Nobel Prize in Economics 2001
剑桥大学成员由于很多显著的成就被授予诺贝尔奖,如DNA 结构的发现,国民收入会计系统和史诗与叙事心里艺术研究,青霉素的发现。
自1904年以来,剑桥大学共有88个附属机构获得了诺贝尔奖,奖项涉及了各个领域:29个诺贝尔物理奖,25个诺贝尔医学奖,21个诺贝尔化学 奖,9个诺贝尔经济奖,2个诺贝尔文学奖和1个诺贝尔和平奖。
DorthyHodgkin 是剑桥首位诺贝尔奖女性获得者,她致力于用于抵抗贫血症的化合物结构的研究。
1950年,Bertrandrussel 的《西 方哲学史)使其成为了剑桥首位诺贝尔文学奖获得者。
历史上仅有4人曾两次获得诺贝尔奖,来自圣约翰和国王学院的FrederickSanger 便是其中之 一,分别在1958年1980年获得诺贝尔化学奖。
剑桥大学的诺贝尔奖得主:1904 Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt, 3rd BaronRayleigh)Trinity College Nobel Prize in Physics, for discovering Argon 学奖,发现氩 1906 JJ ThomsonTrinity College Nobel Prize in Physics, for investigating the electricalconductivity of gases1908 Ernest RutherfordTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for atomic structure and radioactivity1915 Lawrence BraggTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for analysing crystal structure using X-rays1917 Charles BarklaTrinity CollegeNobelof X-radiation1922 Niels BohrTrinity CollegeNobeland radiation1922 Francis AstonTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for work on mass spectroscopy 诺贝尔化学奖1922 Archibald HillTrinity CollegeNobelmuscles1925 Austen ChamberlainTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Peace, for work on the Locarno Pact尔和平奖1927 Charles WilsonSidney Sussex CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for inventing the cloud chamber诺贝尔物理学奖1927 Arthur Holly ComptonNobel Prize in Physics, for discovering wavelength changein diffused X-rays1928 Owen RichardsonTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for creating Richardson's Law贝尔物理学奖,创建理查森定律1929 Frederick HopkinsTrinity / Emmanuel CollegesNobelvitamins1932 Lord AdrianTrinity CollegeNobel诺贝尔医学奖1932 Charles SherringtonCaius CollegeNobel诺贝尔医学奖1933 Paul DiracSt John's CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for quantum mechanics学奖1935 James ChadwickCaius CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for discovering the neutron尔物理学奖,发现中子英国留学1936 Henry DaleTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for the chemical transmission of nerve impulses1937 George ThomsonTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for interference in crystals irradiated by electrons1945 Howard FloreyCaius CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for the discovery of penicillin 诺贝尔医学奖,发现青霉素1947 Edward AppletonSt John's CollegeNobel诺贝尔物理学奖,发现阿普尔顿层1948 Patrick BlackettMagdalene / Kings CollegesNobel Prize in Physics, for nuclear physics and cosmic radiation1950 Bertrand RussellTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Literature, for A History of Western Philosophy, 19461950 Cecil PowellSidney Sussex CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for nuclear physics and cosmicradiation1951 John CockcroftSt John's / Churchill CollegesNobelstudy atomic nuclei1951 Ernest WaltonTrinity CollegeNobelstudy atomic nuclei1953 Hans KrebsNobel Prize in Medicine, for discovering the citric acidcycle1954 Max BornNobel Prize in Physics, for fundamental research intoquantum mechanics1957 Alexander ToddChrist's CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for work on nucleotides化学奖英国留学1958 Frederick SangerSt John's College and fellow of King's College和大学国王学院Nobelmolecule1959 Philip Noel-BakerKing's CollegeNobel Prize in Peace, for work towards global disarmament 诺贝尔和平奖1962 John KendrewTrinity CollegeNobelhaemoproteins1962 Max PerutzPeterhouseNobel Prize in Chemistry, for determing the structure of haemoproteinsPeterhouse1962 Francis CrickCaius / Churchill CollegesNobel Prize in Medicine, for determining the structure of DNA1962 James WatsonClare CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for determining the structure of DNA1962 Maurice WilkinsSt John's CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for determining the structure of DNA1963 Alan HodgkinTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for the transmission of impulses along a nerve fibre1963 Andrew HuxleyTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for the transmission of impulsesalong a nerve fibre1964 Dorothy HodgkinNewnham / Girton CollegesNobel Prize in Chemistry, for the structure of compoundsused to fight anaemia1967 Ronald NorrishEmmanuel CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for the study of fast Chemicalreactions1967 George PorterEmmanuel CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for the study of fast Chemicalreactions1972 Rodney PorterPembroke CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for the chemical structure ofantibodies1972 John HicksCaius CollegePrize in Economics, for the equilibrium theory均衡理论1972 Kenneth J ArrowChurchill CollegePrize in Economics, for the equilibrium theory均衡理论1973 Brian JosephsonTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for the tunneling insuperconductors and semiconductors英国留学1974 Patrick WhiteKing's CollegeNobel Prize in Literature, for an epic and psychological narrative art1974 Martin RyleTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for the invention of aperture synthesis1974 Antony HewishCaius / Churchill CollegesNobel Prize in Physics, for the discovery of pulsars尔物理学奖,发现脉冲星1977 Nevill MottCaius / St