



4.2 课后习题详解一、思考题1.无边界组织对管理造成的潜在影响是什么?答:无边界组织指消除产生人为的地理界限的结构划分,从而使管理结构更有效的实现全球化的组织。
















管理学原理课后习题答案2011年06月19日星期日上午 10:03第一章答案一、填空1.计划,组织,领导,控制;资源2. 计划,组织,领导,控制;3. 计划4. 人际角色,信息角色,决策角色;5. 决策;6. 协调,人;7. 技术技能,人际技能,概念技能8.组织目标的实现;9. 计划10. 自然,社会11. 管理原理,管理方法;12. 人力资源,物力资源,财力资源,信息资源二、单项选择1.C2. D3.D4.A5. A6.C7.C8.B9.B 10.D11.B 12.C 13.B三、多项选择1. ABEF2. ABD3.ABD四、判断1.×2. ×3.√4. ×5. ×6.√7. √8.√五、简答(要点,非完整答案)1.管理是一个过程,就是一个组织通过计划、组织、领导、控制等工作,对组织所拥有的资源进行合理配置和有效使用,以实现组织预定目标的过程。






2. 管理的科学性表现在它是对劳动过程的管理;管理的艺术性表现在它是对人的管理;二者不可分离。











A.信息传递速度快B.每位主管能够对下属进行详尽的指导C.有利于下属发挥积极性和创造性D.信息失真的可能性小2.矩阵式组织的主要缺点是(C)A.分权不充分B.多头领导C.对项目经理要求高D.组织稳定性差3.企业中管理干部的管理幅度,是指他(A)A.直接管理下属数量B.所管理的部门数量C.所管理的全部下属数量D.B和C多选题:1、组织变革的目标应该是(ABC )A.使组织更具环境适应性B.使管理者更具环境适应性C.使员工更具环境适应性D.使董事会更具环境适应性2.组织变革中,团队的阻力包括(CD )A. 利益上的影响B.心理上的影响C.组织结构变动的影响D.人际关系调整的影响3.消除组织变革阻力的管理对策有(ABC )A. 客观分析变革的推力和阻力的强弱B.创新组织文化C.创新策略方法和手段D.加强流程改造简答题:1、明确组织目标,会产生什么样的作用?答:组织就是通过设计和维持组织内部的结构和相互之间的关系,使人们为实现组织的目标而有效地协调工作的过程。


























第四编领导一、单项选择题1、人的一切行为都是为最大限度地满足自己的利益,工作的动机是为了获得经济报酬的人性假设是( A )A经济人假设 B社会人假设 C复杂人假设 D自我实现人假设2、哈罗德·孔茨等人的观点认为,领导是( C )A指导能力 B激励能力 C影响力 D个人魅力3、领导的实质是一种( C )关系。

A指导 B追随 C协调 D激励4、美国学者布莱克和穆顿在()的基础上提出了管理方格理论。

A“以人际关系为中心”和“以工作为中心” B“关系行为”和“任务行为”C、“关心人”和“关系生产”5、领导工作中的沟通主要是指( C )。

A机与物的沟通 B人与物的沟通 C人与人的沟通 D人与机的沟通6、神入是指( A )来考虑问题的能力。

A从组织与环境的动态关系的角度 B从组织全局与个人关系的角度C从上级与下级相互协调的角度 D从另一个人的观点出发7.领导的实质在于影响。

构成领导者非权力性影响力的因素包括这样几个方面( A)。

A、品德、学识、能力、情感B、品德、学识、能力、资历C、品德、学识、资历、情感D、品德、威信、能力、情感8.领导是由领导者、被领导者、领导行为、组织目标、行为结果等共同构成的内容体系,其中,领导行为的主体是( C)。

