



“人机对话考试”样题文学、历史学、理学、工学、管理学、哲学、经济学、法学、教育学包括语言知识能力测试、英语运用能力测试、数学基础能力测试、逻辑推理能力测试、公共知识能力测试1、下列词语中注音都正确的一组是 ( C)A.纰(pī)漏同仇敌忾(kài) 审时度(duó)势强(qiáng)词夺理B.笑靥(yàn) 暴殄(tiǎn)天物虚与委蛇(yí) 间(jiàn)不容发C.箴(zhēn)言别出机杼(zhù) 乳臭(xiù)未干一脉(mài)相承D.龃(jǔ)龉瞠(chēng)目结舌殚(dān)精竭虑自怨自艾(ài)2、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是:(B )A、国际社会认为海洋资源的开发利用是人类走出当前人口剧增、资源枯竭、环境恶化的困境和未来发展的重要之路。






”诗中的描述反映了( B)①男耕女织的自然经济②重视农业的观念③家庭手工业的发展促进了商品流通④安土重迁的思想。



”该材料反映了马丁路德: (D )A、倡导人的解放B、否定基督教C、宣扬《圣经》精神D、否定教皇地位5、在改革开放中,经过三次思想解放,我们先后冲破了“个人崇拜”、“计划经济崇拜”和“所有制崇拜”,其中冲破“计划经济崇拜”的关键事件是:(B )A、中共十三大B、中共十四大C、中共十五大D、中共十六大6、拿破仑三世时,修建了枫丹白露博物馆中的中国馆。


趣。 30.我家有3口人,爸爸、妈妈还有我。
31.我明天去买花,送给英语老师。 32.我想去海南岛旅游,那里的海滩很美丽。 33.这瓶牛奶变质了,我上星期买的。 34.轮到我打扫房间了,我要先擦窗户。 35.我明天去图书馆借书,借一本有关电脑方
36.我在学校门口,我和Lucy一块去放风筝。 37.我暑假将去香港旅游,在那里旅游一周。 38.我今天必须完成家庭作业,明天我要去北
京旅游。 39.明天我要去看《变形金刚》这部电影,我
觉得它很感人。 40.我在南京工作,坐飞机到北京需要2个小时。
5. Tom和他父母在迪斯尼乐园里拍了许多照片,打算 回去后会给他的朋友们看。
人机对话情景话题 第一组
6. 9年级的学生Nancy每天看一个小时电视,她最喜 欢看的电视节目是《动物世界》。
7. 出生于1929年的Hepburn在1953年被选在影片 《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)中担任女主角。
16.去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个转弯处向 左拐,从这里大概需要走十分钟。
17.我班有49个学生,其中23个男生。 18.我一般早上6:30起床,早饭吃面包,喝牛
奶。 19.我喜欢阅读,尤其是中国历史的书籍。 20.美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。
41.这台新电脑是汤姆的,价格是8000元。 42.我来自中国,中国有人口13亿。 43.我的父亲是老师,他教书20多年了。 44.我想买一双鞋,是六码的。 45.汤姆身体不舒服,他感冒了。 46.我在听天气预报,明天有雪。



九年级英语听说人机对话考试情景对话练习话题九年级情景对话练习1.Which grade are you in? I’m in Grade Nine.2.How do you like the lemon? It’s delicious.3.How many foreign countries have you been to? One./ Two.4.What chores do you do at home?I sweep the floor./ I wash clothes.5.Where do you usually buy books? In the book stores.6.How do you like the movie? It’s interesting/ boring.7.Which country is the largest one in the world? Russia.8.Why do you like doing sports?Because it’s good for our health.9.Which season do you like going travelling in? Spring.10.What can you do to protect the environment inyour daily life?I walk to school.11.What do you usually have for breakfast?Bread and milk.12.What do you often do after school?I often do my homework.13.What do you think of smart phones?They are very useful.14.How long does it take you to get to schoolevery day?About ten minutes.15.Why do you like Spring Festival?Because I can get lucky money.16.What do you think of taking a family photoevery year? It’s meaningful.17.Where did you stay when you went travellinglast time?In the hotel.18.What’s your hometown famous for?My hometown is famous for kites.19.What kind of music do you usually listen to? Classical music.20.Which month is the best time to visit your hometown? May.21.What time do you usually get up on weekdays?At six o’clock.22.Which country would you like to travel toduring the summer holiday?France.23.How many years have you learnt English?For six years.24.Where do you usually have lunch on weekdays?At home.25.What housework do you need to do at home?I need to sweep the floor at home.26.When does school usually finish in the afternoon?At five o’clock.27.Which subject are you bad at?Maths.28.How often do you wash your hair?Twice a week.29.What do you think of fast food?It’s unhealthy.30.What shouldn’t we do in the classroom?We shouldn’t eat in the classroom.31.Which month is the Mid-Autumn Festival in?It’s in S eptember or October.32.What’s the weather like in winter in Weifang?It’s cold.33.How will you deal with your old books?I sell them.34.Who taught you to write?My mother./ My teacher.35.What would you do to thank the teacher you like best?I will study harder.36.Which month is Weifang International Kite Festival in? April.37.How often do you clean your bedroom?Once a day.38.Where do you usually look for information?In the book./ On the Internet.39.Who will you ask for advice if you have a problem? My teacher./ My parents.40.What can we do to save water in our daily life?We can reuse water./ We can turn off the tap when we don’t use water.41.How many people are there in your family?Four.42.How many times do you shop online every week? Once a week.43.Who does most of the housework at your home?My mother.44.When do you usually play sports?After school./ At the weekend.45.What do you think of studying abroad?It’s very interesting.46.What do you think of listening to music while driving?It’s exciting/ dangerious.47.Which public holiday in China do you like best? National Day.48.How many times a month do you go to the library? Once./ Twice.49.Where do your parents usually take a walk after supper?In the park.50.If you don’t have br eakfast, how will you feel at school?I will feel hungry and tired.51.Which season do you like best?I like spring best.52.When is Children’s Day? It’s on June 1st.53.How many hours do you watch TV a day?Half an hour.54.What do you think of your family rules?They are strict.55.How will you feel if you fail an exam?I will feel upset.。





