Derivation of Petri net performance models from UML specifications of communications softwa
1150002 ;东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁 沈阳 110004 )
摘 要:产品全生命周期的过程管理和信息管理是产品全生命周期管理的主要研究内容,但迄今为止 的绝大多数研究都集中在信息管理层面上,而对过程管理的研究则仅仅停留在直观的说明上。在对产品全 生命周期过程进行详细分析的基础上,利用 网作为表达工具,建立了产品全生命周期过程模型,形 式化地表达出产品全生命周期中产品设计和产品制造活动在信息意义上的并行性,为产品全生命周期过程 的仿真和评价提供了理论依据。 关键词:产品全生命周期;过程模型; 网 中图分类号: 391 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1673 - 4939( 2006 ) 02 - 0021 - 04 产品全生命周期管理是指管理产品从需求、 规 划、 设计、 生产、 经销、 运行、 使用、 维修保养、 直到回 收再用处置的产品全生命周期中的信息与过程, 它 [ 1] 既是一门技术, 又是一种制造的理念 。 自产品全生命周期管理概念提出以来, 人们对 其技术进行了大量研究, 但迄今为止的绝大多数研 究主要集中在产品全生命周期管理的支撑环境、 体 系结构及系统开发应用等技术上面, 即主要集中在 [ 2 8] 对产品全生命周期信息的管理上面 。虽然人们 认为产品全生命周期管理的关键技术之一是对产品 全生命周期过程的管理, 但对产品全生命周期过程 本身的研究却停留在直观的说明上。 本文针对上述问题, 在详细分析产品全生命周 期过程的基础上, 借助软件工程领域对软件生命周 [ 9] 期过程 的研究成果, 利用 A G 过程模型 的表 达工具, 建立基于 网的产品全生命周期过程模 型, 形式化地表达出产品全生命周期过程中过程的 并行性和集成性, 使人们对产品全生命周期过程进 行仿真和评价成为可能。 1 产品全生命周期过程分析 的有序集。产品全生命周期中的所有任务 ( 包括产 品设计、 工艺设计等) 都是通过一定的过程完成的, 构成产品全生命周期过程。 1.1 产品设计和工艺设计过程分析 人们在进行产品设计的时候,总是按照一定顺 序逐步进行的。一般说来,总是先从产品要实现的 总体功能出发,从系统层次构思产品方案、逐步细 化,并将其划分成不同的子系统、组件、部件、形 状,最后才会进行到确定参数这样的底层工作。从 以上分析可以看出,产品设计过程具有渐进演进的 性质。 工艺设计的任务主要是确定产品的制造工艺及 相应的后勤支持。主要任务包括:确定产品制造在 理论上的可行性、工艺过程系统的一般特性、专用 设备的选用、产品特有的工艺流程及维修测试计划 等等。实际上,工艺设计过程是递阶的,即可以先 构造一个抽象的工艺设计框架,然后按照正确的步 骤填入越来越详细的信息。工艺设计所需要的产品 设计信息也不一定要一次性提供,可以采用增量方 式提供。例如,工艺设计的主要问题是产生切削加 工特征序列,并为某一特征选取可行工艺过程、步 骤,而选择正确的机床或工具以及切削加工参数则 可以在工艺设计的后期设定。递阶的工艺设计过程
2020年在nature catalysis上发表重要成果
2020年在nature catalysis上发表重要成果
2020年,在《Nature Catalysis》杂志上发表了一项重要成果,该成果由某科研团队经过多年努力终于成功研发出一种新型的催化剂,能够有效地将废弃塑料转化为高附加值的产品。
在《Nature Catalysis》杂志上,该论文被选为封面文章,并得到了编辑部的特别推荐。
(. 1 西安交通大学 电子与信息工程学 院 , 10 9 704 , 西安 ; . 2 河北经贸大学信息技术学 院,0 0 6 , 50 1 石家庄 )
摘要 :为 了以可视 化 的方 式验证 扩展 式动 态环 境 演算 范型对 移动 协 同 中移 动性 和协 作性 的描 述 能
c mp tn o u i g,a n v lmo e a e t i n t d s rp i n ( ND) i r p s d P o e d 1n m d Pe r e e c i to P s p o o e . ND S a Pe r n t i t i e
d s rp i n f r . Th tin t e p e so o h a i ac l s e t y i ie . E c c s e ci t o m o e Per e x r s in f r t e b sc c luu n i s g v n t a h ati e p e s d b r n i o x r s e y ta st n。a d a1kn s o o e a d ate vr n e tv ra lso c r x r s e i n l i d ff r -n — f n io m n a ib e fa ta ee p e s d b lc s Th n。al i d fo e a in sm a tcr lt n fb scc lu u n iisa ee p e s d y pa e . e l k n so p r t e n i ea i so a i ac lse tte r x r s e o o b tin t n h i h so r sa e u e o d p c h tr cin l ea in m o g a t n yPer e ,a d t eweg t fa c r s d t e itt ei e a to a lto sa n csa d n r t er f r- n - f n io me t. Th y t e ie h o y o tin t i u e n PND .a d t e h i o ea da te vr n n s e s n h sz d t e r fPer e S s d i n h m o e f d n m i c m pe n io me t i c n t u td b y t e ii g sm p e Per n t. Th d lo y a c o lx e vr n n s o sr ce y s n h szn i l ti es e sm ua in r s ls wi oo tin t t o s o t a h i lt e ut t c l r Per e o l h w h t t e PND a h ih e a tc a d o h h s t e rg t s m n i. n
为解决 P t e i网 “ r 状态爆炸”问题的最有效途径 ,是近几年
S 4
来 Pt e i技术研究的主流方向…,国内外许 多学 者都在方面 r 进行 了研究。本文在原 有的研 究基础上 , 进行 了进一步的研
将 M0 、Mj i1 ) 、Ci. ,) 、U il ) 0( , 、C = 2 ( 1 、U i= , 代入上三个 - 2 ( 2 状态方程 ,可得 :
SIS —2 S一 2 SI
=1 ) ,2 )是通过并分解 I得到的两个子 网,且 Mj S I 0(j )=
H Hl N2
图2 面还有待进一步的研究。
并分解 I示例 I
关于并分解 ,国内外许多学者进行 了研究,但 很多方
收稿 E期 :2 o —0 — 1 l 07 9 0
基金项 目:湖南省教 育厅资助项 目 (1J 2 6 ) 0 JY 0 1 作者简介 :匡迎春 (9 I ,女 ,湖南农业大学工学 1 7 一) 院,副教授 ,硕 士,研究方向为 P t 网理 论及 其应用 。 er i
的重要信息 。P t e i网技术 自提 出以来 ,受到计算机 以及其 r 他领域的广泛重视并得到更加深入的研究 , 但随着科学技术
