Amyloplast-Localized SUBSTANDARD STARCH GRAIN4 Protein Influences the Size of Starch Grains
[关键词]小儿支气管肺炎;阿奇霉素;静脉滴注;口服;肺功能;炎症因子;不良反应[中图分类号]R563 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-0742(2024)02(a)-0087-04Study on the Adverse Reactions of Different Routes of Administration of Azithromycin in the Treatment of Pediatric BronchopneumoniaLIU YanchunDepartment of Pediatrics, Jining Third People's Hospital (Jining Yanzhou District People's Hospital), Jining, Shan⁃dong Province, 272100 China[Abstract] Objective To study the adverse reactions of different routes of administration of azithromycin in the treat⁃ment of pediatric bronchopneumonia. Methods A total of 100 children with bronchial pneumonia admitted to Jining Yanzhou District People's Hospital from February 2020 to February 2023 were randomly selected as the research ob⁃jects. According to different routes of administration of azithromycin, they were divided into oral sequential treatment group ( sequential treatment group) and intravenous drip group, with 50 cases in each group. The therapeutic effect, lung function and adverse reactions were compared. Results There was no statistically significant difference in the to⁃tal effective rate of treatment between the two groups of children (P>0.05). The tidal volume, peak expiratory flow rate, forced expiratory volume at the first second, and forced vital capacity of children in the sequential treatment group were all higher than those in the intravenous infusion group, the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The average levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, interleukin-6, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, and serum amy⁃loid A were lower than those in the intravenous infusion group, the differences were statistically significant (all P< 0.05). The total incidence of adverse reactions in the sequential treatment group was 16.00%, lower than 36.00% in the intravenous infusion group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=5.198, P<0.05). Conclusion Ad⁃verse effects of azithromycin intravenous drip followed by oral sequential therapy in the treatment of pediatric broncho⁃pneumonia were less than those of intravenous drip.[Key words] Pediatric bronchopneumonia; Azithromycin; Intravenous drip; Oral; Lung function; Inflammatory factors; Adverse reactions小儿支气管肺炎是指支气管及肺泡的炎症性疾病,发病原因主要是病原体感染引起,比如细菌、[作者简介] 刘艳春(1974-),女,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为新生儿疾病。
骆利群在北京大学演讲. . .. ..骆利群在大学的演讲原文点击 .ebiotrade./newsf/2012-5/5741.htm美国科学院2012年新当选院士5月1日揭晓,八位华人当选,其中两位来自中国科技大学大学少年班,分别是骆利群和庄小威。
• ( 3 ) 杏 仁 被 盖 束 amygdalo-tegmental tract:终止于下丘脑外侧区,黑质、蓝斑等。
• ( 4 ) 杏 仁 皮 质 投 射 amygdalo-cortical projection:投射至眶额回、颞上、中、下回。
• 根据细胞形态,不同皮质区发育旳差别以 及 多 种 纤 维 通 路 旳 不 同 , Lorente do No{1934}把海马又提成CA1、CA2、CA3、 CA4 四 个 扇 形 区 。 CA4 位 于 齿 状 回 门 内,CA3区内有最大旳锥体细胞,CA3区由 大锥体细胞构成, CA1区是邻近下托旳部 分,由小锥体细胞构成,CA2区是移行区, 由大和小锥体细胞构成。
• 1.传入纤维
• 〈3〉发自中脑网状构造,黑质、蓝斑、中 缝核与下丘脑核旳纤维终止于内侧隔核。
• 〈4〉前穿质发纤维经内侧嗅纹至隔。
• (5)额叶新皮质和扣带回发纤维至隔。
• 3.海马构造旳纤维联络
• ④一侧海马发纤维经同侧海马伞、穹窿 脚,经过海马连合至对侧穹窿脚与海马伞, 终止于对侧海马和齿状回。
[转载]【转】蛋⽩质翻译后修饰棕榈酰化位点预测⼯具 —— CS原⽂地址:【转】蛋⽩质翻译后修饰棕榈酰化位点预测⼯具 —— CS作者:michaelAs a special class of post-translational modifications (PTMs), numerous proteins could be covalently modified by a variety of lipids, including myristate (C14), palmitate (C16), farnesyl (C15), geranylgeranyl (C20) and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI), etc (Casey, 1995 ; Nadolski and Linder, 2007 ; Resh, 2006 ). Although most of lipid modifications are irreversible, protein S-palmitoylation , also called as thioacylation or S-acylation, could reversibly attach 16-carbon saturated fatty acids to specific cysteine residues in protein substrates through thioester linkages (Bijlmakers and Marsh, 2003 ; Dietrich and Ungermann, 2004 ; el-Husseini Ael and Bredt, 2002 ; Greaves and Chamberlain, 2007 ; Linder and Deschenes, 2007 ; Nadolski and Linder, 2007 ; Resh, 2006 ; Resh, 2006 ; Roth, et al., 2006 ; Smotrys and Linder, 2004 ; Wan, et al., 2007 ). Palmitoylation will enhance the surface hydrophobicity and membrane affinity of protein substrates, and play important roles in modulating proteins' trafficking (Draper, et al., 2007 ; Linder and Deschenes, 2007 ), stability (Linder and Deschenes, 2007 ), and sorting (Greaves and Chamberlain, 2007 ), etc. Also, protein palmitoylation has been involved in numerous cellular processes, including signaling (Casey, 1995 ; Kurayoshi, et al., 2007 ; Resh, 2006 ), apoptosis (Chakrabandhu, et al., 2007 ; Feig, et al., 2007 ), and neuronal transmission (Roth, et al., 2006 ; Stowers and Isacoff, 2007 ), etc. Although many efforts have been made in this field, the molecular mechanism underlying protein palmitoylation still remain to be inexplicit.In this work, we updated our previous CSS-Palm 1.0 (Zhou, et al., 2006 ) into version 2.0 . We manually collected the experimentally verified palmitoylation sites from scientific literature. The non-redundant training data contained 263 palmitoylation sites from 109 distinct proteins. Then an improved version of CSS algorithm was deployed. The leave-one-out validation and 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-fold cross-validations were calculated to uate the prediction performance and system robustness of CSS-Palm 2.0 . Again, the prediction performance was also tested on an additional data set not included in the training data set, with 53 palmitoylation sites in 26 proteins. By comparison with our previous CSS-Palm1.0 and NBA-Palm 1.0 (Xue, et al., 2006 ; Zhou, et al., 2006 ), the performance of CSS-Palm 2.0 was greatly improved. Finally, the CSS-Palm 2.0 was implemented in JAVA 1.4.2 with high speed . The CSS-Palm 2.0 could predict out potential palmitoylation sites for ~1,000 proteins (with an average length of ~1000aa) within five minutes. Taken together, we proposed that the CSS-Palm 2.0 will be a great help for experimentalists. The CSS-Palm 2.0 is freely available at: .本⽂来⾃CSDN博客:/casularm/archive/2008/07/22/2688098.aspx。
