An Adaptive Codebook Design Using the Branching Competitive Learning Network a


transformer design principles and practice

transformer design principles and practice

Transformers are electrical devices that transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another through the use of electromagnetic induction. The design principles and practice of transformers involve several key factors, including:1. Core material: The core material of a transformer is an essential factor in determining its efficiency and performance. Common materials used for the core include ferrite, iron, and air.2. Turns ratio: The turns ratio of a transformer determines the voltage transformation ratio between the primary and secondary windings. A higher turns ratio results in a higher voltage transformation ratio.3. Winding configuration: The winding configuration of a transformer refers to the arrangement of the primary and secondary windings around the core. There are several different winding configurations, including delta-wye, star-delta, and Y-Y.4. Cooling methods: Transformers generate heat due to the loss of energy in the form of heat during the conversion process. Cooling methods such as natural convection, forced air cooling, and liquid cooling are used to dissipate this heat and prevent overheating.5. Insulation: Insulation is used to prevent electrical breakdown between the windings and the core, as well as between the windings themselves. Common insulation materials include mica, paper, and plastic.6. Voltage regulation: Voltage regulation is important in ensuring that the output voltage of a transformer remains constant despite changes in input voltage or load conditions. This can be achieved through the use of feedback control systems or by designing the transformer with a built-in voltage regulation feature.7. Safety features: Transformers must be designed with safety features to prevent electrical shock, fire, or other hazards. These may include grounding, overload protection, and thermal protection.。

文献翻译四One Maya. More Value.

文献翻译四One Maya. More Value.

<文献翻译:原文>One Maya. More V alue.Autodesk Maya 2010 software is the first release to unify the Maya Complete 2009 and Maya Unlimited 2009 feature sets, advanced matchmoving capabilities , and powerful compositing into a single offering with exceptional value. Producers have become more savvy with respect to computer-generated imagery; they expect more work with additional complexity in less time than ever before. Maya 2010 gives us the total package to efficiently handle any challenge they can throw at us, whether it’s heavy in tracking, modeling, animating, rendering, or compositing.—Paal AnandDigital Post SupervisorBling Imaging(人名和公司名不用翻译) For those looking to create the kind of compelling digital imagery found in Academy Award®−winning films and top-selling games, Autodesk® Maya® 2010 delivers extensive 3D modeling, animation, and rendering toolsets; innovative simulation and compositing technologies; and a flexible software development kit (SDK) and scripting capabilities —making it easier, and more affordable, to create stylistic designs, believable animated characters, and lifelike visual effects.Unbeatable V alueAutodesk Maya 2010 offers an end-to-end computer graphics (CG) workflow based on the award-winning Maya Unlimited 2009 toolset, with its advanced simulation tools for cloth, hair, fur, fluids, and particles. To supplement your creative workflow, we’ve also added t he Maya Composite high dynamic range compositing system, a matchmoving camera tracking system, five additional mental ray® for Maya batch* rendering nodes, and the Autodesk® Backburner™** network render queue manager. Proven SolutionMaya has been a favorite among companies producing top film, games, and television content throughout the world for the last decade Meanwhile, award-winning commercial spot facilities like The Mill and Psyop count Maya among their toolsets, as do top broadcasters such as NBC, Seven Network, and Turner.FeaturesMaya has been at the cutting edge of feature development for over 10 years, and Maya 2010 is no exception. The software is packed with tried and tested features that help speed your project from initial concept to finished renderings: polygon andNURBS modeling, UV mapping and texturing, animation and rigging, dynamic simulation tools, tools for generating plants and other natural detail, in addition to advanced compositing capabilities, and a choice of four built-in renderers, including mental ray.ProductivityIncreased competition for projects and tighter deadlines mean that many jobs require even more high-quality work in less time. Maya 2010 helps maximize productivity with optimized workflows for everyday tasks; opportunities for collaborative, parallel workflows and reuse of assets; and automation of repetitive tasks through scripting. PerformanceThrough a combination of multi-threading, algorithmic tuning, sophisticated memory management, and tools for segmenting scenes, Maya 2010 is engineered to elegantly handle today’s increasingly complex data sets without restricting the creative process. InteroperabilityWhether you are painting textures in Adobe® Photoshop® software, compositing shots in Maya Composite or Autodesk® Flame® software, or bringing in cleaned motion capture data from Autodesk® MotionBuilder® character animation software, Maya 2010 helps to minimize errors and reduce iterations. And, support for the Autodesk® FBX® data interchange technology enables you to reuse assets created outside of Maya in your Maya scenes. Maya also offers an SDK to assist with pipeline integration.ExtensibilityMaya is an out-of-the-box solution, but for companies that want to integrate it with their pipelines, or to add new features, Maya offers avenues for customization. Built from the ground up with its own embedded scripting language, Maya Embedded Language (MEL), Maya 2010 also offers Python® scripting and an extensive, well-documented C++ application programming interface (API).Platform of ChoiceWhether you use a Windows®, Mac®, or Linux® operating system, Maya 2010 runs on your platform of choice. And it’s ready to handle the large amounts of memory that today’s large scenes require, with64-bit executables for both Windows and Linuxoperating systems.Advanced Simulation ToolsEvery license of Maya 2010 now includes the innovative Maya Nucleus unified simulation framework and the first two fully integrated Nucleus modules—Maya nCloth and Maya nParticles—as well as Maya Fluid Effects, Maya Hair, and Maya Fur. These widely used, production-proven toolsets for simulating cloth, fluids, hair, and fur enable you to more efficiently create the types of sophisticated effects audiences crave, without additional software investment.High-Performance CompositingMaya Composite brings high-performance, high dynamic range (HDR) compositing to Maya 2010. The comprehensive Maya Composite toolset gives you keying, tracking, color correction, rotoscoping, paint, and warping tools; advanced filters (including motion blur and depth of field); a full 3D compositing environment; and support for stereoscopic production. Available on the same choice of platforms as Maya, this node-based compositor provides you with a high-efficiency, collaborative compositing environment.Professional Camera TrackingA crucial tool for any leading visual effects production work, Autodesk® MatchMover™software makes high-quality 3D camera tracking accessible within Maya. Using this toolset, you can extract accurate 3D camera and motion data from video and film sequences so you can insert your Maya elements seamlessly into the footage. MatchMover combines automatic tracking capabilities with the precision manual controls professionals demand.Augmented Rendering PowerWith five additional mental ray for Maya batch rendering nodes, you can now use a network of computers to render sequences faster. The Backburner network render queue manager is also included with Maya 2010, to help you manage the process; or simply integrate the additional mental ray for Maya nodes with your existing render management software.<文献翻译:译文>同一个Maya,更多的价值Autodesk Maya 2010软件是首次发布的统一了Maya Complete 2009和Maya Unlimited 2009特性的集合,先进的镜头跟踪能力和强有力的合成一个单一的具有额外价值的供给能力。



2012-07-13################2012-07-13######2#0#12-07-13########3G L T E 系统基于码本的自适应预编码方案李 远,彭木根( 北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京 100876)摘 要: 第三代移动通信系统长期演进( 3G LTE ) 系统的下行链路传输中,基站端无法获知完全的信道状态信息( C S I ) ,需要根据终端反馈的预编码序号从已有的码本中挑选合适的预编码矩阵进 行信号处理。

研究了多小区场景下基于有限信息反馈的码本选择算法,提出了一种单双流自适应 的码本选择方案,分析了 2 × 2 天线情况下所提预编码算法的性能,通过计算机仿真给出了不同多 天线预编码方案的性能对比。

关键词: 3G LTE ; M I MO ; 预编码; 有限信息反馈; 单双流自适应中图分类号: TN911 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673-5692( 2011) 04-348-05 A Codebook Based A dap ti v e P r e cod i ng Scheme in 3G LTE S y s t e m sLI Yuan ,PENG Mu-ge n( B e iji n g Un i v e r s i ty of Po st s an d T e l eco m . B e iji n g 100876,Ch i n a )Ab s t r ac t : I n the dow n li n k t r a n s m i ss i o n of the third ge n e r a t i o n Long T erm Ev o l ut i o n ( 3G LTE ) s y s t e m ,i t i s i m poss i b l e for the eNodeB to ob t a i n the perfect c h a nn e l state i n fo r m a t i o n ( C S I ) ,and a app r op r i a t e p r e - cod i n g m a t r i x has to be se l ec t ed from a f i x ed codeboo k acco r d i n g to the feedback i n fo r m a t i o n of the u se r eq u i p m e nt to p r ocess the s i g n a l . The p r ecod i n g se l ec t i o n a l go r i thm s based on the li m i t ed feedback i n fo r - m a t i o n in ce ll u l a r s y s t e m s i s mv es t i ga t ed ,a n d an adap t i v e p r ecod i n g se l ec t i o n a l go r i thm for s i n g l e -d u a l stream i s D r oposed . The performance of the p r oposed a l go r i thm i s a n a l y zed in a 2 × 2 antenna sce n a r i o , and d i ffe r e nt M I MO p r ecod i n g schemes are compared and demonstrated by computer s i mu l a t i o n . K e y w o r d s : 3G LTE ; M I MO ; p r ecod i n g ; li m i t ed feedback i n fo r m a t i o n ; s i n g l e -d u a l stream站调度周期内在每个 RB 上只调 度 一 个 用 户,这 个用户通过多天线的分集复用实 现 容 量 提 升。

数据库英文版第六版课后答案 (28)

数据库英文版第六版课后答案   (28)
The chapter covers numerous features of the model, several of which can be omitted depending on the planned coverage of the course. Extended E-R features (Section 7.8) and all subsequent sections may be omitted in case of time constraints in the course, without compromising the students understanding of basic E-R modeling. However, we recommend covering specialization (Section 7.8.1) at least in some detail, since it is widely used in object-oriented modeling.
The E-R model itself and E-R diagrams are used often in the text. It is important that students become comfortable with them. The E-R model is an excellent context for the introduction of students to the complexity of database design. For a given enterprise there are often a wide variety of E-R designs. Although some choices are arbitrary, it is often the case that one design is inherently superior to another. Several of the exercises illustrate this point. The evaluation of the goodness of an E-R design requires an understanding of the enterprise being modeled and the applications to be run. It is often possible to lead students into a debate of the relative merits of competing designs and thus illustrate by example that understanding the application is often the hardest part of database design.

