Chapter4(Color Order System)




indexedColors (Color Indexes)1A deprecated indexing scheme for colours that is still required for some records, and for backwards2compatibility with legacy formats.3This element contains a sequence of RGB color values that correspond to color indexes (zero-based). When4using the default indexed color palette, the values are not written out, but instead are implied. When the color 5palette has been modified from default, then the entire color palette is written out.6Here is the table of default mappings from indexed color value to ARGB value. Note that 0-7 are redundant of 8-715 to preserve backwards compatibility.8Color Index ARGB Value[Example:indexed="0" 00000000indexed="1" 00FFFFFFindexed="2" 00FF0000indexed="3" 0000FF00indexed="4" 000000FFindexed="5" 00FFFF00indexed="6" 00FF00FFindexed="7" 0000FFFF(none) (none)indexed="8" 00000000indexed="9" 00FFFFFFindexed="10" 00FF0000indexed="11" 0000FF00indexed="12" 000000FFindexed="13" 00FFFF00indexed="14" 00FF00FFindexed="15" 0000FFFFindexed="17" 00008000 indexed="18" 00000080 indexed="19" 00808000 indexed="20" 00800080 indexed="21" 00008080 indexed="22" 00C0C0C0 indexed="23" 00808080 indexed="24" 009999FF indexed="25" 00993366 indexed="26" 00FFFFCC indexed="27" 00CCFFFF indexed="28" 00660066 indexed="29" 00FF8080 indexed="30" 000066CC indexed="31" 00CCCCFF indexed="32" 00000080 indexed="33" 00FF00FF indexed="34" 00FFFF00 indexed="35" 0000FFFF indexed="36" 00800080 indexed="37" 00800000 indexed="38" 00008080 indexed="39" 000000FF indexed="40" 0000CCFFindexed="42" 00CCFFCCindexed="43" 00FFFF99indexed="44" 0099CCFFindexed="45" 00FF99CCindexed="46" 00CC99FFindexed="47" 00FFCC99indexed="48" 003366FFindexed="49" 0033CCCCindexed="50" 0099CC00indexed="51" 00FFCC00indexed="52" 00FF9900indexed="53" 00FF6600indexed="54" 00666699indexed="55" 00969696indexed="56" 00003366indexed="57" 00339966indexed="58" 00003300indexed="59" 00333300indexed="60" 00993300indexed="61" 00993366indexed="62" 00333399indexed="63" 00333333indexed="64" System Foreground n/a indexed="65" System Background n/a1234 5 6 7 8。

面料检验标准 美国四分制 英文版

面料检验标准 美国四分制 英文版
23. Large cargo must be required to test and distinguish between LOT-color, and single-code and detail on cargo packaging and quantity specified cylinder, the same packaging permit only color there is a LOT.
21. Inspection conditions: Examination to be about one yards from the cloth, at least four 40W fluorescent tubes lighting, but the thin light-colored fabric samples to be spread flat on a table at hand inspection, especially white fabrics; machine or hand speed to be able to see the cloth cover defects prevail.
The entire batch of large cargo Defect score shall not exceed 22 minutes (to 100 yards straight as a standard, that is 1000 yards straight scores may not be more than 220 points, does not consider the width).
If any bolt of cloth for defects in the three yards, no matter how many faults do not accept the score, must be cut open; any roll if regularity defect (more than 3), regardless of how many defects are not acceptable, must be cut open.

Keithley 36,00 Series SCPI 可编程直流电源说明书

Keithley 36,00 Series SCPI 可编程直流电源说明书

36, 00 series SCPIProgrammable DC Power Supply© Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Ver2.0 /Sep 2005/DirectoryAbout your safety (3)Certification and Warranty (3)Chapter 1 Remote Operation Mode (5)Chapter 2 SCPI Order List (5)2.1 IEEE488.2 Common Order (5)2.2 SCPI Essential Order (5)2.3 Calibration Order (6)2.4 Output Order (6)2.5 Output Measure Order (6)Chapter 3 SCPI Condition Register (6)Chapter 4 SCPI Order Description (9)4.1 IEEE488.2 Common Order (9)4.2 SCPI Essential Order (10)4.3 Output Order (12)4.4 Input measurement order (13)About your safetyPease review the following safety precautions before operating our equipment.General informationThe following safety precautions should be observed before using this product and any associated instrumentations. Although some instruments and accessories would be used with non-hazardous voltages, there are situations where hazardous conditions may be present.This product is intended for use by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury. Read and follow all installation, operation, and maintenance information carefully before using the product. Refer to this manual for complete product specifications.If the product is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided by the product may be impaired.Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the line cord and all test cables.Protection from electric shockOperators of this instrument must be protected from electric shock at all times. The responsible body must ensure that operators are prevented access and/or insulated from every connection point. In some cases, connections must be exposed to potential human contact. Product operators in these circumstances must be trained to protect themselves from the risk of electric shock. If the circuit is capable of operating at or above 1000 volts, no conductive part of the circuit may be exposed.Definition of usersResponsible body is the individual or group responsible for the use and maintenance of equipment is operated within its specifications and operating limits, and for ensuring that operators are adequately trained.Operators use the product for its intended function. They must be trained in electrical safety procedures and proper use of the instrument. They must be protected from electric shock and contact with hazardous live circuits.Service is only to be performed by qualified service personnel.Safety symbols and termsConnect it to safety earth ground using the wire recommended in the usermanual.The symbol on an instrument indicates that the user should refer to the operatinginstructions located in the manual.High voltage dangerCertification and WarrantyCertificationWe certify that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory.WarrantyThis instrument product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of delivery. During the warranty period we will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. For warranty service, with the exception of warranty options, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by us. Customer shall prepay shipping charges by (and shall pay all duty and taxes) for products returned to the supplier for warranty service. Except for products returned to customer from another country, supplier shall pay for return of products to customer.Limitation of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Customer, Customer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation and maintenance.Chapter 1 Remote Operation ModeE133 GPIB Communication CableThe DB9 interface connector on the rear panel of power supply is TTL voltage level; you can use the GPIB communication cable (E133) to connect the DB9 interface connector of the power supply, and then connect the GPIB interface of the E133 and computer with GPIB/IEEE 488 lineChapter 2 SCPI &RPPDQG List2.1 IEEE488.2 Common &RPPDQGV"*CLS""*ESE""*ESE?""*ESR?","*IDN?","*SRE","*SRE?","*STB?",2.2 SCPI Essential &RPPDQGVSYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?:VERSion?STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?:CONDition?:ENABle <VALUE>:ENABle?2.3 Calibration &RPPDQGV CALibration :SECure [:STATe] {<ON|OFF>,<quoted code>} ]:STATe]? :VOLTage :LEVel {<level> } [:DATA] {<numeric value>} :CURRent :LEVel {<level> } [:DATA] {<numeric value>} :SAVe :INITital 2.4 Output &RPPDQGV OUTPut [:STATe] <b> [:STATe]? [SOURce:] VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [:A MPLitude]? :PROTection[:LEVel] [:LEVel]? CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [:A MPLitude]?2.5 Output Measure &RPPDQGV MEASure [:SCALar] :VOLTage[:DC]? :CURRent[:DC]? :POWer[:DC]? Chapter 3 SCPI Condition RegisterYou can get the condition of power supply and read parameter from the operation register. The power supply can get the different state by 4 condition registers. These registers are status byte register, standard event register, quest condition register and operation status register. The status byte register stores the information of 3 other register. You can get each register’s meaning from the following table:B IT Signal Meaning 0 CV 23(5ation status register. The power supply is in constant voltage condition.1 CC The power supply is in constant current condition.0 1 OTUNRQuest condition registerOvertemperatureThe output of power supply is unregulated.0 2 34 57 OPCQYEDDEEXECMEPONStandard event status registerOperation of power supply is completed.Query error. Data of output array is missing.Device-dependent error. Data stored in register is missing or error occursin preliminary checkout.Execution error. Order parameter overflows or the condition is not right.Command error. Syntax or semantic error occurs when receivinginformation.Power on. It is 1when power supply is reset.3 4 5 6 7 QUESMAVESBMSSRQSOPERStatus byte registerIf a quest enable condition changes, QUES is 1.If the output array buffer storage is not empty, MAV is 1.If a standard event status enable register changes, ESB is 1.If a operation event enable register changes, OPER is 1.Structure of condition register V LV as following:Chapter 4 SCPI Order Description4.1 IEEE488.2 Common Commands*CLSThis order can clean the register as follows::Standard event status registerQuest condition registerOperation event registerStatus byte registerError codeOrder syntax:*CLSParameter:None*ESEThis order can set the parameter of standard event enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of standard event register is 1 and the byte will enable ESB of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:*ESE <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:*ESE 128Quest syntax:*ESE?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*ESR? *PSC *STB?Bit determination of standard event enable registerBit position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Bit Name PON Not used CME EXE DDE QYE Not used OPC Bit Weight 128 32 16 8 4PON Power-onCME Command error EXE Execution error DDE Device-dependent error QYE Query errorOPC Operation complete*ESR?This order can read the value of standard event status register. After executing this order, standard event status register is reset. Bit definition of standard event status register is as the same as the standard event status enable registerQuest syntax:*ESR?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*CLS *E SE *ESE?*OPC*IDN?This order can read information about power supply. The parameter it returns contains 4 segments divided by comma.Quest syntax:*IDN?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<AARD> segment descriptionITECH manufacturerXXXX product modeXXXXXX product serial numberVX.XX software version numberFor example:ITECH, IT6822, 6970001004, V1.54*SREThis order can set the parameter of status byte enable register. Setting parameter can determine which byte value of status byte register is 1 and the byte will enable RQS of status byte register is 1. Bit definition of status byte enable register is as the same as the status byte register.Order syntax:*SRE <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:*SRE 128Quest syntax: *SRE?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference Order:*ESE *ESR? *PS C *STB?*STB?This order can read the data from status byte register. After executing this order, status byte register is reset.Quest syntax:*STB?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*CLS *ESE *ESRBit determination of standard event status enable register7 6 54 3 2 1 0PositionBitBit Name OPER RQS ESB no use QUES no use no use no use32864128BitValue4.2 SCPI Essential CommandsSYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?This order can get the error code and error information of the power supply.(0) No error(1) Too many numeric suffices in Command Spec(10) No Input Command to parse(14) Numeric suffix is invalid value(16) Invalid value in numeric or channel list, e.g. out of range(17) Invalid number of dimensions in a channel list(20) Parameter of type Numeric Value overflowed its storage(30) Wrong units for parameter(40) Wrong type of parameter(s)(50) Wrong number of parameters(60) Unmatched quotation mark (single/double) in parameters(65) Unmatched bracket(70) Command keywords were not recognized(80) No entry in list to retrieve (number list or channel list)(90) Too many dimensions in entry to be returned in parameters(101) Command Execution error(100) Too many command(110) Rxd error Parity(200) Error EEPROM data,Out Initial.(201) Error Calibration dataOrder syntax:SYST:ERR?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR1〉,〈SRD〉SYSTem:VERSion?This order can query the software version.Order syntax:SYST:VERS?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR2>STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?This order can read the parameter from quest event register. After executing , quest event register is reset.Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABleBit determination of quest event registerBit Position 15 1413 12 11109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit name n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u Un OT Bit Value 2 1STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?This order can read the parameter from quest condition register. When a bit of quest condition changes, the bit value corresponding in quest event register is 1.Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable: CONDition?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>STATus:QUEStionable:ENABleThis order can set the parameter of quest event enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of quest event register is 1 and the bit will enable QUES of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle 128Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*PSCSTATus:OPERation:EVENt]?This order can read the parameter from operation event register. After executing this order, operation event register is reset.Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation [:EVENt]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:STATus: OPERation:ENABleBit determination of operation event enable registerBit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Bit Name no use no use no use no use no use no use CC CVBit value 2 1 STATus:OPERation:CONDition?This order can read the parameter from the operation condition. When the parameter of operation condition register changes, the bit corresponding in operation event register is 1. Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation: CONDition?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>STATus:OPERation:ENABleThis order can set the parameter of operation even enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of operation event register is 1 and the bit will enable OPER of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:STATus: OPERation:ENABle <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:STATus: OPERation:ENABle 128Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation:ENABle?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*PSC4.3 Output CommandsONPut[:STATe]This order can set power supply output on or off..Order syntax:ONPut[:STATe] <bool>Parameter:0|1|ON|OFF*RST value:OFFQuest syntax:ONPut:STATe?Return parameter:0|1[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel]This order can set current value of power supply.Order syntax:[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel] <NRf>Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:A mA*RST value: MINExample:CURR 3A,CURR 30mA,CURR MAX,CURR MIN Quest syntax:[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Example:CURR?, CURR? MAX, CURR?MINReturn parameter:<NR2>[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]This order can set voltage value of power supply.Order syntax:[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel] <NRf>Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:V mV kV*RST value:MAXQuest syntax:[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Return parameter:<NR2>[SOURce:]VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]This order can set voltage protection maximum level.Order syntax:[SOURce:] VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] <NR f> Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:V mV*RST value:MAXExample:VOLT:PROT 30V, VO LT PROT MAXQuest syntax:[SOURce:] VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Example:VOLT:PROT?, VO LT PROT? MAXReturn parameter:<NR2>4.4 Input measurement commands MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?This order can get the input voltage of power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:VExample:MEAS:VOLT?MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?This order can get the input current of power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:AExample:MEAS:CURR?MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]?This order can get the input power of the power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:WExample:MEAS:POW?Calibration orderCALibration:SECure:[STATe]Set protection mode enable or disable when calibrating the power supply.Order syntax:CALibration:SECure:[STATe ]{ON|OFF>,[<password>]}Parameter:0|1|ON|OFF, ‘5811Example:CAL:SEC 1, ‘5811; CAL:SEC OFFQuest syntax:CALibration:SECure:STATe?Parameter:NoneCALibration:VOLTage:LEVelThis order can set voltage calibration point. P1、P2、P3、P4 must be calibrated orderly. Order syntax:CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel <point>Parameter:P1|P2CALibration:VOLTage [:DATA] {<numeric value>}Return actual output voltage value of calibration point.Order syntax:CALibration:VOLTage [:DATA] <NRf>Parameter:<NRf>Example:CAL:VOLT 30.0002VCALibration:CURRent:LEVelThis order can set current calibration point. P1、P2、P3、P4 must be calibrated orderly. Order syntax:CALibration:CURRent:LEVel <point>Parameter:P1|P2CALibration:CURRent [:DATA] {<numeric value>}Return actual output current value to calibration point.Order syntax:CALibration:CURRent [:DATA] <NRf>Parameter:<NRf>Example:CAL:VOLT 3.0002A。



