《驯悍记》人物和主题新探作者:吴平春来源:《文学教育》 2017年第21期内容摘要:《驯悍记》是莎士比亚最著名的喜剧,多数研究者从女性主义出发,将《驯悍记》解读为女性主体意识的悲歌,男主人公彼特鲁乔是男权和夫权的代表,而女主人公凯瑟丽娜则是男权下的牺牲品。
莎士比亚《驯悍记》鉴赏课程名称:《英国戏剧与莎士比亚》班级:文学院2011级汉语言文学一班学号:2姓名:林文束缚中地解放,解放中地束缚——《驯悍记》中地女性形象与意义《驯悍记》(Taming of the Shrew)是莎翁最著名地喜剧,戏剧讲诉地是大胡子男人彼特鲁乔采取“以暴制暴”地方式,最后驯服了悍妇凯瑟丽娜地故事.这部喜剧探索了两性关系以及爱情和金钱地价值等主题,热闹地故事情节背后,带有浓厚地文艺复兴时期关怀人地命运以及人与义.此牲品,尽管男地怎么折磨她,她都没有像苔丝狄梦娜注定为悲剧献身,这也符合莎士比亚时期地婚姻观——第一,老婆是生孩子地工具;第二,老婆应该在家里做苦工;第三,理想地女性是没有人性地.爱地满足促使了凯瑟丽娜性格地转变,但这只是促进因素之一,还有自尊心地满足,对丈夫地恐惧,以及克制忍让地隐性心理.彼特鲁乔为此竭尽全力,目地在于娶一个贤妻良母,两人创造幸福美满地生活.他追求幸福生活地勇气无疑是值得钦佩地,因此获得广大观众地原谅,而不是靠皮鞭和手段才当上“英雄”.由此可见,爱情和自尊可以改变人地个性,追求自由、宁静、美满地家庭生活还是普通人地正常地需要.从女权主义角度来看,戏剧最后地地台词“你地丈夫即使你地主人,你地生命,你地监护人”总是被称为是最大地败笔,连萧伯纳也认为这是纯粹地大男子主义.也常常剧评家看成莎翁“厌女意识”地有力佐证,但中世纪地“男尊女卑”到罗马教会已变为“两性和谐”不是奴隶关系.再看剧本中彼特鲁乔如果不爱凯瑟丽娜就不会想出各种办法来改变她,直接采用暴力方法岂不见效更快.这是莎翁地用心之处——用尽所有办法来使得凯瑟丽娜“变形”,让读者相信爱地力量让她冲破家庭束缚获得新生地自由.二、解放中地束缚——毕安卡地“猫性”毕安卡作为二女儿,受到父亲地宠爱,与凯瑟丽娜孤独境遇形成鲜明对比.在外表看来,她似乎很温柔,实际上是残忍地.她是一直平时蜷缩在角落地猫,一旦激怒了她,她就会张牙舞爪地扑过来.所以,她需要很多宠爱来维持自己地存在感,听从父亲以姐姐先成婚地为条件地安排,她成了“温顺”地代名词,深受男性地追捧.路森修也加入了爱慕者地行列开始了一系列地求爱攻势.在“乖女儿”地光环下,毕安卡通过学习来充实自己获得对社会地认可,而不是像强悍姐姐一样受到不尽地舆论.这也给她赢得了一张留在上流社会地门票,但依旧无法改变当时”结局”..。
III. The Story:
• 第二幕: Petruchio, Lucentio, Gremio, Hortensio, and Tranio all have come to Baptista’s house. Hortensio is called Licio, and Lucentio is called Cambio. Though not very successful in courting Katharina, Petruchio vows that he has won her hand, and so he leaves to prepare for the wedding. Gremio and Tranio bid for Bianca’s hand, and since Tranio/Lucentio can promise a richer dowry Baptista promises him Bianca’s hand. But he has to bring assurance of the dowry from his father Vincentio first.
III. The Story:
• 序幕 (Induction): Sly is drunk. He staggers out of an alehouse, pursued by the hostess. He then falls asleep on the road and is found by a nobleman and his hunting party. The nobleman determines to have some sport at his expense. He is transported to the nobleman’s house, convinced that he is a great person, treated like a lord, and made to watch a comedy.
