

gre考试 词汇

gre考试 词汇

gre考试词汇一、abandon [əˈbændən] (动词)1. 含义:- 放弃,遗弃;使屈从;沉溺于。

例如:They had to abandon the car and walk.(他们不得不弃车步行。

)2. 记忆技巧:- a - 表示“远离”,bandon - 类似“bound(界限)”,远离界限,即放弃、抛弃。

二、abate [əˈbeɪt] (动词)1. 含义:- 减少,减轻;废除。

例如:The storm began to abate.(风暴开始减弱。

)2. 记忆技巧:- ab - 表示“偏离,脱离”,ate - 动词后缀,偏离(原来的强度等),即减少。

三、abbreviate [əˈbriːvieɪt] (动词)1. 含义:- 缩写,使省略;使简短。

例如:We can abbreviate the long name to a short one.(我们可以把长名字缩写成短名字。

)2. 记忆技巧:- ab - 表示“加强”,brevi - 类似“brief(简短的)”,ate - 动词后缀,使更简短,即缩写。

四、abdicate [ˈæbdɪkeɪt] (动词)1. 含义:- 退位;放弃(职责、权力等)。

例如:The king was forced to abdicate.(国王被迫退位。

)2. 记忆技巧:- ab - 表示“远离”,dic - 类似“dictate(命令)”,远离命令(权力),即退位、放弃权力。

五、aberration [ˌæbəˈreɪʃn] (名词)1. 含义:- 反常现象,异常行为;偏离;色差。

例如:The strange behavior was an aberration for him.(这种奇怪的行为对他来说是一种反常。

)2. 记忆技巧:- ab - 表示“偏离”,erra - 类似“error(错误)”,tion - 名词后缀,偏离正常的错误现象,即反常。



GRE高频词汇GRE高频词汇GRE高频词汇11. qualified 有限制的,有保留的2. unqualified 没限制的3. unmitigated 绝对的,十足的,不缓和的4. guarded 受限制的,谨慎的5. pointed 率直的,尖锐的6. unquestioning 不加疑问的7. mildly 温和地,适度地8. fallacious 谬误的9. unprofessional 外行的10. definitive 确定的,明确的11. thorough 完全的,彻底的12. inaccurate 不精确的13. popular 流行的,受欢迎的14. admirable 令人钦佩的15. accurate精确的16. trivial 微不足道的,琐细的17. indignation 愤慨18. impatience 急躁,不耐烦19. pessimism悲观的20. indifference 冷漠,不关心21. defiance 蔑视,挑衅22. skepticism 怀疑23. amusement 娱乐24. derision 嘲笑25. revolutionary 创新的,革命性的26. inconsequential 无关紧要的;不合逻辑的27. outdated 过时的28. derivative 派生的29. incomplete 不完正的GRE高频词汇2Archaeologist 考古学家Arctic 北极圈Autonomous 独立的.,自主的Bauxite 铝土矿Behavioral 行为的Bilateral 两侧的,两边的Classic 杰作,名著Commonsense 常识的,有常识的Consistently 始终地Coverage ·范围Cyclical 循环的,周期的Deficiency 缺陷Delinquent 违法者Depiction 描绘Detectable 可检测的Diabetes 糖尿病Dilemma 困境,进退两难的境地Dinosaur 恐龙Discontent 不满Disregard 忽略;忽略,不重视Disturbance 干扰Ecologist 生态学家Eject 摈弃,驱逐Erroneous 错误的Exclusion 驱赶,排斥Explicit 明确的Explicitly 明确地Freshwater 淡水的。





gre考试的高频词汇带音标的1.apex /‘epɛks/ n. 顶点;尖端【解词】apex-=apec-=顶峰【例句】at the apex of the mountain 在山顶2.belligerent /bəˈlɪdʒərənt/ adj. 交战的;卷入冲突的;好战的,挑起的【解词】bell-=bel-=war,fight; ger-=to bear, carry,带来;-ent为形容词后缀。


【例句】He had an authoritarian and at times belligerent manner. 他很专横,有时还很好斗。

3.endorse /ɪn’dɔrs/ vt.赞同,认可,支持(意见,活动,某人等)【解词】en-=on; dos-=back,在背面写字、签字,表示“支持、赞同”。

