SAE J1939 相关文档层次









正如在SAE J1939文件中描述的,要定义一个完整的网络方案最少需要五份文件。

该SAE J1939-01文件通过描述被用来定义卡车和客车控制及通信车辆网络的一系列相关文件,定义了一个应用于公路设备的完整网络。





即通过提供一个标准的框架使电控单元(Electronic Control Units,ECU)之间可以实现相互通信。






2参考2.1出版物2.1.1SAE出版物SAE出版物可在SAE,400Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale,PA15096-0001获得。

SAE J1939-81

SAE J1939-81

路面车辆推荐操作规程(被采纳为美国国家标准)SAE J1939-81:网络管理前言本系列SAE推荐操作规程是由卡车及客车电子电气委员会所属的卡车及客车控制及通信小组委员会制定的。





目录前言 (1)1目标 (4)2参考 (4)2.1应用出版物 (4)2.1.1SAE出版物 (4)3定义 (4)3.1网络管理中使用的术语 (4)3.2地址的配置和作用 (5)3.2.1不可配置地址的ECU (5)3.2.2可由维护人员配置地址的ECU (5)3.2.3命令配置地址的ECU (5)3.2.4可自配置地址的ECU (5)3.3ECU类型 (5)3.3.1标准型ECU (5)3.3.2诊断/发展型ECU (6)3.3.3网络互连型ECU (6)4技术规定 (6)4.1标称符和地址规定 (6)4.1.1标称符 (7)标称符域 (8)仲裁地址能力域 (8)产业类群域 (9)汽车系统实例域 (9)汽车系统域 (9)保留域 (9)功能域 (9)功能实例域 (9) ECU实例域 (10)制造商代码域 (10)身份编号域 (10)标称符域中的从属关系 (10)4.1.2地址 (10)4.2网络管理程序 (11)4.2.1地址声明请求消息 (11)4.2.2地址声明/不能声明 (12)地址声明消息 (12)不能声明地址 (13)不能声明地址消息 (13)4.2.3命令地址 (13)命令地址消息 (14)地址分配域(新源地址) (14)4.3网络出错管理 (14)4.3.1不能声明地址 (14)4.4 地址声明ECU初始化程序 (14)4.4.1 地址声明要求 (15) 地址声明请求的要求 (15)4.4.2 初始化原则 (15) 对于发向全局地址的地址声明请求的响应 (15) 对于发向某一特殊地址的地址声明请求的响应 (15) 对自身地址请求的响应 (15) 地址的争用 (16)4.4.3 初始化的信息时序 (16) 网络中的ECU初始化信息时序 (16) 网络管理信息中潜在的相同标志符 (16) 地址声明的优先级 (16) 一个不能获得地址的ECU (17)4.4.4 自配置地址ECU的地址声明请求 (17)不是永远与网络连接的ECU (17)4.4.5 地址与标称符联系表结构 (18)4.5 最小网络管理的功能 (18)4.5.1 动力供应和其他相关ECU干扰的反馈 (18)4.5.2 最小网络管理系统的性能 (18) 地址声明信息的请求 (18) 使用一个源地址前的地址声明信息 (19) ECU连接和断开时的网络干扰 (19) 掉电、上电过程地址的连续性 (19)附录A 初始化的时序图 (20)图A1—ECU初始化,在无竞争情况下的地址声明 (20)图A2—ECU初始化,有两个不可自配置的ECU尝试声明同一地址,但不同步 (20)图A3—ECU初始化,标称符A小于标称符B且ECU B为可自配置型 (21)图A4—ECU初始化,有两个不可自配置的ECU尝试声明同一地址而且同步声明 (21)图A5—可自配置地址的ECU在无竞争情况下的初始化 (21)图A6—可自配置地址的ECU初始化,发送了地址声明请求给所有的地址 (22)图A7—不可自配置地址的ECU初始化,发送了地址声明请求但该地址已被使用 (22)图A8—对较早时声明地址失败的ECU所发出的地址声明请求进行回应 (22)图A9—命令配置地址给没有地址但接受被命令地址消息的ECU (23)图A9—命令配置地址给没有地址的ECU,但该ECU不接受被命令地址消息 (23)附录B ECU的配置和能力概述 (24)附录C 标称符示例 (25)C.1 标称符示例 (25)C.1.1 示例1—在高速公路重型卡车中为发动机服务的单独ECU (25)C.1.2 重型卡车的第一个拖车上的ABS系统 (25)C.1.3 分排控制的农业播种机 (26)附录 (27)理论基础 (27)SAE标准与ISO标准的关系 (27)应用 (27)参考书目 (27)1目标这些SAE推荐操作规程将用于在公路或野外行驶的轻型和重型车辆,以及一些汽车部件(例如,发动机装置)适当的固定式应用。

