Sir/Madam 用于对不认识人的称呼 • Mr. 对男士的尊称 e.g Mr.Trump(姓) • Ms 对女士的尊称 e.g Ms.Trump(姓) • Mrs 对已婚女性的尊称 e.g Mrs.Trump
• Miss 对未婚婚女性的尊称e.g MissTrump (姓)
• buddy n. 伙计;伙伴。 对同伴的称呼
Improper English names(不恰 当的英文名)
• 1.最好不要使用一些小说中的人物名字,一 些带有色情含义的名字,或者不知不觉地 使用“Dragon(龙)”,“Fish (鱼)”或者 “Lawyer(律师)”这样的名字。这些名字可 能会在事后工作中出现麻烦。
• 2.英文名应该带有“感情色彩”,或者显示 个人性格。所以像“Satan(撒旦)”或者 “Dumbledore(邓布利多)”这种名字不适合 取。
• 3.另外还特别对于一些带有色情内涵的名字 提出了警告。比如Candy(糖果),Lolly(棒棒 糖)或者Sugar(糖) 这类名字经常被认为是 “脱衣舞女的名字”。
某些英文名的“别样”含义:Just for
fun! Don't take it seriously !
• Jessica这名字一听就是绿茶婊的范儿; Annie有点老姑娘的傻天真;Jane是心比天 高的小镇姑娘;Monica让人想起烈焰红唇 的夜店妖女;Amber是大块头的傻大姐; Elizabeth自以为是女王;Eva大概比较淫D; Cynthia一生都是公主病。Peter是世界上最 无趣的人;Dennis都是花样丑男;Leo自大 是众所周知的事实;一叫John马上就有了 美国南方小镇乡巴佬的味道;Shawn是会 和女同事乱搞又不负责的负心汉;最后,
一、英汉姓名爱称的基本概念在英语文化中,人的姓名通常包括名字(first name)和姓氏(last name)。
2.1 命名方式的不同在命名方式上,英语中通常使用given name的方式,名字的选择和意义通常由父母来决定;而汉语中,通常使用姓氏加名字的方式,姓氏是通过家系和血缘关系传递的,名字是带有美好寓意的。
2.2 对称呼的正式与非正式使用情况不同在英语文化中,人们更加注重使用正式姓氏进行称呼,特别是在初次见面或者正式场合;而在汉语文化中,人们更加注重使用亲密或者私下爱称进行称呼,特别是在熟悉或者家庭成员之间的交往。
三、英汉姓名爱称的文化背景之下的意义英汉姓名爱称的文化含义主要体现在以下几个方面:a. 文化价值观差异:英文文化更加注重个人独立和自主性,因此更加注重对个人姓名的尊重和使用;而汉语文化更加注重家庭和亲情,因此更加注重使用爱称来表达亲密和亲切。
c. 交际方式差异:英文文化交际方式更加倾向于直接和坦诚表达;而汉语文化交际方式更注重委婉和曲折表达,因此更加注重使用爱称来缓解语言紧张和创造和谐氛围。
而英文名称通常由两个或三个名字组成,例如:Bob Smith, John Brown或者 Mary Elizabeth Smith 等。
二、姓名的排序方式中文姓名的排序方式通常是“姓+名”或“名+姓”,而英文姓名的排序方式则是“名字+姓氏”的顺序,例如:Emily Johnson。
例如,“John” 在英语中的发音为[jɔn],比中文发音更加简单。
相反,中文翻译常常使用了音译和意译相结合的方式,例如,“马云”被翻译为“Jack Ma”,在翻译过程中使用了音译和意译相结合的方式。
中英姓名文化差异作文英文The cultural differences between Chinese and English names are profound and fascinating. In China, names hold deep significance, reflecting the aspirations, values, and beliefs of individuals and their families. On the other hand, English names often prioritize personal preference and style over traditional meanings. Understanding these divergent approaches to naming can provide valuable insights into the respective cultural landscapes.In the Chinese naming tradition, the given name, or "ming," is typically composed of one or two characters, each carrying a specific meaning. These characters are carefully selected to convey the parents' hopes and wishes for their child's future. For example, the name "Wen Li" might translate to "cultured and beautiful," reflecting the desire for the child to embody both intellectual and aesthetic qualities. Similarly, "Xiao Ming" could mean "bright and enlightened," suggesting the parents' aspiration for their child to be intelligent and enlightened.The selection of these characters is often influenced by traditionalChinese philosophies, such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Certain characters are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, or harmony, and parents may choose them to imbue their child's name with auspicious meanings. Additionally, the placement and combination of characters can hold symbolic significance, with the goal of creating a harmonious and balanced name.Furthermore, Chinese surnames, or "xing," hold immense importance in the cultural landscape. These surnames often reflect the family's lineage, ancestry, and social status. Many Chinese surnames can be traced back to specific clans or historical figures, and they are seen as an integral part of one's identity. The choice of surname is not taken lightly, as it carries the weight of the family's legacy and reputation.In contrast, the naming traditions in English-speaking countries tend to be more individualistic and less bound by cultural or philosophical considerations. While some parents may still choose names with specific meanings or associations, the primary focus is often on personal preference, style, and uniqueness. English names can range from traditional and timeless to trendy and unconventional, reflecting the diverse preferences and values of modern families.Moreover, the concept of surnames in English-speaking cultures is often less tied to familial lineage and more focused on establishing adistinct personal identity. While surnames may still carry historical significance, they are not as deeply rooted in the cultural fabric as they are in China. The practice of taking on a spouse's surname upon marriage, for example, is a common tradition in many English-speaking societies, further emphasizing the individual over the family legacy.Another notable difference between Chinese and English naming practices is the role of given names. In China, the given name is considered the primary identifier, and it is the name by which an individual is commonly known and addressed. In English-speaking cultures, however, the given name is often used in more formal or professional settings, while nicknames or shortened versions of the name are more commonly used in casual interactions.This distinction reflects the varying levels of formality and hierarchy present in the respective cultures. In China, where social hierarchy and respect for elders are highly valued, the use of the full given name is a way to show deference and maintain a sense of formality. In contrast, the more casual use of nicknames in English-speaking societies reflects a greater emphasis on individuality and informality in social interactions.Furthermore, the process of name selection in China is often a collaborative effort involving multiple family members, includinggrandparents and elders. The name is seen as a reflection of the family's values and aspirations, and it is not uncommon for parents to consult with geomancers, fortune-tellers, or other experts to ensure the name is auspicious and harmonious. This communal approach to naming is in stark contrast to the more individualistic decision-making process typical of English-speaking cultures.Ultimately, the cultural differences in naming practices between China and English-speaking countries reveal deeper insights into the respective societal values, beliefs, and traditions. While the Chinese naming system is deeply rooted in ancient philosophies and the importance of family legacy, the English naming tradition places greater emphasis on personal preference and individual expression. Understanding these divergent approaches can foster greater cross-cultural appreciation and understanding, as we recognize the rich tapestry of human diversity that exists in our global community.。
姓“李”会写作“Lee”,姓“吴”会写作“Woo”,怎么会这样?终于找到最准确的解释了。包 括除大陆汉语拼音以外的“香港拼写法”、“台湾拼写法”、以及英文传统发音拼写法。 很多人发现,外界对于中国姓名的拼写于我们不一样,不是汉语拼音,是一种我们看来 新鲜陌生的拼写形式。比如:“李”姓在外界很多时拼写为“Lee”。而“张”姓有的拼写为 “Cheung”,而有的拼写为“Chang”,有人说这是英文对于中国姓氏的标准拼写,也有人说是 威妥玛拼音,其实这些都不正确,或者说都不完善。 首先应该明确一下, 中文姓氏是不存在标准的英文拼写的, 因为中文汉字名不论有没有 内在含义, 一旦转入英文就完全变作拼音名了。 也就是说完全根据中文名的读音来进行拼写。 那么,之所以外界的拼写和我们不同,很大程度上是受到了汉字方言的影响,即:这种情况 普遍出现在没有确立“中国汉语普通话”概念的区域里。 由于我们中国大陆已经确立“普通话”概念,所以大陆范围内无论什么方言,都统统以普 通话读音为汉语规范读音,于是拼音体系也自然以普通话为标准。而相比之下,香港地区的 官方语言是粤语,于是香港地区的拼音体系也自然是粤语音的描述。 例如:姓氏“陈” 普通话读音为:“Chen” 香港粤语读音为:“蚕”,于是根据这个读音,再结合英文字母的搭配发音习惯便拼写为 “Chan”。 再比如:姓氏“刘” 普通话读音为:“Liu” 香港粤语读音贴近于“劳”,于是香港的“刘”姓便拼写为“Lau”。 所以,由此可以得知英文对于中文汉字的语音翻译非常直白,并没有深层追究的成分。 另外, 目前各非英文地区都有一套自定的拼音体系, 确保本地区公民姓名翻译成英文后 依然有法律认证功能,我们中国大陆自然以汉语拼音为默认准绳。而香港;台湾;乃至朝鲜 韩国也都有一套自定的拼音体系, 只是他们都是以本地区语音为拼读发音基础。 所以同一个 汉字在不同区域拼写也不同。 比如:姓氏“金” 中国普通话汉语拼音:“Jin” 中国香港粤语拼音:“Kam” 中国台湾所谓国语通用拼写:“Chin” 中国汉字朝鲜语音拼写:“Kim” 此外还存在拼写为“King”的情况。 由此可见, 同一个字的拼写如此多样, 而之间不能相互取代, 所以并不存在标准的拼写。
中西方名字差异英语作文In both Western and Eastern cultures, names hold significant meaning and importance. However, there are distinct differences between the two when it comes to naming conventions. One key difference is the structure of names. Western names typically consist of a first name followed by a last name, while Eastern names are often written with the family name preceding the given name. This difference in structure may lead to confusion for individuals from different cultural backgrounds.在西方和东方文化中,名字都具有重要的意义和价值。
Another difference between Western and Eastern names is the use of middle names. In Western cultures, it is common to have a middle name in addition to a first and last name. This middle name is often used to honor a family member or carry on a family tradition. In contrast, middle names are not as common in Eastern cultures,where individuals typically only have a first and last name. This difference reflects the varying cultural values placed on names and familial ties.西方和东方名字之间的另一个差异是中间名的使用。
英文姓名中的“Michael Jackson”,“Michael"是名字,"Jackson"是姓。
Activity (full name)
Given name /first Middle name name Family name/ Last name
Kobe Thomas Nicole
Bobby is a common nickname for
policeman, especially one regarded as friendly and helpful, for example when controlling traffic or giving directions to a passer-by. The word often occurs in such phrases as “the British bobby” which means the British police force, and “the bobby on his beat” which means a policeman making a regular patrol of a district on foot or by bicycle.
Bryant Alva Edison Kidman
First name
First name=given name =forename =personal name
Typical English given names: John, Robert, Thomas, William, Alice...
