Microstructure investigation on inner crack thermal healing in Q235 steel with La addition




第2期郭彦青等:2A I2铝合金粉末与T C4钛合金热等静压粉-固扩散连接• 73 •在进一步促进了 CU的扩散。


(3)利用CU作为中间层的扩散连接接头中间区域相比直接扩散连接的中间区域,硬度较低,为120HV,其剪切强度相比铝合金粉末和钛合金固体的直接扩散连接增加了 64%,达到了 23 MPa。

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Effects of nano-TiO 2on strength,shrinkage and microstructure of alkali activated slagpastesL.Y.Yang a ,Z.J.Jia a ,Y.M.Zhang a ,⇑,J.G.Dai ba School of Materials Science and Engineering,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Construction Materials,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China bThe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,The Hongkong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 21March 2014Received in revised form 19October 2014Accepted 27November 2014Available online 4December 2014Keywords:Alkali activated slag TiO 2Strength ShrinkageMicrostructurea b s t r a c tFor alkali-activated slag (AAS),high drying shrinkage is an obstacle which impedes its application as a construction material.In this investigation,nano-TiO 2was added to AAS,and its mechanical properties and shrinkage were tested to examine its effect on hardened alkali-activated slag paste (AASP).To under-stand the impact of nano-TiO 2on AASP at micro scale,FTIR,MIP and SEM were carried out.Experimental results indicate that the addition of nano-TiO 2to AAS enhances the mechanical strength,and decreases the shrinkage of AASP.FTIR and SEM results demonstrated that the addition of nano-TiO 2into the AASP accelerates its hydration process,resulting in more hydration products and denser structure.MIP results showed that the addition of nano-TiO 2reduces the total porosity of AASP and changes the pore structure.The porosity of 1.25–25nm mesopores,which is believed to be responsible for the high shrinkage of AASP,is remarkably reduced due to the addition of nano-TiO 2.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGround granulated blast furnace slag is a kind of latent hydrau-lic material which can be activated by alkaline solutions,such as water glass,NaOH,Na 2CO 3,and Na 2SO 4,to form solid mass pos-sessing high strength and good performance.Alkali-activated slag (AAS)has been found to have good resistance to sulfate [1],freeze–thaw cycles [2],acid attack [3],high temperature [4],chlo-ride attack [5,6],etc.However,the application of AAS so far is very limited because of its high drying shrinkage [7,8]and high rate of carbonation [9,10].Collins et al.[8]found that drying shrinkage of AAS concrete was about 3.33times higher than OPC concrete at 365d when exposed to environment of 23°C and 50%relative humidity (RH).Results from literature show that,the high drying shrinkage of AAS is due to the specific pore size distribution,especially mesopores [8,11,12]which are responsible for the micro-strain formed in hardened AASP.In addition,the hydration products in AAS are mainly amorphous C-S-H of low Ca/Si ratio [13,14].The absence of crystal phases like CH,one of the main hydration products of Portland cement,is thought to be responsi-ble for high drying shrinkage of AASP as well.Shrinkage when restrained may cause the cracking of concrete,and it is therefore of great importance to work out good solutions to control the shrinkage evolvement of AASP.Bakharev et al.[15]found that heat treatment could improve the early strength and reduce the drying shrinkage of AAS concrete.Collins et al.[16]used saturated blast furnace slag (BFS)to replace normal coarse aggre-gate and found the drying shrinkage reduced significantly and the compressive strength was improved in drying condition.Fang et al.[17]revealed that the use of magnesia remarkably reduces the shrinkage of AAS concrete when its dosage does not exceed 8%.Palacios et al.[18]showed that the use of shrinkage-reducing agent (SRA)reduces the shrinkage of AASP by up to 85%and 50%when exposed to 99%and 50%RH,respectively.Nano materials are new emerging materials in the field of civil engineering and have been utilized by some researchers to enhance the properties,such as mechanical strength,abrasion resistance,and impermeability,of Portland cement concrete [19].The commonly used nano materials in cement-based materials are nano-TiO 2[20–24],nano-Al 2O 3[19,25],and nano-SiO 2[26–29].Feng et al.[22]showed that with the addition of 0.9%nano-TiO 2,the flexural strength and compressive strength of cement pastes at 28d increases by 16.12%and 14.15%,respec-tively.The investigation into the microstructure by Feng et al.[24]demonstrated that the incorporation of TiO 2decreases the quantity of inner micro cracks in Portland cement paste.Nazari et al.[30]investigated the effect of nano-TiO 2on physical,thermal/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2014.11.0090958-9465/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:yanglingyan1010@ (L.Y.Yang),ymzhang@ (Y.M.Zhang).and mechanical properties of concrete using blast furnace slag replacing OPC,showingthe formation of C-S-H gel and improves the Motivated by the possibilities of achieving with AAS,this investigation aims to usethe mechanical strength and shrinkage property slag paste(AASP).2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsS95slag with specific surface area of436m2 2.90g/cm3was used.Slag particles observed ular with sharp clear edges(Fig.1).The particle the slag,tested with laser granulometry,100l m with average particle size of11.86l chemical composition of slag is shown in TableA mixture of solid NaOH and liquid water alkali activator.NaOH was analytically pure Ms.(molar ratio of Na2O to SiO2)of liquid and the mass content of Na2O was9.7%.Nano-TiO2with particle size ranging from20 used in this study(Fig.3).To avoid thenano particles,all the nano-TiO2was dispersed by28kHz ultra-sonic wave in water(half of the total mixing water of AASP)for 10mins.After dispersion,theflocculation of nano-TiO2particles was mitigated,as shown in Fig.3(b)and(c).The dispersed nano-TiO2was then mixed into AASP in10min.2.2.Mix proportionsThe water/binder ratio of the AASP in this investigation was0.4, which was determined after comprehensively considering the workability and strength of AASP according to previous investiga-tions.Alkali activator with a Na2O concentration of4.0%(by mass of slag)and Ms.of1.2was used.The water in the activator and 20°C.Specimens were then cured in a room of20±3°C and 90%±5%RH.The compressive strength and theflexural strength of the AASPs were measured according to Chinese standard GB/T 17671-1999at the age of3d,7d and28d.3.2.ShrinkageShrinkage test was conducted according to Chinese standard JGJ 70-2009.AASPs for shrinkage test were cast in40Â40Â160mm steel moulds with two small copper pieces at both ends,serving as shrinkage detectors.Specimens were sealed with plasticfilm after casting,and demolded after24h room curing.Then the initial length along the longitudinal axis was immediately measured with micrometer caliper.Both reference group and TiO2group were then cured under two regimes,one at20±3°C and90±5%RH, the other at20±3°C and55±5%RH.The length change was mea-sured at1d,3d,7d,14d,28d and90d,respectively.3.3.MicrostructureThe samples for microstructure analysis were taken from the specimens cured in a room with20±3°C and90%±5%RH at dif-ferent ages.These samples were then immersed immediately in ethanol for5days and then dried for48h at60°C in order to stop the hydration of AASP.3.3.1.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)FTIR was carried out to determine the chemical groups of hydration products,at the frequency range of4000–400cmÀ1.All the samples for this analysis were ground into powders smaller than75l m.3.3.2.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)The morphology of hydration products was observed with Sirion Field emission scanning electron microscopy.The samples were coated with gold to enhance the conductivity.3.3.3.Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry(MIP)MIP was used to measure the cumulative porosity and pore size distribution of AASP.Samples for this measurement were cut into size of1–2cm.Fig.1.Morphology of slag under SEM.Fig.2.Particle size distribution of slag.2L.Y.4.Results4.1.Mechanical strengthThe mechanical strength of reference group and TiO2group AASP are given in Table3.It can be seen that the addition of TiO2enhanced both the compressive and theflexural strength of AASP.The compressive strength of TiO2group was approximately 10%,15%and9%higher than those of reference group at3d,7d and28d,respectively.Theflexural strengths of TiO2group were 25%,25%and38%higher than reference group at3d,7d and 28d,respectively,which thereby resulted in higher ratio offlexural to compressive strength of TiO2group.4.2.ShrinkageThe influence of curing regime on the shrinkage of reference group and TiO2group AASP are shown in Fig.4.It can be seen that when cured at a RH of90±5%,the shrinkage of reference group and TiO2group at90d reached approximately1650micro strain and1400micro strain,respectively.When the RH for curing was 55±5%,both group AASPs suffered significant drying shrinkage from the beginning of curing till90d.The drying shrinkage of ref-erence group and TiO2group at90d reached6400micro strain and 5080micro strain,respectively.It is noticed that the addition of TiO2in AASP decreased the shrinkage at both curing conditions. At90d,the reduction in shrinkage of the TiO2group was measured to be18%and27%,when the curing RH was selected to be90±5% and55±5%,respectively,in comparison with that of the reference group.Table4shows the relative shrinkage referring to the shrinkage value at90d.It can be found that when the curing RH was90±5%, 83–84%of the shrinkage took place within7days and95–98% within28days.After28days,the curves of both groups of AASPs tend to level off.When the curing RH was55±5%,only67–70% of the shrinkage happened within7days and89–93%within 28days.After28days,the curves keep on going up and do not level off even at90d.It is obvious that the drying process of AASP under55±5%RH lasts much longer than under90±5%RH,no matter nano-TiO2is utilized or not.These results demonstrate that the addition of0.5%nano-TiO2 enhanced the mechanical strength of AASPs,and decreased the shrinkage of AASP under20±3°C and90±5%or55±5%RH. Literature data[8,11–14]indicate that pore size distribution and characteristics of hydration products are the critical factors affect-ing the shrinkage in OPC and AASP.In the following text,FTIR,SEM and MIP were utilized to investigate the hydration products and(a) SEM image: without dispersion (b) SEM image: after dispersion(c) TEM image:after dispersionFig.3.Images of nano-TiO2particles.Table2Mix proportions of AASP(in mass).Sample W/B Ms Na2O(%)TiO2(%)Reference group0.4 1.2 4.00TiO2group0.4 1.2 4.00.5Table3Mechanical strength of AASP with and without TiO2.Reference group TiO2group3d7d28d3d7d28dCompressive strength,MPa23.4833.9157.5625.7639.1562.96 Flexural strength,MPa 6.1710.0012.587.7112.4617.32 Ratio offlexural-compressive strength0.2620.2950.2190.2990.3180.275L.Y.Yang et al./Cement&Concrete Composites57(2015)1–73the structure of AASP to reveal the influence of nano-TiO2from micro scale.4.3.FTIR resultsSince the hydration products of AASP are mainly amorphousS-H[13],FTIR was carried out to determine the hydration products and their relative quantity by differentiating the typical wave numbers and their transmittance.Fig.5shows the infrared spectra reference group and TiO2group AASPs cured under90±5%RH. The infrared spectra of reference group and TiO2group in corre-sponding curing time are very similar,except that the transmit-tance at particular wave numbers is different.The bands 3448cmÀ1and1654cmÀ1are related to O–H stretching and molecular water,respectively[13,31].Bands between1410cm and1490cmÀ1in sharp shape,and small band at876cmÀ1are associated to anti-symmetric stretching(m3)and out-of-plane bending(m2)modes of CO32Àions[32],which is the product result-ing from carbonation in air during sample preparation.Bands at 964cmÀ1and at457cmÀ1are due to anti-symmetric Si–O(Al) stretching vibrations(m3)and to in-plane Si–O bending vibrations (m2)in SiO4tetrahedra,respectively[31–33].Bands at700cmÀ1 are the result of silicon substitution by aluminum in the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron structure.These bands are attributed to C-S-H and/or C-A-S-H gel.Compared to the reference group,the transmittance of TiO2 group at1420cmÀ1,946cmÀ1and457cmÀ1is enhanced due to the addition of nano-TiO2.The higher transmittance of TiO2group at1420cmÀ1shows that more hydration products were carbon-ated than in reference group.From the higher transmittance at 946cmÀ1and457cmÀ1in TiO2group,it could be deduced that more hydration products like C-S-H and C-A-S-H were produced when nano-TiO2was added.C-S-H and C-A-S-H are known as rigid gel that contributes to the strength of cement-based materials.Therefore more C-S-H and C-A-S-H produced in TiO2group AASP account for its higher mechanical strength in comparison with the reference group.4.4.SEM observation resultsFTIR results revealed that there was no new type of hydration products produced when nano-TiO2was added to AASP,though the amount of hydration products increased.SEM was applied to further investigate the differences in micro structure between ref-erence group and TiO2group at3d,7d and28d in this investiga-tion.The typical pictures taken under SEM are shown in Fig.6.At3d,two typical types of morphology of hydration productsFig.4.Shrinkage of the AASPs with and without TiO2.Table4Relative shrinkage referring to90d shrinkage.90±5%RH55±5%RH7d/90d28d/90d7d/90d28d/90dReference group,%84957093TiO2group,%83986789Fig.5.Infrared spectra of AASP with and without TiO2(90±5%RH).Composites57(2015)1–7L.Y.Yang et al./Cement&Concrete Composites57(2015)1–75(a) Morphology of reference group at 3d: cracks in matrix (a1); reticular outerproducts (a2); rod like inner products (a3)(b) Morphology of TiO2group at 3d: less cracks in matrix (b1); reticular outerproducts (b2); rod like inner products (b3)(c) Morphology of reference group at 7d: cracks in matrix (c1); reticular outerproducts and cracks (c2); rod like inner products (c3)(d) Morphology of TiO2 group at 7d: matrix (d1); loose outer products (d2); rod likeinner products(d3)(e) Morphology of reference group at 28d: cracks in matrix (e1); loose outer productsand cracks (e2)(f) Morphology of TiO2 group at 28d: matrix (f1); dense and massive hydrationproducts (f2)SEM images of reference group and TiO2group at3d,7d and28d(90considerably reduced the width and number of micro cracks in AASP matrix.At 7d,the microstructures of both groups are much denser.For reference group,reticular C-S-H gel is still found,but the pore size is smaller than that at 3d,and micro cracks are formed across the porous C-S-H.For TiO 2group,reticular C-S-H seems to have disap-peared,granular C-S-H is however observed in originally water filled space.The structure of inner hydration products (originally rod like C-S-H area,as observed at 3d)of TiO 2group is more homogeneous than that in reference group as well.At 28d,AASPs for both groups have developed into solid mass at micro scale.Here again,the structure of TiO 2group is much den-ser than reference group,and much less cracks exist in TiO 2group.As far as the results from FTIR and SEM are concerned,the addi-tion of nano-TiO 2into AAS accelerated the hydration process,resulting in more hydration products like C-S-H and C-S-A-H,and more densified microstructure.This result is consistent with the enhanced mechanical strength of TiO 2group samples (cf.Section 4.1).4.5.MIP resultsMore quantitative results on the microstructure,particularly the pore structure of the two groups of AASPs were obtained from the MIP measurements.Fig.7shows the cumulative porosity of both reference group and TiO 2group from 3d to 28d tested with pared to the reference group,the TiO 2group had rela-tively lower total porosity,i.e.27.5%,24.5%and 19.8%at 3d,7d and 28d respectively,while the porosity in reference group was 31.6%,29.6%and 28.4%,respectively.According to Collins et al.[8],the total high porosity of pores within the mesopore region (1.25–25nm)in AASPs could explain their high magnitude of drying shrinkage.In Fig.7,the total poros-ity of AASPs is consisted of two parts,i.e.mesopores of 1.25–25nm and pores larger than 25nm.It can be seen that the addition of nano-TiO 2not only reduced the total porosity of AASP,but also remarkably changed the pore distribution.For the reference group,the porosity of 1.25–25nm pores was 28%,27%and 25.6%at 3d,7d and 28d,respectively.The corresponding value of TiO 2group was however much lower,being 14.9%,13.8%and 15.2%,respec-tively.When referring to the total porosity,the volume percentageof mesopores in reference AASPs was 91.1%,91.2%and 89.9%at 3d,7d and 28d,respectively.However,the corresponding value of TiO 2group was 54.3%,56.5%and 77.1%,respectively.When our MIP results are incorporated with the results of the shrinkage test in Section 4.2,consistence is obvious with the view of Collins et al.[8]and Tarek Aly et al.[11]that capillary tensile forces set up during drying is a very significant factor for the drying shrinkage of AAS.The relatively lower shrinkage of TiO 2group AASP could be explained by the much less amount of 1.25–25nm mesopores in the paste,when compared with the AASP without nano-TiO 2.It should be pointed out that the enhanced stiffness of AASP with nano-TiO 2,caused by the improvement of the mechanical strength,contributes to the decreased shrinkage to some extent as well,though the impact is not valuated in this paper.5.ConclusionsIn this investigation,0.5%(in mass)nano-TiO 2was added to alkali activated slag paste (AASP),and the mechanical properties,shrinkage,hydration products and microstructure of AASP were examined and compared with that of AASP without nano-TiO 2.The following conclusions are drawn.(1)The addition of nano-TiO 2into the AASP enhances the com-pressive and the flexural strength of the paste,and improves the flexural to compressive strength ratio as well.(2)The addition of nano-TiO 2into the AASP reduces the shrink-age of the paste cured under 20±3°C and 90±5%or 55±5%RH.Under 90±5%RH,the shrinkage curves tend to level off after 28days,but go up even till 90days under 55±5%RH.It should however be acknowledged that the shrinkage strain is still unacceptably large and further remedies are needed.(3)FTIR and SEM results demonstrated that the addition ofnano-TiO 2into the AASP accelerates its hydration process,resulting in more hydration products and denser structure.(4)MIP results showed that the addition of nano-TiO 2reducesthe total porosity of AASP and changes the pore structure.The porosity of 1.25–25nm mesopores,which is believed by previous researchers to be responsible for the high shrinkage of AASP,is remarkably reduced due to the addi-tion of nano-TiO 2.AcknowledgementsThe funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (project No.51378115)and 973project (2015CB655104)is greatly appreciated.The support from the Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Civil Engineering Materials is also acknowledged.References[1]Bakharev T,Sanjayan JG,Cheng YB.Sulfate attack on alkali-activated slagconcrete.Cem Concr Res 2002;32(2):211–6.[2]Fu Y,Cai L,Yonggen W.Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics modelsof alkali-activated slag concrete.Constr Build Mater 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DOI: 10.19906/ki.JFCT.2021091费托合成钴基催化剂微观结构研究进展卢文丽1,2,王俊刚1,* ,孙德魁1,马中义1,陈从标1,侯 博1,* ,李德宝1(1. 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 煤转化国家重点实验室, 山西 太原 030001;2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)摘 要:费托合成可将煤、天然气及生物质等各种非石油含碳资源通过合成气转化为各种油品和精细化学品。


