


【名师示范课】牛津版必修五 UnitReading-公开课课件(推荐)
【名师示范课】牛津版必修五 UnitReading-公开课课件(推荐)
True or false questions
Pauline Carter thinks:
1. The nature will pay back if we toy with nature. 2. We should chlaovnee fewer babies to reduce the
human embryos D. the disadvantage of cloning
Scan the body and match the main idea.
Para 1
Para 2 Para 3-5 Para 6
A. Different people's attitudes towards cloning human embryos. B. The first cloned mammal and different attitudes towards it. C. Research on cloning in China.
Step 1.Read the first and last paragraphs for an idea of what the article is about.
Step 2.Scan the body of the article.
Step 3.Read through the article a few times.
Wilmut Against on creating new _t_is_s_u_e_s and _o_rg_a_n_s_.
Wilson For



Shop assistant Doctor Actor Reporter Policeman Waiter Bank clerk Student Cook Business man Worker Teacher lawyer
Ask and answer:
-----What do you /they/we do ?
6. predict that …预言,预测 n. prediction
7. give advice to … take one’s advice 8. reply-replies-replied
reply to the question reply that + 从句 9. nobody 不定代词 三单 nobody else 10. too many, too much, much too
Unit 5
My Future
Lesson 33
1.I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m older. 1)宾语从句:陈述句语序 2)时间状语从句:一般现在时代替将来时
2. So is next week and next year. so + 倒装句 …也是
3. 对某人好 be nice/good/kind to 4. adj , adv 的用法
hard high fast
Lesson 34 & 35
4. My ambition is to be… 不定式做表语
5. I hope to be a good teacher. hope to do hope后面不接间接宾语 hope that + sb +谓语动词 I hope that I can be a good teacher.


[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]持续呕吐或鼻胃吸引可引起().A.高阴离子间隙型代谢性酸中毒B.正常阴离子间隙型代谢性酸中毒Cl-响应型代谢性碱中毒D.Cl-抵抗型代谢性碱中毒E.外源性碱增多引起的代谢性碱中毒 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]肺结核的治疗原则是()A.早期、规律、适量、全程、联合B.早期、规律、适量、短程、联合C.早期、规律、足量、全程、联合D.中期、规律、适量、全程、联合E.中期、规律、足量、全程、联合 [名词解释]非法抛传 [单选]下面可以作为知识产权投资入股的是()A、专利许可使用权B、专利权C、著作改编权D、连锁经营权 [单选]技术监督部门对厂内机动车实行每()定期检验一次,未经检验或检验不合格的,不准继续行驶A、一年B、二年C、六个月 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]()是医务人员先天具有或后天所习得的引发医学道德行为的心理体验。A.医德认识B.医德情感C.医德意志D.医德品质 [单选]关于银行卡账户及交易管理要求的下列表述中,不正确的是()。A.单位人民币卡账户的资金一律从其基本存款账户转账存入B.单位外币卡账户的资金应从其单位的外汇账户转账存入C.单位人民币卡账户不得存取现金D.单位人民币卡账户可以存入销货收入 [名词解释]极振打装置 [单选]学校文化建设有多个落脚点,其中,课堂教学是学校文化建设的主渠道。在课堂教学中,教师必须注意加强学校文化和学科文化建设,这主要有利于落实课程三维目标中的:()A.知识与技能目标。B.方法与过程目标。C.情感态度价值观目标。D.课堂教学目标。 [填空题]电流互感器的相角差,即二次电流向量翻转()后与一次电流同相的()。 [问答题]家住楼房怎样避震? [单选,A1型题]中兽医认为,五脏可归属于五行,其中肾属()A.木B.火C.土D.金E.水 [单选]一般住宅内,多层建筑中每层楼的消防栓(箱)内均配置()瓶灭火器。A.1B.2C.3D.4 [判断题]浮选精矿灰分高时,应减少捕收剂用量;尾矿灰分高时,想提高尾煤泥发热量,应减少捕收剂用量。A.正确B.错误 [单选]民航VHF接收机的音频输出在600Ω线路输出时主音频为()。A.+5dBm/-5dBmB.+10dBm/-10dBmC.+10dBm/-20dBm [单选]要了解脏器或四肢周围血管情况通常选择的超声检查仪器为()A.M型B.D型C.A型D.B型E.B+D型 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()A.Cheyne-Stokes呼吸B.叹息样呼吸C.Kussmaul呼吸D.Blots呼吸E.抑制性呼吸 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪一项是乌梅丸的主治证?()A.寒格B.久利C.脏厥D.热利下重E.邪热伤阴 [单选]四肢厥冷,神昏,面紫暗,脉沉迟,身热,胸腹灼热,口鼻气灼,口臭息粗,口渴引饮,小便短黄,舌红苔黄而干,脉有力,此为()。A.真寒假热B.真热假寒C.表里虚热D.表里虚寒E.表寒里热 [单选]性激素对下丘脑、垂体的反馈,恰当的是()A.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:负反馈B.雌激素:正反馈,孕激素:负反馈C.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:正反馈D.雌激素:正、负反馈,孕激素:负反馈E.雌激素:负反馈,孕激素:正、负反馈 [单选]以下不属于体检医师对风险考察的方式的是()A.安排体检B.审核体检报告书C.调阅病历D.审查业务员报告书 [单选]甲公司得知乙公司在与丙公司进行一个项目的商谈,甲公司向乙公司发函,表示愿以更高的价格购买。乙公司遂中断了与丙公司的谈判。但甲公司反悔,拒绝与乙公司进行谈判。后查明,甲公司根本不需要该项目,其目的只是排挤丙公司,则甲公司应承担()。A.侵权责任B.缔约过失责任 [单选]下列哪项是感染性休克的早期表现()。A.血压升高B.脉压差小C.脉压差大D.血压测不到E.血压降低 [问答题,简答题]多啦A梦的作者是谁? [单选]双母线中的一组母线进行零起升压时,母差保护应(),母联断路器应改为()。A.停用,冷备用B.投跳闸,冷备用C.停用,热备用D.投跳闸,热备用 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]男,32岁,进食后上腹饱胀不适,伴返酸、烧心、嗳气、食欲不振,临床诊断为慢性胃炎。该病治疗中不正确的是()。A.避免饮酒B.胃酸高者使用抑酸剂C.胃酸低者使用胃黏膜保护剂D.抗Hp治疗E.以上都不是 [判断题]借记卡是可以给客户一定借款额度的卡,所以称为借记卡。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]出现宫缩乏力,行人工破膜加速产程进展适用于()A.头先露,已衔接,宫口开3cmB.臀位,宫口开大3cm以上C.横位,宫口开大3cmD.胎头浮,跨耻征(+)E.头先露,宫口开1cm,胎心率170次/分 [单选]以产品品种作为成本核算对象,归集和分配生产成本,计算产品成本的方法是A.分批法B.品种法C.逐步结转分步法D.平行结转分步法 [问答题][综合分析题]RB制造公司是一家位于华中某省的皮鞋制造公司,拥有近400名工人。大约在一年前,公司因产品有过多的缺陷而失去了两个较大的客户。RB公司领导研究了这个问题之后,一致认为:公司的基本工程技术方面还是很可靠的,问题出在生产线上的工人,质量检查员以及管理 [单选]具有健脾养胃,消食止泻的作用,用于小儿腹胀便泄、面黄肌瘦、食少倦怠、小便短少的药物是()A.止泻灵颗粒B.健脾消食丸C.小儿泻速停颗粒D.肥儿宝颗粒E.健脾康儿片 [单选]拉伸试样加工精度对所测结果有很大影响,如表面很粗糙,则()A.强度值和塑性值均升高B.强度值升高、塑性值降低C.强度值降低、塑性值升高D.强度值和塑性值均降低 [判断题]境内个人手持外币现钞汇出境外当日累计超过等值1万美元的,凭本人有效身份证件办理。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]党的七届二中全会提出的“两个务必”的具体内容是()。 [单选]下列选项中,()是降低运输成本的方法。A.降低产品密度B.增加产品密度C.增加运输距离D.缩小运输责任范围 [单选]某企业生产甲产品,属于可比产品,上年实际平均单位成本为300元,上年实际产量为1800件,本年实际产量为1000件,本年实际平均单位成本为298元,则本年甲产品可比产品成本降低额为()元。A.1000B.2000C.3000D.0 [单选]按照信息的生产方式分类,下列哪项不属于其内容()。A、自然信息B、固定信息C、人工信息D、综合信息 [判断题]如果某档位的动力传动路线上有单向离合器工作,则该档位没有发动机制动。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]下列各项中,影响当期营业利润的有()。A.所得税费用B.固定资产减值损失C.销售商品收入D.投资性房地产公允价值变动收益 [单选,A1型题]火煅能生成砒霜(As2O3)的药物是()A.硫黄B.白矾C.雄黄D.朱砂E.铅丹



