Contents1. Executive Summary 02. Company Description (1)3. Strategic Focus and Plan (2)3。
1 Mission/vision (2)3.2 Goal (2)3.3 Core Competence and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (3)4。
Situation Analysis (4)4。
1 SWOT analysis (4)4.2 Indusry analysis (5)4。
3 Competitive analysis (6)4.4 Customer analysis (7)5。
Marketing Strategy (7)5。
1 Marketing and product objectives (7)5。
2 Market segmentation (9)5.3 Target marketing (9)5。
4 Positioning (11)6。
Marketing Mix (12)7. Conclusion (13)The Marketing Strategy of Minute Maid1.Executive SummaryWithin four months,two new Minute Maid repeating,”This is a stone’s throw three birds," Minute Maid will not only promote sales, increase its brand influence, but also to prove to the outside world,without the Huiyuan,Minute Maid brand influence and marketing approaches could also support the Coca-Cola in China's fruit juice — at least in low concentrations juice business。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:市场营销策略文献、资料英文题目:Marketing Strategy文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14市场营销策略1 市场细分和目标市场策略具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。
2 产品定位管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。
The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology venturesAbstractThis study extends research on entrepreneurial behavior by investigating the relationship between the marketing strategy innovativeness (MSI)and new product performance in technology-based new ventures in China. Specifically, premised on contingent resource-based view we argue thatMSI is a firm capability that must be bundled with external managerial relationships and be deployed in the appropriate environment to ensure itssuccess. We found that the team's extra industry relationships and market dynamism enhanced the impact of MSI on new product performance. Incontrast, top management team's intraindustry relationships, financial relationships, and technology dynamism hindered the impact of MSI on newproduct performance.1. IntroductionThe vast majority of research on organizational innovationadopts a resource-based perspective that predicts positive returnsto organizational resources and capabilities. This work has beenrestricted, however, to the narrow context of product innovation.Although product innovation enhances firm performance onlywhen it is successfully commercialized, prior research tends topay little attention to accompanying marketing innovations(Shervani & Zerrillo, 1997). The current study concerns aneglected, yet potentially positive entrepreneurial strategicactivity —marketing strategy innovativeness (MSI) —whichrefers to the degree to which the marketing strategy whichaccompanies a new product differs from competing strategies andconventional practices (Andrews & Smith, 1996; Hambrick, Cho,& Chen, 1996; Menon, Bharadwaj, Adidam, & Edisonet, 1999;Sethi et al., 2001). Examples of MSI practices include the use ofnew packaging, new distribution methods and channels, new advertising media and content, ingenious pricing and paymentmethods. MSI ensures the new product enjoys a uniquecompetitive position because it is radical, departs from the statusquo, is proactive, unconventional and unpredictable (Andrews &Smith 1996; Hambrick et al., 1996; Menon et al., 1999). Thus,MSI is likely to strengthen the position of the new product in themarketplace above and beyond the value conveyed by its physicalcharacteristics (Andrews & Smith, 1996).MSI is classed as capability because it is the outcome of afirm's specialized knowledge, unique understanding of theenvironment and idiosyncratic processes (Eisenhardt & Martin,2000). As Verona (1999: 139) posits, the ability to creatively andimaginatively make strategic decisions regarding a product'sdevelopment and its marketing are rent-generating routines thatenhance performance. MSI may enhance product developmentperformance by creating uncertainties for competitors throughvariation in the bases of competition (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi,1995). Capturing the contribution of MSI at the product develop-ment level is also consistent with the idea that resources'contribution to performance should be investigated by disaggregating firm performance into processes which are less distalfrom the focal resources (Ray, Barney, & Muhanna, 2004).However, Eisenhardt and Martin (2000: 1110) suggest thatdespite their value, capabilities aresubstitutable because there aremultiple paths through which firms can acquire the same dynamiccapabilities independent of other firms. Hence, capabilities maybe necessary, but not sufficient, sources of sustained competitiveadvantage. This implies that a focal capability needs to be madeinimitable through combination with other organizational skillsand capabilities and deployment in the appropriate environment(Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). As Barney (1991) argues, eventhough a firm's capability may be valuable, rare and inimitable, itsability to provide sustainable competitive advantage often lies inits configuration with complementary internal and externalresources. Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997: 515) also argue thatperformance outcomes of a firm's capability depend on its ma-nagement ability to deploy the capability in an appropriateenvironment. Finally, Porter (1991: 108) warns against internalfocus on resources because the competitive value of resources canbe enhanced or eliminated by changes in technology, competitorbehavior or buyer needs.Drawing on this contingent resource-based view of the firm,we advance and test the idea that, particularly in new ventures inan emerging economic environment, the impact of MSI on newproduct performance is conditional upon its top managementteam's external relationships and environmental conditions.New ventures tend to have higher failure rates than establishedfirms. Stinchcombe (1965) provided several reasons for thisliability of newness. They have limited resources, lack of infor-mation processing structures, and stable links with clients,supporters and customers. Given their liabilities of newness,new ventures need to be creative and learn new roles and tasksand this may conflict with constraints on their resources.Moreover, as a form of first-moving, MSI is inherently risky(Ketchen, Snow, & Hoover, 2004). First, it takes time andresources (i.e., increased salesforce efforts) to educate customersto the new marketing strategy features; further, MSI can exposenew ventures to strong and unpredicted reactions by incumbents; lastly, MSI can be imitated by competitors, who cancapitalize on the early errors made by the new venture. Thesecontrasting arguments reinforce the need to understand underwhich circumstances (i.e., on which internal and externalcontingencies) MSI will contribute to new product performance.In contrast to developed market economies, the complexityand dynamism of the transitional environment in China meansthat firms must confront the challenges of new (oftendysfunctional) competition and also collapsing capabilities (Li& Atuahene-Gima, 2001, 2002). Thus, scholars suggest thatsuccess in China market requires significant explorationinvolving experimentation and innovation (Luo, 2002; Luo &Park, 2001, p. 145). We contend that to sustain the viability oftheir innovative marketing strategies in China, new venturemanagers may need to leverage their external relationships.Research suggests that external relationships are particularlyimportant sources of valuable resources and information thatcan augment firm performance in transitional economies likeChina (Park & Luo, 2001; Peng & Luo, 2000). Because of theirliabilities of newness, we posit that a venture's top managementteam's external social capital (i.e., the ability to mobilizefinancial resources, information and support through externalrelationships with managers inside and outside the industry, andwith officials of government and financial institutions) maydetermine the degree of success of MSI. In support of this idea,Lee, Lee, and Pennings (2001) found that external relationshipswith venture capitalists and universities enhanced the perfor-mance effects of the entrepreneurial orientation and technologycapabilities of new ventures, respectively. Further, consideringthat the value of afirm's capabilities and resources is contextspecific (Eisenhradt & Martin, 2000; Porter, 1991; Teece et al.,1997), we propose that technology and market uncertainty willplay an important role in the effectiveness of MSI.This study contributes to the literature in three importantareas. First it contributes to the abovementioned debate on theinherent value of MSI and its relationship with performance.For example, prior research has assumed a positive relationshipbetween MSI and new product performance (Andrews & Smith,1996). However, such an assumption tends to ignore thetransaction costs associated with MSI and, more generally,overlooks the potential problems associated with the deviationfrom industry practices. Hence, determining when MSI willincrease new product performance offers a direct test of thecontingency view of internal firm capabilities espoused inresource-based theory (Barney, 1991; Teece et al., 1997).Second, despite recent theoretical developments (Blyler & Coff,2003), few empirical studies model the firm's social capital as apotential complement of internal capabilities; this study extendsour understanding by for the first time examining managerialrelationships both inside and outside the industry, as called forby Peng and Luo (2000). Finally, this study extends and lendssupport to recent work that integrates resource-based and socialcapital theories as an explanation for new venture performancein the Chinese context (Lee et al., 2001).2.Conceptual model and hypotheses2.1. Resource-based theory and MSI in technology-based newventures in ChinaAccording to the resource-based theory, performance differ-ences across firms are the result of variance in their resources and capabilities that are rare, valuableandinimitable(Barney,1991).This theory implies that to outwit competitors, new ventures needtodevelop distinct and innovative strategies and processes.Ensley, Pearson, and Amasone(2002:367) contend that, becauseof their liability of newness, “the task of the new venture TMT[top management team] is largely one of creativity and learning,where the ability to produce novel and integrated solutions is animportant attribute” for high performance. New ventures are at acompetitive disadvantage against large and established firms intheir traditional domains because of lack of resources, immatureorganizational processes and limited operational experience (Leeet