Unit 13 Warm-up People
1. Read the new words and expressions of Lesson 1; 2. Do the test on page 8 (Lesson 1, Ex. 1) and then find out your score on page 91.
Take turns to describe people in the photos. Your partner guesses who it is.
4. Practice makes perfect.
5. Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.
Words and Expressions
beard blond sunglasses uniform moustache heel sleeve facial expression connection chain
Announcer: Police are looking for four people in connection with a robbery. They were last seen in the London area. The first is a white man. He is quite tall with short, dark hair. He was last seen wearing a black baseball cap, a blue shirt and sunglasses. The second is a white man wearing glasses. He is bald and was last seen wearing a white shirt and holding books under his arm.
[填空题]我国环境保护的三大政策是预防为()防治()的政策,谁污染谁治理的政策,强化环境,管理的政策。 [单选]甲公司作为上市公司,欲对目标公司乙公司实施收购行为,根据预测分析,得到并购重组后乙公司未来8年的增量自由现金流量的现值为1000万元,8年后以后每年的增量自由现金流量均为600万元,折现率为10%,乙公司的负债总额为2000万元,则乙公司的预计总体价值为()万元。[已NC(紧急取消)按钮或MASTERWARN(主警告)按钮可以取消所有的音响警告A.正确B.错误 [单选]单纯疱疹好发于()A.四肢B.躯干C.黏膜D.口周E.皮肤黏膜交界处 [填空题]能溶解其它物质的液体称为()。被溶解的物质叫()。所形成的均匀状态的液体叫做()。 [填空题]石料的含水率是石料在()温度下烘至恒重时所失去水的质量与石料干质量的比值百分率。 [单选]下列温病中不属于新感温病的是:().A.风温B.伏暑C.暑温D.湿温 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]宫颈视诊中应观察的项目是()A.颜色B.外口形状C.有无出血D.宫颈大小E.以上都对 [问答题,简答题]谈一下对“净化:宣泄与补偿的情感代谢”的认识. [单选]男性患者,60岁,突然头痛、呕吐1日。体检:左动眼神经麻痹、颈项强直、Kernig征阳性。诊断为蛛网膜下腔出血,脑血管造影示颅内动脉瘤。本病何时复发率最高()A.2周内B.5~6周C.2~3周D.4~5周E.6~7周 [单选]如果你经常外出带着家门的钥匙,下面的哪种做法可能会有危险()A.把钥匙挂在脖子上B.把钥匙放在衣兜里C.把钥匙放在随身的包里 [单选]()是指订货前的库存原料存量。A.期末需存量B.下期需用量C.现有库存量D.日平均消耗量 [单选]3DES在DES的基础上使用两个56位的密钥K1和K2,发送方用K1加密,K2解密,再用K1加密。接收方用K1解密,K2加密,再用K1解密,这相当于使用()倍于DES的密钥长度的加密效果。A.1B.2C.3D.6 [单选]要成功实施信息系统安全管理并进行维护,应首先对系统的()进行评估鉴定。A.风险B.资产C.威胁D.脆弱性 [单选,A1型题]下列病症除哪项外,均可用防风治疗()A.外感风寒,头身疼痛B.风寒湿痹,肢体疼痛C.肝脾不和,腹痛泄泻D.湿热痹证,痉厥抽搐E.破伤风症,角弓反张 [单选]对于大型人员密集场所或特殊工程外的一般建设工程,其消防验收方式为()。A.施工单位应当向公安机关消防机构申请消防验收B.