Chapter 4: The Noun Phrase The Structure of a Noun PhraseNoun Determiner + Modifiers + Noun Headwordan insightful and thought provoking remark the laughing, smiling, sunny baby some painfully annoying wisdom teeth those rotten and terribly smelly athletic socks her most challenging classNoun DeterminersFour Categories of Noun DeterminersArticles:a, an, theNumbers (including words that imply numbers):none, one, two, three, four, some many, few, all, several, no, first, second, third, another, each, both, anyPossessives:my, your, his, her, its, our, their, one’s, Herman’s, Rita’s, Sandy’s Other Noun Determiners:this, that, these, thoseNoun Phrase Exercise A Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the free modifier noun phrases for each, adding appropriate modifiers as the spaces indicate. Provide noun determiners as required.__________________________________________________ Example:2 By the age of eighteen,1 he had clearly defined his future role,2 the ________ rebel.2 the sensitive rebel.__________________________________________________(1) 1 The teacher knew what to expect from the boy,2 the ________ clown.(2) 2 Throughout high school,1 Sally, / , had been repeatedly elected to class office.2/ a/an ________, ________ organizer(3) 1 The new school seemed to be a terrifying place,2 a/an ________, ________ building.(4) 1 Tim had a knack for guessing the top ten songs of the week,2 a/an ________, ________ skill.(5) 1 The road, / , stretched out for miles.2/ a/an ________, ________ route(6) 1 Sharon could not find her favorite sweater,2 _____ ________ , ________ cardigan.(7) 1 He hurried to join the playing children,2 a/an ________, ________, ________ trio.(8) 1 Kino, / , allows the pearl to take control of his life.2/ _____ ________, ________ hero in Steinbeck's novel (9) 1 Montresor, / , cleverly tries to justify his behavior.2/ _____ very ________, ________ narrator of Poe'sshort storyDirections: On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the diagrams below and add appropriate noun determiners and modifiers as the spaces indicate. Also, add appropriate punctuation where called for.EXAMPLE: 1 It was an unforgettable trip,2 some skillfully guided sight-seeing,2 the excellent, varied food,2 and some satisfyingly good snapshots.(1) 1 Carla found that she liked everything about college,2 _______ _______ _______ courses,2 _______ _______ _______ dormitory,2 and _______ _______ _______ dates.(2) 1 She was overwhelmed by the paperwork,2 _______ _______ _______ reports,2 _______ _______ _______ memos,2 and _______ _______ _______ recommendations.(3) 1 I'll never forget that last summer at camp,2 _______ _______ _______ days,2 _______ _______ _______ evenings,2 and _______ _______ _______ weekends.(4) 1 Jessica carried in all of the packages from the car,2 _______ _______ _______ groceries,2 _______ _______ _______ shoes,2 and _______ _______ _______ pants.(5) 1 The day before vacation seemed to drag on interminably,2 _______ _______ classes,2 _______ _______ _______ afternoons,2 and _______ _______ paperwork.(6) 2 On Friday,1 two guests appeared on our doorstep,2 _______ _______ _______ friend,2 and _______ _______ _______ uncle.Noun Phrase Exercise C Directions: Complete this exercise on a separate sheet of paper. You are going to construct a total of five sentences forthis exercise. Use the underlined word in your base clause. Then, pick any two of the words that follow and make them each a headword of a noun phrase. Each noun phrase should start with a noun determiner and have at least two modifiers describing the noun headword. Examples:car: body, engine, trim, color, model, power, lights, wheels,carburetor1 Michael described his friend's new car,2 the sleek, low body,2 its four-barrel carburetor.1 Sue drew a picture of her ideal car,2 the vivid exterior color,2 the contrasting interior trim,2 and the four brightly shining wire wheels.(1) breakfast: cereal, toast, juice, eggs, bacon, milk, coffee, cocoa(2) clutter: books, pencils, papers, lamp, boxes, typewriter,calendar, candy(3) everything: water, mud, fish, rocks, cans, tires, boats, ducks,swimmers(4) everywhere: record store, Chinese restaurant, pet shop, movie theater, boutique, food court(5) guests: friends, relatives, neighbors, children, petsNoun Phrase Exercise DDirections: This exercise will give you practice in varying the types of modifiers that you add to your noun phrases. On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the sentence providing the types of words requested in parentheses that will modify the noun headword given. You will find noun determiners and possessives in the noun phrase section of this workbook.(1) 2 Under the Christmas tree,1 Peter found the gifts he had wanted most,2 (noun determiner) (adjective), (adjective) book,2 and (noun determiner) (adjective), (adjective) (noun)jacket.(2) 1 Mother has thrown out all of our mess,2 (possessive noun determiner) (adjective) comics,2 and (possessive noun determiner) (past participle)models.(3) 1 The resources of our library are limitless,2 (noun determiner) (adverb) (adjective) reference-books,2 (noun determiner) (adjective) reserve books,2 (noun determiner) (adjective) (noun) collections,2 and (noun determiner) (adjective), (past participle)magazines and newspapers.(4) 1 The farmer, / , carried the bale on his hip,2 (noun determiner) (adjective), (adjective) worker.(5) 1 The platform was crowded with luggage:2 (noun determiner) (adjective) (past participle) trunks,2 and (noun determiner) (adjective) (adjective) suitcases.(6) 1 A few hours later we caught two bass,2 (adverb) (adjective) fish (prepositional phrase).(7) 1 The little man pulled at the top of his tie,2 (noun determiner) (adjective) tie (prepositional phrase).N oun P hrase E xercise EDirections: On a separate sheet of paper, write new sentences by taking material from the source sentences and adding it to the final sentence in the manner indicated.EXAMPLE: Source Sentences: Kay looked about her room. It was a cozy place. It was full of sunshine.1 Kay looked about her room,2 a/an neat, cozy, sunshiny place. (n-d) (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (noun)(1) Source Sentences: The new teenager was always smiling. She was very friendly. No one seemed to notice that she was rather awkward.1 Everyone in the neighborhood likes the new girl down the block,2 (noun determiner) (present participle), (adjective), (adjective)teenager.(2) Source Sentences: The umpire was a short, heavy-set man. He was sweating. He was hard-bitten.1 The crowd shouted insults at the umpire,2 (noun determiner) (adjective), (adjective), (present participle)man.(3) Source Sentences: Jean found that a summer job involved some busy hours. Some were rather hectic. There were days that were interesting. Others were profitable.1 Jean found out what a summer job involved:2 (noun determiner) (adjective), (adjective) hours2 and (noun determiner) (adverb), (adjective) days.(4) Source Sentences: The students were planning an exciting evening. It was to be an unusual one.1 The students were planning the first social event of the season,2 (noun determiner) (present participle), (adjective) evening.Noun Phrase Exercise FDirections: Choose one noun for each sphere and write four “WOW”noun phrases to rename each noun.Noun P hrase Exercise G Directions:2 On a separate piece of paper,1 diagram the sentences below according to the levels of generality,2 filling in the blanks with appropriate noun phrases andprepositional phrases.(EX.) According to Bob, _noun phrase_, Steve and Jamie broke up_prep. phrase_ _prep. phrase_, _noun phrase_ _prep. Phrase.2 According to Bob,3 the know-it-all town gossip,1 Steve and Jaime broke up at the fair on Saturday,2 a rainy, dreary afternoon for both of them.(1) The birthday card, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_ _prep.phrase_, arrived late every year.(2) _Noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_ _prep. phrase_, the Palm Pilot kept track of Ron’s busy life, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, and _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_.(3) _Noun phrase_ , the novel had all the right elements of a great piece of literature, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, _noun phrase__prep. phrase_, and _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_.(4) _Noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_ — these are the greatest features of _your favorite television show_.(5) Superman, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_, might just be able to defeat both Alien and Predator, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_.(6) _Prep. phrase_, the computer seems to freeze up, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_.(7) The last sentence on this page, _noun phrase_ _prep. phrase_ is at the bottom of this page.。