九球高分辨角度指示器(API)Model 8810A 双同型旋转 解析度测量以及可选的参考供应说明书

九球高分辨角度指示器(API)Model 8810A 双同型旋转 解析度测量以及可选的参考供应说明书

One optional Reference supply •Direct replacement for all 8810’s•High resolution touch-screen•Two isolated Input Channels•0.0001° Resolution•±0.004°Accuracy (Optional ±0.0015°)•LXI compatible•Programmable display options•Auto-ranging Signal and Reference•47 Hz to 20 KHZ Frequency Range•DC rate or angle output•Auto Phase Correction•Optional 2.2 VA internal Reference•Measures and displays ReferenceVoltage, frequency, and VL-L•Ethernet, USB, IEEE-488 andparallel ports•| compliantGENERALThis second generation API, Model 8810A, truly represents a major step forward in synchro to digital conversion technology. The use of an intelligent DSP design eliminates push buttons and allows all programming to be done either via an integrated touch-screen or a mouse interface. In addition, IEEE-488, Ethernet, and USB interfaces have been added to extend remote operation capabilities. The display can be set for one of three display modes; 0-360º, ±180°, or Degrees, Minutes, Seconds. A wide (47 Hz to 20 KHz) frequency range is standard. As an option, a programmable 2.2 VA internal reference supply can be specified.Improved flexibility is provided by two fully independent inputs that can be used to simultaneously read two separate input signals or can be combined to measure multi-speed Synchros or Resolvers. The gear ratio, for the two-speed mode, is programmable from 2:1 to 255:1Built-in phase correction eliminates errors caused by quadrature and harmonics when reference and signal are out of phase by as much as 60°.The 8810A automatically accepts and displays input voltages from 1.0 to 90 V L-L and Reference voltages from 2 to 115 Vrms over a broad frequency range of 47 Hz to 20 KHz.Therefore, one Instrument can handle most known Synchro and Resolver measurement requirements.The 8810A is a direct replacement for all variations of the previously supplied North Atlantic Industries Model 8810. Special versions (P/N = 8810 –Sxxxx), contact factory to determine compatibility.Optional Reference: This design can also incorporate a 2.2 VA programmable reference generator that is used for stand alone applications (See P/N)One optional Reference supply(Drop In Replacement for NAI API Model 8810 with significant new features)One optional Reference supply SPECIFICATIONSResolution0.0001°Input Channels 2 separate isolated InputsSignal Inputs Ch.1: Synchro/Resolver programmable. 1-90V L-L auto-rangingCh.2: Synchro/Resolver programmable. 1-90V L-L auto-rangingEach channel measures the Input V L-L, Reference voltage and frequency.Data is displayed on the front panel and also available via various digital outputs. Accuracy See detailed Accuracy Specifications below.Frequency Range47 Hz – 20 kHz. See detailed Accuracy Specifications below.Angular Range0.0000°-359.9999° or ±179.9999° programmable, or output angle can be viewed in degrees, minutes and secondsTwo-speed mode Both inputs can be combined with a ratio from 2 to 255Reference Voltage2V to 115 V auto-rangingInput Impedance Signal: >28 V L-L 200 kΩ ; >11.8 V L-L 60kΩ; <11.8 V L-L 13.3 kΩTracking Speed 2.76 rps. at 60 Hz4.68 rps. at 360 Hz or higherSettling Time 1.5 s max. for 180° step change (Based on Bandwidth selected)3.0 s max. at 47-66 Hz (Based on Bandwidth selected)Phase Correction Automatically corrects for up to a 60° phase shift between stator and rotorVelocity or DC angle for Ch.1 & Ch.2 ±1000 °/sec = ±10 VDC ±100 °/sec = ±10 VDC 0 to 359.99°= 0 -10 VDC ±179.99° = ±10 VDCBand width Automatically set to 28% of frequency up to a max. of 100 Hz. User canchange this parameter as desired.Data averaging Selectable from 10 ms to 10 secondsConverter Busy TTL compatible pulses, 1µs wide nom. Pulses present when tracking. Digital Output 6 decade BCD (1-2-4-8) 10 TTL loadsSerial Interfaces Ethernet, USB, and IEEE-488, and legacy 50 pin connector Temperature Range0-50°C operatingInput Power 85 Vrms to 265 Vrms, 47 to 440 HzWeight 4 lbs.Dimensions12.5" L x 9.5" W x 3.5" HREFERENCE GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS: Optional, see part number Voltage Output: 2 Vrms to 115 Vrms, Programmable with a resolution of 0.1 V• 2.0 to 9.9 Vrms / 47 Hz to 20 KHz frequency range•10.0 to 27.9 Vrms / 47 Hz to 4 KHz frequency range•28.0 to 115.0 Vrms / 47 Hz to 800 Hz frequency range Accuracy: ±3% of settingHarmonic Content: 2.0% maximumOutput Drive: 2.2 VA (See Operation manual for detail description of Output Drive) Output Protection: Over-current and over-temperatureFrequency: 47 Hz to 20 kHz Programmable with 0.1 Hz stepsFrequency accuracy: 0.1% FSOne optional Reference supplyDETAIL ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: 8810A SPECIFICATIONS APPLY AFTER A 15 MINUTE WARMUP AND CALIBRATION Resolver mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.004° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 28 to 90 VL-L ±0.004° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.004° to ±0.008° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.008° to ±0.015° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.015° to ±0.02° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.006° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.006° to ±0.015° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.015° to ±0.025° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.025° to ±0.035° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlySynchro mode: 2.0 to 90 V L-L±0.004° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzAccuracy: 8810AH SPECIFICATIONS APPLY AFTER A 15 MINUTE WARMUP AND CALIBRATION Resolver mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.0015° from 47 Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode:28 to 90 V L-L±0.002° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.0015° to ±0.005° from 5 KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.005° to ±0.01° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode:2.0 to 12 V L-L±0.010° to ±0.015° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.0025° from 47Hz to 5 KHzResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.0025° to ±0.01° from 5KHz to 10 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.010° to ±0.02° from 10 KHz to 15 KHz derated linearlyResolver mode: 1.0 to 2.0 VL-L ±0.02° to ±0.03° from 15 KHz to 20 KHz derated linearlySynchro mode:2.0 to 28 V L-L±0.0015° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzSynchro mode:28 to 90 V L-L±0.0025° from 47 Hz to 1 KHzCALIBRATIONWhen unit is turned on it will automatically initiate calibration. After warm-up of 15 minutes, unit will again automatically calibrate the channel or channels being used. Once calibrated, unit will monitor usage. Should frequency or voltage of measured signal change by more than 12.5%, unit will automatically recalibrate the channel in use. Calibration takes about 2 seconds.One optional Reference supplyINTERFACESThe 8810A is available with several different interfaces for ATE applications. Interfaces include, Ethernet, USB, IEEE-488, and a legacy 50 pin connector for API parallel BCD outputs. The legacy 50 pin connector and the IEEE-488 are both 100% backwards compatible with the model 8810. Below is information, for each interface. Detail programming commands / information are included in “8810A Programmer’s Reference Guide.” The Ethernet connector and the USB connector J3, are industry standard connections.(Table 4) J1 CONNECTOR, API PARALLEL PIN DESIGNATIONSDD50P, Mate DD50S or equivalentPin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation Pin Designation1 *Do Not Use 11 Converter busy 21 S1 Ch.2 310.4º 41 DC out Ch.12 *Do Not Use 12 0.04º 22 S2 Ch. 2 32 2 deg. (BCD) 42 Data Freeze3 Chassis ground 13 0.01º 23 S3 Ch. 2 338 deg. (BCD) 43 Remote Ch. select4 Digital ground 14 0.8º 24 S4 Ch. 2 34Do Not Use 44 0.004º or 0.005º for5 S1 Ch. 1 15 0.2º 25 R1 Ch.2 Ref Hi 35Do Not Use 45 20 deg. (BCD)6 S2 Ch. 1 16 4º 26 R2 Ch. 2 Ref LO 36Reference Out Hi 46 40 deg. (BCD)7 S3 Ch. 1 17 1º 27 Not Data Freeze 37Reference Out Lo 47 80 deg. (BCD)8 S4 Ch. 1 18 Do Not Use 28 0.02º 380.008º 48 10 deg. (BCD)9 R1 Ch. 1 Ref HI 19 DC out Ch.2 29 0.08º 390.002 º 49 100 deg. (BCD)10R2 Ch. 1 Ref LO 20Local/Rem select300.1º400.001º or 0.005º for179.9950200º or + bit for 179.9º* Previous models allowed power input at pins 1 & 2. To meet new safety requirements, power input is ONLY via the Power Entry module.(Table 5) J2 CONNECTOR, IEEE - 488 PIN DESIGNATIONSStandard IEEE Interface ConnectorPin Designation Pin Designation1 DIO1 13 DIO52 DIO214 DIO63 DIO315 DIO74 DIO416 DIO85 EOI 17 REN6 DAV 18 Gnd., DAV7 NRFD 19 Gnd.,NRFD8 NDAC 20 Gnd.,NDAC9 IFC 21 Gnd., IFC10 SRQ 22 Gnd., SRQ11 ATN 23 Gnd., ATN12 Shield 24 Gnd., LogicOne optional Reference supplyORDERING INFORMATIONPart numbers:8810A- *Standard accuracy ±0.004° (See Detail Accuracy Specifications)Add “R” for an internal programmable 2.2 VA Reference Generator8810AH- *Optional high accuracy unit±0.0015° (See Detail Accuracy Specifications) Add “R” for an internal programmable 2.2 VA Reference GeneratorNOTE: The 8810A (all models) are | compliantACCESSORIESIncluded with the 8810A is an accessory kit NAI part number 8810A-ACCESSORY-KIT.Kit includes the following items:Description NAI P/N50 Pin Mating connector for J1 05-0053Fuse, 5 x 20mm, 2A, slo-blo 99-0146Line Cord 202-0002Optional Mounting AccessoriesThe 8810A can be ordered with mounting adapters for mounting either one or two units in a standard 19-inch equipment rack. The table below describes full rack and tandem full rack mounting accessories.Type of Mount Description NAI P/NFull Rack Mounting Mounts one unit in 19-inch rack 783893Tandem Full Rack Mounting ½ height Mounts two units side by side in 19-inch rack548557(3-1/2" rack height)One optional Reference supply MECHANICAL OUTLINE, Model 8810AOne optional Reference supplyRevision HistoryRevision DescriptionofChange EngineerDateA PreliminaryRelease FH / as 05 DEC 05 A1 PreliminaryRe-release FH / as 06 JAN 06B InitialRelease AS 10 FEB 06C Corrected discrepancies (Resolution / accuracy) with operations manual FR 30 JUN 06D Restated accuracy specifications pg 1 & pg 3, changed operating temp. to 50 deg C max.added high accuracy P/N 8810AHFR 18 JUL 06E Updated all screen shots to latest actual units, added additional connector interfaceinformation, added Mechanical outline drawing, modified Title of document, changed filename from “8810A-B001 revX” to from “8810A-A001 revX” for consistency.FR 07 AUG 06F Corrected Tilt stand information (standard, not optional) FR 08/11/06F1 Deleted mouse as a purchase option, changed Ref. Generator output to 1.2VA FR 08/22/06F2 NewAddress KL 04/25/07F3 Edited accuracy specifications pg 1& 3, changed Band Width statement pg.3, added pageafter “SPECIFICATIONS” with Accuracy Tables for “A” & “AH” models & addedCALIBRATION statement. Edited Part numbers re: accuracy. Changed power output ratingfor Optional reference from 1.2 VA to 2.2 VA on pgs 1, 3 & 6.FR 09/27/07F4 Added|compliant statement to page 1 & 6. FR10/09/07 F5 Corrected minor typo. errors pages 1,3 & 4, added note re: Reference Output Drive details. FR 10/11/07G Added REF frequency characterization for voltage output, changed max REF harmoniccontent from 1% to 2% (Reference Generator Specifications pg.3).AS 11/07/07H Updated 3 screen shots on page 2 (Dual Ch., Int. Ref. & Loc./Remote). Updated “MechanicalOutline” drawing on pg. 7.FR 1/02/08。