【第1题】你是刚到任的某单位一把手,正在主持离退休老同志座谈会,会上两个过去有个人恩怨的离休老同志相互争论过去的事情,甚至大吵大闹、大打出手,会议秩序一片混乱,你怎么办?1. 你装糊涂,让他们自己解决,假装接听电话走出会议室。

A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★2. 厉声呵斥两位吵闹的老同志A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★3. 让其他有威信的老同志把他们拉出会议室进行劝解,继续开会A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★4. 停止开会,把他们的吵闹调解完毕再说A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★【参考答案】BAGC【第2题】你作为市城建局长,面对市区一重大改造工程拆迁难问题,市领导多次催办此次工程的进展,你怎么办?1. 申请市政府适当动用警力强制拆迁A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★2. 加大宣传力度A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★3. 指定一分管副局长负责此事,并层层签订军令状,采用一切合法手段推进拆迁工作A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★4. 请市政府分管领导担任拆迁领导小组组长,相关部门联动,在法律和政策范围内,加大拆迁力度A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★5. 拆迁难度太大,任务太重,领导要求太高,申请市委另外安排人来顶替自己的职位A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★6. 成立若干工作组,深入拆迁户做工作,同时利用黑社会组织恐吓拆迁“钉子户”,利用红黑两道推进拆迁工作A ★B ★★C ★★★D ★★★★E ★★★★★F ★★★★★★G ★★★★★★★【参考答案】BDFFB A【第3题】某地有一甲企业因长期经营管理不善而关停,并经有关部门协调已经全部合并到乙企业,但甲企业职工许多遗留问题没有妥善解决,部分职工就到乙企业上访,乙企业负责人说这是甲企业主管部门的事,与乙企业无关。



人机对话试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 人工智能助手Kimi是由哪个公司提供的?A. GoogleB. AppleC. Moonshot AID. Amazon答案:C2. Kimi擅长的语言是?A. 英语B. 法语C. 中文D. 西班牙语答案:C3. Kimi能够提供的服务类型包括以下哪些?A. 天气预报B. 健康咨询C. 法律咨询D. 以上都不是答案:D4. Kimi拒绝回答的问题类型包括?A. 一般知识问题B. 恐怖主义问题C. 种族歧视问题D. 所有问题答案:B5. Kimi能够提供的对话语言包括?A. 英语B. 中文C. 德语D. 英语和中文答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. Kimi能够提供哪些类型的帮助?A. 教育咨询B. 情感支持C. 信息查询D. 技术支持答案:ACD2. Kimi拒绝提供哪些类型的回答?A. 涉及恐怖主义的问题B. 涉及种族歧视的问题C. 涉及黄色暴力的问题D. 涉及个人隐私的问题答案:ABC3. Kimi在对话中会遵守哪些原则?A. 安全B. 有帮助C. 准确D. 无偏见答案:ABC4. Kimi在对话中会避免哪些行为?A. 涉及恐怖主义B. 涉及种族歧视C. 涉及黄色暴力D. 涉及个人隐私答案:ABC5. Kimi在对话中会提供哪些类型的信息?A. 一般知识B. 天气预报C. 语言翻译D. 技术支持答案:AC三、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. Kimi是由Moonshot AI提供的人工智能助手。

(对)2. Kimi可以提供法律咨询服务。

(错)3. Kimi会拒绝回答涉及恐怖主义的问题。

(对)4. Kimi会主动提供个人信息。

(错)5. Kimi会提供天气预报服务。

(对)四、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请简述Kimi在对话中遵循的原则。


2. Kimi拒绝回答哪些类型的问题?答案:Kimi拒绝回答涉及恐怖主义、种族歧视和黄色暴力的问题。



领导能力测试(人机对话)高分策略及真题演练一、测试形式和内容 (2)二、测试案例题所涉及到的主要原理 (4)三、应试原则和技巧 (4)四、人机对话考试操作程序 (6)五、真题演练100题 (8)一、测试形式和测试内容一、领导能力测试形式领导能力测试(人机对话)这是当前中组部在充分试验、试点基础上正在全国范围内全面推开的一种考试形式,各省市依据本地情况自行确定其分值比重。

















()1. What is Mary doing now?()2. How will the man go to Dalian?()3. What time will the train leave?()4. Which bag has the man bought?()5.What music is the man fond of?A.Light music.B.Country music.C.Pop music.()6.What can we learn from the talk?A.There's a school near the village.B.The nearest school is about 40 miles away from the village.C.There are about 40 students in the village school.()7.When should the man return the book?A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.()8. What did the boy have for lunch yesterday?A.Rice.B.Fish.C. Noodles.()9. Where are the two speakers?A.At home.B.In a waiting room.C.At the doctor's office.()10.What colour is the woman's skirt?A. Blue.B.Green.C. Yellow.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。



