



牛顿拉夫逊法计算潮流步骤牛顿拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson method)是一种用于求解非线性方程组的迭代方法,它可以用来计算电力系统潮流的解。

















外文资料Summary of power flow calculationPower system is calculated on the trend of steady-state operation of the power system as a basis, it's running under the given conditions and determine the entire system wiring in various parts of the power system running: the voltage of the bus, all components of a mid-stream power, The power loss, and so on. Power system planning in the design and operation of the existing power system in the form of research, we need to calculate the trend of using quantitative analysis of comparative power programme or operation mode is reasonable. Reliability and economy. In addition, the power flow calculation is calculated static and dynamic stability of the foundation of stability. So the trend is calculated on the power system of a very important and very basis of calculation. Power flow calculation also divided into offline and online calculation of two terms, the former mainly used for system planning and design and organization of the operation mode, while the latter is running for the system of regular monitoring and real-time control. The use of electronic digital computer to calculate the trend of the power system from the mid-1950s has already begun. Power flow problems in mathematical calculation is a group of diverse non-linear equations to solve the problem, its solution can not be separated from iteration. Therefore, the flow calculation method, it requires first and foremost a reliable convergence, and give the correct answers. As the power system structure and parameters of some of the features, and with the continuous expansion of the power system, the trend of increasing order of the equation, so the formula is not any mathematical method can guarantee is given the correct answer. This calculation of the power system to become a staff continue to seek new and more reliable way of the important factors.Use of digital computers in the power flow problems at the beginning, the general adoption of a node admittance matrix-based successive into the law. The principle of this method is relatively simple to compare the volume of digital computer memory, to the 1950s computer manufacturing level and then the power system theoretical level. However, it is convergence of the poor, when the system large-scale change, the sharp rise in the number of iteration in the calculation of convergence are often not the case iteration. This forced the staff to the power system to calculate impedance matrix-based successive into the law. Impedance method to improve the flow of the convergence of computing, the solution of the admittance system can not solve some of the trend, in the 1960s, access to a wide range of applications, has the power system design. Operational and research has made great contribution. At present, there are stillsome in the power industry units impedance method to calculate the trend. Impedance of the main shortcomings of the occupation of the computer's memory, each iteration of the large amount of calculation. When the system continue to expand, the more prominent of these shortcomings. 16 K memory of a computer in the use of impedance method can only be calculated at 100 following the system, 32 K memory of the computer can only calculate 150 nodes under the system. In this way, many of the power system in order to use impedance method shall not be first on the trend of the system is the streamlining of work. In order to overcome resistance in memory and speed of the shortcomings of the mid-1960s to the development of the impedance matrix-based Block impedance. This approach to a large-scale system divided into several small regional system, the computer only need to store various parts of the system impedance matrix contact line between them and the resistance, not only substantial savings in memory capacity, but also improve the Computing speed.Overcome the shortcomings of the impedance of hungry is another way to use Newton - Raphson method. This is the mathematics of nonlinear equations to solve the typical method, a better convergence. In resolving the issue of power flow calculation, is admittance matrix-based, therefore, as long as we can in the iterative process as much as possible to maintain the formula coefficient matrix sparse, and can greatly improve Newton's Law trend of the efficiency of procedures . Since the mid-1960s, Newton's law in the use of the best order of elimination, the Newton in convergence. Memory requirements. Speed all over the impedance, as the late 1960s after the widespread adoption of the excellent way.Flow calculation flexibility and convenience of the request, the application of digital computers is also a very key issue. In the past for a long time, the power flow calculation relies on the Taiwan exchange. Taiwan simulates the exchange of power systems, computing platforms in the calculation of the trend of the exchange, calculated at any time surveillance systems can run different parts of the state to meet requirements, if they run certain parts of unreasonable, you can make adjustments immediately. In this way, the equivalent of the process on the computing staff lost operating system. Adjustment process is very intuitive, physical concept is very clear. When the use of digital computers to calculate the trend when it lost this visual. To make up for this shortcoming, the trend of the establishment of procedures to the extent possible, in terms of computer calculation in the process of strengthening the process of the computer monitor and control, and to facilitate a variety of modifications and adjustments. Power flow calculation is not a simple calculation, to run it as a form of adjustment may be more precise. In order to get a reasonable run, often need to keep in accordance with the results, modify the original data. In this sense, the trend in the preparation of our program, the ease of use and flexibility must be sufficient attention. Therefore, in addition to the requirements in various ways to modify as muchas possible. Adjustment, we must pay attention to input and output of convenience and flexibility, strengthening human-computer links, so that the calculation of staff to monitor timely and appropriate calculations to control the conduct of calculation .Power flow calculation is a power system analysis of the most basic terms, the complex power system under normal and failure conditions steady-state running the calculation. The trend is calculated to strike a target in the power system to be running the calculation. That is, voltage and power distribution node, to check whether the components of the system overload. Voltage meets all requirements of the distribution and allocation of power is reasonable and the power loss, and so on. Of the existing power system operations and expansion, the new power system planning and design of the power system for static and transient stability of the trend are calculated as the basis. If the trend of the results available on steady-state power system, or estimate the optimal security, such as the trend of the flow calculation method and the model has a direct impact. The actual power system that the main trend of technology adoption Newton - Raphson method.In the management of the operation mode, the trend of power grid operation mode is to determine the basic starting point in planning areas, the need for trend analysis verified the reasonableness of the plan in real-time operating environment, dispatchers, provided the trend of End-expected operating conditions in the power grid To check the trend of operational reliability. In the power system dispatching a number of areas related to the trend of grid computing. Electricity network is to determine the trend of running the basic factors, the trend is steady-state power system on the basis and prerequisite .外文原文翻译电力系统潮流计算综述电力系统潮流计算是研究电力系统稳态运行情况的一种计算,它根据给定的运行条件及系统接线情况确定整个电力系统各部分的运行状态:各母线的电压,各元件中流过的功率,系统的功率损耗等等。



牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算牛顿-拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson method)是一种用于求解非线性方程的数值方法。







对于每一个节点i,其节点功率方程可以表示为:Pi - Vi * (sum(Gij * cos(θi - θj)) - sum(Bij * sin(θi -θj))) = 0Qi - Vi * (sum(Gij * sin(θi - θj)) + sum(Bij * cos(θi -θj))) = 0其中,Pi和Qi分别为节点i的有功功率和无功功率,Vi和θi分别为节点i的电压幅值和相角,Gij和Bij分别为节点i和节点j之间的导纳和电纳。





雅可比矩阵可以通过对节点功率方程进行求导得到,具体如下:dPi/dVi = -sum(Vj * (Gij * sin(θi - θj) + Bij * cos(θi - θj)))dPi/dθi = sum(Vj * (Gij * Vi * cos(θi - θj) - Bij * Vi * sin(θi - θj)))dQi/dVi = sum(Vj * (Gij * cos(θi - θj) - Bij * sin(θi - θj)))dQi/dθi = sum(Vj * (Gij * Vi * sin(θi - θj) + Bij * Vi * cos(θi - θj)))功率残差可以通过将节点功率方程代入得到,如下:RPi = Pi - Vi * (sum(Gij * cos(θi - θj)) - sum(Bij *sin(θi - θj)))RQi = Qi - Vi * (sum(Gij * sin(θi - θj)) + sum(Bij *cos(θi - θj)))最后,我们可以使用牛顿-拉夫逊法的迭代公式来更新电压幅值和相角,具体如下:Vi(new) = Vi(old) + ΔViθi(new) = θi(old) + Δθi其中,ΔVi和Δθi分别为通过求解线性方程组得到的电压幅值和相角的增量。



作者简介 罗杰(1978—),男,硕士,华东交通大学讲师,从事电力

(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, East China Jiaotong University,

Jiangxi Nanchang 330013))

摘 要:牛顿 - 拉夫逊法是电力系统潮流计算最常用的算法之一,它收敛性好,迭代次数较少。本文基于牛顿 - 拉夫逊
system. It has good convergence and less iterative number. The paper gives a specific analysis of New-
ton-Raphson method, designs a visual interface based on MATLAB.The visual interface has a good operability
1 电力潮流计算方法的发展 最初,电力系统潮流计算是通过人工计算的。后来为了
适应电力系统日益发展的需要,采用了交流计算台。随着电 子数字计算机的出现,1956 年 Ward 等人编制了实际可行的 计算机潮流计算程序。这样,就为日趋复杂的大规模电力系 统提供了极其有力的计算手段。经过几十年的发展,电力系 统潮流计算已经十分成熟。电力系统潮流计算形式分为离线 计算和在线计算两种。前者主要用于电力系统规划设计、安 排系统的运行方式;后者则用于正在运行系统的实时监视和 实时控制。在计算原理上离线和在线潮流计算是相同的,都 要求满足以下几点:
表二 迭代过程中雅可比矩阵的各对角元素



1 8

第 3 2卷 第 1期
2 0 1 3年 1月
J i a n g s u El e c t r i c a l Eng i ne e r i ng
7 |
基于改进牛顿法的 VS C - H V D C潮流Байду номын сангаас算
黄 曙 , 何 桦 , 卫 志农 , 季 聪
和 收敛性 上 的优 势
Q = 一 l l , I
同理可 得 :

I y U f c c o s ( 6 一 ) + I Y l ( , 2 c c o s s i n ( 8 z — ) 一 I Y ) 2 s i n

1 V S C — H V DC 潮 流计 算 的数 学模 型
随着 电力 系 统规 模 的 日益 扩 大 以 及安 全 分 析 等
, = ( 一 ) / ( R + j X )
( 1 )
由交流 系统 流人 换 流变 压器 的复功 率S 满足 如 下
关 系式 :
= 。
在线 计算 问题 的提 出 . 潮流 计算 速 度成 为 一个 迫切 需
= 一
c l , { U s U o c o s ( 3 + ) + f , , f 2 c o s s i n ( 8  ̄ + ) + j Y I 2 s i n
( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 )
些 改进 ,同时通 过数 学方 法证 明这些 算 法 的有效 性 . 并 通 过 多个 算 例仿 真验 证 这 些 改进 算 法 在计 算 时 间
P s + j q = ( )



牛顿拉斐逊法潮流计算牛顿拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson method)是一种数值计算方法,用于解非线性方程。

























第三节牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算牛顿-拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson method)是一种数值计算方法,用于求解非线性方程和潮流计算问题。






























