Elastic and thermodynamic properties of divalent transition metal carbides


The Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties

The Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties

The Investigation of ThermodynamicProperties热力学属性的探究热力学是研究物质热力学性质和计算其物理状态的分支学科,其中包括物质的能量、热量和运动等方面的研究。




















第 4 期第 192-199 页材料工程Vol.52Apr. 2024Journal of Materials EngineeringNo.4pp.192-199第 52 卷2024 年 4 月Co x B y 合金力学性能、热学性质及电子性质的第一性原理研究Mechanical ,thermal and electronic properties of Co x B y alloys :a first -principles study金格1,吴尉1,李姗玲1,陈璐1,史俊勤1,2*,贺一轩1,2*,范晓丽1,2(1 西北工业大学 材料学院 先进润滑与密封材料研究中心,西安 710049;2 凝固技术国家重点实验室,西安 710072)JIN Ge 1,WU Wei 1,LI Shanling 1,CHEN Lu 1,SHI Junqin 1,2*,HE Yixuan 1,2*,FAN Xiaoli 1,2(1 Center of Advanced Lubrication and Seal Materials ,School of Materials Science and Engineering ,Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity ,Xi ’an 710049,China ;2 State Key Laboratoryof Solidification Processing ,Xi ’an 710072,China )摘要:Co x B y 合金是一种具有高硬度和高熔点的材料,因其稳定的化学性质、高强度以及良好的热稳定性,在诸多领域具有广泛的应用前景。

基于第一性原理方法研究了CoB ,Co 2B ,Co 3B ,Co 23B 6,Co 5B 16 5种Co x B y 合金的热力学性质和电子性质。

采用能量-应变方法计算了二元合金的弹性常数和相关力学特性,基于准简谐德拜模型计算了有限温度内的德拜温度ΘD 和热膨胀系数α等热力学特性。



CrH的弹性性质和热力学性质的研究贺梓淇;李明尚;付敏;任维义【摘要】利用密度泛函理论和准谐德拜理论,并考虑声子效应,研究了CrH在高温高压下的弹性性质及热力学性质,分析了CrH的各向同性波速和各向异性性能,对CrH的各向同性波速和各向异性系数进行了一定的计算.结果表明:CrH具有高度各向异性和高度的纵波和横波速度;在低温下,CV与T3成正比,在高温下趋于Dulong-Petit极限.实验结果与理论数据相符.%The elastic and thermodynamic properties of CrH at high pressures and high temperatures are investigated by the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the quasi-harmonic Debye model,with which the phononic effect is also considered.The isotropic wave velocities and anisotropic elasticity of CrH are analyzed with its coefficients being calculated.The results indicate that CrH has a high anisotropic elasticity as well as a high longitudinal and shear-wave velocity.At low temperature,Cv is proportional to T3 while at higher temperature,it is tending toward the Dulong-Petit limit.Its experimental data is in good agreement with the theoretical data.【期刊名称】《西华师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(038)003【总页数】7页(P327-333)【关键词】密度泛函理论;弹性性质;热力学性质【作者】贺梓淇;李明尚;付敏;任维义【作者单位】西华师范大学物理与空间科学学院,四川南充637009;西华师范大学物理与空间科学学院,四川南充637009;西华师范大学物理与空间科学学院,四川南充637009;西华师范大学物理与空间科学学院,四川南充637009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O561.2铬族金属氢化物(MH, M=Cr, Mo, W)是一类新兴的高效催化剂[1],与传统方法相比[2], 这类催化剂可直接以具有良好原子经济性的氢气作为氢源,因此在天然产物合成以及精细化工品生产中都有着广泛的应用[1-6]。



Application of thermodynamics in engineering
Introduction to thermodynamics
Second law of thermodynamics
Case studies in thermodynamics
指我们所研究的物体或物质,以及 与其周围的环境相互作用的成分的 总体。
在材料科学中,第三定律可以用来研究材料的热学性 质,例如热膨胀系数、热导率等。
在化学中,第三定律可以用来计算化学反应的熵变, 从而预测反应的方向和程度。
在能源领域,第三定律可以用来评估能源转换的效率 和损失,例如在制冷、发电等过程中。
通过制冷剂在冷凝器、节流阀 、蒸发器等部件中的循环,实
Statistical mechanics: 研究分 子统计和热力学性质 的关系
Fluid mechanics: 研 究液体和气体中能量 的传递和转换
Thermal engineering: 将热力 学原理应用于工程领 域
Understand the behavior of systems
热力学第二定律可以用数学公式表 示为:dS ≥ 0,其中S表示系统的熵 ,dS表示系统熵的变化量。
这个公式意味着,系统熵的变化量 等于流入系统的熵加上系统内部产 生的熵。
热力学第二定律在能源、环境、材料等领域都有 广泛的应用。
在环境领域,热力学第二定律可以帮助我们了解 自然界的能量流动和物质循环,为环境保护和可 持续发展提供理论支持。



MW = 120.02
R = 8.314471 J/mole • K
Properties calculated in SI units from the equation and
constants listed above can be converted to I/P units
using the conversion factors shown below. Please note
that in converting enthalpy and entropy from SI to I/P
units, a change in reference states must be included (from H = 200 and S = 1 at 0°C for SI units to H = 0 and S = 0 at –40°C for I/P units). In the conversion equation below, H (ref) and S (ref) are the saturated liquid enthalpy and entropy at –40°C. For HFC-125, H (ref) = 152.1 kJ/kg and S (ref) = 0.8120 kJ/kg • K.
Thermodynamic Properties of HFC-125 Refrigerant (pentafluoroethane)
SI Units
New tables of the thermodynamic properties of HFC-125 have been developed and are presented here. These tables are based on experimental data from the database at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Equations have been developed, based on the Modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin (MBWR) equation of state, which represent the data with accuracy and consistency throughout the entire range of temperature, pressure, and density.

Thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions

Thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions

The thermodynamic properties of aqueous electrolyte soiutions have been under investigation for many years. Extensive data exist for a wide variety of aqueous electrolytes at 298.15 K. A need for thermodynamic data at temperatures above 298.15 K has been feit in recent years, owing mainly to the interest in desalination processes and absorption heat pumps. Several e k t d y t w have been studied by different investigators at temperatwes between 373.15and 573.15K. However, very few precise data are available for aqueous electrolytes in the range 303.15-373.15 K. I n continuation of the recent publication (7), exhaustive study has been undertaken in this laboratory on the measurements of vapor pressures of aqueous sdutions of NaBr, NaI, KCI, KBr, KI, RbCi, CsCi, CsBr, CsI, MgCi,, CaCI,, CaBr,, CaI,, SrCI,, SrBr,, &I2, and BaBr, with high precision in the temBaCi,, perature range 303.15-343.15 K for various concentrations. These results were fitted to an Antoine type of equation. The experimental data may be used to correlate the local composition theory on single-solute aqueous solutions up to very high concentration (up to 20 m), as well as over a range of temperatures (2, 3). The activity and osmotic coefficients have been also calculated from the present data.

