Double Roots of Mandibular Premolar inFull-mouth Periapical Films

2、下颌尖牙 ⑴下颌尖牙较上颌尖牙显得细长。
⑵唇面近中缘最长,约与牙体长轴接近平行。近远 中斜缘的交角大于90°。唇面观察下颌尖牙牙冠与 牙根两者的近中缘相续约成直线。
⑶舌面小于唇面,略凹,舌轴嵴不如上颌明显。 ⑷邻面观察牙冠唇面与牙根连成弧线。 ⑸牙尖不如上颌牙尖显突。 ⑹根为单根,扁圆细长。根颈1/3处横切面呈扁圆
下述上颌尖牙冠唇面形态描述哪个不正确? 尖牙唇面轮廓呈五边形 两条牙尖嵴相交成直角 牙尖顶偏近中方向 唇面外形高点在颈1/3处 唇轴嵴较显著
下述下颌第一双尖牙合面形态中哪个一点是正确的? 合面呈方圆形 远中窝大于近中窝 颊尖最大,近中舌尖次之,远中舌尖最小 颊尖顶偏向远中 合面上有一远中舌沟
2.上颌前磨牙牙冠颊舌径大于近远中径,牙冠较窄长; 下颌前磨牙两径约相等,牙冠较方圆。
3.上颌前磨牙颊、舌尖两尖大小相等,舌尖为功能尖; 下颌前磨牙颊尖明显大于舌尖,颊尖为功能尖。
6.前磨牙类解剖的临床意义 1.前磨牙的 面点隙、沟及邻面均为龋病的好发部位,充 填或修复时应注意恢复其解剖外形及接触区的正常形态和位 置。 2.上颌第一前磨牙因错 畸形矫正需要,常作为拔除的首 选牙。由于第一磨牙萌出早,缺失机会较多,第二前磨牙常 作为基牙修复第一磨牙。 3.由于前磨牙牙根为扁根或双根,拔牙时主要使用颊-舌 向摇摆力。 4.上颌前磨牙的根尖与上颌窦邻近,根尖感染可波及上颌 窦,摘除断根时应注意避免推力,以免进入上颌窦内。 5.前磨牙 面中央窝内可出现一锥形的牙尖,称畸形中央 尖,常因磨耗或创伤而穿髓。畸形中央尖常见于下颌第二前 磨牙。 6.下颌前磨牙常作为寻找颏孔的标志。
窝底有近远中向的中央沟,其两端为近远 中点隙。由近中点隙越过近中边缘嵴至近 中面的沟称为近中沟,为特有的解剖标志。

希望对大家有所帮助.名谢您的浏览!牙体牙髓病学英文试一、选择题1.对牙髄最具有破坏性的是A. Nd激光C.红激光E.牙髓活力电测定仪2.感染根管常见的优势菌不包括A.普氏菌C.G'细菌E.梭形杆菌3.备洞时易损伤牙髓的因素不包括A.施力大C •持续常时间钻磨B. C02激光D.光固化灯B.放线菌D.真杆菌B.用冷却剂D.制备深的窝洞E.不用冷却剂4.与顽固性根尖周病变和窦道经久不愈可能有关的细菌为A.普氏菌B.放线菌C.G+细菌D.真杆菌E.梭形杆菌5.判断牙憾活力最可靠的检査方法是A.热诊C.牙腌活力电测泄E.X线检査6.诊断残龍炎最准确的依据是A.叩诊C.病史E.探査治疗后根管有痛觉7.急性根尖周脓肿最佳的排脓途径A.从牙周间隙排脓C.经根管从翻洞排脓E.以上都不对&感染侵入牙譴组织的途径A.深翻C.深牙周袋E.以上都有可能9.根尖周炎疼痛最剧烈的阶段是A.粘膜下脓肿期C.浆液期E.痿管形成期10・上颌第一磨牙的根管形态特点是: B.冷诊D.试验性备洞B.牙髓活力测试D.症状B.从颊、舌侧粘膜或皮肤排出D.从上颌窦或凍腔排脓B •深牙隐裂D.重度磨耗B.骨膜下脓肿期D.根尖脓肿期A.多数是2根管,即1个颊根管和1个腭根管B.多数是3根管,即1个近颊.1个远颊和1个腭根管C.多数是4根管,即2个近颊、1个远颊和1个腭根管D.多数是4根管,即1个近颊.2个远颊和1个腭根管希望对大家有所帮助.名谢您的浏览!E ・多数是4根管,即1个近颊.1个远颊和2个腭根管15号标准根管锂的锂尖直径和刃部末端直径分别是:根管成形的标准是:A. 根管比原来直径至少扩大3个器械号B •根尖预备到20号标准器械 C. 根管内无大量渗岀 D. 根管冲洗无混浊液体 E. 根管内无严重气味下列哪一项不是牙證切断术的潜在并发症:EA. 根糙感染B.根管钙化C.内吸收 D.牙册坏死E. 髓室穿孔下列哪一项描述不是玻璃离子粘固剂修复术窝洞预备的特点()A. 玻璃离子粘固剂与牙体组织有化学粘接,对固位形的要求可放宽B. 不必作倒凹、鸠尾等固位形 C •去除頻坏牙本质,必须作预防性扩展 D •窝洞的点、线角圆钝 E. 洞缘釉质不作斜而深繭患者激发痛较重,洞底软靖能够彻底去净,治疗方法应选择()A. 双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗B. 局麻下开糙失活,行牙髓治疗C. 先做安抚治疗,待1~2周复诊时症状消除后,再以双层垫底充填治疗D. 实行活髓切断术E •间接盖髓、双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗 临床上不易査出的继发歸可用下列哪些方法帮助诊断()A. 探诊B.温度测验C.X 线 D.染色法E. 麻醉法深酹备洞时,下列哪项措施是错误的()AA.洞底平、侧壁直,两相垂直 B .去尽腐质11. 12. 13.14. 15.16. 17. 1& 19. 20.A. 0. 10mm 和 0. 47mm C. 0. 15mm 和 0. 45mm E.以上都不对弯曲根管预备的常见并发症是:A. 根管台阶 C. 牙周组织坏死 E.误戏和误咽 根管预备的工作长度是指:A. 牙的实际长度C. 从牙冠参照点到解剖根尖孔B. 0. 10mm 和 0. 45mmD. 0. 15mm 和 0. 47mmAB. 药物性根尖周炎 D. 皮下气肿DB. 从牙冠参照点到牙本质牙釉质界 D. 从牙冠参照点到生理根尖孔C.保护牙髓D.洞缘线圆钝E.尽量保留健康牙体组织复合树脂充填后脱落的原因如下,除了 () AE. 底平壁直 24. 右下颌第一恒磨牙颊面鶴洞破坏越过边缘垮至咬合面窝沟是:(A.I 类洞B.II 类洞C. III 类洞D. IV 类洞E. V 类洞25. 垫底的部位为:()A.仅在髓壁B.仅在轴壁C.仅在侧壁 D.仅在髓壁和轴壁E. 任何壁均可垫 26. 下列说法正确的是A. 男性患鵠率略高于女性B. 朗病流行率主要随社会经济模式而变化C. 踊病流行模式依靠地理环境而改变D. 遗传因素对顒病的发生和发展产生重要的影响E. 环境因素对踊病的发生和发展无影响 27. 釉质酹损害的4个区不包括A.坏死区B.透明带C.暗带 D.损害体部E. 釉质表面层28. 牙本质醯损在光镜下可看到微生物渗透至牙本质小管的区域是A.坏死区B.感染层C.牙本质脱矿区 D.硬化区E.修复性牙本质层 29.静止龍属于A.急性齿禹 C.继发翻E.牙丹质藕 30.病程进展快,多数牙在短期内同时患醯的急性厕称为A. 制备了固位形 C. 酸蚀后的牙而接触唾液 E.充填体过薄21. 下列哪项不是窝洞的基本固位形()A.侧壁固位 C.倒凹固位 E.梯形固位22. 制备倒凹是为了:()扎获得良好的抗力形C.便于垫底 E.便于放置盖髓剂23. V 类洞充填备洞时,要求:()A.适当的固位形C.必须做鸠尾 B. 牙齿表而未注意淸洁D. 未制备洞斜面BB. 钉道固位 D. 鸠尾固位BB. 获得良好的固位形 D. 便于充填AB. 严格的抗力形 D. 口小底大B.慢性舗 D.牙釉质踊A.湿性顒 C.干性翻 E.猛性舗Which is the best way of pain control for endodontic treatmentLocal anesthetics B Devitalization AnalgesicsD Occlusal reductionE Incising and drainage32・ Which one is not the reason for use of rubber dam A Protect aspiration or swallowing of instruments or irrigants B Eliminate the dental fear of patients C Improve visibilityD Reduced risk of cross-contaminationE Legal considerations33. The following statements are correct exceptA Nearly all canals exhibit a certain degree of curvature ・B There may be more than one canals within one root ・C The apical foramen usually opens at the anatomical apex.D Apical constriction occurs at 0・ 5^1mm from the apical foramen.E Lateral and accessory canals might be the cause of treatment failure ・ 34・ Which one is wrong regarding the principle of access cavity A Straight-line accessB Conservation of tooth structureC Unroofing of the chamber and exposure of pulp hornsD ・Facial surface of anterior teethE Occlusal surface of posterior teeth35. The advantages of gutta-percha as a filling material areA It is compactible and adapts excellently to the irregularities and contour of the canalB It is radiopaqueC It can be easily removed from the canal when necessaryD It can be softened and made plastic by heat or by organic solventsE All of the above36. Which one is incorrect about the criteria of the root canal is ready to be filledafter the completion of root canal cleaning and shaping? A The tooth is asymptomatic ・ B The canal is wet ・C There is no sinus tract ・D There is no foul odor ・E The temporary filling is intact37. Which one is not the pathways of pulpal and periapical infections? A Dentinal tubules B Pulp exposure C Gingival DPeriodontal ligament E Anachoresis38. Tug-back is achieved and the canal is ready for filling A When the gutta-percha has extended beyond the apexB When the gutta-percha is easily removed from the root canalC When the gutta-percha placed to apical constriction exhibits resistance on removalB.慢性翻 D.继发翻31.D After cementationE None of above39・ Most root canal infections involveA a single obligate anaerobic speciesB multiple anaerobic species onlyC mixed aerobic and anaerobic microorganismsD multiple aerobic species onlyE none of above40・ An abnormally shaped tooth that may appear as an extra wide crown, a normal crown with an extra root, or other combinations resulting from the union of two adjacent tooth germs by dentin during development is calledA fused teethB concresence of teethC geminated teethD dilacerations of toothE taurodontism41.Which isn' t the non-operative treatment of dental caries in the following?A application of fluorideB application of APF gelC remineralizative therapyD enameloplastyE pit and fissure sealing42.Which is not the aim of operative therapy on the dental caries management?A To remove infected dentine and prohibit cariesB To protect the pulp and avoid painC To enhance the strength of the toothD To facilitate plaque controlE To restore the appearance(of teeth)and its function43.Which is the best statement about resistance formA Resistance form is the design of a cavity in such a way that the remaining tooth substance and the restorative material can withstand masticatory stressB The bulk required will depend on the flexural strength of restorative materia 1・ In the case of amalgam it is estimated that a minimum of 1・ 5一2mm thickness of therestorative material is required to withstand masticatory stressC If a marginal ridge is found to be too weak in the cause of an occlusal cavity preparation, a Class II cavity may have to be prepared instead, so as to eliminate the weak marginal ridge .This is particularly indicated where the ridge is only of enamel thickness and unsupported by sound dentineD The cavity should be designed that the occlusal margins of the cavity are in areas not subjected to excessive occlusal trauma, otherwise the enamel wall of the cavity and/or the margins of the restorative material may fracture・ In practice, this may be achieved by placing an occlusal margins of a cavity about one-quarter (1/4)of the intercuspaldistance .Note, that efforts should always be made to conserve sound tooth tissueE All of the above44.Which is the most danger area of tooth in dental caries occurred after you have learned dental caries?A Pits and fissures on occlusal surfaces of molars and premolarsB Approxima1 surfaces of all teeth ・C Gingival thirds of all teeth, both on facial and lingual surfacesD Pits and fissures near the lingual of maxillary incisors and canines(lingual pits)E Pits and fissures on the buccal of molars 45.Which is not true in the following statement about dental caries and micro-organisms?A Caries could beinduced by specific bacteria, especially /nutanss trep tococci ~group (eg ・ Streptococcus mu tans and Strep, sobrinus)・B There are caries occurred when only fed a cariogenic(high sucrose)diet.C In the* 60s Keyes infected germ-free animals with known strains of streptococci and found that these organisms were transferred to uninfected litter mates who then became susceptible to caries ・ Hi thus demonstrated that dental caries was potentially infectious and transmissible ・D When talking about cariogenic microorganisms, we often refer to Streptococcus Occlusal caries could be prevented usingpenicillin in animal study ・ The advantages glass-ionomer cement includehigh adhesion properties low abrasion properties use as a permanent restorationreduction in caries due to fluoride releasing propertiesall of the aboveWhich one of the statements is error in retentive pin placementbe avoided bifurcation and trifurcation areas parallel to the external surface of the tooth many pin holes be better placed in different planes the length of pin in dentine should be longer than that of in restoration be in the hardest dentineThe reasons of spontaneous pain after tooth filling includemistakenly judge the condition of pulp Bneglect small pulp exposureirritation of materials to pulp D residual carious dentineall of the aboveWhich of the following is a contra-i nd i c at ion to endodontic treatment DiabetesPregnancyHIV-infected patientsPatient suffering from heart attack within past 6 months E Cancermutans, Lactobacillus and Actinomyces. E 46・ A B C D E 47. A B C D E 4& A C E 49. A B C D50・ Central cusp is most common inA maxillary the second premolarsC mandibular the first premolarsE maxillary the second molars51.Submerged deciduous teeth occurs most common inB maxillary the first premolarsD mandibular the second premolarsmolarsE primary mandibular the first molars52・ In clinical assessment, which is not correct?A Spontaneous discomfort at night provide a clue as the tooth is inflamedB Vitalometer tests are very unreliableC If the tooth is excessively mobile, it may have abnormal root resorptionD Swelling or with a fistulous tract is indicative of a necrotic pulpE No pain history affirmed no inflammation53. If you mechanically expose the mesiobuccal pulp horn on the primary maxillary firstmolar. The carious lesion on the mesial and distal surfaces is moderate, the treatment now should beA Pulp capping with Ca(OH)2;restor with silver amalgamB Pulpotomy;restored with a stainless steel crownC Pulpectomy;restored with a stainless steel crownD Pulp capping with Ca(OH)2;restored with a stainless steel crownE Extraction and a space maintainer 54.The tooth of root fracture should be treated with splint forA 2-3 weeksB l-2weeksC 3-8 weeksD 2-3 monthsE 1-2 months 55.In which situation below the pulp would be exposed?A Enamel infractionB Enamel fraciureC Enamel-dentin fractureDComplicated crown fractureE Uncomplicated crown-root fracture56・ We should advocate a routine dental appointment on or before A the ZERO birthday B the first birthday C the second birthday Dthe third birthdayEthe six birthday57・ The order of susceptibility of the primary teeth to carious attack is as follows AMandibular primary molar>Maxillary primary incisor>Maxillary primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethB Maxillary primary inci s or >Max illary primary molar>mandibular primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethC Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary molar>mandibu 1 ar primary anterior teeth>Maxillary primary molarD Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary molar>Maxi1lary primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethE Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary anterior teeth>mandibular primary molar>Maxillary primary molar58. A 7 year^ s old boy with bilateral loss of the mandibular primary first and secondA primary maxillary the second molarsB primary maxillary the firstC primary central incisors second molarsD primary mandibular themoleurs, which of the following may be bestA Band and loop respectivelyB Lingual archC Removable appliances DDistal shoeE None of them59・ Clinical features of dental fluorosis do not includeA The lesion symmetrically distributed in the mouth, but not all teeth are equally affectedB The least affected teeth are the incisors and first permanent molarsC Changes from fine white opaque lines running across the tooth on all parts of the enamel to features where parts of the chalky white and porous outer enamel become detached and discoloredD The loss of surface enamel in the severest cases results in a loss of anatomical form of the teethE We11-demarcated borders lesion along incremental line60. For intrusive luxation of teeth, the most common complication is A Pulp necrosis D Alveolar process resorptionE All of above二. 名词解释1、 acquired pellicle 3^ indirect pulp capping 5、自发痛和激发痛 7^ Smear layer9、 Initial apical file三、简答题1. 简述影响根管冲洗效果的因素2. 简述深翻的治疗特点3. 简述深藕的治疗特点4. 简述窝洞的基本固位形5. 简述牙隐裂的病因6. Whdt is the sequelae of root fractures?7・Please briefly describe the benefits of root canal irrigation. 8. What is the goals of pulp therapy in children? 9. What are the properties of the Cariogenic Bacteria?四. 问答题1、 详述窝洞的结构及窝洞预备的基本原则结构2、 引起牙髓活力测泄误诊的原因是什么?3、 根尖周脓肿与急性牙周脓肿的鉴别要点4^ Please discuss the purpose of root canal preparation and the procedures of Step-down technique ・5> Explain the indications and types of pulp treatment for primary and young permanentB OsteitisC Root resorption 2、 resistance form4、 retrograde pilpitis6^ Dentine hypersensitivity 8、 Pulpotomy10、 Dental plaqueteeth.6、State The Principles Of Cavity Preparation on Amalgam Restoration.答案一、选择:1CCBBD 6 ECEBC 11DADAE 16CCCAA 21BBAAD 26BABBE31BCDEB 36CCCAD 41DCEAB 46EDEDA 51DEBDD 56BDCEA二、名词解释acquired pellicle:唾液蛋白或糖蛋白吸附至牙而所形成的生物膜称获得性膜。

