





二、教学目标1. 知识目标:了解安培定律的基本概念,掌握安培定律的定性关系和定量关系;2. 能力目标:学会运用安培定律解决与电流和磁场有关的问题;3. 情感目标:激发学生的研究兴趣,培养学生的实践动手能力和团队合作精神。

三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:安培定律的基本概念、定性关系和定量关系;2. 教学难点:如何运用安培定律解决具体问题。

四、教学准备1. 教学工具:投影仪、实验箱、电流计、磁铁、导线等;2. 教学材料:课本《高中物理》、多媒体课件。

五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)利用一个实例引出本节课的主题,例如:通过插入电流表观察磁铁的行为,引导学生思考电流与磁场之间的关系。

2. 概念讲解(10分钟)通过使用多媒体课件,简明扼要地讲解安培定律的基本概念和定性关系。


3. 实验演示(20分钟)进行实验演示,使用实验箱、磁铁和电流计等设备演示具体的安培定律实验,例如通过改变电流的大小和方向观察磁铁的受力情况,让学生直观感受安培定律。

4. 知识探究(15分钟)学生分组合作,通过给出具体情境,选择合适的安培定律公式进行解答,培养学生运用安培定律解决问题的能力。

5. 归纳总结(5分钟)整理安培定律的基本概念、定性关系和定量关系,进行归纳总结,帮助学生理清知识结构。

6. 课堂小结(5分钟)对本节课内容进行小结和复,强调安培定律的重要性和应用。


七、板书设计- 安培定律的基本概念- 安培定律的定性关系- 安培定律的定量关系八、教学反思通过本节课的教学,学生对安培定律有了基本的了解和掌握,并能够运用安培定律解决简单的问题。



初中英语听课记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容06.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处做一名智慧的教师宁教院讲座市级师训处一堂好课的研究宁教院讲座市级师训处英语教学的互动模式宁教院讲座市级师训处教师礼仪宁教院讲座市级师训处班级文化的建设与学生健康发展本校公开课组内英语组Book1 Unit 2 Is thisyour pencil本校公开课组内英语组Book 2Unit4第一课时本校公开课组内英语组Book 3Unit6第一课时湖州南浔锦绣实验中学探究课市级区教研室Book2Unit9 When was heborn本校公开课组内英语组Book2Unit10I’m going to be abasketball player.本校公开课组内英语组Final revision英语组06 学年第 2 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容本校精品课送教区级区教研室Book2Unit3 Whatare you doing forvacation本校讲座校内校办班主任的艺术本校教师论坛校内校办关于说课本校教师论坛校内校办案例的撰写本校公开课校内教研组Book2 Unit9第一课时本校公开课校内教研组Review of Book1<下>宁教院讲座市级师训处谈谈英语教师的基本素质宁教院讲座市级师训处插花的艺术宁教院讲座市级师训处信息技术在教学中的运用英语组07 学年第1学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容9月4日研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划9月20日宁波八中听课市级市教研室初中英语7年级“Go forit!”(Section A &B) 课堂教学研讨会10月16日实验中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动一10月23日集体备课组内陈凤珠集体备课10月30日听课组内陈力7上Unit 711月13日孔浦中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动二11月27日听课组内俞位芬8上Unit 1012月4日三江中学听课区级区教研室八年级课堂教学观摩研讨活动12月7日听课组内郑竹亚8上Unit 1212月11日庄桥中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动四12月18日听课组内陈凤珠初三复习课英语组07 学年第2学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容08年2月26日研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划08年3月25日宁波七中研讨会市级市教研室宁波大市初三年级英语复习研讨会4月8日听课组内贺凤英形容词比较级的复习4月11日宁波九中听课区级区教研室区初中英语课堂教学“新生代”评比5月8日至9日奉化锦屏中学听课市级市教研室市初中英语“新生代”课堂教学展示评比活动4月15日洪塘中学研讨会区级区教研室初三英语复习研讨活动6月10日听课组内叶剑锋初三复习课7研组陈期末教学工作总月1日讨会内凤珠结英语组08学年第 1 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排本校研讨校级教研组长本校教学工作安排本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It! 七年级上册Unit TwoSection B江北实验听课区级教研室Go For It!七年级上册Unit 6Section BGo For It!七年级上册Unit 5Section A本校听课校级陶竟楠七年级上册Unit 3 Section A 本校集体备课校级教研组长初二学生英语讲故事比赛区教研室竞赛区级教研室学生英语能力展示本校集校教教学五认真检体备课级研组长查本校听课校级陈力Unit 8Section A本校听课校级叶剑峰Unit 9Section A三江中学阶梯教室听课区级教研室一、Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your roomSection A二、Go For It!八年级上Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your roomSection B 孔浦中学郎敏老师三、反思与点评本校听课校级郑竹亚Go For It 九年级Unit 11Section A本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It 复习课本校听课校级贺凤英Go For It 八年级 Unit12 复习本校集校教教学常规检查体备课级务处英语组08学年第 2 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排本校研讨校级组长本校教学工作安排本校集体备课校级组长ThreeSection B洪塘中学听课区级教研室七年级下册八年级下册九年级国际学校听课市级教研室完形填空解题、表达研讨课、考试说明解读。