Thermodynamical properties of the Undulant Universe

Thermodynamical properties of the Undulant Universe

a rXiv :0805.0635v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 6 M a y 2008Thermodynamical properties of the Undulant UniverseTian LanDepartment of Astronomy,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,ChinaTong-Jie Zhang ∗Department of Astronomy,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China.Recent observations show that our universe is accelerating by dark energy,so it is important to investigate the thermodynamical properties of it.The Undulant Universe is a model with equation of state ω(a )=−cos(b ln a )for dark energy,where we show that there neither the event horizon nor the particle horizon exists.However,as a boundary of keeping thermodynamical properties,the apparent horizon is a good holographic screen.The Universe has a thermal equilibrium inside the apparent horizon,so the Unified First Law and the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics are satisfied.As a thermodynamical whole,the evolution of the Undulant Universe behaves very well in the current phase.However,when considering the unification theory,the failure of conversation law at the epoch of the matter dominated or near singularity need some more consideration for the form of the Undulant Universe.PACS numbers:95.36.+x,98.80.Cq,98.80.-k,04.20.Dw,04.70.-sI.INTRODUCTIONGeneral relativity (GR)is the theory of spacetime and gravitation formulated by Einstein in 1915.To admit a static,homogeneous solution for the Universe,Einstein modified his equation as follows (µ,ν=1,2,3,4):R µν−1∗Electronicaddress:tjzhang@known so little.In order to get more understanding of DE,many researchers have discussed it from thermody-namical viewpoints widely,such as thermodynamics of DE with constant ωin the range −1<ω<−1/3[5],ω=−1in the de Sitter spacetime and anti-de Sitter spacetime [6],ω<−1in the Phantom field [7,8],and ω=ω0+ω1z [9],the generalized chaplygin gas [10]and so on.More discussions on the thermodynamics of DE can be found in [11,12,13,14,45,46].In this paper,we also investigate a model from the thermodynamical viewpoints to explore some more interesting properties of DE.Usually we treat the Universe as a whole,a global spacetime,so it is analogous to black hole (BH),and some conclusions on BH can be used to the Universe.Hawking temperature,BH entropy,and BH mass satisfy the First Law of thermodynamics dM =T dS [15].In terms of the “rationalized area”[16],if a charged BH is rotating,solv-ing dM ,we get dM =(κ/8π)d A +Ω0dJ +V 0dQ ,where κ,A ,Ω0,J ,V 0,Q are the surface gravity,area,dragged ve-locity,angular momentum,electric potential and charge of a BH respectively.This expression is analogous to the First Law of thermodynamics dE =T dS −P dV .There-fore,it is suggestive of a connection between thermody-namics and BH physics in general,and between entropy and BH area in particular.Bekenstein conjectured these analysis at first [17],and Hawking discovered that the BH can emit particles according to the Planck spectrum,so we get the effective temperature on the horizon of the BH,T =κ/2π[18],and the entropy,S =A /4[19].Af-ter that,one can study many gravitational systems in the framework of thermodynamics.Consequently,the Uni-verse can be considered as a thermodynamical system [19,20,21,22],and the thermodynamical properties of BH can be generalized to spacetime enveloped by the cos-mological horizon.In other words,the thermodynamical laws should be satisfied.The principle of holography was first developed byHungarian scientist Dennis Gabor around1947-48while improving the resolution of an electron microscope[23].G.’t Hooft combined quantum mechanics with gravity tofind that the3-dimensional world is to be an image of data that can be stored on a2-dimensional holographic film,and they called the information on the projection “hologram”[24].Later,Fischler and Susskind applied it to the standard cosmological context[25].They con-sidered the world as a hologram[26],whose entire infor-mation about the global3+1-dimensional spacetime can be stored on particular hypersurfaces(called holographic screens).In other words,the degrees of freedom of a spa-tial region reside on the surface of the region.The total number of the degrees of freedom does not exceed the Bekenstein-Hawking bound,a universal entropy bound within a given weakly gravitational volume[27].Fur-thermore,the holographic principle requires the number of degrees of freedom per unit area to be no greater than 1per Planck area.Consequently,the entropy of a re-gion must not exceed its area in Planck units,wherefore, the maximum number of degrees of freedom in a volume should be proportional to the surface area[28].Even with a short distance cutoff,the information content of a spa-tial region would appear to grow with the volume.The holographic principle,on the other hand,implies that the number of fundamental degrees of freedom is related to the area of surfaces in spacetime.We will show that the holographic principle is coincidence with the analysis of the Unified First Law,and corresponds to the General-ized Second Law of thermodynamics of the Universe. We use the Planck units c=G=k B= =1,where G is Newton’s constant, is Planck’s constant,c is the speed of light,and k B is Boltzmann’s constant respec-tively.The Planck units of energy density,mass,temper-ature,and other quantities are converted to CGS units. This paper is organized as follows:In Sec.II,we re-view the introduction to the Undulant Universe.In Sec. III,we discuss the cosmological horizons of the Undulant Universe.Then we demonstrate the Unified First Law of thermodynamics and the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics on the apparent horizon respectively in Sec.IV and Sec.V.In Sec.VI,we present conclusions and discussions.II.INTRODUCTION TO THE UNDULANTUNIVERSEParticle physicists contemplate the possibility of an en-ergy density inherent in the vacuum that is defined as the state of lowest attainable energy.Now we believe we have measured the vacuum energy.However,from the measurement,wefind that the cosmological constant has a discrepancy of large orders of magnitude in energy scale to the vacuum energy,and some reviews can been seen from Sahni and Starobinski2000,Carroll2001,or Peebles and Ratra2003.What is worse,there is a co-incidence scandal between the observed vacuum energy and the current matter density.Our homogeneous and isotropic Universe follows the dynamics of an expanding Robertson-Walker(RW)spacetime(i,j=1,2):ds2=g ij dx i dx j+r∗2dΩ2(3) =dt2−a2(t)(dr21−κr2.(4)The evolution of the Universe is governed by the Fried-mann equation:H2=˙a23ρ−κ8πG.(7)The weight of observational evidence,extended by de-tailed observations[29],points to aflat Universe,in-cluding0.05ordinary matter and0.22nonbaryonic dark matter,but dominated by DE.The densities in matter and vacuum are of the same order of magnitude.Fur-thermore,the traditional vacuum energy density does not vary with time,while matter and radiation density change rapidly with the expansion of the Universe.The phase of the Universe transferred from radiation domi-nated to matter dominated in the past,and recently,at z∼1.5,the vacuum energy is ly,if the vacuum becomes dominated at any epoch,the Uni-verse would have evolved completely different history.To solve this cosmic coincidence problem,some researchers put forward the anthropic idea[30].According to this idea,there are many universes with different values of the vacuum energy,and most of them don’t allow life to develop.Meanwhile,many nonanthropic ideas have also been proposed.These ideas make the vacuum en-ergy track the matter density in a certain way such thatthe ratio is not so large[31],but all of them involvefinetuning problem in some way.[32]Considering all of these challenges to our understand-ing of DE,we investigate Undulant Universe character-ized by alternating periods of acceleration and deceler-ation[33].The Undulant Universe is the case of thevacuum energy varying with time,specifically with thenumber of e-foldings of the scale factor.Its EOS is:ω(a)=−cos(b ln a),(8)and the Hubble parameter:3H2(a)=H20(ΩM0a−3+ΩΛ0a−3exp[sin(b ln a)].(10)bThere are two quite different horizon concepts in cos-mology satisfying our definition and cosmologists have atvarious times devoted their attention to these horizons.Firstly,an event horizon(EH),for a given fundamentalobserver A,is a hypersurface in spacetime dividing allevents into two non-empty classes:those that have been,are,or will be observable by observer A,and those thatare forever outside observer A’s possible powers of obser-vation[36].Such that,for a global observer,the radiusof spacetime EH at cosmic time t can be written as:R E=a(t) t f t dt= +∞a da H0a0.5exp[1.5a(t)(PH),for any given fundamental observer B and cosmic instant t is a surface in the instantaneous3-space,divid-ing all fundamental particles into two non-empty classes: those that have already been observable by observer B at time t and those that have not[36].The radius of spacetime PH at cosmic time t can be written as:R P=a(t) t t i dta(t)= a0da H0a0.5exp[1.5bsin(b ln a)].(17)The radius of spacetime AH depends on the details of the matter distribution in the Universe.In generic situation, the AH evolves in time,and visibility of the outside anti-trapped region depends on the time development of the AH.Because there is no EH,the spatial region outsideFIG.2:The radius of spacetime AH in units of H−1as func-tion of a within three different large ranges,which are in dif-ferent starting points or end points,corresponding to three differentωin FIG.1respectively.of the horizon at a given time might be observed.The change of the radius varying with time during a Hubble time t H is:t Hd ln r∗AFIG.3:t H d ln r∗A/dt as function of a in different starting points or end points,corresponding to three differentωin FIG.1respectively.The amount of energyflux[40]crossing the AH within the time interval dt isdE A=4πr∗2A Tµνuµuνdt=4πr∗2A(ρ+P)dt=1.5H−1a0.5[1−cos(b ln a)]×exp[−1.5bsin(b ln a)]da.(24)Comparing Eq.(21)with Eq.(24),we have proved the re-sult dE A=T A dS A,so the Unified First Law of thermo-dynamics on the AH is confirmed,and the work can be done is zero indeed.From the FIG.4,wefind no periodic variation in any periods ofω.Some details in the top panel of FIG.4have been demonstrated in FIG.5.We find in different starting points or end points,even if in small ranges,the basic feature of the change of energy is similar,and T A dS A and−dE A are symmetrically dis-tributed around the level line.Actually,because of the of H−1(dashed line)as function of a in different starting points or end points,corresponding to three differentωin FIG.1respectively.And the level line is the change of energy in the Standard Universe(dotted line).oscillation ofω,the variation of energy is somefluctua-tion of the Standard Universe.We chooseΛCDM with ΩΛ0=1andΩM0=0as the Standard Universe. However,considering unification theory,the matter term and k=0should be added to the dynamics of the Undulant Universe.As discussed above,the Unified First Law is broken when the Universe is deceleration or the curvature generally becomes large near the singularity. To make sure that the Unified First Law is satisfied,we speculate that the DE has other form,e.g.,scalar vector form near the singularity[45].V.THE GENERALIZED SECOND LA W OFTHERMODYNAMICS ON THE APPARENTHORIZONFrom holography we know that the preferred screen is the cosmological horizon.As the discussion mentioned above,the AH is a good cosmological horizon,and the successful Unified First Law of thermodynamics give us the chance to continue to discuss the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics.The Generalized Second Law:The common entropy in the BH exterior plus the BH entropy never deceases. This statement means that we must regard BH entropy as a genuine contribution to the entropy content of the Universe.Similarly,we now state a version of the cosmic holographic principle based on the cosmological AH:the particle entropy inside the AH can never exceed the AH gravitational entropy,i.e.the entropy inside the AH plus the AH gravitational entropy never deceases[41].FIG.5:T A dS A(thick line)in units of H−1and−dE A inunits of H−1(dashed line)as function of a in different starting points or end points,which demonstrate some details in the top panel of FIG.4.And the level line is the change of energy in the Standard Universe(dotted line).We can obtain the entropy of the Universe inside the AH through the Unified First Law of thermodynamics inside the horizon:T dS i=dE i+P dV=V dρ+(ρ+P)dV,(25)thereinto Eq.(25),the energy inside the AH is E i= 4πr∗3Aρ/3,and the volume is V=4πr∗3A/bin-ing Eq.(6)with Eq.(7),and differentiatingρ=ρΛ,we get dρ=3HdH/4π.According to the Zeroth Law of thermodynamics[42],we know on a stationary surface in the thermodynamical equilibrium,the temperature is constant Hawking temperature.However,the tempera-ture of the viscous matter were higher than the Hawking temperature.At the same time,because the Universe expands and DE is dominant,the temperature declines more rapidly.Such that we might define T=uT H[43], where u is a real constant,0<u≤1.Indeed the param-eter u shows the deviation from Hawking temperature. Therefore we obtaindS i=V dρ+(ρ+P)dVuT H(26)=1.5H−1bsin(b ln a)]da.(27)When u=1,dS i is minimum,so we just need to study how the minimal differential entropy evolves.For the FIG.6:dS i(thick dotted green line),dS A(thick solid line), and dS i+dS A=dS total(thick dashed line)in units of H−20 as functions of a in different starting points or end points, corresponding to three differentωin FIG.1respectively.The differential entropy of the Standard Universe is the level line (thin dotted line).entropy of the AH,we obtaindS A=dr∗Absin(b ln a)]da.(28)The total differential entropy is dS total=dS A+dS i, and all of the variation of the entropy vary with a.As shown in FIG.6,dS i≤0all the time,but dS A≥0and dS total≥0too.All of these cases in different start-ing points or end points are similar,even if in the small ranges.Because of smallfluctuation in the evolution,as presented in FIG.7,there is dS i≥0locally.However, the minimal total differential entropy is dS total≥0all the time,so the real total differential entropy should not decrease.In conclusion,the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics is confirmed on the AH.We conclude from[45,46],thatω(a)<−1is physi-cally meaningless because of the negative entropy,while ω(a)=−cos(b ln a)>−1should be satisfied all the time. Therefore the confirmation of the Generalized Second Law of the Universe is another support to this conclu-sion.VI.CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONSThe properties of DE have been studied since long time ago,and many models have been put forward.Although there is no evidence to present an exact model in accord with the real world,researchers have been successful inFIG.7:dS i(thick dotted line),dS A(thick solid line),and dS i+dS A=dS total(thick dashed line)in units of H−2as functions of a within three different small ranges,and in dif-ferent starting points or end points,which demonstrate some details in the top panel of FIG.6.The differential entropy of the Standard Universe is the level line(thin dotted line).many aspects.In this paper,we study the Undulant Universe on its thermodynamical properties,and all of these conclusions demonstrate wonderful results.We have shown that the Undulant Universe is a model to solve the cosmic coincidence problem withoutfine tun-ing,i.e.current phase of the Universe is not a particular one.In other words,we can come from any phase in the past,and go to any phase in the future.In the discussions of the cosmological horizon,neither the EH nor the PH exists in the Undulant Universe,which is a direct result from the solution.However,wefind another cosmological horizon,the AH,in the Universe as a whole.According to topology,the FOTH is a3-manifold,and the AH is the outer boundary of a connected component of a trapped region.Locally in time,it is a2-dimensional surface.We choose a special expression for the AH,whose evolution can be seen from FIG.2.There is no periodicity,but no matter how the Universe evolves,we can alwaysfind a AH,and all of their evolution are similar.Whereafter, we consider the Universe as a thermodynamical system inside the AH.Because of no change significantly over one Hubble scale,as shown in FIG.3,the equilibrium thermodynamics can be applied within the AH.The Four Laws of BH thermodynamics[42]are suc-cessful,whether these conjectures are confirmed in the Universe should be proved.The thermodynamical First Law dM=T dS converted to the AH,is dE A=T A dS A. Because the work might be done is zero at infinity,we have ignored the work term P dV.From our deduction, the Unified First Law of thermodynamics is satisfied per-fectly.As shown in FIG.4,there is no periodic variation in any periods ofω,and the basic feature of the change ofis similar in different starting points or end points, if in small ranges.As presented in FIG.5,due to the ofω,there is somefluctuation in the variation energy comparing with the Standard Universe.One of the most popular theory,holography,is a beau-information theory.We would applied it to the stan-cosmological context,such that the world can be as a hologram,and entire information about global3+1-dimensional spacetime can be stored on hypersurfaces.The connection between en-and information is well known[44].The entropya thermodynamical system in equilibrium is realizedit measures the uncertainty or inaccessibility of in-as to the actual internal configuration of theThe information is compatible with its macro-thermodynamical parameters(temperature,pres-etc.).Whenever new information about the system available,it can be considered as imposing some constraints on the entropy.This process leads to a de-crease in the entropy function.The entropy of a thermo-dynamical system,being in not equilibrium approaching equilibrium,increases because information about the in-ternal configuration of the system is missing during its evolution.The missing is due to the washing out of the effects of the initial conditions,and it would be expected to be reflected in the gradual increase in the entropy of its surface.An exterior observer is likely to cause a de-crease in the entropy of a system by acquitting infor-mation about the internal configuration of the system. But information is never free.During acquiring informa-tion about the system,the observer causes an increase in the entropy of the rest of the Universe inevitably.This increase exceeds the decrease.Accordingly,the total en-tropy of the Universe increases in the process.Coming back to the thermodynamics of the Universe, we obtain the entropy inside the AH by the Unified First Law of thermodynamics,and the temperature of the DE dominated Universe is not higher than the Hawking tem-perature.So we choose the maximal temperature to get the minimal total differential entropy dS total.Associ-ated with the differential entropy on the AH,we get dS total=dS A+dS i.The temperature of the cosmo-logical material will decline as the Universe expands,so dS i≤0.The accompanying loss of energy can cause a back reaction on the cosmic dynamics.The reaction will lead to increase the horizon area,so dS A≥0.We might expect the rise in entropy associated with this increase to more than offset the decrease,which is due to the other processes discussed above.Wefind that the total entropy of the AH does not decrease with time,i.e.dS total≥0. The entropy of the visible Universe decreases in the pro-cess,in spite of dS i≥0locally due to smallfluctuation in the evolution.In a word,the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics is satisfied on the AH.As shown in FIG.6and FIG.7,whenever and wherever the Universe evolves,the variation of the entropy is similar.Although we just discuss the minimal total differential entropy,the real one remains confirmed.In conclusion,the AH of the Undulant Universe is a good holographic screen,and as a boundary of keeping thermodynamical properties.The Universe has a ther-mal equilibrium within the AH.The Undulant Universe behaves very well in its evolution,and in spite of some undulant departure from the Standard Universe,it solves some coincidence problem in the Standard Universe.In summary,from the thermodynamical viewpoints, the investigation to the Universe is interesting,however, there are some problems.In fact,the acceleration of our Universe is temporary,and there ever was and will be a matter dominated phase or singularity.Therefore we should consider matter dominated or large curvature case due to unification theory.We have assured that the conversation law is confirmed all the time,however, when the Universe is deceleration or near singularity,the conversation law is broken.This bad result means that the energy in the Undulant Universeω(a)=−cos(b ln a) maybe some other form in the matter dominated epoch or near singularity,such that the conversation law can not be violated.Another possibility is that the entropy should be redefined.However,the success of our stan-dard deduction encourages the definition in the Undulant Universe.Furthermore,thermodynamical properties de-mand to be explored more deeply in the future,and there are some more cosmological horizons expected to be stud-ied.VII.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are very grateful to the anonymous referee for his valuable comments that greatly improve this pper.Tian Lan would like to thank Prof.Canbin Liang for his pa-tient and valuable teaching,and Yongping Zhang for her discussion and suggestions,all the students in her lab for their valuable comments and help.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grants No.10473002)and the Scientific Research Foun-dation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,State Education Ministry.[1]A.G.Riess et al,Astron.J.116(1998)1009.[2]C.L.Bennett et al.,Astrophys.J.Supp.Ser.148(2003)1;D.N.Spergel et al.,ApJS,170,377(2007).[3]D.J.Eisenstein et al.Astrophys.J.633(2005)560.[4]A.G.Riess et al.,Astrophy.J.607(2004)665.[5]B.Wang,Y.G.Gong,E.Abdalla,Phys.Rev.D74,083520(2006).[6]A.Frolov and L.Kofman,JCAP.05(2003)09;BunchT.S and Davies P.C,Quantumfield theory in de Sitter space(Proc.R.Soc.A360,1978).[7]Raphael Bousso,Phys.Rev.D71,064024(2005).[8]Jens Kujat,Robert J.Scherrer and A.A.Sen,Phys.Rev.D74,083501(2006).[9]Yongping Zhang,Zelong Yi,Tong-Jie Zhang,WenbiaoLiu,Phys.RevD.77.023502(2008).[10]Y.G.Gong,B.Wang and A.Z.Wang,JCAP0701(2007)024.[11]I.Brevik,S Nojiri,S.D.Odintsov and L.Vanzo,Phys.Rev.D70(2004)043520.[12]S.Nojiri and S.D.Odintsov.Phys.Rev.D70(2004)103522.[13]M.R.setare and S.shafei,JCAP09(2006)011;M.R.Settare,JCAP0701(2007)023.[14]F.C.Santos,M.L.Bedran and V.soares.Phys.lett.B636(2006)86.[15]J.M.Bardeen,B.carter and S.W.Hawking,Commum.Math.Phys.31,161(1973).[16]D.Christodoulou Phys.Rev.Lett.25,1596(1970); 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%The lattice constant, elastic constants and thermophysical properties for proverskite BaTiO3 have been investigated hy the density function theory. The calculation indicates that BaTiO3 with proverskite is brittle according to the value of B/G. The calculated band structure indicates that it is indirect semiconductor with a band gap 1.59eV. The heat specify and thermal expansion which vary with temperature and pressure are also discussed based on a qusiharmonie Debye model.【期刊名称】《广西民族师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(029)003【总页数】3页(P39-41)【关键词】钙钛矿结构;热物理性质;弹性;电子结构【作者】翟娟;李兰英;欧阳义芳【作者单位】广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院,广西南宁530004 广西民族师范学院物理与电子工程系,广西崇左532200;广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院,广西南宁530004 广西民族师范学院物理与电子工程系,广西崇左532200;广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院,广西南宁530004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN914.3BaTiO3是一种典型的铁电材料,由于其具有优良的铁电性质和高的介电常数而备受关注[1]157-165。