ADAMTSL5与银屑病发表时间:2018-04-19T13:10:31.387Z 来源:《医药前沿》2018年4月第12期作者:袁育林杨霞芳[导读] 可以成为银屑病中产生IL-17的CD8+ T细胞的活化抗原。
(南宁市广西壮族自治区人民医院检验科广西南宁 530021)【中图分类号】R758.63 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2018)12-0014-03银屑病是一种常见的慢性复发性炎症性皮肤病。
1.ADAMTSL5 的结构与功能1.1 ADAMTSL5结构含凝血酶敏感蛋白-1(TSP-1)基序的解聚蛋白样金属蛋白酶(a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs,ADAMTS)超家族是一类整合于细胞外基质或游离于血浆中的基质金属蛋白酶亚家族,包括19种不同的ADAMTS蛋白[1]和至少7种ADAMTS-like(ADAMTSL)蛋白(ADAMTSL1-6和papilin)[2-3]。
白藜芦醇靶点蛋白质的研究冯磊;花慧;邱丽颖;金坚【期刊名称】《生物技术通报》【年(卷),期】2009(000)008【摘要】为探讨白藜芦醇在肿瘤细胞中的结合靶点蛋白质.采用亲和甄别磁珠法生物淘洗白藜芦醇的靶点蛋白质.在构建并优化了白藜芦醇结构模型的基础上,通过分子动力学优化分析白藜芦醇与其靶点蛋白质的结构模型,并且使用分子对接分析验证两者的结合作用.结果表明,亲和甄X别磁珠法直接筛选到的能与白藜芦醇的特异性结合的蛋白质是Myosin蛋白质和Actin蛋白质,并且成功构建得到了合理的白藜芦醇分子与Actin蛋白质的复合物的三维结构.通过分析白藜芦醇分子与Actin 蛋白活性氨基酸残基结合模式发现,残基Val30,Phe31,Pro32,Thr203,Ala204,Glu205,Pro243,Asp244,等对两者的结合都有重要贡献.白藜芦醇是通过作用于肿瘤细胞的骨架结构蛋白来干扰细胞的有丝分裂过程,从而导致肿瘤细胞的体外增殖受到抑制.【总页数】6页(P128-133)【作者】冯磊;花慧;邱丽颖;金坚【作者单位】江南大学医药学院天然药物研究室,无锡,214122;江南大学医药学院天然药物研究室,无锡,214122;江南大学医药学院天然药物研究室,无锡,214122;江南大学工业生物技术教育部重点实验室,无锡,214122【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q5【相关文献】1.灰色葡萄孢霉产漆酶性质的研究及其对白藜芦醇的催化 [J], 王娅宁;尉亚辉;张海祥2.基于网络药理学预测白藜芦醇抗胰腺癌靶点与分子机制研究 [J], 徐宵宵;黎荣;陈健3.白藜芦醇多靶点治疗阿兹海默病的研究进展 [J], 王丹鹏4.反式白藜芦醇及反式白藜芦醇苷对大鼠肝微粒体蛋白质及细胞色素P450的影响[J], 李雪;宋卉5.饲粮添加白藜芦醇改变肌纤维特性和抗氧化能力、改善肥育猪肉品质的研究 [J], Zhang C;Luo J Q;Yu B;Zheng P;Huang Z Q;Mao X B;He J;Yu J;Chen J L;Chen D W因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。
adte02 , . ,ad 1 8mgc A ( 1- xoe ru s(= ah.T er si fu op cie t pr n . 05 n . ,g l ) epsdgop n 8ec) h a org u sr evdi r ei h 7 4 0 l ma3 tn r e na —
梁瑞峰 李伟庆 牛 侨
【 要 】 目的 研究铝对大鼠学习记忆能力及脑组织 B 淀粉样蛋白( 1表达的影响。方法 选用健 摘 一 A) 3
康清 洁级雄性 (D) 鼠 3 S 大 2只 , 按体质量 随机分为 4组 , 即对照组 , 麦芽酚铝 [ lm )]0 7 0 4 1 8m /g染 A ( a , . ,. ,. gk 1 2 5 0
ecsi tem a sa el ec .8m /sA m )gopa di t m of dn lt r .4a d1 8 ne enecp a nyi 1 s 1( a 3 ru et et i igpa om i 05 n . nh t n 0 k 1 n nh i n f n 0 m /sA 13 op o ae oeo nrl ru P O0 )A ogwt i e 1 a)d sg, h x rsi s 1 )g u s mprdt t s f o t opC< .5. ln i hg r (1 3 oae teep s n k ma r c oh c og h h Am e o o 3 0p ti dcesdi 0 4 ad 1 8m /sA ma 3ep sdgop n eepes no 1 2p ti i— f 4 r e erae . . sk 1( 1 - xoe ru sadt xrsi f 3 r e A1 o n n 5 n 0 ) h o A 4 o nn c ae l ru sa o prds nf at i ecnrl ru P 00)Co c s n lm nm o ss nf e r sdi a op, scm ae i icnl wt t ot op(< . . n l i Au iu s w i i nl g gi y hh og 5 uo h g -
专利名称:全人乙肝表面蛋白单克隆抗体及其在制备预防HBV 感染药物中的用途
摘要:本发明属于生物技术领域,更具体地,本发明公开了全人乙肝表面蛋白单克隆抗体A2E2,其重链、轻链可变区氨基酸序列分别为SEQ ID NO:2和SEQ ID NO:4和全人乙肝表面蛋白单克隆抗体C9G9,其重链、轻链可变区氨基酸序列分别为SEQ ID NO:6和SEQ ID NO:8。
地址:200433 上海市翔殷路800号
Tau蛋白在神经元轴突中起到维持微管稳定、促进axon elongation和axon regeneration的作用。
阿尔茨海默病淀粉样前体蛋白可与低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白6直接作用常磊;马康涛;张辶西蘅【期刊名称】《北京医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2000(32)4【摘要】目的 :研究低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白 6 (lowdensitylipoproteinreceptorrelatedprotein6 ,LRP6 )的胞内代谢及其与淀粉样前体蛋白 (amyloidprecursorprotein ,APP)的相关性。
方法 :构建含有APP羧基端 10 6个氨基酸的融合表达质粒 ,用酵母双杂交系统筛选人胎脑cDNA文库。
结果 :发现LRP6的羧基端可以和含有β淀粉样蛋白和胞内区的APP片段相互作用。
结论 :使与AD相关的两个重要蛋白载脂蛋白E和APP联系起来 ,并提示LRP6可能在APP的代谢和【总页数】4页(P366-369)【关键词】早老性痴呆;淀粉样β前体蛋白;LDL;LRP6【作者】常磊;马康涛;张辶西蘅【作者单位】北京大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R749.46【相关文献】1.电针对淀粉样前体蛋白转基因小鼠海马微血管淀粉样沉积的影响及其与低密度脂蛋白相关受体1的关系 [J], 薛卫国;张忠;许红;吴海霞;白丽敏2.灯盏生脉胶囊口服结合运动训练对肾性高血压大鼠脑低密度脂蛋白相关受体蛋白-1、高度聚糖化作用终产物受体和β淀粉样蛋白1-42表达的影响 [J], 陈兴泳;张旭;汪银洲;汪效松;雷惠新3.二苯乙烯苷对APP/PS1双转基因阿尔茨海默病小鼠脑内β淀粉样前体蛋白及分拣蛋白相关受体1mRNA表达的影响 [J], 杨晓颖;刘宁;黄岑汉;刘燕平;黄炳臣;黄永秩;黄忠仕4.低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白1在β淀粉样蛋白外周清除中的关键作用 [J], 王珂;秦建平;孟丹;蔡攀5.低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白1在β淀粉样蛋白外周清除中的关键作用 [J], 王珂;秦建平;孟丹;蔡攀因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
阿米洛利通过抑制uPAR减轻DDS诱导小鼠结肠炎刘揆亮;王亚丹;钟婵娟;吴静【期刊名称】《基础医学与临床》【年(卷),期】2015(35)12【摘要】尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体( urokinase plasminogen activator receptor, uPAR)是尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物(uroki-nase plasminogen activator, uPA)的受体,在多种免疫炎性细胞表面均有表达,参与天然及获得免疫反应。
【总页数】3页(P1663-1665)【作者】刘揆亮;王亚丹;钟婵娟;吴静【作者单位】首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院消化内科,北京100038;首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院消化内科,北京100038;首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院消化内科,北京100038;首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院消化内科,北京100038【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R574.62【相关文献】1.CRF2受体拮抗剂Astressin2B减轻葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导的小鼠实验性结肠炎2.Faecalibacterium prausnitzii上清液通过调节单核巨噬细胞减轻DSS诱导的小鼠结肠炎3.奇任醇通过抑制炎症细胞因子和诱导淋巴细胞凋亡减轻小鼠溃疡性结肠炎4.重组硫酸软骨素蛋白SRPX2减轻小鼠葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导的结肠炎的作用5.阿米洛利抑制载脂蛋白A1诱导小鼠巨噬细胞ABCA1的降解因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