10 10 16 28 13952536212425165539865576295081244057368976549650053326765972859436447663972399679278
Visual Perception: Human Eye
(Picture from Microsoft Encarta 2000)
Cross Section of the Human Eye
(Images from Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Wood, Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition.
Visual Perception: Human Eye (cont.)
I = {(x,a(x)): x X, a(x) F} where X and F are a point set and value set, respectively. w An element of the image, (x,a(x)) is called a pixel where
- x is called the pixel location and - a(x) is the pixel value at the location x
Image “After snow storm” f(x,y)
w An image: a multidimensional function of spatial coordinates. w Spatial coordinate: (x,y) for 2D case such as photograph,

商务英语写作(修订版) 第四章 (Lily)

商务英语写作(修订版) 第四章 (Lily)

• Apple
• 1 Infinite Loop • Cupertino, CA 95014 • 408.996.1010
• Telephone:86-755-88396091Mobile Phone:13058033640Fax:86-75588396094Address:4th floor, building 3, Tangtou 3rd Industrial Park, ShiYan town, Baoan DistrictZip:518108Country/Region:China (Mainland)Province/State:GuangdongCity:She nzhen
Quantity 400 meters 500 meters 300 meters
Pattern No. 28 48 69
Prices $ 200 per meter $ 150 per meter $ 120 per meter
We are looking forward to your reply.
We hope this transaction will lead to an enduring relationship between us.
Yours sincerely, Rose Keynold
III. Sample Contrast
1. Placing an order
Dear Mr. Chen: We have got your letter of July 12 and received patterns of your cotton prints. We’d like to order the following items:

chapter4 数据集合上的搜(Searching)算法 94页

chapter4 数据集合上的搜(Searching)算法 94页
即kl是所有的先于ki输入并大于kj的值; 令
L j { k i : 1 i jak l n k i k j d fa o l i l r s lt u h k l c k j } a
则从根到y(y->key=kj)的路径上,结点的关键字集合恰为 Gj∪Lj,且d(kj,T)=|Gj|+|Lj|。
4.1 动态数据集(Dynamic Set)与抽象 数据类型(ADT)
静态数据集(Static Set)中的数据是固定不变的。 动态数据集(Dynamic Set)则是由不断变动的同类型数据元 素组成的数据集合。
动态数据集(Dynamic Set)可以表示为一个数据元素的数组:
class DynamicSet { int setSize; Object[arraySize] elements; ...
更为灵活的存储形式是利用指针和链表(例如线性链表和树 结构),这种存储形式在搜索算法中经常用到。
搜索问题:在集合中检索出其关键字域的值等于给定值的数 据元素。
已知:动态数据集类型DynamicSet的一个实例set和值x。 求:集合set中一个元素Object element,使element.key = x。
4.2.3 插入与删除操作
动态数据集上的Insert(S,x)、Delete(S,x)操作与查询操作不同, 它们会引起二叉搜索树本身的变化。 插入操作算法Tree_Insert
Fig.4.3表示把新的数据项14(关键字值为14)作为新结点插 入到二叉搜索树的过程。
从二叉搜索树中删除一个结点的算法比较复杂,假定待删除 结点指针z不为NULL,有三种情形:



It was all of them at once. It transcended every phase of life—though it is true, of course, that in this particular locality or at that particular time, in this individual or in that social atmosphere, it did take on this or that predominant emphasis or color. On this side of the Atlantic, for instance, it assumed at the outset a pre-eminently political character, and America, in her own Revolution and in the events which followed it, made an early and memorable contribution to that greater revolution of the human spirit. But America, save in the case here and there of an exceptional mind, remained largely unconscious, even as a matter of political theory, of the general significance for the world of what she had accomplished. Still less had she distilled from her democratic practice any fresh philosophy or faith. When, then, voices from abroad of those who were seeking a religion for the new order of things penetrated to a community which, religious to the core, had long been religiously starved, those voices were bound to be heard and answered. That is precisely what began happening near Boston shortly before the year 1830. The result was similar to what occurs, under like conditions, in the case of an individual.

英语翻译 chapter 4

英语翻译 chapter 4

Chpater 4 Lexical Translation:Numerals and Units1. Numerals精确数词翻译1) Some English numbers 一些英语数字的翻译English Words American Use British UseBillion 109 (十亿) 1012(万亿)Trillion 1012(万亿) 1018(百万兆) Quadrillion 1015(千万亿) 1024(万亿兆) Quintillion 1018 (1000的6次幂) 1030 (100万的5次幂)Foreign funds flowed into China in a spectacular way. The stock of foreign investment grew from under $5billion in 1989 to nearly $90billion by 1994.中国现有草地面积3.9亿公顷, 其中可利用面积3.2亿公顷, 居世界第三位.在1997年, 中国进出口总额还不到150亿美元, 仅占世界贸易总额的 thousands数以千计大量by hundreds数以百计by (the) millions数以百万计by halves不完全地thousands of数千,数以千计hundreds of 数百数以百计hundreds of thousands几十万; 无数的thousands upon thousands成千上万millions upon millions of千百万tens of, decades of数十个dozens of 几打;几十个scores of 许多billions of 几十亿hundreds of millions亿万a thousand and one 无数的 a hundred and one许多ten to one 十之八九nine cases out of ten十之八九nine tenths 十分之九;几乎全部tens of thousands好几万several millions of 数百万fifty-fifty各半的;对半;平均by one hundred percent 百分之百地;全部a long hundred 一百多;一百二十a few tens of十分之几有几成by twos and threes 三三两两in two twos 转眼;立即at sixes and sevens乱七八糟one or two少许;几个first of all首先second to none 首屈一指last but one倒数第二a decade of 10个;一组 a score of 20个一组a dozen 12个;一打 a long dozen 13个They packed the oranges in ten.Ten to one she has forgotten it.We do nothing by halves.Her name ranks last but one on the list.Let’s go fifty-fifty on the dinner check.2)Translation of Approximate Numbers 约数的翻译1) More than, above, over, past, in excess of, or more, long, odd, etc. Can be used to express Chinese 多于,多,超过,etc. Compare the versions in the following examples.100多公斤1000多英里3个多小时1公里多6万多六万几千八十几厘米八百零几克据说这个孩子的体重有100多磅.我花了两个多小时才完成家庭作业.这辆车已经跑了1000多英里.这所师范学校有3000多名学生.她80多了.2)Less than, under, below, off, or less, etc: Can be used to express Chinese 不到,少于,低于,etc. Look at the following examples.不到80美元这只火鸡低于25美元她是不会卖的.那辆三轮车的售价还不到185法郎.他以低于价目表6美元的价格买下了那个咖啡壶.3) Or so, more or less, about, in the region of, approximately, some, around, etc. Can be used to express Chinese 大约,左右,上下and others of the like.11点钟左右约5万吨近3个月1000元左右600公里左右大约两周这个学院订阅的杂志大约有250种.她的月薪在400美元左右.我每天早上五点半左右起床.4)We can still use English whole numbers to express approximate Chinese conception.I have told you twenty times.A million thanks for your kindness.We have a hundred things to do.A wonder lasts but nine days.She has fifty things to tell you.If we want to express the Chinese meanings of 不多不少,刚好,整整, we can employ words such as flat, clear, sharp, cool, just, whole, exactly, with whole numbers together.He finished the 100-meter dash in 10 seconds flat.The chief physician treated cool 40 patients that day.3) Translation of English multiple 英语倍数的翻译1) Some Sentence Constructions as to Increase 用于增长中常见句型的翻译“Multiple + as…as…” constructionThe grain output of this year is about three times as great as that of last year.Asia is four times as large as Europe.Were the ear th’s mass twice as great as it is, it would attract an object twice as strongly as it does.Your room is three times as large as mine.“Multiple + comparative +than…”constructionMt. Qomolangma is 8848 meters high, about two and half times higher than Mt. Fuji.Kuwait oil wells yield nearly 500 times more than U.S. wells.Iron is almost three times heavier than aluminum.Your room is four times larger than mine.The irrigated area in this prefecture is four times bigger than in 1998.Some verbs + multipleVerbs like increase, rise, exceed, grow, raise, expand, go up, etc. are commonly used to express multiple with the meanings of “increase”.The number of the students enrolled in evening classes has increased more than twofold.The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5.2 percent, compared with the same period of last year.The output of chemical fiber has been increased three times as against last year.During this period its territory increased ten-fold.“By a factor of +multiple” constructionThis structure is copied with when we have to minus one from the number since the original is not included in Chinese language.In case of electronic scanning the beam width is broader by a factor of two.Today the speed of our car exceeds the ordinary speed by a factor of three.The population of this county has increased by a factor of five.Some words with multiple meaningSuch words with multiple meaning are double, treble, quadruple, etc. in English.The output of diesel oil for farm has more than double.The baby girl doubled its weight in a year.Henry trebled his money by buying a dog for $50 and selling it for $150.Having the repeater spacing decreased by one half, we made it possible to quadruple the bandwidth.The output of color TV sets has been double in the past five years.The output of iron and steel is treble what it was.The number of livestock has quadrupled this year.Our population is now double what it was thirty-five years ago. Comments① A is N times bigger than B.② A is bigger than B by N times.③ A is N times as big as B.The exact meaning of the three structures is: A=B×N2) Some words, Phrases and Structures as to Decrease用于减少中常见词语和句型的翻译Some words and phrasesThe output of cars in Europe last year was 24 percent less than in1996.In this lathe, proper lubrication has diminished almost three fifths of the friction.Owing to natural calamities, the wheat output of every mu in our village has decreased from 500 kilograms to less than 350 kilograms.The production cost of electronic organs was reduced by 30%.The depth of water in the first tube is less than half that in the other.The leads of the new condenser are half as long as those of the old, yet the functions are the same.This new method has halved the loss of metal.Some structuresThe length of the designed size was reduced ten times.This kind of film is twice thinner than ordinary paper, but its quality is quite good.Aluminum is almost more than three times as light as copper.We see that the price of the product is reduced by a factor of 5.Comments Besides some words and phrase, we can come to a conclusion that the following sentence structures have the same meanings.①A is N times smaller than B.②A is smaller than B by N times.③A is N times as small as B.2. Vague numerals模糊数词翻译模糊数词英译包括以下几个方面: 数词带有形容词性或副词性, 表示约略或夸张; 数词与政治术语连用。

