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作家: 这么说你是在动物园里长大的So, you were raised in a zoo?
派:我是在本地治里出生长大的Born and raised...in Pondicherry, 当时
里属于法属印度in what was the French part of India. 我父亲是动物园园
My father owned the zoo.
我出生的时候还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist,
他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的who was there to check on the Bengal
monitor lizard. 好在母子平安Mother and I were both healthy,
可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了but the poor lizard escaped,
结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下and was trampled by a frightening category. 这是因果报应吧The way of Karma, huh?
也是神的意志The way of God.
作家: 这故事挺不错的That's quite a story.
光看你名字I'd assumed your father
我还以为你父亲是位数学家was a mathematician, because of your name.
派:差不多吧我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字Not far from it, I was
named after a swimming pool.
作家: 有叫"派"的游泳池吗There was a pool named "Pi"?
派:话说我叔叔弗朗西斯You see, my uncle Francis
刚出生时肺积水很严重was born with too much water in his lungs. 听人说医生抓住他脚踝They say the doctor swung Francis
倒过来晃来晃去才把水给清干净around by the ankle, to clear the water out. 也正因为这样And that's what gives him
他才四肢纤细却有着硕大的胸肌his huge chest and skinny legs,
他靠着身材成了游泳健将that made him such a great swimmer.
作家: 弗朗西斯是你亲叔叔吗Is Francis actually your uncle,
他说自己只是你父亲的朋友罢了he said he was friend with your father?
派:我们亲如叔侄我叫他"玛玛吉" Well, he's my "Honorary" Uncle. I call him "Mamaji".
他是我父亲的挚友也是我的游泳导师My father's best friend, my swimming guru. 我跟着他去进修所游三次I trained with him three times a week at the ashram. 他的谆谆教导最后救了我一命His lessons would save my life in the end.
( 弗朗西斯: 呛几口水倒死不了A mouthful of water will not harden you.
慌了就完了But panic will.
记得先呼吸别憋着And remember to breath now, don't hold your breath.
好孩子Good boy.)
派:我吃素食你不介意吧I hope you don't mind vegetarian.
作家: 没事不介意No, no. Not at all.
- 那名字的事呢- 什么- And your name? - Uh?
你刚打算说你名字的由来You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think.
派:对了Oh yes!
我这名字是玛玛吉跟我父亲说起的I got it from something Mamaji once
told my father. 一般人出游收集明信片You see, most travelers collect postcards 茶杯珠宝之类的东西or tea cups and their jewelries,
但玛玛吉不同but not Mamaji.
他喜欢收集游泳池Mamaji collects swimming pools.
每到一处他就去当地的泳池游泳He swims in every pool he comes upon.
有一天玛玛吉对我父亲说One day, Mamaji said to my father,
放眼世界各地的游泳池that of all the pools in the world,
当属巴黎的一个公共游泳池最美the most beautiful was a public pool in
Paris. 那里的水清澈至极That the water there was so clear,
你甚至可以拿里面的水煮早咖啡you could make your morning coffee with it. 就是这次游泳改变了他一生That a single swim there changed his life.
我出生之前他说道Before I was born, he said:
" 要想让你儿子有颗纯洁的心灵"If you want your son to have a clean soul, (Piscine 法语意为泳池)
就要带他去莫利托公共泳池游泳you must take him one day to swim in the "Piscine Molitor".
我一直没搞懂父亲为何对这句话如此上心I never understood why my father took this so much too heart.
但事实如此But he did.
所以我就被取名为"皮辛?莫利托?帕特尔" And I was named "Piscine
Molitor Patel". 你想想光解释名字就够累的Imagine me trying to explain
that name. 好不容易熬到 11 岁 结果 I barely made it to the age of eleven, before...
(" 便辛" Hey, "Pissing"!
你在小便吗 Are you pissing right now?
瞧 他在小便呢 Look at him, he is pissing.
一字之别 With one word,
我的名字就从优雅的法国泳池名 my name went from an elegant French
swimming pool 沦为了肮脏的印度公厕 to a stinking Indian latrine.
我到哪儿都成了 "小便" I was "Pissing" everywhere.