yap蛋白的k342位点 棕榈酰化
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Amyloplast-Localized SUBSTANDARD STARCHGRAIN4Protein Influences the Size of Starch Grains in Rice Endosperm1[W]Ryo Matsushima*,Masahiko Maekawa,Miyako Kusano,Hideki Kondo,Naoko Fujita,Yasushi Kawagoe2, and Wataru SakamotoInstitute of Plant Science and Resources,Okayama University,Kurashiki710–0046,Japan(R.M.,M.M.,H.K., W.S.);RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science,Yokohama,Kanagawa230–0045,Japan(M.K.); Department of Biological Production,Akita Prefectural University,Akita010–0195,Japan(N.F.);and Division of Plant Sciences,National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,Tsukuba305–8602,Japan(Y.K.)Starch is a biologically and commercially important polymer of glucose and is synthesized to form starch grains(SGs)inside amyloplasts.Cereal endosperm accumulates starch to levels that are more than90%of the total weight,and most of the intracellular space is occupied by SGs.The size of SGs differs depending on the plant species and is one of the most important factors for industrial applications of starch.However,the molecular machinery that regulates the size of SGs is unknown.In this study,we report a novel rice(Oryza sativa)mutant called substandard starch grain4(ssg4)that develops enlarged SGs in the endosperm.Enlargement of SGs in ssg4was also observed in other starch-accumulating tissues such as pollen grains,root caps, and young pericarps.The SSG4gene was identified by map-based cloning.SSG4encodes a protein that contains2,135amino acid residues and an amino-terminal amyloplast-targeted sequence.SSG4contains a domain of unknown function490that is conserved from bacteria to higher plants.Domain of unknown function490-containing proteins with lengths greater than2,000amino acid residues are predominant in photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria and higher plants but are minor in proteobacteria. The results of this study suggest that SSG4is a novel protein that influences the size of SGs.SSG4will be a useful molecular tool for future starch breeding and biotechnology.Plastids originated from the endosymbiosis of cya-nobacteria and can differentiate into several forms depending on their intracellular functions during the plant life cycle(Sakamoto et al.,2008).The amyloplast is a terminally differentiated plastid responsible for starch synthesis and storage.Starch forms insoluble particles in amyloplasts,referred to as starch grains(SGs).SGs are easily visualized by staining with iodine solution,and they can be observed using a light microscope.SGs are observed in storage organs such as seed endosperm,potato(Solanum tuberosum)tubers,and pollen grains. Nonstorage tissues such as endodermis and root caps also contain SGs(Morita,2010).Cereal endosperm accumulates high levels of starch in amyloplasts.The volume of SGs is approximately the same as the volume of amyloplasts thatfill most of the intracellular space.SGs in rice(Oryza sativa)endosperm are normally10to20m m in diameter(Matsushima et al., 2010).One amyloplast contains a single SG that is as-sembled of several dozen smaller starch granules.Each starch granule is a sharp-edged polyhedron with a typical diameter of3to8m m.This type of SG is called a compound SG(Tateoka,1962).For compound SGs, starch granules are assembled(but not fused)to form a single SG,which is easily separated by conventional purification procedures.By contrast,simple SGs contain a single starch granule.Simple SGs are produced in several important crops,such as maize(Zea mays),sor-ghum(Sorghum bicolor),barley(Hordeum vulgare),and wheat(Triticum aestivum;Tateoka,1962;Matsushima et al.,2010,2013).The size of SGs in cereal endosperm is diverse.Maize and sorghum SGs have a uniform size distribution of approximately10m m in diameter(Jane et al.,1994; Matsushima et al.,2010;Ai et al.,2011).In barley and wheat,SGs of two discrete size classes(approximately 15225m m and less than10m m)coexist in the same cells (Evers,1973;French,1984;Jane et al.,1994;Matsushima et al.,2010).In Bromus species,intrageneric size1This work was supported by the Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports,Science,and Technology(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research no.23770046to R.M.),by the Program for the Promotion of Basic and Applied Researches for Innovations in Bio-oriented Industry(to N.F.), by the Japan Advanced Plant Science Network,and by the following foundations:the Iijima Memorial Foundation for the Promotion of Food Science and Technology,the Japan Prize Foundation,the Shorai Foundation for Science and Technology,the Wesco Scientific Promo-tion Foundation,the Towa Foundation for Food Research,the Foun-dation of the Skylark Food Science Institute,and the Oohara Foundation.2Deceased.