LTE预编码技术目录1 引言 (5)1.1 编写目的.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 预期读者和阅读建议...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3 文档约定 (5)1.4 参考资料 (5)1.5 缩写术语 (8)2 技术特征 (9)2.1 预编码技术概述 (9)2.2预编码基本原理 (9)3 基于码本的预先编码方案 (13)3.1 码本设计应该考虑的因素 (13)3.2 码本设计算法 (14)3.2.1 基于天线选择的码本算法 (15) 2Tx (15) 4Tx (15)3.2.2 基于TxAA的码本算法 (16) 2Tx (16) 4Tx (17)3.2.3 基于DFT的码本算法 (18)3.2.4 Householder码本算法 (19)3.2.5 算法的性能分析 (21)3.3 LTE预编码码本设计 (22)3.3.1 2Tx 码本 (22) 2Tx码书的设计 (22) 2Tx码书的修正 (24)3.3.2 4Tx码本 (26) 4Tx码书的设计方法 (26) 4Tx码书的特性分析 (29) 4Tx码书最终定稿 (40)3.4 Codebook and Rank subset restriction (42)3.4.1 为什么支持“码书和秩子集限制” (42)3.4.2 码书和秩的子集限制算法 (43)4 基于CDD的预编码 (45)4.1 CDD的预编码原理 (45)4.2基于小(零)时延CDD的预编码 (46)4.2.1 小(零)时延CDD预编码的结构 (46)4.2.2 小(零)时延CDD预编码的性能增益 (47)4.2.3 时延参数设计 (49) 2Tx (49) 4Tx (51)4.2.4 小(零)时延预编码总结 (53)4.2.5小(零)时延预编码的修正 (54)4.3 基于大时延CDD的预编码 (56)4.3.1 基于大时延CDD的预编码结构 (56) Y=DUX (56) Y=WDUX (57)4.3.2参数设计 (63) U R⨯R和时延值δ的设计 (63) U R⨯R的设计 (64) 时延值δ的详细设计 (64)4.3.3 基于大时延CDD预编码总结 (69)4.3.4 基于大时延CDD预编码的扩充 (69)5 非码本的预先编码方案 (73)5.1 非码本预先编码专用参考信号 (73)5.1.1与非码本预先编码有关的信道 (73) Uplink Channels (73) Downlink Channels (73)5.1.2 专用参考信号设计 (74)5.2 预编码权值设计算法 (77)5.2.1 SVD分解方法 (77)5.2.2 UCD (78)5.3 非码本的预先编码总结 (80)6 反馈 (82)6.1 CQI (82)6.1.1 CQI的定义 (83)6.1.2 CQI测量与上报 (87) Aperiodic CQI Reporting (87) Periodic CQI Reporting (89)6.2 PMI (90)7 LTE中多天线技术的解读 (93)7.1 单天线传输 (94)7.2 空间复用 (94)7.3 传输分集 (98)7.4 波束赋形 (100)附录 (102)附录1 Householder 矩阵及其特性 (102)附录2 4Tx有争议的码书 (102)Codebooks of Alcatel-Lucent (102)Codebooks of Samsung[R1-073181、R1-072235] (104)Codebook 1: DFT+HH codebook with 8PSK alphabet (104)Codebook 2: DFT codebook with QPSK Alphabet & block diagonal structure (105)Codebooks of Ericsson[R1-073045、R1-072462] (108)Codebook for Two Pairs of Cross Polarized Antennas (small pair-separation) (108)Codebook for Two Pairs of Cross Polarized Antennas (large pair-separation) (109)Codebooks of ZTE[R1-072913] (110)附录3 Chordal Distance (112)附录4 专用参考信号结构 (113)Motorola 公司关于DRS 的符号结构 (113)CATT公司关于DRS 的符号结构 (116)附录5 矩阵的奇异值分解特性 (117)1 引言1.1文档约定H 信道系数矩阵C 系统容量P 功率)(∙Tr 矩阵的迹运算)(∙E 数学期望H )(∙ 向量共轭转置,矩阵共轭转置n I n n ⨯维单位矩阵xy R x 和y 的协方差||∙ 行列式值∙ 向量内积*)(∙ 复数共轭1.2 参考资料[2] 沈嘉,索士强,全海洋,赵训威,胡海静,姜怡华等.3GPP 长期演进技术原理与系统设计.北京:人民邮电出版社,2008年11月.[3] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #48, R1-070944.Samsung. “MIMO Precoding for E -UTRA Downlink”. St Louis, Missouri, USA, 12-16 February, 2007[4] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #48bis, R1-071749.CATT, ZTE . “Pre-coding for EUTRA TDD ”. St. Julians, Malta, March 26 – 30, 2007[5] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #48, R1-070838.CA TT, Simulation results for pre-coding (codebook vs. non-codebook), St. Louis, USA, February 12 – 16, 2007[6] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #47bis, R1-070295.CA TT, Link level simulation results for non-codebook based pre-coding in EUTRA TDD (SVD).Sorrento, Italy, January 15-19, 2007.[7]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #47bis, R1-070293.CATT.Single user throughput simulation results for non-codebook based pre-coding in EUTRA TDD. Sorrento, Italy, January 15 -19, 2007.[8] Jiang Y, Li J, Hager W. “Joint transceiver design for MIMO communications using geometric mean decomposition [J ]” .IEEE Trans. Signal Process ,2005 ,53(10) :3791 - 3803.[9]Yi Jiang, Jian Li, William W. Hagerz, “Uniform Channel Decomposition for MIMO Commu nications[J ]”.IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, No. 11, Nov. 2005, pp. 4283-4294.[10]Jiang Y, Hager W, Li J. The geometric mean decomposition [J]. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2005, 396:373-384.[11]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #46bis, R1-062493. Intel Corporation. Performance Benchmark for a New Unitary Precoding Scheme with Uniform MCS Allocation. October 9-October 13, 2006. [12]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting#46, R1-062291.CATT.Non-codebook based pre-coding for E-UTRA TDD Downlink. Tallinn, Estonia, August 28 – September 1, 2006[13]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 LTE Ad Hoc, R1-061836, CATT. Further clarifications of the uplink reference signal requirement for downlink pre-coding in TDD mode. Cannes, France, 27 – 30 June, 2006[14]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting#42, R1-051238.Motorola.Summary of MIMO schemes for E-UTRA. San Diego, USA, Oct 10~Oct 14, 2005.[15]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 LTE Ad Hoc,R1-061833.CATT.Further consideration on the downlink reference symbols of beam-forming for EUTRA TDD. Cannes, France, 27 – 30 June, 2006 [16]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #46, R1-062292. CATT. Downlink reference signal aspects for non-codebook based pre-coding in TDD mode.Tallinn, Estonia, August 28 –September 1, 2006[17]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #45, R1-061274.CATT, RITT. Clarifications of the dynamic beam-forming/pre-coding method in TDD mode and text proposal. Shanghai, China, 8-12 May, 2006[18]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 meeting #51bis, R1-080168.CATT.UE specific reference signals design. Seville, Spain, January 14 – 18, 2008.[19]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 meeting #51bis, R1-080064.Motorola. Dedicated Reference Symbol Patterns. Seville, Spain, January 14 – 18, 2008.[20] 3GPP TSG-RAN 1 Meeting #52, R1-081108.Motorola, CATT, Huawei, ZTE and so on. Way Forward on Dedicated Reference Signal Design for LTE downlink with Normal CP. Shenzhen,China, 31 March – 4 April, 2008[21] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 meeting #52 bis, R1-081641.Nortel, ZTE, CA TT, Ericsson, Nokia, Nokia and Siemens Networks, RITT.Way Forward on Dedicated RS Design for Extended CP.Shenzhen, China, 31 March – 4 April, 2008[22] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #48bis, R1-071746. CATT, CMCC, RITT, Huawei, ZTE. “Downlink reference signal aspects for non-codebook based pre-coding in TDD mode”. St Julians, Malta, 26 - 30, Mar, 2007[23] 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 #47bis, R1-070201.ZTE, CATT.Non-codebook based Precoding in E-UTRA TDD.Sorrento, Italy, January 15th-19th, 2007[24] 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #46, R1-061819.Huawei. “Overhead reduction of UL CQI signalling for E-UTRA DL”.[25]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #47, R1-063372.Nokia. Linear Precoding for 2TX antennas.Riga, Latvia, 6 -10 Nov, 2006[26] R1-060912.Samsung. “PU2RC Performance Evaluation”,[27] R1-060891.Texas Instruments. “Evaluation of downlink MIMO pre-coding for E-UTRA with 2-antenna N odeB”.[28]R1-061441.Texas In struments. “Feedback reduction for rank-1 pre-coding for E-UTRA downlink”.[29] R1-060495.Huawei. “Precoded MIMO concept with system simulation results in macro cells”.[30]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #45, R1-061439.Texas Instruments. Evaluation of Codebook-based Precoding for LTE MIMO Systems. Shanghai, China, 8 – 12 May, 2006[31]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #47, R1-063373.Nokia. Linear Precoding for 4TX antennas. Riga, Latvia, 6 -10 Nov, 2006[32]3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 #48, R1-070654.QUALCOMM Europe. Choice of Precoding Matrices for DL SU-MIMO – Link Analysis. February 12th-16th, 2007[33]3GPP TSG RAN WG1#42, R1-060672.Intel Corporation. Codebook Design for Precoded MIMO.Feb 13 – Feb 17, 2006.[34]3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 #49bis, R1-072913.ZTE.4Tx Antenna Codebook for SU-MIMO. Orlando, USA, June 25th-29th, 2007[35] 3GPP, R1-070466, Ericsson, “Precoding Considerations in LTE MIMO Downlink”[36]3GPP TSG RAN WG1 48,R1-070728.Texas Instruments .Proposed Way Forward on Codebook Design for E-UTRA.St. Louis, USA, 12 – 16 February, 20071.3 缩写术语MIMO Multiple Input Multiple OutputV A Virtual AntennaCSI Channel State InformationSVD Singular Value DecompositionGMD Geometric Mean DecompositionUCD Uniform Channel DecompositionDRS Dedicated Reference SignalCRS Common Reference SignalTxAA Transmit Adaptive ArrayDFT Discrete Fourier Transform2 技术特征2.1 预编码技术概述为了满足LTE 通信系统高数据速率和高系统容量方面的需求,LTE 系统支持多天线MIMO 技术,包括传输分集、空间复用、波束赋形。



英语作文-集成电路设计行业中的数字设计与逻辑综合技术应用In the realm of integrated circuit (IC) design, digital design and logic synthesis play pivotal roles, driving innovation and shaping the landscape of modern electronics. Digital design encompasses the creation of digital circuits, where signals are represented by discrete, quantifiable values. On the other hand, logic synthesis involves the process of converting high-level descriptions of desired functionality into a specific implementation in terms of logic gates. Together, these two technologies form the backbone of IC design, enabling the development of complex systems-on-chip (SoCs) and advanced microprocessors.Digital design begins with the specification of desired functionality, typically in the form of a hardware description language (HDL) such as Verilog or VHDL. Designers use these languages to describe the behavior of the digital system, including its inputs, outputs, and internal logic. This high-level description serves as the blueprint for the subsequent stages of design and implementation.One of the key challenges in digital design is achieving the desired functionality while meeting constraints such as area, power, and timing. Designers employ a variety of techniques to optimize their designs, including pipelining, parallelism, and resource sharing. Additionally, advanced synthesis tools utilize algorithms and heuristics to automatically generate optimized logic implementations from high-level descriptions, helping to streamline the design process and improve efficiency.Logic synthesis plays a crucial role in translating high-level descriptions of digital circuits into a concrete implementation in terms of logic gates. During synthesis, the design is analyzed and transformed into a network of interconnected gates that realizes the desired functionality. This process involves several steps, including technology mapping, optimization, and technology mapping. Through these steps, synthesis toolsaim to minimize the area, power, and delay of the resulting logic circuit while preserving its functionality.One of the key advantages of logic synthesis is its ability to automate and optimize the design process, allowing designers to focus on higher-level aspects of the design while offloading the tedious task of gate-level implementation to synthesis tools. This enables rapid exploration of design alternatives and facilitates iterative refinement of the design.In addition to traditional logic synthesis techniques, recent advancements in the field have led to the emergence of high-level synthesis (HLS) tools, which allow designers to specify digital designs at a higher level of abstraction, typically using C/C++ or SystemC. HLS tools automatically generate RTL (Register Transfer Level) descriptions from high-level specifications, offering productivity gains and enabling design exploration at a higher level of abstraction.Furthermore, the integration of digital design and logic synthesis techniques has enabled the development of complex, highly integrated SoCs that incorporate diverse functionality on a single chip. These SoCs power a wide range of applications, from mobile devices and consumer electronics to automotive systems and data centers.In conclusion, digital design and logic synthesis are foundational technologies in the field of IC design, enabling the creation of complex, highly optimized digital systems. By combining high-level descriptions with automated synthesis techniques, designers can efficiently explore design alternatives and achieve the desired balance of performance, power, and area in their designs. As the demand for increasingly complex and energy-efficient digital systems continues to grow, digital design and logic synthesis will remain critical enablers of innovation in the semiconductor industry.。



英语作文-集成电路设计行业的智能芯片与系统解决方案The semiconductor industry, particularly in the realm of integrated circuit (IC) design, has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years. Among the forefront advancements lies the domain of smart chips and system solutions. In this article, we delve into the intricacies and innovations within the domain of intelligent chip design and its broader implications for the industry.Intelligent chips, often referred to as system-on-chips (SoCs), represent a fusion of hardware and software expertise aimed at delivering enhanced functionalities and performance. These chips integrate various components, including processors, memory, sensors, and interfaces, onto a single substrate, thus offering compactness and efficiency.One of the defining features of intelligent chips is their adaptability and programmability. Through sophisticated algorithms and firmware, these chips can dynamically adjust their behavior based on environmental conditions, user inputs, and other stimuli. This adaptability is particularly crucial in applications such as IoT devices, automotive electronics, and consumer electronics, where flexibility and responsiveness are paramount.Moreover, intelligent chips boast advanced security features to safeguard sensitive data and thwart malicious attacks. Encryption, authentication mechanisms, and secure boot protocols are integrated into the chip architecture to provide robust protection against cybersecurity threats. As data privacy concerns continue to escalate, the incorporation of stringent security measures has become indispensable across various industry sectors.Furthermore, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has propelled the capabilities of intelligent chips to unprecedented heights. By embedding neural network accelerators and dedicated hardware for AI inference tasks, these chips can perform complex computations with unparalleled speed and efficiency. This pavesthe way for innovative applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous decision-making.In addition to standalone intelligent chips, there is a growing trend towards system-level integration and co-design. This entails the seamless integration of multiple chips and subsystems to form cohesive, synergistic systems. By optimizing the interaction between different components, designers can achieve higher performance, lower power consumption, and reduced latency, thereby unlocking new possibilities in terms of functionality and user experience.The design process for intelligent chips involves a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing aspects of electrical engineering, computer science, and materials science. Designers leverage advanced tools and methodologies, including electronic design automation (EDA) software, hardware description languages (HDLs), and simulation techniques, to model, simulate, and verify the chip's functionality prior to fabrication.Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of miniaturization and energy efficiency has led to innovations in semiconductor manufacturing technologies. From FinFET transistors to advanced packaging techniques such as 3D integration and wafer-level packaging, manufacturers are continually pushing the boundaries of what is technologically feasible. These advancements not only enable higher transistor densities and faster switching speeds but also contribute to reducing the overall cost per function, thus driving widespread adoption of intelligent chips across diverse market segments.Looking ahead, the trajectory of intelligent chip design is poised to intersect with other transformative technologies such as quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, and edge computing. As the demand for compute-intensive applications continues to escalate, the role of intelligent chips as the cornerstone of next-generation electronics becomes increasingly pronounced.In conclusion, the field of intelligent chip design represents a convergence of innovation, ingenuity, and interdisciplinary collaboration. From powering the devices we use daily to driving the next wave of technological breakthroughs, these chips serve as the bedrock upon which the digital future is built. As we navigate the complexities of aninterconnected world, the quest for ever-smarter, more efficient chips will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of technological progress.。