Para.10 & 11: Stuff doesn’t mean much to me.
What is “a high-end TV”? A TV that is expensive and of high quality. What can be inferred from this part about what role commercials can play in society? Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.
Para.7, 8 & 9
On the pursuit of possessions ---Feel out of place
A story about a girl he once dated.
Please retell the story.
out of place: feeling uncomfortable or not suitable in a particular situation Your jokes are out of place on such a solemn occasion. 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。 At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.
Shortly after her visit, our relationship went straight south. What was their relationship after her visit? Their relationship went sour. That is to say, they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. Why there was such a change in their relationship? Because the girl actually paid much attention to material things although she claimed that she was interested in what was on the inside, and after she went to the author’s apartment, she found he was really poor.


1940: Elias was born. 1946: Elias began school. 1948: Elias left school. 1952: Elias went to Nelson Mandela
for advice.
Read Para 1 and answer questions.
人教课标 高一 必修1
Unit 5
Quality of a great person
hhaarrddwwoorrkkiinngg lazy friendly cruel warm-hearted mean determined wise aaccttiivvee generous eeaassyy--ggooiinngg rreelliiaabblleeunkind brave selfish stubborn sseellfflleessss devoted hhaannddssoommeenniiccee hhoonneessttfamous ccaallmmlloovveellyy
2. What about his life when he first met Mandela? His life was very difficult.
3. What did Mandela do to help the black? He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems.
Mahandas Gandhi
(1869—1948) India
He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.


下面关于权证的说法正确的是。A.认沽权证的持有人有权卖出标的证券B.欧式权证的持有人在到期日前的任意时刻都有权买卖标的证券C.按权证的内在价值,可将权证分为平价权证、价内权证和价外权证D.现金结算权证行权时,发行人仅对标的证券的市场价格与行权价格的差额部分进行现金结算 用冷时间过长可导致()A.增强痛觉神经的兴奋性B.局部营养、细胞代谢障碍,以致组织坏死C.皮肤抵抗力降低D.增强局部免疫力E.肌肉、肌腱和韧带等组织松弛 男性,16岁,全身水肿,尿少。尿蛋白(++++)。用糖皮质激素治疗过程中,突发右下肢不对称性肿胀伴胀痛,最可能的原因是A.高尿酸血症-痛风B.动脉栓塞C.右下肢静脉血栓形成D.右下肢静脉炎E.肾性骨病 STCW公约要求强制培训基本安全课目是指。A、船舶、社会安全B、个人、船舶安全C、个人安全、社会责任D、个人、船舶、社会安全 采用铸造桩冠时,根桩形态应.A.外形呈圆柱形B.横径为根径1/2C.与根管壁不宜太密合,以利就位D.横径为圆形E.截面形态与根的截面形态一致 作为咨询心理学产生的前提学术条件,比奈一西蒙在年为帮助弱智儿童编制了智力测量。A.1904B.1907C.1890D.1908 磨牙修复体邻面接触点的位置应恢复在A.邻面颊1/3处B.邻面中1/3处C.邻面颊1/2处D.邻面舌1/2处E.邻面龈1/3处 经纬仪竖丝检验的目的是使十字丝竖轴垂直于。A.视准轴B.水准管轴C.横轴D.水准盒轴 在单位银行结算账户的使用中,可用于办理存款人日常资金收付和工资、奖金等现金支取的账户是。A、专用存款账户B、基本存款账户C、一般存款账户D、临时存款账户 关于癌性疼痛,错误的描述是。A.为了避免患者夸大症状,癌性疼痛的评分应由主要医护人员进行B.慢性疼痛,是一种疾病C.据世界卫生组织统计,约30%~50%的癌症患者伴有不同程度的疼痛D.癌性疼痛可由肿瘤本身、抗肿瘤治疗等多种原因导致E.通过三阶梯治疗方法,约有80%患者的疼痛症状 控制 在肾静态显像中,为了清楚地显示马蹄肾,应采用的静态显像方式是A.前后位静态显像(ANT)B.后位静态显像(POST)C.左前斜位(LAO)3O度D.右前斜位(RAO)30度E.左后斜位(LPO)45度 使用挣值法测量某项目绩效,若截止到考核时点,该项目的进度执行指数为1.2,成本执行指数为0.8,则表明。A.项目进度超前于计划,项目成本控制在预算范围内B.项目进度超前于计划,项目成本超出预算C.项目进度落后于计划,项目成本控制在预算范围内D.项目进度落后于计划,项目成本超出 预激综合征发作房颤时药物不宜选用A.洋地黄B.胺碘酮C.普罗帕酮D.维拉帕米E.艾司洛尔 根据信号传输方式的不同,入侵报警系统的组建模式宜分为模式。A.分线制B.无线制C.总线制D.多线制 原发性中性粒细胞缺陷病最易发生A.奈瑟菌属感染B.念珠菌感染C.金黄色葡萄球菌感染D.分枝杆菌感染E.沙门菌属感染 关于赌博所引出问题的讨论,开创了概率理论的建设。A.巴斯卡和费马B.格朗特C.棣莫弗D.贝叶斯 故障管理功能对被管理的网络提供实时和全面的告警监控及可闻可视的告警提示,通过不同的声音和标定不同的告警级别。 一位眼科医生,因急于为患者进行角膜移植,但一时找不到角膜供体,所以私自到太平间盗用死者的角膜,后被死者的家属发现,该医生这样做A.符合医德的要求B.违反医德原则C.说不清楚,动机好效果差D.不好用医德评价E.以上都不对 发动机排气系统和散热器系统中循环的冷却液的温度,正常工作时是80度-95度,如果超过05度,应当立即关闭发动机。A.正确B.错误 情绪三因素理论的提出者是A.坎农B.兰格C.阿诺德D.沙赫特E.弗洛伊德 晚期产后出血发生在产后A.2~24小时B.24小时后C.42天以后D.1周后E.2周后 关于强直性脊柱炎,下列哪项是错误的A.主要侵犯骶髂关节和脊柱B.以中年男性多见C.90%~95%患者HLA-B阳性D.类风湿因子阴性E.多有明显腰背痛,多缺乏皮下结节 每个项目有项目生命周期,建设项目也不例外,其生命周期包括自项目各个阶段。A.施工开始至建成后生产运营B.设计开始至竣工保修C.决策评估开始至竣工保修D.施工开始至竣工保修 可摘局部义齿主要起固位作用的是A.卡环臂B.卡环体C.支托D.连接体E.基托 慢性胰腺炎患者脂肪摄入A.全程严格限制脂肪量B.限制脂肪量,病情好转,可增至40~50gC.限制脂肪量,病情好转,可增至50~100gD.限制脂肪,特别是中链甘油三酯量E.限制脂肪,增加蛋白质摄入 将舱内货物由底舱移到二层舱,则。A.船舶重心降低B.船舶重心不变C.船舶重心升高D.船舶重心变化趋势不定 中国确立社会主义基本制度有着怎样的重大意义呢? 在结节性甲状腺肿的手术适应证中,下列哪项是错误的。A.有压迫症状B.伴有甲亢C.疑有癌变D.病史较长者E.胸骨后甲状腺肿 在接受报价与签约阶段,下面的哪个描述是不正确的?A、对低价值和低风险的项目,供应商可能会口头同意接受报价,此种情况下就不必通过书面的形式证实。B、送达供应商的采购订单与所接受的直接反映需求的报价应该相适应;C、采购订单或合同的签字应与公司财务方面的授权范围相符; 同文件的形式,必须保证供应商有合法的权限签署协议并使用供应商依法登记的名字。 调查是权属调查的核心。A.街道B.界点C.街坊D.界址 1982年,美国上市交易价值线指数期货,标志着股指期货的诞生。A.堪萨斯期货交易所(KCBT)B.芝加哥商业交易所(CME)C.芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)D.纽约期货交易所(NYBOT) 《公路水路交通“十一五”发展规划》的政策措施有。A.深化交通改革B.稳定现有投融资政策C.拓展资金来源D.规范交通运输市场E.加强收费公路管理 商业银行应妥善保管与客户签订的个人理财业务相关合同和各类授权文件,并至少()重新确认一次。A.每季度B.每半年C.每年D.2年 正常人平均自然步频正确的是A.50~80步/分钟B.80~100步/分钟C.95~125步/分钟D.100~130步/分钟E.125~135步/分钟 下列哪种疾病引起的发热多不伴寒战A.疟疾B.大叶性肺炎C.伤寒D.流行性感冒E.急性肾盂肾炎 婴儿早教加盟