的发展 , 实际系统越来越庞大和复杂 ,网的可达状态和条件 数量不断的增加,导致 了 P t er i网节点过多 ,即 “ 状态空 间 爆炸”问题 。针对这一问题,国内外许多学者进行了广泛而 深入的研究 ,提 出了 P t er i网的化筒技术 ,P t 网的化简技 er i 术是 P t 网研 究的主要课题 。所 谓的化简 ,是指在某种 性 er i 质不变的基础上 , 采用 等效变换 ,以达到缩小状态空问、简 化分析的 目的…。网的分解技 术是化简方法 之一 ,也是被认
其 中 : = {。P , , }表示 诊 断 推 理 中用 P P , … P 到 的证 据 和结论 的 有 穷集 合 , 系统 对 应 的各 种 测 即
试传感器信息 、 故障征兆以及故障模式 ; T={ , , t t 。:
地表达出故障 问的逻辑 因果 关 系; 只是静 态描 但
述, 而无 法表 现 出 故 障 的 动 态 行 为 ; 经 网 络 方 法 神
集 且 为“ ”逻辑关 系 时 , 于规则 前提 各证 据 的 非 h等 输 入 权 值 。否 则 , 等 于 0 0 为 输 出 矩 阵 , = 叫 ; 0
种 适 用 于 多 种 系 统 的 图 形 化 、 学 化 的 建 模 工 数
具, 能够直 观地 表示 系统 故 障 的 动 态 因果 行 为 。而
第 7卷
第2 4期
20 07年 1 2月
V l 7 No 2 0_ .4
De .2 o c o7
17 - 89 20 )4 6 5 -4 6 1 1 1 (0 7 2 —4 30
S in e T c n l g n n i e rn c e c e h o o y a d E gn e i g
65 44
的状态 , 变迁后 集库 所 的状 态 也 不 能 成 为影 响 库 所
加权模 糊逻 辑运算 所 得 结 论不 一 致 ; 是 对 于 逻 辑 二 “ 和逻 辑 “ ” 与” 或 两种 逻辑 组合关 系无 法进 行 区分 。
关键词 :E C A规 则;P e t r i 网;终止性分析 ;E P N;模型表示
中图分类号 :T P 3 1 1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1 0 0 0 — 4 3 6 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3 — 0 1 5 7 . 0 8
Re p r e s e n t a t i 0 n a n d t e r mi n a t i o n a n a l y s i s f o r
Ab s t r a c t : I n o r d e r t o i mp r o v e t h e a c c u r a c y o f t h e t e r mi n a t i o n a n a l y s i s o n ECA r u l e s , a n o v e l r e p r e s e n t a i t o n mo d e l ( E P N, e x t e n d e d P e t r i n e t )o f ECA ul r e s wa s b u i l t . Ba s e d 0 n t h e EP N, n a e fe c t i v e t e r mi n a t i o n d e c i s i o n lg a o r i t h m wa s d i s c u s s e d
t e n d e d P e t r i n e t ) 模 型,在此基础上研 究并提出了一种 E C A规 则集 终止 性判 定算法。该算法充分利用 E P N所包含 E C A 规则特 性的丰富信息 ,综合分析 了 E C A规 则特 性对规则集可终止 陛的影响 。理论分析和实验结果表明,所 提 的算法具有更高 的准确性和 更低 的时间复杂度。
1 引 言
基于Petri网的产品开发过程建模及系统性能分析的开题报告一、研究背景及意义Petri 网作为描述并发系统的一种重要工具,在许多领域得到广泛的应用,如工程、自动化、计算机科学、制造业、生产等领域。
Petri 网在产品开发过程中的应用,可以描述产品从设计到投产全过程的各项任务,包括项目进度、任务分配、资源分配、任务优先级等等,能够较好地模拟产品开发过程的各类情景,是实现产品开发过程管理的重要手段。
酸一 白测 定仪 ( p e d r B o h tmee) 蛋 E p n of ip oo tr 。
1 2 方 法 .
1 2 1 不 同浓 度 h GF和 p GF的配制 用核 酸一 . . E E
分裂增 殖 , 同时也 能促 进 表 皮 细 胞 及 其 他 组 织 的 生 蛋 白测 定仪 分 别 测 定 h GF和 p G 的浓 度 , E E F 然后 长与分化 。研 究表 明 p GF在猪 生殖 系 统 中广 泛 存 用 DME 基础 培 养 基 把 两 者 均 稀 释 成 1 1 、 0 、 E M 、 0 10 在 , 能参 与子宫 、 卵 管 和 卵 巢 的功 能调 节 , 而 可 输 从 影 响受精 过程 , 对母 猪 的受 孕 、 妊娠 过 程 起 到重 要 的
2 0 / , 养 4h后 , 00 0个 孔 培 吸走 培养 基 , 每孔 加 入含 l 的 C K 8的 基 础 培 养 基 10 L, 育 分 别 在 0 C - 0 孵 1 1 5、 、 . 2h时 , OD 。值 , 细胞数 为横 坐标 , 测 。 以 吸光
佳孵 育 时间 。
栽体进 行摇瓶 培 养 , 通过 鉴 定为 所 需要 的 目的蛋 白, p GF为 添加 物 培 养 B lc 3 用 E ab / T3细胞 , p GF浓 度 以 E 为横 坐标 , 吸光度 为 纵 坐标 建 立 曲 线 。结 果表 明 , 想 的 接种 细胞 的 个数 为 50 0个/ , 胞 计数 试 剂 盒 理 0 孔 细
细胞 株为 B lc 3 a / T3细胞 ( 鼠的成 纤 维细 胞 , b 小
GS 1 1 5酵母 菌种 ( 实 验室 构 建 ) DME 基 础 培养 本 ; M 基 ( I O 公 司 ) 胎 牛 血 清 ( co e公 司 ) 青 链 GB C ; Hy ln ; 霉 素 ( I 0 公 司 ) 谷 胺 酰 胺 ( 美 生 物 工 程 公 GB C ; 华
Vol. 13 ,No.2March 2021第13卷第2期2021年3月环境监控与预警Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning !监测技术!DOI : 10. 3969/j. issn. 167^6732. 2021.02. 