Advanced-Thermodynamics (1)

Advanced-Thermodynamics (1)

Advanced ThermodynamicsAdvanced thermodynamics is a field of study that delves deep into the behavior of energy and matter at a macroscopic level. With its roots in physics and engineering, it encompasses a wide range of complex concepts and principles that have far-reaching implications in various industries. This multifaceted discipline plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the fundamental workings of the physical world and has contributed significantly to technological advancements. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of advanced thermodynamics, shedding light on its significance, applications, and ongoing research. To begin with, it is essential to comprehend the foundational principles that underpin advanced thermodynamics. At its core, thermodynamics deals with the transfer and conversion of energy, encompassing topics such as heat and work. Advanced thermodynamics takes this understanding a step further by integrating principlesof statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, providing a more comprehensive framework for analyzing complex systems. This integration allows for a deeper exploration of phenomena such as phase transitions, critical points, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which are crucial in diverse fields ranging from chemistry and materials science to astrophysics. One of the most compelling aspects of advanced thermodynamics is its wide-ranging applications across various industries. In the realm of renewable energy, for instance, it plays a crucialrole in the design and optimization of efficient and sustainable energy systems.By utilizing advanced thermodynamic principles, engineers and scientists can develop innovative solutions for harnessing solar, wind, and geothermal energy, thereby contributing to the global shift towards clean energy sources. Furthermore, in the field of aerospace engineering, advanced thermodynamics is instrumental in the design of high-performance propulsion systems, enabling the development ofnext-generation aircraft and spacecraft. Moreover, advanced thermodynamics has profound implications in the realm of nanotechnology and materials science. With the emergence of novel materials and nanostructures, the ability to understand and manipulate their thermodynamic properties becomes increasingly vital. This is exemplified in the development of advanced functional materials with tailored thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties, paving the way for groundbreakinginnovations in electronics, healthcare, and environmental remediation. Additionally, the study of thermodynamics at the nanoscale has spurred remarkable progress in the field of nanotechnology, leading to advancements in nanofabrication, nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS), and nanoscale heat transfer. In the pursuit of furthering our understanding of advanced thermodynamics, ongoing research plays a pivotal role. The exploration of complex phenomena such as quantum thermodynamics and the thermodynamics of small systems has opened up new frontiers in the field. Quantum thermodynamics, in particular, seeks to elucidate the thermodynamic behavior of quantum systems, offeringinsights into the fundamental limits of energy conversion and the underlying principles governing quantum engines and refrigerators. Furthermore, the study of small systems, including individual molecules and nanoparticles, has presented intriguing challenges and opportunities in understanding thermodynamic phenomena at the nanoscale, with implications for both fundamental scientific inquiry and technological applications. Beyond its scientific and technological significance, advanced thermodynamics evokes a sense of wonder and appreciation for theintricate workings of the natural world. The elegant interplay of energy, entropy, and information in complex systems captivates the imagination, inspiring researchers to unravel the mysteries of thermodynamics at increasingly fundamental levels. This sense of awe and curiosity fuels the ongoing exploration of advanced thermodynamics, driving interdisciplinary collaboration and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. In conclusion, advanced thermodynamics stands as a cornerstone of modern science and engineering, with far-reaching implications across diverse fields. From its foundational principles rooted in energy and matter to its applications in renewable energy, materials science, and nanotechnology, it continues to shape our technological landscape. Ongoing research endeavors further push the boundaries of our understanding, unveiling new layers of complexity and opening doors to unprecedented advancements. As we navigate the complexities of advanced thermodynamics, an enduring sense of wonder and curiosity underscores our journey, propelling us towards new frontiers of knowledge and innovation.。

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Thermodynamics and heat transfer are fundamental concepts in the field of physics that play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of matter and energy. Thermodynamics deals with the study of energy and its transformations, while heat transfer focuses on the movement of heat from one place to another. These concepts are essential in various applications, ranging from the design of engines and refrigeration systems to the study of climate change and environmental sustainability. One of the key principles in thermodynamics is the conservationof energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, onlytransferred or converted from one form to another. This principle is evident in everyday life, such as when we use a stove to cook food or a heater to warm a room. In both cases, energy is being transferred from a source to the object being heated, resulting in a change in temperature. Heat transfer, on the other hand, involves the movement of heat from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. This process occurs through three main mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through a material without any movement of the material itself, such as when heat is transferred through a metal rod. Convection involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, such as when hot air rises and cold air sinks. Radiation is thetransfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, such as when the sun heats the Earth. Understanding thermodynamics and heat transfer is essential for engineers and scientists in various fields, as it allows them to design and optimize systems for efficient energy use. For example, in the design of a car engine, thermodynamics principles are used to maximize the conversion of fuel into mechanical work while minimizing heat loss. Similarly, in the design of a refrigeration system, heat transfer principles are used to remove heat from a space and maintain a desired temperature. In addition to their practical applications, thermodynamics and heat transfer also have implications for environmental sustainability and climate change. The burning of fossil fuels for energy production releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. By understanding the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer, scientists and engineers can develop more efficient and sustainableenergy systems that reduce the impact on the environment. Overall, thermodynamics and heat transfer are essential concepts in the study of energy and matter, with wide-ranging applications in engineering, science, and environmental sustainability. By understanding these principles, we can develop more efficient systems for energy production and consumption, while also addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation.。

The thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat conduction and viscosity

The thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat conduction and viscosity
The Thermodynamics of Elastic Materials with Heat Conduction and Viscosity
B E R N A R D D . COLEMAN • W A L T E R N O L L 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n The basic physical concepts of classical continuum mechanics are body, configuration of a body, a n d / o r c e system acting on a body. In a formal rational development of the subject, one first tries to state precisely what mathematical entities rePresent these physical concepts: a body is regarded to be a smooth manifold whose elements are the material points; a configuration is defined as a mapping of the body into a three-dimensional Euclidean space, and a force system is ddfined to be a vector-valued function defined for pairs of bodies x. Once these concepts are made precise one can proceed to the statement ofgeneral principles, such as the principle of objectivity or the law of balance of linear momentum, and to the statement of specific constitutive assumptions, such as the assertion that a force system can be resolved into body forces with a mass density and contact forces with a surface density, or the assertion that the contact forces at a material point depend on certain local properties of the configuration at the point. While the general principles are the same for all work in classical continuum mechanics, the constitutive assumptions v a r y with the application in mind and serve to define the material under consideration. When one has stated the mathematical nature of bodies, configurations and forces, and has laid down the ways in which these concepts occur in the general principles and the constitut!ve assumptions, then the properties of these concepts are fixed, and one can present rigorous arguments without recourse to "operational definitions" and other metaphysical paraphernalia, which m a y be of some use in deciding on the applicability of a theory to a specific physical situation but seem to have no place in its mathematical development. To discuss the thermodynamics of continua, it appears that to the concepts of continuum mechanics one must add five new basic concepts: these are temperature, specific internal energy ~, specific entropy a, heat flux, and heat supply 4 (due to radiation). Once mechanics is axiomatized, it is easy to give the mathematical entities representing the thermodynamic concepts: temperature, specific internal energy, specific entropy and heat supply are scalar fields defined over x For more extensive discussions of the foundations-of continuum mechanics see references [1]-- [4]. 2 Sometimes called "internal energy density". 3 Sometimes called "entropy density". * Sometimes called "density of absorbed radiation".

Advanced Thermodynamics

Advanced Thermodynamics

Advanced ThermodynamicsTitle: The Fascinating World of Advanced Thermodynamics Introduction: Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of energy and its transformation. Advanced thermodynamics takes this fundamental understanding to a higher level, exploring complex systems and phenomena that occur under extreme conditions. In this response, we will delve into the captivating world of advanced thermodynamics, discussing its importance, applications, challenges, and future prospects. Importance of Advanced Thermodynamics: Advanced thermodynamics plays a crucial role in various fields, including materials science, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, and even astrophysics. By studying the behavior of energy and matter in extreme conditions, scientists and engineers can develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. For example, advanced thermodynamics enables the design of high-performance materials for aerospace applications, efficient energy conversion systems, and sustainable manufacturing processes. Understanding the principles of advanced thermodynamics is vital for technological advancements and the overall progress of society. Applications of Advanced Thermodynamics: One of the key applications of advanced thermodynamics is in the field of materials science. By studying the thermodynamic properties of materials under extreme conditions, scientists can develop new materials with enhanced properties. For instance, the development of high-temperature superconductors, which can conduct electricity without resistance, relies heavily on advanced thermodynamics. Additionally, advanced thermodynamics is instrumental in understanding phase transitions, such as the behavior of materials at the solid-liquid-gas interface, which has implications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals and chemical manufacturing. Challenges in Advanced Thermodynamics: Despite its importance, advanced thermodynamics poses several challenges. One of the main challenges is the complexity of the systems being studied. Advanced thermodynamics often deals with non-equilibrium systems, where the traditional laws of thermodynamics may not apply. Understanding and modeling such systems require advanced mathematical techniques and computational tools. Another challenge is the lack of experimental data under extreme conditions. Conducting experiments at high temperatures, pressures, or in extreme environments is often difficult andexpensive. Therefore, researchers heavily rely on theoretical models and simulations to gain insights into the behavior of complex systems. Future Prospects: The future of advanced thermodynamics looks promising, driven by advancements in computational power and experimental techniques. The development of sophisticated simulation tools, such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods, allows researchers to model complex systems more accurately. Furthermore, advancements in materials characterization techniques, such as high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy, enable the direct observation and measurement of thermodynamic properties at the nanoscale. These advancements will not only deepen our understanding of advanced thermodynamics but also facilitate the design and development of novel materials and energy systems. Conclusion: In conclusion, advanced thermodynamics holds immense importance in various scientific and engineering disciplines. Its applications range from materials science to energy conversion systems, offering solutions to real-world challenges. However, the complexity of the systems being studied and the lack of experimental data pose significant challenges. Nevertheless, with the continuous advancements in computational power and experimental techniques, the future of advanced thermodynamics looks promising. By harnessing the principles of advanced thermodynamics, scientists and engineers can unlock new possibilities and drive innovation for a sustainable and technologically advanced future.。

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere

The Thermodynamics of the Earths Atmosphere The Earth's atmosphere is a complex system that interacts with the planet's surface, oceans, and biosphere. The study of the thermodynamics of the atmosphere is essential in understanding the behavior of this system and how it affects our planet. Thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between heat, energy, and work. In the context of the Earth's atmosphere, thermodynamics helps us understand the processes that govern the movement of air, the formation of weather patterns, and the distribution of energy throughout the system.One of the key principles of thermodynamics is the conservation of energy. This principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another. In the Earth's atmosphere, energy is transferred through a variety of processes, including radiation, conduction, and convection. Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves, such as those from the sun. Conduction is the transfer of energy through direct contact, such as when the ground heats the air above it. Convection is the transfer of energy through the movement of fluids, such as when warm air rises and cool air sinks.Another important principle of thermodynamics is the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of a closed system always increases over time. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In the Earth's atmosphere, entropy increases as energy is transferred from one place to another. This means that the atmosphere tends towards a state of maximum disorder, which can lead to the formation of weather patterns and other complex phenomena.The thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere also plays a crucial role in the global climate system. The atmosphere acts as a greenhouse, trapping heat from the sun and regulating the temperature of the planet. This is known as the greenhouse effect, and it is essential for life on Earth. However, human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming. Understanding the thermodynamics ofthe atmosphere is therefore crucial in addressing the challenges of climate change and developing strategies to mitigate its impacts.From a human perspective, the thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere has a profound impact on our daily lives. Weather patterns such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms are all driven by the movement of air and the transfer of energy through the atmosphere. These phenomena can have devastating effects on communities, causing loss of life and property damage. Understanding the thermodynamics of the atmosphere can help us predict and prepare for these events, improving our ability to respond and recover from natural disasters.In conclusion, the study of the thermodynamics of the Earth's atmosphere is essential in understanding the behavior of this complex system and its impact on our planet. Through the principles of conservation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics, we can gain insights into the processes that govern the movement of air, the formation of weather patterns, and the distribution of energy throughout the system. From a human perspective, this knowledge is critical in predicting and preparing for natural disasters and addressing the challenges of climate change. As we continue to explore the mysteries of our planet's atmosphere, the principles of thermodynamics will undoubtedly play a central role in our understanding of this fascinating and complex system.。

