三、活动时间:感恩节前一周四、活动地点:学校教室或多功能厅五、活动流程:1. 开场致辞:由活动主持人介绍活动目的和流程,并致开场致辞。
2. 感恩节知识竞赛:分为小组竞赛和个人竞赛两个环节,参赛者回答与感恩节相关的问题,提高对感恩节的了解。
3. 感恩节英语口语表演:学生们组成小组,准备一段关于感恩节的英语口语表演,展示自己的英语交流能力。
4. 感恩节英语演讲比赛:学生们个人准备一篇关于感恩节的英语演讲稿,参加比赛,展示自己的英语口语表达能力。
5. 感恩节英语歌曲演唱:学生们准备一首关于感恩节的英语歌曲,进行演唱,展示自己的音乐才华。
6. 感恩节英语手工制作:学生们参与感恩节相关的手工制作活动,如制作感恩卡片、感恩手链等,锻炼他们的动手能力。
7. 感恩节英语诗歌朗诵:学生们准备一首关于感恩节的英语诗歌,进行朗诵,展示自己的朗诵能力。
8. 集体合唱:全体学生一起合唱一首关于感恩节的英语歌曲,共同感受感恩节的氛围。
9. 活动总结:由活动主持人进行活动总结,并对参与活动的学生进行表彰和奖励。
六、活动准备:1. 确定活动时间和地点,并做好场地布置。
2. 邀请活动主持人,准备开场致辞和活动总结。
3. 准备感恩节知识竞赛的题目,并准备奖品。
4. 提前通知学生准备感恩节英语口语表演、演讲、歌曲演唱、手工制作和诗歌朗诵的内容。
5. 准备音响设备和投影仪等活动所需设备。
七、活动评估:1. 通过观察学生的参与度和表现,评估他们对感恩节的了解和英语交流能力的提升情况。
2. 收集学生对活动的反馈意见,了解他们对活动的满意度和改进建议。
八、活动宣传:1. 制作活动海报,张贴在学校各个显眼的位置。
2. 在学校官方网站和社交媒体平台发布活动信息和宣传海报。
3. 通过班级通知和口头宣传,提醒学生参加活动并准备相关内容。
感恩节计划英语English:For Thanksgiving this year, my plan is to spend the day with my family. We will start the day by watching the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV and then prepare a traditional Thanksgiving feast together. I am in charge of making the mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, while my mom will be cooking the turkey. After enjoying our delicious meal, we will gather around the table and express our gratitude for all the blessings in our lives. We will take turns sharing what we are thankful for, and reflect on the past year's highlights and challenges. In the evening, we will cozy up on the couch and watch a Thanksgiving-themed movie while enjoying some pumpkin pie and hot cocoa. Overall, I am looking forward to spending quality time with my loved ones and celebrating all that we have to be thankful for this year.中文翻译:今年感恩节,我的计划是和家人一起度过这一天。
一、活动背景感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)起源于美国,是一个传统的节日,旨在表达对亲朋好友、家人以及社会各界的感激之情。
二、活动目的1. 增强大学生对感恩节的了解,传播感恩文化。
2. 培养大学生的感恩意识,提高人际交往能力。
3. 促进师生之间的感情交流,营造和谐的校园氛围。
4. 提升大学生的英语口语表达能力。
三、活动主题“感恩同行,英语相伴”四、活动时间2023年11月23日(星期五)下午2:00-5:00五、活动地点学校多功能厅六、活动对象全校大学生七、活动流程1. 签到入场(2:00-2:10)- 参与者凭邀请函或学生证签到,领取活动礼品。
2. 开场致辞(2:10-2:20)- 邀请校领导或英语教师代表致辞,介绍感恩节的起源和意义。
3. 英语演讲比赛(2:20-3:20)- 主题:感恩身边的人和事。
- 分为初赛和决赛两个阶段,参赛者用英语进行演讲。
- 设置评委团,对参赛者的演讲进行评分。
4. 互动游戏环节(3:20-3:40)- 以小组为单位进行英语单词接龙、猜谜语等游戏,增强互动性。
5. 感恩手写信件(3:40-4:10)- 参与者现场书写感恩信,表达对亲朋好友、家人以及老师的感激之情。
- 信件可以匿名投递,由工作人员统一收集并转交。
6. 表彰环节(4:10-4:20)- 颁发英语演讲比赛奖项,对积极参与活动的同学进行表彰。
7. 自由交流(4:20-4:50)- 参与者自由交流,分享活动感受和感恩故事。
8. 活动结束(4:50-5:00)- 领导、教师和工作人员合影留念,活动圆满结束。
八、活动宣传1. 通过校园广播、海报、微信公众号等渠道进行宣传。
2. 邀请校报、电视台等媒体进行报道。
3. 邀请英语角、学生会等社团组织参与活动。
二、活动时间与地点活动时间:感恩节当天(11月第四个星期四)下午2:00-5:00 活动地点:学校多功能报告厅三、活动对象活动面向全校学生,特别是英语爱好者,以及有兴趣参加英语交流的同学们。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, food, and fun. It's a day to reflect on all the things we're grateful for, and to spend time with the people we love.There are many different ways to celebrate Thanksgiving. Some people go to church, while others volunteer their time to help those in need. Many people gather with theirfamilies for a big meal, while others watch football or go for a walk.No matter how you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving,it's a day to be thankful for all the good things in your life.Here are some ideas for Thanksgiving activities:Go to church。
Volunteer your time。
Gather with family and friends for a meal。
Watch football。
Go for a walk。
Cook a meal for someone in need。
Donate to a charity。
Write thank-you notes。
Spend time with loved ones。
