250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ
250μ 250μ 250μ
6.4 6.4 6.4 1N4612
6.4 6.4 6.4 1N4612A
Si 30 稳压
1N4583B Si 7 稳压
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4616DUR1 Si
1N4617(-1) Si 7
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4617CUR1 Si
Si 7
稳压 稳压
1N4617DUR1 Si
1N4618(-1) Si 7
Si 7
稳压 稳压
4m 4m 4m
3.6 3.6
3.6 3.6 3.9 MZ4622
3.9 3.9
3.9 3.9 4.3 MZ4623
当RS 和RW共同为低电平时可以写入指令或者显示地址,当RS为低电平RW为高电平时可以读忙信号,当RS为高电平RW为低电平时可以写入数据。
(说明:1为高电平、0为低电平)指令1:清显示,指令码01H,光标复位到地址00H位置指令2:光标复位,光标返回到地址00H指令3:光标和显示模式设置 I/D:光标移动方向,高电平右移,低电平左移 S:屏幕上所有文字是否左移或者右移。
高电平表示有效,低电平则无效指令4:显示开关控制. D:控制整体显示的开与关,高电平表示开显示,低电平表示关显示 C:控制光标的开与关,高电平表示有光标,低电平表示无光标 B:控制光标是否闪烁,高电平闪烁,低电平不闪烁指令5:光标或显示移位 S/C:高电平时移动显示的文字,低电平时移动光标指令6:功能设置命令 DL:高电平时为4位总线,低电平时为8位总线 N:低电平时为单行显示,高电平时双行显示 F:低电平时显示5x7的点阵字符,高电平时显示5x10的点阵字符指令7:字符发生器RAM地址设置指令8:DDRAM地址设置指令9:读忙信号和光标地址 BF:为忙标志位,高电平表示忙,此时模块不能接收命令或者数据,如果为低电平表示不忙。
1.75 [0.07"]
0.20 [0.01"]
5.25 [0.21"]
8.00 [0.31"]
1.05 [0.04"] 4.00 [0.16"]
Arrangement of Tape
500 hrs
Low Temperature Life Test
1000 hrs
Test circuit and handling precautions
� Test circuit
+ -
� Handling precautions 1. Over-current-proof Customer must apply resistors for protection; otherwise slight voltage shift will cause big current change (Burn out will happen). 2. Storage 2.1 It is recommended to store the products in the following conditions: Humidity: 60% R.H. Max. Temperature : 5℃~30℃(41℉~86℉) 2.2 Shelf life in sealed bag: 12 month at <5℃~30℃ and <30% R.H. after the package is Opened, the products should be used within a week or they should be keeping to stored at≦20 R.H. with zip-lock sealed. 3. Baking It is recommended to baking before soldering when the pack is unsealed after 72hrs. The Conditions are as followings: 3.1 60±3℃ x(12~24hrs) and <5%RH, taped reel type 3.2 100±3℃ x(45min~1hr), bulk type 3.3 130±3℃ x(15~30min), bulk type
1206系列1210系列1812系列贴片陶瓷放电管型号硕凯电子(Sylvia)1、贴片式陶瓷放电管陶瓷气体放电管(Gas Tube)是防雷保护设备中应用最广泛的一种开关器件,无论是交直流电源的防雷还是各种信号电路的防雷,都可以用它来将雷电流泄放入大地。
2、命名规则由图可见,UN1206系列的陶瓷放电管,按照命名规则来对照分类,属于贴片二极管,此系列的放电管通流量为0.5KA,也就是对应的A,标称电压(工作电压)分别有150V、200V、230 V、300V、350V、400V、420V、470V,产品规格统一为3.2*1.65*1.65mm;UN1210系列的陶瓷放电管,按照命名规则来对照分类,属于贴片二极管,此系列的放电管通流量为1KA,也就是对应的B,标称电压(工作电压)分别有150V、200V、230V、300V、350V、400V、420V、470V,产品规格统一为3.2*2.5*2.5mm;UN1812系列的陶瓷放电管,按照命名规则来对照分类,属于贴片二极管,此系列的放电管通流量为2KA,也就是对应的C,标称电压(工作电压)分别有90V、150V、200V、230V、300V、350V、400V、470V、600V,产品规格统一为4. 5*3.2*2.7mm。
3、贴片陶瓷放电管型号(1)名称: UN1206-SMD系列型号:UN1206-150ASMD、UN1206-200ASMD、UN1206-230ASMD、UN1206-300ASMD、UN1206-350ASMD、UN1206-400ASMD、UN1206-420ASMD、UN1206-470ASMD型号:UN1210-150BSMD、UN1210-200BSMD、UN1210-230BSMD、UN1210-300BSMD、 UN1210-350BSMD、UN1210-400BSMD、UN1210-420BSMD、UN1210-470BSMD(3)名称:UN1812-SMD系列型号:UN1812-90CSMD、UN1812-150CSMD、UN1812-200CSMD、UN1812-230CSMD、 UN1812-300CSMD、UN1812-350CSMD、UN1812-400CSMD、UN1812-470CSMD、 UN1812-600CSMD3、小结陶瓷贴片二极管主要的就是以上三个系列。
0.80±0.20 1.00±0.20 1.25±0.20 1.60±0.30
WB 0.60±0.30
第 2 页 共 13 页
五. 规格及测试方法:
1 使用温度范围 -55~+125℃
静电容量 符合规定许容差以内
损耗角正切 DF≤2.5%
1KV≤Ur≤2KV,........ 1.2倍额定电压,5秒
2KV<Ur,............... 1.1 倍额定电压,5 秒 升压时间为:1~3S 保压时间为:5S
■上锡率应大于 75% ■外观无可见损伤
IR≥1000MΩ或 IR*Cr≥25S IR 取较小值
外观 无可见损伤
静电容 量变化 特性:
率 ┃ΔC/C┃≤20%
13 荷实验
DF 值 ≤2 倍的初始标准
IR IR≥2000MΩ或 IR*Cr≥50S 取较小值
充放电流限制在 50mA 以下. 温 度 时 间
100V≤V≤250V 电压 250V<V<1KV
测试时间:60±5 秒测
试湿度:≤75% 测试
IR*Cr≥100*1012Ω,C>25nF 温度:25±5℃
Ur=100V,............. 2.5 倍额定电压,5 秒
20 uS 1000 uS
Test method and description
The specimen shall be subjected to 125℃ for 1000 hours in a thermostatic bath without High Temperature Storage load and then stored at room temperature and humidity for 1 to 2 hours. The change of
UN1206-XXXH Series
Varistor Voltage from5V to 100V Fast response time Low leakage current High surge current ability Bidirectional clamping, high energy Wide Operating temperature range from -55℃-125℃ Suitable for ESD protection
Model 1005(0402) 1608(0603) 2012(0805) 3216(1206) 3225(1210) 4532(1812) 5750(2220) 8050(3220)
Length(L) Width(W) High(H)
1.00±0.15 0.50±0.15 0.70max
Notes@(Electrical Characteristics)
AC voltage at 50~60Hz Varistor voltage: Measured at 1mA DC Capacitance: Measured at f=1MHz, Vrms=0.5V Maximum clamping voltage : Measured at 5A by 8/20µs
1N系列常用整流二极管的主要参数正向不重反向工作额定正向正向反向工作复浪涌峰外形峰值电压整流电流压降电流频率型号值电流封装URM/V IF/A IFSM/A UF/V IR/uA f/KHZ 1N4000 251N4001 501N4002 1001N4003 200 1 30 ?1 ,5 3 DO-41 1N4004 4001N4005 6001N4006 8001N4007 10001N5100 501N5101 1001N5102 2001N5103 3001N5104 400 1(5 75 ?1 ,5 3 1N5105 5001N5106 6001N5107 8001N5108 1000 DO-15 1N5200 501N5201 1001N5202 2001N5203 3001N5204 400 2 100 ?1 ,10 3 1N5205 5001N5206 6001N5207 8001N5208 10001N5400 501N5401 1001N5402 2001N5403 3001N5404 400 3 150 ?0.8 ,10 3 DO-271N5405 5001N5406 6001N5407 8001N5408 1000常用二极管参数:05Z6.2Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=6~6.35V,Pzm=500mW,05Z7.5Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=7.34~7.70V,Pzm=500mW, 05Z13X 硅稳压二极管Vz=12.4~13.1V,Pzm=500mW,05Z15Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=14.4~15.15V,Pzm=500mW,05Z18Y 硅稳压二极管 Vz=17.55~18.45V,Pzm=500mW,稳压二极管参数大全常用稳压二极管参数代换型号稳定电压(V) 最大功电流型号国产稳压管日立稳耗(mW) (mA) 压管最小值最大值新型号旧型号 HZ4B2 500 3.8 4.0 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2 HZ4C1 500 4.0 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21A HZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3 HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7B 500 6.7 7.3 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ9A 500 7.7 8.5 5 2CW106 2CW21D HZ9CTA 500 8.9 9.7 5 2CW107 2CW21E HZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21GHZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21H HZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW1112CW21H HZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 52CW113 2CW21J HZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21KHZ27 500 27.2 28.6 2 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3 HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 52CW119 2CW21M RD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1 RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21S RD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6A1 RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 RD5.6EL2 500 5.5 5.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21B RD7.5E(B) 500 7.0 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21C RD10EN3 500 9.7 10.0 20 2CW108 2CW21F 11A2 RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G RD12E 500 11.74 12.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1 RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 202CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 152CW112 2CW21J 12C3 RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1 RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21L RD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2 RD57E 500 48 54 10 1DS55-18 05Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.20 2CW103 2CW21A 5C2 05Z5.6Z 500 5.615.