操场里不准随地小便 No pissing in the schoolyard!
就连老师也这么叫 Even the teacher started doing it.
的 Not deliberately, of course.
那么... So then...
是什么让壶里的气体快速蒸发呢 What made the kettle to release gas too quickly?
等到第二年开学第一天 When we returned the next year for our first day
of school,
我早有准备 I was prepared.
到 Present, sir!
皮辛?帕特尔 Piscine Patel.当然 他不是故意 小便 Pissing? 听啊 老师也叫他小便 He said pissing, guys.
小便 Pissing!
够了 That's enough!
早上好Good Morning.
我名叫皮辛?帕特尔I am Piscine Molitor
大家都叫我Know to all as:
"派" "Pi"
" 派" 是希腊字母表的第16 个字母The sixteenth letter of the
alphabet. 也在数学领域用来表示Which is also used in mathematics to
represent 圆周与直径之比the ratio of any circle circcomference to its
是一个无限不循环小数An irrational number of infinite length, 常取小数点后两位usually rounded to three digits, 记为 3.14 as 3.14, "派" Pi.
很有意思... 派Very impressive (i)
回座吧Now sit down.
- 阿瓦鲁? 萨米- 到- Arvelu Sami? -
之后你就成了" 派" 吗And from then on, you were
也不尽然Well no, not quite.
得了吧小便Nice try, Pissing.
但我还有一整天时间But I still had the whole day ahead of me. 接着是法语课French class was next.
我叫皮辛?莫利托?帕特尔Je m'appelle Piscine Molitor Patel.
派" Pi.
接着是地理课Then geography.
这是"派"小数点后前二十位These are the first twenty decimal places
of Pi. 最后一堂课是数学My last class of the day was mathematics. 4...
3.. . 3...
5.. . 5...
8.. . 8...
5.. . 5...
8.. . 8...
5.. . 5...
8.. . 8...
没错他真背出来了It's right! He's really doing this!
等放学的时候By the end of that day,
我就成了学校的传奇人物"派?帕特尔" I was "Pi Patel", school legend.) 作家: 玛玛吉跟我说你有段传奇航海经历是吗Mamaji tells me you're a legend among sailors, do you?
一个人漂洋过海Out there, all alone.
派:我不懂航海Oh, I don't even know how to sail.
再说我也不是一个人还有理查德?帕克And I wasn't alone out there, Richard Parker was with me.
作家:理查德?帕克Richard Parker?
玛玛吉没跟我细说Mamaji, he didn't tell me everything,
只说让我回蒙特利尔的时候来找你he just said I should look you up when I got back to Montreal.
派:那你在本地治里的时候都干些什么呢So what were you doing in Pondicherry?
作家: 写小说Writing a novel.
派:顺带一提我很喜欢你第一部小说By the way, I enjoyed your first book.
新书打算以印度为背景吗So this new one is set in India?
作家: 其实是葡萄牙No, Portugal actually.
在印度待着可以省些开销But it's cheaper living in India.
派:好吧我很期待你的新书Well, I look forward to reading it.
作家: 等不到了You can't.
我放弃了I threw it out.
我花了两年时间构思小说Two years I was trying to bring these things to
life, 结果它残喘了没多久就胎死腹中了and they one day... Sputtered caughed and died.
派:节哀顺变Oh, I'm sorry.
作家: 一天下午So I was sitting
怀念我我就坐在本地治里的咖啡屋in this coffee house in Pondicherry
那早逝的小说one afternoon mourning my lost,
就在那时when this
一位旁桌的老伙计跟我攀谈起来old man at the table next to me, struck up
a conversation.
派:玛玛吉就喜欢这样Yeah, Mamaji he does that.
作家: 我说起了那本没写成的小说他说道When I told him my abandoned book, he said: " 原来是加拿大人一起去法属印度吧"So, a Canadian. Let's
come to French India, 到那里搜集故事and search for a story.
伙计我有个印度朋友Well, my friend, I know an Indian
就住在加拿大法语区in French Canada,
他的故事那叫一个精彩 with the most incredible story to tell.