关键词:牛顿-拉夫逊法,复杂电力系统,潮流计算The method of Newton- Raphson based on polarABSTRACTPower system load flow calculation is the most basic computing functions, the basic idea is based on some of the electricity network nodes to solve the unknown quantity of known volume,In power system, power flow, which can ensure that electrical net can work well and give the high quality power, but also later provide the necessary datas in the enlargement of the power system. has special function.There are lots of methods about power flow. We mainly use the method ofNewton-Raphson based on polar in my design. According to the basic knowledge of the electrical network, we established the mathematics model which can presents the power system ,then computed again and again unknown members of the each bus with the method of Newton-RaphSon until the unknown numbers meet the demand of the power system. We can write down the block diagram and write the order with the Matlab in place of the traditional methods. Complex power system is a large system which involves lots of bus bars and branches. We also chose a five-bus power system for testing the advantages in the relity.KEY WORDS: Newton-Raphson,power system,power flow目录前言 (1)第一章电力系统潮流计算的基本知识 (2)1.1潮流计算的定义及目的 .............................. 2厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。



电力系统网络潮流计算—牛顿拉夫逊法牛顿拉弗逊法(Newton-Raphson Method)是一种常用的电力系统网络潮流计算方法,用于求解复杂电力系统中的节点电压和支路潮流分布。































2.计算注入电流:a. 计算节点注入电流I^inj = S^inj / V0^*,其中^*表示复共轭。

b. 计算节点电流注入I^ = I^inj + Σ I^flow,其中Σ表示对所有与节点连接的边的求和,I^flow为边的注入电流,需要通过变压器、感性和容性元件的运算公式计算。

