LEED GA 考试题库03
2023年3月青少年机器人技术等级考试理论综合试卷三级真题(含答案)分数:100 题数:30一、单选题(共20题,共80分)1.Arduino UNO/Nano主控板,电位器连接到A0引脚,下图程序运行时,变量potVal值的范围是?()A.0~1B.0~255C.0~1023D.255~1023试题编号:20230310150646499试题类型:单选题标准答案:B试题难度:一般试题解析:考生答案:B考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:2.常用的舵机属于?()A.传感器B.执行器C.控制器D.感知器试题编号:20230310150645593试题类型:单选题标准答案:B试题难度:试题解析:考生答案:B考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:3.我国居民生活用电采用的是?()A.380V的交流电B.380V的直流电C.220V的交流电D.220V的直流电试题编号:20230310150645625试题类型:单选题标准答案:C试题难度:试题解析:考生答案:C考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:4.下列选项中,用于表示电流单位名称的是?()A.安培B.伏特C.欧姆D.法拉试题编号:20230310150645906试题类型:单选题标准答案:A试题难度:试题解析:考生答案:A考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:5.Arduino Nano主控板,通过光敏电阻控制LED灯亮度的变化。
电路搭设及程序如下图所示,当光照强度逐渐增强时,LED的亮度逐渐减弱,此时红框A对应的程序是?()AB.C.D.试题编号:20230310150646845试题类型:单选题标准答案:B试题难度:一般试题解析:考生答案:B考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:6.下列选项中,属于导体的是?()A.橡皮擦B.干燥的木棒C.蒸馏水D.自来水试题编号:20230310150645672试题类型:单选题标准答案:D试题难度:试题解析:考生答案:D考生得分:4是否评分:已评分评价描述:7.Arduino UNO/Nano主控板电路搭设如下图所示,通过引脚6控制LED灯,能让LED灯点亮的程序模块是?()A.B.C.D.试题编号:20230310150646704试题类型:单选题标准答案:B试题难度:一般试题解析:考生答案:A考生得分:0是否评分:已评分评价描述:8.如图所示电路,下列说法错误的是?()A.该电路是串联电路。
2024年3月青少年机器人技术等级考试理论综合试卷三级真题(含答案)分数:100 题数:30一、单选题(共20题,共80分)。
A. 开始/结束B. 输入/输出C. 判断D. 处理标准答案:A。
2.题Arduino UNO/Nano主控板,在Mixly程序中使用变量保存电位器模块的返回值,下列选项中,该变量的数据类型最适合的是()。
A. 整数型B. 小数(浮点)型C. 字节型D. 布尔型标准答案:A。
A. 橡皮擦B. 干燥的木棒C. 蒸馏水D. 220Ω电阻标准答案:D。
A. 顺序结构B. 选择结构C. 循环结构D. 单分支结构标准答案:A。
A. AB. VC. ΩD. U标准答案:A。
A. 传感器B. 感受器C. 执行器D. 控制器标准答案:C。
A. 1次B. 2次C. 5次D. 9次标准答案:C。
8.题Arduino UNO/Nano主控板,通过超声波传感器控制板载LED灯,程序模块如下,当超声波传感器返回的距离为10cm时,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 板载LED灯点亮。
B. 板载LED灯熄灭。
C. 板载LED灯闪烁。
D. 板载LED灯先点亮,然后保持熄灭。
9.题Arduino UNO/Nano主控板,下图程序运行时,板载LED灯闪烁5次,变量i的值是()。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 10标准答案:B。
A. 通过该程序模块可以获得超声波传感器的返回值B. 模块返回的距离单位是毫米C. 超声波传感器通过引脚2接收触发信号D. 超声波传感器通过引脚5返回检测数据标准答案:B。
为避免类似情况的发生,保障广大对LEED感兴趣的绿色建筑爱好者和从业者,我们给出以下判断标准,用于识别那些假公司或皮包公司:1.如果要缴费,一定要索取正规发票,目前国家税收制度改革,统一为增值税发票,但对培训企业,一定要求开具培训费发票;2.查看公司的工商注册,是否正规注册,有无正规经营场所;查看公司营业执照,注册资金是否与实际相符合,通常国家规定最低注册资金为10万,注册资金越高,部分的反映了公司的实力;3.对于LEED培训,一定要询问对方是否能出具资质证明,USGBC仅允许授权的Education Provider在当地提供LEED相关培训服务, Education Provider 的课程要经过USGBC的严格审核之后,才能发布到网站上,大家也可以在这个网站上查找合格的课程;4.看讲师素质,LEED看起来简单,但要讲好,讲深入,讲的有用,无论对做项目,还是对考试都得有用,就必须有至少5-10年的实际项目操作经验,否则照本宣科,还不如自己自学;5.正规的培训网站,都会列出有照片,有真实姓名的讲师介绍,可在类似的QQ群查询这些人,是否在被业内人士认可;6.友绿网作为业内第一家,到目前为止,也是唯一一家USGBC授权的Ecudation Provider,最早在网上发布了很多LEED GA 和LEED AP的介绍和答疑,被一些网站非法盗用,大家可检索对比是否具有系统性和连贯性,以及与友绿网的相似度,来判断是否原创;7.目前网上流行的课表,99%都是从友绿网拷贝过去的,可查一下与友绿网公布课表的差别,基本也能辨别这家公司是否具备开展这项业务起码的诚意——做一张自己的课表。
青少年机器人技术等级考试理论综合试卷(三级)分数:100.00 题数:30一、单选题(共20题,共80分)1. Arduino UNO主控板数字信号引脚的工作模式,下列说法正确的是?A、有数字信号输入模式、数字信号输出模式两种B、有数字信号输入模式、数字信号输出模式、内部下拉数字信号输入模式三种C、有数字信号输入模式、数字信号输出模式、内部上拉数字信号输入模式三种D、有高电平模式、低电平模式两种试题编号:20200604154028957题型:单选题答案:C难度:一般试题解析:书中第54页解析2.执行如下语句,串口监视器的显示值是?A、0B、1C、255D、256试题编号:20200604154028690题型:单选题答案:A难度:一般试题解析:字节数据类型范围为1/0 255为1 256为03. 在我们的日常生活中接触过许多家用电器,比如电灯、电冰箱、洗衣机、电脑等,家用电器之间的连接方法是?A、都是串联B、都是并联C、可以串联,也可以是并联D、多盏电灯应该是串联,电脑与电冰箱等应该并联试题编号:20200604154028596题型:单选题答案:B难度:试题解析:4.执行下列语句,3秒后,2、3引脚的状态?A、高、低B、低、高C、高、高D、低、低试题编号:20200604154028894题型:单选题答案:B难度:一般试题解析:初始化程序只执行一次5.读取电路中按键的返回值时,使用下列哪个模块? A、B、C、D、试题编号:20200604154028847题型:单选题答案:A难度:一般试题解析:6. 对此模块描述正确的是?A、此模块一共循环1次B、此模块一共循环4次C、此模块一共循环5次D、此模块一共循环6次试题编号:20200604154028738题型:单选题答案:C难度:试题解析:1 3 5 7 97.下列流程图中,没有选择结构语句的是?A、B、C、D、试题编号:20200604154028721题型:单选题答案:A难度:一般试题解析:8.下列电路中,属于串联电路的有? A、B、C、D、试题编号:20200604154028941题型:单选题答案:C难度:一般试题解析:9. 电压过高会对人体造成伤害,经验表明人体安全电压不得高于?A、220VB、36VC、12VD、5V试题编号:20200604154028565题型:单选题答案:B难度:试题解析:10. 在常温情况下,下列物体属于绝缘体的是?A、石墨B、普通橡胶C、水银D、潮湿的木头试题编号:20200604154028612题型:单选题答案:B难度:试题解析:11. 利用光敏电阻传感器向Arduino模拟输入A3口发送信息,下列值可能是返回值的是?A、-128B、256C、-52D、1024试题编号:20200604154028910题型:单选题答案:B难度:试题解析:模拟输入的范围是0~102312.下图是一个按键控制LED灯的电路连接图,和对应的程序。
LEED GA 考试题库06
D页脚内容1B页脚内容2页脚内容3A页脚内容4D页脚内容5页脚内容6ABC页脚内容7Question 23 of 100What is the result of increasing the floor area ratio (FAR) from 1.0 to 2.0 while maintaining the same gross floor area on a project being designed for a greenfield site?A The development density of the project increasesThe gross floor area is the same so the density of the project does not change.B Biodiversity is promotedFAR is the total building square footage (building area) divided by the site size square footage (site area).One of the objectives of green building is to build 'up' rather than 'out', thereby having a smaller building footprint to maximize open space and promote biodiversity. For example instead of having a 1 story页脚内容8building with a 10,000 SF footprint design a 2 story building with a 5,000 SF footprint. Both designs have 10,000 SF of total floor area but the 2 story building has a smaller footprint.C The LEED project boundary changesThe project boundary would remain unchanged. Only the building footprint changes - not the site area.D The building footprint increasesThe building footprint would decrease because the project is building up rather than out.Question 25 of 100页脚内容9What are the benefits of becoming a tenant or owner of a building that is certified under LEED for NewConstruction if the project team wants to also certify under LEED for Commercial Interiors?A There are no certification feesB There is no registration feeGBCI offers free registration for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance for projectscertified under LEED for New Construction, LEED for Schools, and LEED for Core & Shell prior to January1, 2011.If the question had asked about the project team wanting to certify under LEED for Existing Buildings:Operations & Maintenance, a correct answer choice would also be 'There is no registration fee'.C The project will be well situated to earn the additional certification(s)A building that has a prior LEED certification is in a better position to earn additional LEEDcertifications.D Certification fees are reducedC页脚内容10D页脚内容11C页脚内容12A页脚内容13Question 37 of 100LEED Online can be used for all of the following except:A Managing public facing project detailsWhat are public facing project details?You can search USGBC's website to find out about specific projects going on. LEED Online can be used to show/limit what is displayed to the public. For example using LEED Online you would enter in 'Project ABC is going to have a budget of $10M'. You probably don't want anyone to see the project budget so you could hide that detail from public view.Managing the public facing details of the project means this: The person who is the administrator of the project can use LEED online to pick and choose what details they want to make available to the public. For页脚内容14example, 'do you want everyone to know your project budget', check yes or no. 'Do you want everyone toknow the project's address', check yes or no. Using LEED Online the administrator restricts or allows access to this and other various project information. USGBC may then reveal any information that has been marked as publicaly available.B Accessing online reference guidesReference guides are not available in LEED Online.C Submit technical inquiries regarding LEED CreditsD Document compliance with LEED Credit RequirementsB页脚内容15B页脚内容16页脚内容17A页脚内容18AD页脚内容19C页脚内容20CC页脚内容21Question 58 of 100The process of green building begins with the idea of the project and continues until:A The schematic design is completedB The project is reused or recycledGreen building continuously improves a project from when the idea is first realized in a person's head to页脚内容22when the project is finally either reused for a different purpose or it is demolished and hopefully recycled.This differs from conventional design where all trades are not involved in all parts of the process throughthe project's life cycle.C The construction documents are preparedD The project begins operatingB页脚内容23页脚内容24页脚内容25B页脚内容26C页脚内容27A页脚内容28AIf the project team was denied a credit the team may appeal. Appeals are allowed for design phase and construction phase credits if a split review is being done. Otherwise the appeals come after the final review.Appeals are $500 per credit - no discounts.页脚内容29Question 78 of 100What is applicable to the ongoing operations and maintenance of a building?A Sustainable purchasing policySustainable purchasing policies give preference to the purchase of environmentally preferable products and the companies that supply them. For ongoing operations and maintenance it is required to a have a policy in place to address product purchases for the building. The program should address ongoingconsumables, like office paper and printer cartridges, as well as durable goods like computers andfurniture.B Passive design strategiesPassive design strategies such as natural ventilation and daylighting are part of building design.C CommissioningCommissioning is the systematic process of assuring that a building and its systems performs in accordance with the design intent and the owner's requirements. This is part of building construction.D Floor area ratio页脚内容30The FAR would be used during planning and construction. A页脚内容31AFor O&M the building must be in a state of typical physical occupancy.For example, a hotel usually has a typical occupancy of about 60% of the rooms rented out. The O&M certification could not be attempted until the hotel was at least 60% occupied. If the hotel was just constructed and didn't have any occupants the certification could not be earned.A school dormitory is another example. If the dormitory was completed in April but will not be occupied until the fall semester in September, the project is not yet in typical occupancy because no students are living in the dorm between April - August.页脚内容32页脚内容33页脚内容34页脚内容35CThe heat island effect refers to the ability of dark, non-reflective paved areas-city streets, rooftops, and sidewalks-to absorb and radiate heat, making urban areas and the surrounding suburbs noticeably hotter than rural towns nearby. Other contributors include reduced air flow due to tall buildings and narrow streets, calm and sunny weather, and auto exhaust.页脚内容36页脚内容37页脚内容38BD页脚内容39。
LEED GA-03 中文题
第1题:A tenant of an office space wants an open office layout. What is one trade-off of th is decision? 某办公空间的租户想要开放的办公空间布局。