钴基催化剂微观活性位的结构和费托反应过程中催化剂的表面吸附物等都会对F-T 合成反应的产物分布以及催化性能有影响。


关键词:费托合成;钴基催化剂;活性位点;表面吸附行为中图分类号: O643.36 文献标识码: AResearch progress of microstructure for cobalt-based F-T catalystsLU Wen-li 1,2,WANG Jun-gang 1,*,SUN De-kui 1,MA Zhong-yi 1,CHEN Cong-biao 1,HOU Bo 1,*,LI De-bao1(1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion , Institute of Coal Chemistry , Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Taiyuan 030001, China ;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100049, China )Abstract: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is a promising route to produce various olefins and fine chemicals from non-petroleum carbon sources that can be used to produce synthesis gas, such as coal, natural gas and biomass.Cobalt-based catalysts have gained more attention in FTS for the academic research and industrial applications,owing to their excellent catalytic properties such as low water-gas-shift activity, great Fischer-Tropsch reaction activity and high chain growth probability. The structure of the microscopic active site and the surface adsorption of the cobalt-based catalyst during the Fischer-Tropsch progress have an effect on the product distribution and catalytic performance. In this review, we summarized some advancements in the development of cobalt-based F-T catalysts focusing on the effects of particle size, crystal phase, crystal plane and microscopic active site, with emphasis on the research from the types, surface adsorption behavior and characterization techniques of microscopic active site.Some suggestions for the development of cobalt-based F-T catalysts in the future are also given.Key words: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis ;cobalt-based catalyst ;active site ;surface adsorption behavior费托(F-T )合成是以煤、天然气、页岩气和生物质等含碳资源为原料经合成气(CO+H 2)在催化剂的作用下合成液体燃料或化学产品的工艺方法。



