
智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语task4真题及解析-智课教育旗下智课教育托福口语task4该怎样解题呢?答案和题目之间有什么关系呢?现在就跟着智课教育小编一起来学习吧!在托福口语 考试中,task4是比较难的题目,你知道这类话题该怎样解答吗?我们又应该怎样做才能在托福口语考试中取得高分呢?这类话题中的范文又应该怎样组织呢?现在就跟着智课教育小编一起来看看这则托福口语范文解析吧!Reading Part:Experimenter EffectOne objective of any experiment is, of course, to obtain accurate results. Sometimes, however, problems occur that lead to in accurate results. One such problem is the experimenter effect. ①The experimenter effect occurs when are searcher’s expectations affect the outcome of the experiment. The researcher expects a particular result from the experiment, and that expectation causes the researcher to act in ways that influence the behavior of the experiment participants, thereby invalidating the results of the experiment.Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.(male professor) ②For example, I recently read about a case in which a researcher was given two groups of monkeys and he was asked to train these monkeys to pick up a ball and put it in a box. And he was told to record how many hours it took to train each monkey to learn to do this.③Now, before he started the training, the researcher was told that one group of monkeys was highly intelligent and the other group was less intelligent. In truth, there was no difference between them. All the monkeys were actually very similar in terms of intelligence. But the researcher didn’t know that. Hethought one group was smarter, so he expected that group would be easier to train.So, what happened? Well, the researcher trained the monkeys to perform the action, and it turned out that.④ On average, it took him two hours less time to train the supposedly smart monkeys than the supposedly less intelligent monkeys. Why? ⑤Well, it turns out that with the supposedly smart monkeys the researcher smiled at them a lot, gave them a lot of encouragement, talked to them a lot, worked hard to communicate with them but with the monkeys he thought were less intelligent, he wasn’t this enthusiastic, he didn’t try this hard, wasn’t quite optimistic.Question:Explain how the example from the professor ’s lecture illustrates the experimenter effect.一.范文The professor talks about experimenter effect which occurs when a researcher’s expectation affect the outcome of an experiment. In the study, researcher was asked to train two groups of monkeys. He was told that one group of monkey was smarter than the other, although they are equally intelligent. It turned out monkeys from the first group took two hours less to train on average. The reason was that the researcher expected the smarter group to be easier to train so he smiled to those monkeys and encouraged them a lot during the training. But he didn’t work as hard with the monkeys from the other group.二.重点词汇1. objective:adj. 客观的;目标的;宾格的Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.2. invalidate:vt. 使无效;使无价值An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.3. encouragement:n. 鼓励Friends gave me a great deal of encouragement.4. enthusiastic:adj. 热情的;热心的;狂热的Tom was very enthusiastic about the place.三.重点句型1. ①when引起了时间状语从句,这句话给实验者效应下定义,实验者的期望有时候会影响实验的结果。
托福口语 手把手教你Task4找定义

通常情况下一篇75-100词的阅读文章会包含3个元素 - 背景,定义,和展开。
3.出现了This xxx is called / known as…比如Scope CreepBusinesses that perform services or carry out projects for clients generally come to an agreement with their clients about the extent or scope of a project before beginning the project. However, as a project progresses, clients may ask for more than the business originally expected to provide, and the scope of the project may grow larger than intended. This phenomenon is known as scope creep, and it can cause conflict between businesses and their clients. Scope creep is especially common when the terms or conditions of the initial agreement are not clearly defined, and a client may expect more than the business had planned to provide. 在这篇阅读里,找到“However”后面的句子,即“However, as a project progresses, … than intended.”,然后发现这也是“Scope Creep”第一次出现的上面一句话,可以确定这就是我们要找的定义句了。

托福口语task4中阅读难点解析托福口语task4中阅读难点解析在托福口语task 4的阅读部分,我们遇到的问题主要出现在以下几点:一、Task4中心句出现的位置难以捉摸Task4并不像task3一样,一般在文章开头的一两句就能够找到中心句, Task4 reading部分中心句出现的位置让人难以捉摸。
三. 生僻词汇较多,专业领域词汇难积累新托福口语第四题是学术讲座,涉及的领域有:心理学、艺术、生物学、经济学、市场学等,主要模拟的是北美大学中真实的上课的情景,其中不可避免的会出现考生平时不常接触的一些生僻词会和专业领域的词汇。
接下来,前程百利小编就和大家介绍一下解决托福口语task4 的方法。
二. 看准信号词,巧判中心句中心句是能够协助我们有效的归纳答题重点的关键信息,而信号词就是能够协助我们找到中心句的有效的办法。

What to speak in Q4:
❖Describe the conception from reading
❖State the examples given by the professor in listening
❖Explain the relationship between reading and listening
Role distancing
❖ People play many different roles all through their lives, such as sons, husbands and fathers. However, under certain circumstances, people may want to adapt to new social roles rather than keep the roles they are currently playing. In the field of social-psychology, this interesting conflict between roles people wish for and roles people possess is called “role distancing”.
❖ Question 4, You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

托福综合口语TASK4/6学术话题怎么练?1. 提高口语能力临界点第一点是要提高自己口语能力的一个临界点,那怎么样来提高我们的临界点?托福官方真题里面其实是有一些难题的,大家需要把这些难题要练熟练好,把语言组织这一块的精髓找到。
2. 提高语言组织的速度这一点其实对于三五题来说也是一样的,提高语言组织速度很多同学不知道应该要怎么办,但是这一点其实比较简单,教大家一个很好的方法,大家记笔记的时候,很多时候是需要记的特别完整,比如说四五十个字的一个笔记,你才能够把这道题说的很溜说的很顺,特别是我们的学术题,对不对?因为话题比较高大上,那这个时候怎么样把这个语言组织慢慢的转移到自己的脑子里呢?你在记满一篇四五十字精听听完或者第四题里面阅读*精读读完之后,再把一个特别全的笔记记出来之后,这时候我们先把它练熟,练完了之后你就可以在此基础之上把笔记擦掉了,所有这些语言组织的内容,把它慢慢的一步一步的往脑子里面转移,这样的话可以提升语言组织的速度跟能力。

托福TPO6口语task4题目 Reading Part:Explicit Memories and Implicit MemoriesIn everyday life, when people speak of memory, they are almost always speaking about what psychologists would call explicit memories. An explicit memory is a conscious or intentional recollection, usually of facts, names, events, or other things that a person can state or declare. There is another kind of memory that is not conscious. Memories of this kind are called implicit memories. An individual can have an experience that he or she cannot consciously recall yet still display reactions that indicate the experience has been somehow recorded in his or her brain.托福TPO6口语task4题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.(male professor) OK, um, the first kind of memory, we’re all very familiar with this, right? You probably remember what you had for dinner last night. You have a conscious memory of last night’s dinner so, um, if I ask you what did you eat last night, you could tell me.But these other kinds of memories, implicit memories, they work different ly. Let’s take an example from the world of advertising. When you are driving along a highway, you see plenty of billboards, you know, road side advertisements. You certainly don’t remember them all, but they still affect you. Marketing researchers have sh own, well to be specific, let’s say there’s a billboard on the highway advertising, uh, a car called the Panther. The ad shows a big picture of the car and above the car, in huge letters, is the name of the car, Panther. A lot of people drive by the billboard, but ask those drivers later if they saw any advertisements for cars, and well, they’ll think about it and a lot of them will say no. They honestly don’t remember seeing any. They have no conscious memory of the Panther billboard.So, you ask these same people a different question. You ask, um, OK, you ask them to name an animal starting with a letter P. What do you think they’ll answer? Do they say Pig? Pig is the most common animal that starts with the letter P. But they don’t say Pig. They say Pant her! The billboard had an effect, even though the drivers don’t remember ever seeing it.托福TPO6口语task4题目 Question:Using the example of the car advertisement, explain what is meant by implicit memory.托福TPO6口语task4答案解析:1. Reading key(1.1) Term: Implicit Memory(1.2) Definition: the kind of memory that is not conscious2. Listening key(2.1) Example: details on billboard(2.1.1) People driving on highway, sees billboard for car ad(2.1.2) The ad has a picture of the car being promoted and above the car is the name of the car “panther”(2.1.3) Ask those who drive by later, they can’t remember seeing a car ad(2.1.4) Ask them to name an animal with the letter “p”(2.1.5) They say “pig” instead of “panther” although “pig” more commonly kn own(2.1.6) They remembered “panther” unconsciously托福TPO6口语task4范文:In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about implicit memory which is that sometimes we can remember things without even realizing it. For example, when people see a car ad on the billboard, they can unconsciously remember details in the ad. Say the car in the ad is called panther, people can’t remember that they've seen a car ad on the highway, or anything has to do with panther. But interestingly, when they are asked to name an a nimal whose name starts with a “p”, they’ll say “panther” instead of “pig” which is more commonly known. The billboard had an effect even though the drivers aren't aware of it.托福TPO7口语Task4题目解析相关文章:1.托福口语task4解题方法技巧2.托福口语task4模板及答题策略3.托福口语task2模板及解题思路4.托福口语task2答题实用理由5.详解托福口语中艺术文化题的解答技巧6.9.30托福考试解析之一:独立写作和口语7.如何把握托福口语题干?须遵循3步顺序8.7步让教你讲出托福口语"逻辑性"。