该决策的权衡是什么?得分:2/2 题目报错A:The space will not be able to include task lighting. 空间将不可能设置作业灯B:Daylighting will be harder to achieve. 日照采光将很难实现C:The acoustics may be poor. 音响效果可能会差D:The room will have decreased air quality. 房间空气质量下降解答:C A trade-off with the open office layout is in a large, open space the acoustics are usu ally poor.第2题:A wood product is environmentally preferable if it has which of the following attribut es? 具有以下哪种属性的木质材料才是环保的?得分:2/2 题目报错A: Wood that does not rot from the treatment of carcinogenic chemicals 没有经过防腐化学药物处理的木材B: Wood that does not rot from the treatment of carcinogenic chemicals 没有经过防腐化学药物处理的木材C: Wood harvested from an unmanaged forest 从非托管森林采伐的木材D:Wood harvested from the land of an indigenous tribe 从土著部落土地采伐的木材解答:A Products that are sustainably grown and harvested are preferable.第3题:Changing the building envelope from single-pane glazing to double-pane glazing woul d result in which of the following? 将建筑维护结构从单面玻璃改成双面玻璃会导致什么结果?得分:2/2 题目报错A:Decreased energy demand 减少能源需求B:Increased energy efficiency 增加能源效率C:Improved occupant controls 完善的用户控制D:Increased daylighting 增加日照采光解答:A The design of the building envelope (including the glazing) impacts the energy deman d of the building. Double-pane glazing is a better insulator than single-pane glazing.第4题:What must be considered in the project budget for a green building project that would not b e part of a conventional project? 以下哪一项确定是绿色建筑的项目预算,而不是传统项目的?得分:2/2 题目报错A:Added building equipment to make the building more energy efficient 额外的建筑设备以使建筑更加节能B:Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials 研究材料或非传统技术的意外情况C:Additional time in the schedule for construction 施工周期的额外时间D:Selecting only ENERGY STAR appliances 仅挑选能量之星设备解答:C The manual states projec,t teams should determine relevant design fees and constructi on costs. Also address: 1 . Life-cycle cost analysis 2. Design and cost advice from experience d green building professionals 3. Contingencies for research of unconventional techniques or materials Life cycle costing is used to evaluate economic performance and takes into account operational and maintenance costs throughout the life of the product.第5题:What does a carbon offset represent? 碳补偿代表什么?得分:2/2 题目报错A:The primary measure of energy consumption associated with buildings 与建筑相关的能源消耗的主要措施B:The energy consumption divided by the number of square feet in a building 根据建筑平方英尺数量进行划分的能量消耗C:A tradable commodity representing proof that a unit of electricity was generated from a renewable resource 通过一种可交易的商品证明电力来自再生能源D:A unit of carbon dioxide equivalent that is reduced, avoided, or sequestered to compe nsate for emissions occurring elsewhere. 一个二氧化碳对等单位,用来减少、避免或隔离以补偿发生在任何地方的排放解答:A This is the correct definition.第6题:Some credits in In LEED Online have an LPE option. What does LPE mean? 在线LEE D的一些分值都有一个LPE选项。
Question 1Show Answer Legend Which item can contribute to Construction Waste Management?A Hazardous construction debrisB Fill dirtC ConcreteD Steel and wallboardNotes:Hazardous debris does not qualify for this credit; therefore, hazardous construction debris is incorrect.Fill dirt does not qualify for this credit; therefore, fill dirt (excavated soil) is incorrect.Question 2Show Answer Legend A project team has decided to shrink the building footprint. This change can have a positive impact on what issue?A Car pool parkingB Parking capacityC Pedestrian accessD Open spaceNotes:Reducing the size of the building footprint may allow for more open space (fields, grasslands, landscaping, etc.)Open space are the ground areas that are vegetated and pervious.Green roofs can be considered open space but only for urban areas.For the purposes of LEED, open space is the property area minus the development footprint, when local zoning does not define open space.Question 3Show Answer Legend What would contribute to community connectivity?A A site with pedestrian access between basicsB A site near mass transitC A site near public parkingD A site near a restaurantNotes:Community connectivity channels development to urban areas with existinginfrastructure. This includes areas with walkways and areas near basics.Basics are thoses that are open to the public, and are commons that people might use regularly. People must be able to walk between the project and the without being blocked by walls, highways, or other barriers (this is called pedestrian access). LEED encourages building near a variety of basics, not just one type of such astwelve clothing stores in a strip mall. LEED provides examples of basics as:BankChurchSupermarket / convenience storeDay careDry cleaner / laundry matFire stationSalonHardware storeLibraryMedical / dental officeParkPharmacyPost officeRestaurantSchoolTheatre / museumCommunity centerGymAccess to public transpiration (mass transit) helps with reducing automobile use in the LEED Rating System, however picking a site near mass transit does not help earn the community connectivity credit.The answer choice of 'public parking' is incorrect because a parking lot or parking garage is not defined by LEED as a. A public park is defined by LEED as a basic.Question 4Show Answer Legend Who is responsible for the development of the LEED Rating Systems?A Architects, engineers, and contractors onlyB Product manufacturersC Local, state, and federal government agenciesD VolunteersNotes:The intent of this question is to learn the LEED Rating Systems are developed by committees of volunteers from all types of backgrounds.From USGBC's website:'LEED Rating Systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. Each volunteer committee is composed of a diverse group of practitioners and experts representing a cross-section of the building and construction industry.'While it is true employees of local, state, and federal government agencies can volunteer for the committees, as can product manufacturers and architects, engineers, and contractors, it is volunteers that make up the committees from these professions as well as many others.Question 5Show Answer Legend What is the goal of providing secure bicycle storage?A To keep bicycles dryB To meet local regulationsC To prevent theftD To increase the life cycle of bicyclesNotes:Glossary: Secure storage is any method or methods that prevent theftQuestion 6Show Answer Legend Wastewater from sinks can:A Sometimes be recycled and used for irrigation, depending on local codesB Always be recycled and used for irrigationC Never be recycled and used for irrigationD Always be used for makeup water in cooling towersNotes:Reference: USGBC GlossaryWastewater treatment systems are sometimes used in projects to treat wastewater and reuse it onsite for non-potable uses such as irrigation and for flushing fixtures.Blackwater does not have a single definition accepted nationwide. Adjacent citiesmay have different codes that allow or prohibit the use of sink/shower water fornon-potable uses. On jurisdiction may define sink/shower water as blackwater and not permit its use, while another may define it as graywater and will permit its use. Review local codes before making design decisions based on the use of wastewater.Question 7Show Answer Legend What is the baseline water demand of a building?A The annual fixture and fitting water consumption based on the rates from the EPAct 1992 standardB The annual installed fixture and fitting water consumption rateC The amount of graywater and rainwater harvesting a building is planning to useD The annual water rate as determined by water billsNotes:To calculate water consumption in a building, a baseline water demand is compared to an installed design case.The baseline demand uses the fixture and flow rates from the EPAct 1992 standard.For example, commercial toilets have 1.6 gallons per flush, commercial urinals have 1.0 gallons per flush. These rates for all toilets, urinals, and faucets are used to create a baseline. Also used is the number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) to determine how frequently the fixtures will be used.The design case water consumption (or design demand) calculates the rates based onthe higher efficiency fixtures that will be installed. For example if waterlessurinals are used the design case will calculate them at their zero gallon per flush rate. The percent in water savings is determined by dividing the design case by the baseline case and subtracting that from the number 1Example:Baseline case: 100,000 gallons of water / yearDesign case: 60,000 gallons of water /year60,000/100,000 = 0.61 -0.6 = 0.4Percent reduction = 40% reductionQuestion 8Show Answer Legend What types of systems are not acceptable by LEED as sources of renewable energy?A Low-impact hydroelectric power systemsB BiomassC WindD High-impact hydroelectric power systemsNotes:This question asks what choices are not acceptable by LEED as sources of renewable energy.While low-impact hydroelectric power systems are accepted, high-impact hydroelectric power systems are not. High-impact hydropower is not considered environmentally friendly because of water quality issues, and the negative impact it has on fish and wildlife.Question 9Show Answer Legend What is a characteristic of open-grid pavement?A It is 100% imperviousB Vegetation can grow in itC It is at least 50% imperviousD It is at least 75% imperviousNotes:Reference: O+M GlossaryOpen grid pavement is pavement that is less than 50% impervious and contains vegetation in the open cells.Here is an example of open grid pavement:i.treehugger./files/th_images/hastings.jpgOpen grid pavement is different than pervious pavement.Pervious pavement is designed to allow percolation or infiltration of stormwater through the surface into the soil below where the water is naturally filtered and pollutants are removed. In contrast normal pavement is an impervious surface that sheds rainfall and associated surface pollutants forcing the water to run off paved surfaces directly into nearby storm drains and then into streams and lakes.Here is an example of pervious pavement:.us-concrete./images/news_pervious_a.jpgQuestion 10Show Answer Legend In a state with a closed electricity market, how can off-site green power be purchased?A Through an ENERGY STAR approved utility providerB Enroll in a Green-e renewable power program from the utility providerC Have certified wood scraps delivered onsite for burningD Purchase power from a USGBC approved providerNotes:Some utility companies allow the purchase of renewable energy, sometimes for a price premium. Make sure the source of the energy is Green-e certified.Question 11Show Answer Legend Ozone-friendly refrigerants differ from ozone-damaging refrigerants in what way?A Ozone-friendly refrigerants are global warming neutralB Ozone-friendly refrigerants may cause less global warmingC Ozone-friendly refrigerants may cause more global warmingD Ozone-friendly refrigerants are more energy efficientNotes:According to Treatment by LEED of Environmental Impact of HVAC Refrigerants, 'some refrigerants cause more ozone depletion than others, but the most ozone-friendly refrigerants cause more global warming.'HFCs, while generally better for the environment in regards to ozone depletion potential, are less efficient than HCFCs. Because they are less efficient a building that uses HFC refrigerants must spend more energy to keep the building as cool compared to using HCFC refrigerants. Using more energy to cool the building usesmore fossil fuels to run the HVAC equipment and generates more pollution, thereby increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.Question 12Show Answer Legend At a minimum, a project team must successfully do which of the following to obtain LEED certification?A Gather documentation for the prerequisitesB Hire a USGBC approved consultantC Record all vendors used on the projectD Gather documentation for 40 points of the 110 points availableNotes:Projects must meet all prerequisites to earn LEED certification.The minimum number of points required for certification is 40.USGBC consultants are not required for projects.The product vendors are not needed when submitting documentation on the project.Question 13Show Answer Legend What issues do the ASHRAE standards NOT address?A Plumbing codesB Thermal comfortC Energy efficiencyD Heat island measurementNotes:ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality specifies minimum ventilation rates. These rates