高纯无氧铜的晶界迁移行为及其晶粒长大机制高纯无氧铜的晶界迁移行为及其晶粒生长机制1. 引言高纯无氧铜是一种重要的工程材料,具有良好的导电性和热导性。




2. 高纯无氧铜的晶界迁移行为晶界迁移是指晶界位置在固态材料中发生改变的过程。





3. 高纯无氧铜的晶粒生长机制晶粒生长是指晶体中的晶粒逐渐增长并形成较大晶粒的过程。




4. 高纯无氧铜晶界迁移行为的研究方法为了研究高纯无氧铜的晶界迁移行为,研究者使用了多种实验方法和理论模型。




5. 高纯无氧铜晶粒生长机制的研究方法高纯无氧铜晶粒生长机制的研究主要使用了相场模型和分子动力学模拟。




6. 结论通过对高纯无氧铜晶界迁移行为及其晶粒生长机制的研究,我们可以更好地理解并控制高纯无氧铜的性能。



第38卷第1期2021年1月控制理论与应用Control Theory&ApplicationsV ol.38No.1Jan.2021微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术崔旭东1,曹普信2,王平江2†(1.鞍山师范学院计算中心,辽宁鞍山114007;2.华中科技大学国家数控工程中心,湖北武汉430074)摘要:在微钻生产中采用机器视觉方法进行缺陷检测时,其难点在于一次拍摄就获得微钻侧刃的完整的、高分辨率的图像.当采用高倍率光学镜头时,又产生视野与检测范围的矛盾.为解决该矛盾,本文创造性地设计了一套内锥镜面反射成像装置,既可获得微钻端刃的清晰图像,又可获得整个微钻侧刃的清晰图像,使得微钻缺陷的全自动视觉检测成为可能.试验结果表明,本文研发的微钻全景式视觉检测系统,能够满足微钻生产中的自动化检测需求.关键词:微型钻头;内锥全反射镜;机器视觉;视觉检测;图像拼接;缺陷检测引用格式:崔旭东,曹普信,王平江.微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术.控制理论与应用,2021, 38(1):157–165DOI:10.7641/CTA.2020.90949Panoramic visual inspection technology for defects of end edge andside edge of micro drillCUI Xu-dong1,CAO Pu-xin2,WANG Ping-jiang2†(puting Center,Anshan Normal College,Anshan Liaoning114007,China;2.National CNC Engineering Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan Hubei430074,China)Abstract:When machine vision is used for defect detection in the production of micro-drills,the difficulty lies in obtaining a complete,high-resolution image of the side edge of the micro-drill with one shot.When a high-magnification optical lens is used,there is a contradiction between thefield of view and the detection range.In order to solve this contradiction,this paper creatively designed a set of inner cone mirror reflection imaging devices,which can obtain clear images of the end edge of the micro-drill and the entire side edge of the micro-drill,enabling the automatic visual inspection of the micro-drill become possible.The test results show that the micro-drill panoramic visual inspection system developed in this paper can meet the needs of automated inspection in the production of micro-drills.The test results show that the micro-drill panoramic visual inspection system developed in this paper can meet the needs of automated inspection in the production of micro-drills.Key words:micro drill bit;internal cone total reflection mirror;machine vision;visual inspection;image stitching; defect inspectionCitation:CUI Xudong,CAO Puxin,WANG Pingjiang.Panoramic visual inspection technology for defects of end edge and side edge of micro drill.Control Theory&Applications,2021,38(1):157–1651引言印刷线路板(printed circuit board,PCB)是组装各种电子元件的基石,有“电子系统产品之母”美称,而印刷线路板加工所需的微钻,年需求量13亿只,市场需求巨大[1–2].但微钻在生产中面临两大难题,一是加工难,二是检测难[3].加工难可通过高精度的多轴数控机床解决,且通过扩大机床数量解决产能问题.微钻检测难,难点在于:1)微钻具有刃口细小,端刃、侧刃分布在两个垂直空间姿态中,必须变换检测方向,方能实现两个不同部位缺陷检测任务;2)检测范围大、精度要求高,限于电荷耦合元件(charge coupled device,CCD)相机的分辨率,相机视野不能太大,必须通过扫描检测的方式才能在确保检测的完整性同时又能够保证检测的精度;3)微钻侧刃呈螺旋状分布收稿日期:2019−11−14;录用日期:2020−09−28.†通信作者.E-mail:pj*************.cn;Tel.:+86136****9331.本文责任编委:胡跃明.国家科技重大(04)专项“核工业专用零部件制造装备换脑工程”(2017ZX04011006–005),国家科技重大(04)专项“高档数控系统关键共性技术创新能力平台(二期)”(2015ZX04005007)资助.Supported by the National Science and Technology Major(04)Special Project“Brain Exchange Project for Manufacturing Equipment of Special Parts for Nuclear Industry”(2017ZX04011006–005)and the National Science and Technology Major(04)Special Project“Key Generic Technology Innovation Capability Platform for High-end Numerical Control System(Phase II)”(2015ZX04005007).158控制理论与应用第38卷在外圆柱面上,由于视线遮挡,同一个位姿下拍摄难以获得整个一圈的侧刃图像;且由于检测精度要求高,必须是显微成像,在镜头景深、视野的限制下,同一个视角下,也难以获得整个画面均清晰的侧刃图像.对于检测难点1)–2)的解决方案,可以采用多个相机从不同的方位角同时拍摄以获得不同检测部位的清晰图像;对于检测难点3),即使采用多个相机,比如3个相机,环绕圆柱面对称布置,也由于相机镜头景深的限制,既需要微钻沿自身轴线回转120◦,以获得侧刃整体的清晰的图像;也需要微钻沿自身轴线直线运动,以获得整个外圆柱面上侧刃的清晰图像.当然,如果不惜成本,采用高精度的专用数控装备,可以实现微钻端刃、侧刃的全面检测.但是按照多相机、多运动轴设计的检测装备,在检测效率与成本上,国内市场是难以接受的.Franci Lahajnar等人提出利用两台远心相机观察PCB的尺寸等相关参数,反映微钻刀具磨损或者损坏的情况,精确度高于±0.03mm[4].台湾国立科技大学的C K Huang等人提出了一种基于ROI计算微钻各个刃面的参数[5].台湾国立海洋大学的Wen-Tung Chang 等人提出计算微钻芯厚方法,精度能够到达2.5µm[6].华南理工大学的张舞全等采用改进的小核值相似边缘提取方法[7].但是多数学者是对微钻几何参数检测方面进行研究[8–10],仍难以满足生产中进行缺陷检测的要求.目前微钻质检方式,仍然是利用人工抓取微钻,在显微放大镜下从各个方向观察被测面,查找缺陷.显然人工肉眼检测,具有很强的主观性和随机性,且检测效率低,造成只能采用抽检的方式进行质量管控.这种检测方式,已经难以满足日益增长的高质量生产的需求.对于生产中的微钻缺陷检测系统,重点在于实现崩刃、缺刃(部分或整条刀刃没有磨削出来时的情形)、刃口开槽宽度、侧刃上的容屑槽是否有及其宽度是否达到要求等科目的检测(属于平面视觉可以检测的科目),因此能够开展基于机器视觉的微钻缺陷检测技术研发的前提,是能够获得清晰的微钻端刃、侧刃的图像.针对微钻缺陷检测中被检测区域的清晰图像获取的难点,本文创造性地提出了一种基于内锥镜面的外圆柱面扫描全景成像的微钻缺陷视觉检测系统:用一个相机加上一个单轴的运动控制机构,在微钻的一次装夹下,既能实现微钻端刃清晰图像采集,又能实现微钻整个侧刃所在的整个外圆柱面上侧刃机械结构清晰图像采集.获得了微钻端刃、整个侧刃的清晰的、高分辨率的图像,微钻的缺陷检测采用成熟的图像处理手段,已不是难题.本文的重点在于分析如何在高分辨率条件下获得微钻端刃、整个侧刃的高清晰图像.与目前已知的微钻检测系统相比较,本文检测方法具有成本更低、效率更高的优势.实验结果表明本文方法的有效性和精准性,能够满足微钻生产现场对缺陷的实时检测要求. 2微钻视觉检测系统2.1基于内锥面全反射镜的微钻成像如图1所示,本文设计的用于获取微钻端刃及侧刃清晰图像的内锥全反射镜面扫描成像检测系统.该检测系统包含内锥面全反射镜、远心镜头、CCD、微钻定心夹持机构、微钻侧刃成像扫描的单轴伺服运动机构等.图1直角内锥镜面成像光路图Fig.1Light path diagram of mirror image of90◦inner cone微钻端刃的检测时,只要让微钻端刃沿Z轴运动到O点处,触发相机采样,即可容易地直接成像获得如图2(a)所示的端刃的清晰图像.继续令微钻沿Z轴向上运动,利用内锥面反射镜成像原理,将外圆柱面上呈圆周空间分布的整圈侧刃,变换为成伞形分布的平面虚像,利用具有较大景深的远心镜头(景深约为0.16mm,以便清晰拍摄到侧刃容屑槽底部)及CCD拍摄该平面虚像,即可获得如图2(b)所示的微钻在当前位置处所对应的、沿微钻长度方向的一小段整圈侧刃的清晰图像.所获得的环形清晰图像的范围等于远心镜头的视野减去锥孔直径,约为3mm.也就是,微钻沿Z轴每移动2.5mm时,采集一幅微钻侧刃的环形图像.那么,一只侧刃长度为10mm的微钻,只需采集5–6幅侧刃环形图像,即可完成整个侧刃清晰图像的采集,接着就可以利用图像处理的手段,进行缺陷的检测了.(a)微钻端刃图像第1期崔旭东等:微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术159(b)微钻侧刃图像图2基于内锥镜面采集的微钻图像Fig.2Microdrill image acquired based on inner cone mirror2.2微钻侧刃圆周展开的清晰图像获取如图3所示,在某Z 轴位置处微钻侧刃经内锥面反射镜、远心镜头后获得环状侧刃图像.显然,直接在环状图像上进行侧刃缺陷的检测,一则给图像处理的算法带来很大的难度,二则给缺陷检测的尺寸精度带来很大的问题,三则视野太小,一些尺寸稍大的缺陷将无法检测出来.(a)侧刃图像(b)侧刃清晰度灰度图像图3获取的侧刃图像及清晰度灰度图像Fig.3Side edge image and grayscale image of sharpness为此,本文采用沿微钻轴线等距拍摄不同部位的侧刃的环状图像,对每一帧环状图像的清晰区域进行提取得到环形清晰图像;再根据锥面反射镜的成像原理,将环形清晰图像,通过极坐标与直角坐标的变换关系,映射为如图4所示的矩形图像.再将这一系列矩形图像根据摄像时相机与目标物相对运动的位置关系,进行矩形图像的粗配准,然后再根据相邻图像的特征,进行精配准获得亚像素级别的配准精度.再将已配准的相邻各矩形图像,按照顺序进行图像融合,获得如图5所示的融合后的微钻侧刃展开的全景式矩形图像[11–13].图4微钻环形图像展开图Fig.4Annular image expansiondiagram图5融合效果图Fig.5Fusion effect3微钻缺陷的视觉检测方法3.1微钻缺陷视觉检测步骤如图6所示,为微钻端刃、侧刃视觉检测过程.当获取端刃图像后,立即对端刃进行检测,若发现端刃有缺陷,则立即停止下一步的复杂的侧刃检测,以减小微钻检测时间,提高检测效率.若端刃检测合格,在伺服运动机构的控制下,使微钻沿Z 轴方向匀速等间距运动,通过锥面反射镜,拍摄微钻侧刃的系列环形图像.当然,为提高检测的效率,对于微钻侧刃每一位置处的矩形图像,可以先采用图像处理的方法进行某些类型的缺陷检测,如果发现了缺陷,则停止进一步的检测.160控制理论与应用第38卷图6微钻视觉检测流程图Fig.6Visual detection flow chart of microdrill3.2微钻端刃侧刃缺陷检测方法考虑到微钻端刃图像与侧刃图像的差异性,缺陷检测自然地也分为两部分:端刃缺陷与侧刃缺陷.3.2.1微钻缺陷图像检测的一般算法本文采用图像匹配算法实现微钻缺陷的检测,具体包括以下几个部分,如图7所示.图7图像匹配算法结构图Fig.7Structure of image matching algorithm图像的特征提取是图像匹配算法的最核心技术,对于本文研究的微钻,首先要找到其边缘信息,进而于边缘的交会处发现图像角点,接着根据角点的数目和连通域的面积大小以及区域的形状这些要素,也就是特征的相似性进行比对,比对的结果就确定了微钻的合格与否.边缘检测、角点检测、模板匹配和轮廓矩匹配等算法[14–15]是一般图像处理中常用的算法,由于模板匹配和轮廓矩对多种缺陷检测具有较好的适应性,因此本文采用这两种算法的融合.3.2.2微钻端刃缺陷检测由于选择的远心镜头放大倍率较高,摄影系统的景深较小,当被检微钻端刃产生崩刃的时候,崩刃处的齿面就不会落在景深区域,导致崩刃处的图像是模糊的,如图8所示.图8崩齿微钻端刃图像Fig.8Image of micro-drill end edge of tooth collapse获取端刃的图像后,采用图像处理的方法,进而判别端刃是否合格的具体流程如图9所示.第1期崔旭东等:微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术161图9微钻端刃缺陷检测流程图Fig.9Flowchart of detection of micro-drill end edge defect在加工微钻时,时常会使端刃刀面产生刀路痕迹,这些刀路痕迹在进行边缘检测时会生成无用的边缘信息.为避免刀路痕迹带来的影响,要对图像采用高斯模糊处理,接着采用Canny 边缘检测,与此同时用开运算剔除孤点特征.由图10可以发现处理后图像的边缘比较清晰,但是边缘较宽,这是因为模糊的刃口边缘造成的.为了提高角点检测的效果,边缘的信息还得进行细化处理.图10Canny 边缘检测Fig.10Canny edge detection细化后的边缘图像如图11(a)所示,进行ShiTo-masi 角点检测后的图像如图11(b)所示,再将图11(b)中的角点信息与标准模板中的角点进行模板匹配.图11破损微钻端刃边缘信息图Fig.11Edge information diagram of damaged micro-drill end经过反复的试验,将该规格的微钻端刃边缘信息及角点信息的图像存入模型库中.最终形成如图12所示的模板匹配所用的微钻端刃检测的标准模板.图12标准端刃边缘信息图Fig.12Standard edge information diagram162控制理论与应用第38卷3.2.3微钻侧刃缺陷检测鉴于微钻具有的特殊结构,即侧刃伴随着用来排屑的螺旋线沟槽,且每条螺旋线上有多个切口用于断屑.同一规格的微钻其螺旋线的升角和长度相同,在侧刃上的切口数也相同,侧刃的主要缺陷通常产生在切口处.由此得出:1)侧刃的检测就是根据切口的个数来判断微钻是否合格;2)螺旋线沟槽的宽度、深度是否合格等.当切口数与样本不一致时,或者当螺旋槽的宽度与样本不一致时,该微钻是不合格的;实际上,螺旋槽的宽度,也代表着螺旋容屑槽的深度,所以检测其宽度,间接检测其深度.由此,微钻侧刃的检测流程如图13所示.图13微钻侧刃缺陷检测流程图Fig.13Flow chart of detection of micro-drill side edge defect通常侧刃缺陷产生在其切线方向,为此需要对如图5所示的微钻侧刃全景图像采用横向微分处理,经过横向微分之后再经过图像均衡化、孤立点滤波等处理,得到如图14所示的侧刃图像.图14微钻侧刃横向微分图像Fig.14Lateral differential image of micro-drilling side edge由图14可知,横向微分处理效果较好,体现在所希望的切口特征加强了,而纵向的特征基本上消除了.不太理想的是这时的切口特征由零散线段组成,难以形成封闭连通区域,也不太容易统计螺旋切口数目.因此为了形成具有封闭区域的连通域特征需要对该图像进行膨胀处理,处理之后的图像如图15所示.图15微分后膨胀图像Fig.15Differential expansion image膨胀的结果使得螺旋切口成为封闭连通域,即可进行有效连通域个数的统计,以此判定侧刃的切口数目是否满足要求.大量的试验表明,微钻侧刃缺陷通常出现在以下3种位置:1)在两个螺旋切口之间产生较大的破损缺陷,膨胀后,缺陷特征会与其中一个切口融合(也可能破损处与两个切口融合在一起,造成连通域个数的减少),形成单个较大面积的连通域,这种情况破损缺陷较严重.2)在单个螺旋切口上产生较小的破损,膨胀后缺陷特征近乎消除.此种情况本来侧刃损伤不大,并且其对侧刃的影响也较小,人工检测时也认为其为合格的微钻.3)在两个螺旋切口间产生破损缺陷,而且破损情况正常,膨胀后缺陷特征形成单个的封闭连通域,导致连通域个数多于标准模板连通域数目,毫无疑问该微钻不合格.针对螺旋槽宽度(深度)的检测,主要采用单根螺旋线上切口的数目、切口所占面积以及在如图15所示的图像中,左右相邻螺旋线上切口距离等因素综合判断.因为外圆柱面上的若干条螺旋线沿圆周展开后,是一组平行的倾斜的直线.如果倾斜直线的数目,与标准的不符;或者倾斜直线的角度与标准不符;或者相邻倾斜直线间的距离与标准不符;或者切口的左边边缘到与其对应的倾斜直线的距离与标准不符等,上述任何一种情形发生,都会判断该微钻的侧刃有缺陷.4微钻缺陷检测系统验证4.1实验对象如表1所示,为验证微钻检测系统而选择的具有代表性的10个样本,图16中列出了无缺陷及有缺陷微钻样本的端刃图像,图17中展示了正常的和常见破损缺陷的侧刃样本.第1期崔旭东等:微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术163表1实验样本Table 1Experimental samples样本号破损处12345678910端刃有无破损无无无有有有有无无无侧刃有无破损无无无无无无无有有有图16样本端刃及常见破损形式Fig.16Sample edge and commondamage图17样本侧刃局部及常见破损形式Fig.17Local and common damage forms of the sample sideedges4.2数据统计经过图像采集及图像处理后,图16中的样本其边缘角点的图像,如图18所示.图18端刃破损样本检测边缘轮廓图Fig.18Edge profile of edge breakage sample detection图19所示为图17局部侧刃的图像处理结果.图19侧刃破损样本局部连通域图Fig.19Local connected domain diagram of side bladedamage samples将图17和图19进行对照.图19(b)是两个切口间破损缺陷较大的情况,经形态学的处理,切口和缺陷融合成一体,造成一个面积很大的连通域,由置信区间来判别,这个连通域是无效的,由此也得出该微钻是不合格品;图19(c)是破损在两切口间,采用形态学处理,破损和两边切口各自形成自己的有效连通域,造成有效连通域数目多一个,有效连通域总数增多,结论是该微钻是不合格的;图19(d)较小的破损恰巧在切口处,同样采用形态学的方法处理,产生一个处于置164控制理论与应用第38卷信区间但面积较大的连通域,这时也认为该微钻是合格的.原因是微钻上的小破损不会影响微钻工作,事实上人工检测时也会视这样的微钻是合格的.综上,判定侧刃是否合格的关键在于膨胀后其二值化图像中的有效连通域的数目,在此基础上,统计连通域面积,大量样本数据形成连通域面积的正态分布,以此作为有效连通域的判定依据.选择10个样本微钻(其中3个合格,7个不合格),进行端刃与侧刃的质量检测,端刃的相似度大于90%表明破损较小可以容忍,判定端刃合格,实验的具体数据见表2.4.3实验结果分析样本中选择了端刃的常见的3种破损情况:崩齿、未加工出刃口及细小裂纹.侧刃也选择了3种破损情况:两切口间有较大破损、两切口间有较小破损和切口上有较小破损.经过实验验证,本文的方法与质检结果,同人工质检基本一致,见表2,只有样本4 (端刃上有细小裂纹)没有检测出.表2实验结果数据Table2Experimental result data样本号检测数据12345678910端刃角点个数17171717173421171717数据相似程度/%96.2195.3497.7693.8681.1467.1454.5694.6795.3897.62连通域总数目72658076———697767异常大面侧刃积连通域0000———100数据异常小面积连通域22153026———192617有效连通域数目50658050———495150人工质检结果合格合格合格不合格不合格不合格不合格不合格不合格合格系统质检结果合格合格合格合格不合格不合格不合格不合格不合格合格完成一根合格微钻的检测实践需要13.2s,计时从系统收到检测信号开始,直到数控装备将检测完的微钻放入指定位置为止终止计时.实验结果表明,本文提出的微型钻头端刃侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术可以满足检测的实际要求.5总结与展望5.1总结本文在微型钻头端刃、侧刃缺陷的全景式视觉检测技术的理论基础上,设计并搭建了实验装置,利用直角内锥反射镜的特性,使得采用一台相机即可获取微钻端刃及侧刃全景图像,为后续的基于图像处理的缺陷检测奠定了坚实的基础.本文提出的微钻检测方法简单高效,可解决微钻传统检测方法的低效率和高成本的问题,为该技术在工厂的实际应用打下了良好基础.5.2展望由于初步设计的实验检测装置存在加工及装配上的误差,使得获取的图像有模糊部分,造成图像处理过程较繁琐.如果该技术能够在工厂实际应用,必须设计及制作高精度的专用夹具.侧刃缺陷检测是重点也是难点,仅仅采用计算有效连通域面积及其数目的统计方法,使得检测缺陷种类及检测准确度还有较大提升空间.特别是对于前刀面角度、后刀面角度、开槽深度、刀刃曲线几何精度等检测科目及其检测技术,尚需做深入研究.参考文献:[1]TU Chaoshun.Printed circuit board industry:The rise of tablet com-puter and the continuation of printed circuit board industry.Straits Science and Technology&Industry,2012,6:40–42.(涂朝顺.印刷电路板业:平板电脑崛起,印刷电路板业续夯.海峡科技与产业,2012,6:40–42.)[2]WANG Chengyong,HUANG 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(3)可改善SKD11中的粗大碳化物: 可将粗大碳化物的大小改善至1/3以下,因此可防止造成模具损伤原因之碎裂(Chipping)等。