005超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定水中拟除虫菊酯 和有机磷农药残留杨敏娜,秦兴秀,王来梁(江苏省地质调查研究院自然资源部国土(耕地)生态监测与修复工程技术创新中心,江苏 南京210018 %摘 要:采用直接进样法和萃取浓缩法2种前处理方式,通过超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法对水中20种拟除虫菊酯类和 有机磷类农药进行了测定,并对仪器条件的选择和前处理条件的优化进行了探讨$结果表明,20种农药的线性关系良好,相关系数均〉0.999,直接进样法检出限为0.21 -2.47 'g/L ,回收率为81.0% -119%,相对标准偏差<10% $萃取浓缩法检出限为0.002 2 -0.004 3 'g/L ,回收率为71.5% -115%,相对标准偏差<15% $该方法简便、快捷,精密度和准确度较高,可满足水中拟除虫菊酯类和有机磷类农药的检测要求$关键词:超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法;拟除虫菊酯类农药;有机磷类农药中图分类号:X832 ;O657.63文献标志码:B文章编号:1674 -6732 (2021) 02 -0024 -05Determination of Pyrethriod Pesticide and Organic Phosphorus Pesticide Residues in Water by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography 一 Tandem Mass SpectrometryYANG Min-na , QIN Xing-xiu , WANG Lai-liang% Cultivated Land Ecological Monitoring and Restoration Engineering Technology Innovation Center of Ministry ofNatural Resourcet , Geological Survey of Jiangsu Provinco , Nanjing , Jiangsu 210018 , China )Abstract : A method for determination of 20 organic phosphorus and pyrethriod pesticides in wateo was established by using ultroperformance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometiy after direci injection or after extraction and concentrated. Theinstrumeni ccnditions and pretreetment ccnditions were optimized. The regression equation of 20 kinds of pesticides showed goodlinear relationship , the ccrrelation coefficients were all greater than 0. 999. The detection limitr were in the range from 0. 21 te2.47 'g/L foe direct injection, and the average reccvvries ranged from 81. 0% to 119% with the relativv standard deviations lessthan 10% . For extraction and ccnccntration method , the method detection limitr of the target ccmpounds were in the range from 0.002 2 to 0.004 3 'g/L, and the average recoveries ranged from 71.5% to 115% with the relative standard deviations less than15% . This method is simple and fast, and itr precision and accuracy can meet the demands of determination of pyrethriod prsticideand oraanic phosphorus pesticide in water.Key words : UPLC-MS/MS ; Pyrethriod pesticide ; Oraanic phosphorous pesticide农药在现代化农业中必不可少,有机磷、拟除 虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯类农药是目前使用量最大的 3类农药,它们普遍具有高效、广谱、低毒、低残留等特点'1(,在农业生产中被广泛应用'_3(。
猪表皮生长因子(Pig epidermal growth factor,PEGF)是一种分子量为6.2kDa 的小分子肽类生物活性物质,广泛存在于哺乳动物的唾液、组织中,并且在加速细胞增殖、移动、分化、修复等方面具有重要生物学意义。
通过分析PEGF 在皮肤修复、皮肤抗老化等方面的作用,探究PEGF在美容领域的应用前景。
At mo s p h e r i c P r e s s u r e P l a s ma J e t Tr e a t me n t
S UN J i e . W U Hu i
( 1 . Ke y La b o r a t o r y o f Ec o — Te x t i l e o f Mi n i s t r y o f Ed u c a t i o n, J i a n g n a n Un i v e r s i t y,W u x i 2 1 4 1 2 2, J i a n g s u, C h i n a : 2 .S c i ̄ Te c h . Ad mi n .De p t .Xia n P o l y t e c h n i c Un i v e r s i t y ,Xi 8 n 7 1 0 0 4 8 ,Ch i n a )
f i l ms i n t e r ms of i ndu c i ng f r e e r a d i c a l s a n d s u bs e q ue nt g r a f t i ng po l y me r i z a t i o n,El e c t r o n Spi nni n g Sp e c — t r o s c o py ( ES R) t e c hn i qu e i s u s e d i n t hi s p a p e r t o t e s t a nd a na l y z e t he f r e e r a d i c a l o u t c o me s a nd t he i r a gi n g phe n o me n on.The c o r r e l a t i o n b e t we e n t he ESR r e s u l t s a nd gr a f t i ng r a t i o c ha ng e t r e n d f or d i f f e r e n t s a m pl e s
派生物相关的英语举例一、和派生物有关的英语单词:derivant 派生物; 衍化物; 衍生物派生需求 derivative派生收入 derivative派生所得 derivation派生的权利 derived派生的测定 derived派生 derivation派生的 derived单步派生 step派生码 generated派生树 derivation二、派生物有关的英语例句1.WHY ARE THE LUPANINE DERIVATIVES BITTER?为什么白金雀儿碱的派生物是苦的?2.To Convert(Certain Biological Compounds)Into Biologically Active Derivatives.使活化变(某些生物复合物)为生物性能活跃的派生物3.The 1977 Amendments To The Clean Water Act Were An Outgrowth Of These Problems.《洁净水法案》1977年的修正案,是这些问题的派生物。