驯悍记---the Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the ShrewOnce ,in the city of Padua in Italy, there lived a rich gentleman named Baptista. He had two daughters, named Katherina and Bianca. Everyone called Katherina “Katherina the Shrew.”A shrew is a sour, angry, mean young woman. Katherina was beautiful and very intelligent. But she was unkind, unpleasant, and usually angry with everyone. It seemed impossible that she would ever find a husband. However, her younger sister, Bianca, was beautiful ,sweet, and gentle. Many men wanted to marry Bianca, but Baptista would not allow it.. ”When Katherina finds a husband, I will allow Bianca to marry. But not before! ” he said.One day a gentleman named Petrchio came to Padua. He wanted to find a wife. He heard the story of Baptista‟s two daughters. He decided that Katherina‟s terrible temper did not scare him. “She is beautiful and rich. I will tame her, as if she was a wild horse. I will marry her, and she will become as sweet and quiet as a mouse!”Petruchio was very similar to Katherina. He was intelligent, lively, and independent, just like her. He was not afraid of Katherina; instead, he was excited about taming this difficult woman. His personality was very fun-loving, and he thought that it would be fun to marry Katherina. So Petruchio went to the home of Baptista, to ask his permission.“Sir, I have come from the city of Verona. I have heard stories of your gentle , sweet daughter Katherina. (Petruchio was lying, of course.) I would likeyour permission to spend time with her. ”Baptista wanted Katherina to be married. But he didn‟t want this nice-looking young man to be mistaken. “Sadly, Katherina is no sweet and kind,” he said.Just then , Katherina‟s music teacher ran into the room.”Your daughter hit me over the head with her lute!” he cried angrily. Petruchio thought this was very funny. “She is a brave young lady, isn‟t she? Now I want to talk to her more than ever! “ Then he said to Baptista, “Sir, I am in a big hurry. I cannot come her every day to see your daughter. My father, who is dead , had left me all his land. I must find a wife quickly! Now tell me, if Katherina agrees to marry me, what dowry will you give me with her?”A dowry was usually money or jewels that were given to a man along with a wife.Baptista thought that Petruchio was a little strange. But he wanted Katherina to be married. So he said, “I will give you twenty thousand gold coins, and when I die, you will receive half my property. ” Petruchio agreed to this. Then Baptista went to find Katherina and tell her that someone had asked to marry her.While Baptista did this, Petruchio thought about what he would say to Katherina. “I will speak to her sweetly. When she shouts at me, I will tell her she is as sweet as a bird. If she frowns and looks angry, I will say she looks as beautiful as a young rose. If she is silent, I will praise her intelligence. If she tells me to leave her, I will act as happy as if she told me to stay for a week!”Now the beautiful Katherina entered the room. “Good morning, Kate! For that is your name, I hear.”(Kate is a short name for Katherina.)“When people speak to me, they call me Katherina, ” said Katherina coldly.“No, you‟re lying. You are the prettiest Kate in the country. I have heard stories of your beauty and gentleness. So I have come to ask you to be my wife.”Katherina, of course, was very unkind , loud, and angry. But Petruchio did not become angry himself. No matter what Katherina said, Petruchio said something nice to her in return. Their strange conversation continued for a while. The Petruchio heard Baptista coming. ”Sweet Katherina, we must stop talking of small things. Your father agreed that you will be my wife. Whether you want to or not, I will marry you.”Then Baptista came in. Petruchio said, “Your daughter has spoken to me most kindly. She agrees that we will be married next Sunday.”Katherina