超高性能混凝土的微观特征——应用统计纳米压痕技术表征邓爽【摘要】介绍纳米压痕原理,通过应用统计纳米压痕技术,表征超高性能混凝土的微结构,描述其微观机械特性.特别是,通过统计纳米压痕(SNT)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及X射线衍射(XRD)的研究发现,在界面区的纤维矩阵是无缺陷的.【期刊名称】《凯里学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(032)006【总页数】4页(P109-112)【关键词】微观结构;统计纳米压痕技术;高性能混凝土【作者】邓爽【作者单位】凯里学院建筑工程学院,贵州凯里556011【正文语种】中文在过去的15年中,超高性能混凝土已经广泛用于工业结构中,具有出色的性能,如抗压强度150~200 MPa,在具有显著抗承重能力同时,拉伸强度8~15 MPa,折断能量20~30 kJ/m2.超高性能混凝土的优越性能通过它们的微结构来实现,即通过选择矿石、石英粉等来增大材料密度,通过优化纤维来增强矩阵韧性.然而,当前关于超高性能混凝土的微结构知识比较少,且主要通过图片分析,是定性而不是定量的.纳米压痕作为一种尖端的测试技术,可以测得水泥基材料中各相的微结构的本质力学特性[1].本文首先应用统计纳米压痕技术于超高性能材料中,以便量化其微结构的性能.此方法拓展了传统纳米压痕技术的应用领域,从单相材料到多相材料的组成.代替传统的纳米压痕技术被用来研究混凝土材料的局部机械行为,以大量的压痕实验为基础,统计纳米压痕技术可以得到超高性能水泥基材料微观组分的机械性能、体积大小、密度分布、孔隙率和微结构形态的分布.1 材料和方法1.1 材料和样品制备进行纳米压痕试验时[2],采用 Oliver—Pharr的方法.因为样品粗糙度与数据的离散性、力学性能有着密不可分的关系,所以纳米压痕试验要求材料具备光滑的表面[3-5].平整的样品表面大大排除了样品对试验结果的干扰,试验结果的可重复性也得以实现,故样品制备方法是极其重要的.水泥基材料的样品通常制备过程:(1)切割样品;(2)用碳化硅砂纸打磨样品,防止样品表面发生弯曲,直至样品上下表面平行.在无水乙醇环境下,用超声波清洗样品2~6 min;(3)用油基金刚石悬浮液进行多次抛光,使用的抛光液粒径应达到最小,最后一道抛光工序时间应大于2 h.抛光后超声波清洗样品[6].抛光后,样品微观力学性能趋于稳定.制备超高性能混凝土样本,两边有棱的超高性能混凝土平面板段,大小为6.1 m×2.5 m×0.38 m.同一批制备6个梁样本用于抗弯曲测试,进行大量包括静态和动态的测试实验.对于纳米压痕测试,1个直径为20 mm的圆柱体被从50 mm厚的梁中挖去,然后把这些梁切成薄片.在纳米压痕测试时,梁样品被存放在20~25℃、35~55℃的实验室环境下36个月.这些材料的水和混凝土的比例为0.19~0.21.混凝土的化学组成如表1.表1 制造商提供的水泥主要组成成分 %氧化钙二氧化硅氧化铝氧化铁氧化硫高岭土改性聚酯纤维67.27 22.04 3.02 2.61 2.23 1.58超高性能混凝土的主要成分的大小和密度总结见表2.石英粉是硅铁合金的副产品,具有火山灰质的特性.表2 超高性能混凝土的平均颗粒大小和密度材料平均颗粒大小/μm 质量密度/(kg/m3)水泥15~30 3 120硅土 0.1~1 2 240石英粉 0.1~95 2 610石英砂200~650 2 610钢纤维 210(直径)7 800高效减水剂—— 1 080水——1 100钢纤维是质量最大的成分,其体积是0.2 mm,长度是12.7 mm.石英砂是粒径最大的颗粒材料,其直径200~650 μm;接下来是硅土和压碎的石英,其平均直径为10 μm量级.浇筑6天后,材料被加热来提高强度和尺寸的稳定性,温度90℃,相对湿度90%.核心样品分割成5 mm厚,表面用水磨沙石纸抛光.试件用3.5 μm 的金相抛光膏在mpd-1型抛光机上抛光,再用丙酮在超声波清洗器中清洗样品15 min,烘干待测.1.2 纳米压痕研究纳米压痕测试包括建立硬度计和样品之间的连接,随后测量负载、载荷和压痕深度、残余压痕深度.图1展示1个典型的测试F-h曲线,图2为典型的纳米压痕示意图.测试时,先加载,然后保持一段时间载荷,最后卸载.此F-h曲线可用于推导压痕硬度H和压痕模量M[7].图1 纳米压痕实验的F-h曲线图2 典型的纳米压痕示意图除去面积Ac,所有决定压痕硬度和弹性模量的数据可以通过F-h曲线获得,如图1所示.卸载纳米压痕的弹性接触韧度S=(d P/d h)hmax.在接触面积上用Oliver and Pharr方法[8],由最大的压痕深度hmax来推测完全卸载之后的残余压痕深度hf.对于各向同性的物质系统,弹性模量E可以通过线性材料的弹性模型联系到压痕材料的压痕模量.在各向同性的均匀材料情况下,弹性模量E与压痕模量M之间关系为:其中,E是杨氏模量,V是被测材料的泊松比,Ei和νi分别为压头的弹性模量和泊松比.压头的锥体半顶角θ[9],材料的内聚力c,摩擦角φ等强度性能与各向同性匀质材料的压痕硬度H联系起来,为了确保压痕结果与长度特性无关,样品每个相态的尺寸必须满足[3]:其中,d、D分别是各向同性的最大的颗粒特征尺寸、代表元素的特征尺寸.也就是说,对于hmax<d,压痕受到相态不均匀尺寸的影响;对于hmax>D,压痕的深度受到微结构的不同相态之间干扰的影响.压痕的深度h通过平行板电容的变化连续记录,压痕转头的运动通过一个电磁钟摆绕轴转动来控制[10].载荷设置:采用载荷控制模式,从压头接触到样品表面时开始按照0.2 mN/s的速率线性加载10 s至2 mN,恒载2 s,之后按照0.2 mN/s的速率线性卸载.保持时间段的结果可以用来研究在小尺寸下的超高性能混凝土的渐变行为.本文主要研究弹性系数性能,所以这部分没有在图1中画出.检查图1中的F-h曲线,来判断其正确性,排除由于破裂引起小于5%不连续位移的点.通过实验,统计纳米压痕技术可以获得每一相态的性质.各主要相态成分的大小:单个胶状凝胶颗粒的大小为5 nm,水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)的颗粒大小为小于2 nm,水化水泥凝胶的特征尺寸为1~3 μm.石英粉、硅土、石英砂的颗粒尺寸为0.1~95,0.1 ~1,200 ~650 μm,认为晶体的每一相态的大小都小于hmax.1.3 统计纳米压痕技术若压痕深度 h远小于 D(由不同力学性能的两相组成的材料中两相颗粒的特征尺度),即h远小于D,则通过单个压痕就可得到的是各相的力学性能[11].若进行大量压痕试验(设点数为N),压痕点排布为网格点阵,相邻网格间距为 l,且要求l的大小可以避免相邻压痕点间的干扰,在l远大于D时,则两相的空间分布出现的多可能状况,多样的压痕点的分布轨迹是统计性偏差的来源,因此在不同相、压痕点出现的概率与其面积分数(在压痕微区)相等[4].对材料的力学性能的频率分布曲线进行拟合和解卷积分析,就能得到各相的体积分数和力学性能[12].对实验获得的频率分布曲线,采用累积分布函数对所得的压痕结果进行解卷积分析[3],在拟合时,设各相的累积分布函数都满足高斯分布[12],即通过最小化标准差方法,对未知数进行求解式中DX(Xi)是由N个压痕实验得到的累积分布函数.根据Delesse原理[7]可知,体积分数等于其表面积分数.f j为各相面积分数,且满足相邻两相间应满足以下限制条件于力学性能上,若水泥基材料等多相非均质材料包含的各物相存在足够大的差异,通过统计纳米压痕技术,就能定量的分析出各相的体积分数以及力学性能.可使用一些商业软件进行材料的力学性能绘图[9],为定量研究微结构及基于图像的相关模拟工作提供依据.2 结果与讨论2.1 结构相态分析在观察SEM图和以前关于水泥胶剂结果的基础上,可以认为超高性能混凝土的微结构至少有下列的8种相态组成:相态1-2:水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)至少有2种形式,低密度水化硅酸钙(LD C-S-H)和高密度水化硅酸钙(HD C-S-H),它们都有自己的形态、密度和机械性能. 相态3:残余水泥渣在水灰比小于0.42的水泥基材料中是经常出现的,并且随着水合作用,小的颗粒先溶解,大的颗粒逐渐减小尺寸.相态4-5:多孔性展示出尺寸分布的很大的变化,包括气孔尺寸10~10 μm的毛细管的多孔性.空气空洞的产生是因为不正确的振动.大小为0.2~10 nm的粘性胶体不能直接被纳米压痕方法评测,所以新的超高性能混凝土的粘度(不连的气泡大小为3 mm)需要通过尺度关系来分析.相态6:石英粉颗粒大小分布在0.1~100 μm,且认为是惰性的,尽管1 μm小的颗粒可能会反应.相态7:石英砂颗粒大小分布在150~600 μm,是最大的颗粒材料,而且不发生反应.相态8:钢纤维是那些直钢线,其正常直径为0.2 mm,长度为12.7 mm.2.2 不同类型水化硅酸钙凝胶和未水化水泥颗粒的弹性模量与硬度表3 不同类型水化硅酸钙凝胶和未水化水泥颗粒的弹性模量和硬度特征值LD C-S-H HD C-S-H ULD C-S-H 未水化水泥颗粒E/GPa 22.99±0.6631.36±2.31 41.25±1.57 122.02±6.85 H/GPa 0.83±0.15 1.32±0.05 1.34±0.25 6.76±1.32结果表明:增长龄期,对于水化1 d的水泥净浆,C-S-H凝胶的弹性模量呈单峰分布模式;水化28 d后,C-S-H凝胶的弹性模量呈双峰分布模式,分别与低密度水化硅酸钙(LD C-S-H)、高密度水化硅酸钙(HD C-S-H)凝胶相对应,可以得知不同的凝胶相之间不存在相互转变的过程[8].未水化水泥颗粒周围分布着C -S-H凝胶分层,并弹性模量以未水化水泥颗粒为中心向外逐渐降低,可知在水化产物的内部主要分布HD C-S-H,而在水化产物的外部主要分布LD C-S-H.3 结论(1)纳米压痕测试结果表明,低密度水化硅酸钙LD C-S-H凝胶和高密度水化硅酸钙HD CS-H凝胶的平均弹性模量分别为(18.2±3)GPa和(29.9±3)GPa.(2)结合纳米压痕测试结果,用凝胶模型分析研究得出由相同的固相材料所组成的低密度水化硅酸钙(LDC-S-H)和高密度水化硅酸钙(HDC-S-H),其力学性能因不同凝胶具有纳米尺度孔隙率而导致差异,养护温度也决定着凝胶的硬度和弹性模量等微观力学性能.(3)胶凝材料组成水化龄期、水胶比等都会导致水泥浆体中不同水化产物,特别是引起C-SH凝胶的变化,水化物的分布的变化,从而影响到宏观力学性能. (4)纳米压痕等技术同样适用于界面过渡区,例如对水泥浆体与钢纤维之间、砂子与水泥浆体、纤维增强超高性能混凝土中水泥浆和钢纤维水泥基体、砂子、石子、水泥净浆周围界面过渡区硬度和弹性模量进行观察分析.参考文献:[1]谢存毅.纳米压痕技术在材料科学中的应用[J].物理,2001,30(7):432-435.[2]JENNINGS H M T,HOMAS J J,GEVRENOV J S,et al.Amulti-technique investigation of the nanoporosity of cementpaste[J].Cem Concr Res,2007,37(3):329-336.[3]KIM J U,LEE J J,LEE Y H,et al.Surface roughness effect in instrumented indentation:a simple contact depth model and its verification[J].J Mater Res,2006,21(12):2975-2978.[4]ZHU W,HUGHES J J,BICANIC N,et al.Nanoindentation mappingof mechanical properties of cement paste and natural rocks[J].Mater Charact,2007,58(11-12):1189-1198.[5]CHEN J J,SORELLI L,VANDAMME M,et al.A Coupled Nanoindentation/SEM-EDS Study on Low Water/Cement Ratio Portland Cement Paste:Evidence for C–S– H/Ca(OH)2 Nanocomposites[J].Journal of the A-merican Ceramic Society,2010,93(5):1484–1493.[6]ULM F J,Vandammeb M,M.JENNINGSC H,et al.Does microstructure matter for statistical nanoindentation techniques[J].Cem Concr Compos,2010,32(1):92-99.[7]VANDAMME M,ULM F J.Viscoelastic solutions for conical indentation [J].Int J Sol Struct,2006(43):3142-3165.[8]HU W,HUGHES J J,BICANIC N,et al.Nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties of cement paste and natural rocks[J].Mater Charact,2007,58(11-12):1189-1198.[9]DEJONG M J,ULM F J.The nanogranular behavior of CS-H at elevated temperatures(up to 700C)[J].Cem-Concr Res,2007,37(1):1-12. 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收稿日期:2006 10 16; 修订日期:2006 10 18基金项目:内蒙古工业大学校基金资助项目,项目编号(004 20064879)作者简介:李 峰(1974 ),山西灵丘人,讲师,工学硕士.研究方向:稀土钢与铝合金材料.Email:yangxiaohuilieng@铸造技术F OU N DRY T ECH NO LO GY Vo l.27No.12Dec.2006重熔与时效工艺对ZL101铝合金组织与抗拉强度的影响李 峰,张 娟,史志铭(内蒙古工业大学材料科学与工程学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010051)摘要:ZL101铝合金重熔后,浇注时间和浇注位置对其组织与性能影响很大。

从ZL 101铝合金不同浇注时间、不同浇注的位置取样,对铸态和时效后的试样进行抗拉强度性能测试,用光学显微镜观察其微观组织,研究重熔与时效工艺对ZL 101铝合金组织与性能的影响规律。





关键词:重熔;时效;浇注时间;浇注位置中图分类号:TG146.2+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 8365(2006)12 1326 03Effect of Remelting and Aging Process on Microstructureand Tensile Strength of ZL 101Al AlloyLI Feng,ZHANG Juan,SHI Zhi ming(School of Material Science and Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Technology,Huhhot 010051,China)Abstract:Pou ring time and pourin g locations have obviou s effects on microstru ctu res and properties after ZL101Al alloy is remelted.Samples were cu t from ZL101Al alloy with different pou ring locations an d different pouring time.The tensile stren gth of sam ples at as cast and aged state was tested and th eir microstructu res were observed with optical m icroscope.Effectof remelting and agin g process on the microstru ctures an d properties of ZL101Al alloy were investigated .The resu lts show that grain s are coarsened at the early stage of casting,th en refin ed with increase of the casting time.The ten sile stren gth decreases firstly,reach es the min imu m,an d then increases.The grain s become coarser gradu ally from the bottom to th e top with chan ge of pourin g location and the distribu tion of eutectic crystal Si becomes n on u niform,and the ten sile strength decreases gradu ally.The variation of microstru cture an d properties at the aged state has the sam e ten den cy as th at at the as cast state.Key words:R emelting;Aging;Pourin g time;Pou ring positionZL101合金目前被广泛应用于汽车、摩托车轮毂铸造和其它领域中,是一种很有发展前途的铝合金[1~5]。


摘 要
超塑成形/扩散连接(Superplastic forming/diffusion bonding,简称 SPF/DB)技术可以在一 次成形过程中制造多层板复合整体结构,成形的多层板结构具有弯曲刚度大、承载稳定性高、 表面和外形质量好、结构重量小以及良好的能量吸收和疲劳性能等优点,并且大大降低了生产 成本,故目前已成为制造飞行器舵翼类零件的重要方法。 然而,传统的超塑成形/扩散连接工艺存在着一系列问题,主要表现在:止焊剂涂敷困难、 成形零件热暴露时间长及零件成品率低等。用激光焊接代替一部分扩散连接的方法能够解决传 统工艺的不足,大大提高制件成品率及成形件的力学性能,因此开展激光焊接与超塑成形/扩散 连接组合工艺的研究,具有重要意义。本文针对某 TC4 钛合金舵体零件进行深入的激光焊接、 超塑成形/扩散连接的工艺研究,主要进行了如下研究: 基于材料超塑成形和扩散连接的基本原理,结合相关理论,利用有限元软件 ABAQUS 对 某 TC4 钛合金舵体的超塑成形过程进行了模拟,对构件的壁厚分布、应力情况做出了预测,获 得了优化的等应变速率下的压力-时间曲线,为超塑成形/扩散连接工艺的气压加载提供了参考 依据。 在对钛合金舵体超塑成形过程进行模拟仿真分析基础上,研究了两层 0.6mm 厚的 TC4 钛 合金板的激光穿透焊接工艺,确定了优化的焊接参数,并成功焊接了四层板结构的中间两层芯 板。随后进行了四层结构的超塑成形/扩散连接工装准备,并进行了相关的超塑成形 /扩散连接 试验,研制成功了合格的舵体样件。 对舵体零件的质量检测表明:舵体零件外观形貌完好,内部加强筋完全直立,壁厚分布均 匀,扩散连接区域的微观组织没有明显长大,总体焊合率达 95%以上。 通过以上研究表明, 本文采用的激光预焊芯板的超塑成形/扩散连接的新工艺是制造中空复 合夹层结构的一种可行方法,能够解决传统超塑成形/扩散连接工艺中存在的诸多问题,具有很 大优势及发展前景。 关键词:TC4 钛合金舵体,激光焊接,超塑成形/扩散连接,多层结构,有限元模拟





