Ion source development at JYFL - libra:离子源的发展在JYFL --天秤座
Offering help
1D. o you need my helpdownloading
I can help you
2. ____________set up an Caacncyoouundt?o me a favour
2. NHoowwomrariyesI .
She hasn’t received her order.
P13 Ex.6 Listen and imitate. Complete the talk builder.
Asking for and Offering Help
Asking for help
Can you help me out
1. ________________with sI ocamne’tthfiignugr?e out how to
Listening for Key Words Listening for key words helps you understand the conversation better and find the answers to questions more quickly. Before listening, read the questions carefully. While listening, pay attention to the words related to the questions, e.g. popular, difficulties, latest technologies. Listen for words that are stressed.
What do you use them for? Use the phrases below to help you make notes.
1.世界上哪个国家拥有最多的太阳能发电站?Which country in the world has the most solar power plants?答案:德国。
Answer: Germany. It is a global leader in solar power generation and has been actively promoting the development of renewableenergy.2.什么是“零浪费生活”?What is "zero waste living"?答案:零浪费生活是一种生活方式,通过减少废物和资源浪费,最大限度地利用和循环利用资源。
Answer: Zero waste living is a lifestyle that aims to minimize waste and resource consumption by maximizing the use andrecycling of resources.3.什么是“慢时尚”?What is "slow fashion"?答案:慢时尚是一种注重质量、可持续性和环保的时尚理念,与快时尚相对。
Answer: Slow fashion is a fashion concept that emphasizesquality, sustainability, and environmental consciousness, asopposed to fast fashion.4.如何制作环保家居清洁剂?How can eco-friendly household cleaners be made?答案:你可以使用柠檬、苏打水、醋等天然材料制作环保家居清洁剂,避免使用化学物质。
Answer: You can make eco-friendly household cleaners usingnatural ingredients such as lemon, baking soda, vinegar, etc., while avoiding the use of chemical substances.5.为什么要支持地方农民市场?Why should local farmers' markets be supported?答案:地方农民市场有助于支持当地农民,促进农业可持续发展,提供新鲜、本地的食物。
Competitor analysis
Local language schools
Local language schools are the main competitors of Ruisi Subject English These schools often offer more affordable courses and have a larger market share in the local language education market However, Ruisi Subject English has a higher quality of teachers and a more professional teaching environment
Ruisi Subject English offers a wide range of educational programs to cat to the needs of students of different ages and efficiency levels
The company also employs a team of administrative and support staff to ensure the smooth operation of its educational programs
1 2 3
社区服务是指政府、社区居委会等其他各方面力量直接为社区成 员提供的公共服务和其他物质、文化、生活等方面的服务
社区民政 工作汇报 新年计划 述职报告
积极为下岗失业人员和灵活就业人员享受再就业优惠等劳动保障服务提供就业 信息和免费培训咨询,上半年完成失业人员的上门咨询服务6人次,审核登记 就业困难人员6人次,帮助5位灵活就业人员申请参保城乡居民养老保险。
积极做好退休职工体检工作,今年以来发放退休职工体检通知单354份,发放 体检报告单219份。端午节慰问90岁退休人员4人。
化解矛盾纠纷,目前社区已处理各类矛 盾纠纷案件20余次,其中有多起涉及到 居民的切身利益,如175幢长久以来有人 经常随地大小便问题;172幢顶楼漏水需 征集租户签字平改坡事件;176幢顶层脱 落砖块砸坏汽车事情等。
落实安全责任。社区通过多渠道进行安 全宣传,逢会必讲安全工作,对辖区内 多家重点单位和经营场所开展相关安全 生产检查和宣传,杜绝各类事故的发生 。
2.开展好环境长效管理特色活动。1月24日社区组 织党员志愿者行了扫雪铲冰工作,对枯树进行集中 清理;3月5日,联合XX工程职业技术学院的志愿 者一起开展了一次清洁楼道志愿服务活动,全面清 理对辖区内单元楼道及绿化带进行。3月7日社区 联合各志愿者、对门前屋后、围墙角落堆放的杂物 进行了全面排查集中清理。3月12日开展了“爱绿、 护绿、共建绿色家园”为主题的植树节活动。
TEFL/TESOL certificate: Teachers are required to hold a TEFL/TESOL certificate, which demonstrates their ability to teach English effectively to non native speakers
Mentoring system
Mentoring programs are available for new teachers to receive guidance and support from experienced mentors
Teach students how to express themselves fluently, organize their thoughts, and communicate effectively.