4.The Extraordinary Nature Life Of Jing Group And The Ideal Personality Of Taoist;京派小说的“异秉”人生与道家理想人物5.Life Noumenon Nuture In Taigu School S Ge Wu Zhi Zhi;太谷学派格物致知说的生命本位特色6.Material-Derivation--Observation On The Formation And Social Control Of Taboo About Food;物质派生性——食物禁忌的形成与社会控制考察7.And As Gradually Sounds Multiplied And Life Manifested Itself.各种声音也随之稠密起来,大地万物,一派生机。
用pi 演算表示带抑止弧的Petri网 - 西北大学
用Pi+演算表示带抑止弧的Petri网西北大学信息学院软件工程研究所技术报告 2008.11.12西北大学信息学院软件工程研究所技术报告 2008.11.12.用Pi+演算表示带抑止弧的Petri网郭小群guoxiaoq@郝克刚hkg@西北大学信息学院软件工程研究所前言 自20世纪60年代初德国的C. A. Petri 博士在其博士论文中首次系统地提出 , , Petri 网理论 (简称网论) 以来, 网论获得了深入的发展和广泛的应用 [1 2 3]。
最 初的网被称为条件/事件网, 在这种网中, 每个位置至多有一个托肯(token) , 该托 肯表示一个布尔条件。
后来,取消了这个限制,成为现在较流行的P/T网,即所 谓位置/转移网。
为了能用Petri网表示一些实际的应用,有必要对Petri 网作某些 限制或扩充。
近些年来,随着工作流技术的不断发展,Petri网的应用也扩展到这一领域, 用Petri网对工作流建模已引起了学术界很多人的关注[4]。
但是由于移动计算的兴 起,以移动性为主要特征的Pi演算[5,6]也引起了许多人的兴趣。
特别是BPEL语言 的创建者宣称BPEL语言的理论基础就是Pi演算。
于是用Pi演算对工作流建模也 关于Pi演算和Petri网哪个模型更适合作为工 成为学术界的一个热门研究领域[7,8]。
因而比较Pi演算和Petri网的表达能力和 研究它门之间可否相互表达的问题就引起了学术界的重视。
在我们的另一篇文章 [10] 中 ,指出了pi 演算功能不够强,很难用其准确地描述Petri网的动态行为。
于是 提出了一种对pi 演算的扩展称为pi+ 演算,增加了多原语同步通信机制。
用pi+ 演 算可以较准确地表示Petri网系统的动态行为, 而且能更加细致地描述它丰富的动 态语义。
l2・ 3
第3 3卷
P t 网建立 装 备维 修 的 P t 网模 型 , ei r ei r 对装 备 维修 资
源 的确定 方法进 行 了研究和 探讨 。
维修 资源 , 然后综 合起 来 构 成零 部 件 的维 修 资 源 , 最 后再 将各零 部件 的维修 资源进 行综合 , 组成整 个系统 的维 修资源 。 从 上面 可 以看 出 , 零部 件维修 资源 的确定 过程既 有各 项基本 维修作业 之 问的时序关 系 , 又有维 修资源 的种类 关系 , 因此 完 全 可 以采 用 着 色 时 间 P t 网来 er i
的状态 作为 P t 网 中的 位置 ; 时可 以将 各维 修 资 er i 同 源 的数 量作 为 由位 置 到变 迁 或者 是 由变 迁 到 位置 的
权 值 , 制着 色时 间 P t 网络 图 ; 绘 ei r 然后利 用式 ( ) 以 3 , 维修 资源 的需 求 最 小 为 原 则 , 出零 部 件 的维 修 资 求 源; 最后 将各零 部件 的维修 资 源 进行 综 合 , 可 以得 就 到整个 系统 的维修资 源 。 归 纳起 来 , 用着 色 时 问 P t 网来 确 定零 部 件 利 ei r 维 修资源 的步骤 如下 : 1 )分 析各零 部 件 的基 本 维修 作 业 , 制其 Pt 绘 ei r
网络 图 ;
在 着色 时 间 P t 网 中 , 识 P t 网是 由位 置 、 er i 标 ei r
变 迁 、 向弧 和 标 识 组 成 的 有 向 网 络 , 可 以 通 过 七 有 它 元 组 的形 式 来 表 示 :
维 修 资 源 方 法 中所 存 在 的 问题 , 介 绍 着 色 时 间 P t 网基 本 原 理 的 基 础 上 , 出 了 一 种 基 于 着 色 时 间 P t 网 的维 修 在 ei r 提 ei r 资 源 确 定 方 法 。 阐 述 了通 过 着 色 时 间 P t 网 来 描 述 维 修 作 业 的 时 序 关 系 和 维 修 资 源 的 种 类 关 系 , 制 装 备 维 修 的 ei r 绘
基于我国物种毒性数据的多溴联苯醚预测无效应浓度分析曹莹;朱岩;张亚辉;李霁;王飞飞【摘要】采用多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)对我国广泛分布生物物种的生态毒性数据,根据欧盟现有化学物质风险评价技术指导文件,对不同环境介质中PBDEs预测无效应浓度(PNEC)进行了推导.结果表明:我国淡水环境PBDEs(四溴、五溴、八溴)的PNEC 水分别为50 μg· L-1、0.53 μg·L-1、0.017 μg·L-1.沉积物环境PBDEs(四溴、五溴、八溴和十溴)的PNEC沉积物分别为823.35 mg· kg-1wt、1.55 mg·kg-1 dw、12.72 mg·kg-1 dw、>38.41 mg·kg-1 dw.土壤环境PBDEs(四溴、五溴、八溴和十溴)的PNEC土壤分别为668.3mg·kg-1wt、0.38 mg·kg-1dw、147 mg·kg-1dw、>98 mg·kg-1 dw.次生毒性PBDEs(五溴、八溴和十溴)的PNEC经口分别为0.3 ~0.7mg· kg-1、0.56 mg· kg-1、2 500 mg·kg-1.该数值期为我国PBDEs的环境风险评价提供科学基础.【期刊名称】《生态毒理学报》【年(卷),期】2016(011)002【总页数】11页(P609-619)【关键词】多溴联苯醚;预测无效应浓度;淡水;沉积物;土壤;本土物种【作者】曹莹;朱岩;张亚辉;李霁;王飞飞【作者单位】中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室国家环境保护化学品生态效应与风险评估重点实验室,北京100012;桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院,桂林541004;中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室国家环境保护化学品生态效应与风险评估重点实验室,北京100012;中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室国家环境保护化学品生态效应与风险评估重点实验室,北京100012;桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院,桂林541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X171.5Received 27 November 2015 accepted 31 May 2016多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是在20世纪70—80年代开始大量生产和使用的溴化阻燃剂,它们在家用电器、计算机、泡沫塑料和布料等产品的成分比例可达5%~30%[1]。
peevn vn s n o n e n s.I i es ojd eaT N’ v ns n o n e ns codn oo rrsl rsrigl e es db u dd es ts ayt g P Sl eesadb u d d esac rigt u eut i a u i .
