6-Traffic and Safety Control Devices
标准评析《道路交通信号控制机信息发布接口规范》(GA/T 1743-2020)标准解读■ 何广进 朱远建 杨 光(公安部交通管理科学研究所)摘 要:道路交通信号控制机是路侧交通管控的重要设施,包含信号灯色状态、信号控制方案、交通运行状态、交通事件等信息,这些信息的发布能有效推进车路协同应用,驱动智能交通创新变革,推动交管设施建设升级。
本文根据实际的应用实践,从城市道路交通管控行业标准《道路交通信号控制机信息发布接口规范 》的编制背景、用途和适用范围、编制原则、通信要求、信息格式、消息内容、设备间通信架构等方面对道路交通信号控制机信息发布接口进行解读,针对信号灯灯色状态信息进行标准应用解析,引导标准应用规范。
关键字:路侧交通管控设备,车联网路侧单元,信息帧,查询应答DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.21.026Interpretation of GA/T 1743-2020, Specification for the information releaseinterface of traffic signal controllerHE Guang-jin ZHU Yuan-jian YANG Guang(Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security)Abstract: Traffic signal controller is an important facility for road-side traffic management, it contains the signal light color state, signal control scheme, traffic running state, traffic events and other information. The release of such information can effectively promote the collaborative application of vehicles and roads, drive the innovation and reform of intelligent transportation, and promote the construction and upgrading of traffic management facilities. The paper gives the background, purposes, development principles, communication requirements, message format, message content of the standard GA/T 1743-2020, Specification of the information release interface of traffic signal controller. To better understand the standard, the paper presents the standard application of signal color state information to guide the application.Keywords: roadside traffic control and management equipment, roadside unit, information frame, query response1 标准制定背景车联网、智能网联汽车已成为本轮产业发展的全球制高点,也符合我国汽车、交通、通信等领域产业发展的现实需求,对提升交通出行品质、提高智慧交通水平,推动制造强国和网络强国建设、实现高质量发展具有重要意义[1]。
Public Perceptions of Traffic-Calming Device Installation Jianhe Du, John Ivan, Per Garder and Lisa Aultman-HallABSTRACTTraffic-calming devices are often used on local roads in residential areas, where the main function of the road is to provide accessibility, rather than mobility. Average speeds on these roads should be much lower than on collectors and arterial streets. Given the presence of bicycles, pedestrians and homes, it is expected that installing traffic-calming devices will effectively slow down traffic while making the community safe and livable. However, adjacent community activity is also found along arterial roads or highways in some older town centers where traffic calming has not widely been used to slow speeds for through traffic. Unfortunately, traffic calming devices are not always received with enthusiasm from the driving public or neighbors and the acceptance of traffic calming devices along arterial or collector roadways has not been widely studied.In this study, surveys were conducted in two Connecticut towns in which traffic-calming devices have been recently installed on more major streets with through traffic. Residents whose houses are along the roads where the traffic calming devices were located as well as the road users were interviewed. Information regarding the acceptance of the public and residents to speed humps, medians and winding pattern streets were assessed through personal interviews with 183 individuals. The results suggest that traffic calming devices are perceived as being effective in slowing down the traffic. Although both positive and negative opinions were generated to three kinds of traffic calming devices, medians and winding roads were more positively viewed than the speed humps. Residents prefer the types of traffic calming devices that also improve their living environment. Several demographic characteristics were correlated to the respondents’ opinions regarding traffic-calming devices. Suggestions regarding the use of traffic calming devices on arterials or collector roads are provided at the end of the paper. INTRODUCTIONTraffic calming originated on residential streets in the Netherlands in the mid 1970’s and soon spread to other European countries. Such applications in North America have had a slow start, but are gaining public support. While there is growing acceptance of traffic calming within the transportation engineering community, there is not yet a universal definition for the concept in the profession. For example, a rather limited definition written by a subcommittee of ITE is “a combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-motorized street users.”(1)On the other hand, Montgomery County, MD defines traffic calming as “operational measures such as enhanced police enforcement, speed displays, and a community speed watch program, as well as such physical measures as edgelines, chokers, chicanes, traffic circles, speed humps and raised crosswalks.”(1) For this paper, we define traffic-calming any combination of devices “used to lower vehicle speeds and traffic volumes”. In this way, many simple traffic control devices can also be considered traffic-calming devices, depending on how they are used. Examples include stop and yield signs, or other geometric design changes in addition to the speed humps, or traffic islands that typically come to mind as traffic calming. Conventionally, traffic-calming devices are only used on local roads in residential areas, where the main function of the road network is to provide accessibility, rather than mobility. This results in desired speeds on these roads whichare lower than the speeds on collector or arterial streets. Local roads are typically expected to experience more pedestrian and bicycle activity, and installing traffic-calming devices which slow down motorized through traffic can make the road environment safer and more inviting and livable.Many New England town centers, especially older town centers, are located along state highways, which are generally classified as primary arterials, and have speed limits around 72 to 88 km/h (45 to 55 mph). These town centers are public places with a great deal of activity that include proximate adjacent commercial and community land uses, pedestrians, bicyclist activities, senior citizens and children. Because of this activity, it is necessary to slow the through motorized traffic in these areas to speeds of 40 to 56 km/h (25 to 35 mph). Unfortunately, in many locations drivers are unlikely to slow down. Possible reasons for this failure to slow include the design speeds of the road through the town center which may be identical to that outside the town center and could therefore support higher speeds. These design speeds frequently facilitate driving at speeds up to 105 km/h (65 mph), so when drivers enter the town area, they may be reluctant to slow down to the abruptly reduced speed limit. This pattern may be made worse by the large proportion of traffic which is not originating or destined for locations in the town but are rather purely passing through.According to the FHWA (2), almost one of every three traffic fatalities is related to speeding. Therefore, the speeding on all types of roads, not just local residential roads, needs to be addressed. Local and collector roads in America have speeding fatality rates almost triple that of interstate highways. Local roads and collectors have (on average) 0.82 persons killed in speeding-related crashes per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), while the interstate highways and other arterials have (on average) 0.28 and 0.39 persons killed in speeding-related crashes per 100 million VMT, individually. These facts have provided motivation to adopt new policy and design measures to enforce driver speed on more than simply residential roads but also certain major roads as described above.The installation of traffic calming devices is a demonstrated effective solution that reduces vehicle speeds on residential streets. However, there are currently no established guidelines for installing such devices on major collectors and arterial streets. Furthermore, there is an understandable reluctance to begin doing so without understanding the consequences. The research conducted in this project is aimed to address one part of placing traffic calming devices on more major streets: the public perception. The overall objective of the study was to explore people’s acceptance of the traffic-calming devices on major collector or arterial streets. Both the neighbors living by the installed devices as well as those who traveled along the roads were surveyed for their opinions. An effort was made to understand how effective the devices could be in slowing traffic. However, instead of studying whether the traffic speeds had changed before and after installation as might be measured with radar or other automated means, the focus here was whether the neighbors and drivers perceived that speeds had changed. Moreover, both groups were asked whether the traffic calming installations had affected their route choices.A second objective of the study was to determine the relative suitability of different types of traffic-calming devices for use on the through streets that pass through busier town areas. Following a description of the types of traffic calming devices studied, the remainder of this paper describes the execution and results of a interview-based survey of 183 individuals in two towns in the State of Connecticut where traffic calming devices had recently been installed.BACKGROUND: TYPES OF TRAFFIC-CALMING DEVICESIn New England, the most commonly used traffic-calming device is the speed hump. However, other traffic-calming devices were used in the two towns studied: 1) Median dividers and plantings (center islands which narrow travel lane widths); and 2) Chicanes to create a winding street pattern.Speed HumpsA speed hump is a raised area on the surface of a roadway that is usually 3.7 to 4.3 meters (12 to 14 feet) long (measured along the travel direction of the street) and 7.6 to 10.2 centimeters (3-4 inches) high. (There are also much shorter humps, typically referred to as bumps, used at grocery stores and other locations where very low speeds are desired.) Usually they are installed in a series about 100-200 meters (300-600 feet) apart. Speed humps have a rounded top. There are two advantages of the speed hump. First, although many people gripe about the discomfort when driving over humps, they are very effective at slowing traffic. Drivers must slow down, and most feel that they must drive much slower than the speed limit to achieve reasonable comfort. Second, another evident advantage of this type of traffic-calming device is its low installation cost. The typical cost of constructing a speed hump is about $2000 (1997 dollars) (1), making it among the cheapest of all traffic-calming devices. However there are also several disadvantages. Speed humps can have negative impacts on emergency vehicles. Potential noise pollution can be caused by braking and acceleration, especially when the proportion of buses and trucks is high. Damage is possible to vehicles, especially when drivers are not familiar with route or the presence of the devices.Median Divider (Center Island)The median divider is a raised island in the center of the street. The width of the divider varies according to the width and function of the street as well as pedestrian needs and maintenance and cost considerations. Often plantings and flowers are provided in the median. Because medians slow down traffic by reducing the usable width of a street, this device is sometime called a “center island narrowing.” The median divider can gain acceptance because of the attractive appearance of plantings and the improved look for the neighborhood. When properly designed, the median can provide refuge for pedestrians and bicycles crossing the street. It breaks up the pedestrian crossing distance, and reduces the number of simultaneous conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. The disadvantages of median dividers stem from the same features as the advantages. The plantings on the median can cause sight distance angle problems. Narrow lane conditions may cause difficulty for cyclists sharing the road with motor vehicles. Thus, coordination must be made to balance the need to slow down traffic and the requirement of cyclists to share the road.Creating Winding Road Patterns: Chicanes and ChokersThe chicane and choker are two similar types of traffic-calming devices that both involve curb extensions and road narrowing. The difference is that the chicane is a series of narrowings that alternate from one side to the other, thus creating a winding pattern (S-shape). Chokers include the mid-block choker and the intersection choker. By extending sidewalks or widening the planting strip, chokers give the street less usable width. Chicanes and chokers slow traffic effectively. They create an improved aesthetic environment when plantings and flowers are used on the extended curb. However, the disadvantages for chicanes and chokers can be significant.First, the cost is very high. The average cost for constructing a chicane or choker is approximately $7,000-10,000. (1) At night, drivers may not see these devices, chokers in particularly, making them a potential crash hazard. Finally, the resultant narrow streets can be a deterrent for bicycles.DATA COLLECTION AND RESEARCH METHODIn order to measure the public’s acceptance and perception of the effectiveness of different traffic-calming devices, we conducted face-to-face interview surveys in two Connecticut towns where traffic-calming devices have been installed along more major through streets or highways. Two slightly different survey formats were used: one for residents and one for other members of the traveling public that traveled along the given routes. The residents interviewed lived on the actual street where the traffic-calming devices had recently been installed. For the public survey, travelers who did not live on the streets but were familiar with them were required. These individuals were interviewed in public places such as shopping centers and on streets in the adjacent area. Interviews were conducted in the spring of 2001 several months after the devices had been installed. In general, questions on the survey were designed to acquire information in four categories:1. Basic demographic information for survey respondent and their household. This includes gender, age range, and whether or not he or she had children younger than 16 years.2. Degree of acceptance of the traffic-calming devices. We asked respondents to report their perception of the specific traffic-calming device as a nuisance scale of 1 (no nuisance) to 5 (intolerable).3. Perceived effectiveness of devices. Residents were asked to report their perception of the reduction in traffic speed due to the installation of the traffic calming devices on a scale of 1 (no effect) to 5 (extremely effective). Members of the traveling public were asked whether they had changed their driving speed along the particular street since the traffic-calming devices were installed.4. Impact on route choice. Residents were asked whether or not their travel patterns had changed due to the installation of the traffic-calming devices on their street using a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (major changes). In the traveling public survey, we asked each respondent to describe how frequently they drove on the specific street both before and after the traffic-calming devices were installed, again on a scale of 1 (never) to 5 (every day).Overall 183 people were interviewed: 