酒水进场协议(Alcohol access agreement)
























酒水进场协议书甲方(供应商):_____________________乙方(采购方):_____________________鉴于甲方为合法注册的酒水供应商,乙方为合法注册的酒水采购方,甲乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就甲方供应酒水给乙方进场销售一事,经协商一致,达成如下协议:## 第一条供应产品及价格1. 甲方同意向乙方供应以下酒水产品:- 产品名称:________________- 规格型号:________________- 供应数量:________________- 单价:__________________2. 甲方保证所供应的酒水产品符合国家相关质量标准和安全标准。

## 第二条质量保证1. 甲方应保证所供应的酒水产品在保质期内无变质、无污染。

2. 如乙方在销售过程中发现酒水产品存在质量问题,甲方应在接到乙方通知后24小时内给予解决。

## 第三条交付与验收1. 甲方应按照乙方要求的时间和地点将酒水产品送达。

2. 乙方应在收到货物后立即进行验收,如发现数量或质量不符合约定,应在24小时内通知甲方。

## 第四条付款方式1. 乙方应在收到货物后的____天内支付货款。

2. 付款方式为:银行转账/支票/现金等,具体方式由双方协商确定。

## 第五条违约责任1. 如甲方未能按时交付酒水产品或产品存在质量问题,甲方应承担违约责任。

2. 如乙方未能按时支付货款,乙方应承担违约责任。

## 第六条争议解决甲乙双方在履行本协议过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可提交甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。

## 第七条协议的变更和解除1. 本协议的任何变更和补充,必须经甲乙双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

2. 如一方严重违反协议条款,另一方有权解除本协议。

## 第八条其他1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。

2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方(盖章):_________________ 乙方(盖章):_________________代表签字:___________________ 代表签字:___________________日期:____年____月____日日期:____年____月____日(本协议书到此结束,以下无正文)。



酒水进场协议书范本甲方(供应商):_____________________乙方(采购方):_____________________鉴于甲方是专业生产/销售酒水的公司,乙方有购买酒水的需求,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就乙方购买甲方酒水产品事宜达成如下协议:一、产品信息1. 产品名称:________________________________________2. 规格型号:________________________________________3. 数量:________________________________________4. 单价:________________________________________5. 总价:________________________________________6. 包装方式:________________________________________7. 质量标准:按照国家相关标准执行。

二、交付条件1. 交货地点:乙方指定地点。

2. 交货时间:________________________________________3. 运输方式:甲方负责运输至乙方指定地点,费用由甲方承担。

4. 验收方式:乙方在收到货物后______天内完成验收,如有异议应在验收后______天内提出。


四、付款方式1. 预付款:乙方在合同签订后______日内向甲方支付合同总价的______%作为预付款。

2. 交货付款:乙方在甲方交货并验收合格后______日内向甲方支付剩余的______%货款。

五、违约责任1. 如甲方延迟交货,每延迟一天,应向乙方支付延迟交货部分货款______%的违约金。

2. 如乙方延迟付款,每延迟一天,应向甲方支付延迟付款金额______%的滞纳金。



卖酒入场协议书《卖酒入场协议书》甲方(卖方):乙方(买方):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国食品安全法》等相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方提供酒水产品,乙方负责入场销售的事宜,达成如下协议:一、产品及价格1.1 甲方提供酒水产品给乙方,乙方负责在约定场所进行销售。

1.2 甲方应确保所提供的酒水产品符合国家食品安全标准,具备合法的营业执照、生产许可证等相关证件。

1.3 甲方提供的酒水产品价格应符合市场规律,不得高于同类产品的市场价格。

二、销售区域2.1 乙方在甲方提供的酒水产品销售区域内享有独家销售权,未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将甲方产品转卖给其他第三方。

2.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,在约定场所内设立专门销售区域,保证产品的销售效果。

三、销售期限3.1 本协议的有效期为____年,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

3.2 除非甲乙双方提前终止本协议,否则协议到期后,双方应继续履行本协议的约定,直至双方签订新的协议。

四、结算方式4.1 乙方应按照本协议约定的价格,以现金或银行转账的方式向甲方支付货款。

4.2 乙方应在每月____日前向甲方支付上一个月的货款。

五、违约责任5.1 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担相应的违约责任,向守约方支付违约金,并赔偿因此给守约方造成的其他损失。

六、争议解决6.1 本协议的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

6.2 双方在履行本协议过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

七、其他约定7.1 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

7.2 本协议自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。




酒店白酒进场协议书范本酒店白酒进场协议书甲方:(供货方名称),法定代表人(或授权代表)______________,地址: ______________,电话:______________。

乙方:(购货方名称),法定代表人(或授权代表)______________,地址: ______________,电话:______________。
































一、产品详情1. 产品名称:_____________2. 规格型号:_____________3. 生产日期:_____________4. 保质期限:_____________5. 产地:_____________6. 包装要求:_____________7. 其他特殊要求:_____________二、价格条款1. 单价:人民币(大写)_____________元整(¥_________)/单位。