sc P t i tt r u h s m e e a ls i e r Ne h o g o x mp e .Fi a l ie t u f in n e c s o y c n iin n t t r a o N n l we g v wo s fi e ta d n c e s r o dto s i i i e v l f y c me n TP
摘 要 活性和 有界 性是 P t 网最重要 的性 质 , 于传 统 P t 网的这 些性 质 , 内外学者作过 大量 的研 究工作 , er i 对 er i 国 并
且得到 了不少成 果, 而对含 时间 因素 的 P t 网的这 些相应 性质 国内外研 究得很 少。本 文首 先介 绍 了时 间 P t 网 er i er i TP N的若干基本定义 , 然后说 明 了时间 P ti TP 的活性 、 er网 N 有界性 和对 应传统 P ti er网的相 应性质 并无 关系, 着 接 给 出了时间 P t 网保持活性 、 er i 有界性 的时间 区间上的两个 充分必要条件 。为利 用传 统 P ti er 网的性质判 定结果 来判
2 .同济大 学 嵌入 式系统与服务 计算教育部重 点实验室,上海 2 10 084
摘 要 : P ti er 网进 程 是 对 P ti er 网并 发 语 义 的一 个 刻 画 ,是 P ti er 网分 析 和 验 证 的有 效 手 段. 该 文针 对 有
界 P ti er 网研 究进 程表达式和活性 性质之间 的关系 , 出了基于进程表达式 的有 界P ti 给 er网及其 同步合成 网的活性
作者简介 :闫春钢 ,教授 ,博导,研究方 向:Per网理论 、工作流建模与分析等 , mal g a 2 6 . r ti E- i :cy n  ̄1 3cn o
38 8
第3 卷 0
究 ,文献 I1证 明了一 个 P ti 11 er 网是活 的 当且仅 当 它
的语 言是 强非 阻塞 的.上述 工作为 P ti er 网活性 研究 提 供 了不 同 的方法 和手段.本文从 P t 网进程 的角 er i 度研 究 了P ti er网的活性 问题 , 丰富与发展 P t 网 对 er i
S a g a 0 8 4 hn h n h i 1 0 ,C ia 2
A bs r t t ac :Pr c s fPe r n t a r s n h o c r e ts m a tc o t i e s wh c n e e tv y f r o e so t i e sc n p e e tt e c n u r n e n i f Pe r n t , ih i a f c i e Wa o s a a y i g a d v r f i g t ePe r e r p r is n l z n n e i n h t i tp o e te .Thi p p rs u ist e r l t o s i t e r c s xp e so y n s a e t d e h e a i n h p be we n p o e s e r s i n a d l e e s o o n e t i n t ,a d p o i e h o e f l e e s d t r i a i n f r b u d d Pe r n t n i n s f b u d d Pe r e s n r v d s t e r ms o i n s e e m n to o n e t i e s v v o
f^A当代化工研究〇T* Modern Chemical R esearch技术应用与研究2021_ 02重楚装置中存在的腐蚀及防护*胡凌杰(中海石油舟山石化有限公司浙江316000)搞要:重整装置腐蚀防护一直是现代石油化工生产中备受关注的部分,通过科学推进腐蚀防护技术,不但能够最大限度的提升设备的运 行效率,同时也有助于降低设备损耗,获得良好的投资回报效果。
本文首先结合具体的案例对重整装置腐蚀防护的需要进行了介绍,其次 探讨了重整装置腐蚀的主要来源、具体影响,并针对腐蚀区域进行了简单的机理分析,最后则结合重整装置的腐蚀情况,对腐蚀防护的一 般方法进行了探讨,希望可以进一步提升重整装置腐蚀防护效果,为设备获得良好的经济效益创造条件•关键■词:腐蚀;防护;重整装置中图分类导:TE卯6文献标识码:ACorrosion and Protection in Reforming UnitHu Lingjie(CNOOC Zhoushan Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Zhejiang,316000)Abstract! Corrosion protection of reforming unit has always been a focus in modem petrochemical production. Scientific promotion of corrosion protection technology can not only maximize the operation efficiency of equipment, but also help to reduce the loss of e quipment and obtain good return on investment. This p aper f irstly introduces the need of c orrosion p rotection in reforming unit in combination with specific cases, secondly discusses the main sources and specific effects of c orrosion in reforming unit, finally discusses the general methods of c orrosion p rotection in combination with the corrosion situation of r eforming unit, hoping to f urther improve the corrosion protection effect of r eforming unit and create conditions f or equipment to obtain good e conomic benefits.Key words:corrosion;protection-, reforming unit引言重整装置在使用过程中经常会出现一些腐蚀问题,由此 引发铵盐结晶等情况,不但会由此影响生产的效率和设备稳 定性,同时也会带来严重的安全风险与事故风险。
然而,对于一些复杂系统,现有的Petri网建模往往只能粗略地模拟一些状态转换,因此如何精细地建立Petri网成为 Petri网理论研究中的一个重要课题。
(2)提出一种基于Petri网合成的方法,将多个Petri网进行合并和优化,提高 Petri网的建模效率和准确性。
为了验证方法的正确性和实用性,我们将选取SIA(Semi-Markov Information Accumulator)等几个Petri网模型进行实验,并与现有方法进行比较分析。
在本文中,我们将提出一种基于Petri网合成的方法,将多个Petri 网进行合并和优化,提高Petri网的建模效率和准确性。
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Derivation of Petri Net Performance Modelsfrom UML Specificationsof Communications SoftwarePeter King and Rob PooleyDepartment of Computing and Electrical EngineeringHeriot-Watt UniversityEdinburgh EH144ASpjbk or rjp@Abstract.As hardware becomes faster and bandwidth greater,the de-termination of the performance of software based systems during de-sign,known as Software Performance Engineering(SPE),is a growingconcern.A recent seminar of experts at Dagstuhl and the First Interna-tional Workshop on Software and Performance have both highlighted theneed to bring performance evaluation into the software design process.The Unified Modelling Language(UML)has emerged in the last twoyears as a widely accepted standard notation for software design and itis an attractive vehicle for SPE.In this paper UML’s Collaboration andStatechart diagrams are shown to allow systematic generation of Gener-alised Stochastic Petri Net(GSPN)models,which can be solved tofindtheir throughput and other performance ing the exampleof communication via the alternating bit protocol,such a mapping isdemonstrated and the resulting GSPN solved using the SPNP package.The basis of a usable methodology for SPE is explored.1IntroductionThe hardware in computers and communication networks is becoming faster and its offered bandwidth continues to increase.As a result the software is increas-ingly seen as the bottleneck in such systems.It is widely accepted that at least eighty percent of the performance of a system is determined by its general ar-chitecture and that this is as true of software as it is of hardware.This makes it essential that performance can be analysed from the earliest stages in a design.In the last two years,the software design community has embraced a move to-wards a new design notation,intended to provide a common vocabulary for soft-ware based systems.This Unified Modelling Language(UML)[14,18,3]is gaining widespread acceptance and this has made it possible to focus on a single nota-tion.Since the notation includes both static and dynamic aspects of systems it is very well suited to generating performance results,although additional infor-mation on timings and branching probabilities is needed.Here we consider an example of using UML to generate Petri net models for performance prediction in a communication network.B.R.Haverkort et al.(Eds.):TOOLS2000,LNCS1786,pp.262–276,2000.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2000Derivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications263 The rest of this paper is structured as follows.Section2describes the ap-plication modelled–a simple network using the alternating bit protocol(ABP) and considers how to model this application in UML.Section3looks briefly at how UML models have been used in performance analysis to date.Section4 uses the UML model to generate a Generalised Stochastic Petri Net(GSPN)[12] model of the alternating bit protocol and its solution using SPNP[2].Section5 summarises the numerical results,with graphs of throughput against timeout interval.Finally section7draws conclusions from this work and suggests the way forward.2Modelling ABP in the Unified Modelling Language2.1The Alternating Bit ProtocolThe alternating bit protocol(ABP)[1]is the simplest known protocol for reliable communication between two nodes.It usesflow control with a window size of one,which can be encoded as a single bit in any packet.A transmitterfirst sends a packet with the sequence bit set to zero.It then waits until either it receives a corresponding ack packet from the receiver or until the defined timeout period has been exceeded,when it assumes the packet is lost and retransmits.Once an ack is received the transmitter can send its next packet,with the bit set to one.It again awaits the corresponding ack,retransmitting after each timeout period.This continues,with the sequence bit alternating on successive packets.This protocol has been formally verified,for instance by Milner[13].Its performance has been studied several times,including by the use of the TIPP stochastic process