.Rajagopal and F.Wilczek,Nucl. Phys.B404,577(1993)[3]D.Gross and A.Neveu,Phys.Rev.D20,3235(1974).[4]Y.Nambu and G.Jona-Lasinio,Phys.Rev.122,345(1961).[5]See,for example,C.Itzykson and J.-M.Drouffe,Statistical Field Theory(Cambridge University Press,1989).[6]L.Dolan and R.Jackiw,Phys.Rev.D9,3320(1974).[7]J.Zinn-Justin,Nucl.Phys.B367,105(1991).[8]S.Hands,A.Koci´c and J.B.Kogut,Phys.Lett.B273(1991)111.[9]B.Rosenstein,B.Warr and S.Park,Phys.Rev.D39,3088(1989).[10]B.Rosenstein,A.Speliotopoulos and H.Yu,Phys.Rev.D49,6822(1994).[11]S.Hands,A.Koci´c and J.B.Kogut,Ann.Phys.224,29(1993);Nucl.Phys.B390 355(1993).[12]L.K¨a rkk¨a inen,caze,cock,and B.Petersson,Nucl.Phys.B415[FS],781 (1994).[13]R.Dashen,S.K.Ma and R.Rajaraman,Phys.Rev.D11,1499(1975);F.Karsch,J. Kogut and H.W.Wyld,Nucl.Phys.B280[FS18],289(1987).[14]B.Freedman and G.A.Baker Jr,J.Phys.A15(1982)L715.[15]R.Jaffe and P.Mende,Nucl.Phys.B369,189(1992).[16]See for example a recent review by T.Hatsuda nad T.Kunihiro,Tsukuba preprint, UTHEP-270,(to appear in Phys.Rep.).[17]F.Karsch,Nucl.Phys.(Proc.Suppl.)B34,63(1994).[18]E.Shuryak,Comments Nucl.Part.Phys.21,235(1994).Figure Captions1.Order parameter squared plotted against temperature on6×302(left)and12×362(right) lattices.2.Order parameter response at criticality plotted against bare fermion mass on6×302(bottom)and12×362(top)lattices.Table1Critical exponents of the3D Gross-Neveu and2D Ising modeld=3Gross-Neveu d=2T=0T=0Ising β11/21/8δ2315γ117/4ν11/21η101/4。



2、通过表面进入控制体的热量为 在X方向:
uc p dydz [ uc p
uc p x
uc p x

vc p y
wc p z
u u u u u v w t x y z
4.1.3 盐量扩散方程(盐量的质量守恒方程) 设单位质量海水所含的盐量为S,则单位体积海水所含的 盐量为 s
1、由于流动产生的盐增量 在X方向流入的盐量:
sudydz [ sudydz
Overview on Physical Oceanography
Instructed by LÜ Huaqing(吕华庆) Marine Science School of Zhejiang Ocean Uni. July.,2009
Chapter 5 The Oceanic Heat Budget
Physical Oceanography (物理海洋学)
Instructed by LÜ Huaqing(吕华庆) Marine Science School of Zhejiang Ocean Uni. Feb.,2009
x 静止坐标系
z x
We will see later that mean velocity is not constant. The mixed layer is roughly 10–200 m thick over most of the tropical and midlatitude belts. The depth and temperature of the mixed layer varies from day to day and from season to season in response to two processes: 1. Heat fluxes through the surface.



动力气象学英语Dynamic Meteorology, a branch of atmospheric science, focuses on the study of atmospheric motions and the physical processes that drive weather systems. It is a critical field for understanding the complex interactions between theEarth's atmosphere and the energy that moves through it.At the core of dynamic meteorology is the concept offluid dynamics, which applies the principles of physics to the behavior of gases and liquids. In the atmosphere, these principles help explain how air masses move, how they interact, and how they can lead to the development of various weather phenomena.One of the fundamental equations in dynamic meteorologyis the equation of motion, which describes the movement ofair parcels. This equation takes into account several forces, including the pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, and friction. The pressure gradient force is the primary driver of wind, pushing air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The Coriolis force, a result of the Earth's rotation, causes moving air to be deflected, which is essential in the formation of large-scale weather systemslike cyclones and anticyclones.Another key aspect of dynamic meteorology is the conservation of energy. The atmosphere is a complex system where different forms of energy, such as potential energy,kinetic energy, and latent heat, are constantly being converted. For example, when air rises and cools, water vapor can condense into clouds, releasing latent heat into the atmosphere and influencing the development of storms.Thermodynamics also plays a significant role in dynamic meteorology. It involves the study of heat and temperature and their effects on the atmosphere. The temperature differences in the atmosphere can lead to convection, which is the process by which warm air rises and cool air sinks, creating circulation patterns in the atmosphere.Dynamic meteorologists use a variety of tools and models to predict and understand weather patterns. Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are mathematical representations of the atmosphere that simulate its behavior based on initial conditions and physical laws. These models are essential for forecasting weather and are continually being refined to improve their accuracy.In conclusion, dynamic meteorology is a multifacetedfield that combines physics, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics to study and predict the behavior of the atmosphere. It is a crucial component of modern weather forecasting and plays a vital role in understanding and preparing for the impacts of climate change.。