Oral skills
Provide various oral exercises, such as role-playing, group discussions, and impromptu speeches, to improve students' oral expression ability.
Rich and diverse content
The textbook covers multiple fields such as daily life, academia, and business, emphasizing practicality and fun.
Beginner level course
New Oriental English courseware
前沿开发 的英语
前沿开发的英语Frontier development is a concept that has captivated the minds of people around the world for centuries. It represents the constant pursuit of progress, the drive to push the boundaries of what is known and explore the unknown. In today's rapidly evolving world, frontier development has become more important than ever, as we grapple with a multitude of challenges that require innovative solutions.At the heart of frontier development lies the desire to uncover new frontiers in various fields, from science and technology to social and economic spheres. This pursuit of the unknown is fueled by a deep curiosity and a relentless drive to improve the human condition. Whether it is the exploration of distant galaxies, the development of groundbreaking medical treatments, or the creation of sustainable energy solutions, frontier development is the driving force behind these advancements.One of the most prominent areas of frontier development is in the realm of science and technology. The rapid pace of technologicalinnovation has transformed our world, opening up new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of what was once thought impossible. From the development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing to the exploration of the deepest depths of the ocean and the farthest reaches of space, the frontiers of scientific discovery are constantly expanding.In the field of medicine, frontier development has led to remarkable breakthroughs that have saved countless lives. The development of cutting-edge treatments, such as gene therapy and personalized medicine, has revolutionized the way we approach healthcare. Researchers are delving into the mysteries of the human body, exploring new avenues for disease prevention and treatment, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of healthcare.Another crucial area of frontier development is in the realm of sustainable energy and environmental conservation. As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and resource depletion, the need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing. Frontier development in this field has led to the emergence of renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well as the development of more efficient and eco-friendly methods of resource utilization.Beyond the realms of science and technology, frontier developmentis also shaping the social and economic landscape. The rise of the digital age has opened up new frontiers in communication, collaboration, and information sharing. The development of blockchain technology, for instance, has the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct financial transactions and secure data. Similarly, the emergence of social entrepreneurship and impact investing is pushing the boundaries of traditional business models, focusing on creating sustainable solutions to societal challenges.However, the pursuit of frontier development is not without its challenges. As we push the boundaries of what is known, we often encounter complex ethical, regulatory, and practical obstacles. The development of new technologies, for example, can raise concerns about privacy, security, and the potential for unintended consequences. Navigating these challenges requires a delicate balance between innovation and responsible stewardship, as well as a deep understanding of the societal and environmental implications of frontier development.Despite these challenges, the importance of frontier development cannot be overstated. It is the driving force behind the progress and prosperity of our modern world, and it holds the key to addressing the most pressing issues facing humanity. By embracing the spirit of exploration and innovation, we can unlock new frontiers and create a better future for all.In conclusion, frontier development is a multifaceted and dynamic concept that encompasses a wide range of fields and disciplines. From the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge to the transformation of social and economic systems, the pursuit of frontier development is essential for the continued progress and well-being of our global community. As we navigate the complexities and challenges of the 21st century, it is imperative that we remain committed to the pursuit of frontier development, guided by a spirit of curiosity, innovation, and responsibility.。
USBIO Development Kit.pdf
Thesycon® Systemsoftware & Consulting GmbH
Windows Application
Windows Application
USBIO Programming Interface
Universal USB Device Driver USBIO.SYS
WDM USB Driver Interface (USBDI) Windows USB Driver Stack
Complies with the Windows Driver Model (WDM) Supports Plug&Play and power management All kernel-mode USB functions are available at the
Win32 API level
• •
• •
USBIO Programming Interfaces
The Win32 native USBIO programming interface is ideal for use in programming languages such as C and C++. The USBIO Development Kit includes a C++ class library, providing an easy-to-use interface. To support library Delphi applications, an interface wrapper unit is provided. A high-level programming interface, the USBIO COM interface, is also available. This is based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) technology and provides an extension to the native USBIO programming interface. The COM interface allows the easy integration of USB functionality into Visual Basic and Delphi applications. Extensive documentation of all the software interfaces is provided in PDF format. Several source code examples demonstrate usage of the programming interfaces and show how an application controls a USB device.
