Kidney repair using stem cells

第39卷第3期20 2 1年3月中华中医药学刊C H I N E S E A R C H I V E S O F T R AD I T I O N A L C H I NE S E M E D I C I N EV〇l.39 No. 3Mar. 2 0 2 1D01:10. 13193/j. issn. 1673-7717.2021.03.031衰老与肾纤维化之间相关机制的研究进展朱婧婧1,何伟明2,高坤,陶佳音,刘不悔,孙伟(1.南京中医药大学,江苏南京210029;2.南京中医药大学附属医院,江苏南京210029)摘要:衰老是生物体随时间推移、细胞功能逐渐丧失的必然规律,这一现象集中显现在某一组织器官中,则可引起衰老性疾病。
近年来许多研究发现肾纤维化与衰老具有相关性,国内外研究发现衰老与肾纤维化相关的信号通路包括T G F-p/S m a d信号通路、W m信号通路及S〖R T通路等。
关键词:肾纤维化;衰老;中医药中图分类号:R269.92文献标志码:A文章编号=1673-7717(2021)034)1244)5R e s e a r c h P r o g r e s s o n M e c h a n i s m s o f A g i n g a n d R e n a l F i b r o s i sZ H U Jingjing' ,H E W e i m i n g2,G A O K u n.T A O Jiayin,LIU B u h u i,S U N W e i(1. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029 ,Jiangsu,China;2. Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029 ,Jiangsu,China)Abstract :Aging i s an inevitable law of the gradual loss of cell function over time and this ph e n o m e n o n can be concentrated in a certain tissue and organ,which can cause aging diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the importance of kidney in aging. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,the deficiency and excess of kidney Qi i s an intrinsic influencing factor that regulates the growth,development and aging of the body. Renal fibrosis is a c o m m o n pathological pathway that i s irreversible in the end stage of chronic kidney disease caused by various factors. In the kidney,aging i s associated with structural and physiological changes,and there i s a linear relationship between renal aging and decreased renal function. In recent years, m a n y studies have found a correlation between renal fibrosis and aging. Studies at h o m e and abroad have found that the signaling pathways related to aging and renal fibrosis include T G F-p/S m a d signaling pat h w a y,W n t signaling pathway and S I R T pathway, etc. At present,the relationship between aging and disease leading to organ fibrosis is highly concerned. If more therapeutic targets related to renal fibrosis and aging are found,it will further promote the development and screening of related drugs for renal fibrosis and aging. These breakthroughs will further change the micro -environment of aging cells,optimize the repair potential of stem cells,reduce persistent d a m a g e and renal fibrosis,and increase anti —aging and repair mechanisms. Moreover,these studies can provide n e w research ideas for the prevention and treatment of renal fibrosis and find out n e w entry points for the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease. T h e study of aging related renal fibrosis is of great significance in guiding clinical treatment of aging related renal fibrosis,slowing or reversing the progress of chronic kidney disease,improving renal function and the quality of life of patients with chronic kidney disease,especially the elderly patients with chronic kidney disease.Keywords:renal fibrosis;aging;traditional Chinese medicine衰老是机体在生长发育达到成熟后对外界适应力逐渐减 弱,形态结构和生理功能出现一系列退行性改变的不可逆转的基金项目:国家自然科学基金(8丨774269)作者简介:朱婧婧(1994 -),女,江苏宿迁人,硕士研究生,研究方向:中医内科学肾脏病临床。

%BACKGROUND:Occurrence and development of diabetic complications is closely related to the severity of oxidative stress imbalance in the body. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of embryonic stem cel s on oxidative stress response of rats with diabetic nephropathy. METHODS:Primarily cultured rat embryonic stem cel s were observed for cel morphology and surface antigen detection. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into experimental group (two injections of embryonic stem cel svia the tail vein), model group (injection of the same volume of PBS), and normal control group (with no modeling, intraperitoneal injection of sodium citrate-citrate buffer). In the former two groups, the rats were intraperitoneal y injected sodium citrate-citrate buffer diluted streptozotocin to establish diabetic nephropathy models before treatment. At 5 weeks after the last injection, blood glucose level, renal function indicators (urine protein/urine creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine) were tested in each group;contents of malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl were detected in the kidney;the expression level of superoxide dismutase was detected by western blot assay. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The embryonic stem cel s were oval or round, with clear boundary and good refraction, and highly expressed Oct-4 and SSEA-1. Compared with the control group, renal biochemical indicators, malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl contents were significantly increased, while the expression level of superoxide dismutase was decreased dramatical y in the model group and experimental group(P<0.05);compared with the model group, the renal biochemical indicators, malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl contents were dropped significantly in the experimental group, but the expression of superoxide dismutase was significantly rebounded (P<0.05). Taken together, embryonic stem cel s can reverse the occurrence and development of diabetic nephropathy by inhibiting oxidative stress in progress.【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2015(000)014【总页数】6页(P2199-2204)【关键词】干细胞;移植;胚胎干细胞;糖尿病肾病;氧化应激;丙二醛;蛋白羰基;超氧化物歧化酶【作者】樊志刚;樊红亮【作者单位】河南医学高等专科学校,河南省郑州市 451191;河南医学高等专科学校,河南省郑州市 451191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R394.2文章亮点:1 糖尿病肾病是糖尿病的慢性微血管并发症之一,对于糖尿病肾病目前尚缺乏有效的治疗手段,而干细胞治疗给人们带来了新的方向。