*Address correspondence to author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy de-scribed in the Instructions for Authors()is: Ryo Matsushima([W]The online version of this article contains Web-only data./cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.113.229591variations of SGs are observed in which even phyloge-netic neighbors develop distinctly sized SGs(Matsushima et al.,2013).The size of SGs can be controlled by ma-nipulating the activity of starch synthetic enzymes using transgenic plants or genetic mutants(Gutiérrez et al.,2002;Bustos et al.,2004;Ji et al.,2004;Stahl et al., 2004;Matsushima et al.,2010).However,the molecular mechanism that controls the interspecific size variations of SGs has not been resolved.The SG occupies most of the amyloplast interior,be-cause the SG is approximately the same size as the amyloplast.The size of amyloplasts may affect the size of SGs,or vice versa.Amyloplasts and chloroplasts both develop from proplastids.The size of chloroplasts is controlled by the chloroplast binaryfission division machinery,especially by the ring structures that form at the division sites(Miyagishima,2011).Proteins involved in the ring structures have been isolated,including Filamenting temperature-sensitive mutantZ(FtsZ), Minicell locusD(MinD),MinE,and ACCUMULATION AND REPLICATIONS OF CHLOROPLAST5(ARC5). Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana)mutants that are de-fective in these proteins have defects in chloroplast division and contain enlarged and dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts.In contrast to the binaryfission of chloro-plasts,amyloplasts divide at multiple sites and generate a beads-on-a-string structure(Yun and Kawagoe,2009). The inhibition of the chloroplast division machinery does not result in enlarged amyloplasts(Yun and Kawagoe,2009).We recently developed a rapid method to prepare thin sections of endosperm(Matsushima et al.,2010).Using this method,SGs in mature endosperm can be easily and clearly observed.We performed genetic screening for rice mutants defective in SG morphology and size.One of the isolated mutants,substandard starch grain4(ssg4),develops enlarged SGs in its endosperm.In this study,we char-acterized ssg4phenotypes and identified the responsible gene.SSG4encodes a protein containing2,135amino acid residues and an N-terminal plastid-targeted sequence. The domain of unknown function490(DUF490)was found at the C terminus of SSG4,where the ssg4mutation was located.This suggests that SSG4is a novel factor that influences the size of SGs and has potential as a molecular tool for starch breeding and biotechnology.RESULTSEnlarged SGs in ssg4Mutant EndospermThe chalkiness of seeds was a distinguishing pheno-type of ssg4grains when compared with wild-type grains of cv Nipponbare(Fig.1,A–D).Seed size was slightly smaller in ssg4than in cv Nipponbare,especially with respect to seed width and depth(Fig.1E).The iodine-stained thin sections of mature endosperm clearly showed enlarged SGs in ssg4endosperms(Fig.1,F–I). Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in the thin sections showed that SGs were approximately6-fold larger in ssg4than in cv Nipponbare(Fig.1J).The endosperm is a triploid tissue generated by the fusion of sperm and the binucleate central cell of the female gametophyte(Li and Berger,2012).Therefore, endosperm has four possible genotypes at one gene locus:AAA,AAa,Aaa,and aaa.We performed reciprocal crosses to obtain two distinct heterozygous seeds of SSG4SSG4ssg4and SSG4ssg4ssg4.Chalkiness was not observed in the endosperm of either heterozygote (Supplemental Fig.S1).The SG sizes of SSG4SSG4ssg4 and cv Nipponbare seeds did not significantly differ, whereas the SG sizes of the SSG4ssg4ssg4seeds were slightly larger than those of cv Nipponbare(Fig.1J).This indicated that two wild-type alleles supplied from the female gametophyte were sufficient for the formation of normal-sized SGs,whereas one copy of the SSG4allele supplied by the sperm was functional but not sufficient for the formation of normal-sized SGs.We next examined starch accumulation in ssg4grains.The total amount of starch was lower in ssg4seeds than in wild-type seeds (Fig.1K).No significant difference in the gelatinization properties of ssg4starch compared with wild-type starch was observed;therefore,the structural properties of starch were similar in ssg4and cv Nipponbare(Table I). This result was consistent with previous work showing that the amylopectin chain-length distribution of ssg4 starch is normal(Matsushima et al.,2010).The Arabidopsis phosphoglucomutase(pgm)mutant contains small amounts of starch in leaves but exhibits high levels of accumulation of soluble sugars,such as Suc,D-Glc,and D-Fru(Bläsing et al.,2005).This is explained by the defective conversion of photosynthate into starch in pgm1leaves.Less starch accumulation in ssg4seeds also might cause the abnormal level of sugar accumulation.We analyzed the soluble sugars in ssg4 and cv Nipponbare seeds by using gas chromatography-time offlight-mass spectrometry.Levels of Suc and D-Glc were much higher in ssg4seeds than in cv Nip-ponbare seeds(Supplemental Fig.S2,A and B),while the D-Fru level was less abundant in ssg4seeds than in cv Nipponbare seeds(Supplemental Fig.S2C).Rice grains require more than1month for full rip-ening afterflowering.During this period,a large num-ber of SGs are developed andfill the endosperm.To investigate when the enlarged SGs were developed in the ssg4mutant,we focused on early-developing seeds at3,5,and7d afterflowering(DAF).Seed enlargement from3to7DAF in cv Nipponbare and ssg4was es-sentially the same(Fig.2,A–F).By contrast,the sizes and numbers of SGs from3to7DAF in cv Nipponbare and ssg4were different(Fig.2,G–L).At3DAF,most SGs in the ssg4endosperm were larger than those in cv Nipponbare(Fig.2,G and J)and occupied an area that was more than3-fold larger