In the realm of dreams and aspirations,the concept of legacy plays a pivotal role.It is the thread that weaves through generations,connecting the past with the present and the future.A legacy is not merely a collection of possessions or achievements it is the embodiment of values,knowledge,and experiences that are passed down from one generation to the next.This essay will explore the significance of legacy in shaping dreams and the importance of preserving and building upon it.The Power of LegacyLegacy is a powerful force that shapes our dreams and ambitions.It is the foundation upon which we build our lives.The dreams we hold dear are often influenced by the stories and lessons passed down from our ancestors.These narratives inspire us to aim higher,to strive for greatness,and to contribute positively to the world.The legacy of great leaders,innovators,and thinkers serves as a beacon,guiding us towards our own aspirations and dreams.Cultural and Historical LegaciesEvery culture and society has its own rich tapestry of legacy.This includes the oral traditions of indigenous peoples,the architectural wonders of ancient civilizations,and the literary works of great writers.These legacies are not just historical artifacts they are living,breathing testaments to the dreams and achievements of those who came before us. They inspire us to dream big and to work towards a future that honors the past.The Role of Education in LegacyEducation is a crucial component in the transmission of legacy.It is through education that we learn about the world,our place in it,and the dreams of those who have shaped it. Schools and educational institutions play a vital role in preserving and passing on the knowledge,values,and dreams of previous generations.By learning from the past,we can better understand our present and shape our future.Preserving and Building Upon LegacyIn order to build upon the legacy of our predecessors,we must first understand and appreciate it.This involves a deep respect for the achievements and sacrifices of those who have come before us.It also requires a commitment to preserving and promoting the values and ideals that have been passed down through generations.Moreover,building upon legacy means taking what has been handed down to us andadding our own unique contributions.It is about innovating and creating new dreams that are rooted in the wisdom of the past but are also forwardlooking and adaptive to the changing world.The Future of LegacyAs we look to the future,the importance of legacy in shaping our dreams cannot be overstated.The dreams we hold today will become the legacy of tomorrow.It is our responsibility to ensure that the dreams we pass on are ones that inspire future generations to continue the cycle of传承,building upon the dreams and achievements of those who came before them.In conclusion,legacy is a vital component in the tapestry of our lives.It is the bridge that connects our past,present,and future.By understanding,appreciating,and building upon the legacy of our predecessors,we can shape our dreams in a way that honors the past and paves the way for a brighter future.It is through this传承of dreams and aspirations that we can truly make a lasting impact on the world.。
是的,GPL满足这条要求。按GPL发布的库只影响(contaminate)在运行时与之连接的软件,于仅仅和它一 同发布的软件无关。 OSI Certified标志与纲要
OSI Certified标志被用于软件而不是许可证:人们需要知道的是组成软件的包和它们的许可证是开放的源 代码。此外,单独的许可证可能不是"货物",它由美国专利和商标局注册认证标志。但是软件的作者显然必须能 够在不询问我们的情况下(自我认证)、在适当的时刻确认他们的软件是按照OSI Certified的开放源代码方式 发布的。
5.一旦许可证符合了开放源代码定义,并且在许可证论坛上经过了充分的讨论或者其它的评审者没有提出我 们认为重要的问题,我们将通知你,许可证已经被批准了,同时它被复制到我们的站上,并且被加入以下的许可 证列表。
开放源代码定义给出了开放源代码软件的基本性质。不幸的是,术语"开放源代码"遭到了滥用,并且由于它 的描述性,它不能作为一个商标(这是我们的首选)被保护。由于社团需要一种可靠的方式以确定一份软件是否 真正是开放源代码软件。OSI为此目的而注册了一个认证标志,OSI Certified。如果你在一份软件上看到了该标 志,那么该软件就是必定是按照遵从开放源代码定义的许可证发布的,否则,该发行人就是在滥用该标志而且违 反了法律。
Preparing for international exams
This tutorial also prepares learners for various international English exams, such as TOEFL, IELTS, and SAT
Basic Grammar
Course Introduction
Improving English language skills
This tutorial aims to help learners improve their English language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Sentence structure refers to the arrangement of words in a sense to create meaning Learning about presence structure can help you construct clear, coherent intentions that are easy to understand
This module covers the essentials of English grammar, including sentence structure, verb tensions, and promotion