algebra[6].2.2The Unified Modelling LanguageThe Unified Modelling Language(UML)[14,18,3]is a graphically based notation, which is being developed by the Object Management Group as a standard means of describing software oriented designs.It contains several different types of diagram,which allow different aspects and properties of a system design to be expressed.Diagrams must be supplemented by textual and other descriptions to produce complete models.For example,a use case is really the description of what lies inside the ovals of a use case diagram,rather than just the diagram itself.More recently there has been interest in exploiting at least some parts of the UML for real time and embedded systems design and hardware design.These have focussed on the interaction and statechart views within the notation.We have found,similarly,that these views are most appropriate to the modelling of communications protocols,but we also believe that use case models are impor-tant when considering how such protocols will be used to meet user needs and in defining the workloads to be expected by systems.264P.King and R.PooleyUse Case Models.In recent years the most radical addition to the first gener-ation of object oriented modelling approaches is use case modelling .This shows a system in terms of the external users of the system,known as actors and usually shown as “stick people”.An actor may be a system,not necessarily a person.Each actor is shown as participating in one or more use cases,shown as ovals linked to the participating actors.A use case is some high level activity or capability of the e case diagrams are significant in showing external systems and users that initiate functions.ServerTransfer fileTelnet commandClient e case diagram for nodes communicating Figure 1is an example of a use case diagram showing a communications net-work from the user perspective.Each use case represents one class of application which uses the underlying protocols to communicate.For simplicity we assume only point to point communication is required.The Classes Used.For the purposes of this paper,we assume that classes and objects exist as the fundamental units of description within a design.In particular,classes encapsulate behaviour,which can be described by a state machine description.In the ABP example we identify the classes shown in Figure 2.Node is the basic component which handles communications to and from one point in the network.It has a Sender and a Receiver,which are shown as permanent components within it.Channel is the logical communications medium.Each channel is associated with one sender and one receiver.It supports the operation send .ActiveProcess is a generalisation of Sender and Receiver.It requires all its subclasses to provide an operation receive .Its specialisations differ in the rest of their behaviour.They support the operations pSend for Sender and forward for Receiver.Sender is the sending process in a node.It is shown as aDerivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications265Fig.2.Class diagram for nodes communicating specialisation of ActiveProcess.Receiver is the receiving process of a Node.It too is shown as a specialisation of ActiveProcess.Sequence diagrams.Sequence diagrams are based on message sequence charts[7].Objects are shown as boxes with dashed lines extending vertically below them.As these lines move down the page,they represent the passing of time.Arrows across the page show the sequences of messages passed be-tween objects as time passes.Periods of activity by an object may be shown as a bar,called an activation,overlying its dashed life line.Each sequence diagram represents one or more routes through the unfolding of a use case(high level)or of an operation in a class(low level).If a single route is shown,one particular set of conditions is being assumed.Such a set of conditions is termed a scenario.The example in Figure3shows a successful transmission scenario with the sequence bit set to zero and no timeouts.The messages are all asynchronous. Collaboration diagrams.Here time is not represented implicitly.Instead mes-sages are numbered explicitly and the visual emphasis is on showing which objects communicate with which others.Messages are numbered to show the order in which they should happen.Causal nesting can be shown as a266P.King and R.Pooleys:SenderoutChan:Channel backChan:Channel r:Receiver user:Clientprovider:ServerpSend(aPacket)send(aPacket,0)send(acq,0)receive(aPacket,0)receive(acq,0)forward(aPacket)Fig.3.A sequence diagram showing a scenario in the ABPdecimal numbering scheme.Partial orders,representing concurrency,can be shown by using names instead of numbers at the appropriate level.s:Sender r:ReceiveroutChan:Channel backChan:Channel user:Clientprovider:ServerpSend(aPacket)send(aPacket,0)send(acq,0)receive(aPacket,0)receive(acq,0)forward(aPacket)Fig.4.The ABP modelled in a UML collaborationThe example in Figure 4shows the same scenario as the sequence in Figure 3.State and Activity Diagrams.UML defines state diagrams,which allow a class to be defined in terms of the states it can be in and the events which cause it to move between states.Derivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications 267They are essentially HarelStatecharts[4].These derive from conventional state transition diagrams,with the additional features that:–a state may indicate that the object is engaged in some activity;–transitions between states can be due to messages or to changes in certain conditions or to a combination of these;–states can be nested within super-states.Harel Statecharts predate UML and form a very rich modelling formalism in themselves.We have only explored a simple subset of their features so far in our work.This example illustrates the most straightforward possibilities.Fig.5.A state diagramThe example in Figure 5shows the internal behaviour of a Sender.This should correspond to the behaviour of all interactions involving instances of this class.The transitions shown are triggered either by incoming messages,such as the deliver(ack,1)message which triggers the transition from state Sent 1to state Can Send 0,or by the passing of time,such as the after(t)indicating the timeout which triggers transitions from both Sent 0and Sent 1to themselves.268P.King and R.PooleyThe self transitions,where a transition is shown leaving a state and returning to itself,are used to show the actions which result at this point,as with the need to resend the packet after a timeout,or to indicate that certain messages can be accepted and are ignored,such as the arrival of a duplicate ack in the states Can Send1and Can Send0.3Using UML for Performance ModellingIn this section we survey existing ideas for exploiting UML designs for perfor-mance modelling.These now include both simulation methods and queueing network modelling approaches.We start by considering each form of description in turn.We then consider an approach combining different approaches.3.1Exploiting Implementation DiagramsImplementation diagrams,which we have not considered here,provide afinal mapping of collaborations(components)onto computing and storage devices. The overall system can be modelled as an open queueing network.This approach was used by Pooley and King[17]to model a simple autoteller machine system.3.2Direct Simulation of