Skin=皮肤Muscle=肌肉Sketeton=骨骼Respiratory=呼吸系统Circulatory=循环系统Nervous=神经Digestive=消化系统Urogenital=生殖系统Lymphatic=淋巴系统m. biceps brachii=肱二头肌m. biceps femoris=股二头肌m. semispinalis=半棘肌m. brachialis=臂肌m. cleidobrachialis=锁臂肌m. cleidocephalic=锁头肌m. pectoralis profundus=胸深肌m. deltoid=三角肌m. sternocephalicus=枕肌部m. extensor carpi radialis=腕桡侧伸肌m. extensor digitorum communis=指总伸肌m. extensor digitorum longus=趾长伸肌m. extensor digitorum lateralis=指外侧伸肌m. external abdominal oblique=腹外斜肌m. flexor carpi ulnaris=腕尺侧屈肌m. gastrocnemius=腓肠肌m. gluteus medius=臀中肌m. iliocostalis lumbar=腰髂肋肌m. iliocostalis thoracic=胸髂肋肌m. infraspinatus=冈下肌m. intercostals=肋间肌m. intertransversarius caudalis=头横突间肌m. latissimus dorsi=背阔肌m. levator anguli oculi medialis=内眼角提肌m. levator ani=肛提肌m. peroneus longus=腓骨长肌m. longissimus cervicis=颈最长肌m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum=胸腰最长肌m. malaris=颧肌m. masseter=咬肌m. omotransversarius=肩胛横突肌m. orbicularis oculi=眼轮匝肌m. orbicularis oris=口轮匝肌m. pectoralis superficialis=胸浅肌m. quadratus femoris=股方肌m. quadriceps femoris=股四头肌m. rectus abdominis=腹缩肌m. rhomboideus=菱形肌m. sacrocaudalis dorsalis=荐尾背侧肌m. sartorius=缝匠肌m. semimembranosus=半膜肌m. semitendinosus=半腱肌m. splenius=胸头肌m. sternohyoid=胸骨乳突肌m. sternothyroid=胸甲状舌骨肌m. supraspinatus=冈上肌m. teres minor=小圆肌m. cranial tibial=胫骨前肌m. trapezius=斜方肌m. triceps brachii=臂三头肌m. extensor carpi ulnaris=腕尺侧伸肌m. vastus medialis=股内肌m. frontalis=额肌m. zygomaticus=颧肌m. subscapularis=肩胛下肌m. levator labii maxillaris=上唇提肌m. caninus=犬齿肌m. orbicular of eye=眼轮匝肌m. rectus ventralis=腹直肌m. rectus lateralis=外侧直肌m. rectus medialis=内侧直肌m. rectus dorsalis=背直肌m. obliquus ventralis=腹斜肌m. obliquus dorsalis=背斜肌m. sphincter colli profundus=颈深括约肌m. coccygeus=尾骨肌m. levator nasolabialis=鼻唇提肌m. longissimus capitis=头最长肌m. mentalis=颏肌m. superficial gluteus=臀浅肌m.abductor pollicis longus=拇长外展肌m.flexor carpi radialis=腕桡侧屈肌m. flexor digitorum profundus=指深屈肌m. flexor digitorum superficialis=指浅屈肌m. external obturator=闭孔外肌m. internal obturator=闭孔内肌m. pronator teres=旋前圆肌m. rectus capitis lateralis=头外侧直肌m. rectus capitis ventralis=头腹侧直肌mm. intertransversarii=横突间肌m. levatores costarum=肋提肌m. serratus dorsalis=背侧锯肌mm. multifidus(lumbar)= 腰多裂肌mm. multifidus(thoracic)=胸多裂肌mm. multifidus(cervical)=颈多裂肌m. pronator quadratus=旋前方肌m. scalenus profundus= 深斜角肌m. scalenus superficialis=浅斜角肌m. external intercostal=肋间外肌m. longus capitis=头长肌m. digastricus=二腹肌支m. gluteus profundus=臀深肌m. gracilis=股薄肌m. mylohyoideus=下颌舌骨肌m. rectus femoris=股直肌粗隆m. vastus intermedius=股中间肌m. vastus lateralis=股外肌mm. intertransversarii thoracic=胸横突间肌mm. interspinales=棘间肌m. serratus ventral=腹侧锯肌scapula=肩胛骨humerus=肱骨ulna=尺骨radius=桡骨frontal bone=额骨maxilla=上颌骨nasal cartialges=鼻软骨incisive bone=门齿骨ethmoid=筛骨nasal bone=鼻骨vomer bone=犁骨parietal bone=顶骨zygomatic bone=颧骨palatine bone=颚骨lacrimal bone=泪骨mandible=下颌骨temporal bone=颞骨basisphenoid bone=蝶骨pterygoid bone=翼状骨presphenoid bone=前蝶骨orbital ligament=眶韧带mandibular capsule=颌下腺occipital bone=枕骨canine bone=犬齿1nd incisor sup.=第1上切齿2nd incisor sup.=第2上切齿3nd incisor sup.=第3上切齿canine tooth inf.=下犬齿1nd incisor inf.=第1下切齿canine tooth sup.=上犬齿2nd incisor inf.=第2下切齿3nd incisor inf.=第3下切齿mandibular symphysis=下颌联合1st premolar inf.=第1下前臼齿2st premolar inf.=第2下前臼齿3st premolar inf.=第3下前臼齿4st premolar inf.=第4下前臼齿1st premolar sup.=第1上前臼齿2st premolar sup.=第2上前臼齿3st premolar sup.=第3上前臼齿4st premolar sup.=第4上前臼齿1st molar sup.=第1上臼齿2st molar sup.=第2上臼齿1st molar inf.=第1下臼齿2st molar inf.=第2下臼齿3st molar inf.=第3下臼齿nuchal ligament=项韧带interspinous ligament=椎间韧带atlas (c1)=寰椎capsule of atlantoocipital=寰枕囊axis (c2)=枢锥cervical vertebrae (c3)= 第3颈椎intervertebral disc=椎间盘cervical vertebrae (c4)= 第4颈椎cervical vertebrae (c5)= 第5颈椎cervical vertebrae (c6)= 第6颈椎cervical vertebrae (c7)= 第7颈椎thoracic vertebra (t1)= 第1胸椎thoracic vertebra (t2)= 第2胸椎thoracic vertebra (t3)= 第3胸椎thoracic vertebra (t4)= 第4胸椎thoracic vertebra (t5)= 第5胸椎thoracic vertebra (t6)= 第6胸椎thoracic vertebra (t7)= 第7胸椎thoracic vertebra (t8)= 第8胸椎thoracic vertebra (t9)= 第9胸椎thoracic vertebra (t10)= 第10胸椎thoracic vertebra (t11)= 第11胸椎thoracic vertebra (t12)= 第12胸椎thoracic vertebra (t13)= 第13胸椎cartilage=软骨supraspinatus ligament=冈上肌韧带interspinous ligaments=棘突韧带scapula=肩胛骨1st. rib=第1肋骨2st. rib=第2肋骨3st. rib=第3肋骨4st. rib=第4肋骨5st. rib=第5肋骨6st. rib=第6肋骨7st. rib=第7肋骨8st. rib=第8肋骨9st. rib=第9肋骨10st. rib=第10肋骨11st. rib=第11肋骨12st. rib=第12肋骨1st rib=第1肋骨2st rib=第2肋骨3st rib=第3肋骨4st rib=第4肋骨5st rib=第5肋骨6st rib=第6肋骨7st rib=第7肋骨8st rib=第8肋骨9st rib=第9肋骨10st rib=第10肋骨11st rib=第11肋骨12st rib=第12肋骨13st rib (floating)=第13肋骨(浮肋) 13st. rib (floating)=第13肋骨(浮肋) glenohumeral joint capsule=肩关节囊elbow joint capsule=肘关节囊manubrium=胸骨柄costal cartilage 1=第1肋软骨costal cartilage 2=第2肋软骨costal cartilage 3=第3肋软骨costal cartilage 4=第4肋软骨costal cartilage 5=第5肋软骨costal cartilage 6=第6肋软骨costal cartilage 7=第7肋软骨costal cartilage 8=第8肋软骨costal cartilage=肋软骨sternum=胸骨ulnar collateral ligament=尺侧副韧带oblique ligament=斜形韧带radial collateral ligament=桡侧副韧带annular ligament=环状韧带xiphoid process=剑状突xiphoid cartilage=剑状软骨distal phalanx=远节指骨dorsal elastic lig. (hand)= 背部筋膜middle phalanx=中节指骨proximal phalanx=近节指骨1st metacarpal=第1掌骨2st metacarpal=第2掌骨3st metacarpal=第3掌骨4st metacarpal=第4掌骨5st metacarpal=第5掌骨carpal ligament=腕骨韧带1st carpal=第1腕骨2st carpal=第2腕骨3st carpal=第3腕骨4st carpal=第4腕骨intermedioradial carpal=中间桡腕骨ulnar carpal=尺腕骨accessory carpal=副腕骨sesamoid=籽骨palmar ulnocarpal ligament=尺腕掌侧韧带palmar radiocarpal ligament=桡腕掌侧韧带dorsal radiocarpal ligament=桡腕背侧韧带radioulnar ligament=桡尺韧带ligg. intertransverse=横突间韧带lumbar vertebra (l)=第1腰椎lumbar vertebra (2)=第2腰椎lumbar vertebra (3)=第3腰椎lumbar vertebra (4)=第4腰椎lumbar vertebra (5)=第5腰椎lumbar vertebra (6)=第6腰椎lumbar vertebra (7)=第7腰椎pelvis=骨盆sacrum=荐骨ventral sacroiliac lig.=荐髂腹韧带dorsal sacroiliac lig.= 荐髂背韧带caudal vertebrae=尾椎sacrotuberous ligament=荐结节韧带os penis=阴茎骨iliofemoral joint capsule=髂股关节囊femur=股骨patella=髌骨tibia=胫骨tibia collateral ligament=胫骨侧韧带medial meniscus ligament=内侧半月板韧带lateral meniscus ligament=外侧半月板韧带fabella=籽骨meniscofemoral ligament=半月板股骨韧带fibular collateral ligament=腓侧副韧带fibula=腓骨proximal transverse ligament=近端横韧带talus=距骨calcaneus=跟骨radioulnar ligament=桡尺韧带long fibular collateral lig.= 腓侧副长韧带short fibular collateral lig.=腓侧副短韧带4st tarsal=第4跗骨3st tarsal=第3跗骨2st tarsal=第2跗骨1st tarsal=第1跗骨central tarsal=中央跗骨5th metatarsal=第5跖骨4th metatarsal=第4跖骨3th metatarsal=第3跖骨2th metatarsal=第2跖骨1th metatarsal=第1跖骨proximal phalanx=近节趾骨middle phalanx=中节趾骨dorsal elastic ligment=背部筋膜distal phalax=远节趾骨tibio-fibular ligment=胫腓韧带Radio ulnar ligament=胫腓韧带1st. Rib=第1肋骨2st. Rib=第2肋骨3st. Rib=第3肋骨4st. Rib=第4肋骨5st. Rib=第5肋骨6st. Rib=第6肋骨7st. Rib=第7肋骨8st. Rib=第8肋骨9st. Rib=第9肋骨10st. Rib=第10肋骨11st. Rib=第11肋骨12st. Rib=第12肋骨1st Rib=第1肋骨2st Rib=第2肋骨3st Rib=第3肋骨4st Rib=第4肋骨5st Rib=第5肋骨6st Rib=第6肋骨7st Rib=第7肋骨8st Rib=第8肋骨9st Rib=第9肋骨10st Rib=第10肋骨11st Rib=第11肋骨12st Rib=第12肋骨13st Rib (floating)=第13肋骨(浮肋) 13st. Rib (floating)=第13肋骨(浮肋)tongus=舌mandibular duct=颌下腺管parotid duct=腮腺管parotid gland=腮腺hyoid bone=舌骨thyroid cartilage=甲状软骨epiglottis=会厌arytenoid cartilage=杓状软骨cricoid cartilage=环状软骨trachea=气管esophagus=食管lung - cranial lobe=肺前叶lung- middle lobe=肺中叶lung- caudal lobe=肺后叶lung- accessory lobe=肺副叶bronchial tree=支气管树diaphragm=横膈膜liver=肝gall bladder=胆囊stomach=胃spleen=脾pancreas=胰腺small intestine=小肠large intestine=大肠kidneys=肾脏adrenal gland=肾上腺ureter=输尿管bladder=膀胱rectum=直肠anus=肛门prostate=前列腺urethra=尿道penis=阴茎retractor penis muscle=阴茎缩肌vas deferens=输精管epididymis=附睾testis=睾丸seminiferous tubules=曲细精管inferior labial vein=下唇静脉inferior labial artery=下唇动脉superior labial vein=上唇静脉superior labial artery=上唇动脉labial maxillary vein=上颌唇静脉lateral nasal artery=侧鼻动脉dorsal nasal artery=鼻背动脉nasal vein=鼻静脉submentalis=骸下静脉inferior alveolar artery=下齿槽动脉inferior alveolar vein=下齿槽静脉lingual vein=舌静脉lingual artery=舌动脉sublingual artery=舌下动脉sublingual vein=舌下静脉angular vein of the eye=眼角静脉facial vein=面静脉maxillary artery=上颌动脉hyoid venous arch=舌弓静脉deep facial vein=面深静脉major palatine artery=腭大动脉facial artery=面动脉transverse facial artery=面横动脉dorsal external ophthalmic vein=眼外背侧静脉external carotid artery=颈外动脉auricular arteries=耳动脉caudal auricular vein=耳后静脉superficial temporal artery=颞浅动脉basilar artery=基底动脉left vertebral artery=左椎动脉right vertebral artery=右椎动脉left vertebral vein=左椎静脉right vertebral vein=右椎静脉occipital artery=枕动脉maxillary vein=上颌静脉common carotid artery=颈总动脉external carotid artery=颈外动脉linguofacial vein=舌面静脉external jugular vein=颈外静脉deep cervical a.=颈深动脉cranial vena cave=前腔静脉dorsal intercostal arteries=肋间背侧动脉vv. dorsal intercostal=肋间背侧静脉hepatic artery=肝动脉gastroepiploic artery=胃网膜动脉aa. ventral intercostal=肋间腹侧动脉支internal thoracic vein=胸廓内静脉internal thoracic artery=胸廓内动脉pulmonary artery=肺动脉pulmonary vein=肺静脉caudal vena cave=后腔静脉thoracic aorta=胸主动脉azygos vein=奇静脉abdominal aorta=腹主动脉jejunal ileal artery=空肠回肠动脉splenic artery=脾动脉spinal branch=脊支a. thoracic vertebral=椎动脉颈部aa. intercostal=肋间动脉subscapular vein=肩胛下静脉subscapular artery=肩胛下动脉thoracodorsal vein=胸背静脉thoracodorsal artery=胸背动脉axillary vein=腋静脉axillary artery=腋动脉cranial circumflex humeral artery=旋肱前动脉cranial circumflex humeral vein=旋肱前静脉brachial vein=肱静脉btachial artery=肱动脉omobrachial vein=肩胛臂静脉axilobrachial vein=腋臂静脉deep brachial vein=臂深静脉deep brachial artery=臂深动脉collateral ulnar artery=尺侧副动脉collateral ulnar vein=尺侧副静脉ulnar vein=尺静脉cephalic vein=头静脉ulnar artery=尺动脉superficial brachial artery=臂浅动脉median artery=正中动脉median vein=正中静脉radial interosseous vein=桡骨间静脉accessory cephalic vein=副头静脉radial vein=桡静脉dorsal carpal arch=腕背侧弓deep palmar arch=掌深弓aa. palmar metacarpal=掌中动脉a. palmar common digital=指掌侧总动脉palmar metacarpal veins=掌中静脉superficial palmar arch=掌浅弓deep palmar venous arch=掌深静脉弓dorsal metacarpal veins=掌背静脉aa. dorsal metacarpal=掌背动脉a. dorsal common digital=指背侧总动脉aa. palmar proper digital=指掌侧固有动脉palmar digital veins=指掌侧静脉aa. dorsal proper digital=指背侧总动脉dorsal digital veins=指背侧静脉left ventricle=左心室left atrium=左心房pulmonary trunk=肺动脉干aorta=主动脉right ventricle=右心室right atrium=右心房coronary artery=冠状动脉brachiocephalic trunk=头臂动脉干left subclavian artery=左侧锁骨下动脉colic artery=结肠动脉celiac artery=腹腔动脉splenic artery=脾动脉caudal pancreaticoduodenal artery=胰十二指肠后动脉cranial mesenteric artery=肠系膜前静脉renal artery=肾动脉renal vein=肾静脉testicular artery=睾丸动脉caudal mesenteric artery=肠系膜后静脉caudal vein=尾静脉median caudal artery=尾中动脉external iliac artery=髂外动脉iliac vein=髂静脉deep femoral artery=股深动脉femoral vein=股静脉femoral artery=股动脉lateral circumflex femoral artery=旋股外侧动脉saphenous artery=隐动脉cranial tibial vein=胫前静脉popliteal artery=腘动脉caudal tibial artery=胫后动脉lateral saphenous vein=外侧隐静脉cranial branch of media saphenous=隐中静脉前支cranial tibial artery=胫前动脉caudal breach of saphenous artery=隐动脉后支aa. common plantar digital=趾跖侧总动脉plantar digital veins=趾跖侧动脉a. dorsal common digital=趾背侧总动脉digital dorsal common vein=趾背侧第静脉dorsal metatarsal vein=跖背静脉aa. dorsal metatarsal=跖背动脉proximal superior plantar vein=足底静脉上端superficial plantar venous arch=足底浅静脉弓plantar metatarsal vein=跖心静脉aa. plantar metatardal=跖中动脉lateral tarsal vein=跗外侧静脉deep plantar venous arch=足底深静脉弓parotid nodes=腮腺淋巴结mandibular nodes=下颌淋巴结lateral retropharyngeal node=咽后外侧淋巴结medial retropharyngeal node=咽后内侧淋巴结cranial deep cervical nodes=颈深前淋巴结middle deep cervical nodes=颈深中淋巴结caudal deep cervical nodes=颈深后淋巴结superficial cervical node=颈浅淋巴结cranial mediastinal nodes=纵隔前淋巴结sternal node=胸骨淋巴结axillary nodes=腋淋巴结accessory axillary node=腋副淋巴结tracheobronchial node=气管支气管淋巴结middle tracheobronchial node=气管支气管中淋巴结cranial lumbar node=腰前淋巴结bronchopulmonary nodes=支气管肺淋巴结intercostal node=肋间淋巴结left hepatic node=左肝淋巴结right hepatic node=右肝淋巴结splenic nodes=脾淋巴结gastric node=胃淋巴结lumbar nodes=腰淋巴结duodenal node=十二指肠淋结cisterna chili=乳糜池right colic node=左结肠淋巴结middle colic node=结肠中淋巴结external iliac node=髂外淋巴结left colic nodes=右结肠淋巴结medial femoral node=股内侧淋巴结internal iliac nodes=髂内淋巴结iliofemoral node=髂股淋巴结superficial inguinal node=腹股沟浅淋巴结popliteal nodes=腘淋巴结eye=眼brain=脑cerebellun=spinal cord=脊髓olfactory bulb=嗅球olfactory nerve=嗅觉神经mandibular branch=下颌神经支facial nerve=面神经mylohyoid nerve=下颌舌骨神经maxillary nerve=上颌神经infraorbital nerve=眶下神经ethmoidal nerve=筛前神经optic nerve=视神经oftalmic branch=眼神经支auriculopalpebral nerve=耳睑神经auriculotemporal never=耳颞神经oculomotor nerve=动眼神经trochlear nerve=滑车神经trigeminal nerve=三叉神经abducens nerve=外展神经vestibulocochlear nerve=听神经glossopharyngeal nerve=舌咽神经vagus nerve=迷走神经hypoglossal nerve=舌下神经acessory nerve=副神经spinal nerve=脊神经intercostal nerves=肋间神经subscapular nerve=肩胛下神经musculocutaneous nerve=肌皮神经ulnar nerve=尺神经sympathetic trunk and ganlions=交感受干和神经节ramus comminicans=神经交通支radial nerve=桡神经axillary nerve=腋神经median nerve=正中神经long thoracic nerver=胸长神经lateral thoracic nerve=胸外侧神经medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve=前臂内侧皮神经superficial radial nerve=桡神经浅支caudal cutaneous antebrachial=前臂后皮神经cauda equine=马尾神经lumbosacral plexus=腰荐神经丛genitofemoral nerve=生殖股神经obturator nerve=闭孔神经femoral nerve=股神经sciatic nerve=坐骨神经lateral sural nerve=腓肠外侧神经lateral cutaneous sural nerve=腓肠外侧皮神经common peroneal nerve=腓总神经tibial nerve=胫神经superficial peroneal nerve=腓浅神经medial plantar nerve=跖内侧神经caudal cutaneous sural nerve=腓肠后侧皮神经deep peroneal nerve=腓深神经lateral plantar nerve=跖外侧神经nerves of the leg=腿神经caudal cutaneous antebrachial=前臂后皮神经midial cutaneous antebrachial nerve=前臂内皮神经superficial radial nerve=桡浅神经。

