Chapter 7章
Hale Waihona Puke Language, Culture and Society
1 What is the relation between language and culture? 2 Why is it necessary to teach relevant cultural information in language class? 3 Is English better than the language of some American Indian tribe’s language? 4 A language may have many different varieties. How can we classify its varieties?
While some researchers claim to have found reliable evidence to justify its validity, others suggest to have obtained enough counter-evidence to jeopardize its feasibility. It is clear that one must be careful and do not rush to any hasty conclusion before he really obtains some reliable and convincing evidence to support or reject the hypothesis.
Chapter Seven
Language, Culture and Society
西方文化概论-Chapter 1 -7 (复习题)
1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellenceof taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning. The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.2.Some historians believe the West originated in the northern and easternMediterranean with ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Over time, their associated empires grew first to the east and south, conquering and absorbing many older great civilizations; later, they grew to the north and west to include Western Europe.3.Western culture is a term used to generally refer to most of the cultures ofEuropean origin and most of their descendants.4.Foundations of Western Culture are: ancient Greece (concretely Greekphilosophy), the Roman Empire (specifically Roman law), Catholic and Protestant Christianity.5.Western culture originates from 2 ancient cultures: Hellenistic culture (emphasizing rationality)and Hebraic culture (emphasizing virtue & discipline)6. 3 most noted achievements of ancient Greeks: Mythology; Architecture;philosophy.7.Greek Mythology, set of diverse traditional tales told by the ancient Greeksabout the exploits of gods and heroes and their relations with ordinary mortals.8.The Greek gods resembled human beings in their form and in their emotions.9.The Olympians refers to the twelve major gods and godd esses dwelling onMount Olympus.10.Zeus is the god of gods, the god of sky, the supreme god, the father of bothgods and men.11.Hermes (Mercury) is god of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods.12.Apollo is the sun god, the god of music, a god of prophecy.13.Dionysus is god of wine and ecstasy.14.Hephaestus is god of fire; celestial blacksmith.15.Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft.16.Hera is queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriage andfamily, the protectress of married women and their legal children.17.Poseid on is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, the god of earthquakesand tsunamis.18.Had es is god of the und erworl d.19.Two of the most important of the semi historical myths involve the searchfor the Golden Fleece and the quest that led to the Trojan War.20.Aphrodite is the godd ess of l ove and beauty, the protectress of sailors.21.Heracles is a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, stepson ofAmphitryon and great-grandson of Perseus, the greatest of the Greek heroes.22.The ancient Greek Olympic games was a religious rather than secular festival,celebrating the gods in general and Zeus in particular.23.The idiom “Pandora’s box” means the fountainhead of all evils.24.The idiom “Cupid’s arrow” signifies the magic power of love.25.“Tantalus’s torture” means permanent frustration by the sight of somethingdesired but inaccessible. It also means eternal thirst and hunger.26.The idiom “Sisyphean task” suggests everlasting fruitless hard labor.27.“The golden fleece” means very valuable thing which is rare an d verydifficult to get.28.“Golden touch” therefore refers to the magic power to change cheap metalsinto gold, or worthless junks into treasures.29.“The golden apple” or “the apple of discord” refers to the things that giverise to conflicts and strife.30.“A chilles’s heel” refers to the only part of the body that remains vulnerable.31.“Trojan horse”, or “the wooden horse” means a trap intended to underminean enemy, or subversion from inside.32.The term “Oedipus complex” was chosen by Sigmund Freud to designate ason’s feeling of love toward his mother and jealous hatred toward his father.33.“Narcissistic (personality) disorder” or “narcissism”, means the indulgencein self-admiration.34.“The sword of Damocles” on one hand signifies the impending danger, andon the other hand, indicates the precariousness of power and rank.35.Constellations: Aries (the Ram)白羊座, Taurus (the Bull)金牛座, Gemini (theTwins)双子座, Cancer (the Crab) 巨蟹座, Leo(the Lion)狮子座, Virgo (the Virgin)处女座, Libra (the Scales)天秤座, Scorpio (the Scorpion)天蝎座, Sagittarius (the Archer)射手座, Capricorn (the Goat)摩羯座, Aquarius (the Water Carrier)水瓶座, Pisces (the Fishes)双鱼座.36.Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are Classical Greek philosophers.37.Western culture originates from the Hebraic-Christian culture that isund oubtedly embodied in and found ed upon the Holy Bibl e.38.Christianity was the inheritor and the reformer of Judaism, and so theChristian Bibl e includ es the Ol d Testament and the New Testament.39.The Old Testament is the coll ection of books written prior to the life of Jesusbut accepted by Christians as scripture.40.The Torah, or "Instruction," is also known as the "Five Books" of Moses,includ es Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.41.The Torah contains the ten commandments, of God, reveal ed at Mount Sinai.42.Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings ofJesus as presented in the New Testament.43.God is the eternal being who created the universe and all there is have theproperties of holiness, justice, omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevol ence, omnipresence and immortality.44.Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel ("good news").45.The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God andthe Messiah (Christ).46.Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnation and "true God andtrue man" (or both fully divine and fully human).47.Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born from the Virgin Mary.48.The Eucharist (called Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper) is the part ofliturgical worship that consists of a consecrated meal, usually bread and wine.49.Christianity was l egalized in the 4th century, when Constantine I issued anedict of tol eration in 313. From at l east the 4th century, Christianity has played a prominent rol e in the shaping of Western civilization.50.Christianity may be broadly represented as being divid ed into five maingroupings: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthod oxy, Oriental Orthod oxy, Protestantism, Restorationism.51.Food is important to keep traditions alive as they are part of our history andour culture.52.The multitud es of food styl es of the Western society mainly result from thehistory, heritage, and geographical differences.53.A full course dinner usually consists of multipl e dishes. Usually it is mad e upof three or four courses, such as appetizer, main course and d essert.54.At the end of the meal, napkin shoul d be l eft semi-fold ed at the l eft sid e of theplate.55.Celebrating birthdays became popular almost universally because birthdaysgive peopl e a reason to gather in friendly groups, share food, and enjoy kinship.56.In many portions of the worl d an individual's birthday is cel ebrated by a partywhere a specially mad e cake, usually d ecorated with l ettering and the person's age, is presented. The cake is traditionally stud d ed with the same number of lit candl es as the age of the individual.57.Religious symbolism suggests that lighting candl es opens a channel forprayers to the unseen worl d above. This concept has been borrowed to convey the id ea that blowing out birthday candl es sends a birthday wish to heaven.58.Baptism is consid ered to be a form of rebirth—"by water and the Spirit"—thenakedness of baptism (the second birth) parall eled the condition of one's original birth.59.The removal of cl othing represented the "image of putting off the ol d manwith his d eeds, so the stripping of the body before for baptism represented taking off the trappings of sinful self, so that the "new man," which is given by Jesus, can be put on.60.Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worl dwid e youth movementwith the stated aim of supporting young peopl e in their physical, mental and spiritual d evelopment, that they may play constructive rol es in society.61.If the coupl e of l overs are going into marriage, the man shoul d make aproposal by giving an engagement ring to the woman.62.The marriage will be recognized by: a marriage license and wed dingceremony.63.The reason why brid esmaids and groomsmen are need is that the evil spiritswoul d be confused by so many similarly dressed peopl e.64.A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying or remembering the life ofa person who has died.65.A funeral may take place at either a funeral home or church.66.Funeral services commonly includ e prayers; readings from a sacred text;hymns (sung either by the attend ees or a hired vocalist); and words of comfort by the cl ergy. Frequently, a relative or cl ose friend will be asked to give a eul ogy颂歌, which d etails happy memories and accomplishments; often commenting on the d eceased's flaws, especially at l ength, is consid ered impolite.67.Festivals are precious human heritage that links to religion, customs, historyand peopl e’s lifestyl es. Festivals, of many types, serve to meet specific needs, as well as to provid e entertainment.68.Though festivals many have religious origins, others involve seasonal changeor have some cultural significance.69.New Year’s Day is universally cel ebrated on the first day of the calendar,January 1.70.Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries around the worl d, it is thefirst day of the lunar calendar.71.Valentine's Day is a holiday cel ebrated on February 14(in most countries).Love and affection are celebrated between l overs by sending greeting cards andgifts, dating.72.Mod ern Valentine's Day symbols includ e the heart-shaped outline, d oves, andthe figure of the winged Cupid.73.Passover is a Jewish holiday and festival. It commemorates the story of theExodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. 74.Easter is the central feast in the Christian liturgical year, celebrating theresurrection of Jesus. According to the Canonical gospels, Jesus rose from thed ead on the third day after his crucifixion. His resurrection is celebrated onEaster Day or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday) .75.Easter egg is seen by foll owers of Christianity as a symbol of resurrection:whil e being d ormant it contains a new life sealed within it.76.Mother's Day is a cel ebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood,maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It originated from an ancient Greek ritual which was to respect the Mother of Gods, Hera.77.Halloween is a yearly holiday observed around the worl d on October 31, thenight before All Saints’ Day, much like Day of the Dead celebrations.78.The American Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family feast with a traditionalturkey dinner, usually in the mid-afternoon. Typical Thanksgiving food also includ es sweet potatoes, pumpkins, cranberries, and fruit salads.79.Carnival typically involves a public cel ebration or parad e combining someelements of a circus, mask and public street party. Peopl e often dress up or masquerad e during the cel ebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life.80.The three very important European Film Festivals are Venice Film Festival,Cannes Film Festival, and Berlin International Film Festival.81.The Gold en Lion is award ed to the best film at Venice Film Festival.82.The Gold en Palm is the highest prize award ed at The Cannes InternationalFilm Festival.83.The Gol d en Bear is the highest prize award ed for the best film at the BerlinInternational Film Festival.1。
[20 – 20学年度第பைடு நூலகம்_学期]
葡萄球菌的最适生长温度和pH为。A.33℃,6.8B.28℃,7.4C.37℃,7.4D.28℃,7.8E.28℃,8.8 做真菌培养时,采取分泌物的部位应在口腔的()A.咽部B.颊部C.扁桃体D.溃疡面E.两侧腭弓 根据我国的规定,船舶型宽是指。A.在船长中点处,由一舷的肋骨外缘量至另一舷的肋骨外缘之间的水平距离B.在船长中点处,由一舷的肋骨内缘量至另一舷的肋骨内缘之间的水平距离C.在船舶最大宽度处,由一舷的外板量至另一舷的外板之间的水平距离D.在船舶最大宽度处,由一舷的肋骨 按PULSES评定标准,在别人帮助下,能处理好大小便排泄问题,偶有尿床或溢粪,应评为()A.1分B.2分C.3分D.4分E.5分 《防治船舶污染内河水域环境管理规定》于何时起实施? 下列药材不属于西北药的是A.五味子B.当归C.甘草D.秦艽E.大黄 钩体病首次抗菌治疗过程中如出现高热、寒战加重伴血压下降,则应首先考虑A.抗生素剂量不足B.变态反应C.赫氏反应D.溶血反应E.中毒反应 我国《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》规定,由支付保险费用。A.承包人B.发包人C.工程师D.监理人 在工程设计过程中,影响进度的主要因素之一是。A.复杂的工程地质条件B.设计合同的计价方式C.施工承发包模式的选择D.设计各专业之间协调配合的影响 银行金融创新应当遵循一定的基本原则,应做好客户评估和识别工作,针对不同客户群提供不同的金融产品。A.正确B.错误 视空间失认的表现是A.颜色匹配错误B.形状辨认错误C.环境音辨认错误D.方向辨认错误E.面容辨认错误 尸体处理时,头下垫枕的目的是A.防止面部变色B.使尸体包裹外观良好C.防止下颏下垂D.保持尸体位置良好E.便于家属认领 核医学影像与其他影像比较()A.可以反映密度的变化B.可以反映回声的改变C.可以反映氢核密度的变化D.可以反映代谢、血流和功能改变E.空间分辨率更
明确复习目标,如掌握基本概 念、理解重点难点等。
将复习过程划分为不同阶段, 如基础复习、巩固提高、模拟
合理分配复习时间,确保每个 阶段都有足够的时间完成。
根据个人情况选择合适的复习 方法,如做题、看教材、听讲
学生在推理过程中容易出现逻辑混乱或推理不严密的情况 。纠正方法:强调推理的逻辑性和严密性,通过多做习题 来锻炼逻辑思维能力。
学生在进行数值计算时容易出错,可能是由于粗心或计算 能力不足。纠正方法:加强计算训练,培养细心和准确性 。
学生在解决应用问题时,可能对问题的理解有误或解题思 路不正确。纠正方法:加强应用题训练,引导学生分析问 题,理清解题思路。
解析:根据浙教版第七章的内容,D选项是正确的。这道题主要考察了学生对知识点的记忆和理解,需要学生熟练掌握相关知 识点。
学生常常对基本概念理解不透彻,导致在解题时出现偏差 。纠正方法:加强对概念的解释和实例演示,帮助学生深 入理解。
C(金刚第七章复习、基础知识H 2SQ 3Na 2SiO 3 NaHC03"!=iH Na 2CO 3CaSiO 3SiF 4 ―► SiO 2 ―► SiC ―► CO 2CaCO 3 斗.Ca (HO 3) 21It CaSiO3COH 2CO 3CaO」一[ca (OH ) 2」 二、重点知识(一)碳和硅的结构比较 1最外层电子数:相同,都有 4个电子。