结果表明:较之于其他过渡层,W/WN/CrWN涂层的结合力及硬度均最高,约为51 N及25 GPa。

在3.5%NaCl腐蚀环境下,涂层的腐蚀电流密度、摩擦系数、体积磨损率的顺序变化依次为CrWN W/CrWN WN/CrWN W/WN/CrWN,表明W/WN/CrWN涂层呈现出最佳的防护性。











abrade磨损abrasives研磨机acicular针状的activator催化剂additive添加剂adhesive粘合剂aerospace航空宇宙agglomerates团聚体alchemy乙醛alternative选择性的aluminium铝aluminosilicate铝硅酸盐amber琥珀amorphous无定性的angstrom埃anhydride酸酐anisotropic各向异性anneal退火anode阳极anodising阳极化apatite磷灰石aqueous chemistry液相化学aroma compound芳香族化合物astronomy天文学astrophysics天文物理学asymmetric不对称的austenitic奥氏体的bactericidal properties 杀菌性能bakeware 烘焙用具ballast 压舱物,沙囊beryllium 铍binary 二进位的,二元的bioassimilation 生物同化作用biodegradability 生物降解能力biomass 生物的数量,生物质、biomimetics 仿生学bioplast 原生体biopolymer 生物高聚物biosensor 生物传感器blade 刀刃,刀片blend 混合block copolymer 嵌段共聚物body fluids 体液boron 硼brittle 易碎的,脆性的bulk material 体相材料calcium hydroxyapatite胶原羟基磷灰石cancellous多孔的capacitor离散的carbide 碳化物carbon dioxide二氧化碳carboxylic acid羧酸cast 铸件cast浇铸castor oil蓖麻油catastrophic悲惨的cathode阴极cation正离子cellulose纤维素cementation黏固作用ceramic陶器的chromium铬cleaving裂开cluster丛生coalesce合并cobalt钴collagen形态colloid 胶体colloidal胶质的colorant着色剂complementary补充的composite合成物compostability肥料稳定性condensation浓缩configuration电容器contamination污染continual连续的contour 轮廓copolymer共聚物corrode 使腐蚀corrosion 腐蚀cortical皮层的cosmetic化妆品covalent共价地craft工艺creep corrosion裂隙腐蚀creep resistance蠕变阻力crevice裂缝critical shear stress 临界剪切应力crucial至关重要的crush碾碎cryogenic低温学的cupro-nickel alloys铜镍合金curing agent固化剂currency货币curvation弯曲data storage device 数据存储装置dealloying脱合金成分腐蚀deceptive欺骗性的degradation 退化delamination剥离depict描述detector 探测器deteriorate使恶化dezincification 脱锌diacid 二价酸diamine 二元胺dielectric电介质dilute稀释dimension scale尺寸比例discrete离散的discrete energy level 离散能级dispersion分散distinguished by以…为特征drainpipe 排水管drum击鼓ductile柔软的eco-friengly环境友好的elastomer弹性体electeomotive电动势的electrode电极electrooptical电子光学的electrostatic adsorption静电吸附elimination消除encapsulate压缩encapsulation包装encase围绕encountered遇到enrich使充足enzyme酶epoxy环氧基树脂etching蚀刻eutectic共熔得1evaporation蒸发exclusively唯一的exfoliation剥落extension延长extractive提取的extrusion挤出fatigue疲乏,疲劳,累活;femoral-head 股骨头ferrites陶铁磁体ferromagnetic铁磁材料,铁磁体ferromagnetic material铁磁性材料ferrous 含铁的filiform丝状的,纤维状的flexible柔韧性,易曲的floppy disk软盘fluorescent日光灯;a.荧光的folding可折叠的foodstuff食品,粮食forge稳步前进,铸造,伪造formaldehyde甲醛,蚁醛formula 公式,规则fraction小部分,片段,分数fracture破裂,骨折;fuel cell燃料电池fungi真菌类galvanic流电的,抽搐的,以流电所产的gas turbine燃气涡轮gecko壁虎getter吸气剂goggles护目镜,眼罩grind 磨碎,碾碎,折磨guillotine 断头台(切纸的)闸刀;hafnium铪hematite赤铁矿hierarchical分层的,体系的hockey sticks曲棍holographic technique全息摄影技术homopolymer均聚物horticulture园艺hybrid混合物;a.混合的imitate模仿,仿效,仿制immune免疫的impede妨碍,阻碍imperative紧急的,必要的impracticable不可行的impurity不纯,杂质indicator指示器,指示剂ingenious巧妙的,有独创性的inhale吸入inhibitor抑制剂injurious有害的,伤害的inomer离聚物,离子交联聚合物integrated circuit集成电路interfacial phenomena界面现象intergranular 晶粒间的,粒间的intricate复杂的,错综的investigation 调查ion implantation离子注入irreversible 不能撤回的,不能取消的isoprene橡胶机制isotropic等方性的,各向同性的ketone酮kevlar纤维Blamellar薄片状的,薄层状的lathe车床;v.用车床加工lattice晶格leach滤去lignin木质素lithium-aluminosilicate 锂铝硅酸盐lithography 光刻,石版印刷术lotus荷花lubricant滑润剂luster光泽macromolecule 巨大分子,高分子macroscopical宏观的,肉眼可见的magnetic有磁性的magnetic memory 磁存储器magnetoresistive effect 磁阻效应make advantage of利用malleability 可锻性,延展性malleable 有延展性的,可锻的marine turbine 船用汽轮机matrix.矩阵matrix material 基质材料mediate仲裁,调停memory存储器metalloid非金属;a.非金属的metallurgist冶金家,冶金学者metallurgy冶金,冶金术metalworking 属加工术,金属工methacrylate异丁烯酸盐microbe微生物,细菌microprocessor微处理器microstructure 微观结构,显微结构minic 模仿molten 熔化;a.熔铸的molybdenum 钼moment力矩monoclinic单斜的monolayer单层mould模具nannocomposite纳米复合的nanobiotechnolgy纳米生物技术nanoelectronics光电技术nanoonion纳米葱nanorod纳米管nanotubeconjugated纳米管共轭的negative底片niobium铌noble贵族nucleosynthesis核聚变nucleotide核苷numismatics古币nylon尼龙oleic acid 油酸on the verge of 接近于optimum 最适宜ore 矿石orientation 方向orthogonal 正交的orthopedic 整形外科的orthotropic 正交各向异性的oxidation 氧化oxide 氧化物oxidize 氧化,生锈percolation 过滤permeability 渗透性,磁导率peroxidation 过氧化反应persistence 坚持,持续petrochemical 石化的;石化产品phenol 苯酚photoresist 光阻材料physical law 物理法则physiological 生理的piezoelectric 压电的pin 将~用针别住,钉住pin 将~用针别住,钉住pitting 蚀损斑plasma etching 等离子腐蚀plasma 血浆,等离子体plasticizer 可塑性plating 电镀plating 电镀pliable 易曲折的,柔软的polyamide 聚酰胺polyelectrolyte 聚合电解质polyethylene terephthalate 聚乙烯对苯二酸脂polyethylene 聚乙烯polyhedron 多面体polynucleotide 多核苷酸polyolefin 聚烯烃polypeptide 多肽polyphase 多相polypropylene 聚丙烯polysaccharide 多糖polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯porosity 多孔性portable 轻便的possess 持有,拥有pottery 陶器precaution 预防措施,注意事项precipitate 沉淀物;使沉淀precipitation 沉淀法preferential 优先的prepolymer 预聚物principle 主要的,最重要的probabilistic 概率的,概率性的processing aid 加工助剂proliferation 增殖prominent 卓越的,显著的,突出的prone 倾向于prooxidant 氧化强化剂propagation 扩展propellers 螺旋桨pyrex 耐热玻璃pyrolysis 高温分解pyrolytic 热解的pyrometallurgy 火法冶金学quantum confinement量子限域效应quench淬火radar雷达radiolysis 射解,辐解rare earth稀土元素rarity稀有refractive index折射率refractories耐火材料regain 收回,恢复residue残余,剩余物resilient a.弹回的,有回弹力的resin n.树脂rhenium铼rigid刚硬的,严格的roll.滚动;v.辗,轧rotate(使)旋转rotor blades动叶片rupture strength 断裂强度rust铁锈ruthenium 钌sacrifice牺牲sanitaryware卫生洁具sanskrit梵文sapphire蓝宝石schematically原理性的sealability胶黏性segregate分离的self-assembly自组装的self-organization自组织semiconductor半导体shattering震动shellac虫漆single/multi-wall carbon nanotubes单/多臂碳纳米管sintered烧结sinter熔渣size parameter尺寸参数skeleton骨架sketch概括soft ferrites软性铁氧体soildification凝固solely单独的sol-gel溶胶凝胶spatial resolution空间分辨率spectrum光谱starch淀粉stiff僵硬的stoichiometric number化学计算值storage medium记录材料styrene苯乙烯sublattice子格submicron亚微米substrate基片successor下一代sucseptible易受影响的sulfur硫磺superalloy超耐合金钢superhydrophobic超疏水的superparamagnetism超顺磁性susceptibility磁化系数swellable可膨胀的synergetic effect协同作用tableware餐具tailing残渣,尾料take into account考虑,重视tantalum钽tendon腱,肌腱terminology术语学tetragonal四角形的,正方晶系的tetrahedral四面体的the electron mean free path电子平均自由行程the spin relaxation length自旋张弛长度the visible range可见光区thermoplastic热塑性的thermoset热固性的tiles瓷砖tire cord 轮胎帘布titanium钛tonne 公吨toxic residue 残毒trabeculae 骨小梁transcribe转录transistor 晶体管transmutation变形,变化tumor肿块,肿瘤tungsentungsten钨,钨锰铁矿turbine涡轮,涡轮机turbocharger涡轮增压器ultrasonic treatment超声波处理unit mass单位质量unpainted未上漆的unsealed打开的uppermost最高的usage使用valance bands 价带variant不同的;n.变体,变异体ventilation通风,换气versatile 通用的,万能的viability生存能力vice versa反之亦然vinyl 乙烯基viscous粘的vulcanization 硫化vulcanize 硫化wax 蜡,蜡状物,增加;v.变大yield stress屈服应力zirconium 锆。




其原因在于35%时初始弹性模量和割线模量均为 最大,因而抵抗变形能力也最强$4 结论本研究以LC40级全轻页岩陶粒混凝土为基准,采用 碎石以等体积率取代部分页岩陶粒方法所形成的石轻混凝土,分析了气孔结构特征和孔隙率,探讨了其对抗压强 度、氯离子渗透和变形性能影响规律,得到了以下结论:(1) 随着碎石取代率增大,宏观上表现为抗压强度、比强度和弹性模量 大 为 均孔 大和孔隙率小、孔范围内的孔率不均匀性变化及其分 布特征,造成抗压强度、氯离子渗透和变形性能的影响机$(2) 因强度和强度、初始弹性模量的相关性,在取代率为35%时均表现为最大,细观上表现为20〜100、100〜200、200+500 范围内孔径率分布较为均匀,并可以200为分 线;而氯离子渗透 以100 为分 线,并在取代率为 15%时为 $(3) . 于 ,能 - 模型的 , 基于力-变线和弹性模量征的 模,能准 化曲线,即在取代率为35%时的抗变形能力为最强。

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二、热加工工艺期刊论文的题目1. Investigation of the Effect of Processing Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TitaniumAlloy Processed by Hot Deformation.这篇论文探讨了热加工工艺对钛合金的组织结构和力学性能的影响,研究了不同的热加工参数对材料微观结构和力学性能的影响。


2. Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Modeling of Hot Forging of a Nickel-Based Superalloy.这篇论文从实验和数学模型两个方面研究热锻镍基高温合金的热加工工艺。



可燃气云爆炸强度计算综述Ξ毕明树ΞΞ王淑兰 丁信伟(大连理工大学)摘 要 综述了可燃气云爆炸强度的计算研究现状,对已提出的两种计算方法进行了讨论。

关键词 气云爆炸 燃烧 设计计算符 号 说 明C o———大气声速,m/s;E c———燃烧能,M J;p o———大气压力,Pa;Δps———爆炸超压值,Pa;Q f———气云的爆炸热,M J/kg;Q T NT———T NT的爆炸热,M J/kg,Q T NT=4.12~4.69M J/kg;R o———爆源半径,m;R———至爆源中心的距离,m;V———受限气云的体积,m3;W f———气云的质量,kg;W T NT———气云的T NT当量,kg;α———T NT当量效率。

在可燃气体的输送、贮存、加工和使用过程中,如果向大气泄漏而形成的可燃气体与空气混合物被意外地点燃,就会发生爆炸,这种现象称为开敞空间蒸气云爆炸(Unconfined Vapor Cloud Ex2 plosion),简称UVCE。





文献中报道的可用于气云爆炸设计计算的方法主要有两种:T NT当量法和T NO多能(Multi2Energy)模型法。


1 TNT当量法由于对T NT炸药的爆炸威力已进行了大量研究工作,目前已能有效地预测其爆炸场和对物体的破坏作用。

因此研究者[1]设想把气云爆炸的破坏作用转化成T NT爆炸的破坏作用,从而把气云的量转化成为的T NT量,称为T NT当量。

因爆炸威力与爆炸反应热直接相关,故转换表达式为:W T NT=αW f Q f/Q T NT(1)这样,气云的爆炸威力就是质量为W T NT炸药的爆炸威力,其最大超压可由图1查取,换算公式为:λ=R3W T NT(2)研究者[2]对23起事故的120余个点进行了统计分析,发现T NT当量效率分布在0.02%~15.9%之间,当量效率低于10%的情况占97%,当量效率近似于4%的情况占60%。



