电气系统中的试验动力系统用一台直流电动机加一 个 电 力 回 馈 加 载 控 制 器[2](试 验 DJZ 加 载 器),可 以 为 发 动机加载。这种电回馈加载器是利用发电机作为负载并 将发出的电能通过其加载及回馈控制器回馈给交流输入 端或电网 的 一 种 先 进 的 加 载 设 备。它 和 扭 矩 传 感 器 配
1 WSK 型液力变 矩 器 与 变 速 器 试 验 台 架 设 计 基本要求
1.1 总体设计指标要求 总 体 设 计 的 指 标 要 求 见 表 1。
表1 试验台架设计指标
准确控制和测 量 变 速 箱 及 变 矩 器 的 转 速、扭 矩、
2 试验过程中准确测量和控制油温、油压、流量等
印 数 据 表 格 ,设 置 曲 线 选 项 、绘 制 曲 线 等 。
2.3 可靠性设计 新采用的多信号智能传输系统提高了试验台架的可
靠性。试验现场的执行设备与计算机之间设置有发送信 号传输转换 编 码 解 码 器 与 接 收 信 号 传 输 转 换 编 码 解 码 器,均为嵌入式 集 成 电 路 板 结 构,设 置 于 现 场 控 制 柜 内。 此种结构编码 后 的 数 据 通 过 485 线 或 232 线 或 CAN 线 通信传输,简化 了 传 输 信 号,解 决 了 线 路 布 线 混 乱 问 题, 避免了不同信号 之 间 的 干 扰,减 少 了 信 号 传 递 过 程 中 的 强 度 衰 减 ,提 高 了 信 号 传 输 的 精 度 、稳 定 性 与 可 靠 性 。
单姓赵fhq钱qg孙bi李sb周mfk吴kgd 郑udb王ggg 冯uc陈ba 褚pufj卫bg 蒋uqf沈ipq 韩fjfh杨sn朱ri秦dwt 尤dn2许ytf 何wsk吕kk 施ytb 张xt孔bnn曹gma严god华wxf 金qqqq魏tvr陶bqr姜udv戚dhi谢ytm邹qvb喻kwgj 柏srg水ii窦pwfd章ujj云fcu2苏alw潘itol葛ajq 奚exd范aib彭fkue郎yvcb 鲁qgj韦fnh昌jj马cn 苗alf凤mc花awx方yy俞wgej 任wtf袁fke柳sqt 酆dhdb鲍qgq史kq唐yvh费xjm廉岑mwyn薛awnu2 雷flf贺lkm倪wvq汤inr滕eudi殷rvn罗lq 毕xxf 郝fob 邬qngb安pv 常ipkh 乐qi于gf 时jf 傅wge 皮hc 卞yhu齐yjj康yvi伍wgg余wtu元fqb卜hhy 顾db孟blf 平gu 黄amw和t 穆tri 萧avi 尹vte 姚viq 邵vkb湛iadw汪ig祁pyb 毛tfn禹tkm狄qtoy 米oy贝mhny明je臧dnd计uf 伏wdy成dn戴falw 谈yoo 宋psu茅acbt庞ydx 熊cexo纪xn舒wfkb屈nbmk 项adm 祝pyk董atg梁ivw杜sfg 阮bfq蓝ajt闵uyi 席yam 季tb麻yss 强xk贾smu 路kht娄ov危qdb 江ia童ujff颜utem郭ybb 梅stx 盛dnnl林ss刁ngd 钟qkhh 徐twt邱rgb 骆ctk 高ym 夏dht蔡awf田lll 樊sqqd 胡de 凌ufw霍fwyf 虞hak 万dnv支fc柯ssk 昝thj管tp卢hn莫ajd经x房yny裘fiye缪xnw 干fggh 解qev应yid 宗pfi 丁sgh 宣pgj贲fam 邓cb 郁deb单ujfj杭sym 洪iaw 包qn诸yft左da石dgtg 崔mwy吉fk钮qnf龚dxa程tkgg嵇tdnm邢gab滑ime 裴djde陆bfm容pww翁wcn 荀aqj羊udj於ywu惠gjh 甄sfgn麹gqqo家pe封fffy 芮amwu羿naj储wyf靳afr 汲iey邴gmwb糜ysso松swc 井fjk段wdm富pgk巫aww 乌qng焦wyo巴cnh弓xng 牧trt隗brq山mmm谷wwk 车lgn侯wnt宓pntr蓬atdp 全wg郗qdmb班gyt仰wqbh 秋to仲wkhh伊wvt宫pkk宁ps仇wvn栾yos暴jaw 甘afd斜wtuf厉ddn戎ade 祖pye武gah符twf刘yj 景jy詹qdw束gki龙dxv叶kf幸fuf司ngk韶ujv 郜tfkb黎tqt蓟aqgj薄aig 印qgb宿pwdj白rrr怀ng 蒲aigy邰ckb从ww鄂kkfb 索fpx咸dgk籍tdij赖gkim 卓hjj蔺auw屠nft蒙apg池ib禾ttt阴be郁deb 胥nhe能ce苍awb双cc闻ub梓suh党ipk翟nwyf 谭ysj贡am劳apl逄tah姬vah申jhk扶rfw堵fft 冉mfd宰puj郦gmyb雍yxt 谷璩ghae桑cccs桂sff 濮iwo牛rhk寿dtf通cep 边lp扈ynkc燕auko冀uxl 郏guwb浦igey尚imkf农pei 温ijl别klj庄yfd晏jpv 柴hxs瞿hhwy阎uqvd充yc 慕ajdn连lpk茹avk习nu 宦pah艾aqu鱼qgf容pww向tm古dgh易jqr慎nfh 戈agnt廖ynw庾yvwi终xtu 暨vcag居nd衡tqdh步hi 都ftjb耿bo满iagw弘xcy 匡agd国l文yygy寇pfqc 广yygt禄pyv阙uub东ai欧aqq殳mcu沃itdy利tjh 蔚anf越fha夔uhtt隆btg 师jgm巩amy厍dlk聂bcc 晁jiqb勾qci敖gqty融gkm 冷uwyc訾hxy辛uygh阚unb 那vfb简tuj饶qna空pw曾ul毋xde沙iit乜nnv 养udyj鞠afq须ed丰dh巢vjs关ud蒯aeej相sh 查sj后rg荆aga红xa游iytb竺tff权sc逑fiyp 盖uglf益uwl桓sgjg公wc区aq买nudu商um牟cr 佘wfiu 佴wbg伯wr赏ipkm墨lfof哈kwg 谯ywyo 笪tjgf 年rh爱ep 阳bj 佟wtuy归jv 海itx 晋gogj 楚ssn 阎uqvd 法if 汝ivg 鄢ghgb涂iwt 钦qqw 岳rgm 帅jmh 缑xwn 亢ymb 况ukq 后rg复姓万dnv俟wctd 司马ngcn 上官hhpn 欧阳aqbj夏侯dhwn 诸葛yfaj 闻人ubww 东方aiyy赫fofo连lpk 皇甫rgge 岳甫rgge 尉nfif迟nyp公wc羊udj 澹iqdy台ck 公wc冶uck 宗pfi政ght濮阳iwbj 淳iyb于gf 单ujfj于gf 太dy叔hic申jhk屠nft 公孙wcbi 仲wkhh孙bi 轩辕lflf令狐wyqt 钟离qkyb 宇文pgyy 长孙tabi慕容ajpw 鲜qgu于gf 闾ukkd丘rgd 司ngk徒tfhy司空ngpw 丌gjk官pn 司ngk寇pfqc 仉wmn督hich子bb车lg 颛mdmm孙bi 端umd木ssss 巫aww马cn公wc西sghg 漆isw雕mfky 乐正qigh 壤fyk驷clg公wc良yv 拓rd拔rdc 夹guw谷wwk 宰puj父wqu谷wwk梁ivw 段wdm干fggh 百里djjf 东ai郭ybb南门fmuy呼kt延thp 羊udj舌tdd 微tmg生tg有e 琴ggw 梁ivw丘rgd 左da丘rgd 东门aiuy 西门sguy 南宫fmpk。
1ESP支架(电泳漆)30DM592B389AAQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰1月2引擎盖锁盖(电泳漆)30CN15A16860ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰1月3引擎盖支架(电泳漆)30CN15A16C750ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰1月4SHLD-FRT DISC BRK LH/前制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2C447AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰1月5SHLD-FRT DISC BRK RH/前制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2C448AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰1月6SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS RH/后制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2K316ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰1月7制动软管支架(右)309G9N2B110EAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110EAQ福泰21月8后制动盘防尘罩30AV612K317AAQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰21月9前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C448ABQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰21月10前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C447ABQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰21月11前右悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A80AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰21月12前左悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A81AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰21月13燃油管支架(电泳漆)308V519T276ABQBlack 480hWSK-M2P153-A6B515福泰1月14离合器支架(电泳漆)30CN157C562ABQBlack 480hWSS-M2P785-A2B515福泰1月15电池托盘(电泳漆)30AE8110A789AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰1月17前下承载梁构件(右)电泳漆30AV61101E44AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰1月18前下承载梁构件(左)电泳漆30AV61101E45AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰1月19前下承载梁装配(电泳漆)30CV61S110L76ADQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰1月22线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536BBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰1月32线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536GAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰1月33线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536HAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰1月34SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS LH/后制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2K317ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰2月35ESC brkt/ESC模块支架(电泳漆)30DG9C2C304APIA01Q电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰2月36ESC brkt/ESC模块支架30DG9C2C304BBQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰2月37前制动盘防尘罩(左)(电泳漆)30CV612C447ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰2月38前制动盘防尘罩(右)(电泳漆)30CV612C448ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰2月39后制动盘防尘罩 电泳漆30CV612K317AAQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰2月41制动软管支架(左)309G9N2B110FAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110FAQ福泰22月49右前悬架支撑件总成(右)4WD电泳漆30CV61101A80CAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰2月52右前悬架支撑件总成(右)(电泳漆)30CV61101A80BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰2月53左前悬架支撑件总成(左)电泳漆30CV61101A81BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰2月56线束支架(电泳漆)308V5114536EBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰2月59前稳定杆卡箍(电泳漆)30CN155B493AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰2月63后门加强板(电泳漆)30CN15N47076BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰3月64氧传感器支架(电泳漆)30CN1114A206AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-C1B515福泰3月80线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536AAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰3月86横梁支架(电泳漆)30CN155A104AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰3月92扭力梁支架(右)(电泳漆)30CN155K965BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-B2B515福泰4月93扭力梁支架(左)(电泳漆)30CN155K989BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-B2B515福泰4月98变速箱悬置加强板(电泳漆)30AV61R6K034ABQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)C520福泰24月104PJB支架(电泳漆)30CN1514A465AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰4月112ESP支架(电泳漆)30DM592B389AAQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰5月113引擎盖锁盖(电泳漆)30CN15A16860ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰5月114引擎盖支架(电泳漆)30CN15A16C750ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰5月115SHLD-FRT DISC BRK LH/前制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2C447AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰5月116SHLD-FRT DISC BRK RH/前制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2C448AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰5月117SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS RH/后制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2K316ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰5月118制动软管支架(右)309G9N2B110EAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110EAQ福泰25月119后制动盘防尘罩30AV612K317AAQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰25月120前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C448ABQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰25月121前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C447ABQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰25月122前右悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A80AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰25月123前左悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A81AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰25月124燃油管支架(电泳漆)308V519T276ABQBlack 480hWSK-M2P153-A6B515福泰5月125离合器支架(电泳漆)30CN157C562ABQBlack 480hWSS-M2P785-A2B515福泰5月126电池托盘(电泳漆)30AE8110A789AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰5月128前下承载梁构件(右)电泳漆30AV61101E44AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰5月129前下承载梁构件(左)电泳漆30AV61101E45AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰5月130前下承载梁装配(电泳漆)30CV61S110L76ADQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰5月133线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536BBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰5月Black 96h144线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536HAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰5月145SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS LH/后制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2K317ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰6月146ESC brkt/ESC模块支架(电泳漆)30DG9C2C304APIA01Q电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰6月147ESC brkt/ESC模块支架30DG9C2C304BBQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰6月148前制动盘防尘罩(左)(电泳漆)30CV612C447ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰6月149前制动盘防尘罩(右)(电泳漆)30CV612C448ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰6月150后制动盘防尘罩 电泳漆30CV612K317AAQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰6月152制动软管支架(左)309G9N2B110FAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110FAQ福泰26月160右前悬架支撑件总成(右)4WD电泳漆30CV61101A80CAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰6月163右前悬架支撑件总成(右)(电泳漆)30CV61101A80BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰6月164左前悬架支撑件总成(左)电泳漆30CV61101A81BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰6月167线束支架(电泳漆)308V5114536EBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰6月170前稳定杆卡箍(电泳漆)30CN155B493AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰6月174后门加强板(电泳漆)30CN15N47076BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰7月175氧传感器支架(电泳漆)30CN1114A206AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-C1B515福泰7月191线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536AAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰7月197横梁支架(电泳漆)30CN155A104AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰7月203扭力梁支架(右)(电泳漆)30CN155K965BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-B2B515福泰8月204扭力梁支架(左)(电泳漆)30CN155K989BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-B2B515福泰8月209变速箱悬置加强板(电泳漆)30AV61R6K034ABQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)C520福泰28月215PJB支架(电泳漆)30CN1514A465AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰8月223ESP支架(电泳漆)30DM592B389AAQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰10月224引擎盖锁盖(电泳漆)30CN15A16860ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰10月225引擎盖支架(电泳漆)30CN15A16C750ABQBlack 1008hWSS-M2P177-C2B515福泰10月226SHLD-FRT DISC BRK LH/前制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2C447AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰10月227SHLD-FRT DISC BRK RH/前制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2C448AAQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰10月228SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS RH/后制动盘防尘罩(右)30DG9C2K316ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰10月229制动软管支架(右)309G9N2B110EAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110EAQ福泰210月230后制动盘防尘罩30AV612K317AAQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰210月231前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C448ABQ 电泳漆C346(4 Door三厢)福泰210月232前制动防尘罩(电泳漆)30AV612C447ABQ电泳漆480h铁腐蚀C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰210月233前右悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A80AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰210月234前左悬架支架(电泳漆)30AV61101A81AFQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)福泰210月235燃油管支架(电泳漆)308V519T276ABQBlack 480hWSK-M2P153-A6B515福泰10月236离合器支架(电泳漆)30CN157C562ABQBlack 480hWSS-M2P785-A2B515福泰10月237电池托盘(电泳漆)30AE8110A789AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰10月239前下承载梁构件(右)电泳漆30AV61101E44AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰10月240前下承载梁构件(左)电泳漆30AV61101E45AAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-A4C520福泰10月241前下承载梁装配(电泳漆)30CV61S110L76ADQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰10月244线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536BBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰10月254线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536GAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰10月255线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536HAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰10月256SHLD-RR WHL BRK SP LS LH/后制动盘防尘罩(左)30DG9C2K317ACQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰11月257ESC brkt/ESC模块支架(电泳漆)30DG9C2C304APIA01Q电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰11月258ESC brkt/ESC模块支架30DG9C2C304BBQ电泳漆1008小时CD391福泰11月259前制动盘防尘罩(左)(电泳漆)30CV612C447ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰11月260前制动盘防尘罩(右)(电泳漆)30CV612C448ABQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰11月261后制动盘防尘罩 电泳漆30CV612K317AAQ 循环试验1008hWSS-M2P177-CSC520福泰11月263制动软管支架(左)309G9N2B110FAQ480h无红锈产生309G9N2B110FAQ福泰211月271右前悬架支撑件总成(右)4WD电泳漆30CV61101A80CAQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰11月274右前悬架支撑件总成(右)(电泳漆)30CV61101A80BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰11月275左前悬架支撑件总成(左)电泳漆30CV61101A81BBQ循环试验480hWSS-M2P177-B2C520福泰11月278线束支架(电泳漆)308V5114536EBQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰11月281前稳定杆卡箍(电泳漆)30CN155B493AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰11月285后门加强板(电泳漆)30CN15N47076BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P185-A2B515福泰12月286氧传感器支架(电泳漆)30CN1114A206AAQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-C1B515福泰12月302线束支架(电泳漆)30CN1514536AAQBlack 96hWSK-M2P153-A3B515福泰12月308横梁支架(电泳漆)30CN155A104AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰12月314扭力梁支架(右)(电泳漆)30CN155K965BBQBlack 480hWSS-M2P177-B2B515福泰12月Black 480h320变速箱悬置加强板(电泳漆)30AV61R6K034ABQ电泳漆480h后无红锈C346(4 Door三厢)C346(5 Door两厢)C520福泰212月326PJB支架(电泳漆)30CN1514A465AAQBlack 240hWSS-M2P177-B1B515福泰12月。
• Understand the expressions: • …as we continue to age. • … next month’s deadline
1. Structure of Attributive Clauses
{whose} {prep.+which}
Prep. + which [Prep. + N]Ø
The book [-HUMAN] The booCkonj. under which under which there is a pen
there is a pen [(underis+ iinttewrehsictihn)g. Ø ] is interesting.