was furious, of course. “I did not say that! I would rather see him killed on Sunday!” she shouted. Then she scolded her father for wanting her to marry such a crazy man.But Petruchio whispered to Baptista, “Do not pay attention to her angry words. When we were alone , she was very sweet. I‟m sure she loves me, and wants to be married.”Then Petruchio said to Katherina, “Give me your hand, Kate, I will go to Venice to but you beautiful clothes for our wedding. Baptista, you provide thefeast , and invite the guests. I will return on Sunday, sweet Katherina!”On the Sunday, many people came to see the wedding. Everyone waited a long time. But Petruchio did not come. Katherina was so angry she cried. She hated to think that Petruchio had tricked her. At last, however, he arrived. But he didn‟t bring clothes and jewels, as he had promised .Alse ,he was not dressed in fine blothes. He brought a servant and some thin, sick-looking horses. Everyone was shocked, and Katherina was a little frightened. Petruchio looked and acted like a crazy man. No one could persuade him to change his clothing.“Katherina is marrying me, not my clothes,”said Petruchio. “Let‟s hurry up and get married!”So everyone went into the church.Petruchio acted crazy and drunk the whole time. When the priest asked Petruchio if Katherina would marry, he shouted, “Yes, she WILL!”The priest was so surprised that he dropped his book. When he bent down to pick it up, Petruchio hit him on the head. The priest fell down.The fearless Katherina was very afraid. Who was this man? What would happen to her?After they were married , Petruchio asked for wine. He threw some of it in a church man‟s face. Everyone could only stand and stare at this crazy man.However, Petruchio was laughing secretly. His strange behavior was only part of his plan to tame his new wife, Katherina the Shrew.Baptista had prepared a very large feast. But after everyone left the church, Petruchio grabbed Katherina and said, “We are leaving now, l am taking my wife home!” Nothing Katherina or Baptista said could make Petruchio change his mind. “She‟s my wife now, so I can do what I want with her!” he said. He seemed so crazy that no one tried to stop him.Petruchio put Katherina on a horse. Then he and his servant got onto horses as well, and they began to travel.Katherina …s horse was very thin and weak. Whenever it would stop walking, Petruchio would shout at it. Finally they arrived at Petruchio‟s house.Petruchio spoke kindly to Katherina, but when they entered thedining room, he would not let her eat or drink. “None of this food is good enough for my Katherina!”he shouted, throwing everything on the floor. Katherina did not know what to say. When she went to bed, tired and hungry, Petruchio criticized the bedroom. “This bed is too heard! These pillows are dirty!”he shouted, waking up all the servants. Nothing could make him stop shouting.At last ,Katherina was forced to sleep in a chair. But she didn‟t sleep much. She was often awakened by Petruchio‟s angry voice. He continued to shout at the servants all night..In the morning ,Petruchio acted the same way. He wtill would not let his wife eat. He pretended that the food wasn‟t good enough for her, and threw it all on the floor. Katherina, who had never spoken kindly to any servant before, was forced to beg them for a little food. “I am sorry, my lady, wecannot,” they told her, “our master only wants you to have the best.”“Did he marry me , so he could starve me to death?”cried Katherina. “Even gaggears that come to my father‟s door are given food. Now I, who have never had to ask for anything , have had no food or sleep. It is all because of him. And my husband acts this way because he loves me!”Just them Petruchio entered the room. He did not really mean for Katherina to starve, so he brought her a small dish of meat.