2. 总价:按实际供货数量计算。

三、交货条款1. 交货时间:自本合同签订之日起____个工作日内。

2. 交货地点:乙方指定的仓库或营业场所。

3. 运输方式及费用承担:由甲方负责,费用由______方承担。

四、质量要求与验收1. 甲方保证提供的酒类产品符合国家相关质量标准及本合同约定。

2. 乙方应在收货后____日内完成验收,如有问题应及时通知甲方。

五、付款方式1. 付款条件:货到验收合格后____日内支付全额货款。

2. 付款方式:银行转账或其他双方同意的方式。

六、违约责任1. 若甲方未按时交货或乙方未按时付款,违约方需向守约方支付违约金,金额为未履行部分总额的____%。

2. 因产品质量问题导致的退货,甲方应无条件接受,并承担相应费用。


八、其他约定1. 本合同附件为合同不可分割的一部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。

2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。




酒水进场协议书范本甲方(供应商):_______________乙方(场地方):_______________鉴于甲方希望将其酒水产品引入乙方经营的场地进行销售,乙方愿意提供场地供甲方销售酒水产品,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方酒水产品进场销售事宜达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 甲方同意将其生产的酒水产品在乙方经营的场地内销售。

2. 乙方同意为甲方提供场地及相关设施,用于甲方酒水产品的展示和销售。

二、合作期限1. 本协议自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止,有效期为____年。

2. 合作期满,双方可根据实际情况协商续签。

三、产品供应1. 甲方负责提供符合国家食品安全标准和质量要求的酒水产品。

2. 甲方应保证供应的酒水产品品种齐全、数量充足。

四、价格与结算1. 甲方提供给乙方的酒水产品价格为____元/瓶(或____元/箱),此价格为不含税价格。

2. 结算方式为:乙方每月____日前支付上月酒水产品销售总额的____%给甲方,余款在次月____日前结清。

五、场地使用1. 乙方应保证甲方在场地内销售酒水产品时的场地使用权。

2. 甲方应遵守乙方场地的管理规定,不得影响乙方的正常经营活动。

六、双方权利与义务1. 甲方有权在乙方场地内销售酒水产品,并有权对销售情况进行监督。

2. 乙方有权对甲方销售的酒水产品进行质量监督,并有权要求甲方提供相关证明文件。

3. 甲方应保证其酒水产品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。

4. 乙方应保证其提供的场地符合甲方销售酒水产品的要求。

七、违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

2. 如因不可抗力导致一方不能履行或完全履行本协议,该方应及时通知对方,并提供相应的证明,双方应协商解决。


九、其他1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商确定,并以书面形式补充。

酒水进场协议(Alcohol access agreement)

酒水进场协议(Alcohol access agreement)