建设单位应当先行备案后进行消防验收C.可以不经消防验收,由公安机关消防机构进行抽查D.在验收后应当报公安机关消防机构备案 [单选]关于急性肾衰竭下列哪项是不正确的()A.肾功能短期内迅速减退B.肾小球滤过率下降C.既往均无慢性肾脏病史D.有水、电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱E.常伴有少尿 [单选]补偿能力大,流体阻力和变形应力小,特别使用于远距离输送热能的热力管道的补偿,且可防止因地基不均匀沉降或震动而产生的管道破坏,此补偿器为()。A.波形补偿器B.球形补偿器C.方形补偿器D.填料式补偿器 [填空题]若已知两点的坐标为A(100,100)和B(150,50),则直线AB的坐标方位角为()。 [填空题]铂钴比色法测定水质色度时,色度标准溶液放在密封的玻璃瓶中,存放于暗处,温度不超过()℃,该溶液至少能稳定()个月。 [填空题]为了增强基础的整体性,常在垂直于条形基础的另一个方向每隔一定距离设置(),将条形基础联系起来。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于固定阳极X线管阳极的结构组成下列正确的是()A.阳极头、阳极柄、阳极帽B.靶面、阳极柄、阳极帽C.阳极头、转子、阳极帽D.靶面、转子、阳极帽E.靶面、钼杆、阳极帽 [填空题]起重机工作级别的大小由()两种能力决定。 [问答题,简答题]清洁生产与可持续发展的关系是什么? [单选]下述哪项不是吴又可的贡献?()A.编著了我国医学史上第一部温病专著--《温疫论》B.提出瘟疫致病的原因是时行之气C.指出瘟疫有强烈的传染性D.感邪途径是邪从口鼻而入 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]2级高血压,血压水平为()A.收缩压140~149mmHg,舒张压90~99mmHgB.收缩压160~179mmHg,舒张压100~109mmHgC.收缩压150~159mmHg,舒张压90~109mmHgD.收缩压170~189mmHg,舒张压90~109mmHgE.收缩压160~179mmHg,舒张压109~119mmHg [单选,A型题]肾结石与胆囊结石的X线区别点,以下哪项正确()A.泌尿道结石大多数为透X线或阴性结石B.典型肾结石为分层状C.静脉肾盂造影诊断无明显鉴别价值,因为两者位置相似D.输尿管结石为长圆形,其长轴和输尿管长轴有成角E.腹部侧位上肾结石靠后和脊柱重叠 [名词解释]工程移交 [单选]()理论认为,智力是由一群彼此无关的原始能力构成的,各种智力活动可以分成不同的组群,每一群中有一个基本因素是共同的。A.智力的群因素论B.智力的三维结构理论C.智力的二因素论D.智力的认知成分理论 [填空题]地秤推拉支点和重点时,若在承载器上加砝码后计量杠杆达到平衡,其示值误差是()。 [单选,A1型题]记载清暑益气汤的医药学著作是()A.《内经》B.《伤寒论》C.《金匮要略》D.《温热经纬》E.《备急千金要方》 [单选]在目前常用的600多种药物中,易虫蛀的品种约占()%。A.80%B.65%C.50%以上D.40%以上E.30%以上 [单选]下列不属于物业管理车辆管理方法与要求的是()。A.建立健全车辆管理队伍B.车辆出入管理C.消防通道的车辆管理D.车辆停放管理 [单选,A1型题]建立医患关系的原则是()。A.疾病性质和病人年龄B.疾病性质和病人的人格特征C.疾病病程和病人的经济状况D.病人的文化程度和情绪反应E.病人的社会地位和经济状况 [单选]艾炷灸可分为()。A.明灸和着肤灸B.化脓灸和非化脓灸C.间隔灸与悬灸D.着肤灸和间隔灸E.直接灸与间接灸 [单选]慢性肾衰发病机制的三高学说是指()。A.高血压、高血糖、高血脂B.高灌注、高滤过、肾小球内高压C.高血压、高血糖、大量蛋白尿D.高血压、高血糖、高蛋白饮食E.以上都包括 [名词解释]起沙风 [单选]男孩,4岁,头颈、双上肢浅Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合后出院,2天后创面出现典型的带状疱疹,最可能的是()A.厌氧菌感染B.念珠菌感染C.表皮葡萄球菌感染D.铜绿假单胞菌感染E.病毒感染 [单选]用于公路路基的填料,确定其最小强度是按()。A.弯拉应力值B.弯沉值C.E0值D.CBR值 [问答题,简答题]发电机中性点接地变压器的参数?
