“幂函数”“moore method”的教学设计和反思南师附中陈兴江幂函数教学采用的是 moore method,回顾教学设计与实际教学过程,反思“幂函数”的教学,感触颇多。
moore method是因为美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Robert Lee Moore首先使用这种方法而得名,现在被广泛使用于各种教学实践中,它的主要思想是把一个任务或一个问题分解成若干小问题,然后要求学生分组进行研究,每一小组要先通读整个问题,然后再重点研究其中的一个小问题,可以相互讨论,查各种资料,然后利用课堂时间由各小组选派一到两名代表与所有同学汇报交流小组的研究成果,老师在交流过程中进行适当的补充和总结,从而达到学习整个问题的目的。
这种教学方式学生参与度高,学习的更深入1总体设计说明幂函数是在学生学习了函数的概念、图象与性质后,学习的第三个新的基本初等函数.他们已经研究了指数函数和对数函数,也基本掌握了研究一个函数的常用方法及步骤,以及研究方向,所以这节课是运用研究函数的一般方法去研究函数的又一次实践.本节课的教学内容,是幂函数的概念,图象与性质.本节课的教学目标如下:(1)引导学生发现问题,提出问题,和解决问题.(2)运用数形结合的思想,经历从特殊到一般、具体到抽象的研究过程,进一步体验研究函数的一般方法,掌握幂函数的图象特征与性质.本级课的教学重点与难点如下:教学重点:(1)幂函数的概念、图象与性质;(2)经历研究过程,进一步熟悉研究函数的一般方法.教学难点:(1)根据具体的幂函数图象与性质归纳一般幂函数的图象与性质;(2)对研究函数的一般方法的理解.本节课的教学,我们采用moore method的学习方法,这种学习方法有以下几点教学用意:1、让学生获得亲身参与研究探索的体验;2、培养学生主动发现问题和主动解决问题的能力;3、培养学生收集、分析和利用信息的能力;4、促进学生学会合作与分享;5、培养学生良好的科学态度和科学品德;6、形成学生的创造性人格特征。
《数据科学与大数据通识导论》题库及答案1.数据科学的三大支柱与五大要素是什么?答:数据科学的三大主要支柱为:Datalogy (数据学):对应数据管理 (Data management)Analytics (分析学):对应统计方法 (Statistical method)Algorithmics (算法学):对应算法方法 (Algorithmic method)数据科学的五大要素:A-SATA模型分析思维 (Analytical Thinking)统计模型 (Statistical Model)算法计算 (Algorithmic Computing)数据技术 (Data Technology)综合应用 (Application)2.如何辨证看待“大数据”中的“大”和“数据”的关系?字面理解Large、vast和big都可以用于形容大小Big更强调的是相对大小的大,是抽象意义上的大大数据是抽象的大,是思维方式上的转变量变带来质变,思维方式,方法论都应该和以往不同计算机并不能很好解决人工智能中的诸多问题,利用大数据突破性解决了,其核心问题变成了数据问题。
第一范式:经验科学第二范式:理论科学第三范式:计算科学第四范式:数据密集型科学今天,是数据科学,统一于理论、实验和模拟4.从人类整个文明的尺度上看,IT和DT对人类的发展有些什么样的影响和冲击?以控制为出发点的IT时代正在走向激活生产力为目的的DT(Data Technology)数据时代。
大数据驱动的DT时代由数据驱动的世界观大数据重新定义商业新模式大数据重新定义研发新路径大数据重新定义企业新思维5.大数据时代的思维方式有哪些?“大数据时代”和“智能时代”告诉我们:数据思维:讲故事→数据说话总体思维:样本数据→全局数据容错思维:精确性→混杂性、不确定性相关思维:因果关系→相关关系智能思维:人→人机协同(人 + 人工智能)6.请列举出六大典型思维方式;直线思维、逆向思维、跳跃思维、归纳思维、并行思维、科学思维7.大数据时代的思维方式有哪些?同58.二进制系统是如何实现的?计算机用0和1来表示和存储所有的数据,它的基数为2,进位规则是“逢二进一”,用1表示开,0表示关9.解释比特、字节和十六进制表示。
On the Benjamini--Hochberg method
By J. A. Ferreira1 and A. H. Zwinderman
University of Amsterdam
We investigate the properties of the Benjamini–Hochberg method for multiple testing and of a variant of Storey’s generalization of it, extending and complementing the asymptotic and exact results available in the literature. Results are obtained under two different sets of assumptions and include asymptotic and exact expressions and bounds for the proportion of rejections, the proportion of incorrect rejections out of all rejections and two other proportions used to quantify the efficacy of the method.