酒水进场协议(Alcohol access agreement)Party A (the supplier):Party B (buyer):Party A and Party B are willing to sign this agreement voluntarily through mutual consultation between Party A and Party B in accordance with the principle of common development, honesty and mutual benefit,. The agreement is as follows:First, the responsibility of both partiesFirst party:1. The quality of all products provided by Party A must comply with the quality requirements of the relevant departments of the state. Otherwise, all the consequences shall be in the charge of Party A. If there are quality problems, false compensation ten, and bear the damage and legal liability to Party B and customer, Party B has the right to terminate the agreement.2, after the order of Party B, Party A arrival, special circumstances, Party A and B separately agreed.4, Party A to Party B's product price (specifically see quotation), if there is adjustment (lifting), party a must be announced to Party B one week ahead of schedule.5. Party A is responsible for delivery to Party B designated location (specify: change, Party B shall notify Party A inwriting)Party b:1, Party B should cooperate with all the products of the first party on the bar as a display.2, Party B must provide accurate and true sales monthly, and timely response to Party A's business.3. Settlement of goods in accordance with settlement methods negotiated by both parties.4. If the products purchased by Party B are not available, they may exchange other products or the original price to return the goods.Two, settlement methods1, according to the parties approved quotation price orders, the first batch of goods to the designated place of Party B, and Party A by Party B designated personnel with Chukuchan reconciliation after storage, pay to Party A total payment of 80%, the balance of the termination of the contract as a guarantee of quality to be settled, Party A according to the purchase amount of the first batch of 10%, respectively, as the four major festivals (51, eleven, new year's day, Spring Festival and the opening ceremony of the preferential gift).2, the negotiating settlement of the two parties: the actual sales of the real (excluding the first batch of purchase), themonthly payment of 5. If Party B is in arrears with the payment of Party A's goods and exceeds two months later, Party A has the right to terminate the agreement and withdraw all the support for entering the store.3, B and B in the reconciliation period of reconciliation, the reconciliation based on the first party of each delivery of sales documents issued, the sales documents must have Party B designated personnel receipt certificate.4, Party A and Party B, the date of signing the contract, Party B shall not sell any other company and party a quotation within the same product, otherwise Party A has the right to stop the supply and require Party B to pay all the money into the store before and support costs, Party A has no brand, Party B can buy.Three. Waste defective treatment1, party a delivery to Party B designated place, Party B should promptly in accordance with the sales list issued by Party A for reconciliation, if there is damage, by Party A responsible for exchange.2, Party A provides the product to Party B, after the acceptance of Party B confirmation, if Party B in the sales process for adult damage and other reasons, Party A shall not bear any responsibility, Party B own losses.2. Party B shall exchange the goods and return the goods within 1 months prior to the expiration of the drinks, drinks and foodFour, contract periodThe term of this agreement the day of 20 to 20 date, the agreement expires within one month, both parties shall negotiate whether to renew the contract, the contract period, Party A and Party B special failure to advance the weekly notice in written form, and bear the corresponding legal responsibility and economic loss.Five. Liability for breach of contract1, not agreed by both parties, any party shall have the right to terminate the agreement, if there is breach of contract, contract to the defaulting party shall have the right to claim damages, compensation for the loss of Party B shall not be less than the annual sales (if there are special circumstances, a party is unable to perform the contract, should contact in advance, but does not absolve the responsibility of breach of contract.)Six, Party A and Party B mutually benefit each other1, Party A to Party B to provide free gifts: above must be in place within 8 days after the first purchase, not within the prescribed time limit, Party A Party B compensation for the resulting loss (not less than the amount of the first purchase or designated brand models), after the expiration of the contract or gifts to B all, Party A has the right to interfere.2, Party A to Party B into the store charges million, in the formal signing of the contract within seven days after theone-time payment of cash, such as the provisions of Party A is not the deadline, according to a daily late fee of 5% for Party B.3, monthly settlement, Party A as% of Party B rebate, and cash cash cap fees.4. Party B shall have contact with Party A within 3 to 5 hours in order to avoid affecting the normal use, otherwise there will be other consequences, and Party A will not be responsible for it.Seven, this Agreement does not matter, Party A and Party B separately negotiate, this agreement one form two copies, by the representatives of both parties signed and sealed into effect, both parties hold a copy.Remarks:Party A (official seal): Party B (official seal):Legal person: legal person:Representative: representative personDate Year Month Day Month DayCooperation agreementFirst party:Party b:In order to promote the common development of both sides, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement through friendly consultations between the parties in accordance with the principle of honesty, trustworthiness and mutual benefit:First, the way and conditions of cooperation1. The products provided by Party A to Party B are sold on consignment.2. Party B shall provide free display of the commodities of Party A at the showroom.3, Party A and Party B shall provide relevant valid documents.Two, the responsibilities and interests of both sides1. The products provided by Party A to Party B must ensure the quality of products.2, Party A shall provide to Party B the product acceptance by Party B is confirmed, if Party B in the sales process, man-made damage and other reasons, Party B shall be responsible for and indemnify Party A according to the purchase price.3, Party B shall actively publicize and promote the products of Party A, and timely feedback to Party A according to the market demand.4. Party B must sell according to the quotation of Party A and shall not raise the price without the approval of Party A.Three, settlement methodsMouth, cash settlement, account date, settlement, and actual salesFour. Termination of contract agreementAfter friendly negotiation between the two parties to terminate the cooperation, Party B shall check out the excess goods and return it to Party A and settle the balance.Five. This agreement is valid for one year and will come into force on the date of signature of both representatives.From twenty million birds in months to cross from the cross from twenty million birds in the cross from the cross from the date of june.Six, after the expiration of this agreement, neither party has proposed the termination of the agreement requirements, as agreed to continue to cooperate, the agreement continues to be valid, without additional contract, the validity of the extension of one year.Seven. During the execution of this agreement, both parties need to supplement or alter the contract, and may make a supplementary agreement, which is subject to the amended supplementary agreement and has legal effect.Eight. This agreement is made in two copies. Both parties hold one and have the same legal effect.A andB have friendly consultations on the sale of drinks, under the principle of mutual benefit, through friendly consultations between the parties, to reach the following terms of the contract:1. The contract is valid for one year. From 2006 to 2007.Two, sales place: legal representative. Number of dining rooms and number of dining rooms in dining room.Contact phone: Party B hotel address:.Three. Supply, acceptance and settlement voucher:1 Party A supplies Party B according to Party B's notice of goods, and Party B needs to specify the varieties, specifications and quantities of the goods.2, Party B assigned to accept the goods, Party A Party B signed delivery, one-way Party B checkout. Without Party A's proof, any person who has contracted or signed the bill has nothing to do with Party A, and Party B undertakes all the losses caused by it himself.Four. Settlement: Party B monthly payment to Party A for full payment of last month.Five, to ensure that party a blue classic products in the display, sale and promotion of Party B (including series of new packaging into the market), Party A agrees.Six, sales requirements:.Seven. Party A's rights and obligations:1, Party B in accordance with the quality standards of the state of the Yanghe River blue classic series products, and issue the relevant certificate of quality, such as product quality problems, party a commitment to handle relevant matters and return guarantee. Specific varieties, specifications and prices (schedule)Variety specifications into the shop price2. Party A accredited salesman enters the Party B place to carry out sales promotion. If Party B cannot continue sales promotion due to the reason of Party B, Party B shall return the sales discount accordingly.3. Party A's promoters shall accept the unified management of Party B during the work of Party B's premises and abide by the rules and regulations of Party b.. If there is a breach, Party A and Party B according to the circumstances to give criticism and education, for incorrigible, Party A shall guarantee the substitution.4. According to the characteristics of Party B's premises, Party A can carry out some promotional activities approved by Party B at the appropriate time to improve sales volume and create better benefits for both parties.5, Party A may regularly or irregularly free Party B service personnel to carry out etiquette and other knowledge training.Eight. Party B's responsibilities and obligations:1. Party B guarantees strict implementation of Party A's price standard.2 Party B must complete the settlement with the Party A in accordance with the time stipulated in the agreement. Party B shall actively cooperate with Party A's personnel to promote the sale of products, and shall provide free advertising materials for Party A to hang and post prominently.3. Party B shall display the product of Party A in the marked position of the bar. The level of the product shall be in line with the normal level, and each row shall be no less than two bottles. Once designated, Party B shall not change freely, if change is subject to Party A's approval. At the same time, Party B must ensure that Party A's products are entered into Party B's wine list and inform the hotel attendant. Otherwise, Party B will refund the sales discount accordingly.4, Party B for decoration and other reasons, such as closing, closing, changing the legal person, etc., the promotion period is not yet, should return the corresponding time of promotionfee or extend the sales time.5. Party B shall ensure the reasonable inventory of Party A's products and notify the Party A in time to purchase the goods.6, in order to ensure the quality of alcoholic drinks, Party B shall not purchase goods from non normal channels under any pretext, such as breach of contract, Party B shall bear all the consequences, and return to party a related sales discount.Nine, others:1, in the performance of this agreement, any party defaults, will bear all economic losses caused thereby.2. This agreement is made in two copies. Both parties hold one and both parties have valid signatures.3. The matters not covered in this Agreement shall be settled by both parties. If disputes arise, the dispute shall be settled by the local court or arbitration institution of the Party A.??Party A: Party b:Signature: signature:Date: date:Party A: Party b:Signature of the representative: (seal) signature of the representative: (seal)Telephone number: telephone:Fourteen, others:Party a attached:1. Dealer level evaluation standard2. Dealer surveyParty B attached:1, wine business license, tax registration certificate, health permit copy. (signature of Party B)2. Legal person's power of attorney3. Terminal detail listDate Year Month Day Month Day。