3.更新节点电压:a.计算新的节点电压的幅值和相角:V = ,I^flow, * Zflow,这里Zflow为边的阻抗。

θ = Arg(I^flow) + φflow,φflow为边的阻抗相角。


V0 = ,I^inj, * Z1 + V * Z2,其中Z1和Z2为接地导线的阻抗。

θ0 = Arg(I^inj) + Arg(V)。

4.更新节点注入功率:a. 计算节点注入功率复数S^inj = P + jQ。

b. 将节点注入功率复数S^inj转化为直角坐标系中的实部和虚部,得到新的节点有功功率和无功功率。



外文翻译--基于优化的牛顿—拉夫逊法和牛顿法的潮流计算英文文献Power Flow Calculation by Combination of Newton-Raphson Method and Newton’s Method in Optimization.Andrey Pazderin, Sergey YuferevURAL STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ? UPIE-mail: pav@//0>., usv@//.Abstract--In this paper, the application of the Newton’s method in optimization for power flow calculation is considered. Convergence conditions of the suggested method using an example of a three-machine system are investigated. It is shown, that the method allows to calculate non-existent state points and automatically pulls them onto the boundary of power flow existence domain. A combined method which is composed of Newton-Raphson method and Newton’s method in optimization is presented in the paper.Index Terms?Newton method, Hessian matrix, convergence of numerical methods, steady state stabilityⅠ.INTRODUCTIONThe solution of the power flow problem is the basis on which otherproblems of managing the operation and development of electrical power systems EPS are solved. The complexity of the problem of power flow calculation is attributed to nonlinearity of steady-state equations system and its high dimensionality, which involves iterative methods. The basic problem of the power flow calculation is that of the solution feasibility and iterative process convergence [1].The desire to find a solution which would be on the boundary of the existence domain when the given nodal capacities are outside the existence domain of the solution, and it is required to pull the state point back onto the feasibility boundary, motivates to develop methods and algorithms for power flow calculation, providing reliable convergence to the solution.The algorithm for the power flow calculation based on the Newton's method in optimization allows to find a solution for the situation when initial data are outside the existence domain and to pull the operation point onto the feasibility boundary by an optimal path. Also it is possible to estimate a static stability margin by utilizing Newton's method in optimization.As the algorithm based on the Newton’s method in optimization has considerable computational cost and power control cannot be realized in all nodes, the algorithm based on the combination of the Newton-Raphson met hods and the Newton’s method in optimization is offered to be utilizedfor calculating speed, enhancing the power flow calculation.II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDA.Steady-state equationsThe system of steady-state equations, in general, can be expressed as follows: where is the vector of parameters given for power flow calculation. In power flow calculation, real and reactive powers are set in each bus except for the slack bus. Ingeneration buses, the modulus of voltage can be fixed. WX,Y is the nonlinear vector function of steady-state equations. Variables Y define the quasi-constant parameters associated with an equivalent circuit of an electrical network. X is a required state vector, it defines steady state of EPS. The dimension of the state vector coincides with the number of nonlinear equations of the system 1. There are various known forms of notation of the steady-state equations. Normally, they are nodal-voltage equations in the form of power balance or in the form of current balance. Complex quantities in these equations can be presented in polar or rectangular coordinates, which leads to a sufficiently large variety forms of the steady-state equations notation. There are variable methods of a nonlinear system of steady-state equations solution. They are united by the incremental vector of independent variables ΔX being searched and the condition of convergence being assessed at each iteration.B. The Newton's method in optimizationAnother way of solving the problem of power flow calculation is related to defining a zero minimum of objective function of squares sum of discrepancies of steady-stateequations:2?The function minimum 2 is reached at the point where derivatives on all required variables are equal to zero: 3It is necessary to solve a nonlinear set of equations 3 to find the solution for the problem. Calculating the power flow, which is made by the system of the linear equations with a Hessian matrix at each iteration, is referred to as the Newton'smethod in optimization [4]: 4The Hessian matrix contains two items: 5During the power flow calculation, the determinant of Hessian matrix is positive round zero and negative value of a determinant of Jacobian .This allows to find the state point during the power flow calculation, when initial point has been outside of the existence domain.The convergence domain of the solution of the Newton's optimization method is limited by a positive value of the Hessian matrix determinant. The iterative process even for a solvable operating point can converge to an incorrectsolution if initial approximation has been outside convergencedomain. This allows to estimate a static stability margin of the state and to find the most perilous path of its weighting.III. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE TEST SCHEMEConvergence of the Newton's method in optimization with a full Hessian matrix has been investigated. Calculations were made based on program MathCAD for a network comprising three buses the parameters of which are presented in Figure 1.Dependant variables were angles of vectors of bus voltage 1 and 2 ,independent variables were capacities in nodes 1 and 2, and absolute values of voltages of nodes 1, 2 and 3 were fixed.Fig. 1 ? The Test schemeIn Figure 2, the boundary of existence domain for a solution of the steady-state is presented in angular coordinates δ1-δ2. This boundary conforms to a positive value of the Jacobian determinant:As a result of the power flow calculation based on the Newton method in optimization, the angle values have been received, these values corresponding to the given capacities in Fig.2 generation is positive and loading is negative.For the state points which are inside the existence domain, the objective function 2 has been reduced to zero. For the state points which are on the boundary of the existence domain, objective function 2 has not been reduced to zero and the calculated values of capacities differed fromthe given capacities.Fig. 2 ? Domain of Existence for a SolutionFig.3 - Boundary of existence domain In Fig.3, the boundary of the existence domain is presented in coordinates of capacities P1-P2. State points occurring on the boundary of the existence domain 6 have been set by the capacities which were outside the existence domain. As a result of power flow calculation by minimization 2 based on the Newton's method in optimization, the iterative process converges to the nearest boundary point. It is due to the fact that surfaces of the equal level of objective function 2 in coordinates of nodal capacities are proper circles for threemachine system having the centre on the point defined by given values of nodal capacitiesThe graphic interpretation of surfaces of the equal level of objective function for operating point state with 13000 MW loading bus 1 and 15000 MW generating bus 2 is presented in Fig.3.Hessian matrix is remarkable in its being not singular on the boundary of existence domain. The determinant of a Hessian matrix 5 is positive around zero and a negative value of the