intestinal microbiome in health and disease




具核梭杆菌与肿瘤相关性的研究进展连一帆;任建林;许鸿志【摘要】肠道菌群紊乱与肿瘤的发生、发展密切相关.研究表明口腔共生菌株具核梭杆菌在多种肿瘤中显著富集并可促进疾病进展,预示患者不良预后.分子机制研究发现具核梭杆菌可通过激活宿主细胞癌症相关信号通路、引发慢性炎症以及抑制机体免疫监视而增强肿瘤细胞增殖、侵袭转移和抗凋亡能力.本文就具核梭杆菌与肿瘤关系的研究进展作一综述.【期刊名称】《胃肠病学》【年(卷),期】2019(024)002【总页数】4页(P119-122)【关键词】肠道微生态;具核梭杆菌;肿瘤【作者】连一帆;任建林;许鸿志【作者单位】厦门大学附属中山医院消化内科 361004;厦门大学医学院微生态研究院;厦门大学附属中山医院消化内科 361004;厦门大学医学院微生态研究院;厦门大学附属中山医院消化内科 361004;厦门大学医学院微生态研究院【正文语种】中文已有研究表明肠道菌群数量与人体细胞总数相当,高达1013个[1]。



其中,广泛存在于人体胃肠道内的革兰阴性专性厌氧菌具核梭杆菌(Fusobacterium nucleatum)是在肿瘤发生、发展中生物学作用较为明确的致病菌[3-4]。








医生申报肠道菌群课题申报书范文英文版Doctor's Application for Research on Intestinal Microbiota Title of the Project: The Role of Intestinal Microbiota in Human Health and DiseasesIntroduction:In recent years, the field of microbiology has witnessed remarkable advancements, particularly in the study of intestinal microbiota. The human intestine harbors a diverse and complex microbial community that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Dysbiosis, or imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, has been linked to various diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, diabetes, and even mental health issues. Given the significance of this topic, we propose to conduct a comprehensive study on the role of intestinal microbiota in human health and diseases.Objectives of the Project:To characterize the composition and diversity of intestinal microbiota in healthy individuals.To investigate the association between intestinal microbiota and the development of chronic diseases.To identify potential probiotic strains that can modulate the intestinal microbiota and promote health.To develop therapeutic strategies targeting the intestinal microbiota for the treatment of diseases.Methodology:Collection of fecal samples from healthy volunteers.DNA extraction and sequencing to analyze the microbial composition.Bioinformatics analysis to identify microbial species and their abundance.Statistical analysis to correlate microbial profiles with health status.Isolation and characterization of probiotic strains.Preclinical studies to evaluate the efficacy of probiotic treatment.Expected Outcomes:Detailed understanding of the composition and diversity of intestinal microbiota in healthy individuals.Identification of microbial signatures associated with chronic diseases.Discovery of novel probiotic strains with potential therapeutic value.Preclinical evidence supporting the use of probiotics in the treatment of diseases.Conclusion:The proposed study aims to provide insights into the role of intestinal microbiota in human health and diseases. The expected outcomes will contribute to the development of novel therapeutic strategies targeting the intestinal microbiota. We believe that this study will pave the way for future research in the field of microbiota and human health.中文版医生申报肠道菌群课题申报书**课题名称:**肠道菌群在人体健康与疾病中的作用引言:近年来,微生物学领域取得了显著的进步,特别是在肠道菌群研究方面。



白头翁汤正丁醇提取物对白念珠菌作用下Caco-2细胞中细胞因子、防御素及Toll样受体表达的影响田歌;段强军;冯鑫;吴大强;邵菁;汪天明;汪长中【摘要】目的从细胞因子、人β-防御素(human beta defensin,HBD)及Toll样受体(toll-like receptors,TLRs)途径探究白头翁汤正丁醇提取物(butyl alcohol extract of Baitouweng Decoction,BAEB)抗白念珠菌的机制。

方法以Caco-2细胞为实验模型,先以BAEB作用Caco-2细胞24h,再加入热灭活的白念珠菌SC5314孢子(Candida albicans,C.A)共培养24h,以MTT法测定Caco-2细胞存活率;采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测Caco-2细胞上清液白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)、IL-8、IL-1β、HBD-2、HBD-3水平;采用普通PCR法检测Caco-2细胞TLR1、TLR2、TLR4、TLR5mRNA的表达水平。



【期刊名称】《安徽中医药大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(036)002【总页数】6页(P46-51)【关键词】白头翁汤正丁醇提取物白念珠菌 Caco-2细胞细胞因子防御素 Toll 样受体【作者】田歌;段强军;冯鑫;吴大强;邵菁;汪天明;汪长中【作者单位】[1]安徽中医药大学中西医结合临床学院,安徽合肥230038;[2]安徽省中医药科学院中西医结合研究所,安徽合肥230038【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5研究显示,多种肠道甚至肠外相关疾病与肠道菌群(主要指细菌菌群)失衡密切相关[1]。



肠道菌群与婴幼儿健康研究进展发布时间:2021-05-13T16:36:17.407Z 来源:《健康世界》2021年6期作者:黄晓利1,2,梁菲菲3,陈晓刚2通讯作者[导读] 肠道菌群是人体的“第二基因组”,有着重要的生理功能黄晓利1,2,梁菲菲3,陈晓刚2通讯作者(1.柳州市妇幼保健院;广西科技大学附属妇产医院、儿童医院, 广西柳州 5450032.广州中医药大学,广东广州 5104053.上海锐翌生物科技有限公司,上海201100,)摘要:肠道菌群是人体的“第二基因组”,有着重要的生理功能。



关键词:肠道菌群;建立途径;婴幼儿疾病 Research progress on health of infant and young children based on Intestinal flora Liu hua1,Chen Peiwen1,Liang Feifei2,Chen Xiaogang1 (1.Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405 2.Shanghai ruiyi biotechnology co., LTD) Abstract:Intestinal flora is the "second genome" of human body and have important physiological functions.Infant and young children are critical period that colonization of intestinal flora,dysbacteriosis affects infant and young children health and closely related to occurrence of various diseases. We reviewed the pathways and factors that affect the intestinal flora of infant and young children,and summarized diseases which due to dysbacteriosis including Diarrhea, metabolic diseases (obesity, malnutrition, diabetes), autism, epilepsy,allergic (eczema, food allergies, bronchial asthma), etc. Keywords:Intestinal flora;build pathways; infant and young children diseases进入本世纪以来,肠道菌群迅速成为科学界的研究热点。

















4.代谢调节:肠道菌群的失调与代谢性疾病如肥胖、糖尿病和代肠轴:人体消化系统的神秘通道Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.谢综合征等密切相关。











关键词:酒精性肝损伤;机制;治疗中图分类号:R247.1 文献标识码:A酒,在人类文明上涂了浓墨重彩的一笔,是人类文明中不可或缺的部分。














1酒精性肝损伤的发病机制酒精性肝损伤(alcoholic liver disease,ALD)的发病机制极其复杂,且酒精性肝损伤呈发展趋势。







科技视界Science&Technology Vision认识生命知晓健康DOI:10.19694/ki.issn2095-2457.2022.28.17慢性便秘、肠癌与肠道微生物菌群变化李艳梅王宏敏李春燕刘红福管斌斌(西南林业大学生命科学学院,云南昆明650224)【摘要】肠道中存在数以亿计的微生物,它们的相互联系、相互作用使肠道菌群处于动态平衡状态,一旦这种平衡发生改变,均有可能导致宿主发生疾病。








以往研究结果表明慢性便秘(Chronic Constipation,CC)能明显增加肠肿瘤的发病几率[7,8]。





The tantalizing links between gut microbes and the brain诱人的肠道微生物与大脑之间的联系Neuroscientists are probing the idea that intestinal microbiota might influence brain development and behaviour.神经科学家正在调查认为肠道菌群可能会影响大脑发育和行为。

Peter Andrey Smith彼得·安德烈史密斯14 October 2015 Corrected: 16 October 2015Illustration by Serge BlochNearly a year has passed since Rebecca Knickmeyer first met the participants in her latest study on brain development. Knickmeyer, a neuroscientist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, expects to see how 30 newborns have grown into crawling, inquisitive one-year-olds, using a battery of behavioural and temperament tests. In one test, a child's mother might disappear from the testing suite and then reappear with a stranger. Another ratchets up the weirdness with some Halloween masks. Then, if all goes well, the kids should nap peacefully as a noisy magnetic resonance imaging machine scans their brains.“We try to be prepared for everything,” Knickmeyer says. “We know exactly what to do if kids make a break for the door.”Knickmeyer is excited to see something else from the children — their faecal microbiota, the array of bacteria, viruses and other microbes that inhabit their guts. Her project (affectionately known as 'the poop study') is part of a small but growing effort by neuroscientists to see whether the microbes that colonize the gut in infancy can alter brain development.The project comes at a crucial juncture. A growing body of data, mostly from animals raised in sterile, germ-free conditions, shows that microbes in the gut influence behaviour and can alter brain physiology and neurochemistry.In humans, the data are more limited. Researchers have drawn links between gastrointestinal pathology and psychiatric neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, autism, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative disorders — but they are just links.“In general, the problem of causality in microbiome studies is substantial,” says Rob Knight, a microbiologist at the University of California, San Diego. “It's very difficult to tell if microbial differences you see associated with diseases are causes or consequences.” There are many outstanding questions. Clues about the mechanisms by which gut bacteria might interact with the brain are starting to emerge, but no one knows how important these processes are in human development and health.That has not prevented some companies in the supplements industry from claiming that probiotics — bacteria that purportedly aid with digestive issues — can support emotional well-being.Pharmaceutical firms, hungry for new leads in treating neurological disorders, are beginning to invest in research related to gut microbes and the molecules that they produce.Scientists and funders are looking for clarity. Over the past two years, the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, has funded seven pilot studies with up to US$1 million each to examine what it calls the 'microbiome–gut–brain axis' (Knickmeyer's research is one of these studies). This year, the US Office of Naval Research in Arlington, Virginia, agreed topump around US$14.5 million over the next 6–7 years into work examining the gut's role in cognitive function and stress responses. And the European Union has put €9 million (US$10.1 million) towards a five-year project called MyNewGut, two main objectives of which target brain development and disorders.Nature special:Human microbiotaThe latest efforts aim to move beyond basic observations and correlations — but preliminary results hint at complex answers. Researchers are starting to uncover a vast, varied system in which gut microbes influence the brain through hormones, immune molecules and the specialized metabolites that they produce.“There's probably more speculation than hard data now,” Knickmeyer says. “So there's a lot of open questions about the gold standard for methods you should be applying. It's very exploratory.”Gut reactionsMicrobes and the brain have rarely been thought to interact except in instances when pathogens penetrate the blood–brain barrier — the cellular fortress protecting the brain against infection and inflammation. When they do, they can have strong effects: the virus that causes rabies elicits aggression, agitation and even a fear of water. But for decades, the vast majority of the body's natural array of microbes was largely uncharacterized, and the idea that it could influence neurobiology was hardly considered mainstream. That is slowly changing.Studies on community outbreaks were one key to illuminating the possible connections. In 2000, a flood in the Canadian town of Walkerton contaminated the town's drinking water with pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni. About 2,300 people suffered from severe gastrointestinal infection, and many of them developed chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as a direct result.During an eight-year study1 of Walkerton residents, led by gastroenterologist Stephen Collins at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, researchers noticed that psychological issues such as depression and anxiety seemed to be a risk factor for persistent IBS. Premysl Bercik, another McMaster gastroenterologist, says that this interplay triggered intriguing questions. Couldpsychiatric symptoms be driven by lingering inflammation, or perhaps by a microbiome thrown out of whack by infection?The McMaster group began to look for answers in mice. In a 2011 study2, the team transplanted gut microbiota between different strains of mice and showed that behavioural traits specific to one strain transmitted along with the microbiota. Bercik says, for example, that “relatively shy” mice would exhibit more exploratory behaviour when carrying the microbiota of more-adventurous mice. “I think it is surprising. The microbiota is really driving the behavioural phenotype of host. There's a marked difference,” Bercik says. Unpublished research suggests that taking faecal bacteria from humans with both IBS and anxiety and transplanting it into mice induces anxiety-like behaviour, whereas transplanting bacteria from healthy control humans does not.Such results can be met with scepticism. As the field has developed, Knight says, microbiologists have had to learn from behavioural scientists that how animals are handled and caged can affect things such as social hierarchy, stress and even the microbiome.And these experiments and others like them start with a fairly unnatural model: germ-free — or 'gnotobiotic' — mice. These animals are delivered by Caesarean section to prevent them from picking up microbes that reside in their mothers' birth canals. They are then raised inside sterile isolators, on autoclaved food and filtered air. The animals are thus detached from many of the communal microbes that their species has evolved with for aeons.In 2011, immunologist Sven Pettersson and neuroscientist Rochellys Diaz Heijtz, both at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, showed that in lab tests, germ-free mice demonstratedless-anxious behaviour than mice colonized with natural indigenous microbes3. (Less anxiety is not always a good thing, evolutionarily speaking, for a small mammal with many predators.) When the Karolinska team examined the animals' brains, they found that one region in germ-free mice, the striatum, had higher turnover of key neurochemicals that are associated with anxious behaviour, including the neurotransmitter serotonin. The study also showed that introducing adult germ-free mice to conventional, non-sterile environments failed to normalize their behaviour, but the offspring of such 'conventionalized' mice showed some return to normal behaviour, suggesting that there is a critical window during which microbes have their strongest effects.By this time, many researchers were intrigued by the mounting evidence, but results stemmed mostly from fields other than neuroscience. “The groups working on this are primarily gut folks, with a few psychology-focused people collaborating,” says Melanie Gareau, a physiologist at the University of California, Davis. “So the findings tended to describe peripheral and behavioural changes rather than changes to the central nervous system.”Innovations in the microbiomeBut Pettersson and Diaz Heijtz's research galvanized the field, suggesting that researchers could get past observational phenomenology and into the mechanisms affecting the brain. Nancy Desmond, a programme officer involved in grant review at the NIMH, says that the paper sparked interest at the funding agency soon after its publication and, in 2013, the NIMH formed a study section devoted to neuroscience research that aims to unravel functional mechanisms and develop drugs or non-invasive treatments for psychological disorders.Judith Eisen, a neuroscientist at the University of Oregon in Eugene, earned a grant to study germ-free zebrafish, whose transparent embryos allow researchers to easily visualize developing brains. “Of course, 'germ-free' is a completely unnatural situation,” Eisen says. “But it provides the opportunity to learn which microbial functions are important for development of any specific organ or cell type.”Chemical explorationMeanwhile, researchers were starting to uncover ways that bacteria in the gut might be able to get signals through to the brain. Pettersson and others revealed that in adult mice, microbial metabolites influence the basic physiology of the blood–brain barrier4. Gut microbes break down complex carbohydrates into short-chain fatty acids with an array of effects: the fatty acid butyrate, for example, fortifies the blood–brain barrier by tightening connections between cells (see 'The gut–brain axis').Recent studies also demonstrate that gut microbes directly alter neurotransmitter levels, which may enable them to communicate with neurons. For example, Elaine Hsiao, a biologist now at the University of California, Los Angeles, published research5 this year examining how certain metabolites from gut microbes promote serotonin production in the cells lining the colon — an intriguing finding given that some antidepressant drugs work by promoting serotonin at the junctions between neurons. These cells account for 60% of peripheral serotonin in mice and more than 90% in humans.Read next: Microbiomes raise privacy concernsLike the Karolinska group, Hsiao found that germ-free mice have significantly less serotonin floating around in their blood, and she also showed that levels could be restored by introducing to their guts spore-forming bacteria (dominated by Clostridium, which break down short-chain fatty acids). Conversely, mice with natural microbiota, when given antibiotics, had reduced serotonin production. “At least with those manipulations, it's quite clear there's a cause–effect relationship,” Hsiao says.But it remains unclear whether these altered serotonin levels in the gut trigger a cascade of molecular events, which in turn affect brain activity — and whether similar events take place in humans, too. “It will be important to replicate previous findings, and translate these findings into human conditions to really make it to the textbooks,” Hsiao says.For John Cryan, a neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland, there is little question that they will. His lab has demonstrated6 that germ-free mice grow more neurons in a specific brain region as adults than do conventional mice. He has been promoting the gut–brain axis to neuroscientists, psychiatric-drug researchers and the public. “If you look at the hard neuroscience that has emerged in the last year alone, all the fundamental processes that neuroscientists spend their lives working on are now all shown to be regulated by microbes,” he says, pointing to research on the regulation of the blood–brain barrier, neurogenesis in mice and the activation of microglia, the immune-like cells that reside in the brain and spinal cord.At the 2015 Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago, Illinois, this month, Cryan and his colleagues plan to present research showing that myelination — the formation of fatty sheathing that insulates nerve fibres — can also be influenced by gut microbes, at least in a specific part of the brain. Unrelated work7 has shown that germ-free mice are protected from an experimentally induced condition similar to multiple sclerosis, which is characterized by demyelination of nerve fibres. At least one company, Symbiotix Biotherapies in Boston, Massachusetts, is alreadyinvestigating whether a metabolite produced by certain types of gut bacterium might one day be used to stem the damage in humans with multiple sclerosis.A move to therapyTracy Bale, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, suspects that simple human interventions may already be warranted. Bale heard about Cryan's work on the radio programme Radiolab three years ago. At the time, she was researching the placenta, but wondered how microbes might fit into a model of how maternal stress affects offspring.In research published this year8, Bale subjected pregnant mice to stressful stimuli. She found that it noticeably reduced the levels of Lactobacilli present in the mice's vaginas, which are the main source of the microbes that colonize the guts of offspring. These microbial shifts carried over to pups born vaginally, and Bale detected signs that microbiota might affect neurodevelopment, especially in males.Read next:Gut–brain link grabs neuroscientistsIn work that her group plans to present at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, Bale has shown that by feeding vaginal microbiota from stressed mice to Caesarean-born infant mice, they can recapitulate the neurodevelopmental effects of having a stressed mother. Bale and her colleagues are now wrapping up research investigating whether they can treat mice from stressed mums with the vaginal microbiota of non-stressed mice.The work, Bale says, has “immediate translational effects”. She points to a project headed by Maria Dominguez-Bello, a microbiologist at the New York University School of Medicine, in which babies born by means of Caesarean section are swabbed on the mouth and skin with gauze taken from their mothers' vaginas. Her team wants to see whether these offspring end up with microbiota similar to babies born vaginally. “It's not standard of care,” Bale says, “but I will bet you, one day, it will be.”Many are still sceptical about the link between microbes and behaviour and whether it will prove important in human health — but scientists seem more inclined to entertain the idea now than they have in past. In 2007, for example, Francis Collins, now director of the US National Institutes of Health, suggested that the Human Microbiome Project, a large-scale study of the microbes that colonize humans, might help to unravel mental-health disorders. “It did surprise a few people who assumed we were talking about things that are more intestinal than cerebral,” Collins says. “It was a little bit of leap, but it's been tentatively backed up.”Funding agencies are supporting the emerging field, which spans immunology, microbiology and neuroscience, among other disciplines. The NIMH has offered seed funding for work on model systems and in humans to probe whether the area is worth more-substantial investment, a move that has already brought more researchers into the fold. The MyNewGut project in Europe has an even more optimistic view of the value of such research, specifically seeking concrete dietary recommendations that might alleviate brain-related disorders.Today, Knickmeyer's project on infants represents what she calls “a messy take-all-comers kind of sample”. Among the brain regions that Knickmeyer is scanning, the amygdala and prefrontal cortex hold her highest interest; both have been affected by microbiota manipulations in rodent models. But putting these data together with the dozens of other infant measures that she is taking will be a challenge. “The big question is how you deal with all the confounding factors.” The children's diets, home lives and other environmental exposures can all affect their microbiota and their neurological development, and must be teased apart.Knickmeyer speculates that tinkering with microbes in the human gut to treat mental-health disorders could fail for other reasons. Take, for instance, how microbes might interact with the human genome. Even if scientists were to find the therapeutic version of a “gold Cadillac of microbiota”, she points out, “maybe your body rejects that and goes back to baseline because your own genes promote certain types of bacteria.” There is much more to unravel, she says. “I'm always surprised. It's very open. It's a little like a Wild West out there.”Nature 526,312–314 (15 October 2015) doi:10.1038/526312aTweet Follow @NatureNewsCorrectionsCorrected:An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the US Office ofNaval Research agreed to commit US$52 million into gut–brain research. Infact, the figure is closer to $14.5 million over the next 6–7 years. Thetext has now been corrected.References:1.Marshall, J. K. et al. Gut 59, 605–611 (2010).Show context Article PubMed2.Bercik, P. et al. Gastroenterology 141, 599–609 (2011).Show context Article PubMed ChemPort3.Diaz Heijtz, R. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108, 3047–3052 (2011).Show context Article PubMed4.Braniste, V. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 263ra158 (2014).Show context Article PubMed ChemPort5.Yano, J. M. et al. Cell 161, 264–276 (2015).Show context Article PubMed ChemPort6.Ogbonnaya, E. S. et al. Biol. Psychiatry 78, e7–e9 (2015).Show context Article PubMed7.Lee, Y.-K., Menezes, J. S., Umesaki, Y. & Mazmanian, S. K. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108, 4615–4622 (2010).Show context Article PubMed8.Jašarević, E., Howerton, C. L., Howard, C. D. & Bale, T. L. Endocrinology 156, 3265–3276 (2015). Show context Article PubMed ChemPortNature:肠道微生物与大脑之间的诱人关系很多发现常常让我感到吃惊。