• 颌面形态对称,较难鉴别 • 舌尖偏近中(主要鉴别标志) • 近中边缘嵴高,远中边缘嵴低
下颌第一前磨牙(mandibular first premolar )
下颌第一前磨牙为前磨牙中体积最小、颊舌 尖高度差别最大、颌面有横嵴者。其其颊舌 径与近远中径相近,牙冠方圆。
5、牙根(root of tooth)
• 扁圆单根,近中面无分叉痕迹,根尖略偏远中。
• 牙冠远中明显大于近 中 • 远中窝大于近中窝 • 舌尖偏近中
左右下颌前磨牙鉴别 2、左右下颌第二前磨牙鉴别
• 近中边缘嵴高于远中边缘嵴 • 两尖型舌尖偏近中
5、牙根(root of tooth)
• 牙根多为单根,5%为双根,根尖 1/3分叉者为颊舌向分根 • 根扁,颊舌径>近远中径 • 根尖略弯向远中 • 近中面的根尖部常有分叉痕迹
下颌第二前磨牙(mandibular second premolar)
牙冠(dental crown)
• 外形方圆,牙ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的高度、厚度和宽度相近 • 舌面与颊面大小约相等
3、牙冠——邻面(proximal surface)
• 近、远中接触区均位于靠颌缘 偏颊侧
4、牙冠——颌面(occlusal surface)
a) 两尖型:呈椭圆形,颊、舌 尖各一个。均偏近中,发育 沟为H形(43%)或U形(26%) b) 三尖型:呈方圆型,1个颊 尖和2个舌尖,近中舌尖大 于远中舌尖,发育沟多为Y 形者(31%)
近四边形,近中面颈部有凹陷 少有沟