102 in Storrs (70 members of the traveling public and 32 residents) and 81 in West Hartford (50 members of the traveling public and 31 residents). There were three types of traffic-calming strategies were used: 1) speed humps (located in both Storrs and West Hartford), 2) medians and 3) a winding street pattern (only located in West Hartford). In Storrs, the traffic-calming devices are located on Westwood Road and Eastwood Road adjacent to the University of Connecticut. These two streets connect directly to an entrance to the rear of the University campus, and served as access for drivers wishing to avoid signals at the main entrance to the campus. Two speed humps have been installed on each road, each about 3.7 meters (12 feet) long and placed 155 meters (500 feet) apart. In West Hartford, three streets were selected, at the suggestion of the Town traffic engineer:1. Whetten Road, also with speed humps, but spaced at approximately 213 meters (700 feet).2. Asylum Avenue, which had newly installed medians and plantings. This is an arterial street, originally four lanes wide, now with one lane in each direction, with left turn lanes shadowed by the median and parking on one side along a large public park. (See Figure 1)3. St. Charles Street, which was originally a two-way, two-lane street with a width of 9.1 meters (30 feet), but has now been rebuilt with a width of 6.7 meters (22 feet) in a winding pattern using chicanes and designated with one way traffic. (See Figure 2)DATA ANALYSISWe surveyed public and resident perceptions of the three types of traffic-calming devices: speed humps, medians and winding street patterns. Previous research suggests that patterns in people’s opinions about traffic-calming devices vary somewhat for different types of devices. Consequently, we analyzed patterns in all survey responses by type of device and this section of the paper is divided accordingly. The information collected from the traveling public is reported separately from that for the adjacent residents for speed humps and the winding street pattern. Only total results are provided for the median.Speed HumpsTraveling Public SurveysIn Storrs, respondents to our public survey were mostly University of Connecticut commuting students and staff, while in West Hartford most respondents were residents of that town. Consequently, these individuals were regular users of the streets with the subject traffic-calming devices, and therefore can be expected to care about the traffic condition on these streets.According to the data gathered in both towns for the streets where speed bumps had been installed, we reach two conclusions. First the speed humps did result in route changes. Of those who reduced use of the streets (altogether 12 out of the sample size of 76), 7 out of 12 claimed it was the hump that caused them to reduce their travel on that street. These seven respondents all indicated that they “hated” the speed humps. As to the other five, two expressed mixed feelings about the humps. In other words, they understand why the humps were installed, but still harbor negative feelings about them. They did not specify whether or not the reason for their reduced use of the street was due to the humps. The remaining 64 respondents did not change their frequency of use of the street.The humps also resulted in perceived speed changes. Regardless of their unpopularity, speed humps appear very useful in slowing down traffic according to the self-reports. Of the 51 respondents who admitted that they previously drove faster than the speed limit on the streets, 34 reported reducing their speeds due to the speed humps.Resident SurveysDue to the limited number of residents along the streets where humps are located, the size of the survey samples are not large. Altogether we interviewed 41 individuals, of which 32 were residents of the streets in Storrs and nine of the street in West Hartford. In Storrs, nearly 70 percent of the residents surveyed on Westwood and Eastwood Roads are retired faculty members of the University of Connecticut and have lived there for at least 30 years. In West Hartford, the residents surveyed had lived on Whetten Road an average of 4 years.After completing an early phase of these surveys, we decided that some individual demographic characteristics are likely to be correlated to respondents’ opinions about traffic-calming devices. So we added questions to our survey asking whether or not each respondent is married and has children younger than 16, as well as recording each respondent’s gender. However, since these questions were added during the last phase of the survey, only records from West Hartford and some of the records from Storrs contain these variables.The speed humps did not affect route choice for the residents. Only 10 out of 41 claimed that they changed their travel habits at all. Only one respondent ranked this as a 5 and one as a 4. The remaining eight ranked it as 2 or 3, which cannot be called a substantial change in travel habits. Therefore, our conclusion is that humps do not substantially affect residents’ travel habits in this small sample of residents.The humps were perceived as being effective at slowing traffic. The mean value of the response about the effect of humps is 3.0, which means that the hump is seen as fairly effective. One interesting finding is that in Storrs, where the average resident age is higher than in West Hartford, (56-65 and 36-45, respectively) the average evaluation scale is 3.3. This value is a little higher than the overall average value of 3.0. Unfortunately, due to this geographic correlation, we cannot distinguish between the possibility that this difference is attributable to differences related to the towns as opposed to age.Integrated AnalysisTable 1 summarizes the differences in reported nuisance rating for all three types of device among categories of the demographic variables. Overall four patterns are noteworthy for speed humps. First, there is a difference in the degree of acceptance between males and females: Fifteen records included the gender variable. Since median and mean of females’ evaluation scale of nuisance are both higher than that of male, we can say that females’ impression to humps is somewhat lower than that of males.There was a difference in the degree of acceptance for people who have children younger than 16 and those who do not. As expected, people who have children younger than 16 prefer humps compared to those who do not. Table 1 demonstrates that the average value for people who have children younger than 16 is 1.7 while the average value for those who have no children is 2.5.There is also a pattern in the nuisance pattern and age. Table 1 generalizes the nuisance measure by age group. Mean and median values for each age category are given. More detail is shown in Table 2. Although there is no absolute increasing or decreasing tendency, we do see some pattern. The median of nuisance scale of each category first increases, until it reaches its highest value at approximately the age 45 years. Then the median value of the nuisance scale begins to decrease. In other words, the younger respondents and older respondents in this survey are more inclined to accept traffic humps than middle-aged respondents. This is not necessarily intuitive.Finally there is a strong bipolar opinion evident in the addition open comments provided by the respondents. Among the overall 117 records, 59 gave us additional comments. Twenty-one out of 59 said that they preferred the humps and liked them, and 29 explicitly expressed their strong objection to installing the humps. The reasons are diverse. The most common complaint was that a hump is inclined to damage cars and make people feel uncomfortable. Nine respondents expressed mixed feelings about the humps. They can understand installing humps on the street, but they feel that it still needs more design improvements to be accepted by drivers and residents.Median DividerDue to the limited number of residents and difficulties in finding them at home, the resident survey on Asylum Avenue has only two records. Therefore only integrated results of the resident and public are reported here. We found during our survey that, unlike speed humps, peoples’ acceptance of the median divider is more consistent. The average nuisance scale evaluation of this type of traffic-calming device is 1.69, which is lower than that of humps (2.68).The relationship between nuisance and age can be extracted from Table 1. Table 1 illustrates that the fluctuation in the reported nuisance is small. There are two exceptions in the two younger age categories (under 18 and 19-25) which are attributable to the small sample sizes in these categories, which are one and two individually. Over the other six categories nearly all respondents like the medians and plantings. Similarly there are no significant differences between genders or those with and without children (Table 1).Winding PatternPublic SurveysVery few respondents were familiar with this street when we did the public survey in a nearby shopping center. To augment this dataset we interviewed residents whose homes were located on the street immediately upstream of the winding street, and are thus likely to find the winding street convenient to use for many trips. Altogether we interviewed 20 respondents for this public survey. The winding street pattern did not correspond to a perceived slowing of travel for the traveling public who use the road. Of the 20 respondents, 13 admitted that they have not changed their speed. Only five who used to drive faster than the speed limit now drive slower than the speed limit. The remaining two had not used the street since the winding pattern was installed. Several of the study of respondents’ additional comments indicate a dislike for this traffic calming device. A superficial examination of the data shows that respondents did not like the winding street pattern. However, taking a closer look at their additional comments, we found that the real objection was to the narrowness of the street. Of all those seven respondents who express evidently strong negative opinions with respect to the winding pattern, four told us that the narrowing makes them very uncomfortable. Only three of the 20 respondents told us they dislike the winding pattern itself.Resident surveysThe overall impression from residents of St. Charles is that they were very happy with their winding street, although there were still objecting voices regarding some shortcomings. Residents indicated that they perceived the device has been effective in slowing down through traffic. A mean value for the effectiveness scale of 3.0 was found. The mean value of nuisance scaling was 1.7, showing that hardly any respondents thought the pattern was a nuisance. Finallythe winding pattern did not make residents change their routing habits. A total of 16 of the 20 respondents said they had not changed their habits at all. Of the remaining four respondents, two indicated that the main factor that caused the change was the one-way feature instead of the winding pattern.Integrated AnalysisThe nuisance ratings of the winding street were considered for the overall sample of both residents and driving public. Within this sample there was no significant difference between the opinions of men and women. Females indicated less annoyance with the winding pattern than men since the average scale for the winding pattern by women 1.9, and for men is 2.6. The median values are 2.0 and 1.0, respectively. A similar pattern exists in the relationship between the children variable and nuisance scale. The average scaling of respondents who have children and have no children younger than 16 are 1.94 and 2.33 respectively. However, the median values of these two groups are the same. This is less of a difference than that found for the speed humps. The youngest and older respondents do not like the pattern but the younger adults and middle-aged respondents were more likely to accept it.DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC RESPONDENT COMMENTSIndividuals were offered the opportunity to make open ended “other” comments to the interviewers. Some frequent and/or noteworthy comments are discussed here.Positive OpinionsSome residents were so afraid of having the humps taken away, that they refused to answer our survey questions at the beginning. All they would say was that the humps are good. Some residents ask for additional humps between the current humps because they perceive that some drivers speed up between the existing humps. They wanted a third one to prevent that. People indicated that they liked medians more than speed humps because the medians were visually more attractive. Residents themselves asked the town government to install the winding pattern for them to slow down the ‘crazy’ traffic. Everyone on the street voted for it and this follow up survey suggests they are pleased with the final product.Negative OpinionsResidents have several kinds of complaints about speed humps. For example, they generate noise when cars hit them or decelerate and accelerate before and after them. One man complained about the yellow color of the sign. One woman who has her living room directly beside the hump complained that drivers usually look inside her window subconsciously when they slow down for the humps. One man told us that some aggressive drivers speed up to 65 mph or so to ‘fly’ over the humps. It was said that especially some young drivers like to use this method to avoid discomfort brought by humps. Drivers passing by have even more complaints than residents. The most common opinion is that the humps are too high or too wide. They perceived that the humps were not designed for the speed limit they are supposed to be for.Negative opinions about the median and winding street were less frequent. Some respondents thought that the median obstructed sight distance, especially for cars turning to and from the street. Some respondents complained about the narrowing of the winding roadway. Older。
Terminals house passenger amenities such as check-in counters, baggage claim areas, and retail outlets, as well as facilities for aircraft maintenance and refueling
Metro and subway systems
These are urban rail transit systems that serve as a fast
and effective way to travel within cities
Light rail and trvelopment
Technical Advancements Technical advancements such as the invention of the internal commerce engine, improvements in materials and manufacturing processes, and
Modes of Transportation
Road Transport
Trucks and Lorries: These are used for carrying goods over land They come in different sizes and can be used for both short and long distance holding
汇报人:XXX 2024-03-28
• Introduction to Transportation
The main structure
• Consists of electric vehicles: electric drive and control system, the driving force transmission and other mechanical systems, devices perform a given task.
Introduction of electric vehicles
• The electric car is the vehicle power supply, power, motor-driven wheel driving, to comply with road traffic and safety regulations with the requirements of the vehicle.
类似于手机充电的ICM 阶梯波六段式充电,具有较好的去硫化效果,可对 电池首先激活,然后进行维护式快速充电,具有定时、充满报警、电脑快 充、密码控制、自识别电压、多重保护、四路输出等功能,配套万能输出 接口,可对所有的电动车快速充电。 商场、超市、医院、停车场、小区 门口、路边小卖部等公共场所。
• 电动汽车具备显著的节能减排和环保优势,推广应 用电动汽车对于减少石油对外依赖,保障国家能源 安全,实现经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义.