Reflect on all the things you're grateful for。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:I am excited to host Thanksgiving this year and have been planning a special event for my family and friends. We will be celebrating with a traditional feast, complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. I am also planning some fun games andactivities for after dinner, such as charades, Pictionary, and a Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt.I am particularly excited about the Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt I have planned. I have hidden clues around the house that will lead my guests on a journey to find a special prize. The clues will be related to Thanksgiving traditions, history, and symbols. For example, one clue might be "Find the cornucopia filled with autumn leaves." Another clue might be "Find the turkey wearing a pilgrim hat."I think the Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt will bea great way to get my guests moving and laughing after a big meal. It will also be a fun way to learn more about the history and traditions of Thanksgiving.中文回答:今年的感恩节,我非常荣幸能为大家举办活动,并为我的家人和朋友们策划了一场特别的活动。
感恩节计划英语My Thanksgiving Day PlanOn the eve of Thanksgiving, I have a detailed plan to make this special day filled with joy and gratitude.Morning:My day starts with a hearty breakfast prepared by myself. I'll make some traditional Thanksgiving dishes like pancakes and roasted turkey. This not only allows me to enjoy the delicious food, but also gives me a sense of accomplishment.Afternoon:After breakfast, I plan to decorate our home with autumn colors. Orange and brown pumpkins, colorful fall leaves, and cozy candles will transform our house into a warm and inviting space. The atmosphere will be perfect for a heartfelt family gathering.Evening:As the sun sets, my family and I will gather around the dining table. I'll bring out the main course, which includes the roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Of course, we won't forget the delicious pies like apple and pumpkin. The laughter and chatter around the table will create a warm and joyful atmosphere.After dinner, we'll gather in the living room to watch a Thanksgiving-themed movie or play a fun game. This will give us an opportunity to bond and create lasting memories.Night:As the night deepens, I'll light up the fireplace and we'll enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or tea. We'll reflect on the year's blessings and express our gratitude to each other. This moment of intimacy and gratitude will bring us closer together and fill our hearts with warmth.In Conclusion:My Thanksgiving Day plan is designed to bring joy, warmth, and gratitude to my family. By preparing a delicious meal, decorating our home, and spending quality time together, I hope to create a special day that we will all remember fondly.我的感恩节计划在感恩节前夕,我制定了一个详细的计划,让这个特殊的日子充满欢乐和感激之情。
与感恩节相关的重点词汇和句型,如“ThanksgivingDay”“turkey”“pumpkin pie”“be thankful for”等。
四、教学过程1、导入(5 分钟)播放一段关于感恩节的英文视频或歌曲,如《Thank You》,引起学生的兴趣。
2、知识讲解(15 分钟)用PPT 或图片展示感恩节的历史和文化背景,包括感恩节的起源、发展和庆祝方式。
介绍感恩节的传统食物,如烤火鸡(turkey)、南瓜派(pumpkin pie)、玉米(corn)等,同时学习相关的英语词汇。
讲解一些与感恩节相关的常用句型,如“I'm thankful for”“Thank you for”3、小组讨论(10 分钟)将学生分成小组,每组 4 5 人。
每个小组讨论以下问题:What are you thankful for this year?How do you usually show your gratitude to others?小组讨论结束后,每组选派一名代表进行发言,分享小组的讨论结果。
4、情景模拟(15 分钟)创设一个感恩节晚餐的情景,让学生扮演家庭成员,用英语进行交流。
(2)与感恩节相关的英语词汇,如 turkey(火鸡)、pumpkin pie (南瓜派)、Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)等。