%This paper reports a case of one premolar with central cusp deformity associated with chronic apical periodontitis due to the frac-tured deformed central cusp. The patient had six premolars including bilateral maxillary second premolars and mandibular premolars with cen-tral cusp deformity. These teeth with different stages of disease were cured by comprehensive therapy. The relevant literature is reviewed, the clinical manifestation,classification and corresponding clinical treatment measures are summarized, feasible scheme for its early diagnosis and treatment and prevention of its secondary diseases are recommended.【总页数】3页(P876-878)【作者】刘亚楠;王丽丽;胡灿;张颖丽;李祥伟【作者单位】130021 长春,吉林大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科;130021 长春,吉林大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科;130021 长春,吉林大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科;130021 长春,吉林大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科;130021 长春,吉林大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.多发性前磨牙畸形中央尖1例报告 [J], 顾永春2.MTA和流体树脂应用于前磨牙畸形中央尖防治的疗效对比 [J], 倪成励;徐秀敏;陶冶3.MTA和流体树脂应用于前磨牙畸形中央尖防治的疗效对比 [J], 倪成励;徐秀敏;陶冶;4.牙髓血管再生术治疗年轻下颌前磨牙畸形中央尖折断所致急性根尖周炎的疗效分析 [J], 周伟伟;张昕;盛迪5.上颌第一前磨牙和第二磨牙畸形中央尖1例 [J], 王宾;屈志国因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