are used to improve indoor air quality as part of the IEQ credit category.ASHRAE 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy help withdefining what makes a comfortable indoor environment for occupants. Indoorconditions are considered acceptable if 80% or more of occupants find them acceptable.ASHRAE 90.1-2007 establishes minimum requirements for the energy efficient design of buildings (not included are single family homes or multifamily homes less than 3 stories).Question 14Show Answer LegendLEED for New Construction, Core & Shell, Schools, and Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance were designed to evaluate what building types?A High-rise residential buildingsB Interior spacesC Commercial buildingsD Community developmentE Institutional buildingsNotes:Reference: GBCI website, Minimum Project RequirementsYou should go to and review the Minimum Project Requirements page.Question 15Show Answer Legend Which of the following does not help achieve a water-efficient landscape?A Installing hardscapesB PerennialsC Adaptive plantingsD Overhead sprinklersNotes:Overhead sprinklers contribute to runoff and evaporation by wind and sun.Hardscapes can increase the heat island effect and stormwater runoff, but they do reduce the size of the area that needs irrigation.Question 16Show Answer Legend What type of water is rainwater?A GraywaterB BlackwaterC Non-potable waterD Potable waterNotes:Potable water is water which is fit for consumption by humans and other animals. Itis also called drinking water, in a reference to its intended use. Water may be naturally potable, as is the case with pristine springs, or it may need to betreated in order to be safe.In most jurisdictions rainwater is considered non-potable and is thereforeconsidered non-potable.Question 17Show Answer Legend A door found onsite and turned into a table as part of a major renovation would automatically qualify as:A Comingled materialB Regional materialC Rapidly renewable materialD Pre-consumer contentNotes:The door would be extracted (salvaged) and used within 500 miles, qualifying it as regional material.Question 18Show Answer Legend What does the IPMVP Volume III provide information on?A Best practices for verifying the energy performance of a new buildingB Best management practices for construction activity pollution preventionC Government restrictions for the water flow limits of fixturesD Best design techniques for acoustics in schoolsNotes:The IPMVP Volume III is used for measurement & verification, and provides bestpractice techniques for verifying the energy performance of a new building.You can view the IPMVP v3 here if you want to take a quicklook: /ref/41/40512.pdfDon't spend too much time in this document - the link is only provided to reinforce your knowledge. The document isn't in the exam reference materials so don't readthis document for more than a minute.The standard is used in the rating systems and you should be familiar with what the standard is used for.Question 19Show Answer Legend How should a project team view all green building costs when budgeting for a project?A IndividuallyB As soft costsC SynergisticallyD CumulativelyNotes:The best answer for this question is synergistically. Costs are not cumulative since the cost of adopting one sustainable strategy for LEED may assist in earning pointsin other areas. Costs are also not individual costs for this reason. LEED of course includes soft costs, but not all LEED elements will be soft costs.Question 20Show Answer Legend What needs to be done for water management?A Install an onsite wastewater systemB Use waterless urinalsC Use drip irrigationD Establish a baseline water demandNotes:The first step in water management is determining how much water is being used, orwill be used. This 'baseline' allows project teams to determine how much they can save.Question 21Show Answer Legend How long must an existing building be occupied before the LEED application process may begin for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance certification?A The application process can begin as soon as regular occupancy is reachedB 3 monthsC 6 monthsD12 monthsNotes:This question is asking about the Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating system.For this rating system, the LEED project must be in a state of typical physical occupancy, and all building systems must be operating at a capacity necessary to serve the current occupants, for a period that includes all performance periods as well as at least the 12 continuous months immediately preceding the first submission for a review.In short, for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance you must wait twelve months after the building is occupied before applying (not registering, applying). LEED requires this because this provides 12 months worth of utility bills which are needed for measurements.Question 22Show Answer Legend What does the baseline water case represent?A Flow and flush rates of all design case fixturesB The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) flow and flush ratesC The amount of water metered for the building's indoor areasD The amount of water metered for the entire projectNotes:All Water Efficiency credits measure water savings by comparing a baseline case against the proposed design case. The baseline case uses the flow and fixture rates from the EPAct 1992 standard.The baseline water usage is based on estimated occupant usage (Full Time Equivalent calculations) and the water fixtures and fittings, such as:Commercial toilets have a baseline water use of 1.6 gallons per flushCommercial urinals have a baseline water use of 1.0 gallons per flushCommercial lavatory faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minuteResidential toilets have a baseline water use of 1.6 gallons per flushResidential lavatory faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minute Residential kitchen faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minute Residential showerheads have a baseline water use of 2.5 gallons per minuteQuestion 23Show Answer Legend Which of the following is a strategy to prevent stormwater runoff?A Minimizing the quantity of open space in the project boundaryB Installing a vegetated roofC Replacing native plants with turf grass to capture and filter the waterD Locating the building 40 feet from a water bodyNotes:A vegetated roof helps capture stormwater on a roof.Minimizing open space would negatively affect runoff - you need to maximize open space.Turf grass should be avoided because it requires more watering than native plants. Replacing plants with turf grass may have a negative effect, because turf grass may have more compact soil and not infiltrate as well.Question 24Show Answer Legend Which of the following causes depletion of the ozone layer?A PropaneB AmmoniaC CFCsD CO2Notes:Reference: Treatment by LEED of HVAC RefrigerantsCO2, ammonia, and propane are natural refrigerants that are not detrimental to the ozone layer.Question 25Show Answer Legend What type of water has the highest quality?A Waste waterB Process waterC Potable waterD Green waterNotes:Potable water is water that is suitable for drinking.Potable water is water that meets or exceeds EPA's drinking water standards andcomes from wells or the municipal water supply.Question 26Show Answer Legend Which of the following are counted as part of the buildable land area?A Public rights-of-wayB Public streetsC Areas with treesD Land excluded from residential development by lawNotes:Reference: LEED for Homes Rating System, Compact DevelopmentBuildable land is the portion of the site where construction can occur. When used in density calculations, the calculation for buildable land excludes public streets and other public rights of way, and land excluded from development by law.Question 27Show Answer Legend What would planting native trees near a parking lot help with?A Minimizing energy performanceB Improving water qualityC Reducing heat islandsD Source reductionNotes:By shading the parking lot the trees help reduce the heat island effect (non-roof).The heat island effect is created when developed areas have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas. An urban heat island effect is caused by sunlight heatingup dark colored surfaces such as roads and rooftops. Huge quantities of heat are generated in buildings that have dark rooftops and absorb heat rather than reflectit.LEED defines a heat island as one whose temperatures are at least 10 degrees higher than those of surrounding suburban or rural areas.Question 28Show Answer Legend At what point can a project earn points for credits?A After the construction phaseB After the design phaseC After the LEED Scorecard is completed and submittedD After the statement of work has been uploaded to LEED OnlineNotes:No points can be earned after the design phase.Points may be marked as Anticipated in LEED Online after the design phase butpoints are only Achieved after the construction phase. This is true of all credits and prerequisites.Question 29Show Answer Legend Economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and social responsibility define a project's:A Triple bottom lineB InnovationC Minimum Program RequirementsD Federal, state, and/or local regulationsNotes:One of USGBC's Guiding Principles is to promote the Triple Bottom Line: 'USGBC will pursue robust triple bottom line solutions that clarify and strengthen a healthy and dynamic balance between environmental, social, and economic prosperity.'The triple bottom line (also known as 'people, planet, profit') captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and social responsibility.In practical terms, triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social performance inaddition to financial performance.'People, planet and profit' succinctly describes the triple bottom lines and thegoal of sustainability.Question 30Show Answer Legend Which of the following are strategies to reduce construction waste?A Give unused materials to a salvage yardB Use FSC certified materialsC Haul unused materials to a landfillD Select sustainable building materialsNotes:To reduce construction waste, divert any unused materials from the waste stream-namely, landfills and incinerators.Materials can be donated, sold, or recycled, to keep them out of landfills and tohelp reduce the demand for virgin materials.Question 31Show Answer Legend What environmental issue is associated with refrigerants used in HVAC&R systems?A Increasing greenhouse gas emissionsB Groundwater contaminationC Soil contaminationD Increased CO2 indoorsNotes:Reference: Treatment by LEED of HVAC RefrigerantsRefrigerants have ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP) due to greenhouse gas emissions. Low values of each are best for refrigerant choices.Question 32Show Answer Legend What information is needed to determine if a product will help with the heat island effect of a non-roof surface?A SRI of the materialB Life cycle costs of the materialC Run-off coefficients for the materialD Emissivity of materialNotes:Reference: LEED O+M Glossary:The heat island effect is created when developed areas have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas. An urban heat island effect is caused by sunlight heatingup dark colored