[填空题]双组分涂料混合后固化作用开始,必须在()内用完,超出()的产品不能继续使用。 [单选]目前流行病学的定义可以概括为()A.研究传染病在人群中的分布及其影响因素的学科B.研究疾病和健康状况在人群中的分布的学科C.现代医学中的一门方法学D.研究慢性非传染性疾病在人群中的分布和影响分布的因素以及防制对策的学科E.研究疾病与健康状况在人群中的分布和影响分布 [单选]不孕症中,女方因素占()A.40%B.50%C.60%D.70%E.80% [单选]再造想象和创造想象在性质上存在的差异主要表现在()上。A.表象储备B.实践要求C.知识经验D.新颖程度 [单选]能将一个不可调节的电网配电电压转变为任意可在一定范围内平滑无级调节的负载电压的装置为()。A.电力变压器B.特种变压器C.调压器D.互感器 [单选]建设单位申请领取施工许可证必须有已经落实的建设资金。建设工期不足一年的,到位资金原则上不得少于工程合同价的()。A.20%B.30%C.40%D.50% [单选]常见的癫痫持续状态系指()A.一侧肢体抽搐不止B.长期用药仍不时发作C.抽搐频繁发作,发作间期意识不清D.精神运动性发作持续数日E.连续小发作 [单选]下列关于胰岛素的叙述,错误的是()A.NPH或长效胰岛素也可以用于静脉滴注B.目前可以使用的胰岛素制品需要冷藏C.NPH的作用时间16~24小时D.皮下注射的常规胰岛素其作用高峰在注射后2~3小时E.胰岛素的血浆半衰期是7~10分钟 [单选]准时制生产的目标是()。A.节约装配时间、减少装配中可能出现的问题B.通过产品的合理设计使产品易生产C.彻底消除无效劳动造成的损失D.有效地利用各种生产资源 [单选]葡萄胎最易误诊为下列哪种疾病?()A.妊娠剧吐B.月经紊乱C.先兆流产D.多胎妊娠E.羊水过多 [单选]最易并发咯血的疾病是()A.支气管扩张B.支气管内异物C.良性支气管瘤D.慢性支气管炎E.支气管哮喘 [单选]患者,女性,56岁,半月前出现左肩外侧疼痛,疼痛时与活动有明显关系,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,不能外展及前屈,后伸,牵涉到上臂中段,体检时,可见三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.肩关节 [单选,A1型题]一般饮片在煎煮前应先用冷水浸泡约()A.5minB.10minC.30minD.60minE.90min [单选,B1型题]珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血()A.红细胞渗透脆性试验B.酸溶血试验C.抗人球蛋白试验D.高铁血红蛋白还原试验E.血红蛋白电泳分析 [单选]附加条款与基本条款的效力比较是()。A.前者大于后者B.前者小于后者C.相等D.视具体情况而定 [单选]()型车的结构形式为底架侧壁共同承载结构。A.C61、C62、C63、C64、C64、C16、K13B.P64、G70C.N17、X6A、X6B、X2H、X2KD.C16、K13、X2K [填空题]主断路器连接于受电弓及主变压器原边绕组之间,安装在机车车顶中部,它是交流电力机车电源的()和机车的总保护。 [单选]一般而言,头皮裂伤清创缝合的时限允许放宽至()A.18小时B.24小时C.12小时D.8小时E.6小时 [判断题]机械密封是依靠固定于轴上的转环和固定在泵壳上的静环两者平滑端面之间的紧密接触来达到密封。A.正确B.错误 [单选]铁路平面无线调车A型号调车长台,调车长按下绿键松开再按下红键,信令显示绿、红灯交替后绿灯长亮,其显示意义是()A.连结B.溜放C.三车D.解锁紧急停车 [单选]《女职工劳动保护特别规定》经2012年4月18日国务院第200次常务会议通过,自()中华人民共和国国务院第619号令公布之日起施行。A、4月28日B、5月1日C、5月28日D、4月30日 [名词解释]原始群 [名词解释]审美注意 [单选]婴儿期保健预防传染病的最有效措施是()A.增加户外活动时间B.提倡母乳喂养C.补充各种微量元素、预防贫血D.及时添加辅食E.预防接种 [单选,A型题]治疗肺胃出血首选()A.仙鹤草B.大蓟C.白及D.侧柏叶E.小蓟 [单选]应当在海上打桩活动开始之日的()天前向所涉及海区的主管机关递交发布海上航行警告、航行通告的书面申请。A.3B.7C.15D.30 [单选]利用航线前方导标方位导航,如实测方位小于导航方位,表明船舶()偏离计划航线,应()调整航向。A.向左;向左B.向左;向右C.向右;向右D.向右;向左 [填空题]浆果类果树有:()、()、()、()等 [单选]Q-开关激光治疗后发性白内障,主要是利用了激光的()A.光化学效应B.光热效应C.弱刺激效应D.光致聚合效应E.光致压强电离作用 [单选,B型题]根据范围划分,冲突可以分为()A.目标冲突、认知冲突、感情冲突、程序冲突B.建设性冲突、破坏性冲突C.个人冲突、人际冲突、群体冲突D.人际冲突、群体冲突、组织间冲突E.积极性冲突、消极性冲突 [单选]锚的抓力大小决定于:()。A.锚型、锚重、锚杆的仰角、抛锚方法B.底质、水底地形、出链长度、水深C.船舶的排水量和风、流、浪等外力的大小D.A和B正确 [单选]在软土地基上建斜坡结构防波堤,堤心抛石有挤淤要求、抛石顺序应()。A.沿堤横断面从一端向另一端抛B.沿堤纵断面从一段的一端向另一端抛C.沿堤的横断面从中间向两侧抛D.沿堤断面全面平抛 [填空题]水准仪的操作步骤为粗平、()、精平、读数。 [单选]拆除面积大于1000m2的桥梁拆除工程,应编制()。A.安全施工组织设计B.安全施工方案C.安全专项施工方案D.安全专项施工技术措施 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]女性,45岁。新诊断糖尿病,用胰岛素治疗后第5天,血糖从原来甚高很快降至接近正常水平,但突然发生视力模糊,应首先考虑可能是由于().A.已有白内障B.视网膜微血管病变C.合并青光眼D.晶体渗透压改变E.玻璃体出血 [单选]脊髓灰质炎糖丸疫苗的正确服用方法为()A.热开水送服B.凉开水送服C.牛奶服用D.母乳送服E.冷饮送服 [单选]下列哪种农药属于除草剂()A、草甘膦B、功夫C、硫磺D、克百威 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鼻中隔小穿孔直径应小于()。A.1mmB.2mmC.5mmD.1cmE.2cm [单选]关节穿刺的禁忌证不包括()。A.被穿刺关节周围有疖肿B.被穿刺关节周围有皮肤破溃或银屑病等皮损C.免疫力低下、严重体弱的患者D.儿童或老年人E.有出血性疾病(如血友病)或有严重出血倾向性的疾病 [单选]某居民企业被认定为小型微利企业,2012年度实现利润总额为18万元;当年发生营业外支出10万元,分别为向税务机关支付的税收滞纳金4万元,向工商行政管理部门支付的罚款6万元。假设除此之外无其他纳税调整事项,则该企业2012年度应缴纳企业所得税()万元。A.3.6B.4.6C.5.6D.