・1458・Modern Practical Medicine,December2020,Vol.32,No.12thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation with chronic kidney disease[J].Stroke,2015,46(1):157-163.[7]Lau WL,Huisa BN,Fisher M.The Cerebrovascular-chronic kidney disease connection:perspectives and mechanisms[J].Transl Stroke Re,2017,8(1):67-76. [8]Mohebbi S,Ghabaee M,Ghaftarpour M,et al.Predictive role of high sensitive C-reactive protein in early onset mortalityafter ischemic stroke[J].Tran J Neurol,2012,11(4):135-139.[9]Whiteley W,Jackson C,Lewis S,et al.Association of circulating inflammatorymarkers with recurrent vascular eventsafter stroke:a prospective cohort study[J].Stroke,2011,42(0:10-16.[10]Kumai Y,Kamouchi M,Hata J,et al.Proteinuria and clinical outcomes after ischemicstroke[J].Neurology,2012,78(24):1909-1915.[11]Liu ZR,Zhao H,Chen YR,et al.Effects ofstatins on delayingprogression of chronickidneydisease:a meta-analysis[J].NanFang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao,2016,36(4):445-454.[12]Wang W,Zhang B.Statins for the prevention of s troke:a meta-analysis of r andomized controlled trials[J].PLoS One,2014,9(3):e92388.收稿日期=2020-07-15(本文编辑:孙海儿)Klotho通过抑制氧化应激对肾小管上皮细胞低氧/再氧化损伤的影响邵驾宇,应奇素,钱盈盈,杨秀,费晓,王鸣【摘要】目的探讨Klotho蛋白对肾小管上皮细胞低氧/再氧化损伤的保护机制。

间充质干细胞对慢性间质性肾炎大鼠肾小管上皮细胞表型的影响李维;杨园园;姜红【摘要】目的观察慢性间质性肾炎大鼠模型肾脏病理变化,以及间充质干细胞对肾小管上皮细胞表型相关细胞因子表达的影响.方法将30只雌性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组、治疗组、非治疗组.对照组大鼠饮用水灌胃12周,治疗组和非治疗组大鼠关木通水煎剂灌胃12周.第12周末,治疗组经尾静脉输入间充质干细胞,非治疗组和对照组经尾静脉注射等量生理盐水.尾静脉注射后第8周末处死大鼠,留取血、尿、肾组织标本.肾组织连续切片,分别用免疫组化、Western blotting及半定量逆转录PCR (RT-PCR)方法检测细胞角蛋白18 (CK18)蛋白和mRNA的表达情况.结果与对照组和治疗组相比,非治疗组肾损伤严重、肾间质纤维化明显,而治疗组肾组织损伤减轻、纤维化明显改善.免疫组化染色显示,治疗组肾脏CK18阳性表达明显多于非治疗组,但仍低于对照组.RT-pCR检测显示,治疗组CK18 mRNA表达量明显增加,非治疗组CK18的表达明显减少甚至消失;肾脏Western blotting分析显示同样的变化趋势.结论间充质干细胞通过上调肾小管上皮细胞CK18的表达,减少肾脏肾小管上皮细胞向肌成纤维细胞转分化,从而减轻肾组织病理损害和肾间质纤维化.【期刊名称】《中国医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(047)011【总页数】4页(P989-992)【关键词】慢性间质性肾炎;间充质干细胞;上皮-间充质转化【作者】李维;杨园园;姜红【作者单位】中国医科大学附属第一医院儿科,沈阳110001;中国医科大学附属第一医院儿科,沈阳110001;中国医科大学附属第一医院儿科,沈阳110001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R69慢性间质性肾炎是一组以肾小管萎缩、基膜增厚、间质纤维化和不同程度细胞浸润为主要表现的疾病[1],引起间质性肾炎的原因很多,含马兜铃酸的中草药导致的慢性肾小管间质性肾炎统称为慢性马兜铃酸肾病(chronic aristolochic acid nephropathy,CAAN)。