“How is my sweet Kate? See here, I have brought you some meat. I am sure my kindness deserves your thanks.”When Katherina said nothing, Petruchio said,”What ? You will not speak?Oh, well-I suppose you don‟t want this meat. All this trouble for nothing.”Although Katherina was incredibly angry, she had no choice but to speak calmly, ”Please, keep the food here, ”she said.But this was not enough for Petruchio. ”The smallest service is given thanks. You will thank me, before you touch this meat.”“I thank you , sir. Please sit down,”said Katherina, although she did not want to.“I hope this food will give you strength, my dear Katherina! Eat quickly!”Petruchio said.After Katherina had eaten only a little, Petruchio took the dish away. “Now, my love, we will return to your father‟s house. But first we must but you somebeautiful clothes.”Petruchio was not really going to buy dresses. He only wanted Katherina to think so. Petruchio had arranged for some dressmakers to come to the house. He told them, “I will act very strange and angry when you see me with my wife. But do not worry! I will pay you for your clothes.”First the hat maker came in. He showed Katherina and Petruchio a little hat he had made. Immediately Petruchio began to shout and throw things. “Is this the hat you promised me? My wife will not wear this!” he yelled. He was about to rip the hat into small pieces, when Katherina stood up. ”I will have this hat,”she said firmly. “Every gentle woman is wearing such one.”“When you are gentle, you will have one too. But not till then,”said Petruchio.A little food and water had made Katherina feel better. She was really angry now. “Sir Petruchio, I am going to speak whether you like it or not. I am not a child; you cannot tell me what to do. Many men, who are much greater than you, have listened to me speak my mind. If you cannot listen to me, you had better close your ears. Because I will say what I like!”But Petruchio did not pay attention. He knew that the best way of managing “Katherina the Shrew” was not to argue with her. She liked to argue too much. He just ignored her. “Why ,you are right, sweet Katherina,”he said. ”This cap is too ugly. We will sent it away.”“Love me, or love me not, I don‟t care,” shouted Kaatherina. “I will have this hat, or none!”“You said you wanted to see the dress?” asked Petruchio sweetly. He still pretended to misunderstand her.Then the dress maker came in. He showed them a beautiful dress. Of course, Petruchio pretended not to like this as well. He did not want Katherina to have either piece of clothing. “What is this ugly thing?” he cried. “Do you call this a dress?”“Sir, you asked me to make it in this way,” said the dress maker.“I have never seen a more beautiful dress,”said Katherina. She really wanted it.Petruchio just yelled at everyone to get out. The he said to Katherina, “Come, my Kate. We will go to your father‟s house. Even if we are wearing poor clothes, we will go.”Then Petruchio asked a servant to prepare two horses for him and Katherina. “We will reach Baptista‟s house by seven o‟clock, which is dinner time.”Now, it was a long journey to Baptista‟s house. It was already two o‟clock in the afternoon. Katherina knew they could not reach the house by seven o‟clock. But she was afraid to disagree with Petruchio. He was so loud, and angry, and strange. So she said very quietly, “Sir, I am sorry to say, it is now two o‟clock. We cannot reach my father‟s house before seven o‟clock.”Petruchio meant for Katheirna to be extremely quiet, shy, and agreeable to him. In those days, a rich and noble woman was supposed to be this way. Bythe time they arrived at Baptista‟s house, Petruchio wanted Katherina to be totally changed. He knew that she was right about the time. But it did not matter.“Before we leave this house, it will be whatever time I want it to be,” cried Petruchio, as if he were a god of the sun.