is cozy.
Table for Choosing Conjunctions (E) [-HUMAN, place]
Bank:conj. {which/that} {which/that}
{whose} {prep.+which}
which/that/Ø Prep. + [NØ]
Function of Conj. Within Attributive Clauses
Conj. (S) + {S-Ø + V + O + A + …}
Conj. (O) + {S + V + O-Ø + A + …} Conj. (A) + {S + V + (O) + A-Ø + …}
WSK 系列精密温湿度控制器产品概述WSK 系列精密温湿度控制器是SK 与WK 的组合型,满足了同一环境对温湿度控制的不同要求,该产品使用国际先进的传感器对工作环境的温湿度指标长期自动进行监测、采样和控制。
WSK 系列产品具有精密度高、响应速度快、使用寿命长、安装方便、易使用等特点。
产品控制原理WSK 系列精密温湿度控制器,可防止结露发生并可预设环境温度范围的一种自动化控制仪器。
产品功能特点 产品名称 产品型号 功能简介温湿度控制器WSK-SG (TH ) WSK-1SG (TH ) WSK-JG (TH ) WSK-1JG (TH ) 一路温度传感器,一路湿度传感器,一路温度独立控制单元,一路湿度独立控制单元,二路输出,自动/手动双向无扰切换功能。
精密温湿度控制器 WSK-1SH (TH ) WSK-SH (TH ) WSK-1JH (TH ) WSK-JH (TH )具有一路精密温度传感器,一路精密湿度传感器,一路温度可调控制单元,一路湿度固定控制单元,二路输出,自动/手动双向无扰切换功能。
数显温湿度控制器 WSK-ZDB (TH ) 一路精密温度传感器,一路精密湿度传感器,一路智能数显温度控制单元,可上、下限设定,一路湿度固定独立控制单元,二路输出,具有温度超温报警和故障报警功能。
产品技术参数 工作电源AC220V (80~110%) 50Hz产品特性 1、采用高性能阻燃材料,绝对安全保障功能。
设备编号:HA1进线柜设备名称:35KV中置柜外形尺寸:1400*2600*2800数量:1台设备型号:KYN61-40.5序号材料名称 型号及规格单位数量单价 金额 备注1.1手车式真空断路器ZN85-40.5/1600-31.5KA台136000.0036000.001.2电流互感器LZZBJ9-35 300/5 200/5 0.2S/0.5/6P台33900.0011700.001.3避雷器HY5WZ-51/134 (含计数器)只31450.004350.001.4套管TGN5-35/260*305 带屏蔽网只3840.002520.001.5触头盒CHZ1-35/660*360*173 带屏蔽网只61120.006720.001.6弯板WB1-35 (1.4M柜)只4275.001100.001.7绝缘子ZJ12-40.5 H=320只3110.00330.001.8静触头ф55(79)*67只6275.001650.001.9接地开关JN22B-40.5台14150.004150.001.10接地连锁套11240.001240.001.11三相电子式多功能电能表DTSD341-MB3只12600.002600.001.12温湿度控制器WSK-HS/M只1240.00240.001.13加热器DJR-150W只235.0070.001.14传感器CGQ1-35 H=320 不带显示盒只3240.00720.001.15带电显示器GSN-35Q只140.0040.001.16柜内照明灯CGM1-1只112.0012.001.17微型断路器C65H 2P C4A只391.49274.471.18微型断路器C65N 3P C4A只1108.15108.151.19指示灯ND16-22DS/4只5 4.3021.501.20转换开关LW39B-16ND-4/3只1100.00100.001.21旋钮LAY39-11X/2只19.009.001.22辅助材料KYN61进线柜台1800.00800.001.23铜排TMY-80*8kg79.7459.004704.661.24铜排TMY-60*6kg9.6159.00566.991.25母排套管φ80/20米1433.20464.801.26柜体封板2800*2600组12740.002740.001.27柜体KYN61-40.5 1400*2600*2800台115000.0015000.00元件小计98231.58设备编号:HA2所用变柜设备名称:35KV中置柜外形尺寸:1400*2600*2800数量:1台设备型号:KYN61-40.5序号材料名称 型号及规格单位数量单价 金额 备注2.1熔断器手车不含熔芯台117300.0017300.002.2熔断器XRNT1-40.5/1.0只3760.002280.002.3套管TGN5-35/260*305 带屏蔽网只3840.002520.002.4触头盒CHZ1-35/660*360*173 带屏蔽网只61120.006720.002.5静触头¢35(49)*67只6110.00660.002.6弯板WB1-35 (1.4M柜)只4275.001100.002.7干式变压器SC9-50/35/0.4 Yyn0台148000.0048000.002.8绝缘子ZJ12-40.5 H=320只6110.00660.002.9温湿度控制器WSK-HS/M只1240.00240.002.10加热器DJR-150W只235.0070.002.11柜内照明灯CGM1-1只112.0012.002.12旋钮LAY39-11X/2只19.009.002.13指示灯ND16-22DS/4只2 4.308.602.14辅助材料KYN61所变柜台1800.00800.002.15铜排TMY-80*8kg34.1859.002016.622.16铜排TMY-60*6kg9.6159.00566.992.17母排套管φ80/20米633.20199.202.18铜塑线BV-16米914.00126.002.19高压电缆YJV-35米540.00200.002.20柜体KYN61-40.5 1400*2600*2800台115000.0015000.00元件小计98488.41设备编号:HA3 PT柜报价编号:BJ201006030001外形尺寸:1400*2600*2800数量:1台设备型号:KYN61-40.5序号材料名称 型号及规格单位数量单价 金额 备注3.1电压互感器JDZX9-35 0.5/6P 35/√3/0.1/√3/0.1/√3/0.1台34000.0012000.003.2熔断器XRNP1-40.5/0.5只3247.00741.003.3一次消谐器LXQ-35只1950.00950.003.4避雷器HY5WZ-51/134 (含计数器)只31450.004350.003.5熔断器手车不含配PT及熔芯台117300.0017300.003.6套管TGN5-35/260*305 带屏蔽网只3840.002520.003.7绝缘子ZJ12-40.5 H=320只3110.00330.003.8触头盒CHZ1-35/660*307 带屏蔽网只61120.006720.003.9静触头¢35(49)*67只6110.00660.003.10弯板WB1-35 (1.4M柜)只4275.001100.003.11温湿度控制器WSK-HS/M只1240.00240.003.12加热器DJR-150W只135.0035.003.13柜内照明灯CGM1-1只112.0012.003.14旋钮LAY39-11X/2只19.009.003.15微型断路器C65H 2P C4A只191.4991.493.16中间继电器JZ7-44只120.0020.003.17带灯蜂鸣器AD11-25D/41-CDY只115.0015.003.18指示灯ND16-22DS/4只24.308.603.19通用接线端子UK5N片70 2.00140.003.20辅助材料KYN61母线设备柜台1800.00800.003.21铜排TMY-80*8kg34.1859.002016.623.22铜排TMY-30*3kg 3.259.00188.803.23铜排TMY-60*6kg9.6159.00566.993.24母排套管φ80/20米633.20199.203.25母排套管φ30/12米413.4053.603.26柜体KYN61-40.5 1400*2600*2800台115000.0015000.00元件小计66067.30设备编号:HA4/HA5出线柜设备名称:35KV中置柜外形尺寸:1400*2600*2800数量:2台设备型号:KYN61-40.5序号材料名称 型号及规格单位数量单价 金额 备注4.1手车式真空断路器ZN85-40.5/1250-31.5KA台135000.0035000.004.2电流互感器LZZBJ9-35 150/5 0.2S/0.5/6P台33700.0011100.004.3套管TGN5-35/260*305 带屏蔽网只3840.002520.004.4触头盒CHZ1-35/660*360*173 带屏蔽网只61120.006720.004.5弯板WB1-35 (1.4M柜)只4275.001100.004.6绝缘子ZJ12-40.5 H=320只3110.00330.004.7静触头ф55(79)*67只6275.001650.004.8接地开关JN22B-40.5台14150.004150.004.9接地连锁套11240.001240.004.10三相电子式多功能电能表DTSD341-MB3只12600.002600.004.11温湿度控制器WSK-HS/M只1240.00240.004.12加热器DJR-150W只235.0070.004.13传感器CGQ1-35 H=320 不带显示盒只3240.00720.004.14带电显示器GSN-35Q只140.0040.004.15柜内照明灯CGM1-1只112.0012.004.16微型断路器C65N 2P C4A只373.36220.094.17微型断路器C65H 2P C4A只591.49457.454.18微型断路器C65N 3P C2A只4117.11468.444.19指示灯ND16-22DS/4只5 4.3021.504.20转换开关LW39B-16ND-4/3只1100.00100.004.21旋钮LAY39-11X/2只19.009.00 4.22辅助材料KYN61出线柜台1800.00800.00 4.23铜排TMY-80*8kg79.7459.004704.66 4.24铜排TMY-60*6kg9.6159.00566.99 4.25母排套管φ80/20米1433.20464.80 4.26柜体KYN61-40.5 1400*2600*2800台115000.0015000.00元件小计90304.93。