John's CollegesNobel Prize in Physics, for the behaviour of electrons in magnetic solids1977 Philip AndersonChurchill CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for the behaviour of electrons in magnetic solids1977 James MeadeChrist's/Trinity CollegesPrize in Economics, for contributions to the theory of international trade1978 Pyotr KapitsaTrinity CollegeNobel诺贝尔物理学奖,发明氦液化1978 Peter MitchellJesus CollegeNobelin biological systems1979 Abdus SalamSt John's CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for electromagnetic and weakparticle interactions作用1979 Steven WeinbergNobel Prize in Physics, for electromagnetic and weakparticle interactions作用1979 Allan CormackSt John's CollegeNobel Prize in Medicine, for developing CAT scans医学奖,发展1980 Frederick SangerSt John's College and fellow of King's College和国王学院的院士Nobelin nucleic acids1982 Aaron KlugTrinity CollegeNobelactive substances1983 Subrahmanyan ChandrasekharTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for the evolution and devolutionof stars19831983 William FowlerPembroke CollegeNobel Prize in Physics, for the evolution and devolutionof stars1983英国留学1983 Gerard DebreuChurchill CollegePrize in Economics, for reforming the theory of general equilibrium1984 Richard StoneCaius College and fellow of King's College王学院的研究员Prize in Economics, for developing a national income accounting system1984 Cesar MilsteinFellow of Darwin and Fitzwilliam Colleges廉学院院士Nobelproduction of monoclonal antibodies克隆抗体的生产技术1984 Georges KohlerNobelproduction of monoclonal antibodies克隆抗体的生产技术1989 Norman RamseyClare CollegeNobelmethod1996 James MirrleesTrinity CollegePrize in Economics, for studying behaviour in the absence of complete information行为1997 John WalkerSidney Sussex CollegeNobelcreates the molecule that powers cells in muscles化学奖,研究如何纺纱酶,创建分子,细胞在肌肉权力1998 Amartya SenTrinity CollegePrize in Economics, for his contributions to welfare economics1998 John PopleTrinity CollegeNobel Prize in Chemistry, for the development ofcomputational methods in quantum chemistry诺贝尔化学奖,在量子化学计算方法的发展2000 Alan McDiarmidSidney Sussex CollegeNobelof展2000 Paul GreengardNobeltransduction in the nervous system经系统信号传导的发现2001 Tim HuntClare CollegeNobelof the cell cycle发现2001 Joseph StiglitzCaius CollegePrizeinformation2002 John SulstonPembroke CollegeNobelregulation of organ development and programmed cell death诺贝尔医学奖,发现器官发育和程序性细胞死亡的基因调控2002 Sydney BrennerKing's CollegeNobelregulation of organ development and programmed cell death诺贝尔医学奖,对发现涉及器官发育和程序性细胞死亡的基因调控2005 Richard R. SchrockNobel Prize in Chemistry, for the development of themetathesis method in organic synthesis机合成中的复分解方法的发展英国留学2007 Martin EvansChrist's CollegeNobelintroducingof embryonic stem cells2007 Eric MaskinJesus CollegePrizeof mechanism design theory理论奠定了基础2008 Roger Y. TsienChurchill / Caius CollegesNobelof the green fluorescent protein, GFP荧光蛋白2009 Elizabeth H. BlackburnDarwin College PhD 1975Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for the discovery oftelomerase酶2009 Venki RamakrishnanTrinity CollegeNobelfunction的研究2010 Robert G. EdwardsEmeritus Professor of Human ReproductionNobel Prize in Medicine, for the development of in vitro fertilization。
2010年诺贝尔经济学奖得主:彼得·戴蒙德(Peter A. Diamond、戴尔·莫滕森(Dale T. Mortensen、克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(Christopher Pissarides“市场大部分交易都是为贸易而进行的,当然会出现一些贸易摩擦,买者很难得到想要买的买品,而卖者很难找到消费者。
” 彼特-戴蒙德等人所开发的理论是解释了市场上这种冲突,他们的理论是基于微观经济学理论的,也就是市场合理产出,他们的工作也就是意味着雇佣工人要更加合理,在招聘人员和需求工作应该提供合理的机制。
2007年诺贝尔经济学奖得主:莱昂尼德·赫维奇埃里克·马斯金罗杰·迈尔森这三位美国经济学家因为他们为机制设计理论奠定基础而共同分享 2007年诺贝尔经济学奖。
高微文章job market signaling
• Signals are alterable, subject to manipulation by the individual. He can invest time and money to change them. There is a possibility of control in signals. education
Harvard University (Ph.D.) University of Oxford (B.A.) Princeton University (B.A.)
Contribution Signaling theory
John Bates Clark Medal (1981) Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (2001) along with George A. Akerlof and Joseph E. Stiglitz, for their market analyses in situation of asymmetry of information
Net benefits of group I
Net benefits of group II
1 2-y*/2
Signaling equilibrium in which group II is better off than no-signaling :
• Define the properties of the signaling equilibria, the interaction of potential signals and e allocative efficiency of the market
2013年,瑞典皇家科学院将诺贝尔经济学奖授予美国经济学家尤金·法马(Eugene F. Fama)、拉尔斯·皮特·汉森(Lars Peter Hansen )和罗伯特·席勒(Robert Shille)获得,以“表彰他们在资产价格经验分析方面的贡献”,他们将分享800万瑞典克朗(约合753万元)奖金。
21970年获奖者保罗-安-萨默尔森(美国)保罗·安·萨默尔森(PAULASAMUELSON)(1915-) ,他发展了数理和动向经济理论,将经济科学提升到新的水平。
31971年获奖者西蒙-库兹列茨(俄国)西蒙·库兹列茨(SIMONKUZNETS)(1901-1985), 俄籍美国人,在研究人口发展趋向及人口构造对经济增加和收入分派关系方面做出了巨大贡献。
Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 was divided, one half awarded to Roy J. Glauber "for his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence",the other half jointly to John L. Hall and Theodor W. Hä nsch "for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique“.
2002年,美国科学家雷蒙德·戴维斯、日本科学家小柴昌俊和美国科学 家里卡尔多·贾科尼获得诺贝尔物理学奖。他们在天体物理学领域作出了先 驱性贡献,其中包括在“探测宇宙中微子”和“发现宇宙X射线源”方面取 得的成就。
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 was awarded jointly to Alexei A.