than that occupied by SGs in cv Nipponbare(Fig.2M).At7DAF,the area occupied by SGs was more than5-fold larger in ssg4than in cv Nipponbare.When the SGs were assumed to be spher-ical,the volume of SGs at7DAF was approximately 10-fold larger in ssg4than in cv Nipponbare.The number of SGs showed the opposite pattern to the sizes of SGs(Fig.2N)and was lower in ssg4than in cvMatsushima et al.Nipponbare at all days tested.At 3to 7DAF,the number of SGs in ssg4was one-third less than the number in cv Nipponbare (Fig.2N).We also investigated ssg4endosperms at 5DAF by transmission electron microscopy (TEM;Supplemental Fig.S3).Morphologies of ssg4SGs in TEM images were spherical,like the iodine-stained SGs in Figure 2.SG Morphologies in Other TissuesEndosperm tissue accumulates the highest levels of starch in rice plants.Other tissues also accumulate SGs,including pollen grains,root caps,and pericarps.We examined SG morphologies in these tissues in ssg4mutants.Pollen grains were immersed in iodine solution to stain SGs,and many rod-like SGs were visualized in cv Nipponbare pollen grains (Fig.3A).By contrast,ssg4SGs in pollen were more spherically shaped (Fig.3B).In both cases,pollen SGs displayed different morphologies from those of endosperm SGs.When pollen grains were squashed under coverslips,SGs were released and the morphologies were clearer (Fig.3,C and D).Scanning electron micrographs of the released SGs also showed that the SG morphologies were different in cv Nippon-bare and ssg4(Fig.3,C and D,insets).Most SGsinFigure 1.Enlarged SGs of mature endosperm in the ssg4mutant.A and B,Grains of cv Nipponbare,front and side view images,respectively.Bars =1mm.C and D,ssg4grains,front and side view images,respectively.Bars =1mm.E,Quantification of cv Nipponbare and ssg4seed sizes (n =30each).F and G,Iodine-stained thin sections of cv Nipponbare endosperm at low and high magnification,respectively.Bars =10m m.H and I,Iodine-stained thin sections of ssg4endosperm at low and high magnification,respectively .Bars =10m m.J,Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in sections of different genotypes (n =6each).K,Quantification of the starch amount in mature seeds expressed as the percentage of weight (n =3each).Data are given as means 6SD .Statistical comparisons were performed using Welch’s t test;all data were compared with cv Nipponbare (*P ,0.05,**P ,0.01).A Rice Mutant with Enlarged Starch Grainspollen grains of both cv Nipponbare and ssg4appear to be simple SGs.SGs were slightly larger in ssg4pollen grains than in cv Nipponbare pollen grains (Fig.3E).Root caps developed many SGs that were the com-pound type (Fig.3,F –I).The pericarp is the wall of themature ovary,and it surrounds the entire seed.In early-developing rice seeds,many compound SGs developed in the pericarp (Fig.3,K –N).The SGs in the ssg4pericarps were more spherical than those in the cv Nipponbare pericarps (Fig.3,K –N).In root caps andTable I.Effects of the ssg4mutation on the gelatinization properties of starch in endosperm determined by differ-ential scanning calorimetryGelatinization properties of the starch in ssg4seeds were analyzed by a differential scanning calorimeter.Values are means 6SE of three independent determinations.T O ,T P ,and T C are onset,peak,and conclusion temperatures,respectively.D H is gelatinization enthalpy of starch.PlantT OT P T CD H ˚CmJ mg 21cv Nipponbare 53.262.663.260.869.260.5 5.360.8ssg451.662.161.660.467.660.8 5.860.5Figure 2.SGs in maturing endo-sperm.A to C,Developing seeds of cv Nipponbare (NP)at 3,5,and 7DAF,respectively.Bars =1mm.D to F,Developing seeds of ssg4at 3,5,and 7DAF ,respectively.Bars =1mm.G to I,Iodine-stained thin sections of cv Nipponbare endo-sperm at 3,5,and 7DAF,res-pectively.Bars =20m m.J to L,Iodine-stained thin sections of ssg4endosperm at 3,5,and 7DAF,respectively.Bars =20m m.M,Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in sections at 3,5,and 7DAF (n =20each).N,Quan-tification of the numbers of SGs per 10,000m m 2at 3,5,and 7DAF .Data are given as means 6SD .Statistical comparisons were performed by Welch’s t test;all data were compared with cv Nipponbare (**P ,0.01).Matsushima et al.pericarps,ssg4SGs were more than 2-fold larger than cv Nipponbare SGs (Fig.3,J and O).All these results suggest that the ssg4mutation affects the size of SGs in pollen grains,root caps,pericarps,and endosperm.The third leaves of ssg4mutants showed a variegated phenotype (Fig.4,A and B).We speculated that chlo-roplasts might also be affected by the ssg4mutation.To visualize chloroplasts,thin sections of third leaves from young seedlings were double stained with methylene blue and basic fuchsin (Fig.4,C –F).The cv Nipponbare chloroplasts displayed elongated,lens-like shapes,whereas those of ssg4were more spherical (Fig.4,E and F).The areas of chloroplasts were approximately 2-fold larger in ssg4than in cv Nipponbare (Fig.4G).These results indicate that the ssg4mutation affects the size of chloroplasts and amyloplasts.We also investigated ssg4chloroplasts by TEM to observe the chloroplastic ul-trastructures,such as starch granules,grana stacks,and envelope membranes.The size of starch granules in ssg4chloroplasts were similar to those in cv Nipponbare chloroplasts (Fig.4,H and I).Grana stacks and enve-lope membranes were not affected in ssg4chloroplasts (Fig.4,J and K).In contrast to