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 05Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C 05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW1052CW21C 7C2 05Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C1 05Z12 500 11.1312.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H 05Z12Z 500 12.0 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13X500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW1112CW21H 12C2 05Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 05Z15 500 14.4 15.0 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-2 05Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C3 05Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J 05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.70 14 2CW1132CW21J 18-1 EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G EQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21H EQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3EQA02-25A 500 24 25.5 2CW116 2CW21L 24-3 TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 202CW104 2CW21B TVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21G TVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2 MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21HMA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21N M4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21SuPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59快恢复二极管参数型号品牌电流电压时间极性 IN5817 GJ 1A 20V 10ns IN5819 GJ 1A 40V 10ns IN5819 MOT 1A 40V 10ns IN5822 MOT 3A 40V 10ns 21D-06 FUI 3A 60V10ns SBR360 GI 3A 60V 10ns C81-004 FUI 3A 40V 10ns 8TQ080 IR 8A 80V 10ns 单管 MBR1045 MOT 10A 45V 10ns 单管 MBR1545CT MOT 15A 45V 10ns 双管MBR1654 MOT 16A 45V 10ns 双管 16CTQ100 IR 16A 100V 10ns 双管 MBR2035CT MOT 20A 35V 10ns 双管 MBR2045CT MOT 20A 45V 10ns 双管 MBR2060CT MOT 20A 60V 10ns 双管 MBR20100CT IR 20A 100V 10ns 双管 025CTQ045 IR 25A 45V 10ns 双管 30CTQ045 IR 30A 45V 10ns 双管 C85-009* FUI 20A 90V 10ns 双管 D83-004* FUI 30A 40V 10ns 双管 D83-009* FUI 30A 90V 10ns 双管 MBR4060* IR40A 60V 10ns 双管 MBR30045 MOT 300A 45V 10ns MUR120 MOT 1A 200V 35ns MUR160 MOT 1A 600V 35ns MUR180 MOT 1A 800V 35ns MUR460 MOT 4A 600V 35nsBYV95 PHI 1.5A 1000V 250ns BYV27-50 PHI 2A 55V 25ns BYV927-100 PHI 2A 100V 25ns BYV927-300 PHI 2A 300V 25ns BYW76 PHI 3A 1000V 200ns BYT56G PHI 3A 600V 100ns BYT56M PHI 3A 1000V 100ns BYV26C PHI 1A 600V 30ns BYV26E PHI 1A 1000V 30ns FR607 GI 6A 1000V 200ns MUR8100 MOT 8A 1000V 35ns 单管HFA15TB60 IR 15A 600V 35ns 单管HFA25TB60 IR 25A 600V 35ns 单管MUR30100 HAR 30A 1000V 35ns 单管MUR30120 HAR 30A 1200V 35ns 单管MUR1620 PHI 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1620CT MOT 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1620P MOT 16A 200V 35ns 双管MUR1660CT MOT 16A 600V 35ns 双管HFA16TA600 IR 16A 600V 35ns 双管MUR3030 GI 30A 300V 35ns 双管MUR3040 MOT 30A 400V 35ns 双管MUR3060 MOT 30A 600V 35ns 双管HFA30TA600 IR 30A 600V 35ns 双管MUR20040 MOT 200A 400V 35ns 双管B92M-02 FUI 20A 200V 35ns 单管C92-02 FUI 20A 200V 35ns 双管D92M-02 FUI 30A 200V 35ns 双管D92M-03 FUI 30A 300V 35ns 双管DSE130-06 DSET 30A 600V 35ns 双管DSE160-06 DSET 60A 600V 35ns 双管稳压二极管常见稳压二极管的详细参数数据表代换型号稳定电压(V) 最大功耗电流型号国产稳压管日立稳压(mW) (mA) 管最小值最大值新型号旧型号 HZ4B2 500 3.8 4.0 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2HZ4C1 500 4.0 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1 HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21A HZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3 HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ7B 5006.77.3 5 2CW105 2CW21C HZ9A 500 7.78.5 5 2CW106 2CW21D HZ9CTA 500 8.99.7 5 2CW107 2CW21E HZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21G HZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21H HZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 52CW113 2CW21J HZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21K HZ27 500 27.2 28.62 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3 HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 5 2CW119 2CW21M RD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1 RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21SRD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2 RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW1032CW21A 6A1 RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 RD5.6EL2 500 5.55.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1 RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BRD7.5E(B) 500 7.0 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21C RD10EN3 500 9.7 10.0 20 2CW1082CW21F 11A2 RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G RD12E 500 11.7412.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1 RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 20 2CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 152CW112 2CW21J 12C3 RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1 RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21L RD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2 RD57E 500 48 5410 1DS55-18 05Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.20 2CW103 2CW21A 5C2 05Z5.6Z 500 5.615.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2 05Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C 05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW1052CW21C 7C2 05Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C1 05Z12 500 11.1312.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H 05Z12Z 500 12.0 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13X 500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3 05Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW1112CW21H 12C2 05Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2 05Z15 500 14.4 15.0 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-2 05Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C3 05Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J 05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.70 14 2CW1132CW21J 18-1 EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21G EQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21HEQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3 EQA02-25A 500 24 25.52CW116 2CW21L 24-3 TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21B TVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21G TVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2 MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H MA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW1202CW21N M4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21S uPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW1202CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59最大耗散功最大工作型号额定电压(V) 可代换型号率(W) 电流(mA)1N708 0.25 5.6 40 BWA54、2CW28-5.6V 1N709 0.25 6.2 40 2CW55/B、BWA55/E 1N710 0.25 6.8 36 2CW55A、2CW105-6.8V2CW56A、2CW28-7.5V、1N711 0.25 7.5 30 2CW106-7.5V 1N712 0.25 8.2 30 2CW57/B、2CW106-8.2V 1N713 0.25 9.1 27 2CW58A/B、2CW74 1N714 0.25 10 25 2CW18、2CW59/A/B 1N715 0.25 11 20 2CW76、2DW12F.BS31-12 1N716 0.25 12 202CW61/A、2CW77/A 1N717 0.25 13 18 2CW62/A、2DW12G 1N718 0.25 15 162CW112-15V、2CW78/A 1N719 0.25 16 15 2CW63/A/B、2DW12H 1N720 0.25 18 13 2CW20B、2CW64/B、2CW64-18 1N721 0.25 20 12 2CW65-20、2DW12I、BWA65 