【例句】No one is foolish enough to endorse it. 没有哪个人会傻得赞成它。

4.altruistic /ˌæltrʊ’ɪstɪk/ adj. 利他的,无私心的【解词】altr-=other,的;-tic为形容词后缀。

【例句】If people possess altruistic motives, then they sometimes act to benefit others without the prospect of gain to themselves. 如果人们具有利他的动机,则他们有时会做有利他人的事,而不期望自己获得利益。

5.candid /‘kændɪd/ adj. 耿直的,坦率的,直率的;公正的,不偏不倚的【解词】cand-=white,light, 白色;光(如candle 蜡烛)【例句】This is really a candid decision. 这确实是一个公正的决定。






一、同义词1. advantage - benefit2. afford - provide3. ambiguous - unclear4. analyze - examine5. consistent - compatible6. correspond - match7. contradict - oppose8. explicit - clear9. demonstrate - show10. enhance - improve二、形容词1. abundant - 充足的2. comprehensive - 全面的3. profound - 深刻的4. substantial - 大量的5. feasible - 可行的6. rigorous - 严格的7. vivid - 生动的8. subtle - 微妙的9. diverse - 多样化的10. skeptical - 怀疑的三、动词1. assert - 断言2. advocate - 提倡3. assess - 评估4. collaborate - 合作5. concede - 承认6. deduce - 推断7. formulate - 构想8. provoke - 引起9. speculate - 猜测10. validate - 证实四、副词1. allegedly - 据称2. consequently - 因此3. hence - 因此4. likewise - 同样地5. nevertheless - 然而6. accordingly - 因此7. consequently - 所以8. furthermore - 此外9. henceforth - 从今以后10. likewise - 同样地五、名词1. analogy - 类比2. criterion - 标准3. discrepancy - 差异4. hypothesis - 假设5. paradox - 悖论6. scope - 范围7. synthesis - 综合8. correlation - 相关性9. ambiguity - 不明确10. premise - 前提以上是一些常见的GRE高频词汇整理,准备GRE考试时可以将这些词汇列入复习计划中,多做练习来加深记忆。




innovate['inə.veit] adj. 创造性的 n. 创新 v. 创新species['spi:ʃi:z] n. 物种highlight['hailait] v. 增强亮度; 强调enhance[in'hɑ:ns] n. 增强 v. 提高; 增加; 加强diminish[di'miniʃ] v. 减少,缩小irrelevant[i'reləvənt] n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的pra gmat ic[præg'mætik] adj. 实用主义的,务实的skeptical['skeptikəl] n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者superfluous[su'pə:fluəs] adj. 多余的anomalous[ə'nɔmələs] adj. 反常的cultural['kʌltʃərəl] adj. 文化的explicit[iks'plisit] adj. 明确的,旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地undermine[.ʌndə'main] v. 破坏; 削弱predictable[pri'diktəbl] adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的,预计的biological[.baiə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 生物的,生物学的contradict[.kɔntrə'dikt] v. 与…矛盾creation[krɪ'eʃən] n. 创造intrigue[in'tri:g] v. 激起…的兴趣、欲望或好奇心ironically[ai'rɔnikli] adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的random['rændəm] adj. 任意的,随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地realistic[riə'listik] adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地suppress[sə'pres] v. 压制,制止acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ] v. 承认paradox[ˈpærədɔks] n. 似非而是的论点,自相矛盾的话 adv. 自相矛盾地 adj. 自相矛盾的constitute['kɔnstitju:t] v. 构成cynicism['sinisizəm] n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者disdain[dis'dein] v. 蔑视diversity[dai'və:siti] n. 多样性inherent[in'hiərənt] adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地repudiate[ri'pju:dieit] v. 放弃; 否认selective[si'lektiv] adj. 选择性的 adv. 有选择地 n. 选择性adolescent[.ædə'lesnt] adj. 青春期的,青少年的 n. 青少年belie[bi'lai] v. 证明(某事)错误cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] adj. 小心的,谨慎的controversial[.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl] adj. 有争议的 n. 争论crucial['kru:ʃəl] adj. 关键的deliberate[di'libərit] adj. 故意的 adv. 故意地 v. 仔细考虑,权衡economics[.i:kə'nɔmiks] n. 经济学idiosyncratic[.idiəsiŋ'krætik] adj. 有特点的 adv. 个性地insight['in.sait] n. 洞察力; 见识; 深刻的理解 adj. 有深刻见解的intimidate[in'timə.deit] n. 恐吓,威胁 v. 恐吓intuition[.intju:'iʃən] adj. 直觉的 n. 直觉 adj. 直觉的minimal['minəməl] adj. 最小的 v. 将…减到最少nurture['nə:tʃə] v. 养育opposition[.ɔpə'ziʃən] n. 反对,对立historian[his'tɔ:riən] n. 历史学家plausible['plɔ:zəbl] adj. 似乎正确的,似乎可信的。