Welshman – Taffy, Welsh from of the English name
女性英文名的意思﹕英文:中文:來源:涵意:Abigail 艾比蓋希伯來父親很高興Ada 艾達英國快樂的;美麗Adela 愛得拉德國尊貴的;優雅的Adelaide 愛得萊德德國高貴的;高貴階級的Afra 阿芙拉希伯來塵土Agatha 愛葛莎希臘善良而美好的Agnes 愛葛妮絲希臘,拉丁純潔,高雅,貞節Alberta 愛爾柏塔英國高貴顯赫的Alexia 亞莉克希亞希臘幫助Alice 愛麗絲希臘尊貴的,真誠的 (愛做夢的女孩) Alma 愛瑪拉丁,英國真情的、和善的Alva 阿爾娃拉丁白皙的Amanda 阿曼達拉丁值得愛的Amelia 阿蜜莉雅拉丁勤勉的,勞動的Amy 艾咪法國最心愛的人,可愛的Anastasia 安娜塔西雅希臘再度振作起來之人,復活 (有看過電影吧) Andrea 安德莉亞希臘有氣概,美麗而優雅Angela 安琪拉法國天使;報信者,安琪兒Ann 安妮希伯來優雅的,仁慈的上帝Anna 安娜希伯來優雅Annabelle 安娜貝兒希伯來,拉丁美麗的女子;可愛的;和藹可親的Antonia 安東妮兒拉丁,希臘無辭以讚,受尊崇的人April 艾譜莉拉丁春天,大地初醒之時 (春天生的女孩)Arlene 艾琳娜賽爾特誓約、信物Astrid 艾絲翠得丹麥神聖的力量;星星的Athena 雅典娜希臘希臘神話中,智慧、及戰爭的女神,雅典的保護神Audrey 奧德莉法國高貴顯赫的人Aurora 奧蘿拉拉丁黎明女神Barbara 芭芭拉希臘外地來的人,異鄉人;異族人Beatrice 碧翠絲拉丁為人祈福或使人快樂的女孩Belinda 貝琳達德國、義大利有智慧又長壽的人Bella 貝拉拉丁美麗的Belle 貝拉法國美麗的;上帝的誓約;聰明高貴Bernice 柏妮絲希臘帶著勝利訊息來的人Bertha 柏莎條頓聰明、美麗或燦爛的Beryl 百麗兒希臘綠寶石,幸運Bess 貝絲希伯來上帝是誓約Betsy 貝琪希伯來上帝是誓約Betty 貝蒂希伯來上帝是誓約Beverly 貝芙麗英國有海狸的小河Blanche 布蘭琪條頓純潔無暇的;白種人的;白皙美麗的Bblythe 布萊茲英國無憂無慮的;快樂的Bonnie 邦妮拉丁甜美、漂亮、優雅而善良的人Bridget 布麗姬特蓋爾或愛爾蘭強壯,力量Camille 卡蜜拉拉丁好品性的高貴女子Candice 坎蒂絲拉丁熱情,坦誠,純潔的Cara 卡拉義大利朋友;親愛的人Carol 卡蘿法國歡唱,悅耳歡快的歌Caroline 卡洛琳條頓驍勇、剛健和強壯的Catherine 凱瑟琳希臘純潔的人Cathy 凱絲希臘純潔的人Cecilia 圔西莉亞拉丁視力朦朧的人,失明的 (以前有個視障女孩的故事) Celeste 莎莉絲特拉丁最幸福的人,天國的Charlotte 夏洛特法國身體強健女性化的Cherry 綺莉法國仁慈,像櫻桃般紅潤的人Cheryl 綺麗兒法國珍愛的人Chloe 克洛怡希臘青春的,美麗的Christine 克莉絲汀希臘基督的追隨者,門徒Claire 克萊兒拉丁燦爛的;明亮的;聰明的Clara 克萊拉拉丁明亮的;聰明的Constance 康斯坦絲拉丁堅定忠實的人Cora 柯拉希臘處女;少女Coral 卡洛兒希臘,法國珊瑚或贈品,彩石Cornelia 可妮莉雅希臘山茱萸樹Crystal 克莉斯多希臘晶瑩的冰,透明的靈魂,沒有欺瞞Cynthia 辛西亞希臘月亮女神黛安娜的稱號Daisy 黛西英國雛菊Dale 黛兒英國居住在丘陵間之山谷中者Dana 黛娜希伯來來自丹麥的人;神的母親;聰明且純潔的Daphne 黛芙妮希臘神話月桂樹;桂冠 (阿波羅的最愛)Darlene 達蓮娜英國溫柔可愛;體貼地愛Dawn 潼恩英國黎明,喚醒,振作Debby 黛碧希伯來蜜蜂;蜂王Deborah 黛博拉希伯來蜜蜂;蜂王Deirdre 迪得莉蓋爾憂愁的Delia 迪麗雅希臘牧羊女Denise 丹尼絲希臘代表花Diana 黛安娜拉丁光亮如白畫;月亮女神Dinah 黛娜希伯來被評判的人,雅各的女兒Dolores 多洛莉絲拉丁悲傷,痛苦或遺憾Dominic 多明尼卡拉丁屬於上帝的Donna 唐娜拉丁貴婦,淑女,夫人Dora 多拉希臘神的贈禮Doreen 多琳希臘神的贈禮Doris 多莉絲希臘來自大海的;海洋女神Dorothy 桃樂斯希臘上帝的贈禮Eartha 爾莎英國土地或泥土;比喻像大地般堅忍的人Eden 伊甸希伯來聖經中的樂園,歡樂之地Edith 伊蒂絲古英國格鬥;戰爭Edwina 艾德文娜英國有價值的朋友;財產的獲得者Eileen 愛琳蓋爾光亮的,討人喜歡的Elaine 伊蓮恩法國光亮的;年帅的小鹿Eleanore 艾琳諾法國光亮的;多產的,肥沃的,有收穫的Elizabeth 伊莉莎白希伯來上帝的誓約Ella 艾拉條頓火炬Elma 艾爾瑪希臘富愛心的人,親切的Elsa 愛爾莎希臘誠實的Elsie 艾西希伯來,希臘上帝的誓約,誠實的Elva 艾娃斯堪的那維亞神奇且智慧的Elvira 艾薇拉拉丁小精靈,白種人的Emily 艾蜜莉條頓,拉丁勤勉奮發的;有一口響亮圓潤的嗓音之人Emma 艾瑪條頓祖先Enid 伊妮德圔爾特人純潔得毫無瑕庛Erica 艾麗卡條頓有權力的;帝王的;統治者Erin 艾琳蓋爾鑲在海中是的翡翠;和帄,安寧之源Esther 艾絲特希伯來星星Ethel 艾瑟兒英國尊貴的;出身高貴的Eudora 尤朵拉希臘可愛的贈禮,美好的、愉快的Eunice 尤妮絲希臘快樂的勝利Evangeline 伊文捷琳希臘福音的信差,福音;天使Eve 伊芙希伯來生命;賦予生命者生靈之母Evelyn 伊芙琳圔爾特生命;易相處的人;令人愉快的人Faithe 費滋拉丁忠實可信的人Fanny 梵妮法國自由之人Fay 費怡法國忠貞或忠誠;小以女Flora 弗羅拉拉丁花;花之神Florence 弗羅倫絲圔爾特開花的或美麗的Frances 法蘭西斯法國自由之人,無拘束的人Freda 弗莉達德國和帄;領導者Frederica 菲蕾德翠卡條頓和帄的領導者Gabrielle 嘉比里拉希伯來上帝就是力量Gail 蓋爾英國快樂的;唱歌;峽谷Gemma 姬瑪義大利寶石Genevieve 珍妮芙古威爾斯金髮碧眼的人;白種人Georgia 喬治亞希臘農夫Geraldine 嬌拉汀德國強而有力的長矛Gill 姬兒拉丁少女Gladys 葛萊蒂絲威爾斯公主Gloria 葛羅瑞亞拉丁榮耀者,光榮者Grace 葛瑞絲英國,法國,拉丁優雅的。
姓名中英文翻译大全A:艾--Ai安--Ann/An敖--AoB:巴--Pa白--Pai包/鲍--Paul/Pao班--Pan贝--Pei毕--Pih卞--Bein卜/薄--Po/Pu步--Poo百里--Pai-liC:蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng崔--Tsui查--Cha常--Chiong车--Che陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng池--Chi褚/楚--Chu淳于--Chwen-yuD:戴/代--Day/Tai邓--Teng/Tang/Tung狄--Ti刁--Tiao丁--Ting/T董/东--Tung/Tong窦--Tou杜--To/Du/Too段--Tuan端木--Duan-mu东郭--Tung-kuo东方--Tung-fang E:F:范/樊--Fan/Van房/方--Fang费--Fei冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/FooG:盖--Kai甘--Kan高/郜--Gao/Kao葛--Keh耿--Keng弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung勾--Kou古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo桂--Kwei管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo公孙--Kung-sun公羊--Kung-yang公冶--Kung-yeh谷梁--Ku-liangH:韩--Hon/Han杭--Hang郝--Hoa/Howe何/贺--Ho桓--Won侯--Hou洪--Hung胡/扈--Hu/Hoo花/华--Hua宦--Huan黄--Wong/Hwang霍--Huo皇甫--Hwang-fu呼延--Hu-yenI:J:纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬--Chi 居--Chu贾--Chia翦/简--Jen/Jane/Chieh蒋/姜/江/--Chiang/Kwong金/靳--Jin/King景/荆--King/Ching讦--GanK:阚--Kan康--Kang柯--Kor/Ko孔--Kong/Kung寇--Ker蒯--Kuai匡--KuangL:赖--Lai蓝--Lan郎--Long劳--Lao乐--Loh雷--Rae/Ray/Lei冷--Leng黎/郦/利/李--Lee/Li/Lai/Li 连--Lien梁--Leung/Liang林/蔺--Lim/Lin凌--Lin柳/刘--Liu/Lau龙--Long楼/娄--Lou卢/路/陆鲁--Lu/Loo伦--Lun罗/骆--Loh/Lo/Law/Lam/Rowe 吕--Lui/Lu令狐--Lin-hooM:马/麻--Ma麦--Mai/Mak满--Man/Mai毛--Mao梅--Mei孟/蒙--Mong/Meng米/宓--Mi苗/缪--Miau/Miao闵--Min穆/慕--Moo/Mo 莫--Mok/Mo万俟--Moh-chi慕容--Mo-yungN:倪--Nee甯--Ning聂--Nieh牛--New/Niu农--Long南宫--Nan-kung欧/区--Au/Ou欧阳--Ou-yangP:潘--Pang/Pan庞--Pang裴--Pei/Bae彭--Phang/Pong 皮--Pee平--Ping浦/蒲/卜--Poo/Pu濮阳--Poo-yangQ:祁/戚/齐--Chi/Chyi/Chi/Chih 钱--Chien乔--Chiao/Joe秦--Ching裘/仇/邱--Chiu屈/曲/瞿--Chiu/ChuR:冉--Yien饶--Yau任--Jen/Yum容/荣--Yung阮--Yuen芮--NeiS:司--Sze桑--Sang沙--Sa邵--Shao单/山--San尚/商--Sang/Shang沈/申--Shen盛--Shen史/施/师/石--Shih/Shi苏/宿/舒--Sue/Se/Soo/Hsu 孙--Sun/Suen宋--Song/Soung司空--Sze-kung司马--Sze-ma司徒--Sze-to单于--San-yu上官--Sang-kuan申屠--Shen-tuT:谈--Tan汤/唐--Town/Towne/Tang 邰--Tai谭--Tan/Tam陶--Tao藤--Teng田--Tien童--Tung屠--Tu澹台--Tan-tai拓拔--Toh-bahU:V:W:万--Wan王/汪--Wong魏/卫/韦--Wei温/文/闻--Wen/Chin/Vane/Man 翁--Ong吴/伍/巫/武/邬/乌--Wu/NG/Woo X:奚/席--Hsi/Chi夏--Har/Hsia/(Summer)肖/萧--Shaw/Siu/Hsiao项/向--Hsiang解/谢--Tse/Shieh辛--Hsing刑--Hsing熊--Hsiung/Hsiun许/徐/荀--Shun/Hui/Hsu宣--Hsuan薛--Hsueh西门--See-men夏侯--Hsia-hou轩辕--Hsuan-yuenY:燕/晏/阎/严/颜--Yim/Yen杨/羊/养--Young/Yang姚--Yao/Yau叶--Yip/Yeh/Yih伊/易/羿--Yih/E殷/阴/尹--Yi/Yin/Ying应--Ying尤/游--Yu/You俞/庾/于/余/虞/郁/余/禹--Yue/Yu袁/元--Yuan/Yuen岳--Yue云--Wing尉迟--Yu-chi宇文--Yu-wenZ:藏--Chang曾/郑--Tsang/Cheng/Tseng訾--Zi宗--Chung左/卓--Cho/Tso翟--Chia詹--Chan甄--Chen湛--Tsan张/章--Cheung/Chang赵/肇/招--Chao/Chiu/Chiao/Chioa 周/邹--Chau/Chou/Chow钟--Chung祖/竺/朱/诸/祝--Chu/Chuh庄--Chong钟离--Chung-li诸葛--Chu-keh。
英汉名字比较 英文版
A contrastive study to Chinese name and English nameFor a long time, name has been an important mark of individual identification in human society. In communicative activities, people usually begin with each other’s name. Name, as a culture carrier, has rich and profound cultural connotation, which also reflects the characteristics of national culture. The paper will attempt to analyze the distinguishing features of Chinese name and English name from two aspects.1.The origin of family nameThe Chinese family names are numerous, and there are no accurate statistics until now. The number of family name we use frequently is about 100, which are derived from the following several aspects: the totem of ancestor, such as Niu, Ma, Long, Yang, Li and so on; the place where they lived, for example, Zhao, Qin, Han, Chen; the official position, Si Ma, Si Tu; the profession, Shi( whose ancestor was a stonecutter), Tu( butcher),Tao( potter); the color, Huang, Bai, LanAlthough there is a big difference between Chinese and English culture, the source of name has a lot in common. English name comes mainly from the following aspects: the profession, which is more common than Chinese name, such as Baker, Tailor, Hunter. Take Smith as an example, it’s an usual family in English country, because there were many kinds of craftsmen in early British society, Goldsmith, Coopersmith, Blacksmith, then as the time passed by, Smith has become a family name; the place people lived, Field, Hill, Lane, Bush; natural phenomena, Snow, Summer, May; the animals, Bird, Lame, Bull; the bodily form or appearance of one person, Longman, Fatt, Armstrong; Raised by human migration, Scot( Scotchman), and Wallace( the Welsh), they were newcomers migrating to England2.The naming conventionChinese name is made of family name and given name, and family name comes before given name. When people are given their names, profound meanings are in them, and a distinction should be made between males and females. Men’s names are generally with masculinity, which stands for strength and braveness. While women’s names are often with a beautiful, virtuous, and lovely image. The characteristics of naming convention can be summed up in following kinds: the expectation and aspiration from parents, anguo, yongqing, zhaodi, wenshu; the season, weather and place of birth, huanghe, dongsheng, xue(my elder sister’s first name is xue, for she was given a birth on a snowy day); the plant and flower, mei, lan, ju, tao; the “Eight Characters”of one person, my litter brother’s name is yan(炎),for a fortune-teller told my grandpa the boy was short for fire in his fate; the historical events, but it’s not usual now, such as jiefang, yuejin, zhenhuaEnglish names are generally made of two parts as well, but family name comes after given name. English names have something in common with Chinese name, here we talk about the difference: Named after their parents or good friends, the America ex-president Franklin Roosevelt named his son as Franklin Roosevelt Jr.(小);Named after the celebrity or deity, Washington, Lincoln, Diana,John; the nickname of some religious sect, William is called Bill for showing intimacy, Richard short for Dick, and Elizabeth for BessName is the sign and symbol of every social member, whose social function is to distinguish each other. However, it implies a national language, history, geography, religion and cultural tradition. Actually, name system is one kind of cultural phenomenon. For example, Chinese name put family name at first, which convey a concept of clanism, group consciousness, andgenetic connection. On the contrary, English name puts given name first, because they place emphasis on personality and individual. Their value is to respect independent personality and subject consciousness. By the comparison of Chinese name and English name, we will have a deeper understanding of our culture. At the same time, we’ll know foreign culture much well, which is useful to conduct an effective conversation with a foreigner and avoid misunderstanding to achieve a win-win situation.。
中英文姓名比较英文..A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Names中文摘要姓名是人在交往过程中的代码,是人类社会中最基本的人际称谓,也是“标志社会结构中的一种血缘关系和区别个人的标志符号”。
关键词:中文姓名;英文姓名;对比研究AbstractName is the code in the process of people’ communication, and the basic title of human society, is also a symbol denotation that signs the kin in society living and difference between people. Name is a special phenomenon of human culture, is the carrier for its cultural system. The origin of name and its custom also are affected and restricted by some factors in our society. Because of different national history, religion, tradition and custom, all the factors and so on, they have closely relation, so name is an integrate part of every national culture, it not only reflect the common on every national culture, but also embody the special cultural phenomenon from different nation. A comparative study on the characteristic of name from different cultures, to research the special cultural origin of different names between different nations, the structure character of name and the naming ways, to display the similarities and differences between Chinese andEnglish culture, to enhance the acquaintance with each other, to accelerate the cultural communicate with each other.Keywords: Chinese name; English name; comparative study;Contents1 Chapter ⅠIntroduction (1)1.1 Definition of name (1)1.2 Relevant information of the study (1)1.3 The Significance of Name in Cross-cultural Communication (1)2 Chapter ⅡThe similarities and differences in Chinese and English personal names (3)2.1 The structure of Chinese and English personal names (3)2.2 The origin of Chinese and English family names (3)2.2.1 The similarities in the origin of Chinese and English name: (4)2.2.2 The difference in the origin of Chinese and English names (5)2.3 Naming customs of Chinese and English names and the cultural connotation reflected in the literaryworks (6)3 Chapter ⅢThe influence of deep-going cultural connotation and different social cultures on Chinese and English names (8)3.1 The culture generality in Chinese and English culture (8)3.2 The different cultural connotation (10)4 Chapter ⅣConclusion (11)5 Reference (11)1Chapter ⅠIntroduction1.1Definition of nameName is a sign for people. It is the gather of the given nameand individual name. In China antiquity, the given name and the individual name is used lonely. At present they are called “name “gathered. Name is an appellation for a people and a representation.1.2Relevant information of the studyThe objective of this research is to increase people’s cultural awareness by informing both Chinese and English native speakers of the knowledge of names in both languages and cultures and eventually improves the communication between them. The research is practical in intent. The underlying assumption is that this research will help people appreciate other peop