hungarian method
hungarian methodHungarian method是一种经典的解决分配问题的算法。
该算法在二十世纪五六十年代由匈牙利数学家Dénes Kőnig和Jenő Egerváry所发明,用于解决在线性规划中常见的任务分配问题。
1. 问题定义在任务分配问题中,我们需要将n项活动分配给n个人,每个人只能完成一项活动。
2. 算法步骤Hungarian method的实现步骤如下:(1)首先,对原始的代价矩阵进行列减法和行减法,得到一个新的矩阵。
3. 矩阵的处理在第一步中,我们需要对原始的代价矩阵进行行减法和列减法。
4. 匈牙利算法的实现在第二步中,我们使用最小化算法将减法矩阵的元素分组为行和列。
5. 求解复杂度的分析Hungarian method是一种精确的分配算法,可以在多项多项任务分配问题上得到最优解。
总结R语言中矩阵运算的函数1 创建一个向量在R中可以用函数c()来创建一个向量,例如:> x=c(1,2,3,4)> x[1] 1 2 3 42 创建一个矩阵在R中可以用函数matrix()来创建一个矩阵,应用该函数时需要输入必要的参数值。
> args(matrix)function (data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)data项为必要的矩阵元素,nrow为行数,ncol为列数,注意nrow 与ncol的乘积应为矩阵元素个数,byrow项控制排列元素时是否按行进行,dimnames给定行和列的名称。
例如:> matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4)[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4][1,] 1 4 7 10[2,] 2 5 8 11[3,] 3 6 9 12> matrix(1:12,nrow=4,ncol=3)[,1] [,2] [,3][1,] 1 5 9[2,] 2 6 10[3,] 3 7 11[4,] 4 8 12> matrix(1:12,nrow=4,ncol=3,byrow=T) [,1] [,2] [,3][1,] 1 2 3[2,] 4 5 6[3,] 7 8 9[4,] 10 11 12> rowname[1] "r1" "r2" "r3"> colname=c("c1","c2","c3","c4")> colname[1] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4"> matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4,dimnames=list(rowname,colname)) c1 c2 c3 c4r1 1 4 7 10r2 2 5 8 113 矩阵转置A为m×n矩阵,求A'在R中可用函数t(),例如:> A=matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4)> A[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4][1,] 1 4 7 10[2,] 2 5 8 11[3,] 3 6 9 12> t(A)[,1] [,2] [,3][1,] 1 2 3[2,] 4 5 6[3,] 7 8 9[4,] 10 11 12若将函数t()作用于一个向量x,则R默认x为列向量,返回结果为一个行向量,例如:> x[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10> t(x)[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10][1,] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10> class(x)[1] "integer"> class(t(x))[1] "matrix"若想得到一个列向量,可用t(t(x)),例如:> x[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10> t(t(x))[,1][1,] 1[2,] 2[3,] 3[4,] 4[5,] 5[6,] 6[8,] 8 [9,] 9 [10,] 10> y=t(t(x)) > t(t(y)) [,1] [1,] 1 [2,] 2 [3,] 3 [4,] 4 [5,] 5 [6,] 6 [7,] 7 [8,] 8[10,] 104 矩阵相加减在R中对同行同列矩阵相加减,可用符号:“+”、“-”,例如:> A=B=matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4)> A+B[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4][1,] 2 8 14 20[2,] 4 10 16 22[3,] 6 12 18 24> A-B[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4][1,] 0 0 0 0[2,] 0 0 0 0[3,] 0 0 0 05 数与矩阵相乘A为m×n矩阵,c>0,在R中求cA可用符号:“*”,例如:> c=2> c*A[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4][1,] 2 8 14 20[2,] 4 10 16 22[3,] 6 12 18 246 矩阵相乘A为m×n矩阵,B为n×k矩阵,在R中求AB可用符号:“%*%”,例如:> A=matrix(1:12,nrow=3,ncol=4)> B=matrix(1:12,nrow=4,ncol=3)> A%*%B[,1] [,2] [,3][1,] 70 158 246[2,] 80 184 288[3,] 90 210 330若A为n×m矩阵,要得到A'B,可用函数crossprod(),该函数计算结果与t(A)%*%B相同,但是效率更高。