GRE考试的高频词汇incommunicative adj.不爱交际的,沉默寡言的mute adj.沉默的,n.弱音器reticent adj.沉默不语的reticence n 无言,沉默,谨慎tacit adj.心照不宣的,静默的taciturn adj.沉默寡言的mum adj. 沉默的,无言的uncommunicative a. 拘礼的,沉默寡言的reserve n.谨慎,储备,话语不多reserved adj.说话不多的gaunt adj.憔悴的,瘦削的haunt v.常到,(鬼魂)出没。

(事情)萦绕心头n.常去的地方haunting adj.不易忘怀的jaunt v.短程旅游jaunty adj.愉快的,满足的taunt v.嘲笑,讥笑GRE考试的词汇记忆方法一、“高效”记忆法针对大多数GRE考生而言,整个考试其实就是个记单词的过程,词汇量非常重要。










acme: n.顶点, 极致2。

autobiography: n.自传3。

azure: adj.蔚蓝的4。

adolescent: adj.青春期的, 青春的5。

austere: adj.严峻的,严厉的, 操行上一丝不苟的, 简朴的6。

amorous: adj.多情的, 恋爱的, 表示爱情的7。

anchorite: n.隐者, 隐士8。

apprentice: n.学徒9。

apex: n.顶点10。

auxiliary: adj.辅助的, 补助的11。

adversary: n.敌手, 对手12。

axiom: n.[数]公理13。

aphorism:n.格言,警语, 谚语14。

aplomb: n.沉着, 泰然, 垂直15。

apropos: adj.adv.适当地, 恰好的16。

artifice: n.技巧17。

apothegm: n.格言, 箴言, 警句18。

antic: n.丑角, 滑,稽动作 adj.奇特的, 滑稽可笑的19。

arduous:adj.费劲的,辛勤的, 险峻的20。

aegis: n.保护, 庇护,支持21。

affliction: n.痛苦, 苦恼22。

anthropoid: n.类人猿23。

arcane: adj.神秘的,不可思议的24。

avenge: vt.为...报复,报仇25。

asset: n.资产, 有用的东西26。

affinity: n 吸引力, 姻亲关系, 亲合力,.密切关系27。

affiliate: v.(使...)加入,接受为会员28。

arresting: adj.引人注意的, 可观的29。

artful: adj.巧妙的, 狡猾的30。

aloof: adj.孤零的, 冷淡的31。

alibi: n.辩解, 托辞,[律]犯罪现场32。

animus: n.敌意, 意图33。

apathetic: adj.缺乏兴趣的, 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的。

boo :v.作嘘声2。

blurb :n.夸大的广告或介绍词3。



gre高频词GRE (Graduate Record Examination) 是一个被广泛接受的用于评估研究生院入学资格的考试,涵盖了词汇、文字推理、数学和分析等多个方面的内容。


下面是一些常见的GRE高频词汇及其含义,希望对你的备考有所帮助:1. Abate (动词): 减少、缓和、消除例句:The storm abated after several hours of heavy rain.2. Benevolent (形容词): 仁慈的、慈善的例句:She dedicated her life to serving the less fortunate and was known for her benevolent acts.3. Conundrum (名词): 难题、谜题例句:Solving this complex mathematical conundrum requires a deep understanding of advanced calculus.4. Dubious (形容词): 可疑的、怀疑的例句:The witness gave a dubious account of the incident, casting doubt on his credibility.5. Eminent (形容词): 杰出的、著名的例句:He is an eminent scientist whose research has greatly contributed to the field of physics.6. Facilitate (动词): 促进、使便利例句:The new technology aims to facilitate communication by allowing instant messaging and video calls.7. Gregarious (形容词): 爱社交的、合群的例句:She is known for her gregarious personality and enjoys attending parties and social events.8. Hedonistic (形容词): 享乐主义的、追求快乐的例句:Some people argue that a hedonistic lifestyle is not sustainable in the long run and can lead to dissatisfaction.9. Impervious (形容词): 不受影响的、无动于衷的例句:Despite the criticism, he remained impervious to their opinions and continued to pursue his own path.10. Lament (动词): 悲叹、哀悼例句:The community lamented the loss of their beloved leader, who had passed away unexpectedly.这些高频词汇在GRE备考中十分常见,熟悉它们的含义和用法可以帮助提高阅读理解和写作表达的能力。