(3)用英语表达感恩的句子,如“I'm thankful for” (我感恩)2、难点(1)理解感恩节所蕴含的文化内涵。
幼儿园大班感恩节英语活动教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:让幼儿了解感恩节的由来和意义,学习相关的英语词汇和句子。
2. 能力目标:培养幼儿的口语表达能力,提高他们的英语听说能力。
3. 情感目标:培养幼儿感恩的心态,让他们学会珍惜身边的人和事。
三、教学准备:1. 教学材料:感恩节相关的故事书、图片、卡片等。
2. 教学工具:投影仪、音响设备、白板等。
四、教学过程:1. 热身活动(5分钟):唱一首英文歌曲《Thank You》,让幼儿放松身心,进入学习状态。
2. 引入活动(5分钟):通过展示感恩节的图片,让幼儿猜测节日的名称,并简要介绍感恩节的由来和意义。
3. 主体活动(15分钟):a. 讲解感恩节的英语词汇和句子,如“Thank you”、“I appreciate you”等。
b. 通过故事《感恩节的由来》,让幼儿了解感恩节的历史背景。
c. 进行角色扮演,让幼儿练习使用所学的英语词汇和句子。
4. 巩固活动(5分钟):通过卡片游戏,让幼儿复习所学的英语词汇和句子。
5. 总结与反思(5分钟):让幼儿分享自己在活动中的收获,总结感恩节的重要性。
六、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察幼儿在课堂上的积极参与情况,包括发言、互动等。
2. 口语表达能力:评估幼儿在角色扮演等活动中运用英语词汇和句子的准确性。
3. 作业完成情况:检查幼儿回家后与家长共同完成的感恩表达作业,评估他们的英语应用能力。
七、教学延伸:1. 开展感恩节主题的英语角活动,让幼儿与其他同学一起交流、分享。
2. 组织幼儿参观社区,向社区居民表达感恩之情,提高他们的社交能力。
3. 开展家庭英语活动,让家长参与幼儿的英语学习,增进亲子关系。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Hello there! I'd be delighted to help you plan a Thanksgiving event that will leave your guests feeling happy, grateful, and full! Here's what I've got in mind:1. Set the Date and Send Out Invites:Decide on a date and time that works for most people.Send out invitations at least 4-6 weeks in advance, and ask guests to RSVP by a certain date.Include all the essential details: date, time, location, any dress code, and whether or not to bring a dish.2. Plan the Menu:Thanksgiving is all about the food! So put some thought into creating a menu that will please everyone.Consider a mix of traditional dishes (like turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes) and some new favorites.Don't forget to include vegetarian and vegan options for guests with dietary restrictions.3. Decorate Your Space:Create a festive atmosphere with decorations that reflect the spirit of Thanksgiving.Use fall colors like orange, yellow, and red.Set up a cozy seating area for guests to relax and chat.4. Plan Some Activities:Keep your guests entertained with some fun activities.You could have a pumpkin carving contest, play someThanksgiving-themed games, or simply put on some music and let everyone dance.If you have kids coming, set up a craft table where they can make Thanksgiving decorations or write letters to Santa.5. Express Your Gratitude:Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the good things in our lives.Take some time during the event to express your gratitude to your guests.You could ask everyone to share what they're thankful for, or simply read a heartfelt speech.中文回答:大家好!我很乐意帮助你策划一个感恩节活动,让你的客人感到快乐、感恩和满足!我有一些想法:1. 确定日期并发送邀请函:决定大多数人都合适的时间和日期。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a time for families and friends to come together and give thanks for the year's blessings.One of the most common Thanksgiving traditions is to eat a large meal with family and friends. This meal typically includes turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.Another popular Thanksgiving tradition is to watch football. The NFL typically schedules several games on Thanksgiving Day, and many families and friends gather to watch the games together.In addition to eating and watching football, many people also volunteer their time to help others onThanksgiving. This could involve serving meals at a homeless shelter, delivering food to the needy, or visiting with elderly people in nursing homes.Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a time to appreciate all the good things in our lives and to give back to our communities.