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英语作文 未雨绸缪
英语作文未雨绸缪Being prepared for the future is always a wise decision. It's important to anticipate potential problems and take steps to prevent them from happening. This can save time, money, and stress in the long run.One way to prepare for the future is to save money regularly. Having a financial cushion can provide a senseof security and help cover unexpected expenses. It's also a good idea to invest in retirement savings early on, as this can provide a comfortable future once you stop working.Another way to be proactive is to take care of your health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help prevent many health issues later in life. It's also important to schedule regular check-ups with a doctor to catch any potential problems early on.In addition to financial and health preparations, it's also important to have a plan for unexpected events. Thiscould include having insurance to cover accidents or natural disasters, as well as creating a will to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.Overall, being prepared for the future is essential for a secure and stable life. By saving money, taking care of your health, and planning for unexpected events, you can ensure a better tomorrow.。
防微杜渐未雨绸缪的英语作文Title: The Wisdom of PreventionIn the ancient Chinese phrase, "preventing small matters before they become big ones and preparing for rain before the clouds gather," lies a profound wisdom. It reminds us of the importance of being proactive and vigilant, rather than reactive. In today's world, this advice is crucial. We must constantly monitor and address small issues to prevent them from escalating into larger problems. Similarly, planning ahead can help us navigate unexpected challenges. This mindset not only saves us from unnecessary troubles but also ensures smoother sailing through life's journey.翻译:标题:预防的智慧在中国古代谚语“防微杜渐,未雨绸缪”中,蕴含着深刻的智慧。
Preparation for an Approaching Storm:Ensuring Safety and SecurityIn the grand symphony of nature, storms often serve asa powerful and awe-inspiring crescendo. They remind us ofthe raw power of Mother Earth and the importance of being prepared in the face of adversity. This essay will delveinto the essential preparations one should undertake before a storm strikes, focusing particularly on measures suitable for a community or household level.Storms, especially hurricanes and tornadoes, can be devastating, disrupting lives, damaging properties, and sometimes even claiming lives. The key to mitigating their impact lies in anticipation and preparation. It's not about fear, but respect for the forces of nature andunderstanding how to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones. Firstly, it is crucial to stay informed. Regularly monitor weather forecasts through reliable sources such as national weather services or news channels. In the digital age, mobile apps and emergency alerts provide instant updates, allowing you to track the storm's path andintensity. Understanding the severity of the storm and its potential impact will help you make informed decisions.Secondly, prepare an emergency kit. This should include non-perishable food, clean water (at least three gallons per person), flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, a manual can opener, and any medications needed. Don't forget important documents like passports, insurance policies, and medical records, which should be kept in waterproof containers.Thirdly, secure your home. This involves reinforcing windows with storm shutters, clearing gutters and drains to prevent flooding, and bringing in outdoor furniture and objects that could become projectiles in strong winds. If time permits, consider installing hurricane straps to strengthen your roof.Fourthly, establish an evacuation plan. Know the safest route to take and identify safe shelters in your area. Discuss this plan with all family members, including children, so they know what to do in case of an emergency. It's also wise to have a designated out-of-town contact for everyone to check in with after the storm.Lastly, don't underestimate the psychological impact of a storm. Prepare yourself and your family mentally by discussing fears, setting up a calming routine, and ensuring there are activities to keep children occupied during the storm.In conclusion, preparing for a storm is a process that requires diligence, foresight, and a sense of responsibility. It's not just about physical readiness;it's about fostering resilience and calmness in the face of potential chaos. Remember, the goal is not just to survive the storm, but to emerge from it with minimal loss and maximum safety. As the old saying goes, 'It's not the rain that breaks the house, but the lack of preparation.'In the end, storms are a part of life, just as challenges are. By taking proactive steps, we can weather these storms, both literally and metaphorically, with strength and grace. So, when the wind begins to howl and the clouds darken, let us not be caught unprepared, but instead, let us stand strong, knowing we've done all we can to protect ourselves and those we love.。