..;.. 销售协议甲方:北京***商贸有限公司乙方:北京***商贸有限责任公司甲乙双方本着平等互利、诚实守信、公平公正的原则,经双方友好协商,就***酒在北京***贸有限责任公司销售事宜达成如下协议:一、销售品种和价格:品名包装规格供货价(元)建议零售价元/件元/瓶元/瓶42°九年*** 1*6 480 8042°十二年*** 1*6 720 12042°十五年*** 1*6 1080 18045°二十年*** 1*6 2388 398注:乙方不得低于市场指导价以及到北京市以外的市场销售。

二、销售目标:在协议期内乙方承诺全年累计销售***系列酒210 万元。











六、本协议有效期为2015 年 1 月 1 日至2015 年12 月31 日。





酒水进场协议书范本甲方(酒水供应商):_____________________地址:_________________________________联系电话:_____________________________乙方(场地提供方):___________________地址:_________________________________联系电话:_____________________________鉴于甲方为专业的酒水供应商,乙方为合法的场地提供方,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方酒水进场事宜达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 本协议所称“酒水”是指甲方提供给乙方的所有酒类产品,包括但不限于啤酒、葡萄酒、烈酒等。

1.2 “进场”是指甲方将酒水送至乙方指定场地,并由乙方负责保管和销售。

第二条进场条件2.1 甲方保证所提供酒水符合国家相关法律法规和标准,具有合法的生产、销售资质。

2.2 乙方应提供符合酒水储存条件的场地,并保证场地的安全、卫生。

第三条酒水供应3.1 甲方应根据乙方需求,及时供应所需酒水。

3.2 乙方应提前向甲方提供酒水需求清单,并在收到酒水后的____天内完成验收。

第四条价格与结算4.1 双方应根据市场行情和酒水品质,协商确定酒水的供应价格。

4.2 结算方式为:______________________,结算周期为:______________________。

第五条质量保证与退换货5.1 甲方应保证所供酒水的质量,若乙方发现质量问题,甲方应在接到通知后的____天内予以处理。

5.2 退换货的条件和程序为:______________________。

第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本协议约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

