Arizona State University




排名前25位的商学院1.宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院University OfPennsylvania(Wharton)2.西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院Northwestern University(Kellogg)3.芝加哥大学商业管理研究生院University Of Chicago4.密歇根大学商学院University Of Michigan5.哈佛大学工商管理研究生院Haward University6.哥伦比亚大学商学研究生院Columbia University7.杜克大学富卡商学院Duke University(Faqua)8.康奈尔大学约翰逊管理研究生院Cornell University()ohnson)9.斯坦福大学工商研究生院Stanford University10.达特茅斯大学阿莫斯·塔克工商管理研究生院Dartmouth College(Tack)11.弗吉尼亚大学达登工商管理研究生院University OfVirginia(Darden)12.加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校约翰·E.安德森管理研究生院University OfCalifornia at Los Angeles(Anderson) 13.纽约大学伦纳德·N.斯特恩商学院New Y ork University(Stern)14.卡内基·梅隆大学企业管理研究生院Carnegie Mellon University15.麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院Massachusetts lnstitute OfTechnology(Sloan)16.加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院University OfCalifornia At Berkeley(Haas)17.华盛顿大学约翰·奥林商学院Washington University(John M.Olin)18.得克萨斯大学商业研究生院University Of Texas19.北卡罗来纳州立大学凯南—弗拉格勒商学院University OfNorth Carolina(Kenan—Flagler)20.耶鲁大学管理学院Y ale University21.印第安纳大学凯利商学院Indiana University(Kelley)22.马里兰大学罗伯特·U.史密斯商学院University OfMaryland,College Park(Smith)23.威斯康星—麦迪逊大学商学院University OfWisconsin—Madison24.普渡大学克兰纳特管理研究生院Purdue University(Krannert)25.南加利福尼亚大学马歇尔商学院University OfSouthern California(Marshall)第六章第二排行榜亚利桑那州立大学商学院Arizona State University巴布森大学P.W.奥林商学院Babson College(F.W.Olin)布里格姆·杨大学马里奥特管理学院Brigham Y oung University(Marriott)威廉—玛丽学院商学院The College Of William&Mary埃默里大学戈伊朱塔商学院Emory University(Goizueta)乔治顿大学罗伯特·埃米特·麦克多诺商学院Georgetown University(McDonough)密歇根州立大学伊莱·布罗德管理学院Michigan State University(Broad)俄亥俄州立大学马克斯·M.费希尔商学院Ohio State University(Fisher)ennsylvania State University(Smeal)赖斯大学杰西·H.琼斯管理研究生院Rice University(Jones)南方卫理公会大学爱德温·L考克斯商学院Southern Methodist University(COx)得克萨斯农机大学梅斯商业研究生院Texas A&M University(Mays)雷鸟美国国际管理研究生院Thunderbird,The American Graduate OfInternational Management亚利桑那大学埃勒管理研究生院工商与公共管理大学Univermty OfArizona(Eller)加利福尼亚大学欧文分校管理研究生院University Of California at lrvine佐治亚大学特里商学院University OfGeorgia(Terry)伊利诺伊大学厄尔巴纳—尚佩恩分校工商管理学院University Of lllinois at Urbana—Champaign衣阿华大学管理学院University Of lowa圣母教会大学商业管理学院University Of Notre Dame匹兹堡大学卡茨商业研究生院University OfPittsburgh(Katz)罗切斯特大学威廉·E.西蒙商业管理学院University OfRochester(Simon)南卡来罗纳大学达拉·穆尔商学院University OfSouth Carolina(Moore)田纳西州立大学诺克斯维尔分校工商管理学院University OfTennessee at Knoxville 范德比尔特大学欧文管理研究生院V anderbih University(Owen)韦克·福里斯特大学巴布科克管理研究生院Wake Forest University(Babcock)第七章美国以外的最佳商学院美国商学院和国际商学院的比较出国以前需要考虑的问题增加国际经验的另一种选择法国INSEAD学院加拿大西安大略大学理查德·艾维商学院英国伦敦商学院。