*基金项目:山西省重点研发计划(指南)项目(201703D421024)①山西省中医药研究院 山西 太原 030012②山西中医药大学通信作者:刘光珍肾小管上皮细胞损伤后的适应性修复异常及其机制的研究进展*郑博文① 刘华亭② 陈晨② 侯彦婕① 范晓阳① 刘光珍① 【摘要】 肾小管上皮细胞是肾单位重要的组成结构之一,对维持肾脏正常生理功能具有重要作用。
【关键词】 肾小管上皮细胞 适应性修复异常 损伤机制 Advances in Adaptive Repair Abnormalities and Mechanisms of Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells Damage/ZHENG Bowen, LIU Huating, CHEN Chen, HOU Yanjie, FAN Xiaoyang, LIU Guangzhen. //Medical Innovation of China, 2023, 20(10): 169-173 [Abstract] Renal tubular epithelial cells are one of the important structural components of nephrons and play an important role in maintaining the normal physiological function of the kidney. Recent studies have suggested that severe damage or multiple damage to the proximal tubules will lead to irreversible structural destruction and functional loss, causing interstitial tubulitis and fibrosis, glomeruloscerosis, and capillary rarefaction and other chronic manifestations. When the renal tubular epithelial cells are damaged, adaptive repair abnormalities will occur, with specific mechanisms including cell senescence, metabolic disorders and partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition, which will lead to the development of renal fibrosis. Tubular regeneration and successful renal repair can be observed in most surviving patients, especially in the setting of mild damage. In adaptive repair, surviving renal tubular epithelial cells undergo dedifferentiation and proliferation to restore function. However, in the cases of severe, repeated damage or renal aging, renal tubular epithelial cells may exhibit adaptive repair abnormalities that lead to progressive renal fibrosis. In this paper, the research progress of adaptive repair abnormalities and its mechanism after renal tubular epithelial cells damage in recent years is reviewed as follows. [Key words] Renal tubular epithelial cells Adaptive Repair Abnormalities Damage mechanism First-author's address: Shanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taiyuan 030012, China doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2023.10.040 通常肾小管上皮细胞具有强大的自我更新能力,当损伤因素去除后可以快速修复。


可以分化为 造血实质,
从而支持 造血干细胞的增长
还可分化为 造血以外的组织细胞: 软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、 成骨细胞、心肌细胞
缺乏特异性的表面 标志,排异较轻
MSCs 特点
存在于骨髓 ,及脂肪 组织、肝脏、外周血 等其他组织中
可以分化为 造血实质,
从而支持 造血干细胞的增长
还可分化为 造血以外的组织细胞: 软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、 成骨细胞、心肌细胞
间质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cell, MSCs): 具有自我更新能力和向多种中胚层来源间质干
细胞分化能力的一种多能干细胞 最早由Frieden-stein于1968年发现,当时称其
间充质干细胞能选择性的修复外髓部的肾小管坏死并加速肾小管上皮 细胞的再生。
Mesenchymal stem cells are renotropic,helping torepair the kidney and improve function in acute renal failure.J Am Soc Nepbrol.2004
1.调节B淋巴细胞 2.调节T淋巴细胞 3.对树突状细胞(DCs)的调节 4.对IL-10、MCP-1、PGE2等细胞因子的调节
人脐带间充质干细胞治疗狼疮性肾炎的研究进展,山东医药2013 15

研究人员体外培养小鼠胚胎干细胞使其分化成各种类型的心肌细胞和肾脏固有细胞,还通过控制体外培养的环境获得了小鼠胚胎干细胞来源的脂肪细胞、软骨细胞、肝细胞,还获得了分泌胰岛素及其他胰腺内泌激素的细胞,并形成胰岛样结构[ 。
Thomson等[4 将人胚胎干细胞注入免疫缺陷小鼠,形成了胎肾组织。

T 细胞是介导排斥反应的关键 ➢ 裸鼠不产生排斥反应 ➢ B细胞缺陷鼠可产生排 斥反应 ➢ 排斥反应能够通过T细胞 被动转移
Role of CD4+ versus CD8 T+ cells
CD40+ Th1 细胞是主要的效应细胞
1. 直接识别 指受者的同种反应性T细胞直接识别供者APC表面
针对移植物的体液免疫应答 受者体内产生针对同种异型抗原的特异性抗
体,抗体发挥调理作用、ADCC和CDC作用等,通过激活 补体、损伤血管内皮细胞、介导凝血、血小板聚集、 溶解移植物细胞和释放炎性介质等多种机制参与排斥 反应。
Rejection Response
Rejection Response
移植:在医学上应用自体或异体的正常细胞、组织或 器官置换病变的或功能缺损的细胞、组织、器 官,以维持和重建机体生理功能,这种治疗方 法称为细胞/组织/器官移植。
移植排斥反应:移植术后,受者免疫系统可识别移植 物抗原并产生应答,移植物中的免疫细胞也可 识别受者组织抗原并产生应答,称为移植排斥 反应。是机体的免疫应答反应。
间接识别在急性排斥反应中晚期 和慢性排斥反应中起重要作用
➢ 受者T细胞通过直接或间接途径识别移植物抗原并被激活; ➢ 移植物局部出现Th1和巨噬细胞为主的细胞侵润; ➢ 活化的Th1细胞、巨噬细胞等释放多种炎性细胞因子,导致
迟发型超敏反应性炎症,造成移植物组织的损伤。 ➢ 活化的CD8+CTL 杀伤移植物靶细胞

DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1000-6702.2016.02.作者单位:361003厦门大学附属第一医院泌尿外科(刘荣福、杨宇峰);九江市第一人民医院泌尿外科(高加胜);福建医科大学第一临床医学院(张杰)通信作者:刘荣福,・基础研究・氯化壳聚糖水凝胶促进脂肪间充质干细胞治疗小鼠肾缺血再灌注损伤的作用刘荣福 高加胜 张杰 杨宇峰【摘要】 目的 探讨温敏性氯化壳聚糖(CSCI)水凝胶作为可注射性支架携带脂肪间充质干细胞(ADMSCs)移植治疗缺血再灌注引起的急性肾损伤的疗效及安全性。
方法 构建急性肾损伤大鼠模型后,将所有大鼠随机分为ADMSCs/PBS组、ADMSCs/CSCI水凝胶组、PBS组和CSCI水凝胶组4个实验组。

142第17卷 第7期 2015 年 7 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 17 No. 7 Jul .,2015关于干细胞,在19世纪末就已有医学家在文献中做有关描述,但是干细胞的研究是在上个世纪90年代才取得了突飞猛进的发展。
1 中医“肾精”之理论内涵1.1 中医之“精”中鸿砚教授曾总结《内经》“精”之十三义,引经据典,甚为精辟,可说是囊括了中医“精”之大意。
1.2 中医“肾精”涵义“肾精”一词并未出现在《内经》中,而有“肾者,封藏之本,精之处也”(《素问·六节藏象论》)和“肾者主水,受五脏六腑之精而藏之”(《素问·上古天真论》)的记载。

618GuangxC Medical Journal ,Mar. 2021, HO 43 ,Nv. 5综述干细胞治疗盆底功能障碍性疾病的研究进展▲耿朋博2魏志军1(1广东省深圳市中医院肛肠科,2广州中医药大学第四临床医学院,深圳市 518033 ,电子邮箱:1530454228@ qq. com )【摘要】盆底功能障碍性疾病(PFD )多发于中老年女性,主要表现为压力性尿失禁、盆底器官脱垂、排便障碍和性功能障碍等,其发病率较高,并且随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,发病率呈增高趋势。
干细胞可以修复及再生盆底神经、肌肉和组织,近年来将其应用于PFD 的治疗取得了很多的成果和经验,本文就干细胞在PFD 治疗中作用的研究进展进行综述。
【关键词】 干细胞;盆底功能障碍性疾病;压力性尿失禁;盆底器官脱垂;排便障碍;综述【中图分类号】R711.5 【文献标识码】ADOI :10.11675/j. issn. 0253-4304.2021.05.23【文章编号】0253-4304(2021 )05-0618-03近年来,随着我国人口老龄化速度的加快和二胎 政策的放开,盆底功能障碍性疾病(pe/ic 2x 0dysfunction ,PFD )的发病率逐渐上升。
PFD 发生与盆 底退行性改变和机械性损伤相关,临床上可有压力性尿失禁(stress u/nag incontinence , SUI )、盆底器官脱 垂(pe/ic organ prolapse ,POP )、排便障碍和性功能障 碍等表现,该病虽然不会对患者造成严重的生命威 胁,但会严重影响患者正常的社交活动,患者常常饱受心理压力⑴&目前PFD 的治疗方式仍以手术治疗 为主,但具有创伤大、易复发和并发症多等缺点。
随着组织工程和干细胞移植技术的快速发展,为PFD 的治疗提供了更安全、更有效的选择,其在PFD 的治 疗上具有广阔的应用前景&本文就干细胞在PFD 治 疗中的应用进展做一综述&1 PFD 概述PFD 是一组由盆腔支持结构的损伤、退化或功能缺 陷所引起的疾病,多见于中老年女性,临床表现主要为 SUI 、POP 、排便障碍和性功能障碍等[2] &流行病学调查发现,PFD 在成年女性中的患病率为20% ~40%[3-4]; 约1/3的妇女在分娩后有SUI ,10%的妇女在分娩后有大便失禁或排便困难,1/7以上的妇女在产后有 POP 现象⑸&这些临床表现往往相互交错,同时出 现,严重影响患者的生活质量和心理健康& PFD 的病 主 方 , 是盆底 构的 性病 ,▲基金项目:广东省中医药局科研项目(20191270)作者简介:耿朋博(1996 -),男,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:脊神经源性肛肠疾病的中西医诊疗&通信作者:魏志军(1962 -),男,本科,主任医师,研究方向:脊神经源性肛肠疾病的中西医诊疗,电子邮箱:773005311@qq. com.着年龄的增长,盆底肌肉、韧带等结构发生退行性变化,而且雌激素有维持盆底成纤维细胞的正常骨架结构的作用,绝经后雌激素水平下降,成为PFD 的诱发 因素之一⑷;二是盆底的机械性损伤,如妊娠、分娩、肥胖、长期便秘等[7],这些机械性损伤一方面直接对盆底肌肉造成损害,另一方面通过损伤盆底神经,从而对盆底肌肉造成间接损害[8] &目前对PFD 的治疗 仍以手术治疗为主,但具有创伤大、易复发和并发症多等缺点,长期效果并不理想&2干细胞概述干细胞是具有自我更新及多向分化潜能的细胞,其以未分化或低分化状态存在&干细胞是组织器官再生的种子细胞,是实践再生医学的最重要的先决条 件[9] &根据干细胞的分化潜能可以分为全能干细胞(胚胎干细胞)、多能干细胞(成体干细胞)和单能干细胞(特定谱系干细胞)&全能干细胞具有较大的伦理学压力及致癌风险,单能干细胞的分化潜力低,而成体干细胞致癌风险很低,所受伦理学争议较少,且不存在组织相容性的问题,其在科研和临床中具有重要的价值[10_11] o 间充质干细胞"mesenchymal stemcell ,MSC )是目前细胞治疗和组织再生应用最广泛、研究最热门的成体干细胞& MSC 具有良好的自我更新和 分化能力,且分布范围广泛,存在于骨髓、脂肪、脐带组织、脐血等组织中&应用于PFD 的治疗最常见的MSC 主要是骨髓来源间充质干细胞(bone mawow-de/vedmesenchymaesiem ce e , BMSC ) 、脂肪 质干( adopose-deeoeed mesenchymaesiem ce e , ADSC ) 肌质 干 ( muscee-deeoeed mesenchymae stem cell ,MDSC )[12-13] & BMSC 具有多向分化潜能,能 向 成肌、 成 、 成 、 神广"#$2021年3月第43卷第5期619细胞分化,可在体外分离、培养和扩增,具有免疫排斥性小、变应原性低的优点[14]。