关键词:银量法氯化物分布沉淀法摩尔法Chloride in the chlorine contentAbstract: Some soluble chloride in the chlorine content determination of silver content can be used. Method of silver can be classified according to different indicators to Mohr (potassium chromate as indicator), Volhard method (iron ammonium alum as the indicator) and carry forward the Administration of Justice (to adsorption indicator for the end), Moore method is simple, but more interference, but the general analysis of water samples or the use of chlorine Moore method, determination of the present study, Moore CL ion content, the method is simple, placed in neutral or weak alkaline medium with.Key words:silver chloride method of distribution of precipitation Fa Moer method前言:银量法是测定氯离子比较成熟的方法,此法操作简便,准确度高,又不污染环境。
靳洪刚: 现代语言教学的十大原则
习者进一步明确语言学习的最终目的是完成生活中的各种任务,解决生活中的各种问题。 任务教学设计一般须包含三个任务阶段及五个基本组成部分。任务的三个阶段分别
是:前期任务、核心任务、后期任务。前期阶段是任务准备阶段,多在课下完成。前期任务的 目的是激活学习者已有知识,为新的语言学习奠定基础。从语言输入、信息来源、交际背景 等方面为学生提供语言及交际框架( scaffolding) ,帮助学生顺利进入核心任务阶段。因此, 这一阶段的教学主要以激活已有知识、处理语言输入为主,活动多以理解诠释性阅读、听力 为主。核心任务阶段包含两个方面的教学,一是以语言形式为中心的教学,目的是给学习者 建立完成核心任务的交际框架,帮助学习者整合信息;二是以语言使用为中心的任务模拟、 教学实施,多以口语输出、人际交流的方式在课上完成。核心任务的目的是提供具有一定认 知及语言复杂度的模拟任务,让学习者有目的地使用目标语言,完成任务,取得预期结果。 主要形式为,首先采用合班学习语言形式,然后分组互动,完成信息交换、信息组合、意见交 换等任务。后期阶段是任务总结、反思、实际生活应用阶段,多以实地操作、书面输出或口头 演说的方式在课上或课下完成,主要采用书面总结、实地调查、口头报告等形式。
一 引言 现代语言教育在近二十年来受到了三大领域科学研究成果的极大影响。这三大领域分 别是:语言习得研究、认知心理学以及教育学。就第二语言习得领域而言,在过去的五十年 中,研究者通过各种实验研究,如语言对比、错误分析、语言普遍原则、认知心理学、语言获 得过程等方面的实验,对不同语言的习得顺序、习得速度、语言输入及输出的作用、课堂过 程、学习策略等方面进行了系统研究,得出了不少定论。这些研究成果形成了第二语言教学 领域的部分教学原则。就认知心理学来看,研究者从普遍学习理论,人类认知过程,大脑记 忆、储存、加工等语言的处理过程,记忆储存方式,输入频率,视觉、听觉凸显性,反例对比等 方面,提出具体的语言学习理论及第二语言教学策略,极大地影响了第二语言课堂过程及学 习过程的教学原则。就教育学来看,研究者强调教学要以学习者为中心,要让学习者参与学 习过程,进行各种合作及个人化的教学,强调与实际经验结合起来。从这一理论出发形成了 多种第二语言教学方法,它们强调以学生为中心,以沟通为目的,通过任务教学的方式达到 第二语言教学的目的。 这些领域的科学研究及学科发展成果引入第二语言教学领域后,语言教学领域发生了 巨大变革和根本性转变。这一根本性转变表现在语言教学的六个方面:第一,就语言教学原 则( methodological principles) 而言,现代语言教学在教学经验的基础上,更重视借鉴科学的 实证研究来指导教学( empirically motivated methodological principles) ;第二,就教学内容( instructional content) 而言,现代语言教学不再是单一的语言知识的学习,而是跨越三种交际模
scipy的mi'nimize的method摘要:1.简介- 什么是Scipy?- 什么是minimize?2.minimize函数- 函数参数- 返回值3.method参数- 什么是method?- 各种method的介绍- "Nelder-Mead"- "Powell"- "CG"- "BFGS"- "Newton-CG"- "COBYLA"- "SLSQP"4.示例- 使用不同method的示例正文:Scipy是一个Python的科学计算库,它提供了许多数学、科学以及工程计算方面的函数和方法。