al., 2001: 617). Hence, reliance on traditional products,marketing methods, and organizational processes is bound to leadto failure.The survival of new ventures depends largely on the intro-duction of new and differentiated products, processes andmarketing innovations. Such innovations may be rare andvaluable capabilities because the knowledge needed to developand successfully implement them involves socially complexlearning and relational skills in strategy making that are uniqueto the firm (Eisenhradt & Martin, 2000). For example, MSIinvolves the interaction of a group of individuals with differentexpertise and sources of knowledge, the use of integrativeprocedures to coordinate and combine their skills, knowledgeand abilities, and idiosyncratic reward, training and controlsystems. In addition, such a process involves firm's initiativesbased on managerial discretion formed on the basis ofunderstanding of the environment. Decision-makers attend tothe environment, interpret the conditions and assign meaning tothe actions they take in idiosyncratic ways (Verona, 1999).Furthermore, MSI is path dependent. It results from theidiosyncratic culture,experience,and history of the firm andfrom functional,educational,and tenure backgrounds of thedecision-makers(Andrews&Smith,1996;Hambrick et al.,1996).The availability of a group of executives with therequisite characteristics to develop innovative strategic actionsishighly constrained:it can neither be easily developed withinthe firm nor acquired from outside(Eisenhardt&Martin,2000).Following these arguments,the central premise of this study isthat MSI is a key capability of a new venture.New ventures must develop innovative strategies but thepossession of an innovative strategy does not assure commercialsuccess of a product.Rather,consistent with the contingentresource-based view of the firm,the productive capacity of MSIis determined by its congruency with other organizationalcapabilities and the environmental conditions.In particular,effective implementation of MSI and its effects on performancecannot be assumed by new ventures in a transitional economy,such as China.Market reforms in China have led to the entry ofa great number of foreign firms increasing the competitivepressures for local firms.This has led to increased control ofmarketing resources,such as outdoor advertising space,byforeign firms and increased marketing costs(EIU,2002).Also,Chinese consumers tend to perceive that foreign brands are ofhigher quality,reliability,and are more sophisticated thanlocally produced products(Li and Atuahene-Gima,2002).Further,given the transitional nature of the economy,the Chinese government plays an important role in regulating firms'marketing activities.For example,the pricing,packaging,distribution,and advertising of products are increasingly beingcontrolled by central and local governments with the objectiveof preventing activities or messages that contradict or divulgestate policies and secrets or may be harmful to the dignity of theChinese(People's Daily,2002);though public regulations onmarketing strategydomains(e.g.,packaging,advertising)existin developed market economies as well,the degree of controlput forth by Chinese authorities is tighter and highlydiscretional and therefore represents an additional constraintto the implementation of innovative marketing strategies in theChinese context.We believe that although these environmental conditionsmake it imperative for new ventures to develop innovativestrategies,they nevertheless pose significant obstacles in theimplementation phase.Chinese new ventures also facesignificant external obstacles in obtaining the resources thatmay be required to implement an innovative strategy.China'stransitional economy is characterized by weak capital marketstructures,institutional instability and lack of coherent businesslaws.In comparison with well-established firms,new ventureshave less legitimacy in terms of relationships with suppliers,customers,and government institutions.Under these circum-stances,new ventures have greater external difficulties inraising resources,licenses and approvals for their activities(Li&Atuahene-Gima,2001),and face increased uncertainty andcosts in consummating market exchanges(Xin&Pearce,1996).Following the contingent resource-based view,we argue that toharness the advantages of MSI,Chinese new ventures mustovercome these obstacles by relying on the external relation-ships of their top management(Lee et al.,2001)and bydeploying their resources in an appropriate technology andmarket environment(Teece et al.,1997).2.2.Moderating role of top management team externalrelationshipsExternal relationships are capabilities that are difficult toduplicate by competitors because they are socially complex.Hence,they constitute effective sources of information andresources for new ventures that augment their meager resourcesin implementing strategic innovations(Lee et al.,2001).Thus,external relationships contribute to the effectiveness oforganizational action by reducing transaction costs within andbetween firms,notably information search anddecision-makingcosts.The idea that external relationships may provide valuablesources of information and influence for organizations has beenparticularly important in work on transitional economies such asChina.Researchers have argued that guanxi relations in Chinaprovide vital sources of information and influence that can beused to promote company performance(Park&Luo,2001;Peng&Luo,2000).Pervasive uncertainties and high levels ofrisk associated with businesses in transitional economies can bebuffered by external relationships that can provide access totechnical and managerial expertise that may not readily beavailable through labor markets.Moderating roles of this type are commonly performed by impersonal agents in more highlydeveloped markets;however,transitional economies typicallylack the necessary social and institutional infrastructure for thattype of exchange and companies must rely on informal channels(Li&Atuahene-Gima,2001).Park and Luo(2001)found thatChinese firms pursuing creative strategies sought moreresources from external sources to mitigate the costs and risksassociated with such strategies.This research suggests amoderating role for such relationships in the use of innovativestrategies.Prior research suggests two main types of external relation-ships:(1)those with managers of other firms,and(2)those withofficials of government and financial institutions(Peng&Luo,2000).Relations with managers can be further categorized intotwo:relationships with managers outside the firm's industry(extraindustry relationships)and those with managers within thesame industry(intraindustry relationships)(Geletkanycz&Hambrick,1997).Our focus on these external relationships isnot to deny the importance of other specific managerial rela-tionships such as those with customers and employees.Rather,our focus responds to Peng and Luo's(2000:498)call for theneed to probe deeper into types of managerial relationships inChina and also recognizes the critical importance of governmentand financial relationships for new ventures in China(Park&Luo,2001;Peng&Luo,2000).2.3.Intra and extraindustry relationshipsExtraindustry relationships refer to the degree to which thetop management team has built connections with managers offirms outside its own industry,defined as the high-technologyindustry in which the new venture operates.Intraindustryrelationships refer to the degree to which the top managementteam has built connections with executives of other firmsoperating within the same industry as its own firm.The recentcontribution by Blyler and Coff(2003)has strongly advocatedthe central role of social capital in enabling dynamiccapabilities.However,different aspects of managers'connections to social networks may have opposite effects on thecontent of strategy formulation.Geletkancyz and Hambrick(1997)argued that while intraindustry relationships promoteconformity to industry norms and recipes,extraindustryrelationships provide a broader range of information andevoke strategies that deviate from prevailing practices.Theirresearch highlights an important connection between inter-firmrelationships and internal processes of information acquisitionand learning in strategic decision-making.Extraindustry relationships serve as conduits for newinformation and insights into the environment.Becausemanagers outside the focal new venture's industry operate indifferent competitive and resource environments they possessdifferent experiences and mental models,and have access tonew ideas about different strategies.These relationships informthe managers of the focal venture about potential new strategies,and allow greater speed,flexibility and efficiency in strategyimplementation.Hence,extraindustry relationships are likely toreduce the high cost and potential errors associated with the collection and use of new information in animmature socialinteraction context of a new venture.By eliminating thesetransaction costs,extraindustry relationships increase the typesof new information and insights such that top managers are ableto spot implementation problems in MSI they otherwise wouldhave missed.Intraindustry relationships,in contrast,help firms to acquiredeeper knowledge and understanding of the competitors'strategies.While knowledge of competitors may encouragenew ideas,such knowledge may actually harm the implementation of an innovative strategy in marketing.The logic isthat managers in the same industry are exposed to familiaropportunities and threats,and routines with which to handlethem.Hence,the top management team of the focal new ventureis less likely to discover novel insights and ideas for implementing an innovative strategy in marketing.Intraindustryrelationships provide mental models that are a misfit with thefocal venture's MSI and therefore may jeopardize its effectiveimplementation.H1a.When extraindustry relationships are high,MSI has apositive effect on new product performance.H1b.When intraindustry relationships are high,MSI has anegative effect on new product performance.中国新技术企业在产品开发绩效营销策略创新上的权变价值摘要本研究基于对中国营销策略创新之间的关系对创业行为研究(MSI)与新产品绩效技术为基础的新风险的研究。