下颌侧切牙双根管的研究现状李晶;耿文韬;谢金芳【摘要】下颌侧切牙多为单根管,但临床工作中发现下颌侧切牙双根管甚至多根管也较常见.目前国内外关于下颌侧切牙双根管的病例报道较多,本文就1971~2016年国内外报道的下颌侧切牙双根管的发生率、根管形态分型及检出方法作一综述.%Mandibular lateral incisors mostly have one single root canal,but during the clinical work double root canals or even more root canals are frequently found. The early recognition of these configurations facilitates clean-ing,shaping and filling of the root canal system. Now,there are many case reports about the mandibular incisors with double root canals at home and abroad. This article reviews all available germane articles of the past 45 years(from 1971 to 2016) from the following aspects:the incidence,the types and detection of the double root canals of the man-dibular lateral incisors.【期刊名称】《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(028)001【总页数】4页(P52-54,13)【关键词】下颌侧切牙;双根管;显微镜;CT;偏移投照【作者】李晶;耿文韬;谢金芳【作者单位】吉林大学口腔医院,吉林长春130021;吉林大学口腔医院,吉林长春130021;吉林大学口腔医院,吉林长春130021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R780.4下颌侧切牙根管形态较规则,一般为单根单管,位置可视,根管预备和充填较为简单且成功率高,但若忽视了其根管解剖形态的多样性并因而遗漏根管则会导致治疗的失败。

應該是一個叫做中矢狀面(mid-sagital plane) 的二次元平面。
次元平面(Midline)rightmandibular (lower) right成小碎片。
至於下頷齒與上頷齒相接觸的方很重要地,必須指出的是當一個人直接從別人的正前方看其口腔(或身體) 時,左右邊方向正好是相反的。
異形齒列同形齒列短吻鱷zebrafish (mixed period of dentition)。
(mixed period of dentition)(permanent canine),總數是四顆。
B 乳齒齒列(Decidous dentition)人類乳齒齒列的各個四分象限(quadrant) 均包含下列三種形態的牙齒,其功能與永久齒列者相似:乳齒齒列(Decidous dentition)•切齒(2) (incisors) ──中切齒及側切齒(central and lateral incisor)。
•犬齒(1) (canine) ──也叫做尖牙(cuspid)。
•大臼齒(2) (molar) ──第一及第二大臼齒(first and second molar)因此,各四分象限(quadrant) 內有5顆乳齒,上、下牙弓各有十顆,總數是二十顆。
) (mandibular first molar) 出牙而結束。
Ugly duckling” stage of mixed dentition.永久齒(permanent teeth) ──通用號碼系統乳齒(deciduous teeth)──通用號碼系統3. 以同樣方式來數,但是要以小寫d放在號碼後面來表示乳齒,所以乳齒上頷右第二大臼齒(deciduous upper right second molar) 為#1d。

二、牙体解剖的一般概念(一)牙的组成、分类及功能1.牙的组成从外部观察,牙体由三部分组成:(1)牙冠(dental crown):有解剖牙冠和临床牙冠之分。

目前,螺 旋 CT、显 微 CT、C B C T 等逐 步 应 用 于 临 床 治
疗 ,对于根管系统的解剖形态有了更为直观立体的三维呈
现[1_2]。拳文报吿锥体束C T 顇合裉霄显爾镜辅助治疗下
• 243 •
1 病例报告
患、槪 54 0 打 雜 狀 * 1 胃 細 魏 i会。
度充填物影像,及 髓 ,根 管 中 下 段 影 像 不 清 晰 (图 1 ) ,根尖 周 未 见 明 显 异 常 ,锥 形 東 C T三 维 重 建 示 44虽 IV 2 - 2 塑 根瞀(Vertucd分奚《 ):.(:圈 2 ) 。诊 断 :44不 完 善 根 管 德 !?=«>治 疗 计 謂 :4 4 根 管 治 疗 + 桩 核 扉 修 复 。渰疗;4 4 上豫 皮 障 ,去 暂 封及腐质,揭 髓 顶 ,根 管 显 徽 镜 下 用 DG1 6 探及 颊 、录 侧 2 个 根 管 H (:图 3 ) ,#10 K - F IU J 疏 通 根 管 , 2.5 g/L 次氯酸钠冲洗權管,测工_作长度頰侧23 mm、管•侧 22 _ i.# 用 M - tw。+ EDTA将嘏管根备.至#2〇/〇6 锥 虔 ,.起 声 荡 洗 ,试 车 尖 达 工 作 长 度 (图 4 ) ; 大 锥 度 牙 胶 尖 +
牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志( China J Conserv Dent)2017, 27(4)
下颔第一前磨牙双根双根管1 例
^h ^ ~
V ?长倩规1 4 , 辛 秉 昌 孙 德 刚 1 ,吕 健 1 ,王 万 春 1 ( 山 东 青 岛 266001: 1. 青 岛 市 口 腔 医 院 ;

正畸治疗牙周炎所致前牙扇形移位临床效果及其美观度刘小东,任恒峰,薄湛南(驻马店市中心医院 口腔科,河南 驻马店,463000)【摘 要】 目的 研究正畸治疗对牙周炎所致前牙扇形移位临床效果及美观度影响。
方法 研究对象选取我院2018年6月到2020年1月间收治的牙周炎所致前牙扇形移位患者60例,采用随机数字法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组各30例。
结果 治疗后1个月,观察组患者的GI、SBI 及PLI 水平均明显低于对照组(P <0.01),观察组患者的PD、AL、前牙覆盖长度及松动度水平均明显低于对照组(P <0.01),观察组患者的美观度评分明显高于对照组(P <0.01)。
结论 正畸治疗能明显改善牙周炎所致前牙扇形移位治疗效果,促进牙功能恢复,提高患者美观度,值得在临床推广。
【关键词】 正畸治疗;牙周炎所致前牙扇形移位;临床效果;美观度DOI:10.19593/j.issn.2095-0721.2020.07.025Clinical Observation and Aesthetic Evaluation of Orthodontic Combined Periodontal Plywood in Treating the Fan-shaped Displacement of the Front Tooth Caused by PeriodontitisLIU Xiao-dong, REN Heng-feng, BO zhan-nan(Stomatology Department, Zhumadian Central Hospital, Henan Province, 463000, China)[J].广东牙病防治,2006,14(2):89-93.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-5245.2006.02.002.[6] 李加志.前倾阻生的下颌第三磨牙在下颌第一恒磨牙缺失时的矫正[J].口腔正畸学, 2000,7:78-80.[7] 李雪,刘新强,王超,等.下颌第一磨牙缺失伴第三磨牙近中阻生正畸治疗效果[J].青岛大学医学院学报,2013,49(4):368-370.DOI:10.11712/qdyxy201304029.[8] Saysel MY ,Meral GD,Kocadereli I,et al.The effects of firstpremolar extractions on third molar angulations [J ].Angle Orthod,2005,75(5):719-722.DOI:10.1043/0003-3219(2005)75[719:TEOFPE]2.0.CO;2[9] Richardson ME.The effect of mandibular first premolare x t r a c t i o n o n t h i r d m o l a r s p a c e [J ].A n g l e Orthod,1989,59(4):291-294.DOI:10.1043/0003-3219(1989)0592.0.CO;2[10] 吴颖.正畸拔牙矫治与第三磨牙萌出情况的关系[J ].中国实用口腔科杂志,2008,1(3):174-176.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1595.2008.03.018.[11] Russell B,Skvara M,Draper E,et al.The association betweenorthodontic treatment with removal of premolars and the angulation of developing mandibular third molars over time [J ].Angle Orthod,2012,83(3):376-380.DOI:10.2319/071112-573.1[12] 徐娜,刘新强,束传亮.正畸治疗对不同倾斜角阻生下颌第三磨牙影响的研究[J].中国实用口腔科杂志,2010,3(2):110-112.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1595.2010.02.016.[13] 夏永华,尚姝环,李成章.近中阻生的下颌第三磨牙萌出情况与其倾角度的关系研究[J ].口腔医学研究,2005,21(4):438-439. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7651.2005.04.026.[14] 马宁.影响正畸前后下颌第三磨牙角度改变的多因素分析[J ].实用口腔医学杂志,2009,25(5):728-732. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3733.2009.05.29. [15] 张咏梅,雷菲菲,郑苍尚,等.正畸治疗前倾阻生的下颌第三磨牙的根吸收风险研究[J].口腔医学研究,2011,27(9):821-822.[16] 郭鑫,刘进.正畸治疗中磨牙的拔除和保留(十九)——竖直近中阻生下颌第三磨牙牙槽骨改建分析[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2007,23(6):378-380. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1634.2007.06.031. [17] 缪耀强,林苑云.下颌第二、第三磨牙并列阻生的正畸矫治[J].中华口腔正畸学杂志,2012,19(3):121-129.DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674-5760.2012.03.001.[18] Miao YQ,Zhong H .An uprighting appliance forimpacted mandibular second and third molars[J].J Clin Orthod,2006,40(2):110-116.[19] Alessandri Bonetti G, Pelliccioni GA, Checchi L.Management of bilaterally impacted mandibular second and third molars[J]. J Am Dent Assoc,1999,130:1190-1194.DOI:10.14219/jada.archive.1999.0373[ABSTRACT] Objective To study the effect of orthodontic treatment on the shape displacement of anterior teeth caused by periodontitis.Methods 60 patients with fan-shaped displacement of anterior teeth caused by periodontitis were selected from June 2018 to January 2020. They were divided into control group and observation group by random number method ,30 cases. The patients in the control group received periodontal splint treatment, and the patients in the observation group received orthodontic treatment on this basis. The therapeutic effect and aesthetic score of the two groups were compared.Results One month after treatment, the GI、SBI and PLI levels of the patients in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.01). the length and loosening degree of the PD、AL、anterior teeth in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.01). the aesthetic score of the patients in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Orthodontic treatment can obviously improve the effect of fan-shaped displacement of anterior teeth caused by periodontitis, promote the recovery of tooth function and improve the effect.[KEY WORDS] Orthodontic treatment; Fan-shaped displacement of anterior teeth caused by periodontitis; Clinical effect; Aesthetic degree牙周炎是一种因牙周支持组织慢性炎症所致感染性疾病,多发生于35岁以上人群,且随时年龄增加发病率逐渐增高,其中50~60岁人群最为常见。

第 3期
statisticallysignificant(P<0.05).Thepainleveloftheexperimentalgroupwasslightlylowerthanthatofthecontrolgroup, thedifferencebeingnotstatisticallysignificant(P>0.05).ConclusionsMicroscopicrootcanaltechniquecaneffectively improvethesuccessrateofrootcanalretreatmentandreducetheratesofunderfillingandoverfilling,andthuscanserveas adesirabletechniqueforfailedrootcanalsretreatment. Keywords:rootcanalretreatment;failedrootcanals;microscopicrootcanaltechnique;ultrasound
摘要:目的 探讨显微根管技术用于失败根管再治疗的临床效果。方法 因修复需要进行根管再治疗患者 102例 (118颗牙,156个根管)分为观察组(51例、60颗牙,78个根管)和对照组(51例、58颗牙,78个根管)。观察组采用 超声根管锉治疗,对照组未在显微镜下进行治疗。根管再治疗 3个月后复查,进行疗效评价,观察根管填充程度和 疼痛程度。结果 观察组 78个根管中 66个实现再通,成功率为 84.62%;对照组 78个根管中 53个实现再通,成功 率为 67.95%;两组上颌前磨牙、下颌前磨牙、上颌磨牙、下颌磨牙以及总根管再通成功率比较差异均有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。观察组和对照组根管填充恰填比例分别为 84.62%和 71.79%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组疼 痛程度略低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 显微根管技术能有效提高根管再治疗的成功率,降 低根管填充欠填和超填比例,值得临床推荐。 关键词:根管再治疗;失败根管;显微根管技术;超声 中图分类号:R782.05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-6449(2019)03-0316-04