SAE 1939_附录A附录B

SAE 1939_附录A附录B

附录A 参数群分配表A1J1939参数群摸板图例:DP = 数据页(1位)GE = 群扩展(8位)PF = 协议数据单元格式(8位)DA = 目标地址(8位)PS = 特定协议数据单元(8位)NA = 不允许的(为目标地址或群扩展)un = 未定义的PGN = 参数群编码(3字节)(详细描述见J1939-21中4.1.7节)DP PF PS 参数群定义多重分组PGN0 0 DA 1型协议数据单元NA0 1 DA∣∣(小于等于100毫秒)↓↓边界X(大于等于100毫秒)↑↑∣∣0 238 DA 1型协议数据单元允许的0 239 DA 1型协议数据单元-专有0 240 0 2型协议数据单元NA0 240 1∣∣(小于等于100毫秒)↓↓边界X(大于等于100毫秒)↑↑∣∣0 254 2540 254 255 2型协议数据单元允许的0 255 0-255* 2型协议数据单元-专有1 0 DA 1型协议数据单元NA1 1 DA∣∣(小于等于100毫秒)↓↓边界X(大于等于100毫秒)↑↑∣∣1 238 DA1 239 DA 1型协议数据单元允许的1 240 0 2型协议数据单元NA1 240 1∣∣(小于等于100毫秒)↓↓边界X(大于等于100毫秒)↑↑∣∣1 255 2541 255 255 2型协议数据单元允许的表A2J1939参数群图例:DP = 数据页(1位)GE = 群扩展(8位)PF = 协议数据单元格式(8位)DA = 目标地址(8位)PS = 特定协议数据单元(8位)X = 允许的(为目标地址或群扩展)un = 未定义的PGN = 参数群编码(3字节)(详细描述见J1939-21中4.1.7节)注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(1)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(2)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(3)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(4)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(5)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(6)1997年11月(12)1999年5月附录B地址和标识分配表B1表B2J1939首选地址行业组#0 -- 全局注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(7)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(8)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(9)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(10)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(11)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(12)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B3 J1939首选地址注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(13)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(14)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(15)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(16)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(17)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(18)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B4J1939首选地址注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(19)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(20)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(21)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(22)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(23)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(24)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B5J1939首选地址行业组#3-建筑设备注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(25)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(26)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(27)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(28)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(29)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(30)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B6J1939首选地址行业组#4-船舶设备注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(31)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(32)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(33)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(34)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(35)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(36)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B7J1939首选地址行业组#5-工业-过程控制-固定设备注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(37)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(38)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(39)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(40)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(41)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(42)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B8至表B9J1939首选地址(行业组6至7)为以后分配保留表B10注意:修订日期(不是所有表格在以下日期都做过修订)(43)1996年7月(7)1998年2月(13)1999年7月(44)1996年10月(8)1998年3月(45)1997年1月(9)1998年7月(46)1997年4月(10)1998年10月(47)1997年8月(11)1999年2月(48)1997年11月(12)1999年5月表B11J1939 所有行业都使用的名称在3.1.3节和J1939-81的4.1节中有对名称域的定义。



(SAE1939-15:2003 MOD )国家标准化管理委员会ICSGB/T XXXX.3-XXXX商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN )通信协议第3分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K 比特/秒)(征求意见稿)20xx-xx-xx 发布20xx-xx-xx 实施GB/T XXXX.3-XXXX前言GB/T××××《商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通信协议》包括10个部分:—第1部分:物理层—屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)—第2部分:物理层—非车载诊断连接器—第3部分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)—第4部分:数据链路层—第5部分:应用层—车辆—第6部分:应用层—诊断—第7部分:网络管理—第8部分:参数组分配—第9部分:地址和标识分配—第10部分:可疑参数编号(SPN)—第11部分:网络层本部分为GB/T××××的第3部分,对应于SAE 1939-15:2003《物理层,非屏蔽双绞线》,本部分与SAE1939-15的一致性程度为修改采用(技术内容完全等同),主要差异如下:—按1.1规定增加了”前言”、“范围”。





本部分主要起草人:GB/T XXXX.3-XXXX 汽车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通信协议第3部分:物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250千比特/秒)1 范围本部分规定了CAN 总线的物理层—非屏蔽双绞线(250K比特/秒)的电气性能参数等。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。










通过数据链路层的组织,发送的can 数据帧具有必需的同步、顺序控制、错误控制和流控制等功能。



J1939协议理解今天读了J1939协议的介绍文档,下面主要说说我的理解:1、网络应用分为几个层物理层SAE J1939-11数据链路层SAE J1939-21网络层SAE J1939-31应用层SAE J1939-71故障诊断SAE J1939-73网络管理层SAE J1939-812、下面主要说说数据链路层和应用层数据链路层:为物理连接之间提供可靠的数据传输。

包括发送CAN 数据帧所必需的同步、顺序控制、出错控制和流控制。

首先要明白几个概念PGN:参数组编号帧(Frame): 组成一个完整信息的一系列有序的数据位。


CAN 数据帧(CAN Data Frame):组成CAN 协议帧所必需的有序位域,以帧起始(SOF)开始以帧结束(EOF)结尾。

标准帧(Standard Frame):CAN2.0A规范中定义的使用11 位标识符的CAN 数据帧。

扩展帧(Extended Frame):CAN2.0 B规范中定义的使用29 位标志符的CAN 数据帧。

包(Packet):一个单一的CAN 数据帧就是一个包。




多包报文(Multipacket Messages):当具有相同参数组编号的所有数据需要使用多个CAN 数据帧来传输时使用的一种J1939报文。

每个CAN 数据帧拥有相同的标识符,但在每个包中数据不同。



优先级:最高0(000)设置到最低7(111 )。

所有控制报文的缺省优先级是3(011 )。

扩展数据页(EDP)和数据页(DP)的关系:什么是第0页PGN,什么是第1页PGN?作用有什么不同?还不是太清楚PDU 格式(PF)和PDU 特定域(PS)的关系PDU 格式(PF)PDU格式PDU 特定域(PS)PF<240PDU1格式PS是目标地址(DA)PF=240‾255PDU2格式PS是组扩展(GE)值PDU1和PDU2时的参数组编号(PGN)数目EDP DP PF PS PDU1时参数组编号00或者10-239目标地址2X240(PF的值)=480 EDP DP PF PS PDU2时参数组编号00或者1240-255共16个数组扩展值0-255(共256个数)2X16X256=8192在说说J1939的标识符合CAN协议的对应格式:J1939的29位标识符格式CAN协议扩展帧格式首先,J1939的标识符是29位的,所以它使用的是CAN协议的扩展帧格式来传输数据。