未雨绸缪的重要性英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Importance of Being Prepared: Why it Pays to Plan AheadIntroductionThe proverb "prevention is better than cure" holds true when it comes to the importance of being prepared. In today'sfast-paced and unpredictable world, it has become more crucial than ever to anticipate potential challenges and take proactive steps to mitigate risks. This essay explores the significance of adopting a mindset of "未雨绸缪" (being prepared for a rainy day) and why it pays off in the long run.Plan for the UnknownLife is full of uncertainties, and we never know when adversity may strike. By being prepared, we can minimize the impact of unexpected events and ensure that we have the resources and resilience to overcome any challenges that come our way. From natural disasters to economic downturns, having aplan in place can make all the difference in how we weather the storm.For example, businesses that have contingency plans in place are better equipped to handle disruptions in the supply chain, changes in market conditions, or sudden shifts in consumer preferences. By anticipating potential risks and developing strategies to address them, companies can avoid costly setbacks and maintain their competitive edge.Personal PreparednessOn a personal level, being prepared can also bring peace of mind and a sense of security. Whether it is having an emergency kit stocked with supplies, creating a financial safety net, or developing a career plan for unforeseen job loss, taking proactive steps to prepare for the future can help us navigate life's ups and downs with greater confidence and resilience.Moreover, being prepared can also help us seize opportunities when they arise. By laying the groundwork for success through education, training, and networking, we can position ourselves to take advantage of new possibilities and achieve our goals more effectively. As the saying goes, luck favors the prepared mind.The Role of EducationEducation plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of preparedness. By equipping individuals with knowledge, skills, and resources, education empowers them to anticipate challenges, make informed decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances. From disaster preparedness training to financial literacy programs, education can help individuals and communities build a foundation for a secure and prosperous future.In addition, education can also foster a mindset of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. By staying curious, open-minded, and willing to learn new things, we can better adapt to changing environments and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth. In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn is a key factor in staying ahead of the curve.ConclusionIn conclusion, the importance of being prepared cannot be overstated. By embracing a mindset of "未雨绸缪" and taking proactive steps to anticipate challenges, we can better protect ourselves, our businesses, and our communities from unforeseen risks. Whether it is planning for emergencies, investing ineducation, or building a strong support network, being prepared can make a significant difference in how we navigate life's uncertainties and achieve our goals. As the old adage goes, "better safe than sorry."篇2The Importance of Being Prepared: Preparing for the FutureIn life, it is always important to be prepared for the future. Whether it is in terms of our health, finances, relationships, or other aspects of our lives, being proactive and taking steps to prevent potential problems can save us a lot of stress and hardship in the long run. This concept of "preparing for the future" can be summed up in the old saying, "It is better to be safe than sorry."One of the key reasons why being prepared is so important is that it allows us to anticipate and plan for potential challenges that may arise. By taking the time to think ahead and make necessary arrangements, we can avoid being caught off guard by unexpected events or emergencies. This can help us to minimize the impact of these challenges and prevent them from spiraling out of control.For example, in terms of our health, being prepared means taking care of our bodies through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine check-ups. By engaging in these healthy habits, we can reduce our risk of developing serious health conditions and improve our overall well-being. Likewise, in terms of our finances, being prepared means saving for the future, creating a budget, and having an emergency fund in place. By taking these proactive steps, we can weather financial storms and secure our financial future.Another important aspect of being prepared is that it can help us to achieve our goals and aspirations. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and creating a plan to achieve them, we are more likely to succeed in our endeavors. Being prepared in this way allows us to focus our time, energy, and resources on activities that will help us move closer to our desired outcomes.In addition, being prepared can also help us to adapt and thrive in the face of change. In today's fast-paced world, where technology is constantly evolving and the global economy is ever-shifting, being able to anticipate and respond to change is a valuable skill. By staying informed, being flexible, and having acontingency plan in place, we can navigate uncertain times with confidence and resilience.Overall, the importance of being prepared cannot be overstated. By taking proactive steps to anticipate challenges, achieve our goals, and adapt to change, we can create a sense of security and stability in our lives. So, let us all take the time to prepare for the future and invest in our well-being and success. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry.篇3The Importance of Being Prepared: The Significance of Anticipating the FutureIntroductionPreparing for the future is a crucial aspect of life that plays a significant role in ensuring success, security, and stability. The ability to anticipate and plan for potential challenges, opportunities, and changes is essential in navigating the complexities of modern life. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of being prepared, the benefits of planning ahead, and the strategies that can be employed to enhance one's preparedness.Importance of Being PreparedBeing prepared is vital in all aspects of life, whether it be in personal relationships, professional endeavors, or emergency situations. By anticipating and planning for the future, individuals can avoid unnecessary stress, reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes, and increase their resilience in the face of uncertainty. For example, in the workplace, employees who are well-prepared for meetings, presentations, and deadlines are more likely to succeed and excel in their roles. Similarly, individuals who have a solid financial plan in place are better equipped to weather economic downturns and unexpected expenses.Benefits of Planning AheadPlanning ahead offers numerous benefits that can improve one's quality of life and overall well-being. One of the key advantages of being prepared is the ability to seize opportunities as they arise. By having a clear vision of one's goals and objectives, individuals can position themselves to take advantage of favorable circumstances and capitalize on new possibilities. Additionally, being prepared can help individuals avoid costly mistakes, missed opportunities, and wasted time and resources. By proactively planning for potential obstaclesand challenges, individuals can navigate difficult situations with confidence and grace.Strategies for Enhancing PreparednessThere are several strategies that individuals can employ to enhance their preparedness and improve their ability to anticipate the future. One effective approach is to develop a comprehensive plan that outlines short-term and long-term goals, objectives, and action steps. By setting clear and achievable goals, individuals can create a roadmap for success and stay focused on what needs to be done to achieve their desired outcomes.Another important strategy for enhancing preparedness is to cultivate a growth mindset that values learning, adaptability, and resilience. By embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and development, individuals can build the skills and capabilities needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. Additionally, staying informed about current events, trends, and developments in one's field of interest can help individuals anticipate future changes and prepare accordingly.ConclusionIn conclusion, being prepared is essential for success, security, and stability in today's fast-paced and unpredictable world. By anticipating and planning for the future, individuals can avoid unnecessary stress, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges with confidence and grace. By employing effective strategies for enhancing preparedness, individuals can improve their ability to navigate the complexities of modern life and achieve their goals and aspirations. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry, so take the time to prepare for the future and reap the benefits of being well-prepared.。
防汛自救知识的英语作文英文:As the flood season approaches, it is important for everyone to have some basic knowledge of flood self-rescue. Floods can occur suddenly and can be very dangerous, soit's crucial to be prepared and know what to do in case ofa flood.First and foremost, it's important to stay informed about the weather and flood warnings in your area. This can be done by checking the news, weather forecasts, and local government websites. In addition, it's a good idea to have an emergency kit ready in case of a flood. This kit should include items such as non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, flashlights, and a battery-powered radio.In the event of a flood, it's important to stay calmand follow any evacuation orders given by local authorities. If you are unable to evacuate, seek higher ground and avoidwalking or driving through flood waters. It's also important to avoid contact with electrical equipment and to turn off the electricity in your home if it is safe to do so.In addition to these basic steps, it's also important to have a plan in place for communicating with family members and loved ones in case of a flood. This can include having a designated meeting place and a way to stay in touch, such as a group chat or a phone tree.Overall, it's important to be proactive and prepared when it comes to flood self-rescue. By staying informed, having an emergency kit, and having a plan in place, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones in the event of a flood.中文:随着洪水季节的临近,每个人都需要了解一些基本的防汛自救知识。
论自然灾害的准备英语作文Title: Preparedness for Natural Disasters。
Natural disasters are unpredictable and can strike at any moment, causing immense destruction and loss of life. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals, communities, and governments to be adequately prepared to mitigate the impact of such calamities. In this essay, we will explore the importance of preparedness for natural disasters and discuss various strategies to minimize their adverse effects.Firstly, education plays a crucial role in preparedness efforts. People need to be aware of the types of natural disasters that can occur in their region, including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tsunamis, among others. Understanding the potential risks enables individuals to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their communities. Schools, community centers, and government agencies should organize awarenesscampaigns and training sessions to educate the public about safety procedures and evacuation protocols.Secondly, early warning systems are essential for providing timely alerts about impending natural disasters. Advances in technology have