method参数有如下几种取值:- "Nelder-Mead":Nelder-Mead算法是一种基于一阶导数的优化算法,适用于大规模、复杂优化问题。
- "Powell":Powell算法是一种基于二阶导数的优化算法,适用于小规模、简单优化问题。
- "CG":Conjugate Gradient算法,这是一种基于梯度的优化算法,适用于大规模、简单优化问题。
- "BFGS":Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno算法,这是一种基于梯度的优化算法,适用于小规模、复杂优化问题。
- "Newton-CG":这是一种基于牛顿法和梯度下降法的优化算法,适用于小规模、简单优化问题。
i += delta_2[j];
j = find_len - 1;
if (j == -1)
return i+1;
80. }
82. return -1;
83. }
提示:该算法主要利用坏字符规则和好后缀规则进行转换。所谓坏字符规则,是指不能匹配时的字符在待匹配字串中从右边数的位置;而好 后缀规则则是指子串中从该不匹配位置后面所有字符(都是已匹配字符)再次在字串中出现的位置(k),其中s[k,k+1,---,k+len-j-1] = s[j+1, j+1,---,len-1], 并且s[k-1] != [j] || s[k-1] = $, 其中$表示增补的字符,可以与任何字符相等。
30. int j = 0;
31. for (i=2; i<find_len; i++)
32. {
while (1)
if (find[i-1] == find[j])
if (find[i] == find[j])
map[i] = map[j];
for (k=1; j<(len-1) && k<len; k++)
在不同的上下文中,"quantization_method"(量化方法)可能指的是不同的技术或算法,下面是一些常见的量化方法及其简要解释:1. Uniform Quantization(均匀量化):这是最简单的量化方法之一,将输入范围均匀地分成若干个区间,然后将每个区间内的值映射到区间的中点或边界值。
2. Non-uniform Quantization(非均匀量化):与均匀量化不同,非均匀量化在量化间隔上引入了变化,以更好地适应输入数据的分布。
3. Vector Quantization(向量量化):这是一种用于压缩数据的技术,其中输入数据被映射到一个由预定义的代码簇组成的向量集合中。
4. Delta Modulation(增量调制):这是一种将信号的变化与固定增量进行比较并进行量化的方法。
5. Adaptive Quantization(自适应量化):在自适应量化中,量化步长或间隔根据输入信号的特性动态调整。
6. Floating-Point Quantization(浮点数量化):在机器学习和深度学习领域,模型的权重和激活值通常以浮点数形式表示。
fisher's scoring method代码
fisher's scoring method代码Fisher's scoring method是一种用于解决广义线性模型(GLM)的迭代优化算法。
下面是一个简单的Python代码示例,演示如何使用Fisher's scoring method进行逻辑回归:pythonimport numpy as npdef fisher_scoring(X, y, alpha, tol=1e-6, max_iter=100):"""Fisher's scoring method for logistic regression.Parameters:X: 2D array of shape (n_samples, n_features)Input data.y: 1D array of shape (n_samples,)Target values.alpha: floatRegularization parameter.tol: float, optional (default=1e-6)Tolerance for stopping criterion.max_iter: int, optional (default=100)Maximum number of iterations.Returns:theta: 1D array of shape (n_features,)Estimated coefficients."""n_samples, n_features = X.shapetheta = np.zeros(n_features)for i in range(max_iter):# Calculate the gradient of the log-likelihood functiongrad =, (X * theta - y)) + alpha * theta# Update the coefficientstheta +=, grad) / n_samples# Check convergenceif np.linalg.norm(grad) < tol:breakreturn theta在这个代码中,我们定义了一个名为fisher_scoring的函数,它接受输入数据X、目标值y、正则化参数alpha、容忍度tol和最大迭代次数max_iter作为参数。
hodges-lehmann method
hodges-lehmann method
elbow method 原理
Elbow Method原理1. 背景介绍Elbow Method是一种用于确定聚类数量的常用方法。