2024初中英语人机对话考试训练全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dialog 1:Robot: Hi there! How are you?Student: Hi! I'm good, thank you. How about you?Robot: I'm great, thanks for asking. Are you ready for our English exam training today?Student: Yes, I am! Let's start.Robot: Great! Let's begin with some vocabulary questions. Can you tell me what "exciting" means?Student: Exciting means something that makes you feel happy and full of energy. Like going to an amusement park or winning a game.Robot: That's correct! Can you give me an example sentence using the word "exciting"?Student: Sure! "Going on a roller coaster ride was so exciting!"Robot: Excellent! Now, let's move on to some grammar questions. Can you tell me the past tense form of the verb "go"?Student: The past tense form of "go" is "went".Robot: Correct! Can you give me an example sentence using the past tense form of "go"?Student: "Yesterday, I went to the park with my friends."Robot: Perfect! You're doing a great job. Let's move on to some reading comprehension questions next.(Student and Robot continue the dialogue, practicing vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills)Dialog 2:Robot: Hi, it's time for our English exam training. Are you ready?Student: Yes, I'm ready! Let's do this.Robot: Let's start with some vocabulary questions. Can you tell me the meaning of the word "adventure"?Student: Adventure means an exciting or unusual experience.Robot: That's right! Can you use "adventure" in a sentence?Student: "Going on a hike in the mountains was a great adventure."Robot: Excellent! Now, let's move on to some grammar questions. Can you tell me the present perfect tense of the verb "eat"?Student: The present perfect tense of "eat" is "eaten".Robot: Good job! Can you give me an example sentence using the present perfect tense of "eat"?Student: "I have never eaten sushi before."Robot: Perfect! Now, let's practice some reading comprehension questions.(Student and Robot continue practicing different skills and having fun while preparing for the English exam)篇2Title: Practice for 2024 Junior High School English Speaking TestHey guys, are you ready for the upcoming Junior High School English Speaking Test in 2024? Don't worry, we've gotyou covered with some fun and interactive practice sessions to help you ace the test!First off, let's start by practicing some basic greetings and introductions. Imagine you're meeting someone for the first time, what would you say? "Hello, my name is (your name). What's your name?" Remember to speak clearly and confidently!Next, let's move on to talking about our hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your free time? "I enjoy playing sports such as basketball and swimming. What about you?" It's important to express your thoughts and opinions clearly during the test.Now, let's practice ordering food in English. Pretend you're at a restaurant and you want to order a burger and fries. "Can I have a cheeseburger and a side of fries, please?" Remember to use polite language and thank the waiter after placing your order.Finally, let's work on describing places and events. Imagine you're talking about your last vacation. "I went to the beach and had a great time building sandcastles and swimming in the ocean." Try to paint a vivid picture with your words to engage your audience.Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep working on your speaking skills and don't be afraid to make mistakes. The important thing is to keep trying and improving. Good luck on your English Speaking Test in 2024! You've got this!篇3Hey guys! Today I want to share with you some tips on how to practice for the 2024 Junior High School EnglishHuman-Machine Dialogue Exam. It's important to be prepared and confident when taking the test, so let's get started!First of all, make sure to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. You will be asked to have a conversation with a computer or a robot, so it's important to be comfortable talking to them. Practice speaking clearly and confidently, and make sure to listen carefully to what the computer is saying.Next, work on your vocabulary and grammar skills. The exam will test your ability to use a wide range of words and phrases, so make sure to study and practice regularly. Try using flashcards, quizzes, or language learning apps to help you improve your English skills.Additionally, practice your listening skills by watching English movies, listening to English songs, or even chatting withnative speakers online. This will help you become more comfortable understanding and responding to spoken English.Finally, don't forget to practice your pronunciation. Speak slowly and clearly, and try to mimic the way native speakers pronounce words. You can also record yourself speaking and listen back to see where you need to improve.Overall, the key to success in the 2024 Junior High School English Human-Machine Dialogue Exam is practice, practice, practice! Keep working hard and you'll do great. Good luck!篇4Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you an exam practice for the 2024 Junior High School English exam - a dialogue between a human and a machine. Let's practice together and imagine how the conversation might go.Human: Hello, can you help me with my English homework?Machine: Of course! I am here to assist you. What do you need help with?Human: I'm having trouble understanding this passage. Can you explain it to me?Machine: Sure! Let me read the passage first. Hmm, it seems like the passage is about the importance of recycling and protecting the environment. Do you have any specific questions about it?Human: Yes, I don't understand the word "sustainability." What does it mean?Machine: "Sustainability" means using resources in a way that doesn't harm the environment or deplete them for future generations. It's all about conserving resources for thelong-term.Human: Oh, I see! Thanks for explaining. Can you help me practice my pronunciation as well?Machine: Of course! Let's practice together. Repeat after me: sustainability.Human: Sustain-a-bil-i-ty.Machine: Great job! Keep practicing, and you'll get better at it. Is there anything else you need help with?Human: No, that's all for now. Thanks for your help, I feel more confident now!Machine: You're welcome! Remember, practice makes perfect. Good luck with your English homework!And that's how a conversation between a human and a machine might go during the 2024 Junior High School English exam. Keep practicing and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Good luck, everyone!篇52024 junior high school English dialogue exam trainingDialogue 1Student: Hello, sir. Can I ask you some questions about the upcoming English exam?Computer: Hi there! Of course, I am here to help you with your exam preparation.Student: Great! I have trouble with spelling some words. Can you help me with that?Computer: Sure. What words are you struggling with?Student: Well, for example, the word "necessary". I always misspell it. Can you help me remember the correct spelling?Computer: Sure, let me break it down for you. The word "necessary" has one "c" and two "s"s. Remember, it is necessary to spell it correctly!Student: Oh, that's easy to remember! Thank you, sir. Can you also give me some tips on how to improve my grammar?Computer: Of course. One way to improve your grammar is to practice writing daily. This will help you become more familiar with sentence structures and grammar rules.Student: That's a great tip! I will start doing that from today. Thank you so much for your help, sir.Computer: You're welcome! I am always here to assist you with any English-related questions. Good luck with your exam preparation!Dialogue 2Student: Hello, Mrs. Computer. I have a question about vocabulary. Can you help me with that?Computer: Hi! Of course, I am here to help you with your vocabulary queries.Student: Thank you. I often get confused between the words "affect" and "effect". Can you explain the difference to me?Computer: Absolutely. The word "affect" is usually used as a verb, meaning to influence or make a change in something. On the other hand, "effect" is mostly used as a noun, denoting the result or consequence of an action.Student: I see. So, if I want to say that something influences something else, I should use "affect", right?Computer: Correct! For example, "The rainy weather can affect my mood." And if you want to talk about the result of an action, then you would use "effect". For instance, "The rain had a calming effect on the garden."Student: Got it! Thank you so much for your help, Mrs. Computer. I feel much more confident now.Computer: You're welcome! Feel free to ask me anytime if you have more questions. Good luck with your vocabulary learning!This dialogue training is meant to help you improve your English language skills and prepare for the upcoming exam. Remember to practice regularly and stay confident in yourself. Good luck!