le’s culture and better understand the meanings of names and revise their ways of interacting by taking more account of cultural differences when people with Chinese or English cultural background encounter and communicate with each other.1.3The Significance of Name in Cross-cultural CommunicationTo know a society usually starts from the contact with its people,The contact with its people begins with the names, we tell to each other attach first encounter. We all form distinct impressions when we first hear a name. Perhaps we respond because of the sound of the word or because of mental associations we make,but very definitely an image flash is in the back of our minds simply from the name itself. Therefore,name is not only a mark or a symbol that distinguishes people from each other but also full of cultural messages of action such as language,history,geography,religion,customs,values and class status,etc,.Therefore,as a carrier of culture,names earn serve as living fossils for the study.Robert L. Shook,an American business man and writer,once conducted a survey in which he separately asked twenty male friends of his if they would take out Harriett Finkelstein,a secretary who was coming in from out of town. Eighteen out of the twenty told him they were not available for the blind date. A month later he asked the same men if they would like a blind date with Jill Connors,another secretary from out of town. Influenced by the name alone,sixteen expressed interest in Jill and wanted to know more about her. Poor Harriett missed her chance for blind dates imply because of the image her name suggested. (Shook,1977:l).Obviously the names in the above example bring about different responses from westerns but most of the Chinese People. They may means nothing but symbols. It is the same case for a foreigner when he hears or reads a Chinese name in Ping Yin. With the globalization and pluralism facing people all of the world,peoplehave more and more opportunity to interact with each other and It is the right time for people to take serious of each other and learn to appreciate each other's culture. For example more and more foreigners who study or work in China would like to have a Chinese name. Usually the name is decided by Pronunciation,which sounds similar to a word that might have an elegant connotation. However,some of the names,totally away from their pronunciations,focus on culturally-loaded meanings while some others are simply translated from their original pronunciations. But the problem is that some of the names,obviously without proper thinking or owing to the lack of cultural background information,are translated very awkwardly or even as a taboo in Chinese culture. For example,the English name pearl is translated as Zhenzhu (珍珠),with theexactly the same meaning in Chinese. As we know the name Zhenzhu(珍珠) nowadays in China sounds old-fashioned or countrified. And Lily,when translated as Bai-he-hua(百合花) in Chinese,would immediately remind people of the taboo-death,since Chinese are profoundly influenced by Buddhism in which Bai-he-hua(百合花) is some how a symbol of death. Chinese people also have problems when deciding to have an English name. Therefore,from the cross-cultural communication perspective,names become confusing and complicated to those who are from different cultural backgrounds.From the examples mentioned above and the differences among them,we may come to these assumptions that problems concerning names in communication which leave Chinese and English people feeling puzzled,curious or funny are often caused by culturally shaped underlying differences in perception and interpretation of various phenomena which cross-cultural communicators are often unaware of; And that people from different countries have formed their own particular naming systems and they tend to transfer this knowledge directly to naming systems of other cultures. By discussing the features of both Chinese and English names and presenting historical and cultural factors that influence people when they choose a name or hear a name,this theist probes into the name phenomena in various aspects in both British and Chinese cultures so as to alert people to the cultural awareness and to promote the better understanding as well as better communication among people from different cultural backgrounds.From the teaching perspective,this research may help both teachers and students better understand the characters in literary works,whose names are often chosen with purposes by theirauthors. The researcher positively believes that most of the obstacles to understanding can be over come with motivation,knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity.2Chapter ⅡThe similarities and differences in Chinese and English personal names2.1The structure of Chinese and English personal namesThe composition of Chinese name is the family name before, and the given name back. But the English is exactly opposite; they put the given name before and the family name back. The structure form “family name + given name”reflect the Chinese cultural value tropism is collectivism which country affected by orient cultures. China has the history of more than two thousands feudality, under this society, the people more took attention on national conception, and namely the national family name was especially important. In normal living, the genes or the family’s conception played an important roles in their heart, and the emperor is the representative of genes conception, all the things in the country should depend on the concept of the emperor, so in the feudalistic society, not only the country but also the family, only can put the given name which stand for himself after the family name. So the orient name structure, especially the Chinese name structure are affected by long-time feudalistic society, it is the centralized embody of value tropism on country collectivistic. And the family name and given name is the character of Chinese culture.The structure form “given name+ family name” is the necessary result of English cultural individualism. The western cultures which was representative by Anglo-American countries pay attention to technology and freedom, upholding evidence, individual, substance and nonfigurative thinking ways, it includesthe long-time democracy tradition that exist in many European countries such as England, attach more importance to individual action, uphold people should strive for success, then the individual action is more important than the group success. In western, given name--the sign of people became important then the family name. So the western names’structure was more affected by bourgeois humanism philosophic, its structure is the representation form of value tropism of western individualism.2.2The origin of Chinese and English family namesAt the point of time, we can see that the origin of Chinese clan has centuries-old history; this can track to the enatic society in antiquity. But English clan is used until A.D 11th century, its history is transitory. The origin of Chinese clan firstly come from the words “name”, name is composed by “ woman” and “living”, its meaning is people all feed by woman, this reflects the enatic society maybe the origin of name. And the research states that many antique family names were made up with the word “women”. Actually, family name is a code for an enatic society, through the research on a family name, we can clearly acquaint with the origin,development, flight, differentiation, flourish and downfall of a kin-group.The family name is a cultural mark for a religion, if you got the family name; it means you got the acceptation of the religion. In some contents, it is a mark for some social status and back group. There are the date’s states that the clan is evolved from the family name, and is the signs for a clan divided into many branches. Mr. Zhou gushing, the historian, whose research indicates that China anciently primly is a society by woman family name and man clan, family name is a kin signs of the samereligion, and clan primly is the signs of the man header in man clan. Until the Qi’in time, male family name began to replace the female family name, they began to melt with each other, and then they have a general designation of family name. English family name began to be used at about 11th century, until the end of 16th century, it became perfect. But in fact, since from 14th century, western countries also begin to adopt male family name as his family name. As per the record in cyclopedia, family name came of noble families; the purpose of it is to make their family will live forever. Later as the development of society, the family name gains more and more aboard using, its gist also has more and more forms.2.2.1The similarities in the origin of Chinese and English name:They usually take the living place as their family name. Chinese family name mostly come from the living place most named after the burning place or living place or the natural environment or the region name as their family name. And many English family name also come from place-name, includes the living place and country name. Such as Wallace (the person comes from Cambrian), Norton (adopt from Northern Town), Whitney (place-name in England), Brookes (the person comes from mountain), Roebuck (the person lives in the place with fawn), Bradford (ford place was shaped by river).They also take the occupation as their family name. In Chinese, the sons should inherit their parent’s oc cupation or working, the way is the main approach for devaluating some craft or art in antique society, then the offspring naturally named the occupation or crafts as their family name. In English, the research of Leslie Dunking indicate some English family names comesfrom occupation, such as Smith, the holder of this family name original is an ironsmith in 14th century, and this occupation is an important industry in mid-century, the weapons in war and normal dead stocks can not be off this occupation. So Smith is the most frequent family name. There are some other similar ones: Tailor, Walker, Arch-err, Clerk, Turner, and Wight and so on.The origin of them is the ancestral family name. Chinese family names come from ancestral given name or clan name. But some of English names come from father’s given name. Most of English name come fromfather’s firstly name, its character is the end of the name “-son”, such as Harrison, Henry son, Dickinson, Henderson, Richardson, Gilbert-son, Gibson, Greg son, Gridiron, Dixon and so on.2.2.2The difference in the origin of Chinese and English namesSome of Chinese family names are from the name of homeland, but this way does not exist in English family names.Some of Chinese family names are from the official position, but this phenomenon does not exist in English family names. The countries: Xia, Shang, Zhou all had no official positions, so the offspring of these officers naturally named their family name after their ancestral official position.Some of Chinese name are obliged by the Emperors, but this way does not exist in English family names. Some of the Emperors in China history were in hope of honor and lasso the main Gen, they will favor them the “country family name”, and it in some content means the emperor’s re lation. Such as the Tang dynasty in history which belongs to family Li, so “Li” is the country family name. At the same time, the emperors also willfavor the political opponent or betrayer contumelious family names.Some of Chinese family names are from female, but it does not exist in English family names. In remote antiquity female clan society, the family name is used to indicate female relation. But some English family names are from the nicknames. In Greece language, hypocoristic means the nickname of pet, nickname is a true name and the name after nickname sounds like more friendliness, such as Pip is the nickname of Philip, Kit is the nickname of Christopher. The family names which made up by Henry include Harry, Harris, Haskin; the family names which made up by Gilbert include Gibbis, Gibbons, and Gibbin. The family names which made up by Gregory include Gregg, Grigg, Griggs, and Greig.Otherwise, there are differences in the original time and sequence of family names. It mainly represent in the English name appeared earlier than the family name. In contrast, Chinese family name appeared earlier than the name. This reflects the different social process between English and Chinese. The slavery family background is important to Chinese people, so the family name is more important than the given name in the Chinese people’s hearts; this also indicates the collectivism value tropism in China. Compared the history between slavery society and feudalism, the English slavery and feudalism is only a night-blooming cereus. Original English has no family name, and the name regulation was formed relatively late. This indicates there did not form the clan relation which made up with families, even a stable descendent emperor system. English did not finish feudalization, and there are many free farmers everywhere from 9th to 11th century, until A.D1066, English feudalization system began to be built up widely. But only survived several hundred years, at the end of the 14th century, English slavery system disorganized, till the 16th century, capitalism widely sprang up and lead to the burst of bourgeois. So English the given name began important than family name. This maybe the reason for why the given name is at front of the family name in English-speaking countries.2.3Naming customs of Chinese and English names and the cultural connotation reflectedin the literary worksName as an individual character in society, its original connotation has consanguineous connection with the development of social history. After a comparative study, we can know that there are some common and differences on naming customs of Chinese and English names.