1N722 0.25 22 11 2CW20C、2DW12J 1N723 0.25 24 10 WCW116、2DW13A 1N724 0.25 27 9 2CW20D、2CW68、BWA68/D 1N725 0.40 30 13 2CW119-30V 1N726 0.40 33 122CW120-33V 1N727 0.40 36 11 2CW120-36V 1N728 0.40 39 10 2CW121-39V 1N748 0.50 3.8,4.0 125 HZ4B21N752 0.50 5.2,5.7 80 HZ6A1N753 0.50 5.8,6.1 80 2CW1321N754 0.5 6.3,6.8 70 H27A1N755 0.50 7.1,7.3 65 HZ7.5EB1N757 0.50 8.9,9.3 52 HZ9C1N962 0.50 9.5,11 45 2CW137 1N963 0.50 11,11.5 40 2CW138、HZ12A-21N964 0.50 12,12.5 40 HZ12C-2、MA1130TA 1N969 0.50 21,22.5 20 RD245B1N4240A 1 10 100 2CW108-10V、2CW109、2DW5 1N4724A 1 12 76 2DW6A、2CW110-12V 1N4728 1 3.3 270 2CW101-3V3 1N4729 1 3.6 252 2CW101-3V6 1N4729A 1 3.6 252 2CW101-3V6 1N4730A 1 3.9 234 2CW102-3V9 1N4731 1 4.3 217 2CW102-4V3 1N4731A 1 4.3 217 2CW102-4V3 1N4732/A 1 4.7 193 2CW102-4V7 1N4733/A 1 5.1 179 2CW103-5V1 1N4734/A 1 5.6 162 2CW103-5V6 1N4735/A 1 6.2 1461W6V2、2CW104-6V2 1N4736/A 1 6.8 138 1W6V8、2CW104-6V8 1N4737/A 1 7.5 121 1W7V5、2CW105-7V5 1N4738/A 1 8.2 110 1W8V2、2CW106-8V2 1N4739/A 1 9.1 100 1W9V1、2CW107-9V1 1N4740/A 1 10 91 2CW286-10V、B563-10 1N4741/A 1 11 83 2CW109-11V、2DW6 1N4742/A 1 12 76 2CW110-12V、2DW6A 1N4743/A 1 13 69 2CW111-13V、2DW6B、BWC114D 1N4744/A 1 15 57 2CW112-15V、2DW6D1N4745/A 1 16 51 2CW112-16V、2DW6E 1N4746/A 1 18 50 2CW113-18V、1W18V1N4747/A 1 20 45 2CW114-20V、BWC115E 1N4748/A 1 22 41 2CW115-22V、1W22V 1N4749/A 1 24 38 2CW116-24V、1W24V 1N4750/A 1 27 34 2CW117-27V、1W27V1N4751/A 1 30 30 2CW118-30V、1W30V、2DW19F 1N4752/A 1 33 27 2CW119-33V、1W33V 1N4753 0.5 36 13 2CW120-36V、1/2W36V 1N4754 0.5 39 12 2CW121-39V、1/2W39V 1N4755 0.5 43 12 2CW122-43V、1/2W43V 1N4756 0.5 47 10 2CW122-47V、1/2W47V 1N4757 0.5 51 9 2CW123-51V、1/2W51V 1N4758 0.5 56 8 2CW124-56V、1/2W56V 1N4759 0.5 62 8 2CW124-62V、1/2W62V1N4760 0.5 68 7 2CW125-68V、1/2W68V 1N4761 0.5 75 6.7 2CW126-75V、1/2W75V 1N4762 0.5 82 6 2CW126-82V、1/2W82V 1N4763 0.5 91 5.6 2CW127-91V、1/2W91V 1N4764 0.5 100 5 2CW128-100V、1/2W100V 1N5226/A 0.5 3.3 138 2CW51-3V3、2CW5226 1N5227/A/B 0.5 3.6 126 2CW51-3V6、2CW5227 1N5228/A/B 0.5 3.9 115 2CW52-3V9、2CW5228 1N5229/A/B 0.5 4.3 106 2CW52-4V3、2CW5229 1N5230/A/B 0.5 4.7 97 2CW53-4V7、2CW5230 1N5231/A/B 0.5 5.1 89 2CW53-5V1、2CW5231 1N5232/A/B 0.5 5.6 81 2CW103-5.6、2CW5232 1N5233/A/B 0.5 6 76 2CW104-6V、2CW5233 1N5234/A/B 0.5 6.2 73 2CW104-6.2V、2CW52341N5235/A/B 0.5 6.8 67 2CW105-6.8V、2CW5235稳压值稳定电流稳压值稳定电流型号功率(mW) 型号功率(mW) (V) (MA) (V) (MA) MA1030 3 5 400 MA2180 18 20 1000 MA1033 3.3 5 400 MA2200 20 20 1000 MA1036 3.6 5 400 MA2220 22 10 1000 MA1039 3.9 5 400 MA2240 24 10 1000 MA1043 4.3 5 400 MA2270 27 5 1000 MA1047 4.7 5 400 MA2300 30 5 1000 MA1051 5.1 5 400 MA2330 33 5 1000 MA1056 5.6 5 400 MA2360 36 5 1000MA1062 6.2 5 400 MA3047 4.7 5 150 MA1068 6.8 5 400 MA3051 5.1 5 150MA1075 7.5 5 400 MA3056 5.6 5 150 MA1082 8.2 5 400 MA3062 6.2 5 150MA1091 9.1 5 400 MA3082 8.2 5 150 MA1100 10 5 400 MA3091 9.1 5 150MA1110 11 5 400 MA3100 10 5 150 MA1114 11.4 10 400 MA3110 11 5 150MA1120 12 5 400 MA3120 12 5 150 MA1130 13 5 400 MA3130 13 5 150 MA1140 14 5 400 MA3150 15 5 150 MA1150 15 5 400 MA3160 16 5 150 MA1160 16 5 400 MA3180 18 5 150 MA1180 18 5 400 MA3200 20 5 150MA1200 20 5 400 MA3220 22 5 150 MA1220 22 5 400 MA3240 24 5 150MA1240 24 5 400 MA3270 27 2 150 MA1270 27 2 400 MA3300 30 2 150 MA1300 30 2 400 MA3330 33 2 150 MA1330 33 2 400 MA3360 36 2 150 MA1360 36 2 400 MA4030 3 5 370 MA2051 5.1 40 1000 MA4033 3.3 5 370 MA2056 5.6 40 1000 MA4036 3.6 5 370 MA2062 6.2 40 1000 MA4039 3.9 5 370 MA2068 6.8 40 1000 MA4043 4.3 5 370 MA2075 7.5 40 1000 MA4047 4.7 5 370 MA2082 8.2 40 1000 MA4051 5.1 5 370 MA2091 9.1 40 1000 MA4056 5.6 5 370 MA2100 10 40 1000 MA4062 6.2 5 370 MA2110 11 5 1000 MA4068 6.8 5 370 MA2120 12 5 1000MA4075 7.5 5 370 MA2130 13 5 1000 MA4082 8.2 5 370 MA2150 15 5 1000MA4091 9.1 5 370 MA2160 16 5 1000 MA4100 10 5 370 MA4110 11 5 370BZX55C6V8 6.8 5 500 MA4120 12 5 370 BZX55C7V5 7.5 5 500 MA4130 13 5 370 BZX55C8V2 8.2 5 500 MA4140 14 5 370 BZX55C9V1 9.1 5 500 MA4150 15 5 370 BZX55C10 10 5 500 MA4160 16 5 370 BZX55C11 11 5 500 MA4180 18 5 370BZX55C12 12 5 500 MA4200 20 5 370 BZX55C13 13 5 500 MA4220 22 5 370BZX55C15 15 5 500 MA4240 24 5 370 BZX55C16 16 5 500 MA4270 27 2 370BZX55C18 18 5 500 MA4300 30 2 370 BZX55C20 20 5 500 MA4330 33 2 370BZX55C22 22 5 500 MA4360 36 2 370 BZX55C24 24 5 500 MA5047 4.7 5 500 BZX55C27 27 5 500 MA5051 5.1 5 500 BZX55C30 30 5 500 MA5056 5.6 5 500BZX55C33 33 5 500 MA5062 6.2 5 500 BZX55C36 36 5 500 MA5068 6.8 5 500 BZX55C39 39 5 500 MA5075 7.5 5 500 BZX55C43 43 2.5 500MA5082 8.2 5 500 BZX55C47 47 2.5 500 MA5091 9.1 5 500 BZX55C51 51 2.5 500 MA5100 10 5 500 BZX55C56 56 2.5 500 MA5110 11 5 500 BZX55C62 622.5 500 MA5120 12 5 500 BZX85C2V7 2.7 80 1300 MA5130 13 5 500 BZX85C3V03.0 80 1300 MA5150 15 5 500 BZX85C3V3 3.3 80 1300 MA5160 16 5 500BZX85C3V6 3.6 70 1300 MA5180 18 5 500 BZX85C3V9 3.9 60 1300 MA5200 20 5 500 BZX85C4V3 4.3 50 1300 MA5240 24 5 500 BZX85C4V7 4.7 45 1300BZX55C2V4 2.4 5 500 BZX85C5V1 5.1 45 1300 BZX55C2V7 2.7 5 500 BZX85C5V6 5.6 45 1300 BZX55C3V0 3.0 5 500 BZX85C6V2 6.2 35 1300 BZX55C3V3 3.3 5 500 BZX85C6V8 6.8 35 1300 BZX55C3V6 3.6 5 500 BZX85C7V5 7.5 35 1300 BZX55C3V9 3.9 5 500 BZX85C8V2 8.2 25 1300 BZX55C4V3 4.3 5 500 BZX85C9V1 9.1 25 1300 BZX55C4V7 4.7 5 500 BZX85C10 10 25 1300 BZX55C5V1 5.1 5 500 BZX85C11 11 20 1300 BZX55C5V6 5.6 5 500 BZX85C12 12 20 1300 BZX55C6V2 6.2 5 500 BZX85C13 13 20 1300 BZX85C15 15 15 1300 BZX79A9V1 9.1 5 400 BZX85C16 16 15 1300 BZX79A10 10 5 400 BZX85C18 18 15 1300 BZX79A11 11 5 400 BZX85C20 20 10 1300 BZX79A12 12 5 400 BZX85C22 22 10 1300 BZX79A13 13 5 400 BZX85C24 24 10 1300 BZX79A15 15 5 400 BZX85C27 27 8 1300BZX79A16 16 5 400 BZX85C30 30 8 1300 BZX79A18 18 5 400 BZX85C33 33 8 1300 BZX79A20 20 5 400 BZX85C36 36 8 1300 BZX79A22 22 5 400 BZX85C39 39 6 1300 BZX79A24 24 5 400 BZX85C43 43 6 1300 BZX79A27 27 2 400 BZX85C47 47 4 1300 BZX79A30 30 2 400 BZX85C51 51 4 1300 BZX79A33 33 2 400BZX85C56 56 4 1300 BZX79A36 36 2 400 BZX85C62 62 4 1300 BZX79A39 39 2400 BZX55C68 68 2.5 500 BZX79A43 43 2 400 BZX55C75 75 2.5 500 BZX79A47 47 2 400BZX55C82 82 2.5 500 BZX79A51 51 2 400 BZX55C91 91 1 500 BZX79A56 56 2 400 BZX55C100 100 1 500 BZX79A62 62 2 400 BZX55C110 110 1 500 BZX79A68 68 2 400 BZX55C120 120 1 500 BZX79A75 75 2 400 BZX55C130 130 1 500BZX79C2V4 2.4 5 500 BZX55C150 150 1 500 BZX79C2V7 2.7 5 500 BZX55C160 160 1 500 BZX79C3V0 3.0 5 500 BZX55C180 180 1 500 BZX79C3V3 3.3 5 500 BZX55C200 200 1 500 BZX79C3V6 3.6 5 500 BZX79A2V4 2.4 5 400 BZX79C3V9 3.9 5 500 BZX79A2V7 2.7 5 400 BZX79C4V3 4.3 5 500 BZX79A3V0 3.0 5 400 BZX79C4V7 4.7 5 500 BZX79A3V3 3.3 5 400 BZX79C5V1 5.1 5 500 BZX79A3V6 3.6 5 400 BZX79C5V6 5.6 5 500 BZX79A3V9 3.9 5 400 BZX79C6V2 6.2 5 500 BZX79A4V3 4.3 5 400 BZX79C6V8 6.8 5 500 BZX79A4V7 4.7 5 400 BZX79C7V5 7.5 5 500 BZX79A5V1 5.1 5 400 BZX79C8V2 8.2 5 500 BZX79A5V6 5.6 5 400 BZX79C9V1 9.1 5 500 BZX79A6V2 6.2 5 400 BZX79C10 10 5 500 BZX79A6V8 6.8 5 400 BZX79C11 11 5 500 BZX79A7V5 7.5 5 400 BZX79C12 12 5 500 BZX79A8V2 8.2 5 400 BZX79C13 13 5 500变容二极管。
Characteristic Values min. typ. max. 0.1 30 K/W g
RthCH Weight