Inner cells (forms fetus)
Culture cells
Day 5-6 Blastocyst
“Special sauce” (largely unknown)
Kidney Heart muscle
Heart repaire12d
2004 - Ballot measure for $3 Billion bond for stem cells
Stem Cell – Definition (干细胞的定义)
• A cell that has the ability to continuously divide and differentiate (develop) into various other kind(s) of cells/tissues
Fetal tissue, cord blood, and adult stem cells
Stem Cell Differentiation(干细胞分 化)
Princeton University
Kinds of Stem Cells
Princeton University
Stages of Embryogenesis (胚胎发育的阶段)
Day 1 Fertilized egg
Day 2 2-cell embryo
Day 3-4 Multi-cell embryo
DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针) 说明书

DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)产品编号 产品名称包装 C1038DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)10mg产品简介:DiO 即DiOC18(3),全称为3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate ,是最常用的细胞膜荧光探针之一,呈现绿色荧光。
DiO 是一种亲脂性膜染料,进入细胞膜后可以侧向扩散逐渐使整个细胞的细胞膜被染色。
DiO 在进入细胞膜之前荧光非常弱,仅当进入到细胞膜后才可以被激发出很强的荧光。
DiO 被激发后可以发出绿色的荧光,DiO 和磷酯双层膜结合后的激发光谱和发射光谱参考下图。
其中,最大激发波长为484nm ,最大发射波长为501nm 。
DiO 的分子式为C 53H 85ClN 2O 6,分子量为881.72,CAS number 为34215-57-1。
DiO 可以溶解于无水乙醇、DMSO 和DMF ,其中在DMSO 溶解度大于为10mg/ml 。
DiO 被广泛用于正向或逆向的,活的或固定的神经等细胞或组织的示踪剂或长期示踪剂(long-term tracer)。
DiO 通常不会明显影响细胞的生存力(viability)。
DiO 对于细胞膜染色的荧光强度通常要低于DiI ,有时对于某些经过固定的组织的染色效果欠佳。
DiO 除了最简单的细胞膜荧光标记外,还可以用于检测细胞的融合和粘附,检测发育或移植过程中细胞迁移,通过FRAP(Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)检测脂在细胞膜上的扩散,检测细胞毒性和标记脂蛋白等。
用于细胞膜荧光标记时,DiO 的常用浓度为1-30μM ,最常用的浓度为5-10μM 。
DiO 可以直接染色活的细胞或组织,染色时间通常为5-20分钟。
对于固定的细胞或组织,通常宜使用配制在PBS 中的4%多聚甲醛进行固定,使用其它不适当的固定液会导致荧光背景较高。
损伤的修复 病生学