二、准备工作在使用电流表之前,请确保以下准备工作已完成:1. 检查电流表的外观是否完好,如有破损或松动应立即报修;2. 确保电流表的电源处于关闭状态;3. 验证待测电路的电压范围是否在电流表的测量范围之内;4. 准备适当的安全防护措施,如绝缘手套和护目镜。

三、测量步骤1. 连接电路a. 关闭待测电路的电源;b. 将电流表的正极(标有"+"符号)与电路的正极相连;c. 将电流表的负极(标有"-"符号)与电路的负极相连。

2. 选择量程根据待测电路的预估电流范围,选择电流表上与之相对应的最小量程。


3. 调节量程a. 将电流表的量程选择旋钮旋转到最高档位;b. 缓慢地将量程选择旋钮逆时针旋转,直到指针指向合适的量程刻度。

4. 打开电源打开待测电路的电源,使电流开始流动。

5. 读取测量值a. 观察指针位置,读取电流值;b. 如电流表采用数字显示,则直接读取显示屏上的数值。

6. 断开电路关闭待测电路的电源,并按照相反的顺序断开电流表与电路的连接。

四、注意事项在使用电流表时,请务必遵循以下注意事项,以确保测量准确、安全可靠:1. 选择合适的量程,避免电流超过电流表的测量范围,以免损坏仪器或导致人身伤害;2. 连接正确的电极极性,将电流表的正负极分别与电路的正负极相连;3. 在连接和断开电路时,确保电路电源已关闭,以免触电或损坏电路;4. 在读取测量值时,注意读数的准确性,并注意指针或显示屏上的小数点位置;5. 如发现电流表异常或测量值与预期不符,请停止使用并进行排查或咨询专业人士;6. 仔细阅读并遵守电流表的使用说明书,以免误操作。

五、维护保养为了保证电流表的正常使用和延长使用寿命,请定期进行以下维护保养:1. 清洁电流表的外观,定期擦拭并保持干燥;2. 避免电流表接触水和潮湿环境,以防止损坏电路板和内部元件;3. 当电流表不使用时,应存放在干燥、通风的地方,并远离化学品和易燃物品;4. 如发现电流表异常或故障,应及时送修或咨询专业人士。



专业层次:XX专业 XX 级
- 2 -
- 3 -
- 4 -
图4-1 学员成绩总表
- 6 -
图4-2 统计表
单击菜单“开始”→“所有程序”→“Microsoft Office”→“
- 7 -
- 8 -
图4-3 Excel 2010窗口界面
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- 10 -
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- 14 -
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- 16 -
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图4-4 周值班安排表
图4-5 首长值班表
- 18 -
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- 22 -
- 23 -
- 24 -。



初中英语听课记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容06.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处做一名智慧的教师06.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处一堂好课的研究06.7.30宁教院讲座市级师训处英语教学的互动模式06.8. 2宁教院讲座市级师训处教师礼仪06.8. 3宁教院讲座市级师训处班级文化的建设与学生健康发展06.9.23本校公开课组内英语组Book1 Unit 2 Is thisyour pencil?06.9.25本校公开课组内英语组Book 2Unit4第一课时06.10 .15本校公开课组内英语组Book 3Unit6第一课时06.11 .20湖州南浔锦绣实验中学探究课市级区教研室Book2Unit9 When was heborn?06.11 .25本校公开课组内英语组Book2Unit10I’m going to be abasketball player.06.12 .23本校公开课组内英语组Final revision英语组06 学年第 2 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容07.3.28本校精品课送教区级区教研室Book2Unit3 Whatare you doing forvacation?07.4.15本校讲座校内校办班主任的艺术07.5.11本校教师论坛校内校办关于说课07.5.25本校教师论坛校内校办案例的撰写07.6.8本校公开课校内教研组Book2 Unit9第一课时07.6.29本校公开课校内教研组Review of Book1<下>07.7.18宁教院讲座市级师训处谈谈英语教师的基本素质07.7.19宁教院讲座市级师训处插花的艺术07.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处信息技术在教学中的运用英语组07 学年第1学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容9月4日研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划9月20日宁波八中听课市级市教研室初中英语7年级“Go forit!”(Section A &B) 课堂教学研讨会10月16日实验中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动一10月23日集体备课组内陈凤珠集体备课10月30日听课组内陈力7上Unit 711月13日孔浦中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动二11月27日听课组内俞位芬8上Unit 1012月4日三江中学听课区级区教研室八年级课堂教学观摩研讨活动12月7日听课组内郑竹亚8上Unit 1212月11日庄桥中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动四12月18日听课组内陈凤珠初三复习课英语组07 学年第2学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容08年2月26日研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划08年3月25日宁波七中研讨会市级市教研室宁波大市初三年级英语复习研讨会4月8日听课组内贺凤英形容词比较级的复习4月11日宁波九中听课区级区教研室区初中英语课堂教学“新生代”评比5月8日至9日奉化锦屏中学听课市级市教研室市初中英语“新生代”课堂教学展示评比活动4月15日洪塘中学研讨会区级区教研室初三英语复习研讨活动6月10日听课组内叶剑锋初三复习课7月1日研讨会组内陈凤珠期末教学工作总结英语组08学年第 1 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容9 .3教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排9 .10 本校研讨校级教研组长本校教学工作安排9 .24 本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It! 七年级上册Unit TwoSection B1 0.7江北实验听课区级教研室Go For It!七年级上册Unit 6Section BGo For It!七年级上册Unit 5Section A1 0.14 本校听课校级陶竟楠七年级上册Unit 3 Section A1本校集校教初二学生英语0.21 体备课级研组长讲故事比赛1 0.28区教研室竞赛区级教研室学生英语能力展示1 1.11 本校集体备课校级教研组长教学五认真检查1 1.25 本校听课校级陈力Unit 8Section A1 2.2 本校听课校级叶剑峰Unit 9Section A1 2.9三江中学阶梯教室听课区级教研室一、Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your room?Section A二、Go For It!八年级上Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your room?Section B 孔浦中学郎敏老师三、反思与点评1 2.23 本校听课校级郑竹亚Go For It 九年级Unit 11Section A1 2.30 本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It 复习课1 .6 本校听课校级贺凤英Go For It 八年级 Unit12 复习1 .13 本校集体备课校级教务处教学常规检查英语组08学年第 2 学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容2.1 7教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排2.2 4 本校研讨校级组长本校教学工作安排3.3 本校集体备课校级组长ThreeSection B3.5 -6洪塘中学听课区级教研室七年级下册八年级下册九年级3.1 7国际学校听课市级教研室完形填空解题、表达研讨课、考试说明解读。