2. 电子层数:Si>C.3.原子半径: Si>C.4. 都是原子晶体,在空间都具有网状结构•熔点、沸点很高,硬度很大。
其中熔点: 石)>Si (晶体硅),硬度:C (金刚石)>Si (晶体硅)。
5•都有同素异形体:碳有金刚石 石墨\C 6o 等.硅有晶体硅 无定形硅• 6.存在:碳有游离态,硅无游离态.(三)二氧化硅1. 物理性质:熔点高,硬度大,不溶于水的固体。
「传统无机非金属材料u 新型无机非金属材料纯碱C .水玻璃()D .漂白粉()H 2SQ 3() SiCl 4i Si() A .水泥与陶瓷 C .水晶玻璃也陶瓷 2 •化学性质:⑴弱氧化性: SiO 2 +2C 高温 Si + 2CO(2) 具有酸性氧化物的通性(能与强碱和碱性氧化物反应 ) (3) 特性:SiO 2 + 4HF = SiF 4+ 2H 2O(四) 硅酸和硅酸盐1 •硅酸:不溶于水,为弱酸,其酸性比碳酸还要弱• 2. 硅酸盐:常见的有Na 2SiO 3,具水溶液俗称水玻璃。
「无机非金属材料材料 彳金属材料 ' 高分子材料练习: 1.空气中久置而不会变质的是 A .烧碱 B . 2. 下列含氧酸的酸酐不能由单质与氧气直接化合得到的是A . H 2CO 3B . H 2SO 4C . H 2SO 3D3. 下列物质间转化必须加入还原剂才能实现的是A . SiO 2i Na 2SiO 3B . SiNa 2SiO 3C . SiSiCl 4D4. 在工业生产下列各组中产品时,一定不使用到相同原料的是B .普通玻璃与普通水泥 D .玻璃纤维与钢化玻璃5. 某种水泥的主要成分为 3CaO • SiO 2、2CaO • SQ 2、3CaO • Al 2O 3,说明该种水泥不具有 抗 性(从下列性质中选填序号)。
《夏日友晴天》chapter6 chapter7 词块赏析课件-2024届高三英语一轮复习
root for the underdog: 支持弱者 The crowd began to root for the underdog as they fought to make a comeback. (观众开始支持弱者,因为他们努力争取逆袭。) rise from underdog status: 从弱者地位崛起 The team managed to rise from underdog status to win the championship. (这支队伍设法从弱者地位崛起,赢得了冠军。)
11. cascade of gold coins: 金币瀑布。 He gasped, imagining himself and Alberto as a cascade of gold coins showered down around them 意思是他倒吸一口气,想象着自己 和Alberto站在金币瀑布中,金币如雨般洒落。
9.pedaled her bicycle and cart away: 骑着自行车和推车离开。 Giulia pedaled her bicycle and cart away 意思是Giulia骑着自行车和推 车离开。
Snatch, cascade
10. snatched the poster: 抢走海报。 Ercole snatched the poster 意思是Ercole抢走了海报。
thrilled,thrilled to bits • 例句: • She was thrilled when she received the news of her promotion. • (她得知自己升职的消息时非常兴奋。) • He was absolutely thrilled about the surprise birthday party. • (他对这个惊喜生日派对感到非常兴奋。)
高等数学第七版下册复习纲要Chapter 7: XXXI。
XXX1.Order of a XXX: The highest order of the unknown n'XXX is called the order of the XXX.2.XXX an identity is called a XXX.XXX the same number of independent arbitrary constants as the order of the n is called the general XXX.Particular XXX.3.XXX: A particular XXX initial ns。
or it can be directly observed from the n of the XXX。
XXX not always XXX.II。
XXX1.XXX1) Form of the n: g(y)dy = f(x)dx.2) XXX: n of variables.3) n steps:① Separate the variables and write XXX(y)dy =② XXX(y) = F(x) + C in the form of ∫g(y)dy = ∫f(x)dx;③ Make the XXX.2.XXX1) Form of the n:dyφdx2) XXX: Variable n.3) n steps:① Introduce a new variable u = y/x。
then y = ux and dy/dx = u + xdu/dx;② Substitute y = ux and dy/dx = u + xdu/dx into the original n to get u + xdu/dx = φ(u);③ Separate variables and XXX;④ Substitute u back to get the n in terms of y and x.3.XXX1) Form of the n:dy/dx + P(x)y = Q(x).XXX: dy/dx + P(x)y = 0.Non-XXX: dy/dx + P(x)y = Q(x) ≠ 0.2) XXX:XXX: XXX variables.The general XXX is y = Ce^(-∫P(x)dx)。
1) The confidence interval for a single coefficient in a multiple regression A) makes little sense because the population parameter is unknown. B) should not be computed because there are other coefficients present in the model. C) contains information from a large number of hypothesis tests. D) should only be calculated if the regression R2 is identical to the adjusted R2. Answer: C
2) The following linear hypothesis can be tested using the F-test with the exception of A) β2 = 1 and β3= β4/β5. B) β2 =0. C) β1 + β2 = 1 and β3 = -2β4. D) β0 = β1 and β1 = 0. Answer: A
4) All of the following are examples of joint hypotheses on multiple regression coefficients, with the
exception of
A) H0 : β1 + β2 = 1
概率论与数理统计(李慧斌)复习大纲Chapter 7 Confidence Intervals置信区间7.1 Sampling Distribution 抽样分布统计量的分布称为抽样分布。
复习:Thm 5.5.2若X1, X2,…, X n独立且满足,i= 1,2,…,n,若C1, C2,…, C n不全为零,则Corollary 5.5.2 设随机变量X1, X2,…, X n组成随机样本,满足正态分布,其中均值μ和方差σ2,则7.2 χ2Distribution卡方分布定义:若随机变量X1, X2,…, X n独立同分布且其中每个随机变量都满足标准正态分布,所以有着以n阶自由度卡方分布(χ2distribution with n degrees of freedom),记作,n来源于独立随机变量中以n阶自由度的χ2分布的概率密度函数其中欧拉函数定义为χ2分布的性质:定理1定理2 (χ2分布的可加性)若X ~χ2 (n) , Y ~χ2(m),X, Y独立,则X+Y ~ χ2 (n+m)例:设X1, X2,…, X n是正态分布的随机样本,证明Thm 7.3.1 设X1, X2,…, X n是正态分布的随机样本,则:(1)与独立;(2)注:,虽然基于n个,但是它们之和为0,所以指定数量的n-1确定剩余值。
证明如下:的联合概率分布函数为其中A为正交矩阵(orthogonal matrix),且的联合概率分布函数为因此独立且⇒与独立且7.4 The t Distribution t分布定义:设X ~ N(0, 1), Y ~χ2 (n)且X和Y独立,则随机变量所满足的分布称为n阶自由度t分布,记作,其中的概率密度函数为t分布的性质:(1)f(x)图像呈钟型,且中心为0;(2)它的一般形状类似于平均分布0的正态分布的概率密度函数。
初三知识Chapter 7提纲答案
• ▲(15) 1.There is neither air nor water on the moon. • 2. neither……nor hot • 3.Neither……nor……is • 4.C 5.B • ▲(16) 1.You can do it either before or after class. • 2.Either……or……needs\has • staying
• • • •
▲(11) 1. she could 2.I should 3. I could 4.which one to choose to get 6.B 7.B 8.I should ▲(12) 1. was not present at \ was absent from • 2. at present 3.D • ▲(13) 1.I heard from Tom last week • 2. hear from
• • • • • • • • •
▲(8) 1.caught him……put him in a 2.They will be in prison for ten years. ▲(9) 1.feel sorry for my parents 2. apologized to \made an apology to the teacher 3.make an apology to ▲(10) 1.was born……so ugly that……wear 2.too tired to say 3.too fast for us to 4.such a lovely girl that 5.such a …that 6.A
• ▲(17) 1.Miss Wang is not only my teacher but also my good friend. • 3. Not only Mr White but also Mr Smith has a car. • ▲(18) 1.Both he and his wife know English. • 2.Both Jane and Ann prefer English to math. • 3.are
《小王子》精读 Chapter7 讲义-高三英语一轮复习
《The Little Princess--Chapter 7A》On the fifth day-- again, as always, it was thanks to the sheep-- the secret of the little prince’s life was revealed to me. Abruptly, without anything to lead up to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation on his problem, he demanded:"A sheep-- if it eats little bushes, does it eat flowers, too?""A sheep," I answered, "eats anything it finds in its reach.""Even flowers that have thorns?""Yes, even flowers that have thorns.""Then the thorns-- what use are they?"【词汇】①meditation /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n.冥想,打坐;沉思,深思②demand /dɪˈmɑ:nd/ v.强烈要求;需要,需求n.坚决的要求;需求,需求量③thorn /θɔ:n/ n.(植物茎上的)刺;带刺的灌木,荆棘④abruptly /əˈbrʌptli/ adv.突然地;唐突地;陡然【短语】①thanks to 幸亏,多亏了②lead up to 导致;作为……的准备③as if 犹如,好似④in its reach 在它的范围内【译文】第五天,还是因为羊的事情,小王子的生活秘密向我揭开了。
Compound Sentences
Join two simple sentences with a coordinating conjunction.
Question Sentences
七年级上册人教版英语 Unit7复习课件
Unit 7复习课件:词汇复习,语法复习,句型复习,对话与情境练习,听力训 练,阅读理解练习,写作练习。
Use flashcards to study and memorize new vocabulary words.
听力训o audio recordings and repeat after the speaker to improve pronunciation.
Listen and Answer
Listen to questions or conversations and answer comprehension questions.
Understand the correct order of adjectives in a sentence.
Simple Sentences
Create simple sentences using subject-verbobject structure.
Complex Sentences
Multiple-Choice Questions
Select the correct option from multiple choices based on the given passage.
Chapter 7 课后答案