with heatsink compound
© 2002 IXYS All rights reserved
110 60 40 200 40
M4 screws (4x) supplied
Component Symbol TVJ Tstg VISOL MD IISOL ≤ 1 mA; 50/60 Hz mounting torque teminal connection torque Conditions (M4) (M4) Conditions Maximum Ratings -40...+150 -40...+150 2500 1.5 1.5 °C °C V~ Nm Nm
Advanced Technical Information
in miniBLOC package
IC25 IXEN 60N120 IXEN 60N120D1 VCES VCE(sat) typ.
= 100 A = 1200 V = 2.1 V
Characteristic Values (TVJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. 2.1 2.5 4.5 0.1 200 150 60 700 50 7.2 6.0 3.8 500 2.7 6.5 0.1 V V V mA mA nA ns ns ns ns mJ mJ nF nC 0.28 K/W
Customer confirm Approved by Checked by
Issued by
Part No. Emitted Color Chip Material
Amber AlGaInP
Len's Color Water Clear
Connect with a power IF=20mA
Operating Life Test
Ta=Under room temperature
Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS)
Thermal Shock
-40±5℃→100±5℃ (15min,15min) 100 Cycles
e 460 465 475
Amber -- 120 --
Deg. IF =5mA
Blue -- 120 --
Notes: 1.Tolerance of Luminous Intensity ±10%
2.Tolerance of Dominant Wavelength ±2nm 3. Tolerance of Forward Voltage ±0.05V 4. Luminous Intensity is measured by WENRUN’s equipment on bare chips
High Temperature And Ta:85±5℃,RH:85±5%,IF=20 High Humidity Working Test time=500HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS)
Surface Mount Ceramic Chip Capacitors New Extended Values in X5R DielectricKEMET is pleased to continue the expansion of high capacitance ratings in our X5R ceramic chip capacitors to include the following values in our base metal electrode devices.X5R/1210 - 6.8µF – 10.0µF (685 - 106) @ 25 VoltsMetric EIA Size Max.Size Code Code L - LengthW - WidthT - Thickness B - Bandwidth Separation322512103.2 (.126) ± 0.2 (.008)2.5 (.098) ± 0.2 (.008)See Table 20.5 (.02) ± .25 (.010)N/ATable 1Dimensions - Millimeters (Inches)Product BulletinOutline DrawingF-3261A 08/04Table 2 - X5R - Capacitance Value ExtensionsCapacitanceKEMET Part Cap Thickness Qty Qty(µF)NumberVoltage Tol T (mm)7” Reel 13” Reel 6.8C1210C685(1)3PAC 25K,M 1.85 ± .202,0008,0008.2C1210C825(1)3PAC 25K,M 2.10 ± .202,0008,00010.0C1210C106(1)3PAC25K,M2.10 ± .202,0008,000(1) To complete KEMET part number, insert the alpha code for the tolerance desired. K = ±10%; M = ±20%Electrical ParametersAs detailed in the KEMET Surface Mount Catalog F3102 for X5R, with following specific requirements based on room temperature (25°C) parameters:•Operating Range: -55°C to +85°C, with no-bias capacitance shift limited to ± 15% over that range •Insulation Resistance (IR) measured after 2 minutes at rated voltage @ 25°C: Limit is 1000 megohm microfarads or 100 gigohms, whichever is less.•Capacitance and Dissipation Factor (DF) measured at 1KHz at 1Vrms. DF Limit is 5%.Soldering ProcessThe 1210 part is suitable for reflow soldering only. All parts incorporate the standard KEMET bar-rier layer of pure nickel, with an overplate of pure tin to provide excellent solderability as well as resistance to leaching.MarkingThese chips are normally supplied unmarked. If required, they can be laser marked as an extra cost option. More detail on the marking format is included in our Surface Mount Catalog F3102. In general, the information in the KEMET Surface Mount catalog F3102 applies to these capacitors. The information in this bulletin supplements that in the catalog.© KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 • (864) 963-6300 • 。
1206 电阻通用规格书
o d u c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n – F e b r u a r y 6, 2013 V .5S u p e r s e d e s D a t e o f M a r . 06, 2003Y A G E O B R A N D o r d e r i n g c o d eGLOBAL PART NUMBER (PREFERRED )RC1206 X R - XX XXXX L(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)(1) TOLERANCED = ±0.5% F = ±1%J = ±5% (for Jumper ordering, use code of J)(2) PACKAGING TYPER = Paper taping reel(3) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE– = Base on spec(4) TAPING REEL07 = 7 inch dia. Reel 10 = 10 inch dia. Reel 13 = 13 inch dia. Reel(5) RESISTANCE VALUEThere are 2~4 digits indicated the resistor value. Letter R/K/M is decimal point, no need to mention the last zero after R/K/M, e.g.1K2, not 1K20.Detailed resistance rules show in table of “Resistance rule of global part number”.(6) DEFAULT CODELetter L is system default code for order only (Note)ORDERING INFORMATION - GLOBAL PART NUMBER & 12NC Both part numbers are identified by the series, size, tolerance, packing type, temperature coefficient, taping reel and resistance value.SCOPEThis specification describes RC1206 series chip resistors with lead-free terminations made by thick film process.APPLICATIONS● All general purpose applicationFEATURES● Halogen Free Epoxy●RoHS compliant- Products with lead freeterminations meet RoHS requirements- Pb-glass contained in electrodes,resistor element and glass are exempted by RoHS●Reducing environmentally hazardous wastes●High component and equipment reliability● Saving of PCB space●None forbidden-materials used in products/productionO RDERING EXAMPLEThe ordering code of a RC1206 chip resistor, value 56 X with ±1% tolerance, supplied in 7-inch tape reel is: RC1206FR-0756RL.NOTE1. All our RSMD products meet RoHS compliant and Halogen Free. "LFP" of the internal 2D reel label mentions "Lead Free Process"2. On customized label, "LFP" or specific symbol can be printedResistance rule of global part numberResistance code rule Example0R0R = Jumper XRXX(1 to 9.76 Ω) 1R = 1 Ω1R5 = 1.5 Ω9R76 = 9.76 ΩXXRX(10 to 97.6 Ω) 10R = 10 Ω97R6 = 97.6 ΩXXXR(100 to 976 Ω) 100R = 100 ΩXKXX(1 to 9.76 K Ω) 1K = 1,000 Ω9K76 = 9760 ΩXMXX(1 to 9.76 M Ω) 1M = 1,000,000 Ω9M76= 9,760,000 Ω12NC CODE2322 / 2350 XXX XXXXX L(1) (2) (3) (4)TYPE/ 1206 START IN (1) TOL. (%) RESISTANCERANGE PAPER / PE TAPE ON REEL (units) (2) 5,000 10,000/not preferred 20,000RC01 2322 ±5% 1 to 10 M Ω711 61xxx711 51xxx711 81xxx RC02 2322 ±1% 1 to 10 M Ω 724 6xxxx 724 7xxxx 724 8xxxxHRC01 2350±5% 11 to 22 M Ω 520 10xxx-- Jumper 2322 - 0 Ω 711 91032 711 91005711 92004P H Y C O M P B R A N D o r d e r i n g c o d e sBoth GLOBAL PART NUMBER (preferred) and 12NC (traditional) codes are acceptable to order Phycomp brand products. GLOBAL PART NUMBER (PREFERRED ) For detailed information of GLOBAL PART NUMBER and ordering example, please refer to page 2.Resistance decade (3) Last digit 0.01 to 0.0976 X 00.1 to 0.976 X 71 to 9.76 X 810 to 97.6 X 9100 to 976 X 11 to 9.76 K X 210 to 97.6 K X 3100 to 976 K X 41 to 9.76 M X 510 to 97.6 M X6Example: 0.02X = 0200 or 200 0.3 X = 3007 or 3071 X=1008 or 10833 K X = 3303 or 333 10 M X = 1006 or 106Last digit of 12NC(1) The resistors have a 12-digit ordering code starting with 2322 / 2350.