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RARE-EARTH PERMANENT MAGNETS: NEW MAGNET MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONSS. J. Collocott¶, J. B. Dunlop¶, H. C. Lovatt¶ and V. S. Ramsden†¶CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, Lindfield, NSW, Australia 2070†School of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2007Abstract: The introduction of rare-earth permanent magnets based on samarium-cobalt in about 1970, and neodymium-iron-boron magnets in the mid-nineteen eighties, has ushered in a new era in hard magnetic materials. This has resulted in a dramatic improvement in permanent magnet performance, with neodymium-iron-boron (Nd2Fe14B) magnets having a magnetic energy product up to an order of magnitude greater than those of Alnico and ferrite magnets, with high remanence and coercive force. The search for new permanent magnet materials has led to further interest in rare-earth-iron intermetallic compounds modified by the introduction of interstitial atoms such as nitrogen or carbon.We discuss `What makes a good permanent magnet’, in the context of the crystal structure and the magnetic properties of rare-earth-iron intermetallic alloys that are candidates for new permanent magnet materials. The methods for producing these new candidate magnet materials, including arc-melting under an atmosphere of argon, high-energy ball-milling (HEBM), mechanical alloying, melt-spinning and HDDR (hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption, recombination) are reviewed. Examples of high efficiency electric motors, which use rare-earth permanent magnets, developed by the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, and the CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics are given.Keywords: rare-earth magnets, rare-earth--iron intermetallic alloys, new phases, electric motors1. INTRODUCTIONThe first practical application of a permanent magnet material was probably the use of lodestone in a compass for navigation, by the Chinese some 2000 years ago. The most spectacular advances in permanent magnet materials have occurred over the past 100 years, as the magnetic steels of the late nineteenth century were replaced by intermetallic compounds and oxides of the twentieth century. The AlNiCo alloy was discovered in Japan during the 1930’s and the ceramic hexaferrites in Holland by Philips in the 1950’s. These permanent magnet materials made it practical to replaceelectromagnets in many applications, and ushered in the era of the widespread use of permanent magnets in electric motors, generators and loudspeakers. A major advance in permanent magnets occurred about 25 years ago with development of magnets based on rare-earth intermetallic alloys. The first of the new rare-earth magnets was samarium-cobalt (SmCo5), which became available in the 1970’s, followed by neodymium-iron-boron magnets (NdFeB) in the mid-1980’s. The improvement in permanent magnet materials over the past 100 years can be tracked by the maximum energy product, ((BH)max), the most common figure of merit for a permanent magnet. ((BH)max is the maximum product of the magnetic induction, B, and magnetising field strength, H, in the second quadrant of the magnetic hysteresis curve, and represents twice the maximum energy that can be stored in the magnetic field created in space around a magnet of optimum shape.) Figure 1, a semilogarithimic plot, shows the improvement in (BH)max since 1900. Compared to SmCo, NdFeB has the advantages of lower cost and a higher magnetic energy product. These favourable features have made NdFeB, for many applications, the magnet of first choice, resulting in its widespread use and the rapid expansion of the world rare-earth permanent magnet market.Compared to their predecessors, Alnico and ferrites, rare-earth permanent magnets (REPM) have a magnetic energy product up to a magnitude larger, high remanence and high intrinsic coercivity. These attributes are important in permanent magnet machines, and when combined with recent developments in electromagnetic design, using finite-element methods, new compact power and control electronics, and improvements in soft magnetic materials, result in a new generation of electric motors. Advantages of REPM motors are high-efficiency, high-torque and high-power in a compact size, with low noise, low temperature rise, improved dynamic response, and in brushlesss electronically commutated motors high reliability [1]. Motors that benefit from these features mayFigure 1. Improvements in (BH)max for permanent magnets since found in hand-operated tools, servomotors in machine tools and robotics, computer disk drives, CD players, video recorders and camcorders, solar powered vehicles, medical devices, aerospace, high-speed turbines and low-speed direct drive wind generators. The industrial and commercial applications of REPM are broader than just electric motors, and the breakdown of the use of NdFeB by application is shown in figure 2 [2]. World production of rare-earth magnets in 1994 was estimated at US$1.16 billion, and is expected to grow to US$5.4 billion by 2004 [3].2. RARE-EARTH MAGNETSA permanent magnet is characterised by its hysteresis loop. The hard magnetic properties of technological importance are the remanent induction (or remanence),B R, intrinsic coercivity, HC M, which is a measure of the magnet’s resistance to demagnetisation, and (BH)max. These are extrinsic properties, being dependent on the processing method used to produce the magnet, and are closely linked to the size, crystallographic perfection and alignment of the constituent grains. Intrinsic properties, e.g. saturation magnetisation, Curie temperature, and anisotropy field, are dictated by the crystal structure and composition of the intermetallic phase. The development of a high-strength technologically useful permanent magnet requires both an intermetallic phase with suitable intrinsic magnetic properties and a processing method to induce desirable extrinsic (hard) magnetic properties. Magnets are usually subject to an internal demagnetising field which is in a direction opposite to the magnetisation. The magnitude of the demagnetising field is dependent on the shape of the magnet and the form of any external magnetic circuit. If the demagnetising field is larger than the intrinsic coercivity of the magnet it will reduce the magnetisation. The high-intrinsic coercivityof REPMs is particularly important for their use in electric motors as magnets of any shape can beused and it enables the motor to withstand high armature currents, which could lead to demagnetisation of the magnets, under conditions of high overload torque. The usefulness of Alnicomagnets in many applications is limited by its relatively low intrinsic coercivity. Typical properties of commercially available permanent magnets are given in table 1.Table 1. Typical properties of commercially available permanent magnets.Material RemanentInduction(T)IntrinsicCoercivity(MA/m)EnergyProduct(kJ/m3)Sr Ferrite 0.43 0.20 34Alnico 5 1.27 0.05 44Alnico 9 1.05 0.12 84SmCo50.95 1.3 176Sm2Co17 1.05 1.3 208Nd2Fe14B 1.36 1.03 3502.1 What makes a good permanent magnet ?Requirements for a permanent magnet are twofold; a suitable intermetallic phase that has desirable intrinsic magnetic properties and a method to grain refine or process the intermetallic phase to produce useful extrinsic magnetic properties. When certain rare-earth metals, such as Nd, Sm, Dy and Pr, are alloyed with Co or Fe, a range of intermetallic structures are formed with suitable intrinsic magnetic properties . These are:•high saturation magnetisation - the use of Fe, to take advantage of its high saturation magnetisation, and a light rare-earth (La to Gd) eg. Nd or Sm, whose magnetic moment couples parallel to that of the Fe;•magneto-crystalline anisotropy (large anisotropy field) and a uniaxial crystal structure, with the easy direction of magnetisation along the unique axis; and• a high Curie temperature.2.2 New Intermetallic PhasesNew candidate intermetallics include:-•1:12 phase with the tetragonal ThMn12-type structure [4], eg. RE(Fe,TM)12(RE = rare-earth, TM = transition metal) ternary alloys, including Nd(Fe,Mo)12, Nd(Fe,Ti)12 and Sm(Fe,Mo)12, •2:17 phase with the rhombohedral Th2Zn17-type structure [5], including RE2Fe17 binary alloys eg. Sm2Fe17, and RE2(Fe,TM)17 ternary alloys, and•3:29 phase with a monoclinic structure related to that of hexagonal TbCu7 [6], examples include RE3(Fe,TM)29 RE = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb, and TM = Ti, Re and V.Of particular interest is that the intrinsic properties of these binary and ternary alloys can be changed markedly by the absorption of nitrogen or carbon onto the interstitial sites surrounding the rare-earth ion [7-8]. Interstitial modification results in an increase in the Curie temperature, an expansion in the lattice, and it may induce hard magnetic properties, eg. coercivity. For example on nitriding Sm2Fe17 to obtain Sm2Fe17N x there is an increase in the Curie temperature from 116o C to 476o C, expansion of the lattice (about 6 vol%) and the magnetic easy axis changes from being in the basal plane to the c-axis, inducing coercivity.2.3 Material ProcessingCommercial sintered Nd2Fe14B magnets are produced by one of two methods, a powder metallurgy liquid-phase sintering method (a process also used to manufacture SmCo5magnets) or a rapid-solidification method, similar to the melt-spinning process used to produce glassy metals [9]. Rapid solidification produces an isotropic magnet material, which may be hot-pressed and die upset in subsequent processing stages to produce anisotropic material. These high-temperature processing methods are not suitable for the production of many of the new phases and their nitrides and carbides. Rare-earth iron nitride alloys are metastable, and if heated to around 600o C separate into a stable rare-earth nitride phase and α-Fe, destroying any useful hard magnetic properties. New processing methods have been developed for preparation of powders suitable for magnets, and include mechanical alloying (MA) (or high-energy ball milling where the starting material is an alloy of the desired composition), where the kinetic energy of colliding balls is used to deform, mill, cold weld or alloy powders [10], and HDDR (hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption, recombination) [11]. The HDDR process involves hydrogenation of the alloy at relatively low temperatures (less than 500o C) and disproportionation of the alloy into a fine-scaled mixture of a rare-earth hydride and α-Fe. The fine-scaled mixture is heated under vacuum (typically at 700-800o C) to desorb the hydrogen and recombine the rare-earth and α-Fe, to form an intermetallic with sub-micron grain structure. Most often HDDR processing produces an isotropic magnet powder, but through elemental additions it is possible to produce an anisotropic powder. It is the HDDR process that is being used to produce anisotropic Nd2Fe14B powders for use in polymer bonded magnets.3. RARE-EARTH PERMANENT MAGNET MOTORSIn applications where the prime requirements are compactness, high-efficiency and a high-torque to volume ratio, REPM motors are fast becoming the motor of choice. These motors are usually brushless and electronic switches are used for commutation. For motors of the highest-performance the motor designer will use the very best sintered NdFeB magnets, as the energy product may be as high as 400kJ/m 3, combined with a high-remanence and high-intrinsic coercivity. Where compactness is not so critical, NdFeB polymer-bonded magnets are popular as they have an energy product 2 to 4 times that of ferrite, and the advantage that the magnet shape can be formed by either injection or compression moulding, enabling the use of low-cost mass production methods. The trend to polymer-bonded magnets is increasing with the availability of anisotropic powders. CSIRO-UTS Electrical Machines has developed a number of REPM motors for a variety of applications. The most efficient motor developed is a in-wheel motor for the Aurora Vehicle Association solar car. Another motor of interest is for a oil well MULE (motorised utility logging equipment). The MULE is a tractor that tows data-logging equipment along `horizontal’ sections of oil wells. The most recent World Solar Challenge from Darwin to Adelaide was held in 1996. The rules of the race limit the solar array area to 8 m 2 for a single seat car. It is important to maximise the drive system efficiency to make the very best use of the available energy, and minimise the mass of the motor so it can be incorporated in the front drive wheel of the car, without the front wheel of the car starting to lift on rough roads at high-speed. The Aurora solar car is shown in figure 3. The specification for the motor called for at least 3.24 Nm/kg of active mass (magnets and winding), a figure which is double that achieved by direct-drive motors used in solar cars in previous World Solar Challenges. An axial flux design with an ironless air-gap winding and rotating magnet rings was chosen. This has the advantages that the two magnet rotors are mounted on the wheel side walls; the stator winding is mounted centrally on the axle; the losses associated with an air gap winding are lower than with toothed structures; and stranded Litz wire is used in the winding to minimise the eddy current losses. The stator has no backing iron and magnets are arranged inaFigure 3. Aurora solar car.Halbach array, each group of four magnets forming a pole, with 40 poles in all. A magnet ring and stator winding are shown in figures 4a and 4b. Selected details of the motor are given in table 2. On January 21, 1998, Aurora claimed the world record for their car, using the CSIRO-UTS motor, for the distance travelled by a solar car in one hour. The record of 100.9 km was set between Hay and Balranald in NSW.Table 2. Selected parameters of Aurora solar car motor. Power1800W Motor speed at 100 km/hr1060 rev/min Motor speed at 130 km/hr1380 rev/minContinuous torque16.2 Nm Peak torque (hill climb)50.2 Nm Outer diameter360 mm Axial length43 mm Active mass5 kg Efficiency97.9%An oil well mule motor has been developed for ORAD Pty Ltd in Perth, Western Australia, who conduct surveys of oil wells using a variety of data logging equipment. The motor has to operate in the hostile environment of the oil well, and have a high-efficiency, as it may be at the end of a 10 km long cable. The motor is a slotless design, rated at 500 W at 10000 rev/min, and has a 2-pole cylindrical rotor. The rotor is made from Sm 2Co 17, as the motor is required to operate at temperatures of 150o C, and it is oil filled to withstand pressures up to 500 atmospheres. Physically, the motor is 275 mm long and 46 mm in diameter. The motor in its disassembled state is shown inFigure 4b. Stator winding for Aurora solar car.Figure 4a. Magnet ring for Aurora solar car motor.figure 5. The motor forms part of a logging string that is typically 23.6 m long and weighs 155 kg, and in a recent survey of three Mobil off-shore oil wells travelled more than 8 km.REFERENCES[1] R. Hanitsch, J. Mag. and Mag. Mat. 80 (1989) 119.[2] J. Krebs, Magnews, Summer 1995 p. 20.[3] W. G. Hart, A. C. Nyce, H. D. Olmstead and P. Wheeler, NdFeB95, San Diego, USA, February 26-28, 1995 (Gorham/Intertech Consulting).[4] K. H. J. Buschow, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 100 (1991) 79.[5] J. M. D. Coey, Hong Sun and D. P. F. Hurley, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 101 (1991) 310[6] J. M. Cadogan, Hong-Shuo Li, A. Margarian, J. B. Dunlop, D. H. Ryan, S. J. Collocott and R. L. Davis, J. Appl. Phys. 76 (1994) 6138.[7] J. M. D. Coey and H. Sun, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 87 (1990) L251.[8] J. M. D. Coey and R. Skomski, Physica Scripta T49 (1993) 315.[9] J. S. Cook and P. L. Rossiter, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences 15 (1989) 509.[10] L. Schultz, K. Schnitzke, J. Wecker, M. Katter and C. Kuht, J. Appl. Phys. 70 (1990) 6339.[11] O. Gutfleisch and I. R. Harris, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29(1996) 2255.Figure 5. ORAD motor diassembled.。



eoLegal NoticeThe Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual was prepared by the American Chemistry Council’s Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycols Panel (Panel). It is intended to provide general information to persons who may handle or store ethylene oxide. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for in-depth training or specific handling or storage requirements, nor is it designed or intended to define or create legal rights or obligations. It is not intended to be a “how-to” manual, nor is it a prescriptive guide. All persons involved in handling and storing ethylene oxide have an independent obligation to ascertain that their actions are in compliance with current federal, state and local laws and regulations and should consult with legal counsel concerning such matters. The manual is necessarily general in nature and individual companies may vary their approach with respect to particular practices based on specific factual circumstance, the practicality and effectiveness of particular actions and economic and technological feasibility. Any mention of specific products in this manual isfor illustration purposes only and is not intended as a recommendation or endorsement of such products. Neither the American Chemistry Council, nor the individual member companies of the Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycols Panel, nor any of their respective directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, consultants, or other assigns, makes any warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information containedin this manual; nor do the American Chemistry Council or any member companies assume any liability or responsibility for any use or misuse,or the results of such use or misuse, of any information, procedure, conclusion, opinion, product, or process disclosed in this manual. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.This work is protected by copyright. Users are granted a nonexclusive royalty-free license to reproduce and distribute this Manual, subjectto the following limitations: (1) the work must be reproduced in its entirety, without alterations; and (2) copies of the work may not be sold.For more information on material presented in this manual, please contact your supplier.Copyright © May 2007ethylen eo xidethird editionTo the ReaderManual PreparationAs members and affiliated companies of the American Chemistry Council, we support efforts to improve the industry’s responsible managementof chemicals. To assist in this effort, the American Chemistry Council’s Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycols Panel supported the creation and publication of this manual. The Panel is comprised of the following companies:Balchem Corporation/ARC Specialty ProductsBASF CorporationBayer Material Science LLCCelanese Ltd.Champion TechnologiesCroda, Inc.The Dow Chemical CompanyEastman Chemical CompanyHoneywellShell Chemical LPThe development of this manual was led by the Panel’s Ethylene Oxide Safety Task Group (EOSTG), a group comprised of producers and users of ethylene oxide. The EOSTG functions to generate, collect, evaluate and share information to support product stewardship with regard to ethylene oxide. The EOSTG formed a manual work group, chaired by Keith Vogel of Lyondell Chemical Company,to lead the development of this document. The following work group members provided significant contributions: Tom Grumbles Sasol North AmericaSusan Jackson BASF CorporationRobert Lenahan Bayer MaterialScience LLC Denis Reeser The Dow Chemical Company John Stewart BASF CorporationDon Szczepanski Huntsman PetrochemicalCorporationDavid Townsend Celanese Chemicals Ltd. Randy Viscomi Balchem Corporation/ARCSpecialty ProductsKeith Vogel Lyondell Chemical Company Mike Wagner Old World IndustriesJohn Wincek Croda, Inc.Gerald Wise Shell Chemical LPAcknowledgementsMany others contributed to the development and editing of this manual, all of whom cannot be listed here; however, the manual work group would like to thank the following individuals for their significant contributions to this publication:Ralph Gingell Shell Chemical LPWilliam Gulledge American Chemistry CouncilKarl Loos Shell Chemical LPDavid McCready The Dow Chemical Company Kristy Morrison EO STG Manager, AmericanChemistry CouncilKaryn Schmidt Assistant General Counsel,American Chemistry Councilii Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual Copyright © May 2007iiiCopyright © May 2007Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance ManualTable of Contents6.0 Design of Facilities (39)6.1Introduction................396.2 Plant Layout and Siting ......396.3 Materials of Construction ....406.4 U nloading Facilities –Bulk Receipt of EO..........466.5 EO Storage ................496.6 Reaction Systems ..........546.7 Piping and Pumps ..........576.8 H andling of Vents andEffluent....................636.9 Miscellaneous.. (66)7.0 Personnel Exposure (68)7.1Introduction................687.2 O SHA Standard for EthyleneOxide .....................687.3 O ther Exposure Standards/Recommendations forEthylene Oxide .............687.4 Measuring Exposure ........707.5 P ersonal ProtectiveEquipment (70)8.0 Equipment Preparationand Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828.1Introduction................828.2 P reparation for Inspection orMaintenance ...............828.3P reparation of InternalSurfaces (83)8.4 Leak Repair Clamps.........838.5 Preventive Maintenance .....848.6 Equipment Commissioning (84)9.0 Transportation andUnloading Operations (85)9.1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859.2 E mergency ResponseTelephone Numbers.........859.3Ethylene Oxide Classification.851.0 Introduction (1)1.1 Purpose and Use of Manual ...12.0 Properties of Ethylene Oxide ..22.1 Introduction.................22.2Physical Properties (3)2.3 R eactive and CombustiveProperties ..................52.4 Commercial Chemistry ......142.5Uses of Ethylene Oxide (15)3.0 Health Effects ofEthylene Oxide (16)3.1 Introduction................163.2 Acute Inhalation Exposure ...163.3 Skin and Eye Contact .......163.4Chronic Exposure Hazards ..164.0 Environmental Effects ofEthylene Oxide (18)4.1 Introduction................184.2Properties in the Environment 184.3 Ecotoxicological Effects .....214.4 E nvironmental Evaluation ofEthylene Oxide Spills........214.5 Fugitive Emissions . (22)5.0 Hazards of Ethylene Oxide (23)5.1 Introduction................235.2 Contamination Incidents.. (23)5.3Formation of Ethylene Oxide Vapor Clouds...............275.4 E thylene Oxide DecompositionIncidents ..................275.5 E thylene Oxide TransportationIncidents ..................355.6Runaway Ethylene Oxide Polymerization Incidents (36)5.7 R unaway Reactions inEthoxylation Units...........365.8 I ncidents in Ethylene OxideAbatement Devices (37)9.4 Railcars (85)9.5 I M Portable Tanks(Intermodal/Iso-Containers)..949.6 N on-Bulk Packaging forHigh Purity Ethylene Oxide (94)9.7 E thylene Oxide ShippingData (98)9.8 S hipments of Ethylene Oxidebetween the U.S. andCanada (98)10.0 Emergency Response (100)10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10010.2 Potential Hazards (100)10.3 Fire Response (101)10.4 Spill Response (102)10.5 E mergency Response toTemperature Rise (102)10.6 E mergency Response Planto Temperature Rise (103)10.7 U se of Water inEmergencies..............10411.0 Selected Regulations . (105)11.1 Introduction (105)11.2 R egulations — Numericalwith Subject Listed (105)Appendix AFigures and Tables (118)Appendix BLaboratory CompatibilityTesting of Elastomers withEthylene Oxide (137)Appendix CRailcar Repressurization (141)Appendix DReferences (145)Appendix EGlossary of SelectedTerms, Abbreviations andOrganizations (151)iv Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual Copyright © May 2007FiguresFigure 2.1 The Ethylene OxideMolecule (2)Figure 2.2 Flammable Region ofEthylene Oxide/Nitrogen/AirMixtures (7)Figure 2.3 Flammable Region ofEthylene Oxide/CarbonDioxide/Air Mixtures (7)Figure 2.4 Effects of Pressure onFlammable Region ofEthylene Oxide/Nitrogen/AirMixtures (8)Figure 2.5 Ethylene Oxide PolymerInstantaneous Drop-OutTemperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 2.6 Ethylene Oxide PolymerDrop-Out Temperaturesafter 4 Days (14)Figure 4.1 Neutral EO/Water/GlycolKinetics - Isothermal Case,Initially EO/Water mixture ..19 Figure 4.2 Neutral EO/Water/GlycolKinetics - Adiabatic Case,Initially EO/Water (19)Figure 5.1 Older View of Plant BeforeExplosion Showing EO Tanksin Foreground (23)Figure 5.2 Blast Center afterExplosion – EO VesselsNo Longer Visible (23)Figure 5.3 Aerial View of the PlantShowing Overall Damage (24)Figure 5.4 EO Tank Blown Into ProcessStructure 400 Feet Away (24)Figure 5.5 Plant Laboratory AfterEO Vapor Cloud Explosion,300 Feet Away fromExplosion Center (25)Figure 5.6 Remnants of Railcar (25)Figure 5.7 Remnants of Railcar (25)Figure 5.8 Damage to Other Railcarsfrom Ethylene Oxide RailcarExplosion ................25Figure 5.9 Remnants of Railcar(after EO explosion causedby contamination withammonia) (26)Figure 5.10 High Speed CentrifugalPump “Launched” byDecomposition of 0.6 Poundsof Ethylene Oxide (29)Figure 5.11 Motor Landed on OperatingEthylene Oxide PumpDischarge Line (29)Figure 5.12 Ethylene Oxide DistillationColumn Reboiler afterExplosion (30)Figure 5.13 Aerial View of EthyleneOxide Plant after Explosion (31)Figure 5.14 Remnants of Base ofEthylene Oxide DistillationColumn after Explosion (31)Figure 5.15 Piece of Ethylene OxideDistillation Column WallTurned Inside Out byExplosion (32)Figure 5.16 Aerial View of EO UnitAfter Explosion (33)Figure 5.17 EO Plant Burningafter Explosion (33)Figure 5.18 EO Purification AfterExplosion – Two Towersare Missing (34)Figure 5.19 Ethylene Oxide Re-distillationTower Explosion (34)Figure 5.20 Resulting Damage to thePlant (34)Figure 5.21 Filter Case after RunawayPolymerization (36)Figure 5.22 Filter Case after RunawayPolymerization (36)Figure 5.23 Filter Case after RunawayPolymerization (36)Figure 5.24 Diagram of SterilizerExplosion (37)Figure 5.25 Sterilizer ExplosionDamage (38)vCopyright © May 2007 Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance ManualFigure 5.26 Sterilization ChamberDamage (38)Figure 5.27 Damage to the buildingwall from impact of sterilizerdoor (38)Figure 6.1 Degradation of CompressedAsbestos Valve BonnetGaskets by Ethylene Oxide..41 Figure 6.2 PTFE Gasket Failures in EOService Due to Cold Flow (41)Figure 6.3 Glass Filled PTFE GasketFailure Due to EOPolymerization inPTFE-Glass Matrix (42)Figure 6.4a Deformation of a Spiral WoundStainless Steel-PTFE GasketDue to EO Permeation andPolymerization (42)Figure 6.4b Deformation of a SpiralWound Stainless Steel-PTFEGasket (42)Figure 6.5 Spiral Wound Gasket withStainless Steel Windings,Flexible Compressed GraphiteFiller, and Inner and OuterRetaining Rings . . . . . . . . . . .43 Figure 6.6 Gasket Test Showing Failureof Compressed GraphiteGasket, Laminated on FlatStainless Steel Sheet withan Adhesive (43)Figure 6.7 Laminated Gasket Made ofPolycarbon Sigraflex™BTCSS Flexible CompressedGraphite – Laminated onStainless Steel Tang Sheet .43 Figure 6.8 Laminated Gasket Made ofUCAR Grafoil GH™ E FlexibleCompressed Graphite –Laminated on StainlessSteel Tang Sheet (43)Figure 6.9 Butyl Rubber O-Ring Beforeand After Exposure to EOfor 30 days (44)Figure 6.10 Example of DegradedO-ring Attacked by EO .....44Figure 6.11 Example of SeverelyDegraded O-ring in HighTemperature EO-waterService (Chemraz® 505) (44)Figure 6.12 Example of Flange SealBand with Leak DetectionDrip Tube (45)Figure 6.13 EO Unloading Facilities (46)Figure 6.14 Representative layout ofEthylene Oxide unloadingfacilities – Pressurizedtransfer (47)Figure 6.15 Representative layout ofEthylene Oxide unloadingfacilities – Pump transfer (48)Figure 6.16 Total pressure required toinert vapor above EthyleneOxide with nitrogen diluent.51 Figure 6.17 EO Decomposable Limitsversus Molar NitrogenConcentration (56)Figure 6.18 Decomposition Limit ofMole % EO versus TotalSystem Pressure (57)Figure 6.19 Ethylene Oxide VentScrubber System (63)Figure 6.20 Schematic of TypicalFlaring System (65)Figure 6.21 EO Sampling System (67)Figure 7.1 OSHA Warning for EORegulated Areas (69)Figure 7.2 Chemical Burn Resultingfrom Low Concentrationof EO in Water (70)Figure 9.1 DOT 105-J railcar fortransporting Ethylene Oxide 86 Figure 9.2 Dome Arrangement of aDOT 105-J Railcar forEthylene Oxide Service (87)Figure 9.3 DOT “Stop—Tank CarConnected” Sign (88)Figure 9.4 Canister Mask with EthyleneOxide-Specific Canister (90)vi Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual Copyright © May 2007Figure 9.5 Positive Pressure “Hoseline”Type Respirator (90)Figure 9.6 Commonly Used Non-bulkContainers (95)Figure 9.7 Typical Drum Connections..96 Figure 10.1 Ethylene Oxide / Water(Neutral) ReactionTemperature Profile (103)Figure 1 Ethylene Oxide LiquidDensity (118)Figure 2 Ethylene Oxide VaporPressure (118)Figure 3 Ethylene Oxide LiquidHeat Capacity (119)Figure 4 Ethylene Oxide LiquidViscosity (119)Figure 5 Ethylene Oxide LiquidThermal Conductivity . . . . . 120 Figure 6 Ethylene Oxide Heat ofVaporization (120)Figure 7 Ethylene Oxide VaporHeat Capacity (121)Figure 8 Ethylene Oxide VaporViscosity (121)Figure 9 Ethylene Oxide VaporThermal Conductivity . . . . . 122 Figure 10 Freezing Points EthyleneOxide/Water Mixtures (122)Figure 11 C p/C v For SaturatedEthylene Oxide Vapor (123)Figure 12 Ethylene Oxide VaporDensity (123)Figure 13 Ethylene Oxide Coefficientof Cubic Expansion (124)Figure 14 Raoult’s Law DeviationFactors for Ethylene Oxide/Water Mixtures (126)Figure 15 Raoult’s Law DeviationFactors for Ethylene Oxide/Water Mixtures...........127Figure 16 Flammability Data on EO-AirMixtures at SubatmosphericPressures (128)Figure 17 Vapor/Liquid Equilibria ofEthylene Oxide/WaterSystems (129)Figure 18 Density vs. Composition ofEthylene Oxide/WaterSystems (130)Figure 19 Boiling points of aqueousEO concentrations (131)Figure 20 Decomposition Data (132)Figure 21 Vapor Compressibility vs.Pressure as a Function ofTemperature (133)Figure B1 Weight Change of O-ringsExposed to EO at 27°C (138)Figure B2 Volume Change of O-ringsExposed to EO at 27°C (138)Figure B3 Tensile Strength of O-ringsExposed to EO at 27°C (140)Figure B4 Maximum Deformation ofO-rings Exposed to EOat 27∞C (140)Figure C1 Unloaded RailcarRepressuring — Nitrogen —Less than 50 GallonEO Heel (142)Figure C2 Unloaded RailcarRepressuring — VaporBalancing — Less than50 Gallon Heel (144)viiCopyright © May 2007 Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance ManualTablesTable 2.1 Physical Properties ofEthylene Oxide (3)Table 2.2 Physical Properties ofAqueous Ethylene OxideSolutions (5)Table 2.3 Heat of Reaction of VariousEthylene Oxide Reactionsat 25°C (6)Table 2.4 Physical Properties ofEthylene Oxide Polymer (12)Table 2.5 Solubility* of EthyleneOxide Polymer in VariousSolvents (13)Table 3.1 CarcinogenicityClassifications ofEthylene Oxide (17)Table 3.2 Findings of the NIOSHEthylene Oxide Studies (17)Table 4.1 Environmentally RelevantParameters of EthyleneOxide (18)Table 4.2 Biological DegradationData for Ethylene Oxide (20)Table 4.3 Aquatic Toxicity Data forEthylene Oxide* (21)Table 6.1 EO Pump Shutdown andAlarm Considerations (62)Table 7.1 AEGL Values for EthyleneOxide [ppm (mg/m3)] ......69Table 7.2 OSHA Minimum Standardsfor Respiratory Protection forAirborne Ethylene Oxide (72)Table 7.3 Ethylene Oxide PermeationData for Clothing (73)Table 7.4 Ethylene Oxide PermeationData for Gloves (79)Table 7.5 Ethylene Oxide PermeationData for Boots (81)Table 9.1 Illustration – PressuringUnloaded Railcars withPure Nitrogen (Assuming50 Gallon Ethylene Oxide LiquidHeel) (93)Table 9.2 Illustration – RepressuringUnloaded Railcars – VaporBalancing (50 Gallon EthyleneOxide Liquid Heel) (94)Table 9.3 Temperature/Density/VaporPressure for ShippingEthylene Oxide (98)Table A1 Physical PropertyEquations (134)Table A2 Conversion Factors (134)Table A3 H enry’s Law Constants(Atm/mole fraction) (135)Table A4 H enry’s Law Constants(MPa/mole fraction) (135)Table B1 O-Rings Selected forCompatibility Testing (137)viii Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual Copyright © May 20071.0 1.0 Introduction1.1 Purpose and Use of ManualThis manual has been developed for use by producers and industrial users of ethylene oxide. The purpose of this product stewardship document is to provide the reader with a better understanding of how ethylene oxide is used to produce products that play important roles in our lives. It is also our intent to address the health, safety and environmental aspects associated with manufacturing, distributing, using and disposing of ethylene oxide and the bulk of the material presented emphasizes these topics.This information is provided as a resource in the development of producers’ and users’ design, operation, maintenance, training and emergency response practices. References to applicable regulations, industry practices are made in tables and text. Contact your supplier for further information as necessary.Note that a separate, independent group of ethylene oxide producers previously produced two editions of an ethylene oxide guidance manual: Ethylene Oxide User’s Guide, First (1995) and Second (1999) Editions. It is the intention of those producers that this manual supercedes the Ethylene Oxide User’s Guide, First and Second Editions.Manual Availability and UpdatesThis document is available through your supplierin hard copy and is available on a password-protected Web site hosted by the Panel at www. . This document may beupdated. Interim updates may occur on the Website posting of this document only. Readersshould consult the Web site for the most recentversion of this manual. Readers should also stayabreast of new developments and informationabout ethylene oxide, including but not limitedto physical properties, handling technology, andregulatory requirements that occur after the dateof publication of this document.Contact your supplier to obtain the most currentversion of this manual, if you have questions orto get more information about any informationpresented in this document. We encouragecomments on the content of this document anda more in-depth dialogue concerning the issues presented.1Copyright © May 2007 Ethylene Oxide Product Stewardship Guidance Manual。



ApplicationsMunicipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants:•Self-monitoring•Efficiency monitoring, determination of cleaning capacity •Recording of load curves •Process monitoring•Monitoring of indirect dischargers •Wastewater network monitoringLaboratories and Water Conservancy Boards:•Hydrology and drinking water supply systems, e.g. dam monitoring •Monitoring of direct or indirect dischargers Monitoring of liquid media in industrial processes Your benefitsRobust and reliable•Stainless steel cabinet with foam insulation for safe sample preservation•Sample compartment with seamless inner lining and evaporator embedded in foam, no freezing and no corrosion of cooling platesSimple and user-friendly•Menu-guided operation with “Quick-Setup”, for fast commissioning•Parts that transport medium easily mounted without tools, for easy cleaning and maintenance•Dual bottle trays with grips for easy sample transportation Flexible and communicative•Fast, practice-oriented programming •Integrated logging of sample statisticsProducts Solutions ServicesTechnical InformationASP Station 2000 RPS20BStationary sampler designed for the fully automated removal, defined distribution, and thermostated storage of liquid mediaTI01149C/07/EN/01.1471244401ASP Station 2000 RPS20B2Table of contentsFunction and system design (3)Sampler ASP Station 2000 RPS20B .................3Function ...................................4Dosing system ...............................5Sampling control ..............................5Sample distribution ............................6Sample preservation (6)Equipment architecture (7)Block diagram ...............................7Power supply ..............................7Supply voltage ...............................7Cable entries ................................7Cable specifications ............................7Power consumption ............................7Performance characteristics (8)Dosing accuracy ..............................8Repeatability ................................8Sampling methods .............................8Dosing volume ...............................8Hose length .................................8Intake speed .................................8Suction height ...............................8Installation (8)Foundation plan ..............................8Mounting instructions .. (9)Environment (9)Ambient temperature range ......................9Storage temperature ...........................9Degree of protection ...........................9Electromagnetic compatibility .....................9Electrical safety ...............................9Process (10)Process temperature ..........................10Process pressure .. (10)Mechanical construction (10)Design, dimensions ...........................10Weight ...................................11Materials . (11)Operability (12)Display elements .............................12Local operation (12)Ordering information (13)Product page ...............................13Product Configurator ..........................13Scope of delivery .. (13)Certificates and approvals ...................13mark (13)Accessories (14)ASP Station 2000 RPS20B3Function and system designSampler ASP Station 2000RPS20BA complete sampling unit comprises:ASP Station 2000 RPS20B for open channels, including the following depending on the version:•Controller with display and soft keys •Vacuum pump for sampling•PE or glass sample bottles for sample preservation•Sampling chamber temperature regulator for safe sample storage •Suction line with suction head1Example of an ASP Station 2000 RPS20B1Vacuum system, dosing system with conductive sample sensor 2Controller3Distribution arm4Sample bottles, e.g. 2 x 12 PE 1 liter bottles5Bottle trays (depending on sample bottles selected)6Distribution plate (depending on sample bottles selected)7Suction line connectionASP Station 2000 RPS20B4Function Sampling takes place in four steps:1.Blow clearThe vacuum pump blows the suction line clear via the dosing system.2.IntakeThe "Airmanager" (pneumatic control unit) switches the air path of the vacuum pump to"intake". The sample is drawn into the dosing beaker until it reaches the conductivity probes of the dosing system.3.DoseThe intake process ends. Depending on the position of the dosing tube (item D), the excesssample liquid flows back to the sampling point.4.DrainThe hose clamp is opened and the sample is drained into the sample bottle.ASP Station 2000 RPS20B5Dosing systemThe sample liquid is extracted discontinuously by a vacuum system. The vacuum system in the ASP Station 2000 RPS20B consists of the following components:•Vacuum pump•Non-wearing, “Airmanager” pneumatic step control unit •Dosing system2Sampling principle 1Dosing beaker cover 2Dosing tube 3Dosing beaker 4Hose clamp 5Sample bottle3Dosing system 1Conductivity sensor (short)2Conductivity sensor (long)3Conductivity sensor (long)4Dosing tubeLevel detection principleThree conductivity sensors are located in the cover of the dosing beaker ((→ 3, 5)). During the intake process, the sample liquid first reaches the longer sensors, items 2 and 3. The system thus detects that the dosing beaker is filled and the intake process is ended. Should sensors 2 and 3 fail,safety shutdown takes place via the shorter conductivity sensor, item 1.The sampling volume is set by adjusting the dosing tube (item 4) between 20 ml and 200 ml.The dosing system can be dismantled easily - no tools are needed - and cleaned.Sampling controlTypical sampling methods:a Flow curve b Time-paced sampling C.T.C.V.A constant sample volume (e.g. 50 ml) is taken at regular intervals (e.g. every 5 min).c Volume-paced sampling V.T.C.V.A constant sample volume is taken at variable intervals (depending on the inflow volume).ASP Station 2000 RPS20B6Sample distributionThe sample liquid is distributed into the individual bottles by a distribution arm (item A). In addition to a 30 l and 60 l composite container, different bottle configurations are also available. Thedistribution versions can be changed or replaced easily without the need for special tools. The ASP Station 2000 enables the flexible configuration of sample distribution. Users can define individual bottles and bottle groups as they wish for the main, switchover and event programs. Individual bottles can be found in two separate bottle trays (item C). Grips on the bottle trays make transportation easy and practical.A TapB Distribution panC Bottle traysSample preservationThe sample bottles are located in the wet compartment of the sampler. The sample compartment temperature can be set between +2 and +20 °C directly at the controller (factory setting: +4 °C). The current sample compartment temperature is displayed at the controller. The evaporator and the defrost heater are embedded in the PU insulation behind the inner lining to protect them against corrosion and damage. The compressor and the condenser are located in the upper section of the sampler.All parts that transport medium (e.g. distribution arm, dosing system, distribution pans) can bedisassembled and cleaned easily without the need for tools. The entire sample compartment is fitted with a seamless plastic inner lining for easy and effective cleaning.ASP Station 2000 RPS20B7Equipment architectureAI Analog input DI Digital input R Relay output X1-6Terminal blocksPower supplySupply voltage230 V AC ±10 %, 50/60 HzNOTICEThe device does not have a power switch‣ A fuse with a maximum rating of 10 A must be provided by the customer. Observe the localregulations for installation.A mains switch can be ordered as an option.Cable entries•2 x M16 cable gland •2 x M20 cable gland •2 x M32 cable gland Cable specificationsPower supply:e.g. NYY-J, 3-wire, 1.5 mm 2 - 2.5 mm 2Analog and signal cables: e.g. LiYY 10 x 0.34 mm 2Power consumption350 WASP Station 2000 RPS20B8Performance characteristicsDosing accuracy 4 % of set volumeRepeatability 2 %Sampling methods•In proportion to volume•Time-pacedDosing volume20 to 200 ml (0.68 to 6.8 fl.oz.)Hose length Max. 30 m (98 ft)Intake speed> 0.5 m/s (1.6 ft/s), in accordance with EN 25667, ISO5667Suction height Max. 6 m (20 ft)InstallationFoundation plan4Foundation plan for standard cabinet with and without base, dimensions in mm (inch)A Fasteners (4 x M10)B Cable ductC Drain for condensationD Hose entry, bottom (option)E Drain for overflowASP Station 2000 RPS20B91.CorrectThe suction line must be routed with a downward gradient to the sampling point.2.IncorrectThe sampler should never be mounted in a place where it is exposed to aggressive gases.3.IncorrectAvoid siphoning effects in the suction line.4.IncorrectThe suction pipe should never be routed with an upward gradient to the sampling point.Note the following when erecting the device:•Erect the device on a level surface.•Protect the device against additional heating (e.g. from heaters).•Protect the device against mechanical vibrations.•Protect the device against strong magnetic fields.•Make sure air can circulate freely at the side panels of the cabinet. Do not mount the device directly against a wall. Allow at least 150 mm (5.9") from the wall to the left and right.•Do not erect the device directly above the inlet channel of a wastewater treatment plant.EnvironmentAmbient temperature range -20 to +40 °C (0 to 100 °F)Storage temperature -20 to +60 °C (0 to 140 °F)Degree of protectionControl (front panel):IP 65Sample compartment:IP 54Electronics compartment:IP 43Electromagnetic compatibility In accordance with EN 61 326Electrical safetyIn accordance with EN 61010-1, Class I equipment, environment < 2000 m (6500 ft) above MSLASP Station 2000 RPS20B10ProcessProcess temperature 2 to 50 °C (36 to 120 °F)Process pressure UnpressurizedMechanical construction Design, dimensions5Standard cabinet in mm (inch)ASP Station 2000 RPS20B116Standard cabinet with base in mm (inch)Weight Approx. 110 kg (242 lbs)MaterialsASP Station 2000 RPS20B12OperabilityDisplay elements Liquid crystal display: illuminated, 128 x 64 dot, 32 characters, 8 linesLocal operation Menu-guided operation via four operating keys on the device. Picklists and Quick Setup menu foreasy and fast commissioning.7Local operation1Quick Setup menu2Display3Picklist4Operating keysASP Station 2000 RPS20B13Ordering informationProduct page /rps20bProduct ConfiguratorYou can create a valid and complete order code online using the Configurator.You can choose from the following options on the right of the product page:1.Click "Configure this product".The Configurator opens in a separate window.2.Configure your device.You receive the valid and complete order code for the device.3.Export the order code as a PDF file or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button at the top of the page.Scope of deliveryThe scope of delivery comprises:•ASP Station 2000 RPS20B with –The ordered bottle configuration –Optional hardware•Connection nipple for suction line•Brief Operating Instructions in the language ordered•CD with Operating Instructions in German and English, Application Manual, simulation software •Optional accessoriesOperating Instructions in other languages can be downloaded on the product page.Certificates and approvalsmarkDeclaration of ConformityThe product meets the requirements of the harmonized European standards. As such, it complies with the legal specifications of the EC directives. The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the product by affixing to it the mark.ASP Station 2000 RPS20B14AccessoriesASP Station 2000 RPS20B15。


基金项目:国家中医药管理局中医药科学技术研究专项基金资助 (项目编号064)71235)
NF.K13、MMP-9与EMs关系的研究进展作一综述。 1基质金属蛋白-9 1.1 生物学特征MMPs是一类肽链内切酶,由于它们在几 乎所有人类肿瘤组织中的表达量与活性均高于正常组织而倍 受重视。MMP-9是MMPs家族中分子星最大的明胶酶,来源 于结缔组织细胞、巨噬细胞、中性白细胞¨J。MMP-9由功能 各不相同的3部分组成H],即氨摹酸的信号肽和前肽部分,中 间的催化活性区域和羧基端的类血红素结合蛋白区。信号肽 和前肽部分与MMP-9活性有关,信号肽由20~30个氨基酸 残基组成,其后紧接的前肽部分由80一90个氨基酸残基组 成,其内的半胱氨酸残基被认为MMP-9活化的“开关”,经与 其侧链上的巯基与催化活性中心的zn结合,阻断MMP-9的 催化位点与其作用底物的结合,使MMP-9保持无活性的状 态;催化活性区由约170个氨基酸残基组成,含有2个zn和2
[1]王澍寰.手外科学.人民卫生出版社,2000:433,434,466. [2] Yalamanchi N,Kleiin MB,Pham HM,et a1.Flexor.tendon wound
healing in Vitro:lactate up--regulation of TGF-·beta expression and functional activity.Hast Reconstr Sufg,2004,113(2):625-632. [3]Moores AP,Owen MR.Tarhon JF.The three—loop pulley suture ver- ¥118 two locking—loop sutures for the repair of canine achilles ten- dom.Vet Surg,2004,33(2):131-137. [4] 王春渤,辛畅泰,安贵林.防止肌腱粘连的研究进展.局解手术 学杂志,2003,12(4):291-292.

Regulation 595-2009 emission from heavy duty vehicles

Regulation 595-2009 emission from heavy duty vehicles

I(Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory)REGULATIONSREGULATION (EC) No 595/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 18 June 2009on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Directive 2007/46/EC and repealing Directives 80/1269/EEC, 2005/55/EC and2005/78/EC(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the EuropeanCommunity, and in particular Article 95 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee ( 1 ),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down inArticle 251 of the Treaty ( 2 ),Whereas:(1) The internal market comprises an area without internalfrontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons,services and capital must be ensured. To that end a comprehensive Community type-approval system for motor vehicles is in place. The technical requirements for the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions should therefore be harmonised to avoid requirements that differ from one Member State to another and to ensure a high level of environmental protection.(2) This Regulation is a new separate regulation in thecontext of the Community type-approval procedure under Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive) ( 3 ). Therefore, Annexes IV, VI and XI to that Directive should be amended accordingly.(3)Following the request of the European Parliament, a newregulatory approach has been introduced in Community vehicle legislation. This Regulation should therefore lay down only fundamental provisions on vehicle emissions, whereas the technical specifications should be laid down by implementing measures adopted under the comitology procedures.(4) The Sixth Community Environment Action Programmeadopted by Decision No 1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2002 ( 4 ) estab ­lishes the need to reduce pollution to levels which minimise harmful effects on human health, paying particular attention to sensitive populations and to the environment as a whole. Community legislation has established appropriate standards for ambient air quality for the protection of human health and sensitive indi ­viduals in particular, as well as for national emission ceilings. Following its communication of 4 May 2001, which established the ‘Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme’, the Commission adopted another communication on 21 September 2005 entitled ‘Thematic strategy for air pollution’. One of the conclusions of that thematic strategy is that further( 1 ) OJ C 211, 19.8.2008, p. 12.( 2 ) Opinion of the European Parliament of 16 December 2008 (not yet published in Official Journal) and Council Decision of 8 June 2009.( 3 ) OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1. ( 4 ) OJ L 242, 10.9.2002, p. 1.reductions in emissions from the transport sector (air,maritime and land transport), from households and from the energy, agricultural and industrial sectors are needed to achieve EU air quality objectives. In this context, the task of reducing vehicle emissions should be approached as part of an overall strategy. The Euro VI standards are one of the measures designed to reduce the actual in-use emissions of air pollutants such as particulate pollutants (PM) as well as ozone precursors such as nitrogen oxides (NO x ) and hydrocarbons.(5) Achieving EU air quality objectives requires a continuouseffort to reduce vehicle emissions. For that reason,industry should be provided with clear information on future emission limit values and should be allowed an appropriate period of time in which to attain them and pursue the requisite technical developments.(6) In particular, a reduction in NO x emissions from heavyduty vehicles is necessary to improve air quality andcomply with limit values for pollution and national emission ceilings. Setting limit values for NO x emissions at an early stage should provide long-term, European Union-wide planning certainty for vehicle manufacturers.(7) In setting emission standards it is important to take intoaccount the implications for competitiveness of marketsand manufacturers, the direct and indirect costs imposed on business and the benefits that accrue in terms of stimulating innovation, improving air quality, reducing health costs and increasing life expectancy.(8) Unrestricted access to vehicle repair information, via astandardised format which can be used to retrieve thetechnical information, and effective competition on the market for vehicle repair and maintenance information services are necessary to improve the functioning of the internal market, particularly as regards the free movement of goods, freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services. A great proportion of such information is related to on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems and their interaction with other vehicle systems. It is necessary to lay down technical specifi ­cations to be followed by the manufacturers concerning the provision of information on their websites, along with targeted measures to ensure reasonable access for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).(9) Notlater than 7 August 2013, the Commission should review the operation of the system of unrestricted access to vehicle repair and maintenance information with a view to determining whether it would be appropriate to consolidate all provisions governing access to vehicle repair and maintenance information within the revised framework legislation on type-approval. If the provisionsgoverning access to such information are consolidated in this way, the corresponding provisions of this Regulation should be repealed, as long as existing rights of access to repair and maintenance information are preserved.(10) The Commission should encourage the development ofan international standard format for unrestricted andstandardised access to vehicle repair and maintenance information, for example through the work of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN).(11) It is essential to establish a common European standardfor the format of vehicle OBD and vehicle repair and maintenance information. Until such time as that standard is adopted, vehicle OBD and vehicle repair and maintenance information for heavy duty vehicles should be presented in a readily accessible manner and in a format guaranteeing non-discriminatory access. The information should be made available on the websites of manufacturers, or, if this is not feasible due to the nature of the information, in another appropriate format.(12) The Commission should keep under review emissionswhich are, as yet, unregulated and which arise as a consequence of the wider use of new fuel formulations, engine technologies and emission control systems. The Commission should also, where necessary, submit a proposal to the European Parliament and to the Council with a view to regulating such emissions.(13) It is appropriate to encourage the introduction of alter ­native fuel vehicles, which can have low NO x and particulate emissions. Thus, limit values for hydro ­carbons, non-methane hydrocarbons and methane should be introduced.(14) In order to ensure that emissions of ultrafine particulatepollutants (PM 0,1 μm and below) are controlled, theCommission should be empowered to adopt a number- based approach to emissions of particulate pollutants in addition to the mass-based approach which is currently used. The number-based approach to emissions of particles should draw on the results of the Particulate measurement programme (PMP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) and be consistent with the existing ambitious objectives for the environment.(15) In order to achieve these environmental objectives, it isappropriate to indicate that the particle number limits arelikely to reflect the highest levels of performance currently obtained with particle filters by using the best available technology.(16) The Commission should adopt worldwide harmoniseddriving cycles in the test procedure that provides thebasis for EC type-approval emissions regulations. Theapplication of portable emissions measurement systemsfor verifying the actual in-use emissions and the intro­duction of procedures to control off-cycle emissionsshould also be considered.(17) Retrofitting heavy duty vehicles with diesel particle filterscould result in higher nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions.As part of the thematic strategy on air pollution, theCommission should therefore draft a legislativeproposal to harmonise national legislation on retrofittingand ensure that it incorporates environmental conditions.(18) OBD systems are important to control emissions duringthe use of a vehicle. Due to the importance of controllingreal-world emissions, the Commission should keep underreview the requirements for such systems and thetolerance thresholds for monitoring faults.(19) In order to monitor the contribution of this sector, as awhole, to the global emissions of greenhouse gases, theCommission should introduce the measuring of fuelconsumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ofheavy duty vehicles.(20) In order to promote the market for clean and energyefficient vehicles, the Commission should study the feasi­bility and the development of a definition and amethodology of energy consumption and CO2emissions for whole vehicles and not only for engines,without prejudice to the use of virtual and actual testing.Such a definition and the methodology should also coveralternative driveline concepts (e.g. hybrid vehicles) andthe effects of improvements on vehicles such as aero­dynamics, weight, loading capacity and rolling resistance.If a suitable method of presentation and comparison canbe identified, the derived fuel consumption and CO2emissions should be made publicly available forseparate vehicle types.(21) In order to better control actual in-use emissionsincluding off-cycle emissions and to facilitate the in-service conformity process, a testing methodology andperformance requirements based on the use of portableemission measurement systems should be adopted withinan appropriate timeframe.(22) With a view to meeting EU air quality objectives, theCommission should introduce harmonised provisions toensure that off-cycle emissions from heavy duty enginesand vehicles are appropriately controlled over a broadrange of engine and ambient operating conditions.(23) The correct functioning of the after-treatment system,and more specifically in the case of NO x, is the basicrequirement for fulfilling the established standards forpollutant emissions. In this context, measures toguarantee the proper operation of systems relying onthe use of a reagent should be introduced.(24) Member States are able, by means of financial incentives,to accelerate the placing on the market of vehicles whichsatisfy the requirements adopted at Community level.This Regulation should not affect the right of MemberStates to include emissions in the method for calculatingtaxes levied on vehicles.(25) When Member States draw up measures to ensure retro­fitting of existing heavy duty vehicles, such measuresshould be based on the Euro VI standards.(26) Member States should lay down rules on penaltiesapplicable to infringements of the provisions of thisRegulation and ensure that they are implemented.Those penalties should be effective, proportionate anddissuasive.(27)The requirements of engine power of motor vehiclescontained in Council Directive 80/1269/EEC of16 December 1980 on the approximation of the lawsof the Member States relating to the engine power ofmotor vehicles (1) should be introduced in this Regu­lation and in Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council of 20 June2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respectto emissions from light passenger and commercialvehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehiclerepair and maintenance information (2). Therefore, Regu­lation (EC) No 715/2007 should be amended accordinglyand Directive 80/1269/EEC should be repealed.(28) In order to simplify Community legislation, it is appro­priate to replace the existing heavy duty vehiclesemissions legislation, namely Directive 2005/55/EC (3)and Commission Directive 2005/78/EC (4), by a regu­lation. The use of a regulation should ensure that thedetailed technical provisions are directly applicable tomanufacturers, approval authorities and technicalservices and that they can be updated in a fast andefficient way. Therefore Directives 2005/55/EC and2005/78/EC should be repealed and Regulation (EC)No 715/2007 should be amended accordingly.(1) OJ L 375, 31.12.1980, p. 46.(2) OJ L 171, 29.6.2007, p. 1.(3) Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles (OJ L 275, 20.10.2005, p. 1).(4) Commission Directive 2005/78/EC of 14 November 2005 imple­menting Directive 2005/55/EC and amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI thereto (OJ L 313, 29.11.2005, p. 1).(29) The measures necessary for the implementation of thisRegulation should be adopted in accordance withCouncil Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 layingdown the procedures for the exercise of implementingpowers conferred on the Commission (1).(30) In particular, the Commission should be empowered tointroduce particle number based limit values in Annex I,to specify, if appropriate, the value of the admissible levelof the NO2component in the NO x limit value, toestablish specific procedures, tests and requirements fortype-approval, as well as a particle number measurementprocedure, and to adopt measures concerning off-cycleemissions, the use of portable emissions measurementsystems, access to vehicle repair and maintenanceinformation and test cycles used to measure emissions.Since those measures are of general scope and aredesigned to amend non-essential elements of this Regu­lation, by supplementing it with new non-essentialelements, they must be adopted in accordance with theregulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for inArticle 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.(31)Since the objective of this Regulation, namely the real­isation of the internal market through the introduction ofcommon technical requirements concerning emissionsfrom motor vehicles and guaranteed access to vehiclerepair and maintenance information for independentoperators on the same basis as for authorised dealersand repairers, cannot be sufficiently achieved by theMember States and can therefore be better achieved atCommunity level, the Community may adopt measures,in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set outin Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with theprinciple of proportionality, as set out in that Article,this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessaryin order to achieve that objective,HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:Article 1Subject matterThis Regulation establishes common technical requirements for the type-approval of motor vehicles, engines and replacement parts with regard to their emissions.This Regulation also lays down rules for in-service conformity of vehicles and engines, durability of pollution control devices, OBD systems, measurement of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions and accessibility of vehicle OBD and vehicle repair and maintenance information.Article 2ScopeThis Regulation shall apply to motor vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1and N2as defined in Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC with a reference mass exceeding 2 610 kg and to all motor vehicles of categories M3and N3, as defined in that Annex.This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to Article 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007.At the request of the manufacturer, the type-approval of a completed vehicle granted under this Regulation and its imple­menting measures shall be extended to its incomplete vehicle with a reference mass not exceeding 2 610 kg. Type-approvals shall be extended if the manufacturer can demonstrate that all bodywork combinations expected to be built onto the incomplete vehicle increase the reference mass of the vehicle to above 2 610 kg.At the request of the manufacturer, the type-approval of a vehicle granted under this Regulation and its implementing measures shall be extended to its variants and versions with a reference mass exceeding 2 380 kg provided that it also meets the requirements relating to the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption established in Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and its implementing measures.Article 3DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:1. ‘engine’ means the motive propulsion source of a vehiclefor which type-approval as a separate technical unit, as defined in point 25 of Article 3 of Directive 2007/46/EC, may be granted;2. ‘gaseous pollutants’ means the exhaust gas emissions ofcarbon monoxide, NO x, expressed in NO2equivalent, and hydrocarbons;3. ‘particulate pollutants’ means components of the exhaustgas which are removed from the diluted exhaust gas at a maximum temperature of 325 K (52 °C) by means of the filters described in the test procedure for verifying average tailpipe emissions;4. ‘tailpipe emissions’ means the emission of gaseous andparticulate pollutants;5. ‘crankcase’ means the spaces in, or external to, an enginewhich are connected to the oil sump by internal or external ducts through which gases and vapours can be emitted;(1) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.6. ‘pollution control device’ means those components of avehicle that control and/or limit tailpipe emissions;7. ‘on-board diagnostic (OBD) system’ means a system onboard a vehicle or connected to an engine which has the capability of detecting malfunctions, and, if applicable, of indicating their occurrence by means of an alert system, of identifying the likely area of malfunction by means of information stored in computer memory, and of communicating that information off-board;8. ‘defeat strategy’ means an emission control strategy thatreduces the effectiveness of the emission controls under ambient or engine operating conditions encountered either during normal vehicle operation or outside the type-approval test procedures;9. ‘original pollution control device’ means a pollution controldevice or an assembly of such devices covered by the type- approval granted for the vehicle concerned;10. ‘replacement pollution control device’ means a pollutioncontrol device or an assembly of such devices intended to replace an original pollution control device and which can be approved as a separate technical unit, as defined in point 25 of Article 3 of Directive 2007/46/EC;11. ‘vehicle repair and maintenance information’ means allinformation required for diagnosis, servicing, inspection, periodic monitoring, repair, re-programming or re- initialising or the remote diagnostic support of the vehicle and which the manufacturers provide for their au­thorised dealers and repairers, including all subsequent amendments and supplements to such information. This information includes all information required for fitting parts or equipment onto vehicles;12. ‘manufacturer’ means the person or body who isresponsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the type-approval or authorisation process and for ensuring conformity of production. It is not essential that the person or body be directly involved in all stages of the construction of the vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit which is the subject of the approval process;13. ‘independent operator’ means undertakings other thanauthorised dealers and repairers which are directly or indirectly involved in the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, in particular repairers, manufacturers or distributors of repair equipment, tools or spare parts, publishers of technical information, automobile clubs, roadside assistance operators, operators offering inspection and testing services, operators offering training for installers, manufacturers and repairers of equipment for alternative fuel vehicles; 14. ‘alternative fuel vehicle’ means a vehicle designed to becapable of running on at least one type of fuel that iseither gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure,or substantially non-mineral oil derived;15. ‘reference mass’ means the mass of the vehicle in runningorder less the uniform mass of the driver of 75 kg andincreased by a uniform mass of 100 kg;16. ‘tampering’ means inactivation, adjustment or modificationof the vehicle emissions control or propulsion system, including any software or other logical control elementsof those systems, that has the effect, whether intended ornot, of worsening the emissions performance of the vehicle.The Commission may adapt the definition in point 7 of the first subparagraph to reflect technical progress in OBD systems. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2).Article 4Obligations of the manufacturers1. Manufacturersshalldemonstratethatallnewvehiclessold, registered or put into service within the Community, all new engines sold or put into service within the Community and all new replacement pollution control devices requiring type- approval pursuant to Articles 8 and 9, which are sold or put into service within the Community, are type-approved in accordance with this Regulation and its implementing measures.2. Manufacturers shall ensure that type-approval procedures for verifying conformity of production, durability of pollution control devices and in-service conformity are followed.The technical measures taken by the manufacturer shall be such as to ensure that the tailpipe emissions are effectively limited, pursuant to this Regulation and its implementing measures, throughout the normal life of the vehicles under normal conditions of use.For that purpose, the mileage and period of time by reference to which the tests for durability of pollution control devices undertaken for type-approval and testing of conformity of in- service vehicles or engines are to be carried out shall be the following:(a) 160 000 km or five years, whichever is the sooner, in thecase of engines fitted to vehicles of category M1, N1and M2;(b) 300 000 km or six years, whichever is the sooner, in thecase of engines fitted to vehicles of category N2, N3with a maximum technically permissible mass not exceeding 16 tonnes and M3Class I, Class II and Class A, and Class B with a maximum technically permissible mass not exceeding7,5 tonnes;(c) 700 000 km or seven years, whichever is the sooner, in thecase of engines fitted to vehicles of category N3with a maximum technically permissible mass exceeding 16 tonnes and M3, Class III and Class B with a maximum technically permissible mass exceeding 7,5 tonnes.3. The Commission shall establish specific procedures and requirements for the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. Those measures, designed to amend non- essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2).Article 5Requirements and tests1. Manufacturers shall ensure compliance with the emission limits set out in Annex I.2. Manufacturers shall equip vehicles and engines so that the components likely to affect emissions are designed, constructed and assembled so as to enable the vehicle or engine, in normal use, to comply with this Regulation and its implementing measures.3. The use of defeat strategies that reduce the effectiveness of emission control equipment shall be prohibited.4. The Commission shall adopt measures for the implemen­tation of this Article including measures in relation to the following:(a) tailpipe emissions, including test cycles, the use of portableemissions measurement systems for verifying the actual in- use emissions, verifying and limiting off-cycle emissions, thesetting of limits for particle numbers while retaining the existing ambitious environmental requirements, and emissions at idling speed;(b) crankcase emissions;(c) OBD systems and in-service performance of pollutioncontrol devices;(d) durability of pollution control devices, replacementpollution control devices, conformity of in-service engines and vehicles, conformity of production and roadworthiness; (e) CO2emissions and fuel consumption;(f) granting extension of type-approvals;(g) test equipment;(h) reference fuels such as petrol, diesel, gaseous fuels andbiofuels, such as bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas;(i) measurement of engine power;(j) correct functioning and regeneration of pollution control devices;(k) specific provisions to ensure the correct operation of NO x control measures; such provisions shall ensure that vehicles cannot be operated if the NO x control measures are inop­erative due, for example, to lack of any required reagent, incorrect exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow or deacti­vation of EGR.Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, inter alia, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2).Article 6Access to information1. Manufacturers shall provide unrestricted and standardised access to vehicle OBD information, diagnostic and other equipment, tools including any relevant software and vehicle repair and maintenance information to independent operators.Manufacturers shall provide a standardised, secure and remote facility to enable independent repairers to complete operations which involve access to the vehicle security system.In the case of multi-stage type-approval, the manufacturer responsible for the respective type-approval shall also be responsible for communicating repair information relating to the particular stage to both the final manufacturer and inde­pendent operators. The final manufacturer shall be responsible for communicating information about the whole vehicle to independent operators.Articles 6 and 7 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 shall apply mutatis mutandis.。