新托福口语Task 4真题要点解析自从ETS官方公布了新托福IBT测试以来,很多考生都为之深感头痛,尤其是对于口语单科.究其原因不止在于其机考的测试形式, 更在于口语测试中6个任务的多科目结合一一即考察口语的同时,也同样考察阅读和听力水平.尤其在新托福口语的Task 4中,虽说是一道口语题目,实际上那么为读、听、说三门水平的综合考察.那么如何能在新托福口语的Task 4中取得理想的成绩呢?我们今天将就此局部实行深入解析.一、准确理解Task4所谓“知己知彼百战百胜〞,考生如果想要在Task 4中旗开得胜, 首要的事情莫过于对考题100%的熟悉度.当然此熟悉并非是对当次考试所出真题的熟悉,而是对于整个Task 4测试内容和形式的熟悉.测试形式不同于Task 1和Task 2两个独立的口语话题,从Task 3开始的后面4个任务中,新托福口语考察的是考生的综合口语水平,尤其是在Task 3和Task 4中,考生需要先阅读一篇文章,接下来会听到一篇关于阅读的听力,在短暂的准备时间后,考生需将阅读及听力内容总结复述出来.这样的一种测试形式,对考生的要求是极高的.考生除了要有熟练的口语水平,也必须具备较高的听力及阅读水平.主要语境新托福口语的Task 4是一道学术类题目,所以,在此任务中,考生会接触到的语境也都会偏于学术化,语境大多来自于以下领域:V社会科学V物理科学V生命科学V人文艺术对于很多考生来说,有些领域的内容可能会偏专业化,这在很大水准上局限了考生的口语分数.对于一个学术类语境的高熟悉度,能够让考生提前预测听力的谈论方向,对考生备考有很大的协助.所以, 考生可在业余时间多去接触一些四大领域的知识,以备不时之需.阅读内容在Task 4的阅读局部,考生将会读到相关上述四大领域的一段学术文章,此文章的长度将会在75-100字左右,通常是对于某个学术概念的大致介绍,提供充足的信息,为考生接下来听到的听力局部做好相对应的准备.听力内容阅读结束后,电脑屏幕上的文章将会消失,继而代替的是一幅某位教授在讲课的课堂画面,随后考生将会听到关于阅读的一段讲座. 在此讲座中,教授通常会用具体的例证来解释之前的学术文章.讲座的时长通常为60-90秒.问题形式在听力结束后,屏幕会显示考生针对Task 4需要满足的任务要求. 通常情况下,题目会要求考生对阅读和听力中出现的学术概念及例证实行总结,常见要求如下:V Using the examplediscussed by the professor, explain what cognitive dissonance is and how peopleoften deal with itV Explain how theexamples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle ofaudience effects.考生只有在充分了解了 Task 4的考察内容之后,才能做到临阵不乱,能够踏踏实实的面对会遇到的各种话题.二、不可无视的阅读在了解了 Task 4的测试流程之后,考生想要在此任务中拿高分, 也必须要清楚此任务中听、读局部的解题技巧.在Task 4超过半数的题目要求中,是没有要求考生去总结阅读内容的,所以很多考生都会草草的扫一眼阅读之后就置之不理了.其实这是一个非常错误的做法, 由于存有即合理,考官不会无缘无故的摆一篇无用的阅读在听力之前给考生浪费时间用的.就如上文所言,阅读通常是为听力做铺垫.那么,在阅读中,考生需要注意哪些方面呢?准确把握学术概念上文有提到,Task 4的阅读中,会对一个学术概念实行定义及大致的介绍,即使绝大局部的题目中没有要求考生总结阅读,但是朗阁海外测试研究中央的专家还是建议考生尽可能的去用一句话把文中提到的学术概念总结出来,让整个答复中的主题更加明确.此概念一般都和阅读的标题相关.朗阁海外测试研究中央的专家在总结真题后发现,阅读中的概念与标题的关系可分为两类一一概念与标题相同或概念是标题的下级分类.1.概念与标题相同通常在阅读此类文章时考生会比拟轻松,由于学术概念的定义一般会存有于文章的前两句中,考生在阅读时能够一目了然.如下例:CognitivedissonanceIndividuals sometimes experience acontradiction betweentheir actions and their beliefs -- between what they aredoingand what they believe they should be doing. Thesecontradictions cancause a kind of mental discomfort known as cognitivedissonance. People experiencing cognitive dissonance often do not wantto change the way they are acting, so they resolve the contradictory situationin another way. They change their interpretation of the situation in a way thatminimizesthe contradiction between what they are doing and what they believeshould be doing.这篇小文章的标题为cognitivedissonance,而在文章的第二句的黑体局部,刚好就是和文章标题照应的概念中央词.所以,考生在总结这种类型的阅读时,会比拟得心应手,在开篇的时候就能够找到学术概念的定义,对考生的心里来讲也是一剂“强心针〞,比拟容易找到,考生也会觉得比拟有信心.所以,这类小文章在读的时候一般不会有特别大的问题.2.概念是标题的下级分类不过在这个种文章中,如果考生一味的认为标题即为概念的话, 那么考生出现失误的情况就会比拟大.通常在这种文章中,前半局部都是对于标题的相关解释,考生在绝大局部情况下是看不到其明显的定义的.而在后半局部,尤其是后两句中,文章中会给出一个关于标题的例子,通常这个例子会是标题概念的下级分类,同时给出的,还有此次概念的定义.如:Social interactionPeople deal with each other everyday. This interaction is at theheart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with theinfluence people have over one anothers behavior. People take each other intoaccount in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others canaffect behavior. For example, oneprinciple of social interaction, audienceeffects, suggests that individuals' work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible toothers, that thepresence of others tends to alter the way- people behave or perform an activity.Explain how the examples of tyingshoes and learning totype demonstrate the principle of audience effects.在以上的这篇例文中,标题所给出的socialinteraction在前半局部并未出现明显的定义,仅仅阐述了其在社会生活中的地位.所以, 考生如果不熟悉这类文章出题方式的话,就会有些疑问,有些考生为了尽快完成阅读内容,也会非常牵强的找出标题所在句,直接把标题所在句当作是概念,这种做法无疑是错误的.在这种情况下,考生需要静下心来,平心静气的继续向后阅读,那么考生就会发现,在文章的后半局部,出题者用for example引出了socialinteraction的一个原那么--------- audienceeffects,即标题概念的一个下级分类.而在这个下级分类所在的句子中,也能明显的找到对于其的定义,如斜体部分标注.在此话题的问题中我们不难看出,题目要求考生总结的是audienceeffects的概念而非social effectso由此可见,考生在阅读小文章时,一定要先宏观的把握一下文章的内容方向.精确总结概念定义在清楚的知道了学术概念所处的位置之后,考生就需要用自己的语言,将学术概念的定义总结出来.我们上文有提到,通常和学术概念相关的内容会处于两句话中.由于时间的限制,考生是无法将两句话完整的抄下来的.即便能够完整的摘抄下来,如果在答复中阅读部分占用过长的时间,这就意味着考生用于总结听力的时间缩短.所以, 作者建议考生用一句话总结阅读内容.通常我们定义一个学术概念的时候,都会用到一个主+系+表的结构,即A is Bo所以,考生在总结文章中的学术概念时,需要把概念提出来,如上文提到的第一篇阅读中的cognitive dissonance.托福口语测试在很大水准上是有规律可循的,而这个规律在口语的文章中表达在,学术概念通常情况下会有一个同位语.在这篇文章中,cognitivedissonance 的同位i吾为 a kind ofmental discomforto 考生需要注意的是,同位语出现的时候通常会有一个比拟明显的路标词, 在此篇文章中表达出来的是known aso所以,学术概念的根本定义那么为:Cognitivedissonance is a kind of mental discomfort. 之所以称之为“根本定义〞是由于,考生不难发现,这个定义出自文章的第二句话的主旨,如果整个定义停在了这里,会给人以定义模糊的感觉.之前作者有提到,一般情况下,学术概念的定义是需要从两句话中提取的.对于这篇文章来说,定义所在句还出现了一个单词:contradictionso考生不难发现,这个单词在第一句话里也有出现. 所以我们能够判断,第一和第二句话是相关联的.既然局部定义不够清楚,我们就能够在其后加一个定语从句实行解释,进而将第一句话的内容融入进去.所以,完整的定义为:CognitiveDissonance is a kind of mental discomfort people feel when they experiencecontradictions between their actions and their beliefs.由上可见,想要准确把握学术概念的定义并不难,考生需要练就的,是找出两句话的关系,进而符合逻辑的将两句话实行总结合并的水平.注重细节,决定成败在找到了学术概念的定义后,很多考生都会心不在焉的读完下面的文章,其实这是一种非常错误的做法.除去学术概念以外的局部, 常常包含了对于学术概念的具体解释,一方面,能够为考生理解学术概念提供协助;另一方面,在很大一局部的情况下,这些具体解释也会与听力局部相关系,除了让考生更好的理解听力内容外,也会提醒考生在听力的过程中哪一些笔记是必不可少,哪一些内容是在答复时必须融入的.如第一篇文章中的下划线局部,讲了人们在经历 cognitive dissonance时的心里及解决方式,都是对其定义的进一步解释,考生稍后也会发现,其在听力局部也会有相对应的地方.所以,考生在找到定义之后,也一定要利用所剩的时间,尽可能多的理解并记录剩余的阅读局部,以便为听力及答复做准备.三、认真聆听的听力在阅读局部结束后,音频会提示考生接下去会听到一篇关于某话题的讲座.在此讲座中,教授通常会给出关于文章中学术概念的相关例子,有的时候是一个,有的时候是两个.不管是哪一种情况,都要求考生要尽可能多的去记录下自己听到的听力内容.当然,尽可能多不代表全部要记,考生需要有分辨哪些内容是重要点的水平.作者建议考生去倾听两方面的内容:一是连接词后的内容,二是与阅读内容重合的局部.我们来看一下第一篇文章对应的听力:This is a truestory from my own life. In my first yearin high school, I was addicted to video games. I played them all the time and Iwasn' t studying enough. I was failing Chemistry that was my hardest class. So this was a conflict for me becausel wanted a good job when I grew up and I believed, I knew, that if you want agood career you gotta do well in school. ButI just couldn' t give up video games! I was completely torn.And my solutionwas to change my perspective. See, the onlyclass I was doing really badly in was Chemistry. In the others, I was OK. So I asked myself if I wanted to be a chemistwhen I grew up. And the fact is I didn' t. I was pretty sure I wanted to be asociologist. So I told myself mychemistry class didn' t matter, because sociologists don' t need to knowchemistry. In other words, I changed my understanding of what it meant todo well in school. I reinterpreted my situation. I used to think thatdoing well in school meantdoing well in all my classes. But now I decided that succeeding in school meant only doing wellin the classes thatrelated directly with my future career. I eliminated theconflict, at least in my mind.对于讲述经历的例子来讲,一定不能无视的就是表示时间的连接词,所以,文中黑体局部的连接词后的内容,通常就是考生需要记录的内容.除此之外,考生会发现,文中大量出现了表示转折的连接词 but和表示结果的连接词so,在高频率出现的连接词后的内容,考生也需要尽量记录下来.但是,由于答复时间有限,考生只需要记录点题的局部,例如文中事情的大致经过:沉溺电脑游戏而导致化学挂科, 而不需要去记录其细节局部,如玩游戏的频率及化学是最难科目.也就是说,如果在听力中听到一些定语从句的内容,如果不是限定用的, 那么能够省略不计.而文中下划线的局部,那么是和阅读相对应的局部.例如,阅读中提至的 Peopleexperiencing cognitive dissonance often do not want to change the way they areacting 与听力中的 But I just couldn' t give up video games!相对应,考生在听听力的时候,相关于教授现有的行为方式的内容,考生是需要记录下来的.而听力里的And my solution was to change my perspective.在文章中也有体现:They change their interpretation ofthe situation.这就要求考生在听力中需要将听到的相关于如何改变观点的过程详细记录下来.由此可见,对于连接词和阅读内容的把握,将直观的影响考生的作答.四、仔细构思的答案在听力结束后,考生有30秒的时间构思答案.朗阁海外测试研究中央的专家建议考生要充分利用这半分钟的时间,如果利用得当,将对考生的成绩有很大的协助.首先考生需要结合自己的笔记,标注出答案中需要讲出来的层次.其次,将自己的笔记整合,观察有没有哪些句子能够利用一些从句的形式总结成一句.最后,如果有剩余的时间,考生能够将阅读里的学术概念完整的想一遍,答复时一个流利的开头能够给考生比拟安稳的心里暗示.接下来,我们来看一篇高分答案:Cognitive Dissonance is a kind ofmental discomfort people feel when they experience contradictions between theiractions and their beliefs. The professor uses his own experience to illustratethis phenomenon. When he was in highschool, he was addicted to video games. He didn' t do well in study and evenfailed in chemistry. He knew he should study well in order to find good jobsand have a good career. But he justcouldn' t give up video games. Andthis was his conflict. His solution wasto change his perspective. Chemistry wasthe only class he did badly. He was pretty sure that he wanted to be asociologist and being a sociologist doesn' t need to be well in chemistry. So he reinterpreted his understandingof doing well in school. Initially, he thought he should do well in all subjects to be successful in school. But then, he thought he should only dowe11 in the subjects that are directly related to his future career. So he changed his belief to eliminatethe conflict.在上述的高分答案中,我们不难发现,该考生也大量的使用了一些连接词来使自己的答案更加的连贯顺畅,也使自己的答案更加有条理.同时,斜体局部的内容是对听力原文斜体局部的高度总结,把原文中的四句话浓缩成了答案中的两句话.所以,考生在备考的时候需要注意,一定要有意识的去培养自己的总结水平,并有意识的加一些连接词去提升自己答案的连贯性.五、其他考前须知当然,仅仅单纯的去总结阅读和听力里的内容是不够的.考生如果想要在Task 4的局部拿高分,需要有意识的将原文中读到或者听到的内容,适当实行词汇和语法的替换.托福官方评分标准显示,哪怕是实行一个词汇的替换,也是一个有效的替换方式.如可将听力中的change my perspective 换成 alter myunderstandingo 由于考生在作答期间精神高度紧张,可能想不到要去替换,作者建议考生可在记笔记的时候就将听到的词汇实行转换,将所听到的词汇的同义词记录下来.或者在30秒的准备时间里,将记下的词汇实行转换,把其同义词标注在旁边.综上所述,如果想要在Task 4拿到理想的成绩,考生需要具备较高的阅读、听力及总结的水平.同时,考生还需要较高的词汇量和较好的临时应变水平.而所有的一切都基于考生持之以恒的练习.熟能生巧,考生需要不懈的努力.。