(2) The subsequent 4 or 5 digits indicate the resistor tolerance andpackaging. (3) The remaining 4 or 3 digits represent the resistance value with thelast digit indicating the multiplier as shown in the table of “Last digit of 12NC”. (4) Letter L is system default code for order only (Note) O RDERING EXAMPLEThe ordering code of a RC02 resistor, value 56 X with ±1% tolerance, supplied in tape of 10,000 units per reel is: 232272465609L or RC1206FR-0756RL.NOTE1. All our RSMD products meet RoHS compliant and Halogen Free. "LFP" of the internal 2D reel label mentions "Lead Free Process"2. On customized label, "LFP" or specific symbol can be printedCONSTRUCTIONThe resistor is constructed on top of a high-grade ceramic body.Internal metal electrodes are added on each end to make the contacts to the thick film resistive element. The composition of the resistive element is a noble metal imbedded into a glass and covered by a second glass to prevent environment influences. The resistor is laser trimmed to the rated resistance value. The resistor is covered with a protective epoxy coat, finally the two external terminations (matte tin on Ni-barrier) are added. See fig.3DIMENSIONSTYPE RC1206L (mm)3.10 ± 0.10W (mm) 1.60 ± 0.10H (mm) 0.55 ± 0.10I 1 (mm) 0.45 ± 0.20I 2 (mm)0.40 ± 0.20T able 1O U T L I N E SMARKINGRC1206No markingFor further marking information, please refer to data sheet “Chip resistors marking”ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS RC1206 1/4 WOperating Temperature Range –55 °C to +155 °CMaximum Working Voltage 200 V Maximum Overload Voltage 400 V Dielectric Withstanding Voltage500 VResistance Range5% (E24) 1 Ω to 22 M Ω1% (E24/E96) 1 Ω to 10 M Ω0.5% (E24/E96) 10 to 1 M ΩΩZero Ohm Jumper < 0.05 ΩTemperature Coefficient1 Ω ≤ R ≤ 10 Ω±200 ppm/°C ±200 ppm/°C 10 M Ω < R ≤ 22 M Ω10 Ω < R ≤ 10 M Ω±100 ppm/°CJumper CriteriaRated Current 2 A Maximum Current10 AFOOTPRINT AND SOLDERING PROFILESFor recommended footprint andsoldering profiles, please refer to data sheet “Chip resistors mounting”.T able 2PACKING STYLE AND PACKAGING QUANTITY PRODUCT TYPE PACKING STYLEREEL DIMENSIONQUANTITY PER REELRC1206 Paper Taping Reel (R) 7" (178 mm) 5,000 units10" (254 mm) 10,000 units13" (330 mm)20,000 unitsNOTE1. For paper tape and reel specification/dimensions, please see the special data sheet “Chip resistors packing”T able 3Packing style and packaging quantityFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONP O W E R R A T I N GRC1206 rated power at 70°C is 1/4 W R ATED VOLTAGEThe DC or AC (rms) continuous working voltage corresponding to the rated power is determined by the following formula:V=R)(P Xor max. working voltage whichever is less WhereV=Continuous rated DC or AC (rms) working voltage (V) P=Rated power (W) R=Resistance value (X )TESTS AND REQUIREMENTSTEST TESTMETHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSTemperature Coefficient of Resistance (T.C.R.) IEC 60115-1 4.8 At +25/–55 °C and +25/+125 °C Refer to table 2Formula:T.C.R= ------------------------- ×106 (ppm/°C)Wheret1=+25 °C or specified room temperaturet2=–55 °C or +125 °C test temperatureR1=resistance at reference temperature in ohmsR2=resistance at test temperature in ohmsLife/Endurance IEC 60115-1 4.25.1 At 70±5 °C for 1,000 hours, RCWV applied for1.5 hours on, 0.5 hour off, still air required ±(1.0%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(3.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol. <100 mΩ for JumperHigh Temperature Exposure/ Endurance at Upper Category Temperature IEC 60068-2-2 1,000 hours at 155±5 °C, unpowered ±(1.0%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(2.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<50 mΩ for JumperMoisture Resistance MIL-STD-202G Method-106G Each temperature / humidity cycle is defined at 8hours, 3 cycles / 24 hours for 10d. with 25 °C /65 °C 95% R.H, without steps 7a & 7b,unpoweredParts mounted on test-boards, withoutcondensation on partsMeasurement at 24±2 hours after test conclusion±(0.5%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(2.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<100 mΩ for JumperThermal Shock MIL-STD-202G Method-107G -55/+125 °CNumber of cycles required is 300. DevicesunmountedMaximum transfer time is 20 seconds. Dwell timeis 15 minutes. Air – Air ±(0.5%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(1%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<50 mΩ for JumperShort Time Overload IEC60115-1 4.13 2.5 times of rated voltage or maximum overloadvoltage whichever is less for 5 sec at roomtemperature±(1.0%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(2.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<50 mΩ for JumperNo visible damageT able 4 Test condition, procedure and requirementsR2–R1R1(t2–t1)TEST TESTMETHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSBoard Flex/ Bending IEC 60068-2-21 Chips mounted on a 90mm glass epoxy resinPCB (FR4)2 mm bendingBending time: 60±5 seconds±(1.0%+0.05 Ω)<50 mΩ for JumperNo visible damageLow Temperature Operation IEC 60068-2-1 The resistor shall be subjected to a DC ratedvoltage for 1.5 h-on, 0.5 h-off, at -55±3 °CThis constitutes shall be repeated for 96 hoursHowever the applied voltage shall not exceedthe maximum operating voltage±(0.5%+0.05 )Ωfor 1%,0.5% tol.±(1.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.No visible damageInsulation Resistance IEC 60115-1 4.6 Rated continuous overload voltage (RCOV)for 1 minuteType RC1206Voltage (DC) 100 V≥10 GΩDielectric Withstand Voltage IEC 60115-1 4.7 Maximum voltage (V rms) applied for 1 minuteType RC1206Voltage (AC) 500 V rmsNo breakdown or flashoverResistance to Solvent IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D lsopropylalcohol (C3H7OH) followed bybrushingNo smearedNoise IEC 60115-1 4.12 Maximum voltage (Vrms) applied Resistors range ValueR < 100 Ω10 dB100 Ω≤ R < 1 KΩ20 dB1 KΩ≤ R < 10 KΩ30 dB10 KΩ≤ R < 100 KΩ40 dB100 KΩ≤ R < 1 MΩ46 dB1 MΩ≤ R ≤ 22 MΩ48 dBHumidity IEC 60115-1 4.37 Steady state for 1000 hours at 40 °C / 95% R.H.RCWV applied for 1.5 hours on and0.5 hour off ±(1.0%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(2.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol. <100 mΩ for JumperTEST TESTMETHODPROCEDURE REQUIREMENTSIntermittent Overload IEC 60115-1 4.39 2.5 times of rated voltage or maximumoverload voltage whichever is less for 1 secondon and 25 seconds off; total 10,000 cycles±(1.0%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(2.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<100 mΩ for JumperSolderability- Wetting IPC/JEDEC J-STD-002B test B Electrical Test not requiredMagnification 50XSMD conditions:1st step: method B, aging 4 hours at 155 °Cdry heat2nd step: leadfree solder bath at 245±3 °CDipping time: 3±0.5 seconds Well tinned (≥95% covered) No visible damage- Leaching IPC/JEDEC J-STD-002B test D Leadfree solder, 260 °C, 30 secondsimmersion timeNo visible damage- Resistance to Soldering Heat IEC 60068-2-58 Condition B, no pre-heat of samplesLeadfree solder, 260 °C, 10 secondsimmersion timeProcedure 2 for SMD: devices fluxed andcleaned with isopropanol±(0.5%+0.05 ) for 1%,Ω0.5% tol.±(1.0%+0.05 Ω) for 5% tol.