百家姓全文(拼音)赵(zhào) fhq钱(qián) qg孙(sūn) bi 李(lǐ) sb周(zhōu) mfk吴(wú)kgd郑(zhèng)udb王(wáng) ggg冯(féng) ucg陈(chén)bai褚(chǔ) pufj卫(wèi) bg蒋(jiǎng) auq f沈(shěn) ipq韩(hán) fjfh杨(yáng) snr朱(zhū)ri秦(qín)dwt尤(yóu) dnv(选)许(xǔ) ytf何(hé) wsk吕(lǚ)kk施(shī)ytb张(zhāng) xt孔(kǒng) bnn曹(cáo) gma严(yán) god华(huà)wxf金(jīn) qqqq魏(wèi) tvr陶(táo) bqr姜(jiāng) ugv 戚(qī) dhi谢(xiè) ytm邹(zōu) qvb喻(yù) kwgj柏(bǎi) srg水(shuǐ) iii窦(dòu) 窦pwfd章(zhāng) ujj云(yún) fcu(选)苏(sū) alw潘(pān)itol葛(gě) ajq奚(xī) exd 范(fàn) aib彭(péng) fkue郎(láng) 郎yvcb 鲁(lǔ) qgj韦(wéi)昌(chāng) jj马(mǎ)cn苗(miáo) alf凤(fèng) mq花(huā) awx 方(fāng) y y俞(yú) wgej任(rèn) wtf袁(yuán) fke柳(liǔ) sqt酆(fēng)dhdb鲍(bào) qgq史(shǐ) kq唐(táng) 唐yvhk 费(fèi) xjm廉(lián)yuvo岑(cén) mwyn薛(xuē) awnu雷(léi) flf贺(hè) lkm倪(ní)wvq汤(tāng) inr滕(téng) eudi殷(yīn)rvn罗(luó)lq毕(bì)xxf郝(hǎo) fofo邬(wū)qngb安(ān)pv常(cháng) ipkh 乐(yuè)qi于(yú) gf时(shí)jf傅(fù) wge皮(pí) hc卞(biàn) yhu齐(qí) yjj康(kāng) yvi伍(wǔ) wgg余(yú) wtu元(yuán) fqb卜(bǔ) hhy顾(gù)db孟(mèng) blf平(píng) gu黄(huáng) amw 和(hé) t穆(mù)tri萧(xiāo) avi尹(yǐn) vte姚(yáo) viqn邵(shào)vkb湛(zhàn) iad汪(wāng) ig祁(qí) pyb毛(máo) tfn禹(yǔ) tkm狄(dí)qtoy米(mǐ) oy贝(bèi) mh明(míng) je臧(zāng) dndt计(jì)yf伏(fú)wdy成(chéng) dn戴(dài)falw谈(tán) yoo宋psu茅acbt庞(páng) ydx熊cexo纪(jì) xn舒(shū) wfkb屈(qū) nbm项adm祝(zhù)pyk董(dǒng) atg梁(liáng) ivw杜(dù) sfg阮(ruǎn)bfq蓝(lán)ajtl闵(mǐn)uyi席(xí)yam季(jì)tb麻(má) yss强(qiáng)xk贾(jiǎ)smu路(lù) kht娄(lóu)ov危(wēi) qdb江(jiāng) ia童(tóng) ujff颜(yán)utem郭(guō) ybb梅(méi) stx盛dnnl林(lín)ss刁(diāo)ngd钟(zhōng) qkhh徐(xú) twt邱(qiū) rgb骆(luò)ctk高(gāo) ym夏(xià) dht蔡(cài)awf田(tián)lll樊(fán) sqqd胡(hú)de凌(líng) ugwt霍(huò) fwyf虞(yú)hak万(wàn) dnv支(zhī) fcu柯(kē) ssk昝(zǎn) thjf管tpn卢(lú)hn莫(mò)ajd经(jīng) x房(fáng)yny裘(qiú) fiye缪(miào)xnwe 干(gān) fggh解(xiè)qev应(yīng)yid宗(zōng) pfi丁(dīng) sgh宣(xuān)pgjg贲(bēn) gam邓(dèng) cb郁(yù) deb单(shàn)ujfj杭(háng)sym洪(hóng)iaw 包(bāo) qn诸(zhū)yftj左(zuǒ)da石(shí)dgtg崔(cuī)mwy吉(jí) fk钮(niǔ) qnf龚(gōng)dxa 程(chéng) tkgg嵇(jī)tdnm邢(xíng)gab滑(huá)ime裴(péi) djde陆(lù)bfm荣(róng)aps翁(wēng) wcn翁荀(xún) 荀aqj羊(yáng)udj於(yū) ywu惠(huì)gjh甄(zhēn) 甄sfgn曲(qū)ma家(jiā) pe封(fēng)fffy芮(ruì) amw羿(yì)naj储(chǔ)wyf靳(jìn)afr汲(jí) iey 邴(bǐng)gmwb糜(mí)ysso松(sōng)swc井(jǐng) fjk 段(duàn)wdm富(fù)pgk巫(wū)aww乌(wū) qng 焦(jiāo)wyo巴(bā)cnhn弓(gōng)hngn牧(mù) trt 隗(kuí)brqc山(shān)mmm谷(gǔ)Wwk车(chē) lg 侯(hóu)wntd宓(mì)Pntr蓬(péng)atdp全(quán) Wg 郗(xī)qdmb班(bān)gyt仰(yǎng)wqb秋(qiū) toy 仲(zhòng)wkhh伊(yī)Wvt宫(gōng)pk宁(nìng) ps 仇(qiú)Wvt栾(luán)yos暴(bào)Jawi甘(gān) afd 钭(tǒu)quf厉(lì)Ddn戎(róng)ade祖(zǔ) pye 武(wǔ)gah符(fú)twfu刘(liú)yj景(jǐng) jyi 詹(zhān)qdwy束(shù)Gki龙(lóng)dx叶(yè) kfh 幸(xìng)fuf司(sī)ngk韶(sháo)ujvk郜(gào) tfkb 黎(lí)tqri蓟(jì)aqgj薄(bó)aigf印(yìn) Qgb 宿(sù)pwdj白(bái)rrr怀(huái)Ngi蒲(pú) aigy 邰(tái)ckb从(cóng)Ww鄂(è)kkfb索(suǒ) fpx 咸(xián)dgk籍(jí)tdij赖(lài)gkim卓(zhuó) 卓hjj 蔺(lìn)auw屠(tú)nft蒙(méng)apg池(chí) ibn 乔(qiáo)tdj阴(yīn)be鬱(yù) srmes胥(xū) nhe 能(nài)ce苍(cāng)awb双(shuāng)cc闻(wén) ub 莘(shēn)auj党(dǎng)ipkq翟(zhái)nwy谭(tán) ysj 贡(gòng)amu劳(láo)apl逄(páng)tah姬(jī) vah 申(shēn)申jhk扶(fú)rfw堵(dǔ)fft冉(rǎn) mfd 宰(zǎi)puj郦(lì)gmyb雍(yōng)yxt郤(xì)) wwkb 璩(qú)ghae桑(sāngcccs桂(guì)sffg濮(pú) iwo 牛(niú)tfj寿(shòu)dtf通(tōng)cel边(biān) lp 扈(hù)Ynkc扈燕(yān)au冀(jì)uxlw郏(jiá) guwb 浦(pǔ)igey尚(shàng)imkf农(nóng)pei温(wēn) ijl 别(bié)klj庄(zhuāng)yfd晏(yàn)jpv柴(chái) hxs 瞿(qú)hhwy阎(yán)uqvd充(chōng)yc慕(mù) 慕ajwn 连(lián)lpk茹(rú)avk习(xí)nu宦(huàn) pah 艾(ài)aq鱼(yú)qgf容(róng)pwwk向(xiàng) tmk 古(gǔ)dgtg易(yì)jqr慎(shèn)nfh戈(gē) agnt 廖(liào)ynwe庾(yǔ)yvw终(zhōng)xtu暨(jì)暨vcag 居(jū)nd衡(héng)tqdh步(bù)hi都(dū) ftjb 耿(gěng)bo满(mǎn)iagw弘(hóng)xcy匡(kuāng) agd 国(guó)l文(wén)yygy寇(kòu)pfqc广(guǎng) yygt 禄(lù)pyvi阙(quē)uub东(dōng)ai欧(ōu) aqqw 殳(shū)mcu沃(wò)Itdy利(lì)tjh蔚(wèi) anf 越(yuè)fha夔(kuí) uht 隆(lóng)btg师(shī) jgm 巩(gǒng)amy厍(shè)dlk聂(niè)bcc晁(cháo) jiqb 勾(gōu)qc敖(áo)gqty融(róng)gkmj冷(lěng) uwyc 訾(zǐ)hxy辛(xīn)uygh阚(kàn)unb那(nā) vfb 简(jiǎn)tuj饶(ráo)qna空(kōng)pwa曾(zēng) ul 母(mǔ)xgu沙(shā)iit乜(niè)乜nnv养(yǎng) udyj 鞠(jū)afqo须(xū)ed丰(fēng)dh巢(cháo) vjs 关(guān)ud蒯(kuǎi)Aeej相(xiàng)sh查(zhā) sj 后(hòu)rgk荆(jīng)aga红(hóng)xa游(yóu) iytb 竺(zhú)tff权(quán)sc逯(lù)vip盖(gài) ugl 益(yì)uwl桓(huán)sgjg公(gōng)wc万俟(mî qí) Dnv wct 司马(sī mǎ)Ngcn 司马上官(shàng guān)H pn欧阳(ōu yáng)Aqbj 欧阳夏侯(xià hïu) Dht wnt 诸葛(zhū gě)Yft ajq闻人(wãn rãn)Ub w东方(dōng fāng)aiyy 东方赫连(hâ lián) Fofo lpk 皇甫(huáng pǔ)Rgf geh尉迟(yù chí)尉nfif迟nyp公羊(gōng yáng)Wc udj澹台(tán tái) Iqdy ck 公冶(gōng yě)Wc uck宗政(zōng zhâng)Pfi ght濮阳(pú yáng)Iwo bj淳于(chún yú) Iyb gf 单于(chán yú)Ujfj gf太叔(tài shū)Dy hic申屠(shēn tú)Jhk nftj公孙(gōng sūn) Wc bi 仲孙(zhîng sūn)Wkhh bi轩辕(xuān yuán)Lfh lfke令狐(lìng hú )Wyc qtr钟离(zhōng lí) Qkhh ybm 宇文(yǔ wãn)Pgf yygy长孙(zhǎng sūn)Ta bi慕容(mù rïng)Ajdn pwwk鲜于(xiān yú) Qgu gh 闾丘(lǘ qiū)Ukk rgd司徒(sī tú)Ngk tfh司空(sī kōng)Ngk pwa亓官(qí guān) Fjj pn 司寇(sī kîu)Ngk pgqc仉督(zhǎng dū)Wmn hich子车(zǐ jū)Bb lg颛孙(zhuān sūn) Mdmm bi 端木(duān mù)Umd ssss巫马(wū mǎ)Aww cn公西(gōng xī)Wc sghg漆雕(qī diāo) Iswi mfky 乐正(yuâzhâng)Qi ghd壤驷(rǎng sì)Fyk clg公良(gōng liáng)Wc yve拓跋(tuî bá) Rgd khdc 夹谷(jiá gǔ)Guw wwk宰父(zǎi fǔ)Puj wqu榖梁(gǔ liáng)五笔打不出 ivw晋(jìn) 楚(chǔ) Gogj ssn 闫(yán) 法(fǎ)Udd if汝(rǔ) 鄢(yān)Ivg ghgb涂(tú) 钦(qīn)Iwty qqw段干(duàn gān) Wdm fggh 百里(bǎi lǐ)Dj jfd东郭(dōng guō)Ai ybb南门(nán mãn)Fm uyh呼延(hū yán) Ktu thp 归(guī)海Jv itx羊舌(yáng shã)Udj tdd微(wēi)生Tmgt tg岳(yuâ) 帅rgm jmh 缑(gōu)亢(kàng)xwn ymb况(kuàng) 后(hîu) ukq rgk有(yǒu)琴(qín)E ggw梁丘(liáng qiū) Ivw rgd 左丘(zuǒ qiū)Da rgd东门(dōng mãn)Ai uyh西门(xī mãn)Sghg uyh商(shāng) 牟(mïu) um cr 佘(shã)佴(nài)wtiu wbg伯(bï) 赏(shǎng)Wrh ipkm南宫(nán gōng)Fm pk墨(mî) 哈(hǎ) Lfof kwg 谯(qiáo) 笪(dá) ywyo tjg年(nián) 爱(ài)Rh ep阳(yáng)佟(tïng)Bj wtu第五(dì wǔ) Tx gg 言(yán) 福(fú)Yyy pyg百家姓终。
Factory Compliance check list -V2 2009
rmation on how pay is calculated must be communicated to
b. Paid Annual Leave: (Article 45) 1-10 years – 5 days, 11-20 years – 10 days and >over 20 years –15days.
reflect the number of monthly hours to be worked and the
minimum wage.
a.If piece rate is used the method of calculation method must be
13. Wage deductions must be specified in facility policy in accordance
with the law and if applicable, approved by the labor union.