石油英语词汇(U)U trap 虹吸管U U形U-antenna U型天线U-bend U形弯头U-bolt U形螺栓U-clamp U形夹子U-form tube U形管U-iron 槽铁U-joint 万向节U-leather ring U形皮圈U-nut U形螺母U-pipe U形管U-symmetric matrices U对称阵U-Th-Pb dating 铀钍铅年龄测定U-tube heat exchanger U形管换热器U-type manometer U形压力计U.F. 脲醛U.P.O 无失真输出功率u.s. 如上所述u.s. 在上面提及之处U.S.A.E.C. 美国原子能委员会U.S.mesh series 美国筛制U.S.standard sieve designation 美国标准筛标记U.S.standard sieve series 美国标准筛制u.v.r. 低电压继电器uadi 干谷UB 单总线缓冲器Ubbelodhe viscosimeter 尤比洛得粘度计UBHO 组装式翼片扩眼器ubiquitous element 遍在性元素ubiquity 普遍性Uc 稠度单位UC 在建造中UCA 超声波水泥分析仪UCL 控制上限UD 单总线显示UDC 上死点UDC 通用十进制分类法udometer 雨量器UDW 用户定义字UEJE 上射流器UET 地下爆炸试验UFO 不明飞行物UG 尺寸不足UG 地下ugandite 暗橄白榴岩UGM 最大地面增益ugrandite 铬钙铁榴石类UHE 特别恶劣的环境UHF 超高频UHMW polyethylene 超高分子量聚乙烯UHV 超高压uintahite 硬沥青uintaite 硬沥青UJT 单结晶体管UK 联合王国UKOOA 英国海上作业者协会ukrainite 少英二长岩UL 负载不足UL 上下UL 上限UL 无限的Ulatisian 乌拉蒂斯阶ULCC 超大型油轮ulcer 溃疡;腐败的根源ulexite 钠硼解石ULF 超低频ULFE 最终地层评价uliginous =uliginose 淤泥的ullage bob 储罐空高测量锤ullage gage 储罐空高检尺ullage gaging 储罐空高测量ullage reference-point 储罐空高计量基准点ullage rule 量油尺ullage tape 储罐空高计量卷尺ullage 容器内液面以上的空间ullaging 测空高量油ullmanite 锑硫镍矿ulmain 无结构镜煤Ulmal 铝锰硅合金ulmic acid 棕腐酸ulmification 泥炭化ulmin 棕腐质ulminite 腐木质体Ulmipollenites] 榆粉属ulmite 腐殖颗粒;腐殖砂漆Ulmoideipites] 肋榆粉属Ulrichodina] 乌氏牙形石属ULS 极限状态ulsane 乌散烷ULSEL 超长电极距电测井Ulsterian 乌尔斯特统ult. 上月ult. 最终的;极限的ultimate analysis 元素分析ultimate bearing capacity 极限承载能力ultimate bending strength 极限抗弯强度ultimate capacity 最终产量ultimate composition 元素组成ultimate compression strength 极限抗压强度ultimate cost 最终费用ultimate cumulative recovery 最终累积产量ultimate demand 最终需要ultimate design 极限设计ultimate elongation 极限伸长ultimate life 最终寿命ultimate limit state 极限状态ultimate load 极限载荷ultimate oil produced 最终采出油量ultimate oxygen demand 极限需氧量ultimate principle 基本原理ultimate production 最终开采量ultimate range 最大距离ultimate recoverable reserves 最终可采储量ultimate recovery factor 最终采收率ultimate recovery 最终采收率ultimate resistance 极限电阻ultimate resources 总资源储量ultimate separation 极限分离ultimate spacing pattern 最大井距布井法ultimate strain 极限应变ultimate strength 极限强度ultimate stress 极限应力ultimate system 基本系统ultimate temperature rise 极限温升ultimate temperature 极限温度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度ultimate tension 极限拉力ultimate value 极限值ultimate wetting-phase saturation 最终润湿相饱和度ultimate 最终的;极限的;极端的;总的ultimatum 最后结论;基本原理ultor 高压最后阳极ultra deep well 超深井ultra filtration membrane 超滤膜ultra large crude carrier 超大型油轮ultra rays 宇宙线ultra selective cracking 超选择性裂解ultra- 超ultra-abyssal 超深海的ultra-acid rock 超酸性岩石ultra-acidic 超酸性的ultra-acoustics 超声学ultra-albanite 超沥青ultra-clean chamber 超净间ultra-clean 超净的ultra-deep exploration 超深勘探ultra-deep 超深的ultra-high purity 超高纯度ultra-high strength steel 超高强度钢ultra-high-draft 超大牵伸ultra-high-speed spinning 超高速纺ultra-low density polyethylene 超低密度聚乙烯ultra-pure zinc anode 超纯锌阳极ultra-sensitive pressure gauge 高灵敏度压力计ultra-slim hole rig 超小井眼钻机ultra-sonic defect detector 超声波探伤仪ultra-sonic depth finder 超声波测深仪ultra-violet absorber 紫外线吸收剂ultra-violet absorption spectrometry 紫外线吸收光谱法ultra-violet absorption spectrum 紫外线吸收光谱ultra-violet analysis 紫外分析ultra-violet resistance 耐紫外性ultrabasic complex 超基性杂岩体ultrabasic rock 超基性岩ultrabasic 超基性的ultracentrifugal method 超离心法ultracentrifugation 超速离心分离ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultradeep dive 超深潜水ultraduralumin 超硬铝ultrafiche 超微卡片ultrafilter 超滤器ultrafiltration 超过滤ultrafine fiber 超细纤维ultraharmonics 超高频谐波ultrahigh frequency 超高频ultrahigh voltage transformer oil 超高压变压器油ultrajet 高效能射孔器ultralinear 超线性ultralong 超长的ultralong-spaced electric log 超长电极距测井ultralow frequency 超低频ultralow-frequency oscillator 超低频振荡器ultralumin 超硬铝ultraluminescence 紫外荧光ultramafic rock 超镁铁岩ultramafite 超镁铁岩ultramarine 群青;深蓝色ultrametamorphism 超变质作用ultramicro method 超微量法ultramicro 超微的ultramicro-analysis 超微量分析ultramicro-determination 超微量测定ultramicro-earthquake 超微地震ultramicrobalance 超微量天平ultramicrochemistry 超微量化学ultramicrofiche =ultraficheultramicrofossil 超微化石ultramicrometer 超测微计ultramicron 超微粒子ultramicropaleontology 超微古生物学ultramicropore 超微孔隙ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultramicroscopic 超显微的;超微型的ultramicrospectrophotometer 超显微分光光度计ultramicrospectrophotometry 超显微分光光度测定法ultramicrostructure 超微结构ultramicrotechnique 超微技术ultramicrotome 超薄切片机ultramicrowave 超微波ultramodern 最新的ultramylonite 超糜棱岩ultraoptimeter 超光测仪ultrapaleontology 超微古生物学ultraperm 超导磁铁镍钼铜合金ultraperminvar 超永磁合金ultraphotometer 超光度计ultraplankton 超微浮游生物ultraporcelain 超高频瓷ultrapurification 超提纯ultrapurity 超纯度ultrared heating 红外线加热ultrared ray 红外线ultrasensitive amino acid analyzer 超灵敏氨基酸分析仪ultrashort wave 超短波ultrasonator 超声振荡器ultrasonic atomizer 超声雾化器ultrasonic bias 超声偏移ultrasonic casing inspection tool 超声套管检查测井仪ultrasonic cement analyzer 超声水泥分析器ultrasonic cleaner 超声波清洗槽ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洗ultrasonic converter 超声波变换器ultrasonic defectoscope 超声探伤器ultrasonic degradation 超声降解ultrasonic delay line 超声波延迟线ultrasonic detector 超声波检测器ultrasonic electrostatic sprayer 超声波静电喷涂机ultrasonic examination 超声检验ultrasonic extraction 超声萃取ultrasonic extractor 超声萃取器ultrasonic flaw detection 超声波裂纹探测ultrasonic flow meter 超声波流量计ultrasonic frequency 超声频率ultrasonic gage 超声波测量计ultrasonic generator 超声波发生器ultrasonic imager 超声波成象仪ultrasonic inspection 超声波检查ultrasonic investigation 超声波测试ultrasonic leak detection 超声检漏ultrasonic luminescence 超声波发光ultrasonic machining 超声波加工ultrasonic modulator 超声波调制器ultrasonic monitor 超声波监测器ultrasonic particle monitor 超声波机械杂质监测仪ultrasonic probe 超声波探头ultrasonic pulse 超声波脉冲ultrasonic radar 超声雷达ultrasonic ranging 超声波测距ultrasonic seismic scattering tomography 超声地震散射层析成象法ultrasonic seismology 超声波地震学ultrasonic sensor 超声波传感器ultrasonic soldering 超声波焊接ultrasonic spot welding 超声波点焊ultrasonic testing 超声波检验ultrasonic thickness gage 超声波测厚计ultrasonic thickness test 超声波测厚ultrasonic thicknessmeter 超声波测厚计ultrasonic transducer 超声换能器ultrasonic transmitter 超声波发射器ultrasonic wave field 超声波场ultrasonic wave 超声波ultrasonic 超声的ultrasonics 超声学ultrasonography 超声波探测术ultrasound tomography 超声层析成象法ultrasound 超声ultraspeed 超高速度ultrastability 超高稳定性ultrastable Y-type zeolite 超稳Y型沸石ultrastructure 超微结构ultrathermometer 限外温度计ultrathick complexed gel 超稠多元胶ultrathin film 超薄薄膜ultrathin section 超薄片ultratrace element 超痕量元量ultratrace 超痕量ultraudion 反馈电路;检波器电路ultraviolet absorbent 紫外线吸收剂ultraviolet absorption 紫外线吸收ultraviolet band 紫外区ultraviolet detector 紫外线检测器ultraviolet flame detection 紫外线火焰检测ultraviolet generator 紫外线发生器ultraviolet lamp 紫外线灯ultraviolet light absorber 紫外线吸收剂ultraviolet light 紫外线ultraviolet microscope 紫外线显微镜ultraviolet monitor 紫外监测器ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy 紫外光电子能谱学ultraviolet photography 紫外线摄影术ultraviolet protecting agent 紫外线防护剂ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射ultraviolet ray 紫外线ultraviolet recorder 紫外线记录器ultraviolet region 紫外区ultraviolet remote sensing 紫外遥感ultraviolet screening agent 紫外线屏蔽剂ultraviolet spectral analysis 紫外光谱分析ultraviolet spectrogram 紫外线光谱图ultraviolet spectrograph 紫外光谱仪ultraviolet spectrometer 紫外分光计ultraviolet spectrometry 紫外光谱测定法ultraviolet spectrophotometer 紫外分光光度计ultraviolet spectrophotometry 紫外分光光度测定法ultraviolet spectroscopy 紫外线光谱法ultraviolet spectrum 紫外光谱ultraviolet transmittance 紫外线透射率ultraviolet tube 紫外光灯管ultraviolet 紫外线ultraviolet-visible detector 紫外可见光检测器ultraviolet-visible pectrophotometer 紫外可见分光光度计Umbella] 伞轮藻属umber 赭土umbilic 脐点umbilical cable 控制电缆umbilical line 集成管束umbilical 脐带umbilically-controlled 管缆控制的umbrella antenna 伞状天线umbrella roof 伞形顶umbrella 伞;综合的UMC 水下管汇中心umformer 直流变压器;变流机umpire analysis 仲裁分析umpire 公断人umpolarization 退极化umptekite 碱闪正长岩UN 联合国un- 不unabr. 没有删节的unaccelerated aging 自然老化unacceptable product 不合格品unacceptable 不能接受的unadvisable 不适宜的unaffected 未受影响的unaided eye 肉眼unakite 绿帘花岗岩unallowable instruction digit 非法字符unaltered 未改变的unambiguous interpretation 明确的解释unambiguous 单值的unanimity 一致unanimous agreement 一致同意unanimous approval 一致通过unanimous resolution 一致决定unanimous 一致的unarmored cable 非铠装电缆unary operation 一元操作unary operator 一元算子unassociated gas 非伴生气unassorted 未分选的Unatextisporites] 单缝联囊粉属unattended operation 自动操作unattended pumper 自动抽油井unattended station 无人管理站unattended 无人管理的unaudited voucher 未审核凭单unauthorized 未经认可的unavailability 不能利用unavailable energy 无用能unavoidable 不可避免的unbaffled 无屏蔽的unbalance load 不平衡负载unbalance 不平衡unbalanced bridge 不平衡电桥unbalanced circuit 不对称回路unbalanced drill collar 偏重钻铤unbalanced load 不平衡载荷unbalanced pressure 不平衡压力unbalanced seal 非平衡密封unbalanced 不平衡的unbalancedness 不平衡性unballast 卸压舱水unbedded 不成层的unbend 弄直unbiased confidence interval 无偏置信区间unbiased critical region 无偏临界区域unbiased error 无偏误差unbiased estimate 无偏估计unbiased importance sampling 无偏重要性抽样unbiased statistics 无偏统计unbiased 不偏的;未加偏压的unbiasedness 无偏性unblanking 增辉;开启;开锁unblended 未掺合的unblind 截断符号unboarded derrick 无遮挡井架unbonded casing 未胶结套管unbonded coating 未粘合绝缘层unbonded 非粘合的unbound electron 自由电子unbound molecule 无束缚分子unbounded fracture 无边界裂缝unbounded function 无界函数unbounded reservoir 不封闭储集层unbounded solution 无界解unbranched-chain hydrocarbon 无支链烃unbroken rock 未破碎岩石unbuffered 无缓冲的unbuilding 破坏;去磁;剥磁损失;自励损失unburnt 不完全燃烧的UNC thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNC 统一标准粗牙螺纹uncapped 无管帽的uncased crossing 不加套管的穿越uncased hole 裸眼井uncased wellbore 裸眼井筒uncased 无套管的uncemented fault 未胶结断层uncemented rock 未胶结岩石uncemented 未胶结的uncentered interference figures 偏心干涉图uncentralized screen 未扶正筛管uncertain interpretation 不确定性解释uncertain region 不确定范围uncertainty analysis 不确定性分析uncertainty principle 测不准原理uncertainty 不确定性unchangeability 不变性uncharacteristic 无特征的uncharged structure 未充填结构uncharged 不带电的uncharted 图上未注明的unchecked construction 盲目建设unchecked 未经核对的unchuck 拆下卡盘UNCITRAL 联合国国际贸易法律委员会unclamp 卸开卡子unclamped elevator 开式吊卡unclamped 未制动的unclasping 放松unclassified 解除保密的unclosed 开着的uncoated cast-iron pipe 裸铸铁管uncoated sample 未涂层样品uncoated 不加涂层的uncoaxiality 不同轴性uncoil 松开uncoiler 展卷机UNCOL 通用计算机语言uncollectable accounts 呆帐uncollectible notes 坏票uncolored 无色的;未着色的uncombined carbon 游离碳uncombined 未结合的;游离的uncommercial 无工业价值的uncompacted gravel 充填不密实的砾石uncompacted sand 未压实的砂层uncompaction 欠压实uncompatibility 不相容性uncompensated amplifier 无补偿放大器uncompensated drainage 无赔偿的石油流失uncompensated 未补偿的uncompleted anticline 不完整背斜uncompressible 不可压缩的unconcern 漠不关心uncondensible 不能冷凝的unconditional acceptance 无条件承兑unconditional branch instruction 无条件转移指令unconditional branch 无条件转移unconditional contract 无条件合约unconditional convergence 无条件收敛unconditional delivery 无条件交货unconditional expected payoff criterion 无条件支付期望值准则unconditional jump 无条件转移unconditional order 无条件定货unconditional stability 无条件稳定unconditional transfer 无条件转移unconfined 无约束的unconfirmed credit 未确认信用证unconfirmed letter of credit 非保兑信用证unconformability of dip 角度不整合unconformability of lap 海侵不整合unconformability 不整合unconformable contact 不整合接触面unconformable stratification 不整合层理unconformable surface 不整合面unconformable 不整合的unconformity bounded stratigraphic unit 不整合围限地层单位unconformity by erosion 侵蚀不整合unconformity interface 不整合界面unconformity surface 不整合面unconformity trap 不整合圈闭unconformity 不一致uncongealable dynamite 耐冻的黄色炸药uncongealable 不冻结的unconsolidated core 松散岩心unconsolidated formation 疏松地层unconsolidated rubble 非固结碎石层unconsolidated sand 非胶结砂岩unconsolidated surface layer 未固结表层unconsolidated 未固结的unconsolidation 松散unconstrained minimization 无约束极小化unconstrained optimization 无约束优化unconstrained problem 无约束问题unconstrained 无约束的uncontaminated zone 未污染带uncontaminated 未污染的uncontinuity 不连续性uncontinuous change 非连续性变化uncontrollable 不可控制的uncontrolled flow 敞喷uncontrolled sidetrack 未受控制侧钻unconventional gas reservoir 非常规气藏unconventional gas resources 非常规天然气资源unconvertible hydrocarbon 未能转化的烃uncorked 未加塞的uncorrelated variables 不相关变量uncorrelated 不相关的uncouple 解开uncover 无盖uncovered canal 明渠uncovered map 除去冲积土的地质图uncracking 展开uncrosslinked gel 非交联凝胶uncrystalline 非晶质的uncrystallized 未结晶的unctuosity 油性;油腻;润滑性unctuous 油性的uncured phenolic resin 未凝固的酚醛树脂uncurtailed production 不限制开采uncut diamond 未加工的金刚石unda 浪蚀环境undamaged formation face 未受污染的地层面undamaged perforation 无污染射孔undamaged well 未污染井undamaged 未损坏的undamped geophone 无阻尼检波器undamped oscillation 无阻尼振动undamped pendulum 无阻尼摆undamped wave 无阻尼波undark 夜明涂料;使明亮undated check 未注日期支票undated deposit 不定期存款undathem facies 浅海岩相undation 波动;起伏;大波状褶皱undaturbidite 浪成浊积岩undecane 十一烷undecanoic acid 十一烷酸undecene 十一碳烯undecimal 十一进制的undecyl 十一基undecylene 十一碳烯undefined 未定义的;未定界的;不明确的undeformed 未变形的undegraded material 未降解物质undepleted 未衰竭的undepreciated balance 未提折旧余额undepreciated cost 未提折旧成本under construction 在建造中under control 受控under drive gear 减速传动齿轮under gauge 尺寸小于标准under production 生产不足under- 下under-balanced drilling 欠平衡钻井under-capitalization 投资不足under-compensation 欠补偿under-current relay 低电流继电器under-damped motion 欠阻尼运动under-river pipeline crossing 河床下管线穿越under-stream