surfaces such as roads and rooftops. Huge quantities of heat are generated in buildings that have dark rooftops and absorb heat rather than reflectit.Many outdoor materials now come with the SRI value printed on the label sopurchasers know how the product will impact the urban heat island effect. The higher the SRI number the more solar heat the material can reflect. Black asphalt has anSRI of 0.LEED defines a heat island as one whose temperatures are at least 10 degrees higher than those of surrounding suburban or rural areas.LEED defines solar reflectance as: A measure of the ability of a surface materialto reflect sunlight-visible, infrared, and ultraviolet wavelengths-on a scale of 0to 1. Solar reflectance is also called albedo. Black paint has a solar reflectanceof 0; white paint (titanium dioxide) has a solar reflectance of 1.LEED defines solar reflectance index (SRI)as: A measure of a material's abilityto reject solar heat, as shown by a small temperature rise. Standard black (reflectance 0.05, emittance 0.90) is 0 and a standard white (reflectance 0.80, emittance 0.90) is 100. For example, a standard black surface has a temperature rise of 90 degrees F (50 C) in full sun, and a standard white surface has a temperaturerise of 14.6 F (8.1 C). Once the maximum temperature rise of a given material has been computed, the SRI can be computed by interpolating between the values for white and black.Project teams do not need the emittance of a material. They do need the SRI valuebecause that is what is needed for the LEED credits. Emittance is used by manufacturers to calculate the SRI, but a project team doesn't need that info.Question 33Show Answer Legend The baseline water demand within a building includes the measurements of which ofthe following items?A Irrigation systemsB UrinalsC Cooling towersD Bathroom faucetsE ToiletsNotes:The baseline water demand within a building includes the measurement of fixtures and fittings (toilets, faucets). Toilets are measured in gallons per flush, whilefixtures are measured in gallons per minute.Question 34Show Answer Legend An office park design includes a parking lot. How could the parking be redesigned to reduce the heat island effect?A Designate preferred parking spacesB Encourage occupants to use public transportation one day a weekC Place the parking undergroundD Use black asphalt for the parking lotNotes:Moving a parking lot/spaces under the building is one way to reduce the heat island effect. This reduces the amount of impervious area above ground.The heat island effect is created when developed areas have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas. An urban heat island effect is caused by sunlight heatingup dark colored surfaces such as roads and rooftops. Huge quantities of heat are generated in buildings that have dark rooftops and absorb heat rather than reflectit.LEED defines a heat island as one whose temperatures are at least 10 degrees higher than those of surrounding suburban or rural areas.Question 35Show Answer Legend How is ozone created?A A sunlight-driven chemical reaction between moleculesB Emissions from incineratorsC Emissions from factoriesD Transportation emissionsNotes:See the reference guide glossary entry for Ozone.Question 36Show Answer Legend A product's materials were extracted 300 miles from a project site, while theproduct was manufactured 600 miles from the project site. What statement is trueabout the product?A The product counts toward source reductionB The product is considered a locally harvested and manufactured materialC The product can count as a salvaged materialD The product does not count as a locally harvested and manufactured materialNotes:LEED gives credit when certain percentages of materials are extracted, harvested or recovered, and manufactured within 500 miles.In this example the material was extracted within 500 miles, but it wasnot manufactured within 500 miles. An example would be bricks where the materialused to make the bricks was extracted out of the ground 300 miles from the project site, but the bricks were baked 600 miles from the project site.Question 37Show Answer Legend In whole building design, at what starting point in the process would the facilities managers, end users, contractors, and architects all be involved at the same time?A Pre-designB Design phaseC Construction phaseD Pre-occupancyNotes:Reference: AIA Integrated Project DeliveryIn whole building design, all team members begin at the earliest point in thebuilding process to define common goals.Question 38Show Answer Legend Which items are considered pre-consumer recycled content?A Wood chips from a millB Soda cansC Cardboard boxesD Milk jugsNotes:Sawdust, shavings, and wood chips are pre-consumer material that can be used elsewhere, even if they are used for landscaping purposes.Question 39Show Answer Legend Who rules on CIRs?A Green RatersB Local USGBC ChapterC Technical Advisory GroupD LEED Standards BoardNotes:Make sure you understand what CIRs are and how they work:/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=142Also see Guidelines for CIR Customers from USGBC.There is no such thing as the LEED Standards Board. This choice was provided as a distracter.Question 40Show Answer Legend What needs to occur to have an integrated team?A Quarterly meetings between engineersB Regular meetings of the owner, architect, and contractorC Durability planningD Regular meetings of all key project membersNotes:Reference: AIA Integrated Project DeliveryFrequent meetings of all key project members and the ability to call emergency meetings if a decision must be made quickly are both needed for project teamdecision making.Question 41Show Answer Legend Within what distance must a material be extracted, harvested, recovered, or manufactured to be considered a regional material?A100 milesB250 milesC500 milesD200 milesNotes:Reference: See O&M GlossaryQuestion 42Show Answer Legend What is NOT a natural refrigerant?A NH3B CO2C HCD HFCNotes:。
LEED GA考生手册(中文版-USGBC发布)
GBCI 考生手册
LEED® Green Associate 考生手册,<<___年>><<___月>>修订版。 绿色建筑认证协会版权所有,2008 本手册中的信息代表了 LEED 专业认证考试的现行政策和程序。本手册中的 信息取代任何之前发布的文件中所载的信息。 本手册不得带入考场中。 资格标准、考试内容、考试标准、费用和指南均可能出现变更。
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LEED GA最新20道模拟题
LEED GA 考试20道模拟题更多LEED 考试资源请关注微信号passleedap1. What materials qualify as "biobased" in LEED v4?A Materials that have a harvest cycle of10 years or lessB Materials meeting the criteria of the Sustainable Agriculture StandardC Materials meeting the criteria of the Environmental Agriculture StandardD Materials made from plant byproductsE Materials harvested within a radius of500 miles from the project site答案:B解析:In LEED V4 Biobased materials are no longer defined by the harvest cycle of the raw materials; Instead, products must meet the Sustainable Agriculture Standard to count toward certain materials and resources (MR) credits.2. Which of the following materials contains pre-consumer content?A Used plastic milk containersB Flooring tiles recovered from another project siteC Manufacturer overrun print publications that are converted to recycled paperD Molten metal scrap from a production line that is added back into the melting process答案:C:pre-consumer content和post-consumer content是常考点解析:Pre-consumer recycled content materials are generated by manufacturers and processors, and may consist of scrap, trimmings and other by-products that were never used in the consumer market. Examples include planer shavings, sawdust, bagasse, walnut shells, culls, trimmed materials, over issue publications, and obsolete inventories. The designation excludes rework, regrind, or scrap materials capable of being reclaimed with in the same process that generated them (ISO 14021). Formerly known as postindustrial content.3 What is "Albedo"?A A reference to a type of formaldehyde in a building materialB A measure of photosynthesisC The reflectivity of a materialD The emissivity of a materialE The sustainability quotient of a material答案C 熟记专用名词概念解析:Albedo is defined as the ability of a surface to reflect sunlight, or the reflectivity, of a material.4. "Gray water" can be reused for which of the following purposes?A Cooling towers and irrigationB Toilet flushing, cooling towers and irrigationC Irrigation onlyD Gray water should not be reused答案:B解析:Gray water includes used water from bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and water from clothes-washers and laundry tubs. It must not include waste water from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Gray water may be used for cooling towers, toilet flushing and irrigation.5. Which of the following is NOT required for a project to become LEED certified?A Fundamental commissioning of the building’s energy systemsB The use of a reasonable site boundaryC On-site visit from a GBCI representative prior to certificationD Commitment to sharing whole building energy and water data答案:C解析:On site visit by representatives from USGBC and/or GBCI is not part of the LEED Certification process.6. LEED Regional Priority credits are determined by:A The LEED project administratorB GBCIC USGBC regional chaptersD Local nonprofit organizations and regional environmental groups答案:C 常考点,GA和AP考试都会遇到解析:Regional Priority credits are determined by volunteers from local USGBC chapters and the LEED International Roundtable.7. A project team is planning a 14 story,200 unit apartment building in New York City. The project team wants to attempt LEED certification. Which rating system should the project use?A LEED for RetailB LEED for HomesC LEED for New ConstructionD LEED for Neighborhood DevelopmentE LEED Multifamily答案:C解析:The project team should use LEED BD+C for New Construction. If a team seeks guidance on which rating system to use, the team should employ the 40/60 rule for making a decision on which rating system to use.8. What is Light Pollution?A Excess light in common areas due to a lack of task lighting and/or lighting controlsB Excess energy used to light unused building spacesC Chemicals used in fluorescent lighting production that pollute the atmosphere, but to a lesser extent than incandescent lampsD Wasted light that produces glare or is directed up toward the sky or away from a building where it should be focused答案:D解析:Light pollution is wasted light that produces glare or is directed up toward the sky or away from the building.9. What is "bioremediation"?A Using plants to absorb VOCs from the indoor airB Developing a project on a brownfieldC Using native and adaptive plants to restore the local habitatD The use of living organisms to remove pollutants from water答案:D解析:Bioremediation is the use of living organisms to remove pollutants from contaminated sites and water10. How is the "baseline" defined in LEED?A The amount of energy or water the building would consume if it was designed with the most sustainable practices availableB The amount of energy or water the building would consume if it was designed using conventional practicesC The least possible amount of water or energy a building can consumeD The most possible amount of water or energy a building can consume given its full time equivalent (FTE) factor答案:B解析:The baseline is the amount of energy or water the building would consume if it used traditional practices and materials. Energy baselines