The genomics of probiotic intestinal microorganismsSeppo Salminen1 , Jussi Nurmi2 and Miguel Gueimonde1(1) Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland(2) Department of Biotechnology, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, FinlandSeppo SalminenEmail: *********************Published online: 29 June 2005AbstractAn intestinal population of beneficial commensal microorganisms helps maintain human health, and some of these bacteria have been found to significantly reduce the risk of gut-associated disease and to alleviate disease symptoms. The genomic characterization of probiotic bacteria and other commensal intestinal bacteria that is now under way will help to deepen our understanding of their beneficial effects.While the sequencing of the human genome [1, 2] has increased ourunderstanding of the role of genetic factors in health and disease, each human being harbors many more genes than those in their own genome. These belong to our commensal and symbiotic intestinal microorganisms - our intestinal 'microbiome' - which play an important role in maintaining human health and well-being. A more appropriate image of ourselves would be drawn if the genomes of our intestinal microbiota were taken into account. The microbiome may contain more than 100 times the number of genes in the human genome [3] and provides many functions that humans have thus not needed to develop themselves. The indigenous intestinal microbiota provides a barrier against pathogenic bacteria and other harmful food components [4–6]. It has also been shown to have a direct impact on the morphology of the gut [7], and many intestinal diseases can be linked to disturbances in the intestinal microbial population [8].The indigenous microbiota of an infant's gastrointestinal tract is originally created through contact with the diverse microbiota of the parents and the immediate environment. During breast feeding, initial microbial colonization is enhanced by galacto-oligosaccharides in breast milk and contact with the skin microbiota of the mother. This early colonization process directs the microbial succession until weaning and forms the basis for a healthy microbiota. The viable microbes in the adultintestine outnumber the cells in the human body tenfold, and the composition of this microbial population throughout life is unique to each human being. During adulthood and aging the composition and diversity of the microbiota can vary as a result of disease and the genetic background of the individual.Current research into the intestinal microbiome is focused on obtaining genomic data from important intestinal commensals and from probiotics, microorganisms that appear to actively promote health. This genomic information indicates that gut commensals not only derive food and other growth factors from the intestinal contents but also influence their human hosts by providing maturational signals for the developing infant and child, as well as providing signals that can lead to an alteration in the barrier mechanisms of the gut. It has been reported that colonization by particular bacteria has a major role in rapidly providing humans with energy from their food [9]. For example, the intestinal commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron has been shown to have a major role in this process, and whole-genome transcriptional profiling of the bacterium has shown that specific diets can be associated with selective upregulation of bacterial genes that facilitate delivery of products of carbohydrate breakdown to the host's energy metabolism [10, 11]. Key microbial groups in the intestinal microbiota are highly flexible in adapting to changes in diet, and thus detailed prediction of their actions and effects may be difficult. Although genomic studies have revealed important details about the impact of the intestinal microbiota on specific processes [3, 11–14], the effects of species composition and microbial diversity and their potential compensatory functions are still not understood.Probiotics and healthA probiotic has been defined by a working group of the International Life Sciences Institute Europe (ILSI Europe) as "a viable microbial food supplement which beneficially influences the health of the host" [15]. Probiotics are usually members of the healthy gut microbiota and their addition can assist in returning a disturbed microbiota to its normal beneficial composition. The ILSI definition implies that safety and efficacy must be scientifically demonstrated for each new probiotic strain and product. Criteria for selecting probiotics that are specific for a desired target have been developed, but general criteria that must be satisfied include the ability to adhere to intestinal mucosa and tolerance of acid and bile. Such criteria have proved useful but cumbersome in current selection processes, as there are several adherence mechanisms and they influence gene upregulation differently in the host. Therefore, two different adhesion studies need to be conducted on each strain and theirpredictive value for specific functions is not always good or optimal. Demonstration of the effects of probiotics on health includes research on mechanisms and clinical intervention studies with human subjects belonging to target groups.The revelation of the human genome sequence has increased our understanding of the genetic deviations that lead to or predispose to gastrointestinal disease as well as to diseases associated with the gut, such as food allergies. In 1995, the first genome of a free-living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, was sequenced [16]. Since then, over 200 bacterial genome sequences, mainly of pathogenic microorganisms, have been completed. The first genome of a mammalian lactic-acid bacterium, that of Lactococcus lactis, a microorganism of great industrial interest, was completed in 2001 [17]. More recently, the genomes of numerous other lactic-acid bacteria [18], bifidobacteria [12] and other intestinal microorganisms [13, 19, 20] have been sequenced, and others are under way [21]. Table 1lists the probiotic bacteria that have been sequenced. These great breakthroughs have demonstrated that evolution has adapted both microbes and humans to their current state of cohabitation, or even symbiosis, which is beneficial to both parties and facilitates a healthy and relatively stable but adaptable gut environment.Table 1Lessons from genomesLactic-acid bacteria and bifidobacteria can act as biomarkers of gut health by giving early warning of aberrations that represent a risk of specific gut diseases. Only a few members of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, two genera that provide many probiotics, have been completely sequenced. The key issue for the microbiota, for probiotics, and for their human hosts is the flexibility of the microorganisms in coping with a changeable local environment and microenvironments.This flexibility is emphasized in the completed genomes of intestinal and probiotic microorganisms. The complete genome sequence of the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM has recently been published by Altermann et al. [22]. The genome is relatively small and the bacterium appears to be unable to synthesize several amino acids, vitamins and cofactors. Italso encodes a number of permeases, glycolases and peptidases for rapid uptake and utilization of sugars and amino acids from the human intestine, especially the upper gastrointestinal tract. The authors also report a number of cell-surface proteins, such as mucus- and fibronectin-binding proteins, that enable this strain to adhere to the intestinal epithelium and to exchange signals with the intestinal immune system. Flexibility is guaranteed by a number of regulatory systems, including several transcriptional regulators, six PurR-type repressors and ninetwo-component systems, and by a variety of sugar transporters. The genome of another probiotic, Lactobacillus johnsonii [23], also lacks some genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids, purine nucleotides and numerous cofactors, but contains numerous peptidases, amino-acid permeases and other transporters, indicating a strong dependence on the host.The presence of bile-salt hydrolases and transporters in these bacteria indicates an adaptation to the upper gastrointestinal tract [23], enabling the bacteria to survive the acidic and bile-rich environments of the stomach and small intestine. In this regard, bile-salt hydrolases have been found in most of the sequenced genomes of bifidobacteria and lactic-acid bacteria [24], and these enzymes can have a significant impact on bacterial survival. Another lactic-acid bacterium, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, also contains a large number of genes related to carbohydrate transport and utilization, and has genes for the production of exopolysaccharides and antimicrobial agents [18], indicating a good adaptation to a variety of environments, including the human small intestine [14]. In general, flexibility and adaptability are reflected by a large number of regulatory and transport functions.Microorganisms that inhabit the human colon, such as B. thetaiotaomicron and Bifidobacterium longum [12], have a great number of genes devoted to oligosaccharide transport and metabolism, indicating adaptation to life in the large intestine and differentiating them from, for example, L. johnsonii [23]. Genomic research has also provided initial information on the relationship between components of the diet and intestinal microorganisms. The genome of B. longum [12] suggests the ability to scan for nutrient availability in the lower gastrointestinal tract in human infants. This strain is adapted to utilizing the oligosaccharides in human milk along with intestinal mucins that are available in the colon of breast-fed infants. On the other hand, the genome of L. acidophilus has a gene cluster related to the metabolism of fructo-oligosaccharides, carbohydrates that are commonly used as prebiotics, or substrates to肠道微生物益生菌的基因组学塞波萨米宁,尤西鲁米和米格尔哥尔摩得(1)功能性食品论坛,图尔库大学,FIN-20014芬兰图尔库(2)土尔库大学生物技术系,FIN-20014芬兰图尔库塞波萨米宁电子邮件:seppo.salminen utu.fi线上发表于2005年6月29日摘要肠道有益的共生微生物有助于维护人体健康,一些这些细菌被发现显着降低肠道疾病的风险和减轻疾病的症状。