是命中注定要相遇啊 " It must be fate that the two of you should meet." 派:我已经好多年没说起过理查德 ?帕克的事了 Well I haven't spoken about Richard Parker in so many years.
玛玛吉都跟你说了些什么 So what has Mamaji already told you? 作家: 他说听了你的故事 会让我相信神的存在 He said you had a story that would make me believe in God.
派:依着他 吃顿好菜也能让人信上帝 He would say that about a nice meal. 至于信不信神 我只负责讲故事 As for God, I can only tell you my story. 不信由你自己决定 You'll decide for yourself what you believe.
作家:可以 Fair enough.
派:那么 从哪儿说起呢 Let's see then. Where to begin?
( 本地治里 ... Pondicherry...
当时为法属印度 is the French Bureau of India.
因为这地方离海最近 In this place, closest to the ocean,
若置身其中 你会误以为身处法国南部 you might think you are in the south of France. 几个街区后有条运河 A few blocks inland, there's a canal.
过了运河 就是印属本地治里 Just beyond that, is Indian Pondicherry. 往西就是穆斯林地区 And the Muslim quarter is just to the west. 1954 国归还了本地治里 When the French handed Pondicherry back to us in 1954, 小镇决定举行庆典 the town decided that some sort of commemoration was in order. 我父亲很有商业头脑 My father was a clever businessman.
想到了生财之道 He came up with one.你俩真
他本来着经营旅馆突然灵光一现He ran a hotel, and he got the idea to
决定关掉旅馆在植物园里开了一间动物园open a zoo in the local botanical gardens instead.
真是无巧不成书As it also happened,
我母亲当时是园子里的植物学家my mother was a botanist in the gardens.
一年后我哥他们就那样相识结为连理They met, married, and a year later,
哥拉维出生了my brother Ravi was born.
两年后我出生了I came two years after that.)
作家: 听起来真不可思议生长在... Sounds magical. Growing up in...
派: 阿门Amen.
好了吃吧Yeah, let's eat.
作家: 没想到印度教徒会说阿门I did not know Hindus said Amen.
派:天主教派的印度教徒就会这样Catholics Hindus do
作家: 还有天主教派的印度教徒吗Catholic Hindus?
派:神不止一个成百上千的神We get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods,
都需要敬畏instead of just one.
作家: 但你最先信奉的是印度教But you're a Hindu first.
派:我们都是经引荐接近神None of us knows God until someone introduces
us. 引我入门的是印度教I was first introduced to God as a
Hindu. 印度教中有三千三百万个神There are 33 million gods in the Hindu regilion. 我怎会不略知一二呢How can I not come to know a few of them?
( 我先认识的是黑天I met Krishna, first.
母亲: 雅修达曾责备年幼的黑天吃尘土
派:" 但他没有吃"
母亲: 黑天是这么说的
" 我没有吃泥土"
雅修达说" 没有吗既然这样..."
派: 看到什么呢
母亲: 她看到黑天的嘴里蕴含着整个宇宙
派:众神就是我心中的超能英雄队伍不断壮大The gods were my superheroes, growing up.
猴神哈奴曼Hanuman, the monkey god,
为了救朋友拉希米抬起了整座山lifting an entire mountain to save his
friend, Lakshmi.
象鼻神伽内什Ganesh, the elephant headed,
为了母亲帕尔瓦蒂不惜以命相搏risking his life to defend the honor of his mother, Parvati.
至高之灵毗湿奴Vishnu, the supreme soul,
万物之源the source of all things.
传说毗湿奴入睡漂浮于无边的浩瀚宇宙Vishnu sleeps, floating on the shoreless cosmic ocean,
父亲: 别被这些故事和谎言给忽悠了孩子们Don't let the stories and pretty lies fool you, boys.
宗教都很蒙昧Religion is darkness.
而我们不过是他梦境的产物and we are the stuff of his dreaming. 真是
派:我敬爱的父亲认为自己算是个新印度人My dear Apa believed himself part of the new India.
他小时候得过小儿麻痹症As a child, he'd had polio.