“l will not go today. No matter what I say or do, you disagree with me, and disobey me. When we go, it will be what time I say it is.”So , for another day, Katherina had to practice a new way of acting. She had to be obedient. Peruchio weould not let them leave, until Katherina had totally submitted to him.The next morning they began their journey. Petruchio wanted to test his wife‟s obedience. “Look, Kate. Look how the moon shines in the sky!”“But sir, that is the sun,” said Katherina shyly.Petruchio stopped his horse. ”It will be the moon, or the stars, or whatever thing I say it is , before we go a step further! ”Katherina was no longer Katherina the Shrew. Now she was Katherina, an obedient wife. She said, “Sir, please let us go on. We have come so far. The sun shall be the moon, or the stars, or whatever you say it is. It will be the same for me.”Petruchio pointed to the sun. “So, that is the moon, them?” he said.“Yes, I know. It is the moon,” said Katherina patiently.“You are lying!That is the sun,”said Petruchio.“Then it is the sun,” said Katherina. “But it is not the sun, if you say it isn‟t. What you want it to be , it is. It will be the same for Katherina, your wife.”So Petruchio allowed them to continue their journey. Howver, he wanted to see if this obedience would last. He decided to test Katherina once again.Soon, they passed an old man riding a horse. Petruchio spoke to the old man as if he were a young woman. “Good morning, gentle young girl,” he said. The old man looked amazed. “Kate, have you ever seen a more beautiful young girl? Look how red her cheeks are. Why don‟t you tell her how pretty she is?”Now Katherina was completely obedient. She agreed with whatever Petruchio said. ”Fair maid,”she said to the old man, “you are as pretty as a flower. Where are you going, and where is your home? Your parents must be happy, to have such a pretty daughter.”The old man stared at the two people. Were they crazy?“Why, Kate,” said Petruchio, “I hope you are not crazy. You say this is a young girl, but he is an old man.”“I am sorry. Old gentleman!”said Katherina. “The wun was in my eyes, and you looked like a young maid. Now I sww you are a wise old man. I hope you will forgive me.”The ole man said, “Fair sir and lady, this strange meeting has amazed me. My name is Vincentio, and I am traveling to Padua. My son, Lucentio, is marrying a fair lady there. She is named Bianca.”Now that Katherina had married, Baptista had agreed to let Bianca marry,as well, “Sir , your are lucky. Your son is marrying a fine lady,” said Petruchio. This made Vincentio very happy.The three of them had a pleasant journey to Baptista‟s house. There were many people there. They were celebrating the wedding of Lucentio and Bianca. When Petruchio and Katherina entered, Baptista welcomed them. Another man named Hortensio was there. He had also just gotten married.Lucentio and Hortensio had heard stories about “Katherina the Shrew.”They laughted and made jokes about Petruchui‟s wife. “I‟m afraid you got the worst woman!” they said. These men were very pleased with their own wives, who were sweet, quiet, and lady-like.Petruchio did not pay attention. “Gentlemen, I will bet that my wife, Katherin, is more obedient than your wives.”Baptista said, “Now, let‟s be serious, my son. Katherina is a beautiful young lady, but she is the worst shrew in the world.”“No, she isn‟t. I will prove that what I say is true. Lucentio and Hortensio, send servants to find your wives. Tell them to ask your wives to come to you, immediately. I will do the same. The man whose wife comes first, will win one hundred gold coins.”Lucentio and Hortensio agreed. They were sure that their gentle wives were more obedient than Katherina. Each man sent for his wife.First, Lucentio‟s servant returned. “I am sorry. Sir Lucentio. The Lady Bianca says she is busy, and cannot come.”Lucentio looked amazed. ”What do you mean, she is busy?”Petruchio laughted. “So, she is busy, and will not come, Is that the answer of a good, obedient wife?”Then Hortensio‟s servant returned. But Hortensio‟s wife was not with him. “Sir Hortensio, your wife thinks you are playing a trick on her. She says you should come to her.”Petruchio laughed again. “This is terrible!”Then he spoke to his own servant. “Sir, go to your lady,Katherina. Tell her I command her to come to me.”The men didn‟t have any time to discuss whether or not Katherina would obey. In just a minute, Katherina came in. Baptista nearly fell out of his chair with surprise.