转载自小马过河留学频道Adelphi University亚狄非大学American University美国大学Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学Andrews University 安德鲁斯大学Boston University 波士顿大学Biola University 比奥拉大学Baylor University 贝勒大学Ball State University 鲍尔州立大学Duke University 杜克大学Drexel University 德雷塞尔大学DePaul University 德宝大学Colorado State University 科罗拉多州立大学Colorado School of Mines 科罗拉多矿学院College of William and Mary 威廉与玛丽学院Cleveland State University 克利夫兰州立大学Clemson University 克莱姆森大学Clarkson University 克拉逊大学Clark University 克拉克大学Carnegie-Mellon University 卡内基美隆大学Brown University 布朗大学Brigham Young University 杨百翰大学Brandeis University 布兰迪斯大学Bowling Green State University 鲍灵格林大学Duquesne University 迪尤肯大学Emory University 艾摩雷大学Florida Atlantic University 佛罗里达大西洋大学Florida Institute of Technology 佛罗里达科技大学Florida International University 佛州国际大学Florida State University 佛罗里达州立大学George Mason University乔治梅森大学George Washington University 乔治华盛顿大学Georgetown University 乔治敦大学Georgia State University 佐治亚州立大学Howard University 霍华德大学Idaho State University 爱达荷州立大学Illinois State University 伊利诺州立大学Illionis Institute of Technology 伊利诺理工学院Indiana State University 印第安纳州立大学Indiana University of Pennsylvania 宾州印第安纳大学Indiana University,Bloomington 印第安纳布卢明顿大学Iowa State University of Science And Technology依阿华州立大学John F. Kennedy University 约翰.肯尼迪大学Kansas State University 堪萨斯州立大学Kent State University 肯特州立大学La Sierra University 拉西拉大学Loma Linda University 洛玛连达大学Lehigh University 利哈伊大学Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge 路易斯安那州立大学Louisiana Tech University 路易斯安那理工大学Loyola University of Chicago 莱奥那芝加哥大学Marquette University 马奎特大学Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院Miami University, Oxford 迈阿密大学Michigan State University 密执安州立大学Michigan Technological University 密执安理工大学Middle Tennessee State University 中田纳西州州立大学Mississippi State University 密西西比州立大学Montana State University 蒙大拿州立大学National Hispanic University 西班牙语裔国民大学Naval Postgraduate School 海军研究生院New College of California 加利福尼亚新学院New Jersey Institute of Technology 新泽西理工学院New Mexico State University 新墨西哥州立大学New school for Social Research 社会研究新学院New York University 纽约大学North Carlonia State University ay Raleigh北卡罗来纳州立大学North Dakota State University 北达科他州立大学Northeastern University 东北大学Northern Illinois University 北伊利诺伊大学Northwestern University 西北大学Nova Southeastern University 诺瓦东南大学Ohio State University 俄亥俄州立大学Ohio University 俄亥俄大学Oklahoma State University 俄克拉荷马州立大学Old Dominion University 奥多明尼昂大学Oregon State University 俄勒冈州立大学Pace University 佩斯大学Pacific Union College 太平洋联合大学Pennsylvania State University 宾州州立大学Pepperdine University 佩波戴恩大学Pepperdine Univrsity 佩普丁大学Pittsburg State University 匹兹堡州立大学Polytechnic University 理工大学Portland State University 波特兰州立大学princeton university 普林斯顿大学Purdue University 珀杜大学Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯莱尔科技学院Rice University莱斯大学Rutgers at New Brunswick拉杰斯大学SCHILLER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY席勒国际大学Seton Hall University薛顿贺尔大学Southern Illinois University at Carbondale南伊利诺伊卡本代尔大学Southern Methodist University南卫理工会大学St.John’s University圣约翰大学st.Louis University圣路易斯大学Stanford University斯坦福大学Stevens Institute of Technology史蒂文斯科技学院SUNY at Albany纽约州立奥尔巴尼大学SUNY at Binghamton纽约州立宾汉姆顿大学SUNY at Stony Brook纽约州立石溪大学SUNY at Buffalo纽约州立水牛城大学Syracuse University雪城大学CHRISTCHURCH POLYTECHNIC基督城理工学院The johns Hopkins university约翰霍普金斯大学The University of Akron阿克伦大学The University of Texas at Arlington德州阿灵顿大学Thomas Aquinas College托马斯阿奎那斯学院Tufts University塔夫脱大学Tulane University杜伦大学Tulane University图兰大学United States International University美国国际大学Univ. Of North Carolina-Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳-教堂山大学Univerity of North Carolina at Greensboro北卡罗来纳格林斯伯勒大学University of Alabama at Birmingham阿拉巴马伯明翰大学University of Alaska阿拉斯加大学University of Arkansas阿肯色大学Tennessee State Univerity田纳西州立大学Texas A&M University德克萨斯州A&M大学Texas Christian University德州基督教大学Texas Southern Univrsity南德州大学Texas Tech University德州理工大学Texas Woman’s University德州女子大学The Catholic University of America美国天主教大学University of California at Berkeley加州柏克莱大学University of California at Los Angeles加州洛衫矶大学University of California at Santa Cruz加州圣克鲁斯大学University of California, Davis加州戴维斯大学University of California, Riverside加州河畔大学University of California, San Diego加州圣迭戈大学University of California, Santa Barbara加州圣芭芭拉大学University of California-Irvine加州伊荣大学University of Central Florida中佛罗里达大学University of Chicago芝加哥大学University of Cincinnati辛辛那提大学University of Colorado at Boulder科罗拉多博尔德大学University of Connecticut at Storrs康涅狄格斯托斯大学University of Delaware特拉华大学University of Denver丹佛大学University of Florida佛罗里达大学University of Georgia佐治亚大学University of Hawaii at Manoa夏威夷马诺大学University of Huston休斯顿大学University of Idaho爱达荷大学University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大学University of Iowa依阿华大学University of Kansas堪萨斯大学University of Kentucky肯塔基大学University of La Verne加州拉文大学University of Louisville路易斯维尔大学University of Maine at Orono缅因州奥罗诺大学University of Maryland马里兰大学University of Massachusetts at Amherst阿默斯特大学University of Massachusetts at Lowell卢维尔大学University of Memphis孟菲斯大学University of Minnesota,Twin Cities明尼苏达双城大学University of Mississippi密西西比大学University of Missouri, Columbia密苏里哥伦比亚大学University of Missouri/Kansas City密苏里堪萨斯大学University of Montana蒙大拿大学University of Nebraska at Lincoln内布拉斯加林肯大学University of Nevada, Reno内华达里诺大学University of New Hampshire新罕布什尔大学University of New Mexico at Main Campus新墨西哥大学University of New Orleans新奥尔良大学University of North Dakota北达科他大学University of North Texas北德州大学University of Northern Colorado北科罗拉多大学University of Notre Dame圣母大学University of Oklahoma俄克拉荷马大学University of Oregon俄勒冈大学University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学University of Rhode Island罗德岛大学University of San Diego圣迭戈大学University of San Franciso旧金山大学University of South Carolina at Columbia南卡罗来纳哥伦比亚大学University of Southern California南加利福尼亚大学University of South Dakota南达科他大学University of Southern Mississippi南密西西比大学University of Southwestern Louisiana西南路易斯安那大学University of Texas at Dallas德州达拉斯大学University of Texas-Austin德州大学奥斯汀分校University of the Pacific太平洋大学University of Toledo托莱多大学University of Tulsa塔尔萨大学University of Utah犹他大学University of Vermont佛蒙特大学University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学University of Washington西雅图华盛顿大学University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee米尔沃基大学University of Wisconsin-Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校University of Wyoming怀俄明大学University ofTennessee, Knoxville诺斯维尔田纳西大学Univresity of Arizona亚利桑那大学Utah State University犹他州立大学Vanderbilt University范德比大学Virginia Tech弗吉尼亚科技大学Wake Forest University威克森林大学Washington State University华盛顿州立大学Washington University华盛顿大学Wayne State University韦恩州立大学West Virginia University西弗吉尼亚大学Western Michigan University西密执安大学Wichita State University维奇托州立大学Woodbury University伍德布里大学Worcester Polytechnic Institute伍斯特科技学院Wright State University莱特州立大学Yale University耶鲁大学Yeshiva University耶希华大学Georgia Institute of Technology乔治亚理工学院Harvard University哈佛大学Occidental College西方学院The Wharton Business School沃顿商学院VALLEY FORGE MILITARY ACADAMY AND COLLEGE美国翠谷军校UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN密歇根大学Art Institute of Atlanta亚特兰大(Atlanta)艺术学院Art Institute of Dallas达拉斯艺术学院Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale弗特劳德达尔艺术学院Art Institute of Houston休斯顿艺术学院Art Institute of Los Angeles洛杉矶艺术学院Art Institute of Colorado科罗拉多艺术学院Art Institute of Philadelphia费城(Philadelphia)艺术学院Art Institute of Phoenix凤凰艺术学院Art Institute of Pittsburgh匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)艺术学院Art Institute of Seattle西雅图艺术学院Art Institute of Portland波特兰艺术学院Art Institutes International at San Francisco旧金山国际艺术学院Art Institute of California加里福尼亚艺术学院California State University-Stanislaus加州州立大学-斯坦尼斯劳斯分校Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University艾姆伯里-利德尔航空学院Illinois Institute of Art Chicago伊利诺斯芝加哥艺术学院BUENA VISTA UNIVERSITY比尤纳维斯特大学AMERICAN UNIVERSITY美利坚大学BERRY COLLEGE贝里学院AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE阿格尼斯?斯科特学院BETHEL COLLEGE贝塞尔学院RICE UNIVERSITY赖斯大学BELLARMINE COLLEGE贝拉明学院BARD COLLEGE巴德学院ALLEGHENY COLLEGE阿勒格尼学院BENNINGTON COLLEGE本宁顿学院BOWDOIN COLLEGE鲍登学院COLLEGE OF THE ATLANTIC大西洋学院BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE鲍德温—华莱士学院ALBION COLLEGE阿尔比恩学院ECKERD COLLEGE埃克德学院ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY圣琼斯大学ALBERTSON COLLEGE OF IDAHO爱达荷艾伯森学院ALBRIGHT COLLEGE奥尔布赖特学院FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE富兰克林与马歇尔学院AUGUSTANA COLLEGE奥古斯塔那学院BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE伯明翰-南方学院EARLHAM COLLEGE厄勒姆学院JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY约翰霍普金斯大学COLLEGE OF WILLIAMS AND MARY威廉姆玛丽亚大学UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA南佛罗里达大学LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BATON ROUGE路易斯安那州立大学巴顿汝之分校OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY多米尼恩大学BRADLEY UNIVERSITY布拉德利大学Dickson State University狄克森州立大学Stanford Graduate School of Business美国斯坦福商学院Southern New Hampshair University南新罕布什尔大学Johns Hopkins University约翰-霍普金斯大学童鞋们可以用ctrl+F快速查询,按首字母排序。








某些大学招收的外国学生占学生总数的20%以上,例如南加州大学(University of Southern California) (21.3% )、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University) (24.3% )、哈佛大学(Harvard University) (22.5% ) 和斯坦福大学(Stanford University) (23.9% )。

加利福尼亚州的外国学生最多 (77,987人),其次是纽约州(65,884人)。

南加州大学总校南加州大学总校座落在洛杉矶(Los Angeles)市区,是全世界著名的私立研究性大学之一,外国学生人数居美国各大学之冠 (7,115人),占全校学生总数的21.3 %。

南加州大学盛行体育活动,2008年1月赢得玫瑰杯(Rose Bowl)美式足球赛冠军,图为后卫球员昌西•华盛顿(Chauncey Washington)持球触地得分。

南加州大学总校座落在洛杉矶(Los Angeles)市区,是全世界著名的私立研究性大学之一,外国学生人数居美国各大学之冠 (7,115人),占全校学生总数的21.3 %。

南加州大学盛行体育活动,2008年1月赢得玫瑰杯(Rose Bowl)美式足球赛冠军,图为后卫球员昌西•华盛顿(Chauncey Washington)持球触地得分。


6麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
7北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill)
8弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)
9印地安那大学伯明顿分校(Indiana University--Bloomington)
3宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)
4布拉翰姆-杨格大学普汝沃分校(Brigham Young University--Provo)
5南加州大学(University of Southern California)
6密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan--Ann Arbor)
6弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)
10南加州大学(University of Southern California)
2宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)
3德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas--Austin)
4加州大学伯克莱分校(University of California--Berkeley)
5北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill)