Elbow Method通过绘制不同簇数量下的聚类误差的曲线,帮助我们找到最合适的聚类数量,从而优化聚类结果。
2. 聚类误差在K-means聚类算法中,簇的数量对于每个数据点的分配和簇中心的选择至关重要。
3. Elbow Method原理Elbow Method的原理是基于聚类误差与聚类簇数量的关系来确定最佳的聚类数量。
具体步骤如下:- 我们将不同的簇数量(k)作为参数输入K-means算法中,对数据进行聚类,然后计算每个点到其所属簇中心的距离的平方和(即聚类误差)。
- 我们绘制簇数量和聚类误差之间的关系曲线,通常随着簇数量的增加,聚类误差会逐渐减小。
- 拐点处通常会形成一个“肘部”,因此这个方法被称为Elbow Method。
4. 拐点的选择当我们绘制出簇数量和聚类误差之间的曲线后,如何选择拐点有一定的主观性。
5. 应用场景Elbow Method广泛应用于数据挖掘、机器学习等领域中需要进行聚类分析的场景。
6. 结论Elbow Method作为确定最佳聚类数量的一种常用方法,其原理简单直观,应用广泛。
ensemble method
ensemble methodEnsembleMethod(集成方法)是一种比独立模型更强大的机器学习方法,它可以提高模型的准确性和性能。
这种方法有很多不同的变体,比如bagging(bootstrap aggregating),boosting,stacking 等。
这篇文章将讨论ensemble method的概念和原理,并介绍它的一些常用变体。
首先,让我们来看看ensemble method是什么。
而ensemble method 可以解决这一问题,它可以增强模型的准确性,并减少过拟合的可能性。
Ensemble method的基本原理是使用多个模型来预测同一类事件。
Ensemble method有很多常用的变体,以下是其中几种:1. Bagging(Bootstrap Aggregation):Bagging即bootstrap aggregation,它是通过使用有放回的重采样(bootstrap sampling)的方法,从训练集中取出不同的样本,从而构建多个较弱的模型,再将模型结果进行综合,以提高预测精度。
2. Boosting:Boosting是一种迭代算法,它与bagging不同,它通过调整每个模型对训练集的重点,来提高模型的准确性。
3. Stacking:Stacking是一种将多个模型结果进行堆叠的技术。
它是由计算机科学家Edsger Dijkstra在1960年代发明的,以描述数学中的集合运算。
其中比较有名的有Moore-Penrose 公式、Turing-Machines模型等等。
人教版全国全部高考专题英语高考真卷1.阅读理解第1题.You know the feeling. You're stuck in heavy traffic. It's going to be hours before you get home. As we all know, traffic jam is one of the demerits of modern city living though it brings convenience to us. Don't you wish you could just fly to the sky and above it all in a helicopter?Well, wish no more. Right now, the race is on to make the first sky taxi—the drone(无人驾驶飞行)taxi. No longer will personal air travel he the thing of the rich. There's just one catch: How do you feel about having no pilot?For brave passengers, the city of Dubai plans to start on their drone taxi project by the end of this year. You can fasten your seatbelts and share the ride with another passenger in their 18-rotor(旋翼)aircralt, developed by German Volocopter, with a top speed of100km/h and a flight time of around 30 minutes.If you have more friends, French aircraft company Airbus is working on a drone which can carry four to six customers. Or if you prefer to travel alone, Chinese firm Ehang is pioneering a single-seater drone, which stays in air for 23 minutes.Ride—hailing company Uber also wants a piece of the action. They say drones like this are the future of urban air transportation. They recently persuaded NASA chief technologist Mark Moore to help them develop a drone taxi, with three to four passengers