6.2 违约责任的具体承担方式为:______________________。

第七条协议的变更与解除7.1 本协议的任何变更或补充,需经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。





第二条:权利义务及履行方式1.甲方权利义务:(1) 甲方有权按照双方约定的价格及数量提供酒水供应及消费服务业务。

(2) 甲方承诺供应的酒水品质符合国家相关法律法规的要求,并保证供应过程中不存在任何损害乙方权益的情况。

(3) 甲方需安排专人负责酒水供应及消费服务业务,并确保服务品质符合双方约定。

2.乙方权利义务:(1) 乙方有权按照双方约定的价格及数量接受酒水供应及消费服务业务。

(2) 乙方承诺在消费过程中遵守国家相关法律法规、甲方规定的消费规则及注意事项。

(3) 乙方应按时支付服务费用,并保证不以任何方式拖欠或逾期支付。


第四条:违约责任1. 任何一方未能履行本协议规定的权利和义务之一,均构成违约,另一方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。

2. 对于乙方违反国家相关法律法规、甲方规定的消费规则或注意事项,未支付服务费用或拖欠服务费用的情况,甲方有权拒绝提供相关酒水供应及消费服务业务或增加相应的违约金。

3. 对于甲方无法按照双方约定的价格及数量提供酒水供应及消费服务业务,甲方应承担相应违约责任。





酒水饮料进货协议书范本甲方(供货方):________________________乙方(购货方):________________________签订地点:______________________________签订日期:____年____月____日鉴于甲方是合法注册的酒水饮料供应商,乙方是合法注册的酒水饮料销售商,双方本着平等互利的原则,就甲方向乙方供应酒水饮料事宜,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条产品名称及规格1. 甲方同意向乙方供应以下酒水饮料产品:- 产品名称:____________________- 规格型号:____________________- 包装方式:____________________- 质量标准:____________________- 数量:________________________- 单位:________________________- 单价:________________________- 总价:________________________(以上内容根据实际供货情况填写)第二条交货时间及地点1. 甲方应在合同签订后____天内将货物送至乙方指定地点。

2. 乙方应在甲方交货前____天内通知甲方具体的交货时间和地点。

第三条质量要求1. 甲方保证所供酒水饮料符合国家相关质量标准和行业标准。

2. 乙方在收到货物后____天内有权对货物进行质量检验,如发现质量问题,应及时通知甲方。

第四条付款方式1. 乙方应在合同签订后____天内支付____%的预付款。

2. 货物验收合格后,乙方应在____天内支付剩余货款。

第五条违约责任1. 如甲方未能按时交货,每逾期一天,应向乙方支付逾期交货部分货款的____%作为违约金。

2. 如乙方未能按时支付货款,每逾期一天,应向甲方支付逾期货款部分的____%作为违约金。

第六条争议解决1. 双方因履行本合同所发生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。



协议编号:【编号】甲方(酒水供应商):【甲方全称】,地址:【甲方地址】,联系电话:【甲方联系电话】乙方(酒水经销商):【乙方全称】,地址:【乙方地址】,联系电话:【乙方联系电话】鉴于甲方拥有优质的酒水产品,乙方有意成为甲方酒水产品的经销商,双方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条协议标的1.1 本协议标的为甲方提供的酒水产品,包括但不限于白酒、红酒、啤酒、洋酒等。