永久性细胞 Permanent cell —非分裂细胞 没有再生能力 神经C、骨骼肌C、 心肌C。
Labile (epithelium of skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, lymphoid cell, et al)
第一节 再 生(regeneration)
一、概念 再生是指组织、细胞损伤后,缺损周围健康细胞的 分裂增殖。再生可分为生理性再生和病理性再生。
生理性再生:生理过程中,细胞、组织老化、消耗, 由新生的同种细胞不断补充,保持原有 结构和功能
病理性再生:病理状态下细胞、组织缺损后发生的 再生。可为完全再生,也可不完全再生
(2) 黏连蛋白 作用:与细胞表面的特异性受体结合,另一方面也与基质 成分,如Ⅳ型胶原和硫酸肝素结合,还可介导细胞与结缔 组织基质黏附。
(3) 整合素:是细胞表面受体的主要家族,对细胞和细胞外基质 的黏附起介导作用。
是一类新命名的分泌性蛋白,可与基质蛋白、细胞表面 受体及能作用于细胞表面的其它分子(如生长因子、 细胞因子或蛋白水解酶)相互作用。
血小板源性生长因子(PDGF):来源于血小板的α颗粒 作用:能引起成纤维细胞、平滑肌细胞和单核细胞的 增生和游走,并能促进胶质细胞的增生。
成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF):生物活性十分广泛,几 乎可刺激所有间叶细胞,但主要作用于内皮细胞,特 别在毛细血管的新生过程中,能使内皮细胞分裂并诱 导其产生蛋白溶解酶。
间叶组织在胚胎中起着支持、填充及构成新组 织和器官的作用。在人类和成体动物的结缔组织 中,常保留有原始状态的间叶组织,需要时可分 化成新的组织。

方法:健康雄性C57BL/6小鼠(8-12周龄)30只,随机分为3组:Sham+NS(normal saline)组:肾包膜下生理盐水注射组;RM(rhabdomyolysis)+NS组:甘油肌肉注射加肾包膜下生理盐水注射组;RM+MSCs(mesenchymal stem cells)组:甘油肌肉注射加MSCs肾包膜下注射组。
急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是横纹肌溶解的严重并发症[2]。