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere The Earth's atmosphere is a complex system that interacts with the planet's surface, oceans, and biosphere. The study of the thermodynamics of the atmosphere is essential in understanding the behavior of this system and how it affects our planet. Thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between heat, energy, and work. In the context of the Earth's atmosphere, thermodynamics helps us understand the processes that govern the movement of air, the formation of weather patterns, and the distribution of energy throughout the system.One of the key principles of thermodynamics is the conservation of energy. This principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another. In the Earth's atmosphere, energy is transferred through a variety of processes, including radiation, conduction, and convection. Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves, such as those from the sun. Conduction is the transfer of energy through direct contact, such as when the ground heats the air above it. Convection is the transfer of energy through the movement of fluids, such as when warm air rises and cool air sinks.Another important principle of thermodynamics is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of a closed system always increases over time. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In the Earth's atmosphere, entropy increases as energy is transferred from one place to another. This means that the atmosphere tends towards a state of maximum disorder, which can lead to the formation of weather patterns and other complex phenomena.The thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere also plays a crucial role in the global climate system. The atmosphere acts as a greenhouse, trapping heat from the sun and regulating the temperature of the planet. This is known as the greenhouse effect, and it is essential for life on Earth. However, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming. Understanding the thermodynamics ofthe atmosphere is therefore crucial in addressing the challenges of climate change and developing strategies to mitigate its impacts.From a human perspective, the thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere has a profound impact on our daily lives. Weather patterns such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms are all driven by the movement of air and the transfer of energy through the atmosphere. These phenomena can have devastating effects on communities, causing loss of life and property damage. Understanding the thermodynamics of the atmosphere can help us predict and prepare for these events, improving our ability to respond and recover from natural disasters.In conclusion, the study of the thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere is essential in understanding the behavior of this complex system and its impact on our planet. Through the principles of conservation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics, we can gain insights into the processes that govern the movement of air, the formation of weather patterns, and the distribution of energy throughout the system. From a human perspective, this knowledge is critical in predicting and preparing for natural disasters and addressing the challenges of climate change. As we continue to explore the mysteries of our planet's atmosphere, the principles of thermodynamics will undoubtedly play a central role in our understanding of this fascinating and complex system.。



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a b s t r a c t
This review describes the fundamental aspects of laser–gold nanoparticle (Au NP) interaction that leads to nanoscale energy deposition to the surroundings through light amplification and heat generation. Besides the importance of the primary process in physics and chemistry, application of the light–NP interaction has attracted significant interest from various areas ranging from analytical chemistry to material chemistry and biomedicine. Here we consider both mechanistic and application aspects. Our attention is focused on pulsed-laser-induced fast processes that revealed the heating–cooling dynamics of electrons, lattice (particle), and particle’s environment. On the application side, we focus on material fabrication and processing that beat diffraction-limited resolution. Together, we will shed a light on the essence of research activities carried out in the past 10 years. In addition to an abundance of latest information obtained from currently available literature, this review includes figures obtained by our own calculations to provide readers with a better understanding of the basics of the optical properties and energy and heat-transfer processes of Au NPs, which are not familiar to photochemists. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



第39卷第6期2018年6月白动化仪表PROCESS AUTOMATION INSTRUMENTATIONVol.39 No.6Jun.2018硅压阻式压力传感器的高精度补偿算法及其实现轰绍忠(重庆四联测控技术有限公司,重庆401121)摘要:硅压阻式压力传感器广泛应用于汽车、医疗、航空航天、环保等领域。



为 了提高硅压阻式压力传感器测量精度、降低输出误差,对该传感器的几种常用补偿算法进行了对比分析和研究,提出了一种基于最小二乘法的曲面拟合高精度补偿算法。


试验结果表明,在-40 ~ +80 SC温度范围内,硅压阻式压力传感器经该补偿算法计算后,测量精度得以大幅度提高,输出误差小于0.01%F •S。

关键词:硅压阻式压力传感器;零点漂移;灵敏度漂移;非线性;曲面拟合;补偿算法中图分类号:TH701;TP301.6 文献标志码:A D O I:10.16086/j. cnki. issnl000-0380.2018010059High Accurate Compensation Algorithmof Silicon Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor and Its ImplementationNIE Shaozhong(Chongqing Silian Measure & Control Technology C o.,L td.,Chongqing 401121,China)Abstract :Silicon piezoresistive pressure sensors are widely used in various fields of national e c o n o m y, such as automotive, medical,aerospace,environmental protection,etc. W i t h the development of science and technology,the requirements for pressure m e a s u rement accuracy are higher and higher in various fields. H o w ever, due to the inherent characteristics of semiconductor materials,silicon piezoresistive pressure sensors c o m m o n l y exist with zero temperature drift,sensitivity changes with temperature and nonlinear problems. In order to improve the m e a s urement accuracy of the sensors and reduce the output error,several c o m m o n compensation algorithms are analyzed and c o m p a r e d, and the m e t h o d of surface fitting high-precision compensation algorithm based on least-squares m e t h o d is proposed. This compensation algorithm effectively eliminates sensor zero drift,sensitivity drift and nonlinear error,and improves sensor output accuracy. T h e experimental results s h o w that the accuracy of the m e a s urement is greatly improved a nd the output error of the sensor is less than 0•01%F • S within the temperature range of -40 〜+80Xl after calculation by this compensation algorithm.K e y w o r d s:Silicon piezoresistive pressure sensor;Zero drift; Sensitivity drift; Nonlinear; Curved surface fitting; Compensation algorithm〇引言随着科学技术的发展,各领域对压力测量精度的 要求越来越高。



韩琭丛,金听祥,张振亚,等. 火龙果热泵干燥特性及收缩动力学模型分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(10):242−248. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147HAN Lucong, JIN Tingxiang, ZHANG Zhenya, et al. Drying Characteristics and Shrinkage Model Analysis of Pitaya Heat Pump Drying[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(10): 242−248. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147· 包装与机械 ·火龙果热泵干燥特性及收缩动力学模型分析韩琭丛,金听祥*,张振亚,王广红,刘建秀(郑州轻工业大学能源与动力工程学院,河南郑州 450002)摘 要:为了优化火龙果热泵干燥工艺及提升干燥后产品的品质,本文研究了干燥温度、切片厚度和相对湿度对火龙果热泵干燥特性和体积比的影响,并确定了最佳收缩动力学模型,从而可以预测火龙果在不同热泵干燥条件下的体积变化规律。