中国文化概况 chapter 4

中国文化概况 chapter 4
round, neat, strong, and pointed. The goat hair is soft, suitable for the writing of big characters, while the wolf hair is hard, suitable for the writing of small ones.
How do you understand Chinese calligraphy?
Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines.
Calligraphy’s purpose is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate man’s spiritual beauty. It stresses the overall layout and harmony between words and lines.
The Seal Form (篆书)
Soft lines of strokes and upright rectangular shape keep the seal form characters more close to pictography (象形文字).
Each of the characters has a balanced and symmetrical (对称的) pattern.
The Chinese saying “The handwriting reveals the person” (字如其人), is directly related to calligraphy.
Strokes (笔画) of Chinese Characters



Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。

光电子学与光子学的原理及应用s.o.kasa chapter4课后答案

光电子学与光子学的原理及应用s.o.kasa chapter4课后答案

(le3vpe1)lsarnedsuthlteinrgemfraoimninvgareioleucstrdoinffse(r2enp5t)vwaliutheisnoqfumanl atunmd mmsetchhaat nciacnalarsusilgesn.edNtoot
e all
sixth excited transitions to
spins parallel has a lower energy than that with opposite electron spins as indicated in Figure 4Q1. These
two He states can excite Ne atoms to either the 2p54s1 or 2p55s1. There is then a population inversion between these levels and the 2p53p1 and between 2p55s1 and 2p54p1 which leads to the above lasing
electron these
energy levels are allowed as photon emission requires quantum number selection rules to be obeyed.
a Table 4Q1, shows some typical commercial He-Ne laser characteristics (within 30-50%) for various wavelengths. Calculate the overall efficiencies of these lasers.

英语写作基础教程Chapter 4 PPT

英语写作基础教程Chapter 4 PPT

A. in addition B. for example C. in fact D. also E. furthermore Teachers of foreign languages should be extremely well-qualified in order to carry out their duties properly. ___(1)__, a teacher should possess a minimum of a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school or below. Besides the academic degree, teachers should not consider teaching only as an occupation for earning money; they should __(2)__ be interested in teaching. ___(3)___, it was necessary that teachers be knowledgeable in their major fields. They should be skillful as well. _(4)__, the language teacher must know the target language well enough to be imitated by his students. Proficiency in the target language includes fours skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. A teacher should know the linguistic facts of the language of the students in order to understand the problems they will have in learning the target language. __(5)__, the teacher must be familiar with audio-lingual techniques. Knowing all this will help the students to learn correctly and quickly.



Chapter 4Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic CellsLearning Objectives1. Be able to compare and contrast the overall cell structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes (Text, Table4.2).2. Identify the three basic shapes of bacteria.3. Describe the structure and function of "bacterial parts", i.e., the glycocalyx, flagella, axial filaments,fimbriae, pili, ribosomes, etc.4. Be able to compare and contrast the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, acid-fast bacteria, archaea, and mycoplasmas. Please know very well.5. Differentiate between a protoplast, spheroplast and an L-form.6. Be able to describe the structure, chemistry, and functions of the prokaryotic plasma membrane.7. Define simple diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and group translocation.8. Describe the functions of endospores, sporulation, and endospore germination.9. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella.10. Be able to compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell walls and glycocalyxes.11. Be able to compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic plasma membranes.12. Be able to compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cytoplasms.13. Define organelle.14. Briefly describe the functions of endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complex, lysosomes,vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, centrosomes, and centrioles.Note: Most emphasis will be on prokaryotic and archaea structure and function.15. Discuss evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryotic evolution.Comparing of Prokaryotic Cells (Text, Fig. 4.6)and Eukaryotic Cells(Text, Fig. 4.22)1. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are similar in their chemical composition and chemical reactions.2. Prokaryotic cells lack membrane-enclosed organelles (including a nucleus).3. Peptidoglycan is found in prokaryotic cell walls but not in eukaryotic cell walls.4. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane bound nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.The Prokaryotic Cell1. Bacteria are unicellular, and most of them multiply by binary fission.2. Morphology, chemical composition, nutritional requirements, biochemical activities, and source ofenergy are used to differentiate bacterial species.The Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells(Text, Figs. 4.1-4.3)1. Most bacteria are from 0.20 to2.0 µm in diameter and from 2 to 8 µm in length.6. The Golgi complex consists of flattened sacs called cisterns. It functions in membrane formationand protein secretion.7. Lysosomes are formed from Golgi complexes. They store powerful digestive enzymes.8. Vacuoles are membrane-enclosed cavities derived from the Golgi complex usually found inplant cells that store various substances, help bring food into the cell, increase cell size, andprovide rigidity to leaves and stems.9. Mitochondria are the primary sites of ATP production. They contain small 70S ribosomes andDNA, and they multiply by fission. These are characteristics of bacteria.10. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and enzymes for photosynthesis. Like mitochondria, theycontain 70S ribosomes and DNA and multiply by fission.11. A variety of organic compounds are oxidized in peroxisomes. Catalase in peroxisomes destroysH2O2.12. The centrosome consists of the pericentriolar area and the centrioles. Centrioles, which areinvolved in cell division, are near the nucleus. Centrioles are 9 triplet microtubules involved in the formation of mitotic and flagellar microtubules.The Evolution of Eukaryotes1. According to the endosymbiotic theory, eukaryotic cells evolved from symbiotic prokaryotesliving inside other prokaryotic cells. The endosymbiont within the host bacterium became the eukaryotic mitochondrion. A similar situation occurred for photosynthetic eukaryotes. This time an autotrophic bacterium and a phototsynthetic heterotroph formed a symbiotic relationship. The smaller photosynthetic bacterium became the eukaryotic chloroplast.Differences between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes1. Memorize Text, Table 4.2.Differences between Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, and Archaea1. Memorize Text, Table 10.1.Additional Readings Appendix:1. "Mutant Bacteria Spring Into Surprising Spiral Shape", David Holzman. 2005. ASM News 70(12): 558. Copyrighted by ASM and reproduced with permission of ASM.。

商务英语写作 chapter 4

商务英语写作 chapter 4
oofrdcoelra?. HIno3w5 mloinnugtews.ill
the pizza be delivered?
Listening exercise
Listen and fill in the form on your own
After the second listening, please discuss the answer with your group members and submit ONE paper to the teacher
Writing steps of an Order letter
1. Open with referring to some previous contacts such as catalogs, phone calls or trade fairs.
2. Describe the order 3. Mention payment and delivery 4. Express courtesy
HYaess.this customer ordered before?
What is his nLaurmgebsepri?cy Wbehefaptidzzida ahned
a 2-liter bottle
To learn ways of submitting an order. To learn useful terms and expressions for orders. To practice writing letters for orders.