• 2.In fact, electric vehicle charging meet may focus on certain lines.When large-scale electric vehicle charging will cause tension in the local area load, resulting in the for the distribution line or transformer overload, increasing energy loss.The study showed that the electric vehicle load may be gathered in certain areas, which will cause the local distribution network overload
平安Safety平安边界Safety limits平安辩证法Safety dialectic平安标志Safety sign平安标准Safety standards平安玻璃Safety glass平安操作规程Safety regulations for operations平安岛Safety strip平安车Security vehicle平安本钱Safety cost平安措施Safety measures平安带〔飞行器〕Safety belts(aircraft)平安带Safety belts平安灯Safety lamps平安等级Safety level平安电气工程Safety electric engineering平安调度〔电力系统〕Security dispatching(electrical power systems)平安度Degree of safety平安对策Safety countermeasures平安阀Relief valves平安法规Safety laws andregulations平安法学Safety jurisprudence平安防护Safety protection平安防护照明Protective lighting平安风险Safe risk平安工程Safety engineering平安工程技术人员Technical personnel of safety engineering平安工程师Safety engineer平安工作Safety work平安工作体系Safetywork system平安观Safety outlook平安管理Safety management平安管理体系Safety administration system平安规程Safety regulation平安航速Safe ship speed平安极限Safety margins平安计量Safety measurements平安计量学Safety metrology平安技术Safety techniques平安监测Safety monitoring平安监察Safety supervision平安监控Safety supervising平安监控系统Safety monitoring system平安检测与监控技术Safety detection & monitoring-controlling technique平安检查表Safety check lists平安安康产品Health and safety production平安鉴定Safety appraisal平安教育Safety education平安教育学Safety pedagogy平安经济效益Safety cost effectiveness平安经济学Safety economics平安考核Safety check assessment平安科学Safety science平安科学技术Safety technique平安壳〔反响堆〕Containments(reactors)平安壳系统Containement systems平安可靠性Safety reliability平安控制技术Safety control technology平安控制论Safety cybernetics平安离合器Overload clutches平安立法Safety legislation平安连锁系统Safety interlocking system平安连锁装置Safety interlock device平安联轴器Safety couplings平安伦理学Safety ethics平安美学Safety aesthetics平安模拟与平安仿真学Safety simulation & imitation 平安模式Safety pattern平安培训Safety training平安评价Safety assessment平安气囊Safety gasbag平安墙Safety walls平安人机界面Safetyman-machine interface平安人体工程Safety livelihood engineering work平安人体学Safety livelihood science平安人因工程学Safety human factors engineering平安认证Safety approval andcertification平安三级教育Three degree safety education平安设备Safety equipment平安设备工程Safety equipment engineering work平安设备机电学Safety equipment electro-mechanics 平安设备卫生学Safety equipment hygienic平安设备学Safety guard science平安设计Safety design平安社会工程Safety social engineering work平安社会学Safety sociology平安审核员Safety auditor平安生理学Safety physiology平安生育Safety fertility平安史Safety history平安事故Safe accidents平安事故罪Crime of safety accident平安试验Safety experiment平安疏散Evacuation平安素质Safety disposition平安体系学Science of safety system平安统计学Safety statistics平安头罩Hood平安投入Safety investment平安危害因素Hazardous elements平安唯物论Safety materialism平安委员会Safety committee平安文化Safety culture平安系数Safety factor平安系统Safety sysytem平安系统分析Safety systematic engineering work 平安系统工程Safety systematic engineering work 平安系统学Safety systematology平安线迹缝纫机Safety stitch sewingmachines平安香料Safety flavoring平安销Shear pin平安心理学Safety psychology平安信号Safety signals平安信息Safety information平安信息工程Security in information technology 平安信息论Safety information theory平安行为Safe behavior平安性Nature of safety平安性理论Safety theory平安性约束Safety restrain平安宣传Safety propaganda平安训练Safety training平安烟Safe cigarettes平安仪表Safety instruments平安意识Safety consciousness平安因素Safety elements平安隐患Safety potential平安用电Electric safety平安阀值Safe threshold value平安员Safety personnel平安运筹学Safety operation research平安运输Safety transportation平安栅栏Safety barrier平安炸药Safety explosives平安哲学Safety philosophy平安执法Safety law enforcement平安质量隐患Safety quality potential平安中介组织Intermediary organization of safety 平安装置Safety devices平安自组织Safety self-organizing平安组织Safety organization靶场平安Range safety搬运平安Carrying safety保安矿柱Safety pillars保险丝,熔线Fuse保护装置Protection devices保险机构〔引言〕Safety and arming devices保险装置Physical protectiondevices报警设备Warning equipment报警系统Warning systems爆破平安Shotfiring safety爆破平安仪表Safety blasting instruments爆破平安工程Explosion safety engineering本质平安Intrinsic safety本质平安电路Intrinsically safety circuit部门平安工程Industrial safety engineering产品平安性能Safety functions充气平安装备Inflatable devices船舶平安Ship safety导弹平安Guided missile safety低压平安阀Low-pressure safety valve地下生保系统Underground life support systems电力平安Power system safety电气平安Electrical safety电子防盗器Electron theft proofinstrument短路事故Short circuit accidents堆平安研究所Institute for reactor safety反响堆平安Reactor safety反响堆平安保险装置Reactor safety fuses防爆Explosion-proofing防爆试验Explosion-proof tests防尘工程Dust control engineering防毒Anti-toxin防毒工程Industrial poisoningcontrol engineering防高温High tempratureprevention防护设备Safeguard防火Fire safety防火堤Fire bank防冷To be protected fromcold防热Solar heat protection防暑Heat strokeprevention防尾旋系统Anti-spin systems放射性Radioactivity放映平安技术Safety techniques of film projection飞机平安装备Air emergency apparatus飞机防火Aircraft fire protection飞行平安Air safety飞行平安装备Flight safety devices风险评价与失效分析Risk assessment and failure analysis辐射防护Radiation protection辐射分解Radiolysis辐射屏蔽Radiation shielding辐射危害Radiation hazards妇女劳动保护Protection of women labour force上下温防护High and low temperatureprotection高温作业Hotwork个人飞行平安装备Personal flight safety fitting个体保护用品Individual protection articles个体防护装备Personal protection equipments工厂平安Factory safety工程事故Engineering accidents工伤事故Industrial accident工业平安Industrial safety工业防尘Industrial dustsuppression工业防毒Industrial gas defense工业通风Industrial ventilation工业灾害控制Control of industrial disaster工业照明Industrial lighting公共平安Public safety共同平安署〔美国〕Mutual Security Agency(U.S.)故障保险Fail safe锅炉平安Boiler safety锅炉爆炸事故Boiler explosion accidents锅炉事故Boiler breakdowns国际海上人命平安公约International convention for safety of life at sea 国家平安法National security law过卷保护装置Over winding safety gears航空平安Aviation safety航天平安Aerospace safety航天救生Space security航天器屏蔽Spacecraft shielding航行平安Voyage safety核平安Nuclear safety核平安保障Nuclear safeguard核平安保障规章Nuclear safeguard regulations核防护Nuclear protection厚板焊接式高压容器Thick platewelded high pressure vessels化工平安Chemical engineeringsafety火灾事故Fire accident激光平安Laser safety激光平安标准Laser safety standard激光危害Laserhazard激光眼睛防护Laser eye protection集体平安体系Collective security system计算机平安Computer safety家庭平安Family safety监测保护系统Surveillance protection system降温Falling temperature交通平安教育Traffic safety education交通运输平安Traffic safety结构平安度Structure safety金融平安区Financial safety zone井下平安阀Subsurface safety valve警报Alarm静态平安分析〔电力系统平安分析〕Electrostatic safety analysis 救护Medical aid救生设备Rescue equipment救生装置Survival devices矿山平安Mine safety矿山平安仪器Coalmine safety apparatus矿业平安配备公司〔美国〕Mine Safety Appliances Company矿用平安型Mine permissible type劳保服装Safety and industrialcostume劳保条例Labour insuranceregulations劳动平安Labour safety劳动保护Labour protection劳动合同Labour contract劳动条件Labour conditions联合全理事会United Ntions Security Council流星防护Meteoroid protection漏风Air leakage旅游平安Tourist safety美国公路平安研究所Highway Safety Research Institute(U.S.)美国国家平安委员会The National Security Council(U.S.)美国全国公路交通平安管理局National Highway Traffic Safety Administration逆电晕Corona quenching欧安会〔1975〕European SecurityConference(1975)欧洲集体平安体系European collective security system欧洲青年平安会议European Youth Security ConferencePDCA循环Plan(计划)、Do(执行)、Check(检查)、Act(行动)匹兹堡采矿平安研究中心Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center (PMSRC)破损平安设计方法Fail-safe designmethods企业平安Enterprise safety起重平安Lifting safety汽轮机事故Steam turbine accidents潜在危险Potential hazards驱进速度Migration velocity全球海上遇险与平安系统Global maritime distress and safety system却水事故Water deficiency emergence (or accident)绕带式高压容器Band wrapped high pressure vessels热暴露Heat exposure热套式高压容器Multiwall high pressure vessels人为失误Man-made faults日美平安条约〔1951〕Security Treaty betweenthe U.S. and Japan(1951)日美共同合作和平安合约〔1960〕Treaty of MutualCooperation and Security between the U.S. and Japan伤亡率Rate of casualty伤亡事故Casualty accidents烧毁事故Burn up accidents设备平安Equipment safety设备事故Equipment accident社区平安Community safety渗毒Toxin leaching生产噪声与振动控制Control of occupational noise & vibration生活平安Living safety生态平安Ecological safety失速警告系统Stall-warning systems食品平安Food safety事故Accident事故处理Accident handling事故分析Accident analysis事故类别Accident type事故模型Accident model事故频率Accident frequency事故树分析Accident tree analysis事故损失Accident loss事故统计Accident statistics事故预防Accidentprevention事故致因理论Accident-causing theory适航性Air worthiness适毁性Crashworthiness水雷保险器Mine safety seitchs必利尔湖矿山平安委员会Mines Safety Council Lake Superior 太平洋平安银行Security Pacific Bank提升平安装置Lifting safety features天然放射性Natural radioactivity听力保护Hearing protection通风与空调工程Ventilation engineering & air conditioning 通信平安Communication safety头部保护Head protection危害公共平安罪Offences againstpublic security危急保安器Emergency protector危险辨识Hazard identific危险等级Danger level危险评估Risk assessment危险性Risk危险源Dangerous source危险源控制Dangerous source control微流星屏蔽Micrometeoroid shielding违章作业Operation against rules未成年工保护Protection of underage employee温度报警器Temperature alarm系统平安分析System safety analysis系统平安工程System safety engineering系统平安性System safety系统平安学System safety science消防工程Fire-fighting engineering消费平安Consumption safety险兆事件Near Miss信息平安Information safety行车平安Driving safety压力容器平安Pressure vessel safety压力释放Pressure relief亚洲集体平安体系Asian collective security system烟温Fume temperature眼部保护Eye protection异常气压防护Protection of anomalous barometric pressure 易燃物品Inflammable article应急对策Emergency countermeasures英国矿山平安研究所Safety in Mines Research Establishment有害作业Harmful work再入屏蔽Reentry shielding职业平安卫生Occupational health and safety职业平安卫生标准Occupational health and safety standards职业平安卫生体系Occupational health and safety management system 职业危害Occupational hazard重大危险源Major hazard sources主动平安性Active safety自动保护停机Automatic safety stop作业环境卫生Work environment hygiene座椅背带Seat harness职业平安卫生occupationalsafety and health劳动平安卫生〔劳动保护〕work safety and health职业平安卫生监察occupational safety and health inspection本质平安intrinsic safety平安认证safety approval and certification职业平安occupational safety平安安康safety health作业operation特殊作业special operation入司entry在职in-service平安safety检查inspect工种worktype岗位Job法规laws and rules体检Health Check过期的Expired整改correct负责人responsible persons到期时间due date变更variance监测measure考核Assessment审批意见comments台帐standing book登高作业high operation动火作业fire operation平安生产标准化work safety standardization平安绩效safety performance策划、实施、检查、改良PDCA循环Plan Do Check Action危险化学品dangerous chemicals平安标志safety signs目标Objective组织机构和职责Organization and Responsibilities平安生产投入Input for Work Safety法律法规与平安管理制度Laws andRegulations and Safety Management System 教育培训ducation and Training生产设备设施Equipment and Facilities作业平安Operation Safety隐患排查与治理Hidden Hazard Investigation andGoverance重大危险源监控Major Hazard InstallationsMonitoring and Controlling职业安康Occupational Health应急救援Emergency Rescue绩效评定和持续改良Performance Evaluation and Continuous Improvement隐患Hidden Hazard隐患整改Hidden rectification危险源Hazard分厂branch车间workshop平安观察safety watch observation事件incident申请人applicant相关方interested parties演练exerise报废Scrap平安生产safety production事故管理accident management平安教育safety instruct消防平安fire control safety化学品平安chemistry safety电气平安electric safety机械平安engine safety压力容器平安pressure vessel safety职业卫生occupational health职业病occupational disease工伤保险Worker’s Compensation环境管理体系environmental management system职业平安与安康条例Occupational Safety and Health Act平安生产规程product safety program平安法规safety code环境法规condition code安康法规health code职业平安安康occupational health and safety(OHS)女职工劳动保护labor protection of female employee未成年工劳动保护laborprotection of underage employee.职业病occupational diseases职业禁忌症occupationalcontraindication事故accidents重大事故(恶性事故)tremendousaccidents职工伤亡事故injured and fatal accident ofstaffer急性中毒acute poisoning未遂事故〔准事故〕nearaccidents事故隐患accident potential不平安行为unsafe behavior违章指挥command against rules违章操作operation agaiinst rules工作条件〔劳动条件〕workingconditions工作环境〔劳动环境〕workingenvironment工作场所〔劳动场所〕wrkplace劳动强度intensity of work特种设备special equipment特种作业special work特种工种particular wording posts特种劳动防护用品specialpersonal protective devices 有害物质harmful substances有毒物质toxic substances危险因素hazardous factors有害因素harmful factors有尘作业dusty work有毒作业toxic work防护措施protection measures个人防护用品personal protective devices事故原理accident theory事故预防accident prevention事故现场accident scene工作环境适应性acclimatization管理控制administrative controls资源忽略事故contributory negligence可控环境controlled environment故障模式与影响分析failuremode and effects analysis 固定保护装置fixed guards保险丝fuses危险装备harmful equipment危险与操作检查hazard and operability review中暑heatstroke工伤事故industrial place accidents工伤赔偿协商agreement settlement工业平安工程师industrial safety engineer11 / 11。
安全Safety安全边界Safety limits安全辩证法Safety dialectic安全标志Safety sign安全标准Safety standards安全玻璃Safety glass安全操作规程Safety regulations for operations安全岛Safety strip安全车Security vehicle安全成本Safety cost安全措施Safety measures安全带(飞行器)Safety belts(aircraft)安全带Safety belts安全灯Safety lamps安全等级Safety level安全电气工程Safety electric engineering安全调度(电力系统)Security dispatching(electrical power systems)安全度Degree of safety安全对策Safety countermeasures安全阀Relief valves安全法规Safety laws andregulations安全法学Safety jurisprudence安全防护Safety protection安全防护照明Protective lighting安全风险Safe risk安全工程Safety engineering安全工程技术人员Technical personnel of safety engineering安全工程师Safety engineer安全工作Safety work安全工作体系Safetywork system安全观Safety outlook安全管理Safety management安全管理体系Safety administration system安全规程Safety regulation安全航速Safe ship speed安全极限Safety margins安全计量Safety measurements安全计量学Safety metrology安全技术Safety techniques安全监测Safety monitoring安全监察Safety supervision安全监控Safety supervising安全监控系统Safety monitoring system安全检测与监控技术Safety detection & monitoring-controlling technique安全检查表Safety check lists安全健康产品Health and safety production安全鉴定Safety appraisal安全教育Safety education安全教育学Safety pedagogy安全经济效益Safety cost effectiveness安全经济学Safety economics安全考核Safety check assessment安全科学Safety science安全科学技术Safety technique安全壳(反应堆)Containments(reactors)安全壳系统Containement systems安全可靠性Safety reliability安全控制技术Safety control technology安全控制论Safety cybernetics安全离合器Overload clutches安全立法Safety legislation安全连锁系统Safety interlocking system安全连锁装置Safety interlock device安全联轴器Safety couplings安全伦理学Safety ethics安全美学Safety aesthetics安全模拟与安全仿真学Safety simulation & imitation 安全模式Safety pattern安全培训Safety training安全评价Safety assessment安全气囊Safety gasbag安全墙Safety walls安全人机界面Safetyman-machine interface安全人体工程Safety livelihood engineering work安全人体学Safety livelihood science安全人因工程学Safety human factors engineering安全认证Safety approval andcertification安全三级教育Three degree safety education安全设备Safety equipment安全设备工程Safety equipment engineering work安全设备机电学Safety equipment electro-mechanics 安全设备卫生学Safety equipment hygienic安全设备学Safety guard science安全设计Safety design安全社会工程Safety social engineering work安全社会学Safety sociology安全审核员Safety auditor安全生理学Safety physiology安全生育Safety