sharing. And he says it won't cost a lot.But naturally, a number of questions remain. On the technical side, there's the problem of batteries. A 23-minute flight could get you across town, but how and where will the battery be recharged(充电)? And rules are a challenge too. US authorities require aircraft to carry at least 20 minutes of spare fuel. Even if these issues are solved successfully, there's still one important thing: safety. Will passengers really be willing to put their lives in the hands of a flying robot? Winning the trust of the officials and the public may take time. But when they do, well, the sky's the limit.(1)What does the underlined word "demerits" in Paragraph 1 mean? A: Expectations.B: Disadvantages.C: Changes.D: Conditions.(2)What can we know about the drone taxi?A: It will make personal air travel much cheaper.B: It's mainly developed for personal purpose.C: It can help solve traffic problems completely.D: It has been put into use.(3)What is the advantage of the drone taxi designed by Airbus?A: It has the lowest cost.B: It owns the longest flying time.C: It can hold the most passengers.D: It has the most advanced engine.(4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?A: The drone taxi can get recharged easily.B: Most passengers believe the flying robot is safe.C: New rules have been made for the drone taxi.D: Many efforts are still needed to make the drone taxi really available.【答案】BACD【解答】(1)B 词义猜测题。
该方法是由哈佛大学的Linton Freeman在1979年提出的,被广泛应用于社交网络、搜索引擎优化等领域。
M(v) = in(v) + ∑M(u)
1. Levenberg-Marquardt方法
A x k k I
正定(适当调整 ), 从而(7)产生的方向
z 是下降方向.
这种方法是由 Levenberg(1944)和 Marqurdt(1963)提出的, 称为 Levenberg-Marqurdt method. 简称 L-M 方法.
1. Gauss Newton法的迭代中,当B AT ( x ) A( x )为奇异或 条件数 ( B 1 B )接近于1时,迭代无法继续!
当 足够大时,总可以保证 A x A x I 是正定的,从
而保证其可逆. 算法的每次迭代都对 进行自适应调整. 权值调整类似于高斯-牛顿法, 当接近解时, 逐渐减小, 利用类似于二阶导数的信息,可以快速收敛到最优解. 权重调整又类似于梯度下降法, 当远离解时, 逐渐增大, 可以进行全局搜索.所以 LM 算法同时具备了牛顿法和梯度 法的优点,但计算 A x 要占用较多的内存.
d k H k1 S ( x k ) x k 1 x k H k1 S ( x k )
( 5) ( 6)
(6) 式称为Gauss Newton公式,
(5)式称为Gauss Newton方向。
S ( x k ) T 令 gk AT ( x k ) f ( x k ) Ak f ( x k )。 2
Step4 : 令 x k 1 x k t k d k , 其中t k : min f ( x k td k )。
Step5 : 若 || Ak f ( x k ) || , 则x * x k 1 , 算法结束; 否则,
k : k 1, 转Step2。
Gauss-Newton 法的优缺点: 优点: (1) 对于零残量问题(即 f ( x ) 0 ),有局部二阶收敛速度. (2) 对于小残量问题 ( 即 f ( x) 较小 , 或者接近于线性 ), 有快的 局部收敛速度. (3) 对于线性最小二乘问题, 一步达到极小点. 缺点: (1) 对于不是很严重的大残量问题, 有较慢的收敛速度. (2) 对于残量很大的问题或者 f ( x) 的非线性程度很大的问 题,不收敛. (3) 如果 A( x ) 不满秩, 方法没有定义. (4) 不一定总体收敛.