A、组织目标B、行为结果C、领导者D、被领导者9.有关领导者向其下属部门或个人下达命令或指示的权力是( C )。

A、决策权B、组织权C、指挥权D、人事权10.领导理论的发展大致经历了三个阶段,( A )侧重于研究领导人的性格、素质方面的特征。


这种调适人际关系的方法就是( D)。

A、不为法B、糊涂法C、缓冲法D、转移法12.布莱克和莫顿提出的领导理论是( C )。

A、领导行为连续统一体理论B、管理系统理论C、管理方格理论D、情境领导理论13.利克特和阿吉里斯提出的领导理论是( D)。



.《管理学原理》教学辅助资料集教学大纲《管理学原理》教学大纲(Principals of management)一、课程编号:二、课程名称:管理学原理三、学时: 48学分:3实验学时:0课内上机学时:0四、先修课程要求:高等数学,英语五、适用专业:管理类专业六、适用年级:一、二年级七、课程的性质和任务:管理学原理是管理学科体系中的一门重要学科,主要是从一般理论、一般原理、一般特征的角度对管理活动加以研究,从中找出一般规律性。






九、学时安排:序号教学内容学时1第一章导论:管理的涵义、职能、管理者技能、角色42第二章管理思想与管理理论的发展43第三章管理道德与社会责任34第四章决策4概述、过程、决策类型及一般方法5第五章计划7计划的基础、目标管理、战略性计划、计划方法、规划实务6第六章组织结构与设计8概述、组织结构类型、设计方法、组织设计挑战、组织文化7第七章控制4控制的类型、过程、方法8第八章领导领导本质、理论与艺术49第九章激励激励原理、过程与理论410第十章沟通概述,沟通过程、类型和冲突管理411第十一章创新212总复习(机动)0 或 2十、实验内容和要求:无十一、考核方式:考试成绩由两块构成,其中期末成绩占70% ,平时成绩占 30% 。



第一篇 总 论第一章 管理活动与管理理论1.1 复习笔记【知识框架】 管理的定义 管理的职能管理职能的表现形式管理职能之间的相互关系 人际角色管理活动 管理者的角色 信息角色决策角色技术技能管理者的技能 人际技能概念技能 中国早期管理思想中外早期管理思想 外国早期管理思想 管理活动(或管理实践)、管理思想和管理理论的关系 科学管理理论 古典管理理论 组织管理理论 行为管理理论 梅奥及其领导的霍桑试验行为科学运筹学 数量管理理论系统分析 决策科学化管理理论的系统管理理论 形成与发展 权变管理理论 关注顾客 注重持续改善全面质量管理 关注流程精确测量 授权于员工学习型组织20 世纪 90 年代的 精益思想 管理理论新发展 业务流程再造核心能力理论【重点难点归纳】一、管理活动1.管理的定义 管理是指组织为了达到个人无法实现的目标,通过各项职能活动,合理分配、协调相关资源的过程。


