2005年,美国科学家罗伊·格劳伯、约翰·霍尔和德国科学家特 奥多尔·亨施因为“对光学相干的量子理论的贡献”和对基于激光的 精密光谱学发展作出了贡献而获奖。
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006 was awarded jointly to John C. Mather and George F. Smoot "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation“
商务英语阅读判断练习班别:________ 姓名:________ 学号:________ 成绩:________阅读判断(每小题4分)1-25题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在题前括号内。
Passage 1Four Tips for Becoming a FranchiseeIf you want to become a franchisee, the tips below can help you to find the perfect opportunity.Be focused on your preference. On the stage of decision-making, the bottom line is: Don't rule out a business without √learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like. For instance, think about a mom returning to the work force who knows she wants to interact with children on a daily basis. Among the hundreds of options there, she needs to decide if she would like to be hands-on as a teacher or if she would rather manage a facility that tutors children in math. Deciding between the two is easy if she considers which day-to-day position she would prefer and how that will impact her other goals.Be proactive with your research. After you've determined what role you want in afranchise, it's important to start researching different options. Physically visit many different franchise locations and browse the web and then determine what will be a good fit in your community.Make sure the franchisor has experience. √Before signing on to a franchise, it is essential to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience. Find out if the company leaders have had significant experience at another franchise and are now applying that knowledge successfully.Read the franchise disclosure document carefully. The first thing to look at is how much a franchise would cost to purchase. Make sure you have a financial advisor who can look at that item with you and see the type of profit a franchisee can make on average. It's also important to take a look at the post-termination clause in the agreement to make sure that when you want to leave the business, you know the terms well and your interests are properly protected.1.Decide on a business with learning or seeing what the day-to-day will look like.对错2.Before you’ve determined what role you want in a franchise, it’s time to start the business.对错3.Before signing on to a franchise, the essential job is to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience.对错4.The first thing to look at is how long a franchise would take to purchase.对错5.To make sure that when you want to leave the business, you have made enough money and you are satisfied with that.对错Passage 2Three Americans Win Nobel Economics Prize in 2013The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in economics to three Americans, Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller on Oct. 14, 2013. Eugene Fama and I.ars Peter Hansen are both professors at the University of Chicago. Robert Shiller is a professor at Yale University. They will share the prize worth about 1.2 million dollars."This year's prize in economic sciences is about predictions." All three of this year's prize winners are mainly known √for their research and explanations of pricingforces in financial markets. They have had a big influence on the way people look at and talk about financial markets.Eugene Fama's research on financial markets in the 1960s led market watchers to change their ideas about investing. His ideas are linked to the theory that markets are efficient, which means market actors taking all available information to create the correct price for things at any given time. This also means that over short periods of time, it is not possible to predict prices.Robert Shiller found, however, that over long periods, the opposite is true. It is possible to predict the movement of prices and that price changes are linked to human behavior.The findings of both economists have led to the growth of index funds, investing many different securities as a way to reduce risk. Mr. Shiller also helped to create the Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller home prices index. That index follows home prices across United States.Lars Peter Hansen developed a method for studying historical pricing information. His method supports Mr. Shiller's findings and has influenced efforts to predict prices in the financial industry.The Nobel Prize in economics was not created by Alfred Nobel, but was established in his memory by Sweden 's central bank in 1968.6.The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in electronics to three Americans on Oct. 14, 2013.对错7.Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller won the prize for their research and explanations of pricing forces in financial markets.对错8.Eugene Fama's research on financial markets in the 1960s resulted in some change in how market watchers look at investing.对错9.The findings of both economists have led to the growth of price prediction, investing many different securities as a way to reduce risk.对错10.The Nobel Prize in economics was established in memory of Alfred Nobel by Sweden 's central bank in 1968.对错Passage 3The "Feel Good Factor" in Customer ServiceA challenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your attention on the right key areas, measured by the right Key Performance Indicator (KPI). One of the most important aspects of a customer service KPI is what is often referred to as the, "Feel Good Factor". Basically the goal is not only to help the customer have a good experience, but to offer an experience that exceeds expectations. Several key points are listed as follows:Know what products/services you are offering from back to front. In other words, be an information expert. It is okay to say "I don 't know", but it should always be followed up by "but let me find out" or possibly "but this person will be able to assist you". √Whatever the situation may be, make sure that you don't leave your customer with an unanswered question.Most of the communication that you relay to others is done through body language. If you have negative body language when you communicate with others, it shows that you don 't care. √Two of the most important aspects of positive body language are smiling and eye contact. Make sure to look your customers in the eye. It showsthat you are listening to them and hearing what they are saying. And of course smiling is more inviting than a blank look or frown.Nothing surprises your customers more than an employee going the extra mile to help them. Always look for ways to go above and beyond the expectations of your customers. In doing so, it helps them to know that you care and it will leave them with the "Feel Good Factor" that you are searching for.*11.The goal of customer service is to give customers an experience that meets their expectations.对错12.Leave your customer with an unanswered question is unacceptable.对错13.Both positive body language and negative body language are necessary in customer service.对错14.Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of positive body language.