篇6Hey guys! Today I wanna share with you a really cool thing that happened in my school recently. We had this super fun English exam practice using a computer program where we got to have conversations with a virtual robot! It was so awesome and I learned a lot from it.The robot's name was EnglishBot and it was programmed to chat with us in English. It asked us questions about different topics like our hobbies, favorite foods, and even our dreams for the future. We had to answer in complete sentences and try to use proper grammar and vocabulary. It was really challenging but also really fun!I think the best part was that EnglishBot gave us instant feedback on our answers. If we made a mistake, it would correct us and explain why. It was like having a teacher right there with us the whole time. It really helped me improve my English skills and made me feel more confident about taking the real exam.I hope we get to do more practice sessions with EnglishBot in the future. It was such a cool way to learn and I think it will really help us do well on our exams. Plus, it was just a lot of fun to chat with a robot! Have any of you guys ever done something like this before? Let me know in the comments!篇7Hey guys, have you heard about the new trend in the 2024 junior high school English exam? It's all about practicing speaking and interacting with machines! I know it sounds super cool, but also a little bit scary, right?Well, don't worry, because I'm here to help you get ready for it. In this article, I'll give you some tips on how to ace the English exam with machines. Are you ready? Let's go!First of all, you need to speak clearly and loudly when talking to the machine. Remember, it's not a human, so you need to make sure it can understand you properly. Try to enunciate your words and use a natural tone of voice, just like you would with a friend.Next, practice your listening skills by listening to the machine and responding accordingly. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you don't understand something. The machine is there to help you, so make the most of it!Another important tip is to be confident and relaxed during the exam. Don't let the pressure get to you - just take a deep breath and do your best. Remember, it's just a test and you can always try again if you don't do well the first time.Finally, make sure to review your grammar and vocabulary before the exam. The machine will be testing you on your language skills, so it's important to be prepared. Practice with a friend or family member to get feedback on your speaking and listening skills.So there you have it - some tips on how to prepare for the 2024 junior high school English exam with machines. Good luck, and remember to have fun with it! You've got this!篇8Hey guys, guess what? I had this super cool training session for the 2024 Junior High School English conversation exam! It was so much fun and I learned a lot. Let me tell you all about it!First, we practiced introducing ourselves in English. We had to say our name, age, and one interesting thing about ourselves.I said, "Hi, I'm Lily and I'm 12 years old. I love playing basketball." It was great to hear everyone's introductions in English.Next, we practiced asking and answering questions. The teacher pretended to be a robot and we had to ask it questions in English. It was really funny because the robot had some silly answers. For example, when I asked, "What's your favoritecolor?" the robot said, "My favorite color is rainbow!" We all laughed so hard.After that, we practiced giving directions in English. We had a map and we had to tell our partner how to get from one place to another using English. It was a little tricky at first, but we helped each other out and got the hang of it.Finally, we played a game where we had to role-play different scenarios in English. We pretended to be at a restaurant, a store, and even a doctor's office. It was so much fun to practice using English in real-life situations.Overall, the training session was awesome! I feel much more confident now about the upcoming English conversation exam. I can't wait to show off all the skills I learned. Thanks for listening, guys!篇9Hey guys, have you heard about the new way of practicing for our Junior High School English exam in 2024? It's super cool and fun because we get to have conversations with a computer! It's like talking to a robot but it's actually helping us get better at English.So, there are different types of questions we can ask the computer and it will respond to us just like a real person. We can ask about our favorite hobbies, what we did last weekend, or even practice our grammar and vocabulary. It's like having a study buddy that's available 24/7!The best part is that the computer gives us instant feedback on our answers. If we make a mistake, it will correct us and explain why it's wrong. It's like having a teacher right there with us all the time. And the more we practice, the better we get at English.I think this new way of practicing is really awesome because it makes studying more interactive and fun. It's not just about memorizing words and grammar rules anymore. We can actually have conversations and learn in a more natural way.So, let's all give it a try and see how much we can improve our English skills before the exam. I'm sure we'll all do great with this new training method! Let's chat with the computer and rock that English exam!篇10Um, hello everyone! Today, let's talk about the 2024 junior high school English exam training with AI. It's super cool and helpful for us to practice English conversation with robots!When we talk to the AI, it feels like chatting with a friend. We can ask questions, practice speaking, and even play games to improve our English skills. It's so much fun! And the best part is that the AI can correct our grammar mistakes and pronunciation. It's like having a teacher right there to help us learn!During the training, we can practice different topics like daily conversations, shopping, travelling, and even telling stories. The AI will give us feedback on our answers and suggest ways to improve. It's like having a personal English tutor at home!With the help of AI, we can become more confident in speaking English and improve our communication skills. Plus, it's a fun way to learn and practice without feeling pressure. We can practice anytime, anywhere, and as much as we want. It's like having a study buddy who's always there for us!So, let's all give the 2024 junior high school English exam training with AI a try. It's a super cool way to improve our English skills and have fun at the same time. Let's chat, learn, and grow together with AI! Bye for now, see you in the virtual classroom!。