129.亚利桑那州立大学-坦佩GeneralUS News排名:129申请截止日期:本科生秋季截止日期:Apr 3本科生春季截止日期:Jan 1转学生秋季截止日期:Feb 1转学生春季截止日期:Nov 1研究生截止日期:https:///graduate/how-and-when-apply-graduate-admission公立私立:公立宗教:无网站: https:///地址: PO Box 870112, Tempe, AZ 85287电话: (480) 965-7788成绩要求:本科:TOEFL: 61SAT: 1145阅读(25%-75%):500-630数学(25%-75%):520-640学校费用:本科生学费:$25,458生活费: $11,061本科生申请费:$50重要数据:国际生比例: 9.42%师生比例: 23:1人数:51,984四年毕业率: 45%毕业工资水平: $52400城市犯罪率(城市安全指数): 3总体介绍:亚利桑那州立大学坦佩校区(Arizona State University—Tempe)创立于1885年,坐落于距州府凤凰城11英里的大学城坦佩,是一所公立的综合型大学。


Julie Ann Wrigley全球可持续发展研究所、教学与科学研究所,以及生物设计研究所的总部都设在坦佩校区。

同时亚利桑那州立大学坦佩校区还以其Sun Devils棒球队而闻名。

知名校友包括演员David Spade,脱口秀主持人Jimmy Kimmel 和棒球运动员Barry Bonds。











本州概况阿拉巴马州名称来自印地安语,其意义为:" 披荆斩棘"Iclearthethicket.一六九九年,本州是法属路易斯安那省之一部.一七六三年割与英国.一八一七年,成为美国领土.一八一九年十二月十四日,列为美国第二十二州.本州别名"金色啄木鸟之州"YellowhammerState.本州箴言为"我们敢于保卫自己的权利,以山茶花Camellia为州花.本州州府蒙哥马利Montgomery,位于本州中南部,人口一四万.大商港木比耳Mobile在木比耳湾头, 人口二五万.港口每年吞吐量达四千万吨.大工业都市伯明罕在本州中北部,人口三○万,附近产铁、煤与石灰,易于发展钢铁工业.近年来,由南美州大量输入铁矿砂.本市之北有一座小山,其上有一座用铁铸成的巨大神像,叫做"冶铁之神",充分显示钢铁工业进展之迅速.本州著名大学为阿拉巴马大学,创于一八二○年,分设于土斯卡鲁沙Tuscaloosa,伯明罕及亨次维尔.本州特徵有二:第一,阿帕拉契山地最南端位于本州之内.阿拉巴马河流域也在本州之内.第二,本州之伯明罕Birmingham,是美国南部各州中最大之钢铁都市.本州原来是一个农业州,并且是往昔重要产棉之州.由于发生害虫,破坏棉铃,乃发展工业, 现今已成为大工业之州.例如位于本州北部田纳西河流域之亨次维尔huntsville,是美国太空器材制造中心之一.本州土质肥美(有名之黑土带),宜于植棉.田纳西河由东向西流,横贯本州北部,水电事业迅速发展, 对于本州工业之兴起,大有帮助.南部之阿拉巴马河与顿比比河,南流注入墨西哥湾.这两条河以兴筑多座水库,发电与灌溉.本州东北部产煤、铁、铝土与石油.林区面积约占本州面积65%.锯木业及制纸业甚盛.主要作物为花生、大豆、大核桃、棉及肉鸡.地理气候阿拉巴马州地处美国所谓之”南方”地区。



亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University学校地址:336 E Orange St Tempe, AZ 85281所在州:亚利桑那Arizona在校学生:61,033人建校时间:1885年学校排名:2012年U.S.News美国大学本科综合排名第132名学校性质:公立学校网址:学校概况亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University 学校简介:学校建校于1855年,是美国知名学校之中以教育研究及国际机构为主的大学。


学校区分于四个校区,在坦佩校区里(Tempe Campus),着重于研究教育与及分析研究,主要以研究生、专业学校及就职者。

在工艺校区(Polytechnic Campus) 里,重点于专业及科学技术方案,来满足企业及社会需求,并强调于技职教育。

在西校区(West Campus)里,强调文学教育,透过专业技能与社会连接。

鳯凰城校区(Downtown Phoenix Campus),学习与民众校社会的交流。


亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University 地理环境:学校的主校园设立在坦佩(TEMPE)。






著名的风景区,如Grand Canyon 大峡谷和SONORAN沙漠在该州。

亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University 师资力量:学校有教师2800余名,在职教师及毕业生中有10人曾获得诺贝尔奖和普利策奖,如经济学教授爱德华·普雷斯科特获得2004年度诺贝尔经济学奖。



