

Lecture 5 英汉动静态差异与语态转换

Lecture 5 英汉动静态差异与语态转换
Lecture 5
英汉动态和静态的差异 及翻译中的词性转化
英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述成静态(stative);汉语倾 向于多用动词,因而叙述成动态(dynamic)。Quirk对静态 和动态的解释如下 Broadly speaking, nouns can be characterized naturally as „stative‟ in that they refer to entities that are regarded as stable, whether these are concrete (physical) like house, table, paper or abstract (of the mind) like hope, botany, length. At the opposite pole, verbs can be equally naturally characterized as „dynamic‟: they are fitted (by their capacity to show tense and aspect, for example) to indicate action, activity and temporary or changing conditions. These relations between the open classer can be summarized thus: STATIVE noun adjective | | DYNAMIC verb adverb

我被老师叫到办公室去作检讨。=我被老师叫+ 我到办公室去+我作检讨,被字式与连动式套叠 I was called to the office by the teacher to make a self-criticism.

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

7). 昨天看电影我没有买到好票:
* I did not buy a good ticket for yesterday’s film. I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film.
8). 这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批人才
(batches of )。 * The national heavy university has sent/transported batches of qualified talents to the society. The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. 9). 他们省吃俭用,为的是攒钱买房子。 * They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment. They live frugally/economically/thriftily to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment.
Appropriateness in word selection-ii
To choose word according to the collocation 2). 好: 好教徒 好父母 好儿女 好妻子 好丈夫 3). 水平: 英语水平 生活水平 游泳水平
2) good a faithful/devout/pious/sincere/ devoted Christian/believer a loving/caring parent an obedient/filial child a virtuous/devoted wife a dutiful/responsible husband 3) level English proficiency/ level living standard swimming skill