营销策略的英文《The Art of Marketing Strategy》Marketing strategy is essential for the success and growth of any business. It involves a set of plans and actions that a company uses to promote its products or services to its target audience. In today’s competitive and ever-changing market, having a well-thought-out marketing strategy is crucial for staying ahead of the competition and reaching your business objectives.One of the key aspects of a successful marketing strategy is understanding your target audience. By knowing their needs, wants, and preferences, you can tailor your marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage with them. This can include creating targeted advertising campaigns, developing relevant content, and using the right channels to reach your audience.Another important element of a marketing strategy is differentiation. In a crowded marketplace, it’s important for a company to stand out from the competition. This can be achieved by highlighting the unique features and benefits of a product or service, and communicating the value it brings to the customer. By creating a strong and distinctive brand, a company can build a loyal customer base and establish a competitive advantage. Furthermore, an effective marketing strategy involves setting clear and measurable goals. By having specific objectives, such as increasing sales, expanding market share, or improving brand awareness, a company can focus its efforts and track its progress. This allows for a more targeted and efficient use of resources, andhelps to determine the success of the marketing strategy.In today’s digital age, a successful marketing strategy also includes utilizing online channels and social media platforms. With the majority of consumers using the internet to research products and services, having a strong online presence is crucial for reaching and engaging with potential customers. This can include creating a user-friendly website, running targeted online advertising campaigns, and using social media to connect with and build relationships with customers.In conclusion, a well-planned and executed marketing strategy is essential for the success of any business. By understanding your target audience, differentiating your brand, setting clear goals, and utilizing online channels, a company can effectively promote its products or services and achieve its business objectives. The art of marketing strategy lies in creating a plan that adapts to the changing market dynamics, connects with the target audience, and del ivers on the company’s objectives.。
营销策略研究 英文版
营销策略研究英文版《The Study of Marketing Strategies》Marketing strategies play a crucial role in the success of a business. With the increasing competition in the market, it has become essential for businesses to come up with effective and innovative strategies to attract and retain customers. The study of marketing strategies aims to analyze and understand the various approaches that businesses use to promote their products and services.One of the key aspects of marketing strategy research is consumer behavior. Understanding the needs, preferences, and purchasing patterns of the target audience is critical in devising a successful marketing plan. This involves conducting surveys, focus groups, and analysis of consumer data to gain insights into what drives their decision-making process.Another important area of study in marketing strategies is competitor analysis. Businesses need to be aware of their competitors' tactics, strengths, and weaknesses to position themselves effectively in the market. This involves studying their product offerings, pricing strategies, promotional activities, and distribution channels to identify opportunities and threats. Furthermore, the study of marketing strategies also encompasses the exploration of various promotional channels and tactics. This includes traditional marketing methods such as advertising, direct mail, and public relations, as well as newer digital marketing strategies like social media, content marketing, and influencer partnerships. Understanding the effectiveness of differentpromotional channels and how to integrate them into a cohesive marketing plan is essential for reaching and engaging with the target audience.Additionally, the study of marketing strategies also delves into the concept of branding and positioning. This involves creating a unique and compelling brand identity that resonates with the target audience and differentiates the business from its competitors. It also involves identifying the most effective ways to position the brand in the minds of consumers, based on its unique value proposition and target market.In conclusion, the study of marketing strategies is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and achieve their objectives. By understanding consumer behavior, analyzing competitors, exploring promotional tactics, and crafting a strong brand identity, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies that drive success in the marketplace. This research is an ongoing process, as the market environment and consumer preferences are constantly evolving, making it essential for businesses to continuously monitor and adjust their strategies to stay ahead of the competition.。
营销策略管理英文(2)Marketing Strategy ManagementMarketing strategy management is a crucial aspect of a company's overall success. It involves the planning, implementation, and control of marketing activities to achieve the company's objectives. Effective marketing strategy management helps businesses to understand and meet customer needs, stay ahead of competitors, and drive revenue growth.To begin with, a thorough understanding of the target market is essential for successful marketing strategy management. This involves conducting market research to identify customer behaviors, preferences, and buying patterns. By understanding customers' needs and wants, companies can develop marketing strategies that are tailored to their target audience. For example, if the research shows that the target market consists of young adults who value sustainability, a company can develop a marketing strategy that emphasizes its eco-friendly products or practices.Once the target market has been identified, companies need to develop a positioning strategy. This is how the company wants to be perceived by its customers relative to competitors. The positioning strategy should highlight the company's unique value proposition and differentiate it from its competitors. For example, a company could position itself as a premium brand with superior quality products or as a budget-friendly option with affordable prices.After developing the positioning strategy, companies need todecide on the marketing mix. The marketing mix consists of the "4 Ps": product, price, place, and promotion. Product refers to the features and benefits of the offering, price involves determining the appropriate pricing strategy, place focuses on distribution channels and locations, and promotion includes advertising, public relations, and sales promotion activities.Implementation of the marketing strategy is equally important. This involves executing the marketing mix tactics and monitoring their effectiveness. Companies need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of their marketing activities. These KPIs could include sales revenue, market share, customer satisfaction ratings, or website traffic. Regular monitoring and analysis of the KPIs will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the marketing strategy and allow for necessary adjustments if needed.Finally, control is essential in marketing strategy management. Companies need to continuously evaluate and adjust their marketing strategies to adapt to changing market conditions. This could involve modifying the marketing mix, targeting different customer segments, or exploring new marketing channels. Continuous evaluation allows companies to stay competitive and meet evolving customer needs.In conclusion, effective marketing strategy management is vital for the success of any business. By understanding the target market, developing a positioning strategy, implementing the marketing mix, and continuously monitoring and adjusting the strategy, companies can drive revenue growth, satisfy customers, and stay ahead ofcompetitors.Certainly! Here is further content on marketing strategy management:In addition to understanding the target market and developing a positioning strategy, companies must also consider the competitive landscape when managing their marketing strategy. It is crucial to identify and analyze competitors to gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and marketing tactics. By understanding how competitors position themselves in the market and how they communicate with customers, companies can find opportunities to differentiate themselves and develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage.To effectively manage the marketing strategy, companies need to set clear and measurable goals. These goals should align with the overall objectives of the business and help drive its growth and profitability. Goals could include increasing market share, expanding into new markets, or improving customer retention rates. By setting specific goals, companies can focus their marketing efforts and track their progress towards achieving those goals. Once the goals are established, companies must develop marketing tactics to support the strategy. This involves deciding on the specific marketing channels and activities to reach the target market. For example, if the target market is active on social media platforms, companies may choose to invest in social media advertising or influencer partnerships. If the target market is more traditional, companies may opt for print advertisements or television commercials. The choice of marketing tactics should align with the target market's preferences and behaviors.When implementing the marketing tactics, it is crucial to carefully allocate resources. This includes budgeting for marketing activities, allocating personnel, and managing marketing projects. Companies should ensure that they have the necessary financial resources to support their marketing efforts and that the team responsible for executing the marketing strategy has the required skills and expertise. Effective resource management is essential to ensure that the marketing strategy is implemented efficiently and effectively.Furthermore, companies must continuously measure the effectiveness of their marketing activities. This involves regularly monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success of the marketing strategy. KPIs could include metrics like return on investment (ROI), customer acquisition costs, or conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, companies can identify what is working well and make necessary adjustments to improve the marketing strategy. For example, if certain marketing channels are not delivering expected results, companies may decide to reallocate their budget to focus on channels that are generating a higher ROI.Additionally, companies should also gather and analyze customer feedback to gain insights into their satisfaction level and preferences. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or analyzing customer reviews and feedback on social media platforms. By understanding customer perceptions and preferences, companies can refine their marketing strategies and tailor their offerings to better meet customer needs.Lastly, it is important to emphasize the role of innovation in marketing strategy management. With the rapidly evolving business landscape, companies need to constantly innovate to stay ahead of competitors and address changing customer demands. This could involve introducing new products or services, adopting new technologies or marketing channels, or implementing creative marketing campaigns. By embracing innovation, companies can attract and retain customers and maintain a competitive edge in the market.In conclusion, effective marketing strategy management is a continuous process that involves understanding the target market, developing a positioning strategy, implementing marketing tactics, and monitoring and adjusting the strategy based on market conditions and customer feedback. By following these steps, companies can achieve their marketing goals, attract and retain customers, and drive business growth.。