2、格式简述 消息格式遵循CAN 规范。本标准参考的 CAN 规范是1991 年9 月的“CAN2.0B”。 但本标准与CAN 规范有一定的差别。 “CAN 2.0B”包括两种消息格式:标准帧 (11位)和扩展帧(29位)。采用本标准的设备 必须使用扩展帧格式。
定义:P 是优先级,R 是保留位,DP 是数据页,PF 是 PDU 格式,PS 是特定PDU,SA 是源地址。
注:当PF<240时(PDU1) :PS为目标地址(DA) 当PF≥240时(PDU2) :PS为组扩展域(GE)
在识别CAN 数据帧的数据域属于哪个参数组时, 需要一个24 位的值。包括:高6位固定为0(6 位)、保留位R(1位)、数据页位DP(1位)、 PDU 格式域PF(8 位)和组扩展域PS(8位)。 名称:固定为0 位: 23-18 R 17 DP PF 16 15-8 PS 7-0
注:当PF<240时:PS为0 当PF≥240时:PS为组扩展域
二、数据链路层 1、符号缩写的含义
ACK BAM CAN CRC CTS DA DLC DP EOF ID IDE LLC LSB MAC MF MSB NA 确认 广播公告消息 控制器局域网 循环冗余码校验 清除发送 目标地址 数据长度码 数据页 帧结束 标识符 标识符扩展位 逻辑链路控制 最低有效字节或位 介质访问控制 制造商 最高有效字节或位 禁用 NACK P PDU PF PGN PS GE DA R RTR SA SOF SRR TP Th Tr un 否定 优先级 协议数据单元 PDU 格式 参数组编号 特定PDU 组扩展 目标地址 保留 远程传输请求 源地址 帧起始 代用远程请求 传输协议 保持时间 响应时间 未定义

SAE J1939_71_050106简介

SAE J1939_71_050106简介

SAE J1939/711.范围——根据主文件SAE J1939的描述,在7个主要的文档中有一个最小的,对这个网络做了一个完全的定义。


2.参考2.1 应用文档——有关于操作规程建议系列的概要,都包括在SAE J1939中。




5.1 概述5.1.1 信号描述——SAE J1939网络的作用是提供当前数据和信息的来源,它也可以被用在其他节点。



5.1.2 信息格式——SAE J1939的信息格式使用的是有参数组标签的参数号。

组里面的每一个参数都能用ASC II来表示,都是有刻度的数据,在5.1.4里有描述和定义,或是不少于2位的函数声明。


如果没有特别的说明,文字数据的特性将遵循ISO的ASC II的特征,见5.1.3。











总数量: 2(页)×(240+16×256)=8672
E D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D P P 8 PDU1: 0x00
PDU2: 8 8 GE
使用PDU1格式的参数组:2 ×240=480
使用PDU2格式的参数组:2 ×16 × 256=8192
240 = 每个数据页拥有的PDU格式域数量 (例如: PDU1 格式, PS场相当于目的地址) 16 = 每个扩展组对应的PDU格式值的数量(例如: PDU2 格式) 256 = 组扩展可能值的数量 (例如: PDU2 格式) 2 = 数据页状态的数量 (两种PDU格式都有)
Group Functions
在J1939报文中,RTR位(在CAN协议中为远程帧定义 的)使用隐性状态(逻辑1)。
因此,在SAE J1939中,不可以使用远程发送请求 (RTR=1)。
命令报文的参数组将一个命令传送到一个特定的地址 或全局地址。目的地(设备)将根据接收到的命令报文 的类型执行特定的动作。
Extended ID PS SA
Data Field Data Field
Data Field
主要内容: 概述 报文格式 协议数据单元 参数组编号 报文类型 传输协议功能
J1939 PDU
P 3 E D P 1 D PF PS 8 SA 8 Data Field 0-64
P E D P 1 D PF PS SA Data Field



sae1939协议的架构SAE J1939协议是一种用于车辆和重型机械设备之间进行通信的协议。


SAE J1939协议的架构可以从以下几个方面来进行说明:1. 物理层,SAE J1939协议使用CAN总线作为物理层的通信介质。


2. 数据链路层,在SAE J1939协议中,数据链路层负责将数据分成较小的数据包,并添加必要的校验和和控制信息。

这些数据包被称为Protocol Data Units(PDU),并且可以通过CAN总线进行传输。

3. 网络层,SAE J1939协议的网络层定义了节点之间的通信规则和协议。



4. 传输层,传输层负责确保数据的可靠传输。

它使用一种称为Transport Protocol(TP)的机制来处理大型数据包的分段和重组。


5. 应用层,SAE J1939协议的应用层定义了一套标准的数据格式和消息类型,用于不同节点之间的数据交换。



总体而言,SAE J1939协议的架构是一个分层的结构,每一层都有不同的功能和责任。



SAE J1939

SAE J1939






本推荐操作规程中描述的控制局域网(Controller Area Network,CAN)协议是博世公司(Robert Bosch GmbH,Bosch)的知识产权。



有关证书授权的信息和典型应用可以在下述地址获得:GmbHBoschRobertAttn: Licensing Department106050BoxPOStuttgartD-70049Federal Republic of Germany本推荐操作规程的制定是作为在J1708、J1587和J1922推荐操作规程中所完成工作的延续。


目录前言 (1)1 目标 (3)1.1 开放程度 (3)1.2 执行验证 (3)2 参考 (3)2.1 出版物 (3)2.2 定义及缩写 (4)2.2.1 定义 (4)2.2.2 缩写 (6)2.3 开放系统互连模型参考: (7)2.4 文档结构指南 (8)3 技术规定 (9)3.1 J1939教程 (9)3.1.1 简介 (10)3.1.2 消息格式和使用方法 (10)3.1.3 地址和名称(J1939/81及附录B) (11)3.1.4 通信方式 (13)3.1.5 传送消息(使用J1939/21和J1939/7X) (13)3.1.6 接收消息(使用J1939/21和J1939/7X) (13)3.1.7 电控单元设计(使用J1939/11、J1939/21和J1939/7X) (14)3.1.8 网络拓扑——J1939/01使用物理层J1939/11和网络层J1939/31 (14)3.2 预分配值 (14)3.2.1 参数群编号 (15)3.2.2 数据域分组 (15)3.2.3 名称系统和功能 (16)3.2.4 产业类群......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