结果表明,干燥温度越高、切片厚度和相对湿度越小,干燥速率越大;其中,干燥温度对干燥速率影响最大,切片厚度影响最小;体积比随干燥温度的升高、切片厚度和相对湿度的减小而减小;对比分析5种薄层干燥模型,Quadratic 模型可以精确描述火龙果热泵干燥过程中的体积收缩规律,计算值相对于试验值的平均误差为5.01%;在本文所述热泵干燥条件下,通过阿累尼乌斯方程计算出火龙果的收缩活化能为27.185 kJ/mol 。


Advanced Thermodynamics

Advanced Thermodynamics

Advanced ThermodynamicsThermodynamics, a branch of physics that deals with heat and its conversion to and from other forms of energy, is a fascinating subject that has been a cornerstone of scientific exploration for centuries. It is a field that has not only shaped our understanding of the universe, but also has practical implications in various industries, from power generation to refrigeration and air conditioning.The beauty of thermodynamics lies in its ability to explain the behavior of systems in terms of energy transfer and transformations. It provides a framework for understanding how energy moves and changes from one form to another, and how this movement can be harnessed for practical applications. The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. This principle is fundamental to our understanding of how energy is used and conserved in various processes.On the other hand, the second law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy, which is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. This law states that, in any energy transfer or transformation, the total entropy of a system will always increase over time. This means that natural processes tend to move towards a state of greater disorder, and it is this principle that underlies the directionality of time and the irreversible nature of many processes.One of the most intriguing aspects of thermodynamics is its application in the field of heat engines. A heat engine is a device that converts heat into mechanical work. The efficiency of a heat engine is determined by its ability to convert heat into work, and this is governed by the Carnot cycle, which is an idealized thermodynamic cycle. The Carnot cycle provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any heat engine can achieve, and it is a testament to the power of thermodynamics in setting fundamental limits on the performance of machines.Another important application of thermodynamics is in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning. These systems work by transferring heat from a cooler region to a warmer region, which is the opposite of the natural flow of heat. This process is made possible by the use of refrigerants, which are substances that can absorb and release heat at different temperatures. The principles of thermodynamics are crucial in designing these systems to ensure that they are efficient and effective in cooling the spaces.In the realm of power generation, thermodynamics plays a vital role in the design and operation of various types of power plants. For example, in a steam power plant, water is heated to produce steam, which then drives a turbine to generate electricity. The efficiency of this process is governed by the principles of thermodynamics, and understanding these principles is essential for optimizing the performance of the power plant.Moreover, thermodynamics is also relevant in the field of environmental science. The study of thermodynamics helps us understand the energy flows in ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the environment. For instance, the concept of entropy can be used to analyze the sustainability of different energy sources and the environmental impact of energy production and consumption.In conclusion, thermodynamics is a subject of immense importance and relevance in our lives. It provides a deep understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of energy and its transformations. From powering our homes and industries to understanding the natural world, thermodynamics plays a crucial role in shaping our world and our future. As we continue to explore and harness the power of thermodynamics, we can look forward to a future in which energy is used more efficiently and sustainably, and in which our understanding of the universe continues to expand.。

动态耐压下SOI RESURF器件的二维电场解析模型

动态耐压下SOI RESURF器件的二维电场解析模型

动态耐压下SOI RESURF器件的二维电场解析模型雍明阳;阳小明;李天倩;韩旭【摘要】在SOI(绝缘衬底上的硅)器件的设计过程中,为使其具有较高的耐压水平,可优化器件的RESURF(降低表面电场)效应.而在实际电路工作过程中,由于SOI RESURF器件承受动态耐压的缘故,衬底深耗尽效应的存在将会导致衬底耗尽区出现,器件的RESURF效应将会发生改变,从而使器件的实际耐压性能发生改变.基于此,提出动态耐压下SOI RESURF器件的二维电场解析模型,通过求解相应的二维泊松方程,获取新的表面电场分布表达式.并对动态耐压下器件的击穿特性进行分析,阐述动态耐压下促使器件RESURF效应改善的物理机制.与此同时,依据新的表面电场分布表达式,优化衬底掺杂浓度,以使SOI RESURF器件在各类功率集成电路中具有更好的实用性.最后由仿真分析验证了所提模型的正确性.%During the design of the SOI ( silicon-on-insulator) device, in order to make it have a higher voltage level, the RESURF effect of the device should be optimized. However, due to the dynamic voltage of the SOI RESURF device during the actu-al circuit operation, the deep depletion effect of the substrate will cause the substrate depletion region to appear and the RESURF effect of the device will be changed. As a result, the device voltage-withstand performance will be changed. So, a two-dimensional elec-tric field analytical model for SOI ( silicon-on-insulator) RESURF devices under dynamic voltage was proposed. A new surface elec-tric field distribution expression was obtained based on the corresponding two-dimensional Poisson equation solution. According to this model, the breakdown characteristics under dynamic voltage was analyzed and the physicalmechanism to improve the RESURF effect of the device under dynamic voltage was described. Simultaneously, to improve the practicality of the SOI RESURF device, the substrate doping concentration was optimized based on the new surface electric field distribution expression. Finally, simulation a-nalysis verified the correctness of the proposed model.【期刊名称】《电子元件与材料》【年(卷),期】2018(037)006【总页数】6页(P57-62)【关键词】SOI;半导体器件;表面电场;数值仿真;二维模型;击穿特性【作者】雍明阳;阳小明;李天倩;韩旭【作者单位】西华大学电气与电子信息学院, 四川成都 610039;西华大学电气与电子信息学院, 四川成都 610039;西华大学电气与电子信息学院, 四川成都610039;西华大学电气与电子信息学院, 四川成都 610039【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN386SOI(silicon-on-insulator,绝缘衬底上的硅)材料因为具有高速、低功耗、可靠性高、抗辐射等优点,在低功耗电路、微机械传感器、光电集成等方面都具有重要应用[1-3]。