(英语)《PEP Book1 Unit1 Hello A Let’s talk》教案(冯学文)

(英语)《PEP Book1 Unit1 Hello A Let’s talk》教案(冯学文)

第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计学校:广东省佛山市顺德区容桂华口小学姓名:冯学文全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计/i?ct=503316480&z=0&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=CD&in= 32247&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=6&rn=1&di=93460568115&ln=1997&fr=&fm=inde x&fmq=1331776827671_R&ic=&s=0&se=&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face= &is=&istype=2#pn6&-1&di93460568115&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.021ci.co/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=PEP%D0%A1%D1%A7%D3%A2%D3%EF%C8%FD%C4% EA%BC%B6%B5%E7%D7%D3%CA%E9%B1%BE&in=21440&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=58&rn=1&di=34944190215&ln=1574&fr= &fm=result&fmq=1331777055437_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn58&-1&di3494419 0215&objURLhttp%3A%2F%%2Fwww24%2Fo%2Fs515dd5237545608f%2Fimg%2Fifc6e02bb3199f0e6%2F12792048。

Listen to This (Book 1)教案

Listen to This (Book 1)教案

英语初级听力教案Listen to This (Book 1)教研: 英语听力授课对象:中澳会计1001,1002,1003Preparatory Lesson OneI Teaching Aims:To know something about numbers, days and addressesTo be familiar with the reading of numbers, days and addresses in EnglishTo know about some simple day life dialogues in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson OneIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:To let the students to write down phonetic alphabet and read themTo let the students learn some new words and expression that will appear in the listening materialChemist: person who prepares medicines (from prescriptions) and sell medical goods, toilet articles, etc. n. 药剂师;药商(常兼营化妆品等)。