Jacobian matrix determinant. This fact allows the power flow to be calculated even for the unstable points which are outside existence domain. The iterative process based on the system of the linear equations 4 solution has converged to the critical stability point within 3-5 iteration. Naturally,the iterative process based on Newton-Rapson method is divergent for such unsolvable operating points.The convergence domain of the method under consideration has been investigated. What is meant is that not all unsolvable operating points will be pulled onto theboundary of existence domain. A certain threshold having been exceeded the iterative process has begun to converge to the imaginary solution with angles exceeding 360It is necessary to note that to receive a critical stability operating point in case when initial nodal capacities are set outside the boundary of the existence domain, there is no necessity to make any additional terms as the iterative process converges naturally to the nearest boundary point.Pulling the operation point onto feasibility boundary is not always possible by the shortest and optimal path. There are a number of constraints, such as impossibility of load consumption increase at buses, constraints of generation shedding/gaining at stations. Load following capability of generator units is various, consequently for faster pulling the operation point onto the feasibility boundary it is necessary to carry out this pulling probably by longer, but faster path.The algorithm provides possibility of path correction of pulling. It is carried out by using of the weighting coefficients, which define degree of participation of eachnode in total control action. For this purpose diagonal matrix A of the weighting coefficients for each node is included into the objective function 2:All diagonal elements of the weighting coefficient matrix A should be greater-than zero:When initial approximation lies into the feasibility domain, coefficients are not influence on the computational process and on the result.In the figure 4 different paths of the pulling the same operation point onto feasibility boundary depending on the weighting coefficients are presented. Paths are presented for two different operating points.In tables I and II effect of weighting coefficients on the output computation is presented. In tables I and II k1 and k2 are weighting coefficient for buses 1 and 2, respectively.TABLE IWEIGHTING COEFFICIENT EFFECT ON OUTPUT COMPUTATION FOR INITIAL SET CAPACITIES P1 -13000 MW AND P2 15000 MWCoefficients ,MW ,MW ,deg ,deg1,1 -7800 9410 -45 555,1 -8600 8080 -69 250.005,1 -5700 10140 -1 93TABLE IIWEIGHTING COEFFICIENT EFFECT ON OUTPUT COMPUTATION FOR INITIAL SET CAPACITIES P1 -8000 MW AND P2 -5000 MWCoefficients ,MW ,MW ,deg ,deg1,1 -4360 -1680 -92 -800.01,1 -1050 -4920 -76 -941,0.35 5800 0 -99 -71Fig.4 - Paths of pulling the operation point onto the feasibility boundaryIV. COMBINATION OF METHODSIf to compare the Newton’s method in optimization for power flow calculation with newton-Raphson using a Jacobian matrix, the method computational costs on eachiteration will be several times greater as the property of Hessian matrix being filled up by nonzero elements 2.5-3 times greater than with Jacobian one. Each row of Jacobian matrix corresponding to any bus contains nonzero elements corresponding to all incident buses of the scheme. Each row of Hessian matrix contains nonzero elements in the matrix corresponding not only to the neighboring buses, but also their neighbors. However, it is possible to compensate this disadvantage through the combination Newton-Rap son method with Newton’s method in optimization. It means that the part of nodes can be calculated by conventional Newtonmethod, and the remaining buses will be computed by Newton’s method in optimization. The first group of passive nodes consists of buses in which it is not possible to changenodal capacity or it is not expedient. Hence, emergency control actions are possible only in a small group of buses supplying with telecontrol. Most of the nodes includingpurely transit buses are passive. Active nodes are generating buses in which operating actions are provided. Such approach allows to fix nodal capacity for all passive buses of the scheme which have been calculated by Newton-Rap son method. In active buses which have been calculated by Newton’s method in optimization, deviations from set values of nodal capacity are possible. These deviations can be considered as control action. The power flow calculation algorithm based on combination Newton ? Ra phson method and Newton’s method in optimization can be presented as follows:1.The linear equation system with Jacobian matrix is generated for all buses of the scheme.2. The solution process of the linear equation system with Jacobian is started by utilizing the Gauss method for all passive buses. Factorization of the linear equations system is terminated when all passive buses are eliminated. Factorizedequations are kept.3.The nodal admittance matrix is generated from not factorized the part of Jacobian matrix corresponding to active buses. This admittance matrix contains parameters of the equivalent network which contains only active buses.4.The linear equation system with Hessian matrix 4 is generated for the obtained equivalent by Newton’s method in optimization.5.The linear equation system with Hessian matrix is calculated and changes of independent variables are defined for active buses.6.Factorized equations of passive buses are calculated, and changes of independent variables are defined for passive buses.7.The vector of independent variables is updated using the changes of independent variables for all buses.8. New nodal capacities in all buses of the network are defined; constraints are checked; if it necessary, the list of active buses will be corrected.9. Convergence of the iterative process is checked. If changes of variables are significant, it is necessary to return to item 1.Taking into account the number of active buses in the network aren’t large, computationa l costs of such algorithm slightly exceed computational costs of the Newton-Rapson method.V. CONCLUSION1. The power flow calculation of an electric network by minimizingthe square sum of discrepancies of nodal capacities based on the Newton's method in optimizationmaterially increases the productivity of deriving a solution for heavy in terms of conditions of stability states and the unstable states outside the existence domain of the solution.2. During the power flow calculation, the determinant of Hessian matrix is positive around zero and negative value of the Jacobian matrix determinant. The iterative process naturally converges to the nearest marginal state point during the power flow calculation, when the initial operating point has been outside of the existence domain.3. There is a possibility of control action correction for the pulling operation point onto feasibility boundary by using matrix of weighting coefficients.4. Utilization of the combined method for power flow calculation all ows to use all advantages of Newton’s method in optimization and to provide high calculating speed.5. In case when the setting nodal powers are outside the existence domain, there are discrepancies in the active buses, which can be considered as control actions for pulling the state point onto the feasibility boundary. When the initial state point is inside the existence domain, the iterative process converges with zero discrepancies for both active and passive buses.中文翻译基于优化的牛顿??拉夫逊法和牛顿法的潮流计算摘要??在本文中,考虑到了优化的牛顿法在潮流计算中的应用。