中文回答:感恩节是美国一个重要的节日,于每年 11 月的第四个星期四庆祝。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Hey there! It's the most wonderful time of the year.The time to give thanks, gather with loved ones, and enjoy delicious food. This Thanksgiving, let's create a memorable celebration that will warm the heart.1. Set a Fun Theme:Let your imagination run wild and choose a theme that captures the essence of the season. Consider a cozy "Autumn Harvest" theme with warm colors and rustic decorations, or go for a more whimsical "Pilgrims and Indians" theme complete with feather headdresses and teepees.2. Crafting and Activities:Get crafty with some fun Thanksgiving-themed activities. Set up a table for kids to decorate corn on the cob, makepaper pilgrims, or design their own placemats. For adults, host a pumpkin carving contest or a "Thankful Leaf"activity where guests write down what they're grateful for on colorful leaves.3. Music and Entertainment:Create a playlist that sets the mood, with a mix of classic Thanksgiving songs and cheerful holiday tunes. If you have any musically inclined guests, invite them to perform a song or two. You could also set up a karaoke machine for some hilarious entertainment.4. Games and Competitions:Friendly competition can bring a lot of laughter and excitement to the party. Plan some fun games like a Turkey Toss (using beanbags or small stuffed turkeys), a Thanksgiving Trivia Contest, or a Pictionary game with holiday-themed words.5. Delicious Food and Drinks:Thanksgiving is all about the food! Plan a menu that includes all the traditional favorites like roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Don't forget to add some festive touches, like colorful autumn salads, cranberry sauce, and apple cider.6. Meaningful Moments:Amidst the festivities, take time for some heartfelt moments. Go around the table and have each guest share something they're grateful for. Read a Thanksgiving poem or story that inspires reflection and appreciation.7. Capture the Memories:Set up a designated photo booth with fun props and backdrops. Encourage guests to capture silly and heartwarming photos to remember this special day. You could also create a scrapbook or photo album to preserve the memories.中文回答:感恩节活动方案。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:As the leaves turn vibrant hues of orange and red and the crisp autumn air fills our lungs with a refreshing zest, we gather to celebrate the time-honored tradition of Thanksgiving. This year, let us embark on a memorable Thanksgiving celebration that weaves together the essenceof gratitude, family, and fun.Pre-Thanksgiving Festivities:Before the main event, let us kick off the festivities with a heartwarming tradition. As we sip on warm apple cider, let us gather our loved ones and share heartfelt expressions of gratitude. Encourage everyone to write down what they are thankful for on colorful leaves, which we can then assemble into a stunning gratitude tree. This simpleact will set the tone for a day filled with appreciation.Thanksgiving Feast:On the day of Thanksgiving, our home will transforminto a haven of culinary delights. The aroma of roasted turkey will permeate the air, mingling with the tantalizing scents of stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Letus gather around the table, adorned with festivetablecloths and twinkling candles, and partake in a sumptuous feast