Chapter 7 答案Discourse Analysis1.Define the following terms briefly.(1)discourse: a general term for examples of language use, i.e. language producedas the result of an act of communication. It refers to the larger units oflanguage such as paragraphs, conversations and interviews.(2)discourse analysis: the study of how sentences in written and spoken languageform larger meaning units such as paragraphs, conversations and interviews.(3)given information: the information that the addresser believes is known to the addressee.(4)new information: the information that the addresser believes is not knownto the addressee.(5)topic: the main center of attention in a sentence.(6)cohesion: the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the differentelements of a text. This may be the relationship between different sentencesor different parts of a sentence.(7)coherence: the relationship that links the meanings of utterances ina discourseor of the sentences in a text.(8)discourse marker: the technical term for all the items that are used to helpconstruct discourse, such as signifying the beginning or ending of a paragraphor a turn in conversation. They are commonly used in the initial positionof an utterance and are syntactically detachable from a sentence, such aswell, I mean, now, then, first, second, finally.(9)adjacency pair: a set of two consecutive, ordered turns that “go together” in aconversation, such as sequences of question/answer, greeting/greeting, invitation/acceptance, criticism/denial.(10) preference structure: in the conversations there can be several second partsrelated to one first part, but they are not of equal status. The structural likelihoodis called preference, and this likely structure is the preference structurethat divides second parts into preferred and dispreferred. The former is thestructurally expected and the latter unexpected. In answering the question“Have you got a light?”, the reply “Here you are” is preferred and “Sorry, no, I don’t smoke” is dispr eferred.(11 presequence: the opening sequences that are used to set up some special potentialactions, such as greetings before formal conversations. “What are youdoing tonight?” can be used as a presequence if it is followed by “If nothingspecial, come over and have dinner with us please.”(12) critical discourse analysis: the analysis of language use directed at, and committedto, discovering the concealed ideological bias, injustice, inequality in the power relations among speakers and hearers.2.In the study of discourse, cohesion refers to the grammatical and/or lexical relationshipsbetween the different parts of a text. This may be the relationship betweendifferent sentences or different parts of a sentence. It concerns the questionof how sentences are explicitly linked together in a discourse by different kinds ofovert devices. Such cohesive devices include reference, substitution, ellipses, conjunction and lexical→the look-out4.them (line 4)→plant and animal species (line 3)that (line 7)→“Every ecosystem everywhere can’t be preserved intact.”it (line 7)→“Every ecosystem everywhere can’t be preserved intact.”it (1st one, line 8)→how can it be made consistent with the earlier objective?it (2nd one, line 8)→to deprive some people in some parts of the world of a pieceof their ecosystem but not others.5.It is not a coherent discourse. Although it has connection words such as a Ford–– a car and black –– Black, which look like cohesive devices, they refer to entirelydifferent things. There is a total lack of internal relation among the sentences. Atext can’t be only based on superficial connections between the words to pursuecoherence; there must be some relationship that links the meanings of the sentencesin a text, too. This text is not in line with our real experience of the way theworld is. Thus, we can’t make sense of it directly unless we are laborious to createmeaningful connections which are not actually expressed by the words and sentences.So it’s not a coheren t discourse.6.Coherence is the relationship that links the meanings of utterances ina discourse or of the sentences in a text. This extract is coherent. All the sentences (questions in fact) are organized around the topic “interview”, and they are arrang ed from the general to the more specific in a logical order so that the text is easy to follow.。
chapter 7 复习
Chapter 7词义搭配1. latest a. the most recent or the newest2. seldom b. to interrupt someone so that he or she can’t continue what he or she is doing3.disturb c. someone who is between 13 and 19 years old4. teenager d. helping you do or get what you want5. whole e. not often, very rarely6. useful f. all of something7. perform g. to be given something8. play h . a story that is written to be performed by actors, especially in a theatre9. receive I . to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned10. expect j. to do something to entertain people , for example , by acting a play or playing a piece of music词汇1.We drank a bottle each .A. muchB. allC. fewD. complete2. I’m expecting Tim any minutes now .A. talking withB. looking forC. waiting forD. thinking over3. Mrs Smith does not often get home after 5 o’clock in the afternoon .A.. alwaysB. neverC. usuallyD. seldom4. The book contains a generous amount of information .A. a lot ofB. too littleC. too manyD. none of5. You’ll make it if you try your best .A. catchB. succeedC. failD. lose6. The book is full of useful information .A. carefulB. helpfulC. colorfulD. beautiful7. The old man was very glad to watch such a wonderful play .A. happyB. interestedC. boredD. serious8. The teenagers are old enough to take care of themselves .A. look atB. look afterC. see offD. watch out9. Every father should know his responsibililty .A. how he succeedB. when he will finish the workC. why he has to play the important roleD. what he should do .10. The family paid 50,000 dorllars for their house .A. cost--- onB. cost --- forC. spent---- onD. took ---at单项选择1.The children said _____ they enjoyed themselves very much .A. ifB. whichC. whereD. that2. ----What’s wrong with Mary ? She seems very tired .---There is something wrong ____ bike , so she had to walk to school today .A. myB. herC. hisD. your3. ---Excuse me , could you please tell me ______?---The bus No.32 will take you right there .A.There is Children’s MuseumB.What Children’s Museum looks like .C.How I can get to Children’s Museum .D.Which bus shall I take to Children’s Museum .4. ---Jim, what did your uncle say in the letter ?--He said that he often _____ the city zoo. How wonderful .A. will visitB. visitC. visitedD. visits5. Lin Feng ____ that he will go to the beach on Saturday morning .A. saysB. tellsC. asksD. talks根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.A b_____ of flowers always makes me happy when I am sad .2.They are going to p _____ the play Hamlet next Friday .3.Wang Hong’s parents gave her the best education they could a ____.,4.I was on vacation , so I didn’t r _________ Mary’s letter .5.What type of washing m _____ are you interested in ?6.As Tom’s parents died early, he had to earn his own living when hewas a t ______.7.Call me a _____ if you need more help .8.Talk quietly in the reading room in order not to d ______ others .9.Finally, the policeman thought that Jack had no r _______ for thataccident .10.It was months before the w _____ truth came out .