第 49 卷第 4 期2023年 7 月吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.49 No.4Jul.2023DOI:10.13481/j.1671‐587X.20230425不同部位微种植体辅助隐形矫治器远移下颌磨牙的三维有限元分析康芙嘉, 孙芸芸, 张晗, 张可鹏, 黎涵懿, 王宋庆, 朱宪春(吉林大学口腔医院正畸科,吉林长春130021)[摘要]目的目的:应用有限元分析法探讨微种植体植入不同部位时辅助隐形矫治器远移下颌磨牙的生物力学效应,以确定微种植体植入部位的最优方案。
方法方法:获取1例成年男性安氏Ⅲ类错畸形患者锥形束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)数据,使用Mimics Medical和3-Matic建模软件建立隐形矫治器远移下颌磨牙的三维有限元模型,依据是否使用微种植体分为对照组(无微种植体,工况一)和3个实验组[下颌第一与第二前磨牙根间微种植体组(工况二)、下颌第二前磨牙与第一磨牙根间微种植体组(工况三)及下颌第一与二磨牙根间微种植体组(工况四)]。
在Ansys Workbench有限元分析软件中对各组模型以0.2 mm的步距远中移动下颌第二磨牙,施加自微种植体至隐形矫治器每侧2 N的牵引力辅助磨牙远移,分析各工况牙齿位移趋势、隐形矫治器形变特点和Von Mises等效应力云图。
结果结果:拟矫治牙的远中移动量和压低移动量均为工况四>工况三>工况二>工况一,其中工况四下颌第二磨牙远中移动量为0.188 mm。
初戴时矫治器第一磨牙和第二磨牙间挤压形变量最大,应力峰值为192.15 Mpa。
应力释放后,对照组应力集中现象仍位于矫治器第一磨牙和第二磨牙间,实验组应力集中现象位于矫治器尖牙唇面,其中工况四应力峰值为56.48 Mpa。

(a) periodontal ligament fistulation.
(b) extraosseous fistulation
periodontal ligament fistulation. 此型在临床上易被误诊为牙周脓肿
死髓牙 窄而深的牙周袋,无明显的牙槽嵴吸收
only a narrow opening of the fistula into the gingival sulcus/pocket and may not be detected unless careful probing of the sulcus is carried out at multiple sites.
根管侧穿,髓室底穿,髓室或根管内的药物(砷 戊 二醛 塑化液 干髓剂等)
Angular bone defect at the distal root surface of a mandibular premolar (arrows). The root is per forated. Conceivably, this occurred in conjunction with preparation of the root canal for a post and core. Clinical symptoms included drainage of pus from the pocket and increased tooth mobility. The tooth was extracted.
口腔解剖生理 思维导图

口腔解剖生理思维导图●牙体解剖生理研究牙的演化特点,牙体解剖形态,牙体生理功能,牙的发育和萌出特点,牙与其支持组织关系●牙的演化●多牙列polyphyodont 双牙列diphyodont●端生牙acrodont 侧生牙pleurodont 槽生牙thecodent●端生牙:无牙根,仅凭借纤维膜附着于颌骨的边缘(鱼类)●侧生牙:牙的基部与颌骨相连,无完善牙根(爬行)●槽生牙:牙根深埋于牙槽窝内(哺乳动物)●同形牙homodont 异形牙 heterodont●牙演化的特点●1.牙齿形状同形———异形●2. 数目多———少●3.牙的替换次数多牙列———双牙列●4. 牙的分布广泛———集中●5. 牙根无———有●6. 牙齿附着方式端生牙——侧生牙——槽生牙●牙的组成●牙冠 dental crown●解剖牙冠anatomical crown:牙体外层被牙釉质覆盖的部分●临床牙冠 clinical crown:龈缘上方的牙体部分●年轻时临床牙冠短于解剖牙冠老年时临床牙冠长于解剖牙冠●牙根dental root●根干root trunk of tooth:牙颈部到根分叉之间的部分●牙颈 dental cervix●牙釉质enamel●全身矿化组织最坚硬●牙骨质cementum●釉牙骨质界 cementoenamel junction :解剖牙冠与牙根的分界线●连接方式1. 釉质覆盖骨质●2. 二者相接●3. 不相连●4.骨质覆盖釉质●牙本质dentin●牙髓dental pulp●功能:营养感觉防御修复●牙的分类●根据时间分类●乳牙 deciduous teeth●开始萌出(6M)—全部萌出(2Y.5)—替牙期(6Y7Y—12Y13Y)●恒牙permanent teeth●根据形态功能分类●切牙 incosor●尖牙canine●前磨牙 premolar●磨牙 molar●乳切牙●乳尖牙●乳磨牙●前牙anterior teeth 后牙 posterior teeth●以口角为界限●牙的功能●咀嚼●辅助发音与言语●保持面部形态协调美观●临床牙位记录法●国际牙科联合会记录系统 FDI federation dentaire international●顺时针牙弓分区●越靠近中轴线数字越小●乳牙●部位记录法quadrant coding method●从左至右牙弓分区●越靠近中轴线数字越小●乳牙使用罗马数字记录●Palmer记录系统●除了乳牙使用A—D之外与部位记录法没有区别●通用编号系统 universal numbering system●每颗牙有其固定编号 1-32●右上颌第三磨牙起编1号顺时针编排●乳牙A—T●牙的萌出与乳恒牙更替●出龈:牙胚破龈而出的现象●萌出:从牙冠出龈到上下颌牙达到咬合接触的全过程●牙萌出的时间:出龈的时间●乳恒牙萌出规律●1. 按照规律左右成对萌出●2. 下颌牙的萌出比上颌同名早●3. 女性同名萌出早于男性●乳牙的萌出●I—II—IV—III—V 12435●恒牙的萌出●上颌●6124357●6124537●下颌●6123457●6124357●牙体解剖常用名词●牙冠●唇面 labial surface 颊面 buccal surface●舌面lingual surface 颚面 palatal surface●邻面 proximal surface●颌面 occlusal surface 切脊 incisal ridge●应用术语●中线 median line●平分颅面的假想线●牙体长轴 long axis●接触区 contact area●牙与牙在邻面互相接触的区域称为接触区●线角 line angle●牙冠上两个相邻牙面相交呈一条线●点角 point angle●三个相邻牙面相交出形成一点●外形高点 height of contour●牙冠各轴面上最突出的部分●牙体三等分 division into thirds●牙冠的表面标志●突起部分●牙尖 dental cusp●舌隆突cingulum●前牙舌面近颈1/3处半月形隆起●结节tubercle●牙冠上牙釉质过度钙化形成的小突起●切缘结节:mamelon 切牙初萌时切缘上所见结节随牙磨耗而逐渐消失●嵴ridge●切嵴incisal ridge●边缘嵴marginal ridge●牙尖嵴cusp ridge●三角嵴triangular ridge●后牙牙尖顶伸向颌面的细长形牙釉质隆起●斜嵴 oblique ridge●颌面两牙尖三角嵴斜形相连形成的嵴●上6的重要解剖标志●横嵴transverse ridge●相对牙尖的两条三角嵴,横过颌面相连形成的嵴●下4的重要解剖标志●轴嵴axial ridge●颈嵴cervical ridge●凹陷部分●窝 fossa●沟 groove●发育沟 developmental groove●牙在生长发育时,两生长叶相融合所形成的浅沟●副沟 supplemental groove●发育沟以外的任何沟●裂 fissure●钙化不全的沟,龋病好发部位●点隙 pit●三条以及以上的发育沟的汇合处,或发育沟末端,龋病好发●斜面 inclined surface●生长叶 lobe●牙生长发育的钙化中心●恒牙解剖●切牙组●上颌中切牙 maxillary central incisor●牙冠●唇面●切颈径远大于近远中径●切1/3可见两条纵向发育沟●近中切角近似直角远中切角钝角由此区分左右●初萌可见三个切缘结节●舌面●舌窝舌隆突●邻面●近中接触区在切1/3靠近切角●远中接触区在切1/3远离切角●切嵴●位于牙体长轴的唇侧●牙根●粗壮且直的单根●髓腔●单根管,年轻人的髓室顶常有三个圆突,指向切嵴,随着年龄增长逐渐消失。