对错15.The underlined "going the extra mile to help them" in the last paragraph means "going a long way to help them".对错Passage 4:The Balance SheetThe balance sheet is prodced at the end of a company’s financial year, and is a snapshot of its financial situation. It shows the company’s assets and liabilities at that point in time.There are two halves to a balance sheet. The top half shows where the money is being used in the business (the net assets), and the bottom half shows where this money came from (the capital employed). The total of each half should be the same, hence the expression balance sheet.There are two kinds of assets ---long-term and short-term. The long-term assets are known as fixed assets, and include the land, buildings, machinery and vehicles that are used in connection with the business. All fixed assets except land are depreciated as they wear out over time. The total fixed assets are the value of the fixed assets, less the accumulated depreciation.The short-term assets are known as current assets, and include cash, stocks andreceivables that are due within one year.The top half of the balance sheet also includes liabilities, that is, all debts and obligations owed by the business to creditors. Current liabilities are those debts that must be paid within the year, such as wages earned but not yet paid. Long-term liabilities may include mortgages and other loans that will not have been paid off within the year.The top half of the balance sheet therefore consists of the total of fixed and current assets, less the current and long-term liabilities, giving the net assets.The bottom half of the balance sheet shows where this money came from. For a limited company, this will include the money raised by issuing shares, and is known as the share capital. The business may also have plowed some of the money back into building up the business. This is called retained profit.The bottom half of the balance sheet therefore consists of the total of share capital and retained profits, giving the capital employed.16. The top half of a balance sheet shows where the money is being used in the business.对错17. All fixed assets are depreciate as they wear out over time.对错18. The short-term assets are known as fixed assets.对错19. Current liabilities are those debts that must be paid within the year.对错20. The money plowed back into building up the business is called retained profit.对错Passage 5:Traveler’s ChecksMany of the banks and travel services in western countries provide a convenience for travelers by issuing traveler’s checks. Travelers, when buying the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks. During the trip, travelers can cash the checks at the agencies of the bank or the travel service whenever they need after their counter-signatures are recognized. A lot of travelers like to buy these checks as they don’t have to take along much cash and worry about counterfeit signatures. The agencies will get back the money they have paid by sending thechecks to the issuing offices.Traveler’s checks are generally of small face value, such as ten or twenty dollars, or five or ten pounds, for miscellaneous payments. There is no time limit for their circulation period. It is very profitable for the issuing offices to finance the funds they collect by issuing traveler’s checks because they not only receive a service charge from the check buyers, but they also don’t need to pay any interest no matter how long the checks remain in circulation before clearing. This is why banks and services are willing to provide this convenience.21. It is convenient for the travelers to travel around the world as many banks and travel services issue travelers’checks.对错22. There are no signatures of travelers who have bought the checks.对错23. Quite a few travelers like to buy the checks.对错24. Travelers do not worry about the circulation period of the checks as there is no time limit for it.对错25. Banks and travel services are reluctant to provide travelers’checks.对错。
货币金融评论 2009年第12期历届诺贝尔经济学奖得主简介—约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph E. Stiglitz)斯蒂格利茨出生于1942年,生于美国印第安纳州,1960年考入美国东部著名大学——阿赫斯特学院( Amherst College),获麻省理工学院博士学位,师从保罗·萨缪尔森。
1997年起任世界银行副总裁、首席经济学家 。
斯蒂格利茨教授是数以百计的学术论文和著作的作者和编者, 包括十分畅销的本科教材《公共部门经济学》(诺顿公司)和与安东尼·阿特金森合著的《公共经济学讲义》。
2001年诺贝尔文学奖英文颁奖词The Swedish Academy has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Literature for the year 2001 to Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul.Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, born in Trinidad in 1932, is one of the most eminent writers of our time. He has been honored for his narrative art, characterized by an unsparingly critical and compassionate perspective, and for his analytical clarity and well-crafted prose, which has won him worldwide acclaim.Naipaul's literary career began in the 1950s with his early novels set in the Caribbean, where he explored the cross-cultural conflicts and social dislocations inherent to postcolonial societies. Later, he widened his lens to capture the complexities of the developing world, depicting theimpact of historical and cultural changes on individuals and societies.Naipaul's works offer profound insights into the uneven process of civilization, the clash between tradition and modernity, and the struggles of the marginalized and uprooted. His writing often reveals the fracture between the colonizer and the colonized, while also addressing themes of exile, identity, and the search for belonging.In his extensive body of work, which includes novels, travelogues, and non-fiction, Naipaul blends fiction and reality, weaving intimate stories into larger historical and societal contexts. With his profound narrative skill and his deep-seated empathy for his characters, he has captured the essence of the human condition, portraying its complexities and contradictions.Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, with his refreshing originality and literary artistry, has continuouslychallenged conventional thinking and enriched the literary landscape. Through his enduring contributions to literature, he has played a pivotal role in promoting dialogue and understanding among cultures.It is with great pleasure that the Swedish Academy acknowledges Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul's remarkable talent and creativity and awards him the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature.。
乔治·阿克洛夫 乔治 阿克洛夫 ZxÉÜzx TAT~xÜÄÉy
全名:乔治 阿瑟 阿瑟.阿克洛 全名:乔治·阿瑟 阿克洛 夫(George A.Akerlof) ) 出生: 出生:1940年美国康涅 年美国康涅 狄格州纽黑文 国籍:美国 国籍: 获奖时间: 获奖时间:2001年10月 年 月 10日,与迈克尔·斯彭斯、 日 与迈克尔 斯彭斯、 斯彭斯 约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨分享 约瑟夫 斯蒂格利茨分享 获奖成就: 获奖成就:对不对称信 息市场作出了贡献
这并不是因为种族歧视,而只是出于利润最大化的考虑, 这并不是因为种族歧视,而只是出于利润最大化的考虑,因此种族可以 显示出受教育的程度, 显示出受教育的程度,这种脍炙人口的内容在几乎所有的现代微观经济 学教科书中都能找到,由此可见阿克洛夫理论的影响。 学教科书中都能找到,由此可见阿克洛夫理论的影响。 另一方面,阿克洛夫也分析了解决不对称信息的一些机制,例如, 另一方面,阿克洛夫也分析了解决不对称信息的一些机制,例如, 一些商品通过长期的努力建立品牌让消费者认同, 一些商品通过长期的努力建立品牌让消费者认同,或者是一些商家通过 设立连锁店建立信誉,或者是在交易中提供担保。但是, 设立连锁店建立信誉,或者是在交易中提供担保。但是,上述种种解决 方案都表明,市场竞争是不完全的。 方案都表明,市场竞争是不完全的。不仅仅是如上所述出现一些市场消 失的现象,也有可能出现均衡得不到实现的结果,上述过程表明, 失的现象,也有可能出现均衡得不到实现的结果,上述过程表明,旧车 的平均质量是随着价格的下降而下降,所以购车者会通过价格的变动对 的平均质量是随着价格的下降而下降, 产品的质量进行推断。他会推断,若产品的价格低, 产品的质量进行推断。他会推断,若产品的价格低,它们质量低的可能 性就大,因为购车者更关心的是车辆的质量价格比,并且会推断, 性就大,因为购车者更关心的是车辆的质量价格比,并且会推断,当价 格降低时,很可能质量价格比也在降低,所以, 格降低时,很可能质量价格比也在降低,所以,购车者在价格降低时可 能反而会减少需求数量,这就与传统的需求定理相悖,于是, 能反而会减少需求数量,这就与传统的需求定理相悖,于是,旧车的供 给和需求都有可能和价格同方向变化,这也就意味着,市场可能不会出 给和需求都有可能和价格同方向变化,这也就意味着, 例如,出现供过于求时,如果降低价格, 清。例如,出现供过于求时,如果降低价格,则低损坏程度旧车退出市 供给减少, 场,供给减少,而消费者则可能推断市场上剩下的旧车质量比价格下降