Lecture 5 Peking opera

Lecture 5 Peking opera

Many foreign friends first learn about Chinese culture through the numerous Chinese restaurants found all over the world, and soon discern that China is a country with delicious cuisine (菜肴).The second impression of Chinese culture is often Peking Opera, whose masks are now almost emblematic (标志性的) of China. Many countries design posters using Peking Opera masks to signal a “Year of Chinese Culture”. To understand Chinese culture, therefore, some knowledge about Peking Opera is indeed indispensable. Peking Opera contains the soul of Chinese national culture. Its unique charm inspires deep feeling in Chinese people.History:Peking Opera has been an integral part of Chinese culture for over 200 years. Originating from humble beginning in east China's Anhui and Hubei provinces, it was brought to Beijing by the Qing Emperor Qianlong who, during his periodic inspections of the southern regions, discovered and fell in love with the vibrancy and life in the performances he witnessed there. As an 80th birthday gift to himself, he ordered local troupes to perform for him and had the Anhui and Hubei groups incorporated into the palace opera. In this way Peking Opera was born.parison: Eastern and Western DramaThe actors of Ballet just dance; the actors of modern drama just speak; the actors of opera just sing songs; while only Peking Opera actors perform all four elements as “sing, speak, act and fight(the last two are also considered as dance) on the stage.芭蕾,只舞不说;话剧,只说不唱;歌剧,只唱不舞,京剧逢动必舞,有声必歌II. Main Features of Peking OperaIII. BEAUTY in Peking Opera3.1 The Delights of Peking Opera Masks3.2 Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and FightIV. Mei Lanfang, Great Peking Opera ArtistV. How to appreciate Peking OperaI. Comparison: Eastern and Western DramaII. Main Features of Peking Opera1) Peking Opera is a comprehensive performing art that aesthetically combines music, singing, dialogue, pantomime, acrobatics and martial arts. Hence an actor or actress in Beijing Opera has to meet more requirements than that in other forms of performing art. All of these skills are expected to be performed effortlessly, in keeping with the spirit of the art form.2)Symbolism prevails in Peking Opera. The stage of Peking Opera knows no limit in space or time. The set can accommodate anything. For example, an actor can practice the scene of galloping the horse simply by using a horsewhip without riding a real horse on stage. A bridge is made up of two chairs standing on each side of a table. Storms are realized by performers dancing with umbrellas.These examples describe the function of the “virtual world” in the art of Peking Opera, which provides limitless room for the performances of actors; and in return, performers present the audience with a world of images full of appealing wit. Thefollowing pictures can help us understand the virtual world on the stage.3)A highly stylized art.Peking Opera follows other traditional Chinese arts in emphasizing meaning, rather than accuracy. The highest aim of performers is to inject beauty into every motion. The most common stylization method in Peking Opera is roundness. Every motion and pose is carefully manipulated to avoid sharp angles and straight lines. A character looking upon an object above them will sweep his eyes in a circular motion from low to high before landing on the object. Similarly, a character will sweep his hand in an arc from left to right in order to indicate an object on the right.The performers primarily use pantomime to express feelings and tell stories. Stylized footwork, gestures, and various kinds of body movements portray and symbolize actions such as opening a door, climbing a hill, going upstairs, or rowing a boat.The elaborate and gorgeous facial make-up and costumes are two distinguished characteristics of Beijing Opera. The audience can know what kind of character the role is from the colors and patterns.Generally speaking, red faces have the positive meaning symbolizing the brave, upright and wise men. Another positive color is purple. Black faces usually have neutral meaning, representative the just men and uprightness. Blue and green also have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero from the bushes. Meanwhile, the yellow and white represent the crafty men with negative meaning. Performers have gold or silver facial make-up standing for the monsters or Gods. Good-nature people are usually painted with relatively simple colors while make-up of hostile and doubtful characters, such as bandits, robbers, rebels and alike, bear complex marks 3.1 The Delights of Peking Opera MasksFace painting: Vivid face makeup fascinates foreigners watching Peking Opera. Actually this face painting is not done for the sake of beauty but rather it portrays different characters. Red stands for loyalty and bravery, black represents powerful and wise people, yellow and white depict fierce and cunning characters, blue and green indicate very virile Robin Hood type of outlaws, while gold and silver indicates mysterious or super-natural presences.•The Masks, applied to the two roles of the “jing” or “painted-face role” and the “chou” or “clown”, serve two pur poses.•One is to indicate identity and character of the role.•The other purpose is to express people’s appraisal of the roles from a moral and aesthetic point of view, such as respectable, hateful, noble, or ridiculous, etc.3.2 Peking Opera Performance: Sing, Speak, Act, and Fight。


➢ 劳动总产出TPL:TPL = FK (L) ➢ 资本总产出TPK:TPK = FL (K)
➢ 劳动平均产出APL:APL = TPL/L = FK (L)/L ➢ 资本平均产出APK:APK = TPK/K = FL (K)/K
➢ 资本边际产出MPK:在劳动投入不变的情况下,资本 投入增加一单位所能增加的产出。
M K K P Y K Y F ( K K ,L ) F K ( K ,L ) F L ( K )
一种可变要素:技术水平既定,并且只有一种要 素的投入量可以变动,其余要素投入固定不变。
在利润最大的资本劳动组合(K, L)处,资本和劳
动的边际产出均为正,分别如下: F K (K ,L ) P r 0 , F L (K ,L ) w P 0
(K, L) 是利润函数 (K, L) = PF(K, L) (rK + wL) 的
生产行为:无论何时,企业都在使用一定的生产 技术,把一些商品转化成为另一些商品,以最大 限度地牟取利润。



Lecture 5讲授题目:Word Formation Ⅰ❖所属章节:《现代英语词汇学概论》之第3章❖计划学时:4 periods❖教学方法:传统讲授法❖参考资料:《英语词汇学教程》、《英语词汇学》❖教学目的和要求:通过本单元的学习,学生对英语的构词法有初步了解,尤其是产出新词最多的三种主要构词法:词缀法、复合法、转类法。