电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库

电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库

《电子信息工程专业英语教程(第5版)》题库Section A 术语互译 (1)Section B 段落翻译 (5)Section C阅读理解素材 (12)C.1 History of Tablets (12)C.2 A Brief History of satellite communication (13)C.3 Smartphones (14)C.4 Analog, Digital and HDTV (14)C.5 SoC (15)Section A 术语互译Section B 段落翻译Section C阅读理解素材C.1 History of TabletsThe idea of the tablet computer isn't new. Back in 1968, a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He developed the idea further, suggesting that such a device would be perfect as an educational tool for schoolchildren. In 1972, he published a paper about the device and called it the Dynabook.The sketches of the Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computers we have today, with a couple of exceptions. The Dynabook had both a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. But Key's vision went even further. He predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, you could do away with the physical keyboard and display a virtual keyboard in any configuration on the screen itself.Key was ahead of his time. It would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the public by storm. But that doesn't mean there were no tablet computers on the market between the Dynabook concept and Apple's famed iPad.One early tablet was the GRiDPad. First produced in 1989, the GRiDPad included a monochromatic capacitance touch screen and a wired stylus. It weighed just under 5 pounds (2.26 kilograms). Compared to today's tablets, the GRiDPad was bulky and heavy, with a short battery life of only three hours. The man behind the GRiDPad was Jeff Hawkins, who later founded Palm.Other pen-based tablet computers followed but none received much support from the public. Apple first entered the tablet battlefield with the Newton, a device that's received equal amounts of love and ridicule over the years. Much of the criticism for the Newton focuses on its handwriting-recognition software.It really wasn't until Steve Jobs revealed the first iPad to an eager crowd that tablet computers became a viable consumer product. Today, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP are trying to predict consumer needs while designing the next generation of tablet devices.C.2 A Brief History of satellite communicationIn an article in Wireless World in 1945, Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of placing satellites in geostationary orbit around Earth such that three equally spaced satellites could provide worldwide coverage. However, it was not until 1957 that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1, which was followed in early 1958 by the U.S. Army’s Explorer 1. Both Sputnik and Explorer transmitted telemetry information.The first communications satellite, the Signal Communicating Orbit Repeater Experiment (SCORE), was launched in 1958 by the U.S. Air Force. SCORE was a delayed-repeater satellite, which received signals from Earth at 150 MHz and stored them on tape for later retransmission. A further experimental communication satellite, Echo 1, was launched on August 12, 1960 and placed into inclined orbit at about 1500 km above Earth. Echo 1 was an aluminized plastic balloon with a diameter of 30 m and a weight of 75.3 kg. Echo 1 successfully demonstrated the first two-way voice communications by satellite.On October 4, 1960, the U.S. Department of Defense launched Courier into an elliptical orbit between 956 and 1240 km, with a period of 107 min. Although Courier lasted only 17 days, it was used for real-time voice, data, and facsimile transmission. The satellite also had five tape recorders onboard; four were used for delayed repetition of digital information, and the other for delayed repetition of analog messages.Direct-repeated satellite transmission began with the launch of Telstar I on July 10, 1962. Telstar I was an 87-cm, 80-kg sphere placed in low-Earth orbit between 960 and 6140 km, with an orbital period of 158 min. Telstar I was the first satellite to be able to transmit and receive simultaneously and was used for experimental telephone, image, and television transmission. However, on February 21, 1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.Telstar II was made more radiation resistant and was launched on May 7, 1963. Telstar II was a straight repeater with a 6.5-GHz uplink and a 4.1-GHz downlink. The satellite power amplifier used a specially developed 2-W traveling wave tube. Along with its other capabilities, the broadband amplifier was able to relay color TV transmissions. The first successful trans-Atlantic transmission of video was accomplished with Telstar II , which also incorporated radiation measurements and experiments that exposed semiconductor components to space radiation.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication (SYNCOM ) satellites launched by NASA in 1963. SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. However, SYNCOM II was successfully launched on July 26, 1964 and provided telephone, teletype, and facsimile transmission. SYNCOM III was launched on August 19, 1964 and transmitted TV pictures from the Tokyo Olympics. The International Telecommunications by Satellite (INTELSAT) consortium was founded in July 1964 with the charter to design, construct, establish, and maintain the operation of a global commercial communications system on a nondiscriminatory basis. The INTELSAT network started with the launch on April 6, 1965, of INTELSAT I, also called Early Bird. On June 28, 1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.In 1979, INMARSAT established a third global system. In 1995, the INMARSAT name was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect the fact that the organization had evolved to become the only provider of global mobile satellite communications at sea, in the air, and on the land.Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband, narrowband, and TV transmission. With the advent of broadband optical fiber transmission, satellite services shifted focus to TV distribution, and to point-to-multipoint and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. Satellite transmission is currently undergoing further significant growth with the introduction of mobile satellite systems for personal communications and fixed satellite systems for broadband data transmission.C.3 SmartphonesThink of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. You can get a separate, tiny and powerful machine to make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. But how many pockets do you have? Handheld devices become as clunky as a room-sized supercomputer when you have to carry four of them around with you every day.A smartphone is one device that can take care of all of your handheld computing and communication needs in a single, small package. It's not so much a distinct class of products as it is a different set of standards for cell phones to live up to.Unlike many traditional cell phones, smartphones allow individual users to install, configure and run applications of their choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it's set up. On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application, you are stuck with it except for a few minor tweaks. If that phone were a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.Here's a list of some of the things smartphones can do:•Send and receive mobile phone calls•Personal Information Management (PIM) including notes, calendar and to-do list•Communication with laptop or desktop computers•Data synchronization with applications like Microsoft Outlook•E-mail•Instant messaging•Applications such as word processing programs or video games•Play audio and video files in some standard formatsC.4 Analog, Digital and HDTVFor years, watching TV has involved analog signals and cathode ray tube (CRT) sets. The signal is made of continually varying radio waves that the TV translates into a picture and sound. An analog signal can reach a person's TV over the air, through a cable or via satellite. Digital signals, like the ones from DVD players, are converted to analog when played on traditional TVs.This system has worked pretty well for a long time, but it has some limitations:•Conventional CRT sets display around 480 visible lines of pixels. Broadcasters have been sending signals that work well with this resolution for years, and they can't fit enough resolution to fill a huge television into the analog signal.•Analog pictures are interlaced - a CRT's electron gun paints only half the lines for each pass down the screen. On some TVs, interlacing makes the picture flicker.•Converting video to analog format lowers its quality.United States broadcasting is currently changing to digital television (DTV). A digital signal transmits the information for video and sound as ones and zeros instead of as a wave. For over-the-air broadcasting, DTV will generally use the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, just like analog TV signals do.DTV has several advantages:•The picture, even when displayed on a small TV, is better quality.• A digital signal can support a higher resolution, so the picture will still look good when shown on a larger TV screen.•The video can be progressive rather than interlaced - the screen shows the entire picture for every frame instead of every other line of pixels.•TV stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth. This is called multicasting.•If broadcasters choose to, they can include interactive content or additional information with the DTV signal.•It can support high-definition (HDTV) broadcasts.DTV also has one really big disadvantage: Analog TVs can't decode and display digital signals. When analog broadcasting ends, you'll only be able to watch TV on your trusty old set if you have cable or satellite service transmitting analog signals or if you have a set-top digital converter.C.5 SoCThe semiconductor industry has continued to make impressive improvements in the achievable density of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. In order to keep pace with the levels of integration available, design engineers have developed new methodologies and techniques to manage the increased complexity inherent in these large chips. One such emerging methodology is system-on-chip (SoC) design, wherein predesigned and pre-verified blocks often called intellectual property (IP) blocks, IP cores, or virtual components are obtained from internal sources, or third parties, and combined on a single chip.These reusable IP cores may include embedded processors, memory blocks, interface blocks, analog blocks, and components that handle application specific processing functions. Corresponding software components are also provided in a reusable form and may include real-time operating systems and kernels, library functions, and device drivers.Large productivity gains can be achieved using this SoC/IP approach. In fact, rather than implementing each of these components separately, the role of the SoC designer is to integrate them onto a chip to implement complex functions in a relatively short amount of time.The integration process involves connecting the IP blocks to the communication network, implementing design-for-test (DFT) techniques and using methodologies to verify and validate the overall system-level design. Even larger productivity gains are possible if the system is architected as a platform in such as way that derivative designs can be generated quickly.In the past, the concept of SoC simply implied higher and higher levels of integration. That is, it was viewed as migrating a multichip system-on-board (SoB) to a single chip containing digital logic, memory, analog/mixed signal, and RF blocks. The primary drivers for this direction were the reduction of power, smaller form factor, and lower overall cost. It is important to recognize that integrating more and more functionality on a chip has always existed as a trend by virtue of Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18-24 months. The challenge is to increase designer productivity to keep pace with Moore’s Law. Therefore, today’s notion of SoC is defined in terms of overall productivity gains through reusable design and integration of components.。



书籍设计英语单词Book Design: English Words。

Introduction:In the world of publishing, book design plays a crucial role in attracting readers and enhancing the overall reading experience. One aspect of book design that holds significant importance is the layout and presentation of English words. This article will delve into the various elements involved in designing English words for books, focusing on typography, font selection, spacing, and alignment.Typography:Typography refers to the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and visually appealing. When it comes to designing English words, choosing the right typography is essential. The font style should be carefully selected to match the tone and genre of the book. For example, a formal or academic book may benefit from a serif font, while a contemporary novel might be better suited to a sans-serif font.Font Selection:Selecting the appropriate font is crucial in conveying the intended message and aesthetic of the book. Different fonts evoke different emotions and can greatly impact the reader's perception of the content. It is important to consider factors such as readability, legibility, and overall visual appeal. Fonts with clear letterforms and ample spacing between characters are generally preferred for books to ensure ease of reading.Spacing:Proper spacing between words and lines is vital for readability. Insufficient spacing can make the text appear cluttered and difficult to read, while excessive spacing can disrupt the flow and coherence of the content. Designers must strike a balance between the two, ensuring that the spacing is consistent throughout the book. Adequate linespacing, also known as leading, should be considered to prevent the text from appearing cramped.Alignment:Alignment refers to the positioning of text within a layout. There are three main types of alignment: left-aligned, right-aligned, and centered. Left-aligned text is the most commonly used in books as it provides a clean and organized appearance. However, centered alignment can be used for titles, chapter headings, or specific design elements to create visual interest. Right-aligned text is less common but can be used creatively in certain contexts.Hierarchy:Creating a hierarchy within the text is crucial for guiding the reader's attention and emphasizing important information. The use of headings, subheadings, and different font sizes can help establish a clear hierarchy. Headings should be bold and prominent, while subheadings can be slightly smaller but still distinct. Consistency in font sizes and styles is essential to maintain a cohesive and visually pleasing design.Color:While the focus of this article is on the design of English words, it is worth mentioning the role of color in book design. Color can be used to highlight specific words or sections, evoke emotions, or create a visual theme throughout the book. However, it is important to use color sparingly and strategically to avoid overwhelming the reader or detracting from the content.Conclusion:Designing English words for books is a meticulous process that requires careful consideration of typography, font selection, spacing, alignment, hierarchy, and color. These elements work together to create a visually appealing and readable book. By paying attention to these aspects, book designers can enhance the overall reading experience and captivate readers with well-designed English words.。