2013 “Fundamentals of Management”Referential answers for assignmentsChapter1: Managers and ManagementQ4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.Answer– A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).Mintzberg’s managerial role s: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator.Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?Answer–Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Please refer to page 5-6)Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review addresses how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizations are managed.Answer–The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and increase trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them and discuss. Chapter3: Foundations of Decision MakingQ1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager’s job? Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decision making. Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.Q3 “Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to m akemore rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.Q4Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expense. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions. Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.Chapter4: Foundations of PlanningQ2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.Answer–The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 )Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss.Answer–MBO is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.Under circumstances where employee commitment is important, where concrete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and communication in a company, etc.Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify career opportunities and threats by researching job prospects in the industry you’reinterested in. Look at trends and projections. You might want to check out the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you need to do to achieve those goals.Answer–SWOT analysis is an a nalysis of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89) Chapter5: Organizational Structure and CultureQ2 Can an organizati on’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?Answer– Yes, an organization’s structure can be changed quickly. However, t he speed of changing an organization’s structure depends on its size. A small organi zation can change its structure more rapidly than a large organization. But a large organization can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization’s structure should be changed quickly or not de pends on the organization’s strategy, the environment and the form of technology it uses.Q5 Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?Answer–Facing today’s competitive environment, managers need to consider how to allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve organizational goals. Make the right person do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for companies and employees. For example, work specialization makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that employees hold.Q8 Pick two companies that you interact with frequently (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture according to the culture dimensions shown in exhibit5-13.Answer–The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking.Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesQ1 Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a central part of our lives. So why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues? Answer– Motivation refer s to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Even though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managers still have to worry about employee motivation issues. Employees are not always willing to put effort to do their job well. Employeecan work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivation can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals.Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch?Answer– (a) Money might be a security need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem need in giving the individual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygiene factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fairness—Is my raise, salary appropriate to my position? (d) Money is relevant only to the degree the individual perceives that the monetary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be seen as a way to measure success.Q6 Many job design experts who have studied the changing nature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of purpose rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Explain your position? What are the implications for managers?Answer–The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today’s diversit y and competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professional and technical employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recognition, achievement, affiliation or power. Managers should focus more on the sense of purpose and look at different types of rewards that help motivate employees.Chapter9: Leadership and TrustQ2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler’s contingenc y model? Be specific.Answer–The Fiedler’s contingency model proposed effective group performance depends on the pro per match between the leader’s style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person—you can’t change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249)Q5 Do you think trust evolves out of an individual’s personal characteristics or out of specific situations? Explain.Answer– Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond inpredictable ways in different circumstances.Q6 Do followers make a difference in whether a leader is effective? Discuss. Answer–Yes,t he ability to influence others outside of one’s own author ity and to perform beyond expectations are essential to high performing organizations and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leaders’effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the f ollower’s level of readiness. “R eadiness” refers to the extent that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effectiveness depends on the actions of his or her followers.Chapter10: Communication and Interpersonal SkillsQ1 Which type of communication do you think is most effective in a work setting? Why?Answer– Each communication method has its own benefits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice based on the advantages of communication type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272)Q3 Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accurately or listening actively? Why?Answer–The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. Correct information can not be returned to employees if managers have not listened actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can make argument that it is more important for the manager to speak accurately to begin with.Q5 Is information technology helping managers be more efficient and effective? Explain your answer.Answer- Yes, information technology is helping managers to be more efficient and effective. It can improve a manager’s ability to manager employees’ performance. It can allow employees to have more completed information to make decisions. It has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information. Chapter11: Foundations of ControlQ3 How are planning and control linked? Is the control function linked to the organizing and leading functions of management? Explain?Answer–The control process assumes that standards of performance already exist. They are created in the planning function. Objectives are the standards against which progress is measured and compared. An effective control system ensures that activities are co mpleted in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals. So control is linked to all functions of management, not just organizing and leading.Q7 “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.” D o you agree with this statement, or do you think control is something that only managers are responsible for? Explain.Answer– Controlling is the management function involving the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Managers play extremely important role in controlling, however, every individual employee also play a role in control work activities. Both managers and individual employee must make sure activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals.Q8 How could use the concept of control in your personal life? Be specific.(Think in term of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls as well as specific controls for the different aspects of our life-school, family relationships ,friends, hobbies, etc.)Answer–The answer will vary. Feedforward control takes place in advance of the actual activity. Concurrent control takes place while an activity is in progress. Feedback control takes place after the action.。




























