



湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考数学试题A .5162a b+ B .23a C .5163a b+ D .23a 3.已知直线1:20l x y -=,直线2:30l x ay --=,若A .455B .355C .754.若圆221:2440C x x y y -+++=与圆22:(2)(C x ++A .1B .128.锐角ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别为角的面积1S =,则()(a c b +-二、多选题A .PA PC ⋅为定值B .OB OD ⋅的取值范围为[]25,7--C .当AC BD ⊥时,如图以O 为原点,OP 为x 轴,则AB 中点M 22380x y x +--=D .当AC BD ⊥时,四边形ABCD 面积的最大值为4012.已知四棱台1111ABCD A B C D -的下底面和上底面分别是边长为4和( )A.侧棱1CC上一点E,满足B.若E为1CC的中点,过A 三、填空题四、解答题17.如图,在直三棱柱111ABC A B C 中,90ABC ∠= ,1.AA AB =(1)D 为棱BC 上一点,证明:11AB A D⊥(2)在棱11B C 中是否存在一点E ,使得1AB //面1A EC ,若存在,指出E 点位置,并证明.若不存在,说明理由.18.(1)写出点()00,P x y 到直线:0l Ax By C ++=(,A B 不全为零)的距离公式;(2)当()00,P x y 不在直线l 上,证明()00,P x y 到直线():00l Ax By C AB ++=≠距离公式.(3)在空间解析几何中,若平面α的方程为:0Ax By Cz D +++=(,,A B C 不全为零),点()000,,P x y z ,试写出点P 到面α的距离公式(不要求证明)19.如图,等腰梯形ABCD 中,()40A -,,()40B ,,4CD =,//AB CD ,AB 与CD 的距离为6.(1)求等腰梯形ABCD 的外接圆E 的方程;(2)已知直线20x y m ++=与圆E 相交于M ,N 两点,若60MAN ∠=︒,求实数m 的值.20.某电信运营公司为响应国家5G 网络建设政策,拟实行5G 网络流量阶梯定价,每人月用流量中不超过(kGB 一种流量计算单位)的部分按0.8元/GB 收费,超过kGB 的部分按2元/GB 收费,从用户群中随机调查了10000位用户,获得了他们某月的流量使用数据,整理得到如下的频率分布直方图.已知用户月使用流量的中位数为31.(1)求表中的;n (2)若k 为整数,依据本次调查为使85%以上用户在该月的流量价格为0.8元/GB ,则k 至少定为多少?(3)为了进一步了解用户使用5G 流量与年龄的相关关系,由频率分布直方图中流量在[)20,30和[)30,40两组用户中,按人数比例分配的分层抽样方法中抽取了100名用户,已知[)20,30组用户平均年龄为30,方差为36,流量在[)30,40组用户的平均年龄为20,方差为16,求抽取的100名用户年龄的方差.21.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,底面ABCD 为直角梯形,AB AD ⊥,//AD BC ,侧面PAB ⊥面ABCD ,2PA AB AD ===,4BC =,E 为PD 的中点.(1)求证:面PBC ⊥面PDC ;(2)若二面角P AD B --的大小为60︒,求BE 与面PBC 所成角的正弦值;(3)若平面PDC 与平面PAB 所成的锐二面角大小为60︒,求四棱锥P ABCD -的体积.22.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,P 为直线4y =上一动点,圆22:4O x y +=与x 轴的交点分别为,M N 点,圆O 与y 轴的交点分别为,S T 点.(1)若MTP △为等腰三角形,求P 点坐标;(2)若直线,PT PS 分别交圆O 于,A B 两点.①求证:直线AB 过定点,并求出定点坐标;②求四边形ASBT 面积的最大值.。



湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2020学年高二英语上学期期中联考试题考试时间:2020 年11 月13 日下午14:30—16:30 试卷满分:150 分注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。





第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。


第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1.Where are they most probably talking?A.In the office. B.In a phone box. C.At home. 2.What does the man want to do?A.To get a camera. B.To buy batteries. C.To go to the cinema.3.When will the man go to the cinema?A.On Sunday morning. B.On Sunday afternoon. C.On Sunday evening.4.What do you know from the man’s replies?A.He lost Lily’s book. B.He was badly pressedwith his work.C.He was sure that the book could be found.5.What does the man like to collect?A.Magazines. B.Coins. C.Paintings.第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。




如图所示,这些细针的功能最有可能的是( )A .扰乱空气流B .飞机机身结构需要C .发射与地面飞机场联系的电磁波D .释放飞机高速飞行与空气摩擦时产生的静电 2.奥斯特通过实验证实了通电直导线周围存在磁场,通电直导线在某点产生的磁感应强度大小满足I B k r=,I 为直导线中电流的大小,r 为该点到直导线的距离。

如图所示为三根平行直导线的截面图,若它们的电流大小都为I ,方向垂直纸面向里,AB AC AD r ===,B 导线在A 点产生的磁感应强度为0B ,则A 点的磁感应强度的大小为( )A .0B B .02BC 0D .03B3.如图所示,虚线a 、b 、c 代表电场中的三条电场线,实线为一带正电的粒子仅在电场力作用下通过该区域时的运动轨迹,P 、R 、Q 是这条轨迹上的三点,由此可知( )A .带电粒子在P 点时的电势比在Q 点时的电势高B .带电粒子在P 点时电势能大于在Q 时的电势能C .带电粒子在P 点的电场强度大于在Q 点时的电场强度D .带电粒子在P 点时的速率小于在Q 时的速率4.两条平行虚线间存在一匀强磁场,磁感应强度方向与纸面垂直。

边长为0.1m 、总电阻为0.005Ω的正方形导线框abcd 位于纸面内,cd 边与磁场边界平行,如图甲所示。

已知导线框一直向右做匀速直线运动,cd 边于t =0时刻进入磁场,导线框中感应电动势随时间变化的图像如图乙所示(感应电流的方向为顺时针时,感应电动势取正),则下列说法正确的是( )A .匀强磁场区域的宽度为0.3mB .磁感应强度的大小为0.5TC .磁感应强度的方向垂直于纸面向里D .在t =0至t =0.2s 这段时间内,导线框所受的安培力大小为0.04N5.如图所示的电路中,输入电压U 恒为12V ,灯泡L 上标有“6V ,12W”字样,电动机线圈的电阻M 0.50R =Ω。



2024年秋季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校起点考试高二化学试卷考试时间:2024年9月3日下午14:30-17:05 试卷满分:100分可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 S 32一、选择题:本题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。



下列相关解释错误的是( ) A .向沸汤中加入蛋液做蛋花汤:加热使蛋白质变性B .用面粉做糕点时厨房不能有明火:面粉颗粒在空气中遇明火可能爆炸C .用氢氧化钠固体和铝粉制成疏通剂疏通被油脂、毛发、菜渣等堵塞的管道:氢氧化钠具有吸水性D .用“爆炸盐”(含23222Na CO 3H O ⋅)漂白衣物:过碳酸钠水溶液有强氧化性 2.下列反应过程中的能量变化情况不符合如图所示的是( )A .322HCl NaHCO NaCl H O CO +=++↑B .()22C H O g CO H ++高温C .32222KClO MnO 2KC O M O l n 3+∆↑ D .23232Al Fe O 2Fe Al O ++高温3.下列措施能降低化学反应速率的是( ) A .氮气和氢气制备氨时加入铁触媒 B .锌和硫酸反应时,滴入几滴硫酸铜溶液 C .石墨合成金刚石时增大压强D .碳酸钙粉末和盐酸反应时加水稀释4.下列操作规范且能达到实验目的的是( ) ABCD测定中和热 探究反应物浓度对化学反应速率的影响测定锌和稀硫酸反应的速率探究压强对平衡的影响5.下列热化学方程式书写正确的是( )A .表示硫的燃烧热的热化学方程式:()()()23S g 3/2O g SO g += 315kJ/mol H ∆=− B .肼(24N H )是一种可燃性液体,燃烧热为624kJ/mol ,24N H 燃烧的热化学方程式:()()()()24222N H l O g N g 2H O l +=+ 624kJ/mol H ∆=− C .若()()()2H aq OH aq H O 1+−+= 57.3kJ/mol H ∆=−,则稀硫酸与稀()2Ba OH 反应的热化学方程式为:()()()()()24422H SO aq Ba OH aq BaSO s 2H O l +=+ 114.6kJ/mol H ∆=− D .密闭容器中,1g ()2H g 与足量的()2I g 混合反应后生成()HI g ,放出a kJ 热量(0a >):()()()22H g I g 2HI g + 2kJ/mol H a ∆>−6.下列事实不能用平衡移动原理解释的是( )A .铁钉放入冷的浓3HNO 中,待不再变化后,加热能产生大量红棕色气体B .工业制取钾Na+KCl NaCl+K,选取合适的温度,使K 变成蒸气从体系逸出C .打开雪碧的瓶盖,立即有气体逸出D .氯化铜溶液加热后由蓝色变为黄色7.某MOFs 多孔超分子材料的空腔大小适配24N O ,可将其“固定”得到R ,实现了2NO 与24N O 分离并制备3HNO ,如图所示:已知:()()2242NO g N O g0H ∆<;下列说法正确的是( )A .图示过程属于氮的固定B .多孔材料的空腔越小,()()2242NO g N O g反应正向进行的程度越大C .高温、高压下有利于从烟气中分离出24N OD .R 在2O 中水洗,可制得3HNO ,同时实现MOFs 再生8.在恒温恒容的密闭容器中,充入1molA 和2molB 发生反应()()()()A g +2B g 3C g +D s 0H ∆<,其正反应速率随时间的变化如图所示。

2020 年春季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校期中联考高二数学 答案

2020 年春季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校期中联考高二数学 答案

在犯错误的概率不超过 0.25 的前提下认为接种疫苗 A 对实验动物预防新型冠状病毒有效.
12 分
19.(1) 在 PAB、PAD 中,由 PB2 AB2 PA2 , PD2 AD2 PA2 ,
PA 平面 ABCD , PA BD PA AC A BD 平面 PAC 连接 BD ,在 PBD 中,由中位线性质,知 MN // BD . PA MN
ln x x

h( x)
1 ln x2

在 (0, e) 上递增, (e,)
上递减, h(x)max
1 e
a 1 e
2分 5分
鄂东南教改联盟学校期中联考 高二数学参考答案(共 4 页)第 3页
(2)由 x ln x ax2 0 知 ln x ax , ln m am , ln n an ,
E 4 1 1
12 分
21.(1) c 3, e c 3 a 2, b 1 ,椭圆 C: x2 y2 1
设 Px0, y0 ,则 PF2
3 2 y02
x02 2
x02 4
3 2
2 x0 2
1 t
令 (t )
2 ln t 1 ,(t) t
2 t
1 t2
1) 2 t2

2019-2020学年湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中联考高二(上)期中化学试卷 (含答案解析)

2019-2020学年湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中联考高二(上)期中化学试卷 (含答案解析)

2019-2020学年湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中联考高二(上)期中化学试卷一、单选题(本大题共16小题,共48.0分)1.下列说法不正确的是()A. 人类在远古时代就通过燃烧植物的方式开始利用生物质能B. 氢能是理想的绿色能源,但人们只能将氢气的化学能转化为热能C. 煤中含有硫元素,大量的直按燃烧煤会引起酸雨等环境问题D. 太阳能以光和热的形式传送到地面,人们可以直接利用这些光和热2.在测定中和热的实验中,下列说法正确的是()A. 使用环形玻璃搅拌棒是为了加快反应速率,减小实验误差B. 用温度计测量过盐酸的温度后,应立即插入NaOH溶液中测量NaOH溶液的温度C. 用0.5mol/L的NaOH溶液分别与0.5mol/L的盐酸、醋酸溶液反应,如所取溶液的体积相等,则测得的中和热数值相同D. 因铜和盐酸不反应,故可用铜做的环形搅拌棒代替玻璃搅拌棒3.合成氨反应的方程式为:N2+3H2=一定条件2NH3。