Thermodynamics Advances and Applications

Thermodynamics Advances and Applications

Thermodynamics Advances and Applications Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, and energy. It has been a fundamental area of study in the field of engineering and physical sciences, with significant advances and applications that have revolutionized various industries. In this response, we will explore the significance of thermodynamics advances and applications from multiple perspectives, including its impact on technology, environmental sustainability, and human well-being.From a technological perspective, the advances in thermodynamics have led to the development of more efficient and sustainable energy systems. The understanding of thermodynamic principles has allowed engineers to design and optimize power plants, engines, and refrigeration systems to operate at higher efficiencies, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. For example, the development of combined cycle power plants, which integrate gas and steam turbines, has significantly improved the overall efficiency of electricity generation. This has not only reduced the environmental impact of power generation but also contributed to the global effort to combat climate change.Moreover, thermodynamics has played a crucial role in the advancement of renewable energy technologies. The design and optimization of solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal power plants heavily rely on thermodynamic principles to maximize energy conversion and minimize energy losses. As the world transitions towards a more sustainable energy future, the application of thermodynamics in renewable energy technologies will continue to be of paramount importance.In addition to its technological significance, thermodynamics also has a profound impact on environmental sustainability. The understanding of thermodynamic processes has enabled scientists and policymakers to assess the environmental impact of various industrial processes and develop strategies to minimize waste and pollution. The concept of exergy, which measures the quality of energy, has been instrumental in identifying opportunities for resource conservation and waste heat recovery in industrial processes. By applying thermodynamic principles, industries can minimize their environmental footprint and move towards more sustainable production practices.Furthermore, thermodynamics has implications for human well-being, particularly in the context of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The design and optimization of HVAC systems in buildings and vehicles rely on thermodynamic principles to ensure thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Advances in thermodynamics have led to the development of more energy-efficient HVAC systems, which not only reduce energy costs for consumers but also contribute to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.From a broader perspective, the advances in thermodynamics have also influenced the way we understand and address global challenges such as food security and water scarcity. The application of thermodynamic principles in food processing and refrigeration has extended the shelf life of perishable goods, reducing food waste and improving food security. Additionally, thermodynamics plays a crucial role in desalination processes, which are becoming increasingly important in addressing water scarcity in arid regions.In conclusion, the advances in thermodynamics and their applications have had far-reaching implications for technology, environmental sustainability, and human well-being. From improving the efficiency of energy systems to addressing global challenges such as food security and water scarcity, thermodynamics continues to be a cornerstone of scientific and technological progress. As we continue to face complex challenges in the 21st century, the role of thermodynamics in shaping a more sustainable and prosperous future cannot be overstated.。