“What is your desire, sir?”Katherina asked her husband.“Katherina, where is your sister Bianca, and Hortensio‟s wife?”“They are sitting by the fire,”said Katherina.“Bring them here!”said Petruchio.Katherina said nothing, but obeyed her husband. When she was gone, the men all started talking at once.“This is amazing! I wonder what it means?” cried Lucentio.“It means peace,” said Petruchio, “and love, and a quiet life. All things are in their right place, and everything will be sweet and happy.”Baptista was very happy to see the change in his daughter. “My son, youhave won this contest. I will add another twenty thousand gold coins to Katherina‟s dowry.She is changed, as if she were another daughter.”“I will show you all something even better!” said Petruchio.When Katherina came in ,she had Bianca and Hortensio‟s wife with her. Petruchio continued, “See, here is she. She brings your disobedient wives with her. Katherina, that hat does not look good on you. Take it off.”Katherina immediately took off the hat and threw it on the floor. The women, as well as the men, were amazed.“What is this?”cried Hortensio‟s wife. “I will never have a reason to be upsetmuntil I am forced to do such a silly thing!”“What kind of duty is this? She is a fool!” asked Bianca. “If Katherina is a fool, then I wish you were a fool, too, fair Bianca. You always want new dressed and hats. And I hate them all! You should be more like your sister!”said lucentio.“Now, Katherina,”said Petruchio, “I want you to tell these women how they should act. Tell them that they should obey their husbands.”Katherina immediately gave a long speech about obeying one‟s husband. This lady, who used to be a “shrew,” now spoke happily about obedience, duty, and responsibility to her husband. It seemed that she had been this way all her life. So Katherina became famous in Padua. She was no longer known as “Katerina the Shrew,” but Katherina, the best and sweetest wife in Padua.。
又一个哑 巴新娘
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莎 士比亚《 驯悍记》 新论
卢 秀敏
内容提要 :驯悍记》 《 是莎士比亚的一部早期喜剧, 本文 以《 驯悍记》 的文本作为审思、 解读对象, 探讨女
主人公 凯瑟琳 娜从 “ 悍女 ” 贤 妻” 从 “ 语” 失语” 一转型过 程 中的心 理 变化及 其 “ 到“ , 肆 到“ 这 失语 ” 因。 成 作 者 为我们 刻 画 了受环境 影 响而 出现 极 端 行 径 的变 态心 理 “ 患者 典 型” 并 以女 主人 公 的妥 协 闭幕 , , 反 映 了作 者 以“ 性视 角” “ 男 、 男性 话语 权 意识 ” 俯视 、 范女 性 的局 限 性 ; 戏 中戏” 规 以“ 的框 架 , 谐 的笔 法 诙 解 构“ 悍” 驯 过程 , 免 同一 时期 相似 主题 血 淋淋 的场 面 , 避 却又 说 明 了莎 翁正 视并 肯 定 女 性 的反抗 , 导 倡 和 谐共 处 、 司所 职 的夫 妻关 系 的开 放 性。 各
mae pe s e t e”,“mae v ie t o k d wn a d sa d r z h i tto s o me ;t “ a ve”a l r p c i v l oc ” o lo o n tn a die t e lmi in fwo n a o ply mo i
t e h ri e Cah r a’ s c oo i a h n e fo t e s r w o a g o f . Thi h ng e e ld S a e h o on t a i n S P y h l gc c a g r m h h e t o d wie l s c a e rv ae h k —
嗦 。[3 为 什 么 在 家 时 的 凯 瑟 丽 娜 可 以 打 破 教 师 的 脑 袋 而  ̄24 14
在 此 却 吓 得 浑 身 发 抖 ? 这 正 好 说 明 : 瑟 丽 娜 在 家 得 到 了 凯 父 亲 的纵 容 对 身 份 低 下 的 人 有 一 种 自命 不 凡 之 感 , 婚 礼 而 当 中 , 有 了父 亲 的 庇 护 、 纵 , 就 没 有 了胆 量 。 这 也 进 没 娇 她
是 彼 特 鲁 乔 求 婚 的 当 天 , 赶 上 凯 瑟 丽 娜 的 音乐 教 师 被 她 正 赶 了 出来 。原 因 就 是 她 嫌 老 师 说 她 弹 的 不 好 , 是 打 破 了 于 老 师 的 脑 袋 。从 这 件 事 情 可 以看 出 , 瑟 丽 娜 是 一 个 被 娇 凯 惯 了 的 富 家 小 姐 。由 于 出身 富 裕 家庭 , 为 长 女 的 她 从 小 作 我 行 我 素 , 不 得 别 人 的 批 评 , 父 亲 给 宠 坏 了 。 在 这 种 容 被 优 越 、无 管 束 的 状 态 下 成 长 起 来 的 她 少 了很 多 社 会 习 俗 和 规 范 的 限 制 , 以 她 做 起 事 情 来 有 恃 无 恐 。第 二 件 事 情 所 就 是 面 对 彼 特 鲁 乔 奇 特 的 求 婚 和 彼 特 鲁 乔 对 她 父 亲 的 哄
“ 妇 ” 悍 悍 不
从 整 部 作 品 来 看 ,悍 妇 ” 称 的 凯 瑟 丽 娜 其 实 一 点 也 “ 之