This module delves into more complex graphical structures, such as subcategories and conditional sentences
开源软 件 。 该州 官 员称 此举 能节约 数百 万美 元的软件 购 买费用 ,并且 谈到南 美洲 澳洲等 世界 上其 他地区 的学
校早就 大规 模地采 用开 源软 件,而 美国的 K—l学校 步 2
数千名 中学生 2张光盘 ,其 中就包含 有免费和 开源的软 件 ,一张包括可 以在 Wid ws Ma no 或 cOS X上面使 用
南美洲 、澳洲 、欧洲等 世界 上其 他地 区的许 多学 校早就
开始大规 模采 用开 源软件 的 行动 , 比而 言 , 国的动 相 美 作还稍许 慢 了一步 。
( 墙译 张 蒲 汪 )
向Ln x的 网络架 构不但 节约 了经 费,并且比 以前更快 iu
2 信息 8 技术教育 2 6 c o
其 中还 包括 了只有 一台 Ln x服 务器 的学校 。实 际上 , iu
平 台。 l r Wal 声称 , e 基于Ln x的计算机实验 室不但 费用 iu 只是基 于 Wid ws n o 的一半 ,并且系统维 护也更加 容易 。 同为 另外 一学 区的信 息主管 J Kli 是 L x i m e n也 u
的O ̄l fc .r/Frfx 另外一 张是一 个可启动 的 t Of eog ieo 等, i
伐似乎 慢 了一些 。 不过 ,来 自加 拿 大的 另 外 3 学 校却 有 不同的 看 所 法 起 初他 们也在 测试 L.u m x等开源软 件 ,试图用 在学
校的 电脑上 以节 约费用 但测 试后 ,他们认 为布置 开源 软件技 术很 复杂 ,后期维 护 费用更高 ,所以 他们决 定放
Wfd ws i o 系统 ,另外 2间则使 用基于 UI 的开源软 件 C 1
速 和更有 效率 。 Ro esemae是 位校 长 . n G rtn ir 他也 有类似 的 故事 他 的学校 使用开 源软 件近 6年 了,不但 节约 了一 大笔购 买 商业软 件的 费用 ,并且 很少 受到病 毒的 侵扰 。 像前 面这 样开 始使 用开源 软 件的K— 2 l 学校 目前还 不 多。据统 计 ,全美仅 有 l%的 学校 在使用 开源软 件 . 9
开发资源 英文作文
开发资源英文作文Developing resources is an essential part of any project. It involves gathering the necessary tools, materials, and manpower to bring an idea to life.Resources can come in many forms, such as financial backing, skilled labor, technological support, and physical materials. Each of these elements is crucial to the success of a project.Finding the right resources often requires extensive research and networking. It's important to connect with the right people and organizations to secure the support needed.In some cases, creativity and innovation can also be valuable resources. Thinking outside the box and findingnew ways to approach a problem can be just as important as having the right materials.Effective resource management is key to ensuring thateverything is used efficiently and effectively. This can involve careful planning, organization, and coordination to make the most of what is available.Sometimes, unexpected challenges can arise that require a reevaluation of resources. Being adaptable and open to change is important in these situations.Ultimately, developing resources is about being proactive and taking the necessary steps to set a project up for success. It's about being resourceful and finding ways to make things happen, even when faced with limitations.。
开放源代码的魅力:参与开源社区贡献与学习开放源代码(Open Source)是一种软件开发模式,通过开放的许可证,允许他人查看、使用、修改和分享源代码。
这里只针对 public static 和 protected static 的字段;对于 public static 和 protected static 的字段,根据规范就不要这么使用,要使用的话应该 是通过属性;对于 private 或者 internal 的字段,不论是否是 static 都不在这里讨论的范围内。
Unity开放Leabharlann 目之开发规范介绍本套开发规范来自 unity 官方的一个开放项目,涉及到代码中的命名语义,大小写;编程的设计规范;
命名 & 大小写
他们主要是采用的 .NET standards,然后添加了一些自己的改动。所以这里也先介绍一下 .NET 的规范,然后 Open Project 会有一些补充或 者改动。
属性名使用 PascalCasing 命名法 语义应该是一个名词,名词词组或者形容词,因为属性实质上是一块数据,所以 GetXXX 这种动词词组不适合作为属性的名字。 如果是一个集合,那么使用复数形式,而不是 xxxList 或者 xxxSet ,关于这一点猜测是因为后期有可能会改集合的类型,之前我就遇到过取名 为 xxxList ,然后为了不重复改成了 Set 存储。 boolean 的属性语义为肯定的,比如 Isxxx , Canxxx , Hasxxx ,而不是 Istxxx , Cantxxx , Hastxxx 可以考虑使用一个跟类型相同的名称,具体看例子,没懂为什么 设计: 如果外部不能改变这个值,那么就只给一个 getter ,要注意的是对于 mutable reference type ,即使只有一个 getter ,或者声明为 readonly
Color _gameTitleColor; String _gameTitleString; TextMeshProUGUI _gameTitleText;
*通信作者资助项目:北京市习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心重点项目(21LLGLB 064)修改稿收到日期:2023年 6月6日政策与管理研究Policy & Management Research 引用格式:李军凯, 高菲, 龚轶. 构建面向未来产业的创新生态系统:结构框架与实现路径. 中国科学院院刊, 2023, 38(6): 887-894, doi: 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20220822006.Li J K, Gao F, Gong Y . Innovation ecosystem of future industry: Structure and path. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023, 38(6): 887-894, doi: 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20220822006. (in Chinese)构建面向未来产业的创新生态系统:结构框架与实现路径李军凯 高 菲*龚 轶北京市科学技术研究院 北京 100089摘要 前沿基础知识与共性关键技术持续涌现与突破,未来产业对创新生态系统的结构、功能与实现路径等多个维度提出新的理论与实践挑战。
关键词 未来产业,创新生态系统,有为政府,企业家精神DOI 10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20220822006CSTR 32128.14.CASbulletin.20220822006习近平总书记在深圳经济特区建立 40 周年庆祝大会上提出:“要围绕产业链部署创新链、围绕创新链布局产业链,前瞻布局战略性新兴产业,培育发展未来产业,发展数字经济。