Chapter Four: Foundations of Decision MakingMultiple Choice Questions1. __________ is not one of the eight steps in the decision making process.a. Identifying the problemb. Analyzing alternative solutionsc. Implementing the decisiond. Delegating the decision making2. Which of the following sequences is correct for the decision-making Process?a. Identify decision criteria, analyze alternatives, allocate weights to criteriab. Analyze alternatives, select an alternative, implement the alternativec. Select an alternative, evaluate decision effectiveness, weight the criteriad. Analyze alternatives, develop alternatives, allocate weights to criteria3. Once a problem is formulated, the next step is toa. Select an alternativeb. List all possible Solutionsc. Observe a discrepancyd. Decide what is critical in the decision4. When a manager who is contemplating all the features a new purchaseshould have prioritizes the most important, he or she is practicinga. selection of criteriab. problem formulationc. weighting of criteriad. analyzing alternatives5. After implementation has been accomplisheda. The decision-making process is completeb. The control function of management become importantc. The alternatives are rankedd. The manager must complete written evaluation forms6. When a plant manager who is trying to reduce turnover of production workersnotices that turnover has decreased by 10 percent four months after he instituted a new training program, at which step in the rational decision-making process is this manager?a. Identify the problem.b. Evaluate the decision criteria.c. Analyze the alternatives.d. Evaluate the results.7. According to the concept of bounded rationality, decision makers are limitedby _______.a. less than complete informationb. environmentc. timed. All of the above.8. __________ is selecting the first minimally acceptable alternative.a. Bounded rationalityb. Unbounded rationalityc. Satisficingd. Rational decision-making9. Suppose that you need a math elective to take in order to graduate. There arefive different courses you could take. You call one friend and, on the basis of her terrific experience in one course, you choose that one. What would Herbert Simon call what you have just done?a. Bounded rationalityb. Unbounded rationalityc. Escalation of commitmentd. Rational decision-making10. ______________ occurs when a manager purchases stock in a company andrefuses to sell it even after it has dropped 40 percent in value over the past 6 months.a. Optimizingb. Satisficingc. Bounded Rationalityd. Escalation of Commitment11. ____________ is one of the disadvantages of group decisions that typicallyresults in groups that are very cohesive.a. Conflictb. Groupthinkc. Dominationd. Compromise12. Which of the following is an advantage of group decision-making whencompared to individual decision-making?a. The group process takes less time.b. Groupthink may occur.c. More decision alternatives are generated.d. One person can dominate the group.13. Bounded rationality refers to the idea thata. Managers are bound by ethical considerations to be rationalb. Managers will promote rationalization as an aid to decision makingc. Managers employ model construction to simplify decision makingd. Managers are to behave according to rational guidelines within thebounds of their authority in the workplace14. The tendency for decision makers to base their judgments on information thatis readily accessible to them is best described asa. Escalation of commitmentb. Representative heuristicc. Bounded rationalityd. None of the above15. “Decision making under risk” means ____________.a. the decision has no data on which to base his or her decisionb. the decision maker is used to dealing with high-risk situationsc. the decision maker knows all of the risks involved in the situationd. the decision maker can estimate the risk involved in making a decision16. How do managers know when they have a disparity or discrepancy in thedecision-making process? The best way is to compare their current state and some standard. Which of the following would not be a relevant standard?a. previously set goalsb. past performancec. the performance of some unit in or out of the organizationd. use future projections17. Putting a decision into action and conveying the decision to the persons whowill be affected by it is known asa. problem identification.b. decision implementation.c. rational decision making.d. irrational decision making.18.When decisions must be made with limited information because fullknowledge of the problem is unavailable and the probability of outcomes is unknown, the condition of __________ exists.a. uncertaintyb. certaintyc. riskd. bounded rationality19. Which of the following is not an assumption of the rational decision-makingmodel?a. The problem is clear and unambiguous.b. A single