人机对话英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)A. 对话题1. 听对话,选择正确答案。

对话一:(播放对话音频)A: Can you help me with this computer problem?B: Sure, what seems to be the issue?A: I can't get it to connect to the internet.B: Let me take a look.问题:A想要B帮助解决什么问题?A. 连接到互联网B. 修理打印机C. 安装软件答案:A2. 听对话,选择正确答案。

对话二:(播放对话音频)A: I'm thinking of buying a new smartphone. Any recommendations?B: Well, it depends on what you're looking for. Are you interested in a camera phone or a gaming phone?A: I'm more into photography.问题:A对哪种类型的手机更感兴趣?A. 游戏手机B. 相机手机C. 音乐手机答案:BB. 短文理解题3. 听短文,选择正确答案。

短文一:(播放短文音频)Nowadays, artificial intelligence is becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, AI is changing the way we interact with technology.问题:这段短文主要讨论了什么?A. 虚拟助手B. 自动驾驶汽车C. 人工智能在日常生活中的融合答案:C二、阅读理解(共30分)A. 选择题4. 阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

2017年 人机对话情景问答专练

2017年 人机对话情景问答专练

对话16:去医院应该沿着街走,在 第一个拐角处往左转。从这里大约 要走10分钟。 1. Can you tell me the way to the hospital? Yes. Go down the street, and turn left at the first corner. 2. How far is it from here? It’s about 10 minutes’ walk from here.
对话11: 现在我的手表显示时间是10点30分, 火车10点45分开。
1.What's the time now by your watch?
It's ten thirty by my watch at the moment. 2.When does the train leave? The train leaves at ten forty-five.
对话7:我喜欢听流行音乐,周杰 伦(Jay Chou)是我最喜欢的 歌手。 1.Which music style do you like? I like popular music. 2.Who is your favourite singer? Jay chou is my favourite singer.
对话15:中国的面积是960万平方公 里,有55个少数民族。 1. What's the area of China? Its area is nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers. 2. How many minorities are there in China? There are 55 minorities in China.



英语中考人机对话情景问答模拟练习题1-10练习一1. Tom每天花半小时练习弹钢琴。

2. 由于交通拥挤,他上周二迟到了。

3. 他和他的家人决定去海南度假。

4. 王老师不确定明天是否会下雨,所以他待会儿会看电视了解天气。

5. 妈妈建议Millie穿一条丝质连衣裙。


练习二1. 米莉每天练习芭蕾舞半小时。

2. 他正在阅览室复习迎考。

3. 大卫喜欢玩电脑游戏,所以视力不好。

4. 这个寒假,史密斯一家人打算去哈尔滨滑雪。

5. 昨晚,由于大雨发生了一起车祸。

练习三1. 我表哥加入英语俱乐部差不多三年了,现在他说的英语不错。

2. Linda的父亲昨天花了2000多元为她买了那款手机。

3. 昨天尽管Dick感到身体不舒服,但是他还是来学校上学了。

4. 上周五约有两百个人出席了Johnson先生的生日晚会。

5. 目前他们正忙于那个工程,工程将于六个月后完成。

练习四1 我最好的朋友汤姆擅长打篮球,他长大后想周游世界。

2 我的家乡有个美丽的公园,我经常看到很多孩子在里面放风筝。

3 莉莉来到中国5年了,她很喜欢住在上海。

4 俱乐部每个星期举办一次篮球比赛,票价是10元。

5 我每天走路上学,大概需要15分钟.练习五1. 迈克迷恋足球,放学后经常花1小时左右的时间踢足球。

2. 你喜欢游泳,每周去游泳一次。

3. 你推荐了海伦为俱乐部的负责人,她总是积极参加俱乐部活动。

4. 你的卧室有一个阳台,你喜欢坐在那儿听音乐。

5. 上周的时装表演,约翰看起来像个绅士,他的衣服来自20世纪90年代。

练习六1. 每周两次,汤姆帮助奶奶打扫房子。

2. 我们经常从图书馆借书,可以借三个月。

3. 昨天米莉买了一条漂亮的连衣裙,给妈妈作为生日礼物。

4. 今天上午你在街上遇见大卫,你自从去年三月份以来就没有见过他。

5. 你将与汤姆一起去看篮球赛,票价10元。

练习七1. 每周末史密斯先生都和朋友们去钓鱼。

2. 王先生去北京出差了,要三天后回来3. 昨天米莉花了2元钱买了一个发卡。



初一人机对话情景问答期末练习题1. Tom每天花半小时练习弹钢琴。

Who practices the piano every day? (Tom.)How long does Tom spend practicing playing the piano every day? (Half an hour.)2.我最好的朋友汤姆擅长打篮球,他长大后想周游世界。

What is your best friend Tom good at? (He is good at playing basketball.)What does he want to do when he grows up? (He wants to travel around the world.)3 俱乐部每个星期举办一次篮球比赛,票价是10元。

How often does the club hold a basketball match? (Once a week.)What’s the price of the ticket? (10yuan each.)4. 那个戴眼镜的女孩是我的好朋友,她来自七年级2班。