Hotel Reservation System Based Local Area Networkat SamarindaHeny PratiwiTeknik Informatika, STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma, Samarinda, Indonesia*********************.idAbstract—The Hotel industry is one of the most vibrant businesses today, however, the current hotel reservation system is still largely unfamiliar with computerized processes. The process of logging in and outgoing guests still use simple office applications without formulas and without database-based. Any receipt of payment submitted to the guest also cannot be automatically printed from the office application. Every month an incoming and outgoing guest report will be made abased on notes from the hotel reservation. The hotel reservation system will be built using Visual Basic 6.0 and network-based programming languages. In this study, data collection techniques used are literature study and documentation, interviews, observation, data analysis, needs analysis, and technology analysis. Analysis methods and design system used in this research are Flow of Document (FOD) and Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Testing the system using black box testing method, by testing the program interface to analyze the input and do all the functional requirements of the program.Keywords—system; reservation; hotel; local area networkI.I NTRODUCTIONHotel reservation system based Local Area Network is a computerized system with handling hotel problems that exist in Samarinda. The hotel-based hotel reservation system includes data collection of incoming and outgoing guest activities. Now, the hotel's on-going reservation system, has not used a computerized process. The process that occurs is logging in and outgoing guests still use simple office applications without formulas and without database-based.Any bills of payment submitted to the guest also cannot be automatically printed from the office application. Every month an incoming guest report will be made from the hotel reservation process that has been done as well as reports on the activities of incoming guests and guests out at the hotel. Based on the current system, there are still problems such as the need for a long time in terms of the accumulated use of laundry services and restaurants used by guests. Because of that, it need help to solve the problems encountered, made a hotel-based reservation system network. With this system, we expected to handle the constraints faced in the hotel reservation system a, make it easier for the administration in guest data processing, transactions incoming and outgoing guests and printing reports required by the management.II.LITERATURE REVIEWA.Hotel ReservationA hotel reservation system, commonly known as a central reservation system (CRS) is a computerized system that stores and distributes information of a hotel, resort or other lodging facilities [1].B.Local Area NetworkLANs connect computers and peripheral devices in a limited physical area, such as a business, office, a limited physical area, such as a business, office, laboratory or college campus by means of permanent links (wires) that transmit data rapidly [2].A local area network (LAN) is a communication network that interconnects a variety of data communicating devices within a small geographic area and broadcasts data at high data transfer rates with very low error rates. Since the local area network first appeared in the 1970s, its use has become widespread in commercial and academic environments.A LAN is a high-speed data network that covers a relatively small geographic area. It typically connects workstations, personal computers, printers, servers, and other devices. LANs offer computer users many advantages, including shared access to devices and applications, file exchange between connected users, and communication between users via electronic mail and other applications [3].A LAN consists of two or more personal computer, printers and high capacity disk storage device called printers and high capacity disk storage device called file servers, which enable each computer on the file servers, which enable each computer on the network to access a common of files.LAN topologies define the manner in which network devices are organized. Four common LAN topologies exist: bus, ring, star, and tree. These topologies are logical architectures, but the actual devices need not be physically organized in these configurations. Logical bus and ring topologies, for example, are commonly organized physically as a star. A bus topology is a linear LAN architecture in which transmissions from network stations propagate the length of the medium and are received by all other stations. Of the three most widely used LAN implementations, Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks—including 100BaseT—implement a bus topology, which is illustrated in Figure 1.2017 International Conference on Education and Technology (2017 ICEduTech)Fig. 1.Some Networks Implement a Local Bus TopologyA ring topology is a LAN architecture that consists of a series of devices connected to one another by unidirectional transmission links to form a single closed loop. Both Token Ring/IEEE 802.5 and FDDI networks implement a ring topology. Figure 2 depicts a logical ring topology.Fig. 2.Some Networks Implement a Local Ring TopologyA star topology is a LAN architecture in which the endpoints on a network are connected to a common central hub, or switch, by dedicated links. Logical bus and ring topologies are often implemented physically in a star topology, which is illustrated in Figure 3.Fig. 3.Some Networks Implement a Local Star TopologyA tree topology is a LAN architecture that is identical to the bus topology, except that branches with multiple nodes are possible in this case. Figure 4 illustrates a logical tree topology.Fig. 4. A Logical Tree Topology Can Contain Multiple NodesC.Prototyping ModelPrototype Model places more effort in creating the actual software instead of concentrating on documentation. This way, the actual software could be released in advance. Prototyping requires more user involvement and allows them to see and interact with a prototype allowing them to provide better and more complete feedback and specifications. The presence of the prototype being examined by the user prevents many misunderstandings that occur when each side believe the other understands what they said. The final product is more likely to satisfy the user’s desire for look, feel and performance [4].A prototype is part of a product that express the logic and physical external interface to display. Potential consumers use prototypes and provide input to the development team before large scale development begins. Seeing and believing are the things that are expected to be achieved in the prototype. Using this approach, consumers and development teams can clarify their needs and interpretations. The stages in the prototype are as follows.1.Analysis / collection needsCustomers and developers together define the entire software format, identify all needs, and outline the system to be created.2.Building prototyping.Build prototyping by creating temporary designs that focus on serving to customers (e.g. by creating input and output formats).3.Evaluation of prototypingThis evaluation is done by the customer whether the prototyping that has been built is in accordance with the wishes of customers. If it is appropriate then step 4 will be taken. Otherwise prototyping is revised by repeating steps 1, 2, and 3.4.Encoding the systemIn this stage the agreed prototyping is translated into the appropriate programming language.5.Test the systemOnce the system has become a ready-made software, it should be tested before use. This test is done by White Box, Black Box, Path Base, or architecture testing and others.6.System EvaluationThe customer evaluates whether the ready-made system is as expected. If yes step 7 is done, otherwise repeat steps 4 and 5.7.Application of the systemThe software that the customer has tested and received is ready to use.D.Flow Of DiagramFlow of Document (FOD) is a tool that describes the flow of data through the system and its work or processes performed by the system [5].TABLE I. F LOW O F D OCUMENT S YMBOLSYMBOLE. DatabaseDatabase is any collection of related data. A database also a persistent, logically coherent collection of inherently meaningful data, relevant to some aspects of the real world. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a database [6].Database Management Systems provide several functions in addition to simple file management: ∙ allow concurrency∙ control security ∙ maintain data integrity ∙ provide for backup and recovery ∙ control redundancy ∙ allow data independence∙ provide non-procedural query language ∙ perform automatic query optimizationMany different individuals are involved with a database management system over its life: systems analysts, databasedesigners, database administrators, application developers, and users.III. D ESIGN AND D EVELOPMENT OF THE P ROPOSED S YSTEMA. The Existing SystemFig. 5. Existing system of hotel reservationB. The Proposed SystemTamuMulaiAdministratorFig. 6. Proposed hotel reservation systemC. Context DiagramFig. 7. Context Diagram of hotel reservation systemD. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0Fig. 8. DFD Level 0 of hotel reservation systemE. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1Fig. 9. DFD Level 1 of hotel reservation systemF. Hierarchy Plus Input-Process-Output (HIPO)Fig. 10. HIPO of hotel reservation systemG. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)Fig. 11. ERD of hotel reservation systemH. Prototyping of Network DesignFig. 12. Prototyping of network designPrototyping of Hotel Network Design consists offive; computers, namely server, receptionist computer, laundry staff computer, restaurant computer staff, and leader’s computer are placed in each room. All computers are connected each other in a network using a hub. Network topology to be used is star topology. I. Database StructureTABLE II.R OOM TABLETABLE III.G UEST _I N TABLETABLE IV.G UEST _O UT TABLETABLE V.U SER TABLEJ. System ApplicationThis hotel reservation system is a system that can be used by many people or many parts together so that the system is also a network-based system. This system will connect the server with users who act as a client. Both types of users will be interconnected in a single scope of the system. For hotel reservation system applied in the field used scheme Star network as follows.IP Address 13.Star Network of hotel reservation systemBecause the system used server-based network server then required a connection between computers. There are several things that must be considered in the connection settings between computers are as follows.∙All drivers of computer hardware must be properly installed such as network card, network cable andconnector.∙After all the drivers and installed, then next set the protocol TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol) each computer.The steps of setting the TCP / IP protocol are as follows.∙Open windows explorer program and enter into control panel menu and select network connection.∙Select TCP / IP in the netwok dialog box then click properties.∙Next input IP Addres and subnet mask.∙Once the IP Address is stored, continue by filling the IP Address on another computer with the same NET IDand different Host ID.∙After all IP Address is stored, then all the computers have been connected in one network system.IV.C ONCLUSIONSThis hotel reservation system is an application that can be used to facilitate the hotel room reservation including guest input data input, guest input data out, and payment transaction process, printing report of list room, and report guest list of stay. Due to this system has implemented a network-based system it will make it easier for each part in performing their tasks quickly and precisely.R EFERENCES[1]R. Bemile, "Online Hotel Reservation System," International Journal ofInnovative Science, Engineering & Technology, vol. 1 Issue 9, November 2014, 2014.[2]Hirschmann. (2001). Basics manual Local Area Network (LAN),Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co.[3]M. Ford. (1997). Internetworking Technologies Handbook.[4]R. G. Sabale and A. R. Dani, "Comparative Study of Prototype ModelFor Software Engineering With System Development Life Cycle," IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), vol. 2, Issue 7(July 2012), pp. 21-24, 2012.[5]J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, and K. C. Dittman. (2004). SystemsAnalysis and Design Methods.[6]R. J. Robbins. (1995). Database Fundamentals.。



Part 1
Part 2
1.give away 泄露(秘密);赠送;分发 2.carry out 开展;执行;实现;完成 dedicated to 致力于;献身于 4.make up for 弥补 advance 提前,预先 6.take over 接收,接管 7.due to 由于;因为
Part 1
Part 2
13.a graduate seminar 研究生研讨班 autonomous republic/state/province 自治共和国/州/省 15.apply for/obtain a patent on an invention 申请/获得发明专利权 16.age/racial/sex/sexual discrimination 年龄/种族/性别歧视 17.the removal of trade barriers 贸易壁垒的消除 18.primitive tribes/beliefs 原始部落/信仰
Unit 20 New Frontiers
Part 1
Part 2
Ⅰ.单词语境记忆 1.present a forceful speech 发表有力的演说 2.a rescue attempt/operation 一次营救尝试/行动 3.correspond with American friends 与美国朋友们通信 4.for the meanwhile 一会儿;暂时
Part 1
Part 2
5.聚焦后缀-ous形容词 ①glorious 光荣的 ②dangerous 危险的 ③mountainous 多山的 ④humorous 幽默的 ⑤continuous 连续的 ⑥poisonous 有毒的 ⑦courageous 勇敢的