that nourishes both our bodies and souls.Post-Feast Activities:After indulging in the culinary extravaganza, let us engage in lively games that foster laughter and create cherished memories. From classic board games like Monopoly and Scrabble to more active pursuits like charades and Pictionary, there is something for everyone. As the sun begins its descent, we can gather around a crackling bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sipping on hot chocolate. The warmth of the fire and the company of loved ones will create a cozy and unforgettable ambiance.In addition to the festivities mentioned above, here are some other ideas to make your Thanksgiving celebration truly special:Create a Thanksgiving playlist: Fill your home with the sounds of festive tunes that evoke the spirit of the holiday.Decorate your home: Transform your living space into a Thanksgiving wonderland with autumn-themed decorations, such as colorful leaves, pumpkins, and cornucopias.Give back to the community: Dedicate some time on Thanksgiving Day to volunteer at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.By incorporating these elements into your celebration, you can create a Thanksgiving experience that is both meaningful and memorable.中文回答:金秋十月,落叶缤纷,秋风送爽,我们欢聚一堂,共庆感恩节的传统佳节。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and spending time with loved ones. It's a time to reflect on all the good things in our lives and to show our appreciation for those who make our lives better.Thanksgiving is also a time for family, food, and fun. We gather with our families and friends to share a meal, play games, and watch football. It's a time to relax and enjoy each other's company.One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions is to go around the table and say what we're thankful for. It's a great way to remind ourselves of all the good things in our lives.I'm also thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my family and friends. Thanksgiving is a time toreconnect with loved ones and to make memories that will last a lifetime.中文回答:感恩节,一个感恩和与亲人共度的时间。
感恩节的英语学习计划Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, gratitude, and spending time with loved ones. It's also a time to think about the things we are thankful for and how we can show our appreciation for them. As an English learner, I am grateful for the opportunity to improve my language skills and I want to use this Thanksgiving holiday as a time to create and implement a special English study plan.Day 1: Setting Goals and Reflecting on ProgressOn the first day of my Thanksgiving English study plan, I will take some time to reflect on my language learning goals and assess my progress so far. I will think about what areas I want to focus on, such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and set specific, achievable goals for each.I will also take stock of the progress I have made since I began learning English. I will make a list of my achievements and identify any areas where I still need to improve. This reflection will help me to stay motivated and focused as I continue to work on my language skills.Day 2: Immersive Listening and Speaking PracticeOn the second day, I will dedicate my time to immersive listening and speaking practice. I will watch English-language movies or TV shows without subtitles and try to understand as much as possible.I will also listen to English music or podcasts to get used to the