Ⅰ.There are some similarities in the naming customs of Chinese and English name, the mainly form as the following:1). Named after timeChinese people often name their children after time, others can clearly know the born time of the child from their name, and name is a memory for them. The same as Chinese names, the English names often make use of time, such like: Spring, winter, Rain, Snow, Wind, Moon, and May.2). Named after propagationChinese people often named their children after animals or others with full power and strength, but also with the nidering animal name means nobleness. At the same time, they also make use of the name of plants. As well as Chinese names, English parent also usually name their children after propagation in hoping of better development on their characteristicdevelopment.3).Named after the structure of wordsChinese people often adapt similar word as chil dren’s names; the purpose of this is for reading simple and catchy. Or the name is made up by double words,; or the family name is divided into the given name; also the family name gather with the given name means a perfect connotation. Or the family name is his father’s, and the given name is his mother’s family name. This is a representation of the levitation of women status in society and living. The structure of English name is similar as Chinese ones, such as: Rosemary is made up of Rose and Mary; May is transferred from Mary. This innovation is a form of western thinking.4). Named after the bailment of their eldershipMost of Chinese names melt with the expectation of their eldership, they expect inheriting wealth, flourishing family; longevity and so on. But the western culture emphasizes individual power, and gain successby individual efforts, so individual bravery and muscularity is the guarantee and precondition of success. Individual success is the top target of everyone living, as the parents, used such names meaning the expectation and bailment on their children (mainly the boy). Such as: Boris, William, Richard, Harold, Abraham and so on.Ⅱ. The difference in the naming ways of Chinese and English namesChinese names reflect profound cultural connotation of China. Their names mean the connotation as the above, the expectation of their parents, their thinking ways and mode; the memory for Chinese history or great matters, or some historyvariance. At the same time, there are many other factors such as: station, sequence, weight and method all become the information source of naming.The naming ways of English names have their own characters. This mainly embody on the consciousness of religion and money. Often we can see most of them are come from the language of Anti-Greece, Hebraic and Latin. In Hebraic, most has the relation with Judaism Myth; In Anti-Greece and Latin, most of them have the relation with the godly names of Greece and Roma myth. But few names have direct relation with Christianize Such as: James, Diana, Athena, Eliot, Pound, Dollar, France and so one. Through them, we can see the expectation that the parents means, and the good dream.3Chapter ⅢThe influence of deep-going cultural connotation and different social cultures on Chinese and English names3.1The culture generality in Chinese and English cultureCross-Cultural communication involves communication as well as aspects on chronology,linguistics,Psychology,sociology,etc..Scholars from different regions and different perspectives define its content in various ways.In America,Richard Porter listed eight aspects of the content: attitude(including world views,values,Prejudice,stereotyped views),ethnocentrism,social organization,Way of thinking,language,sense of space,sense of time and non-verbal expression.In Europe,the study of cross-cultural communication has been closely related to linguistics. It has been separated as an independent discipline only recently. Raymond Williams has done a lot of research on culturally-loaded English words in hisbook keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society,which gives people a lot of insights to the content of cultural studies. Jenny Thomas presented her basic ideas about the intent of cross-cultural communication in her book Pragmalinguistic Failures in cross-cultural Communication from the perspective of pragmatic use of the language. She classified failures in communication into two: Pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure. In cross-cultural communication,her sociopragmatic failures refer to the contents like what topic is proper and what is not; The relationship between people; the rights and obligations of people and values etc. (Hu,2002:14) In China,teachers began to pay attention to cross-cultural communication only in 1980s.Our focus was on foreign language teaching and the relation between target language and its culture. Xu Guozhang(许国璋) was the first to publish his article Culturally-loaded words and English Language Teaching in1982. (Hu,2002:16) In 1989,Deng yanchang(邓炎昌) and Liu Runqing(刘润清) published their book Language and Culture in which certain cultural differences involving languages between Chinese and native speakers of English are analyzed and discussed. This book has a tremendous influence in the study of the relations hip between language and culture in China. Later on Hu wenzhong(胡文仲) has published many articles and books on this issue,and thus the content of cross-cultural communication has gone beyond foreign language teaching. Now more and more works are published which have covered comparisons of Chinese and foreign languages and their cultures in all kinds of details and aspects such as customs,animals,plants,color words,numbers. names,etc.3) Review of Comparative Study of Names from Cross-Cultural Communication PerspectiveAs mentioned above,the early study of cultural communication in China focused on foreign language teaching and the relation between target language and it culture in abroad sense. In early 1990s,the content of cultural communication Started to go beyond foreign language teaching. Articles as well as books on comparative study of names,from the cross-cultural communication perspective,began to appear in China in 1990s.In 1994,two articles on names written separately by Lou Guangqing(楼光庆) and Lu Jianji(鲁健骥) were collected in the book《文化与交际》edited by Hu Wenzhong. Lou in his article“从姓名看社会和文化”briefly analyzed the features of Chinese and American names while Lu in his paper“人名与称谓中的排行”focused on the proper order of interpersonal greetin gs often puzzling foreigners.Tian Huigang(田惠刚)in his book《中西人际称谓系统》published in l998 gives a detailed description of given names as well as family names in Chinese culture and western culture. This book provides a quite comprehensive knowledge of names. The disadvantage is the language,what the author means here is that the book was written in Chinese without English version.Again in 1998,JiaWeiguo(贾卫国) published his article“语言、姓氏与文化”in which he did a general and comparative study on Chinese and English names. Du Xuezeng(杜学增) in his book 《中英文化习俗比较》published in 1999,devoted one chapter to name customs both in China and in English-speaking countries but this whole chapter,I think,is a general introduction to name diversities in both Chinese and English cultures.Yang Sijian(杨自俭) in his article“英语姓名学中的几个问题”printed in 2001 theoretically presented his ideas on anthroponomastics meaning name study. Zhan Bei(詹蓓) in 2001 in her article“译名与文化”published in Chinese Translators Journal brought our attention to the cultural implications in the translation of names.In 2003,GaoYongehen(高永晨) and RenRui(任瑞) also published an article in Tianjin Foreign Studies University Journal entitled“中英姓氏差异中的文化蕴涵”. This article discussed the associations or images that both Chinese and English names had produced when encounters first met with each other either in daily life or in 1iterary works.From all that is mentioned above,readers may have the impression that the content of cultural communication covers various aspects of languages and their cultures,including names. Benedict,at the very beginning of her book patterns of Culture,stated,“From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk,he is the little creature of his culture,and bythe time he is grown and able to take part in its activities,its habits are his habits,its beliefs his beliefs,its impossibilities his impossibilities.”(Benedict,1934:3)One’s name,as apart of his culture,a window of his society and bearer of his cultural heritage,is born with him and companies him for the rest of his life.Therefore,it may assumingly well influence his life as well as his future,if we believe culture shapes one's experiences and behaviors.3.2The different cultural connotationName is a special cultural language, it reflects some cultural history, civilization and custom, is one of the most importantcultural epitomes. Through comparing the Chinese and English name, we can know that there are many similarities between these two kinds systems of name, but the difference is more evident. And the difference we had stated above, so now we will not repeat here. We can get the following revelation after the study on it:Firstly, the Chinese name has more long and old history than the English one, not only the structure is more complex than English name, but also the name plays a more important function in our society. The language embodies the thinking character of his nation, at the same time, restrict and lead human thinking ways. The origin of family name in China is more earlier, and on the before of given name on the form, this explains Chinese put family name on an important position, and take it as a sign of a family. Given name is an individual signs. In another word, family stands an integrate position in everyone’s hear, personal benefits should be after this. But in England, the given name is on the before of the family name, as well as on the form, they consider that the family name is a supplement of the given name. Because the family name did not have so important meaning, so they put more attention on their individual name—the given name. They have no so strong family thinking as Chinese, they don’t care the other kindred exclude their parents and their children.Secondly, name also can reflect the different behave when Chinese and English people faced authority. In China, in all ages, people consider the names jinn, emperor, oracle and successful man is sacrosanct, so when they refer these, they can not call their name directly, and Chinese don’t like copy the name of head and celebrity. This shows that there is stronger grade-mind。
