


旅游业在近些年呈现大热状态,很多人都开始追求精神 层次的享受,出去旅游度假。作为一种典型的跨文化交 际活动,全球旅游业迅猛发展,在中国尤
为如此。上海翻译公司总结了一些导游词的翻译方法, 一起来看看吧。导游的一言一行都将影响游客对中国的 认识和态度。导游词是导游员在途中或景
点等地向游客提供口头讲解服务所使用的,其主要功能是 使游客更好地了解旅游地的自然风光和民俗风情。导游 词汉英翻译的目的——通过导游员的讲
长沙同声传译公司 ty19htvv
起他们的共鸣,当然就没有达到传播中国文化的目的,甚至 还会造成不必要的误解。上海翻译公司认为随着世界不 断的连成一个整体,越来越多的人出
国旅游,也有越来越多的人来中国旅游观光,导游词的 翻译将起到很大的作用,做好导游词的翻译不仅可以体 现中国对于外来游客的尊重,更加可以传
承中国的历史文化,让游客对中国的印象更加深刻,好 感不断提升。
解,使外国游客在轻松的旅游过程中了解中国,从而传播中 国文化,促进中外交流,发展旅游业。导游词汉英翻译要 求——预期文本功能:集信息、表
达、呼唤为一体的复合文本。翻译不仅仅只是文字语言 之间的转换,更是文化之间的交流,所以为了达到翻译 目的,在忠于原文创作意图的前提下,采
பைடு நூலகம்
用释意,增补,类比,省略这些翻译方法是完全必要和可行的。 而验证导游词译文是否成功就要看游客的反应,如果无法 使他们感到有所收获,无法引



导游词翻译技巧【篇一:导游词的翻译方法与技巧】导游词的翻译方法与技巧论文字数:3000论文编号:org200904071216091440语种:中文论文 chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文收藏:google书签雅虎搜藏百度搜藏关键词:导游词英译功能翻译理论translation of tour commentariesthe functional theories of translation摘要本文以广东名胜陈家祠导游词英译为例,从德国功能派翻译理论角度探讨导游词翻译的问题。


abstract:the p resent paper attemp ts to app ly the functional theories of translation in the analysis of translations of tour commentaries, referring to the english translations of the tour commentaries of the chen clan temp le as a case of examp le. two major p rincip les are then proposed for c2e translation of tour commentaries: the p rincip le of being tourist2oriented and that of p romoting chinese culture. it is then argued that these p rinciples can serve as important guidelines for interp reters as“envoys of friendship and disseminators of culture”.随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国际经济文化交流日益频繁。



信息型文本强调“ 真实性” 和语言外部的现实。作者在信息 本归属于“ 信息文本” i o av t t、表情文本” ep sv (n r te e ) “ f i x m (xr s e ei e ) 祈使文本”v av x) x (o tee 的结合体。在导游这种特殊的 c i tt 型文本中是“ 无名” 的。它主要包括 自然科学、 科技、 工商经济方 tt和“ 交际的双方不是相互交谈 , 而是以导游讲解为主。 面的读本 、 报告、 文件、 文书。信息型文本通常是用不带个人特色 交际语境中, 的现代语言写成 , 如普通的搭配、 正常的句型、 传统的习语和比喻 在游览中, 导游边说边看, 游客则是边听边看。双方看的东西是 解说时主要不是看景点, 而是 等。在信息型文本中, 没有作者个人风格的印记,真实性” “ 才是 不尽相同的。导游对景点很熟悉 ,

( 表达型文本 一) 表达型文本强调原作者的权威地位, 原作者只表达 自己的
种文本的主要功能, 或在同一文本不同部分确定每一部分的语 言功能 , 同时也要考虑到它在译入语 中所应起到的功能及可能 引起的读者的反应 , 从而有针对性地采用不同的翻译策略和方
思想感情, 而不会去考虑读者的反应。典型的表达型文本包括严 肃文学作品、 官方文告、 传文学、 自 私人书信等。当这些文本纯属
赖于游客的反应, 如果游客不理解、 不接受, 那导游词就是一堆空 语言 信息在译文中 予以 再现, 而且还应尽可能地传达原文的文 话。可见导游词既有向游客传递有关景点历史、 地理等知识的信 化信息。所以, 在处理含有文化色彩的语句时……在不影响理解
第 1 第 4期 0卷
21 0 0年 4月
宜 宾 学 院 学 报
J u a fYii nv ri o r lo bn U iest n y