蒙特卡洛模拟金属Ag的饱和蒸汽压周佳;耿珺【摘要】采用金属银的嵌入原子模型(EAM),利用蒙特卡洛方法(MC)方法,在正则系综(NVT)系综下,计算了银从1 700 K到2 300 K的饱和蒸气压,并和实验所测得的蒸汽压计算公式进行了对比.计算结果表明所有温度下的模拟结果与实验测量的饱和蒸汽压误差均在30%以内,验证了EAM势能可以定性符合银的饱和蒸气压,也证明了银的EAM模型可以拓展到气态的模拟.【期刊名称】《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(049)003【总页数】5页(P363-367)【关键词】饱和蒸汽压;蒙特卡洛模拟;分子动力学;相平衡【作者】周佳;耿珺【作者单位】武汉大学动力与机械学院,武汉430072;国核(北京)科学技术研究院有限公司,北京102209【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG111.3Daw和Baskes[2]针对有效介质理论和准原子理论存在的缺陷,提出了嵌入原子模型(Embedded Atom Method, EAM) .假设每一个原子皆为嵌入其他局部原子组成晶格中的客体,嵌入原子能即为嵌入该处的前后的能量之差,这个能量差是由平均电子密度决定的[3].最先使用这种方法来对纯元素的过渡金属相关性质进行计算,包括结构和热力学性能,表面和晶界性能[2],后EAM势能推广到了Ni-Al为代表的几种fcc合金中[4-7]计算其热力学性能以及拉伸性能,众多结果表明EAM 模型还能应用到液态的计算中计算其原子输运性能[8].通过Johnson的截断修正[9],EAM模型也十分成功的描述了bcc与hcp金属的热力学和及拉伸性能[10-12],另外还有基于该方法构造的表面分析型模型计算[13].至今,基于EAM方法的气液态研究较少,目前未见登载的使用该模拟方法计算饱和蒸汽压的文献.本文通过编程完成了蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation,MC),计算了饱和蒸汽压.使用分子动力学模拟(Molecular Dynamics,MD)验证了MC程序的正确性,并将计算出的饱和蒸汽压结果与MB Panish[1]使用色谱法测量的Ag蒸汽压进行了研究比对,同时证明了EAM模型拓展到气态的可行性,对EAM的研究领域进行了拓展.1.1 MC模拟MC方法[14]是一种以概率统计理论为指导的数值计算方法.此次模拟使用C语言编写了MC模拟程序,在编程过程中参考了Frenkel与Smit提出的模拟思路[15],借助Metropolis抽样算法[16]采样.模拟计算输出的固定温度T下两相压强p与化学势μ便是确定饱和蒸汽压的依据,EAM势能模型的具体公式为:其中, Ei 为原子i的能量,ρβ为原子i处原子j的β类型电子的密度,F为嵌入原子能,φαβ为原子i和原子j的两体对势,rij 为i与j原子间的距离.势能采用LAMMPS中提供的EAM势能文件,参考Foiles[3]的EAM参数.规定原子质量数为107.87 u ,截断距离rc为5.5 Å,最大电子密度为0.25C/α0,将截断距离和电子密度均分为500段,列出了对应的F,ρβ与φαβ.输出的压强采用Foiles提出的EAM压强公式[17],使用Widom插入粒子方法[18,19],通过计算受验粒子与系统相互作用求化学势:式中,μex表示的是N个粒子的体系内插入第N+1个粒子时增加的化学势,n表示数密度,λ表示该温度下的热德布罗意波长,ψ表示加入原子后增加的势能.本次计算使用模拟正则系综(NVT),512个Ag原子, MC循环的总次数为4×106次,从初始状态达到平衡态的次数为2×106次,采样频率为每10步一次.1.2 MD模拟饱和蒸汽压的计算不能直接使用MD模拟,因为气态与液态的压强在数量级上存在很大的差异,很难使用稳定的气液两相数据通过拟合方法得到压强-体积曲线.Bhattacharya[20]曾计算出了温度在沸点以上时的Cu和Al的压强-体积曲线,这种方法对其他温度并不适用,本文仅使用MD方法来验证MC的计算结果确定编制程序的可靠性.使用软件LAMMPS[21],输出压强,总势能与原子间的对势.以1 700 K为例,如图1所示为气态的输出,结果在密度较小时,与理想气体十分接近.该状态下的原子间隔较大作用力几乎为0,近似为理想气体模型.在比对化学势判断相平衡时,取理想气体的化学势与MC计算的化学势比对.图2为液态的输出,压强与密度在稳定液态密度附近呈成线性相关.从两幅图的数据可以看出气态与液态的压强在数量级上有很大差异.金属Ag的晶格为面心立方(fcc),模拟系统采用8×8×8的晶格盒子,共2 048个原子,使用周期边界条件,通过设定不同晶格常数使各原子在设定密度下均匀分布.通过Nose-Hoover热浴法[22-23]积分方法为Verlet形式[24]控制温度.经过测试,气态时选定的步长为20fs液态5fs.温度从1 700 K到2 300 K,间隔100 K,稳定气态密度与液态密度与随着模拟温度变化.每次计算弛豫8×104步后以总能量来判断平衡,再对其进行热力学性质的输出,共运行1.6×106步.使用MC程序计算了温度1 700K至2 300K的粒子平均能量,压强及化学势,输出了MC计算的接受比率.以2 300 K输出的这部分结果为例.2 300 K下的MC程序计算得到液态部分的结果如表1所示,将化学势的单位转化为约化单位n×kB×T便于后面的蒸汽压计算,每次的模拟的位移dr设置为0.5 Å.图3~图9为1700~2300 K液态下MC与MD压强结果对比,可以看到:MC与MD的压强比对结果均出现了200 bar左右的波动,此量级的波动是由于液态下原子间的距离近,压强计算公式中维里项较大造成的.温度较低时可以观察到MC模拟所得到的结果较为稳定波动更小,线性关系明显,高温的计算结果的波动则相对偏大. 另外MC程序的计算与MD的计算所取的原子个数不相同,MD模拟的原子个数为MC模拟的4倍,体系更大也更稳定,所以MD结果的线性关系明显.未来的研究应将上述模型中的模拟体系与平均次数提高,减小误差.通过MC输出的数据可以得到液相的压强与化学势的线性方程,气相部分如上文所示取理想气体压强与化学势.将气液两相的压强与化学势的进行比对,化学势与压强均相等时便可得到此温度下的饱和蒸汽压,此次计算结果如表2所示.如表2所示,所有温度下的模拟结果与实验测量的饱和蒸汽压误差均在30%以内,与实验值定性符合.温度在1 700 K时的结果误差最小为11.82%,最大的误差则出现在1 800 K,为29.16%,1 900 ~2 100 K的温度下的结果与实验值接近.1 900~2 300K模拟与实验值相比偏大,1 700 K与1 800 K则偏小.模拟计算随着温度的上升而增加,根据计算结果可得到饱和蒸汽压与温度的关系有:其中,温度T的单位是K,p的单位是bar,其与温度的关系如图10所示,对比实验值,两者较为接近.本次计算通过编程完成MC模拟,采用EAM模型得到了金属Ag的饱和蒸汽压,使用MD法对计算结果进行验证,并且将计算结果与实验值[1]进行了比对.结果与实验测量误差在30%以内,证明了嵌入原子理论,合理成功地描述了金属Ag的饱和蒸汽压,该势能模型可以从液态的模拟大量拓展到气态模拟的研究与应用.液态MC与MD模拟的饱和蒸汽压对比的误差,需要日后对模拟体系加以优化.碱金属的EAM势能已经十分完善[25],今后将应用这种方法研究对碱金属和其他稳定EAM势能金属的饱和蒸气压进行验证.【相关文献】[1] Panish B M. 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金属结合能、线膨胀系数及德拜温度的解析研究与计算于长丰【摘要】采用两体势模型研究了7类晶系共53种金属的结合能、线膨胀系数及德拜温度,并给出了三者之间普适性的关联方程及解析计算式.理论计算出的线膨胀系数及德拜温度与实验值比较其平均相对误差分别为2.9%和1.66%,相对均方根误差分别为3.75%和2.19%.金属结合能、线膨胀系数及德拜温度三者关联方程中,存在适合于不同晶系结构的共同的关联因子,该因子的均值为1.046,相对均方根误差为2.17%.【期刊名称】《物理实验》【年(卷),期】2018(038)002【总页数】7页(P8-14)【关键词】金属结合能;线膨胀系数;德拜温度;两体势模型;关联因子【作者】于长丰【作者单位】西安工程大学理学院物理系,陕西西安710048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG113.2(10)方程组(8)中,金属的结合能De和待定系数a为未知数,力常量f2和f3为中间变量,可以通过金属的其他物性参量如线膨胀系数、德拜温度等间接求出. 式(8)中N1,N2,q1和q2为由n值决定的常量,根据式(9)和式(10)进行计算,计算结果见表1.2 金属结合能与线膨胀系数、德拜温度之间的关联性在方程组(8)中只要知道了二阶力常量f2和三阶力常量f3便可计算出金属的结合能De和势能函数中的待定系数a. 由金属物理知识可知,二阶力常量f2和金属原子谐振频率ωe之间满足(11)其中μ为金属原子的约化质量,对于同一种金属,则有(12)式中A为原子相对质量,mp为核子质量,可取为质子质量mp=1.672 6×1027 kg. 根据金属德拜热容理论[28-29],金属的德拜频率对应着金属原子的最大截止角频率,而金属的谐振频率可以看成金属原子的平均振动频率,设ωD为德拜频率,则有2πωe≤ωD. 因为金属的德拜频率ωD对应着金属的德拜温度θ,所以二者关系为,k为玻尔兹曼常量,为普朗克常量. 设ωD=γ2πωe(γ≥1),于是有(13)式中γ为关联因子. 但在式(8)中,三阶力常量f3还是未知,可以根据金属线膨胀系数α与力常量的关系定出f3. 根据玻尔兹曼统计法[11,24],可知金属在平衡核间距处的三阶力常量f3与二阶力常量f2及线膨胀系数α的关系为将式(11)~(14)代入式(8)整理得:(15)(16)(17)式(15)即适用于多种不同晶系的关于金属结合能、线膨胀系数及德拜温度之间的关联方程. 式中p1和p2针对n不同而取不同的值,且p1=N1/2,p2=N2/N1,γ为关联因子,其大小为γ≈1~1.1,不同的金属略有不同. p1和p2取值如表1所示.表1 不同n值下的系数n N1 N2 p1 p2 q1q211.2500000.1250000.6250000.1000000.0833330.50000020.82 14290.0654760.4107140.0797100.0833330.60000030.6130950.0 406750.3065480.0663430.0781250.65625040.4901520.0278680.2450760.0568560.0729170.70000050.4090080.0203550.2045040.0497660.0683590.73828160.3513990.0155540.1756990.044263 0.0644530.77343870.3083450.0122920.1541720.0398650.06109 60.80647080.2749220.0099710.1374610.0362690.0581870.8378 91将玻尔兹曼常量、普朗克常量及质子质量代入式(15)和(16)得:(18)式(18)计算表明,对53种金属当n取不同数值时,关联因子γ几乎落在1~1.1,但为进一步提高精度,希望找出其最佳平均值作为所有金属的公共参量. 为确保该方法的普适性,本研究要定出和n值,给出需要一定计算量,值定出后相应的n值也就确定. 在式(18)中,具体方法为:将结合能De(eV)、平衡核间距Re(nm)、线膨胀系数α(10-5 K-1)和德拜温度θ(K)的实验值代入式(18),分别取n=1,2,3,…,并将与n值对应的p1和p2值代入式(18),这样对每种金属通过解方程(18)可以求出n取不同值时的共n个关联因子的值,即γ1,γ2,γ3,γ4,γ5,…,通过比较53种金属的53n个关联因子值,可以找到53种金属最接近的关联因子,由此决定出每种金属最合适的n值及关联因子值. n值及关联因子确定后便可进一步由式(19)计算出势能参量a.在表2的计算中:FCC和HEX金属的平衡核间距Re利用文献[28]给出的晶格常量计算得出:Re=晶格常量晶格常量(HEX),同时参考了文献[20,29]给出的数据.其余晶系(BCC,TET,RHL等)的平衡核间距主要引用了文献[20],同时参考了文献[29]. 线膨胀系数α主要引用了文献[29],同时参考了文献[20,30]. 结合能De主要引用了文献[28],同时参考了文献[20,30]. 德拜温度θ综合引用了文献[28-29],金属Mg和Y引用了文献[30]. 关联因子γ和势能参量a的计算结果见表2(其中,De,Re,α,θ均为实验值).另外需要指出的是,文献中给出的线膨胀系数和德拜温度均是常温下的数值或平均值,而金属的这2个性能指标都是随环境温度或压力的改变而变化的[7,16-17,31],在本文计算中均尚未考虑这种变化的影响.表2中关联因子的均值、均方根误差和相对均方根误差分别为由表2可以看出,53种金属晶体中只有少数金属的关联因子偏离均值比较大,如Th和Tb.表2 关联因子γ及势能参量a的计算结果晶体金属nRe/nmα/(10-5K)ADe/eVθ/Kaγ参考文献Al70.28642.36273.393900.022721.0476[20,28⁃29]Ca30.39462.23401.84230-0.291841.0704[28⁃29]Ni40.24891.33594.44385-3.251381.0301[28⁃29]Cu30.25531.65643.49315-0.731171.0681[28⁃29]Sr50.42992.00881.72170-0.255221.0442[28⁃30]Rh40.26870.831035.75350-0.419141.0256[28⁃29]FCCPd30.27511.1761063.89275-0.339461.0644[28⁃29]Ag40.28921.871072.95215-0.882131.0563[28⁃29]Ir30.27150.681926.94275-0.358661.0781[28⁃29]Pt30.27720.891955.84225-0.454671.0487[28⁃29]Au30.28851.421973.81170-0.526131.0519[28⁃29]Pb20.35002.832072.0388-0.453631.0419[28⁃29]Yb50.38822.501731.60118-0.307411.0381[28⁃29]Th10.35921.252326.20100-0.730080.9700[28⁃29]Li10.30404.5071.63400-0.528921.0747[20,28,30]Na20.37207.06231.1131500.610671.0423[20,28,30]K50.46308.40390.9411000.065071.0457[20,29]V10.26300.83515.31390-0.234681.0080[20,29]Cr20.25000.85524.1460-0.242281.0288[20,28⁃30]BCCFe50.24801.176564.28467-0.617831.0497[20,28,30]Rb30.48809.00850.852560.251881.0316[28⁃29]Nb10.28600.7 31937.57275-0.282210.9940[20,28⁃29]Mo10.27300.49966.82380-0.208211.0612[20,28⁃29]Ba20.43481.881371.9110-0.245551.0342[28⁃30]Ta10.28600.651818.1225-0.268031.0660[20,28⁃29]W20.27400.461848.9310-0.269151.0614[20,28,30]Be30.22901.1693.321160-0.273901.0670[28⁃29]Mg30.32102.71241.51330-0.290981.0666[20,28⁃29]Sc20.3311.00453.90359-0.259481.0794[28,30]Ti10.29500.841484.85380-0.225201.0715[28⁃29]Co40.25101.38594.3938516.05711.0627[2 8⁃29]Zn30.26602.97651.35234-0.284971.0782[28,30]Y30.36501.20894.37214-0.467811.0313[20,28,30]Ru40.27000.701016.74382-0.406791.0217[28⁃29]Cd50.29803.101121.16172-0.267171.0319[28⁃29]Te50.44501.821272.23139-0.315581.0262[28,30]HEXLa10.37501.041394.47150-0.242751.0247[28⁃30]Hf10.32000.601786.44213-0.219751.0570[20,28,30]Re50.27600.671868.03300-1.114681.0420[28⁃29]Os20.27400.661908.17250-0.386231.0651[28⁃29]Tl30.34602.802041.88100-0.474631.0570[28⁃29]Nd10.36601.001443.40157-0.209341.0291[28,30]Gd10.36000.831574.14176-0.210101.0799[20,28,30]Tb30.36001.031594.05188-0.297681.0830[20,28,30]Dy30.35901.001633.04186-0.232901.0451[28,30]Ho40.35601.071653.14191-0.249221.0351[28,30]Er30.35600.901673.29195-0.229961.0420[28⁃29]Lu50.35100.991754.43207-0.368761.0513[28,30]TETIn50.32503.301152.521290.033801.0518[28⁃29]RHLSb10.2 9041.141222.75200-0.204081.0191[28,30]ORCGa30.24371.80702.81290-0.419771.0095[28⁃29]DIAC60.15400.88127.3718600.270991.033 4[20,28,30]Si10.23510.73284.63658-0.208841.0435[28⁃29]3 金属线膨胀系数、德拜温度的理论计算由式(18)可以给出金属线膨胀系数和德拜温度的解析计算式为(20)(21)将式(17)及k值代入式(20)及(21)得(22)(23)式中α′和θ′代表理论计算值,为关联因子平均值,在式(22)和(23)计算中,De,Re,θ及α均取表2中的实验值,计算结果见表3. α和θ的平均相对误差为2.9%和1.66%,相对均方根误差为3.75%和2.19%.在表3线膨胀系数和德拜温度计算中尚未考虑温度或压力的影响,如果考虑这种影响,对于给定的金属元素,设Re,α及θ是温度T或压力p的函数,则由式(20),p为常量时有(24)T为常量时(25)若平衡核间距、线膨胀系数及德拜温度同时是温度T和压力p的函数,由式(20)得(26)表3 线膨胀系数与德拜温度理论计算值晶体金属nα/(10-5K-1)α′/(10-5K-1)θ/Kθ′/KErαErθAl72.362.340390392-0.85%0.51%Ca32.232.123230225-4.80%-2.17%Ni41.331.3493853911.43%1.56%Cu31.651.582315309-4.12%-1.91%Sr52.001.990170170-0.50%0Rh40.830.8493503572.29%2.00%Pd31.1761.132275270-3.74%-1.82%FCCAg41.871.830215213-2.14%-0.93%Ir30.680.640275267-5.88%-2.91%Pt30.890.880225225-1.12%0Au31.421.395170169-1.76%-0.59%Pb22.832.8238888-0.25%0Yb52.502.5101181190.40%0.85%Th11.251.39110010810.00%8.00%Li14.504.270400390-5.11%-2.50%Na27.067.030150151-0.43%0.67%K58.408.330100100-0.83%0V10.830.8793904055.90%3.85%Cr20.850.8684604682.12%1.74%BCCFe51.1761.160467466-1.36%-2.14%Rb39.009.10056571.11%1.79%Nb10.7310.7912752898.2 1%5.10%Mo10.490.473380375-3.47%-1.32%Ba21.881.9001101111.06%0.91%Ta10.650.623225221-4.15%-1.78%W20.460.444310306-3.48%-1.29%Be31.161.11011601138-4.31%-1.90%Mg32.712.600330324-4.06%-1.82%Sc21.000.937359348-6.30%-3.06%HEXTi10.8410.800380371-4.88%-2.37%Co41.381.340385379-2.90%-1.56%Zn32.972.790234227-6.10%-2.99%Y31.201.2172142171.42%1.40%续表3晶体金属nα/(10-5K-1)α′/(10-5K-1)θ/Kθ′/KErαErθRu40.700.7213823913.00%2.36%Cd53.103.15017 21741.61%1.16%Te51.821.8631391422.36%2.16%La11.041.06 91501532.79%2.00%Hf10.600.583213211-2.83%-0.94%Re50.670.67030030100.33%Os20.660.640250246-3.03%-1.60%HEXTl32.802.73010099-2.50%-1.00%Nd11.001.020*******.00%1.27%Gd10.830.775176171-6.63%-2.84%Tb31.030.961188182-6.70%-3.19%Dy31.000.993186186-0.70%0Ho41.071.0801911930.94%1.05%Er30.900.90019519600.51%Lu50.990.973207206-1.72%-0.48%TETIn53.303.260129129-1.21%0RHLSb11.141.1862002054.04%2.50%ORCGa31.801.8902 903015.00%3.79%DIAC60.880.886186018850.68%1.34%Si10.73 0.727658659-0.41%0.15%4 结论采用两体势模型研究了不同晶体结构的共53种金属的结合能、线膨胀系数、德拜温度之间的关联特性并给出了适用于多种不同晶系的三者之间的关联方程[式(15)],在该方程中存在共同的关联因子,其均值为1.046,相对均方根误差为2.17%. 由关联方程进一步导出了金属线膨胀系数和德拜温度解析计算式,理论计算出的53种金属的线膨胀系数、德拜温度与实验值均吻合,其平均相对误差分别2.9%和1.66%,相对均方根误差分别为3.75%和2.19%.【相关文献】[1] Lekka C E, Bernstein N, Papaconstantopoulos D A, et al. 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Thermodynamics and Energy Systems

Thermodynamics and Energy Systems

Thermodynamics and Energy Systems Thermodynamics and energy systems are essential concepts that are crucial in understanding how energy works and how it can be harnessed for various purposes. Thermodynamics is the study of energy and its transformations, while energy systems refer to the various ways in which energy is used to power machines and devices. In this essay, I will explore the importance of thermodynamics and energy systems, their applications, and the challenges that come with them. Thermodynamics is a fundamental concept that is applicable in various fields, including physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is the study of energy, its transformations, and its relationship with matter. The laws of thermodynamics govern the behavior of energy and matter, and they provide a framework for understanding how energy can be harnessed and used. The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states thatenergy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This law is fundamental in understanding how energy can be converted from one form to another, such as from chemical energy to electrical energy. Energy systemsrefer to the various ways in which energy is used to power machines and devices. There are many types of energy systems, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are the most widely used sources of energy, but they are also the most polluting and contribute to climate change. Nuclear power is another source of energy, but it has its own set of challenges, including safety concerns and the disposal of nuclear waste. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are clean and sustainable, but they are not yet widely adopted due to their high cost and intermittency. The applications of thermodynamics and energy systems are vast and varied. They are used in the production of electricity, transportation, manufacturing, and many other industries. In the production of electricity, thermodynamics is used to convert various forms of energy, such as chemical, nuclear, and thermal energy, into electrical energy. Energy systems are used to power transportation, including cars, buses, and trains, as well as ships and airplanes. In manufacturing, energy systems are used to power machines and equipment, such as conveyor belts, assemblylines, and robots. Despite the many benefits of thermodynamics and energy systems, there are also challenges associated with them. One of the biggest challenges is climate change, which is caused by the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Climate change has far-reaching consequences, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and the loss of biodiversity. Another challenge is the depletion of natural resources, such as oil, gas, and coal, which are finite and non-renewable. This has led to a growing interest in renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, which are clean and sustainable but still face challenges in terms of cost and intermittency. In conclusion, thermodynamics and energy systems are essential concepts that are crucial in understanding how energy works and how it can be harnessed for various purposes. They are used in the production of electricity, transportation, manufacturing, and many other industries. While there are many benefits to thermodynamics and energy systems, there are also challengesassociated with them, including climate change and the depletion of natural resources. As we move towards a more sustainable future, it is important to continue to explore new and innovative ways to harness energy and reduce ourimpact on the environment.。