A Platform Modelling with 3D-Digital Transmission LinesEngineering DesignGuanxing Zhang1,a, Rusong Wang2,b1Shanghai Electric Power Japan Co.,LTD, 32F Marunouchi Bldg, 2-4-1 Marunouchi, chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, Japan2Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute of China Power Engineering ConsultingGroup Corporation, Chinaa************************.jp,b*********************Keywords:Transmission Line; Digital Designing; GISAbstract:This paper introduces a system which is designed for the transmission design business which make it possible to achieve electrical design, structural design, technical and economic analysis, environmental design and resource sharing. This platform functions in various stages including the informatization of geographic information, path selection optimization, design results statistical query, economic indicators, and digital transfer, which greatly improves the level of consulting design services.1.IntroductionWith the development of science and technology, computer technology has become an indispensable tool for all works of life. In terms of design industry, the application of computer in engineering design and management has gradually become one of the symbols to measure the level of engineering design [1] .At present, two-dimensional computer aided design and auxiliary drawing technology has been enjoying a great popularity. As a new design means, 3D digital aided design is also in the stage of vigorous development in the field of power plant, substation and other design. Its abilities of intuitive, convenient and collaborative to work have given rise to more and more attention [2] .At this stage, some of the design companies have started trying to use three-dimensional digital design in different fields, including the transmission line tower design. However, this method has not yet been used in the true sense of the three-dimensional digital design both at home and abroad. Therefore, it is very necessary to to introduce digital three-dimensional design concept in the field of transmission line design and build a unified design platform for three-dimensional digital lines to make the design more intuitive, more convenient and improve the accuracy and efficiency. [3]- [5] The platform has established a system of integrated design and management, which achieves collaborative work and resource sharing in three-dimensional digital transmission design. The platform provides the life cycle planning, design, analysis statistics, program optimization and other related functions of a transmission line. Covering the project planning line selection, feasibility study, bidding, preliminary design, construction design and other stages, It can complete thefunction in various stages including the informatization of geographic information, path selectionoptimization, design results statistical query, economic indicators and digital transfer, which greatly improves the level of consulting design services.2.Function and Structure of 3D Digital Platform for Transmission Line2.1. Transmission line three-dimensional digital platform functionThe three-dimensional digital design platform of transmission line is based on large-scale database and data high-precision image, DEM and basic geography knowledge. Relied on the three-dimensional refinement model, using aerial survey technology, 3D visualization technology, virtual reality technology and information integration technology, it combines with geographic information and engineering information, integrated transmission line corridor terrain, geomorphological information and construction process data through the data-driven model: to service for the exploration and transmission design through the construction of a real three-dimensional field environment.The system provides complete functions of data management for the surveying business, including 4D data management, field data acquisition and mapping, data management and distribution of three-dimensional terrain, engineering parameter maintenance, survey data management and flat cross-section, house distribution map output and other functions. It can achieve the engineering data input, editing, update, delete, query, statistics, browsing and output functions by interfacing with other data management system, professional design and other software.The System is designed for the transmission design business. It realizes electrical design, structural design, technical and economic analysis, environmental design and other functions. It also provides various professional software interface to support the follow-up business module expansion.2.2. The hierarchical structure of three-dimensional digital transmission platformTransmission line digital design system uses three-tier C/S architecture. The bottom layer provides the data access and data services, the middle layer provides business and view operations and the top layer is a presentation layer for the user to provide application.2.3. Database and Data Flow of Three-dimensional Digital Platform for Transmission LinesData is the core of the system running. It runs through the whole process of digital systems. In the construction of the digital system, all data are collected to construct a unified transmission line database, which is consisted by engineering information base, basic geographical library, special information database, three-dimensional model library, business database, and document library respectively. Each sub-library has a clear border and clear division of labor, obeying the principles of software engineering, surveying and mapping industry and the relevant standards of power industry. The data set of the logical data model design meets the 3NF standard paradigm requirements, and is designed with CASE tools to achieve ER (physical relationship).Figure 1 Three-Tier C/S Architecture2.4. Platform Modelling of Three-dimensional Digital Transmission Lines2.4.1. Tower Model EstablishmentThe system establishes the tower model to meet the accuracy requirements of different design stages by importing the tower model in the existing database, parameterizing the tower model, importing the TTA or Daoheng data file and establishing the refinement model.2.4.2. Establishment of the Basic ModelThe basic model is established by using the three-dimensional small scene modelling tool provided by the system. It can describe the foundation of the large plate foundation, the ladder foundation, the bolt foundation, the excavation foundation, the inclined foundation, the rock foundation and the pile foundation quantitatively. Based on the content of the parametric description of the three-dimensional model and adjustment the model style and size of parameters of real-time, it can build a basic three-dimensional model which can quick response to the needs of users. In addition to the simulation and material statistics of three-dimensional, the model can also be used to check whether the base heightening is sufficient to meet the requirements or not.2.4.3. The Establishment of Three- Dimensional Fitting, Insulator Set ModelEmbedded in the major manufacturers of insulators and fitting model library, a real simulation of the shape and size of various types of insulators, and fitting,based on the fine parts of the insulator set assembly.3. The Innovation Application of Three - Dimensional Transmission Digital Line Platform 3.1. The Design of Three-Dimensional CollaborativeThe platform provides designers with a shared platform that allows all designers to operate on the same platform. It provides a real-time online convergence of different design professionals with various design results from each designers, so that different design professionals and can contact with each other and exchange ideas smoothly. Finally it will maintain the design work with the coherence ultimately to achieve a fine layout design, to avoid design errors and design omissions and other issues.3.2. Line Selection of Three-Dimensional IntegrationUsing the high definition satellite imagery with the digital terrain model, the digital corridor can be expressed and simulated digitally by 3D real-world simulation technology. It takes all professional divisions of the ice area, wind area, geological conditions, seismic intensity and other basic data into the professional collaborative work platform, to achieve the route path of the multi-program line selection and technical and economic comparison by combining with the corridor information database. Based on the line path optimization options, it can realize the two-dimensional and three-dimensional positioning linkage design. The three-dimensional digital terrain model can be used to determine the terrain and geomorphology of the tower, and provided a technical reference for the site location of the tower, in order to improve the design efficiency.3.3. Three-Dimensional Calibration of Electric ClearanceThe three-dimensional tower model and the three-dimensional digital terrain model are used for realizing the automatic check of the electric clearance in the static state and the wind swing state, which solves the verification problems of the clearances of wire jumper to tower structure, conductor sag to tower structure, wire to wind control point, crossing span and etc.Figure 2 Clearance Checking in TowerFigure 3 Clearance Checking in Span3.4. The Basic Configuration of Three- DimensionalAccording to the results of the electrical tower arrangement and the DEM, geology and hydrological data in the database, the basic configuration can be carried out in batches and quickly, according to the configuration result, the 3D simulation scene can be generated, so that the designers can view the configuration results intuitively.Figure 4 3D foundation configuration3.5. Assemble Design of Three-Dimensional InsulatorThrough the parameterized gold parts model, it is judged whether the connection point of the insulator string and the direction of the fittings is adjusted automatically, so as to avoid the connection error, guide the assemble process and improve the assemble efficiency.It can provide a full range of automatic detection including the fittings joint, size and load damage calculation and so on to ensure the validity of the connection of the insulator string assemble.After the completion of the design, the three-dimensional insulator string model can statistics the amount of material and complete the three-dimensional-based design work, and it can also be used to associate with the three-dimensional tower model to carry out the work of the tower clearance check.3.6. Virtual Reality and Digital SimulationThrough the virtual reality technology, with high-precision image and elevation data, a real three-dimensional topography of project corridor can be simulated in the digital earth. It can assistdesigners to manage the distribution of engineering terrain more directly and vividly. Through the construction of image pyramid, LOD layer can achieve large scene data volume data browsing so as to improve the efficiency of design work.Combined with data of three-dimensional topographic, it achieves three-dimensional mapping along the project and three-dimensional line selection to ensure that the pile is always located in the the best point. It can eliminate the problem brought by the large gap between the piles, and watch-out the path of the flat cross at any time in order to improve the accuracy of design.Combined with high-precision tower, insulator fitting and other three-dimensional model data, it can achieve three-dimensional tower arrangement. In the process of tower structure adjusting, in real time it can finish the check the distances of tower top to land, cross span, Kv value and tower load. It can achieve a real-time simulation of the tower, the wire sag situation in tower adjustment process, information of the distance of early warning wire to the land, in order to eliminate the problem of cross-collision and other issues of the design. Based on the design results of the alignment check, the three-dimensional arrangement of the tower, the anti-vibration hammer and the grounding device are carried out quickly. It can reflect the engineering design data and shorten the design cycle by the main design parameters, the design data and the automatic summary of the material data.4. Digital Handover and Life Cycle Management4.1. Digital Transmission of Transfer WorkTaking data flow and information flow as its main line to a unified standard and norms for the protection of digital way, through the entire life cycle of the grid project, the design phase of the digital results are applied to the various stages of construction for the grid construction. It provides a unique and authoritative data source in the whole process of management.The transfer of data is based on the choice of authorized designers, which contains the selection of the relevant content of the project from the database as a transfer of information, according to the owners of the unitary transfer format of the provisions of the unified management of the various types of data summary output. The integrity of the data is handed over to the owner of the digital handover platform precisely.4.2. Life Cycle Management of Digital Transmission LinesTransmission line digital design system support the extension, so that the project can be established through planning, feasibility study, design, procurement, processing, construction, operation and maintenance. Forward to the bidding, planning, feasibility study stage to provide support and for backward extension of the construction, completion, operation, maintenance support, and thus throughout the transmission line whole construction life cycle, and provide technical support and data support for the whole construction life cycle management of three-dimensional information.5. Engineering Application Example of 3D Digital Platform5.1. Practical Application of 3D Digital PlatformIn the process of designing Ximeng-Shandong 1000kV UHV transmission line project preliminary and construction design, it work with the use of digital design platform.In August 2014, preliminary design work started. Built a three-dimensional GIS model to realizethe local scenic area, silver poly metal detailed investigation area, a county-level nature reserve, a reservoir nature reserve, industrial park, molybdenum mine, a large enterprise iron ore survey area, as the entry of geographic information.In September 2014, the three-dimensional line platform selection work started. Considering the geographic information in the platform and combined with the factors such as topography, topography and altitude, the route path scheme is optimized, and the path length is reduced by about 2km.In October 2014, on-site positioning work started. Combined with three-dimensional topographic data, the three-dimensional mapping and three-dimensional line selection along the project was achieved. To ensure that the pile is always located in the the best point local topography, the removal the tower that can not be a large span of the situation rapidly: keeping an eye on the choice of path flat cross at any time to improve the accuracy and efficiency of design.In December 2014, on-site positioning work was completed.In January 2015 - July 2015 the electrical cross-section map, tower table, the basis of construction plans, spacing bar and anti-vibration hammer installation drawings, insulator construction drawings and other volumes were published.In July 2015 - March 2016, the digital platform was used to assist the construction unit for basic construction, tower assembly, insulator installation.In July 2016, the project completed and was put into operation.In September 2016, digital handover work started.5.2. Technical and Economic Indicators and Social Economic BenefitsIn the process of preliminary design of transmission project and construction, a three - dimensional GIS model was created and a three - dimensional digital design was made. The number of towers is reduced from 2.2/km to 1.98/km in the feasibility study stage: it had reduced the total cost of the project effectively and improved the efficiency and accuracy of the basic design which saved about 130m3/ km for the concrete indicators of the project while the amount of earth and stone was saved about 800m3/ km. Combined with other changes in the amount of engineering, the ontology investment reduced about 0.6 million CNY per km.In addition, due to the characteristics of quick and accurate of the three-dimensional digital line selection, it optimized the line corridor effectively, avoiding the housing intensive area, and the house demolition quantity had been reduced about 150m2/km. Compared with the situation that without the use of three Digital platform before, the miscellaneous expenses had been reduced about 0.3 million CNY per km. Based on the factors mentioned above, the static investment in the construction phase was 9.06 million CNY per km, which was about 0.9 million CNY per km less than the static investment 9.962 million CNY per km in the feasibility stage.6. Conclusion1). Achieve the professional co-operation on the platform, protect the design quality, and also shorten the design hours of investment. It is conducive to the optimization of the design process, authority of the design norms and improve the quality of finished products and the production efficiency.2). Achieve the design of three-dimensional digital. In the design phase of the line terrain, features, towers, wires and other line information for digital processing, the intuitive digital model is established to make establishment of digital handover and to facilitate the construction unit for the construction schedule management by using the digital handover. Easy for the constructors to manipulate the operation and maintenance, and finally achieve the project life cycle management.3). With the development of 3D digital design and handover, the concept of project life cycle construction management is extended to the whole project construction, which has produced good technical and economic indicators. It has positive benefits of social demonstration, and improves the consulting design service Level greatly.Reference[1] YUAN Zhao-xiang, HAN Wen-jun(State Power Economic Research Institute,Beijing 100052, China); Further Application of the Helava Technology in the Whole-Process of Power Grid Construction[J]; Energy Technology and Economics; 2010-12[2] MEI Nian, CHEN Dong, DU Xiaolei, YANG Yuan, WANG Zan, CHENG Wei (State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100052, China); Three-Dimensional Digitalization Transfer of Qinghai-Tibet ±400 kV DC Interconnection Project[J]; Electric Power Construction; 2012-05[3] Gao Yi1,Yuan Jing-zhong1,Wan Ming-zhong2,Jiang Rong-an2(1.North China Grid Company Limited,Beijing 100053,China;2.Beijing Northstar Digital Remote Sensing Technigue Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100011,China);Application of 3D Digital Simulative Technology Platform to Assisting Construction of Grid Project[J];North China Electric Power;2009-03[4] HUANG Ping(State Power Economic Research Institute,Beijing 100761,China);Prospects of Application of GIS in Power Grid Planning[J];Electric Power Technologic Economics;2009-04[5] DING Yongfu1,LIU Hao1,WAN Mingzhong2,XIAO Shaohui2(1.Construction Department of State Grid Corporation of China,Beijing 100031,China;2.Beijing North-Star Digital Remote Sensing Technology Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100120,China);Three-Dimensional Digitalization Transfer of Ningdong-Shandong ±660kV DC Power Transmission Pilot Project[J];Electric Power Construction;2011-02。