市场营销策略英文文献《Market Marketing Strategies》Marketing strategy is an essential component of any successful business. It involves the process of identifying the target market, understanding the needs and wants of the customers, and creating a plan to reach and satisfy those customers. Effective marketing strategies can help a business to differentiate itself from its competitors, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.There are several key elements to consider when developing a marketing strategy. First, it is important to conduct thorough market research to understand the target market and the competition. This includes gathering data on demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors that influence consumer behavior. With this information, businesses can tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their customers.Next, businesses need to define their unique selling proposition (USP), which is what sets them apart from their competitors. This could be a combination of factors such as price, quality, customer service, or product features. Once the USP is identified, it can be incorporated into the brand messaging and used to differentiate the business and attract customers.Another important aspect of marketing strategy is to determine the best channels to reach the target market. This could include traditional advertising such as television, radio, and print, as well as digital marketing channels such as social media, email, andsearch engine optimization. By understanding the preferences and habits of the target market, businesses can allocate their marketing budget more effectively and reach potential customers where they are most likely to engage.In addition to reaching new customers, marketing strategies also focus on retaining and satisfying existing customers. This can be achieved through customer loyalty programs, excellent customer service, and ongoing communication to ensure customer satisfaction.Finally, it is important for businesses to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. This can be done through tracking key performance indicators such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and return on investment. By analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their marketing resources and make adjustments to their strategies as necessary.In conclusion, developing a strong marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to grow and succeed in a competitive market. By understanding the target market, differentiating the business from its competitors, and reaching and satisfying customers, businesses can position themselves for long-term success.。
关于营销策划的英文文献Marketing planning is a vital aspect of any business strategy, as it helps organizations identify and achievetheir marketing objectives. Effective marketing planning involves a comprehensive analysis of the market, target audience, and competitors, followed by the development of a strategic plan that outlines the marketing objectives, target market segments, positioning strategies, and marketing mix elements. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of marketing planning by examining its importance, process, key components, and challenges.1. IntroductionMarketing planning plays a crucial role in the success of organizations by ensuring that their marketing efforts are aligned with their overall business objectives. It involves setting clear goals and objectives that guide the development of strategies to achieve them. This article explores the various aspects of marketing planning and its significance in today's dynamic business environment.2. Importance of Marketing PlanningEffective marketing planning helps organizations gain a competitive edge by identifying opportunities in the market and developing strategies to exploit them. It provides a roadmap for achieving marketing goals while considering factors such as customer needs, market trends, competitive landscape, and internal capabilities. Marketing planning also facilitates resource allocation for various marketingactivities and ensures that efforts are focused on activities with high potential for success.3. The Process of Marketing PlanningThe process of developing an effective marketing plan involves several key steps:3.1 Situation AnalysisThis step involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external factors influencing the organization's ability to achieve its marketing objectives. It includes analyzing customer needs and behaviors, evaluating competitors' strategies, assessing market trends and opportunities.3.2 Setting ObjectivesBased on the situation analysis findings, clear objectives are set for various aspects such as sales growth targets or market share goals.3.3 Target Market SegmentationIdentifying target market segments is crucial for effective resource allocation and customization of marketing efforts based on specific customer needs.3.4 Positioning StrategyDeveloping an effective positioning strategy helps differentiate products or services from competitors and create a unique value proposition for target customers.3.5 Marketing Mix DevelopmentThe marketing mix consists of product, price, place, and promotion. Developing a mix that aligns with the target market segments and positioning strategy is critical forsuccess.3.6 Implementation and ControlThe marketing plan is put into action, and progress is monitored through various metrics to ensure that objectives are being met.4. Key Components of Marketing PlanningA well-developed marketing plan comprises several key components:4.1 Executive SummaryThis section provides an overview of the marketing plan, highlighting key objectives, strategies, and expected outcomes.4.2 Situation AnalysisA detailed analysis of the internal and external factors influencing the organization's marketing efforts is presented in this section.4.3 ObjectivesClear and measurable objectives are defined in this section to guide the development of strategies and tactics.4.4 Target Market SegmentationThis section identifies specific market segments based on various criteria such as demographics, psychographics, or behavior patterns.4.5 Positioning StrategyThe positioning strategy outlines how the organization intends to position its products or services in the minds of target customers relative to competitors.4.6 Marketing Mix StrategiesThis section outlines specific strategies for product development, pricing, distribution channels selection, and promotional activities based on target market segments and positioning strategy.5. Challenges in Marketing PlanningDeveloping an effective marketing plan can be challenging due to various factors:5.1 Changing Market DynamicsMarkets are constantly evolving due to technological advancements or shifts in customer behavior patterns; therefore, organizations need to adapt their plans accordingly.5.2 Data Availability & AnalysisAccurate data collection can be challenging; organizations need reliable data for effective analysis that drives decision-making during planning activities.5.3 Resource AllocationAllocating resources effectively across different marketing activities can be a complex task; organizations need to prioritize activities with maximum potential for success.5.4 Implementation and ControlSuccessfully implementing and monitoring the marketing plan requires coordination and collaboration across various departments within the organization.6. ConclusionMarketing planning is a critical process that helps organizations achieve their marketing objectives by aligning their efforts with market needs and competitive dynamics. Byconducting a comprehensive analysis, setting clear objectives, identifying target market segments, developing a positioning strategy, and implementing effective marketing mix strategies, organizations can gain a competitive advantage in the market. However, challenges such as changing market dynamics, data availability & analysis, resource allocation, and implementation & control need to be addressed to ensure successful marketing planning.。
strategic marketing 职责 -回复