fertility安全史Safety history安全事故Safe accidents安全事故罪Crime of safety accident安全试验Safety experiment安全疏散Evacuation安全素质Safety disposition安全体系学Science of safety system安全统计学Safety statistics安全头罩Hood安全投入Safety investment安全危害因素Hazardous elements安全唯物论Safety materialism安全委员会Safety committee安全文化Safety culture安全系数Safety factor安全系统Safety sysytem安全系统分析Safety systematic engineering work 安全系统工程Safety systematic engineering work 安全系统学Safety systematology安全线迹缝纫机Safety stitch sewingmachines安全香料Safety flavoring安全销Shear pin安全心理学Safety psychology安全信号Safety signals安全信息Safety information安全信息工程Security in information technology 安全信息论Safety information theory安全行为Safe behavior安全性Nature of safety安全性理论Safety theory安全性约束Safety restrain安全宣传Safety propaganda安全训练Safety training安全烟Safe cigarettes安全仪表Safety instruments安全意识Safety consciousness安全因素Safety elements安全隐患Safety potential安全用电Electric safety安全阀值Safe threshold value安全员Safety personnel安全运筹学Safety operation research安全运输Safety transportation安全栅栏Safety barrier安全炸药Safety explosives安全哲学Safety philosophy安全执法Safety law enforcement安全质量隐患Safety quality potential安全中介组织Intermediary organization of safety 安全装置Safety devices安全自组织Safety self-organizing安全组织Safety organization靶场安全Range safety搬运安全Carrying safety保安矿柱Safety pillars保险丝,熔线Fuse保护装置Protection devices保险机构(引言)Safety and arming devices保险装置Physical protectiondevices报警设备Warning equipment报警系统Warning systems爆破安全Shotfiring safety爆破安全仪表Safety blasting instruments爆破安全工程Explosion safety engineering本质安全Intrinsic safety本质安全电路Intrinsically safety circuit部门安全工程Industrial safety engineering产品安全性能Safety functions充气安全装备Inflatable devices船舶安全Ship safety导弹安全Guided missile safety低压安全阀Low-pressure safety valve地下生保系统Underground life support systems电力安全Power system safety电气安全Electrical safety电子防盗器Electron theft proofinstrument短路事故Short circuit accidents堆安全研究所Institute for reactor safety反应堆安全Reactor safety反应堆安全保险装置Reactor safety fuses防爆Explosion-proofing防爆试验Explosion-proof tests防尘工程Dust control engineering防毒Anti-toxin防毒工程Industrial poisoningcontrol engineering防高温High tempratureprevention防护设备Safeguard防火Fire safety防火堤Fire bank防冷To be protected fromcold防热Solar heat protection防暑Heat strokeprevention防尾旋系统Anti-spin systems放射性Radioactivity放映安全技术Safety techniques of film projection飞机安全装备Air emergency apparatus飞机防火Aircraft fire protection飞行安全Air safety飞行安全装备Flight safety devices风险评价与失效分析Risk assessment and failure analysis辐射防护Radiation protection辐射分解Radiolysis辐射屏蔽Radiation shielding辐射危害Radiation hazards妇女劳动保护Protection of women labour force高低温防护High and low temperatureprotection高温作业Hotwork个人飞行安全装备Personal flight safety fitting个体保护用品Individual protection articles个体防护装备Personal protection equipments工厂安全Factory safety工程事故Engineering accidents工伤事故Industrial accident工业安全Industrial safety工业防尘Industrial dustsuppression工业防毒Industrial gas defense工业通风Industrial ventilation工业灾害控制Control of industrial disaster工业照明Industrial lighting公共安全Public safety共同安全署(美国)Mutual Security Agency(U.S.)故障保险Fail safe锅炉安全Boiler safety锅炉爆炸事故Boiler explosion accidents锅炉事故Boiler breakdowns国际海上人命安全公约International convention for safety of life at sea 国家安全法National security law过卷保护装置Over winding safety gears航空安全Aviation safety航天安全Aerospace safety航天救生Space security航天器屏蔽Spacecraft shielding航行安全Voyage safety核安全Nuclear safety核安全保障Nuclear safeguard核安全保障规章Nuclear safeguard regulations核防护Nuclear protection厚板焊接式高压容器Thick platewelded high pressure vessels化工安全Chemical engineeringsafety火灾事故Fire accident激光安全Laser safety激光安全标准Laser safety standard激光危害Laserhazard激光眼睛防护Laser eye protection集体安全体系Collective security system计算机安全Computer safety家庭安全Family safety监测保护系统Surveillance protection system降温Falling temperature交通安全教育Traffic safety education交通运输安全Traffic safety结构安全度Structure safety金融安全区Financial safety zone井下安全阀Subsurface safety valve警报Alarm静态安全分析(电力系统安全分析)Electrostatic safety analysis 救护Medical aid救生设备Rescue equipment救生装置Survival devices矿山安全Mine safety矿山安全仪器Coalmine safety apparatus矿业安全配备公司(美国)Mine Safety Appliances Company矿用安全型Mine permissible type劳保服装Safety and industrialcostume劳保条例Labour insuranceregulations劳动安全Labour safety劳动保护Labour protection劳动合同Labour contract劳动条件Labour conditions联合国安全理事会United Ntions Security Council流星防护Meteoroid protection漏风Air leakage旅游安全Tourist safety美国公路安全研究所Highway Safety Research Institute(U.S.)美国国家安全委员会The National Security Council(U.S.)美国劳动部职业安全与卫生局Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Department ofLabor,U.S.A.)美国全国公路交通安全管理局National Highway Traffic Safety Administration逆电晕Corona quenching欧安会(1975)European SecurityConference(1975)欧洲集体安全体系European collective security system欧洲青年安全会议European Youth Security ConferencePDCA循环Plan(计划)、Do(执行)、Check(检查)、Act(行动)匹兹堡采矿安全研究中心Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center (PMSRC)破损安全设计方法Fail-safe designmethods企业安全Enterprise safety起重安全Lifting safety汽轮机事故Steam turbine accidents潜在危险Potential hazards驱进速度Migration velocity全球海上遇险与安全系统Global maritime distress and safety system却水事故Water deficiency emergence (or accident)绕带式高压容器Band wrapped high pressure vessels热暴露Heat exposure热套式高压容器Multiwall high pressure vessels人为失误Man-made faults日美安全条约(1951)Security Treaty betweenthe U.S. and Japan(1951)日美共同合作和安全合约(1960)Treaty of MutualCooperation and Security between the U.S. and Japan伤亡率Rate of casualty伤亡事故Casualty accidents烧毁事故Burn up accidents设备安全Equipment safety设备事故Equipment accident社区安全Community safety渗毒Toxin leaching生产噪声与振动控制Control of occupational noise & vibration生活安全Living safety生态安全Ecological safety失速警告系统Stall-warning systems食品安全Food safety事故Accident事故处理Accident handling事故分析Accident analysis事故类别Accident type事故模型Accident model事故频率Accident frequency事故树分析Accident tree analysis事故损失Accident loss事故统计Accident statistics事故预防Accidentprevention事故致因理论Accident-causing theory适航性Air worthiness适毁性Crashworthiness水雷保险器Mine safety seitchs苏必利尔湖矿山安全委员会Mines Safety Council Lake Superior 太平洋安全银行Security Pacific Bank提升安全装置Lifting safety features天然放射性Natural radioactivity听力保护Hearing protection通风与空调工程Ventilation engineering & air conditioning 通信安全Communication safety头部保护Head protection危害公共安全罪Offences againstpublic security危急保安器Emergency protector危险辨识Hazard identific危险等级Danger level危险评估Risk assessment危险性Risk危险源Dangerous source危险源控制Dangerous source control微流星屏蔽Micrometeoroid shielding违章作业Operation against rules未成年工保护Protection of underage employee温度报警器Temperature alarm系统安全分析System safety analysis系统安全工程System safety engineering系统安全性System safety系统安全学System safety science消防工程Fire-fighting engineering消费安全Consumption safety险兆事件Near Miss信息安全Information safety行车安全Driving safety压力容器安全Pressure vessel safety压力释放Pressure relief亚洲集体安全体系Asian collective security system烟温Fume temperature眼部保护Eye protection异常气压防护Protection of anomalous barometric pressure易燃物品Inflammable article应急对策Emergency countermeasures英国矿山安全研究所Safety in Mines Research Establishment有害作业Harmful work再入屏蔽Reentry shielding职业安全卫生Occupational health and safety职业安全卫生标准Occupational health and safety standards职业安全卫生体系Occupational health and safety management system 职业危害Occupational hazard重大危险源Major hazard sources主动安全性Active safety自动保护停机Automatic safety stop作业环境卫生Work environment hygiene座椅背带Seat harness职业安全卫生occupationalsafety and health劳动安全卫生(劳动保护)work safety and health职业安全卫生监察occupational safety and health inspection本质安全intrinsic safety安全认证safety approval and certification职业安全occupational safety安全健康safety health作业operation特殊作业special operation入司entry在职in-service安全safety检查inspect工种worktype岗位Job法规laws and rules体检Health Check过期的Expired整改correct负责人responsible persons到期时间due date变更variance监测measure考核Assessment审批意见comments台帐standing book登高作业high operation动火作业fire operation安全生产标准化work safety standardization安全绩效safety performance策划、实施、检查、改进PDCA循环Plan Do Check Action危险化学品dangerous chemicals安全标志safety signs目标Objective组织机构和职责Organization and Responsibilities安全生产投入Input for Work Safety法律法规与安全管理制度Laws andRegulations and Safety Management System 教育培训ducation and Training生产设备设施Equipment and Facilities作业安全Operation Safety隐患排查与治理Hidden Hazard Investigation andGoverance重大危险源监控Major Hazard InstallationsMonitoring and Controlling职业健康Occupational Health应急救援Emergency Rescue绩效评定和持续改进Performance Evaluation and Continuous Improvement隐患Hidden Hazard隐患整改Hidden rectification危险源Hazard分厂branch车间workshop安全观察safety watch observation事件incident申请人applicant相关方interested parties演练exerise报废Scrap安全生产safety production事故管理accident management安全教育safety instruct消防安全fire control safety化学品安全chemistry safety电气安全electric safety机械安全engine safety压力容器安全pressure vessel safety职业卫生occupational health职业病occupational disease工伤保险Worker’s Compensation环境管理体系environmental management system职业安全与健康条例Occupational Safety and Health Act安全生产规程product safety program安全法规safety code环境法规condition code健康法规health code职业安全健康occupational health and safety(OHS)女职工劳动保护labor protection of female employee未成年工劳动保护laborprotection of underage employee 职业病occupational diseases职业禁忌症occupationalcontraindication事故accidents重大事故(恶性事故)tremendousaccidents职工伤亡事故injured and fatal accident ofstaffer急性中毒acute poisoning未遂事故(准事故)nearaccidents事故隐患accident potential不安全行为unsafe behavior违章指挥command against rules违章操作operation agaiinst rules工作条件(劳动条件)workingconditions工作环境(劳动环境)workingenvironment工作场所(劳动场所)wrkplace劳动强度intensity of work特种设备special equipment特种作业special work特种工种particular wording posts特种劳动防护用品specialpersonal protective devices 有害物质harmful substances有毒物质toxic substances危险因素hazardous factors有害因素harmful factors有尘作业dusty work有毒作业toxic work防护措施protection measures个人防护用品personal protective devices事故原理accident theory事故预防accident prevention事故现场accident scene工作环境适应性acclimatization管理控制administrative controls资源忽略事故contributory negligence可控环境controlled environment故障模式及影响分析failuremode and effects analysis 固定保护装置fixed guards保险丝fuses危险装备harmful equipment危险与操作检查hazard and operability review中暑heatstroke工伤事故industrial place accidents工伤赔偿协商agreement settlement工业安全工程师industrial safety engineer。
Exploration of the causes of traffic safety issues
Human factors
Human error is a major contributor to traffic accidents, including factors such as driver fatigue, inattention, and poor decision making
Interpretation of Traffic Safety Regulations and Policies in China
Chinese traffic safety regulations These cover a wide range of areas, including vehicle registration and inspection, driver licensing and training, road safety standards, and traffic accident investment and handling Implementation of traffic safety policies in China The Chinese government has taken a number of measures to improve traffic safety, including strengthening traffic law enforcement, promoting save driving behaviors, and investing in road infrastructure and vehicle safety technology
交通信息工程及控制英语English:Traffic information engineering and control involve the application of various technologies and strategies to manage and optimize traffic flow, enhance safety, and reduce congestion on road networks. This field encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including traffic data collection, analysis, and dissemination, as well as the design and implementation of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and traffic control devices. Traffic engineers utilize advanced sensors, communication networks, and data processing algorithms to gather real-time information about traffic conditions, such as vehicle speeds, volumes, and densities. This data is then analyzed to identify traffic patterns, predict congestion, and develop effective strategies for traffic management and control. Furthermore, advanced control algorithms are employed to regulate traffic signals, variable message signs, and other traffic control devices in real-time, aiming to optimize traffic flow and minimize delays. Additionally, traffic information engineering plays a crucial role in supporting emerging technologies such as connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), which rely on accurate and timely traffic information to operatesafely and efficiently. By integrating innovative technologies and data-driven approaches, traffic information engineering and control contribute to creating more efficient, safer, and sustainable transportation systems.中文翻译:交通信息工程及控制涉及各种技术和策略的应用,以管理和优化交通流量,提高安全性,并减少道路网络上的拥堵。
第1篇Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to discuss a topic that is of paramount importance to all ofus – road safety. Whether we are drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists, we all share the responsibility of ensuring that our roads are safe for everyone. In this speech, I will highlight the importance of road safety, discuss the common causes of accidents, and propose some practical measures that we can all take to make our roads safer.First and foremost, let us acknowledge the significance of road safety. Every year, millions of people around the world are injured or killed in road accidents. These accidents not only result in immense humansuffering but also impose a heavy economic burden on our societies. In fact, road accidents are the leading cause of death for young people aged between 15 and 29. This is a tragedy that we cannot afford to ignore.The causes of road accidents are multifaceted, and it is crucial that we address each of them to make our roads safer. Some of the most common causes include:1. Distracted Driving: With the advent of smartphones and otherelectronic devices, distracted driving has become an increasingly prevalent issue. Texting, calling, or even browsing social media while driving can severely impair a driver's concentration and reaction time, leading to potentially catastrophic consequences.2. Drunk Driving: Alcohol impairment is a significant factor in manyroad accidents. Alcohol affects a person's judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making it extremely dangerous to drive under the influence.3. Speeding: Excessive speed is a leading cause of road accidents. When drivers exceed the speed limit, they have less time to react to unexpected situations, and the risk of a collision increases significantly.4. Fatigue: Fatigue can impair a driver's ability to concentrate and make sound judgments. Drivers who are tired or have not had enough sleep are at a higher risk of causing accidents.5. Pedestrian and Cyclist Negligence: Pedestrians and cyclists often engage in risky behaviors such as jaywalking, crossing against the signal, or riding on the wrong side of the road. These actions not only put their own lives at risk but also the lives of others sharing the road.To combat these issues and promote road safety, we must take collective action. Here are some practical measures that individuals, communities, and governments can implement:1. Education and Awareness: We need to educate drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists about the importance of road safety and the potential consequences of unsafe behavior. This includes campaigns that emphasize the dangers of distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding.2. Enforcement of Traffic Laws: Law enforcement agencies must strictly enforce traffic laws to deter unsafe behaviors. This includes increasing fines for violations such as speeding, distracted driving, and not wearing seat belts.3. Infrastructure Improvement: Governments should invest in improving road infrastructure to make it safer for all road users. This includes installing speed bumps, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings, as well as improving the design of roads to reduce the risk of accidents.4. Technology Utilization: Utilizing advanced technologies such as automatic emergency braking systems, lane departure warnings, and rearview cameras can significantly reduce the risk of accidents caused by human error.5. Promotion of Public Transportation: Encouraging the use of public transportation can reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby reducing traffic congestion and the risk of accidents.6. Community Involvement: Communities should organize road safety events and workshops to promote awareness and encourage responsible behavior among all road users.In conclusion, road safety is a shared responsibility that requires the cooperation of individuals, communities, and governments. By addressing the common causes of road accidents and implementing practical measures, we can create safer roads for everyone. Let us all commit to this cause and work together to make our roads safer, thereby saving lives and reducing the human and economic cost of road accidents.Thank you for your attention, and let us all strive towards a safer future on our roads.