NMN (US W+NMN12000) is transformed into NAD+in human body, reaching human blood, liver, brain, kidney, heart and muscle, so as to repair damaged cells in these parts.nmn对肝脏有副作用吗,nmn的副作用,NMN除了对人体的作用,会不会有副作用呢?NMN的副作用是服用者反馈过来的,且只有少数的服用者才会有,主要表现为嘴角炎症,口干,便秘等症状。
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143/jnonline – Thorough CriTiCal appraisalEPHROL JN (2010;:02)143-14623© 2010 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428Kidney repair using stem cells:myth or reality as a therapeutic option?hirotsugu iwatani, Enyu imaiDepartment of Nephrology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka - JapanI ntroductIonThe kidney has been considered a highly terminally differen-tiated organ of the body, and indeed its proliferative potential is much lower than that of epithelial cells of the intestine. The-se characteristics of kidney are borne out by the incidence of malignant tumors, as the kidney is less likely to be the origin of a tumor than is the gastrointestinal tract. The lower prolife-rative fate of the kidney may be due to gene programming of its constituent cells. More precisely, partial and programmed gene inactivation of genomic DNA that is controlled in time and space, may be involved in the regulation of kidney fate. For these reasons, kidney has been thought of as a most un-likely organ for regeneration. Moreover, regeneration of cells alone is not sufficient for organ regeneration, especially for regeneration of the kidney, because it is composed of manycell types that function as a tissue unit and not as individual cells, making up a highly organized and elaborately structu-red organ with a sophisticated architecture. Restoration of organ architecture, which requires the placement of specific cell types adjacent to each other in a proper spatial fashion, is extremely important for kidney regeneration.However, the kidney has some regenerative potential. It can recover from acute kidney injury such as acute tubular ne-crosis. As for chronic kidney disease, if diabetic nephropathy patients can maintain long-term optimal blood glucose levels by pancreas transplantation, then the amelioration of the le-sions of diabetic nephropathy has been observed (1). The-refore, although the capacity of the kidney for proliferation is lower than that of other organs, renal repair is both theoreti-cally and actually possible. What remains to be determined is how to elicit the regenerative potential of damaged kidney and how to use this potential to the best advantage.Stem/progenitor cells and the proper microenvironment are essential for the repair or regeneration of damaged kidney. A suitable microenvironment includes the presence of lo-cal cytokines as well as of extracellular matrix which can function as a scaffold and give rise to cytokine or growth factors around the stem/progenitor cell.b one mArrow -derIved stem cellsThere have been many attempts to establish the existence of extrarenal kidney stem/progenitor cells. In the early 2000s, pluripotent bone marrow–derived stem cells were thought to contribute to kidney repair. Bone marrow includes several cell types such as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), mesen-chymal stromal cells (MSCs), which is often referred to as mesenchymal stem cells, and endothelial progenitor cells.Bone marrow–derived stem cells appeared to have a capaci-ty for transdifferentiation and to be able to replace damaged renal tissue by replacing tubular epithelial cells (2), mesangial cells (3, 4), endothelial cells (5) and even podocytes (6, 7). The experimental method used to analyze their ability to mediate kidney repair was the transplantation of bone marrow–derived stem cells. In many cases, cells of donor origin were tracedIwatani and Imai: Myth or reality as a therapeutic option?by labeling the cells with green fluorescent protein or, if the donor was male, Y chromosome–positive cells were identified by in situ hybridization. Engraftment of bone marrow–derived stem cells to kidney component cells is often confirmed by double staining the cells of donor origin and kidney-specific markers. Investigation of the DNA karyotype of engrafted cells confirmed the existence of double the content of the normal genomic DNA. Therefore, cell fusion events appear to represent a part of the previously reported transdifferentiation cases. The strict meaning of transdifferentiation is conversion from one cell lineage to another, different lineage with con-version of cellular functions and markers and maintenance of a normal karyotype. Although, cell phenotype is transmitted via the transplant method, it appears that cell fusion as well as transdifferentiation occurs under these circumstances. In studies of this period, the concept of transdifferentiation was loosely defined, and clear transdifferentiation was not demonstrated in many of the studies. These studies should therefore be interpreted with caution.m esenchymAl stromAl cells Transplantation of bone marrow–derived pluripotent MSCs, but not HSCs, has been shown to result in engraftment to tubular epithelial cells in an experimental kidney injury model and did induce recovery of lost renal function in re-cipients (8). Although bone marrow contains several cell types including HSC, MSC and endothelial progenitor cells, engraftment of bone marrow–derived cells to kidney com-ponent cells is most likely to have been due to the MSC population (8, 9). Therefore, MSC are more promising as a source of stem/progenitor cells than crude bone marrow–derived cells. Furthermore, it has recently been reported that kidney-derived MSCs contribute to vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and endothelial repair (10). This finding sup-ports the possibility that MSCs residing in kidney can par-ticipate in kidney repair or regeneration.t herApeutIc mechAnIsm of cell trAnsplAntAtIonRecent studies argue against direct transdifferentiation of bone marrow–derived stem cells or MSCs into kidney. The engraftment frequency of bone marrow–derived stem cells was reported to be relatively small, ranging from 3% to 22% (11). This finding means that the majority of the regenerating cells were derived from resident kidney cells and not from extrarenal cells such as bone marrow–derived cells. Fur-thermore, the observed improvement in renal function did not appear to be attained via the engrafted cells but through other mechanisms. Studies of a renal ischemia/reperfusion model indicated that endogenous kidney cells rather than bone marrow–derived cells contributed to the repair of tubu-lar epithelial cells (12). Although the percentage of engraft-ment of donor cells to kidney component cells is very small, functional recovery of the injured kidney is apparent when MSCs are transplanted. This may be because various cyto-kines excreted by MSCs may make an appropriate microen-vironment in autocrine or paracrine fashion and finally work to promote kidney repair not as a cell basis. Indeed, MSCs have the ability to secrete various cytokines such as vascu-lar endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth fac-tor (HGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) (13). Con-sistent with a potential cytokine-producing role for MSCs, it has been reported that injection of bone marrow–derived stromal cells into the peritoneal cavity reduced the severity of cisplatin-induced acute renal failure without any integra-tion of the donor cells into tubular cells. Furthermore, the conditioned media obtained from