Validation of Hybrid MoM Scheme With Included

Validation of Hybrid MoM Scheme With Included

Validation of Hybrid MoM Scheme With Included Equivalent Glass Antenna Model for HandlingAutomotive EMC ProblemsFaik G.Bogdanov,Member,IEEE,David D.Karkashadze,Member,IEEE,Roman G.Jobava,Member,IEEE, Anna L.Gheonjian,Associate Member,IEEE,Ekaterina A.Yavolovskaya,Natalia G.Bondarenko,and Christoph Ullrich,Student Member,IEEEAbstract—In this paper,based on the refined modified image theory,an equivalent model of the layered glass antenna structure is suggested and validated by comparison with Sommerfeld’s tra-ditional solution to Green’s ing this model,a hybrid method of moments(MoM)scheme is derived to handle the full MoM geometries includingfinite-sized and curved glass antenna structures.This scheme is validated by comparison of the measured and simulated electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)characteris-tics of the special simplified models and a full vehicle model with a realistic rear window glass antenna.Index Terms—Coupling,dielectric substrate,glass antenna, Green’s function,hybrid scheme,image theory,measurements, method of moments(MoM),reflection,simulation,vehicle.I.I NTRODUCTIONA UTOMOTIVE design tends toward conformal and hiddenantenna applications such as glass antennas integrated in vehicle windowpanes[1],as depicted in Fig.1.The rapid in-crease in the number of integrated glass antennas exacerbates demands for electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)of such an-tennas to each other,vehicle wiring,electric equipment,and the body of the vehicle itself.Therefore,development of the proper techniques and computational tools for robust EMC analysis of vehicle glass antennas is in great demand.This initiates intensive numerical modeling and investigation of installed performance of glass antennas on complete vehicle models[2]–[6].An accurate EMC analysis of vehicle glass antennas requires a proper discretization of not only metallic elements,but alsoManuscript received April27,2009;revised September11,2009.First published January12,2010;current version published February18,2010.This work was supported in part by the Antenna Development Department,AUDI AG,Ingolstadt,Germany.F.G.Bogdanov is with the EM Consulting and Software,EMCoS Ltd.,Tbilisi 0160,Georgia,and also with the Department of Telecommunication,Georgian Technical University,Tbilisi0175,Georgia(e-mail:faik.bogdanov@emcos. com).D.D.Karkashadze,R.G.Jobava,A.L.Gheonjian,andE.A.Yavolovskaya are with the EM Consulting and Software,EMCoS Ltd.,Tbilisi0160, Georgia,and also with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Divi-sion,I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,Tbilisi0128,Georgia(e-mail:;roman.jobava@;anna.gheonjian@ ;ekaterina.yavolovskaya@).N.G.Bondarenko was with the EM Consulting and Software,EMCoS Ltd., Tbilisi0160,Georgia.She is now with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory,Missouri University of Science and Technology,MO65409USA (e-mail:natalia.bondarenko@).C.Ullrich is with AUDI AG,85045Ingolstadt,Germany(e-mail: Object Identifier10.1109/TEMC.2009.2036003Fig.1.Vehicle computational model with glass antenna in rear window.the dielectric substrate of glass antennas.Applying the typ-icalfinite-element method/method of moments(FEM/MoM)approach to such a mesh results in excessively large amountof unknowns(a few hundred of thousands).Therefore,somestudies on vehicle glass antennas[2],[3]neglect the windowglazing to be eligible for far-field calculations only.To accountfor dielectric impact of the glass on vehicle EMC characteristics,most of the studies[4]–[6]utilize the sheet impedance approx-imation[7],available in many electromagnetic(EM)solvers,such as[8]–[10].However,although such an approach is ratherefficient,it is not accurate enough for complex glass antenna ge-ometries and still requires discretization of the substrate,thoughappreciably coarser.The discretization of the substrate could be avoided,whenneglecting the curvature of the glass and impact of the mainvehicle geometry,by applying appropriate Green’s functionsfor infinite-layered structures[11]–[14].However,the rigorousGreen’s functions represented by Sommerfeld integrals[15]areunfortunately too time-consuming and inflexible to be incorpo-rated in the full-vehicle geometry.To overcome this problem,some studies[16]–[18]are done to approximate the Sommerfeldintegrals;others propose different approximate image theories,such as the complex image theory(CIT)[19]–[22]and modi-fied image theory(MIT)[23]–[29];thirds suggest the differentequivalent models of layered structures[30]–[33].However,most of such theories and models are suited only for the simple-layered geometries and are notflexible enough to be hybridizedwith full-vehicle geometry.A new simple,but rather accurate andflexible equivalentglass antenna model is reported in[34].It is based on the image 0018-9375/$26.00©2010IEEEconcept,and image amplitudes are expressed through these for dielectric interface problem and obtained by refining the MIT [28],[29].This model is hybridized with main vehicle geometry in[35]and[36].This paper is aimed to:1)expand the theory of equivalent glass antenna model proposed in[34]–[36];2)improve the hy-brid MoM scheme derived in[35]and[36];and3)validate this scheme applied to automotive EMC problems.First,equivalent glass antenna model is validated by comparison of the simu-lated results with Sommerfeld’s traditional solution to Green’s function.Further,the hybrid MoM scheme is validated by com-parison of EMC characteristics of a few hybrid models,included the complex glass antennas with measurement data.Unlike[35] and[36],the glass in these models is not framed,resulting in more complex and sharper resonances.Finally,the hybrid scheme is validated on a full-car model by comparison of the simulated and measured results.The paper is organized as follows.The problem formulation is given in Section II.The proposed theory of the equivalent glass antenna model and the hybrid MoM scheme is presented in Section III.The validation of the equivalent model and the hy-brid MoM scheme is discussed in Section IV.Finally,conclu-sions are given in Section V.II.P ROBLEM F ORMULATIONAs is known,an arbitrary boundary value EM problem on geometry G may be written in operator form asL( J)= g(1) where L is a boundary operator, g is an excitation,and J is an unknown current density on G.To apply the MoM[37]to(1),we discretize the geometry G and consider the following expansion for the unknown current:J( r )=Nn=1I n f n( r )(2)where{ f n( r )}N n=1are the subdomain expansion functions, I n are unknown coefficients,and N is the total number of unknowns.Substituting(2)into(1)and applying a testing procedure with weighting functions{ w m( r)}N m=1defined in the range of L leads to a linear set of equations written in matrix form as[Z m n][I n]=[V m](3) with elements Z m n= w m,L f n and V m= w m, g defining the MoM impedance matrix and excitation column.The described traditional MoM procedure requires discretiza-tion of all parts of geometry,including the dielectric substrate.In order to exclude the dielectric from the formulation,we should modify the boundary operator L and excitation g in the glass area in such a way as to account for the effect of the dielectric and automatically satisfy the boundary conditions on dielectric. Ourfirst aim is tofind the modified boundary operator and ex-citation in the glass area by introducing the equivalent glassan-Fig.2.Original.(a)Equivalent.(b)Glass antenna model.tenna model.Next aim is to incorporate an approximate Green’s function of the equivalent model in a full MoM matrix to ap-ply the hybrid MoM scheme for analysis offinite-sized and curved glass antenna structures integrated into the full-vehicle geometry.Finally,this approach is validated.III.T HEORETICAL A PPROACHA.Equivalent Glass Antenna ModelFig.2(a)shows an original structure of the metallic strip (glass antenna element)A with current J placed above,inside or under the dielectric layer(regions i=1,2,3,respectively). The layer of thickness l and material parametersε,µ(region i= 2)are placed in vacuum with parametersε0,µ0(i=1,3).In a multilayer case,effective medium parameters are considered. Fig.2(b)shows an equivalent model of the microstrip struc-ture of Fig.2(a),consisting of the source current J on element A and its mirror images J k(k=0,±1,±2,...)in the upper and bottom dielectric layer interfaces.For the source current J in the region i,an EMfield at the observation region j=1,2,3is composed of thefield of the original current J(if only j=i)and that produced by its images Jktaken with amplitudes A jikvand A jikhfor vertical and horizon-tal components of the vector potentials,and A jikqfor the scalar potentials.Hereinafter,thefirst superscript in amplitude nota-tions indicates the observation region and the second indicates the source region.Note that both the source and image currents radiate in medium with material properties of the observation region j. Meanwhile,only images that are not situated in the observation region radiate into this region.The suggested model requiresfinding the image amplitudes ensuring the boundary conditions on both dielectric interfaces. This may be done by recursively applying the mirror image method to relate these amplitudes with those obtained for the approximate solution of boundary value problem on separate dielectric interface.In the next section,we refine the so-called MIT[28],[29]to reconsider the dielectric half-space problem in a quasistatic approximation.Further,in Section III-C,we derivethe image amplitudes A jikt,t=v,h,q.B.Refined MITConsider the interface between the two dielectric media m and i characterized by material parametersεm,µm andεi,µi,seeFig.3.Sources and images in the presence of dielectric interface.(a)Original problem.(b)Equivalent problem for the source region i.(c)Equivalent problem for the mirror region m.Fig.3(a).Let the current J and charge q=∓(1/iω)div JdV associated with elementary electric dipole of volume dV exist in one of the two media,say medium i,as depicted in Fig.3(a). We are interested in the calculation of the EMfield due to these sources at the observation points from both sides of the interface.As is known,the aforementioned problem is accurately solved in terms of Sommerfeld integrals.However,to approximately determine thefield in both the source region i and the mirror region m,we take advantage of the MIT[24]–[29],extending the canonical mirror image method to the dielectric half-space problem.Following the MIT,an EM response from the imperfect interface is approximately described by inserting the mirror im-age source radiating to the source region i and space-like image source radiating to mirror region m,see Fig.3(b)and(c),where the original current J is decomposed into its vertical J v and horizontal J h components,and J v=− J v.Unlike the canoni-cal mirror image method,the image amplitudes a ji t(t=v,h,q) are modified as to approximately satisfy boundary conditions (hence the method’s name).The variants of the MIT[23]–[29] differ by the method offinding the image amplitudes.The traditional MIT[23]–[27],also known as the reflection coefficient method(RCM),utilizes the far-field plane-wave ap-proximation for image amplitudes.Therefore,its solution is valid only rather far(kR 1)from the boundary surface,where k is the wavenumber and R is the distance between the image andobservation points.Unlike this,the simplified MIT[28],[29]is obtained in electrostatic approximation,kR 1,and does not consider the boundary conditions for the magneticfield.Thus, the obtained image coefficients are fully eligible only for the charge problem,and the current images are approximately el-igible in the source region for the vertical dipole problem,but fully invalid for the horizontal dipole problem.Therefore,we reconsider this problem again.In order tofind the unknown image amplitudes a ji t(t=v,h,q), we impose the boundary conditions on both electricfield E j=−iω A j−∇Φj and magneticfield H j=(1/µj)∇× A j(j= i,m),due to all sources in their radiation domain considered ina quasi-static approximation(kR)2 1.The electricfield is expressed by means of the sources of both vector and scalar potentials,i.e.,the currents and charges,and magneticfield of only that for vector potential,i.e.,the currents.Imposing the boundary conditions for the same amplitudes of the current and charge images leads to the inconsistent set of equations for image amplitudes.However,we are at liberty to assign the different amplitudes a ji v and a jihfor the current images and a ji q for the charge images,in view of the nonuniqueness of vector and scalar potentials in the presence of a dielectric boundary[38],[39].Furthermore,we consider the vertical and horizontal dipole problems separately,as it is done in traditional Sommerfeld solution.Consequently,we obtain the following set of equations for image amplitudes:1εi(1+a ii q)=1εma m i q1−a ii q=a m i q(4a)1−a ii v=a m i v(4b)1−a ii h=a m i hµi(1+a ii h)=µm a m i h.(4c) Note that(4a)follows from the boundary conditions for elec-tricfield,and(4b)and(4c)for the magneticfield.Therefore,(4) defines an approximate EM solution of Sommerfeld problem. Analysis of(4)shows that a vertical dipole problem has a definite solution only for the same amplitudes of the charge and current images:a ji v=a ji q.However,a horizontal dipole prob-lem cannot be solved,even approximately,for the same image amplitudes,and requires the different amplitudes for various images.Now,solution of(4)is expressed as follows:a ii q=a ii v=εi−εmεi+εma m i q=a m i v=2εmεi+εm(5a)a ii h=µm−µiµi+µma m i h=2µiµi+µm(5b)C.Derivation of Image Amplitudes A jiktOnce the image amplitudes a ji t of equivalent interface prob-lem of Fig.3(b)and(c)are obtained,a recursive procedureto derive the image amplitudes A jiktof equivalent glass antenna problem of Fig.2(b)can be developed.Describe it for the source current J placed at the distance d over the layer(in the region i=1).To satisfy boundary conditions on the upper dielectric inter-face in Fig.2(b),following the earlier refined MIT,we intro-duce,along with source current J radiating in the source region 1,two image currents situated on equal distances d from the interface:mirror current J−1with amplitude A11−1t=a11t again radiating in the region1and space-like image J0with amplitude A210t=a21t radiating in region2.Now,to satisfy boundary conditions on the bottom interface, we consider the radiation problem for the image current J0 with amplitude a21t in the region2in the presence of bottom interface.This requires two additional image currents situated at equal distances l+d from the bottom interface: J−2with amplitude A21−2t=a21t a22t radiating in the region2and J0with amplitude A310t=a21t a12t radiating in the region3.Next,we should adjust the boundary conditions on the up-per interface disbalanced due to the radiation of image current J−2with amplitude a21t a22t in the region2in the presence of upper interface.This produces a pair of additional image cur-rents situated at equal distances2l+d from the upper interface: mirror image J1with amplitude A211t=a21t(a22t)2radiating inregion2and J−2with amplitude A11−2t=a21t a22t a12t radiating in region1.Further,recursively applying the refined MIT results in the following amplitudes of image currents J k due to the source current J in region i=1:A11−1t=a11t A11−kt=a21t a12t(a22t)2k−3,k=2,3,...(6a) A21−kt=a21t(a22t)2k−3,k=2,3,...(6b) A21kt=a21t(a22t)2k,k=0,1,2,...(6c) A31kt=a21t a12t(a22t)2k,k=0,1,2,....(6d) The similar formulas for the source current J placed inside the layer(i=2)are given in[36].In the next section,these results will be validated by compar-ison with the accurate Sommerfeld solution.D.MoM Solution to the Equivalent Glass Antenna Model The equivalent glass antenna model shown in Fig.2(b)allows to write the equivalent current and charge(i.e.,the divergence of current)associated with antenna element A at any observation region j=1,2,3asJ = Jδij +k[A jikvJ vk+A jikhJ hk](7)i/ω∇ J =i/ω∇ Jδij+kA jikq∇ J k(7a)where J is the original current on element A in the i th region,δij is the Kronecker delta, J k= k J is the current on the k th image, k is the imaging operator, J v k=( J k n) n and J h k= J k− J v k are the vertical and horizontal components of the k th imagecurrents,and n is a unit normal vector to the dielectric interface.The expression(7)can be viewed as J = ( J),where isthe transforming operator.Substituting(7)into(1)along withmodified excitation g = ( g)leads to the following equivalentboundary value problem on the antenna element geometry:L G( J)= g G(8) whereL G=L g G= g(8a) are the modified boundary operator and excitation in the glass area including the dielectric effect,and automatically satisfying the boundary conditions on the dielectric interfaces. Equation(8)allows applying the traditional MoM scheme of Section II to the equivalent model shown in Fig.2(b)with expan-sion functions taken on both the original and image geometries, and testing performed only on original geometry.The expression(8a)allows deriving the hybrid MoM schemewithfinite-sized glass antenna model incorporated into the fullMoM geometry.E.Finite-Sized and Curved Glass Antenna Models Although the equivalent glass antenna model shown in Fig.2(b)is derived for the infinite dielectric layers,it also may be approximately applied tofinite-sized glass antenna struc-tures.Moreover,slightly curved glass antenna geometries maybe handled.For this purpose,afinite-sized dielectric substrate issubdivided into the separateflat areas,and each antenna elementis associated with nearby glass area.The antenna elements nearthis area are considered to radiate,such as in the presence of theinfinite dielectric substrate being extension of this glass area.F.Hybrid MoM SchemeIn order to incorporate the equivalent glass antenna modelinto the full MoM geometry,we divide the full geometry intothe basis,e.g.,vehicle,geometry B,and glass antenna elementgeometry A,and modify the boundary operator and excitationon A,such as to include the dielectric effect.Thereby,we reducethe boundary value problem(1)to the following set:L( J B)+L G( J A)= g B+ g A G on S B(9a)L G( J B)+L G( J A)= g B G+ g A G on S A(9b) where L G and g G are the modified boundary operator and ex-citation defined by(8a),and superscripts B and A stand forthe basis and glass antenna elements,respectively.The set(9)represents the hybrid MoM formulation of the problem to besolved.Next,applying the traditional MoM scheme of Section IIwith expansion functions{ f n( r )}N n=1and weighting functions { w m( r)}N m=1,with N=N A+N B,to(9)leads to the following linear set of algebraic equations written in a block matrix formas[Z B Bm n][Z B Am n][Z ABm n][Z AAm n][I B n][I A n]=[V B Bm]+[V B Am][V ABm]+[V AAm](10)with MoM impedance matrix elements Z B Bm n= w B m,L f B nand Z βαm n= wβm,L G fαn ,and excitation elements V B Bm= w B m, g B ,V βαm= wβm, gαG ,andα,β={A,B}.The linear set(10)incorporates the equivalent glass antenna model into the full MoM geometry,and therefore properly ac-counts for the dielectric effect on glass antenna elements.IV.R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONThe suggested theoretical approach has been validated both for the equivalent glass antenna model and the hybrid MoM scheme constructed on this approach.A.Equivalent Glass Antenna ModelThe developed model has been validated on a two-element dipole array printed on the glass surface,as depicted in Fig.4. One dipole of the array is passive and the other active and fed by a lumped voltage applied to the center of the dipole considered as antenna port.The input resistance and reactance at the antenna port are calculated.The dipoles are formed on the metallic strips of width w= 2mm and total length L=900mm.The distance between the dipoles is d=40mm.The dielectric substrate is of the thickness l=6mm and relative permittivityεr=6.6.TheFig.4.Schematic representation of validationsetup.Fig.5.Input impedance of dipole antenna.strips are assumed to be perfectly conducting and the dielectric substrate infinitely extended.Fig.5shows the comparison of the results calculated for the equivalent glass antenna model (MoM code “TriD”[10],included in the program package “EMC Studio”[40]),with those obtained by the accurate Sommerfeld solution,and the equivalent wire approach by Popovi´c [41].The analysis shown in Fig.5shows that results obtained by using the equivalent glass antenna model closely agree with the accurate Sommerfeld solution,whereas those obtained by equiv-alent wire approach reveal the alteration of resonance maxima and their shifting to lower frequencies.Thus,these results vali-date the equivalent glass antenna model and show its advantage compared to the equivalent wire approach.B.Hybrid MoM SchemeThe hybrid MoM scheme was validated on a number of mod-els with glass antennas by comparison of simulated results with those obtained by measurements.1)Complex Grid Glass Antenna:The first validation setup shown in Fig.6has been developed to compare the scatter-ing matrix of a complex grid antenna printed on a dielectric substrate and placed above a metallic plate.Two terminals of antenna are connected to the network analyzer via Bayonet Neill-Concelman (BNC)connectors,the outputs of which are considered as ports.The reflection coefficient at each port and transmission coefficient between the ports are measured.A schematic representation of the measurement setup with di-mensions of included elements is depicted in Fig.7.The metallic strips of antenna are of width w =2mm and length L =510mm.The dielectric substrate is of width W =290mm,height H =800mm,thickness l =6mm,relative permittivity εr =6.6,andFig.6.View of the measurement setup for the complex gridantenna.Fig.7.Schematic representation of the measurement setup.has a loss tangent of tan(δ)=0.02.The metallic plate is of the size 1m ×2m.The simulation model of the measurement setup consists of 405glass antenna triangles to model the glass antenna elements,18wire segments to model the antenna ports,and 1082metal triangles to model the metallic plate,on which the antenna is mounted,giving a total of N =2018unknowns.The metallic elements are taken to be perfectly conducting.In order to model the connectors at the antenna terminals,network transmission line elements of the length 22mm and characteristic impedance 50Ωare used.One of the antenna ports is considered to be active and excited by a lumped voltage with a series resistance of 50Ω.The other port is passive and loaded by the same resistance.Further,the active and passive ports are swapped to simulate the complete scattering matrix.parison of the measurement and simulation results for complex grid antenna.(a)Reflection coefficient.(b)Transmission coefficient.Fig.8shows the comparison between the simulation and mea-surement results,and also the simulations performed without the dielectric(glass).The comparison of simulated results with and without the dielectric shows that neglecting the dielectric leads to the considerable shifting and distortion of resonances,and is thus no longer acceptable starting from the frequencies of 30MHz.The comparison between the simulated and measured results with the glass included shows a rather good agreement in a wide frequency range from30to300MHz.Specifically,these results show a very good prediction of locations and maxima of all resonances.A slight deviation between the compared results in resonance minima and discrepancies in higher frequencies may be caused by some uncertainty of the measurement setup and imperfection of the simulation model.2)Coupling From Active Cable to Grid Glass Antenna:The next validation setup shown in Fig.9has been developed to compare the coupling characteristics of an active single-wire cable to a passive complex grid antenna shown in Fig.7,when both are placed over the metallic ground plate.In one terminal, each of the antenna and the active cable are connected to the network analyzer via the BNC connectors,while the second ter-minals are grounded through50-Ωresistances.The transmission coefficient from the cable to the antenna is measured.A schematic representation of the measurement setup with dimensions of the included elements is depicted in Fig.10.Fig.9.View of measurement setup for the couplingproblem.Fig.10.Schematic representation of the measurement setup.Besides elements shown in Fig.7,this setup includes a single-wire cable of length L w=1.52m,height over plate h=20mm, radius r=0.33mm,dielectric insulation of thickness l d= 0.28mm,and relative permittivityεrd=3.8.The simulation model of the measurement setup consists of 405glass antenna triangles to model the glass antenna elements, 181wire segments to model the active cable and antenna ports, and2328metal triangles to model the metallic plate,giving a total of N=4037unknowns.The metallic elements are taken to be perfectly conducting.The connectors at the active cable and the antenna terminals are modeled by network transmission line elements of length 22mm and characteristic impedance50Ω.The port1on active cable termination is excited by a lumped voltage with a series resistance of50Ω.The port2is passive and loaded by the50-Ωresistance.Fig.11.Transmission coefficient from the cable toantenna.Fig.12.Simulation model of the measurement setup.(a)Full car.(b)Glass antenna.Fig.11shows the comparison between the simulated and measured results for the transmission coefficient |S 21|from the cable to the antenna.As in the previous example,the simulated results agree rather well with measured data up to the frequen-cies of 300MHz.A slight deviation between the results in the resonance minima may be caused,additionally,by inexact in-formation of the parameters of wire insulation.3)Full-Car Model With Integrated Glass Antenna:Finally,a full-car model with a rear window glass antenna has been measured and simulated to compare the scattering matrices of a realistic glass antenna integrated in a car.Fig.12(a)shows a simulation model of the measurement setup,while Fig.12(b)shows a detail of the considered glass antenna with its FM port.The simulation model of the measurement setup consists of 2477glass antenna triangles to model the glass antenna ele-ments,67wire segments to model the wire to body connections and antenna ports,and 19052metal triangles to model the car body shell,giving a total of N =31028unknowns.The metallic elements are taken to be perfectly conducting.The curved glass surface is represented by 5210triangles,which do not contribute to the main geometry.The dielectric substrate is of thickness l =3.14mm,relative permittivity εr =7.5,and has a dielectric loss tangent of tan(δ)=0.02.The port of the antenna is assumed to be at the end of the BNC connectors attached to the antenna terminals.Therefore,these connectors are included as network transmission line elements of length 64mm and a characteristic impedance of 50Ω.parison of the measurement and simulation results for a full-carmodel.Fig.13shows the measured and simulated results for the reflection coefficient |S 11|at the FM antenna port of the glass antenna integrated into the full-car parison between these results shows that,even for very complex models,the simulated results are in a close agreement with measurement data at all frequencies in the range from 30to 300MHz.V .C ONCLUSIONAn equivalent model of the glass antenna structure has shown to be an appropriate model to obtain the reasonable results com-pared to the traditional Green’s function Sommerfeld approach.The hybrid MoM scheme incorporating equivalent glass an-tenna model has shown to be capable to properly describe the combined MoM and finite-sized and curved glass antenna ge-ometries.Specifically,a good agreement between the simulated and measured EMC characteristics for all the measurement se-tups has been shown in a wide frequency range from 30to 300MHz.R EFERENCES[1]T.Zwick,K.Schmitt,and W.Wiesbeck,“Funkkommunikation durchFahrzeugscheiben,”ATZ Automobiltech.Z.,vol.99,pp.220–226,Apr.1997.[2]J.C.Batchelor,ngley,H.Endo,and M.Saito,“Modeling ofvehicles with integrated antennas,”Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett.,vol.27,no.6,pp.404–407,2000.[3]J.C.Batchelor,ngley,and H.Endo,“On-glass mobile antenna per-formance modeling,”in IEE Proc.,Microw.Antennas Propag.,vol.148,no.4,pp.233–238,Aug.2001.[4]R.Abou-Jaoude and E.K.Walton,“Numerical modelling of on-glassconformal automobile 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Automatically Finding Images for Clinical Decision Support