图形化电磁暂态仿真软件EMTP 2RV 及其应用曹玉胜,陈允平(武汉大学电气工程学院,武汉430072)摘 要:为在电力行业中推广基于Windows 平台的新一代图形化电磁暂态仿真工具EM TP 2RV (Restructured Version ),以便能高效研究电力系统及装置的动态行为,详细说明了该软件包的3个组成部分:EM TP 2RV 核心计算引擎、EM TPWorks 图形化编辑界面和ScopeView 可视化数据处理程序;描述了其主要元器件模型的基本功能;通过对1台35kV 、100MVA 静止无功补偿器(SVC )三相阀组动态开关过程的建模和仿真,演示了EM TP 2RV 的友好界面和强大功能。

结果表明,EM TP 2RV 有效简化了电力系统中暂态过程的研究工作,为复杂电力系统的仿真提供了有力支持。

关键词:电磁暂态;软件仿真;开关暂态;EM TP ;SVC ;ScopeView 中图分类号:TM743;TM86文献标志码:A 文章编号:100326520(2007)0720154205基金资助项目:湖北自然科学基金(2005ABA289)。

Project Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2005ABA289).Application of EMTP 2RV G raphic Soft w areof Electromagnetic T ransient SimulationCAO Yu 2sheng ,C H EN Yun 2ping(School of Elect rical Engineering ,Wuhan U niversity ,Wuhan 430072,China )Abstract :In order to introduce how to use EM TP 2RV (Restructured Version ),a new generation Windows 2platform 2based graphic software of electromagnetic transient simulation which is developed by EM TP 2DCG (Development Co 2ordination Group ),and to efficiently research and simulate the dynamic processes of power system and its apparatu 2ses ,this paper elaborates the basic features of three components of the software package :EM TP 2RV core computa 2tion engine ,graphical user interface EM TPWorks and signal post 2processing program ScopeView.Meanwhile ,the libraries which include most important device models are depicted.A 35kV ,100MVA Static Var Compensator sim 2ulation model was constructed to simulate the switching processes of its three 2phase thyristors.The intuitive and us 2er 2friendly Graphical User Interface and powerf ul computation engine of EM TP 2RV is vividly demonstrated by the modeling and simulation processes of SVC.The results of simulation proved that EM TP 2RV can be effectively used to simplify the research task of electromagnetic transient simulations in power system ,and provide powerf ul aid to power engineers on the simulation of complicated power system.Its wide application will benefit the development of whole power industry.K ey w ords :electromagnetic transients ;software simulation ;switch transients ;EM TP ;SVC ;ScopeView0 引 言现代电力系统是集发电、输电、配电和用电为一体的复杂非线性网络系统。