strategic marketing 职责-回复Strategic marketing is a critical aspect of any business, as it plays a crucial role in fostering growth and profitability. In this article, we will delve into the responsibilities of strategic marketing, step by step, to gain a comprehensive understanding of its significance and implementation.Step 1: Setting ObjectivesThe first responsibility of strategic marketing is to set clear and measurable objectives. These objectives should be aligned with the overall business goals and vision. They should be specific, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). These objectives act as a roadmap and provide a sense of direction for the marketing efforts.Step 2: Conducting Market ResearchOnce the objectives are established, strategic marketers need to conduct thorough market research. This involves understanding customers' needs, identifying target markets, analyzing competition, and assessing industry trends. Comprehensive marketresearch helps in making informed decisions and crafting effective marketing strategies.Step 3: Developing a Marketing PlanBased on the market research findings, strategic marketers develop a detailed marketing plan. This plan outlines the marketing activities and strategies to achieve the defined objectives. It includes various elements such as target market identification, positioning, pricing strategies, product development, branding, distribution channels, and promotional activities.Step 4: Creating a Strong BrandStrategic marketing involves building and maintaining a strong brand image. A brand represents the company's identity, values, and reputation in the market. It is crucial to differentiate the brand from competitors and make it memorable to the target audience. Strategic marketers focus on creating brand awareness, brand loyalty, and a positive brand image through consistent messaging, visual identity, and customer experience.Step 5: Implementing Promotional ActivitiesPromotional activities are a key component of strategic marketing. These activities aim to create awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. Strategic marketers utilize a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels such as advertising, public relations, social media, content marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing. The choice of promotional activities depends on the target audience, budget, and objectives.Step 6: Monitoring and EvaluationStrategic marketing is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and evaluation. There are various metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that marketers use to measure the effectiveness of their strategies. These may include sales revenue, market share, customer satisfaction, website traffic, social media engagement, and return on investment (ROI). Analyzing these metrics helps in identifying areas of improvement and making strategic adjustments if necessary.Step 7: Adapting to Market ChangesThe market is dynamic and constantly evolving. Strategic marketers need to stay attuned to changes in customer preferences, technological advancements, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment. They must be flexible and adaptive in their approach to promptly adjust marketing strategies and tactics to maintain a competitive edge.In conclusion, the responsibilities of strategic marketing encompass various crucial steps. From setting objectives and conducting market research to creating a strong brand, implementing promotional activities, monitoring and evaluation, and adapting to market changes, strategic marketers play a vital role in driving business growth. By following these steps, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies to achieve their objectives and succeed in the ever-evolving marketplace.。
营销策略岗位 英文
营销策略岗位英文《The Art of Crafting Effective Marketing Strategies: A Guide to Success in the Marketing Strategy Role》The role of a marketing strategist is crucial in today's competitive business landscape. With the ever-changing market trends and consumer behaviors, a successful marketing strategy is essential for a company's growth and success.As a marketing strategist, one must possess a deep understanding of the target audience and their preferences. This requires extensive market research and analysis to identify potential opportunities and threats. By leveraging data-driven insights, a marketing strategist can develop a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape and the company's positioning within it. Furthermore, a successful marketing strategist must be adept at creating compelling and engaging marketing campaigns that resonate with the target audience. This requires a strong understanding of branding, messaging, and storytelling. By understanding the psychology of consumer behavior, a marketing strategist can create campaigns that evoke emotion and drive action.In addition, a marketing strategist must be adaptable and flexible, able to pivot and adjust strategies in response to market changes and consumer feedback. This requires a willingness to embrace innovation and new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.Moreover, a marketing strategist must be an effective communicator, able to collaborate with cross-functional teams and clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy. This requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to influence and persuade others.Overall, the role of a marketing strategist is multi-faceted and challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. By honing the skills of market research, campaign creation, adaptability, and communication, a marketing strategist can craft effective marketing strategies that drive business growth and success.。
什么是市场营销战略(What is marketing strategy)Abstract: in recent years, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, foreign exchanges gradually increase, Chinese enterprises go out of the country, cross sea warfare is no longer called news. Chinese enterprises learn to swim in swimming, learn to fight in the battle, from the initial repeatedly beaten to the same stage confrontation, the middle experience of a not too long, but pay a high price process. We should thank the multinationals who brought the advanced business theory to China. It is from them that we absorb the nutrients, and therefore strengthen ourselves and develop our own competitive power.This paper discusses how to make strategy in the process of enterprise management, and analyzes the importance of strategy from the angle of research, marketing, brand and enterprise assets.Key words: strategic marketing; brand investigationFirst, what is strategy?Strategy is to determine the long-term development goals of enterprises, and points out the strategies and ways to achieve long-term goals. The strategic objectives must be consistent with the purpose and mission of the enterprise. Strategy is an idea, a way of thinking, an analytical tool, and a long-term and holistic planning.Two. What is marketing?Marketing refers to the overall marketing activities of enterprises to provide goods or services to meet the needs of consumers or users.Three. What is the marketing strategy?Marketing strategy is the enterprise marketing department according to the strategic plan, considering the internal and external market opportunities resources and other factors, determine the target market, select the appropriate combination of marketing strategy, process and effective implementation and control.Strategic goals based on the transformation to the market in the process must pay attention to "customer demand, market opportunity analysis, advantage analysis, the disadvantage of reflection, market competition factors, the possible problems of prediction, team training and improvement of comprehensive factors, determined the growth type and the defense, torsion and comprehensive marketing strategy as the guiding direction and guidelines will be transformed to market strategy.Four, the characteristics of marketing strategyThe purpose is to create customers, acquire and maintain customers; how to effectively overcome the competition in an invincible position to consider from a long-term point of view; focus on market research, collect and analyze large amounts of information, the only way to market changes in the environment and make the right decision very uncertain situation; actively promote innovation. The degree and effect of proportional;decision making in change, the decision makers should have a strong ability to have, like entrepreneurs insight, recognition and decision making.Five, the conditions and environmental factors of marketing strategyMarketing objectives should include: the amount of the target, such as sales, profits, and market share etc.; quality goals, such as improving corporate image and reputation, won the customer; other goals, such as market development, new product development, sales, sales of existing products. Management idea, policy, enterprise strategy, marketing target and so on are the preconditions of enterprise system marketing strategy, and must be adapted or obeyed. Generally, the marketing objectives may not be decided yet, but in the process of marketing strategy formulation, the marketing objectives must be determined first. When determining a goal, the relationship with the overall strategy must be taken into account to make the goal fit the purpose of the enterprise, as well as in the enterprise concept, and to the market and the customer's posture.The paper analyzes the macro environment, market, industry and enterprise status in order to grasp the market opportunity accurately and dynamically.Macro environment: the environment that surrounds the enterprise and the market, including politics, law, society, culture, economy, technology, etc.. Enterprises must carry out research, collect information, and analyze them scientifically.Environmental change is both a threat and an opportunity for the enterprise.Micro environment: refers to the new direction and new integration requirements of enterprise operation and enterprise growth needs. Using the past achievements and other information to understand the company's situation, and sorting out its advantages and disadvantages. Strategy is actually a plan for companies to win, so,When making a strategy, the enterprise must give full play to the advantages of the company and try to avoid its disadvantages.Six, the formulation and implementation process of marketing strategyMarketing strategy formulation and implementation process: market segmentation - selected target market - marketing mix - implementation plan - organization implementation - Testing and evaluation.1) market segmentation. The market is not a single, homogeneous with the needs of customers, but the diversity and heterogeneity of the group, so the market segmentation can discover new market opportunities, but also can better meet the market demand; can more fully exert the advantages, but also provide conditions for enterprises to select the target market, to lay the foundation.2) selection of target market. Choosing the target marketdetermines the market to which the enterprise will enter, answer the question of whom the customer is, and whom the product appeals to. First, enterprises must have a clear target market; two, for a product must have a clear appeal, there is a clear consumer groups; three is to seize the main contradiction, highlighting the focus.3) marketing mix. Once a clear target market, we must consider how to enter the market and satisfy the market demand, it is the organic combination of product, price, channel and promotion strategy, but not the simple addition of several strategies.4) enterprises must consider the following points when conducting marketing mix:I want to understand their use of the marketing mix through the investigation of outstanding domestic enterprises.It is unique and outstanding differences in the company's competitive advantage and give full play to the advantage of the company.