period 工作期under-travel 减距行程under-utilization 利用不足underaction 辅助动作;反应不足;不够灵活underbalance 欠平衡underbalanced perforating 欠平衡射孔underbead crack 焊道下裂纹underbunching 电子欠集聚underburden 下伏岩层undercapacity 非饱和量undercarriage 底架undercharge 非饱和充电;缺荷underclay 底粘土undercoat 底涂层undercommutation 迟后换向;欠整流undercompacted formation 欠压实地层undercompacted 欠压实的undercompaction 欠压实underconsolidation 不充分固结undercooling 过冷undercoupling 欠耦合undercritical conditions 亚临界条件undercrossing 管道水下穿越undercuring 欠处理;欠硫化;欠熟undercurrent 潜流undercut bolt 下凹螺栓undercut drilling tool 底切式钻井工具undercut slot 梯形割缝undercut 下部凹陷;淘底undercutting 底切;掏槽;钻杆接头下端面磨蚀underdamping 弱衰减underdeterminant 子行列式underdetermined equation 欠定方程underdeveloped countries 不发达国家underdeveloped reservoir 未充分开发的油藏underdeveloped 未充分发育的underdevelopment 显象不足;发展不充分underdraft 轧件下弯underdrain 暗沟;聚水系统;地下排水管underdrainage 地下排水underestimate 低估underestimation 估计不足underexcitation 欠励磁underexposure 曝光不足;照射不足underfeature 小起伏地形underfeed 下部进料underfilm corrosion 膜下腐蚀underfire 自下燃烧;欠火的underfloor 地板下面underflow 潜流underfold 次生小型褶皱underframe 底架underfrequency 频率过低;低于额定频率undergage 尺寸不足undergauge bit 缩径钻头undergauge hole 小于钻头的井眼undergo 受underground blast 地下爆炸underground blowout 地下井喷underground cable 地下电缆underground cavern 地下洞穴underground combustion 地下燃烧underground conduit 地下管道underground corrosion 地下腐蚀underground detonation 地下爆炸underground drain 地下排水管underground explosion 地下爆炸underground filling installation 地下装油设施underground flooding 地下注水underground folding 深带褶皱underground gas-holder 地下储气罐underground gasification 地下气化underground heated line 地下加热管线underground image reconstruction 地下图象重建underground liquefied petroleum gas storage 地下液化石油气库;液化石油气地下储存underground loss 地下损耗underground natural gas storage 地下储气库underground nuclear explosion 地下核爆炸underground oil storage 地下油库;地下储油underground petrol tank 地下油罐underground pipeline 地下管道underground pressure 岩层压力underground property 地下财产underground reservoir 地下储集层;地下库underground seismic survey 地下地震测量underground seismics 地下地震学underground storage pool 地下油气库;地下储存用的采竭油层underground storage 地下储存;地下油气库underground structure 地下构造underground tank 地下储罐underground temperature gradient 地温梯度underground water level 地下水面underground water sealed oil storage in rock caverns 地下水封石洞油库underground water supply 地下水供给underground water surface 地下水面underground water table 地下水位underground water 地下水underground work 地下作业underground works 地下工程underground 地下的underguard 下部保护物underheated 加热不足的underlay 倾斜;下伏层;下伏的underlayer 下层underlie 横在…的下面;构造…的基础;下层;倾斜余角;延伸矿体underlife 欠提underlimb 平卧褶皱的下翼underline 底线;插图说明;在…下划线;强调underload 欠载underloading 负荷不够underlying asthenosphere 下伏软流圈underlying bed 下伏层;底层underlying bedrock 下伏基岩underlying block 下伏断块underlying formation 下伏地层underlying unconformity 下伏不整合underlying 在下面的undermass 下伏岩体undermigration 偏移不足undermine 底切undermixing 混合不足undermodulated 调制不足的underneath 下部underpan 底盘underpass 地道;高桥下通道;下穿交叉道underplate 基础;基座;底板underpower 功率不足underpressing 压制不够underpressure 低压力;真空计压力underpressured reservoir 欠压储集层underpriced 作价低估underpriming 注油不足underproof 不合格的underpunch 下部孔;低位穿孔underquenching 淬火不足underrate 低估underream 管下扩眼underreamed zone 管下扩眼井段underreamer cutter 管下扩眼器刀刃underreamer 管下扩眼器underreaming bit 套管下扩眼钻头underreaming fluid 扩眼液underreinforced 加固不足的underrelaxation 低松弛underriding 俯冲underrun 在下面通过;低于估计的产量undersampling 采样过疏undersaturated condition 欠饱和状态undersaturated oil 欠饱和原油undersaturated reservoir 欠饱和油藏undersaturated 欠饱和的undersaturation 欠饱和undersea delta 海下三角洲undersea detection 水下探测undersea ranging 水下测距undersea vehicle 潜水器undersea 海面下的undersealing 底封underseam 底部煤层undersell 廉价出售underset 与海面流向或风向相反的潜流;逆流;下部矿脉;支撑undershoot 跨越放炮underside welding 仰焊underside 下面;内面;下侧undersigned 签字人;在下面签名的undersize core 小于标准尺寸的岩心undersize 尺寸过小undersized coupling 薄壁管箍undersized grain 尺寸过小的颗粒undersized slot concept 选择偏小割缝尺寸的设计概念underslung 悬挂的underspeed 速度不足understable 欠稳定的understanding 了解understeer 转向不足;对驾驶盘反应迟钝understressed sand 疏松砂岩understressing 应力不足understructure 下层结构undersupplied products 短线产品undersupply 供给不足undersurface filling 液面下灌注undersurface loading 液面下灌装underswing 负脉冲信号;幅度不足undertake 承担undertaker 承办人;计划者;企业家undertaking 任务;计划;事业;企业;保证;承担underthrust fault 俯冲断层underthrust mass 俯冲体underthrust plate 俯冲板块underthrust 俯冲断层underthrusting 俯冲undertighten 不够紧密undertonging 上扣不足undertow mark 底流痕undertow 底流undervaluation 评价过低undervalue 低估undervoltage relay 欠压继电器undervoltage trip 欠压跳闸undervoltage 欠压underwater acoustic communication apparatus 水声通信机underwater acoustic positioning system 水声定位系统underwater acoustic transducer 水声换能器underwater acoustics 水声学underwater blast 水下爆炸underwater cable 水下电缆underwater camera 水下照相机underwater coating compound 水下涂料underwater communication 水下通信underwater compass 水下罗盘underwater completion 水下完井underwater coring 水下取心underwater coupling 水下联接underwater crossing 水下穿越underwater current 潜流underwater cutting blowpipe 水下切割割炬underwater drilling 水下钻井underwater exploration 水下勘探underwater explosion charge 水下炸药underwater gas shielded arc welding 水下气体保护焊underwater gathering line 水下集油管道underwater gravimeter 水下重力仪underwater gyro compass system 水下陀螺罗经系统underwater hammer 水下打桩机underwater house 水下工作舱underwater hyperbaric welding habitat 水下高压焊接舱underwater inclinometer system 水下倾斜仪系统underwater laser radar 水下激光雷达underwater laser surveying system 水下激光测量系统underwater laser 水下激光器underwater listening device 水下监听装置underwater listening post 水下监听站underwater manned submersible 水下载人潜水器underwater navigation 水下导航underwater noise 水下噪声underwater observations 水下观测underwater penetration 入水深度underwater pile driver 水下打桩机underwater pipeline 水下管道underwater plow 水下开沟犁underwater position fixing technique 水下定位技术underwater prospecting 水下勘探underwater robot 水下遥控机械装置underwater safety valve 水下安全阀underwater sampling 水下取样underwater seismic survey 水下地震勘探underwater sensor 水下传感器underwater separator 水下分离器underwater ship 潜水船underwater shock 水下冲击underwater signal 水下信号underwater sound telephone 水下声能电话underwater sound 水声underwater source 水下震源underwater speech communication 水下语言通信underwater surveillance 水下监听underwater survey 水下测量underwater telemetry 水下遥测技术underwater television 水下电视underwater tracking system 水下跟踪系统underwater TV 水下电视underwater vehicle 潜水器underwater visibility 水下能见度underwater wave 水下波underwater welding 水下焊接underwater well 水下井underwater wellhead 水下井口装置underwater 水中的underway 正在进行underweight 重量不足的;不足的重量underwork 附属性工作;支持结构underwrite 写在下面underwriter 保证人undesirable 不符合要求的undesired signal 干扰信号undetectable 探测不到的undetected 未检测到的undeterminable 不可测定的undetermined coefficient 待定系数undetermined 未定的undeveloped field 未开发油气田undeveloped proved reserves 未开发的证实储量undeveloped region 未开发区undeveloped 未开发的undiluted 未稀释的undiminished 等幅的undiscovered possible reserves 待发现可能储量undiscovered potential recovery 待发现潜在可采量undiscovered resources 待发现资源undissolved residue 不溶残渣undissolved 未溶解的undissolving 不溶的undistorted 无畸变的undistributed earnings 未分配盈利undistributed profit 未分配利润undisturbed flow 未扰动的流动undisturbed formation 原状地层undisturbed sample 未扰动的样品undisturbed soil 未扰动土undisturbed zone 原状地层undisturbed 未扰动的undivided interest farmout 不可分割权益转租undivided interest 不可分割权益undivided-interest pipeline 合资管线undo 放松;拆开;使恢复原状;取消undock 出坞undomed salt 非盐丘的盐UNDP 联合国开发计划署undrained 水系不发育的undrawn yarn 未拉伸丝undrillable 不能钻的undrilled 未钻的undrinkable water 非饮用水undue wear 过度的磨损undue 过度的undulate fold 波状褶皱undulate 波动;波状的undulating anticline 波状背斜undulating current 波动电流undulating horizon 波状层undulating monocline 波状单斜层undulating quantity 波动值undulating 起伏的undulation 波状;波浪形地面;波动Undulatisporites] 波缝孢属undulator 波纹机;波纹印码机undulatory motion 波状运动undulatory 波动的unearned profit 分外利润;非营业利润unearthed 未接地的;采掘出的uneconomic 不经济的UNEF thread 统一标准特细牙螺纹unemployed capital 游资unemployment 失业UNEP 联合国环境规划署unequal angle 不等边角钢unequal 不平均的uneven distribution 不均匀分布uneven grain 不均匀颗粒uneven heating 不均匀加热uneven injection 不均匀注入uneven load 不均匀载荷uneven settlement 不均匀沉陷uneven surface 粗糙面uneven wear 不均匀磨损uneven 不平的unevenbanded 不均匀条带状unevenness of twisting 捻度斑unevenness 不均匀性unexpected expenses 不可预见费unexpected pay 不可预见费用unexpected shutdown 意外停输unexpected 想不到的unexpl 未爆炸的unexpl 未解释的unexpl 未勘探的unexplained 未解释的unexploited 未开采的unexplored region 未勘探地区unexplored 未勘探的UNF thread 统一标准细牙螺纹unfair competition 不公平竞争unfair price 不合理价格unfamiliar feature 未知要素unfasten 解开unfathomable 深不可测的unfaulted crust 未断裂地壳unfaulted downwarp 非断裂下挠unfaulted syncline 无断层向斜unfaulted 无断层的unfavorable area 不利地区unfavorable balance 逆差unfavorable trade balance 对外贸易逆差unfavorable 不利的unfilled bitumen 纯沥青unfiltered 未过滤的unfinished bolt 粗制螺栓unfired process area 无火加工区unfired 不烧的unflowing well 非自喷井unfoamed crosslinked gel 不发泡交联凝胶unfolded 未褶皱的unfolding 消褶皱作用unforeseeable 不可预见的unforeseen 未预见到的unformed 未成熟的;未成形的unfortunate 不幸的unfossiliferous 不含化石的unfreezing 解卡unfused 未熔化的ungaite 奥长英安岩ungated noise 非选通噪声ungated 闭塞的ungelled 未成胶的unglazed crucible 素烧坩埚ungrounded 不接地的unguent 润滑油;软膏unheated line 不加热管线UNHEC 联合国人类环境会议unhindered 不受阻碍的unhydrated 未水合的uni- 单uni-dimensional displacement 一维驱替uniaxial compressive strength 单轴抗压强度uniaxial orientation 单轴取向uniaxial stress 单向应力uniaxial 单轴的uniaxially-stretched film 单轴向拉伸薄膜unibody 单片式汽车车身;单片式车身汽车unibolt coupling 带锥形台肩的单螺栓管子联接件unibus 单总线unicellular algae 单细胞藻类unicellular plastic 单孔塑料unichoke 互感扼流圈unicircuit 集成电路unicity 单一性uniclinal fold 单斜褶皱uniclinal structure 单斜构造uniclinal 单斜的unicline 单斜unicontrol 单向控制unidentifiable 无法鉴别的unidimensional linear flow 一维线性流动unidirected discharge 单向放电unidirectional bus 单向总线unidirectional conductivity 单向传导率unidirectional current 单向电流unidirectional nonwoven fabric 单向无纺织物unidirectional orientation 单向定向unidirectional perforating 单向射孔unidirectional prover 单向标准体积管unidirectional shooting 单向放炮unidirectional spread 单边排列unidirectional twist 单向捻unidirectional 同一方向的UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织unidyne 灯丝屏极同一电源式双栅极管UNIFET 单极场效应晶体管unification 统一unified budget 综合预算unified miniature screw thread 统一标准小直径螺纹unified purchase and sale 统购统销unified screw thread 统一标准螺纹unified state allocation 国家统一调配uniflow engine 单流机uniflow 单流uniflux 单向流动unifluxor 匀磁线uniform acceleration 匀加速度uniform asymptotic formula 均匀渐近公式uniform bed 均质层uniform bound 一致界uniform circular motion 匀速圆周运动uniform coating 均匀涂层uniform compression 均匀压缩uniform contact 均匀接触uniform convergence 一致收敛uniform corrosion 均匀腐蚀uniform cross section 等截面uniform cross-section jacket 等截面导管架uniform decompression 均匀减压uniform dielectric 均匀介质uniform distribution 均匀分布uniform fluid 均匀流体uniform formation 均质地层uniform grid 均匀网格uniform intergranular porosity 均匀粒间孔隙度uniform internal diameter 等内径uniform load 均布载荷uniform magnetic field 均匀磁场uniform magnetization 均匀磁化uniform mix 均匀混合物uniform motion 均匀运动uniform permeability interval 均匀渗透性层段uniform plane state 均一平面状态uniform price 统一价格uniform sandstone 均质砂岩uniform settling 均匀沉降uniform spheres 均匀球粒uniform stability 一致稳定性uniform stream 匀流uniform strength 均匀强度uniform temperature 均匀温度uniform thickness 等厚uniform variable motion 匀变速运动uniform wear 均匀磨损uniform wettability 均匀润湿性uniform 均匀的uniform-flux fracture 流量均布型裂缝uniforma price 单一价格uniformitarian 均变论者uniformitarianism 均变论;推今及古原理uniformity coefficient 均匀度uniformity of texture 结构的均质性uniformity ratio 均匀系数uniformity 均匀性uniformization 均匀化;单值化uniformly accelerated motion 匀加速运动uniformly distributed load 均布载荷uniformly retarded motion 匀减速运动unifunction pipeline 单功能流水线uniguide 单向管unijunction transistor 单结晶体管unijunction 单结unilateral contract 单方承担义务的合同unilateral fault 单向扩展断层unilateral faulting 单侧断裂unilateral import quota 单边进口限额unilateral importation 单边进口unilateral payment 单面结汇unilateral rolling strata 不对称波状层unilateral stretching 单向拉伸unilateral termination of the contract 单方面终止合同unilateral trade 单边贸易unilateral 单边的unilateralization 单向化unilayer 单层uniline 单线;单相线路;单行unimeter 多刻度电表;伏安计unimodal current rose 单向水流玫瑰图unimodal distribution 单峰分布unimodal function 单峰函数unimodal palaeocurrent 单向古水流unimodal sediment 单峰态沉积物unimodal 单向的unimolecular film 单分子膜unimolecular layer 单分子层unimolecular reaction 单分子反应unimolecular 单分子的unimpaired fluid 未被污染液体unindorsed check 背面未签名支票uninflammable 不易燃的uninhabitable 不适于居住的uninhibited acid 未抑制酸uninsulated 未保温的unintelligibility 不清晰性;难懂性unintentional 无意的unintermittent 不间断的uninterrupted power supply 不中断电源uninterrupted pumping 连续泵送uninterrupted 不停的uninterruptible power system 不间断供电系统uninvaded 未被侵入的union due 工会会费union flange 管节法兰Union for the Protection of Industrial Property 保护工业产权联盟union gate 或门union joint 管节连接union nut 联管螺母Union Oil Company of California 加利福尼亚联合油公司union purchase system 双杆联吊起重系统union wrench 联管节扳手union 连接;联管节unionization 不电离unipetalous 单瓣的uniphase 单相uniphaser 单相交流发电机unipivot 单支枢unipod 独脚架unipolar dynamo 单极发电机unipolar 单轴的;单极的unipole 单极天线uniprocessor 单处理机unipump 摩托泵unique feature 特色unique point 特征点unique solution 唯一解。