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机经词汇词频以下词汇来自于GRE机经的选项词汇,其中加粗的词曾作为正确答案出现过undermine: (vt.) 暗中破坏,削弱。

4 consensus: (nu.) 一致、有共识。

3 accord: (nu.) 调和、一致。

2 anomalous: (adj.) 异常的、不规则的。

2 clamorous: (adj.) 吵闹的;大声抱怨、要求的。

2 collaborate: (vi.) 共同合作、协调。

2 contradict: (vt.) 相抵触;反驳。

2 convolution: (nc.) 盘旋;复杂。

2 diffuse: (adj.) 散布的。

2 diminish:(vt./vi.) 减少、降低、变小。

2 disdain: (nu.) 鄙视、不屑。

2 empirical: (adj.) 以实验为依据的;来自经验的。

2 garrulous: (adj.) 喋喋不休的、无重点或使人厌的多话。

2 impediment: (nc.) 障碍。

2 indifference: (nu.) 漠不关心;中立、不偏袒。

2 ingénue: (nc.) (法文)纯真的少女。

2 inimical: (adj.) 有害的。

2 innovative: (adj.) 创新的、革新的。

2 invidious: (adj.) 惹人不快的;触怒的、冒犯的。

2 meticulous: (adj.)(贬义)过分小心的、极度注重细节的。

2 misguide: (vt.) 误导、引入歧途。

2 miss: (vt.) 未注意到;错过机会;没有领会2 numinous: (adj.) 神秘的、超自然的;非物质的。

2 obscured: (adj.) 难以理解的;隐匿的;朦胧的。

2 overlook: (vt.) 忽视;俯视;检查;原谅。

2 panacea: (nc.) 所有问题或困难的补救方法、万灵药。

2 preclude: (vt.) 排除;事先阻止。





GRE考试的高频词汇:W开头waft scent, waving movement; carry lightly throughwage payment, carry on, engage in (war)warmonger person who stirs up warwarrant authority, written order, guaranteewary cautiousweave make (threads) into clothweigh measure hoe heavy smth iswhimsical full of odd and fanciful ideaswince show bodily or mental painGRE考试的高频词汇:P开头perfidy treachery; breaking of faithperfunctory done as a duty withour careperjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful actpernicious harmful, injuriouspersevere keep on steadily, continuepertain belong as a part, have referencepest destructive thing or a person who is nuisancepetulant unreasonably impatientpied of mixed colorspinch be too tight, take between the thumb and fingerpious dutifull to parents; devoted to religionpique hirt the pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity)pitfall covered hole as a trap, unsuspected dangerpith essential part, force, soft liquid substanceplacate soothe, pacify, calmplaque flat metal on a wall as a memorialplea requestplead address a court of law as an advocateplethora glutpliant pliable, easile bent, shaped or twistedplod continue doing smth without restingpluck pull the feathers off, pick (eg. flowers)plummet fall, plunge, steeplyplunge move quickly, suddenly and with forcepoise be ready, be balanced, self-possessionponderous heavy, bulky, dullGRE考试的高频词汇:O开头obdurate stubborn, impenitentobsequious too eager to obey or serveofficious too eager or ready to help, offer adviceopprobrious showing scorn or reproachostentation display to obtain admiration or envyostentatious fond ofostracism shut out from society, refuse to meet, talkostrich fast-running bird unable to flyoutset startoverhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition overwhelm weigh down, submerge。