* the marketing mix is the enterprise can control, enterprises can control the combination of factors to control the entire marketing mix.* the marketing mix is a system engineering, composed of a multilayer system.This marketing combination factors must be coordinated,according to different products for different prices, different channels, adopt different means of promotion.* the marketing mix is not static, but dynamic.Whether the enterprises provide products are the products required by the market, whether it can meet the needs of consumers, consumers to solve the problems to be solved, providing consumers hope to obtain benefits, this is the product key. Only consumers satisfied, consumers will accept your product.Seven, the basic strategy of marketing can be summed up as follows:1. innovation strategy1) concept innovation. First of all, we should correctly understand and understand the value of knowledge. Under the condition of market economy, knowledge itself is both commodity and value. Secondly, we should have a strong sense of innovation, and consciously improve the ability to innovate. Thirdly, it is necessary to realize that innovation is the most fundamental and effective means to improve the marketing competitiveness of enterprises. Finally, marketing innovation is not an individual behavior of an individual, but an organized whole activity involving all employees of an enterprise.2) organizational innovation. Organizational innovation includes the organization form, management system, organization setting, rules and regulations and so on. It isthe guarantee of marketing innovation strategy. Organization structure unreasonable, bloated, meticulous division of labor, management level, more personnel than work available, each other too much is not conducive to innovation.3) technological innovation. With the rapid progress of science and technology, a large number of new technologies emerge, and the technical life cycle is shortened. Technological innovation has been called the core of manufacturing enterprises. Have adequate technical reserves to meet customer demand under the premise still need to improve, market segmentation and belongs to the technical field of their own enterprise technical barriers, effectively protect thelong-term development of enterprises, and guide the consumer demand, continue to meet the new needs of customers.4) product innovation. Under the drive of technological innovation, the market life of new products is also becoming shorter and shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of advanced technology to continuously introduce new products to meet customer needs.5) market innovation. Find new consumer needs and find the best target market. To observe the difference of consumer demand, based on the scientific market segmentation, find out the innovation point from the difference of consumer demand.2. talent strategy1) the new concept. Firmly set up the thought of talent standard, have talent, can make a fortune.Founder group, Peking University, is an excellent example. Founder assets increased 7000 times in the past 10 years. Wang Xuan, founder of Fangzheng group, said, "what they rely on is the solution to the relationship between" talent "and" wealth ".2) the concept of lifelong learning. For enterprises, we should set up the idea of all staff training.3. cultural strategyCorporate culture includes enterprise management concept, enterprise spirit, value concept, code of conduct, moral norms, corporate image, as well as the sense of responsibility and honor of all employees to the enterprise. It is not only an important means to improve the cohesion of the enterprise, at the same time, it in the spirit of enterprise as the core, members of the corporate thinking and behavior guidance to enterprise development goals set up, it also formed through the corporate values, norms, ethics, social psychological approach to text or members of the enterprise thought and behavior influence and control. Values are the cornerstone of corporate culture. The success of many enterprises is due to the fact that all employees are able to accept and implement the values of the organization.4. image strategyDavid Ogilvy said: "advertising is a long-term investment in brand impression". In the era of knowledge economy, advertisinghas entered the "impression" era, enterprises with all kinds of advertising and promotion, and constantly improve the corporate reputation, the creation of brand-name products, so that consumers according to the enterprise's "reputation" and "impression" to buy products.Eight. Determine the flow of marketing strategyFirst of all, market analysis, analysis of the current consumer characteristics of the market. And then market segmentation, according to your consumer demand segment market. After market segmentation, market positioning, and then select the marketing mix.Nine, summaryStrategy and strategy are different. Strategy should be at the top of the enterprise, which indicates the direction of the development of an enterprise, and strategy is the means and impetus to realize this direction. The development of China 30 years of reform and opening up, a lot of practice theory, a lot of theoretical verification, it is proved that the theory is suitable for many China enterprises, in the development process, we pay the high tuition fees, many enterprises and make us more aware of, make the correct marketing strategy is is very important for enterprises.Like Google, companies like NOKIA, they can understand the customers or consumers are thinking, they understand the market demand, they can feel the needs of the market, they can guide the customer or consumer demand. This helps them to develop theright strategy and maintain a fast and steady growth through the implementation of the right strategy. We see that these companies are also rapidly promoting their brand building.We see behind the success of brand enterprises, they are good at focusing, they are more professional, more clearly understand what is their business focus, they in the implementation of the strategic approach to their target customers, and communication methods are highly focused. This sentence can probably explain the reason why this model, "the sun also wear a reheat brick, but as long as a small laser beam can penetrate the entire plate", this is the power of strategic focus. So, what a successful brand implies is what we discussed and introduced. Only these things are linked together, perfect combination, a good brand can stand firmly in front of consumers, and more powerful and robust.Professor Michael Porter said in the "competitive strategy" in the book, the success of the marketing strategy is nothing more than three kinds: one is the lowest cost leading strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to achieve the cost of production and sale; two is the differentiation strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to creating a significantly different product lines and marketing plan, so that it is possible to become the market leader in the industry; three is the focus strategy, namely the enterprise will concentrate in several market segments of the service, rather than the pursuit of all the market.How to choose and confirm these strategies in the light of their own situation and marketing environment is essentially astrategic positioning problem.The positioning of marketing strategy is to solve the long-term, overall and directional problems of enterprises, and it is particularly important in the enterprise management.References (abbreviated)。
最新资料,WORD文档,可下载编辑!SME实用手册SME Manual本手册指在帮助中小企业所有人在自己企业内建立操作手册。
The manual is designed to assist SME owners to implement an operations amnaul within their business.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS概述OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 经营手册Operations Manual ........................................................................................................................................................ 企业概述Business Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 人力资源管理HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 雇佣政策Employment Policies .................................................................................................................................................... 员工记录Team Member Records ................................................................................................................................................. 招聘和选拔Recruitment and Selection ........................................................................................................................................ 业绩管理Performance Management ............................................................................................................................................ 培训Training ................................................................................................................................................................................. 沟通和激励Communication and Motivation................................................................................................................................ 职业健康和安全Occupational Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................ 客户服务CUSTOMER SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................... 服务标准Service Standards .......................................................................................................................................................... 顾客选择Customer Selection ....................................................................................................................................................... 顾客反馈Customer Feedback ....................................................................................................................................................... 市场营销MARKETING ............................................................................................................................................................... 企业识别Corporate Identity ......................................................................................................................................................... 战略营销Strategic Marketing ....................................................................................................................................................... 公共关系Public Relations ............................................................................................................................................................ 