Automatically Finding Images for Clinical Decision Support

Automatically Finding Images for Clinical Decision SupportDina Demner-Fushman, Sameer Antani, George R. ThomaLister Hill National Center for Biomedical CommunicationsNational Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, DHHS, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA{ddemner,santani,gthoma}@AbstractEssential information is often conveyed in illustrations in biomedical publications. A clinician’s decision to access the full text when searching for evidence in support of clinical decision is frequently based solely on a short bibliographic reference. We seek to automatically augment these references with images from the article that may assist in finding evidence.The feasibility of automatically classifying images by usefulness (utility) in finding evidence was explored using supervised machine learning. We selected 2004 -- 2005 issues of the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, manually annotating 743 images by utility and modality (radiological, photo, etc.) Image data, figure captions, and paragraphs surrounding figure discussions in text were used in classification.Automatic image classification achieved 84.3% accuracy using image captions for modality and 76.6% accuracy combining captions and image data for utility.Our results indicate that automatic augmentation of bibliographic references with relevant images is feasible.1. IntroductionClinicians can fairly accurately form an opinion about the relevance of a publication to a clinical situation based on its title alone; however the title is not always sufficient in determining the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) usefulness (henceforth evidence-based utility or clinical utility) of a publication [1].Given that medical illustrations often convey essential information in compact form, we seek to automatically identify illustrations that could help clinicians evaluate the potential usefulness of a publication in a clinical situation. We hypothesize that in many cases a short outcome statement that is currently automatically extracted by Demner-Fushman et al to augment the title of a MEDLINE citation [2] could be rendered more useful if accompanied by oneor more extracted images. For example, given a title “Clinical management and microscopic characterization of fatigue-induced failure of a dental implant” a clinician might not know if the article applies to the case for which evidence is sought. The automatically extracted outcome statement in Figure 1will clarify that the “fatigue-induced failure” is a fracture, and the adjacent x-ray will illustrate what is meant by the “typical signs” of a fracture. Before testing the hypothesis about the value added by images, however, we need to establish if automatic image annotation by utility for EBP is attainable, and if such images can be reliably extracted from the original articles.The long-term goals of the project are to develop robust algorithms for automatic biomedical image annotation by utility for EBP. The current study explores the feasibility of such annotation. The noveltyof this work is in proposing and developing a classification of images by their usefulness to support EBP.2. BackgroundThe importance of medical illustrations in clinical decision making has motivated the development of large databases of medical images, such as the PublicThe fractured implant showedthe typical signs of a fatigue-induced fracture in the coronalportion of the implant togetherwith numerous micro-fracturesin the apical one …Figure 1. A fractured implan t an d relevan t fragment of the automatically extracted outcome statement (reproduced with author’s permission [3])Health Image Library (PHIL)1, as well as active research in image retrieval [4]. However, many systems continue to implement image retrieval based on manually generated textual descriptions of images, such as at Isabel Healthcare2. The high cost of such labor-intensive annotation has spurred research in automatic image annotation [5] by content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques [6]. Advances in biomedical image retrieval from large databases have been evaluated since 2004 in the yearly ImageCLEFmed tasks of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) [7]. In the 2006 ImageCLEFmed evaluation the best performing systems achieved 16-17% error rate in the image annotation task using supervised machine learning techniques based on combined image and textual features [8].The successes in image annotation, CBIR, and text classification based on image captions motivated integration of image data for biomedical text categorization [9]. Other efforts explored biomedical article retrieval based on image content [10,11], and use of textual and image features for image classification in biomedical articles [12]. While preliminary studies on image-only retrieval have resulted in mediocre results, classification of bioscience images into six generic categories achieved an average F-score of 73.66% [12].Encouraged by the success achieved in various informatics applications through combining textual and image data, our study explores a new area of biomedical image annotation using textual and image data – that of classifying images in biomedical articles with respect to their utility for clinical decision support.3. MethodsWe selected the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery3 because it is the area of expertise of the first author and it is representative of the specialties that might particularly benefit from visual information presented early in the information retrieval process. Two authors of this paper studied 2004 and 2005 online issues of the journal and downloaded full-size images and HTML text of articles and short communications containing images. The images were then manually annotated and cross1 /Phil/home.asp2 3 /journals/bjom validated for their modality and utility in findingclinical evidence. Supervised machine learning techniques were applied to evaluate feasibility of automatic annotation of images by clinical utility.3.1 Manual Image AnnotationWe established three facets of EBP essential infinding and automatically extracting textual information for clinical decision support: 1) knowingthe clinical task; 2) identifying elements of a clinical scenario (patient/problem, intervention/comparison,and outcome); and 3) determining the strength of evidence of the medical article [2]. In a preliminary analysis of the 2006 issues of the journal, we foundthat of these facets the elements of the clinical scenariofor the clinical tasks of diagnosis and therapy are well illustrated. Two image modalities that provide valuable additional information to a clinician without requiringa significant cognitive effort are photographs and radiological images.Table 1. Image modality categories (NN – numberof images in a given category)Category Definition NN Chart/GraphA geometric diagram consistingof dots, lines, and bars.108Drawing A hand drawn illustration 70Flowchart A symbolic representation ofsequence of activities.6Form A compilation of textual dataand/or drawings related topatient and/or clinical process.10Histology An image of cells and tissue onthe microscopic level.134 Photograph Picture obtained from a camera 252 Radiology A 2D view of an internal organor structure (includes X-ray,CT, PET, MRI, ultrasound)101Table Data arranged in a grid 47Mixed Imagescombiningmodalities(e.g., drawings over an x-ray)15It was not clear a priori if determining the clinicalutility of an image requires the image modality to be known. Therefore, we developed two annotation schemes: 1) by image modality, and 2) by evidence-based utility. To create a reference standard set we manually annotated all extracted images with categories from both schemes Table 1 presents the firstscheme that takes into consideration attempts to reconcile previously identified categories of figures in scientific documents [8,9,12,13].Table 2 presents the evidence-based utility classification of images. Both tables present the number of images in the reference standard set assigned strictly to a given category. At present, we classify all modality categories except for Photograph and Radiology images as Other in terms of their evidence-based utility. In future work we plan to classify other modalities to a higher degree of granularity.We noticed that figures containing tables can be easily identified using captions (e.g., “Table 1…”). Therefore tables were not used in the annotation experiments. We also disregarded flowcharts because there were few such figures in our sample. For the same reason we did not use 15 images with various mixed modality annotations and 10 images presenting multiple utility categories. Thus 675 of 743 extracted images were selected for the modality and utility annotation experiments.Table 2. Image utility for Evidence-Based PracticeCategory Definition NNDiagnostic (Dx) Image presenting distinctcharacteristics of a disorder(Supports diagnostic task;presents patient/problem)145Instrument/ Artifact (Ix) Image of medical instrument,device, or an artificial substitutefor a missing body part(Supports diagnostic andtherapy tasks; presentsintervention)39 Procedural (Px) Image presenting details and/orsteps of a clinical intervention(Supports diagnostic and therapy tasks; presentsintervention)68Result, Evidence (Ex) Image presenting the results ofintervention or a disease (Presents outcome)81Mixed (Mx) Image presenting several utilitycategories (e.g., a result of an intervention and an instrument)15Other (Ox) (excluding tables and flowcharts) Images not directly pertainingto a clinical situation, e.g.,portraits, computer graphics, ora result of gel electrophoresis.3423.2 Text Pre-processingThe HTML formatting of the articles in the journalis relatively uniform and well-structured, whichallowed use of regular expressions to extract figure captions and the lines of text surrounding each discussion of a figure in a paragraph. Additional patterns were developed to identify parts of captions corresponding to panels of the multi-panel images described above. For example, references to image panels (A) and (B) are extracted from the caption: “Figure 1. (A) Intraoral view before … (B) Intraoral view two years postoperatively …” In case of an error in panel identification, the extracted caption and paragraph text was duplicated for each panel.3.3 Image Pre-processingImages in the articles were in one of two formats: GIF and JPEG. The variations in image file format, figure file naming convention, and number of color channels in the image required manual extraction and renaming of the image files. Additionally, there were several multi-panel images that were referred through subfigure labels in the captions, but were stored as asingle image file in the electronic article. These images required manual cropping and labeling. The file format and color channel problem were addressed through automatic image normalization techniques applied before computing image features for automatic image annotation. These preprocessing steps yielded a set of single-paneled images each accompanied by the automatically extracted caption and text paragraphs. The images are uniquely identified by a name that encodes information about the source article, figure number and, if applicable, panel/subfigure reference. As future work, we plan to automate extraction and labeling from analysis of HTML text, and cropping of sub-images from a multi-panel image. 3.4 Automatic Image Annotation Image and textual data obtained above were explored using YALE 4, a freely available open source machine learning environment. We used its Word Vector Tool plugin to represent the extracted text as feature vectors needed for machine learning. In addition, we experimented with replacing extracted text with preferred names of the UMLS concepts identified in the text using MetaMap [14]. The image feature vectors were obtained using methods developed in MATLAB 5. As a preliminary 4 5approach, texture and color features were computed on the entire image without applying any image segmentation techniques. Texture features were computed as a 3-level discrete 2-D Daubechies’ wavelet transform [15]. Though several color features were evaluated, the four most dominant colors and their extent computed in the perceptually uniform CIE LUV color space [16] proved most effective.Preliminary experiments confirmed that, as for many other text and image multi-class classification problems, SVM type 16 with radial basis function (RBF) kernel, cost parameter C=1,000, and the RBF width parameter γ = 0.01 performed well for both our annotation tasks [17]. The libSVMLearner with these settings was used to conduct evaluations using the following features and their combinations: 1) captions;2) text surrounding figure discussions; 3) UMLS concepts; 4) image data; 5) captions + discussions; 6) captions + Image dataTable 3. Image annotation accuracy (in %). (Image-t refers to the texture measure and Image-d to dominant colors.)Clinical UtilityFeatures Modality direct photo x-ray Individual featuresCaption 84.3 ±2.6 75.6 ±5.4 72.5 ±16.3 71.4 ±10.1 Discussion 77.4 ±6.8 67.1 ±4.3 53.7 ± 8.1 76.3 ± 7.6 UMLS 79.6 ±5.3 70.4 ±2.7 55.3 ± 8.3 64.0 ±9.1 Image-t 79.4 ±3.1 69.3 ±2.5 46.7 ± 7.9 64.0 ±10.2 Image-d 67.3 ±5.1 63.6 ±3.0 34.3 ± 5.0 63.0 ± 9.0 Combined features:C=caption, D = discussion, I = image (texture + color)I 80.6 ±3.5 70.7 ±4.0 45.0 ±10.1 63.0 ± 6.4C +D 82.8 ±4.3 76.4 ±3.9 63.3 ± 8.7 78.2 ± 9.9C + I 84.0 ±3.6 76.6 ±4.2 65.4 ± 4.6 70.0 ± 8.9For fusion of textual and image data, features were combined by joining data sets generated for individual feature sources. These evaluations were conducted for modality and utility annotation. Clinical utility annotation was tested under two conditions: 1) within a single modality for photos and radiology images and 2) on the whole dataset directly for utility, disregarding the modality. To avoid propagating automatic modality annotation errors, we established an upper bound for utility classification within a single modality by using the manually assigned modality classes. We evaluated the accuracy (relative number of correctly classified images) of automatic image annotation using YALE 10-fold cross validation procedure.6 /textbook/stsvm.html Table 4. Confusion Matrix for utility classification based on joint caption and image data (C+I) compared to captions alone (C). (Number of correctly identified images are shown in bold.)True(Total)Feature Dx Px Ex Ix Ox+MxC+I 101 9 23 15 15Dx (145)C 104 6 28 2 6C+I 540 8 9 2 Px (68)C 238 9 8 1C+I 16542 1 3 Ex (81)C 5232 0 1C+I 116 0Ix (39)C 19 2C+I 221478322Ox + Mx(357) C 33 22 12 20 3324. ResultsThe accuracy of modality annotation based on captions and image data (combined texture and color features) is comparable to results reported in the literature [8,12]. Our utility annotation results are less accurate than modality annotation, but still quite encouraging. Table 3 presents annotation results for all our experiments.The results of combining captions and image data for modality and utility classification do not differ much from the results based on captions alone. Significance tests will be conducted upon completionof tests on a larger collection spanning multiple journal types and years. Most misclassifications occurred for results classified as diagnostic procedures (See Table 4.) Adding image features to captions reduced the number of misclassifications into the Other category, but significantly increased the number of images in the Other category categorized as Diagnostic. Image features increased correct classification into Procedural and Results categories.5. DiscussionOverall the results of automatic image annotationby their evidence-based utility are very encouraging and consistent with the state-of-the-art in text and image classification. While it may seem that the gains are insignificant, if any, in combing text and image modality, an improvement can be seen in applying the proposed technique for direct clinical utility in supportof EBP.There were several unexpected findings in this study. The first being a wide range of image modalitiesand content in this highly specialized journal (such as drawings of leeches in a historical article, or a photograph of electrophoresis of products of polymerase chain reaction for analysis of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement. Another somewhat surprising finding is the fact that knowing an image modality does not help in determining its clinical utility. Exceptions to this might be histology images which can be identified with high accuracy through texture measures, and charts and graph images by virtue of their color distribution which tends to use few and usually uniform colors.Another unexpected result is the slight deterioration of classification results when the figure discussions in article text are included with figure captions. One explanation for this phenomenon might be that although the discussions provide more details about a given procedure or result, the utility of an image is more precisely defined in the caption. For example, given a caption “A non-ulcerated soft-tissue swelling in the left lower lip” one might assume that the image has diagnostic utility, which is correct. Given the discussion text for the same figure, “He had a 1cm slightly bluish, soft-to-firm, non-tender circumscribed swelling on the left side of the lower lip. We diagnoseda mucocele and excised the lesion under local anaesthesia”, however, it is hard to guess whether the image is diagnostic, or that of the results of the excision. The fairly large misclassification of the Results as Diagnostic images and conversely could be explained by the fact that the images often present the same patient before and after treatment. We plan to add information about an image position in a sequence to the features for machine learning. This might help in distinguishing between the Diagnostic and the Results images.7. Conclusions and Future WorkAlthough our findings are sufficient for establishing feasibility of image annotation by clinical utility, there are limitations to our study. As we studied images from only one journal, our findings need to be confirmed ona variety of clinical journals. The number of images in issues published over two years was sufficient for cross-validation, but the range of modality classes and sparseness of the diagnostic, procedural, and results images did not allow for dividing the collection into training, testing, and validation sets. Our collection needs to be expanded by adding more journals and covering larger time spans for each.This study demonstrates that images presented in clinical journals can be successfully annotated by their usefulness in fining evidence to assist a clinical decision. Using methods that achieve state-of-the-art results (84.3% accuracy) in modality annotation, we achieve 76.6% accuracy in clinical utility annotation.The feasibility of automatic image classification with respect to its utility in finding clinical decision support demonstrated in this study provides several venues for further exploration. We plan to study the influence of augmenting bibliographic references retrieved from a database search with images; new ways of organizing and presenting retrieval results using annotated images; and further improvement in the automatic single and multi-panel image extraction, annotation, and complementary text extraction.AcknowledgmentThis research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM), and Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communication (LHNCBC).References1. D. Demner-Fushman, S. Hauser, G. Thoma. The role oftitle, metadata and abstract in identifying clinicallyrelevant journal articles. AMIA Annu Symp Proc;2005:191-5.2. D. Demner-Fushman, J. Lin. Answering clinicalquestions with knowledge-based and statisticaltechniques. Computational Linguistics. 2007;33(1):63-104.3.S. Capodiferro, G. Favia, M. Scivetti, G. De Frenza, R.Grassi. Clinical management and microscopiccharacterisation of fatigue-induced failure of a dentalimplant. Case report. Head Face Med. 2006 Jun 22;2:18.4.H. Müller, H. Michoux, D. Bandon, A. Geissbuhler. Areview of content-based image retrieval systems inmedicine - clinical benefits and future directions.International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2004;73:1-23.5.T.M. Lehmann, M.O. Güld, C. Thies, B. Plodowski, D.Keysers, B. Ott, H. Schubert. IRMA – Content-basedimage retrieval in medical applications. MEDINFO2004:842-8.6.S. Antani, L.R. Long, G. Thoma. Content-based imageretrieval for large biomedical image archives MEDINFO 2004:829-337.W.R. Hersh, H. Muller, J.R. Jensen, J. Yang, P.N.Gorman, P. Ruch. Advancing biomedical imageretrieval: development and analysis of a test collection. JAm Med Inform Assoc. 2006 Sep-Oct;13(5):488-96.8.H. Müller, T. Deselaers, T.M. Lehmann, P. Clough, E.Kim, W.R. Hersh. Overview of the ImageCLEFmed2006 medical retrieval and annotation tasks. WorkingNotes for the CLEF Workshop. 2006 20-22 Sep.Alicante, Spain.9.H. Shatkay, N. Chen, D. Blostein. Integrating imagedata into biomedical text categorization. Bioinformatics.2006 Jul 15;22(14):e446-53.10.T.M. Deserno, S. Antani, L.R. Long. Exploring accessto literature using content-based image retrieval. SPIEMedical Imaging 2007. vol. 6516.11. A. Christiansen, D.-J. Lee, Y. Chang. Finding relevantPDF medical journal articles by the content of theirfigures. SPIE Medical Imaging 2007. Vol. 651612. B. Rafkind, M. Lee, S.F. Chang, H. Yu. Exploring textand image features to classify images in bioscienceliterature. Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL BioNLPWorkshop on Linking Natural Language and Biology.2006 Jun:73-80.13.X. Lu, P. Mitra, J.Z. Wang, C.L. Giles. Automaticcategorization of figures in scientific documents.Proceedings of the Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 2006 Jun:129-138.14. A.R. Aronson. 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List of BV publications on Hydro-2009

List of BV publications on Hydro-2009

Selected list of BV publications in Hydrodynamics(Updated on October 2009)YEAR 20091. Efficient computations of second-order low-frequency wave load. By XB Chen and F.Rezende, OMAE2009-79522, June 2009, Honolulu (USA).2. Wave kinematics and seakeeping calculation with varying bathymetry.By G de-Hauteclocque, Y Giorgiutti, F Rezende and XB Chen, OMAE2009-79522, June 2009, Honolulu (USA).3. Transfer of non-linear seakeeping loads to FEM model using quasi-static approach.By J Tuitman, FX Sireta, S Malenica and T Bosman, ISOPE 2009, July 2009, Osaka (Japan).4. Application of the seakeeping / sloshing couplong of the LNG terminals.By NMoirod, E Baudin, J Henry, L Diebold and M Zalar, ISOPE 2009, July 2009, Osaka (Japan).5. Combined semi-analytical and finite element approach for hydro structureinteractions during sloshing impacts – “Sloshel Project”. By S Malenica, A Korobkin,I Ten, T Gazzola, Z Mravak, J De-Lauzon and YM Scolan, ISOPE 2009, July 2009, Osaka(Japan).6. Fluid structure interactions occurring at a flexible vertical wall impacted by abreaking wave.By O Kimmoun, S Malenica and YM Scolan, ISOPE 2009, July 2009, Osaka (Japan).7. Interaction of elastic structure with non-uniformly aerated fluid. By I Ten and AKorobkin, IWWWFB 2009, April 2009, Zelenogorsk (Russia).8. Time-harmonic ship waves with the effect of surface tension and fluid viscosity. ByXB Chen and DQ Lu, IWWWFB 2009, April 2009, Zelenogorsk (Russia).9. Some aspects of hydroelastic restoring for elastic bodies. By S Malenica, B Molin, JTuitman, F Bigot and I Senjanovic, IWWWFB 2009, April 2009, Zelenogorsk (Russia).YEAR 200810. Computations of low-frequency wave loading. By XB Chen and F. Rezende, IWWWFB2008, April 2008, Jeju Island (Korea).11. Some aspects of hydroelastic response of container ships.By J Tuitman and S.Malenica, IWWWFB 2008, April 2008, Jeju Island (Korea).12. Three-dimensional hydro-elastic Wagner impact using variational inequalities. By TGazzola and J. De Lauzon, IWWWFB 2008, April 2008, Jeju Island (Korea).13. Simulation of second-order roll motions of a FPSO.By F. Rezende, XB Chen andM.D. Ferreira, OMAE2008-57405, June 2008. Estoril (Portugal).14. Second-order wave loads on a LNG carrier in multi-directional waves. By M Renaud,F Rezende, O Waals, XB Chen and R Dijk, OMAE2008-57409, June 2008, Estoril(Portugal).15. Diffraction and radiation with the effect of bathymetric variations. By G DeHauteclocque, F Rezende and XB Chen, ICHD 2008, October 2008, Nantes (France).Pp417-24.16. Second-order wave loads on a LNG carrier in multi-directional irregular waves. By MRenaud, F Rezende, XB Chen and CJ Parigi, ICHD 2008, October 2008, Nantes (France).pp373-80.17. Three-dimensional hydro-elastic Wagner impact using variational inequalities. By TGazzola and J De Lauzon, ICHD 2008, October 2008, Nantes (France). pp453-60.18. Some aspects of 3D hydroelastic models of pringing. By S Malenica, JT Tuitman, FBigot and FX Sireta, ICHD 2008, October 2008, Nantes (France). pp529-38.19. Advanced computations of mooring systems. By C Brun, D Coache and F Rezende,ICHD 2008, October 2008, Nantes (France). pp583-90.YEAR 200720. Advanced hydrodynamic analysis of LNG terminals.By X.B. Chen, F. Rezende, S.Malenica and J-R. Fournier, PRADS 2007, October 2007. Houston (USA).21. O(∆ω) approximation of low-frequency QTF. By X.B. Chen and W.Y. Duan, IWSH2007, September 2007, ZhengJiang (China).22. Second-order loads on LNG terminals in multi-directional sea of finite water depth.By F. Rezende, X.B. Chen and X. Li, OMAE 2007, June 2007, San Diego (USA).23. Tank side-wall effect evaluated by using multi-body interaction computation. ByW.Y. Duan, H. Shareen and X.B. Chen and X. Li, OMAE 2007, June 2007, San Diego (USA).24. Sloshing effects accounting for dynamic coupling between vessel and tank liquidmotion. By M. Zalar, L. Diebold, E. Baudin, J. Henry and X.B. Chen, OMAE 2007, June 2007, San Diego (USA).25. Second-order roll motions for FPSOs operating in severe environmental conditions.By F. Rezende, X.B. Chen and M.D. Ferreira, OTC 2007, May 2007. Houston (USA). 26. Formulation of low-frequency QTF by O(∆ω) approximation. By X.B. Chen and W.Y.Duan, 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, April 2007.Plitvice (Croatia).27. Some aspects of direct calculation methods for the assessment of LNG tankstructure under sloshing impacts. By M. Zalar, S. Malenica, Z. Mravak and N. Moirod, LNG15 Conference, April 2007. Barcelona (Spain).28. Hydro structure interactions in seakeeping. By Malenica S., International Workshop oncoupled methods in numerical dynamics., May 2007. Dubrovnik (Croatia).29. Some aspects of slamming calculations in seakeeping.By Malenica S. & KorobkinA.A. 9th Int. Conf. on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics., 2007, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA).30. Steep wave impact onto elastic wall.By Korobkin A.A. & Malenica S. InternationalWorkshop on coupled methods in numerical dynamics., May 2007. Dubrovnik (Croatia). 31. Unsteady waves due to an impulsive Oseenlet beneath the capillary surface of aviscous fluid. By D.Q. Lu and X.B. Chen, Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2007.32. Steady ship waves due to a simple source in a viscous fluid. By D.Q. Lu, X.B. Chenand A. Chwang. Fifth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, August 2007, Shanghai (China).33. Some aspects of hydroelastic issues in the design of ultra large container-ships. ByS. Malenica, I. Senjanovic, S. Tomasevic and E. Stumpf. 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, April 2007. Plitvice (Croatia).34. A shape optimisation technique for the Wagner problem.By T. Gazzola. 22ndInternational Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, April 2007. Plitvice (Croatia).35. Study of the Neumann-Kelvin problem for one hemisphere. By L. Diebold. 22ndInternational Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, April 2007. Plitvice (Croatia).YEAR 200636. Selected hydrodynamic issues in design of large LNG Carriers. By M. Zalar, S.Malenica and L. Diebold. RINA ICSOT Conference. September 2006. Busan (Korea). 37. Middle-field formulation for the computation of wave-drift loads.By X.B. Chen,Journal of Engineering Mathematics, October 2006.38. The set-down in the second-order Stokes’ waves.By X.B. Chen, 7th Intl Conf onHydroDynamics, Ischia (Italy), October 2006.39. Parametric roll – Validation of a numerical model.By S. Malenica, X.B. Chen, J.M.Orozco and J.Z. Xia. 7th Intl Conf on HydroDynamics, Ischia (Italy), October 2006.40. Hydroelastic impacts in the tanks of LNG Carriers.By S. Malenica, A.A. Korobkin,Y.M. Scolan, R. Gueret, V. Delafosse, T. Gazzola, Z. Mravok, X.B. Chen and M. Zalar, 4th Intl Conf on Hydroelasticity, Wuxi (China), September 2006.41. Hydrodynamic interaction for large multiple submerged bodies in shallow water. ByH. Shaheen, W.Y. Duan and X.B. Chen, ISOPE Pacoms-2006, Dalian (China), September2006.42. Gravity waves with effect of surface tension and fluid viscosity. By X.B. Chen, W.Y.Duan and D.Q. Lu, Conf. of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai (China), July 2006.43. Some aspects of Hydro-structure interfacing in seakeeping.By S. Malenica, E.Stumpf, V. Delafosse and X.B. Chen, 16th ISOPE, San Francisco (USA), May 2006.44. Hydrodynamics of two side-by-side vessels: experiments and numericalsimulations.By J.R. Fournier, M. Naciri and X.B. Chen, 16th ISOPE, San Francisco (USA), May 2006.45. Hydrodynamic analysis of offshore LNG terminals.By X.B. Chen, 1st Intl Symp. OnDeepwater Offshore Techn? Harbin (China), April 2006.46. Potential flow below the capillary surface of a viscous flow. By X.B. Chen, D.Q. Lu,W.Y. Duan and A.T. Chwang, 21st IWWWFB, Loughborough (UK), April 2006.YEAR 200547. Wave component of free-surface Green function. By X.B. Chen, ICCES’05, Chennai,December 2005.48. Some aspects of multibody interactions in seakeeping. By S. Malenica, J.M. Orozco &X.B. Chen, 15th ISOPE Conf., Seoul (Korea) 2005.49. Evaluation of wave and current loads on Offloading FPSO’s.By X.B. Chen, J.M.Orozco & S. Malenica, OTC Paper 17180. Houston (USA) 2005.50. Accurate computation of second-order low-frequency loads.By X.B. Chen, W.Y.Duan & Y.S. Dai. 7th National Congress on Hydrodynamics & 19th National Conference on Hydrodynamics. Harbin, August 2005.51. Hydrodynamic analysis for offshore LNG terminals. By X.B. Chen, 2nd Intl Workshopon Applied Offshore Hydrodynamics, Rio de Janeiro, April 2005.52. Computation of low-frequency loads by the middle-field formulation.By Y.S. Dai,X.B. Chen & W.Y. Duan, 20th IWWWFB, Longyearbyen, May 2005.53. Three-dimensional Wagner problem using variational inequalities. By T. Gazzola, A.Korobkin, S. Malenica & Y.M. Scolan, 20th IWWWFB, Longyearbyen, May 2005.54. Interaction hydrodynamique d’un ensemble de flotteurs sur la surface libre – unenouvelle méthode de singularités.By X.B. Chen & S. Malenica, 10e Journées d’Hydrodynamique, Nantes, March 2005.YEAR 200455. Hydrodynamics in Offshore and Naval Applications – Part I. By X.B. Chen, Keynotelecture at the 6th Intl Conf HydroDynamics, (Perth), November, 2004.56. Analytical features of unsteady ship waves.By X.B. Chen, The Theodore Y-T WuSymposium on Engineering Mechanics, World Scientific Pub. Co., October 2004.57. Hydroelastic coupling of beam finite element model with Wagner theory of waterimpact.By A.A. Korobkin, R. Gueret & S. Malenica, 8th Int. Conf. On flow induced vibrations, Paris (France), September 2004.58. Linear and nonlinear effects of sloshing on ship motions. Presented by S. Malenica,M. Zalar, J.M. Orozco, B. Le Gallo & X.B. Chen, OMAE’2004 conference, Vancouver, June 2004.YEAR 200359. Time domain hydrodynamic simulations using the frequency domain data.S.Malenica & J.M. Orozco, 4th ICCSM, Bizovac (Croatia) 2003.60. Air cushion under floating offshore platform.By R. Gueret S. Malenica & A.J.Hermans, 3rd Int. Conf. On Hydroelasticity, Oxford (UK) 2003.61. Numerical and experimental investigation to evaluate wave-induced design loadsfor fast ships.By T.E. Schellin, Ch. Beiersdorf, X-B. Chen, N. Fonseca, C. Guedes Soares, A.M. Loureiro, A. Papanikolaou, A.P. Lucas, J.M. Ponce Gomez, SNAME conference, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 2003.62. Time-domain hydrodynamic simulations using the frequency domain data. By S.MALENICA, 4th ICCSM, CROATIA 18-20 September 200363. Hydroelastic response of a barge to impulsive and non-impulsive wave loads. By S.MALENICA, B. MOLIN, F. REMY & I. SENJANOVIC, 3rd Conference on Hydroelasticity, Oxford, UK 14-17 September 200364. Some aspects of hydrostatic calculations in linear seakeeping. By S. MALENICA,NAV'03, (Palermo, ITALY) 24-27 June 2003.65. Wave-current-floating body interactions in water of finite depth. By S. MALENICA, Q.DERBANNE, M. ZALAR & X.B.CHEN, 13th ISOPE, Honolulu, USA 23-28 May 2003. 66. Dynamic coupling of seakeeping and sloshing. By S. MALENICA, M. ZALAR & X.B.CHEN, 13th ISOPE, Honolulu, USA 23-28 May 2003.67. Capillary-gravity waves due to an impulsive disturbance. By X.B.CHEN & W.Y.DUAN, 18th IWWWFB, Le Croisic, FRANCE 6-9 April 2003.68. A single-integral representation for the Green function of steady ship flow in waterof finite depth. By T. NGUYEN & X.B.CHEN, 18th IWWWFB, Le Croisic, FRANCE 6-9 April 2003.69. Water wave diffraction by vertical circular cylinder in partially frozen sea. By S.MALENICA, A.A. KOROBKIN & GUERET R., 18th IWWWFB, Le Croisic, FRANCE 6-9 April 2003.70. Methode de panneaux quadratiques pour la resolution du probleme de la tenue a lamer avec vitesse d'avance. By X.B.CHEN, L.DIEBOLD, M. GUILBAUD & Y.DOUTRELEAU, 9èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, FRANCE 10-12 March 2003.71. Reponse a la houle d'une barge elastique. By S. MALENICA, B. MOLIN, F. REMY & I.SENJANOVIC, 9èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, FRANCE 10-12 March 2003.YEAR 200272. Uniform formulation of free surface potential flow in water of finite depth. ByX.B.CHEN, 5th ICHD, Tainan, TAINAN 30 October - 02 November 2002.73. Role of surface tension in modelling ship waves.By X.B.CHEN, 17th IWWWFB,Cambridge, UK 14-17 April 2002.74. Second order internal loads on floating bodies. By S.MALENICA & Z.MRAVAK, 17thIWWWFB, Cambridge, UK 14-17 April 2002.75. Comparative frequency domain seakeeping analysis of a fast monohull in regularhead waves. By T.SHELLIN, CH.BEIERSDORF, X.B.CHEN, A.MARON, OMEA CONFERENCE, (OSLO NORWAY) 23 – 28, June 2002.76. A pratical procedure for the evaluation of the roll motions of FPSO's including thenon potential damping J.M.OROZCO, S.MALENICA, C.V RAPOSO, OTC 2002 Offshore Technology Conference , HOUSTON TEXAS USA 06 - 09 May 2002.77. Approximations of the low-frequency second-order wave loads: Newman versusRainey, B. Molin & X.B. Chen (2002) 17th Intl WWWFB, Cambridge (UK).78. Experimental and theoretical analysis of the wave decay along a long array ofvertical cylinders.Kagemoto H., Murai M., Saito M., Molin B. & Malenica Š. (2002), Journal of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 456, pp. 113-135.79. Review of numerical simulations in offshore hydrodynamics., Malenica S., (2002),Bilten of Croatian Academy of SciencesYEAR 200180. On singular and highly-oscillatory properties of the Green function for shipmotions, X.B. Chen & G.X. Wu (2001), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.445, pp77-91. 81. Steady free-surface flow in water of finite depth,X.B. Chen & R. Zhao (2001), 16thIWWWFB, Hiroshima (Japan).82. Heave radiation of the air cushion supported vertical cylinder, S. Malenica & M. Zalar(2001), 16th IWWWFB, Hiroshima (Japan).YEAR 200083. Pecular properties of ship-motion Green functions in water of finite depth,X.B.Chen (2000), 15th IWWWFB, Caesarea (Israel).84. Ship-motion Green function in finite waterdepth. By X.B.CHEN and T. N’Guyen, 4thICHD, Osaka, 2000.85. Highly oscillatory properties of unsteady ship waves, X.B. Chen (2000) , Proc. Instn MechEngrs. 214, Part C, pp813-823.86. New Green function method to predict wave-induced ship motions and loads, X.B.Chen, L. Diebold & Y. Doutreleau (2000), Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Val-del-Reuil (France).YEAR 199987. Analytical expressions of unsteady ship wave patterns,X.B. Chen & L. Diebold(1999), 14th IWWWFB, Port Huron (USA).88. Line integrals on the free surface in ship-motion problemes,Y. Doutreleau & X.B.Chen (1999), 14th IWWWFB, Port Huron (USA).89. An introductory treatise on ship-motion Green functions,X.B. Chen (1999),Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Nantes (France).90. Nonlinear wave loads and runup on a vertical cylinder, Ferrant P., Malenica Š. &Molin B., (1999), Advances in Fluid Dynamics. WIT press.91. Semi-analytical solution for second order water wave diffraction by an array ofvertical circular cylinders. Malenica Š., Eatock Taylor R. & Huang J.B., (1999), Journal of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 390, pp. 349-373..92. Linear and nonlinear wave loads on FPSOs. F. Blandeau, M. François, Malenica S &Chen XB (1999), International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (IJOPE).YEAR 199893. Super Green functions for generic dispersion waves, X.B. Chen & F. Noblesse (1998),13th IWWWFB, Alphen (The Netherlands).94. Super Green functions,X.B. Chen & F. Noblesse (1998), Proceedings of the 22ndSymposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington D.C. (USA).95. Interaction effects of local steady flows on wave diffraction-radiation at low forwardspeed,X.B. Chen & S. Malenica (1998), International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol.8, No.2.96. On the irregular frequencies appearing in wave diffraction-radiation solutions.Malenica Š. & Chen X.B., (1998), International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering (IJOPE).97. Semi-analytical methods for some linear and non-linear problems of diffraction-radiation by floating bodies. Malenica Š., (1998), 5th WEGEMT Workshop on Non-linear wave action on structures and ships., University of Toulon-Var, France98. Hydroelastic coupling of beam structural model with 3D hydrodynamic model.,Malenica Š., (1998), 2nd Int. Conf. on Hydroelasticity, Fukuoka, Japan.99. Experimental and numerical second order diffracted waves around an array of 4cylinders.Scolan Y.M. & Malenica Š., (1998), 13th WWWFB, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands.100.Experimental and numerical studies of the TLP’s airgap., Scolan Y.M., Malenica Š., Martigny D. & Berhault C., (1998), 18th Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada.YEAR 1997101.Dispersion relation and far-field waves, X.B. Chen & F. Noblesse (1997), Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Carry-Le-Rouet (France), pp31-37.102.Generic super Green functions, F. Noblesse, X.B. Chen & C. Yang (1999), Ship Technology Research, Vol.46, pp81-92.103.Boundary-integral representation of linear free-surface potential flows, F. Noblesse,C. Yang & X.B. Chen (1997), Journal of Ship Research, Vol.42, pp11-16.104.Some results from Numerical and experimental Investigations on the high frequency responses of Offshore structures., Scolan Y.M., Le Boulluec M., Chen X.B., Deleuil G., Ferrant P., Malenica Š & Molin B., (1997), 8th Int. Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures (BOSS), Delft, Netherlands.105.Higher order wave diffraction of water waves by an array of vertical circular cylinders., Malenica Š., (1997), 12th WWWFB, Carry le Rouet, France.106.Some aspects of water wave diffraction radiation at small forward speed., Malenica Š., (1997), Brodogradnja, Vol. 45, pp. 35-43.YEAR 1996107.Offshore Hydrodynamics,X.B. Chen, S. Malenica & F. Petitjean (1996), Bulletin Technique du BUREAU VERITAS, Vol.78, n°1 (April iss ue), pp47-66.108.Uniformly valid solution of the wave-current-body interaction problem, Chen X.B. & Malenica Š., (1996), 11th WWWFB, Hamburg, Germany.YEAR 1995109.Wave and current forces on a vertical cylinder free to surge and sway., Malenica Š, Clark P.J. & Molin B., (1995), Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 17, pp.79-80.110.Third harmonic wave diffraction by a vertical cylinder, Malenica Š. & Molin B., (1995) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 302, pp. 203-229.111.How to remove secularity in the diffraction-radiation problem with small forward speed, Malenica Š., (1995)10th WWWFB, Oxford, UK.112.Numerical evaluation of springing loads on Tension Leg Platforms, X.B. Chen, B.Molin & F. Petitjean (1995), Marine Structures, Vol.8, pp501-524.113.Decomposition of free-surface effects into wave and near-field components, F.Noblesse & X.B. Chen (1995), Ship Technology Research, Vol.42, pp167-185.YEAR 1994114.On the side wall effects upon bodies of arbitrary geometry in wave tanks, X.B. Chen (1994), Applied Ocean Research, Vol.16, pp337-345.115.Approximation on the quadratic transfer function of low-frequency loads, X.B. Chen (1994), Proceedings of the 7th International BOSS Conference, Cambridge (USA), pp289-302.116.Third order triple frequency wave forces on fixed vertical cylinders, Malenica Š & Molin B., (1994), 9th WWWFB, Kyushu, Japan.YEAR 1993117.Evaluation of the Green function for wave diffraction-radiation in water of finite depth - a new accurate and fast method, X.B. Chen (1993), Proc. of the 4th Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, Nantes (France), pp371-384.118.A mixed panel-stick hydrodynamic model applied to fatigue life assessment of semi-submersibles, Leblanc L, Petitjean F, Le Roy F & Chen XB, (1993), Proceedings of OMAE (Glasgow).119.An heuristic approach to wave drift damping,Clark P.J., Malenica Š & Molin B., (1993),Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 15, pp. 53-55.YEAR 1992120. Radial convergence of the second order free surface integral, X.B. Chen (1992), 7th IWWWFB, Val de Reuil (France).121.Longitudinal strength analysis of ship in a floating dock, Senjanovic I & Malenica Š., (1992), Strojarst vo, Vol. 34, pp. 41-48, Zagreb, Croatia.YEAR 1991122.Développement d’une procédure de couplage automatique à l’interface fluid-structure., Malenica Š, (1991), Rapport de l’Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale, Paris, France.puting high-frequency second-order loads on Tension Leg Platforms,X.B.Chen & B. Molin (1991), Journal of French Petrol Institute, Vol.46, No.5, pp581-594. 124.Faster evaluation of resonant exciting loads on Tension Leg Platform, X.B. Chen, B.Molin & F. Petitjean, Proc 8th Intl Symposium on Offshore Engineering, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), September 1991.YEAR 1990125. High frequency interactions between TLP legs,X.B. Chen & B. Molin (1990), 5th IWWWFB, Manchester (UK).YEAR 1989126.Numerical prediction of semi-submersible non-linear motions in irregular waves, X.B. Chen & B. Molin (1989), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Hiroshima (Japan), pp391-402.YEAR 1988127.Etude des réponses du second-ordre d’une structure soumise à une houle aéatoire. By X.B. Chen (1988) Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique, Université de Nantes, pp232.。