离子型固体的等压态方程和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系第28卷1期2005年3月安徽师范大学(自然科学版)JournalofAnhuiN口∞University(NaturalSb锄oe)Vb1.28No.1Mar.2005离子型固体的等压态方程和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系方明星(安徽师范大学物理与电子信息学院,安徽芜湖241000)摘要:Pandey利用Maxwell关系式结合相关热力学函数式推导了有关热力学关系,Shanker利用Born和Huang采用的热膨胀格林爱森理论推导了有关热力学关系,本文比较了分别由这两种不同理论模型推出的体积弹性模量和等压态方程与温度间的关系,结果表明由Pandey 关系式计算出的有关离子型固体的热膨胀和体积弹性模量与实验数据符合得更好.关键词:等压态方程;体积弹性模量;离子型固体中图分类号:O521.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1001—2443(2册5)01—0038—04研究固体的热膨胀和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系,在物理学,地球物理学等领域都有着非常重要的意义,它们是固体热振动,非简谐性振动的宏观表现.要了解固体的非谐属性和解决固体材料在高温物理方面的应用,就需要掌握固体从室温到熔化温度的热膨胀和体积弹性模量数据.固体的热膨胀和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系也正是研究地球内部一定深度处的温度,组成物质密度等地球物理,地球化学理论的基础知识和必要条件.若用晶格势理论,量子统计理论研究固体的热膨胀和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系,不但会遇到复杂的理论推导和繁重的计算量,而且即使是结构简单的NaC1型立方晶体,也不存在简便直接而又精确有效的理论方法.所以,近年来许多科学研究者主要是利用半经验,半理论方法来研究【1-4J.在这篇文章中,我们分析了通过Maxwell关系式和假设Anderson—Gruneisen与体积间成线性关系推导的等压态方程和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系式,计算了一些离子型晶体的热膨胀和体积弹性模量,结果表明,从室温300K开始直至很高温度,由以上关系式计算的结果与实验数据都符合得非常好.我们还将以上关系式与Shanker等人提出的关系式进行了比较.1分析方法Anderson—Grun~参数是描述固体的非谐属性的非常重要的物理参量,它的定义如下:3T=一(等)P,式中的口和BT分别是体积热膨胀系数和体积弹性模量.1,aV,口行P,BT=一(0P)TMaxwell热力学关系式为:(1)(2)(3)((磬)P..(4)通过对实验数据的分析,Anderson等人提出了如下的Anderson—Gruneisen参数与体积之间的关系[]:曲+1=At/,(5)式中=,,r/,对于一个给定的固体A是常数.通过对初始值V:v0处的求解可知.A=T+1.(5)式在许多文献中得到应用[6-71.Pandey利用以上的Maxwell关系式(4),联立(5)式即假设Anderson—Gruneisen参数与体积间成线性关系,结合(1),(2)和(3)三个定义,推导了以下关系式[8]:收稿日期:2004—09—16基金项目:安徽省高等学校青年教师科研资助计划项目(2004jq118);安徽师范大学青年基金(2oo3)作者筒介:方明星(1971一),男,安徽歙县人,讲师,硕士.28卷第1期方明星:离子型固体的等压态方程和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系39 BT=Xp[A(1一V)],(6)盖=V oexpIL'AIV一1)],(7)式中BT0和ao分别是体积弹性模量BT和体积热膨胀系数a在初始情况:处的值. 如果我们将(7)式再代入(2)式并通过积分就可得到下面这样一个等压态方程:V=l-A-Itk--,[~一A口.(丁~)]},(8)式中V o是体积在T:To处的值.联合(6)式和(8)式就可获得下面这样一个体积弹性模量与温度问的关系式:BT=[1-Aa.(T—)]{1-A-~ln[1-.(丁To)It.(9)利用(8)式和(9)式就可以分别计算有关固体在不同温度时的体积热膨胀v/vo和体积弹性模量BT.表1有关输入参数在初始温度To=300K时的数值【9_】】】表2(I)体积弹性模量(单位GPa)在不同温度时的数值.安徽师范大学(自然科学版)BT的关系式[]:BT(T)=BToV_(B+1)(一)]BT(T)=BTo2V一1卜1BT.(B+1)~iV0—1]3V一1].式中BT.是体积弹性模量BT对压强的一阶导数在初始情形V=v0时的数值.Shanker等人分别利用以上的(10)和(11)式计算了MgO等固体在不同温度时的体积弹性模量.为了能用(10)和(11)式计算不同温度时的体积弹性■模量,必须知道在不同温度时的体积热膨胀V/.&gt;3分析与讨论我们分别利用(9),(10)和(11)式计算了NaCl,KCI,MgO等离子型固体在不同温度时的体积弹性模量,式中需要的初始参量值列于表1.我们取了初始温度为T0=300K.(r}JllJ~(9),(10)和(11)式计算的结果列于表2.为了便于比较,在表2中也给出了实验数据.2005年(10)(11)7.图1热膨胀(V/V o一1)与温度问的关系.实线为式(8)的计算结果,实心点为实验数据.从表2中可以看出,对于本文研究的所有离子型固体,由(9)式计算出的在不同温度时的体积弹性模量的结果与实验数据非常接近,从表2最后一行给出的方均根偏差(RMSD)可以看,(9)式的计算结果与实验数据很接近,与实验数据间的偏差很小.这就说明利用(9)式可以确定有关固体在不同温度时的体积弹性模量.从表2还可以看出,由(10)式和(11)式计算出的体积弹性模量,当温度不是很高时,它们与实验数据符合得也很好.但从NaCI的结果可以看出,NaCI的熔化温度为1050K,当温度接近于熔化温度时,由(10)式和(11)式计算出的体积弹性模量的数值与实验数据相差很远.这就说明(10)式和(11)式不能反映高温时体积弹性模量与温度间的关系.由(10)式和(11)式计算不同温度时的体积弹性模量,必须事先确定不同温度时的热膨胀,本文是将不同温度时的热膨胀的实验数据分别代人(10)式和(11)式.我们利用Pandey模型推导的等压态方程关系式(8)来计算NaCI固体的热膨胀V/,计算结果见图1.图1中实线是(8)式的计算结果,实心点是实验数据.从图1可以看出,由(8)式计算的热膨胀(v/~1)的结果与实验数据符合得很好,这说明(8)式能够反映有关固体的热膨胀属性.以上我们分析了由Pandey模型推导的等压态方程和体积弹性模量与温度间的关系.从表2中的各关系式的计算结果与实验数据的比较可以看出,由Pandey模型给出的体积弹性模量与温度间的关系式(9)比Shanker等人推导的关系式(10)和(11)要好,尤其是在高温时,从NaCI的结果可以发现,(9)式能反映体积弹性模量与温度间存在的关系,而由(10)式和(11)式确定的结果与实验数据相差太大.从图1可以看出,对于NaC1固体,从室温300K直至它的熔解温度1050K,由Pandey模型推导的等压态方程计算出的结果与实验数据都符合得很好,这说明Pandey模型推导的等压态方程能够用于计算有关固体的热膨胀属性.参考文献:[1]ShankerJ,Sham~MP,KushwahSS.Analysisofmeltingofionicsolidsbasedonthetherma 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Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics are two branches of physics that deal with the behavior and properties of fluids and the relationship between heat and other forms of energy. Fluid mechanics deals with the study of fluids in motion, while thermodynamics deals with the study of the relationship between heat and otherforms of energy. These two fields are closely related and are essential in understanding the behavior of fluids and their applications in various fields.One of the most significant applications of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics isin the field of engineering. Engineers use these principles to design and develop various machines and systems that involve the use of fluids. For example, thedesign of aircraft, automobiles, and ships all require a thorough understanding of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Engineers use these principles to optimize the performance of these machines and systems, ensuring that they are efficient andsafe to use. Another important application of fluid mechanics and thermodynamicsis in the field of environmental science. These principles are used to study the behavior of fluids in the environment, such as water and air. Scientists use these principles to understand the movement of pollutants in the air and water, which is essential in developing strategies to mitigate their impact on the environment.For example, understanding the behavior of air pollutants is crucial in developing air quality control measures to reduce the impact of air pollution on human health. Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics are also essential in the field of medicine.The human body is a complex system that involves the flow of fluids, such as blood and air. Understanding the behavior of these fluids is essential in developing medical treatments and devices that can improve the health of patients. For example, the development of ventilators for patients with respiratory problems requires a thorough understanding of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Inaddition to their practical applications, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics are also fascinating fields of study in their own right. The behavior of fluids can be incredibly complex, and scientists and engineers are constantly discovering new phenomena and developing new theories to explain them. The study of fluidmechanics and thermodynamics requires a deep understanding of mathematics and physics, and it is a challenging but rewarding field of study. In conclusion,fluid mechanics and thermodynamics are two essential branches of physics that have numerous practical applications in engineering, environmental science, medicine, and other fields. These principles are used to design and develop machines and systems, study the behavior of fluids in the environment, and develop medical treatments and devices. The study of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics is also fascinating in its own right and requires a deep understanding of mathematics and physics.。



Key words : constitutive relationship ; SCG model ; shear modulus ; shock wave
为了正确描述材料在动高压下的弹2塑性响应特性及塑性流动规律 ,需要研温度 、 应变率等力学量和热力学量之间的关系 。目前 , 一个最常用的本构关系是 [1 ] 1980 年由 Steinberg 等人 提出的 SC G 模型 。该模型在研究大应变率下材料的动态响应方面有着广泛的应
G ( P , T ) = G ( P , T 0 ) + G ( P0 , T ) - G ( P0 , T 0 ) + C n ! ∑∑