采购和存货管理PURCHASING AND STOCK MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 采购Purchasing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 存货管理Stock Management ........................................................................................................................................................ 行政管理ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................... 电话、信息和电子邮件Telephone, Messages and Email ........................................................................................................... 邮件和重要信函Mail and Couriers .............................................................................................................................................. 计算机和互联网Computers and the Internet ............................................................................................................................... 安全Security ................................................................................................................................................................................. 会计ACCOUNTING ................................................................................................................................................................ 应付账款Creditors ........................................................................................................................................................................ 应收账款Debtors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 银行往来账Bank Accounts .......................................................................................................................................................... 固定资产Fixed Assets .................................................................................................................................................................. 领导能力LEADERSHIP ..............................................................................................................................................................概述OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual经营手册的目的Purpose of the Operations Manual本经营手册旨在提供必要的资源, 以帮助员工改进工作表现, 并帮助企业达成目标。
创意营销策略英文作文高中Title: Innovative Marketing Strategies。
In today's dynamic business landscape, innovative marketing strategies play a pivotal role in the success of any company. With the ever-evolving consumer preferences and the rise of digital technologies, businesses need to continuously adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition. In this essay, we will explore some effective innovative marketing strategies that can be employed by companies to enhance their brand visibility, attract new customers, and foster customer loyalty.Firstly, leveraging social media platforms is crucial for modern marketing success. With the widespread usage of social media among people of all demographics, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide excellent opportunities for companies to engage with their target audience directly. Through creative content such as engaging posts, videos, and interactive campaigns,businesses can effectively communicate their brand message and build meaningful relationships with customers. Additionally, utilizing social media advertising tools allows companies to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, maximizing the reach and impact of their marketing efforts.Another innovative marketing strategy is the implementation of influencer marketing. Influencers, whoare individuals with a large and engaged following onsocial media, have become powerful endorsers for brands. Collaborating with influencers relevant to their industry enables companies to reach a wider audience and establish credibility through authentic recommendations. Bypartnering with influencers who resonate with their target market, businesses can create genuine connections with consumers and drive brand awareness, ultimately leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.Furthermore, experiential marketing has emerged as a highly effective strategy for creating memorable brand experiences and fostering emotional connections withconsumers. By organizing immersive events, pop-up shops, or interactive installations, companies can provide consumers with unique opportunities to engage with their brand on a personal level. Experiential marketing not only generates buzz and excitement around the brand but also encourages word-of-mouth promotion as attendees share their experiences with friends and family, amplifying the brand's reach and impact.Additionally, embracing user-generated content (UGC) as part of the marketing strategy can yield significant benefits for companies. UGC, which includes customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts created by users, serves as authentic and trustworthy content that resonates with potential customers. Encouraging customers to share their experiences with the brand and incorporating UGC into marketing campaigns helps build social proof, instilling confidence in prospective buyers and driving conversion rates. Moreover, UGC fosters a sense of community among customers, strengthening brand loyalty and advocacy.In conclusion, innovative marketing strategies are essential for companies seeking to thrive in today's competitive business environment. By harnessing the power of social media, influencer marketing, experiential marketing, and user-generated content, businesses can effectively engage with their target audience,differentiate themselves from competitors, and build long-lasting relationships with customers. As consumer behaviors continue to evolve, companies must remain agile and innovative in their approach to marketing to stay relevant and successful in the marketplace.。
创业成功之道:学习创新思维与市场营销策略1. Introduction1.1 Overview:In today's competitive business environment, entrepreneurship has become a popular choice for many individuals seeking to create their own success. However, starting a new venture and achieving long-term success requires more than just a great idea. It requires innovative thinking and effective marketing strategies. This article explores the importance of cultivating a mindset of innovation and leveraging market-oriented tactics to ensure entrepreneurial success.1.2 Article Structure:This article is divided into several sections to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The sections include:- Introduction: This section provides an overview of the article's content and outlines its purpose.- Innovation Thinking and Marketing: Here, we delve into the significance of innovation thinking and how it influences the success of entrepreneurial endeavors. We also explore the impact ofmarket-oriented marketing strategies on overall business performance. - Methods and Techniques for Learning Innovation Thinking: In this section, we discuss various approaches to foster interdisciplinary thinking skills, promote creative thinking within teams, and encourage embracing failure as part of the learning process. Additionally, we emphasize continuous learning and staying updated with new technologies and trends.- Key Steps for Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies: Here, we outline essential steps for conducting thorough market research, creating targeted marketing plans, and maintaining flexibility in strategy implementation to adapt to changing market conditions.- Conclusion and Future Outlook: Finally, we summarize the key points discussed in this article while emphasizing their significance. We also provide insights into potential future development directions in entrepreneurship along with anticipated challenges.1.3 Purpose:The primary objective of this article is to shed light on the interplay between innovative thinking and successful marketing strategies in entrepreneurship. By examining various methods to nurture innovative mindsets and implementing effective marketing approaches, readers will gain valuable insights into how they can enhance their chances ofentrepreneurial success. Additionally, through an overall understanding of these topics, readers can acquire practical guidance for developing winning strategies that align with market demands.Note: This is a plaintext response providing the content for the "Introduction" section of an article titled "The Path to Entrepreneurial Success: Learning Innovative Thinking and Marketing Strategies".2. 创新思维与市场营销2.1 创新思维的重要性创新思维是在创业过程中不可或缺的因素,它可以帮助企业发现并解决问题,寻找独特的商机。
国外创意营销方案Title: Transformative Marketing Strategies Abroad Introduction:In today's highly competitive global market, businesses are constantly seeking innovative marketing strategies to connect with their target audience and stand out from the crowd. This essay aims to explore several creative marketing ideas implemented in foreign countries that have proven to be successful.1. Nike's "Breaking2" Campaign:Nike, the renowned athletic brand, executed an unconventional marketing campaign known as "Breaking2." The company aimed to break the two-hour barrier for a marathon by providing their elite runners with cutting-edge technology and support. Although the marathon was a controlled event, the live streaming of this endeavor engaged millions of viewers worldwide, creating buzz and brand exposure for Nike. This campaign not only demonstrated the brand's commitment to innovation but also connected emotionally with their target audience, inspiring people to push their boundaries.2. Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" Campaign:Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign successfully personalized the brand by printing popular names on their bottles and cans, encouraging people to find and share a coke with friends and loved ones. This unique approach created a sense of individuality and personal connection with the product, resulting in increased social media interactions and sales. By capitalizing on the emotional aspect of sharing, Coca-Cola created an effective marketingstrategy that created a lasting impact.3. Airbnb's "Live There" Campaign:Airbnb's "Live There" campaign aimed to position itself as more than just a home rental platform. By emphasizing the local experience and encouraging travelers to "live like a local," Airbnb established a more authentic and immersive narrative. Through the use of engaging video content, they showcased a range of destinations, enabling viewers to envision themselves as part of those communities. This marketing strategy increased brand loyalty and expanded the customer base by appealing to those seeking unique travel experiences.4. Red Bull's Extreme Sports Sponsorship:Red Bull adopted a distinctive approach by heavily investing in extreme sports sponsorship. By organizing and sponsoring events such as the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series and Red Bull X-Fighters, the brand associated its energy drink with excitement, thrill, and pushing limits. This marketing strategy allowed Red Bull to establish a strong brand presence among its target audience, promoting a lifestyle that resonated with their core values.5. IKEA's "Lamp" Advertising Campaign:IKEA's "Lamp" advertising campaign effectively demonstrated the emotional aspect of their products. The campaign featured an abandoned lamp narrating its life story through a monologue, evoking feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality. By aiming to create an emotional connection with their audience, IKEA successfully conveyed the durability and longevity of their products, reinforcing the brand's image as reliable and long-lasting.Conclusion:Creative marketing strategies have become vital tools for businesses to effectively communicate their brand's message and differentiate themselves from competitors. The aforementioned examples demonstrate how companies like Nike, Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Red Bull, and IKEA have successfully used innovative concepts to engage their audience, generate brand exposure, and foster long-term customer loyalty. Implementing such transformative marketing strategies abroad can inspire businesses globally to think outside the box and create impactful campaigns.。
市场营销外文文献翻译 定义“新产品策略” 中英文版
这些都是一些布兹- 艾伦和汉密尔顿的关于商业惯例的研究结论。
台湾生产者对于更廉价的供应商而导致的销售额减少无能为力- 消费者忠诚的是品牌,而不是生产者。
例如可乐- 任何制造商可以生产可乐,但只有可口可乐公司生产可口可乐。
一1 作为市场营销经理,他的重要位置影响着市场营销计划。
As a marketing manager, he is in a strategic position for influencing the marketing plans.2他认为我们不应该再在这个问题上多花时间了。
He doesn't think we should devote any more time to this issue.3在决定前,没有人愿提出肯定的答案。
Nobody wanted to commit himself to a definite answer before the decision.4盖茨的梦想是让每一个家庭和每一张办公桌上都有一台电脑,所以微软的方向是要让个人电脑易学易用。
Gate's dream is a computer for every family and on every office desk, Microsoft's goal is to make the personal computer easy to master and convenient to use.5 盖茨承认,在30岁以前,他几乎没有过休息日。
Gates acknowledged that he had hardly had a day off before he was thirty.6 盖茨和他领导的微软公司所创造的业绩是信息业的一大传奇。
The great achievements by Gates and the Microsoft under his leadership are a legend in the information industry.二1明年今日,我当老师就满10年了。
At this time of next year, I shall have been a teacher for ten years.2明天半夜客轮会抵达上海。
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MARKETING INNOV ATION OF THE STRATEGICAL TACTICS 1.Introduction of marketing1.1The definition of Marketing1.1.1 Traditional marketing and Internet marketingMarketing is defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA) as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.""Definition of Marketing". American Marketing Association./AboutAMA/Pages/DefinitionofMarketing.aspx. Retrieved 2009-10-30.As a plan and an activity, the procedure of marketing includes a type of product, a type of service or the development, definition, promotion of a thought. The purpose is to satisfy the organization or personal need through exchange or transaction. Marketing means that with the directio ns of customer’s need, the enterprise’s process of manufacture, transaction, after-sale service.For the traditional definition of marketing, there is no universal definition. We can classify the definition of marketing in two aspects, as the method of marketing, traditional marketing means selling without any technique of internet. As the theory of marketing, traditional marketing theory means no internet technology impingement. As a word, we can judge the definition of traditional marketing is the definition before internet technology came into forth. The internet marketing appeared in the end of 1990s. And the definition of marketing in 1990s is: Marketing is made up of three plates, including P (Positioning), STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)4P(product, price, place, promotion).1.1.2 The development of marketing and marketing theoryMarketing was originated in USA in 1920s. As the development of the social economy, the marketing had radical changes. From traditional marketing to contemporary marketing, the application of marketing has extended abroad and has developed to different type of organizations. Nowadays, marketing has been combined with the administration of the enterprise. As same as Economics, Behavioral Science, Anthropology, Mathematics, marketing has become a subject with edge management application. The development of western marketing is closely related to the change of commodity economy, business philosophy.There are four steps for the development of definition of the marketing.Ⅰ. The beginning stageAfter the individual revolution of the main capitalism countries, the production capacity had a significant increase. The urban economy developed quickly, in the same time, the commodity need had big increase and it is simple for the product to actualizeits value. The marketing came into being in this situation. In 1902, some universities in USA set up the subject of marketing, some pioneers of marketing appeared, such as Arch W Shaw, Ralph Star Bulter, John B Swirnly and J E Hagerty. The characters of the marketing research in this period are:A.Emphasizing selling and advertising, there is no theory, definition and principlesof the current marketing research.B.The society and the enterprises didn’t pay a lot attention to marketing theory.Ⅱ. The application periodThe period from 1920s to the end of the Second World War is the application stage. The development of the marketing in this stage can be seen from the application. The research theory of marketing began to be known to the society, the enterprises began to pay attention to the theory of marketing.Ⅲ. The development periodThe period from the end of 1950s to 1980s is the development of marketing. What is more, the supply of products is more than the customer’s need from thi s period.Ⅳ. The Maturity periodThe period from 1980s to current time is the maturity time of marketing, which has two characters,A.Marketing became related to other subjects.B.Marketing has its own theory system. 1980s’ marketing is the revolutiontime of marketing, which was a part of contemporary marketing and a new beginning of marketing.1.2The classification of marketing1.2.1Integrated Marketing CommunicationsIntegrated Marketing Communications is very common in current enterprises, which includes common advertise, direct communication with customers, promotion, in the same time, this type of marketing combines the distributed information in order to make the sales of the products clearly and continuously.1.2.2Database marketingDatabase marketing means to col lect the consumers’ behavior information, the news of different stores and to accumulate the information in a format database. This type of marketing will be in forth in appropriate opportunities according to the analysis of database.1.2.3Internet MarketingInternet Marketing is an important component of a company’s marketing strategy. The purpose of internet marketing is to actulize the overall objectives of a company, including all types of activities with internet marketing method. The functions of internet marketing include website promotion, internet brands, online research, customer’s relation, distribution channel, sales promotion and information broadcast.1.2.4Direct MarketingDirect Marketing (DM) means to transfer the products and service to the consumers without any dealer. The biggest feature of DM is to communicate with the consumers directly. Usually the medium tools for communication of DM are different from the other general medium such as TV advertise, their communication tools is oriented to specialties, for example, some merchants print their advertisements in the packages of facial tissues, then they distribute the tissues freely to the potential consumers. Some other methods such as telephone promotion, TV shopping belong to DM too.1.2.5Relationship MarketingIn most situations, the company can’t find the instant transaction, so they always establish a long-term relationship with the customers. The company need to show their excellent service ability. Since the customers became globally nowadays, they prefer to be supplied different products in different area, maybe from different suppliers in order to solve problems in different areas. When the management plans for relationship of the customers implement, the organization must emphasize the management of customers and products. In the same time, the company must realize that although the relationship marketing is very important, but it is not effective in every situation. Therefore, the company must find out the most important relationship marketing from careful analysis.1.2.6Green MarketingGreen Marketing is to satisfy the habit of consumers in order to fulfill the need of environment requirement, whose manufacture idea is obeying the green culture. Their marketing activity is always oriented to the environmental products.1.2.7Social MarketingSocial Marketing is based on the social welfare through business marketing methods, or to promote their products and service through social welfare. As same as general marketing, social marketing is to change the behavior of the target consumers, the different point is that their motivations are non-commerce.1.2.8Virus MarketingVirus Marketing is a type of information transferring, they duplicate their information like virus from public people in order to make more people know their products. This type of marketing method is common in Email or company’s website, which may ask you to ‘tell a friend’, or ask you to invite others to visit the website etc. Because of the cheap cost and good effect, thistype of marketing is adopted by more and more companies.1.2.9Crisis MarketingCrisis Marketing is adopting a series of measures used in crisis and urgent situation in order to reduce the bad influence. The measures include, broadcasting the company situation, let the staff know the truth, establish good relationship with the medium, keep contact with the customers.2.Contemporary Marketing2.1Contemporary Marketing Channels2.1.1The importance of marketing channelsThe decision and management of marketing channels are important aspects of the strategy of marketing. In the past marketing disciplines in China, the most important thing is to research circulating business economy. Because in planned economy, the manufacturing companies are only in charge of manufacturing, they don’t care how to sell or where to sell. However, in nowadays, after establishing the market economy, the enterprise became individual operator and pursued the max benefits. Especially to the manufacturing enterprises, how to approach the final market and satisfy them has become the key point for them to win.。