第2篇Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today to discuss a topic that affects each and every one of us: road safety. Whether we are drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists, we are all participants in the intricate dance of traffic, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that this dance remains harmonious and safe.IntroductionRoad accidents are a global concern, leading to countless injuries and deaths each year. According to the World Health Organization, roadtraffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29. In the United States alone, approximately 40,000 people losetheir lives on the roads every year, with many more suffering from serious injuries. These statistics are not just numbers; they represent families torn apart, dreams shattered, and lives forever altered.Understanding the RisksBefore we can address the issue of road safety, it is important to understand the risks involved. Some of the common causes of road accidents include:1. Distracted Driving: The use of mobile phones, eating, or adjusting the radio can divert a driver's attention from the road, leading to tragic consequences.2. Drunk Driving: Alcohol impairs judgment, reaction times, and coordination, making it a significant factor in road accidents.3. Speeding: Exceeding the speed limit increases the likelihood of a crash and the severity of the injuries sustained.4. Fatigue: Drivers who are tired are more likely to make mistakes, which can lead to accidents.5. Improper Use of Seat Belts and Safety Devices: Not wearing seat belts or using faulty airbags can increase the risk of injury or death in the event of a crash.The Role of LegislationGovernments around the world have implemented various laws and regulations to promote road safety. These include:1. Speed Limits: Setting and enforcing speed limits is crucial in preventing accidents.2. Drinking and Driving Laws: Banning alcohol consumption while driving and enforcing strict penalties for offenders can save lives.3. Distracted Driving Laws: Banning the use of mobile phones while driving can reduce accidents caused by distracted driving.4. Road Design: Designing roads with clear signage, adequate lighting, and safe pedestrian crossings can make them safer for all users.The Responsibility of IndividualsWhile legislation plays a vital role, it is the responsibility of individuals to comply with these laws and take extra precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Here are some tips for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists:For Drivers:- Always wear your seat belt and ensure that all passengers are secured.- Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.- Stay focused on the road and do not use mobile phones or other electronic devices while driving.- Obey traffic signs and signals.- Be patient and cautious, especially in school zones and residential areas.For Pedestrians:- Always cross the road at designated crosswalks and look both ways before crossing.- Use reflective clothing or accessories to increase your visibility, especially during twilight or night.- Stay alert and avoid distractions such as listening to music with headphones or using a mobile phone.For Cyclists:- Wear a helmet and reflective clothing to increase your visibility.- Use hand signals to indicate turns and stops.- Stay in designated bike lanes and follow the same rules as motor vehicles.ConclusionRoad safety is a complex issue that requires the collective effort of governments, organizations, and individuals. By understanding the risks, complying with legislation, and taking personal responsibility, we can create a safer environment for all road users. Let us all work together to reduce the number of accidents and save lives.In closing, I would like to leave you with this thought: "The road is not a place for taking chances. It is a place for sharing, for understanding, and for life." Thank you.第3篇Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to address an issue that affects us all: road safety. The roads are a vital part of our daily lives, enabling us to commute to work, visit friends and family, and explore new places. However, with the convenience they bring, they also present a significant risk. Each year, countless lives are lost and many more are injured due to road accidents. It is time for us to take a stand and commit to making our roads safer for everyone.IntroductionRoad accidents are a global concern, and they pose a significant threat to public health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.35 million people die in roadtraffic accidents each year, with many more suffering from non-fatal injuries. These accidents not only result in loss of life but also have a profound impact on families, communities, and economies.The Importance of Road SafetyRoad safety is crucial for several reasons:1. Lives and Livelihoods: The most pressing reason to prioritize road safety is the protection of human life. Each road fatality represents a loss of a family member, a friend, or a colleague. Moreover, injuries can lead to long-term disabilities, affecting individuals' ability to work and live independently.2. Economic Impact: Road accidents impose a significant economic burden on societies. The costs associated with medical treatment, rehabilitation, and lost productivity are substantial. Additionally, theloss of a life or a limb can lead to a substantial financial burden on families.3. Social Impact: Road accidents can have a profound social impact, leading to increased stress and anxiety among families, and contributing to social instability. The loss of a loved one can also lead to a decline in the morale of the community.Causes of Road AccidentsUnderstanding the causes of road accidents is essential for developing effective strategies to prevent them. Some common causes include:1. Driver Error: This is the most common cause of road accidents. It includes distracted driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, speeding, and reckless driving.2. Vehicle Malfunction: Defective vehicle parts or mechanical failures can also lead to accidents. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to prevent such incidents.3. Weather Conditions: Adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, and fog can reduce visibility and increase the risk of accidents.4. Poor Road Conditions: Poorly maintained roads with potholes, uneven surfaces, or lack of signage can contribute to accidents.Steps to Improve Road SafetyTo improve road safety, we must take a multi-faceted approach:1. Education and Awareness: Educating the public about road safety is crucial. This includes teaching children safe crossing techniques, promoting defensive driving, and raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.2. Enforcement: Strict enforcement of traffic laws is essential. This includes random breath tests, speed cameras, and penalties for traffic violations.3. Infrastructure Development: Investing in road infrastructure, such as improving signage, maintaining roads, and creating pedestrian andcycling lanes, can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.4. Vehicle Technology: Advancing vehicle technology, such as incorporating safety features like anti-lock brakes, airbags, and electronic stability control, can help prevent accidents.5. Public Transportation: Improving public transportation options can reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby decreasing the risk of accidents.ConclusionIn conclusion, road safety is a collective responsibility that requires the commitment of individuals, communities, and governments. By taking proactive measures, we can significantly reduce the number of road accidents and save lives. Let us all play our part in creating a safer environment for everyone on the road.I urge you to take this message to heart and to spread the word about the importance of road safety. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you.。
常用安全工程汉英专业词汇安全Safety安全边界Safety limits安全辩证法Safety dialectic安全标志Safety sign安全标准Safety standards安全玻璃Safety glass安全操作规程Safety regulations for operations安全车Security vehicle安全成本Safety cost安全措施Safety measures安全带(飞行器) Safety belts(aircraft)安全带Safety belts安全灯Safety lamps安全等级Safety level安全电气工程Safety electric engineering安全调度(电力系统) Security dispatching(electrical power systems) 安全度Degree of safety安全对策Safety countermeasures安全阀Relief valves安全法规Safety laws and regulations安全法学Safety jurisprudence安全防护Safety protection安全防护照明Protective lighting安全风险Safe risk安全工程Safety engineering安全工程技术人员Technical personnel of safety engineering安全工程师Safety engineer安全工作Safety work安全工作体系Safety work system安全观Safety outlook安全管理Safety management安全管理Safety management安全管理体系Safety administration system安全规程Safety regulation安全航速Safe ship speed安全极限Safety margins安全计量Safety measurements安全计量学Safety metrology安全技术Safety techniques安全监测Safety monitoring安全监察Safety supervision安全监控Safety supervising安全监控系统Safety monitoring system安全检测与监控技术Safety detection & monitoring-controlling technique 安全检查Safety inspection安全检查表Safety check lists安全健康产品Health and safety production安全鉴定Safety appraisal安全教育Safety education安全教育学Safety pedagogy安全经济效益Safety cost effectiveness安全经济学Safety economics安全考核Safety check assessment安全科学Safety science安全科学技术Safety technique安全壳(反应堆) Containments(reactors)安全壳系统Containment systems安全可靠性Safety reliability安全控制技术Safety control technology安全控制论Safety cybernetics安全离合器Overload clutches安全立法Safety legislation安全联锁系统Safety interlocking system安全联轴器Safety couplings安全伦理学Safety ethics安全美学Safety aesthetics安全模拟与安全仿真学Safety simulation & imitation安全模式Safety pattern安全培训Safety training安全评价Safety assessment安全气囊Safety gasbag安全墙Safety walls安全人机界面Safetyman-machine interface安全人体工程Safety livelihood engineering work安全人体学Safety livelihood science安全人因工程学Safety human factors engineering安全认证Safety approval and certification安全三级教育Three degree safety education安全设备Safety equipment安全设备工程Safety equipment engineering work安全设备机电学Safety equipment electro-mechanics安全设备卫生学Safety equipment hygienic安全设备学Safety guard science安全设计Safety design安全社会工程Safety social engineering work安全社会学Safety sociology安全审核员Safety auditor安全生产Safety production安全生理学Safety physiology安全生育Safety fertility安全史Safety history安全事故Safe accidents安全事故罪Crime of safety accident安全试验Safety experiment安全疏散Evacuation安全素质Safety disposition安全体系学Science of safety system安全统计Safety statistics安全头罩Hood安全投入Safety investment安全危害因素Hazardous elements安全唯物论Safety materialism安全委员会Safety committee安全文化Safety culture安全系数Safety factor安全系统Safety system安全系统分析Safety system analysis安全系统工程Safety systematic engineering work 安全系统学Safety systematology安全线迹缝纫机Safety stitch sewing machines安全香料Safety flavoring安全销Shear pin安全心理学Safety psychology安全信号Safety signals安全信息Safety information安全信息工程Security in information technology 安全信息论Safety information theory安全行为Safe behavior安全性Nature of safety安全性理论Safety theory安全性约束Safety restrain安全宣传Safety propaganda安全训练Safety training安全烟Safe cigarettes安全仪表Safety instruments安全意识Safety consciousness安全因素Safety elements安全隐患Safety potential安全用电Electric safety安全阈值Safe threshold value安全员Safety personnel安全运筹学Safety operation research安全运输Safety transportation安全栅栏Safety barrier安全炸药Safety explosives安全哲学Safety philosophy安全执法Safety law enforcement安全质量隐患Safety quality potential安全中介组织Intermediary organization of safety 安全装置Safety devices安全自组织Safety self-organizing安全组织Safety organization靶场安全Range safety搬运安全Carrying safety保安矿柱Safety pillars保护装置Protection devices保险机构(引信) Safety and arming devices保险装置Physical protection devices报警设备Warning equipment报警系统Warning systems爆破安全Shot firing safety爆破安全仪表Safety blasting instruments爆炸安全工程Explosion safety engineering本质安全Intrinsic safety本质安全电路Intrinsically safety circuit部门安全工程ndustrial safety engineering产品安全性能Safety functions充气安全装备Inflatable devices船舶安全Ship safety导弹安全Guided missile safety低压安全阀Low-pressure safety valve地下生保系统Underground life support systems 电力安全Power system safety电气安全Electrical safety电子防盗器Electron theft proof instrument短路事故Short circuit accidents堆安全研究所Institute for reactor safety反应堆安全Reactor safety反应堆安全保险装置Reactor safety fuses防爆Explosion-proofing防爆试验Explosion-proof tests防尘工程Dust control engineering防毒Anti-toxin防毒工程Industrial poisoning control engineering 防高温High temperature prevention防护设备Safeguard防火Fire safety防火堤Fire bank防冷To be protected from cold防热Solar heat protection防暑Heat stroke prevention防尾旋系统Anti-spin systems放射性Radioactivity放映安全技术Safety techniques of film projection飞机安全装备Air emergency