<50 mΩ for JumperNo visible damageREVISION HISTORYREVISION DATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTIONVersion 5 Feb 06, 2013 - -Marking updated-Add 0.5% toleranceVersion 4 Jul 02, 2009 - - Test Items and methods updated- Test requirements upgradedVersion 3 Jul 15, 2008 - - Change to dual brand datasheet that describe RC1206 with RoHS compliant- Description of "Halogen Free Epoxy" added- Define global part numberVersion 2 Sep 03, 2004 - - New datasheet for 1206 thick film 1% and 5% with lead-free terminations- Replace the 1206 part of pdf files: RC01_11_21_31_5, RC02_12_22_32_10,and HRC01_5_4- Test method and procedure updated- PE tape added (paper tape will be replaced by PE tape)- High ohmic products combined into standard products.“ Yageo reserves all the rights for revising the content of this datasheet without further notification, as long as the products itself are unchanged. Any product change will be announced by PCN.”國巨股份有限公司 新北市新店區寶橋路233之1號3樓 3F., 233-1, Baoqiao Rd., Xindian, Taipei 231, Taiwan t. +886.2.2917.7555 f. +886.2.2917.5078To remove AC0603/0805/1206 and RC0603/0805/1206 markingJanuary 16th , 2013Dear Customers,Yageo would like to announce that we will remove the Resistance Marking on Yageo’s R Chip case sizes 0603/0805/1206 products from March 1st 2013 for the purposes of reducing unnecessary chemical usages for environmental protections. To identify the product resistance value, the label on the reels has been serving and will continue serving the purposes. As for the product performance, features, specifications, manufacturing process and locations remain the same. That is to say the elimination of the resiatance marking on the product appearance has no impact on the product functionality and you can feel free to use it for your current applications.Yageo has provided no resistance marking on R Chip 0402/0201/01005 and on the entire MLCC family ever since. Given Yageo has been devoted to being eco-friendly, we decide to eliminate the marking on the R Chip of the sizes of 0603 and the above as soon as possible. There will be a short period of time that both types of the products, with marking and without marking, co exist while we are changing the production lines one by one. We highly appreciate your understanding that we may ship the products in parallel for some time. Yageo commits that we will make full efforts to shorten the overlapping period as much as we can.We truly appreciate being your business partner and serving your passivecomponent needs. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Yageo’s sales offices.Sincerely Yours,Product Business Unit, R chip product marketing Yageo CorporationNotice Notice通知信取消AC及RC 0603/0805/1206系列字码印制2013年1月15日亲爱的客户,您好为了维护环境并减少非必要的化学原料使用,国巨在此通知您:自2013年3月1日起,将生产0603/0805/1206无字码印制的电阻。
原装现货供应贴片SOD-1231206稳压二极管1/2WST先科MM1Z系列CJ长电BZT52C系列3V3-47VBZT52C2V4WX 2.4 2.20 2.605100600 1.050 1.0-3.505BZT52C2V7W1 2.7 2.5 2.95100600 1.020 1.0-3.505BZT52C3V0W2 3.0 2.8 3.2595600 1.010 1.0-3.505BZT52C3V3W3 3.3 3.1 3.5595600 1.05 1.0-3.505BZT52C3V6W4 3.6 3.4 3.8590600 1.05 1.0-3.505BZT52C3V9W5 3.9 3.7 4.1590600 1.03 1.0-3.505BZT52C4V3W6 4.3 4.0 4.6590600 1.03 1.0-3.505BZT52C4V7W7 4.7 4.4 5.0580500 1.03 2.0-3.50.25BZT52C5V1W8 5.1 4.8 5.4560480 1.02 2.0-2.7 1.25BZT52C5V6W9 5.6 5.2 6.0540400 1.01 2.0-2.0 2.55BZT52C6V2WA 6.2 5.8 6.6510150 1.03 4.00.4 3.75BZT52C6V8WB 6.8 6.47.251580 1.02 4.0 1.2 4.55BZT52C7V5WC7.57.07.951580 1.01 5.0 2.5 5.35BZT52C8V2WD8.27.78.751580 1.00.7 5.0 3.2 6.25BZT52C9V1WE9.18.59.6515100 1.00.5 6.0 3.87.05BZT52C10WF109.410.6520150 4.58.05BZT52C11WG1110.411.6520150 5.49.05BZT52C12WH1211.412.7525150 6.010.05BZT52C13WI1312.414.1530170 1.00.13210.012.05我们是一家集销售半导体电子元器件的专业贸易公司,主要经营世界名牌元器件。
PT1206BS 光敏三极管产品说明书
产品说明书1206贴片NPN光敏三极管PT1206BS ⏹描述PT1206BS是一款高速高灵敏度小型贴片NPN型光敏三极管1206封装,采用黑色环氧材料封装,产品适用于红外线的感光。
⏹特点●快速响应●高感光灵敏度●无铅环保●符合RoHS和REACH标准⏹应用●微型开关●计数器和分拣机●位置传感器●编码器●红外传感应用系统发射集集电极集电极标识建议回流焊焊盘尺寸注: 1. 所有尺寸单位位毫米(括号内单位为英寸) 2. 未标明误差的精度为± 0.2毫米(.008英寸) 3. 建议的焊盘尺寸仅供参考 请根据实际需要进行修改⏹封装尺寸⏹极限参数(Ta=25℃)参数名称符号参考值单位集电极-发射极电压V CEO 30V 发射极-集电极电压V ECO 5V 集电极电流Ic 20mA 焊接温度*1Tsol 260℃工作温度Topr -20~+85℃存储温度Tstg-40~+85℃说明:*1:焊接时间≦5seconds.Ambient Temperature Ta(°C)C o l l e c t o r P o w e rD i s s i p a t i o n (m W )40100020406080100-20-406080201008060200600Wavelength(nm)R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l S e n s i t i v i t y (%)Ta=25°40700800900100011001200⏹光电参数(Ta=25℃)参数名称符号最小典型最大单位测试条件频谱范围λ0.5730--1100nm 感光峰值波长λP --940--nm 集电极–发射极击穿电压BV CEO30----V Ic=100μA,Ib=0发射极-集电极击穿电压BV ECO5----V Ic=100μA,Ib=0集电极暗电流I CEO ----100nA V CE =20V,H=0mw/cm2集电极-发射极饱和电压V CE (S )---0.4V Ic=2mA,I B =100μA 集电极电流I C (on)0.10.6--mAEe=1mW/cm2,V CE =5V 直流电流放大倍数H FE 1000--1800V CE =5V,IC=2mA 上升/下降时间t r /t f--15/15μS V CE =5V,I C =1mA R L =1000Ω⏹特性曲线图图.1集电极耗散功率与环境温度图.2相对频谱灵敏度300Ambient Temperature Ta(°C)R e l a t i v e C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t (%)40608060100160Vce=5V204080120140Ee=1mW/cm 21020507025Ambient Temperature (°C)C o l l e c t o rD a r k C u r r e n t IC E O(n A )50751000.1110100Vce=20V 0.1Irradiance Ee(mW/cm )C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t I c (m A )1100.01101010101010-1-2-3Vce=5VT =25 Ca °20Collector-Emitter Voltage V CE (V)C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t I c (m A )12340.图.3相对集电极电流与环境温度图.4集电极电流与辐照度图.5集电极暗电流与环境温度图.6集电极电流与集射电压注: 1. 所有尺寸单位为毫米(英寸)发射极集电极注: 1. 所有尺寸单位为毫米(英寸)2. 未注明误差的尺寸为 ± 0.1mm(.004")⏹包装尺寸图⏹载带尺寸图(数量:3000个/盘)注意事项:1.我公司保留更改产品材料和以上说明书的权利,更改以上产品说明书恕不另行通知。
FeaturesApplicationsRevision:18-Jul-161206 SeriesVaristor voltage from 5V to 100V Fast response time ( )Low leakage current High transient curent capability Low clamping voltageWide operating temperature range from -40~85Meet IEC 61000-4-2/-5 level standarduuu uu u u uFor Mother Board and Notebook,Cellular Phone,handheld device,CMO S ,MO S FET,EFT etcDimensionsUnit: mm<1nS℃Compact size for ELA 1206uPart Number CodeTG 1206TERGY LOGO___________ML 080MChip Size (EIA):1206Type ML:Multilayer VaristorVaristor Voltage:Value-080=08X100=8V Varistor Voltage Tolerance:M:±20%;L:±15%;K:±10%Electriacl CharacteristicsRevision:18-Jul-16Surge Current Standard Waveform 1206 SeriesIEC61000-4-5 StandardsT1T2SEVERITY LEVELT1 T2 1 8 uS 20 uS 210 uS1000 uS8/20µs waveform currentOperating Temperature -40 ~ +85ºC Storage Temperature -40 ~ +125ºC Response Time <1 nsSolderability245±5ºC, 3±1sec Solder leach resistance 260±5ºC, 10±1sec Storage Temperature 5 ~ 40ºC Relative Humidity To 65% Taping Package Storage ConditionStorage Time12 Months maxGeneral Technical Data1206 SeriesRevision:18-Jul-16Environmental Reliability TestingCharacteristicTest method and descriptionHigh Temperature Storage The specimen shall be subjected to 125℃ for 1000 hours in a thermostatic bath withoutload and then stored at room temperature and humidity for 1 to 2 hours. The change ofvaristor voltage shall be within 10%.Step Temperature Period 1 -40±3℃30min ±3 2 Room Temperature 1~2hours3 125±2℃30min ±3Temperature CycleThe temperature cycle of specified temperature shall be repeated five times and then stored atroom temperature and humidity for one two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%and