n- 1
m m n- m n h k
格收敛 , 同时 , 交互作用项系数也不容易精确获得 , 在此 , 只根据泰勒展开分析的方法和得到的基本规律 , 预 计 G ( P , T ) 应该具有如下近似表达形式 ( 3) G ( P , T ) = G ( P , T 0 ) + G ( P0 , T ) - G ( P0 , T 0 ) + K P T P T 式中 , K P T为反映温度 、 压力交互作用的系数 。 关于压力对剪切模量的影响 ,Burakovsky 等人 [ 2 ] 以他们提出的基于密度和温度的剪切模量计算模型为 依据 , 对 Al 、 Au 、 MgO 在 0 K 或 300 K 等温条件下的剪切模量进行了计算 , 得出其剪切模量都能用如下形式 的函数表达 A ( 4) G ( P , T 0 ) = G ( 0 , 0) 1 + K P P 式中 , G ( 0 , 0) 为材料在零温 、 零压下的剪切模量 , K P 、 A 为常数 。该文通对零温下 Al 、 Cu 等金属剪切模量的 理论计算结果的分析 , 也得到了相同的结论 。 表1 文献 [ 3 ]得到的材料剪切模量与温度的关系 关于温度对剪切模量的影响 , Steinberg [ 1 ] 认为大多 数金属材料的剪切模量与温度有线性关系 。最近 , Nadal 材料 G/ GPa 和 Poac 等人 [ 3 ] 利用超声波实验测量技术 , 在常压条件下 Al 30 . 3 ( 1 - 0 . 000 504 T ) 对多种材料从室温到熔点的温度范围内的剪切模量进行 了比较系统的研究 。研究表明 : 在材料进入熔化温度以 前 , 剪切模量与温度之间有很好的线性关系 , 其部分研究 结论如表 1 所示 。 其研究结果可写成如下通式
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Abstract:We have investigated the elastic and thermodynamic properties of transition metal carbides (TiC,ZrC,HfC,VC,NbC,and TaC)using the three body force potential model and density functional theory based ab initio approach.The com-puted second-order elastic constants (C 11,C 12,C 44)are in close agreement with the available experimental as well as theo-retical results.The other related elastic parameters (B 0,B 0′,C S ,C L ,G ,n ,E ,A ,b ,x ,l ,Cauchy pressure (C 12–C 44),B 0/G ,and E /r ratio)have also been computed successfully.The calculated Debye temperatures are in reasonably good agreement with the available data.PACS Nos:60:00B,79:00,62.20.de,62.20.dqRésumé:Utilisant l ’approche ab initio de fonctionnelle de densitéet un potentiel modélisant la force àtrois corps,nous étudions les propriétés élastiques et thermodynamiques de carbures de métaux de transition,TiC,ZrC,HfC,VC,NbC et TaC.Les valeurs calculées des constantes élastiques du second ordre,C 11,C 12et C 44,sont en bon accord avec les valeurs expérimentales disponibles et avec d ’autres résultats théoriques.Nous avons également calculéavec succès les autres pa-ramètres élastiques reliés,B 0,B 0′,C S ,C L ,G ,v ,E ,A ,b ,x ,l ,la pression de Cauchy (C 12–C 44),B 0/G et le rapport E /r .Les températures de Debye calculées sont en bon accord avec les données disponibles.[Traduit par la Rédaction]1.IntroductionRefractory compounds,particularly nitrides and carbides of transition metals,have attracted a great deal of attention from the scientific community because of their unique physical and chemical properties,such as high melting temperature,extreme hardness,electrical resistivity,magnetic susceptibility,superconducting,chemical inertness,etc.[1].These unique properties have made them most promising engineering mate-rials for a wide range of industrial applications like in elec-tronics,petroleum,aerospace,high power,high-temperature engineering,mechanical engineering,nuclear industry,and chemical industry [2–4].Many theoretical studies have been devoted to predicting their electronic structures [5–11]and revealed an unusual mixture of covalent,metallic,and ionic contributions to bonding,which must ultimately be the root cause of their unusual properties.Particularly the transition metal carbides (TMC),existing in their original rock-salt (B1)type phase,are widely used as coating metals in cutting tools,magnetic storage devices,generators,ma-glev trains,optoelectronic devices,and low temperature fuel cells [12].This has motivated researchers to investigate the bonding mechanism and cohesive properties of TMC series [13–15].Weber [16]has studied the lattice dynamics of ZrC,NbC,and HfC where the extreme physical properties are mainly at-tributed to strong covalent bonds between metal and nonme-tal atoms.Isaev et al.[17]have studied the phonon related lattice dynamics on body-centered cubic Vb-VIb group tran-sition metals,B1-type monocarbides,and mononitrides of IIIb-VIb transition metals,by means of first-principles density functional perturbation theory using ultra soft pseudopoten-tials,and generalized gradient approximation as the exchange-correlation functional.In another study,the electronic band structure,thermomechanical,and bonding properties of re-fractory metal carbides were studied by Zhukov et al.[18]by using the linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO)method.Lu et al.[19]have calculated the thermophysical properties of cubic carbides and nitrides using the Debye –Gruneisen model combined with ab initio calculations.Recently,the elastic properties of selected transition metal nitrides and carbides in their B1type phase have been studied by Zhi-gang et al.[20]using ab initio density-function perturbation theory.Hollox [21]studied the factors affecting the micro-structure and mechanical behavior of carbides.Grossman et al.[5]and Li et al.[22]have reported the trend of bulk modulus and charge distribution to understand the hardness in transition metals and their carbides,using the full poten-tial linearized plane wave method.Srivastava et al.[23]and Singh et al.[24]have recently reported the structural prop-erties and the pressure-induced structural phase transitionin331C a n . J . P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .TMCs by using ab initio methods and the rigid ion model,respectively.On the experimental side,efforts have been made to study the hardness and elastic properties of these materials using depth-sensing indentation [25]as well as by continuous indentation techniques [26].Motivated from this survey of the literature and the techno-logical importance of these materials,we thought it pertinent to explore the elastic and thermodynamic behavior of TMCs (TiC,ZrC,HfC,VC,NbC,and TaC).2.Theoretical methods2.1Three body force potential (TBFP)modelMost often,exposing a crystal to an applied pressure forces a particular phase of the solid to be unstable,neigh-boring atoms come closer to each other causing a decrease in the volume of the unit cell (change in the density),and in turn an increase in the coordination number of individual atoms.Therefore,the electron shells of the adjacent ions show overlapping,which causes lattice vibrations and is re-sponsible for the many body interactions (MBI),where three body interactions (TBI)are the most significant part.The TBI can be defined in terms of transfer of charge (charge transfer mechanism),interacting with other charge,and re-sponsible for MBI,where the governing part is TBI [27].These interactions become more significant under high com-pression.Besides enhancing the overlap energy,the trans-ferred charge due to the overlap in electron shells modifies the ionic charge,which in turn alters the coulomb energy.Thus,as the pressure increases,these NaCl (B1)type materi-als are expected to transform from their original NaCl (B1)type phase to CsCl (B2)type phase.The stability of the phase of the solid can be defined in terms of its Gibbs free energyG ¼U þPV ÀTSð1Þwhere S is the vibrational entropy at absolute temperature T ,V is the volume of the unit cell at pressure P ,and U is the internal energy,which at T =0K is equivalent to the cohe-sive energy due to the mutual interaction of the ions.Internal energies of the system can be expressed asU ðr Þ¼Àa m e 2z r ½z þ2nf ðr Þ ÀC r ÀDrþnb b þÀexpðr 1þr 2Àr Þrþn 0b 2b þþexpð2r 1Àkr Þr þn 0b 2b ÀÀexp ð2r 2Àkr Þr ð2Þwhere the first two terms are the potential energies due tolong-range coulomb and TBI [28];the third term is due to van der Waals (vdW)interaction governed by dipole –dipole (d –d)and dipole –quadrupole (d –q)interactions [29];the last three terms are the Hafemeister and Flygare type overlap re-pulsive interactions [30]effective up to the next nearest neighbour ions;k is the structure factor for the B1and B2type phases;C and D are the overall vdW constants,repre-sented in terms of vdW coefficients c ij and d ij weighted by the appropriate lattice sums (S ij and T ij )as reported by Tosi [29]for the B1and B2type phases,respectively.The values of these coefficients c ij and d ij have been evaluated by the re-lationship given in the Slater and Kirkwood variational ap-proach [28,31],and b ij (i =+;j =–)are the Pauling coefficients.b ij ¼1ÆZ i n i ÆZ jn j ð3Þwith Z as the ionic charge and n the number of electrons inthe outermost shell [32];Ze is the ionic charge with e as the electronic charge;b and r are the range and hardness para-meters;r is the nearest neighbor separation;r 1(r 2)the ionic radii of the ion i (j );and f (r )as the three body interaction parameter defined in terms of interionic separation,expressed by Cochran [33]asf ðr Þ¼f 0exp Àrrð4ÞCohesive energy as expressed in (2)contains three mate-rial-dependent model parameters b ,r ,and f (r ),calculated by making use of the equilibrium condition (i.e.,first derivative of lattice energy equal to zero)d Ud r r ¼r 0¼0ð5Þthe isothermal bulk modulus is defined asB 0¼C 11þ2C 123¼19kr d 2U ðr Þd r !r ¼r 0ð6Þand the Cauchy discrepancy C 12–C 44≠0from the knowl-edge of the lattice constant (2r 0).2.2Ab initio methodTo verify our results obtained through TBFP model calcu-lations,we have also carried out a first-principles calculation of the elastic and thermodynamical properties for TMCs in its original B1phase using CASTEP code [34].Within the framework of density functional theory [35],the norm con-serving nonrelativistic pseudopotential approach has been used and the effects of exchange-correlation interactions are handled by the generalized gradient approximation with Perdew –Burke –Ernzerhof [36]type parameterization.In these mate-rials,transition metal atoms occupy (0,0,0)while carbon atoms occupy the (0.5,0.5,0.5)position in the unit cell of their B1type phase.The electronic wave functions are ex-panded in a plane wave basis set with energy cut-off of 470eV for all the carbides.For k -point sampling,a grid of 8×8×8is used in the whole irreducible Brillouin zone as obtained by convergence test for these compounds.For the geometry optimization force tolerance of 0.01eV/Åand stress tolerance of 0.1GPa is used.2.3Computation of elastic properties2.3.1Computation of elastic properties using the TBFP modelTo understand the nature of interionic forces,we need to study the elastic constant and its pressure derivative at abso-lute temperature.The expressions for the second order elastic constants (SOECs),using the short-range potentials,are ex-pressed for both the NaCl (B1)structure as [37]332Can.J.Phys.Vol.90,2012C a n . 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P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .C 11¼e 24a 4À5:112Z ½Z þ12f ðr Þ þA 1þA 2þB 22&þ9:3204zaf 0ðr Þ'ð7a ÞC 12¼e 24a 40:226Z ½Z þ12f ðr Þ ÀB 1þA 2À5B 24&þ9:3204zaf 0ðr Þ'ð7b ÞC 44¼e 24a 2:556Z ½Z þ12f ðr Þ ÀB 1þA 2þ3B 24&'ð7c Þand the CsCl (B2)structure as [37]C 11¼e 2À0:7009Z ½Z þ16f ðr Þ þA 1þ2B 1&þA 22þ3:1337zaf 0ðr Þ'ð8a ÞC 12¼e 24a À0:6897Z ½Z þ12f ðr Þ þA 1À4B 16&ÀB 22þ3:1337zaf 0ðr Þ'ð8b ÞC 44¼e 24a 4À0:3504Z ½Z þ12f ðr Þ þA 1þ2B 16þB 22&'ð8c Þwhere symbols A i and B i (i =1,2)are the short-range para-meter for the nearest and next-nearest neighbors,respectively,and are defined asA 1¼e24r d 2U SR ij d r "#r ¼r 0ð9a ÞA 2¼4r 4e 2 d 2U SR iid r 2þd 2U SRjj d r 2"#r ¼r 0ð9b ÞB 1¼4r 2=e 2ÀÁrd 2U SR ijd r 2"#r ¼r 0ð9c ÞB 2¼ð4r 2=e 2Þrd 2U SR ii d r 2þd 2U SR jj d r 2"#r ¼r 0ð9d Þin the terms of the short range (SR)potentials as given in U SRij ðr Þ¼b b þÀexpr 1þr 2Àr r ÀC r 6ÀD r8ð10ÞThese calculations are important to further check the cal-culation accuracy of the short range forces in materials.2.3.2Computation of elastic properties using the ab initio methodThe elastic constants C ij are defined by a Taylor expansion of the total energy E (V ,d )for the system with respect to a small strain d of the lattice primitive cell volume V .The en-ergy of a strained system is expressed as [38]E ðV;d Þ¼E ðV o ;d ÞþV oX i t i x i d i þ12X ij C ij x i d i x j d j "#ð11Þwhere E (V ,d )is the energy of the unstrained system withequilibrium volume V 0,t i is an element in the stress tensor,and x i and x j are the factors of Voigt index.For the cubic system,there are three SOECs C 11,C 12,C 44,and their combinations B S ,shear constant C S ,Bulk moduli B 0,and elastic stiffness constant C L that define the mechani-cal and dynamical behavior of these crystals.The combina-tion of these elastic constants provides valuable information about the nature of forces operating in solids and their inter-atomic behavior,bonding between adjacent atomic planes and the anisotropic character of the bonding and in turn the structural stability.To explain the strength and nature of the divalent TMC for different applications,the shear constant C S and elastic stiff-ness constant C L are expressed in terms of SOECs as C S ¼C 11ÀC 122andC L ¼C 11þC 12þ2C 442ð12Þthe bulk modulus B 0and the shear modulus G asB 0¼C 11þ2C 123andG ¼C 11ÀC 12þ3C 445ð13ÞYoung ’s modulus E ,Poisson ’s ratio n ,Zener anisotropyfactor A ,and Kleinman parameter x are thus written as E ¼9B 0G 3B 0þG andn ¼3B 0ÀE 6B 0ð14ÞA ¼2C 44C 11ÀC 12and x ¼C 11þ8C 127C 11þ2C 12ð15ÞUsing Poisson ’s ratio n ,Lamé’s coefficient l for TMCs is obtained as l ¼C 12ÀA 5¼C 12À2C 445ðC 11ÀC 12Þð16ÞTo calculate the pressure dependence of the bulk modulus we have used the following relation [39]:d B 0d P ¼1Àr 327VB 0d 3Ud rr ¼r o ð17ÞOr as given by Hildebrand [40]d B 0d P ¼1Àr 3d 3U d r =3r 2d 2U d r !r ¼r oð18ÞHere,P is the pressure,expressed as the negative deriva-tive of the cohesive energy;B 0is the equilibrium bulk modu-lus;and B 0′as its first pressure derivative.Srivastava and Diwan 333C a n . 