rhythm and pronunciation of the language.In addition, I will set aside time to practice speaking. I will have conversations with native English speakers if possible, or I will find a language exchange partner to practice with. Alternatively, Ican record myself speaking and listen to the recordings to identify areas for improvement.Day 3: Reading and Vocabulary BuildingThe third day of my study plan will be focused on reading and vocabulary building. I will choose a book, article, or online news source in English and spend time reading and taking note of new words and phrases. I will also make flashcards or use a vocabulary app to review and memorize these new words.I will also make a point to read aloud to practice pronunciation and intonation. This will help me to become more fluent and comfortable with the English language.Day 4: Writing and Grammar PracticeOn the fourth day, I will dedicate time to writing and grammar practice. I will set aside time to write in English, whether it's in the form of a journal entry, a short story, or a letter to a friend. I will also practice writing essays or other longer pieces to improve my composition skills.In addition, I will review grammar rules and do exercises to reinforce my understanding of the language's structure and mechanics. I may also seek out resources such as grammar books or online tutorials to help me in this area.Day 5: Review and ReflectionFinally, on the last day of my Thanksgiving English study plan, I will review what I have learned and reflect on my progress. I will revisit my goals and assess how much progress I have made. I will also think about what strategies and techniques have been mosteffective for me and consider how I can continue to improve in the future.I will also take this opportunity to express gratitude for the people, resources, and experiences that have helped me in my language learning journey. This will serve as a reminder of how far I have come and the support that I have received along the way.This Thanksgiving English study plan will allow me to make progress in my language learning journey and show gratitude for the opportunity to improve my skills. By dedicating focused time to each area of language learning, I will be able to make meaningful strides towards fluency and proficiency in English. When the holiday is over, I will continue to use these strategies and techniques to further my language learning and express my gratitude for the gift of language.。
感恩节活动方案英文回答:Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and food. It's a day to reflect on the things we're grateful for and to spend time with the people we love.There are many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving. Some people go to church, while others watch football or parade. But no matter how you celebrate, there's one thing that's always the same: the food.Thanksgiving dinner is a feast. It typically includes turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. But there are many other dishes that can be served as well, such as ham, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and cornbread.After dinner, many people gather around the fireplace to tell stories and sing songs. It's a time to relax andreflect on the things we're grateful for.Thanksgiving is a special day that is celebrated by people of all ages. It's a day to give thanks for the good things in life and to spend time with loved ones.Here are some examples of Thanksgiving activities:Go to church。