大学英语(全新版)第二册 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles

大学英语(全新版)第二册 Unit 5  Overcoming Obstacles
• What individual characteristics should Michael’s success be attributed to?
He is diligent, perseverant, optimistic, ambitious, etc.
此页为内页背景,在母版编辑视图下,双击白色区域选择填充图片,填入背景图(1024*768) LOGO
此页为内页背景,在母版编辑视图下,双击白色区域选择填充图片,填入背景图(1024*768) LOGO
5.Constant dripping wears away the stone. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。
6.Much outcry, little outcome. 乱糟糟,没成效/嘈杂多,没成果。
此页为内页背景,在母版编辑视图下,双击白色区域选择填充图he sun was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics.
• - The competition at the National Junior Olympics that he took part in is very fierce, and the sun of that day was very hot.
than you expect. 2. Break your task into smaller tasks. Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks.
For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one. 3. Work with the time you have. Don't wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have five minutes, get started.


红选]厨房每小时换气次数为多少次使厨房保持良好的通风环境()A、30~50次B、50~80次C、60次D、40~60次 [问答题,简答题]生物进化论研究的对象是什么? [单选]未经特殊处理的普通PS版的耐印力一般为()。A.5千印B.1万印C.10万印D.50万印 [单选]下列不属于分拆上市功能效应分析的是()。A.使子公司获得自主的融资渠道B.有效激励子公司管理层的工作积极性C.解决投资不足的问题D.股票增值 [单选]跳汰机除去小修外的中修内容包括()。A.检查各槽体、有无漏水、漏矿。B.拆检中间轴C.电机表面清理D.更换中间轴 [单选]()是对储粮安全和储粮品质危害最大的微生物。A、放线菌B、细菌C、霉菌D、酵母菌 [单选]相同厚度的同一材料分别承受硬射线和软照射,哪种情况下对射线的吸收较少?()A、承受硬射线照射B、承受软射线照射C、两种情况下都一样D、以上都不对 [多选]下列社会学家属于唯名论者的是()A.霍布斯(某哲学家)B.涂尔干C.帕森斯D.韦伯 [单选]门静脉高压症病人出现腹水最主要原因是()A.抗利尿激素增多B.肝淋巴液外漏C.肝功能减退引起低蛋白血症D.醛固酮体内增多E.门静脉系毛细血管床的静水压增加 [单选]投资体制改革充分体现了科学发展观的要求,项目核准咨询也完全不同于传统的项目评估,这体现于()。A.由项目的外部条件评价转变到项目内部影响评价B.由项目的微观层次分析上升到国家的宏观层次C.由项目的宏观层次分析上升到地区的微观层次D.由工程项目分析为主变为以经济、社 [单选]()是世界各国现代银行中最基本、最典型的银行组织形式。A.中央银行B.商业银行C.政策性银行D.非银行金融机构 [判断题]出纳柜员发生短款,应先以“暂付款”列帐待查,不准空库。A.正确B.错误 [单选]煤的挥发分是指煤在与空气隔绝的容器中,高温加热一定时间后,从中分解出来的()产物。A、液体B、气体C、液体+气体D、液体+气体-水分 [单选]数字微波通信中波道切换一般不在()上进行.A.射频B.中频C.基带 [单选,A1型题]28岁初产妇,妊娠39周胎儿经阴道娩出后,立即出现多量阴道流血,色鲜红,持续不断。最可能的病因诊断应为()A.子宫收缩乏力B.软产道裂伤C.凝血功能障碍D.植入胎盘部分剥离E.以上都不是 [单选]计算机病毒是(1)。特洛伊木马一般分为服务器端和客户端,如果攻击主机为A,目标主机为B,则(2)。空白(2)处应选择()A为服务器端,B为客户端B.A为客户端,B为服务器端C.A既为服务器端又为客户端D.B既为服务器端又为客户端 [填空题]滚动轴承实现预紧的方法有两种,即()预紧和()预紧。 [问答题,简答题]广告媒体的种类? [单选]企业实现财务目标的稳健保证是()。A.偿债能力B.盈利能力C.营运能力D.管理能力 [填空题]苗圃中大苗的培育常需经过()和()过程。 [单选]下列不属于注册消防工程师职业道德原则特点的是()。A.稳定性B.普遍性C.本质性D.基准性 [单选]对多发性骨髓瘤诊断具有决定性意义的检查是()A.骨髓穿刺涂片形态学检查B.外周血涂片检查C.血沉测定D.血清钙、磷和碱性磷酸酶测定E.血清免疫电泳 [单选]诊断颅骨骨折最可靠的依据是()A.头部外伤史B.临床表现C.头颅X线片D.头颅超声波检查E.脑电图检查 [单选]燕麦细胞癌属于()A.小细胞未分化癌B.肺腺癌C.Pancoast肿瘤D.乳腺癌E.鳞癌 [单选]()未经县级以上建设行政主管部门审查批准,不得使用。A.施工安全技术措施B.施工组织设计C.勘察文件D.施工图设计文件 [多选]甲与乙签订了一份买卖合同,甲为卖方,乙为买方。合同约定,由甲负责运输,运输方式为火车运输,后双方在合同的履行地点上发生争议。就本题的合同履行地点,表述不正确的有:()A.甲方所在地的火车站B.乙方所在地的火车站C.乙方的营业所在地D.乙方的仓库所在地 [单选,A3型题]某网吧内,上百台电脑前几乎坐满了人,近半数年轻人嘴里叼着香烟,空气中弥漫着呛人的烟草味。室内还连续不断的传来聊天声和游戏者的喊叫声。乳白色的键盘早已是油迹斑斑,常用的字母键呈现出清晰的手指形状的黑印,这些黑印正是长时间未擦拭留下的。透过键盘按键的 [问答题,案例分析题]B企业拟在A市郊区原A市卷烟厂厂址处(现该厂已经关闭)新建屠宰量为120万头猪/年的项目(仅屠宰,无肉类加工),该厂址紧临长江干流,A市现有正在营运的日处理规模为3万t的城市污水处理厂,距离B企业1.5km。污水处理厂尾水最终排入长江干流(长江干流在A市段 [单选]关于外阴硬化性苔藓的描述错误的是()A.是一种以外阴及肛周皮肤萎缩变薄为主的皮肤病B.可发生包括幼女在内的任何年龄妇女C.主要症状为病损区皮肤发痒D.最后诊断的唯一方法是病理检查E.常采用外科疗法治疗 [单选]燥热病邪致病有别于其它温邪的基本特点是:().A.多发生在秋季B.从口鼻上受C.以肺经为病变中心D.病起即见鼻唇咽等明显津液干燥征象 [单选]已知企业年末"应付账款"贷方余额为5000元,"预付账款"贷方余额为2000元,那么,在年末资产负债表中"应付账款"项目应填列的金额是()元。A.-3000B.7000C.3000D.5000 [单选]葡萄糖注射液的旋光度测定中,将测得的旋光度与2.0852相乘,即得供试品中含1分子水的葡萄糖的重量。说明2.0852的由来()A.100/[α]tD×(无水葡萄糖分子量/含水葡萄糖分子量)B.100/([α]tD·L)×(无水葡萄糖分子量/含水葡萄糖分子量)C.([&a [问答题,简答题]简述伤口压迫止血法适应证。 [单选]某厂精氩含氮量25ppm,就是指含氮量为()A、0.025B、0.0025C、0.00025D、0.000025 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]为了鉴别小原粒性白血病与急淋,下列首选试验是().A.PAS染色B.POX染色C.ALP积分测定D.ASD-NCE染色E.以上都正确 [单选]骨盆外测量骶耻外径(EC)的后标志点是().A.第五腰椎棘突上B.米氏菱形窝的上角C.腰骶部菱形窝的中央D.髂后上棘连线中点下2~2.5cmE.髂嵴后连线中点上1.5cm [单选]下列法的形式中,由全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会经一定立法程序制定颁布的规范性文件是()。A、宪法B、行政法规C、法律D、行政规章 [问答题,案例分析题]【病例摘要】王某,女,21岁,学生。于2010年11月15日就诊。患者于3年前出现颜面及双下肢水肿,时轻时重,2周前感冒发热后不久,出现眼面部水肿,到当地医院就诊示大量蛋白尿,低蛋白血症,血脂升高,诊断为"肾病综合征",当地给予"强的松60mg [单选]下述胰腺CT检查中,为了清楚显示胰头结构可采用的方法是()A.俯卧位扫描B.冠状面扫描C.右侧卧位扫描D.螺旋扫描E.重叠扫描 [多选]专利权的客体包括()。A.技术秘密B.计算机软件C.发明D.实用新型E.外观设计