以前躺在床上疼痛难忍的时候He used to lie in bed wracked with pain,
就会想神在哪里wondering where God was.
最终神没能救他In the end, God didn't save him.
救他的是西方医学Western medecine did.
我母亲读过大学My Amma went to college
也觉得我们算是新印度人and thought our familly was part of the new
India as well, 但她和自己的父母断绝了往来But then her parents cut her off,
因为他们觉得父亲配不上她because they thought she was marrying beneath her. 宗教是她与过去的唯一联系Our religion was the only link she
had to her past. 我遇见基督则是十二岁那年在一座山上I met Christ in the mountains when I was 12.
当时我们去蒙纳的匹格鲁斯一家串亲戚We were visiting relatives, Pigroes in Monar. 到了第三天拉维和我无聊至极It was a third there, Ravi
拉维:跟你赌两卢比Challenge. I give you two and I were terribly bored.
你敢不敢跑进那座教堂偷喝圣水Run into that church, and drink the holy water. 牧师:想必你是口渴了吧You must be thirsty.
给 Here.
我给你带了杯水 I brought you this.
派:上帝为什么要这样 Why would a God do that?
为什么把自己的儿子下放人间 Why would he send his own son
为凡人的罪受难呢 to suffer for the sins of ordinary people?
为上帝爱世人 Because he loves us.
给世人接近祂的机会 God made himself approachable to us -- human, 我们了解上帝 so we could understand him.
我们无法理解上帝 抑或祂的完全 We can't understand God nor his perfection. 但我们可以理解上帝的儿子 But we can understand God's son, 就如手足一般 and his suffering, as we would of
以此救赎罪人 Sacrificing the innocent, to atone for the sins
of the guilty,
这算哪门子爱 what kind of love is that?
( 派 : 但圣子的说法 一直萦绕在我心里 But this son, I couldn't get him out of my
派:如果上帝如此完全 而我们却不完美 If God is so perfect, and we are not, 上帝又为何要创造这一切呢 why would he want to create all this?
又为什么要我们存在呢 Why does he need us at all?
牧师: 你只需知道上帝爱世人 All you have to know is that he loves us. 上帝爱这个世界 可以为此牺牲自己唯一的儿子 God so loved his world that he gave his only son.
牧师 : 因
派: 这说不通啊 That made no sense!
派:听牧师说得越多The longer I listened to the priest,
我就越发喜欢圣子the more I came to like the son of God.
派:谢谢你毗湿奴是你让我认识了基督Thank you Vishnu, for introducing me to Christ.
派:印度教给我了宗教启蒙I came to faith through Hinduism,
又通过基督发现神的爱and I found God's love through Christ.
但神与我之间的故事还未完结But God wasn't finished with me yet.
神的显现变幻莫测God works in mysterious ways.
他又以不同的身份出现在我面前And so it was he introduced him to me again, 这次的形象是真主this time by the name of Allah.
我阿拉伯语一直不太好My Arabic was never very good.
但那种音调却让我感觉与上帝更接近But the sound and feel of the words brought me closer to God.
做礼拜时我触碰的地面成了圣地In performing "Salah", the ground I touched became holly ground,
从中感受到一丝宁静与手足之情and I found a feeling of serenity and brotherhood.
父亲: 这羊肉真是棒极了This lamb is exquisite.
桌上就这个最好吃了It's the best dish on the table.
你不吃就错过了You're all missing out.
皮辛你要是再信三个教You only need to convert to three more religions, Piscine, 每天都能过不同的节了and you'll spend your life on holiday.
拉维: 耶稣大人你今年要去麦加吗Are you going to Mecca this year,
Swami Jesus? 还是打算去罗马加冕当教皇啊Or to Rome for your coronation as Popeius?
母亲: 别犯傻了Yourself, don't be silly.
你喜欢板球派也有自己的兴趣Just like you like cricket, Pi has his own interest.
父亲: 知道吗吉塔拉维说得在理No, Gita. Ravi has a point, you know?
皮辛你不能同时信三种不同的宗教You cannot follow three different religions at the same time, Piscine.
派:为什么不行Why not?