the third leaves,ssg4flag leaves did not show the variegated phenotype (Supplemental Fig.S4,A and B).The shapes of chlo-roplasts in the flag leaves did not show much differ-ence between cv Nipponbare and ssg4(Supplemental Fig.S4,C –F).Areas of chloroplasts in the ssg4flag leaves were a little larger than those in cv Nipponbare,but not to the degree in the third leaves (Supplemental Fig.S4G).TEM showed that the chloroplastic ultra-structures were not affected in the ssg4flag leaves (Supplemental Fig.S4,H –K).Figure 3.SG morphologies in pollen grains,root caps,and pericarps.A and B,Iodine-stained pollen grains of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =10m m.C and D,Released SGs from squashed pollen grains of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =10m m.Insets show scanning electron micrographs of the re-leased SGs.Bars =1m m.E,Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in pollen grains (n =30each).F and G,Iodine-stained thin sections of root caps of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =20m m.H and I,Magnified images of F and G.Bars =20m m.J,Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in root caps (n =24each).K and L,Iodine-stained thin sec-tions of pericarps in 3-DAF seeds of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =10m m.M and N,Magnified images of K and L.Bars =10m m.O,Quantification of the areas occupied by SGs in pericarps (n =12each).Data are given as means 6SD .Statistical comparisons were performed by Welch’s t test;all data were compared with cv Nipponbare (**P ,0.01).A Rice Mutant with Enlarged Starch GrainsGenetic Analysis and Map-Based Cloning of the SSG4GeneWhen ssg4was crossed with cv Nipponbare,ap-proximately half of the pollen grains of the F1plants had ssg4phenotypes (Table II).This indicates that ssg4be-haves in a gametophytic manner in pollen grains.The ssg4phenotype in endosperm tissue was completely penetrant in ssg4selfed progeny and segregated as a single recessive allele in F2progeny (Table III).We identi fied the SSG4gene using conventional map-based cloning.We mapped the ssg4mutation within a 62-kb region on chromosome 1(Fig.5A).Ten open reading frames are expected in this region according to the Rice Annotation Project Database ( identi fied a base change in the Os1g0179400gene of the ssg4mutant.The ssg4mutant carries a G-to-Atransition at position of 4,139,234(The International Rice Genome Sequencing Project [IRGSP]1.0-based position)on chromosome 1.The G-to-A transition is consistent with an ethyl methanesulfonate -induced mutation.A previously isolated complementary DNA (cDNA)clone of Os1g0179400(AK063507)encodes a protein containing 1,022amino acid residues with a DUF490,according to the Pfam database (Punta et al.,2012).SSG4is similar to the EMBRYO DEFECTIVE2410(EMB2410)protein in Arabidopsis.Although AK063507was registered as a full-length cDNA,all other homol-ogous proteins from Arabidopsis,Brachypodium dis-tachyon ,and maize contain more than 1,000additional amino acids at their N termini,compared with the Os1g0179400protein predicted from AK063507.This raises the possibility that the reported 59terminus of AK063507is incorrect and that a longer proteinisFigure 4.Chloroplast morphologies in ssg4third leaves.A and B,Third leaves of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =1mm.C and D,Thin sections of the third leaves were double stained with methylene blue and basic fuchsin in cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =10m m.E and F,Magnified images of C and D.Bars =10m m.G,Quantification of the areas occupied by chloroplasts in third leaves (n =12each).Data are given as means 6SD .Statistical comparisons were performed by Welch’s t test;all data were compared with cv Nipponbare (**P ,0.01).H and I,TEM images of chloroplasts of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =1m m.J and K,TEM images of thylakoid and envelope membranes of cv Nipponbare and ssg4,respectively.Bars =200nm.Table II.Segregation of ssg4pollen grains of F1plantsMature anthers from the F1hybrid between ssg4and cv Nipponbare were disrupted with forceps in the diluted Lugol solution on a glass slide to obtain the iodine-stained mature pollen grains.The released pollen grains were subsequently examined with the microscope.Parental GenotypeNo.of Wild-Type Pollen GrainsNo.of ssg4Pollen GrainsTotalPercentage of ssg4Pollen Grainsssg42/+595811750.4Matsushima et al.encoded by the real Os1g0179400full-length cDNA.To investigate this possibility,we performed a59RACE experiment to determine the59end of Os1g0179400. The RACE experiment showed that the59end of Os1g0179400is far longer than that of AK063507.The new full-length cDNA of Os1g0179400is derived from 23exons and the59untranslated region at the59ter-minus(Fig.5B).The deduced protein had2,135amino acid residues and contains a putative plastid-targeting sequence at the N terminus.For the complementation test,we cloned the genomic sequence of14,263nu-cleotides,starting from the putativefirst ATG to1,299 nucleotides downstream of the stop codon of the Os01g0179400gene.We could not clone the promoter sequence of SSG4because it was unstable and caused deletions during plasmid construction.Therefore,we used the maize UBIQUITIN1promoter to express the Os01g0179400genomic clone(Himmelbach et al., 2007).The genomic clone was introduced into the ssg4 