Obama AT Arizona State Universitythank you, President Crow, for that extremely generous introduction, for your inspired leadership as well here at ASU. And I want to thank the entire ASU community for the honor of attaching my name to a scholarship program that will help open the doors of higher education to students from every background. What a wonderful gift. Thank you. (Applause.) That notion of opening doors of opportunity to everybody, that is the core mission of this school; it's a core mission of my presidency; and I hope this program will serve as a model for universities across this country. So thank you so much. (Applause.)I want to obviously congratulate the Class of 2009you ' re your unbelievable achievement. (Applause.) I want to thank the parents, the uncles, the grandpas, the grandmas, cousins -- Calabash cousins -- everybody who was involved in helping these extraordinary young people arrive at this moment. I also want to apologize to the entire state of Arizona for stealing away your wonderful former governor, Janet Napolitano. (Applause.) But you've got a fine governor here and I also know that Janet is applying her extraordinary talents to serve our entire country as the Secretary of Homeland Security, keeping America safe. And she's doing a great job. (Applause.)Now, before I begin, I'd just like to clear the air about that little controversy everybody was talking about a few weeks back. I have to tell you, I really thought this was much ado about nothing, but I do think we all learned an important lesson. I learned never again to pick anotherteam over the Sun Devils in my NCAA bracket. (Applause.) It won't happen again. PresidentCrow and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS.(Laughter and applause.)Now, in all seriousness, I come here not to dispute the suggestion that I haven't yet achieved enough in my life. (Laughter.) First of all, Michelle concurs with that assessment. (Laughter.) She has a long list of things that I have not yet donewaiting for me when I get home. But more than that, I come to embrace the notion that I haven't done enough in my life; I heartily concur; I come to affirm that one's title, even a title like President of the United States, says very little about how well one's life has been led -- that no matter how much you've done, or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve. (Applause.)And I want to say to you today, graduates, Class of 2009, that despite having achieved a remarkable milestone in your life, despite the fact that you and your families are so rightfully proud, you too cannot rest on your laurels. Not even some of those remarkable young people who were introduced earlier -- not even that younglady who's got four degrees yet today. You can't rest. Your own body of work is also yet to come.Now, some graduating classes have marched into this stadium in easy times -- times of peace and stability when we call on our graduates simply to keep things going, and don't screw it up. (Laughter.) Other classes have received their diplomas in times of trial and upheaval, when the very foundations of our lives, the old order has been shaken, the old ideas and institutions have crumbled, and a new generationis called upon to remake the world.It should be clear to you by now the category into which all of you fall. For we gather heretonight in times of extraordinary difficulty, for the nation and for the world. The economy remains in the midst of a historic recession, the worst we've seen since the Great Depression; the result, in part, of greed and irresponsibility that rippled out from Wall Street and Washington, as we spent beyond our means and failed to make hard choices. (Applause.) We're engaged in two wars and a struggle against terrorism. The threats of climate change, nuclear proliferation, and pandemic defy national boundaries and easy solutions.For many of you, these challenges are also felt in more personal terms. Perhaps you're still looking for a job -- or struggling to figure out what career path makes sense in this disrupted economy. Maybe you've got student loans -- no, you definitely have student loans -- (applause) -or credit card debts, and you're wondering howyou'll ever pay them off. Maybe you've got a family to raise, and you're wondering how you'll ensure that your children have the same opportunities you've had to get an education and pursue their dreams.Now, in the face of these challenges, it may be tempting to fall back on the formulas for success that have been pedaled so frequently in recent years. It goes something like this: You're taught to chase after all the usual brass rings; you try to be on this "who's who" list or that top 100 list; you chase after the big money and you figure out how big your corner office is; you worry about whether you have a fancy enough title or a fancy enough car. That's the message that's sent each and every day, or has been in our culture for far too long -- that through material possessions, through a ruthless competition pursued only on your own behalf -- that ' s how you will measuresuccess.Now, you can take that road -- and it may work for some. But at this critical juncture in ournation's history, at this difficult time, let me suggest that such an approach won't get you where you want to go; it displays a poverty of ambition -- that in fact, the elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gain over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end. (Applause.)Now, ASU, I want to highlight -- I want to highlight two main problems with that old, tired, me-first approach. First, it distracts you from what's truly important, and may lead you to compromise your values and your principles and commitments.Think about it. It's in chasingtitles and status -- in worrying about the next election rather than the national interest and the interests of those who you're supposed to represent -- that politicians so often lose their ways in Washington. (Applause.) They spend time thinking about polls, but not about principle. It was in pursuit of gaudy short-term profits, and the bonuses that came with them, that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street, engaging in extraordinary risks with other people's money.In contrast, the leaders we revere, the businesses and institutions that last -- they are not generally the result of a narrow pursuit of popularity or personal advancement, but of devotion to some bigger purpose -- the preservation of the Union or the determination to lift a country out of a depression; the creation of a quality product, a commitment to your customers, your workers, your shareholders and your community. A commitment to make sure that an institution like ASU is inclusive and diverse and giving opportunity to all. That's a hallmark of real success. (Applause.) That other stuff -- that other stuff, the trappings of success may be a byproduct of this larger mission, but it can't be the central thing. Just ask Bernie Madoff. That's the first problem with the old attitude.But the second problem with the old approach to success is that a relentless focus on the outward markers of success can lead to complacency. It can make you lazy. We too often let the external, the material things, serve as indicators that we're doing well, even though something inside us tells us that we're not doing our best; that we're avoiding that which is hard, but also necessary; that we're shrinking from, rather than rising to, the challenges of the age. And thing is, in this new, hyper-competitive age, none of us -- none of us -- can afford to complacent.That's true in whatever profession you choose. Professors might earn thedistinction tenure, but that doesn't guarantee that they'll keep putting in the long hours and late nights -- and have the passion and the drive -- to be great educators. The same principle is true in your personal life. Being a parent is not just a matter of paying the bills, doing the bare minimum -it's not bringing a child into the world that matters, but the acts of love and sacrifice it takes to raise and educate that child and give them opportunity. (Applause.) It can happen toPresidents, as well. If you think about it, Abraham Lincoln and Millard Fillmore had the very same title, they were both Presidents of the United States, but their tenure in office and their legacy could not be more different.And that's not just true for individuals -- it's also true for this nation. In recent years, in many ways, we've become enamored with our own past success -- lulled into complacency by the glitter of our own achievements.We've become accustomed to the title of "military super-power," forgetting the qualities that got us there -- not just the power of our weapons, but the discipline and valor and the code of conduct of our men and women in uniform. (Applause.) The Marshall Plan, and the Peace Corps, and all those initiatives that show ourcommitment to working with other nations to pursue the ideals of opportunity and equality and freedom that have made us who we are.That's what made us a super power. (Applause.)We've become accustomed to our economic dominance in the world, forgetting that it wasn't reckless deals and get-rich-quick schemes that got us where we are, buthard work and smart ideas -- quality products and wise investments. We started taking shortcuts. We started living on credit, instead of building up savings. We saw businesses focus more on rebranding and repackaging than innovating and developing new ideas that improve our lives.All the while, the rest of the world has grown hungrier, more restless -- in constant motion to build and to discover -- not content with where they are right now, determined to strive for more. They're coming.So graduates, it's now abundantly clear that we need to start doing things a little bit different. In your own lives, you'll need to continuously adapt to acontinuously changing economy. You'll end up having more than one job and more than one career over the course of your life; to keep gaining new skills -- possibly even new degrees; and you'll have to keep on taking risks as new opportunities arise.And as a nation, we'll need a fundamental change of perspective and attitude. It's clear that we need to build a new foundation -- a stronger foundation -- for our the beofeconomy and our prosperity, rethinking how we grow our economy, how we use energy, how we educate our children, how we care for our sick, how we treat our environment. (Applause.)Many of our current challenges are unprecedented. There are no standard remedies, no go-to fixes this time around. And Class of 2009 that's why we're going to need your help. We needyoung people like you to step up. We need your daring, we need your enthusiasm and your energy, we need your imagination.And let me be clear, when I say "young," I'm not just referring to the date of your birth certificate. I'm talking about an approach to life -- a quality of mind and quality of heart; a willingness to follow your passions, regardless of whether they lead to fortune and fame; a willingness to question conventional wisdom and rethink old dogmas; a lack of regard for all the traditional markers of status and prestige -- and a commitment instead to doing what's meaningful to you, what helps others, what makes a difference in this world. (Applause.)That's the spirit that led a band of patriots not much older than most of you to take on anempire, to start this experiment in democracy we call America. It's what drove young pioneerswest, to Arizona and beyond; it's what drove young women to reach for the ballot; what inspired a 30 year-old escaped slave to run an underground railroad to freedom -- (applause) -- what inspired a young man named Cesar to go out and help farm workers; what inspired a 26 year-old preacher to lead a bus boycott for justice. It's what led firefighters and police officers in the prime of their lives up the stairs of those burning towers; and young people across this country to drop what they were doing and come to the aid of a flooded New Orleans. It's what led two guys in a garage -named Hewlett and Packard -- to form a company that would change the way we live and work; what led scientists in laboratories, and novelists in coffee shops to labor in obscurity until they finally succeeded in changing the way we see the world.That's the great American story: young people just like you, following their passions, determined to meet the times on their own terms. They weren't doing it for the money. Their titles weren't fancy -- ex-slave, minister, student, citizen. A whole bunch of them didn't get honorary degrees. (Laughter and applause.) But they changed the course of history -- and so can you ASU, so can you Class of 2009. (Applause.) So can you.With a degree from this outstanding institution, you have everything you need toget Did youstudy ourstruggling Didyou study That's a great motto for all of us -- find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Rise to their needs. As you think about life after graduation, as you look into the mirror tonight after the partying is done -- (laughter and applause) -- that shouldn't get such a big cheer -(laughter) -- you may look in the mirror tonight and you may see somebody who's not really sure what to do with their lives. That's what you may see, but a troubled child might look at you and see a mentor. A homebound senior citizen might see a lifeline. The folks at your local homeless shelter might see a friend. None of them care how much money is in your bank account, or whether you're important at work, or whether you're famous around town -- theyjust know that you're somebody who cares, somebody who makes a difference in their lives.So Class of 2009, that's what building a body of work is all about -- it's about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime, to a lasting legacy. That's what you want on your tombstone. It's about not being satisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star -- because the one thing I know about a body of work is that it's never finished. It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community and your nation. You may have setbacks, and you may have failures, but you're not done -- you're not even started. You've got no excuses. You have no excuses not to change the world. business? (Applause.) Go start a company. (Applause.) Or why not help non-profits find better, more effective ways to serve folks in need. (Applause.)nursing? (Applause.) Understaffed clinics and hospitals across this country are desperate for your help. Did you study education? (Applause.) Teach in a high-need school where the kids really need you; give a chance to kids who can't-- who can't get everything they need maybe in their neighborhood, maybe not even in their home we can't afford to give up on -- prepare them to compete for any job anywhere in the world. (Applause.) Did you study engineering? (Applause.) Help us lead a green revolution -- (applause) -- developing new sources of clean energy that will power our economy and preserve our planet.But you can also make your mark in smaller, more individual ways. That's whatso many ofyou have already done during your time here at ASU -- tutoring children; registering voters; doing your own small part to fight hunger and homelessness, AIDS and cancer. One student said it best when she spoke about her senior engineering projectbuilding medical devices for people with disabilities in a village in Africa. Her professor showed a video of the folks they'd been helping,getting started, not by a long shot.And if you ever forget that, just look to history. Thomas Paine was a failed corset maker, afailed teacher, and a failed tax collector before he made his mark on history with a little book called "Common Sense" that helped ignite a revolution. (Applause.) Julia Child didn't publishher first cookbook until she was almost 50. Colonel Sanders didn't open up his first KentuckyFried Chicken until he was in his 60s. Winston Churchill was dismissed as little more than a has-been, who enjoyed scotch a little bit too much, before he took over as Prime Minister and saw Great Britain through its finest hour. No one thought a former football player stocking shelves at the local supermarket would return to the game he loved, become a Super Bowl MVP, and then come here to Arizona and lead your Cardinals to their first Super Bowl. (Applause.) Your bodyof work is never done.Each of them, at one point in their life, didn't have any title or much status to speak of. But they had passion, a commitment to following that passion wherever it would lead, and to working hard every step along the way.And that's not just how you'll ensure that your own life is well-lived. It's how you'll make adifference in the life of our nation. I talked earlier about the selfishness and irresponsibility onWall Street and Washington that rippled out and led to so many of the problems that we face today. I talked about the focus on outward markers of success that can help lead us astray.But here's the thing, Class of 2009: It works the other way around too. Acts of sacrificeand decency without regard to what's in it for you -- that also creates rippleeffects -- ones that lift up families and communities; that spread opportunity and boost our economy; that reach folks in the forgotten corners of the world who, in committed young people like you, see the true face of America: our strength, our goodness, our diversity, our enduring power, our ideals.I know starting your careers in troubled times is a challenge. But it is also a privilege. Because it's moments like these that force us to try harder, to dig deeper, and to discover gifts we never knew we had -- to find the greatness that lies within each of us. So don't ever shy away from that endeavor. Don't stop adding to your body of work. I can promise that you will be the better for that continued effort, as will this nation that we all love.Congratulations, Class of 2009, on your graduation. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)。



亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院(Arizona State University WP Carey School of Business凯瑞商学院)是全美最大的商学院之一,是为美国8大会计公司提供最多专业人士的第二大学府。





USNews2013 全美最佳商学院排名第30名
USNews2012 美国商科-供应链/物流专业排名第8名
USNews2012 美国商科-管理信息系统专业排名第18名
USNews2012 美国商科-研究生会计学排名第26名
USNews2012 全美最佳商科本科教育排名第28名
USNews2009 全美最佳经济学研究生教育第39名


• 2010申请截止日期: 2月1日 学费(2010-2011):本州8,706美元;非本州22,278美元 本科生人数:41,348
• 招生电话:614-292-3980 招生邮件:askabuckeye@
13. 弗吉尼亚理工学院
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) • 该校拥有9个学院,可提供65个本科学士科目。主校区占
• 得克萨斯的大学主校区位于学院站,地处休斯顿西北约100英里和奥 斯汀东北部100英里。这所大学拥有10个独立的学院,并有超过800 个学生组织,从体育娱乐类到专业性大众社团。
• 专业排名 • 金融 (5) • 工程学 (16) • 商学 (24)
• 2010申请截止日期: 1月15日;12月1日(优先考虑) 学费(2010-2011):本州8,387美元;非本州22,817美元 本科生人数:38,810
• 2010申请截止日期: 2月1日 学费(2010-2011):本州8,132美元;非本州20,296美元 本科生人数:54,277
• 招生电话:480-965-7788 招生邮件:ugrading@
(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
• 宾州州立大学的主校区位于宾夕法尼亚州大学城,拥有超过160个本科专业。该校有20 所在校生校区,其中有10所提供学校公寓。该校在校生来自50个州和131个国家,男女 生比例分别为54%和46%,师生比例平均为1:17。
• 专业排名 • 会计 (5) • 商学/经济学 (11) • 计算机科学 (7) • 工程学 (9) • 金融 (6) • 管理信息系统学 (2)


Sustainability Science focuses on the dynamic interactions between nature and society,with equal attention to how social change shapes the environment and how environmental change shapes society.
共同决定 高度非线性 复杂 自组性
Therefore: The unit of analysis should be the coupled socio-ecological system
因此: 分析研究的单位应该是结合在 一起的社会生态系统
The Institutional Challenge
•可持续性研究 •可持续性教育 •可持续性解决方案 •可持续性技术开发 •可持续性校区运作
International Institute for Sustainability (IIS)

IIS brings together life, earth and social scientists, engineers and government and industry leaders
•空气质量与儿童健康 •城市碳循环与建筑选择 •城市安全 •出现传染疾病 •增长模式 •经济条件 •足够的清洁水供应 •城市热岛效应
Water supply: Distribution and quality
• Changes in precipitation and temperature • Higher noffs - lower recharge of aquifers • Salt intrusion in coastal areas

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亚利桑那州立大学信息一览一、大学基本情况二、大学简介亚利桑那州立大学(简称ASU)是美国最大的公立研究性大学,2011年的在校生人数79,000,分布在凤凰城市内的四个校区,分别是坦佩校区(Tempe)、西校区(West)、理工校区(Polytechnic)和菲尼克斯市中心校区(Downtown Phoenix)。







ASU 的学术项目在美国是非常出色的,由US News and World Report提供的每年大学排名中,ASU的本科工程项目排在全美本科工程项目的前10%。

三、大学排名及专业排名世界大学排名:US News:顶尖公立学校第73名专业排名:经济学第36名商学第30名四、项目内容及优势学生可在ASU进行一个学期或一个学年的交流学习,与美国当地及其他国际学生一起进行专业课学习,零距离体验原汁原味的世界级公立名校学习氛围;学生可通过ASU注册学习该校本科常规专业课程,并获得ASU提供的官方成绩单以及相应学分,同时可申请获得名校教授推荐信,为以后申研助力;学生持F-1学生签证赴美学习,为以后赴美保有良好入境记录;学生可享受SAF提供的各项优质服务。