下列说法错误的是()A. 升高温度能加快反应速率B. 使用恰当的催化剂能加快反应速率C. 增大压强能加快反应速率D. N2与H2能100%转化为NH34.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数,如果ag某气体含分子数为P,则bg该气体在标准状况下的体积V(L)是()A. 22.4ap/bN AB. 22.4ap/pN AC. 22.4ab/pN AD. 22.4bp/aN A5.对于H2(g)+I2(g)⇌2HI(g),ΔH<0,根据如图,下列说法错误的是()A. t2时可能使用了催化剂B. t3时可能采取减小反应体系压强的措施C. t5时采取升温的措施D. 反应在t6时刻,HI体积分数最大6.在一定条件下的密闭容器中发生反应:C(s)+CO2(g)=2CO(g).下列说法不正确的是()A. 将碳块磨成粉末可加快反应速率B. 增加碳的质量可加快反应速率C. 升高温度可加快反应速率D. 容器体积不变时,向容器中充入氦气,反应速率不变7.某温度下,反应H2(g)+I2(g)⇌2HI(g);△H>0.在一带有活塞的密闭容器中达到平衡,下列说法中不正确的是()A. 恒温,压缩体积,平衡不移动,混合气体颜色加深B. 恒压,充入HI(g),开始时正反应速率减小C. 恒容,升高温度,正反应速率增大D. 恒容,充入H2(g),I2(g)的体积分数降低8.在298K、1.01×105 Pa下,将4.4g CO2通入200mL 1mol⋅L−1 NaOH溶液中充分反应测得反应放出x kJ的热量。



绝密★启用前2020年秋季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校期中联考高二数学试卷命题学校:罗田一中 命题教师:张晖 审题教师:方维平 余咏梅 方耀光注意事项:1、答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。




一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1、命题“x x x sin ,0>使得>∀”的否定是( )A .000sin ,0x x x ≤≤∃使得B .000sin ,0x x x ≤∃使得>C .x x x sin ,0≤∀使得>D .x x x sin ,0≥≤∃使得2、若点A (-1,1,2),B (0,3,0),C (1,0,-1),点D 在z 轴上,且→→⊥BC AD ,则=→AD ( )A .2B .22C .23D .63、设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若()*11,1N m m a a a m m ∈--+><<,则必有( )A .001>且<+m m S SB .001>且>+m m S SC .001<且<+m m S SD .001<且>+m m S S4、若P 是两相交平面βα,外的任意一点,则过点P ( )A .有且仅有一条直线与βα,都平行B .有且仅有一条直线与βα,都垂直C .有且仅有一条直线与βα,都相交D .以上都不对5、已知椭圆13422=+y x 的右焦点F 是抛物线()022>p px y =的焦点,则过F 作倾斜角为α的直线分别与抛物线交于A 、B (A 在x 轴上方)两点,若3=BF AF,则α的值为( )A .30°B .120°C .60°D .60°或120°6、在等比数列{}n a 中,若815654321=+++++a a a a a a ,8943-=a a ,则=+++++654321111111a a a a a a ( )A .53B .53-C .35D .35- 7、设动点P 在棱长为1的正方体1111D C B A ABCD -的对角线1BD 上,记λ=BD P D 11,当APC ∠为锐角时,λ的取值范围是( )A .⎪⎭⎫⎢⎣⎡31,0B .⎪⎭⎫⎢⎣⎡21,0C .⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1,31D .⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1,218、双曲线()0012222>,>b a b y a x =-的左焦点()0,c F -关于直线x ab y -=的对称点Q 在该双曲线上,则双曲线的离心率为( )A .25B .5C . 3D .23二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求. 全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得3分,有选错的得0分.9、已知双曲线⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∈+≠=-Z k k y x ,2cos 3222ππθθ,则不因θ改变而变化的是( ) A .焦距 B .离心率 C .顶点坐标 D .渐近线方程10、如图,正方体1111D C B A ABCD -的棱长是1,下列结论中正确的有( )A .直线BC 与平面11D ABC 所成的角为4πB .C 到平面11D ABC 距离为22 C .两条异面直线1CD 和1BC 所成的角为4π D .三棱锥DAB D -1中三个侧面与底面均为直角三角形11、已知曲线1:22=-ny mx C ,下列说法正确的是( )A .若0>mn ,则C 为双曲线B .若0,0<>n m m +,则C 为焦点在x 轴的椭圆C .若0,0<>n m ,则C 不可能表示圆D .若0,0=n m >,则C 为两条直线12、已知P 是左右焦点分别为21,F F 的椭圆12422=+y x 上的动点,()2,0M ,下列说法正确的有( ) A .421=+PF PF B .21PF PF -的最大值为22C .存在点P ,使︒=∠12021PF FD .MP 的最大值为22+三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13、双曲线1322=-y x 的左焦点到其渐近线的距离为_______. 14、直线l 与抛物线x y 22=相交于A 、B ,且︒=∠90AOB ,则AOB ∆面积的最小值为_______.15、若n S 是数列{}n a 的前n 项和,且n n a a a a n n 22...22213221+=++++-,则=n a _______,=n S _______.(第一空2分,第二空3分)16、空间四边形ABCD 中,2===BD AD AB ,3=AC ,DC BC =,DC BC ⊥,则其外接球表面积为_______.四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分. 解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17、(本小题满分10分)已知命题:p 方程02224222=+-++-+m m my x y x 表示圆;命题:q 方程15122=-+-ay m x 表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,若q p 是的必要不充分条件,求实数a 的取值范围.18、(本小题满分12分)已知n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,15,03=S a n >,公差1>d 且______从“①a 2﹣1为a 1﹣1与a 3+1的等比中项”,“②等比数列{b n }的公比q =,b 1=a 2,b 3=a 3”这两个条件中,选择一个补充在上面问题中的划线部分,使得符合条件的数列{a n }存在并作答.(1)求数列{a n }的通项公式;(2)设数列的前n 项和为T n ,求T n .注:如果选择多个条件分别作答,按第一个解答计分.19、(本小题满分12分)已知圆:C 044222=+--+y x y x .(1)若圆C 的切线在x 轴、y 轴上的截距相等,求此切线的方程;(2)从圆C 外一点()00,y x P 向该圆引一条切线,切点为M ,O 为坐标原点,且有PO PM =,求PM 的最小值.20、(本小题满分12分)如图,四棱锥ABCD P -中,ABCD PA 平面⊥,底面ABCD 为菱形,的中点为PD E .(1)证明:AEC PB 平面∥;(2)设1=PA ,︒=∠120BAD ,菱形ABCD 的面积为32,求二面角C AE D --的余弦值.21、(本小题满分12分)设抛物线:C x y 22=,点()0,2A ,过点A 的直线l 与C 交于N M ,(轴上方在x M )两点.(1)当AN MA 2=时,求直线l 的方程;(2)是否存在轴x 上的点B (异于点A ),使得NBA MBA ∠=∠,若存在,求出B 点坐标;若不存在,说明理由.22、(本小题满分12分)若曲线Γ上任意一点P 与()()0,2,0,2B A -连线的斜率之积为41-,过原点的直线与曲线Γ交于N M ,两点,其中点M 在第二象限,过点M 作x 轴的垂线交AN 于点C .(1)求曲线Γ的方程;(2)试比较2AM 与AN AC ⋅的大小.。






























)12345678910111213D A C C D B D B A C B C A 141516171819202122232425D B B D D B B C D C B C二、非选择题(50分)26.(共8分)(1)原核(1分)转录(1分)(2)由左到右(2分)相同(1分)(3)转录翻译同一场所进行(边转录边翻译)(1分)一条mRNA上结合多个核糖体同时合成多条肽链(2分)(踩点给分,共3分)27.(共10分)(1)红色(1分)减数第一次分裂前(四分体)(1分)同源染色体的非姐妹染色单体(1分)基因重组(1分)(2)基因突变频率低且不定向(2分)4/27(2分)秋水仙素能抑制纺锤体的形成,导致复制后的(子)染色体不能拉向细胞的两极(2分)28.(共10分)(1)第一、第二(1分)(答完整给分)RNA和逆转录酶(1分)(答完整给分)(2)体液免疫浆细胞免疫效应T细胞非特异性免疫和特异性免疫(每空1分)(3)T(淋巴)细胞(1分)防卫、监控及清除(2分)(答完整给分)29.(共11分)(1)传出神经末梢及其支配的胰岛(细胞)神经递质葡萄糖胰岛素(每空1分)(2)激素(c)分泌后随体液(血液)运输,散播到全身(2分)(意思相近也可给分)加速对葡萄糖的摄取、储存和利用(2分)(答完整给分)(3)食物的消化吸收(1分)组织细胞膜表面的胰岛素受体数量减少(功能受损)(2分)30.(共11分)(1)幼嫰的芽、叶及发育中的种子(1分)(答完整给分)色氨酸(1分)植物的根、茎(不同的器官)对同样浓度的生长素敏感程度不同(2分)(或答生长素的作用具有两重性,既能促进生长,也能抑制生长。

也可给分)(2)不能(1分)缺失生长素和赤霉素单独作用的对照试验(1分)(3)表中四个浓度的生长素溶液处理的实验组的平均生根数均大于对照组,说明均起促进作用(2分)适度稀释一组,用其处理插条,观察记录插条平均生根数,若其大(小)于9条,则该组浓度大(小)(2分),反之则小(大)(1分)(共3分)1.A.乙酰胆碱是神经递质,可在神经元之间传递信息 B.淋巴因子可促进有关淋巴细胞的增殖分化,也是信息分子 C.CO2是维持呼吸中枢兴奋的生理刺激物质,可作为信息分子 D.尿素是细胞代谢的废物,不能作为信息分子。



湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解We can feel it in the air. Birds singing in the morning, sun streaming through the windows and flowers appearing all over. It can only mean one thing—spring has come.Our spring favoritesIf you’re planning a spring break to Denmark, take a look at the weather and plan ahead. Typical spring weather in Denmark can be cold, with highs of 5.5℃in March. Rain is common all year round, but don’t let that lower your spirits! Denmark is great to visit in spring and we’ve picked out some of our favourite things to see and do.Cherry blossomNothing says spring quite like the bright pink burst of a cherry blossom. Denmark is a great place to see it! One of our top spots is Bispebjerg Kirkegård in Copenhagen. Here, tree-lined streets are completely transformed by pink cherry blossom branches. Elsewhere in Copenhagen there is Langelinie Park which has a Sakura Festival every year, and the Botanical Gardens in the heart of the city. Outside Copenhagen, Fredens Torv in Aarhus is another blossom hot-spot.Get outside and hunt for giantsIf you’re planning a trip to our capital, why not rent a car and make a day of hunting for our mountainous friends? Six wooden giants made from recycled materials by artist Thomas Dambo can be found hiding around the suburbs of Copenhagen. A perfect trip for kids with a healthy sense of adventure.It’s theme park time!Tivoli Gardens will reopen its doors on the 8th of April. With the days growing longer, you get more time to relax in the peaceful gardens, or on hair-raising rides.Just 10 kilometers north of Copenhagen is Bakken, the world’s oldest amusement park! Here you can experience 32 rides for all ages, including a wooden roller-coaster dating back to 1932. The fairytale woods that surround the deer park are also worth a visit.1.What should you do if you plan a spring break to Denmark?A.Lower your spirits.B.Watch out for wild animals.C.Pick out your favorite clothes.D.Pay attention to the local weather. 2.How many spots are suitable to see cherry blossom?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four. 3.What can you do in the theme park?A.You can raise animals.B.You can experience thrilling rides.C.You can spend a day hunting for mountainous friends.D.You can relax in the garden surrounded with cherry blossom.In the fall of 2012, Ken Liu received an offer from a Chinese company, which was seeking an English translator for a sci-fi novel titled The Three-Body Problem.Ken was a natural choice: familiar with both the Chinese and English sci-fi wording and culture. But The Three-Body Problem was unlike anything Ken had ever read. A mind-bending story was full of heady technical passages about physics theory, mixed with profound moral questions and humanity’s place in the universe. So capturing the novel in all its complexity seemed discouraging.When the English translation of The Three-Body Problem was published, it was described as a groundbreaking work of speculative fiction (推理小说). Liu Cixin, the author of the original work said, “Usually when Chinese literature gets translated into a foreign language, it tends to lose something. But I don’t think that happened to The Three-Body Problem. I think it gained something.”Ken was born in Lanzhou, Gansu province. He was a bookworm. Books provided him with a refuge when he moved to Calif, and couldn’t speak English at the age of 11. After graduation from Harvard, he was a computer programmer, then a corporate lawyer, and later a sci-fi writer. Throughout his shifting professional journey, Ken wrote fiction continuously. Eventually, one of his works won three big awards.Ken never set out to be a translator, but a Chinese writer discovered Ken. Chen Qiufan liked reading Ken’s short stories online and kept in touch with Ken. One day, he asked Ken for his opinion on an English translation of one of his stories, which was from a translation company. Ken wasn’t impressed and offered to edit it, but ended up redoing the translation from scratch. Chen was completely moved by Ken’s spirit.Ken’s approach to translation is unorthodox (非正统的). Strict loyalty to the sourcematerial is not his chief goal, nor is producing a smooth, Americanized version. “It’s not a word-by-word recreation,” he said. “It’s about how I show the overall effect.” Rather than ignoring cultural and spoken differences that would be lost on most Western readers, he tries to stress them.4.Ken’s task of translating The Three-Body Problem is ______.A.demanding B.well-paid C.urgent D.eye-catching 5.What does Ken’s writing experience tell us?A.All life is an experiment.B.Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.C.Persistence will be eventually rewarded.D.Unintentional actions bring unexpected surprises.6.What impressed Chen Qiufan most about Ken?A.Ken wrote many short novels online.B.Ken gave his opinions on Chen’s novels.C.Ken took his work seriously and pursued perfection.D.Ken aimed to be a translator after graduation from Harvard.7.What is Ken’s translation style like?A.It follows every word exactly.B.It highlights cultural differences.C.It is influenced by American culture.D.It focuses on the fluency of language.Tamara Hinson examines why space exploration developments shouldn’t just be of interest to astronauts—they’re helping to change our holidays, too.In early May 2019 Blue Origin, the space exploration company founded by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, successfully launched and landed the rocket Bezos plans to use for space tourism. In recent years, international space agencies and private space exploration companies have made huge leaps forward in their efforts to explore beyond planet Earth. This isn’t just good news for those of us with a burning desire to visit the Moon, see our planet from space or set up camp on Mars, and if you extremely like travelling, you’ll highly likely eventually benefit from developments relating to space exploration. By travelling in a spaceship sent into orbit, an eight-hour flight in a narrow airplane could become a 30-minute hop, while the entire planet could be circumnavigated in just 90 minutes.Recent developments suggest such journeys might soon become reality, largely thanks tothe number of privately-funded space exploration adventures, like Musk’s SpaceX.“It’s not just about national space agencies any more and commercial companies all over the world are doing their own thing,” points out Bresnik, who admits to being surprised at the developments made in a relatively short space of time. “In the 1900s we had the first flight, and suddenly all these other people were building airplanes. And now, just over 100 years later, there are generations who think it’s perfectly normal to simply book a flight on their iPhone. And we’re at the same point with space flight; you’ll soon be able to go to space without being a professional astronaut.”All of these developments and the research and testing which comes before hand serve another purpose. They make getting to Mars— the little red dot our descendants (后代) could very well end up living on much easier, although there are still various obstacles. Bresnik states that he suspects a trip into space will soon be as simple as a trip to Disneyland even if the famous theme park has certain advantages, such as more reliable supplies of food, water, and oxygen, believing we’re close to overcoming all obstacles and pointing out that one potential solution would be to take seeds instead of food, and use regenerative techniques to reclaim water.8.What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and 3?A.Bezos plans to use the rocket for space exploration.B.Space tourism lovers have set up camp on the Mars.C.Travelling by spaceship might largely shorten the travelling time.D.Musk’s SpaceX alone makes such space journeys become a reality.9.Why is Bresnik surprised?A.Space exploration has made rapid progress.B.A trip into space will cost as much as an iPhone.C.People can go to space without being trained nowadays.D.Many commercial companies play a role in space tourism.10.Which statement may Bresnik agree with?A.A trip into space is as simple as a trip to Disneyland.B.Growing crops might solve food problems in space.C.Space tourism can provide reliable food, water and oxygen.D.Living on the Mars is difficult for our descendants in the future.11.Which of the following can be the best title?A.Let’s Go to Mars for a Holiday!B.Are You Ready for Space Tourism?C.Space Exploration Develops Rapidly.D.Private Companies Contributes to Space Tourism.A “superhero” moss can significantly reduce the risk and severity of flooding for communities living in downstream areas, researchers have found. Scientists from the conservation group Moors for the Future Partnership who conducted a six-year study into sphagnum moss (泥炭藓) found that planting it in upland areas could dramatically slow the rate at which water runs off the hillsides, preventing river catchments (集水处) being overwhelmed with water downstream.The research found that the sphagnum moss reduced peak streamflow — the maximum amount of water that enters a river after a storm — by 65%. The moss was also found to increase lag time — the time taken between rainfall and the rainwater entering the river system — by 680%.More than 50,000 individual sphagnum plants–which are about the size of a 5 0p coin — were planted on Kinder Scout, the highest point in the Peak District national park, as part of an “outdoor laboratory” for researchers to observe.Before the moss was planted on Kinder, the hill surface consisted of bare peat, which meant that after a storm rainwater would wash straight off, leaving communities in downstream valleys more vulnerable to flooding.The planting of sphagnum moss could therefore bring important ecological benefits. The plant is capable of absorbing up to 20 times its own weight in water, which means that more rainwater can be held upstream and enter a river catchment more gradually to prevent it from being overwhelmed. Sphagnum moss can also help protect the layers of peat underneath it, and can accumulate over time to create new layers of peat which are essential to carbon storage.Tom Spencer, a research and monitoring officer for the Moors for the Future Partnership hailed the dramatic effects the moss has had on the river catchment. He said sphagnum planting could be “a powerful tool in minimising the risk and severity of flooding”, which would have “far-reaching benefits for communities downstream”.12.What can be inferred from paragraph 1?A.River catchments need to be expanded.B.Sphagnum moss can ease the impact of flood.C.More trees should be planted to prevent flood.D.Upland areas are not safe to live in during flood.13.What is paragraph 5 mainly about?A.Impressive functions of sphagnum moss.B.Serious problems caused by rainwater.C.Suggested ways to plant sphagnum moss.D.Future possibilities of sphagnum moss.14.What does the underlined word “hailed” in the last paragraph probably mean?A.spoke highly of B.lost sight of C.paid attention to D.made remarks on15.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A.To explain the real causes of flood.B.To share a way of planting sphagnum moss.C.To stress the flood risks of some communities.D.To introduce the ecological benefits of a plant.二、七选五The question “Who am I?” can bring on a series of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, butis more common than you may think, and we’re here to help you find all the answers you’re looking for.Be honest with yourself to learn about all aspects of your personality.Knowing yourself means recognizing different parts of your identity, personality, and being. The goal is not to criticize yourself but to acknowledge all sides of your personality. Open up to the possibility of learning new things about yourself. Pay attention to the things that make you feel uncomfortable. These emotional signals can tell you if you’re trying to avoid something. 17 ? If so, how can you overcome it? For example, if you don’t like to look in the mirror, ask yourself why.18 .Thinking over difficult personal questions and analyzing your answer can help you learnmore about your interests, fears, and aspirations. Use what you learn from this activity to spend more time doing what you love and overcoming your fears. See how you respond to these questions: What do I love doing? What are my dreams? What do I want my legacy to be?19 ?Incorporate mindfulness into your day to live in the present moment.Mindfulness is the act of experiencing the present moment to help you understand your thoughts, actions, and motives. 20 . Practicing mindfulness can help you push aside distractions and check in with yourself even in the most hectic of times. Check out these ways you can be more mindful: Pause and observe the world around you. Avoid eating meals at your computer or TV and focus on how the food tastes and feels in your mouth. Take a walk and notice how the ground feels beneath your feet, where the sun is in the sky, and if birds are chirping.A.What is my biggest criticism of myselfB.Are these emotions positive or negativeC.Are you insecure about that characteristicD.Getting to know yourself is a life-long journeyE.Question your hobbies to discover how you view yourselfF.Ask thoughtful questions about yourself and answer honestlyG.It’s a state of attention to yourself and the world you’re experiencing三、完形填空In 2022, just before my 32th birthday was approaching, the Singapore-based sister insisted my mother and I join her for a holiday. My mum, regarded as a fearless woman,Soon, our relationship became tense. Weekly phone calls were too rushed and careless to ever mature into real 29 . The 30 led to arguments instead. To me, her old-fashioned advice annoyed me, forcing me to 31 information or even lie intentionally. Perhaps Singapore would give us a chance to bring our 32 back to life.Looking for something to 33 ourselves, we signed up for a joint painting activity. To our joy, our faded relationship began to take on the 34 of something truthful and beautiful. This makes a landmark in a daughter’s journey in 35 with her long-cherished past.21.A.projects B.procedures C.ideas D.systems 22.A.fear B.sorrow C.anger D.despair 23.A.recover B.repair C.rebuild D.review 24.A.exploration B.evaluation C.highlight D.introduction 25.A.content B.desperate C.familiar D.pregnant 26.A.serve B.teach C.show D.tell 27.A.casual B.alternative C.conventional D.proper 28.A.boosted B.changed C.faded D.attained 29.A.characteristic B.touch C.talk D.leisure 30.A.tension B.mistake C.strain D.crisis 31.A.hold back B.turn down C.keep away D.make up 32.A.friendship B.relationship C.fellowship D.membership 33.A.alleviate B.relax C.convince D.tackle 34.A.output B.range C.beauty D.color 35.A.going B.communicating C.dealing D.reconnecting四、用单词的适当形式完成短文语法填空Roujiamo is closely associated with the north-central city of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province. Since 210BCE, Xi’an has been both the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and the capital for 13 more-or-less Chinese 36 (dynasty).The meat preparation used to make the filling for roujiamo traditionally37 (date) back to the Warring States Period. The introduction into China of Central Asian-style flat五、其他应用文46.在促进国内经济大循环的当下,让世界看到中国造,让国货(domestic products)崛起,支持国货的意义不可小觑。