提供标准的协议允许用户访问、修改网络上控制器的存 储区域(DM14~DM18) 提供足够的保护,防止对控制器的存储器进行未经授权 的修改 DM1~DM13、DM19不受安全访问的限制
北 京 恒 润 科 技 有 限 公 司 2004©
北 京 恒 润 科 技 有 限 公 司 2004©
必须具备接收多个响应的能力 等待响应直到产生超时才能再发请求
指向特定目标地址的的请求必须进行响应。如果不支持被请求 的参数组,必须进行NACK应答 对于指向全部目标地址的请求,如果不支持被请求的参数组, 不能进行NACK应答
服务工具将各种ECU设为特定的测试模式执行子系统的特定操 作
内部资料 请勿复制
读诊断码(DM1,DM12) 清诊断码(DM11,DM3) 读冻结帧数据(DM4) 访问实时信息 访问最近一次工况测试结果(DM6) 报告车辆标识编号和标定验证码(DM19) 应用层PGN(SAEJ1939-71)
诊断故障标识符 故障发生次数 SPN转换方式 SPN FMI OC CM 19位 5位 7位 1位
北 京 恒 润 科 技 有 限 公 司 2004©
北 京 恒 润 科 技 有 限 公 司 2004©

SAE J1939-13

SAE J1939-13









即通过提供一个标准的框架使电控单元(Electronic Control Units,ECU)之间可以实现相互通信。

2参考与本套文件相关的常用信息可以参见SAE J1939。

2.1 出版物以下出版物包含了此处详细说明的规范的一部分。


2.1.1SAE出版物SAE出版物可在SAE,400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001获得。

SAE J1708 重型汽车微机系统串行数据连接的推荐操作规程SAE J1939-11 物理层—250K位/秒,屏蔽双绞线SAE J2030 大功率电气连接器性能标准2.1.2ISO出版物ISO出版物可在ANSI,11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 110036获得。

ISO 11783-2ISO 11898 路面车辆—数字信息交换—高速通信用控制局域网络(CAN)3非车载诊断连接器本节描述了在车辆上用于访问车辆通信链的非车载诊断连接器。

第五章 SAE J1939

第五章 SAE J1939

地址即源地址,唯一标识网络上的一个设备 地址功能 • 保证报文ID的唯一 • 确定报文的来源 两个特殊的地址 • 254——空地址
– 仅用于源地址域(SA),仅用于网络管理
• 255——全局地址
– 仅用于目标地址(DA)
3 11
J1939 PDU
... J1939简介
SAE J1939是一种支持闭环控制的在 多个ECU间高速通信的网络协议;主 要应用于货车和客车,及农、林业 运输机械上;以CAN2.0B为网络核心, 是其应用层的具体实现。
备注:CAN2.0B和1939的关系, 1939是CAN2.0B的具体应用。 乘用 车不用,各自有标准
CRC 界定

应答 间歇
应答 界定 符
J1939通过PDU定义了一个框架,用来组织数 据帧中J1939协议相关的信息
PDU由数据帧中的ID 和数据场组成
Arbitration Field
Control Field
Data Field:0-64
PDU 3 1 1



SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 5.4Message Repackaging (9)5.5Database Management (9)5.5.1Network Message Definition (9)5.5.2Message Filter (and Forward) Database (MFDB) (10)5.5.3Address Translation (AT) Database (12)5.5.4Message Repackaging (MR) Database (12)5.5.5Network Interconnection ECU Parametrics (GP)—General (12)5.5.6Network Interconnection ECU Parametrics (SP)—Specific Port_Pair (13)5.5.7Network Topology (NT) Information (14)6Network Interconnection ECU Types (15)6.1Repeater (15)6.1.1Forwarding (15)6.2Bridge (15)6.2.1Forwarding (15)6.2.2Filtering (15)6.2.3Bridge Management (15)6.3Router (15)6.3.1Address Translation (15)6.3.2Router Management (15)6.4Gateway (15)6.4.1Message Repackaging (16)6.4.2Gateway Management (16)1.Scope—This series of SAE Recommended Practices was developed to provide an open interconnect systemfor on-board electronic systems. It is the intention of these documents to allow electronic devices to communicate with each other by providing a standard architecture. This particular document describes the Network Layer which defines the requirements and services needed for the electronic devices (Network Interconnection ECUs) providing intercommunications between different segments of the SAE J1939 Vehicle Network. It also defines the various types of Network Interconnection ECUs and the functions they provide.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—General information regarding this series of documents is found in SAE J1939.The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1587—Joint SAE/TMC Electronic Data Interchange Between Microcomputer Systems in Heavy-Duty Vehicle ApplicationsSAE J1922—Powertrain Control Interface for Electronic Controls Used in Medium- and Heavy-Duty Diesel On-Highway Vehicle ApplicationsSAE J1939—Serial Control and Communications Vehicle Network—(Class C)SAE J1939-01DRAFT—Serial Control and Communications Vehicle Network for Truck and Bus ApplicationsSAE J1939-02DRAFT—Serial Control and Communications Vehicle Network for Construction and Agricultural ApplicationsSAE J1939-21—Data Link LayerSAE J1939-71—Application LayerSAE J1939-81—Network Management Protocol2.1.2IEEE P UBLICATION—Available from IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.ANSI/IEEE STD.802-1D-1993—Local Area Networks: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges3.Definitions—See SAE J1939 for definitions that are not defined in this document.3.1Segment—This refers to the physical media of a given network and the ECUs attached to it. A single segmentof a network is distinguished by all of the ECUs "seeing" the signal at the same time (i.e., there is no intermediate device between different sections of the network). Multiple segments can be connected together by Network Interconnection ECUs.3.2Subnetwork—This refers to the network activity (message traffic) on a specific SAE J1939 segment.Subnetworks may include: Tractor, Trailer, Implement, and Braking System. Note that subnetworks are typically separated by a bridge, router, or gateway to help minimize bus traffic on each segment. Collectively the subnetworks are the SAE J1939 Vehicle Network.3.3Network Interconnection ECU—A device that exists primarily for the purpose of interconnecting networks orsubnetworks. Specific implementations for “forwarding” messages include: Repeater, Bridge, Router, and Gateway.3.4Repeater—A device which regenerates the data signal to and from another segment of media. This permitsthe network to cover a greater distance (area), to connect more electrical loads (devices) onto the bus, or to connect to another type of media (physical layer expansion). The data rate, protocol (data link layer), and address space are the same on both sides of the repeater.3.5Bridge—A device which stores and forwards messages between two or more network segments. This permitschanges in the media, the electrical interface, and data rate between segments. The Protocol and Address Space remain the same on both sides of the bridge. Note that a bridge may selectively filter messages going across it so that the bus load is minimized on both segments.3.6Router—A device which allows segments with independent address spaces, data rates, and media toexchange messages. This permits each segment to operate with minimum bus loading yet still obtain critical messages from remote segments. The protocol remains the same across all segments. Note that the router must have look up tables to permit the translation and routing of a message with address X on segment 1 to address Y on segment 2. This also permits a vehicle system like a tractor, trailer, or implement to appear as a single device to another portion of the vehicle.3.7Gateway—This device permits data to be transferred between two networks with different protocols ormessage sets. The gateway provides a means to repackage parameters into new message groups when transferring messages from one segment to another.3.8Port—The connection point from a controller to the network. Although most ECUs have only one port, abridge may have two or more ports to connect various segments together.4.Description of the Network Layer—This document defines the requirements and services for electronicdevices providing intercommunications between different segments of vehicle wide SAE J1939 network.When multiple segments exist, a Network Interconnection ECU must provide for the transfer of messages from one segment to another. Functions a Network Interconnection ECU may provide include: message forwarding, message filtering, address translation of messages, and message repackaging. A Network Interconnection ECU may also support database management to permit access and configuration of the internal databases.Depending on the functions required, various types of Network Interconnection ECUs can provide these services. For example, a bridge may isolate two segments of media and the bus traffic on each, but the network is still considered "one" network in terms of address space and identifiers. See Figures 1 and 2 for typical network topologies. Port number assignments associated with particular bus segments are industry specific.FIGURE 1—TYPICAL SAE J1939 VEHICLE NETWORK FOR TRUCK AND BUSFIGURE 2—TYPICAL SAE J1939 VEHICLE NETWORK FOR AGRICULTURAL APPLICA TIONS4.1Network Layer Functions —The major function provided by the network layer is the transfer of messagesfrom one segment to another segment. The simplest functionality is to forward messages, see 5.1. This can be achieved with a repeater, see 6.1. A bridge type device, see 6.2, also has the capability to perform message filtering, see 5.2. A router permits a vehicle system like a tractor, trailer, or implement to appear as a single device to another portion of the vehicle. See 6.3, Router, for details. This is achieved by address translation, see 5.3. A gateway, see 6.4, permits parameters to be repackaged into different messages. See 5.4, Message repackaging, for details.In addition to these Network Layer functions for message transfer, another Network Layer service is provided to access and configure the databases within a Network Interconnection ECU as defined in 5.5, Database Management. Note that Network Interconnection ECUs may perform other functions beyond those defined in this document as provided by the supplier or as dictated by the vehicle configuration. Examples include: integrated lighting control functions or sequential trailer initialization. Network Interconnection ECUs may also be required to participate in the address claim procedure on behalf of the other ECUs on a subnetwork, particularly if the Network Interconnection ECU is serving as the main controller for a trailer, implement, or subsystem (i.e., braking). Refer to SAE J1939-01 for specific requirements of a Network Interconnection ECU to handle sequential trailer initialization, or SAE J1939-02 for specific requirements of a Network Interconnection ECU to provide the interface to the implement bus. Refer to SAE J1939-81 Network Management for specific details on the address claim procedures for Network Interconnection ECUs and other ECUs on subnetworks.The use of a router or gateway to interface to a proprietary subnetwork is beyond the scope of SAE J1939 because it is application dependent. Specific implementations may be developed by the component manufacturer, subsystem supplier, or OEM to perform needed functions.4.2Network Interconnection ECU (NIECU) Types—A NIECU type is typically defined by the functions itprovides. The four types are: Repeater (forwarding), Bridge (forwarding and filtering), Router (forward, filter, and address translation), and Gateway (forward, filter, address translation, and message repackaging).4.3Network Topology—The topology of the vehicle network