桩道预备时机及剩余根充物长度对根管冠向微渗漏的影响王洁琪;郑美华;伍虹;李小宇;谢文强【摘要】背景:根管治疗后进行桩核冠修复牙齿的过程中, 根管充填不理想或是不良的桩核冠修复可造成材料与牙体间的微渗漏, 导致根尖周组织二次感染, 影响牙体修复远期效果.目的:通过葡萄糖微渗漏模型比较不同桩道预备时机及剩余根充物长度对微渗漏的影响.方法:收集中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院正畸科近期拔除的单、直根管下颌前磨牙86颗, 分8组干预:阳性对照组 (n=10) 行根管预备;阴性对照组(n=10) 根管预备、充填后不进行桩道预备;A1组 (n=11) 根管充填后即刻进行桩道预备, 保留根管内4 mm充填物;B1组 (n=11) 根管充填后即刻进行桩道预备, 保留根管内5 mm充填物;C1组 (n=11) 根管充填后即刻进行桩道预备, 保留根管内6mm充填物;A2组 (n=11) 根管充填后1周进行桩道预备, 保留根管内4mm充填物;B2组 (n=11) 根管充填后1周进行桩道预备 (即延迟桩道预备), 保留根管内5 mm充填物;C2组 (n=11) 根管充填后1周进行桩道预备, 保留根管内6 mm充填物.桩道预备48 h后, 扫描电镜观察根管壁与充填物结合情况, 采用葡萄糖微渗漏模型检测各组样本从冠方向根方渗漏的葡萄糖量.结果与结论: (1) 扫描电镜显示, C1组充填物与根管壁连接最紧密, A2组充填物与根管壁间微缝隙最明显; (2) 葡萄糖微渗漏量测定显示, A2组微渗漏量大于A1组 (P <0.05), B2组微渗漏量大于B1组 (P <0.05), C1组微渗漏量与C2组比较无差异 (P> 0.05);A1组、B1组、C1组微渗漏量比较无差异 (P> 0.05), B2组微渗漏量与A2组、C2组比较无差异 (P> 0.05), A2组微渗漏量大于C2组(P′<0.017); (3) 结果表明, 即刻桩道预备在减少微渗漏方面优于延迟桩道预备;即刻桩道预备后, 保留不同长度充填物对微渗漏无影响, 而延迟桩道预备时应至少保留5 mm根充物, 以减少微渗漏的发生.%BACKGROUND: Poor root canal filling or poor post-core crownrestoration can cause microleakage between the implant material and the tooth, leading to secondary infection of the periapical tissue and affecting long-term effect of tooth restoration. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the microleakage in a glucose penetration model when post space preparation is performed with different timing and remaining lengths. METHODS: Eighty-six freshly extracted mandibular premolars from the Orthodontics Department of Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University were randomly divided into eight groups: positive control group (n=10) undertook root canal preparation; negative control group (n=10) undertook root canal preparation and filling but not post space preparation; A1, B1 and C1 groups (n=11 per group) were subjected to root canal filling immediately followed by post space preparation with the filling material of 4 mm, 5 mm, and 6 mm in length, respectively; A2, B2 and C2 groups were subjected to root canal filling and 1 week after filling, the three groups underwent post space preparation with the filling material of 4, 5 and 6 mm in length, respectively. At 48 hours after post space preparation, the integration of root canal wall and filling material was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The glucose microleakage model was used to detect the amount of glucose leaking from the crown to the root in each group. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Under the scanning electron microscope, the fillings were most tightly bonded to the root canal wall in C1, while microcracks were most apparent in A2. (2) According to the measurement of glucose penetration model, A2 showed more microleakage than A1 (P < 0.05), B2 showed more microleakage thanB1 (P < 0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference between C1 and C2 (P> 0.05). No significant difference was found among A1, B1 and C1 (P> 0.05), B2 showed no statistical difference in the microleakage from A2 and C2 (P> 0.05), but A2 showed more microleakage than C2 (P′ < 0.017). These results indicate that immediate post space preparation is superior to delayed preparation in reducing the microleakage. For immediate post space preparation, the remaining length of the filling material has no effect on the microleakage, but for delayed preparation, the filling material of at least 5 mm in length should be preserved.【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2019(023)010【总页数】6页(P1552-1557)【关键词】剩余根充物;即刻桩道预备;延迟桩道预备;微渗漏;根管封闭剂;葡萄糖微渗漏模型;扫描电镜;生物材料【作者】王洁琪;郑美华;伍虹;李小宇;谢文强【作者单位】中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,广东省广州市 510120;中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,广东省广州市 510120;中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,广东省广州市 510120;广州医科大学附属口腔医院,广东省广州市 510120;中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院,广东省广州市 510120【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R459.9;R329.3文章快速阅读:文题释义:葡萄糖微渗漏模型:该方法于2005年首次提出,利用葡萄糖作为示踪物(葡萄糖分子小,相对分子质量仅为180,易通过极小间隙,且是微生物所必需的营养物质,有较好的临床相关性),通过分析流经牙体根管系统渗漏液中的葡萄糖浓度对微渗漏进行定量检测。

第一前磨牙桩道预备后剩余根管壁厚度的研究章蕾;汲平;傅新海;宋晓蕾【摘要】目的采用解剖学方法,测量第一前磨牙桩道预备前后根管壁厚度,指导临床合理选择桩道预备器械.方法收集上下颌第一前磨牙各30颗作为实验样本,用游标卡尺测量原始及分别用1、2、3号P型钻桩道预备后末端剩余根管壁的厚度.结果牙根各项指标测量值均呈正态分布,对于双根管上颌第一前磨牙和单根管下颌第一前磨牙,3号P型钻预备后,近远中末端根管壁厚度均小于1 mm,颊根的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),腭根和下颌第一前磨牙牙根的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对于单根管上颌第一前磨牙,2号P型钻预备后,近远中末端根管壁厚度均小于1 mm,远中壁差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论桩道预备时,双根管上颌第一前磨牙颊根可用3号P型钻,腭根和单根管下颌第一前磨牙可用2号P型钻,而对于单根管上颌第一前磨牙只能用1号P型钻.%Objective The residual dentin thickness of first premolars were measured by anatomical methods before and after post preparation, the data from which can help clinicians to choose proper sizes of peeso drill. Methods 30 first maxillary premolars and 30 first mandibular premolars were collected. Walls of 4 mm short of the apex were respectively measured before and after post preparation with peeso drills number 1-3. Results The measurement results of all indexes assumed a normal distribution. For two-canal first maxillary premolars and single-canal first mandibular premolars, the average residual mesial and distal thickness of root walls 4 mm short of the apex were less than 1 mm after post preparation by number 3 peeso drill. The buccal root had nonsignificant differences(P>0.05). The palatine root and the firstmandibular premolars had significant differences (P<0.05). For single-canal first maxillary premolars, the average residual mesial and distal thickness were less than 1 mm after post preparation by number 2 peeso drill. The distal wall had significant differences (P<0.05). Conclusion In post preparation, for the buccal root of two-canal maxillary premolars, the maximum size of peeso drill was number 3, and for the palatine root and first mandibular premolars, the size was number 2, and for single-canal maxillary first premolars, the size was number 1.【期刊名称】《华西口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(029)004【总页数】4页(P361-364)【关键词】第一前磨牙;桩道预备;剩余根管壁厚度【作者】章蕾;汲平;傅新海;宋晓蕾【作者单位】山东大学口腔医院,修复科;山东大学口腔医院山东省口腔生物医学重点实验室,济南,250012;金华市中心医院,口腔科,金华,321000;山东大学口腔医院,修复科,山东省口腔生物医学重点实验室,济南,250012;金华市中心医院,口腔科,金华,321000;山东大学口腔医院,修复科,山东省口腔生物医学重点实验室,济南,250012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R783.3前磨牙牙体牙髓病和根尖周疾病的发病率较高,在根管治疗中占有重要的地位。

自体牙移植术大鼠动物模型的建立许广杰;陈媛丽;侯锐;杨霞;惠小勇;孙东亮;李晓鹏【摘要】目的建立自体牙移植术的标准化大鼠动物模型,并分析其优缺点.方法选取5周龄SD大鼠,全麻下先后拔除左上第三磨牙(供牙)和左上第二磨牙(患牙).预备左上第二磨牙牙槽窝后将供牙放入其中试植,调整方向和咬合后进行树脂粘接固定.术后进行口内愈合情况、影像学及组织学检查.结果大鼠可以接受自体牙移植手术操作.术后8周口内移植牙固定良好,术区软组织无红肿.组织HE染色可见移植牙牙根和牙槽骨初步愈合,CT显示有少量成骨.该模型具有实验周期较短、成本较低、可重复性较好、以及可以接受多种类型的检查和检测的优点.其缺点包括:个体偏小,实验操作空间小,精细化程度要求较高,以及有些操作不能彻底进行或无法完成.结论大鼠可以用于自体牙移植术标准动物模型.%Objective To establish a standardized rat model of autotransplantation of teeth and to analyze its advantages and disad-vantages. Methods Five-week-old SD rats were extracted for left upper third molar and second molar firstly. Then,the left upper sec-ond molar tooth socket was prepared until it could hold the third molar. After the transplantation,the direction and bite were adjusted. Finally,the fixation was done through resin adhesive. Postoperative oral healing, imaging and histological examination were detected. Results Rats were eligible for autologous tooth transplantation surgery. After 8 weeks, the mouth of the transplanted teeth was still well-fixed,and there was no swelling in the soft tissue. Tissue HE staining showed that the donor teeth and alveolar bone were initially healed. CT scan showed that there was a small amount of bone formation. It had the advantages of short testperiod,low cost,good re-peatability,and acceptable variety of inspection and detection. The shortcomings included:the individual was small, the experimental operation space was small,the degree of refinement was higher,and some operation could not be carried out completely or could not be completed. Conclusion The rats can be used as a standardized animal model of autotransplantation of teeth.【期刊名称】《口腔医学》【年(卷),期】2018(038)005【总页数】4页(P385-388)【关键词】自体牙移植;动物模型;大鼠【作者】许广杰;陈媛丽;侯锐;杨霞;惠小勇;孙东亮;李晓鹏【作者单位】军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032;中国人民解放军第413医院口腔科,浙江舟山316000;第四军医大学口腔医院颌面创伤科,陕西西安710032;军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032;军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032;第四军医大学口腔医院颌面肿瘤科,陕西西安710032;军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032;中国人民解放军广州军区疗养院,广东广州510115;军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032;军事口腔医学国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,陕西省口腔疾病临床医学研究中心;第四军医大学口腔医院口腔外科,陕西西安710032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R782.1规范化的自体牙移植技术是一种安全、经济、实用可行并具有可预测性的缺牙修复方法。