鄂东南教改联盟学校期中联考高二数学参考答案(共6页)第1页鄂东南教改联盟学校期中联考高二数学参考答案(共6页)第2页2019年秋季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校期中联考高二数学参考答案1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.充分不必要14.4115.x+3y=0或x+y-2=016.①③17、(1)证明:,,,D AD CD AD PA CD PA =⋂⊥⊥ ABCD PA 平面⊥∴(4分)CD AB //)2( 为异面直线AB 与PD 所成的角或其补角,(5分)ABCDPA 平面⊥ 52,32==∆∴AC PD PAD Rt 中,在,,62=∴PC ,333824124cos -=-+=∠∴PDC 异面直线AB 与PD 所成角的余弦值为33。

(10分)18、(Ⅰ)把(1,2)代入抛物线方程,解得P =2∴E 的方程为y 2=4x .…(4分)(Ⅱ)法一:由(Ⅰ)得抛物线E 的方程为y 2=4x ,焦点F (1,0)设A ,B 两点的坐标分别为A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),则…(6分)两式相减.整理得∵线段AB 中点的纵坐标为-1∴直线l 的斜率…(10分)直线l 的方程为y -0=-2(x -1)即2x +y -2=0…(12分)法二:由(1)得抛物线E 的方程为y 2=4x,焦点F (1,0)设直线l的方程为x =my +1由消去x ,得y 2-4my -4=0设A ,B 两点的坐标分别为A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),∵线段AB 中点的纵坐标为-1∴解得…(10分)直线l 的方程为即2x +y -2=0…(12分)19、解:,满足等差数列213-4}{34=S S a n ,即公差为1,134=-∴a a 又 ,,成等比数列,所以,即,解得分所以分,分两式相减得分所以分所以分20.解:(1)222)(r b y x C =-+的方程为:设圆,,)-333,3(22r b =+()代入得把.....①又 圆C 截直线y=5所得弦长为32223)5(r b =+-∴.....②。



2019年秋季鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校期中联考高二历史参考答案1.C【解析】西周设“司市”加强对管理市场,管仲强调农工商不能混杂,各就其业,体现了对经济的干预和控制,范蠡利用国家的力量平抑物价,使农商“俱利”,商鞅运用政治权力,以官爵劝农,这些都体现了国家对经济的干预,故C项正确;工商食官是西周时期典型特征,春秋战国已走向瓦解,A项与史实不符,也不符合材料共同主旨;商鞅重视农业生产,并不意味着农业遭到破坏,且B 项也不是四则材料共同主旨;D项四则材料均没有体现。






1.已知命题 ,则 命题为( )
A. B.
C. D.
所以命题 的否定为 ,
故答案为: ①③
17.如图,四棱锥 中, , , , , .
(1)求证: 平面 ;
(2)求异面直线 与 所成角的余弦值.
【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2) .
16.平面内与两定点 , 连线的斜率之积等于非零常数 的点的轨迹,加上 、 两点所成的曲线 可以是圆、椭圆或双曲线,给出以下四个结论:①当 时,曲线 是一个圆;②当 时,曲线 的离心率为 ;③当 时,曲线 的渐近线方程为 ;④当曲线 的焦点坐标分别为 和 时, 的范围是 .其中正确的结论序号为_______.
A. B. C. D.
【解析】根据递推数列的形式特征,利用累乘法可求得数列 通项公式.
已知 中, ,

5.一束光线从点 出发,经 轴反射到圆 上的最短路径长度是()
设直线与椭圆两个交点 、



(五)建议起评分为 44 分。
参考译文: 张元祯,字廷祥,南昌人。五岁能作诗,宁靖王召见,为他起名元徵。巡抚韩雍很器重他,称
之为:“吉祥之人。”于是改名未元祯。考中天顺四年(1460)进士,为庶吉士,授官编修。宪宗即 位,张元祯上疏请求(宪宗为英宗)守三年丧,宪宗不理会。这年五月,张元祯上疏陈述三件事:“一、 勤讲学。讲官,命令大臣公开推举刚直正派的人担任,不拘泥于官职大小。一、公开处理政务。所 有奏章,命令大臣们详细讨论,当面陈述可否,陛下亲临决断是非。闲暇时则召见五品以下官员, 任意以时事得失利弊询问他们,使下面的情况得以完全传达上来。一、广用贤。朝廷内外群臣,有 刚强正直敢言的,举荐为台谏,不必考虑他的言语容貌、官职、出身。”奏疏呈入,因建议大多有阻 碍难以施行,被搁置。参与编纂《英宗实录》,与执政者议事不合,称病辞职在家闲居,研究性命之 学。经过二十年,朝廷内外纷纷举荐,他都不赴任。弘治初年,孝宗召张元祯修纂《宪宗实录》,晋 升为左赞善。他上疏说:“人君不以推行王道为本心,便不是大有所为的君主。陛下在东宫修养德性 时已身负大有所为的希望。近来却很推崇异端,宠幸亲近的人,而蛊惑本心;聚敛财物,沉迷于玩 乐,而荒废本心;开启奸邪小人或侥幸者进身的门户,堵塞言路,而蒙昧本心,这样就不能大有所 为了。希望坚定圣王心志,专一圣学,广增圣智。”奏疏反复述说累计万言,皇帝大多采纳。《孝宗 实录》完成,元祯晋升南京侍讲学士,因奉养母亲而辞官回乡。很久以后,朝廷召元祯任《会典》 副总裁。到任后就晋升学士,充任御前讲席的讲官,皇帝很信赖他。张元祯体貌清瘦,身高不超过 一般人,皇帝特意设置低矮的几案以听他讲经。几个月后,因母亲去世离职。服丧期满,晋升南京 太常卿。不就,(朝廷)编撰《通鉴纂要》,又召他为副总裁。以原来的官职兼任学士,改任为掌管 詹事府。孝宗晚年德行更有长进。张元祯于是请求御前讲席增讲《太极图》《通书》等书。皇帝立刻 取来看,高兴地说:“上天降生这个人,来开导朕。”准备重用他,不久孝宗驾崩。武宗即位,张元 祯被提升为吏部左侍郎兼学士,进入东阁,专门掌管诰令。张元祯向来有盛誉。居于山林很久,晚 年才复出。馆阁诸人都是后辈,见张元祯的言论意态,认为他迂腐而不切合实际,大多嘲笑他。再 加上因名位相互倾轧,于是非议兴起,谏官纷纷上奏弹劾他。张元祯七次上疏请求退休,刘健极力 保护支持他。刘健离职,元祯也去世。天启初年,追封谥号文裕。



湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学放革联盟学校起点考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题一、阅读理解New Chief Executive WantedThe Economist Educational Foundation is an independent charity that was established from inside The Economist Group in 2012. We support children from underserved backgrounds to have inspiring discussions about the news, which teach them to creatively solve problems, listen with an open mind and speak with confidence.Children who take part in our programme, Topical Talk, can make significant measurable progress compared with their peers in these essential skills, which support them to thrive at school, in employment and as citizens. They practise these skills to engage with the news, learning to form nuanced views on complex issues and constructively have their say. This is especially important at a time of misinformation and polarisation.Our founding Chief Executive, Emily Evans, has decided to move on to tackle new challenges. She will step down next summer, and we are seeking a new Chief Executive to lead the charity as it embarks on a hugely exciting next phase of global growth. Topical Talk has expanded from a UK pilot in 2013 to reaching over 200,000 children across the world today, and we have ambitious plans for the next decade.We have an extraordinary platform to support our growth ambitions: a talented, highly motivated and supportive team; a collaborative, professional, high-trust culture; and clear strategic focus. We are looking for a leader who can build on this platform and realise our potential for scale at the same time as deepening our impact, ensuring that we always stay focused on making a meaningful difference in the lives of children who are most in need of extra support.If you have experience of scaling an organization while taking a collaborative, inclusive and empowering approach to leadership, and you are keen on our mission, we would love to hear from you. The role is based in The Economist’s headquarters in London at least two days per week.Find more information, including details of how to apply, here: economist foundation.org/chiefexecutive1.What is the aim of The Economist Educational Foundation?A.To involve more citizens in an educational cause.B.To creatively solve global problems.C.To help disadvantaged children develop some core skills.D.To worldwide engage children in wiping out misinformation.2.What is the charity’s future ambition?A.To boost its growth and influence.B.To cope with new challenges.C.To adopt an inclusive way.D.To move its base to London.3.What key qualities are expected in the new Chief Executive?A.Being capable and bossy.B.Being modest and experienced.C.Being talented and diligent.D.Being enthusiastic and cooperative.In 1983, Howard Blatt, an electrical engineer at MIT and a married father, collapsed in his kitchen due to a stroke (中风). This left him with a paralyzed arm and leg and severe aphasia.Aphasia does not affect intellect, so some aphasia sufferers liken it to living in a prison within their own brain; their minds work, yet they are unable to express themselves or understand spoken or written language. The condition can prevent them from speaking, reading, writing or comprehending, sometimes a combination of those, sometimes all of them. At least 2 million people in the U. S. have aphasia, commonly as a result of stroke.Describing his condition, Blatt said: “No talking — zip. Speech — zip. One incident. Changed life.” Blatt adapted to his physical disabilities but never fully recovered. Discovering aid networks for people with aphasia were a rarity in the early 1980s, he co-founded the Aphasia Community Group in 1990 with his wife and others. It’s one of the oldest and largest support groups for aphasia patients and their families, offering services like concerts, book groups, health information, and companionship.Mary Borelli, a stroke survivor, described the group as a lifesaver, providing understanding and a sense of belonging. The group helps break the isolation. Jerry Kaplan, a co-founder and Boston University speech-language pathologist, noted that newcomers often express relief at finding others who share their struggles. Thousands have attended since its founding, finding asafe, comfortable space to connect.Blatt focused on regaining function. He moved from a wheelchair to a leg brace, re-camed his driver’s license, and documented cross-country trips. He also pursued sculpting, house restorations, and created a newsletter called The Aphasia Advocate. Within the Group, he was a role model of adaptability and determination.The Aphasia Community Group, which will celebrate its 35th anniversary next year, remains one of Blatt’s enduring legacies. Kaplan emphasized Blatt’s determination, saying “Though given a tough break in midlife, with young children, at the top of his game in his profession, and his communication gifts were largely wiped out, he did not give in to this for 40-plus years. And not only did he survive; he thrived.”4.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.The consequences of a stroke.B.The huge aphasia sufferers.C.The causes of a stroke.D.The symptoms of aphasia.5.Why did they set up the Aphasia Community Group?A.To provides companionship for lonely people.B.To address the lack of support for aphasia sufferers.C.To work on a medical cure for aphasia.D.To answer the call of MIT.6.According to the members, what is the significance of the Aphasia Community Group?A.It offers them financial assistance.B.It helps them regain their speech completely.C.It creates a caring community for them.D.It conducts extensive research on their conditions.7.Which saying effectively highlights Howard Blatt’s life story?A.Turn lemons into lemonade.B.Let nature take its course.C.As you sow, so shall you reap.D.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.What if there were no lemonade stands selling a cup for a quarter? No paychecks for parents and no allowances for kids? No library fines and no lottery jackpots? How about no tollbooths or parking meters or car payments — no cars at all for that matter, but we’ll get to thatlater. Imagine, too, if there were no coin tosses to decide who goes first. What would the tooth fairy leave under our pillow?If all this were true, language would be poorer as well. No one would feel like a million bucks. No one would give a penny for your thoughts. And what would be in your wallet? A toothpick, a picture, perhaps a love note, but no credit cards or cold hard cash.Instead of buying, you would have to grow or make whatever you might need. You would do a lot of physical labor in this moneyless world. Want a pair of pants? Then, raise some sheep, shear them, spin the yarn, weave the wool, and sew away. The complex process of manufacturing a car — mining coal, smelting iron, tempering steel, assembling a vehicle — makes it likely that you would have to ride a horse for transportation. You would live like a pioneer on the frontier, everyone more or less equal in the struggle to survive.To stressed-out modern Americans, this simple life may sound appealing, as it seems to create less waste and less greed. Instead of checks, people might spend time writing poems. No money means no rat race, the endless getting and spending, the pressure to keep up with neighbors and friends. In a moneyless world, families and neighbors depend on each other. And, you might have lots of brothers and sisters to share the work.Given how much time it takes to grow and make and fix things, swapping goods and services makes sense. If farmers grow wheat, millers may grind it in return for a share. Barter (物物交换) serves a local economy, but what if people want more — more comfort, more choices? What if they just want to wear something, anything, other than wool and animal skins? The desire for cloth fueled trade in the ancient world. Cotton grows only in warm climates; silkworms develop well in Asia. Traders can transport raw fibers or woven fabric from producers to consumers, but swapping does not work over long distances. Imagine pulling ham and eggs across continents. So, societies developed a portable alternative: money.Money is trust made visible. It does not matter what form it takes — bead or coin or byte in an electronic transaction. It simply represents an agreed-upon value. How did people ever live without it?8.How does the writer introduce the topic?A.By describing a futuristic society B.By imagining a life without moneyC.By explaining the origin of money D.By detailing the history of bartering9.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Society values money for its convenience.B.Money greatly enriches expressions.C.Money leads to social disorder.D.People prefer simplicity to money. 10.According to the passage, a moneyless world makes for ________.A.Equality B.Innovation C.Independence D.Competition 11.What is the author’s attitude towards the idea of a modern moneyless world?A.Carefree.B.Unclear.C.Disapproving.D.Supportive.If a stranger offered you a free cookie, you might well eat it. But what if they offered to also give you$2? You might politely decline and walk away thinking, “Something smells fishy.”In a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers found that people tend to turn down offers of “free money” as well as unusually high salaries or suspiciously cheap services because they seem“ too good to be true.” The research bridges economics and psychology to explain why financial attraction can backfire.In the initial experiment, nearly 40 percent of participants ate a cookie offered freely — compared with about 20 percent of those offered $2 as well. “People typically imagine things like that someone did something disgusting to the cookie,” says study lead author Andrew J. V onasch, a psychological scientist at University of Canterbury in New Zealand.If someone seems to violate accepted norms such as self- interest without explanation, we assume they have hidden motives and infer there will be “phantom costs”: imagined consequences that reduce what Vonasch calls an offer’s “psychological value”.Factors beyond the present moment may come into play.“ Understanding that others’ noticeable overgenerosity may put us in their debt could also help explain people’s reluctance,” says Rachel McCloy, a psychologist studying decision-making at England’s University of Reading.“ The old maxim’ there’s no such thing as a free lunch’ is clearly alive and well.”Another experiment found that high scorers on measures of distrust inferred more phantom costs. The researchers also showed how to minimize the effect: simply provide a reason for the deal. The “cheap flights” experiment included a condition where the seats were revealed to be very uncomfortable.“ Uncomfortable seats aren’t typically a selling point,” V onasch says. “But telling people the seats were uncomfortable made them more willing to take them because it wassufficient clarification.”12.What is the meaning of the underlined word backfire in the second paragraph?A.Cause a positive outcome unexpectedly.B.Have the opposite effect of the one intended.C.Improve the effectiveness of a strategy.D.Enhance the value of an offer.13.Why is the saying “there is no such thing as a free lunch” quoted in the last but one paragraph?A.To promote generosity in society.B.To serve as a supporting argument.C.To highlight hidden costs of generous offers.D.To remind people to be cautious of free items.14.Which case can reduce “Phantom Costs”?A.Offering more money.B.Providing additional unrelated gifts.C.Discounting the price further.D.Giving a plausible explanation. 15.Which could be the best title of the text?A.Phantom Costs: Why Some Deals Seem Too Good to Be TrueB.Phantom Costs: What Is The Science of Financial AttractionC.Psychological Value: Why People Reject Free Money and OfferD.Psychological Value: How People interpret Overgenerosity in DealsTop tips from Life Kit on how to make your summer safer and brighter When it comes to bright ideas, our Life Kit experts have a lot of them. This month, they offered timely guidance on summer safety and science-backed strategies on how to boost memory and improve sleep.● 16 One study found that changing your environment in a very simple way, like getting out of your office to work in the kitchen or go for a walk, contributes to your creativity. “Now, the creativity boost that you get from simply changing your environment lasts for only about six minutes. However, those six minutes could be quite important. 17 ” says Tali Sharot.If you have a ton on your mind as you’ re trying to fall asleep, quiet the chatter by writing a to-do list. Write out each issue or task and a specific next step that you will take tomorrow to address it, says Allison Harvey. 18 “Once people get into problem-solving, that becomes arousing.”● If the temperature is in the high 90s and you don’t have air conditioning at home, go to a cooling center. “That might be something like a community center, a public library, a coffee shop,a movie theater or a mall,” says Paul Schramm. 19● Don’t want to forget where you parked your car? Slow down and focus on what you want to remember, says neuroscientist Lisa Genova. 20 “The first necessary ingredient in creating a longer-lasting memory is attention. We need that input — otherwise that memory doesn’t get made.” So if you can’t find your parking spot, you probably weren’t paying attention to it in the first place.A.When people complain about having memory problems, they’re often having focus problems. B.That could be the big eureka moment.C.You should have your phone nearby in case you need to call 911.D.Electric fans are not enough — they will just move around hot air.E.If you want to protect your home and loved ones, position your gas or charcoal grill in an open environment.F.If you need a breakthrough at work, move to a different location.G.Don’t try to actually fix the problem, though.二、完形填空It’s one of those things that we don’t see coming and that make life so very interesting.The other day, I was sorting out the contents of an untidy cupboard and 21 the things my wife and I had accumulated over the years when I 22 a file folder hidden away in a back corner. Inside I found the manuscript (手稿) for a/ an 23 . It was written, to my 24 , by my father, a professional writer. I have very fond memories of my father but they are also 25 memories. My father died when I was just part way through my teenage years26 , it has 27 me through my years of education, several jobs, a marriage, the births of my children and grandchildren, retirement and even a relocation right across the huge country where I live, but 28 I never realized it existed. Yet there it was, resting under a pile of, as it 29 , non-essentials destined to be recycled. If I hadn’t been paying attention, I might have thrown it out. I was truly shaken by my 30 .My dad’s novel now waits for me to 31 another book I’m in the middle of reading but it has a place on my bed- side table where I 32 it every day. I want to have some clear time before I have the time and focus to give it the attention it 33 so I haven’t even closely examined it yet. As yet I don’t know what the story line is about and I don’t even know if it is complete but I anticipate both a highly interesting and emotional 34 of finding out.I find it fascinating to think that this could happen; that after more than fifty years my father could 35 forward over the years and through the mists of time to touch his only son. 21.A.removing B.changing C.appreciating D.fixing 22.A.polished up B.came across C.concentrated on D.tripped over 23.A.play B.novel C.essay D.autobiography 24.A.satisfaction B.despair C.delight D.amazement 25.A.vivid B.bitter- sweet C.lasting D.distant 26.A.Consequently B.Accidentally C.Obviously D.Fortunately 27.A.followed B.possessed C.confused D.supported 28.A.anyhow B.anywhere C.somehow D.somewhere 29.A.came out B.turned out C.brought out D.worked out 30.A.arrival B.discovery C.analysis D.intention 31.A.finish B.reject C.publish D.select 32.A.read B.review C.see D.monitor 33.A.escapes B.draws C.arrests D.deserves 34.A.process B.pursuit C.obligation D.objective 35.A.reach B.put C.pay D.look三、语法填空语法填空Fireworks began in ancient China before spreading West. The thinking goes 36 someone living in China around the first century B.C.37 (throw) a piece of bamboo on a fire and it exploded with a bang. Bamboo stalks (节) contain air pockets that can expand and blow up in extreme heat. Chinese travelers would carry bamboo on journeys in case they neededto create 38 loud noise to scare away wild animals.The next major development came around the ninth century, when gunpowder was invented. Chinese producers loaded up bamboo stalks with gunpowder 39 (create) perhaps the world’s first manufactured fireworks, and later began using paper tubes as well. These were employed to ward off evil spirits and celebrate births and weddings. By the 12th century, fireworks were being lit 40 entertainment purposes in China’s imperial court. Around the 14th century, primitive fireworks then made their way to Europe, 41 Italian artists constructed displays like theatrical sets called “machines” and set off fireworks inside them.Fireworks became far 42 (complex) thanks to advances in chemistry. The 19th century saw potassium chlorate (a chemical) 43 (use) to bring out brilliant colors in fireworks, such as red and green, and enhance their44 (bright).Over the years, innovations in technology led to some curious suggestions for 45 fireworks could help solve modern problems. Whalers experimented with rocket-powered harpoons (鱼叉) in the late 1800s, and inventor Gerhard Zucker attempted to use pyrotechnic rockets to deliver mail in the 1930s.Now pyrotechnic amusements have become a global phenomenon and almost the accepted way big events are celebrated.四、书信写作46.假设你是来自高二(9)班的李华,你被邀请在9月1日学校召开的开学典礼上给高一新生致欢迎辞。



2019-2020学年鄂东南省级示范高中学校高二(上)期中物理试卷一、单选题(本大题共6小题,共30.0分)1.匀强磁场中放入一通电导线,导线与磁场垂直,长10cm,电流为5A,所受安培力为0.5N,则磁感应强度大小为()A. 1TB. 0.01TC. 0.25TD. 25T2.如图所示的电路中,开关S1、S2、S3、S4均闭合,C是极板水平放置的平行板电容器,极板间悬浮着一油滴P,欲使P向下运动,应断开开关()A. S1B. S2C. S3D. S43.如图所示,空间有一水平方向的匀强电场,初速度为v0的带电小球从A点射入电场,在竖直平面内沿直线从A运动到B,在此过程中粒子的()A. 动能和电势能都减少,重力势能增加B. 动能减少,重力势能和电势能都增加C. 动能和重力势能都增加,电势能减少D. 动能不变,重力势能增加,电势能减少4.如图所示,匀强电场场强E=100V/m,A、B两点相距10cm、A、B连线与电场线夹角为60°,若取A点电势为0,则B点电势为()A. −10VB. 10VC. −5VD. 5V5.关于静电场,下列说法中正确的是()A. 在电场中某点的电势为零,则该点的电场强度一定为零B. 电荷在电场中电势高的地方电势能大,在电势低的地方电势能小C. 根据公式U=Ed可知,在匀强电场中两点间的距离越大,电势差就越大D. 正电荷从电势高的点运动到电势低的点,电势能一定减小6.已知铜的摩尔质量为M(kg/mol),铜的密度为,阿伏加德罗常数为。

下列判断正确的是()A. 1kg铜所含的原子数为B. 1个铜原子的质量为C. 铜所含的原子数为D. 1kg铜的体积为二、多选题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分)7.下列说法中正确的是()A. 通过某面的磁感线条数为零则此面处磁感应强度一定为零B. 空间各点磁感应强度的方向就是该点的磁场方向C. 平行放置的两条形磁铁间异名磁极间的磁场为匀强磁场D. 磁感应强度为零,则放在该处的某面通过的磁感线条数一定为零8.下列说法正确的是()A. 沿电场线方向场强逐渐减小B. 沿电场线方向电势逐渐降低C. 沿电场线方向电势逐渐升高D. 沿电场线方向移动正电荷电场力做正功9.如图所示的电路中,电表均为理想电表。



湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2020学年高二化学上学期期中联考试题考试时间:2020 年 11 月 13 日上午 10:00—11:30 试卷满分:100 分可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Mg-24 Fe-56 K-39 Cl-35.5 Mn-55 Ag-108第Ⅰ卷选择题(共 48 分)一、选择题(本题包括 16 小题,每小题 3 分,共 48 分。


)1.下列说法不正确的是()A.纳米铁粉可以高效地去除被污染水体中的Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+、Hg2+等重金属离子,其本质是纳米铁粉对重金属离子较强的物理吸附B.沼气是可再生能源,电能是二次能源C.燃煤中加入 CaO 可以减少酸雨的形成,但不能减少温室气体的排放D.Na 与 H2O 的反应是熵增的放热反应,该反应常温能自发进行2.在中和热测定实验过程中,下列操作会使测得中和热的数值(│ΔH│)偏大的是()A.用量筒量取氢氧化钠体积时仰视读数B.用环形铜丝搅拌棒代替环形玻璃搅拌棒C.用相同浓度和体积的硝酸代替稀盐酸溶液进行实验D.用 1g NaOH 固体代替 50mL 0.55mol/L 的 NaOH 溶液进行实验3.对于合成氨反应,达到平衡后,以下分析正确的是()A.升高温度,对正反应的反应速率影响更大,氨气的产率增大B.增大压强,对正反应的反应速率影响更大,氨气的产率增大C.减小反应物浓度,对逆反应的反应速率影响更大,氨气的产率增大D.加入催化剂,对正反应的反应速率影响更大,氨气的产率增大4.阿伏加德罗常数约为6.02×1023 mol−1,下列叙述中正确的是()A.常温常压下,18.0 g 重水(D2O)所含的电子数约为10×6.02×1023 个B.一定条件下,46.0 g 二氧化氮和四氧化二氮的混合气体中含有的氮原子数约为6.02×1023 个C.已知:CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g) ΔH=-91 kJ·mol-1 ,一定条件下若加入6.02×1023个 CO 和2×6.02×1023 个 H2,则放出 91kJ 的热量D.1.0L 1.0mol·L−1CH3COOH 溶液中,CH3COOH 分子数约为 6.02×1023 个5 .在容积相同的五个不同容器中,分别充入等量的 N2 和 H2 在不同温度下发生反应 N2(g)+3H2(g) 2NH3(g),且分别在 t 秒时测定其中 NH3 的体积分数 x(NH3)如图,下列说法正确的是()A.A、B、C、D、E 五点中 D 点是未达平衡点B.该反应逆向为ΔH<0 的反应C.A、B、C、D、E 五点中 N2 转化率最大的是 C 点D.A、D 两点的反应速率相等6.下列说法正确的是()A.向盛有 4mL 0.01mol/L 的 KMnO4 酸性溶液的试管中加入 2mL 0.1mol/LH2C2O4 溶液,溶液褪色速率,先慢后快,溶液最终几乎为无色,主要原因是反应放热B.相同条件下,向甲、乙两支试管均加入 5mL 0.1mol/LNa2S2O3 溶液,再向甲中加 5mL0.15mol/LH2SO4 溶液和 5mLH2O,乙中加入 10mL0.1mol/LH2SO4 溶液,则甲比乙先出现浑浊C.向 1mL1mol/LKI 溶液中加入一定量淀粉溶液,无明显变化,再加 1mL2mol/LH2SO4 溶液,一段时间后溶液变为蓝色,主要原因是 H2SO4 氧化了 I-D.向两支试管中各加入 2mL 5%H2O2 溶液,再向其中分别加入 1mL0.1mol/LFeCl3 溶液和1mL0.1mol/LCuCl2 溶液,加入 FeCl3 溶液的 H2O2 分解速率更快,主要原因是 FeCl3 使反应物的活化分子百分数增加程度更大7.如图是关于反应 A2(g)+B2(g) 2C(g)+D(g) ΔH<0 的平衡移动图像,影响平衡移动的原因可能是()A.温度、压强不变,充入一定量的 A2(g)B.压强不变,降低温度C.压强、温度不变,充入一定量与之不反应的惰性气体D.升高温度、同时加压8.联氨(N2H4) 与过氧化氢能够反应产生无污染的产物,并放出大量的热。