不 悍 , 是 他 的丈 夫 彼 特 鲁 乔 一 直 撒 泼 , 磨 妻 子 , 至 把 倒 折 直 她 变 成 奴 性 十 足 的 应 声 虫 、 洋 娃 娃 和 木 偶 。我 们 所 知 道 的 凯 瑟 丽 娜 的 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 劲 ” 通 过 两 件 事 情 表 现 出 来 的 : 一 就 悍 是 第
( 郧阳师范高等专科学校 外语系 , 湖北 十堰 4 4 2 0 0 0 )
摘 要: 通过 再读 莎士 比亚早 期 戏剧作 品《 驯悍记 》, 本 文 以历 史语境 为切 入 点 , 结合 莎士 比亚
时代 的社 会 文化状 况 , 对人 物 角 色进 行分 析 , 揭 示莎 士比亚 的创 作 意图 , 透 视其 在 { - * r l 悍记 》中的
女性 观 。
关键词 : 莎士比亚; 驯悍记 ; 历史语境 ; 女性观 中图分 类号 : I 1 0 9 文献标 识码 : A 文章 编号 : 2 0 9 5  ̄1 5 3 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 6 - 0 0 7 5 - 0 3 莎士比亚是英 国文艺 复兴时期 的一位伟 大诗 女性 意识 呢 ?我们不 妨把 此文放 在历 史语境 中来 分 人、 戏剧家, 他的作 品被翻译成了多种语言 , 深受世 析 , 就 会发 现莎 翁 的 真 正意 图。莎 士 比亚对 于 女 性 界读 者 的喜 爱 。作 为伟 大 的人 文 主义 者 , 莎 士 比亚 地位 的思考 与 肯定是 由文 艺复 兴时期 的社会 现 实所 在其 作 品 中时刻 体 现 出 以人 为本 的人 文 主 义 思 想 , 决定的。 引导 人们 探 寻人 的价值 、 尊严 和力量 。同时 , 莎士 比 《 驯悍记》 及相关简 评 亚在其作品中塑造出了许多敢于反抗中世纪传统道 《 驯悍记》 是莎翁早期 的戏剧作品 , 讲述了一个 德和思想的新女性形象。这些女性在莎士比亚鲜活 情节滑稽有趣的故事 。l 6世纪 的英 国为故事 的背 的描绘中美貌与智慧并重 , 既有女扮男装 , 手握法典 景, 故事情节以剧中剧的形式展开。《 驯悍记》 是打 在法庭上力辩群雄 , 以其机智才华拯救男主人公们 猎 归 来 的贵族 老爷 戏 耍 醉酒 的补 锅 匠赖 斯 , 把 他 带 而令 人拍 案 叫绝 的鲍 西 亚 ; 也 有 勇 于 追求 爱 情 不 惜 为 他 准 备 的一 幕 剧 。驯 悍 的故 事 才 舍 弃生命 的朱丽 叶 ; 还 有妙语 连珠 , 才 思敏捷 的 罗瑟 回家 乔装 一番 , 琳。从莎士 比亚笔下这众多新人文主义女性形象中 是整个戏剧的正剧。剧中聪明的男主人公迎娶了刁 脾 气 暴 我 们不 难看 出其 女性 意识 , 他 肯 定 了女性 婚 恋 自由 蛮 的富家 女凯 瑟 琳娜 。凯瑟 琳 娜 性 格 乖 张 ,
走进当代的古典明珠:当代芭蕾《驯悍记》的比较艺术学阐释作者:沈健来源:《艺术评论》 2020年第5期沈健【内容提要】《驯悍记》长久以来被解读为莎士比亚作品中的“闹剧”或“爆笑喜剧”。
【关键词】《驯悍记》;舞剧;戏剧;古典;当代;比较艺术学作为现代芭蕾舞界的中生代大师,让-克里斯托弗·马约(Jean-Christophe Maillot)时不时地创作出惊人之作,然而他于2014年为莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团创作的两幕芭蕾舞剧《驯悍记》则更多了一些个人情结的意味。
本文对该剧的阐释和分析,不仅是在距离英国编舞大师约翰·克兰科(John Cranko)于1969年为德国斯图加特芭蕾舞团所创作的《驯悍记》逾半个世纪以来的重新回顾,更是可以在比较艺术学视野下,“对同一题材在不同艺术样式中的艺术呈现进行深入研究”,从而“有利于我们艺术创作的发展与艺术学理论的深入”[1]。
2014年夏季由芭蕾舞团艺术总监让-克里斯托弗·马约及其“缪斯”柏妮丝·库伯蒂尔斯(Bernice Coppetiers)作为编舞助理倾力打造、全新演绎的莎翁经典《驯悍记》新编芭蕾舞剧在莫斯科大剧院拉开帷幕。
IV. Famous Lines:
• “Persuade him that he hath been lunatic, And when he says he is, say that he dreams, For he is nothing but a mighty lord.”
--Lord to hunters
III. The Story:
• 第四幕: Grumio describes how the bride and groom are arriving. Katharina’s horse fell on her in the mud, and Petruchio used the accident as a pretext to assault Grumio and made Katharina ever more muddied. He continues his role of unreasonable brute, finding fault with everything the servants do. He spurns the food prepared as unfit to eat and decrees that they go supperless to bed. He in fact plans to tame his wife in the same manner as falcons are trained: by starvation and lack of sleep. He even wants Katharina to wear poor clothing. Meanwhile, Hortensio decides to marry a wealthy widow, a traveling scholar is duped into acting as Vincentio, and Lucentio is told to marry Bianca soon.
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剧情 第一幕前还有一个前奏,这个前奏的内容是说这部剧是演给克利斯朵夫· 斯赖的。斯赖是一个酒鬼,但是因为不肯付酒 钱因此被人赶出了酒店。就在他在酒店外面沉睡的时候有一个爵士经过酒店前看到了他。这个爵士决定拿斯赖来取笑。 他让人将斯赖抬入一个豪华住房,放入床中。斯赖醒来后别人告诉他他实际上是一个爵士,但是忘了他是谁,而他在酒 店里的经历只不过是他梦见的。一个打扮成少女的青年对他说是他的妻子。虽然别人一再请斯赖去看戏,但是斯赖坚持 他的妻子立刻与他上床。最后斯赖还是被说服看戏,而这出戏就是《驯悍记》。 《驯悍记》剧名中的“悍妇”是帕多瓦商人巴普提斯塔的女儿凯瑟丽娜。她情绪变化非常剧烈,没有任何男人能够控制 得了她。在一幕中她将她的妹妹比恩卡绑在椅子上问她,她最喜欢哪一个求婚人。由于她妹妹无法回答她,她就打她的 妹妹。在另一幕中她用她的笛子打她的音乐教师。她的妹妹则是一个温顺美丽的少女,城里许多贵人都向她求婚。她往 往被称为是“理想的妇女”。但是巴普提斯塔发过一个誓:在大女儿凯瑟丽娜出嫁前他不肯让他的小女儿结婚。比恩卡 的两个求婚者决定联盟想办法为凯瑟丽娜找一个丈夫,这样他们就可以为比恩卡竞争了。这两个求婚者里的一个,葛莱 米奥,是个年老白发的,另一个,霍坦西奥,则年轻调皮。 当两个外人来到城里时,情况就变得复杂了。这两个外人之一是比萨富商文森修的儿子路森修,他爱上了比恩卡。另一 个是彼特鲁乔,他好像只爱钱。 当巴普提斯塔提到比恩卡需要一个教师时葛莱米奥和霍坦西奥就争着要找一个来赢得巴普提斯塔的好感。葛莱米奥推荐 路森修为“知识分子”,而霍坦西奥则说服彼特鲁乔推荐他为音乐教师。这样路森修和霍坦西奥就背着巴普提斯塔假冒 教师来求比恩卡的情。 《驯悍记》第四幕第三场,彼特鲁乔为了驯服他的新娘听从自己的意愿,将他送给她的礼物弄坏,并扔掉。W· 托马斯 创作于1886年 与此同时彼特鲁乔听说了凯瑟丽娜巨大的嫁妆,因此他企图向凯瑟丽娜求婚。在一幕中他与凯瑟丽娜交谈来显示出他与 凯瑟丽娜一样聪明。他很快就凯瑟丽娜结婚,获得了他的嫁妆,最后不顾凯瑟丽娜的反对将她带回家。到家后他开始驯 服他的新娘——他让她不断睡觉,找出种种原因来饿她,为她买漂亮的衣服然后又将这些衣服扯碎。凯瑟丽娜被这些举 动深深打击,当彼特鲁乔最后对凯瑟丽娜说他们要回帕多瓦参加比恩卡的婚礼时,凯瑟丽娜非常愿意服从。当他们回到 帕多瓦时凯瑟丽娜已经完全被驯服了。她向其他人表示假如她丈夫要求的话她就会将太阳称为月亮,月亮称为太阳。 比恩卡与路森修结婚(其间还有一个非常复杂的故事,路森修的仆人扮演他的主人,而他本人则扮演教师)。霍坦西奥 娶了一个富寡妇。在喜筵上彼特鲁乔自夸说他过去无法驯服的妻子现在完全服从他了。巴普提斯塔、路森修和霍坦西奥 都不相信他,而且后两者坚信他们的妻子更听话。彼特鲁乔建议他们打赌,叫一个仆人去叫他们的妻子,看谁的妻子最 服从谁就赢。巴普提斯塔不相信悍妇凯瑟丽娜真的被驯服了,因此在赌注上有又添了一份巨大的嫁妆。 结果凯瑟丽娜是唯一听话到来的,为彼特鲁乔赢得了又一份嫁妆。最后其他妻子也被唤来,凯瑟丽娜独白说妻子们总是 应该听她们的丈夫的话。