well-defined goal is to be achieved.c. Preferences change slowly.d. Final choice will maximize economic payoff.20. Creativity is formed when the elements of creative skills, expertise, and _____intersect.a. personalityb. experiencec. task motivationd. None of the above.21. In the decision-making process known as bounded rationality,a. the final choice maximizes economic payoff.b. the final choice minimizes economic payoff.c. the first choice that is "good enough" is chosen.d. all "good enough" choices are selected.22. Jane just conducted the performance appraisals of five of her employees. Herappraisal was heavily influenced by the performance of the individuals during the last month. Jane's bias is an example ofa. availability heuristic.b. representative heuristic.c. escalation of commitment.d. optimal decision making.23. The decision-making process concludes witha. analysis of alternatives.b. identification of a problem.c. identification of decision criteria.d. evaluation of decision effectiveness.24. Problems where information is ambiguous or incomplete are which type ofproblem?a. well-structuredb. ill-structuredc. programmedd. nonprogrammed25. Well-structured problems area. Newb. Closely aligned with the assumptions of perfect rationalityc. Ambiguousd. Characterized by limited information26. When a decision maker relies on a programmed decision, he or Shea. may fall back on rules, procedures, or policiesb. will develop many alternatives from which to select a solutionc. will spend considerable time on the decisiond. must be dealing with a unique or unusual problem27. A procedure can be defined as aa. method to guide a manager's thinking in one general direction.b. hierarchy of authority relationships in an organization.c. series of interrelated sequential steps for problem solving.d. collection of explicit statements about what a manager can or cannot do.28. A rule is BEST described by which of the following?a. A general guideline designed to direct a manager's focus.b. A series of interrelated sequential steps.c. A prohibition against desired activity.d. An explicit and specific statement of correct behavior.29. A policy typically containsa. parameters to constrain behavior, not specific rules.b. nothing but explicit, unambiguous terminology.c. a sequence of steps to follow for approved decision making.d. specific rules.30. "Whenever possible, we promote from within" is an example of which of thefollowing?a. ruleb. procedurec. policyd. nonprogrammed decision31. "Only employees with top-secret clearance may enter the sealed room," is anexample of aa. rule.b. procedure.c. policy.d. nonprogrammed decision.32. As managers move up the organizational hierarchy, problems are more likelyto becomea. well-structured.b. ill-structured.c. programmed.d. nonprogrammed.33. A conceptual style of decision-making reflects an individual whoa. thinks intuitively and has a low tolerance for ambiguity.b. thinks rationally and has a high tolerance for ambiguity.c. thinks intuitively and has a high tolerance for ambiguity.d. thinks rationally and has a low tolerance for ambiguity.34. Peggy Juarez uses a decision-making style characterized by low tolerance forambiguity and a rational way of thinking. They generally turn out to be fast decisions of a short run nature. What style does Peggy use?a. analyticb. conceptualc. directived. behavioral35. Which of the following is not true about group decisions?a. Group decisions are faster.b. Group decisions tend to be more accurate.c. Group decisions are more creative.d. Group decisions are more widely accepted.36. Group decisions will usually be Superior to individual decisions whena. speed is a concern.b. accuracy is critical.c. minimizing the tendency of groupthink is importantd. flexibility is needed.37. Which of the following is NOT an example of a situation in which groupthinkoccurs?a. Group members rationalize any resistance to the assumptions they havemade.b. Group members apply direct pressure on those who express doubts.c. Group members avoid openly showing lack of consensus.d. Group members question those who are silent and try to sway them.38. Bounded rationality differs from the rational model in that decision makers:a. act irrationally.b. focus on easy-to-find choices.c. seek advice from employees.d. act outside the boundaries set by their organizations.39. Which of the following is not a method by which group decision making can beimproveda. brainstormingb. nominal group techniquec. groupthinkd. electronic meetings40. The basic premise for the decision-making model is that individuals differ alongtwo dimensionsa. degree of risk preference and position within the organizational hierarchy.b. experience and communication skills.c. way they think and tolerance for ambiguity.d. personality and attention to detail.。
