apparatus飞机防火Aircraft fire protection飞行安全Air safety飞行安全装备Flight safety devices风险评价与失效分析Risk assessment and failure analysis辐射防护Radiation protection辐射分解Radiolysis辐射屏蔽Radiation shielding辐射危害Radiation hazards妇女劳动保护Protection of women labor force高低温防护High and low temperature protection高温作业Hot work个人飞行安全装备Personal flight safety fitting个体保护用品Individual protection articles个体防护装备Personal protection equipments工厂安全Factory safety工程事故Engineering accidents工伤事故Industrial accident工业安全Industrial safety工业防尘Industrial dust suppression工业防毒Industrial gas defense工业通风Industrial ventilation工业灾害控制Control of industrial disaster工业照明Industrial lighting公共安全Public safety共同安全署(美国) Mutual Security Agency (U. S. )故障保险Fail safe锅炉安全Boiler safety锅炉爆炸事故Boiler explosion accidents锅炉事故Boiler breakdowns国际海上人命安全公约International convention for safety of life at sea 国家安全法National security law过卷保护装置Over winding safety gears航空安全A viation safety航天安全Aerospace safety航天救生Space security航天器屏蔽Spacecraft shielding航行安全V oyage safety核安全Nuclear safety核安全保障Nuclear safeguard核安全保障规章Nuclear safeguard regulations核防护Nuclear protection厚板焊接式高压容器Thick plate welded high pressure vessels 化工安全Chemical engineering safety火灾事故Fire accident激光安全Laser safety激光安全标准Laser safety standard激光危害Laser hazard激光眼睛防护Laser eye protection集体安全体系Collective security system计算机安全Computer safety家庭安全Family safety监测保护系统Surveillance protection system降温Falling temperature交通安全教育Traffic safety education交通运输安全Traffic safety结构安全度Structure safety金融安全区Financial safety zone井下安全阀Subsurface safety valve警报Alarm静态安全分析(电力系统安全分析)Electrostatic safety analysis 救护Medical aid救生设备Rescue equipment救生装置Survival devices矿山安全Mine safety矿山安全仪器Coalmine safety apparatus矿业安全配备公司(美国)Mine Safety Appliances Company矿用安全型Mine permissible type劳保服装Safety and industrial costume劳保条例Labor insurance regulations劳动安全Labor safety劳动保护Labor protection劳动合同Labor contract劳动条件Labor conditions联合国安全理事会United Nations Security Council流星防护Meteoroid protection漏风Air leakage旅游安全Tourist safety美国公路安全研究所Highway Safety Research Institute (U. S. )美国国家安全委员会The National Security Council (U. S. )美国劳动部职业安全与卫生局Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Department ofLabor, U. S. A. )美国全国公路交通安全管理局National Highway Traffic Safety Administration逆电晕Corona quenching欧安会(1975) European Security Conference (1975)欧洲集体安全体系European collective security system欧洲青年安全会议European Y outh Security Conference匹兹堡采矿安全研究中心Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center (PMSRC)破损安全设计方法Fail-safe design methods企业安全Enterprise safety起重安全Lifting safety汽轮机事故Steam turbine accidents潜在危险Potential hazards驱进速度Migration velocity全球海上遇险与安全系统Global maritime distress and safety system缺水事故Water deficiency emergence (or accident)绕带式高压容器Band wrapped high pressure vessels热曝露Heat exposure热套式高压容器Multiwall high pressure vessels人为失误Man-made faults日美安全条约(1951)Security Treaty between the U. S. and Japan (1951)日美共同合作和安全和约(1960)Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the U. S. and Japan伤亡率Rate of casualty伤亡事故Casualty accidents烧毁事故Burn up accidents设备安全Equipment safety设备事故Equipment accident社区安全Community safety渗毒Toxin leaching生产噪声与振动控制Control of occupational noise & vibration生活安全Living safety生态安全Ecological safety失速警告系统Stall-warning systems食品安全Food safety事故Accident事故处理Accident handling事故分析Accident analysis事故类别Accident type事故模型Accident model事故频率Accident frequency事故树分析Accident tree analysis事故损失Accident loss事故统计Accident statistics事故预防Accident prevention事故致因理论Accident-causing theory适航性Air worthiness适毁性Crashworthiness水雷保险器Mine safety snitches苏必利尔湖矿山安全委员会Mines Safety Council Lake Superior 太平洋安全银行Security Pacific Bank提升安全装置Lifting safety features天然放射性Natural radioactivity听力保护Hearing protection通风与空调工程V entilation engineering & air conditioning 通信安全Communication safety头部保护Head protection危害公共安全罪Offences againstpublic security危急保安器Emergency protector危险辨识Hazard identify危险等级Danger level危险评估Risk assessment危险性Risk危险源Dangerous source危险源控制Dangerous source control微流星屏蔽Micrometeoroid shielding违章作业Operation against rules未成年工保护Protection of underage employee温度报警器Temperature alarm系统安全分析System safety analysis系统安全工程System safety engineering系统安全性System safety系统安全学System safety science消防工程Fire-fighting engineering消费安全Consumption safety信息安全Information safety行车安全Driving safety压力容器安全Pressure vessel safety压力释放Pressure relief亚洲集体安全体系Asian collective security system烟温Fume temperature眼部保护Eye protection异常气压防护Protection of anomalous barometric pressure易燃物品Inflammable article应急对策Emergency countermeasures英国矿山安全研究所Safety in Mines Research Establishment有害作业Harmful work再入屏蔽Reentry shielding职业安全卫生Occupational health and safety职业安全卫生标准Occupational health and safety standards职业安全卫生体系Occupational health and safety management system 职业危害Occupational hazard重大危险源Major hazard sources主动安全性Active safety自动保护停机Automatic safety stop作业环境卫生Work environment hygiene座椅背带Seat harness。
Regularly maintain vehicles to ensure their good condition and reduce the possibility of breakdowns.2.遵守交通规则,保持安全车距,避免发生交通事故。
Obey traffic rules, maintain a safe distance, and avoid traffic accidents.3.配备紧急救援工具和急救箱,以备不时之需。
Equip with emergency rescue tools and first-aid kits for emergencies.4.定期进行安全驾驶培训,提高驾驶员的安全意识和驾驶技能。
Regularly conduct safety driving training to improve drivers' safety awareness and driving skills.5.制定行车路线规划,提前了解路况和天气,避免因路况原因发生意外。
Plan driving routes, understand road conditions and weather in advance to avoid accidents due to road conditions.6.严格遵守驾驶时间和休息规定,不驾驶疲劳,避免发生交通事故。
Strictly adhere to driving time and rest regulations, avoid driving while fatigued, and prevent traffic accidents.7.进行定期车辆检查,及时发现并解决潜在风险和问题。
Conduct regular vehicle inspections to identify and resolve potential risks and problems in a timely manner.8.预防高速行驶时的爆胎或失控情况,定期检查轮胎胎压和磨损情况。
安全过马路英语作文六年级Safety is of utmost importance when crossing the street as a pedestrian. As children grow and gain more independence, it becomes critical that they learn and practice proper safety measures to ensure their wellbeing. For 6th grade students, who are typically around 11-12 years old, the ability to navigate streets and intersections safely is a vital life skill. This essay will discuss the key considerations and best practices for 6th grade students when crossing the street.First and foremost, 6th grade students must understand the importance of being alert and attentive when near or crossing streets. Distracted walking, whether from using a mobile device, talking with friends, or being lost in thought, significantly increases the risk of an accident. Students should be taught to keep their heads up, eyes scanning the road, and ears open to their surroundings at all times when approaching a crossing point.Another crucial aspect of street crossing safety is understanding and obeying all traffic signals and signs. 6th grade students should bewell-versed in the meaning of pedestrian signals, such as the walking person, flashing hand, and solid hand icons. They should know to only cross when the walking person signal is displayed, and to wait patiently for the signal to change if the hand is flashing or solid. Similarly, students must be taught to heed all stop signs, yield signs, and other traffic control devices, recognizing that these are in place for their protection.Identifying safe crossing locations is also vital for 6th grade students. They should be instructed to only cross streets at designated crosswalks or intersections, avoiding mid-block crossings which can be much more dangerous. When approaching a crosswalk, students should take the time to look left, right, and left again to ensure no vehicles are approaching before proceeding. If there is a signal-controlled crosswalk, students should wait for the signal to indicate it is safe to cross.In addition to understanding traffic signals and signs, 6th grade students must learn the importance of making eye contact with drivers before crossing the street. Even if the pedestrian signal indicates it is safe to cross, students should visually confirm that approaching drivers have seen them and are prepared to yield. Making eye contact helps ensure drivers are aware of the pedestrian's presence and intent to cross.Another key safety practice for 6th grade students is to avoid crossing streets between parked cars. This "mid-block" crossing is extremely hazardous, as it limits the visibility of both the pedestrian and the driver. Students should be taught to walk to the nearest intersection or crosswalk to cross the street, even if it means going slightly out of their way. The extra time and distance is well worth the increased safety.When crossing multi-lane streets, 6th grade students must be trained to cross one direction of traffic at a time. They should first cross to the median or center divider, pausing to check for traffic in the other direction before completing the crossing. This stepwise approach helps ensure students can focus on one flow of traffic at a time, reducing the risk of being struck.It is also critical that 6th grade students understand the importance of wearing bright, reflective clothing when walking near or crossing streets, especially in low-light conditions. This helps ensure drivers can see them easily, reducing the chances of an accident. Students should be encouraged to wear fluorescent or neon colors, and to apply reflective tape to backpacks, jackets, or other gear.Beyond the physical act of crossing the street, 6th grade students must also learn to be cautious and defensive when near roads. They should be taught to walk on sidewalks or paths whenever possible,avoiding walking in the street. When sidewalks are unavailable, students should walk facing traffic so they can see oncoming vehicles. They should also be instructed to avoid running, playing, or lingering near streets, as this greatly increases the risk of an accident.Finally, 6th grade students should be encouraged to be role models for younger children when it comes to street crossing safety. They can help reinforce proper procedures by demonstrating good habits, and by politely correcting any unsafe behaviors they observe in their peers. This not only helps keep the students themselves safe, but also sets a positive example for the entire school community.In conclusion, teaching 6th grade students comprehensive street crossing safety is crucial for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of their peers. By instilling an understanding of traffic signals, the importance of visibility, and defensive walking habits, educators can empower students to navigate roads safely and confidently. With diligent training and practice, 6th grade students can develop the skills and awareness needed to cross streets without incident, setting them up for a lifetime of safe pedestrian habits.。
如何在街道上保证安全英语作文How to Ensure Safety on the StreetsSafety on the streets is a major concern for people of all ages and backgrounds. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is important to take measures to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. In this essay, we will explore ways in which safety can be promoted on the streets.One of the most effective ways to ensure safety on the streets is by following traffic rules and regulations. These rules are in place to protect individuals and promote order on the roads. Drivers should always adhere to speed limits, stop at red lights, yield to pedestrians, and avoid distractions such as texting or talking on the phone while driving. Pedestrians should also do their part by using crosswalks, waiting for the signal to cross, and being vigilant of their surroundings.Another important aspect of street safety is proper infrastructure. Well-maintained sidewalks, bike lanes, and road markings can help prevent accidents and create a safer environment for everyone. Local governments should invest in the upkeep of these facilities and make necessary improvements to ensure accessibility and safety for all road users.Education and awareness campaigns can also play a significant role in promoting safety on the streets. Teaching children about road safety at an early age can instill good habits that will last a lifetime. Public service announcements, workshops, and community events can raise awareness about the importance of following traffic rules and respecting others on the road.In addition, technology can be a helpful tool in enhancing street safety. Traffic lights, speed cameras, and other smart devices can help monitor road conditions and detect potential hazards. Apps and websites that provide real-time traffic updates and navigation tips can also assist road users in making informed decisions and avoiding dangerous situations.Community involvement is another key factor in ensuring safety on the streets. Residents can work together with local authorities to identify problem areas, advocate for better infrastructure, and organize neighborhood patrols to deter crime and promote a sense of security. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, communities can create a safer environment for everyone to enjoy.In conclusion, safety on the streets is a shared responsibility that requires cooperation and commitment from all stakeholders.By following traffic rules, maintaining infrastructure, educating the public, leveraging technology, and engaging with the community, we can build a culture of safety that will benefit us all. Let us work together to create streets that are safe, accessible, and welcoming for everyone.。