1.2 甲方应保证所提供的酒水产品符合国家相关质量标准,无假冒伪劣。

第二条进场方式2.1 乙方同意在【具体地点】开设酒水专柜,销售甲方提供的酒水产品。

2.2 甲方应保证所提供的酒水产品在乙方专柜的陈列、摆放符合相关法律法规和行业标准。

2.3 乙方应按照甲方要求,对酒水产品进行宣传、推广,提高甲方产品的市场知名度。

第三条供货与销售3.1 甲方应按照乙方需求,在约定的时间内提供酒水产品,并保证产品质量。

3.2 乙方应根据市场需求,合理调整酒水产品的销售策略,提高销售额。

3.3 乙方应按照甲方规定的价格体系进行销售,不得擅自降价或提价。

3.4 乙方应保证酒水产品的销售渠道合法、合规,不得销售假冒伪劣产品。

第四条促销与宣传4.1 甲方应协助乙方进行酒水产品的促销活动,包括但不限于赠品、折扣、抽奖等。

4.2 乙方应积极参与甲方组织的各类促销活动,提高甲方产品的市场占有率。

4.3 乙方应遵守甲方制定的宣传规范,不得发布虚假宣传信息。

第五条费用与结算5.1 乙方应按照约定支付进场费用,包括但不限于租金、水电费等。

5.2 甲方应按照约定时间向乙方结算货款,货款结算方式为【具体方式】。

5.3 若因甲方原因导致乙方无法正常销售,甲方应承担相应的责任。

第六条违约责任6.1 任何一方违反本协议约定,应承担相应的违约责任。

6.2 若甲方提供的酒水产品出现质量问题,甲方应负责退货、赔偿等。

6.3 若乙方未按照约定支付进场费用,甲方有权暂停供货。



酒店酒进场费协议1. 引言本文档旨在规定酒店酒进场费协议,确保酒店与供应商之间的合作关系顺利进行。


2. 背景酒店作为一个集组织、管家、服务等多重功能于一身的场所,需要与酒类供应商密切合作,以满足客人的需求。


3. 目的制定酒店酒进场费协议的目的是确保酒店与供应商之间的权益平衡和协作顺利进行。


4. 协议内容协议内容主要包括以下几个方面:4.1 进场费价格供应商应根据市场行情和酒水质量等因素,提供合理且有竞争力的进场费价格。


4.2 进场费结算方式进场费的结算方式可以选择预付全额、部分预付或账期等方式。


4.3 进场费返还如果在合作过程中,未消耗的酒水需要返还给供应商,酒店应按照事先约定的标准和程序,将未消耗的酒水返还给供应商。


4.4 进场费终止和解除双方有权在以下情况下,终止或解除进场费协议:•一方违反协议约定,且经过书面通知后未能及时纠正;•一方发生重大违约行为,导致对方无法履行合同义务;•双方共同协商一致决定终止或解除协议。

5. 争议解决和法律适用在执行进场费协议过程中,如发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。



6. 协议生效和期限本协议自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为三年。


7. 其他事项本文档任何一方未尽事宜可根据实际情况进行协商,并以书面形式作出补充协议。



进酒协议书酒类进货协议书甲方(供货商):___________________乙方(采购商):___________________日期:_________________________协议内容:1. 供货方式和内容甲方同意向乙方提供以下酒类产品(以下简称“商品”):(请在此填写具体酒类商品,如啤酒、白酒等)2. 供货数量和质量甲方同意向乙方供货的数量和质量应符合以下要求:(请在此填写具体的供货数量和质量要求)3. 供货时间和地点甲方同意按照乙方的需求,在以下时间和地点进行供货:时间:(请在此填写具体供货时间)地点:(请在此填写具体供货地点)4. 供货价格和结算方式4.1 供货价格甲方同意按照以下价格向乙方供货:(请在此填写具体的供货价格,如单价、总价等)4.2 结算方式甲方和乙方同意按照以下方式进行结算:(请在此填写具体的结算方式,如现金、电汇等)5. 包装和标签甲方同意按照乙方的要求进行商品的包装和标签标识,以保证商品的安全运输和清晰识别。

6. 质量和售后服务甲方保证所供货的商品符合国家质量标准和相关法律及法规要求。


7. 合同期限和终止本协议自双方签署之日起生效,至自然日后终止。


8. 违约责任8.1 甲方违约责任如甲方未按照本协议的内容提供供货或未按时提供供货,乙方有权要求甲方承担违约责任,并要求相应的赔偿。

8.2 乙方违约责任如乙方未按照本协议的内容支付货款或未按时支付货款,甲方有权要求乙方承担违约责任,并要求相应的赔偿。

9. 争议解决本协议的解释和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国的法律。






酒水饮料进货协议书范本合同编号:______________甲方(供应商):______________地址:______________联系电话:______________乙方(采购方):______________地址:______________联系电话:______________鉴于甲方是专业生产/销售酒水饮料的公司,乙方有购买酒水饮料的需求,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就乙方购买甲方酒水饮料产品事宜达成如下协议:第一条产品信息1.1 产品名称:酒水饮料1.2 规格型号:______________1.3 质量标准:按照国家相关标准执行1.4 包装要求:甲方应确保产品包装符合行业标准,保证运输过程中产品的完好无损。

第二条订货与交付2.1 乙方应提前____天向甲方提交书面订货单,明确产品名称、规格、数量、交付时间等。

2.2 甲方在收到订货单后____天内确认订单,并与乙方签订书面确认书。

2.3 交付地点:乙方指定的仓库或经营场所。

2.4 交付时间:按照双方确认书约定的时间执行。

第三条质量验收3.1 乙方在收到货物后应在____小时内进行质量验收,如发现问题应立即通知甲方。

3.2 甲方应在接到通知后____小时内响应并提出解决方案。

第四条价格与支付4.1 产品价格:按照双方确认书约定的价格执行。

4.2 支付方式:乙方应在交付前支付____%的预付款,余款在验收合格后____天内支付完毕。

第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方延迟交付,应按延迟交付货物价值的____%每天向乙方支付违约金。

5.2 如乙方延迟支付,应按延迟支付金额的____%每天向甲方支付违约金。

第六条争议解决6.1 本合同在执行过程中发生争议,双方应协商解决;协商不成的,可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