选择正确的副词或介词填空1.You’d better put a small amount ____ salt in the cake (on, of )2.I’m thankful to my teacher ____ helping me with my maths (at, for)3.Let’s pick ____ the bad potatoes from the basket (away, out )4.Children under 5 can travel ______nothing in that country (for, with)5.Can you listen to music and do your homework ____ the same time (on,at )6.The 2012 London Olympic Games started ____ 27th July (in, on )7.May I speak _____ Jim Smith , please ? ( for, to )8.What are you doing here ? Don’t you have to be ______ the studionow ?(at, on )9.They used to wash their clothes _____ hand .( by, with )10.My grandpa came to live ____ us last year .(with , through )用所给词的正确形式填空1.Wang Wei says the English teacher is kind to _______(he) .2.Ann said that she _______(not know ) the company’s new address.3.Kate says that she ______(go) to help the poor children tomorrow.4.He asked me _____(wait) a moment .5.A great amount of money _______(have) been received .6.He said that he _______(ring ) her the next morning .7.The father warned Jason ______(not play ) computer games any more .8.Grandpa told us that pandas ______(like) to eat bamboo .9.You really can’t expect me _______(believe) that thing .10.The teacher told John that he must ______(bring) his homework beforenoon.根据句意翻译下列句子1.毕竟,他是我的朋友。
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Chapter 7Business Markets and Business Buyer BehaviorMultiple Choice1.Business buyers tend to be more rational and _____ than consumer; Easy)2.Each party in the buying process has subtle _____ and _____.a.expectations; needsb.behavior; proceduresc.roles; needsd.guidelines; roles(c; Moderate)3.In one way or another, most large companies sell to _____.a.consumersb.other organizationsc.employeesd.not-for-profit organizations(b; Moderate)4.As a purchasing agent, Benni Lopez buys goods and services for use in theproduction of other products and services that are sold and supplied to others.Benni is involved in _____.a.consumer buying behaviorb.corporate buying behaviorc.reseller buying buying behavior(d; Easy)5.Annie Laurie works for Arrow Star, a wholesaler and retailer of outdoor furniture.Her job is to acquire goods to resell and rent to other retailers and consumers at a profit. Annie is involved in _____.a.consumer buying behaviorb.corporate buying behaviorc.reseller buying buying behavior(d; Challenging)6.What can we say about the size of the business market compared to consumermarkets?a.It is approximately the same.b.It is smaller.c.It is huge.d.There is no need to compare them.(c; Easy)7.All of the following are differences between business and consumer markets exceptone. Which is it? structure and demandb.nature of the buying unitc.type of credit extendedd.types of decisions and the decision process involved(c; Challenging)8.You have just realized after talking to a marketing analyst that many sets of _____purchases were made for only one set of _____ purchases.a.consumer; businessb.inexpensive; businessc.expensive;; consumer(d; Challenging)9.What can we say about business purchasers compared to the consumer purchasers?a.They deal with far fewer but far larger buyers.b.They are paid and the consumer is not paid for buying.c.Business buyers almost always work in committees.d.None of the above(a; Moderate)10.Adirondack Industries sells industrial supplies to markets in six states. The marketsare in major cities because the buyers tend to be geographically _____.a.dispersedb.concentratedc.homogeneousd.equidistant(b; Moderate)11.You now understand that business demand is ultimately derived from the demandfor consumer goods and is therefore called _____.a.elastic demandb.fluctuating demandc.derived demandd.joint demand(c; Easy)12.Kroger buys a lot of cranberry products at Christmas due to high consumer demand.This is an example of _____ demand.a.jointb.derivedc.elasticd.fluctuating(b; Moderate)13.Bartholomew Pharmacies sell certain prescription drugs that are not affected muchby price changes, especially in the short run. We say these products have what type of demand?a.jointb.derivedc.inelasticd.elastic(c; Moderate)14.It is because of _____ demand that many business goods and services tend tochange more – and more quickly – than the demand for consumer goods andservices.a.fluctuatingb.derivedc.inelasticd.elastic(a; Easy)pared with consumer purchases, a business purchase usually involves _____decision participants.a.better-trainedb.more professionalc.mored.all of the above(d; Moderate)16.What generally causes several people to become involved in a business purchasedecision? It is when the purchase is more _____.a.expensiveb.time consumingplexd.frequent(c; Easy)17.As a participant in the B2B market, you will be more _____ those from whom youbuy and those to whom you sell.a.friendly withb.dependent onc.professional withd.independent from(b; Moderate)rge business purchasers usually call for detailed product specifications, writtenpurchase orders, careful supplier searches, and formal approval. Because of this, we say the business buying process is more _____.a.formalizedb.professionalc.strategicd.time consuming(a; Easy)19.The owners of the company you work for have developed a core of suppliers andare working closely with them. This is an example of _____ management.a.channelb.supplier captaind.core channel(b; Easy)20.Business marketers keep a customer’s sales by meeting current needs and bypartnering with customers to help them _____.a.make moneyb.increase profitsc.solve their problemsd.please their customers(c; Challenging)21.At which level will marketers want to know how business buyers will respond tovarious marketing stimuli?a.basicb.intermediatec.advancedd.none of the above(a; Easy)22.As with consumer buying, the marketing stimuli for business buying consists ofproduct, price, place, and _____.a.precisionb.presellingc.promotiond.predetermined standards(c; Moderate)23.In a typical organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the buying_____ and the buying _____.mittee; timeb.time; reorder pointc.economic order quantity; reorder; decision process(d; Challenging)24.Choose the answer below that is not a factor that affects the buying center and thebuying decision process.a.internal organization factorsb.interpersonal factorsc.individual factorsd.intrepreneurial factors(d; Moderate)25.It is typical to find three major types of business buying situations. Choose theincorrect one from the list below.a.straight rebuyb.modified taskd.All of the above are correct buying situations.