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The Moore MethodRon Taylor,Berry College,Fall2003edited by Jacqueline Jensen,Fall2004August19,2004“The role of the Moore Method is to raise the standard of what students mean byunderstanding.”–Mike Starbird1MooreThe Moore Method(or Texas Method)of mathematics instruction is a teaching/learning style propagated by Robert Lee[R.L.]Moore of The University of Texas at Austin in thefirst half of the 20th century.Moore is considered by many to be one of the greatest American mathematics teachers and was prolific in producing students who went on to earn the in mathematics and otherfields.The method can be traced back to E.H.Moore,who was R.L.Moore’s advisor at the University of Chicago,but R.L.Moore was the one who made it famous.It is also related to the Socratic Method employed in American law schoools,but without the confrontation intrinsic to that method.2Moore’s MethodIn a traditional Moore method class the students are given a set of notes on thefirst day of class and told to come back the next day prepared to present their solutions to some of the problems. In the interim they are to discuss the problems with no person and to look for the solutions in no book.Moreover,students presenting problems to the class are not given class time tofix their mistakes,beyond one minute of thinking time.If they are unable to answer some question in that one minute,then they are asked to try another problem or sit down and try the same problem at a later time.Additionally,other students are not allowed to make helpful suggestions to the presenter.The reason for this is that Moore wanted his students to work independently on the problems and create the mathematics for themselves.At the heart of this method is the idea that it is important to try,fail and try again.Our society has engendered the belief that making mistakes defines failure and weakness,and that being wrong and failing are bad.But any great innovation or new idea,whether it’s a medical breakthrough, a sociological discovery or a scientific realization,occurs through a succession of failed attempts. It is through the succession of failures that things are worked out and insights are gained.Every failed attempt is a new discovery.That is part of the learning.It is this rigor that makes the Texasmethod so successful in the classroom and the reason that so many of Moore’s students went on to get Ph.D.’s.3Moore’s Method–Modified(Jensen)In this course we will be using a modified Moore method.The course will retain the emphasis on presentations and the caveat that you will discover the mathematics yourself.You will have a textbook for your consideration,and it will be useful for definitions,but you should discover and develop solutions to the problems,and presenting the book’s solutions as your own is completely unacceptable.You will learn and understand the mathematics better if you solve the problems on your own rather than parroting someone else’s solutions.However,you will NOT be allowed to discuss the problems with other members of the class.If youfind yourself stuck that’s why they invented office hours.But,any problem you present to the class should be your own work and written in your own words.When you present a problem,you will be asserting that you have neither given nor recieved any unauthorized help on the work and that you understand the argument you are presenting.Because this course will also have exams,we will make a distinction between preparing prob-lems for presentations and preparing for exams.While studying for exams,you are welcome and encouraged to form study groups.The best way to decide whether or not you are able to discuss the problems is the following:if a problem has been discussed in class,or is clearly labeled a com-putational problem,you may discuss it with classmates.In particular,exams will cover material presented in class by the professor and other students,and you are allowed to discuss this material with classmates and others.During class presentations keep in mind that you are not presenting a proof for the instructor of the course.You are presenting proof that should convince your classmates,and yourself,of the truth(or falsehood)of a particular claim.Of course,you should be able to convice the instructor as well,but that is not your primary audience.Inasmuch as you are relative novices to the proofwriting process,you should expect to write in a way that convinces other non-experts without relying on slang,jargon or colloquial phrases.One of the goals of this course is to give you the opportunity to learn to use mathematical language correctly and precisely.To that end,when it is your turn to present something at the board you shoud bring a complete,carefully organized version of your solution with you for reference.(You will catch a lot of your own mistakes while writing this out.)Whenever someone asks you a question while you are presenting you should view this as an opportunity to help that person better understand the proof.If someone points out a mistake,you should view this as an opportunity to make your argument better or in some cases be correct.On the other hand,when you are watching someone present a proof to the class and you do not understand you should ask a question.Chances are that if you have a question,then someone else in the class has a similar question.If you didn’t need to ask another person’s question,then you should be able to answer it.But don’t always assume that you understand what someone is saying just because it seems to make sense when youfirst hear it.You should always be asking yourself What does this really mean?and How do I know it’s true?In the spirit of Understand First–Critique Second,comments about the proof that might make it more slick