Content Development DepartmentIntroductionContent development is an integral part of any organization, as it involves creating, editing, and managing content to meet the needs and goals of the company. The content development department plays a crucial role in shaping the brand identity, attracting and engaging customers, and driving business growth. This article delves into the various aspects of the content development department and highlights its significance in today’s digital landscape.Importance of Content Development Department1.Enhancing Brand Identity:–Developing high-quality content helps in establishing a strong brand identity.–The content development department ensures that the brand voice is consistent across all platforms.–It creates content that resonates with the target audience and reflects the company’s values.2.Attracting and Engaging Customers:–The content development department crafts compelling content that grabs the attention of potential customers.–It creates informative and engaging articles, blogs, and social media posts tha t drive traffic to the company’swebsite.–By focusing on customer needs and interests, the department builds trust and loyalty among the audience.3.Driving Business Growth:–Well-crafted content plays a vital role in generating leads and converting them into customers.–The content development department collaborates with the marketing team to create content that supports variousmarketing campaigns.–It optimizes content for search engines, increasing the visibility of the company’s website and driving organictraffic.Responsibilities of Content Development Department1.Content Strategy:–The content development department develops a comprehensive content strategy aligned with the company’s goals andtarget audience.–It defines content goals, identifies key performanceindicators (KPIs), and establishes a content calendar.2.Content Creation:–The department creates content in various formats such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and social mediaposts.–It conducts thorough research to gather accurate and up-to-date information for the content.–The department ensures that the content is well-structured, easily readable, and visually appealing.3.Content Editing and Proofreading:–The content development department reviews and edits the content for grammar, spelling, clarity, and consistency.–It ensures that the content adheres to the brand guidelines and style preferences.–The department also checks for factual accuracy and verifies all sources used in the content.4.Content Distribution and Promotion:–The department devises strategies for effectivelydistributing and promoting the content.–It leverages social media platforms, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to reach a wideraudience.–The content development department collaborates withinfluencers and industry partners to amplify the reach ofthe content.Workflow in Content Development Department1.Idea Generation:–The department brainstorm ideas for content based on market trends, customer insights, and business goals.–It encourages input from various team members and conducts regular content ideation sessions.2.Content Planning:–After finalizing the content ideas, the department creates a detailed plan outlining the topics, formats, and deadlines.–It identifies the target audience for each piece of content and plans the delivery channels accordingly.3.Content Creation:–The content development department assigns writers,designers, and other relevant team members to create thecontent.–It provides clear guidelines and briefs to ensure consistent and high-quality content creation.–The department encourages collaboration and regularcommunication among team members involved in contentcreation.4.Content Review and Approval:–Once the content is created, it goes through a rigorous review process to ensure accuracy, clarity, and adherence tobrand guidelines.–The department involves stakeholders and subject matter experts for their feedback and suggestions.–After necessary revisions, the content is approved forpublishing.5.Content Publishing and Distribution:–The approved content is published on appropriate platforms, such as the company website, blog, or social media channels.–The department uses content management systems (CMS) to organize and schedule content publication.–It also cross-promotes the content through email newsletters, social media posts, and other relevant channels.Training and Skills Required1.Strong Writing and Editing Skills:–The content development department requires excellentwriting and editing skills to create engaging and error-freecontent.–The team members should have a good understanding of grammar, punctuation, and style guidelines.2.Knowledge of SEO and Content Marketing:–The department should have a solid understanding of search engine optimization techniques.