美国大学University of the United States

美国大学University of the United States

美国各州大学University of the United States1.Alabama阿拉巴马州1.1.University of Alabama System阿拉巴马大学系统1.1.1.Birmingham伯明翰校区1.1.2.Huntsville汉茨维尔校区1.1.3.Tuscaloosa(main campus)塔城(主校区)1.2.Auburn University奥本大学1.3.Samford University桑佛德大学1.4.Alabama State University阿拉巴马州立大学2.Arizona亚利桑那州2.1.University of Arizona亚利桑那大学2.2.Arizona State University亚利桑那州立大学3.Arkansas阿肯色州3.1.University of Arkansas-Fayetterville阿肯色大学(主校区)3.1.1.University of Arkansas-Little Rock阿肯色大学小石城分校3.2.Arkansas State University,Jonesboro阿肯色州立大学3.3.Arkansas Tech University阿肯色理工大学4.California加利福尼亚州4.1.Stanford University斯坦福大学4.2.California Institute of Technology加州理工学院4.3.University of Southern California南加州大学4.4.University of California System加州大学系统4.4.1.Berkeley伯克利分校4.4.2.San Diego圣地亚哥分校4.4.3.Davis戴维斯分校4.4.4.Irvine尔湾分校4.4.5.Santa Barbara圣塔巴巴拉分校4.4.6.Santa Cruz圣克鲁兹分校4.4.7.Riverside河滨分校4.4.8.Merced莫斯德分校4.4.9.San Francisco旧金山分校4.4.10.Los Angeles洛杉机分校4.5.Hastings College of the Law黑斯廷斯法律学院4.6.Pepperdine University佩玻代因大学4.7.University of the Pacific太平洋大学4.8.University of San Diego圣地亚哥大学4.9.University of San Francisco旧金山大学4.10.University of La Verne拉文大学4.11.Golden Gate University金门大学4.12.Art Center College of Design设计艺术中心学院4.13.Academy of Art University旧金山艺术大学4.14.California Baptist University加利福尼亚浸会大学4.15.California Maritime Academy加利福尼亚海事学院4.16.California State University System加州州立大学体系5.Colorado科罗拉多州5.1.Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业大学5.2.University of Colorado System科罗拉多大学系统5.2.1.Boulder博尔德分校(主校区)5.2.2.Colorado Springs科罗拉多斯普林斯分校5.2.3.Denver丹佛分校5.2.4.Health Sciences Center卫生科学中心5.3.University of Denver丹佛大学5.4.Colorado State University科罗拉多州立大学5.5.Colorado College科罗拉多学院6.Connecticut康涅狄格州6.1.Yale University耶鲁大学6.2.University of Connecticut康涅狄格大学6.3.University of Bridgeport桥港大学6.4.University of New Haven纽黑文大学6.5.Wesleyan University卫斯理安学院7.Delaware德拉华州7.1.University of Delaware德拉华州大学7.2.Delaware State University德拉华州立大学8.District of Columbia哥伦比亚特区8.1.Georgetown University乔治敦大学8.2.George Washington University乔治·华盛顿大学8.3.American University美国大学8.4.Howard University霍华德大学8.5.The Catholic University of America美国天主教大学8.6.Corcoran College of Art&Design可可然艺术学院9.Florida佛罗里达州9.1.University of Miami迈阿密大学9.2.University of Florida佛罗里达大学9.3.Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学9.4.Florida Institute of Technology佛罗里达理工学院9.5.University of Central Florida中佛罗里达大学9.6.University of South Florida南佛罗里达大学9.7.Florida A&M University佛罗里达农机大学9.8.Florida Atlantic University佛罗里达大西洋大学9.9.Florida International University佛罗里达国际大学9.10.University of West Florida西佛罗里达大学9.11.St.Thomas University圣托马斯大学10.Georgia佐治亚州10.1.Emory University埃默里大学10.2.Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院10.3.University of Georgia佐治亚大学10.4.Georgia State University佐治亚州立大学10.5.Georgia Southern University佐治亚南方大学10.6.Art Institute of Atlanta亚特兰大艺术学院10.7.Savannah College of Art&Design萨凡纳艺术与设计学院11.Hawaii夏威夷州11.1.University of Hawaii System夏威夷大学系统11.1.1.Manoa马诺阿分校11.1.2.Hilo希洛分校11.1.3.West Oahu西奥胡分校12.Idaho爱达荷州12.1.University of Idaho爱达荷大学12.2.Idaho State University爱达荷州立大学12.3.Brigham Young University-Idaho杨百翰大学爱达荷分校13.Illinois伊利诺伊州13.1.University of Chicago芝加哥大学13.2.Northwestern University西北大学13.3.University of Illinois System伊利诺伊大学系统13.3.1.Urbana-Champaign厄本那·香槟分校13.3.2.Chicago芝加哥分校13.3.3.Springfield斯普林菲尔德分校13.4.Illinois Institute of Technology伊利诺伊理工学院13.5.Loyola University Chicago芝加哥洛约拉大学13.6.DePaul University德保尔大学13.7.Illinois State University伊利诺伊州立大学13.8.Southern Illinois University-Carbondale南伊利诺伊大学13.9.Northern Illinois University北伊利诺伊大学13.10.School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院14.Indiana印第安纳州14.1.University of Notre Dame圣母大学14.2.Purdue University-West Lafayette普渡大学西拉法叶校区14.3.Indiana University-Bloomington印第安纳大学伯明顿分校14.4.Indiana State University印第安纳州立大学14.5.Ball State University鲍尔州立大学15.Iowa爱荷华州15.1.University of Iowa爱荷华大学15.2.Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学15.3.University of Northern Iowa北爱荷华大学16.Kansas堪萨斯州16.1.University of Kansas堪萨斯大学16.2.Kansas State University堪萨斯州立大学16.3.Wichita State University卫奇塔州立大学17.Kentucky肯塔基州17.1.University of Kentucky肯塔基大学17.2.University of Louisville路易斯维尔大学17.3.Kentucky State University肯塔基州立大学17.4.University of the Cumberlands坎伯兰大学18.Louisiana路易斯安那州18.1.Tulane University杜兰大学18.2.Louisiana Tech University路易斯安娜理工大学18.3.University of Louisiana-Lafayette路易斯安纳大学拉法耶分校18.4.Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge路易斯安那大学巴吞鲁日18.5.University of New Orleans新奥尔良大学19.Maine缅因州19.1.University of Maine-Orono缅因大学奥罗诺分校学院19.2.Maine College of Art缅因艺术19.3.Maine Maritime Academy缅因海事学院19.4.University of New England新英格兰大学19.5.Bowdoin College鲍登学院19.6.Colby College柯尔比学院19.7.Bates College贝茨学院20.Maryland马里兰州20.1.Johns Hopkins University约翰·霍普金斯大学20.2.University of Maryland System马里兰大学体系20.2.1.Baltimore巴尔的摩分校20.2.2.Morgan State University摩根州立大学20.2.3.Maryland institute College of Art马里兰艺术学院20.2.4.United States Naval Academy美国海军学校21.Massachusetts马萨诸塞州21.1.Harvard University哈佛大学21.2.Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院21.3.Tufts University塔夫斯大学21.4.Boston University波士顿大学21.5.Boston College波士顿学院21.6.Worcester Polytechnic Institute伍斯特理工学院21.7.Clark University克拉克大学21.8.Northeastern University东北大学21.9.University of Massachusetts System马萨诸塞大学21.9.1.Amherst阿姆赫斯特分校21.9.2.Boston波士顿分校21.9.3.Lowell罗威尔分校21.10.Bentley College本特利学院21.11.Boston Conservatory波士顿音乐学院21.12.New England Institute of Art-新英格兰艺术学院21.13.New England Conservatory of Music新英格兰音乐学院21.14.Massachusetts College of Art麻省设计学院21.15.Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts麻省艺术学院21.16.Massachusetts Maritime Academy麻省海事学院21.17.Babson College巴布森学院21.18.Amherst College阿姆赫斯特学院21.19.Wellesley College卫斯理女子学院21.20.Williams College威廉姆斯大学21.21.Smith College史密斯学院21.22.Mount Holyoke College曼荷莲女子学院22.Michigan密歇根州22.1.University of Michigan-Ann Arbor密歇根大学安阿伯校区22.2.Michigan State University密西根州立大学22.3.Michigan Technological University密歇根理工大学22.4.Western Michigan University西密歇根大学22.5.Central Michigan University中密歇根大学22.6.Eastern Michigan University东密歇根大学22.7.Northern Michigan University北密歇根大学22.8.Wayne State University州立韦恩大学22.9.Cranbrook Academy of Art克兰布鲁克艺术学院22.10.Kendall College of Art&Design肯代尔艺术设计学院23.Minnesota明尼苏达州23.1.University of Minnesota-Twin Cities明尼苏达大学双城分校23.2.Bemidji State University班明吉州立大学23.3.Carleton College卡尔顿学院23.4.Macalester College麦卡利斯特学院24.Mississippi密西西比州24.1.University of Mississippi密西西比大学24.2.Mississippi State University密西西比州立大学24.3.Jackson State University杰克逊州立大学24.4.University of Southern Mississippi南密西西比大学25.密苏里州26.Montana蒙大拿州26.1.Montana State University System蒙大拿州立大学系统26.1.1.Billings蒙大拿州立大学比灵斯分校26.1.2.Bozeman蒙大拿州立大学波兹曼分校26.1.3.Northern蒙大拿州立大学北方分校26.1.4.University of Montana蒙大拿大学27.Nebraska内布拉斯加州27.1.University of Nebraska-Lincoln内布拉斯大学林肯分校27.2.University of Nebraska-Omaha内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校27.3.University of Nebraska-Kearney内布拉斯加大学可尼分校28.Nevada内华达州28.1.University of Nevada-Las Vegas内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校28.2.University of Nevada-Reno内华达大学雷诺分校29.New Hampshire新罕布什尔州29.1.Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院29.2.University of New Hampshire新罕布什尔大学29.3.Southern New Hampshire University南新罕布什尔大学29.4.Atlantic Culinary Institute-大西洋美食学院30.New Jersey新泽西州30.1.Princeton University普林斯顿大学30.2.Rutgers University-New Brunswick罗格斯大学新布朗斯威格分校30.3.Stevens Institute of Technology史蒂文斯理工学院30.4.New Jersey Institute of Technology新泽西理工学院30.5.Rutgers University-Newark罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校31.New Mexico新墨西哥州31.1.New Mexico Institute of Mining&Technology新墨西哥矿业技术学院31.2.University of New Mexico新墨西哥大学32.New York纽约州32.1.Columbia University哥伦比亚大学32.2.Cornell University康奈尔大学32.3.New York University纽约大学32.4.University of Rochester罗切斯特大学32.5.Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯勒理工学院32.6.Syracuse University雪城大学32.7.Yeshiva University叶史瓦大学32.8.Fordham University福特汉姆大学32.9.Clarkson University克拉克森大学32.10.State University of New York System纽约州立大学系统32.10.1.Albany奥尔巴尼本部32.10.2.Binghamton宾汉姆顿分校32.10.3.College of Environmental Science&Forestry林业与环境科学学院32.10.4.Stony Brook石溪分校32.10.5.Buffalo布法罗(水牛城)分校32.10.6.Fredonia弗雷多尼亚校区32.10.7.Plattsburgh普拉茨堡校区32.10.8.Potsdam波茨坦校区32.10.9.Oswego奥斯威格校区32.10.10.Purchase帕切斯校区32.11.City University of New York System纽约市立大学系统32.11.1.Baruch College巴鲁学院Brooklyn College布鲁克林学院32.11.2.City College市立学院32.11.3.College of Staten Island史泰登岛学院32.11.4.Hunter College亨特学院32.11.5.New York City College of Technology市立科技学院32.11.6.Queens College皇后学院32.11.7.York College约克学院32.12.Clarkson University克拉克森大学32.13.New School University纽约新大学32.14.Polytechnic University of New York纽约理工大学32.15.Pace University佩斯大学32.16.Long Island University长岛大学32.17.Manhattan School of Music曼哈顿音乐学院32.18.The Juilliard School朱丽亚音乐学院32.19.Parsons School of Design帕森设计学院32.20.School of Visual Arts视觉艺术学校32.21.Culinary Institute of America美国厨艺学院32.22.United States Military Academy(西点军校)32.23.Vassar College瓦萨学院32.24.Colgate University科尔盖特大学32.25.Hamilton College汉米尔顿学院学院32.26.Barnard College巴纳德学院33.North Carolina北卡罗来纳州33.1.Duke University杜克大学33.2.University of North Carolina System北卡罗来纳大学系统33.2.1.Chapel Hill教堂山分校33.2.2.Greensboro格林斯伯格分校33.2.3.Charlotte夏洛特分校33.2.4.Wilmington威名顿分校33.2.5.Asheville阿什维尔分校33.3.Wake Forest University维克森林大学33.4.North Carolina State University北卡罗来纳州立大学33.5.North Carolina School of the Arts北卡罗来纳艺术学院33.6.East Carolina University东卡罗来纳州立大学33.7.Davidson College戴维森学院34.North Dakota北达科他州34.1.North Dakota State University北达科他州立大学34.2.University of North Dakota北达科他大学35.Ohio俄亥俄州35.1.Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学35.2.Ohio State University-Columbus俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校35.3.Miami University of-Oxford迈阿密大学牛津分校35.4.University of Dayton戴顿大学35.5.Ohio University俄亥俄大学35.6.University of Cincinnati辛辛那提大学35.7.Bowling Green State University鲍灵格林州立大学35.8.University of Akron阿克伦大学35.9.University of Toledo托莱多大学35.10.Wright State University莱特州立大学35.11.Cleveland State University克利夫兰州立大学35.12.Cleveland Institute of Art克利夫兰艺术学院35.13.Cleveland Institute of Music克利夫兰音乐学院35.14.Columbus College of Art&Design哥伦布艺术与设计学院35.15.Oberlin College奥柏林学院36.Oklahoma俄克拉荷马州36.1.University of Tulsa塔尔萨大学36.2.University of Oklahoma俄克拉荷马大学36.3.Oklahoma State University-Stillwater俄克拉荷马州立大学37.Oregon俄勒冈州37.1.University of Oregon俄勒冈大学37.2.Oregon State University俄勒冈州立大学37.3.Portland State University波特兰州立大学37.4.University of Portland波特兰大学38.Pennsylvania宾西法尼亚州38.1.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学38.2.Carnegie Mellon University卡内基·梅隆大学38.3.Lehigh University利哈伊大学38.4.Pennsylvania State University-University Park宾州州立大学38.5.University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学38.6.Drexel University德雷塞尔大学38.7.Duquesne University杜肯大学38.8.Temple University天普大学38.9.Widener University威德恩大学38.10.Indiana University of Pennsylvania宾州印第安纳大学38.11.Moore College of Art&Design莫尔艺术设计学院38.12.Swarthmore College斯沃斯莫尔学院38.13.Haverford College哈弗福德学院38.14.Bryn Mawr College布林莫尔学院39.Rhode Island罗得岛州39.1.Brown University布朗大学39.2.University of Rhode Island罗德岛大学39.3.Johnson&Wales University约翰逊.威尔士大学39.4.Rhode Island School of Design罗德岛设计学院40.South Carolina南卡罗来纳州40.1.Clemson University克莱姆森大学40.2.University of South Carolina-Columbia南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校40.3.South Carolina State University南卡罗来纳州立大学41.South Dakota南达科他州41.1.South Dakota State University南达科他州立大学41.2.University of South Dakota南达科他大学41.3.Northern State University州立北方大学41.4.Dakota State University州立达科他大学41.5.Presentation College表演学院42.Tennessee田纳西州42.1.Vanderbilt University范德比大学42.2.University of Tennessee田纳西大学42.3.East Tennessee State University东田纳西州立大学43.Texas得克萨斯州43.1.Rice University莱斯大学43.2.University of Texas System德克萨斯大学体系43.2.1.Austin奥斯汀分校43.2.2.Dallas达拉斯分校43.2.3.Arlington阿灵顿分校43.2.4.Brownsville布朗斯维尔分校43.2.5.El Paso埃尔帕索分校43.2.6.San Antonio圣安东尼奥分校43.3.Health Science Center at Houston休斯敦卫生科学中心43.4.Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas达拉斯西南医学中心43.5.Texas A&M University System-College Station德克萨斯农机大学43.6.Kingsville金斯维尔分校merce卡莫斯分校43.8.Corpus Christi科帕斯.克里斯蒂分校43.9.Galveston加尔维斯顿分校43.10.Southern Methodist University南方卫理公会大学43.11.Baylor University贝勒大学43.12.Texas Christian University德克萨斯基督教大学43.13.Texas Tech University德克萨斯理工大学43.14.Texas Woman's University德克萨斯女子大学43.15.University of Houston休斯敦大学43.16.University of North Texas北德克萨斯大学43.17.Art Institute of Dallas达拉斯艺术学院43.18.Art Institute of Houston休斯顿艺术学院44.Utah犹他州44.1.Brigham Young University杨百翰大学44.2.University of Utah犹他大学44.3.Utah State University犹他州立大学45.Vermont佛蒙特州45.1.University of Vermont佛蒙特大学45.2.Castleton State University州立卡斯尔顿学院45.3.Middlebury College明德堡学院46.Virginia弗吉尼亚州46.1.University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学46.2.William and Mary College威廉与玛丽学院46.3.Virginia Tech弗吉尼亚理工学院46.4.George Mason University乔治梅森大学46.5.Virginia Commonwealth University维吉尼亚联邦大学46.6.Regent University罗格特大学46.7.Virginia State University弗吉尼亚州立大学46.8.Washington&Lee University华盛顿与李大学46.9.Virginia Military Institute弗吉尼亚军事学院47.Washington华盛顿州47.1.University of Washington华盛顿大学47.2.Washington State University华盛顿州立大学47.3.Central Washington University中央华盛顿大学47.4.Seattle University西雅图大学47.5.Art Institute of Seattle西雅图艺术学院48.West Virginia西弗吉尼亚州48.1.West Virginia University-西弗吉尼亚大学48.2.West Virginia State University西弗吉尼亚州立大学48.3.Glenville State College格林维尔州立大学49.Wisconsin威斯康星州49.1.University of Wisconsin System威斯康星大学系统49.1.1.Madison麦迪逊分校waukee密尔瓦基分校Crosse拉科罗斯分校49.1.4.Green Bay绿湾分校49.1.5.Platteville普莱维尔分校49.1.6.River Falls河瀑分校49.1.7.Whitewater白水市分校49.1.8.Marquette University马凯特大学50.Wyoming怀俄明州50.1.University of Wyoming怀俄明大学。