Microbes(微生物) Microbiota(微生物群) Microorganism(微生物)
Appetite(食欲) Metabolite(代谢物) Gastrointestina(l 胃肠道的)
Microbes and GI microorganism
• What are the microbes ? • Where are the microbes from ? • What can the microbes do ? • Which factors can influence microbes ?
Phylogenetic tree 系统发育树
What can the microbes do ?
Environmetors can influence the microbes ?
Cited Zoetendal, 2018
• Acid pH (2-3), defense against invading microbes • Fast transit of contents (30 min) • Some microbes survive by fast passage through stomach
What are the microbes ?
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Louis Pasteur
What are the microbes ?
A microbe, is a microscopic organism, which may exist in its single-celled

Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health

Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health

Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiotato Human Health:From Birthto100Years of AgeJing Cheng,Airi M.Palva,Willem Vos and Reetta Satokari Abstract Our intestinal tract is colonized since birth by multiple microbial species that show a characteristic succession in time.Notably the establishment of the microbiota in early life is important as it appears to impact later health.While apparently stable in healthy adults,the intestinal microbiota is changing signifi-cantly during aging.After100years of symbiosis marked changes have been observed that may relate to an increased level of intestinal inflammation.There is considerable interest in the microbiota in health and disease as it may provide functional biomarkers,the possibility to differentiate subjects,and avenues for interventions.This chapter reviews the present state of the art on the research to investigate the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to human health.SpecificJ.ChengÁA.M.PalvaÁ VosÁR.Satokari(&)Department of Veterinary Biosciences,University of Helsinki,P.O.Box66FIN-00014,Helsinki, VosLaboratory,Department of Bacteriology and Immunology,Haartman Institute,University of Helsinki,Helsinki, VosLaboratory of Microbiology,Wageningen University,6703HB,Wageningen,NetherlandsCurrent Topics in Microbiology and Immunology(2013)358:323–346323 DOI:10.1007/82_2011_189ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2011Published Online:19November2011324J.Cheng et al. attention will be given to the healthy microbiota and aberrations due to distur-bances such as celiac disease,irritable bowel syndrome,inflammatory bowel disease,obesity and diabetes,and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Contents1Microbiota Succession From Birth to Hundred Years of Age (325)1.1Establishment of Microbiota in Early Life (325)1.2The Normal Microbiota in Adults (326)1.3Microbiota in the Old Age (328)2Microbial Disbalance and Health (329)2.1Celiac Disease (331)2.2Irritable Bowel Syndrome (332)2.3Inflammatory Bowel Disease (334)2.4Obesity (335)2.5Type2Diabetes (337)2.6Type1Diabetes (338)2.7Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (338)3Concluding Remarks (339)References (340)AbbreviationsBF Breast feedingFF Formula feedingCeD Celiac diseaseTLRs Toll-like receptorsNOD Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containingIBS Irritable bowel syndromeHCs Healthy controlsIBD Inflammatory bowel dieaseUC Ulcerative colitisCD Crohn’s diseaseTNBS2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acidSCFA Short chain fatty acidBMI Body mass indexFIAF Fasting-induced adipose factorLPS LipopolysaccharideT1D Type1diabetesT2D Type2diabetesDGGE Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresisNAFLD Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseNASH Non-alcoholic steatohepatitisSIBO Small intestinal bacterial overgrowthLGG Lactobacillus rhamnosus GGContribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health325 1Microbiota Succession From Birth to Hundred Years of Age 1.1Establishment of Microbiota in Early LifeThe prevailing assumption is that the human fetus is microbiologically sterile and the bacterial colonization starts during and after birth when the newborn comes into contact with the microbes in the birth canal and the surrounding environment. The detection of bacteria in the amnioticfluid bacterial is generally linked to the pathogenesis of preterm birth(DiGiulio et al.2008,2010;Zhou et al.2010). However,the recent discoveries of bacterial DNA signatures from placenta and live bacteria in the umbilical cord blood and meconium of healthy neonates born by cesarean section suggest that exposure to low levels of microbes in utero may also occur during normal course of pregnancy and without pathologic conse-quences(Jiménez et al.2005,2008;Satokari et al.2009).While in utero exposure to microbes may prime the infant’s immune system already during fetal life,the major microbial colonization of the infant gut starts after delivery.The bacterial colonization of the infant gut after birth is a gradual process. Typically thefirst colonizers are facultative anaerobic bacteria followed by strictly anaerobic genera such as Bifidobacterium,Bacteroides,Clostridium and Eubacterium(Favier et al.2002;Palmer et al.2007).A number of factors including the mode of delivery,gestational age,infant hospitalization,antibiotic therapy,mother’s microbiota and mode of feeding during early life have an impact on the development of infant microbiota(Penders et al.2006;Palmer et al.2007; Collado et al.2010;Dominguez-Bello et al.2010).Also a significant impact of geographic location(country)on the microbiota of infants was revealed in a recent cross-European study(Fallani et al.2010).It seems that vaginally born full term infants who are consequently exclusively breast-fed during thefirst months of life have the most favorable microbiota.Cesarean delivered infants may have gener-ally delayed colonization and lower counts of Bacteroides and bifidobacteria and be more frequently colonized and have higher counts of Clostridium com-pared to vaginally delivered infants(Grönlund et al.1999;Adlerberth et al.2007; Palmer et al.2007;Kuitunen et al.2009).The differences in microbiota between these two groups of infants may persist up to one year of age(Grönlund et al. 1999;Adlerberth et al.2006;Penders et al.2006).The mode of feeding,either breast-feeding(BF)or formula-feeding(FF)has a profound effect on the infant microbiota.Human breast milk contains3–16g/l of complex oligosaccharides,whereas cow’s milk contains only0.03–0.06g/l(Kunz and Rudloff1993).These oligosaccharides stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria and recent genomic analysis of a number of B.longum strains has revealed their specialization in the utilization of this source on nutrients and high level of adaptation to the infant gut(Schell et al.2002;Sela et al.2008;Zivkovic et al. 2011).The traditional view that the microbiota of breast-fed infants is predomi-nated by bifidobactera still seems valid.Although some studies have not found significant differences in the bifidobacterial counts between BF and FF infants,the326J.Cheng et al. latter seem to be more frequently colonized also with other bacterial groups and harbor them in higher numbers(Adlerberth and Wold2009;Fallani et al.2010). Thus,the FF infants generally have a more mixed-type microbiota.The product development of infant formulas has improved their composition and subsequently narrowed the microbiota differences between BF and FF infants(Rinne et al.2005; Penders et al.2006;van der Aa et al.2010).However,a recent study showed that BF infants have a more complex Bifidobacterium microbiota in terms of species and strain diversity as compared to FF infants(Roger et al.2010).While breast milk stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria it also serves as a source of living bacteria,including bifidobacteria,to the infant gut(Martín et al.2003,2009; Grönlund et al.2007;Perez et al.2007).The common infant species of bifido-bacteria include B.breve,B.bifidum,B.longum and B.longum subsp.infantis (Satokari et al.2002).Further,BF is recognized to reduce the risk of not only GI tract infections(diarrhea,necrotizing enterocolitis)but also other infections such as otitis media and respiratory and urinary tract infections in infants(Hanson et al. 2002).The action of human breast milk is mediated via several mechanisms, which include providing support to the infant0s immune system,stimulation of potentially protective gut microbes(bifidobacteria)and binding of milk oligo-saccharides to pathogens and thus preventing infections i.e.acting as receptor analogs(Hanson et al.2002).During thefirst months and year of life individual-specific temporal patterns of bacterial colonization can be seen(Palmer et al.2007).After weaning and intro-duction of solid foods the infantile microbial population gradually starts to diversify and convert to an adult-type microbiota(Palmer et al.2007).It has been generally considered that by the age of1–2years of age the microbiota starts to resemble that of an adult(Mackie et al.1999),but the actual age of microbiota stabilization has not been addressed adequately in long-term studies.Shkoporov et al.investigated fecal bifidobacteria in eight children when they were1and 6years old and demonstrated a shift in the Bifidobacterium population from an infantile species profile to an adult-type species profile,but the actual turning point remained unspecified(Shkoporov et al.2008).Our high-throughput microbiota profiling studies of infant microbiota by using the bacterial phylogenetic micro-array HITChip(Rajilic´-Stojanovic´et al.2009)have shown that at the age of 1.5years the microbiota diversity is still much lower than in adults,although all major bacterial groups are already present(Nylund et preparation).1.2The Normal Microbiota in AdultsThe complex microbial community of an adult individual typically consists of hundreds of species,but in some individuals the species richness may account in thousands(Eckburg et al.2005;Tap et al.2009).The estimates of the full microbial richness in the human population vary from several thousands up to40,000spe-cies or phylotypes(Eckburg et al.2005;Frank et al.2007;Tap et al.2009).However,only approximately 1,000can be considered as abundantly present species (Qin et al.2010).In contrast to the enormous species diversity,the mic-robiota is dominated by very few phyla,the major ones being Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes,which typically constitute 60–80and 15–30%of the total bacteria,respectively (Eckburg et al.2005;Ley et al.2006;Frank et al.2007;Andersson et al.2008;Tap et al.2009).The phylum Actinobacteria have a share of 2–10%or even as high as 25%,while Proteobacteria and Verrumicrobia typically represent only 1–2%or less of the total microbiota (Andersson et al.2008;Krogius-Kurikka et al.2009;Tap et al.2009;Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).According to a cross-European cohort study of 91individuals the major bacterial groups or genera in the gut are Eubacterium rectale -Clostridium coccoides (28%),Clostridium leptum (25.2%),Bacteroides (8.5%),Bifidobacterium (4.4%),Atopobium (3.1%)and Lactobacillus -Enterococcus (1.3%)(Lay et al.2005).The measurement was based on fluorescent in situ hybridization with specific 16S rRNA probes and flow cytometric counting of cells and thus,the quantification can be considered highly reliable.In this study,only a limited impact of the geographic location (country)on the microbiota composition was observed (Lay et al.2005).The phyla to which these groups belong to are presented in Fig.1.There have been attempts to define a common core microbiota among people i.e.microbial phylotypes that we all share.In a recent metagenomic microbiota • Ruminococcus torques and R. gnavus• Clostridium cluster IV (includes the group C. leptum):• Faecalibacterium prausnitzii• Bacilli: Lactobacillus-EnterococcusBacteroidetes (15-30%)• Bacteroides• PrevotellaProteobacteria (1-2 %)• EnterobacteriaceaeFusobacteriaEukarya• FungiVerrucomicrobia (1-2 %)• Akkermanciamuciniphila Actinobacteria (2-25%)• Bifidobacterium (up to 60-90% in BF infants)•AtopobiumSpirochaetesArchaea• methanogensContribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health 327328J.Cheng et al. analysis of142individuals from Europe it was constituted that each individual carries at least160phylotypes(species),which are largely shared with other people and that57phylotypes can be found in more than90%of individuals(Qin et al.2010).The number of detected phylotypes is strongly dependent on the analysis depth and therefore the estimates on the phylogenic core still vary con-siderably(Tap et al.2009;Turnbaugh et al.2009;Qin et al.2010;Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).Thus,the more detailed composition of the normal mic-robiota still remains undefined,but nevertheless several important features of the so-called normal microbiota have been established.In healthy adults the bacterial profiles of the total gut microbiota are characterized by individual-specificity and relative temporal stability(Zoetendal et al.1998;Rajilic´-Stojanovic´et al.2009; Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).Further,different bacterial groups such as Actinobacteria,including bifidobacteria and Clostridium cluster XIVa,and the Eubacterium rectale-Clostridium coccoides group have also shown remarkable stability in healthy adults(Satokari et al.2001a,b;Maukonen et al.2006;Rajilic´-Stojanovic´et al.2009),but there may be large variation in the temporal behavior of different bacterial groups between individuals(Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).1.3Microbiota in the Old AgeWhen we age,our microbiota also‘‘ages’’i.e.age-related changes of microbiota occur.Naturally,the basis for the microbiota in old age is the individual-specific microbiota during adulthood and it has been demonstrated that among the elderly each individual has a unique microbial profile(Claesson et al.2010).Despite the interindividual variation in microbiota composition,some general trends of the age-related changes of microbiota can be seen,although the age-related changes may be partly country-and population-specific.Recent high-throughput microbiota analysis studies have shown an increase in the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes related to aging.However,while Biagi et al.(2010)reported the relative decrease in Firmicutes and no change in the Bacteroidetes,Claesson et al.(2010)noticed also a significant increase in Bacteroidetes.Earlier culture-based and lower-resolution molecular studies have shown discrepancy in the results concerning the genus Bacteroides(Woodmansey et al.2004;Zwielehner et al.2009).Within the Firmicutes phylum Clostridium cluster XIVa has been found to decrease in the elderly(Biagi et al.2010;Claesson et al.2010)and the proportion of Clostridium cluster IV of the total microbiota either to increase,decrease or remain unaltered (Zwielehner et al.2009;Biagi et al.2010;Claesson et al.2010).Interestingly, Biagi et al.(2010)found that Clostridium cluster IV was subject to compositional rearrangement in the centenarians,although no quantitative cluster-level changes were observed.Within this group of bacteria a significant reduction was observed in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii,a species with anti-inflammatory properties in the centenarians(Biagi et al.2010).On the other hand,the centenarians had a more than tenfold increase in Eubacterium limosum(Clostridium cluster XV),Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health329 also a species with anti-inflammatory activity,which may have contributed as a balancing factor in the aged intestine(Biagi et al.2010).A constantfinding in the elderly is that the proportion of facultative anaerobic bacteria increases(Woodmansey et al.2004;Tiihonen et al.2008;Biagi et al.2010; Claesson et al.2010).Particularly the increase in Proteobacteria,a group containing many opportunistic pathogens,may affect the health significantly.In a recent study, the increased proportion of Proteobacteria was positively correlated with the increased inflammatory status in centenarians(Biagi et al.2010).In another study, numbers of Enterobacteriaceae,a family which belongs to Proteobacteria,were found to be higher in elderly with high frailty scores as compared to less frail elderly(van Tongeren et al.2005).The age-related microbiota alterations may either contribute to the inflammatory status or be a consequence of the compro-mised immunity in the old age.Another group of bacteria that seems to be con-sistently altered in the aged people in most human populations studied is bifidobacteria.Decreased counts of bifidobacteria in the elderly have been reported frequently from both cultivation-based and molecular studies(Woodmansey et al. 2004;Mueller et al.2006;Zwielehner et al.2009;Biagi et al.2010).Reduced diversity and compromised stability of the total bacterial population have been observed in the elderly and extremely old people(Rajilic´-Stojanovic´et al.2009; Zwielehner et al.2009;Biagi et al.2010).Also the compositional profiles of bifidobacteria appeared to be less stable in elderly subjects as compared to healthy adults(Rajilic´-Stojanovic´et al.2009;Claesson et al.2010).The reduced stability and decrease in bifidobacteria together with the use of antibiotics are considered as main factors of the increased susceptibility of elderly to GI tract infections.Taken together,while age-related microbiota changes are generally seen when elderly people are compared to young adults from the same country or region, there are significant country-specific differences in the bacterial groups that have found to differ and also at what age the microbiota changes start to take place (Mueller et al.2006;Biagi et al.2010).For example,in the recent study by Biagi et al.(2010)no microbiota changes were observed in an Italian population when young adults and old people with mean age of73years and no recent use of antibiotics were compared,but significant changes were found between cente-narians and these two groups.In contrast,in the Claesson et al.(2010)study the Irish elderly subjects who had an average age of77years and no recent use of antibiotics showed significant differences in their microbiota composition as compared to young controls.This emphasizes the need of baseline studies on the effect of aging on microbiota in defined populations and community settings.2Microbial Disbalance and HealthThere is considerable interest in the intestinal microbiota in health and disease as it may provide functional biomarkers,the possibility to differentiate subjects and avenues for interventions.The used approaches build on high-throughput and othermolecular approaches to determine the microbiota and its function that are used to compare and contrast intestinal samples from healthy and compromised subjects (Zoetendal et al.2008).One of the strongest disturbing factors for intestinal microbiota is the use of antibiotics.In healthy adults the microbiota composition may be restored in a relatively short period of time after the antibiotic treatment has been stopped (Dethlefsen et al.2008).This points to a certain resilience of the microbial ecosystem as it returns to its original composition (De La Cochetière et al.2005).As a consequence,this does not lead to permanent changes,such as in dysbiosis or imbalance (see below).However,repeated antibiotics treatments may result in incomplete recovery of the microbiota and subsequently permanent changes in its composition (Dethlefsen and Relman 2010).In infants and elderly with a less stable microbiota,the effects can be even more long-term,although they have not been studied systematically.In the elderly,antibiotics seem to fortify the age-related microbiota changes (Bartosch et al.2004;Woodmansey et al.2004;Claesson et al.2010)and increase the risk of GI tract infections including Clostridium difficile infection.When comparing the microbiota in healthy and compromised subjects,the concept of microbial dysbiosis or imbalance is often applied.This relates to the absence of resilience in the microbial ecosystem and results in permanent dis-turbances in the microbiota that contrast with the stability observed in healthy subjects (Zoetendal et al.2008;Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).As the intestinal microbiota is highly subject-specific and complex,our databases are still limited and it is not yet possible to define the microbial imbalance in molecular terms.However,it is expected that the mining of large datasets will be instrumental in this approach,as has recently been shown for the analysis of the microbiota of over 1,000subjects that revealed the presence of networks of specific microbial taxa MicrobialimbalanceMucosal barrier MucosalinflammationGenetic predisposition& Triggering factors(Pathogens, Diet,Environmental changes)330J.Cheng et al.(Nikkiläand De Vos 2010).What has been observed so far is that the microbial imbalance is manifested in a decrease in protective bacteria and this results in a compromised mucosal barrier.This in turn may result in mucosal inflammation as potential pathogenic taxa are exposed that in a healthy intestine are prevented from interacting.This inflammation may in turn affect the microbial composition,leading to a vicious circle (see Fig.2).Support for this series of events,the actual order of which may vary,stems from the observation that in the intestinal microbiota of many compromised subjects there is an increased number of bacteria that are likely to induce inflammation whereas bacterial taxa that are associated with anti-inflammatory properties are reduced.However,the studies conducted so far have generated considerable insight into the role of the intestinal microbiota as will be summarized below for major aberrations such as celiac disease,irritable bowel syndrome,inflammatory bowel disease,obesity and diabetes,and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (Table 1).2.1Celiac DiseaseCeliac disease (CeD)is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the small intestine induced by intolerance to gluten.Active CeD is characterized by mucosal injury with villous atrophy affecting also the nutrient absorption and increased numbers of lymphocytes in the lamina propria (Green and Jabri 2006).CeD occurs in genetically predisposed of all ages with the initial symptoms appearing from infancy (after introduction of gluten-containing food)to old age.Typical symptoms of CeD include malabsorption or even malnutrion in severe cases as well as other gastrointestinal disorders.Moreover,extra-intestinal symptoms such as dermatitis herpetiformis (skin rash)may also occur.Individuals who carry the alleles HLA-DQ2or HLA-DQ8have a heightened risk of devel-oping the disease,but only part of them eventually get CeD indicating that yet unknown genetic factors and/or environmental factors are important in the path-ogenesis (Trynka et al.2010).Table 1Potential biomarkers of GI microbiota in health and diseaseDisease Association with disease Association with health Irritable bowel syndromeR .torque like species Bifidobacteria Inflammatory bowel diseaseR .gnavus ,R .torque F .prausnitzii ,A .muciniphila Celiac disease–Bifidobacteria Metabolic syndrome-related diseases a Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratioR =RuminococcusF =FaecelibacteriumA =Akkermansia-indicates that no clear association has been reported a Obesity,T1D,T2D and NAFLDContribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health331332J.Cheng et al.Commensal microbiota is considered to be an important factor affecting the homeostasis of the gut epithelium and therefore,it has been suggested that altera-tions in the intestinal microbiota could play a role in the onset of celiac disease. Herein we discuss the possible role of intestinal microbiota in the onset of celiac disease in the light of results from pediatric CeD patients.Several research groups have addressed this question by comparing the microbiota composition of pediatric CeD patients and healthy controls by using both fecal and biopsy samples.While increased bacterial diversity and changes in several bacterial groups in the micro-biota of Spanish pediatric CeD patients have been reported in several studies(Nadal et al.2007;Sanz et al.2007;Collado et al.2009;De Palma et al.2010),recent Scandinavian studies have failed to show major microbiota differences between children with and without CeD(Ou et al.2009;Kalliomäki et al.2011).However, duodenal biopsies from CeD patients born during the Swedish CeD epidemic were enriched with rod-shaped bacteria(Ou et al.2009)and in the Finnish subjects different duodenal expression of Toll-like receptors(TLRs)and their inhibitor was found(Kalliomäki et al.2011).Thus,these studies also indicated a possible asso-ciation of microbiota with the disease.Also Italian pediatric CeD patients showed increased bacterial diversity of duodenal biopsies(Schippa et al.2010).The found microbiota changes may be either primary and contribute to the pathology of CeD or be a consequence of the disease.It has to be taken into account that CeD profoundly affects the morphology,physiology and immunology of the small intestinal epithelium,which thereby represents a completely different eco-logical niche for bacteria as compared to the normal healthy mucosa.On the other hand,a recent study showed that carriers of another genetic risk factor of CeD,a risk allele of SH2B3,have stronger activation of the Nucleotide-binding oligo-merization domain containing2(NOD2)recognition pathway,which is important in bacterial pathogen recognition(Zhernakova et al.2010).The combination of enhanced response to bacterial ligands and certain microbiota composition may create an immunological environment that can trigger the development of this immune-mediated disease.In this respect viral agents should also be taken into consideration(Plot and Amital2009).Indirectly,the role of microbiota is supported by thefinding that CeD children are more likely to have been born by cesarean section(Decker et al.2010),which in turn is known to cause altered microbiota colonization process during infancy.The idea of microbes being involved in the etiology is also supported by the association found between infantile infections and the risk of developing celiac disease(Sandberg-Bennich et al.2002)and thus, further studies are warranted to study the role of microbiota in CeD.2.2Irritable Bowel SyndromeIrritable bowel syndrome(IBS)refers to a common disorder characterized by gastrointestinal(GI)dysfunction.It is not known exactly what causes IBS,but its incidence could be associated with visceral hypersensitivity,aberrant gut motilityand autonomous nervous system malfunction.The interactions of these etiological factors make bowel susceptible to some risk and other factors like GI microbiota, diet,infection,hormones,or stress.In general,IBS can occur at any age,but it often begins in adolescence or early adulthood.In addition,studies show that IBS is more commonly developed in women and people who have a family history of this syndrome(Longstreth et al.2006;Talley2007).Generally,IBS is characterized by chronic abdominal pain,discomfort,bloating gas as well as changes in bowel movements.Moreover,IBS patients may have complication of constipation or diarrhea,or switch between both.The above-mentioned symptoms vary from person to person,ranging from mild to severe,but most patients have mild symptoms.Unlike more serious intestinal disease such as IBD,IBS does not cause changes in bowel tissue or increase risk of colorectal cancer,but low-level inflammation has also been observed in IBS subjects (Salonen et al.2010).According to the stool frequency,form and defaecatory symptoms,described in Rome II criteria(Drossman2000),IBS can be subdivided into several subtypes.They are diarrhea predominant(IBS-D),constipation pre-dominant(IBS-C)and mixed subtype(IBS-M).Recently,Rome III criteria have also been described(Longstreth et al.2006).Although the pathophysiology of IBS is not well determined,GI tract microbiota is suggested to be critical due to their factorial roles in IBS,as described in the following.First,with culture-based methods some species-level differences have been found in earlier studies.To date,with a variety of molecular methods alterations in the GI microbiota in IBS have also been described.For example, significant differences in the GI microbiota of the different IBS-subgroups and healthy controls(HCs)were recently described based on extensive sequencing of percentage of G+C profiled fecal bacterial DNA sample(Kassinen et al.2007). However,no uniform compositional microbiota alterations have been defined due to the differences in the analytical power and specificity of the study methods used.Salonen et pared eight recent cohort studies,in whichfive studies were done on the same Finnish population.In these studies,the majority of the observed changes in microbial compositions occurred in Firmicutes,which is the largest GI phylum.In addition,genera Streptococcus,Lactobacillus,Veillonella, Bifidobacterium,Clostridium and families Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae have been identified for accounting for the differences(Salonen et al.2010). Regarding the microbial diversity between each subtype of IBS patients and HCs,the most deviation was found in IBS-D patients,while IBS-C was the least (Rajilic´-Stojanovic´2007;Lyra et al.2009).Generally,the diversity and temporal stability of microbiota is the criteria for defining host-specific microbiota core.As a potential health-beneficial genus, bifidobacteria has been highlighted in several IBS studies.In IBS patients,reduced counts of bifidobacteria have been observed(Kerckhoffs et al.2009;Malinen et al. 2005).Interestingly,in healthy individuals low counts of bifidobacteria was reported in the subjects suffering from abdominal pain as compared to the ones without pain(Jalanka-Tuovinen et al.2011).。

Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease

Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease

Physiol Rev90:859–904,2010;doi:10.1152/physrev.00045.2009.Gut Microbiota in Health and DiseaseINNA SEKIROV,SHANNON L.RUSSELL,L.CAETANO M.ANTUNES,AND B.BRETT FINLAYMichael Smith Laboratories,Department of Microbiology and Immunology,and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,The University of British Columbia,Vancouver,British Columbia,CanadaI.Preface860II.Overview of the Mammalian Gut Microbiota860A.Humans as microbial depots860B.Who are they?860C.Where are they?861D.Where do they come from?861E.How are they selected?862III.Microbiota in Health:Combine and Conquer862A.Immunomodulation863B.Protection866C.Structure and function of the GIT867D.Outside of the GIT868E.Nutrition and metabolism868F.Concluding remarks870IV.Microbiota in Disease:Mechanisms of Fine Balance870A.Imbalance leads to chaos870B.Microbial intruders of the GIT871C.Disorders of the GIT872D.Disorders of the GIT accessory organs876plex multifactorial disorders and diseases of remote organ systems877F.Bacterial translocation and disease880G.Concluding remarks881V.Signaling in the Mammalian Gut881A.Signaling between the microbiota and the host881B.Signaling between the microbiota and pathogens884C.Signaling between members of the microbiota884D.Signaling between the host and pathogens885VI.Models to Study Microbiota885A.Germ-free animals885B.Mono-associated and bi-associated animals887C.Poly-associated animals887D.Human flora-associated animals888VII.Techniques to Study Microbiota Diversity889A.Culture-based analysis889B.Culture-independent techniques889C.Sequencing methods889D.“Fingerprinting”Methods892E.DNA microarrays893F.FISH and qPCR893G.The“meta”family of function-focused analyses893VIII.Future Perspectives:Have We Got the Guts for It?895 Sekirov I,Russell SL,Antunes LCM,Finlay BB.Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease.Physiol Rev90:859–904, 2010;doi:10.1152/physrev.00045.2009.—Gut microbiota is an assortment of microorganisms inhabiting the length andwidth of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract.The composition of this microbial community is host specific, evolving throughout an individual’s lifetime and susceptible to both exogenous and endogenous modifications. Recent renewed interest in the structure and function of this“organ”has illuminated its central position in healthand disease.The microbiota is intimately involved in numerous aspects of normal host physiology,from nutritionalstatus to behavior and stress response.Additionally,they can be a central or a contributing cause of many diseases,affecting both near and far organ systems.The overall balance in the composition of the gut microbial community,as well as the presence or absence of key species capable of effecting specific responses,is important in ensuring homeostasis or lack thereof at the intestinal mucosa and beyond.The mechanisms through which microbiota exerts its beneficial or detrimental influences remain largely undefined,but include elaboration of signaling molecules and recognition of bacterial epitopes by both intestinal epithelial and mucosal immune cells.The advances in modeling and analysis of gut microbiota will further our knowledge of their role in health and disease,allowing customization of existing and future therapeutic and prophylactic modalities.I.PREFACEHippocrates has been quoted as saying “death sits in the bowels”and “bad digestion is the root of all evil”in 400B.C.(105),showing that the importance of the intes-tines in human health has been long recognized.In the past several decades,most research on the impact of bacteria in the intestinal environment has focused on gastrointestinal pathogens and the way they cause dis-ease.However,there has recently been a considerable increase in the study of the effect that commensal mi-crobes exert on the mammalian gut (Fig.1).In this re-view,we revisit the current knowledge of the role played by the gastrointestinal microbiota in human health and disease.We describe the state-of-the-art techniques used to study the gastrointestinal microbiota and also present challenging questions to be addressed in the future of microbiota research.II.OVERVIEW OF THE MAMMALIANGUT MICROBIOTA A.Humans as Microbial DepotsVirtually all multicellular organisms live in close as-sociation with surrounding microbes,and humans are noexception.The human body is inhabited by a vast number of bacteria,archaea,viruses,and unicellular eukaryotes.The collection of microorganisms that live in peaceful coexistence with their hosts has been referred to as the microbiota,microflora,or normal flora (154,207,210).The composition and roles of the bacteria that are part of this community have been intensely studied in the past few years.However,the roles of viruses,archaea,and unicellular eukaryotes that inhabit the mammalian body are less well known.It is estimated that the human mi-crobiota contains as many as 1014bacterial cells,a num-ber that is 10times greater than the number of human cells present in our bodies (162,264,334).The microbiota colonizes virtually every surface of the human body that is exposed to the external environment.Microbes flour-ish on our skin and in the genitourinary,gastrointesti-nal,and respiratory tracts (43,126,210,323).By far the most heavily colonized organ is the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);the colon alone is estimated to contain over 70%of all the microbes in the human body (162,334).The human gut has an estimated surface area of a tennis court (200m 2)(85)and,as such a large organ,represents a major surface for microbial colonization.Additionally,the GIT is rich in molecules that can be used as nutrients by microbes,making it a preferred site for colonization.B.Who Are They?The majority of the gut microbiota is composed of strict anaerobes,which dominate the facultative anaer-obes and aerobes by two to three orders of magnitude (96,104,263).Although there have been over 50bacterial phyla described to date (268),the human gut microbiota is dominated by only 2of them:the Bacteroidetes and the Firmicutes,whereas Proteobacteria,Verrucomicrobia,Actinobacteria,Fusobacteria,and Cyanobacteria are present in minor proportions (64)(Fig.2,A and B ).Esti-mates of the number of bacterial species present in the human gut vary widely between different studies,but it has been generally accepted that it contains ϳ500to 1,000species (341).Nevertheless,a recent analysis involving multiple subjects has suggested that the collective human gut microbiota is composed of over 35,000bacterial spe-cies(76).FIG .1.Number of publications related to the intestinal microbiotain the last two decades,per year.Data were obtained by searching Pubmed (/pubmed/)with the following terms:intestinal microbiota,gut microbiota,intestinal flora,gut flora,intestinal microflora,and gut microflora.860SEKIROV ET AL.C.Where Are They?The intestinal microbiota is not homogeneous.The number of bacterial cells present in the mammalian gut shows a continuum that goes from 101to 103bacteria per gram of contents in the stomach and duodenum,progress-ing to 104to 107bacteria per gram in the jejunum and ileum and culminating in 1011to 1012cells per gram in the colon (220)(Fig.2A ).Additionally,the microbial compo-sition varies between these sites.Frank et al.(76)have reported that different bacterial groups are enriched at different sites when comparing biopsy samples of the small intestine and colon from healthy individuals.Sam-ples from the small intestine were enriched for the Bacilli class of the Firmicutes and Actinobacteria.On the other hand,Bacteroidetes and the Lachnospiraceae family of the Firmicutes were more prevalent in colonic samples (76).In addition to the longitudinal heterogeneity dis-played by the intestinal microbiota,there is also a great deal of latitudinal variation in the microbiota composition (Fig.2B ).The intestinal epithelium is separated from the lumen by a thick and physicochemically complex mucus layer.The microbiota present in the intestinal lumen dif-fers significantly from the microbiota attached and em-bedded in this mucus layer as well as the microbiota present in the immediate proximity of the epithelium.Swidsinski et al.(303)have found that many bacterialspecies present in the intestinal lumen did not access the mucus layer and epithelial crypts.For instance,Bacte-roides ,Bifidobacterium ,Streptococcus ,members of En-terobacteriacea,Enterococcus ,Clostridium ,Lactobacil-lus,and Ruminococcus were all found in feces,whereas only Clostridium ,Lactobacillus,and Enterococcus were detected in the mucus layer and epithelial crypts of the small intestine (303).D.Where Do They Come From?Colonization of the human gut with microbes begins immediately at birth (Fig.2C ).Upon passage through the birth canal,infants are exposed to a complex microbial population (245).Evidence that the immediate contact with microbes during birth can affect the development of the intestinal microbiota comes from the fact that the intestinal microbiota of infants and the vaginal microbiota of their mothers show similarities (187).Additionally,infants delivered through cesarean section have different microbial compositions compared with vaginally deliv-ered infants (128).After the initial establishment of the intestinal microbiota and during the first year of life,the microbial composition of the mammalian intestine is rel-atively simple and varies widely between different indi-viduals and also with time (179,187).However,after 1yr of age,the intestinal microbiota of children startstoFIG .2.Spatial and temporal aspects of intestinal microbiota composition.A :variations in microbial numbers and composition across the lengthof the gastrointestinal tract.B :longitudinal variations in microbial composition in the intestine.C :temporal aspects of microbiota establishment and maintenance and factors influencing microbial composition.GUT MICROBIOTA861resemble that of a young adult and stabilizes(179,187) (Fig.2C).It is presumed that this initial colonization is involved in shaping the composition of the gut microbiota through adulthood.For instance,a few studies have shown that kinship seems to be involved in determining the composition of the gut microbiota.Ley et al.(161) have shown that,in mice,the microbiota of offspring is closely related to that of their mothers.Additionally,it has been shown that the microbiota of adult monozygotic and dizygotic twins were equally similar to that of their sib-lings,suggesting that the colonization by the microbiota from a shared mother was more decisive in determining their adult microbiota than their genetic makeup(350). Although these studies point to the idea that parental inoculation is a major factor in shaping our gut microbial community,there are several confounding factors that prohibit a definite conclusion on this subject.For exam-ple,it is difficult to take into account differences in diet when human studies are performed.On the other hand, mouse studies are performed in highly controlled envi-ronments,where exposure to microbes from sources other than littermates and parents is limited.Therefore, further investigation is needed to decisively establish the role of parental inoculation in determining the composi-tion of the adult gut microbiota.E.How Are They Selected?Besides the mother’s microbiota composition,many other factors have been found to contribute to the micro-bial makeup of the mammalian GIT(Fig.2C).Several studies have shown that host genetics can impact the microbial composition of the gut.For instance,the pro-portions of the major bacterial groups in the murine in-testine are altered in genetically obese mice,compared with their genetically lean siblings(161).Also,mice con-taining a mutation in the major component of the high-density lipoprotein(apolipoprotein a-I)have an altered microbiota(347).Although these studies suggest that host genetics can have an impact on the gut microbiota,it should be noted that such effects are likely to be indirect, working through effects on general host metabolism.Studies on obesity have also revealed that diet can affect gut microbial composition.Consumption of a pro-totypic western diet that induced weight gain significantly altered the microbial composition of the murine gut(311). Further dietary manipulations that limited weight gain were able to reverse the effects of diet-induced obesity on the microbiota.Given the plethora of factors that can affect micro-bial composition in the human gut,it is perhaps surprising that the composition of the human microbiota is fairly stable at the phylum level.The major groups that domi-nate the human intestine are conserved between all indi-viduals,although the proportions of these groups can vary.However,when genera and species composition within the human gut is analyzed,differences occur. Within phyla,the interindividual variation of species com-position is considerably high(64,89).This suggests that although there is a selective pressure for the maintenance of certain microbial groups(phyla)in the microbiota,the functional redundancy within those groups allows for variations in the composition of the microbiota between individuals without compromising the maintenance of proper function.However,this hypothesis remains to be experimentally tested.III.MICROBIOTA IN HEALTH:COMBINE AND CONQUERSeveral lines of evidence point towards a possible coevolution of the host and its indigenous microbiota:it has been shown that transplantation of microbial commu-nities between different host species results in the trans-planted community morphing to resemble the native mi-crobiota of the recipient host(242),and that gut micro-biota species exhibit a high level of adaptation to their habitat and to each other,presenting a case of“microevo-lution”that paralleled the evolution of our species on the large scale(257,342).Moreover,the host has evolved intricate mechanisms that allow local control of the resi-dent microbiota without the induction of concurrent dam-aging systemic immune responses(181).This adaptation is not surprising when considering that different bacterial groups and species have been implicated in various aspects of normal intestinal devel-opment and function of their host(Fig.3).In recent years, we have seen a tremendous increase in gut microbiota-related research,with important advances made towards establishing the identity of specific microbes/microbial groups or microbial molecules contributing to various aspects of host physiology.Concurrently,host factors involved in various aspects of development and matura-tion targeted by the microbiota have been identified.How-ever,a large proportion of research aimed at identifying particular microbiota contributors to host health was done in ex-germ-free(GF)animals mono-or poly-associ-ated with different bacterial species representative of dominant microbiota phyla(e.g.,Bacteroides thetaio-taomicron,Bacteroides fragilis,Lactobacillus spp.)or stimulated with particular microbial components[e.g., lipopolysaccharide(LPS)and polysaccharide A(PSA)]. Thus any discovered contribution of these particular mi-crobial species or molecules to a distinct host structure/ function points to their ability to provide the said contri-bution,but not to the fact that they are the primary microbe/molecule responsible for it in a host associated with a complete microbial community.Additionally,as862SEKIROV ET AL.current culturing techniques limit our ability to isolate strictly anaerobic microbiota members or members with complex nutrient requirements and mutualistic depen-dence on other microbial gut inhabitants (62),the re-search on the contribution of specific gut microbes to various physiological processes is limited to studying a small number of currently isolated and culturable micro-organisms.However,improvements to available culturing techniques (62)and enhanced understanding of microbial metabolism gained from culture-independent studies hold promise to greatly expand this field of research.A.ImmunomodulationThe importance of the gut microbiota in the develop-ment of both the intestinal mucosal and systemic immune systems can be readily appreciated from studies of GF (microbiota lacking)animals.GF animals contain abnor-mal numbers of several immune cell types and immune cell products,as well as have deficits in local and sys-temic lymphoid structures.Spleens and lymph nodes of GF mice are poorly formed.GF mice also have hypoplas-tic Peyer’s patches (PP)(180)and a decreased number of mature isolated lymphoid follicles (27).The number of their IgA-producing plasma cells is reduced,as are the levels of secreted immunoglobulins (both IgA and IgG)(180).They also exhibit irregularities in cytokine levels and profiles (220)and are impaired in the generation of oral tolerance (132).The central role of gut microbiota in the development of mucosal immunity is not surprising,considering that the intestinal mucosa represents the largest surface area in contact with the antigens of the external environment and that the dense carpet of the gut microbiota overlying the mucosa normally accounts for the largest proportion of the antigens presented to the resident immunecellsFIG .3.The complex web of gut microbiota contributions to host physiology.Different gut microbiota components can affect many aspects of normal host development,while the microbiota as a whole often exhibits functional redundancy.In gray are shown members of the microbiota,with their components or products of their metabolism.In white are shown their effects on the host at the cellular or organ level.Black ellipses represent the affected host phenotypes.Only some examples of microbial members/components contributing to any given phenotype are shown.AMP,antimicrobial peptides;DC,dendritic cells;Gm Ϫ,Gram negative;HPA,hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal;Iap,intestinal alkaline phosphatase;PG,peptidoglycan;PSA,polysaccharide A.GUT MICROBIOTA863and those stimulating the pattern recognition receptors [such as the TLRs and NOD-like receptors(NLRs)]of the intestinal epithelial cells(238).A detailed overview of the intestinal mucosal immunity can be found elsewhere(110, 194).Briefly,it is composed of the gut-associated lym-phoid tissue(GALT),such as the PP and small intestinal lymphoid tissue(SILT)in the small intestine,lymphoid aggregates in the large intestine,and diffusely spread immune cells in the lamina propria of the GIT.These immune cells are in contact with the rest of the immune system via local mesenteric lymph nodes(MLN).In addi-tion to the immune cells,the intestinal epithelium also plays a role in the generation of immune responses through sampling of foreign antigens via TLRs and NLRs (238).The mucosal immune system needs to fulfill two, sometimes seemingly conflicting,functions.It needs to be tolerant of the overlying microbiota to prevent the induc-tion of an excessive and detrimental systemic immune response,yet it needs to be able to control the gut micro-biota to prevent its overgrowth and translocation to sys-temic sites.Gut microbiota is intricately involved in achieving these objectives of the GIT mucosal immune system.1.Mucosal/systemic immunity maturationand developmentA major immune deficiency exhibited by GF animals is the lack of expansion of CD4ϩT-cell populations.This deficiency can be completely reversed by treatment of GF mice with PSA of Bacteroides fragilis(197).Mazmanian et al.(197),in an elegant series of experiments,have shown that either mono-association of GF mice with B. fragilis or oral treatment with its capsular antigen PSA induces proliferation of CD4ϩT cells,as well as restores the development of lymphocytes-containing spleen white pulp.Recognition of PSA by dendritic cells(DCs)with subsequent presentation to immature T lymphocytes in MLNs was required to promote the expansion.GF animals exhibit systemic skewing towards a Th2cytokine profile, a phenotype that was shown to be reversed by PSA treat-ment,in a process requiring signaling through the inter-leukin(IL)-12/Stat4pathway(197).Thus exposure to a single structural component of a common gut microbiota member promotes host immune maturation both locally and systemically,at the molecular,cellular,and organ levels.While B.fragilis PSA appears to have a pan-systemic effect on its host’s immunological development,addi-tional gut microbiota constituents and their components have been shown to have immunomodulatory capacity, highlighting the overlapping,and possibly additive or syn-ergistic,functions of the members of the gut microbial community.For instance,various Lactobacilli spp.have been shown to differentially regulate DCs,with conse-quent influence on the Th1/Th2/Th3cytokine balance at the intestinal mucosa(44),as well as on the activation of natural killer(NK)cells(72).Additionally,peptidoglycan of Gram-negative bacteria induces formation of isolated lymphoid follicles(ILF)via NOD1(an NLR)signaling. Following recognition of microbiota through TLRs,these ILF matured into B-cell clusters(27).A complex microbial community containing a signif-icant proportion of bacteria from the Bacteroidetes phy-lum was shown to be required for the differentiation of inflammatory Th17cells(133).Interestingly,the coloniza-tion of GF mice with altered Schaedlerflora(ASF)was insufficient to promote differentiation of Th17cells,de-spite the fact that ASF includes a number of bacteria from the Bacteroidetes phylum(59).Thisfinding highlights the complexity of interactions between the host and the mi-crobiota and within the microbiota community,indicating that cooperation between microbiota members may be required to promote normal host development.In view of this,thefinding by Atarashi et al.(9),that administration of ATP(which is found in high concentrations in the GIT of SPF,but not GF mice)was sufficient to trigger differ-entiation of Th17cells in GF mice,is all the more intrigu-ing.This raises questions about the metabolic capabilities of different members of the gut microbiota and lends indirect evidence to their metabolic interdependence. 2.Tolerance at the GIT mucosaThe GIT needs to coexist with the dense carpet of bacteria overlying it without an induction of excessive detrimental immune activation both locally and systemi-cally.Prevention of excessive immune response to the myriad of bacteria from the gut microbiota can be achieved either through physical separation of bacteria and host cells,modifications of antigenic moieties of the microbiota to render them less immunogenic,or modula-tion of localized host immune response towards toler-ance.Resident immune cells of the GIT often have a phe-notype distinct from cells of the same lineage found sys-temically.For instance,DCs found in the intestinal mu-cosa preferentially induce differentiation of resident T cells into Th2(134)and Treg(144)subsets,consequently promoting a more tolerogenic state in the GIT.In a series of in vitro experiments,DCs were conditioned towards this tolerogenic phenotype by intestinal epithelial cells(IEC) stimulated with various gut microbiota isolates,such as different Lactobacillus spp.and different Escherichia coli strains(346).The conditioning was dependent on micro-biota-induced secretion of TSLP and transforming growth factor(TGF)-␤by IECs(346).Interestingly,the Gram-posi-tive Lactobacilli were more effective than the Gram-nega-tive E.coli in conditioning the DCs towards a tolerogenic864SEKIROV ET AL.phenotype,likely due to the greater abundance of Lactoba-cilli at the intestinal mucosa,as hypothesized by the authors of the study.Another effective mechanism of preventing colitogenic responses is employed by B.thetaiotaomicron, which prevents activation of the proinflammatory transcrip-tion factor NF␬B by promoting nuclear export of a transcrip-tionally active NF␬B subunit RelA in a PPAR␥-dependent fashion(143).An alternate mechanism of preventing NF␬B activation in response to the gut microbiota is through TLR compartmentalization.Lee et al.(159)have shown that while activation of basolaterally located TLR9promotes NF␬B activation,signaling originating from the apical sur-faces(i.e.,induced by normal gut microbiota)effectively prevents NF␬B activation,promoting tolerance to the resi-dent bacteria.In addition to microbiota-mediated tolerogenic skew-ing of localized immune responses,the host can also decrease the proinflammatory potential of microbiota constituents.The presence of the gut microbiota exposes the host to a vast amount of LPS found on the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria.Systemic reac-tions to LPS lead to highly lethal septic shock(19),a very undesirable outcome of host-microbiota interactions.One way to avoid this disastrous scenario is to minimize the toxic potential of LPS,which can be done via dephosphor-ylation of the LPS endotoxin component through the ac-tion of alkaline phosphatases,specifically the intestinal alkaline phosphatase(Iap)(18).Bates et al.(18)have demonstrated that Iap activity in the GIT of zebrafish reduced MyD88-and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-␣-me-diated recruitment of neutrophils to the intestinal epithe-lium,minimizing the inflammatory response to the gut microbiota and promoting tolerance.Iap activity in ze-brafish GIT was induced via MyD88signaling and was dependent on the presence of microbiota:it could be induced by mono-association with Gram-negative(GmϪ) bacterial isolates(such as Aeromonas and Pseudomonas) or treatment with LPS.Association with Gram-positive (Gmϩ)bacterial isolates(such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus)failed to promote Iap activity(18),dem-onstrating that at least some host responses to its colo-nizing microbes are group specific.In addition to detoxification of LPS by Iap,IECs also acquire tolerance to endotoxin through downregulation of IRAK-1,which is essential for endotoxin signaling through TLR4(174).This tolerance is acquired at birth, but only in vaginally delivered mice that were exposed to exogenous LPS during passage through the birth canal (174),again highlighting the active role of the microbiota in tolerogenic conditioning of mucosal immune responses at the GIT.Another effective strategy of avoiding excessive im-mune activation at the intestinal mucosa is physical sep-aration of the microbiota from the host mucosal immune system.Recently,Johansson et al.(136)have shown that the mucus layer overlying the colonic mucosa is effec-tively divided into two tiers,with the bottom tier being devoid of bacteria,and the more dynamic top tier being permeated by members of the gut microbiota.3.Control of the gut microbiotaWhile healthy gut microbiota is essential to promote host health and well-being,overgrowth of the bacterial population results in a variety of detrimental conditions, and different strategies are employed by the host to pre-vent this outcome.Plasma cells residing at the intestinal mucosa pro-duce secretory IgA(sIgA)that coats the gut microbiota and allows local control of their numbers(181,310).They are activated by resident DCs that sample the luminal bacteria,but are restricted in their migration to only as far as the local MLNs,so as to avoid induction of a systemic response to the gut microbiota(181).The presence of the gut microbiota is a prerequisite to activate gut DCs to induce maximal levels of IgA production,while treatment of GF mice with LPS augmented IgA production but to lower levels(195).Furthermore,Bacteroides(GmϪbac-teria)were found to be more efficient in induction of sIgA than Lactobacilli(Gmϩbacteria)(343).Interestingly,al-though GmϪbacteria or their structural components were able to stimulate IgA production,the absence of intestinal IgA resulted in overgrowth of SFB,a group of Gmϩbacteria(300),suggesting that induction of sIgA might also be a form of competition between different microbiota members.Two secretory IgA(sIgA)subclasses exist:sIgA1 (produced systemically and at mucosal surfaces)and sIgA2(produced at mucosal surfaces).sIgA2is more resistant to degradation by bacterial proteases than sIgA1 (202),so it is not surprising that it was found to be the main IgA subclass produced in the intestinal lamina pro-pria(107).Production of a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL)by IECs activated via TLR-mediated sensing of bacteria and bacterial products was required to induce switching from sIgA1to sIgA2production(107).Both Gmϩand GmϪbacteria,as well as bacterial LPS and flagellin,were similarly effective in inducing APRIL pro-duction(107).Thus exposure of the gut mucosa to its resident microbiota not only promotes IgA secretion,but also ensures that the optimally stable IgA subclass is produced.It is also of interest to note that sIgA fulfills a dual function at the intestinal mucosa:in addition to preventing overgrowth of the gut microbiota,it also min-imizes its interactions with the mucosal immune system, diminishing the host’s reaction to its resident microbes (234).sIgA is not the only host factor preventing the micro-biota from breaching its luminal compartment:antimicro-bial peptides(AMP)produced by the host also work toGUT MICROBIOTA865。