托福TPO8口语task4题目 Reading Part:Revealing ColorationMany animals use coloration to protect themselves from predators. Onedefensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealingcoloration. Animals employing this strategy have an area of bright color on somepart of their body, this bright color is usually hidden from predators’ view.When approached by a predator, the animal suddenly reveals the area of brightcolor, this unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator andprovides the would-be-prey with an opportunity to escape.托福TPO8口语task4题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture from a biology class.(male) There’s a large tropical insect called the Peanut Bug. Yes, like thepeanuts you eat. Um, and the Peanut Bugs front wings are colored so they blendin with their surroundings. But its back wings, which are usually closed andhidden, have these bright colorful spots on them. And when the Peanut Bugs are attacked, it suddenly opens its back wings and out pop these bright colors. And that surprises the predator and gives the Peanut Bug a chance to get away.Um, then you have a butterfly called the morpho butterfly. And parts of the morpho butterfly wings are very shiny. They reflect a lot of sunlight. When this butterfly is resting, this shin y part of its wings is hidden. Now morpho butterflies are often attacked by birds. So when a bird approaches, the morpho flies away. And when the morpho flaps its wings, all the bird can see are flashes of light reflected from the morpho’s wings. Those flashes of light make it very difficult for the bird to follow the morpho. And the morpho is usually able to get away.托福TPO8口语task4题目 Question:Using the example of the Peanut Bug and the morpho butterfly, explain the concept of revealing coloration.托福TPO8口语task4答案解析:1. Reading key(1.1) Term: Revealing Coloration(1.2) Definition: a defensive strategy involving the use of coloration is what is known as revealing coloration2. Listening key(2.1) Example 1:(2.1.1) Peanut bug(2.1.2) Huge colorful spots on back wings that are hidden(2.1.3) Expose color spot when under attack(2.1.4) Get a chance to escape when predator is surprised(2.2) Example 2:(2.2.1) Morpho butterfly(2.2.2) Shinny wings that reflect a lot of sunlight(2.2.3) That makes it hard for the bird to see the butterfly when chasing it(2.2.4) Bird slows down; butterfly escapes托福TPO8口语task4范文:The professor talks about revealing coloration which is a strategy animals use to get away from predators involving the use of colors. In the firstexample, peanut bugs show the two big bright spots located on their back wings to surprise predators, so it gets a chance to hide or escape. In the second example, the professor talks about morpho butterfly. When it’s attacked by birds, the morpho flies away, and when it flaps its wings, it’s very difficult for the bird to get a good look at them, because morpho’s wings can reflect a lot of sun light. When the bird slows down, the morpho can usually get away.本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。