1. 柯蒂斯音乐学院 Curtis Institute of Music[郎朗母校]2. 茱莉亚音乐学院 Juilliard School3. 新英格兰音乐学院 New England Conservatory of Music4. 罗彻斯特大学-伊斯曼音乐学院Universityof Rochester–Eastman School of Music5. 约翰霍普金斯大学-皮博迪音乐学院Johns Hopkins University–Peabody6. 印地安那大学布鲁明顿分校 Indiana University–Bloomington7. 密西根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor8. 西北大学 Northwestern University9. 奥柏林学院 Oberlin College Conservatory10. 莱斯大学 Rice University11. 辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati12. 曼哈顿音乐学院Manhattan School of Music13. 克里夫兰音乐学院 Cleveland Institute of Music14. 伊利诺大学香槟校区 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign15.旧金山音乐学院 San Francisco Conservatory of Music16.纽约大学石溪分校 SUNY–Stony Brook17. 耶鲁大学 Yale University18.德州大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas–Austin19. 佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University20. 南加州大学 University of Southern California21. 北德州大学 University of North Texas22. 亚利桑那州立大学--主校区 Arizona State University-Main Campus23. 曼尼斯音乐学院 Mannes College of Music24. 科罗拉多大学波德分校 University of Colorado–Boulder25. 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin–Madison26. 哈特福大学 University of Hartford27. 马里兰大学学院园分校 University of Maryland–College Park28. 迈阿密大学 University of Miami29. 波士顿大学 Boston University30. 密西根州立大学 Michigan State University31. 天普大学 Temple University32. 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona33. 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas34. 明尼苏达大学双子城分校 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities35. 教堂山北卡罗莱纳大学 University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill36. 北卡罗莱纳大学 University of North Carolina–Greensboro37.密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 University of Missouri–Kansas City38. 波士顿音乐学院 Conservatory Boston Conservatory39. 伊萨卡学院 Ithaca College。