平遥古城英语导游词Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous Pingyao County. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritage list. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions, you can ask me.We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition of Pingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-two winding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, on both sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditional commercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more than fifty percent of the financial institutions in the country.West Street is known as "the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty", and it is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the East Avenue North and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west central street.Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildings or marked signs; some are named in the temple temple; some are named in a city in the city; and some streets and lanes have been unable to explore the source of the name.There are many beautiful legends in Pingyao County, such as sleeping aunts and drug wives, and burning T own God's Temple. Please take a good tour of this beautiful ancient city.各位旅客,本次我们将要游览着名的平遥古城。






Ok, I ill first e here, please slol appreiate. And ou remember oh! When brosing don t litter, don t touh items, don t trample objets, so ou an see the air has a histor of the Forbidden Cit. I ish ou all have fun and pla.故宫导游词英文带翻译范文3:大家好!我是你们今天的导游林导,大家可千万不要叫我领导哦!我只是姓林的导游,哈哈!Everbod is good! I am our tour guide, guide Lin toda, ou don t all me leadership oh! I just named Lin tour guide, ha ha!我们今天要前往名胜古迹故宫。

在路程中,我就先简单介绍下故宫吧!Toda e re going to plaes of interest, the Palae Museum. In the distane, I first simple introdue the Forbidden Cit!古代故宫叫做紫禁城,因是清明两代的皇宫,所以十分高大雄伟,占地面积约有72万平方米。


Anient palae alled the Forbidden Cit, beause is qingming festival to generations of the palae, so ver tall majesti, overs an area of about 7201X0 square meters. The guests in the onstitution, ma not be able to finish the imperial palae to sim oh, hope everbod an rest in the ar, to bound for the 7201X0 square meters of the Forbidden Cit.以前,故宫里住了很多人,有将军、战士、侍女需要成千上万间房子,而且古代科技不发达,不像我们几十户人家只需一栋高楼大厦,他们只好建9000多间房子装下那么多人啦。


• 跨文化词语:成语、古诗词、对联等
• 人物类原文形象及内涵 • 保留原文文化及历史内涵 • 保留原文发音及联想
• 译文的口语化; • 配以相应的补充手段:东边日出西边雨, 道是无晴却有晴。 • 展示法:图片、图示、幻灯、录像
• • • • • 词汇量大; 知识面宽; 文化面广; 措辞讲究; 风格人性化:轻松、幽默、清新明快、淳 朴 • 功能多样化:劝说需要哲理,诱导需要理 性,推销需要手段。
• 以游客为本,传播中国文化为导向,促进 中外交流,发展旅游业。 • 以研究、探索为前提


很多外国游客.而山西晋城作为一个新兴的旅游城市,旅 游业已经在全国范围内形成一定影响,受到越来越多的 外国游客的青睐。这在给晋城旅游事业带来机遇的同时, 也提出了新的挑战。如何准确地向外围游客传达各景点 信息及所包含的文化内涵.让他们深刻体验和领悟晋城 的旅游景点和地域文化.是每个导游翻译工作者的职责 和必备的素质。鉴于目前晋城市旅游景点的翻译丁作刚 刚起步.有许多问题尚待解决.笔者以为在适当的翻译理 论的指导下进行导游英语翻译实践,对提高晋城的旅游 城市形象有一定的现实意义。 一、功能翻译理论及其对旅游翻译的适用性 功能翻译理论起源于20世纪70年代的德国.其代表 人物是凯瑟琳娜?赖斯(Katharina Reiss)、汉斯?威密尔 (HansVermeer)、贾斯塔?霍尔兹曼塔里(JustaHolz-Mant. tari)、克里斯蒂安?诺德(Christiane Nord)等著名学者,主 要用于译员培训和指导非文学翻译.而它的代表人物认 为它同样适合文学翻译。功能翻译理论的核心是汉斯?威 密尔(HansVermeer)提出的“目的论”。该理论认为翻译 是在特定场合发生的目的性行为.是一种语言的言语和
像。其中金星、水星都是青年女神像。你看那水星左手执 笔,右手握笔(笔、札均已失),形象端庄,神态温柔娴静;
Shiner and
is Yaoxingdian Hall.It is for the 13 Bright
万 方数据
专有名称在前,种类名称在后;专有名称以单声词和双声 词居多.种类名称则一般多为单声词。通过对现有的英文 景点名称的研究.我们不难发现译者多采用直译、意译、 音译和音译加意译等几种方式。其中许多学者、翻译工作 者认为“音译加意译”是“一种比较可靠的景点名称翻译 方法,尤其适合导游人员的口头翻译”(常亮,2008)。关于 受试者对地名翻译的倾向性.我们以“石宝寨”这一地名