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Available online at Journal of Power Sources179(2008)683–692Dynamic temperature modeling of an SOFC using leastsquares support vector machinesYing-Wei Kang a,∗,Jun Li a,Guang-Yi Cao a,Heng-Yong Tu a,Jian Li b,Jie Yang ba Institute of Fuel Cell,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai200240,Chinab School of Materials Science and Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan430074,ChinaReceived24November2007;received in revised form4January2008;accepted7January2008Available online18January2008AbstractCell temperature control plays a crucial role in SOFC operation.In order to design effective temperature control strategies by model-based control methods,a dynamic temperature model of an SOFC is presented in this paper using least squares support vector machines(LS-SVMs).The nonlinear temperature dynamics of the SOFC is represented by a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs(NARXs)model that is implemented using an LS-SVM regression model.Issues concerning the development of the LS-SVM temperature model are discussed in detail,including variable selection,training set construction and tuning of the LS-SVM parameters(usually referred to as hyperparameters).Comprehensive validation tests demonstrate that the developed LS-SVM model is sufficiently accurate to be used independently from the SOFC process,emulating its temperature response from the only process input information over a relatively wide operating range.The powerful ability of the LS-SVM temperature model benefits from the approaches of constructing the training set and tuning hyperparameters automatically by the genetic algorithm(GA),besides the modeling method itself.The proposed LS-SVM temperature model can be conveniently employed to design temperature control strategies of the SOFC.©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC);Dynamic temperature model;Least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM);Hyperparameter tuning;Genetic algorithm (GA)1.IntroductionThe solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC)is expected to be one of the most promising devices for energy conversion because of its high efficiency,low pollutant emissions andflexible fueling strategies.Possible applications of SOFCs range from vehicular auxiliary power units to stationary power plants[1].Cell temper-ature control plays a crucial role in SOFC operation[2,3].This is because the cell temperature has a significant effect on the elec-trical characteristics of an SOFC,e.g.the cell voltage and the current density distribution.Moreover,the variation of cell tem-perature may cause degradation,even damage to the fuel cell due to thermal fatigue or thermal cracking of the cell material.Thus, the average cell temperature should be carefully controlled.In ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862134206249;fax:+862134206249.E-mail address:yingwei.kang@(Y.-W.Kang).order to design effective temperature control strategies by using model-based control methods,simple and accurate dynamic temperature models of SOFCs are highly desired.In recent years,many dynamic physical models of SOFCs based on conservation laws and electrochemical principles have been reported[3–6].Although these models are useful for the analysis and optimization of SOFCs,in general they are too complex for applying model-based control methods.The com-plicated phenomena associated with SOFCs easily drive such models to high complexity[7].Developing simpler data-driven models based on the system identification methodology is an important way to control complex plants[8,9].Following this line,many data-driven modeling approaches,such as classi-cal system identification,artificial neural networks(ANNs)and fuzzy logic,can be applied to dynamic temperature modeling of SOFCs.The requirements for developing such data-driven temperature models of SOFCs for control purpose can be sum-marized as:0378-7753/$–see front matter©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2008.01.022684Y.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources179(2008)683–692NomenclatureA cell active area(m2)A r reforming reaction surface area(m2)A sh anode section area(m2)AR air ratiob bias termb0–b3fitting function coefficients of specific heat capac-ityc p specific heat capacity of gas species(J mol−1K−1)C s p specific heat capacity of solid part(J kg−1K−1) e k prediction error of the k th data pointE a activation energy(J mol−1)F Faraday’s constant(=96,485C mol−1)h i molar enthalpy(J mol−1)H total change of molar enthalpy for chemical reac-tion(J mol−1)J average current density(A m−2)k p coefficient for unit conversion(=105Pa bar−1) k r reforming reaction constant (=4274mol s−1m−2bar−1)k sh WGS reaction constant(=1.2×104mol m−3s−1) K kernel functionK sh equilibrium constant of WGS reactionM s mass of solid part(kg)n e number of transferred electronsn i molar number of species i within SOFC(mol)n y,n d,n u maximum lagsN molarflow rate(mol s−1),number of data points p pressure(bar)P dc direct current electric power(W)r j rate of reaction j(mol s−1)R universal gas constant(=8.314J mol−1K−1)R ohm total cell resistance( m2)T temperature(K)T0initial temperature(K)U voltage(V)U f fuel utilizationV volume(m3)w feature vectorx input vectorx i molar fraction of species iy output valueGreek symbolsαk Lagrange multiplierβan,βca pre-exponential factors of anode and cathode(A m−2)ηoverpotential(V)ϕnonlinear mappingγregularization parameterσkernel parameterσan,σca,σelec electrical conductivity of anode,cathode and electrolyte( −1m−1)τthickness(m)ξnumber of chemical reactionsζnumber of gasesSubscriptsact activationan anodeca cathodeconc concentrationelec electrolytei gas species ij the j th reactionk sampling instant k,the k th data pointohm ohmicr steam reforming reactionsh water–gas shift reactionSuperscriptsin fuel cell inletout fuel cell outletref reference conditions solid part(including the PEN and interconnect)(1)The model should be able to represent the temperaturedynamics of an SOFC accurately over a relatively wide operating range,certainly including the design point. (2)The model can be conveniently integrated into the wholecontrol scheme of an SOFC.(3)The model’s performance should be fully tested over theexpected operating range.(4)The modeling process should be as simple as possible.Compared with the substantial progress on physical model-ing,however,data-driven dynamic temperature models of fuel cells(particularly of SOFCs),which meet all above require-ments,are still rare.Shen et al.[10]presented an application of radial basis func-tions(RBFs)neural networks to develop a dynamic temperature model of a molten carbonate fuel cell(MCFC)stack.Although satisfactory degree of precision is obtained,the MCFC RBF-NN model has several weaknesses.First,the topology and train-ing strategy of RBF-NNs are determined by experience,which weakens the model’s objectivity.Second,RBF-NNs get easily stuck in local extrema.Third,the effect of load disturbance on cell temperature was left out of consideration,which impairs the model’s generality.Jurado[11,12]used different Hammerstein models to represent the dynamic characteristics of an SOFC. As the Hammerstein model,which uses a static nonlinear block followed by a dynamic linear block to represent nonlinear sys-tems,is a special type of nonlinear model,these SOFC models still need more tests over a wide operating range.Yang et al.