保障交通安全的措施英语作文Ensuring Traffic Safety: A Multifaceted ApproachMaintaining a safe and efficient transportation system is a crucial responsibility for any modern society. As the number of vehicles on the roads continues to rise, the need for comprehensive measures to safeguard the well-being of all road users has become increasingly paramount. In this essay, we will explore the various strategies and initiatives that can be implemented to enhance traffic safety and mitigate the risks associated with the ever-evolving landscape of transportation.One of the fundamental pillars of traffic safety is the establishment of robust regulatory frameworks. Governments and policymakers play a pivotal role in developing and enforcing traffic laws and regulations that address a wide range of safety concerns. These measures may include mandating the use of seatbelts and child safety restraints, implementing speed limits, and prohibiting the use of mobile devices while driving. By ensuring that all road users adhere to these regulations, the risks of accidents and fatalities can be significantly reduced.Alongside legislative efforts, the implementation of advanced traffic management systems has emerged as a highly effective approach to enhancing traffic safety. The integration of technologies such as intelligent traffic signals, real-time monitoring, and dynamic routing can help optimize the flow of traffic, reducing congestion and minimizing the potential for collisions. These systems can also provide valuable data that can be used to identify high-risk areas and implement targeted interventions to address specific safety concerns.One of the most critical aspects of traffic safety is the education and training of road users. Comprehensive driver's education programs, which cover topics such as defensive driving techniques, hazard recognition, and emergency response protocols, can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the roads safely. Similarly, targeted campaigns aimed at raising awareness about traffic safety issues, such as the dangers of impaired or distracted driving, can help foster a culture of responsible road usage among the general public.In addition to educational initiatives, the design and maintenance of transportation infrastructure play a crucial role in enhancing traffic safety. Well-designed roads, with clearly marked lanes, adequate lighting, and strategically placed signage, can help reduce the risk of accidents by providing drivers with clear guidance and visual cues.Regular maintenance of roads, including the repair of potholes and the removal of debris, can also contribute to a safer driving environment.The safety of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, is another critical consideration in the quest for comprehensive traffic safety. Implementing dedicated infrastructure, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks, can help protect these individuals from the dangers posed by motorized vehicles. Furthermore, the integration of traffic calming measures, such as speed bumps and roundabouts, can help slow down traffic in areas with high pedestrian and cyclist activity, reducing the likelihood of collisions.Another important aspect of traffic safety is the role of vehicle technology. Advancements in automotive engineering have led to the development of a wide range of safety features, such as airbags, anti-lock braking systems, and collision avoidance systems. By equipping vehicles with these cutting-edge technologies, the risk of accidents and the severity of their consequences can be significantly reduced.Finally, the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations is essential in ensuring the effectiveness of all the aforementioned measures. Law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in monitoring andpenalizing violations, such as speeding, reckless driving, and impaired driving. By maintaining a strong and visible presence on the roads, these agencies can deter unsafe behavior and hold individuals accountable for their actions, ultimately contributing to a safer transportation environment.In conclusion, ensuring traffic safety is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach. By combining legislative efforts, technological advancements, educational initiatives, infrastructure design, and robust enforcement, we can create a transportation system that prioritizes the well-being of all road users. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of transportation, it is our collective responsibility to remain vigilant and committed to the pursuit of safer roads for generations to come.。
英语中设计交通的知识点In English, there are several key terms and concepts related to designing traffic. These knowledge points play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. This article will provide an overview of the important terms and concepts in English related to traffic design.1. Traffic EngineeringTraffic engineering is the branch of civil engineering that focuses on designing and managing transportation systems. It involves the analysis, planning, design, and operation of transportation facilities, such as roads, highways, and intersections.2. Traffic FlowTraffic flow refers to the movement of vehicles on a roadway network. It is a crucial factor in traffic design, as it affects the capacity, level of service, and overall efficiency of transportation systems. Understanding traffic flow patterns is essential for effective design and management.3. Capacity AnalysisCapacity analysis is the process of determining the maximum number of vehicles that can pass through a given roadway or intersection in a specific time period. It involves analyzing factors such as lane width, signal timing, and traffic volume to optimize the capacity of the transportation system.4. Level of Service (LOS)The level of service is a qualitative measure used to assess the quality of traffic flow on roads and intersections. It is typically classified from A (freeflow, low delay) to F (congested, high delay). Designing transportation systems to achieve desired levels of service is an important goal in traffic design.5. Traffic Control DevicesTraffic control devices are elements used to regulate, warn, and guide traffic. These include traffic signals, signs, markings, and barriers. Understanding the meaning and proper usage of these devices is crucial for effective traffic design and management.6. Intersection DesignIntersections are critical points in a roadway network where vehicles cross paths. Proper intersection design plays a significant role in ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow. Key factors in intersection design include lane configuration, signal timing, and geometric design.7. Traffic Calming MeasuresTraffic calming refers to various strategies and measures implemented to reduce vehicle speeds, improve safety, and enhance the quality of life in residential areas. Speed bumps, roundabouts, and traffic circles are examples of traffic calming measures.8. Pedestrian and Bicycle FacilitiesDesigning transportation systems that accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists is another important aspect of traffic design. Sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, and shared-use paths are examples of facilities designed to enhance safety and accessibility for non-motorized users.9. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)Intelligent Transportation Systems encompass advanced technologies used to improve transportation safety, efficiency, and sustainability. This includes systems such as traffic monitoring cameras, dynamic message signs, and adaptive signal control. Familiarity with ITS concepts is crucial for modern traffic design.10. Environmental ConsiderationsIn contemporary traffic design, environmental sustainability is a key consideration. Designers aim to minimize the environmental impact of transportation systems by promoting energy-efficient practices, reducing emissions, and supporting alternative modes of transportation.In conclusion, understanding the key terms and concepts related to designing traffic in English is crucial for effective traffic design and management. Traffic engineering, traffic flow, capacity analysis, level of service, traffic control devices, intersection design, traffic calming measures, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, intelligent transportation systems, and environmental considerations are all important knowledge points for traffic designers. By applying these principles appropriately, transportation systems can be designed to optimize safety, efficiency, and sustainability.。
2018年城镇道路工程技术规范目次1 总则 ......................................................................................................................................................... 2基本规定................................................................................................................................................... 3道路 ..........................................................................................................................................................3.1一般规定................................................................................................................................................3.2路线........................................................................................................................................................3.3路基路面................................................................................................................................................3.4交叉........................................................................................................................................................3.5行人和非机动车系统............................................................................................................................3.6 公共交通设施.......................................................................................................................................3.7公共停车场和城市广场........................................................................................................................3.8 施工...................................................................................................................................................4 桥梁 .........................................................................................................................................................4.1一般规定................................................................................................................................................4.2总体布置................................................................................................................................................4.3结构........................................................................................................................................................4.4抗震........................................................................................................................................................4.5施工........................................................................................................................................................5 隧道 .........................................................................................................................................................5.1一般规定................................................................................................................................................5.2总体布置................................................................................................................................................5.3结构........................................................................................................................................................5.4设备及施工............................................................................................................................................5.5施工........................................................................................................................................................ 6交通安全和管理设施...............................................................................................................................6.1一般规定................................................................................................................................................6.2交通安全和管理设施............................................................................................................................6.3交通标志和标线....................................................................................................................................6.4交通安全设施........................................................................................................................................6.5交通管理设施........................................................................................................................................ 本规范用词说明.......................................................................................................................................... 附:条文说明Contents1 General Principle...................................................................................................................2 Basic Requirements...............................................................................................................3 Road......................................................................................................................................3.1 General Requirements....................................................................................................3.2 Route...............................................................................................................................3.3 Subgrade and Pavement..................................................................................................3.4 Intersection......................................................................................................................3.5 Pedestrian and Non-motor Vehicles.................................................................................3.6 Public Transport Facility...................................................................................................3.7 Public Parking Lot and City Square..................................................................................4 Bridge........................................................................................................................................ 4.1 General Requirements........................................................................................................ 4.2 General Layout............................................................ ...................................................... 4.3 Structure............................................................................................................................. 4.4 Anti-seismic............................................................. .........................................................4.5 Construction............................................................. .........................................................5 Tunnel....................................................................... ............................................................... 5.1 General Requirements...................................................... ................................................. 5.2 General Layout............................................................ ...................................................... 5.3 Structure................................................................ ............................................................. 5.4 Equipment and Method...................................................... ................................................5.5 Construction.......................................................................................................................6 Road Traffic Safety and Traffic Control Devices....................................................................... 6.1GeneralRequirements.............................................................................................................6.2 Traffic Safety and Control Devices.......................................................................................6.3 Taffic Sign and Line................................................................................................................6.4 Traffic Safety Facility..............................................................................................................6.5 Traffic Control Devices........................................................................................................... Explanation of Wording in This Code............................................................................................... Addition:Explanation of Provisions...................................................................................................1总则1.0.1为规范城市道路工程建设,统一城市道路基本功能和性能要求,保障道路交通安全,节约资源、保护环境,制定本规范。