故宫导游词英文带翻译Let me introduce you to the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is the largest and most well-preserved imperial palace complex in the world. Its history can be traced back to the early 15th century when it was built during the Ming dynasty.让我向您介绍故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城。



The Forbidden City consists of two main parts: the Outer Court for ceremonies and the Inner Court for residence. The architecture of the Forbidden City is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture with its red walls, golden roofs, and numerous halls, pavilions, and gardens.紫禁城主要由两部分组成:外朝和内廷。



As we visit each hall, you will learn about the historical significance of each one, the treasures it holds, and the stories behind them. You will see collections of fine art, ancient books, jade carvings, and many other cultural relics.在我们参观每个殿堂时,您将了解到每个殿堂的历史意义、珍宝以及其中的故事。

【最新】导游词翻译-精选word文档 (10页)

【最新】导游词翻译-精选word文档 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==导游词翻译篇一:导游词的翻译方法与技巧导游词的翻译方法与技巧论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:201X-04-07编辑:刘宝玲点击率:1693论文字数:3000论文编号:org201X04071216091440语种:中文论文 Chinese 地区:中国价格:免费论文收藏:google书签雅虎搜藏百度搜藏关键词:导游词英译功能翻译理论translation of tour commentariesthe Functional Theories of Translation摘要本文以广东名胜陈家祠导游词英译为例,从德国功能派翻译理论角度探讨导游词翻译的问题。


Abstract:The p resent paper attemp ts to app ly the Functional Theories of Translation in the analysis of translations of tour commentaries, referring to the English translations of the tour commentaries of the Chen Clan Temp le as a case of examp le. Two major p rincip les are then proposed for C2E translation of tour commentaries: the p rincip le of being tourist2oriented and that of p romoting Chinese culture. It is then argued that these p rinciples can serve as important guidelines for interp reters as“envoys of friendship and disseminators of culture”.随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国际经济文化交流日益频繁。




关键词:导游词翻译功能理论中图分类号:h059 文献标识码:a一引言翻译活动从本质上讲是一种写作活动。















英语导游词范文和翻译《美丽中国》Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our tour of Beautiful China. As your English-speaking tour guide, I will be your companion and source of information throughout our journey.Our first stop is the majestic Great Wall, one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. Stretching for thousands of miles, this ancient wonder of the world is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. The views from the top are breathtaking, and you will have the opportunity to take some unforgettable photos.Next, we will visit the Forbidden City, a sprawling complex of palaces and gardens that was once the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. As we walk through the grand halls and courtyards, I will share with you the fascinating history and stories behind this UNESCO World Heritage site.In the afternoon, we will take a leisurely cruise on the tranquil Li River, admiring the picturesque karst landscape and traditional fishing villages along the way. This is a perfect opportunity to relax and take in the natural beauty of China.Finally, we will end our day at the bustling markets of Shanghai, where you can experience the vibrant atmosphere of the city and shop for unique souvenirs.I hope you enjoy our tour of Beautiful China, and I look forward tosharing more of its wonders with you in the coming days. Thank you for joining us and have a wonderful time!女士们,先生们,欢迎参加我们的美丽中国之旅。