托福口语task4例子Task4的题目流程和Task3是一样的,是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,属于integrated speaking题型的。
不过是关于an academic topic。
总的来说,Task4比Task3的难度更加提升了一些,要视察你ablity of combining the main information of the reading withthat of what you heared.下面是我为您整理的关于〔托福〕口语task4例子,希望对你有所帮助。
托福口语task4例子:间接模仿Integrated Speaking:Term Examples题目[名词解释]Indirect mimicry: 一些生物会制造一些"影分身'来吸引捕猎者的注意,好让自己逃脱。
[听力] 教授举了一种特别的蜘蛛的例子,这种蜘蛛会用树叶在网上做很多很多的假蜘蛛,从而来confuse鸟类和其他predator 来硬赢得逃跑的时间。
[Question] 用教授的例子解释对这个概念的理解。
难度:适中阅读标题:Indirect Mimicry定义:Animals may create a imitation which resembles them to have an opportunity to escape if being attacked by their predators.听力例子:One New Zealand spider always collects long thin leaves because when these leaves dry, they look like the spiders a lot. The dry leaves become bright brown which may confuse the predators, like birds when thet pass the spiders web. The birds are likely to attack the gathered leaves and the spider could have a chance to escape.托福考试口语Task 4模板In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that_______.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that_______. The other one is that______.And thats the two examples / reasons the speaker presentedto explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. ) 托福口语Task4学术类话题解析首先我们来看一下托福口语第四题的题目设置:先阅读,再听力,再复述。