mechanical damage shall be examined.4Room Temperature 1~2hoursHigh Temperature LoadAfter being continuously applied the maximum allowable voltage at 85℃ for 1000hours, the specimen shall be stored at room temperature and humidity for one or hours, the change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%.Damp Heat Load/Humidity LoadThe specimen should be subjected to 40℃,90 to 95%RH environment, and the maximum allowable voltage applied for 1000 hours, then stored at room temperature and humidity for one or two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall be within 10%.Low Temperature Storage The specimen should be subjected to -40℃, without load for 1000 hours and thenstored at room temperature for one two hours. The change of varistor voltage shall bewithin 10%.Recommended Soldering ConditionsNote that this product will be easily damaged by rapid heating, rapid cooling or local heating.Do not give heat shock over 100°C in the process of soldering. We recommend to take preheating and gradual coolingSoldering gun procedureNote the follows, in case of using solder gun for replacement. 1) The tip temperature must be less than 280 for the period within 3 seconds by using soldering gun under 30W2) The soldering gun tip shall not touch this product directly.Soldering volumeNote that excess of soldering volume will easily get crack the body of this product.Revision:18-Jul-161206 Series◆Carrier tape transparent cover tape should be heat-sealed to carry the products,and the reel should be used to reel the carrier tape.◆The adhesion of the heat-sealed cover tape shall be 40﹢20/﹣15grams.◆Both the head and the end portion of taping shall be empty for reel package and SMT auto-pickup machine.And a normal paper tape shall be connected in the head of taping for the operator handle.type A 0±0.10B 0±0.10K 0±0.10T ±0.05T 2±0.05D 0+0.10D 1±0.05P 1±0.10P 2±0.05P 0±0.05W ±0.20 E ±0.10 F ±0.050402 1.08 1.88 1.04 0.22 0.87 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 0603 1.08 1.88 1.04 0.22 1.17 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 0805 1.42 2.30 1.04 0.22 1.26 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1206 1.88 3.50 1.27 0.20 1.49 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1210 2.18 3.46 1.45 0.22 1.77 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 1.75 3.50 1812 3.66 4.95 1.74 0.25 1.99 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 1.75 5.50 2220 5.10 5.97 2.80 0.25 3.05 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 1.75 5.50 32205.50 8.50 2.80 0.30 3.50 1.50 1.50 8.00 2.00 4.00 16.00 1.757.50Packaging Dementions Unit:MillimetersReel DimensionsUnit:MillimetersType A B C D E W W 10402~1210178±160±0.513±0.221±0.22±0.59±0.5 1.5±0.151812~3220178±160±0.513.5±0.221±0.22±0.513.6±0.51.5±0.15Type 04020603080512061210181222203220Quantity100004000400030003000100010001000Packing Quantity。
Caution156324Air Outlet Crystal Plate Power CordLidPre-Set / Timer ButtonLED Screen DisplayAir Inlet AccessoriesControl Panel* Picture is for illustration purpose only.* Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Cooking Zone Control Panel Model Voltage PowerCooking Pot Capacity Net WeightProduct Dimension (LxWxH)Pot Dimension (LxWxH)IC1206220 - 240V~ 50/60Hz 2000W 3 Litres 1.9kg290 x 360 x 65mm 360 x 275 x 120mm10. When using the induction cooker, place it horizontally and allow at least 10 cm of free space between the sides and the back of the induction cooker and the wall. Do not use theinduction cooker in narrow spaces. Please keep the ventilation opening free, to release heat.11. Do not place small metal articles like knives, spoons, forks, lids, aluminium foils etc on the surface of this appliance because they can be heated up and may cause injuries. Do not place a non-metallic metal pad likes paper, cloth, or other unsuitable articles onto the induction cooker heating plate to avoid hazards.12. Do not heat-up or cook canned food in its original condition. Always open and take out food from the can before cooking or heating.13. Cardiac pacemaker users must consult a doctor before using this appliance.14. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.15. The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote-control system.16. Do not plug in the appliance or operate the control panel with wet hands.17. Please turn off and unplug the appliance when not in use. Make sure the power is off before pulling out the plug and do not pull the cord.18. With any indication of damage or malfunction, please stop using the appliance immediately to avoid hazards. Take it to the authorized service center for repair. Do not attempt to repair or change any parts by yourself.1. Please use high quality power socket (13A or above). It is advisable not to share the power outlet with electrical appliances with high power, such as an air conditioner, electrical stoves, and etc to avoid fire caused by overloading the socket.2. Do Not MODIFY this appliance.3. Do not leave appliance unattended when connected to AC mains.4. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.5. Do not use this appliance in damp conditions. Do not place the induction cooker near a gas stove, kerosene stove, gas cooker, in any space with an open fire, or in an environment with high temperature.6. This appliance is intended for household use only. Not intended for outdoor, industrial or commercial use.7. Always place this appliance on a flat and stable surface. Do not put the appliance on any metal platforms (such as iron, stainless steel, aluminium).8. To avoid hazards, do not insert any foreign objects, such as iron wire, nor block the air ventilation opening or entry port during cooking operations.9. Do not operate this appliance on carpets or table cloth as they may obstruct air flow to the inlets and exhaust.Read this Instruction Manual before using appliance.Function Button(Stir-Fry Hot Pot Water Soup Steam)Hot SurfaceCautionDo not touch with your hand1. Please turn off and unplug the appliance before cleaning or maintenance, wait until the crystalplate surface of the induction cooker had been cooled down.2. Never immerse the appliance into the water or other liquids. Do not rinse it under the tap.3. Clean the surface of the appliance with a dry cloth. Do not use scouring pads, abrasive cleaningagents or corrosive solvent to clean the appliance.4. Black Crystal Plate: When it is dirty, wipe it with a soft damp cloth and if necessary, with some mild cleaning agent.5. Appliance’s Body and Control Panel: Wipe with a soft damp cloth. For the oil stains, use a dampcloth with some mild cleaning agent to clean it.6. Air Intake/ Air Outlet Vent surface: Get rid of the dust with a cotton stick. Oil stains can be removed by using toothbrush with mild cleaning agents.7. When the appliance is not in use for a prolonged period, please turn it off, unplug it, pack it well, and store it in dry cool place.b. Non-ferrous cooking vessels such as ceramic, glass, aluminium