英语导游词范文和翻译As an English tour guide, it is essential to be able to deliver a clear and engaging tour commentary to visitors. A well-crafted tour script can greatly enhance the overall experience for tourists, providing them with valuable information and insights about the places they are visiting. In this document, we will provide a sample English tour guide script along with its translation, which can serve as a useful reference for tour guides and help them improve their tour guiding skills.Sample English Tour Guide Script:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to [name of the destination]. My name is [your name], and I will be your tour guide for today. I hope you are all excited to explore this beautiful place with me.As we begin our tour, I would like to draw your attention to the[landmark/building/monument] in front of us. This [landmark/building/monument] holds great historical significance and is a symbol of [brief description of its historical or cultural importance]. It is truly a sight to behold and a must-see for anyone visiting [name of the destination].Now, if you look to your left/right, you will see [another point of interest]. This [description of the point of interest] is a perfect example of the [architecturalstyle/cultural heritage] that is prevalent in this region. It is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of [name of the destination] and is definitely worth exploring further.As we continue our journey, I will be sharing with you some fascinating stories and anecdotes about the history and culture of this place. These stories will provide you with a deeper understanding of the local traditions and customs, and will enrich your overall experience.Our next stop will be [name of the next attraction]. This [description of the next attraction] is known for its [unique feature/interesting fact], and I am sure you will be amazed by its beauty and significance.Throughout the tour, please feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts.I am here to ensure that you have an enjoyable and informative experience, and I ammore than happy to provide you with any information you may need.As we come to the end of our tour, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for joining me today. I hope you have enjoyed exploring [name of the destination] and that you have gained valuable insights into its history and culture.Translation:早上/下午好,女士们先生们。

【最新推荐】导游词翻译-优秀word范文 (10页)

【最新推荐】导游词翻译-优秀word范文 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==导游词翻译篇一:导游词的翻译方法与技巧导游词的翻译方法与技巧论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:201X-04-07编辑:刘宝玲点击率:1693论文字数:3000论文编号:org201X04071216091440语种:中文论文 Chinese 地区:中国价格:免费论文收藏:google书签雅虎搜藏百度搜藏关键词:导游词英译功能翻译理论translation of tour commentariesthe Functional Theories of Translation摘要本文以广东名胜陈家祠导游词英译为例,从德国功能派翻译理论角度探讨导游词翻译的问题。


Abstract:The p resent paper attemp ts to app ly the Functional Theories of Translation in the analysis of translations of tour commentaries, referring to the English translations of the tour commentaries of the Chen Clan Temp le as a case of examp le. Two major p rincip les are then proposed for C2E translation of tour commentaries: the p rincip le of being tourist2oriented and that of p romoting Chinese culture. It is then argued that these p rinciples can serve as important guidelines for interp reters as“envoys of friendship and disseminators of culture”.随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国际经济文化交流日益频繁。



英语导游词范文和翻译Tour Guide Speech。

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our beautiful city. My name is [Your Name] and I will be your tour guide for today. I hope you are all excited to explore the rich history and culture of this amazing place.Our first stop on this tour will be the famous [Landmark Name]. This iconic landmark is a symbol of the city and is known for its stunning architecture and historical significance. As we make our way there, I will share with you the fascinating stories and legends that surround this incredible site.Next, we will visit the [Museum Name], which is home to a vast collection of art and artifacts that date back centuries. Here, you will have the opportunity to learn about the city's past and gain a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage.After that, we will take a leisurely stroll through the charming streets of the old town. You will have the chance to admire the beautiful architecture and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this bustling area. Along the way, I will point out some of the best local shops and eateries, where you can indulge in some authentic cuisine and pick up some unique souvenirs.Our final stop will be the breathtaking [Natural Site Name]. This natural wonder is a true marvel of Mother Nature, and I am sure you will be in awe of its beauty. As we explore this stunning location, I will share with you some interesting facts about its formation and its significance to the local environment.Throughout the tour, I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with recommendations for other activities and attractions to enjoy during your stay in our city. I am confident that by the end of our time together, you will have gained a newfound appreciation for this incredible place.Thank you for choosing to explore our city with me today. I hope you enjoy the tour!导游词。