Sutton: 萨顿[英国英格兰东南部城市](在伦敦西南)。

Bristol: 布里斯托尔[英国英格兰东南西南部港市](艾冯郡首府,临布里斯托尔海峡)。

Saint Thomas: 圣托马斯(here name of a person)Bond: Here Bond StreetArcher: Here Mrs. ArcherEton: Here Eton AvenueEden: Here Eden SquareBlake: Here Dr. BlakeOxford: Here Oxford StreetJones: Here Mrs. JonesTo let the students know about some simple skills of listening2.Listening-centered ActivitiesTo let the students listen to the tape of sections one by one in Preparatory Lesson One and fill in the blanks in the listening book.Section One Numbers Days Addresses and some sentencesSection Two DialoguesSection Three Dictation Word groupsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.Group ActivitiesDivide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, days and addresses arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard. With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, days and addresses.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson TwoI Teaching Aims:To know something about numbers, letters and timesTo be familiar with the reading of numbers, letters and times in EnglishTo know about some simple day life dialogues in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson TwoIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Ask students how to read numbers and times in English?Let students say some nations they have learned in High School.2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson TwoV ocabulary explain some new words and expressions they may don’t knowSection One numbers, letters, timesSection Two DialoguesSection Three Dictation Word groupsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.Group ActivitiesDivide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers, letters and times arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard. With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers, letters and times.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson ThreeI Teaching Aims:To know something about numbers and some tips in reading numbersTo be familiar with reading numbersII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson ThreeIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Ask students how to read numbers and times in English?Give them some long numbers to readLong numbers are spoken as separate digits grouped rhythmically in twos or threes.Reading cardinal numbers, a comma is sometimes used instead of a space to separate the thousands in numbers greater than 999.How to read “ 0” in English?“Zero” is the most common US usage and the most technical or precise form.When reading a telephone or bank account number we say the letter “O”.Nought is commonly used when referring to the figure “ 0”as part of a number 2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson ThreeV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One NumbersSection Two DialoguesSection Three Dictation Word groupsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.Group ActivitiesDivide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard. With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson FourI Teaching Aims:To know about numbers of mileage and population and how to read the numbers of mileage and population in EnglishTo be familiar with the nations and its adjective in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson FourIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Ask students how to read numbers of mileage and population in English?Give students some numbers to readKnow about coin in English2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson FourV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Numbers of mileage and populationSection Two DialoguesSection Three Dictation Word groupsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.Group ActivitiesDivide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some numbers arbitrarily, the rest of the group to write down what they have heard. With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of numbers.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Preparatory Lesson FiveI Teaching Aims:To know about money and how to read the numbers of money in EnglishTo be familiar with the expression of money in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Preparatory Lesson FiveIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let students know about money in EnglishA penny = 1 centA nickel = 5 centsA dime = 10 centsA quarter = 25 cents2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Preparatory Lesson FiveV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One CoinsSection Two DialoguesTo choose some students to give their answers after listeningThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.Group ActivitiesDivide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to choose some commodities to ask the price arbitrarily, one student of the rest group to tell her or him in English. With this group activity, we can practice the students’ knowledge of money in English.4.HomeworkLet students do Section three as homework, write down the answers in their notebook and hand in.Let the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson OneI Teaching Aims:To know about some day life dialogues in EnglishTo learn how to fill in blanks in English listeningII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson OneIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let students prepare some mini-talk like day life dialogues in EnglishLet several students to say their mini-talk in front of their classmates2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson OneV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Discussion and InterviewSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsLet students know about punctuation mark in English in Section ThreeTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson TwoI Teaching Aims:To know about more day life dialogues in EnglishTo learn how to fill in more blanks in English listeningII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson TwoIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson TwoV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Conversation and StorySection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson ThreeI Teaching Aims:To know about more day life dialogues in EnglishTo learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listeningTo learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listeningII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson ThreeIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson ThreeV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Conversation and InterviewSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to recite the simple dialogues we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Listen to a short song in English and write it down, also can have a volunteer to sing the song.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson FourI Teaching Aims:To know about more day life dialogues in EnglishTo learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listeningTo learn how to answer some questions in their own words after listening to a long conversationII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson FourIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson FourV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two ConversationsSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to recite the simple conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their conversations in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson FiveI Teaching Aims:To know about more day life dialogues in EnglishTo learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listeningTo know about some kinds of question in English listening testII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson fiveIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson FiveV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Word Exercises, Discussion and InterviewSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to retell the interviews we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about interviews in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.Divide the students into several groups, then let every group has one student to say some letters of a word and give some help or clue, the rest of the group to guess which word it is.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Let students do the game of guessing words after class.Lesson SixI Teaching Aims:To learn how to fill in more blanks of conversation in English listeningTo answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know about telephone conversation in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson SixIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson SixV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Telephone ConversationsSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions about their dialogues in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson SevenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know about monologue and telephone conversation in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson SevenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson SevenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Problems, Monologue and Telephone ConversationsSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet students to retell the monologue and recite the telephone conversations we have listened and answer the teacher’s questions in a few words. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson EightI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to express their views about some topics in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson EightIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson EightV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One DialoguesSection Two Likes and Dislikes, Window-shopping and DiscussionSection Three Dictation of short paragraphsTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time3.ActivitiesLet several students to say something about their likes and dislikes. Find a topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we can practice students’ skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson NineI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to express their views about some topics in EnglishII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson NineIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson NineV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-15)Section Two A. An Invitation to a V olleyball MatchB. Telephone ConversationC. Monologues (1-3)Section Three DictationTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson TenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurantII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson TenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson TenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-5) Hotel EnglishSection Two A. DiscussionB. ForumSection Three Spot Dictations (1-2)To choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson ElevenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurantII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson ElevenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson ElevenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-6) Restaurant English Dialogues (1-3)Section Two A. Telephone Conversation B. DiscussionC. MonologueD. Music or MoneySection Three Dictations (1-2)To choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson TwelveI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurantII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson TwelveIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson TwelveV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-6) Restaurant English Dialogues (1-3)Section Two A. Description B. Conversation C. A PartySection Three Dictations (1-5)To choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson ThirteenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know how to order in English in a hotel or a restaurantII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson ThirteenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson ThirteenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-4) Restaurant English Dialogues (1-3)Section Two A. Discussing Past Events B. Telephone ConversationC. Conversation at Perfect Partners Ltd.Section Three Dictations A LetterTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson FourteenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo be familiar with telephone conversation and conversation in a shopII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson FourteenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson FourteenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-8)Section Two A. Telephone Conversation (1-3) B. ShoppingSection Three DictationTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.Lesson FifteenI Teaching Aims:To answer the questions simply in their own words after listeningTo know about some conversations in a restaurantII Teaching MaterialListen to This: 1 Lesson FifteenIII Teaching AidsLanguage LabIV Teaching Procedures1.Warm-up:Let several students to say their prepared mini-talk in English in front of their classmatesCorrect their mistakes in grammar or pronunciations2.Listening-centered ActivitiesDo the listening exercises one by one in Lesson FifteenV ocabulary Explain some new words and expressions they may don’t know Section One Dialogues (1-9)Section Two A. Quick Lunch B. Dinner C. Interview D. Why Can’t IDo What I Like?Section Three DictationTo choose some students to give their answers after each sectionThen correct the their answersFinally let the students listen to the tape one more time after every section.3.ActivitiesLet students to repeat what they have heard one dialogue by one dialogue. Finda topic and let students give their views on the topic. With this activity, we canpractice students’skills of listening at the same time practice their skills of speaking as well.4.HomeworkLet the students themselves to find some listening material to practice their skills of English listening after class.。