❖教学重点:1) Affixation;2) Compounding;3) Conversion.❖教学难点:The above-mentioned word-formations.The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion.According to Pyles and Algeo (1982), words produced through affixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words; compounding yields 28% to 30% of all the new words; conversion gives us 26% of the new vocabulary. The rest of new words come form shortening including clipping andacronymy, amounting to 8% to 10%, together with 1% to 5% of words born out of blending and other means.Talking about word-forming patterns means dealing with rules. But a rule of word-formation usually differs from a syntactic rule. Not all the words that are produced by applying the rule are acceptable. For example, the existence of the actual English words unclean, unwise, unfair does not ensure the acceptance of unsad, unexcellent.Therefore, rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For example, the Old English –th which is found in warmth, length, depth, width, derived from adjectives warm, long, deep, wide,but broad is no longer used to form new word broadth (※coolth)---(Quirk, et al 1985).By word-formation processes, we concentrate on productive or marginally productive rules. While applying the rules, we should remember that there are always exceptions.(在构词过程中,我们要注意到活跃性和边缘性问题。

Lecture 5 Hellenistic Culture

Lecture 5 Hellenistic Culture

mathematics,philosophy and science.
Decadence (颓废): a luxurious self-indulgence. It is often used to describe a decline due to an erosion of moral, ethical, or sexual traditions. 323BC-146BC (希腊核心地区被罗马征服) 323BC-31BC (最后一个希腊化帝国托勒密王朝被征服) 323BC-330AD (君士坦丁大帝迁都君士坦丁堡)
假,所有号称打假的人都没那么崇高,这就是个低贱的 世界。犬儒者的意义就是与低贱的世界厮混相守,并且 注释它。
◆ 多了世故的圆滑,少了正义的冲动,一个人就成了犬儒。 ◆ 肯思考的人才会变成犬儒,变成犬儒后你就可以不再思考。 ◆ 犬儒的口头禅:“什么都是假的,只有钱是真的。”“真理值多少钱?”“自由能当饭吃吗?” ◆ 当强权在欺侮弱小时,犬儒的态度是:“都不是好东西,我谁也不帮。” ◆ 犬儒不分善恶,但他不一定是不知善恶。犬儒是知善而不善善,知恶而不恶恶。 ◆ 犬儒不进行积极的抗争,犬儒只是消极的嘲讽,但权势是不在乎嘲讽的,“笑骂由人笑骂,好官我 自为之。” ◆ 也许不应该把犬儒视为罪恶,但犬儒是罪恶的存在条件,是犬儒使罪恶成为可能。 ◆ 犬儒本来未必全是势利,但是他既然抹杀了善恶是非,结果到头来就只剩下了势利。 ◆ 从愤世嫉俗到玩世不恭,中间只有不显眼的一小步。 ◆ 犬儒病:气血亏虚,中年后易得此病。 ◆ 犬儒不只是失望,犬儒是放弃希望,并转而嘲笑希望。 ◆ 犬儒主义者未免太自卑了,他们不相信个人有改变现实的力量。犬儒主义者又未免太自大了,他们 以为只有他们才对现实感到不满。 ◆ 绝对的权力令人腐败,绝对的无权也令人腐败,因为两者都容易使人相信权力就是一切。 ◆ 专制的目的是把人变成犬儒,而犬儒却以为只有他们才看透了专制。 ◆ 极端主义看上去是犬儒主义的死对头,其实不然。在每一个极端主义的内心深处,无不隐藏着深刻 的犬儒主义。 ◆ 给别人奋斗泼冷水的人,往往不是从不奋斗的人,而是那些自己曾经奋斗过、但没有成功、然后放 弃了奋斗的人。 ◆ 犬儒很有些象道家,原本是积极的消极,后来却变成消极的消极。 ◆ 犬儒主义是循环论证的自我实现的悲观主义:犬儒主义不相信理想可以实现,所以他不去为理想而 努力,所以理想就不会实现,所以他就更不相信,所以就更不努力,所以就更不相信,所以…所以…。 ◆ 世故意味着发达的头脑和萎缩的良心。

Lecture 5 大洋运输公司

Lecture 5 大洋运输公司

表2 现金流量计算的基本规则
项目 租金收入
-营运成本 -折旧 =EBIT
计算方式 日租金×出租天数
日营运成本×365天 $39M/25 Years +(F) -资本支出 +资产期末残值税后现金流 -NWC的变化 =Total Cash Flow
Click to edit Master subtitle style
案例讨论: 大洋运输公司

Q1:你预期下一年度(2002年)的现租价格 会上升还是下降?影响租金的驱动因素有 哪些?