托福口语Task4答题要点是什么1把握听力内容的“暗线”首先,口语答题good和fair的区分是什么呢?让我们先来看一段话:The question will ask youto explain the main concept or issue using the points and examplesthat were given in the lecture. So basically its a very straight forward summary.这是ETS官方视频中对Task 4所提出的要求,留意划线部分内容:你必需解释清晰main concept或者issue。
咱们来举个例子~看题:禽类吃泥土的缘由:帮助消化和排解毒素1 帮助消化,以渡鸦举例,没有牙齿,吃泥土是为了磨碎食物,这样有助于消化较大的食物,比方说把很大的种子磨成小碎片。
2 排解毒素,以鹦鹉举例,吃泥土可以中和误食的毒素,这样就不会生病了。
这道题是要求大家用example来论证“泥土在关心鸟类消化这件事上起到了什么作用?详细过程是什么?”许多同学在回答第四题的时候,只是在单纯地summarize the lecture((总结)讲座),而忽视了题目中隐蔽的“暗线”,也就是高分要求中的points和examples。
Fair级别的答案:For instance, a species of bird takes in soil sometimes. Because its toothless, eating soil can help it with its digestion. 在这个答案中并没有体现出soil起到的详细作用,因此只能得fair。
(扬州)托福口语考试Task 4例题解析