Reference number ISO 9117-1:2009(E)© ISO 2009INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9117-1First edition 2009-05-15Paints and varnishes — Drying tests — Part 1:Determination of through-dry state and through-dry timePeintures et vernis — Essais de séchage —Partie 1: Détermination du séchage à cœur et du temps de séchage à cœurCopyright International Organization for Standardization--`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2009All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2009 – All rights reservedCopyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)© ISO 2009 – All rights reservediiiContents PageForeword............................................................................................................................................................iv 1 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................1 2 Normative references...........................................................................................................................1 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms.........................................................................................1 4 Principle.................................................................................................................................................2 5 Apparatus and materials......................................................................................................................2 6 Sampling................................................................................................................................................4 7 Test panels............................................................................................................................................4 7.1 Substrate ...............................................................................................................................................4 7.2 Preparation and coating.......................................................................................................................4 8 Procedure..............................................................................................................................................5 8.1 Preparation of apparatus.....................................................................................................................5 8.2 Drying the test panel ............................................................................................................................5 8.3 Determination of through-dry state ....................................................................................................5 8.4 Determination of through-dry time .....................................................................................................5 8.5 Thickness of coating............................................................................................................................6 9 Precision................................................................................................................................................6 10Test report (6)Bibliography (7)Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 9117-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes , Subcommittee SC 9, General test methods for paints and varnishes , in collaboration with CEN/TC 139, Paints and varnishes . It cancels and replaces ISO 9117:1990, which has been technically revised. The main changes are: a) failure is defined in terms of damage, rather than damage or marking;b) the former Annex A concerning required supplementary information has been integrated in the test report. ISO 9117 consists of the following parts, under the general title Paints and varnishes — Drying tests : ⎯ Part 1: Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time ⎯ Part 2: Pressure test for stackability 1) ⎯ Part 3: Surface-drying test using ballotini 2)1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 4622:1992) 2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 1517:1973)Copyright International Organization for Standardization--`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9117-1:2009(E)© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved1Paints and varnishes — Drying tests —Part 1:Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time1 ScopeThis part of ISO 9117 specifies a test method for determining under standard conditions whether a single coat or a multi-coat system of paint, varnish or related material has reached the through-dry state after a specified drying period.NOTEThe test procedure may also be used to determine the time taken to achieve that state.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 48, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD)ISO 1513, Paints and varnishes — Preparation of test samples ISO 1514, Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film thicknessISO 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes — Sampling3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated termsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply. 3.1IRHD scaleinternational rubber hardness degree scale3.2through-dry statecondition of a film in which it is dry throughout its thicknessNOTE 1 The through-dry state should not be confused with the condition in which the surface of the film is dry but the bulk of the coating is still mobile.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)2© ISO 2009 – All rights reservedNOTE 2 For the purposes of this part of ISO 9117, a single coating or a multi-coat system of paint or varnish or related material is considered to be through-dry when a specified gauze under specified pressure, torsion and time does not damage the film.3.3through-dry timeperiod of time between the application of a coat to a prepared test panel and the achievement of the through-dry state, as determined by the specified test procedure4 PrincipleA coat of paint or varnish of agreed thickness is applied to a substrate and is allowed to dry under specified conditions. The completeness of drying throughout the coat is determined by examination of the surface of the coat after the application of a load, applied over a given area of the surface, and subsequent rotation of the load-applying face through 90°.5 Apparatus and materialsOrdinary laboratory apparatus and glassware together with the following:5.1 Baseplate and plunger assembly (see Figure 1 and Figure 2), consisting essentially of a baseplate and a free-sliding plunger. The plunger head shall have a diameter of at least 25 mm. It shall be designed in such a way that the underside of the head can align itself with the upper surface of the test panel.NOTE 1 If the mass of the plunger is not greater than 250 g, the apparatus described in ISO 4622 [1] is suitable for thetest.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved3Key1 weights2 plunger3 ball joint4 plunger head5 baseplateFigure 1 — Baseplate and plunger assemblyA rubber disc (5.2) shall be attached to the centre of the underside of the plunger head using tape coated on both sides with adhesive. There shall be a device to firmly clamp a gauze (5.3) to the test face, and the plunger head shall be able to be rotated through 90°.NOTE 2 It is recommended that a ball-joint connection be present between the plunger and its head and that, for reasons of economy, the plunger specified in ISO 4622 be used.5.2 Flat rubber disc , of diameter (22 ± 1) mm, thickness (5 ± 0,5) mm and hardness (50 ± 5) IRHD (see ISO 48).NOTEFor reasons of economy, it is recommended that the rubber disc specified in ISO 3678 [2] be used.5.3 Gauze , of woven monofilament polyamide, minimum size 100 mm × 100 mm. The gauze thread diameter shall be 0,120 mm and the gauze aperture approximately 0,2 mm. 5.4 Weights , giving a total mass of (1 500 ± 10) g. 5.5 Stopwatch , accurate to 0,1 s.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)4© ISO 2009 – All rights reservedKey1 plunger2 clip3 rod for rotating plunger head4 gauze 5double-faced adhesive tape 6 rubber discFigure 2 — Detail showing assembled plunger head6 SamplingTake a representative sample of the product to be tested (or of each product in the case of a multi-coat system), as described in ISO 15528.Examine and prepare each sample for testing, as described in ISO 1513.7 Test panels7.1 SubstrateSelect as the substrate three test panels (or six if both the through-dry state and the through-dry time are to be determined) of a type described in ISO 1514, where possible ensuring that the substrate is equivalent to the intended application.7.2 Preparation and coatingPrepare the test panels (see 7.1) in accordance with ISO 1514 and then coat them with the product or system under test by the specified method to the thickness specified for the dry film.The coating method and dry film thickness shall be as specified by the manufacturer, or agreed between interested parties, and included in the test report [see Clause 10, items c) 2) and c) 3)].Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved58 Procedure8.1 Preparation of apparatusClamp the gauze (5.3) over the rubber disc (5.2) under the plunger head (see Figure 2), taking care to ensure that the exposed surface of the gauze is free from creases. Take a fresh piece of gauze for each test.8.2 Drying the test panelDry (or stove) and age, if applicable, each coated test panel in a horizontal position with free circulation of air, but shielded from draughts and direct sunlight, for the specified time under the specified conditions.The drying (or stoving) and aging time and conditions shall be as specified by the manufacturer, or agreed between the interested parties, and included in the test report [see Clause 10, items c) 4) and c) 5)].8.3 Determination of through-dry state8.3.1On completion of the specified drying time (see 8.2), place a test panel on the baseplate.8.3.2 Place the weights (5.4) on the top of the plunger. Gently lower the plunger so that the gauze is in contact with the test panel. Start the stopwatch (5.5) and allow the plunger to remain in this position for (10 ± 1) s.8.3.3 At the end of this period, turn the plunger head through an angle of 90° over a period of about 2 s. Immediately raise the plunger, remove the test panel and examine the coat in the test area using the naked eye. 8.3.4Repeat the procedure in 8.3.1 to 8.3.3 on two additional coated panels.8.3.5 If no damage is observed on any of the three test surfaces, report the result as “through-dry state achieved”. If damage is observed on one or more of the three test surfaces, report the result as “through-dry state not achieved”.Some coatings do not reach a point where they are totally unaffected by the test (i.e. a point where no mark, for instance, is left on the surface by the gauze), even when they have reached a functionally acceptable state of drying or cure. In such cases, the time when the coating reaches the stage at which the action carried out in the test does not cause deterioration of the coating to an extent where it could not perform its ultimate function shall be quoted.For some coatings, e.g. those which are applied to protect the substrate rather than for cosmetic reasons, marking of the surface would not constitute an inability of the coating to perform its function. For highly pigmented coatings, the action of the gauze can cause polishing of the surface, leaving marks which might not be detrimental to the coating’s ultimate function. In such cases, all observations shall be recorded in the test report.Take care to avoid confusion between cohesive failure within the coat (a failure under this test) and failure of the coat to adhere to the substrate (not a failure under this test).8.4 Determination of through-dry time8.4.1On completion of the specified drying time (see 8.2), place a test panel on the baseplate.8.4.2 At appropriate intervals, carry out the test described in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3. Examine the coating in the test area for damage. Stop the test when no damage occurs to the coat (see 8.3.5). 8.4.3 Repeat t he procedure in 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 on two additional coated panels.8.4.4Report the longest time taken in the three tests for the coat to reach the through-dry state.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)6© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved8.5 Thickness of coatingDetermine the thickness, in micrometres, of the coat in the through-dry state by one of the procedures specified in ISO 2808, using an untested area of the coated panel.9 PrecisionNo precision data are currently available.10 Test reportThe test report shall contain at least the following information: a) all information necessary for identification of the product tested; b) a reference to this part of ISO 9117 (ISO 9117-1:2009); c) details of the preparation of the test panels, including:1) the substrate material and the surface preparation of the substrate (see 7.1 and 7.2), 2) the method of application of the test coating to the substrate (see 7.2),3) the thickness, in micrometres, of the dry coating and the method of measurement from ISO 2808(see 8.5), and whether it is a single coating or a multi-coat system, 4) when assessing the through-dry state, the duration and conditions of drying (or stoving) the coat andthe conditions of ageing, if applicable, before testing (see 8.3), 5) when determining the through-dry time, the conditions of drying (or stoving) the coat and theconditions of ageing, if applicable, before testing, and the intervals between tests (see 8.4); d) the results of the test as specified in Clause 8, including:1) whether the coat achieved the through-dry state or not, and/or2) the through-dry time,3) all observations (see 8.3.5, third paragraph); e) any deviations from the procedure specified; f)any unusual features (anomalies) observed during the test;g) the date of the test.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E) © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 7Bibliography[1] ISO 4622, Paints and varnishes — Pressure test for stackability 3)[2] ISO 3678, Paints and varnishes — Print-free test3) Under revision. The revision will be published as ISO 9117-2.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 10/24/2009 22:07:36 MDT No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS --`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9117-1:2009(E)--`,,`,,``,```,,`,``,,````,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ICS 87.040Price based on 7 pages© ISO 2009 – All rights reservedCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale, 10/24/2009 22:07:36 MDT。

NOFO standard 2009 eng 10.09.10

NOFO standard 2009 eng 10.09.10

10 10 10 10 11 11
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
Log Pilothouse – cable duct Detection of oil on the sea Infrared camera Securing against falling overboard Lighting on deck Alarms afterdeck
Electric power suppir supply 3.2.1 Air for power tools 3.2.2 Air supply to boom 3.3 Steam and water supply 3.3.1 Water outlet 3.3.2 Hydro jet 3.3.3 Steam outlet
Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO)
Date: April 2009
Requirements for oil recovery vessels on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8
2.1 Tanks 2.1.1 ORO Tanks 2.1.2 Fuel tanks are for the vessel’s operation 2.1.3 Freshwater tanks 2.1.4 ORO tank heating 2.1.5 ORO tank ventilation 2.1.6 ORO tank access and inspection 2.2 Discharge and loading system 2.2.1 System presentation in ORO mode 2.2.2 Discharge system / circulation of tank volume 2.2.3 Discharge capacity 2.2.4 Choice of pumps 2.2.5 Discharge / loading manifold on deck 2.2.6 Valves 2.2.7 Filter system (drawing no. 007) 2.3 Deck layout (drawing no. 001 – 002) 2.3.1 Transverse rail astern (drawing no. 004) 2.3.2 Oil recovery equipment anchoring points 2.3.3 Positioning the skimmer 2.3.4 Response time requirement 2.4 Towing boom system (drawing no. 001) 2.4.1 Anchoring point for the towing boom 2.4.2 Towropes abeam 2.5 Cabin capacity