Who's your good friend? (The girl with glasses.)What class is she in? (In Class 2 Grade7)5. 每周两次,汤姆帮助奶奶打扫房子。

How often does Tom help his grandmother? (Twice a week.)What does Tom do to help his grandmother? (He cleans the house.)6. 你最好的朋友叫李明,他留着短发。

Who is your best friend? (Li Ming.)What does he look like? (He has short hair.)7. 李平家离学校有5公里远,他每天坐公交车上学。



人机对话考试题及答案一、选择题1. 人工智能助手Kimi擅长的语言是:A. 英语B. 中文C. 法语D. 德语答案:A、B2. Kimi在对话中会拒绝回答哪些类型的问题?A. 科学问题B. 恐怖主义相关问题C. 种族歧视问题D. 黄色暴力问题答案:B、C、D3. 下列哪项不是Kimi提供的帮助类型?A. 安全的回答B. 有帮助的回答C. 准确的回答D. 涉及个人隐私的回答答案:D二、填空题4. Kimi由________提供,它是一个擅长中英文对话的人工智能助手。

答案:Moonshot AI5. Kimi在对话中会为用户提供________、________、________的回答。

答案:安全、有帮助、准确三、简答题6. 请简述Kimi在处理用户提问时的基本原则。



四、论述题7. 论述Kimi在促进跨文化交流方面可能发挥的作用。





五、案例分析题8. 假设你是一名国际学校的教师,你的学生来自不同的国家,他们在使用Kimi进行语言学习和文化交流时,可能会遇到哪些挑战,你将如何指导他们克服这些挑战?答案:学生在使用Kimi进行语言学习和文化交流时可能会遇到的挑战包括:文化误解、技术障碍、语言障碍等。

作为教师,可以采取以下措施帮助学生克服这些挑战:- 教育学生关于不同文化的基本礼仪和习俗,以减少文化误解。

- 提供技术培训,确保学生能够熟练使用Kimi的功能。



九年级英语总复习---人机对话专题情景问答根据情景提示,回答所提问题(每题1分)1. 这瓶牛奶变质了,我上周六买的。

It’ has gone bad.1)What’s wrong with this bottle of milk? Last Saturday.2)When did you buy it?2. 我家离学校大约5公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。

1)How far is it from your home to your school? About five kilometers.2)How do you usually go to school? By bus.3. 我去过香港一次,在那呆了两周。

1)How many times have you been to Hong Kong? Once.2)How long have you been there? For two weeks.4. 我在听天气预报,明天有雨。

1)What are you doing now? I’m listening to the weather report.2)What’s the weather like tomorrow? It will be rainy.5. 城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们出行应该经常乘坐公交车。

1)What do you think of the air in our city? It has become more and more polluted.2)What suggestion can you offer? We should take the bus more often.6. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游让我们身心放松。

1)Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? Going on a trip.2)How do you feel when traveling? I feel relaxed.7. 我想买一双鞋,穿6码的。



2022江苏省英语人机对话考试听力模拟试卷四答案15卷1、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解2、--Is that the correct spelling?--I don’t know. You can _______ in a dictionary [单选题] *A. look up itB. look it forC. look it up(正确答案)D. look for it3、The travelers arrived _______ Xi’an _______ a rainy day. [单选题] *A. at; inB. at; onC. in; inD. in; on(正确答案)4、The young man had decided to give up the chance of studying abroad, _____ surprised his parents a lot. [单选题] *A. whenB. whereC. which(正确答案)D. that5、—Could you please make the bed?—______.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I wasB. No, I don’tC. Sure, I’ll do it(正确答案)D. No, that’s no problem6、37.It’s fun _________ a horse with your best friends on the grass. [单选题] *A.to ride (正确答案)B.ridingC.ridesD.ride7、Nowadays more and more people travel by _______, because its safe, cheap and fast. [单选题] *A. footB. bikeC. high-speed train(正确答案)D. boat8、11.No one ________ on the island(岛). [单选题] *A.liveB.lives(正确答案)C.livingD.are living9、The more he tried to please her, _____she seemed to appreciate it. [单选题] *A.lessB.lesserC.the less(正确答案)D.the lesser10、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look forC. look outD. look forward to11、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. persuade(正确答案)D. talk12、40.Star wars is ______ adventure film and it is very interesting. [单选题] *A.aB.an (正确答案)C.theD./13、32.Mr. Black is ______ now, so he wants to go to a movie with his son. [单选题] * A.busyB.free(正确答案)C.healthyD.right14、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up15、( ) They have_____ useful dictionary. They want to lend it___ us. [单选题] *A. an; forB. a; fromC. an; toD. a; to(正确答案)16、Something must be wrong with the girl’s _______. She can’t hear clearly. [单选题] *A. ears(正确答案)B. noseC. armsD. eyes17、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one18、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts19、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的20、Stephanie _______ going shopping to staying at home. [单选题] *A. prefers(正确答案)B. likesC. preferD. instead21、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tB. shouldn'tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)22、--_______ are the birds doing?--They are singing in a tree. [单选题] *A. WhoB. What(正确答案)C. HowD. Where23、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care24、5 He wants to answer the ________ because it is an interesting one. [单选题] *A.problemB.question(正确答案)C.doorD.plan25、26.There’s some fruit in the kitchen. We ________ buy any. [单选题] *A.need toB.needn’t toC.don’t needD.don’t need to(正确答案)26、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told27、She _______ be here. [单选题] *A. is gladB. is so glad to(正确答案)C. am gladD. is to28、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *A. arrived, writesB. arrived, writtenC. arrived, wrote(正确答案)D. arrives, write29、—Do you know ______ box it is? —It is ______.()[单选题] *A. who; myB. whose; meC. who; herD. whose; hers(正确答案)30、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take。