中西方名字差异英语作文Names are a fundamental aspect of our identity, often reflecting cultural, familial, and historical influences. In the Western world, names typically consist of a given name followed by a family name. The given name, also known as a first name, is chosen by one's parents and is used in a personal and informal context. The family name, or surname, is inherited and shared with other family members, signifying lineage and heritage.In contrast, the naming convention in many Eastern cultures, particularly in China, is the reverse. The family name precedes the given name. This order emphasizes the value placed on the family and its ancestral roots. For example, in the name 'Zhang Wei,''Zhang' is the family name, while 'Wei' is the given name.The differences in naming conventions between the East and West extend beyond the order of names. In Western cultures, parents may choose names based on a variety of factors including popularity, uniqueness, or the names of family members or famous personalities. It is not uncommon for Western names to have multiple forms, such as diminutives or nicknames, which are used in different contexts. For instance, 'Elizabeth' might be called 'Liz,' 'Beth,' or 'Lizzie' by friends and family.Eastern names, particularly Chinese names, often carry significant meanings and are imbued with the parents' wishes for their child's future. Each character in a Chinese name is chosen for its meaning and the positive attributes it represents. For example, the name 'Li Ming' might translate to 'Beautiful Light,' symbolizing a bright future.Another notable difference is the diversity of surnames. In many Western countries, a relatively small number of surnames are extremely common, such as 'Smith' or 'Jones' in the English-speaking world. In contrast, China has a vast array of surnames, with some being quite rare. This diversity is a testament to the country's long history and the importance of lineage.The process of naming also varies significantly. In the West, there is a trend towards choosing unique and sometimes unconventional names, which can lead to a wide varietyof names within a population. In the East, particularly in China, there is a strong adherence to tradition when selecting a name, and certain names are passed down through generations.When individuals from Eastern cultures interact with Western societies, they may adopt a Westernized version of their name for ease of pronunciation or integration. This practice highlights the adaptability and cross-cultural exchange that names can represent.In conclusion, names serve as a bridge between individual identity and cultural heritage. The differences in naming conventions between the East and West reflect the diverse ways in which societies value individuality, family, tradition, and the meanings imbued in a name. Understanding these differences fosters a deeper appreciation for the cultural nuances that shape our identities and the way we connect with one another. Names, in their own right, are a powerful symbol of the rich tapestry of human culture. 。
关于中西方名字差异英语作文In both Chinese and Western cultures, the naming of a person is an important and symbolic act. However, there are significant differences in the way names are chosen and used between these two cultural traditions.In Chinese culture, names often carry deep meanings and are carefully chosen to reflect the parents' aspirations for their children. Family names are passed down through generations, connecting individuals to their ancestors and extended family. Given names are also carefully selected, with consideration given to the balance and harmony of the characters and their pronunciation.In contrast, Western names are often chosen for their aesthetic appeal or personal significance to the parents. While some families may pass down family names, it is not as common or strictly adhered to as in Chinese culture. Givennames are often chosen based on personal preferences or cultural influences.Furthermore, in Chinese culture, it is common for individuals to have a "courtesy name" or "style name" in addition to their given name, adding another layer of complexity to their identity. In Western culture, individuals typically have a first, middle, and last name, with no additional titles or names.Overall, the process and significance of naming in Chinese and Western cultures are distinct, reflecting the values and traditions of each society.。
中英文名字的区别英文作文50词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Difference Between Chinese and English NamesHey guys, do you know that there are many differences between Chinese names and English names? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, Chinese names usually have meanings behind them while English names may not. For example, my Chinese name is , which means "little bright" in English. Isn't that cool? But my English name is Tim, which doesn't have a special meaning like does.Secondly, Chinese names are written with the family name first, while English names have the given name first. So if someone's name is in Chinese, it would be Xiao Hong Li in English. It's kind of confusing, right?Also, Chinese names are usually one or two characters long, while English names can be longer. Some English names evenhave three or more syllables! Can you imagine having such a long name like that?In addition, Chinese names are often passed down from generation to generation, while English names can be more unique and creative. My friend's Chinese name is , which has been in her family for many years. But her English name is Lily, which is a name that her parents chose just for her.Overall, Chinese names and English names are different in many ways. But no matter what your name is, it's important to remember that it's part of who you are and where you come from. So embrace your name, whether it's Chinese, English, or something else entirely! Thank you for listening, guys! Have a great day!篇2Hey guys, do you know that there are some differences between English names and Chinese names? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, let's talk about the order of the names. In China, our names have the surname first and then the given name. For example, Wang Tao, where "Wang" is the surname and "Tao" is the given name. But in English, it's the other way around. Thegiven name comes first and then the surname. So, it would be like John Smith, where "John" is the given name and "Smith" is the surname.Another difference is that Chinese names usually have a meaning behind them. Our parents choose our names based on their hopes and wishes for us. For example, the name "Ming" means bright, and "Hua" means beautiful. But in English names, they are often chosen just because they sound nice or are traditional in the family.Also, Chinese names are usually made up of one or two characters, while English names can have more than that. Sometimes English names even have a middle name in between the given name and the surname.So, that's the difference between English names and Chinese names. Do you guys have any questions? Let me know in the comments below!篇3Title: The Difference Between Chinese and English NamesHey guys! Today I want to talk about the difference between Chinese names and English names. Do you have a Chinese name and an English name? Let me tell you why we have two names!First of all, Chinese names are usually made up of three characters. The first character is the surname, which is passed down from our parents. The second and third characters are our given name, which can have special meanings and reflect our parents' hopes for us. For example, my Chinese name is Wang Xiaoming, with "Wang" as my surname and "Xiao Ming" as my given name, which means "little bright."On the other hand, English names are simpler and usually consist of a first name and a last name. The first name is the name we are called by our friends and family, while the last name is also known as the surname, just like the Chinese surname. For example, my English name is Peter Wang, with "Peter" as my first name and "Wang" as my last name.Another difference is that Chinese names are written in characters, while English names are written in the alphabet. It's cool that we have two different systems for naming ourselves, right?In conclusion, having both Chinese and English names allows us to connect with our culture and also interact with people fromdifferent backgrounds. So, what do you think about our names now? Remember, no matter what names we go by, we are still awesome just the way we are! Thank you for listening!篇4Why do English names sound so different from Chinese names? Well, let me tell you all about it!First of all, English names and Chinese names have different ways of choosing. In China, we have our given name and our surname. Our surname comes first and it usually represents our family or ancestor. But in English, the surname comes last. For example, in China, the name Zhang Lili, "Zhang" is the surname and "Lili" is the given name. But in English, it would be written as Lili Zhang. It's like they flip-flopped the order!Secondly, English names are often chosen based on their meanings or sounds. Parents might choose names for their children because they like the meaning of the name, or they might choose a name that sounds beautiful to them. Chinese names, on the other hand, have a lot of cultural significance. Our names can be based on the time and date of our birth, or they can be chosen to bring luck and fortune. That's why our names sound so different from English names!Lastly, English names can be quite unique and creative. People can choose any name they like, even if it's not a common name. Chinese names, on the other hand, often follow a certain pattern and structure. For example, many Chinese names have a certain number of characters, and each character might have a specific meaning or association.So, that's why English names and Chinese names are so different! They have different ways of choosing, different meanings, and different structures. But no matter what our names are, they are a special part of who we are. So let's embrace our names and the stories behind them!篇5Title: The Difference between Chinese Names and English NamesHey everyone! Today I want to talk about something super interesting – the difference between Chinese names and English names! Do you know that names are super important because they represent who we are and where we come from?First of all, let’s talk about Chinese names. Chinese names usually have a very deep meaning behind them. They can be based on characters that represent qualities like strength,kindness, or intelligence. For example, my name, , means "little bright". Cool, right? Chinese names are often passed down through generations to show respect for ancestors and carry on family traditions.On the other hand, English names are often chosen just because they sound nice or have special meanings. They can come from other languages or be completely made up! Some parents even choose names for their kids based on famous people, like actors or musicians. English names can be really creative and unique.Another big difference is the way names are written. Chinese names are written with characters that have meanings on their own, while English names are made up of letters that sound a certain way. This can make Chinese names a bit trickier fornon-Chinese speakers to pronounce correctly!In conclusion, both Chinese and English names are super cool and special in their own ways. They both have their own traditions and meanings that make them unique. I love my Chinese name, but I also think English names are really cool too. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!That’s all for now, thanks for listening! Bye bye!