Alatas2009Chaos embedded particle swarm optimization algorithms

Alatas2009Chaos embedded particle swarm optimization algorithms

Chaos embedded particle swarm optimization algorithmsBilal Alatas *,Erhan Akin,A.Bedri OzerFirat University,Department of Computer Engineering,23119Elazig,TurkeyAccepted 17September 2007Communicated by Prof.L.Marek-CrnjacAbstractThis paper proposes new particle swarm optimization (PSO)methods that use chaotic maps for parameter adaptation.This has been done by using of chaotic number generators each time a random number is needed by the classical PSO algorithm.Twelve chaos-embedded PSO methods have been proposed and eight chaotic maps have been analyzed in the benchmark functions.It has been detected that coupling emergent results in different areas,like those of PSO and complex dynamics,can improve the quality of results in some optimization problems.It has been also shown that,some of the proposed methods have somewhat increased the solution quality,that is in some cases they improved the global searching capability by escaping the local solutions.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionParticle swarm optimization (PSO)is a biologically inspired computational search and optimization method developed in 1995by Eberhart and Kennedy based on the social behaviors of birds flocking or fish schooling [1].PSO is a simple stochastic search method and requires little memory.It is computationally effective and easier to implement when compared with other mathematical algorithms and evolutionary algorithms (EAs).It has also fast con-verging characteristics and more global searching ability at the beginning of the run and a local searching near the end of the run.However,it has sometimes a slow fine-tuning ability of the solution quality [2].While solving problems with more local optima,it is more likely that PSO algorithm will explore local optima at the end of the run.Several researches were carried out so far to analyze the performance of the PSO with different and modified settings.The convergence properties of PSO are strongly related to its stochastic nature and PSO uses random sequence for its parameters during a run.In particular,it can be shown that when different random sequences are used during the PSO search,the final results may effectively be very close but not equal.Different numbers of iterations may also be required to reach the same optimal values.However,there are no analytical results that guarantee an improvement of the performance indexes of PSO algorithms depending on the modified setting and choice of a particular generator as in EAs [3].0960-0779/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2007.09.063*Corresponding author.E-mail (B.Alatas), (E.Akin), (A.B.Ozer).Available online at Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 40(2009)1715–1734/locate/chaos1716 B.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–1734Chaos is a bounded unstable dynamic behavior that exhibits sensitive dependence on initial conditions and includes infinite unstable periodic motions in nonlinear systems.Although it appears to be stochastic,it occurs in a deterministic nonlinear system under deterministic conditions[4].Many chaotic maps in the literature possess certainty,ergodicity and the stochastic property.Recently,chaotic sequences have been adopted instead of random sequences and very interesting and somewhat good results have been shown in many applications such as secure transmission,telecommunication,and cryptography[5,6];nonlinear circuits [7],DNA computing[8],and image processing[9].They have been used to improve the performance of EAs[3,10].They have also been used together with some heuristic optimization algorithms[11]to express optimization variables.The choice of chaotic sequences is justified theoretically by their unpredictability,i.e.,by their spread-spectrum character-istic,non-periodic,complex temporal behavior,and ergodic properties.In this paper,sequences generated from different chaotic systems substitute random numbers for different parame-ters of PSO where it is necessary to make a random-based choice.For this purpose,twelve different PSO methods that use chaotic maps as efficient alternatives to pseudorandom sequences have been proposed.By this way,it is intended to enhance the global convergence and to prevent to stick on a local solution.However,in general,it is hard to estimate how good most chaotic random number generator by applying statistical tests are,as they do not follow the uniform distribution.The simulation results show that the application of deterministic chaotic signals instead of random sequences may be a possible strategy to improve the performances of PSO algorithms.The remaining of this paper is organized as follows.Review of PSO is summarized in Section2.Section3offers a short introduction on improvements for PSO.Section4describes the proposed methods,Chaos Embedded Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms,shortly CEPSOAs.Section5describes the benchmark problems used for comparisons of the proposed methods.In Section6,the testing of the proposed methods through benchmark problems are carried out and the simulation results are compared with those obtained via other PSO algorithms that have been reported to have good performance.Finally,the conclusion is drawn based on the comparison analysis reported and presented in Section7.2.Particle swarm optimization algorithmsParticle swarm optimization(PSO)is a new population-based heuristic method discovered through simulation of social models of birdflocking,fish schooling,and swarming tofind optimal solution(s)to the non-linear numeric prob-lems.It wasfirst introduced in1995by social-psychologist Eberhart and electrical engineer Kennedy[1].PSO is an efficient,simple,and effective global optimization algorithm that can solve discontinuous,multimodal, and non-convex problems.In PSO,a swarm consists of N particles moving around in a D-dimensional search space. The position of the i th particle at the t th iteration is used to evaluate the quality of the particle and represents candidate solution(s)for the search or optimization problems.It is represented by x i(t)=(x i1,x i2,...,x iD)and.x i,n(t)2[l n,u n], 16n6N where l n and u n is the lower and upper bound for the n th dimension,respectively.During the search process the particle successively adjusts its position toward the global optimum according to the two factors:the best position encountered by itself(pbest)denoted as p i,j=(p i1,p i2,...,p iD)and the best position encountered by the whole swarm (gbest)denoted as p g=(p g1,p g2,...,p gD).Its velocity at the t th iteration is represented by v i(t)=(v i1,v i2,...,v iD)[12]. The velocity is clamped to a maximum velocity v i max=(v i max1,v i max2,...,v i max D).The velocity and position of the particle at next iteration are calculated according to the following equations:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1r1;jðtÞðpbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞÞþc2r2;jðtÞðgbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞÞð1Þx iðtþ1Þ¼x iðtÞþv iðtþ1Þð2ÞHere,w2[0.8,1.2]is called inertia weight[13]and in the original PSO[1],it was set to1.A larger inertia weight achieves the global exploration and a smaller inertia weight tends to facilitate the local exploration tofine-tune the current search area[14].Therefore the inertia weight w is critical for the PSO’s convergence behavior.A suitable value for the inertia weight usually provides balance between global and local exploration abilities and consequently results in a better opti-mum solution.The parameters c1and c22[0,2]are called acceleration coefficients namely called cognitive and social parameter,respectively.They control how far a particle will move in a single iteration.As default values in[1], c1=c2=2were proposed.Recent work has suggested that it might be better to choose a larger cognitive parameter, c1,but c1+c2=4[15].r1$U(0,1)and r2$U(0,1)and are used to effect the stochastic nature of the algorithm. Usually,the maximum velocity V max is set to be half of the length of the search space.While PSO algorithm searches for optimum values,it is possible for a particle to escape its search space in any of the dimensions.Whenever a lower bound or an upper bound restriction is not satisfied,a repair rule should be applied.A possible appropriate rule may be performed according to Eqs.(3)and(4),respectively:B.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–17341717Fig.2.Pseudo-code of PSO algorithm.x i¼x iþaÂrÂðu nðx iÞÀl nðx iÞÞð3Þx i¼x iÀaÂrÂðu nðx iÞÀl nðx iÞÞð4Þa2[0,1]is user specified parameter and r$U(0,1).The movement of a particle in two-dimension according to Eqs.(1)and(2)has been graphically shown in Fig.1.The pseudo code of the PSO search procedure is given in Fig.2and advancedflow-chart has been shown in Fig.3.3.Improvements on convergence of PSO algorithmThere are a lot of studies for improving the rate of convergence of PSO algorithms.Some of them are about the determination of inertia weight.In thefirst study of Shi et al.,inertia weight was set as constant[13].By setting1718 B.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–1734maximum velocity to be2.0,it was found that PSO with an inertia weight in the range[0.9,1.2]on average has a better performance.In a later work,inertia weight was set to be continuously decreased linearly during run[16,17].It is given in Eq.(5):w ¼ðw 1Àw 2ÞÂðmax iter Àiter Þþw 2ð5ÞHere,w 1and w 2are starting and final values of inertia weight respectively;iter is the current iteration number,and maxiter is allowable maximum iteration number.Normally,the starting value of the inertia weight is set to 0.9and the final to 0.4.They have found a significant improvement in the performance of PSO with the linearly decreasing iner-tia weight (LDIW)over the iterations.Zheng et al.[18,19]studied the effects of using a time-increasing inertia weight function obtaining,in some cases,better results than with the time-decreasing inertia weight variant.Concerning the determination of the value of the inertia weight,Zheng et ed also Eq.(5),except that the values of w 1and w 2were interchanged.Jiao et al.proposed a dynamic inertia weight PSO algorithm which uses the dynamic inertia weight that decreases according to iterative generation increasing [20].Another approach was suggested to use a fuzzy variable to adapt the inertia weight [21].The results reported in this paper showed that the performance of PSO can be significantly improved.However,it is relatively complicated.A larger inertia weight facilitates global exploration that enables the algorithm to search new areas,while a smaller one tends to facilitate local exploitation.Decreased inertia weight is subject to trap the algorithms into the local optima and slows the convergence speed when it is near a minimum.That is why;some researchers have proposed another var-iant in which inertia weight is randomly selected according to a uniform distribution.Zhang et al.[22]finally set the inertia weight as random numbers uniformly distributed in [0,1]while Eberhart and Shi [23]proposed inertia weight that is randomly selected according to a uniform distribution in the range [0.5,1.0].This range was inspired by Clerc and Kennedy’s constriction factor.In these methods,velocities of particles are updated according to Eq.(6)v i ;j ðt þ1Þ¼r 0;1v i ;j ðt Þþc 1r 1;j ðt Þðpbest i ;j ðt ÞÀx i ;j ðt ÞÞþc 2r 2;j ðt Þðgbest i ðt ÞÀx i ;j ðt ÞÞð6ÞRecently Park et al.[24]and Jiang and Etorre [25]have used logistic map for determining the inertia weight value.The inertia weight is modified according to Eq.(7)while iteration continues.w ðt þ1Þ¼4:0Âw ðt ÞÂð1Àw ðt ÞÞ;w ðt Þ2ð0;1Þð7ÞAnother research direction is to determine and modify the acceleration coefficients.Ratnaweera and Halgamuge [26]introduced a time-varying acceleration coefficient (TVAC),which reduces the cognitive component c 1and increases the social component c 2of acceleration coefficient with time.With a large value of c 1and a small value of c 2at the beginning,particles are allowed to move around the wider search space,instead of moving toward pbest .A small value of c 1and a large value of c 2allow the particles to converge to the global optima in the latter stages of the PSO search.The TVAC is given in Eqs.(8)and (9).c 1¼ðc 1i Àc 1f ÞÂmax iter Àiter max iter þc 1f ð8Þc 2¼ðc 2i Àc 2f ÞÂmax iter Àiter max iterþc 2f ð9Þwhere,c 1i and c 2i are the initial values of the acceleration coefficient c 1and c 2and c 1f and c 2f are the final values of the acceleration coefficient c 1and c 2respectively.Simulations were carried out with various optimal control problems to find out the best ranges of values for c 1and c 2.From the results it was observed that best solutions were determined when changing c 1from 2.5to 0.5and changing c 2from 0.5to 2.5,over the full range of search.Another method on adapting the inertia weight and acceleration coefficients is proposed in [27,28].This work,named as GLBestPSO,comprises of these parameters in terms of the global best and local best positions of the particles as shown in Eqs.(10)and (11).The modified velocity equation for the GLBest PSO is given in Eq.(12).w ðt Þ¼1:1Àgbest t t average !ð10Þc ðt Þ¼1þgbest t pbest tð11Þv i ;j ðt þ1Þ¼w ðt Þv i ;j ðt Þþc 1r 1;j ðt Þðpbest i ;j ðt Þþgbest i ðt ÞÀ2x i ;j ðt ÞÞð12Þwhere pbest t is the local best value of the particles;(pbest t )average is the average value of the local best value of the par-ticles;and gbest t is the best among all the local best values in the swarm.Other adapting researches have been performed for r 1and r 2values.Coelho and Mariani have used He’non map for these parameters in the iteration of PSO algorithm [29].They have used three approaches one for adapting only r 1,oneB.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 40(2009)1715–173417191720 B.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–1734for r2,and one for both r1and r2.Recently a logistic map has been used for adapting the r1and r2values[30].The parameters r1and r2are modified by Eq.(13):r iðtþ1Þ¼4:0Âr iðtÞÂð1Àr iðtÞÞ;r iðtÞ2ð0;1Þð13ÞAnother interesting study has been proposed by Coelho that present a new quantum PSO approach with mutation[31]. The mutations they have used are based on chaotic Zaslavskii map.Liu et al.have incorporated chaotic dynamics into PSO with adaptive inertia weight[32].The used chaotic map here is logistic map and it performs a locally oriented search(exploitation)for the solutions resulted by PSO.4.Chaos embedded particle swarm optimization algorithms(CEPSOAs)Generating random sequences with a long period and good uniformity is very important for easily simulating complex phenomena,sampling,numerical analysis,decision making and especially in heuristic optimization.Its quality determines the reduction of storage and computation time to achieve a desired accuracy.Generated such sequences may be‘‘random’’enough for one application however may not be random enough for another.Chaos is a deterministic,random-like process found in non-linear,dynamical system,which is non-period,non-con-verging and bounded.Moreover,it has a very sensitive dependence upon its initial condition and parameter[4].The nature of chaos is apparently random and unpredictable and it also possesses an element of regularity.Mathematically, chaos is randomness of a simple deterministic dynamical system and chaotic system may be considered as sources of randomness.A chaotic map is a discrete-time dynamical systemx kþ1¼fðx kÞ;0<x k<1;k¼0;1;2; (14)running in chaotic state.The chaotic sequencef x k:k¼0;1;2;...gcan be used as spread-spectrum sequence as random number sequence.Chaotic sequences have been proven easy and fast to generate and store,there is no need for storage of long sequences[33].Merely a few functions(chaotic maps)and few parameters(initial conditions)are needed even for very long sequences.In addition,an enormous number of different sequences can be generated simply by changing its initial condition.Moreover these sequences are deterministic and reproducible.Recently,chaotic sequences have been adopted instead of random sequences and very interesting and somewhat good results have been shown in many applications such as secure transmission[5,6],and nonlinear circuits[7], DNA computing[8],image processing[9].The choice of chaotic sequences is justified theoretically by their unpredict-ability,i.e.,by their spread-spectrum characteristic and ergodic properties.One of the major drawbacks of the PSO is its premature convergence,especially while handling problems with more local optima.In this paper,sequences generated from chaotic systems substitute random numbers for the PSO param-eters where it is necessary to make a random-based choice.By this way,it is intended to improve the global convergence and to prevent to stick on a local solution.For example,Ref.[34]held the view that the value of w is the key factors to affect the convergence of PSO.Furthermore the values of r1and r2are also key factors that affect the convergence of PSO.In fact,however,these parameters can’t ensure the optimization’s ergodicity entirely in phase space,because they are random in traditional PSO.This paper provides new approaches introducing chaotic maps with ergodicity,irregularity and the stochastic prop-erty in PSO to improve the global convergence by escaping the local solutions.The use of chaotic sequences in PSO can be helpful to escape more easily from local minima than can be done through the traditional PSO.When a random number is needed by the classical PSO algorithm it is generated by iterating one step of the chosen chaotic map that has been started from a random initial condition at thefirst iteration of the PSO.New chaos embedded PSO algorithms may be simply classified and described as follows:•CEPSO1:Initial velocities and positions are generated by iterating the selected chaotic maps until reaching to the swarm size.•CEPSO2:Parameter c1of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþCM1r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð15ÞB.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–17341721where CM1is a function based on results of selected chaotic map,but scaled with values between0.5and2.5.•CEPSO3:Parameter c2of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þCM2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð16Þwhere CM2is a function based on results of selected chaotic map,but scaled with values between0.5and2.5.•CEPSO4:Parameters c1and c2of Eq.(1)are modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþCM1r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þCM2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð17Þwhere CM1and CM2are functions based on results of selected chaotic map with scaled values between0.5and2.5.•CEPSO5:Parameter r1,j of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1CM1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð18Þwhere CM1,j is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0.•CEPSO6:Parameter r2,j of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2CM2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð19Þwhere CM2,j is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0.•CEPSO7:Parameter r1,j and r2,j of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by:v i;jðtþ1Þ¼wv i;jðtÞþc1CM1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2CM2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð20Þwhere CM1,j and CM2,j are functions based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0.•CEPSO8:Parameter w,r1,j and r2,j of Eq.(1)are modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified byv i;jðtþ1Þ¼CM1v i;jðtÞþc1CM2;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2CM3;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð21Þwhere CM1,CM2,and CM3are functions based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0.•CEPSO9:Parameter w of Eq.(1)is modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified by v i;jðtþ1Þ¼CM v i;jðtÞþc1r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð22Þwhere CM is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0.•CEPSO10:Parameter w and c1of Eq.(1)are modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified byv i;jðtþ1Þ¼CM1v i;jðtÞþCM2r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þc2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð23Þwhere CM1is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0and CM2is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with scaled values between0.5and2.5.•CEPSO11:Parameter w and c2of Eq.(1)are modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified byv i;jðtþ1Þ¼CM1v i;jðtÞþr2r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þCM2r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð24Þwhere CM1is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0and CM2is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with scaled values between0.5and2.5.•CEPSO12:Parameter w,c1and c2of Eq.(1)are modified by the selected chaotic maps and velocity update equation is modified byv i;jðtþ1Þ¼CM1v i;jðtÞþCM2r1;jðtÞ½pbest i;jðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ þCM3r2;jðtÞ½gbest iðtÞÀx i;jðtÞ ð25Þwhere CM1is a function based on results of selected chaotic map with the values between0.0and1.0;and CM2and CM3are functions based on results of selected chaotic map with scaled values between0.5and2.5.Note that CEPSO1can be used together with the other CEPSO classes.The chaotic maps that generate chaotic sequences in PSO phases used in the experiments are listed below.4.1.Logistic mapOne of the simplest maps which was brought to the attention of scientists by Sir Robert May in1976[35]that appears in nonlinear dynamics of biological population evidencing chaotic behavior is logistic map,whose equation is the following:X nþ1¼aX nð1ÀX nÞð26ÞIn this equation,X n is the n th chaotic number where n denotes the iteration number.Obviously,X n2(0,1)under the conditions that the initial X02(0,1)and that X0R{0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0}.a=4have been used in the experiments.4.2.Tent mapTent map[36]resembles the logistic map.It generates chaotic sequences in(0,1)assuming the following form:X nþ1¼X n=0:7;X n<0:710=3X nð1ÀX nÞ;otherwiseð27Þ4.3.Sinusoidal iteratorThird chaotic sequence generator used in this paper is the so-called sinusoidal iterator[36]and it is represented by X nþ1¼ax2nsinðp x nÞð28ÞWhen a=2.3and X0=0.7it has the simplified form represented byX nþ1¼sinðp x nÞð29ÞIt generates chaotic sequence in(0,1).4.4.Gauss mapThe Gauss map is used for testing purpose in the literature[36]and is represented by:X nþ1¼0;X n¼01=X n modð1Þ;X n2ð0;1Þð30Þ1=X n modð1Þ¼1X nÀ1X nð31Þand b z c denotes the largest integer less than z and acts as a shift on the continued fraction representation of numbers. This map also generates chaotic sequences in(0,1).4.5.Circle mapThe Circle map[37]is represented by:X nþ1¼X nþbÀða=2pÞsinð2p X nÞmodð1Þð32ÞWith a=0.5and b=0.2,it generates chaotic sequence in(0,1).4.6.Arnold’s cat mapThe Arnold’s cat map is named after Vladimir Arnold,who demonstrated its effects in the1960s using an image of a cat.It is represented by[38]:X nþ1¼X nþY n modð1Þð33ÞY nþ1¼X nþ2Y n modð1Þð34ÞIt is clear that the sequences X n2(0,1)and Y n2(0,1)[33].4.7.Sinai mapThe Sinai map[39]is defined by the equations:1722 B.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–1734X nþ1¼X nþY nþa cosð2p Y nÞmodð1Þð35ÞY nþ1¼X nþ2Y n modð36ÞWhen a=1it generates chaotic sequences in(0,1).4.8.Zaslavskii mapThe Zaslavskii map[40]is an also an interesting dynamic system and is represented by:X nþ1¼ðX nþvþaY nþ1Þmodð1Þð37ÞY nþ1¼cosð2p X nÞþeÀr Y nð38ÞIts unpredictability by its spread-spectrum characteristic and its large Lyapunov exponent are theoretically justified. The Zaslavskii map shows a strange attractor with largest Lyapunov exponent for v=400,r=3,a=12.Note that in this case,Y n+12[À1.0512,1.0512].5.Testing with benchmark problemsWell-defined benchmark functions which are based on mathematical functions can be used as objective functions to measure and test the performance of optimization methods.The nature,complexity and other properties of these benchmark functions can be easily obtained from their definitions.The difficulty levels of most benchmark functions are adjustable by setting their parameters.From the standard set of benchmark problems available in the literature, three important functions one of which is unimodal(containing only one optimum)and two of which are multimodal (containing many local optima,but only one global optimum)are considered to test the efficacy of the proposed meth-ods.Table1shows the main properties of the selected benchmark functions used in the experiments.The following subsections describe the characteristics of these functions.5.1.Griewangk functionGriewangk function has many widespread local minima regularly distributed[41].It is a continuous,multimodal, scalable,convex,and quadratic test function and represented by:f1ðxÞ¼X30i¼1x2iÀY30i¼1cosx iffiipþ1ð39Þwhere the bounds areÀ6006x6600.The global minimum is at x*=(0,0,...,10)and f1(x*)=0.The terms of the summation produce a parabola,while the local optima are above parabola level.Fig.4shows its graphs.The dimen-sions of the search range increase on the basis of the product,which results in the decrease of the local minimums.The more the search range increases,theflatter the function becomes.Fig.5shows its graph with reduced ranges.5.2.Rastrigin functionIt is a fairly difficult problem due to the large search space and large number of local optima.The function is highly multimodal and non-linear[42].The locations of the minima are regularly distributed.It is represented by:f2ðxÞ¼10Â30þX30i¼1ðx2iÀ10Ácosð2p x iÞÞð40Þwhere the bounds areÀ5.126x65.12.The global minimum is at x*=(0,0,...,0)and f2(x*)=0.It can be shown in Fig.6.Table1Properties of benchmark functions,lb indicates lower bound,ub indicates upper bound,opt indicates optimum pointFunction no.Function name lb ub Opt Modality1GriewangkÀ6006000Multimodal 2RastriginÀ5.12 5.120Multimodal 3RosenbrockÀ2.048 2.0480UnimodalB.Alatas et al./Chaos,Solitons and Fractals40(2009)1715–17341723。

2009 H.J. Hermens Motor Unit Properties in the Biceps Brachii of Chronic Stroke Patients Assessed

2009 H.J. Hermens Motor Unit Properties in the Biceps Brachii of Chronic Stroke Patients Assessed

Motor Unit Properties in the Biceps Brachii of Chronic Stroke Patients Assessed with High-DensitySurface EMGL.A.C Kallenberg, PhD, H.J. Hermens, PhDRoessingh Research and Development,Enschede, the Netherlands,l.kallenberg@rrd.nlAbstract —Motor unit (MU) properties of the biceps brachii and Fugl-Meyer score were assessed in stroke patients and healthy controls during passive and active elbow flexion and extension contractions. The level of motor recovery as assessed with the Fugl-Meyer score was correlated with the ratio of the size of the motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) at the affected side and the unaffected side. This ratio may reflect the extent to which reinnervation has occurred on the affected side. The RMS value of the MUAPs recruited during the stretch phase of the passive contractions was lower than the RMS value of MUAPs recruited during active contractions. This may indicate that only smaller MUs are affected by increased sensitivity to muscle stretch while a larger part of the MU pool can be recruited voluntarily. Keywords-motor unit properties; stroke;high-density surface EMG; biceps brachii; elbow flexion and extensionI. I NTRODUCTIONAs a consequence of a stroke, motor control and motor unit (MU) characteristics may change. Spasticity may occur, control of MUs of the affected muscles may be lost (paresis), and voluntary motor control of remaining MUs may change. Many researchers have investigated muscle activation and coordination patterns after stroke. Weakness, abnormal co-contraction of antagonistic muscles, abnormal co-activation patterns, muscle fatigue and delays in initiation and termination of muscle activity have been reported [1-7]. However, knowledge about underlying changes in properties and control of motor units (MUs) after a stroke is still limited.In dynamic contractions, the often reported hyper-excitability of the stretch reflex (for review see [8]) plays an important role. The increased response to muscle stretch may amongst others be related to hyperexcitability of the α motor neuron pool or to an increased sensitivity of the muscle spindles (Ia and II afferents). However, it is unknown whether the complete MU pool or only part of it is affected.So far, MU characteristics after a stroke have been investigated using intramuscular EMG recordings. With a grid of small, closely spaced electrodes placed on the skin above the muscle of interest (Fig. 1), a 3-dimensional (2D-spatial and in time) picture of muscle activity can be obtained non-invasively: high-density surface EMG (HD-sEMG).Figure 1. 2D-electrode array that was used for the recordings (Helmholtz Institute, Aachen, Germany). The array was placed on the biceps brachii with the columns parallel to the line from the acromion to the cubital fossa.Because of the high spatial selectivity that can be obtained in this way, motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) can be distinguished and extracted, and their propagation along the muscle fibers can be tracked [9-12].The aim of this study was to investigate MU characteristics of the biceps brachii in post-stroke subjects with HD- sEMG.II.M ETHODSA. SubjectsTwenty healthy volunteers without known neuromuscular disorders were included in the study. Hemiparetic stroke patients with a first unilateral ischemic stroke and sufficient cognitive abilities to understand spoken instructions were recruited from rehabilitation center ‘Het Roessingh’. Subjects had to be at least six months post-stroke and had to be able to move their arm against gravity (Medical Research Council score for biceps brachii ≥ 3). Passive shoulder abduction to at least 70 degrees had to be possible without pain. Exclusion criteria were presence of additional orthopedic diseases of the upper extremities, psychiatric comorbidity, hypersensibility, shoulder-hand syndrome, and use of antispastic medication. Eighteen stroke patients participated in the study. All subjects signed an informed consent. The study was approved by the local medical ethics committee and experiments were performed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. Demographic characteristics of the population are reported in Table 1.ThB1.3Proceedings of the 4th InternationalIEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering Antalya, Turkey, April 29 - May 2, 2009TABLE I. D EMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICSControl groupPatient groupSex5 men, 15 women 12 men,6 women Age (years) 59 (46-71) 64 (39-78) Weight (kg) 72 (60-93) 80 (55-155) Height (cm)171 (159-193)176 (158-184)Body mass index (kg/m 2)24.4 (21.2-30.7) 25.7 (21.6-34.8)Time since stroke (years)n.a. 2 (0.5-10)Affected side n.a. 11 left, 7 right Fugl-Meyerscoren.a. 35.5 (9-62) Ashworth scoren.a.2 (0-4)Median values and ranges (jn brackets) are reported. N.a.: not applicableB. General proceduresIn the stroke patients, the Fugl-Meyer score for the upper extremity, a clinical scale for motor recovery, was assessed. Subsequently, the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of elbow flexion was determined at both sides. Static isometric step contractions (10 force levels from 5% to 50% MVC were performed with unaffected side followed by the same series of contractions for the affected side. Next, cyclic passive and active elbow flexion and extension movements were performed with the dominant side (healthy subjects) or the affected side (stroke patients). During passive movement, the experimenter supported the elbow and moved the arm throughout the range of motion at a fast speed (approximately 1.25 s per cycle). During active movement, subjects moved their arm at a self-selected comfortable speed (approximately 2 s per cycle) throughout the full range of motion. When a stroke patient was not able to move the arm the experimenter helped by supporting the elbow joint. Both active and passive movements were repeated ten times per trial, and three trials were performed.C. High-density sEMG measurementsHD-sEMG of the biceps brachii was recorded with a two dimensional 16-channel electrode array placed on the skin above the muscle (Fig. 1). The array consisted of four columns of gold-coated pin-electrodes with a diameter of 1.5 mm, the first and fourth containing three electrodes and the middle two containing five electrodes. The inter-electrode distance was 10 mm in both directions.Electrode placement was done in accordance with the SENIAM (Surface Electromyography for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles) recommendations for surface EMG recordings [13]. The electrode array was placed on the biceps brachii with the columns parallel to the line from the acromion to the cubital fossa, with the center of the array placed one third of the distance from the cubital fossa.Figure 2. Example of high-density sEMG signals from the biceps brachii muscles of a stroke subject. Left: unaffected side, right: affected side. The contraction level was 20% of the maximum voluntary contraction force. Bipolar signals from one column of a 16-channel electrode array are shown. Signals were visually inspected online. Propagation of signals, absence of innervation zones and minimal shape differences between subsequent signals were used as criteria for correct placement and alignment of the electrode columns in parallel to the muscle fibres. If necessary, the electrode array was repositioned. In most subjects, a small amount of conducting gel was applied to the electrodes to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.D. Data analysisBipolar signals with an inter-electrode distance of 10 mm were constructed from the two middle columns of monopolarly recorded signals. This resulted in two sets of four unidirectionally propagating bipolar signals. The set with the best signal quality was manually selected for further processing. Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were extracted from the sEMG signals using an algorithm based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform. Variables describing the MUAPs were calculated for all detected MUAPs without classifying them to their corresponding MU. The RMS value (RMS MUAP ) and the median frequency of the power spectrum (FMED MUAP ) of each detected MUAP were calculated. Histograms of these variables were used to examine properties of the MU population. RMS MUAP , related to the size of the MU, was calculated by taking the square root of the sum of all squared data samples of the MUAP, divided by the number of samples. FMED MUAP reflects the frequency content of the MUAP, which is related to the MUAP duration [14] and muscle fiber conduction velocity [15-17] which in turn is related to the recruitment threshold of the MU [18]. FMED MUAP was calculated as the median value of the power spectrum, obtained using the fast Fourier-transform with a Hanning window. Ratios of FMED MUAP and RMS MUAP at the affected side divided by the unaffected side were assessed to quantify within-subject differences between the sides.For the static contractions, median values of the MUAP properties were calculated for each step. For the dynamic contractions, median values of the MUAP properties across the three trials were calculated for each subject.Figure 3. Scatter plot of the ratio of RMS MUAP on the affected side divided by RMS MUAP on the unaffected side against Fugl-Meyer score. Data from step7 (35% MVC). The explained variance is 50% (p<0.011).E.StatisticsTo investigate differences in EMG variables between sides, groups and movement type (active or passive), mixed linear models were applied. For the static contractions, the model included step (contraction level), side (affected or non-affected) and the interaction of step with side as fixed factors. The interaction between step and side was included to examine differences between the sides in response to an increasing force level. For the dynamic contractions, the model included movement type (passive or active movement), group, and the interaction of movement with group as fixed factors. The interaction between movement and group was included toexamine whether differences between the active and passive movements depended on the group.III.R ESULTSData of three subjects were of insufficient quality and were not used in the analysis.An example of a recording of EMG signals of the affected and unaffected side is shown in Figure 2. In this subject, the MUAPs were generally larger on the affected than on the unaffected side.In the static contractions, 7 out of 15 subjects showed larger RMS MUAP values at the affected side than at the unaffected side, 5 subjects showed smaller values and 3 subjects did not show differences. Interestingly, the median Fugl-Meyer score was considerably higher in the group with larger RMS MUAP values at the affected side (Fugl-Meyer score 42 versus 20 out of 66). The ratio of RMS MUAP of the affected side divided by that of the unaffected side correlated with the Fugl-Meyer score for the force levels from 15% to 45% (Spearman’s rho between 0.6 and 0.74, p<0.039), see Fig. 3.Figure 4. MUAP properties during active and passive contractions in both groups. + indicates outliers (values between 1.5 and 3 bar lengths from theupper edge of the bar).The results of the cyclic contractions are presented in Fig.4. The number of detected MUAPs was significantly larger during active than during passive movements (p<0.001), and there was a trend for a higher number of MUAPs in the stroke group than in the control group (p<0.07). RMS MUAP was higher in the stroke group (p<0.001) and in both groups it was higher during active movements than during passive movements (p<0.001). FMED MUAP was not different in both groups nor in both movement conditions.IV.D ISCUSSIONThe aim of the study was to investigate MU characteristics in post-stroke subjects.For the dynamic contractions larger MUAPs, as reflected in higher RMS MUAP values, were found in the stroke group compared to the control group. In the static contractions a correlation between a clinical scale, the Fugl-Meyer score, and the ratio of RMS MUAP at the affected divided by the unaffected side was found. Since RMS MUAP is related to MU size,RMS MUAP and RMS MUAP ratio might reflect the extent to which re-innervation, resulting in larger MUs, has occurred. Re-innervation is a compensation strategy for paresis and is therefore likely to be related to the functional capacity of the muscle, which may explain the correlation between RMS MUAP ratio and Fugl-Meyer score.For the dynamic contractions, the MUAPs during the stretch phase of the cycle were considerably smaller than the MUAPs recruited during the active movements. Several studies in cats [19-20] and in humans [21-23] have shown that recruitment of MUs during the stretch reflex follows the Henneman size principle. Apparently, the recruitment during the stretch reflex is limited to the smaller low-threshold MUs while a much larger part of the MU pool can be recruited voluntarily. This might mean that the hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex could be reduced when the activity of small MUs with small diameter motor neurons could selectively be suppressed by medication. Future research should aim at investigating if such an approach is feasible and clinically effective.R EFERENCES[1]Chae J, Yang G, Park BK, Labatia I. Muscle weakness andcocontraction in upper limb hemiparesis: relationship to motor impairment and physical disability. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2002;16:241-8[2]Dewald JP, Pope PS, Given JD, Buchanan TS, Rymer WZ. Abnormalmuscle coactivation patterns during isometric torque generation at the elbow and shoulder in hemiparetic subjects. Brain 1995; 118(Pt 2):495-510[3]Hammond MC, Fitts SS, Kraft GH, Nutter PB, Trotter MJ, RobinsonLM. Co-contraction in the hemiparetic forearm: quantitative EMG evaluation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1988; 69:348-51[4]Toffola ED, Sparpaglione D, Pistorio A, Buonocore M. Myoelectricmanifestations of muscle changes in stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001; 82:661-5[5]Hammond MC, Kraft GH, Fitts SS . Recruitment and termination ofelectromyographic activity in the hemiparetic forearm. 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EXPERIMENTAL TEST FACILITIES...............................................................

EXPERIMENTAL TEST FACILITIES...............................................................