图1 WS K 4 0 0系统与全同步变速器
1 一 单 向离 合器 ;2 - 锁止 离合 器 ;3 - 变 矩器 ;
作者简介 :芦锦霄 ,就职 于陕西重 型汽车有 限公 司。
4 一 液 力缓速 器 ;5 - 换 挡 离合器 ;6 - 全 同步变 速器
Abs t r a c t :I n t h i s a r t i c l e , ba s e d o n t h e s t ud y o f t h e ZF c o mpa n y WS K4 0 0 h y d r o d y n a mi c t o r q u e c o n ve te r r
1 、结构 介绍
WS K 与 变 速 器连 接 的结 构 总成 主 要 由单 向离
行 单 向离合 器和 换挡 离合 器 组成 的 “ 变矩 器 . 换 挡离 合 器 、锁 止离 合器 、变矩 器 、液力 缓速 器 、换挡 离 器 ( 简称 wS K)和 1 6 S 2 2 1型 同步器 变速箱 组 成 ,
汽 车 实 用 技 术 设 计 研 究
2 0 l 3 年 第5 期
2O1 3 N0.5
重型载 货汽 车变矩器 离合器 ( WS K) 系统 研 究及 电路 设 计
PETS第五级考试样卷(一)笔试样卷全国公共英语等级考试第五级PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 5姓名_____________ 准考证号______________本试卷任何单位或个人不得保留、复制和出版,违者必究。
教育部考试中心Section I Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You wi ll hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that a ccompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will ha ve 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Part AYou will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Wang, and his tutor, Dr. Wilso n. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling True or False. You will hea r the conversation ONLY ONCE.You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 1-10.You now have 20 seconds to check your answers to Questions 1 - 10.That is the end of Part APart BYou will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosi ng A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.Questions 11 – 13 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to rea d Questions 11 – 13.11. What does the speaker suggest that the students should do during the term?[A] Consult with her frequently.[B] Use the computer regularly.[C] Occupy the computer early.[D] Wait for one's turn patiently.12. What service must be paid for?[A] Computer classes.[B] Training sessions.[C] Laser printing.[D] Package borrowing.13. What is the talk mainly about?[A] Computer lab services.[B] College library facilities.[C] The use of micro-computers.[D] Printouts from the laser printer.You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to Questions 11 – 13.Questions 14 – 16 are based on the following conversation. You now have 15 second s to read Questions 14 – 16.14. Who is the man?[A] Student advisor.[B] Course teacher.[C] Admissions officer.[D] Department secretary.15. Which subject does the student say she was good at?[A] Computer programming.[B] Art and design.[C] Electronics.[D] Mathematics.16. What will she most likely do eventually?[A] Do basic electronics.[B] Teach English literature.[C] Produce educational games.[D] Write computer programs.You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to Questions 14 – 16.Questions 17 – 20 are based on the following talk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17 – 20.17. What is George Orwell mainly known as?[A] A literary critic.[B] A war correspondent.[C] A volunteer in the Spanish Civil War.[D] A novelist.18. Where was George Orwell born?[A] Spain.[B] France.[C] Burma.[D] India.19. What is most important in Orwell's life?[A] Although English, he was actually not born in England.[B] He was a student of the famous English public school, Eton.[C] He tried to enlighten and change society through his works.[D] He worked as a policeman in Burma for five years.20. What are the listeners going to do after the presentation?[A] To ask the speaker questions.[B] To discuss "ANIMAL FARM".[C] To write essays on Orwell's life.[D] To read the book "1984".You now have 40 seconds to check your answers to Questions 17 – 20.That is the end of Part B.Part CYou will hear a talk given by a university lecturer. As you listen, you must answe r Questions 21 –30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on t he right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 21 to 30.You now have 3 minutes to check your answers to Questions 21 - 30.That is the end of Part C. You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers fro m your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.That is the end of Listening Comprehension.SECTION II: Use of English(15 minutes)Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable wor d.Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 .Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations, (31) __________ to the first serious investigation i nto the way in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achieve ment.The survey of 643 children and adults, aged from pre-school to 40-plus, also sugge sts (32) _______ pen-holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generat ion, with teachers now paying far (33) ________ attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style.Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher (34) ________ findings have been publ ished, was inspired to investigate this area (35) ________ she noticed that those pupils who had the most trouble with spelling (36) _______ had a poor pen grip. Wh ile Ms. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link (37) ________ pe n-holding style and accuracy in spelling, she (38) ________ find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults, and a definite (39) ________ between near-point gripping and slow, illegible writing.People who (40) __________ their pens at the writing point also show other charac teristics (41) ________ inhibit learning, (42) ________ as poor posture, leaning t oo (43) __________ to the desk, using four fingers to grip the pen (44) ________than three, and clumsy positioning of the thumb (which can obscure (45) ________ i s being written).Ms. Thomas believes that the (46) ________ between older and younger writers is (4 7) ________ too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibility that people get better at writing as they grow (48) ________. She attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods, pointing out that the differences between (49) ________ groups coincides with the abandonment of formal handwriting instruc tion in classrooms in the sixties. “The 30-year-olds showed a huge range of grips, (50) ________ the over 40s group all had a uniform ‘tripod’ grip.”SECTION IV: Reading Comprehension(50 minutes)Part ARead the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1In recent years, there has been a steady assault on salt from the doctors: salt is bad for you regardless of your health. Politicians also got on board. “There is a direct relationship,” US congressman Neal Smith noted, “between the amount of sodium a person consumes and heart disease, circulatory disorders, stroke and e ven early death.”Frightening, if true! But many doctors and medical researchers are now beginning t o feel the salt scare has gone too far. “All this hue and cry about eating salt i s unnecessary,” Dr. Dustan insists. “For most of us it probably doesn’t make mu ch difference how much salt we eat.” Dustan’s most recent short-term study of 15 0 people showed that those with normal blood pressure experienced no change at all when placed on an extremely low-salt diet, or later when salt was reintroduced. O f the hypertensive subjects, however, half of those on the low-salt diet did exper ience a drop in blood pressure, which returned to its previous level when salt was reintroduced.“An adequate to somewhat excessive salt intake has probably saved many more lives than it has cost in the general population,” notes Dr. John H. Laragh. “So a re commendation that the whole population should avoid salt makes no sense.”Medical experts agree that everyone should practice reasonable “moderation” in s alt consumption. For the average person, a moderate amount might run from four to ten grams a day, or roughly 1/2 to 1/3 of a teaspoon. The equivalent of one to twograms of this salt allowance would come from the natural sodium in food. The rest would be added in processing, preparation or at the table.Those with kidney, liver or heart problems may have to limit dietary salt, if thei r doctor advises. But even the very vocal “low salt” exponent, Dr. Arthur Hull H ayes, Jr. admits that “we do not know whether increased sodium consumption causes hypertension.” In fact, there is growing scientific evidence that other factors m ay be involved: deficiencies in calcium, potassium, perhaps magnesium; obesity (mu ch more dangerous than sodium); genetic predisposition; stress.“It is not your enemy,” says Dr. Laragh. “Salt is the No. 1 natural component o f all human tissue, and the idea that you don’t need it is wrong. Unless your doc tor has proven that you have a salt-related health problem, there is no reason to give it up.”51. According to some doctors and politicians, the amount of salt consumed[A] exhibits as an aggravating factor to people in poor health.[B] cures diseases such as stroke and circulatory disorders.[C] correlates highly with some diseases.[D] is irrelevant to people suffering from heart disease.52. From Dr. Dustan’s study we can infer that[A] a low-salt diet may be prescribed for some people.[B] the amount of salt intake has nothing to do with one’s blood pressure.[C] the reduction of salt intake can cure a hypertensive patient.[D] an extremely low-salt diet makes no difference to anyone.53. In the third paragraph, Dr. Laragh implies that[A] people should not be afraid of taking excessive salt.[B] doctors should not advise people to avoid salt.[C] an adequate to excessive salt intake is recommended for people indisease.[D] excessive salt intake has claimed some victims in the general population.54. The phrase “vocal ... exponent” (line 2, para. 4) most probably refers to[A] eloquent doctor.[B] articulate opponent.[C] loud speaker.[D] strong advocate.55. What is the main message of this text?[A] That the salt scare is not justified.[B] That the cause of hypertension is now understood.[C] That the moderate use of salt is recommended.[D] That salt consumption is to be promoted.Text 2Few people doubt the fundamental importance of mothers in child-rearing, but what do fathers do? Much of what they contribute is simply the result of being a second adult in the home. Bringing up children is demanding, stressful and exhausting. T wo adults can support and make up for each other’s deficiencies and build on each other’s strengths.Fathers also bring an array of unique qualities. Some are familiar: protector and role model. Teen-age boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. The pa thway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they must still learn fro m their fathers, in ways they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. The y learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives. Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, the y learn that they are love-worthy.Current research gives much deeper−and more surprising−insight into the father’s role in child-rearing. One significantly overlooked dimension of fathering is pla y. From their children’s birth through adolescence, fathers tend to emphasise pla y more than caretaking. The father’s style of play is likely to be both physicall y stimulating and exciting. With older children it involves more teamwork, requiri ng competitive testing of physical and mental skills. It frequently resembles a te aching relationship: come on, let me show you how. Mothers play more at the child’s level. They seem willing to let the child direct play.Kids, at least in the early years, seem to prefer to play with daddy. In one study of 2 -year-olds who were given a choice, more than two-thirds chose to play with their father.The way fathers play has effects on everything from the management of emotions to intelligence and academic achievement. It is particularly important in promoting s elf-control. According to one expert, “children who roughhouse with their fathers quickly learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not ac ceptable.” They learn when to “shut it down.”At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stress competition, challenge, initia tive, risk-taking and independence. Mothers, as caretakers, stress emotional secur ity and personal safety. On the playground fathers often try to get the child to s wing ever higher, while mother are cautious, worrying about an accident.We know, too, that fathers’ involvement seems to be linked to improved verbal and problem-solving skills and higher academic achievement. Several studies found that along with paternal strictness, the amount of time fathers spent reading with the m was a strong predictor of their daughters’ verbal ability.For sons the results have been equally striking. Studies uncovered a strong relati onship between fathers’ involvement and the mathematical abilities of their sons. Other studies found a relationship between paternal nurturing and boys’ verbal in telligence.56. The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is[A] husband and wife can share housework.[B] two adults are always better than one.[C] the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognised.[D] husband and wife can compensate for each other’s shortcomings.57. According to paragraph 3, one significant difference between the father’s andmother’s role in child-rearing is[A] the style of play encouraged.[B] the amount of time available.[C] the strength of emotional ties.[D] the emphasis of intellectual development.58. Which of the following statements is true?[A] Mothers tend to stress personal safety less than fathers.[B] Boys are likely to benefit more from their fathers’ caring.[C] Girls learn to read more quickly with the help of their fathers.[D] Fathers tend to encourage creativeness and independence.59. Studies investigating fathers’ involvement in child-rearing show that[A] this improves kids’ mathematical and verbal abilities.[B] the more time spent with kids, the better they speak.[C] the more strict the fathers are, the cleverer the kids.[D] girls usually do better than boys academically.60. The writer’s main point in writing this article is[A] to warn society of increasing social problems.[B] to emphasise the father’s role in the family.