are based on ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and the water baseline from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards.11. Roof-mounted solar photovoltaic panels on the project site can contribute to which credits in LEED v4?A Demand ResponseB Renewable EnergyC Green PowerD Heat Island ReductionE Daylight答案:B和D解析:Roof-mounted solar photovoltaic panels on the project site can contribute to Renewable Energy and Heat Island Reduction in LEED v4. Green Power is a credit that is related to leveraging off-site sources of renewable energy.12. A green (vegetated) roof can contribute to which 3 credits?A Heat Island Reduction, Optimize Energy Performance, Rainwater ManagementB Optimize Energy Performance, Outdoor Water Use Reduction, Green VehiclesC Heat Island Reduction, Optimize Energy Performance, Material IngredientsD Heat Island Reduction, Optimize Energy Performance, Green Power答案:A解析:A green (vegetated) roof can contribute to Heat Island Reduction, Optimize Energy Performance, Rainwater Management. By using a vegetated roof, surfaces such as asphalt or conventional roofing materials are reduced, which can help reduce heat islands. A green roof can also help insulate a building, reducing cooling and/or heating loads, thereby helping with optimizing energy performance. Green roofs also help manage storm water runoff.13. What does EPD stand for?A Environmental Progress DeclarationB Environmental Product DeclarationC Energy Performance DeclarationD Environmental Product DesignationE None of the above答案:B解析:EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration, a new credit in LEED v4 dealing with transparency in building Materials and Resources, products and materials.14. LEED Silver is awarded to the building that achieved how many points?A 44B 58C 39D 61E 80答案:B解析:A building’s LEED cert ification level :Certified (40-49 points), Silver (50-59 points), Gold (60-79 points), Platinum (80 or more points)15. What does ASHRAE Standard 52.2 relate to?A Thermal comfortB Energy efficiencyC DaylightD Indoor Air QualityE Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)答案:D解析:ASHRAE 52.2 relates to Indoor Air Quality and MERV filtration levels for achieving low levels of indoor air particulates.16. How can project teams earn points in the Innovation credit category?A Have both a Legacy LEED AP and LEED Green Associate on the project teamB Make 4 or more Credit Interpretation Requests (CIRs)C Achieve significant environmental performance using a strategy that is not covered or addressed in the LEED rating systemD Achieve a LEED Pilot CreditE Use regional materials答案:C和D解析:A project team can earn points in the Innovation category by achieving a LEED pilot credit or by Achieve significant environmental performance using a strategy that is not covered or addressed in the LEED rating system.17. A 750 square foot LEED v4 BD+C New Construction project is attempting to earn80 points. What LEED Certification level will it earn?A PlatinumB GoldC SilverD CertifiedE None of the above答案:E解析:The project cannot be certified. LEED BD+C projects must be a minimum of 1,000 square feet according to the rating system’s Minimum Program Requirements (MPRs) in LEED v4.18. The calculation for recycled content in a building material is based on:A CostB WeightC Surface AreaD Replacement costE Harvest cycle答案:B解析:The calculation for recycled content in a building material is based on weight. The calculation for the total recycled content in a LEED project is based on total cost.19. The combination of reflectance and emittance is known as:A Blackbody radiationB AlbedoC Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)D Heat Island Effect答案:C解析:Solar Reflectance Index, or SRI, is a combination of reflectance and emittance. SRI is a gauge from 0-100, with 0 being most likely to absorb and radiate heat (such as a tar roof) and 100 being the most reflective (least likely to get hot) such as a "cool roof" which is a roof painted with white reflective paint.20. Which rating system requires an on-site evaluation prior to certification?A LEED for New ConstructionB LEED for Existing BuildingsC LEED for HomesD LEED for Commercial InteriorsE All of the above答案:C解析:LEED for Homes requires an onsite evaluation by a Green Rater prior to certification.。
Materials and Resources
ASHRAE standards are not used in Materials and Resources.
Question 10 of 100
What LEED Rating System is used for interior tenant improvements?
Indoor Environmental Quality
In Indoor Environmental Quality ASHRAE 62.1-2007 for providing minimum indoor air quality performance.
Sustainable Sites
In Sustainable Sites ASHRAE 90.1-2007 defines the limits for exterior lighting power densities, for the purposes of reducing light pollution outdoors.
CHale Waihona Puke BDDQuestion 23 of 100
What is greenwashing?
Changing local zoning codes to be greener
The implementation of a green cleaning custodial policy
Advertising a product or policy to be more environmentally friendly than it really is
LEED GA机经(附答案)
1.MERV(P121)Minimum Efficiency Reporting ValueVOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) 主要来自油漆、涂料和胶粘剂过滤器的MERV评级尽量高,越高意味着过滤器捕获的污染颗粒越多越小。
2.新建建筑调试(Commisionning)收回成本4.8年(P86),既有建筑0.7年3.light power intensity(P154)the installed lightning power per unit area照明功率密度:单位面积内安装的照明功率4.ASHRAE 189.1:provides a total building sustainability package for those who strive to design,build and operate green buildings.从场地选择到能源使用再到循环回收,此标准为绿色建筑发展奠定了基础ASHRAE 90.1: 关于节能建筑设计标准,主要关注和能耗相关的六个方面:围护结构、空调和制冷系统、照明系统等ASHRAE 62.1:通风系统设计标准(送风、排风)设计标准ASHRAE 55.2:舒适度设计标准5.Energy Star (P46)Multiple buildings comparison用满分100分标准来衡量建筑节能水平50分代表平均节能水平,75分以上就可以获得Energy Star认证,主要针对既有建筑用能和用水,通过比较来确定是否较同类型建筑更节能和节水。
衡量工具:Energy Portfolio Manager6.SCAQMD: South Coast Air Quality Management District主要管粘合剂和密封剂中VOC含量要求7.SMACNA: Sheet Mental and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association是拆除,改造,施工过程中的室内空气质量管理规范。
范文LEED GA 考试题库03.doc
Test 3Question 2 of 100ASHRAE standards are used in all of the following LEED categories except:AEnergy and AtmosphereIn Energy and Atmosphere ASHRAE 90.1-2007 is to calculate the baseline energy use of a building.B Indoor Environmental QualityIn Indoor Environmental Quality ASHRAE 62.1-2007 for providing minimum indoor air quality performance.C Sustainable SitesIn Sustainable Sites ASHRAE 90.1-2007 defines the limits for exterior lighting power densities, for the purposes of reducing light pollution outdoors.D Materials and ResourcesASHRAE standards are not used in Materials and Resources.Q uestion 10 of 100What LEED Rating System is used for interior tenant improvements?A LEED for Commercial InteriorsB LEED for New ConstructionThe LEED for New Construction Rating System is designed to guide and distinguish high-performancecommercial and institutional projects, including office buildings, high-rise residential buildings, government buildings, recreational facilities, manufacturing plants and laboratories.(-USGBC)C LEED for Existing Buildings Operations & MaintenanceThe LEED for Existing Buildings Rating System helps building owners and operators measure operations, improvements and maintenance on a consistent scale, with the goal of maximizing operational efficiencywhile minimizing environmental impacts. LEED for Existing Buildings addresses whole-building cleaningand maintenance issues (including chemical use), recycling programs, exterior maintenance programs, and systems upgrades. It can be applied both to existing buildings seeking LEED certification for the first time and to projects previously certified under LEED for New Construction, Schools, or Core & Shell. (-USGBC)D LEED for Core & ShellLEED for Core & Shell is a green building rating system for designers, builders, developers and newbuilding owners who want to address sustainable design for new core and shell construction. Core and shellcovers base building elements such as structure, envelope and the HVAC system. LEED for Core & Shell is designed to be complementary to the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating system, as both rating systems establish green building criteria for developers, owners and tenants. (-USGBC)ACBDDQuestion 23 of 100What is greenwashing?A Changing local zoning codes to be greenerB The implementation of a green cleaning custodial policyC Advertising a product or policy to be more environmentally friendly than it really isThe term greenwashing is generally used when significantly more money or time has been spentadvertising being green, rather than spending resources on environmentally sound practices.The term greenwashing was coined by New York environmentalist Jay Westervelt in a 1986 essayregarding the hotel industry's practice of placing placards in each room promoting reuse of towelsostensibly to 'save the environment'. Westerveld noted that, in most cases, little or no effort toward reducing energy waste was being made by these institutions - as evidenced by the lack of cost reduction this practice effected. Westerveld opined that the actual objective of this 'green campaign' on the part of many hoteliers was, in fact, increased profit. Westerveld thus labeled this and other outwardly environmentallyconscientious acts with a greater, underlying purpose of profit increase as greenwashing.D Building green buildings in an industrial areaCCCQuestion 37 of 100What statement is true regarding ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFCs) and HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFCs)?A CFCs have a greater global warming potential (GWP) than HCFCsCFCs do have a greater global warming potential (GWP) compared to HCFCs.See Table 1 in the reference. Every CFC listed has a greater GWP than the HCFCs listed.B LEED encourages replacing CFC or halon-based fire suppression systems with HCFCsLEED promotes using fire-suppression systems that do not contain CFCs, HCFCs, or halons.C CFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol while HCFCs are notBoth CFCs and HCFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol. CFC production in the United States stopped in 1995. Developing nations that signed the treaty agreed to stop producing CFCs by 2010.D The ozone depletion potential (ODP) of HCFCs and CFCs is about the sameHCFCs have much smaller ODP values than CFCs, but their ODP values are not zero. HCFCs do less than 2% ozone damage compared to CFC-11.AQuestion 38 of 100What LEED developments address specific space types and international requirements?A LEED Pilot Credit LibraryThe LEED Pilot Credit Library facilitates the introduction of new prerequisites and credits to LEED. Theprocess allows projects to test credits that haven't been through USGBC's complete drafting and balloting process.B Next version LEEDThe next version of LEED covers the big changes that occur when the rating system gets overhauled every 3-4 years.C LEED credit weightingsLEED credit weightings determine how many points a credit can earn. LEED awards more points forstrategies that have the highest potential for making the biggest change.D LEED Rating System adaptationsThe LEED Rating System adaptations can be considered extensions of existing rating system to address specific types of spaces or requirements for international projects. For example the LEED for NewConstruction