(A)Have you ever wondered why you feel better after spending time outdoors? It turns out that being in nature can improve our mood, help us reduce stress(减轻压力), and increase our creativity.Researchers have found that spending more time in nature can have a positive effect on our emotions. One study found that people who walked for 90 minutes in a natural area reported lower levels of rumination(沉思)and negative thinking compared to those who walked in an urban area. The study also found that spending time in nature helped to improve concentration and attention.Nature has also been found to reduce stress levels. Research shows that spending time in natural environments can lower blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol(皮质醇). It can also reduce the risk of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.In addition, being in nature can boost our creativity. A study conducted by psychologists at Stanford University found that spending time in nature can positively affect our ability to think and create. The researchers found that participants who went for a walk in nature scored higher on a creativity test compared to those who went for a walk in an urban area.Overall, the research suggests that spending time in nature can have numerous benefits for our mental health and well-being. So, next time you're feeling stressed or lacking inspiration, why not head outside and enjoy the natural world?1. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The benefits of spending time in nature.B. The negative effects of urban areas.C. The importance of physical exercise.D. The relationship between stress and health.2. According to the passage, walking in nature is helpful in ____.A. improving concentration and attentionB. reducing blood pressure and cortisol levelsC. preventing mental health disordersD. increasing negative thinking patterns3. The underlined word "rumination" in the passage probably means_____.A. positive thinkingB. negative thinkingC. physical exerciseD. creative thinking4. What did the study conducted by Stanford University find?A. Walking in nature can increase cortisol levels.B. Walking in an urban area can improve creativity.C. Walking in nature can reduce stress levels.D. Walking in an urban area can improve concentration.答案:1. A2. A3. B4. C二、信息匹配阅读下列应用文和相关信息,然后按照匹配原则将其与所给信息相匹配。
单位车辆管理制度英文缩写IntroductionThe purpose of this Vehicle Management Policy is to establish guidelines for the effective and efficient management of company-owned vehicles. All employees who are authorized to operate a company vehicle are required to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in this policy to ensure the safety and proper use of all company-owned vehicles.ScopeThis policy applies to all company-owned vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans, and any other motorized equipment used for business purposes. All employees who are issued company vehicles are required to comply with this policy.Vehicle AssignmentCompany vehicles will be assigned to qualified employees based on their job duties and the need for regular transportation. The assignment and use of company vehicles will be based on operational necessity, and will be approved by the appropriate department head or supervisor.Use of Company VehiclesCompany vehicles are to be used for official business purposes only. Personal use of company vehicles is strictly prohibited, unless authorized by a supervisor for specific business-related needs. Employees are responsible for ensuring the safe and proper use of company vehicles at all times.Maintenance and RepairsAll company vehicles are to be regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Employees are responsible for reporting any maintenance issues or damage to their vehicle to the appropriate department for prompt resolution. Repairs to company vehicles must be authorized by a supervisor or the fleet manager.Fuel and MileageEmployees are responsible for keeping accurate records of all business-related travel and mileage using the designated company mileage tracking system. Company vehicles are to be fueled with the appropriate fuel type at approved filling stations, and employees are required to submit receipts for all fuel purchases.Accidents and IncidentsIn the event of an accident or incident involving a company vehicle, employees are required to report the incident to their supervisor and the appropriate authorities immediately.Employees should also complete and submit an accident report form to document the details of the incident.Driver SafetyEmployee drivers are required to adhere to all traffic laws and safety regulations while operating company vehicles. This includes obeying speed limits, wearing seat belts, and refraining from the use of mobile devices while driving. Employees are also required to maintain a valid driver's license and comply with all applicable driving regulations.Vehicle InspectionsRegular inspections of company vehicles will be conducted to ensure they are in safe and proper working condition. Any issues identified during inspections should be reported to the fleet manager or designated maintenance personnel for resolution.Consequences of Policy ViolationsViolations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Employees who misuse company vehicles or fail to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in this policy will be subject to appropriate consequences. ConclusionThe effective management of company-owned vehicles is essential to ensure the safety of employees and the efficient operation of the business. This Vehicle Management Policy provides the necessary guidelines for the use and maintenance of company vehicles, and all employees are expected to comply with these rules and regulations.By implementing and adhering to this policy, the company can reduce risks and liabilities associated with vehicle operations, and promote a culture of safety and responsibility among employees who are authorized to operate company vehicles.。
英文作文道路安全Paragraph 1: Road safety is of utmost importance in our daily lives. We should always be cautious and attentive when we are on the road. It is crucial to follow traffic rules and regulations to ensure the safety of both ourselves and others. We should never take road safety for granted.Paragraph 2: One way to promote road safety is by raising awareness among the public. We can organize campaigns and workshops to educate people about the importance of following traffic rules. By spreading the message through various platforms such as social media, television, and radio, we can reach a wider audience and make a bigger impact.Paragraph 3: Another aspect of road safety is the importance of wearing seat belts. Seat belts are designed to protect us in case of an accident and can significantly reduce the risk of serious injuries or even death. It isessential to develop a habit of wearing seat belts every time we get into a vehicle, regardless of the distance we are traveling.Paragraph 4: Speeding is a common cause of accidents on the road. Many drivers tend to exceed the speed limit, thinking that they can reach their destination faster. However, this reckless behavior not only puts their lives at risk but also endangers the lives of others. It is crucial to drive at a safe and reasonable speed, takinginto account the road conditions and traffic.Paragraph 5: Distracted driving is another major concern when it comes to road safety. With the increasing use of smartphones and other electronic devices, many drivers are tempted to use them while driving. This not only diverts their attention from the road but also slows down their reaction time. It is important to avoid any distractions and focus solely on driving to ensure everyone's safety.Paragraph 6: Lastly, drunk driving is a serious offensethat can have deadly consequences. Alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making it extremely dangerous to drive under its influence. It is crucial to always designate a sober driver or use alternative means of transportation if we have consumed alcohol.In conclusion, road safety is a collectiveresponsibility that requires everyone's cooperation. By being cautious, following traffic rules, wearing seat belts, avoiding speeding, staying focused, and never driving under the influence, we can contribute to making our roads safer for everyone. Let us all strive to create a culture of road safety and save lives.。
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- High visibility by day and night, and
- High legibility (adequately sized letters or symbols, and a short legend for quick comprehension by a road user approaching a sign).
5. Placement and Operation of Traffic Control Devices
- Placement of a traffic control device should be within the road user’s view so that maximum visual acuity is provided. To aid in conveying the proper meaning, the traffic control device should be appropriately positioned with respect to the location, object, or situation to which it applies. The location and legibility of the traffic control device should be such that a road user has adequate time to make the proper response in both day and night conditions. - Traffic control devices should be placed and operated in a uniform and consistent manner. - Unnecessary traffic control devices should be removed.
- Signs - Markings - Signals - Example
2.Purpose of Traffic Control Devices
- The purpose of traffic control devices is to promote highway safety and efficiency by providing for the orderly movement of all road users on streets and highways throughout the nation. - Traffic control devices notify road users of regulations and provide warning and guidance needed for the safe, uniform, and efficient operation of all elements of the traffic stream. - Traffic control devices or their supports shall not bear any advertising message or any other message that is not related to of Traffic Control Devices
- Uniformity of devices simplifies the task of the road user because it aids in recognition and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. - Uniformity assists road users, police officers, and traffic courts by giving everyone the same interpretation. - Uniformity assists public highway officials through efficiency in manufacture, installation, maintenance, and administration. - Uniformity means treating similar situations in a similar way.
6. Maintenance of Traffic Control Devices
- Traffic control devices should be reviewed periodically to determine if they meet current traffic conditions. - Traffic control devices should be maintained to ensure that legibility is retained, that the device is visible, and that it functions properly in relation to other traffic control devices in the vicinity during both day and night conditions.
B. Traffic Signs
1. Function and Purpose of Signs
- The functions of signs are to provide regulations, warnings, and guidance information for road users. - Types of Signs: - Regulatory Signs - Warning Signs - Guide Signs (Conventional Roads) - Guide Signs (Freeways and Expressways) - Specific Service (Logo) Signs - Tourist-Oriented Direction Signs - Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Signs - Emergency Management Signs
2.Standardization of Application
- It is recognized that urban traffic conditions differ from those in rural environments, and in many instances signs are applied and located differently. - Signs should be used only where justified by engineering judgment or studies. - Roadway geometric design and sign application should be coordinated so that signs can be effectively placed to give the road user any necessary regulatory, warning, guidance, and other information. - Regulatory and warning signs should be used conservatively because these signs, if used to excess, tend to lose their effectiveness. Route signs and directional signs should be used frequently because they promote safe and efficient operations by keeping road users informed of their location.
4. Design of Traffic Control Devices
- Devices should be designed so that features such as size, shape, and color, composition, lighting or retroreflection, and contrast are combined to draw attention to the devices; that size, shape, color, and simplicity of message combine to produce a clear meaning; that legibility and size combine with placement to permit adequate time for response; and that uniformity, size, legibility, and reasonableness of the message combine to command respect.
3. Design of Signs
- The basic requirements of a highway sign are that it be legible to those for whom it is intended and that it be understandable in time to permit a proper response. Desirable attributes include:
Chapter 6
Traffic and Safety Control Devices
A. General B. Traffic Signs C. Traffic Markings D. Traffic Signals