made it possible to detect seismic activities, monitor weather patterns, and track other indicators that precede disasters. Governments should invest in robust early warning systems and ensure that they are accessible to all segments of society, including rural and marginalized communities. Additionally, people should heed warnings issued by authorities and take appropriate actions to evacuate to safer locations or seek shelter.Furthermore, infrastructure resilience is critical for withstanding the impact of natural disasters. Buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure should be designed and constructed to withstand seismic activities, strong winds, heavy rainfall, and other environmental hazards. Retrofitting existing structures to meet higher safety standards can significantly reduce the risk of collapse and damage during disasters. Moreover, the development of greeninfrastructure, such as mangrove forests and wetlands, can act as natural buffers against storms and floods, thereby enhancing resilience.Collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders are essential for effective disaster preparedness and response. Governments, non-governmental organizations, community groups, and private sectorentities must work together to develop comprehensive disaster management plans. These plans should outline roles and responsibilities, establish communication channels, and allocate resources for emergency response activities. Regular drills and simulations can help test the effectiveness of these plans and identify areas for improvement.In addition to physical preparedness measures, psychological resilience is also crucial in coping with the aftermath of natural disasters. Communities should foster a culture of solidarity, empathy, and mutual support to help individuals and families recover from trauma and rebuild their lives. Mental health services should be readilyavailable to provide counseling and support to those affected by disasters, including survivors, first responders, and volunteers.In conclusion, preparedness is key to mitigating the impact of natural disasters and saving lives. By investing in education, early warning systems, resilient infrastructure, collaboration, and psychological support, societies can enhance their ability to cope with the challenges posed by natural calamities. It is imperativefor individuals, communities, and governments to prioritize disaster preparedness efforts and work together to build safer and more resilient societies.。
未雨绸缪的作文英文回答:Procrastination is the thief of time. It is a common habit that can lead to stress, anxiety, and missed deadlines. While it may be tempting to put things off until later, it is always better to be proactive and get things done on time. There are many benefits to being proactive, including:Reduced stress and anxiety: When you have a lot to do, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. However,if you start working on your tasks early, you will have more time to complete them and you will be less likely to feel stressed.Improved time management: When you are proactive, you will be able to better manage your time. You will know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, and you will be more likely to stick to your schedule.Increased productivity: When you are proactive, youwill be more productive. You will be able to get more donein a shorter amount of time, and you will be more likely to achieve your goals.Greater sense of accomplishment: When you completeyour tasks on time, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. This will motivate you to continue being proactive and toset even higher goals for yourself.If you want to be more proactive, there are a fewthings you can do:Set clear goals: When you know what you want to achieve, you will be more likely to take action. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.Make a plan: Once you have set your goals, make a plan for how you will achieve them. Break down your goals into smaller steps, and set deadlines for each step.Take action: The most important thing is to take action. Don't wait until the last minute to start workingon your tasks. Start working on them as soon as possible, and you will be more likely to achieve your goals.Be persistent: There will be times when you want togive up. However, it is important to be persistent. Keep working on your goals, and you will eventually achieve them.Being proactive is a skill that can be learned. With practice, you can become more proactive and achieve your goals.中文回答:未雨绸缪,是防患未然的意思。
英语作文未雨绸缪Preparation is the key to success, and this adage holds true when it comes to writing an English essay. "未雨绸缪" (Wèiyǔ chóu móu), a Chinese proverb that translates to "prepare for the rain before the rain comes," is an apt metaphor for the foresight needed in essay writing. Here'show you can apply this principle to craft a compellingEnglish essay:1. Understanding the Prompt: Before you start writing, make sure you fully understand what the essay prompt is asking for. Misinterpretation can lead you down the wrong path, so takethe time to dissect the question and plan your response.2. Research: Gather relevant information and sources thatwill support your argument or narrative. This is the "rain" you're preparing for—ensuring you have a wealth of materialto draw from.3. Outline: Create a detailed outline of your essay. Thiswill serve as your roadmap, helping you to organize your thoughts and maintain a logical flow throughout your writing.4. Drafting: Begin with a strong introduction that capturesthe reader's attention and clearly states your thesis. Follow this with well-structured paragraphs that develop your points, each with