rating system currently has the following adaptations:- LEED for Schools- LEED for HealthcareLEED for Retail is an offshoot of LEED for New Construction and can also fall under LEED for Commercial Interiors.DBCQuestion 50 of 100What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building project?A Develop a project scheduleThe pre-design phase is the point when the project schedule is developed.B Develop, test, and select green systemsThis occurs during design development.C Review materials test dataThis is part of the construction phase.D Review laws and standardsReviewing laws and standards should be done as early as possible in the process since these have a significant impact on what can be built, where, and how.ADAThe Construction Carbon Calculator estimates embodied carbon. Embodied carbon is the carbon released when a product is manufactured, shipped to a project site and installed. This calculator looks at an entire project, and takes into account the site disturbance, landscape and ecosystem installation or restoration, building size and base materials of construction. ()CABCommunity connectivity is the quantity of connection between a site and the surrounding community. Community connectivity channels development to urban areas with existing infrastructure. This includes areas with walkways and areas near basic services.CQuestion 71 of 100A major renovation of an existing K-12 school building would likely use what LEED rating system?LEED for SchoolsALEED for Schools is used for the new construction or major renovation of K-12 projects. This rating system can also be used for higher-level learning facilities such as colleges and universities.LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and MaintenanceBLEED for Existing Buildings is appropriate for existing whole buildings. Typically, these buildings undergo only improvement work. (-USGBC)LEED for Core and ShellCLEED for Core & Shell is a green building rating system for designers, builders, developers and new building owners who want to address sustainable design for new core and shell construction. Core and shell covers base building elements such as structure, envelope and the HVAC system. LEED for Core & Shell isdesigned to be complementary to the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating system, as both rating systems establish green building criteria for developers, owners and tenants. (-USGBC)LEED for New ConstructionDLEED for New Construction is primarily for whole buildings that are new or undergoing major construction.This rating system is appropriate for any project that does not have another LEED rating system defined(Schools, Healthcare, Retail).LEED for Commercial InteriorsELEED for Commercial Interiors is appropriate for interior spaces that are undergoing alteration work for at least 60% of the certifying gross floor area. (-USGBC)ACThe IAQ Management Plan defines practices to be employed on jobsites to assure a healthy work environment during construction and assure a healthy work environment for eventual building occupants. The plan should implement solutions for:- Specifying less harmful/low-emitting materials- Protecting building materials during construction- Scheduling construction activities to minimize occupant exposure- Isolate areas of work to prevent contamination of clean/occupied spaces- Ventilating the space to remove air contaminantsADQuestion 85 of 100What community issues are of primary importance for the project team to research?Building codesABuilding codes are of great importance to any project.Local voting records on city sales and other taxesBVoting records on taxes are not of primary importance.Local incentives, policies, and regulations that promote green designCAny local green building criteria must be addressed especially if there are local laws that must be followed.Availability of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)DRECs are not a community issue. They can be purchased from anywhere in the country regardless of the project's location.Requirements for parking spacesEParking is a part of local zoning that would need to be addressed.ACEBBThe ISO 14000 product oriented standards include Environmental Labels and Declaration, Life Cycle Assessment, and Design for Environment. These standards are intended to be applicable for assessing the environmental performance of products and services as well as providing guidance on improving their environmental performance.The ISO 14021 standard, Environmental Labels and Declaration, are communication tools that convey information on environmental aspects of a product or service to the market. These standards are used for recycled materials to label their pre and/or post consumer content.DABD。
1、LEED BD+C 建筑设计与施工适用于新建建筑或大改造翻新建筑,认证时,至少有60%已经完工(LEED BD+C:CS除外)✓LEED BD+C:NC新建建筑或大改造翻新建筑①主要针对办公建筑和公共建筑,②包括9层及以上的高层住宅。
✓LEED BD+C:CS内核和外壳开发体系适用于超过60%未装修的建筑✓LEED BD+C:NC新建建筑或大改造翻新建筑①适用中小学(K-12),②高等学校的教学建筑和行政建筑。
2、LEED ID+C 室内设计与施工适用于完整的室内装修,认证时,至少有60%已经完工✓LEED ID+C:CI 商业室内适用于商业建筑室内,不包含酒店和零售。
3、LEED O+M 建筑运行和维护适用于那些正在升级改造和没有什么改造的既有建筑。
4、LEED ND 社区开发至少有50%建筑hi新建建筑或大改造建筑①智慧选址和纵横贯通②邻里样式和邻里设计③绿色设施和绿色建筑。
LEED最低程序要求1、必须是现有场地上的永久场地2、必须使用合理的LEED边界✓LEED项目总建筑面积/ LEED项目总场地面积≥2%。
3、必须最小面积要求✓BD+C/O+M ≥1000平方英尺✓ID+C ≥250平方英尺✓ND 至少包含两个可入住的建筑,并且不能大于1500英亩✓Home 必须是现行规范定义的居住单元D、开发过程LEEDv4住宅类项目适用体系1、LEED Home 适用于1-3F2、LEED Multifamily Midrise 适用于4-8F3、LEED BD+C 适用于8F及以上LEEDv4和LEED2009的区别1、LEED2009的可持续选址拆分为两个的得分项:LT和SS2、原来的得分项变成了先决条件,如节水增效(WE)和能源大气(EA)的整体计量。
全国青少年机器人技术等级考试(2018年12月8日)附答案+详细解析一、单选题(共30题,每题2分,共60分)1. 正常情况下,程序中,当引脚4输入的电压为2.5V时,串口监视器的返回值是?A. 0B. 1C. 512D. 不确定参考答案:D解析:数字电路高电平的范围是: 3.5~5.5V,数值为1;低电平电压范围是:-0.5~1.5V,数值为0,题中输入的 2.5不在这两个范围内,故选D。
2. 程序中的低电平一般用()来表示。
A. 0B. 1C. 0或1D. 2参考答案:A解析:据上一题解析,选A。
3.运行下图程序,串口监视器窗口输出数值为?A. 2B. 3C. 6D. 18解析:符号“%”是取余数,i=3,j=6,6除以3取余数为0,条件为0,不成立,所以打印输出变量j,输出数值为6,故选C。
4. 当光照射光敏电阻时,光敏电阻的阻值?A. 变大B. 变小C. 不变D. 没有规律参考答案:B解析:光敏电阻根据光照强度改变其电阻,光线越强电阻越小,反之越大。
5. 两节普通干电池并联后的电压为?A. 1.5VB. 3VC. 6VD. 36V参考答案:A解析:并联电路各支路电压相同,输出电压不变,仍为 1.5V。
6. Arduino UNO或Nano主控板,通过电位器旋转控制LED的亮度,程序运行下列表达正确的是?A. 电位器连接在3引脚,LED灯连接在A0引脚。
B. 电位器从一端旋转至另外一端时,LED灯的状态从最亮渐变到熄灭一次。
C. 电位器从一端旋转至另外一端时,LED灯的状态从最亮渐变到熄灭四次。
D. 电位器从一端旋转至另外一端时,LED灯的状态只有亮灭两种状态。
7. 下列模块中,属于逻辑运算符的是?A. B.C. D.参考答案:C解析:C为逻辑与运算。
LEED GA 考试题库03
Test 3Question 2 of 100ASHRAE standards are used in all of the following LEED categories except:AEnergy and AtmosphereIn Energy and Atmosphere ASHRAE is to calculate the baseline energy use of a building.B Indoor Environmental QualityIn Indoor Environmental Quality ASHRAE for providing minimum indoor air quality performance.C Sustainable SitesIn Sustainable Sites ASHRAE defines the limits for exterior lighting power densities, for the purposes of reducing light pollution outdoors.D Materials and ResourcesASHRAE standards are not used in Materials and Resources.Q uestion 10 of 100What LEED Rating System is used for interior tenant improvementsA LEED for Commercial InteriorsB LEED for New ConstructionThe LEED for New Construction Rating System is designed to guide and distinguish high-performance commercialand institutional projects, including office buildings, high-rise residential buildings, government buildings,recreational facilities, manufacturing plants and laboratories.(-USGBC)C LEED for Existing Buildings Operations & MaintenanceThe LEED for Existing Buildings Rating System helps building owners and operators measure operations,improvements and maintenance on a consistent scale, with the goal of maximizing operational efficiency whileminimizing environmental impacts. LEED for Existing Buildings addresses whole-building cleaning and maintenance issues (including chemical use), recycling programs, exterior maintenance programs, and systems upgrades. It can be applied both to existing buildings seeking LEED certification for the first time and to projects previously certifiedunder LEED for New Construction, Schools, or Core & Shell. (-USGBC)D LEED for Core & ShellLEED for Core & Shell is a green building rating system for designers, builders, developers and new building owners who want to address sustainable design for new core and shell construction. Core and shell covers base buildingelements such as structure, envelope and the HVAC system. LEED for Core & Shell is designed to be complementary to the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating system, as both rating systems establish green building criteria fordevelopers, owners and tenants. (-USGBC)ACBDDQuestion 23 of 100What is greenwashingAChanging local zoning codes to be greenerB The implementation of a green cleaning custodial policyC Advertising a product or policy to be more environmentally friendly than it really isThe term greenwashing is generally used when significantly more money or time has been spent advertising being green, rather than spending resources on environmentally sound practices.The term greenwashing was coined by New York environmentalist Jay Westervelt in a 1986 essay regarding thehotel industry's practice of placing placards in each room promoting reuse of towels ostensibly to 'save theenvironment'. Westerveld noted that, in most cases, little or no effort toward reducing energy waste was being made by these institutions - as evidenced by the lack of cost reduction this practice effected. Westerveld opined that the actual objective of this 'green campaign' on the part of many hoteliers was, in fact, increased profit.Westerveld thus labeled this and other outwardly environmentally conscientious acts with a greater, underlying purpose of profit increase as greenwashing.D Building green buildings in an industrial areaCCCQuestion 37 of 100What statement is true regarding ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFCs) and HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFCs)A CFCs have a greater global warming potential (GWP) than HCFCsCFCs do have a greater global warming potential (GWP) compared to HCFCs.See Table 1 in the reference. Every CFC listed has a greater GWP than the HCFCs listed.B LEED encourages replacing CFC or halon-based fire suppression systems with HCFCsLEED promotes using fire-suppression systems that do not contain CFCs, HCFCs, or halons.C CFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol while HCFCs are notBoth CFCs and HCFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol. CFC production in the United States stopped in 1995.Developing nations that signed the treaty agreed to stop producing CFCs by 2010.D The ozone depletion potential (ODP) of HCFCs and CFCs is about the sameHCFCs have much smaller ODP values than CFCs, but their ODP values are not zero. HCFCs do less than 2% ozonedamage compared to CFC-11.AQuestion 38 of 100What LEED developments address specific space types and international requirementsALEED Pilot Credit LibraryThe LEED Pilot Credit Library facilitates the introduction of new prerequisites and credits to LEED. The process allows projects to test credits that haven't been through USGBC's complete drafting and balloting process.B Next version LEEDThe next version of LEED covers the big changes that occur when the rating system gets overhauled every 3-4 years.C LEED credit weightingsLEED credit weightings determine how many points a credit can earn. LEED awards more points for strategies that have the highest potential for making