托福口语考试Task 4例题解析托福口语考试的第四题在整个口语考试中是较难的一道题。
今天,我们就来详细地解析一道Task 4的题目。
我们以TPO47为例:Task 4ReactancePeople all ages generally prefer to have as much freedom as possible in determining their behavior. When individuals feel that their actions are being unfairly limited, they often attempt to restore freedom by directly contradicting or opposing the rule of regulation that threatened their freedom. Both children and adults demonstrate behaviors that are the results of their urge to restore freedom. This r eaction, termed “reactance” by psychologists, come from an individual’s desire to reestablish freedom and control of a situation.Question: Explain how the examples in the lecture illustrate the concept of reactance.首先,考生会有45秒钟的时间去看这篇文章。

Reading Features:
? 1)Words :75-100 ? 2)Main content : definition +
explanation 3) reading+ note- taking 45”
Listening Features
? Words:150-220 ? Listening+ note-taking 60”-90” ? Main content: an excerpt from a lecture
passages understand what is going on.
What to speak in Q4:
?Describe the conception from reading
?State the examples given by the professor in listening
? Question 4, You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
?Explain the relationship between reading and listening
? The reading passage explains a definition of_______. It means/states that______.

以下是⽆忧考整理的托福⼝语Task4题⽬解析,欢迎阅读!1.托福⼝语Task4题⽬解析 阅读材料: Subcription Model Companies have traditionally sold goods and services to customers on an individual, per-use basisi. However, in recent years, some companies have used a subcription model to sell their products. 参考答题思路: 预付会员制模型能让公司赚更多钱。
题⽬: [名词解释] subcription model:⽤户在⼀定期限内⽀付⼀定的费⽤,这段时间内可以不受限制使⽤产品或服务。
[例⼦] 教授去健⾝房,原先⼀次付⼀节课的钱⽽且很⾃信会坚持下来,后⾯发现⾃⼰越来越忙没时间参加,只好cancel 掉,最后多付了⼀年的费⽤。
[Question] ⽤健⾝房的例⼦解释对这个概念的理解。
难度分析及注意事项: 此题是有关Business & Marketing的lecture,听⼒中的例⼦并不难,此题属于之前90分班课上讲解的类型之⼀,是课上必讲的经典题⽬之⼀,也是与⽣活息息相关的话题。
难度:简单2.托福独⽴⼝语的范例 独⽴问题通常不需要考⽣具备某⼀学科或每⼀领域的专业知识,这就从根本上降低了问题的难度,考⽣准备起来也⽅便了许多。

今天我们主要通过分析两位考⽣的实例作⽂,来教你如何征服Integrated speaking之Task4。
⼀、题型分析它的题⽬流程和Task3是⼀样的,也是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,都属于integrated speaking题型。
不过是关于an academic topic,总的来说,Task4⽐Task3的难度更加提升了⼀些,这就要考察你ability of combining the main information of the reading with that of what you heard.⼆、注意事项⼴⼤托友们⼀定要注意在做Task4时,它并不要求你发表⾃⼰的观点,不要在你的陈述中加⼊“I think------”或者是“In my opinion”,这是多此⼀举!⽽且它也不要求你必须具备听⼒或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,你只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进⾏充分有效地回答!三、试题分析ReadingSocial InteractionPeople deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another's behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals' work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.听⼒部分略Sample answer1Here we talk about the way we interact each other. What we know and what we want and the others’ presence, behaviors will tend to our actions. This is an example of typing shoes and learning to type which demonstrates the principle of audience effects. Indeed we know we should affect common behaviors. If we type shoes faster, we could make more mistakes.解析:Sample1把重点都放在了⼀些⽐较理论的叙述上,⽽缺乏了对tying shoes这个事例的介绍和分析。
托福培训丨解析托福口语Task 4误区