Q2:行业特性如何?该行业未来前景如何? Q3:Linn的决策?To buy or not to buy?

35% or 0% of EBIT
净利润+折旧,EBIT+折旧-所得税 案例给定条件 出售价格-所得税率×(售价-账面价值) 初始为$500,000;按通胀率3%逐年增长

Q4:哪些因素会影响Linn的决策?所得税 率/资本成本/未来租金的变化/通货膨胀率? Q5:公司在使用货轮15年后将其报废是否是 一个最佳选择?



2) Background information: Supply any information about the author which shows their credentials for writing in this field or which reveals any influences, which may have affected the author’s point of view. Note any interesting circumstances that led to the writing of the book.
4) Classification on the basis of the author’s intention: The author's intention may be apparent by the way the author treats the subject. Is the material meant for specialists, students, or the general public? Is it limited to a narrow area or is it a survey of the subject? Several areas may provide clues: appendices(appendix 的复数形式), bibliographies and general indexes usually accompany scholarly works; prefaces and introductions often contain an author's explicit statement of intention; the content and style of expres of the intended audience.

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

拟声词可呈多种次词类形式,其中最常见的是名词、 动词、副词和感叹词。 E.g. The angry husband shut the door with a bang. (用作名词) My heart is banging in my ears. (用作动词)
The drunken driver drove bang into the store window. (用作副词)
Lecture 5
• It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. Personification is treating a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. • It is a figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person.
There are three chief kinds of personifications: 1) That produced by the use of adjectives. the blushing rose; the thirsty ground
2) That produced by the use of verbs. the kettle sings; the waves danced
3) That produced by the use of nouns. the smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

例,几乎同时到达的三个作业j1、j2、j3。j1运行2 小时,j2和j3只需1分钟。三个作业的平均周转时 间为2个小时多。增长了短作业的周转时间。
(系统先运行j1,j2和j3要等2个小时。j1完成之后 ,j2和j3再分别运行1分钟。)
(3)为支持可剥夺调度,即使没有新就绪进程,为了让 所有就绪进程轮流占用处理机,可在下述情况下申请 进行进程调度: 当时钟中断发生,时钟中断处理程序调用有关时间片 的处理程序,发现正运行进程时间片到,应请求重新 调度。以便让其他进程占用处理机。 在按进程优先级进行进程调度的操作系统中,任何原 因引起进程的优先级发生变化时,应请求重新调度。 如进程通过系统调用自愿改变优先级时或者系统处理 时钟中断时,根据各进程等待处理机的时间长短而调 整进程的优先级。
内核 进程1 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
正在执行的进程执行完毕。操作系统在处理进程结束 系统调用后应请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程发出I/O请求,当操作系统代其启动 外设I/O后,在I/O请求没有完成前要将进程变成阻塞 状态,应该请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程要等待其它进程或系统发出的事件时。 如等待另一个进程通讯数据,这时操作系统应将现运行 进程挂到等待队列,并且请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程暂时得不到所要的系统资源,如要求 独占资源,但其被其它进程占用,这时等待的进程应阻 塞到等待队列上,并且请求重新调度。



What is Negotiation?
‘Discussion with another with a view to compromise’
Negotiation should result in a situation where both parties feel reasonably satisfied, ie both feel as if they have achieved something.
Input (Problem)
The problems which arise when two people (groups) have different views about a course of action
A two way exchange 2 Identification of common ground 3 Attempts to accommodate or reconcile differences 1
In the first instance its important to really listen to ensure you clearly understand what is being said. In the second instance you need to stop talking once a proposal has been made to allow the other party to reflect and answer the proposal Consider alternative proposals. Give what they want on
TRADEABLES TO Consider When Negotiating