肠道微生物的英语单词The Complex World of Gut Microbiota.The gut microbiota, often referred to as the "microbiome" or the "intestinal flora," refers to the vast community of microorganisms that reside within the human gastrointestinal tract. This intricate ecosystem plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. The gut microbiota is composed of a diverse range of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that coexist in a delicate balance.The human body is estimated to contain trillions of microbial cells, outnumbering the human cells by a ratio of 10 to 1. The majority of these microbial cells reside in the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the colon. The gut microbiota performs various vital functions, including digesting food, synthesizing vitamins, and regulating the immune system.Functions of the Gut Microbiota.Digestion and Nutrition: The gut microbiota aids in the breakdown of dietary fiber and other complex carbohydrates, releasing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These SCFAs serve as a source of energy for the host and have been linked to various health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation.Immune System Regulation: The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in shaping and regulating the immune system. It stimulates the development of immune cells and helps maintain a balanced immune response, protecting against both infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions.Barrier Function: The gut microbiota contributes to maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier, which prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from leaking into the bloodstream. A healthy gut microbiota supports tight junctions between gut cells, ensuring a strong barrier against pathogens.Brain-Gut Axis: The gut microbiota also interacts with the brain through the gut-brain axis, influencing mood, cognition, and behavior. This axis involves a complex communication network between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system, which is believed to play a role in conditions like depression, anxiety, and autism.Importance of Gut Microbiota Balance.Disruptions to the gut microbiota, known as "dysbiosis," can lead to various health issues. Changes in the composition of the microbiota can be triggered by various factors, including diet, antibiotics, stress, and chronic illnesses.Diet: The composition of the gut microbiota is significantly influenced by the diet. A diet rich in fiber and diverse in plant-based foods promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, while a diet high in processed foods and low in fiber can lead to a decrease in microbial diversity and an increase in harmful bacteria.Antibiotics: The use of antibiotics can have a profound impact on the gut microbiota, killing off both harmful and beneficial bacteria. This can lead to a temporary imbalance in the microbiota, allowing opportunistic pathogens to proliferate.Stress: Chronic stress has been shown to alter the gut microbiota composition, leading to an increase in inflammatory markers and a decrease in beneficial bacteria.Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and obesity have been linked to alterations in the gut microbiota. These changes can contribute to the development and progression of these diseases.Modulating the Gut Microbiota.Given the crucial role of the gut microbiota in maintaining health, there has been increasing interest in modulating its composition through various strategies.Probiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. They are commonly found in yogurt, fermented foods, and dietary supplements. Probiotics can help restore balance to the gut microbiota, improving digestive health and immune function.Prebiotics: Prebiotics are dietary fibers that promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut. By providing food for the probiotic bacteria, prebiotics can help support a healthy gut microbiota.Dietary Changes: Incorporating a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and maintain gut microbiota diversity.Conclusion.The gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in maintaining human health and well-being. Its intricate balance ofmicroorganisms is essential for digestion, immune system regulation, and overall physiological functions. Disruptions to this balance can lead to various health issues, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiota through diet, lifestyle choices, and probiotic supplementation. As research in this field continues to evolve, so does our understanding of the crucial role the gut microbiota plays in our lives.。











研究人员还发现肠道在发生炎症时,肠道微生物的拓扑结构发生变化,最终会导致宿主免疫系统的变化8, 9。





因此,肠道微生物不仅影响肠道局部炎症,而且影响了全身炎症的形成,进而影响肠道外器官癌症的进展10, 11。



任彩君,吴黎明,王凯. 膳食多酚对肠道菌群影响研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2022,43(1):400−409. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020090112REN Caijun, WU Liming, WANG Kai. Research Progress about the Effects of Dietary Polyphenols on the Intestinal Microbiota[J].Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(1): 400−409. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020090112膳食多酚对肠道菌群影响研究进展任彩君,吴黎明*,王 凯*(中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所, 北京 100093)摘 要:人体肠道是一个复杂但稳定的微生态系统,其中肠道菌群对肠道及人体健康起着重要作用。





关键词:膳食多酚,黄酮,肠道菌群,失调,疾病本文网刊:中图分类号:TS201.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2022)01−0400−10DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2020090112Research Progress about the Effects of Dietary Polyphenols on theIntestinal MicrobiotaREN Caijun ,WU Liming *,WANG Kai *(Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing 100093, China )Abstract :The human gut is a complex but stable microecosystem. Intestinal microbiota plays an important role in maintaining human health. A healthy intestinal microflora is a delicate balance, but a variety of factors can also affect the balance of intestinal microflora, such as diet, age, medicine, environment or living habits, etc. The imbalanced of intestinal microflora is also a risk factor for the occurrence and development of a variety of diseases. Polyphenols are a large group of secondary metabolites from plants with versatile biological activities. A large number of studies indicate that dietary supplementation of polyphenols have the health promoting effects, like antioxidant, antiviral, antitumor, anticancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protective effects. They also find with beneficial effects for the intestinal health and modulating the gut microbiota. This paper summarize the recent progress of the research on the potential influence of dietary polyphenols on the intestinal flora. We aim to provide theoretical basis and reference for the scientific usage of polyphenols for preventing and treating intestinal diseases.Key words :dietary polyphenols ;flavonoid ;gut microbiota ;dysbiosis ;diseases多酚(polyphenol )是一大类广泛存在于自然界、具有大量酚羟基结构单元的植物次生代谢产物。



广东药科大学学报第39卷Rep,2020,10(1):19917-19920.[17]BEUREL E,TOUPS M,NEMEROFF C B.The bidirectional re‐lationship of depression and inflammation:double troubl e[J].Neuron,2020,107(2):234-256.[18]徐翰南,蔡征真,王云,等.肠道菌群对肠道神经-内分泌-免疫系统的影响及其病理生理意义[J].生理学报,2020,72(3):347-360.[19]BRUNING J,CHAPP A,KAURALA G A,et al.Gut microbiotaand short chain fatty acids:Influence on the autonomic nervous syste m[J].Neurosci Bull,2020,36(1):91-95.[20]VAN D E WOUW M,BOEHME M,LYTE J M,et al.Short-chain fatty acids:microbial metabolites that alleviate stress-induced brain-gut axis alteration s[J].J Physiol,2018,596(20):4923-4944.[21]JALANKA-TUOVINEN J,SALONEN A,NIKKILÄJ,et al.Intestinal microbiota in healthy adults:temporal analysis reveals individual and common core and relation to intestinal symptom s[J].PLoS One,2011,6(7):e23035.[22]HUANG Yichen,SHI Xing,LI Zhiyong,et al.Possibleassociation of Firmicutes in the gut microbiota of patients with major depressive disorde r[J].Neuropsych Dis Treat, 2018,14:3329-3337.[23]BIDDLE A,STEWART L,BLANCHARD J,et al.Untan‐gling the genetic basis of fibrolytic specialization by lachno‐spiraceae and ruminococcaceae in diverse gut communitie s [J].Diversity,2013,5(3):627-640.[24]MIYAKE M,TATSUMI Y,OHNISHI K,et al.Prostatediseases and microbiome in the prostate,gut,and urin e[J].Prostate Int,2022,10(2):96-107.[25]RADJABZADEH D,BOSCH J A,UITTERLINDEN A G,etal.Gut microbiome-wide association study of depressive symptom s[J].Nat Commun,2022,13(1):7128.[26]祁玉丽,李珊珊,曲迪,等.人参中性多糖对小鼠肠道菌群组成及多样性的影响[J].中国中药杂志,2019,44(4):811-818.(责任编辑:幸建华)腺病毒载体疫苗对荚膜B群脑膜炎球菌疾病提供血清保护腺病毒载体疫苗已获准用于预防严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2型(SARS-CoV-2)和埃博拉病毒,但对于细菌蛋白来说,在真核细胞中的表达可能会影响抗原的定位和构象,或导致不必要的糖基化。



重建肠道菌群稳态在治疗艰难梭菌感染中作用的研究进展*D0I : 16. 3969/j. imu. 1203-6125, 2020.11.811*基金项目:河北省重点研发说倾目国际科技合作专项(133777113D); 河北医科大学第二医院科学研究基金(2h2619616)#本文通信作者,Email : zhaojh_2062@ yahoo, com曹静牛亚楠杨靖赵建宏#河北医科大学第二医院 河北省临床检验中心(050000)摘要 艰难梭菌感染是一个全球日益关注的公共卫生问题。


越来越多的研究表明恢复肠道 菌群稳态是治疗艰难梭菌感染的重要策略。

本文就肠道菌群稳态与艰难梭菌感染之间的关系,以及通过恢复肠道 菌群稳态治疗艰难梭菌感染的策略作一综述。

关键词艰难梭菌感染;肠道菌群;治疗Advances C Stedy on RoIe of Recenstrdcting Intestinal Flore Homeostasic C TreytmenS of Clostridium difficile Infection CAO Jing , NIA Yanag , YANG Jing , ZHAO Jiangong. T0c Secong Hospital of Hebet Mednoi UnPersith , HebriPvovncioC Centes for Clinicoi Laboratoric), Shijiazhuang ( 055000 )Correspondencc to : ZHAO Jiandong , Email : *********************AbstircS Clostrinium ddficilr infection (CDI) is a growing puP/c health concern worldwidei AntidioUcs arecyrrently the preferred treatment for CDI, but the heavy use of antibiotics has resulud in the emeryence of highly resistantstrains of Clostrinium dfficiic and recarrext CDB More and more studies show that restoring intestinal fora homeostasis isax impo/ant sRateyy for the treatment of CDI. This arUcle reviewed the remConship between intestinal fora homeostasis andCDI, and the treatment sWategies for CDI by restoring intestinal fora homeostasis.Key word : Clostrinium difficile Infection ; Intestinal Flora ; Therapy艰难梭菌(Clostrinium difficile)是厌氧、产芽抱的革兰阳 性杆菌,艰难梭菌感染(CPqmfum difficile mfection , CDI)的临床症状可包括从轻度腹泻到伪膜性肠炎、中毒性巨结肠甚 至死亡74。