而在专色这个领域,色卡成为了一种色彩沟通语言,目前国际上存在的比较成熟的色卡有以下几种:美国的PANTONE色卡,德国的RAL色卡,日本的DIC 色卡,瑞典的 NCS色卡,MUNSELL色卡,SCOTDIC棉布色卡,中国建筑色卡等。


笔者在从业过程中,发现业内人士对于该标准色卡的认识较少,在此,主要介绍三种常用于印刷的配色指南:PANTONE Formula Guide-Coated / Uncoated/matte(潘通专色色彩配方指南-铜版纸/胶版纸/哑粉纸)、PANTONE 4-color process guide(潘通四色叠印指南-铜版纸/胶版纸)、PANTONE Color Bridge coated(潘通色彩桥梁-配对CMYK和RGB模拟专色),以期能帮助业内人士能对PANTONE色卡有更进一步的认识,更好指导实践。

<BR&NBSP; /><BR&NBSP; />一、PANTONE Formula Guide-Coated / Uncoated/matte(潘通专色色彩配方指南-铜版纸/胶版纸/哑粉纸)<BR&NBSP; /><BR&NBSP; /> PANTONE Formula Guide-Coated / Uncoated/ matte是PANTONE 配色系统的核心。



<BR&NBSP; /><BR&NBSP; /> 1.PANTONE 基本色<BR&NBSP; /><BR&NBSP; />PANTONE有14种基本色,是纯原色油墨,以单一颜料(或色料)按较高的百分比含量配置而成,具有较高的色浓度和色纯度,是调配其他专色油墨的基础。



在Kismet学习排序活动时,人类向机器人展示一些常见 的标准(颜色),以及不同的对象应该放的位置。机器人 通过语言描述来表达自己的理解,并向目标位置点头。人 类向机器人展示搜索活动的例子,机器人通过链接名称和 对象来演示它的理解。通过搜索活动来学习Blah与blah, 新的视角产生新的感知目标,并尝试构建这个感知目标来 了解人类的感知过程。机器感知对于特定领域可以是健壮 的,但不像人类的感知方法那样具有适应性,它将传统的 机器感知和机器学习与机会主义发展策略相结合——主动 感知运动的“劳累”。如果一个机器人从事一项已知的活 动,就有足够的限制来识别该活动中的新元素。同样,如 果已知元素参与了一些不熟悉的活动,跟踪这些元素可以 帮助确定该活动的特征。潜在地,感知发展就是这样循环 的。
Text A
Perception and Perspective in Robotics Paul Fitzpatrick MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Humanoid Robotics Group Goal To build robots that can interact with novel objects and participate in novel activities Challenge Machine perception can be robust for a specific domain such as face detection, but unlike human perception it is not currently adaptable in the face of change (new objects, changed circumstances) Approach Integrate conventional machine perception and machine learning with strategies for opportunistic development

《旅游英语视听说》Chapter 4 (1)

《旅游英语视听说》Chapter 4 (1)
Because this is an international flight, all passengers must clear US immigration, claim their baggage and clear US customs in San Francisco.
2.Have your passport and completed travel documents
U.S. officers upon exiting the U.S.
• 4.__F___ You have to fill in both sides of the form. • 5.__T___ All laptop computers and other electronic
devices should be turned off when approaching the destination.
• 2.__T___ Flight attendants distribute forms to
passengers except American citizen and green card holders.
• 3.__T___ A departure coupon must be returned to the
• If you need help completing the forms, please ask your flight attendant or United Airlines representative for assistance.
• After clearing the immigration, proceed to the baggage claim area to reclaim your baggage.