must be constructed so that there is at most onepath between any two ECUs. The OEM should therefore assure that no network loops exist on the vehicle. No special provisions are made for Network Interconnection ECUs to detect network loops or to prevent duplicate messages from being generated or replicated indefinitely. Redundant bus segments can be provided for fault tolerance, but the mechanism to detect, select, and autoreconfigure the message routing path is the responsibility of the Network Interconnection ECU supplier and is not defined within this document.4.4Conformance (Minimum Requirements)—A SAE J1939 Network Interconnection ECU that claims conform-ance to this document:a.Shall forward messages as described in this document based on NIECU type.b.Shall forward messages with a higher priority before those with a lower priority.c.Shall forward messages for a given priority in the same order as received.d.Shall not go bus off due to the forwarding and contention of an Address Claimed message.e.May support Network Interconnection ECU database management (highly recommended).f.Shall specify a guaranteed filtering rate and forwarding rate.g.Shall not exceed the values for the following parameters:1.Maximum transit delay (see Section 6 for NIECU specific values)4.5Network Interconnection ECU Performance Criteria—Three performance criteria are typically associatedwith a Network Interconnection ECU to determine its suitability for a given application. The first is the maximum number of messages guaranteed to be forwarded per second. If this rate is exceeded due to average or peak bus loads, it is possible that the Network Interconnection ECU may lose messages. The second parameter is the maximum number of messages guaranteed to be filtered per second. If this rate is exceeded due to the number of entries in the database, it is possible that messages will be excessively delayed across the Network Interconnection ECU. The third is the maximum transit delay. This parameter is used to determine what the worst case latency could be for a message to be transmitted by an ECU and received by another ECU on a different bus segment.4.6Network Addressing—The Data Link Layer provides for the potential of up to 254 unique Source Addresseson the network. Note that the electrical loading on the bus from each ECU may restrict the total number of ECUs permitted on a given segment if a Network Interconnection ECU is not present. In addition, the use of a Router permits the number of ECUs to be further increased by creating another address space on a separate subnetwork. This subnetwork may contain ECUs and messages related to a specific function (Braking, Suspension, Trailer, Implement, etc.) with a main controller also serving as the router of selected messages to and from the main SAE J1939 network.4.7Off-Tractor Segment (Trailer or Implements)—In order to isolate and protect the tractor segment, a NetworkInterconnection ECU must exist between the tractor segment and any off-tractor segment. In the simplest form this would consist of a Repeater for regenerating the signal. A Bridge permits the off-tractor segment to run ata different data rate and with reduced traffic by performing message filtering. A Router permits the off-tractorsegment to be developed independently, and optimized for specific functions.4.8Proprietary Messages and Networks—The network has provisions for proprietary messages to residedirectly on the tractor segment. If Bus traffic and latency become an issue, a separate segment can be used to handle the proprietary messages. The supplier of this separate segment and its related devices must also provide the router/gateway function.4.8.1CAN 11-B IT I DENTIFIER I NTERFACING—All ECUs on the tractor segment must support ‘the 29 bit extendedframe identifier of’ CAN 2.0B. Separate subnetworks that use 11 bit standard frame identifiers (CAN 2.0A or CAN 2.0B) will require a router or gateway to selectively permit the transfer of messages between the two segments. This device must also be responsible for any diagnostics of the subnetwork as SAE J1939 does not utilize 11-bit identifiers. Component suppliers and OEMs must assume responsibility when using 11-bit identifiers since there is no means to assure the assignment of unique IDs. Note that a CAN 2.0B 11-bit subnetwork could actually reside on the same two-wire segment as the J1939 main tractor network, but bus loading and reliability issues must be considered.4.9SAE J1587 Interface—Devices requiring SAE J1587 for information or diagnostics must have a separate portto access this link. No provisions for defining a gateway to SAE J1587 are planned.4.10SAE J1922 Interface—Since SAE J1922 is intended to be an interim standard for drivetrain control, nospecific support or gateway will be provided since SAE J1939 is to supersede Interconnection ECU Functions—The principle functions that can be provided by a NetworkInterconnection ECU are: message forwarding, message filtering, address translation, and message repackaging. Database management can also be performed to access and configure the Network Interconnection ECU. Once operational, the Network Interconnection ECU should be essentially transparent to any ECUs on the vehicle network.5.1Forwarding—A Network Interconnection ECU transfers individual message frames between two or more ports(one port for each network segment). The order of frames received on one port and transmitted on another shall be preserved for a given priority level. A Network Interconnection ECU shall forward any queued messages of a higher priority before those of a lower priority. Otherwise all messages being forwarded to a specific port could be excessively delayed. This requirement therefore does not permit a simple First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue to exist.When a Network Interconnection ECU forwards a message onto another segment, it uses the identical source address of the originator. For standard messages this will not cause arbitration problems since the Network Interconnection ECU does not retransmit onto the segment the message originally came from, and the addresses on a given SAE J1939 network are unique. The only exception to this is when an Address Claim message is forwarded onto a segment where another ECU is simultaneously claiming the same address. In this very low probability case, the Network Interconnection ECU must have the ability to detect a bus error when transmitting this message, and should stop the automatic retransmission sequence within the CAN controller chip. Otherwise the Network Interconnection ECU will experience multiple collisions and go Bus Off, thereby preventing other messages from being forwarded until the Network Interconnection ECU is able to recover from the bus off condition. An alternative method is to have a second CAN controller which can be immediately enabled and utilized when the first one goes bus off.A Network Interconnection ECU may begin to forward messages from one segment to another before it hasclaimed an address if it is simply acting as a repeater or bridge, (i.e., no address translation). Note that until a Network Interconnection ECU has completed a Power Up and Self Test (POST) sequence, that each subnetwork is "isolated" from the others and ECUs will not see messages from other subnetworks until the vehicle network becomes “connected” via the Network Interconnection ECU.5.2Filtering—There are two basic modes of operation for the filtering process within a Network InterconnectionECU: Block or Pass. These modes apply to a particular Port_Pair on the NIECU. In the Block filter mode (0), the Network Interconnection ECU will default to forwarding all messages. Bus utilization (traffic) may be higher on each bus segment, but if this is within acceptable limits, the message filtering algorithm is nonexistent. If necessary, the filter database within the Network Interconnection ECU may contain entries of the identifiers (PGN values) for messages which should not be forwarded (blocked). This method can be used to reduce the overall bus traffic on a given segment. This is the preferred mode of operation for SAE J1939 bridges. Entries to the filter database are typically entered during initial vehicle build/configuration and retained in nonvolatile memory.In the Pass filter mode (1), the Network Interconnection ECU will default to not forwarding any messages. An entry must exist with a specific identifier (PGN value) for each particular message to be forwarded. This filter mode is best used for the Port_Pairs on Network Interconnection ECUs going to/from subnetworks performinga specific function (braking, suspension, etc.). It requires prior knowledge of the ECUs and functions presenton the whole network, or requires