历届诺贝尔经济学奖得主资料一览(lihaim 整理2012.7)年度照片简介获奖缘由2011Thomas Sargent 萨金特1943年生于美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳。
Christopher Sims 西姆斯1942年生于美国华盛顿特区。
2010Peter A. Diamond 戴蒙德美国经济学家。
Dale T. Mortensen 莫特森1939年出生于美国。
Christopher A. Pissarides皮萨里德斯1948年出生在塞浦路斯,拥有塞浦路斯与英国双重国籍。
2009Elinor Ostrom奥斯特罗姆(1933-2012)美国著名政治学家、政治经济学家、行政学家和政策分析学家。
▪ 弗农·史密斯 ( 2002 )
▪ 克莱夫·格兰杰 ( 2003 )
▪ 罗伯特·恩格尔 ( 2003 )
▪ 芬恩·基德兰德 (2004)
▪ 爱德华·普雷斯科特 ( 2004 ) ▪ 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林 ( 2005 )
▪ 罗伯特·约翰·奥曼 (2005) ▪ 埃德蒙德·菲尔普斯 ( 2006 )
▪ 拉格纳·弗里希 ( 1969 )
▪ 简·丁伯根 ( 1969 )
▪ 保罗·萨缪尔森 ( 1970 )
▪ 西蒙·史密斯·库兹涅茨 ( 1971 )
▪ 约翰·希克斯 ( 1972 )
▪ 肯尼斯·约瑟夫·阿罗 ( 1972 )
▪ 华西里·列昂惕夫 ( 1973 ) 1969-1980 ▪ 纲纳·缪达尔 ( 1974 )
▪ 约翰·福布斯·纳什 ( 1994 )
▪ 莱因哈德·泽尔腾 ( 1994 )
▪ 詹姆斯·莫里斯 ( 1996 )
▪ 罗伯特·默顿 ( 1997 ) 2000-2011
▪ 阿马蒂亚·森 ( 1998 )
▪ 詹姆斯·赫克曼 ( 2000 )
▪ 乔治·阿克尔洛夫 ( 2001 )
▪ 约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨 ( 2001 )
▪ 西奥多·舒尔茨 ( 1979 )
▪ 劳伦斯·克莱因 ( 1980 )
▪ 詹姆斯·托宾 ( 1981 )
▪ 罗拉尔·德布鲁 ( 1983 )
▪ 弗兰科·莫迪利安尼 ( 1985 )
▪ 罗伯特·索洛 ( 1987 ) 1981-1999
▪ 特里夫·哈维默 ( 1989 )
▪ 哈里·马科维茨 ( 1990 )
▪ 罗纳德·科斯 ( 1991 )
▪ 道格拉斯·诺斯 ( 1993 )
The Nobel PrizeThe Nobel Price is an international award given yearly since 1901 for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and for peace. In 1968, the Bank of Sweden instituted (set up) the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.The Prize Winners are announced in October every year. They receive their awards (a prize amount, a gold medal and a diploma) on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. 诺贝尔奖包括金质奖章、证书和奖金支票。
The Nobel Price is an ______ ______given yearly since _____ for achievements in _____, _____,______, _____ and for _____. In 1968, the Bank of Sweden instituted the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, _____ of the Nobel Prize.Announcement time: __________Awards: ______, _______, _______December 10: the anniversary of ________.All Nobel Laureates777 individuals and 20 organizations have been awarded the Nobel Prize.Alfred Nobel - The Man Behind the Nobel PrizeSince 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and w omen from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for w ork in peace. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 w hen Alfred Nobel w rote his last w ill, leaving much of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. But who w as Alfred Nobel? Arti cles, photographs, a slide show and poetry w ritten by Nobel himself are presented here to give a glimpse of a man w hose varied interests are reflected in the prize he established. Meet Alfred Nobel - scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author and pacifist. Since ____, the Nobel Prize has been honoring _____ and _____ from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in _____, _____, _____, _____, and for work in _____. The foundations for the prize were laid in _____ when Alfred Nobel wrote his ____ _____, leaving much of his _____ to the ______ of the Nobel Prize. But who was Alfred Nobel? _____, _____, a _____ ____ and _____ written by Nobel himself are presented here to give a glimpse of a man whose _____ _____ are reflected in the prize he established. Meet Alfred Nobel - _____, _____, _____, _____ and _____.The Nobel Prize AwardersWho selects the Nobel Laureates? In his last will and testament, Alfred Nobel specifically designated the institutions responsible for the prizes he wished to be established:1. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences forthe Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry 2. Karolinska Institute for the Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine3. The Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize inLiterature4. A Committee of five persons to be elected bythe Norwegian Parliament (Storting) for theNobel Peace Prize.5. In 1968, the Sveriges Riksbank establishedthe Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was given the task toselect the Economics Prize Laureatesstarting in 1969.Nomination for the Nobel PrizesEach year the respective Nobel Committees send individual invitations to thousands of members of academies, university professors, scientists from numerous countries, previous Nobel Laureates, members of parliamentary assemblies and others, asking them to submit candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year. These nominators are chosen in such a w ay that as many countries and universities as possible are represented over time.Each year the _____ Nobel Committees send individual invitations to thousands of _____ of academies, university ______, _____ from numerous countries, previous Nobel _____,_____ of parliamentary assemblies and _____, asking them to submit ______ for the Nobel Prizes for the _____ year. These ______ are chosen in such a way that as many countries and universities as possible are _represented_____ over time.Nobel Prize AnnouncementsThe announcement of the Nobel Laureates for the year is made on the same day that the Nobel Prize-Aw arding Institutions choose from among the names recommended by the respective Nobel Committees. Immediately after the vote, a press conference is held by the concerned Nobel Prize Aw arder.Announcements of the 2008 Nobel Prizes and The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel will be held on the following dat es:Physiology or Medicine - Monday, October 6, 11:30 a.m. CET at the earliestPhysics - Tuesday, Oct ober 7, 11:45 a.m. CET at the earliestChemistry - Wednesday, October 8, 11:45 a.m. CET at the earliestPeace - Friday, October 10, 11:00 a.m. CETEconomics - Monday, October 13, 1:00 p.m. CET at the earliestAccording to t radition, the Swedish Academy will set the date for its announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature lat er.The _____ of the Nobel Laureates for the year is made on the _____ day that the NobelPrize-Awarding Institutions choose from among the names _____ by the respective Nobel Committees. Immediately after the _____, a press _____ is held by the concerned Nobel Prize Awarder.The Nobel Prize Award CeremoniesThe Nobel Laureates take center stage in Stockholm on 10 _____ when they receive the Nobel Prize _____, Nobel Prize _____ and _____ confirming the Nobel Prize amount from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. In Oslo, the Nobel_____ Prize Laureates receive their Nobel _____ Prize from the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the presence of King Harald V of Norway. An important part is the presentation of the Nobel _____ by the Nobel _____. In Stockholm, the lectures are presented days_____ the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. In Oslo, the Nobel Laureates deliver their lectures _____ the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony.Summary & Translation of Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖是一项授予在物理、化学、医学、文学和和平界杰出贡献的国际奖项,奖项获得者每年10月份公布,获得的奖项包括奖金、金牌和证书,在12月10号--诺贝尔去世纪念日—颁奖。