3.牛顿-拉夫逊算法的改进3.1 雅可比矩阵J的简化在高压电力系统中,由于,所以可以近似认为,于是:因此,在电力系统运行中,其有功功率的不平衡量主要由电压的相位变化引起,而电压的幅值主要影响无功功率的不平衡量,即可以近似认为的变化只引起电压虚部、的变化,的变化只引起电压实部、的变化,的变化只引起、的变化。





基于牛顿拉夫逊法的电力系统潮流计算毕业设计(论文) 精品

基于牛顿拉夫逊法的电力系统潮流计算毕业设计(论文) 精品
在电网的设计规划阶段,通过潮流计算,合理的规划接入电源的容量和接入点,合理规划电网的结构,选择无功补偿方案,满足规划水平的大、小方式下的交流交换控制、调峰、调相、调压的要求 。
在编年制运行方式时,在预计负荷增长及新设备投运基础上进行潮流计算,可以预计电网的运行情况,发现电网中的薄弱环节,供调度员日常调度控制参考,并为电网改造提供建议和依据 。
在电力系统规划设计和现有的电力系统的运行方式的研究中,都需要用潮流计算来定量的分析比较供电方案或运行方式的合理性、可靠性和经济性。此外,电力系统潮流计算也是计算系统动态稳定和静态稳定的基础。所以潮流计算是电力系统一种最重要最基本的运算 。
TheNewton- Raphson power flow calculationhasa relatively high demand for a given initial value. SobeforetheNewton- Raphson iteration, weuseGauss - Seidel iterative methodtoproduce a more precise initial value. This paper describes theprocessofGauss - Seidel andNewton- Raphson iteration. The main contentsarethe establishment of iterative equation, the calculation of Jacobian matrixandthe calculation of power and voltage, as well ashow to deal with thesituationwhen aPV nodetransform toa PQ node iterationprocess.We use theMatlab programming languageas development tools,the input and output of the data process in theExcel spreadsheets.