!L"!肠道菌群及其代谢物在胆囊胆固醇结石形成中的作用机制赵瀚东1,高 鹏2a,詹 丽2b1甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院(甘肃省人民医院),兰州730000;2甘肃省人民医院a.普外科,b.消化科,兰州730000摘要:胆囊结石是一种常见的多因素参与的消化系统疾病,80%以上为胆固醇结石,其发病率逐年增加。



关键词:胃肠道微生物组;胆结石;肠肝循环;胆汁酸基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81660398)ThemechanismofintestinalfloraanditsmetabolitesintheformationofcholesterolgallstonesZHAOHandong1,GAOPeng2a,ZHANLi2b.(1.TheFirstClinicalMedicalCollegeofGansuUniversityofChineseMedicine&GansuProvincialHospital,Lanzhou730000,China;2.a.DepartmentofGeneralSurgery,b.DepartmentofGastroenterology,GansuProvincialPeople’sHospital,Lanzhou730000,China)Correspondingauthor:ZHANLi,zhanlilanzhou@163.comAbstract:Gallstoneisacommondigestivesystemdiseaseinvolvingmultiplefactors,morethan80%ofwhicharecholesterolgallstones,anditsincidencerateisincreasingyearbyyear.Recentstudieshaveshownthatintestinalfloraisinvolvedinthedevelopmentandprogres sionofcholesterolgallstones.Thisarticleelaboratesontheroleofintestinalfloraanditsmetabolitesintheprogressionofcholesterolgall stonesfromtheaspectofregulationofbileacidsbyintestinalfloraanditsmetabolites,anditispointedoutthatinterventionstrategiesforin testinalfloraanditsmetabolitesmaybeanewtargetforthepreventionandtreatmentofcholesterolgallstonesinthefuture.Keywords:GastrointestinalMicrobiome;Cholelithiasis;EnterohepaticCirculation;BileAcidResearchfunding:NationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(81660398)DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2022.04.042收稿日期:2021-08-18;录用日期:2021-09-20通信作者:詹丽, 胆囊结石是消化系统常见病,西方国家的发病率达10%~15%[1],我国胆囊结石的发病率也在逐渐增加。



肠道菌群与脑-肠-肾轴在慢性肾病中的研究进展张秀秀; 李晴; 曹腾莉; 陈丁丁【期刊名称】《《药学研究》》【年(卷),期】2019(038)006【总页数】4页(P355-358)【关键词】慢性肾病; 肠道菌群; 脑-肠轴【作者】张秀秀; 李晴; 曹腾莉; 陈丁丁【作者单位】[1]中国药科大学江苏南京211198【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R692在全球,约10%的人受慢性肾脏病的困扰[1],在美国,每年因为肾脏疾病的财政支出就达到48亿美元[2]。





1 肠道菌群一个健康成人仅肠道内就有几十万亿个细菌。




Vaziri等[8]通过对24个终末期肾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)患者和12名健康人粪便中的微生物DNA分析发现,与健康组相比,ESRD患者中190个细菌的丰度存在显着差异。