为表彰获奖者在女性劳动力市场中的研究建树,瑞典皇家科学院将此奖授予了哈佛大学经济系教授克劳迪娅·戈尔丁(Claudia Goldin)。
和其他奖项相比,获得诺贝尔经济学奖的女性极为稀少:2009年,埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)成为第一位获得诺贝尔经济科学奖的女性;2019年,埃丝特·迪弗洛 (Esther Duflo)因其在缓解全球贫困方面的研究而获奖,她是获奖者中最年轻的一位,得奖时仅47岁。
经济科学奖委员会主席Jakob Svensson表示:“了解女性在劳动中的作用对全社会而言很重要。
国外著名经济学家(Foreign famous economist)Information worth havingIt comes from the accumulation of learningThere must be a problemAlso please criticize the correct!The country is known as the economist1. George? George A.A kerlofBecause of the outstanding contribution to asymmetric information market researchWon the 2001 Nobel Prize in economicsIt is the important founder of information economicsIn his eyesThe whole social science is an organic wholeBorn in 1940In 1962,A bachelor's degree from Yale university; He received his doctorate at the Massachusetts institute of technology four years laterHe served as a professor of economics at London school of economics and monetary banking professional, senior economist at the economic advisory council, the brookings Panel (Brooking Panel) economic issues, a senior adviser and American economic association, vice chairman; He is a professor of economics at the university of California, BerkeleyHis theoretical research focuses on financial markets, macroeconomics, monetary policy, poverty and unemployment, and racial discrimination, crime and family problemsA large number of studies have been published in these areasThe most striking thing is his incomplete information theoryIn his 1970 paper "lemon" market: quality uncertainty and market mechanism, he first proposed information asymmetry and adverse selectionThe creation of asymmetric market researchJoseph Stiglitz is called "the father of incomplete information economics."His article introduces a simple but universal viewAnd has applied extensively to countless interesting points of viewIt is one of the most important documents of informationeconomicsHe also laid the foundation for his Nobel Prize in economicsnowAkerlof's insight into adverse selection is widely used in the teaching of undergraduate microeconomics coursesThis is enough to show the consequencesDuring the past 20 years,His research on unemployment is also striking2. By Gary Stanley BeckerTo study the "non-economic" relationship between human "non-economic" behavior, family and other human "non-economic" behavior and familyThe professor was a pioneerHis research has been widely criticizedBut at last it was a familyAnd he won the Nobel Prize for economics in nineteen sixty-sevenHe was born in Pennsylvania in December 1930He received a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a doctorate from Princeton universityAt 30, he became a professor at Columbia UniversityHe has taught at Columbia University since 1970He was head of the department of economics at the universityBecker has won the prestigious clark medal, the sadman award, the whittingsky award, and the merryman awardHis doctoral dissertation, the economics of discrimination, when he was 27An easy way to introduce utility functions for employers and employeesAttempts to make the competitive Labour market model match the observed wage discrimination between white workers and black workers; What was the initial reaction of the bookBut it eventually led to a complete set of explanations for the continuing existence of racial and gender income in the labor marketWhen he developed some of the early tips of others into a general theory of human capital through school education and labor trainingHe applied it the second timeHis book, human capital, is rightly described as the starting point of "the human investment revolution in economic thought"This ethos swept through the economics of the 1960sHe is in "crime and punishment: economic analysis" (journal of political economics)This method was applied for the third time in March and April 1968This article offers a striking insight into the expected benefits of a given crime, the expected cost of a crime to be represented by the likelihood of arrest and punishment, and their particular risk preferencesCrime is another profession that some people engage in for perfectly reasonable reasons! Becker's theory of time allocation (economics journal)This method was used for the fourth time in September 1965This paper examines the division of labor between family membersIt is a social system that has so far been almost completely ignored by economicsBecker's future studies are based on this articleFirst, the decision to have a child was addedAnd then you have to give these kids a education decisionFinally, it is the initial decision of marriage and the final decision to dissolve the marriage through divorceThis ultimately leads to a complete explanation of all aspects of family behaviorThe economic analysis of family behavior is his first elaboration of this theoryafterHe published a more comprehensive book, family theory.Bein's "new family economics" is different from the traditional notion of family as a consumer unitI think of the family as multiple units of my productionIt produces "joint utility" by means of input from family members time, skills and knowledge. After thisProduction theory can be effectively applied to household behavior3. Alan GreenspanAmerican jewsPresident of the thirteenth federal reserve boardHe has visited China many timesMany see him as an authoritative and decisive figure in the economic policies of the United StatesFor example, he decided the government's attitude toward inflationHe was seen by the media as an economist and a master of economics.Ellen? Alan Greenspan was born on March 6, 1926 in New York CityHe received a bachelor's degree in economics from New York university in 1948He received a master's degree in economics in 1950He received his doctorate in economics in 1977From 1954 to 1974 and from 1977 to 1987, he was chairman and President of New York City's industrial consulting company (townsend - greenspan)Served as an adviser to the President's economic advisory council in 1970Chairman from 1974 to 1977He served as director of the congressional budget office in 1977, general electric cable corporation, Morgan Stanley, general foods, morson trust, and pegasusMember of the council of economic advisers, 1981From 1981 to 1983, he was chairman of the national social insurance reform commissionMember of the President's foreign intelligence advisory committee in 1982He was appointed President of the federal reserve by President Reagan in August 1987In July 1991,President bush appointed Alan greenspan as chairman of the federal reserve boardIn February, 1996,President Clinton nominated him for a second term as chairman of the federal reserve boardThe senate overwhelmingly approved the nomination on June 20thGreenspan also served as chairman of the federal open market committeeJanuary 4, 2000President Clinton once again named him chairman