the biggest change.D LEED Rating System adaptationsThe LEED Rating System adaptations can be considered extensions of existing rating system to address specific types of spaces or requirements for international projects. For example the LEED for New Construction rating systemcurrently has the following adaptations:- LEED for Schools- LEED for HealthcareLEED for Retail is an offshoot of LEED for New Construction and can also fall under LEED for Commercial Interiors.DBCQuestion 50 of 100What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building projectA Develop a project scheduleThe pre-design phase is the point when the project schedule is developed.B Develop, test, and select green systemsThis occurs during design development.C Review materials test dataThis is part of the construction phase.D Review laws and standardsReviewing laws and standards should be done as early as possible in the process since these have a significant impact on what can be built, where, and how.ADACABCommunity connectivity is the quantity of connection between a site and the surrounding community. Community connectivity channels development to urban areas with existing infrastructure. This includes areas with walkways and areas near basic services.CQuestion 71 of 100A major renovation of an existing K-12 school building would likely use what LEED rating systemALEED for SchoolsLEED for Schools is used for the new construction or major renovation of K-12 projects. This rating system can also be used for higher-level learning facilities such as colleges and universities.BLEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and MaintenanceLEED for Existing Buildings is appropriate for existing whole buildings. Typically, these buildings undergo onlyimprovement work. (-USGBC)CLEED for Core and ShellLEED for Core & Shell is a green building rating system for designers, builders, developers and new building owners who want to address sustainable design for new core and shell construction. Core and shell covers base buildingelements such as structure, envelope and the HVAC system. LEED for Core & Shell is designed to be complementary to the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating system, as both rating systems establish green building criteria fordevelopers, owners and tenants. (-USGBC)DLEED for New ConstructionLEED for New Construction is primarily for whole buildings that are new or undergoing major construction. This rating system is appropriate for any project that does not have another LEED rating system defined (Schools, Healthcare, Retail).ELEED for Commercial InteriorsLEED for Commercial Interiors is appropriate for interior spaces that are undergoing alteration work for at least 60% of the certifying gross floor area. (-USGBC)ACThe IAQ Management Plan defines practices to be employed on jobsites to assure a healthy work environment during construction and assure a healthy work environment for eventual building occupants. The plan should implement solutions for:- Specifying less harmful/low-emitting materials- Protecting building materials during construction- Scheduling construction activities to minimize occupant exposure- Isolate areas of work to prevent contamination of clean/occupied spaces- Ventilating the space to remove air contaminantsADQuestion 85 of 100What community issues are of primary importance for the project team to research ABuilding codesBuilding codes are of great importance to any project.BLocal voting records on city sales and other taxesVoting records on taxes are not of primary importance.CLocal incentives, policies, and regulations that promote green designAny local green building criteria must be addressed especially if there are local laws that must be followed.DAvailability of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)RECs are not a community issue. They can be purchased from anywhere in the country regardless of the project's location.ERequirements for parking spacesParking is a part of local zoning that would need to be addressed.ACEBBThe ISO 14000 product oriented standards include Environmental Labels and Declaration, Life Cycle Assessment, and Design for Environment. These standards are intended to be applicable for assessing the environmental performance of products and services as well as providing guidance on improving their environmental performance.The ISO 14021 standard, Environmental Labels and Declaration, are communication tools that convey information on environmental aspects of a product or service to the market. These standards are used for recycled materials to label their pre and/or post consumer content.DABD。
DBADABCQuestion 23 of 100What is the result of increasing the floor area ratio (FAR) from 1.0 to 2.0 while maintaining the same gross floor area on a project being designed for a greenfield site?The development density of the project increasesA The gross floor area is the same so the density of the project does not change.Biodiversity is promotedBFAR is the total building square footage (building area) divided by the site size square footage (site area).One of the objectives of green building is to build 'up' rather than 'out', thereby having a smaller building footprint to maximize open space and promote biodiversity. For example instead of having a 1 story building with a 10,000 SFfootprint design a 2 story building with a 5,000 SF footprint. Both designs have 10,000 SF of total floor area but the2 story building has a smaller footprint.The LEED project boundary changesCThe project boundary would remain unchanged. Only the building footprint changes - not the site area.The building footprint increasesDThe building footprint would decrease because the project is building up rather than out.Question 25 of 100Construction New that is certified under LEED for building or of What are the benefits becoming a tenant owner of a if the project team wants to also certify under LEED for Commercial Interiors?There are no certification fees AThere is no registration feeGBCI offers free registration for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance for projects certifiedunder LEED for New Construction, LEED for Schools, and LEED for Core & Shell prior to January 1, 2011.If the question had asked about the project team wanting to certify under LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance, a correct answer choice would also be 'There is no registration fee'.C The project will be well situated to earn the additional certification(s)A building that has a prior LEED certification is in a better position to earn additional LEED certifications.D Certification fees are reducedCCAQuestion 37 of 100LEED Online can be used for all of the following except:Managing public facing project detailsA What are public facing project details?You can search USGBC's website to find out about specific projects going on. LEED Online can be used toshow/limit what is displayed to the public. For example using LEED Online you would enter in 'Project ABC is going to have a budget of $10M'. You probably don't want anyone to see the project budget so you could hide that detail from public view.Managing the public facing details of the project means this: The person who is the administrator of the project can use LEED online to pick and choose what details they want to make available to the public. For example, 'do you want everyone to know your project budget', check yes or no. 'Do you want everyone to know the project's address', check yes or no. Using LEED Online the administrator restricts or allows access to this and other various project information. USGBC may then reveal any information that has been marked as publicaly available. Accessing online reference guidesBReference guides are not available in LEED Online.Submit technical inquiries regarding LEED CreditsCDocument compliance with LEED Credit RequirementsDBBAADCCCQuestion 58 of 100The process of green building begins with the idea of the project and continues until:The schematic design is completed AThe project is reused or recycledBGreen building continuously improves a project from when the idea is first realized in a person's head to when theproject is finally either reused for a different purpose or it is demolished and hopefully recycled. This differs fromconventional design where all trades are not involved in all parts of the process through the project's life cycle.The construction documents are preparedC The project begins operating DBCAA If the project team was denied a credit the team may appeal. Appeals are allowed for design phase and construction phase credits if a split review is being done. Otherwise the appeals come after the final review.Appeals are $500 per credit - no discounts.Question 78 of 100What is applicable to the ongoing operations and maintenance of a building?Sustainable purchasing policyASustainable purchasing policies give preference to the purchase of environmentally preferable products and thecompanies that supply them. For ongoing operations and maintenance it is required to a have a policy in place to address product purchases for the building.The program should address ongoing consumables, like office paperand printer cartridges, as well as durable goods like computers and furniture.Passive design strategiesPassive design strategies such as natural ventilation and daylighting are part of building design.CommissioningCCommissioning is the systematic process of assuring that a building and its systems performs in accordance with the design intent and the owner's requirements. This is part of building construction.Floor area ratioDThe FAR would be used during planning and construction.AA For O&M the building must be in a state of typical physical occupancy.For example, a hotel usually has a typical occupancy of about 60% of the rooms rented out. The O&M certification could not be attempted until the hotel was at least 60% occupied. If the hotel was just constructed and didn't have any occupants the certification could not be earned.A school dormitory is another example. If the dormitory was completed in April but will not be occupied until the fall semester in September, the project is not yet in typical occupancy because no students are living in the dorm between April - August.CThe heat island effect refers to the ability of dark, non-reflective paved areas-city streets, rooftops, and sidewalks-to absorb and radiate heat, making urban areas and the surrounding suburbs noticeably hotter than rural towns nearby. Other contributors include reduced air flow due to tall buildings and narrow streets, calm and sunnyweather, and auto exhaust.BD。