[C] to discuss the responsibilities of fathers.[D] to show sympathy for one-parent families.Text 3World leaders met recently at United Nations headquarters in New York City to disc uss the environmental issues raised at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The heads of state were supposed to decide what further steps should be taken to halt the decli ne of Earth’s life-support systems. In fact, this meeting had much the flavour of the original Earth Summit. To wit: empty promises, hollow rhetoric, bickering betw een rich and poor, and irrelevant initiatives. Think U.S. Congress in slow motion.Almost obscured by this torpor is the fact that there has been some remarkable pro gress over the past five years real changes in the attitude of ordinary people in the Third World toward family size and a dawning realisation that environmental degradation and their own well-being are intimately, and inversely, linked. Almos t none of this, however, has anything to do with what the bureaucrats accomplished in Rio.Or didn’t accomplish. One item on the agenda at Rio, for example, was a renewed e ffort to save tropical forests. (A previous U.N.-sponsored initiative had fallen a part when it became clear that it actually hastened deforestation.) After Rio, a U. N. working group came up with more than 100 recommendations that have so far gone nowhere. One proposed forestry pact would do little more than immunise wood-export ing nations against trade sanctions.An effort to draft an agreement on what to do about the climate changes caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases has fared even worse. Blocked by the Bush Administr ation from setting mandatory limits, the U.N. in 1992 called on nations to volunta rily reduce emissions to 1990 levels. Several years later, it’s as if Rio had nev er happened. A new climate treaty is scheduled to be signed this December in Kyot o, Japan, but governments still cannot agree on limits. Meanwhile, the U.S. produc es 7% more CO2 than it did in 1990, and emissions in the developing world have ri sen even more sharply. No one would confuse the “Rio process” with progress.While governments have dithered at a pace that could make drifting continents impa tient, people have acted. Birth-rates are dropping faster than expected, not becau se of Rio but because poor people are deciding on their own to limit family size. Another positive development has been a growing environmental consciousness among the poor. From slum dwellers in Karachi, Pakistan, to colonists in Rondonia, Brazi l, urban poor and rural peasants alike seem to realise that they pay the biggest p rice for pollution and deforestation. There is cause for hope as well in the growi ng recognition among business people that it is not in their long-term interest to fight environmental reforms. John Browne, chief executive of British Petroleum , boldly asserted in a major speech in May that the threat of climate change could n o longer be ignored.61. The writer’s general attitude towards the world leaders meeting at the U.N. i s[A] supportive.[B] impartial.[C] critical.[D] optimistic.62. What does the author say about the ordinary people in the Third Worldcountries?[A] They are beginning to realise the importance of environmentalprotection.[B] They believe that many children are necessary for prosperity.[C] They are reluctant to accept advice from the government.[D] They think that earning a living is more important than natureconservation.63. What did the U.N. call on nations to do about CO2 and other greenhouse gases i n 1992?[A] To sign a new climate treaty at Rio.[B] To draft an agreement among U.N. nations.[C] To force the United States to reduce its emissions.[D] To cut the release of CO2 and other gases.64. The word “deforestation” in paragraph 3 means[A] forest damage caused by pollution.[B] moving population from forest to cities.[C] the threat of climate change.[D] cutting large areas of trees.65. Which of the following best summarises the text?[A] As the U. N. hesitates, the poor take action.[B] Progress in environmental protection has been made since the RioSummit.[C] Climate changes can no longer be ignored.[D] The decline of earth’s life-support systems has been halted.Part BIn the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 86 - 90, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A - F to fit into each of the nu mbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.From her vantage point she watched the main doors swing open and the first arrival s pour in. Those who had been at the head of the line paused momentarily on entry, looked around curiously, then quickly moved forward as others behind pressed in. Within moments the central public area of the big branch bank was filled with a ch attering, noisy crowd. The building, relatively quiet less than a minute earlier, had become a Babel. Edwina saw a tall heavyset black man wave some dollar bills an d declare loudly, “I want to put my money in the bank”It seemed as if the report about everyone having come to open an account had been accurate after all.Edwina could see the big man leaning back expansively, still holding his dollar bi lls. His voice cut across the noise of other conversations and she heard him procl aim, “I’m in no hurry. There’s something I’d like you to explain.”Two other desks were quickly manned by other clerks. With equal speed, long wide l ines of people formed in front of them.Normally, three members of staff were ample to handle new account business, but ob viously were inadequate now. Edwina could see Tottenhoe on the far side of the ban k and called him on the intercom. She instructed, “Use more desks for new account s and take all the staff you can spare to man them.”Tottenhoe grumbled in reply, “You realize we can’t possibly process all these pe ople today, and however many we do will tie us up completely.”“I’ve an idea,” Edwina said, “that’s what someone has in mind. Just hurry the processing all you can.”First, an application form called for details of residence, employment, social sec urity, and family matters. A specimen signature was obtained. Then proof of identi ty was needed. After that, the new accounts clerk would take all documents to an o fficer of the bank for approval and initialing. Finally, a savings passbook was ma de out or a temporary checkbook issued.Therefore the most new accounts that any bank employee could open in an hour were five, so the three clerks presently working might handle a total of ninety in one business day, if they kept going at top speed, which was unlikely.Still the noise within the bank increased. It had become an uproar.A further problem was that the growing mass of arrivals in the central public area of the bank was preventing access to tellers’ counters by other customers. Edwin a could see a few of them outside, regarding the milling scene with consternation. While she watched, several gave up and walked away.Inside the bank some of the newcomers were engaging tellers in conversation and th e tellers, having nothing else to do because of the melee, chatted back. Two assis tant managers had gone to the central floor area and were trying to regulate the f lood of people so as to clear some space at counters. They were having small succe ss.She decided it was time for her own intervention.Edwina left the platform and a railed-off staff area and, with difficulty, made he r way through the milling crowd to the main front door.Yet she knew however much they hurried it would still take ten to fifteen minutes to open any single new account. It always did. The paperwork required that tim e.But still no hostility was evident. Everyone in the now jam-packed bank who was spoken to by members of the staff answered politely and with a smile. It seem ed, Edwina thought, as if all who were here had been briefed to be on best behavio r.A security guard directed him, “Over there for new accounts.” The guard pointed to a desk where a clerk − a young girl − sat waiting. She appeared nervous. The big man walked toward her, smiled reassuringly, and sat down. Immediately a pr ess of others moved into a ragged line behind him, waiting for their turn.Even leaning close to the intercom, it was hard to hear above the noise.Even tripling the present complement of clerks would permit very few more than two hundred and fifty accounts to be opened in a day, yet already, in the first few m inutes of business, the bank was crammed with at least four hundred people, with s till more flooding in, and the line outside, which Edwina rose to check, appeared as long as ever.Obviously someone had alerted the press in advance, which explained the presence o f the TV camera crew outside. Edwina wondered who had donePart CAnswer questions 91-100 by referring to the comments on 3 different cars in the fo llowing magazine article.Note: Answer each question by choosing A, B or C and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. S ome choices may be required more than once.A=Audi A3 B=Honda Civic C=Rover 216Which car...Audi A3Most of our drivers said the A3 was their clear favourite in this group. They desc ribed it as refined and comfortable with good handling characteristics and light, precise steering.All the seats were comfortable and the front ones were easy to adjust. Most driver s liked the driving position, helped by a good range of steering wheel and seat height adjustments. The main instruments were clear and dashboard controls were well positioned.Mirror coverage was very good but our drivers complained that the view out of the rear was badly hindered by the high rear window line and thick pillars.Getting into the back seats was easy, thanks to a clever seat mechanism, which mov es the seat up and forward as well as tilting the backrest. Rear legroom was reaso nable but the rear seat was only barely wide enough for three adults.Luggage space was average for this class of car but you have to remove the rear he ad restraints to fold the rear seat. There were plenty of useful interior stowage spaces.All A3s come with an alarm and immobiliser as standard. Our ‘thief’ got in throu gh the doors in 20 seconds, But the radio was a non-standard fit, which is likely to deter thieves.The hinges of the rear seats could release in an accident, allowing luggage to cra sh through into the passenger compartment. Also, the driver's knees could be damag ed by stiff structures under the dash.Some parts of the fuel system and electrics would be vulnerable to damage in a fro ntal collision.Honda CivicHonda says its special VTEC engine has a winning combination of economy and perfor mance, but our drivers found it a bit of a curate’s egg. It was the most economic al of the cars on test, but drivers found it sluggish at low revs, and its acceler ation in fifth gear was slow, so overtaking normally meant having to shift down to fourth gear.The driving position was acceptable, but our panel criticised the restricted rear visibility the rear window was quite small. Drivers found the back rest support ive but it was not possible to make fine adjustments to the angle. The ride comfor t was acceptable, but it wasn’t as good as the Audi’s or Rover’s.The driver’s seat didn’t slide forward when it was tilted, making rear access aw kward from this side. In the back, headroom and legroom was excellent but testers didn’t find the seats particularly comfortable.The luggage space was small for this class of car, especially with the rear seats in place. However, folding the rear seat to increase luggage space was easy.Other points identified by our panel included well-placed minor controls, good mir ror coverage, but fiddly radio controls.All Civics come with an immobiliser but no alarm. You may want to consider paying extra for an alarm, as our ‘thief’ broke into through the doors in 13 seconds, a nd into the engine bay in just five seconds.There were stiff structures under the dash which could damage the driver's knees i n an accident, though there was no problem on the passenger's side. The handbook (like the Audi's) provided advice on using child restraints.Rover 216The 1.6-litre engine had good power delivery at both high and low revs but some dr ivers complained that it was noisy at high revs. The brakes didn't have very good progression, but drivers like their positive feel.Ride comfort and the handling were praised. But drivers found it difficult to achi eve a comfortable driving position. The driver's seat was not height-adjustable, a nd there was only limited space to rest your clutch foot. Some testers also found the seat backrest uncomfortable. Visibility was marred by the small mirrors. The r ear view was also restricted by thick pillars and the small rear window.Getting into the back was tricky because the front seats did not slide forward whe n tilted. Once in the back, legroom and headroom were poor, and testers complained that their rear seat base was unsupportive.Luggage space was smaller than average for this class of car this was compounde d by a high boot sill and difficulties in folding the rear seat. But there were la rge pockets in the doors and rear side panels.The main radio controls were more convenient; they were mounted on the steering wh eel so drivers didn't have to take their hands off the wheel to use them.Our Rover 200s came with an alarm, though this isn't standard on all versions. Our 'thief' broke in through the doors in 15 seconds.Some of the electrics would be vulnerable in a frontal impact. The rear seat hinge s could release in an accident, allowing luggage to crash through into the passeng er compartment. Also, information in the handbook on using child restraints was in adequate.SECTION IV: Writing。
Wellwash 4 MK 2 洗板机操作指导书
Wellwash 4 MK 2 洗板机操作指导书A.开机:确认位于泵后部和开关处于OFF位置,打开电源开关,并按下POWER(电源)开关到ON位置,控制面板上的电源指示灯应亮起,同时行指示灯将会计数。
D.清洗程序举例Wellwash 4MK2 可利用插入式程序卡为需要的每一次实验或常规操作提供程序,可预先设定的或包括在任何一种程序中的功能如下:(1)抽:一次性依次抽干选定行(2)只注:一次性依次注满选定行注意:注液体积要少于孔体积以免溢出。