近年来 , 从旅游资源大国到世界旅游大国 , 中国旅游业发展势头强劲。然而我国旅游景区解说英译 存在诸多问题, 已成为国际旅游客源接待的障碍。对于旅游翻译中存在的问题, 也引起了众多从事旅游 英语教学与翻译研究的教师和学者的关注。陈刚探讨了涉外导游词的翻译特点、 策略以及跨文化意 识。
[ 1] ( p67- 73)
Abstract : Th is paper , according to P. N ewm ark s ' trans lation m ethodology of selection and h is th eories of sem ant ic and commun icative approa ch es in translation , bel ieves th at th e tran slat ion of tou rist m anual shou ld app ly the comm un icat ive trans lat ion and under th e d irect ion of th is th eory , sugges ts that the ai m of the translation of tou ris tm anual is to realize its infor m at ive and vocative functions . Tak ing th e trans lat ion of th e in troduct ion of X in jiang scen ic spots as an examp le , th e paper comm ents on the add ition , d eletion , and revis ion of the origina l langu age infor mat ion based on the actual n eeds of the foreign tou rists , w ho are the accep tors of the trans lat ion, so as to perfectly ach ieve th e in for m ative and vocative functions of the tran slat ion. K ey w ords : tourist m anua; l textual fun ct ion; comm un icat ive tran slat ion; tran slat ion standard ; translation princip les
































We are now in the "Preface Hall”, which gives a brief introduction to Dalian Development Zone. Here you may know about the origin of Dalian Development Zone and find out the current economic and social development here. In the front, you can see a photo of Comrade Deng Xiaoping listening to the work report in Dalian in September 1983. In the photo, Comrade Xiaoping is looking over the map of Lvda. The sculpture beside the photo is an epigraph by Comrade Xiaoping on August 21st, 1986—开发区大有希望(meaning Development Zone Highly Hopeful). The hope has been realized now. The nine exhibition boards you are watching now seem like nine sails that have been hoisted, respectively representing: DDA Survey, International Trade and Economy, Investment Attraction, Industry, Modern Service, Science and Technology, Investment in Fixed Assets, Tourism and Agriculture. Next look at the wall on the right side on which many photos are flashing. That is our “People’s Wall”, while on the left side, the wall carries scrolling captions, describing the origin of the development zone.这里是“人民墙”展示的是“开发区人”的照片。



















四、中英文导游词的模板中英文导游词的模板一般包含景点名称、景点相关历史、文化知识、景点图片等内容,下面以故宫为例进行模板介绍:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum was the imperial palace of theMing and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City. It islocated in the center of Beijing city and was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1987.故宫是明清两代的皇城,也称为紫禁城。

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位 接受 ( 听 ) , 但主角不是导游者 , 而是其中的被动者 游客。在导游这种特殊语境中, 应该说表 达和接受都占有相当重要的地位。但是, 归根结底 , 导游者的表达要依赖于接受者的反应 , 或者说, 游客 的反应左右着导游者的表达。再完美的导游词 , 如果不被游客理解、 接受 , 那只能是一堆信息量等于零 的空话。可见导游词实现着两种功能 , 一方面实现向游客传递有关历史、 地理、 人文知识的信息功能 , 另 一方面还要实现激发游客去游览、 去感知游览客体的劝说功能。 导游词英译一般是预制 ( pre- transla ted)。从以上对导游语境的分析可见, 导游词的翻译并不只是 与被游览客体有关, 它与游客也有着十分密切的关系。这就要求导游者必须考虑不同接受者的种种具 体情况 , 根据游客所具有的文化、 心理、 社会等各方面的特定背景, 选择使用游客最容易理解、 接受的语 言表达方式来灵活翻译。
黔南民族师范学院 学报 2008年 第 2 期
说功能 ( Vocativ e) 。表达功能指语言用来提供有关说话人信息的作用, 表达说话人的情感、 态度、 价值 取向或偏见等等。常见于严肃性的文学作品及权威性声明 ( 如科技论著等 ) 。信息功能重在传递信息 和反映客观事实。如教科书、 技术报告、 科普文章和新闻报道等, 都在不同程度上起着传递信息的作用。 劝说功能指通过语言的使用来鼓动受话者或读者对某一事物或事件作出赞同或反对 , 就是原文本所预 期的那种反映。典型的文本类型有各种通知、 使用说明书、 商业广告、 宣传资料和说服性文章 ( 如请求、 论辩 )。导游词, 即导游人员引导游客游览观光被游览客体时的讲解词, 是对景点所涉及的历史、 地理、 人文等知识的介绍, 让游客去立体地感知所游览的客体。陈刚教授认为导游词是一种特殊文本 , 属于信 息性 ( infor m at iv e)、 表情型 ( expressiv e) 、 指导性结合体 ( vocative) 。苏丽琴认为旅游资料应属呼唤功能 ( vocative) 为主的文章, 其主要功能是诱导性。笔者则认为导游词的主要功能应该是信息功能 ( infor ma t iv e)和劝说功能 ( voca tiv e) 。 在导游这种交际语境中, 交际的双方 导游人员与游客构成一种较为特殊的关系, 从而形成一系 列独特的语境特点。在这种语境中, 他们不是相互交谈, 而是导游以发送信息 说为主, 游客以接受 信息 听为主。导游人员是边说边看, 游客则是边听边看。游客的 看 是观览、 欣赏被讲解的客体, 而导游人员的 看 则应该是观看听讲解的主体 游客, 并根据游客的种种反应适时调整其表达, 以 发送 (说 ), 游客为形式上的被动地 使其解说收到最佳效果。虽然导游人员占据形式上的主动地位