二、活动目标1. 增进学生对感恩节的了解和认识;2. 培养学生的感恩之心,学会感激身边的人和事;3. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力和团队合作能力。
三、活动内容1. 感恩节知识讲解在活动开始前,我们会组织一场感恩节知识讲解。
2. 感恩节手工制作为了让学生更深入地参与感恩节的庆祝活动,我们将组织学生进行感恩节手工制作。
3. 感恩节英语演讲比赛为了提高学生的英语口语表达能力,我们将举办感恩节英语演讲比赛。
4. 感恩节主题班会在感恩节当天,我们将组织一场以感恩为主题的班会。
5. 感恩节志愿者活动为了培养学生的公益意识和团队合作能力,我们将组织感恩节志愿者活动。
四、活动评估1. 学生问卷调查在活动结束后,我们将发放问卷给学生,了解他们对活动的评价和建议。
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感恩节英语策划方案篇一:感恩节英语活动策划方案英语ThanksgivingdayPartyPartone(leading)dearteachers,dearstudents,happyThanksgivingday!atthisafternoon,wegathertogethertosharethegoodtime.weallknowthatthefor thThursdayinnovemberisThanksgivingday.andyesterdaywasThanksgiving dayin20XX.Letuscelebratethisfestivalwithagratefulheart.Parttwo(deliveringspeech)ok,now,let’sbeginourparty.Firstly,letuswelcomeourdearprincipaltodeliveraspeech.(………….)dearprincipal,thanksforyourspeech.Partthree(aintroduction)ihaveagreatnewstotellyou.Today,itisourgreathonortoinviteourdearforeignt eachermmm.mmm,thanksforyourcomingvery.now,let’swelcomemmmtointroducetheThanksgivingdayforus.(…………)dearstud ents,doyouhaveanyfeelingstosharewithusoranyquestionstoask?(…………….)Partfour(playinggame)(1)TonguetwisterThisgameisnamed“learning,learningandlearning”.Thereareonechinesetonguetwisterandon eEnglishtonguetwister.Firstly,we’lllearntheEnglishtonguetwisterunderourforeignteachermmm’S instruction.Secondly,wehaveatasktoteachmmmthechineseone.doyougetit? mmm,canwebeginnow?(2)Guessingwordswe’llplayagamenamed“guessing,guessingandguessing”whereonestudentdemonstratesthewordwithouttalkingandtherestoftheteamt riestoguesstheword.Thetwoteamofgradesevenareinpkrelationship,andthes ametogradeeight.within2minutes,whichteamguessesmore,whichwins.ok,l et’swelcometeam1fromgradeseven.(Theforeignteachercantakepartineverytea mandgivethemsomeEnglishhints)(3)PeelingcornThisgameisnamed“peeling,peelingandpeeling”.we’llchoosefourstudentsandteacher(一个留学生nnn)totakepartinthegame.Everyparticipantwillhaveacorn.withinoneminute ,whopeelsmore,whowins.ok,anyvolunteers?Partfive(Lottery)Hi,everybody,themostexcitingmomentiscoming;eachofourdearforeignteac herandprincipalwillextractthreeluckynumbers.whowillbetheluckydog?i’mexpecting.Partsix(exchangingpresents)dearstudents,doyouwanttosurpriseyourfriendsorteachers?it’sthetimeforyoutoexpressyourloveandthanktothem.now,youca(:感恩节英语策划方案)nexchangegiftsbetweenschoolmates.篇二:thanksgivingplan(英语学校感恩节活动方案) THanKSGiVinGPLan一.活动主题二.筹备方案三.活动流程第一部分:活动主题感恩节:了解感恩节的文化习俗,学习有关感恩节的单词及祝福用语。
3:20-4:20班级布置:感恩节食物的摆放备注:☆幼儿园准备煮熟的土豆,南瓜饼,苹果,桔子,香蕉等水果☆每个家庭带感恩节食品:感恩节美食(南瓜pumpkin、火鸡turkey、苹果apple、桔子orange、栗子chestnut、胡桃walnut、葡萄grape、以及碎肉馅饼mincepie、小红莓酱cranberrysauce等)☆感恩节音乐刻录家长进场:请家长签名进入备注:☆红地毯铺在舞蹈房门口☆感恩节海报☆签名大爱心贴在舞蹈房门口活动前,确保一人放音乐每班两位老师在舞蹈房维持班级纪律,一人布置教室(感恩节宴会要吃的食物,播放的音乐)每班请一位空班老师帮忙!一.活动流程:1.化妆舞会请幼儿和老师穿印第安人服饰、头饰、挂链、脸上画上五颜六色的油彩......备注:☆请家长为孩子准备节日盛装,可以购买,也可用废旧的材料制作☆请购买深色眼影(油彩)(孩子化妆后喊着onetwoone的节奏来到舞蹈房按秩序站好),2.开场律动(5分钟)律动歌词:anindianiscoming.wherearethepumpkinpieandturkey?Sweetpotatoesareyu mmy.HaveahappyThanksGiving!教授一遍,语统孩子做一遍家长孩子一起跳备注:☆请各班级老师教授歌曲律动☆此环节要放律动2.Topic(10分钟)2教授单词turkeypumpkin游戏名称1:大小声游戏名称2:冰山一角游戏名称3:炸弹游戏3.亲子游戏(15分钟)游戏1:传球游戏规则:听音乐《goodmorning》边做动作边传球,当音乐停止时,球在谁手上,谁上来;当台上的孩子达到一定数量,请台上那个孩子的家长也上来,台下孩子当小melody老师教家长跳英语第一课律动。
《Tenlittleindianboys》1=f4/4onelit-tle,twolit-tle,threelit-tlein—dians; fourlit-tle,fivelit-tle,sixlit-tlein---dians; sevenlit-tle,eightlit-tleninelit-tlein---dians; tenlit-tlein----dians,boys。