a clear topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence that transitions to the next point.5. Evidence and Examples: Use the research you've done to support your claims with evidence and examples. This is where your preparation will shine, as you'll be able to cite credible sources and provide compelling anecdotes.6. Revision: After your first draft, take the time to revise and edit your work. Look for any inconsistencies, grammatical errors, or areas that need further clarification.7. Practice: If possible, write multiple drafts and practice your essay under timed conditions to simulate the actual writing environment. This will help you become more efficient and confident in your writing abilities.8. Peer Review: Have a peer or a teacher review your essay. They can provide valuable feedback that you might have missed during your revisions.9. Final Touches: Incorporate the feedback and make any final changes. Ensure your conclusion is strong, summarizing your main points and leaving a lasting impression on the reader.10. Proofread: Lastly, proofread your essay for any spelling or punctuation errors. A polished essay is more likely to engage the reader and convey your ideas effectively.By following these steps, you're not just writing an essay; you're preparing for the unexpected challenges that may arise during the writing process. Just as one prepares for rain, awell-prepared essay writer is ready for any literary storm that comes their way.。
未雨绸缪的英语作文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, where unforeseen threads weave intricate patterns, the adage "forewarned is forearmed" serves as a guiding principle for those who seek to navigate the unpredictable with foresight and resilience. By embracing the concept of preparedness, we equip ourselves with the tools and strategies necessary to mitigate risks, maximize opportunities, and ultimately thrive in the face of adversity.Preparation begins with cultivating a mindset of anticipation. Proactively considering potential challenges and vulnerabilities allows us to identify areas where precautionary measures can be implemented. This proactive approach fosters a sense of control and empowers us to shape our own destiny, rather than being passively subjected to the whims of fate.The first step in preparing for the unknown lies in thorough research and analysis. Gathering information about potential risks and opportunities provides a solid foundation upon which to build a plan of action. By understanding the nature and scope of potential obstacles, we can develop targeted strategies to address them effectively.Once risks and opportunities have been identified, the next step involves developing contingency plans. These plans outline specific actions to be taken in various scenarios. By having a predetermined course of action in place, we can respond swiftly and decisively to unexpected events, minimizing their potential impact.Contingency plans should encompass a wide range of potential scenarios, including financial emergencies, health crises, and natural disasters. By considering a diverse array of possibilities, we increase our chances of being prepared for whatever life throws our way.In addition to developing contingency plans, it is alsoessential to cultivate a network of trusted individuals who can provide support and assistance in times of need. This network may include family members, friends, colleagues, and professionals such as financial advisors or healthcare providers. By fostering strong relationships with others, we create a safety net that can help us weather any storm.Financial preparedness is another crucial aspect of planning for the unexpected. Setting aside an emergency fund, maintaining adequate insurance coverage, and diversifying investments can provide a buffer against financial setbacks. By ensuring that our finances are in order, we reduce the likelihood of being caught off guard by unexpected expenses or income disruptions.Physical and mental well-being are equally important components of preparedness. Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and adequate sleep contribute to overall health and resilience. Additionally, engaging in activities that promote mental well-being, such as meditation or mindfulness, can help manage stress and cope with challenges.The benefits of preparedness extend far beyondmitigating risks. By proactively planning for the future,we gain a sense of control over our lives and reduce anxiety. We are more likely to achieve our goals, seize opportunities, and live fulfilling and resilient lives.In conclusion, the path to a successful and resilientlife is paved with preparedness. By cultivating a mindsetof anticipation, conducting thorough research, developing contingency plans, nurturing a network of support, ensuring financial stability, and promoting physical and mentalwell-being, we empower ourselves to navigate the challenges of life with confidence and a spirit of adaptability. Asthe ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus aptly said, "He isa wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."中文回答:未雨绸缪,有备无患,是经历风雨的人生箴言。