GRE1000个高频单词1. abandon - 放弃2. ability - 能力3. able - 能够4. about - 关于5. above - 在...之上6. abroad - 在国外7. absence - 缺席8. absolute - 绝对的9. absorb - 吸收10. abuse - 滥用11. academic - 学术的12. accept - 接受13. access - 接近14. accident - 事故15. accompany - 陪伴16. accomplish - 完成17. according - 根据18. account - 账户19. accurate - 准确的20. accuse - 指责21. achieve - 实现22. acid - 酸性的23. acknowledge - 承认24. acquire - 获得25. across - 横过26. act - 行动28. active - 活跃的29. activity - 活动30. actor - 演员31. actual - 实际的32. ad - 广告33. adapt - 适应34. add - 加35. addition - 添加36. additional - 额外的37. address - 地址38. adequate - 充足的39. adjust - 调整40. administration - 管理41. admire - 赞美42. admit - 承认43. adolescent - 青少年44. adopt - 采用45. adult - 成年人46. advance - 提前47. advanced - 高级的48. advantage - 优势49. adventure - 冒险50. advertising - 广告51. advice - 建议52. advise - 劝告53. affair - 事务54. affect - 影响55. afford - 负担得起56. afraid - 害怕58. afternoon - 下午59. again - 再次60. against - 反对61. age - 年龄62. agency - 机构63. agent - 代理人64. aggressive - 侵略的65. ago - 以前66. agree - 同意67. agreement - 协议68. agriculture - 农业69. ahead - 前面70. aid - 援助71. aim - 目标72. air - 空气73. aircraft - 飞机74. airline - 航空公司75. airport - 机场76. alarm - 警报77. album - 专辑78. alcohol - 酒精79. alive - 活着的80. all - 所有81. allow - 允许82. almost - 几乎83. alone - 独自地84. along - 沿着85. already - 已经86. also - 也87. alter - 改变88. alternative - 替代的89. although - 虽然90. always - 总是91. amazed - 惊讶的92. amazing - 令人惊讶的93. ambition - 抱负94. among - 在...之中95. amount - 数量96. analyse - 分析97. ancient - 古代的98. anger - 愤怒99. angle - 角度100. angry - 生气的。




1. 单词:Abate。

2. 发音:[əˈbeɪt]3. 词性:动词。

- 释义:减轻;减少;(使)缓和,(使)减弱。


1. 单词:Aberrant。

2. 发音:[æˈberənt]3. 词性:形容词。

- 释义:异常的;畸变的;脱离常轨的。


1. 单词:Abet。

2. 发音:[əˈbet]3. 词性:动词。

- 释义:教唆;煽动;支持;助长。


1. 单词:Abscond。

2. 发音:[əbˈskɑːnd]- 释义:潜逃;逃匿;(尤指逃避逮捕)五、Abstemious。

1. 单词:Abstemious。

2. 发音:[əbˈstiːmiəs]3. 词性:形容词。

- 释义:有节制的;(饮食等)节约的;简朴的。


1. 单词:Accede。

2. 发音:[əkˈsiːd]3. 词性:动词。

- 释义:同意;加入;就任(高位等)七、Accelerate。

1. 单词:Accelerate。

2. 发音:[əkˈseləreɪt]3. 词性:动词。

- 释义:使……加快;使……增速;加速;促进。


1. 单词:Accentuate。

2. 发音:[əkˈsentʃueɪt]- 释义:强调;着重指出;使突出;使明显。


1. 单词:Accolade。

2. 发音:[ˈækəleɪd]3. 词性:名词。

- 释义:赞扬;嘉奖;册封爵士的仪式(用剑面在肩上轻拍一下)十、Accommodate。

1. 单词:Accommodate。

2. 发音:[əˈkɑːmədeɪt]3. 词性:动词。

- 释义:容纳;使适应;向……提供住处;帮忙。






第一部分:常用形容词1. Abundant:丰富多样的Example:There was an abundant variety of fruits and vegetables at the market.2. Altruistic:无私的Example:His decision to donate the majority of his wealth to charity was truly altruistic.3. Capricious:反复无常的Example:Her moods were capricious and difficult to predict.4. Ephemeral:短暂的Example:The joy of his success was ephemeral, as he soon realized it came with many new challenges.5. Lucrative:有利可图的Example:The business deal turned out to be very lucrative, bringing in a large profit.6. Prolific:多产的Example:The author was prolific, having written over 50 books in his lifetime.7. Voracious:贪婪的Example:The child had a voracious appetite and could eat an entire pizza by himself.第二部分:动词1. Acquiesce:默许Example:She acquiesced to his request to move the meeting to 2 pm.2. Cower:畏缩Example:The small dog cowered behind his owner’s legs in fear.3. Emulate:模仿Example:He of ten tried to emulate his mentor’s style of writing.4. Procrastinate:拖延Example:She always procrastinated when it came to studying for exams, leaving everything to the last minute.5. Reprimand:谴责Example:The teacher reprimanded the students for not following instructions.6. Vindicate:证明无罪Example:DNA evidence was able to vindicate the man who had been wrongly accused of murder.7. Waver:动摇Example:His determination began to waver when he faced his first setback.第三部分:名词1. Catalyst:催化剂Example:The new technology served as a catalyst for increased productivity.2. Dilemma:困境Example:She was faced with a dilemma – whether to stay at her current job or take a new, more exciting opportunity.3. Dissonance:不和谐Example:The dissonance between his words and actions made it difficult to trust him.4. Paradox:悖论Example:The paradox of the situation was that the more she tried to control her emotions, the more they seemed to spiral out of control.5. Quandary:困惑Example:In the face of conflicting advice from her friends and family, she found herself in a quandary.6. Resilience:弹性Example:Her resilience in the face of adversity was truly inspiring.7. Scrutiny:审查Example:The company underwent intense scrutiny when it was discovered that they had been engaging in fraudulent activities.以上就是关于GRE英语单词分类总结:高频词汇及例句解析的文章,这些高频词汇对于备战GRE考试的考生来说非常重要,希望大家能够好好掌握。