牙槽間隔環繞數個牙根而使其竇底呈波 浪狀,有時可見自竇底向上有一、二個 緻密線條狀影像,使竇底顯示為“w”形, 此為上頜竇的分隔。磨牙齶側根,可依 據牙周膜及骨硬板連續不斷,判斷牙根 並非位於上頜竇內。
facial view
c b
a c
a = floor of nasal fossa (鼻前庭底部) b = maxillary sinus (上頜竇) c = lateral fossa (外側的窩或側窩)
(a & b form inverted Y)
facial view
紅色箭頭:鼻前庭底部 藍色箭頭:上頜竇前邊 組成倒Y
d = pterygoid plates(翼板)
* image of impacted third molar superimposed疊加
上頜結節(Maxillary Tuberosity) 在最後一個磨牙遠中區域,其邊緣 向後上,此區域骨小梁數目較少。X 線片上常呈稀疏的網狀結構,此為正 常骨疏鬆區,不要誤為骨質病變。
(7)牙周膜:0.15~0.38mm之間。 功能越大的牙齒,牙周膜越厚,反之 則比較薄。X線片上顯示為包繞牙根 之連續不斷的密度低的線條狀影像, 其寬度均勻一致。牙周膜及骨硬板的 連續性及其均勻寬度在診斷牙齒疾病 上有重要意義。
根尖片所見有關頜骨 正常解剖結構
Maxillary Molar上頜磨牙
a = maxillary tuberosity
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Chin Med Sci J Vol. 30, No. 3 September2015 P.174-178CHINESEMEDICAL SCIENCESJOURNALORIGINAL ARTICLEDouble Roots of Mandibular Premolar inFull-mouth Periapical FilmsLing-jia Kong1, Kuo Wan1*, and Deng-gao Liu1Department of Stomatology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking UnionMedical College, Beijing 100730, China2Department of Radiology, Peking University School ofStomatology, Beijing 100081, ChinaKey words: first mandibular premolar; second mandibular premolar; double roots;full-mouth periapical filmObjective T o evaluate the incidence of two-rooted mandibular premolar morphology using full-mouth periapical film series in a Chinese population, with particular emphasis on bilateral incidence, so asto provide a clinical anatomical basis for root canal treatment in mandibular premolars.Methods A total of 2015 patients who underwent dental treatment and had full mouth periapical radiographs at the Peking University School of Stomatology from April 2011 to April 2012 were enrolled inthis study. Three experienced dentists reviewed the patients’ periapical films and classified the rootmorphology of mandibular premolars bilaterally. The incidence of unilateral and bilateral double roots wererecorded and calculated, including confirmed and suspected bucco-lingual root types.Results In terms of the morphology of two-rooted mandibular first premolars, of the 2015 cases with complete root formation, two-rooted first premolars were detected in 120 cases, with a total number of 159teeth. According to the number of teeth, the overall incidence of double roots was 4.03% (159/3972). Interms of the morphology of two-rooted mandibular second premolars, of the 2015 cases with complete rootformation, two-rooted second premolars were detected in 24 cases, with a total number of 33 teeth.According to the number of teeth, the overall incidence of double roots was 0.85% (33/3880).Conclusions The roots of mandibular premolars display specific morphological patterns. Based on a large sample, we observed and calculated not only the occurrence rate of bucco-lingual and mesio-distaldouble roots in first and second mandibular premolars, but also the incidence of unilateral or bilateral doubleroots within the same mandible. These findings could provide useful information on the anatomical structureof mandibular premolars for endodontic, prosthodontic and surgical procedures, and could improve thequality of treatment and reduce complications.Chin Med Sci J 2015; 30(3):174-178Received for publication June 23, 2014.*Corresponding author Tel: 86-10-69155256, E-mail: wankuo@ANDIBULAR premolar teeth normally havesingle roots, but have always been talked ofhaving an unusual anatomy.1 Slowey2suggested mandibular premolar to be the teeth which is the most difficult to successfully perform endodontic treatment. Mandibular premolars are un-doubtedly an endodontic challenge, especially because the presence of extra roots or root canals may occur far more often than one can expect.3 The literature is replete with reports of extra canals in mandibular premolars, but reports regarding the incidence of extra roots in these teeth are quite rare. Hoen et al4 reported an incidence rate of 42% for missed roots or canals in the teeth that needed retreatment. In an assessment of the results of endodontic therapy, the failure rates for the first and second mandibular premolars were 11.45% and 4.45%, respectively, possibly due to the complex root canal anatomy of some of the studied teeth.5 Therefore, it is highly important to understand root number variations to administer appropriate root canal therapy. However, the morphology of roots and root canals varies among dif-ferent populations, regions and races. The aim of this study is to investigate the incidence of double roots in mandibular premolars, especially those that occur bilate- rally, to provide guidance for clinical operation on these types of teeth.MATERIALS AND METHODSSample collectionData from 2015 patients with full-mouth periapical films who visited the Department of Oral Radiology at Peking University Stomatological Hospital between April 2011 and April 2012 were assessed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: 12-78 years of age, with full-mouth periapical films acquired with a bisecting angle technique to clearly reflect the morphology of every tooth. The exclusion criteria were: patients with severely damaged radiographs, residual premolar roots, missing bilateral mandibular premolars, or those without periapical films. The initial reason for taking periapical films was not considered.Diagnostic criteriaIt is difficult to observe bucco-lingual double roots because they are oriented in the same direction as the radiation source ion. Therefore, the bucco-lingual double roots might appear as overlapped. This issue can be addressed by the following methods. First, the periodontal image can help to identify overlapping roots, shown as continuous low- density contour lines with consistent width around the dental roots on the periapical film; therefore, the diagnosis of multiple roots can be established if there are many lines on the periodontal image. Second, comparison of different full-mouth periapical films taken in different angles can indicate the presence of bucco-lingual double roots. Three examiners, 2 endodontists and 1 dental radiologist, assessed the periapical films of the included patients for double roots, including bucco-lingual and mesio-distal double roots, in the 2015 cases of mandibular first and second premolars, focusing on the incidence of bilateral double roots. In cases of controversial, a consensus agree- ment was reached via discussion among the examiners.Radiographs are not the gold standard for identifying bucco-lingual double roots; they can only help in screening. Therefore, the patients were divided into groups for confirmed and suspected bucco-lingual double roots. For mesio-distal double roots, cases where the two roots bifurcated in a mesio-distal direction from the middle, coronal, or apical third of the roots were investigated in analysis. The following criteria were used to divide the cases into confirmed and suspected groups.Confirmed bucco-lingual double roots: the standard for confirmed bucco-lingual double roots was the presence of four contour lines in the periodontal image intersecting at a periapical point with no overlap. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating bucco-lingual double roots, and Figures 2A and 2B show confirmed bucco-lingual double roots in mandibular first and second premolars, respectively.Figure 1. A schematic diagram of confirmed bucco-lingual double roots.Figure 2. Confirmed bucco-lingual double roots in the mandibular first premolar (A) and the mandibular secondpremolar (B).MSuspected bucco-lingual double roots: this group included the less-suspected and highly suspected cases. The less suspected cases had four contour lines in the periodontal image overlapping at a periapical point, whereas the highly suspected cases had four contour lines in the periodontal image that did not overlap at the periapical point. Figures 3A and 3B show suspected bucco- lingual double roots in a mandibular first premolar and a mandibular second premolar, respectively.Confirmed non-buccolingual double roots: non-bucco- lingual double roots were confirmed when there were only two or three contour lines in the periodontal image in the films. Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of confirmed non-double roots. Figures 5A and 5B illustrate confirmed non-bucco-lingual double roots in a mandibular first premolar and a mandibular second premolar, respectively.Mesio-distal double roots: mesio-distal double roots included those that bifurcate from the apical, middle, and coronal third of the roots (Fig. 6). Figures 7A and 7B show bifurcation in apical third of roots in a mandibular first premolar and a mandibular second premolar, respectively; figures 7C and 7D demonstrate bifurcation in middle third of roots in a mandibular first premolar and a mandibular second premolar, respectively.RESULTSIncidence of mandibular first premolar double roots A total of 2015 patients with full-mouth periapical films were investigated. Excluding five patients with bilateral loss of mandibular first premolars, and another 48 cases for the absence of unilateral mandibular first premolars, there were 159 teeth with double roots (incidence rate: 4.03%). Overall, 39 of 3972 cases had bilateral double roots (incidence rate: 0.98%), including 6 cases with bilateral mesio-distal double roots, 28 cases with bilateral bucco- lingual double roots, and 5 cases with bucco-lingual double roots on one side and mesio-distal double roots on the other. Among the 81 patients with unilateral double roots, one case was excluded from the analysis due to tooth lossFigure 3. Suspected bucco-lingual double roots in the mandibular first premolar (A) and the mandibular second premolar(B).Figure 4. A schematic diagram of the confirmed non-double roots.Figure 5. Confirmed non-bucco-lingual double roots in the mandibular first premolar (A) and the mandibularsecond premolar (B).Figure 6. Schematic diagrams of the mesio-distal double roots divided from the periapical section (A), the middlesection or the upper section of the roots (B).Figure 7. Mesio-distal double roots divided from the periapical section in the mandibular first premolar (A) and the mandibular second premolar (B), and those divided from the middle section in the mandibular first premolar (C) and the mandibular second premolar (D).on the other side, and the remaining 80 were with single roots on the other side.Incidence of mandibular second premolar double rootsOf the 2015 patients with full-mouth periapical films, 17 were excluded for bilateral loss of mandibular second premolars, and another 116 because of the absence of unilateral mandibular second premolars. There were 33 teeth with double roots (incidence rate: 0.85%). Overall, 9 of 3880 cases had bilateral double roots (incidence rate: 0.23%), including 8 cases with bilateral buccolingual double roots, and 1 with buccolingual double root on one side and mesio-distal double root on the other. Among the 15 patients with unilateral double roots, 2 cases was excluded from the analysis due to tooth loss on the other side, and the remaining 13 cases were with single roots on the other side.DISCUSSIONThis study used full-mouth periapical films to evaluate double roots of premolars in 2015 Chinese individuals. Periapical films are very important for examining dental and periodontal tissues, including enamel, dentin, cementum, pulp cavity, pericementum, alveolar bone, and lamina dura.6 Full-mouth periapical films are especially useful in that they provide information on all maxillary and mandibular teeth. Periapical radiographic techniques are divided into bisecting angle and paralleling techniques. The paralleling technique can accurately and clearly reveal the morphology and location of dental and periodontal structures. However, this technique requires the use of a film holder and a long position-indicating device, and it is quite time-consuming to acquire all films.7 In contrast, no special filming device is required for the bisecting angle technique; however, its result is not always accurate enough because of deformation and distortion of the dental film due to non-vertical angulation along the X-ray midline and the long axis of the tooth. Therefore, in this study, three experienced dentists simultaneously interpreted the films to reduce the possibility of misdiagnosis. Although this method may not be completely accurate, the radiographic findings are clinically relevant.It is the standard test to verify double roots on ex vivo teeth rather than on full-mouth periapical films. Despite this limitation, the bisecting angle technique is the most widely used for full-mouth periapical radiography in China. Even though it is less accurate than ex vivo teeth examination to use full-mouth periapical film to evaluate the number of premolar roots, it is of great advantage for the analysis of the incidence of bilateral double roots.In this study, only 4.03% mandibular first premolars had double roots, and 0.85% mandibular second premolars had double roots, higher than previous findings, which showed that the incidence of double roots in mandibular first premolars and second premolars was 0.2%8 and 0.3%9, respectively.Five anatomical studies that included 672 teeth reported the number of roots in the mandibular first premolar.10-14 The majority of the teeth in these studies (93.9%) had a single root; double roots were found in 5.65% of the teeth studied and three roots found in 0.45%.Eight anatomic studies that included 4 436 teeth reported the number of roots in the mandibular second premolar.9,14-19 The majority of the teeth in these studies (99.34%) had a single root; double roots were found in only 0.52% of the teeth studied; three-rooted (0.14%) teeth were extremely rare.Numerous factors contribute to variations in the root and root canal studies, including ethnicity, age, sex, and unintentional bias in selection of clinical examples of teeth (specialty endodontic practice versus general dental practice) and study design (in vitro versus in vivo).20 Scott et al21 described the accessory root of mandibular first premolar. They observed ethnic differences in the root morphology, and reported the highest incidence (>25%) of accessory roots in the Australian and sub-Saharan African populations. The lowest incidence (0-10%) occurred in the American, Arctic, New Guinea, Jomon and Western Eurasian populations. Sert et al22 also reported sex differences in canal morphology, observing higher incidence (44%) of accessory roots and canals in females as compared to males (34%).There are no previous reports of bilateral mandibular premolar double roots; however, our results showed that a person may present with bilateral double roots in the mandibular first premolar or the mandibular second premolar. The incidence is 0.98% and 0.23%, respectively. Although the probability is very low, clinicians must consider bilateral double roots if a patient presents with mandibular premolar double roots on one side.In conclusion, accurate pre-operative radiographs are very important. 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