初中英语听课记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容06.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处做一名智慧的教师06.7.2 0宁教院讲座市级师训处一堂好课的研究06.7.3 0宁教院讲座市级师训处英语教学的互动模式06.8.2宁教院讲座市级师训处教师礼仪06.8.3宁教院讲座市级师训处班级文化的建设与学生健康发展06.9.2 3本校公开课组内英语组Book1 Unit 2 Isthis your pencil?06.9.2 5本校公开课组内英语组Book 2Unit4第一课时06.10. 15本校公开课组内英语组Book 3Unit6第一课时06.11. 20湖州南浔锦绣实验中学探究课市级区教研室Book2Unit9???? Whenwas he born?06.11. 25本校公开课组内英语组Book2Unit10????? I’m going to be abasketball player.06.12. 23本校公开课组内英语组Final revision英语组?06?学年第?2?学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容07.3.28本校精品课送教区级区教研室Book2Unit3????? What areyou doing forvacation?07.4.15本校讲座校内校办班主任的艺术07.5.11本校教师论坛校内校办关于说课07.5.25本校教师论坛校内校办案例的撰写07.6.8本校公开课校内教研组Book2 Unit9第一课时07.6.29本校公开课校内教研组Review ofBook1<下>07.7.18宁教院讲座市级师训处谈谈英语教师的基本素质07.7.19宁教院讲座市级师训处插花的艺术07.7.20宁教院讲座市级师训处信息技术在教学中的运用?????? ????英语?组?07?学年第?1学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容9月4日?研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划9月20日宁波八中听课市级市教研室初中英语7年级“Go for it!”(Section A& B) 课堂教学研讨会10月16日实验中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动一10月23日?集体备课组内陈凤珠集体备课10月30日?听课组内陈力7上Unit 711月13日孔浦中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动二11月27日?听课组内俞位芬8上Unit 1012月4日三江中学听课区级区教研室八年级课堂教学观摩研讨活动12月7日?听课组内郑竹亚8上Unit 1212月11日庄桥中学听课区级区教研室区中学英语青年教师课堂教学系列活动四12月18日?听课组内陈凤珠初三复习课?英语?组?07?学年第?2学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容08年2月26日?研讨组内陈凤珠制订本学期教学计划08年3月25日宁波七中研讨会市级市教研室宁波大市初三年级英语复习研讨会4月8日?听课组内贺凤英形容词比较级的复习4月11日宁波九中听课区级区教研室区初中英语课堂教学“新生代”评比5月8日至9日奉化锦屏中学听课市级市教研室市初中英语“新生代”课堂教学展示评比活动4月15日洪塘中学研讨会区级区教研室初三英语复习研讨活动6月10日?听课组内叶剑锋初三复习课7月1日?研讨会组内陈凤珠期末教学工作总结?英语组?08学年第?1?学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容9 .3教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排9 .10本校研讨校级教研组长本校教学工作安排9 .24本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It! 七年级上册Unit TwoSection B1 0.7江北实验听课区级教研室Go For It!七年级上册Unit 6 SectionBGo For It!七年级上册Unit 5 SectionA1 0.14本校听课校级陶竟楠?七年级上册Unit 3 Section A1本校集校教初二学生英语0.21体备课级研组长讲故事比赛1 0.28区教研室竞赛区级教研室学生英语能力展示1 1.11本校集体备课校级教研组长教学五认真检查1 1.25本校听课校级陈力Unit 8 SectionA1 2.2本校听课校级叶剑峰Unit 9 SectionA1 2.9三江中学阶梯教室听课区级教研室一、Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your room?Section A二、Go For It!八年级上Unit 11Could you pleaseclean your room?Section B孔浦中学郎敏老师三、反思与点评1 2.23本校听课校级郑竹亚Go For It 九年级Unit 11 SectionA1 2.30本校集体备课校级备课组长Go For It 复习课1 .6本校听课校级贺凤英Go For It 八年级Unit12 复习1 .13本校集体备课校级教务处教学常规检查?英语组?08学年第?2?学期教研活动记录表日期地点类型级别组织者活动内容2.1 7教研室研讨区级教研室本学期教学工作安排2.2 4本校研讨校级组长本校教学工作安排3.3本校集体备课校级组长?Three SectionB3.5 -6洪塘中学听课区级教研室七年级下册八年级下册九年级3.1 7国际学校听课市级教研室完形填空解题、表达研讨课、考试说明解读。