管理信息系统(英文版第7版)题库chapter extension 09

管理信息系统(英文版第7版)题库chapter extension 09

Experiencing MIS, 7e (Kroenke)Chapter Extension 9 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems1) ________ is a suite of applications, a database, and a set of inherent processes for consolidating business operations into a single, consistent computing platform.A) Enterprise resource planningB) Customer relationship managementC) Warehouse management systemD) Supply chain managementAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept2) The primary purpose of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is integration. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept3) What is the primary purpose of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?Answer: The primary purpose of an ERP system is integration. An ERP system allows the left hand of the organization to know what the right hand is doing. This integration allows real-time updates, globally, whenever and wherever a transaction takes place. Critical business decisions can then be made on a timely basis using the latest data.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept4) Who among the following is a part of a supply chain activity?A) Jonathan, who is in charge of capacity planningB) Zara, who is the head of marketingC) Michael, who handles inventory managementD) Monica, who oversees customer managementAnswer: CAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Application5) Which of the following is a manufacturing activity that must be included in a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product?A) supplier managementB) capacity planningC) sales prospectingD) procurementAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept6) Customer relationship management (CRM), as an application that must be included in a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product, includes ________.A) cash managementB) HR managementC) sales prospectingD) capacity planningAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept7) ________ activities include payroll, time and attendance, and benefits administration that must be integrated into applications in order to form a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product.A) ManufacturingB) Supply chainC) Human resourceD) AccountingAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept8) The process of maintaining a general ledger, which must be integrated into applications in order to form a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product, is a(n) ________ activity.A) supply chainB) accountingC) human resourcesD) manufacturingAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept9) In ________, many enterprise resource planning customers will be able to store most of their data on cloud servers managed by cloud vendors and store sensitive data on servers that they manage themselves.A) hybrid modelsB) selective modelsC) assorted modelsD) customized modelsAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept10) Which of the following statements is true of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) database?A) An ERP solution contains the company's operational data.B) A stored procedure is a computer program code stored within an ERP database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.C) An ERP solution includes initial configuration data.D) A trigger is a computer program code stored in an ERP database that is used to enforce business rules.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept11) Which of the following statements describes a trigger?A) It is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.B) It is a computer program stored in a database that is used to enforce business rules.C) It is a set of inherent procedures in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that implement standard business processes.D) It is a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept12) What is a stored procedure?A) It is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.B) It is an area of memory that is used for dynamic memory allocation.C) It is a computer program stored in a database that is used to enforce business rules.D) It is a software program that houses and serves business logic for use by multiple applications.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept13) As an element of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, supply chain includes scheduling, capacity planning, quality control, bill of materials, and related activities. Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept14) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors design application programs to be configurable so that development teams can alter them to meet customer requirements without changing program code.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept15) An enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution includes a database design, initial configuration data, and the company's operational data.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept16) A stored procedure is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept17) An example of a stored procedure would be never to sell certain items at a discount. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept18) Process blueprints are the inherent processes in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that implement standard business processes.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept19) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) training includes topics such as obtaining top-level management support.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept20) The enterprise resource planning (ERP) training sessions in which the implementing organization's employees teach the ERP trainers about the organization's processes are called train the trainer.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept21) Explain enterprise resource planning (ERP) application programs.Answer: ERP vendors design application programs to be configurable so that development teams can alter them to meet customer requirements without changing program code. Accordingly, during the ERP development process, the development team sets configuration parameters that specify how ERP application programs will operate.There are limits to how much configuration can be done. If a new ERP customer has requirements that cannot be met via program configuration, then it either needs to adapt its business to what the software can do or write, or pay another vendor to write, an application code to meet its requirement. Thus, choosing an ERP solution that has applications that function close to the organization's requirements is critically important to success.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept22) Which of the following tasks should be considered while implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) application?A) creating an as-is model that summarizes current business procedures and practicesB) plunging the organization into the new systemC) modeling all current practices "as-is" and implementing them on ERP applicationD) modifying every existing practice to match blueprint modelsAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept23) For implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, the first task is to create a model of current business procedures and practices, which is called the as-is model.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept24) The differences between as-is processes and the blueprint should be reconciled after the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been implemented.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept25) A new enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation process cannot be carried out if a business is running on an old system.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept26) An enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation depends primarily on the backing ofa departmental manager.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept27) Explain briefly the steps for implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Answer: The first task in implementing ERP systems is to create a model of current business procedures and practices, which is called the as-is model. Managers and analysts then compare those as-is processes to the ERP process blueprints and note differences. The company then must find ways to eliminate the differences, either by changing the existing business process to match the ERP process or by altering the ERP system.Once the differences between as-is processes and the blueprint have been reconciled, the next step is to implement the system. Before implementation starts, however, users must be trained on the new processes, procedures, and use of the ERP system's features and function. Additionally, the company needs to conduct a simulation test of the new system to identify problems. Then, the organization must convert its data, procedures, and personnel to the new ERP system. All of this happens while the business continues to run on the old system.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept28) Which of the following aspects that impact enterprise resource planning (ERP) differs among companies of different sizes?A) relevance of ERP systemsB) value chainsC) availability of skilled IT staffD) basic business processesAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept29) Which of the following statements is true of the impact of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on the IT staff of small organizations?A) IT specialists in small organizations are dedicated to managing only the ERP system.B) The IT staff in small organizations is isolated from senior management.C) The chief information officer obtains the backing of the entire executive group for ERP implementation.D) IT specialists in small organizations are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation.Answer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept30) Nolan works for a food processing company that has an annual sales of $200 million. He heads the IT department in his organization. Given that Nolan's organization is midsized, which of the following statements is most likely to be true of the effect of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on his department's staff?A) His staff is often isolated from senior management.B) ERP implementation in his organization will be part of a strategic process and, once begun, will have the full backing of the entire executive group.C) Specialists in his department are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation.D) His organization employs only one or two IT specialists.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Application31) Which of the following statements is true of the types of organizations that use enterprise resource planning (ERP)?A) ERP vendors started selling ERP solutions to distributors after their success with the manufacturing industry.B) Implementing ERP in organizations of different scales is difficult due to the differences in their basic business processes.C) ERP procedures are uniform in large organizations operating in multiple countries.D) Availability of IT personnel does not have an impact on ERP implementation.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept32) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) was initially adopted by government and public service agencies to handle complex administrative tasks.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept33) Small organizations tend to employ only one or two IT specialists who not only manage the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, but the entire IS department as well.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept34) In midsized organizations, the first step in moving toward enterprise resource planning (ERP) is to obtain deep senior-level management commitment to the project.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept35) Explain how organizations of different sizes use enterprise resource planning (ERP) differently.Answer: Companies of different sizes have one very important difference that has a major impact on ERP: the availability of skilled IT personnel. Small organizations employ only one or two IT specialists who not only manage the ERP system, but the entire IS department as well. They are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation. Smaller, simpler ERP solutions are common among these companies.Midsized organizations expand IT from one person to a small staff, but frequently this staff is isolated from senior management. Such isolation creates misunderstanding and distrust. Because of the expense, organizational disruption, and length of ERP projects, senior management must be committed to the ERP solution. When IT management is isolated, such commitment is difficult to obtain and may not be strong. This issue is so prevalent that many ERP consultants say the first step in moving toward ERP is to obtain deep senior-level management commitment to the project.Large organizations have a full IT staff that is headed by the chief information officer (CIO), who is a business and IT professional who sits on the executive board and is an active participant in organizational strategic planning. ERP implementation will be part of that strategic process and, once begun, will have the full backing of the entire executive group.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 3: ChallengingCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept36) ________ offers Business Cloud, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can be used as a software service, can be installed on the customer's servers and managed by personnel.A) SageB) SAPC) InforD) OracleAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept37) In the future, which of the following Microsoft products is likely to be a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product for larger organizations?A) SolomonB) NavC) AXD) GPAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept38) Which of the following statements is true of Oracle's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products?A) Oracle has never been known to create easy-to-use ERP products.B) Oracle traditionally does not develop its ERP products in-house.C) Oracle's ERP products are not available on mobile devices.D) Oracle's ERP products are not designed according to SOA principles and hence arenon-customizable.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept39) Which of the following statements is true of enterprise resource planning (ERP) products offered by SAP?A) SAP HANNA is a SaaS (software as a service) cloud offering.B) SAP does not have technical, marketing, sales, and customer support challenges.C) Classic SAP uses thick-client, client/server architecture.D) Because of its installed base, SAP can make a rapid move to cloud-based solutions. Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept40) Which of the following statements is true of Microsoft's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products?A) Dynamics CRM is a true ERP product used by large organizations.B) GP is the easiest of Microsoft's ERP products to install.C) Nav is likely to continue as a general-ledger program in the future.D) AX is developed in-house by Microsoft.Answer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept41) Which of the following is a major disadvantage of mobile devices?A) inability to process ERP applicationsB) unsuitable for employees in all departmentsC) security threatD) not portableAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept42) Infor Business Cloud is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can be installed in a bare-bones way and offered as IaaS (infrastructure as a service).Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept43) Microsoft relies heavily on its network of independent software vendors to create customer solutions using the Solomon platform.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept44) Oracle's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are designed according to SOA principles and hence are adaptable and customizable.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept45) SAP's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are relatively economical compared to other companies' products.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept46) Infor's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products span the mid-range, serving higher-end small companies and lower-end large companies.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept47) PeopleSoft is an HR product developed in-house by Oracle.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept48) Microsoft offers its CRM product online as SaaS (software as a service), but it has no full enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation in the cloud.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept49) Briefly describe Microsoft's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products.Answer: Microsoft offers five ERP products, all obtained via acquisition: AX, Nav, GP, Solomon, and Dynamics CRM. AX and Nav have the most capabilities; GP is more limited butis easier to use. The future of Solomon is uncertain. Dynamics CRM is primarily a CRM product, but it is extensible in ways that enable customers to use it for ERP as well as CRM.Microsoft is in the process of consolidating its offerings. Most likely AX will continue going forward as a true ERP product for larger organizations. Dynamics CRM will serve as a CRM product as well as a platform for custom ERP solutions. GP, which is the easiest of the products to install, will continue as a general-ledger program that can also be used as a platform for simpler ERP solutions.Microsoft relies heavily on its network of independent software vendors to create customer solutions using the Dynamics platform. These vendors take off-the-shelf Dynamics products and adapt and customize them for particular situations. Microsoft offers its CRM product online as SaaS, but it has no full ERP implementation in the cloud.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept50) Briefly explain Infor's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products.Answer: After Infor was purchased by private-equity investors, it bought many ERP companies. It now sells many ERP products for many different industries. These products vary in purpose, scope, and quality. They span the midrange, serving higher-end small companies and lower-end large companies.Recently, Infor began to offer the Infor Business Cloud, an ERP solution that can be used as a software service, can be installed on the customer's servers and managed by Infor personnel, or can be installed in a bare-bones ways and offered as IaaS.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept。



bml050BML050: An Introduction to a Versatile and Cutting-Edge TechnologyIntroductionIn the world of technology, advancements are taking place at an unprecedented pace. New innovations are constantly emerging, reshaping industries and revolutionizing the way we live and work. One such promising technology is BML050, a versatile and cutting-edge system that has the potential to significantly impact various sectors. In this document, we will explore the features, applications, and potential benefits of BML050.1. What is BML050?BML050 stands for Bio-inspired Micropattern-Light-Emitting Diode 050. It is a technology that combines principles from biology and materials science to produce highly efficient and dynamic light-emitting devices. By mimicking natural light-emitting structures found in nature, BML050 offers a unique and innovative approach to lighting solutions.2. How does BML050 work?At the heart of the BML050 technology lies its ability to mimic the intricate design of biological structures, such as butterfly wings and peacock feathers. These structures possess nanoscale patterns that produce vibrant colors through the phenomenon of light interference.BML050 utilizes similar principles to create artificial structures called micro-patterned light-emitting diodes (MPLEDs). These MPLEDs employ micro-patterned surfaces with precisely controlled dimensions to manipulate light and produce desired colors. By carefully designing the size, shape, and spacing of these patterns, BML050 can achieve a wide range of vibrant colors with high efficiency.3. Applications of BML050The versatility of BML050 opens up numerous possibilities for its applications across different industries. Some key areas where BML050 can make a significant impact are:a) Lighting Industry: BML050 can revolutionize the lighting industry by providing highly energy-efficient and customizable lighting solutions. The ability to produce vibrant and dynamic colors can enhance the ambiance in homes, offices, and public spaces. Additionally, due to its low power consumption and long lifespan, BML050 can contribute to reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.b) Display Technology: The use of BML050 in display technology can lead to the development of vivid and high-resolution screens. The incorporation of micro-patterned surfaces can improve color accuracy and brightness, delivering an immersive visual experience for users.c) Biomedical Applications: BML050's bio-inspired design makes it suitable for various biomedical applications. It can be utilized in optical sensors for medical diagnostics, where accurate color detection is required. Furthermore, BML050's compatibility with biological systems makes it a potential candidate for targeted drug delivery and tissue engineering.d) Automotive Industry: BML050 can find applications in the automotive industry by enhancing vehicle lighting systems. The ability to produce vibrant and customizable colors can lead to improved visibility, increased road safety, andattractive lighting designs for both interior and exterior lighting.4. Benefits of BML050The adoption of BML050 offers several advantages compared to traditional lighting and display technologies:a) Energy Efficiency: BML050 consumes significantly less power compared to conventional lighting solutions, providing energy savings and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.b) Customizability: BML050 allows for the customization of colors, enabling users to create personalized lighting experiences for various environments.c) Long Lifespan: The robust design of BML050 results in a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance.d) Cost-Effectiveness: Although the initial investment in implementing BML050 technology may be higher, the long-term cost savings related to energy consumption and maintenance can outweigh the initial costs.ConclusionBML050 represents a promising technological advancement that combines biology and materials science to produce efficient and dynamic lighting solutions. Its ability to mimic natural light-emitting structures and produce a wide range of vibrant colors opens up numerous possibilities for applications in various industries. With its energy efficiency, customizability, and long lifespan, BML050 has the potential to revolutionize the way we illuminate and interact with the world around us. As further research and development continue, BML050 is poised to shape the future of lighting, display technology, and beyond.。