Examples of Base Isolation Systems
Seismic Isolator
(Top Mounting Plate Not Shown)
Energy Dissipation Core
Steel Reinforcing Plates
Cover Rubber
Internal Rubber Layers
Significantly Increase the Period of the Structure and the Damping so that the Response is Significantly Reduced
Base Isolated
按技术方法分: ①隔震技术; ②消能减震技术; ③质量调谐减震技术(TMD, TLD); ④主动控制技术(主动质量阻尼AMD); ⑤混合控制技术; 按是否有外部能源输入分: ①被动控制(隔震、消能减震,TMD); ②主动控制;(AMD,主动拉索系统ATS或主动支撑系统ABS,主动 变刚度AVS,主动变阻尼AVD) ③混合控制(混合主动被动控制HMD, APTMD);

Forces reduced by 3 to 6 across the isolators Forces reduced by 8 to 12 at the roof

Conventional Structure
Isolated Structure
Protection of Life – Current Code Additional Benefits of Isolation



种间树状进化 遗传分歧
种内网状进化 遗传多态性
种下研究 (1) 群体遗传结构(population genetic structure) (2) 群体分化(population subdivision) (3) 谱系生物地理学(phylogeography) (4) 分子进化动力(the forces of molecular evolution) (5) 个体/群体/亚种系统发育关系 (individuals/populations/subspecies phylogenetic analysis) 种上研究 (1) 种界确定(species boundary delimitation) (2) 分类单元单系性检验(testing taxa monophyly) (3) 系统发育关系重建(phylogenetic relationship among taxa) (4) 性状进化(character evolution)
因而单倍型多样性仅仅是由于突变产生。 二倍体分子标记的单倍型的起源有突变和重组二种 原因。如果重组是随机发生的,则n个等位基因可 以有2n种单倍型。 任何2个标记之间发生重组的可能性取决于它们的 相互距离和位置。不同座位的等位基因之间由于重 组降低而导致的association称为连锁不平衡 (linkage disequilibrium,LD)。
3. 种下遗传多样性和分化参 数及应用
测量遗传变异参数的方法随所研究标记的类型和 遗传方式而异。一般地,物种的遗传变异可以从 三个方面来描述:



Venus and Adonis (1593)

The Rape of Lucrece (1594)
2 Henry VI 3 Henry VI 1 Henry VI Richard III Richard II

King John 1 Henry IV 2 Henry IV Henry V Henry VIII

4. Forth Period: Creates a new drama form—the dramatic romance

Romances focus on the separation and reunion of
families rather than love and marriage. Endings were characterized by homecoming,

Shakespeare was the great English Renaissance playwright. Poet, the European Renaissance humanist literature synthesizer. He is one of the most famous writers in the world He is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known. With his 38 plays,154 sonnets and 2 long poems, he has established his giant position in world literature. He has also been given the highest praises by various scholars and critics the world over. In the past four hundred years or so, books and essays on Shakespeare and his works have kept coming out in large quantities

lecture 5

lecture 5

Definition of “character” (p.24) Character means the features and trait that form the individual nature of a person, and by extension, refers to one who typifies some definite quality.
Reading Questions