culture of these stromal cells induced migration and proliferation of kidney-derived epithelial cells and significantly diminished cisplatin-induced proximal tubule cell death (14). The findings of this study the-refore provide new evidence that it is humoral factors pro-duced from bone marrow–derived MSCs, and not the bone marrow–derived MSC themselves, which are important for kidney repair or recovery. The combined reports suggest that what is important for kidney repair or recovery is not the local engraftment of MSCs to kidney, but secretion of humo-ral factors by MSCs that modulate the injured kidney.w hAt Are the humorAl fActors?If this is the case, then what are the humoral factors that are important for mediating kidney repair or regeneration? Many factors have been proposed as candidate factors to fulfill this role. One report indicated that administration of MSCs to a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion-induced acu-te renal failure improved renal function, whereas admini-stration of syngeneic fibroblasts did not. This study further indicated that the growth factors VEGF, HGF and IGF-1 were more highly expressed in MSCs than in fibroblasts (13). Some of these factors are known to modulate kidney function or repair. For example, VEGF attenuates glomeru-lar inflammation and accelerates glomerular capillary repair (15). HGF, an angiogenic growth factor, prevents epithelial cell death and enhances regeneration and remodeling of injured or fibrotic renal tissue (16). The described effects of these growth factors on kidney regeneration are effects of the administration of individual growth factors. However, if a mixture of several of these growth factors were to be admi-144145EPHROL JN (2010;:02)143-14623nistered, or if the timing of their administration was altered, their effects would be more complicated. Recently, other than soluble factors, a new mechanism of communication among cells was proven: microvesicles. Microvesicles de-rived from MSCs activate the proliferation of surviving renal tubular cells after injury by transferring mRNA (17). Thus, MSCs can repair the damaged tubules by secreting micro-vesicles which function in a paracrine fashion.r enAl stem /progenItor cellsA second question is, what are the cellular targets of these humoral factors? Of course, these targets would be renal stem/progenitor cells. Many researchers have taken on the challenge of searching for resident tissue stem/progenitor cells in the kidney. Using the characteristics that stem cells must be label-retaining cells because of slow-cycling, renal stem cells have been reported to exist in renal papilla (18) or tubular epithelial cells (19). Bowman’s capsule (20) and the S3 segment of the proximal tubules (21) have also been re-ported to contain renal stem/progenitor cells. CD133+ CD24+ cells within the population of parietal epithelial cells are re-ported to engraft to tubular cells. Analysis of side population (SP) phenotypes has been adopted as an approach to search for renal stem cells that have no markers. Under our expe-rimental conditions, kidney-derived SP cells did not convert to kidney component cells (22). It has also been reported that kidney-derived SP cells can differentiate into multiple lineages in vitro and that injection of these cells ameliorates lost renal function without significant engraftment to kid-ney component cells (23). These data indicate that humoral factors may account for the observed improvement in renal function, and SP cells are essentially heterogeneous. It still remains elusive as to whether kidney-derived SP cells are stem cells of the kidney.e xtrArenAl source of stem cellsIf an extrarenal source of stem cells is required for kidney repair, the target cells will be embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The ES cells, which are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, are pluri-potent. However, transplantation of nondifferentiated ES cel-ls induces teratomas. Therefore, it is essential to differentiate ES cells to some degree before transplantation. Cultured ES cells can be induced to express markers of the intermediate mesoderm from which kidneys arise, by the application of retinoic acid, activin-A and Bmp7. Moreover, when injected into a developing metanephros, ES cells are incorporated into tubular epithelial cells with almost 100% efficiency (24).ES cells are therefore one of the best cell sources for kidney repair and represent a powerful tool for this purpose. Howe-ver, there are ethical and legal problems in the creation and manipulation of human ES cells. An alternative to ES cells are the recently developed iPS cells (25). Retroviral transfer of just 4 genes (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc ) into cultured somatic cells converts the cells into pluripotent ES-like cel-ls. The 4 genes in question are transcription factors related to pluripotency. It was later shown that iPS cells can be cre-ated without addition of the oncogene c-Myc (26). Recently, human iPS cells have been successfully induced from skin fibroblasts (27). Since iPS cells, similar to ES cells, are pluri-potent and, furthermore, can be created from adult somatic cells, it is possible to prepare patient-specific pluripotent cells without manipulating germ cells. This means that there is no ethical problem with the use of iPS cells, and therefore iPS cells are a very promising source of cells for kidney re-pair or regeneration. However, even if a cell source for kid-ney repair is available, the induction or differentiation of this cell into kidney remains a difficult problem. One major pro-blem is that the risk of forming teratomas from transplanted undifferentiated iPS cells is just as high as it is for ES cells (25). Nevertheless, successful differentiation of iPS cells into cells of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic lineages has been reported (28-30).In conclusion, iPS cells are one of the most promising sources of stem cells for kidney repair and regeneration. Ho-wever, the method of induction of stem/progenitor cells to differentiated kidney component cells remains to be clarified. Therefore, the most important future issue is identification of tissue stem/progenitor cells in the kidney and recruitment of these cells in response to injury. A detailed observation and elucidation of the microenvironment of kidney cells after injury would then be the second step toward kidney repair using stem cells. Highly innovative techniques or approaches that are capable of grasping and reorganizing multifactorial changes in the milieu of time and space around the stem cells would be essential to ultimately solve this issue.Financial support: No financial support.Conflict of interest statement: None declared.Address for correspondence:Hirotsugu Iwatani, MD, PhD Department of NephrologyOsaka University Graduate School of Medicine Box B62-2 Yamadaoka, Suita Osaka 565-0871, Japan and Imai: Myth or reality as a therapeutic option?r eferencesFioretto P, Steffes MW, Sutherland DE, Goetz FC, Mauer M.1.Reversal of lesions of diabetic nephropathy after pancreas transplantation. N Engl J Med. 1998;339:69-75.Poulsom R, Forbes SJ, Hodivala-Dilke K, et al. Bone marrow 2.contributes to renal parenchymal turnover and regeneration.J Pathol. 2001;195:229-235.Imasawa T, Utsunomiya Y, Kawamura T, et al. The potential 3.of bone marrow-derived cells to differentiate to glomerular mesangial cells. 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