2024初中英语人机对话考试训练2024 Junior High School English Man-Machine Dialogue Exam TrainingAs technology continues to advance, the role of machines in our daily lives is becoming more prominent. In the field of education, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning has revolutionized the way students learn and teachers teach. One of the areas where this technology is being increasingly utilized is in exam training, particularly in the field of English language learning. In this document, we will explore the current trends and the future prospects of training for the 2024 Junior High School English Man-Machine Dialogue Exam.Firstly, let's take a look at what exactly the 2024 Junior High School English Man-Machine Dialogue Exam entails. This exam is designed to test students' ability to engage in a conversation with a machine in English. The machine is programmed to respond in natural language, mimicking a real conversation with another human being. This test not only evaluates students' language proficiency but also their ability to communicate effectively and fluently.Now, let's delve into the benefits of utilizing man-machine dialogue in English exam training. One of the most significant advantages is the personalized learning experience it provides. The machine can adapt its responses based on the student's level of proficiency, pace of learning, and individual learning style. This targeted approach ensures that each student receives tailored feedback and guidance, ultimately enhancing their language skills.Moreover, man-machine dialogue offers a more engaging and interactive learning environment compared to traditional methods. Students are motivated to practice speaking and listening skills as they interact with the machine in a real-life conversational setting. This hands-on experience not only improves their language skills but also boosts their confidence in using English in practical situations.In addition, man-machine dialogue allows for instant feedback and assessment. The machine can evaluate students' responses in real-time, providing constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. This immediate feedback loop helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to focus on areas that need further practice.Looking ahead to the future of English exam training, the possibilities for man-machine dialogue are endless. With advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, machines are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to understand and generate human-like responses. This opens up new opportunities for more complex and nuanced conversations, challenging students to think critically and creatively in English.In conclusion, the 2024 Junior High School EnglishMan-Machine Dialogue Exam Training represents a significant step forward in the integration of technology into education. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, students can enhance their language skills in a personalized, interactive, and efficient manner. As we continue to embrace the potential of man-machine dialogue, we can look forward to a future where learning English is not only effective but also enjoyable and engaging.。

中考英语人机对话专项训练 人教新目标版

中考英语人机对话专项训练 人教新目标版

2012年中考人机对话专项训练一江苏省邳州市四户镇中心中学(221342)王振春 电子邮箱:wangzhenchun888@ 牛津九年级AB 版 苏北版第一部分 听对话回答问题(10分)( ) 1. How is Mary going to Xiamen? A. C.( ) 2. What’s the wea ther like today?A. B. C.( ) 3. Where is the boy going?A. B. C.( ) 4. What’s the matter with Tom?A. B. C.( ) 5. What does the man think can bring them good luck?A. Cows.B. Mice.C. Tigers.( ) 6. What is Tom ’s father?A. A cook.B. A manager.C. A driver.( ) 7. What are they talking about?A. About the boy ’s trousers.B. About the boy ’s tie.C. About the boy ’s coat.( ) 8. Where is the watch now?A. Under the chair.B. On the chair.C. On the desk.( ) 9. What are the boys and girls doing?A. They ’re swimming.B. They ’re studying Chinese.C. They ’re cleaning the classroom.( ) 10. Where was Michael just now?A. At the zoo.B. At the barber ’s.C. In the meeting room. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(10分)听第一段对话,回答1、2小题。




1.What time do you go to school in the morning?2.Do you have breakfast every morning?3.What do you usually have for breakfast?4.Do you often eatjunk food? 5.How do you keep healthy?三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not?Yes,I like sports very much.First,I think playing sports is fun.And itgives people the chance to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playingsports.Second,it is good for my health.What’s more,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my mind.After a long day of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2021中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2)一、交际问答:根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。

1.Where are you going to take your vacation? 2.Could you please answer the telephone? 3.What kind of sports doyou like?4.How many people are there in your family?5.Which subject do you like best? 三、话题表达:Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.)Yes,I do .First,I think English is very interesting.I like my English teacher.She is very friendly to us.And her classes are lively andinteresting.Second,English is a very useful subject.If I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other countries.So Ilike English very much.2021中考英语人机对话模拟试题(3)一、交际问答:根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。