of the federal reserveJune 20 the same yearHe took the job for the fourth timeThe new Nobel Prize for economics in 2010 was awarded to Alan greenspan, former chairman of the federal reserve board. Alan Greenspan:Greenspan insisted on anti-inflationDare to break the shackles of economic theoryTraditional theoryA jobless rate of more than six percent will cause the economy to shrinkLess than five percent will trigger inflationThe unemployment rate was only four percentThe economy is still growing steadilyAnother argument for traditional theory is that overheating will inevitably lead to inflationBut he noted that large-scale high-tech investment has reduced production costs while increasing productivitySo it has spared no effort to promote the new technological revolutionHe changed not just financial policyIt also changed America's economy and its futureA "soft landing" for the American economy4. Let? Jacques? Li & fung (Jean - Jacques Laffont)Because he was designing incentivesOutstanding contributions in many fields such as the department of public economics and information economicsProfessor lafeng is a recognized future Nobel Prize winner in international economicsJean-jacques? ferrariBorn in 1947 in the southeastern city of ToulouseBelonging to the post-war generation of FranceThis generation grew up under the influence of general DE gaulleThey have a strong sense of patriotismTo revitalize the French nationIn 1968,Larfeng graduated from Toulouse university with deep mathematical educationA master's degree in mathematicsHe then went on to study at the university of ParisHe received his PhD in applied mathematics in 1972In the autumn of 1973The young lago came to Harvard University in the United StatesMaster of economics, Kenneth? arrowLafeng earned a doctorate in economics from harvard in just a year and a half (1975)This is very rare in harvard's historyIn 1978,Lafeng has replaced military serviceLafeng has given up the chance to teach in the United States to return to the university of ToulouseHe spread economics while he worked hard to create new areas of economicsFollow the research direction of the doctoral thesisHe soon made important contributions to the field of public economics and mechanism designIn 1979,Professor lafeng's monograph on motivation in public decision-making (co-authored with green)He established his academic standing in the field of public economics5. Assar LindbeckArthur? Assar Lindbeck: world-renowned economistOne of the main representatives of the Swedish schoolArthur? Professor Assar Lindbeck,Born in 1930Professor of international economics at Stockholm university in SwedenFamous economistFrom 1980 to 1994, he served as chairman of the Nobel committee for economicsSomeone said, "the Nobel Prize for economics is in the juryIt's like having an invisible hand in control."And this "invisible hand"It was lindbeckProf lindbeck has a lot to do in many areas of economicsThe main areas of research include monetary economicsmacroeconomicsResearch on unemploymentAnd welfare analysisA lot of academic work was publishedIs one of the main representatives of the Swedish schoolThe school was unique in western economics in the 20th centuryLindbeck has published more than 100 papers and articles in various international scientific journals and journalsMajor works: "the new left political economics", "the Swedish economy policy" in the two books overall radical economics major in the United States in the late 1960 s to form a theory of schools of economicsOr the radical political economyThe school proposes some arguments based on or close to the marxist political economic viewTo criticize the theory of bourgeois economic theory, especially the theory of the widely disseminated mainstream schoolsThe systematic summary of Sweden for nearly a centuryEspecially after world war iiIt preserves the original tradition of the Swedish schoolIt strengthens the social democratic economic thought in the Swedish school theoryGregory? Mankiw, Gregory Mankiw)A famous American economistBorn in 1985Princeton universityHe then went to MIT to studyHe obtained his doctorate in economics in 1985He was a professor of economics at Harvard UniversityMankiw has been director of the monetary and economic division of the national bureau of economic researchResearch fellow at the American bureau of economic research Members of the brookings economic activities panelThe director of the federal reserve bank of Boston and the congressional budget office and chairman of the President's council of economic advisersHe is the economic adviser to President bushAnd also republican presidential candidate mitt romney? Mitt Romney's adviserProfessor mankiw's research involves many areas of economicsAnd an introductory textbook of economics, the principles of economicsAnother book, macroeconomics, caused a stir not just in America And it has a reputation around the world7. John? (John Forbes Nash, Jr.)He won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1994John? Nash was born on June 13, 1928He entered Princeton university in 1948A doctoral dissertation on non-cooperative games and other related articlesHe established his position as master of game theoryIn the late 1950sHe is a scientist of the worldEspecially in the field of economic game theoryHe made an epoch-making contributionIs the von? One of the greatest masters of game theory since neumannHis famous concept of Nash equilibrium plays a central role in non-cooperative game theorySubsequent researchers contribute to game theoryIt's all based on this conceptBecause of Nash equilibrium, the theory of game theory has been widely applied in economics, management, sociology, political science, military science and other fields to lay a solid theoretical foundationNash's most important theory is the "Nash equilibrium" that now appears widely in economics textbooksAnd the most famous example of the Nash equilibrium is the prisoner's dilemma.Two suspects in one case were interrogated separatelyThe officer told two prisoners separatelyIf both don't confessOne year for each sentence; If you confessThe other person didn't confessYou will be sentenced to three monthsThe other will be sentenced to ten years in prison; If two people confessWill be sentenced to five yearssoBoth are caught up in confessions and unconfessed dilemmasThe choice between the two prisoners in their own interests is to confessA strategy that would have been beneficial to both sides would have been sentenced to one year without a sentenceSo both of them chose to confess their strategy and the result of the five years was called "Nash equilibrium"Also called non-cooperative equilibrium"Nash equilibrium" is the thesis of his 21-year-old PhDHe also laid the groundwork for his Nobel Prize for economics decades later8. Martin? Martin ShubikSomeone who knows a little bit about cooperative game theoryShould everyone know Martin? The name is Martin ShubikHe is a world-renowned expert on game theoryShe was born in Canada in 1926He graduated from Princeton university in 1955He earned a PhD in philosophyHe is now a tenured professor of