黔南民族师范学院 学报 2008年 第 2 期
不知所云, 而应根据接受者是通过听这一渠道来接受译文的特殊性, 让译文口语化、 通顺、 直接 , 符合译 语的口语表达特点。为了使导游词译文在语言表达上更易于为接受者接受 , 更好地实现译文的信息功 能、 呼唤功能 , 翻译单位也应该取段落。笔者以下将从翻译目的、 标准、 原则、 策略等方面详述交际翻译 法在导游词英译中的应用。
四、 导游词英译的原则和策略
为实现导游词的信息和呼唤功能的翻译目的, 达到 达 或者 通顺 的标准, 导游词英译应该遵循 以下几个原则: 1. 信息适度、 相关原则 ; 2 . 语言地道、 口语化原则; 3 . 跨文化交际原则。以下笔者将以具 体的事例一一阐释以上原则。 1 . 信息适度、 相关原则 导游词英译应该考虑接受者的认知范围、 来华旅游目的, 适当地从汉语导游词中提出适度的、 相关 的信息 , 再用接受者所能接受的英语表达翻译出来 , 给游客提供与被游览客体有关的种种适量的知识信 息。旅游毕竟不同于专门的学习, 所以导游词中给游客提供的有关信息的量一定要适度。中国历史悠 久、 文化源远流长 , 人文景观和自然景观都很丰富, 许多景观都留下帝王将相, 才子佳人 , 名僧禅师的诗 文墨迹。把中国人熟悉的诗词、 典故和喜闻乐见的比喻硬译成英文, 外国人听了会感到晦涩难懂。因 此 , 在翻译这些景观导游词时, 如果想借用这些名作以证实所游景观的知名度, 其结果往往是吃力不讨 好。因此, 根据英语导游词接收者的认知 , 这些诗词、 典故、 比喻、 神话传说都是过量信息, 且与他们的认 知不相关、 也非他们来华旅游的目的所在。例如, 新疆魔鬼城景点介绍的英译中存在着类似问题。以下 是出现在魔鬼城门口的中英文介绍: 世界魔鬼城是浓缩雅丹地貌特征的典型地质奇观 , 以奇特、 壮观、 雄伟而驰名中外。大约一亿多年 前的白垩纪 , 这里是一个巨大的淡水湖泊 , 气候温暖潮湿 , 是远古生物恐龙的 天堂 。数亿年的历史变 迁 , 魔鬼城内形成了形态各异的风蚀岩群, 其形状或如殿、 台、 阁、 堡、 或如人、 禽、 兽 , 蔚然壮观, 神秘莫 测 , 成为世界奇景之一。 世界魔鬼城四季多风 , 每当大风到来 , 黄沙遮天 , 大风激荡回旋 , 凄厉呼啸, 如同鬼哭狼嚎, 令人毛骨 悚然, 魔鬼城 因此而得名。 世界魔鬼城是全国八大外景摄影基地之一 , 近年来在这里拍摄的 苏武牧羊 、 淘金王 和荣获奥 斯卡四项提名的 卧虎藏龙 等影片, 更是令世界魔鬼城名扬四海。 让世界了解魔鬼城, 让魔鬼城走向世界 。神秘 的魔幻之都 世界魔鬼城带 你穿越时空的激 流 , 去寻找远古遗落的梦! Ghost T ow n of the W o rld is w e ll- know n for its typ ic al Yadan topog raphy, a geo lo g ical spectacle of na ture . About 100 m illio n years ago , the area o f Ghost T ow n of the W orld w as once a huge lake surrounded by flo urish ing trees. Under the w ar m and hum id cli m ate, it w as a paradise of anc ient creatures and dinosaurs . A fter m ove m ents in th e earth s crus, t th e area deve lo ped into a vast desert covered w ith a w ide array o f rocks . A fter hundreds o f m illio ns of years of w eathering, the rocks w ere sculpted in to a variety o f grotesque shapes . 81
黔南民族师范学院 学报 2008年 第 2 期
( 中国政法大学 外国语学院, 北京