篇6In our school, a lot of kids have both a Chinese name and an English name. It's kinda cool because we get to have two names to use! But sometimes, we wonder why our names sound so different in Chinese and English.First off, let's talk about the Chinese names. Chinese names usually have a deep meaning behind them. They can represent things like power, beauty, or even specific qualities the parents want their child to have. For example, my Chinese name means "brave lion" because my parents hope I will be strong and courageous.But when it comes to English names, they're often chosen because they sound nice or because they are popular names. They don't always have a special meaning like Chinese names do. My English name is Lily, which I think sounds pretty and sweet.One interesting thing is that sometimes our Chinese names are hard for our friends in school to pronounce. So, we use our English names to make it easier for them. It's like having a special nickname that we use with our friends.Having both a Chinese name and an English name is really cool because it allows us to connect with different cultures andlanguages. It's like having a little piece of China and a little piece of the English-speaking world with us wherever we go. And who knows, maybe one day we'll even have more names to add to the collection!篇7My name is Timmy, and today I want to tell you about the difference between English and Chinese names.English names are usually made up of a first name and a last name. For example, my name is Timmy Smith. The first name is what people call you by, and the last name is your family name. In Chinese culture, names are written with the family name first and the given name last. So in China, my name would be Smith Timmy.English names are often chosen based on sounds and meanings that parents like. They can come from many different languages and cultures. In Chinese culture, names are often based on the meaning of the characters. For example, "" (měi) means beautiful, and "" (nà) means elegant. So a Chinese name might be something like (Měinà), whi ch means beautiful and elegant.Another difference between English and Chinese names is that Chinese names are often made up of two characters, while English names usually only have one. This can make Chinese names sound more poetic or artistic. English names are often simpler and easier to pronounce.In conclusion, English and Chinese names have different ways of being formed and different cultural meanings. Both are important parts of our identity and help us connect with others. I hope you enjoyed learning about the differences between English and Chinese names!篇8Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the difference between Chinese names and English names.First, let's talk about Chinese names. In China, a person's name usually has two parts: the surname and the given name. The surname comes first and is passed down from the father's side of the family. There are only a few hundred common surnames in China, so many people share the same surname. The given name is chosen by the parents and can be anything they like.Now, let's talk about English names. In English-speaking countries, a person's name usually has a first name and a last name. The last name is also known as the surname or family name. Unlike Chinese names, English names don't usually have any specific meaning. They are often chosen based on what sounds nice or is popular at the time.One major difference between Chinese and English names is the order in which they are written. In China, the surname comes first, while in English-speaking countries, the surname comes last. For example, in China, the name "Zhang Wei" would be written as "Wei Zhang" in English.Another difference is the way names are written. Chinese characters are used to write Chinese names, while English names are written using the Latin alphabet. This can sometimes cause confusion when translating names between the two languages.In conclusion, there are many differences between Chinese names and English names. From the order in which they are written to the characters used to write them, each culture has its own unique way of naming people. It's important to remember and respect these differences when interacting with people from different cultures. Thank you for listening!篇9The difference between Chinese and English names is something that we often talk about in school. Have you ever wondered why we have different names in Chinese and English? Let me tell you all about it in this fun essay!First of all, let's talk about Chinese names. In Chinese culture, our names are usually made up of two parts - the family name and the given name. The family name comes first, and it is passed down from our ancestors. This name is very important because it shows which family we belong to. For example, if your family name is Wang, then people will know that you are from the Wang family.The given name is chosen by our parents, and it usually has a special meaning or a wish for the child's future. For example, the name "Yun" means cloud, which symbolizes good luck and prosperity. Chinese names are often very poetic and meaningful, and they can tell a lot about a person's character or aspirations.Now, let's talk about English names. In Western culture, people usually have a first name and a last name. The first name is the name that we use to address someone personally, while the last name is the family name that is passed down fromgeneration to generation. For example, if someone's name is John Smith, "John" is the first name and "Smith" is the last name.English names are often simpler and more straightforward than Chinese names. They are often chosen based on personal preferences or family traditions. Some English names have meanings, but they are not as deeply rooted in tradition as Chinese names.In conclusion, the main difference between Chinese and English names lies in their structure and cultural significance. Chinese names are rich in tradition and symbolism, while English names are more straightforward and personal. Both types of names have their own beauty and charm, and it's fun to learn about the differences between them!篇10Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the differences between Chinese names and English names. Do you have both a Chinese name and an English name? Let me tell you why some people have two names.First of all, Chinese names are usually given by our parents or grandparents. They often have meanings related to nature, virtues, or family history. For example, the name "Yun" meanscloud, which symbolizes purity and freedom. Sometimes, we also have a middle name that represents our generation or our parents' hopes for us.On the other hand, English names are more commonly used in Western countries. They are often simpler and easier to pronounce for people who don't speak Chinese. English names can be based on words, colors, flowers, or even famous people. For example, the name "Lily" comes from the flower lily, which is known for its beauty and purity.Having both a Chinese name and an English name can be very convenient. When we are with Chinese-speaking friends and family, we can use our Chinese name to show respect for our culture. And when we are with English-speaking friends and teachers, we can use our English name to make communication easier.So, do you have a Chinese name, an English name, or both? Let me know in the comments below! Let's embrace the beauty of both languages and names. Thank you for listening!。
中文名字和英文名字差异英语作文Chinese Names and English Names are different in many ways, reflecting the cultural and linguistic differences between the two languages. Chinese names are typically made up of two or three characters, with the surname placed first followed by the given name. It is very common for Chinese names to have meanings, often reflecting the parents’ wishes for the child’s future success, happiness, or other positive characteristics. On the other hand, English names are usually made up of one to three syllables, with the first name followed by the middle name (if one is given) and last name.One major difference between Chinese and English names is the order in which they are written or spoken. In Chinese names, the surname comes first followed by the given name, while in English names the given name comes first followed by the last name. For example, a person with the Chinese name 王小明(Wang Xiaoming) would have the English name Xiaoming Wang.Another difference is the pronunciation and spelling of Chinese names compared to English names. Chinese names often have tones and sounds that are not present in English, making it difficult for English speakers to pronounce them correctly. Furthermore, Chinese names are often transliteratedusing the pinyin system, which can lead to variations in spelling and pronunciation. English names, on the other hand, are easier for Chinese speakers to pronounce as they are based on the Latin alphabet.In terms of meaning, Chinese names often have deep significance and are chosen carefully by parents. For example, the name 美丽(Meili) means beautiful, reflecting the parents’ desire for their child to be lovely and attractive. English names, on the other hand, may not have specific meanings or significance attached to them, although some parents may choose names based on their own preferences or family traditions.Overall, Chinese and English names differ in terms of order, pronunciation, spelling, and meaning. Despite these differences, names are an important part of identity and play a significant role in shaping how individuals are perceived and how they perceive themselves. Both Chinese and English names carry cultural and personal significance, reflecting the unique characteristics and backgrounds of their bearers.。
AAH 亚/啊AN 晏AP 鸭AU / OW 区/欧0BBALL 波BAN 班BAU 包/鲍BAY湾BEI 费BIK 碧BIN 卞/扁/边BING 冰/炳BIU 标/布BO 宝0BOK 卜BONG 邦BOON 胖/盘BOOT 砵BOR 播BUI 贝BUN 彬BUT 毕/拔CCAU 沟0CHA查/柴/差CHAI 柴/齐/仔0 CHAK 泽CHAM 湛/斩/鉴CHAN 陈/震CHAP 习CHAU/CHOW 周/邹/秋CHE 车CHEE 翅/斜CHEN 陈/栈CHENG 郑0 CHEONG 昌/祥CHEUK 卓CHEUNG 张/蒋/章CHIANG 蒋CHIK 戚/植/直CHIN 钱/展CHIM 占/詹CHING 程/静/清CHIT 节CHIU 赵/招/焦/超CHO 曹/祖CHOI/CHOY蔡/才CHONG/JON 庄CHOU 就CHU 朱/诸CHUEN 全CHUI 徐/崔/隋/翠CHUK 祝/竺CHUN 秦/春/珍/俊0 CHUNG 锺/宗/忠/聪D 0DAI 大DAN 丹/蛋0DAO 岛DA T 地DEE 弟0DICK 狄DIN 电/典/甸DING 定/丁DO 都DOI 代0DONG 当0DOR 多DUEN 端/短DUN 登00DUNG 洞0FFA花0FAI 辉/费0FAN 樊/范/霍FA T 发FAU 浮FEI 非/肥FI 快FOK 霍FON 房0FONG 方/芳FOO 富/夫FOOK 福FOON 欢FU 傅/富/符FUK 福/复FUN 芬FUNG 冯/峰/凤FUT 佛GGA贾/嘉GI 芝HHA夏/哈HAI 奚HAK 克/客HAM 咸0HAN 娴HANG 恒/亨HAR 霞/虾HAR 侯/巧HAY禧HEI 喜HENG 杏/幸HEUNG 向/香0 HIM 谦HIN 显/轩HING 兴/庆HIP 协HIU 晓HO 何/浩/豪/好HOI 海HON 韩/汉HONG 项/康HOP 合HOR 贺HOU 厚/後HOY开HUEN 禤HUET 羽HUI 许HUNG 孔/洪/熊/红HUR 墟JJA炸JET 积/只0JIM/CHIM 占/詹JING 晶0JO 祖JOT 坐JUP 执JUT 质K 0KA嘉/家KAE 偈KAI 启/契/佳/计KAK 格KAM 金/琴/锦KAN 简/涧KANG 耿/镜KAP 革KARN 耕KAU 球/旧/构KAY基KEE 记/棋KEI 奇KEN 勤0 KEUNG 强/姜KI 纪KIM 剑/钳/俭KIN 见/虔/件/坚KING 景/琼/京/劲KIT 杰/洁KIU 娇/桥KO 高/哥KOO 顾KOI 盖00KOK 国/角0 KONG 江/钢KOT 葛KOU 告KU 古/姑KUE 巨KUEN 权/娟KUI 居/渠KUIP 缺KUK 菊/谷0 KUN 根/勤KUT 巩KWA瓜KWAI 贵/葵/柜/鬼KWAN 关/群/坤/君KWO 果/过KWOK 郭/国KWONG 邝/广KWUN 观0LLA辣LAI 黎/赖/礼LAK 叻LAM 林/蓝/琳00 LAN 兰/靓LAP 立LARM 榄LAU 刘/柳LA W 罗LEE/LI 李/利/莉00 LEUNG 梁/亮LIK 力0LIN 莲/錬/练LING 凌/玲LIP 聂LIT 列LIU 廖LO/LU ?#93;/鲁/路/劳LOA老/佬LOI 来0LOK 洛/骆/乐LONG 朗LUEN 联LUI 吕/雷LUK 陆LUN 伦LUNG 龙LUT 律M 0MA马/麻MAK 麦MAN 文/敏MANG 万/孟MAU 茂MEI 美/媚MI 咪MIN 绵/勉/闵MING 明/铭MIU 妙/苗MO 毛/武/墓MOK 莫MONG 望/蒙0 MOON 满MOR 磨/摩MUI 梅/妹MUK 穆MUN 敏MUNG 蒙/梦0OOH 澳OI 爱/霭ON 安OR 柯PPA霸PAI 排/派PAK 白/伯/柏PAN 板/辨/彭PANG 彭PAO / PAU 豹/包/鲍PEI 比PEK 北PI 皮PING 平PIT 必PO 普/布/埔POK 博PONG 庞POON 潘POR 婆PUI 裴/培/佩PUMP 泵PUN/ PUA本/潘SSA洒/哂/沙SAI 世/西SANG 生SAU 秀/寿/修/仇SA W 傻SE 事SEI 时SEN 腥SHA沙SHAM 沈/岑0SHEK 石SHET 佘/蛇00 SHEUNG 上/嫦SHIN 善/单/线SHING 成/胜/盛SHIU 邵/笑SHO 所SHOON 纯SHR 佘/蛇/舍SHU 舒/树SHUEN 旋SHUI 水/瑞SHUM 沈/岑00 SHUN 信/顺SHUNG 崇SI 斯/史/施SIM 婵SIN 仙/善/冼SING 星SIT 薛SIU 萧/小/少SIK 色SO 苏/素SOK 索SONG 爽SOO 素/苏SOU 嫂SOUND 省SU 须SUEN 孙SUEI 雪SUK 淑/叔SUM 深0 SUN 申SUNG 宋SUT 实SZE 史/施/时TTA打TAE 提TAI 戴/泰/大TAK 德/突0 TAM 谭/探TANG 邓/腾TAO 陶/涛/滔TAP 踏TA T 达TAU 头/投0TEI 娣TEN 听TI 帝/底TIE 呔TIK 狄TIL 条TIM 添/甜TIN 田/天TING 丁/婷TIP碟/蝶TIT 铁TIU 刁TO 杜/土TOI 台TOM 汤TONG 唐/汤/同TOK 拓/确/铎0 TOU 肚TOW 拖TSAI 齐/济TSANG 曾TSE 谢/姐/遮TSENG 井TSEUK 爵TSIM 占TSO 曹/左TSU 醉/最TSUEN 全TSUI 崔/徐/翠0 TSUN 秦/俊TSZ 慈TUEN 段/屯TUI 对00TUK 督TUNE 统TUNG 东/同/通/董TUT 脱/夺TZE 子UUI 回UK 屋UM 庵WWA话WAH 华WAI 违/惠/威/维00 WAK 获WAN 尹/温/云WANG 宏/横WA T 屈WEI 维/怀WEN 环/幻0 WHO 窝WIK 域WING 荣/永/咏/颖0 WO 和/窝0WON 温WONG/VONG 黄/王WOO/WU 邬/胡WOOD 活WOON 换WU 邬/胡/护0 WUI 汇WUN 援YY AM 任/音Y AN 殷/仁Y A T 日/壹Y AU 邱/尤/友/游/佑YE 爷YEA夜YEE 仪/义/绮0 YEUK 约YEUNG 杨YICK 益YIK 易YIM 严/艳YIN 贤/燕YING 英/影/莹/盈YIP / YEH 叶YIU 姚/耀YU 佘/羽/雨YUE 裕/于YUEN 袁/阮/远YUET 越/月YUI 锐YUK 玉/旭YUN 润YUNG 容/翁/勇0ZZEE 试/除ZHA查ZONG松0ZO 左复姓AUYEUNG 欧阳CHUKOT 诸葛HAHAU 夏侯MOYUNG 慕容SHEUNG KWUN 上官0 SZEMA司马SZETO 司徒。
• Marshall(元帅) Butler(男管家) Chambers(贵族管家)
• Coward(放牛人) Smith(铁匠) stringer(制绳匠)
Some people would like to use the name of figures
or saints in Bible as surnames, such as, Adam, Eva,
• For instance , Western, Eastern ,and Northern. But if somebody’s surname is West ,East ,North or South, that means he comes from the west ,or east in their country.