父亲: 因为什么都相信Because believing in everything at the same time 就跟什么都不信一样is the same as not believing in anything at all.
母亲: 桑托什他还小还在摸索中He's young, Santosh. He's still finding his way.
父亲: 但他如果不选定道路And how can he find his way,
又怎能摸索出路呢if he does not choose a path?
听着与其在各种宗教中举棋不定Listen, instead of leaping from one region to the next,
不如选择信奉理性why not start with reason?
百年间In few hundred years,
科学引领我们了解宇宙的深度science has taken us farther in undertanding the universe,
就已经远超宗教几千年的成果than the regilon has in ten thousand.
母亲: 这话在理That is true.
你父亲说得没错Your father is right.
科学能帮助我们了解外在的事物Science can teach us more about what is out there, 但内在世界却不行but not what is in here.
父亲: 确实有人吃肉也有人吃素Yeah. Some eat meat, some eat vegetable, 我不奢望大家什么都意见一致I do not expect us to all to agree about everything, 但我宁愿but I would much prefer
你信奉一种我不接受的宗教they'll have you believe in something I don't agree with, 也不愿意你盲目信奉一切than to accept everything blindly.
这就需要你从理性思考开始And that begins with thinking rationally.
你听懂了吗You understand?
派:我想受洗I would like to be baptised.)
作家: 这么说... So...
你既是基督教徒又是穆斯林教徒you're a Christian, and a Muslim.
派:还是个印度教徒And an Hindu, of course.
作家: 我猜还是犹太教徒吧And a Jew, I suppose.
Kabala at the University.
为什么不行呢And why not?
派:我确实在大学里也教授犹太哲学Well I do teach the course on the
信仰就像一栋房子里面有许多房间Faith is a house with many rooms.
作家: 但没有怀疑的房间吗But no room for doubt?
派:多的是每层楼都有Oh, plenty. On every floor.
怀疑很有益处Doubt is useful.
怀疑使得信仰充满生机It keeps Faith a living thing.
毕竟只有经过考验After all, you cannot know
才能明确自己的信仰是否足够坚定the strength of your faith until it has been tested.
( 拉维: 索森呢他不在我们不该进来的Where's Sothom? We shouldn't be
in here without him.
派:别担心Stop worrying.
我都观察过无数次了I have seen him do this a thousand times.
我想看看新来的老虎I want to meet our new tiger.
派:理查德?帕克你在吗Hello? Richard Parker?)
作家: 老虎吗Tiger?
理查德?帕克是只老虎吗Richard Parker was a tiger?
派:是啊这名字的由来纯属笔误Yeah, he got this name through a clerical error.
猎人趁它在河边饮水时把它抓住了 A hunter caught him drinking from a stream 它当时还是个幼崽when he was a cub,
取名"口渴" and named him "Thirsty".
等"口渴"长大了When Thirsty got too big,
我从它们眼里能看出来 I have seen it in their eyes.
猎人就把它卖给了动物园 the hunter sold him to our zoo, 但记录的时候 阴差阳错 but the name got switched on the paperwork. 猎人成了 "口渴" The hunter was listed as Thirsty, 而老虎成了理查德 ?帕克 and the tiger was called Richard Parker. 我们 都笑得不行 We laughed about it. 名字就这样沿用下了 And the name stuck! ( 拉维 : 走吧 Let's go... 再不走该出事了 Before we get into trouble! 派:我想好好瞧瞧他 I want to see him closer. 拉维: 你当自己是游客啊 You're not the zoo people! 走吧 Come on! 派:理查德?帕克 来吧 That's it Richard Parker. 这是给你吃的 It's for you. 父亲:住手 No! 你怎么想的 What are you thinking?
你疯了吗 Are you out of your mind? 谁让你进来的 Who gave you the permission to come back here? 你忘了我 以前跟你说的话了吗 You just ignored everything I've ever taught you? 派: 我 ... 我只想跟它打声招呼 I-I just wanted to say Hello to him. 父亲: 你当老 虎是你朋友吗 You think that tiger is your friend. 这是野兽 不是玩伴 He's an animal, not a playmate!
派:野兽也有灵魂的 Animals have souls.