银耳异聚多糖-增稠剂添加剂的通用名称:银耳异聚多糖别名:银耳杂多糖、银耳提取物曾用商品名:WSK、WJF、WDT、TreBeaut 英文名:Tremella fuciformis Berk heteropolysaccharide 功能分类:增稠剂(兼具乳化、稳定功能) 用量:可按生产需要适量使用使用范围:应用于各类食品技术上确有必要和使用效果的资料、文件银耳异聚多糖是从银耳子实体中提取、分离得到的一种真菌多糖类物质,其物质结构是由不同的单糖糖基连接而形成的一种天然高分子物质,经试验表明该产品具有显著的增稠、乳化、稳定的作用,可作为一种新型、安全、天然的食品添加剂应用于食品加工领域。
HK50-WSK智能型温湿度控制器 使用说明书 概述 HK50-WSK智能型温湿度
控制继电器共有6个,分别为:温度上限继电器、温度下限继电器、湿度上限继电器、湿度下限继电器、温度报警继电器、湿度报警继电器( 报警继电器起到保护的作用)。
Cameron Swing Check Valves 产品说明书
TOM WHEATLEY Swing Check ValvesSimple, field-proven design for backflow prevention in the global hydrocarbon industryTable of ContentsTOM WHEATLEY SWING CHECK VALVESIntroduction (1)Technical Overview (2)Applications (2)Dimensions and Weights (3)Design Features (4)Optional Features (8)Special Features (11)Available Trims (12)Dimensional DataANSI Class 150 (14)ANSI Class 300 (15)ANSI Class 600 (16)ANSI Class 900 (17)ANSI Class 1500 (18)Flow Coefficient Data (19)Standard End Configurations (19)How to Order (20)Quality Assurance (21)Services for Valves and Actuation (22)1Ville Platte, La., USAthe flow of oil and gas as it is moved from individual wellheads through flowlines, gathering lines and transmission systems to refineries, petrochemical plants and industrial centers for processing.Cameron provides a wide range of valves for use in natural gas, LNG, crude oil, and refined products transmission lines. The traditional CAMERON ® fully welded ball valve product line has been combined with the GROVE ®, RING-O ®, TOM WHEATLEY ®, ENTECH ™, and TK ® product lines. This broad offering has strengthened Cameron’s ability to serve as a single source for a wide scope of customer requirements. Cameron also provides critical service valves for refinery, chemical, and petrochemical processing businesses, and for associated storage terminal applications, particularly through the ORBIT ® and GENERAL VALVE ® product lines. These brands are complemented by WKM ®, TBV ™, and TEXSTEAM ™ valve products and considerably expand the scope of our product offerings.Cameron’s TOM WHEATLEY check valves have been an integral part of the surface and subsea flow control arenas for more than 70 years. With valves in service around the world, in the most critical backflow prevention applications, the TOM WHEATLEY brand is recognized as the industry leader for check valve products. From deepwater subsea check valves, designed to protect offshore platforms, to the fire-resistant valves used in surface pipeline and processing applications, we offer a complete line of swing, piston, and nozzle check products to meet our customers’ most demanding applications.23DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSThe majority of valve sizes detailed in this section can be engineered to accept the optional features detailed in this brochure. Sizes, pressure classes, and end connections not listed are available upon request.Sizes and Pressure Classes Available6” to 48” (150 mm to 1200 mm)4DESIGN FEATURESThe secret to the TOM WHEATLEY swing check valve’s success is simplicity. Without expensive actuation or reliance upon an outside power source, the TOM WHEATLEY swing check valve prevents backflow in a fraction of a second. The clapper is the only moving part, which swings to allow flow. At the moment flow ceases, the clapper returns to the closed position, creating an instant barrier to reverse flow.In addition, a swing check valve is easy to troubleshoot and easy to maintain with convenient top-entry access to all valve internals.In its standard configuration, these valves have a bolted cover and a free-swinging clapper. The clapper is the closing member that responds to the prevailing flow conditions.Design Standards*• API 6D, 24th Edition • ANSI B16.34• API 6DSS • ISO 14723• NACE MR0175• ISO 15156*Unless otherwise agreed upon with the customer, materials of construction are selected to comply with the requirements of the above standards.All valves are full-bore, through-conduit and will allow the passage of various pipeline inspection gauges and spheres. The full-bore design ensures a low pressure drop across the valve and less turbulence than with reduced-bore valves or alternative designs of swing check valves.The valve ends are available to meet any pipelinerequirement. The valves are supplied with raised-face, ring-type joint flanges or weld ends. Raised-face and ring-type joint flanges comply with the requirements of ASME B16.5 and ASME B16.47, as appropriate.Flanges are backfaced to provide a smooth bolting surface to allow even bolt loading during installation in the pipeline.Weld-end valves comply with ASME B16.25 unless otherwise agreed upon with the customer. Hub ends and other specialty end connections are available upon request.Shaft BearingBearing Retainer5The renewable seat option allows the repair orreplacement of all the seat sealing elements in the valve. By having both the seat and clapper as separate parts from the body, a damaged valve can be restored to as-new condition and performance. A renewable seat also facilitates use of different corrosion-resistant materials and modified seat designs to accommodate pipeline pigs.The TOM WHEATLEY swing check valve features a seat that is integral with the standard body. As an option, a renewable seat is field serviceable and facilitates the use of corrosion-resistant steels, overlays, and seat styles. Renewable seats are securely mounted inside the valvebody using fasteners.Seat OptionsTOM WHEATLEY swing check valves are available with either an integral seat or renewable seat. A renewable seat extends the life of the valve by allowing all internal parts and seals to be replaced with the valve body still installed in the pipeline.Sealing materials are selected for the valve serviceconditions. Pressure, temperature, and flow media all are considered when selecting seals. Standard seal materials include Fluoroelastomer and Nitrile for the seat-to-clapper seal. Standard cover seal materials are Fluoroelastomer and Nitrile, but ring joint gaskets also can be used for the cover-to-body seal.TOM WHEATLEY valves are available with an extended operating shaft to allow the valve to be locked in the open position for pigging or testing purposes, or to mount a rotary damper for pulsating gas flow service.6The clapper is a one-piece cast design that is mounted to the valve clapper arm with a secure and positively located fastener.45-Degree SeatIn addition to the conduit clapper, another aid in successful pigging operations, especially in the reverse direction, is the 45-degree seat. The seat ring and clapper seat faces are profiled at a 45-degree angle to assist as pipeline pigs transition through the valve body. Changes in profile at the seat area that could potentially catch the edge of a pig and damage instruments are reduced.Conduit ClapperThe TOM WHEATLEY check valve is designed to facilitate pigging operations and to protect instrumentation on intelligent pigs. A conduit clapper profile that closely matches the valve bore helps to guide the pig through the body of the valve and into the downstream pipe.The TOM WHEATLEY swing check valve clapper has been designed using the latest finite element analysis (FEA) and computational flow dynamics (CFD)techniques to create a sealing barrier that is strong, while at the same time allows increased flow with reduced pressure drop through the valve. As a standard, the clapper contains an elastomer seal to create a zero-leakage seal against the seat. Polymer seals are optional. The clapper face also can be overlaid with corrosion-resistant alloys or hard facing for metal-to-metal sealing applications and corrosion resistance.7Body BoltingAs a standard, all bolting meets ASME B16.34 and ASME VIII Div. 1 design requirements.The standard gland is a bolted-on shaft cover with an elastomer seal. The gland bolting pattern is standardized for all gland types to allow multiple gland and shaft seal configurations without machining the body. Polymer seals are optional.Bearings for ShaftStainless steel bearings backed with PTFE are located on both ends of the valve shaft to support the arm and clapper for smooth, low-friction movement of the clapper.Cover SealsAn elastomer seal is the standard seal. Metal seals are optional and available in various materials options. The cover and bolting patterns are standard, regardlessof the type of cover seal.8OPTIONAL FEATURESGland DesignsS1 GlandThe S1 gland is the standard gland for extended shaft configurations. It features a bolted-on gland body with two elastomer shaft seals and an elastomer body seal. Lubricant or sealant injection is standard between theprimary and secondary shaft seals.S2 GlandThe S2 gland is an optional gland for extended shaft applications. It features two spring-energized lipseals for shaft seals and an elastomer body seal. Lubricant or sealant injection also is a standard feature on this gland. For 6” to 16” (152 mm to 406 mm) valves, the secondary lipseal is retained by a threaded gland retainer. For valves 20” (508 mm) and larger, the secondary lipseal is retained by the gland flange. In both cases, the secondary lipseal is field replaceable.Subsea T1 GlandThe T1 gland is used for subsea service, and features spring-energized polymer lipseals for the dynamic shaft seals and double-barrier elastomer seals for the glandbody seals. The gland contains an outward-facing lipseal that prevents ingress of seawater into the valve. The gland flange seals against the gland body and the gear operator to prevent seawater ingress. In the event of shaft seal leakage, the gear operator is protected from internal pressure by means of a pressure-relief fitting installed in the gland flange.Shaft CoverAn optional shaft cover is available that can bolt directly onto the extended shaft gland or flange to protect the shaft when it is not in use. The shaft cover is designed to contain the valve’s full-rated working pressure and to prevent leaks into the environment.lock-open feature requires that the valve has anextended shaft. The shaft seal gland can be either an S1 gland with elastomer seals or an S2 gland with lipseals. Use of the lock-open device requires equalized pressure (balanced pressure) across the closed clapper. Excess force applied to open the valve against differential pressure can damage the internal components ofthe valve.A valve shaft cover is furnished with the valve for installation when the lock-open device is not in use. Rotary Retarder (Mini-Slam)The TOM WHEATLEY swing check valve can be furnished with a Mini-Slam II rotary dampener that is specifically designed for swing check valves. The dampener acts to reduce the movement of the clapper in pulsating flow service (for example, when installed directly downstream from a reciprocating compressor).The Mini-Slam II is a self-contained and compact unit that bolts directly to the valve shaft.SPECIAL FEATURESTestingTOM WHEATLEY swing check valves are manufactured and tested per API 6D/ISO 14313 standards. Every valve receives a hydrostatic body shell test at 1.5 times its rated working pressure and a hydrostatic seat test at 1.1 times its rated working pressure. Additional pressure testing is available, including air and nitrogen testing. High Pressure GasTOM WHEATLEY swing check valves can be tested using high-pressure gas upon request. Cameron is fully equipped to carry out supplemental gas testing at ambient, low- or high-temperatures using our in-house testing facilities. External leakage rates, if any, are detected by a mass spectrometer. Leakage through the seats, if any, is measured by calibrated flow meters. For low- or high-temperature service, gas testing can be performed to customer-specified critical conditions. Cameron facilities are capable of testing a wide range of valve sizes and pressure classes.Qualification TestingTOM WHEATLEY swing check valves are qualified to a Cameron-specific test program, including fire testing to API 6FD 1st Edition (February 1995, Reaffirmed September 2008).Materials – NACE RequirementsTOM WHEATLEY swing check valves are built to complywith NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 standards.AVAILABLE TRIMSStandard trims are shown below, however, higher materials and overlays are available to suit a variety of service.Note:1. All seats size 16” (400 mm) and smaller are A516 GR 70 only.2. Standard cover seal is an O-ring. Metal cover seal is optional. All Class 1500 valves have a metal cover seal only.Dimensional Data* Available upon request.Dimensional DataDimensional Data19FLOW COEFFICIENT DATASTANDARD END CONFIGURATIONS Liquid (Incompressible Flow)Gas (Compressible Flow)Where:Q = Flow (gal/min for liquids, cf/hour for gases)C v = Flow CoefficientP 1 = Inlet Pressure (psia)P 2 = Outlet Pressure (psia)ΔP = Pressure Drop (P 1 - P 2)T = Absolute Temperature (° F = 460)G = Specific Gravity (water = 1)C v = Q √——ΔP Q = C v √—ΔP G C v = Q = C v 963√——P 12 - P 22GT√——GT P 12 - P 22Q 963ΔP =[QC v[Integral Seat Figure 54 – Flanged end RTJ x RTJ (Type R ring joint)Figure 55 – Flanged end RF x RF Figure 66 – Weld end WE x WE Renewable Seat Figure 15XY where:X represents the ASME pressure class Y represents the end connection Other valve end configurations are available, and the figure numbers are listed below. Dimensions and weights for these figure numbers are available upon request.Integral Seat Figure 52 – Hub end (customer to specify the hub type)Figure 56 – Flanged end RTJ x RTJ (type BX ring joint)Figure 57 – Flanged end (upstream) x weld end (downstream)Figure 58 – Weld end (upstream) x flanged end (downstream)20HOW TO ORDERExample:V16-P6-E1-M1-S5-X1211 = 16”, ASME Class 600, RTJ x RTJ, Standard-Temperature Carbon Steel, Subsea Service, Integral Seat, Lipseal Gland Seals, O-ring Cover Seals, Standard Clapper.21QUALITY ASSURANCECameron’s commitment to quality is based on ISO 9000and API Q1 codes. All valves are designed in accordancewith stringent industry procedures and standards andare built according to the European Directive PED andATEX, upon request. The quality department monitorsand controls all phases of valve production, inspection,and testing.CertificationsCameron is ISO 9000 certified and meets API Q1 standards.LicensesCameron holds API 6D, API 6D SS, ATEX, PED 97/23/EC (CE),GOST -R, and CRN auditing/inspections.TestingAll valves are tested per API 6D/ISO 14313 and API598 standards.Cameron uses web-based standardization tools, standardized supplier qualification processes, site-based product validations, and performance metrics to maintain compliance to quality requirements. Cameron applies this quality strategy to its factories globally. Our main goal is to do it right the first time to achieve thebest customer satisfaction.CAMERON ball valves and TOM WHEATLEY check valves are used for subsea production.22WE BUILD IT. WE BACK IT.Services for Valves and ActuationGlobal Network and Local SupportCameron is well-positioned to deliver total support, quickly and efficiently, with unmatched OEM expertise. Our highly skilled engineers and technicians are available around the clock, seven days a week, to respond to customer queries, troubleshoot problems, and offer reliable solutions.Easily Accessible Parts and Spare Valves• O EM spare valves, actuators, and parts(including non-Cameron brands)• Handling, storage, packaging, and delivery• Dedicated stocking programComprehensive Services Portfolio• Parts and spare valves• Repair• Field services• Preventative maintenance• Equipment testing and diagnostics• Remanufacturing• Asset preservation• Customer property management• Training and recertification services• WarrantyCustomized Total Valve Care SM (TVC) Programs Cameron provides customized asset management plans that optimize uptime, availability, and dedicated services.