• 英文名称由2部分或三部分,前面的名字姓。 • 第一部分是基督徒的名字或姓名,姓,名。一般来说,每
一个英国名字因为他们的宗教信仰。当孩子出世,父母将 他或她教会的洗礼,这表明孩子成为一个基督徒。然后他 或她将得到一个基督徒的名字。
• The second part is middle name second name. This is given by kid’s parent , god-father or god-mother. Not all people have their second
• The first part is Christian name or first name, given name, forename. Generally speaking, every British has Christian name because of their religion. When the kid is born, the parents will take him or her to the church for baptism, which shows the kid becomes a Christian. And then he or she will be given a Christian name.
中英文姓名表达的不同学习目标Key words & phrases:first, last, friend, China, middle, school, first name, last name Key sentences:What’s his last/first name?What’s her last/first name?Language goals:1.学习英文中姓与名的表达方式,熟练掌握英文中姓在后,名在前的表达规则。
2.制作ID card,感受中西方姓名表达的不同教学过程Step1;My name is Wu Lipeng,My first name is Lipeng,My last name is Wu........Step 2Introduce yourselfMy name is…My first name is ….My last name is …英美人的名字通常是名字在前,姓在后。
如:Barack Obama,Barack 是他的名,而Obama才是他的姓first name 名字last name 姓氏first name与given name同义, last name与family name同义。
Her name is Mary Smith; her familyname is Smith.她的姓名是玛丽·史密斯, 史密斯是她的姓。
Step 3Hello, my first name is _____. My last nameis ____. I have ____ friends. She is my new friend. Her first name is _____. Her last name is _____. And he is my friend, too. His first name is______. His last name is _____.。
—浅 异
2007级 材料化学
Origin( rigin(
Structure & composition(结构组 ) composition(
内 )
something else (
Your company slogan
Origin of English first names
Your company slogan
Origin of Chinese first names
为 Eg:孔:出于子姓。周武王封商微子于宋,微于后由其弟 Eg: 出于子姓。周武王封商微子于宋, 仲衍继承封地。仲衍后为弗父何,其字孔父。 仲衍继承封地。仲衍后为弗父何,其字孔父。孔父的儿 子以父字中的“ 子以父字中的“孔”为姓氏。 为姓氏。 为 Eg:吴:出于姬姓。周武王封钟雍的曾孙于吴(江苏苏州 Eg: 出于姬姓。周武王封钟雍的曾孙于吴( 一带),建立吴国。其后代以国名为姓氏。 ),建立吴国 一带),建立吴国。其后代以国名为姓氏。 官职为 官职为 Eg: 马:是上古时代官名,军事长官,传说尧、舜时已 Eg: 是上古时代官名,军事长官,传说尧、 曾为官司马的人的后代,就以司马官职名为姓。 设,曾为官司马的人的后代,就以司马官职名为姓。
继 (patronymic) Eg: Thomas Wilson O’Hara 职业性(occupational) 职业性(occupational) Eg: Smith Miller Shakespeare 描述性(descriptive) 描述性(descriptive) Eg : Owen Kennedy Hall 头衔/ 爵位性(titular) 头衔/ 爵位性(titular) Eg:Rice Spencer Eg: object) 实 (object) Eg:Stone Bush Rose Eg:
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A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Names中文摘要姓名是人在交往过程中的代码,是人类社会中最基本的人际称谓,也是“标志社会结构中的一种血缘关系和区别个人的标志符号”。
关键词:中文姓名;英文姓名;对比研究AbstractName is the code in the process of people’ communication, and the basic title of human society, is also a symbol denotation that signs the kin in society living and difference between people. Name is a special phenomenon of human culture, is the carrier for its cultural system. The origin of name and its custom also are affected and restricted by some factors in our society. Because of different national history, religion, tradition and custom, all the factors and so on, they have closely relation, so name is an integrate part of every national culture, it not only reflect the common on every national culture, but also embody the special cultural phenomenon from different nation. A comparative study on the characteristic of name from different cultures, to research the special cultural origin of different names between different nations, the structure character of name and the naming ways, to display the similarities and differences between Chinese and English culture, to enhance the acquaintance with each other, to accelerate the cultural communicate with each other.Keywords: Chinese name; English name; comparative study;Contents1 Chapter ⅠIntroduction (1)1.1 Definition of name (1)1.2 Relevant information of the study (1)1.3 The Significance of Name in Cross-cultural Communication (1)2 Chapter ⅡThe similarities and differences in Chinese and English personal names (3)2.1 The structure of Chinese and English personal names (3)2.2 The origin of Chinese and English family names (3)2.2.1 The similarities in the origin of Chinese and English name: (4)2.2.2 The difference in the origin of Chinese and English names (5)2.3 Naming customs of Chinese and English names and the cultural connotation reflected in the literaryworks (6)3 Chapter ⅢThe influence of deep-going cultural connotation and different social cultures on Chinese and English names (8)3.1 The culture generality in Chinese and English culture (8)3.2 The different cultural connotation (10)4 Chapter ⅣConclusion (11)5 Reference (11)1Chapter ⅠIntroduction1.1Definition of nameName is a sign for people. It is the gather of the given name and individual name. In China antiquity, the given name and the individual name is used lonely. At present they are called “name “gathered. Name is an appellation for a people and a representation.1.2Relevant information of the studyThe objective of this research is to increase people’s cultural awareness by informing both Chinese and English native speakers of the knowledge of names in both languages and cultures and eventually improves the communication between them. The research is practical in intent. The underlying assumption is that this research will help people appreciate other peop le’s culture and better understand the meanings of names and revise their ways of interacting by taking more account of cultural differences when people with Chinese or English cultural background encounter and communicate with each other.1.3The Significance of Name in Cross-cultural CommunicationTo know a society usually starts from the contact with its people,The contact with its people begins with the names, we tell to each other attach first encounter. We all form distinct impressions when we first hear a name. Perhaps we respond because of the sound of the word or because of mental associations we make,but very definitely an image flash is in the back of our minds simply from the name itself. Therefore,name is not only a mark or a symbol that distinguishes people from each other but also full of cultural messages of action such as language,history,geography,religion,customs,values and class status,etc,.Therefore,as a carrier of culture,names earn serve as living fossils for the study.Robert L. Shook,an American business man and writer,once conducted a survey in which he separately asked twenty male friends of his if they would take out Harriett Finkelstein,a secretary who was coming in from out of town. Eighteen out of the twenty told him they were not available for the blind date. A month later he asked the same men if they would like a blind date with Jill Connors,another secretary from out of town. Influenced by the name alone,sixteen expressed interest in Jill and wanted to know more about her. Poor Harriett missed her chance for blind dates imply because of the image her name suggested. (Shook,1977:l).Obviously the names in the above example bring about different responses from westerns but most of the Chinese People. They may means nothing but symbols. It is the same case for a foreigner when he hears or reads a Chinese name in Ping Yin. With the globalization and pluralism facing people all of the world,peoplehave more and more opportunity to interact with each other and It is the right time for people to take serious of each other and learn to appreciate each other's culture. For example more and more foreigners who study or work in China would like to have a Chinese name. Usually the name is decided by Pronunciation,which sounds similar to a word that might have an elegant connotation. However,some of the names,totally away from their pronunciations,focus on culturally-loaded meanings while some others are simply translated from their original pronunciations. But the problem is that some of the names,obviously without proper thinking or owing to the lack of cultural background information,are translated very awkwardly or even as a taboo in Chinese culture. For example,the English name pearl is translated as Zhenzhu (珍珠),with the exactly the same meaning in Chinese. As we know the name Zhenzhu(珍珠) nowadays in China sounds old-fashioned or countrified. And Lily,when translated as Bai-he-hua(百合花) in Chinese,would immediately remind people of the taboo-death,since Chinese are profoundly influenced by Buddhism in which Bai-he-hua(百合花) is some how a symbol of death. Chinese people also have problems when deciding to have an English name. Therefore,from the cross-cultural communication perspective,names become confusing and complicated to those who are from different cultural backgrounds.From the examples mentioned above and the differences among them,we may come to these assumptions that problems concerning names in communication which leave Chinese and English people feeling puzzled,curious or funny are often caused by culturally shaped underlying differences in perception and interpretation of various phenomena which cross-cultural communicators are often unaware of; And that people from different countries have formed their own particular naming systems and they tend to transfer this knowledge directly to naming systems of other cultures. By discussing the features of both Chinese and English names and presenting historical and cultural factors that influence people when they choose a name or hear a name,this theist probes into the name phenomena in various aspects in both British and Chinese cultures so as to alert people to the cultural awareness and to promote the better understanding as well as better communication among people from different cultural backgrounds.From the teaching perspective,this research may help both teachers and students better understand the characters in literary works,whose names are often chosen with purposes by their authors. The researcher positively believes that most of the obstacles to understanding can be over come with motivation,knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity.2Chapter ⅡThe similarities and differences in Chinese and English personal names2.1The structure of Chinese and English personal namesThe composition of Chinese name is the family name before, and the given name back. But the English is exactly opposite; they put the given name before and the family name back. The structure form “family name + given name”reflect the Chinese cultural value tropism is collectivism which country affected by orient cultures. China has the history of more than two thousands feudality, under this society, the people more took attention on national conception, and namely the national family name was especially important. In normal living, the genes or the family’s conception played an important roles in their heart, and the emperor is the representative of genes conception, all the things in the country should depend on the concept of the emperor, so in the feudalistic society, not only the country but also the family, only can put the given name which stand for himself after the family name. So the orient name structure, especially the Chinese name structure are affected by long-time feudalistic society, it is the centralized embody of value tropism on country collectivistic. And the family name and given name is the character of Chinese culture.The structure form “given name+ family name” is the necessary result of English cultural individualism. The western cultures which was representative by Anglo-American countries pay attention to technology and freedom, upholding evidence, individual, substance and nonfigurative thinking ways, it includes the long-time democracy tradition that exist in many European countries such as England, attach more importance to individual action, uphold people should strive for success, then the individual action is more important than the group success. In western, given name--the sign of people became important then the family name. So the western names’structure was more affected by bourgeois humanism philosophic, its structure is the representation form of value tropism of western individualism.2.2The origin of Chinese and English family namesAt the point of time, we can see that the origin of Chinese clan has centuries-old history; this can track to the enatic society in antiquity. But English clan is used until A.D 11th century, its history is transitory. The origin of Chinese clan firstly come from the words “name”, name is composed by “ woman” and “living”, its meaning is people all feed by woman, this reflects the enatic society maybe the origin of name. And the research states that many antique family names were made up with the word “women”. Actually, family name is a code for an enatic society, through the research on a family name, we can clearly acquaint with the origin,development, flight, differentiation, flourish and downfall of a kin-group.The family name is a cultural mark for a religion, if you got the family name; it means you got the acceptation of the religion. In some contents, it is a mark for some social status and back group. There are the date’s states that the clan is evolved from the family name, and is the signs for a clan divided into many branches. Mr. Zhou gushing, the historian, whose research indicates that China anciently primly is a society by woman family name and man clan, family name is a kin signs of the same religion, and clan primly is the signs of the man header in man clan. Until the Qi’in time, male family name began to replace the female family name, they began to melt with each other, and then they have a general designation of family name. English family name began to be used at about 11th century, until the end of 16th century, it became perfect. But in fact, since from 14th century, western countries also begin to adopt male family name as his family name. As per the record in cyclopedia, family name came of noble families; the purpose of it is to make their family will live forever. Later as the development of society, the family name gains more and more aboard using, its gist also has more and more forms.2.2.1The similarities in the origin of Chinese and English name:They usually take the living place as their family name. Chinese family name mostly come from the living place most named after the burning place or living place or the natural environment or the region name as their family name. And many English family name also come from place-name, includes the living place and country name. Such as Wallace (the person comes from Cambrian), Norton (adopt from Northern Town), Whitney (place-name in England), Brookes (the person comes from mountain), Roebuck (the person lives in the place with fawn), Bradford (ford place was shaped by river).They also take the occupation as their family name. In Chinese, the sons should inherit their parent’s occupation or working, the way is the main approach for devaluating some craft or art in antique society, then the offspring naturally named the occupation or crafts as their family name. In English, the research of Leslie Dunking indicate some English family names comes from occupation, such as Smith, the holder of this family name original is an ironsmith in 14th century, and this occupation is an important industry in mid-century, the weapons in war and normal dead stocks can not