Sequence DiagramsSeveral previous papers have identified sequence diagrams as having the potential to generate and display useful information relating to performance.Smith and Williams have published a number of case studies[21,19]where they show how an object oriented design can be modelled,starting from the class diagram and appropriate scenarios expressed as sequence diagrams.Timing information can be added by labelling messages with relative timing constraints,using nested numbering of messages to describe exact orderings.In a prototype simulation tool Kabajunga and Pooley[8,9]encoded the information about time intervals between messages,along with object names,in a driverfile.Permabase.In a project sponsored by BT,a group at the University of Kent at Canterbury have built a system for modelling distributed object systems by automatically generating simulation models from UML use case and interaction models[20].Pooley and Hargreaves[5]defined and built a Java class library for simulation of combined statecharts and collaborations.Numerical solution of these models was introduced by King and Pooley[11]using a database example.4Deriving a Petri Net Model of ABPThe task of performance modelling requires insight and skill.This will always be true.We can,however,reduce the number of mechanical tasks needed in this process.In particular,we can define and implement mappings from UMLDerivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications269 designs into appropriate performance modelling formalisms.In this section we develop a detailed model using Petri nets,exploring the automatic mapping from combined collaboration and statechart models.4.1Petri NetsPetri nets are a formalism which has been developed to describe the concur-rent behaviour of interacting systems.A system is represented graphically us-ing places,transitions,arcs,and tokens.Places,graphically represented by circles,stand for the sub-states that parts of the system can be in.A token, indicated by a spot,is present whenever that part of the system is in the corre-sponding sub-state.The place is said to be marked.Transitions are represented by solid bars.Transitions have input arcs which link places to transitions,and output arcs which link transitions to places.There are no arcs directly from one place to another or from one transition to another.A transition is enabled if all of the places attached to its input arcs have a token present.A transition which is enabled mayfire,causing one token to be removed from each of its input places,and one token to be added to each of its output places.Traditional Petri nets are used to investigate such issues as mutual exclusion and freedom from deadlock.Deadlock occurs if the net can ever reach a state in which no transition canfire.Mutual exclusion can be demonstrated by proving that two places in different components are never simultaneously occupied by a token.Peterson[15]is an excellent introductory text on Petri nets that shows how to use Petri nets for these problems.Traditional Petri nets do not measure time in any way.A number of exten-sions have added timing information,sometimes to allow more powerful theo-rems to be proved about the set of states that can be reached.The most popular timed extension is to specify stochastic Petri nets,in which some transitionsfire a randomly distributed time after they become enabled.These are usually rep-resented by an open bar.If the distribution of time until an enabled transition fires is exponential,then the set of states that the Petri net can enter forms a Markov process,and its transition matrix can be generated,and performance metrics can be calculated from the steady state solution.4.2Use Case and WorkloadsThe actors in use case diagrams should represent all external stimuli to the system being modelled.There is considerable disagreement about which external systems should be shown here,but at least all initiators of activities within the system should be represented.It seems logical,therefore,to use actors as the basis for defining workloads in the system.Each actor does not correspond to a single person or system,but rather to a(set of)rˆo le(s)played by one or more people or systems.Thus each actor may represent just one part of the workload for one part of a system.270P.King and R.PooleySimilarly,each use case represents one class of requests.In the ABP model, we have shown three use cases,which might well represent different packet length and arrival rate distributions.4.3A UML Combined State and Collaboration ModelThe diagram in Figure6shows the collaboration from our UML model of ABP, with the statecharts of all the objects embedded within them.If this is a correct model,all possible behaviours of the model are captured.Each object can be in any of the states within its statechart.The current state of the whole system is represented by the combination of the states of the individual objects.The number of possible combinations may be greater than the number of combinations which the system can actually evolve into.This will depend on the initial combination of states and the behaviours of the objects.The scenarios which the system can execute should correspond to the overall behaviour of this model and the resulting states form the reachable subset of overall states.4.4The Corresponding GSPN ModelTranslation of the state diagram representing each object into a corresponding stochastic Petri net is straightforward.Each state in the state diagram is rep-resented by a place in the Petri net.A token is present in a place if the state machine is in the corresponding state.The transitions in the state machine are also mapped into transitions in the Petri net.The input place to the Petri net transition corresponds to the state at the start of the state chart transition, and the output place from the Petri net transition represents the target state of the statechart transition.In simple,single threaded objects,these Petri net transitions all have one input and one output place.Statecharts representing objects with internal concurrency can also be represented without difficulty.It is possible that a single transition in the state machine can be represented by several different transitions in the Petri net.Such transitions all have the same input and output place,and are known as competing transitions.When the state chart is considered in isolation from the other state charts in the model,which of the competing transitionsfires is unimportant.Transitions in the state chart may be internal,with no interaction with other objects;they may be timed, corresponding to the use of the after(t)construct;or they may be associated with messages received from or sent to other objects.Consider the sender process in the alternating bit protocol;it has four states, two corresponding to sequence number0for the packet and two corresponding to sequence number1.It cycles between CanSend0,Sent0,CanSend1,and Sent1, in that order.It moves from CanSend i to Sent i when a new packet becomes available,and is transmitted on the forwards channel.Likewise,when the ac-knowledgment of packet i arrives,the state of the sender process changes from Sent i to CanSend i+1.When the sender is in state Sent i it periodically times out and sends a further copy of the packet with sequence number i.This transition