[13]reported a dynamic T–S fuzzy model of a MCFC,which consists of a voltage and a temperature submodel.However,the temperature submodel can only be valid within a relatively nar-row temperature range.In addition,the identification procedureY.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources179(2008)683–692685of the T–S model,which contains an antecedent identification and a consequent identification,is complicated.As an important breakthrough in the area of machine learn-ing in the last decade,the support vector machine(SVM)has proven to be a powerful tool for solving classification and regres-sion problems.However,the training of SVM needs to solve a quadratic programming(QP)problem,which is time-consuming in the case of large data set.The least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM),which achieves the solution by solving a set of linear equations,is a least squares version of standard SVM[14].Compared with SVM,it can significantly reduce the training time at the price of just a small precision loss[14].More-over,it maintains SVM’s advantages of superior generalization ability andfinding global solution.In recent years,the LS-SVM method has aroused interests of many researchers[15–17],and has already been used to model the static voltage characteristics of an SOFC[18].In this paper,a dynamic temperature model of an SOFC, which aims to satisfy all the above modeling requirements,is built using the LS-SVM regression method.The nonlinear tem-perature dynamics of the SOFC is represented by a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs(NARXs)model[9]that is implemented using an LS-SVM regression model.In this study,the training data is generated with a physical model of an SOFC.A training set covering the entire expected operating range is constructed.To improve the resulting model’s general-ization ability,an innovative optimization algorithm known as the genetic algorithm(GA)[19,20]are adopted to automatically tune two parameters in LS-SVM design(usually referred to as hyperparameters).In addition,the LS-SVM temperature model is fully tested over the operating range by comparison with the physical model.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.In Section2,the SOFC process is briefly described.In Section3,the development of the dynamic temperature model using LS-SVMs is presented in detail.Modeling results and model validation are presented in Section4.Finally,conclusions are drawn in Section5.2.Description of SOFC processThe SOFC can be viewed as a electrochemical reactor oper-ating at very high temperatures(600–1000◦C),which produces electricity and heat directly from the electrochemical combina-tion of a gaseous fuel(hydrogen or hydrocarbons,e.g.methane) with an oxidant(typically air).An SOFC consists of an intercon-nect structure and a tri-layer structure composed of two porous ceramic electrodes,anode and cathode,separated by a dense ceramic electrolyte(often referred to as the PEN).The operat-ing principle of an SOFC process may be described in Fig.1. Fuel and air are fed into the anode and cathode channels,respec-tively.At the cathode,oxygen is consumed to form oxygen ions by obtaining electrons.The oxygen ions migrate through the ion-conducting electrolyte to the anode where they combine with hydrogen,producing water vapor and releasing electrons to the external circuit.The released electrons are transferred to the cathode via an external load,where they perform electrical work.The electrochemical reactions for the anode andcathodeFig.1.Schematic diagram of SOFC process.Table1Definitions of fuel utilization and air ratioFuel utilization U f=JA/2F(4xCH4+x H2+x CO)Nfuel Air ratio AR=x in O2N in airJA/4Fcan be described as:Anode:H2+O2−→H2O+2e−,(1a)Cathode:12O2+2e−→O2−.(1b) For a direct internal reforming SOFC(DIR-SOFC)that operates on methane,the internal reforming process also takes place in the anode channel to produce hydrogen,and is usually represented by the following steam reforming reaction and water–gas shift (WGS)reaction:Steam reforming:CH4+H2O→CO+3H2,(2) WGS:CO+H2O↔CO2+H2.(3) The cell voltage is related to the concentration of electro-chemical species by the well-known Nernst equation.In order to provide a voltage greater than zero,not all the reactants in the cell can be consumed[21].Thus,fuel and air in excess of the required amount of electrochemical reactions should be delivered.In addition,since the electrochemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen is a highly exothermic reaction,excess air is also needed for cell cooling.Two performance factors,i.e. fuel utilization and air ratio(see Table1)are usually used to define the amount of utilized fuel and excess air,respectively.3.Development of the dynamic temperature model of SOFC using LS-SVMsIn this section,the LS-SVM regression method isfirst described.Then issues concerning the development of the dynamic temperature model are discussed in detail,including variable selection,training set construction and hyperparameter tuning.686Y.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources 179(2008)683–6923.1.LS-SVM for regressionThe nonlinear modeling problem based on measurable data essentially is a nonlinear regression problem.The LS-SVM regression model [14,22]employs the following linear represen-tation in a so-called higher dimensional feature space H ⊆R n h :y (x )=w T ϕ(x )+b,(4)where x ∈R n is an input vector,y ∈R is an output value,w ∈H is a feature vector.ϕ(·):R n →R n h is a nonlinear mapping from the input space to the feature space,by which a nonlinear regres-sion in the input space is converted to a linear regression in the feature space.Given a training set {x k ,y k }N k =1,the LS-SVM method con-siders the regression problem as the following optimization problem:min w ,b,e J (w ,e )=12w T w +γ2Nk =1e 2k (5)subject to equality constraints y k =w T ϕ(x k )+b +e k ,k =1,...,N,(6)where γis the regularization parameter,e k is the prediction error for data point k .By applying the Lagrangian multiplier method,the solution to above optimization problem is obtained as the following linear equations: 01T1Ω+γ−1Ib α = 0y(7)where α=[α1,...,αN ]T is the Lagrange multiplier vector,y =[y 1,...,y N ]T ,1=[1,...,1]T ∈R N ,and is an N ×N kernel matrix.By using the kernel trick [22],one obtains Ωkl =ϕ(x k )T ϕ(x l )=K (x k ,x l ),k ,l =1,...,N .And the resulting LS-SVM regression model becomes y (x )=N k =1αk K (x ,x k )+b,(8)where αk ,b are the solution to Eq.(7).Note that the dot product ϕ(·)T ϕ(·)in the feature space is replaced by a prechosen kernel function K (·,·)due to the employ-ment of the kernel trick.Thus,there is no need to construct the feature vector w or to know the nonlinear mapping ϕ(·)explic-itly.Given a training set,the training of an LS-SVM is equal to solving a set of linear equations as Eq.(7).This greatly simplifies the regression problem.The chosen kernel function must satisfy the Mercer’s condi-tion.The linear,polynomial and radial basis functions kernel are the commonly used kernel functions.In this paper,the popular RBF kernel is used and this is of the formK (x ,x k )=exp−||x −x k ||2σ .