• Engineering consultancy• Site management• Flange management• Startup and commissioning• Spare parts and asset management•Operational supportUSA • CANADA • LATIN AMERICA • EUROPE • RUSSIA • AFRICA • MIDDLE EAST • ASIA PACIFIC24©2014 Cameron | CAMERON, GROVE, RING-O, TOM WHEATLEY, TK, ORBIT, GENERAL VALVE and WKM are registered trademarks of Cameron. ENTECH, TBV, TEXSTEAM and CAMSERV are trademarks of Cameron. Total Valve Care is a service mark of Cameron. | SWP 1.5M 5/14 AD01117V HSE Policy Statement At Cameron, we are committed ethically, financially and personally to a working environment where no one gets hurt and nothing gets harmed.H E A L T H S A F E T YAN 3250 Briarpark Drive, Suite 300Houston, TX 77042USATel 1 281 499 8511For more information on TOM WHEATLEY check valves:*********************/TOMWHEATLEYD E N V I R O N M E N T A L E X C E L L E N C E C A M E R O N。
Power Metal Strip ® Resistors,Low Value (down to 0.001 Ω), Surface Mount, 4-Terminal For technical questions, contact: ww2bresistors@Document Number: 30108WSKVishay DaleFEATURES•4-Terminal design allows for 1 % tolerance down to 0.001 Ω and 0.5 % tolerance down to 0.003 Ω•Ideal for all types of precision current sensing,voltage division and pulse applications including switching and linear power supplies,instruments, power amplifiers•Proprietary processing technique produces extremely low resistance values (down to 0.001 Ω)•All welded construction•Solid metal Nickel-Chrome or Manganese-Copper alloy resistive element with low TCR (< 20 ppm/°C)•Solderable terminations•Very low inductance 0.5 nH to 5 nH•Excellent frequency response to 50 MHz •Lead (Pb)-free version is RoHS compliantNote•Part Marking: DALE, Value, Tolerance; due to resistor size limitations some resistance values will be marked with only the resistance value* Pb containing terminations are not RoHS compliant, exemptions may apply STANDARD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSGLOBAL MODEL POWER RATINGP 70 °C WRESISTANCE RANGEΩ± 0.5 %± 1.0 %WSK25121.00.003 - 0.0250.001 - 0.025TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPARAMETERUNIT WSK2512Temperature Coefficient ppm/°C 0.001 Ω - 0.0029 Ω = ± 2500.003 Ω - 0.0049 Ω = ± 750.005 Ω - 0.025 Ω = ± 35Operating Temperature Range °C - 65 to + 170Maximum Working Voltage V (P x R )1/2Weight/1000 piecesg63.6GLOBAL PART NUMBER INFORMATIONNEW GLOBAL PART NUMBERING: WSK25125L000FTA (PREFERRED PART NUMBERING FORMAT)GLOBAL MODELRESIST ANCE VALUE TOLERANCE CODEPACKAGING CODE SPECIAL WSK2512L = m Ω*R = Decimal 5L000 = 0.005 ΩR0100 = 0.01 Ω* use “L ” for resistance values < 0.01 ΩD = ± 0.5 %F = ± 1.0 %EA = Lead (Pb)-free, tape/reel EK = Lead (Pb)-free, bulk TA = Tin/lead, tape/reel (R86)BA = Tin/lead, bulk (B43)(Dash Number)(up to 2 digits)From 1 - 99 as applicableHISTORICAL PART NUMBERING: WSK2512 0.005 Ω 1 % R86 (WILL CONTINUE TO BE ACCEPTED)WSK25120.005 Ω1 %R86HISTORICAL MODELRESIST ANCE VALUETOLERANCE CODEPACKAGINGK 2515L 02W S T 0F ADocument Number: 30108For technical questions, contact: ww2bresistors@WSKPower Metal Strip ® Resistors,Low Value (down to 0.001 Ω), Surface Mount, 4-TerminalVishay DaleDIMENSIONSNote•Embossed carrier tape per EIA-481-1AMODELDIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters]RESISTANCE RANGE ΩL W H T A B WSK25120.001 - 0.00490.250 ± 0.010[6.35 ± 0.254]0.125 ± 0.010[3.18 ± 0.254]0.025 ± 0.010[0.635 ± 0.254]0.087 ± 0.010[2.21 ± 0.254]0.030 ± 0.010[0.762 ± 0.254]0.020 ± 0.010[0.508 ± 0.254]0.005 - 0.0250.250 ± 0.010[6.35 ± 0.254]0.125 ± 0.010[3.18 ± 0.254]0.025 ± 0.010[0.635 ± 0.254]0.047 ± 0.010[1.19 ± 0.254]0.030 ± 0.010[0.762 ± 0.254]0.020 ± 0.010[0.508 ± 0.254]MODEL SOLDER PAD DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters]ab c d e IWSK25120.125 [3.18]0.130 [3.30]0.030 [0.76]0.020 [0.51]0.055 [1.40]0.065 [1.65]PERFORMANCETESTCONDITIONS OF TESTTEST LIMITSThermal Shock- 55 °C to + 150 °C, 1000 cycles, 15 min at each extreme ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Short Time Overload5 x power for 5 s ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Low T emperature Storage - 65 °C for 24 h ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR High Temperature Exposure 1000 h at + 170 °C± (1.0 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Bias Humidity + 85 °C, 85 % RH, 10 % Bias, 1000 h ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Mechanical Shock 100 g’s for 6 ms, 5 pulses± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Vibration Frequency varied 10 to 2000 Hz in 1 min, 3 directions, 12 h ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Load Life1000 h at rated power, + 70 °C, 1.5 h “ON”, 0.5 h “OFF”± (1.0 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Resistance to Solder Heat + 260 °C Solder, 10 - 12 s dwell, 25 mm/s emergence± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔR Moisture ResistanceMIL-STD-202 Method 106, 0 % power, 7a and 7b not required ± (0.5 % + 0.0005 Ω) ΔRPACKAGINGMODEL REELTAPE WIDTHDIAMETER RIECES/REELCODE WSK251212 mm/Embossed Plastic178 mm/7"2000R86Disclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。
H开头的缩略词第五组HK:香港特别行政区 Hongkong 香港特别行政区HKT:普吉 PHUKET 普吉han:河内 HANOI 河内HRG:古尔达卡 HURGHADA 古尔达卡HBU:汉堡 HARBURG 汉堡HOL:荷兰 Holland 荷兰HOL:荷兰语 holland 荷兰语Hma:(日)广岛 Hiroshima (日)广岛HON:洪都拉斯 Honduras 洪都拉斯HUN:匈牙利 Hungary 匈牙利HAV:哈瓦那 havana 哈瓦那HNL:檀香山 Honolulu 檀香山HT:海地 Haiti 海地HR:克罗地亚共和国 Croatia 克罗地亚共和国HI:夏威夷 Hawaii 夏威夷HKCR:香港商业电台 Hong Kong Commercial Radio 香港商业电台HKBA:香港广播事务管理局 Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority 香港广播事务管理局HEC: Header Error CorrectionHKAECO:香港飞机工程公司 Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company 香港飞机工程公司HND:羽田机场 HANEDA AIRPORT 羽田机场HAS:上海海华轮船有限公司 SHANGHAI HAI HUA SHIPPING CO., LTD 上海海华轮船有限公司HAIX:上海海兴船务公司 HAI XING SHIPPING CO., LTD 上海海兴船务公司HSBC:汇丰银行 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 汇丰银行HHH:西方国际航空公司 AIR WEST INTERNATIONAL INC. 西方国际航空公司HMINRB:德国柏林哈恩-迈特纳核研究所 hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin 德国柏林哈恩-迈特纳核研究所HBS : Harvard Business School 哈佛大学商学院HEU:哈尔滨工程大学 Harbin Engineering University 哈尔滨工程大学HKU:香港大 The University of Hong Kong 香港大HKUST:香港科技大学 The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 香港科技大学HUST:华中科技大学 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 华中科技大学HDU:杭州电子科技大学 Hangzhou Dianzi University 杭州电子科技大学HKSE:香港证券交易所 Hong Kong Stock Exchange 香港证券交易所HY:乌兹别克斯坦航空公司 Uzbekistan Havo Yullary-Uzbekistan Airways 乌兹别克斯坦航空公司HAD:港龙航空公司 Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited 港龙航空公司HKEA:香港考试局 Hong Kong Examinations Authority 香港考试局HKIEd:香港教育学院 the Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育学院HKSQC:香港品质管理学会 Hong Kong Society of Quality Control 香港品质管理学会HPL:赫伯罗特船公司 Hapag-lloyd 赫伯罗特船公司HPL:海尔地亚石化有限公司 Haldia Petrochemicals Limited 海尔地亚石化有限公司HOCL:印度斯坦有机化学制品公司 Hindustan Organic Chemicals 印度斯坦有机化学制品公司HSRC:美国:危险品研究中心 Hazardous Substance Research Centers 美国:危险品研究中心HHS:美国健康与公共事业部 United States of Department of Health and Human Services 美国健康与公共事业部HPECEPA:海南省节能环保协会 Hainan Province energy conservation environmental 海南省节能环保协会HP:惠普公司 Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司HRCC:加拿大人文学科研究委员会 Humanities Research Council of Canada 加拿大人文学科研究委员会HAI:世界直升机协会 Helicopter Association International 世界直升机协会HAMC:哈尔滨飞机制造厂 Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company 哈尔滨飞机制造厂HEFCE:英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会 Higher Education Funding Council for England 英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会HEFCW:威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会 Higher Education Funding Council for Wales 威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会HCCA : Health Care Compliance Association (Minneapolis, MN, USA) 卫生保健合规协会,美国明尼苏达州HBR : Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》HACA : Human Anti-Chimeric Antibody (medicine) 人类Anti-Chimeric抗体(药) HBO : Home Box Office (premium movie channel on USA cable systems) 家里票房(保费电影频道在美国有线电视系统)HC : High Capacity 高容量HAZ : Heat Affected Zone 热影响区HASAWA : Health And Safety At Work Act 健康和工作安全的行为HAA : High Altitude Airship 高海拔的飞船HACCP : Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point 风险分析和关键控制点HAN : Home Area Network 家庭局域网络HAIPE : High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor 高保证网络协定位加密HAC : Honourable Artillery Company (英国)荣誉炮兵连...HAI : Helicopter Association International 世界直升机协会HA : Hyaluronic Acid 透明质酸HASL : High Availability Systems Laboratory 高可用性系统的实验室HARP : Health Activities Recommendation Panel 健康活动推荐面板HARS : HIV/AIDS Reporting System 艾滋病毒/艾滋病报告体系HATS : Hardware Acceptance Test Specifications 硬件验收测试规格HATT : Help Authoring Tools and Techniques (web forum) 帮助创作工具和技术(网上论坛)HCA : Hospital Caterers Association (UK) 医院的饭馆协会(英国)HCC : Healthy Communities Coalition (Nevada) 健康的社会联盟(内华达) HAZOP : Hazard and Operability (Hazard and Operability Study) 危险和可操作性(危险和可操作性研究)HAD : Hubble Data Archive 哈勃望远镜数据档案HASP : Health and Safety Program (US OSHA) 健康与安全程序(美国职业健康安全局)HAK : Hugs And Kisses 拥抱及亲吻HAZCHEM : Hazardous Chemicals 危险的化学品HAZCON : Hazardous Condition 危险状态HART : Highway Addressable Remote Transducer 可寻址远程传感器数据公路HASC : House Armed Services Committee 众议院军事委员会HAEMP : High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse 高海拔的电磁脉冲HACS : Hazard Assessment Computer System 风险评估的计算机系统HALO : High Altitude Observatory 高山观测台HAST : Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Hawaii-Aleutian标准时间HAVA : Help America Vote Act 帮助美国投票法案HBJ : Harvard Business Journal 哈佛商业杂志HASE : HIV+ AIDS Search Engine 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)+艾滋病的搜索引擎H/O : Home Office n. (英国)内政部HC:下(议)院[英] House of Commons 下(议)院[英]HR:众议院[美] House of Representatives 众议院[美]HANDICP : handicapped 障碍的,残废的HB/L : house bill of lading 代理行提单h/lift : heavy lift 重件货H. : HIPS 坐围 : holder in due course 正当持票人HAP : High Assurance Platform 高保证平台HA/HO : Hatch/Holds 舱口/舱HAHD : High AvaiMabiMity High Density 高可用高密度HAH : High Altitude High Opening. 高跳高开伞降方式.HBL : high school of basketball league 高中篮球联赛HAVI : Home Audio-Video Interoperability 家庭视听兼用设备HAT : Hardness Assurance Test 硬度保证测试HACSG : Hyperalive Children's Support Group of EEC 欧共体儿童保护集团HABD : Helicopter Air Breathing Device. 直升机乘员使用的应急呼吸器HCD : Hard Copy Device 硬拷贝设备H/STMG : Harbor Steaming 港内航行H/C : Handling Charge 代理费H/T : High Temperature Test 高温测试HIV:人类免疫缺陷病毒 human immuno-deficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒HGP:人类基因组计划 Human Genome Project 人类基因组计划HQ:高箱 High cube container 高箱HPW:高性能工作站 High Performance Workstation 高性能工作站HPS:高性能服务器 High Performance Server 高性能服务器HPTC:高性能技术运算 high performance technical computing 高性能技术运算HID:主机接口设备 Host Interface Device 主机接口设备HID:人机对话接口设备 Human Interface Device 人机对话接口设备HCT:硬件兼容性测试 Hardware Compatibility Test 硬件兼容性测试HCI:主机控制接口 Host Controller Interface 主机控制接口HLSO:去头带壳 HEADLESS, SHELL ON 去头带壳Hem:大麻 Hemp 大麻HW:高速信号线 High Way 高速信号线HR:全垒打数 Home Run 全垒打数HB/L:代理行提单 house bill of lading 代理行提单HAs:最大无症状剂量 Highest asymptomatic dose 最大无症状剂量HTD:人治疗剂量 Human therapeutic dose 人治疗剂量Hem:血红蛋白 Hemoglobin 血红蛋白HDLC:高密度脂蛋白 High-density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白HCl:氢氯酸 Hydrochloride 氢氯酸HWCI:硬件配置项 HardWare Configuration Item 硬件配置项HP:高血压和蛋白尿 hypertension and proteinuria 高血压和蛋白尿HRS:肝肾综合征 hepato renal syndrome 肝肾综合征HDU:血液透析装置 hemodialysis unit 血液透析装置HTN.:高血压 hypertension 高血压HBp.:高血压 high blood pressure 高血压HR.:心率 heart rate 心率ht.:身高 height 身高Hx.:病历 history 病历Hypo.:皮下注射 hypodermic injection 皮下注射HTA:超文本应用程序 HyperText Application 超文本应用程序HCFCs:氯氟烃 hydrochlorofluorocarbons 氯氟烃HA:舱口 HATCH 舱口HD:重柴油 HEAVY DIESEL 重柴油HO:货舱 HOLD 货舱hdlg:处理、手续 handling 处理、手续HERMES:欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统 Handling European Railway Message Exchange-System 欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统hgt:高度 height 高度h/lift:重件货 heavy lift 重件货HR:高分辨 High Resolution 高分辨HCS:高阶连接监视 Higher order Connection Supervision 高阶连接监视HD:感温探测器 Heat Detecter 感温探测器H.:混合式 Hybrid 混合式HEMS:高级实体管理系统 High-level Entity Management system 高级实体管理系统HGRP:华为公司专用协议 Home Optical Network 华为公司专用协议HIPPI:高性能并行接口 High Performance Parrallel Interface 高性能并行接口HOA:高阶组装器 High Order Assembler 高阶组装器HOI:高阶接口 High Order Interface 高阶接口HWS:热水供应系统 Hot Water Supply 热水供应系统HVAC:暖通空调 Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 暖通空调HPT:高阶通道终端 High order path Termination 高阶通道终端HPP:高阶通道保护 High-order path Protection 高阶通道保护HPOM:高阶通道开销监视器 High-order Path Overhead Monitor 高阶通道开销监视器HPC:高阶通道连接 High order path Connection 高阶通道连接HOVC:虚容器 High Order Virtual Container 虚容器HCT:历史对照研究 Historial Control Trial 历史对照研究HD:半双工 Half Duplex 半双工HPPI:高性能并行接口 