托福培训丨解析托福口语Task 4误区朗阁托福培训中心吴微微托福口语中的T ask 4, 是综合口语题的第二道题目,考生首先要进行45-50秒钟的阅读,了解一篇学术相关(主要为生物,经济,心理等学科)的文章,进而进行长达1分钟的听力,主要为课程讲解,最后结合阅读和听力内容,进行1分钟的概括。
误区一:文章中心Task 4是一个多任务的题型,寻找阅读中心内容是每个考生需要克服的第一个难点。
确实,在很多情况下,中心句能够很好地表现文章的主要内容,如在TPO 23中:Reference GroupsOther people often influence our thinking and behavior. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model--a frame of reference--that can shape how we think and behave. Over the courseof a lifetime, many different reference groups may influence us. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.通过快速阅读文章,很多同学可以很快地找出中心句Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. 句子中包含了现象和结果,对于Groups of people whom we admire产生的结果是we tend to imitate their behavior and attitudes, 我们可以很好地理解中心句的内容,因此这个摘录的句子作为阅读文章的主要内容无可厚非。
【托福口语task 4高分】 名师教你如何正确应答

【托福口语task 4高分】名师教你如何正确应答在托福口语的考试中,口语总共有6个tasks,其中task4的得分点包括了:使用听力讲座中的例子;解释文章中的概念是什么;概念是如何发挥作用的。
这次小编要分析一下,高分者如何应答口语的task 4,希望考生们可以借鉴。
阅读文章中(reading passage)主要记下抽象的词,和具体的定义;原理,和具体原理的内容等。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
4, You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
reading passage explains a definition of_______. It means/states that______.
the lecture, the professor gives an/two examples to further illustrate it.
in very rare cases, people would express their reluctance to play current social roles directly. Normally, they would still keep playing the roles bestowed by their surrounding environments on one hand, but on the other hand, they would release some emotional clues that imply their unwillingness to accept the roles.
1. 2. 3.
Combine information in TWO sources NO personal ideas Make listener who hasn’t read and heard the passages understand what is going on.
Sample pattern 2
The reading passage explains a definition of________, which means that_________. In the lecture, the professor gives two examples to reinforce the theory. The first one is that ____________. The other one is that ___________. And these are the two examples the professor presents to explain (定义), which is described in the reading passage.
Role distancing
play many different roles all through their lives, such as sons, husbands and fathers. However, under certain circumstances, people may want to adapt to new social roles rather than keep the roles they are currently playing. In the field of social-psychology, this interesting conflict between roles people wish for and roles people possess is called “role distancing”.
Task 4
integrated task Academic Course Topic
(75-100 words and will disappear after;
45" to read) ↓
Listening (conversation on same topic with a picture; 60-90" to listen) ↓ Speaking (combine info. in two sources; 30" to prepare & 60" to speak)
Reading Features:
content: definition + explanation 3) reading+ note-taking 45”
Listening Features
note-taking 60”-90” Main content: an excerpt from a lecture provides examples and specific information to illustrate the term, process, or idea from the reading passage
Role distancing
(what to read?)
play many different roles all through their lives, such as sons, husbands and fathers. However, under certain circumstances, people may want to adapt to new social roles rather than keep the roles they are currently playing. In the field of social-psychology, this interesting conflict between roles people wish for and roles people possess is called “role distancing”.
in very rare cases, people would express their reluctance to play current social roles directly. Normally, they would still keep playing the roles bestowed by their surrounding environments on one hand, but on the other hand, they would release some emotional clues that imply their unwillingness to accept the roles.
What did you feel then? You knew that you should obey your mom’s words and do the dishes. But you felt you were an adult already and thus it was so “uncool” if you did what your mom asked you, especially in front of your friends. So what would you do?
Links between reading and listening
The reading passage describes this exact same situation. This represents the idea of ______ as described in the reading passage. This once again shows ____, which is described in the reading passage. Those are good examples for us to better understand ____ described in the reading passage.
What to listen?
That is the definition of the phenomenon which we call, er… “Role Distancing”. To help you understand this phenomenon better, here is an example. Suppose you were a 13-year-old boy and you were playing with your friends in the living room. Now your mom came in and asked you to finish your kitchen duty, that is, to wash dishes piled up in the sink.
Sample notes
13 male wash dishes walked into the kitchen slowly unwilling to accept his social role as a kid anymore
Sample pattern 1
The reading passage explains/gives a definition of ____________________. It states that ____________________. In the listening passage, the professor takes _______ for example to further illustrate this. _________. By these means, he proves that ____________________, which is related in the reading passage.