第一章导论1. 什么是管理?什么是管理学?管理是通过计划、组织、领导、控制等职能对组织资源予以协调,以便能够有效率和有效果地实现组织目标的过程。



2. 如何理解管理的二重性?管理的自然属性,与具体的生产方式和特定的社会制度无关。









3. 如何理解管理既是一门科学又是一门艺术?管理的科学性是指管理作为一个活动过程,存在着一系列基本的客观规律。
















这些都不是一个MBA 所能完成的。




第三次作业宋子瑶经济1503 415076632.Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.The strategy management process is a six-step process that encompasses strategy planning, implementation and evaluation.The first step is identifying the organization’ s current mission, goals and strategies. Every organization needs a mission-a statement of its purpose. Defining the mission forces managers to identify what it’ s in business to do. It’s also important for managers to identify the current goals and strategies for managers have a basis for assessing whether they need to be changed.The second step is doing an external analysis. Analyzing that environment is a critical step in the strategic management process. Once the managers’ve analyzed the environment, managers need to pinpoint opportunities that the organization can exploit and threats that it must counteract or buffer against. And opportunities are positive trends in the external environment and threats are negative trends.The third step is doing an internal analysis. The internal analysis provides important information about an organization’s specific resources and capabilities. After completing an internal analysis, managers should be able to identify organizational strengths and weakness. The combined external and internal analyses are called the SWOT analysis, which is an analysis of the organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, andthreats.The forth step is formulating strategies. As managers formulate strategies, they develop and evaluate strategic alternatives, select appropriate strategies for all levels in the organization that provide relative advantages over competitors, match organizational strengths to environmental opportunities, and correct weaknesses and guard against threat.The fifth step is implementing strategies. Once strategies are formulated, they must be implemented. No matter how effectively an organization has planned its strategies, performance will suffer if the strategies aren’t implemented properly.The sixth step is evaluating results. There are many problems managers can meet with, such as how effective the manager have been at helping the organization reach its goal, what adjustments are necessary and so on.5.Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be most useful? Discuss.From my point, MBO would be most useful under the circumstances where departmental, team and individual goals are vital to planing and directing. What’s more, MBO would be also most useful under the circumstances where communication and efficiency are necessary. Management by objectives (MBO) is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employeeperformance. MBO programs have four elements: goals specificity, participative decision making, an explicit time period, and performance feedback.If a manager were to use this approach, he or she should sit down with each member of the team and set goals and periodically review whether progress was being made toward achieving those goals. That is exactly the biggest difference from traditional goal setting. This way lays emphasis on specific goals. What’ more, instead of using goals to make sure employees are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, MBO uses goals to motivate them as well. Studies also have shown that it can increase employee performance and organizational productivity. We can see that when communication and efficiency are necessary, MBO plays an important role.6.Find examples in current business periodicals of each of Porter’ s genetic strategies. Name the company, describe the strategy being used, and explain why it’ s an example of that strategy. Be sure to cite your sources.As for the cost leadership strategy, I choose XiaoMi Tech from the periodical Wired. W hen an organization competes on the basis of having the lowest costs in its industry, it is following a cost leadership strategy. As we all know, XiaoMi is famous for its reasonable and acceptable prices for mobile phones with the same configuration. The firm doeseverything it can to cut costs. For example, its unique phone system called MIUI, is an innovation as well as an important factor related with the price of single phone. What’ more, the use of hunger marketing is the outcome of low costs.As for the differentiation strategy, I choose Haier from the periodical Fortune Magazine. Haier competes by offering unique products that are widely valued by customers. Once Haier produced a kind of the washing machine specially designed for rural areas and mountain areas. This kind of machine not only has the function of twin-tube washing machine, but also meet the need of people in mountain areas that is cleaning vegetables and fruits with sand. This is a typical example of innovation and differentiation.As for the focus strategy, I choose Coco Cola from the periodical Fortune Magazine.The two strategies above are aimed at the broad market, the focus strategy involves a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage in a narrow segment or niche. When it comes to soft drinks, Coca Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain. In the narrow market of cola, after several strategic changes, Coco Cola finally holds on to it initial formula with the unique taste, exactly for which there are so many regular customers as well as new customers and for which Coco Cola can maintain its market share.。



《管理学——原理与方法》课后习题答案第一章:第一题答案:1 :目的性:人类正是在为实现预期目的的活动中,在不断地劳动,思考,谋划,设计和组织管理的过程中,逐步进化的。

2 :依存性:人类的目的性来源于对外部环境和人类自身的相互依存关系。

3 :知识性:人类能从过去的实践中学习,从前人的经验中学习,并能把学到的知识加以记忆,积累,分析和推理,从而形成人类独有的知识体系。



管理的最基本的特征是:1 :管理的载体是一个组织2 :管理的基本对象是人3 :在管理的资源配置中,人才是第一资源。

4 :管理的任务:在一般意义上讲,它是通过采取某些具体的手段和措施,设计、营造、维护一种环境,包括组织内部和外部的环境,使所有管理对象在特定的环境中,做到协调而有序地进行活动。