Mrs. Mallard, the heroine in the short story is A.a round character B. flat character In the short story, Mrs. Mallard’s sister Joseph, her husband friend Richard, and her husband Mr. Mallard are A. main characters B. foils C. antagonists D. protagonists
Reading Questions
What is the best word to describe Mrs. Mallard? A. lucky B. happy C. brave D. wretched (可怜的)
Reading Questions
Kate Chopin focuses on Mrs. Mallard’s presentation of ______ A. appearance B. character C. mental conflicts D. speech
Lecture 5
The Story of an Hour By Tian Ying

lecture 5

lecture 5

• 我们应继续采取措施进一步提高常规教育、成人 教育以及在职培训。 A: We should continue to take measures to further improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. B: We should continue to improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. [- “Continue” to improve=“further” improve. -take measures to improve, unnecessary verb phrase, should be dropped.]
• [- “Make vigorous efforts to” is a variant of “make great efforts to.” • - “To establish the institution of regulating”= “to regulate”.
Unnecessary Modifiers
• 今年从国外进口的汽车数量急剧下滑。 A: Imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year. B: Imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year. [we cannot import a domestic product.]
• Adverbs of time: • 过去我们经常过分强调阶级斗争的需要。 A:Previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. B:We B We used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. [Such adverbs of time as “at present”, “in the future”, “and in the past” appear in the Chinese publications. Actually their function is served by the tense of the verb.

Lecture 5 -- Inductive and Deductive Thinking

Lecture 5 -- Inductive and Deductive Thinking

So, what?
Well, so what? you ask. Why is this difference between deductive and inductive arguments significant. Because most of the arguments with which we are concerned as journalists are inductive arguments. Most people that we are concerned with as journalists – people like politicians, government officials, public figures, opinion makers, the man and woman in the street -- usually use inductive arguments. That is to say, in most of the arguments we have to assess, the conclusions are not guaranteed by the premisses. Inductive arguments are difficult enough to deal with. But they can also have a range of problems added to them, which make even more difficulties for us as journalists. We will examine these other difficulties in later lectures. But it is worth pointing out now that they other difficulties can include arguments with missing premisses; missing conclusions; conclusions that are only very partially supported by the premisses; or premisses that are either not statements (that is, they are not capable of being true or not) or are so imprecisely stated that it is difficult to establish their truth or not. But we will deal with these additional problems in detail in later lectures. For now, let us focus on inductive arguments. What do inductive arguments mean for us?