双语阅读:Saveagainstarainyday未雨绸缪It was spring, in western America, the weather was getting warmer. There was a young man who went out to find a job on a farm. He came to a small farm, which belonged to an old farmer and his wife. He told the farmer he wanted to apply for a job as a farmhand. When the farmer asked for his qualifications, 'What can you do, boy?' The young man said, 'I can sleep when the wind blows.'那是美国西部的一个春天,天气开始变暖.有一个年轻人外出想在农场里找一份工作,于是他来到一个小农场.这个农场的主人是一对老夫妇.年轻人告诉农场主他想在农场里当一个帮手.当农场主询问其资历:'年轻人,你能干些什么?'时,那个年轻人回答:'我能在刮风的时候睡得着觉.'This answer quite puzzled the farmer and his wife. But he looked honest and reliable, so the couple liking the young man decided to hire him.他的回答让农场主夫妇感到迷惑不解,但是他看起来诚实可靠,因此这对老夫妇很喜欢这个年轻人,于是决定雇用他.Two months passed and the young man had worked well on the farm, nothing unusual.两个月过去了,这个年轻人在农场里干得还不错,但也没有什么特别之处.One night, the farmer and his wife were awakened by a violent storm. They quickly began to check things out to see if all was secure. They found that the shutters of the farmhouse had been securely fastened. A good supply of logs had been set next to the fireplace.一天夜里,暴风骤雨吵醒了农场主夫妇.他们赶紧起来查看农场里的东西是否安全.他们发现农舍的门都已牢牢地拴紧,一大堆木头已经码在壁炉旁.The young man slept soundly.那个年轻人睡得正香呢.The farmer and his wife then inspected their property. They found that the farm tools had been placed in the storage shed, safe from the elements. The tractor had been moved into the garage. The barn was properly locked. Even the animals were calm. All was well.然后,农场主夫妇检查了他们的东西,发现农具都已经收进了仓库,远离风雨.拖拉机已经开进了车库,牲口棚也锁得好好的,就连家畜也都很平静.一切正常.The farmer then understood the meaning of the young man's words, 'I can sleep when the wind blows.' Because the farmhand did his work loyally and faithfully when the skies were clear, he was prepared for the storm when it broke. So when the wind blew, he was not afraid. He could sleep in peace这时农场主终于明白了当初这个年轻人为什么说他能在刮风的时候睡得着觉.因为这个小伙子已经在天晴时尽心尽力地干好了他该干的活,为暴风雨的到来做好了准备,所以当狂风来临时他没什么可担心的,自然也就能高枕无忧了.。
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• 2001: China famous brand product of the washing machine • 2007: The ministry of commerce think that is the most competitive brand in the market • 2009: Little swan for three consecutive years is the winner of the reader's digest’s brand reputation gold medal • 2010: The brand value of 15.016 billion yuan, become the third largest washing machine manufacturers
2. Energy conservation & environmental protection
Little swan company set up the green environmental protection idea, took the lead in the country to develop energy-saving environmental protection technology, formed the frequency conversion technology and intelligent fuzzy control technology, without holes dehydration technology and multilevel water level, small volume large capacity and other personal design as the core of a complete set of advanced bonded technology system. Since the national standard released in 2003, little swan Co. LTD is follow this standard , and constantly improve the innovation, make little swan washing machine to 6 A standard requirements as soon as possible.
A crisis may cause other crisis's occur. Well-offtype washing machine full of youth, while it does not mean that once and for all. "little swan " launched the "health"-type washing machine and Deluxe, Super Deluxe-smart washing machines, avoiding self behind and selfcompetition in the crisis. In recent years, enterprises have been developing building materials, semiconductor devices, construction machinery, three categories of products. And it also tested many varieties operating way
1. Social responsibility
On January 21, 2007 , with "little swan night" named "the first China sports stars charity night" the large-scale public welfare party held in Wuxi Taihu hotel, the company used $150000 taken Liu Xiang signed golden war boots.
• To see the product, the life cycle of a model washing machine is only 3 to 5 years, and the computer washing machine of the Little Swan has listed six years, should be entered a recession. But in order to prepare for a rainy day, they packed the aluminum alloy outside iridology as soon as possible and the circular arc model replaced the old rectangular. So, all the products on the market sell well, extend the power times, go smoothly through the end of the day.
“The management” refers to when the enterprise operator and all employees are facing the market and competition, should understand the competition, fill with crisis of the moment. Neither make macro recession as their reason, nor intoxicated in the outstanding. The characteristics of management is to create a "crisis consciousness". And the little swan pay more attention to the implementation of the “doomsday management” in practice, prevent and deal with the crisis, make the business enterprise more robust and prosperous. The particular way as follow :
Mandy Chen Vicky Wong Carly Law Michelle Chong Vivi Hong Lucy Lu
• 1958: Built Wuxi little swan Co. LTD • 1978: born China first automatic washing machine • 1990: The only within the industry washing machine optimal gold prize • 1997: Little swan trademark is recognized for China washing machine industry first medal in well-known trademark
Second: Control law
• The end of management is a key enterprise of leadership and the enterprise executives who confronted with various crisis can be realistic science attitude to study the treatment, which is related to the enterprise survival of the big problem
Third: the perfect setting
The unflappable "doomsday management" is a key. The most important thing is the perfect setting, is not random to "crisis". Therefore, the company leadership promotes the three aspects vigorously: 1 pay attention to the enterprise management decision: "under the market economy products syllogistic". The first phase is sell the enterprise production out from the shop, the second stage is from shop to consumers, the third stage is to use at ease in the consumer. 2 pay special attention to the marketing decision: improve and enhance the quality of the sales team constantly, when the product is popular, insist on famous brands into boutique and "service first, sales of the second", etc. 3 improve their own quality: a lot of people think the production of enterprise is not only a product, the more important is its reputation and quality.