(d; Easy)26.You purchase cleaning supplies for your custodial help regularly. Your coworkerremarks that the purchase of these supplies is handled on a routine basis. It istherefore a _____.a.modified taskc.straight rebuyd.modified straight rebuy(c; Moderate)27.You call in a department manager to assist in a purchase of industrial equipment.You are considering a change in the product specifications, terms, and possibly suppliers. This sounds like a _____.a.modified taskc.straight rebuyd.tough decision(a; Easy)28.The present production equipment on your assembly lines is outmoded andinefficient. The purchase of entirely new equipment is in order. After carefulsearching through numerous suppliers and gathering opinions from all relevant parties to the work, you are now ready to make this _____ purchase.a.modified taskc.straight rebuyd.expensive(b; Challenging)29.Which business buying situation is the marketer’s greatest opportunity andchallenge?a.modified rebuyb.straight taskd.multiple rebuys(c; Easy)30.You just lost a major account because a competitor beat you to the sale. The salewent to the firm because it provided the most complete system to meet thecustomer’s needs. You have just been reminded that competition beat you with sellingc.great skilld.none of the above(a; Challenging)31.What is the decision-making unit of a buying organization called today?a.buying committeeb.buying centerc.buying teamd.lone ranger(b; Easy)32.By definition, a buying center consists of all the individuals and _____ thatparticipate in the business decision-making process.a.managersmitteesc.task forcesd.units(d; Easy)33.The buying center at Yugo Yogurt uses the services of a number of individuals. Itincludes the actual users, those who make the buying decisions, those who influence it, those who do the actually buying, and those who the billb.control buying informationc.set the parametersd.none of the above(b; Moderate)34.This member of the buying center has formal or informal power to select or approvethe final suppliers. These individuals are often the buyers in routine buying.ersb.influencersc.gatekeepersd.deciders(d; Easy)35.A(n) _____ controls the flow of information to others in the buying center.erb.influencerc.buyerd.gatekeeper(d; Easy)36.Jonathan Myers helps define and set specifications for evaluating alternatives forpurchasing. He also provides information for evaluating the alternatives. In hisrole on the buying committee, Jonathan acts as a(n) _____.erb.influencerc.deciderd.gatekeeper(b; Moderate)37.Gretchen Kabor has formal authority to select the suppliers and arrange terms ofpurchase for many of the items her firm uses. Her role in the buying center is one of _____.erb.influencerc.buyerd.decider(c; Moderate)38. Alliance Hardware Stores, a regional chain of 48 stores in six states, presents amajor challenge for your manufacturing company. Their buying center must beunderstood by learning who participates in buying decisions, each participant’srelative influence, and the _____ each decision participant uses.a.evaluation criteriab.budgetary limitsd.personal bias(a; Challenge)39. The buying center is not a fixed and formally identified unit within the buyingorganization. Rather, it is a set of _____ assumed by different people for different purchases.a.budgetary limitsrmal job titlesc.buying rolesd.none of the above(c; Moderate)40. Sometimes, even the people in the buying center are not aware of all of the_____.a.product requirementsb.buying participantsc.supplier optionsd.constraints(b; Moderate)41. Business buyers react to both reason and emotion, therefore they respond to botheconomic and _____ factors.a.personalb.consumerc.supplierd.reseller(a; Easy)42. When suppliers’ offers are very similar, business buyers have little basis for strictly_____.a.emotional choiceb.rational choicec.price negotiationd.none of the above(b; Easy)43. When competing products differ greatly, business buyers are more accountable fortheir choices and tend to pay more attention to _____.a.economic factorsb.pricesc.rational choiced.negotiation(a; Moderate)44. Charles Swartz is a purchasing agent for Able and Cain Clothiers. As a buyer, hewill not be influenced by one of these basic factors.a.environmentalanizationalc.intrapersonald.individual(c; Moderate)45. The current and expected economic environment includes which of the followingbuyer influences?a.level of primary demandb.economic outlookc.the cost of moneyd.all of the above(d; Moderate)46. As of last week, Jayne Buois sees that economic uncertainty is rising. She hasdecided to take the advice of her business consultant, who tells her to cut back on new investments and attempt to _____.a.reduce the workforceb.reduce the inventoriesc.reduce wages and salariesd.reduce waste and install tighter controls(b; Challenging)47. Generally speaking, business buyers will hold inventories to a minimum, except inthe case of _____.a.low-cost itemsb.key/scarce materialsernment-regulated materialsd.imported materials(b; Easy)48. Choose the one question below that the marketer of business products would notanswer.a.Who are the people involved in the buying decision?b.What are their evaluative criteria?c.What are the company’s policies and limits on its buyers?d.Why will the consumer buy this?(d; Moderate)49. Interpersonal buying factors are difficult to manage because they are generally very_____.a.vagueb.clearc.subtled.easily misunderstood(c; Easy)50. Jorge Juarez will go through all of the stages of the buying process to add anadditional assembly line at work. Jorge is facing a _____ situation.a.straight rebuyb.modified task budget(c; Moderate)51. The buying process begins when someone in the company recognizes a _____.a.problem or unmet needb.customer complaintc.shortage of a goodd.changing demand(a; Challenging)52. Is it true that different business buyers have differing buying styles?a.falseb.truec.indeterminabled.not important(b; Easy)53. Business marketers often alert customers to potential problems and then show howtheir products provide solutions. What is this step in the business buying process?a.general need descriptionb.alternative evaluationsc.problem recognitiond.developing limits or constraints(c; Moderate)54. The purchasing agent at your company is working with engineers and users todefine the items to purchase by describing the characteristics and quantities topurchase. He is also ranking the importance of reliability, durability, and price.The buyer is preparing a _____.a.value analysisb.product specifications listc.general need descriptiond.purchase order(c; Challenging)55. This team decides on the best product characteristics and specifies them on