economics at Yale universityHe is also a member of the American econometric societyThe main research focuses on game theory, or the blocking of financial institutions and econometricsRepresentative: strategy and market structureAvanash? (Avinash Dixit)Professor Avinash k. ixit is a prominent economist in the field of quantitative economicsA tenured professor at Princeton universityAvinash? Dixit was born in mumbai, India in 1944He received a bachelor's degree in science (mathematics) from Bombay university in 1963In 1968, he received a doctorate in economics from the Massachusetts institute of technologyHe was elected to the Econometric Society in 1977He has been a professor of economics at Princeton university since 1981He is also a visiting professor at many famous universities around the worldHe taught at the university of California, BerkeleyHe was elected to the American academy of arts and sciences in 1992President of the institute of econometrics in 2001He was vice President of the American economic association in 2002He was elected as an academician of the national academy of sciences in 2005Dixit's main areas of research include microeconomic theory, game theory, international trade, industrial organization, growth and development theory, public economics, and new institutional economicsHe wrote a series of booksBoth have become the classics of economics related research domain or classics textbookOver 40 years of academic lifeHe has published nearly 150 academic papersMajor works: "the economic theory of optimization", "the theory of balanced growth", "international trade theory" (co-author), the investment under uncertainty (co-author), the formulationof economic policy, the strategy game (coauthored), "the illegal behavior and economics"10. Let? Jean TiroleLet? Professor Jean TiroleHe was born in France on August 9, 1953Received a doctorate in economics from the Massachusetts institute of technologyHe is now a research director of the institute of industrial economics at the university of Toulouse in FranceAt the same time at the university of ParisMIT is a part-time professorHe was a visiting professor at Harvard University and Stanford universityIn 1984, he was deputy editor of Econometrica magazineHe was hailed as a modern "genius economist."He has published more than 300 high-level papers and 11 booksThe research field involves almost all fields of economics: macroeconomics and finance, theory of industrial organization and incentive theory, game theory... Tirole has a remarkablegeneralization and comprehensive abilityHe can always express the most essential rules and most important achievements in any field of economics in the most concise economic model and languageAnd sort out the theoretical framework of a systemAnd Mr Tirole's surprising instincts about economicsIt is the average economistWhat is the name of the "genius economist"? Professor Jean Tirole is a world-renowned master of economics (world economist in 1990-2000)One who is expected to win the Nobel Prize for economics in the futureThroughout his 20 years of academic careerEnough to make any economist eye-popping: more than 300 high-level papers11 monographsThe classic work is the corporate finance theory.Content covers any important area of economics - from macroeconomics to industrial organization theoryFrom game theory to motivation theoryTo international financeAnd then the intersection of economics and psychologyTirole made a groundbreaking contributionThe light and heat of wisdom is spilled into every field of economicsTirole was gallopingBrandish aspersesPassion:Be invincible。
丁伯根建立了一个涉及约50个方程的经济计量系统,并且藉助统计分析测定反应系数和" 前导及滞后"。
以下是几本与诺贝尔经济学奖相关的书籍推荐:1.《诺贝尔经济学奖获得者的故事》(The Nobel Prize Winning Discoveries):作者是美国经济学家、普林斯顿大学教授伊莱·布洛德。
2.《诺贝尔经济学奖的历史与传奇》(A History of the Nobel Prize Economics):作者是英国经济学家马克·布拉德福德。
3.《经济学家的诺贝尔奇迹》(The Miracle of the Market:The Economics of the Nobel Prize):作者是美国经济学家和记者迈克尔·劳伦斯。
4.《行为经济学的奇迹》(The Miracle of Behavioral Economics):作者是美国经济学家、普林斯顿大学教授丹尼尔·卡尼曼。
5.《诺贝尔经济学奖获得者的思想》(Nobel Laureates inEconomics:Their Contributions and Impact on Contemporary Thought):作者是美国经济学家乔治·库柏。
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The 2001 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz receive the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2001, "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information". Akerlof showed that informational asymmetries can give rise to adverse selection on markets. Spence demonstrated that under certain conditions, well-informed agents can improve their market outcome by signaling their private information to poorly informed agents. Stiglitz showed that an uninformed agent can sometimes capture the information of a
better-informed agent through screening.
George Akerlof's 1970 essay, "The Market for Lemons" is the single most important study in the literature on economics of information. Akerlof introduces the first formal analysis of markets with the informational problem known as adverse selection. He analyses a market for a good where the seller has more information than the buyer regarding the quality of the product. He also pointed to the prevalence and importance of similar information asymmetries, especially in developing economies. A key insight in his "lemons paper" is that economic agents may have strong incentives to offset the adverse effects of information problems on market efficiency. Akerlof argues that many market institutions may be regarded as emerging from attempts to resolve problems due to asymmetric information.
Michael Spence asked how better informed individuals on a market can credibly transmit, "signal", their information to less informed individuals, so as to avoid some of the problems associated with adverse selection. Signaling requires economic agents to take observable and costly measures to convince other agents of their ability or, more generally, of the value or quality of their products. Spence's contribution was to develop and formalize this idea as well as to demonstrate and analyze its implications.
Joseph Stiglitz and his numerous coauthors have time and again substantiated that economic models may be quite misleading if they disregard informational asymmetries. Their common message has been that in the perspective of asymmetric information, many markets take on a completely different guise, as do the conclusions regarding appropriate forms of public-sector regulation. Stiglitz has analyzed the implications of asymmetric information in many different contexts, varying from unemployment to the design of an optimal tax system. Several of his essays have become important stepping stones for further research. Stiglitz is also one of the founders of modern development economics. He has shown that asymmetric information and economic incentives are not merely academic abstractions, but highly concrete phenomena with far-reaching explanatory value in the analysis of institutions and market conditions in developing economies. One of his first studies of information problems dealt with sharecropping, an ancient, though still common, form of contracting.。