[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《本草纲目》为后人留下了较完备的医药知识,人们在秉承这些医药知识的同时,其作者在行医时常为病人送药、煎药、喂药的高尚医德更为后人所称道,此人为()A.孙思邈B.张仲景C.李时珍D.龚延贤E.喻昌 [单选]下颌关节间隙正常值为()A.1.5mmB.1.8mmC.2.0mmD.2.5mmE.3.0mm [单选]关于降钙素对骨骼的叙述是正确的A.灭活骨细胞膜的腺苷酸环化酶B.促进由骨骼游离钙离子C.促进由骨骼游离磷离子D.阻滞由骨骼游离钙离子E.阻滞由骨骼游离镁离子 [单选]钠泵的最重要的意义是()A.维持细胞内高钾B.防止细胞肿胀C.建立势能储备D.消耗多余的ATPE.维持细胞外高钙 [单选]对于大型人员密集场所或特殊工程外的一般建设工程,其消防验收方式为()。A.施工单位应当向公安机关消防机构申请消防验收B.建设单位应当先行备案后进行消防验收C.可以不经消防验收,由公安机关消防机构进行抽查D.在验收后应当报公安机关消防机构备案 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]联苯胺引起的肿瘤为我国法定职业性肿瘤的是()。A.肺癌B.皮肤癌C.肝血管瘤D.膀胱癌E.白血病 [单选]下列除哪项外是痹证日久,容易出现的病理变化()A.头晕耳鸣B.皮肤瘀斑C.关节周围结节、关节肿大、屈伸不利D.气血亏虚症候E.胸痹心痛 [单选]零点餐厅每50个餐位配备()头炒炉。A、1B、2C、3D、4 [单选]期货价格具有对()进行预期的功能。A.现货供求关系B.未来现货价格变动C.现货定价D.现货价格变化 [判断题]CO2(g)的标准摩尔生成焓等于石墨的标准摩尔燃烧热。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]纯毛料的缩水率是()%。全棉布缩水率是()%。 [单选]船政造船中的第三个阶段“钢船时期”是从1887到()年。A、1897B、1905C、1907D、1915 [单选]计算理论

大学英语Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles

大学英语Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles

The Olympic motto
Swifter, Higher, Stronger!
The Olympic Games are organized and governed by the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland.
After the 1000 · meter race ~ was running off the athletes.
During the interview he got tense, sweat dripping from his forehead.
Climbing all these stairs is a real sweat (艰巨的任务).
st 1
1. Which first sentence changes from past tense to past perfect tense?
2. Which sentence shows the flashback is over & the narration returns to the National Olympics?
Language Study
Learn and practice: 22 key words & 8 phrases & 2 grammatical structures.
1.true height: viewed as the new bar heights Michael cleared one after another;



1.Tom does his homework every day. (否定句)
his homework every day.
2.He is good at English.(同义句)
3.The children went to the shop.(一般问句)
the children to the shop? 4.She is going to be a doctor.(划线提问)
Ask and answer:
-----What do you /they/we do ?
I am a …
We/ They are…
-----What do you want to be in the future?
Lesson 36 37 38
1. The rich _a_re_ not always happy. 2. No matter what… 无论什么 3. Why … Because… 4. the people who are sick
6. predict that …预言,预测 n. prediction
7. give advice to … take one’s advice 8. reply-replies-replied
reply to the question reply that + 从句 9. nobody 不定代词 三单 nobody else 10. too many, too much, much too
Lesson 39
1. 比…高得多 much taller 比… 重要得多 much more important


14 Josh had encountered this doubtful treatment before but was not intimidated. 15 “I'm sure she will,” said Josh. “Could you please show me to her table?” 16 “Come this way, sir.” The head waiter led Josh through the restaurant to a table at the back, and pointed. 17 “Thank you. Could you get me a Martini, please?” said Josh. But the head waiter was impatient to go back into the heady swirl of New York society, everyone clamoring, or so it appeared to him, for his attention.
23 “Yes, Senator, please come this way,” and as Senator Rogers passed through the crowded room, heads turned as the diners recognized her and greeted her with silent applause. In a classless society, Rogers was the closest thing to aristocracy that America had. Alberto hovered for a moment, then went to speak to a colleague.