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Role of the intestinal microbiome in health and disease:from correlation to causationWillem M de Vos and Elisabeth AJ de VosRecorded observations indicating an association between intestinal microbesand health are long-standing in terms of specific diseases,but emerginghigh-throughput technologies that characterize microbial communities in theintestinal tract are suggesting new roles for the supposedly normal microbiome.Thisreview considers the nature of the evidence supporting a relationship between themicrobiota and the predisposition to disease as associative,correlative,or causal.Altogether,indirect or associative support currently dominates the evidence base,which now suggests that the intestinal microbiome can be linked to a growingnumber of over25diseases or syndromes.While only a handful of cause-and-effectstudies have been performed,this form of evidence is increasing.The results of suchstudies are expected to be useful in monitoring disease development,in providing abasis for personalized treatments,and in indicating future therapeutic avenues.©2012International Life Sciences InstituteINTRODUCTIONVirtually every day we are all confronted with the activity of our intestine,and it is no surprise that at least some of us have developed a fascination for our intestinal condi-tion and its relation to health and disease.Following his discovery of microbial life,Antonie van Leeuwenhoek reported in1681thefirst observation relating a disturbed microbial composition to the diarrhea he experienced, possibly after drinking polluted Amsterdam canal water.1 The account that his watery excrements contained more and different“little animals,”as he called the bacteria,is largely correct.It reflects the association between some forms of diarrhea and a sudden shedding of intestinal microbes,including those that inhabit the mucosa.As we now know,the mucosal microbial communities may differ in composition and abundance from those present in the colon.2This hallmark discovery of several centuries ago was not followed up by further well-documented work until the end of the last century,when interest in the intestinal microbes experienced a real renaissance.3It led to the notion that intestinal microbes can be considered a personalized human organ with a metabolic activity second only to that of the liver.4It also resulted in a change in terminology:what wasfirst known as“micro-flora”–a term still found in some publications and medical textbooks–has now been renamed“microbiota”on the basis of the diversity of microorganisms revealed mainly by microbial ecologists,who used molecular sys-tematics and positioned microbes in ancestral evolution-ary terms far away from plants.5With the implementation of genomics-based approaches,the exploration of the human intestinal microbiome,defined here as all micro-biota in the intestinal tract,has begun.The collective genomes within the microbiome have been found to contain more than3million unique genes.6It is known that the intestinal microbiota shows a specific spatial organization,2but as the vast majority of microbes are found in the colon,virtually all present-day studies focus on the microbiome that is recovered from fecal samples.An understanding of the human intestinal microbiome is now rapidly developing,and in many cases the relationship between the microbiome and health and disease is being explored.In most instances,however,thisAffiliations:WM de Vos is with the Laboratory of Microbiology,Wageningen University,Wageningen,The Netherlands,and the Departments of Veterinary Biosciences and Bacteriology and Immunology,Helsinki University,Helsinki,Finland.EAJ de Vos is with the Medical School,Free University Amsterdam,Amsterdam,The Netherlands.Correspondence:WM de Vos,Laboratory of Microbiology,Dreijenplein10,NL-6703HB Wageningen,The Netherlands.E-mail: words:disease,health,high-throughput approaches,microbiotaSupplement Articledoi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2012.00505.xhas simply meant an analysis of associations with disease or functional disturbances,and only in special cases are specific correlations described in which specific microbial groups relate to a healthy or a diseased state in a manner that implies a linear relationship.Finally,there are only a handful of examples in which the cause-and-effect relations satisfying Koch’s postulates apply,but even these relate mainly to studies in animal models,thereby providing hypotheses for human disease and human intervention tests.While one may argue that probiotic interventions can be seen as providing causal evidence for their roles,these interventions involve the use of specific bacteria that may have a direct effect on the host rather than on the intestinal microbiota per se.Probiotics are therefore not considered here,particularly as they have been reviewed exhaustively elsewhere.Following a short overview of the present knowledge of the human microbiota and the available high-throughput analytical approaches along with their promise and pitfalls,the most noteworthy studies that relate to the human microbiome in health and its predis-position to disease are summarized.Where possible,evi-dence suggesting simply correlations is differentiated from that suggesting actual causal relationships.It is expected that this information will1)provide a concep-tual basis for how the human intestinal microbiome affects disease,2)contribute to the development of tech-niques for monitoring disease development,3)provide a basis for personalized treatment,and4)indicate future therapeutic avenues.MICROBIOTA COMPOSITION,THE COMMON CORE,ANDA CALL FOR CAUTIONA main driver for the increased understanding of the intestinal microbiome has been the development of molecular and high-throughput tools that obviated the need for culturing and permitted the analysis of micro-bial function.7The application of these tools reinforced the conclusions of a decade ago that humans are colo-nized from birth by a developing intestinal microbiota that,in adult life,is highly individual,temporally stable, and similar in monozygotic twins and other genetically related subjects.8–10Moreover,metagenomic develop-ments with next-generation technology(NGT)sequenc-ing approaches have now provided a catalog of over3 million genes,which,in terms of the average microbiota composition,are derived mainly from prokaryotic Bacte-ria and,to a lesser extent,Archaea,with only a few fungal genes encountered.6This and other analyses based on quantitative analysis11showed the human intestinal com-munities to be highly complex,predicted to contain more than1,000different prokaryotic species belonging to a limited set of a dozen taxa and dominated by gram-positive anaerobes(Figure1).Further computational analysis has led to the notion that the apparently diverse microbial communities can be grouped into three so-called enterotypes,consisting of networks between different microbial groups that are robust and evident in subjects from different continents.12It has been suggested that these enterotypes may well affect the responseof Figure1Phylogenetic tree of the most important microbial taxa in the human intestinal tract,along with their relative contributions.subjects to dietary and pharmaceutical interventions,and hence it is of interest that a biased distribution was observed in irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)patients13and that the enterotypes were reportedly affected by diet.14 The intestinal microbial communities are highly complex;therefore,the analytical coverage of this com-plexity,its reproducibility,and its accuracy are important factors that determine the quality of the analytical assess-ment.Y et,despite the rapid developments of NGT sequencing systems,deep metagenomic sequence analysis is still time-consuming,costly,and rather challenging from a bioinformatics and data storage point of view. Hence,most studies addressing the intestinal Bacteria and Archaea have focused on the1.5-kb bacterial16S rRNA gene sequences that are well-established phylogenetic markers.5There is already a growing number of over a million entries in accessible databases.Only a fraction derive from the human intestinal microbiota,and these have been curated some years ago,leading to the conclu-sion that only approximately400species have been cul-tured from human intestine.15Since only microbes that have been cultured can be characterized taxonomically, this leads to the sometimes difficult situation that a spe-cific16S rRNA sequence or signature is now found to be associated with disease or a healthy state,but this rRNA sequence cannot be assigned to a species.These may then be termed species-level phylotypes or operational taxo-nomic units that are identified only by their complete16S rRNA sequence and usually defined as sharing97%or less sequence identity with other entries in the ribosomal databases.16Applying this strict criterion has led to a data-base of around1,200different phylotypes that provide a systematic framework of the microbial diversity in the human gastrointestinal tract.15This information is of great value in defining a healthy microbiota and compar-ing it with that of diseased subjects.Moreover,this data-base has been instrumental in the design of high-throughput approaches such as the Human Intestinal Tract Chip(HITChip),a phylogenetic DNA microarray for the comprehensive analysis of gastrointestinal tract microbiota at multiple levels of taxonomic resolution.7,17A wide range of high-throughput approaches,mainly based on microarray hybridization,polymerase chain reaction(PCR),and NGT sequence analysis as well as combinations thereof,have been applied successfully to monitor the human intestinal microbiota,and these have been reviewed extensively.7While instrumental in pro-viding deep insight,they all suffer from inherent biases that vary from sequence errors,i.e.,PCR chimers or cloning artifacts,to cross-hybridization.However,several of these approaches have been compared to each other, and,overall,highly similar results were obtained by HITChip analysis and NGT sequencing of diagnostic regions of16S rRNA amplicons.18,19A discriminating factor has been the depth of the analysis that can be seen in terms of the rRNA sequences that can be reliably quan-tified.Phylogenetic microarrays such as the HITChip may quantify the microbiota in a highly reproducible way, representing a depth of10-4to10-5,which is comparable to over200,000reads(approximately100Mb of sequence information)on an NGT sequencer.18Since the fraction of single microbial groups may vary100-to1,000-fold,it is critical to have a detection limit as low as possible to obtain good discrimination in the microbiota analysis.This is exemplified in a simple experiment in which the microbiotas of65healthy subjects of different nation-alities were analyzed using the HITChip17(Figure2).In a single subject,around900phylotype-like species could be detected,which is slightly higher than the number found by ultra-deep metagenomic analysis,6which emphasizes the depth of the HITChip analysis.Similar studies have been reported with different-sized groups of subjects,and shared phylotype-like sequences were identified as what is known as the“common core.”20,21It is evident from the displayed plot of sequences that this common core is dependent not only on the number of subjects but, notably,on the depth of the analysis(Figure2A).In these healthy subjects,a common core of over450species-like taxa could be defined.Detailed analysis of this common core showed it to consist of a series of well-known species or genera,including those belonging to Bifidobacterium, Clostridium,Colinsella,Dorea,Eubacterium,Para-bacteroides,Prevotella,Ruminococcus,and Streptococcus spp.(Figure2B).The vast majority of this common core (a total of387,representing85%),however,included microbes that have not yet been cultured and hence are phylotypes that show similarity to16S rRNA sequences from bacteria that have not yet been cultured.In spite of the many technological advances in the last decade,there are still considerable challenges that call for caution.Several problems are related to the inappropriate use of technologies,the interpretation of results,or other systematic errors.22DNA isolation and PCR amplification seem trivial but have been shown to provide biased views that may explain retrospectively the early observations that adult samples lack Bacteroides spp.or that samples from babies do not contain bifidobacteria.23Moreover,the interpretation of16S rRNA sequence information should be based on the appropriate knowledge and use of this phylogenetic biomarker.5A recent careful analysis of mock mixtures of microbial DNA by NGT sequencing methods revealed a large range of inaccuracies and indi-cated that many new taxa are incorrectly identified due to chimer formation.This can now be avoided by new algo-rithms,but these are still imperfect,and hence low-abundance taxa should be treated with caution and as potential artifacts.24Another issue is that many prokary-otes have multiple copies of16S rRNA in their genomes.This should be taken into consideration when addressing quantitative effects.Moreover,in some cases,significant sequence heterogeneity exists in the copies of the 16S rRNA genes,such as in Bifidobacterium adolescentis ,an important inhabitant of the adult colon.25Similarly,metagenomic studies also suffer from biases,albeit of a different kind,such as inaccurate quantifications of bacte-rial populations,limitations of databases or computing capacity,and incorrect assembly of short reads or repeated sequences,including rRNA operons.6,26However,the most important factors that may explain most of the differences in the present literature include the limited number of samples analyzed,the great variety of analysis platforms,and the differences between experimental procedures.While this emphasizes the need for standardization,it also implies that caution should be used when comparing various studies unless rigorous tests for robustness and reproducibility have been performed.MICROBIOTA IN HEALTH:COMPOSITION,ACTIVITY,AND STABILITY When addressing the intestinal microbiota in disease,it is essential to know the baseline in healthy subjects.Defin-ing health,however,is much more complex than defining disease,as has been recently emphasized.27The World Health Organization (WHO)has defined health as a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being and not merely as the absence of disease or infirmity.28It is of interest to note that,in addition to the physical state,the mental and social aspects of well-being are also included.These are of relevance to the intestinal tract,which is composed of a single layer of epithelial cells surrounded by the enteric nervous system,the largest reservoir of nerve cells in the human body apart from that in the brain.Hence,the intestinal tract is part of the brain-gut axis and has also been recognized as the second brain.29In recent years,it has become evident that the intestinal microbes communicate with the epithelial cells,as shown by the extension of early observations in monoassociated mouse models 30to new studies in healthy human volun-teers.31It has also now emerged that specific intestinal microbes also interact with the enteric nervous system.So far,this has only been reported for animal models,but the impact on animal behavior and anxiety is striking.32–34It is therefore appropriate to consider the intestinal micro-biota in the context of the WHO definition of health by including mental and social aspects.The recentconclu-A BKnown Core Genus/Species Number of Species Akkermansia muciniphila 1Alistipes finegoldii 1Anaerotruncus colihominis 1Bacteroides spp.11Bifidobacterium spp.2Clostridium spp.13Colinsella spp.2Dorea spp. 2Eubacterium spp. 9Faecalibacterium prausnitzii 1Lactobacillus lactis 1Lachnobacterium spp.1Lachnospira pectinoschiza 1Parabacteroides spp.3Prevotella spp. 2Roseburia intestinalis 1Ruminococcus spp. 13Streptococcus spp.18Subdoligranulum variabile 1Sutterella wadsworthia 1Uncultured Phylotypes 387Figure 2The common core microbiota in healthy subjects.A.The perspective plot shows the common core size of phylo-types (vertical)as a function of the prevalence in the number of healthy subjects (all controlled for quality of life)and