1Chapter 11 Problem SetChapter 11PROBLEMS1.[E, None, 11.6] For this problem you are given a cell library consisting of full adders and two-input Boolean logic gates (i.e. AND, OR, INVERT, etc.).a.Design an N-bit two's complement subtracter using a minimal number of Boolean logicgates. The result of this process should be a diagram in the spirit of Figure 11.5 . Specifythe value of any required additional signals (e.g., C in ).b.Express the delay of your design as a function of N , tcarry , t sum , and the Boolean gate delays(t and , t or , t inv , etc.).2.[M, None, 11.6] A magnitude comparator for unsigned numbers can be constructed using fulladders and Boolean logic gates as building blocks. For this problem you are given a celllibrary consisting of full adders and arbitrary fan-in logic gates (i.e., AND, OR, INVERTER,etc.).a.Design an N -bit magnitude comparator with outputs and A = B using a minimalnumber of Boolean logic gates. The result of this process should be a diagram in the spiritof Figure 11.5. Specify the value of any required control signals (e.g., C in ).b.Express the delay of your design in computing the two outputs as a function of N , tcarry ,t sum , and the Boolean gate delays (t and , t or , t inv , etc.).3.3.[E, None, 11.6] Show how the arithmetic module in Figure 0.1 can be used as a comparator.Derive an expression for its propagation delay as a function of the number of bits.4.[E, None, 11.6] The circuit of Figure 11.2 implements a 1-bit datapath function in dynamic(precharge/evaluate) logic.a.Write down the Boolean expressions for outputs F and G . On which clock phases are out-puts F and G valid?b.To what datapath function could this unit be most directly applied (e.g., addition, subtrac-tion, comparison, shifting)?5.[M, None, 11.3] Consider the dynamic logic circuit of Figure 0.2 .a.What is the purpose of transistor M1? Is there another way to achieve the same effect, butwith reducing capacitive loading on the clock Φ?A B ≥Figure 0.1Arithmetic module.a i a ib j b jc jd jc j +1j+1c 0c 1d 0d 1c 1c 2d 1d 2c 2c 3d 2d 3c 3c 4d 3d 4a 0b 0a 1b 1a 2b 2a 3b 32Chapter 11 Problem Setb.How can the evaluation phase of F be sped up by rearranging transistors? No transistorsshould be added, deleted, or resized.c.Can the evaluation of G be sped up in the same manner? Why or why not?6.[M, SPICE, 11.3] The adder circuit of Figure 0.3 makes extensive use of the transmissiongate XOR. V DD = 2.5 V.a.Explain how this gate operates. Derive the logic expression for the various circuit nodes.Why is this a good adder circuit?b.Derive a first-order approximation of the capacitance on the C o -node in equivalent gate-capacitances. Assume that gate and diffusion capacitances are approximately identical.Compare your result with the circuit of Figure 11-6 .c.Assume that all transistors with the exception of those on the carry path are minimum-size. Use 4/0.25 NMOS and 8/0.25 PMOS devices on the carry-path. Using SPICE simu-lation, derive a value for all important delays (input-to-carry, carry-to-carry, carry-to-sum).A C inB B A ΦΦA B C in ABC inF GFigure 0.2Datapath module bit-slice.M 1Figure 0.3Quasi-clocked adder circuit.A A iV C oC i Signal setup Carry generationSum generationDigital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed 37.[M, None, 11.3] The dynamic implementation of the 4-bit carry-lookahead circuitry from Fig.11-21 can significantly reduce the required transistor count.a.Design a domino-logic implementation of Eq. 11.17 . Compare the transistor counts of thetwo implementations.b.What is the worst-case propagation delay path through this new circuit?c.Are there any charge-sharing problems associated with your design? If so, modify yourdesign to alleviate these effects.8.[C, None, 11.3] Figure 0.4 shows a popular adder structure called the conditional-sum adder.Figure 0.4.a shows a four-bit instance of the adder, while 0.4.b gives the schematics of thebasic adder cell. Notice that only pass-transistors are used in this implementation.a.Derive Boolean descriptions for the four outputs of the one-bit conditional adder cell.b.Based on the results of describe how the schematic of 0.4.a results in an addition.c.Derive an expression for the propagation delay of the adder as a function of the number ofbits N . You may assume that a switch has a constant resistance R on when active and thateach switch is identical in size.9.[M, None, 11.3] Consider replacing all of the NMOS evaluate transistors in a dynamicManchester carry chain with a single common pull-down as shown in Fgure 0.5.a. Assumethat each NMOS transistor has (W /L )N = 0.5/0.25 and each PMOS has (W /L )P = 0.75/0.25.Further assume that parasitic capacitances can be modeled by a 10 fF capacitor on each of theFigure 0.4Conditional-sum adder.A A B B A A B S 0A A B B AA B S 1AB A A AC 0ABA AAC 1(b) Conditional adder cell (a) Four-bit conditional-sum adderS 0S 1S 2S 3C out Conditional Cell Conditional Cell Conditional Cell ConditionalCellC 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0B 3A 3B 2A 2B 1A 1B 0A 04Chapter 11 Problem Setinternal nodes: A , B , C , D , E , and F . Assume all transistors can be modeled as linear resistorswith an on-resistance, R on = 5 k Ω.a.Does this variation perform the same function as the original Manchester carry chain?Explain why or why not.b.Assuming that all inputs are allowed only a single zero-to-one transition during evalua-tion, will this design involve charge-sharing difficulties? Justify your answer.plete the waveforms in Figure 0.5b for P 0 = P 1 = P 2 = P 3 = 2.5 V and G 0 = G 1 = G 2 =G 3 = 0 V. Compute and indicate t pHL values for nodes A , E , and F . Compute and indicate10.[M, None, 11.3] Consider the two implementations of Manchester carry gates in Figure 11-8.pare the delay per segment of the two implementationsb.Compare the layout complexities of the two gates using stick diagrams.c.In the precharged Manchester carry chain using the gate from b. find the probability thatthe carry signal is propagated from the 15th to the 16thbit of a 32-bit adder, assuming ran-dom inputs.11.[C, None, 11.3] Consider the Radix-4 and Radix-2 Kogge-Stone adders from Figures 11-22and 11-27 extended to 64-bits. All gates are implemented in domino and all gates in a stagehave the same size. The adders have an overall fanout (electrical effort) of logical effort, identify the critical path.b.Size the gates for minimum delay (hint: don't forget to factor in branching). Which adderis faster?c.Let's now consider sparse versions of each of the above trees. In a tree with a sparseness of2, only every other carry is computed and it is used to select 2 sums. Similarly, a tree witha sparseness of 4 computes every fourth carry - and that carry signal is used to select 4sums. Repeat a. and b. for Radix-2 and Radix-4 trees with sparseness of 2 and 4 and com-pare their speed. Which adder is fastest?pare the switching power of all adders analyzed in this problem.12.[C, None, 11.3] In this problem we will analyze a carry-lookahead adder proposed by H. Lingmore than 20 years ago, but still among the fastest adders available. In a conventional adder,in order to add two numbersA = a n −12n −1 + a n −22n −2 + .... + a 020B = b n −12n −1 + b n −22n −2 + .... + b 020we first compute the local carry generate and propagate terms:P 0C in P 1G 0P 2G 1P 3G 2G 3φφV DD Figure 0.5Alternative dynamic Manchester carry-chain adder.A B C D E F (a) Circuit schematic (b) Partial waveformsφAEFCDigital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed 5g i = a i b i pi = a i + b ithen, with a ripple or a tree circuit we form the global carry-out terms resulting from the recurrence relation:G i = g i + p i G i −1Finally, we form the sum of A and B using local expressions:In the conventional adder, the terms G i have, as described, a physical significance. However,an arbitrary function could be propagated, as long as sum terms could be derived. Ling'sapproach is to replace G i with:H i = G i + Gi −1i.e. H i is true if "something happens at bit i " - there is a carry out or a carry in. H i is so-called"Ling's pseudo-carry".a.Show that:H i = g i + ti −1H i −1where p i = a i + b i (it was Ling’s idea to change the notation).b.Find a formula for computing the sum out of the operands and Ling's pseudo-carry.c.Unroll the recursions for G i and H i for i = 3. You should get the expressions fpr G 3 and H 3as a function of the bits of input operands. Simplify the expressions as much as possible.d.Implement the two functions using n-type dynamic gates. Draw the two gates and size thetransistors. Which one helps us build a faster adder? Explain your answer.13.[M, None, 11.4] An array multiplier consists of rows of adders, each producing partial sumsthat are subsequently fed to the next adder row. In this problem, we consider the effects ofpipelining such a multiplier by inserting registers between the adder rows.a.Redraw Figure 11-31 by inserting word-level pipeline registers as required to achievemaximal benefit to throughput for the 4x 4 multiplier. Hint: you must use additional regis-ters to keep the input bits synchronized to the appropriate partial sums.b.Repeat for a carry-save, as opposed to ripple-carry, architecture.c.For each of the two multiplier architectures, compare the critical path, throughput, andlatency of the pipelined and nonpipelined versions.d.Which architecture is better suited to pipelining, and how does the choice of a vector-merging adder affect this decision?14.[M, None, 11.4] Estimate the delay of a 16x16 Wallace tree multiplier with the final adderimplemented using a Radix-4 tree. One FA has a delay of t p , a HA 2/3*t p and a CLA stage½*t p .15.[E, None, 11.5] The layout of shifters is dominated by the number of wires running through acell. For both the barrel shifter and the logarithmic shifter, estimate the width of a shifter cellas a function of the maximum shift-width M and the metal pitch p .16.[E, None, 11.7] Consider the circuit from Figure 0.7 . Modules A and B have a delay of 10 nsand 32 ns at 2.5V, and switch 15 pF and 56 pF respectively. The register has a delay of 2 nsand switches 0.1 pF. Adding a pipeline register allows for reduction of the supply voltagewhile maintaining throughput. How much power can be saved this way? Delay with respectto V DD can be approximated from Figure 11-57.17.[E, None, 11.7] Repeat Problem 16, using parallelism instead of pipelining. Assume that a 2-to-1 multiplexer has a delay of 4 ns at 2.5 V and switches 0.3 pF. Try parallelism levels of 2and by 4. Which one is preferred?S i p i G i 1–⊕=6Chapter 11 Problem Set DESIGN PROBLEMUsing the 0.25 µm CMOS technology, design a static 32-bit adder, with the fol-lowing constraints:1.input capacitance on each bit is limited to not more than 50fF.2.each bit is loaded with 100fF.Use a carry lookahead tree of your choice for implementation. The goal is toachieve the shortest propagation delay.Determine the logic design of the adder and W and L of all transistors.Initially size the design using the method of logical effort. Estimate the capaci-tance of carry signal wires based on the floorplan. Verify and optimize thedesign using SPICE. Compute also the energy consumed per transition. If youhave a layout editor available, perform the physical design, extract the real cir-cuit parameters, and compare the simulated results with the ones obtained ear-lier. For implementation use the 144λ.bit-slice pitch, that corresponds to 36metal-1 tracks. Use metal 1 for cell-level power distrbution and intra-cell rout-ing, metal-2 for short interconnect and metal-3 and metal-4 for long carries.R e g is t er Re gis t e r Figure 0.6Pipelined datapath.A B In Out。

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1 Introduction
Recently, neural network based competitive learning algorithms have been developed for vector quantization 1, 2, 3 . Compared to the conventional vector quantization algorithms, i.e., K-mean algorithm or sometimes known as Generalized Lloyd Algorithm GLA 4 , the algorithms based on competitive learning of neural networks o er the advantages of online operation and require little storage. However, most competitive learning neural network, such as SelfOrganizing Feature Map SOFM 6 and Frequency Sensitive Competitive Learning FSCL 1, 5 , need to assume a network with a xed number of nods, which means that the cluster number of input data set must be pre-speci ed in advance. In the situation that there is no a priori information available about the underlying data distribution, it is very di cult and even impossible to appropriately estimate the cluster number |||||||||||||||-
This paper presents an adaptive scheme for codebook design by using a self-creating neural network, called Branching Competitive Learning network. In our scheme, not only codevectors, but also codebook size are adpatively modi ed according to input image data and a distortion tolerance. In the situation that the input image is visually simple or the image data have a centralized distribution, our codebook design algorithm will assign a relatively small codebook and for a complex image, our algorithm will give a relatively large codebook. Experimental results are given to illustrate the adaptability and the e ectiveness of our scheme.
in a data set. As a result, we often realize only at the end of experiment that a di erent cluster number setting may be more proper. In this paper, we rst present a self-creating neural network model by adding a branching mechanism to the classical competitive leaning network. The proposed model, called Branching Competitive Learning BCL network, starts from one unit in the output layer rst, and afterwards, the unit and it o spring dynamically split and merge along with the competitive learning process under control of the Branching Criteria. With this self-creating mechanism, our network can adaptively determine its size according to the input data distribution, and gives a more appropriate clustering result. As an application of the BCL network, we develop an adaptive scheme for codebook design. In our scheme, not only codevectors, but also codebook size will adaptively be modi ed according to the image data distribution. Experimental results are given to show the e ciency of our scheme.
M N 1 X X k ; j ; ; k2 !i !i x ! MSE = N
a This research work is supported in part by an Earmarked
Research Grant CUHK 4407 99E from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, SAR.
An Adaptive Codebook Design Using the Branching Competitive Learning Networka
Huilin Xiong , Irwin King , and Y.S. Moon
Institute for Pattern Recognition and Arti cial Intelligence Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Email: fhlxiong, king, ysmoong By Competitive Learning
Vector quantization is a problem of data clustering. ! i=1 ! Assume there are N data vectors, f; i gN and ; i 2 x x Rd , and the codebook size or the cluster number, M , is pre-speci ed, then, the codebook design can be ! i=1 de ned as: Find f; i gM in Rd to minimize the average ! distortion or the mean squared error MSE:
i=1 j=1
0-7803-7044-9/01/$10.00 ©2001 IEEE
of centroids of clusters is the solution of the above problem, and the synaptic vectors of learning network converge to these centroids exponentially fast. The classical Competitive Learning CL is a winnertake-all scheme, which can be expressed by:
3 Branching Competitive Learning Network
The above competitive learning algorithms have one thing in common: the network size M must be prespeci ed in advance, or, in other words, the cluster number M for input data set need to be pre-speci ed. Because there is usually no a priori information available to appropriately estimate cluster number. We have to try to use di erent value of M to obtain better clustering result. An attractive way to solve this problem is to add a growing mechanism to neural network, so that network can automatically increase its size to an appropriate value according to the input data distribution. In the following, we present a self-creating scheme based on our previous work 10 . Intuitively, in the process of competitive learning, when a synaptic vector exhibits an intense oscillatory movement, it usually means that the vector is attracted" by two or more di erent data clusters, and, at this moment, splitting this synaptic vector can notably decrease the clustering distortion MES. In the BCL scheme, we employ two geometrical measurements of winner's movement in the weight space to measure the intensity of winner's oscillation. The rst one is the angle of a winner changing its moving direction in the weight space in two consecutive activations. The second is the minimal distance of winner's consecutive movements. Our Branching Criteria can be described as: ! ! ! ! ang; tc ; ; c ; tl ; ; c '0 x ! x ! 5 ! ; tc ; ; c k k; tl ; ; c k d0 ! ! ! mink x ! x !