(9)3.2.Variable selection of the dynamic temperature model In order that the resulting dynamic temperature model can be integrated into the whole control scheme of an SOFC,its vari-ables should be selected first according to the employed control scheme.The aim of controlling an SOFC is to deliver specified electric power to the load and avoid any operating conditions that may cause degradation or damage to the fuel cell.Due to the limi-tations of components’mechanical properties and the intrinsic nature of establishing the cell voltage mentioned above,the aver-age cell temperature and the supply of fuel and air are the two most important aspects that should be controlled.As the average cell temperature cannot be measured conveniently,in practice a measurable variable,i.e.the outlet fuel temperature is controlled instead [2,3].The supply of fuel and air can be reflected by the fuel utilization and air ratio,respectively.Hence the common control objectives of an SOFC include:maintaining the fuel uti-lization as constant as possible;ensuring the air ratio in a certain range;guaranteeing the outlet fuel temperature as constant as possible [2].These control objectives can be achieved using the control scheme illustrated in Fig.2.Since the average current density is decided by uncontrollable load,it is taken as a disturbance variable in the control scheme.Fuel and air flow rates are two basic operating degrees of freedom.By measuring the average current density as a feedforward signal,the fuel flow rate cal-culated according to the definition of fuel utilization can keep the fuel utilization constant.Further,the outlet fuel temperature can be controlled by varying the air ratio,i.e.the supply of air for cooling.F1and F2in Fig.2are static mappings,which can be obtained from the definitions of fuel utilization and airratio,Fig.2.Control scheme of SOFC.Y.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources 179(2008)683–692687respectively,N infuel=F1(J )=A/2F(4x in CH4+x in H 2+x in CO )U f J,(10)N inair =F2(J,AR)=A/4Fx in O 2J ·AR ,(11)where U f is the operating fuel utilization.To meet the remaining control objective,what’s needed is just to keep the air ratio in a certain range.Therefore,the air ratio is taken as a manipulated variable and the outlet fuel temperature as a controlled variable in the control scheme.Correspondingly in our dynamic temper-ature model,the average current density and the air ratio are two input variables,and the outlet fuel temperature is an output variable.The inlet gas temperature and composition herein are assumed to be fixed.As the NARX model is a general model structure suitable for representing a wide class of nonlinear dynamic systems,it is used to describe the nonlinear temperature dynamics of an SOFC in this study.The dynamic temperature model thereby can be written as:T k =f (T k −1,...,T k −n y ,J k −1,...,J k −n d ,AR k −1,...,AR k −n u ),(12)where T k ,J k ,and AR k represent the outlet fuel temperature,the average current density and the air ratio at sampling instant k ,respectively,n y ,n d and n u are the maximum lags of T ,J and AR,respectively,which are determined by the specific process data,f (·)is an unknown nonlinear mapping.Let y k =T k and x k =[T k −1,...,T k −n y ,J k −1,...,J k −n d ,AR k −1,...,AR k −n u ]T .Thus,the dynamic temperature modeling problem could be stated as:build an LS-SVM regression model in the form of Eq.(8)based on a training set {x k ,y k }N k =1to approximate the nonlinear mapping f (·).3.3.Construction of training data setConstructing a training set containing sufficient representa-tive data points is an important step in building an LS-SVM model that can represent SOFC’s temperature dynamics over a relatively wide operating range.The basic guideline on con-structing a training set is that the data in it should cover the entire expected operating range of the LS-SVM model.As analyzed in Section 3.2,the dynamic temperature model has two input variables J ,AR and one output variable T .Hence the expected operating ranges of all the three variables should be covered.In this study,the training data is generated with a physical SOFC model (see Appendix A ).A scheme consisting of a set of operating cases is designed to collect training data by the physical model (refer to Section 4.1).Each operating case is determined by three parameters:J ,AR and the initial tempera-ture T 0.Several levels of J and AR,which distribute uniformly over their respective operating ranges,are selected,and each level of J and AR should be included in the scheme.Moreover,the T 0of each case should ensure that its corresponding temper-ature dynamic process can cover the expected operating rangeof T as widely as possible.Thus,the lower or upper bound of the expected operating range of T is usually selected as T 0.After resampled,the dynamic data of these operating cases can be used to construct the training set.To reduce the amount of training data,at first only the data of part of these cases are added to the training set.Then,the data of other cases are added gradually until satisfactory modeling results are achieved.This approach guarantees that the training set can contain enough representative data points in a relatively small size.3.4.Tuning hyperparameters automatically by GAWith the RBF kernel chosen a priori,there are two parameters that need to be tuned,i.e.the regularization parameter γin Eq.(5)and the kernel parameter σ2in Eq.(9).The two parameters are usually referred to as hyperparameters.Choosing an optimal set of hyperparameters is also an important step in LS-SVM design.The aim of tuning the hyperparameters is to make the LS-SVM model achieve better generalization ability (i.e.the ability to cor-rectly predict samples that are not contained in the training set),which is usually evaluated using an estimated generalization error [23].Consequently,the problem of hyperparameter tuning is equal to looking for a set of hyperparameters in the search space that can minimize the estimated generalization error.In this paper,the genetic algorithm is employed to implement the task of optima searching.The simplicity and high efficiency of GA can help to accurately find the optimal hyperparameters in a relatively low time cost.GA is a form of evolutionary algorithm,which is invented by John Holland and has achieved notable success on various hard optimization problems [19,20].The basic idea of GA originates from the mechanisms of evolution and the principle of natu-ral selection in nature.GA starts with an initial set of random solutions called population.Each individual in the population represents a feasible solution to the problem at hand.The popula-tion “evolves”through successive iterations,called generations.At each generation,the individuals are evaluated using some measures of fitness,and a series of genetic operations including selection,crossover and mutation are imposed upon individuals in the current population to create the next generation.After several generations,the algorithm may converge to the best individual,which hopefully represents the optimal solution to the problem.During the implementation of GA,what’s needed is just the information of fitness.This is a prominent differ-ence between GA and classical,derivative-based,optimization algorithms.For the problem of hyperparameter tuning by GA,each set of γand σ2is taken as an individual in a population,and the estimated generalization error as the fitness.As the k -fold cross-validation is a very reliable method to estimate the generalization error [23],it is employed in this paper.In k -fold cross-validation,the training data is randomly split into k roughly equal sub-sets.An LS-SVM decision rule is trained using (k −1)of these subsets and validated on the subset left out.This procedure is repeated k times with each of the k subsets used as the valida-tion subset in turn.Averaging the validation errors over the k trials gives an estimate of the generalization error.The flow-688Y.