–It needs to be well-versed in content marketing strategies, keyword research, and on-page optimization.3.Creativity and Adaptability:–Content development requires creativity in developing unique and captivating content ideas.–The department should be adaptable and responsive tochanging market trends and dynamics.4.Analytical and Research Skills:–The team members should possess strong analytical skills to track content performance and KPIs.–Research skills are essential for gathering accurate and reliable information for content creation.5.Collaboration and Communication Skills:–The content development department should fostercollaboration and effective communication among team members.–Clear and concise communication ensures smooth workflow and efficient content creation.ConclusionThe content development department plays a pivotal role in shaping a company’s brand identity, attracting and engagin g customers, anddriving business growth. Its responsibilities span from content strategy development to content creation, editing, and distribution. By harnessing the power of well-crafted content, organizations can effectively communicate their message, establish thought leadership, and build long-term relationships with their target audience.。
Package‘shiny.i18n’January16,2023Title Shiny Applications InternationalizationVersion0.3.0Description It provides easy internationalization of Shinyapplications.It can be used as standalone translation packageto translate reports,interactive visualizations orgraphical elements as well.Depends R(>=3.3.0)Imports yaml,jsonlite,methods,stringr,R6,glue,shiny,rstudioapi, utilsLicense MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8URL,https:///Appsilon/shiny.i18nBugReports https:///Appsilon/shiny.i18n/issues RoxygenNote7.2.1Suggests covr,googleLanguageR,knitr,lintr,rcmdcheck,rmarkdown, spelling,testthat,withr,quartoLanguage en-USNeedsCompilation noAuthor Jakub Nowicki[cre,aut],Dominik Krzemi´n ski[aut],Krystian Igras[aut],Jakub Sobolewski[aut],Appsilon Sp.z o.o.[cph]Maintainer Jakub Nowicki<opensource+*****************> Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-01-1610:40:02UTC12init_i18n R topics documented:create_translation_file (2)init_i18n (2)translate_with_google_cloud (3)Translator (4)update_lang (7)usei18n (7)Index9create_translation_fileCreate translationfileDescriptionAuxiliary shiny.i18n function that searches for all key expressions(e.g.surrounded by i18n$t() tag in the script).Usagecreate_translation_file(path,type="json",handle="i18n",output=NULL) Argumentspath character with path of thefile that needs to be inspected for key translations type type of the example outputfile with translations,either"json"or"csv"handle name of Translator object within script from pathoutput if NULL(default)the output will be saved with a defaultfile name("transla-tion.json"for JSON and"translate_lang.csv"for CSV)init_i18n Creates new i18n Translator objectDescriptionCreates new i18n Translator objectUsageinit_i18n(translation_csvs_path=NULL,translation_json_path=NULL,translation_csv_config=NULL,automatic=FALSE)translate_with_google_cloud3Argumentstranslation_csvs_pathcharacter with path to folder containing csv translationfiles.See more in Details.translation_json_pathcharacter with path to JSON translationfile.See more in Details.translation_csv_configcharacter with path to configurationfile for csv option.automatic logicalflag,indicating if i18n should use an automatic translation API.Valuei18n objectExamples##Not run:i18n<-init_i18n(translation_csvs_path="../csvdata/")i18n<-init_i18n(translation_json_path="translations.json")##End(Not run)translate_with_google_cloudThis provides functions for automatic translations with online APIsTranslate with Google cloudDescriptionThis is wrapper for gl_translate function from googleLanguageR package.Usagetranslate_with_google_cloud(txt_to_translate,target_lang)Argumentstxt_to_translatecharacter with text to translatetarget_lang character with language codeTranslator Translator R6ClassDescriptionTranslator R6ClassTranslator R6ClassDetailsThis creates shinny.i18n Translator object used for translations.Now you can surround the pieces of the text you want to translate by one of the translate statements(ex.:Translator$t("translate me")).Find details in method descriptions below.MethodsPublic methods:•Translator$new()•Translator$get_languages()•Translator$get_translations()•Translator$get_key_translation()•Translator$get_translation_language()•Translator$translate()•Translator$t()•Translator$set_translation_language()•Translator$parse_date()•Translator$parse_number()•Translator$automatic_translate()•Translator$at()•Translator$use_js()•Translator$clone()Method