the ability for ECUs to add entries to the filter database. This method may require more memory and processing power to exist within the Network Interconnection ECU if it is to accommodate and handle a potentially large filter database.For Pass filter mode (1), some entries within the database will need to be permanent (configured to always be present) so that the corresponding messages will always be forwarded across the whole network. Typical messages would include network management, diagnostics, and global requests.a.The filter database that exists within a Network Interconnection ECU may be configurable in severaldifferent ways:b. A supplier of a Network Interconnection ECU may provide it with a fixed filter database.c. A Network Interconnection ECU may be designed that permits the vehicle OEM to preconfigure thefilter database at the time of manufacture. This requires prior knowledge of the whole vehicle networkincluding the ECUs and messages present. This method may not adequately handle additions orchanges to the vehicle network over time unless the Network Interconnection ECU can bereconfigured during a service procedure.d.Configuration over the network during a service procedure by a diagnostic tool. Section 5.5 definesthe messages required to access the filter Interconnection ECU reconfiguration at any time by any ECU on the network. Note that aseparate security procedure to enable the modification of the database may also have to exist.Restrictions on which ECUs may reconfigure the filter database is application/implementationdependent.For filter database entries created using the database management functions described in 5.5, a source address and/or name is also associated with each entry. This address/name represents the ECU which placed the entry, since it is also the only ECU which should remove it. Although this does not prevent ECUs from entering conflicting requests, it does prevent them from deleting entries within the filter database unexpectedly.A provision should also exist for diagnostic tools to override this address/name match requirement in order toremove entries.NOTE—Each entry within the filter database identifies the PGN to be filtered, whether it is to be Passed or Blocked, as well as the Port_Pair (direction). This is necessary in order to restrict traffic to a specificsubnetwork, but also allows specific messages to be forwarded from it. For example, the NetworkInterconnection ECU on a tractor may filter out the engine data so it does not go back to the trailer, butrequests from the trailer should be forwarded to the tractor.5.3Address Translation—A Network Interconnection ECU may provide Address Translation for particularmessages. This permits a single address to be used to reference a particular vehicle system (i.e., trailer or implement) without knowing the specific address of a particular function on the vehicle system (i.e., lighting).An address translation database must then exist which identifies through a look-up table the associated source/destination addresses. Note that the Network Interconnection ECU must have a valid address claimed before it can provide this address translation service.5.4Message Repackaging—A Network Interconnection ECU may provide Message Repackaging whentransferring messages from one segment to another. This provides a potential reduction in bus traffic by improving the amount of useful parameters per message, as well as reducing the number of different messages required to be received by a particular ECU. A message repackaging database or processing routine must then exist to identify how messages are to be repackaged.5.5Database Management—This optional but highly recommended service is used to provide a standard methodfor access and configuration of the various databases within a Network Interconnection ECU. This also includes the Network Interconnection ECU parametrics (status and statistics) and network topology. All of these functions preferably use nonvolatile memory to retain the database values through power loss. This is particularly important in order to maintain a static filter database. Provisions for a separate dynamic filter database which is cleared upon power loss to permit easy reconfiguration as ECUs are added and removed from the network is not presently defined.5.5.1N ETWORK M ESSAGE D EFINITION—This message provides a means to access and configure the database andbridge parametrics within a Network Interconnection ECU. See Figure 3. A response is always required if a request or command is made to a specific destination (not global), even if it is an acknowledgment indicating that the particular Control function is not supported or could not be performed. Refer to SAE J1939-21 Data Link Layer for details on Acknowledgment. Note that some PGNs are multipacket, so several CAN data frames can occur as a result of a single request. An ECU should always wait for a response from it’s request or command, or the “no response” time-out before sending another request or command.FIGURE 3—NETWORK MESSAGE5.5.2M ESSAGE F ILTER (AND F ORWARD) D ATABASE (MFDB)—The functions needed to support filter databaseaccess and configuration are defined in Figure 4. The first byte in the data field is the Control code which identifies the function performed. The data bytes which follow are dependent on the function. The Port_Pair is a one byte field. The upper nibble represents the “From” port, the lower nibble represents the “To” port.See Table 1 for the port parameter values. The port number 0 (local) is used to facilitate the directing of a message by an ECU to and from a Network Interconnection ECU without requiring the ECU to know what port of the Network Interconnection ECU it is connected to. Port “0” indicates the “local” port the message is received at. Port number 15 (global) is used to facilitate the directing of a message by an ECU to a Network Interconnection ECU without requiring the ECU to know how many ports the Network Interconnection ECU has. If either of the port numbers within a message (From/To) is set to global, multiple responses from the Network Interconnection ECU for each Port_Pair may be provided. The Network Interconnection ECU should be capable of configuring the filter database properly with these port values also. The Filter_Mode byte is defined in Table 2. The [PGN-list] contains zero, one, or more 3 byte PGNs. If there are no PGNs in the list, the unused data bytes are set to all “1”s. Note that the transport protocol as defined ins SAE J1939-21 is used whenever a message length is greater than 8 bytes.TABLE 1—PORT NUMBERSPort Number Definition0Local1-14Assignable15Global (All ports)TABLE 2—FILTER MODEFilter Mode Definition0Block specific PGNs (Default = pass all)1 Pass specific PGNs (Default = block all)2-255 reservedFIGURE 4—FUNCTIONS FOR MESSAGE FILTER DATABASE ACCESS5.5.2.1N.MFDB_Request—Used to request a copy of a filter database.—The response to a N.MFDB_Request which contains the filter database entries.—A command used to add one or more entries within the filter database. If the “To” port isset to global, multiple entries are made in the filter database, one for each Port_Pair containing the “From”port. Acknowledgment of the command is provided with the Acknowledgment Message (PGN = 59392).Note that any ECU using this function must already know the Filter Mode of the particular filter database before making an entry as the Filter_Mode is not included with this command. See N.MFDB_Create_Entry for comparison.—A command used to delete one or more entries within the filter database.Acknowledgment of the command is provided with the Acknowledgment Message (PGN = 59392).—A command used to clear one or more of the filter databases based on the Port_Pair(and direction). Acknowledgment of the command is provided with the Acknowledgment Message (PGN = 59392).—A command used to set the filter mode of one or more of the filter databases basedon the Port_Pair (and direction). Acknowledgment of the command is provided with the Acknowledgment Message (PGN = 59392). The Filter_Mode should not be changed without first clearing the filter database.—A command used to create one or more entries within the filter database. If the“T o” port is set to global, multiple entries are made in the filter database, one for each Port_Pair containing the “From” port. Acknowledgment of the command is provided with the Acknowledgment Message (PGN = 59392). Note that the filter mode is included with this command so an ECU can explicitly indicate whether that specific new entry is for block or pass and lets the Network Interconnection ECU determine how to add the entry to the existing filter database. The filter mode included with the message does not change thefilter mode of the Port_Pair.。