be off this occupation. So Smith is the most frequent family name. There are some other similar ones: Tailor, Walker, Arch-err, Clerk, Turner, and Wight and so on.The origin of them is the ancestral family name. Chinese family names come from ancestral given name or clan name. But some of English names come from father’s given name. Most of English name come fromfather’s firstly name, its character is the end of the name “-son”, such as Harrison, Henry son, Dickinson, Henderson, Richardson, Gilbert-son, Gibson, Greg son, Gridiron, Dixon and so on.2.2.2The difference in the origin of Chinese and English namesSome of Chinese family names are from the name of homeland, but this way does not exist in English family names.Some of Chinese family names are from the official position, but this phenomenon does not exist in English family names. The countries: Xia, Shang, Zhou all had no official positions, so the offspring of these officers naturally named their family name after their ancestral official position.Some of Chinese name are obliged by the Emperors, but this way does not exist in English family names. Some of the Emperors in China history were in hope of honor and lasso the main Gen, they will favor them the “country family name”, and it in some content means the emperor’s relation. Such as the Tang dynasty in history which belongs to family Li, so “Li” is the country family name. At the same time, the emperors also will favor the political opponent or betrayer contumelious family names.Some of Chinese family names are from female, but it does not exist in English family names. In remote antiquity female clan society, the family name is used to indicate female relation. But some English family names are from the nicknames. In Greece language, hypocoristic means the nickname of pet, nickname is a true name and the name after nickname sounds like more friendliness, such as Pip is the nickname of Philip, Kit is the nickname of Christopher. The family names which made up by Henry include Harry, Harris, Haskin; the family names which made up by Gilbert include Gibbis, Gibbons, and Gibbin. The family names which made up by Gregory include Gregg, Grigg, Griggs, and Greig.Otherwise, there are differences in the original time and sequence of family names. It mainly represent in the English name appeared earlier than the family name. In contrast, Chinese family name appeared earlier than the name. This reflects the different social process between English and Chinese. The slavery family background is important to Chinese people, so the family name is more important than the given name in the Chinese people’s hearts; this also indicates the collectivism value tropism in China. Compared the history between slavery society and feudalism, the English slavery and feudalism is only a night-blooming cereus. Original English has no family name, and the name regulation was formed relatively late. This indicates there did not form the clan relation which made up with families, even a stable descendent emperor system. English did not finish feudalization, and there are many free farmers everywhere from 9th to 11th century, until A.D1066, English feudalization system began to be built up widely. But only survived several hundred years, at the end of the 14th century, English slavery system disorganized, till the 16th century, capitalism widely sprang up and lead to the burst of bourgeois. So English the given name began important than family name. This maybe the reason for why the given name is at front of the family name in English-speaking countries. 2.3Naming customs of Chinese and English names and the cultural connotation reflectedin the literary worksName as an individual character in society, its original connotation has consanguineous connection with the development of social history. After a comparative study, we can know that there are some common and differences on naming customs of Chinese and English names.Ⅰ.There are some similarities in the naming customs of Chinese and English name, the mainly form as the following:1). Named after timeChinese people often name their children after time, others can clearly know the born time of the child from their name, and name is a memory for them. The same as Chinese names, the English names often make use of time, such like: Spring, winter, Rain, Snow, Wind, Moon, and May.2). Named after propagationChinese people often named their children after animals or others with full power and strength, but also with the nidering animal name means nobleness. At the same time, they also make use of the name of plants. As well as Chinese names, English parent also usually name their children after propagation in hoping of better development on their characteristic development.3).Named after the structure of wordsChinese people often adapt similar word as children’s names; the purpose of this is for reading simple and catchy. Or the name is made up by double words,; or the family name is divided into the given name; also the family name gather with the given name means a perfect connotation. Or the family name is his father’s, and the given name is his mother’s family name. This is a representation of the levitation of women status in society and living. The structure of English name is similar as Chinese ones, such as: Rosemary is made up of Rose and Mary; May is transferred from Mary. This innovation is a form of western thinking.4). Named after the bailment of their eldershipMost of Chinese names melt with the expectation of their eldership, they expect inheriting wealth, flourishing family; longevity and so on. But the western culture emphasizes individual power, and gain successby individual efforts, so individual bravery and muscularity is the guarantee and precondition of success. Individual success is the top target of everyone living, as the parents, used such names meaning the expectation and bailment on their children (mainly the boy). Such as: Boris, William, Richard, Harold, Abraham and so on.Ⅱ. The difference in the naming ways of Chinese and English namesChinese names reflect profound cultural connotation of China. Their names mean the connotation as the above, the expectation of their parents, their thinking ways and mode; the memory for Chinese history or great matters, or some history variance. At the same time, there are many other factors such as: station, sequence, weight and method all become the information source of naming.The naming ways of English names have their own characters. This mainly embody on the consciousness of religion and money. Often we can see most of them are come from the language of Anti-Greece, Hebraic and Latin. In Hebraic, most has the relation with Judaism Myth; In Anti-Greece and Latin, most of them have the relation with the godly names of Greece and Roma myth. But few names have direct relation with Christianize Such as: James, Diana, Athena, Eliot, Pound, Dollar, France and so one. Through them, we can see the expectation that the parents means, and the good dream.3Chapter ⅢThe influence of deep-going cultural connotation and different social cultures on Chinese and English names3.1The culture generality in Chinese and English cultureCross-Cultural communication involves communication as well as aspects on chronology,linguistics,Psychology,sociology,etc..Scholars from different regions and different perspectives define its content in various ways.In America,Richard Porter listed eight aspects of the content: attitude(including world views,values,Prejudice,stereotyped views),ethnocentrism,social organization,Way of thinking,language,sense of space,sense of time and non-verbal expression.In Europe,the study of cross-cultural communication has been closely related to linguistics. It has been separated as an independent discipline only recently. Raymond Williams has done a lot of research on culturally-loaded English words in his book keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society,which gives people a lot of insights to the content of cultural studies. Jenny Thomas presented her basic ideas about the intent of cross-cultural communication in her book Pragmalinguistic Failures in cross-cultural Communication from the perspective of pragmatic use of the language. She classified failures in communication into two: Pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure. In cross-cultural communication,her sociopragmatic failures refer to the contents like what topic is proper and what is not; The relationship between people; the rights and obligations of people and values etc. (Hu,2002:14)In China,teachers began to pay attention to cross-cultural communication only in 1980s.Our focus was on foreign language teaching and the relation between target language and its culture. Xu Guozhang(许国璋) was the first to publish his article Culturally-loaded words and English Language Teaching in1982. (Hu,2002:16) In 1989,Deng yanchang(邓炎昌) and Liu Runqing(刘润清) published their book Language and Culture in which certain cultural differences involving languages between Chinese and native speakers of English are analyzed and discussed. This book has a tremendous influence in the study of the relations hip between language and culture in China. Later on Hu wenzhong(胡文仲) has published many articles and books on this issue,and thus the content of cross-cultural communication has gone beyond foreign language teaching. Now more and more works are published which have covered comparisons of Chinese and foreign languages and their cultures in all kinds of details and aspects such as customs,animals,plants,color words,numbers. names,etc.3) Review of Comparative Study of Names from Cross-Cultural Communication PerspectiveAs mentioned above,the early study of cultural communication in China focused on foreign language teaching and the relation between target language and it culture in abroad sense. In early 1990s,the content of cultural communication Started to go beyond foreign language teaching. Articles as well as books on comparative study of names,from the cross-cultural communication perspective,began to appear in China in 1990s.In 1994,two articles on names written separately by Lou Guangqing(楼光庆) and Lu Jianji(鲁健骥) were collected in the book《文化与交际》edited by Hu Wenzhong. Lou in his article“从姓名看社会和文化”briefly analyzed the features of Chinese and American names while Lu in his paper“人名与称谓中的排行”focused on the proper order of interpersonal greetings often puzzling foreigners.Tian Huigang(田惠刚)in his book《中西人际称谓系统》published in l998 gives a detailed description of given names as well as family names in Chinese culture and western culture. This book provides a quite comprehensive knowledge of names. The disadvantage is the language,what the author means here is that the book was written in Chinese without English version.Again in 1998,JiaWeiguo(贾卫国) published his article“语言、姓氏与文化”in which he did a general and comparative study on Chinese and English names. Du Xuezeng(杜学增) in his book《中英文化习俗比较》published in 1999,devoted one chapter to name customs both in China and in English-speaking countries but this whole chapter,I think,is a general introduction to name diversities in both Chinese and English cultures.Yang Sijian(杨自俭) in his article“英语姓名学中的几个问题”printed in 2001 theoretically presented his ideas on anthroponomastics meaning name study. Zhan Bei(詹蓓) in 2001 in her article“译名与文化”published in Chinese Translators Journal brought our attention to the cultural implications in the translation of names.In 2003,GaoYongehen(高永晨) and RenRui(任瑞) also published an article in Tianjin Foreign Studies University Journal entitled“中英姓氏差异中的文化蕴涵”. This article discussed the associations or images that both Chinese and English names had produced when encounters first met with each other either in daily life or in 1iterary works.From all that is mentioned above,readers may have the impression that the content of cultural communication covers various aspects of languages and their cultures,including names. Benedict,at the very beginning of her book patterns of Culture,stated,“From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk,he is the little creature of his culture,and bythe time he is grown and able to take part in its activities,its habits are his habits,its beliefs his beliefs,its impossibilities his impossibilities.”(Benedict,1934:3)One’s name,as apart of his culture,a window of his society and bearer of his cultural heritage,is born with him and companies him for the rest of his life.Therefore,it may assumingly well influence his life as well as his future,if we believe culture shapes one's experiences and behaviors.3.2The different cultural connotationName is a special cultural language, it reflects some cultural history, civilization and custom, is one of the most important cultural epitomes. Through comparing the Chinese and English name, we can know that there are many similarities between these two kinds systems of name, but the difference is more evident. And the difference we had stated above, so now we will not repeat here. We can get the following revelation after the study on it:Firstly, the Chinese name has more long and old history than the English one, not only the structure is more complex than English name, but also the name plays a more important function in our society. The language embodies the thinking character of his nation, at the same time, restrict and lead human thinking ways. The origin of family name in China is more earlier, and on the before of given name on the form, this explains Chinese put family name on an important position, and take it as a sign of a family. Given name is an individual signs. In another word, family stands an integrate position in everyone’s hear, personal benefits should be after this. But in England, the given name is on the before of the family name, as well as on the form, they consider that the family name is a supplement of the given name. Because the family name did not have so important meaning, so they put more attention on their individual name—the given name. They have no so strong family thinking as Chinese, they don’t care the other kindred exclude their parents and their children.Secondly, name also can reflect the different behave when Chinese and English people faced authority. In China, in all ages, people consider the names jinn, emperor, oracle and successful man is sacrosanct, so when they refer these, they can not call their name directly, and Chinese don’t like copy the name of head and celebrity. This shows that there is stronger grade-mind in Chinese heart, but in the English-speaking countries, they will name their children after the jinn, emperor, oracle and successful man, this reflects the equality and democracy in their nation.The last, name also is the tool for recording culture, it reflect the national history and cultural development, has timely spirit. English is not a country come after a great revolution, it was formed by the foreigner’s aggression and evolvement, so it does not like China, American, and France and so on. In history,。