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第三次作业宋子瑶经济1503 415076632.3.Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.The strategy management process is a six-step process that encompasses strategy planning, implementation and evaluation.The first step is identifying the organization’ s current mission, goals and strategies. Every organization needs a mission-a statement of its purpose. Defining the mission forces managers to identify what it’ s in business to do. It’s also important for managers to identify the current goals and strategies for managers have a basis for assessing whether they need to be changed.The second step is doing an external analysis. Analyzing that environment is a critical step in the strategic management process. Once the managers’ve analyzed the environment, managers need to pinpoint opportunities that the organization can exploit and threats that it must counteract or buffer against. And opportunities are positive trends in the external environment and threats are negative trends.The third step is doing an internal analysis. The internal analysis provides important information about an organization’s specific resources andcapabilities. After completing an internal analysis, managers should be able to identify organizational strengths and weakness. The combined external and internal analyses are called the SWOT analysis, which is an analysis of the organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.The forth step is formulating strategies. As managers formulate strategies, they develop and evaluate strategic alternatives, select appropriate strategies for all levels in the organization that provide relative advantages over competitors, match organizational strengths to environmental opportunities, and correct weaknesses and guard against threat.The fifth step is implementing strategies. Once strategies are formulated, they must be implemented. No matter how effectively an organization has planned its strategies, performance will suffer if the strategies aren’t implemented properly.The sixth step is evaluating results. There are many problems managers can meet with, such as how effective the manager have been at helping the organization reach its goal, what adjustments are necessary and so on.5.Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be mostuseful? Discuss.From my point, MBO would be most useful under the circumstances where departmental, team and individual goals are vital to planing and directing. What’s more, MBO would be also most useful under the circumstances where communication and efficiency are necessary.Management by objectives (MBO) is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO programs have four elements: goals specificity, participative decision making, an explicit time period, and performance feedback.If a manager were to use this approach, he or she should sit down with each member of the team and set goals and periodically review whether progress was being made toward achieving those goals. That is exactly the biggest difference from traditional goal setting. This way lays emphasis on specific goals. What’ more, instead of using goals to make sure employees are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, MBO uses goals to motivate them as well. Studies also have shown that it can increase employee performance and organizational productivity. We cansee that when communication and efficiency are necessary, MBO plays an important role.6.7.8.Find examples in current business periodicals of each of Porter’ s genetic strategies. Name the company, describe the strategy being used, and explain why it’ s an example of that strategy. Be sure to cite your sources.As for the cost leadership strategy, I choose XiaoMi Tech from the periodical Wired. W hen an organization competes on the basis of having the lowest costs in its industry, it is following a cost leadership strategy. As we all know, XiaoMi is famous for its reasonable and acceptable prices for mobile phones with the same configuration. The firm does everything it can to cut costs. For example, its unique phone system called MIUI, is an innovation as well as an important factor related with the price of single phone. What’ more, the use of hunger marketing is the outcome of low costs.As for the differentiation strategy, I choose Haier from the periodical Fortune Magazine. Haier competes by offering unique products that are widely valued by customers. Once Haier produced a kind of the washing machine specially designed for rural areas and mountain areas. This kind of machine not only has the function of twin-tube washing machine, but also meet the need of people in mountain areas that is cleaning vegetables and fruits with sand. This is a typical example of innovation and differentiation.As for the focus strategy, I choose Coco Cola from the periodical Fortune Magazine.The two strategies above are aimed at the broad market, the focus strategy involves a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage in a narrow segment or niche. When it comes to soft drinks, Coca Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain. In the narrow market of cola, after several strategic changes, Coco Cola finally holds on to it initial formula with the unique taste, exactly for which there are so many regular customers as well as new customers and for which Coco Cola can maintain its market share.。