Arizona State University
University of Arizona





arizona单词速记loridic单词:arizona1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:亚利桑那(美国州名)1.3英文解释:A state in the southwestern United States.1.4相关词汇:Arizonan(形容词,亚利桑那州的;亚利桑那州人的;名词,亚利桑那州人)---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“Arizona”这个名字源于印第安语,可能是“arizuma”或“alĭṣonak”,具体含义有多种解释,可能与“小泉之地”或“有橡树的地方”等有关。



---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1 Arizona desert:亚利桑那沙漠例句:The Arizona desert is known for its extreme heat.翻译:亚利桑那沙漠以酷热著称。

3.2 Arizona State University:亚利桑那州立大学例句:My friend is studying at Arizona State University.翻译:我的朋友正在亚利桑那州立大学学习。

3.3 Arizona Cardinals:亚利桑那红雀队(美式橄榄球队)例句:The Arizona Cardinals had a great performance this season.翻译:亚利桑那红雀队这个赛季表现很棒。

---4. 实用片段(1). "I'm planning a road trip to Arizona next month. I heard the scenery there is amazing." "That's a great idea. You can visit the Grand Canyon while you're there."翻译:“我打算下个月去亚利桑那州自驾游。




纽约大学(New York University),简称NYU,位于美国纽约,是一所世界顶尖级私立研究型大学。



亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University),简称ASU,坐落在亚利桑那州的州府和最大城市菲尼克斯(又译凤凰城),是一所美国一流的男女共学公立研究型大学。





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1. My unique qualities and experiences that motivate me to apply for the W. P. Carey Management Ph.D. program.As a research executive in TNS (Taylor Nelson Sofres), a global market research firm, I developed the ability to think strategically to foresee blind spots in project and questionnaire design, as well as the skills of data quality control and data analysis. More importantly that experience inspired me to pursue a PhD degree and an academic career. I was once involved in a two-wave project of concept tests. The results of second wave were counterintuitive, since while the new concept showed significant improvement in every sub index, the overall index remained unchanged. This case made me wonder about the business solution and the general practices of the firm. Were important variables missed, leading to the model failure to capture consumers’ attitudes and behavior? What might be the missing variables? I wished I had the skills and resources to examine these ideas. Owing to my intellectual curiosity about human attitudes and behavior and strong desire to pursue in-depth research, create true knowledge, and provide meaningful solutions for business practices, academia is more meaningful and helpful for me.My current job as a research assistant at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) has reinforced my interest to pursue a PhD degree in Management. Rigorous research training under Dr. Kim Tae-Yeol has prepared me for PhD study. I have assisted Dr. Kim with his research projects onmentoring, leadership, person-organization fit, creativity, proactivity, and work-life conflict. Since most projects require multilevel analysis, I have been learning and practicing applying the most up to date research methodologies and softwares, such as Hierarchical Linear Modeling, multilevel moderated mediation test, bootstrapping with MLwiN, and Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. For example, by studying the manual of MLwiN and referring to literature on cross-level moderating effects, I learned about the intercept model and coefficient model, and how to use HLM and MLwiN to run these models. Working closely with Dr. Kim, I have also developed skills in literature search and review, and learned how to analyze data and develop research models. Involvement in these research projects has exposed me to interesting articles that led me to reflect on my work experiences in TNS and CEIBS from the perspective of management. Interesting questions about people in the workplace remain open to investigation even today. Organizations and managers, facing increasingly frequent change, need guidance and knowledge from scholarly research and teaching. I am excited about studying e mployees’ attitudes and behaviors from perspectives of individual, team and organization. Furthermore, I need to pursue PhD study to answer questions related to understanding organization dynamics from various perspectives.2. My study plan and research interests.My preferred area of concentration is Organizational Behavior. I am eager to devote the next four to five years to rigorous training to establish a solid foundation in theory formulation, research design, and methodological skills. During the first two years I will try to clarify my core research focus. Besides the management core module and research methods courses, I am also interested in taking specialized courses such as Emotion in organizational life, Leadership in organizations, Organizational culture, etc., and courses outside of the department in fundamental disciplines such as psychology and sociology. After year two, I will focus on research avenues that are of special interest to me. And my current interests are focused on three areas.First, I am interested in employee socialization. For example,1) The role of network ties (friendship and advice) or insiders’developmental feedback in facilitating newcomer adjustment andperformance.2) How personality facilitates adjustment and the interacting effect ofpersonality with variables mentioned above.3) How cultural value dimensions affect newcomer’s response toincongruence of different messages from multiple socialization agentssuch as coworkers and supervisors.4) The psychological mediators linking adaptation behaviors andperformance.5) And the individual differences between people who do better in someaspects of adaptation behavior (i.e. information seeking) and peoplewho do better in other aspects (i.e. positive framing), and thedifferences of their outcomes.Second, job search and turnover is another attractive area. For example,1) How personality traits affect job search behavior and the mediatingmechanism involved.2) The subsequent attitudes and behavior of search and not leaving.3) The moderating effects of personality or whether one has theperceived opportunity to voice or seek remedy for feelings ofdiscontent.Third, I am interested in examining the relationship between leaders and subordinates, and the psychological processes of leadership influences on team performance and team creativity. For example,as servant leadership is a quite unique leadership theory and can extend people’s knowledge about leadership processes and outcomes, I am interested in conducting research on servant leadership and specifically,1) Why some leaders engage in servant leadership behaviors and otherdon’t? In other words, the dispositions that lead to servant leadership.2) The moderating role of subordinates’ personality in the relationshipbetween supervisors’ servant leadership and subordinates’performance.3) And adverse effects of servant leadership.I am also fascinated by the idea of conducting research at multilevel since it can capture group and organizational effects and how they impinge on individuals and groups.3. My career objective.The first time I was touched by the idea of academia as a vocation was in the class of Science, Technology and Society in college. The professor introduced to us the article of “Science as A Vocation”which originally was given by Max Weber as a lecture to students and young scholars at the University of Munich in 1917. That article allowed me to gain deep insights about the roles of passion, inspiration, and hard work in academic career. I am thrilled every time when I read the article as it inspires me to think about what I really want to do. Academic research is the answer and it becomes clearer and clearer especially after I gained some work experience. I understand while it is the fate that what peoplehave produced will be obsolete, as every academic fulfillment means new questions and is intended to be surpassed and rendered obsolete, it is the real meaning of academic work. I also understand that however great passion I have about academic research and however genuine and deep it is, the results –“inspiration” or any achievement cannot be forced. As Max Weber said, “An idea grows out of the soil of hard work. However work cannot replace the idea or force it to appear. Both together can entice it to come out. But it comes when it chooses, not when we choose. What we can choose is to do something and the right thing before we can achieve anything of value.”And for me, the first step is to pursue my PhD degree and gain rigorous training out of it. After completing my PhD study I will utilize the expertise from the program to conduct research and teach at research-oriented universities, making scholarly contributions that can guide business practices and thus benefit employees, organizations and society. Through teaching and writing, I will communicate research findings and help develop and train future world leaders.I am applying for the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University because I am certain that it is one of the best places for me to pursue my career in academia. Professors at the W. P. Carey School of Business have published more than 80 articles in top journals such as AMJ, JAP and AMR from 2005 to 2009. I am looking forward to being inspired by outstanding faculty as well as other doctoral students at the W. P. Carey School of Business to study varioussubfields in this superb research environment. I believe that the W. P. Carey School of Business has excellent resources that I can draw on to activate my research potential. Should I be given the chance to study here, I will be sure to make the most of the opportunity and work to the very best of my ability.。