要 : 文章根据纽马克提出的翻译法选择方法论 , 及其提出的语 义翻译和 交际翻译法 理论 , 文章认 为导游 词的翻
译应运用交际翻译法 , 并在这一理论指导下 , 提出了导游词翻译的目 的是实现 导游词的信 息和呼唤 功能 , 并以新 疆景点 介绍的英译为例 , 根据译文接受者即外国游客需要的基础上 , 对源 语信息进行 增 、 删、 改等处 理 , 以便最佳 地实现 译文的 信息和呼唤功能 。 关键词 : 导游词 ; 文本功能 ; 交际翻译法 ; 翻译标准 ; 翻译原则 中图分类号 : H 315. 9 文献 标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1674- 2389( 2008) 02- 0079- 05
[ 2] ( p49- 52)
探讨了旅游翻译中的文化差异、 心理差异、 审美差异等。总体看来 , 对旅游翻译的研究 , 有具体问题具体 分析, 提出问题, 并针对性地提出旅游翻译策略技巧 ; 有实证研究, 探讨旅游翻译的可接受性; 有从跨文 化的角度, 提出旅游翻译的跨文化性 , 心理、 审美差异性等。然而, 旅游资料翻译, 宏观上应该运用什么 样的理论指导, 尚未有这样的研究探讨。本文试图分析涉外导游资料的主要文本形式 出旅游翻译的目的、 标准和原则。 导游词的文 本特征 , 审视涉外导游的交际过程, 论证导游词实现的主要功能。并在纽马克交际翻译法的框架下, 提
近年来 , 从旅游资源大国到世界旅游大国 , 中国旅游业发展势头强劲。然而我国旅游景区解说英译 存在诸多问题, 已成为国际旅游客源接待的障碍。对于旅游翻译中存在的问题, 也引起了众多从事旅游 英语教学与翻译研究的教师和学者的关注。陈刚探讨了涉外导游词的翻译特点、 策略以及跨文化意 识。
[ 1] ( p67- 73)
Abstract : Th is paper , according to P. N ewm ark s ' trans lation m ethodology of selection and h is th eories of sem ant ic and commun icative approa ch es in translation , bel ieves th at th e tran slat ion of tou rist m anual shou ld app ly the comm un icat ive trans lat ion and under th e d irect ion of th is th eory , sugges ts that the ai m of the translation of tou ris tm anual is to realize its infor m at ive and vocative functions . Tak ing th e trans lat ion of th e in troduct ion of X in jiang scen ic spots as an examp le , th e paper comm ents on the add ition , d eletion , and revis ion of the origina l langu age infor mat ion based on the actual n eeds of the foreign tou rists , w ho are the accep tors of the trans lat ion, so as to perfectly ach ieve th e in for m ative and vocative functions of the tran slat ion. K ey w ords : tourist m anua; l textual fun ct ion; comm un icat ive tran slat ion; tran slat ion standard ; translation princip les