or any other non-magnetic utensils are not suitable for this appliance. If these cooking vessels are used, the appliance will emit a series of beeps, then automatically shut down.c. Non suitable cooking vessels are plastic pots, ceramic pots, pottery, pyrex, glass pots, aluminium, copper, or any other non-magnetic utensils etc.d. The base of the cooking vessels must be at least 12cm in diameter.e. The base of the cooking vessels if concave or convex in design must not be 2mm away fromsurface of appliance.f. Stainless steel double layer pots with compound encased bottoms are not suitable. Refer to pot manufacturer. Always look for induction ready logo etched in pots.Boil-Dry Protectiona. When there is no water in the pot or the pot being heated up to dry state, the appliance will produce a series of beeps and shut off automatically. An error code (E6) will appear on thedisplay. To re-set the function to normal again, please press the Power Button to re-set to“On” state. Please make sure the pot is not empty when you start the cooking function.Pot Movement Protectionb. If the pot is removed from the appliance during cooking, the appliance will emit a series ofbeeps before shutting down automatically, an error code “E0” will appear on the display. Usable PansSteel or cast iron, enameled iron, stainless steel, flat-bottom pans/pots with diameter from 12 to26 cm.Please do not switch off the main power supply after each usage.This unit is equipped with a cooling fan which automatically starts once the unit stops operating in order to prevent damage on major components.Cooking Vessels Requirementa. Cooking vessels must be induction cooker ready. They must be made from ferrous (metal)materials such as stainless steel or paint coated metal containers.Non-usable PansHeat-resistant glass, ceramic container, copper, aluminium pans/pots.Rounded-bottom pans/pots with bottom measuring less that 12 cm.WARNING: Please put the pot to be heated on the heating area of the induction cooker. Do not heatan empty pot on the heating area.WARNING: Avoid causing impacts on the heating plate. It may damage the plate. If cracking is foundon the cooker plate, turn off the appliance to avoid any electric shock that might occur.WARNING: Do not switch off the main power supply on the wall socket immediately after cooking,wait for at least 30seconds to cool down the appliance by the cooling fan.CAUTION: The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance operates.CAUTION: The black crystal plate is hot after used, please do not touch with hand!CAUTION: Keep the main cord out of the reach of children. Do not let the main cord hang over theedge of the table or worktop on which the appliance stands.EnameledIron PotRounded Bottom PotAluminiumCopper PotPot withStandsCeramic Pot Heat-ResistantGlass PotBottomMeasuringLess than12cmCast IronPanIron Pot Deep-FryPanStainlessSteel PotIron Plate Iron orEnameledIron PotControl Panel Details Error Code E0E1E2E3E4E5E6Without cooking vessel or incompatible cooking vessel is used.IGBT sensor open circuit / short circuit.IGBT over heat.Voltage over than 270V.Voltage lower than 90V.Surface plate sensor open / short circuit.Surface plate over heat.Please cooking vessel, choose the suitable cookware.Contact Khind Service Centre, or Authorized Service Centre.Contact Khind Service Centre, or Authorized Service Centre.Wait until the power supply back to normal.Wait until the power supply back to normal.Contact Khind Service Centre, or Authorized Service Centre.Disconnect power, wait until the cooker cool down.Possible Reasons SolutionsControl Panel Button On / Off+ / -Pre-Set / TimerFunction1. Use to either switch ON or OFF the power of the appliance.2. To switch on the appliance, a beep sound will be emitted after pressing “ ON/OFF” and enter into standby mode displaying “ON”.3. When encounter the following circumstances, beep sound will be emitted, error code “E0” is displayed, and the appliance will turn off automatically after 1 minute: (a) If the cooking vessel is not compatible.(b) No cooking vessel on top of the cooking zone surface.(c) Remove the cooking vessel from cooking zone surface while the appliance is operating.1. After selecting cooking function, press “+” or “-” Button to adjust the power / temperature / timer“+”- To increase the power / temperature / timer to a higher level. “-” - To decrease the power / temperature / timer to a lower level. Power - from 200W to 2000W Temperature - from 60˚C to 240˚C Cooking Time - from 0:01 to 4:001. Pre-Set - This function is used to command the appliance to start cooking food at a later timer. Press “Pre-Set/Timer” Button and “+” or “-” Button to set the desired delayed cooking time before pressing “Function” Button to select desired cooking function. Pre-Set Time adjustment from 1 minute to 24 hours.2. Timer - This function is used to command the appliance to start cooking food immediately. Press “Function” Button to select desired cooking function before pressing the “ Pre-Set/Timer” Button and “-” Button to set the desired cooking time. Cooking Time adjustment from 1 minute to 4 hours.Note : Each press of “+” / “-” Button will increase / decrease cooking time by 1 minute, press-hold will increase /decrease cooking time by 10 minutes.3. After selected the desired time duration, the number will beshown on the LED screen. The appliance will start counting down.1. After the appliance is ON, press the “FUNCTION” to select thedesired cooking functions. The appliance will enter working mode.2. The LED screen display will correspond to the selected cooking function: Stir-Fry Hot Pot Water Soup Steam - LED screen display default temperature 240˚C.- Press “+” or “-” Button to adjust the temperature.- Appliance will be turned off after the default time 10 minutes isover. Press “Pre-Set / Timer” button to adjust the timer from 1 minute to 4 hours.- LED screen display default power 1400W.- Press “+” or “-” Button to adjust the power.- Appliance will be turned off after the default time 10 minutes isover. Press “Pre-Set / Timer” button to adjust the timer from 1 minute to 4 hours.- LED screen display default power:“Water” -2000W; “Soup” -2000W; “Steam” -1600W - Power adjustment is not allowed.- Appliance will be turned off after the default time 10 minutes isover. Press “Pre-Set / Timer” button to adjust the timer from 1 minute to 4 hours.“Stir-Fry” Cooking Function“Hot Pot” Cooking Function“Water” / “Soup” / “Steam” Cooking Function How to useChild Lock1. Press “Lock”, LED will display “L”, all buttons will be locked except “OFF” button.2. To unlock, press and hold the “Lock” again for 2 seconds.Note : If “Lock” Button had been activated during operation, please remember to unlock it before pressing “ON / OFF” button to turn off the appliance.156324出风口控制面板进风口电源线型号电压功率锅容量净重产品尺寸(长x宽x高)锅尺寸(长x宽x高)IC1206220 - 240V~ 50/60Hz 2000W 3 公升 1.9 公斤290 x 360 x 65毫米360 x 275 x 120毫米*以上规格如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。