牛顿拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson method)是一种数值计算方法,用于求解非线性方程组。















































在配电网中基于牛顿-拉夫逊法解最优潮流的应用赵君;于泓;赵华松【摘要】Power flow calculation is an important solution of determining the basic data of electric system. Optimal power flow is the condition of maintaining low cost for the entire power system. The article expounds how to achieve the minimum value of cost function by adjusting the output of generators on the basis of Newton-Laphson. It has significant meaning for judging the optimum operation and development of present system.%潮流计算是用来确定电力系统基本数据的重要解决方案,最优潮流是整个电力系统成本最低的条件。


【期刊名称】《农业科技与装备》【年(卷),期】2014(000)010【总页数】3页(P34-36)【关键词】电力系统;潮流计算;牛顿-拉夫逊法;最优潮流;目标函数【作者】赵君;于泓;赵华松【作者单位】沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866;沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866;沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳110866【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273电力系统潮流中的牛顿—拉夫逊法首次应用于20世纪60年代,该方法解决了早期阿尔瓦拉多和托马斯研究方法的收敛性较差的问题。










关键词:电力系统潮流计算,牛顿-拉夫逊法,MATLABABSTRACTThis article first introduces the flow calculation based on the principle of MALAB Bank of China, meaning, and then use specific examples, a brief introduction, how to use MALAB to the flow calculation in power systems.As we all know, is the study of power flow calculation of power system steady-state operation of a calculation, which according to the given operating conditions and system wiring the entire power system to determine the operational status of each part: the bus voltage flowing through the components power, system power loss and so on. In power system planning power system design and operation mode of the current study, are required to quantitatively calculated using the trend analysis and comparison of the program or run mode power supply reasonable, reliability and economy.In addition, during the power system static and transient stability calculation, the results of calculation to take advantage of the trend as its basis of calculation; number of fault analysis and optimization also requires a corresponding flow calculation for cooperation; power flow calculation program often become the an important part. These, mainly in the way of system design and operationarrangements in the application areas are off-line calculation.Newton - Raphson power flow calculation in power system is one commonly used method, it is good convergence of the iteration number of small, introduce the trend of computer-aided power system analysis of the basic knowledge and power flow Newton - Raphson method, introduced by the last matlab run results.Keywords:power system flow calculation, Newton – Raphson method, matlab目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 电力系统潮流计算的意义 (2)1.3 电力系统潮流计算的发展 (2)1.4 潮流计算的发展趋势 (4)2 潮流计算的数学模型 (5)2.1 电力线路的数学模型及其应用 (5)2.2 等值双绕组变压器模型及其应用 (6)2.3 电力网络的数学模型 (9)2.4 节点导纳矩阵 (10)2.4.1 节点导纳矩阵的形成 (10)2.4.2 节点导纳矩阵的修改 (11)2.5 潮流计算节点的类型 (12)2.6 节点功率方程 (12)2·7 潮流计算的约束条件 (14)3 牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算基本原理 (15)3.1 牛顿-拉夫逊法的基本原理 (15)3.2 牛顿-拉夫逊法潮流计算的修正方程 (18)3.3 潮流计算的基本特点 (21)3.4 节点功率方程 (22)4牛顿-拉夫逊法分解潮流程序 (23)4·1 牛顿-拉夫逊法分解潮流程序原理总框图 (23)4.2 形成节点导纳矩阵程序框图及代码 (25)4.2。