new():Initialize the Translator with dataUsage:Translator$new(translation_csvs_path=NULL,translation_json_path=NULL,translation_csv_config=NULL,separator_csv=",",automatic=FALSE)Arguments:translation_csvs_path character with path to folder containing csv translationfiles.Files must have"translation_"prefix,for example:translation_<LANG-CODE>.csv.translation_json_path character with path to JSON translationfile.See more in Details. translation_csv_config character with path to configurationfile for csv option. separator_csv separator of CSV values(default",")automatic logicalflag,indicating if i18n should use an automatic translation API.Method get_languages():Get all available languagesUsage:Translator$get_languages()Method get_translations():Get whole translation matrixUsage:Translator$get_translations()Method get_key_translation():Get active key translationUsage:Translator$get_key_translation()Method get_translation_language():Get current target translation languageUsage:Translator$get_translation_language()Method translate():Translates’keyword’to language specified by’set_translation_language’Usage:Translator$translate(keyword,session=shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) Arguments:keyword character or vector of characters with a word or expression to translatesession Shiny server session(default:current reactive domain)Method t():Wrapper to translate method.Usage:Translator$t(keyword,session=shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) Arguments:keyword character or vector of characters with a word or expression to translatesession Shiny server session(default:current reactive domain)Method set_translation_language():Specify language of translation.It must exist in’lan-guages’field.Usage:Translator$set_translation_language(transl_language)Arguments:transl_language character with a translation language codeMethod parse_date():Parse date to format described in’cultural_date_format’field in config. Usage:Translator$parse_date(date)Arguments:date date object to formatMethod parse_number():Numbers parser.Not implemented yet.Usage:Translator$parse_number(number)Arguments:number numeric or character with numberReturns:character with number formattingMethod automatic_translate():Translates’keyword’to language specified by’set_translation_language’using cloud service’api’.You need to set API settingsfirst.Usage:Translator$automatic_translate(keyword,api="google")Arguments:keyword character or vector of characters with a word or expression to translateapi character with the name of the API you want to use.Currently supported:google.Method at():Wrapper to automatic_translate methodUsage:Translator$at(keyword,api="google")Arguments:keyword character or vector of characters with a word or expression to translateapi character with the name of the API you want to use.Currently supported:google.Method use_js():Call to wrap translation in span ed for browser-side translations.Usage:Translator$use_js()Method clone():The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.Usage:Translator$clone(deep=FALSE)Arguments:deep Whether to make a deep clone.Examples##Not run:i18n<-Translator$new(translation_json_path="translation.json")#translation filei18n$set_translation_language("it")i18n$t("This text will be translated to Italian")##End(Not run)update_lang7 #Shiny exampleif(interactive()){library(shiny)library(shiny.i18n)#to run this example make sure that you have a translation file#in the same pathi18n<-Translator$new(translation_json_path="examples/data/translation.json")i18n$set_translation_language("pl")ui<-fluidPage(h2(i18n$t("Hello Shiny!")))server<-function(input,output){}shinyApp(ui=ui,server=server)}update_lang Update language(i18n)in UIDescriptionIt sends a message to session object to update the language in UI elements.Usageupdate_lang(language,session=shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain())Argumentslanguage character with language codesession Shiny server session(default:current reactive domain)See Alsousei18nusei18n Use i18n in UIDescriptionThis is an auxiliary function needed to monitor the state of the UI for live language translations. Usageusei18n(translator)8usei18nArgumentstranslator shiny.i18Translator objectExamplesif(interactive()){library(shiny)library(shiny.i18n)#for this example to run make sure that you have a translation file#in the same pathi18n<-Translator$new(translation_json_path="translation.json")i18n$set_translation_language("en")ui<-fluidPage(usei18n(i18n),actionButton("go","GO!"),h2(i18n$t("Hello Shiny!")))server<-shinyServer(function(input,output,session){observeEvent(input$go,{update_lang(session,"pl")})})shinyApp(ui=ui,server=server)}Indexcreate_translation_file,2init_i18n,2translate_with_google_cloud,3Translator,4update_lang,7usei18n,79。