thegeneral need description. They study their needs carefully to determine if they can redesign, standardize, or create a less costly method of production of the items.What is the team generating?a.value analysisb.general need descriptionc.purchase orderd.product specifications list(a; Moderate)56. When Future Now goes beyond searching for appropriate suppliers to generate asupplier-partner relationship over the long run, it can help bring more value to its customers. Future Now is engaged in _____.a.value captainingc.supplier developmentd.supplier control(c; Moderate)57. The step following value analysis is _____.a.proposal solicitationb.supplier searchc.problem recognitiond.general need description(b; Easy)58. Suppliers have responsibilities in the supply chain. Which of the following is amajor responsibility?a.become listed in major a good reputation in the marketplacec.become the channel captaind.both a and b(d; Moderate)59. The step following supplier search is _____.a.evaluate suppliersb.supplier selectionc.cost-benefit analysisd.none of the above(b; Easy)60. Jan Armstrong has developed the policy for her firm of using multiple sources ofsuppliers. All of the following are typical reasons to do so except one. Find avoid being totally dependent on one allow comparison of prices over allow comparison of performance over find the lowest cost supplier(d; Moderate)61. Buyers may attempt to negotiate with preferred suppliers for better prices and termsbefore _____.a.orderingb.signing the contractc.making the final selection of suppliersd.paying(c; Moderate)62. When a buyer and supplier create a long-term agreement of supply of products asneeded at agreed prices for a set time period, they have created a _____.a.blanket contractb.negotiable instrumentc.binding purchase orderd.locked-in sale(a; Easy)63. A blanket order offers several benefits to the buyer. Which of the following is nota benefit?a.eliminates expensive renegotiating with each orderb.allows more, but smaller, ordersc.buys more items from the supplierd.eliminates inventory problems(d; Challenging)64. Following purchase, the buyer would monitor this phase of the new-task buyingsituation. The seller would also monitor the same factors used by the buyer.a.order-routine specificationsb.supplier selectionc.performance reviewd.value analysis(c; Moderate)65. The Internet has made it easy for sellers to put their purchasing requests online andinvite suppliers to bid for the business through what is called buyingb.biddingc.Internet tradingd.reverse auctions(d; Easy)66. Jay’s Big and Tall Men’s chain of clothing and shoe stores enjoys e-procurement.As a buyer, the store enjoys all of these benefits except one.a.greater access to new suppliersb.lowers purchasing costsc.hastens order processing and deliveryd.reduces payroll(d; Moderate)67. B2B e-procurement yields many benefits. Are any of these not a benefit to buyers?a.shaves transaction costsb.results in more efficient purchasing for both buyers and sellersc.eliminates inventory problemsd.reduces order processing costs(c; Moderate)68. Hewlett Packard has stated that, “The first advantage of e-procurement is clearlythe _____ that we are _____.”a.faster service; receivingb.lower prices; payingc.better terms; negotiatingd.lower inventory; encountering(b; Challenging)69. E-procurement offers other advantages to purchasing professionals, such as it_____.a.reduces drudgeryb.reduces paperworkc.allows more time managing inventoryd.all of the above(d; Easy)70. E-procurement offers other advantages to purchasing professions, such as _____.a.allowing time to focus on value-added activitiesb.working creatively with suppliersc.more time to develop/acquire new productsd.all of the above(d; Challenging)71. A problem with the rapidly expanding use of e-purchasing is that it _____.a.erodes decades-old customer-supplier relationshipsb.saves less time than expectedc.generates more transactions to documentd.generates less cost savings than predicted(a; Moderate)72. You have discovered, like most other firms that buy online, the leading barrier toexpanding electronic links with customers and partners. What is it?a.costb.trained personnelc.securityck of knowledge(c; Easy)73. The two common nonbusiness markets are _____ and _____.a.institutional; not-for-profiternment; not-for-profitc.institutional; governmentd.nonprofit; government(c; Moderate)74. Green Tree Suppliers serves schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons.Management at Green Tree is involved in the _____ market.ernmentb.not-for-profitc.locald.institutional(d; Easy)75. Many institutional markets are characterized by _____ and _____.a.low budgets; vague criteriab.special needs; vague criteriac.low budgets; captive patronsd.captive patrons; limited access(c; Challenging)76. Your firm will start exporting to Korea. In Korea, like in most countries, the _____market is the major buyer of goods and services.a.institutionalernmentc.corporated.lower class(b; Easy)77. What must the marketer to governments need to know?a.who the key decision makers areb.identify the factors that affect buyer behaviorc.understand the buying processd.all of the above(d; Moderate)78. Government organizations tend to favor _____ suppliers over _____ suppliers—arule of thumb that marketers need to know.a.local; domesticb.foreign; localc.foreign; domesticd.domestic; foreign(d; Easy)79. What is the unique thing about government buying?a.It is carefully watched by outside publics.b.the bidding processc.long payment periods for purchasesd.much paperwork and red tape(a; Moderate)80. Disadvantages to selling to the government include all of the following except one.a.considerable paperworkb.bureaucracyc.regulationsd.low sales volume(d; Easy)81. Disadvantages in selling to the government include all of the following except one.a.decision-making delaysb.frequent shifts in procurement personnelc.confusing regulationsd.low sales volume(d; Moderate)82. Most governments provide would-be suppliers with _____ describing how to sell tothe government.a.detailed guidesb.procurement documentsc.proposalsd.contract forms(a; Challenging)83. _____ also play a growing role in government buying.a.Procurement personnel shiftsb.Noneconomic criteriac.Online proposalsd.None of the above(b; Easy)84. Which of the following is perhaps the greatest factor in government buying?a.priceb.product differentiationc.advertisingd.personal selling(a; Moderate)85. Total government spending is determined by _____ rather than by any _____ todevelop this market.a.price; elected officialsb.elected officials; contractual agreementsc.elected officials; marketing effort; elected officials(c; Challenging)86. During the past decade, some of the government’s buying has _____.a.gone onlineb.become more complicatedc.generated more paperworkd.created buying centers with additional staff(a; Easy)87. After reading a trade publication at work, you as chief purchasing agent atTideWell Electronics, have discovered that the largest market in the United States is the _____ market.a.consumerb.institutionc.businessernment(c; Moderate)True – False88. A business buyer buys goods and services for use in the production of otherproducts and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. It also includesretailers and wholesalers who acquire goods for reselling or renting.