《新理念高职英语实用教程1》(赵元)电子课件 新理念高职英语实用教程(1) 第五单元

《新理念高职英语实用教程1》(赵元)电子课件 新理念高职英语实用教程(1) 第五单元

The feeling of fighting with my teammates is exciting.
I choose to play, instead of being pushed to.
Unit 5
Game Isn’t Nothing
Discuss the following questions with your partners.
1 How long do you spend on games a day?
2 Did games make any impact on your normal life? What is it?
3 After knowing games’attraction mechanism, what can you learn from it?
physical strength _体__力__;__身__体__素__质_
mental capability _脑__力__;__心__里__能__力_
staying power
emotion quotient (EQ) ____情__商_____
Unit 5
Beyond the game Through the portal into cyberspace We have come to decide our fate
We’re _h__e_r_e__ to celebrate
Beyond the game Beyond the game
At last the moment’s at hand All we need is to believe we can

【新教材】选择性必修第一册Unit5 Discover Useful Structures 课件

【新教材】选择性必修第一册Unit5  Discover Useful Structures 课件
support agricultural research; • is still full of vision.
More information about Yuan Longping
• What Yuan Longping really cared about was not money or celebrity.
Activity 1
Read the text again and find similar complex sentences from the text.
Para 3: However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.
Activity 1
Read the text again and find similar complex sentences from the text.
Para 2: However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.
Match the sentence parts, and then translate the completed sentences into Chinese.
2. C; 如何能够找到一个合适的解决办法, 在保证环境安全的同时,生产足够的粮食, 是一个需要我们研究的重要课题。
Activity 2


A: _______________________. B: T_h_a_t_s_o__u_n_d_s_f_u_n_____.
6 Teaching procedures
Step6: While-listening. Step7:Post-listening. Step8:Listen & repeat
have learnt some words about sports.
Try to imitate, work in pairs, and work in groups
Teaching aims
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
He thinks it’s relaxing.
6 Teaching procedures
Step1:Lead-in Step2:Pre-reading Step3:While-reading Step4:Post-reading
Memory challenge
Who do you think says these sentences?
Teaching methods
Task-based learning
Situation teaching method
Cooperation learning method
6 Teaching procedures
Free talk What do you like?
Paul _____ a volleyball, but he thinks it’s ______ for him.

Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Teaching plan全新版大学英语二

Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Teaching plan全新版大学英语二

Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesI. Teaching Plan (5 periods)1. ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1) Grasp the main idea (dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success) and the structure of the text (narration with a flashback);2) Appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of puns);3) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4) Conduct a series of reading, listening and writing activities related to the theme of theunit.1) T asks Ss the following questions on the song Coming out of Dark: (5minutes)----Consider the title of the song, what does “Dark” refer to? (near death; loss of consciousness after the car accident; slow and painful recovery; despair)-----How is the song related to the theme of the unit? (To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.)-----What happened to the singer?- ----what helped her pull through all the hardship she suffered?2) T dictates the following proverbs to Ss: (15 minutes)1) Where there is a will, there is a way. ( 有志者事竟成)2) Rome wasn’t built in a day. ( 伟业非一日之功)3) God helps those who help themselves. ( 自助者天助之)4) Constant dripping wears away the stone. ( 锲而不舍,金石可镂)3) T shows Ss some pictures of Helen Kelle r and tells them something about her. (15 minutes)(Helen Keller was born in eighteen eighty in a small town in Alabama, in the American South. She developed an infection at the age of nineteen months. She lost herability to see and hear. When Helen was seven years old, her parents hired a special teacher. The teacher was Anne Sullivan. She herself had once been almost completely blind, but regained her sight. Anne Sullivan began teaching Helen the names of things. Miss Sullivan formed letters with her finger in Helen's hand to spell out words. Helen learned more and more words. She learned how to use her hands to speak for her. In addition to sign language, Helen also learned to use her voice. Later, she learned to read Latin, Greek, French and German. She read with her fingers using the Braille system of raised dots. She also learned to use a typewriter. Anne Sullivan stayed with Helen Keller for many years. She helped her get ready for school and college. Helen Keller was sixteen years old when she started at Radcliffe College in Massachusetts. She completed her studies with honors in nineteen oh four. Helen Keller worked for many years for the American Foundation for the Blind. She met with presidents and traveled to many countries. She wrote books and articles. She showed other disabled people that they, too, could succeed.Helen Keller died in nineteen sixty-eight. Her life story has been told in books, plays and movies. "Life," she said, "is either a daring adventure or it is nothing."4) Ss scan Text A to find a similar saying by Michael’s father, which i s in italics. (If youwant something, work for it!/ you want something, work for it!)4. While-reading tasks1) Text organization (20 minutes)i. Listen to the tape, then T guides Ss through the directions for Text Organization Exercise 1, so that they know the text consists of four parts.ii. Ss scan the first sentence of Paras1—6, and get ready to answer the following questions:-----Which first sentence switches from past tense to past perfect tense? ( the first sentence of Para 3 )(T may as well as tell Ss this: a story is usually narrated in the simple past tense. When a past event is recalled, the past perfect tense will be used as a signal. Afterwards the flashback is also narrated in the simple past tense.)----- Which first sentence shows that the flashback is over and the narration returns to the National Junior Olympics (the first sentence of paras6)------By now, do you know how to divide the text into four parts? Write down your answers in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1)2) T explains language points and gives Ss practice ( see language study).when they comes to the end of a part, Ss will sum up its main idea in the blanks provided in Text Organization Exercise 1) (60 minutes)3) Ss answer these questions (see Text Analysis): (8minutes)-----Without the last sentence, would you still admire Michael Stone’s achievement?-----Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?------Why does the author keep the secret a bout Michael’ blindness until the last sentence?4) Finding out details (20 minutes)i. T introduces the activity by saying: A child usually inherits characteristics from both his/her mother and father. So does Michael Stone. Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist. Work with a partner, find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son.ii. Some pairs report to the class their findings.iii. T asks Ss this question: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to Michael’s success? Why?5. Exercises1 Word s with Multiple MeaningsThe verb “work”1. do an activity which needs physical or mental effort2. engage in physical exercise or training3. have the desired effect4. be calculated at5. (cause to) more gradually or with difficulty into another position6. (cause to) operate2 “it is...that…” ( 强调句型)Model: What brought him back to earth?It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought him back to earth.1)What made it possible for a blind boy to set a world record in pole vault?__________________________________________________2) When did you begin to learn English?_________________________________________________3) Who has ever exerted the greatest influence on you?______________________________________________________3 what-clauseModel: What he did not know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying.1) Obviously _________ (这位发言人想要强调的是) the impact of these findings rather than the process that led to these findings.2) It seems that he is never bothered about __________________( 别人是土和看待他的行为的)6. Writing strategyHow to write a personal description (2)In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual: Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts. What will be dealtwith today are:Writer’s ToneTo bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his /her tone----whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject------plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we’ve just studied the authors’ voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly. Opening/Closing DeviceTo arouse the reader’s interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully. As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying.Home WorkTry to describe one of your friends or your teachers1 His/Her physical condition;2 His/Her character traits.II. Text analysisThose who have read this story will probably agree that its most striking feature is the closing line. As we read on, our admiration for Michael is building up until we believe that, when Michael broke both national and international records, we have reached the climax. However, the real climax is in the last sentence. When we find that out, what a great impact it has on us.The text plays on words on more than one occasion. The text title, True Height, itself has more than one meaning. We may understand it as the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another, or we may view it as the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal. As mentioned in the Suggested Teaching plan, the word “hot” in the first paragraph also plays on two different meanings, one literal, the other figurative.III. Cultural notes1. Olympics: the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia every four years from 776 B.C. to 392 A.D. the modern Game s were first held in 1896 in Greece and, with the exception of three games not held because of the two world wars, have been held in various cities of the world art regular 4 year intervals. Since 1924, a separate program of winter sports has been added to the Game. In 2008 Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.The Olympic symbol------five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field----- represents the continents of the world joined in friendship.The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius. These words mean “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.IV. Language Study1. sweat: vi/n. drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid. etc. 出汗/汗水E.g. She swept the sweat from her face.2. grace: n. quality of being smooth and elegant, esp.in movement or structure. 优美,优雅E.g. The trained dancer has an extraordinary grace of movement.3. mere: a. nothing more than 仅仅,只不过E.g. It’s a mere 300 m eters from my house to the college.4. fantasy: n. imagination, esp. when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想E.g. I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National lottery.5. numerous: a. very many 许多,无数的E.g. He has been late on numerous occasions.6. passion: n.strong feeling, esp. of live 热情E.g. He is a man of violent passion.He argued his case with considerable passion.7. details: n. 1) small, particular fact or item 细节,琐碎的事E.g. No details of the negotiation between the two countries have been revealed.I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day..2) sth. Which is unimportant and doesn’t affect the main issueE.g. The salary is a detail; the main thing is to find a job.\In detail: fully or thoroughlyE.g. She told them in detail what they were going to day at the meeting.8. recur: vi. come or happen again 再来,再发生E.g. This theme recurs several times through the book.9. coincide: vi.1) happen at the dame time ( followed by with) 同时发生,一致E.g. His arrival coincides with our departure.2) be in agreement (with)E.g. Her story coincided exa ctly with her brother’s.10. core: n. the most important part 核心E.g. The core of the problem is their objection to the policy.11. alternate: a.every other or second; happening by turns 交替的,轮流的E.g. It has been a week of alternate rain and sunshine.12. relax: v.make or become less tense, worried or nervous 放松E.g. When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.I will relax when I know you are safe.13. vain: a.too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的E.g. Too much praise can make a person vain.She is too vain to wear glasses.14. emotion: n.a strong feeling of any kind 情感,感情E.g. He lost control of his emotion.They expressed mixed emotions at the news.15. preparation: n. the act or process of preparing 准备E.g. Preparation for the party started early.Careful preparation for the exam is essential..16. startle: vt. give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊E.g. I didn’t mean to startle you.The explosion startled the horse.17. intensity: n. the state of being intense 强烈,紧张E.g. The storm resumed with even greater intensity.In order to finish the job, we have to work with greater intensity.18. anxiety: n.a feeling of worry or fear 忧虑,担心E.g. Some patients experience high level of anxiety.You’d better share your anxieties with doctor.19. tension: n.. worry or nervousness 紧张,不安E.g. We laughed and that helps ease the tension.20. tense: feeling worried or nervous; making people worried or nervous 紧张的。