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December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Production of metal ion beams
ECOS working group: “In order to meet the requirements of the future experiments with high-intensity beams, further development is needed,
1) Magnetic field: Axial magnetic field Baxial by solenoids Radial magnetic field Bradial by multipole
14 GHz : 0.5 T M a c in t o s h P IC T
iMsiamnMcoaiitngamste28ocuGHsfazp:io1hTnpgr moPteirosIatCMiVENemtnsifTamdoaocthgaisnrgeutemofPposfporhImoarCmrPattIetaCTdtT i s n o t s uisUS pn opt sou prptoertde d
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Operation principle (ECRIS)
1) Sufficient magnetic field (including correct structure) 2) Electrons rotating in magnetic field 3) Microwaves
M a c i n t o s h M acintosh P IC T
im ag e fo rm at
i m a g e f o r m is not supported
525 eµA U35+
is n o t s u p p o SuSI
50-100 eµA U41+ SPIRAL 2,
especially in the production of metal-ion beams. Consequently, the development of ECR ion source will be one of the most active areas in accelerator physics.”
Cryostat and Cold Mass
From Claude Lyneis
LN Reservoir (70 K) LHe Reservoir (4.2 K)
50 K Shield
Warm Bore Plasma Chamber
Cryocooler Flange
Vacuum Vessel
• Bremsstrahlung created in collisions of energetic electrons with the plasma chamber walls produce a high flux of x-rays.
ECR: Electron Cyclotron Resonance
M acin to sh P IC T im ag e fo rm at
is n o t su p p o rted
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Scaling laws (magnetic, frequency)
Different Nb3Sn-structures
Peak field
Solenoid 22 T
13 T
Quadrupole 10 T tested (4.5 T pole)
Sextupole Need ~14T for 56 GHz + Solenoid
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Optimization of the VENUS source for Ar12+ to demonstrate the ‘tuning’ of the plasma parameters
Motivation: 1mA Ar12+ for the SPIRAL II Project
M acintosh PICT im age form at
1. Production of highly charged ion beams (by ECRIS) 2. Present projects and challenges 3. (Metal) Ion beam production 4. Beam transport
December 2007
1st generation: 6.4 GHz MSU RT-ECRIS, TAMU 6.4 GHz, etc
2nd generation: 14 GHz ECRIS AECR, Artemis, Caprice, etc.
3rd generation: 28 GHz VENUS, SECRAL, several under construction: Requires SC-technique!
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
The requirements of next generation heavy ion facilities made the development of 3rd Generation sources (and maybe 4th Generation) ECR ion sources necessary
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Some engineering current densities
M acintosh P IC T im age form at
is not supported
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
VENUS, 270 eµA U33+ and 270 eµA U34+
SECRAL, Lanzhou, China
H. Zhao
M acintosh P IC T im age form at
is not supported
Challenges for 4th generation ECRIS
- superconducting wire to reach required B-field - bremsstrahlung (heating of cryostat) - cooling of plasma chamber (power up to tens of kW) - coupling of microwaves to plasma - efficient extraction to handle multi tens of mA beam
is not supported
Ar VENUS (28GHz) eμA
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
Comparison of different generations
MMa cainctoi ns ht oP IsC Th P I C T 1st generation:Itot<1 mA ECRIS-56 2nd generation:Itot= 2-4 mA imima g ae fgo rem afto r m a t Becr= 2T 3Brdinjg~en8erTation:Itot= 10 mA Bext= 4 T
Consequently a lot of human resources will be invested in this work (very visible role during FP7)
as high microwave frequency as possible is wanted!
PROBLEM: Higher magnetic field is required!!
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
ECRIS generations
issn ont os utpsp ourtpe dp o r t e d Brad= 4T Beyond present technological know-how!
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
MS-ECRIS won’t be a 4th generation ECRIS even if 56 GHz can be tested
Iron Yoke
• High voltage insulation deteriorates in the high x-ray flux
Bremsstrahlung will be a serious problem!
December 2007
ESF-Workshop, Athens, Greece
ECR ion source for the highly charged, intensive ion beams