(True; Easy)89. The main differences between business and consumer markets include marketstructure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, the types of decisions, and the amount of money spent annually.(False; Moderate)90. In its most simple terms, the business buying process consists of business buyersdetermining which products and services their organizations need to purchase, and then finding, evaluating, and choosing among alternative suppliers and brands. (True; Moderate)91. Your company manufactures and sells sophisticated machine shop equipment to thebusiness market. Since you sell to buyers in major cities, you see that businessmarkets are geographically concentrated.(True; Easy)92. Although business demand is generally derived demand, it may turn into jointdemand.(False; Easy)93. Business demand ultimately derives from the demand for other business goods andservices.(False; Moderate)94. Business markets have more fluctuating demand than consumer markets. (True; Easy)95. You work for a major corporation and find that business purchases usually involvemore decision participants and a more professional purchasing effort.(True; Moderate)96. You have noticed that business marketers build close long-run relationships withcustomers compared to the consumer marketer.(True; Easy)97. Not only do many firms use customer relationship management, they are usingsupplier relationship management to become more efficient.(True; Moderate)98. In the long run, business marketers keep a customer’s sales by meeting currentneeds and providing satisfactory customer service.(False; Moderate)99. Rob Taylor is the buyer for Major Memories. He regularly orders inexpensivemerchandise in a fairly routine fashion without any modifications. He may choose other suppliers from time to time. Rob’s decisions take the form of modified rebuy. (False; Challenging)100. Many business buyers prefer to buy a packaged solution to a problem from a single seller. This is called systems selling.(True; Easy)101. The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called the purchasing department.(False; Moderate)102. Nancy Chan works for LeBray Beverage Company. She often helps to define product specifications and also provides information for evaluating alternatives. In this role she is acting as a gatekeeper.(False; Moderate)103. This person in the purchase decision process controls the flow of information to others involved. This role is that of an influencer.(False; Easy)104. Today, most B2B marketers recognize that emotion plays an important role in business buying decisions.(True; Easy)105. Typical factors in the economic environment that influence buying decisions include level of primary demand; the economic outlook; the cost of money;shortages of key, trained personnel; and technological, political, and competitive developments.(False; Challenging)106. Buyers have different buying styles influenced by personal factors such as age, income, education, professional identification, and attitudes toward risk. We call these individual factors on the buying process.(True; Easy)107. When a business buyer prepares a statement describing the characteristics and quantity of the items needed, he or she has created a product specificationdescription.(False; Moderate)108. After completing a supplier search, it is important to develop a system of supplier-partners that can help bring more value to customers. To accomplish this youwould initiate supplier development.(True; Easy)109. Proposals should be marketing documents and not just technical documents. (True; Easy)110. When conducting a performance review, the seller must monitor the same factors used by the buyer to make sure that the seller is giving the expected satisfaction. (True; Moderate)111. This method of B2B buying is growing rapidly and is conducted online. It is often called e-procurement.(True; Easy)112. B2B e-procurement yields the following benefits: 1) reduces transaction costs, 2) reduces order processing costs, 3) more efficient purchasing for both buyers and suppliers, 4) increases the time between order and delivery.(False; Moderate)113. This method of B2B buying reduces drudgery and paperwork, allows more time to spend on value-added activities and developing new products. This sounds likeusing only one trained professional to do all of the buying, thus freeing upmanagement.(False; Challenging)114. Your firm sells plastic utensils and paper goods to schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and jails. You are involved in the institutional market.(True; Easy)115. Your foreign operations can supply the Federal Government with lower prices than the competition. You now have a marketing decision to make because yourdomestic operation is not as competitive as other U.S. suppliers. The problem is that government organizations tend to favor domestic suppliers over foreignsuppliers.(True; Moderate)116. Most governments provide would-be suppliers with detailed guides describing how to sell to the government.(True; Easy)117. It is rare that noneconomic factors such as depressed business firms, minority-owned firms, or small business firms play a role in government buying. (False; Moderate)118. Total government spending is determined by elected officials rather than by any marketing effort to develop this market.(True; Easy)Essay119. Briefly describe the characteristics of business markets.The business marketer normally deals with far fewer but far larger buyers than the consumer marketer does. These markets are more geographically concentrated and the demand is derived demand. Many markets have inelastic demand; that is, total demand for many business products is not affected much by price change. These markets have more fluctuating demand than consumer goods.A business purchase decision usually involves more decision participants and amore professional purchasing effort. Business buyers usually face more complex buying decisions with a buying process that is more formalized. Many companies practice supplier relationship management. In the long run, business marketerskeep a customer’s sales by meeting current needs and by partnering with customers to help them solve their problems.(Challenging; p. 172-173)。