Laboratory Electron Exposureof TSS–1 Thermal Control Coating J.A. Vaughn, M. McCollum, and M.R. Carruth, Jr.Laboratory Electron Exposure of TSS–1 Thermal Control CoatingNational Aeronautics and Space Administration Marshall Space Flight Center • MSFC, Alabama 35812J.A. Vaughn, M. McCollum, and M.R. Carruth, Jr.Marshall Space Flight Center • MSFC, AlabamaTABLE OF CONTENTSPage INTRODUCTION (1)EXPERIMENTAL TEST FACILITIES (2)LUMINESCENCE TEST RESULTS (3)THERMAL CONTROL PROPERTY CHANGES (4)DISCUSSION (5)REFERENCES (6)LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSFigure Title Page1.RM400 luminescence test apparatus (6)2.RM400 high-energy electron exposure tests apparatus (6)3.Schematic of high-energy electron sample carrier (7)4.Photograph of assembled high-energy electron sample carrier (7)5.Typical current versus voltage for three different grounding screens (8)6.Photograph of RM400 coated sphere in plasma chamber with 750-V bias (8)7.RM400 coated sphere irradiance data for three different size grounding screens (9)8.Change in solar absorptance due to electron exposure (9)9.Typical diffuse reflectance curves for AO cleaning of RM400 (10)10.Solar absorptance and infrared emittance data for AO cleaning of RM400 (10)TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMLABORATORY ELECTRON EXPOSURE OF TSS-1 THERMALCONTROL COATINGINTRODUCTIONThe first mission of the tethered satellite system (TSS-1) flew on the space shuttle mission STS-46 on July 31, 1992, which included both the deployment of the EURECA satellite and the EOIM-3 payload. The TSS-1 encountered problems during deployment of the satellite and was not able to meet all of its objectives, and a reflight of the TSS-1 has been approved.The TSS-1 payload was designed with two primary objectives: (1) study tether dynamics in space and (2) study the electrodynamics of a conducting tether in space. Tether electrodynamics involves generating a potential along the metallic tether as it cuts through the Earth's magnetic field and investigating the electron current flow through the plasma, as well as the electron plasma sheath at the satellite. Current flow along the tether is possible if sufficient coupling to the space plasma at both ends of the tether exists. In the case of the TSS-1 payload, an electron gun was placed aboard the shuttle to emit electrons. The satellite at the other end of the tether was required to collect electrons from the plasma, which is possible if the potential applied by the tether is greater than the ambient plasma potential and the satellite skin is conductive. The satellite skin conductivity must be large to maximize electron current collection by limiting the resistance at the satellite skin. The high conductivity requirement can be met with any metal; however, the satellite has thermal requirements which precludes metals since they do not have the emissive properties to radiate heat to the environment. In order to meet the conductivity and thermal requirements, the satellite skin had to be coated with a conductive thermal control coating. Such coatings have been developed for control of spacecraft charging. The satellite skin was initially coated with the thermal control coating, NS43C, which met all thermal requirements. However, it did not maintain sufficient conductivity in vacuum to meet the higher current requirements of the TSS mission. A special thermal control coating was developed and applied at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), which met both the conductivity and thermal requirements and allowed the TSS-1 electrodynamic science objectives to be met.The thermal control coating developed at MSFC, RM400, passed all qualification and acceptance test requirements. Included were numerous tests to understand the effects of atomic oxygen (AO), ultra-violet (UV) radiation, thermal cycling, plasma, and high energy electrons on both the conductivity and thermal properties of the coating. Because of the length of the tether (20 km), it generates several thousand volts when fully deployed. Electrons are accelerated from the ambient space plasma and impact the con-ductive thermal control coating with up to a few keV of energy. The thermal control coating was exposed in the lab to electrons with energies ranging from 0.1 to 1 keV to study the effect on the coating. During those tests, the coating was found to luminesce, and prolonged exposure of the coating to high energy electrons (~1 keV) caused the coating to darken. This report describes the tests done to quantify the degra-dation of the thermal control properties caused by electron exposure and to measure the luminescence as a function of electron energy and current density to the satellite.EXPERIMENTAL TEST FACILITIESThe evaluation of the effects of exposing the RM400 thermal control coating to high energy elec-trons was done in two separate tests. The first experiment was designed to quantify the luminescence of the coating caused by electron exposure, and the second experiment was done to quantify the effects of electron exposure on the coating’s thermal control properties (i.e., solar absorptance and infrared emit-tance). Both tests were done at MSFC in a diffusion-pumped vacuum chamber having a thermal argon plasma. The plasma generally had a density of 106 cm–3 and an electron temperature of 1 to 2 eV. The base pressure of the vacuum chamber was in the high 10–8 torr range and 10–5 torr with plasma source operating. The plasma in the chamber was generated using a hollow cathode1 plasma source because of the long life and simplicity of the setup. Because oxygen exposure to the hollow cathode low work function internal surface poisons the cathode, the tests were limited to an argon plasma. Because our interest is primarily with the electrons, the ion species is somewhat immaterial.The two different test setups in this evaluation are shown in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows a detailed schematic of the test configuration used to evaluate the amount of light being emitted from the sphere during electron exposure. A 3.8-cm diameter sphere coated with the same RM400 coating applied to the TSS-1 skins was placed in the center of the plasma chamber and connected to a 1-kV power supply through a feedthrough isolated from the chamber walls. A grounding screen of varying diameters was placed around the sphere to prevent the electric field from growing too large and drawing very large cur-rents. By varying the size of the grounding screen, the effects of varying the electron current density on the luminescence could be studied. The sphere luminescence was measured using a photodiode sensitive from 200 to 2,500 nm. This particular study looked only at the luminescence in the visible range (500 to 700 nm) by placing a 90-percent transmitting filter with the appropriate bandpass in front of the diode. During the tests, the sphere was biased from 0 to 1,000 V, and the current data from the sphere and diode were measured at each voltage increment. The diode current data were converted to irradiance data using the correlation data provided by the diode manufacturer.Figure 2 shows a detailed schematic of the test setup used to expose several 2.54-cm diameter disks coated with RM400 to evaluate the effects of high energy electron exposure on the thermal control properties. The samples were placed in a specially designed sample holder to ensure that the electrons were accelerated normal to the surface. The samples were placed in the plasma and biased to either 175, 500, or 1,000 V and left over a period of time to accumulate the correct electron fluence. The thermal control prop-erties were to be evaluated based on both a nominal and a worst case estimate of the electron dose for the TSS-1 mission. A typical orbit profile was examined, and a nominal and worst-case electron fluence dur-ing the mission was estimated to be 1017 electrons/cm2 and 1018 electrons/cm2, respectively. Electron fluences of these magnitude are accumulated in the plasma chamber in a matter of a few hours. The sample bias and electron current were computer monitored in order to stop the test at the appropriate point.Figure 3 is a cross-sectional schematic of the sample holders used in these tests. The sample holder was designed to bias both the sample and a guard to the same potential to eliminate the effects of fringing electric fields. The grounded case and screen were designed to limit the distance the electric field grew into the plasma, which limited the amount of electron current collected. A separate wire is attached to both the guard and the sample to measure only the electron current to the sample itself. The spacing between the guard and the sample is very small to maintain a uniform electric field. Figure 4 is a photo of a typical sample holder before and after assembly. A completely assembled sample holder is presented in the centertop of the photograph and the pieces which make up the sample holder are shown surrounding the assembly.LUMINESCENCE TEST RESULTSThe luminescence characteristics of the RM400 thermal control coating were not observed during the initial development of the coating because initial measurements were limited to bias potentials of a few tens of volts. Because the TSS-1 payload was to be exposed to electrons having energies on the order of a few keV, the coating was exposed to electrons with energies in this range to assess any effects. In order for the sphere to be biased thousands of volts in a plasma, a grounding screen was introduced to limit electric field expansion from the sphere. Once the sample was capable of being biased above 300 to 400 V, the luminescence of the sphere was visible to the naked eye.Three grounding screens of various diameters were used to study the effects of varying the electron current density to the sphere on the luminescence intensity. The sphere was biased from 100 to 1,000 V in 100 V increments, and electron current collected by the sphere at each voltage was measured. Typical cur-rent and voltage data for the sphere with the three different diameter (60-, 69-, and 81-mm) grounding screens can be seen in figure 5. The technique used to vary the bias to the sphere tended to add noise to the data. The noise caused by the bias voltage can be seen particularly in the data taken using the 60-mm diameter screen (open square data points) at the lower bias voltages where two different current values at the same voltage were recorded. The current collected using the 60- and 69-mm diameter screens did not show any noticeable change in magnitude probably due to a variation in plasma conditions, but the 81-mm diameter screen showed a noticeable increase in current collection, as would be expected.Figure 6 is a photograph of the glowing sphere biased at 750 V with a 69-mm diameter screen. The faint outer sphere surrounding the glowing sphere is the grounding screen. The unusual pattern seen on the sphere is not discoloration on the sphere itself but variations in the intensity of the light coming from the sphere. The cause of the variation is possibly due to unevenness in the grounding screen surrounding the sphere focusing more electrons onto certain portions of the sphere or nonuniformity in the coating itself. Because the screens were difficult to fabricate and maintain a perfect sphere, the first scenario is considered most plausible.Measurements of the light illuminating from the sphere were made using the photodiode with a 500- to 700-nm filter. The diode generates current based on the amount of photons hitting the diode. Using the amp to watts conversion provided by the manufacturer, the irradiance can be calculated. Figure 7 shows irradiance data calculated from the current data taken from the photodiode plotted as a function of the bias applied to the sphere with three separate grounding screens. The diode biasing current was sub-tracted from the data. The data shown in figure 7 indicated that even while the current collected by the sphere with the three different screen sizes varies by up to a factor of 3, there appears to be no correspond-ing change in the luminescence. This result suggests that the visible luminescence is dominated by the energy of the incoming electron energy relative to the range of current densities studied in these experi-ments.THERMAL CONTROL PROPERTY CHANGESAfter the luminescence measurements were completed, the sample was removed from the chamber and found to have darkened significantly. This became a concern because any darkening indicates changes in the thermal control properties. A matrix of tests were conducted to expose coated aluminum disks to high energy electron fluxes and to determine the effects of energy and electron fluence on the solar absorp-tance (α) and infrared emittance (ε). The previously discussed nominal and worst-case fluences were used. Prior to electron exposure, the samples were exposed to the anticipated AO fluence for the expected duration of the mission in order to make the tests more representative of what would be expected from flight.The changes in the solar absorptance (α) and infrared emittance (ε) caused by the AO exposure and subsequent electron irradiation tests are shown in table 1. The solar absorptance for these tests were measured using both the Beckman DK-2 spectral reflectometer and the AZ Technology laboratory portable spectral reflectometer (LPSR) over the wavelength range 250 to 2,500 nm and infrared emittance measurements were made using the Gier-Dunkle DB-100 infrared reflectometer. The RM400 coated disks in these tests were coated from a different batch of paint than used to coat the flight skins. This is the reason for the difference between the initial solar absorptance values shown in table 1 and the 0.5 value for the flight skins. The data presented in table 1 are a summary of the results after each subsequent exposure listed. The first sample (RM-1) was held as a control and not exposed to any environments. RM-2 and RM-3 were exposed to AO only. RM-2 was exposed to thermal AO and RM-3 to a 5-eV neutral AO beam.2 3 The remaining samples were all exposed to thermal AO and then the electron fluence and energy listed in the table. The two samples exposed to high energy electrons at the higher fluence turned visibly brown, while the others changed slightly. One interesting point is that the infrared emittance changed due to AO exposure but not due to electron exposure. This may be caused by the AO cleaning and eroding the binder, exposing more of the pigment. Figure 8 shows the effects that varying the electron energy has on the change in solar absorptance. At the nominal electron fluence expected for the TSS-1 mission, only slight changes in α would be expected with no noticeable darkening. For the worst case electron exposure, the high energy electrons above 500 eV would cause noticeable darkening of the RM400.A final quantitative test was performed to see if the darkened coating would be affected by expo-sure to AO. The disk labeled RM-9 in table 1, which had the largest change in solar absorptance due to high energy electron exposure, was exposed to thermal AO in a conventional plasma asher. RM-9 was exposed for a total of 10 min in varying intervals to AO at a nominal flux of 1018 atoms/cm2-s. At the end of each interval, solar absorptance and infrared emittance measurements were made. Figure 9 shows the diffuse spectral reflectance curves measured on sample RM-9 after accumulating the amount of time listed in the legend. These data show that the effects of darkening of RM400 by electron exposure can be offset by AO erosion of the damaged surface. Figure 10 shows the changes in both solar absorptance and infra-red emittance for sample RM-9 as a function of AO fluence. This figure shows the darkening of the sample to be completely converted back to the original solar absorptance at a fluence of 4×1020 atoms/cm2. Also, the infrared emittance did not change significantly due to AO exposure. The AO fluence observed by the TSS-1 satellite during the STS-46 mission was on this order of 6×1019 atoms/cm2, which does not include any exposure during both the launch of the EURECA satellite and the EOIM-3 mission phase. It should be pointed out that prior to the TSS-1 flight the AO fluence was predicted to be on the order of 2×1020 atoms/cm2. However, due to the shortened mission, TSS-1 received a lower AO fluence. Should theRM400 see high energy electron fluences on-orbit capable of causing the coating to darken, the AO expo-sure would tend to reverse the process.SEM photographs were taken of samples RM-1, RM-3, and RM-9. RM-1 is the control disk which was not exposed to any environment, RM-3 was exposed to a 5-eV AO neutral beam, and RM-9 was exposed to AO and 500 eV electrons. The surface of RM-1 appeared to be more coarse than the other two. This suggests that the AO appears to be smoothing out the surface causing the initial change in the emittance. RM-9 showed no effect due to the electron exposure it received. This suggests that the darken-ing of the coating is a chemical change taking place in the coating. The fact that the coating can be cleaned by AO exposure suggests that the chemical change is in the very thin top surface layer of the coating.DISCUSSIONExposure of the TSS-1 thermal control coating, RM400, to high energy electrons causes the coat-ing to luminesce and if maintained for long periods of time will cause the coating to darken. The lumines-cence of RM400 was found to be a function of electron energy with light first being visible to the naked eye at 300- to 400-V bias on the sphere. The intensity of the luminescence was measured with three differ-ent size grounding screens, which changed the current density to the sphere, with no perceptible change observed. The RM400 paint turned noticeably dark when exposed to 500- and 1,000-eV electrons at a fluence of 1018 electrons/cm2. At nominal mission electron fluences, there is minimal effect, additionally, the darkened surface is cleaned when exposed to AO. Depending on the AO and electron exposure, it is possible that the darkening caused by the electron exposure and the cleaning by the AO would not cause any noticeable change in any surface exposed to AO. Surfaces not exposed to AO will still be subjected to possible darkening caused by high electron fluences. Both AO and electron fluences at high energies should be reassessed for the TSS-1 reflight mission.REFERENCES1.Siegfried, D.E.: “A Phenomenological Model for Orificed Hollow Cathodes.” NASA CR-168026,December 1982.2.Cuthbertson, J.W., Langer, W.D., Motley, R.W., and Vaughn, J.A.: “Atomic Oxygen Beam Systemfor Erosion Simulation.” NASA CP-3103, vol. II, June 1990, pp. 734–40.3.Vaughn, J.A., et al.: “Characterization of a 5 eV Neutral AO Beam Facility.” NASA CP-3103, vol. II,June 1990, pp. 764–70.Figure 4. Photograph of assembled high-energy electron sample carrier.Figure 5. Typical current versus voltage for three different grounding screens. Figure 6. Photograph of RM400 coated sphere in plasma chamber with 750-V bias.Figure 7. RM400 coated sphere irradiance data for three different size grounding screens.Figure 8. Change in solar absorptance due to electron exposure.Figure 9. Typical diffuse reflectance curves for AO cleaning of RM400. Figure 10. Solar absorptance and infrared emittance data for AO cleaning of RM 400.Table 1. Thermal control property changes due to current density andelectron energy on RM 400.Sample No.BOLOpticalPropertiesAfter AOExposure(2×1019 a/cm2)After ElectronExposure175 eV(1017 ele/cm2)After ElectronExposure175 eV(1018 ele/cm2)After ElectronExposure500 eV(1017 ele/cm2)After ElectronExposure500 eV(1018 ele/cm2)After ElectronExposure1,000 eV(1017 ele/cm2)After ElectronExposure1,000 eV(1018 ele/cm2)RM-1 Control α = 0.573ε = 0.865RM-2α = 0.580ε = 0.861α = 0.548ε = 0.875RM-3α = 0.577ε = 0.860α = 0.561ε = 0.886RM-4α = 0.575ε = 0.862α = 0.548ε = 0.875α = 0.567ε = 0.876RM-5α = 0.574ε = 0.862α = 0.547ε = 0.876RM-6α = 0.561ε = 0.872α = 0.549ε = 0.873α = 0.570ε = 0.875RM-7α = 0.580ε = 0.862α = 0.560ε = 0.876α = 0.558ε = 0.876RM-8α = 0.583ε = 0.861α = 0.561ε = 0.874α = 0.589ε = 0.877RM-9α = 0.578ε = 0.865α = 0.556ε = 0.877α = 0.707ε = 0.876RM-10α = 0.578ε = 0.862α = 0.551ε = 0.876α = 0.687ε = 0.875APPROVALLABORATORY ELECTRON EXPOSURE OF TSS-1 THERMALCONTROL COATINGBy J.A. Vaughn, M. McCollum, and M.R. Carruth, Jr.The information in this report has been reviewed for technical content. Review of any informa-tion concerning Department of Defense or nuclear energy activities or programs has been made by the MSFC Security Classification Officer. This report, in its entirety, has been determined to be unclassified.___________________________________________P.H. S CHUERERDirector, Materials and Processes Laboratory。



ON-LINE PARTIAL DISCHARGE MONITORING AND DIAGNOSISAT POWER CABLESMatthias Boltze1, Sacha. Michel Markalous1, Alain Bolliger2, Omar Ciprietti3, Javis Chiu4 LDIC GmbH1, LDIC AG2, Brugg Kabel AG3, Chan-Ching-Electric Technique Consulting CO.LTD4KEYWORDSQuality control, Maintenance, Power Cable, High Voltage- and Partial Discharge- Commissioning Test, Sensing, On-line Monitoring, Diagnosis and Trend-AnalysisABSTRACTMost defects observed in today’s EHV cable systems causes partial discharges (PD) under AC stress in the accessories. Combining AC testing and sensitive PD measurements results in best test efficiency. The condition-based maintenance of power cables required reliable significant diagnosis methods for the integrity of operation of power cable systems.This paper describes experiences with Partial Discharge measurements during installation tests of high voltage XLPE insulated single core underground cable systems tested with AC series resonant voltages. Considering the importance of installations in power stations permanent PD monitoring have been performed at GIS- and outdoor cable terminations after commissioning.Non-conventional partial discharge methods have been established for condition assessment of power cable insulations. A new system applying UHF sensors and acquisition was developed, suitable for any kinds of HV XLPE cable terminations like transformer sealing ends, cable terminations for metal-clad substations and outdoor sealing ends based on past experiences during investigations on site.This paper reports on present successful efforts to measurements as well as monitoring PD in the accessories after jointing in the EHV-XLPE cable systems and describes the UHF- PD measurement method.INTRODUCTIONMethods that allow the condition of transmission, distribution and generation power networks to be monitored have been developed and extensively researched. Monitoring, in relation to power cable systems and other system components of the electric power supply, describes measuring methods to allow continuously and periodic observation of operating states and properties with no interruption of the power supply – online-monitoring.Targets of the power cable monitoring are prevention, increasing the operational availability respectively reduction down times of the systems and their loading optimization. Following table is listing the possible monitoring methods for power cable systems and their objects:© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights Reserved© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedTABLE 1Possible monitoring methods for power cable systemMeasured quantityObject, target Axial Distribution of the cable temperature - Hot Spot Recognition- Prediction of the temperature trending by overload- Optimized thermal loadingWater permeability under the cable shield (polymer-insulated power cable) - Localization of leakages- Prevention for Water Treeing and cable shield corrosion- Substitution of the cable sheath testPD-Monitoring on power cable accessories - Early recognition, localization and assessment of failures at powercable accessories- Scheduling of shutdowns and repairs- Damage limitationLeakage-Monitoring on oil-insulated power cables- Prevention of contamination- Scheduling of shutdowns and repairs SF 6-Monitoring In power cable systems (sealing ends) - Early recognition and assessment of leakages at cable terminations in switchgears- Scheduling of shutdowns and repairs- Damage limitationOperating current and operating voltage- Loading optimization for the networkToday’s widely deployed monitoring methods are: monitoring of cable temperature, detection of water in the cable as well as the measurement of partial discharges in polymer-insulated power cables or their accessories.Of more important interest becomes the partial discharge monitoring methods for HV- and EHV-XLPE cable systems over the last few years to check the insulation condition. All power cables with polymer isolation are tested in the factory according to IEC60840 and IEC62067 with the best methods and with calibrated PD-measuring systems in the screened test room with high sensitivity.After transport and laying the sheath- and corrosion protection- test are performed on power cables using high DC voltage between metal sheath or screen and ground. If the sheath is in undamaged condition can be also confirmed that the polymer isolation is intact, no mechanical damages when transport and laying. The isolation of cable is still in the good PD-free condition like the routine test on the manufacture.However, for the assembly of the terminations and joints on the cable ends directly on the isolation one works again. Here error can occur. Therefore a partial discharge test is very important on the termination and joints after jointing. This requirement leaded to a development of new measurement systems for PD-On-Site-Tests on HV- and EHV-XLPE cable systems especially designed for termination and joints.This paper describes the concept for the UHF-PD-monitoring system from the instrumentation side and provides case studies about AC- and PD commissioning tests, quality- and inspection- checks where the effectiveness such kind of tests are presented.© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedInstrumentation for Testing Power Cable Accessories The test procedures recommended in the relevant standards IEC 60270 and IEC 60885-3 are not qualified for all site PD tests to get sensitive measuring results due to the pure signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. This is mainly caused by the limitation of the upper measuring frequency below 500 kHz and the site noise conditions as well.From a physical point of view, however, the S/N ratio can essentially be improved by increasing the measuring frequency much above 500 kHz and by using either a frequency selective signal processing or ultra wide band signal processing. Therefore the UHF PD measuring technology is increasingly used as an alternative.Due to the strong attenuation of the higher frequency spectrum of PD pulses if traveling trough long power cables it seems obvious that this technology works selective, i.e. the PD coupler has to be installed as close as possible to the supposed PD source.Therefore the UHF method is advantageously applicable for checking the correct assembling work of power cables accessories, such as joints and terminations.The UHF-PDM system is consisting of the PD measuring instrument, the Pre-amplifier and the UHF-PD-Sensor. A schematic diagram of the complete set-up is reported in figure 1. The attachment of the UHF-sensor to the GIS-cable termination is evident from figure 1.HV Termination with Decoupling LoopPD testing circuit acc. non-conventional measuring method. UHF-PD-Sensor connected at theHV- and EHV- Termination (Crossing Area: GIS - Power Cable)FIGURE 1In order to capture the very fast electromagnetic transients of PD events the lower section of the GIS-cable termination has been bridged by a measuring loop which is attached to the UHF sensor. Therefore PD defects close to the PD decoupling loop may well be recognized, whereas noises and even PD events far from the decoupling point are strongly attenuated, which ensures an excellent S/N ratio.This arrangement can be considered as a short circuit between the grounded parts of the GIS enclosure and the cable termination, if only the lower frequency range is considered. In the UHF range, however, the resulting impedance becomes about 50 Ω, which ensures an excellent S/N ratio and thus a high PD detection sensitivity even under noisy on-site condition.The output of the UHF sensor is connected via a coaxial measuring cable to a high-pass filter, which limits the measuring frequency range between about 300 MHz. A pre-amplifier installed at the UHFsensor is increasing the S/N ratio.For PD pulse processing an UHF-Processing Unit with functionality similar to a spectrum analyzer as both ’ultra-wideband mode’ and ’zero-span mode’ is plugged-in in the PDM instrument.The measuring frequency range of the ultra-wideband mode (UWB) is limited by the lower cut-off frequency f C,L = 100 MHz and the higher cut-off frequency f C,H = 1 GHZ. The PD instruments the PD Guard/UHF as permanent monitoring device and the LDS-6/UHF as periodic monitoring device are working in the UWB-mode.The measuring frequency in the zero span mode of the UHF Processing Unit is adjustable with a frequency bandwidth of 8 MHz in the frequency range of 110 MHz to 1700 MHz. The LDS-6/UHF configured in the zero-span-mode is used as periodic monitoring device.The acquisition as well as the storage and the visualization of the PD data are performed by means of a computer-based PD monitoring system.The results of the PD monitoring are further evaluated with different software tools which can easily be upgraded. For continuous monitoring the PD parameter (PD magnitude as peak value or as average value) is displayed and transmitted in real-time-mode.All functions run in real-time and it is easy to analyze and evaluate the acquired RAW PD data with functions like: q(phase), H(q, phase), q(t), n(t), I(t), H(phase), qpeak(phase), qmean(phase) and H(q). The windows-based control and analyzing software and the standard windows based. TCP/IP network allows an easy operation of the PD monitoring system.It is possible to do continuous PD monitoring with an extreme high measuring dynamics well as phase resolved PD measurements. Also a PD signal representation, storage and evaluation of the PD pulses in combination with corresponding test voltage information can be performed.The permanent monitoring system is able to evaluate the signal trend of the partial discharges in a very high range. The measuring sensitivity is automatically controlled using the preamplifiers and the amplifiers. The communication system transmits the monitored data and alarm messages to a main control server via Ethernet TCP/IP network communications.The resolution of the A/D-converter is 12 bit bipolar. The computer is able to store the partial discharge signals and the voltage signals by its internal memory and the control system can access this data frequently.The control and monitoring program shows scope mode, trend mode, monitoring mode and setup mode. It allows easy operation by plant personnel on a daily basis (monitoring mode) and sophisticated evaluation by specialists in case of alarm (trend mode, scope mode and setup mode).© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedCase StudiesThe following case studies, for which representative PD measurements data are available, demonstrate the potential advantage of the UHF-PD-sensing at HV- and EHV-XLPE cable accessories.Case Study 1: AC- and PD- Commissioning Test of 400 KV XLPE cable systemUHF-PD-Monitoring and on-site-commissioning-test of 400 KV XLPE-insulated cable circuits at Jebel Ali / United Arab EmiratesSystem configurationBrugg Kabel AG, Switzerland, has successfully commissioned 400 KV cable project in Dubai. The project consists of (figure 2):- Six 400 KV XLPE cable systems for connections between the HV-side of the Unit Step-up Transformers and the 400 KV Substation bays with different cable lengths (120…320 m), - 36 pcs GIS-sealing ends with pre-fabricated and pre-tested stress-cones manufactured from silicone,- 18 pcs UHF-PD sensors with ground-connexion and TNC connector,- 18 pcs UHF-PD sensors without ground-connexion and TNC connector,- One complete On-line UHF-PD Monitoring System, type PD Guard/UHF, supplied by LDIC GmbHSystem layout for the installed monitoring system as well as the PD sensor application for theAC- and PD- commissioning test.FIGURE 2Test procedure and test application for the AC- and PD- commissioning testThe electrical quality check on the complete installed cable system has been performed with a mobile power-frequency resonance testing station under the following test procedure (figure 3).© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights Reserved© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedTest condition for on-site AC test combined with a selective on-site PD test at Jebel Ali. ACresonance test set connected to the power cable under test.FIGURE 3The PD commissioning has been performed with the instrument LDS-6/UHF as periodic monitoring instrument. Prior to the AC and PD test the instrumentation an instrument-performance-check of the PD measuring system has been perform by injecting of the voltage signal at the UHF-PD-Sensor. Increase the voltage in steps of 50 KV and observe the PD pattern at each voltage level. At Uo= 230 KV take a PD-measurement recording during 1 minute and afterwards increase the voltage in further steps of 50 KV until 320 KV. At each step note the measured PD value. Once reaching 320 KV leave this voltage applied for 1 hour and observe if there is a change in the recorded PD pattern and value, just before the 1 hour test period elapse take another recording of the PD measurement for 1 minute. While ramping the test voltage down, take another PD measurement for 1 minute at U o = 230 KV.Measuring instrumentation to perform the PD commissioning test, PD measuring instrument LDS-6/UHF as periodic monitoring system as well as the voltage generator LDC-7/UHF connected over the UHF-PD-Sensor to inject the voltage step as instrument-performance-checkFIGURE 4Test resultsDuring the applied high voltage to the power cables the PD level has been observed continuously. The following both screen shots are showing exemplary for one power cable the measured PD signals, near and remote sealing end, during the on-site commissioning test (figure 5).© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedNear End Remote EndReal-time measured-data acquisition during the AC and PD commissioning test of the power cable under test displayed with the front-end software LDS-6/UHF. The measured PD signals at 230 KVtest voltage are not above the baseline.FIGURE 5 Recordings at 230KV test voltage - near & remote end:For the data evaluation and reporting the replay function of LDS-6/UHF Analysis Mode has been used. Phase-correlated pulses, which are a typical signature for real PD events, could not be observed, i.e. thehere recorded signal level is only due to baseline / basic background noises in the measuring surroundings (figure 6). Near End Remote EndRecording at 230KV test voltage, no significantly PD appearances above the baselineFIGURE 6Recordings at 320 KV test voltage (one-hour-test):Other further diagnosis methods, such as based on expert systems, were not necessary because replay mode was sufficient in this particular case to recognize jittering of the noise pulses caused by the power electronics of the resonance test set. Please refer to the screenshot of replay mode with pulse plots in figure 7.© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedNoise Identification: Clearly assigned noise signal caused by electronicsof the HV resonance test systemFIGURE 7. All tested 18 power cables has been tested successfully with a recorded average background signal level ranges up to 75 mV. Based on these PD test results the investigated cables have been assessed PD-free under operation voltage considered to the recorded background noise level.Since one year ago the AC- and PD commissioning test has been performed the sealing ends of the power cable systems are monitored with the PDM system PD Guard/UHF. No conspicuousness has been observed during the one-year-period.Case Study 2 - AC and PD Commissioning Test of 345 KV XLPE cable systemUHF-PD-Monitoring and on-site-commissioning-test of 345 KV XLPE-insulated cable circuits at EHV Substation Wufong / TaiwanSystem Configuration and Test ApplicationBrugg Kabel AG, Switzerland, has been awarded and has successfully commissioned 325 KV cable project in Taiwan. The project consists of (figure 8):-Four 325 KV XLPE cable systems for connections between the Overhead-Line and GIS of the 325 KV Substation lines with different short cable length -Additional 3 power cable systems between GIS and Power Transformer -Outdoor-sealing ends as well as GIS-sealing ends pre-fabricated and pre-tested stress-cones manufactured from silicone -Complete 56 pcs installed UHF-PD sensors for permanent and periodic Monitoring, -One complete On-line UHF-PD Monitoring System for the Outdoor-sealing end supplied by LDIC GmbH (24 UHF-PD sensors at two Overhead-Line Towers)© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedSensor- and Instrumentation- Arrangement for PD Monitoring of the 345 KV SubstationFIGURE 8The PD monitoring system has been designed to monitor the PD signals continuously at the outdoor-sealing ends both overhead-line towers as permanent monitoring. The indoor GIS-sealing ends will be monitored periodic annually once. Within the first two years after system energization the GIS-sealing ends will be monitored twice the year.Test procedure and test application for the AC- and PD- commissioning testIn agreement with the end-user the test procedure for power cables has been performed as follow (figure9):Increase the voltage in steps of 50 KV and observe the PD signals as well as the PD pattern at each voltage level. At the voltage level 120KV, 199KV (U 0), 260KV, 345KV (1.7U 0) takes PD-recordings during 10-15 minutes. At each voltage level the PD pattern have been observed to check the power cable accessories under test concerning PD phenomena.Test condition for on-site AC test combined with a selective on-site PD test at Wufong ACresonance test set connected to the power cable under test.FIGURE 9© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client ConferenceAll Rights ReservedThe PD commissioning test has been performed with the monitoring instruments PD Guard/UHF as installed permanently at the outdoor sealing-ends (figure 10). The indoor GIS-sealing ends have been checked with temporary measuring instrumentation. All measured PD signals, max. 6 measuring signals during the commissioning test of each cable phase separately, have been monitored and observed at the data acquisition server located in the control room.Application layout for permanent PD Monitoring at EHV substation, Wufong. Temporarymeasuring instrumentation at the GIS-sealing ends.FIGURE 10 Test ResultsDuring the AC- and PD commissioning tests at the 345 KV substation abnormal discharge appearances has been recognized at two GIS-sealing ends (figure 11). Increased phase correlated pulses have been observed on the terminations GIS A+ and GIS B- at one phase. Phase-resolved PD Pattern, which have a typical signature for real PD events, could be observed.Due to the short link connection via busbar, 4 m distance, between GIS A+ and GIS B- sealing ends the PD signals coupled over from one to another one. To confirm the cross-over coupling and to isolate the PD phenomena the link from the GIS B- sealing end has been opened. It could be clearly assigned that the typical PD appearances have the origin at the GIS A+ sealing end. The phase-resolved PD Pattern are showing significantly PD behaviour with triangular and symmetrically PD appearances.Recordings at 199 KV test voltage:GIS A+ GIS B-Phase resolved PD pattern recorded at 199 KV test voltage. Clearly assigned PD phenomena at GIS A+, cross-over coupling at GIS BFIGURE 11 Due to the observed typically PD pattern during the AC- and PD- commissioning test it has been decided to open the sealing end at GIS A+ to inspect the termination assembly. After de-assembly of the sealing end tracking path on the cable insulation has been discovered caused by improper termination assembling work (figure 12). Foreign matter, a small piece of tape layer, initiated discharges with the tracking path in the insulation as result.Tracking path as reason for partial discharges caused by foreign matter in the high voltage insulation system FIGURE 12 After re-assembling of the GIS A+ sealing end the AC- and PD commissioning test has been repeated with no relevant discharges above the baseline. All tested power cable accessories have been assessed PD-free under operation voltage.© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights ReservedCase Study 3 – Periodic PD Monitoring as Inspection Test Periodic UHF-PD-Monitoring- and inspection-test of 161 kV GIS-sealing end in Taiwan System Configuration, Test Sequence and Instrumentation A set of GIS-sealing ends, three sealing ends, of 161 KV XLPE power cable system has been inspected as routine test. The PDM system including three UHF-PD-sensors as described previously has been set up in energized condition of the power cable system. PD recordings have been taken at each phase of the investigated power cable system. At one phase abnormal conspicuousness in the partial discharge measuring readings has been observed during the routine inspection measurement. Based on the initial result it has been decided to perform periodic monitoring once the month to check the PD trending as well as to observe changes in the phase resolved PD pattern. Test Results During the routine inspection strong partial discharge activities have been measured at the cable termination of S-phase, the phase-resolved-pattern is shown in figure 13. The measured partial discharge signals are not similar to the typical PD pattern appearance, 0°~90° and 180°~270° of the applied test voltage, due to the outlet voltage as reference voltage has been not taken from the cable under test.Phase resolved PD Pattern at GIS-sealing end, phase S - Initial measurement as start of the periodic monitoring FIGURE 13 The origin of the partial discharge source has been located by comparing the measuring results, the partial discharge magnitudes as well as the phase resolved PD pattern, all three tested cable terminations. As shown in figure 13 the phase-resolved-pattern is indicating the discharges based on true PD-nature from the insulation of the GIS-sealing end arrangement at phase S. Moreover, the time domain signal and the frequency spectrum have been used to figure out the partial discharge source, as shown in figure 14. The measurement results shows that the partial discharge signal is suspected from the S-phase cable termination than from outside. Therefore, the S-phase cable termination has been considered that there is a defect inside the insulation arrangement, and a suggestion has been proposed to perform periodic PD monitoring once the month.© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights ReservedFig 14 Time domain signal of the decoupled PD signal at GIS-sealing end, phase S, and his correlated frequency spectrum FIGURE 14 The first review of on-line PDM is done one month later. The measured partial discharge signals have been increased as indicated in figure 15 (left). Comparing with initial measurement, the partial discharge magnitudes are slightly increased, the phaseresolved PD pattern is similar and the repetitive rate is almost the same. Figure 15 is showing that partial discharge area is shifted by 180 degree, and this is resulting from taking different outlet as reference voltage, the real synchronized voltage derived from phase S. It has been confirmed that the partial discharge source is inside the cable termination.Phase-resolved-pattern of 1st review, phase-resolved-pattern of 2nd review recorded each at phase S FIGURE 15 The second review of on-line PDM is done on Dec. 12th 2007. The measured partial discharge is stabilized at the PD level measured before, and the partial discharge still remains. Abnormal behavior has been assigned at the investigated cable system, discharges based on random noise or resulting from unexpected switching transients has been excluded. Therefore, the internal partial discharge of cable termination has been validated, the cable termination has been replaced, and the details are as following:© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights ReservedDisassembling of the GIS-sealing end. No abnormal condition observed at the surface of cable termination (left). After further disassembling serious trace path as result of partial discharge activities has been found (right). FIGURE 16Case Study 4 – Periodic Monitoring as Quality CheckPeriodic UHF-PD-Monitoring and inspection-test of 230 KV XLPE-insulated power cable accessories in a substation in Saudi Arabia System Configuration Two sets of GIS-sealing ends of 230 KV XLPE power cable system has been inspected and monitored during a one-year-period: - Six 230 KV GIS-sealing end at two circuits side by side (circuit A and circuit B) Test instrumentation and -sequence The used instruments to perform the quality check consist of the PD measuring Instrument LDS-6/UHF configured in zero-span- and ultra- wideband mode, Pre-Amplifier LDA-5/GIS, Voltage Generator LDC-7/UHF, UHF-PD-sensor (figure 17).Measuring setup for the power cable accessories insulation check by using PD monitoring instrumentation (frequency selective- as well as ultra wideband- measuring method): the PD instrument LDS-6/UHF as portable version and the UHF-PD-senor are displayed. FIGURE 17© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights ReservedThe PD-recordings has been taken during the GIS is in service condition. The UHF-PD-sensor has been installed with no outage as the GIS is in service. The test sequence has been performed at each sealing end as follow. 1. Setup of the PDM system LDS-6/UHF incl. the UHF-PD-sensor Note: Voltage synchronization by using the external Trigger, real synchronized voltage derived from the investigated circuit, of the PD Instrument performed at all circuits 2. Frequency analysis for determination of the measuring frequency (only for zero-span-mode measurement required) 3. Instrument performance check by using the voltage generator LDC-7/UHF 4. Recording of the measuring signals for the measuring cycle of 120 seconds Note: Ultra-wideband-mode measurements and zero-span-mode measurements have been performed at all circuits 5. For localization purposes and confirmation of UHF-PD-measuring series 2: recordings of acoustic signals captured by the acoustic insulation analyzer AIA100 (using the R3α-Sensor) at six measuring points according picture per phase (figure 18) 6. Evaluation of the measuring recordings by using the LDS-6/UHF analysis software: PD pattern recognition and replay-mode for signal evaluationSchematic Overview of the investigated GIS, GIS-sealing ends both circuits A and B. FIGURE 18© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights ReservedThe following table is reporting the measuring sequences both test series within the one-year-monitoringperiod: TABLE 2 Test configurations to perform the periodic PD monitoringSwitchin g No. 1 Measuring series as part of the periodic monitoring Initial measurement (quality check) Status Measuring method Electrical InstrumentationCircuit A energized Circuit B energized Circuit A: deenergized (circuit breaker and disconnector open, disconnector closed) Circuit B: in serviceLDS-6/UHF (zero-span-mode, UWB) LDS-6/UHF (zero-span-mode, UWB) AIA100 LDS-6/UHF (zero-span-mode, UWB) AIA1002Nine-month laterElectrical busbar circuit Acoustic Electrical busbar circuit3Nine-month laterCircuit A in service Circuit B: deenergized (circuit breaker and disconnector open, disconnector closed)AcousticFirst test series, quality check after system assembling of the GIS-sealing ends Based on the below reported test results it can be concluded, that the GIS-sealing ends both investigated circuit at each phase L2 have critical PD levels above the detection sensitivity of about 20 mV. Noises appearing either stochastically or phase-correlated could clearly be identified as external disturbances, due to further investigative site measurements and deeper analysis of the captured data by the ’Replay-Mode’ of the digital PD measuring system LDS-6/UHF. It could be excluded the origin of these PD pattern are not generated by the power transformers connected to the power cable via the GIS and not from the GIS-busbar system connected from the GIS sealing ends to the power transformer.© 2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights Reserved。