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P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .P ¼À@U @V B 0¼ÀV@P@VT¼r 29V d 2U d r 2ð19ÞThe compressibility is calculated using the following rela-tion:b ¼1B 0¼r 29V d 2U d r 2r ¼r oð20Þ2.4Computation of thermodynamic propertiesThe Debye temperature (q D )is a parameter intimately re-lated to the physical properties such as elastic constants,spe-cific heat,and melting temperature.At low temperatures the vibrational excitations arise solely because of the acoustic vi-brations,thus the Debye temperature calculated from elastic constants is the same as that determined from specific heat measurements.Another method to calculate the Debye tem-perature is to estimate it from the average elastic wave veloc-ity n m [2].q D ¼Z 3n N A r !1=3n m ð21Þwhere h is Planck ’s constant,k is Boltzman ’s constant,N A is Avogadro ’s number,n is the number of atoms per formula unit,M is the molecular mass per formula unit,r (=M /V )is the density,and the elastic wave velocity n m [41]is repre-sented asn m ¼2=n 3S ÀÁþ1=n 3LÀÁ3 !Àð1=3Þð22Þin terms of compressional wave velocity n L and shear wave velocity n S ,obtained from Navier ’s [42]equationsn L ¼B T þð4=3ÞG r !1=2ð23Þn S ¼G r1=2ð24Þwhere B 0is the adiabatic bulk modulus,and G is the shear modulus defined by G ¼G V þG R2ð25ÞHere G V is the Voigt shear modulus and G R is the Reuss shear modulus.G V ¼2C þ3C 445ð26ÞG R ¼15ð6=C Þþð9=C 44Þð27ÞC ¼C 11ÀC 122ð28Þ3.Results and discussion3.1Relative stability and structural propertiesThe vdW coefficients are calculated from the Slater and Kirkwood variational [28,31]approach and tabulated in Ta-ble 1along with the model parameters r ,b ,and f (r )calcu-lated using the equilibrium interionic separation r o ,SOEC C 44,and bulk modulus B 0and applying the equilibrium con-ditions given in (8)and (9).In comparison to a recent report by Singh et al.the model parameters calculated for TMCs show deviations due to the different assumptions taken into consideration.Singh et al.in their article have considered the same values of anion and cation radii (as interionic sepa-ration r )in both the phases as input,whereas,for the stable cubic type structure the ratio of anion radius to the cation ra-dius is between 0.41and 0.73for NaCl-type structures and greater than 0.73–1.00for CsCl type structures [29,54].Hence,the assumption that the cation and anion radii (as in-terionic separation r )have the same values in both phases is not at all justified.Because the lattice parameter a (as reverse interionic separation r )is inversely correlated with the bulk modulus B 0[55],we cannot take the same values of bulk modulus as input to compute the model parameters for both the phases.Therefore,the assumption that the bulk modulus B 0has the same value in both of the phases is not justified.In high pressure structural phase transition from B1phase to B2phase,the interionic potential reduces considerably and the coordination number increases.So the coordination num-ber plays an important role in the model calculation.In the present work we have used the ratio of nearest neighbors of both the structures to calculate the input parameter for B2type phase of TMCs.The stability of the TMCs in its B1as well as B2type phase have been analysed through energy as a function of volume relationship.3.1Elastic propertiesThe SOECs C 11,C 12,and C 44,bulk modulus B 0,pressure derivative of bulk modulus B 0′,shear constant C s ,elastic stiffness C L ,shear modulus G ,Poisson ’s ratio n ,Young ’s modulus E ,elastic anisotropy factor A ,Kleinman parameter x ,Lamé’s parameter l ,specific modulus of elasticity (E /r )ratio,Cauchy pressure (C 12–C 44),and compressibility b have been calculated using the expressions given in the pre-vious section from (7)–(20)for the TBFP model and their values are listed in Tables 2–4,along with our ab initio re-sults.For better justification of our findings the other avail-able experimental [1,16,43,44,46,47,49,53,61,63,65,66,68–70]and theoretical [17,19,20,23,24,50,51,56–60,62,64,67,71]results have also been given.The elastic constants C 11,C 12,and C 44of TMCs calculated using the TBFP approach are found to be in better agreement with experimental and other calculated data than the ab initio values,as reported in Table 2.This may be due to the differ-ent interactions used in these two approaches.All the C ij for TMC compounds are found to be positive in our calculations and satisfy the generalized Born criteria [72,73]proposed for mechanically stable cubic NaCl type crystals C S ¼C 11ÀC 122>0B T ¼C 11þ2C 123>0and C 44>0ð29Þ334Can.J.Phys.Vol.90,2012C a n . 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P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .Such compounds are characterized by the positive values of the bulk modulus,shear modulus,and shear constant.The bulk modulus calculated from elastic constants for these ma-terials using the TBFP method is very close to other available data [1,16,17,19,20,24,43,44,47,49–51,57,58,60,63]as compared to our ab initio values.The values of shear modulus,Poisson ’s Ratio,Young ’s modulus,and compressi-bility for TMCs are also in good agreement with the data re-ported in the literature [16,19,24,44,46,47,49,58,63–66,68].To differentiate between brittleness and ductility with the use of Poisson ’s ratio,the concept of the critical value was proposed by Frantsevich [74]and is 0.33.For brittle materi-als,Poisson ’s ratio is less than 0.33;otherwise the material behaves in a ductile manner.The Poisson ’s ratios in the present work lie between 0.17and 0.24,by both the ab initioand TBFP approaches except for VC as given in Table 3,and are very close to the critical value,which shows the brittle-ness of these materials.The Cauchy pressure (C 12–C 44)can be used to describe the angular character of atomic bonding in metals and com-pounds as suggested by Pettifor [75].If the value of the Cauchy pressure is positive,the bonding of the material is metallic in character.In contrast,negative Cauchy pressure requires a directional character and low mobility in the bond-ing with a covalent-like contribution to atomic bonding.In our calculations we find that the Cauchy pressure is positive for these materials thus we conclude that these materials quite distinctly belong to the class of metallic bonding materials.Young ’s modulus or modulus of elasticity E is defined as the ratio of stress to strain,and used to provide a measure ofTable 1.vdW coefficients C and D ,interion spacing r o ,and SOECs C 44,bulk modulus B 0,hardness parameter r ,range parameter b ,and TBI parameter f (r )for TMCs.TMC C (10m J cm 6)D (10m J cm 6)r o (Å)C 44(100GPa)B 0(100GPa)r (Å)b (10–19J)f (r )(10–2)TiC 1819.233522.41 2.165*[43] 1.78*[16] 2.42*[44],2.4*[43]0.621,0.200[24]9.764,0.534[24]2.111ZrC1943.814261.09 2.349*[45] 1.573*[46],1.593*[46],1.60*[16] 2.30*[44],2.23*[47]0.598,0.202[24]9.964,2.978[24]2.206HfC 2095.565262.06 2.320*[48] 1.80*[16] 2.42*[49]0.586,0.211[24]9.82,0.731[24] 2.231VC 1957.213482.71 2.086 1.5*[16]3.51[50],3.48[51]0.5329.75–3.165NbC 3090.066027.36 2.235*[45] 1.60*[16]3.00*[49],3.02*[1]0.509,0.202[24]9.98,2.978[24]–1.065TaC4311.978260.592.235*[52]1.90*[16],1.53*[53]3.32*[63]0.56,0.2129.937,1.060 1.168Table 2.The calculated elastic moduli C 11,C 12,C 44,bulk modulus B 0,and their pressure derivative bulk modulus B 0′for TMCs.TMC C 11C 12C 44B 0B 0′TiC5.10,5.83,5.13[16],5.15[56],5.106[24],5.13*[16]1.05,1.22,1.06[16],1.06[56],0.874[24],1.06*[16]1.77,1.80,1.78[16],1.79[56],0.874[24],1.78*[16]2.40,2.76,2.55[16],2.42[57],2.401[58],2.42*[44],2.28[24],2.4*[2,43]2.40,3.24[23],3.44[23]ZrC4.68,4.83ab ,5.22[16],4.80[59],4.682*[46],4.72*[46],5.48[24],5.22[20],4.70*[16] 1.00,1.09ab ,1.10[16],1.02[59],0.997*[46],0.987*[46],0.87[24],1.10[20],1.00*[16] 1.59,1.42ab ,1.60[16],1.69[59],1.573*[46].1.593*[46],0.87[24],1.60[20],1.60*[16] 2.22,2.34ab ,1.87[16],2.22[17],2.17[19],2.30*[44],2.65[24],2.23*[47]2.72,3.44[23]HfC4.98,5.48ab ,5.74[16],5.74[20],4.54[24],5.00*[16]1.13,0.99ab ,1.07[16],1.07[20],0.865[24],1.14*[49]1.79,1.92ab ,1.80[16],1.80[20],0.865[24],1.80*[16]2.41,2.48ab ,2.62[16],2.43[16],2.63[20],2.36[19],2.18[24],2.42*[49]2.49,2.91[23],2.98[23]VC 4.98,5.40ab ,5.13[16],5.0*[16]2.89,1.45ab ,3.66[16],2.9*[16]1.49,1.53ab ,1.10[16],1.5*[16]3.58,2.77ab ,1.95[16],3.51[50],3.48[51],3.07[19]3.66,3.19[23],3.29[23]NbC6.17,4.60ab ,6.67[16],6.67[20],6.479[24],6.20*[16]1.99,1.59ab ,1.63[16],1.63[20],1.089[24],2.00*[16]1.59,1.03ab ,1.61[16],1.61[21],1.089[24],1.60*[16]3.38,2.59ab ,2.12[16],3.31[20],3.28[60],3.00*[49],2.88[24],3.02*[1]2.51,2.95[23]TaC5.47,3.70ab ,7.40[16],7.40[20],6.94[24],5.5*[61],5.95*[53]1.19,1.10ab ,1.65[16],1.2[62],1.27[24],1.65[20],1.50*[16]1.59,1.53ab ,1.76[16],1.6[62],1.76[20],1.90*[16],1.27[24],1.53*[53]2.62,1.97ab ,3.45[16],3.57[20],3.18[24],3.17[19],3.32*[63]2.59,3.04[23],3.14[23]Srivastava and Diwan 335C a n . 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P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .the stiffness of the solid.The high values of the Young ’s modulus indicate that the TMCs are a stiffer material in cubic structure.The structural efficiency parameter (specific modu-lus of elasticity)E /r is important for comparing ultra light-weight metallic materials with excellent mechanical and func-tional properties for engineering and design purposes.This ratio quantifies the stiffness of a material per unit weight and is used to identify those materials and alloys having opti-mal mechanical properties for lightweight structural applica-tions.In our case,the calculated values of E /r vary from 2.23×10–2to 10.95×10–2GPa m 3/kg and follow the trend TiC >NbC >ZrC >VC >HfC >TaC,meaning TiC has highest and TaC lowest stiffness per unit weight.Zener anisotropy factor A is an indicator of the degree of anisotropy in the solid structure.For a completely isotropic material,A takes the value of 1,when A is smaller or greater than unity,then it is a measure of the degree of elastic aniso-tropy.Our calculated values of A by both the TBFP as well as ab initio methods are within the range 0.63–1.43,showing that the TMCs are elastically anisotropic in nature.Kleinman parameter x describes the relative positions of the cation and anion sublattices under volume conserving strain distortions for which positions are not fixed by symme-try.A low value of internal strain parameter implies that there is a large resistance against bond bending or bond-angle distortions while the reverse is true for a high value.The Laméconstant l has no physical interpretation,but it serves to simplify the stiffness matrix in Hooke ’s law and constitutes a parameterization of the elastic moduli for ho-mogeneous isotropic media,and is thus related to the other elastic moduli.The calculated values of x and l are given in Table 4.The bulk and shear moduli are used to compute the longi-tudinal (n l ),shear (n s ),and average (n m ),wave velocities andTable 3.Shear constant C s ,elastic stiffness C L ,shear modulus G ,Poisson ’s ratio n ,modulus of elasticity E for TMCs.TMC C sC LG (100GPa)nE (100GPa)TiC 2.02,2.30 4.85,5.33 1.87,1.99,1.88[64],1.886[58],1.37[24],1.87*[44],1.82[67],1.84±11*[63]0.17,0.17,0.2*[65],0.17–0.19*[66],0.146[24],0.187±0.01*[63] 4.74,5.40,4.57[58],4.5*[65],4.85[24],4.39*[66]ZrC 1.84,1.87ab 4.43,4.39ab 1.69,1.59ab ,1.51[16],1.697[58],1.436[24],1.65*[44],1.69.7[67],1.70*[47]0.18,0.18ab ,0.1*[65],0.19*[47],0.134[24],0.191–0.257*[66] 4.33,4.43ab ,5.5*[65],3.95*[44],5.25[24],4.07*[47]HfC 1.92,2.25ab 4.85,5.15ab 1.84,2.05ab ,2.01[16],1.85*[44],1.25[24],1.95*[49]0.190,0.15ab ,0.16[24],0.16*[44],0.166–0.18*[66]4.55,5.18ab ,4.264[24],4.61*[49],4.30*[44]VC 1.04,1.97ab 5.42,4.96ab 1.31,1.70ab ,1.92[16],1.71[19].2.09.1[67]0.37,0.21ab ,0.4*[65],0.19–0.32*[66] 2.86,4.78ab ,2.55–4.46*[66]NbC 2.09,1.51ab 5.67,4.13ab 1.79,1.20ab ,1.97[16],1.67[19],1.731[24],1.98*[49],171.7[67],1.97*[68]0.24,0.26ab ,0.1*[65],0.255[19],0.160[24],0.22*[49]5.20,3.78ab ,5.102[46],5.4*[65],6.165[24],5.14*[66]TaC2.14,1.30ab4.93,3.93ab1.81,1.44ab ,2.17[16],2.09[19],1.896[24],2.16*[49],2.02*[68]0.18,0.23ab ,0.154[24],0.172–0.24*[66]5.04,3.20ab ,5.67±68*[63],6.547[24],4.90*[68]Table pressibility b ,elastic anisotropy factor A ,compressibility (Mbar –1),Kleinman parameter x ,Laméconstant l ,Cauchy pres-sure (C 12–C 44),and specific modulus of elasticity E /r for TMCs.TMC b (100GPa)A x l (100GPa)C 12-C 44E /r (10–2GPa m 3/kg)TiC 0.42,0.360.87,0.78,0.419[24]0.36,0.360.88,1.43 3.33,4.029.67,10.95ZrC 0.45,0.43ab 0.86,0.76ab ,0.36[24]0.36,0.38ab 0.82,1.28ab 3.08,3.41ab 6.46,7.79ab HfC 0.41,0.40ab 0.93,0.85ab ,0.32[24]0.38,0.33ab 0.95,1.12ab 3.18,3.56ab 3.75,4.24ab VC 0.28,0.36ab 1.43,0.78ab 0.69,0.42ab 2.60,1.64ab 3.48,3.87ab 4.98,8.29ab NbC 0.30,0.38ab 0.76,0.69ab ,0.32[24]0.47,0.49ab 1.84,1.79ab 4.58,3.56ab 6.87,4.83ab TaC0.38,0.50ab0.74,1.18ab ,0.44[24]0.37,0.44ab1.05,1.01ab 3.88,2.17ab3.49,2.23abTable pressional wave velocity V l ,shear wave velocity V S ,elastic wave velocity V m ,Debye temperature q D for TMCs.TMC V l (103ms )V S (103ms )V m (103ms )q D (K)TiC 9.99,10.47 6.17,6.35 6.81,7.01936.24,965.48,943[58],947[70],940*[69]ZrC 8.17,8.85ab 5.02,5.28ab 5.54,5.84ab 702.22,703.52ab ,708[58],703[19],699*[70],700[69]HfC 6.33,6.53ab 3.90,4.09ab 4.30,4.50ab 551.17,570.48ab ,553*[69],545*[70]VC 9.61,9.33ab 4.75,5.42ab 5.33,6.00ab 761.79,857ab ,822[71],855[56],913[19],971[19]NbC 8.72,7.32ab 4.85,3.92ab 5.40,4.37ab 718.93,582.79ab ,740*[49],754*[70],742.76*[69]TaC6.24,5.20ab3.74,3.17ab4.13,3.49ab550.66,464.97ab ,573*[69],593±71*[63]336Can.J.Phys.Vol.90,2012C a n . J . P h y s .D o w n l o a d e d f r o m w w w .n r c r e s e a r c h p r e s s .c o m b y N o r t h w e s t e n P o l y t e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y o n 04/01/17F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y .。