父亲: 叫塞尔维过来 Find Selvan.
赛尔维: 确定要吗派还只是个孩子
父亲: 放吧快动手
野兽不像人Animals do not think like we do.
记不住这一点就会闹出人命People who forget that, get themselves killed. 那只老虎不是你的朋友That tiger... is not your friend.
你在它眼里看到的When you look into his eyes,
不过是自己感情的倒影you are seeing your own emotions reflected back
at you. 没别的Nothing else.
拉维: 笨蛋还不快承认错误You stupid. Say "I'm sorry."
母亲:你干什么了皮辛What have you done, Piscine?
你爸怎么跟你说的You know what your father said about coming back here? 派:对不起I am sorry.
我就是想I was...
你想干什么What are you thinking?
父亲: 这是我们父子之间的事This is between a father and his sons.
尔维放Selvan, cut away!
母亲: 他都知道错了你这样会吓着他的He said he's sorry. You'll just scare them for life.
父亲:这能吓着他? 他差点连胳膊都没了Scare them? That boy almost lost his arm. 母亲: 但他还只是个孩子But he's just a boy.
父亲: 他也当不了几年孩子了He will be a man sooner than you think.
ever to forget!
次的教训我要让他一辈子都记着And this is a lesson I do not want them
( 广播: 宣布国家进入紧急戒备状态.. and so has placed the country in
state of emergency
根据指示文化部Under the directive, the states of cultural... 派:从那以后一切都变了Things changed after the day of Apa's lesson. 感觉世上的某种美好被抹去了The world had lost some of its enchantment. 学校里功课很无聊无非是些公理分数还有法语School was a bore, nothing but facts, fractions and French.
单词和语法像是没有穷尽Words and patterns that went on and on
without end, 就像无理数" 派" 一样just like my irrational nickname.
我整日烦躁不安I grew restless,
搜寻着让我觉得searching for something
活着还有意义的事物that might bring meaning back into my life. 就在这时我遇到了阿南蒂And then, I met Anandi.
母亲让我学习音乐Mother made me study music.
有一天我的老师得了流感病倒了And one day, my teacher came down with
the flu. 他问我能不能替他He asked if I could take his place,
给舞蹈班打节奏playing rhythms for the dance class.
舞蹈老师: 错了
如果你们跳舞不专心的话If you do not concentrate,
就不能传递对神的敬爱you cannot express your love of God through
dance. 感受你们脚底的大地Feel the ground beneath your feet.
打开你的"吉桑" 放平Open your 'Gisauthon' to the horizon. 让那股精
力量穿透全身Let that spiritual energy pass through you, 通过"巴尼亚"散发到and out into the world.
全世界Troughout 'Bineia'.
阿南蒂到前面来领舞Anandi, come to the front, lead them.
阿南蒂: 你为什么跟踪我Why are you following
派: 什么What?
阿南蒂: 你刚才跟踪我You were following
派:这动作是什么意思What does this mean?
在那支舞里面你先做了" 巴探戈" In the dance, you went from
代表着森林which means the forest,
然后你做了你做了And then you did... and you did...
" 桑普塔" 表示隐藏的事物'Sanputa', which means something that
hidden. 接着你又这样Now for that you did this.
然后你又做了" 查图拉" And then you did
但是在最后面你做了这个动作But at the very end, you did... this.
他女孩都没这么做None of the others dancers did that. 这表示什么意思爱神躲在森林里吗What did you mean, the God of love is hiding in the
阿南蒂: 不是那个动作也代表莲花No, that also means 'the
flower'. 派:藏在森林里的莲花Lotus flowers hiding in the forest? 为什么莲花要藏在森林里Why would a Lotus flower hide in the forest?