关键词:嘉莉妹妹;欲望;层次需求理论AbstractSister Carrie tells the story of a small country girl Carrie who moves to Chicago to realize her “American Dream” and eventually becomes a Broadway star in New York. Despite living a luxurious life, she is lost in spirit. Reading the novel, we may easily notice Carrie’s different needs and desires arising gradually and also the betrayal of traditional moral code in the process of pursuing material gain. The paper analyzes the reasons why Carrie and two male heroes closed to her have various needs at different stages of life, mainly based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One is figures’inner desires; the other is the outside force, including temptations of environment, cites, etc. The interaction between them makes Carrie lose herself eventually. It seems to tell people that in modern society material supplies more and more abundantly, but we should never pursue it blindly and much importance should be attached to happiness and stability created by spirit. It is essential to ponder the significance and the value of life.Key words: Sister Carrie; desire; hierarchy of needsContentsChapter 1 General Introduction (1)1.1 About the author and the novel (1)1.1.1 The author: Theodore Dreiser (1)1.1.2 The novel: Sister Carrie (1)1.2 About Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs (2)Chapter 2 Carrier’s needs (4)2.1 Carrie’s primary needs (4)2.1.1 The physiological needs: leaving for Chicago (4)2.1.2 The safety needs: becoming Drouet’s mistress (5)2.2 Carrie’s higher level needs (6)2.2.1 The love and belonging needs — awaking step (6)2.2.2 The esteem needs — advanced development (7)2.2.3 The self-actualization needs — ultimate goal (8)Chapter 3 Drouet’s needs (10)3.1 Drouet’s primary needs (10)3.1.1 The physiological needs: the pursuit of Carrie (10)3.1.2 The safety needs: the satisfaction of material (11)3.2 Droue t’s higher level needs (12)Chapter 4 Hurstwood’s needs (13)4.1 Hurstwood’s needs in Chicago (13)4.1.1 Hurstwood’s physiological needs (13)4.1.2 Hurstwood’s safety needs (14)4.1.3 Hurstwood’s love and belonging needs (14)4.2 Hurstwood’s needs in New York (15)Conclusion (17)References (19)Acknowledgments (20)Chapter 1 General Introduction1.1 About the author and the novel1.1.1 The author: Theodore DreiserTheodore Dreiser is the most outstanding realistic novelist in the history of American literature. He is also an American naturalistic writer famous for the exploration of realistic life. Dreiser was born in Indiana in a poor German immigrant family. When Dreiser was eight, his mother was forced by the pressure of living, left home with him and three other young children, wandered from one town to another in the Midwest. The family lived a tough and criticized life. Dreiser’s childhood also endured poverty and ignorance.In 1887, he came to Chicago alone, worked in restaurants and hardware companies. In spite of this, he was attracted by the city life full of excitement and stimulation. In 1889, “he was sponsored by a sympathetic middle school teacher to study at the University of Indiana. But he dropped out of school the next year, returned to Chicago to become a debt collector in a real estate and furniture company” (Wang Sixiang, 2009: 158). This job led him to come into contact with the underworld characters and the dark side of society, accumulated a wealth of material for the future creation. It also determined the naturalistic color and the tragic thought of his creation. Dreiser entered the press in 1892, started to be a journalist. In Chicago, he witnessed the strong contrast of extreme poverty and extravagant life. These experiences are the beginning of his thought, which led him to create his own novel.1.1.2 The novel: Sister CarrieSister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser’s first novel, is a good work of epoch-making significance in the history of American fiction. This novel tells the story of Caroline Meeber, a pretty rural girl, leaves her rural home to make a living in Chicago. On the train, she meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman. The harsh reality shatters her dream. At the same time, in front of her is unemployment and disease. In desperation she becomes Drouet’s mistress. Later, due to the greater desire, she becomes the hotelmanager Hurstwood’s mistress. Hurstwood and Carrie elope to New York, and Carrie becomes a popular actor by chance and squeezes into the upper class. However, Hurstwood becomes poorer and finally committed suicide. The life of upper class does not make her feel satisfied. She feels empty and can not find the real meaning of life. In the loneliness and desolation, she sits in a rocking chair dreaming of the happiness that she would not get.The novel reveals the cruel squeezing of the American capitalist system for poor people and the corrosive action of bourgeois lifestyle for petty bourgeois. And the moral concept the novel reflects is also a counter-tradition. Because Carrie rather than be punished for her depravity, but becomes a popular star of musical comedies finally. Therefore, this book has aroused widespread concern in society since it was published, was banned for a time which led up to intense controversy of the literary world for more than 30 years until it is regarded as a classic to gain public recognition. Until today the novel was born one hundred years later, people are still controversial about Carrie’s character and behavior, especially her endless desire.1.2 About Maslow’s hierarchy of human needsIn Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there are five kinds of needs ranging from lower level to higher level. These are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs. (1)The physiological needs — it is the most basic requirement of human beings, including food, sleep, water, secretion, and sex. If any one of these needs, except sex, can not be satisfied, the physiological function of human can not operate normally. In other words, the life of human would be threatened. In this sense, the physiological need is the primary motivation of people’s action. Maslow believes that only those basic needs be met, the other needs can become new motivating factors. And to this point, the needs has been relatively satisfied will no longer be motivating factors. (2)The safety needs — it is the demand for the following things: personal and property safety, health care, job security and family safety. Maslow believes that the pursuit of the whole organism is a security mechanism, the human receptors, effectors’ organs, intelligence and other forms of energy are mainly seeking safety tools. We can even put both science and philosophy as part of meeting the security needs. (3)The love and belonging needs — if both physiological and safety needs are relatively well satisfied, and then there will emerge the love and belonging needs. Everyone wants to get mutual concern and care.The love and belonging needs is more meticulous than the physiological needs. It relates to a person’s physiological characteristics, experience, education and religion. Generally people will hunger for affectionate relations with others, for a place in the group and have a family. (4)The esteem needs — everyone wants to have a stable social status. And it requests that personal ability and achievements are recognized by the society. These needs can be divided into two parts. First is the desire for strength, achievement, adequacy, confidence and freedom. Secondly, we have what we may call the desire for reputation, attention, importance or appreciation. Satisfaction of the esteem need can make people have confidence, worth, strength, capability and adequacy of being useful and necessary in the world. (5)The self-actualization needs — it is the highest level of needs. It refers to the realization of personal ideals, aspirations and the individual’s ability to the greatest degree. Maslow notes that in order to satisfy self-actualization needs, different people take different measures. The self-actualization need is an effort to realize their potential. It is to make them become the characters they desire to be.These basic needs are related to each one and another, but any physiological and safety needs that remain unsatisfied will keep playing an important role, and needs at one level do not have to be completely satisfied before needs at the next higher level come into play. This means that the highest goal will monopolize consciousness and will tend to organize the recruitment of the various capacities of the organism. The lower needs are minimized, even forgotten or denied. But when a need is fairly well satisfied, the next higher need emerges,in turn to dominate the conscious life and to serve as the center of organization of behavior, since gratified needs are not active motivators.Chapter 2 Carrier’s needs2.1 Carrie’s primary needs2.1.1 The physiological needs: leaving for ChicagoBy the end of the Civil War (1861-1865), most of the forces that would typify twentieth century American had begun to emerge. Northern industrialism had triumphed over southern agrarianism. The great age of big city bossism began. Americans ceased to be isolated from the world and from each other. Soon the United States had the most extensive railroad system in the world. The tempo of life accelerated as Americans became increasingly mobile. From 1870 to 1890 the total population of the United States doubled. Villages became towns, towns became cities, and cities grew to a size with a speed that would have astonished the Founding Fathers. The population of Chicago increased twenty times to two million, making it the nation’s second largest city after New York. The national income quadrupled. It was the beginning of what Mark Twain called “The Gilded Age”. Thousands and thousands of men, women and children native-born and foreign, flooded to American cities, drawn by hopes for making their fortune. They believed that anyone could grasp an opportunity to attain success through honest and hard work. Just as American naturalists argued: the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment.Dreiser clothed the social phenomenon of so-called “American Dream” through his character, Carrie. At the beginning of the novel, the heroin, Carrie, keeps pace with the general trend of the time, and moves to Chicago, which is not far away from her hometown. She is eighteen years old, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth:And yet she was interested in her charms, quickly to understand the keenerpleasures of life, ambitious to gain in material things. A half-equipped littleknight she was, venturing to reconnoiter the mysterious city and dreamingwild dreams of some vague, far-off supremacy, which should make it preyand subject-the proper penitent, groveling at a woman’s slipper. (TheodoreDreiser, 1979: 3)In Maslow’s view, humans are wanting beings, mainly because humans are not satisfied with the status and are eager to achieve a higher realm. Desire is one of the strong emotions which tells people that he is still curious to exist, that he still have an edge on his longings and want to bite into the world. Carrie is driven by the environment and the internal desire to move to Chicago. Strictly speaking, it is the physiological needs. Carrie wants to change the poor life. She begins to hunt a job to earn money to fulfill her needs. Carrie accepts a job in a shoe factory for four and a half dollars a week. Every week she pays four dollars for her board and lodging. Does the story develop smoothly like this? The author gave a hint by writing “When a girl leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse” (Zhang Xiaowei, 2011: 203). Carrie tries to live on her own to start her first step of material pursuit.2.1.2 The safety needs: becoming Drouet’s mistressChicago is a charming city indeed. Carrie is surrounded by various temptations: Carrie passed along the busy aisles, much affected by the remarkabledisplays of trinkets, dress goods, stationary and jewelry. Each separatecounter was a show place of dazzling interest and attraction. She could nothelp feeling the claim of each trinket and valuable upon her personally.There was nothing there which she could not have to used-nothing whichshe did not along to own. The dainty slippers and stockings, the delicatelyfrilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, hair-combs, purses, all touchher with individual desires. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 27)She longs for dress and beauty with a whole heart.But the fact is that the cold reality takes her by the hand. First, her sister and brother-in-law live a lean life and consumed by housework. The money left by Carrie every week is not enough for her car fares, let alone clothes, laces, ribbons, etc. And none of those things is in the range of her purchase. Second, in the shoe factory, the machines work intensively. Carrie is not strong. Her shoulders and necks ache in bending over and she is totally exhausted every day. “As Carrie listened to this and much more of similar familiar badinage among the men and the girls, she instinctively withdraws into herself. She feared that the young boys about would address such remarks to he r” (LI Wei, 2011: 278). The wholeatmosphere of the shoe factory is sordid.Carrie does not like to bear the hard work, the foul working condition and the human environment. She hopes to break away from the factory to enjoy physical comfort and from such uncouth men to keep her calm. Third, as the rigorous winter is around the corner, Carrie worries about the problem of winter clothes, for she has nothing to wear. At last, as a result of illness she loses the job and to return hometown seems to be the only choice.According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerge the safety needs. The problem is that whether she can satisfy it or not, it depends on the reality which supplies enough conditions or not, besides her own effort. Carrie understands that it is impossible to buy dress and entertain herself by her personal diligence. Drouet is, for Carrie, an escape. She does not love him, but he means a source of amazement, and she recognizes that the relative opulence of his chambers and department he procures for Carrie are the signs of that for which she is striving. Eventually she betrays herself to become Drouet’s mistress to realize her safety need. Carrie and Drouet pay a visit all round the city and go shopping, take part in various activities, enjoy delicious foods. It seems that Carrie has never hesitated,“Money! Money! What a thing it was to have! How plenty of it would clear away all the troubles” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 82). She surrendered to the magic of money. At the second stage of material pursuit, Carrie has a much stronger desire. She falls in love with it without reason.2.2 Carrie’s higher level needs2.2.1 The love and belonging needs — awaking stepAs the plot goes, the author depicts a panorama of rising needs and desire. On one hand, Carrie is not just satisfied with living together with Drouet:That young lady, under the stress of her situation and the tutelage of hernew friend, changed effectively. She the glow of a more showy life was notupon her. She did not grow in knowledge so much as she awakened in thematter of desire. Mrs. Hale’s extended harangues upon the subjects ofwealth and position taught her to distinguish between degrees of wealth.(Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 140)When she comes to her own room, Carrie sees her comparative poverty. She is not comparing it with what she has had, but what she has seen recently. She begins toponder what, after all, Drouet is and what she is. On the other hand, Carrie fears of losing Drouet’s affection, of being abandoned, and also she longs for someone to sympathize with her, but not let her ponder and wonder. It makes clear to Carrie that Drouet could not understand her. He just cares about her beauty. When Carrie is sorrow, he only asks her to dance. Carrie feels lonely and forsaken. What’s more, Carrie believes Drouet does not plan to marry her. He prefers the single state to any legal bondage. These two sides wake up Carrie’s deep desire. She “hopes to live an extravagant life but not from hand to mouth” (Peng Dankui, 1995: 74). She is eager to be understood and loved. Drouet is only an intermediary in her movement from poverty to affluence. Carrie is ready and longs to change.More wealth and higher status are Carrie’s new goal. At this time, Hurstwood becomes another male stepladder to gratify her needs both in material and spirit. Hurstwood can give her a life of honor. Carrie recognizes the quality of Hurstwood’s clothes, his style and his bearing as distinct improvements on Drouet. Hurstwood shows his thoughts and feelings concerning Carrie. “In contrast, Hurstwood appeared strong and sincere. He had no easy manner of putting her off. He sympathized with her and showed her what her true value was. He needed her, while Drouet did not care” (Gao Chenke, 2011: 115).Though Carrie has achieved her material goal, all in all, she has another need—love. Carrie begins to care about her inner thoughts, which takes the first step of exploring her spirit. Carrie’s spirit pursuit is based on material pursuit.2.2.2 The esteem needs — advanced developmentAfter becoming Hurstwood’s mistress, in a material way, Carrie is considerably improved. Hurstwood writes her regularly-a letter every morning. They both enjoy the happy days. Carrie has an opportunity to take part in a play. It is not an important thing, but because of the prestige of Hurstwood, it is significant. “By the time of the 16th had arrived Hurstwood’s friends had rallied like Romans to a senator’s call. A well-dressed, good-natured, flatteringly-inclined audience was assured from the moment he thought of assisting Carrie”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 209). Carrie moves into a new environment. She feels the respect and power of celebrities. Carrie’s needs develop further: the esteem needs. That is the desire for confidence and appreciation:There was nothing bold in her manner. Life had not taught herdomination-superciliousness of grace, which is the lordly power of somewomen. Her longing for consideration was not sufficiently powerful tomove her to demand it. Even now she lacked self-assurance, but there wasthat in what she had already experienced which left her a little less thantimid. She wanted pleasure, she wanted position. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979:176)For Carrie she is nervous. She hopes the play could succeed to gain confidence and appreciation, “The glamour, the tense situation, the fine clothes, the applause, these had lured her until she felt that she, too, could act-that she, too, could compel acknowledgment of power” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 192). Carrie tries best to explore her potentials.2.2.3 The self-actualization needs — ultimate goalHurstwood coaxes Carrie to elope to New York. But he is merely another man who either cannot hold or find a job. He forces to begin the battle for place and comfort all over again. But his situation becomes worse and worse. At the beginning, he strolls about, and then he just picks his papers up, and stays for day after day. At last, he becomes a beggar completely, lived by other’s charity. Finally he committed suicide by turning on the gas in a Bowery flophouse. When the attraction of material disappears, it is inevitable for Carrie to abandon Hurstwood. The physiological and safety needs play an important role now. Carrie begins to make a livelihood on her own. Different from the former experience, this time, she is successful by her own power without depending on some other men. Carrie becomes an actor because of her pretty-look and her diligence. Her salary rises from 30 dollars to 150 dollars per week. She becomes a famous star. She could possess of her gowns and carriage, her furniture and bank account. But she is alone, “It does not take money long to make plain its important, providing the desires are in the realm of affection. With one hundred and fifty in hand, Carrie could think of nothing particularly to do. In itself, as a tangible, apparent thing which she could touch and look upon, but this soon passed” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 548).After Carrie gains her economic status, there is only self-actualization need left. And Ames helps Carrie sublimate her spiritual pursuit into the world of literature and philosophy. Ames isn’t attracted by Carrie’s beauty, but there is something in him that has attracted her. Ames says to Carrie that riches are not everything, and there is always a great deal more in the world than she has known. Carrie understands that the thingsAmes pointed out is not money, or clothes, or applauses but a kind heart to serve others. It is an aesthetic world of which Carrie has not dreamed of and which she recognizes as a new peak to conquer and a new level to achieve. Carrie moves to the highest needs, which states that the true value of life is not in what we get but in what we give. This is the ultimate goal in her spiritual world.Chapter 3 Drouet’s needs3.1 Drouet’s primary needs3.1.1 The physiological needs: the pursuit of CarrieDrouet is a man who has a keen desire for the feminine. In the driving of the sexual instinct, he will involuntarily chase every beautiful woman he meets. After seeing beautiful pure Carrie on the train, he is attracted by her. With beautiful clothes, grandiose talk and his experiences of chatting up girls, Drouet wins Carrie’s favor. Just as the author says:Let him meet with a young woman once and he would approach her withan air of kindly familiarity, not unmixed with pleading, which would resultin most cases in a tolerant acceptance. If she showed any tendency tocoquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she “took up” with himat all, to call her by her first name. If he visited a department store it was tolounge familiarly over the counter and ask some leading questions. In moreexclusive circles, on the train or in waiting stations, he went slower. If someseemingly vulnerable object appeared he was all attention to pass thecompliments of the day to lead the way to the parlor car, carrying her grip,or, failing that, to take a seat next her with the hope of being able to courther to her destination. Pillows, books, a footstool, the shade lowered; allthese figured in the things which he could do. If, when she reached herdestination he did not alight and attend her baggage for her, it was because,in his own estimation, he had signally failed. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979:5) Drouet’s chasing for young beautiful girls is not because he is a cold-blooded, black heart, scheming villain, but because he is full of lust. When Drouet meet Carrie in the street secondly, Carrie was looking for a job and has no winter clothes to wear. Then he use Carrie’s plight to persuade her to leave her sister’s home and l ive together with him. After Carrie beca me Drouet’s mistress, Drouet didn’t have the plan to marry her. In the second part of the novel, Drouet and Carrie met again in New York, after he tried to mend fences and Carrie refused, he was not feeling so sad. Because, for him, he canfind a woman for pleasure wherever. Losing Carrie is not so important for him. At the end of the novel, on the night of a big snowstorm, he is talking with a partner to discuss where to look for a woman to have fun.3.1.2 The safety needs: the satisfaction of materialThe great industrial development in American brings about the booming of the cities like Chicago and New York. At the same time, the social gap between the rich and the poor is widening. People are obviously graded. Whether having high material consumption ability has almost become the sole criterion of level division. Drouet is divided into middle class in this social background. He doesn’t have to live in poverty like Hanson, but not as well as Hurstwood has a wealthy family and prominent position. He is good at enjoying life and the pursuit of a higher level of material comforts, immersed in his salesman career and tried to improve his social status. In his view, his life is fulfilling and almost perfect. He dressed in fashion style, wearing a striped plaid wool suit, white and pink striped shirt, gold-plated button, covered with yellow agate known as the “cat ey e”. His vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, matched with a pair of glowing shoes and a fedora. This fashionable dress greatly satisfied the vanity of him. Drouet’s s afety needs come to be realized in the abundant material world.Drouet likes to have dinner at Rector’s,a restaurant he believes that successful person would go. After dinner, he likes to go to th e resort of Fitzgerald and Moy’s to drink a glass of whiskey and enjoy a couple of cigars. In such a place, he can get to know a variety of celebrities, in order to increase the capital to show off and meet his vanity. The author has described it in detail:Rector’s, with its polished marble walls and floor, its profusion of lights, itsshow of china and silverware, and, above all, its reputation as a resort foractors and professional men, seemed to him the proper place for asuccessful man to go. He loved fine clothes, good eating, and particularlythe company and acquaintanceship of successful men. When dining, it wassource of keen satisfaction to him to know that Joseph Jefferson was wontto come to this same place, that Henry E. Dixie, a well known performer ofthe day, was then only a few tables off. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 39) As a successful salesman, Drouet believes that it is an honor to be able to make celebrities. At the same time, the big company he is working for also let him feel glory. With the reputation of Bartlett, Caryoe & Company, his work goes well. Although he isnot rich, also does not have a high social status, but he is good at communication, appropriate interaction with others, which also provides a possibility of success in his career. Living with Carrie, Drouet’s career developed gradually and his social status improved accordingly. When he and Carrie meet again, he has been responsible for a branch and is about to establish his own company. He can meet Carrie’s desire for material. He bought her beautiful dresses and coats, purchased cosmetics and went to the theatre with her. But objectively speaking, he was too concerned with material life, treat feelings do not serious. This is also the most dissatisfied for Carrie.3.2 Drouet’s higher level needsAlthough the physiological and material satisfaction is very important for Drouet, he has some higher level of needs. As a traveling salesman, Drouet’s social status is not high. He frequently went to the restaurants and pubs which celebrities always went to. In addition to the pursuit of material comforts, but also he is in the search for a social identity and the sense of belonging. Eating and talking together with the upper-class people, let him have a feeling of integrated into the society.His pursuit of Carrie is not only to satisfy his needs for sex, but also to get rid of the emptiness.Due to his work requirement, Drouet often go to travel around, and he is lacking of group sense of belonging. While Carrie as his mistress, can bring him some emotional comfort.In addition, Carrie’s young and beautiful can meet Drouet’s vanity. And he can show off in social occasions. However, Carrie is not the only choice for Drouet. Instead of creating a stable family, the best way to meet his spiritual emptiness is to seek new love affairs constantly. That is also the reason why he does not marry Carrie.。