背书人是指什么? 腹外疝发病原因中最重要的是A.腹壁强度降低B.慢性便秘C.慢性咳嗽D.排尿困难E.腹水 《》共六卷,主要记述了周穆王巡游四海,见西王母的故事。 为什么说新民主主义社会是一个过渡性的社会? 以下不能作为诊断肺心病的主要依据的是A.肺动脉段突出B.右下肺动脉干扩张,横内径≥15mmC.肺性P波D.右束支传导阻滞E.V1R/S>1 EPFC单板升级到P4T5不需要升级CPLD的版本为?A.V1.0KU2T4B.V1.0KU3T5C.V1.0ID.V1.0KU3T4 由政府或国家级的机构制定或批准的标准称为国家标准,以下由冠名的标准不属于国家标准。A.GBBSC.ANSID.IEEE 2008年奥运会志愿者标志是。A.京字B.心心相扣的心形C.和平的鸽子D.橄榄树 国家对部分重点中药材购销实行管理,下列属于第二类的为A.麝香B.杜仲C.牛黄D.甘草E.厚朴 哪些职位属于国家规定的公务员录用范围A.副镇长B.副主任科员C.处级调研员D.副处长 要提高钢工件表层的,可将钢进行化学热处理。A.拉伸强度B.耐磨性C.抗压强度D.抗弯强度 矿业工程注册建造师施工管理签章文件目录共包括7类51种,下列不属于注册建造师执业签章文件的是。A.井筒施工图设计B.井筒施工组织设计C.爆破安全技术措施D.采矿方法布置图E.矿井施工图预算 长期应用呋塞米(速尿)可导致A.低氯性碱中毒B.低氯性酸中毒C.呼吸性酸中毒D.代谢性酸中毒E.呼吸性碱中毒 现阶段农发行实行的财务管理体制是。A、统一管理B、分类授权C、统负盈亏D、分级考核 家庭把其成员培养成合格的社会成员,学会与人沟通、遵守社会行为规范,胜任社会角色,这种家庭的功能属于.A.经济功能B.满足情感需要功能C.抚养和赡养功能D.社会化功能E.生殖和性需要的调节功能 Roger病的缺损直径为A.小于5mmB.大于5mmC.小于10mmD.大于10mmE.小于15mm 有根尖瘘管的患牙,根充后桩冠修复开始的时间一般为。A.3天后B.1周后C.2周后D.瘘管闭合后E.无自觉症状后 当地基开挖需要处理时,承包商应该按照设计院出具的设计变更单进行地基处理。承包商按照设计变更单。A.只能进行费用索赔B.只能进行工期索赔C.可以进行费用和工期索赔D.不能进行任何索赔 《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》是什么时间公布执行的A.2010年1月7日B.2012年1月7日C.2012年6月26日D.2012年8月27日E.2012年10月20日 当一国降低利率或本国利率低于外国利率时,外汇贬值,本币升值。A.正确B.错误 图2-25所示为某城市一所中学的设计方案。请指出学校选址及总平面设计中存在的主要问题。 以下哪项不是气管切开术的适应证A.隆突附近的狭窄B.长时间机械通气治疗C.长期昏迷患者D.高位颈椎损伤E.脑卒中后反复误吸 刘某是一起爆炸案的犯罪嫌疑人,公安机关将案件移送人民检察院审查起诉,人民检察院为了审查案件,将刘某拘传至人民检察院接受了2日的讯问。刘某对此提出了申诉,认为人民检察院违法。对此,他提出的申诉理由哪一项是有根据的?A.未经传唤,直接拘传B.应由公安机关决定C.应由公安机 特种设备作业人员从业持证有何规定? 检测钩体病病原体应采取发病1周内的标本是A.局部分泌液B.小便C.脑脊液D.血液E.粪便 间停呼吸(Biots)见于A.颅内压增高B.支气管哮喘C.胸部严重外伤D.抑郁症E.胸膜炎 患者,女,71岁,反复咳嗽、咳痰30年,10天前受凉后畏寒、发热、咳脓痰、气急。体检:体温37.6℃,呼吸急促,双肺呼吸音减弱,有较多湿啰音,下肢轻度水肿。最主要的治疗措施是A.控制肺部感染B.给予解痉平喘药C.给予止咳祛痰药D.低浓度持续吸氧E.应用利尿剂消肿 甲、乙订立买卖合同,约定甲于2011年3月1日向乙供货,乙在收到货物后1个月内一次性付清全部价款。甲依约供货后,乙未付款,若甲一直未向乙主张权利,则甲对乙的付款请求权诉讼时效期间届满日为。A.2012年4月1日B.2013年3月1日C.2012年3月1日D.2013年4月1日 胆脂瘤的特点不包括A.信号较均匀,边界较清楚B.常呈"塑形"生长C.易破裂引起化学性脑膜炎DWI显示病变呈高信号E.注射对比剂后病变通常无增强 利多卡因主要通过肝脏的哪两种酶进行代谢()A.微粒体混合功能氧化酶和酰胺酶B.胆碱酯酶和酰胺酶C.胆碱酯酶和微粒体混合功能氧化酶D.磷酸酯酶和酰胺酶E.磷酸酯酶和微粒体混合功能氧化酶 在纵隔九分区法中,作为中后纵隔分界的是A.气管后壁B.心后壁C.食管前壁D.食管后壁E.降主动脉前壁 砌筑砂浆主要的材料是A、水泥B、砂子C、石灰膏D、水 女,50岁,下蹲或腹部用力时,出现不由自主的流尿,其诊断初步考虑是A.充盈性尿失禁B.急迫性尿失禁C.反射性尿失禁D.真性尿失禁E.压力性尿失禁 关于小儿正常心率的波动范围,下列哪项是错误的A.新生儿平均120~140次/minB.1岁以内为110~130次/minC.2~3岁为100~120次/minD.4~7岁为80~100次/minE.8~14岁为60~80次/min 急性间质性肾炎肾脏病理免疫荧光表现为A.IgA沉积B.IgE沉积C.IgM沉积D.偶见IgG沉积E.以上均不是
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Rome wasn‟t built in a day.
3. Work with the time you have. Don't wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have five minutes, get started.
6. Ask for help.
Sometimes, the reason you don't start is because you don't know what to do. If that's the case, ask for help.
1. Genre:
Text A True Height
• Q: • Why do numerous people like watching pole-vaulting?
• Detailed understanding: • 1. It combines the grace of a gymnast [‘dʒɪmnæst] with the strength of a body builder. • Tr. • 它融合了体操运动员的优雅与健美运动员 的力量。
• Useful expressions: 1. Coincide [.kəuin‟said] vi. (1)Her arrival coincided with our departure. ((of events) occur at the same time, 指事情同时发生) 她来到时我们正好离开. (2)Her taste in music coincides with her husband„s. (be identical or very similar to sth. else ) 她在音乐方面的爱好与她丈夫一致. Where he flew would always coincide with his mother‟s stories. Tr. 他飞跃的都是母亲故事里描述的地方。
You shall reap what you sow.
5. Eliminate [I’limineit] distractions.
Turn off your computer. Concentrate on your work.
God helps those Who help themselves.
• 2. Her excitement and passion for details made Michael‟s dreams full of color and beauty. • Tr.
• 她对细节的激情和酷爱使得迈克尔的梦境 色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。
• 3. It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle. • Tr. • 就在他深深吸上一口气的瞬间,他开始从 地面一跃而起,就像一头雄鹰那样开始翱 翔。
•What is a flashback?来自before1
A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronical order (时间顺序)of a narrative.
• • • • • •
New words: Sweat: 1. n. 擦去额头上的汗水 wipe the sweat from one's forehead Climbing all these stairs is a real sweat. ( task, etc needing much effort 艰巨的任务等) • 登上所有这些楼梯可真费力气. • 2. v. • The long climb made us sweat. • 我们攀登了很长距离, 已大汗淋漓了.
2. Break your task into smaller tasks.
Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks. For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one.
Unit 5
Overcoming Obstacles
Is God fair or not?
Talk and Say sth. about,
• the obstacles [‘ɔbstəkl] that you have been faced with in your life. • the ways in which you overcame such difficulties.
• Expressions: • 1. recur. Vi. • 1) come or happen again 再发生;复发 • The symptoms tend to recur. • 这种症状有可能复发. • 2) (of ideas, events etc.)come back (to sb)重现 • Our first meeting often recurs to me/my mind. • 我们初次见面的情形时常浮现於我的脑海. Recurrence: n. • recurring decimal [‘desiməl]. 循环小数
• New words: Fantasy [‘fæntəsi]: n. imagination or fancy 想象; 幻想 He lives in a world of fantasy. • Compare:
• Fantasy: 通常指完全脱离现实的空想 • Fancy:凭空想象客观世界不存在之事物,并非完全脱离 现实,只是离现实较远。 • Imagination: 想象或想象力, 构想
seagulls soaring over the cliffs ? ( hover in the air without moving the wings ) 翱翔於悬崖峭壁之上的海鸥
• Q: • How does the author describe Michael’s mother and father?
Fantastic [fæn’tæstik]: adj. fantastic schemes (not practical) She's a fantastic swimmer. 她游泳游得非常好.
• Q: • What was Michael’s childhood dream? • How come he had this dream?
• Detailed understanding: • 1. Her stories were always ones • • • • • • • that described the land from a bird‟s-eye view. Tr. 她的故事总是从高空俯瞰描述大地。 a bird's eye view (of sth) general view from a high position looking down 俯视; 鸟瞰: From the plane we had a bird's eye view of London. 我们从飞机上鸟瞰伦敦.
2. It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.
• Tr. • 它还具有飞翔的特征,对于观看该项目比赛的 观众来说,飞跃两层楼的高度简直是一件不可 思议的事情。
Tomorrow never comes.
4. Set small deadlines[‘dedlain].
After meeting each deadline, give yourself a reward. For example, play video games when you finish an hour of studying.
6-12: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record. 13: What was most unusual about Michael‟s victory was that he was blind.
2. dream of/about sth. / v-ing sth. 梦见… … 昨夜我梦见我在飞翔. I dreamt about flying last night. Was it real or did I dream it? 是真的还是我当时在做梦? Dreamer: 做梦的人;梦想家;空想家
• • • • • • • • • • •
3. soar The jet soared into the air. (go up high in the air quickly ) 那架喷气式飞机飞上了天空. Prices are soaring
soaring temperatures
2. Content: a pole-vaulting competition + a flashback(Michael's childhood)