3.电学实验中电路器材的选择 (1)基本原则 安全——不损坏实验仪器. 精确——尽可能减小实验误差. 方便——在保证实验正常进行的前提下, 选用的电路和器材便 于操作,读得的数据便于处理.
(2)实验器材的选取 ①电源允许的最大电流要大于电路中的实际电流. ②用电器的额定电流不能小于电路中的实际电流. ③电压表和电流表的量程不能小于被测电压和电流的最大值. ④根据被测电压和电流值的大小选择量程, 使指针偏转不超过 2 1 所选量程的 ,至少超过 .(如灯泡的额定电压时 6 伏特,那 3 3 么测量灯泡的电压表量程最好可以使 9 伏特)
RA Rx (2)临界值计算法:当内外接法相对误差相等时,有 = , Rx RV 所以 Rx= RARV为临界值.当 Rx> RARV(即 Rx 为大电阻)时 用内接法;当 Rx< RARV(即 Rx 为小电阻)时用外接法;Rx= RARV,内、外接法均可.
(3)实验试触法:按图 2210 接好电路,让电压表一根接线 P 先后与 a、b 处接触一下,如果电压表的示数有较大的变化(电 流表的分压作用明显),而电流表的示数变化不大(电压表分流 作用不大),则可采用电流表外接法;如果电流表的示数有较 大的变化, 而电压表的示数变化不大, 则可采用电流表内接法.
(3)滑动变阻器在电路中的两种接法 ①限流接法 如图 2212 所示,电路中变阻器起限流作用,负载 Rx 两端电 ERx 压的可调范围为 ~ E,在合上开关前使变阻器所使用的 Rx+ R0 阻值最大, 因此在闭合开关前一定要检查滑动触头 P 是否在正 确的一端.
图 2212
②分压接法 如图 2213 所示,电路中变阻器起分压作用,滑片 自 A 端向 B 端滑动时,负载上电压的变化范围约为 0~ E.显然比限流时调节范围大.合上开关前滑片应 在 A 端, 以使负载 Rx 两端的电压和通过的电流最小.



外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(1)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(上)集体备课时间:2006年9 月2 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:王振亚,郭军于海涛杨宁杜彪外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(2)教研组名称:高级英语阅读集体备课时间:2006 年9 月22 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:郭军杜彪王振亚杨宁于海涛(3)教研组名称:高级英语阅读集体备课时间:2006 年10 月28 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛陈卫恒杨宁杜彪郭军(4)教研组名称:高级英语阅读集体备课时间:2006 年11 月28 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛陈卫恒杨宁杜彪郭军外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(5)教研组名称:高级英语阅读集体备课时间:2006 年12 月24 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝(6)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(下)集体备课时间:2006年3 月2 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛王充杨宁杜彪王雅华(7)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(下)集体备课时间:2006 年4月15 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛王充杨宁杜彪王雅华外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(8)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(下)集体备课时间:2006 年4月28 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛王充杨宁杜彪王雅华外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(9)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(下)集体备课时间:2006年5 月11 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛王充杨宁杜彪王雅华外国语学院英语系教师集体备课记录表(10)教研组名称:高级英语阅读(下)集体备课时间:2006年6 月20 日集体备课地点:主楼1221课程负责人:李燕姝其他成员:于海涛王充杨宁杜彪王雅华葛晴燕老师:1.本教案教学目标明确,重点突出。