牛顿拉夫逊法计算潮流步骤牛顿拉夫逊法(Newton-Raphson Method)是一种常用于计算潮流的数值求解方法。
























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外文翻译--基于优化的牛顿—拉夫逊法和牛顿法的潮流计算英文文献Power Flow Calculation by Combination of Newton-Raphson Method and Newton’s Method in Optimization.Andrey Pazderin, Sergey YuferevURAL STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ? UPIE-mail: pav@//0>., usv@//.Abstract--In this paper, the application of the Newton’s method in optimization for power flow calculation is considered. Convergence conditions of the suggested method using an example of a three-machine system are investigated. It is shown, that the method allows to calculate non-existent state points and automatically pulls them onto the boundary of power flow existence domain. A combined method which is composed of Newton-Raphson method and Newton’s method in optimization is presented in the paper.Index Terms?Newton method, Hessian matrix, convergence of numerical methods, steady state stabilityⅠ.INTRODUCTIONThe solution of the power flow problem is the basis on which otherproblems of managing the operation and development of electrical power systems EPS are solved. The complexity of the problem of power flow calculation is attributed to nonlinearity of steady-state equations system and its high dimensionality, which involves iterative methods. The basic problem of the power flow calculation is that of the solution feasibility and iterative process convergence [1].The desire to find a solution which would be on the boundary of the existence domain when the given nodal capacities are outside the existence domain of the solution, and it is required to pull the state point back onto the feasibility boundary, motivates to develop methods and algorithms for power flow calculation, providing reliable convergence to the solution.The algorithm for the power flow calculation based on the Newton's method in optimization allows to find a solution for the situation when initial data are outside the existence domain and to pull the operation point onto the feasibility boundary by an optimal path. Also it is possible to estimate a static stability margin by utilizing Newton's method in optimization.As the algorithm based on the Newton’s method in optimization has considerable computational cost and power control cannot be realized in all nodes, the algorithm based on the combination of the Newton-Raphson met hods and the Newton’s method in optimization is offered to be utilizedfor calculating speed, enhancing the power flow calculation.II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDA.Steady-state equationsThe system of steady-state equations, in general, can be expressed as follows: where is the vector of parameters given for power flow calculation. In power flow calculation, real and reactive powers are set in each bus except for the slack bus. Ingeneration buses, the modulus of voltage can be fixed. WX,Y is the nonlinear vector function of steady-state equations. Variables Y define the quasi-constant parameters associated with an equivalent circuit of an electrical network. X is a required state vector, it defines steady state of EPS. The dimension of the state vector coincides with the number of nonlinear equations of the system 1. There are various known forms of notation of the steady-state equations. Normally, they are nodal-voltage equations in the form of power balance or in the form of current balance. Complex quantities in these equations can be presented in polar or rectangular coordinates, which leads to a sufficiently large variety forms of the steady-state equations notation. There are variable methods of a nonlinear system of steady-state equations solution. They are united by the incremental vector of independent variables ΔX being searched and the condition of convergence being assessed at each iteration.B. The Newton's method in optimizationAnother way of solving the problem of power flow calculation is related to defining a zero minimum of objective function of squares sum of discrepancies of steady-stateequations:2?The function minimum 2 is reached at the point where derivatives on all required variables are equal to zero: 3It is necessary to solve a nonlinear set of equations 3 to find the solution for the problem. Calculating the power flow, which is made by the system of the linear equations with a Hessian matrix at each iteration, is referred to as the Newton'smethod in optimization [4]: 4The Hessian matrix contains two items: 5During the power flow calculation, the determinant of Hessian matrix is positive round zero and negative value of a determinant of Jacobian .This allows to find the state point during the power flow calculation, when initial point has been outside of the existence domain.The convergence domain of the solution of the Newton's optimization method is limited by a positive value of the Hessian matrix determinant. The iterative process even for a solvable operating point can converge to an incorrectsolution if initial approximation has been outside convergencedomain. This allows to estimate a static stability margin of the state and to find the most perilous path of its weighting.III. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE TEST SCHEMEConvergence of the Newton's method in optimization with a full Hessian matrix has been investigated. Calculations were made based on program MathCAD for a network comprising three buses the parameters of which are presented in Figure 1.Dependant variables were angles of vectors of bus voltage 1 and 2 ,independent variables were capacities in nodes 1 and 2, and absolute values of voltages of nodes 1, 2 and 3 were fixed.Fig. 1 ? The Test schemeIn Figure 2, the boundary of existence domain for a solution of the steady-sta te is presented in angular coordinates δ1-δ2. This boundary conforms to a positive value of the Jacobian determinant:As a result of the power flow calculation based on the Newton method in optimization, the angle values have been received, these values corresponding to the given capacities in Fig.2 generation is positive and loading is negative.For the state points which are inside the existence domain, the objective function 2 has been reduced to zero. For the state points which are on the boundary of the existence domain, objective function 2 has not been reduced to zero and the calculated values of capacities differed fromthe given capacities.Fig. 2 ? Domain of Existence for a SolutionFig.3 - Boundary of existence domain In Fig.3, the boundary of the existence domain is presented in coordinates of capacities P1-P2. State points occurring on the boundary of the existence domain 6 have been set by the capacities which were outside the existence domain. As a result of power flow calculation by minimization 2 based on the Newton's method in optimization, the iterative process converges to the nearest boundary point. It is due to the fact that surfaces of the equal level of objective function 2 in coordinates of nodal capacities are proper circles for threemachine system having the centre on the point defined by given values of nodal capacitiesThe graphic interpretation of surfaces of the equal level of objective function for operating point state with 13000 MW loading bus 1 and 15000 MW generating bus 2 is presented in Fig.3.Hessian matrix is remarkable in its being not singular on the boundary of existence domain. The determinant of a Hessian matrix 5 is positive around zero and a negative value of the Jacobian matrix determinant. This fact allows the power flow to be calculated even for the unstable points which are outside existence domain. The iterative process based on the system of the linear equations 4 solution has converged to the critical stability point within 3-5 iteration. Naturally,the iterative process based on Newton-Rapson method is divergent for such unsolvable operating points.The convergence domain of the method under consideration has been investigated. What is meant is that not all unsolvable operating points will be pulled onto theboundary of existence domain. A certain threshold having been exceeded the iterative process has begun to converge to the imaginary solution with angles exceeding 360It is necessary to note that to receive a critical stability operating point in case when initial nodal capacities are set outside the boundary of the existence domain, there is no necessity to make any additional terms as the iterative process converges naturally to the nearest boundary point.Pulling the operation point onto feasibility boundary is not always possible by the shortest and optimal path. There are a number of constraints, such as impossibility of load consumption increase at buses, constraints of generation shedding/gaining at stations. Load following capability of generator units is various, consequently for faster pulling the operation point onto the feasibility boundary it is necessary to carry out this pulling probably by longer, but faster path.The algorithm provides possibility of path correction of pulling. It is carried out by using of the weighting coefficients, which define degree of participation of eachnode in total control action. For this purpose diagonal matrix A of the weighting coefficients for each node is included into the objective function 2:All diagonal elements of the weighting coefficient matrix A should be greater-than zero:When initial approximation lies into the feasibility domain, coefficients are not influence on the computational process and on the result.In the figure 4 different paths of the pulling the same operation point onto feasibility boundary depending on the weighting coefficients are presented. Paths are presented for two different operating points.In tables I and II effect of weighting coefficients on the output computation is presented. In tables I and II k1 and k2 are weighting coefficient for buses 1 and 2, respectively.TABLE IWEIGHTING COEFFICIENT EFFECT ON OUTPUT COMPUTATION FOR INITIAL SET CAPACITIES P1 -13000 MW AND P2 15000 MWCoefficients ,MW ,MW ,deg ,deg1,1 -7800 9410 -45 555,1 -8600 8080 -69 250.005,1 -5700 10140 -1 93TABLE IIWEIGHTING COEFFICIENT EFFECT ON OUTPUT COMPUTATION FOR INITIAL SET CAPACITIES P1 -8000 MW AND P2 -5000 MWCoefficients ,MW ,MW ,deg ,deg1,1 -4360 -1680 -92 -800.01,1 -1050 -4920 -76 -941,0.35 5800 0 -99 -71Fig.4 - Paths of pulling the operation point onto the feasibility boundaryIV. COMBINATION OF METHODSIf to compare the Newton’s method in optimization for power flow calculation with newton-Raphson using a Jacobian matrix, the method computational costs on eachiteration will be several times greater as the property of Hessian matrix being filled up by nonzero elements 2.5-3 times greater than with Jacobian one. Each row of Jacobian matrix corresponding to any bus contains nonzero elements corresponding to all incident buses of the scheme. Each row of Hessian matrix contains nonzero elements in the matrix corresponding not only to the neighboring buses, but also their neighbors. However, it is possible to compensate this disadvantage through the combination Newton-Rap son method with Newton’s method in optimization. It means that the part of nodes can be calculated by conventional Newtonmethod, and the remaining buses will be computed by Newton’s method in optimization. The first group of passive nodes consists of buses in which it is not possible to changenodal capacity or it is not expedient. Hence, emergency control actions are possible only in a small group of buses supplying with telecontrol. Most of the nodes includingpurely transit buses are passive. Active nodes are generating buses in which operating actions are provided. Such approach allows to fix nodal capacity for all passive buses of the scheme which have been calculated by Newton-Rap son method. In active buses which have been calculated by Newton’s method in optimization, deviations from set values of nodal capacity are possible. These deviations can be considered as control action. The power flow calculation algorithm based on combination Newton ? Ra phson method and Newton’s method in optimization can be presented as follows:1.The linear equation system with Jacobian matrix is generated for all buses of the scheme.2. The solution process of the linear equation system with Jacobian is started by utilizing the Gauss method for all passive buses. Factorization of the linear equations system is terminated when all passive buses are eliminated. Factorizedequations are kept.3.The nodal admittance matrix is generated from not factorized the part of Jacobian matrix corresponding to active buses. This admittance matrix contains parameters of the equivalent network which contains only active buses.4.The linear equation system with Hessian matrix 4 is generated for the obtained equivalent by Newton’s method in optimization.5.The linear equation system with Hessian matrix is calculated and changes of independent variables are defined for active buses.6.Factorized equations of passive buses are calculated, and changes of independent variables are defined for passive buses.7.The vector of independent variables is updated using the changes of independent variables for all buses.8. New nodal capacities in all buses of the network are defined; constraints are checked; if it necessary, the list of active buses will be corrected.9. Convergence of the iterative process is checked. If changes of variables are significant, it is necessary to return to item 1.Taking into account the number of active buses in the network aren’t large, computationa l costs of such algorithm slightly exceed computational costs of the Newton-Rapson method.V. CONCLUSION1. The power flow calculation of an electric network by minimizingthe square sum of discrepancies of nodal capacities based on the Newton's method in optimizationmaterially increases the productivity of deriving a solution for heavy in terms of conditions of stability states and the unstable states outside the existence domain of the solution.2. During the power flow calculation, the determinant of Hessian matrix is positive around zero and negative value of the Jacobian matrix determinant. The iterative process naturally converges to the nearest marginal state point during the power flow calculation, when the initial operating point has been outside of the existence domain.3. There is a possibility of control action correction for the pulling operation point onto feasibility boundary by using matrix of weighting coefficients.4. Utilization of the combined method for power flow calculation all ows to use all advantages of Newton’s method in optimization and to provide high calculating speed.5. In case when the setting nodal powers are outside the existence domain, there are discrepancies in the active buses, which can be considered as control actions for pulling the state point onto the feasibility boundary. When the initial state point is inside the existence domain, the iterative process converges with zero discrepancies for both active and passive buses.中文翻译基于优化的牛顿??拉夫逊法和牛顿法的潮流计算摘要??在本文中,考虑到了优化的牛顿法在潮流计算中的应用。