mutant,and the transgenic plants that were homo-zygous for the transgene were isolated and named Ubi:SSG4genomic/ssg4.The sizes and morphologies of SGs in transgenic Ubi:SSG4genomic/ssg4endosperm and pollen grains were very similar to those in cv Nippon-bare(Fig.6).This indicates that the SG phenotypes in endosperm and pollen grains were completely rescued by the transgene.We conclude that Os1g0179400is the gene responsible for the ssg4mutation.SSG4had a putative plastid-targeting sequence in its N-terminal region(Fig.5B).Other than the plastid-targeting sequence and DUF490,no other functional domains were identified in the SSG4protein.Phylo-genic analysis showed that DUF490s from photosyn-thetic organisms form a different group separate from proteobacterial DUF490s(Fig.5C).The ssg4mutation substitutes the Gly residue at position1,924,which is lo-cated within DUF490,with a Ser residue.This Gly residue is conserved from proteobacteria to higher plants,which suggests that it is important for the function of DUF490 (Fig.5D).Expression Patterns of the SSG4GeneThe expression patterns of SSG4in various tissues of different developmental stages were investigated using real-time quantitative PCR by three different sets of primers(Supplemental Fig.S5).P1,P2,and P3primer sets were used to detect thefirst,middle,and last exons of the SSG4gene,respectively(Fig.5B).All tissues ex-cept for third leaves were sampled from plants grown in a paddyfield.To obtain third leaves,plants were grown in a greenhouse.Real-time quantitative PCR showed that SSG4was expressed in all tissues exam-ined in both cv Nipponbare and ssg4(Supplemental Fig.S5A).This suggests that SSG4is needed at all devel-opmental stages.During early seed development,SSG4 transcripts started to accumulate at4DAF in cv Nip-ponbare,but the accumulation was delayed in ssg4.At5 to7DAF,the expression of SSG4continued to increase in both cv Nipponbare and ssg4,reaching a high level. In young plants,the third leaves in cv Nipponbare had a high level of SSG4expression,which was approxi-mately twice as high in ssg4.The higher expression of SSG4in third leaves compared with theflag leaves in cv Nipponbare may reflect the greater requirements of SSG4in third leaves.This is consistent with the severe enlargement of chloroplasts in the third leaves com-pared with theflag leaves in ssg4(Fig.4;Supplemental Fig.S4).The expression patterns obtained using the P2 and P3primer sets were approximately the same as that obtained using the P1primers(Supplemental Fig.S5,B and C).This indicates that all three primer sets ampli-fied the same cDNA species.Therefore,the long full-length SSG4cDNA determined in this study should be the dominant cDNA species.Subcellular Localization of the SSG4ProteinThe target prediction programs TargetP(Emanuelsson et al.,2007)and WoLF PSORT(Nakai and Horton,2007) predicted that the SSG4protein is targeted to chlo-roplasts and has a putative transit peptide at the N terminus.To confirm the chloroplast localization of SSG4,we attempted to construct the SSG4gene fused with GFP.We used the N-terminal coding region(639bp) of the SSG4cDNA instead of the full-length cDNA be-cause the full-length cDNA sequence strongly inhibited bacterial growth and was difficult for plasmid construc-tion.The plasmid construct containing the N terminus of SSG4fused to GFP was designated SSG4N-GFP.When SSG4N-GFP was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves,the SSG4N-GFP signals were detected inside chloroplasts,and the patterns were very similar to the stroma-localized GFP(Supplemental Fig.S6).This result indicates that SSG4N-GFP was mainly localized in stroma of chloroplasts.We constructed stable transgenic rice plants expressing the SSG4N-GFP gene under the control of the maize UBIQUITIN1promoter.In SSG4N-GFP plants,SSG4N-GFP fluorescence was detected in pollen grains,endosperm,andTable III.Segregation of ssg4seeds in the F2populationF2seeds were obtained from the cross between ssg4and cv Nipponbare.Endosperm thin sections were preparedfrom100F2seeds.The size of starch grains was examined with a microscope.Parental Genotype No.of ssg4Seeds No.of Wild-Type Seeds Total x2Value(P)for1:3Segregationssg42/+26741000.053(0.82)A Rice Mutant with Enlarged Starch GrainsFigure 5.Map-based cloning of the SSG4gene.A,Fine-mapping of the SSG4locus on chromosome 1.A total of 229F2progeny (458chromosomes)with homozygous ssg4alleles were analyzed.The numbers of recombinations that occurred between SSG4and the molecular markers are indicated.The SSG4locus was mapped to a 62-kb region between two molecular markers (Marker1169and Marker13025).This region contains 10open reading frames (boxes).The ssg4mutant has a mutationMatsushima et al.pericarps(Fig.7).In pollen grains,SSG4N-GFPfluo-rescence was observed as a ring-like structure(Fig.7, A–F).Differential interference contrast images of pollen showed that the ring-like GFPfluorescence surrounded rod-shaped structures(Fig.7,E and F),which are likely to be SGs,as their morphologies are consistent with the iodine-stained SGs shown in Figure3.In developing endosperm and pericarps,SSG4N-GFP colocalized with the amyloplasts,whose interiors contained compound SGs(Fig.7,G–I).SSG4N-GFP was excluded from the SGs and accumulated in nonstarch areas(Fig.7,J–L).In endosperm SGs,each starch granule is compactly as-sembled,which might prevent