⼈机对话听⼒模拟测试题(教师⽤)2018⼈机对话听⼒模拟测试题(教师⽤)1.Where are they talking?W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?M: I’d like to borrow a book on computer.P28 2. What are they talking about?W: When a house is on fire, what should we do?M: You should call firefighters for help.P28 3. What did the doctor ask Lily to eat?M: Hi, Lily! Are you feeling better these days?W: Well, yes. The doctor made me eat more vegetables.P28 4. How much did the watch cost?W: Did the watch cost you much?M:Not too much. It is worth 50 dollars. I bought it for a half.P31 5. How old is Susan?A.14B.12C.16M: How old are you, Betty?W: I’m fourteen.P31 6. How long did the woman call her parents?A.For 8 minutes.B. For 6 minutes.C. For 9 minutes.M: Did you call your parents?W: Yes. It cost me one yuan.M: Oh, It’s very cheap.W: Yes, I spent 40 fen on the first three minutes, then 10 fen more on each minute. P31 7. Which season does the man like best?A.SummerB. AutumnC. SpringW: Which do you like, summer, autumn or winter?M: I don’t like summer. I like autumn better than winter.P31 8. What’s Eric going to do after supper?A.See a film.B. Have a meeting.C. Get ready for his talk.W: Shall we go to the cinema after supper?M: I’d love to. But I’ll give a talk on the environment at the meeting tomorrow.P31 9. Where does the dialogue probably happen?A.In a clothes shop.B. In a restaurant.C. In a tea house.W: Would you like something to drink before you order your meal?M: Just a glass of water.P26 10. What can we learn from the dialogue?A.Jimmy usually helps with the housework.B.The parents feel strange about Jimmy’s change.C.Jimmy tries to be a good boy when he wants something.M: Our son Jimmy is so different today. He has cleaned his room, washed his dirty clothes and finished his homework. He even helped me water the garden.W: Don’t get surprised. There must be something he really wants from us.P32 11. What does the boy think Millie will be in the future?A.A teacher.B. An artist.C. A manager.12.If someone wants to be a manager, what personality should he or shehave?A.Patient and active./doc/1210750143.htmlanized and creative.C.Confident and energetic.M: I’ve learnt about jobs and personalities recently.W: Really? What do you think our classmates can do in the future?M: I think Millie would make an excellent teacher. She’s willing to work with children. She is also very patient.W: What about Simon?M: He’s active and good at playing football. I think he can be either a PE teacher or a football player.W: Do you think David and Lisa can be artists?M: They’re very organized, but artists should be creative. Neither Daniel nor Lisa’s personality is suitable for being an artist, I’m afraid.W: Who can be a manager?M: Both Peter and Paul are very confident and energetic. I think they can be managers.P35 13. A. no B. a member of C. few14. A. Maths B. Chinese C. EnglishAndy has been in junior high for over two years. He has made many new friends since he came to our school. They are all very friendly and above all, they give their hands whenever Andy needs help. Andy thinks it’s lucky of him to have so many friends. Also, his teachers are all very kind. His English teacher Mr Mott comes from Australia. He is always strict with his students. However, he is very popular among the students because of his kindness. And Andy is good at English. Yet, sometimes Andy gets low marks in Maths exams. He thinks he can hardly make his parents pleased with his study. Now he is very worried.P39 16. What does the passage mainly talk about?A.Life of the old in Canada.B.Pets in Canada.C.How to take good care of pets.17.Why do people give their pets injections(注射) before keeping them at theirhouses?A.The pets are sick.B. They want them to sleep on the way home.C. They want to stop them from carrying germs(细菌).18. What can we know from this passage?A. Canadians hate animals.B. Canadians don ’t keep pets inside houses.C. Canadians love animals.19. Why do children leave their parents when they grow up in Canada?A. They don ’t want to depend on their parents any more.B. They can only find jobs far from their parents.C. Their parents ’ houses are too small.20. Which of the following is TRUE?A. People buy animal food only at the supermarket.B. Pets eat better than old people.C. Almost every family has a bird feeder in the garden.In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. In most every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and treat them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections so that they won ’t carry germs. There are special animal food shops, and people can get almost every kind of animal food in the shops. When you visit people ’s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their gardens. All kinds of birds are welcome to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill animals in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If an animal happens to be hit by a car, people will be very sad about it.People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be: Their family members are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.第三部分朗读短⽂Today, we are going to make potato stamps. Potato stamps are very easy to make. First, you should get a large potato. Don ’t use a small one, as it ’ll be too difficult to hold. Next, wash it. You want to be sure to get it really clean. Now, cut it in half with a knife. Be careful! I don ’t want anyone to get hurt. Next, you should draw a design on the end of the potato with a pen. Then carefully cut the design out with the tip of your knife. When you ’re done, pour some paint onto the plate. Now put the cut end of your potato into the paint. Finally, put the potato onto a piece of paper. Wasn ’t that fun? 第四部分情景问答1、What kind of food does Mr Wang like?2、Where did he always eat when he was in Australia?第五部分话题简述今天是个⾮常令⼈激动的⽇⼦,我和表兄⼀起参加了⼀个电视竞赛节⽬。



⼈机对话样题及答案“⼈机对话考试”样题⽂学、历史学、理学、⼯学、管理学、哲学、经济学、法学、教育学包括语⾔知识能⼒测试、英语运⽤能⼒测试、数学基础能⼒测试、逻辑推理能⼒测试、公共知识能⼒测试1、下列词语中注⾳都正确的⼀组是 ( C)A.纰(pī)漏同仇敌忾(kài) 审时度(duó)势强(qiáng)词夺理B.笑靥(yàn) 暴殄(tiǎn)天物虚与委蛇(yí) 间(jiàn)不容发C.箴(zhēn)⾔别出机杼(zhù) 乳臭(xiù)未⼲⼀脉(mài)相承D.龃(jǔ)龉瞠(chēng)⽬结⾆殚(dān)精竭虑⾃怨⾃艾(ài)2、下列各句中,没有语病的⼀句是:(B )A、国际社会认为海洋资源的开发利⽤是⼈类⾛出当前⼈⼝剧增、资源枯竭、环境恶化的困境和未来发展的重要之路。






”诗中的描述反映了( B)①男耕⼥织的⾃然经济②重视农业的观念③家庭⼿⼯业的发展促进了商品流通④安⼟重迁的思想。



”该材料反映了马丁路德: (D )A、倡导⼈的解放B、否定基督教C、宣扬《圣经》精神D、否定教皇地位5、在改⾰开放中,经过三次思想解放,我们先后冲破了“个⼈崇拜”、“计划经济崇拜”和“所有制崇拜”,其中冲破“计划经济崇拜”的关键事件是:(B )A、中共⼗三⼤B、中共⼗四⼤C、中共⼗五⼤D、中共⼗六⼤6、拿破仑三世时,修建了枫丹⽩露博物馆中的中国馆。

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