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources179(2008)683–692Fig.3.Flowsheet of hyperparameter tuning.sheet of tuning the hyperparameters by GA is illustrated in Fig.3.4.Modeling results and model validation4.1.Modeling resultsA planar SOFC in a co-flow configuration is adopted in our modeling.This is a single square electrolyte-supported SOFC operating with direct internal steam reforming of methane and air.The parameters and design operating conditions of the SOFC are listed in Table2.The expected operating ranges of the LS-SVM temperature model are J∈[2000,3500]A m−2,AR∈[5, 8]and T∈[1247,1347]K,which include the design point of the SOFC.To collect training data,four levels of J and AR are selected,respectively,and a scheme containing16operating cases is designed(see Table3,the cases that are not used have been omitted).By solving the physical model using the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method[27],the input and output data of the16cases are collected and then resampled using a sampling interval of220s.The maximum lags n y,n d and n u in Eq.(12)Table2Parameters and assumed operating conditions of the SOFCCell parameters[24–26]Cell number1Cell active area(m2)0.1×0.1Anode thickness(m)5×10−5Cathode thickness(m)5×10−5Electrolyte thickness(m) 1.5×10−4Anode volume(m3) 5.4×10−6Cathode volume(m3) 5.4×10−6Mass(kg)0.2668Density(kg m−3)6600Heat capacity(J kg−1K−1)400Anode electrical conductivity( −1m−1)(9.5×107/T)exp(−1150/T) Cathode electrical conductivity( −1m−1)(4.2×107/T)exp(−1200/T) Electrolyte electrical conductivity( −1m−1) 3.34×104exp(−10,300/T) Limiting current density(A m−2)8000Activation energy of anode(J mol−1)1×105Activation energy of cathode(J mol−1) 1.17×105Pre-exponential factor of anode(A m−2) 5.5×108Pre-exponential factor of cathode(A m−2)7.0×108Assumed operating conditionsAverage current density(A m−2)3000Fuel utilization0.85Air ratio7Operating pressure(bar)1Inlet gas temperature(K)1123Inlet gas composition Fuel:H2,0.2626;CH4,0.171;H2O,0.4924;CO,0.0194;CO2,0.0436Air:O2,0.21;N2,0.79 are determined by a trial method,and herein[n y,n d,n u]T=[1,1, 1]T is employed.Finally the training set{x k,y k}960k=1⊂R3×R is obtained.The two-dimensional search space ofγandσ2is[1, 104]×[0.1,103].The population size and the maximum gener-ation number are set to15and25,respectively.By the proposed GA-based tuning method with the5-fold cross-validation error asfitness,it takes7.42h tofind the optimal set of(γ,σ2)at (8709,33.01)on an AMD Sempron TM1.6GHz computer with 512MB RAM.The best and meanfitness values in each genera-tion are illustrated in Fig.4.Then an LS-SVM model is obtained using the optimal hyperparameter values.Table3Operating cases for constructing the training setCase J(A m−2)AR T0(K)Case J(A m−2)AR T0(K) 12000512479300051247 220006124710300061247 320007124711300071247 420008124712300081247 525005124713350051247 625006124714350061247 725007124715350071247 825008124716350081247Y.-W.Kang et al./Journal of Power Sources179(2008)683–692689Fig.4.Best and meanfitness values in each generation.4.2.Model validationFirst it is necessary to note that there are two different modes of operation of a trained LS-SVM NARX model:the series–parallel mode and the parallel mode[28].Eq.(12)repre-sents the series–parallel mode.The LS-SVM model operating in this mode requires both input and output data from the process as inputs and can predict the process output only one time step into the future.On the other hand,the LS-SVM model operating in the parallel mode has the following form:ˆT k=f(ˆT k−1,...,ˆT k−ny ,J k−1,...,J k−nd,AR k−1,...,AR k−nu),(13) where the output of the LS-SVM modelˆT k is delayed and fed back to the model inputs to predict the process output further into the future.In this parallel mode,the LS-SVM model can be used independently from the process and provide long range predictions from only process input information.Obviously an LS-SVM model that can operate accurately in the parallel mode is a more powerful tool for designing control strategies than that can operate accurately only in the series–parallel mode.How-ever,the parallel mode has higher requirements for the prediction accuracy of the LS-SVM model,because the prediction error in one step may accumulate to a bigger one after multiple steps.To fully verify its ability to represent the temperature dynamics of the SOFC,in this section the LS-SVM model is operated in both the two modes and the associated mean squared errors(MSEs) in both modes are calculated.Two sets of validation tests(see Table4),which are,respec-tively,called Validation A and Validation B in this paper,are carried out to validate the LS-SVM model.Validation A is to compare the temperature dynamics of the LS-SVM model with that of the physical model under operating cases that are not used during training.The twelve validation cases in Validation A cover the main operating region of the LS-SVM model.In Validation B,the LS-SVM model is tested on two different step inputs(AR and J)and the corresponding responses are compared with those of the physical model.The MSEs of each validation case are listed in Table4.It is found that the LS-SVM model operating in the series–parallel mode can reproduce the temperature dynamics of the SOFC with high accuracy for each validation case.As expected,the MSE in the parallel mode is bigger than that in the series–parallel mode for each case.The biggest MSE is1.7255for Case A12,which indicates that the maximum root mean squared error(RMSE)of the temperature prediction is less than1.5K.This is still very sat-isfactory for multi-step ahead prediction.Figs.5–7illustrate the temperature responses of the LS-SVM model operating in the parallel mode along with the comparison with those of the physi-cal model.The correspondingfigures of the series–parallel mode are omitted here due to similarity and their higher accuracy.It can be seen from thesefigures that the temperature responses of the LS-SVM model show good consistency with those of the physical model.All these validation results demonstrate that the LS-SVM model is capable of emulating the temperature dynam-ics of the SOFC with good accuracy from only process input data.Table4Validation cases and associated MSEsCase J(A m−2)AR T0(K)MSE in series–parallel mode(K2)MSE in parallel mode(K2)Validation AA13300 6.512470.00670.3034A22800 6.512470.00090.0327A32300 6.612470.00690.4979A43300 6.513470.00970.5304A52800 6.513470.00150.1028A62300 6.513470.00600.5439A733007.512470.00040.0085A828007.512470.00420.1877A923007.512470.00670.3062A1033007.513470.00060.0044A1128007.513470.00610.2614A1223007.513470.0294 1.7255Case Input signal description MSE in series–parallel mode(K2)MSE in parallel mode(K2)Validation B B1Step input of AR withfixed J=3000A m−20.00840.8152 B2Step input of J withfixed AR=70.00930.8024。