直流电流表与交流电流表选自《中学教学实用全书物理卷》电流表是测量电流强度的电表.以安培为单位的,又叫安培表.1.直流安培表:直流安培表表头结构采用磁电式,它的外形如图(l)所示,内部线路如图(2)所示.原理:内部为内阻为的表头与多个电阻(如3个电阻r、及)组成环形电路,从不同接点抽头以区分不同量程,而不采用逐个与表头并联分流电阻的方法区分量程.这是因为采用环形电路使设计计算各电阻更准确一些,且对保护表头有好处.如图(2),采用r与串联,使总阻值便于各量程计算,而且r可起少许保护表头的作用.其余电阻可如下进行计算后选用:使用要点:l)检查指针是否在零位,如果指针偏离,应进行机械调零.2)估计被测电流的大小,选择适当量程.3)将电流表串接在被测电路中,并使电流从电流表的正接线柱流入.4)试触一下,以判断电流表是否接反及量程选择是否合适.5)测量应准确、迅速,测量后应及时切断电路.注意事项:1)由于电流表串接在电路中,使此电路电阻增加内阻造成测量值小于真实值.为了使测量值接近真实值,一般应选用内阻较小的电流表进行测量.由全电路欧姆定律知,而,其中R 为外电路电阻,为电源内阻,为电流表内阻.相对误差.若相对误差控制在2.5%以内,即,得到,这可以作为选择电表的依据之一.2)中学常用的直流安培表的准确度等级为2.5级,但有两种表示方法.只写数字2.5的,表示误差值不大于量限的2.5%.例如使用0.6A档,指针指在0.4A处,误差值不大于0.6A的2.5%即0.015A,这时相对误差为0.015/0.4=3.8%.使用这种电表,应使用量程的2/3以上,否则相对误差较大.另一种标度方法是在级别数字外加圈,表示它的误差不超过指示值的2.5%,即相对误差总不超过2.5%。




电流表的指针还会被打弯,甚至烧杯电流表. 在不能预先估计被测电流大小的情况下,
电 要先用电路的一个线头迅速试触电流表的接线柱,

看看指针的偏转是否在量程之内. 如果超出量程,就要改用更大量程的电流表.







电 路 测量通过小灯
中 电流表的接法
测量L2支路 中电流时, 电流表的接法
测量L1支路 中电流时, 电流表的接法
“十” “一” 接线 柱的 接法 要正 确
必须使电流从“十”接线柱流进电流表 从“一”接线柱流出电流表
测 被测电流超过电流表的量程时,不仅测不出电流值,





所属学科:机械工程(一级学科);电测量仪器仪表(二级学科);电测量仪器仪表一般名词(三级学科)本内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布百科名片电流表(ammeter) 又称“安培表”,是测量电路中电流大小的工具,主要采用磁电系电表的测量机构。

目录[隐藏]简介发展过程分类直流电流表构造使用规则使用步骤读数改装简介发展过程分类直流电流表构造使用规则使用步骤读数改装工作原理[编辑本段]简介名称电流表电流表英文ammeter 电流表:current meter又称“安培表”。














ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
享受100次共享文档下载特权,一次 发放,全年内有效
赠每的送次VI的发P类共放型的享决特文定权档。有下效载期特为权1自个V月IP,生发效放起数每量月由发您放购一买次,赠 V不 我I送 清 的P生每 零 设效月 。 置起1自 随5每动 时次月续 取共发费 消享放, 。文一前档次往下,我载持的特续账权有号,效-自
安培(AndréMarie Ampè1775~1836年)
安培,法国物理学家,1825年提出了著 名的安培定律。他从1820年开始在测量电 流的磁效应中,发现两个载流导线可以相 互吸引又可以相互排斥。这一发现成为研 究电学的基本定律,为电动机的发明作了 理论上的准备。他对数学和化学也有贡献。
享受60次VIP专享文档下载特权,一 次发放,全年内有效。
VIP专享文档下载特权自VIP生效起每月发放一次, 每次发放的特权有效期为1个月,发放数量由您购买 的VIP类型决定。
每月专享9次VIP专享文档下载特权, 自VIP生效起每月发放一次,持续有 效不清零。自动续费,前往我的账号 -我的设置随时取消。
互相吸引,电流方向相反的两条平行载流导线互相排 斥。对两个线圈之间的吸引和排斥也作了讨论。
③发明了电流计 安培还发现,电流在线圈中流动的时候表现出来的
磁性和磁铁相似,创制出第一个螺线管,在这个基础 上发明了探测和量度电流的电流计。
④提出分子电流假说 他根据磁是由运动的电荷产生的这一观点来说明地



3、请你根据下图的条件,画出通电螺线管线圈的绕线方法。 了解:
方法: (1)将大拇指与图中N极一致; (2)将与四指指向相同的箭头那根线直拉绕 上螺线管,并绕向另一箭头那一侧,并 按这样的方法绕几圈即可。
3、请你根据下图的条件,画出通电螺线管线圈的绕线方法。 了解:
2、请你标出下图中通电螺线管的电流方向。 方法:(1)将大拇指与图中N极一致; (2)将手转致眼睛能正视四指为止; (3)标出电流的方向。
2、请你标出下图中通电螺线管的电流方向。 方法:(1)将大拇指与图中N极一致; (2)将手转致眼睛能正视四指为止; (3)标出电流的方向。 试一试:
安培定则:用右手握螺线管,让四指指向螺线管中电流的方向,则大拇指 所指的那端就是螺线管的N极。
(1)将右手移至胸前(亦可放在桌面上), 作握住螺线管状;
(2)让眼睛看见四指时,四指的指向与螺线管正面的绕线所标 的电流方向(即箭头方向)一致;



昨天晚上六点,我削了萝卜的皮,又把南瓜洗干净,优雅地切成 几 片,再把南瓜、猪肉搅碎成一团,花了我很多的力气,准备要下锅时, 才想起炉子里没有火,我把木炭摆好,点了火,没想到怎么都点不着 木炭,我蹲下去,用力往炉口坎,结果弄得我一阵猛咳,等到咳嗽好 了,炉火又熄了,只好又点火,一边咳嗽一边吹火苗,火旺起来的时 候,我闻到焦味,原来忘了放油,锅子里的菜已经焦糊了。 亲爱的朱丽,你的丈夫就是在吞嚼这难吃的食物时,特别地想到你。 原来煮饭比物理难,让我精疲又力竭,现在你知道,为什么我一天只 吃两餐的原因了吧!