Copyright by FEM Product Group IT Available in German (D), English (E)Seite 2FEM 4.004 (5/2009)0 Vorwort: Wichtige Information für den Prüfera) Die Vorschläge und Ratschläge in dieser Richtlinie basieren auf Spezifikationen, Abläufen und ande-ren Informationen, die von der FEM durch seine Mitglieder gesammelt wurden. So weit der FEM bekannt ist, stellen sie die besten erhältlichen Informationen zur Zeit der Veröffentlichung über den Bau und den Gebrauch von Flurförderzeugen unter allgemein gültigen Bedingungen dar und sind vorgesehen, An-haltspunkte für einen solchen Gebrauch zu geben.b) Es gibt jedoch eine breite Streuung von Anwendungen in welchen Flurförderzeuge benutzt werden, deswegen muß in allen Fallen konsequent die Anwendbarkeit dieser Richtlinie durch die Beurteilung der Person festgestellt werden, die die Richtlinie verwendet in Übereinstimmung mit den Bedingungen, in denen der Gebrauch vorgesehen ist in Abhängigkeit von allen relevanten gesetzmäßigen Anforderungen.c) FEM übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die ausgesprochenen oder implizierten Vorschläge, Ratsch-läge, Feststellungen und Schlußfolgerungen und gibt keine Garantie oder Versicherung in Bezug auf die Richtigkeit oder Gültigkeit derselben.1 EinleitungEine Prüfung von Arbeitsmitteln in regelmäßigen Abständen ist in der Zusatzrichtlinie 95/63/EG zur Ar-beitsmittelbenutzungs-Richtlinie 89/655/EG beschrieben.Nationale Regeln, die auf Grund dieser Richtlinie herausgegeben wurden, müssen beachtet werden, da sie von einem Staat zum anderen abweichen können. Die Europäische Richtlinie 89/655/EG und dieergänzende Richtlinie 95/63/EG definieren MindestanforderungenDiese Richtlinie wird angewendet als Ergänzung zur Betriebs-und Wartungsanleitung des Flurförder-zeugs-Hersteller. Nichtsdestoweniger haben die Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitungen des Herstellers Vor-rang vor diesen Vorschlägen.2 AnwendungsbereichDiese Richtlinie ist anwendbar auf angetriebene Flurförderzeuge nach ISO 5053 und Flurförderzeuge angetrieben durch Mitgänger, beide mit oder ohne Hubfunktion.Verweisungen3 NormativeISO 3691: Powered industrial trucks – Safety code¹ISO 5053:1987: Powered industrial trucks; TerminologyISO 5057:1993: Industrial trucks – inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork-lift trucksISO 2330:2002: Fork-lift trucks – Fork arms – Technical characteristics and testingEN ISO/IEC: 17020:2004: General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspec-tionEN 1175-1:1998: Sicherheit von Flurförderzeugen – Elektrische Anforderungen – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen für Flurförderzeuge mit batterieelektrischem Antrieb²¹Überarbeitung von ISO 3691 ist zurzeit als DIS verfügbar²Bemerkung: Neue Ausgabe wird in 2009 erwartetSeite 3FEM 4.004 (5/2009) 4 BegriffeExperteExperte ist eine Person, welche regelmäßige Inspektionen von Flurförderzeugen ausführt und ausführli-che Kenntnisse und Erfahrung vorweist, um den Zustand eines Flurförderzeuges zu beurteilen und fest-zustellen, daß das Flurförderzeug weiterhin in sicherem Zustand operieren kann. Diese Personen sind speziell ausgebildet z.B. durch den Hersteller und ermächtigte Vorgesetzte oder Kundendiensttechniker der Herstellerfirma. Welche Person als Experte für die Inspektion von Flurförderzeugen benannt wird, liegt im Ermessen des Herstellers so weit die gewählte Person die spezifischen Anforderungen erfüllt. Experten müssen objektiv sein in ihrer Beurteilung von Sicherheitsaspekten (siehe EN ISO/IEC 17020).Gabelbelastung und Standard LastschwerpunktabstandEntsprechend den Spezifikationen auf der Gabel (siehe ISO 2330) oder entsprechend den Spezifikatio-nen des Herstellers.5 Ausführung der InspektionDie Inspektionen müssen durch einen Experten durchgeführt werden. Eine Niederschrift des Inspektions- ergebnisses muss erstellt werden. (Siehe Checkliste auf Seite 8 und 9 dieser Richtlinie).Die Inspektionen müssen in Abstanden von nicht mehr als einem Jahr durchgeführt werden, oder spezifi-ziert durch den Anwender gemäß seiner Gefahrenanalyse. Nationale Regeln müssen beachtet werden. Die einzelnen Punkte der Inspektion sind in den Checklisten dieses Dokumentes wie folgt erklärt:5.1 HubeinrichtungenGabelzinken, Befestigungen und Anschläge müssen gemäß ISO 5057 unter besonderer Beachtung von 5.1.1 Gabelzinken, Dicke am GabelknickDie zulässige Mindestdicke am Gabelknick vom Verschleiß herrührend muß vom Hersteller festgesetzt werden oder wenn nicht spezifiziert, nach ISO 5057.Verformung5.1.2 BleibendeJeder Gabelzinken muß auf bleibende Verformung und Verbiegen nach ISO 5057 geprüft werden.5.1.3 Risse am Knick und an den AufhängungenSichtprüfung der Gabeln auf Risse5.1.4 KettenLänge über mindestens 6 Kettenteilungen an jeder Kette, max. Verschleiß wie vom Hersteller spezifiziert, oder wenn nicht spezifiziert, 3%.Im Gebiet des größten Verschleißes, der in der Regel in dem Kettenabschnitt auftritt, der über die Um-lenkrollen läuft, wenn der Gabelträger zum Fahren angehoben ist.Seite 4FEM 4.004 (5/2009)Ketten und damit verbundene Komponenten sind zu prüfen auf:(a) Gebrochene oder fehlende Kettengliedplatten.(b) Lose oder verschlissene Bolzen mit beschädigten Köpfen.(c) Nachweis von Grübchen wegen Rost oder Korrosion.(d) Sich drehende Bolzen in der äußeren Platte.(e) Verlust der Gelenkigkeit (Steife Kette).(f) Verschleiß der Kettengliederecken. z. B. durch Lauf über die Umlenkrollen.(g) Beschädigung der Befestigung des Kettenankerbolzens.(h) Verschleiß und Korrosion der Kettenendbefestigung und des Kettenankers(einschl. integriertenAnkern)(i) Verschleiß zwischen dem Bolzen und der Platte und/oder damit verbundenen Komponentenoder Langlochbildung.(j) Festsitzen der Ankerbolzenbefestigung.Wird ein Defekt wie oben genannt gefunden muß die Kette ausgetauscht werden.5.2 Fahrantrieb und Bremsen5.2.1 Auspuffprüfung bei DieselmotorenMessen des Ruß-Index nach den Spezifikationen des Herstellers oder nationalen Bestimmungen.Bremsleistung5.2.2 Betriebsbremse,Die Bremsleistung muss gemessen werden nach den Vorgaben des Herstellers.5.2.3 Parkbremse,BremsleistungDie Bremsleistung muss gemessen werden nach den Vorgaben des Herstellers, z.B. Messen der Park-bremsleistung durch Fahren gegen die Parkbremse.5.2.4 Bremssystem durch die Deichsel des FlurförderzeugesNachdem die Deichsel freigegeben ist zur senkrechten Stellung oder nach unten in die horizontale Stel-lung gedrückt wird, muß das Flurförderzeug bremsen.5.2.5 BremssystemPrüfen der Bremssystemkomponenten auf Beschädigung, übermäßigen Verschleiß, Rostbildung, Befes-tigung und ordnungsgemäße Einstellung, soweit ohne Ausbau möglich.5.2.6 Räder und ReifenSichtprüfung der Reifen auf Verschleiß, Beschädigung und Klebefehler. Sichtprüfung der Räder und de-ren Zusammenbau auf Zustand, Befestigung, Sicherheit und wenn anwendbar, Reifendruck.Seite 5FEM 4.004 (5/2009) 5.3 Fahrersitz und Bedienelemente5.3.1 FahrerrückhaltesystemSichtprüfung und Prüfung der Sicherheitsfunktion des Rückhaltesystems z.B. Beckengurt; wenn ein duo-sensitiver Gurt eingebaut ist, prüfen ob dieser einrastet wenn der Sitz sich auf einem spezifizierten Win-kel befindet.Prüfen anderer Rückhaltesysteme auf Funktion und Beschädigung.5.3.2 SitzbefestigungPrüfen der Sitzbefestigung und Einstellfunktion.5.3.3 LenksystemPrüfen auf erlaubtes Spiel und auf Beschädigung.5.3.4 Bedienteile und BeschilderungPrüfen aller Bedienteile und deren Beschilderung.Ausrüstung5.4 Elektrische5.4.1 BatteriezustandSichtprüfung des Batteriezustands und der Zellenverbinder, außerdem prüfen dass Verbindungskabel und Verbindungen befestigt sind und gute Isolation vorweisen.5.4.2 BatteriebefestigungSichtprüfung der Batteriebefestigung nach den Vorgaben des Herstellers.5.4.3 BatteriedatenPrüfen der Batteriespannung und des Gewichtes(auf dem Batteriedatenschild) gegen das Typenschild des Herstellers des Flurförderzeuges.5.4.4 Sitzschalter oder andere Abschaltvorrichtung (nur bei elektrischen Fahrzeugen)Wenn der Fahrer das Fahrzeug verläßt, prüfen dass die Stromversorgung des Fahrmotors abgeschaltet ist.5.4.5 NotausschalterPrüfen der Funktion des Notausschalters(Extraschalter oder Batteriestecker).5.4.6 SicherheitstrennschalterWenn der Hersteller vorschreibt, dass der Sicherheitstrennschalter in regelmäßigen Abständen geprüft werden muß, sollte diese Prüfung nach Abschnitt 5.9.4 von EN 1175-1 erfolgen.5.4.7 Elektrische Verdrahtung und SicherungenSichtprüfung der elektrischen Verdrahtung auf Beschädigung(Isolationsschäden, Anschlüsse) und Siche-rungen.Seite 6FEM 4.004 (5/2009)5.4.8 Sicherheitsschalter an der DeichselWenn bei mitgängergeführten Flurförderzeugen die Deichsel freigegeben wird, muss die Stomzufuhr zum Fahrmotor abgeschaltet werden.Prüfen der Not-Fahrtsrichtungsumkehr auf richtige Funktion.5.5 Hydrauliksystem5.5.1 HubsystemabsenktestPrüfen der Schleichfunktion bei Nennlast(max. 100 mm innerhalb 10 min bei Flurförderzeugen mit Nenn-last bis 10 t oder max. 200 mm in 10 min bei Nennlast größer als 10 t), gemäß ISO 3691 oder den Vor-gaben des Herstellers. Diese Prüfung muß vorgenommen werden bei Hydrauliköl auf Betriebstemperatur und alle Hubzylinder druckbeaufschlagt.5.5.2 NeigesystemschleichtestPrüfen der Schleichfunktion vorwärts bei Nennlast auf Höhe von 2,5 m (max.5 innerhalb 10 min.), siehe ISO 3691 oder die Vorgaben des Herstellers. Diese Prüfung muß mit Hydrauliköl auf Betriebstemperatur vorgenommen werden.5.5.3 Leckagen und BeschädigungenSichtprüfung der Schläuche, Rohre und Anschlüsse auf Beschädigungen, Leckage, Verschleiß, Ausbeu-lungen und Verdrehungen.5.6 Fahrzeugrahmen und Sicherheitsausrüstung5.6.1 BefestigungspunkteSichtprüfung der Befestigungspunkte für das Hubwerk, das Gegengewicht, Lenkachse, Fahrerschutz-dach, Neigezylinder, usw.5.6.2 Rahmen und SicherheitsausrüstungSichtprüfung des Rahmens und der Sicherheitsausstattung für z.B. Fahrerschutzdach, auf Risse, Be-schädigungen, Verformungen die die Sicherheit beeinflussen.5.6.3 AnhängerkupplungSichtprüfung der Anhängerkupplung auf sichere Funktion.5.6.4 Bodenöffnungen bei TreibgasstaplernSichtprüfung der Bodenöffnungen am tiefsten Punkt bei Treibgasstaplern gemäß ISO 3691.5.6.5 HaubenverriegelungPrüfen der Funktion und der Sicherheit.5.7 Verschiedenes und Spezialausrüstungen5.7.1 BeschilderungPrüfen, daß alle Sicherheitsschilder angebracht und lesbar sind.Seite 7FEM 4.004 (5/2009) Prüfen, daß die Tragfähigkeitsschilder sicher befestigt sind, lesbar und die Tragfähigkeitseinstufung für das Flurförderzeug und alle Anbaugeräte, die mit dem Flurförderzeug benutzt werden, aufweisen.5.7.2 BedienungsanleitungPrüfen, dass die Bedienungsanleitung zusammen mit zugehörigen Dokumenten dem Fahrer zugänglich sind.(z.B. Bedienungsanleitung für Anbaugerät)5.7.3 AnbaugerätePrüfen der Anbaugeräte auf Beschädigung, übermäßigen Verschleiß, Leckagen, sichere Befestigung in Übereinstimmung mit den Spezifikationen.5.7.4 ZusatzausrüstungenPrüfen von Zusatzausrüstungen wie Beleuchtung, Spiegel, Scheibenwischer usw. auf korrekte Funktion.5.8 Flurförderzeuge mit hebbarem FahrerplatzPrüfen der Sicherheitsfunktionen spezifisch an Flurförderzeugen mit hebbarem Fahrerplatz, die nicht bereits durch die Vorgaben des Herstellers abgedeckt sind.Prüfungen5.9 WeitereDer Experte muss Prüfungen für weitere besondere Teile, die nicht in diesem Dokument behandelt sind aber am Fahrzeug angebracht sind, dokumentieren. Diese Teile müssen durch den Prüfer gesondert auf der Checkliste aufgeführt werden.Seite 8FEM 4.004 (5/2009)6. Checkliste, 2 SeitenSeite 9 FEM 4.004 (5/2009)。

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作习惯.这些领域包括:安全、遵守规章、操作和维护等。 范例描述如F:
血急方案虚拟化在应急预案和实施上作用重大。任计 划阶殴,使用精确豹鼍维模型确定蕾辆行驻路线。与事敝绽 生时,三维模型帮助定位关键阀『】及帮助应对小组炷时枉到 现场。指挥中心能罅吼前所未有的请晰方式调度曝调。
Design of Enterprise Information System based on Risk Management
毋.自f北衡水鸯平凡,教授级高级t腔师。 毕业r中国科学技术太学无班电电子擘系 一直在石油化工秆mI怍。曾任k庚百油化 【刨自动化处车间剐tff自动化研{£事 主任、信包巾心生ft,后埘中目石化总部, 先后任中崮石化总。目经通信息&日.中吲 石化胨&司信B中心、中瑚右化集团&司信 包中心副{:侄摊总I程师.中国石他收协“ 限0司估包系统管理部副丰任。墟国务院授 ,享受国家政府津贴的有突出品献的国家I 程技术专窜。
消晰的交流一通常情况F,经验丰富的操作_凡员指导缺 乏经验的人员。为避免交流障碍,操作人品通常需要有正确 理解相关设备的操作方法。通过虚拟化模制.可以在工作现 场,交溘请晰.竹省时间。
管道、容器完整性榆查通过虚{|:I化模型.检测点可 以收据地理位氍在模型巾标畦。榆盘人品nr以非常容易地盘 找、定位和审}麦,或读取历电教捃。然后将资产的物理数据 和相是的腐蚀数据进行关联.可以使用新方拉进行麻蚀趋势 分析.并对高腐蚀区域进行根源分析。此外.将虚拟化模型 与所需技术榆月4叶阀和材料需求丰H结合,优化捡测L1划。
知试丰富的劳动力毖本h判r退休年龄太多数L』员 工胄经验鸿沟。如何i☆晰的传递知识.使新员工具有丰富的 经验’
挖掘现有投资的价值许多技术在下厂已经存在.但是 获取是非常钉挑战性的。如何矸}最自然的盘巨方式获取遮些 技术?
知道工厂弁什么资产和在哪坠许多老厂面临这个挑 战。是否有非常简单的方武精确的将1.厂资产文档化?
灾堆情景培训灾准培洲非常重要,需要用大量时间髓 明情况和可能的行动。通过虚拟模型.可以进行评审it论 和精炼各种情景的可能应时行动,井日确队每个人行动的生 存能力和可接受程度。
瞬间il|}漏分析 使州泄漏捡测器外使州虚{1:l模型精确 定位和记录数据,监控瓣芷瞬间排放源。分析可能的关联设 备,采取措施消除串故。虑{|=【化使技术路线优化,井B提供 有娃手段对计划和执行进行检删和监控。
提升工厂的牛产效率,安垒水平和决策能力。席拟化是流牺。 丁二业.诸如石油化工、公用T程等领域粜约ft,精细化资
A㈣.Chevron 产管理的下一代流行新技术。目前已被ExxonMohi】.BP, ConecoPhillips.Esso Imperial Oil.Shell Oil.Shell Chemicals Union Ca巾ide、Arco、BASF Bayer
工』‘资产是T’厂建设投资的主体.也是企业生产运营的 物质基础,因此备受经营管理者的关注。企业管理的实质足 资产厦资产回报芈(ROA)管理。尽管资产管理是老生常 浚,但是使甩3D模型模拟、标识并管理所有的资产.实现资 产管理和利用自动化,则是垒新的理念。确切地了解和掌握 资产状况,既可以有被地进行运行和维护,叉可以为持续发 展作更准确的分析.帮助提升生产散串和资产利用率,最终 获得更高的资产同报率。
一 _畅≯i
图1 EAM端到蜡的集成的虚拟现实解决方案
58 ijf晶mw_P册HMi
2 INOVx解决方案
ron…pl INOVx解决方案肯两个棱心技术。一是生成代表I。
①使用j维扫描仪获取[厂竣工数据。@南-三雏 PlantLINx软件创怍J.厂物理数据库.将f】描图像转换为= 维模型;②由智能适配器将=维模型与茛他资产管理系统集 成。
lNOVx使用先进情确的二维激光扫描技术,接耻I.,"-2 维模掣数槲,非常高教。已经完成r 300多个项目.太多数 扯复杂丁i环境F。PlantLlNx@将激光扫描仪(如Lelca
导出到主流的CAD系统作为重要丁稃度在建[程的晦嫂甚 础。INOVx研发r唯一的先进的软件』.儿倮hE与cAD最统
DOW.DuPont等世界知袁石油、石他公司以及Fluor Daniel Toyo Enginee ri ng等工程(E),采购(P).建设ic) 咨 询箅公司广泛采刚。
INOVx提供高精度表述【厂实际的二维模型.并Ⅱ通过 集成访luI所有数据。扰如扯虚拟现实世界中漫步.触}奠一楸 管道即可在屏幕上显示管道相关信息,例如世号Jt寸、材 簪}、规格.厚度.洗经管道液体的温度、压力以厦最近一次 检查日期、下次计划捡修时间等所有相关信息,INOVx把选 种以最自然的方式挠取已有资产数据叫髓“工厂虚拟他或虚 拟现实”。
产品包括3D PlantLINx用柬为现有和新建装置制作3D横型;
ac㈣to 有资产相毙敷擀提供竹点鞋录防¨(a single point of
all assel data)的设l卜理念。
3 智能化虚拟技术帮助石油企业应对挑战
安全母重耍保证一个安全的工作环境和习惯需要员J_ 县仃丰富知识乖『良好培训。如n-JL』培自然的打式培讲I员工井 且以请晰的方式表述工作任务,
统一的可}见化门户 t厂人员可以在虚拟模型中导航, 井月制时资产设备进行查匈。模型有无限多的查询,并以接 近真实的、颜色编码的方式呈现结果。所有工J数据都可以 以上述方式获取,包括收粜归娄和存档的历史数据和企怛 系统。
这项新技术的潜力现在已经完全实现。虚拟化带来了0 址程控制(DCS)给工厂操作类似的功能,促进生产丰提-% 和提供通用的工作方式。并有趋势显示,三位可视化将肛代 Dcs方案主要通过虚拟化和资产文档化.吱现虚
拟他的、集成的应用。资产文档化服务是工厂从没有一维资 产模型到准备实现RealityLINx的起点。它为【,刨建一个能 够精确表逃竣工资产的模型。再与Reall‘yLlNx结合,即可成 为。改变传统T作模式1的应用契机。PlantLINx@是INOVx 的核心软¨二之一.是资产文档他的技术基石,是模型与其他 各种企业应用系统链接的菸础。吖方便简捷地获取3D CAD的 工厂配置或处理转化激光扣描仪的图像。对已有3D摸型的新 建厂.只需I一2个月即可完成资产文档化。此项]+作可以自己 党成,也可南々4k咨询公司实现。
INOVx解决方案是一个创新的以瓷产为中心的软件平 台(innovative Asset-Cenlric software platform).将大量复 杂的上厂资产相关数据转ft为容易理解和以业务导向的信 息.吼表现资产真实物理状i兕的i维J=厂电子模型为基础. 井且无缝集成各种工厂企业信息系统,如ERP MES、实时 数据库,工程、检删、运行、维护以及文档管理(document m anagement)等系统。是承点针对流程工业的支持企业资 产管理(EAM)的先进虚拟现实软件,提供EAM端到端的 集碰的虚拟现实解决方案,如图1所示。重点用于企业资产 运行管理.安全管理、规章管理.拍J。培训和维修管理.以
代丧工厂实际状况的资产模型。侧女nFARO Laser Scanner LS是
安全演习|殳计 当T程建|殳完成后.设计安垒概盘 (Walk)路线需要想象儿和时问。使用虚拟化后有两个重要 坐化:①往没讣阶段即可进行模拟安全{_;【练.避免产生n凡 的』稃变更t⑦安夸演练一r以通过瓦联洲会议半台在会议辜 进行,相戈人员一r}线演练井且进行协怍。
遵守规宣 执行规章变得简单。F厂相关人员精确和一 致地遵守观最制度。由于虚拟化是准确的升月A观的,接近 真实地检啻铷览和直观地确定操作步骤.并上L迅速避免操怍 错误。
知阻扶取 将信息加入虚拟模型.从经验丰富的人员挠 取操作规程.定义安全操怍步骤,井凡与物理}殳备关联,指 导经验较少的见工工作。
维护L睢 以前维护工单以文本方式存人计算机.难于 扶取.^:很大程度L依赖J:经验手【l知识。通过虚拟化横型有 许多提高:①工单披视怍设备及相关过程需要的;@工作计 划保证相邻工作人品不互相干扰.并且辑合适的工具故人指 定地点;③通过基于颜色编码的资产模型.Lt划人蚰unl看 到已计划的、JE在进行的和完成状志的丁单。
维扩,任务山合『神工人进行 这是石油行业惯例。如f—I 保证这些台同工』、且有丰富的知识,并且能啦完成指定的任 务?
符台规章熟悉规范并且遵守规范。如何使员]知道井 且遵守规范’
虚}[f侄是“己i[变传统工作方式或游戏规则”的技术,它 能够助石油j二龇应对这些挑战。选牲技术应用世·: