Measure Units



cubic feet立方英尺0.028cubic meters立方公尺
cubic yards立方码0.76cubic meters立方公尺
short tons (2,000 lbs)美吨0.91metric tons公吨
Capacity Measure容积
百升 cl. 1/100升
升 l. 升1市升
十升dal. 10升
尺ft. 12寸30.48厘米
海里 10链英=1.853公里
链 美=185.3米
Square Measure 面积
1 square inch 平方英寸=6.45 sq.centimetres 平方厘米
=0.0283 cu.metre 立方米
1 cubic yard 立方码=27 cu.ft. 立方英尺
=0.765 cu.metre 立方米
Capacity Measure 容积
Britich 英制
1 pint 品脱=20 fluid oz. 液量盎司
=34.68 立方英寸=0.568 litre 升
fluid ounces液盎司29.57milliliters毫升

Tektronix Source Measure Unit (SMU) 选择指南说明书

Tektronix Source Measure Unit (SMU) 选择指南说明书

SOURCE MEASURE UNITS The Broadest Choice of SMU Instruments Available Selector GuideS ou r c e M e a s u r e U n i t (S MU ) S o u r c e M e t e r ®Precision DMMTrueCurrent SourcePulse GeneratorElectronic LoadPrecision Power SupplyLA source measure unit (SMU) instrument is a five-in-one tool. It combines the useful features of a digital multimeter (DMM), power supply, current source, electronic load and pulse generator, all in a compact form factor. This empowers you to:Precisely source and measure voltage • Run production tests 60% faster and gain up to 10X more throughput • Save time, maximize speed and get jobs done quickly.MAKE MULTIPLE MEASUREMENTS ACCURATELY USING A SINGLE INSTRUMENTFor more than 70 years, Tektronix — the manufacturer of Keithley SMUs — has beendesigning, manufacturing and marketing advanced electrical test instruments and systems for the specialized needs of electronics manufacturers in high performance production testing, process monitoring, product development and research.• Repeatability Guaranteed • High Accuracy and Sensitivity • Fast and Precise • Broadest ChoicesWHY A KEITHLEY SOURCE MEASURE UNIT?2 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSTouch, Test, Invent TM with a Graphical Touchscreen SMU2450 SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2460High Current SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2461 High Current Pulse SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2470 High Voltage SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)Standard Performance SMUs for the Most Basic Needs2601B/2602B/2604B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2611B/2612B/2614B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2634B/2635B/2636B Low Current Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter®SMU Instrument (6)2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter 10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument (7)High Power SMUs with Unprecedented Power, Precision, and Speed 2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)High Density, More Channels in a Smaller Form Factor2606B 4-Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (9)Specialty SMUs for Very Low Current and Optoelectronics Testing 6430 Sub-femtoamp Remote SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510 TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510-AT Autotuning TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System (10)Determine which Keithley SMU Is Right For You (11)KEITHLEY’S WIDE SELECTION OF SOURCE MEASURE UNIT SMU INSTRUMENTS| 3/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS• Source and sink (4-quadrant) operation• Dual 1 MS/s digitizers for fast sampling measurements (2461 only)• Enhanced sensitivity with 20 mV and 10 nA source/measure ranges (2450 only)• Built-in, context-sensitive front panel help• SCPI and Test Script Processor (TSP®) programming modes• Front-panel USB 2.0 memory I/O port for transferring data, test scripts, or test configurationsSave Time, Maximize Speed, and Get Jobs Done QuicklySMU models that use familiar graphical interfaces, like icon-based menu structures, are easier to use for all experience levels. You’ll make measurements faster by reducing the learning curve and configuration steps, enabling you to learn faster, work smarter, and invent easier.4 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSTANDARD PERFORMANCE SMUS FOR THE MOST BASIC NEEDSSeries 2400 SourceMeter SMU InstrumentsSMU VS. POWER SUPPLIES• SMUs can automatically sweep voltage or current to and from negative and positive outputs when the source crosses zero. • During these operations, there is no need to change test leads.• Output of a SMU can settle to within 0.01% of the specified accuracy in as little as 50 ms.• SMU has higher precision and wider operating ranges.• SMU is a more flexible optionSMU VS. THE DMMAND POWER SUPPLY COMBO• SMU tightly integrates the source and measure capability into one instrument, eliminating the need for a separate DMM and power supply.• Improves test times, simplifies overall test system design and increases usability • SMUs can outperform the DMM and Power Supply Combo on current vs. voltage (IV) measurements for a variety of applications.VS.VS.MORE USEFUL THAN THE COMBINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INSTRUMENTS| 5/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSeries 2600B System SourceMeter SMU Instruments2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument• Industry leading 10 A @ 10 V, 10 microsecond pulse output• No tuning required for inductive loads up to 3 μH• Dual 1 Megasample/second digitizers for high speed I/Vpulse measurements (pulser function only)• DC capability up to ±40 V @ ±1.0 A, 40 Watt• TSP technology embeds complete test programs inside theinstrument for best-in-class system-level throughput• TSP-Link expansion technology for multi-channel paralleltest without a mainframe• USB 2.0, LXI-C, GPIB, RS-232, and digital I/O interfaces• Supported in the Keithley KickStart non-programming software toolTypical pulse output from a competitive SMU withovershoot and 6.47 μs rise time.2601B-PULSE output without overshoot and 1.4 µsrise time./KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSAchieving Fast Pulse Measurementsfor Today’s High-Power DevicesGreen initiatives and energy efficiency standards worldwide have motivatedengineers to find ways to design more efficient semiconductor devices andintegrated circuits, and measuring the true state of these devices withoutthe effects of self-heating is critical. Pulsed characterization is a solutionto this issue. The use of a pulsed stimulus demands faster measurements.For high-speed digitization or waveform capture applications that requirethese capabilities, Keithley’s High Power SourceMeter® Instrument also includestwo high-speed ADCs for measuring current and voltage simultaneously. TheseADCs use sampling technology like an oscilloscope and take snapshots of thesignal over time. Each high-speed ADC samples at a rate of up to 1 MHz with18-bit resolution, which is much higher than the typical 8-bit resolution of anoscilloscope, resulting in more precise transient characterization in comparablebandwidths. Coupled with the ability to measure asynchronously from the source,this feature makes the 2651A and 2657A ideal for many waveform capture andtransient characterization applications.• Source or sink:−2,000 W of pulsed power (±40 V, ±50 A)−200 W of DC power (±10 V @ ±20 A, ±20 V@ ± 10 A, ±40 V @ ±5 A)• Easily connect two units (in series or parallel) to create solutions up to ±100 A or ±80 V1 pA resolution enables precise measurement of very low leakage currents1 μs per point (1 MHz), 18-bit sampling, accurately characterizes transient behavior2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument2651A LEARN MORE• Source or sink up to 180 W of DC or pulsed power, (±3000 V @ 20 mA, ±1500 V @ 120 mA)• 1 fA low current resolution• Dual 22-bit precision ADCs and dual 18-bit 1 μs per point digitizers for high accuracyand high speed transient capture• Fully TSP® compliant for easy system integration with Series 2600B System SourceMeter modelsand 24XX Graphical SMUs2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument 2657A LEARN MORE8 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSMALLER FORM FACTORwhich requires placing additionalracks of test equipment on theplant floor.| 9/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSRemote Electrical TestHead included• Fully digital P-I-D control; Autotuning capability for the thermal control loop (2510-AT)• Designed to control temperature during laser diode module testing• Wide temperature setpoint range (–50˚C to +225˚C) and high setpoint resolution (±0.001˚C) and stability (±0.005˚C)• Compatible with a variety of temperature sensor inputs: thermistors, RTDs, and IC sensors2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System• Integrated solution for in-process LIV production testing of laser diodes at the chip or bar level• Combines high accuracy source and measure capabilities or pulsed and DC testing• Synchronized DSP-based measurement channels ensure highly accurate light intensity and voltage measurements • Programmable pulse on time from 500 ns to 5 ms up to 4% duty cycle• Pulse capability up to 5 A, DC capability up to 1 A• 14-bit measurement accuracy on three measurement channels (V F , front photodiode, back photodiode)• Up to 1000-point sweep stored in buffer memory eliminates GPIB traffic during test, increasing throughput2510 LEARN MORE2520 LEARN MORE10 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 11 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS12 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 13 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSFor more information about Source Measure Units, visit our Source Measure Unit Tutorial page to review additional literature, and view product demos and webinars. /learning/what-is-a-source-measure-unit14 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSContact Information:Australia 1 800 709 465Austria* 00800 2255 4835Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627Canada 180****9200Central East Europe / Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe / Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400 820 5835India 000 800 650 1835Indonesia 007 803 601 5249Italy 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777Malaysia 180****5835Mexico, Central/South America and Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835New Zealand 0800 800 238Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400 820 5835Philippines 1 800 1601 0077Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +82 2 565 1455Russia / CIS +7 (495) 6647564Singapore 800 6011 473South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden* 00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688Thailand 1 800 011 931United Kingdom / Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 180****9200Vietnam 12060128* European toll-free number. If notaccessible, call: +41 52 675 3777Rev. 02.2018Find more valuable resources at Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes thatin all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other tradenames referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.040920.sbg 1KW-61458-2。

Units of Measurement

Units of Measurement

1.4 Units of MeasurementMany properties of matter are quantitative; that is, they are associated withnumbers. When a number represents a measured quantity, the units of thatquantity must always be specified. To say that the length of a pencil is 17.5 is meaningless. To say that it is 17.5 centimeters (cm) properly specifies the length.The units used for scientific measurements are those of the metric system.The metric system, which was first developed in France during the late eighteenth century, is used as the system of measurement in most countries throughout theworld. The United States has traditionally used the English system, although useof the metric system has become more common in recent years. For example, the contents of most canned goods and soft drinks in grocery stores are now given inmetric as well as in English units as shown in Figure 1.16.Figure 1.16 Metric measurements are becoming increasingly common in the United States, as exemplified by the volume printed on this container.SI UnitsIn 1960 an international agreement was reached specifying a particular choice of metric units for use in scientific measurements. These preferred units are called SI units, after the French Système International d'Unités. The SI system has seven base units from which all other units are derived. Table 1.4 lists these base units and their symbols. In this chapter we will consider the base units for length, mass, and temperature.Prefixes are used to indicate decimal fractions or multiples of various units. For example, the prefix milli- represents a fraction of a unit: A milligram (mg) is gram (g), a millimeter (mm) is meter (m), and so forth. Table 1.5 presents the prefixes commonly encountered in chemistry. In using the SI system and in working problems throughout this text, you must be comfortable using exponential notation. If you are unfamiliar with exponential notation or want to review it, refer to Appendix A.1.Although non-SI units are being phased out, there are still some that are commonly used by scientists. Whenever we first encounter a non-SI unit in the text, the proper SI unit will also be given.Length and MassThe SI base unit of length is the meter (m), a distance only slightly longer than a yard. The relations between the English and metric system units that we will use most frequently in this text appear on the back inside cover. We will discuss how to convert English units into metric units, and vice versa, in Section 1.6.Mass* is a measure of the amount of material in an object. The SI base unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), which is equal to about 2.2 pounds (lb). This base unit is unusual because it uses a prefix, kilo-, instead of the word gram alone. We obtain other units for mass by adding prefixes to the word gram.gram;(c) meter?microsecond, s; measurement using a prefix to replace the power of ten.standard exponential notation to express 3.76 mg in grams.second;TemperatureWe sense temperature as a measure of the hotness or coldness of an object. Indeed, temperature determines the direction of heat flow. Heat always flows spontaneously from a substance at higher temperature to one at lower temperature. Thus, we feel the influx of energy when we touch a hot object, and we know that the object is at a higher temperature than our hand.The temperature scales commonly employed in scientific studies are the Celsius and Kelvin scales. The Celsius scale is also the everyday scale of temperature in most countries (Figure 1.17). It was originally based on the assignment of 0°C tothe freezing point of water and 100°C to its boiling point at sea level (Figure1.18).Figure 1.17 Many countries employ the Celsius temperature scale in everyday use, as illustrated by this Australian stamp.Figure 1.18 Comparison of the Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit temperature scales.The Kelvin scale is the SI temperature scale, and the SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (K). Historically, the Kelvin scale was based on the properties of gases; its origins will be considered in Chapter 10. Zero on this scale is the lowestattainable temperature, a temperature referred to as absolute zero.Both the Celsius and Kelvin scales have equal-sized units—that is, a kelvin is thesame size as a degree Celsius. Thus, the Kelvin and Celsius scales are related as follows:[1.1]The freezing point of water, is 273.15 K (Figure 1.18). Notice that we do not use a degree sign (°) with temperatures on the Kelvin scale.The common temperature scale in the United States is the Fahrenheit scale, which is not generally used in scientific studies. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at and boils atThe Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are related as follows:[1.2]what is the predicted temperature in(a) Using Equation 1.1, we have(b) Using Equation 1.2, we haveEthylene glycol, the major ingredient in antifreeze, freezes atDerived SI UnitsThe SI base units in Table 1.4 are used to derive the units of other quantities. Todo so, we use the defining equation for the quantity, substituting the appropriatebase units. For example, speed is defined as the ratio of distance to elapsed time.Thus, the SI unit for speed is the SI unit for distance (length) divided by the SIunit for time, which we read as "meters per second." We will encountermany derived units, such as those for force, pressure, and energy, later in thistext. In this chapter we examine the derived units for volume and density.VolumeThe volume of a cube is given by its length cubed, (length)3. Thus, the basic SIunit of volume is the cubic meter, or m3, the volume of a cube that is 1 m on each edge. Smaller units, such as cubic centimeters, cm3 (sometimes written as cc), are frequently used in chemistry. Another unit of volume commonly used inchemistry is the liter (L), which equals a cubic decimeter, dm3, and is slightlylarger than a quart. The liter is the first metric unit we have encountered that isnot an SI unit. There are 1000 milliliters (mL) in a liter (Figure 1.19), and eachmilliliter is the same volume as a cubic centimeter: 1 mLFigure 1.19 A liter is the same volume as a cubic decimeter, 1 L 1 dm3. Each cubic decimeter contains 1000 cubic centimeters, 1 dm31000 cm3. Each cubic centimeter equals a milliliter, 1 cm3 1 mL.The terms milliliter and cubic centimeter are used interchangeably in expressing volume.The devices used most frequently in chemistry to measure volume are illustratedin Figure 1.20. Syringes, burets, and pipets deliver liquids with more accuracythan graduated cylinders. Volumetric flasks are used to contain specific volumesof liquid.Figure 1.20 Common devices used in chemistry laboratories for the measurement and delivery of volumes of liquid. The graduated cylinder, syringe, and buret are used to deliver variable volumes of liquid; the pipet is used to deliver a specific volume of liquid. The volumetric flask contains a specific volume of liquid when filled to the mark.DensityDensity is widely used to characterize substances. It is defined as the amount ofmass in a unit volume of the substance:[1.3]The densities of solids and liquids are commonly expressed in units of grams percubic centimeter () or grams per milliliter (). The densities of somecommon substances are listed in Table 1.6. It is no coincidence that the densityof water is the gram was originally defined as the mass of 1 mL ofwater at a specific temperature. Because most substances change volume whenheated or cooled, densities are temperature dependent. When reporting densities,the temperature should be specified. We usually assume that the temperature is close to normal room temperature, if no temperature is reported.The terms density and weight are sometimes confused. A person who says that iron weighs more than air generally means that iron has a higher density than air;1 kg of air has the same mass as 1 kg of iron, but the iron occupies a smaller volume, thereby giving it a higher density. If we combine two liquids that do not mix, the less dense one will float on the more dense one.SAMPLE EXERCISE 1.4(a) Calculate the density of mercury if occupies a volume of7.36 cm3.(b) Calculate the volume of 65.0 g of the liquid methanol (wood alcohol) if its density is 0.791 g mL.(c) What is the mass in grams of a cube of gold (density) if the length of the cube is 2.00 cm.Solution(a) We are given mass and volume, so Equation 1.3 yields(b) Solving Equation 1.3 for volume and then using the given mass and density gives(c) We can calculate the mass from the volume of the cube and its density. The volume of a cube is given by its length cubed:Volume (2.00 cm)3 (2.00)3 cm3 8.00 cm3Solving Equation 1.3 for mass and substituting the volume and density ofthe cube we havePRACTICE EXERCISE(a) Calculate the density of a 374.5-g sample of copper if it has a volume of41.8 cm3. (b) A student needs 15.0 g of ethanol for an experiment. If thedensity of the alcohol is 0.789 g mL, how many milliliters of alcohol areneeded? (c) What is the mass, in grams, of 25.0 mL of mercury (density)?Answers:(a) 8.96 g cm3; (b) 19.0 mL; (c) 340 g* Mass and weight are not interchangeable terms and are often incorrectly thought to be the same. The weight of an object is the force that the mass exerts due to gravity. In space, where gravitational forces are very weak, an astronaut can be weightless, but he or she cannot be massless. In fact, the astronaut's mass in space is the same as it is on Earth.。



英美制到公制換算Linear Measure 长度1米=39.37inches.1 inch 英寸=25.4 millimetres 毫米1 foot 英尺=12 inches 英寸=0.3048 metre 米1 yard 码=3 feet 英尺=0.9144 metre 米1 (statute) mile 英里=1760 yards 码=1.609 kilometres 千米1 nautical mile 海里=1852 m. 米长度缩写或符号等值换算哩mi. 880英寻1.609公里英寻fm. 2码1.829米码yd.3尺0.914米尺ft. 12寸30.48厘米寸in.2.54厘米海里10链英=1.853公里国际海程制=1.852公里链美=185.3米国际海程制=185.2米Square Measure 面积1 square inch 平方英寸=6.45 sq.centimetres 平方厘米1 square foot 平方英尺=144平方英寸=9.29 sq.decimetres 平方分米1 square yard 平方码=9 sq.ft. 平方英尺=0.836 sq.metre 平方米1 acre 英亩=4840 sq.yd.平方码=0.405 hectare 公顷1 square mile 平方英里=640 acres 英亩=259 hectares 公顷Cubic Measure 体积1 cubic inch 立方英寸=16.4 cu.centimetres 立方厘米1 cubic foot 立方英尺=1728 立方英寸=0.0283 cu.metre 立方米1 cubic yard 立方码=27 cu.ft. 立方英尺=0.765 cu.metre 立方米Capacity Measure 容积Britich 英制1 pint 品脱=20 fluid oz. 液量盎司=34.68 立方英寸=0.568 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.136 litres 升1 gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=4.546 litres 升1 peck 配克=2 gallons 加伦=9.092 litres 升1 bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=36.4 litres 升1 quarter 八蒲式耳=8 bushels 蒲式耳=2.91 hectolitres 百升American dry 美制干量1 pint 品脱=33.60 立方英寸=0.550 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.101 litres 升1 peck 配克=8 quarts 夸脱=8.81 litres 升1 bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=35.3 litres 升American liquid 美制液量1 pint 品脱=16 fluid oz. 液量盎司=28.88 立方英寸=0.473 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=0.946 litre 升1 gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=3.785 litres 升Avoirdupois Weight 常衡1 grain 格令=0.065 gram 克1 dram 打兰=1.772 grams 克1 ounce 盎司=16 drams 打兰=28.35 grams 克1 pound 磅=16 ounces 盎司=7000 grains 谷=0.4536 kilogram 千克1 stone 英石=14 pounds 磅=6.35 kilograms 千克1 quarter 四分之一英担=2 stones 英石=12.70 kilograms 千克1 hundredweight 英担=4 quarters 四分之一英担=50.80 kilograms 千克1 short ton 短吨(美吨)=2000 pounds 磅=0.907 tonne 公吨1 (long) ton 长吨(英吨)=20 hundredweight 英担=1.016 tonnes 公吨公制换算到英制Linear Measure 长度1 millimetre 毫米=0.03937 inch 英寸1 centimetre 厘米=10 mm. 毫米=0.3937 inch 英寸1 decimetre 分米=10 cm. 厘米=3.937 inches 英寸1 metre 米=10 dm. 分米=1.0936 yards 码=3.2808 feet 英尺1 decametre 十米=10 m. 米=10.936 yards 码1 hectometre 百米=100 m. 米=109.4 yards 码1 kilometre 千米=1000 m. 米=0.6214 mile 英里1 mile marin 海里=1852 m. 米=1.1500 mile 英里Square Measure 面积1 square centimetre 平方厘米=0.155 sq.inch 平方英寸1 square metre 平方米=1.196 sq.yards 平方码1 are 公亩=100 square metres 平方米=119.6 sq.yards 平方码1 hectare 公顷=100 ares 公亩=2.471 acres 英亩1 square kilometre 平方公里=0.386 e 平方英里Cubic Measure 体积1 cubic centimetre 立方厘米=0.061 cu.inch 立方英寸1 cubic metre 立方米=1.308 cu.yards 立方码Capacity Measure 容积1 millilitre 毫升=0.002 pint (British) 英制品脱1 centilitre 厘升=10 ml. 毫升=0.018 pint 品脱1 decilitre 分升=10 cl. 厘升=0.176 pint 品脱1 litre 升=10 dl. 分升=1.76 pints 品脱1 decalitre 十升=10 l. 升=2.20 gallons 加伦1 hectolitre 百升=100 l. 升=2.75 bushels 蒲式耳1 kilolitre 千升=1000 l. 升=3.44 quarters 八蒲式耳Weight 重量1 milligram 毫克=0.015 grain 谷1 centigram 厘克=10 mg. 毫克=0.154 grain 谷1 decigram 分克=10 cg. 厘克=1.543 grains 谷1 gram 克=10 dg. 分克=15.43 grains 谷1 decagram 十克=10 g. 克=5.64 drams 打兰1 hectogram 百克=100 g. 克=3.527 ounces 盎司1 kilogram 千克=1000 g. 克=2.205 pounds 磅1 ton (metric ton) 吨,公吨=1000 kg. 千克=0.984 (long) ton 长吨,英吨=1.1023 短吨,美吨公制单位与美制惯例单位换算FROM U.S. CUSTOMAR TO METRIC 从美国惯例单位到公制单位WHEN YOU KNOWMULTIPLY BYTO FIND已知单位乘以求得单位inches英寸25.4millimeters公厘2.54centimeters公分feet英尺30.48centimeters公分yards码0.91meters公尺miles英里1.61kilometers公里teaspoons茶匙4.93milliliters毫升tablespoons大匙14.79milliliters毫升fluid ounces液盎司29.57milliliters毫升cups杯0.24liters公升pints品脱0.47liters公升quarts夸脱0.95liters公升gallons加仑3.79liters公升cubic feet立方英尺0.028cubic meters立方公尺cubic yards立方码0.76cubic meters立方公尺ounces盎司28.35grams克pounds磅0.45kilograms千克short tons (2,000 lbs)美吨0.91metric tons公吨square inches平方英寸6.45square centimeters平方公分square feet平方英尺0.09square meters平方公尺square yards平方码0.84square meters平方公尺square miles平方英里2.6square kilometers平方公里acres英亩0.4hectares公顷FROM METRIC TO U.S. CUSTOMARY 从公制单位到美国惯例单位WHEN YOU KNOWMULTIPLY BYTO FIND已知单位乘以求得单位millimeters公厘0.04inches英寸centimeters公分0.39inches英寸meters公尺3.28feet英尺1.09yards码kilometers公里0.62miles英里milliliters毫升0.2teaspoons茶匙0.06tablespoons大匙0.03fluid ounces液盎司liters公升1.06quarts夸脱0.26gallons加仑4.23cups杯2.12pints品脱cubic meters立方公尺35.32cubic feet立方英尺1.35cubic yards立方码grams克0.035ounces盎司kilograms千克2.21pounds磅metric ton公吨(1,000 kg)1.1short ton美吨square centimeters平方公分0.16square inches平方英寸square meters平方公尺1.2square yards平方码square kilometers平方公里0.39square miles平方英里hectares公顷2.47acres英亩TEMPERATURE CONVERSION BETWEEN CELSIUS AND FAHRENHEIT 摄氏与华氏的温度换算C = (F- 32) ÷ 1.8CONDITION FAHRENHEITCELSIUS条件摄氏华氏Boiling point of water水的沸点212°100°A very hot day炎热天气104°40°Normal body temperature正常体温98.6°37°A warm day暖热天气86°30°A mild day温暖天气68°20°F= (C x1.8) + 32CONDITION FAHRENHEITCELSIUS条件华氏摄氏A cool day寒冷天气50°10°Freezing point of water水的冰点32°0°Lowest temperature Gabriel Fahrenheitcould obtain by mixing salt and ice0°-17.8°将盐与冰混合后所能得到的最低加布里埃尔华氏温度U.S. CUSTOMARY SYSTEM 美国惯例制度UNITRELATION TO OTHER U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSMETRIC EQUIVALENT 单位与其他美国惯例单位的关系公制等量LENGTH长度drop 1/76 teaspooninch 1/12foot 2.54 centimeters英寸1/12英尺 2.54公分foot12 inches or 1/3 yard 0.3048 meter英尺12英寸或1/3码0.3048公尺yard36 inches or 3 feet 0.9144 meter码36英寸或3英尺0.9144公尺rod161/2 feet or 51/2 yards 5.0292 meters杆161/2英尺或51/2 码 5.0292公尺furlong220 yards or 1/8 mile 0.2012 kilometer弗隆220码或1/8英里0.2012公里mile (statute)5,280 feet or 1,760 yards1.6093 kilometers英里(规)5,280英尺或1,760码 1.6093公里mile (nautical)6,076 feet or 2,025 yards1.852 kilometers英里(航海)6,076英尺或2,025码 1.852公里VOLUME OR CAPACITY (LIQUID MEASURE) 容积或容量(液量单位) ounce1/16 pint29.574 milliliters盎司1/16品脱29.574毫升gill4 ounces0.1183 liter吉耳4盎司0.1183升pint16 ounces0.4732 liter品脱16盎司0.4732升quart2 pints or 1/4 gallon0.9463 liter夸脱2品脱或1/4加仑0.9463升gallon128 ounces or 8 pints3.7853 liters加仑128盎司或8品脱3.7853升barrel(wine)311/2 gallons119.24 liters(beer)36 gallons136.27 liters(oil)42 gallons158.98 liters桶(葡萄酒)311/2 加仑119.24升(啤酒)36 加仑136.27升(油)42 加仑158.98升VOLUME OR CAPACITY (DRY MEASURE) 容积或容量(干量单位) pint1/2 quart0.5506 liter品脱1/2 夸脱0.5506升quart2 pints1.1012 liter夸脱2品脱1.1012升peck8 quarts or 1/4 bushel8.8098 liters配克8夸脱或1/4蒲式耳8.8098升bucket2 pecks17.620 liters桶2配克17.620升bushel2 buckets or 4 pecks35.239 liters蒲式耳2桶或4配克35.239升WEIGHT 重量grain1/7000 pound64.799 milligrams格令1/7000磅毫克dram1/16 ounce1.7718 grams打兰1/16盎司1.7718克ounce16 drams28.350 grams盎司16打兰28.350克pound16 ounces453.6 grams磅16盎司453.6克ton (short)2,000 pounds907.18 kilograms吨(短)2,000磅907.18千克ton (long)2,240 pounds1,016.0 kilograms吨(长)2,240磅1,016.0千克GEOGRAPHIC AREA 地理面积acre4,840 square yards4,047 square meters英亩4,840平方码4,047平方公尺COOKING MEASURES 烹饪量器UNITRELATION TO OTHER COOKING MEASURESCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS 单位与其他美国烹饪量器的关系换算成公制单位drop1/76 teaspoon 0.0649milliliter滴1/76茶匙0.0649毫升teaspoon76 drops or 1/3 tablespoon4.9288 milliliters茶匙76滴或1/3大匙 4.9288毫升tablespoon3 teaspoons 14.786 milliliters大匙3茶匙14.786毫升cup16 tablespoons or 1/2 pint0.2366 liter杯16大匙或1/2品脱0.2366升pint2 cups 0.4732 liters品脱2杯0.4732升quart4 cups or 2 pints 0.9463 liter夸脱4杯或2品脱0.9463升英制单位到其它单位换算BRITISH IMPERIAL SYSTEM 英国制度UNITRELATION TO OTHER BRITISH IMPERIAL UNITSCONVERSION TO U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS单位与其他英制单位的关系换算成美国惯例单位换算成公制单位VOLUME OR CAPACITY (LIQUID MEASURE) 容积或容量(液量)pint1/2 quart1.201 pints0.5683 liter品脱1/2夸脱1.201品脱0.5683升quart 2pints1/4 gallon1.201 quarts1.137 liters夸脱2品脱1/4加仑1.201夸脱1.137升gallon8 pints 4 quarts1.201 gallons4.546 liters加仑8品脱4夸脱1.201加仑4.546升VOLUME OR CAPACITY (DRY MEASURE) 容积或容量(乾量)peck1/4 bushel1.0314 pecks9.087 liters配克1/4蒲式耳1.0314配克9.087升bushel4 pecks1.0320 bushels36.369 liters蒲式耳4配克1.0320蒲式耳36.369升APOTHECARY WEIGHTS 药用重量UNITRELATION TO OTHER APOTHECARY UNITSCONVERSION TO U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS单位与其他药衡单位的关系换算成美国惯例单位换算成公制单位grain1/60 dram 1/5760 pound equal to the U.S. Customary grain 64.799 milligrams格令1/60打兰1/5760磅等于美国惯例格令64.799毫克dram60 grains 1/8 ounce2.1943 drams3.8879 grams打兰60格令1/8盎司2.1943打兰3.8879克ounce8 drams1.0971 ounces31.1035 grams盎司8打兰1.0971盎司31.1035克pound12 ounces 96 drams0.8232 pound373.242 grams磅12盎司96打兰0.8232磅373.242克国际制度的单位UNITS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM 国际制度的单位The International System (abbreviated SI, for Systeme International, the French name for the system) was adopted in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. An expanded and modified version of the metric system, the International System addresses the needs of modern science for additional and more accurate units of measurement. The key features of the International System are decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure. 国际制度(国际制度的缩写为SI,是国际制度的法语名称)被1960年的第十一届大会用于度量衡。

Keithley Model 236 237 238 Source Measure Units操作手

Keithley Model 236 237 238 Source Measure Units操作手

Model 236/237 /238 Source Measure UnitsOperator's Manual A GREATER MEASURE OF CONFIDENCEWARRANTYKeithley Instruments, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of l year from date of shipment.Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants the following items for 90 days from the date of shipment: probes, cables, rechargeable batteries, diskettes, and documentation.During the warranty period, we will, at our option, either repair or replace any product that proves to be defective.To exercise this warranty, write or call your local Keithley representative, or contact Keithley headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. You will be given prompt assistance and return instructions. Send the product, transportation prepaid, to the indicated service facility. Repairs will be made and the product returned, transportation prepaid. Repaired or replaced products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period, or at least 90 days.LIMITATION OF WARRANTYThis warranty does not apply to defects resulting from product modification without Keithley's express written consent, or misuse of any product or part. This warranty also does not apply to fuses, software, non-rechargeable batteries, damage from battery leakage, or problems arising from normal wear or failure to follow instructions.THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. THE REMEDIES PRO­VIDED HEREIN ARE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES.NEITHER KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. NOR ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF ITS INSTRUMENTS AND SOFTWARE EVEN IF KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC., HAS BEEN ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SUCH EXCLUDED DAMAGES SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIM­ITED TO: COSTS OF REMOV AL AND INSTALLATION, LOSSES SUSTAINED AS THE RESULT OF INJURY TO ANY PERSON, OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY.Keithley Instruments, Inc.• 28775 Aurora Road• Cleveland, OH 44139 • 440-248-0400 • Fax: 440-248-6168 • http://www.keithley.c omBELGIUM:CHINA:FRANCE:GERMANY:GREAT BRITAIN:INDIA:ITALY:NETHERLANDS:SWITZERLAND:TAIWAN:Keithley Instruments B. V.Keithley Instruments ChinaKeithley Instruments SariKeithley Instruments GmbHKeithley Instruments LtdKeithley Instruments GmbHKeithley Instruments s.r.l.Keithley Instruments B. V.Keithley Instruments SAKeithley Instruments TaiwanBergensesteenweg 709 •B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw •02/363 00 40 •F ax: 02/363 00 64Yuan Chen Xin B uilding. Room 705 •l2Yumin Road, Dewai, Madian • Beijing 100029 •86\0-62022886 •F ax: 8610-620228923, allee des Garays • 91127 Palaiseau Cedex •01-64 53 20 20 •F ax: 01-60 11 77 26Landsberger Strasse 65•82110 Germering •089/84 93 07-40 •F ax: 089/84 93 07-34The Minster• 58 Portman Road• R eading, Berkshire RG30 !EA• 0118-9 57 56 66 •F ax: 0118-9 59 64 69Flat 2B, WILOCRISSA •14, Rest House Crescent• B angalore 560 001 •91-80-509-1320/21 •F ax: 91-80-509-1322Viale S. Gimignano, 38 •20146 Milano• 02-48 39 16 01 • F ax: 02-48 30 22 74Postbus 559 •4200AN Gorinchem • 0183-635333 •F ax: 0183-630821Kriesbachstrasse 4 •8600 Diibendorf • 01-8219444 •F ax: 01-820 30 81I Fl. 85 Po Ai Street •H sinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. •886-3572-9077 •F ax: 886-3572-903 9/00。



英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2)uninfluenced 未受影响uninformed 未被通知的uninhabited 无人居住的uninjured 未蒙损失的uninjurious 无害的uninquiring 不打听的uninspected 未经检查的uninspired 无灵感的uninstall 卸载uninstructed 未经教导的uninsured plan 未经保险的计划uninsured 未保险的unintelligent 缺乏才智的unintelligible 难解的unintelligibly 难以理解地unintentional 无意的uninterested 不感兴趣的uninteresting 无趣的uninterrupted 不停的uninterruptedly 不间断地uninvited 未被邀请的uninviting 不动人的union card 工会会员证union catalog 联合图书目录union jack 英国国旗thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计union of india 印度联邦共和国union shop 工会商店union suit 连衫裤union 联合unionism 联合主义unionist 联合主义者unionization 联合unionize 统一uniparous 单梗的uniped 单足的unipod 独脚架unipolar 单极的unique 唯一的uniquely 独特地unisex 男女通用的unisexual 单性的unison 调和unisonant 一致的unisonous 和谐的unit of measure 度量单位unit 个体unitage 单位量Unitarian 一神论者unitarianism 上帝一位论unitary 一元的unite with 联合unite 联合United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Republic 阿拉伯联合共和国United Kingdom 联合王国United Nations Children's Fund 联合国儿童基金会united press international 美国合众国际新闻社United States of America 美国United States 美国united 联合的unitive 统一的units 单位Units/Picture 单位/图片unity 一致Univ. 大学univalent 一价的univalve 单壳的universal agent 全权代理人universal compass 万能圆规universal coupling 万向接头universal donor 普通供血者universal equivalent 一般等价物universal gravitation 万有引力universal joint 万向接头universal language 世界语universal printer driver 通用打印机驱动程序universal suffrage 普选权universal time 世界时间universal 普遍的universalism 普遍性universalist 普遍主义者universality 普遍性universalize 一般化universally 普遍地universe of discourse 讨论或辩论的范围universe 宇宙university extension 大学附校university man 大学出身之人university 大学univocal 单一的unjoint 解开结子unjust 不公平的unjustifiable 不正当的unjustly 不义地unkempt 蓬乱的unkennel 揭露unkind 无情的unkindly 不亲切地unkindness 不亲切unknit 解开unknot 解开unknowable 不能知道的unknowing 没查觉的unknowingly 不知不觉地unknown soldier 阵亡的无名英雄unknown 未知的unlabored 轻易完成的unlaboured 轻易完成的unlace 解开带子unlade 卸下unlamented 不被哀悼的unlash 解开unlatch 拔掉门栓unlawful 非法的unlawfully 非法地unlay 解散unlearn 忘却unlearned 无学问的unleased 未租出的unleash 解放unleavened 未受激发的unlessC.除非unlettered 无字的unlicensed 无执照的unlicked 不整饰的unlid 揭开盖子unlifelike 不逼真的unlike 不象的unlikelihood 不可信unlikeliness 不大可能unlikely 未必的unlikeness 不相等unlimber 准备行动unlimited 无限的unlimitedly 无限地unlink 解开unliquidated 未清算的unlisted or updated driver 未列出或更新的驱动程序unlisted 未上市的unlit 未点燃的unlivable 不适居住的unload 卸货unlock 开锁unlooked-for 意外的unloose 解开unloosen 解开unloved 未被爱的unloveliness 不可爱unlovely 不可爱的unluckily 不幸地unlucky 不幸的unmake 撤回unman 阉割unmanageable 难管理的unmanliness 怯懦unmanly 怯懦的unmanned 无人的unmannered 没有礼貌的unmannerly 无礼貌的unmarked 无标的unmarketable 滞销的unmarriageable 不适于结婚的unmarried 未婚的unmarry 离婚unmask 揭露unmatchable 不能匹敌的unmatched 无比的unmeaning 无表情的unmeant 无意的unmeasurable 无法计量的unmeasured 不可测的unmeditated 未加思考的unmeet 不适当的unmentionable 不宜说出口的unmerciful 无情的unmerited 无功受禄的unmet 未满足的unmethodical 无方法的unmilitary 违反军事规程unmindful 不留心的unmistakable 明白的unmistakably 明白地unmitigated 未缓和的unmixed 纯粹的unmold 从模子里取出unmolested 没有苦恼的unmoor 起锚unmoral 不道德的unmotivated 动机不明的unmounted 未装框的unmoved 无动于衷的unmoving 不感动人的unmuffle 消音物unmusical 非音乐的unmuzzle 解下口罩unnamable 不能命名的unnameable 不知名unnatural 不自然的unnaturally 不合乎自然规律unnecessaries 非必需品unnecessarily 不必要地unnecessary 没必要的unneighborly 不睦邻的unneighbourly 不睦邻的unnerve 失去勇气unnoted 无价值的unnoticed 不引人注意的unnumbered 数不清的unobjectionable 无异议的unobservance 不留心unobservant 不注意的unobserved 没有观察到的unobtainable 难获得的unobtrusive 谦虚的unoccupied 空闲的unoffending 无罪的unofficial 非正式的unofficially 非正式地unopened 未开放的unopposed 不反对的unorderly 混乱的unorganized ferment 离体酶unorganized 未加入工会的unoriginal 非独创的unorthodox 非正统的unostentatious 不虚饰的unostentatiously 朴素地unpack 拆开unpaid 未付的unpaid-for 尚未付款的unpainful 没有痛苦的unpaired 不成双的unpalatable 不适口的unparalleled 无比的unpardonable 不可原谅的unparliamentary 违反议会法的unpatented 无专利的unpatriotic 不爱国的unpaved 没有铺石砖的unpeaceful 不平静的unpeel 削皮unpeg 解除unpen 释放unpenetrable 不能穿入的unpeople 使减少人口unpeopled 人口减少的unperceived 未被发觉的unperceptive 无识别力的unperson 被冷落的人unpersuadable 不能说服的unperturbed 平静的unpick 拆开unpierceable 无法刺穿的unpiloted 无人领航的unpin 拔掉unpitied 没人可怜的unpitiful 不仁慈的unpitying 无同情心的unplaced 无处居住的unpleasant 不愉快的unpleasantness 煞风景的事unpleasing 不愉快的unpliant 不易弯折的unplug 拔去unplumbed 未测深度的unpoetical 无诗意的unpolished rice 糙米unpolished 未磨光的unpolled 弃权的unpolluted 未受污染的unpopular 不流行的unpopularity 不受欢迎unpractical 不实用的unpracticed 练习不足的unpractised 练习不足的unprecedented 空前的unpredictable 不可预知的unprejudiced 公平的unpremeditated 非故意的unprepared 即席的unprepossessed 无成见的unprepossessing 不吸引人的unpresumptuous 不骄傲的unpretending 不矜持的unpretentious 不骄傲的unpriced 无法估价的unprincipled 无原则的unprintable 不宜刊印的unprivileged 无特权的unprizable 不值得评价的unproductive 不毛的unprofessional 外行的unprofitable 不赚钱的unprohibited 未阻止的unpromising 无前途的unprompted 自发的unpronounceable 不能发音的unpropitious 不吉利的unprosperous 不茂盛的unprotected 无保护unprovided 无供给的unprovoked 无谓的unpunished 未受惩罚的unpuzzle 解释unqualified 不合格的unquenchable 难抑制的unquestionable 确实的unquestionably 无疑地unquestioned 不成为问题的unquestioning 不加疑问的unquiet 不平静的unquotable 不能引用的unquote 结束引语unravel 拆开unread 无学问的unreadable 枯燥阅读unreadiness 没预备unready 没预备的unreal 不真实的unrealistic 不实在的unreality 非现实unreason 无理性unreasonable 不合理的unreasonableness 无理性unreasonably 不合理地unreasoning 无理智的unreasoningly 无理智地unrecognized 未被认识的unreconstructed 脑筋转不过来的unredeemable 不能收回的unredeemed 未履行的unreel 回卷unreflecting 不反射的unreformed 未改革的unregarded 不被关心的unregenerate 灵魂未得再生的unregimented 未严加管制的unregistered 未注册的unrelenting 无情的unrelentingly 无情地unreliable 不可靠的unrelieved 未减轻的unreligious 与宗教无关的unremitted 未赦免的unremitting 不懈的unremittingly 不间断地unremunerative 无报酬的unrequited 无报答的unreserve 坦白unreserved 坦白的unreservedly 不客气地unresponsive 无答复的unrest 不安的状态unrestful 不安静的unrestrained 放纵的unrestraint 无拘束unrestricted 无限制的unriddle 解unrig 卸除unrighteous 罪深的unrighteously 邪恶地unrighteousness 邪恶unrip 撕开unripe 未准备好unrivaled 无敌的unrobe 脱外衣unroll 解开unromantic 平淡无奇的unroof 除去屋顶unrounded 非圆唇的unruffle 安慰unruffled 安静的unruled 失控unruliness 任性unruly 任性的unsaddle 解下马鞍unsafe 不安全的unsaid 无以言表unsalable 滞销的unsaleable 非卖品的unsalted 新鲜的unsanitary 不卫生的unsatisfactorily 不能令人满意地unsatisfactory 令人不满意的unsaturated 不饱和的unsavory 难吃的unsavoury 难吃的unsay 取消unscanned 未测量的unscared 未受惊吓的unscarred 无疮疤的unscathed 未受伤的unscholarly 无知的unschooled 文盲unscientific 不科学的unscramble 整理unscrew 旋松unscrewed 没有扭紧unscripted 不用稿子的unscrupulous 无道德的unscrupulously 不客气地unscrupulousness 狂妄unseal 开启unsearchable 神秘的unseasonable 不合时宜的unseasoned 没有调味的unseat 坠马unseaworthy 不适航的unseeded 未播种的unseeing 茫然unseemliness 不合适unseemly 不体面的unseen translation 未经预备章节之翻译unseen 看不见的unsegregated 没有种族隔离的unselfconscious 自然的unselfish 不自私的unselfishly 不自私地unselfishness 不自私unsensational 不煽动感情的unsensible 无感觉的unsent-for 未受邀请的unserviceable 无用的unset 未凝固的unsettle 搅乱unsettled 未处理的unsex 使失去性征unsexed 失去性征的unshackle 释放unshaded 未遮住的unshakable 不可动摇的unshakably 不可动摇地unshakeable 不可动摇的unshakeably 不可动摇地unshaken 坚决的unshaped 不成形状的unshapely 丑怪的unsheathe 拔出unsheltered 未遮盖的unship 卸下unshod 赤脚的unshrinking 不收缩的unsight unseen 未过目unsight 不检查的unsighted 未被看到的unsightly 不悦目的unsigned 无符号的unsisterly 不像姐妹的unskilful 不熟练的unskilled labor 非技术性工种unskilled 不熟练的unskillful 笨拙的unskillfully 笨拙地unslaked 未满足的unsleeping 未入睡的unsling 取下unsnap 解开扣子unsnarl 松开unsociability 不爱交际unsociable 不和气的unsocial 非社会的unsoiled 未弄脏的unsold 未出售的unsolder 拆焊unsolicited 未经同意的unsolicitous 未悬念的unsolvable 不能解决的unsolved 未解决的unsophisticated 单纯的unsophisticatedness 不懂世故unsought 未追求的unsound 不健全的unsparing 不宽恕的unsparingly 不宽恕地unspeak 撤回unspeakable 无法形容的unspeakably 无法形容地unspecific 非特定的unspecified 未指明的thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计unspent 未用完的unspiritual 非精神的unspoiled 未损坏的unspoken 未说出口的unsportsmanlike 不光明正大的unspotted 清白的unstable 不牢固的unstained 无污点的unstatesmanlike 无政治家风度的unsteadily 不安定地unsteadiness 不稳定unsteady 不安定的unstick 扯开unstinted 不受限制的unstop 拔开塞子unstrained 不勉强的unstrap 解开皮带unstressed 不着重的unstring 解开unstructured 未组织的unstrung 解开unstuck 未粘住的unstudied 非娇揉造作unsubstantial 不坚固的unsuccessful 不成功的unsuccessfully 失败地unsuitability 不适合unsuitable 不适合的unsuited 不适合的unsullied 清白的unsung 未赞颂的unsupported 无支持的unsuppressed 未镇压的unsure 不肯定的unsureness 不确定unsurpassable 无法超越的unsurpassed 非常卓越的unsuspected 未被怀疑的unsuspecting 信任的unsuspectingly 信任地unsuspicious 不可疑的unsustained 未持续的unswear 违背unswerving 不歪的unsyllabic 不构成音节的unsymmetrical 非对称的unsympathetic 无情的unsystematic 无组织的untainted 无污点的untalented 没有天赋的untamed 不能抑制的untangle 解开untanned 未硝的untapped 未使用的untaught 文盲unteach 忘却untempered 没有锻练的untenable 支持不住的unthankful 不感谢的unthink 不思考unthinkable 想象不到的unthinking 无思想的unthought 未加思考的unthought-of 没有想到的unthread 抽去线unthrifty 不节省的untidy 不整洁的untie 解开until 直到untillable 不能耕种的untilled 未耕种的untimeliness 不合时宜untimely 不时的untinged 未着色的untiring 不懈的untiringly 不疲倦地untitled 无标题的unto 到untold 未说过的untomb 掘出untouchability 不能触摸untouchable 贱民untouched 未触及的untoward 麻烦的untraceable 难以捉摸的untrained 未经训练的untrammeled 自由自在的untraveled 未涉足untraversed 人迹罕至的untread 折回untried 未试过的untrodden 杳无人迹的untroubled 无烦恼的untrue 不真实的untruss 解开untrustworthy 靠不住的untruth 不真实untruthful 不真实的untuck 拆开unture 不正确的unturned 未翻转的untutored 未受教育的untwine 解开untwist 拆开unused 不习惯的unusual 不平常的unusually 显著地unvalued 无价值的unvanquishable 不能克服的unvaried 未改变的unvarnished 未涂漆的unvarying 不变的unvaryingly 恒久地unveil 揭开unventilated 不通风的unversed 不精通的unvoice 禁声unvoiced 未出声的unwanted 不必要的unware 不察觉的unwarily 没注意地unwariness 不注意unwarrantable 不允许的unwarranted 无根据的unwary 不注意的unwashed 下层民众unwatered 已排水的unwavering 不动摇的unwearied 不疲倦的unweave 拆unweighted 无重负的unwelcome 不受欢迎的unwell 不舒服的unwept 无人哀悼的unwhipped 未受处罚的unwholesome 不健康的unwieldiness 笨拙unwieldy 笨拙的unwilling 不愿意的unwillingly 不愿意地unwillingness 不愿意unwind 展开unwinking 不松懈警觉的unwisdom 无知unwise 无智的unwisely 无智地unwished-for 非所希望的unwitnessed 未注意到的unwitting 不知情的unwittingly 不知情地unwomanly 不似女流的unwonted 不习惯的unworkable 难运转的unworldly 淡没金钱unworn 没穿破的unworthily 可耻地unworthiness 无价值unworthy 不值得的unwound 未卷绕的unwrap 打开unwrinkle 将弄平unwritten constitution 不成文宪法unwritten law 不成文法unwritten 未成文的unwrought 未做成的unwrung 未扭曲的unyielding 坚硬的unyieldingly 不屈服地unyieldingness 不屈服unyoke 解开Unzip to folder 解压到文件夹unzip 解压缩uop 微指令up a gum tree 进退维谷up a stump 处境尴尬up a tree 进退两难up against the wall 碰壁up against 面临up and about 起床走动up and doing 活泼up and down 到处up arrow 向上箭头键up front 预先up hill and dale 拚命地up in arms 竭力反对up in the air 悬而未决up the creek 处于困境up the pole 进退两难up the river 在狱中up the wind 顶着风up to a move or two 机灵up to date 最近的up to grade 合格up to much 有很大价值的up to no good 不怀好意up to now 到目前为止up to one's neck in 深陷入up to par 达到标准up to scratch 准备行动up to snuff 正常up to someone 由某人决定up to the chin 深陷up to the ears 深陷于up to the elbows in 忙于up to the eyes 埋头于up to the hammer 极好up to the hub 深深陷入up to the minute 最新up to the present day 到目前up to the present 至今up to 一直到up with 拿起up 向上up-and-coming 积极进取的up-and-down 起伏的up-and-up 向上up-to-date 最近的up-to-the-minute 最新的Upanishad 《奥义书》upas 毒害upbeat 弱拍upblaze 燃烧起来upborne 被举起的upbow 上弓upbraid 谴责upbraiding 谴责的upbraidingly 叱责地upbreed 改良质量upbringing 教养upbuild 建立upcast 上抛upchuck 呕吐upcoming 即将来临的upcountry 内陆的update now 立即更新update remote references 更新远程引用update 更新updating 更新updraft 上升气流upend 颠倒upgrade 升级upgrowth 生长upheaval 起来upheave 举起uphill and downhill 上上下下uphill 登高uphold 支撑upholster 装饰upholsterer 装饰业者upholstery 室内装潢upkeep 维持upland 高地uplift 高扬uplifted 举起的uplink 向上传输upload 上传upmost 最高的upon my word 的确upon that 于是upon the look 在寻找中upon the table 尽人皆知upon 在upper case 大写体upper crust 上流社会upper hand 优势Upper House 上议院Upper Memory Area 上端内存区Upper memory block 上位内存块upper tray 上层纸盒upper 上面的upper-bracket 高级的upper-class 上流社会的uppercase 大写字母的upperclassman 高年级学生uppercut 直击uppermost 最高的uppertendom 上流社会upperworks 干舷uppish 高傲的uppity 自负的upraise 举起uprear 扶起upright piano 直立式钢琴upright 正直的uprightly 笔直地uprightness 垂直uprise 起义uprising 起来upriver 上游的uproar 喧嚣uproarious 骚动的uproariously 喧嚣地uproariousness 喧嚣uproot 根除uprush 上冲ups and downs 盛衰upset price 拍卖时之底价upset stomach 肚子痛upset 颠覆upshot 结果upside down 颠倒upside 上边upside-down cake 倒置型水果蛋糕upside-down 颠倒的upsides 对等upspring 向上弹upstage 自负的upstair 楼上的upstairs 楼上的upstanding 直立的upstart 暴发户upstate 偏僻的upstream 向上游upstroke 上挑的笔迹upsurge 涌起upsweep 向上曲upswept 向上斜的upswing 上升upsy-daisy 起来没事啦!uptake 举起upthrow 上抛upthrust 冲上uptight 紧张的uptilt 向上uptodate 现时的uptown 住宅区uptrend 上升upturn 好转upturned 朝上的upward 向上upwardly 在上面地upwards 向上upwind 逆风的Ur 吾珥uraemia 尿毒症uraemic 尿毒症的uraeus 蛇形标记uranic 星学的uraninite 沥青铀矿uranium 铀uranography 天体学uranology 天文学uranous 铀的Uranus 天王星urban 城市的urbane 彬彬有礼的urbanise 使都市化urbanism 都市生活urbanite 都市人urbanity 都市风格urbanization 都市化urbanize 都市化urbanologist 都市学家urchin 顽童urea 尿素uremia 尿毒症uremic 尿毒症的ureter 尿管urethra 尿道urethral 尿道的urethritis 尿道炎urge to 怂恿urge 催促urgency 紧急urgent 急迫的urgent-mail 急件urgently 迫切地urger 推进者uric acid 尿酸uric 尿的urinal 尿壶urinalysis 尿分析urinary bladder 膀胱urinary ladder 膀胱urinary 尿的urinate 小便urination 撒尿urine 尿urn 瓮urogenital 泌尿生殖的urologist 泌尿科医师urology 泌尿科学uroscopy 验尿ursine 熊的urticant 痒的urticaria 风疹Uruguay 乌拉圭Uruguayan 乌拉圭人Urumchi 乌鲁木齐urus 野牛US Copyright law 美国版权法US States 美国各洲us 我们USA 美国usability 可用性usable 可用的usableness 可用usage 惯例usance 票据期限use and wont 习惯use as default 设置为默认值use color 使用颜色use full page 使用整页use grammar and style rules 使用语法和文体规则use old bottles for new wine 旧瓶装新酒use oneself 处身use out 耗尽use prefix 使用地区号use printer resolution 使用打印机分辨率use truetype fonts as defaults 使用 Truetype 字体作为默认字体use up 用完use 使用used to 惯常used-up 精疲力竭useful 有用的useful-life 有效期限usefully 有用地usefulness 有用useless 无用的uselessly 无益地uselessness 无用user name 用户名user 使用者user's guide 使用手册user-defined autoformats 自动套用自定义图表user-defined format 自定义格式user-defined 自定义userinfo 用户信息userkit 用户套件Username 用户名称ush 招待usher 招待员usherette 女引座员Using 用usquebaugh 威士忌USSR 苏联usual 通常的usually 通常usucapion 取得时效usufruct 用益权usufructuary 用益权使用者usurer 高利贷者usurious 高利贷的usuriously 取高利地usurp on 侵占usurp 篡夺usurpation 篡夺usurper 篡夺者usury 高利贷usw und so weiter等等ut 八度音阶Utah 犹他州utensil 器具uterine 子宫的uterus 子宫utilitarian 功利的utilitarianism 功利主义utility man 杂务工thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计utility room 杂物间utility 效用utilization 利用utilize 利用utmost 极限Utopia 乌托邦Utopian 乌托邦的utopianism 乌托邦的理想utricle 木囊utricular 小囊状的utter 绝对utterance 意见utterly 完全uttermost 极端uvdicon 视象管uvula 悬雍垂uvulae 小舌uvular 悬壅垂的uxoricide 杀妻uxorious 怕老婆的uxoriously 疼爱妻子地uxoriousness 疼爱妻子。

测绘工程专业英语翻译Unit 3

测绘工程专业英语翻译Unit 3

Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量)One of the fundamentals of surveying is the need to measure distance.(测量工作的一项基础【fundamental基本原则,同时有基础的意思】是距离测量)Distances are not necessarily linear, especially if they occur on the spherical earth(距离不一定指的是直线的,尤其是在地球曲面上的距离)In this subject we will deal with distances in Euclidean space, which we can considera straight line from one point or feature to another.(这里【In this subject翻译成这里】,我们所涉及的是欧几里德空间,我们可以认为一条从一点到另一点或一个特征到另一个特征的线是直线。

)Distance between two points can be horizontal, slope, or vertical.(两点之间的距离可以是平距、斜距、或者是垂距。

)Horizontal and slope distances can be measured with lots of techniques of measurement depending on the desired quality of the result.(根据测量结果的精度【quality质量】要求不同,平距或斜距有多种测量方法)If the points are at different elevations, then the distance is the horizontal length between plumb lines atthe points. (如果这些点在不同高程上,那么平距指的是过点的垂线【plumb lines】之间的水平长度。



4. 软件操作
Double Click 如上的图标, SMART-1 CT 软件将被执行. 首先系统将送出命令, 经 Interface Card (Default IO address: &H300)与 DB25(female)-to- DB25(female) cable 到 Controller card, 操控 Switch Card 上的继电器矩阵开关, 如果全部的硬件 正常, 系统将检测出其总通道数.
对 IC Package 的全部 Pins 进行 O/S test, Idd test, Leakage test and Curve Tracer analysis 前, 使用者一定要取用一个 Pin assignment 表 (每一支待测 Pin 对应到 Smart-1 CT 的那一个通道),档案中找不到时就需要新建一个.
The Smart-1 CT (Curve Tracer) 的主要功能是 Curve Tracer, Open/Short Test,Idd Test, 以及 Leakage Test 四种。 它设计的目标是应用于半导体后段工程产业的 QRA / FA / QC / Production 等单位。 Smart-1 CT 的进阶机种备有最高 5 组内置 Source/Measure Units, 7 x N Pins 继电 器式矩阵开关, 以及 Pattern I/O + Per Pin PMU for parallel Leakage test 。 Smart-1 CT 的标准机种则只备有 3 组内置 Source/Measure Units, 以及 4 x N Pins 继电器式 矩阵开关。所有内置 Source/Measure Units 只提供 7V@500mA 的电压与电流源, 这 对大部份的低电压应用已够用. 如果有较高精确度与较大电压/电流源(20V@1A, 200V@ 100mA)的需要, SMART-1 CT 的软件支持外接一台 Keithley Model 2400(可程 控)来取代内置的 SMU1. 在已做好保护更新的条件下, Smart-1 CT 也支持其它非程控 的电源(Max. 50V@1A)或信号进入矩阵开关以送到 DUT 的某些脚位.

一日一词:高考必备词汇 measure 及其派生词

一日一词:高考必备词汇 measure 及其派生词
③估量;衡量( assess)
Scientists haven't measured the positive effects of laughter on children.
weights and measures
★ measurable
v. 可测量的,可度量的
②[用单数](一定的)量;程度( degree)
No matter how unpredictable the future, there's almost always some measure of joy to be got from the moment.
It is high time that we should take some measures to protect endangered animals.
★ measurement
n 测量;衡量; [常用复数]尺寸
take sb's measurements
一日一词:高考必备词汇 measure 及其派生词
★ measurevt&vi
measuring instruments 测量工具
The doctor weighed the and measured its height.
The room measures 10 meters across.



常用单位英文名称及缩写In the world of measurements and quantification, the use of standardized units is essential for clear communication and accurate data exchange. These units serve as a common language that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, allowing for seamless collaboration and understanding among individuals, organizations, and industries. Among the myriad of units in use, there are several that are particularly prevalent and widely recognized. Understanding the English names and abbreviations of these common units is crucial for effective communication and data analysis.One of the most fundamental units is the meter which is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The meter is denoted by the abbreviation m and is used to measure distances, heights, and various linear dimensions. Closely related to the meter is the centimeter which is one-hundredth of a meter and represented by the abbreviation cm. The millimeter, one-thousandth of a meter, is denoted by the abbreviation mm and is commonly used for smaller measurements.Another essential unit is the second which is the base unit of time in the SI system. The abbreviation for the second is s and it is used to measure duration, frequency, and various temporal phenomena. Closely associated with the second is the minute which is a unit of time equal to 60 seconds and denoted by the abbreviation min. The hour, on the other hand, is a unit of time equal to 60 minutes and is represented by the abbreviation h.In the realm of mass, the gram is the base unit in the SI system and is denoted by the abbreviation g. The gram is used to measure the weight or mass of objects, substances, and materials. Larger units of mass include the kilogram, which is equal to 1000 grams and represented by the abbreviation kg, and the metric ton, which is equal to 1000 kilograms and denoted by the abbreviation t.The area is another important physical quantity, and the square meter (m2) is the base unit in the SI system. This unit is used to measure the size of surfaces, land areas, and various two-dimensional spaces. Smaller units of area include the square centimeter (cm2) and the square millimeter (mm2), which are useful for measuring smaller areas.Volume, the measure of three-dimensional space, also has its own set of standard units. The cubic meter (m3) is the base unit of volumein the SI system and is used to measure the capacity of containers, the size of rooms, and the volume of various objects and substances. Smaller units of volume include the liter (L), which is equal to one cubic decimeter (dm3), and the milliliter (mL), which is one-thousandth of a liter.In the realm of energy, the joule (J) is the base unit in the SI system and is used to measure the amount of work or energy expended. The joule is often used in the context of physics, engineering, and various scientific applications. Another common unit of energy is the kilowatt-hour (kWh), which is used to measure the amount of electrical energy consumed or produced.Temperature, a fundamental physical property, is measured using units such as the degree Celsius (°C) and the degree Fahrenheit (°F). The Celsius scale is the more widely used standard, especially in scientific and international contexts, while the Fahrenheit scale is primarily used in certain regions, such as the United States.In the field of electricity, the ampere (A) is the base unit of electric current in the SI system and is used to measure the flow of electric charge. The volt (V), on the other hand, is the unit of electric potential difference or voltage, and the watt (W) is the unit of power, which is the rate of energy transfer or consumption.These are just a few examples of the many common units and their abbreviations used in various fields. Understanding these units and their corresponding abbreviations is crucial for effective communication, data analysis, and collaboration across a wide range of disciplines, from science and engineering to business and everyday life.。

strength of material_1

strength of material_1

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2513MEASURING UNITSTHERMAL ENERGY OR HEAT 2514Thermometer Scales2514Absolute Temperature and Absolute Zero 2514Thermal Energy2514Fahrenheit-Celsius Conversion 2515Interpolation FactorsWEIGHTS AND MEASURES 2517Measures of Length 2517Surveyor's Measure 2517Nautical Measure 2517Square Measure 2517Cubic Measure 2518Shipping Measure 2518Dry Measure 2518Liquid Measure 2518Old Liquid Measure2518Apothecaries' Fluid Measure2518Avoirdupois or Commercial Weight 2518Troy Weight, used for Weighing Gold and Silver2519Apothecaries' Weight 2519Measures of Pressure 2519MiscellaneousMETRIC SYSTEMS OF MEASUREMENT 2520International System of Units 2522Factors and Prefixes 2522Standard of Length 2522Measures of Length 2523Square Measure2523Surveyor's Square Measure 2523Cubic Measure2523Dry and Liquid Measure 2523Measures of WeightMETRIC SYSTEMS OF MEASUREMENT (Cont.)2525Metric System2525Metric Conversion Factors 2531Metric and English Equivalents 2531Use of Conversion Tables 2532Ohm’s Law2533Binary Multiples 2533Linear Measure2534Decimals of an Inch toMillimeters2536Millimeters to Inches 2538Fractional Inch2539Microinches to Micrometers 2540Micrometers to Microinches 2541Foot Meter and Mile KilometerConversion2541Square Measure2542Square Inch Square CentimeterConversion2542Cubic Measure2543Cubic Foot Cubic MeterConversion2544Acre Hectare Conversion 2545Gallon Liter Conversion 2546Weight2546Pound Kilogram Conversion 2548Pounds per Square InchKilopscals Conversion2549Pounds per Cubic Inch Grams perCubic Centimeter2550Pounds-force to NewtonsConversion2551Power and Heat Equivalents 2553British Thermal Unit JouleConversion2554Greek Letters and StandardAbbreviations2554Abbreviations for Scientific andEngineering Terms2514THERMOMETERSTHERMAL ENERGY OR HEATThermometer Scales.—There are two thermometer scales in general use: the Fahrenheit (F), which is used in the United States and in other countries still using the English system of units, and the Celsius (C) or Centigrade used throughout the rest of the world.In the Fahrenheit thermometer, the freezing point of water is marked at 32 degrees on the scale and the boiling point, at atmospheric pressure, at 212 degrees. The distance between these two points is divided into 180 degrees. On the Celsius scale, the freezing point of water is at 0 degrees and the boiling point at 100 degrees. The following formulas may be used for converting temperatures given on any one of the scales to the other scale:Tables on the pages that follow can be used to convert degrees Celsius into degrees Fahr-enheit or vice versa. In the event that the conversions are not covered in the tables, use those applicable portions of the formulas given above for converting.Absolute Temperature and Absolute Zero.—A point has been determined on the ther-mometer scale, by theoretical considerations, that is called the absolute zero and beyond which a further decrease in temperature is inconceivable. This point is located at −273.2degrees Celsius or −459.7 degrees F. A temperature reckoned from this point, instead of from the zero on the ordinary thermometers, is called absolute temperature. Absolute tem-perature in degrees C is known as “degrees Kelvin ” or the “Kelvin scale ” (K) and absolute temperature in degrees F is known as “degrees Rankine ” or the “Rankine scale ” (R).Measures of the Quantity of Thermal Energy.—The unit of quantity of thermal energy used in the United States is the British thermal unit, which is the quantity of heat or thermal energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of pure water one degree F. (Ameri-can National Standard abbreviation, Btu; conventional British symbol, B.Th.U.) The French thermal unit, or kilogram calorie, is the quantity of heat or thermal energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of pure water one degree C. One kilogram calorie = 3.968 British thermal units = 1000 gram calories. The number of foot-pounds of mechan-ical energy equivalent to one British thermal unit is called the mechanical equivalent of heat, and equals 778 foot-pounds.In the modern metric or SI system of units, the unit for thermal energy is the joule (J); a commonly used multiple being the kilojoule (kJ), or 1000 joules. See page 2520 for an explanation of the SI System. One kilojoule = 0.9478 Btu. Also in the SI System, the watt (W), equal to joule per second (J/s), is used for power, where one watt = 3.412 Btu per hour.Fahrenheit-Celsius (Centigrade) Conversion.—A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Celsius temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accom-panying table in the center or boldface column of figures. These figures refer to the temper-ature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius degrees. If it is desired to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees, consider the center column as a table of Fahrenheit temperatures and read the corresponding Celsius temperature in the column at the left. If it is desired to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column as a table of Celsius values,and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.Degrees Fahrenheit 9degrees C×5---------------------------------32+= Degrees Celsius 5degrees F 32–()×9-------------------------------------------------= Degrees Kelvin degrees C 273.2+=Degrees Rankine degrees F 459.7+=THERMOMETERS 2515Interpolation FactorsInterpolation factors are given for use with that portion of the table in which the center column advances in increments of 10. To illustrate, suppose it is desired to find the Fahren-heit equivalent of 314 degrees C. The equivalent of 310 degrees C, found in the body of the main table, is seen to be 590.0 degrees F. The Fahrenheit equivalent of a 4-degree C differ-ence is seen to be 7.2, as read in the table of interpolating factors. The answer is the sum or 597.2 degrees F.deg C deg F deg C deg F 0.561 1.8 3.33610.81.112 3.6 3.89712.61.673 5.4 4.44814.42.2247.2 5.00916.22.7859.05.561018.0Fahrenheit-Celsius (Centigrade) Conversion Tabledeg C deg Fdeg Cdeg F deg C deg F deg C deg F −273−459.4…−101−150−238−8.31762.69.449120.2−268−450…−96−140−220−7.81864.410.050122.0−262−440…−90−130−202−7.21966.210.651123.8−257−430…−84−120−184−6.72068.011.152125.6−251−420…−79−110−166−6.12169.811.753127.4−246−410…−73−100−148−5.62271.612.254129.2−240−400…−68−90−130−5.02373.412.855131.0−234−390…−62−80−112−4.42475.213.356132.8−229−380…−57−70−94−3.92577.013.957134.6−223−370…−51−60−76−3.32678.814.458136.4−218−360…−46−50−58−2.82780.615.059138.2−212−350…−40−40−40−2.22882.415.660140.0−207−340…−34−30−22−1.72984.216.161141.8−201−330…−29−20−4−1.13086.016.762143.6−196−320…−23−1014−0.63187.817.263145.4−190−310…−17.8032−0−3289.617.864147.2−184−300…−17.2133.80.63391.418.365149.0−179−290…−16.7235.6 1.13493.218.966150.8−173−280…−16.1337.4 1.73595.019.467152.6−169−273−459.4−15.6439.2 2.23696.820.068154.4−168−270−454−15.0541.0 2.73798.620.669156.2−162−260−436−14.4642.8 3.338100.421.170158.0−157−250−418−13.9744.6 3.939102.221.771159.8−151−240−400−13.3846.4 4.440104.022.272161.6−146−230−382−12.8948.2 5.041105.822.873163.4−140−220−364−12.21050.0 5.642107.623.374165.2−134−210−346−11.71151.8 6.143109.423.975167.0−129−200−328−11.11253.6 6.744111.224.476168.8−123−190−310−10.61355.47.245113.025.077170.6−118−180−292−10.01457.27.846114.825.678172.4−112−170−274−9.41559.08.347116.626.179174.2−107−160−256−8.91660.88.948118.426.780176.027.281177.858.3137278.689.4193379.4304.4580107627.882179.658.9138280.490.0194381.2310.0590109428.383181.459.4139282.290.6195383.0315.6600111228.984183.260.0140284.091.1196384.8321.1610113029.485185.060.6141285.891.7197386.6326.7620114830.086186.861.1142287.692.2198388.4332.2630116630.687188.661.7143289.492.8199390.2337.864011842516THERMOMETERSAbove 1000 in the center column, the table increases in increments of 50. To convert 1462 degrees F to Celsius, for instance, add to the Celsius equivalent of 1400 degrees F ten times the interpolation factor for 6 and the interpolation factor for 2 or 760.0 + 33.3 + 1.11,which equals 794.4.31.188190.462.2144291.293.3200392.0343.3650120231.789192.262.8145293.093.9201393.8348.9660122032.290194.063.3146294.894.4202395.6354.4670123832.891195.863.9147296.695.0203397.4360.0680125633.392197.664.4148298.495.6204399.2365.6690127433.993199.465.0149300.296.1205401.0371.1700129234.494201.265.6150302.096.7206402.8376.7710131035.095203.066.1151303.897.2207404.6382.2720132835.696204.866.7152305.697.8208406.4387.8730134636.197206.667.2153307.498.3209408.2393.3740136436.798208.467.8154309.298.9210410.0398.9750138237.299210.268.3155311.099.4211411.8404.4760140037.8100212.068.9156312.8100.0212413.6410.0770141838.3101213.869.4157314.6104.4220428.0415.6780143638.9102215.670.0158316.4110.0230446.0421.1790145439.4103217.470.6159318.2115.6240464.0426.7800147240.0104219.271.1160320.0121.1250482.0432.2810149040.6105221.071.7161321.8126.7260500.0437.8820150841.1106222.872.2162323.6132.2270518.0443.3830152641.7107224.672.8163325.4137.8280536.0448.9840154442.2108226.473.3164327.2143.3290554.0454.4850156242.8109228.273.9165329.0148.9300572.0460.0860158043.3110230.074.4166330.8154.4310590.0465.6870159843.9111231.875.0167332.6160.0320608.0471.1880161644.4112233.675.6168334.4165.6330626.0476.7890163445.0113235.476.1169336.2171.1340644.0482.2900165245.6114237.276.7170338.0176.7350662.0487.8910167046.1115239.077.2171339.8182.2360680.0493.3920168846.7116240.877.8172341.6187.8370698.0498.9930170647.2117242.678.3173343.4193.3380716.0504.4940172447.8118244.478.9174345.2198.9390734.0510.0950174248.3119246.279.4175347.0204.4400752.0515.6960176048.9120248.080.0176348.8210.0410770.0521.1970177849.4121249.880.6177350.6215.6420788526.7980179650.0122251.681.1178352.4221.1430806532.2990181450.6123253.481.7179354.2226.7440824537.81000183251.1124255.282.2180356.0232.2450842565.61050192251.7125257.082.8181357.8237.8460860593.31100201252.2126258.883.3182359.6243.3470878621.11150210252.8127260.683.9183361.4248.9480896648.91200219253.3128262.484.4184363.2254.4490914676.71250228253.9129264.285.0185365.0260.0500932704.41300237254.4130266.085.6186366.8265.6510950732.21350246255.0131267.886.1187368.6271.1520968760.01400255255.6132269.686.7188370.4276.7530986787.81450264256.1133271.487.2189372.2282.25401004815.61500273256.7134273.287.8190374.0287.855010221093.92000363257.2135275.088.3191375.8293.356010401648.93000543257.8136276.888.9192377.6298.957010582760.050009032Fahrenheit-Celsius (Centigrade) Conversion Table (Continued)WEIGHTS AND MEASURES2517WEIGHTS AND MEASURESMeasures of Length1m ile=1760 yards = 5280 feet1yard=3 feet = 36 inches 1 foot=12 inches1mil=0.001 inch1fathom= 2 yards = 6 feet1r od=5.5 yards = 16.5 feet.1hand=4 inches1s pan=9 inches1micro-inch=one millionth inch or 0.000001 inch (1 micrometer ormicron one millionth meter = 0.00003937 inch.)Surveyor's Measure1mile=8 furlongs = 80 chains1furlong=10 chains = 220 yards1chain=4 rods = 22 yards = 66 feet = 100 links1link=7.92 inchesNautical Measure1league=3 nautical miles1nautical mile=6076.11549 feet = 1.1508 statute miles1knot= nautical unit of speed = 1 nautical mile per hourOne degree at the equator=60 nautical miles = 69.047 statute miles 360 degrees =21,600 nautical miles = 24,856.8 statute miles = circum-ference at equatorSquare Measure1square mile=640 acres = 6400 square chains1acre=10 square chains = 4840 square yards = 43,560 squarefeet. An acre is equal to a square, the side of which is208.7 feet.1square chain=16 square rods = 484 square yards = 4356 square feet.1square rod=30.25 square yards = 272.25 square feet = 625 squarelinks1square yard=9 square feet1square foot=144 square inchesMeasure used for Diameters and Areas of Electric Wires1circular inch=area of circle 1 inch in diameter = 0.7854 square inch1circular inch=1,000,000 circular mils1square inch=1.2732 circular inch = 1,273,239 circular mils1circular mil=the area of a circle 0.001 inch in diameterCubic Measure1cubic yard=27 cubic feet1cubic foot=1728 cubic inchesThe following measures are also used for wood and masonry:1cord of wood=4 × 4 × 8 feet = 128 cubic feet1perch of masonry=161⁄2× 11⁄2× 1 foot = 243⁄4 cubic feet2518WEIGHTS AND MEASURESShipping MeasureFor measuring entire internal capacity of a vessel:1register ton=100 cubic feetFor measurement of cargo:Approximately 40 cubic feet of merchandise is considered a shipping ton, unless that bulk would weigh more than 2000 pounds, in which case the freight charge may be based upon weight40cubic feet=32.143 U.S. bushels = 31.16 Imperial bushelsDry Measure1bushel=1.2445c u b i c f e e t=2150.42c u b i c i n c h e s(U.S.or Winchester struck bushel)1bushel=4 pecks = 32 quarts = 64 pints1peck=8 quarts = 16 pints1quart=2 pints1heaped bushel=11⁄4 struck bushel1cubic foot=0.8036 struck bushel1British Imperial bushel=8 Imperial gallons = 1.2837 cubic feet = 2218.19 cubicinchesLiquid Measure1U.S.gallon=0.1337 cubic foot = 231 cubic inches = 4 quarts = 8 pints1quart=2 pints = 8 gills1pint=4 gills1British Imperial gallon=1.20091U.S.gallon=277.42 cubic inches1cubic foot=7.48 U.S. gallonsOld Liquid Measure1barrel=311⁄2 gallons1hogshead=2 barrels = 63 gallons1pipe or butt=2 hogsheads = 4 barrels = 126 gallons1tierce=42 gallons1puncheon=2 tierces = 84 gallons1tun=2 pipes = 3 puncheonsApothecaries' Fluid Measure1U.S.fluid ounce=8 drachms = 1.805 cubic inch = 1⁄128 U.S. gallon1fluid drachm=60 minims1British fluid ounce=1.732 cubic inchAvoirdupois or Commercial Weight1gross or long ton=2240 pounds1net or short ton=2000 pounds1pound=16 ounces = 7000 grains1ounce=16 drachms = 437.5 grainsThe following measures for weight are now seldom used in the United States:1hundred-weight = 4 quarters = 112 pounds (1 gross or long ton = 20 hundred-weights); 1 quarter = 28 pounds; 1 stone = 14 pounds; 1 quintal = 100 poundsTroy Weight, used for Weighing Gold and Silver1pound=12 ounces = 5760 grains1ounce=20 pennyweights = 480 grains1pennyweight=24 grains1carat=3.086 grains (used in weighing diamonds)1grain Troy=1 grain avoirdupois = 1 grain apothecaries' weightWEIGHTS AND MEASURES2519Apothecaries' Weight1pound=12 ounces = 5760 grains1ounce=8 drachms = 480 grains1drachm=3 scruples = 60 grains1scruple=20 grainsMeasures of Pressure1pound per square inch=144 pounds per square foot = 0.068 atmosphere = 2.042inches of mercury at 62° F. = 27.7 inches of water at 62°F. = 2.31 feet of water at 62° F1atmosphere=30 inches of mercury at 62° F. = 14.7 pounds per squareinch = 2116.3 pounds per square foot = 33.95 feet ofwater at 62° F1foot of water at62°F=62.355 pounds per square foot = 0.433 pound per squareinch1inch of mercury at62°F=1.132 foot of water = 13.58 inches of water = 0.491 poundper square inchMiscellaneous1great gross=12 gross = 144 dozen1quire=24 sheets1gross=12 dozen = 144 units1ream=20 quires = 480 sheets1dozen=12 units1ream printing paper=500 sheets1score=20 unitsDecimal Equivalents of Fractions of an Inch1⁄640.015 62511⁄320.343 7543⁄640.671 8751⁄320.031 2523⁄640.359 37511⁄160.687 53⁄640.046 8753⁄80.37545⁄640.703 1251⁄160.062 525⁄640.390 62523⁄320.718 755⁄640.078 12513⁄320.406 2547⁄640.734 3753⁄320.093 7527⁄640.421 8753⁄40.7507⁄640.109 3757⁄160.437 549⁄640.765 6251⁄80.12529⁄640.453 12525⁄320.781 259⁄640.140 62515⁄320.468 7551⁄640.796 8755⁄320.156 2531⁄640.484 37513⁄160.812 511⁄640.171 8751⁄20.50053⁄640.828 1253⁄160.187 533⁄640.515 62527⁄320.843 7513⁄640.203 12517⁄320.531 2555⁄640.859 3757⁄320.218 7535⁄640.546 8757⁄80.87515⁄640.234 3759⁄160.562 557⁄640.890 6251⁄40.25037⁄640.578 12529⁄320.906 2517⁄640.265 62519⁄320.593 7559⁄640.921 8759⁄320.281 2539⁄640.609 37515⁄160.937 519⁄640.296 8755⁄80.62561⁄640.953 1255⁄160.312 541⁄640.640 62531⁄320.968 7521⁄640.328 12521⁄320.656 2563⁄640.984 3752520METRIC SYSTEMSMETRIC SYSTEMS OF MEASUREMENTA metric system of measurement was first established in France in the years following the French Revolution, and various systems of metric units have been developed since that time. All metric unit systems are based, at least in part, on the International Metric Stan-dards, which are the meter and kilogram, or decimal multiples or submultiples of these standards.In 1795, a metric system called the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system was proposed, and was adopted in France in 1799. In 1873, the British Association for the Advancement of Science recommended the use of the cgs system, and since then it has been widely used in all branches of science throughout the world. From the base units in the cgs system are derived the following:Unit of velocity=1 centimeter per secondAcceleration due to gravity(at Paris)=981 centimeters per second per secondUnit of force=1 dyne = 1⁄981 gramUnit of work=1 erg = 1 dyne-centimeterUnit of power=1 watt = 10,000,000 ergs per second Another metric system called the MKS (meter-kilogram-second) system of units was proposed by Professor G. Giorgi in 1902. In 1935, the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) accepted his recommendation that this system of units of mechanics should be linked with the electromagnetic units by the adoption of a fourth base unit. In 1950, the IEC adopted the ampere, the unit of electric current, as the fourth unit, and the MKSA system thus came into being.A gravitational system of metric units, known as the technical system, is based on the meter, the kilogram as a force, and the second. It has been widely used in engineering. Because the standard of force is defined as the weight of the mass of the standard kilogram, the fundamental unit of force varies due to the difference in gravitational pull at different locations around the earth. By international agreement, a standard value for acceleration due to gravity was chosen (9.81 meters per second squared) that for all practical measure-ments is approximately the same as the local value at the point of measurement.The International System of Units (SI).—The Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), which is the body responsible for all international matters concerning the metric system, adopted in 1954, a rationalized and coherent system of units, based on the four MKSA units (see above), and including the kelvin as the unit of temperature and the candela as the unit of luminous intensity. In 1960, the CGPM formally named this sys-tem the Système International d'Unites, for which the abbreviation is SI in all languages. In 1971, the 14th CGPM adopted a seventh base unit, the mole, which is the unit of quantity (“amount of substance”).In the period since the first metric system was established in France toward the end of the 18th century, most of the countries of the world have adopted a metric system. At the present time, most of the industrially advanced metric-using countries are changing from their traditional metric system to SI. Those countries that are currently changing or consid-ering change from the English system of measurement to metric have the advantage that they can convert directly to the modernized system. The United Kingdom, which can be said to have led the now worldwide move to change from the English system, went straight to SI.The use of SI units instead of the traditional metric units has little effect on everyday life or trade. The units of linear measurement, mass, volume, and time remain the same, viz. meter, kilogram, liter, and second.The SI, like the traditional metric system, is based on decimal arithmetic. For each phys-ical quantity, units of different sizes are formed by multiplying or dividing a single base value by powers of 10. Thus, changes can be made very simply by adding zeros or shiftingMETRIC SYSTEMS2521 decimal points. For example, the meter is the basic unit of length; the kilometer is a multi-ple (1000 meters); and the millimeter is a sub-multiple (one-thousandth of a meter).In the older metric systems, the simplicity of a series of units linked by powers of ten is an advantage for plain quantities such as length, but this simplicity is lost as soon as more complex units are encountered. For example, in different branches of science and engi-neering, energy may appear as the erg, the calorie, the kilogram-meter, the liter-atmo-sphere, or the horsepower-hour. In contrast, the SI provides only one basic unit for each physical quantity, and universality is thus achieved.As mentioned before, there are seven base units, which are for the basic quantities of length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity, expressed as the meter (m), the kilogram (kg), the second (s), the ampere (A), the kelvin (K), the mole (mol), and the candela (cd). The units are defined in the accompanying table.The SI is a coherent system. A system is said to be coherent if the product or quotient of any two unit quantities in the system is the unit of the resultant quantity. For example, in a coherent system in which the foot is the unit of length, the square foot is the unit of area, whereas the acre is not.Other physical quantities are derived from the base units. For example, the unit of veloc-ity is the meter per second (m/s), which is a combination of the base units of length and time. The unit of acceleration is the meter per second squared (m/s2). By applying New-ton's second law of motion—force is proportional to mass multiplied by acceleration—the unit of force is obtained that is the kilogram-meter per second squared (kg-m/s2). This unit is known as the newton, or N. Work, or force times distance is the kilogram-meter squared per second squared (kg-m2/s2), which is the joule (1 joule = 1 newton-meter), and energy is also expressed in these terms. The abbreviation for joule is J. Power or work per unit time is the kilogram-meter squared per second cubed (kg-m2/s3), which is the watt (1 watt = 1 joule per second = 1 newton-meter per second). The abbreviation for watt is W. The term horsepower is not used in the SI and is replaced by the watt, which together with multiples and submultiples—kilowatt and milliwatt, for example—is the same unit as that used in electrical work.The use of the newton as the unit of force is of particular interest to engineers. In practical work using the English or traditional metric systems of measurements, it is a common practice to apply weight units as force units. Thus, the unit of force in those systems is that force that when applied to unit mass produces an acceleration g rather than unit accelera-tion. The value of gravitational acceleration g varies around the earth, and thus the weight of a given mass also varies. In an effort to account for this minor error, the kilogram-force and pound-force were introduced, which are defined as the forces due to “standard grav-ity” acting on bodies of one kilogram or one pound mass, respectively. The standard grav-itational acceleration is taken as 9.80665 meters per second squared or 32.174 feet per second squared. The newton is defined as “that force, which when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogram, gives it an acceleration of one meter per second squared.” It is independent of g. As a result, the factor g disappears from a wide range of formulas in dynamics. However, in some formulas in statics, where the weight of a body is important rather than its mass, g does appear where it was formerly absent (the weight of a mass of W kilograms is equal to a force of W g newtons, where g = approximately 9.81 meters per sec-ond squared). Details concerning the use of SI units in mechanics calculations are given on page116 and throughout the Mechanics section in this Handbook. The use of SI units in strength of materials calculations is covered in the section on that subject.Decimal multiples and sub-multiples of the SI units are formed by means of the prefixes given in the following table, which represent the numerical factors shown.2522METRIC SYSTEMSFactors and Prefixes for Forming Decimal Multiples and Sub-multiples of theSI UnitsStandard of Length.—In 1866 the United States, by act of Congress, passed a law mak-ing legal the meter, the only measure of length that has been legalized by the United States Government. The United States yard is defined by the relation: 1 yard = 3600⁄3937 meter. The legal equivalent of the meter for commercial purposes was fixed as 39.37 inches, by law, in July, 1866, and experience having shown that this value was exact within the error of observation, the United States Office of Standard Weights and Measures was, in 1893,authorized to derive the yard from the meter by the use of this relation. The United States prototype meters Nos. 27 and 21 were received from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in 1889. Meter No. 27, sealed in its metal case, is preserved in a fireproof vault at the Bureau of Standards.Comparisons made prior to 1893 indicated that the relation of the yard to the meter, fixed by the Act of 1866, was by chance the exact relation between the international meter and the British imperial yard, within the error of observation. A subsequent comparison made between the standards just mentioned indicates that the legal relation adopted by Congress is in error 0.0001 inch; but, in view of the fact that certain comparisons made by the English Standards Office between the imperial yard and its authentic copies show variations as great if not greater than this, it cannot be said with certainty that there is a difference between the imperial yard of Great Britain and the United States yard derived from the meter. The bronze yard No. 11, which was an exact copy of the British imperial yard both in form and material, had shown changes when compared with the imperial yard in 1876and 1888, which could not reasonably be said to be entirely due to changes in Bronze No.11. On the other hand, the new meters represented the most advanced ideas of standards,and it therefore seemed that greater stability as well as higher accuracy would be secured by accepting the international meter as a fundamental standard of length.For more information on SI practice, the reader is referred to the following publications:Metric Practice Guide, published by the American Society for Testing and Materials,1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.ISO International Standard 1000. This publication covers the rules for use of SI units,their multiples and sub-multiples. It can be obtained from the American National Stan-dards Institute 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.The International System of Units, Special Publication 330 of the National Bureau of Standards —available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Print-ing Office, Washington, DC 20402.Traditional Metric MeasuresMeasures of Length10millimeters (mm)=1 centimeter (cm)10centimeters =1 decimeter (dm)10decimeters =1 meter (m)1000meters =1 kilometer (km)Factor by which the unit is multipliedPrefix Symbol Factor by which the unit is multipliedPrefix Symbol 1012tera T 10−2centi c 109giga G 10−3milli m 106mega M 10−6micro µ103kilo k 10−9nano n 102hecto h 10−12pico p 10deka da 10−15femto f 10−1decid10−18attoa。



unit英文解释A unit is a standard measure or quantity used to quantify or express something. It is a fundamental concept in various fields, including mathematics, physics, engineering, and everyday life. The term "unit" can refer to a wide range of measurements, such as length, mass, time, volume, and many others.In mathematics, a unit is a quantity used as a standard of measurement, and it is often represented by a specific symbol or abbreviation. For example, the unit of length is the meter (m), the unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), and the unit of time is the second (s). These units are part of the International System of Units (SI), which is the most widely used system of measurement in the world.In physics, units are essential for describing and analyzing physical phenomena. They provide a common language for scientists to communicate and collaborate, as well as a framework for understanding the relationships between different physical quantities. For instance, the concept of force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration, and the unit of force is the newton (N), which isequal to the product of the unit of mass (kilogram) and the unit of acceleration (meter per second squared).In engineering, units are crucial for designing and building various structures, machines, and systems. Engineers need to work with precise measurements and calculations to ensure the safety, efficiency, and reliability of their products. For example, in the construction of a building, the dimensions of the foundation, walls, and other structural elements must be measured and specified in appropriate units to ensure the stability and integrity of the structure.In everyday life, units are used to measure and quantify a wide range of everyday activities and objects. For instance, we use units of length to measure the height of a person or the distance between two locations, units of mass to measure the weight of an object or the quantity of a substance, and units of time to measure the duration of an event or the time it takes to complete a task.The importance of units extends beyond their practical applications. Units also play a crucial role in our understanding of the world around us. By using standardized units, we can compare and analyze data, make informed decisions, and communicate our findings effectively. This is particularly important in fields such as economics, where the use of consistent units is essential for understanding and comparing financial data, or in scientific research, where the use ofstandard units is necessary for the reproducibility and reliability of experiments.Moreover, the concept of units is not limited to physical measurements. In computer science and information technology, units are used to measure various aspects of digital data, such as the size of a file (bytes), the speed of a network connection (bits per second), or the capacity of a storage device (gigabytes). These units are essential for understanding and managing digital information effectively.In conclusion, the concept of a unit is a fundamental aspect of our understanding and interaction with the world around us. Units provide a common language for measurement, communication, and analysis, and they are essential in a wide range of fields, from science and engineering to everyday life. As our understanding of the world continues to grow, the importance of units will only become more apparent, as they will continue to play a crucial role in our ability to quantify, analyze, and make sense of the world we live in.。



件数的英文单位Quantity Units in EnglishThe concept of quantity units is an essential aspect of everyday life and communication. From measuring the amount of ingredients in a recipe to tracking the number of items in a shopping cart, understanding the appropriate units for quantifying various objects and substances is crucial. In the English language, there is a rich and diverse vocabulary for expressing quantities, each with its own unique characteristics and applications.One of the most fundamental quantity units is the individual or piece. This unit is used to describe single, discrete items, such as a book, a chair, or a fruit. When referring to a specific number of these individual objects, the appropriate term would be "pieces" or "items." For example, "I bought three pieces of fruit at the market" or "The store has ten items in stock."Another common quantity unit is the pound, which is a measure of weight. Primarily used in the United States, the pound is a unit that represents the mass of an object. It is often used to quantify the weight of food, household items, and other physical goods. Forinstance, "The package weighs five pounds" or "I need to buy two pounds of ground beef."In contrast, the gram is a metric unit of weight that is widely used internationally. It is a smaller unit than the pound, making it more suitable for measuring smaller quantities, such as the weight of a person or the amount of a specific ingredient in a recipe. For example, "The recipe calls for 100 grams of flour" or "The newborn baby weighed 3.5 kilograms at birth."Alongside weight-based units, volume is another crucial aspect of quantity measurement. The gallon, a unit of volume primarily used in the United States, is commonly employed to quantify the amount of liquid substances, such as fuel or water. For instance, "The car's fuel tank holds 12 gallons" or "I need to buy 5 gallons of paint for the project."In the metric system, the liter is the primary unit of volume. It is used to measure the capacity of containers, the amount of liquids, and even the volume of solids. For example, "The water bottle has a capacity of 1.5 liters" or "I need to add 2 liters of milk to the recipe."In addition to individual pieces, weight, and volume, there are other quantity units that are commonly used in various contexts. The dozen, for example, is a unit that represents a group of 12 items,often used for counting eggs, baked goods, or other small items sold in bulk. Similarly, the ream is a unit used to measure the quantity of paper, typically consisting of 500 sheets.Furthermore, the concept of area is also expressed through specific quantity units. The square meter, for instance, is a unit of area used to measure the surface of a space, such as the size of a room or the area of a plot of land. Likewise, the acre is a unit of area commonly used to measure larger land parcels.In the realm of distance and length, the inch, foot, yard, and mile are the primary units used in the English-speaking world. These units are essential for measuring the dimensions of objects, the height of individuals, and the overall scale of a space or environment.It is worth noting that the choice of quantity unit often depends on the context and the specific needs of the situation. In some cases, a combination of units may be necessary to accurately convey the desired information. For example, when describing the size of a room, one might use both the square meter and the square foot to provide a comprehensive understanding of the space.In conclusion, the English language offers a diverse and nuanced vocabulary for expressing quantities, each unit serving a specific purpose and application. From individual pieces to weight, volume,area, and distance, understanding these quantity units is crucial for effective communication, measurement, and everyday tasks. As individuals navigate the world around them, the mastery of these concepts can enhance their ability to understand, quantify, and convey information with precision and clarity.。



小学换算单位英文In our everyday lives, we often need to convert units of measurement to make things easier to understand. For example, we might need to convert meters to kilometers or grams to kilograms. Converting units can be a useful skill to have, and it is something that we learn about in school.There are many different units of measurement that we use, such as length, weight, volume, and time. For length, we might measure things in millimeters, centimeters, meters, or kilometers. For weight, we might measure things in milligrams, grams, kilograms, or tonnes. For volume, we might measure things in milliliters, liters, or cubic meters. And for time, we might measure things in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.When we need to convert units, we can use conversion factors to help us. A conversion factor is a ratio that allows us to convert from one unit to another. For example, if we want to convert meters to kilometers, we can use the conversion factor 1 kilometer = 1000 meters. This means that to convert meters to kilometers, we divide the number of meters by 1000.Converting units can be a fun and challenging activity, and it is something that we can practice and get better at over time. It is important to pay attention in math class and make sure that we understand how to convert units properly. By learning how to convert units, we can make our lives easier and more organized.。



高中英语单词天天记:· measure· v. ['meʒə] ( measures; measured; measuring )·· 双解释义· vt. & vi.量find the size, quantity, extent, degree, etc. of (sth)· 基本要点•1.measure的基本意思是“测量”,指用某种工具或仪器测出某物在某方面的具体数据以便对其进行分析,从而得出结论或完成任务,其宾语多为有形物质。






•· 词汇搭配•measure depth 测量深度•measure distance 测量距离•measure time 测量时间•measure accurately 准确地测量•measure carefully 仔细地测量•measure consciously 清醒地测量•measure effectually 有效地测量•measure equally 相同地测量•measure inaccurately 不准确地测量•measure individually 单独地测量•measure judiciously 明智地测量•measure lavishly 大量地测量•measure mechanically 机械地测量•measure mystically 神秘地测量•measure quantitatively 定量测量•measure radically 根本地测量•measure scientifically 科学地测量•measure tediously 乏味地测量•measure off 区分,区划,量出•measure up 衡量•measure against 把…同…作比较•measure by 根据…测量•measure for 为…而给…量尺寸•measure from 从…开始测量•measure to 测量到•measure up to 与…相称· 常用短语•measure for(v.+prep.)为…量… make a measure for sb/sth▲measure sb for sthThe tailor measured me for a suit.裁缝给我量了做套装的尺寸。

Keysight B2900A Precision Source Measure Unit使用指南说

Keysight B2900A Precision Source Measure Unit使用指南说

Keysight TechnologiesUsing Source/Measure Unit as an Ammeter B2900A Precision Source/Measure UnitDemo GuideIntroductionThe Keysight B2900A Series Precision Source/Measure Unit (SMU) is a compact and cost-effective bench-top SMU with the capability to output and measure both voltage and current. The B2900A Series SMU enables you to make a wide range of current versus voltage (IV) measurements more accurately and quickly than ever before. Inaddition, the B2900A Series SMU comes with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and free PC-based application software that make it easy for you to begin making productive measurements immediately.This demonstration guide shows how easily you can use the Keysight B2900A Series SMU as an ammeter.Required Instrument and AccessoriesAll of the accessories required to perform the demos described in this demonstration guide are provided in a demo kit that is included with Keysight B2902A/12A demo units. The kitincludes items such as a banana cable, a 1.1 kΩ resistor, etc.Keysight B2902A/12APrecision Source/Measure Unit11059A Kelvin Probe Set1.1 kΩ ResistorU8201A Combo Test Lead KitFigure 1. Connection diagram and basic conditionConceptFigure 1 illustrates the connection diagram used in the demo to use the Keysight B2900A Series SMU as an ammeter. Since the current polarity of the SMU is opposite to an ammeter, the Low Force terminal of the channel has to be connected to the current output port of the device under test (DUT).In this demo, a 1.1 kΩ resistor combined with a power supply is used as a DUT, a current source circuit. The channel 2 of the B2902A/12A is used as a power supply. However, you can also use your own power supply for it.Setup1. Connect the yellow banana plug of the 11059A to the Ch 1 Low Force Terminal.2. Connect the red banana plug of the 11059A to the Ch1 High Force Terminal.3. Clip the end of the 1.1 kΩ resistor with the black gold-plated tweezers of the 11059A.4. Connect the black banana cable of the U8201A to the Ch2 Low Force Terminal.5. Connect the red banana cable of the U8201A to the Ch2 High Force Terminal.6. Clip the other end of the 1.1 kΩ resistor with the red alligator clip of the U8201A7. Connect the red gold-plated tweezers of the 11059A to the black alligator clip of the U8201A.LAB1: Use Source/Measure Unit as an AmmeterObjectiveThis demo illustrates the current mea-surement function as an ammeter by sourcing 0 V voltage and measuring the current from the resistor biased by a power supply using a Source/Measure Unit.Procedure1. Configure the low terminal state to FLOATING2. Measure current using the SMU (Channel 1) as an ammeter3. Enable the DUT, the current soure circuit4. Confirm measured current5. (Optional) Configuring the measurement speed6. (Optional) Configuring the measurement range operationDemonstrationIn the default setting, the low terminal of the channels in the Keysight B2900A Series SMU is grounded internally. However, the low terminal can be disconnected from the ground and kept floating. Configur -ing the low terminal state to FLOATING, which enables you to connect the low terminal to any potential up to ±250 V, and measuring current with sourcing 0 V from the channel, which makes it possible to use the channel as an ammeter.1. Configure the low terminal state to FLOATING1) If you aren’t on the top of the Function menu, press repeatedly to return to the top level.2) Press , , and then press to open the Output Connection dialogue.3) Press and select to specify the channel which the Low terminal state is configured for.In the middle level of the Function menu(1) Press Config (2) Press Source (3) Press Connection4) Press and select , and then press to configure the Low terminal state to FLOATING .If the low terminal state of the channel is set to FLOATING, you can see the status indicator on the GUI as below, although no indicator can be seen on being set to GROUNDED.2. Measure current using the SMU (Channel 1) as a ammeter2-1. Change View mode to Ch1 Single View 1) Press repeatedly until the Channel 1 Single View is displayed2-2. Configure the condition to source and measure1) Press to edit the Source function , and then select to set the Source function to Voltage source.GROUNDEDFLOATING2) Press to edit the Source value , and then enter 0 V to set the Source value to 0 V .3) Press to edit the Limit value , and then enter 100 mA to set the Limit value to 100 mA for example.4) Press to configure the Measurement parameter , and then select to set the Measurement parameter to Current .5) Rotate and press to edit the Voltage source range operation . Then Select to set the Voltage source range operation to FIXED .6) Rotate and press to edit the Voltage source range , and then select to set it to 200 mV .2-3. Perform the measurement1) Press for the channel 1 to switch on its output terminal.2) Press to perform a measurement repeatedly. Now you can see the measurement result on the GUI of the B2902/12A as below.3. Enable the DUT, the current source circuitYou can also use your own power supply instead of the channel 2 of the B2902A/12A3-1. Change View mode to Ch2 Single View.1) Press repeatedly until the Channel 2 Single View is displayed.3-2. Configure the condition of the power supply (Channel 2)1) Press to edit the Source function , and then select to set the Source function to Voltage source.2) Press to edit the Source value , and then enter 1.1 V to set the Source value to 1.1 V for example.3) Press to edit the Limit value , and then enter 100 mA to set the Limit value to 100 mA for example.4) Press for the channel 2 to switch on its output terminal and enable the DUT.4. Confirm measured current4-1. Change View mode to Ch1 Single View.1) Press repeatedly until Channel 1 Single View is displayed.You can see about 1 mA as measured value, since 1 V is sourced to a 1.1 kΩ resistor. If you press for the channel 2 to switch it off, you can see only the offset current because the DUT, the current source circuit is disabled.Theoretically speaking, the measured current should be 1 mA since 1.1 V is sourced to a 1.1 kΩ resistor. However, it may be varied because the resistor has some error onits value actually.Power Supply enabled Power Supply disabled5. (Optional) Configuring the measurement speedIn the default setting, the instrument selects the appropriate measurement speed and range automatically to get the fine accuracy. However, you can also specify these parameters on the GUI of the B2900A Series SMU to meet a variety of the requirement to the measurement conditions.For example, let’s try to change the measurement speed to NORMAL to make a mea-surement more carefully. If you select NORMAL, the aperture time is set to 1 PLC. Here, PLC stands for power line cycle and the specified number of power line cycles is used per a measurement.1) Press to edit the Measurement speed, and then select to set theMeasurement speed to NORMAL. (If you can’t see in Assist keys, pressto change the keys shown in Assist keys.)6. (Optional) Configuring the measurement range operationThe parameters which configure the measurement range operation can be displayed in the Range Sub-panel in the Channel 1 Single View. In the default setting, the B2900A Series SMU performs the current measurement using a 1 μA current minimum measure-ment range with AUTO range operation. With AUTO range operation, the B2900A Series SMU selects the proper range for the measurement with the specified minimum mea-surement range so that you don’t need to take care about it. To know how to change the measurement range setting, try to configure to use the 10 μA current minimum mea-surement range with AUTO range operation.1) Rotate and press to edit the Current minimum measurement range and thenselect to set it to 10 μA.If you’d like to fix the measurement range, you can select FIXED range operation as below.2) Rotate and press to edit the Current measurement range operation. ThenSelect to set the Current measurement range operation to FIXED.ConclusionThe Keysight B2900A Series Precision Source/Measure Unit (SMU) is a compact and cost-effective bench-top SMU with the capability to output and measure both voltage and current. Although it has the capability to make a wide range of current versus voltage (IV) measurements as its intrinsic function, the B2900A Series SMU can be used as an ammeter easily.B2900 Precision Instrument FamilyThe B2900 family contains products that perform both precision sourcing andprecision measurement. /find/b2900amyKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.Keysight Infoline/find/InfolineKeysight’s insight to best in class information management. Free access toyour Keysight equipment company reports and e-library.KEYSIGHTSERVICESKeysight Services/find/serviceOur deep offering in design, test, and measurement services deploys anindustry-leading array of people, processes, and tools. The result? We helpyou implement new technologies and engineer improved processes thatlower costs.Three-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarrantyKeysight’s committed to superior product quality and lower total costof ownership. Keysight is the only test and measurement company withthree-year warranty standard on all instruments, worldwide. And, we providea one-year warranty on many accessories, calibration devices, systems andcustom products.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to ten years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure yourinstruments are operating to specification, so you can rely on accuratemeasurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and productbreadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Keysightoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada(877) 894 4414Brazil55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States(800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong800 938 693India 1 800 11 2626Japan0120 (421) 345Korea080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries(65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle EastAustria0800 001122Belgium0800 58580Finland0800 523252France0805 980333Germany***********Ireland1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg+32 800 58580Netherlands0800 0233200Russia8800 5009286Spain800 000154Sweden0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-06-08-16)/go/qualityKeysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2015Quality Management System EvolvingOur unique combination of hardware, software, support, and people can helpyou reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology.From Hewlett-Packard to Agilent to KeysightThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2016Published in USA, August 17, 20165992-1710EN11 | Keysight | Using Source/Measure Unit as an Ammeter – Demo Guide/find/b2900a。



单位uom流程The Unit of Measure (UoM) process is a crucial aspect of any organization's operations, ensuring consistency and accuracy in measurements across various departments and functions. It involves the standardization of units used to quantify products, materials, and services, facilitating efficient communication anddecision-making.单位(UoM)流程是任何组织运营中的关键环节,它确保了各个部门和功能之间测量的一致性和准确性。


The first step in the UoM process is identification. This involves determining the various units that are currently being used within the organization and assessing their suitability for the intended purpose. It is essential to identify any inconsistencies or duplications to ensure a unified and harmonized system.UoM流程的第一步是识别。



Keysight B2900B BL Series Precision Source Measure

Keysight B2900B BL Series Precision Source Measure

B2900B/BL SeriesPrecision Source/Measure Unit Cost-effective source/measurement solutions offer superior performanceConfigure Your Keysight B2900B/BL Series Precision Source/Measure UnitThe Keysight B2900B/BL Series Source/Measure Unit (SMU) series contains the following six models. •B2901BL Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 1pA resolution, 21 V, 1.5 A•B2910BL Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 10fA resolution, 210 V, 1.5 A•B2901B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 100fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5 A pulse•B2902B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 2 ch, 100fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5 A pulse•B2911B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 1 ch, 10fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5 A pulse•B2912B Precision Source/Measure Unit, 2 ch, 10fA resolution, 210 V, 3A DC/10.5 A pulseThis configuration guide has step-by-step instructions to help you configure an SMU and its related accessories to meet specific test requirements. For detailed specifications, refer to the B2900B/BL SMU series data sheet.Step 1. Select B2900B/BL Series modelThere are two key parameters you need to select up-front: the number of measurement channels (one or two) and the SMU performance level. The B2900B/BL series comes in value (B2901BL/B2910BL), standard (B2901B/B2902B) and high-performance (B2911B/B2912B) versions.Note: After purchase it is not possible to upgrade an SMU to have more channels or to the other version.The following items are supplied standard with each B2900B/BL series SMU:Step 2. Select optional accessoriesStep 2-1. Choose a rack mount kit (optional)Step 2-2. Determine if you need to make 4-wire or guarded measurementsThe B2900B/BL SMUs support both 2-wire and 4-wire measurement. The default connection scheme is the simpler 2-wire configuration, which uses only the force terminals. In 2-wire mode the sense terminals are left open.If you are measuring very small resistances or applying very large currents then you should use the 4-wire measurement method (also known as the Kelvin method). This technique uses both the force and sense terminals, and by making the measurement through the sense terminals (in which no current is flowing) the effects of cable resistance are eliminated.Low current measurements (< 1 nA) require guarding to prevent leakage through the measurement cable. The schematic shown below provides a simplified overview of the guarding technique. Guarded measurements require the use of triaxial cables. A follower (x1) buffer amplifier keeps the guardconductor at the same potential as the center conductor. Since there is no voltage difference, no current can flow from the center conductor to the guard.Note: In this example, even the test fixture has a guarded shield to prevent leakage at the test fixture.1. Unguarded 2-Wire connection schemegreater than ± 42 V.Combo test lead kitKelvin probe setU8201ADUT11059A(Max.voltage: ± 42 V)DUTgreater than ± 42 V.3. Guarded 2-Wire connection schemeRecommended connectionDUTU8201AU8201AU8201ADUT DUT16494A-00116494A-001N1297A N1295AThe N1295A does not support Voltages greater than ± 42 V.The 16442B supports Voltages up to 200 V.DUT16442BSMU1 Sense2 Force (Force)16494A-001N1297ASMU 1 SMU 216494A-00111059A(Max.voltage: ± 42 V)Recommended connectionTypical connection exampleRecommended accessories 16494A-0013ea Low leakage Triaxial cable (1.5 m)N1297B 1ea Banana - Triaxial Adapter for 4-wire (Kelvin) connection 16442B1eaTest Fixture for general useStep 2-3. Consider interlock circuit (optional)To prevent accidental exposure to dangerously high voltages, the SMUs have a safety interlock. They cannot source voltages greater than ± 42 V unless the interlock circuit is closed. This is achieved using pins 16 and 24 on the rear Digital I/O output. Normally, these pins are routed to a shielding box or test fixture that must be closed to complete the interlock circuit.If you are using the 16442B test fixture then you can use the N1294A-011 or 012 interlock cables toconnect to the interlock circuit. If you are not using the 16442B then you should install an interlock circuit as shown in the figure below. For more detailed information, please refer to “Installing the Interlock Circuit” in the Keysight Series User’s Guide.DUTSMU 1SMUSence(Force) ForceGuard16494A-001N1297B16494A-00116442B 1 23Step 2-4. Determine if you use the series with multiple software control options (optional)The series has multiple software control options, allowing you to choose the solution that best fits your particular application.•82357B GPIB-USB Interface is required for software control through GPIB interface.• 1.8 m USB cable is furnished with the B2900B/BL series for software control through USB interface. •LAN cable is required for software control through LAN interface.•The EasyEXPERT group+ software supports multiple unit control with synchronization. Please see the next page in detail.Step 2-5. Determine if you use the B2900B/BL SMUs with EasyEXPERT group+ softwareThe EasyEXPERT group+ software is capable to control up to 4 units of the B2900B/BL SMUs at the same time. It is required to make a connection of trigger lines in order to synchronize one unit to the others when you use multiple units of the B2900B/BL SMUs with the EasyEXPERT group+ software. GPIB, USB or LAN connection can use to synchronize multiple units with N1294A-032.1. Use a single unit of the B2900B/BL SMUB2900B/BL 1ea Precision Source/Measure Unit USB/GPIB interface2. Use a two unit of the B2900B/BL SMUB2900B/BL 2ea Precision Source/Measure Unit Digital I/O Trigger Cable for Multiple Unit Control3. Use a three unit of the B2900B/BL SMUB2900B/BL 3ea Precision Source/Measure Unit Digital I/O Trigger Cable for Multiple Unit Control82357B82357BN1294A-032 10833D 82357BN1294A-03210833D4. Use 4 units of the B2900B/BL SMUsB2900B/BL 4ea Precision Source/Measure Unit 1ea USB/GPIB interfaceDigital I/O Trigger Cable for Multiple Unit ControlThe EasyEXPERT group+ software manuals (User’s Guide) are available for download from/find/easyexpert . If you need printed manuals then they can be ordered using the part numbers shown below.Step 2-6. Select additional accessories (optional)The following optional accessories are available for specialized requirements.82357BN1294A-03210833DStep 3. Select warranty length and calibration plan (optional)Keysight factory calibration is provided as standard and free of additional charges.Find us at Page 11Find us at Page 12 This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2020 - 2023, Published in USA, May 2, 2023, 3120-1524.EN Learn more at: For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, applications or services,please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusSoftware Upgrade Package for B2900B/BL SeriesIf you don’t have the license for the EasyEXPERT group+ software or latest functions on GUI with your existing B2900B/BL Series, a product update may be required. Please contact Keysight in detail. DescriptionProduct number Additional InformationB2901BL software upgrade packageB2901BLU Extension support and subscription B2910BL software upgrade packageB2910BLU B2901B software upgrade packageB2901BU B2902B software upgrade packageB2902BU B2911B software upgrade packageB2911BU B2912B software upgrade packageB2912BU。

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