Learning to LEED: Day 2Indoor Environmental Quality Quiz1. Number of Prerequisites in the Indoor Environmental Quality category:Number of Credits in the Indoor Environmental Quality category:Number of Points in the Indoor Environmental Quality category:2. Within the Indoor Environmental Quality category, which of the following credits canonly be submitted during the construction phase of the project? (Choose two.)a.EQc1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoringb.EQc2, Increased Ventilationc.EQc3, Construction IAQ Management Pland.EQc4, Low-Emitting Materialse.EQc5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Controlf.EQc6, Controllability of Systems3. Match the following statements with their respective points:1.EQc8.1, Daylighting & Views, Daylight 75% of Spaces2.EQc8.2, Daylighting & Views, Views for 90% of Spacesa.If the percentage of floor area in a private office experiencing [daylight or direct lineof sight] is 75% or greater, the entire square footage of the room may count towardthe requirement for the pointb.Draw a horizontal line at 42”c.In ALL cases, only the square footage meeting the minimum requirements of thepoint may be counted toward its achievementd.Take measurements on a 10-foot grid for all occupied spaces4. In order to achieve EQc3.1, Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction,permanently installed air handlers during the construction and pre-occupancy phasesmust have a filtration media of at least MERV .In order to achieve EQc5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control, air filtrationmedia installed prior to occupancy must provide at least MERV .5. Match the following requirements with their respective point:1.MRc3.1, Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction2.MRc3.2, Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancya.Perform a building flush-out with 14,000 cu.ft. of outdoor air per sq.ft. of floor areab.Protect stored on-site or installed absorptive materials from moisture damagec.Meet or exceed the Control Measure of the SMACNA IAQ Guidelines for OccupiedBuildings Under Constructiond.Conduct baseline IAQ testing according to EPA guidelinese.Utilize filtration media of at least MERV 8 in permanently installed air handlersf.Demonstrate that the building air does not exceed 500 micrograms per cubic meter oftotal volatile organic compounds6. EQc2, Increased Ventilation, relates most directly to which other credit within the IndoorEnvironmental Quality category? (Choose 1.)a.EQp1, Minimum IAQ Performanceb.EQp2, Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Controlc.EQc1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoringd.EQc5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source ControlWhich of the following standards are referenced for the natural ventilation compliancepath of EQc2? (Choose 2.)a.ASHRAE 62.1-2004b.Carbon Trust Good Practice Guidec.CIBSE Applications Manual 10d.South Coast Rule #11687. Which of the following requirements are paths of compliance to achieve EQp2,Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control? (Choose 3.)a.Prohibit smoking inside the buildingb.Locate exterior designated smoking areas at least 25 feet from access to the buildinginteriorc.Locate exterior designated smoking areas at least 50 feet from access to the buildinginteriord.Do not designate exterior smoking arease.Weatherstrip residential units leading to common hallwaysf.Operate a designated interior smoking space with positive pressure with regard tocommon spaces8. Answer the following questions in reference to EQc1, Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring:The monitoring equipment should generate an alarm when conditions vary by more than.For mechanically ventilated spaces, equipment must be in place to monitor which twometrics?9. For EQc4.1, Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants, what percentage ofadhesives and sealants used in the interior of the building should meet GS-36 and South Coast Rule #1168 standards?a.25%b.50%c.80%d.100%What do all of the standards referenced under EQc4 set limits for? (Choose 1.)a.CO2b.VOCsc.Formaldehyded.ODP10. According to EQc7.1, Thermal Comfort—Design, ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 providesdata and recommendations for combinations of environmental and personal factors that create a thermal setting acceptable to what percentage of occupants? (Choose 1.)a.60%b.70%c.80%d.90%11. Which of the following are strategies that might best contribute toward EQc8.1, Daylight& Views—Daylight 75% of Spaces? (Choose 4.)a.Building orientationb.Decreased building perimeterc.Shallow floor platesd.Permanent shading devicese.Placement of private offices around perimeterf.High performance glazingg.BIPVs12. Which of the following are requirements of EQc6.1, Controllability of Systems, Lighting?(Choose 2.)a.Individual lighting controls for at least 75% of building occupantsb.Individual lighting controls for at least 90% of building occupantsc.Individual lighting controls for all occupantsd.Lighting control systems for all shared spacese.Lighting control systems for all shared spaces excluding hallways, conference rooms,and other areas without regular occupants13. Thermal Comfort, as defined for EQc6.2, Controllability of Systems, is defined as controlover how many of the following: air temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, andhumidity. (Choose 1.)a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4Individual comfort controls should be available to %, minimum, ofbuilding occupants.14. EQc4.4, Low-Emitting Materials, refers specifically to which point? (Choose 1.)posite Wood & Agrifiber Productsb.Carpet Systemsc.Adhesives & Sealantsd.Paints & Coatings15. The headquarters of a large conservation nonprofit is under construction in CentralFlorida. Because of the organization’s concerns about occupant health and well-being,the design team takes numerous steps to maintain high indoor environmental quality.They increase the outdoor air ventilation rates by 40% above ASHRAE standards, isolate copy and maintenance rooms, and provide frequent operable windows in the open office areas around the building’s perimeter. For which points might this construction projectbe eligible? (Choose 1.)a. EQc1, EQc5, EQc6.2b. EQc2, EQc5, EQc6.2c. EQc2, EQc5, EQc6.1, IDc1d. EQc2, EQc5, EQc7.116. Which of the following pieces of information are used to calculate the glazing factor?(Choose 3.)a.Number of windowsb.Window areac.Visible light transmittanced.Type of windowe.Window height factorf.Wall area17. Which of the following standards is referenced by EQp1, Minimum IAQ Performance?(Choose 1.)a.ASHRAE Standard 55-2004: Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancyb.ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Qualityc.ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999: Method of Testing General Ventilation Air CleaningDevicesd.ASHRAE 90.1-2004: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential18. What facilities count as non-occupied spaces, as defined for the purposes of EQc8,Daylighting & Views? (Choose 2.)a.Janitorial roomsb.Hallwaysc.Stairwellsd.Restroomse.Storage rooms19. According to EQc5, Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control, which of the followingactivities should be isolated in separately exhausted spaces in order to maintain occupant health? (Choose 2.)a.Showeringb.Copying and faxingc.Chemical mixing and storaged.Smokinge.Cooking (kitchen activities)20. The interactions between the Indoor Environmental Quality category and another LEED-NC category are frequently cited. The requirements of which other category must often be balanced with those of EQ? (Choose 1.)a.Sustainable Sitesb.Water Efficiencyc.Energy & Atmosphered.Materials & ResourcesEQ Quiz Answers1.2, 8, 152. c d3. c d; a b4.8, 135. b c e; a d f6.a; b c7. a b e8.10%; CO2 concentration & Minimum outdoor airflow rate9.d, b10.c11.a c d f12.b d13.a; 50%14.a15.b16.b c e17.b18.a e19.b c20.c。
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Test 3
Question 2 of 100
ASHRAE standards are used in all of the following LEED categories except: Energy and Atmosphere
B Indoor Environmental Quality
C Sustainable Sites
D Materials and Resources
Q uestion 10 of 100
What LEED Rating System is used for interior tenant improvements?
A LEED for Commercial Interiors
B LEED for New Construction
D for Existing Buildings Operations & Maintenance
LEED for Core & Shell
Question 23 of 100
What is greenwashing?
A Changing local zoning codes to be greener
B The implementation of a green cleaning custodial policy
C Advertising a product or policy to be more environmentally friendly than it really is
D Building green buildings in an industrial area
Question 37 of 100
What statement is true regarding ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFCs) and HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFCs)?
A CFCs have a greater global warming potential (GWP) than HCFCs
B LEED encourages replacing CF
C or halon-based fire suppression systems with HCFCs
C CFCs are banned under the Montreal Protocol while HCFCs are not
D The ozone depletion potential (ODP) of HCFCs and CFCs is about the same
Question 38 of 100
What LEED developments address specific space types and international requirements?
A LEED Pilot Credit Library
B Next version LEED
D credit weightings
D LEED Rating System adaptations
Question 50 of 100
What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building project?
A Develop a project schedule
B Develop, test, and select green systems
C Review materials test data
D Review laws and standards
The Construction Carbon Calculator estimates embodied carbon. Embodied carbon is the carbon released when a product is manufactured, shipped to a project site and installed. This calculator looks at an entire project, and takes into account the site disturbance, landscape and ecosystem installation or restoration, building size and base materials of construction. ()
Community connectivity is the quantity of connection between a site and the surrounding community. Community connectivity channels development to urban areas with existing infrastructure. This includes areas with walkways and areas near basic services.
Question 71 of 100
A major renovation of an existing K-12 school building would likely use what LEED rating system?
LEED for Schools
LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance
LEED for Core and Shell
LEED for New Construction
LEED for Commercial Interiors
The IAQ Management Plan defines practices to be employed on jobsites to assure a healthy work environment during construction and assure a healthy work environment for eventual building occupants. The plan should implement solutions for:
- Specifying less harmful/low-emitting materials
- Protecting building materials during construction
- Scheduling construction activities to minimize occupant exposure
- Isolate areas of work to prevent contamination of clean/occupied spaces
- Ventilating the space to remove air contaminants
Question 85 of 100
What community issues are of primary importance for the project team to research?
Building codes
Local voting records on city sales and other taxes
Local incentives, policies, and regulations that promote green design
Availability of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Requirements for parking spaces
The ISO 14000 product oriented standards include Environmental Labels and Declaration, Life Cycle Assessment, and Design for Environment. These standards are intended to be applicable for assessing the environmental performance of products and services as well as providing guidance on improving their environmental performance.
The ISO 14021 standard, Environmental Labels and Declaration, are communication tools that convey information on environmental aspects of a product or service to the market. These standards are used for recycled materials to label their pre and/or post consumer content.