lecture 5 超验主义

lecture 5 超验主义

A. born in a clergyman’s family in New England B. graduated from Harvard C. founded a Transcendentalists' Club and published a journal D. traveled and gave lectures; quite influential
• A. Puritan heritage At the eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd of the 18th century people gradually felt boring about the strict Calvinism. At the same time with the development of science and technology, Americans suspected the old religion. Thus, Unitarianism(唯一神教) appeared. It stressed ―continual progress of mankind‖. • Emerson once was a preacher of Unitarianism, but he thought there were too many rituals. Then he resigned from the position. Emerson also believed in individuality. He inherited the ideas of inward communication with God and the divine symbolism of nature.
• A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds… • With consistancy a great soul has simply nothing to do.
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注意: (1) 尽管将阶跃输入、速度输入及加速度输入下 系统的误差分别称之为位置误差、速度误差和加 速度误差,但对速度误差、加速度误差而言并不 是指输出与输入的速度、加速度不同,而是指输 出与输入之间存在一确定的稳态位置偏差。 (2) 如果输入量非单位量时,其稳态偏差(误差) 按比例增加。例1、例2 (3) 系统在多个信号共同作用下总的稳态偏差误 差等于多个信号单独作用下的稳态偏差(误差) 之和。 例3
School of electrical engineering and automation
稳态误差系数和稳态误差 系统在控制信号作用下
减小和消除稳态误差方法 提高系统的开环增益 增加开环传递函数中积分环节
School of electrical engineering and automation
1 1 max 24 0.04 ess 600 Kv
School of electrical engineering and automation
例:阀控油缸伺服工作台要求定位精度为0.05cm, 该工作台最大移动速度vmax =10cm/s,若系统 为I型,试求系统开环增益。 单位速度输入下的稳态误差为
C r (s) R (s) / H(s)
E ' ( s) R( s) / H ( s) C ( s)
E (s) / H (s) R (s) / H (s) C(s)
E ' (s) E (s) / H (s)
School of electrical engineering and automation
t s0 s0
0 2 2 1 s s T s
e( t ) T cos t T 2 2 sin t ...
School of electrical engineering and automation
e (s) E (s) 1 R (s) 1 G (s) H (s)
E (s )
1 R (s) 1 G (s) H (s)
1 R (s) e ss lim e( t ) lim sE (s) lim s t s0 s 0 1 G (s ) H (s )
0.05 e ss 0.005s 10
G (s ) H (s ) K ( i s 1) s
v m
(T s 1) V=0
i i 1
i 1 n v
K p lim G (s) H (s) lim
s0 s0
K ( i s 1)
e ssp
School of electrical engineering and automation
G 2 (s ) H (s ) E (s ) N (s) 1 G 1 (s)G 2 (s) H (s)
G 2 (s ) H (s ) E (s ) N (s ) 1 G 1 (s ) G 2 (s ) H (s )
K ( i s 1)
School of electrical engineering and automation
e ssa
1 Ka
(T s 1)
i i 1
i 1 n
G (s) H (s) K ( i s 1) s
e ss lim s
1 R (s) e ss lim e( t ) lim s t s 0 1 G (s ) H (s )
R (s )
1 1 1 1 1 G (s) H (s) s 1 G (0) H (0) 1 K p
School of electrical engineering and automation
第五章 控制系统的误差分析
5.1 误差的基本概念 偏差与误差 5.2 稳态误差系数 5.3 动态误差系数 5.4 扰动作用下的稳态误差 5.5 提高稳态精度的措施
1 s
稳态位置误差系数 1 单位斜坡输入R (s) s 2 1 1 1 1 e ss lim s s 0 1 G (s ) H (s ) s 2 lim sG (s) H (s) K v
1稳态速度误差系数 单位抛物线输入R (s) s 3
e ss lim s
2003年硕士入学试题 磁盘驱动器需用电机来驱动读/写磁头,以使磁头在 旋转的磁盘上对磁道进行准确定位.如检测环节、 比较环节的增益为 1 ,电机和磁头的组合可以表示 K G ( s ) 为: ,其中 τ=0.001s; s ( s 1 )
例 1
e ss lim s
1 (0.5s 1)(0.04s 1) R (s) lim R (s) s 0 1 G (s ) H (s ) (0.5s 1)(0.04s 1) 20
R (s)
R (s )
School of electrical engineering and automation
(a)试说明工作原理; (b)试计算当预期输入为单位阶跃信号时,磁头位置 的稳态误差; (c)选择K,使磁头在斜坡输入10cm/s时,保持其稳态 位置误差小于0.1cm。
s0 s 0
G 2 (s) H (s) N (s) 1 G 1 (s)G 2 (s) H (s)
School of electrical engineering and automation
v m
(T s 1)
i i 1
i 1 nv
K p lim G (s) H (s)
e ssp
1 0 1 Kp
K v lim sG (s) H (s) K
e ssv
1 1 Kv K
K a lim s 2 G (s) H (s) 0
School of electrical engineering and automation
5.2 稳态误差系数 系统在控制信号作用下 定义 系统结构对稳态误差的影响 Bode图上的稳态误差系数 位置、速度、加速度
School of electrical engineering and automation
5.1 误差的基本概念 误差:输入信号作用下的系统响应 稳态误差:瞬态过程结束后误差e(t)的稳态分 量
es ess esN
School of electrical engineering and automation
G (s) H (s) K ( is 1) s (Ti s 1)
i 1 i 1 m m
V=0 0型系统 V=1 I型系统 V=2 II型系统
School of electrical engineering and automation
1 1 1 1 1 G (s) H (s) s 3 lim s 2 G (s) H (s) K a
School of electrical engineering and automation
系统结构对稳态误差的影响 1 ess lim s R(s) s 0 1 G ( s ) H ( s )
例 2
r ( t ) sin t
1 1 1 Ts
R (s )
s s 1 T s
s 2 2
e (s )
E (s) e (s) R (s)
1 s 2 2 s T lim e( t ) lim sE (s) lim s
School of electrical engineering and automation