第七条其他7.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

7.2 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。


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酒水进场协议(Alcohol access agreement)Party A (the supplier):Party B (buyer):Party A and Party B are willing to sign this agreement voluntarily through mutual consultation between Party A and Party B in accordance with the principle of common development, honesty and mutual benefit,. The agreement is as follows:First, the responsibility of both partiesFirst party:1. The quality of all products provided by Party A must comply with the quality requirements of the relevant departments of the state. Otherwise, all the consequences shall be in the charge of Party A. If there are quality problems, false compensation ten, and bear the damage and legal liability to Party B and customer, Party B has the right to terminate the agreement.2, after the order of Party B, Party A arrival, special circumstances, Party A and B separately agreed.4, Party A to Party B's product price (specifically see quotation), if there is adjustment (lifting), party a must be announced to Party B one week ahead of schedule.5. Party A is responsible for delivery to Party B designated location (specify: change, Party B shall notify Party A inwriting)Party b:1, Party B should cooperate with all the products of the first party on the bar as a display.2, Party B must provide accurate and true sales monthly, and timely response to Party A's business.3. Settlement of goods in accordance with settlement methods negotiated by both parties.4. If the products purchased by Party B are not available, they may exchange other products or the original price to return the goods.Two, settlement methods1, according to the parties approved quotation price orders, the first batch of goods to the designated place of Party B, and Party A by Party B designated personnel with Chukuchan reconciliation after storage, pay to Party A total payment of 80%, the balance of the termination of the contract as a guarantee of quality to be settled, Party A according to the purchase amount of the first batch of 10%, respectively, as the four major festivals (51, eleven, new year's day, Spring Festival and the opening ceremony of the preferential gift).2, the negotiating settlement of the two parties: the actual sales of the real (excluding the first batch of purchase), themonthly payment of 5. If Party B is in arrears with the payment of Party A's goods and exceeds two months later, Party A has the right to terminate the agreement and withdraw all the support for entering the store.3, B and B in the reconciliation period of reconciliation, the reconciliation based on the first party of each delivery of sales documents issued, the sales documents must have Party B designated personnel receipt certificate.4, Party A and Party B, the date of signing the contract, Party B shall not sell any other company and party a quotation within the same product, otherwise Party A has the right to stop the supply and require Party B to pay all the money into the store before and support costs, Party A has no brand, Party B can buy.Three. Waste defective treatment1, party a delivery to Party B designated place, Party B should promptly in accordance with the sales list issued by Party A for reconciliation, if there is damage, by Party A responsible for exchange.2, Party A provides the product to Party B, after the acceptance of Party B confirmation, if Party B in the sales process for adult damage and other reasons, Party A shall not bear any responsibility, Party B own losses.2. Party B shall exchange the goods and return the goods within 1 months prior to the expiration of the drinks, drinks and foodFour, contract periodThe term of this agreement the day of 20 to 20 date, the agreement expires within one month, both parties shall negotiate whether to renew the contract, the contract period, Party A and Party B special failure to advance the weekly notice in written form, and bear the corresponding legal responsibility and economic loss.Five. Liability for breach of contract1, not agreed by both parties, any party shall have the right to terminate the agreement, if there is breach of contract, contract to the defaulting party shall have the right to claim damages, compensation for the loss of Party B shall not be less than the annual sales (if there are special circumstances, a party is unable to perform the contract, should contact in advance, but does not absolve the responsibility of breach of contract.)Six, Party A and Party B mutually benefit each other1, Party A to Party B to provide free gifts: above must be in place within 8 days after the first purchase, not within the prescribed time limit, Party A Party B compensation for the resulting loss (not less than the amount of the first purchase or designated brand models), after the expiration of the contract or gifts to B all, Party A has the right to interfere.2, Party A to Party B into the store charges million, in the formal signing of the contract within seven days after theone-time payment of cash, such as the provisions of Party A is not the deadline, according to a daily late fee of 5% for Party B.3, monthly settlement, Party A as% of Party B rebate, and cash cash cap fees.4. Party B shall have contact with Party A within 3 to 5 hours in order to avoid affecting the normal use, otherwise there will be other consequences, and Party A will not be responsible for it.Seven, this Agreement does not matter, Party A and Party B separately negotiate, this agreement one form two copies, by the representatives of both parties signed and sealed into effect, both parties hold a copy.Remarks:Party A (official seal): Party B (official seal):Legal person: legal person:Representative: representative personDate Year Month Day Month DayCooperation agreementFirst party:Party b:In order to promote the common development of both sides, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement through friendly consultations between the parties in accordance with the principle of honesty, trustworthiness and mutual benefit:First, the way and conditions of cooperation1. The products provided by Party A to Party B are sold on consignment.2. Party B shall provide free display of the commodities of Party A at the showroom.3, Party A and Party B shall provide relevant valid documents.Two, the responsibilities and interests of both sides1. The