the depthof the analysis as a log intensity of the hybridization signals.B.The composition of the common core of over 50healthy subjects;the number of species-like phylotypes is indicated.The data were processed as described previously.20sion from experimental animals that their social behavior changes in relation to the microbiota also allows new experimental approaches to test the nature of microbiota/ behavioral relationships.35In operational terms,it is not easy to apply the com-plete WHO definition of health.In most cases,compara-tive studies are performed with control groups of healthy subjects who have been selected on the basis of the absence of disease and infirmity.In some cases,however, extensive and validated questionnaires have been used that address the quality of life(QoL)and incorporate the physical,social,and mental aspects in some way.These are particularly useful in differentiating healthy subjects from those who suffer from IBS,a frequently occurring aberration that involves the brain-gut axis.36In the data presented above(Figure2),QoL questionnaires were administered to the subjects,so the common core defined in this group may represent a healthy microbiota.This work was recently extended in a similar analysis of over 100healthy subjects using the same HITChip platform.21 When the same approach was applied to the intestinal microbiota of patients with ulcerative colitis(UC), however,one of the forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD;see below),a much smaller general core was found. Moreover,the common core found in UC patients was markedly different from that in the healthy subjects,illus-trating the power of this comparative approach.21Apart from detecting compositional differences in health and disease,the diversity of the intestinal microbiota is also often addressed.Diversity is here defined in the ecological terms of species richness and evenness,reflecting the number of phylotypes and their relative abundance.This is particularly important because there is a strong corre-lation between species diversity and resilience in many ecosystems,and there is no reason to assume this is dif-ferent for the healthy intestinal microbiota.While the microbial diversity increases rapidly in early life,it has been found to stabilize during adulthood and is main-tained stably throughout all later phases,though it may decrease slightly in subjects over100years of age.37In several diseases,there is a marked effect on the microbial diversity,the most prominent being that observed in patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI).38Apart from the microbial composition,the activity of the intestinal microbiota is a major contributing factor to health and disease.Various ways to define the activity of the intestinal microbiota have been described.39By using cell sorting combined with specific dyes,it was found that fecal samples on average contain approximately30%dead and20%injured cells that show a nonstochastic phyloge-netic distribution,probably because some bacterial groups are more easily damaged than others.40More global approaches capitalize on functional metagenom-ics,such as metatranscriptomics,metaproteomics,and metabolomics.7While metatranscriptomics is a high-throughput method that exploits NGT sequence analysis, the recovery of mRNA from the intestinal tract is a great challenge because the half-life of mRNA in prokaryotes is in the order of minutes.So far,metatranscriptomic approaches have been successfully applied to intestinal systems with a sufficiently highflux that permits rapid sampling and processing.These include the intestinal tracts of babies and ileostoma patients,in whom vitamin production and sugar metabolism by bifidobacteria and streptococci,respectively,were found to be among the most abundant functions.41,42Metaproteomics capitalizes on the fast and global mass spectrometry analysis of pro-teins that are generally much more stable than transcripts. While exploiting the rapidly growing metagenome data-bases,metaproteomics has developed into an established tool to assess microbial function in the complex ecosys-tem of the intestinal tract.43–46The potential of a new metaproteomics annotation approach has been illus-trated by revealing the in situ activity of mucus-degrading Akkermansia spp.,a member of the Verrucomicrobia (Figure1),in healthy volunteers.44Last,but not least, there is the metabolomics approach,which is a powerful tool that has been used in a great variety of studies addressing the impact of the intestinal microbiota on human health.47Notably,urine and blood metabolomics provided new insight into microbiota function,leading to the recent discovery of the involvement of intestinal microbes in promoting suitable diets for patients with atherosclerosis.48One of the limitations of the present-day metabolomics,however,lies in identifying the observed metabolites and,in some cases,reliably deter-mining their concentration.While these functional metagenomic tools will be instrumental in analyzing the relation between micro-biota function and health,they have not yet been applied in large-scale studies comparing healthy and diseased subjects.Hence,in the section below,the main focus is on global microbiota analysis based on high-throughput approaches.It is expected,however,that in the near future such studies will be paralleled by functional approaches that expand beyond only the composition of the microbiota.Apart from the composition and function of the microbiota,a third factor needs to be addressed,and that is time.The temporal variation of the microbiota compo-sition in healthy subjects has been addressed in various time windows,varying from weeks to months to years.17,20,49In all cases,a high temporal stability was observed that resulted in the maintenance of a recogniz-able individual microbiota composition for periods of over10years.However,the immediate effects of anti-biotic use were observed and affected the temporalstability,20confirming model experiments with a small number of volunteers.50Moreover,in a weekly follow-up study of QoL-controlled healthy subjects,it was observed that traveling across time zones may affect the temporal stability of the microbiota.20In addition,by linking intes-tinal health to the microbiota,it could be established that abdominal pain was inversely correlated with the amounts of bifidobacteria.20These unexpected observa-tions testify to the power of these global approaches and provide a basis for further prospective studies to establish cause-and-effect relationships.Moreover,they underline the need to incorporate time as an additional factor to take account of the temporal stability of the intestinal microbiota.STRONG ASSOCIATIONS OF MICROBIOTA AND DISEASE: CAUSE-AND-EFFECT STUDIESIn recent years,associations with varying degrees of support have been established between human intestinal microbiota and an increasing number of over25diseases, syndromes,or functional aberrations.The support for these associations can vary from anecdotal indications, such as those described below,to muchfirmer evidence obtained from large cohorts.Here,the focus is on10of the strongest associations that are supported by multiple studies(Table1).Specific correlations between function or disease and intestinal microbes and,where possible, causation are also described and,in some cases,are sup-ported by studies in animal models.The majority of the studies relating microbiota and disease concern only a few aberrations that have a promi-nent effect on health;these include IBD,IBS,and CDI (Table1).The two main IBD conditions,Crohn’s disease (CD)and UC,have been associated with genetic predis-positions,and several dozens of host genes have been described,reflecting the complexity of these diseases.51 The intestinal microbiota associations in IBD have been studied by comparing healthy and compromised subjects. To correct for the genetic impact,however,monozygotic and dizygotic twins discordant for the disease are often studied.Both CD and UC are associated with a reduced diversity of the intestinal microbiota.There are,however, marked differences between the two diseases that reflect their very different nature.In CD,reduced numbers of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii have been repeatedly observed,and this anaerobic butyrate producer is reported to have anti-inflammatory properties in a mouse model.52Similarly,in a comparative study of IBD-discordant twins,an increased level of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii was also found in the CD patients,but the microbiota of the UC patients were similar to those of their healthy twin siblings.53This latterfinding may be attributed to the limited depth of the analysis or to other technical factors,since other studies showed marked dif-ferences in the microbiota of UC patients.35,55Moreover, in a recent study that specifically addressed the mucosal bacteria in IBD patients,the level of Akkermansia muciniphila was reported to be10-fold reduced in CD patients and100-fold reduced in UC patients,and it wasTable1Intestinal microbiota-associated diseases,syndromes,or other aberrations,with summaries of multiple studies that support an association between the microbiota and the indicated aberration.Aberration Most relevant observations andpotential correlationReferencesCrohn’s disease Diversity decrease–reduced F.prausnitzii Kaser et al.201051;Sokol et al.200952;Willing et al.201053Ulcerative colitis Diversity decrease–reduced A.muciniphila Png et al.201054;Kaser et al.201051;Lepage et al.201155Irritable bowel syndrome Global signatures–increased Dorea andRuminococcusSalonen et al.201036;Saulnier et al.201156;Rajilić-Stojanovićet al.201113Clostridium difficileinfectionStrong diversity decrease–presence of C.difficile Grehan et al.201057;Khoruts et al.201058Colorectal cancer Variation in Bacteroides spp.–increasedfusobacteria Sobhani et al.201159;Wang et al.201260; Marchesi et al.201161Allergy/atopy Altered diversity–specific signatures Stsepetova et al.200762;Bisgaard et al.201163;Storrøet al.201164Celiac disease Altered composition,notably in small intestine Nistal et al.201265;Di Cagno et al.201166;Kalliomäki et al.201267Type1diabetes Signature differences Vaarela201168;Giongo et al.201169;Brownet al.201170Type2diabetes Signature differences Larssen et al.201071;Wu et al.201072;Kootte et al.201273Obesity Specific bacterial ratios(Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes)Ley et al.200674;Turnbaugh et al.200910;Musso et al.201175suggested that this bacterium could be a health biomar-ker.54Akkermansia muciniphila is a mucus-degrading and propionate-producing bacterium belonging to the Verrucomicrobia(Figure1)that notably stimulates the immune system and the barrier function in a mouse model.76,77Very recently,it was shown in a mouse model of IBD with human-relevant disease-susceptibility muta-tions that Koch’s postulates were fulfilled by common commensal Bacteroides spp.but not by members of the Enterobacteriaceae.78Remarkably,the latter were>100-fold enriched in the IBD model but were not associated with disease,so this elegant experiment stresses the need for cause-and-effect rather than association studies.While IBD affects only a fraction of the population, IBS is a highly prevalent aberration that may affect over 5%of the population and can be differentiated into several different types that relate to bowel habits.35Two recent studies in adults and children have produced a series of global signatures that differentiate IBS subjects from healthy individuals.56In spite of the differences in analysis platforms(microarrays,quantitative PCR,and NGT sequencing),a consistent reduction in anaerobic gram-positive bacteria belonging to Dorea and Rumino-coccus spp.was found to be associated with IBS.Remark-ably,the healthy controls of the adult study were found to contain an increased number of Bifidobacterium spp.and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii that had previously been associated with an absence of abdominal pain and inflam-mation(see above).While there is no direct support for the involvement of the intestinal microbiota in IBD and IBS in humans, there is such evidence in the case of CDI.Patients with recurrent CDI are usually on antibiotic therapy,and the intestinal microbiota of antibiotic-treated patients show highly reduced diversity.38In many cases,however,the use of antibiotics is not effective,and patients can only be rescued by a rigorous but highly effective(approximately 90%effective)treatment known as fecal transplantation or bacteriotherapy,in which the patient’s microbiota is replaced by that from a healthy donor.79–81In two studies, single cases of transplantation events that led to CDI eradication have been investigated,and colonization by the donor organisms for up to24weeks was described.57,58 In a more systematic study,a dozen patients were moni-tored for up to2months,and a consistent pattern of increased diversity indistinguishable from the donor microbiota was observed in the cured patients(van Nood et al.,unpublished data,2012).These cases all represent clear examples of a cause-and-effect relationship in which a diverse donor microbiota is stably established in low-diversity recipients with CDI who were thereby cured of the disease.There are some single case reports of success-ful fecal transplantation in patients with UC and other IBD,even IBS.81While these observations can also be considered as indicating that the altered intestinal micro-biota in IBD and IBS are a cause rather than an effect, larger sets of fecal transplantation patients,criteria that define an optimal donor microbiota,and better descrip-tions of the medical conditions,the efficacy,and the changes in the microbiota are needed to support that conclusion.Another important disease for which a series of recent studies support an association with the microbiota is colorectal cancer(CRC),a life-threatening disease that in some cases is linked to colitis,the so-called colitis-associated cancer(Table1).It is assumed that dietary components,such as nitrate,which is a precursor for carcinogenic nitrosamines,can be converted into(pro) carcinogens by enzymes of the intestinal microbiota and hence can promote the onset of CRC,as has been recently reviewed.82Testifying to the interest in this area is the very recent insight gained in a series of studies in which the fecal and,in some cases,the mucosal microbiota of CRC patients were compared with those of healthy subjects.59–61In the fecal microbiota of over several hun-dreds of CRC patients and healthy controls,an increased level of bacteria belonging to the Bacteroides/Prevotella was observed in France using a quantitative PCR approach,while in a global study in China,a more complex pattern was observed that was characterized by a reduction of potentially pathogenic gram-negative bacte-ria in CRC patients,an unequal distribution of some Bacteroides spp.,and a reduced number of butyrate-producing bacteria.59,60More detailed differences were observed by comparing the microbiota on tumor biopsies with those of the neighboring healthy tissues,and this revealed a set of global differences.61Similar approaches with fewer patients but more powerful genomic approaches revealed a variety of differences that system-atically included an overrepresentation of Fusobacterium the tumor sites.83,84A strain of Fusobacterium nucleatum was isolated,genomically characterized,and found to be invasive in a human cell line.84Remarkably, close inspection of the earlier reported study with biop-sies of CRC patients also showed an increase in fusobac-teria in the tumor samples.61Whether the fusobacteria really are involved in the onset of CRC,however,remains to be established,and it is well possible that these gram-positive bacteria,which are rather common intestinal colonizers,just prefer affected tissue.Inflamed appendi-ces removed after appendicitis were also found to contain much more fusobacteria,and microscopic evidence of invasion of fusobacteria into the enterocytes was pro-vided85;moreover,the level of bacteria related to the mucus-degrading Akkermansia muciniphila was greatly reduced,85as in IBD(see above).54Similarly,it was found that there was a relation between the level and invasive-ness of Fusobacterium nucleatum and the severity of。