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Microstructure investigation on inner crack thermal healing in Q235 steel with La additionZhongli ZhaoBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyBeijing ,Chinazhongli5167@Abstract. Thermal healing experiment to inner crack made by compressing a drilled hole on samples of Q235 steel with various La addition was carried out. The effects of various heating temperature on the appearance and morphology evolution of inner crack healing in Q235 steel were investigated. Optical microscope and SEM observation indicate that artificial inner crack samples of Q235 steel with La addition can occur healing phenomenon at 650 ć, while inner crack samples have apparent healing at 800 ć and the microstructure in healing area is mainly ferrite. La in the solute solution decreases the critical healing temperature, makes the microstructure in host appear obvious variety during crack healing, not only decreases the quantity of pearlite and its shape becomes like-pearlite or granular but also increases the quantity of ferrite and the concentration of carbon in ferrite. The healing process was controlled by the diffusion and migration of Fe atoms from steel host to crack zone.Keywords: Q235 steel; inner crack; thermal healing; LaI.I NTRODUCTIONMetals remain the most important engineering materials. However, internal cracks occur readily in metals during the manufacturing process and their application. The propagation of internal cracks will reduce the strength, rigidity, toughness and residual life of the metal. Therefore, research on internal micro-crack healing in metals, particularly in steel, is necessary. The research of inner crack healing of metal material is one ramification of the research o1n the reverse course of the material failure. By the research on the mechanism and methods of inner crack healing in metal material, the conception of crack healing is introducedto the course of the design, manufacture and application of the material et al. and these measures will help to improveThis study is financially supported by the Specialized Research Fund for Young Teachers of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (QN0808).reliability of the material and keep higher anti-failure ability of the material.Up to now, researches have deeply investigated the problem of inner crack healing in metal material from theory, physical and numerical simulations to application. The primary mechanism of inner crack healing in metals is diffusion thermal healing [1~7].It is well known that RE addition will become a very important way in the 21st century for improving the quality of steel. The addition of RE can not only purify molten steels and metamorphose inclusions, but also has the obvious microalloying effects in purified steels [8~10].At present, most researches of crack healing focus on change external condition, there is no report about the effect on crack healing with micro-addition element. In the present paper, heat-healing experiment by artificial inner crack samples of Q235 steel with various La addition was done. The effects of various heating temperatures on the appearance and morphology evolution of inner crack healing in Q235 steel were also investigated.II.E XPERIMENTAL METHODSIn the present investigation, Q235 steel and La were chosen as host and addition elements, respectively. The chemical composition of tested steel was shown in table 1.Table 1 Chemical composition of the tested steel( wt %)C Si Mn P S La Fe0.21 0.26 0.46 0.014 0.014 0.1 balance0.21 0.26 0.46 0.014 0.014 0.2 balance0.21 0.26 0.46 0.014 0.014 0.3 balanceA.The preparation of compressed samples with innercrackThe sample was made in two steps˖(1) The steel bar was turned into a number of cylinders of diameter of 10 mm and length of 8 mm, and a blind hole of diameter of 2 mm978-1-4244-7739-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEEand length of 7 mm was drilled in every cylinder (Fig.1a). Then, holes was cleaned with liquid acetone and ethanol, and then sealed by vacuum welding. (2)The cylinders are heated at 1100 ć for 5 min, after that, upset to a height of 3.5 mm in a 600 kN hydraulic press. Then, the hot metal microstructure was maintained by water quenching. Therefore, the inner crack was obtained, as shown in Fig. 1b.B. The Healing TreatmentThe compressed sample was cut along axial direction, one part was used to heat healing treatment and the other one was used to observe the initial shape of crack. Healing treatment was carried out at 650 ć and 800 ć for 60 min, then furnace-cooling to room-temperature.Fig.1 Sample for healing experiment at elevated temperature˖(a) Initial sample˗(b) Sample with inner crack afterIII. 3.R ESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA. The morphology observation on initial inner crack ofcompressed sample by SEMFor observing shape of initial inner crack, the sample is cut in axial direction and is made into metallographic specimen. Due to initial inner crack is similar among Q235 steel with various La addition the SEM images represent Q235 steel with 0.1% La addition. Results of SEM observation show that initial crack morphology before healing, such as micro-crack left tip(Fig.2a), middle part, right tip(Fig.2b). The width of initial crack is the widest at the middle part of crack, as shown in Fig.2b.B. The microstructure around inner cracks in Q235 steelbefore and after healing by optical microscope and SEM Q235 steel is pro-eutectoid steel whose structure is ferrite and pearlite at room temperature. Fig.3 shows the morphology of cracks and the structure around cracks by optical microscope and SEM. Fig.3a,d,g,k.shows the morphology of cracks before healing and the others show the morphology of cracks after healing. It can be seen: (1)The structure of steel host heated at 650 ć for 60 min is representative white ferrite and dark pearlite, but the microstructure of pearlite has changed from the lamella to pearlite-like or granula. Near the end area of closed hole inner crack appears obvious healing phenomenon, near the middle area of closed hole local interface of crack have joined, as shown in Fig.3b,e,i. (2) Whole crack in specimen heated at 800 ć for 60 min appears obvious healing phenomenon. Local interface between joined interfaces were formed spherical micro-holes, some grain boundary passed interface, as shown in Fig.3c,f,h,j. The structure in healing area is made up of ferrite, which is obviously different from steel host. The grain size in healing area is smaller than that of host. The healing process resulted fromthe diffusion of Fe atoms from steel host to crack area.C. Effect of La on crack healingRE mainly exists as inclusion and dissolved in steel, both of which determine the change of total content of RE in steel. RE has certain solubility in steel. Dissolved RE will effect on the grain boundary, phase transformation and texture etc [11].On the one hand, La addition can change the microstructure in host. From Fig.3 we can see that the La addition increases the amount of pearlite, changed its shape from pearlite to like-pearlite or granular and decreases the amount of ferrite. La in the solute solution shortens the incubation period of proeutectoid ferrite, increases its quantity and carbon content which results from La attracting some carbon atoms to or even getting into Į-Fe-La cell, decreases the quantity of pearlite. Because La lowers the diffusion ability of C atoms and causes the serious lattice distortion of cementite and ferrite, some pearlite will become like-pearlite or granular. The shape of pearlite is changed.On the other hand, La addition can change the healing critical temperature in materials. Sun[12] based on EET (empirical electron theory of solids and molecules) theory points out that there is an effect of forcible solid solutioning in solid diffusion reaction. The entrance of RE into Fe lattice inevitably causes severe distortion, weaken the bond strength, promotes vacancy formed and raises vacancy concentration. At present mechanisms for vacancy diffusion is considered the main diffusion mechanism in solid metals.Therefore theself-diffusion of Fe atoms is increased and the healing process of inner crack is accelerated.Fig.2 SEM image of prepared inner crack for the sample (a)left tip (b)middle part (c)right tipFig.3 The microstructure of inner crack before and after healing˖(a)before healing, La=0.1%˗(b) 650 ć, La=0.1%˗(c) 800 ćˈLa=0.1%˗(d) before healing, La=0.2%˗(e) 650ć, La=0.2%˗(f) 800 ćˈLa=0.2%˗(g)before healing, La=0.3%˗(h)800 ćˈLa=0.3%˗(i) 650ć, La=0.1%˗(j)800 ć, La=0.1%˗(k) before healing, La=0%˗(l) 800 ć, La=0 %ˊThirdly, the activation energy for diffusion of Fe atoms is reduced. Fig.3 shows that there are better healing ability in Q235 steel with La than without La addition. Therefore it shows that there is a greater diffusion coefficient in Q235 steel with La than without La addition. While the diffusion coefficient D is related to temperature by an Arrhenius-type equation,¸¹·¨©§ RT Q D D exp 0.˄1˅Where D 0 is the diffusion constant, Q is the activation energyfor diffusion, T is the diffusion temperature, R is the gas constant. From the equation (1) we can know that when T is not changeable the diffusion speed is strongly dependent on Q . Therefore the better healing ability in Q235 steel with La than without La addition shows the decreasing of activation energy for diffusion of Fe atoms.D. The essence of crack healingThe crack healing system is an open system that has both energy exchange and substance exchange with the surroundings. The shape change of crack healing can be considered as a process that diffusing atom from the host nucleates and grows up in the crack surface.Due to the internal surface of the crack exists inhomogeneous such as energy, structure and composition fluctuation therefore crack healing is nonuniform. Namely, the crack healing is multi-scales that exists macro-scale healing, mesoscale healing, micro-scale healing at the same time. Based on large quantity of experimental investigation research, authors consider that the healing process was controlled by the diffusion of Fe atoms from steel host to crack zone. Some defects such as dislocations and voids appeared during healing process. Their movement leads to micro-healing dissipative structure, but the appearance of macro-healing dissipative structure should be accomplished through diffusion.In short, La addition can promote obviously crack healing, but its effect mechanism needs deep and systematic research and the optimal La content needs more experimental investigation.IV.C ONCLUSION(1) La in the solute solution decreases the critical healing temperature, makes the inner crack samples of Q235 steel with La addition occur healing phenomenon at 650 ć and can be healed at 800 ć.(2)La in the solute solution increases ferrite quantity and the concentration of carbon in ferrite, decreases the quantity of pearlite and granular pearlite can be obtained.(3) The microstructure in healing area is main ferrite. 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