汽车内部网络SAE J1939CAN规范只包括了物理层和数据链路层,是一个可以封装在通信控制器集成电路芯片内部的规范。

SAE J1939以CAN为基础,其物理层和数据链路层基本上沿用了CAN规范,并增加了网络层、应用层和网络管理规范。

SAE J1939目前已经发布的规范如下:J1939/01 卡车、公共汽车控制与通信网络J1939/12 物理层,250Kbps, 四线双绞线J1939/13 物理层,诊断连接器J1939/31 网络层J1939/71 车辆应用层J1939/72 虚拟终端应用层J1939/73 应用层-诊断J1939/81 J1939网络管理协议通信参考模型比较J1939的物理连接与网络拓扑总线由CAN-H、CAN-L、 CAN-SHLD导线组成;CAN-H为黄色、CAN-L 为绿色。


网段上的ECU数量SAE J1939汽车内部网络是将许多电控单元ECU连接成的网络的物理实现。


根据现有规范对电气参数的规定,在一个给定的网段上,ECU的最大数量被限制为30网段以250 Kbps 的数据传输速率运行,为防止信号反射,使网段运行对电子信号的影响最小,在总线的每个终端都应连接终端电阻每个部件均有终端电阻(120 ),终端电阻采用支架安装,以便调整。



J1939报文帧的格式与定义J1939为采用CAN 2.0B扩展帧格式。

J1939 29位ID的位定义图SAE J1993进一步定义了CAN数据帧仲裁域的标识位SAE J1993报文帧包含一个单一的协议数据单元PDUPDU包括7个预定的域优先级、保留位、数据页、PDU格式、PDU细节(可以是目标地址、组扩展或专有)、源地址和数据域。



SAEJ1939标准整理SAE J1939协议整理⽬录1.背景介绍 (3)2.SAE J1939标准明细 (3)3.与OSI模型关系 (3)4.SAE J1939标准分层 (4)4.1.物理层 (4)4.2.数据链路层 (6)4.3.⽹络层 (12)4.4.应⽤层 (13)4.5.故障诊断 (16)4.6.⽹络管理 (23)4.7.SAE J1939应⽤实例 (28)1.背景介绍SAE J1939协议是由美国汽车⼯程师协会(SAE:Society of Automotive Engineers)制定的主要针对商⽤车的CAN总线通信协议。

1)基于CAN2.0B协议制定(CAN2.0B是德国Bosch制定的通信协议,采⽤扩展帧)2)主要应⽤对象为客车、载重货车、船舶农业机械等⾮路⾯设备3)J1939的通信速率可达250Kpbs2.SAE J1939标准明细3.与OSI模型关系OSI模型,即开放式通信系统互联参考模型(Open System Interconnection)。



4.SAE J1939标准分层4.1.物理层1)定义和相关说明:物理层定义电⽓接⼝和物理介质,实现通信⽹络中电控单元之间的电⽓连接。



2)SAE J1939物理层要求项⽬规格物理介质特征阻抗为120Ω的屏蔽双绞线终端电阻120Ω,最远端的两个ECU各匹配⼀个最⼤传输线距离40M(1000Kbps)同⽹络节点数量考虑到总线电⽓负担,同⼀⽹络最多允许的ECU为30个信号传输⽅式差动电压传输⽅式(Vdiff=VcanH–VcanL)总线电平显性(逻辑0,CANH3.5V,CANL1.5V)隐性(逻辑1,CANH2.5V,CANL2.5V)3)⼏个概念Rin:内部电阻Rsh:内部差动电阻Cin:内部电容Csh:内部差动电容位时间tB:⼀⽐特的持续时间,本标准对应于250kbit/s位时间是4µs。



J1939协议理解今天读了J1939协议的介绍文档,下面主要说说我的理解:1、网络应用分为几个层物理层 SAE J1939-11数据链路层 SAE J1939-21网络层 SAE J1939-31应用层 SAE J1939-71故障诊断 SAE J1939-73网络管理层 SAE J1939-812、下面主要说说数据链路层和应用层数据链路层:为物理连接之间提供可靠的数据传输。

包括发送CAN 数据帧所必需的同步、顺序控制、出错控制和流控制。

首先要明白几个概念PGN:参数组编号帧(Frame): 组成一个完整信息的一系列有序的数据位。


CAN 数据帧(CAN Data Frame):组成CAN 协议帧所必需的有序位域,以帧起始(SOF)开始以帧结束(EOF)结尾。

标准帧(Standard Frame):CAN2.0A规范中定义的使用11 位标识符的CAN 数据帧。

扩展帧(Extended Frame):CAN2.0 B规范中定义的使用29 位标志符的CAN 数据帧。

包(Packet):一个单一的CAN 数据帧就是一个包。




多包报文(Multipacket Messages):当具有相同参数组编号的所有数据需要使用多个CAN 数据帧来传输时使用的一种J1939报文。

每个CAN 数据帧拥有相同的标识符,但在每个包中数据不同。



优先级:最高0(000)设置到最低7(111 )。

所有控制报文的缺省优先级是3(011 )。


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SAE J1939 相关文档层次
J1939This top level document describes the network in general, the OSI layering structure, the subordinate document structure, and provides control for all preassigned values and names.
J1939/0X An application document, where X refers to a specific network/application version of the network. This document will identify the industry or applications for which it pertains and will list the specific versions of each layer that makes up this network.
J1939/01 Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network.
J1939/02 (Draft) Agricultural Equipment Control and Communications Network.
J1939/1X A Physical Layer document, where X refers to a specific version of the Physical Layer.
J1939/11 Physical Layer, 250K Bits/sec, Shielded Twisted Pair.
J1939/12 (Draft) Physical Layer, 250K Bits/sec, Twisted Quad.
J1939/13 Physical Layer, Diagnostic Connector
J1939/15 (Draft) Reduced Physical Layer, 250K bits/sec, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
J1939/21 Data Link Layer (no alternative versions permitted)
J1939/3X Network Layer document, where X refers to a specific version of the Network Layer.
J1939/31 Network Layer,
J1939/4X Transport Layer document, where X refers to a specific version of the Transport Layer. No Transport Layer documents are presently defined.
J1939/5X Session Layer document, where X refers to a specific version of the Session Layer. No Session Layer documents are presently defined.
J1939/6X Presentation Layer document, where X refers to a specific version of the Presentation Layer. No Presentation Layer documents are presently defined.
J1939/7X Applications Layer Document, where X refers to a specific version of the Application Layer. J1939/71 Vehicle Application Layer.
J1939/72 (Draft) Virtual Terminal Application Layer.
J1939/73 Application Layer - Diagnostics.
J1939/74 (Draft) Application – Configurable Messaging
J1939/75 Application Layer-Generator Sets and Industrial
J1939/81 J1939 Network Management Protocol (no alternative versions permitted).
J1939/82 (Draft) Compliance。