should be saved for after the presentation.4More on the Modified Moore MethodAny class using a Moore-like method will be driven primarily by student presentations.Hence, during class time,the role of the teacher is that of knowledgeable moderator instead of a traditional lecturer.Ordinarily the teacher is there to explain definitions,answer general questions and act as a referee.The teacher will also observe presentations and student reactions to the presentations and occasionally ask questions either to point out aflaw in your argument or to check if you are really confident that your solution is correct.That is,if the teacher asks if you’re sure about something you may be wrong or right and it is up to you to decide.But,for the most part,it is the job of the students to critique the presentations.This is not meant to be a forum for criticizing another person’s presentation skills or their level of mathematical maturity.Rather it is an opportunity for you to help your classmates be better mathematicians and mathematics students.The dynamics of class interaction are thus very important.Since the class will consist largely of your contributions, the way you conduct yourself in class will determine whether the course is a success or failure.The goal is to foster a spirit of friendly competition and neighborly rivalry.You should strive to push your classmates to succeed.When you present a problem to the class,you should write a clear and well-organized account on the board.This written evidence of your thinking is the way that a verdict on your presentation can be reached.Begin by writing at least the number of the problem and(if appropriate)whether you intend to prove it true or false.Write down the steps of your argument clearly and in the proper order.Abbreviations are acceptable if standard or clearly explained,but it is important to write connecting words(if...then,implies,and,or,whenever,...)between equations so that the class can follow the logic of your argument.“Using good language and good notation can greatly facilitate the learning of mathematics...”[8]Also,you should be prepared to explain what you have done,and to answer questions.If you have done a problem several days before you present it,it is a good idea to review it just before the class in which you think it will come up.Otherwise you mayfind yourself standing at the board staring blankly at a sheet of paper covered with meaningless scribbles.When you watch someone else’s presentation you should be skeptical,but willing to be convinced. It is imperative that you understand what goes on in class,so it is even more important than usual to ask questions.We are a community of learners,and no stigma can ever be attached to any genuine question,no matter how“stupid”it may seem to the person asking it.It is also part of your duty to the community to ask questions when something is unclear,or to point out what seems to you to be a gap or mistake in the argument.Of course it goes without saying(almost)that you should behave as you would wish others to behave when you are at the board.(That does not mean for you to remain silent.)It is not good form to ask artificial questions, to try to trip people up,or otherwise show off.Remember that it is arguments,and not people,that can be either correct or incorrect.Hence,you should try to learn to analyze arguments objectively, and leave your ego out of it.Don’t be too quick to think you are wrong,and don’t be unable to see when you have made a mistake.There is such a thing as objective truth,independent of who we are.Try tofind out what it is.One way to do this is to learn to question your own proofs,and then to answer those questions.Two important objectives of this course is for you to develop your creative and critical thinking skills and to gain confidence in your own abilities.5Making the Most of the Modified Moore MethodYour enrollment in this course makes certain statements about you.You enjoy mathematics.You are taking this course because you want to,if only to satisfy a requirement.You want to learn the material of this course,at least to the point of earning a passsing grade.You are willing to work hard and study.You are prepared to do,throughout the semester,at least two hours of diligent work outside class per hour spent in class.This last point bears emphasizing.You have heard it over and over throughout your college career and you are smart enough to have been able to get away with much less in some of your previous classes at Sam Houston State.However,with this class it really is a minimum standard.Finally,a word about the homework.The homework is probably the most important part of the course and therefore,you should strive to do as many of the problems as you can.The notes are designed to give you the best idea of how the subject matterfits together and a complete understanding of the course will be difficult if you have not given each problem due consideration.“It is the teacher’s job to help the student[understand],and so–as you would notconceal a health problem from a doctor–you should not conceal from the teacher anyfaults in your understanding.”[2]References[1]Ed Burger,transcript of interview with The Futures Channel.[2]Nets Katz,course website,/∼nets/math452.html.[3]Robert M.Kauffman,Advanced Calculus,The Educational Advancement Foundation,Austin,TX,2003.[4]Ted Mahavier,A Gentler Discovery Method,preprint.[5]Lee May,unpublished Moore method notes.[6]R.L.Moore,Challenge in the Classroom,educational video,Mathematical Association ofAmerica,Wachington,D.C.,1966.[7]Ed Parker,unpublished Moore method notes.[8]Tom Read,unpublished Moore method notes.[9]Cornelius Stallmann,quoted in A Moore Method Calculus II Course by William S.Mahavier,The Educational Advancement Foundation,Austin,TX,2003.。