the SSG4N-GFP protein from entering the intergranule space.SSG4N-GFP ac-cumulated in the spaces between SGs and amyloplast membranes(Fig.7,J–L,arrowheads).This space will correspond to the stroma in endosperm amyloplasts.By contrast,SSG4N-GFPfluorescence accumulated in the space between the starch granules in pericarp SGs (Fig.7,M–O).This suggests that starch granules in peri-carp SGs are loosely assembled,which allows SSG4N-GFP to enter the intergranule space.Taken together,these data show that SSG4N-GFP is localized in the amyloplasts of various tissues and suggest that SSG4is an amyloplast-localized protein with an N-terminal plastid-targeting signal.Accumulation of Proteins Involved in Chloroplast Division in ssg4SeedsIn rice,the arc5mutant is the only mutant reported to be defective in chloroplast division.However,the arc5 endosperm does not produce spherical amyloplast with increased diameter,as ssg4does(Yun and Kawagoe, 2009).The proteins involved in chloroplast division (FtsZ1,FtsZ2,MinD,and MinE)accumulated at the same level in ssg4and cv Nipponbare(Supplemental Fig.S7).Therefore,we speculate that SSG4is not directly involved in the regulation of plastid division.Protein Length Diversity of DUF490-Containing Proteins In the InterPro protein sequence analysis and clas-sification database(Hunter et al.,2012),4,546DUF490-containing proteins are registered.Proteins containing DUF490are found from bacteria to higher plants but not in animals.TamB(for translocation and assembly module B)is a well-characterized DUF490-containing protein in proteobacteria and is responsible for the in-sertion and assembly of outer membrane proteins (Selkrig et al.,2012).Out of the4,546DUF490-containing proteins,proteobacterial proteins predominate and in-clude3,566proteins,whereas166proteins are registered for cyanobacteria and41proteins are registered for Viridiplantae(green algae and land plants).A com-parison of the lengths of these DUF490-containing proteins showed that proteins from cyanobacteria and Viridiplantae are clearly longer than those from proteo-bacteria(Supplemental Fig.S8,A–C).The lengths of most proteobacterial proteins are approximately1,300amino acid residues.For example,TamBs from Citrobacter rodentium,Salmonella enterica,and Escherichia coli are all 1,259amino acids residues(Selkrig et al.,2012),while the majority of cyanobacterial and Viridiplantae proteins are around2,000amino acid residues.The differences in protein length distributions among proteobacteria,cya-nobacteria,and Viridiplantae are statistically significant (Steel-Dwass analysis:proteobacteria and cyanobacteria, P,0.001;proteobacteria and Viridiplantae,P=0.005; cyanobacteria and Viridiplantae,P=0.542).Several DUF490-containing proteins of Viridiplantae with around 2,000amino acid residues are predicted to target plastids. Therefore,the longer DUF490-containing proteins may be needed for photosynthetic organisms and organelles.Figure5.(Continued.)in Os1g0179400(gray box).The position(4,133,70324,140,631)is based on IRGSP1.0.B,Schematic representation of theexon and intron organization of Os01g0179400and its cDNA obtained from RACE analysis.The deduced protein structure isalso shown.The numbers in parentheses are the positions of chromosome1based on IRGSP1.0.The ssg4mutant has a base-pair change(G to A)at position4,139,234.The positions of primers(P12P3)that were used for real-time PCR are indicated.The previously isolated cDNA clone(AK063507)covered approximately half of the full-length cDNA.SSG4encodes a protein containing2,135amino acid residues with a DUF490.Putative transit peptides(amino acids1242)and DUF490(amino acids1,73022,119)are indicated by red and yellow boxes,respectively.The base-pair change in ssg4causes an amino acid sub-stitution at position1,924,indicated by the red arrow.C,Phylogenic relationships of DUF490sequences from bacteria to higher plants.Sequences are named by the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database or UniProt Knowledgebase identifications.SSG4(rice),BRADI2G05017(B.distachyon),and DAA53165(maize)are monocot proteins.XP_002281904(grape[Vitis vinifera]),AT2G25660(Arabidopsis),and XP_003545508(soybean[Glycine max])are dicot proteins.XP_002966241(Selaginella moellendorffii)is from a pteridophyte;XP_001779881(Physcomitrella patens)is from a bryophyte;CCO16912(Bathycoccus prasinos)and Q016Y8(Ostreococcus tauri)are from green algae;BAB74129(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)and P73551(Syn-echocystis sp.PCC6803)are cyanobacterial proteins;and E1WAU5(Salmonella enterica),P39321(Escherichia coli),andD2TN57(Citrobacter rodentium)are proteobacterial proteins.Bootstrap values from1,000trials are indicated.The0.2scaleshows substitution distance.D,Multiple amino acid sequence alignments of DUF490-containing proteins near the ssg4mu-tation site.The alignment was produced with ClustalW using default parameters and was refined manually.Highly and moderately conserved residues are highlighted with green and yellow backgrounds,respectively.Different groups are shown bycolored lines to the left of the protein names:red,monocot;blue,dicot;brown,pteridophyte;orange,bryophyte;green,greenalgae;violet,cyanobacteria;and black,proteobacteria.The Gly residue that was substituted with Ser in the ssg4mutant is indicated by the black arrowhead.A Rice Mutant with Enlarged Starch Grains。