派:这是理查德?帕克This is Richard
父亲: 动物园本来就不是我们的 土地都是国有的 The zoo was never ours to
它是我们的镇园之宝 He's the most magnificent creature we've ever had here. 快看它转头的样子 Look at the way he's turning his head. 耀武扬威的 就像舞者一样 Showing off... like a dancer. 阿南蒂 : 不对 它听到什么了 No. He heard something. 你瞧 它正在听 He is listening, you see? 父亲: 我们讨论挺长时间了 We have talked about it for some time. 你知 道我什么意思吧 Do you understand what I'm saying? 派 Pi! 派:对不起 你刚说你很 Uh sorry, you've been... 父亲:担心 Worried. 担心我们的家业 For my family. 动物在国外更值钱些 For animals are worth far more abroad than here in India. 如果镇政府不补贴我们了 And if the town council stops supporting us, 我们就要自寻生路了 I don't know where we will be. 所以我们要另谋生路 So it is what we have to do. 你明白吗 Do you understand? 派:对不起 你在说什么 I'm sorry, what are you talking about? 拉维 :
们要离开印度了 We are leaving India. 派: 什么 What? 母亲: 我们要卖掉动物园 We are selling the zoo. sell, the land belongs to the town.
但是动物是咱们的 But the animals are ours.
卖了它们足够我们开始新生活and if we sell them, we will have enough to
start a new life.
派:我们要去哪But where will we go?
我们的一切都在这里阿爸Our life is here, Apa!
父亲: 加拿大Canada.
我在温尼伯有个工作机会I have some opportunities for work in
Winnipeg. 我打算把园子里大部门动物装船去北美卖掉I'll be shipping most of
the animals for sale in North America,
全家也随货轮一起走we can get freighter passage for the whole family.
所以就这么决定了So... It's settled.
像哥伦布一样去远航We will sail like Columbus.
派:但哥伦布出海就是为了找印度But Columbus was looking for India!
派:清理动物园要花很多功夫It takes a lot of work to set a zoo.
离开前阿南蒂和我Before we left, Anandi and I
有足够的时间去依依惜别had time enough to break each other's heart.
当然我许诺我总有一天会回来Of course, I promised I would come back one day. 有意思的是It's funny...
我能记起离开那天所有的事I remember everything else about our last
day. 但是就是不记得我们怎么道别的But I don't remember saying goodbye.
舱里开饭了They're serving diner below.
你的人生还长着呢You have a whole life ahead of you.
我们也是为了你和拉维好We are doing this for you and Ravi. 饭吧Come inside and have some diner.
母亲: 素餐谢谢Vegetarian, please.
我儿子和我吃素Oh, my sons and I are vegetarians.
你们有不不不Do you have anything... No no no no no! for gravy.
船员: 你不想要肉汁? You don't want gravy?
母亲: 不我想要素餐
船员: 没问题
父亲: 请原谅
船员: 做这牛肝的那头牛就是吃素的
父亲: 真会开玩笑
船员: 没问题
父亲: 你怎么敢和我妻子这么说话
船员: 给你们大米
父亲: 你说什么
船员: 放开我
派:我说漏了什么吗 Yeah, have I forgotten anything?
父亲: 你以为你是谁 你就是个下人 船员: 我是给人做饭的 你是喂猴子的 佛教徒: 你们好 Hello. 我们佛教徒很好打发 I am happy Buddist. 我吃浇肉汁的米饭 So I eat rice next to gravy. 相信我吧 肉汁不算肉 I'm sure, gravy is not meat. 算调味品 尝尝吧 It's taste. You try? 父亲: 别担心 Don't worry. 我们在马尼拉停靠的时候会有新鲜供给的 We will have plenty of fresh supplies after we stop in Manila. 派:为什么给橙汁吃镇定剂 Why give Orange Juice tranquilizers? 它又不 会乱动 He's not gonna cause any trouble. 父亲: 长途跋涉对动物不好 The stress of traveling is not good for the animals, 还可以防止晕船 and it helps with the sea sickness. 我们可不想给晕船
的猩猩 We don't want to be cleaning up, 收拾残局 after a sea sick orang
utan. 是吧 Do we?) 派:父亲以前算是个生意人 My father was a businessman. 他以前从不亲自
照料动物 He had never attended the animals himself. 我这才意识到离开印度 I realized leaving India must 他肯定比我更难
have been harder for him than it was for me. 作家: 然后呢 So?
作家: 我以为你是在做铺垫 I think you set the stage,。