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湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校高二上学期期中联考数学试题一、单选题1.已知命题:P ,sin 1x R x ∀∈≤,则命题为 ( )A .00,sin 1x R x ∃∈≥B .,sin 1x R x ∀∈≥C .00,sin 1x R x ∃∈>D .,sin 1x R x ∀∈>【答案】C【解析】首先改变量词,然后否定结论,从而可得结果. 【详解】因为全称命题的否定是特称命题,首先改变量词,然后否定结论, 所以命题:P ,sin 1x R x ∀∈≤的否定为00,sin 1x R x ∃∈>, 故选C. 【点睛】本题主要考查全称命题的否定,属于简单题.全称命题与特称命题的否定与命题的否定有一定的区别,否定全称命题和特称命题时,一是要改写量词,全称量词改写为存在量词、存在量词改写为全称量词;二是要否定结论,而一般命题的否定只需直接否定结论即可.2.已知m ,n 表示两条不同直线,α表示平面,下列说法正确的是( ) A .若//,//,m n αα则//m n B .若m α⊥,n α⊂,则m n ⊥ C .若m α⊥,m n ⊥,则//n α D .若//m α,m n ⊥,则n α⊥ 【答案】B【解析】试题分析:线面垂直,则有该直线和平面内所有的直线都垂直,故B 正确. 【考点】空间点线面位置关系.3.已知双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>的一条渐近线方程为5y x =,且与椭圆221202x y +=有公共焦点,则C 的方程为( )A .221810x y -=B .221126x y -=C .221612x y -=D .221108x y -=【答案】A【解析】根据椭圆的方程,求得椭圆的焦点坐标,即为双曲线的焦点.再由渐近线方程,可得a 与b 的关系,结合双曲线中a bc 、、的关系得方程组,即可求得双曲线的标准方程.【详解】椭圆的标准方程为221202x y +=所以椭圆的半焦距为c ==所以椭圆的焦点坐标为()±,即双曲线的焦点为()±双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>的一条渐近线方程为y x =,即b a =双曲线中a b c 、、满足222+=a b c所以2222c b a a b c ⎧=⎪⎪=⎨⎪+=⎪⎩解方程组得a b c ⎧=⎪⎪=⎨⎪=⎪⎩所以双曲线的标准方程为221810x y -=故选:A 【点睛】本题考查了椭圆与双曲线的标准方程及其性质的应用,双曲线渐近线方程,属于基础题. 4.已知{}n a 中,11a =,()112n n n a na ++=,则数列{}n a 的通项公式是( ) A .21n n na =- B .12n n n a -=C .n a n =D .12n nn a +=【答案】B【解析】根据递推数列的形式特征,利用累乘法可求得数列{}n a 通项公式. 【详解】已知{}n a 中,11a =,()112n n n a na ++=化简整理可得()112n n n a a n++= 所以递推可得()121n n a n a n -=- ()12122n n a n a n ---=- ......32322a a =⨯ 21221a a =⨯ 等式两边分别相乘可得()()()12321232112322122232221n n n n n n a a a a a n n n a a a a a n n n -------⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⨯=⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⨯---⨯⨯ 即112n n a n a -= 所以11122n n n n n a a --=⋅= 故选:B 【点睛】本题考查了数列递推公式的表示方法,累乘法在求数列通项公式中的用法,属于基础题. 5.一束光线从点()1,1-出发,经x 轴反射到圆()()22:234C x y -+-=上的最短路径长度是( ) A .4 B .5 C .3 D .2【答案】C【解析】先找到P 关于x 轴对称点P',由两点间距离公式可得'P C ,根据最短路径为'P C r -即可求解.【详解】圆()()22:234C x y -+-=则圆心坐标为()2,3C ,半径2r =,如下图所示:设点()1,1P -,则点P 关于x 轴对称点为()'1,1P -- 由两点间距离公式可得()()22'12135P C =--+--= 所以最短路径的长度为'523P C r -=-= 故选:C 【点睛】本题考查了直线与圆的位置关系,点关于直线的对称点及最短距离问题,属于基础题. 6.已知三棱锥S ABC -,ABC ∆是直角三角形,其斜边10AB =,SC ⊥平面ABC ,6SC =,则三棱锥的外接球的表面积为( )A .136πB .68πC .72πD .100π【答案】A【解析】先将三棱锥补为四棱柱,三棱锥的外接球即为四棱柱的外接球,根据线段关系即可求出其外接球的半径,进而求出外接球的表面积. 【详解】根据题意,将三棱锥补全为四棱锥,如下图所示:则三棱锥S ABC -的外接球即为四棱柱SPQR CAEB -的外接球.ABC ∆是直角三角形,其斜边10AB =所以10CE AB ==则SE ===所以四棱柱SPQR CAEB -外接球半径2SER == 则四棱柱SPQR CAEB -外接球的表面积为2244136S R πππ==⨯=,即三棱锥S ABC -的外接球表面积为136S π= 故选:A 【点睛】本题考查了三棱锥外接球表面积的求法,因为三棱锥中三条棱两两垂直,可将三棱锥补成直四棱锥研究其外接球,属于基础题.7.已知椭圆22:1248x y E +=,过右焦点F 且倾斜角为45︒的直线交椭圆E 于A 、B 两点,AB 设的中点为M ,则直线OM 的斜率为( ) A .3- B .13-C.3-D.【答案】B【解析】根据椭圆标准方程可得焦点F 的坐标,进而得直线方程.联立椭圆方程,根据韦达定理及中点坐标公式可得中点M 的坐标,即可得直线OM 的斜率. 【详解】椭圆的标准方程为22:1248x y E +=所以半焦距4c ===,即右焦点坐标为()4,0F过右焦点F 的直线倾斜角为45︒,即斜率tan 451k ==o 所以直线方程为4y x =-联立直线方程与椭圆方程2241248y x x y =-⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,化简可得2660x x -+= 设直线与椭圆两个交点()11,A x y 、()22,B x y 则由韦达定理可得126x x += 则1212442y y x x +=-+-=-由中点坐标公式可得AB 中点()3,1M - 则直线OM 的斜率为1133-=- 故选:B 【点睛】本题考查了直线与椭圆的位置关系,中点弦问题的解法,属于基础题.8.已知1F 、2F 是双曲线()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点,过1F 的直线l 与双曲线的左、右两支分别交于点A 、B ,若24AB AF a ==,则双曲线的离心率为( ) A .3 B .4C .233D .7【答案】D【解析】根据双曲线定义及已知条件24AB AF a ==,用a 表示出12,AF BF ,可得2ABF ∆为等边三角形,得123F BF π∠=,在12F BF ∆中由余弦定理可得a 与c 的关系式,即可求得双曲线的离心率. 【详解】因为双曲线()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>,直线l 过1F 且与双曲线的左、右两支分别交于点A 、B ,如下图所示:由双曲线定义可知,12212,2BF BF a AF AF a -=-= 而24AB AF a ==,122F F c = 所以122422AF AF a a a a =-=-=则11426BF BA AF a a a =+=+=,212624BF BF a a a a =-=-= 所以224AB AF BF a ===,即2ABF ∆为等边三角形.在12F BF ∆中,由余弦定理可得2221212122cos3F F BF BF BF BF π=+-⋅代入可得22243616264cos 3c a a a a π=+-⨯⨯化简可得227c a =即双曲线离心率为2277c a a a==故选:D 【点睛】本题考查了双曲线的定义及简单性质的应用,余弦定理解三角形的用法,双曲线离心率的求法,属于中档题.9.已知圆锥的母线长为2r ,底面圆半径长为r ,圆心为O ,点M 是母线PA 的中点,AB 是底面圆的直径.若点C 是底面圆周上一点,且OC 与母线PB 所成的角等于60︒,则MC 与底面所成的角的正弦值为( )A .12 B .223C .123D .22【答案】C【解析】连接MO ,过M 作MD AO ⊥.连接,MC DC ,即MOC ∠即为OC 与母线PB 所成的角或补角,再由余弦定理即可求得MC ,在Rt ODC ∆中即可求得MC 与底面所成的角的正弦值. 【详解】连接MO ,过M 作MD AO ⊥.连接,MC DC 如下图所示:根据中位线定理可得MO PB ∥,MD ⊥平面AOCMCD ∠即为MC 与底面所成的角或补角因为圆锥的母线长为2r ,底面圆半径长为r 则222243PO PB OB r r r =-=-= 所以32PO rMD ==因为MO PB ∥则MOC ∠即为OC 与母线PB 所成的角或补角,即60MOC ∠=o 或120MOC ∠=o 因为1,2OC r OM PB r ===,在OMC ∆中由余弦定理可得 222cos MC OM OC OM CO MOC =+-⋅⋅⋅∠当60MOC ∠=o 时,代入可得222cos60MC r r r r r =+-⨯⨯⋅=o 当120MOC ∠=o 时,代入可得222cos1203MC r r r r r =+-⨯⨯⋅=o则332sin 2MD MCD MC r ∠===或312sin 23MD MCD MC r ∠=== 所以MC 与底面所成的角的正弦值为12或32故选:C 【点睛】本题考查了圆锥中直线与平面夹角的求法,空间中线线、线面、面面的位置关系,余弦定理在解三角形中的应用,属于中档题.10.已知抛物线()220x py p =>的准线方程为1y =-,ABC ∆的顶点A 在抛物线上,B 、C 两点在直线25y x =-上,若45BC =,则ABC ∆面积的最小值为( )A .10B .8C .1D .2【答案】D【解析】根据抛物线的准线方程可求得抛物线的方程,设出A 点坐标,利用点到直线距离公式表示出A 到直线25y x =-的距离,求出距离的最小值即可得ABC ∆面积的最小值. 【详解】因为抛物线()220x py p =>的准线方程为1y =-所以12p-=-,解得2p = 即抛物线方程为24x y =因为A 在抛物线上,设2,4t A t ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,直线25y x =-化为250x y --= 则点A 到直线250x y --=的距离d == 所以当4t =时, min 5d== 则由BC =ABC ∆面积的最小值为min 112225S d BC =⨯⨯=⨯=故选:D 【点睛】本题考查了抛物线标准方程及其性质的简单应用,点到直线距离公式的用法,属于基础题.11.已知非零实数a 、b 和1依次成等差数列,直线10ax by ++=与椭圆22:116x y C m +=恒有公共点,则实数m 的取值范围为( )A .34m >且16m ≠ B .34m ≥且16m ≠ C .43m >且16m ≠D .43m ≥且16m ≠【答案】D【解析】根据三个数成等差数列,可得a 、b 的等量关系,代入直线方程即可求得直线过的定点坐标,由直线与椭圆恒有公共点可知定点在椭圆内,即可求得m 的取值范围. 【详解】因为非零实数a 、b 和1依次成等差数列 则12a b +=,即21a b =-直线方程10ax by ++=可化为()2110b x by -++= 因而()210x y b x ++-= 所以直线经过定点()1,2-因为直线与椭圆22:116x y C m +=恒有公共点所以只需定点在椭圆内或在椭圆上即可 即14116m +≤且16m ≠ 解得43m ≥且16m ≠ 故选:D【点睛】本题考查了直线与椭圆位置关系,直线过定点的求法,属于基础题.12.我们把()2210,1,2nn F n =+=L 叫“费马数”(费马是十七世纪法国数学家).设()2log 1n n a F =-,1,2,n =L ,n S 表示数列{}n a 的前n 项之和,则使不等式21223122222400n nn n S S S S S S ++++<K 成立的最小正整数n 的值是( ) A .10 B .9C .8D .11【答案】A【解析】根据定义代入化简得数列{}n a 的通项公式,由通项公式可知数列{}n a 为等比数列.根据等比数列的求和公式先求得n S ,再代入通项式12n n n S S +中求得通项,结合裂项求和法即可求得不等式左边的和.最后代入n 的值检验即可判断能成立的最小正整数值. 【详解】因为()2210,1,2nn F n =+=L ,且()2log 1n n a F =-代入可得()2log 1n n a F =-()221og 2l 1n=-+()222log 2nn==则数列{}n a 为等比数列,首项为12,2a q == 根据等比数列的求和公式可得()()21222112nnn S-==--所以()()1122221221n nn n n n S S ++=-⨯- 111142121n n +⎛⎫=- ⎪--⎝⎭所以不等式左边212231222nn n S S S S S S ++++K 111111111143377152121n n +⎛⎫=-+-+-⋅⋅⋅+- ⎪--⎝⎭ 1111421n +⎛⎫=- ⎪-⎝⎭则不等式为111214212400nn +⎛⎫-<⎪-⎝⎭ 当9n =时不等式左边为9991111121211421222046+--⎛⎫-== ⎪--⎝⎭,不等式右边为922400,则不等式9921220462400-<不成立 当10n =时不等式左边为1010101121121211421224094+--⎛⎫-== ⎪--⎝⎭,不等式右边为1022400,则不等式101021240942400-<成立 综上可知使不等式21223122222400n nn n S S S S S S ++++<K 成立的最小正整数n 的值是10 故选:A 【点睛】本题考查了等比数列通项公式的求法,等比数列前n 项和公式的应用,裂项求和法的综合应用,不等式比较大小,综合性较强,属于中档题.二、填空题13.已知曲线22:151x y C k k+=---,则“45k ≤<”是“曲线C 表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆”的______条件.(填“充分必要”、“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”或者“既不充分也不必要”)【答案】充分不必要【解析】由45k ≤<代入检验曲线方程,或根据椭圆的标准方程解不等式求出k 的取值范围,结合充分必要条件的定义即可判断. 【详解】曲线方程可化简为22:151x y C k k +=--当45k ≤<时,可得051k <-≤,314k ≤-<,即51k k -<-,所以曲线表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆若曲线22:151x y C k k +=--表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则满足155010k k k k ->-⎧⎪->⎨⎪->⎩,解得35k <<综上可知“45k ≤<”是“曲线C 表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆”的充分不必要条件 故答案为: 充分不必要 【点睛】本题考查了椭圆的标准方程及其简单性质,充分必要条件的判定,属于基础题.14.若()2,1,3a x =r ,()1,2,9b y =-r 且//a b r r,则xy =_________.【答案】14【解析】根据空间向量共线的条件,解方程组即可求得xy 的值. 【详解】因为()2,1,3a x =r ,()1,2,9b y =-r 且//a b r r则存在实数λ,满足λa b =r r所以()()2,1,31,2,9x y λ=-,即()211239x y λλλ⎧=⨯⎪=⨯⎨⎪=⨯-⎩,解方程组可得163213x y λ⎧=-⎪⎪⎪=-⎨⎪⎪=-⎪⎩所以131624xy ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-⨯-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭故答案为: 14【点睛】本题考查了空间向量共线的坐标简单应用,属于基础题.15.过点()3,1A -且在x 轴和y 轴上的截距相等的直线方程是_______. 【答案】30x y +=或20x y +-=【解析】当直线过原点时,在x 轴和y 轴上的截距都为0,也相等;当直线在x 轴和y 轴上的截距不为0时,可设截距式,代入坐标即可求解. 【详解】当直线经过原点时, 在x 轴和y 轴上的截距都为0,也相等,此时直线的斜率13k =-,则直线方程为13y x =-,即30x y += 当直线在x 轴和y 轴上的截距不为0时,设直线方程为1x ya a+=,代入()3,1A -可得311a a-+=,解得2a =,则直线方程为221x y +=,即20x y +-=综上可知,直线方程为30x y +=或20x y +-= 故答案为: 30x y +=或20x y +-= 【点睛】本题考查了直线的截距式方程的应用,注意讨论截距等于0的情况,属于基础题.16.