1. Abate 减轻,减退
2. Aberrant 变态的,异常的
3. Abhor 厌恶,憎恶
4. Abundance 丰富,大量
5. Acclaim 称赞,赞扬
6. Accolade 荣誉,奖励
7. Accord 一致,符合
8. Acrimony 尖刻,刻薄
9. Adamant 坚定不移的
10. Adversary 对手,敌人
11. Alacrity 欣然,敏捷
12. Alleviate 缓解,减轻
13. Aloof 冷漠的,疏远的
14. Amass 积聚,积累
15. Ambiguous 模棱两可的,含糊不清的
16. Ambivalent 矛盾的,摇摆不定的
17. Ameliorate 改善,改进
18. Amiable 和蔼的,友善的
19. Ample 充足的,宽敞的
20. Analogous 类似的,相似的






GRE高频阅读词汇1. abstain - 弃权2. abstract - 摘要3. abundant - 丰富的4. accelerate - 加速5. accessibility - 无障碍性6. accommodate - 容纳, 适应7. accumulate - 积累8. accurate - 精确的9. acknowledge - 承认10. acquire - 获得11. adapt - 适应12. adequate - 充分的13. adjacent - 邻近的14. adjust - 调整15. advocate - 拥护者, 提倡16. aggregate - 集合17. albeit - 尽管18. alleviate - 缓解19. allocate - 安排20. alter - 转变21. ambiguous - 模糊不清的22. amplify - 扩大23. analyze - 分析24. anticipate - 预期25. apparent - 明显的26. approach - 方法第1页/共4页27. arbitrary - 任意的28. assess - 评估29. assign - 指定30. assimilate - 同化31. attain - 实现32. attribute - 属性33. augment - 增加34. authentic - 真实的35. authorize - 授权36. autonomous - 自主的37. avert - 避开38. bear - 忍受39. beneficial - 有益的40. bias - 偏见41. bolster - 支持, 加强42. boundary - 边界43. bolster - 支持44. bridge - 桥梁45. bulk - 大多数的46. capture - 捕获47. cease - 停止48. chronic - 长期的49. cite - 引用50. civil - 公民的51. clarify - 澄清52. coerce - 强迫53. coincide - 全都54. collaborate - 合作55. collapse - 崩溃56. collide - 碰撞57. commence - 开头58. commitment - 承诺59. compile - 编制60. complement - 补充61. concede - 让步62. concise - 简明的63. concrete - 具体的64. confine - 限制65. configuration - 配置66. confound - 混淆67. confront - 面对68. congest - 堵塞69. conjecture - 推想70. consecutive - 连续的71. constitute - 构成72. constrain - 限制73. construct - 建筑74. consult - 询问75. contemplate - 深思76. content - 内容77. contest - 争辩78. context - 上下文79. contradict - 反对80. contribute - 贡献81. controversy - 争议82. convene - 召开83. converge - 聚集84. convert - 转变85. convey - 传达第3页/共4页86. correlate - 相关87. corroborate - 证明.88. counsel - 劝告89. counteract - 抵消90. counterpart - 对应物91. crucial - 关键的92. debunk - 揭穿93. deduce - 推断94. deem - 认为95. deficiency - 不足96. defuse - 缓和97. delegate - 代表98. delineate - 描绘99. denote - 表示100. depict - 描绘.。

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