品牌型号:Monitor User Manual(显示器用户手册)说明书

品牌型号:Monitor User Manual(显示器用户手册)说明书

MonitorUser Manual 0Applicable ModelsThis manual is applicable to monitor.Symbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction (1)Key Features (1)Packing List (1)Power On (1)Chapter 2 Rear Panel Interface (3)Chapter 3 Panel Buttons (5)Chapter 4 Remote Control (6)Chapter 5 Basic Operation (7)Switch the Signal Source (7)Menu Operation (7)Image Settings (8)5.3.1 Image Mode (8)5.3.2 Backlight (9)5.3.3 VGA Parameter (9)Display Settings (10)5.4.1 Oversccan (11)5.4.2 Aspect (11)5.4.3 Keypad (11)5.4.4 Eye Protection (12)System Maintenance and Info (12)5.5.1 Maintenance (12)5.5.2 System Info (13)System Settings (13)5.6.1 OSD Settings (13)5.6.2 Audio Mode (14)5.6.3 Other Settings (15)5.6.4 Color Settings (15)USB Menu (16)Chapter 1 IntroductionKey Features●8-bit/10-bit dual channel LVDS (1920×1080) HD display.●3D digital comb filter and 3D noise reduction technology.●Hi-Fi color OSD and user-friendly menu for operation.●Mstar ACE-5 auto color and image enhancement engine, improving the image contrast,details, edges, etc.●Programmable 12-bit RGB gamma correction.●Complete factory setting mode.● 1 × HDMI 1.4b input interface, and HDCP 1.4 available.●Software spread spectrum technology reduces EMI radiation.●HD JPEG decoding.●Professional and standard CVBS input interface with one channel input available.●Multimedia playing of text, image, audio, video, etc.The specific features may vary with models. Refer to Rear Panel Interface for details.Packing ListPacking ListName Quantity Name QuantityMonitor 1 Power cable 1Remote control (Optional) 1 Base set 1Battery (Optional) 2 User manual 1HDMI cable (Optional) 1 Quick start guide 1Power OnConnect the device to an earthed mains socket-outlet, and press the power button.●Power supply: 220 VAC~, 50/60 Hz.●Power off the device and disconnect the plug if it is not in use for a long time.●The device cannot be connected to DC power supply.Chapter 2 Rear Panel InterfaceThe panel appearances and interfaces vary with different models. The devices can be classified as follows.Type AInterface of Type AType BInterface of Type BType CInterface of Type CType DInterface of Type DInterface DescriptionInterface Description Interface DescriptionPOWER Power supplyVGA VGA analog signal inputinterfaceInterface Description Interface DescriptionUSB USB 2.0 input interface HDMI HDMI digital signal inputinterfaceAUDIO Audio input interface CVBS CVBS signal input interfaceUSB and CVBS input interfaces are available to type A and D, and audio input interface to type A, C, and D.Chapter 3 Panel ButtonsThe buttons at the bottom-right corner of the front panel are shown as follows.Panel ButtonsButton DescriptionButton DescriptionPower On/Off●Second-level menu page: Exit menu.●File selection for USB playing: play●Other pages: Display main menu page.●Display the current input source.●All the menu pages: OK●First-level page: previous/next●Second-level page: add/reduce●USB playing page: volume up/down●Display all the input sources.●All the menu pages: Switch to next one.Chapter 4 Remote ControlRemote Control DescriptionAppearanceButton DescriptionPower on/offMute/Unmute【FREEZE】Freeze the current display.【MENU】Go to menu settings.【SOURCE】Check or select a signal source.Up/Down/Left/Right【OK】OKPlay/PauseStopPrevious/NextRepeatReturnThe remote control is not available to all kinds of devices. Whether your device is equipped with a remote control depends on the actual situation.Manual Name • Manual Type7Chapter 5 Basic OperationThe interfaces vary with different models. The figures followed are for illustration purpose only.Switch the Signal SourceConnect the device to power source and signal source, and power the device on.Pressto enter the signal source page.Signal SourcePressto switch input sources, and pressto confirm.Menu OperationBasic OperationOperationDescription Enter main menu page Press.Check first-level menu On the main menu page, pressto switch.Check parameters On the first-level menu page, press to enter and checkdifferent parameters.Configure parameters● Press or to adjust the value of the selected parameter, and press to confirm. ● Pressto switch to other parameters. Return to the upper menu P resson any pages.Image SettingsYou can switch image modes and adjust image parameters including contrast, brightness, color, sharpness, and hue. The adjustable parameters will change when you switch from one image mode to another.Image ModeImage ParametersParameter DescriptionImage Mode●Standard: Suitable for a normal environment. It is set as thedefault picture mode.●Gentle: Suitable for a dark room.●Dynamic: Suitable for a bright room.●User: Set the brightness, contrast, color, sharpness or hue toadjust display effect.Brightness Ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the value is, the brighter thedisplay will be.Contrast Ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the value is, the clearer the imagewill beColor Ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the value is, the more colorfulthe image will be.Sharpness Ranges from 0 to 100. Rise the value up to make the image morevivid.Hue Ranges from 0 to 100. It determines the contrast degree betweenthe bright and dark.●If the user mode selected, the adjustable parameters are determined by the input signal.−For VGA input, brightness and contrast are adjustable.−For HDMI input, brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness are adjustable.−For CVBS input, brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, and hue are adjustable.−For USB (not supported by Type B and C), brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness are adjustable.●Parameters in white bar are adjustable. If the parameter bar is gray, it indicates that theparameter is not adjustable under the current mode or input source.The backlight value ranges from 0 to 100.Audio ModeWhen you select VGA as the input source, you can adjust VGA parameters to make the picture show in the correct position.VGA SettingsVGA ParametersParameter DescriptionRow Ranges from 0 to 100.Column Ranges from 0 to 100.Clock Ranges from 0 to 100.Phase Ranges from 0 to 100.Auto Lock Off/On●Adjusting the value of H-Position and V-Position will change the image position in a largeextent, while Phase and Clock in a slight extent.●Change the value of Clock will stretch or narrow the image.●If Auto Lock is enabled, the related parameters will self-adjust under the following 3circumstances: The device is restarted, a VGA input source is accessed, and the input source is switched to VGA.●VGA parameters cannot be changed when Auto Lock is disabled.Display SettingsIf Overscan is enabled, you can set the value of the top/bottom/left/right edge. The value indicates the covered units of different directions.OverscanOverscan ParametersParameter DescriptionOverscan Off/OnLeft Edge Ranges from 0 to 100.Right Edge Ranges from 0 to 100.Top Edge Ranges from 0 to 100.Bottom Edge Ranges from 0 to 100.Scale up/down the image. Three kinds of aspects are available: 16:9, 4:3, and point to point.Point to Point mode is only available when a VGA or HDMI signal is accessed.When no need to use keypad or the installation environment may extrude the keypad, you can set the Keypad as Off to lock it.KeypadDisabled by default. If enabled, the screen switches to eye protection mode.Eye Protection is only available to type D.System Maintenance and InfoContact our technical support personnel for upgrade program and USB driver.●Upgrade: Insert the USB driver to the USB interface, and set Upgrade (USB) as On.Follow the instructions on the screen to upgrade.●Restore Defaults: Restore all the settings to the default value.Check the version, working time, ID, and serial number of the device.System SettingsOSD SettingsOSD ParametersParameter DescriptionLanguage English/中文OSD Duration Always On/5 s/15 s/30 s. The displaying timefor OSD menu when no operation is done.OSD Blending Low/Medium/High/OffYou can set the volume as desired or mute/unmute the playing.Audio ModeAudio Mode ParametersParameter DescriptionMute Off/On. Off by default.Volume Ranges from 0 to 100.Balance Ranges from 0 to 100.Audio mode is only available to type A and D.Screen SaverScreen Saver ParametersParameter DescriptionNo Signal Black/Blue. The screen color to be displayed whenno signal is detected.Image Freeze Yes/No.Image FreezeImage Freeze ParametersParameter DescriptionColor Space0-255/16-235Image Freeze changes to No when you switch the signal source or restart the device. USB MenuUSB menu is only available to type A and D.Press , and insert your removable storage device into the USB interface of the device. Select USB as the input signal source, and then the USB menu displays.Press or to select your desired file type for playing.Press to confirm.UD28844B。