平面内与两定点()10,A a -,()()20,0A a a >连线的斜率之积等于非零常数m 的点的轨迹,加上1A 、2A 两点所成的曲线C 可以是圆、椭圆或双曲线,给出以下四个结论:①当1m =-时,曲线C 是一个圆;②当2m =-时,曲线C;③当2m =时,曲线C的渐近线方程为y =;④当曲线C 的焦点坐标分别为0,⎛- ⎝和0,⎛ ⎝时,m 的范围是(),1-∞-.其中正确的结论序号为_______. 【答案】①③【解析】设出动点P 的坐标,根据斜率之积为m 可求得动点的轨迹方程.依次代入m 的值可判断①②③;讨论当m 分别取(),1-∞-和()0,∞+时焦点坐标,求得都为0,⎛- ⎝和0,⎛ ⎝,因而可判断④. 【详解】 设动点(),P x y当0x ≠时,12PA PA k k m ⋅= 即y a y am x x+-⋅=,化简可得()2220y mx a x -=≠ 又因为()10,A a -,()()20,0A a a >满足222y mx a -=所以动点P 的轨迹方程为222y mx a -=当1m =-时,曲线C 的方程为222y x a +=,为圆心在原点,半径为a 的圆,所以①正确;当2m =-时,曲线C 的方程为2222y x a +=,可化为222212y x a a+=,为焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,所以c a ==,则离心率为22a c a a ==,所以②错误;当2m =时,曲线C 的方程为2222y x a -=,可化为222212y x a a-=,为焦点在y 轴上的双曲线,所以渐近线方程为2y x ==,所以③正确; 当(),1m ∈-∞-时,曲线C 的方程可化为22221y x a a m+=-,表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则2211a c a a m m ⎛⎫=-=+ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭,则焦点坐标为10,1a m ⎛⎫-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭和10,1a m ⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. 当()0,m ∈+∞时,曲线C 的方程可化为22221y x a a m-=,表示焦点在y 轴上的双曲线,则2211a c a a m m =+=+,则焦点坐标为10,1a m ⎛⎫-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭和10,1a m ⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭.由以上可知,当焦点坐标为10,1a m ⎛⎫-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭和10,1a m ⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭时,m 的取值范围为()(),10,-∞-+∞U ,所以④错误.综上可知,正确的序号有①③ 故答案为: ①③ 【点睛】本题考查了曲线方程的综合性质与应用,椭圆与双曲线的焦点与离心率性质的应用,分类讨论思想的应用,计算量较大,属于难题.三、解答题17.如图,四棱锥P ABCD -中,PA CD ⊥,90PAD ABC ∠=∠=︒,//AB CD ,122DC CB AB ===,2PA =.(1)求证:PA ⊥平面ABCD ;(2)求异面直线AB 与PD 所成角的余弦值. 【答案】(1)证明见解析;(23【解析】(1)根据直线与平面垂直的判定定理即可证明.(2)因为//AB CD ,则PCD ∠即为异面直线AB 与PD 所成角,在PDC ∆中求得各边的长度,由余弦定理即可求得PDC ∠,根据异面直线夹角的范围即可判断夹角的余弦值. 【详解】(1)证明:∵PA CD ⊥,PA AD ⊥,CD AD D =I ,∴PA ⊥平面ABCD ,(2)∵//AB CD∴PDC ∠为异面直线AB 与PD 所成的角或其补角, ∵PA ⊥平面ABCD ,122DC CB AB ===,2PA =. 则222222AD =+ ∴在Rt PAD ∆中,()222222223PD PA AD =+=+=22224225=++=AC AB BC ,∴()222222256PA AC PC +=+==∴在PDC ∆中,由余弦定理可得∴2223cos 2383CD PD PC PDC CD PD +-∠===-⨯⨯因为异面直线夹角的范围为02π⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦,∴异面直线AB 与PD 3【点睛】本题考查了直线与平面垂直的判定,异面直线夹角的求法,余弦定理在解三角形中的应用,注意异面直线夹角的范围,属于基础题.18.已知抛物线()2:20E y px p =>的焦点F ,E 上一点坐标为()1,2.(1)求抛物线E 的方程;(2)过F 作直线l ,交抛物线E 于A ,B 两点,若直线AB 中点的纵坐标为1-,求直线l 的方程.【答案】(1)24y x =;(2)220x y +-=.【解析】(1)将点坐标代入解析式,求得p 的值,即可求得抛物线方程.(2)方法一:设点()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,根据中点纵坐标即可利用点差法求得直线的斜率,由点斜式即可求得直线方程;方法二,设出直线方程,联立直线方程与抛物线方程,根据韦达定理和中点的纵坐标,即可求得直线方程. 【详解】(1)把()1,2代入抛物线方程 解得2P =∴E 的方程为24y x =.(2)法一:由(1)得抛物线E 的方程为24y x =,焦点()1,0F设A ,B 两点的坐标分别为()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,代入抛物线可得则21122244y x y x ⎧=⎨=⎩,两式相减,整理得()211221214y y x x x x y y -=≠-+ ∵线段AB 中点的纵坐标为1- ∴直线l 的斜率()2144212AB k y y ===-+-⨯直线l 的方程为()021y x -=--即220x y +-=法二:由(1)得抛物线E 的方程为24y x =,焦点()1,0F设直线l 的方程为1x my =+由241y x x my ⎧=⎨=+⎩消去x ,得2440y my --= 设A ,B 两点的坐标分别为()11,A x y ,()22,B x y , ∵线段AB 中点的纵坐标为1- ∴()124122m y y --+==- 解得12m =-直线l 的方程为112x y =-+即220x y +-= 【点睛】本题考查直线与抛物线的位置关系,点差法求直线方程的应用,韦达定理及中点坐标公式的用法,属于基础题.19.已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,满足341432S S -=,且1a ,3a ,9a 成等比数列.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)求数列2n n a a ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的前n 项和n T .【答案】(1)n a n =;(2)222n n nT +=-. 【解析】(1)根据341432S S -=,且1a ,3a ,9a 成等比数列可分别求得等差数列的公差和首项,即可求得数列{}n a 的通项公式. (2)先求得数列2n n a a ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的通项公式,进而利用错位相减法即可求得前n 项和n T .【详解】(1)∵等差数列{}n a 满足341432S S -= ()232231432a a a +-= 化简可得321a a -=,即等差数列的公差为1d = 又∵1a ,3a ,9a 成等比数列,所以2319a a a =,即()()211128a a a +=+,解得11a =,所以()11n a a n d n =+-=.(2)数列2n n a a ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的通项公式为1222n nn a n a n n ⎛⎫==⨯ ⎪⎝⎭则12311111232222nn T n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭K ()2311111112122222nn n T n n +⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯+⨯++-⨯+⨯ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭K两式相减得1231111111222222nn n T n +⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++++-⨯ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭K所以111111112*********n n n n n n T n +++⎛⎫- ⎪⎛⎫⎝⎭=-⨯=-- ⎪⎝⎭-. 所以222n nnT +=-. 【点睛】本题考查了等差数列通项公式的求法,等比数列通项公式的应用,错位相减法求和的应用,属于中档题.20.已知圆心在y 轴上的圆C经过点)S,截直线5y =所得弦长为:20l ax y a ++=.(1)求圆C 的方程;(2)若直线l 与圆C 相交于A 、B 两点,当a 为何值时,ABC ∆的面积最大. 【答案】(1)()2244x y +-=;(2)7a =-或1a =-. 【解析】(1)根据圆心在y 轴上设出圆的方程,将点)S带入,结合垂径定理即可得关于b 和r 的方程组,解方程组求出b 和r 即可得圆的方程.(2)先利用点到直线距离公式求得圆心到直线距离的表达式,再由垂径定理表示AB 的长度,即可表示出ABC ∆的面积,结合基本不等式即可求得当面积取最大值时a 的值. 【详解】(1)设圆C 的方程为:()222x y b r +-=,把)代入得()2233b r +-=,①又∵圆C 截直线5y =所得弦长为∴()2225b r -+=②联立①②解得4b =,2r = ∴圆C 方程为:()2244x y +-=(2)圆心C 到直线:20l ax y a ++=的距离d =AB =由2214222d d S AB d d +-==≤=此时24d d =-即2d =时等号成立解得7a =-或1a =-则当7a =-或1a =-时ABC ∆的面积最大. 【点睛】本题考查了圆的标准方程求法,直线与圆相交的性质及应用,点到直线距离公式的应用,属于基础题.21.在如图所示的几何体中,四边形ABCD 是菱形,ADNM 是矩形,平面ADNM ⊥平面ABCD ,60DAB ∠=o ,2AD =,1AM =,E 为AB 的中点.(1)求证:AN ∥平面MEC ;(2)在线段AM 上是否存在点P ,使二面角P EC D --的大小为3π?若存在,求出AP 的长;若不存在,请说明理由.【答案】(1)详见解析;(2)3π【解析】()I 利用CM 与BN 交于F ,连接EF .证明//AN EF ,通过直线与平面平行的判定定理证明//AN 平面MEC ;()II 对于存在性问题,可先假设存在,即假设x 在线段AM 上是否存在点P ,使二面角P EC D --的大小为3π.再通过建立空间直角坐标系,求出相关点的坐标,利用坐标法进行求解判断. 【详解】()I CM 与BN 交于F ,连接EF .由已知可得四边形BCNM 是平行四边形, 所以F 是BN 的中点. 因为E 是AB 的中点, 所以//AN EF .又EF ⊂平面MEC ,AN ⊂平面MEC ,所以//AN 平面MEC .()II 由于四边形ABCD 是菱形,60DAB o ∠=,E 是AB 的中点,可得DE AB ⊥. 又四边形ADNM 是矩形,面ADNM ⊥面ABCD ,DN ∴⊥面ABCD ,如图建立空间直角坐标系D xyz -,则(0D ,0,0),(3E ,0,0),(0C ,2,0),(3P ,1-,)h ,(3CE =u u u v ,2-,0),(0EP =u u u v ,1-,)h ,设平面PEC 的法向量为1(n x =u v ,y ,)z .则11·0·0CE n EP n ⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩u u u v u v u u u v u v ,∴ 3200x y y hz ⎧-=⎪⎨-+=⎪⎩, 令3y h =,∴ 1(2n h =u v ,3h ,3),又平面ADE 的法向量2(0n =u u v ,0,1),1cos n ∴<u v ,122212·31273n n n n n h >===+u v u u v u u v u v u u v ,解得37h =, Q 371>, ∴在线段AM 上不存在点P ,使二面角P EC D --的大小为3π.【点睛】本题主要考查空间直线和平面平行的判断以及二面角的应用,考查存在性问题,建立坐标系利用向量法是解决本题的关键.考查学生的运算和推理能力.利用空间向量法求二面角的一般方法,属于中档题.22.已知点43⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭在椭圆()2222:10x y C a b a b +=>>上,椭圆的右焦点)2F ,直线l 过椭圆的右顶点A ,与椭圆交于另一点D ,与y 轴交于点E .(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若P 为弦AD 的中点,是否存在定点Q ,使得OP EQ ⊥恒成立?若存在,求出Q 点的坐标,若不存在,请说明理由;(3)若//OM l ,交椭圆C 于点M ,求3AD AE OM +的范围.【答案】(1)22194x y +=;(2)存在,4,03⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;(3)()5,+∞.【解析】(1)设点为43N ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,利用椭圆的定义及两点间距离公式可求得a ,结合c =a b c 、、的关系可求得2b ,则求得椭圆的标准方程.(2)根据直线l 过椭圆的右顶点可设出直线l ,联立椭圆方程,结合韦达定理可用斜率k 表示出D 点的坐标,再由中点坐标公式表示出P 点坐标,即可得直线OP 的斜率.根据直线l 交y 轴于E ,可表示出E 点坐标.设出定点(),Q m n ,表示出直线QE 的斜率,根据OP EQ ⊥可知1OP EQ k k ⋅=-,根据恒成立问题即可求得Q 的坐标.(3)设出直线OM 的方程,联立椭圆即可求得点M 的坐标,代入3AD AE OM +后化简为关于直线OM 斜率的表达式,通过构造函数,并根据函数的单调性即可求得3AD AE OM +的取值范围.【详解】(1)设椭圆过的定点为43N ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,且左焦点为1F因为椭圆的右焦点)2F 则c =所以()1F 由椭圆定义12NF NF +=62a ==所以3,a =由椭圆中a b c 、、的关系可知222954b a c =-=-=∴椭圆的标准方程:22194x y += (2)由题意可知,直线l 的斜率存在且不为0,直线l 过椭圆的右顶点()3,0A ,交另外一点于D.设直线l 的方程()3y k x =-,(),y D D D x联立方程可得()223194y k x x y ⎧=-⎪⎨+=⎪⎩, 消去y 整理得:()2222945481360k x k x k +-+-=, 则由韦达定理可知228136394D k x k -=+, 则22271294D k x k -=+,代入直线方程可得()224394D D k y k x k =-=-+, ∴222271224,9494k k D k k ⎛⎫-- ⎪++⎝⎭, 由P 为弦AD 的中点,根据中点坐标公式可得2222712,9494k k P k k ⎛⎫- ⎪++⎝⎭, ∴直线OP 的斜率49OP k k=-, 对于直线l 的方程()3y k x =-,令0x =,则()0,3E k -,假设存在定点(),Q m n ,0m ≠,满足OP EQ ⊥,直线EQ 的斜率3EQ n k k m +=, ∴4319OP EQ n k k k k m+⋅=-⋅=-,整理得41290n k km +-=, 由()41290n m k +-=恒成立,则129040m n -=⎧⎨=⎩,解得430m n ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩则定点Q 的坐标为4,03⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;(3)由//OM l ,则直线OM 的方程y kx =,设(),M M M x y ,由22194x y y kx ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=⎩,解得294M x k =+∵222271212333394694D E Mk AD AE x x k OM x k --+-+-+==+ 22223942294394k k k ⎫==+++ 294k t +=,(直线l 的斜率存在且不为0,∴2t >)∵函数()3823f t t t ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭在()2,+∞单调递增, ∴3AD AE OM+的取值范围是()5,+∞. 【点睛】本题考查了椭圆标准方程的求法,直线与椭圆的位置关系及椭圆性质的综合应用,综合性强,难度大,属于难题.。