products provided by Party A to Party B must ensure the quality of products.2, Party A shall provide to Party B the product acceptance by Party B is confirmed, if Party B in the sales process, man-made damage and other reasons, Party B shall be responsible for and indemnify Party A according to the purchase price.3, Party B shall actively publicize and promote the products of Party A, and timely feedback to Party A according to the market demand.4. Party B must sell according to the quotation of Party A and shall not raise the price without the approval of Party A.Three, settlement methodsMouth, cash settlement, account date, settlement, and actual salesFour. Termination of contract agreementAfter friendly negotiation between the two parties to terminate the cooperation, Party B shall check out the excess goods and return it to Party A and settle the balance.Five. This agreement is valid for one year and will come into force on the date of signature of both representatives.From twenty million birds in months to cross from the cross from twenty million birds in the cross from the cross from the date of june.Six, after the expiration of this agreement, neither party has proposed the termination of the agreement requirements, as agreed to continue to cooperate, the agreement continues to be valid, without additional contract, the validity of the extension of one year.Seven. During the execution of this agreement, both parties need to supplement or alter the contract, and may make a supplementary agreement, which is subject to the amended supplementary agreement and has legal effect.Eight. This agreement is made in two copies. Both parties hold one and have the same legal effect.A andB have friendly consultations on the sale of drinks, under the principle of mutual benefit, through friendly consultations between the parties, to reach the following terms of the contract:1. The contract is valid for one year. From 2006 to 2007.Two, sales place: legal representative. Number of dining rooms and number of dining rooms in dining room.Contact phone: Party B hotel address:.Three. Supply, acceptance and settlement voucher:1 Party A supplies Party B according to Party B's notice of goods, and Party B needs to specify the varieties, specifications and quantities of the goods.2, Party B assigned to accept the goods, Party A Party B signed delivery, one-way Party B checkout. Without Party A's proof, any person who has contracted or signed the bill has nothing to do with Party A, and Party B undertakes all the losses caused by it himself.Four. Settlement: Party B monthly payment to Party A for full payment of last month.Five, to ensure that party a blue classic products in the display, sale and promotion of Party B (including series of new packaging into the market), Party A agrees.Six, sales requirements:.Seven. Party A's rights and obligations:1, Party B in accordance with the quality standards of the state of the Yanghe River blue classic series products, and issue the relevant certificate of quality, such as product quality problems, party a commitment to handle relevant matters and return guarantee. Specific varieties, specifications and prices (schedule)Variety specifications into the shop price2. Party A accredited salesman enters the Party B place to carry out sales promotion. If Party B cannot continue sales promotion due to the reason of Party B, Party B shall return the sales discount accordingly.3. Party A's promoters shall accept the unified management of Party B during the work of Party B's premises and abide by the rules and regulations of Party b.. If there is a breach, Party A and Party B according to the circumstances to give criticism and education, for incorrigible, Party A shall guarantee the substitution.4. According to the characteristics of Party B's premises, Party A can carry out some promotional activities approved by Party B at the appropriate time to improve sales volume and create better benefits for both parties.5, Party A may regularly or irregularly free Party B service personnel to carry out etiquette and other knowledge training.Eight. Party B's responsibilities and obligations:1. Party B guarantees strict implementation of Party A's price standard.2 Party B must complete the settlement with the Party A in accordance with the time stipulated in the agreement. Party B shall actively cooperate with Party A's personnel to promote the sale of products, and shall provide free advertising materials for Party A to hang and post prominently.3. Party B shall display the product of Party A in the marked position of the bar. The level of the product shall be in line with the normal level, and each row shall be no less than two bottles. Once designated, Party B shall not change freely, if change is subject to Party A's approval. At the same time, Party B must ensure that Party A's products are entered into Party B's wine list and inform the hotel attendant. Otherwise, Party B will refund the sales discount accordingly.4, Party B for decoration and other reasons, such as closing, closing, changing the legal person, etc., the promotion period is not yet, should return the corresponding time of promotionfee or extend the sales time.5. Party B shall ensure the reasonable inventory of Party A's products and notify the Party A in time to purchase the goods.6, in order to ensure the quality of alcoholic drinks, Party B shall not purchase goods from non normal channels under any pretext, such as breach of contract, Party B shall bear all the consequences, and return to party a related sales discount.Nine, others:1, in the performance of this agreement, any party defaults, will bear all economic losses caused thereby.2. This agreement is made in two copies. Both parties hold one and both parties have valid signatures.3. The matters not covered in this Agreement shall be settled by both parties. If disputes arise, the dispute shall be settled by the local court or arbitration institution of the Party A.??Party A: Party b:Signature: signature:Date: date:Party A: Party b:Signature of the representative: (seal) signature of the representative: (seal)Telephone number: telephone:Fourteen, others:Party a attached:1. Dealer level evaluation standard2. Dealer surveyParty B attached:1, wine business license, tax registration certificate, health permit copy. (signature of Party B)2. Legal person's power of attorney3. Terminal detail listDate Year Month Day Month Day。