High Performance Parallel Interface 高性能并行接口HTTP-NG:下一代超文本传送协议 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - Next Generation 下一代超文本传送协议HURDIT:工业科技的人力资源发展 Human Resource Development in Industrial Technology 工业科技的人力资源发展HNN:Hopfield神经网络 Hopfield Neural Network Hopfield神经网络HM:Hopfield模型 Hopfield Model Hopfield模型HH:重氢, 氚 Heavy Hydrogen 重氢, 氚HH:阁下,先生 His Honour 阁下,先生HH:陛下 His Holiness 陛下HH:殿下 His[Her] Highness 殿下HH:半硬的 Half Hard 半硬的HTS:热温度传感器 Heat Temperature Sensor 热温度传感器HAV:甲型肝炎病毒 hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV:乙型肝炎病毒 hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HBAg:乙型肝炎抗原 hepatitis B antigen 乙型肝炎抗原HBcAg:乙型肝炎核心抗原 hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBeAg:乙型肝炎核心相关抗原 hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎核心相关抗原HBIG:乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白 hepatitis B immunoglobulin 乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白HBsAg:乙型肝炎表面抗原 hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HCV:丙型肝炎病毒 hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV:丁型肝炎病毒 hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV:戊型肝炎病毒 hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HCL:硬件兼容性列表 Hardware Compatibility List 硬件兼容性列表HCL:高生活费 High Cost of Living 高生活费HMAC:英国海军航空母舰 Her(His)Majesty's Aircraft Carrier 英国海军航空母舰HF:玩的开心 have fun 玩的开心HC:空心装药 Hollow Charge 空心装药HC:高容量 High Capacity 高容量HC:处理容量 Handling Capacity 处理容量HC:高导电性 High Conductivity 高导电性HC:圣餐 Holy Communion 圣餐HD:海港防御[美] Harbor Defense 海港防御[美]HE:烈性炸药 high explosive 烈性炸药HE:硬件鉴定器 Hardware Evaluator 硬件鉴定器HE:热机 Heat Engine 热机HE:重型设备 Heavy Equipment 重型设备HF:无危险的 Hazard Free 无危险的HF:测高器 Height Finder 测高器HF:测高 Height Finding 测高HF:高频(3-30兆周/秒) High Frequency 高频(3-30兆周/秒) HI:危险指数 Hazard Index 危险指数HK:高位键 High Key 高位键HL:上议院[英] House of Lords 上议院[英]HM:高模量 High Modulus 高模量HM:重金属 Heavy Metal 重金属HM:重介质, 重载体 Heavy Media 重介质, 重载体HM:港务长 Harbour Master 港务长HP:分期付款购买法 Hire Purchase 分期付款购买法HP:大祭司 High Priest 大祭司HP:高压 High Pressure 高压HP:大功率 High Power 大功率HP:高聚物 High Polymer 高聚物HP:高性能 High Performance 高性能HP:(滤波器)高通 High Pass (滤波器)高通HQ:高质量(因素) High Quality 高质量(因素)HR:操纵室 Handling Room 操纵室HR:耐热 Heat Resisting 耐热HR:(雷达)高度范围 Height Range (雷达)高度范围HR:高电阻 High Resistance 高电阻HR:高分辨力, 高清晰度 High Resolution 高分辨力, 高清晰度HR:命中率 Hit Rate 命中率HR:地方自治 Home Rule 地方自治HR:均匀反应堆 Homogeneous Reactor 均匀反应堆HS:拍摄头部 Head Shot 拍摄头部HS:心音 Heart Sounds 心音HS:热屏蔽, 防热层 Heat Shield 热屏蔽, 防热层HS:散热片 Heat Sink 散热片HS:加热面积 Heating Surface 加热面积HS:高稳定性 High Stability 高稳定性HS:高硫 High Sulphur 高硫HS:水平传感器 Horizon Sensor 水平传感器HI:水平间隔 Horizontal Interval 水平间隔HL:水平线 Horizontal Line 水平线HR:水力研究 Hydraulic Research 水力研究HS:水力供应 Hydraulic Supply 水力供应HS:液压系统,水力系统 Hydraulic System 液压系统,水力系统HT:装卸与运输 Handling and Transportation 装卸与运输HT:热处理 Heat-Treatment 热处理HT:高温 High Temperature 高温HT:高张力的 High Tensile 高张力的HT:高压(电) High Tension 高压(电)HV:超速 Hyper-Velocity 超速HV:供暖与通风 Heating and Ventilation 供暖与通风HV:高真空 High Vacuum 高真空HV:高(电)压 High Voltage 高(电)压HW:半波整流器 Half-wave Rectifier 半波整流器HW:重水 Heavy Water 重水HW:高潮 High Water 高潮HW:热水 Hot Water 热水HCS:组织化学学会 Histochemical Society 组织化学学会HAC:分单费 HAwb Charge 分单费HQF:卫检费 HEALTH & QUARANTINE CHARGE 卫检费HG:标准德语 High German 标准德语hfm:货币持有,保留货币 hold for money 货币持有,保留货币HR:人力资源 human resource 人力资源HEV:混合动力电动汽车 Hybrid Electric Vehicle 混合动力电动汽车HSI:恒生指数 (香港) Hang Seng Index 恒生指数 (香港)HFC:高频电流 High-Frequency Current 高频电流HEPA:高效率功率放大器 High-Efficiency Power Amplifier 高效率功率放大器HDG:航向 Heading 航向HS:热压纸 Heatseal 热压纸HComic:色情漫画 Hentai Comic 色情漫画HTO:高温工作(试验) High Temperature Operating 高温工作(试验)HTS:高温存储(试验) High Temprature Storage 高温存储(试验)HA:住宅自动化家庭自动化家居自动化 House Automation 住宅自动化家庭自动化家居自动化HMRC:健康管理研究中心 Health Management Research Center 健康管理研究中心HTN:高品质TN High-quality Twisted Nematic 高品质TNHTML:超文本标示语言 HyperText Markup Language 超文本标示语言HTTP:超文本传送方式 HyperText Transfer Protocol 超文本传送方式HA:混合接入 Hybrid Access 混合接入HAM:超文本抽象机 Hypertext Abstract Machine 超文本抽象机HB:家庭银行 Home Banking 家庭银行HBR:高比特率 High Bit Rate 高比特率HBS:家用基站 Home Base Station 家用基站HC:主计算机 Host Computer 主计算机HCD:高密度光盘 High density Compact Disc 高密度光盘HCI:人机交互 Human Computer Interaction 人机交互HCT:家庭通信终端 Home Communication Terminal 家庭通信终端HDB:家庭数据库 Home DataBase 家庭数据库HDB:超媒体数据库 Hypermedia DataBase 超媒体数据库HDTV:高分辨率数字电视 High resolution Digital TeleVision 高分辨率数字电视HDVS:高清晰度视频系统 High Definition Video System 高清晰度视频系统HDVTR:高清晰度磁带录像机 High-Definition Video Tape Recorder 高清晰度磁带录像机HFBC:高频广播会议 High Frequency Broadcast Conference 高频广播会议HFT:免提电话 Hands-Free Telephone 免提电话HiQNet:高智商网络 High intelligence Quotient Network 高智商网络HIT:高速公路信息终端 Highway Information Terminal 高速公路信息终端HIT:家用智能终端 Home Intelligent Terminal 家用智能终端HIT:家庭交互终端 Home Interactive Terminal 家庭交互终端HL:重负荷 Heavily Loaded 重负荷HL:超文本链路 Hypertext Links 超文本链路HLAN:高速局域网络 High-speed Local Area Network 高速局域网络HLF:高层功能 High Layer Function 高层功能HLN:高级网络 High Level Network 高级网络HLPI:高层协议互通 High Layer Protocol Interworking 高层协议互通HM:混合邮件 Hybrid Mail 混合邮件HM:超媒体 Hyper Media 超媒体HMR:高速多媒体环 High-speed Multimedia Ring 高速多媒体环HMT:超媒体工具 HyperMedia Tool 超媒体工具HNN:混合神经网络 Hybrid Neural Network 混合神经网络HOC:最高输出信道 Highest Outgoing Channel 最高输出信道HODC:转移专用信道 HandOver Dedicated Channel 转移专用信道HPN:高通网络 High Pass Network 高通网络HR:半速率 Half Rate 半速率HSB:高速总线 High-Speed Bus 高速总线HSC:家庭购物频道 Home Shopping Channel 家庭购物频道HSD:高速数据 High Speed Data 高速数据HSDB:高速数据总线 High-Speed Data Bus 高速数据总线HSDS:高速数据系统 High-Speed Data System 高速数据系统HSE:高速编码器 High-Speed Encoder 高速编码器HSM:分级存储管理 Hierarchical Storage Management 分级存储管理HSN:分级同步网络 Hierarchically Synchronized Network 分级同步网络HSN:高速网络 High Speed Network 高速网络HSOTN:高速光传送网络 High-Speed Optical Transfer Network 高速光传送网络HSP:主机服务提供商 Host Service Provider 主机服务提供商HSPD:高速分组数据 High-Speed Packet Data 高速分组数据HSS:高速交换机 High Speed Switch 高速交换机HSTR:高速令牌环网 High Speed Token Ring 高速令牌环网HIWAS:飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务 Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service 飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务HT:手持终端 Hand-held Terminal 手持终端HT:超文本 Hyper Text 超文本HTBP:超文本广播协议 Hyper Text Broadcasting Protocol 超文本广播协议HTU:家庭终端设备 Home Terminal Unit 家庭终端设备HVI:高可见度图像 High Visibility Image 高可见度图像HVP:高清晰度投影仪 High Vision Projector 高清晰度投影仪HVS:人类视觉系统 Human Vision System 人类视觉系统HWS:超级作业系统 Hyper Works System 超级作业系统HAT:硬度保证测试 Hardness Assurance Test 硬度保证测试HMS:(英国)皇家海军舰船 His/her Majesty's Ship (英国)皇家海军舰船HMS:英国政府公务 His/Her Majesty's Service 英国政府公务HPL:高压积层板 High Pressure Laminate 高压积层板HPL:高血脂 Hyperlipidemia 高血脂HPL:惠普实验室 Hewlett Packard Laboratories 惠普实验室HPL:高压线 high pressure line 高压线HPL:高概率 High Probability 高概率homo:同性恋者 homosexual 同性恋者HFF:高频电炉 High-Frequency Furnace 高频电炉hm:五金机械 Hardware Machinery 五金机械HD:肝管 Hepatic Duct 肝管HVL:半值层 Half-Value Layer 半值层HSR:高速打印机 High-Speed Printer 高速打印机HSRO:高速重复操作(指计算机) High-Speed Repetitive Operation 高速重复操作(指计算机)HSMS:高速扫雷 High-Speed Mine Sweeping 高速扫雷HSR:高速阅读器 High-Speed Reader 高速阅读器HSS:高速钢 High-Speed Steel 高速钢HST:高速试验机 High-Speed Tester 高速试验机HSUS:美国仁慈协会 Humane Society of United States 美国仁慈协会HTC:热传导系数 Heat Transfer Coefficient 热传导系数HTD:高温分解 High Temperature Decomposition 高温分解HET:重型设备运输车 Heavy Equipment Transporter 重型设备运输车HER:高能射线 High Energy Ray 高能射线HEPL:高能物理实验室 High Energy Physics Laboratory 高能物理实验室HEPDEX:高能质子探测实验 High-Energy Proton Detection Experiments 高能质子探测实验hp:生命值 hip points 生命值H/C:代理费 Handling Charge 代理费HSP:肩高点 High Shoulder Point 肩高点Htr:加热器 Heater 加热器HST:哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜Hp:手机号码 hand phone 手机号码H/STMG:港内航行 Harbor Steaming 港内航行HA/HO:舱口/舱 Hatch/Holds 舱口/舱HSD:高级柴油 High Speed Diesel 高级柴油HST:高速列车 High Speed Train 高速列车HMO:卫生维护组织 Health Maintenance Organization 卫生维护组织HMO:心脏每分钟搏出量 Heart Minute Output 心脏每分钟搏出量HGC:人类基因组委员会 Human Genetics Commission 人类基因组委员会HMIS:有毒物质身份识别系统 Hazardous Materials Identification System 有毒物质身份识别系统HSB:色相、饱和度、明度 Hue Saturate Bright 色相、饱和度、明度HC:高浓(度) high consistency 高浓(度)HUD:(美国)住房和城市发展部 (Department of) Housing and Urban Development (美国)住房和城市发展部HB:高频带 HighBand 高频带HGMP:人类基因组图谱计划 Human Genome Mapping Project 人类基因组图谱计划HFS:哈特福德食品系统 the Hartford Food System 哈特福德食品系统hippo:河马 hippopotamus 河马H-O-S:赫克歇尔-俄林-萨缪尔森定理 Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson 赫克歇尔-俄林-萨缪尔森定理HA:99.9999%的高可用性 High Available 99.9999%的高可用性hitech:高科技,尖端科技 high technology 高科技,尖端科技HSINT:翻盖接听,再合上盖挂机 Hook Switch Int 翻盖接听,再合上盖挂机HRD:人力资源总监 Human Resource Director 人力资源总监HPP:人类蛋白质计划 Human Protein Program 人类蛋白质计划HR:水平线 Horizontal Route 水平线HAZ:热影响区 Heat Affected Zone 热影响区HW:手轮 Hand Wheel 手轮HD:大剂量 high dose 大剂量HPC:造血干细胞 hematopoietic progenitor cell 造血干细胞HYIP:高收益投资项目 High Yield Investment Program 高收益投资项目HTM:量度方法 how to measure 量度方法hx:和谐 he xie 和谐H : Hydrogen 氢He:元素氦的简称 Helium 元素氦的简称Hf:铪(化学元素) Hafnium 铪(化学元素)Ho:钬(化学元素) Holmium 钬(化学元素)Hg:汞(化学元素) Hydrargyrum 汞(化学元素)HSC:造血干细胞 Hematopoietic stem cell 造血干细胞HGF:肝细胞生长因子 Hepatocyte growth factor 肝细胞生长因子HNE:4-羟-2-壬烯 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal 4-羟-2-壬烯HT:超级传输 HyperTransport 超级传输hist:历史 history 历史HV:有 have 有hr:小时 hour 小时HMM:隐马尔可夫模型 Hidden Markov Models 隐马尔可夫模型HD:硬盘 hard disc 硬盘HDD:硬盘驱动器 hard disk drive 硬盘驱动器HIC:混合集成电路 Hybrid Integrated Circuit 混合集成电路HO:总公司, 总店, (银行)总行 Head Office 总公司, 总店, (银行)总行HPA:高功率放大器 high-power amplifier 高功率放大器HQ:总部 headquarters 总部HW:半波 Half Wave 半波Hz:赫兹 hertz 赫兹hentai:变态 hentai anime;hentai movies;hentai games 变态Hb:血红蛋白 Hemoglobin 血红蛋白HPF:高倍视野 high power field 高倍视野Hi-Fi:高保真(音箱播放器等) High Fidelity 高保真(音箱播放器等)HR:携带式雷达 Hand Radar 携带式雷达HRA:高超音速研究飞机 Hypersonic Research Airplane 高超音速研究飞机HRD:高纤维素饮食 High Roughage Diet 高纤维素饮食HRIP:在此安息 (hic requiescit in pace) here rests in peace 在此安息HDLC:高级数据链路控制 High-level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HDSL:高级数字用户线 High speed DSL 高级数字用户线HRM:人力资源管理 Human Resources Management 人力资源管理HTV:混合动力试验车 hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车HV:混合动力车 hybrid vehicle 混合动力车HIS:医院信息系统 hospital information system 医院信息系统HGMR:人基因突变库 human genetic mutant repository 人基因突变库HDOP:水平精度因子 Horizontal Dilution of Precision 水平精度因子HIS:水平位置指示 Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示HV:主机 Host Vehicle 主机HDPE:高密度聚乙烯塑料 High-density polyethylene plastics 高密度聚乙烯塑料HiFD:高容量软盘 high-capacity floppy disk 高容量软盘HE:高等教育 Higher Education 高等教育HND:国家高等教育文凭 Higher National Diploma 国家高等教育文凭hv:光照 Irradiation with light 光照HAB:航空托运单 house air bill 航空托运单HAWB:航空托运单 house air waybill 航空托运单HCA:历史成本会计 historical cost accounting 历史成本会计hg.:一百公克 hectogram 一百公克HIBOR:香港银行同业拆借利率 Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate 香港银行同业拆借利率hifo:高入先出法 highest-in, first-out 高入先出法正当持票人 holder in due course 正当持票人Hi-Q:高质量 high quality 高质量HIRCS:高利率货币 high interest rate currencies 高利率货币hi-tech:高技术 high technology 高技术HKD:港币 Hong Kong dollar 港币HKI:香港指数 Hong Kong Index 香港指数hl.:百公升 hectoliter 百公升hldg.:控股 holding 控股Hon'd:如期支付的 honored 如期支付的HSCPI:恒生消费价格指数 Hang Seng Consumer Price Index 恒生消费价格指数hosp:医院 hospital 医院HS:高中(学历) high school 高中(学历)HRD:人力资源开发 Human Resources Development 人力资源开发HRDWG:人力资源开发工作组 Human Resources Development Working Group 人力资源开发工作组HD:重负荷(车辆或润滑油) Heavy Duty (vehicle or lubricant) 重负荷(车辆或润滑油)HDDEO:重负荷柴油机油 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil 重负荷柴油机油HVI:高粘度指数 High Viscosity Index 高粘度指数HAL:高跳低开伞降方式. High Altitude Low Opening. 高跳低开伞降方式.HAH:高跳高开伞降方式. High Altitude High Opening. 高跳高开伞降方式.HRT:人质拯救小组 Hostage Rescue Team 人质拯救小组HSPM:危害物质过程管理体系Hazardous Substance Process Management System Requirements 危害物质过程管理体系hw:家庭作业、硬件 homework or hardware 家庭作业、硬件hth:希望这样有用 hope this helps 希望这样有用hhos:哈哈,只是个玩笑 ha 哈哈,只是个玩笑hand:祝你今天愉快 have a nice day 祝你今天愉快hagd:祝你有美好的一天 have a great day 祝你有美好的一天hak:拥抱及亲吻 hugs and kisses 拥抱及亲吻HMI:人机界面 Human Machine Interface 人机界面HVT: Headquarter Verification TestHAN:家庭局域网络 Home Area Network 家庭局域网络HAVI:家庭视听兼用设备 Home Audio-Video Interoperability 家庭视听兼用设备HBA:主机总线适配卡 Hose Bus Adapter 主机总线适配卡HCI:人机接口 Human-Computer Interface 人机接口HD:高密度 High Density 高密度HDC:硬盘控制器 Hard Disk Controller 硬盘控制器HDCD:高密度雷射盘片 High Density Compact Disk 高密度雷射盘片HDDR:高密度数字录音机 High Density Digital Recorder 高密度数字录音机HES:家用电子系统 Home Electronics System 家用电子系统HHC:掌上型个人计算机 Hand-Held Computer 掌上型个人计算机HI:人体接口 Human Interface 人体接口HIS:家庭信息系统 Home Information System 家庭信息系统HLL:高级语言 High-Level Language 高级语言HMA:高层内存区 High Memory Area 高层内存区HMD:头载式显示器 Head-Mounted Display 头载式显示器HP:马力(1HP=746瓦特) Horse Power 马力(1HP=746瓦特)HPC:手提式个人计算机 Handheld Personal Computer 手提式个人计算机HPC:高性能计算机、高阶计算机 High Performance Computing 高性能计算机、高阶计算机HPFS:高效能档案系统 High Performance File System 高效能档案系统HPGL:HP图形语言 Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language HP图形语言HS:高速传输 High Speed 高速传输HSP:高速打印机 High Speed Printer 高速打印机HVN:家庭视讯网络 Home View Network 家庭视讯网络HWID:防拷之硬件识别代码 Hardware Identification 防拷之硬件识别代码HG:高度游标(卡)尺 Height Gauge 高度游标(卡)尺hc:9.6尺高(集装箱) high cube 9.6尺高(集装箱)HLP:高 High Level Protocol 高HWD:恶劣气候损坏 heavy weather damage 恶劣气候损坏HD:钩损 Hook damage 钩损H.Z:危险品 Hazardous 危险品H.:坐围 HIPS 坐围HL:坐围线 HIPS LINE 坐围线HWDP:加重钻杆 heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆HTHP:高温高压 high temperature high pressure 高温高压H/T:高温测试 High Temperature Test 高温测试HHS:(美国)健康与人类服务部 Department of Health and Human Services (美国)健康与人类服务部HS:手持式受送话器 Handset 手持式受送话器(本资料素材和资料部分来自网络,仅供参考。
【目标】对所学内容,A层同学要掌握120%, B层同学掌握100%,C层同学掌握80%。 【要求】 迅速总结反刍,梳理基础知识,构 建知识体系。
1. 温度改变平衡常数K 升高温度,化学平衡向吸热方向移动; 降低温度,化学平衡向放热方向移动。 2. 浓度改变 升高反应物浓度或降低生成物的浓度,化 学平衡向正反应方向移动; 降低反应物浓度或者升高生成物浓度,化 学平衡向逆反应方向移动。
N2+3H2 2NH3 △H< 0
如何从浓度角度考虑促进平衡右移, 提升氨气的产量?
点 评
1 2 3
内 容
1. 先对展示内容批阅 评价,充分准备 2.先进行思路分析, 后组织质疑,然后回 扣目标,进行规律总 结和重点的强调, 3.非点评同学都要认 真倾听、积极思考、 迅速记录,大胆提出 疑问和补充观点。
1.审题不清。 2.要用化学语言,认真书写
1.熟练掌握化学平衡的影响因素,提升实验操 作和分析解决问题的能力 2.小组积极讨论,用实验法探究温度、浓度改 变时平衡移动情况及解释方法 3.激情投入,全力以赴,体会理论与实际的联 系,激发学习的兴趣。
【内容】根据批阅,完善导学案15,针对出 现的疑问进行标注、自纠并准备重点探究。 特别注意:温度、浓度是如何影响化学平衡 分析方法和思路如何?
原理 Q>K Q<K Q<K
温度改变平衡常数K 升高温度,化学平衡向吸热方向移动; 降低温度,化学平衡向放热方向移动。
添加剂的通用名称:银耳异聚多糖别名:银耳杂多糖、银耳提取物曾用商品名:WSK、WJF、WDT、TreBeaut英文名:Tremella fuciformis Berk heteropolysaccharide 功能分类:增稠剂(兼具乳化、稳定功能)用量:可按生产需要适量使用使用范围:应用于各类食品技术上确有必要和使用效果的资料、文件银耳异聚多糖是从银耳子实体中提取、分离得到的一种真菌多糖类物质,其物质结构是由不同的单糖糖基连接而形成的一种天然高分子物质,经试验表明该产品具有显着的增稠、乳化、稳定的作用,可作为一种新型、安全、天然的食品添加剂应用于食品加工领域。
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二、因为领导是决策和组织者,我是执行者和我具体任务完成者,对领导的工作计划安排和下达的任务一般情况下要尽量适从; 三、如果领导的工作计划安排和下达的任务违反技术操作规程,盲目执行可能造成损失或事故,要说服领导改变或拒绝执行; 四、要和领导经常进行沟通,和他(她)交流讨论有关技术方面的知识和术操作规程,促使他(她)熟悉关技术方面的知识和术操作规程,在每项工作计划安排和下达的任务前,多提建设性意见,供他(她)参考。