个 富 商 家

1775年1月20日生于法国东南部大城市里昂一个 富商家庭,1836 年6月10日卒于马赛。1802 年他 在布尔让-布雷斯中央学校任物理学和化学教授 ; 1808年被任命为法国帝国大学总学监,此后一直担 任此职 ;1814 年被选为帝国学院数学部成员; 1819年主持巴黎大学哲学讲座;1824年担任法兰 西学院实验物理学教授。
安培握著母亲的手,看着一生最要好 的老师及朋友--他的父亲。当刀斧落下的那 一刻,安培也晕倒了。等他醒来时,他不断 喃喃自语:『生命有什么意义呢?』而后整整 一年,他没有再讲过一句话,他只是吃沙、 望天,变成了一个精神病患。
• 在电池上常见的单位为 mAH (毫安•小时),例 如500mAH 代表这颗电池能够提供 500mA×1hr = 1800C(库仑)的电子,亦即提供一耗电量为 500mA 的电器使用一小时的电量 。
1.怀表变卵石 安培思考科学问题专心致志,据说有
一次,安培正慢慢地向他任教的学校走 去,边走边思索着一个电学问题。经过 塞纳河的时候,他随手拣起一块鹅卵石 装进口袋。过一会儿,又从口袋里掏出 来扔到河里。到学校后,他走进教室, 习惯地掏怀表看时间,拿出来的却是一 块鹅卵石。原来,怀表已被扔进了塞纳 河



安培安培(Andre-Marie Ampere,1775~1836)法国物理学家。
























高校英语试讲BOOK1-Unit 7A精编版

高校英语试讲BOOK1-Unit 7A精编版

《新视野英语教程1》教案◆课程名称英语◆使用教材《新视野英语教程1》郑树堂主编外语教学与研究出版社◆授课学时64学时(共16周)◆授课时间2011-2012学年第一学期2011级(2012年9-12月)◆考试方式考试课◆授课老师陈娇◆授课对象护理1206,1208医美1207,1210针推1201《新视野英语教程》教案授课题目Unit7 Section A Get Rich Quick, Marry in May!授课时间(about 100 minutes)课型理论课授课方式讲授法、讨论法使用教具一般教具教学目的1. To encourage and help the students to take part in the discussion and improvetheir oral expression;2. To master the new words, phrases and expressions.3. To understand the text教学重难点重点:meanwhile, event, emotional, ceremony, protect, scare, consulteconomic, reception, servicesend out; check off; gather around; prepare for; protect from; hide from; try on 难点: 1. Translating2. How to use “meanwhile”3. Connected expressions参考资料1.郑树堂编著《新视野英语教程1 教师用书》,外语教学与研究出版社,2009 2.徐广联编著《大学英语教程》,华东理工大学出版社,2005教学内容及过程导语引入【5minutes】Weddings are happy events in every culture. And wedding traditions vary greatly from country to country. Please compare the similarities and differences between traditional Chinese wedding and Western wedding.……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐…………………………………………………I.Pre-reading【15minutes】Let the students read the article quickly and get the main idea, then ask them to answer the following questions.1. Why is Kerry sticking stamps and addressing envelopes?She will be sending out invitations for her June wedding.2. Why is May 18th special in China?May 18th is considered to be the most popular day to get married in China. Andit sounds like “wo yao fa” in Chinese3. For what purpose are many wedding traditions in western cultures designed?They are designed to protect the couple from bad luck.4. How did Chinese couples know the proper date for them to get married in the past?In the past, Chinese couples consulted a special book to find lucky and unluckydays for getting married.5. According to the author, who s hould be saying, “I will get rich”?Hairdressers, and owners of flower stores, restaurants and car services are theones who should be saying, “I will get rich.”II.New Words & Expressions【30minutes】Step 1: read and correct the pronunciationsStep 2: explain in details1. meanwhile adv. during the same period of time 同时e.g. Eve was cutting the grass; meanwhile, Adam was planting roses.2. emotional adj. having feelings that are strong or easily made active情绪激动的;易动感情的e.g. She was very emotional; she cried when her husband left for another cityon business.3. protect …from… :keep safe, especially by guarding 保护免受……;免遭e.g. protect somebody from danger 保护某人免遭危险He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow.4. scare away cause to go or do something by frightening 吓走;吓跑e.g. The children were scared away by the man’s ugliness.孩子们被这人的丑陋长相吓跑了。

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