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RGB与CMYK颜色空 间都是CIE颜色空间 的子空间 RGB与CMYK颜色空 间包含了大部分常见 颜色 RGB与CMYK颜色空 间不完全重合
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黑 度 标 尺
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3.2 自然色系统(NCS)
自然色系统(Natural Color System,简称 NCS)是由瑞典科学家于1964年提出的,已成为瑞 典及北欧一些国家的颜色标准,并在1979年出版 了NCS颜色图谱 NCS起源于赫林的四色理论,按照颜色外貌与 六种心理原色相类似的程度来分类和排列,或者 说是用所含这六种原色的比例来排列的 因此NCS提供了一种直接判定颜色感觉的方 法,不需借用仪器与色样。
BIGC liuhaoxue@
按一定规则和顺序排列的颜色样品 每一种颜色应有惟一的标号加以识别 与CIE色度学系统有对应的数值关 系,以便于测量和计算
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BIGC liuhaoxue@
NCS颜色系统中有多个变量? 观察任意一个颜色,判断其NCS标 号,并计算出6个类似度 将多个观察者的判断结果进行统计 计算,查看判断的结果
BIGC liuhaoxue@
印 刷 色 谱
下 有 参 考 意 义 !
彩色标号 HV/C=色调 明度值/彩度 非彩色的白黑系列中性色用N表示 N V/=中性色 明度值/ 如果需要对彩度低于/0.3的中性色作精确的 标定,一般采用下面的书写方式: N V/(H,C)= 中性色 明度值/(色调,彩度) 在第三种情况下只用五种主要色调和五种中 间色调中的一种表示,而不再细致区分。
BIGC liuhaoxue@
1936年美国国家标准局对孟塞尔颜 色系统进行了重新标定,称为再标 系统 再标系统的颜色数据在标准照明体C 下测量和观察 利用孟塞尔颜色与CIE色度值的关 系,可以用来评价色差,计算颜色 的感觉
BIGC liuhaoxue@
美国画家孟塞尔(A.H.Munsell 1858-1918) 所创立的孟塞尔颜色系统是用颜色立体模型表 示表面色的三种视觉特征:明度、色调、饱和 度。在立体模型中的每一部位各代表一个特定 的颜色,并给予一定的标号,各标号的颜色都 用纸片制成颜色样品卡片,按标号次序排列起 来,汇编成颜色图册。 孟塞尔颜色图册分为光泽版与无光泽版
第四章 其它表色系统
色序系统的意义及分类 孟塞尔颜色系统的特点 自然色(NCS)颜色系统的特点 印刷中使用的颜色系统
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将颜色按一定方式排列、并为每一个 颜色命名的体系称为色序系统 CIE颜色系统也是色序系统的一种, 但由于其没有实际颜色样品相对应, 因此为抽象色序系统 将实际颜色样品按照规律排列、命 名,并与CIE颜色系统相关联的色序 系统称为具体色序系统
红(R)与绿(G)、黄(Y)与蓝(B)是相互对抗 的两对颜色 任何颜色,只要有红色感觉就不可能有绿 色感觉;有黄色感觉就不会有蓝色感觉 也就是说,与红色相类似的颜色就不会与 绿相似;与黄色相类似的颜色就不会与蓝 色相似 任一颜色中只可能包含黒、白、和一种或 两种彩色原色
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(3)判断非彩色成分中白(W)和黑(S)分别所 占的比例,如非彩色中50%为白,50%为黒 因此黒度为:20%×50%=10% (4)最后得到颜色标号为:1080-Y70R 从标号可以立刻说出颜色的感觉特征 第(2)与(3)步可以合在一起,直接判断 非彩色中的黒与白色的比例
BIGC liuhaoxue@
用0—255表示红、绿、蓝色光的比例, 符合加色混色规律 0表示无光,255表示最大亮度 用0—100表示印刷油墨青、品红、黄的 网点比例 0表示无油墨,100表示最大墨量 注意两种表示的不同
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孟塞尔色调是以 绕色立体中央轴的角 度来表示的,以符号 H表示。在孟塞尔色 立体水平剖面上以中 央轴为中心,将圆周 等分为10个等分,排 成10种基本色调
BIGC liuhaoxue@
注意: NCS规定,任何一种颜色所含的 原色总量为100,即 白度(W)+黑度(S)+彩度=100, 而 彩度=Y+R+B+G 其中至少有两个原色为0 例如,上例中的绿度和蓝度为0, 黄度Y=80%×30%=24% 红度R=80%×70%=56%
黑度 彩度 第二原色 第二原色的比例 第一原色
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之所以称为绝对颜色的判断方法,是因为 这种颜色判断方法与具体的观察条件无关,仅 反应当前条件下的颜色感觉 (1)确定颜色的色调 判断颜色感觉中含有四个彩色纯色的比例, 如:30%的黄与70%的红,记做Y70R (2)判别该颜色中含彩色(C)和非彩色感觉的 比例,如80%的彩色,20%非彩色的感觉
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用红、绿、蓝的混合 比例表示颜色的一种 混色空间 用来表示显示器和扫 描仪等彩色设备的颜 色 颜色与具体设备有关 不能直接印刷
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用孟塞尔明度、孟塞尔色调和孟塞尔 彩度分别描述明度、色调和饱和度的 感觉 相邻颜色样品在明度、色调和饱和度 三个方向上的色差感觉相同 孟塞尔颜色系统是等差别系统 孟塞尔颜色系统的变量安排与色立体 类似
BIGC liuhaoxue@
5R 5RP 5P 5YR 5Y
5PB 5B 5G 5BG
每一种色调 再细分成10个等 级,从1到10, 并规定每种主要 色调和中间色调 的标号均为5, 孟塞尔色调环共 有100个刻度 色调值10等于下 一个色调的0
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颜色的饱和度以离开 中央轴的距离来表 示,称为孟塞尔彩 度,表示这一颜色与 相同明度值的非彩色 之间的差别程度,以 符号/C来表示 各色调的最大彩度值 不等
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明度用非彩色中的黒(S)和白(W) 的比例表示 黒与白的比例总和等于非彩色的总量
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NCS 色 立 体
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用印刷原色油墨CMYK比例表示颜色 的混色空间 颜色与印刷方法、材料、设备有关 同一油墨比例,用不同的印刷方法、 在不同的印刷机上印刷、印刷在不同 材料上,都可能得到不同的颜色
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4.1.1 孟塞尔色立体
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孟塞尔颜色立体的中心轴代表明度坐标轴,由底部的 黑色到顶部白色,轴上为非彩色,称为孟塞尔明度,以符 号V/表示。 理想黑色定为V=0,理想白色定为V=10。孟塞尔明度值 由0至10共分为11个在视觉上等距(等明度差)的等级。 实际应用中由于理想的白、黑色并不存在,所以只用 到1-9级。 相同明度值的彩色在颜色立体中位于同一水平面上, 与该水平面中央轴上的非彩色(灰色)等明度值。
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每个人都具有白(W)、黑(S)、红(R)、绿 (G)、黄(Y)、蓝(B) 六种心理原色,是 判断颜色的心理标准 各心理原色之间无任何类似性 4种彩色心理原色构成2对对抗色 其它色调的颜色都可视作与白、黑、红、 绿、黄、蓝这六种原色有不同程度类似 度的颜色
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白与黒原色是没有任何彩色感觉的最 白与最黒的颜色感觉 红原色是既不偏黄也不偏蓝的纯红色 黄原色是既不偏红也不偏绿的纯黄色 绿原色是既不偏黄也不偏蓝的纯绿色 蓝原色是既不偏红也不偏绿的纯蓝色