《驯悍记》是莎士比亚 早期的一出著名的幽默 喜剧,剧中包含三个情 节:即序幕中荒村酒店 晨关于斯赖的黄梁梦似 的故事;彼特鲁乔和悍 女凯瑟丽娜的故事;路 森修和比恩卡的爱情故 事。这几个故事主要描 写文艺复兴时期夫妻关 系中男女平等还是尊女 卑的问题。这是一部诗 体剧,故事情节热热闹 闹的背后却蕴藏着一种 哲学意味,带有浓厚的 文艺复兴时期关怀人的 命运以及人与人之间的 关系的色彩,即使人发 出会心的微笑,也发人 深思。
威廉•莎士比亚,英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧 作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学 的集大成者,他的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆 雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英: Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、 《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名的四大 喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、 《第十二夜》、《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》、《亨利五 世》、《查理三世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密 欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首 长诗。本•琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克 思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大 的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作, 但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已 被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。 儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日) 病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比 亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家 和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一 年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。
The Taming of the Shrew is one of the most famous and controversial of Shakespeare's comedies. The central relationship, in which Petruchio boisterously 'tames' a rebellious Kate, has often appeared problematic. In the theatre, it has been treated in a diversity of ways, so that Kate's apparent capitulation varies between the ironic and the sincere. Feminists have been divided in their responses.
作者简介 About the Author William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564, and his birth is traditionally celebrated on April 23. The facts of his life, known from surviving documents, are sparse. He was one of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a merchant of some standing in his community. William probably went to the King's New School in Stratford, but he had no university education. In November 1582, at the age of eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior, who was pregnant with their first child, Susanna. She was born on May 26, 1583. Twins, a boy, Hamnet ( who would die at age eleven), and a girl, Judith, were born in 1585. By 1592 Shakespeare had gone to London working as an actor and already known as a playwright. A rival dramatist, Robert Greene, referred to him as "an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers." Shakespeare became a principal shareholder and playwright of the successful acting troupe, the Lord Chamberlain's Men (later under James I, called the King's Men). In 1599 the Lord Chamberlain's Men built and occupied the Globe Theater in Southwark near the Thames River. Here many of Shakespeare's plays were performed by the most famous actors of his time, including Richard Burbage, Will Kempe, and Robert Armin. In addition to his 37 plays, Shakespeare had a hand in others, including Sir Thomas More and The Two Noble Kinsmen, and he wrote poems, including Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. His 154 sonnets were published, probably without his authorization, in 1609. In 1611 or 1612 he gave up his lodgings in London and devoted more and more time to retirement in Stratford, though he continued writing such plays as The Tempest and Henry VII until about 1613. He died on April 23 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford. No collected edition of his plays was published during his life-time, but in 1623 two members of his acting company, John Heminges and Henry Condell, put together the great collection now called the First Folio.