isDerivation of Petri Net Performance Models from UML Specifications271Fig. 6.The alternating bit protocol modelled as a UML collaboration with embedded statechartsa self loop and does not change the state of the process.The after(t)labelling on the transition in the state diagram is captured by using a timed transition in the Petri net.The Petri net corresponding to this state diagram is shown in Figure7.The transitions corresponding to the receipt of an acknowledgment and to the occurrence of a time out and its subsequent retransmission are competing.Likewise,the Petri net corresponding to the state diagram for the Receiver process is a direct translation which can be seen in Figure8.The channel will deliver packets.When the receiver is in state Waitfor0,a packet with sequence number1will cause a transition to the same state,a self loop.When sequence number0arrives,the receiver moves to state Waitfor1,and subsequent recep-tions of sequence number0cause transitions which do not change state.Each transition also causes the transmission of an acknowledgment with the same sequence number as the packet.The channels are modelled using a Petri net shown in Figure9,one net for each direction of transmission.The channel is initially idle,and makes the tran-sition to Sent when a packet is transmitted.A timed transition corresponds toTimeOut0TimeOut1InitSend0InitSend1ReceiveAck0ReceiveAck1CanSend0Sent0CanSend1Sent1Fig.7.Petri net corresponding to Sender Duplicate0Receive0Receive1Duplicate1Waitfor0Waitfor1Fig.8.Petri net corresponding to Receiverthe after(d)guard on the transition to Succeed or Fail state,where probabili-ties are attached to the transitions OK and Loss to represent the probability of transmission error.If an error occurred,the Loss transition occurs and the chan-nel becomes idle again.If no error occurs,then the channel enters the Arrived state,until the packet can be delivered,when it reverts to the idle state again.The Petri net shown for the channel is a slight simplification,since separate Sent,SucceedorFail and Arrived places are needed to represent the two possibilities for sequence numbers.It is noticeable that each Petri net has a straightforward invariant:the num-ber of marked places is always identically 1.This phenomenon occurs because there is no concurrency within the UML objects.With this observation,we can combine the Petri nets corresponding to the various state diagrams by identify-ing transitions in the separate Petri nets with one another.The identification is made on the basis of the messages transmitted or received in the corresponding statechart.In particular,the Accept transition of the forward channel is identi-fied with the InitSend i and TimeOut i transitions in Sender.The Idle place in the channel becomes an input place to those transitions,and the Send i place becomes an output place.Likewise,the Deliver transition in the channel is identified with the Receive i and Duplicate i transitions in the Receiver.For the reverse channel,ArrivedOKLossTransmit Accept DeliverSent SucceedOrFail IdleFig.9.Petri net corresponding to Channelwhich carries the acknowledgments,the Accept transition in the Petri net is identified with Receive i and Duplicate i transitions in Receiver.Figure 10shows the part of the complete Petri net model corresponding to the transmission and reception of packets with sequence number 0.The arcs and places relating to the reverse channel carrying acknowledgments and for the forward channel carrying packet with sequence number 1are not shown.Note that the Idle place for the forward channel is not duplicated,only the places corresponding to the presence of a packet.InitSend0ReceiveAck0Arrived OK LossTransmit TimeOut0Receive1Duplicate1Receive0Duplicate0CanSend0Sent0CanSend1Sent SucceedOrFail IdleWaitfor0Waitfor1bined Petri net (partial)5Numerical ResultsIn order to confirm the correctness of the model that we have constructed,we have compared our numerical results with those calculated by Hermanns et al.[6] using their TIPP system.This is a stochastic process algebra which allows the development of numerical solution.Our stochastic Petri net solution was encoded using Trivedi’s SPNP pack-age,and solutions evaluated for differing arrival rates,time out intervals,and probabilities of transmission error.No attempt was made to model the effect of the non exponential nature of time outs or packet transmissions.1All our exper-iments used a mean transmission rate of10packets per second.This means that the maximum throughput that can be expected of the system is5packets per second,since acknowledgments take similar transmission time to packets.The probability of a transmission error was chosen to be either0.01,0.05or0.1,and the mean time out interval ranged from0.02seconds to2.5seconds.Maximum throughput when the transmission error probability is0.01is4.37 packets per second,and occurs when the time out interval is0.5seconds.When the error probability is0.1,the maximum throughput obtained is3.37packets per second,and occurs when the time out interval is0.1seconds.The graph in Figure11shows the maximum throughput as a function of the time out interval.It can be seen that when the time out interval is very long,the throughput is low,because any packets which are lost because of transmission errors have a long wait before they are retransmitted.As the interval reduces,the throughput increases.A maximum throughput is reached,and then the through-put decreases slightly,because time outs are occurring too frequently,even when the packet has not been lost,and the retransmission of correctly received packets is impeding the use of the channel by the subsequent packet.6Current WorkThe example used is perhaps the simplest that could be used with any appeal to usefulness.These remain a number of tasks that might broaden the usefulness of the approach.The most significant is to automate the mapping from the UML description to the performance model.This involves both the exploration of a wider variety of models and consideration of alternatives to GSPNs as a target.Some early attempts have allowed a cautious optimism that a wider concept of state,shown in UML by inclusion of conditional behaviour based on variables, and concurrency within objects,also allowed in Statecharts,can be accommo-dated.The problems are apparently those inherent in GSPNs themselves.At the same time,it appears that both alternative mappings,for instance onto stochastic process algebras(SPAs),and direct generation of the underlying 1The TIPPfigures simulated a constant timeout interval by using an Erlang-k distri-bution for the time out.There is no reason other than coding convenience that sucha technique was not used in our system.11.522.533.544.500.51 1.52 2.5Timeout Intervalp = Fig.11.Maximum Throughput as a Function of Time Out Intervalcontinuous time Markov chain (CTMC)without an intermediate representa-tion have possibilities.Very early results in both of these are reported by us in [16],while there have been recent developments in solving collaboration diagram models using iteratively solved queueing networks[10].7ConclusionsWe have demonstrated that,for suitably constrained models,UML specifications of interacting software processes can be transformed into stochastic Petri 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